Products: Focus ON
Products: Focus ON
Products: Focus ON
Chemical Market Reporter, 15 Jul 2002 (Website: Cosmetics firm Aroma of Bulgaria has
Sasol to open linear alkylbenzene unit started the operations of a $140,000
in the US manufacturing facility, which has an
Sasol will soon open a $100 M linear output of 12,000 soap bars/hour. The
Uniqema introduces Synperonic NCA investment is expected to be returned
alkylbenzene unit in Baltimore, MD
Series within a year. Exports to Europe,
which will use its new Pacol
production process. The project was Russia, Latin America and the Arab
Uniqema has launched the
delayed for several years because of world have accounted for a major
Synperonic NCA series, a new line of
overcapacities on the linear portion of the company’s $23 M
alcohol alkoxylate surfactants that
alkylbenzene market. turnover in 2001.
provide excellent wetting and
Chimie Hebdo, 6 May 2002, (171) (Website:
detergency action. The series also SPC, Soap Perfumery and Cosmetics, Jun 2002, 75
offer 100% biodegradability and low (6), 4 (in French)
aquatic toxicity for household and I&I
cleaning formulations. Amphoterics
Investment policy of SC
HAPPI, Household & Personal Products Industry, Jul
Nizhnekamskneftekhim for short-term 2002, 39 (7), 160 Huntsman: innovating with granulates
period is confirmed
Huntsman is offering a new
SC Nizhnekamskneftekhim has five Soaps lauramidopropyl betaine in a highly
investment projects, one of which is pure granulate form under the brand
an agreement concluded with Ardecosm: the art of soap name EPIGEN Total Active LCP. The
Ballestra (Italy) on organization of product, which is non hygroscopic,
linear alkylbenzene production; the Laboratoires Ardecosm, an M&A
Sante-Beaute Group subsidiary, is consists of 90% active LAPB that has
capacity will be 40,000-45,000 significantly lower sodium chloride
tonnes/y. reportedly one of the leading soap
manufacturers in France. The and other impurities, compared to
Vestnik khimicheskoi promyshlennosty, Dec 2001, 4 company, which serves as a other conventional amidopropyl
(20), 59 (in Russian)
subcontractor for the selective circuit, betaines. It can be used in the
posted €7.5 M in turnover in 2001. It formulation of bath salts, bars and
produces all kinds of soaps, including cubes, and provides a longer-lasting
TN cuts entry, resale tax on certain lather. The product, which contains no
items bars, creams, transluscent, liquids,
dermatological, soaps for hotels, preservatives, can also help in
The Government of Tamil Nadu (TN) fantasy soaps and soaps containing improving the mildness of soap bars
has reduced the entry tax from the seaweed extracts. It also operates while enhancing lather.
existing range of about 4-20% to 3% four production lines for traditional Parfums, Cosmetiques, Actualites, Jun-Jul 2002,
on HDPE granules, PVC resin, soaps and one line for clear soaps in (165), 72