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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 05 Issue: 03 | Mar-2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Fraud Detection in Online Credit Card Payment

Aishwarya Kaneri1, Anugrah S2, Isha Bharti3, Samruddhi Jadhav4, Mitali Kadu5
1,3,4,5 Cummins College of Engineering, Pune University
2Army Institute of Technology, Pune University
Abstract - Online shopping has become an integral part of 2. Algorithm Flow Diagram
our life. As card payment becomes the most prevailing mode
of payment for both online as well as regular purchase,
frauds related with it are also accelerating. Fraud detection
in card payment is a crucial part of e-shopping. It includes
monitoring of the spending behavior of customers in order
to detect and avoid fraud. This paper uses outlier analysis
for detecting fraud in which behavioral pattern of the
customers along with their social and financial status is
considered. Various rules for fraud detection are considered
which if not followed can lead to a suspicious transaction.
History of past transactions of user is maintained at
payment engine’s database. Analysis of real data at
payment engine's database and data obtained from user is
done by algorithm described in this paper for fraud
detection and a possible fraudulent transaction is detected
at real time.

Key Words: Behavioral pattern, Credit card, Data mining,

Fraud detection, Fraudulent transaction, Outlier analysis,
Payment gateway.

In era of plastic cards with rapid advancement of
electronic commerce, the credit card has become
convenient and de facto standard for online shopping. The
increased number of credit card transaction open the door
for thieves to steal credit card details and commit fraud. it
impacts a fraction of percent of all purchases made with
plastic, according to data from Federal Reserve ,it
represents one of the biggest concerns among customers.
Due to this card issuers bore a 63% share of fraudulent
losses in 2012 and merchants assumed the other 37% of
liability, according to the Nilson Report, August 2013. So it Fig -1: Overall flow of the algorithm
becomes essential to improve the fraud detection system
to minimize the losses. The credit card fraud detection 3. Experiment Process
system presents a number of challenging issues for data
mining. The past transactions’ data of the user is collected from
the bank’s database. The current transaction’s data is
This paper is to purpose a credit card fraud detection compared against the patterns generated from the
system using outlier analysis. Outlier is a data point which previously collected data. To generate the patterns based
is significantly different from the remaining data and upon the user’s behavior, various fraud detection rules are
deviates so much from other observation as to arouse considered. Every user is provided with a score attribute
suspicions that it was generated by a different which is stored in bank’s database. This score is
mechanism[10]. Outlier analysis of transactional data incremented if the current transaction’s data of the user
depending on its past behavioural patterns is done to label passes the rule and is decremented otherwise. If the
transaction as either fraudulent or not. For analysis, Rule current transaction’s data of the user fails any rule or his
Engine is implemented. current score goes below the threshold, then the
transaction is suspicious.

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2921
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 03 | Mar-2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

3.1 Algorithm 6. Already a fraudster : If the credit card used for

current transaction was used for a fraudulent
kMeans Clustering algorithm is used to divide the past transaction in past, then the current transaction is
transactions’ data collected into groups such that data denied.
objects in a group have maximum similarity and minimum
difference (distance) as compared to other groups and 7. Stolen/Blocked : If the credit card used for
outliers. Once the clusters are formed, it is seen whether current transaction is already reported as stolen
the current transaction’s data makes a fit into any one of or blocked, then the current transaction is denied.
the cluster’s radius range. If not, then the current
transaction is an outlier, hence it is a suspicious fraud. 8. Date (Timespan) : The current transaction’s date
is tested against the user’s regular transaction
Step 1 : Collect the past transactions’ data of the user dates’ pattern. For example, if the transaction
from the bank’s database . from a particular card occurs after a long span of
time unlike his regular credit card usage pattern
Step 2 : Behavioral patterns of the user are generated
then the transaction becomes a suspicious one.
by clustering algorithms.

Step 3 : The current transaction’s data is tested across Table -1: Rules in Rules Engine
all the rules and score is updated accordingly.
Rule Name Pass Condition Fail Condition
Step 4 : The score is checked against the threshold and
transaction is labeled as suspicious or normal transaction. User Authentication Valid credentials Invalid credentials

Location One of the regular Sudden change in the

3.2 Rules Considered for Fraud Detection purchasing locations location (larger
Eg. Pune, Mumbai, distance) as
1. User Authentication : The user credentials are Nashik compared to regular
verified and validated. ones
Eg. Pune , Mumbai,
2. Location : The current transaction’s location is
tested against the user’s regular transaction Cost In the range of The total amount of
locations’ pattern. regular purchase purchase is way
For example, if the user usually makes a amount beyond the range of
Eg. Regular range : the regular purchase
transaction from Pune, Mumbai or Nashik, and
5000-7000 amount
suddenly the current transaction is being done Current Transaction : Eg. Regular range :
from a distant place like California, then the 6000 5000-7000
transaction becomes a suspicious one. Current transaction :
3. Cost : The current transaction’s amount is tested
Rule Name Pass Condition Fail Condition
against the user’s regular transaction amounts’
pattern. Credit The Credit in the The Credit in the
card is greater than card is less than the
For example, if the user usually makes a or equal to the purchase amount
transaction of amount in the range of 5000 to purchase amount Eg. Credit balance –
Eg.Credit balance – 1000
7000 and 25000 to 30000, and suddenly the 2000 Purchase amount -
current transaction is being done for amount of Purchase amount - 1500
100000, then the transaction becomes a 1500
suspicious one.
Credit Card Usage Usage frequency is as Credit card is used
Frequency usual far more number of
4. Credit : The current transaction’s amount is times as compared to
checked against the credit of the user’s credit its previous usage
card. Eg. Previous usage ::
2-3 times a month
Current usage :: 5th
5. Credit Card Usage Frequency : Credit Card Usage time in a day
Frequency = Total number of times the card is
used / Credit card’s age (in months) If Credit Card Already a fraudster No record of The credit card
Usage Frequency is greater than 0.2, fraud fraudulent number is already
condition is checked. Fraud condition = number of transaction is used during a
present for the fraudulent
times Card used Today >( 5 * Credit Card Usage current card. transaction.
Frequency). If Fraud condition is true, then then
the transaction becomes a suspicious one[7]. Stolen/Blocked No record of being The credit card is

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2922
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 03 | Mar-2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

stolen/blocked is reported as stolen or REFERENCES

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This paper presents mechanism of credit card fraud could have saved government benefit programs more
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of clustering algorithm. Using outlier analysis this paper,
tries to minimize false alerts and improving existing
models for detection of fraud. In this study fraud detected
and fraud transactions are generated by maintaining the
fraudulent history table. If this is applied into bank credit
card fraud detection system, the probability of fraud
transactions can be predicted soon after credit card
transactions by the banks. Though fraud in online card
payment cannot be eradicated still this study is trying to
minimize fraud.

We render our sincere thanks to Barclays team (BTCI,
Barclays Technology Centre India) for their support and

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2923

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