Partner Ship Accounts - I: Balance Sheet Dr. Cr. Particulars Amount Rs. Particulars Amount Rs
Partner Ship Accounts - I: Balance Sheet Dr. Cr. Particulars Amount Rs. Particulars Amount Rs
Partner Ship Accounts - I: Balance Sheet Dr. Cr. Particulars Amount Rs. Particulars Amount Rs
1. A and B are carrying on business in a partnership, sharing Profit & Loss in the ratio of 2:
3. Their Balance Sheet as at 31-3-2006 was as under.
Balance sheet
Dr. Cr.
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
Rs. Rs.
Sundry Creditors 50,000 Cash in hand 30,000
Capital Accounts: Cash at Bank 20,000
A 2,80,000 Sundry Debtors 1,00,000
B 4,20,000 7,00,000 Stock 2,00,000
Furniture 50,000
Buildings 3,50,000
7,50,000 7,50,000
On that date they admit ‘C’ into partnership and give him 1/4 th share in the future parofits
on the following terms.
(a) ‘C’ is to bring in Rs.3,00,000 as his Capital and Rs.1,00,000 as goodwill, which
sum is to remain in the business.
(b) Stock & Furniture are to be reduced in value by 10%
(c) Buildings are to be appreciated by Rs.50,000
(d) A provision of 5% to be created on Sundry Debtors for doubtful debts.
Write Journal entries to record the above arrangement & show the opening Balance
Sheet of the new firm.
2. Reddy and Naidu are partners in a business. On 31-3-2006, their Balance Sheet stood
as following:
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Rs. Rs.
Creditors 1,00,000 Cash 15,000
Bank Overdraft 95,000 Stock 1,00,000
Capital accounts: Debtors 2,50,000
Reddy ‘s Capital 2,50,000 Less: R.D.D. 50,000 2,00,000
Naidu ‘s Capital 2,50,000 Land & Buildings 4,00,000
Profit & Loss a/c 20,000
7,15,000 7,15,000
They have admitted Gupta into partnership for 1/3rd share on the following terms.
(a) Stock is revalued at Rs.80,000
(b) Land & Buildings are revalued at Rs.6,00,000
(c) Provision for bad debts is to be reduced by Rs.20,000
(d) Creditors are to be paid Rs.10,000 more
(e) Goodwill is created at on average of the last 3 years profits, which amounted to
Rs.40,000, Rs.80,000, Rs.60,000.
(f) Gupta should introduce 40% of the adjusted Capitals of both Reddy and Naidu.
Open various ledgers a/c ‘s & show opening balance sheet after the admission of Gupta.
3. The following is the balance sheet of Raghu & Tendulkar who had been sharing Profits &
Losses in the ratio of 3:1 on 31-3-2006.
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Rs. Rs.
Creditors 3,50,000 Cash at Bank 3,00,000
General Reserve 1,00,000 Debtors 2,00,000
Capital Accounts: Stock 1,50,000
Bindu 3,00,000 Land & Buildings 2,00,000
Sindhu 2,00,000 5,00,000 Furniture 1,00,000
9,50,000 9,50,000
They agreed to take Sonal into partnership on the following terms:
(a) Hindu pays Rs.2,00,000 as his Capital for 1/5th share in the future profits.
(b) Stock & Furniture be reduced by 10% & 5% provision for doubtful debts be
created on debtors.
(c) The value of Land & Buildings be appreciated by 20%
(d) Goodwill to be valued at Rs.80,000
(e) The Capital accounts of the partners, are to re-adjusted on the basis of their profit
sharing arrangement. Adjustment of Capitals to be made by cash.
Prepare Balance Sheet, Revaluation Account, Capital Accounts is new firm.
4. Mary and Rajani are partners sharing their profits in the ratio of 3:2 on 31-12-2005. The
Balance Sheet is as under.
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Rs. Rs.
Creditors 16,000 Cash in hand 2,000
Bank Overdraft 10,000 Cash in Bank 10,000
Bills payable 12,000 Debtors 20,000
Capital Accounts: Stock 18,000
Mary 48,000 Furniture 10,000
Rajani 24,000 72,000 Buildings 30,000
Machinery 20,000
1,10,000 1,10,000
1-1-97 Bindu was admitted as partner in the following conditions:
(a) Firm ‘s Goodwill valued for Rs.10,000
(b) Depreciate stock, Furniture, Machinery @ 10%
(c) Appreciate Buildings @ 10%
5. Given below is the Balance Sheet of A and B who are carrying on a partnership business
as on 31-3-2005. A and B share Profits and Losses in the ratio of 2:1.
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Rs. Rs.
Bills payable 10,000 Cash in hand 10,000
Creditors 58,000 Cash at Bank 40,000
Outstanding Expenses 2,000 Sundry debtors 60,000
Capital Accounts: Stock 40,000
A 1,80,000 Plant & Machinery 1,00,000
B 1,50,000 3,30,000 Buildings 1,50,000
4,00,000 4,00,000
‘C’ is admitted as a partner on the date of the Balance Sheet on the following terms
(a) ‘C’ will bring in rs.1,00,000 as his Capital & Rs.60,000 as his Capital & Rs.60,000
as his share of Goodwill for ¼ share of profits.
(b) Plant & Machinery is to be appreciated to Rs.1,20,000 & the value of Building is
to be appreciated by 10%
(c) Stock is found over valued by Rs.4,000
(d) A provision for bad & doubtful debts is to be created at 5% on debtors.
(e) Creditors were unrecorded to the extent of Rs.1,000
Pass the Journal entries, prepare the profit & Loss adjustment account and show the
Balance sheet after the admission of ‘C’.
6. A and B sharing profits in the proportion of 3/5th & 2/5th showed the following as their:
Balance Sheet as on 31-3-2006
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Rs. Rs.
Creditors 40,000 Cash at Bank 5,000
Bills payable 12,000 Land and Buildings 25,000
Reserve Fund 10,000 Plant and Machinery 35,000
Capital Accounts: Furniture & Fixtures 1,500
A 45,000 Stock 20,500
B 25,000 70,000 Debtors 45,000
1,32,000 1,32,000
They admitted ‘C’ into partnership on 1-4-2006.
(a) C shall bring in cash Rs.5,000 as his share of Goodwill, the amount to be
ratained in the business & that the shall bring in Rs.15,000 as Capital for a fourth
share in the future profits. For the purpose of ‘C’ admission the firms assets were
agreed to be revalued as under.
7. P and Q are in Partnership and their Balance Sheet as on 31-3-2006 is given below:
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Rs. Rs.
Prepaid expenses 20,000 Cash in hand 8,000
Creditors 60,000 Cash at Bank 76,000
Bank overdraft 80,000 Debtors 80,000
Bills payable 40,000 Furniture 24,000
Reserve 36,000 Machinery 84,000
Capital Accounts: Buildings 1,14,000
P 90,000
Q 60,000 1,50,000
3,86,000 3,86,000
They decide to admit ‘R’ as a new partner on the following terms:
(a) Depreciation to be calculated at 5% on Machinery, Buildings and Furniture
(b) Provide reserve on debtors at 5%
(c) Creation of Goodwill account for Rs.60,000
(d) ‘R’ to bring Rs.90,000 as Capital for his 1/4th share.
Prepare Profit & Loss Adjustments and the new Balance Sheet. Give also the new ratio.
Solution 1:
Journal Entries
Date Particulars L.F. Debit Credit
Rs. Rs.
2006 Revaluation a/c Dr. 30,000
Mar 31 To Stock a/c 20,000
To Furniture a/c 5,000
To Provision for Bad debts a/c 5,000
(Being decrease in the value of assets and
Provision for bad debts)
Buildings a/c Dr. 50,000
To Revaluation a/c 50,000
(Being increase in the value of building)
Revaluation a/c Dr. 20,000
To A’s Capital a/c 8,000
To B ‘s Capital a/c 12,000
(Being revaluation profit distributed to
Cash a/c Dr. 4,00,000
To ‘C’ capital a/c 3,00,000
To Goodwill a/c 1,00,000
(Being new partner brings cash for his
share of capital and goodwill)
Revaluation Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars LF Amount Date Particulars LF Amount
Rs. Rs.
To Stock a/c 20,000 By Buildings a/c 50,000
To Furniture a/c 5,000
To Provision for 5,000
doubtful debts a/c
To A’s Capital a/c 8,000
To B’s Capital a/c 12,000
50,000 50,000
Goodwill Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars LF Amount Date Particulars LF Amount
Rs. Rs.
To A’s capital a/c 40,000 By Cash a/c 1,00,000
To B’s Capital a/c 60,000
1,00,000 1,00,000
Solution 2:
Revaluation Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars LF Amount Date Particulars LF Amount
Rs. Rs.
To Stock 20,000 By Buildings a/c 2,00,000
To creditors 10,000 By Provision for bad 20,000
(50,000 – 30,000)
To Reddy Capital 95,000
To Naidu Capital 95,000
2,20,000 2,20,000
Goodwill Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars LF Amount Date Particulars LF Amount
Rs. Rs.
To Reddy ‘s 30,000 By Balance c/d 60,000
capital a/c
To Naidu Capital 30,000
60,000 60,000
To Balance b/d 60,000
(4,00,000 + 2,00,000)
Gupta 3,08,000 Goodwill 60,000
12,83,000 12,83,000
Working Notes:
1. Calculation of goodwill:
Total profits 40,000 + 80,000 + 60,000 = 1,80,000
Average profits = 1,80,000 / 3 = 60,000
Goodwill = 1,80,000
2. Calculation of Gupta ‘s capital
Capital of Gupta & Naidu = 3,85,000 + 3,85,000
= 7,70,000
Gupta introduce 40% of the adjusted
Capital of Reddy and Naidu = 7,70,000 x 40/100 = 3,08,000
Gupta ‘s Capital = 3,08,000
Solution 3:
Revaluation Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars LF Amount Date Particulars LF Amount
Rs. Rs.
To Stock a/c 15,000 By Land & Building 40,000
To Furniture a/c 10,000
To Provision for 10,000
bad debts a/c
To Raghu capital 3,750
To Tendulkar 1,250
Capital a/c
40,000 40,000
Goodwill Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars LF Amount Date Particulars LF Amount
Rs. Rs.
To Raghu Capital 60,000 By Balance b/d 80,000
To Tendulkar 20,000
capital a/c
80,000 80,000
To Balance b/d 80,000
Furniture 90,000
(1,00,000 – 10,000)
Goodwill 80,000
13,50,000 13,50,000
Working Notes:
1. Calculation of new profit sharing Ratio: (old Ratio 3 : 1)
Total Profit = 1
Sonal ‘s share = 1/5
Remaining share = 1- 1/5 = 4/5
Raghu’s Share = 4/5 x ¾ = 12/20
Tendulkar ‘s Share = 4/5 x ¼ = 4/20
Sonal ‘s Share = 1/5 x 4/4 = 4/20
New profit sharing ratio = 12 : 4 : 4
= 3:1:1
2. Total Capital:
1/5th share capital = 2,00,000
Total Capital = 2,00,000 x 5/1 = 10,00,000
3. Partners capital:
Raghu = 10,00,000 x 3/5 = 6,00,000
Tendulkar = 10,00,000 x 1/5 = 2,00,000
Sonal = 10,00,000 x 1/5 = 2,00,000
Solution 4:
Revaluation Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars LF Amount Date Particulars LF Amount
Rs. Rs.
To Provision for 1,000 By Buildings a/c 3,000
bad debts
To Stock 1,800 By Mary Capital 1,680
To Furniture 1,000 By Rajani capital 1,120
To Machinery 2,000
5,800 5,800
Goodwill Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars LF Amount Date Particulars LF Amount
Rs. Rs.
To Mary capital 6,000 By Balance c/d 10,000
a/c (loss)
To Rajani capital 4,000
10,000 10,000
To Balance b/d 10,000
Solution 5:
Revaluation Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars LF Amount Date Particulars LF Amount
Rs. Rs.
To Creditors 1,000 By Plant & Machinery 20,000
To Provision for 3,000 By Buildings 15,000
bad debts
To Stock 4,000
To Capitals
A 18,000
B 9,000
35,000 35,000
A ‘s capital Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars LF Amount Date Particulars LF Amount
Rs. Rs.
To Balance c/d 2,38,000 By Balance b/d 1,80,000
By Revaluation a/c 18,000
By Goodwill a/c 40,000
2,38,000 2,38,000
By Balance b/d 2,38,000
B ‘s Capital Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars LF Amount Date Particulars LF Amount
Rs. Rs.
To Balance c/d 1,79,000 By Balance b/d 1,50,000
By Revaluation a/c 9,000
By Goodwill 20,000
1,79,000 1,79,000
By Balance b/d 1,79,000
C ‘s capital Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars LF Amount Date Particulars LF Amount
Rs. Rs.
To Balance c/d 1,00,000 By Cash a/c 1,00,000
1,00,000 1,00,000
By Balance b/d 1,00,000
Goodwill Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars LF Amount Date Particulars LF Amount
Rs. Rs.
To A’s capital a/c 40,000 By Cash a/c 60,000
To B’s capital a/c 20,000
60,000 60,000
Solution 6:
Revaluation Account
Dr. Cr.
B ‘s Capital Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars LF Amount Date Particulars LF Amount
Rs. Rs.
To Balance c/d 32,500 By Balance b/d 25,000
By General reserve 4,000
(10,000 x 2/5)
By Goodwill 2,000
(5,000 x 2/5)
By Revaluation a/c 1,500
32,500 32,500
By Balance b/d 32,500
Goodwill Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars LF Amount Date Particulars LF Amount
Rs. Rs.
To ‘A’ Capital a/c 3,000 By Cash a/c 5,000
To ‘B’ Capital a/c 2,000
5,000 5,000
Solution 7:
Revaluation Capital Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars LF Amount Date Particulars LF Amount
Rs. Rs.
To Provision for 4,000 By P Capital 7,550
bad debts
To Furniture 1,200 By Q capital 7,550
To Machinery 4,200
To Buildings 5,700
15,100 15,100
P ‘s Capital Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars LF Amount Date Particulars LF Amount
Rs. Rs.
To Revaluation 7,550 By Balance b/d 90,000
To Balance c/d 1,30,450 By General Reserve 18,000
By Goodwill 30,000
1,38,000 1,38,000
By Balance b/d 1,30,450
Q ‘s Capital Account
Dr. Cr.
Goodwill Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars LF Amount Date Particulars LF Amount
Rs. Rs.
To Hari Capital a/c 30,000 By Balance c/d 60,000
To Giri Capital a/c 30,000
60,000 60,000
To Balance b/d 60,000