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Self-Learning Module: Department of Education Region IV - A - Calabarzon Schools Division of Calamba City

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Department of Education

Schools Division of Calamba City


Science 7
Quarter 1 – Module 1:
Science Processes
Scientific Method
Development Team

Writers: Celina R. Reodica, Camille Jhed O. Fabell,

Reviewer: Michelle Z. LadiaMa. Fe Lorelei E. Amon

Layout: Cristeta M. Arcos

SDS Susan DL OribianaASDS
Rogelio F. Opulencia

CID Chief Dolorosa S. De Castro

EPSEP-Science, Ma. Fe Lorelei E. Amon-LRMDS

Cristeta M. Arcos
Department of Education│R4A│Division of Calamba City
Office Address: DepEd Bldg., City Hall Compound, Brgy. Real, Calamba City
Landline: 049–554 9830 loc. 14

Email Address:

Dear Parents,
The Schools Division of Calamba City is one with every Filipino family in
coping with the demands of our modern times amidst Covid–19 Pandemic.
The Division initiated Self Learning Module (SLM) aims to meet the most
essential learning competencies required to be learned by your child whether your
child opts for online, modular or blended learning modality. The learning activities in
this SLM are arranged chronologically from simple to complex to lead your child to
think critically, act skillfully, and reflect deeply on each lesson and practice into real
life skills. Most importantly, this SLM promotes self-paced learning as your child can
always review the least understood lessons as often as he/she pleases.
Thank you in advance for being one with us! Together, let us envision that, by
the end of this school year, we will see your child as one responsible young person
with a heart and mind for humanity, for nature, for the country, and for God.

Dear Learner,

Welcome to a brand-new year of learning!

This is our gift to you: The Division initiated Self Learning Module (SLM) that will help you
acquire the most essential learning competencies you needed as 21 st Century Learner
through the Pivot 4 A IDEA Model which compose of 10 parts.

Please take time to read and do the activities in these SLM as if you are
reporting in school. Set a regular study schedule for you as much as possible, but
keep in mind that these SLM will enable you to learn at your own pace. If you do not
understand a lesson, the SLM would not mind you flipping back the pages repeatedly
for review. Also, remember to keep in touch with your teachers. Send them a
message through your online sessions or write them a note as you do your modular

We wish you good luck in your studies, and we hope that you will remain
happy and enthusiastic in learning!

I What I need to know

In this module, the learner will be able to learn about the science processes
and its method. It will furnish a distinct information that it is a systematic process of
solving a problem or finding answers to an inquiry. You will be learned that science
processes are methods used by our scientist in discovering new technologies by
following the scientific methods to improve the quality of life. Furthermore, this
module will help you understand all the reasons behind the changes in this world.

The lesson is focus on the science processes involved in the steps in

scientific method.
You are expected to:
1. describe the different science processes
2. describe the steps in scientific method
3. identify the steps in scientific methods based on the different situations
4. design an experiment

5. cite the importance of science processes in finding solutions of a given

I What is new
Science Processes
Science is a way of gathering and organizing information about the natural world. It
involves more than the absorption of information. More than anything else, science is
inquiry, investigation, and discovery. That is how scientific progress is made.
Can you identify the processes illustrated given the clues on the next page?

1 2 3

4 5 6

Hints/ Clues
We use our senses to gather I formation about the things and events around us. We
identify the characteristics of objects such as color, texture, size, taste, or

odor. This is a qualitative observation


We determine the exact amount or size of something. It is called as the quantitative



We give possible explanations or interpretations about our observations


We are making an “intelligent guess” about the outcome of an experiment. We base our
prediction on observable facts or trends and patterns in an experiment.

We look for a common attributes that can help explain why something happens

or why things are related.


We convey information as clearly and as unambiguously as possible. It is a transmitting

ideas and information to others through written or spoken words, symbols, or graphics.

I What I know
Multiple Choice:
Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of

1. Which science process skill involves using your five senses to describe what
is seen, heard, felt, smelt, and tasted?
a. inferring c. predicting
b. measuring d. observing

2. Which science process skill is an explanation of observations?

a. inferring c. predicting
b. measuring d. observing

3. Which science process skill involves making up categories or grouping things

a. classifying c. measuring
b. experimenting d. observing

4. A series of steps used by scientists to solve a problem or answer a question.

a. applied science c. scientific method
b. data collection d. scientific notation

5. Why do scientists use the scientific method?

a. So that other scientist doesn’t get mad at them.
b. To make sure they get credit for their discoveries.
c. To make sure their results are valid and can be performed by other
d. All of the above.

6. What is a hypothesis?
a. a random guess
b. step by step directions for your experiment
c. a statement of the outcome of your experiment
d. an educated guess stating what you believe will be the result of your

7. What skill is a scientist using when she listens to the sounds that whales
a. drawing conclusions c. making a hypothesis
b. interpreting data d. making observation

8. This step of the scientific method is also known as educated guess or a

a. conclusion c. observation
b. hypothesis d. research

9. A testable explanation to a problem that has not yet been tested.

a. data c. hypothesis
b. fact d. theory
10. A testable explanation to a problem that has not yet been tested.
c. data c. hypothesis
d. fact d. theory
10. Testing a hypothesis often involves a/an______.
a. answer c. problem
b. experiment d. safety check

11. When a scientist shares her findings with other scientists, she is_____.
a. analyzing c. data experimenting
b. communicating results d. making a hypothesis

12. Marco put lime at the base of okra plant A and baking soda at the base of
okra plant B. She then sealed the plants in plastic bags. Tomato plant A
eventually died, and okra plant B stayed healthy. What was the dependent
variable in this experiment?
a. type of plant grown for the test
b. substance at the base of each plant
c. plastic bags wrapped around each plant
d. response of the plants to each substance

13. What is the correct order of the steps in the scientific method?
a. Ask questions, make a hypothesis, test the hypothesis, analyze results,
draw conclusions, and communicate results.
b. Ask a question, analyze results, make a hypothesis, test the
hypothesis, draw conclusions, and communicate results.
c. Ask a question, make a hypothesis, test hypothesis, draw conclusions,
analyze results, and communicate results.
d. Make a hypothesis, test the hypothesis, analyze the results, ask a
question, draw conclusions, and communicate results.

14. This variable in an experiment is the one being deliberately changed by the
a. control variable c. dependent variable
b. constant variable d. independent variable

15. A botanist wants to see how different colored light waves influence the
growth of pea plants. She puts the same number of seeds into three
identical pots with the same kind and amount of soil. She then gives them
the same amount of water every three days for the length of the experiment.
One pot is placed into a dark windowless closet. Another pot is left on the
windowsill, and the third is placed under a lamp with a green bulb. She
records the height of each plant every day for three months. What is the
independent variable in this experiment?
a. the amount of soil in the pot
b. the color of the light given to the plant
c. the amount of water given to the plant
d. the amount of time the experiment was conducted.

What is in
Do you know who they are? They were some of the Filipino scientists who
have great contributions not only in the Philippines but also in the entire world.

Agapito Flores, the man behind t he
reason why the world becom es
brighter. A Filipino inventor who is
known for his funnel of the
Flourescent light tube inventio n.
Flourescent light, one of the mo st
commonly used lighting device in t he

Dr. Fe V. Del Mundo was a Filipi na

pediatrician, the founder of the fir st
pediatric hospital in the Philippine s.
She is credited with studies that l ed
to the invention of the incubator a nd
a jaundice relieving device

Gregorio Zara was a Filipi no

scientist best known as the invent or
of the videophone, the first two -way
electronic video communicator, in
1955 . All told, he patented 30
devices .

The E - jeepney, short for electric al

jeepney, was the brainchild of Gre en
Renewable Independent Pow er
Producers, Inc. Or GRIPP in
partnership with Mr. Robert Puck et,
President of Solar Electric Compan yI
the Philippines.

Activity 1: Guess Who!

Directions: Write the number of the inventors that corresponds to their inventions.
1. Alexis T. Belonio ___Erythromycin
2. Charles Babbage ___Rice Husk stove
3. Abelardo Aguilar ___Plastic to diesel converter
4. Diosdado Banatao ___Originated the concept of programmable computer
5. Jayme Navarro ___Developed the first single-chip 16-bit microprocessor
-based calculator
D What is it

The most reliable and accurate way of looking at a problem and explaining
any observable occurrence or phenomenon by following a scientific approach to

Activity 1: Follow me!

Direction: Using numbers 1-6, arrange the steps of scientific method correctly.
____Observation/Identification of the Problem
____Communicate the result
____Formulate hypothesis
____Collect and analyze result

Scientific Method is a sequence of steps followed by scientists to differentiate

fact from myth and superstitions or validate or disprove speculations. It is a
systematic and orderly approach to gathering data and solving problems that
involves the following steps:
a.Observation and Identification of a problem (question): Keen observation of
your surroundings using your senses and awareness of what is going on around
you can lead to ideas that help identify the problem to study.
Example: You noticed that your plants grow not that tall. So, you arrive at a question,
“What will affect the growth of plants?”

b. Formulation of a hypothesis: Known as “educated guess or prediction”. A

hypothesis is a potential answer to the question, one that can somehow be tested.
This hypothesis is not necessarily the right explanation. Instead, it's a possible
explanation that we can test to see if it is likely correct, or if we need to make a
new hypothesis.
Example: Our hypothesis in this case could be:
Plants will grow taller when given a Plant will grow better when given a
Miracle Grow Miracle Grow

c.Experimentation: The stage where the hypothesis is tested. Design your

experiment and write the procedure to test your hypothesis. The researchers see
to it that the experiment is a fair test.

A Fair Test happens when only one factor or variable is changed and all other
conditions are kept the same.
A variable is a factor that can affect the result of the experiment. The three
kinds of variables must be identified in an experiment: the independent/ manipulated,
the dependent/responding, and the controlled/constant variables.

Hypothesis: Plants will grow taller when given Miracle Grow.

All the variables are kept constant except the one you are testing.

Constant Variable - the factors that are kept the same . (Plants A & B are both
given the same amount of light, water, and are stored at the same temperature.)

Independent Variable - the factor you change, what you do to your experimental
group. Plant A is given Miracle Grow. (Miracle Grow)

Dependent Variable - what happens as a result of that treatment, what you are
measuring (height of plant)

d. Collect and Analyze Data: Observe and record when one variable is
manipulated or changed. It also includes organizing data into tables and graphs so
that it will be easier to visualize the results.

Data Table Example

Data can be powerfully displayed as a graph

e.Making Conclusion: Based on the findings of the experiment, the researchers

draw a generalization or iteration about the problem they are investigating. Based
on the data, a scientist then determines whether the hypothesis was supported or
refuted. It found that using Miracle Grow affects the growth of plant A. So, the
hypothesis was supported.

Be careful here, scientists usually don't use the word "prove" because there
are no absolutes in science. In science, every conclusion must assume that the

conclusion is only "true to the best of our knowledge". This is an important distinction
between science and other subjects. Science is subject to change when new
evidence is found. And while experimentation and observations can provide strong
evidence for a conclusion, it is not absolute proof.

f. Communicate the result: Present the outcome of the research to the audience.

The scientific method is a process of thinking through

possible solutions to a problem and testing each
possibility to find the best solution. We maybe
unaware of it, but we use a form of scientific method
in our daily life. When we encounter problems, we
ask questions and think about possible solutions

E What is more
Activity 1: Which is which!
Direction: Read the following sentences and identify the step of scientific method is
employed in it.
Scenario: John watches his grandmother bake bread. He ask his grandmother
what makes the bread rise. She explains that yeast releases a gas as
it feeds on sugar.
____________1. After talking with his teacher and conducting further research, he
comes up with a prediction. “If more sugar is added, then the bread
will rise higher.”
____________2. John wonders if the amount of sugar used in the recipe will affect
the size of the bread loaf? John researches the areas of baking and
fermentation and tries to come up with a way to test his question. He
keeps all of his information on this topic in a journal.
____________3. John comes up with a table he can use to record his data. John
gets all his materials together and carries out his experiment.
____________4. John finds that 70g of sugar produces the largest loaf. His
hypothesis is accepted.

____________5. John tells his grandmother about his findings and prepares to
present his project in Science class.
____________6. John writes out his procedure for his experiment along with a
materials list in his journal. He has both of these checked by his
teacher where she checks for any safety concerns.

E What I can do
Activity 1: Looking for Something
Direction: For each experiment, write down the independent variable, dependent
variable and control variable.

1. Becky wanted to figure out what type of liquid worked best for growing beans. She
watered one with coca-cola, one with lemonade, and one with just water. After one
week, she measured how high they had grown.
a. Independent variable:
b. Dependent variable:
c. Controlled variable:

2. Jessica wanted to see what kitchen cleaner worked best for cleaning the sink. She
used Lysol, Domex, and just water. For each cleaner, she put 5 milliliters of used
cooking oil, sprayed the cleaner and wiped it with one paper towel.
a. Independent variable:
b. Dependent variable:
c. Controlled variable:

3. Angelique wanted to find out what shampoo made her hair the shiniest. Everyday
she washed her hair with different shampoos and then rated how shiny her hair
was, on a scale from 1-10. She used Palmolive, Dove, and just water.
a. Independent variable:
b. Dependent variable:
c. Controlled variable:

4. Shaina wanted to see if eating chocolates would help her do better on her
classwork. The first day, she didn’t eat any chocolates. On day 2, she ate 1 piece
of chocolate; on day 3 she ate 2 chocolates; and on day 4 she ate 3 chocolates.
Everyday, she recorded the scores she got on her science quiz.
a. Independent variable:
b. Dependent variable:
c. Controlled variable:

5. Evan wanted to fine out what toothpaste made teeth cleanest. Everyday he
brushed his teeth his teeth with different products and then took a plaque test to
see how much plaque was left. He used Colgate, Close-up and just water.
a. Independent variable:
b. Dependent variable:
c. Controlled variable:

E What else I can do

Activity 1: Let’s Investigate
Direction: Read and analyze carefully the situation below. Answer the following

An experiment was performed to determine the effect of stirring on how fast

sugar dissolves in water. Equal amount of water and sugar was added to 2
glasses labelled A and B. Solution in A was stirred while the solution in B was
not. After one minute, the sugar in the glass A that was stirred completely
dissolves while the sugar in glass B did not dissolve completely.

1. Problem (What do you want to know?)
2. Hypothesis:_____________________________________________________
3. Variables:______________________________________________________
a. Independent variable:____________________________________________
b. Dependent variable:______________________________________________
c. Controlled variable:______________________________________________
4. Controlled setup: ______________________________________________
5. Experimental Setup: ____________________________________________

A What I have learned

Multiple Choice:
Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of

1. Marco put lime at the base of okra plant A and baking soda at the base of okra
plant B. She then sealed the plants in plastic bags. Tomato plant A eventually
died, and okra plant B stayed healthy. What was the dependent variable in this
a. type of plant grown for the test
b. substance at the base of each plant
c. plastic bags wrapped around each plant
d. response of the plants to each substance

2. This step of the scientific method is also known as educated guess or a

a. conclusion c. observation
b. hypothesis d. research

3. Which science process skill involves using your five senses to describe what is
seen, heard, felt, smelt, and tasted?
a. inferring c. predicting
b. Measuring d. observing

A series of steps used by scientists to solve a problem or answer a question.

c. applied science c. scientific method
d. data collection d. scientific notation
4. A botanist wants to see how different colored light waves influence the growth
of pea plants. She puts the same number of seeds into three identical pots with
the same kind and amount of soil. She then gives them the same amount of
water every three days for the length of the experiment. One pot is placed into
a dark windowless closet. Another pot is left on the windowsill, and the third is
placed under a lamp with a green bulb. She records the height of each plant
every day for three months. What is the independent variable in this
a. the amount of soil in the pot
b. the color of the light given to the plant
c. the amount of water given to the plant
d. the amount of time the experiment was conducted.

6. Which science process skill is an explanation of observations?

a. inferring c. predicting
b. Measuring d. observing

Why do scientists use the scientific method?

a. So that other scientist doesn’t get mad at them.
b. To make sure they get credit for their discoveries.
c. To make sure their results are valid and can be performed by other
d. All of the above.
7. What skill is a scientist using when she listens to the sounds that whales
a. drawing conclusions c. making a hypothesis
b. interpreting data d. making observations

8. A testable explanation to a problem that has not yet been tested.

a. data c. hypothesis
b. fact d. theory
9. Which science process skill involves making up categories or grouping things
a. classifying c. measuring
b. experimenting d. observing

10. Testing a hypothesis often involves a/an______.

a. answer c. problem
b. experiment d. safety check

11. This variable in an experiment is the one being deliberately changed by the
a. control variable c. dependent variable
b. constant variable d. independent variable

12. When a scientist shares her findings with other scientists, she is_____.
a. analyzing data c. experimenting
b. communicating results d. making a hypothesis

13. What is a hypothesis?

a. a random guess
b. step by step directions for your experiment
c. a statement of the outcome of your experiment
d. an educated guess stating what you believe will be the result of your

14. What is the correct order of the steps in the scientific method?
a. Ask questions, make a hypothesis, test the hypothesis, analyze results,
draw conclusions, and communicate results.
b. Ask a question, analyze results, make a hypothesis, test the hypothesis,
draw conclusions, and communicate results.
c. Ask a question, make a hypothesis, test hypothesis, draw conclusions,
analyze results, and communicate results.
d. Make a hypothesis, test the hypothesis, analyze the results, ask a
question, draw conclusions, and communicate results.

A What I can achieve

Activity: Apply it!
Direction: Observe your surroundings. Use the scientific method in solving a particular
community or school problem.

Step 1: Observation/ Identification of

the Problem

Step 2: Formulating Hypothesis

Step 3: Conducting an Experiment

Step 4: Collecting and Analyzing


Step 5: Making Conclusion

Step 6: Communicating the result


Religioso, Teresita F. and Vengco, Lilia G.Third Edition 2011 . You and the Young
World Integrated Science: Phoenix Publishing House


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