OHS Checklist 2015
OHS Checklist 2015
OHS Checklist 2015
This checklist is prepared for the internal auditors guide in carrying out the OHSMS internal audit. The auditor shall verify all the applicable checkpoint and tick the
appropriate box in the "Classification" field. "Objective evidence/Remarks" shall be filled by verifiable objective evidences.
Abbreviations: No NCR = the process/operation conforms to the requirement; OBS = Observation, or opportunities for improvement; MIN = Minor; MAJ
- Major
Item Classification
No. Applicable
Check Points Objective Evidence /Remarks
Clause No
1 Check the OH&S Policy if: 4.2 (OHSAS
a) Appropriate to the nature, and scale of the organization’s
OH&S risk
6 Are the significant risk identified by the company considered 4.3.1 (OHSAS
in setting the objectives? 18001:
2007) /HSEP-
7 50
Check the risk assessment and verify if the the hierarchy to 4.3.1 (OHSAS
reduce the risk considered in determining controls. 18001:
2007) /HSEP-
31 Internal Communication
Verify the awareness on the means of communicating
information on health & safety.
18001: 2007) /
32 Verify the system of communication with contractors and
other visitors to the workplace (check sample of
18001: 2007) /
33 Verify the system for receiving, documenting and responding
to relevant communications from external parties (client, civil
defence, etc). Check action/s taken for valid external
18001: 2007) /
concern, if any.
34 The organization shall establish, implement and maintain
procedure for
(a) participation of workers of workers by their:
- appropriate involvement in hazard identification, risk
assessments and determination of controls
- appropriate involvement in incident investigation
- involvement in the development and review of OH&S
policies and Objectives (OHSAS
- consultation where there are any changes that affect 18001: 2007) /
their OH&S HSEMS-01
- representation on OH&S matters.
(b) consultation with contractors where there are
changes that affect their OH&S
45 Noise Monitoring
46 Light Measurement
47 PPE
48 PPE
49 Equipment Maintenance
51 Calibration of Equipment