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Condensador en Aplicaciones de Refrigeracion

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with kind permission of Danfoss



Condensers for Refrigeration Appliances

Contents 01. General 13. For refrigerators and upright freezers

02. Selection 14. Anti-dew coil
03. Condenser types 15. Oil-cooling condenser
04. Rear condenser 16. Dimensioning
05. Choice of rear condenser 17. Fan-cooled condenser
06. Transmission coefficient 18. Finned condenser
07. Tube size 19. Fins and tubes
08. Condenser area 20. Tube layout
09. Installation 21. Condenser area
10. Skin type condenser 22. Conditions for built-in units
11. For chest freezers 23. Condenser calculations
12. Dimensions 24. Measuring the condenser capacity

Reproduction only subject to permission from Danfoss

CF.83.A1.02 Page 5

Heat transport
in refrigeration
Fig. 1

Process in
Mollier diagram
Fig. 2

The object of the condenser in the refrigeration system is to remove the heat sup-
plied to the refrigerant in the evaporator and during the compression in the com-
pressor, as well as to condense the refrigerant vapours into liquid.
The condenser capacity (Qk) can be formulated as follows:
Qk = Qo + N - Qh (kcal/h)
Q0 = Evaporator capacity + increase of enthalpy up to the cylinder
N = Compression work in kcal/h
Qh = Heat emission from compressor pot
This section deals with the selection of air-cooled condensers.

02. The condenser capacity Qk can be calculated according to the formula:

Qk = K x A x t (kcal/h)
K = Transmission coefficient (kcal/h x m2 x °C)
A = Condenser area (m2)
t = Temperature differential between condensing temperature and air (°C)
For calculation, see section 23.
The condensing temperature should be as low as possible, - in regard to both com-
pressor life and energy consumption. This can be achieved by using well dimen-
sioned condenser surface and good ventilation under all operating conditions. The
following dimensioning rules refer to condensing temperatures, measured at the
built-in refrigeration system at continuous operation.
At 32°C ambient temperature the condensing temperature should not exceed 50°C.
When applied in statically cooled systems under tropical conditions the condensing tem-
perature normally cannot be kept below 50°C, but at any rate it must not exceed 60°C.
If the temperature limits cannot be maintained, oil or fan cooling of the compres-
sor must be used. If these limits are exceeded, a considerable reduction of the
compressor life will have to be reckoned with since a high condensing pressure
increases the compressed gas temperature, valve temperature, winding temperature,
etc., of the compressor. A high compressed gas temperature and hence a high valve
temperature promote the chemical decomposition of refrigerant and oil and thus
constitute an important factor in regard to the occurrence of such faults as valve
coking and other chemical decomposition.
Finally, the compressor motor has not been designed for operation at condensing
pressures which are considerably higher than the temperatures mentioned above.
Exceeding these limits can, therefore, also result in the compressor stalling and
cut-out of the motor protector.
Building-in and contamination may result in impaired operating conditions, and a

Page 6 CF.83.A1.02
margin should, therefore, always be maintained to ensure against such unintention-
al load conditions.

03. Air-cooled condensers can be devided into statically cooled and fan-cooled types.
types The statically cooled condenser is designed for use in small refrigeration appli-
ances with sufficient space for the necessary condenser area. In large units it is
necessary to use fan-cooled condensers in order to keep the condenser area to a
reasonable size.
Statically cooled condensers can be divided into skin type condensers, used pri-
marily for chest freezers, and rear condensers which can be obtained in versions
with wire on tube or tube on plate.
Fan-cooled condensers can be divided into the finned condenser, which is most com-
mon, and the tube-on-plate condenser.
A description of the different types is given in the following sections.


Fig. 3

plate condenser
Fig. 4

The rear condenser, which is primarily fitted on the back of the refrigeration ap-
pliance, is especially used for refrigerators and upright freezers, but in some
cases also for small chest freezers.
The rear condenser is available in two versions, viz. with wire on tube or with
tube on plate.
The wire-on-tube condenser shown in fig. 3 has thin iron wires spot-welded to both
sides of a tube coil.
Fig. 4 shows a condenser with tube on finned plate. It consists of an approx.
0.5 mm iron sheet with fins spot-welded to a tube coil.

05. Tube-on-finned-plate condensers have a degree of pipe utilization which is up to

Choice of 40-50% better than in the case of the wire-on-tube design, which means that more
rear tube is used for each square metre of condenser surface with the wire-on-tube de-
condenser sign than with the tube-on-plate design.
In actual practice, refrigeration systems with tube-on-plate condensers require a
smaller charge, resulting in a lower equalizing pressure.
There is no clear-cut difference between the pressure equalizing time of the two
condenser types.
The tube-on-plate condenser with a vertical tube layout is arranged for the long-
est pressure equalizing time, but the wire-on-tube condenser contains the largest
volume and hence the largest charge of Rl2 per square metre of surface and tends
to give a longer equalizing time.
For domestic refrigeration appliances, 5mm tube is normally used and this does not
give pressure equlizing problems.
Refrigeration systems with tube-on-plate condensers often have a higher noise lev-
el than systems with wire-on-tube condensers.

CF.83.A1.02 Page 7
This is due to the fact that the low-frequency noise which is transmitted from the
compressor is amplified in a tube-on-plate condenser.
In addition, the noise from the refrigerant will often be strongest when the tube-
on-plate condenser is used since the vertical tube layout of this condenser type
may cause or amplify pulsations in the refrigeration system.


Fig. 5

Fig. 6
The transmission coefficient or U-value expresses the quantity of heat in kcal/h
which can be removed per m at a temperature differential of l°C.
The U-value is almost the same for the two condenser types. The U-values specified
below must be considered as average values which can be used for estimating both
the condenser types.
Fig. 5 shows how the U-value varies depending on the temperature differential at a
tube spacing of 60mm. The temperature differential is generally 15-l6°C for rear
condensers so that it is possible to reckon on a U-value of 10-ll kcal/h x m2 x°C.
The distance between the single condenser tubes influences the U-value of the con-
denser, which can be seen from fig. 6. For example, a tube spacing of 45mm gives
a U-value which is almost 50% higher than at l00mm. However, the maximum U-value
does not express the most economical condenser design. Several examinations have
shown that the lowest relative material costs per output unit are obtained with a
tube spacing of 60mm.
On wire condensers the most economical distance is 6mm between wires. Normally, a
wire diameter of l.5mm is used.
Literature: H.L. von Cube, G. Tofahrn: Formes economiques de condenseurs pour ar-
moires frigorifiques menagers .

07. Either 5 or 6 mm steel tubes are used for rear condensers. The tube size has a
Tube size great influence on the operating conditions of the refrigeration system.
The refrigerant charge required will be reduced by reducing the tube size from
6 mm to 5 mm. However, the refrigerant charge is not reduced to the same degree as
the internal condenser volume. Especially on somewhat larger refrigeration systems
therefore, a change to 5 mm tubes can result in extremely high maximum condensing
pressures due to lack of space for the refrigerant charge in the condenser during
evacuation of the system.
The pressure equalizing time of the refrigeration system is increased if 6 mm
tubes are used, among other reasons because a larger Rl2 charge is required.
In the case of large 6 mm condensers, with some thermostat positions it can be
difficult to obtain sufficient time for pressure equalization. The result can be
starting trouble which can be overcome by changing to 5 mm tubes.
The reduced charge in 5 mm condensers will result in a lower equalizing pressure
and hence improved starting conditions for the smaller compressors during the in-
itial start-up. Finally, it must be mentioned that the larger pressure drop in
5 mm condensers and discharge tubes results in the build-up of a higher pressure
in connection with the start

Page 8 CF.83.A1.02
and pull-up of the compressor, and hence a reduction of the starting capacity of
the compressor, especially when starting from high equalizing pressures.
The discharge connector sizes of Danfoss compressors can be used as a guide in se-
lecting tube size for the rear condenser.

08. Fig. 7 can be used as a starting point in se-

Condenser lecting a statically cooled rear condenser.
area The graph which indicates the total con-
denser area as a function of the compressor
displacement, only applies to condensers for
domestic refrigeration appliances in the M/
LBP range. The graph should be considered
with certain reservations, partly because the
U-value of the condenser changes with the air
circulation conditions, and partly because
the U-value varies somewhat with the type
and manufacture, etc. The diagram applies to
Fig. 7
2-pole compressors(50Hz).
For finned condensers see section 18.


Fig. 8

Fig. 8 shows air gaps around a built-in refrigerator which ensure a sufficient air
supply to compressor and condenser. The distance to the rear wall of the refriger-
ator should be approx. 60 mm, and the condenser should be mounted in the centre of
the air gap.
It should be noted that the condenser with tube on finned plate is placed obliquely
in the air gap so that the U-value is increased.
The gap depths stated are for guidance only since other depths can be used where
necessitated by the dimensions of the refrigeration appliance as well as by the
size of the compressor and its position in the motor compartment.

10. When a skin type condenser is used, the surface (the shell) of the refrigerator or
Skin type freezer is used partially or fully as condenser surface since the condenser coil
condenser is distributed and fixed outside or inside the shell which thus acts as heat emis-
sion surface.

CF.83.A1.02 Page 9
The skin type condenser offers the following advantages:
The surface temperature of the shell is increased and the risk of condensation
thus reduced.
Reduced space requirements for the refrigeration appliance.
The condenser cannot collect dirt.
The most serious drawbacks are:
Increased ingress of heat through the insulation of the appliance, especial-
ly under the most rigorous Toad conditions (e.g. freezing). In actual practice
this means that a heavier insulation must be used for appliances with a skin
type condenser.
Inaccessibility for servicing.
For example, leaks from a skin type condenser in a freezer with foamed insula-
tion can be very unpleasant.
The skin type condenser is available in three fundamentally different designs:
Skin type condenser for chest freezers, with the condenser coil distributed on
the four inner sides of the shell.
Skin type condenser for refrigerators and upright freezers, with the condenser
coil distributed on the outside of the shell back.
Anti-dew coil which serves to increase the surface temperature on the frame of
the upright freezer so that dew formation can be avoided. The anti-dew coil is
run along the frame inside the shell and is often used with a rear condenser
Skin type The skin type condenser is used on chest
condenser for freezers in particular. This is to some ex-
chest freezers tent due to the fact that, to a far higher
degree than with other types of appliance,
chest freezers are placed where the risk
of dewfall on the shell is far greater than
Section throught
Another important fact is that all sides
chest freezer of the shell can be used for condensing on
chest freezers, while refrigerators and up-
right freezers, which are normally designed
for building in, can only use the rear panel
which is often insufficient for the large
compressor capacities.
Fig. 9 As mentioned above, the tube coil for the
skin type condenser of the chest freezer is
fitted inside the shell.
Fig. 9 shows a section through a chest freezer.
It can be seen that the evaporator tubes and
the condenser tubes are fitted on the inner
and outher shells respectively, embedded in
insulation material.
Skin type In order to achieve a good heat emission
condenser on the tubes must be in good contact with the
chest freezer shell. This is done by retaining the tubes
by means of clamps or bars. The principles
of these types of fixing are dealt with under
evaporators (CN.82.00.02) which also shows
a number of mounting examples. The contact
can be improved further by means of thermal
Fig. 10 mastic.
If the insulation is foamed directly into
Page 10 CF.83.A1.02
the chest freezer, care must be taken that the insulation material does not come
between the tube coils and the shell which would cause the heat transmission to be
impaired. This can be prevented by covering the condenser tubes with plastic foil
or tape before the foaming.
The tube layout of the shell condenser should be chosen so that pockets are
avoided since efforts must always be made to reduce the pressure-equalizing time
of the system as much as possible. This can be done in the form of a horizontal
tube layout with the inlet at the top.
The most common procedure is to shape the condenser coil as a continuously declin-
ing spiral. See fig. l0.
If part of the skin type condenser is used as
an oil-cooling condenser, a tube layout like
the one shown in fig. 11 may be used. If op-
timum oil cooling of the compressor is aimed
at, approximately one half of the total tube
length should be used as oil-cooling condens-
Skin type er.
condenser with If part of a given skin type condenser is used
oil-cooling as an oil-cooling condenser, it will be neces-
section sary to reckon with some increase of the con-
densing pressure and hence of heat incidence
on the evaporator.
Since this is an undesired side effect of oil
Fig 11 cooling, the total tube length should be in-
creased by 20-30% to keep down the condensing
pressure. Alternatively, the condenser surface can be increased by using an oil
cooling condenser. For oil cooling, see also section l5.

The contact between tube and plate is decisive for the heat emission capacity of
12. the shell (the U-value of the shell), and it is, therefore, impossible to specify
Dimensions exact values for the length of the condenser coil.
of skin con- On page 20 some empirical values are shown. The diagram shows the average length
denser of the condenser coil as the function of the gross volume of the chest freezer.
The tube spacing resulting from a given condenser coil is also shown. This spacing
is calculated on the basis of the total tube length and the shell area.
Normally, for domestic chest freezers, i.e. freezers of 150-600 litres gross vol-
ume 6 mm steel tube is used.
For the smallest chest sizes - with compressors of up to TL4 - it is, however, of-
ten possible to use 5 mm tubing.
If the so-called D -tubes are used, and good contact is ensured between the plane
of the tube and the shell, this will lead to a better heat transmission coefficient
and thereby reduced tube length. Thus, a smaller volume and refrigerant charging
are obtained, which means improved start and pull-up conditions for the compres-

CF.83.A1.02 Page 11
13. When a skin type condenser is used for re-
Skin type frigerators or upright freezers, the condens-
condenser for er coil is usually mounted on the outside of
refrigerators the rear of the cabinet, as shown in fig. l2.
and upright As in the case of skin type condensers for
freezers chest freezers, a good contact should be en-
sured between tubing and shell by the use of
suitable tube clamps. When the condenser coil
Section throught is fitted outside the shell, thermal mastic is
upright freezer not used.
The tube layout also follows the same lines
as in chest freezers, i.e. horizontal and
with the inlet at the top.
Fig. 12
Fig. l3 shows an example of a refrigerator or
upright freezer with a skin type condenser.
This type of skin type condenser will provide
a sufficient condenser area for most refriger-
ators when the entire rear of the cabinet is
In upright freezers it will, normally, also be
necessary to use an anti-dew coil in order to
keep the condensing temperature at a reasona-
bly low level.
It is necessary for this condenser type to
have an adequate air circulation around the
condenser, and the shell should, therefore, be
designed so that there is air duct of 40-50 mm
Upright freezer behind the condenser.
with skin type When selecting the necessary condenser coil,
condenser the entire rear of the shell should be uti-
lized as condenser area. The tube spacing
should be selected between 60-l00 mm to obtain
a reasonable U-value.

Fig. 13

14. The object of the anti-dew coil is to raise the surface temperature of the frame
Anti-dew coil of the upright freezer, thus avoiding dewfall.
Fig. l4 shows the anti-dew coil in dotted lines around the frame of an upright
The anti-dew coil is only used in upright freezers because there is a rather large
temperature differential between the inside and outside (as compared with refrig-
erators, for example), and because the insulation thickness in the frame is small-
er than in chest freezers.
The anti-dew coil can be connected to the system in two different ways. The most
effective heating of the frame is obtained when the anti-dew coil is inserted be-
tween the discharge connector of the compressor and the inlet of the condenser.
If pronounced cold bridges exist in the frame between the outer and inner shells
it may be advantageous to reduce the effect of the anti-dew coil so that heat in-
gress into the cabinet becomes limited. If this is done, the anti-dew coil should
be inserted between the condenser outlet and the capillary inlet.
If a suspicion exists that the anti-dew coil causes too strong an ingress of heat
into the cabinet, a test can easily be made by interrupting (short-circuiting) the
anti-dew coil and then recording any temperature drop in the air inside the cabinet.

Page 12 CF.83.A1.02
In systems with oil-cooled compressors the
anti-dew coil is often used as an oil-cool-
ing condenser. Since the heat-emission effect
of the anti-dew coil is relatively large, it
is sufficient for some systems to use the an-
ti-dew coil as oil-cooling condenser.
However, if the compressor works under
stressed operating conditions, and if opti-
mum oil cooling is required, the antidew coil
should be supplemented by part of the rear
Anti-dew coil on Fig. l5 shows two examples of a frame design
upright freezer for upright freezers.
A shows a suitable link between the inner
and outer shells which does not contain a
cold bridge, and where the anti-dew coil is,
therefore, fitted in close contact with the
B shows a cold bridge in the frame. In
order to avoid too strong an ingress of heat
into the cabinet, the anti-dew coil is fit-
Fig. 14 ted farther away from the frame. The optimum
solution will, however, be a change in frame design to eliminate the cold bridge

Fig. 15

CF.83.A1.02 Page 13

Fig. 16
Fig. l6 shows a refrigeration system with oil cooling of the compressor. The com-
pressed gas (t1) from the compressor is supplied to the oil cooling condenser
where the superheat is removed; besides which a partial condensation of the re-
frigerant often takes place in the oil-cooling condenser.
From the oil-cooling condenser the refrigerant is conducted through the oil-cool-
ing coil of the compressor where the enthalpy increases because the refrigerant
absorbs heat from the compressor oil. From here the medium is drawn to the main
condenser where the final condensation takes place.

16. Fig. l6 shows a Mollier, i-log p diagram with a working line drawn in for an oil-
Dimensioning cooled hermetic refrigeration system. The figures l, 2 and 3 refer to the corre-
sponding designations of the refrigeration system.
In can be seen from the diagram how a large portion of the superheat of the com-
pressed gas is removed in the oil-cooling condenser between points l and 2. It can
also be seen that the enthalpy of the refrigerant receives an increase of i3 - i2
while the refrigerant passes through the oil-cooling coil from point 2 to point 3.
The effect of the oil cooling depends on how strongly the refrigerant is cooled
in the oil-cooling condenser. Fig. l6 also shows the working line for a hermetic
refrigeration system in which the oil-cooling coil of the compressor is utilized
to the best possible degree. Optimum oil cooling is obtained by dimensioning the
oil-cooling condenser so that the superheat of the compressed gas is eliminated
and, furthermore, so that a partial condensation of the refrigerant is produced to
prevent the thermal increase in the oil-cooling coil from creating superheat. It
is in this way the increased enthalpy of i3 - i2 is achieved.
Two results will be obtained by using the optimum oil-cooling condenser:
As low a temperature as possible on the entire oil-cooling coil.
Optimum value of the internal heat transmission coefficient of the oil-cooling coil,
If optimum oil-cooling is required, however, it is recommended that 50% of the to-
tal condenser surface should be used as oil-cooling condenser.
The temperature can be measured at the inlet and outlet of the oil-cooling coil on
heavy loading of the compressor (for example, the combination of maximum ambient
temperature and maximum overvoltage), and for this condition the oil-cooling con-
denser can be made larger until there is no temperature difference between inlet
and outlet.
If oil-cooling is introduced in a system not previously oil-cooled, and if part
of the original condenser is used as oil-cooling condenser some increase in con-
densing temperature will occur. Therefore, usually, it will be necessary to in-
crease the area of the main condenser in order to keep the condensing temperature
to an acceptable low level. If, on the other hand, an optimization is made of the
oil-cooling condenser in an existing system with oil cooling, it will often be un-
necessary to increase the total condenser area since the increase of the condens-
ing temperature will be of a limited order.

Page 14 CF.83.A1.02
When considering whether the area of the main condenser should be increased by the
introduction or optimization of oil cooling, it should be remembered that chest
freezers with a skin type condenser are very sensitive to increases in the condens-
ing temperature since this will mean increased ingress of heat into the evaporator.
At optimum oil cooling, i.e. with approx. 50% of the total condenser area used as
the oil-cooling condenser, it is reckoned that no temperature increase will occur
from the inlet to the outlet of the oil-cooling coil, and it is possible to antic-
ipate a reduction of the winding temperature of 15-30°C.

17. For domestic refrigeration appliances and

Fan-cooled small commercial refrigeration systems, the
condenser fan-cooled condenser is, normally, only used
in connection with fan-cooled condensing
units which consist of a condenser, a fan,
and a compressor (see fig. 17). An example of
this field of application is the chest freez-
Fan cooled er designed for tropical conditions where,
condensing unit with a statically cooled condenser, it can
be difficult to provide space for the neces-
sary condenser area.
Fig. 17 The fan-cooled condensing units are also
seen in special designs of domestic refrig-
eration appliances, e.g. chest freezers where the outer tank is made of plastic so
that it is impossible to use a skin type condenser. Additionally the unit is used
for types of refrigeration appliance where special building-in conditions leave no
space for a statically cooled condenser, or alternatively do not permit sufficient
air supply to the condenser.
Liquid coolers, air coolers, vending machines, and refrigerated shelves can be
mentioned as more typical applications of the fan-cooled condensing unit.
The most important advantages of using fan-cooled condensing units are:
High condenser capacity for where building-in conditions are poor or for
where climatic conditions are unfavourable.
Improved facilities for servicing the finished refrigeration system.
Installation advantages, especially for the small-scale producer of refri-
geration appliances.
Among the disadvantages are:
Fan cooling increases the noise level.
The use of a fan makes the need for servicing more frequent (fan failure,
condenser collects dirt).
Usually, the fan-cooled unit is a more expensive solution.
A finned condenser, as shown in fig. 18, is
normally used as condenser for the
fan-cooled unit.

Finned condenser

Fig. 18

CF.83.A1.02 Page 15
There are other condenser designs too and
fig. l9 shows a tube-on-plate condenser for
fan cooling.
This condenser is in the form of a coiled
plate, which may be made of a roll-bond pan-
However, the finned condenser is most com-
Tube-on-plate mon and the following description deals with
condenser this type only.

Fig. 19

Fig. 20 shows the U-value of a statically

18. cooled finned condenser, depending on the in-
Finned clination of the condenser.
It should be noted that the U-value is high-
est when the condenser is mounted horizon-
tally, and lowest for the vertical position.
The U-value of the condenser, and hence its
capacity, increase strongly with increasing
air velocity. See section 21.
Literature reference: H.L. von Cube.
G. Tofahrn: Formes economiques de conden-
seurs pour armoires frigorifiques menagers .
Fig. 20

19. Condenser fins are characterized by their spacing, thickness, material, and the
Fins and tubes method of fixing to the tubes. Also of importance is whether the fins are plane or
corrugated. However, this complex of problems is not dealt with here.
In the case of fan-cooled condensers for small refrigeration systems the fin spac-
ing varies between approx. 2 and l0 mm.
When the fin spacing is determined, the risk of dirt collection will point to a
large space between fins. Demands for small overall dimensions result in small fin
spacing. However, the U-value falls when fin spacing is reduced, therefore the
larger surface area obtained in this way cannot be fully utilized to reduce the
overall dimensions - if condenser capacity must be maintained.
Examinations would indicate that the noise level of the condensing unit increases
when the fin spacing is reduced. The fins are made of steel or aluminium of a thick-
ness 0.2-0.5 mm.
When the material and thickness of the fins are to be chosen, a sufficiently rigid
and robust construction with an adequate heat transmission capacity must be en-
In case of fin spacing less than 6 mm and of more than 2 rows of tubes a cooling
baffle between condenser and fan must be used.

Page 16 CF.83.A1.02
The contact between condenser tubes and
fins is of great importance to the condens-
er capacity. The fins are equipped with holes
which may have a small flange so that the
surface in contact with the tube is in-
creased. This flange can also serve as a
spacer between the fins. Some makes of con-
denser utilize the flange in a sandwich de-
sign where the tube is omitted and the sin-
gle fins are copper soldered to form a tube,
as shown in fig. 21.
Determining the diameter of the condens-
er tube is a compromise between, on the
one hand, the material cost and limitation
Fig. 21 of the pressure-equalizing time which both
point to a reduction of the tube diameter,
and on the other hand, a limitation of pressure loss and provision of a sufficient
internal volume through a sufficiently large tube cross-section.
Furthermore, it must be remembered that fan-cooled condensers are used for highly
different applications and load conditions.
The typical tube diameter of fan-cooled finned condensers for small refrigeration
systems is l0 mm.
The spacing of the condenser tubes affects the U-value of the condenser since a
smaller tube spacing results in a higher U-value.
However, there are many indications that the economical optimum tube spacing rang-
es between 25 and 35 mm (from tube centre to tube centre).
Normally condenser tubes are made of steel.

Tube layout

Incorrect an
correct tube

Fig. 22

As is the case with all other condenser types, the tube layout of the finned con-
denser should ensure a minimum of pressure-equalizing time.
This can be achieved by locating inlet at the top, outlet at the bottom, and con-
tinuously declining the tube coil so that liquid pockets are avoided. Fig. 22
shows examples of incorrect and correct tube layouts. In the former case it can be
seen that the continuity has been broken, resulting in a liquid pocket with a pro-
longing effect on the pressure-equalizing time.

CF.83.A1.02 Page 17
In principle, the tube layout can be ei-
ther in the torn of a single flow or a par-
allel flow system.
Parallel flow should only be used where
the single flow system results in an unac-
ceptable large pressure drop and where it
is impossible to change to a larger tube

Series and
parallel flow

Fig. 23

Condenser area

Fig. 24

The U-value of the condenser and hence the condenser capacity depend to a high
degree on air yield, condenser position, fin spacing, etc., and it is, therefore,
impossible to lay down unambiguous rules for the necessary condenser area in fan-
cooled condensers.
Fig. 24 shows relations between compressor size and condensers for Danfoss con-
densing units.
The compressor capacity is expressed by compressor displacement.
The table applies to two-pole 50 Hz compressors in the ranges of M/LBP (-40°C to
-5°C) and HBP (-5°C to +l5°C]. The recommended condenser sizes are sufficient for
ambient temperatures of up to 32°C.
The air velocity at the condenser inlet is assumed to be approx. 1 m/s.

Page 18 CF.83.A1.02
22. Common sense considerations govern the in-
Conditions- stallation of a built-in unit. If the fan is
for built-in prevented from drawing the required amount
units of air through the condenser and across the
compressor, performance will not be as an-
Fig. 25 shows a condensing unit built in
Unit in motor under ideal conditions. The inlet open-
compartment ing, which can be in the form of ventila-
tion slits, has a flow area which corresponds
to the front of the condenser. Air can pass
right through the motor compartment so that
it circulates evenly around the compressor.
Fig. 25 Moreover, the installation of the refrigera-
tion appliance in this way ensures that the
air is conducted away with no major resist-
If the refrigeration appliance is to be
placed directly against a wall, it will be
necessary to accept a compromise in some
form. For instance by placing the vent open-
ing in the free side of the motor compart-
Unit in motor ment. Acceptable conditions can be provided
compartment in this way - more especially if the unit is
shifted nearer towards the air intake side at
the same time (fig. 26).

Fig. 26


Fig. 27

The condenser capacity can be calculated by means of the formula:

Qk = K x A x t = K x A x (t2 - t3)
Qk : Condenser capacity [kcal/h]
K : Heat transmission coefficient of condenser [kcal/m2 x h x °C]
A : Effective condenser area [m2]
t : Temperature differential between condensing temperature and the ambient air [°C]

CF.83.A1.02 Page 19
The condenser capacity can also be expressed in the following way:
Qk = G x i = G x (i1 - i2)
G = The circulated quantity of refrigerant [kg/h]
i = Enthalpy loss from condenser inlet to condenser outlet [kcal/kg]
t1 (i1) designate temperature and enthalpy respectively at the compressor discharge
connector/condenser inlet, t1 (i2) the conditions at the condenser outlet while t3
is the ambient temperature at the condenser. t2 - t3 can be used with good approxi-
mation as temperature differential between condenser surface and air.
The necessary condenser area can now be calculated in the following way:
G x i G x (i1 - i2)
A = = [m2]
K x t K x (t2 - t3)
To determine the necessary condenser area, the dimensioning rules mentioned in
section 02 should be taken into consideration.

Measuring the


Fig. 28

The condenser capacity is determined either

by measurement on the condenser alone or by
testing the condenser mounted in the refrig-
eration appliance.
Measuring the condenser capacity can be done
by the use of a set-up as shown in fig. 28.
The condenser must be fitted under conditions
as close to reality as possible, as shown in
fig. 29.
If the compressor in fig. 29 is replaced by a
heating element, it will be easier to keep
the inlet temperature constant.
The trial set-up is designed so that the Rl2
Fig. 29 gas is supplied to the condenser at a super-
heat of l00°C and is removed as condensate.
At the condenser outlet a capillary tube is fitted which makes setting to the re-
quired conditions easier.

Page 20 CF.83.A1.02
The following procedure should be used to operate the measuring set-up:
The suction pressure (evaporating pressure) and hence the circulated quantity of
Rl2 are regulated until the liquid level is constant in the sight glass. Since
there is only one point of loading where this position of equilibrium occurs in a
given system, only a single measurement per condenser size is possible. Therefore,
this measuring method offers no possibility of determining the U-value of the con-
denser as a function of the temperature differential.
The condenser capacity can be calculated by multiplying the circulated quantity in
kg/h by enthalpy difference between the compressed gas superheated to l00°C and
the liquid at the lower limit curve.
Qk = G x (i1-i2) = K x A x t = K x A x (t2 - t3) [kcal/h]
The U-value is calculated on the basis of the condensing temperature minus the air
temperature at the condenser inlet.
The measuring set-up shown has a standard calorimeter inserted in the circuit so
that the circulated quantity can be calculated.
For a relative comparison between different
compressor types or makes of condenser a set-
up like the one shown in fig. 30 can be used.
Hater at a constant velocity and inlet temper-
ature is fed through the condenser.
The temperature differential between inlet and
outlet is recorded, and the water flow is meas-
Measuring ured with a flowmeter.
In comparing two condensers, it is possible
either to keep the circulated quantity of
water constant and to record the difference
in temperature differential, or the tempera-
ture differential can be kept constant and the
Fig. 30 difference in the circulated quantity of water
can be recorded.
The capacity can be determined according to the formula:
Qk = G x c (t1 - t2)
Qk = Condenser capacity (kcal/h)
G = Quantity of water (kg/h)
c = Specific heat content (kcal/kg x °C)
t1 = Temperature at inlet (°C)
t2 = Temperature at outlet (°C)

CF.83.A1.02 Page 21
Page 22 CF.83.A1.02
CF.83.A1.02 Page 23

At Secop we are committed to our industry and are genuinely passionate about the difference we are able to
make for our customers. We understand their business and objectives and the challenges of today's world of
refrigeration and cooling systems.

We work in a straightforward way, being open, direct and honest because we want to make things clear and easy.
Our people are committed to increasing value for our customers and constantly strive for better performance,
knowing that our own progression and success is dependent on theirs.

1970 2013
1956 Introduction of SC
2008 Introduction of the XV
Production facility
The birth of a 1990 1992 Start of
production with 2005 Production
compressor – opening
a new chapter in
and headquarters in standard-setting Introduction Introduction natural Introduction facility in Wuqing, refrigeration history.
Flensburg, Germany platform in the light of NL com- of PL compres- refrigerant R290 of GS com- China Secop acquires ACC
founded. commercial market. pressors. sors. (Propane). pressors. founded. Fürstenfeld, Austria.

1958 1972 1977 1993 2002 2010 2015

Start of Introduction Introduction TL and Start of production with Production facility in Introduction New generation
production for PW of FR com- BD compressors. natural refrigerant R600a Zlate Moravce, Slovakia SLV-CNK.2 and of energy-efficient
compressors. pressors. (Isobutane). founded. SLV-CLK.2 variable propane compressors.
Production facility in speed compressors. New variable
Crnomelj, Slovenia founded. Introduction speed platforms
BD1.4F Micro DC for household and
compressor. light commercial
Introduction of applications.

Secop GmbH · Mads-Clausen-Str. 7 · 24939 Flensburg · Germany · Tel: +49 461 4941 0 ·
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Produced by Secop | April 2016

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