Teks Bahasa Inggris
Teks Bahasa Inggris
Teks Bahasa Inggris
Honorable Mr
Honorable Chairman of Presentation
Honorable Director of School
Ladies and gentelman
Prise God who had the power, He had superabundance and hte power. He is a great
giver, we always praise to highly holiness and thank for His delicacies, I always ask protec
from his greed, no God only the one God ( Allah ) whi is the one and has not accompany.
Morever , truly Muhammad peace be upon him, is Hismessenger, my Sholawat ang Salam
make overflowto Muhammad, his families and his friends who have found the guide.
My loving audience !
At this apportunity, I would like to speech under the titel : LOYAL FOR BOTH OF
Truly, it will be never forgottenby every man in this world except a man who has rude
characters and foolish. Really , Allah, his Apostles and ulamas from Prophet Adam until now,
give warning about the important for take care to both of parents and loyal for both.
Brothers and sisters !
Really, loyal to both of parents is a duty for every muslim, either male or female. Allah
became “ The Loyal for both of parents ( birrul walidaini ) as the unity in worship to the one
God ( Allah ). As he said :
“ The Lord had decreed , that you worship none save Him, and ( that you show ) kindness to
parents.“ ( Al Isra’ : 23 )
Therefore , we should to our both parents are to associate and to speek to them with polite.
Beside that, it is prohibition for us to speak rude and impolite for both. Why are we shall
loyal for both of our parents ? Because they born, take care, and teach us with very good,
since we in the youth until grow-up. Our mother is pregnant with us for 9 months in her
pregnancy, then to suckle for 2 years, and take care, and then keep for us from the illness.
They always prepare when we eat and drink and they always waked up when we sleep.
Whereas, our father who look for the permitted livelihood, since daybreak rice until to
sunset. To face the hot and cool, and to face rain and burning hot sun, without care for the
rain wet his body and the hot burn his skin.
My loving audience ... !
Further, how are the ways to loyal for our both parents ? Whereas, we sometime far
from both. The simple answered is we act as mentioned by Luqman to his childs is “ Don’t
you make a member to Allah, because it is a big sin “. The meaning of “ make a member to
Allah is belief to God beside the one God Allah, either from side His brave and His power.
Brothers and sisters ....!
If our both parent ask to us to do “ make member to Allah “ we should not obey their
instruction, but to have friend and to associate with them is obligated. It si including in the
loyal for both parents is if we follow man’s behafiors who obey to Allah, with doing His
commands and leave His prohibitions. Then establish the prayer five time with sincerity,
humility and Amar Ma’ruf nahi munkar, it means ask to do good deeds like we order to our
friends to ask some thingwhich make fortune for himself, either in the world and hereafter.
Whereas, to go againts the denial is forbid to our friend who act the sin and lazy to do
goodness and then always to run againts the laws. So, we should remember them as long as
the time being. Besibe that, we have to patience to face the attempt that struck us, because
patients iis the high thing. In tis life, we cannot go away from the problems, whereas, a man
who patience to face the disaster must will get the fortune. Moreover, if we meet our
friends on the road, we should say Salam and we make them as friend, and avoid from the
bad word and we should not proud when we walk.
Brothers and sisters.... !
If our needs appropriate with what be teach by Luqman to his childs, so Insya Allah we
will be good young and our both parents will happy. This case apropriate with what be
would by aducating ang teaching in our school is make a good young, has knowledge and
sincerity in good action.
Those all my speach, my give advantages for us.
Wallohul muwafiq ilaa aqwaamit thooriq
Wassalamu’alaikum Warohmatullohi Wabarikatuh.