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National Autonomous University of Chota

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The subject of English II belongs to the area of general

studies, which contribute to the achievement of the four
English language skills, achieving auditory and visual
comprehension of sentences, paragraphs and texts,
applying new grammatical structures and vocabulary in a
daily context using technical English in their professional
career. It creates an atmosphere that gives priority to
The development of the English II subject is of a virtual nature, oriented to develop in the student
superior abilities of thought to solve problems of learning a second language, to propitiate creativity in
communicative situations, criticism and to take decisions in the development of an autonomous learning as a
student of a foreign language.

The English II course for Forestry and Environmental Engineering is of a theoretical and practical
nature. Its importance is fundamental for professional development in today's globalized world. Likewise,
through this subject, the future professional will be prepared to face the demands of the current working
world, applying the knowledge acquired and the necessary vocabulary of an elementary level, relating the
language with the business context within the forestry and environmental engineering.

In the development of each unit, as its name indicates, the student is required to participate in the
class in an active and respectful way, to collaborate in group activities, to express his/her opinions and to
respond coherently to the questions raised in the development of the synchronous learning sessions,
understanding that the subject of English II involves the development of micro skills such as reading, writing,
listening and reading comprehension. In addition, it is from the area of general studies.
There are two learning units in this course and they are called:
I. Historical episodes and experiences for life
II. On holiday take a nap
1. Introduction

- Presentation and context

The development of the English II symbol will be in non-attendance mode, so it demands a

lot of willingness and personal willingness on the part of students and teachers to achieve the
competence of the unit, although it is true that it is difficult to learn without the presence of the
teacher, but it will be accompanied through the meet google platform provided by the University,
which can be accessed from any device that is connected to the internet. In this unit, we will help
to use the different learning tools that the Classroom platform uses in order to familiarize and
interact with the teacher so that the contents of the course are developed, as well as the
activities, self-assessments and evaluations that lead to the presentation of an academic report.

- General competence

The subject of English II belongs to the area of general studies, which contribute to the
achievement of the four English language skills, achieving auditory and visual comprehension of
sentences, paragraphs and texts, applying new grammatical structures and vocabulary in a daily
context using technical English in their professional career. It creates an atmosphere that gives
priority to adequate socialization and cooperative learning in efficient working groups that
facilitate communication in the English language.

- Specific competence
By the end of the course, the students will be able to interact in different contexts, read
and comprehend short texts in English in a basic level, as well as express their opinions, feelings,
supporting their viewpoints in different situations of the daily life. In addition, the students will be
able to write short texts about, all these they will be able to do applying the competences
developed during the academic semester.

- Attitudes
 Organiza sus tiempos de estudio.
 Respeto a las normas de convivencia.
 Sentido de organización.
 Perseverancia en las tareas.
2. Development of topics
- First week

Ice breaking activity

Past simple of be: was – were

Past simple regular verbs

Speaking activity

- Second week
Past simple irregular verbs
Past simple (+), (-), (?)
Writing activity
- Third week
Present perfect
I´ve just – I ‘have already
I’ haven´t …… yet
Have you ever….?
Reading activity
- Fourth week
Present perfect or past simple
Time phrases with the present perfect and past simple
How long have you ….?
- Fifth week
There was – there were
Superlative adjectives
Speaking activity
- Sixth week
Be going to (plans)
Future time expressions
Be going to predictions
- Seventh week
Quantifiers: how much? - how many?
- Eighth week
Middle exam
3. Worksheets

1. Introduction
- Presentation and context
- General competence
- Specific competence
- Attitudes

2. Development of topics
- Ninth week

Infinitive of purpose

Introductory Adverbs

Speaking activity

- Tenth week

Subject questions

Objects questions

Make vs Do

- Eleventh week


Present continuous (features meaning)

Writing activity

- Twelfth week

Irregular plural forms

Speaking activity
- Thirteenth week
Modals: can/can’t –
have to, don’t have to
be able to, could
- Fourteenth week
Too/enoguh –
Ing form /(to) infinitive
Writing activity
- Fifteenth week
Linking words (because, so, and, too, also, but)
- Sixteenth week
Present continuous (future meaning)
- Seventeenth week
3. Worksheets

Cunningham, S. y Moor, P. (2005). New Cutting Edge. Pearson Education

Harmer, J. (2007). The Practice of English Language Teaching. London, England: Pearson Education


Harmer, J. (2010). How to teach English. London, England: Pearson Education Limited.

Latham-Koenig, C., Oxenden, C., y Seligson, P. (2012). English File. Oxford University Press

Raimes, A. (193). Techniques in teaching writing. Oxford University Press

Raymond, M. (2007). Essential Grammar in Use. Cambridge University Press

Richards, J. (2006). Communicative Language Teaching Today. England: Cambridge University Press.

Seligson, P., Lethaby, C. y Gontow,C. (2013). English ID. Richmond

Soars, L. y Soars, J. (2000). New Headway English Course. Oxford University Press

Spratt, M., Pulverness, A., y Williams, M. (2011). Teaching Knowledge Test – TKT. Cambridge, England.

Cambridge ESOL.

Viney, P. y Viney, K. (2010). In English. Oxford University Press

Walker, E. y Elsworth. (2000). Grammar Practice for Elementary Students. Pearson Education Limit
Unit of learning 1

Historical episodes and experiences for life

Specific competence

At the end of the course, students will be able to interact in

different contexts, read and understand short texts in English
at a basic level, as well as express their opinions, feelings,
supporting their points of view in different situations of
everyday life. In addition, students will be able to write short
texts about, all of which they will be able to do by applying the
skills developed during the academic semester.
Topic 5

I have seen this film


Uses conventions of written language in a relevant way to

write sentences with the present perfect form in sentences
positive and negatives
I have seen
I. Look at some images this film from films. What do the films have in
II. Listen to Alan and Lucy talking on the phone. What two things are they going to do tonight?
(New English File 5.44, pag.92)


III. Write sentences with the present perfect

1) She read Jane Eyre
2) We not see this programme
3) My parents fall asleep
4) Adam appear in a film
IV. Listen again and read the conversation complete the chart below and answer the questions with
a partner.

(+) I’ve seen the film

(-) I ………………………………………. The film
(?) ……………….. you ………………..the film?

Number Infinitive Past Past participle

1 Be Was/were Been
V. Look at some irregular past participles, write the infinitive and the past simple form of the verbs in
4 the box.
10 Now listen again and check your answers
11 (New English File 5.47, Pag. 93)
VI. Complete the spaces with verbs in past participle form, use the verbs in exercise 4.
1) Have you ……..…. Your homework?
2) I’m sorry, I’ve ………….. your name?
3) Have you ever ……….. a photo of an actor?
4) Ann’s ………. On holiday. She’s going to be away for three weeks?
5) Have you ………. To Mike about the party?
6) I’ve never ……….. that jacket. It was a big mistake.
7) Jim’s ………… in love with an Italian girl
8) Oh no! I’ve …………… my glasses

VII. Listen and complete the chart for each person (New English File 5.49, pag.93)

Which film Why?

1 ………………………………….. …………………………………….

2 ………………………………….. …………………………………….

3 ………………………………….. ……………………………………..

Grammatical part

VIII. Write the sentences with contractions

1) I have no read the pillar of the earth.
2) James has not seen this film before.
3) They have gone to the cinema tonight.
4) She has cried in a lot of films
5) I have bought all the Harry Potter films
6) They have not taken any photos
7) He has interviewed a famous actor
8) We have not appeared in a film

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