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Study of Shielded Gases For MIG Welding

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Journal of Materials & Metallurgical Engineering

ISSN: 2231-3818(online), ISSN: 2321-4236(print)

Volume 6, Issue 1

Study of Shielded Gases for MIG Welding

Pratik Kikani*
Mechanical Engineering Department, Atmiya Institute of technology & Science,
Rajkot, Gujarat, India

Protecting shielding gases are inert or semi-inert gasses that are regularly utilized in few
welding forms, mostly in gas metal arc welding and gas tungsten arc welding (GMAW and
GTAW, more prevalently known as MIG and TIG, respectively). Their purpose is to shield the
weld region from oxygen, and water vapour. Contingent upon the materials being welded,
these air gases can diminish the quality of the weld or make the welding more troublesome.
Other arc welding forms use different strategies for shielding the weld from the atmosphere as
well shielded metal arc welding, for instance, utilizing a cathode secured as a part of a flux
that creates carbon dioxide when consumed, a semi-inert gas that is an adequate shielding
gas for welding steel. This paper deals with various forms of shielded gases used in GMAW
and how composition of shielding gas chosen for GMAW can affect welding operation.

Keywords: Shielding gases, water vapor, weld bead, spatter, welding fumes

*Author for Correspondence E-mail:

INTRODUCTION OF WELDING pay little attention when you're selecting it. A

Welding is a joining process that joins various simple gas composition change can offer
kind of materials like work piece by bringing potential savings in seven key areas,
about combination, which is unmistakable particularly in gas metal arc welding
from lower temperature metal-joining systems, (GMAW).
for example, brazing and soldering, which
don't soften the base metal. A filler material is Properties of Gases
often added to the joint to frame a gathering of The basic properties of shielding gases that
fluid material (the weld aggregate) that cools affect the performance of the welding process
to shape a joint that can be as solid as the include:
parent material. Pressure may in like manner i. Thermal properties at elevated
be used as a piece of conjunction with warmth, temperatures.
or without any other individual's data, to ii. Chemical reaction of the gas with the
convey a weld. Various welding processes are various elements in the base plate and
as below [1]: welding wire.
1. Shielded metal arc welding (SMAW), iii. Effect of each gas on the mode of metal
2. Gas metal arc welding (GMAW/MIG), transfer.
3. Flux cored arc welding (FCAW),
4. Gas tungsten arc gas welding Here are some shielding gases which are used
(GTAW/TIG) etc. directly or mixed with each other (different
GMAW used a bare electrode wire and direct proportions) in arc welding process [3]:
current, and arc voltage to regulate the feed 1. Argon,
rate. It did not use a shielding gas to protect 2. Carbon dioxide,
the weld, as developments in welding 3. Helium,
atmospheres did not take place until later that 4. Argon-Oxygen,
decade [2]. 5. Argon-Carbon dioxide mixtures,
6. Argon-Helium,
SHIELDING GASES 7. Argon-Nitrogen,
Although shielding gas is essential in most 8. Argon-Chlorine.
welding procedure specifications, one should

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Shielded Gases for MIG Welding Kikani Pratik

Fig. 1: Effect of Oxygen Additions to Argo.

Argon oxygen, helium, hydrogen, carbon dioxide

Argon is an inert gas which is used both and/or nitrogen utilized for ferrous materials.
singularly and in combination with other gases The superior arc stability, excellent current
to achieve desired arc characteristics for the path can be achieved by argon’s low ionization
welding of both ferrous and non-ferrous (Figure 1). Argon delivers a contracted
metals. Almost all welding processes can use circular segment at a high current thickness
argon or mixtures of argon to achieve good which causes the bend vitality to be
weldability, mechanical properties, arc concentrated in a little zone. The outcome is a
characteristics and productivity. Argon is used deep penetration profile having a particular
singularly on non-ferrous materials such as finger like shape [4].
aluminum, nickel based alloys, copper alloys,
and reactive metals. Arc welding stability, Figure 2 shows the difference of work piece
penetration and bead shape can be achieved by welded using argon and combination of
argon. Argon is generally blended with Argon-CO2 shielding gases [4].

Fig. 2: Part Welded with Argon and Argon + CO2 Shielding Gas.

JoMME (2016) 6-10 © STM Journals 2016. All Rights Reserved Page 7
Journal of Materials & Metallurgical Engineering
Volume 6, Issue 1
ISSN: 2231-3818(online), ISSN: 2321-4236(print)

Carbon Dioxide accomplished which are free of porosity and

Unadulterated carbon dioxide is not an inert defects. Steels are generally welded by carbon
gas, CO and free O2 can be extracted from the dioxide because of its availability. Carbon
CO2 by the heat of the arc. This oxygen will dioxide will not spray transfer; therefore, the
join with components exchanging over the arc performance is restricted to short circuiting
circular segment to form oxides which are and globular transfer. The advantage of CO2 is
discharged from the weld puddle as slag and fast welding speeds and deep penetration. The
scale. Despite the fact that CO2 is a dynamic major drawbacks of CO are a harsh globular
gas and produces an oxidizing impact, sound transfer and high weld spatter levels.
welds can be reliably and effortlessly

Fig. 3: Comparison of Ar-5% O2 and CO2 Shielding Gas.

Helium broader penetration pattern compared to argon.

Helium is an inert gas which is used where The arc column is wider in case of helium than
improved bead wetting, deeper penetration and argon which reduces current density. Table 1
higher travel speed are required. Unstable arc below shows some of the properties of various
is generated by helium compared to argon in shielding gases like argon, CO2, helium,
GMAW. Helium has a higher thermal hydrogen, nitrogen etc. (Figure 3) [5].
conductivity and voltage gradient and yields a

Table 1: Properties of Shielding Gases Used for Welding.

Molecular Weight Specific Density Ionization Potential
(gm/mol) Gravity 10-9 kg/cm3 g/litre 10-18 J eV
Argon(AR) 39.95 1.39 3.93 1.784 2.52 15.7
Carbon Dioxide(CO2) 44.01 1.53 4.36 1.978 2.26 14.4
Helium(He) 4.01 0.1368 0.39 0.178 3.92 24.5
Hydrogen(H2) 2.016 0.0695 0.19 0.090 2.16 13.5
Nitrogen(N2) 28.01 0.967 27.6 12.5 2.32 14.5
Oxygen(O2) 32.00 1.105 3.15 1.43 2.11 13.2

Effect of Shielding Gas Composition on 1. Filler metal deposition rate and efficiency.
Welding Operation 2. Spatter control and post weld cleaning.
Shielding gas composition is chosen for 3. Bead profile and over welding.
GMAW can affect welding operation in seven 4. Bead penetration, potential for burn-
key ways [6]: through.

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Shielded Gases for MIG Welding Kikani Pratik

5. Out-of-position weldability. and utilize a blend containing no less than 90%

6. Welding fume generation rates. argon with no oxygen. Picking filler metal
7. Weld metal mechanical properties. precisely likewise will restrict island
Filler Metal Deposition Rate and Efficiency
Shielding gas blends with high argon content Post-weld cleanup can increment cost, lessen
generally result in high productivity. Placing your arc-on time, and diminish the welding
the work piece in the flat or horizontal welding operation's duty cycle. Since it decreases
position, allows it to use spray transfer with spatter, an ideal argon blend might diminish
these blends. post weld grinding.

Single-wire GMAW can exceed deposition Bead Profile and Over Welding
rates of 6–7 kg per hour at 100% duty cycle. A CO2 shielded weld bead has a tendency to
Argon content should be 85% or more to have a convex shape, which adds to over
accomplish spray transfer. In some cases, welding; this increases welding cost. Argon-
instead of using a conventional argon/carbon based blends offer great globule shaped
dioxide or argon/oxygen blend, using a control, which can decrease over welding. In
helium-enhanced argon blend may increase view of the physical attributes of a CO2
weld metal deposition rates up to 15%. shielded arc and the weld puddle delivered,
CO2 can create convex bead shape. Argon
Cathode testimony productivity is connected blends tend to create a level bead face, which
specifically to the welding scatter level. High- delivers adequate support, however it
argon mixes commonly deliver the best results decreases over welding.
in spray transfer. Enhanced statement
effectiveness likewise can be a component of Optimized bead shape depends upon filler
choosing the right welding parameters. metal diameter. Control of weld bead size
becomes difficult in larger wire size. A
Spatter Control and Post-weld Cleaning curiously large weld bead can increment
By using argon, weld spatter can be decreased welding costs by no less than 50%. Filler
in case of conventional power supplies. Arc metal type and size is based on necessities of
stability can be improved by argon as it has the application.
low ionization. By utilizing argon based
protecting gases, spatter can be lessened much Bead Penetration, Potential for Burn-
more. You can expand the working current and through
voltage by 10% or increasingly while as yet Welding characteristics play an important role
keeping up spatter control. while welding thin material. One normal for
pure CO2 is that it results in expanded weld
In the event that one can utilize spray arc pool vitality when contrasted with an argon/
exchange, for the most part the argon level CO2 mix. By controlling the blend’s CO2
ought to be 85% or more. Pulsed spray transfer content, you can control blaze through and
with a 95% argon mix commonly will yield increment welding efficiency. Argon/ CO2
the most minimal spatter levels when welding mixes can be used in the 85 to 95% reach to
plain carbon steel. A weld spatter can diminish minimize blaze through. To accomplish a good
by three-section mix of argon, helium, and welding penetration, pure CO2 can be used.
carbon dioxide. Penetration profile can be affected by
operating current, filler metal, and gas
As a rule, GMAW is a without slag process, composition. High percentage of CO2 can be
yet slag islands still are basic on the bead used for deep penetration.
surface. Powder and paint won't hold fast to
these silicon stores. Low shielding gas Out-of-Position Weldability
reactivity can diminish these surface residuals. Shielding gases with grater reactivity, which
In case one is worried about slag-island use more CO2 or O2 will increase weld pool
develop along the edge of the weld dot, work fluidity. For out of position work, this may
just with appropriately cleaned base material force to use slower wire feed rates, which will

JoMME (2016) 6-10 © STM Journals 2016. All Rights Reserved Page 9
Journal of Materials & Metallurgical Engineering
Volume 6, Issue 1
ISSN: 2231-3818(online), ISSN: 2321-4236(print)

decrease productivity. Metal transfer selection and efficiency, spatter control and post weld
is a critical thing when trying to improve out cleaning, bead profile and over welding, bead
of position control. High argon blends with penetration, potential for burn-through, out-of-
low reactivity generally performs well. position weldability, welding fume generation
rates, weld metal mechanical properties etc.
Welding Fume Generation Rates
Type of filler metal, base metal composition, REFERENCES
operating parameters and shielding gases are 1. Khanna OP. Welding Technology.
the parameters that affect the welding fumes. 2. Cary Howard B, Helzer Scott C. Modern
Welding Technology. Upper Saddle River.
CO2 becomes more reactive than blend argon New Jersey: Pearson Education; 2005.
under same operating conditions and generates ISBN 0-13-113029-3.
less fumes. However, bringing down fume 3. Handbook-Shielding Gases. http://www.
creation doesn't generally break even with
presentation limits.[7]. 4_4.htm
Weld Metal Mechanical Properties gas.htm
Strength can be increased by transferring more 5. Larson NE, Meredith WF. Shielding Gas
alloying element in the filler wire as high Selection Manual. Union Carbide
argon blends are less reactive. Industrial Gases Technology Corp.; 1990;
The shielding gas you choose can affect many 6. Garth Stapon WF, Kevin Lyttle. Practical
welding characteristics. Once you understand Welding Today. Jan 9, 2007.
which properties are most important for your 7.
application, you can select the best blend for elding/7-effects-of-shielding-gas
the job. [7].

CONCLUSION Cite this Article

The paper shows that shielding gas is essential Pratik Kikani. Study of Shielded Gases
in GMAW. How the basic properties of for MIG Welding. Journal of Materials
shielding gases that affect the performance of & Metallurgical Engineering. 2016;
the welding process. We can also understand 6(1): 6–10p.
that shielding gas composition which is chosen
for GMAW can affect welding operation in
various ways like filler metal deposition rate

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