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Perla V Baring

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ANTONIO PERLA, petitioner - The Court has ruled that a high

v standard of proof is required to

MIRASOL BARING and RANDY PERLA, establish paternity and filiation.
respondents - An order for x xx support may create
an unwholesome situation or may be
an irritant to the family or the lives
FACTS: of the parties so that it must be
- Respondent Mirasol Baring issued only if paternity or filiation is
(Mirasol) and petitioner Antonio established by clear and convincing
Perla (Antonio) were allegedly evidence.
neighbors. Eventually, they became - In the case at bar, Mirasol and
sweethearts. Randy failed to establish Randys
- When Mirasol became pregnant, illegitimate filiation to Antonio.
Antonio allegedly assured her that - The Certificate of Live Birth and
he would support her. However, baptismal certificate of Randy have
Antonio started to evade her. no probative value to establish
- Mirasol and her then minor son, Randy’s filiation to Antonio since the
Randy Perla (Randy), filed before latter had not signed the same.
the RTC a Complaint for support - A certificate of live birth purportedly
against Antonio. identifying the putative father is not
- Mirasol and Randy thus prayed that competent evidence of paternity
Antonio be ordered to support when there is no showing that the
Randy. putative father had a hand in the
- During the trial, Mirasol presented preparation of said certificate.
Randy’s Certificate of Live Birth and - Also, while a baptismal certificate
Baptismal Certificate indicating her may be considered a public
and Antonio as parents of the child. document, it can only serve as
- Mirasol testified that she and evidence of the administration of the
Antonio supplied the information in sacrament on the date specified but
the said certificates. not the veracity of the entries with
The RTC rendered a decision respect to the child's paternity.
ordering Antonio to support Randy, - Thus, x xx baptismal certificates are
which was affirmed by CA. per se inadmissible in evidence as
proof of filiation and they cannot be
ISSUES: admitted indirectly as circumstantial
- W/N Randy is entitled for support evidence to prove the same.
from Antonio. - As this case falls under these
exceptions, the Court is constrained
RULING: to re-examine the factual findings of
- YES. the lower courts.

- For Randy to be entitled for support,

his filiation must be established with
sufficient certainty.

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