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Scheme-1 1. Development of Commercial Horticulture Through Production and Post-Harvest Management of Horticulture Crops

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1. Development of Commercial Horticulture through Production and Post-Harvest

Management of Horticulture Crops

1.2. Commercial Horticulture Development in protected cover on project mode

a) Activity (ies) allowed and Area norms:

The Board will also take up commercial horticulture development projects under
protected cover on project mode including components viz planting material,
plantation, irrigation, fertigation, mechanization, etc for projects having area over
2500 sq meter. In case of NE Region, projects having area over 1000 sq meter are
eligible. Activities like construction of green houses, shade net house, plastic
mulching, and plastic tunnel, anti bird /hail nets etc would be promoted. Provision has
been made for selecting a variety of construction material for green houses and shade
nets houses. Preference will be given to using locally available material to minimize
cost of construction of such structures. In case of flowers, projects will be considered
only under Green House structures.

b) Crops eligible:
a. Flowers: Anthurium, Orchids, Rose, Lilium, Chrysanthemum, Carnation and
b. Vegetables: High value vegetables: Capsicum, Cucumber, Tomato

c) Pattern of assistance: Credit linked back-ended subsidy @ 50% of the total project
cost limited to Rs 56.00 lakh per project as per admissible cost norms for green
houses, shade net house, plastic tunnel, anti bird /hail nets & cost of planting material
d) Maximum Project costs allowed for subsidy calculation.

S Item Cost Norms* Pattern of Assistance#

A. Development of Commercial Horticulture ##
A. 2 Commercial Horticulture Rs 112.00 lakh per project Credit linked back-
Development in protected cover. covering area above 2500 ended subsidy @ 50% of cost limited to
Rs.56.00 lakh per
Protected cultivation
1. Green House structure
(a) Fan & Pad system Rs. 1400/Sqm and Rs. 50% of cost for above
1610/Sqm for hilly states 2500 Sqm
(b) Naturally ventilated system
i) Tubular structure Rs. 844/Sqm and 50% of cost for above
Rs.970/Sqm for hilly states. 2500 Sqm
ii) Wooden structure Rs. 540/Sqm and Rs. 50% of cost for above
621/Sqm for hilly states 2500 Sqm
iii) Bamboo structure Rs. 450/Sqm and Rs. 50% of cost for above
518/Sqm for hilly states 2500 Sqm
2. Shade Net House
(a) Tubular structure Rs. 710/Sqm and 50% of cost for above
Rs. 816/Sqm for hilly states 2500 Sqm
(b) Wooden structure Rs. 492/Sqm and 50% of cost for above
Rs. 566/Sqm for hilly states 2500 Sqm
(c) Bamboo structure Rs.360/Sqm and 50% of cost for above
Rs.414/Sqm for hilly states 2500 Sqm
3 Plastic Tunnel Rs.60/Sqm and Rs.75/sqm 50% of cost for above
for hilly states 2500 Sqm
4 Walk in Tunnel Rs.600/ Sqm 50% of cost for above
2500 Sqm
5 Anti-Bird/Anti Hail Nets Rs.35/Sqm 50% of cost for above
2500 Sqm
6 Cost of Planting Material and Rs.140/Sqm 50% of cost for above
cultivation of High Value vegetables 2500 Sqm
grown in Poly House/Shade net House
7 Cost of Planting Material and Rs.700/Sqm 50% of cost for above
cultivation of Orchid and Anthurium 2500 Sq.m
grown in Poly House/Shade net House
8 Cost of Planting Material and Rs.610/Sqm 50% of cost for above
cultivation of Carnation & Gerbera 2500 Sqm
grown in Poly House/Shade net House
9 Cost of Planting Material and Rs.426/Sqm 50% of cost for above
cultivation of Rose &Lilium grown in 2500 Sqm
Poly House/Shade net House
10 Plastic Mulching Rs.32000/Ha and 50% of cost for above
Rs.36800/Ha for Hilly 2500 Sqm
e. Cost norms for Protected cultivation under NHB Scheme:

Cost Rs. Lakh per acre

SN Crop Cost of Poly Cost of Cost ceiling per

house with drip Cultivation acre with add
& fogger on components
system* in project mode
1 Anthurium & Orchid 33.76 28.00 70.00
2 Rose, Lilium, Chrysanthemum 33.76 17.04 60.00
3 Carnation & Gerbera 33.76 24.40 66.00
4 Hi-Value vegetable under poly 33.76 5.60 47.00
5 Hi-Value vegetable under Shed 28.40 5.60 40.00

* Cost of Tubular structure in plain area. In hilly States, cost of poly house will be 15%


1 Wherever cost norms are not given, cost norms available under MIDH scheme for
similar activity shall be followed. In case norms are not available under MIDH scheme
also, cost appraised by bank as per bank norms or approved by Competent committee of
NHB shall apply till cost norms are prepared.

2 In project mode, applicant may opt for add on components as per norms given 1.1. (f)
but unless otherwise specified, cost ceiling, as prescribed for each crop/activity shall be
applied where cost of add on components exceeds prescribed ceiling.
(f).Norms for Technology Add on components and other essential components of Integrated
Commercial Horticulture projects:
Item Description Admissible Cost
Cutoff date for implementation
I Cost of Admissible only if Actual or up to 10 % of Eligible Project Cost
Land * # purchased newly but not (EPC) (Excluding cost of Land and
before one year from date Development) whichever is less subject to
of sanction of loan. maximum of Rs. 50,000/- per acre.
I(i) Land Includes cost of Land Actual or up to 15% of Eligible Project Cost
Development * # leveling, digging of pits, (EPC) (Excluding cost of Land and Land
fencing, gates etc. Development) whichever is less subject to
maximum of Rs. 50,000/- per acre.
II Cultivation Includes cost of Planting As per MIDH (NHM) cost norms as given at
expenses * # material, cost of input Appendix- 1
(labour, fertilizer and
manures, pesticides etc)
III Drip system with Component includes  Actual or Rs. 20,000/-per acre for plant
internal pipeline mainline, valve, backflow density up to 200 plants
preventer pressure  Actual or Rs. 25,000/- per acre for
regulator, filter, tubing plant density >200 plants/acre
adapters and fittings, drip  Sprinkler @Rs. 15,000/per acre
tubing, emitters and an end
III(i) Irrigation Irrigation infrastructure like  Actual or up to Rs. 50,000/- per acre
infrastructure tube-well/bore well/open for open field cultivation.
excluding micro well, pipeline, water  Rs. 4.00 lakh per project in case of
irrigation * # harvesting structure, water protected cultivation.
harvesting structure, water Component – wise cost norms will be as under
tank etc, admissible only if :
newly created with loan 1. Tube-well – up to Rs. 2.50 lakh per
component unit
2. Water harvesting structure- @ Rs.
100/- CuM with use of minimum 300
microns plastic films or RCC lining.
3. Cost of non-lined ponds/tanks will be
30% less.
4. Pipe line-Rs 150/- per running meter
only from source (min. 4” diameter) of
irrigation to production unit
IV Horticulture  Power/hydraulic  Tractor (up to 20 BHP) @Rs.3.00
Mechanization * operated machine/tools lakh/unit
# ## including small farms  Power Tiller below8 BHP @ Rs.1.00
tractor with lakh/unit
rotavator/equipments  Power tiller 8 BHP & Above @ Rs.1.50
etc. lakh/unit
 Machineries Identified  Tractor/Power Tiller (Below 20 BHP)
by NHB under farm driven equipments
mechanization - Land development, tillage and seed bed
component may be preparation equipments - @ Rs.0.30 lakh
considered for subsidy per unit
in standalone mode - Sowing, planting reaping and digging
equipments - @ Rs.0.30 Lakh per unit

Plastic mulch laying machine – Rs.0.70
Lakh per unit
 Self-propelled Horticulture machinery - @
Rs.2.50 lakh per unit
 Other tools and equipments as per norms
as per norms of Sub Mission on
Agriculture Mechanization (SMAM)
V Civil Includes Functional Pack 1. Functional Pack house @ Rs. 4.00
Infrastructure * House/ On farm collection Lakh/unit with size of 9 x 6 Meter (Pro
# unit and labour quarter rate basis for lower size)
2. Labour Quarter/ Store room @ Rs.
20,000/- per acre maximum up to 3.00
lakh . Cost norm as per pack house
Vi Vermi Compost Permanent structure and Rs.60,000/- per unit for permanent structure
unit * # HDPE vermibed and Rs.10,000/- for HDPE vermibed (96 cft
(12’x4’x2’ and IS 15907:2010 to be
administered on prorate basis).
VII Certification for Rs.4000/- per acre.
Good Agriculture
Practice (GAP),
infrastructure *
VIII Support system Permanent structure made Rs. 1,50,000/- per acre
for Grapes up of MS angles and
(trellis, telephone, stainless steel wire.
bawar and other
system etc. *

IX Plastic Mulching Rs.12800/- per acre and Rs.14729/- acre for

* ## hilly states
X Bed Preparation Protected Cultivation Rs.100/- per Sq. m.
Cost in the cases projects only in cases
requiring Soil involving removal and
replacement # replacement of top soil by
red soil or cultivation is
done on
media/Pots/Concrete bed

Components categorization:

* Commercial Horticulture, within overall cost ceiling

Protected Cultivation, within overall cost ceiling
## Over and above overall cost ceiling

Any other add on component as may be decided by Project Approval Committee for
inclusion of new item(s) may be suitably incorporated from time to time.

(g)Technical Standards: For availing subsidy, all material /technology should strictly conform
to the prescribed standards, else the project is not eligible for any financial assistance.

Name of Beneficiary: _______________________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________________________
1 Type of structure NVPH
2 Area in sq mt
3 Gutter Height 4.0 to 4.5 mtrs
4 Ridge Height/Centre 6.0 to 6.5 mtrs
5 Foundation pipe 60 mm OD 1200 to 1300 mm length 3
mm thick weight 4.20 kgs/mtrs
6 Column 76 mm OD, 2 mm thick, weight 3.75
7 Top purlin 48 mm OD 2.0 mm thick, weight 2.30
8 Gutter purlin 42 mm OD 2 mm thick weight 2.10
9 Top Arch 42 mm OD 2 mm thick weight 2.10
10 Bottom cord of the Truss 60 mm OD/2.0 mm thick weight 2.85
11 Internal Bracing pipe & 33 mm OD 2 mm thick, weight 1.60
Cross Bracing kg/mtrs
12 Balcony pipe 60 mm OD 2 mm thick
2.85 kg/mtrs
13 Curtain runner 42 mm OD 2 mm thick, weight 2.10
14 Curtain shaft 27 mm OD 2 mm thick, weight 1.30
15 Hockey support 33 mm OD 2 mm thick, weight 1.60
16 Flap control pipe 21 mm OD 2 mm thick, weight 1.08
17 Poly film UV stabilized 200 micron
18 Fasteners M6 to m10 Nut bolts 50-150 mm long
19 Shade net UV stabilized 50% shade net of any
colour with manual or auto operation
20 Bottom Apron 0.6 to 1.5 meter height
21 Nut bolts Size 3/8”
22 Civil work/foundation 45 cm dia. and 75 cm to 90 cm depth
23 Extra items if any
a) Down take pipe
b) Trellis system

Signature of
NHB Bank Crop Post-Harvest State Applicant Chartered (Mech.) Engineer on
Official Rep. Expert Expert Horti/ Agri behalf of Applicant

Name of Beneficiary :________________________________________________________

Address :__________________________________________________________________


1 Type of structure Shade net house
2 Area in ___________ SQM.
3 Height of structure 4.0 meter
4 Foundation pipe 1.20 mtr. length 2 mm
5 Column 60 mm OD, 2 mm thick,
weight 2.85 kg/mtr
6 Purlin 42 mm OD 2 mm thick
weight 2.0/2.10 kg per mtr.
7 Balcony pipe 48 mm OD 2 mm thick 2.3
8 Top Net (Shade net/Insect UV stabilized 30% to 75%
net) shade of any colour
9 Nut bolts Size 3/8”
10 Civil work/Foundation 40 cm x 90 cm length
11 Corner/Four way/Five 48 mm OD 2 mm thick
way/Angle-L length 0.15 mtr
12 Extra items, if any
a) Sliding Net
b) Trellis system

Signature of
NHB Bank Crop Post-Harvest State Applicant Charter (Mech.) Engineer on
Official Rep. Expert Expert Horti/ Agri behalf of Applicant

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