A Long Heat Pump
A Long Heat Pump
A Long Heat Pump
Technical note
Long-term performance of solar-assisted heat
pump water heater
B.J. Huang , C.P. Lee
Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC
Received 8 September 2002; accepted 30 July 2003
1. Introduction
The direct expansion solar-assisted heat pump water heater has a better perform-
ance since the Rankine refrigeration cycle is directly coupled with a solar collector
that acts as an evaporator and the refrigerant directly expands inside the evapor-
ator to absorb the solar energy [1–3]. The research group at the New Energy
Center, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University, star-
ted to develop an integral-type solar-assisted heat pump water heater (ISAHP) [4]
in 1997. The ISAHP integrates all components of the machine into a single pack-
age that can be completely fabricated in the factory. No field assembly is required
except the connection of a water pipe line and electric power connector. With
proper design, the ISAHP absorbs heat simultaneously from solar radiation and
ambient air [5]. Cost reduction as well as better thermal performance can be
achieved. However, the evaporator of the ISAHP will absorb solar energy at an
Corresponding author. Tel.: +886-2-2362-4790; fax: +886-2-2364-0549.
E-mail address: bjhuang@seed.net.tw (B.J. Huang).
0960-1481/$ - see front matter # 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
634 B.J. Huang, C.P. Lee / Renewable Energy 29 (2003) 633–639
unsteady state due to the unsteadiness of the solar incident radiation and outdoor
weather variation. This will cause the heat pump to run under much more severe
conditions than conventional heat pumps such as air conditioners. The reliability
thus remains a big question for a direct expansion solar-assisted heat pump water
heater. In order to understand the long-term energy efficiency as well as the
reliability of the ISAHP built in 1997 (ISAHP-1), a long-term performance test was
carried out.
2. Design of ISAHP
3. Instrumentation
hot water and feed cold water into the water tank every day before sunrise. The
feed water is from a city water line that has a temperature of about 2–4 oC below
the ambient air temperature. However, the water temperature in the tank at the
startup moment of ISAHP-1 (daily initial water temperature) will increase signifi-
cantly if the hot water produced before the day (105 l) is not completely used, i.e.
mw < 105 l/day. The daily quantity of drained hot water is around 80 l, that is
about 80% of the designed capacity.
A temperature controller is used to shut down the heat pump when water tem-
perature has reached the designated value. The water temperature setting was 57 oC
in the test. A power meter was installed to record the total electric energy con-
sumption of ISAHP-1 during operation. A water meter was also installed to mea-
sure the total water consumption.
directly converted from the results of Fig. 3. At higher solar irradiation (H t > 5
MJ/m2 day), Em approximates a constant value. Em also increases with decreasing
daily hot water load mw. The abnormal test results with higher Em as shown in
Fig. 3 are due to low mw that is caused by an adjustment problem of the monitor-
ing system at the early stage of the long-term performance test. Low daily hot
water load mw will increase the daily initial water temperature in the tank and
decrease the COP as well as Em for ISAHP [4]. This result also indicates that
ISAHP must be designed to properly meet the daily hot water load requirement.
Oversized design in hot water supply capacity will cause the energy efficiency to
drop significantly.
For an approximately constant hot water load (71–93 l/day, average 84 l/day),
Em drops linearly with increasing ambient temperature Ta as shown in Fig. 5. This
indicates that the energy consumption of ISAHP-1 changes more sensitively with
ambient temperature Ta. Em becomes higher at cold days (lower Ta).
The electricity consumption of the conventional solar hot water heating system
using electric backup heater ranges from 0.02 to 0.05 kWh/l. A long-term field test
for electric and conventional solar heaters was also carried out in the laboratory. It
shows that ISAHP-1 consumes much less electricity than the others (Fig. 6). The
present study verifies that ISAHP has a very low energy consumption and high
reliability even under long-term severe outdoors operating conditions subject to
very rough variations of solar incident radiation intensity, wind speed/direction,
ambient temperature and rain etc.
5. Conclusion
study has verified that ISAHP is very reliable if it is carefully designed. The com-
mercialization of ISAHP is now underway.
The present study was supported by the Energy Commission, Ministry of Econ-
omic Affairs, Taiwan, and by National Science Council, Taiwan, through grant no.
NSC89-2212-E-002-072 for the heat pump technology.
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[3] Ito S, Miura N, Wang K. Performance of a heat pump using direct expansion solar collectors. Solar
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[4] Huang BJ, Chyng JP. Integral-type solar-assisted heat pump water heater. Journal of Renewable
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[5] Huang BJ, Chyng JP. Performance characteristics of integral type solar-assisted heat pump. Solar
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