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Free Cooling Without Refrigeration Process

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Aquarium Monitoring system using sensors, transmitters and

Saif Ali Muhammed, b Manoj Vishvanathan
Student, International Diploma in Engineering, Al Shabaka Techinal Institute, UAE,
Staff In-charge, Mechanical Engineering Department, Al Shabaka Technical Institute, UAE,


Fish keeping is a popular trend worldwide. Fish keeping is a difficult job. We always need an aquarium or a pond for that.,
freshwater is considered to be the most popular hobby of keeping fish because it is easy to handle with freshwater fish and
aquariums. It has always been difficult to take care of the fish and aquariums. We have to feed the fish on time, we have to
maintain the temperature and also control the, heater and filter of the aquarium. All these steps are done manually. The
project, Smart aquarium has been designed by keeping in mind, the problem of those who cannot take care of their
aquarium every day. The feeder is powered by Aurdino uno and a servo motor which can be set on different timings for
feeding fish automatically, heater keeps the temperature of the aquarium under control, filter will help clean the water, and
a water system using pvc pipes which will help circulate water which can help distribute temperature equally.
Keywords – Aurdino, sensors, feeding system, servo motor, pvc pipes, heater, fan, lcd

et ownership has been increasing at a steady pace in the last 20
P years. After cats and dogs, the most popular pet is now the
freshwater fish. The maintenance of fish aquariums is a very difficult
task itself. Whenever you have to clean up your aquarium or you
have to feed, you have to do a lot of things. You have to turn off your
aquarium's power head/air pump and feed manually and turn on the
air again after an hour.In the Current system all equipment’s such as
heater, and filter are to be controlled manually using electrical
switches for this the person needs to come near the aquarium and
manually control the electrical switches to turn on /off the
equipment’s. The fishes needs to be fed twice a day even this
requires the owner to walk upto fish tank and feed the fish manually
which makes the task of maintaining an aquarium much more
difficult. At times when the owner is on vacation he has no control Figure 1.a – 1.b Principle schemes of Direct System-Open circuit
over the aquarium and also can’t feed the fish. The project with water cooled tower systems
which we came up is a Smart Aquarium. The project will be more
efficient than the systems available in market, now days. In addition 2.1.2 Indirect Free Cooling Applications
to the efficiency it will be of lower cost as well. The project’s
audience is the group of people interested to keep fishes at home or In Indirect Systems, the condenser water circuit and cold-water
offices but don’t have time to take care of, or they are worried to circuit are separate. The pollution risk which is an issue in open
keep asking their neighbors to take care of the fishes in their circuit systems does not exist in indirect-closed circuit applications.
absence. The project is an automated system to take care of fishes. It However, annexing an additional heat transfer surface to the system
will replace the manual maintenance of fish aquarium with its leads to a higher water temperature as compared to open circuit
automated functions. It will monitor the physical changes in the water cooling towers. This cause the efficiency of Free Cooling to
water and will maintain it to the ideal conditions, with required somewhat drop.
Indirect systems can be applied in three main ways:

demands eliminate this problem.

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should also be evaluated in terms of water loss and water quality.
1. Systems utilizing closed circuit cooling towers: 2. Systems Utilizing Supplemental Heat Exchangers:

The use of Closed-Circuit Cooling Towers is common in Free These are applications utilizing a separate heat exchanger within
Cooling. As mentioned above, it eliminates the risks of pollution, etc. the system. The heat exchangers used in these cases are usually plate
seen in open circuit systems. In the summer season which is the type ones. In the winter season, the heat load in the cold-water circuit
normal operating period of the cooling group, the condenser water is received by the tower water through a supplemental heat
coming from the tower circulates from the condenser within a closed exchanger without the need for a chiller.
circuit. In winter months however, when only Free Cooling is used,
the water coming from the tower circulates in the cold-water circuit
within the closed circuit.

Figure 2.b shows the Load Sharing Closed Circuit Cooling

Towers Free Cooling application. In this system, the returned cooling
water undergoes a pre-cooling process prior to entering the
evaporator. This application decreases the cooling load on the chiller.
This application increases system efficiency in interim seasons.

Figure 3. Systems using a supplemental heat exchanger

3. Refrigerant Gas circulation system:

The Refrigerant Gas circulation system is one which is rarely

used. In cases where the condenser water can be obtained below the
desired cold-water temperature, the chiller operates like a
thermosyphon. The low temperature condenser water condenses the
gaseous refrigerant fluid within the condenser. The condensed
refrigerant fluid is transferred to the evaporator by the aid of gravity
or an auxiliary pump. The high temperature cooling water circulating
in the system causes the refrigerant fluid within the evaporator to
vaporise. The differential pressure between the Evaporator and the
Condenser causes the gas to return to the Condenser. In this system,
Figure 2.a Figure 2.b the flow between the evaporator and the condenser is facilitated
Figure 2.a Indirect – Closed Circuit Cooling Tower Free Cooling through by-pass connections. This system renders the operation of a
application compressor unnecessary. This system is not applicable to all cooling
Figure 2.b Load sharing Closed Circuit Cooling Towers Free groups. And in groups where it is applied, the Free Cooling capacity
Cooling application is limited to 10-30% of the design capacity of the chiller. The Free
Cooling capacity depends on the design specifications of the chiller
In water cooling towers, depending on design, water can be and the temperature difference between the desired water
cooled to a temperature up to 3-6ºC above wet bulb temperature. In temperature and the condenser water temperature.
closed circuit cooling towers, the water temperature which can be
attained is up to above 2-3ºC the temperature that can be achieved
with open circuit water towers. In ideal conditions wet bulb
temperature can be approached closely by increasing tower
dimensions; however, in this case the cost of investment will
increase dramatically. While water cooling towers are advantageous
in terms of initial investment cost, they can lead to problems in
operation. In case the water from the water tower is used directly,
this causes calcification and pollution of cooling exchangers.
Furthermore, the portion of the water used in water towers which is
lost to evaporation needs to be constantly replenished. Additionally,
the water needs to be flushed periodically in order to get rid of
sedimentation within the tower tank; the water in the tank may reach
extremely high degrees of hardness and pollution dues to the
accumulation of scale and other similar substances in water
diminished by evaporation in the system. The use of these systems Figure 4. Refrigerant Gas circulation system
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cooling chiller is required. The second point is that the use of glycol-
2.2 COOLING APPLICATIONS WITH HEAT water mixture for air conditioning devices like central air
EXCHANGERS conditioning units and fan coils is not desirable, since it would
require an additional heat exchanger between the cold-water unit
In air conditioning systems, the feasibility of diverse applications designed for the glycol-water system and cold-water circuit. These
for the generation of cold water required in process water cooling points must certainly be considered prior to design, depending on the
facilities etc. and the categorization of Free Cooling applications for location and temperature of application.
these systems were discussed above. Air / Water cooled cooling
groups (Chillers), open / closed water-cooling towers, plate / shell
and tube type exchangers are among these systems.

In addition to the mentioned applications, another type of system

widely used in cold water generation is the finned block heat
exchanger (Cooling Coil) systems. While these systems can operate
without a cold-water generating group depending on the required
cold-water temperatures, they can be used in integration or in
connection with a cold-water generation group for Free Cooling
applications. These systems can be used as the ambient temperature
drops 1.5-2.0°C below the required cooling water temperature. The
working structure of the system can be defined in three different Figure 5.a
approaches which are: entirely mechanical cooling (no Free Cooling
application); partial Free Cooling (load sharing-precooling) and
entirely Free Cooling (the cooling group does not operate).

Thanks to closed circuit operation of this system, the problem of

diminishing cooling water is not present; furthermore, risks such as
pollution etc are completely absent within the circuit.

The finned block heat exchanger (Cooling Coil) systems can be

applied in two different forms:

1. Free Cooling Chiller Applications Figure 5.b

2. Applications of Dry and Wet/Dry Cooler Systems
Figure 5.a Schematic for Integrated Free Cooling coil air-cooled
2.2.1 Cooling Group and Integrated Free Cooling Coil water-cooling group
Applications Figure 5.a Integrated Free Cooling coil air-cooled water-cooling
The greater emphasis placed on energy efficiency of installations
has begun to influence the design of water-cooling groups The images below indicate the operating principle of integrated
accounting for a dominant share of the energy expenditure in plants. Free Cooling coil air-cooled water-cooling groups in Summer,
As opposed to conventional chillers, integrated Free Cooling coil air- Winter and Spring. The same basic approach is also employed in dry
conditioned water chillers have gained popularity of late. Integrated cooling systems, and the group and dry cooler operate as separate
Free Cooling coil groups are items of standard manufacture in units.
factories, Free Cooling coils can be applied to conventional groups
existing in the plant by modification of the system.

Whether the plant in which Free Cooling will be utilized for air
conditioning or process cooling; and whether the water circulating in
the system will be exposed to below zero outdoor ambient
temperatures is important for the design. While 100% water may be
used to meet the cooling water requirement of the system, for
operation in outdoor temperatures of below zero, a glycol-water
mixture (brine) must be used to prevent freezing. (A 20% glycol
mixture by weight and a 30% glycol mixture by weight provide
protection down to an average of –10oC and –16 oC respectively.)
There are two points that should be kept in mind in case the glycol-
water mixture system is used. The first point is that, the capacity of
the glycold-water mixture used in the cooling battery to prevent
freezing is much lower than that in systems using 100% water, and
consequently a larger heat transfer area, thus a larger (more costly) Figure 6.a Operating conditions of integrated free cooling coil air
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cooled chillers for the Summer Season.
The ambient temperature is above the desired cold-water
temperature and the return water temperature. (Example Tambient: SAMPLE APPLICATION: Integrated Free Cooling coil water
35°C, T cooling water: 10°C, T return water: 15°C) The cold water cooling group application
required is provided solely by the operation of the cooling group
within the conventional cooling cycle. The free cooling coil is not

Figure 6.b Operating conditions of integrated free cooling

coil air cooled chillers for the Spring Season

The ambient temperature is above the desired cold-water

temperature and below the return water temperature. (Example
Tambient: 13°C, T cooling water: 10°C, T return water: 15°C) The
cooling water is first pre-cooled by passing it through the Free
Cooling coil. The free cooling capacity is dependent on the ambient
temperature value. The three-way valve and control unit make it
possible to benefit from free cooling.

Figure 6.c Operating conditions of integrated free cooling coil air

cooled chillers for the Winter Season

The ambient temperature is below the desired cold-water

temperature and the return water temperature. (Example Tambient:
5°C, T cooling water: 10°C, T return water: 15°C) The cold water
required in the system is provided entirely by the free cooling coil by
virtue of the ambient air. In this case, the energy spent for cold water Figure 7. Principle scheme for the application of air-cooled water-
generation is limited to the amount drawn by the fans on the cooling cooling group with integrated free cooling coil

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cosideration in the analysis conducted for the application.

The principle scheme on the left is of an application made in

Istanbul in 2002 for the plastics sector. In the system, the cooling 2. For the cooling of hydraulic oils of injection machines –
group is taken offline according to seasonal outdoor ambient An integrated Free Cooling battery (integrated dry cooler unit) is
temperatures, and free cooling is employed for mould and oil used. Lower limit range for the operating temperature of oil cooling
cooling. In this way, energy efficiency is achieved in the system. The is 24.5ºC, the upper limit value is 26.5ºC. Since oil temperature
operation is controlled with an automatic control system. remains low in winter months, the oil temperature is kept at the
desired level by adjusting the flow of water in the line leading to the
The following page shows the comparison made for the system. machines.

The free cooling coil (Dry Cooling system) is located

–integrated– within the same unit as the condenser of the air-cooled
group. Thus, the unit has a compact structure.

The plant where the cooling system is installed operates in the

plastics sector, manufacturing clothes hangers. The factory carries on
manufacturing for 12 months, 6 days/24 hours. A total of 7 injection
machines work in connection with the Air-cooled chillers with Table 1. Cases where the existing cooling system is operated and
integrated cooling coil. where Free Cooling is not employed

The system operates for 4 months (June-September) in the In the calculation of the gain from Free Cooling, the chiller
Summer position; and for 8 months (October-May) in the Winter already installed in the system and use of an integrated coil has been
position. compared to the instance where Free Cooling is not used (a second
cooling group is used).
In the Summer Position (June – September):
The cooling capacity needed in the system is 180 kW. In the existing
1. To cool moulds - The chiller group is operated. Lower limit state 60 kW and 120 kW of power are required for mould cooling
range for the operating temperature of cooling water: 24.5ºC and the and oil cooling respectively. Since a chiller of greater capacity than
upper limit value is 26 ºC. In the system the Chiller groups remains required was selected in order to accommodate further capacity
in standby for a total of 30 minutes and operates for the remaining 30 requirements as they emerge within the scope of future investments,
minutes of each hour. The material used in the manufacture of it remains on standby for a total of 30 minutes in an hour and
clothes hangers is polystyrene and polypropylene. Various trial runs operates for the remaining 30 minutes. The Free Cooling coil (Dry
made by the manufacturer have indicated that the cooling of the Cooling system) is located within the same unit as the condenser
moulds at lower temperatures does not have a big influence on the of the air-cooled group. The unit contains 6 high revolution Ø630
manufacturing speed of the product (that it remains at a negligible mm fans.
level). Thus, moulds are cooled at relatively high temperatures. In In addition to the process cooling application, the conclusions related
case a different material is used for the product or product thickness to measurements taken in four European cities by a chiller
increases, mould cooling water of lower temperature may be needed manufacturing firm on integrated Free Cooling coil air-cooled water-
and the speed of manufacture may be increased by using water at cooling groups in order to demonstrate the gain resulting from the
lower temperatures. use of Free Cooling in air conditioning systems have been given
below in charts.
2. For the cooling of hydraulic oils of injection machines –
An integrated Free Cooling battery (integrated dry cooler unit) is
used. Lower limit range for the operating temperature of oil cooling
is 30ºC, the upper limit value: 36 ºC. The plate exchanger is enabled
for conditions of extreme heat, exceeding seasonal norms.

In the winter position (October - May)

1. For the cooling of moulds - An integrated Free Cooling battery

(integrated dry cooler unit) is used. The chiller group is disabled.
Lower limit range for the operating temperature of cooling water:
24.5ºC and the upper limit value is 26 ºC. Of the six fans constituting
the unit, two are constantly operational, and the remaining four are
operated by thermostat control. (Furthermore, the air current created
as a result of south westerly winds in January and February cause the
fans to spin, in which case fans operate for only 5 hours of the day,
providing an opportunity for further energy saving. Due to the
unpredictable nature of this occurrence, it has not been taken into Graph 1. Energy saving figures as a function of outdoor ambient
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temperature for groups with free cooling installed in air conditioning
systems in four cities in Europe
The Passive Chilled Beam system:
It is clearly apparent that the efficiency of free cooling increases for
settlements in cold climates. In the system called Passive Chilled Beam, heat transfer is made
basically through natural convection and radiation. The Passive
The results from an integrated Free Cooling application for another Chilled Beam unit consists of a shell and tube heat exchanger
air conditioning system of the manufacturer in Milan can be viewed (cooling coil) placed within a casing. In applications, aluminium is
from the following graph. (Outdoor ambient temperature: 30°C, widely used as fin material, and copper is widely used as tube
Twater return: 10°C/15°C, 30% Glycol mixture) The productivity material. The cold water obtained from the central water-cooling unit
gained in this example is 27.6% by the manufacturer’s approach. circulates within the water-cooling coil. In the meantime, ambient air
flowing between fins moves from the upper portion of the room to
the lower portion. The air within the room travels upward upon
becoming warmer. The cooling capacity depends on the difference
between the temperature of the cooling coil and that of the room.

Graph 2. Free cooling comparison figures as a function of outdoor

ambient temperature for the group with 1123 kW cooling capacity
installed in the air conditioning system in the city of Milan

With respect to another theoretical study conducted for three cities in

our country, the Free Cooling efficiency of a 1,625-kW cooling
group has been calculated as approximately 15% for the conditions
of İzmir, as approximately 30% for the conditions of Istanbul and as
approximately 37% for the conditions of Ankara.



The Chilled Beam system which is widely used in Europe,

particularly in northern countries and which is becoming
increasingly popular in U.S.A and other countries is a quite effective
system which creates energy efficiency by facilitating reduction of
the central conditioning unit without lowering interior air quality.
The use of Free Cooling applications in these systems saves more
energy than low temperature chiller applications due to higher
cooling water temperatures. The Chilled Beam can be defined as a
conditioning device which includes a shell and tube water coil and
which operates on a different principle than air diffusers used in
mainstream applications. In these products, heating is also possible
by circulation of hot water in the water installation.

Chilled Beam applications fall in two basic categories which are

“passive” and “active”.

Figure 8. Passive Chilled Beam unit

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Figure 10. The Cative Chilled Beam unit design
The Active Chilled Beam system:
In cases where the amount of air needed to carry the required cold
In the system called the Active Chilled Beam, the unit depends on energy is greater than the fresh air requirement, the chilled beam
fresh air feeding channels and the cool water line. The pre- system significantly reduces the amount of circulating air, reducing
conditioned air provided from the central air conditioning unit is the capacity of central conditioning device. Since these systems
blown from the small air jets within the unit, creating air movement provide for the perceptible cooling requirement of the space and
in the room away from the unit. This movement of air causes the air reduce the total cooling requirement of the system, separating the
within the room to flow within the unit and it is cooled with heat cooling requirement from ventilation and moisture control, they
exchangers. The movement of air within the room also mixes fresh enable downsizing of central air conditioning units thus reducing
air with the air circulating within the room. While their large size initial investment and operational costs. Since the system has
comes with higher cost as compared to conventional diffusers, the perceptible operation, the chiller group operates at high water
advantage in operational costs which it provides, renders this temperatures, facilitating Free Cooling and reduction the cost of
disadvantage unimportant. operation. Another effect of perceptible operation condition is
eliminating the need of a drainage installation.

The following figure shows the effect of the chilled beam system
on efficiency by the results of two comparisons.

Figure 11

Figure 9. Active Chilled Beam unit

Graph 3

Figure 11. Comparison of conventional HVAC installations with

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the Chilled Beam system with respect to energy

Free Cooling and the Chilled Beam System

Graph .3 The comparison of the Chilled Beam application
installed in the Tahoe Environmental Research Center (Incline In the chilled beam system, high temperature cooling water is
Village, Nevada, U.S.A.) with conventional HVAC installation with used in order to avoid condensation. The temperature of the water
respect to total annual energy expenditure. circulating in the coil in order to cool the room is typically 14-18 ºC.
(The temperature of the circulating water for heating is 30-45ºC.)
Uses of Chilled Beam systems: High cooling water temperature leads to use of a lower capacity
cooling group in the system. In this case, both the initial investment
The use of active chilled beam systems is recommended for the and operational costs are reduced.
following venues: Free Cooling systems used for cooling water can be installed in
 Partitioned and open office spaces places where chilled beam units exist.
 Hotel rooms
 Hospitals
 Stores
 Banks
 Laboratories

However, these applications are not recommended for spaces like

conference halls, meeting rooms, classrooms, etc. where high
ventilation loads are required.

Operating range of the Chilled Beam System:

The Active Chilled Beam system can be applied in spaces where

the total perceptible cooling requirement is below 120 W/floor
space-m2. The optimum working range is 60-80 W/floor area-
m2’dir. The passive chilled beam system can be applied in spaces
where the total perceptible cooling requirement is 40-80 W/floor
area-m2. The targeted indoor ambient temperature in summer
condtions is 23-26ºC.

Figure 12. The Chilled Beam system and open circuit cooling
tower Free Cooling application

Free Cooling application in Chilled Beam systems can be made

by various methods, including:  Dry Cooler application 
Cooling Tower application  Underground energy storage systems
application Figure 17 shows the Chilled Beam system and open
circuit cooling tower Free Cooling application. Dry coolers can be
used instead of a water tower in this application. Free Cooling
applications in Chilled Beam systems provide additional efficiency.


As explained above with various sample applications, the

efficiency provided by Free Cooling Systems for Water Cooling
Applications and Chilled Beam Systems which are gaining
increasing popularity are evident.

Increasing efficiency, thus reducing cost per unit is a crucial edge

in today’s competitive environment. As the use of systems explained
above in projects and applications of engineers employed in the
installation sector will lead to increased efficiency in our enterprises
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and heighten our powers of competition as a country. It should also Installation” article, IV. TESKON, 1999
be kept in mind that these systems are environment friendly as well.

Figure 13. Comparison between Air-Cooled and Free Cooling

Figure 13. The working object made.


[1] Aermec Technical Catalogue (

[2] ASHRAE Handbook 2000 Systems and Equipment,
Chapter 36, Chapter 38, ASHRAE, 2000
[3] Cansevdi B., Akdemir Ö., Güngör A.,” Energy Economy for
Facilities Utilizing
[4] Climaveneta, FOCS-FC/NG Technical Catalogue
Cooling Water Throughout the Year” Article, VII. TESKON, 2005
[5] Climaveneta Technical Brochure (
[6] De Saulles, T.,” BSRIA Guide: Free Cooling Systems”,
[7]Flaktwoods Technical Catalogue (
[8] Friterm A.Ş Technical Documents (
[9] ICS Technical Catalogue (
[10] Turkish State Meteorological Service’s report on average
temperatures in Istanbul. (
[11]TPC Technical Catalogue
[12] REHVA Chilled Beam Application Guidebook, RE-
[13] Rumsey P., Weale J.,” Chilled Beams in Labs” article,
ASHRAE Journal, Vol.49, Ocak 2006
[14] Özgür A.E., Üçgül İ., Selbaş R.,” Radiant Cooling
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