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MUM-Aug 6

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BE N N E T T, C OL E M A N & C O. LT D. | E S TA BLI S H E D 183 8 | T IM E S OF IN DI A .


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BOB by Katherine
Applegate. Illustrated
by Patricia Castelao.
The NASA and The astronauts, Robert Behnken

In this sequel to 'The
SpaceX’s joint (Bob) and Douglas Hurley (Doug), One and Only Ivan',
endeavour — the made a splashdown landing in the Bob sets out on a dan-
Crew Dragon, returned to the Earth on Gulf of Mexico. Splashdown is a method of landing a gerous journey in search of his
August 2, 2020 via a splashdown at sea spacecraft by parachute in a water body long-lost sister.

Want to become an  You should be at least 21 years of

Previous NASA space vehicles have A boy with a facial
returned to the Earth via airstrip landing, CAREER ISRO astronaut? Here's
what is required
age, while applying
 To be an astronaut, the eyesight of
deformity starts a
this was the first splashdown at the sea in GUIDE  One of the most important 6 by 6 is not enough. Your near and
45 years far vision must be 20 by 20 for each
factors to become an astronaut is DIARY OF AN AWE-

The return trip is an important part of the how well you are versed with the subject eye
Crew Dragon’s first flight of astrophysics and other fields of sci-  The height requirement varies from by Jeff Kinney
ences related to space aeronautical administrations to admin- Greg’s best friend
 If you have a bachelor's degree, you istrations, though an average height

After the launch, the re-entry through the Rowley Jefferson
Earth’s atmosphere is the second most dan- can appear for an entrance exam, which is required is from 5'2" to 6'2" writes his own diary
gerous phase of a spaceflight. The friction held by the NASA and ISRO (Source: ISRO, NASA)
of air rushing past, heats the bottom of WINGS OF FIRE: LEG-
Earlier, the NASA space ended their trips on land. Russia’s
the capsule to about 3,500 degrees Is it safer to land on water What do astronauts experi- ENDS: DRAGONSLAY-
vehicle launches would current Soyuz capsules continue
Fahrenheit culminate into landing at than on land? ence during a water landing? ER, by Tui T
A spacecraft can return to the to make ground landings, as do Sutherland
Returning from the free-fall envi-

A successful conclusion to the trip the Space Shuttle Landing China’s astronaut-carrying
Earth safely in either environ- ronment of the space orbit to the Ivy, Leaf and Wren
opens the door to more people flying to Facility (SLF) at Cape Shenzhou capsules. The last water
Canaveral Spaceport. The space ment. During the 1960s and 1970s, normal forces of gravity on the fight for the survival
space. Some companies have already landing by NASA astronauts
coast site has a 15,000-foot NASA’s Mercury, Gemini and Apollo Earth is often disorienting for the of the human race
announced plans to use Crew Dragons to lift capsules all splashed down in the occurred in July 1975 at the end of
runway, a veteran of more than astronauts. A water landing adds against the dragons
wealthy tourists to space ocean, while Soviet capsules the Apollo-Soyuz mission
130 Space Shuttle landings the possibility of sea-sickness.
by Chris Colfer
In a world, where
magic is outlawed and

MORE Wait over, finally! Modi lays women are forbidden
to read, Brystal
Evergreen defies the

THAT YEAR IIT, KGP researchers awarded for

generating power from wet clothes
the first brick of Ram Mandir odds


group of researchers from IIT, Kharagpur has been AIRBENDER: THE
PM Narendra Modi laid the foundation stone of the much-awaited
AUG 6 conferred the 'Gandhian Young Technological In-
novation Awards 2020' for developing a mechanism
for generating electricity from wet clothes left under the
sunlight to dry, a spokesperson of the institute said. An-
Ram Mandir in Ayodhya on Wednesday
by FC Yee
Kyoshi must stop a
other team from the institute was separately granted the mysterious threat that
same award for addressing the problem of energy con- emerges from the
servation and thermal management in wearable and flex-
ible electronic devices. Spirit World
HAWK by James
Ten years after
Maximum Ride, a new
hero emerges in a
post-apocalyptic New
York City

 The device has been tested in a remote vil- Cassandra Clare
Ram Mandir will

1926: Gertrude
Ederle from
NewYork, at the age of 19,
lage, where around 50 wet clothes were left for
drying by the washer men. These clothes were
connected to a commercial super capacitor,
➤ The temple will be 161- foot- tall, and almost double the
size of what was originally planned, according to its archi-
become the mod-
ern symbol of our tradi-
tions. It'll become a sym-
Cordelia battles
demons in a quaran-
tined London, unlike
things, she’s encoun-
became the first woman to swim which discharged electricity of around 10 volt. tect. bol of our devotion, our tered before
the English Channel, breaking This stored energy is enough to glow a white LED ➤The design was modified after the SC verdict in national sentiment. This
the men's record by nearly two bulb for more than an hour November on the 2.77 acre site claimed by both Hindus temple will also symbolise CLAP WHEN YOU
hours and Muslims, where the 16th century Babri mosque stood. the power of the collec-
 ”The clothes we wear are made from cellulose- LAND by Elizabeth
The SC said the site would be handed over for a Ram tem-

1945: based textile, which has a network of nano-chan- tive resolution of crores of Acevedo
The United ple and an alternative five-acre site would be given to
nels. Ions in saline water can move through this people. It will keep inspir- Unknown to each
States Muslims.➤Architect Chandrakant Sompura, who comes
interlace fibrous nano-scale network by capillary ing the future gen- other, two sisters
dropped an atomic bomb on from a family of temple architects, was asked around 30
action, inducing an electric potential in the erations meet, when their
Hiroshima, Japan—the blast years ago to design the Ram temple. (PTI)
NARENDRA MODI, father dies in a
killed more than 70,000 people process," explained the researchers from the
Prime Minister plane crash
and destroyed most of the city— department of mechanical engineering
in an effort to hasten the end of
the World War II

1962: After 300

years of the
British rule, Jamaica became an
Students tie rakhis on trees with
'Save Environment' messages Huge explosion rocks Beirut
independent country within the

Commonwealth of Nations. tudents in ENVIRONMENT

1990: The UN
Council imposed economic sanc-
Rakshabandhan in a unique
way by tying rakhis on
tions on Iraq, ruled by Saddam trees with messages like
Hussein, for its invasion of 'Save Environment' and
Kuwait, four days earlier. 'Save Trees, Save Life'.

This was done by the stu-
NASA's robotic dents in an attempt to raise awareness about the environment.
Curiosity (also called Mars Science
Shilpi Saini, a student said, "Taking this opportunity to spread
awareness about the environment, we are tying rakhi on the trees.
A massive explosion rocked downtown Beirut
on Tuesday, flattening much of the port,
damaging buildings and blowing out windows
Laboratory) landed on Mars, and With the messages, 'Save Environment' and 'Save Trees, Save Life,'
soon began transmitting images of and doors as a giant mushroom cloud rose
we want to tell everyone about the benefits of the trees for the
the planet's surface above the capital. The cause of the blast was
mankind." "With the rise in population, the trees are being chopped
not immediately known. It was shocking even
down. It is our responsibility to protect these trees; it helps our
(Source: for a city that has been shaken by civil war, sui-
environment," said another student, Pushpanjali Singh
cide bombings and bombardment by Israel.
02 It’s not just a place where you get to learn Einstein’s Theory of
Relativity. It’s also a place where you can think beyond the class-
room. Hence we say, SCHOOL IS COOL!

Soft skills in educational curriculum

he Narayana Group is Asia's largest ed- Thane branch says Soft Skills Thane branch says, "These
ucational conglomerate with over 400,000 is generally referred to as a set of skills are usually not

students and 40,000 experienced teach- combination of multi-discipli- taught in schools, but learn-
ing and non-teaching faculty in over 590 nary social, interpersonal, and ing them in childhood can
centres. Today, the Narayana Group stands tall positive behavioral abilities help a child lead a better fu-
and proud for setting path breaking bench- that comprehensively nurture ture. Soft skills can be re-
marks in academic excellence by continuous- balanced personalities. These garded as the additional
ly delivering top and matchless results in In- are also known as emotional generic skills and a bonus to

he department of tra and International competitive examina- intelligence, people skills, or the student.
foreign languages tions. 21st-century skills since it helps A student of Narayana e
at EuroSchool, Narayana Group of Schools encourages a student define the approach Techno School, Thane branch
Airoli, under the young minds to not only listen, but also to be to be adopted by the individu- says, "Unlike hard skills, like
guidance of director heard. From early on, they are prepared to take als for their personal and pro- math, reading, science and so-
principal Sudeshna calculated risks, go the extra mile and become fessional affairs. Nevertheless, cial studies, soft skills revolve
Chatterjee, Ekta Arora, exemplary professionals in their chosen fields. these sets of skills broadly cov- around communication, re-
Cambridge coordinator All this in an environment of caring and shar- er communication abilities, lating with others, and self
and Nandini Fowkar, ing. Thus, imparting holistic education is the both verbal and non-verbal. Un- discipline. Like balancing a
DELF coordinator, cel- hallmark of Narayana. like hard skills, it is relatively check book and figuring out
ebrated a "week of In the era of ever-increasing globalisation, difficult to evaluate soft skills a mortgage rate, these essen-
francophonie", by in- attainment of success is not merely the luck. For on assessment metrics. But ef- Vandana Nikhil Kotian, Zonal tial skills are taught only in
troducing a series of this, students have to strive hard for acquiring fectiveness can be evaluated Head, Soft Skill department Narayana School.
workshops and webinars synony- patisserie in collaboration all essential abilities and skills to deal with the through the abilities to main- Summing it up, Narayana
mous with the francophone cul- with Candies, Bandra. Stu- growing demands of personal and professional tain a balanced approach in problem handling Group of Schools give a platform to students to
ture, gastronomy and art. dents further learned about spheres. Surprisingly, Soft Skills bags first po- and relationship building. Although a few peo- enhance their interpersonal skills and per-
Over the week, the learners immersion programs, glob- sition among the list of all necessary skills and ple are blessed with exceptional interpersonal sonality traits. Excellent listening skills, com-
were introduced to mime art, led al citizenship by Bijal- this unique concept of Soft Skills is introduced skills, while many struggle to improve Soft Skills munication skills, and empathy skills are all
by Krunal Patil, art of puppetry Menon of Indo-French Hub, in Narayana Group of Schools right from grade through practice and training! examples of Soft Skills.
by Frederic Simon, director of Al- and a national frenchcre- 1. Vandana further adds up a few testimoni- A student having exceptional Soft Skills is
liance Francaise de Bombay, the ative writing competition Vandana Kotian, a Zonal Soft Skills train- als based on Parent and Student feedback: surely preferred in the corporate sector for be-
world of gastronomy and the se- namely "A vos plumes" in ing incharge from Narayana e Techno school, A parent of Narayana e Techno School, ing equipped with 21st-century skills.
cret to a successful boulangerie- collaboration with Philippe
Guillien of the
French embassy in
The Bastille
Day on 14th July
Lockdown diaries
was graced by So- t. Joseph’s Convent In-
nia Barbry, Consul ternational School and
general of France St. Stanislaus Interna-
in Bombay. Sonia tional School celebrat-
Barbry felicitated ed Bastille Day on 14th July
the director prin- 2020 with a French Essay Writ-
cipal Sudeshna ing Competition during the
Chatterjee and for- Covid19 pandemic lockdown
eign language de- in lieu of the usual Annual
partment of EuroSchool, Olympiads, DELF participation, French Day. The topic was
Airoli for their wonder- E magazine etc. “My Summer Vacations in
ful work to promote TheFrench students put a live Lockdown” and it was open to
French language like virtual theatre performance of all students of Grade 9 and 10.
Web Exchange with Le the famous Asterix-Obelix comic When they received and
Like, Brittany, French series. screened the entries, it was in-
teresting to note that the busy-ness of the world keeps
theme that kept recurring families from spending qual-

‘Health is a state of complete THE CHITRAKAR across all the essays was fam-
ily bonding.
Over the expected things
like sleeping late, developing
ity time together. Our winners
were Stacey Viegas (Grade 10),
Akshita Vyas (Grade 9), Jaden
Crasto (Grade 9) and Simrat

he year 2020 has tial stage of the ini- a new hobby, learning new Kaur (Grade 9).

harmony of the body mind and spirit’ been relentless

and unforgiv-
ing for almost
tiative. The name of
this initiative ‘The
Chitrakar Project’,
skills, catching up with
friends online... the unex-
pected commonality of spend-
Kudos to all their students
who are enthusiastically par-
ticipating in school activities
everyone. Almost, be- was adopted from the ing time with parents and from home and also to the
cause amidst this pan- artists themselves, bonding with siblings really wonderful French teacher
demic while some of Mr Chandan Chi- shone through. Petula Lobo for making this
us sit in the sanctuary trakar and his wife It took a lockdown to get happen during the lockdown.
of our homes with Mrs Putul Chitrakar. a wake up call on how the Bien joué! Well done!
safeguarded incomes, My vision and motto
there are many daily for this project is to
wage workers who ‘Stand, Support and
have been deprived Demand’. Stand with
from their earnings. One such the craftsmen of our country
category of daily wagers are self-
employed artists and craftsmen,
when the people in power will
not; Support and respect the
Tips to students of board
who come from remote villages unique art traditions to create a
and earn their life long wealth
only on the basis of inherited
stable future for them; Lastly, de-
mand their craftworks to expand
year on preparation and
talents and skills of traditional
art forms. With no customers
their consumer base and safe-
guard our cultural identity. My boosting their confidence
and sales, their livelihoods have next target is to reach out to oth-

been compromised and debt bur- er artists who are stranded in oard exams are a sig- timely completion of work is a
dens have increased. nificant part of the must .
Amongst these Curriculum, as they are n Regular self-assessment
artists, there is a couple
from a remote village, one of the parameters tests and their results helps
Pingla in the district of which decide a student’s you to evaluate your progress.
West Midnapur, West progress and abilities and helps Admit your mistakes and learn
Bengal, who sought out the students to take suitable from them.
for help to promote their
handicrafts and paintings. career opportunities. n Make use of flow charts and
Their artform, called Poto Accomplishing anything diagrams, visual tools are very
Chitra, is a unique art- requires a combination of inspi- effective and give a long lasting
form which originates
ration and perspiration. Here impression.

elieved and implemented by DAV International ods of bursting stress and anxiety. These Leisure time from West Bengal itself
School Kharghar. At the time when the inter- activities helped them to recognise the warrior ex- and now is in a state of ex- board exams may be approach- n Solve previous year’s question
nal clock and environmental cues are mis- isting deep inside them and give a tough fight to stress tinction due to this pro- ing soon and children will be papers with the time limit. It will
aligned, an initiative was taken by the strong and anxiety coming on their way and to make life more longed lockdown. The loaded with stress and study give you a better insight into
team of parents and teachers by motivating the young interesting. Through these activities the young learn- artists encountered an-
pressure. Hence, to help them your preparation, increase your
learners to pursue their talents and hobbies through ers showed a healthy growth by doing the things they other obstacle in this lock-
Leisure Time Activities for making the best use of this ever wished. down, the super-cyclone, here are a few tips for children speed and help you to gain more
lockdown period as an intensive tool for the sound The efforts of our little masters were well appre- Amphan. Coming in to boost their confidence and confidence .
physical and mental health through activities like ciated by the School Principal Mrs. Seema Maindi- through the Bay of Ben- excel in their board examina- n Do meditation and
painting, dancing, yoga, meditation, planting, cook- ratta. Her belief in her teachers and her children acts gal towards Bangladesh
ing, cleaning as an integral part of their daily routine. like a guiding light. Her encouraging words work like and the state of West Ben-
Not even a single field remained untouched. Through magic on everybody and gives everybody a courage to gal, it had demolished n Creating a realistic study
these activities the blossoming buds found the meth- face this quagmire. everything that came in pattern helps to identify your
its path. Not only did it goals and gives a clear insight
affect the southern dis-
trict of Kolkata but also
of what needs to be done and

THE POSITIVE WHEEL some parts of Midnapur,

leaving houses cracked,
roofs shattered and trees
As the sales decrease
when. It guides one about a
proper study schedule,
subject wise plan-
ning and

hat triggered me to pen down this arti- and their only source of
cle was only a fantasy. Recently, I was STUDENT’S PEN income falters, they may
setting down on my bed when look for other sources of
the cool rainstorm breeze sprin- Of late as the lockdown has lifted up income and may engage in various corners of the
kled my face. I saw a white light and a dim in certain states. On the community lev- some labour work leaving their country and provide them with
shadow in the middle. It was anything but el, there’s surge. In the event that you are unique and prestigious artworks the same platform and opportu- yoga which will help you
a human figure. In a contorted voice it said an understudy you may be having online behind. Hence, being an art en- nity to market their artworks to improve concentration
“Dear, discover something positive out of classes, which you most likely abhor. In thusiast myself, this was taken and preserve them for future. I’m and relax the mind and the
the negative.” Yes, I know everything the event that you are a grown-up, you up as a responsibility towards very grateful to my teachers and
sounds so made up yet, to be extremely le- may be going to work. I truly would pre- our fellow natives and artists to friends who helped me promote body.
git with you, no its not. It terrified me to death. fer not to exhaust you yet just intently look inside ease their struggles during the this initiative and set it out on a n Take regular breaks while
During this time, we are stuck at our home you. You are having a clouded feeling at this mo- lockdown as well as promote and path to success. thus studying for munching some
with our loved ones. Do recollect when the lock- ment. Once in a while, you feel extremely upbeat preserve their unique artworks. Kunal Verma, Singapore saves a nutritious snacks or going for a
down began, few were so energised and positive however, then following barely any hours you are Therefore, I catalogued all of
about it. Some of them were affected emotional- tragic. Hold up isn’t excessively typical? Indeed, the available artworks with their International School, Mumbai great amount of walk or a short nap which will
ly and financially. Whereas, some of you may have it is. Be that as it may, particularly during this specifications and details and time and energy . increase your efficiency.
taken in an expertise or addressed your old com- time when you are stuck at your home. we will in spread the word through many n Organize a study Continuous studies without any
panions or perhaps began an eating routine yet general think negative and overthink a great deal. threads of messages as an ini- space which is well lit break will make you exhausted
fizzled. Try not to stress, you are not the only one. The most ideal approach to conquer this is by
thinking, getting some needed rest from online and ventilated, comfortable and fatigued .
life. I can comprehend it’s difficult to quit follow- with less distractions around. n And lastly, have a positive
ing somebody on Instagram. In any case, perhaps n Make your study notes or approach, this attitude will
on the off chance that you can plug in your head- discuss the important points keep your mind open and body
phones and hear to BTS or Ed Sheeran or try those
exercises which you thought were a dream.Rather with someone as the brain is relaxed and help you to be
wouldn’t that be extraordinary? Consider your- more likely to record what you more focused and concentrated
self and how you feel. write or what you discuss with and be receptive of new ideas.
Toward the end, I simply need you to put stock your family or friends and helps So children trust your
in joy and love yourself. Once Dalai lama said
“happiness isn’t ready made.” you to recall faster. preparation, All the best for the
Kristel Mehta, Grade X, Bombay Cambridge n Work hard, work smart: there Board exams.
International School, Andheri
is no substitute to hard work. Shweta Jain, Teacher,
Regular studies habits and KGES, Mumbai

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