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NCM 109-Care of Mother and Child at Risk or With Problems (Acute and Chronic)

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NCM 109
Care of Mother, Child at Risk or with Problems (Acute & Chronic)

COURSE CODE: NCM 109 COURSE TITLE: Care of Mother, Child at Risk or with Problems (Acute & Chronic)
COURSE TYPE: Professional Subject COURSE CREDIT: LEC 6 UNITS (108hrs); SL 1 UNIT (51hrs) CL 5 UNITS (255hrs)
PLACEMENT: Second Year, First Semester SELF-DIRECTED LEARNING: 61-91 hours
PROFESSOR: Viamarie B. Bulagao, MN, CNN, RN CONSULTATION PERIOD: Tuesday, 8:00AM- 5:00PM

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Application of skills in providing safe, quality and holistic care on at risk/high risk clients during different childbearing stages including newborn and
children up to adolescence at various developmental stages in the hospital and community settings.

LEVEL OUTCOMES: At the end of the second year, given a normal and high risk mother, newborn, child, family, communities, and population groups in any health care setting,
the learners demonstrate safe, appropriate and holistic care utilizing the nursing process.

1. Apply knowledge of physical, social, natural and health sciences and humanities in the practice of Nursing Institutes safety measures and applicable
nursing interventions through utilization of the nursing process in the care of clients.
2. Provide safe, appropriate, and holistic care to individuals, families, population group and community utilizing nursing process through excellent and
responsive education.
3. Apply guidelines and principles of evidence-based practice in the delivery of care.
4. Practice nursing in accordance with existing laws, legal, ethical, and moral principles and with just and humane regard to people.
5. Communicate effectively in speaking, writing, and presenting using culturally appropriate language.
6. Report/document client accurately and comprehensively.
7. Collaborate effectively with inter-intra-and multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams.
8. Practice beginning management and leadership skills care using systems approach in the delivery of client care.
9. Conduct research with an experienced researcher.

VISION: We are a premiere institution highly engaged in producing globally competitive professionals.
MISSION: We empower all students and stakeholders in achieving easy access to comprehensive instruction, research, and extension services using advanced technology.
S – Scholarly Pursuit J – Just and humane regard for people C – Commitment to Excellence D – Diversity with Purpose C – Compassion to Professionalism
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10. Engage in lifelong learning with a passion to keep current with the national and global developments in general, and nursing and health developments
in particular.
11. Demonstrate responsible citizenship and pride being a Filipino through instruction research and extension of services founded on Christian values and
pride in one’s race.
12. Apply techno-intelligent care systems and processes in health care delivery.
13. Uphold the nursing care values in the practice of the profession.
14. Develop entrepreneurial skills in the delivery of nursing care.
15. To fully integrate women into the development process, to continually search for new and innovative initiatives that will help transform unequal
social/gender relations into creative opportunities that would equally benefit men and women.
16. To help determine the extent of the benefits derived by both men and women from the curriculum, programs and projects. It must be able to address
the needs of both men and women.

Given actual clients in the hospital/community setting the Level II learner will be able to:

1. Display the knowledge of physical, social, natural and health sciences as applied from the concepts of nursing theories.
2. Indulges the concepts and theories in the nursing caring profession.
3. Adapts to guidelines and principles of evidence-based practice among different Nursing theories
4. Applies existing laws, legal, ethical and moral principles in the care of clients.
5. Demonstrate effectively the ways of proper communication in form of speaking, writing, and presentation using culturally appropriate language.
6. Performs accurate and comprehensive documentation in relation to the care of clients.
7. Displays passive and active communication between co-learners using culturally appropriate language.
8. Exercises effective leadership skills through cooperative activities.
9. Engages in nursing or health related research with or under the supervision of an experienced researcher in contribution to the care of clients.
10. Demonstrates competence in creating new ideas, formulating concepts based on learned nursing theories.
11. Advocates true Filipino nurse moral values with commitment to service
12. Uses technology to enhance materials in learning and communication through presentations.
13. Acts in accordance to the Nursing Code of Ethics in the practice of research
14. Not Applicable

VISION: We are a premiere institution highly engaged in producing globally competitive professionals.
MISSION: We empower all students and stakeholders in achieving easy access to comprehensive instruction, research, and extension services using advanced technology.
S – Scholarly Pursuit J – Just and humane regard for people C – Commitment to Excellence D – Diversity with Purpose C – Compassion to Professionalism
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PART 1 - Learning Plan for Theory (Lecture)
Topics Hours/Week Topic learning Outcomes Learning Activities Assessment
I. Introduction of the Course Care of Mother, Child and 6h  Integrate relevant principles of  Interactive Lecture  Reflection paper
Adolescent W-1 Maternal and Child nursing in & Discussion
A. Review of the College VMO as applied to the course social, physical, natural and health  Group discussion
B. Overview of the course sciences and humanities to a given  Seat work
C. Discussion of Requirements and class policies health and nursing situation.
D. Expectations Setting  Display understanding on nursing
E. Tools and Equipment Identification concepts holistically and
F. Introduction of the course comprehensively in care of mother,
child and adolescent.
II. Review of Anatomy and Physiology
III. The Nursing Role in Caring for a Family During 12h  Obtains assessment data utilizing  Interactive Lecture  Paper & pen
Complications of Pregnancy, Birth, or the Postpartal Period. W – 2&3 theoretical bases guided by the & Discussion examination
1. Nursing Care of a Family Experiencing a Pregnancy type of client and work setting  Oral recitation  Rubrics for
Complication from a Pre-existing or Newly Acquired Illness requisite.  Group discussion reporting
a. The nursing role and nursing care during pregnancy  Displays knowledge on nursing and Reporting  Rubrics for Case
complications interventions and management  Genogram Study
b. Cardiovascular Disorders and Pregnancy holistically and comprehensively in  Family  Rubrics for Family
c. Hematologic Disorders of Pregnancy care based on the theories and its Assessment Assessment
d. Renal and Urinary Disorders and Pregnancy implication.
e. Rheumatic Disorders and Pregnancy  Applies knowledge of concepts,
f. Gastrointestinal Disorders and Pregnancy principles and nursing practice
g. Neurologic Disorders and Pregnancy
h. Endocrine Disorders and Pregnancy
i. Mental Illness and Pregnancy
j. Cancer and Pregnancy
2. Nursing Care of a Family Experiencing a Sudden Pregnancy
a. Bleeding during pregnancy
b. Preterm Labor
c. Preterm Rupture of Membranes
d. Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy
e. HELLP Syndrome

VISION: We are a premiere institution highly engaged in producing globally competitive professionals.
MISSION: We empower all students and stakeholders in achieving easy access to comprehensive instruction, research, and extension services using advanced technology.
S – Scholarly Pursuit J – Just and humane regard for people C – Commitment to Excellence D – Diversity with Purpose C – Compassion to Professionalism
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f. Multiple Pregnancy
g. Polyhydramnios
h. Oligohydramnios
i. Postterm Pregnancy
j. Isoimmunization (Rh Incompatibility)
k. Fetal Death
3. Nursing Care of a Pregnant Family with Special Needs 6h  Obtains assessment data utilizing  Interactive Lecture  Paper & pen
a. The Pregnant Adolescent W–4 appropriate data gathering tools & Discussion examination
b. The Pregnant Women Over Age 40 years guided by the type of client and  Role Playing  Rubrics for
c. The pregnant Woman Who is Physically or Cognitively work setting requisite.  Oral recitation reporting
Challenged  Group discussion  Rubrics for role
d. A woman who is substance dependent and Reporting play
e. Trauma and Pregnancy  Case study  Rubrics for Case
4. Nursing Care of a Family Experiencing a Complication of Study
Labor or Birth
a. Complications with the power
b. Problems with the passenger
c. Problems with passage
d. Anomalies of the placenta and cord
5. Nursing Care of a Family During a Surgical Intervention for
a. Surgical Interventions
b. Cesarean Birth
c. Effects of Surgery on a woman
d. Nursing care for a woman anticipating a cesarean birth
e. Nursing care for a woman having an emergent cesarean
f. Intraoperative Care Measures
g. Postpartal Care Measures
6. Nursing Care of a Family Experiencing Postpartum 6h  Applies appropriate and  
Complications W–5 evidence-based nursing
a. Postpartum Hemorrhages interventions for physiologic and
b. Puerperal Infections psychosocial needs of patients/
c. Thrombophlebitis clients to preserve physiologic
d. Mastitis
integrity and prevent
e. Urinary System Disorders

VISION: We are a premiere institution highly engaged in producing globally competitive professionals.
MISSION: We empower all students and stakeholders in achieving easy access to comprehensive instruction, research, and extension services using advanced technology.
S – Scholarly Pursuit J – Just and humane regard for people C – Commitment to Excellence D – Diversity with Purpose C – Compassion to Professionalism
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f. Cardiovascular System Disorders complications.

g. Reproductive System Disorders
h. Emotional and Psychological Complications of
7. Nursing Care of a Family with High-Risk Newborn
a. Newborn priorities in the first days of life
b. The newborn at risk because of altered gestational age
or birth weight
c. Illness that occur in newborns
d. The newborn at risk because of maternal infection
e. The newborn at risk because of maternal illness
8. Nursing Care of the Child Born with a Physical or
Developmental Challenge
a. Care at birth of the newborn who is physically or
developmentally challenged
b. Physical and developmental disorders of the skeletal
c. Physical and developmental disorders of the
gastrointestinal system
d. Physical and developmental disorders of the nervous
V. The Nursing Role in Restoring and Maintaining the Health 10h  Display understanding on nursing  Interactive Lecture  Paper & pen
of Children and Families with Physiologic Disorders W –7&8 concepts holistically and & Discussion examination
1. Nursing are of a Family when a Child has Respiratory comprehensively in care of clients  Role Playing  Rubrics for
Disorder with maladaptive behavior.  Oral recitation reporting
a. Anatomy and Physiology of the Respiratory System  Obtains assessment data utilizing  Group discussion  Rubrics for role
b. Assessing Respiratory Illness in Children appropriate data gathering tools and Reporting play
c. Health Promotion and Risk Management guided by the type of client and  Case study  Rubrics for Case
d. Therapeutic Techniques Used in Treatment of work setting requisite. Study
Respiratory Illness in Children  Analyses & Synthesizes data
e. Disorders of the upper respiratory tract gathered
f. Disorders of the Lower Respiratory Tract  Specifies client status/ condition/
2. Nursing Care of a Family When a Child Has Cardiovascular problems to be addressed
Disorders identifying reasons for existence of
a. Health Promotion and Risk Management

VISION: We are a premiere institution highly engaged in producing globally competitive professionals.
MISSION: We empower all students and stakeholders in achieving easy access to comprehensive instruction, research, and extension services using advanced technology.
S – Scholarly Pursuit J – Just and humane regard for people C – Commitment to Excellence D – Diversity with Purpose C – Compassion to Professionalism
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b. Nursing Care of the Child with Cardiac Disorder the condition or problem.
c. The Cardiovascular System  Applies appropriate and
d. Congestive Heart Failure evidence-based nursing
e. Congenital Heart Defects interventions for physiologic and
f. Cardiac Surgery psychosocial needs of patients/
g. Cardiac Catheterization clients to preserve physiologic
h. Cardiac Transplantation
integrity and prevent
i. Dysrhythmias
j. Acquired Heart Disease complications.
k. Preventive Heart Disease  Implements safe and quality
interventions with the client to
address the health needs,
problems, and issues.
 Evaluate clients’ progress and
3. Nursing Care of a Family when a child has an immune 10h  Applied nursing processes in  Interactive Lecture  Paper & pen
disorder W – 8&9 dealing with clients’ behaviors. & Discussion examination
a. The Immune System  Documents client’s responses /  Role Playing  Rubrics for
b. Immunodeficiency Disorders nursing care services rendered and  Oral recitation charting
c. Allergy processes / outcomes of the nurse  Sample  Rubrics for Case
d. Common Allergic Reactions client working relationship. Documentation Study
e. Atopic Disorders  Ensures completeness, integrity,  Case study
f. Drug and Food Allergies safety, accessibility and security of
g. Stinging Insect Hypersensitivity information.
h. Contact Dermatitis  Adheres to protocol and principles
4. Nursing Care of a Family when a Child has an infectious of confidentiality and safekeeping
Disorder and releasing of records and other
a. The infectious process information.
b. Health Promotion and Risk Management  Implements system of informatics
c. Caring for the Child with an Infectious Disease to support the delivery of
d. Viral Infections healthcare.
e. Bacterial Infections  Applies appropriate and
f. Other Infectious Pathogens
evidence-based nursing
5. Nursing Care of a Family when a child has a hematologic
disorder interventions for physiologic and
a. Anatomy and Physiology of Hematopoietic Disorders psychosocial needs of patients/

VISION: We are a premiere institution highly engaged in producing globally competitive professionals.
MISSION: We empower all students and stakeholders in achieving easy access to comprehensive instruction, research, and extension services using advanced technology.
S – Scholarly Pursuit J – Just and humane regard for people C – Commitment to Excellence D – Diversity with Purpose C – Compassion to Professionalism
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b. Health Promotion and Risk Management clients to preserve physiologic

c. Disorders of the Red Blood Cells integrity and prevent
Disorders of Blood Coagulation complications.
6. Nursing Care of a Family When a Child has a 10h  Display understanding on nursing  Interactive Lecture  Paper & pen
Gastrointestinal Disorder W – 10&11 concepts holistically and & Discussion examination
a. Anatomy and Physiology of Gastrointestinal System comprehensively in care of clients  Role Playing  Rubrics for
b. Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques with maladaptive behavior.  Oral recitation reporting
c. Health Promotion and Risk Management  Obtains assessment data utilizing  Group discussion  Rubrics for role
d. Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Imbalances appropriate data gathering tools and Reporting play
e. Common Gastrointestinal Symptoms of Illness in guided by the type of client and  Case study  Rubrics for Case
Children work setting requisite. Study
f. Common Disorders of the Stomach and Duodenum  Analyses & Synthesizes data
g. Hepatic Disorders gathered
h. Intestinal Disorders  Specifies client status/ condition/
i. Disorders of the Lower Bowel problems to be addressed
j. Disorders Caused by Food, Vitamin and Mineral identifying reasons for existence of
Deficiency the condition or problem.
7. Nursing Care of a Family when a Child has a Renal or  Implements safe and quality
Urinary Tract Disorder interventions with the client to
a. Anatomy and Physiology of the Kidneys address the health needs,
b. Assessment of Renal and Urinary Tract Dysfunction problems, and issues.
c. Therapeutic Measures for the Management of Renal  Evaluate clients’ progress and
Disease prognoses.
d. Health Promotion and Risk Management
e. Structural Abnormalities of the Urinary Tract
f. Infections of the Urinary System Related Disorders
g. Disorders Affecting Normal Urinary Elimination
h. Kidney Transplantation
8. Nursing Care of a Family when a Child has a Reproductive 10h  Display understanding on nursing  Interactive Lecture  Paper & pen
Disorder W – 11&12 concepts holistically and & Discussion examination
a. Assessing Reproductive Disorders in Children comprehensively in care of clients  Role Playing  Rubrics for
b. Health Promotion and Risk Management with maladaptive behavior.  Oral recitation reporting
c. Disorders Caused by Altered Reproductive  Obtains assessment data utilizing  Group discussion  Rubrics for role
Development appropriate data gathering tools and Reporting play
d. Reproductive Disorders in Males guided by the type of client and  Case study  Rubrics for Case
e. Reproductive Disorders in Females

VISION: We are a premiere institution highly engaged in producing globally competitive professionals.
MISSION: We empower all students and stakeholders in achieving easy access to comprehensive instruction, research, and extension services using advanced technology.
S – Scholarly Pursuit J – Just and humane regard for people C – Commitment to Excellence D – Diversity with Purpose C – Compassion to Professionalism
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f. Breast Disorders work setting requisite. Study

g. Sexually Transmitted Disease  Analyses & Synthesizes data
9. Nursing Care of a Family When a Child has an Endocrine or gathered
a Metabolic Disorder  Specifies client status/ condition/
a. Health promotion and risk management problems to be addressed
b. The pituitary gland identifying reasons for existence of
c. Pituitary gland disorders the condition or problem.
d. The thyroid gland  Implements safe and quality
e. Thyroid gland disorders interventions with the client to
f. The adrenal gland address the health needs,
g. Adrenal gland disorders problems, and issues.
h. The Pancreas  Evaluate clients’ progress and
i. The Parathyroid Glands prognoses
j. Metabolic Disorders (Inborn Errors of Metabolism)
10. Nursing Care of a Family When a Child has a Neurologic 12h  Display understanding on nursing  Interactive Lecture  Paper & pen
Disorder W – 13&14 concepts holistically and & Discussion examination
a. Anatomy and Physiology of the Nervous System comprehensively in care of growing  Role Playing  Rubrics for
b. Assessing the Child with a Neurologic Disorder and developing clients.  Oral recitation reporting
c. Health Promotion and Risk Management  Group discussion  Rubrics for role
d. Increased Intracranial Pressure and Reporting play
e. Neural Tube disorders  Case study  Rubrics for Case
f. Neurocutaneous Syndromes Study
g. Cerebral Palsy
h. Infection
i. Inflammatory Disorders
j. Paroxysmal Disorders
k. Spinal Cord Injury
l. Ataxic Disorders
11. Nursing Care of a family when a child has a vision or
hearing disorder
a. Health Promotion and Risk Management
b. Vision
c. Disorders that interfere with vision
d. Structural Problems with vision
e. Structural problems of the eye

VISION: We are a premiere institution highly engaged in producing globally competitive professionals.
MISSION: We empower all students and stakeholders in achieving easy access to comprehensive instruction, research, and extension services using advanced technology.
S – Scholarly Pursuit J – Just and humane regard for people C – Commitment to Excellence D – Diversity with Purpose C – Compassion to Professionalism
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f. Infection or inflammation of the eye

g. Traumatic injury to the eye
h. Inner eye conditions
i. The child scheduled for eye surgery
j. The hospitalized child with a visual impairment
k. Structure and function of the ears
l. Disorder of the ear
m. The hospitalized child with hearing impairment
12. Nursing care of a family when a child has a musculoskeletal 12h  Display understanding on nursing  Interactive Lecture  Paper & pen
disorder W – 15&16 concepts holistically and & Discussion examination
a. The musculoskeletal system comprehensively in care of Toddler  Role Playing  Rubrics for
b. Assessment of Musculoskeletal Function clients.  Oral recitation reporting
c. Health promotion and risk management  Apply knowledge on nursing  Group discussion  Rubrics for role
d. Therapeutic Management of musculoskeletal disorders interventions and growth and and Reporting play
in children development management.  Case study  Rubrics for Case
e. Disorders of bone development Study
f. Infectious and inflammatory disorders of the bones and
g. Disorders of skeletal structure
h. Disorders of the joints and tendons: Collagen Vascular
i. Disorders of the Skeletal Muscles
13. Nursing Care of a Family when a Child has an Unintentional
a. Health Promotion and Risk Management
b. The Injured Child
c. Head Trauma
d. Abdominal Trauma
e. Dental Trauma
f. Drowning
g. Poisoning
h. Foreign Body Obstruction
i. Bites
j. Athletic Injuries of the extremities
k. Thermal Injuries
14. Nursing Care of a Family When a Child Has a Malignancy

VISION: We are a premiere institution highly engaged in producing globally competitive professionals.
MISSION: We empower all students and stakeholders in achieving easy access to comprehensive instruction, research, and extension services using advanced technology.
S – Scholarly Pursuit J – Just and humane regard for people C – Commitment to Excellence D – Diversity with Purpose C – Compassion to Professionalism
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a. Health Promotion and Risk Management

b. Neoplasia
c. Assessing Children with Cancer
d. Overview of Cancer Treatment Measures Used with
e. The Leukemias
f. The Lymphomas
g. Neoplasms of the Brain
h. Bone Tumors
i. Other Childhood Neoplasms
, The Nursing Role in Restoring and Maintaining the Mental Health of 6h  Display understanding on nursing  Interactive Lecture  Paper & pen
Children and Families W – 17 concepts holistically and & Discussion examination
1. Nursing Care of a Family when a Child has an Intellectual or comprehensively in care of school-  Role Playing  Rubrics for
Mental Health Disorder age and adolescent clients.  Oral recitation reporting
a. Health Promotion and Risk Management
 Apply knowledge on nursing  Group discussion  Rubrics for role
b. Classification of Mental Health Disorders
interventions and management of and Reporting play
c. Neurodevelopmental disorders
growing and developing clients.  Case study  Rubrics for Case
d. Attention Deficit and Disruptive Behavior Disorders
e. Anxiety Disorders Study
f. Eating Disorders
g. Tic Disorders
h. Depression, Psychiatric, and Bipolar and Related
Disorders Affecting Children
i. Elimination Disorders
2. Nursing Care of a Family in Crisis: Maltreatment and
Violence in the Family
a. Health Promotion and Risk Management
b. Child Maltreatment
c. Sexual Maltreatment
d. Rape
e. Intimate Partner Violence

3. Nursing Care of a Family when a Child has a long-term or

terminal illness
a. The Child with a Long-term Illness
b. The Child Who is Terminally

VISION: We are a premiere institution highly engaged in producing globally competitive professionals.
MISSION: We empower all students and stakeholders in achieving easy access to comprehensive instruction, research, and extension services using advanced technology.
S – Scholarly Pursuit J – Just and humane regard for people C – Commitment to Excellence D – Diversity with Purpose C – Compassion to Professionalism
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PART II - Learning plan for Skills Laboratory

*Skills Laboratory Exposure shall be undergone for six to seven days (51 hours) prior to clinical exposure within the semester.
Topics (Concentration) Hours/Da Topic learning Outcomes Learning Activities Assessment
I. General assessment consideration 8 (SL)  Apply knowledge on theoretical  Interactive group  Paper & pen
II. Building nurse – client relationship D–1 bases into practice discussion and examination
III. Documentation in maternal and child nursing 8 (SL)  Display thorough understanding simulation.  Reflection Paper
practice. D–2 of application of skills into  Demonstration &  Performance
IV. Understanding application of the Therapeutic practice return demonstration evaluation rubrics
8 (SL)
modalities, maternal and child nursing  Practice intervention in  Oral recitation & for return
strategies (PART 1) preparation to actual clinical revalida demonstration
V. Understanding application of the Therapeutic practice  Practice  Rubrics for
8 (SL)
modalities, maternal and child nursing  Develop sense of responsibility documentation and reporting
strategies (PART 2) and accountability through charting  Rubrics for Oral
VI. Comprehensive understanding of the nursing enhanced understanding and  Group discussion Revalida
8 (SL)
intervention of different maternal and child background of the concepts. and reporting.  Rubrics for
conditions. (PART 1)  Uphold nursing values into  Role playing Documentation
VII. Comprehensive understanding of the nursing practicing the theory and  Case Study Simulation.
8 (SL)
intervention of different maternal and child concepts.  Critical thinking  Comprehensive
conditions. (PART 2)  Engage learners to the exercises Examination
VIII. Comprehensive understanding of the nursing profession by developing sense  Practice Tests and
8 (SL)
intervention of different maternal and child of leadership and competency. Rationalization
conditions. (PART 3)
Comprehensive Examination

PART III - Learning plan for Clinical Exposure

*Clinical Exposure shall be undergone after the skills laboratory exposure and in completion of 153 hours (19-20 days) within the semester.
Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Assessment
 Apply knowledge on theoretical bases  Kardex Review  Performance evaluation tool
into practice  Student - Patient Assignment for clinical exposure
 Display thorough understanding of  Receive endorsement of patients  Rubrics for Drug Study

VISION: We are a premiere institution highly engaged in producing globally competitive professionals.
MISSION: We empower all students and stakeholders in achieving easy access to comprehensive instruction, research, and extension services using advanced technology.
S – Scholarly Pursuit J – Just and humane regard for people C – Commitment to Excellence D – Diversity with Purpose C – Compassion to Professionalism
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application of skills into practice  Chart reading and record review  Rubrics for Nursing Care Plan
 Practice intervention in preparation to  Initial rounds & baseline assessment  Rubrics for Case Study
actual clinical practice  Nursing care planning  RLE Examination
 Develop sense of responsibility and  Carrying out of doctor’s orders with supervision  Oral Revalida
accountability through enhanced  Bedside care & nursing management such as assist in prenatal
understanding and background of the consultations, labor monitoring, participate in every stage of labor and
concepts. delivery, postpartum monitoring and management, rendering pediatric
 Uphold nursing values into practicing care from neonate to adolescent populations.
the theory and concepts.  Medication preparation & administration
 Engage learners to the profession by  Intravenous fluid management and regulation
developing sense of leadership and  Input & output monitoring
competency.  Documentation & recording
 Evaluation of nursing management
 Endorsement of patient
*Learning activities varies on the preference of the affiliating institution, clinical instructors’ assessment of the learning capability of the student nurses, and area of
exposure and type of clients.

Lecture Classroom
Skills Laboratory Skills Laboratory
Clinical Lying-in Clinics; Maternal and Pediatric Out-Patient Department; General/Obstetrics-Gynecology/Pediatrics Ward; Labor Room;
Delivery Room; Operating Room; Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU); Recovery Room (RR)

RESOURCES: Books, Materials for Demonstration such as Supplies & Equipment, Hospital Facilities & Equipment.

COURSE REQUIREMENTS: Clinical Duty Hours Completion, Case Study, Case Presentation

A. Lecture:
Term Grade (Prelim, Midterm, Finals) Percentage

VISION: We are a premiere institution highly engaged in producing globally competitive professionals.
MISSION: We empower all students and stakeholders in achieving easy access to comprehensive instruction, research, and extension services using advanced technology.
S – Scholarly Pursuit J – Just and humane regard for people C – Commitment to Excellence D – Diversity with Purpose C – Compassion to Professionalism
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Major Examination 30%

Class Participation 25%
Assignment / Project / Reflection Paper / Activity Output 25%
Quizzes / Seat Work 20%
Total 100%
*Class participation includes attendance, participation in class discussions and activities and behavior inside the class room.
*Final Grade = Prelim (30%) + Midterm (30%) + Finals (40%)

B. Skills Laboratory (Related Learning Experience):

Final Grade Percentage
Comprehensive Examination 30%
Performance Evaluation 40%
Participation 20%
Quizzes / Seat Work 10%
Total 100%
*Class participation includes attendance, participation in class discussions and activities and behavior inside the laboratory.
*SL Final Grade shall be part of the overall Clinical Competency Grade of the Related Learning Experience

C. Clinical Area (Related Learning Experience):

Final Grade Percentage
Clinical Competency Evaluation (Knowledge, Skills, Attitude) 60%
Case Presentation (Individual & Group) 20%
Oral Revalida 10%
Term Examination 10%
Total 100%
*Clinical Competency Evaluation shall be accumulative of all the performance evaluation in the Clinical Area and overall grade in Skills


 Maternal & Chid Health Nursing: Care of Childbearing & Childbearing Family (L), *th Ed, 2018, ADELE PILLITERI
 Study Guide to Accompany Maternal & Childbearing & Childbearing, 2014, PILLITERI
 Essentials of Obstetrics Nursing in the Philippine Setting

VISION: We are a premiere institution highly engaged in producing globally competitive professionals.
MISSION: We empower all students and stakeholders in achieving easy access to comprehensive instruction, research, and extension services using advanced technology.
S – Scholarly Pursuit J – Just and humane regard for people C – Commitment to Excellence D – Diversity with Purpose C – Compassion to Professionalism
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 Gomella T.L. (2012) Neonatology Management, Procedures on-Call Problems, Diseases & Drugs 6th ed., Mc Graw Hill Companies, Inc. 894 pages
 Leveno, Kenneth (2012) Williams Manual of Obstetrics Pregnancy Complications 2nd ed., International Ed. MC Graw Hill Ed. (Asia) 598 pages
 Padilla, M.T. (2013) Integrated Management of Childhood Illness 1st Ed., Educational Publishing House 153 pages
 Porter, W. (2013 Critical Care Nursing Handbook, Jones & Bartlett Publisher 223pages
1. The students are expected to be in the classroom/area of exposure at the scheduled time.
2. Students are allowed 12 hours of absences inclusive of tardiness. Excessive absences shall merit the grade of 5.00. Absence due to hospitalization
and other unavoidable circumstances maybe exceptions but excuses under this situation need the consent and approval of the Program Chair and the
Director for Academic Affairs.
3. Assignment shall be submitted on the date agreed upon by the class. No assignment shall be accepted after the due date. No special assignment shall
be given in view of the missed one.
4. Major examination shall be given on scheduled date. No examination shall be given after the schedule.
5. Students are expected to display the highest degree of honesty and professionalism in their class work, requirements and activities and in dealing with
fellow students and teacher.
6. Cellular phones should be turned off or in silent mode during the class or learning exposure.
7. The teacher is very open to suggestions. Any activity shall be agreed upon by the class. Requests and concerns related to the course shall be
discussed in the class or to the teacher during the consultation hour.
8. Student with perfect attendance shall be given extra credit in the final grade.
All other policies (attendance, tardiness, decorum, grievance, etc.) shall be subject to the provisions of the latest version of the Student
Prepared by: Checked & Endorsed by:


Faculty, School of Nursing Program-Chair, School of Nursing

Reviewed & Recommended by: Approved by:


Coordinator, Curricular Quality Assurance Dean / Director for Academic Affairs

VISION: We are a premiere institution highly engaged in producing globally competitive professionals.
MISSION: We empower all students and stakeholders in achieving easy access to comprehensive instruction, research, and extension services using advanced technology.
S – Scholarly Pursuit J – Just and humane regard for people C – Commitment to Excellence D – Diversity with Purpose C – Compassion to Professionalism
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NCM 107

Program Outcomes Course Outcome (CO) Course Learning Outcomes (CLO)

PO1 Apply knowledge of physical, Display the knowledge of A. Integrates knowledge of physical, social, natural and health sciences, in the
social, natural, and health science physical, social, natural and conduct of concepts of nursing theories.
and humanities in the practice of health sciences as applied B. Applies knowledge of concepts, principles and nursing theories.
Nursing. from the concepts of nursing

PO2Perform safe, appropriate, and A.2.2 Assesses the client, ones health status/competence.

VISION: We are a premiere institution highly engaged in producing globally competitive professionals.
MISSION: We empower all students and stakeholders in achieving easy access to comprehensive instruction, research, and extension services using advanced technology.
S – Scholarly Pursuit J – Just and humane regard for people C – Commitment to Excellence D – Diversity with Purpose C – Compassion to Professionalism
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holistic care to individuals, families, Exercises safe, appropriate, A.2.2.1. Develops the data gathering plan with the client specifying methods and
population groups, and community and holistic care to tools.
utilizing nursing process. individuals, families, A.2.2.2. Obtains assessment data utilizing appropriate data gathering tools
population groups, and guided by type of client and work setting requisite.
community, in alignment to A.2.2.3. Analyzes data gathered
the program outcomes. A.2.2.4. Synthesizes data gathered
A.2.2.5. Specifies client status/ condition/ problem to be addressed identifying
reasons for existence of the condition or problem.
A.2.3. Formulates with the client a plan of care t address the health conditions,
needs, problems, and issues based o priorities.
A.2.4. Implements safe and quality intervention with the client to address the
health needs, problems and issues.
A.2.4.1. Implements appropriate psychosocial, therapeutic intervention to
render holistic nursing care in any setting.
A.2.4.3. Applies safety principles, evidence based practice, infection control
measures and appropriate protective devices consistently, when
providing nursing care and preventive injury to clients, self, other
health care workers and the public.
A.2.4.4. Implements strategies related to the safe preparation and administration
of medications based on institutional policies and protocol.
A.2.4.6. Implements safe, adequate, evidenced-based care of clients during the
pre-, intra-, and post diagnostic and treatment procedures.
A.2.4.7. Implements safe and quality nursing intervention addressing, health
needs, problems, and issues affecting pregnant woman during the
perinatal phases and newborn, from perinatal to neonatal stage.
A.2.4.8. Applies appropriate and evidence-based nursing interventions for
physiologic and psychosocial needs of patients/ clients to preserve
physiologic integrity and prevent complications of problems of
oxygenation (ventilation, transport, perfusion); fluid and electrolyte
imbalance and acid base imbalances,; nutrition and metabolism;
gastrointestinal ( indigestion, digestion, absorption, elimination); urinary
function; perception; coordination and altered sensation; inflammation,
infection, and immune responses; cellular aberration, altered genetic

VISION: We are a premiere institution highly engaged in producing globally competitive professionals.
MISSION: We empower all students and stakeholders in achieving easy access to comprehensive instruction, research, and extension services using advanced technology.
S – Scholarly Pursuit J – Just and humane regard for people C – Commitment to Excellence D – Diversity with Purpose C – Compassion to Professionalism
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condition; and reproductive problems.

A. Implements strategies/ interventions to ensure healthy population/s
in the school and working settings.
A. Implements participatory and empowerment strategies for
community competence to identify and collaborate effectively in addressing
needs and problems related with health resource availability, access or use,
environmental sanitation, environment protection, safety and security.
A.2.4.10. Implements intervention guided by prescribed context of specific health
A.2.4.11. Implements appropriate care to individuals, families, vulnerable groups
and communities during the 3 phases of disaster situations.

PO3 Apply guidelines and principles Perceive the concepts and A.2.4.2 Provides appropriate evidence bases Nursing care using a participatory
of evidenced based practice in the theories in the nursing caring approach based on a variety of theories and standards relevant to health and
delivery of care. profession. healing, research, clinical practice, client preferences, client and staff safety and
customer care.
PO4 Practice Nursing in Adhering to guidelines and A.1.1 Adheres to ethico-legal consideration when providing safe, quality, and
accordance with existing laws, principles of evidence-based professional nursing care.
legal, ethical, and moral principles. practice among different A.1.3 Adheres to established norms of conduct based on Nursing theories.
Nursing theories. A.1.4. Adheres to established norms of conduct-based on the Philippine Nursing
Law and other legal, regulatory and institutional requirements relevant to safe
nursing practice.
A.1.5. Implements strategies/ policies related to informed consent as it applies in
multiple contexts.
PO5 Communicate effectively in Intervene effectively the ways A.2.1.1 Establishes rapport with client and/or support system ensuring adequate
speaking, writing and presenting of proper communication in information about each other as partners in a working relationship.
using culturally appropriate form of speaking, writing, and C.1.3.1 Prepares a written research report
language. presentation using culturally
appropriate language.

PO6 Report/ Document client care Religiously documenting A.2.7 Document client’s responses/ nursing care services rendered and
accurately and comprehensively. nursing procedure as a processes/ outcomes of the nurse client working relationship.
measure of standard and

VISION: We are a premiere institution highly engaged in producing globally competitive professionals.
MISSION: We empower all students and stakeholders in achieving easy access to comprehensive instruction, research, and extension services using advanced technology.
S – Scholarly Pursuit J – Just and humane regard for people C – Commitment to Excellence D – Diversity with Purpose C – Compassion to Professionalism
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competence in the working

clinical area
PO7 Collaborate effectively with Displays passive and active B.1.3 Maintains a harmonious and collegial relationship among co-learners.
inter-, intra-, and multi-disciplinary communication between co-
and multi-cultural teams. learners using culturally
appropriate language.

PO8 Practice beginning Exercises effective leadership B.1.1 Utilizes appropriate and efficient Methods/ strategies/ tools to facilitate
management and leadership skills skills through cooperative group learning.
using systems approach in the activities. B.1.2. Coordinates care by organizing ad prioritizing use of human, material,
delivery of client care. financial and other resources to achieve expected health outcomes.
B.2.2. Organizes own workload demonstrating time management skills for
meeting responsibilities and achieving outcomes.
B.4.6. Ensure that all Nursing personnel adhere to standards of safety, bioethical
principles and evidence based nursing practice.
B.4.9. Maintains a positive practice environment.
PO10 Engage in lifelong learning Demonstrates competence in B.6.4 Engages in advocacy activities to deal with health related concerns and
with a passion to keep current with creating new ideas, adopts policies that foster the growth and development of the nursing profession.
national and global developments in formulating concepts based
general, and nursing and health on learned nursing theories.
developments in particular.

PO11 Demonstrate responsible Displays social a. Exemplifies love for country in service of the Filipinos
citizenship and pride being a responsiveness and active b. Customize Nursing interventions based on Philippine culture and values.
Filipino through active participation participation. c. Project the good image of a Filipino Nurse.
on social extension of services
founded on Christian values and
pride in one’s race.
PO12 Apply techno-intelligent care Uses technology to enhance a. Use appropriate technology to perform safe and efficient nursing activities.
systems and processes in health materials in learning and b. Implement system of informatics to support the delivery of effective
care delivery. communication through communication in facilitating learnings.
PO13 Uphold the nursing care Participates in activities to a. Demonstrate caring as the core of Nursing, love, GOD, love of country and

VISION: We are a premiere institution highly engaged in producing globally competitive professionals.
MISSION: We empower all students and stakeholders in achieving easy access to comprehensive instruction, research, and extension services using advanced technology.
S – Scholarly Pursuit J – Just and humane regard for people C – Commitment to Excellence D – Diversity with Purpose C – Compassion to Professionalism
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values in the practice of the help current with national and love of people
profession. global developments b. Manifest professionalism integrity and excellence.
c. Project positive professional image of a Filipino Nurse.

Prepared by:
Checked by:
Lecturer and Clinical Instructor, School of Nursing ROCHELLE D. ORTILLO, MAN, RN
Program Chair, School of Nursing

Recommended by:
Approved by:
Center for Quality Assurance Coordinator REYMART B. BOLAGAO, MAN, RN
Dean, School of Nursing and Director for Academic Affairs

VISION: We are a premiere institution highly engaged in producing globally competitive professionals.
MISSION: We empower all students and stakeholders in achieving easy access to comprehensive instruction, research, and extension services using advanced technology.
S – Scholarly Pursuit J – Just and humane regard for people C – Commitment to Excellence D – Diversity with Purpose C – Compassion to Professionalism

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