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Reinforcement Learning Based Multi-Access Control and Battery Prediction With Energy Harvesting in Iot Systems

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been

fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2872440, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal

Reinforcement Learning based Multi-Access

Control and Battery Prediction with Energy
Harvesting in IoT Systems
Man Chu, Hang Li, Member, IEEE, Xuewen Liao, Member, IEEE, and Shuguang Cui, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—Energy harvesting (EH) is a promising technique to for IoT applications [6] [7]. Accordingly, EH has been being
fulfill the long-term and self-sustainable operations for Internet intensively discussed for supporting the future IoT systems,
of things (IoT) systems. In this paper, we study the joint access in D2D communications, wireless sensor networks, and fu-
control and battery prediction problems in a small-cell IoT sys-
tem including multiple EH user equipments (UEs) and one base ture cellular networks [8] [9]. Fundamentally, the amount of
station (BS) with limited uplink access channels. Each UE has harvested energy may be unpredictable due to the stochastic
a rechargeable battery with finite capacity. The system control nature of energy sources, i.e., energy arrives at random times
is modeled as a Markov decision process without complete prior and in arbitrary amounts, which poses great challenges to
knowledge assumed at the BS, which also deals with large sizes researchers [5] [10]. It can be expected that how to handle
in both state and action spaces. First, to handle the access control
problem assuming causal battery and channel state information, the dynamics of the harvested energy would be a key design
we propose a scheduling algorithm that maximizes the uplink issue in EH based wireless communication systems.
transmission sum rate based on reinforcement learning (RL) with
deep Q-network (DQN) enhancement. Second, for the battery
prediction problem, with a fixed round-robin access control policy A. Related Works and Motivations
adopted, we develop a RL based algorithm to minimize the
prediction loss (error) without any model knowledge about the In general, the related research works on EH based systems
energy source and energy arrival process. Finally, the joint access could be categorized into two classes based on the availabil-
control and battery prediction problem is investigated, where we ity of the knowledge about energy arrivals. The first class
propose a two-layer RL network to simultaneously deal with comprises offline approaches that require complete non-causal
maximizing the sum rate and minimizing the prediction loss: the knowledge of the considered stochastic system, which are
first layer is for battery prediction, the second layer generates the
access policy based on the output from the first layer. Experiment usually adopted to derive the performance upper bounds [11]
results show that the three proposed RL algorithms can achieve [12] [13]. In particular, the optimal uplink resource allocation
better performances compared with existing benchmarks. was investigated in [12] for the scenario where two EH users
Index Terms—Internet of things, energy harvesting, reinforce- first harvested energy from the wireless signals and then
ment learning, access control , battery prediction. cooperatively sent information to the access point. Also, the
optimal packet scheduling over multiple access channels was
studied in [13], with the goal of minimizing the time by which
I. I NTRODUCTION all packets from both users are delivered to the destination.
The Internet of things (IoT) has a crucial need for long-term The second class comprises online approaches [14] [15]
or self-sustainable operations to support various applications [16]. Authors in [14] studied a multi-access wireless system
[1] [2]. In recent years, energy harvesting (EH) has been with EH transmitters, and the access problem was modeled
recognized as an emerging technique that may significantly as a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP).
increase the network lifetime and help reduce the greenhouse In [15], the optimal power control policies for EH nodes in
gas emissions in general wireless applications [3] [4] [5]. a multi-access system was considered, where a dam model
This technology trend provides a promising energy solution was constructed to capture the dynamics of the EH process.
In these approaches, some statistic knowledge regarding the
This work was accepted in part at the IEEE GLOBECOM, Abu dynamic system should be known at the transmitters [16]. In
Dhabi, UAE, 2018. The work was supported in part by grant NSFC-
61629101, by NSF with grants DMS-1622433, AST-1547436, ECCS- many practical applications, the complete non-casual knowl-
1659025, and by Shenzhen Fundamental Research Fund under Grants No. edge or even statistical knowledge of the system dynamics
KQTD2015033114415450 and No. ZDSYS201707251409055. (including both the channel and energy parts) might not be
M. Chu and X. Liao are with the Department of Information and Communi-
cation Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, 710049, China (e-mail: available, especially when the EH processes are non-stationary
cmcc, or from sources with unknown distributions. For example, in
H. Li is with the Shenzhen Research Institute of Big Data, Shenzhen, China a wireless network with solar EH nodes distributed randomly
S. Cui is with the Shenzhen Research Institute of Big Data and School over a geographical area, the characteristics of the harvested
of Science and Engineering, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shen- energy at each node depend on the node location, and change
zhen, China. He is also affiliated with Department of Electrical and Com- over time in a non-stationary fashion [17]. In such cases, the
puter Engineering, University of California, Davis, CA, 95616. (Email: priori knowledge about dynamics of energy sources is very
Corresponding author: S. Cui. difficult to obtain.

2327-4662 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2872440, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal

Given the above issues, learning based model-free ap- B. Our Contributions
proaches become more attractive, where the requirements for
To tackle the aforementioned problems, we focus on an
the priori knowledge are widely relaxed or even removed [18].
uplink wireless system with N EH user equipments (UEs) and
In learning based methods, the learning agent may learn
one BS, where the BS may only use certain causal information
certain statistical information about an unknown environment
on system dynamics. We first apply a long short-term memory
system by interacting [11]. In related works, the point-to-point
(LSTM) deep Q-network (DQN) based approach to design
communication with an EH transmitter was studied in [19]
the UE uplink access control. Then, by fixing the access
and [20]. Specifically, a Q-learning based theoretic approach
control policy to be round-robin, we develop a deep LSTM
was introduced in [19], where the transmitter makes a binary
neural network based battery prediction scheme to minimize
decision, i.e., to transmit or not, in each time slot with the
the prediction loss. Furthermore, we jointly consider the access
objective of maximizing the total transmitted data. In [20],
control and battery prediction problem using a proposed two-
the authors studied a transmit power allocation policy to
layer LSTM based neural network with DQN enhancement.
maximize the throughput using reinforcement learning (RL)
The main contributions are summarized as follows:
with linear function approximation. The RL algorithm state-
action-reward-state-action (SARSA) was combined with non- • We consider an uplink transmission scenario with multi-
linear function approximation in [20] to enable the use of ple EH UEs and limited access channels, where neither
incoming energy and channel values, which were taken from non-casual knowledge nor statistical knowledge of the
a continuous range; thus the authors were able to improve the system dynamics (including both the channel and energy
performance in an EH point-to-point scenario. Unfortunately, arrival states) is assumed.
the theoretical performance cannot be guaranteed and the • On the condition that only user battery and channel
learning trends are unstable with non-linear function approxi- states of the current time slot are known at the BS, we
mation, as shown in [21]. propose an LSTM DQN based algorithm as the UE uplink
Given the open nature of wireless systems, there is a crucial access control scheme with the objective of maximiz-
need to study the multiuser systems. However, most of the ing the long-term expected total discounted transmission
existing works have not provided any stable and efficient learn- data. Other than the traditional access control problems
ing based approaches for multiuser access control, especially that usually consider maximizing the instantaneous sum
when the state space and action space of the considered system rate [14], our goal is to achieve a more stable and
are large. Fortunately, the recently proposed deep Q Network balanced transmission for a long time horizon.
(DQN) technique [22] successfully adapted the deep neural • By fixing the access control policy to be round-robin and
network as a function approximator in Q-learning algorithms assuming that the scheduled users embed the information
dealing with large state spaces [23]. With DQN, there are of their true battery states in the transmission data, we
two major changes to scale Q-learning: the network is trained propose a deep LSTM neural network based battery pre-
with mini-batch samples from a replay buffer to minimize the diction scheme to minimize the prediction loss (defined
correlations among samples; a target Q network is given to over the differences between the predicted battery states
iteratively update the neural network weights [24]. and the true battery states within the selected UE set).
Wireless access control strategies for EH nodes are usually • We develop a joint access control and battery prediction
proposed to make the full use of energy and maintain a solution by designing a two-layer LSTM DQN network.
perpetual lifetime. However, the uncertainty of ambient energy The first LSTM based neural network layer is designed
availability poses new challenge to sustainable perpetual op- to generate the predicted battery levels, and the second
erations [25]. Thus, battery level prediction in such EH based layer uses such predicted values along with the channel
systems is also worth investigating since a high battery pre- information to generate the access control policy. The
diction accuracy could potentially benefit the communication two-layer LSTM based network is trained jointly with
performance. For example, a novel solar energy prediction the combined objective of simultaneously maximizing the
algorithm with Q-learning based on the weather-conditioned total long-term discounted sum rate and minimizing the
moving average (WCMA) algorithm was proposed in [26]. discounted prediction loss of partial users.
Unfortunately, this algorithm is restricted to one type of • The proposed algorithms are designed with many practi-
energy sources and suffers from high computation complexity. cal considerations without strong assumptions. In partic-
In [27], an online energy prediction model for multi-source ular, the BS has no prior knowledge on the UEs’ energy
EH wireless sensor networks was proposed, which leverages arrival distributions. We assume that only the scheduled
the past observations to forecast the future energy availability. users embed the information of their true battery states in
Nevertheless, this energy prediction model requires that the the transmission data, which greatly reduces the system
EH dynamics should be known in advance. On the other hand, signaling overheads.
instead of studying the access control and battery prediction • Extensive simulations under different scenarios show that
problems separately in EH based IoT applications, it has great the proposed three algorithms can achieve much better
significance to design a joint scheme that feeds the energy effectiveness and network performance than the various
prediction results to the access control design, which could baseline approaches.
lead to better overall system performances. This is the focus The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section II,
of this paper. we introduce the system model with some basic assumptions,

2327-4662 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2872440, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal

E1 sources (i.e., wind power, solar power or hydropower). Many

UE1 K channels energy arrival processes based on such sources are shown to
C B1 0 K≤N be Markov processes [26] [27] [28], but this is not strictly
required in our paper. All the battery states are quantized
for analysis convenience [14]. We assume that the battery
capacity is C, same for all the UEs. We use Eit ∈ R and
Bit ∈ {0, · · · , C} to denote the amount of harvested energy
C B2 0
and the state of battery for UE i at the beginning of TS
. t, respectively. Let Bt = {B1t , · · · , BN t } denotes the set
. BS
. of all the UEs’ current battery states. We assume that the
transmission power for each selected UE is fixed to be P [14]
[19]. After Eit is harvested at TS t, it is stored in the battery
and is available for transmission in TS t + 1. The rechargeable
C BN 0
battery is assumed to be ideal, which means that no energy
Fig. 1: System model: N EH users with finite-size batteries and K is lost with energy storing or retrieving and the transmission
orthogonal access channels. of data is the only source of UE energy consumption. Once
the battery is full, the additional harvested energy will be
abandoned. We assume that the power required to activate the
and also the preliminaries on deep Q-learning and LSTM
UE EH circuit is negligible compared with the power used for
networks. In Section III, we present the problem formulation
signal transmission [5] [29] [30], since the processing power
for access control, as well as the LSTM DQN based learning
for EH circuit activation is usually very small compared with
algorithm. Section IV studies the battery prediction problem.
the transmit power in practice. For example, as shown in [31],
Furthermore, in Section V, we introduce the joint design
the power consumption for transmission is about 23 times the
problem and its solution. We provide simulation results in
power consumption for activating the EH circuit.
Section VI, and finally conclusions in Section VII.
We use a binary indicator Iit ∈ {0, 1} to describe the access
Notations: s and St denote state and the state at time slot t,
control policy: If UE i is scheduled to access the channel at
respectively; a and At denote action and the action at time
TS t (i.e., i ∈ Kt ), Iit = 1; otherwise, Iit = 0. We use
slot t, respectively; Rt denotes the reward at time slot t;
another indicator zit ∈ {0, 1} to denote the transmission status
min{m, n} denotes the minimum operator; Eπ [·] denotes the
such that: When P ≤ Bit , zit = 1, which means that the
expected value given that the agent follows policy π; log(·)
transmission could be done successfully; otherwise, zit = 0,
denotes the log2 (·) operator; |·| denotes the determinant or the
which means that at TS t, UE i cannot transmit data to the
cardinality of the set, depending on the context; ∥·∥ denotes the
BS and the current transmission is failed. Based on the above
l2 -norm; ∇ denotes the first-order derivative operator; RM ×N
notations, the battery evolution of UE i ∈ N over different
denotes the space of real M × N matrixes.
time slots could be described as:
A. System Model Bi(t+1) = min{C, Bit + Eit − zit Iit P }. (2)
We consider an uplink wireless system with N EH based
UEs and one BS, as depicted in Fig. 1. The system operates in B. Preliminaries: Deep Q-Learning and LSTM
a time-slotted fashion with equal-length time slots (TSs), with In this subsection, we briefly introduce the RL network
a normalized slot length equal to one. The BS is able to pick that is used in this paper to solve the access control and
K out of the N UEs to perform uplink access (K can also battery prediction problems. The detailed physical meanings
be viewed as the number of available orthogonal channels). of the notations in the RL network will be introduced later.
The set of all the UEs and the selected subset of UEs at TS t RL is developed over the Markov decision process (MDP)
are denoted by N and Kt , respectively, where |Kt | = K. We formulation, which includes: a discrete state space S, an action
denote the channel power gain between UE i and the BS at space A, an immediate reward function r : S × A → R and a
TS t by Hit and let Ht = {H1t , · · · , HN t } be the set of all transition probability set P where p(s′ , r|s, a) ∈ P satisfies the
the channel gains at TS t. We assume that at the beginning of Markov property p(s′ , r|s, a) = Pr{St+1 = s′ , Rt = r|St =
each TS, the instantaneous channel state information (channel s, At = a}, where St , At and Rt denote the state, action and
power gain) can be obtained at BS. Besides, the channel reward at TS t, respectively.
states remain constant during each TS and may change across Note that our paper studies a multiuser uplink scenario.
different TSs [11]. We assume that the UEs always have data When we use MDP to model such a system, the number of
for uplink transmission in each TS. The location of the BS system states is large since the state contains the channel gain
is fixed, while the UEs follow random walks across different and battery level for every UE, and the size of corresponding
TSs and their locations remain unchanged during one TS. action space is also large as it is proportional to the number
We assume that all the UEs have no other power sources of UEs.
and they only use the harvested energy, which is collected Based on the MDP formulation, the general goal of an
from the surrounding environment via some renewable energy RL agent is to find a good policy, which is a function

2327-4662 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2872440, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal

mapping from state space to the action space, denoted by Output of

π : S → A. In this paper, the RL agent is the BS, whose t

goal is to maximize/minimize the reward/loss in the long run

by following the optimal policy. The total discounted reward Cell state
× +
Cell state
previous of t
from TS t onwards can be written as: TS

γ × tanh
Rt = γ k−t Rk+1 , (3)
k=t Forget Input Cell
gate σ gate σ gate
tanh ×
where γ ∈ (0, 1) is the discount factor.
For a typical RL network, the state value function and action gate
value function are instrumental in solving the MDP, which are Hidden
state from Hidden
defined as previous state of t

[∞ ] TS

Vπ (s) = Eπ [Rtγ |St = s] = Eπ γ k−t Rk+1 |St = s , (4) Input of
TS t

Fig. 2: LSTM unit.

Qπ (s, a) =Eπ [Rtγ |St = s, At = a]
[∞ ]

=Eπ γ k−t Rk+1 |St = s, At = a , (5) gates to control the flow of information. With the input from
k=t the current step t and the hidden state of the previous step
where Eπ [·] denotes the expected value given that the agent t − 1, the unit firstly decides what information to throw away
follows policy π [32]. through multiplying the forget gate output by the cell state
The optimal policy π ∗ is the policy that can maximize from t − 1. The cell state runs straight down all the units
(4) at any state, and we can observe from (4) and (5) that in the LSTM network. The next procedure is to decide what
Vπ∗ (s) = maxa′ ∈A Qπ∗ (s, a′ ). The corresponding action- new information is going to be stored in the cell state using
value function for the optimal policy π ∗ is denoted by the input gate and cell gate. Finally, the hidden state is updated
Qπ∗ (s, a). A fundamental property of the value functions is with the new cell state and the output of the output gate.
that the functions can be evaluated in a recursive manner by
using the Bellman equations. The general form of the Bellman C. Performance Metric
optimality equation for the action value function is given as In this paper, we adopt two main metrics to measure the
[ ] overall performance of the network. The first is the sum rate
Qπ∗ (s, a) = E Rt+1 + γ max Q π ∗ (St+1 , a)|St = s, At = a
a′ of all the uplink transmissions to the BS. At time slot t, the
∑ [ ]
= p(s , r|s, a) r(s, a, s′ ) + γ max

Q ∗ (s′ ′
, a ) , network uplink sum rate at the BS is given by

a ∑ ( )
s′ P Hit
(6) Rt = zit F log 1 + , (7)
′ ′
where r(s, a, s ) = E [Rt+1 |St = s, At = a, St+1 = s ] is the
expected value of the next reward given the current state s and where F is the spectrum bandwidth and σ 2 is the noise
action a, together with the next state s′ [32]. power [33].
In a system with large state and action spaces, it is often The second metric is the prediction loss, which is the
impractical to maintain all the Q-values, i.e., all the function dissimilarity between the predicted battery states and the true
values in (5) for all possible state-action pairs. Generally, battery states. It is worth mentioning that in our battery
nonlinear function approximation for learning Qπ (s, a) (Q- prediction design, the BS does not know the full information of
learning) is a popular approach [20]. However, it usually Bt (i.e., the battery states at each TS) for decision making. In
cannot provide theoretical guarantees, producing unstable tra- order to avoid large signaling overheads for reporting battery
jectories in many practical applications. Fortunately, the re- states to the BS at each TS, only the selected UEs send their
cently proposed DQN [22] successfully adapts the deep neural true battery states along with transmitted data to the BS. Thus,
network as a function approximator in Q-learning over large the instantaneous prediction loss only involves the selected
state spaces. In our work, we adopt the DQN to approximate UE set. However, as the RL algorithm explores all the UEs,
the action value function for all state action pairs. all the UEs will be taken into account in the long run. The
In particular, we build the DQN based on Long Short- instantaneous prediction loss Ploss (t) at time slot t is given
Term Memory (LSTM), which is a special recurrent neural by
network that can connect and recognize long-range correlated 2
Ploss (t) = |Bit − bit | , (8)
patterns over the input and output states. Specifically, an
LSTM network is considered as multiple copies of the memory
blocks (LSTM units), each of which passes a message to its where bit and Bit are the predicted battery state and true
successor as shown in Fig. 2. Such an LSTM unit has four battery state of UE i at time slot t, respectively.

2327-4662 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2872440, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal


In this section, we consider the access control problem

described in Fig. 1. It is assumed that the BS and UEs are Fully connected network layer
cooperative such that the BS may obtain the knowledge of wf
current channel gains and UEs’ current battery states [11].
The system operates as follows. When the system enters a Qminibatch (St , a)
new time slot, the BS uses the current UE battery states and
channel information to compute its scheduling policy for the LSTM network layer
current TS with a RL network, and then broadcasts the policy
to all the UEs. Afterwards, the selected UEs transmit their unit unit … unit
data to the BS with transmission power P , while those who w1 w2 wt
are not selected remain idle. All the UEs execute the energy
conversion process and store the energy into the battery for
φA (θθ a ) St
the future use. The above process repeats in the next TS.
θ a = {w1 , w2 , . . . , wn , wf }

A. Problem Formulation Fig. 3: LSTM based access control network ϕA (θa ).

The BS needs to find a good access control policy with

the objective of maximizing the long-term expected uplink
sum rate. In TS t, the system state St contains two parts: the action space and a ∈ A. Then, we use a fully connected
current channel state information Ht = {H1t , · · · , HN t } and network layer to adjust the size of the Q-value vector to make
the current UE battery state Bt = {B1t , · · · , BN t }. That is, it fit the action space, i.e., Q(s, a) ∈ R1×L . We use ϕA (θa )
we have St = {Ht , Bt }. The action space A contains all the to represent our neural network in Fig. 3 with the input as the
possible UE selection choices, i.e., Kt ∈ A, with |Kt | = K, system state s and the output as Q(s, a). Here, θa denotes
∑N the set of network weights which contains: the LSTM layer
i=1 it = K. Here, the reward signal Rt is the received sum
rate at the BS, which is regarded as the reward at state St by parameters {w1 , · · · , wn } and the fully connected network
taking action At . The description of Rt is shown in (7) and layer parameters wf , where n is the number of LSTM units.
the total discounted sum rate (reward) can be calculated as In the learning time slot t, Q(St , a) is estimated by ϕA (θa ).
∞ We recall that given St , with Q(St , a) at hand the BS selects

Rtγ = γ k−t Rk+1 At that achieves the maximum Q(St , At ), and the optimal
policy is the greedy policy if Q(St , a) can be perfectly

∑ ∑ ( ) estimated. However, the greedy policy is not optimal before
k−t P Hi(k+1)
= γ zi(k+1) F log 1 + . (9) the estimate of Q(s, a) is accurate enough. In order to improve
σ2 such estimates, the BS should balance the exploration of
k=t i∈Kk+1
new actions and the exploitation of the known actions. In
Our learning goal is to maximize the expected cumulative
exploitation, the BS follows the greedy policy; in exploration
discounted reward by following the access policy π from a
the BS takes actions randomly with the aim of discovering
starting state, which is given by
better policies. The balance could be realized by the ϵ-greedy
J1 (π) = E(Rtγ | π). (10) action selection method [34] (as given later in Algorithm 1) at
each time slot, which either takes actions randomly to explore
As such, the access control optimization problem can be with probability ϵ or follows the greedy policy to exploit with
formulated as probability 1 − ϵ, where 0 < ϵ < 1.
max J1 (π) (11a) After executing the selected action At , the BS receives the
reward Rt and the system changes to the new state. We utilize
s.t. (1) and (2) (11b) experience replay to store the BS’s experiences at each TS,

which is denoted by tuple et = (St , At , Rt , St+1 ) in a data-
Iit = K. (11c) set D = {e1 , ..., et }. The replay memory size is set to be
L, which means their we could store L experience tuples.
Here, et is generated by the control policy π(a|s). In each
B. LSTM-DQN based Access Control Network TS, instead of updating θa based on transitions from the
In this subsection, we present the proposed learning frame- current state, we randomly sample a tuple (s̃, ã, r̃, ŝ) from
work and algorithm of uplink access control to solve prob- D. Updating network parameters in this way to avoid issues
lem (11). In Fig. 3, we illustrate the architecture of our LSTM- caused by strong correlations among transitions of the same
DQN network for access control. The centralized controller episode [22]. We parameterize an approximate value function
at the BS receives the state information s at the beginning Q(s, a; θa ) using the proposed learning network in Fig. 3
of each TS. With the input s, the entire layer of the LSTM with network parameters (weights) of θa . With the sampled
network outputs the approximated Q-value in mini-batch transitions, yt = r̃ + γ maxâ Q(ŝ, â; θa− ) is the target Q-value
Qminibatch (s, a) ∈ Rbatchsize×L , where L is the size of the with network weights θa− obtained from previous iteration.

2327-4662 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2872440, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal

Accordingly, we have the following loss function to minimize: on round-robin scheduling and broadcasts the schedule to
all the UEs. After receiving the schedule, the selected UEs
Lt (θa ) = (yt − Q(s̃, ã; θa )) . 2
transmit data to the BS, along with their current ground-truth
Differentiating the loss function with respect to the weights, battery states Bit , i ∈ Kt [14]. We use the difference between
we arrive the following gradient: the predicted battery states and the true battery states within
the selected UE set as the performance metric for the designed
∇θa Lt (θa ) = predictor, as shown in (8).
( )
− A memory component with a history window of W is
r̃ + γ max Q(ŝ, â; θa ) − Q(s̃, ã; θa ) ∇θa Q(s̃, ã; θa ),
â equipped at the BS to store limited history information. At TS
(13) t, the state space contains three parts: the access scheduling
history information Xt = {Iij } ∈ RN ×W , where i ∈ N
where ∇θa f (·) denotes the gradient vector of f with respect to
and j ∈ [t − W + 1, t]; the history of predicted UE battery
θa . By adopting the routine of stochastic gradient descent [22],
information Mt = {bij } ∈ RN ×W , where i ∈ N and
the overall access control algorithm is summarized in Algo-
j ∈ [t − W + 1, t]; and the history of selected UE true
rithm 1.
battery information Gt = {Bij } ∈ RK×W , where i ∈ Kj
Algorithm 1 LSTM-DQN based Access Control Algorithm and j ∈ [t − W + 1, t].
1: Initialize the experience memory D, We use St = {Xt , Mt , Gt } to denote the system state, and
2: Initialize the parameters of action generator network ϕA bt = [b1t , · · · , bN t ] to denote the battery prediction result,
with random weights θa , which is also called the prediction value v̂(St ) = bt . We
3: Initialize the total number of episodes Ep , denote the predicted battery states of selected UEs as vector
4: Initialize the environment and get initial observation S1 , v̂s (St ) with elements {bit }i∈Kt and the received true battery
5: for t = 1, · · · , ∞ do states of selected UEs as vector Rt with elements {Bit }i∈Kt .
6: if random() ≤ ϵ then Thus, the prediction loss in (8) is equivalent to

7: Select a random action At ∈ A; Ploss (t) = ||Rt − v̂s (St )||2 . (14)
8: else
9: Compute Q(St , a) for all actions a ∈ A using ϕA , The long-term prediction performance, i.e., the total dis-
10: Select At = arg maxQ(St , a). counted prediction loss, is given by

∑ √
11: end if γ
12: Execute At , observe reward Rt and new state St+1 , Ploss (t) = γ k−t ||Rk+1 − v̂s (Sk+1 )||2 . (15)
13: Store transition (St , At , Rt , St+1 ) in D, k=t

14: Sample random mini-batch of transitions (s̃, ã, r̃, ŝ) The goal of the learning algorithm is to obtain the optimal
from D, prediction policy π to minimize the cumulative discounted
15: Set yt = r̃ if t + 1 is the terminal step of the episode loss, which is given by
(t + 1 = Ep ); otherwise, yt = r̃ + γ maxâ Q(ŝ, â; θa− ), γ
16: Perform stochastic gradient descent step on the loss J2 (π) = E(Ploss (t) | π). (16)
function Lt (θa ) = (yt − Q(s̃, ã; θa ))2 to update net- The battery prediction problem can be formulated as
work parameters θa according to (13).
17: end for min J2 (π) (17a)
s.t. (1) and (2). (17b)


B. Deep LSTM based Battery Prediction Network
In wireless EH network, it is important to keep energy-
neutral, i.e., energy expenditure equals the harvested amount In Fig. 4, we illustrate the architecture of our LSTM
and operation permanently. An effective energy-neutral policy based prediction network, which is denoted as the prediction
may benefit from an accurate prediction for the future har- generator. At the beginning of TS t, the BS first observes St
vested energy. In this section, we consider reusing a similar and imports it into the LSTM network layer, and the LSTM
LSTM method to the one used in the previous section for UE network outputs the predicted battery states in multi mini-
battery state prediction. In our design, we do not need to know batch bminibatch ∈ Rbatchsize×N . Then we use a fully connected
the UE energy model, as the method is purely data driven. network layer to adjust the size of the LSTM output vector as
bt ∈ R1×N . The BS then announces the access policy based
on round-robin. After UEs’ transmissions, the BS receives the
A. Problem Formulation true battery states Rt . We use ϕB (θb ) to denote the prediction
For the EH system in Fig. 1, we assume that the access generator with the input St = {Xt , Mt , Gt } and the output
control policy is fixed to be the widely used round-robin v̂(St ) = [b1t , · · · , bN t ]. Here, θb is the set of network weights,
scheduling policy [14]. At the beginning of each TS t, the which contains the LSTM layer parameters {w1 , . . . , wn }
LSTM based predictor can output the predicted battery states and the fully connected layer parameters wf , where n is the
bit , i ∈ N . The BS then schedules the UE transmission based number of LSTM units.

2327-4662 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2872440, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal

v̂(St ) = bt = [b1t , b2t , · · · , bN t ] Algorithm 2 Deep LSTM based Battery Prediction Algorithm
1: Initialize the experience memory D,
2: Initialize the parameters of prediction generator network
Fully connected network layer ϕB with random weights θb ,
3: Initialize the environment and get initial state S1 ,
bminibatch 4: Initialize the total number of episodes Ep ,
5: for t = 1, · · · , Ep do
6: Get prediction output v̂(St ) = bt given by current
LSTM network layer
ϕB (θb (t)),
LSTM LSTM LSTM 7: Take bt as the input of BS access control center,
unit unit … unit
w1 w2 wt 8: BS schedules the UEs according to the round-robin
9: BS broadcasts the access policy to all the UEs, the se-
φB (θθ b ) St lected UEs whose current battery states satisfy P ≤ Bit
θ b = {w1 , w2 , . . . , wn , wf } could complete the transmissions and the others could
Fig. 4: LSTM based battery prediction network ϕB (θb ).
not transmit,
10: The BS observes Rt and the new state St+1 ,
11: Store transition (St , v̂(St ), Rt , St+1 ) in D,
A good policy in this case is the one minimizing the 12: Sample random mini-batch of transitions
cumulative discounted prediction loss based on the observed (Sj , v̂(Sj ), Rj , Sj+1 ) from D,
states. We utilize experience replay D (defined in previous 13: Calculate the TD error
Section) to store the BS experiences (St , v̂(St ), Rt , St+1 ). In δj = Rj+1 + γ v̂s (Sj+1 , θb (j)) − v̂s (Sj , θb (j)),
each TS, we randomly sample a tuple (Sj , v̂(Sj ), Rj , Sj+1 ) 14: Perform stochastic gradient descent to update network
from D to update the network parameters θb . Stochastic parameters θb based on
gradient descent is used to minimize the prediction loss by θb (j + 1) = θb (j) + αδj ∇θb (j) v̂(Sj , θb (j)).
adjusting the network weight parameter θb after each sample in 15: end for
the direction that would reduce the loss the most. The weights
are updated as
network layer, which is used for battery prediction, outputs
θb (j + 1) all the UEs’ predicted battery states based on the history
1 2 information. The predicted battery states are then input to
= θb (j) − α∇θb (j) [Vj − v̂ (Sj , θb (j))]
2 the second layer, which is designed to generate the access
= θb (j) + α [Vj − v̂ (Sj , θb (j))] ∇θb (j) v̂ (Sj , θb (j)), (18) control policy. Next, with the output of the second layer, i.e.,
the access control policy, the BS broadcasts the schedule to
where α is a positive step size, v̂ (Sj , θb (j)) is the parame-
all the UEs. Afterwards, the selected UEs execute the policy
terized prediction values with the network parameters θb (j),
and transmit their data to the BS, along with their current true
and ∇θb (j) f (·) denotes the gradient vector of f with respect
battery states Bit , i ∈ Kt , which will be stored into the history
to θb (j), and Vj is the target output of the jth training
information for future prediction usage; those UEs who are not
step. We adopt the temporal-difference (TD) policy evaluation
selected remain idle. The BS finally receives rewards, i.e., the
algorithm [32], i.e., T D(0), where the TD error is described
mixture of the sum rate and the prediction loss. All the UEs
complete the energy conversion and store the energy to the
δj = Rj+1 + γ v̂s (Sj+1 , θb (j)) − v̂s (Sj , θb (j)). (19) battery for future use. The above process repeats in the next
The updating in (18) can be executed as θb (j + 1) =
θb (j) + αδj ∇θb (j) v̂(Sj , θb (j)). The battery prediction algo-
rithm based on the deep LSTM network is summarized in A. Problem Formulation
Algorithm 2. The BS operates as the centralized controller that predicts
the UE battery states and schedules the subset of users K ∈ N
V. J OINTLY ACCESS C ONTROL AND BATTERY P REDICTION to access the uplink channels at each TS. At TS t, the whole
BASED ON RL system state is denoted as St . We deploy a memory component
By jointly considering the access control and battery predic- with a window of W at the BS to store the history data, which
tion, we could relax the requirements of the knowledge on the contains: the access scheduling history information, i.e., access
UE battery states of the current TS for access control, which indicators, Xt = {Iij } ∈ RN ×W , where i ∈ N and j ∈
means that only current channel gains are needed at the BS at [t − W + 1, t]; the history of predicted UE battery information
each TS. Mt = {bij } ∈ RN ×W , where i ∈ N and j ∈ [t − W +
In particular, we propose a two-layer LSTM based DQN 1, t]; and the history of the true battery information within the
control network, which is applied at the BS and operates as selected UE sets Gt = {Bij } ∈ RK×W , where i ∈ Kj and
follows. At the beginning of each TS t, the first LSTM based j ∈ [t − W + 1, t]. The channel gain at TS t is Ht . Thus, we

2327-4662 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2872440, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal

have St = {Xt , Mt , Gt , Ht }. Given St and the scheduling UEs

policy π, the action At = π(St ) is derived with the DQN
Broadcast access control
control network given in Fig. 5. policy to UEs
Since the performance of the joint solution relies on both Processing Processing
unit unit
the access control policy and battery prediction results, the
immediate reward contains the received sum rate Rt in (7) and Q(St−1 , a) Q(St , a)
the battery prediction loss Ploss (t) in (8), which is regarded
Fully connected Fully connected
as the penalty to the sum rate. The immediate reward received layer layer
wf2 wf2
at TS t of state St by taking action At in the joint solution is
set as φA (θθ a ) Qminibatch (St−1 , a) Qminibatch (St , a)

Rt = Rt − βPloss (t) Second LSTM layer Second LSTM layer

∑ ( ) √∑ {w12 , · · · , wn2 } {w12 , · · · , wn2 }

P Hit 2
= zit F log 1 + − β |Bit − bit | , … …
i∈Kt i∈Kt
Fully connected Fully connected
(20) layer layer
wf1 wf1

where β denotes the penalty factor for balancing two different φB (θθ b ) bminibatch Ht−1 bminibatch Ht
physical quantities. The long-term system performance, i.e.,
First LSTM layer First LSTM layer
total discounted reward, from TS t onwards, is given by {w11 , · · · , wn1 } {w11 , · · · , wn1 }

Rtγ =
γ k−t Rk+1 St−1 St1


St−1 = {St−1 , Ht−1 } St = {St1 , Ht }

∑ ∑ ( )
P Hi(k+1)
= γ k−t  zi(k+1) F log 1 + Time line
k=t i∈Kk+1
 Fig. 5: Two-Layer LSTM-DQN based control network.
√ ∑
|Bi(k+1) − bi(k+1) |  .
−β (21)
network outputs the predicted battery states in multi mini-
The objective of our joint learning algorithm is to obtain batch bminibatch ∈ Rbatchsize×N . Then a fully connected net-
the optimal scheduling policy π to maximize the cumulative work follows to adjust the size of the LSTM output vector
discounted reward is given by to be the expected bt ∈ R1×N . We use ϕB (θb ) to denote
the prediction generator with the input St1 and the output
J3 (π) = E(Rtγ | π). (22) bt = {b1t , · · · , bN t }. Here, the set of network weights θb
contains the LSTM network parameters {w11 , . . . , wn1 } and
The joint problem can then be formulated as
the fully connected network parameters wf1 , where n is the
max J3 (π) (23a) number of LSTM units.
The second layer is the action generator for producing the
s.t. (1) and (2) (23b)
access control policy, which contains an LSTM layer and a

fully connected layer. At TS t, the input of the action generator
Iit = K. (23c) contains: the output values of ϕB , i.e., bt = ϕB (St1 ); and the
current channel states Ht . We denote the input of the action
generator as St2 = {bt , Ht }. With St2 , the LSTM layer outputs
B. Two-Layer LSTM-DQN based Joint Network the approximated Q-value in mini-batch Qminibatch (St2 , a) ∈
In this subsection, we present the proposed learning RL Rbatchsize×L , where L is the size of the action space with
network and the algorithm to solve problem in (23), where a ∈ A. Then, the fully connected network layer adjusts the
Fig. 5 shows the architecture of the proposed new hybrid size of the Q-value vector to Q(St2 , a) ∈ R1×L . Finally, the
control network combining the LSTM neural network and action generator outputs the approximated Q-value Q(St2 , a).
deep Q-learning enhancement. We represent the action generator as ϕA (θa ) with the input
The network in Fig. 5 can be divided into two layers. St2 and the output Q(St2 , a) ∈ R1×L . Here, θa is the set
The first is the LSTM layer based network to perform the of network weights containing the LSTM layer parameters
battery prediction, which is called the prediction generator. {w12 , · · · , wn2 } and the fully connected layer parameters wf2 .
In a practical scenario with unknown energy sources, the Therefore, by combining the prediction generator and ac-
BS has no information about the UE EH processes and tion generator, the proposed two-layer LSTM-DQN based
battery states. At the beginning of TS t, the input of the joint network can be represented as ϕA (ϕB (Xt , Mt , Gt ), Ht )
prediction generator is the history knowledge within certain with the entire input as St = {Xt , Mt , Gt , Ht } and
time window, which contains: Xt , Mt and Gt . We denote the output approximation of Q-value as Q(St , a) =
the input as St1 = {Xt , Mt , Gt }. With St1 , the first LSTM Q ({ϕB (Xt , Mt , Gt ), Ht }, a).

2327-4662 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2872440, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal

In the proposed RL network, we learn the parameters θb of Algorithm 3 Algorithm for Joint Problem (23)
the prediction generator and θa of the action generator jointly. 1: Initialize the experience memory D,
The parameters of the two-layer joint network is denoted by 2: Initialize the parameters of prediction generator network
θ = {θa , θb }. At the beginning of TS t, the BS receives ϕB with random weights θb ,
St . The prediction generator ϕB firstly outputs bt , and the 3: Initialize the parameters of action generator network ϕA
BS then stores bt by updating its history memory. With the with random weights θa ,
predicted battery states and channel gains, the action generator 4: Initialize the total number of episodes Ep ,
then outputs the Q-value Q(St , a). As explained in Section 5: for eposode = 1, · · · , Ep do
III, the balance between the exploration of new actions and 6: Initialize the environment and get initial observation
the exploitation of the known actions is realized by the ϵ- state S1 = {St1 , H1 }, St1 = {X1 , M1 , G1 },
greedy action selection method [34]. With ϵ-greedy, the BS 7: for t = 1, · · · , T do
either takes actions randomly with probability ϵ or follows the 8: Get the predicted battery states bt = ϕB (St1 ),
greedy policy (chosing the action At by maxAt ∈A Q(St , At )) 9: Get the input state St2 = {ϕB (St1 ), Ht } for ϕA ,
with probability 1 − ϵ, where 0 < ϵ < 1. 10: if random() ≤ ϵ then
After executing the selected action At , the BS receives the 11: Select a random action At ∈ A;
immediate reward Rt . We keep tracking the BS’s previous 12: else
experience in a replay memory data set D = {e1 , · · · , et }, 13: Compute Q(St , a) for all actions using ϕA ,
with et = (St , At , Rt , St+1 ). Instead of performing updates 14: Select At = arg maxQ(St , a; θ).
to the Q-values using transitions from the current episode, we a∈A
15: end if
sample a random transition (s̃, ã, r̃, ŝ) from D [22]. Following
16: Execute At , observe reward Rt ,
the Q-learning approach, we obtain the target Q-value yt = r̃+
17: Get new state St+1 = {St+1 1
, Ht+1 },
γ maxâ Q(ŝ, â; θ − ), where Q(ŝ, â; θ − ) is the parameterized
18: Store transition (St , At , Rt , St+1 ) in D,
approximate value function with network parameters θ − =
19: Sample random mini-batch of transitions (s̃, ã, r̃, ŝ)
{θa− , θb− } obtained from the previous iteration.
from D,
We can get the following loss function Lt (θ) to minimize: 20: Set yt = r̃ if t + 1 is the terminal step of the episode
Lt (θ) =(yt − Q(s̃, ã; θ)) 2 (t+1 = Ep ); otherwise, yt = r̃+γ maxâ Q(ŝ, â; θa− ),
( )2 21: Perform the stochastic gradient descent step on the

= r̃ + γ max Q(ŝ, â; θ ) − Q(s̃, ã; θ) . (24) loss function Lt (θa ) = (yt − Q(s̃, ã; θa ))2 to update
â the network parameters θ.
22: end for
The updates on θ can be performed using the stochastic
23: end for
gradient of ∇θ Lt (θ). It is worth mentioning that, in this
gradient, θ contains both two-layer network parameters, i.e.,
θ = [θa , θb ], which means that the prediction generator and
access control policy network are trained in a joint way [35] To compare the performance of our proposed algorithms,
[36]. The overall joint access control and battery prediction we consider the following alternative approaches: 1) an offline
algorithm is summarized in Algorithm 3. benchmark provides an upper bound where the BS is assumed
to have perfect non-causal knowledge on all the random
processes; 2) a myopic policy (MP), which is a widely used
data-driven approach in the multi-armed bandit model [14];
In this section, we demonstrate the performance of the two 3) the round-robin scheduling; and 4) random scheduling. It
proposed RL based algorithms by simulations. All the results is worth mentioning that the presented rewards are averaged
are performed in a simulated LTE uplink scenario with one by taking the mean over a fixed moving reward subset with a
BS and 30 randomly walking UEs with the speed of 1m/s. window of 200 training steps to achieve smoother and more
The UEs’ energy arrival processes are modeled as Possion general performance comparison.
arrival processes with different arrival rates. The cell range is Firstly, we investigate the performance of Algorithm 1 com-
500m × 500m with pathloss = 128.1 + 37.6 log(d), where d is pared with other methods. As shown in Fig. 6, the proposed
the transmission distance [37]. The system total bandwidth is learning algorithm always achieves a higher average reward
F = 5M Hz and the penalty factor β is 102 . All the battery than round-robin and random scheduling. This is intuitive
states are quantized into integer units with 5dBm per unit and since round-robin only considers the access fairness among all
the transmit power is at 2 units. the UEs, and random selection makes the decision even more
The LSTM network consists of 128 units and the fully blindly. With the increase of training steps, the proposed DQN
connected layer uses a tanh activation function. The learning scheme at first stays in an unstable exploration stage. Then,
rate α is fixed as 10−4 and the discount factor γ is set to be it gradually outperforms MP after 1.8 × 104 training steps.
0.99. We train the deep RL network with a mini-batch size of Finally, it converges and becomes stable. This is because that
16 and a replay buffer size of 105 . All simulation results are MP always focus on the current sum rate optimization based
obtained based on the deep learning framework in TensorFlow on the battery beliefs [14], while the DQN algorithm takes the
1.2.1. long-term performance into consideration, resulting in a more

2327-4662 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2872440, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal

8 160 0.02

7.5 0.018

Battery prediction loss of all the users

Battery prediction loss of all the users

7 0.016
Average rewards (kbps)

6.5 0.014
6 0.012

5.5 80 0.01

5 0.008
4.5 0.006
Offline 40
4 DQN 0.004
Myopic Policy
Round-Robin Scheduling 20
3.5 0.002
Random Scheduling

3 0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 0 5000 10000 1000 1500 2000
Training steps 4 (a) Training steps (b) Training steps

Fig. 6: Average reward vs. training steps. Fig. 8: Battery prediction loss vs. training steps.


12 C=10 7
Average sum rate (kbps)
Average rewards (kbps)


8 C=5 5.5

Offline Offline
4 4 DQN
Myopic Policy Myopic Policy
Round-Robin Scheduling
3.5 Round-Robin Scheduling
2 Random Scheduling Random Scheduling
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
The number of available channels Training steps 10 5

Fig. 7: Average reward vs. battery capacity and available channels. Fig. 9: Average sum rate vs. training steps.

efficient resource utilization and higher sum rate. Furthermore, For Algorithm 2, we perform simulations for the total
we observe that the performance gap between our proposed battery prediction loss of all the UEs with the proposed DQN
algorithm and the offline upper bound gets smaller as the algorithm, shown in Fig. 8. It can been seen from Fig. 8(a)
training step increases. We also compare the average sum that the prediction loss is quite large at the beginning. With the
rates under different numbers of available channels and battery increase of training steps, the loss becomes smaller and goes
capacities. We can also see from Fig. 6 that after getting stable, to a stable value after about 1000 training steps. We zoom in
the average reward of the proposed DQN based algorithm over the loss values between 1000 and 2000 training steps in
achieves a value that is 11.93% higher than that with the Fig. 8(b). The average UE battery prediction loss shown in
MP approach, 19.47% higher than the round-robin approach, Fig. 8 is about 0.0013 units. It is obvious that the prediction
and 26.05% higher than the random scheduling approach. loss is small enough and the proposed deep LSTM prediction
Meanwhile, the average reward of the proposed DQN based network provides good prediction performance.
approach is 3.3% lower than the upper bound (i.e., the offline At last, the performance of the proposed joint scheme in
scheduling). It can be seen in Fig. 7 that the proposed DQN Algorithm 3 is investigated. The average sum rate and the
algorithm always beats the counterparts when the number corresponding battery prediction loss are shown in Fig. 9 -
of available channels changes from 2 to 20 and the battery Fig. 11, respectively. It can be seen from Fig. 9 that the data-
capacity changes from 5 to 10 units. Furthermore, the average drive approaches, i.e., MP and DQN, always perform better
sum rate increases with the number of available channels. By than the round robin and random scheduling, which is intuitive
increasing the battery capacity from 5 to 10 units, the battery and obvious since the last two have no consideration over sum
overflow is reduced, which results in a higher average sum rate optimization. The proposed DQN based algorithm stays
rate. in an exploration stage at the beginning, which is unstable

2327-4662 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2872440, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal

capacity and the number of available channels, owing to the

14 reduction of battery overflow.
The performance of the corresponding battery prediction
12 C=10 network for the joint scheme is shown in Fig. 11. Compared
Average sum rate (kbps)

with Fig. 9, we see that the battery prediction loss goes to a

10 stable stage earlier than the average sum rate. This is because
that the output of battery prediction network is the main
8 input for the access control network; only after the battery
prediction is accurate enough, the BS could generate good
6 scheduling policies that achieve high sum rates. It can been
Offline seen from Fig. 11 (a) that the prediction loss is quite large at
4 DQN the beginning, becomes smaller as the training step increases,
Myopic Policy
Round-Robin Scheduling and gets stable after about 22000 training steps. We zoom into
2 Random Scheduling
the loss values from the 30000th to 32000th training steps in
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Fig. 11 (b). The average UE battery prediction loss shown in
The number of available channels
Fig. 11 is about 0.0175 units. It is obvious that the prediction
Fig. 10: Average sum rate vs. battery capacity and available channels. loss is small enough and the proposed deep LSTM prediction
network provides good prediction values.

160 0.15
Battery prediction loss of all the users
Battery prediction loss of all the users

In this paper, we developed three RL based methods to solve

120 the user access control and battery prediction problems in a
0.1 multi-user EH based communication system. With only causal
information regarding the channel and UE battery states, the
LSTM-DQN based scheduling algorithm was designed to find
the optimal policy with the objective of maximizing the long-
60 term discounted uplink sum rate, driven by only instantaneous
system information. The battery state prediction algorithm
based on deep LSTM was proposed to minimize the prediction
20 loss. Furthermore, the joint problem was considered, where
we proposed a two-layer LSTM based network which is
0 0
0 2 4 6 3 3.1 3.2 trained jointly with deep Q-learning to maximize the long-
(a)Training steps 104 (b)Training steps 104 term discounted sum rate and minimize the cumulative battery
Fig. 11: Battery prediction loss vs. training steps. prediction loss simultaneously. The simulation results under
different conditions were also provided to illustrate the effec-
tiveness of our proposed RL based methods.
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approach. With more training steps, as expected, the average R EFERENCES
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algorithm is close to the upper bound. Furthermore, we see and energy harvesting for IoT,” IEEE Internet Things J., vol. 5, no. 1,
that the average sum rate increases with the increase of battery pp. 229–245, Nov. 2017.

2327-4662 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2872440, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal

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