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Stability Strategy:: The Strategies Generally Adopted in An Organization Are As Follows

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The strategies generally adopted in an organization are as follows:

1. Stability Strategy:
When an enterprise is satisfied by its present position, it will not like to change from here and it
will be a stability strategy. Stability strategy will be successful when the environment is stable.
This strategy is exercised most often and is less risky as a course of action. A stability strategy of
a concern for example will be followed when the organization is satisfied with the same product,
serving the same consumer groups and maintaining the same market share.
The organization may not be adventurous to try new strategies to change the status quo. This
strategy may be possible in a mature industry with static technology. Stability strategy may
create complacency among managers. The managers of such an organization may find it difficult
to cope with the changes when they come.
Stability strategies can be of the following types:
(i) No-Change Strategy:
Stability strategy is a conscious decision to do nothing new, that is to continue with the present
work. It does not mean an absence of strategy, rather taking no decision in itself is a strategy.
When external environment is predictable and organizational environment is stable then a
businessman may like to continue with the present situation. There may be major opportunities
or threats operating in the environment.
There may be no new threat from competitors or no new competing product may be coming into
the market, under these circumstances it will be prudent to continue the present strategies. The
small and medium firms generally operate in a limited market and supply products and services
with the use of time tested technology, such firms will prefer to continue with their present work.
Unless otherwise there is a major threat in the environment or occurrence of some major upset in
the market, the present strategy will serve the firms well.
(ii) Profit Strategy:
Sometimes things change in such a way that the firm has to adopt changes in its working. There
may be unfavorable external factors such as increase in competition, recession in the industry,
government attitude, industry down turn etc. Under these situations it becomes difficult to
sustain profitability.
 supposition is that the changed situation will be a temporary phase and old situation will again
return. The firm will try to sustain profitability by controlling expenses, reducing investments,
raise prices, cut costs, increase productivity etc. These measures will help the firm in sustaining
current profitability in the short run.
With the opening of markets, Indian industry is facing lot of problems with the presence of
multinationals and reduction in tariff on imports. The firms will have to adjust their policies to
the changing environment otherwise they will find it difficult to stay in the market.
Profit strategy will be successful for a short period only. In case things do not improve to the
advantage of the firms then this strategy will only deteriorate their position. This strategy can
work only if problems are temporary.
(ii) Proceed-With Caution Strategy:
Proceed with caution strategy is employed by firms that wish to test the ground before moving
ahead with full-fledged grand strategy or by those firms which had a rapid pace of expansion and
now wish to rest for a while before moving ahead. The pause is sometimes essential because
intervening period will allow consolidation before embracing on further expansion strategies.
The main object is to let the strategic changes seep down the organizational levels, allow
structural changes to take place and let the system adopt to new strategies.
2. Growth Strategy:
Growth may mean expansion and diversification of operations of the enterprise. The
management is not satisfied with their present status, the environment is changing, favourable
opportunities are available, in such cases growth strategy will be helpful in expansion as well as
diversification. The growth strategy may be implemented through product development, market
development, diversification, vertical integration or merger. In product development, new
products are added to the existing ones or new products replace the old ones when they are
In market development strategy, new customers are approached or those markets are explored
which were not covered earlier. In diversification both new products and new markets are added.
The enterprise may also enter entirely new lines. In vertificial integration, the backward or
forward lines may also be taken up.
A company may start producing its own raw materials or it may start processing its own output
before marketing. For example, a weaving unit may start making thread and ginning of cotton
(backward integration) or it may start producing readymade garments (forward integration).
In merger, two or more concerns may join their resources to take advantage of financial or
marketing factors. Growth should be properly planned and controlled otherwise it may bring
adverse results. Since growth is an indication of effective management it is not only essential but
desirable too.
Growth strategies may be described as follows:
(i) Growth through Concentration:
Growth involves converging resources in one or more of enterprise’s businesses in terms of their
respective customer needs, customer functions or alternative technologies in such a way that it
results in growth. This strategy involves the investment of resources in a product line for an
identified market with the help of proven technology. It may be done in a number of ways.
The enterprise may focus on existing markets with present products by using market penetration
or it may attract new users for existing products or it may introduce newer products in existing
markets by concentrating on product development. The concentration strategy will apply when
industry possesses high growth potential and the firm should be strong enough to sustain the
(ii) Growth through Integration:
Under integration strategy the firm continues serving the same customers but increases the scope
of its business definition. Integration involves taking up more activities than taken up earlier.
There can be backward integration as well as forward integration.
There are activities ranging from procurement of raw materials to marketing of finished
products. The firm may move up or down of the value chain for increasing its scope of work.
Several process based industries such as petrochemicals, steel, textiles etc. have integrated firms.
These firms deal with products with a value chain extending from the basic raw materials to
ultimate consumer. The firms operating at one end of the value chain attempt to move up or
down in the process while integrating activities adjacent to their present activities.
While adopting integration strategy the firm must take into account the alternative cost of make
or buy. If the cost of manufacturing one’s product is less than the cost of procuring it from the
market only then this activity should be integrated. Similarly, if the cost of selling the finished
product is lesser than the price paid to the sellers to do the same thing then it will be profitable to
move down on the value chain.
(iii)  Growth through Diversification:
Diversification strategy involves a substantial change in the business definition, singly or jointly,
in terms of customer functions, customer groups or alternative technologies of one or more of a
firm’s business. When an organization takes up an activity in such a manner that it is related to
the existing business it is called concentric diversification.
The firm may market more products to the same customers, a new product or service may be
offered to the same customers, these are the cases of diversification of business activities.
Growth may also be undertaken by taking up those activities which are unrelated to the existing
business, a cigarette company may diversify into hotel industry, it will be a case of conglomerate
diversification. Diversification strategies are helpful in spreading risk over several businesses. If
environmental and regulatory factors block growth then diversification may be a proper way.
(iv) Growth through co-operation:
There is a view that firms operate in a competing market. When one firm gains in its market
share then one or more firms lose this share. It is a win-lose situation where if one wins then one
or several others have to lose. But thinkers like James Moore, Ray Noorda, Barry J. Nalebuff are
of the view that competition could co-exist with co-operation.
The strategies could take into account the possibility of mutual co-operation with competitors
while competing with them at the same time so that market potential could expand. The co-
operative strategies can take the form of mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures and strategic
alliances. All these strategies taken separately or jointly can help the growth of a firm.
(v) Growth through Internationalization:
International strategies are a type of growth strategies that require firms to market their products
or services beyond the national or domestic market. A firm would have to assess the international
environment and evaluate its own capabilities and to form strategies to enter foreign markets.
The firm may start exporting products or services to foreign countries or it may set up a
subsidiary in other countries for producing and marketing the products or services there. In such
situations the firm would have to implement the strategies and monitor and control its foreign
operations. International strategies require a different strategic perspective than the strategies
implemented in national context.
3. Retrenchment or Retreat Strategy:
An enterprise may retreat or retrench from its present position in order to survive or improve its
performance. Such a strategy may be adopted during a period of recession, tough competition,
scarcity of resources and re-organization of company in order to reduce waste. This strategy,
though reflecting failure of the company to some degree becomes highly necessary for the
survival of the company.
When an organization chooses to focus on ways and means to reverse the process of decline, it
adopts a turnaround strategy. If it cuts off the loss-making units, divisions, curtails product line
or reduces the functions performed, it adopts a disinvestment strategy. If these actions do not
work then the activities may be totally abandoned and the unit may be liquidated.
(i) Turnaround Strategies:
Retrenchment may be done either internally or externally. Internal retrenchment is done to
improve internal working. This usually takes the form of an operating turnaround strategy. In
contrast, a strategic turnaround is a more serious form of external retrenchment and leads to
disinvestment or liquidation.
Turnaround strategies may be adopted in different ways. One way may be that the existing chief
executive and management team handles the turnaround strategy with the help of specialist or
external consultant. The success of this approach will depend upon the type of credibility the
chief executive has with banks and other financing institutions.
In another situation, the present chief executive withdraws from the scene temporarily and the
work is done by the outside specialist employed for this job. The third approach to execute the
turnaround strategy involves the replacement of the existing team or merging the sick
organization with a healthy one.
(ii) Disinvestment Strategies:
It involves the sale or liquidation of a portion of business or major division or profit center etc.
Disinvestment is usually a part of rehabilitation or restructuring plan. This strategy is adopted
when turnaround strategy has failed. A firm may disinvest in two ways. A part of the company is
divested by spinning it off as a financially and managerially independent company, with the
parent company retaining or not retaining partial ownership. Alternatively, the firm may sell a
unit outright.
(iii)  Liquidation Strategies:
It involves the closing down of a firm and selling its assets. It is considered to be the last resort
because it leads to serious consequences such as loss of employment for workers and other
employees, termination of opportunities where the firm could pursue any future activities and
also the stigma of failure which will be attached with this action.
4. Combination Strategy:
A large firm, active in a number of industries may adopt a combined strategy. It represents mix
of the three strategies mentioned above. A large concern may adopt growth strategy’ on one side
and retreat strategy in the other area. In order to make this strategy effective there should be right
people who can take objective and intelligent decisions by considering various factors.
There may not be a concern which has adopted only one strategy throughout. The complexity of
doing business demands that different strategies be adopted to suit the situational demands made
upon the organization. A company which has adopted a stability strategy for long may like to use
expansion strategy later. Similarly a firm which has seen expansion for quite some time may like
to consolidate its working. Multi-business companies have to follow multiple strategies.

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