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FTM-100DR/DE: Operating Manual

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Operating Manual
144/430 MHz


Before Use

Installation and Connection

Basic Operations

DG-ID and DP-ID Function

Using the Memory


Using the GPS Function

Using the APRS Function

Using the GM Function

Using the WIRES-X Function

Convenient Functions

Customizing Menu Settings and

User Preferences

Features of this transceiver
 144/430 MHz dual-band transceiver equipped with standard C4FM digital
communication modulation
 Clear audio and data communication are achieved using the digital modulation
 With the DG-ID (Digital Group ID), the Group Monitor (GM) feature enables automati-
cally locating, and communicating with other stations that have the same DG-ID num-
ber within contact range, by utilizing a matching group ID number from 00 to 99
 The Digital Personal ID (DP-ID) feature may communicate only by the transceivers
registered the individual ID information that is different for each transceiver included in
the transmission radio wave of C4FM digital communication
 Wide-band receives in the 108 MHz to 999 MHz range (air band, information wireless band)
 Transmit power 50 watts with cooling fan
 The dot matrix LCD is mounted on the front panel
 500 memory channels in the A-band and 500 channels in the B-band
 Your frequency memory channels and transceiver configuration settings can be backed
Before Use

up using a micro-SD memory card. The data on the micro-SD memory card can easily
be copied to other transceivers
 A choice of scanning functions (including VFO scan, memory scan)
 Built-in GPS receiver unit displays your station location and movement information.
Connection to external GPS devices is enabled.
*Refer to the separate “Advance Manual”
 Incorporated APRS® function enables data communication of location information and
*Refer to the separate “APRS Instruction Manual”
 GM (Group Monitor) function in which frequently communicating members can be
registered as a group, thereby allowing location information and messages to be
*Refer to the separate “GM Instruction Manual”
 Supports Yaesu WIRES-X Internet linking, enabling communication with remote
partners via the Internet
*Refer to the separate “WIRES-X Instruction Manual”
 Bluetooth adaptor unit BU-2 (sold separately) permits hands-free operation
*Refer to the separate “Advance Manual”
 Voice guide unit FVS-2 (sold separately) provides voice announcements and
recording of received audio
*Refer to the separate “Advance Manual”
* The Advance Manual, WIRES-X, APRS, and GM Instruction Manuals are not
included with this product. Please download them directly from the Yaesu website.


About registered trademarks and copyrights

APRS is a registered trademark of Mr. Bob Bruninga WB4APR.
SmartBeaconing is supplied by HamHUD Nichetronix.
Microsoft, Windows and Windows Vista are registered trademarks of Microsoft
Corporation in the United States and other countries.
Bluetooth® is a registered trademark of the Bluetooth SIG.
Other company and product names listed in this manual are trademarks and registered
trademarks of their respective companies.

Unauthorized reproduction or copying of a part or all of the copyrights owned by Yaesu

Musen Co., Ltd. in any form whatsoever is strictly prohibited.

How to read this manual

In this manual, front panel operations are described as follows.
Press . ������������������������������������ Indicates that the key or switch is to be pressed

Before Use
Press for over one second ���� Indicates that the key or switch is to be pressed for
over one second.

The following symbols are also used in this manual:

...Explains caution to observe during operation.

...Explains operating suggestions or useful tips.

Also note: the actual product may differ from the drawings shown in this manual.

Introduction.................................................................. 2 Other settings............................................................ 34
Features of this transceiver.................................... 2 Locking the DIAL and keys................................... 34
About registered trademarks and copyrights.......... 3 Adjusting the date and time.................................. 34
How to read this manual......................................... 3 Restoring defaults (All Reset)............................... 36
Before Use................................................................. 5 DG-ID and DP-ID Function...................................... 37
Safety Precautions (make sure to read these)............ 5 Digital Group ID (DG-ID) function.............................. 37
Checking the supplied items....................................... 9 Communicating only with the specific members
Name and function of each component..................... 10 by setting the DG-ID number except for “00”........ 37
Front panel............................................................ 10 Digital Personal ID (DP-ID) function.......................... 39
Front................................................................. 10 Registering the DP-ID to a DR-2X
Rear................................................................. 12 digital repeater...................................................... 39
Main body............................................................. 12 Register the transceivers...................................... 39
Front................................................................. 12 Deleting the registered DP-ID............................... 40
Rear................................................................. 13 Using the Memory................................................... 41
Microphone (MH-48A6JA).................................... 14 Registering to the memory channel...................... 41
Screen display...................................................... 15 Recalling memories.............................................. 42
Input characters.................................................... 16 Recalling the home channel................................. 43
Switching the character type............................ 16 Changing the frequency of the home channel.... 44
Deleting the input characters........................... 16 Clearing memories................................................ 45
Moving the cursor to the left............................. 16 Naming a memory channel................................... 46
Moving the cursor to the right........................... 16 Displaying the memory tag............................... 48
Deleting the most recently input character....... 16 Split memory......................................................... 48
Completing input.............................................. 16 Receiving Weather Broadcast Channels
Installation and Connection................................... 17 (USA version only)................................................ 49
Before Use

Installing the transceiver............................................ 17 Assigning the “WX” function to a

Precautions on installation.................................... 17 programmable key on the microphone............. 49
Installation location when used in a mobile unit.... 18 Recalling the weather channels....................... 49
About the antenna................................................ 19 Listening the weather alert............................... 50
Installing the antenna....................................... 19 Scanning.................................................................. 51
Installing the main body........................................ 20 Searching for signals................................................. 51
Installing the front panel........................................ 21 VFO scan.............................................................. 51
Connecting the transceiver........................................ 22 Selecting the receiver operation performed
Connecting the front panel to the main body........ 22 after scanning stops......................................... 52
Connecting the microphone.................................. 22 Memory scan........................................................ 53
Connecting the antenna........................................ 22 Selecting the scanning method........................ 54
Connecting the power supply.................................... 23 Using the GPS Function......................................... 55
Connecting the car battery............................... 23 Using the APRS Function....................................... 56
Connecting the external power supply What is the APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting
equipment........................................................ 23 System) function?...................................................... 56
Basic Operations..................................................... 24 Using the GM Function........................................... 57
Receiving................................................................... 24 What is the GM (Group Monitor) Function?.............. 57
Turning the power on............................................ 24 How to use the GM function...................................... 57
Switching the power off......................................... 24 Using the WIRES-X Function.................................. 59
Inputting the call sign............................................ 24 What is the WIRES-X Function?............................... 59
Toggling the operating band................................. 25 Convenient Functions............................................. 60
Adjusting the volume level.................................... 25 Communicating with specific stations........................ 60
Adjusting the squelch level................................... 26 Using the tone squelch function............................ 60
Tuning in to the frequency.................................... 27 Using the digital code squelch function................ 60
Changing the frequency steps.............................. 27 Using the new pager function............................... 60
Switching the operation mode.............................. 28 Notification of incoming calls from
Selecting communication mode............................ 29 partner stations using the bell function................. 60
Switching the modulation mode............................ 30 Exchanging messages or images............................. 60
Communicating......................................................... 31 Setup menu basic operations.................................... 61
Transmitting.......................................................... 31 Setup-menu listing..................................................... 62
Adjusting the transmit power............................ 32 Appendix.................................................................. 68
Communicating in FM mode................................. 32 Optional components................................................ 68
Communicating using the repeater....................... 32 Specifications............................................................ 69
Tone Calling (1750 Hz)..................................... 33
Changing the 100.0 Hz CTCSS tone squelch.. 33

Before Use

Safety Precautions (make sure to read these)

Make sure to read this manual in order to use this radio safely and correctly.
Before using this product, note that the company shall not be liable for any damages
suffered by the customer or third parties, or for any failures and faults that occur during
the use or misuse of this product, unless otherwise provided for under the law.

Type and meaning of the marks

This symbol indicates the possibility of death or serious
injury being inflicted on the user and the surrounding
DANGER people when these instructions are ignored and the product
is mishandled.
This symbol indicates the possibility of death or serious
injury being inflicted on the user and the surrounding
WARNING people when these instructions are ignored and the product
is mishandled.
This symbol indicates the possibility of physical
impediments occurring or impediments being inflicted

Before Use
on the user and the surrounding people when these
instructions are ignored and the product is mishandled.

Type and meaning of symbols

Prohibited actions that must not be attempted, in order to use this radio
For example,   signifies that disassembly is prohibited.
Precautions that must be adhered to in order to use this radio safely. For
example, signifies that the power supply is to be disconnected.

Do not use the device in “regions or Never touch the antenna during
aircrafts and vehicles where its use transmission.
is prohibited” such as in hospitals This may result in injury, electric shock
and airplanes. and equipment failure.
This may exert an impact on electronic
and medical devices. When an alarm goes off with the
external antenna connected, cut
Do not use this product while driving off the power supply to this radio
or riding a motorbike. This may immediately and disconnect the
result in accidents. external antenna from this radio.
Make sure to stop the car in a safe If not, this may result in fire, electric
location first before use if the device is shock and equipment failure.
going to be used by the driver.

Safety Precautions (make sure to read these)

Do not operate the device when Do not touch any liquid leaking from
flammable gas is generated. the liquid display with your bare
Doing so may result in fire and hands.
explosion. There is a risk of chemical burns
occurring when the liquid comes
Do not transmit in crowded places
into contact with the skin or gets into
in consideration of people who are
the eyes. In this case, seek medical
fitted with medical devices such as
treatment immediately.
heart pacemakers.
Electromagnetic waves from the device
may affect the medical device, resulting
in accidents caused by malfunctions.

Do not use voltages other than the Do not place the device in areas
specified power supply voltage. that may get wet easily (e.g. near a
Doing so may result in fire and electric humidifier).
shock. This may result in fire, electric shock
and equipment failure.
Do not transmit continuously for
Before Use

long periods of time. When connecting a DC power cord,

This may cause the temperature of the pay due care not to mix up the
main body to rise and result in burns positive and negative polarities.
and failures due to overheating. This may result in fire, electric shock
and equipment failure.
Do not dismantle or modify the
device. Do not use DC power cords other
This may result in injury, electric shock than the one enclosed or specified.
and equipment failure. This may result in fire, electric shock
and equipment failure.
Do not handle the power plug and
connector etc. with wet hands. Also Do not bend, twist, pull, heat
do not plug and unplug the power and modify the power cord
plug with wet hands. and connection cables in an
This may result in injury, liquid leak, unreasonable manner.
electric shock and equipment failure. This may cut or damage the cables
and result in fire, electric shock and
When smoke or strange odors are
equipment failure.
emitted from the radio, turn off the
power and disconnect the power Do not pull the cable when plugging
cord from the socket. and unplugging the power cord and
This may result in fire, liquid leak, connection cables.
overheating, damage, ignition and Please hold the plug or connector when
equipment failure. Please contact our unplugging. If not, this may result in fire,
company amateur customer support or electric shock and equipment failure.
the retail store where you purchased
KWhen transmitting, keep the
the device.
antenna at least 1.8 m (VHF) or 2.2 m
Keep the power plug pins and the (UHF) away from your body.
surrounding areas clean at all times. Do not use modified or damaged
This may result in fire, liquid leak, antennas.
overheating, breakage, ignition etc.

Safety Precautions (make sure to read these)

Do not use the device when the Refrain from using headphones and
power cord and connection cables earphones at a loud volume.
are damaged, and when the DC Continuous exposure to loud volumes
power connector cannot be plugged may result in hearing impairment.
in tightly.
Please contact our company amateur Disconnect the power cord
customer support or the retail store and connection cables before
where you purchased the device as this incorporating items sold separately
may result in fire, electric shock and and replacing the fuse.
equipment failure. This may result in fire, electric shock
and equipment failure.
Never cut off the fuse holder of the
DC power cord. Follow the instructions given when
This may cause short-circuiting and installing items sold separately and
result in ignition and fire. replacing the fuse.
This may result in fire, electric shock
Do not use fuses other than those and equipment failure.
Doing so may result in fire and Do not use the device when the
equipment failure. alarm goes off.
For safety reasons, please pull the
Do not allow metallic objects such
power plug of the DC power equipment

Before Use
as wires and water to get inside the
connected to the product out of the AC
This may result in fire, electric shock
Never touch the antenna as well. This
and equipment failure.
may result in fire, electric shock and
equipment failure due to thunder.

Do not place this device near a For safety reasons, switch off the
heating instrument or in a location power and pull out the DC power
exposed to direct sunlight. cord connected to the DC power
This may result in deformation and connector when the device is not
discoloration. going to be used for a long period
Do not place this device in a location of time.
where there is a lot of dust and If not, this may result in fire and
humidity. overheating.
Doing so may result in fire and Do not throw or subject the device to
equipment failure. strong impact forces.
Stay as far away from the antenna as This may result in equipment failure.
possible during transmission. Do not the put this device near
Long-term exposure to electromagnetic magnetic cards and video tapes.
radiation may have a negative effect on The data in the cash card and video
the human body. tape etc. may be erased.
Do not wipe the case using thinner
Do not turn on the volume too
and benzene etc.
high when using a headphone or
Please use a soft and dry piece of cloth
to wipe away the stains on the case.
This may result in hearing impairment.

Safety Precautions (make sure to read these)

Keep out of the reach of small Do not place the device on an

children. unsteady or sloping surface, or in
If not, this may result in injuries to a location where there is a lot of
children. vibration.
The device may fall over or drop,
Do not put heavy objects on top
resulting in fire, injury and equipment
of the power cord and connection
This may damage the power cord and Do not stand on top of the product,
connection cables, resulting in fire and and do not place heavy objects on
electric shock. top or insert objects inside it.
If not, this may result in equipment
Do not transmit near the television
and radio.
This may result in electromagnetic Do not use a microphone other than
interference. those specified when connecting a
microphone to the device.
Do not use optional products
If not, this may result in equipment
other than those specified by our
If not, this may result in equipment Do not touch the heat radiating
failure. parts.
Before Use

When used for a long period of time,

When using the device in a hybrid
the temperature of the heat radiating
car or fuel-saving car, make sure
parts will get higher, resulting in burns
to check with the car manufacturer
when touched.
before using.
The device may not be able to receive Do not open the case of the product
transmissions normally due to the except when replacing the fuse
influence of noises from the electrical and when installing items sold
devices (inverters etc.) fitted in the car. separately.
This may result in injury, electric shock
and equipment failure.

Checking the supplied items

adhesive sheet

DTMF microphone Bracket for main body Bracket for the

MH-48A6JA MMB-36 controller
Attachment screw set

Before Use
Controller cable DC power cable DC power cable
(3 m) (with fuse attached) (with fuse attached)
(USA, Asian version) (European version)

Spare fuse (15 A) Spare fuse (15 A) PC connection cable

(USA, Asian version) (European version) SCU-20

Operating Manual (this manual)

Warranty Card

Stereo to monaural plug

Name and function of each component
Front panel


③ ④

① ⑤

② ⑥

⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ ⑬ ⑭

➀ Power/LOCK key ( )
Pressing the key for over 2 seconds switches the power between ON and OFF.
Briefly pressing the key while the transceiver is turned ON engages or releases the
Before Use

key lock.
➁ VOL knob
Turning the knob clockwise increases the volume, whereas turning it
counterclockwise decreases the volume.
➂ Mode/Status indicator
Indicates the transmission/reception status with a two-color combination on the
upper and lower portions of the mode/status indicator.
Communication status Upper portion Lower portion
Receiving analog audio Green Green
Transmitting analog audio Red Red
Receiving digital audio Green Blue
Transmitting digital audio Red Blue
Receiving digital data Green White
Transmitting digital data Red White
Receiving signals with unmatched
Green Blink in blue
tone frequency or DCS code

➃ Dot matrix LCD display

➄ BAND MHz key ( )
Switches each band between the operating band and sub-band.
Pressing and holding for over one second allows you to set the frequency in 1 MHz
➅ DIAL knob
• Allows you to set the operating band frequency.
Turning clockwise increases the frequency whereas turning counterclockwise
decreases the frequency.
Name and function of each component

• Allows you to select the desired item for setup, memory registration, group
monitoring operation, etc.
➆ A/B DW key ( )
Briefly pressing each time switches the operating band between Band A and Band B.
Pressing for over one second each time switches the dual watch function between
ON and OFF.
➇ TXPO key ( )
Briefly pressing each time switches the transmission power (HIGH/MID/LOW).
Pressing and holding for over one second each time switches the signaling setting.
For details, refer to the Advanced Manual (download from the Yaesu website).
➈ V/M MW key ( )
Briefly pressing each time switches between VFO mode and memory mode.
Pressing and holding for over one second displays the memory registration screen.
➉ D/X key ( )
Briefly pressing each time switches the operating band communication mode.
Tip For details on the communication mode, see “Selecting communication mode” on page 29.
Pressing and holding for over one second activates WIRES-X.

Before Use
GM key ( )
Activates the GM (group monitor) function.
Pressing and holding for over one second displays the DG-ID SETUP screen.
Tip Press the ,( appears on the left side) on the DG-ID SETUP screen displays the
logging function screen. (see “Digital Group ID (DG-ID) function” on page 37.)
SQL VOICE key ( )
Pressing this button briefly and rotating the DIAL sets the squelch level.
Pressing and holding for over one second activates VOICE mode (when the optional
FVS-2 is mounted).
BACK key ( )
Briefly pressing enables the selected item or value. Then, the display returns to the
previously viewed screen.
DISP SETUP key ( )
Briefly pressing switches the display information (your location information/received
station location information/GPS INFO screen).
Tip For details on the display information, see page 15.
Pressing and holding for over one second displays the Setup menu.

Name and function of each component


➀ CONTROL jack
Connect the control cable into this jack to connect to the main body.
➁ Screw hole to attach the mounting bracket
➂ Firmware update switch
Caution Keep the rubber cap on when not in use.

Main body
Before Use


④ ① ② ③

➀ MIC jack
Connect the provided microphone cable.
➁ CONTROL jack
Connect the control cable into this jack to connect to the controller.
➂ micro-SD memory card slot
➃ Firmware update switch
Caution Keep the rubber cap on when not in use.

Name and function of each component


① ⑤ ② ③

➀ ANT terminal
Connect the antenna.
➁ 13.8V DC
Connect the provided DC power supply cable (with fuse attached).
➂ EXT SP jack
Connect the optional external speaker.
➃ DATA jack

Before Use
Connect a cable for remote operation or a cable for connecting to devices such as
your computer interface unit and the external terminal unit.
➄ Cooling fan

Name and function of each component

Microphone (MH-48A6JA)

[UP] Increases the frequency by one step.

[DWN] Decreases the frequency by one step.
[LOCK] Locks / unlocks the [UP] and [DWN] keys and
[P1] to [P4] keys.
[LAMP] Turns the lamp on the body of the microphone
[MIC] Speak into this part during transmission.
[1] to [0] Enters the numbers.
[✽] Switches between VFO and Memory operating
mode of the operating band.
[#] Activates the GM (Group Monitor) functions.
[A] Switches the operating band to the A-band.
[B] Switches the operating band to the B-band.
[C] Adjusts the squelch level.
Before Use

[D] Switches the display.
[P1] Turns off the squelch function.


1 2 3 A

6 B (T.CALL: European version)

7 8 9 C
[P2] Recalls the receiver home channel.
0 D

Changes the communication mode.

P3 P4
[P4] Changes the transmit power.
[PTT] Switches the transceiver to transmission mode.


The desired functions can be assigned to buttons [P1] to [P4]. For details, refer to the Advanced
Manual (download from the Yaesu website).

Name and function of each component

Screen display

② ⑤

⑥ ⑦

➀ Icon display
Displays the Bluetooth, APRS, micro-SD memory card and GPS icons when each
function is in use.
➁ Station location information display
Displays the received station’s location information and your station location
information. Briefly pressing the key each time switches the displayed data
between the received station location, and your station location.

Before Use
➂ Sub-band frequency display
While in VFO mode, displays the sub-band name (A or B) and sub-band frequency.
While in memory mode, displays the registered frequency or memory tag.
➃ S-meter display
Displays the S-meter bar graph. Displays the squelch level while adjusting the
Functions as a power indicator during transmission.
➄ Communication mode display
Displays the current operating mode, such as analog and digital using abbreviations.
Auto mode is indicated with a flashing bar appearing above the abbreviation. In
Auto mode, the communication mode is automatically set according to the receiving
Tip The AMS functions can be changed in the Setup menu from [2 TX/RX] → [3 AMS TX MODE].
➅ Indicates the operating band name, memory channel, and transmission.
When in VFO mode, the operating band name (A or B) is displayed.
While in memory mode, displays and the memory channel number for the
A-band, and and the memory channel number for the B-band.
When transmit is keyed, indicates the “LO” level transmit power, and
indicates the “MID” level transmit power.
➆ Frequency display
Displays the operating band frequency.

Name and function of each component

●●GPS INFO screen

While a received station’s information is displayed, [Location display]
briefly press the key to display the GPS INFO
May also display the compass and the signal level of
each acquired satellite. □ indicates an un-acquired
satellite and ■ indicates an acquired satellite.
[Frequency display]
Tip From [1 DISPLAY] → [4 GPS INFORMATION], you can
select “LOCATION” (location display) or “FREQUENCY”
(frequency display).

Input characters
You can input letters and characters to enter your call sign and memory channel tags by
following the procedure below.

Switching the character type

Before Use

Press ( appears on the upper display). Pressing each time changes the
character type in the following order.
Uppercase letters → symbols → lowercase letters → numbers

Deleting the input characters

Press ( appears on the upper display).
Deletes all characters to the right side of the cursor including the character on which the
cursor is currently positioning.

Moving the cursor to the left

Press ( appears on the upper display).

Moving the cursor to the right

Press ( appears on the upper display).

Deleting the most recently input character

Press ( appears on the upper display).

Completing input
Press . To cancel inputting, press .

Installation and Connection

Installing the transceiver

Precautions on installation
Note the following when installing the transceiver.
 Do not install the transceiver in a place where it would be exposed to direct sunlight,
high temperatures, excessive humidity, dusty conditions, or extreme vibrations.
 Install the transceiver in a well-ventilated position, so that heat dissipation is not
hindered, because the heat sinks will become hot when the transceiver is run for an
extended period of time.
 Do not place any objects on the transceiver.
 Do not attempt to lift the front panel by holding onto just the knob or control cable.
 This transceiver requires a 13.8 V DC power supply.
When using this transceiver in a mobile unit, ensure that the car battery is a 12 V
type. Never connect this transceiver to a 24 V battery of a large vehicle.
 Never connect the transceiver to a 100 V AC power source.
 Heed caution as hum and noise may be introduced, depending on the installation
conditions of the external power source.
 Install the transceiver as far away as possible from TVs and radios. Failing to do so
may result in noise interference such as broadcast interference (BCI) or television
interference (TVI) from radios and TVs respectively.

Installation and Connection

Never attempt to install this transceiver near indoor antenna elements.

Installing the transceiver

Installation location when used in a mobile unit

●●Front panel
To efficiently receive the GPS satellites, it is recommended that the transceiver should
be installed on the dashboard or front side of the center console. See “Installing the
front panel” on page 21.
Tip The GPS reception antenna is built into the front panel.
Where the GPS antenna
is built in
Installation and Connection

●●Main body
It is recommended that the main body be installed below the car dashboard or to either
side of the center console. See “Installing the main body” on page 20.

Transceiver main body

Installing the transceiver

About the antenna

The antenna is an extremely important part for both transmitting and receiving. The
antenna type and its inherent characteristics determine whether the performance of the
transceiver can be fully realized. As such, please note the following:
 Use an antenna that is suitable for the installation conditions and application
 Use an antenna that is suitable for the operating frequency band.
 Use an antenna and a coaxial cable with a characteristic feed point impedance of
 Adjust the VSWR (Voltage Standing Wave Ratio) until it is 1.5 or less for an antenna
with an adjusted impedance of 50Ω.
 Keep the coaxial cable routing length as short as possible.

Installing the antenna

●●Antenna installation in a mobile unit

Install the antenna base to the rear of the car (rear bumper, trunk, rear gate, etc.) and
then attach the antenna to the base.

Installation and Connection

zz Verify that the antenna base is securely grounded to the car body.
zz When using a coaxial cable included with a commercially-available on-vehicle antenna, lay the
cable in a way to keep it as short as possible.
zz Do not allow rain water or moisture to penetrate the entrance of the cable or connectors when
routing the coaxial cable inside the vehicle.

●●Antenna installation when using a fixed station

For use in an outdoor setting, there are omni-directional antennas and a variety of
directional antennas.
• Omni-directional antennas such as the GP (Ground Plane) antenna are suitable for
communications with a local station or mobile stations in all directions.
• Directional antennas such as the Yagi antenna are suitable for communications with a
specific station or a remote station in a specific direction.

zz Create a loop (slack) in the coaxial cable directly underneath the antenna and fasten the coaxial
cable so that the weight of the cable does not pull on the antenna.
zz When installing the antenna, take into consideration the securing supports and how the guy wires
are positioned, so that the antenna does not fall over or get blown away by strong wind gusts.

Installing the transceiver

Installing the main body

Install the main body using the supplied MMB-36 bracket.

1 Select the installation location.

Caution Select a location where the transceiver can be securely attached.
Tip See “Installation location when used in a mobile unit” on page 18.
2 Drill four 6 mm diameter holes in the location where the bracket is to be mounted,
matching the positions of the bolting holes of the bracket.
3 Attach the bracket.
Attach the bracket using the supplied bolts, nuts Nut
and washers.


Washer Bracket

4 Attach the main body to the bracket.

Installation and Connection

Fasten the main body to the bracket, using the

supplied flange bolts, as shown in the illustration.
Tip The mounting angle can be changed depending on
the securing position of the flange bolts.
Main body
Flange bolt

Installing the transceiver

Installing the front panel

Install the front panel using the supplied bracket.

The bracket can be formed by hand to match the location where the front panel is installed.
Be careful not to cause an injury when bending the bracket.

1 Select the installation location.

Caution Select a stable, flat location with as few dents and protrusions as possible.
Tip See “Installation location when used in a mobile unit” on page 18.

2 Attach the bracket to the front panel.

Attach the bracket to the front panel using the
supplied screws as shown in the illustration.


Installation and Connection

3 Adhere double-sided adhesive sheet to the Double-sided
bracket. Protection
Peel off the protection tape from one side of the
supplied double-sided adhesive sheet, and paste
it onto the bottom side of the bracket.

4 Install the bracket where you want to place the

front panel.
After the adhesive sheet is adhered to the bottom
side of the bracket, Peel off the other side of the
protection tape, and then stick the bracket to the
installation location.
Caution Remove all dirt and dust from the installation
Protection tape
location before affixing the bracket.

Connecting the transceiver
Connecting the front panel to the main body

Make sure to turn the transceiver OFF before connecting.

1 Connect the supplied control cable to the

transceiver main body. Main
Push the control cable plug into the CONTROL
jack on the front panel of the transceiver main Control
body, until it clicks.

2 Connect the other side of the front panel to the

control unit.
Push the other control cable plug into the
CONTROL jack on the transceiver control front Front panel
panel, until it clicks. Control cable
Installation and Connection

Connecting the microphone

1 Connect the supplied microphone to the main


1 2 3 A

Plug the microphone connector into the MIC jack


4 5 6 B

7 8 9 C

on the front panel until it clicks.

0 D

P1 P4

Tips • When disconnecting the microphone, pull the cable Microphone P2


while pressing the connector latch.

• Use the optional microphone extension kit “MEK-
2”. An extension cable (Approx. 3 m) is supplied
with MEK-2 allowing you to operate further away
from the main body.

Connecting the antenna

1 Connect the coaxial cable to the main body.
Main body
Plug the coaxial cable jack into the ANT terminal (rear panel)
on the rear panel of the main body, then rotate
and tighten it.

Coaxial cable jack

Connecting the power supply
Connecting the car battery
When using the transceiver as a mobile unit, connect the DC power supply cable to the
car battery.

zz Use the transceiver in a car with a negative ground system where the minus (−) pole of the battery
is connected to the car body.
zz Check the car battery specification is 12 V. Do not connect the transceiver to the 24 V battery of a
large vehicle.
zz Do not use the cigarette lighter socket inside the car as a power source.

Plug into the connector of the main body power cable until it clicks.
Fuse holder DC power supply
cable (supplied)
Power cable
(DC 13.8 V)
Main body rear panel

DC 12 V battery

Installation and Connection

Connecting the external power supply equipment
When using the transceiver as a fixed station, use an external power source.

zz Use an external power source capable of supplying DC 13.8 V, a current capacity of 20 A or more.
zz Make sure to switch OFF the power of the external power source before connecting.

Fuse holder
Black Direct current
power supply
Power cable
(DC 13.8 V)

DC power supply
cable (supplied)

Main body rear panel Red

AC power

Basic Operations

Turning the power on
1 Press and hold for over 2 seconds.
The power switches on, and the display appears on
the screen.
<When using the same call sign for digital and APRS>

<When using separate call signs for digital and APRS>

The call sign for digital appears on the left and the
call sign for APRS appears on the right.

Tips • When turning the transceiver on for the first time, or after resetting the transceiver, a screen
requesting input of a call sign appears.
• When turning the transceiver on thereafter, the previously registered call sign will be
Basic Operations


Switching the power off

1 Press and hold for over 2 seconds.
The screen display disappears, and the power switches off.

Inputting the call sign

A screen requesting input of a call sign appears when
turning the transceiver on for the first time, or after
resetting the transceiver.
The call sign is used to identify the transmitting station
when communicating in digital mode.

1 Rotate the DIAL to select characters, then press

Tips • Up to 10 characters (alphanumeric characters including
hyphen) can be entered.
• See “Input characters” on page 16 on how to operate
the character input screen.


2 Press .
The display changes.

The entered call sign appears at the bottom of the

screen, and the screen switches to the frequency
display screen.

Toggling the operating band

Normally, 2 operating bands appear on the top half and bottom half of the screen. The
frequency and modulation mode may be changed only for the band on the top half of
the screen, which is called “operating band”. The other band, displayed on the bottom
half of the screen, is not in operation, and is called the “sub-band”.

1 Press

Basic Operations
Each press toggles the operating band between
A-band and B-band.
Caution The operating band signals and sub-band signals
cannot be received simultaneously.

Adjusting the volume level

1 Rotate VOL.
Clockwise rotation increases the volume, whereas
counterclockwise rotation decreases the volume.


Adjusting the squelch level

Annoying noises can be eliminated when there is no signal present. The A-band and
B-band squelch levels can be individually adjusted. Increasing the squelch level will be
more effective in reducing noise; however setting the squelch level too high may block
weak signals. Adjust the squelch level as required.

1 Press .
The current squelch level is shown on the sub-band
display and on the SQL meter.
Tip In digital mode, noise does not occur even if the squelch
level is set to 0.

2 Rotate the DIAL to adjust the squelch level.

Basic Operations

The squelch level value is shown on the sub-band

display, and the level is displayed on the SQL meter.
Tip The display returns to the normal operating screen three
seconds after the squelch is adjusted, or if no adjustment
is made.


Tuning in to the frequency

●●Using the DIAL

1 Rotate the DIAL.

Clockwise rotation tunes the frequency upwards,
whereas counterclockwise rotation tunes the
frequency downwards.

●●Using the microphone

Press [UP] and [DWN] briefly
Pressing [UP] briefly, tunes the frequency upwards. UP
Whereas pressing [DWN] briefly tunes the frequency in
the downward direction. keys

Using the number keys

Basic Operations
Use the 0 to 9 number keys to directly input the

Changing the frequency steps

The DIAL and microphone [UP]/[DWN] keys frequency tuning step can be changed.
1 Press for over one second.
The Setup menu appears.


2 Rotate the DIAL to select [8 CONFIG], then press

The menu list appears.
3 Rotate the DIAL to select [7 FM AM STEP], then
press .

4 Rotate the DIAL to select the desired frequency step.

The frequency steps change in the following order:
“AUTO” → “5.00 KHz” → “6.25 KHz” → “8.33 KHz”
→ “10.00 KHz” → “12.50 KHz” → “15.00 KHz” →
“20.00 KHz” → “25.00 KHz” → “50.00 KHz” →
“100.00 KHz”
Tips • The default setting: AUTO
• The 8.33 kHz frequency step can be selected only on
the Air band.
• The 5 kHz, 6.25 kHz or 15 kHz frequency step cannot
be selected on 480 MHz or higher frequency.

5 Press and hold for over one second.

The selected frequency step is set, and the display returns to the previous operating
Basic Operations

Tip To return to the previous operating display press 3 times.

Switching the operation mode

The operating mode can be switched between VFO mode and MEMORY mode. In VFO
mode, the operating frequency may be freely adjusted; in MEMORY mode, the memory
channels are recalled and displayed on the screen for operation.

1 Select the desired operating band.

2 Press .
The display switches to MEMORY mode.
or and the memory channel number appear
on the operating band name display.
Tips • appears on the A-band.
• appears on the B-band.
When a name (tag) has been assigned to the
memory channel, the tag appears on the frequency
display or the sub-band display.


3 Press .
The display switches to VFO mode and returns to the previous receive frequency.

Selecting communication mode

The FTM-100DR/DE transceiver is equipped with the AMS (Automatic Mode Select)
function which automatically selects from 4 modes of transmission corresponding to the
signal being received.
The transmit mode is selected according to the received signal so that C4FM digital
signals, and analog signals are received and transmitted automatically.
Press to display “○○
▀ *” on the screen.

*The display differs depending on the received signal.

Display example when in AMS mode

To operate in fixed communication mode, press to switch the communication mode.

Each time is pressed, the communication mode changes in the following order:
“ (AMS)”→“DN (V/D mode)”→“ VW/DW (FR mode)”→“FM (analog)”

Basic Operations
Operation mode Icon Description of modes
AMS ○○
▀ Transmission mode is automatically selected from 4 types
(Automatic Mode Select) according to the signal received.
(“○○” icon differs depending on the received signal.)
The AMS function operation can be changed from the Setup menu
setting. See page 62.
V/D Mode DN Calls are less prone to interruptions due to detection and
(Voice/Data simultaneous correction of voice signals during digital voice signal transmission.
transmission mode) This is the standard mode for C4FM Digital.
Voice FR Mode VW Digital voice data transmission using the entire 12.5 kHz band.
(Voice Full Rate Mode) Enables high-quality voice communication.
Data FR Mode DW High speed data communication using the entire 12.5 kHz band.
(High Speed Data The transceiver automatically switches to this mode during image
Communication Mode) transmission.
Analog FM Mode FM Analog communication using FM mode.
Effective when the signal is weak and audio is susceptible to
interruption in digital mode.

zz In V/D mode (“DN” on the screen), location information is included in the transmitted signal during
voice communication, however, location information is not included with the Voice in the FR mode
(“VW” on the LCD).


Switching the modulation mode

In analog mode, the modulation mode can be selected from “AUTO”, “MANUAL (FM)”
and “MANUAL (AM)”.
When shipped from the factory, the mode is set to “AUTO” where the most optimal
modulation mode is automatically selected according to the frequency.
1 Select the desired operating band.
2 Press and hold for over one second.
The Setup menu appears.

3 Rotate the DIAL to select [2 TX/RX], then press

The menu list appears.
4 Rotate the DIAL to select [1 ANALOG MODE
SELECT], then press .
Basic Operations

The modulation mode setting value appears.

5 Rotate the DIAL to select the desired modulation
“1 AUTO”: Automatically switches the modulation
mode to match the frequency band.
“2 MANUAL(FM)”: Switches to FM mode.
“3 MANUAL(AM)”: Switches to AM mode.
Tip The default setting: AUTO

6 Press and hold for over one second.

Sets the selected modulation mode and returns the display to the previously viewed
Tip You can also return to the previous screen by pressing 3 times.


1 Press and hold [PTT] on the microphone. MIC

In analog mode, both the upper and lower portions of
the mode/status indicator light red. MIC

In digital mode, the upper portion of the mode/status PTT


1 2 3 A

indicator lights red and the lower portion of the mode/ 4

6 B

7 8 9 C

status indicator lights blue. 0 D

Analog mode: both the upper and lower portions

P1 P3 P4




Digital mode: the upper portion lights red and

the lower portion lights blue

2 Speak into [MIC] on the microphone.

Basic Operations
Tip Keep the microphone about 5 cm away from your mouth.

3 Release [PTT].
The transmit mode/status indicator turns off and the transceiver returns to the
receive mode.

• Do not continue transmitting for a prolonged period. The transceiver may overheat, resulting in
malfunction or burn.
• Use the optional cooling fan SMB-201 to effectively cool down the transceiver that has heated up
due to continuous transmission.
• “ERROR TX FREQ” appears if you attempt to transmit an unavailable frequency.


Adjusting the transmit power

When communicating with a nearby station, the transmit power level may be lowered to
reduce the battery power consumption.

1 Press .
Each time is pressed, the transmit power level
changes in the following order:
“HIGH” → “LOW” → “MID”
FTM-100DR/DE 50 W 20 W 5W

Communicating in FM mode
1 Select the desired operating band.
2 Set the modulation mode to “MANUAL (FM)”.
3 Rotate the DIAL to tune to the desired frequency.
4 While pressing and holding [PTT], speak into the microphone.

Basic Operations

To use the half deviation, select “1 ON” from [2 TX/RX] → [7 HALF DEVIATION] in the Setup menu.

Communicating using the repeater

The FTM-100DR/DE includes the ARS (Automatic Repeater Shift) function which
permits communication through repeaters automatically, by simply setting the receiver to
the repeater frequency.
1 Tune to the repeater frequency.

2 Press the [PTT] to transmit.

During transmission, radio waves having an 100.0 Hz* tone signal are emitted on the
frequency lower than reception frequency by 5 MHz*.
*: Depends on the transceiver version.

From the Setup menu, you can change the repeater setting.
[8 CONFIG] → [4 AUTO REPEATER SHIFT]: Deactivates the ARS function.
[8 CONFIG] → [5 REPEATER SHIFT]: Allows setting the repeater shift direction.
[8 CONFIG] → [6 REPEATER SHIFT FREQ]: Allows changing the repeater shift frequency offset.


Tone Calling (1750 Hz)

If your transceiver is FTM-100DE (European version), press and hold in the program
key [P1] of the microphone (MH-48) to generates a 1750 Hz burst tone to access the
European repeater. The transmitter will automatically be activated, and a 1750 Hz audio
tone will be superimposed on the carrier. Once access to the repeater has been gained,
you may release the [P1] key, and use the [PTT] for activating the transmitter thereafter.

Changing the 100.0 Hz CTCSS tone squelch

To communicate with a repeater that uses a tone signal other than 100.0 Hz, change the
CTCSS tone frequency using the setup menu.

1 Tune the transceiver receiver frequency to the

repeater frequency.

2 Press for more than one second.

Setup menu appears.

Basic Operations
3 Turn the DIAL to select [4 SIGNALING], and then
press to display the menu list.

4 Turn the DIAL to select [1 TONE SQL FREQ] and

then press , the CTCSS tone frequency will be
5 Turn the DIAL to change and select the different tone

6 Press for more than one second to set the new tone and return to the original
operating screen.
Tip You can also return to the previous operating screen by pressing 3 times.
7 Press the [PTT] to transmit.
The transmit frequency is automatically offset to the repeater input frequency, and
the squelch tone signal is set.
The squelch tone and transmit offset frequency will be recorded whenever the displayed frequency is
registered to a memory channel. (Refer to “Registering to the memory channel” on page 41).

Other settings
Locking the DIAL and keys
To prevent accidental frequency change during operation, the DIAL and keys can be
Tip VOL is not locked.

1 Press briefly.
“LOCK” will be displayed on the screen and the DIAL
and keys will be inoperative.
Press briefly again to unlock the DIAL and
keys. “UNLOCK” will be displayed on the screen.

Adjusting the date and time

The FTM-100DR/DE transceiver has a built-in clock. Set the time and date before using
Basic Operations

the radio. Also the clock is automatically set when signals are received from the GPS.

1 Press and hold for over one second.

The Setup menu appears.

2 Rotate the DIAL to select [8 CONFIG], then press

The menu list appears.
3 Rotate the DIAL to select [1 DATE & TIME
ADJUST], then press .

The current date and time settings appear.

Other settings

4 Press .
The “Month” display blinks.

5 Rotate the DIAL to select the month

6 Press ( appears on the upper side).
The “Day” display blinks.
Tip Press to go back ( appears on the upper

7 Rotate the DIAL to select the day.

8 Press ( appears on the upper side).
The “Year” display blinks.
Tip Press to go back ( appears on the upper side).
9 Rotate the DIAL to select the year.
10 Press ( appears on the upper side).
The “Hour” display blinks.

Basic Operations
Tip Press to go back ( appears on the upper side).
11 Rotate the DIAL to select the hour.
12 Press ( appears on the upper side).
The “Minute” display blinks.
Tip Press to go back ( appears on the upper side).
13 Rotate the DIAL to select the minute.
14 Press .
The date and time are set, and the screen returns to the setting screen.
15 Press and hold for over one second.
The display is returned to the previously viewed screen.
Tip You can also return to the previous operating screen by pressing 3 times.

• At normal temperature, the time accuracy is ±30 seconds per month. It may vary depending on the
temperature and environment conditions.
• The time is automatically set when signals are received from the GPS.
• When you use the transceiver for the first time, the setting of the clock may be inaccurate. In such a
case, readjust the time.
• The calendar can display dates from January 1, 2000 A.D. up to December 31, 2099 A.D.

Other settings

Restoring defaults (All Reset)

All transceiver settings and memory content may be restored to the defaults.

1 Press and hold for over one second.

The Setup menu appears.

2 Rotate the DIAL to select [13 RST/CLONE], then

press .
The menu list appears.
3 Rotate the DIAL to select [1 FACTORY RESET],
then press .

4 Rotate the DIAL to select [OK?], then press .

Basic Operations

Tip To cancel resetting, select [Cancel].

A beep sounds and the call sign input display

appears on the screen.

5 Input the call sign.

Input the call sign using the numeric key pad. See “Input characters” on page 16
for instruction on inputting the call sign characters.
6 Press .
Sets the call sign and displays the frequency screen.

Performing the All Reset function clears all information registered to the memory channels. Be sure to
write memory data down on paper or back up the data on a micro-SD memory card. For instructions
on saving the data onto a backup micro-SD memory card, refer to the Advanced Manual (download
from the Yaesu website).

DG-ID and DP-ID Function

Digital Group ID (DG-ID) function

The DG-ID function can set up two-digit DG-ID numbers from “00” to “99” separately for
Transmit and Receive. By setting both transmit and receive to “00” (default), you can
communicate with all the other stations in the digital C4FM mode.
By matching the transmit DG-ID number to the uplink DG-ID number set in the club DR-
2X/XE System Fusion II digital repeater, you can access the digital repeater DR-2X/XE
used in the club.
For communication only among a group of friend’s transceivers, you can all match the
same DG-ID number; then only your friend’s voices will be heard. Also, by using the GM
function you can check whether stations with the same DG-ID are in the communication

Communicating only with the specific members by setting the DG-

ID number except for “00”
Example: Enter the transmit DG-ID number “50” and the receive DG-ID number “50”
1 Press and hold for over one second.
The DG-ID number setting screen is displayed.

While setting the DG-ID number, press and hold key will set the transmit and the receive DG-ID
numbers to “00”.

2 Press the key.

DG-ID and DP-ID Function

The transmit DG-ID (DG-ID TX) number blinks.
3 Rotate the DIAL knob to set the transmit DG-ID (DG-
ID TX) to “50”.
The transmit DG-ID (DG-ID TX) number blinks.
4 Press the key, then rotate the DIAL knob to
select “DG-ID RX”.

5 Press the key.

The receive DG-ID (DG-ID RX) number blinks.
6 Rotate the DIAL knob to set the receive DG-ID (DG-
ID RX) to “50”.
7 Press and hold the key to save the setting and
return to normal operation.
The group members with same DG-ID number may
communicate with each other at the same frequency.
The transmit DG-ID number appears on the upper side
of the LCD.

Digital Group ID (DG-ID) function

• The transmit and receive DG-ID default number is set to “00”.
• Normally, for general operation set the DG-ID number to “00” for both transmit and receive.

8 Press the key to turn the GM (Group Monitor)

function ON, then you can check whether or not
other Group Member stations are operating within
communications range.
The other stations also need to turn the GM function ON.
While operating in the GM function, the call sign, the
distance and the direction of a maximum 24 stations
with the GM function turned ON, and that are within
the communication range, may be checked.
Rotate the DIAL knob to select the other stations.
9 Press the key to turn the GM (Group Monitor)
function OFF.
• Note that when the receive DG-ID number of your transceiver is set to a DG-ID number other than
“00”, received signals that do not have the same DG-ID number may not be heard.
• The distance and direction information is displayed only when the position information is included in
the signal of the other station.
• The transceivers that may transmit position information with the GM function.
DG-ID and DP-ID Function

Digital Personal ID (DP-ID) function
Registering the DP-ID to a DR-2X digital repeater
To register the transceiver DP-ID in the System Fusion II, DR-2X C4FM digital repeater, refer to the
instruction manual of the DR-2X.

By registering the transceiver’s DP-ID in the DR-2X, you can remotely control
the settings and functions of DR-2X. Remote control cannot be performed from a
transceiver that does not register the DP-ID, so it is possible to securely manage
DR-2X Remote Control Feature
• Activate the repeater operation
• Deactivate the repeater operation
• Set the repeater to C4FM mode
• Set the transmit power
• Voice Message Control (Rec / Play / Stop)
• Set the Emergency Call

Register the transceivers

1 Press and hold the key to enter the Set-up
2 Rotate the DIAL knob to select [6 GM].
3 Press the key.

DG-ID and DP-ID Function

4 Rotate DIAL knob to select [1 DP-ID LIST].
5 Press the key.
The DP-ID List is displayed.

6 While the DP-ID list is displayed, a transmission in

the digital C4FM mode from the other transceiver will
register the DP-ID.
When a signal from the other station is received, the
call sign is displayed on the LCD.
• When a signal from the already registered transceiver is received, the display of DP-ID LIST does
not change.
• When registering a transceiver already registered with a different call sign, the call sign registered in
the DP-ID list is changed to registrar the new call sign.

Digital Personal ID (DP-ID) function

7 Press the key.

When registering in the DP-ID list is finished, then
the display returns to the DP-ID list screen.
To continue operating without registering the DP-ID,
Rotate the DIAL knob to select “Cancel” and then
press the key.
If registering several DP-IDs, repeat steps 6 to 7.
A maximum of 24 stations may be registered.
8 Press and hold the key to return to normal
Register the DP-ID of all the transceivers in the
group to another transceiver using the same
• Once the DP-ID is registered, the DP-ID is stored until the DG-ID is deleted.
• Register with another transceiver while each other’s transceivers are nearby.

Deleting the registered DP-ID

1 Press and hold the key to enter the Set-up Menu.
2 Rotate the DIAL knob to select [6 GM].
DG-ID and DP-ID Function

3 Press the key.

4 Rotate the DIAL knob to select [1 DP-ID LIST].
5 Press the key.
The DP-ID List is displayed.

6 Rotate the DIAL knob to select the call sign, then

press the ,( appears on the upper side).
The confirmation screen is displayed.
7 Rotate the DIAL knob to select “OK?”
8 Press the key to delete.
• When deleting in the DP-ID list is finished, then the
display returns to the DP-ID list screen.
• To return to normal operation without deleting the
DP-ID, rotate the DIAL knob to select “Cancel” and
then press the key.
• If deleting several DP-IDs, repeat steps 6 to 8.
9 Press and hold the key to return to normal

Using the Memory
Frequently used frequencies and settings can be registered to the memory channels.
The preset channels may be quickly recalled for convenient operation. The transceiver
is also equipped with the following memory functions:
··Skip memory channels to preclude reception during scanning*
··Scan only the specified memory channels*
··“Programmable Memory Scan (PMS)” that scans only the specified frequency range
(in the same frequency band)*
* For details, refer to the Advanced Manual (download from the Yaesu website).
The individual operating frequency and operating mode (modulation mode), as well as
the other operating information, can be saved for each normal memory channel and
PMS memory channel.
• Operating frequency • Modulation mode* • Memory tag
• Repeater information • Tone information • DCS information
• Memory skip information • Transmit power
*Digital mode and analog mode information are not stored in the memory.

Registering to the memory channel

The information registered to the memory channel may be lost due to incorrect operation, static
electricity or electrical noise. Data may also be lost due to component failures and repairs. Make sure
to write down the information registered to the memory channels on a piece of paper or save the data
to a backup micro-SD memory card.

A total of 500 memory channels are available for each of the A-band and B-band.

Using the Memory

1 Switch to VFO mode.
2 Rotate the DIAL to tune to the desired frequency.
Select the frequency you want to register to a
memory channel.

Using the Memory

3 Press and hold for over one second.

The MEMORY WRITE screen appears.
The frequency automatically appears on an empty
memory channel.
Tips • For details on how to assigning a nametag to a memory
channel, refer to the Advanced Manual (download from
the Yaesu website).
• To specify a specific memory channel, refer to the
Advanced Manual (download from the Yaesu website).
• To set memory channels to skip, refer to the Advanced
Manual (download from the Yaesu website).
4 Rotate the DIAL to select the desired memory
Tip Pressing briefly each time skips memory channels
in steps of 100 memory channels.

5 Press .
Completes memory registration and displays the
frequency and the memory channel number on the
Tips • The frequency which has been registered to a memory
channel can be overwritten with a new frequency.
• Press to return to VFO mode.
Using the Memory

• When shipped from the factory, the frequency in memory channel 1 of A-band is set to 144.000
MHz whereas the frequency in memory channel 1 of B-band is set to 430.000 MHz. These can be
changed to other frequencies but cannot be erased.
• Names can also be assigned to the memory channels. See “Naming a memory channel” on page 46.
• 9 pairs of PMS memory channels can be written for the A-band and B-band each. For details, refer
to the Advanced Manual (download from the Yaesu website).

Recalling memories
1 Press .
Switches to memory mode. The most recently used
memory channel appears on the screen.

Using the Memory

2 Rotate the DIAL to select the desired memory channel.

Press again to return to VFO mode.

Unused memory channels are skipped.

Recalling the home channel

1 Press [P2] on the microphone.
The home channel appears on the screen. MIC

Tip Change the frequency by rotating the DIAL to return to


VFO mode. 1 2 3 A

4 5 6 B

7 8 9 C

0 D

P1 P4



Using the Memory

Press [P2] again to return to VFO mode and display the frequency that was selected
before the home channel was recalled.

When shipped from the factory, the home channel of 144 MHz band is set to 144.000 MHz while the
home channel of 430 MHz band is set to 430.000 MHz.

Using the Memory

Changing the frequency of the home channel

The default frequency setting of the home channel can be changed.
1 Switch to VFO mode.
2 Rotate the DIAL to tune to the desired home channel frequency.
3 Press and hold for over one second.
The MEMORY WRITE screen appears.

4 Rotate the DIAL to select [HOME].

5 Press .
The overwrite confirmation screen appears.
Using the Memory

6 Rotate the DIAL to select [OK?],and then press

The home channel frequency is overwritten, and the
new home channel frequency is displayed.
Tip To cancel overwriting, select [Cancel], then press .

Using the Memory

Clearing memories
1 Press and hold for over one second.
The MEMORY WRITE screen appears.

2 Press ,( appears on the left side).

3 Rotate the DIAL to select the memory channel from

which memories are to be cleared.

4 Press ,( appears on the upper side).

The erase confirmation screen appears.

Using the Memory

5 Rotate the DIAL to select [OK?], then press .

Erases the memory and clears the display.
Tips • Select [Cancel], then press to cancel the
memory deletion.
• Repeat steps 3 to 5 to clear memories from other

Memories on memory channel 1 and the home channel cannot be deleted.

6 Press .
The display is returned to the previously viewed screen.

Using the Memory

Naming a memory channel

Names (memory tags) such as call signs and the names of the broadcasting stations
can be assigned to the memory channels and the home channel.
Up to 8 of the following characters can be entered as a memory tag.
• Alphabet (capital/small letters), numbers, symbols
Example: Assigning a name like “YM Grp01”
1 Press and hold for over one second.
The MEMORY WRITE screen appears.

2 Press ,( appears on the left side).

3 Select the memory channel that is to be assigned a
Tip To assign a name to the home channel, recall the home

4 Press ,( appears on the upper side).

The cursor jumps to the left end of [ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ] on
the right side of the frequency display.
Using the Memory

5 Rotate the DIAL to select [Y], then press

( appears on the upper side).
“Y” is entered, and the cursor moves to the right.
Tip To delete the letter, press ( appears on the
upper side).

Using the Memory

6 Rotate the DIAL to select [M], then press

( appears on the upper side).
“M” is entered, and the cursor moves to the right.
Tips • To move the cursor to the left, press (
appears on the upper side).
• To delete the letter you have just entered and move the
cursor to the left, press ( appears on the
upper side).

7 Press twice ( appears on the upper

The symbols input screen appears.
8 Rotate the DIAL to select “space”, then press
( appears on the upper side).
A space is entered, and the cursor moves to the
9 Press ( appears on the upper side).
Upper case letters can be entered.
10 Rotate the DIAL to select [G], then press ([ ] appears on the upper side).
“G” is entered, and the cursor moves to the right.
11 Press 3 times ( appears on the upper side).
Lower case letters can be entered.
12 Rotate the DIAL to select [r], then press ([ ] appears on the upper side).
“r” is entered, and the cursor moves to the right.

Using the Memory

13 Rotate the DIAL to select [p], then press ([ ] appears on the upper side).
“p” is entered, and the cursor moves to the right.
14 Press 4 times ( appears on the upper side).
The numbers input screen appears.
15 Rotate the DIAL to select [0], then press ([ ] appears on the upper side).
“0” is entered, then the cursor moves to the right.
16 Rotate the DIAL to select [1].
“1” is entered.
17 Press .
The entered name appears on the right side of the
18 Press .
The entered name is registered to the memory
channel and the display returns to the previous
operating screen. The entered memory tag appears.

Using the Memory

Displaying the memory tag

The frequency and name tag display format can be selected for each channel.
1 Press and hold for over one second.
The Setup menu appears.

2 Rotate the DIAL to select [3 MEMORY], then press

The menu list appears.
3 Rotate the DIAL to select [1 ALPHA TAG SIZE], then
press .
The setting options appear.
4 Rotate the DIAL to select the desired display size.
“1 LARGE”: Displays the memory tag in large letters.
“2 SMALL”: Displays the memory tag in small letters.
Tip The default setting: 2 SMALL

5 Press and hold for over one second.

Using the Memory

The display size is set, and the display returns to the previous operating screen.
Tip You can also switch the display by pressing and holding for over one second instead
of following the procedure above.


Split memory
A separate transmit frequency may be registered to a memory channel to which a
receive frequency has already been registered.
For details, refer to the Advanced Manual (download from the Yaesu website).

Using the Memory

Receiving Weather Broadcast Channels (USA version only)

This radio includes the preprogrammed VHF Weather Broadcast Station Memory
Channel Bank, and can receive the broadcast or the weather alert by recalling or
scanning a desired channel.
The following channels are stored in the weather station memory bank of this radio.
Channel Frequency Channel Frequency
No. No.
WX01 162.550 MHz WX06 162.500 MHz
WX02 162.400 MHz WX07 162.525 MHz
WX03 162.475 MHz WX08 161.650 MHz
WX04 162.425 MHz WX09 161.775 MHz
WX05 162.450 MHz WX10 163.275 MHz

This “WX” function can only be used through the programmable keys [P1] to [P4] on the
Assigning the “WX” function to a programmable key on the microphone
1 Press and hold for over one second.
The Setup menu appears.
2 Rotate the DIAL to select [8 CONFIG], then press .
3 Rotate the DIAL to select [10 MIC PROGRAM KEY], then press .
The microphone program key setting screen appears.
4 Rotate the DIAL to select the program key ([P1] to [P4]) where the WX function is
going to be assigned, then press .
5 Rotate the DIAL to select [WX], then press .

Using the Memory

6 Press and hold for over one second.
The display returns to the previously viewed operating screen.
Recalling the weather channels
Example: When “WX” is assigned to [P1]
1 Press [P1] on the microphone.
The WX function is activated, and the weather channel selected last time the WX
function was activated will be displayed on the screen.
2 Rotate the DIAL to select the other channels.
3 Press the [PTT] on the microphone to search for louder stations.
Scanning of the channels stored in the weather station memory bank will start.
When the scanning pauses on a station, press the [PTT] once to halt the scan, or
press it twice to restart the scan.
4 Press the [PTT] to finish the scan.
5 Press [P1].
The WX function will be inactivated and returns the display to the previous viewed

Using the Memory

Listening the weather alert

In the event of extreme weather disturbances, such as storms and hurricanes, the
NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) sends a weather alert
accompanied by a 1050 Hz tone and subsequent weather report on one of the
NOAA weather channels. You may disable to receive the weather alert tone using [4
SIGNALING] → [10 WX ALERT] in the Setup menu.
Using the Memory


Searching for signals

The FTM-100DR/DE is equipped with a scanning function to search for memory
channels and frequencies with active signals.
Scanning can be performed using the following 5 methods:
●● VFO scan
Scan in VFO mode.
●● All Memory Channel Scan
Scan for all memory channels.
●● Select Memory Channel Scan*
Scan for the specified memory channels.
●● Skip Memory Channel Scan*
Skip the specified memory channels when scanning.
●● Programmable Memory Channel Scan (PMS)*
Scan for the programmable memories.
* For details, refer to the Advanced Manual (download from the Yaesu website).
VFO scan
1 Select the band to be scanned, and then switch to
VFO mode.
2 Press and hold [UP] or [DWN] on the microphone for
over one second.
Pressing [UP] scans in the higher frequency direction.
Pressing [DWN] scans in the lower frequency
During scanning, the decimal point of the frequency
display blinks.

Once the transceiver receives a signal, the
transceiver continuously receives it until the signal
disappears, and restarts scanning 2 seconds after
the signal disappears.
Tips • The scanning direction (UP/DOWN) can be set from [5 SCAN] → [2 SCAN DIRECTION]
in the Setup menu. This scanning direction setting is applied for scanning performed by
pressing one of the [P1] to [P4] keys on the microphone to which [SCAN] is assigned in
advance from [8 CONFIG] → [10 MIC PROGRAM KEY] in Setup menu.
• The scanning direction can be changed by pressing and holding [UP] or [DWN] on the
microphone for over one second, or by rotating the DIAL while scanning.
• The operation performed after the scan stops on a signal, can be set from [5 SCAN] → [3
SCAN RESUME] in the Setup menu (refer to the next page).
• The squelch level can be adjusted even during scanning, by pressing , and then
rotating DIAL.
●●Canceling scanning
Press [PTT] on the microphone to cancel scanning (this does not put the transceiver
into transmit mode).

Searching for signals

Selecting the receiver operation performed after scanning stops

Select one of the following 3 receiving operations to be performed after the scanning
(1) Restart scanning after receiving the frequency for the set amount of time. Select
from 1, 3 or 5 seconds.
(2) Continue receiving the frequency until the signal disappears, and then restart
scanning 2 seconds after the signal disappears (BUSY).
(3) Stop scanning and receive that frequency (HOLD).

1 Press and hold for over one second.

The Setup menu appears.

2 Rotate the DIAL to select [5 SCAN], then press

The menu list appears.
3 Rotate the DIAL to select [3 SCAN RESUME], then
press .
The options for receiver operation appear.

4 Rotate the DIAL to select the desired receiver

operation, then press .
“1 BUSY” → “2 HOLD” → “3 1sec” → “4 3sec” → “5
Tip The default setting: 1 BUSY

5 Press and hold for over one second.

The receiver scanning operation is set, and the display returns to the previous
operating screen.

The settings here are applied for “VFO Scan”, “Memory Scan” and “Programmable Memory Scan”.

Searching for signals

Memory scan
Frequencies registered to the memory channels can be scanned in the memory channel
number order.

1 Switch to memory mode.

2 Press and hold [UP] or [DWN] on the microphone for
over one second.
Pressing [UP] scans the memory channels in an
upward direction.
Pressing [DWN] scans the memory channels in a
downward direction.
During scanning, the decimal point of the frequency
display blinks.
Once the transceiver receives a signal, the
transceiver continuously receives it until the signal
disappears, and restarts scanning 2 seconds after
the signal disappears.
Tips • The scanning direction (UP/DOWN) can be set from [5
SCAN] → [2 SCAN DIRECTION] in the Setup menu.
(This direction setting is also applied to scanning
performed using one of the [P1] to [P4] keys on the
microphone. The [SCAN] function can be assigned
to the key in advance using [8 CONFIG] → [10 MIC
PROGRAM KEY] in Setup menu).
• The scanning direction can be changed by pressing
and holding [UP] or [DWN] for over one second on the
microphone or rotating the DIAL during scanning.
• The receiver operation after scanning stops can be set

from [5 SCAN] → [3 SCAN RESUME] in the Setup
menu (refer to the previous page).
• Press , and then rotate the DIAL to adjust the
squelch level, even during scanning.

●●Canceling scanning
To cancel scanning, press [PTT] on the microphone (this does not put the transceiver
into transmit mode).

Searching for signals

Selecting the scanning method

To scan all memory channels or only the specified memory channels.

1 Press and hold for over one second.

The Setup menu appears.

2 Rotate the DIAL to select [3 MEMORY], and then

press .
The menu list appears.
3 Rotate the DIAL to select [2 MEMORY SCAN TYPE],
then press .
The setting options appear.
4 Rotate the DIAL to select the desired option.
Scans all memories.
Scans only specified memories.
Tip The default setting: 1 ALL MEMORY

5 Press and hold for over one second.


Sets the scanning method and returns the display to the previously operating

Using the GPS Function
The FTM-100DR/DE transceiver is equipped with an internal GPS reception unit to
receive and display the location information at all times. The location information can be
used for the following purposes:
Save the location information of other stations and note whether or not they are
within communication range.
Refer to the separate GM Function Instruction Manual.
Exchange the location information and messages with other stations, during data
Refer to the separate APRS Instruction Manual.
For additional details on the GPS function, refer to the Advanced Manual which may be
downloaded from the Yaesu website.

Using the GPS Function

Using the APRS Function

What is the APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System) function?

For amateur radios, there are several functions that display location information using
GPS, however the APRS is a data communication system that transmits data such as
location information and messages using the format developed by Bob Bruninga of
Upon receiving an APRS signal from another station, information such as: the direction
and distance to that station from your station; the speed of the station; the identity and
other information may be displayed on the screen of your transceiver.

When using the APRS function, station information such as the call sign and symbol of
your own station need to be set in the APRS initial setup menus.
For details, refer to the APRS Instruction Manual (download from Yaesu website).
Using the APRS Function

Using the GM Function

What is the GM (Group Monitor) Function?

The GM function automatically monitors for any other stations with the GM function
in operation on the same frequency, or stations transmitting in DN mode, within
communication range. The GM function then displays the acquired information,
including the direction and distance, on the screen for each detected call sign.
In addition to notifying you of the GM group members within your communication range,
the GM function also displays the relative positions of all the members in the group on
the transceiver screen.
Furthermore, the GM function may also be used to exchange data such as messages
and images between group members.

• The GM function does not work while in the analog mode. When the GM function is activated, the
operating band automatically switches to DN mode.
• When sending an image with the GM function in operation, the operating band automatically
switches to FR mode (high-speed data communication mode). Upon completion of the data
transmission, the mode automatically reverts to the original V/D mode (simultaneous voice/data
communication mode).

How to use the GM function

Using the GM Function

The GM function enables the display of all stations operating the GM function (up to 24
For detailed information about the operation and functions of the GM mode, refer to the
separate GM Function Instruction Manual (download from Yaesu website).

How to use the GM function

●●Displaying all the stations that are transmitting in the GM function

1 Tune to the designated frequency on the operating band.
2 Press .
The GM function activates and displays up to 24
stations transmitting in the GM mode on the same
frequency, or stations running in DN mode, within the
communication range.
Tips • Displays for stations within your communication
• Displays for stations outside your communication
Using the GM Function

Using the WIRES-X Function

What is the WIRES-X Function?

The WIRES-X is a system that links to other users via the Internet. This function enables
users to communicate with other users world wide, regardless of the distance.
When the transceiver is connected to WIRES-X, the call sings of other stations and
rooms on the WIRES-X are displayed.

To establish a WIRES-X node station, the WIRES-X connection kit “HRI-200” sold
separately is required. For details, refer to the separate WIRES-X Instruction Manual
(download from the Yaesu website).

Using the WIRES-X Function

Convenient Functions

Communicating with specific stations

Using the tone squelch function
This radio is equipped with the CTCSS (Continuous Tone-coded Squelch System which
allows audio to be heard only when receiving signals containing the same frequency
tone as the tone that has been set in the tone squelch menu. By matching the tone
frequency with the partner station in advance, a quiet standby monitoring is possible.
For details, refer to the Advanced Manual (download from the Yaesu website).

Using the digital code squelch function

This radio is equipped with a DCS (Digital Coded Squelch) function that allows audio to
be heard only when signals containing the corresponding DCS code are received. By
matching the DCS code with the partner stations beforehand, a quiet receive standby is
For details, refer to the Advanced Manual (download from the Yaesu website).

Using the new pager function

Use the pager code consisting of 2 CTCSS tones to exchange communications with
specified stations.
For details, refer to the Advanced Manual (download from the Yaesu website).

Notification of incoming calls from partner stations using the bell

While communicating using the tone squelch, DCS, or new pager function, a beep may
be programmed to sound when a signal containing the corresponding code is received.
Convenient Functions

For details, refer to the Advanced Manual (download from the Yaesu website).

Exchanging messages or images

While operating in digital mode, you can receive messages (text data) or images.
Transmitted and received messages and images are all saved in the common list.
For details, refer to the Advanced Manual (download from the Yaesu website).

Customizing Menu Settings and User Preferences
From the Setup menu, the various functions of the transceiver may be customized
according to your personal preferences. The functions are categorized into: display,
transmission/reception, memory, device configuration, etc,. in the menu. It is easy
to select the item to adjust from each menu list, and then input or select the desired

Setup menu basic operations

1 Press and hold for over one second.
The Setup menu appears.
2 Rotate the DIAL to select the desired menu item,
then select .
The menu list appears.
3 Rotate the DIAL to select the item to be set, then
press .

4 Rotate the DIAL to change the setting value.

5 Press and hold for over one second, or press [PTT].

Customizing Menu Settings and User Preferences

The selected value is set, and the display returns to the previous operating screen.
Tips • Pressing the key can also confirm the set value and return the screen to the previously
viewed screen.
• To set other items from the same menu list, press to confirm the setting value and
return the display to the menu list screen.
 ressing on each screen returns the display to previously viewed screen.

When a selected Setup Menu item is displayed, the previously set value will be shown on the screen.
A beep sounds when the default value is selected while setting the new setting value.

Setup-menu listing
Selectable options
Menu / Item Description (Options in bold are the default
1 SUB DISPLAY SELECT Sets the sub-display SUB BAND / TIME / VOLT
2 LCD BRIGHTNESS Sets the screen MIN / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / MAX
3 LCD CONTRAST Sets the screen contrast -3 / -2 / -1 / 0 / +1 / +2 / +3
1 ANALOG MODE Sets analog mode AUTO / MANUAL (FM) / MANUAL (AM)
2 MIC GAIN Sets the microphone MIN / LOW / NORMAL / HIGH /
sensitivity MAX
3 AMS TX MODE Sets the transmission AUTO / TX MANUAL / TX FM FIXED / TX
4 DIGITAL POPUP TIME Sets the information OFF / 2 sec / 4 sec / 6 sec / 8 sec /
pop-up time 10 sec / 20 sec / 30 sec / 60 sec /
5 LOCATION SERVICE Sets your location ON / OFF
information display in For details, refer to the GM Function
digital mode Instruction Manual.
6 STANDBY BEEP Activates/deactivates ON / OFF
Customizing Menu Settings and User Preferences

the standby beep

7 HALF DEVIATION Activates/deactivates ON / OFF
the half deviation
1 ALPHA TAG SIZE Sets the memory SMALL / LARGE
channel tag display size
1 TONE SQL FREQ Sets the tone frequency 67.0 Hz to 254.1 Hz 100.0 Hz
2 DCS CODE Sets the DCS code 023 to 754
3 AUTO DIALER Activates/deactivates ON / OFF
the DTMF code
automatic transmission
4 SQL TYPE Sets the squelch type OFF / TONE ENC / TONE SQL / REV
*Displays only when [4 SIGNALING] → [9
SQL EXPANSION] is set to “ON”.
5 DTMF MEMORY Registers the DTMF code 1 to 9, 16 characters for each
6 PAGER CODE Sets the individual pager RX CODE 1: 01 to 50 05
code RX CODE 2: 01 to 50 47
TX CODE 1: 01 to 50 05
TX CODE 2: 01 to 50 47
7 PRG REV TONE Set the idle line squelch 300 Hz to 3000 Hz 1500 Hz
8 BELL RINGER Sets the number of OFF / 1 time / 3 times / 5 times /
successive bell rings 8 times / CONTINUOUS

Setup-menu listing

Selectable options
Menu / Item Description (Options in bold are the default
9 SQL EXPANSION Sets the squelch ON / OFF
type separately for
transmission and
10 WX ALERT Weather alert operation ON / OFF
(USA Version Only) setting
1 DUAL WATCH STOP Sets the signal reception AUTO / HOLD
2 SCAN DIRECTION Sets the scanning UP / DOWN
direction when scanning
3 SCAN RESUME Sets the operation when BUSY / HOLD / 1 sec / 3 sec / 5 sec
scanning stops
4 DUAL WATCH MODE Sets the reception time 0.3 sec to 10 sec 5.0 sec
while processing the
dual reception function
6 GM
1 DP-ID LIST Displays the DP-ID List -
2 RANGE RINGER Activates/deactivates OFF / ON
the alert sound when

Customizing Menu Settings and User Preferences

detecting stations within
communication range
3 MESSAGE POPUP Activates/deactivates OFF / ON
the pop-up message
4 RADIO ID Displays the transceiver - (uneditable)
* For details of the functions, refer to the GM Function Instruction Manual.
1 RPT/WIRES FREQ Sets the operating MANUAL / PRESET
frequencies for repeater
and WIRES-X operations.
Registers the preset
FREQ frequency Depends on the transceiver version
2 DG-ID Sets the DG-ID number AUTO / 01 to 99
* For details of the functions, refer to the WIRES-X Instruction Manual.
1 DATE & TIME ADJUST Sets the date and time month/day/year, hour : minute
using the internal clock
2 TIME FORMAT Sets the time display 24 hour / 12 hour
3 TIME ZONE Sets the time zone UTC ±14h (0.5 h interval) UTC ±0:00
4 AUTO REPEATER Activates/deactivates OFF / ON
SHIFT the automatic repeater
shift function
5 REPEATER SHIFT Sets the repeater shift SIMPLEX / − REPEATER / + REPEATER
direction (Differs depending on frequency)
6 REPEATER SHIFT Sets the repeater shift 0.000 to 99.950MHz
FREQ width (Differs depending on frequency)
Setup-menu listing

Selectable options
Menu / Item Description (Options in bold are the default
7 FM AM STEP Sets the channel step AUTO / 5.00 KHz / 6.25 KHz /
(8.33 KHz) / 10.00 KHz / 12.50 KHz /
15.00 KHz / 20.00 KHz / 25.00 KHz /
50.00 KHz / 100.00 KHz
8 BEEP Sets the beep function OFF / LOW / HIGH
9 CLOCK TYPE Sets the clock shift A/B
10 MIC PROGRAM KEY Sets the microphone P OFF / SQL TYPE / SCAN / HOME /
*Displays when the optional FVS-2 is
(T-CALL: European version)
11 RX COVERAGE Sets the reception range NORMAL / WIDE
expansion setting to
12 UNIT Sets the unit used for METRIC / INCH
Customizing Menu Settings and User Preferences

the display (Depends on the transceiver version)

13 APO Sets the APO action OFF / 0.5 hour to 12.0 hour
14 TOT Sets the time-out timer OFF / 1 min / 2 min / 3 min / 5 min /
10 min / 20 min / 30 min
15 Bluetooth PAIRING Sets the PIN code and 0000 to 9999 6111
starts paring
16 GPS DATUM Selects the GPS WGS-84 / TOKYO MEAN
function positioning
17 GPS LOG Sets the time interval OFF / 1 sec / 2 sec / 5sec / 10 sec /
to log the GPS location 30 sec / 60 sec
1 COM PORT SETTING Sets the COM port COM SPEED: 4800bps / 9600bps /
19200bps / 38400bps / 57600bps
2 DATA SPEED Sets the APRS/DATA APRS: 1200 bps / 9600 bps
communication baud DATA: 1200 bps / 9600 bps
3 DATA SQUELCH Sets the squelch TX: ON / TX: OFF
detection to on/off

Setup-menu listing

Selectable options
Menu / Item Description (Options in bold are the default
2 APRS DISTINATION Displays the model code APY∗∗∗ (cannot edit)
3 APRS FILTER Sets the filter function Mic-E: ON / OFF
RANGE LIMIT: 1 to 3000 / OFF
4 APRS MESSAGE TEXT Inputs the 1 to 8 ch
predetermined routine
5 APRS MODEM Activates/deactivates OFF / ON
the APRS function
6 APRS MUTE Activates/deactivates OFF / ON
the AF mute function
when using the APRS

Customizing Menu Settings and User Preferences

7 APRS POP-UP Sets the duration time BEACON: OFF / 3 sec / 5 sec / 10 sec /
for displaying the pop-up HOLD
beacons and messages MESSAGE: OFF / 3 sec / 5 sec / 10 sec /
8 APRS RINGER Sets the audio alert TX BEACON: ON / OFF
when receiving beacons TX MESSAGE: ON / OFF
RANGE RINGER: 1 to 100 / OFF
9 APRS RINGER (CALL) Sets the call sign for 1 to 8 stations (∗∗∗∗∗∗-∗∗)
10 APRS TX DELAY Sets the data 100 ms / 150 ms / 200 ms / 250 ms / 300
transmission delay time ms / 400 ms / 500 ms / 750 ms / 1000 ms
11 APRS UNITS Sets the unit used for POSITION: dd°mm'mm" / dd°'
the APRS display DISTANCE: km / mile
SPEED: km/h / mph / knot
ALTITUDE: m / ft
BARO: hPa / mb / mmHg / inHg
TEMP: °C / °F
RAIN: mm / inch
WIND: m/s / mph / knot
12 BEACON INFO Sets the beacon AMBIGUITY: OFF / 1 to 4 digit
SELECT information to transmit SPEED/COURSE: ON / OFF

Setup-menu listing

Selectable options
Menu / Item Description (Options in bold are the default
13 BEACON STATUS Sets the status text input SELECT: TEXT 1 to 5 / OFF
TEXT TX RATE: 1/1 to 1/8 /
1/2 (FREQ) to 1/8 (FREQ)
14 BEACON TX Switches the beacon AUTO: OFF / ON / SMART
transmission between INTERVAL: 30sec to 60min 5min
automatic transmission PROPORTIONAL: ON / OFF
and manual DECAY: ON / OFF
transmission LOW SPEED: 1 to 99 3
RATE LIMIT: 5sec to 180sec 30sec
15 DIGI PATH SELECT Sets the digital repeater OFF / WIDE1-1 / WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1
16 MY CALLSIGN (APRS) Sets your call sign ∗∗∗∗∗∗-∗∗
17 MESSAGE GROUP Sets the group filter for GROUP 1: ALL∗∗∗∗∗∗
received messages GROUP 2: CQ∗∗∗∗∗∗∗
GROUP 3: QST∗∗∗∗∗∗
GROUP 5: -
GROUP 6: -
Customizing Menu Settings and User Preferences

18 MESSAGE REPLY Sets the automatic REPLY: OFF / ON
response for received CALLSIGN: ∗∗∗∗∗∗-∗∗
messages REPLY TEXT: -
19 MY POSITION SET Sets your location GPS / MANUAL
20 MY POSITION Sets your location LAT:[N *°**.**' ('**")]
manually LON:[E *°**.**' ('**")]
21 MY SYMBOL Sets your station symbol ICON 1: [/>] Car
ICON2: [/R] REC.Vehicle
ICON3: [/-] House QTH (VHF)
USER: [YY] Yaesu Radios
22 POSITION COMMENT Sets the location Off Duty / En Route / In Service /
comments Returning / Committed / Special /
Priority / Custom 0 to 6 / Emergency!
23 SmartBeaconing Sets the smart STATUS: OFF / TYPE1 / TYPE2 / TYPE3
beaconing LOW SPEED: 2 to 30 5
HIGH SPEED: 3 to 90 70
SLOW RATE: 1 to 100min 30min
FAST RATE: 10 to 180sec 120sec
TURN ANGLE: 5 to 90° 28°
TURN SLOPE: 1 to 255 26
TURN TIME: 5 to 180sec 30sec
24 SORT FILTER Sets the sort and filter SORT: TIME / CALLSIGN / DISTANCE
functions FILTER: ALL / MOBILE /
/ 9600 bps

Setup-menu listing

Selectable options
Menu / Item Description (Options in bold are the default
25 VOICE ALERT Sets the voice alert V ALERT: NORMAL / TONE SQL / DCS /
function RX-TSQL / RX-DCS
TONE SQL: 67.0Hz to 254.1Hz 100.0Hz
DCS: 023 to 754 023
* For details of the functions, refer to the APRS Instruction Manual.
11 SD
1 BACKUP Copies information to/ Write to SD / Read from SD
from the micro-SD
memory card
2 FORMAT Initializes the micro-SD -
memory card
1 Bluetooth Sets the Bluetooth AUDIO: AUTO / FIX
2 VOICE MEMORY Sets the voice memory PLAY/REC: FREE 5min / LAST 30sec

Customizing Menu Settings and User Preferences

1 FACTORY RESET Restores all settings to -
the default state
2 PRESET Presets the desired -
setting value
3 RECALL PRESET Recalls the preset -
4 MEMORY CH RESET Clears the information -
registered to the
memory channels
5 MEMORY CH SORT Sorts the memory -
channels you use
6 APRS RESET Restores all the APRS -
settings to the default
7 CLONE Copies all the saved This radio → other /
data Other → This radio
8 SOFTWARE VERSION Displays the transceiver MAIN CPU Ver: ∗.∗∗ /
software version PANEL CPU Ver: ∗.∗∗ /
DSP CPU Ver: ∗.∗∗
1 MY CALLSIGN Sets your station call ∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗
(DIGITAL) sign


Optional components

③ ④

➀ PC connection cable (SCU-20) ➇ Microphone extension kit (MEK-2)

*Same as the one provided ➈ Microphone (MH-42C6J)
➁ Cloning cable (CT-166) ➉ Multifunctional DTMF microphone (MH-48A6JA)
➂ Voice guide unit (FVS-2) *Same as the one provided
➃ Bluetooth unit (BU-2) Waterproof Bluetooth headset (monaural)
➄ 6m control cable (CT-162) (BH-2A)
➅ Front panel bracket (MMB-98) Charging cradle for BH-2A (CD-40)
➆ Water proof (equivalent to IP55) high power Battery charger for CD-40 (PA-46A)
external speaker (MLS-200-M10)

zz Desktop Cooling Fan (SMB-201)


zz AC Power Supply (25 A) (FP-1030A) (USA and Asian market only)

zz AC Power Supply (23 A) (FP-1023) (USA market only)
zz Data cable (CT-163): DIN 10 pin ←→ DIN 6 pin + Dsub 9 pin
zz Data cable (CT-164): DIN 10 pin ←→ DIN 6 pin
zz Data cable (CT-165): DIN 10 pin ←→ Dsub 9 pin
zz Data cable (CT-167): DIN 10 pin ←→ Split end (10 pin)


Frequency range : TX 144 - 146 MHz or 144 - 148 MHz
430 - 440 MHz or 430 - 450 MHz
: RX 108 - 137 MHz (Air Band)
137 - 174 MHz (144 MHz HAM)
174 - 400 MHz (GEN1)
400 - 480 MHz (430 MHz HAM)
480 - 999.99 MHz (GEN2) Cellular Blocked (USA only)
Channel steps : 5/6.25/8.33/10/12.5/15/20/25/50/100 kHz
(8.33 kHz : only for Air band)
Emission Type : F1D, F2D, F3E, F7W
Frequency stability : ±2.5 ppm −4°F to +140°F (−20°C to +60°C)
Antenna impedance : 50 Ω
Supply Voltage : Nominal 13.8 V DC, negative ground
Operating 11.7 - 15.8 V DC, negative ground
Current consumption : 0.5 A (receive)
11 A (50 W TX, 144 MHz)
12 A (50 W TX, 430 MHz)
Operating temperature : −4°F to +140°F (−20°C to +60°C)
Case size : Radio unit: 5.5" (W) × 1.8" (H) × 6.5" (D) (140 × 45 × 164 mm) with Front
panel, w/o Fan, knob & connectors
Front panel: 5.5" (W) × 1.8" (H) × 1.2" (D) (140 × 45 × 29 mm) w/o knob
Weight (approx.) : 2.43 lbs (1.1 kg) with radio unit, Front panel, control cable

RF power output : 50/20/5 W
Modulation type : F1D, F2D, F3E : Variable Reactance Modulation
F7W : 4FSK (C4FM)
Spurious emission : At least 60 dB below
Microphone impedance : About 2 kΩ
DATA terminal input impedance: About 10 kΩ



Circuit type : Double conversion super-heterodyne
Intermediate frequencies : 1st : 47.25 MHz, 2nd :450 kHz
Receiver Sensitivity : 108 - 137 MHz (AM) 0.8μV typ for 10 dB SN
137 - 140 MHz (FM) 0.2μV for 12 dB SINAD
140 - 150MHz (FM) 0.2μV for 12 dB SINAD
150 - 174 MHz (FM) 0.25μV for 12 dB SINAD
174 - 222 MHz (FM) 0.3μV typ for 12 dB SINAD
222 - 300 MHz (FM) 0.25μV typ for 12 dB SINAD
300 - 336 MHz (AM) 0.8μV typ for 10 dB SINAD
336 - 420 MHz (FM) 0.25μV for 12 dB SINAD
420 - 470 MHz (FM) 0.2μV typ for 12 dB SINAD
470 - 520 MHz (FM) 0.2μV for 12 dB SINAD
800 - 900 MHz (FM) 0.4μV typ for 12 dB SINAD
900 - 999.99 MHz (FM) 0.8μV typ for 12 dB SINAD
Cellular blocked (USA only)
Digital mode
140 - 150 MHz (Digital) 0.19μV typ for BER 1%
420 - 470 MHz (Digital) 0.19μV typ for BER 1%
Selectivity: NFM, AM 12 kHz/30 kHz (−6 dB/−60 dB)
AF output : 3 W (8 Ω, THD10%, 13.8 V) internal speaker
8 W (4 Ω, THD10%, 13.8 V) Optional MLS-200-M10
AF output impedance : 4 - 16 Ω

zz Rated values are at normal temperature and pressure.
zz Ratings and specifications are subject to change without notice.

●●Symbols placed on the equipment

: Direct current

1. Changes or modifications to this device not expressly approved by YAESU MUSEN could void the
user’s authorization to operate this device.
2. This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any
interference including received, interference that may cause undesired operation.
3. The scanning receiver in this equipment is incapable of tuning, or readily being altered, by the User
to operate within the frequency bands allocated to the Domestic public Cellular Telecommunications
Service in Part 22.

This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject
to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must
accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.

Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio
exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l’appareil ne doit
pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique
subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.

The Scanner receiver is not a digital scanner and is incapable of being converted or modified to a
digital scanner receiver by any user.



EU Declaration of Conformity
We, Yaesu Musen Co. Ltd of Tokyo, Japan, hereby declare that this radio equipment FTM-100DE is in full
compliance with EU Radio Equipment Directive 2014/53/EU. The full text of the Declaration of Conformity
for this product is available to view at

ATTENTION – Conditions of usage

This transceiver works on frequencies that are
regulated and not permitted to be used without
authorisation in the EU countries shown in this table.
Users of this equipment should check with their AT BE BG CY CZ DE
local spectrum management authority for licensing GR HR HU IE IT LT
conditions applicable for this equipment. LU LV MT NL PL PT
LI NO – – – –

Disposal of Electronic and Electrical Equipment

Products with the symbol (crossed-out wheeled bin) cannot be disposed as
household waste.
Electronic and Electrical Equipment should be recycled at a facility capable of
handling these items and their waste by-products.
Please contact a local equipment supplier representative or service center for
information about the waste collection system in your country.
Copyright 2018
All rights reserved.
No portion of this manual may be
reproduced without the permission of


Tennozu Parkside Building
2-5-8 Higashi-Shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
140-0002 Japan
6125 Phyllis Drive, Cypress, CA 90630, U.S.A. Printed in China
Unit 12, Sun Valley Business Park, Winnall Close
Winchester, Hampshire, SO23 0LB, U.K.

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