Bs 14488 3 PDF
Bs 14488 3 PDF
Bs 14488 3 PDF
Testing sprayed
concrete —
Part 3: Flexural strengths (first peak,
ultimate and residual) of fibre
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ICS 91.100.30
BS EN 14488-3:2006
National foreword
Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, the EN title page,
pages 2 to 12, an inside back cover and a back cover.
The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the
document was last issued.
© BSI 2006
ICS 91.100.30
English Version
Essais pour béton projeté - Partie 3 : Résistances à la Prüfung von Spritzbeton - Teil 3: Biegefestigkeiten
flexion (au premier pic, ultime et résiduelle) d'éprouvettes (Erstriss-, Biegezug- und Restfestigkeit) faserverstärkten
parallélépipèdiques en béton renforcé par des fibres balkenförmigen Betonprüfkörpern
CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European
Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
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CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
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© 2006 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 14488-3:2006: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.
EN 14488-3:2006 (E)
Contents Page
1 Scope ......................................................................................................................................................4
2 Normative references ............................................................................................................................4
3 Principle..................................................................................................................................................4
4 Apparatus ...............................................................................................................................................4
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EN 14488-3:2006 (E)
This European Standard (EN 14488-3:2006) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 104
“Concrete and related products”, the secretariat of which is held by DIN.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, at the latest by October 2006, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at
the latest by December 2007.
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This European Standard is part of a series concerned with testing sprayed concrete.
This series EN 14488 Testing sprayed concrete includes the following parts:
Part 3: Flexural strengths (first peak, ultimate and residual) of fibre reinforced beam specimens
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following
countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic,
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden,
Switzerland and United Kingdom.
EN 14488-3:2006 (E)
1 Scope
This part of European Standard specifies a method for the determination of the flexural (first peak, ultimate
and residual) strength of beam specimens of hardened sprayed concrete.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 12390-1:2000, Testing hardened concrete — Part 1: Shape, dimensions and other requirements for
Exemplar para uso exclusivo - CONTENCO INDUSTRIA COMERCIO LTDA - 17.154.931/0001-47 (Pedido 534321 Impresso: 11/06/2015)
EN 12390-4:2000, Testing hardened concrete — Part 4: Compressive strength — Specification for testing
EN 14488-1, Testing sprayed concrete — Part 1: Sampling fresh and hardened concrete
3 Principle
Prismatic beam specimens are subject to a bending moment by the application of load through upper and
lower rollers. The first peak, maximum and residual loads sustained are recorded and the corresponding
flexural strengths calculated.
A fibre reinforced prism specimen, sawn from a test panel in accordance with EN 14488-1 is subject to a
bending moment by the application of load through upper and lower rollers under deflection control to obtain
its load/deflection response (the latter exclusive of non-bending deformations). The first peak, ultimate and
residual flexural strengths are determined from the load/deflection curve.
4 Apparatus
The test shall be carried out using a testing machine conforming to 4.2 and 4.3 of EN 12390-4:2000.
The stiffness and control system of the testing machine shall be such that the test can be deflection controlled.
The stiffness of the load system (including frame, load cell, loading block and support frame) shall be at least
200 kN/mm.
EN 14488-3:2006 (E)
1 Cramp
2 Reference bar (clamped or glued)
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3 Loading roller
4 Yoke
5 Transducer
6 Locating screw
NOTE A yoke/transducer may be fixed at each side of the beam, instead of at only one as it is represented in the
section of the beam.
The device for applying loads (see Figure 2) shall consist of:
two upper rollers carried by an articulated cross member, which divides the load applied by the machine
equally between the two rollers.
All rollers shall be manufactured from steel and shall have a circular cross-section with a diameter of 20 mm to
40 mm. They shall be at least 10 mm longer than the width of the test specimen.
Three rollers, including the two upper ones, shall be capable of rotating freely around their axes and of being
inclined in a plane normal to the longitudinal axis of the test specimen.
The distance, l, between the outer rollers (i.e. the span) shall be equal to 3 d, where d is 150 mm. The
distance between the inner rollers shall be equal to d. The inner rollers shall be equally spaced between the
outer rollers as shown in Figure 2. All rollers shall be adjusted to the positions illustrated in Figure 2 to an
accuracy of ± 2,0 mm.
EN 14488-3:2006 (E)
Dimensions in millimetres
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1 Loading roller (capable of rotation and of being inclined)
2 Supporting roller
3 Supporting roller (capable of rotation and of being inclined)
F is the load (Pfp or Pult) defined above in newtons
l is the span
w is the average beam width
d is the beam height
L is the beam length
Bending deflection, excluding any support deformations and twist, shall be measured by means of an
electronic transducer mounted at mid-span to a yoke that is held to the beam at mid-height of the beam (the
neutral axis) and directly over the supports. A suitable yoke arrangement is shown in Figure 1. It is preferable
to use two transducers, one mounted on each side of the beam.
The testing machine shall be controlled from the transducer in order to load the specimen at a constant rate of
deflection at the midspan of the beam. The load-deflection curve shall be continuously recorded or logged.
Where two transducers are used the average midspan deflection shall be determined.
EN 14488-3:2006 (E)
5 Test specimen
5.1 General
Each test specimen shall be a sawn prism with dimensions of 75 mm depth × 125 mm width and a length of at
least 500 mm length cut from a sprayed panel as shown in Figure 3 and prepared to meet the requirements of
EN 12390-1. The bottom uncut mould face shall be identified on the specimen (indicating the direction of
Beams shall be tested with the bottom uncut moulded face in tension, unless otherwise specified. If the top
face of the beam is to be put in tension it shall not be sawn (to avoid cutting end anchorages of the steel
The prisms should be stored in water at (20 +/- 2)°C for a minimum of 3 days after sawing until no more than
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3 hours before testing (leaving sufficient time for preparation including the attachment of any location devices
for the yoke or transducer).
The specimens shall be examined and any abnormalities observed shall be reported.
1 Top of beam
Where the dimensions or shapes of test specimens do not conform to 4.3 of EN 12390-1:2000 because they
exceed the respective tolerances, they shall be rejected or adjusted as follows:
NOTE The tolerances specified in EN 12390-3 will usually be too demanding for specimens sawn from sprayed
concrete test panels and should normally be relaxed by prior agreement of the parties.
EN 14488-3:2006 (E)
6 Procedures
For specimens stored in water, wipe excess moisture from the surface of the specimen before placing in the
testing machine.
Wipe clean all testing machine bearing surfaces and remove any loose grit or other extraneous material from
the surfaces of the specimen that will be in contact with the rollers.
Mount the yoke and transducer(s) on the specimen, ensuring the yoke is held directly over the supporting
rollers and at mid-depth of the specimen and that the transducer(s) are located at midspan and bear against a
reference plate attached or clamped to the beam.
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Place the test specimen in the machine, correctly centred and orientated (uncut mould face normally in
tension) and with the longitudinal axis of the specimen at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the upper and
lower rollers.
NOTE The test result may be affected by the direction of loading with respect to the direction of spraying.
6.2 Loading
Do not apply the load until all loading and supporting rollers are resting evenly against the test specimen.
The testing machine shall be controlled from the transducer in order to load the specimen at a constant rate of
deflection at the mid-span of the beam of (0,25 ± 0,05) mm per minute until a deflection of 0,5 mm. After this
point the rate of deflection may be increased to 1,0 mm/min.
The test shall be finished when the mid-span deformation exceeds 4 mm or the specimen fractures.
Record the load and deflection continuously with the data logger or XY plotter, and also record the maximum
load and corresponding deflection indicated.
Measure the distance from the centre of the crack on the tensile face to the nearest support and report a
fracture outside the loading rollers (see Figure 2).
7 Expression of results
The first peak flexural strength shall be calculated from the load-deflection curve (Figure 4) as follows. The
initial straight line portion of the curve shall be determined, based on data up to 50 % of the peak load, and a
line drawn parallel at a horizontal offset of 0,1 mm mid-span beam defection. The first peak flexural strength
(ffp) shall be calculated from the first peak load (Pfp) achieved up to and including the point at which the
0,1 mm offset line intercepts the load/deflection curve (see Figure 4).
The ultimate flexural strength (fult) shall be calculated from the maximum load (Pult) recorded.
Two measurements shall be made of the beam width and depth at the fracture plane, to the nearest 0,1 mm
and the average calculated to the nearest 1 mm. A note shall be made if the fracture plane is outside loading
rollers and the results discarded.
EN 14488-3:2006 (E)
w is the average beam width at the fracture plane (nominally 125 mm)
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X Central deflection in mm
Y Load in kN
Pa1 is the first peak load (Pfp) for curve A
Pa1 is the first peak load (Pfp) for curve B
Pa1 is the first peak load (Pfp) for curve C
Figure 4 — Examples of load/deflection curves for the determination of first peak load Pfp
EN 14488-3:2006 (E)
The residual strengths shall be calculated from the minimum loads on the flexural stress (or load)/deflection
curve between 0,5 mm and 1 mm, 2 mm and 4 mm (corresponding to the low, normal and high deformation
classes D1, D2 and D3 defined in EN 14487-1).
The residual flexural strength (fr1) shall be calculated from the minimum load (Pr1) recorded between midspan
deflections of 0,5 mm and 1,0 mm.
The residual flexural strength (fr2) shall be calculated from the minimum load (Pr2) recorded between midspan
deflections of 0,5 mm and 2,0 mm.
The residual flexural strength (fr4) shall be calculated from the minimum load (Pr4) recorded between midspan
deflections of 0,5 mm and 4,0 mm.
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Each residual flexural strength shall be calculated as an equivalent elastic tensile strength using equation (1)
in 7.1.
8 Test report
b) average depth, d, and width, b, of the specimen at the fracture plane to nearest 1 mm;
f) date of test;
g) load (or stress) -deflection curve including load to nearest 0,1 kilonewtons;
h) first peak (Pfp), maximum (Pult) and residual (Pr1, Pr2 and Pr4) loads, to nearest 0,1 kilonewtons;
i) first peak (ffp), maximum (fult) and residual (fr1, fr2 and fr4) flexural strengths to nearest 0,1 MPa;
j) distance of centre of crack to nearest support to nearest 1 mm and note if outside upper rollers;
m) a declaration from the person technically responsible for the test that the testing was carried out in
accordance with this standard, except as detailed in item (l).
o) curing conditions;
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There are currently no accuracy data for this test.
EN 14488-3:2006 (E)
EN 14488-3:2006 (E)
[1] EN 12390-3, Testing hardened concrete - Part 3: Compressive strength of test specimens
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Exemplar para uso exclusivo - CONTENCO INDUSTRIA COMERCIO LTDA - 17.154.931/0001-47 (Pedido 534321 Impresso: 11/06/2015)
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