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Kolkata - The Statesman 12TH AUGUST 2020 Page 7 PDF

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Living each moment in 100 YEARS AGO

hese difficult pandemic months

these dif f icult times

may seem like days “dragging
slowly” - a perception of time.
Days pass neither slower nor It is a sign of the times that British
faster. Time, life’s primary factor, needs municipalities are appreciating the
better understanding for a better life. value of publicity as a means of pro-
We know time’s value, it being careers - Sunil Gavaskar’s trance-like moting their civic interests. Manches-
“more precious than gold”. Our daily concentration when batting, Sachin ter has two proposals under considera-
lives get defined by time, of deadlines Tendulkar remarking his mind was a tion, one for the establishment of a
and appointments to keep. We make thought-free blank just before the municipal publicity department and
plans for years. But what do we really next ball, and Mahendra Singh Dhoni the other for the provision of a medium
know of time? emphasizing importance of being in for the exchange of views and informa-
Time is the mind this moment. the present moment. tion between different local authorities,
Conventional science knows much Far greater benefits are reaped in this medium probably taking the form
about the physical organ called the the supra mundane life, when being of a journal paid for jointly by as many
brain but knows little about the entity in the present moment becomes the authorities as care to subscribe. The
called the mind. core of successful meditation prac- main purpose of the proposed publicity
A better quality of life depends tice. By being in the present moment, department would be to “boom” the
on how well we use the mind, and we master the mind instead of being advantages of Greater Manchester as a
how well we use time. Stress lessens its slave. centre for new industries and a produc-
when the mind is with reality of the Not that the past is erased from er of commodities. There are about
present moment. No pining for the memory and the future disappears. twenty other municipal authorities,
past, no anxieties of the future. We access the storage of past experi- including Sheffield and Cardiff, which
The ancient practice of Vipassana ences and make plans for the future are already undertaking publicity work
trains the mind to be in the present from a conscious decision to do so, in the interests of their cities. It is said
moment – an extraordinary difficulty. not from wild wanderings of the mind that the Manchester Ship Canal Com-
My first 10-day Vipassana course in like a driver losing control of the car. pany’s methods of intensive advertising
Dhamma Thali, Jaipur, was when I Mastery of the mind can be in the United States have done wonder-
realized for the first time how much gained with practice of Anapana ful things for the Canal during the past
the mind wanders wildly to past or being taught online in these pandem- few years, and the Cardiff Town Council
future - but rarely stays in reality of ic times ( seems disposed to follow the example
this present moment. ter). Anapana, the preparatory exer- for the benefit of the Welsh port. Public-
“The ultimate truth is the truth cise for Vipassana, focuses on aware- ity, as the leading Manchester journal
of this moment, not of moments that ness of the natural respiration – the remarks, has now become perhaps the
have passed, nor of moments that are in-coming, outgoing breath, as it is, most powerful ally of business. There is
yet to come,” explained Principal this moment. No artificial regulation little need to point the obvious moral
Teacher of Vipassana Sayagyi U Goen- of the breath as in pranayama. for Calcutta, but it might be remarked
ka (1924 – 2013). “The moments that “We have to experience the that if the work of the Port Commis-
have passed can only be remembered; ocean of infinite waves surging with- sioners had been better known Sir
the moments that are yet to come can in, the river of inner sensations flow- George Buchanan’s recent criticisms
only be imagined or desired. Only the ing within, countless vibrations with- might have stood less in need of
present moment can be experienced, in every atom of the body,” wrote correction.
not past nor moments of the future.” Sayagyi U Goenka. “We have to wit-
All that is past and future is con- These inner scientists can be Special Technical and Economic Divi- This ‘I’ to which we develop so ness our continuously changing NEWS ITEMS
densed in this present moment of Himalayan ascetics and householder sion of the U.S. Government. much attachment is merely mind- nature - all happening at an extreme-
time. What is the present moment?
Our mundane world functions
meditators achieving high levels of
purity of the mind, where life
“By introspective meditation of
the realities of nature within his own
matter phenomenon of subatomic
particles arising and passing each
ly subtle level. To reach this state, we
have to start observing the flow of res- BOMBAY BEGGARS
with the base unit of time as a sec- becomes this moment. self, it came vividly to him that there is moment. Being with this reality of piration.” Bombay, Aug 11
ond. The International System of The fully enlightened super-sci- no substantiality, as there seems to impermanence decreases the ego – Being in the present moment At a meeting of the Improvement Trust,
Units defines the second as about 9 entist called the Buddha declared be, in the human body,” U Ba Khin the biggest hindrance to meaningful strengthens the mind. Stronger mind the seriousness of the beggar problem
billion oscillations of the caesium 2,500 years ago of all matter being said, “and that it is the sum total of success and peace of mind. leads to better life. A strong, concen- in the city of Bombay was revealed. The
atom. In a second, the caesium-133 made of indivisible subatomic parti- innumerable millions of kalapas Being with the present moment trated mind never postpones. It focus- chairman stated that Mr. Manley,
atom arises and passes nine billion cles called ‘kalapas’. Kapalas arise and (subatomic particles), each about improves quality of work and life. A es on work this moment – the essen- Deputy Commissioner of Police, wanted
times. So much activity at the sub- pass trillions of times in a moment. 1/46,656th part of a particle of dust concentrated mind suffers no distrac- tial to success. the permission of the Board to use a part
atomic level within a second - of time Life is a sum-total of such moments, from the wheel of a chariot in sum- tions from the task at hand. That is The life of the cosmos, celestial of Dadar Military Camp for putting up
understood externally through sci- of this present moment. mer”. why successful people get immersed and human beings have the temporary structures for housing home-
ence. In Rangoon of 1951, Myanmar’s Each kalapa is in a continuous in the moment. Top athletes excel in inescapable basis of impermanence, less beggars. The number of beggars
Life changes at a deeper level incorruptible Accountant General and state of change. The Buddha experi- “the zone”, a bubble of impenetrable from moment to moment. How well dying of starvation in the streets of Bom-
with experiential understanding – of Vipassana teacher Sayagyi U Ba Khin enced the subtler reality that quan- concentration focussed on the pre- we live depends on how well we use bay had been increasing, and as
experiencing realities of nature with- (1899-1971) gave a lecture on the tum physicists search in their hunt for sent moment. this moment. “Dharamsalas” were full, some land was
in, through using one’s mind-body as Buddha’s enlightened realisations to the ‘god particle’ such as the Higgs India’s favourite obsession of The writer is a senior, Mumbai-based required to give shelter to these helpless
laboratory. a study group of officials from the boson. cricket has seen this in distinguished journalist. people. According to Mr. Manley it was a
perfect scandal that hundreds of people

Memories of another Beirut

die in the streets and a number of such
Israeli retaliation. waking up in Damascus where, when deaths during the last fortnight was cer-
In 1970, he ordered his forces, led we opened the hotel room window, we tified to have been due to starvation.
by a Pakistani (on deputation) Brig heard cries of ‘Amman, Amman, The Improvement Trust Board agreed to
Muhammad Ziaul Haq to launch a Amman’ and ‘Beirut, Beirut, Beirut’ as giving the land asked for.
clean-up operation against the Pales- young men were trying to sell seats on
tinian camps. What the tanks and sol-
diers under the command of the cav-
shared taxis to prospective travellers.
And later that morning, the fascinating
alry officer carried out was a massacre
that came to be known as Black Sep-
drive on a beautiful road winding
through the hills to Beirut. As we neared
tember. This pushed many PLO cadres
and civilian Palestinian refugees to relo-
Beirut the hills around were dotted by
beautiful villas with swimming pools
cate to Lebanon, causing friction there and tennis courts surrounded by pines A deputation representing guardians of
and altering the delicate demographic and cedars. It was clear these were the girls reading in the Eden High School
balance that had favoured the Maronite homes of the very rich. waited on the Hon. the Maharajadhiraj
Christians whose decisive majority was Arriving at our hotel in Al Bourj Bahadur of Burdwan. The deputation
now reduced to a minority. Square (later renamed Martyrs discussed the question of insufficient
All hell broke loose by 1975 when Square) we marvelled at the rose and carriage accommodation for girls
a full-scale civil war started with the carnation bedecked wide central attending the school on which ground
Gemayel family-led Phalangists, Jum- reservation. My first ever visit to a many girls were refused admission. The
blatt-led Druze militia and the Nabi department store which was called Hon. Member in charge said that it was
Berri-headed Shia Amal militia lock- Theophile Khoury took place. a questions of funds. The school had
ing horns all over the country with Later, that evening we drove past already got Rs 3,700 as carriage
Beirut and its suburbs being the the night and boat/yacht clubs dot- allowance for the current year and the
major battleground. ting the seafront and throwing light on school committee had asked for a sanc-
Israeli backing and arming of the the gentle Mediterranean waves lap- tion of Rs 9,000 which was under con-
Phalange forces added a dangerous ping the shore and stylish Lebanese sideration of the Director of Public
twist to the conflict. Not content with arriving in droves at the clubs. Instruction. He further said that motor
ABBAS NASIR This devastation pained me as An inquiry was to find Sharon supporting proxies from afar, the The next day we took the cable buses were unsuitable for Dacca, but
much as images of the civil war on TV responsible for facilitating the mas- Israelis finally invaded Beirut in 1982 car up the mountain and then a more omnibuses might be provided. The Hon.

he devastating explosion in screens through the 1970s and the sacre but he faced no penalties apart and though they dislodged the Pales- or less vertical railcar up to where the Maharajadhiraj visited the “Dacca
Beirut last week that bloodied destruction brought upon the city by from having to step down as defence tinians from there, there was a huge 650m above the sea is gigantic statue Sevasram” and the Ramkrishna Mission.
the beautiful Lebanese capital the Israeli invasion in 1982 and the minister. In fact, he later rose to the undesired consequence. of Virgin Mary as she stands, head
yet again, inflicting a tragic loss
of over 150 lives, injuries to some 3,000
massacre by Phalangist militiamen in
the Palestinian refugee camps of
highest office in Israel and continued
with his efforts to exterminate the
A breakway faction of the Shia
Amal militia formed the militant
dipped to a side, surveying the city.
We took a break at a restaurant with
people and billions of dollars’ worth of
damage to the infrastructure, was
Sabra and Shatila in 1983.
I remember vividly a Yasser Arafat
Lebanon’s delicate power bal-
group Hezbollah which sought both
spiritual and material support from
stunning city-sea views.
Here as my parents sipped coffee
heartbreaking. clip where he is being interviewed in a ance, representing its population mix Iran or Iranian ally, Syria, in the neigh- we saw a sommelier pour alcohol Silchar, Aug 11
Even by battered Beirut’s stan- sandbagged position as Israeli rock- with a powerful Maronite president, bourhood. It is one of the few forces from different coloured bottles in two In connection with the Khoreal shoot-
dards this must have been the most ets are flying overhead before slam- a Sunni prime minister and a Shia in the region that have held their own thin glasses for a well-heeled couple. ing case, in which the Deputy Commis-
significant single-day damage inflict- ming into civilian areas, and he points speaker put in place after the French against the Israeli Defence Forces and For a 12-year-old it was no less than sioner of Silchar acquitted Mr. Reed,
ed on the unfortunate city that has to the sky and says with great irony in occupation forces left in 1946, was forced the latter to end its occupation magical that the different colours Assistant Manager of the Khoreal Tea
survived civil wars, Western occupa- his voice: “And they call us terrorists?” coming under immense pressure with of south Lebanon. seemed to form horizontal stripes in Estate in Cachar, of the charge of shoot-
tion, Israeli invasion, air attacks and The following year, once the Ariel the influx of Palestinian refugees after However, much before, in late the glass and did not mix. ing dead a coolie. A memorial was sub-
massacres over the years. Sharon-led Israeli military lifted its the 1967 Arab-Israel war. October 1971, when I accompanied From those serene images to an mitted to the Chief Commissioner of
Videos shot by citizens from their siege of the two Palestinian refugee The war, which saw Israel capture my parents on a road trip that took us explosion that caused widespread Assam on behalf of Taramani, the wife of
flats at different distances from the camps, which had been enforced to the West Bank and other Arab/Pales- from Pakistan to Lebanon via devastation in one of the most beauti- the deceased. In that memorial the
port left no doubt about how this enable the Phalange gunmen to run tinian territories, saw the large-scale Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and Syria, the ful cities in the world will never be applicant prayed for an appeal against
stockpile of ammonium nitrate was a amok unchallenged and kill up to expulsion of Palestinians including young mind of a school-age boy could easy to reconcile to. But then this the order of acquittal. The Deputy Com-
disaster waiting to happen because it 3,500, mostly, unarmed Palestinian PLO fighters, many of whom relocat- see none of the undercurrents. world never ceases to shock and missioner of Cachar today served a
had not been removed from the port (and Shia) men, women and children, ed to Jordan. They launched attacks All I remember to this day is the shake you endlessly. notice on Taramani, informing her that
and disposed of, even after seven years the soul-destroying images started to on Israel and King Hussein did not sheer, natural beauty of Lebanon and the Chief Commissioner of Assam is
of having been confiscated from a ship. reach the outside world. approve of this because he feared the jewel in its crown, Beirut. I recall Dawn/ANN. willing to hear arguments of her pleader
regarding the shooting case. Taramani
is directed to intimate by the 13th
CROSSWORD NO 28041 instant if she is willing to engage any
pleader to argue the case, and, if so,
which place is preferred.
ACROSS 22 Fetching last of quail eggs – half 6 Groucho finally put on Zeppo's coat
YESTERDAY'S SOLUTION 1 Weeps, dropping back in to
doctors (6)
edible (7)
24 What a concert venue might have
with the essence of manic energy –
it's a gas (5) PRESS STRIKE
4 Cummings on COVID's return,
embodying King Henry VIII,
to give up (7)
26 It's painful below (10,5)
27 Artist starts to draw in a tiny,

Curious, hip career – unconvincing
beard? (5,4)
Writer eagles on the smallest golf
perhaps (8)
10 Barely any road cycling before a
overcrowded room – it heats up (8) course (6,9) Bombay, Aug 11
28 Staunch Republican in office (6) 9 Bags containing last of autumn's The strike which commenced nearly
drink – spill each one (1,4,2,3,5)
nuts, perhaps (6)
11 Vegas trickster's entertaining a DOWN 14 Support director covering Elvis' All two months ago at the Times of India
sort of band (7) Press came to an end today. For some
1 Cross lecturer had dug out some Shook Up for broadcast (9)
12 Rubbish former tennis player visits
America (7)
insulation (7,8) 16 It's not about weight (3) time it has been evident that the strike
2 Occasionally Doug breeds 17 Hesitate as I pick up fish, wrapped was broken. A large number of new
13 Come to finger gangster (5)
monsters (5) in bacon, say (4,1,4)
15 Business degree for learner during
3 Stupid PPI call cut short without 19 Herb, duck and orange cooked (7) employees who were engaged enabled
a secret procedure – it'll make you the work to be continued, and many of
salesman looking up – one might go 20 Nurse – don't open camel coat (6)
sweat (5,4)
18 Axes chop and sharpen instrument
over documents (5,4) 23 What lives and grows in a region – the men on strike have been returning
5 One with common sense bottling from Africa to Iberia – keeled over (5) to work independently of their leaders.
... (9)
hydrogen – to begin with 25 Baked bread hamper (5)
21 ... good man suspect's axe stroke (5)
engineer's not outsourced (2-5) This morning the general body of the
men offered themselves for re-employ-
ment unconditionally. Some were told
NOTE: Figures in parentheses denote the number of letters in the words required. (By arrangement with The Independent, London)
their places had been filled, but most of
them were again taken on.


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