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Biomedical Engineering: Syllabus

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Biomedical Engineering Module VI


Magnetic Resonance Imaging – Basic NMR components, Biological effects and advantages
of NMR imaging.
Biomedical Telemetry system: Components of biotelemetry system, application of telemetry
in medicine, single channel telemetry system for ECG and temperature.
Patient Safety: Electric shock hazards, leakage current, safety codes for electro medical


Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MR1) or Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Tomography

has emerged as a powerful imaging technique in the medical field because of its high
resolution capability and potential for chemical specific imaging.

Comparison of NMR system and XRAY and CT

1. Similar to the X-ray computerized tomography (CT), MRI uses magnetic fields and radio
frequency signals to obtain anatomical information about the human body as cross-sectional
images in any desired direction and can easily discriminate between healthy and diseased
2. MRI images are essentially a map of the distribution density of hydrogen nuclei and
parameters reflecting their motion, in cellular water and lipids.
3. The total avoidance of ionizing radiation, its lack of known hazards and the penetration of
bone and air without attenuation make it a particularly attractive non-invasive imaging
4. CT provides details about the bone and tissue structure of an organ whereas NMR
highlights the liquid-like areas on those organs and can also be used to detect flowing liquids,
like blood.
5. A conventional X-ray scanner can produce an image only at right angles to the axis of the
body, whereas the NMR scanner can produce any desired cross-section, which offers a
distinct advantage to and is a big boon for the radiologist.

Basic Principle

MR1 systems provide highly detailed images of tissue in the body. The systems detect and
process the signals generated when hydrogen atoms, which are abundant in tissue, are placed
in a strong magnetic field and excited by a resonant magnetic excitation pulse.

All materials contains nucleus that have a combination of protons and neutrons. It possesses a
spin and the amount of spin give rise to a magnetic moment. The magnetic moment has a
magnitude and direction. In tissues Magnetic moments of nuclei making up the tissue are
randomly aligned and net magnetization=0.

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Random alignment of magnetic moments of the nuclei making up the

tissue, resulting in a zero net magnetization.

When a material is placed in a magnetic field B0, some of the randomly oriented nuclei
experience an external magnetic torque which tends to align the individual parallel or anti-
parallel magnetic moments to the direction of an applied magnetic field. This gives a
magnetic moment that accounts for the nuclear magnetic resonance signal on which the
imaging is based. This moment is in the direction of applied magnetic field Bo. With the
magnetic moments being randomly oriented with respect to one another, the components in
the X-Y plane cancel one another out while the Z components along the direction of the
applied magnetic field add up to produce this magnetic moment M0 shown in Figure given

The application of external magnetic

field causes the nuclear magnetic
moments to align themselves,
producing a net moment in the direction
of the field B0.

NMR Resultant Signal Pick up by the Instrument

 When a nucleus with a magnetic moment is placed in an externally applied magnetic
field, the energy of the nucleus is split into lower (moment parallel with the field) and
higher (anti-parallel) energy levels. The energy difference is such that a proton with
specific frequency (energy) is necessary to excite a nucleus from the lower to die
higher state.
 The excitation energy E obtained by the application of external RF signal, and is
given by the Planck's equation
E = hωo Where h is Planck's constant. This energy is usually supplied by an RF
magnetic field. ωo = Frequency of appied RF.
 The excited proton tends to return or relax to its low-energy state with spontaneous
decay and re-emissions of energy at a later time Y in the form of radio wave photons.
This decay is exponential in nature and produces a “free induction decay” (FID)

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signal (Fig. below) that is the fundamental form of the nuclear signal obtainable from
an NMR system.
 To summarize, if in a static field, RF waves of
the right frequency are passed through the
sample of interest (or tissue), some of the
parallel protons will absorb energy and be
stimulated or excited to a higher energy in the
anti-parallel direction. Sometime later, the RF
frequency absorbed will be emitted as
electromagnetic energy of the same frequency
as the RF source. The amount of energy
required to flip protons from the parallel to the
anti-parallel orientation is directly related to the
magnetic field strength; stronger fields require more energy or higher frequency
radiation. This is picked up by the instrument and then processed.


The basic components of an NMR

imaging system are shown in Fig. These
1. Magnet: Provides a strong uniform,
steady, magnet field B0.
2. RF transmitter, which delivers radio-
frequency magnetic field to the sample.
3. Gradient system, which produces
time-varying magnetic fields of
controlled spatial non-uniformity;
4. Detection System, which yields the
output signal; and
5. Imager system, including the
computer, which reconstructs and
displays the images.

1. Imager System
 The imaging sequencing in the system is provided by a computer. Functions such as
gates and envelopes for the NMR pulses, blanking for the pre-amplifier and RF power
amplifier and voltage waveforms for the gradient magnetic fields are all under
software control.

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 The computer also performs the various data processing tasks including the Fourier
transformation, image reconstruction, data filtering, image display and storage.
Therefore, the computer must have sufficient memory and speed to handle large
image arrays and data processing, in addition to interfacing facilities.

2. The Magnet:

 In magnetic resonance tomography, the base field must be extremely uniform in space
and constant in time as its purpose is to align the nuclear magnets parallel to each
other in the volume to be examined.
 Also, the signal-to-noise ratio increases approximately linearly with the magnetic
field strength of the basic field, therefore, it must be as large as possible.
 Four factors characterize the performance of the magnets used in MR systems; viz.,
field strength, temporal stability, homogeneity and bore size.
 The gross non-homogeneities result in image distortion while the bore diameter limits
the size of the dimension of the specimen that can be imaged.
 Such a magnetic field can be produced by means of four different ways, viz.,
permanent magnets, electromagnets, resistive magnets and super-conducting magnets.
 Permanent Magnet: In case of the permanent magnet, the patient is placed in the gap
between a pair of permanently magnetized pole faces. Permanent magnet materials
normally used in MRI scanners include high carbon iron alloys such as alnico or
neodymium iron.. Although permanent magnets have the advantages of producing a
relatively small fringing field and do not require power supplies, they tend to be very
heavy (up to 100 tons) and produce relatively low fields of the order of 0.3 T or less.
 Electromagnets: Make use of soft magnetic materials such as pole faces which
become magnetized only when electric current is passed through the coils wound
around them. Electromagnets obviously require external electrical power supply.
 Resistive magnets: make use of large current-carrying coils of aluminium strips or
copper tubes. In these magnets, the electrical power requirement increases
proportionately to the square of the field strength which becomes prohibitively high as
the field strength increases. Moreover, the total power in the coils is converted into
heat which must be dissipated by liquid cooling.
 Superconductive magnets. Most of the
modem NMR machines utilize
superconductive magnets. These magnets
utilize the property of certain materials,
which lose their electrical resistance fully
below a specific temperature. The
commonly used superconducting material
is Nb Ti (Niobium Titanium) alloy for
which the transition temperature lies at 9 K
(-264°C). In order to prevent
superconductivity from being destroyed by


Biomedical Engineering Module VI

an external magnetic field or the current passing through the conductors, these
conductors must be cooled down to temperatures significantly below this point, at
least to half of the transition temperature. Therefore, superconductive magnet coils are
cooled with liquid helium which boils at a temperature of 4.2 K (-269°C).

RF Transmitter System

The system consists of an RF transmitter, RF power amplifier and RF transmitting coils.

1. RF Transmitter System
 In order to activate the nuclei so that they emit a useful signal, energy must be
transmitted into the sample. This is what the transmitter does.
 The RF transmitter consists of an RF crystal oscillator at the Larmor frequency. The
RF voltage is gated with the pulse envelopes from the computer interface to generate
RF pulses that excite the resonance.

2. RF Power Amplifier

 These pulses are amplified to levels varying from 100W to several kW and are fed to
the transmitter coil.

3. RF Transmitting Coils

 The coil generates RF field perpendicular to the direction of main magnetic field.
 Coils are tuned to the NMR frequency and are usually isolated from the remaining
system using RF shielding cage.

Detection System


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 Block diagram is shown in above fig.

 The function of detection system is to detect the nuclear magnetization and generate
an output signal for processing by the computer.

 The receiver coil usually surrounds the sample and acts as an antenna to pick up the
fluctuating nuclear magnetization of the sample and converts it to a fluctuating output
voltage V(i).

 NMR signal is given by

Where M(t, x) is the total magnetization in a volume and

Bc(x) the sensitivity of the receiver coil at different points in space.
Bc(x) describes the ratio of the magnetic field produced by the receiver coil to the
current in the coil.
 The receiver coil design and placement is such that Bc(x) has the largest possible
transverse component. The longitudinal component of Bc(x) contributes little to the
output voltage and can he ignored.
 The RF signals constitute the variable measured in magnetic resonance tomography.
These are extremely weak signals having amplitude in the nV (nano-Volt) range thus
requiring specially designed RF antennas. The sensitivity of an MR scanner therefore
depends on the quality of its RF receiving antenna. For a given sample magnetization,
static magnetic field strengths and sample volume, the signal-to-noise-ratio (SN R)of
the RF signal at the receiver depends in the following manner upon the RF-receiving

 This implies that the SNR of an MR scan can be improved by maximizing

magnetization to coil volume.
 Some of the commonly available coils are:
 Body Coils: Constructed on cylindrical coils forms with diameter ranging from 50 to
60 cm entirely surround the patient's body.
 Head Coils: Designed only for head imaging, with typical diameter of 28 cm.

 Surface coils:
Orbit/ear coil: flat, planar ring-shaped coil with 10 cm diameter;
Neck coil: flexible, rectangular shaped surface coil (10 cm x 20 cm) capable of
adaptation to the individual patient anatomy; and
Spine coil: cylindrical or ring-shaped coil with 15 cm diameter.

 Organ-enclosing coils:
Breast coil: cylindrical or ring-shaped coil with 15 cm diameter.


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Helmholtz-type coil: a pair of flat ring coils each having 15 cm diameter with
distance between the two coils variable from 12 to 22 cm.

Matching Network

 Following the receiver coil is a matching network which couples it to the pre-
amplifier in order to maximize energy transfer into the amplifier. This network
introduces a phase shifty to the phase of the signal.

Pre-amplifier: The pre-amplifier is a low-noise amplifier which amplifies the signal and
feeds it to a quadrature phase detector.

Quadrature phase detector

 The detector accepts the RF NMR signal which consists of a distribution of
frequencies centred around or near the transmitted frequency w and shifts the signal
down in frequency by w.
 The detector circuit accepts the inputs, the NMR signal V(t) and a reference signal,
and multiplies them, so that the output is the product of the two inputs. The frequency
of the reference signal is the same as that of the irradiating RF pulse. The output of
the phase-sensitive detector consists of the sum of two components, one a narrow
range of frequencies centred at 2w0, and the other, a narrow range centred at zero.
 The low pass filter following the phase-sensitive detector removes all components
except those centred at zero from the signal.
 It is necessary to convert the complex (two-channel) signal to two strings of digital
numbers by analog-to-digital converters. The A-D converter output is passed, in serial
data form to the computer for processing.

Gradient System for Spatial Coding:

 Spatial distribution information can be obtained by using the fact that the resonance
frequency depends on the magnetic field strength. By varying the field in a known
manner through the specimen volume, it is possible to select the region of the
specimen from which the information is derived on the basis of the frequency of the
signal. The strength of the signal at each frequency can be interpreted as the density of
the hydrogen nuclei in the plane within the object where the magnetic field
corresponds to that frequency.
 . The imaging methods differ mainly in the nature of the gradient time dependence
(static, continuously time-depended or pulsed), and in the type of NMR pulse
sequence employed.
 Spatial information and therefore images obtained by super-imposing a linear
magnetic field gradient on the uniform magnetic field applied to the object to be
imaged. When this is done, the resonance frequencies of the processing nuclei will
depend primarily on the positions along the direction of the magnetic gradient.


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 This produces a one-dimensional projection of the structure of the three- dimensional

object. By taking a series of these projections at different gradient orientations, a two
or even three-dimensional image can be produced.
 In NMR systems, for spatially resolving the signals emitted by the object, the initially
homogeneous magnetic field B0 is overlaid in all three spatial dimensions, X, Y, Z
with small linear magnetic fields-gradient fields G.
 These gradient fields are produced with die aid of current carrying coils and can be
switched on or off as desired, both during the application of the RF energy and also in
any phase of the measuring procedure.

A block diagram of gradient control system is shown in Fig. given below. The hardware can
be broken down into four sub-system.

Block diagram of gradient control system. Each X,Yand Z coil pair has its own control

1. Serial Parallel Computer

 The first sub-system includes the interface between the computer and the gradient
control system. Its primary function is to allow the independent positioning of the
three planes (X, Y and Z).
2. The digital oscillator
 Consists of a 555 timer followed by shift registers A digital oscillator facilitates
varying itis output frequency over an extremely wide range through the use of a single
 The 8-bit input from the interface circuit is used directly to one attenuator while the
same 8-bits are inverted to control the second attenuator. The output of the attenuators
is then voltage-amplified by two op amps prior to the driven circuits.
 Current control used to adjust the static field gradients be available for setting the DC
levels upon which the alternating gradients are superimposed .


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 An op amp serves the differential voltage drop across a dummy load and produces an
output which is then DC coupled to the drivers.
 The high current drivers use a conventional design with a single op amp providing the
input to a driver and a complimentary pair of power transistors to provide a sufficient
current to the gradient coil.
 In typical scanners, gradient coils have an electric resistance of about l Ohm and an
inductance of 1 mH. The gradient fields are required to be switched from 0 to 10 mT/
m in about 0.5 ms. The current switches from O to about 100 A in this interval. The
power dissipation during the switching interval is about 20 kW. This places very
strong demands on the power supply and it is often necessary to use water cooling to
prevent overheating of the gradient coils.
 With well-designed coils, errors resulting from non-linear gradients will perhaps not
be evident in a medical image since the image will remain clear and will not contain
rigidly shaped objects or those with sharp edges for close comparison. But these
gradient coils are usually designed to optimize linearity in the central region. Away
from the centre, gradient linearity becomes progressively worse. Without restoration,
the image will not give accurate information on the outer regions. Therefore, non-
linear field gradients result in a geometrical distortion of the image reconstructed from
Imager System:
The imager system includes the computer for image processing, display system and control
console. The timing and control of RF and gradient pulse sequences for relaxation time
measurements and imaging, in addition to FT image reconstruction and display necessitate
the use of a computer.
The computer is the source of both the voltage waveforms of all gradient pulses and the
envelopes of the RF pulses. A general purpose mini-computer of the type used for a ('AT
scanner is adequate for these purposes.


The three aspects of NMR imaging which could cause potential health hazard are:

(i) Heating due to the rf power.

A temperature increase produced in the head of NMR imaging would be about
0.3°C. This does not seem likely to pose a problem.
(ii) Static magnetic field:
No significant effects of the static field with die level used in NMR are known,
but the possible side effects of electromagnetic fields are decrease in cognitive
skills, mitotic delay in slime moulds, delayed wound healing and elevated serum
(iii) Electric current induction due to rapid change in magnetic field:
It is believed that oscillating magnetic field gradients may induce electric currents
strong enough to cause ventricular fibrillation. However, no damage due to NMR


Biomedical Engineering Module VI

from exposures has been reported. It is suggested that fields should not vary at a
rate faster than 3 tesla/s.


1. The NMR provides substantial contrast between soft tissues that are nearly identical.
2. NMR uses no ionizing radiation and has minimal hazards for operators of the
machines and for patients.
3. Unlike CT, NMR imaging requires no moving parts, gantries or sophisticated crystal
4. The system scans by superimposing electrically controlled magnetic fields
consequently, scans in any pre-determined orientation are possible.
5. With the new techniques being developed, NMR permits imaging of entire three-
dimensional volumes simultaneously instead of slice by slice, employed in other
imaging systems.
6. In NMR both biochemical (spectroscopy) and spatial information (imaging) can be
obtained without destroying the sample.


 The term telemetry is derived from the two Greek terms: “tele” and “metron”, which
mean “remote” and “measure”.
 In general, a physical variable or quantity under measurement, whether local or
remote, is called a measurand.
 Telemetry is a technology that allows the remote measurement and reporting of
information of interest to the system designer or operator.
 Literally, biotelemetry is the measurement of biological parameters over a distance.
Elements of Telemetry

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1. Transducer or Sensor:
• Converts the physical variable to be telemetered into an electrical quantity.
2. Signal Conditioner-1:
• Converts the electrical output of the transducer (or sensor) into an electrical
signal compatible with the transmitter.
3. Transmitter:
Its purpose is to transmit the information signal coming from the signal conditioner-1 using a
suitable carrier signal to the receiving end.
 The transmitter may perform one or more of the following functions:
 (i) Modulation: Modulation of a carrier signal by the information signal.
 (ii) Amplification: As and if required for the purpose of transmission.
 (iii) Signal Conversion: As and if required for the purpose of transmission.
 (iv) Multiplexing: If more than one physical variables need to be telemetered
simultaneously from the same location, then either frequency-division multiplexing
(FDM) or time-division multiplexing (TDM) is used.
 Receiver: Its purpose is to receive the signal(s) coming from the transmitter
(located at the sending end of the telemetry system) via the signal transmission
medium and recover the information from the same.
 It may perform one or more of the following functions:
1. Amplification
2. Demodulation:
3. Reverse Signal Conversion
 Signal Conditioner-2: Processes the receiver output as necessary to make it suitable
to drive the given end device.
 End Device: The element is so called because it appears at the end of the system.
 End device may be performing one of the following functions:
1. Analog Indication:
2. Digital Display
Digital Storage

Telemetry Classification Based on Transmission Medium

Divided into 2

1. Wired Telemetry 2. Wireless Telemetry

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General Block Diagram


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Elements of Wireless Bio-Telemetry


 A typical biotelemetry system comprises:
1. Sensors appropriate for the particular signals to be monitored
2. Battery-powered, Patient worn transmitters
3. A Radio Antenna and Receiver
4. A display unit capable of concurrently presenting information from
multiple patients

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1. Wireless Bio-telemetry Transmitter

2. Wireless Bio-telemetry Receiver

 Physiological signals are obtained from the subject by means of appropriate

transducers. The signal is then passed through a stage of amplification and processing
circuits that include generation of a subcarrier and a modulation stage for
 The circuitry which generates the carrier and modulates it constitutes the transmitter.
Equipment capable of receiving the transmitted signal and demodulating it to recover
the information comprise the receiver. By tuning the receiver to the frequency of the
desired RF carrier, that signal can be selected while others are rejected.
 The range of the system depends upon a number of factors, including the power and
frequency of the transmitter, relative locations of the transmitting and receiving
antennas, and the sensitivity of the receiver.
 The receiver consists of a tuner to select the transmitting frequency, a demodulator to
separate the signal from the carrier wave, and a means of displaying or recording the

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signal. The signal can also be stored in the modulated state by the use of a tape
recorder, as shown in the block diagram.
 The biotelemetry system use two modulators. The physiological signals are used to
modulate a low-frequency carrier called sub-carrier in the audio frequency range. The
RF carrier is then modulated by the sub-carrier and transmitted. The double
modulation gives better interference free performance in transmission and enables the
reception of low frequency biological signals. The sub modulator can be FM or PWM
but the final modulator is practically always FM system.
 If several physiological signals are to be transmitted simultaneously, each signal is
placed on a sub-carrier of a different frequency using FM or AM. The sub-carriers are
added together to give a composite signal in which none of the parts overlap in
frequency. The composite signal modulates the RF carrier by the same or different
method. This process of transmitting many channels of data on a single RF carrier is
called frequency division multiplexing (FDM). This is more efficient and less
expensive than employing a separate transmitter for each channel.
 At the receiver, a multiplexed RF carrier is first demodulated to recover each of the
separate sub-carriers which are then demodulated to retrieve the original physiological
signals. Both FM/AM (sub-carrier is frequency modulated and RF carrier is amplitude
modulated) and FM/FM systems are used in biotelemetry, the later more extensively.
 The modulation system is selected based on the size, complexity, noise transmission
and other operational problems.


1. Telemetry of ECGs from Extended Coronary Care patients

 To make monitoring possible for the cardiac patients, some hospitals have extended
coronary-care units equipped with patient-monitoring systems that include telemetry.
In this arrangement, each patient has ECG electrodes taped securely to his chest.
 The electrodes are connected to a small transmitter unit that also contains the signal-
conditioning equipment. The transmitter unit is fastened to a special belt worn around
the patient’s waist.
 Batteries for powering the signal conditioning equipment and transmitter are also
included in the transmitter package. These batteries must be replaced periodically.
 The output of each receiver is connected to one of the ECG channels of the patient

2. Telemetry for ECG Measurements During Exercise

 For certain cardiac abnormalities, such as ischemic coronary artery disease, diagnostic
procedures require measurement of the electrocardiogram while the patient is
exercising, usually on a treadmill or a set of steps. Although such measurements can
be made with direct-wire connections from the patient to nearby instrumentation, the
connecting cables are frequently in the way and may interfere with the performance of

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the patient. For this reason, telemetry is often used in conjunction with exercise ECG
 The transmitter unit used for this purpose is similar to that described earlier for
extended coronary care and is normally worn on the belt. Care must be taken to
ensure that the electrodes and all wires are securely fastened to the patient, to prevent
their swinging during the movement of the patient.

3. Telemetry for Emergency Patient Monitoring

 In many areas ambulances and emergency rescue teams are equipped with equipment
to allow electrocardiograms and other physiological data to be transmitted to a nearby
hospital for interpretation.
 Two-way voice transmission is normally used in conjunction with the telemetry to
facilitate identification of the tele-metered information and to provide instructions for
 Through the use of such equipment, ECGs can be interpreted and treatment begun
before the patient arrives at the hospital of this type requires a much more powerful
transmitter than the two applications previously described. Often the data must be
transmitted many miles and sometimes from a moving vehicle.
 To be effective, the system must be capable of providing reliable reception and
reproduction of the transmitted signals regardless of conditions.

4. Telephone Links
One application involves the transmission of ECGs from heart patients and (particularly)
pacemaker recipients. In this case the patient has a transmitter unit that can be coupled to an
ordinary telephone. The transmitted signal is received by telephone in the doctor’s office or
in the hospital. Tests can be scheduled at regular intervals for diagnosing the status and
potential problems indicated by the ECGs.


In a majority of the situations requiring monitoring of the patients by wireless telemetry, the
parameter which is most commonly studied is the electrocardiogram. Therefore, we shall first
deal with a single channel telemetry system suitable for the transmission of an

ECG Telemetry System

Figure shows the block diagram of a single channel telemetry system suitable for the
transmission of an electrocardiogram.
There are two main parts:

 The Telemetry Transmitter which consists of an ECG amplifier, a sub-carrier

oscillator and a UHF transmitter along with dry cell batteries.
 Telemetry Receiver consists of a high frequency unit and a demodulator to which an
electrocardiograph can be connected to record, a cardioscope to display and a
magnetic tape recorder to store the ECG. A heart rate meter with an alarm facility can
be provided to continuously monitor the beat-to-beat heart rate of the subject.

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Block diagram of a single channel telemetry system

For distortion-free transmission of ECG, the following requirements must meet.

• The subject should be able to carry on with his normal activities while carrying the instru-
ments without the slightest discomfort. He should be able to forget their presence after some
minutes of application.
• Motion artefacts and muscle potential interference should be kept minimum.
• The battery life should be long enough so that a complete experimental procedure may be
carried out.
• While monitoring paced patients for ECG through telemetry, it is necessary to reduce
pacemaker pulses. The amplitude of pacemaker pulses can be as large as 80 mV compared to
1-2 mV, which is typical of the ECG.


1. Transmitter

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 A block diagram of the transmitter is shown in Fig. The ECG signal, picked up by
three pre-gelled electrodes attached to the patient's chest, is amplified and used to
frequency modulate a 1 kHz sub-carrier that in turn frequency-modulates the UHF
carrier. The resulting signal is radiated by one of the electrode leads (RL), which
serves as the antenna. The input circuitry is protected against large amplitude pulses
that may result during defibrillation.
 ECG input amplifier is ac coupled to the succeeding stages The coupling capacitor
not only eliminates dc voltage that results from the contact potentials at the patient-
electrode interface, it also determines the low-frequency cut-off of the system which
is usually 0.4 Hz.
 The subcarrier oscillator is a current-controlled multi-vibrator which provides ±320
Hz deviation from the 1 kHz centre frequency for a full range ECG signal.
 The sub-carrier filter removes V square-wave harmonic and results in a sinusoid for
modulating the RF carrier.
 The carrier is generated in a crystal-controlled oscillator operating at 115 MHz.

2. Receiver

 The receiver uses an omni-directional receiving antenna which is a quarter-wave

monopole, mounted vertically over the ground plane of the receiver top cover. This
arrangement works well to pick up the randomly polarized signals transmitted by
moving patients.
 Receiver comprises of an RF amplifier, which provides a low noise figure, RF
filtering and image frequency rejection. In addition to this, the RF amplifier also
suppresses local oscillator radiation to -60 dBm to minimize the possibility of cross-
coupling where several receivers are used in one central station.
 The local oscillator employs a crystal (115 MHz) similar to the one in the transmitter
and x 4 multiplier and a tuned amplifier.

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 The mixer is followed by an 8-pole crystal filter that determines the receiver
 The IF amplifier provides the requisite gain stages and operates an AGC amplifier
which reduces the mixer gain under strong signal conditions to avoid overloading at
the IF stages.
 The IF amplifier is followed by a discriminator, a quadrature detector. The output of
the discriminator is the 1 kHz sub-carrier. This output is averaged and fed back to the
local oscillator for automatic frequency control.
 The 1 kHz sub-carrier is demodulated to convert frequency-to-voltage to recover the
original ECG waveform.

Temperature Telemetry System

Systems for the transmission of alternating potentials representing such parameters as ECG,
EEG and EMG are relatively easy to construct. Telemetry systems which are sufficiently
stable to telemeter direct current outputs from temperature, pressure or other similar
transducers continuously for long periods present greater design problems. In such cases, the
information is conveyed as a modulation of the mark/space ratio of a square wave. A
temperature telemetry system based on this principle is illustrated in the circuit shown in Fig.

 Temperature is sensed by a thermistor having a resistance of 100 Ohm (at 20°C)

placed in the emitter of transistor T1.
 Transistors T1 and T2 form a multi-vibrator circuit timed by the thermistor, R4, R5
and C1.
 R5 is adjusted to give 1:1 mark/space ratio at midscale temperature (35 - 41 °C). The
multi-vibrator produces a square wave output at about 200 Hz.

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 Its frequency is chosen keeping in view with the available bandwidth, required
response time, the physical size of the multi-vibrator, timing capacitors and the
characteristics of the automatic frequency control circuit of the receiver.
 This is fed to the variable capacitance diode D2 via potentiometer R3. D2 is placed in
the tuned circuit of a RF oscillator [L1C1] constituted by T3.
 Transistor T3 forms a conventional 102 MHz oscillator circuit, whose frequency is
stabilized against supply voltage variations by the Zener diode D3 between its base
and the collector supply potential.
 T4 is an untuned buffer stage between the oscillator and the aerial. The aerial is
normally taped to the collar or harness carrying the transmitter.
 On the receiver side, a vertical dipole aerial is used which feeds a FM tuner, and
whose output, a 200 Hz square wave, drives the demodulator.
 In the demodulator, the square wave is amplified, positive dc restored and fed to a
meter where it is integrated by the mechanical inertia of the meter movement.
 Alternatively, it is filtered with a simple RC filter to eliminate high ripple content and
obtain a smooth record on a paper. A domestic FM tuner can be used for this purpose.
 Temperature measurements in this scheme were made with a thermistor probe.

Patient Safety
 Electric shock burns and fire hazards result from the careless use of electricity. When
electricity is relied upon to support life with devices like external pacemakers,
respirators, etc. power failure is a continuous threat.
 Shock resulting from electric power is a common experience. Disruption of
physiologic function by leakage current applied internally remains sometimes hidden
and mysterious. While faulty electric cords and appliances contribute to the former,
lack of concept and faulty design are responsible for the latter.

Electric current can flow through the human body either accidentally or intentionally.
Electrical currents are administered intentionally in the following cases:
(i) for the measurement of respiration rate by impedance method, a small current at high
frequency is made to flow between the electrodes applied on the surface of the body,
(ii) high frequency currents are also passed through the body for therapeutic and surgical
(iii) when recording signals like EGG and EEG, the amplifiers used in the preamplifier
stage may deliver small currents themselves to the patient. These are due to bias
Accidental transmission of electrical current can take place because of a defect in the
equipment; excessive leakage currents due to defect in design; operational error (human
error) and simultaneous use of other equipment on the patient which may produce potentials
on the patient circuit.

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Hazards due to electric shock are also associated with equipment other than that used in
hospitals. Some such special situations are as follows:

(i) A patient may not be usually able to react in the normal way. He is either ill, unconscious,
anaesthetized or strapped on the operating table. He may not be able to withdraw himself
from the electrified object, when feeling a tingling in his skin, before any danger of
electrocution occurs.
(ii) The patient or the operator may not realize that a potential hazard exists. This is because
potential differences are small and high frequency and ionizing radiations are not directly
(iii) A considerable natural protection and barrier to electric current is provided by human
skin. In certain applications of electromedical equipment, the natural resistance of the skin
may be by-passed. Such situations arise when the tests are carried out on the subject with a
catheter in his heart or on large blood vessels.
(iv) Electro-medical equipment, e.g. pacemakers may be used either temporarily or
permanently to support or replace functions of some organs of the human body. An
interruption in die power supply or failure of the equipment may give rise to hazards, which
may cause permanent injuries or may even prove fatal for the patient.

(v) Several times there are combinations of high power equipment and extremely sensitive
low signal equipment. Each of these devices may be safe in itself, but can become dangerous
when used in conjunction with others.

(vii) The environmental conditions in hospitals, particularly in the operating theatres, cause
an explosion or fire hazards due to die presence of anaesthetic agents, humidity and cleaning
agents, etc.

There are two situations which account for hazards from electric shock.

They are (i) Gross shock and (ii) Micro-current shock.

 In the case of gross shock, the current flows through the body of the subject, e.g. as
from arm to arm.
 The other case is that of micro-current shock in which the current passes directly
through the heart wall. This is the case when cardiac catheters may be present in the
heart chambers. Here, even very small amounts of currents can produce fatal results.

1. Gross Shock
Gross shock is experienced by the subject by an accidental contact with the electric wiring at
any point on the surface of the body. The majority of electric accidents involve a current

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pathway- through the victim from one upper limb to the feet or to the opposite upper limb
and they generally occur through intact skin surfaces. In all these cases, the body acts as a
volume conductor at the mains frequency.
For a physiological effect to take place, body must become part or an electric circuit. Current
must enter the body at one point and leave at some other point. In this process, three
phenomena can occur. These are:
(i) Electrical stimulation of the excitable tissues nerves and muscles
(ii) Resistive heating of tissue
(iii) Electro-chemical burns and tissue damage for direct current and very high
The value of electric current, flowing in the body, which causes a given degree of
stimulation, varies from individual to individual. Typical threshold values of current produce
certain responses where the current flows into the body from external contacts (e.g. hand to
hand) and these have been investigated.
For a given voltage present on the surface of the body, the value of current passing through it
would depend upon the contact impedance.
Besides this, it depends on many other factors such usage, sex, condition of skin (dry or wet,
smooth or rough, etc.), frequency of current. duration of current and the applied voltage.

Effects of Electric Current on the Human Body

Threshold of Perception: Bruner (1967) states that the threshold of perception of electric
shock is about 1 mA. At this level a tingling sensation is felt by the subject when there is a
contact with an electrified object through the intact skin. The threshold varies considerably
among individuals and with the measurement conditions. The lowest threshold could be 0.5
mA when the skin is moistened at 50 Hz. Threshold for dc current are2 to 10mA.

Let-go Current: As the magnitude of alternating current is increased the sensation of

tingling gives way to the contraction of muscles. The muscular contractions increase as the
current is increased and finally a value of current is reached at which the subject cannot
release his grip on the current carrying conductor. The maximum current at which the subject
is still capable of releasing a conductor by using muscles directly stimulated by that current is
called "let-go current".

Physical Injury and Pain: At current levels higher than the ‘let-go current’, the Subject
loses the ability to control his own muscle actions and he is unable to release his grip on the
electrical conductor. Such currents are very painful and hard to bear. This type of accident is
called the 'hold-on-type accident, and is caused by currents in the range of20-100mA.

Ventricular Fibrillation: If current comes in contact with intact skin and passes through the
trunk at about 100 mA and above, there is a likelihood of pulling the heart into ventricular
fibrillation. In this condition, the rhythmic action of the heart ceases, pumping action slops
and the pulse disappears. Ventricular fibrillation occurs due to the derangement of function of
the heart muscles rather than any actual physical damage to it. Ventricular fibrillation is a

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serious cardiac emergency because once it starts; it practically never stops spontaneously,
even when the current that triggered it is removed.

Sustained Myocardial Contraction: At currents in the range of 1 to 6 A. the entire heart

muscle contracts. Although the heart stops beating while the current is applied, it may revert
to a normal rhythm if the current is discontinued in time, just as in fibrillation. The damage is
reversible if the shock duration is only of a few seconds.

Burns and Physical Injury: At very high currents of the order of 6 amperes and above there
is a danger of temporary respiratory paralysis and also of serious burns. Resistive heating
causes burns, usually on the skin at the entry points, because skin resistance is high. The
brain and other nervous tissue loose all functional excitability when high currents pass
through them.

 Gross shock hazards arc usually caused by electrical wiring failures, which allow
personal contact with a live wire or surface at the power line voltage. This type of
hazard is dangerous not only to the patient but also to the medical and attending staff.
The most vulnerable part in the system of electrical safety is the cord and plug. Their
use can result in fatal accidents. Broken plugs, faulty sockets and defective power
cords must be immediately replaced.
 The commonly found fluids in medical practice such as blood, urine, intravenous
solutions, etc. can conduct enough electricity to cause temporary short circuits if they
are accidentally spilled into normally safe equipment. This hazard is particularly more
in hospital areas that arc normally subject to wet conditions, such as haemodialysis
and physical therapy areas. The cabinets of many electrically operated equipment
have holes and vents for cooling that provide access for spilled conductive fluids,
which can cause potential electric shock hazard.

Micro-current Shock
The threshold of sensation of electric currents differs widely between currents applied arm to
arm and currents applied internally to the body. In the latter case, a far greater percentage of
the current may flow via the arterial system directly through the heart, thereby requiring
much less current to produce ventricular fibrillation. Such situations arc commonly
encountered in hospitals;
For example, The patients in the catheter laboratory or in the operating room, with a catheter
in the heart, would have very little resistance 10 electric currents. A cardiac catheter
connected to an electrical circuit for the measurement of pressure provides a conductive fluid
connection directly to the heart. This makes the patient highly vulnerable to electric shock
because the protection he would have had from layers of intact skin and tissue between his
heart and the outside electrical environment has now been by-passed by the wire of fluid
column within his heart or blood vessels.

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Maximum permissible leakage-current through the heart versus frequency

Electrophysiology of Ventricular fibrillation

Current passing through the human body can prove hazardous as it can induce circulatory
arrest. The primary cause of circulatory arrest induced by low voltage electric shock is
ventricular fibrillation.

The shock hazards described above lead to the classification of patients in hospitals into three
(i) A general patient who is normally not connected to any instrumentation. Such
patients would not ordinarily be present in intensive care wards. They may.
however, come in casual contact with electrical instrumentation.
(ii) The susceptible patients will be all those patients who arc ordinarily connected to
instruments like cardioscopes and other monitoring instruments. They are
decidedly more susceptible to ventricular fibrillation than the general category.
(iii) A critical patient will have a direct electrically conductive path to any part of the
heart. Based on this classification, the type of leakage current associated w nh
each category can be worked out.


 Currents of extremely small magnitude can be fatal to a patient when a direct,

localized electrical path exists to the heart.
 Patients in coronary care units recovering from heart diseases are especially
vulnerable since their hearts are already in an irritable state.
 In such cases, the amount of electrical stimulation necessary to induce a life
threatening arrhythmia is greatly reduced. Accidents of this nature can occur in
unpredictable circumstances.
The major source of potentially lethal currents is the Leakage Current
 Leakage current by definition is an inherent flow of non-functional current
from the live electrical parts of an instrument to the accessible metal parts.
Leakage currents usually flow through the third wire connection to the

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ground. They occur by the presence of a finite amount of insulation

impedance, which consists of two parts: capacitance and resistance.
 The magnitude of the leakage current is determined by the value of the
capacitance present therein.
 The resistive component of leakage current arises because no substance is a
perfect insulator and some small amount of current w ill always flow through
Types of Leakage Current
Leakage currents are divided according to the current path into the following types:

1. Enclosure Leakage Current:

The enclosure leakage current is the current which flaws, in normal condition, from the
enclosure or part of the enclosure through a person (or an external conductive part other than
the earth connection) in contact with an accessible part of the enclosure to earth or another
part of the enclosure. This current becomes significant when the person touching the
equipment is connected to earth either directly or via a large capacitance.

2. Earth Leakage Current

'The earth leakage current is the current which flows, in normal condition, to earth from the
mains parts of an apparatus via the earth conductor.

3. Patient Leakage Current

The patient leakage current is the current which flows through the patient from or to the
applied part of the patient circuits. This current does not include any functional patient

Consider electrical equipment connected to the power line.

Path of leakage current in a normal case, i.e. the ground wire intact

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A leakage current of 100 microA can be assumed to be flowing through the ground wire. If
the chassis of this equipment is connected to the patient who is grounded, then very little of
this current will flow through him.

 In the above case the patient offers a resistance of 1000 ohm to the ground and the
ground connection from the instrument has 1 ohm of series resistance. The current
division shall be such that only 0.1 microA of current shall pass through the patient,
the rest will flow to the ground.
 If by chance the ground connection breaks, the full leakage current will flow through
the patient. This is a very hazardous situation particularly if the current goes through
internal electrodes in the vicinity of the patient's heart.

Precautions to Minimize Electric Shock Hazards

The following precautions should be observed to prevent hazardous situations:

• In the vicinity of the patient, use only apparatus or appliances with three-wire power cords.
• Provide isolated input circuits on monitoring equipment.
• Have periodic checks of ground wire continuity of all equipment.
• No other apparatus should be put where the patient monitoring equipment is connected.
• Staff should be trained to recognize potentially hazardous conditions.
• Connectors for probes and leads should be standardized so that currents intended for
powering transducers arc not given to the leads applied to pick up physiologic electric

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• The functional controls should be clearly marked and the operating instructions be perma-
nently and prominently displayed so that they can be easily familiarized.
• Many of the portable medical equipment such as dialysis units, hypothermia units, phys-
iotherapy apparatus, respirators and humidifiers are used with adapter plugs that do not
ensure a proper grounding circuit.
• The operating instructions should give directions on the proper use of the equipment, hi fact,
for electro-medical equipment, the operating instructions should be regarded as an integral
pail of the unit.
• The mechanical construction of the equipment must be such that the patient or operator
cannot he injured by the mechanical system of the equipment, if properly operated.
• The patient equipment grounding point should be connected ind ividu ally to all receptacle
grounds, metal hods and any other conductive services.


The problem of ensuring a safe environment for the patients as well as for the operators has
been engaging the attention of all concerned in several countries at the national and
international levels.

Various countries laid down codes of practice for equipments used in hospitals.
 The International Electro technical Commission (IEC) has brought out a fairly
voluminous document, the IEC 601 (General Requirements for the Safety of Medical
Electrical Equipment), to provide a universal standard for manufacturers of electro-
medical equipment as well as a reference manual on good safety practice.
 The IEC comprises over 40 countries: East and West European, Canada, New
Zealand, Japan, Russia as well as USA.
 The intention of the common standard is that any electromedical equipment built to
the standard should be completely acceptable in all IEC countries. This standard has
been adopted in many countries. Adopting a common standard implies that
construction of equipment shall be universally acceptable, the leakage and earth
resistance paths will be assessed in identical manners and the mains leads will be
coloured to the same code, etc.
 Based on the IEC Document, the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has issued the
IS:8607 standard to cover general and safety requirements of electromedical
equipment. The standard issued in eight parts, covers the following aspects:
PartI General
Part II Protection against electric shock
Part III Protection against mechanical hazards
Part IV Protection against unwanted or excessive radiation
Part V Protection against explosion hazards
Part VI Protection against excessive temperature, fire and other hazards
Part II Construction
Part VIII Behavior and reliability

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This standard applies to all medical electrical equipment except or otherwise stated in the
individual specification for the particular medical equipment for which additional or modified
equipments have been specified.

Individual standards on different electromedical equipment have also been issued by the BIS.
Some of the important standards issued are: Radiofrequency diathermy apparatus (IS.7583),
ectrocardiograph (IS:8048), Cardiac Defibrillators (IS:9286), Diagnostic medical X-ray
equipment 5:7620), and Electromyograph (IS:8885).

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