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R. P. Randall

R. P. Randall
Published by and available from
R.P. (Rod) Randall
Weed Biologist
Available free from:

The author accepts no liability whatsoever by reason of negligence or otherwise from use or release of this information
or any part of it.

Copyright © R.P. (Rod) Randall, 2017

This book is copyright. Except as permitted under the Australian Copyright Act 1968 and subsequent amendments, no
part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise,
without the specific written permission of the copyright owner.

National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication entry

Creator: Randall, R. P. (Roderick Peter), 1960- author.

Title: A Global Compendium of Weeds / Roderick P. Randall.
Edition: 3rd edition

ISBN: 9780646967493 (ebook)

Subjects: Weeds.

Cite as: Randall, R.P. (2017). A Global Compendium of Weeds. 3rd Edition. Perth, Western Australia. R.P. Randall.








A-Z by Genus species

“In the cut and thrust of ecosystems there are no weeds. The concept of a weed, while

a human construct, does provide some measure of the value we place on the systems

these plants appear in.”

the author

FOREWORD contribution that the book, released online since the second
edition, has had in the ‘developing’ world. My PhD candidate
Dorjee from Bhutan best summarises this:
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a plant in
“…your great contribution especially to a developing
possession of a good and fortunate place in which to
country with limited publications on weeds like
grow will reproduce: indeed it either reproduces or
Bhutan is immense. I have been your beneficiary
becomes extinct (with apologies to Harper 1990,
Austen 2006, Dwyer 2016). throughout my PhD studies. I am now more than eager
to contribute my inventory of alien plants in Bhutan to
Globally, weeds are a significant problem. your database so that many more benefit from your
They impact primary industries and biodiversity conservation selfless work.”
(both terrestrial and aquatic), as well as communities, human Human-mediated translocations of plants will continue to occur
health, infrastructure and culture. for a variety of purposes (e.g. Panetta 2002, Johnson 2012). In
Such global weed problems require a resource of equal concert, and as custodians of nature, we need to continue to use
magnitude to address them. alternate species instead of existing weedy ones, eradicate
A Global Compendium of Weeds is such a resource. inappropriate introductions, contain valuable species that may
also become weedy, and, as needed, reduce the impact of
No one denies that the word “weed” has always been an widespread weedy species and protect valued assets from their
anthropocentric or human construct: it can simply mean ‘a plant impacts (Auld and Johnson 2014).
that is out of place’. A generalisation follows from that
construct, and it is one of the best pieces of evidence available to In a world where national and international borders are less
identify species that have a high risk of becoming weeds. important than what is contained within them, and where weed
Simply, plants “that have become weeds when introduced in one management needs to carry on regardless, A Global
part of the world are likely to cause problems if introduced Compendium of Weeds is a global resource for the weed
elsewhere” (Panetta 2002). This is the one of the reasons that problems we all increasingly share.
this book is invaluable, it is a readily available resource to help
those who need to predict the potential invasiveness of almost Dr Stephen B. Johnson
any species one can think of. Managing Editor Plant Protection Quarterly
In this third edition, internationally acclaimed Rod Randall, a 32 Orange, New South Wales
year veteran weed research officer working with Western February 2017
Australia’s Department of Agriculture and Food, has again
extended his carefully constructed database of the worlds weeds Auld, B.A. and Johnson, S.B. (2014). Invasive alien plant
to 4.8 million records. This database had initially doubled, and management. CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture,
then has nearly doubled again, the number of records found in Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources, 9, No.
the first and second editions of this volume (Randall 2002, 37. 12 pp.
2012), respectively. This, yet again, cements this book, and its Austen, J. (2006). Pride and prejudice. Penguin Books, London.
author Rod, as one of the ultimate authorities on global weeds. 427 pp.
Dwyer, J.L. (2016). Weeds, plants and people. PenFolk
Every one of the 43,639 taxa listed in A Global Compendium of Publishing, Blackburn, Victoria. 293 pp.
Weeds is a weed somewhere in the world. Once synonyms are Harper, J. L. (1990). Population Biology of Plants. Academic
accounted for, analysis of the 34,837 plant names shows both Press, Oxford. 892 pp.
new and well known facts. For example, of the 539 plant Johnson, S.B. (2012). Economic tools ≠ policy actions. Why
families listed, the top three families by species are the benefit cost analysis are not a policy panacea for weedy but
Asteraceae, Poaceae and Fabaceae (Papilionaceae) – these commercially valuable plant species. Proceedings of the 18th
accounting for well over 12,000 species. Surprisingly, four other Australasian Weeds Conference, ed. V. Eldershaw, pp. 195-
families have well over 1,000 species each, that is the Rosaceae, 8. (Weed Society of Victoria, Melbourne).
Cyperaceae, Lamiaceae and Brassicaceae. Of the genera
mentioned, the Solanum has 315 species while the Carex, Panetta, F.D. (2002). Foreword. In A Global Compendium of
Euphorbia and Cyperus genera also exceed 300 species. Weeds. R.G. and F.J. Richardson, Melbourne. p. i.
Many in the ‘developed’ world have long sought out this Randall, R.P. (2002). A Global Compendium of Weeds. R.G.
reference as an accurate summary of global information and and F.J. Richardson, Melbourne.
reference details on the ‘weedy’ status of any plant. This has Randall, R.P. (2012). A Global Compendium of Weeds. 2nd
informed weed risk assessment and management outcomes, Edition. Department of Agriculture and Food, Perth,
policy and legislative decisions, as well as species specific Western Australia.
management and research. What is less well understood is the

INTRODUCTION There are however several other categories applied to the plants
listed in this publication. Some readers may wonder why I do
not use the specialist terminology as is routinely used in some
Over many thousands of years plants have been a pivotal papers, terms such as ephemerophytes, agriophytes,
component in the development of numerous cultures and regions archaeophytes or xenophytes* and there are more.
around the world. Within these cultures plants have facilitated
the development of a huge range of occupations and created The answer is simple, this publication is not actually intended
great wealth for millions of people. While these crops have for use by readers who would ordinarily understand such terms.
created opportunities and driven economies other plants, and I The original and continuing reason to publish this data is to
have no wish to anthropomorphise here, have continuously assist people who work with, or are affected by plants, to make
undermined these agricultural efforts. decisions about weedy or potentially weedy plants.
In a number of languages these species have been called weeds. This publication is targeted at people who introduce, distribute,
sell or grow plants, people who need to respond to reports of
In the cut and thrust of ecosystems there are no weeds. The incursions or those who may generate the report. It should be
concept of a weed, while a human construct, does provide some used by farmers, pastoralists, home and hobbyist growers,
measure of the value we place on the systems these plants production and retail nurseries, people involved with plants at
appear in. Ecosystems have no concerns for the organisms that any level of government and any and all volunteers who work
live, compete, eat, thrive and die within them, again that is a with the environment and plants.
human issue. When humans place values on plants or animals
that we consider are ‘out of place’ we need to acknowledge This is why the data is presented in Genus species order, rather
why. than the more conventional Family, Genus species order. Once a
user has determined the scientific name of their problematic
For plants considered a weed of agriculture the concern is plant it’s a very simple matter to find its listing.
simple. Indeed the concept of an agricultural weed is as old as
agriculture itself. These ‘weeds’ impact in a direct and That some in academia may also find this publication useful is a
measurable way on the production of any farmed species. They gratifying bonus.
reduce potential yields, lower values through contamination,
Finally, while there are many workable systems devised to
impede harvesting or other management activities. It matters not
determine if a plant could be a potential weed in a specific
which agricultural system these ‘weeds’ grow in their impacts
environment, the current simplest predictor is a species history.
are easily recognised and measurable. Historically plants
With many potential readers not having access to journal
considered noxious or quarantine weeds were generally well
databases, the scientific literature or the expertise to use the
known agricultural weeds.
literature and diagnostic systems that are available many
The concept of the environmental weed is much younger and decisions are made, or not, on poor or no data. That’s why this
while its origin is debatable most would agree that the concept publication is being freely distributed and it is my hope that
first garnered major recognition after Charles Elton’s seminal others will also make it available as a free download, this is my
1958 publication on invasive plants and animals. Over the last permission to do so.
few decades there has been widespread and increasing
documentation of the worlds environmental weeds.
Subsequently many plants have been labeled environmental Rod Randall
weeds and there are numerous lists and publications available. Perth, Western Australia, Jan 2017
However unlike agricultural weeds it is much harder to define
the impacts of most environmental weeds and there are far fewer
species documented as environmental weeds compared to *Ephemerophytes: non-naturalised, occasional
agricultural. immigrants, or waifs
With numerous researchers working on this issue environmental Agriophytes: naturalised in natural and semi-natural
weeds have never been higher on the international agenda but habitats
there is a long way to go before the potential and actual impacts Archaeophytes: plants that immigrated (into the region)
of these plants are understood, documented and widely before the end of the 15th century
appreciated. Xenophytes: plants introduced unintentionally

THE DATA ANALYSIS To avoid under reporting and at the risk of over reporting origins
a set of eleven global regions were selected. The set of regions
closely matches those reported in the compendium itself to
As this compendium is the last edition it was decided to include maintain some consistency in approach. It also includes the
a basic analysis in the form of a number of charts, graphs, and ubiquitous reference of cosmopolitan or obscure. It is interesting
comment of the data herein to provide readers with more greater to note the number of times this status is used by some
background on the issue of global weeds. publications where others will cite an origin.

THE ‘ORIGIN’ DATA The database was then queried many hundreds of times in its
The origin of a plant was difficult to pull together in this ‘Origin’ field for those countries falling within one of the eleven
publication. Any one species may have several hundred to over regions, subsequently adding to that regions origin count. There
1,000 references and many of these may list the origin, as is undoubtedly an over reporting of species origins, but at the
determined by that publications author/s. risk of countering the opinions of those who initially made such
reports it was felt that provision of some data here is better than
These origins may be very specific, listing individual countries none, forewarned is forearmed (Graph. 1).
or they may be rather general in nature listing continental
groupings such as Europe, or Asia and they often vary

6000 5476 5489
N° of species

3000 2111 2362
2000 1210
574 711 866
1000 139 412

Graph 1: Number of species reported as originating from one or more of the 12 compendium regions. The total number of species
reported with an origin is 15,176. The total number of referenced reports is 25,901.

THE ‘WEEDS OF’ DATA Unsurprisingly the majority of weed reports come from the
Over the last 21 years a great deal of data was collected relating worlds major crops in the cereal groups which includes wheat,
to weeds of various agricultural crops. Additionally many oats, barley, rice and other broadacre grains.
references also related to weeds of certain crops or cropping
situations in general. A great many of the species in this Weeds of pastures, plantation crops and fruits and vegetables
make up the main reported groups (Graph. 2). This data is not
compendium are considered agricultural weeds but not all of
these reports specify the crop they impact on. To improve on definitive or complete, just indicative of the crops and
this aspect where available the actual crops or agricultural agricultural situations many weeds are reported in.
scenarios impacted on are identified in this section.

3500 3038
3000 2488 2624
N° of species

1500 1014
1000 404 413 489 521
500 25 66 74 82 126 149 177 179 216 275

Graph 2: Number of species reported as weeds of 18 various crops or cropping situations. The total number of species reported in this
section is 6,229 with a total of 12,360 reports.

THE ‘DISPERSAL’ DATA truncated at 10,000 species to allow a better view of the bulk of
The database itself contains dispersal data for over 154,000 the documented means of dispersal.
species however only data for those species documented in the
compendium are provided. ‘Livestock’ includes all those animals that fall into that general
category and ‘Flyers’ includes bats as well as birds. ‘Escapee’
When considering dispersal mechanisms this dataset considers covers those species that are documented as escaping from
the dispersal options and capabilities that plants employ to cultivation from a point of intentional introduction by any
spread locally from an initial point establishment, be it an means. Many species have multiple means of dispersal with
intentional introduction or unwanted incursion. 24,134 species reported in the compendium for a total of 44,261
species/dispersal combinations.
Humans are by far the most significant means of dispersal for a
huge range of plant species, for a range of reasons, most often
unintentionally (Graph. 3). The last value in the graph has been

N° of species

7000 5904
5000 3752
4000 3136
3000 1880
2000 993 1210
378 721 739
1000 65 105

Graph 3: Means of dispersal reported for 24,134 species are reported, based on a total of 44,261 reports (last value truncated).

THE ‘PATHWAYS’ DATA ‘Forestry’ and ‘Pastures’. Some references however only
Pathways are important to understand when developing and indicate a species is a contaminant, without being any more
implementing surveillance and/or management plans. An specific but may include machinery, vehicles and certain bulk
understanding of the pathways plants use to access regions products as well as bulk seed.
beyond the reach of their natural dispersal mechanisms is critical
The global trade in ornamental plants is still by far the most
data (Graph. 3).
expansive pathway with over 20,000 species traded globally.
Pathways are therefore the means by which plants can enter new This number is almost certainly a very conservative estimate as
regions or territories and inevitably these pathways are human the database has not striven to collect lists of all available
mediated and controlled. species. Furthermore there is an appalling lack of taxonomic
accuracy/awareness in the global plant supply industry making it
Biosecurity and Quarantine agencies routinely document species very difficult to validate many names used.
pathways and this is critical data in the development of
quarantine import conditions and subsequent market access Interestingly the global trade in herbs, or medicinal plants, is
provisions. Some of the pathways reported here are cumulative burgeoning and, while not as large as the ornamental trade, does
in nature. The pathway ‘Crop’ for example covers all crops that involve significant numbers and does contain many weedy
are known to provide a pathway for the species reported, often plants. Most herbal species are also considered ornamentals
as a contaminant in the crop itself. The same caveat applies to further improving a species chances of entering new territory.

N* of species

15000 12598

10000 8417
5000 2243
Forestry Pasture Contaminant Crop Herbal Ornamental
Graph 3: Pathways reported for 26,541 species, with a total of 50,706 pathway/species combinations.

THE ‘STATUS CODE’ DATA species. Rather than try to collect every single weed related
The data in this section is presented in two ways. The total article there is a greater reward in looking for larger species lists
number of reports per status code, which is the cumulative count when compiling this sort of data. Flora lists, with indicated
of all references for every species for each status code (Graph 4) naturalised flora or papers documenting the weeds of specific
and the total number of species for each status code (Graph 5). situations or regions are therefore of paramount value.
‘Naturalised’ is clearly the largest and most significant status One significant disappointment when searching for data is the
recorded with most number of reports and the largest number of relatively common practise of authors compiling large flora lists
species. This is almost certainly because much of the effort in then analysing those lists and presenting the analysis results
documenting references for the database has focussed on without providing the actual list itself. It often eludes many
looking for flora lists which involve large numbers of species. authors that the species makeup of such lists is as important, if
not more so, than the analysis results. For the same reason this
Much of the published weed literature are articles on common
document would be worth very little if just these few summary
agricultural weeds, usually discussing a half dozen or less graphs were published, interesting but essentially useless.

180000 169649

N° of records per status

60000 43328
40000 23640 24217 28910
17554 18053
5243 6708 6904 11087
20000 2178

Graph 4: Total number of references for all species reported against each compendium status code.

25000 22588
N° of species


9074 9619
5688 5709 6331
4858 4871
5000 3039 3583

Graph 5: Total number of species for each status code.

GLOBAL WEED NUMBERS same countries (Map 2.). The third world map (Map 3.) shows the
Table 1. provides a country by country breakdown of the numbers reported numbers of weeds and naturalised plants for each
of documented weeds and the number of references that provided compendium region. The records from references listed as
those names. Maps 1 and 2 display this data differently. The ‘Global’ have been included in this map with the countries those
reported numbers by country (Map 1.) and by distribution classes sub-references relate to listed in Appendix One.
as a form of ‘heat map’ of the reported global weed flora by the


N° of Total N° Comoros 1 111

References of species Congo 5 198
Afghanistan 2 145
Cook Islands 2 435
Alaska 3 148
Costa Rica 11 801
Albania 2 218
Croatia 17 884
Algeria 8 609
Cuba 9 1027
American Samoa 1 31
Cyprus 6 401
Andorra 1 1
Czech Republic 13 1940
Angola 3 200
Denmark 9 2471
Antarctica 4 124
Djibouti 1 17
Antigua and Barbuda 1 93
Dominican Republic 11 462
Antilles Lesser 1 84
Ecuador 6 866
Arabian Peninsular 1 41
Egypt 12 1398
Argentina 25 1522
El Salvador 5 476
Armenia 2 477
Equatorial Guinea 1 75
Australia 223 8933
Eritrea 3 104
Austria 10 1734
Estonia 9 810
Azerbaijan 3 48
Ethiopia 10 494
Bahamas 4 140
Europe 38 7035
Baltic States 1 16
Falkland Islands 1 244
Bangladesh 11 456
Faroe Islands 1 66
Barbados 1 116
Federated States of 5 544
Belarus 5 653 Micronesia
Belgium 21 3262 Fiji 10 660
Belize 7 610 Finland 12 1793
Benin 7 275 France 32 2238
Bermuda 4 134 French Guiana 2 228
Bhutan 3 303 French Polynesia 3 607
Bolivia 5 521 Gabon 3 125
Borneo 3 209 Galápagos Islands 4 832
Bosnia and Herzegovina 7 283 Gambia 2 97
Botswana 9 419 Georgia 3 401
Brazil 49 2507 Germany 15 1807
Brunei 1 14 Ghana 7 501
Bulgaria 4 553 Gibraltar 2 59
Burkina Faso 5 461 Greece 10 850
Burundi 4 461 Greenland 2 157
Cabo Verde 1 47 Guadeloupe 2 96
Cambodia 5 335 Guam 1 43
Cameroon 6 275 Guatemala 7 236
Canada 31 4063 Guinea 6 245
Cape Verde 2 418 Guyana 4 330
Caribbean 3 290 Hawaii 1 395
Caribbean Netherlands 1 142 Honduras 10 410
Celebes Island Region 1 1 Hong Kong 1 31
Central African Republic 3 123 Hungary 10 936
Chad 4 355 Iberian Peninsular 3 365
Chile 23 2461 Iceland 7 813
China 50 3011 India 88 4440
Cocos (Keeling) Islands 1 6 Indo-Pacific 1 52
Colombia 11 914 Indonesia 14 759
Iran 18 735 Nicaragua 4 305
Iraq 4 254 Niger 4 75
Ireland 9 1385 Nigeria 23 514
Israel 16 592 Niue 3 350
Italy 28 1691 Norfolk Island 2 2
Ivory Coast 3 131 North Korea 4 558
Jamaica 7 468 Norway 8 2392
Japan 24 3158 Oman 3 122
Jordan 5 211 Pakistan 38 784
Kazakhstan 3 99 Palau 2 436
Kenya 6 478 Palestine 1 235
Kiribati 2 183 Panama 6 258
Kuwait 3 34 Panarctic 1 205
Kyrgyzstan 3 42 Papua 1 1
La Réunion 7 907 Papua New Guinea 6 504
Laos 2 236 Paraguay 6 703
Latvia 7 759 Peru 8 855
Lebanon 2 276 Peru and Ecuador 1 74
Lesotho 3 487 Philippines 6 595
Lesser Antilles 1 155 Poland 39 1446
Liberia 3 66 Polynesia, East 1 6
Libya 4 110 Polynesia, West 1 227
Liechtenstein 2 97 Portugal 19 2038
Lithuania 6 684 Puerto Rico 7 1073
Luxembourg 2 208 Puerto Rico and Virgin 1 184
Macedonia 2 124 Islands
Republic of Congo 1 115
Madagascar 5 671
Republic of Moldova 1 183
Malawi 2 84
Romania 22 588
Malaysia 13 538
Russia 39 2068
Maldives 2 196
Rwanda 2 257
Mali 3 77
Saint Kitts and Nevis 1 45
Malta 4 239
Saint Lucia 3 63
Marion Island
Samoa 4 355
Marshall Islands 6 444
São Tomé and Príncipe 2 329
Mauritiana 1 4
Sardinia 6 743
Mauritius 2 351
Saudi Arabia 9 492
Melanesia 1 93
Senegal 4 237
Mexico 24 2476
Serbia 29 1480
Micronesia 2 65
Seychelles 2 142
Mongolia 6 144
Sierra Leone 2 77
Montenegro 3 454
Singapore 7 633
Morocco 14 600
Slovakia 9 1328
Mozambique 6 742
Slovenia 10 542
Myanmar 5 382
Solomon Islands 2 260
Namibia 5 154
Somalia 2 60
Nauru 2 161
South Africa 47 3156
Nepal 17 722
South America 5 748
Netherlands 11 541
South Korea 25 1175
New Caledonia 2 354
Spain 36 2132
New Guinea 1 112
Sri Lanka 13 552
New Zealand 57 4100
Sudan 7 345

Suriname 2 276 Tuvalu 2 69
Svalbard 3 38 Uganda 5 274
Swaziland 3 394 Ukraine 14 1205
Sweden 8 2101 United Arab Emirates 2 35
Switzerland 13 829 United Kingdom 38 6226
Syria 2 83 United States of America 199 9864
Taiwan 15 1282 Uruguay 10 484
Tajikistan 3 304 Uzbekistan 3 70
Tanzania 9 243 Vanuatu 3 215
Thailand 14 709 Venezuela 8 535
Timor-Leste 2 13 Vietnam 9 511
Togo 3 241 Wallis, Futuna and Alofi 2 68
Tonga 2 349 Islands
Yemen 3 145
Trinidad 2 311
Yugoslavia 1 94
Tunisia 7 254
Zambia 3 157
Turkey 37 1507
Zimbabwe 11 644
Turkmenistan 2 26




NUMBERS OF REFERENCES AND SPECIES Taxa numbers in each class drops significantly as the number of
At a most simplistic level some may form a view of a plant references represented increases. The largest group, representing
merely by considering the number of references listed against ‘401 or more’ references, contains only 54 species or 0.13% of
it’s name. The simple interpretation being the greater the the compendium.
number of references the worse the weed.
If the ‘1 to 10’ references group is separated into individual
In the first compendium this would have been difficult with only reference score classes the same pattern repeats, a rapid drop off
300 references to rank the distribution of reference counts. The in species numbers as the number of references increases (Graph
second edition had over four times that number and this edition, 7.).
has more than seven times as many references as the first
edition. It would certainly be presumptive to state that any species with a
low reference count would not be a significant weed. However it
With 2,015 references representing 35,252 currently accepted is clear that the higher referencing classes do contain the world’s
names, plus the associated 8,892 synonyms, this edition contains most important weed species.
a combined total of 443,089 bibliographically reported records.
While newly significant weeds may yet emerge from these
The class groupings selected below clearly illustrate that well poorly referenced species no-one should be surprised by the
over half of all reported weeds have ten or fewer references in widely and heavily reported species listed within.
this edition (Graph 6). 27,292 species represents the ‘1 to 10’
reference group, 80.8% of the compendiums content.

30000 27292

N° of species



1041 650 240 54
1 to 10 11 to 50 51 to 100 101 to 200 201 to 400 401+

Number of References per species

GRAPH 6: Number of species (above each column) within each of six weed reference number groupings (accepted names only)




6000 5335
4000 2946
2000 1294 961 1041
750 691 513 440 650
240 54
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 to 51 to 101 to 201 to 401+
50 100 200 400
GRAPH 7: Number of species (above each column) within each weed reference number group with class ‘1 to 10’ above expanded.
Note: Classes 11 to 50 and higher are identical to Graph 6 above.

THE ‘GLOBAL RISK SCORE’ number of the database characteristics used in this study were
A new inclusion in this edition is a scoring system that drawn from attributes that are closely allied to human
calculates a plants risk potential as a ranking that can be behaviours, observations and values. This includes categories
compared to other weed species. The system was originally like ‘intentionally grown’ or ‘considered to have medicinal
presented at the 20th Australasian Weeds Conference in Perth, values’ and other categories of human values where these
Western Australia in September 2016. plants interact and impact, their uses and how they are
dispersed by people.
The full paper (Randall, 2016) and its associated dataset is
available to download at Research Gate, therefore only a short A species introduction into a new region can be broken down
summary will be presented here. into three basic phases: Entry, Dispersal and Impact
Rather than relying on a number of biological or ecological Subsequently the content of fourteen database fields were
traits this system considers the outcomes of a plant species’ selected and allocated against the appropriate phase (Table 2).
interaction with humans and its observed/reported behaviour Each category was then given a Value (last col) and a weed
around the world. risk score was calculated using the following function:
This approach is supported in part by a number of studies that WEED RISK SCORE = ENTRY (A + B + C + D + E) ×
concluded that the single most useful characteristic of a plant DISPERSAL (F + G + H + I + J) × IMPACT (K + L + M + N)
in predicting weediness is its behaviour as a ‘Weed
Elsewhere’ (Gordon et al. 2008, Daehler and Carino 2000, The paper also outlines how a species risk ranking may be
Daehler et al. 2004, Mack 1996, Parker et al. 2007, Rejmánek calculated manually so access to the database is not essential.
et al. 2005). The scores and the global risk rankings for 5,018 species are
The ‘Weed Elsewhere’ question in many WRA systems is not provided here.
a function of a plant’s biology or ecology but rather how a
species’ behaviour is perceived by humans. Consequently a

PHASE CATEGORY N° of species % Weeds Value

ENTRY Introduction via the most important pathways (note all are human mediated)
A Pastures includes fodder, forage, silage, hay, straw 3,170 67.0 1.3
B Forestry timber, pulp, firewood, shade, utility 1,422 61.8 1.2
C Herbal plants considered of medicinal use 32,842 37.5 0.6
D Crops edible plants 26,270 31.1 0.6
E Ornamentals grown by people for all sorts of reasons 149,636 13.1 0.3
DISPERSAL The Most Significant Dispersal Mechanisms
F Human Dispersed Intentional dispersal via humans 53,614 30.8 0.8
G Animal dispersed Includes all records of dispersal by animals 4,953 80.6 0.8
H Wind or Water When recorded as dispersed by either 4,004 89.1 0.8
I Contaminants Contaminants in seed for sowing, hay, fodder etc 5,777 100 0.8
J Escapees Plants that escape from sites, 5,902 100 0.8
IMPACT The Most Significant or Potentially Significant Impacts
K Agricultural Weed Known weed of an agricultural crop 15,927 100 1
L Environmental Weed Impacts are reported on the natural environment 5,471 100 1
M Noxious weed Species with a legal requirement to manage 4,238 100 1
N Invasive Species that spread and impact significantly 6,076 100 0.5
Table 2. The system categories, species numbers, weed percentages and allocated values for each (figures from Randall, 2016)

OVERALL DATA SUMMARY The sharp drop in reported numbers of taxa per family (Graph 9)
Table three provides a broad summary of the total numbers of is mirrored by the genera (Graph 11) in a similar manner to the
records, species, countries and the highest reported plant reference number relationship illustrated by Graphs 6 and 7.
families and genera.
This edition of the compendium cites from 2,112 references
Graphs eight to eleven clearly illustrate that the bulk of the reporting 43,639 taxa, covering 298 countries, altogether
world’s weedy flora is dominated by a relatively small number representing 432,042 database records. These records were
of families and genera. None of these families or genera provide drawn from a significantly larger dataset comprising over 1.2
any real surprises, as shown by any large group of species there million plant names referentially linked to 4.8 million
is huge variety, variation and many more species within that bibliographically referenced reports from many thousands of
have not been reported as weeds. sources.
The one large family that does not live up to a potential its size
may suggest is Orchidaceae. As the 40th ranked family, with 235
reported taxa, it is a long way from the 5,094 taxa in Asteraceae,
4,807 in Poaceae and a combined total of 3,572 for the Fabaceae
the top three families. Orchids are generally not considered
weedy but do get reported behaving as weeds for a range of
reasons even including the ubiquitous vanilla orchid (Vanilla
planifolia Jacks.).



Total number of reported taxa by: all species 44,144

accepted names (linked to any synonym/s) 35,252

synonyms (linked to the accepted name) 8,892

hybrids 769

named cultivars 660

Number of Families 539

Number of Genera 5,808

Number of countries 234

The number of species x country combinations 180,693

Total number of database records used in this edition 443,089

Number of species in top ten represented Families

Asteraceae 5,094

Poaceae 4,807

Fabaceae - Papilionaceae 2,581

Rosaceae 1,522

Cyperaceae 1,380

Lamiaceae 1,196

Brassicaceae 1,168

Malvaceae 757

Polygonaceae 698

Caryophyllaceae 686

Number of species in top ten represented Genera

Solanum 315

Carex 312

Euphorbia 311

Cyperus 305

Acacia 255

Panicum 249

Hieracium 243

Polygonum 243

Salix 240

Rubus 236

Table 3: A summary of the record numbers used to compile this edition.

N° of species Number of species Number of species
N° of species


Setaria Asteraceae
Lathyrus Polygonaceae
Delphinium Scrophulariaceae
Saxifraga Apocynaceae
Buddleja Orobanchaceae
Cryptocoryne Verbenaceae
Leucanthemum Aizoaceae
Philadelphus Fagaceae
Lycium Proteaceae
Olearia Rhamnaceae
Ardisia Passifloraceae
Digitalis Nyctaginaceae
Codium Polygalaceae
Dracaena Loganiaceae
Cicuta Salviniaceae
Arabidopsis Thymelaeaceae
Proboscidea Dioscoreaceae

Graph 10: Top Twenty Genera reported in the Compendium

Graph 8: Top Twenty Families reported in the Compendium

Cyanus Sapotaceae
Saponaria Casuarinaceae
Diplazium Musaceae
Sicyos Myricaceae
Dichromena Characeae
Oncidium Solieriaceae

Graph 9: 343 Families reported in the Compendium with 3 or more references

Tripsacum Goniodomataceae

Graph 11: 2,353 Genera reported in the Compendium with three or more references
Caladium Cystocloniaceae
Florestina Lecythidaceae
Melia Dictyotaceae
Strigosella Elaeocarpaceae
Anemia Gelidiaceae
Chamaemelum Bangiaceae
Epipremnum Rhizophoraceae
Lablab Fissidentaceae
Oxylobium Chattonellaceae
Smyrnium Theophrastaceae
Adenosma Delesseriaceae
Bifora Lomariopsidaceae
Cladosiphon Zosteraceae
Dimocarpus Hydrodictyaceae
Lachnanthes Centrolepidaceae
Nostoc Dumontiaceae
Porphyra* Naviculaceae
Sparrmannia Skeletonematacea
UNDERSTANDING EACH RECORDS INFORMATION they relate to 11 major regions plus ‘obscure’ or ‘cosmopolitan’.
While not accurate enough for some it’s the best outcome
possible from so many varying sources. In determining the
Each compendium record can be comprised of up to 18 origin many hundreds of searches were conducted for all
components, each are explained below. possible combinations of origin as referenced in the origin field
Genus Species and Author The taxonomy of weeds is very of the database. A total of 15,176 species have an origin
fragmented and many sources used old names. Rather than reported.
update these old names they have been left as published by the The reported regions are:
source author and linkages indicated between records that are 1. Africa
synonyms and those that are the current name. While all effort
has been made to determine the appropriate links between 2. Aust – Australia
related records, it is possible some may have been overlooked or 3. C Am - Central America (Guatemala to Panama and the
never determined. With the large number of sources used to
determine synonymy it was common to encounter differences of
opinion as to the correct name and a decision, right or wrong, 4. C Asia - Central Asia (Sri Lanka to Kazakhstan and
had to be made. Turkmenistan to Bangladesh)
Plant FAMILY Again, decisions right or wrong, had to be 5. E Asia – Eastern Asia (China and Korea to Thailand and
made. Japan)
Synonyms Are only listed when they are referred to elsewhere 6. Europe (Ireland to Russia and south to Bulgaria and
in the compendium. Listed alternate names will refer to the Greece)
current name and the current name will refer to all listed
alternate names and provide a reference count for each of those 7. NZ - New Zealand
names. This removes the need for a scientific name index. 8. N Am - North America (Mexico to Iceland)
There may be some duplication of names due to minor spelling 9. S Am - South America (south from Colombia)
variations that have been overlooked. Whilst all effort has been
made to remove these some may remain. If any duplicate names 10. SE Asia - southeast Asia (Malaysia to Philippines and
are detected please inform the author. Papua)

Hybrids, the parents are listed where known 11. W Asia - western Asia (Georgia to Yemen and Turkey to
Common Names Are not listed in this compendium. They
create to much confusion amongst readers not aware of the Major Pathways: Mentioned here are the five major intentional
correct scientific name they are looking for and take up a great and one accidental pathway by which the vast majority of plants
deal of room in the listings. Overall they add little value to the are distributed globally: These major pathways are:
compendium. Common names would also require an extensive Contaminants: accidental contaminants in produce, seed,
index listing which is not needed in this format where all the livestock, possessions, vehicles or equipment (5,775)
alternate scientific names are internally referenced. Pastures: species used in pasture and forage production
The number after each section represents the number of species Forestry: species used in forestry projects including timber,
in the compendium with this status (first number this edition, firewood, charcoal and other perennial tree related industries
second number previous edition). The number in brackets after (900)
classifications in the following commentary are the number of Herbal: a vast range of species used as herbal medicines,
species in this compendium that meet the stated criteria. natural therapies and other related uses (12,598)
Total n° of refs: The total number of references for this species, Crops: covering all major crops and a great many minor crops
including all synonyms and accepted names. This number where the species is known be either intentionally cultivated
appears on all related records. or harvested for human or animal consumption or other utility
Global Risk Score: The global weed risk score as per the 2016 purposes (8,417)
publication by Randall and available here: Ornamental: the largest range of plant species and often
< including multipurpose plants with numerous uses (20,773)
lant%27s_cultural_status_and_weed_history_provide_a_general Dispersed by: The major dispersal mechanisms from the
ised_weed_risk_score> (5,081) database are mentioned here:
Rating: As above Humans: intentional dispersal for any number of reasons
Toxic: Where a species is documented as toxic. The level of although the vast majority are for ornamental use (22,804)
toxicity or parts considered most toxic are often difficult to Vehicles: a well documented means of dispersing many plant
determine, as sources rarely indicate this. These factors and the species as a contaminant on and in a range of vehicles and
varying susceptibility of different species from humans to other mobile machinery (993)
livestock to wildlife should all be considered. (3,310)
Animals: sources not specific but can include native species
Aqua: The use of “aqua” indicates a species capacity to survive as well as livestock (3,752)
under very wet conditions from free floating herbs to trees or
shrubs that can survive saturated or inundated soils. Livestock: where sources mention livestock or domestic
animals (2,574). This includes records for Cattle (721),
Habit: A simplified form of a plants longevity and basic form. Donkeys (105), Goats (65), Horses (378) and Sheep (1,880).
Preferred Climate: Derived from the database and any Flying animals: species documented dispersed by birds and
countries where the species is associated with these four basic bats (739)
climates: Dryland, Mediterranean, Tropical and Subtropical
Water: (3,136) and Wind: (1,210)
Origin: A species origin can often be difficult to determine
accurately and sources will often conflict with one another. The Escapees: includes all those plant species that are known to
escape cultivation into the surrounding country (5,904).
approach in this publication is to combine all the cited origins as

Seed Longevity: While there are only a relatively small number indicator of its weed potential. The letters ‘nC’ means that
of records with data reported in this field (1,531) it is very naturalisation has not been confirmed. (22,588 - 18,048)
valuable information. The four possible outputs are listed and
explained below. All data used here was drawn from the LEDA Q - Quarantine Weed Species prohibited entry under a
countries quarantine laws, either because it’s not present or
seed trait database (Kleyer et al, 2008). The LEDA trait
standards for seed longevity are an excellent resource. present and under a management program. (3,039 - 1,818)
Present: a seed bank has been demonstrated to be found in the R - Ruderal Species listed as ruderal in the database
soil but no time frame on longevity is given (175) references where a species is considered to have a strong
association with human disturbance and regularly disturbed
Transient: species with seeds that persist in the soil for less
than one year, often much less (476) habitats (3,583 - NA)
Short term: species with seeds that persist in the soil for at U - Casual Alien These species appear with no direct
least one year, but less than five years (310) (apparent) human assistance, survive, possibly set seed, but do
Long Term: species with seeds that persist in the soil for at not persist. They then may appear again some seasons later,
least five years (570) but do not develop persistent populations. Such species are
often considered as ruderal species but for this publications
Weed of: Listed here are those impacted crops or industries purpose the association with human disturbance is not a
specifically reported in the database. As previously mentioned requirement (9,074 - 7,002)
this data is not definitive or complete, just indicative of the
crops and agricultural situations many weeds are reported in. W - Weed Most common term used. These plants are nearly
always economic weeds (i.e., pests of agriculture, horticulture,
COUNTRY OR REGION: Each cited reference begins with turf, nurseries etc.). However when a source is not conclusive
the country or region as stated by that reference. Some very in this area then ‘weed’ is used. (20,630 - 17,882)
large sources contained lists of species for many countries.
When possible these lists have been reproduced for every X - Noxious Weed Species that landholders are required by an
country hence the same reference code can appear with a act of law to manage, control or eradicate. For some countries
different country. Records for common weeds can then, with the this term also encompasses quarantine species (i.e., US
same reference code, appear numerous times with different Federal Noxious Weeds). (2,175 - 1,595)
country names while the reference itself is listed as ‘Global’.
Z - Contaminant Species that have been documented as a
Some references are still cited as ‘Global’ but do not break contaminant, usually as seed but potentially as other viable
down into specific countries. This is where the actual countries plant parts in a variety of products and pathways. (4,871 -
invoved are not specifically cited or the country attibution was 3,283)
not feasible from that source.
STATUS CODES: A group of relatively standard descriptors Numerical codes for references used in the Compendium (see
were used to form the status field of the dataset. In this edition reference table for full details).
the status code is again listed after each reference source code so
For a visual key to reading and dissecting each record turn to the
readers can be certain of a species status as defined by each
next page titled “READING A RECORD”.
individual reference. This edition also lists the country which
that reference applies to, hopefully reducing the need to
continually consult the reference list. NOMENCLATURE AND ERRORS
Every attempt has been made to retain the original species
The numbers cited at the end of the following sections relates to names as supplied by the authors in each source. At times,
the numbers of species meeting each sections criteria in this where there have been spelling errors, some records have been
edition (first number) and the last (2nd) edition (last number). changed and more than likely, but hopefully not too frequently,
errors may have been made at this end of the data daisy chain.
A - Agricultural Weed Species commonly found in or
Some spelling errors or variations may not have been detected in
impacts on any harvested or farmed commodity such as
the screening process when adding new data sources. For these
broadacre crops, plantations, orchards, small vegetable plots
and any other errors the author takes full responsibility. It would
etc. (16,968 - 10,107)
be appreciated if reader’s finding errors could advise the author.
C - Cultivation Escape Species may have escaped from Author’s email address:
gardens, cultivation or both; source not specific but includes
some crop and pasture species. (4,858 - 4,463) DATA SOURCES
For most published books and articles the conventional citation
E - Environmental Weed Species that invade and impact on is usually sufficient, but where it would assist the reader any
native ecosystems. (5,688 - 4,980) other appropriate information has been included. There are
D - Dispersed by Species with this code have details on their numerous personal communication sources, these will provide
dispersal mechanism in the cited reference (9,619 - NA) as much information and background as necessary to validate
the credentials of the source.
G - Garden Escape Garden species known to have escaped,
either directly by seed or other propagules moving out of the
garden, or indirectly by establishing from dumped garden
waste. Other garden escapes originate from abandoned
gardens, graveyards and commercial waste disposal sites, to
name just a few. (5,709 - 3,072)
I - Invasive Species may have escaped from gardens,
cultivation or both; source not specific but includes some crop
and pasture species. (6,331 - 4,186)
N - Naturalised Species has self-sustaining and spreading
populations with no human assistance, but does not
necessarily impact upon the environment. A species’ capacity
to naturalise in foreign environments, however, is a good

1. Genus species and author citation 1. Begonia cucullata Willd.

2. Begoniaceae
2. The Family as determined for this 3. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Begonia
publication cucullata Willd. var. hookeri (A. DC.) L.
B. Sm. & B. G. Schub. (2), Begonia
3. Any alternate names listed in this semperflorens Link & Otto (8)
compendium with the number of 4. Total N° of Refs: 37 5. The Global Risk score for this name and
refernces for that record in brackets. 5. Global Risk Score: 4.8 its rating below
Rating: Low
4. Total number of references for the 6. Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb 6. Toxic and Aquatic species indicted here,
accepted name and all its listed 7. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, followed by a generic description of
synonyms. Subtropical, Tropical the species habit
8. Origin: S Am
9. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, 7. A series of generalised preferred
Ornamental climates
9. Any known major pathways 10. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
11. References: Brazil-W-255, United 8. The species origin/s as defined
10. Known major modes of dispersal States of America-N-419, United States of
America-CE-617, Global-N-85, United
States of America-N-101, United States of
America-EW-179, United States of
America-N-301, United States of America-
N-839, South Africa-N-956, Australia-N-
354, La Reunion-E-1077, Africa-W-1127,
China-N-1215, northern Australia and
immediate northern neighbours -N-29,
United States of America-N-1292, Global-
CD-1611, United States of America-E-
1736, Borneo-N-1796, Brazil-U-1820, 11. All references relating to a species
Brazil-R-2053, United States of America- behaviour as a weed. Each begins with
N-2092, Austria-W-1977, Belgium-W- the reported country or region,
1977, Chile-W-1977, India-W-1977, followed by the status code as defined
Rwanda-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977. earlier, then the reference code.
1. Begonia cucullata Willd. var. hookeri
12. If record is a synonym the accepted (A. DC.) L. B. Sm. & B. G. Schub.
name is indicated here 2. Begoniaceae
12. Accepted name: Begonia cucullata
13. Total N° of Refs: 29
7. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical,
13. The reference total here is only the Tropical
sum of this record and the references 8. Origin: S Am
attributed only to the accepted name. It 9. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
does not include other cited synonyms 10. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
in this work. These are all summed in 11. References: Puerto Rico-CW-261,
the accepted name record. Global-CD-1611.

Daehler, C.C. and Carino, D.A. (2000). Predicting invasive The following references were regularly consulted to assist in
plants: prospects for a general screening system based on the clarification of various species nomenclature.
current regional models. Biological Invasions 2, 93-102.
Anon. (- 2017) African Flowering Plants Database, South
Daehler, C.C., Denslow, J.L., Ansari, S. and Kuo, H. (2004). A African National Biodiversity Institute, the Conservatoire et
risk assessment system for screening out harmful invasive Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève and Tela Botanica.
pest plants from Hawaii’s and other Pacific islands. URL:
Conservation Biology 18, 360-368.
Anon. (- 2017). Flora Europaea. Royal Botanic Garden
Elton, C.S. (1958) The Ecology of Invasions by Plants and Edinburgh, United Kingdom. URL:
Animals. Originally published by Methuen, London.
(Author’s copy: Kluwer Academic Publishers B.V. and
University of Chicago Press Edition 2000.) APNI (- 2017). Australian Plant Name Index, IBIS database,
Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research,Australian
Gordon, D.R., Onderdonk, D.A., Fox, A.M., Stocker, R.K. and Government, Canberra. URL:
Gantz, C. (2008) Predicting invasive plants in Florida using bin/apni
the Australian Weed Risk Assessment. Invasive Plant
Science and Management 1 (2), 178-95. Brands, S.J. (- 2017) The Taxonomicon: 1989-present. The
Taxonomicon. Universal Taxonomic Services, The
Kleyer, M., Bekker, R.M., Knevel, I.C., Bakker, J.P, Thompson, Netherlands. URL:
K., Sonnenschein, M., Poschlod, P., Van Groenendael, J.M.,
GRIN (- 2017). USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources
Klimes, L., Klimesová, J., Klotz, S., Rusch, G.M., Hermy,
M., Adriaens, D., Boedeltje, G., Bossuyt, B., Dannemann, Program. Germplasm Resources Information Network -
A., Endels, P., Götzenberger, L., Hodgson, J.G., Jackel, A- Online Database. National Germplasm Resources
Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. URL: http://www.ars-
K., Kühn, I., Kunzmann, D., Ozinga, W.A., Römermann, C.,
Stadler, M., Schlegelmilch, J., Steendam, H.J., Tackenberg,
O., Wilmann, B., Cornelissen, J.H.C., Eriksson, O., Garnier, ING (- 2017). Index Nominum Genericorum A compilation of
E., Peco, B. (2008) The LEDA Traitbase: A database of life- generic names published for organisms covered by the
history traits of Northwest European flora. Journal of International Code of Botanical Nomenclature URL:
Ecology 96, 1266-1274. URL: https://www.uni- Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research (- 2017). Ngā Tipu o
Mack, R.N. (1996). Predicting the identity and fate of plant Aotearoa - New Zealand Plants Database. URL:
invaders: emergent and emerging approaches. Biological
Conservation 78, 107-21. RBG (- 2017). World Checklist of Selected Plant Families.
Morin, L., Paini, D.R. and Randall, R.P. (2013). Can global Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. URL:
weed assemblages be used to predict future weeds? PLoS>
ONE 8 (2): e55547. doi:10.1371/ journal.pone.0055547 Tropicos. (1996-2017) Tropicos3, Missouri Botanical Garden
Parker, C., Caton, B.P. and Fowler, L. (2007). Ranking Specimen Database. URL:
nonindigenous weed species by their potential to invade the USDA, NRCS. (- 2017). The PLANTS Database, National Plant
United States. Weed Science 55, 386-97. Data Center, USDA, Baton Rouge, USA. URL:
Randall, R.P. (1996-2017) Plants Database. Dept. of
Agriculture and Food, Western Australia. (Part published
Randall, R.P. (2016). Can a plant’s cultural status and weed
history provide a generalised weed risk score? Proceedings
of the 20th Australasian Weeds Conference, 11–15 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
September, Perth, Western Australia, Editors: R. Randall, S. Over the twenty plus years of the development of this database a
Lloyd and C. Borger. (Weeds Society of Western Australia, great many people have directly or indirectly had significant
Perth) 5-12. see: input into its content and construction. It would be far to difficult now to even attempt to list all those
_plant%27s_cultural_status_and_weed_history_provide_a_ who have helped over that time. Needless to say it's a long list
and the best I can do here is to thank one and all for their most
Rejmánek, M., Richardson, D.M., Higgins, S.I., Pitcairn, M. and generous help, input, comments, advice and efforts over many
Grotkopp, E. (2005). Ecology of invasive plants: state of the years.
art. In Mooney, H.A., McNeely, J.A., Neville, L., Schei, P.J.
and Waage, J. (eds) Invasive alien species: a new synthesis. Here’s hoping the mother dataset that provided so much will
104-61. (Island Press, Washington, DC). continue to grow in the years to come, albeit under someone
else’s guidance. That fact that this database even exists is more
serendipitous than many may suspect.

Rod Randall,
Perth, Western Australia


Ref References in Compendium Order Region Country N° of

N° species
1 Anon (1998). Noxious Weeds of Whitman County, Washington State. URL: North United States of 109 America America
2 Boose, A.B. and Holt, J.S. (1999). Environmental effects on asexual North United States of 1
reproduction in Arundo donax. Weed Research. 39(2): pp:117-127 America America
3 PIER (1998). Actual and Prospective Weeds. Pacific Islands Ecosystems at Pacific Pacific 527
Risk Project. URL:
4 Thompson, M. (1997). Invasive Plants of Canada, Canadian Botanical North Canada 83
Conservation Network, August 1997. URL: America
5 Agence Méditerranéenne de l'Environnement, Conservatoire Botanique Mediterranean Mediterranean 18
National Méditerranéen de Porquerolles (2003). Plantes envahissantes de la
région méditerranéenne. Agence Méditerranéenne de l'Environnement.
Agence Régionale Pour l'Environnement Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur. 48 p.
6 Waterhouse, D.F. (1997). The Major Invertebrate Pests and Weeds of Pacific Pacific 143
Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific,
ACIAR, Canberra.
7 Keighery, G. and Longman, V. (2004). The naturalized vascular plants of Australasia Australia 1230
Western Australia 1: Checklist, environmental weeds and Distribution in
IBRA Regions. Plant Protection Quarterly Vol.19 (1). pp:12-32.
8 Foster, S. and Duke, J.A. (1990). A Field Guide to Medicinal Plants, Eastern North eastern and 21
and Central North America. Houghton Mifflin Co., New York. America central North
9 Gibson, N., Keighery, B., Keighery, G., Burbidge, A. and Lyons, M. (1994). Australasia Australia 172
A floristic survey of the Southern Swan Coastal Plain. Unpublished report for
the Australian Heritage Commission prepared by the Department of
Conservation and Land Management and the Conservation Council of
Western Australia (Inc.).
10 Vermeulen, J.B., Dreyer, M., Grobler, H. and Van Zyl, K. (1996). A Guide to Africa South Africa 98
the Use of Herbicides. National Dept. of Agriculture. Republic of South
11 Mitchell, A.A. (various dates) Northern Australian Quarantine Strategy Australasia northern 26
Botanist, Darwin, Northern Territory. <Retired, now a private consultant> Australia and
(pers. comm.). immediate
12 Anon. (2002). Weeds in Rubber Plantations. Thailand Department of Asia Thailand 128
Agriculture. URL:
13 Backer, C.A. (1973). Atlas of 220 Weeds of sugarcane fields in Java. Editor southeast Asia Indonesia 218
of 1973 Edition: Steenis, C. G. G. J. van. Published by Deventer: Ysel Press
(239 pp.). A reprint of an original publication from the early 1930’s (original
publisher unknown).
14 Acuna, G.J. (1974). Plantas Indeseables en Los Cultivos Cubanos. Academia Caribbean Cuba 378
de Ciencias, Insitituto de Investigaciones de Cuba, Havana.
15 Ogle, C.C. (last revision May 2003). Adventive plants collected in the Australasia New Zealand 1056
Wanganui Conservancy of the New Zealand Department of Conservation,
1988-present. (Unpublished working list of a field botanist). pers. comm.
16 Alberta Reseach Council. (1999). Biological Control of Weeds using Insects North Canada 8
and Mites. Target Weed Species. URL: America
17 Virginia Native Plant Society (1998). Alien Invasive plants in Virginia. North United States of 36
Virginia Native Plant Society, Division of Natural Heritage. URL: America America
18 Aliens List Forum (1998). Nominated Worst Invasive Weeds after a request Global 93
by Sarah Lowe from ISSG New Zealand to the Aliens email list group.
19 Fahmy, A.G.E. (1997). Evaluation of the weed flora of Egypt from Africa Egypt 97
Predynastic to Graeco-Roman times. Veget. Hist. Archaeobot, Vol. 6, N° 4
pp: 241-247.
20 Sainty, G., Hosking, J., and Jacob, S. (1998). Alps Invaders, Weeds of the Australasia Australia 50
Australian High Country. Alps Liason Committee, Sainty and Associates,
Darlinghurst, NSW.

21 Chris, R. and McLendon, T. (1998). An Assessment of Exotic Plant Species North North America 72
of Rocky Mountain National Park Rutledge. Department of Rangeland America
Ecosystem Science, Colorado State University. Northern Prairie Wildlife
Research Center. 97pp. URL:
22 Biggeli, P., Hall, J.B. and Healey, J.R. (1999). An Overview of Invasive pantropics pantropics 241
Woody Plants in the Tropics. URL:
23 Andersen, R.N. (1968). Germination and Establishment of Weeds for Global 924
Experimental Purposes. Weed Science Society of America Handbook. WSSA,
24 Anon. (1999). Annuals and Biennials Germination Tips. URL: Global 3
25 EI-Halawany, E.F. and Shaltout, K.H. (1993). Weed Flora of the Date Palm western Asia Saudi Arabia 117
Orchards. Journal of King Saud University. Science. Volume 5, No 1. pp:25-
26 Anon. (1998). Arizona State Designated Exotic Plant Species. URL: North United States of 54 America America
27 Economou, G., Bilalis, D. and Avgoulas, C. (2005). Weed flora distribution in Europe Greece 22
Greek cotton fields and its possible influence by herbicides. Phytoparasitica,
Vol. 33, N° 4 pp: 406-419.
28 Randall, R.P. (1999). Banana Weeds. Report to Hortguard, Department of Global 84
Agriculture WA. (Unpublished internal report).
29 Waterhouse, B. (various dates) Northern Australian Quarantine Strategy Australasia northern 14
Botanist, Mareeba, Queensland. (pers. comm.) Australia and
30 Behrendt, S. and Hanf, M. (1979). Grass Weeds In World Agriculture. BASF Global 100
Aktiengesellschaft. Ludwigshaten am Rhein, Germany.
31 Luteyn, J.L. (1999). Páramos: A Checklist of Plant Diversity, Geographical South South America 27
Distribution, and Botanical Literature. Memoirs of the New York Botanical America
Garden, Volume 84. URL:
32 Boggan, J., Funk, V., Kelloff, C., Hoff, M., Cremers, G. and Feuillet, C. (Eds) South 255
(1997). The Checklist of the Plants of the Guianas; 2nd Edition. Biological America
Diversity of the Guianas (BDG) Guyana; Surinam; French Guiana.
Smithsonian Institution; Washington; DC USA, the ORSTOM Herbarium and
the Centre for the Study of Biological Diversity, University of Guyana. URL:
33 Alikodra-HS (1987). The exotic plantation of Acacia nilotica and its problems southeast Asia Indonesia 1
in the savanna ecosystem of the Baluran National Park. Duta-Rimba. Vol. 13:
pp: 79-80, 30-34
34 Anon. (2000). CALFLORA DATABASE. Summaries of geographic North United States of 745
distribution, habitat, and lifeform data for the approximately 8400 vascular America America
plant taxa known to be native or naturalized in California, based on published
literature as well as specific documented observations. URL:
35 Anon. (1998). California Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory North United States of 215
(CNWCPI). URL: America America
36 AOSA (2000). Canada Noxious Weed List. This Order may be cited as the North Canada 69
Weed Seeds Order, 1986. Weed Seeds. The seeds of the species of plants set America
out in the schedule are deemed to be weed seeds for the purpose of
establishing grades under the Seeds Act. Schedule (s.2) URL:
37 Binggeli, P. (1999). Case Histories of Highly Invasive Woody Species in the pantropics pantropics 18
Tropics. Published Online. URL:
38 Brako L. and Zarucchi J. L. (1993). Catalogue of the Flowering Plants and South Peru 12
Gymnosperms of Peru. Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri America
Botanical Garden. Vol. 45. [W3TROPICOS - Peru Checklist.. (2001-) Search
facilities provided on the Missouri Botanical Garden's Peru Checklist., url:]
39 Gharbo, S.A. and Habib, A.A.M. (1969). Phytochemical investigation of Global 5
Egyptian Senecio. II. Alkaloids of Senecio aegyptius, S desfontainei, S.
vulgaris, S. petasitis and S. mikanioides. Lloydia Vol. 32: pp:503-508

40 French, C.N. and Murphy, R.J. (1994). Check-list of the Flowering Plants and Europe United Kingdom 792
Ferns of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. URL:
41 Crook, C.S. (2000). List of Coniferous Species annotated with Family, Status Europe United Kingdom 3
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83 Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council, (2000). Rhodomyrtus tomentosa, Downy North United States of 1
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87 Holm, L.G., Pancho, J.V., Herberger, J.P. and Plucknett, D.L. (1979). A Global 6380
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92 Hsu, P.S. (2010). The Exotic Flora of Shanghai: A comparison with Asia China 225
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94 Hanf, M. (1983). The Arable Weeds of Europe, with their seedlings and Europe Europe 701
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96 DeLuycker, A. (1995). Deforestation, selective cutting, and habitat South Argentina 1
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105 Westbrooks, R. (1998). Invasive plants: changing the landscape of America: North United States of 22
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106 Anon. (2000). Invasive Species in China. China Species Information System. Asia China 18
107 Space, J. (2002-) Invasive species present on Pohnpei, Federated States of Pacific Federated States 109
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108 Fern, K. (1992-97). Plants for a Future. A resource centre for edible and other Global 451
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111 Soufi, Z. (1988). Les principales mauvaises herbes des vergers dans la region western Asia Syria 54
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112 FEPPC (1998). List of Florida’s Most Invasive Species. Florida Exotic Pest North United States of 118
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114 Malik R.K and Tsedev D. (1996). Major Weeds of Mongolia. FAO, Rome. central Asia Mongolia 40
115 Robson, T.O., Americanos, P.J. and Abu-Urmaileh, B.E. (1991). Major weeds western Asia western Asia 101
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116 Santa Catalina Island Conservancy (1997). Management Plan for the Control North United States of 205
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117 Hitchcock, A.S. (1935). Manual of the Grasses of the United States. Vol 2. North United States of 1
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118 Anon. (1989). Manuale per il Riconoscimento delle Principali erbe Infestantii. Europe Italy 79
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120 Clarke, I. (1999). Documented Naturalisation of Cistus monspeliensis. Australasia Australia 1
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121 Wells, M.J., Balsinhas, V.M., Joffe, H., Engelbrecht, V.M., Harding, G. and Africa South Africa 1646
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123 McCormick, L.H. and Johnson, C.F. Jr. (1998). Mile-a-minute Weed in the North United States of 1
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125 Anon. (1999). Monksilver Nursery Catalogue, Cottenham, Cambridge URL: Europe United Kingdom 3
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128 Gaskin, J.F., Wheeler, G.S., Percell, Matthew, F. and Taylor, G. (2009). North United States of 2
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132 Various authors (1999). Nominated dominating weed species, a thread topic Global 42
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133 Mehrhoff, L.J. (1999). Non-native Invasive Plant Species Occurring in North United States of 125
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135 Mitchell, A.A. and Waterhouse, B.M. (1998). Northern Australian Quarantine Australasia Australia, 40
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364 Anon. (2003). Ruellia brittoniana in Greer Gardens Online Catalogue, North United States of 1
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365 Lavergne, C., Rameau, J.C. and Figier, J. (1999). The invasive woody weed Africa La Réunion 1
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378 Newfield, M. (1999). Department of Conservation, New Zealand. Posting to Australasia New Zealand 3
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380 Mulvaney, M.J. (1991). Far from the Garden Path: An Identikit Picture of Australasia Australia 768
Woody Ornamanetal Plants Invading South-Eastern Australian Bushland.
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reproductive efficiency and weed potential of Acacia baileyana. Australian
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383 Anon. (1998). Bozza delle conclusioni del workshop sulle specie invasive di Europe Europe 1
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384 Rose, N. (2002). Posting to Enviroweeds. email: Europe United Kingdom 1
385 Liebregts, W. (2001). Niue DAFF, Fiji. Posting to Aliens-L Listserver. URL: Pacific Niue 3
386 Anon. (2001). Notes on Identification, Biology, and Management of Defined North United States of 1
as Noxious Weeds by California Law. URL: America America
387 Nuttonson, M.Y. (1951). Ecological Crop Geography and Field Practices of Asia Japan 3
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388 Anon. (2009). Weeds of Chile - Chileflora, your window to the world of South Chile 71
Chilean Plants. URL: America
389 Anon. (2000). Overview of Noxious Freshwater Weeds in Washington, North United States of 3
Washington State Department of Ecology. URL: America America
390 Darmency, H. and Fleury, A. (2000). Mating system in Hirschfeldia incana Europe Europe 1
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391 Hill, M.P. and Cilliers, C.J. (1999). Azolla filiculoides Lamarck (Pteridophyta Africa South Africa 1
: Azollaceae), its status in South Africa and control. Hydrobiologia. 415:
392 PNW EPPC (1998). Preliminary List of Plant Species of Concern. Pacific North United States of 193
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393 Parker, K.F. (1972). An Illustrated Guide to Arizona Weeds. The University North United States of 1
of Arizona Press USA, Arizona. America America
394 Champion, P. (2001). New Zealand Aquatic Weed Specialist (pers. comm.) Australasia New Zealand 1
395 Lee, M. and Lee, G. (2002). Perennial Gardening on the Prairies: Oenothera North Canada 1
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396 Frenot, Y., Chown, S.L., Whinam, J., Selkirk, P., Convey, P., Skotnicki, M. Antarctica Antarctic 109
and Bergstrom, D. (2005). Biological invasions in the Antarctic: extent, Territories
impacts and implications. Biological Reviews 80 pp:45-72. (Australia)

397 Chikwenhere, G.P. (2001) Current Strategies for the Management of Water Africa Zimbabwe 1
Hyacinth on the Manyame River system in Zimbabwe. (In M.H. Julien, M.P.
Hill, T.D. Center and Ding Jianqing. (Eds) (2001). Biological and Integrated
Control of Water Hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes. ACIAR Proceedings 102
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398 Pitcairn, M.J., Young, JA., Clements, C.D. and Balciunas, J. (2002). Purple North United States of 1
starthistle (Centaurea calcitrapa) seed germination. Weed Technology. 16(2): America America
399 Anon. (2000). Plant Resources of South East Asia; Prosea Handbook CD- southeast Asia southeast Asia 1
ROM. List on Web Site URL:
400 Pyšek, P., Sádlo, J. and Mandák, B. (2002). Catalogue of Alien Plants of the Europe Czech Republic 1375
Czech Republic. Preslia, Praha. 74: pp:97-186.
401 Randall, R.P. (2001). Garden thugs, a national list of invasive and potentially Australasia Australia 1015
invasive garden plants. Plant Protection Quarterly 16 (4), pp:138-171.
402 Rao, Y.N. and Balasubramanian, P. (1993). Phytosociological analysis of central Asia India 1
wetland vegetation in Point Calimere Wildlife Sanctuary, Tamil Nadu. Indian
Journal of Forestry, 16: 2, pp:144-150.
403 Anon. (2003). Flora of China, Caryophyllaceae. [Based on Wu Cheng-yih, Ke Asia China 4
Ping, Zhou Li-hua, Tang Chang-lin and Lu De-quan (1996). Caryophyllaceae.
In: Tang Chang-lin, ed., Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 26: pp:47–449.] URL:
404 Driscoll, J. (2003). Fish and Game wants to bust tidal weed. Humboldt Bay, North United States of 1
USA. The Times-Standard, Saturday, March 01, 2003 © 1999-2003 America America
MediaNews Group, Inc.
405 Dana, E.D., Sanz-Elorza, M. and Sobrino, E. (2001). Plant Invaders in Spain Europe Spain 233
[Check-List] ‘The Unwanted Citizens'. based on (1) Sanz-Elorza, M., Dana,
E.D. and Sobrino, E. (2001). Aproximaci—n al listado de plantas al—ctonas
invasoras reales y potenciales en Espana. Lazaroa 22: pp:121-131. and (2)
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Contribucion al conocimiento de las xen—fitas en Espana: cat‡logo
provisional de la flora al—ctona de Almer’a. Acta Botanica Malacitana 26
pp:264-276. URL:
406 Guiry, M.D. (2001). Seaweed Site, Seaweed Home Page. URL: Europe United Kingdom 1 and
407 Anon. (2002). Seja Bem Vindo ao Site Plantas Daninhas Aqui você South Brazil 751
encontrará diversas informações, que estão sendo constantemente atualizadas. America
[Welcome to Weed Plants Site Here you will find various information, which
are constantly being updated] URL: [now]
408 Anon. (2001). Shady Character. Mark’s Place for Shade Gardening. URL: Global 1
409 Standish, R.J., Robertson, A.W. and Williams, P.A. (2001). The impact of an Australasia New Zealand 1
invasive weed Tradescantia fluminensis on native forest regeneration. Journal
of Applied Ecology. 38(6): pp:1253-1263.
410 Sutherland, S. (1999). Posting to Enviroweeds re: Ailanthus altissima. email: Australasia Australia 1
411 Anon. (2001). Regional Invasive Exotic Plant Species List. Regional North United States of 72
Forester's List and Ranking Structure Invasive Exotic Plant Species of America America
Management Concern, USDA Forest Service, Southern Region. URL:
412 Biosecurity Australia (2004). Importation of Fresh Bananas from the southeast Asia Philippines 247
Philippines. Revised Draft IRA Report, Feb, 2004. Dept. of Agriculture,
Fisheries and Forestry, Tables 29 and 30 pp:299-317.
413 Anon. (2002). The Agroforestry Research Trust, United Kingdom. URL: Europe United Kingdom 1
414 Haynes, R.R. and Holm-Nielsen, L.B. (1994).The Alismataceae. Flora Central Central America 11
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416 Latham, R. (1983). The Crum Woods in Peril. Toward Reversing the Decline North North America 1
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418 Middleton, R. (2002). The Plants of Hull. URL: Europe United Kingdom 1
419 Cherry, H. (2003). Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants University of North United States of 20
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420 Low, T. (2002). Author, re: Garden Thug Additions (pers. comm.) Australasia Australia 2
421 Timmins, S.M. and Reid,V. (2000). Climbing asparagus, Asparagus scandens Australasia New Zealand 1
Thunb.: a South African in your forest patch. Austral-Ecology. 25: 5, pp:533-
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and Biodiversity of Pakistan. URL:
423 Parker, C. (1991). A first DRAFTof the “Manual of Bhutan Weeds”. central Asia Bhutan 56
Department of Agriculture, Research and Extension Division, Royal
Government of Bhutan [These taxa not included in the final copy publication].
424 Anon. (2003). Exotic Weeds and Aliens. ENVIS Secretariat, Ministry of central Asia India 235
Environment and Forests, Government of India, New Delhi. URL:
425 Williams, P.A. (2002). A list of weed species from various New Zealand Australasia New Zealand 549
references to weeds. Landcare Research, New Zealand. (pers. comm.)
426 Anon. (2001). Vascular Flora of the Cowling Arboretum, Carleton College, North United States of 32
Minnesota URL: America America
427 Newbury, V. (2002). Fraxinus griffithii query. Posting to Enviroweeds. email: Australasia Australia 1
428 Anon. (2001). Weed Control for Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) Assessment southeast Asia Indonesia 10
Institute of Agricultural Technology, Indonesia URL:
429 Whistler, A. and Steele, O. (1999). Botanical survey of the United States of Pacific Marshall Islands 1
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430 Curtis, J.T. (1959). Hieracium x data. Compiled by C.E. Umbanhowar, Jr., North United States of 1
Wisconsin State Herbarium, Wisconsin Vascular Plants. URL: America America
431 Li Yanghan (1998). Weeds of China. Beijing: Agriculture Press. 1617 pp. Asia China 1443
432 Anon. (2009). Invasive plantearter (Invasive Plants). Danish Forest and Europe Denmark 19
Nature Agency Haraldsgade, DK. URL:
433 Anon. (2000). Annual/Biennial Seed Germination Database. URL: Global 75
434 Space, J. (2002). Pacific Island Ecosystems at Risk (PIER) Pacific Pacific 2
435 Ceska, A. and Ceska, O. (1986). Noteworthy collections - Washington: North United States of 1
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436 Duvall. F. (2002). Postings to Aliens-L Listserver. URL: North United States of 2 America America
437 Cummings, J. (2002). Phytolacca rivinoides - Exotic Weed Detection Advice. Australasia Australia 1
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438 Anon. (2001-). Flora Europaea Database. Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, Europe Europe 7
United Kingdom. URL:
439 Anon. (1999). Flora of China Checklist. Missouri Botanical Gardens. URL: Asia China 2
440 Starr, F. (2002-03). Postings to Aliens-L Listserver. URL: North United States of 4 America America
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Blackberries. Botanical Electronic News No. 230.
442 Lett, I. (2002). Bush Regeneration Team Leader, Blue Mountains City Australasia Australia 1

443 Anon. (2002). Major Vegetable Matter Types in Australian Wool. Bogan Flea Australasia Australia 1
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444 Tucker, N. (2002). ANGAIR (Anglesea and Aireys Inlet Society for the Australasia Australia 1
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445 Barrow, P. (2002). Project Officer, Natural Resource Management, Kakadu Australasia Australia 1
National Park. Posting to Enviroweeds. email:
446 Boon, R. (2002). Comments on Tithonia diversifolia, Durban, South Africa, Africa South Africa 1
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448 Kaye, T. (2001). Brachypodium sylvaticum (Poaceae) in the Pacific North United States of 1
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449 Osborn, T. (2000). SPC Agronomist comments on Piper wichmannii. Posting Pacific Pacific 1
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450 Sheppard, A. (2000). CSIRO, comments on Centaurea cf. iberica. (pers. Global 1
451 Henderson, L. (2002). comments on Sollya heterophylla. Weeds Division, Africa South Africa 1
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452 Dessisa, D. and Binggeli, P. (2003). Ethiopian Plants. Invasive plants in Africa Ethiopia 15
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456 Hardwick, G. (2002). Economically Useful Plants for Northern Australia. Australasia Australia, 25
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457 Anon. (2002). Mostly Natives Nursery, Gardening with Ornamental Grasses. Global 1
458 Anon. (2002). Invasion of Dutch waters by floating pennywort (Hydrocotyle Europe Netherlands 1
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459 Harrison, S. (2002). Fact Sheets for Some Common Plants on Rangelands in North Canada 1
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460 Zitkovic, M. (2002). World Heritage, IUCN Programme on Protected Areas. South Peru 1
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463 Muniappan, R. and Nandwani, D. (2002). Survey of Arthropod Pests and Pacific Marshall Islands 4
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466 Peng, C.I and Yang., K.C. (1999). Unwelcome naturalization of Chromolaena Asia Taiwan 1
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467 Kumar, M.S.B., Das, R. and Vinesh, R. (2000). Turnera subulata: a fast central Asia India 1
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and Proceedings and Report of the Royal Society of South Australia. Vol. XV
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470 Cagiotti, M.R., Ranfa, A., Marinangeli, F. and Maovaz, M. (1999). Invasive Europe Italy 30
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(Information provided by Dr B.E. Abu-Irmaileh) FAO Weed Management.
472 Popay, I. (2003). Department of Conservation, New Zealand (pers. comm.) Australasia New Zealand 1
473 IABIN (2003). Alien Invasive Plants of Jamaica. IABIN Invasive Species Caribbean Jamaica 22
Information Network, coordinated by the Jamaica Clearing-House
Mechanism. URL:
474 Rafalowicz, T., Branquart, E. and Halford, M. (2009) Acer rufinerve, a new Europe Belgium 1
invasive tree in Belgium. 1p. URL:
8_abstract.pdf. Source: EPPO (2009). Reporting Service NO. 6 PARIS, 2009-
06-01 2009/123
475 Wilson, N. (2002). Dept. of Agriculture Kununurra. (pers. comm.) Australasia Australia 1
476 Tan, H.T.W., Choong, M.F., Chua, K.S., Loo, A.H.B., Haji Samsuri, H.A., southeast Asia Singapore 97
Saeh, E.E.L., Turner, I.M. and Yong, J.W.H. (1997). A Botanical Survey of
Sungei Buloh Nature Park, Singapore. Gardens' Bulletin Singapore. 49.
477 Howard, G. (2002). ISSG Nairobi, email to Invasive Species Specialist Group Africa Kenya 1
members List.
478 Day, R. (2002). CABInternational Africa Regional Centre, Kenya Posting to Africa Uganda 1
Aliens-L Listserver. URL:
479 Batianoff, G.N. and Butler, D.W. (2002). Assessment of Invasive naturalized Australasia Australia 202
plants in south-east Queensland. Appendix. 1 Plant Protection Quarterly 17,
480 Anon. (2002). Exotic Weed Detection Advice in Tasmania. Principle Weed Australasia Australia 2
Management Officer, Department of Primary Industries, Water and
Environment (DPIWE), Tasmania.
481 Williams, P.A. (2002). Comments on Arnica chamissonis. Landcare Research, Australasia New Zealand 1
Nelson, New Zealand. (pers. comm.)
482 Wallentinus, I. (2002). Introduced marine algae and vascular plants in Europe Europe 529
European aquatic environments. in Invasive Aquatic Species of Europe:
Distribution, impacts and management, Leppakoski, E. et al. (Eds). Kluwer
Academic Press: pp:27-52. [Appendix 1. Introduced vascular plants in aquatic
environments in the different European areas, including also occasional
species.] URL:
483 Howell, C.J. and Terry, J.A. (2016) The creation of a New Zealand weed Australasia New Zealand 181
atlas. SCIENCE FOR CONSERVATION 328. New Zealand Department of
Conservation (26 pp.).
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Bern Botanical Garden, Switzerland, and Chair of the IUCN-SSC European
Plants Specialist Group. URL: http://www.plant-
485 California Department of Food and Agriculture. (2002). Noxious Weed North United States of 2
Photographic Gallery. (Salvia spp.) URL: America America
486 Garofalo, J., McLaughlin, J. and Yurgalevitch, C. (2000). Groundcovers for North United States of 210
Shade: South Florida. Miami-Dade County/University of Florida, Cooperative America America
Extension Service. URL:
487 Starr, F. and Starr, K. (2003). Posting to Aliens-L Listserver. URL: North United States of 2 America America
488 African Flowering Plants Database (2007-) South African National Africa Africa 5
Biodiversity Institute, the Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de
Genève and Tela Botanica. URL: http://www.ville-
489 Kemp, N. (2002). Indo-Pacific Conservation Alliance Papua Office, southeast Asia Papua 1
Indonesia. Posting to Aliens-L Listserver. URL:


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Listserver. URL:
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492 de Ville, N. (2002). Environmental Consultant, NSW, Posting to Australasia Australia 1
Enviroweeds. email:
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Exkursionsflora für die Kanarischen Inseln. URL:
494 Haley, N. (2002). Weeds in New Zealand, You are entitled to kill them! URL: Australasia New Zealand 121
495 Anon. (2002). National Surveillance Pest Plants. Wellington Regional Australasia New Zealand 82
Council. URL:
496 Macleay, R. (2002). Posting to Enviroweeds. email: Australasia Australia 1
497 Anon. (2001). Plant Finder Home Gardening. Missouri Botanical Garden. North United States of 2
URL: America America
498 Sykes, W.R. (2002). Comments on Luma apiculata in New Zealand Botanical Australasia New Zealand 1
Soc. Vol. 70.
499 Anon. (2003). Red De Grupos De Agricultura De Cobertura Red /gac. Central Mexico 1
Mexico. URL: America
500 Wu, S.H., Chaw, S.M. and Rejmánek, M. (2003). Naturalized Fabaceae Asia Taiwan 55
(Leguminosae) species in Taiwan: the first approximation. 59 Bot. Bul. Acad.
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innoxia Miller and Solanum elaeagnifolium Cav. (Solanaceae) in Croatia. Nat.
Croat., Vol. 8, No. 2., pp:117-124.
502 Weber, E., (Ed.) (2002 ). BlackList, Grey List and Watch List established by Europe Switzerland 52
the working group. In 2001a working group CPS/SKEW was initiated
(directed by Dr. E. Weber, ETHZ), which has established lists of invasive
neophytes for Switzerland. URL: http://www.cps-
503 Grulich, V., Antonín, V., Hradílek, Z., Vicherek, J., Sumberová, K. and Europe Czech Republic 1
Danihelka, J. (2003). Flora and vegetation at the confluence of the Morava
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504 Worboys, B. (2003). Noxious Weeds Officer, Maitland City Council, NSW. Australasia Australia 1
Posting to Enviroweeds. email:
505 Howell, C.J. (2008). Consolidated list of environmental weeds in New Australasia New Zealand 508
Zealand. DOC Research and Development Series 292, Science and Technical
Publishing, New Zealand Department of Conservation.
506 Perry, L.P. (2003). Invasive Perennials. University of Vermont Extension OH Global 24
65. URL:
507 Anon. (2003). Checklist of wild flowering plants and ferns in Iceland. Flora of North Atlantic Iceland 223
Iceland. URL:
508 Gureja, N. (2003). Project Officer Elephant Conservation Project Wildlife central Asia India 2
Trust of India. Posting to Aliens-L Listserver. URL:
509 Fausey, J.C. (2003). Controlling liverwort and moss now and in the future. Global 2
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510 Symes, P. (2003). Senior Curator, Horticulture. Royal Botanic Gardens Australasia Australia 2
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513 Manning, J., Goldblatt, P. and Snijman, D. (2002). The Color Encyclopedia of Africa South Africa 1
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514 Anon. (2003). New Zealand Plants - Fern Table. Ferns native to New Zealand. Australasia New Zealand 16
University of Auckland - New Zealand. (List of Naturalised taxa at the end of
the Genus table). URL:
515 Linares, L. (2000). Checklist of the Gibraltar Flora. Gibraltar Ornithological Europe Gibraltar 58
and Natural History Society. URL:

516 Anon. (2002). 100 Most Dangerous Invaders. Threatening Oregon in 2002. North United States of 34
Oregon Department of Agriculture. URL: America America
517 Anon. (2003-). Pacific Bulb Society. Gardening with bulbs. URL: Global 3
518 Anon. (2003). Flora of the Marquesas islands. Botany Department of Europe France 243
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519 Preston, C.D., Pearman, D.A. and Dines, T.D. (2002). New Atlas of the Europe United Kingdom 2695
British and Irish Flora. An Atlas of the Vascular Plants of Britain, Ireland, the
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520 Westbrooks, R.G. (2003). Invasive Plant Coordinator, U.S. Geological North United States of 1
Survey, Biological Resources Discipline (pers. comm.). America America
521 Hosking, J.R., Waterhouse, B. and Randall, R.P. (2003). Collection and Australasia Australia 7
Identification of Recent Plant Naturalisations in New South Wales and
Assessment of their Relative Importance. Proceedings of the N.S.W. 2003
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522 Schrope, M. (2003). Coral Smothering "Green Tide" Seaweed Spreading On North United States of 1
Florida Reefs. Oceanographic Institution, Inc. URL: America America AND,1651,TCP_1125_1924150,0
523 Hager, A. and Sprague, C. (2003). Early Season Weeds. Pest Management North United States of 21
and Crop Development WebBulletin. From the Univ. of Illinois. URL: America America
524 western, R.A. (1987). The Coastal Vegetation of Fujairah. Emirates Natural western Asia western Asia 9
History Group Bulletins 1972-1990, Bulletin 31. Al Ain chapter. URL:
525 Bright, D. (2003). City of Cockburn. (pers comm.) Australasia Australia 1
526 €iãánek, C. and Hanáãek, P. (1998). Several Notes on Succulent western Asia Yemen 1
Asclepiadaceae of Yemen. Asklepios (74): pp:7-12.
527 Brandes, D. (2001). Urban flora of Sousse, Tunisia. Arbeitsgruppe für Africa Tunisia 66
Vegetationsökologie und experimentelle Pflanzensoziologie, Botanisches
Institut und Botanischer Garten. URL: http://opus.tu-
528 Jenkins, P.T. (2003). Attorney/Policy Analyst, International Center for North United States of 2
Technology Assessment. URL: Posting to Aliens-L Listserver. URL: America America
529 Perry, G. (2003). Assistant Professor. Dept. of Range, Wildlife and Fisheries North United States of 1
Management, Texas Tech University. URL: Posting to Aliens-L Listserver. America America
530 Sabour, B., Loudiki, M., Oudra, B., Oubraim, S., Fawzi, B., Fadlaoui, S. and Africa Morocco 1
M. Chlaida (2001). First report on the occurrence of ichthyotoxic yellow tides
of Prymnesium parvum Carter (Haptophyceae) in Oued Mellah hypertrophic
lake (Morocco). Rev. Sci. Eau, 15 (1): pp:327-342.
531 Campos, J.A. (2003). Lab. Botánica, Universidad del País Vasco. Posting to Europe Spain 1
Aliens-L Listserver. URL:
532 Salinas, C. (2003). Posting to Enviroweeds. email: South Chile 1
533 Ünal, M., Temel, M. and Üzen, E. (2000). A New Algae for Turkey - in - western Asia Turkey 1
Europe: Hydrodictyon reticulatum (L.) Lagerh. (Chlorophyceae) Proceedings
of the 2nd Balkan Botanical Congress.Plants of the Balkan Peninsula:into the
next Millenium. Volume I.
534 Enwright, P. (2003). Adventive species of the Wellington Conservancy Australasia New Zealand 1036
ecological district. (pers. comm.)
535 Lavergne, C. (2003). Invasive Species Project Leader INVABIO, National Africa La Réunion 2
Programme Conservatoire Botanique National de Mascarin, Ile de La Reunion
Posting to Aliens-L Listserver. URL:
536 Reichard, S. (2003). Weeds Researcher, University of Washington State. North United States of 2
(pers. comm.) America America
537 Menvielle, M.F. (2003). A/C Programa Manejo De Recursos Naturales, South Argentina 1
Direccion De Conservacion Y Manejo. Adminstracion De Parques America
Nacionales, Argentina. Posting to Aliens-L Listserver. URL:

538 Ma, J. and Liu, Q. (2003). Flora of Beijing: An Overview and Suggestions for Asia China 13
Future Research. Urban Floras. Vol. 1, N° 1. Brooklyn, New York. URL:
539 Waters, C., Huxtable, C. and Walley, W. (2002). Bothriochloa macra (Red Australasia Australia 1
grass). Grassed up – guidelines for revegetating with Australian native
grasses. DPI, NSW. URL:
540 Luckhurst, G. (2000). Posting to Enviroweeds. email: Europe Portugal 1
541 Anon. (2003). Weed Control of Tall/Intermediate Wheatgrass (Elytrigia North United States of 1
intermedia). US Fish and Wildlife Services. National Wildlife Refuge System. America America
542 Nancy E. McMurray (1987). Psathyrostachys juncea. In: U.S. Department of North United States of 1
Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences America America
Laboratory. Fire Effects Information System. URL:
543 Zandstra, B.H. (2003). Weed Control Guide for Vegetable Crops. MSU North United States of 720
Extension Bulletin E-433 (Revised November 2002). Department of America America
Horticulture, Michigan State University. URL:
544 Eek, L. (2003). Comments by Kukk, T. on alien flora of Estonia in a report to Europe Estonia 11
the Ministry of the Environment, Tallinn, Estonia. URL:
545 Jull, T. (2003). Head of Department of Botany Institute of Zoology and Europe Estonia 1
Botany Estonian Agricultural University Riia, Estonia. (pers. comm.)
546 Labrada, R. (2003). List of Weed Species with links to more data. FAO Weed Global 130
Management Databases. URL:
547 Gbedonou, G. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries. Data Africa Benin 9
stored from 59 developing countries and regularly updated. FAO Weed
Management Database. URL:
548 Labrada, R. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries, Africa, Africa Botswana 15
Botswana. Data stored from 59 developing countries and regularly updated.
FAO Weed Management Database. URL:
549 Labrada, R. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries, Africa, Africa Burkina Faso 25
Burkina Faso. Data stored from 59 developing countries and regularly
updated. FAO Weed Management Database. URL:
550 Labrada, R. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries, Africa, Africa Burundi 12
Burundi. Data stored from 59 developing countries and regularly updated.
FAO Weed Management Database. URL:
551 Marnotte, P. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries. Data Africa Cameroon 48
stored from 59 developing countries and regularly updated. FAO Weed
Management Database. URL:
552 Labrada, R. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries, Africa, Africa Central African 18
Central African Republic. Data stored from 59 developing countries and Republic
regularly updated. FAO Weed Management Database. URL:
553 Labrada, R. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries, Africa, Africa Congo 16
Congo. Data stored from 59 developing countries and regularly updated. FAO
Weed Management Database. URL:
554 Hassanein, E.S. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries. Data Africa Egypt 30
stored from 59 developing countries and regularly updated. FAO Weed
Management Database. URL:

555 Ampong-Nyarko, K. (2014.) Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries. Africa Eritrea 39
Data stored from 69 developing countries and regularly updated. FAO Weed
Management Database. URL:
556 Reda, F. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries. Data stored Africa Ethiopia 14
from 59 developing countries and regularly updated. FAO Weed Management
Database. URL:
557 Labrada, R. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries, Africa, Africa Gambia 9
Gambia. Data stored from 59 developing countries and regularly updated.
FAO Weed Management Database. URL:
558 Labrada, R. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries,Africa, Africa Ghana 12
Ghana. Data stored from 59 developing countries and regularly updated. FAO
Weed Management Database. URL:
559 Labrada, R. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries, Africa, Africa Ivory Coast 13
Ivory Coast. Data stored from 59 developing countries and regularly updated.
FAO Weed Management Database. URL:
560 Dembele, B. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries. Data Africa Mali 22
stored from 59 developing countries and regularly updated. FAO Weed
Management Database. URL:
561 Taleb, A. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries. Data Africa Morocco 28
stored from 59 developing countries and regularly updated. FAO Weed
Management Database. URL:
562 Labrada, R. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries, Africa, Africa Niger 8
Niger. Data stored from 59 developing countries and regularly updated. FAO
Weed Management Database. URL:
563 Lagoke, S.T.O. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries. Data Africa Nigeria 13
stored from 59 developing countries and regularly updated. FAO Weed
Management Database. URL:
564 Labrada, R. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries, Africa, Africa Rwanda 12
Rwanda. Data stored from 59 developing countries and regularly updated.
FAO Weed Management Database. URL:
565 Diallo, S. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries. Data Africa Senegal 13
stored from 59 developing countries and regularly updated. FAO Weed
Management Database. URL:
566 Labrada, R. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries, Africa, Africa Sierra Leone 8
Sierra Leone. Data stored from 59 developing countries and regularly
updated. FAO Weed Management Database. URL:
567 Labrada, R. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries, Africa, Africa Sudan 14
Sudan. Data stored from 59 developing countries and regularly updated. FAO
Weed Management Database. URL:
568 Mbwaga, A.M. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries. Data Africa Tanzania 5
stored from 59 developing countries and regularly updated. FAO Weed
Management Database. URL:
569 Labrada, R. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries, Africa, Africa Uganda 32
Uganda. Data stored from 59 developing countries and regularly updated.
FAO Weed Management Database. URL:

570 Mabasa, S. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries. Data Africa Zimbabwe 8
stored from 59 developing countries and regularly updated. FAO Weed
Management Database. URL:
571 Yan Hang, L. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries. Data Asia China 38
stored from 59 developing countries and regularly updated. FAO Weed
Management Database. URL:
572 Labrada, R. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries, southeast Asia Indonesia 18
southeast Asia, Indonesia. Data stored from 59 developing countries and
regularly updated. FAO Weed Management Database. URL:
573 Kim, K.U. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries. Data Asia South Korea 10
stored from 59 developing countries and regularly updated. FAO Weed
Management Database. URL:
574 Ho, N.K. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries. Data southeast Asia Malaysia 11
stored from 59 developing countries and regularly updated. FAO Weed
Management Database. URL:
575 Kongsaengdao, S. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries. Asia Thailand 59
Data stored from 59 developing countries and regularly updated. FAO Weed
Management Database. URL:
576 Stevoux, V. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries. Data Asia Vietnam 43
stored from 59 developing countries and regularly updated. FAO Weed
Management Database. URL:
577 Laup, S. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries. Data stored southeast Asia Papua New 7
from 59 developing countries and regularly updated. FAO Weed Management Guinea
Database. URL:
578 Hammerton, J.L. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries. Caribbean Bahamas 19
Data stored from 59 developing countries and regularly updated. FAO Weed
Management Database. URL:
579 Labrada, R. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries, Caribbean Cuba 61
Caribbean, Cuba. Data stored from 59 developing countries and regularly
updated. FAO Weed Management Database. URL:
580 Lindo, M. and Palacio, F.B. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Central Belize 17
Countries. Data stored from 59 developing countries and regularly updated. America
FAO Weed Management Database. URL:
581 Garita, I. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries. Data stored Central Costa Rica 59
from 59 developing countries and regularly updated. FAO Weed Management America
Database. URL:
582 Labrada, R. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries, Central Caribbean Dominican 8
America, Dominican Republic. Data stored from 59 developing countries and Republic
regularly updated. FAO Weed Management Database. URL:
583 García, J.T. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries. Data South Ecuador 14
stored from 59 developing countries and regularly updated. FAO Weed America
Management Database. URL:
584 Labrada, R. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries, Central Central Guatemala 6
America, Guatemala. Data stored from 59 developing countries and regularly America
updated. FAO Weed Management Database. URL:

585 Labrada, R. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries, Central Central Honduras 3
America, Honduras. Data stored from 59 developing countries and regularly America
updated. FAO Weed Management Database. URL:
586 Labrada, R. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries, Central Central Mexico 17
America, Mexico. Data stored from 59 developing countries and regularly America
updated. FAO Weed Management Database. URL:
587 Labrada, R. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries, Central Central Nicaragua 14
America, Nicaragua. Data stored from 59 developing countries and regularly America
updated. FAO Weed Management Database. URL:
588 Labrada, R. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries, Central Central Panama 13
America, Panama. Data stored from 59 developing countries and regularly America
updated. FAO Weed Management Database. URL:
589 Nazrul, M. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries. Data central Asia Bangladesh 25
stored from 59 developing countries and regularly updated. FAO Weed
Management Database. URL:
590 Malik, R. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries, central central Asia India 28
Asia, India. Data stored from 59 developing countries and regularly updated.
FAO Weed Management Database. URL:
591 Ranjit, D.J. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries. Data central Asia Nepal 67
stored from 59 developing countries and regularly updated. FAO Weed
Management Database. URL:
592 Shad, R. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries. Data stored central Asia Pakistan 19
from 59 developing countries and regularly updated. FAO Weed Management
Database. URL:
593 Americanos, P. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries. Data Europe Cyprus 12
stored from 59 developing countries and regularly updated. FAO Weed
Management Database. URL:
594 Meybody, M.A.B. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries. western Asia Iran 51
Data stored from 59 developing countries and regularly updated. FAO Weed
Management Database. URL:
595 Sultan, A.M. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries. Data western Asia Iraq 6
stored from 59 developing countries and regularly updated. FAO Weed
Management Database. URL:
596 Saghir, A.R. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries, western western Asia Lebanon 42
Asia, Lebanon. Data stored from 59 developing countries and regularly
updated. FAO Weed Management Database. URL:
597 Kukula, S. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries. Data Africa Libya 11
stored from 59 developing countries and regularly updated. FAO Weed
Management Database. URL:
598 Saghir, A.R. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries, western western Asia Oman 9
Asia, Oman. Data stored from 59 developing countries and regularly updated.
FAO Weed Management Database. URL:
599 Irmaileh, A.E. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries. Data western Asia Syria 32
stored from 59 developing countries and regularly updated. FAO Weed
Management Database. URL:

600 Uludag, A. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries. Data western Asia Turkey 26
stored from 59 developing countries and regularly updated. FAO Weed
Management Database. URL:
601 Saghir, A.R. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries, western western Asia United Arab 6
Asia, United Arab Emirates. Data stored from 59 developing countries and Emirates
regularly updated. FAO Weed Management Database. URL:
602 Nagatalevu, M. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries. Data Pacific Fiji 9
stored from 59 developing countries and regularly updated. FAO Weed
Management Database. URL:
603 Gazziero, D.P. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries. Data South Brazil 54
stored from 59 developing countries and regularly updated. FAO Weed America
Management Database. URL:
604 Labrada, R. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries, South South Chile 15
America, Chile. Data stored from 59 developing countries and regularly America
updated. FAO Weed Management Database. URL:
605 Labrada, R. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries, South South Colombia 15
America, Colombia. Data stored from 59 developing countries and regularly America
updated. FAO Weed Management Database. URL:
606 Malik, R. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries, South South Guyana 25
America, Guyana. Data stored from 59 developing countries and regularly America
updated. FAO Weed Management Database. URL:
607 Helfgott, S. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries. Data South Peru 6
stored from 59 developing countries and regularly updated. FAO Weed America
Management Database. URL:
608 Ríos, A. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries. Data stored South Uruguay 10
from 59 developing countries and regularly updated. FAO Weed Management America
Database. URL:
609 Pinto, H. and Labrada, R. (2003). Important Weed Species in Crops and South Venezuela 16
Countries. Data stored from 59 developing countries and regularly updated. America
FAO Weed Management Database. URL:
610 Ye, W.H., Mu, H.P., Cao, H.L. and Ge, X.J. (2004). Genetic structure of the Asia China 1
invasive Chromolaena odorata in China. Weed Research. 44(2): pp:129-135.
611 Barker, N. and Wood, J. (1998). Seed Impurities of Grain…an identification Australasia Australia 133
kit. Vicgrain Ltd. Victoria.
612 Howard, G.W. (2003). IUCN, East Africa, Kenya Africa Kenya 3
613 Pino, J., Afán, I., Sans, F.X. and Gutiérrez, C. (2000). Senecio pterophorus Europe Europe 1
DC., a new alien species from the European mainland. Anales del Jardín
Botánico de Madrid, 58 (1) pp:188-189.
614 Almeida, de, D. (2000). Macfadyena unguis-cati (Bignoniaceae), new for Europe Europe 1
Europe. J. Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid, 58 (1) pp:190.
615 Cooke, D. (2002). Possible origin of rampion mignonette populations from Australasia Australia 1
garden escapes.Plant Protection Quarterly. 17, 4. pp:147-148.
616 Villarias Moradillo, J.L. and Garcia Tascon, J.R. (2000). The invasive weeds Europe Spain 16
in fields of Cynara cardunculus in Castilla and Leon. Agricultura, Revista
Agropecuaria. 69, 817. pp:504-508.
617 Staples, G.W., Herbst, D. and Imada, C.T. (2000). Survey of Invasive or North United States of 468
Potentially Invasive Cultivated Plants in Hawaii. A Special Publication of the America America
Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 1999. Honolulu, Hawaii.
618 The Plant Names Project (1999). International Plant Names Index. URL: Europe Germany 2

619 Solarz, W. (2003). Alien species recorded in Poland. Institute of Nature Europe Poland 167
Conservation, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków Poland. (Database was
prepared for the Polish Ministry of Environment) URL:
620 Anon. (2003). Invasive non-native marine species. Invasive Alien Species Europe United Kingdom 4
Project being undertaken in the Applied Vegetation Dynamics Laboratory at
the University of Liverpool. URL:
621 Space, J. (2000). Plant Threats to Pacific Ecosystems. A product of the Pacific Pacific Pacific 785
Island Ecosystems at Risk project (PIER). URL:
622 Botha, C. (2001). Common Weeds of Crops and Gardens in Southern Africa. Africa southern Africa 175
ARC - Grain Crops Institute, South Africa.
623 Bickerton, D. (2003). Ecologist, Department for Environment and Heritage, Australasia Australia 1
SA. Posting to Enviroweeds. email:
624 Dieter (2003). Botanist, Perth Herbarium, CALM. (pers. comm.) Australasia Australia 1
625 Svenning, J.C. (2002). Non-Native Ornamental Palms Invade a Secondary Central Panama 10
Tropical Forest in Panama. PALMS 46(2): pp:81–86. America
626 Anon. (2003). University of Connecticut, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Global 10
Conservatory Report. URL:
627 Pushpakumara, D.K.N.G. and Hitinayake, H.M.G.S.B. (2001). Invasive Tree central Asia Sri Lanka 2
Species in Udawattekele Forest Reserve. Sri Lankan Biodiversity Review,
Volume 1: pp:53-63.
628 Bargeron, C.T., D.J. Moorhead, G.K. Douce, R.C. Reardon and A.E. Miller North United States of 97
(Tech. Coordinators). (2003). Invasive Plants of the Eastern U.S.: America America
Identification and Control. USDA Forest Service - Forest Health Technology
Enterprise Team. URL:
629 Fowler, A.L., Caton, B.P. Fieselmann, D., Fowler, G. and Parker, C. (2003). Global 137
Creation of a Prioritization Model to Identify Weeds of Global Significance.
Weed Science Society of America, Jacksonville, Florida.
630 Edwards, P. (2003). Tricks and Tips, Gardening for Bees and other Insects. Europe United Kingdom 1
URL: http://www.stratford-upon-
631 Anon. (2003). Decision Support Tool for Addressing Invasive Species in North Canada 1
Garry Oak and Associated Ecosystems. Top 10 Invasive Plant Species America
Currently Threatening GOEs in BC. URL:
632 Anon. (2003). NEOFLORA: The 30 most important invasive kinds (plants) in Europe Germany 32
Germany. URL:
633 Dancák M. (2002). Glyceria striata - a new alien grass species in the flora of Europe Czech Republic 1
the Czech Republic. Preslia, Praha, 74: pp:281–289.
634 Quarantine Officer (2003-). Quarantine Western Australia Inspector. (pers. Global Australia 21
635 Anon. (2003). UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre. Norfolk Island Australasia Norfolk Island 1
National Park (formerly Mount Pitt Reserve) IUCN Management Category II
(National Park) URL:
636 Anon. (2003). Flora en Isla de los Estados. URL: South Argentina 7 America
637 Anon. (2002). List of Pteridophtyes and Spermatophytes for the Canary Africa Canary Islands 260
Islands (Lista de Pterido y Spermatoe Indice) Presence or Absence is denoted
on an island by island basis and introduced (naturalised) taxa are also denoted.
638 Forman, J. (2003). The introduction of American plant species into Europe: Europe Europe 272
issues and Consequences. pp:17-39. in Plant Invasions: Ecological Threats
and Management Solutions. Edited by L.E. Child, J.H. Brock, G. Brundu, K.
Prach, P. Pyšek, P.M. Wade, and M. Williamson. Backhuys Publishers,
Leiden, The Netherlands. URL:
639 Garbari, F., Giovanni, A. and Marchetti, D. (2000). Salvinia molesta Europe Italy 1
D.S.Mitchell (Salviniaceae) nuova per la flora d'Italia. Salvinia molesta
D.S.Mitchell (Salviniaceae) new for the Italian Flora.

640 Brundu, G. and Camarda, I. (2004). The Exotic Flora of Chad: A First Africa Chad 129
Contribution. Weed Technology, Volume 18, Issue 5. pp:1226-1231.
641 Turk, M.A and Tawaha, A.M. (2003). Weed control in cereals in Jordan. Crop western Asia Jordan 28
Protection 22 pp:239-246.
642 Darbyshire, S.J. (2003). Inventory of Canadian Agricultural Weeds. North Canada 2419
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Ottawa, Ontario. URL: America
643 Mosyakin, S.L. and Yavorska, O.G. (2002). The Nonnative Flora of the Kiev Europe Ukraine 505
(Kyiv) Urban Area, Ukraine: A Checklist and Brief Analysis Urban Habitats,
Vol. 1, N° 1. URL: http://www.urban
644 Fremstad, E. and Elven, R. (1997). Alien plants in Norway; a review. Norsk Europe Norway 112
geografisk tidsskrift Vol. 51. pp:199-218.
645 Martyn, A., Tyler, J., Offord, C., and McConchie, R. (2003). Swainsona Australasia Australia 1
sejuncta: a species of ornamental promise or a potential weed? Australian
Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 43(11): pp:1369-1381.
646 Ertter, B. (Ed.) (2003). Jepson Flora Project. Index to California Plant Names. North United States of 1
URL: America America
647 Mihanovic, N. (2004). Farmer from Buenos Aires, Argentina South Argentina 1
648 Korean Society of Plant Protection. (1972). A List of Plant Diseases, Insect Asia South Korea 356
Pests and Weeds in Korea. The Korean Society of Plant Protection.
649 Weber, E. (2003). Invasive Plant Species of the World. A Reference Guide to Global 450
Environmental Weeds. CABI Publishing, UK.
650 Williams, P. (2004). Posting to weedwatch about Argyreia nervosa. EPA, Australasia Australia 1
651 Anon. (2001). New Weed Incursions into Victoria. Vic DNRE. (pers. comm.) Australasia Australia 5
652 Calder, J.A. and Taylor, L.R. (1968). Flora of the Queen Charlotte Islands. North Canada 111
Part 1. Systematics of the vascular plants. Canada Department of Agriculture, America
Research Branch, Monograph No. 4, Part 1, 659 pp.
653 Anon. (2002). Red list of the endangered fern and flowering plants of Europe Switzerland 353
Switzerland. (These taxa where indicated as neophytes to the Swiss Flora.)
654 Motooka, P., Castro, l., Nelson, D., Nagai, G. and Ching, L. (2003). Weeds of North United States of 146
Hawai'I's Pastures and Natural Areas. An Identification and Management America America
Guide. College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of
Hawai'I at Manoa.
655 Los Angeles Times (2004). Home and garden online Magazine: September: North United States of 26
Week 39, Pest Plants. URL: America America
656 Heronswood Nursery (2004). Potentially Invasive Plants. Washington State, North United States of 69
USA. URL:;;26 America America
657 Xianming Gao (2004). Institute of Botany. The Chinese Academy of Asia China 1
Sciences. Beijing, China. (pers. comm.)
658 Díaz, J.F. and Beiras, M.B. (2007). Plantas Invasoras De Galicia. Bioloxía, Europe Spain 32
distribución e métodos de control. Xunta De Galicia. Apéndice I. URL:
659 Anon. (1999). Cranberry Hibiscus (Hibiscus acetosella) - Echo Plant Global 1
Information Sheet. Ft. Myers, FL, USA URL:
660 IBS Internet Forum (2000). Weedy Bulbs around the World. International Global 47
Bulb Society Quarterly Vol 2, N°2. URL:
661 DiTomaso, J.M. and Healy, E.A. (2003). Aquatic and Riparian Weeds of the North United States of 88
West. University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources, America America
Publication 3421.
662 Anon, (2004). Species introduced in Continental Portugal [Espécies Europe Portugal 314
introduzidas em Portugal Continenta]. ICN - Instituto da Conservacao da
Natureza. URL:
663 Melander, B. (2004). Weeds and weed management in onion. Denmark, Europe Denmark 13
Europäische Gesellschaft für Herbologie, Société Européenne de
Malherbologie. URL:

664 Ruuttunen, P. (2004). Weeds and weed management in onion. Finland, Europe Finland 9
Europäische Gesellschaft für Herbologie, Société Européenne de
Malherbologie. URL:
665 Caussanel, J.P. (2004). Weeds and weed management in onion. France, Europe France 38
Europäische Gesellschaft für Herbologie, Société Européenne de
Malherbologie. URL:
666 Kleifeld, Y. (2004). Weeds and weed management in onion. Israel, western Asia Israel 43
Europäische Gesellschaft für Herbologie, Société Européenne de
Malherbologie. URL:
667 Tei, F. (2004). Weeds and weed management in onion. Italy, Europäische Europe Italy 58
Gesellschaft für Herbologie, Société Européenne de Malherbologie. URL:
668 Rzozi, S/B. (2004). Weeds and weed management in onion. Morocco, Africa Morocco 5
Europäische Gesellschaft für Herbologie, Société Européenne de
Malherbologie. URL:
669 Dobrzanski, A. (2004). Weeds and weed management in onion. Poland, Europe Poland 24
Europäische Gesellschaft für Herbologie, Société Européenne de
Malherbologie. URL:
670 Rocha, F. (2004). Weeds and weed management in onion. Portugal, Europe Portugal 32
Europäische Gesellschaft für Herbologie, Société Européenne de
Malherbologie. URL:
671 Simoncic, A. (2004). Weeds and weed management in onion. Slovenia, Europe Slovenia 44
Europäische Gesellschaft für Herbologie, Société Européenne de
Malherbologie. URL:
672 Iglesias, A.P. and Suso, M.L. (2004). Weeds and weed management in onion. Europe Spain 22
Spain, Europäische Gesellschaft für Herbologie, Société Européenne de
Malherbologie. URL:
673 Ascard, J. (2004).Weeds and weed management in onion. Sweden, Europe Sweden 9
Europäische Gesellschaft für Herbologie, Société Européenne de
Malherbologie. URL:
674 Baumann, D.T. (2004).Weeds and weed management in onion. Switzerland, Europe Switzerland 8
Europäische Gesellschaft für Herbologie, Société Européenne de
Malherbologie. URL:
675 Bleeker, P. and Weide, van der., R. (2004).Weeds and weed management in Europe Netherlands 16
onion. Nederlands, Europäische Gesellschaft für Herbologie, Société
Européenne de Malherbologie. URL:
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Honeylocust Media Systems. URL: Republic
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816 Hsu, T.W., Chiang, T.Y. and Peng, J.J. (2005). Asystasia gangetica (L.) Asia Taiwan 1
T.Anderson ssp. micrantha (Nees) Ensermu (Acanthaceae), a newly
naturalized plant in Taiwan. Taiwania, 50(2), pp:117-122.
817 Anon. (2006). Plants of Belarus. Herbarium of CBG NASB MSKH. Ministry Europe Belarus 194
of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of
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818 Wittenberg, R. (ed.) (2005) An inventory of alien species and their threat to Europe Switzerland 292
biodiversity and economy in Switzerland. CABI Bioscience Switzerland
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Europe. URL:
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821 Noda, K., Teerawatsakul, M., Prakongvongs, C. and Chaiwiratnukul, L. Asia Thailand 135
(1994). Major Weeds in Thailand. National Weed Science Research Institute
Project, Revised Third Edition. Thailand.
822 Harada, J., Shibayama, H. and Morita, H. (1996). Weeds in the Tropics. Asia Thailand 278
Association for International Cooperation of Agriculture and Forestry, Japan.
823 Anon. (2006). Excel database comprises all species listed in five New Zealand Australasia New Zealand 455
Journal of Botany (NZJBot) supplements to the adventive plants listed in
Flora of NZ Vol. 4 (Webb et al. 1988). ie: Heenan, P.B., Breitweiser, I.,
Glenny, D.S., de Lange, P.J. and Brownsey, P.J. (1998). Checklist of
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Lange, P.J., Cameron, E.K. and Champion, P.D. (2002). Checklist of
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Zealand: additional records 1999-2000. NZJBot.40: pp:155-174. - Heenan,
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P.J. and Ogle, C.C. (1999). Checklist of dicotyledons and pteridophytes
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(1995). Checklist of dicotyledons, gymnosperms, and pteridophytes
naturalised or casual in New Zealand: additional records 1988-1993.
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records, and range extensions for naturalised plants, in the northern North
Island, New Zealand. Auckland Botanical Society Journal. Dec.
825 Anon. (2006). Swaziland's Alien Plants Database. Africa Swaziland 323
826 Pyšek, P., Sádlo, J. and Mandák, B. (2003). Alien flora of the Czech Republic, Europe Czech Republic 229
its composition,structure and history. in Plant Invasions: Ecological Threats
and Management Solutions, (Child, L.E., Brock, J.H., Brundu, G., Prach, K.,
Pyäek, P., Wade, P.M. and Williamson, M. eds.) pp:113-130.
827 Wang, C.M. (2003). Solanum mauritianum Scop. (Solanaceae), a Newly Asia Taiwan 1
Naturalised Plant in Taiwan. Coll. And Res. 16, pp:67-70.
828 Jung, M.J., Yang, S.Z. and Kuoh, C.S. (2005). Notes on Two Newly Asia Taiwan 1
Naturalized Plants in Taiwan. Taiwania. 50(3), pp:191-199.
829 Paradis, G. and Piazza C (2004). Précisions sur les stations d'Elide Europe France 1
asparagoides (Asparagaceae) à l'île Rousse et Tiuccia (Corse Occidentale). Le
Monde des Plantes. 482, pp:1-2.
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Polygala myrtifolia L. à l’ouest d’Ajaccio (Corse). Bulletin de la Société
Botanique du Centre-Ouest. 35, pp:91-102.
831 Johnson, S. (2006). New South Wales Department of Primary Industries. Australasia Australia 1
Posting to Enviroweeds. email:

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of Lands Queensland. pp:3.
833 Smith, A.C. (1985). Flora Vitiensis Nova. A New flora of Fiji, Australasia Australia 1
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834 APNI (2006). New Plant Names and Taxa, Queensland July 1995 to June Australasia Australia 3
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835 Anon. (2005). Plant Quarantine Organisation of India. Prohibited, Restricted central Asia India 31
and Regulated Plant species Schedule - VIII (See Clause 3(12) under Plant
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836 eFlora (2006). Flora of Pakistan. eFlora Catalogue. URL: central Asia Pakistan 115
837 Sultan, S. and Nasir, Z.A. (2003). Dynamics of Weed Communities in Gram central Asia Pakistan 47
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840 Anon. (2006). Visit West-Crete. URL: http://www.west- Europe Crete 1
841 Paradis, G. (2002). Expansion à Ajaccio (Corse) de l’espèce introduite Elide Europe France 1
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Marshall Islands. Atoll Research Bulletin N°. 503. Issued by the National
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847 Tanji, A. and Taleb, A. (1997). New weed species recently introduced into Africa Morocco 11
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848 Hyde, M. and Wursten, B. (2002-). Flora of Zimbabwe. URL: Africa Zimbabwe 20
849 Anon. (1992). City of Sacramento, Ordinance Number 92-064. An Ordinance North United States of 62
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850 BERDS (2006). Introduced (Alien) Species Checklist: Biodiversity and Central Belize 260
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853 CAPS (2006). Wildlife Atlas CAPS plant taxa - Census of Plants in New Australasia Australia 1450
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859 Borges, P.A.V., Cunha, R., Gabriel, R., Martins, A.F., Silva, L. and Vieira, V. Europe Portugal 46
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873 Anon. (2006). Invasive Plant Species List. The Bahamas Catalogs on Web Caribbean Bahamas 41
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874 Anon. (2006). List of Invasive Plants of Colombia/ lista preliminar corregida South Colombia 36
in Excel format. Catalogs on Web URL: http://www.iabin- America
875 Anon. (2006). Introduced (Naturalised) Flora of Ecuador: Catalogs on Web South Ecuador 445
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876 Grosse, A. (1996). Flora and Fauna Catalog of (Introduced?) Paraguay South Paraguay 395
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Sugeridas. (Invasive Plants of the Dominican Republic) URL: Republic
878 Conabio (2006). Programa de especies invasoras. Especies invasoras plantas Central Mexico 639
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Jamaica. N.B. Compiled as part of the IABIN Invasives Information Network
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Australia. A survey conducted by the Cooperative Research Centre for
Australian Weed Management (Weeds CRC) has seen regional Natural
Resource Management (NRM) bodies throughout Australia have input into
the next series of weed management guides. Appendix 1. Plant species listed
as priority environmental weeds in Natural Resource Management Regions,
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881 Cochrane, S. (2006). Abzeco Pty Ltd, Victoria. Posting to Enviroweeds. Australasia Australia 1
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Invasive alien plants in China: role of clonality and geographical origin.
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list of organisms with Bayer codes, use codes, pictures and passports with
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884 Colebrook, J. (2006). Biosecurity Officer, DAWA. (pers. comm.) Australasia Australia 1
885 The Flora of Israel Online (2006). The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Beta western Asia Israel 123
Version Search result for Habitat: Cultivated areas (weeds). URL:
886 Vilà, M., Meggaro, Y. and Weber, E. (1999). Preliminary analysis of the North Africa North Africa 35
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887 Islam, M., Amin, R. and Sarker, S.K. (2003). The Invasive Plants of central Asia Bangladesh 32
Bangladesh. in - Pallewatta, N., Reaser, J.K. and Gutierrez, A.T. (Ed's)
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888 Paudel, K.C. and Kaini, B.R. (2003). Nepal Sharing experiences from central Asia Nepal 14
agricultural and forestry sectors. Nepal. in - Pallewatta, N., Reaser, J.K. and
Gutierrez, A.T. (Ed's) (2003). Invasive Alien Species in South-Southeast Asia
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889 Weber, E. and Gut, D. (2005). A survey of weeds that are increasingly Europe Europe 278
spreading in Europe. Agron. Sustain. Dev. 25. pp:109-121.
890 Lindemann, H.V. (2006). La flora interactiva de las malezas de México. Central Mexico 671
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891 Mitίc, B., Dobrović, I., Boršić, I., Milović, M., Bogdanović, S., Cigić, P., Europe Croatia 58
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892 Anon. (2006). Flora Arvense of Navarra. Herbario De la Universidad, Publica Europe Spain 131
De Navarra. Herbario - Departamento de Ciencias del Medio Natural
Universidad Pública de Navarra E-31006 Pamplona (Navarra) URL:
893 Durigan, J.C., Timossi, P.C., Martini, G. and Leite, G.J. (2004). Chemical South Brazil 2
control of Cissampelos glaberrima in sugarcane crop. Planta daninha, America
Oct./Dec., Vol. 22, No.4, pp:641-645.
894 Milbau, A. and Stout, J.C. (2006). Database of alien plants in Ireland. School Europe Ireland 1003
of Natural Sciences, Trinity College Dublin, as part of the BioChange project,
funded by the EPA. URL:
895 Henderson, L. (2007-). SAPIA News, Southern African Plant Invaders Atlas Africa South Africa 26
Newsletter. ARC-PPRI, Weeds Division. (various issues and dates) Plant
Protection Research Institute, Weeds Research Programme, Private Bag
X134, Queenswood, 0121, South Africa.
896 Anastasiu, P., Negrean, G., Basnou, C., Sîrbu, C. and Oprea, A. (2006). Alien Europe Romania 37
invasive plants and their impact in wetlands from Romania. In: Neobiota.
From Ecology to Conservation. 4th European Conference on Biological
Invasions. Vienna (Austria), 2006-09-27/29, BfN-Skripten 184: page 71.
Source: EPPO Reporting Service, NO. 10 PARIS, 2006-10-01
897 Anastasiu, P. and Negrean, G. (2005). Invasive and potentially invasive alien Europe Romania 12
plants in Romania (Black list). In: Bioplatform – Romanian National Platform
for Biodiversity. Vol 2. Interinstitutional Protocol for Biodiversity Research
Development (Ed. Mih_ilescu S.) Bucure_ti: Edit. Academiei Române,
pp:107-114. Source: EPPO Reporting Service, NO. 10 PARIS, 2006-10-01
898 Domingues de Almeida, J. and Freitas, H. (2006). Exotic naturalized flora of Europe Portugal 564
continental Portugal – A reassessment. Botanica Complutensis 30: pp:117-
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Sicyos angulata spread in Korea. In: Neobiota. From Ecology to
Conservation. 4th European Conference on Biological Invasions. Vienna
(Austria), 2006-09-27/29, BfN-Skripten 184: page 170. Source: EPPO
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900 Borissova, E.A. (2006). Invasive species in the flora of the Upper Volga Europe Russia 45
Basin. In: Neobiota. From Ecology to Conservation. 4th European Conference
on Biological Invasions. Vienna (Austria), 2006-09-27/29, BfN-Skripten 184:
page 85. Source: EPPO Reporting Service, NO. 10 PARIS, 2006-10-01
901 Brandes, D. (2006). Neophytes of Fuerteventura, Canary Islands. In: Africa Canary Islands 15
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Biological Invasions. Vienna (Austria), 2006-09-27/29, BfN-Skripten 184:
page 86. Source: EPPO Reporting Service, NO. 10 PARIS, 2006-10-01
902 Anon. (2002). Especies invasoras en Canarias. Convention On The Africa Canary Islands 103
Conservation Of European Wildlife And Natural Habitats. Workshop on
Invasive Alien Species on European Islands and Evolutionary Isolated
Ecosystems and Group of Experts on Invasive Alien Species. Horta, Azores,
Portugal (10-12 October 2002).
903 Anon. (2004). Weeds in the "Flora Croatica Database". Vascular Plants Europe Croatia 22
taxonomy and Bibliography of Croatian Flora. Flora Croatica Database
(FCD), Department of Botany, Faculty of science, FER-ZPR, University of
Zagreb. URL:

904 Anon. (2007). Kansas Vascular Plants - A Checklist and Conservation North United States of 502
Calculator. Department of Biological Sciences, Fort Hays State University America America
Kansas. URL:
905 Dufour, J.M. (2007). Posting to Meditweeds. URL: http://www.ame- western Asia Israel 1
906 Anon. (2007). Castlecliff Coastal Reserve, Appendix 3. Wanganui Plant List Australasia New Zealand 178
4, Vascular Plants of Castlecliff Beach Reserve, Wanganui. In Wanganui
District Council Management Plan. URL:
907 Dietmar, von, B., Weishaupt, von, A., Grote, S., Becher, R., Griese, D., Europe Germany 200
Hartwig, U., Schlender, H., Wenzel, K. and Nitzsche, J. (2003). Checkliste
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Naturkundliche Schriften • 6 (4): pp:705-760. • Braunschweig, Oktober 2003.
URL: http://bib1lp1.rz.tu-
908 Hartemink, A.E. (2006). Invasion of Piper aduncum in the shifting cultivation southeast Asia Papua New 1
systems of Papua new Guinea. ISRIC – World Soil Information, Wageningen, Guinea
234 pp.
909 Grimshaw, J.M. (2006). Garden Manager, Colesbourne Gardens, Global 2
Gloucestershire Posting to the Pacific Bulb Society List URL:
910 Anon. (2003). The Garden Flora of Northern Ireland. National Museums Europe United Kingdom 11
Northern Ireland. URL:
911 Delaunay, G. (2004). Contributions à l’étude de la flore du Maine-et-Loire: Europe France 20
quelques observations récentes dans la dition et ses proches environs. Le
Monde des Plantes. 483, pp:29-31. Source: EPPO Reporting Service - NO. 2
PARIS, 2007-02-01
912 Anon. (2007). New Zealand's new weed, Science Alert, Australia and New Australasia New Zealand 1
Zealand, Tuesday, 03 April 2007, Victoria University of Wellington. URL:
913 Cardenas, J. and Coulston, L. (1967). Weeds of Argentina. A list of common South Argentina 325
and Scientific Names. Oregon State University in cooperation with America
AID/Argentina-S.A. OSU/AID. 67-12, Farm Crops Department, Oregon State
University, Corvallis.
914 Khuroo, A.A., Rashid, I., Reshi, Z., Dar, G.H. and Wafai, B.A. (2007). The central Asia India 450
alien flora of Kashmir Himalaya. Biological Invasions, Volume 9, Number 3.
pp 269-292.
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and Scientific Names. Oregon State University in cooperation with America
AID/Mexico OSU/AID. Mimeo. 67-3, Farm Crops Department, Oregon State
University, Corvallis.
916 Anon. (2007). Weed Index - Environment Bay of Plenty. URL: Australasia New Zealand 1
917 de Lange, P.J., Gardner, R.O., Sykes, W.R., Crowcroft, G.M., Cameron, E.K., Australasia Norfolk Island 1
Stalker, F., Christian, M.L. and Braggins, J.E. (2005). Vascular flora of
Norfolk Island: some additions and taxonomic notes. New Zealand Journal of
Botany, Vol. 43: pp:563–596.
918 Anon. (2007). New Zealand Plant Conservation Network. URL: Australasia New Zealand 4
919 Howell, C.J., and Sawyer, J.W.D. (2006). New Zealand naturalised vascular Australasia New Zealand 2428
plant checklist. New Zealand Plant Conservation Network, Wellington, New
920 Heenan, P.B., de Lange, P.J., Glenny, D.S., Breitweiser, I., Brownsey, P.J. Australasia New Zealand 1
and Ogle, C.C. (1999). Checklist of dicotyledons and pteridophytes
naturalised or casual in New Zealand: additional records 1997-1998.
NZJBot.37: pp: 629-642.
921 Wolf, M. (2007). Gardening: Myrtle spurge invades Salt Lake County North United States of 1
Escaped ornamental is taking over habitat of native species.Special to the America America
Tribune. URL:
922 Larkman, C. (2007). Larkman’s Nursery Victoria. (pers. comm.) Australasia Australia 1

923 Cardenas, J. and Coulston, L. (1967). Weeds of Brazil. A list of common and South Brazil 338
Scientific Names. Oregon State University in cooperation with AID/Brazil, America
OSU/AID. Mimeo. 67-13, Farm Crops Department, Oregon State University,
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1048 NSW Scientific Committee (2006). Exotic vines and scramblers - Key Australasia Australia 39
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establishment of exotic vines and scramblers - a key threatening process.

1049 PlantNET (2008). Naturalised Flora of NSW. National Herbarium of New Australasia Australia 2194
South Wales, Royal Botanic Gardens and Domain Trust, Sydney, Australia.
1050 Anon. (2008). Israel List of Noxious- Weed Seeds. URL: western Asia Israel 13
1051 Slik, J.W.F., (2006). Trees of Sungai Wain. URL: Asia Borneo 1
1052 eFlora (2008). Flora of North America. eFlora Catalogue. URL: North United States of 2 America America
1053 Bright, D. (2008). Enquiry on Dianella ensifolia. (pers. comm.) Australasia Australia 1
1054 Christenhusz, M.J.M. and Toivonen, T.K. (2008). Giants invading the tropics: Global 1
the oriental vessel fern, Angiopteris evecta (Marattiaceae). Biological
Invasions, Vol. 10: pp:1215-1228.
1055 Weber, E., Sun, S.G. and Li, B. (2008). Invasive alien plants in China: Asia China 270
diversity and ecological insights. Biological Invasions Vol. 10: pp:1411-1429.
1056 Gherekhloo, J. (2008). Faculty of Agriculture Ferdowsi Univ. of Mashhad, western Asia Iran 1
Iran. Posting to PestNet. email:
1057 Knoke, D. (2004). Skagit County, WA. List covers plants found in Skagit North United States of 188
County. URL: America America
1058 Knoke, D. (2004). Chelan County, WA. List covers plants found in Chelan North United States of 140
County. URL: America America
1059 Anon. (2008). Mansfeld's World Database of Agriculture and Horticultural Global 559
Crops. URL: http://mansfeld.ipk-
1060 Anon. (2008). Flora of Australia Online. URL: Australasia Australia 1
1061 Anon. (2008). List of flora of Greenland. The flora of Greenland consists of a North Atlantic Greenland 88
total of 575 species or 606 taxa (species and subspecies) of vascular plants of
which 13 are endemic and 87 taxa introduced by humans most of which are
naturalized. URL:
1062 Rajoelison, G., Raharimalala, J., Rahajasoa, G., Andriambelo, L.H., Madagascar Madagascar 1
Rabevohitra, R. and Razafindrianilana, N. (2002). Evaluation de la diversité
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Réserve Naturelle Intégrale d’Ankarafantsika, Madagascar. Bulletin RAP
d’Evaluation Rapide No. 23, Conservation International, Washington. pp:37-
1063 Gilman, E.F. (1999). Urechites lutea. Fact Sheet FPS-595, one of a series of North United States of 1
the Environmental Horticulture Department, Florida Cooperative Extension America America
Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida.
1064 van Valkenburg, J.L.C.H. and Pot, R. (2008). Landoltia punctata (G.Mey.) Europe Netherlands 4
D.H.Les and D.J.Crawford (dotted duckweed), a new record for The
Netherlands. Gorteria 33-2: pp:41-49.
1065 Molnar, J.L., Gamboa, R.L., Revenga, C. and Spalding, M.D. (2008). Global 69
Assessing the global threat of invasive species to marine biodiversity.
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. Vol. 6, No. 9, pp:485-492.
1066 Guiry, M.D. and Guiry, G.M. (2008). AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic Mediterranean Mediterranean 1
publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.
1067 Brown, D. (2009). Booderee Botanic Garden. Dept of the Environment, Australasia Australia 2
Water, Heritage and Arts. Jervis Bay Queensland. (pers. comm.)
1068 JCU. (2009). North Queensland Weeds by scientific name. In Queensland Australasia Australia 265
there are three classes of declared plants as well there are Weeds of National
Significance (WONS). James Cook University URL:
1069 Byfield, A.J. and Baytop, A. (1998). Three Alien Species New to the Flora of western Asia Turkey 31
Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany Vol. 22, pp:205-208.
1070 Naczi, R.F. and Fod, B.A. (Eds) 2008) Sedges: Uses, Diversity, and Global 451
Systematics of the Cyperaceae. Missouri Botanical Garden Press, [see:
Chapter 2. Bryson, C.T. and Carter, R. The Significance of Cyperaceae as
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Brazil: Subspontaneous Herbaceous Plants. BIOCIÊNCIAS, Porto Alegre, America
Vol. 15, N° 2, pp: 257-268.

1072 Lambdon, P.W., Pyšek, P., Basnou, C., Hejda, M., Arianoutsou, M., Essl, F., Europe Europe 145
Jarošík, V., Pergl, J., Winter, M., Anastasiu, P., Andriopoulos, P., Bazos, I.,
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Kark, S., Klotz, S., Kokkoris, Y., KŸhn, I., Marchante, H., Perglov, I., Pino,
J., Vilà, M., Zikos, A., Roy, D. and Hulme, P.E. (2008). Alien flora of
Europe: species diversity, temporal trends, geographical patterns and research
needs. Preslia 80: pp: 101–149.
1073 Miyawaki, S. and Wahitani, I. (2004). Invasive Alien Plant Species in Asia Japan 87
Riparian Areas of Japan: The Contribution of Agricultural Weeds,
Revegetation Species and Aquacultural Species. Global Environmental
Research, 8 (1) pp:89-101.
1074 Randall, J. (1999). Import Risk Analysis - Importation of weed species by live Australasia New Zealand 44
animals and unprocessed fibre of sheep and goats. Ministry of Agriculture and
Forestry of New Zealand. 25 p.
Source: EPPO Reporting Service NO. 2 PARIS, 2009-02-01 2009/039
1075 Shine, C. (2008). Guadeloupe. Etat des lieux et recommandations sur les Central Guadeloupe 12
outils juridiques portant sur les espèces exotiques envahissantes dans les America
collectivités françaises d’outre-mer. Comité français de l’UICN, Paris, France.
116p. [Inventory of fixtures and recommendations on the legal tools relating
to exotic species invading French overseas communities. Second part,
Synthesis by community, Central America, Guadeloupe.]
1076 Shine, C. (2008). Mayotte. Etat des lieux et recommandations sur les outils Africa Mozambique 81
juridiques portant sur les espèces exotiques envahissantes dans les
collectivités françaises d’outre-mer. Comité français de l’UICN, Paris, France.
116p. [Inventory of fixtures and recommendations on the legal tools relating
to exotic species invading French overseas communities. Second part,
Synthesis by community, Africa, Mozambique, Mayotte.]
1077 Shine, C. (2008). La Réunion. Etat des lieux et recommandations sur les outils Africa La Réunion 104
juridiques portant sur les espèces exotiques envahissantes dans les
collectivités françaises d’outre-mer. Comité français de l’UICN, Paris, France.
116p. [Inventory of fixtures and recommendations on the legal tools relating
to exotic species invading French overseas communities. Second part,
Synthesis by community, Africa, La Réunion.]
1078 Shine, C. (2008). New Caledonia. Etat des lieux et recommandations sur les Pacific Pacific 66
outils juridiques portant sur les espèces exotiques envahissantes dans les
collectivités françaises d’outre-mer. Comité français de l’UICN, Paris, France.
116p. [Inventory of fixtures and recommendations on the legal tools relating
to exotic species invading French overseas communities. Second part,
Synthesis by community, New Caledonia.]
1079 Shine, C. (2008). French Polynesia. Etat des lieux et recommandations sur les Pacific French Polynesia 56
outils juridiques portant sur les espèces exotiques envahissantes dans les
collectivités françaises d’outre-mer. Comité français de l’UICN, Paris, France.
116p. [Inventory of fixtures and recommendations on the legal tools relating
to exotic species invading French overseas communities. Second part,
Synthesis by community, Pacific, French Polynesia.]
1080 Shine, C. (2008). Wallis, Futuna and Alofi Islands. Etat des lieux et Pacific Wallis, Futuna 60
recommandations sur les outils juridiques portant sur les espèces exotiques and Alofi Islands
envahissantes dans les collectivités françaises d’outre-mer. Comité français de
l’UICN, Paris, France. 116p. [Inventory of fixtures and recommendations on
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communities. Second part, Synthesis by community, Pacific, Wallis, Futuna
and Alofi Islands.]
1081 Shine, C. (2008). Subantarctic islands. Etat des lieux et recommandations sur Antarctica French sub 20
les outils juridiques portant sur les espèces exotiques envahissantes dans les antarctic islands
collectivités françaises d’outre-mer. Comité français de l’UICN, Paris, France.
116p. [Inventory of fixtures and recommendations on the legal tools relating
to exotic species invading French overseas communities. Second part,
Synthesis by community, French Subantarctic islands.]
1082 Shine, C. (2008). North America, St Pierre, Miquelon, Langlade, Colombier, Europe France 25
île marins, île Pigeon, île Vainqueurs. Etat des lieux et recommandations sur
les outils juridiques portant sur les espèces exotiques envahissantes dans les
collectivités françaises d’outre-mer. Comité français de l’UICN, Paris, France.
116p. [Inventory of fixtures and recommendations on the legal tools relating
to exotic species invading French overseas communities. Second part,
Synthesis by community, North America, St Pierre, Miquelon, Langlade,
Colombier, île marins, île Pigeon, île Vainqueurs.]
1083 Keighery, G. and Keighery, B. (2009). Calystegia silvatica comments. (pers. Australasia Australia 1

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1085 Bambaradeniya, C.N.B., Ekanayake, S.P., Kekulandala, L.D.C.B., central Asia Sri Lanka 11
Samarawickrama, V.A.P., Ratnayake, N.D. and Fernando, R.H.S.S. (2002).
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Sanctuary. Occ. Pap. IUCN, Sri Lanka., 3:iv - 48pp. [Appendix 1. Species
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1086 Sivakumar, K. and Sagar, S.K. (2009). Wild Rose, Rosa soulieana Crep., A central Asia India 10
New Invasive Species in the Rhino Landscape of India. ALIENS, Invasive
Species Specialist Group of the IUCN Species Survival Commission. N° 27.
pp: 7.
1087 Arteaga, M.A., Delgado, J.D., Otto, R., Fernández-Palacios, J.M. and Africa Canary Islands 26
Arévalo, J.R. (2008). How do alien plants distribute along roads on oceanic
islands? A case study in Tenerife, Canary Islands. Biological Invasions, Vol
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Management Authority, Cairns QLD. in Wet Tropics Plan Review Wet
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1089 Mifsud, S. (2009). Hawksbeard. - URL: Europe Malta 121
1090 Silva L, Ojeda Land E and Rodríguez Luengo JL (Eds) (2008). Invasive Europe Portugal 83
Terrestrial Flora and Fauna of Macaronesia. TOP 100 in Azores, Madeira and
Canaries. ARENA, Ponta Delgada, 546 pp. Source: EPPO Reporting Service.
NO. 4 PARIS, 2009-04-01
1091 Pace, L. and Tammaro, F. (2001). The Main Invasive Alien Plants in the Europe Italy 13
Protected Areas in Central Italy (Abruzzo). In Visconti, G., Beniston, M.,
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perceptions and management of noxious alien plants in Spain. Environmental
Management 43, pp:1244-1255. Source: EPPO Reporting Service NO. 2,
PARIS, 2010-02-01, 2010/045.
1093 Chancellor, R.J. (1966). The Identification of Weed Seedlings of Farm and Europe United Kingdom 164
Garden. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford.
1094 Anon. (2006). The Garden Flora of Northern Ireland. National Museums and Europe Ireland 11
Galleries of Northern Ireland. URL:
1095 NPPO of Turkey (2009). New record of Sicyos angulatus in Turkey. Source: western Asia Turkey 1
EPPO Reporting Service NO. 3 PARIS, 2010-03-01, 2010/072
1096 Tzonev, R. (2005) Sicyos angulatus (Cucurbitaceae): a new adventive species Europe Bulgaria 1
for the flora of Bulgaria. Phytologia Balcanica 11(1), pp:67-68. Source: EPPO
Reporting Service NO. 3 PARIS, 2010-03-01, 2010/073.
1097 Rawnsley, R.P., Lane, P.A., Brown, P.H. and Groom, T. (2006). Occurrence Australasia Australia 2
and severity of the weeds Anthriscus caucalis and Torilis nodosa in
pyrethrum. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 46: pp:711–716.
1098 Castro, S.A., Badano, E., Guzman, D. and Cavieres, L. (2010). Biological South Chile 1
invasion of a refuge habitat: Anthriscus caucalis (Apiaceae) decreases America
diversity, evenness, and survival of native herbs in the Chilean matorral.
Biological Invasions 12: pp:1295–1303.
1099 Rojo, J.P. (2009) LIST OF EXOTIC TREES ...... ALIENS IN OUR OWN southeast Asia Philippines 223
COUNTRY. Now "A Revised Lexicon of Philippine Trees". The following
trees are ‘Introduced Species’, which means that these trees were brought to
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1100 Fontes, J. (2010). Department of Oceanography and Fisheries, University of Europe Portugal 1
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1101 Krauss, U. (2010). Invasive Species Coordinator, Forestry Department, Caribbean Saint Lucia 1
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Aliens-L Listserver. URL:

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Lamxay, V. and Armstrong, K. (2007). A Checklist of the Vascular Plants of
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1104 Virginia Tech (2010). Weed Identification Guide. College of Agriculture and North United States of 322
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1107 Mbale, Henri (2010). Checklist of Invasive Plants of the Congo. Discover Africa Congo 52
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1110 Brunel, S., Schrader, G., Brundu, G. and Fried, G. (2010). Emerging invasive Mediterranean Mediterranean 26
alien plants for the Mediterranean Basin. EPPO Bulletin, Vol. 40 Issue 2,
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1111 Khan, M.A., Qureshi, R.A., Gillani, S.A., Ghufran, M.A., Batool, A. and central Asia Pakistan 9
Sultana, K.N. (2010). Invasive Species of Federal Capital Area Islamabad,
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1133 Muzenda, S., Mashingaidze, A.B., Riches, C., Ellis-Jones, J. and Chivinge, Africa Zimbabwe 12
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de lutte mises en oeuvre par l’Office National des Forêts à La Réunion. In:
Proceedings of the Regional Workshop on Alien Species and Terrestrial
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Experience, Identifying Priorities & Defining Joint Action. IUCN, Indian
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1146 Mohamed, A.M., & Ibrahim, Y. (2003). Communication des Comores à western western Indian 16
L’atelier Regional portant sur la Lutte contre les Espèces Exotiques Indian Ocean Ocean
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bioregions of Victoria. Victorian Government Department of Sustainability
and Environment Melbourne. URL:
1262 Anon. (2008). Advisory list of environmental weeds of coastal plains and Australasia Australia 655
heathy forests bioregions of Victoria. Victorian Government Department of
Sustainability and Environment Melbourne. URL:
1263 Hidalgo, B., Saavedra, M. and Garcia-Torres, L. (1990). Weed flora of Europe Spain 87
dryland crops in the Cördoba region (Spain). Weed Research, Vol. 30, 5.
1264 Anastasiu, P., Negrean, G., Făgăraş, M., Samoilă, C. and Cogălniceanu, D. Europe Romania 115
(2009). Constanța Harbour (Romania) As a Major Gateway and Reservoir for
Alien Plant Species. Acta Horti Bot. Bucureşti. 36, pp: 41-60.
1265 Ballelli, S. and Pedrotti, F. (2009). Exotic Species of the Marches Region Europe Italy 347
(Central Italy) and their Distribution in Different Natural Vegetation Types.
Contribuţii Botanice, XLIV pp: 37-47.
1266 Fried, G., Petit, S., Dessaint, F. and Reboud, X. (2009). Arable weed decline Europe France 254
in Northern France: Crop edges as refugia for weed conservation? Biological
Conservation, Vol. 142, Issue 1, pp: 238–243.
1267 Charters, M. (2007). Flora of Bermuda URL: Caribbean Bermuda 117
1268 Chmura, D. (2004). Penetration and Naturalisation of Invasive Alien Plant Europe Poland 40
Species (Neophytes) in Woodlands of the Silesian Upland (Southern Poland)
Nature Conservation, 60 pp: 3-11.
1269 Vesperinas, E.D., Sanz-Elorza, M., Dana, E.D. and Tanarro, A. (2002). Malas Europe Spain 44
hierbas alóctonas en España: importancia y comportamiento. Cultivos
Extensivos, Vida Rural. 15 Dec. pp: 40-44.
1270 Campos, J.A. and Herrera, M. (2009). Análisis de la flora alóctona de Bizkaia Europe Spain 366
(País Vasco, España). LAZAROA, 30. pp: 7-33. [Analysis of the alien flora of
Bizkaia (The Basque Country, northern Spain)]
1271 Mike Zrust (2012). Biodiversity and Palm Oil Project Manager, Zoological pantropics pantropics 1
Society of London. Posting to Aliens List Server 15 March 2012.
1272 Sudhi, K.S. (2010). Weed varieties invade plantations. The Hindu. Online central Asia India 2
edition of India's National Newspaper [Monday, Aug 23, 2010]
1273 Lacroix, J., Le Bail, J., Geslin, J., And Hunault, G. (2008). Liste des plantes Europe France 95
vasculaires invasives, potentiellement invasives et à surveiller en région Pays
de la Loire. Conservatoire Botanique National du Bassin Parisien. [List of
vascular plants Invasive, potentially invasive and monitoring in the region
Pays de la Loire.] URL:
1274 Melifonwu, A.A. (1994). Weeds and their control in Cassava. African Crop Africa Nigeria 17
Science Journal, Vol. 2., N°. 4, pp: 519-530.

1275 New Jersey Invasive Species Council. (2009). New Jersey Strategic North United States of 108
Management Plan for Invasive Species. Trenton, NJ. 110 pages. (Appendix 3. America America
List of Agricultural Weeds in New Jersey).
1276 Hyun-Kyung Oh, Yun-Hee Han, Min-Seok Soh and Ji-Hee Lee (2010). Asia South Korea 24
Classification Type of Vascular Plants on the Dakibong and Bonghwabong,
Buan. Journal of National Park Research, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp: 267-276. (Table
4. The list of naturalized plants in the Dakibong and Bonghwabong.).
1277 Jian, O.U., Changyi, L.U. and O'Toole, D.K. (2008). A risk assessment Asia China 67
system for alien plant bio-invasion in Xiamen, China. Journal of
Environmental Sciences 20, pp: 989–997.
1278 Mito, T. and Uesugi, T. (2004). Invasive Alien Species in Japan: The Status Asia Japan 1532
Quo and the New Regulation for Prevention of their Adverse Effects. Global
Environmental Research, AIRIES, 8 (2) pp:171-191.
1279 Khanna, K.K. (2009). Invasive Alien Angiosperms of Uttar Pradesh. central Asia India 153
Biological Forum, Vol. 1 (2) pp: 41-46.
1280 Sekar, K.C. (2012). Invasive Alien Plants of Indian Himalayan Region— central Asia India 189
Diversity and Implication. American Journal of Plant Sciences, Vol. 3, pp:
1281 Greuter, W. and Raus, T. (ed.) (2007-). Med-Checklist Notulae, (26-). Mediterranean Mediterranean 25
Willdenowia (37-).
1282 Májeková, J. and Zaliberová, M. (2008). Invasive and expansive plant species Europe Slovakia 56
in Slovakian agrocoenoses. Biodiv. Res. Conserv. 9-10, pp:51-56.
1283 Bethune, S., Griffin, M. and Joubert, D. (2004). National Review of Invasive Africa Namibia 114
Alien Species Namibia. Consultancy Report on Information Collected
Regarding Invasive Alien Species in Namibia for the Sabsp (Southern Africa
Biodiversity Support Programme) Ministry of Environment and Tourism
Directorate of Environmental Affairs (153 pp.).
1284 Setshogo, M.P. (2005). Preliminary Checklist of the Plants of Botswana, Africa Botswana 171
Southern African Botanical Diversity Network, Report No. 37. SABONET,
Pretoria and Gaborone. (161 pp.)
1285 Zeddam, A. (2012). List of alien naturalized invasive plants spreading both by Africa Algeria 28
vegetative reproduction and seeds. Invasive species correspondent to Aliens
List Server. Pers. comm.
1286 Prinzing, A., Durka, W., Klotz, S. and Brandl, R. (2002). Which species South Argentina 197
become aliens? Evolutionary Ecology Research, 4. pp:385–405. America
1287 Uremis, I. (2005). Determination of Weed Species and Their Frequency and western Asia Turkey 92
Density in Olive Groves in Hatay Province of Turkey. Pakistan Journal of
Biological Sciences, 8: 164-167.
1288 Mahanta, J.J., Chutia M. and Sarma, T.C. (2007). Study on Weed Flora and central Asia India 17
Their Influence on Patchouli (Pogostemon cablin Benth.) Oil and Patchoulol.
Journal of Plant Sciences, 2 pp: 96-101.
1289 Schaefer, H., Carine, M.A. and Rumsey, F.J. (2011). From European Priority Europe Portugal 1
Species to Invasive Weed: Marsilea azorica (Marsileaceae) is a Misidentified
Alien. Systematic Botany, 36(4), pp:845–853.
1290 Chong, K.Y., Tan, H.T.W. and Corlett, R.T. (2009). A Checklist of the Total southeast Asia Singapore 536
Vascular Plant Flora of Singapore. Native, Naturalised and Cultivated
Species. Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research, National University of
1291 Thompson, J. (2012) Australia’s Weeds of National Significance (WONS) Australasia Australia 23
grow by 12, Media Release by AWC Chariman.
1292 Smithsonian Institute (2012). Flora of the Hawaiian Islands, Smithsonian North United States of 1365
National Museum of Natural History. America America
1293 Missouri Botanical Garden (2012). Peru Checklist, Missouri Botanic Gardens. South Peru 363
[The Catalogue of the Flowering Plants and Gymnosperms of Peru. The America
Checklist was published as volume 45 in the series Monographs in Systematic
Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden.].
1294 Verloove, F. (2016). Manual of the Alien Plants of Belgium. Botanic Garden Europe Belgium 114
of Meise, Belgium. At:, accessed various dates.
1295 Crisafulli, A., Picone R.M. and Zaccone, S. (2011). Phyllanthus tenellus Europe Italy 1
(Phyllanthaceae) a new alien species naturalized to Sicily, first record for
Italy. Fl. Medit. 21: pp: 293-297.
1296 García-de-Lomas, J., Dana, E.D. and Ceballos, G. (2012). First report of an Europe Iberian 1
invading population of Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott in the Iberian Peninsular
Peninsula. BioInvasions Records. Vol. 1, Issue 2: pp: 139–143.

1297 Lyubinska, L.G. (2009). Alien plants of the Podilski Tovtry National Nature Europe Ukraine 332
Park (Ukraine). Biodiv. Res. Conserv. 15. pp: 53-66.
1298 Hussner, A. (2012). Alien Aquatic plant species in European Countries. Weed Europe Europe 96
Research, DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3180.2012.00926.x
1299 Hahn, M.A., Buckley, Y.M. and Müller-Schärer, H. (2012). Increased Global 1
population growth rate in invasive polyploid Centaurea stoebe in a common
garden. Ecology Letters, DOI: 10.1111/j.1461-0248.2012.01813.x
1300 Ackerman, J. (2012). Orchids gone wild. Orchids, Vol. 81, No. 2 pp: 88-93. North United States of 15
America America
1301 Perkins, S. (2010) Cephaleuros virescens, May 16. Parasite of the Day Global 1
1302 Senan, A.S., Tomasetto, F., Farcomeni, A., Somashekar, R.K. and Attorre, F. western Asia Yemen 21
(2012) Determinants of plant species invasions in an arid island: evidence
from Socotra Island (Yemen). Plant Ecology, (in press).
1303 Danin, A. & Hedge, I.C. (1998). Contributions to the Flora of Jordan 2. A western Asia Jordan 1
new species of Satureja (Labiatae) and some new records. Willdenowia, 29.
1304 Kostov, T. and Pacanoski, Z. (2007). Weeds with Major Economic Impact on Europe Macedonia 118
Agriculture in Republic of Macedonia. Pak. J. Weed Sci. Res. 13 (3-4)
1305 Muhammad, Z., Wazir, S.M., Farooq, A., Ullah, S. and Hussain, Z. (2011). central Asia Pakistan 39
Distribution and Checklist of Weeds in Maize Crop of Frontier Region Bannu,
Khyber Patunkhwa, Pakistan. Pak. J. Weed Sci. Res. 17(4) pp:373-379.
1306 Manandhar, S., Shrestha, B.B. and Lekhak, H.D. (2007). Weeds of Paddy central Asia Nepal 32
Field at Kirtipur, Kathmandu. Scientific World, Vol. 5, No. 5, pp:100-106.
1307 Dangwal, L.R. Sharma, A., Singh, A., Rana, C.S. and Tajinder Singh (2011). central Asia India 72
Weed Flora of S.R.T. Campus Badshahi Thaul Tehri Garhwal (H.N.B.
Garhwal Central University, Uttarakhand), India. Pak. J. Weed Sci. Res. 17(4)
pp: 387-396.
1308 Muhammad, S., Khan, Z. and Cheema, T.A. (2009). Distribution of Weeds in central Asia Pakistan 66
Wheat, Maize and Potato Fields of Tehsil Gojra, District Toba Tek Singh,
Pakistan. Pak. J. Weed Sci. Res. 15(1) pp: 91-105.
1309 Hussain, F., Shah, S.Y., Fazal-e-Hadi and Asadullah (2009). Diversity and central Asia Pakistan 62
Ecological Characteristics of Weeds of Wheat Fields of University of
Peshawar Botanical Garden at Azakhel, District Nowshera, Pakistan. Pak. J.
Weed Sci. Res. 15(4) pp: 283-294.
1310 Walters M., Figueiredo E., Crouch N.R., Winter P.J.D., Smith G.F., Africa South Africa 72
Zimmermann H.G. & Mashope B.K. (2011). Naturalised and invasive
succulents of southern Africa. Abc Taxa Vol 11: i-x, 360 pp.
1311 Backhouse, M. (2012). Banned: Thirteen 'invasive' plants. New Zealand Australasia New Zealand 13
Herald. URL:
1312 Recart, W. Ackerman, J.D. and Cuevas, A.A. (2012). There goes the Caribbean Puerto Rico 1
neighborhood: apparent competition between invasive and native orchids
mediated by a specialist florivorous weevil. Biological Invasions DOI:
1313 Webster, T.M. and MacDonald, G.E. (2001). A Survey of Weeds in Various western Asia Georgia 83
Crops in Georgia. Weed Technology. Volume 15, pp:771–790.
1314 Obiri, J.F. (2011). Invasive plant species and their disaster-effects in dry Africa East Africa 10
tropical forests and rangelands of Kenya and Tanzania. JAMBA: Journal of
Disaster Risk Studies, Vol. 3, No.2 pp: 417-428.
1315 Schnitzler, A., Hale, B.W. and Alsum, E.M. (2007). Examining native and Europe Europe 43
exotic species diversity in European riparian forests. Biological Conservation
138, pp: 146–156.
1316 Türe, C. and Köse, Y.B. (2000). An Investigation on the Weed Distribution in western Asia Turkey 91
Some Agricultural Fields of Eskişehir and Environs. Turkish Journal of
Agriculture and Forestry, 24, pp: 327-332.
1317 Salonen, J., Hyvönen, T. and Jalli, H. (2005). Weed flora and weed Europe Finland 32
management of pea fields in Finland. Agricultural and Food Science, Vol. 14,
1318 DPIPWE Tasmania Library (2010). Dennis Morris Weeds and Endemic Flora Australasia Australia 186
Database URL:
1319 DPIPWE Tasmania (2012). Declared Agricultural and Environmental Weeds Australasia Australia 117
in Tasmania URL:

1320 Moody, K. (1989). Weeds. Reported in Rice in South and Southeast Asia. AsiaAsia, south and 2083
International Rice Research Institute, Philippines (550 pp.) south and southeast Asia
southeast Asia
1321 Lavergne, C. et al. (2012). - Unpublished - List of invasive and potentially Africa La Réunion 880
invasive alien plants of La Réunion island, Overseas Department of France in
Indian Ocean (database Excel format, version 17 January 2012)
1322 EPPO Secretariat (2012). 2012/149 Quarantine lists of Uzbekistan (2008). central Asia Uzbekistan 38
EPPO Secretariat (2012-07). Source: EPPO Reporting Service NO. 07
PARIS, 2012-07-01
1323 Anon. (2012). Finland´s National Strategy on Invasive Alien Species. Europe Finland 60
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry in Finland.
1324 CABI (2012-2014-2017). Invasive Species Compendium Global 5165
1325 DAISIE (2012). European Invasive Alien Species Gateway. Europe Europe 478
1326 Verica, V., Branko, K. & Sasa, O. (2011) The presence of important invasive Europe Serbia 29
weeds in nurseries. In: Bohren C, Bertossa M, Schönenberger N, Rossinelli
M, Conedera M. (ed.) 3rd International Symposium of Environmental Weeds
and Invasive Plants. Abstracts. October 2 to 7 2011.Monte Verità, Ascona,
1327 Chinnock, R.J., Stajsic, V. and Brodie, C.J. (2012). Mesembryanthemum Australasia Australia 1
guerichianum Pax (Azioaceae): A weedy alien species new to Australia. Plant
Protection Quarterly, Vol. 27, N° 2. pp: 83-88.
1328 Zenni, R.D. and Ziller, S.R. (2011). An overview of invasive plants in Brazil. South Brazil 116
Revista Brasil. Bot. V.34, N° 3 pp: 431-446. America
1329 Morton, J.F. (1976). Pestiferous spread of many ornamental and fruit species North United States of 217
in south Florida. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 89 pp:348-353. America America
1330 Uddin, M.B., Steinbauer, M.J., Jentsch, A. and Beierkuhnlein, C. (2011). central Asia Bangladesh 31
Exotic Plant Species in Bangladesh Forest Ecosystems. Biological Invasions,
submitted. (ID-BINV-2690 R1).
1331 Martin, T.G., Campbell, S. and Grounds, S. (2006). Weeds of Australian Australasia Australia 621
rangelands. The Rangeland Journal, 28, pp:3–26.
1332 Cirad (2012). AfroWeeds - African Weeds of Rice. Cirad - La recherche Africa West Africa 191
agronomique pour le développement, ACP-EU. URL:
1333 Johnson, D.E. (1998). Weeds of Rice in West Africa. Association pour Ie Africa West Africa 286
developpement de la riziculture en Afrique de l'Ouest and the West Africa
Rice Development Association (313 pp).
1334 Anastasiu, P., Negrean, G., Samoilă, C., Memedemin, D. and Cogălniceanu, Europe Romania 159
D. (2011). A comparative analysis of alien plant species along the Romanian
Black Sea coastal area.The role of harbours. Journal of Coastal Conservation,
DOI 10.1007/s11852-011-0149-0
1335 Zavyalova, L.V. (2008). Alien faction of Chernihiv urban flora: analysis and Europe Ukraine 263
checklist. Biodiv. Res. Conserv. 11-12: pp: 17-26.
1336 Bacchetta, G., Mayoral, O. and Podda, L. (2009). Catálogo de la flora exótica Europe Sardinia 461
de la isla de Cerdeña (Italia). Flora Montiberica 41 pp: 35-61.
1337 Graveson, R. and Smith, M. (2012). Survey of Invasive Alien Plant Species Caribbean Saint Lucia 10
on Gros Piton, Saint Lucia, 2012. Mitigating the Threats of Invasive Alien
Species in the Insular Caribbean, Project No. GFL / 2328 – 2713-4A86, GF-
1030-09-03. URL:
1338 Meyer, J.Y., Lavergne, C. and Hodel, D.R. (2008). Time Bombs in Gardens: Global 24
Invasive Ornamental Palms in Tropical Islands, with Emphasis on French
Polynesia (Pacific Ocean) and the Mascarenes (Indian Ocean). PALMS 52(2)
1339 Kurokawa, S. (2001). Invasion of exotic weed seeds into Japan, mixed in Asia Japan 59
imported feed grains. Issue 497 of Extension bulletin, Food & Fertilizer
Technology Center (14 pp.).
1340 Bennett, B.A. and Mulder, R.S. (2009). Natives Gone Wild: Climate Change North Canada 151
and a History of a Yukon Invasion. pp: 235-248. Proceedings of the Weeds America
Across Borders 2008 Conference, Banff, Alberta, Canada. Eds. Darbyshire,
S.J. and Prasad, R. Alberta Invasive Plants Council. (306 pp.)

1341 Conn, J.S., Stockdale, C.A., Werdin-Pfisterer, N.R. and Morgan, J.C. (2010). North United States of 53
Characterizing Pathways of Invasive Plant Spread to Alaska: II. Propagules America America
from Imported Hay and Straw. Invasive Plant Science and Management, 3 pp:
1342 Machado, D.dJ., Prata, A.P.dN. and de Mello, A.A. (2012). Floristic South Brazil 11
composition in areas of Caatinga and Brejo de Altitude in Sergipe state, America
Brazil. Check List 8 (6) pp: 1089–1101.
1343 Vrbnicanin, S., Stevanovic, Z.D., Radovanov, K.J. and Uludağ, A. (2009). Europe Serbia 124
Weed vegetation of small grain crops in Serbia: environmental and human
impacts. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. 33 pp: 325-337.
1344 Wu, S.H., Sun, H.T., Teng, Y.C., Rejmanek, M., Chaw, S.M., Yang, T.Y.A., Asia China 417
and Hsieh, C.F.(2010). Patterns of plant invasions in China: Taxonomic,
biogeographic, climatic approaches and anthropogenic effects. Biological
Invasions 12 pp: 2179–2206.
1345 Khuroo, A.A., Reshi, Z.A., Malik, A.H., Weber, E., Rashid, I. and Dar, G.H. central Asia India 784
(2012). Alien flora of India: taxonomic composition, invasion status and
biogeographic affiliations. Biological Invasions Vol. 14 pp: 99–113.
[Supplementary material-II: An inventory of the alien flora of India, each
species with its scientific name and author citation, family name, invasion
status and native region.]
1346 Delnatte, C. and Meyer, J.Y. (2012). Plant introduction, naturalization, and South French Guiana 227
invasion in French Guiana (South America). Biological Invasions Vol. 14 pp: America
915–927. [Appendix 1 & 2]
1347 Pyšek, P. (2005). Survival rates in the Czech Republic of introduced plants Europe Czech Republic 56
known as wool aliens. Biological Invasions Vol. 7 pp: 567–576.
1348 Fuentes, N., Pauchard, A., Sanchez, P., Esquivel, J. and Marticorena, A. South Chile 742
(2012). A new comprehensive database of alien plant species in Chile based America
on herbarium records. Biological Invasions, published online: DOI
1349 Anon (2013). Weed List with Bayer Codes. Herbicide Cross-Reference Lists. Global 2216
Department of Horticulture in University of Kentucky.
1350 Steenwerth, K. Baumgartner, K. Belina, K. and Veilleux, L. (2010). Vineyard North United States of 36
Weed Seedbank Composition Responds to Glyphosate and Cultivation after America America
Three Years. Weed Science, 58. pp:310–316.
1351 Bükün, B. (2005). Weed Flora Changes In Cotton Growing Areas During The western Asia Turkey 25
Last Decade After Irrigation Of Harran Plain In Şanliurfa, Turkey. Pak. J.
Bot., 37(3) pp: 667-672.
1352 Mašić, B.L., Džigurski, D., Nikolić, L., Jokanović, M.B. and Adamović, D. Europe Serbia 17
(2015) Weed Flora in Dill (Anethum graveolens L., Apiaceae, Apiales)
Grown in Conventional and Organic Production Systems. Ratar. Povrt. 52:1
pp: 14-17.
1353 Salehian, H. and Khalili, M. (2012). Determination and comparison of weed western Asia Iran 48
flora in two different Soybean fields; the case of Mazandaran State, Iran.
International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences. Vol., 3 (8),
pp:1718-1725.western Asia, Iran
1354 Azmi, M. and Baki, B.B. (2007). Weed flora landscapes of the Muda rice southeast Asia Malaysia 57
granary in the new millennium: A descriptive analysis. J. Trop. Agric. and Fd.
Sc. 35(2) pp: 319– 331.
1355 Bag, T.K. (2008) Weeds Flora Associated with Cymbidium Cultivation in central Asia India 16
Sikkim. ENVIS Bulletin: Himalayan Ecology 16( 2). (5 pp).
1356 Hyvönen, T. and Jalli, H. (2011). Alien species in the Finnish Weed Flora. Europe Finland 312
Agricultural and Food Science, Vol. 20: pp 86-95. Appendix. Established
alien weed species (ie archeotypes and naturalised neophytes) found in
1357 Mehmeti, A., Demaj, A. and Waldhardt, R. (2009). Plant species richness and Europe Kosovo 259
composition in the arable land of Kosovo. Landscape Online 11, pp:1-29.
1358 Nestorović, M.L.J. (2009). Weed Flora Of The Pančevački Rit. Contemporary Europe Serbia 164
Agriculture, Vol. 58 N° 1-2, pp: 1-11.
1359 Pragada, P.M. and Venkaiah, M. (2012). Phytosociological Attributes of central Asia India 178
Weed Flora in Major Crops of North Coastal Andhra Pradesh, India. Pak. J.
Weed Sci. Res. 18(1) pp: 107-126.
1360 Adenikinju, S.A. (1975). The Prevalent Weeds of Cocoa Plots in Nigeria. Africa Nigeria 36
Ghana Jnl. Agric. Sci. 8. pp: 205-207.

1361 Chafic, Z., Berrichi, A., Bouali, A. and Taleb, A. (2013) Systematic, Africa Morocco 38
phytoecological and agronomic survey of citrus fruits weed flora in the North-
eastern Morocco. Moroccan Journal of Biology, 10 pp: 20-29.
1362 Walton, D.W.H. (1975). European weeds and other alien species in the Antarctica 32
Subantarctic. Weed Research, Vol. 15, pp:271-282.
1363 Mas, M.T., Verdú, A.M.C., Kruk, B.C., De Abelleyra, Guglielmini, A.C. and South Argentina 74
Satorre, E.H. (2010). Weed communities of transgenic glyphosate-tolerant America
soyabean crops in ex-pasture land in the southern Mesopotamic Pampas of
Argentina. Weed Research, Vol. 50, pp: 320–330.
1364 Begum, M., Juraimi, A.S., Azmi, M., Rajan, A. and Syed-Omar, S.R. (2005). southeast Asia Malaysia 35
Weed Diversity of Rice Fields in Four Districts of Muda Rice Granary Area,
North-West Peninsular Malaysia. Malays. Appl. Biol. Vol. 34 (2) pp: 31–41.
1365 Maroyi, A. (2012). The casual, naturalised and invasive alien flora of Africa Zimbabwe 391
Zimbabwe based on herbarium and literature records. Koedoe 54 (1), Art.
#1054, 6 pages.
1366 Cal-IPC (2013). Limnobium laevigatum (South American spongeplant). North United States of 1
Californian Invasive Plant Council. URL: America America
1367 Waterhouse, B. and Mitchell, A.A. (2012). Weeds of tropical Australia: how Australasia Australia 19
do they get here? Eldershaw, V. (ed.) (2012). Proceedings of the 18th
Australasian Weeds Conference. Weed Society of Victoria Inc., pp: 9-12.
1368 Dujmović-Purgar, D. and Hulina, N. (2008). The Arable Weeds of Plešivica Europe Croatia 107
Hills (NW Croatia). Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus, Vol. 73, No. 3 pp:
1369 Wyk van, B.E., Heerden van, F. and Oudtshoorn van, B. (2002) Poisonous Africa South Africa 165
Plants of South Africa. Briza Publications, South Africa.
1370 Singh, A. (2012). Exotic Floristic Composition of the Varanasi District of central Asia India 198
Uttar Pradesh, India. Indian Journal of Plant Sciences, Vol. 1(1) April-June,
1371 Olorunmaiye, P. M., Egberongbe, K.R., Adeoye, P.O., Alamu, O.O. and Africa Nigeria 54
Taiwo, S.T. (2011). Weed species composition of citrus –based cropping
systems at National Horticultural Research Institute Ibadan, Nigeria. Agric.
Biol. J. N. Am., 2(3) pp: 529-537.
1372 Kojic, M., Vrbnicanin, S., Dajic, Z. and Mrfat-Vukelic, S. (2001). Weed flora Europe Serbia 540
of natural grasslands in Serbia. Acta Herbologica, Vol. 10, No.1, pp: 1-22.
1373 Chin, D.V., Son, T.T.N., Kiet, L.C., Itoh, K., Hiraoka, H., & Kobyashi, H. Asia Vietnam 60
(2001). Lowland rice weeds in Vietnam. In Proceedings of the 2001 Annual
Workshop of JIRCAS. September (pp. 12-21).
1374 Ng, S.C. and Corlett, R. (2002). The bad biodiversity: alien plant species in Asia China 252
Hong Kong. Biodiversity Science, Vol. 10 (1), pp: 109-118.
1375 McGregor, K.F., Hulme, P.E. and Duncan, R.P. (2009). How robust is the Global 14
Australian Weed Risk Assessment protocol? A test using pine invasions in the
Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Biological Invasions, Vol. 14, Issue 5,
pp: 987-998.
1376 Richardson, D.M. & Rejmanek, M. (2011). Trees and shrubs as invasive alien Global 623
species – a global review. Diversity and Distributions, Vol. 17 pp: 788‐809.
1377 Mihaela, S. and Silvia, O. (2012). Invasive plants in the flora of Mureş Europe Romania 21
County. J. Plant Develop. Vol. 19 pp: 131-140.
1378 Liška, J. and Soldán, Z. (2004). Alien vascular plants recorded from the Europe Norway 41
Barentsburg and Pyramiden settlements, Svalbard. Preslia, Praha, 76: 279–
1379 Wu, W., Zhou, R.C., Ni, G.Y., Shen, H. and Ge, X.J. (2013). Is a new Asia China 1
invasive herb emerging? Molecular confirmation and preliminary evaluation
of natural hybridization between the invasive Sphagneticola trilobata
(Asteraceae) and its native congener S. calendulacea in South China. Biol
Invasions 15 pp:75–88.
1380 Dufour-Dror, J.M. (2012). Alien Invasive Plants in Israel. The Middle East western Asia Israel 168
Nature Conservation Promotion Association.
1381 Viegi, Lucia (1993) Contributo alla conoscenza della biologia delle infestanti Europe Sardinia 167
delle colture della Sardegna nord-occidentale: censimento delle specie
esotiche della Sardegna. Bollettino della Società sarda di scienze naturali,
Vol. 29 (1992/93), pp: 131-234. ISSN 0392-6710.
1382 Essl, F., Steinbauer, K., Dullinger, S., Mang, T. and Moser, D. (2013). Telling Global 139
a different story: a global assessment of bryophyte invasions. Biological
Invasions, Feb. 2013 (14 pp.) DOI:

1383 Ramsay, H.P., Coveny, R.G., Brown, E.A. and Brooks, A.K. (1993). Australasia Australia 3
Bryophytes of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Government House and the
Domain, Sydney. Cunninghamia 3 (1) pp: 215-229.
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weeds present in crops of Oranie (North West Algeria): A comparative study
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1465 Zengin, H. (1999). Studies on the species, density, frequency and sociability western Asia Turkey 85
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pathways of invasive plant spread to Alaska: I. propagules from container- America America
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Sanctuary: an inventory and management priorities for biodiversity America
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of Chhattisgarh, India. Bioherald (Int. Jour. of Biodiversity & Environment),
Volume 2(2) pp:126-133.
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Terrestrial Vegetation of North-Eastern Uttar Pradesh. International Journal of
Forestry Research, Volume 2014, Article ID 959875, 9 pp.
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Study from North-West Pakistan. Pak. J. Bot., Special Issue (S.I. Ali
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province (Turkey). − Čas. Slez. Muz. Opava (A), 61 pp: 219-225.
1636 Crossley, J. (2013). A Checklist of the Flora of Orkney. BSBI UK. URL Europe United Kingdom 340

1637 Vafaee, B.S., Narimani, V. and Tahmasebpour, B. (2011). Assessment of the western Asia Azerbaijan 14
effects of 2,4-D herbicide on weeds of autumn wheat in Baku-Azerbaijan.
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1640 Abu- Irmaileh, B.E.. (2014). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries. western Asia Jordan 23
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1643 FAO Projects. (2014). Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries southeast Asia Philippines 22
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1645 Dodd, J. (2014) AWC NEW PLANT RECORDS – (WESTERN Australasia Australia 6
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Amur Region. Turczaninowia, 12(1–2) pp: 17–40.
1648 Hashimoto, G. (1977). Weeds of Upland Fields in Brazil. Journal of Weed South Brazil 44
Science and Technology, Vol. 22, N°. 1 pp: 39-44. America
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Seasonal Variation and Phenology of Some Weeds of Agricultural Lands in
Khasi Hills, Meghalaya. Proc. Indian Natn. Sco. Acad. B 46 N°. 4 pp: 579-
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Adventive Weed Flora in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Acta herbologica, Vol. 17, Herzegovina
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1652 Gudžinskas, Z. (2005). Case studies on the alien flora of the vicinity of Europe Lithuania 71
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1653 Tackenberg, O., Romermann, C., Thompson, K. and Poschlod, P. (2006). Europe 117
What does diaspore morphology tell us about external animal dispersal?
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1654 Manzano, P., Malo, J.E. and Peco, B. (2005). Sheep gut passage and survival Europe Spain 5
of Mediterranean shrub seeds. Seed Science Research 15, pp: 21-28.
1655 Wessels, S. and Schwabe , A. (2008). Testing the potential seed availability in Europe Germany 40
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1656 Couvreur, M., Vandenberghe, B., Verheyen, K. and Hermy, M. (2004). An Europe 38
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1657 Mouissie, A.M., Lengkeek, W. and Van Diggelen, R. (2005). Estimating Europe 14
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seedling emergence and fruiting success in disturbed and undisturbed
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Grasslands in North Syria: The Use of Awassi Sheep to Disperse the Seeds of
Annual Pasture Legumes. Expl .Agric., Vol. 34, pp: 391-405.
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Viability of Seeds Ingested by Goats. Pasture pests & weeds. New Zealand
Plant Protection 64 pp: 75-80.
1661 Florentine, S.K. and Westbrooke, M.E. (2005). Invasion of the noxious weed Australasia Australia 1
Nicotiana glauca R. Graham after an episodic flooding event in the arid zone
of Australia. Journal of Arid Environments, Volume 60, Issue 4, March 2005,
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1662 Doucette, K. M. Wittenberg, K.M. and McCaughey, W.P. (2001). Seed North Canada 7
recovery and germination of reseeded species fed to cattle. J. Range Manage. America
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dispersal by sheep in calcareous grasslands: correlations with seed traits.
Applied Vegetation Science 13 pp: 163-172.
1664 Pakeman, R.J., Digneffe, G. and Small, J.L. (2002). Ecological Correlates of Europe Belgium 21
Endozoochory by Herbivores. Functional Ecology, 16 pp: 296-304.
1665 Cosyns, E., Delporte, A., Lens, L. and Hoffmann, M. (2005). Germination Europe Belgium 19
success of temperate grassland species after passage through ungulate and
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Exotic Woody Plant Species in the City of Gaborone, Botswana. International
Journal of Research In Agriculture and Food Sciences, Vol. 1, No.2 (7 pp.)
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1667 Conn, J.S. (2012). Pathways of Invasive Plant Spread to Alaska: III. North United States of 128
Contaminants in Crop and Grass Seed. Invasive Plant Science and America America
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1668 Thiele, K.. (2015). Dept. Parks and Wildlife, Perth Herbarium Botanist. (pers. Australasia Australia 1
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spontaneous flora of the Main Botanic Garden, Moscow, over 65 years.
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Weed Science Research, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Jabalpur,
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1673 Scholz, U. (1979). Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Unkrautflora Togos (Contribution central Asia Tajikistan 173
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1676 Lopez, J.D.E. (2011). Manual de Malezas en cultivo de Tempate (Jatropha Central El Salvador 23
curcas) en El Salvador (Weeds of Jatropha Plantations in El Salvador) America
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presentado como requisito parcial para optar al título de Ingeniero Agrónomo
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Power Plants. International Conference on Small Hydropower - Hydro Sri
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1682 Aistova, Е.V. (2012). Alien flora in Amur Region (historical pattern of Europe Russia 83
formation and research). Russian Journal of Biological Invasions, Issue № 1.
1683 Antonova, L.A. (2012). An invasive component of flora of Khabarovsky Krai. Europe Russia 29
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1684 Borisova, E.A. (2010). Invasive plant species distribution un the Upper Volga Europe Russia 91
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1685 Burda, R.I., Golivets, M.A. and Petrovych, O.Z. (2014). Alien species in the Europe Ukraine 130
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1686 Kapitonova, O.A. (2011). Alien species of plants in aquatic ecosystems of Europe Russia 22
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1687 Nikolin, E.G. (2014). The weed and alien plants of Yakutia. Russian Journal Europe Russia 156
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1688 Panasenko, N.N. (2014). Black-list of flora of the Bryansk Region. Russian Europe Russia 95
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1689 Senator, S.A., Rakov, N.S., Saxonov, S.V. and Vasjukov, V.M., Ivanova A.V. Europe Russia 27
(2013). New and rare alien plants in the Middle Volga. Russian Journal of
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and Bahrain. Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research, Vol. 4, No. 2 pp. 437-
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Kuwait. Kuwait J. Sci. Eng. 39 (1A) pp: 169-192.
1693 NSW DPI Biosecurity (2014). Noxious weed declarations, New South Wales Australasia Australia 241
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1694 Wan, F., Liu, Q. and Xie, M. (2012). Biological Invasions: Color Illustrations Asia China 43
of Invasive Alien Plants in China. China Science Publishing Group (303 pp.).
1695 Ginman, E., Prider, J., Matthews, J., Virtue, and Watling, J. (2014). Sheep as Australasia Australia 1
vectors for branched broomrape (Orobanche ramosa subsp. mutelii [F.W.
Schultz] Cout.) seed dispersal. Weed Biology and Management, Vol. 14 Issue
4. DOI: 10.1111/wbm.12065
1696 Lakshamaih, A., Suresh Babu, M.V. and Ravi Prasad Rao, B. (2012). central Asia India 412
Agrestals of Irrigated Fields of Rayalaseema Region of Andhra Pradesh. pp:
735-747. Proceedings of the International Seminar on "Multidisciplinary
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By Prof. Gaur Gopal Maiti & Prof. Sobhan Kumar Mukherje Department of
Botany, University of Kalyani, India. ISBN: 978-93-5067-867-1.
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critical analysis. Int. J. Biosci. pp: 407-424.
1698 Khobragade, D.P. and Sathawane, K.N. (2014). Weed Diversity in Rabi central Asia India 76
Wheat Crop of Bhandara District (MS), India. Int. J. of Life Sciences, Special
Issue A2, pp: 128-131.

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flora in banana plantation. Madras Agric. J., 93 (7-12) pp: 277-278.
1700 Isaac, W.A.P., Brathwaite, R.A.I. and Khan, A. (2009). Weed Composition of Caribbean St. Vincent and 94
Banana Fields in St. Vincent with Emphasis on the Occurrence of Commelina the Grenadines
diffusa. World Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 5 (S), pp: 837-846.
1701 Jafu, F.B. and Abdul, S.D. (2004). Predominant Weeds of Some Cereal Crops Africa Nigeria 64
in the Scrub Savannah Region of Nigeria. Pertanika J. Trop. Agric. Sci. 27(1)
pp: 57 - 64.
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Bharuch District. Thesis Submitted to the Saurashtra University for the award
of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy In Botany. Department of Botany
M.D.Science College, Porbandar, Saurashtra University (350 pp.).
1703 Patel, Y.B., Patel, N.D. and Pandya, H.A. (2014). Weeds of the major cereal central Asia India 55
crops and their economic Gujarat, India. Applied Science Research, 6 (6)
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Queensland, Bulletin, November 2015.
1865 Deka, J. and Barua, I.C. (2015) Weeds of Tea fields and their control. pp: 55- Asia India 30
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26-27.) Tea research Association in Association with the Tea Improvement
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1866 Singh, A. (2011) Observations on the Vascular Wall Flora of Banaras Hindu central Asia India 119
University Campus, India. Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life
Sciences. Vol. 1, Issue 1, pp: 33-39.
1867 Ndam, L.M., Enang, J.E., Mih, A.M. and Egbe, A.E. (2014) Weed diversity in Africa Cameroon 53
maize (Zea mays L.) fields in South Western Cameroon. Int. J. Curr.
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1868 Muhammad, S., Shafeeq, A., Siddiqui, M.F., Khan, Z. and Butt, Z.A. (2015) central Asia Pakistan 40
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Tek Singh, Pakistan. Int. J. Boil. Biotech., Vol. 12 (2) pp: 309-316.
1869 Gomaa, N.H. (2012) Composition and diversity of weed communities in Al- western Asia Saudi Arabia 71
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Southern Oman. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 20, pp: 291–304.
1871 Qureshi, R., Waheed, A. and Arshad, M. (2009) Weed Communities of Wheat central Asia Pakistan 38
Crop in District Toba Tek Singh, Pakistan. Pak. J. Bot., 41(1) pp: 239-245.
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of invasion between Chile and Argentina. Biol Invasions, Vol. 12 pp:3227–
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Alien Plants of Uttarakhand Himalaya. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India, Sect. B
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Brazil reveals patterns of association between biogeographical origin and America
reason for introduction. Austral Ecology, Vol. 39, Issue 4, pp: 401–407.
1877 Moro, M.F. and Castro, A.S.F. (2015) A check list of plant species in the South Brazil 23
urban forestry of Fortaleza, Brazil: where are the native species in the country America
of megadiversity? Urban Ecosyst, 18 pp:47–71. DOI 10.1007/s11252-014-
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Oprea, A. (2015) Reciprocal contamination by invasive plants: analysis of Slovakia
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of the islands of San Andres and Old Providence, Colombia. Checklist, 11 (2), America
pp: 1-15. doi:
1884 Poggio, S.L., Perelman, S.B., Mollard, F.P.O. and León, R.J.C. (2015) Guests South Argentina 94
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an invasive exotic bush on the stopover ecology of migrant passerines.
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South Africa. Koedoe. Vol.51, n.1, pp:1-10. ISSN 2071-0771.
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vascolare alloctona e invasiva delle regioni d’Italia. Casa Editrice Università
La Sapienza, Roma. 208 pp.
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Management to the Prevalence of Pineapple Mealybugs. Thesis - Department
of Crop Science, University of Cape Coast, Ghana, 135 pp.
1889 Godoy, G., Vega, J. and Pitty, A. (1995) El tipo de labranza afecta la flora y la Central Honduras 37
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1890 Monroy, J.A., Pitty, A. and Münoz, R. (1991) El Sistema De Labranza Central Honduras 96
Cambia La Flora De Malezas En Maíz Y Frijol En Relevo. CEIBO, Vol. 34 America
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económica en el cultivo del café. Todos los derechos reservadospor la America
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1894 Espinoza, G., Hernández, C. and Morales, J. (2013) Manual de Malezas y Central Guatemala 55
Catálogo de Herbicidas Para el Cultivo de la Caña de Azúcar en Guatemala. America
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malezas en caña de azúcar en Guatemala. CENGICAÑA. 131 pp. [Manual for America
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1896 Ordoñez, M.A., Varela, C.J.V. and Sosa, M.H. (19--) Manejo de malezas en Central Honduras 16
las plantaciones de café. Capitula 9. pp: 131-141. [Weed control in coffee America
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palma de aceite en Colombia. Presentation for Sanitex S.A.S. [Evaluation of
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1898 Mejia, J.R. (2013) Dinámica de Malezas. Presentation, Antigua, Guatemala Central Guatemala 18
(Presentation of 42 slides) [Weed Dynamics]. America
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en Siembras Hortícolas del Valle de Quíbor, Estado Lara, Venezuela. Bioagro America
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Siberia. Tomsk State University Journal of Biology. N° N°. 1 (29). pp: 68–85
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strategies of the invasive plants in Croatia. Periodicum Biologorum, Vol. 116,
N° 3 pp: 323-329.
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Adventive Weed Flora in Vineyards of Bosnia and Herzegovina. IX. Alps- Herzegovina
Adria Scientific Workshop Špičák, Czech Republic. Vol. 59. Suppl.
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tubuliflora (Murb.) Sennen (Asteraceae), a new alien species in Chile. America
Gayana. Botánica, Vol.71 N°.2 pp: 276-279.
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crop agrocenoses in the Suwałki Landscape Park. Environmental Protection
And Natural Resources. Vol. 27 N° 2 (68) pp: 13-22. DOI 10.1515 /OSZN-
2111 Hassannejad, S. and Ghafarbi, S.P. (2013) Weed flora survey of Tabriz wheat western Asia Iran 118
(Triticum aestivum L.) fields. Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental
Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 6, pp: 118-132.
2112 Oleksandrivna, K.O. (2016) The Alien Fraction of the Flora of the Starobelsk Europe Ukraine 403
Grass-Meadow. Phytodiversity Eastern Europe. Vol. 10 (2) pp: 115-144.
(О.А. Кучер)
2113 Kim, C.G. and Kil, J. (2016) Alien Flora of the Korean Peninsula. Biological Asia South Korea 484
Invasions, 18 pp:1843–1852. (South Korea)
2114 Kim, C.G. and Kil, J. (2016) Alien Flora of the Korean Peninsula. Biological Asia North Korea 156
Invasions, 18 pp:1843–1852. (North Korea)
2115 Beccarisi, L., Marinò, F., Medagli, P., Zizzi, T., and Minonne, F. (2015) Europe Italy 39
Inventario Della Flora Vascolare Della Riserva Naturale Di Torre Guaceto
(Puglia) Riassunto. [Inventory of the vascular flora of the Natural Reserve of
Torre Guaceto (Apulia, Italy)]. Thalassia Sal. 37, pp: 11-56.

Abelia graebneriana Rehder Abelia uniflora R.Br.

Linnaeaceae Linnaeaceae
Accepted name: Abelia engleriana Total N° of Refs: 3
(Graebn.) Rehder Global Risk Score: 0.24
Total N° of Refs: 4 Rating: Low
Global Risk Score: 0.24 Toxic - Habit: Shrub
Rating: Low Origin: E Asia
Habit: Shrub Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Abarema filamentosa (Benth.) Pittier Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Dispersed by: Humans References: United Kingdom-U-314,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Pithecellobium References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Australia-E-380, Algeria-W-1977.
filamentosum Benth. (3)
Total N° of Refs: 3 Abelia x grandiflora (Rovelli ex Andre) Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Rehder Malvaceae
Linnaeaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Hibiscus esculentus
Abarema spp. Pittier Accepted name: parents = Abelia chinensis L. (6)
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae R.Br. x Abelia uniflora R.Br. Total N° of Refs: 44
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 13 Global Risk Score: 7.2
References: Belize-A-1900. Global Risk Score: 1.44 Rating: Medium
Rating: Low Habit: annual Herb
Abelia chinensis R.Br. Habit: Tree Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Linnaeaceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
Name often misapplied by trade to Abelia x Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, Obscure
grandiflora (André) Rehder Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Abelia rupestris References: United States of America-N- Herbal, Ornamental
Lindl. (1) 101, New Zealand-UW-280, Australia-N- Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Total N° of Refs: 5 198, New Zealand-N-823, Australia-W- Weed of: Cotton, Orchards & Plantations
Global Risk Score: 1.44 853, New Zealand-U-919, Australia-N-354, References: Puerto Rico-UW-261, Costa
Rating: Low Australia-N-1049, Europe-N-819, Rica-I-975, Sudan-W-242, United States of
Habit: Shrub Australia-E-1262, Chile-I-1872, Australia- America-N-101, South Africa-AZR-121,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean W-1977, Chile-W-1977. United States of America-W-161, United
Origin: E Asia States of America-W-179, Japan-N-794,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Abelia x grandiflora (André) Rehder Belize-N-850, Costa Rica-CN-872,
Dispersed by: Humans 'Edward Goucher' Mozambique-nC-943, India-N-976, Laos-
References: Australia-E-380, Mozambique- Linnaeaceae N-1102, Japan-N-1278, Madagascar-N-
nC-943, Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 1 1000, Global-W-1349, Zimbabwe-UD-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental 1365, Chad-N-1503, Global-CD-1611,
Abelia engleriana (Graebn.) Rehder Dispersed by: Humans Australia-ZD-1675, Brazil-N-1733, India-
Linnaeaceae References: United States of America-N- N-1370, Eastern Caribbean-N-1742, Sao
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Abelia 101. Tome and Principe-N-1805, Sudan-A-
graebneriana Rehder (2) 1985, Ethiopia-A-2039, Algeria-W-1977,
Total N° of Refs: 4 Abelia mosanensis I.C.Chung ex Nakai Anguilla-W-1977, Chad-W-1977, Costa
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Linnaeaceae Rica-W-1977, Croatia-W-1977, India-W-
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 1 1977, Japan-W-1977, Lao People's
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Democratic Republic-W-1977, Marshall
Dispersed by: Humans Islands-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977,
Abelia floribunda (M. Martens & References: South Korea-N-1578. Yemen-W-1977, Zimbabwe-W-1977.
Galeotti) Decne.
Linnaeaceae Abelia rupestris Lindl. Abelmoschus ficulneus (L.) Wight &
Total N° of Refs: 3 Linnaeaceae Arn.
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Accepted name: Abelia chinensis R.Br. Malvaceae
Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 5 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Hibiscus ficulneus
Habit: Shrub References: Algeria-W-1977. L. (4)
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Total N° of Refs: 11
Origin: N Am Abelia triflora R.Br. Global Risk Score: 2.4
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Linnaeaceae Rating: Low
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 3 Habit: annual Herb
References: Chile-I-1872, Armenia-W- Global Risk Score: 0.72 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
1977, Chile-W-1977. Rating: Low Origin: Africa, Aust, C Asia, SE Asia
Habit: Shrub Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Ornamental
Subtropical, Tropical Dispersed by: Humans
Origin: C Asia References: Australia, northern-A-55,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Global-W-85, Madagascar-N-1000, Chad-
Dispersed by: Humans N-1503, Global-Q-1572, India-W-1672,
References: Chile-I-1872, Algeria-W-1977, Chad-W-1977.

Abelmoschus manihot (L.) Medik. Abelmoschus moschatus Medikus Abies alba Mill.
Malvaceae Malvaceae Pinaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Abelmoschus Synonym/s (n° of refs): Hibiscus Total N° of Refs: 36
manihot (L.) Medik. subsp. manihot (6), abelmoschus L. (5) Global Risk Score: 8.64
Abelmoschus mindanaensis Warb. ex Total N° of Refs: 61 Rating: Medium
Perkins (2), Hibiscus tetraphyllus Roxb. ex Global Risk Score: 7.2 Habit: Tree
Hornem. (1) Rating: Medium Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Total N° of Refs: 26 Aqua - Habit: annual/perennial Herb Origin: E Asia, Europe
Habit: perennial Herb Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Origin: Aust, E Asia, Europe, SE Asia Ornamental
Origin: C Asia, E Asia, SE Asia Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Wind,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Ornamental Escapee
Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee References: United Kingdom-N-314,
Dispersed by: Humans Weed of: Cotton, Orchards and Plantations United Kingdom-N-519, Norway-CN-644,
References: Gal pagos Islands-N-257, References: Vietnam-W-262, Puerto Rico- Denmark-CN-711, Portugal-N-718, United
Australia-N-945, Mexico-N-791, Japan-N- CW-261, United States of America-N-101, Kingdom-C-812, United States of America-
794, Mozambique-nC-943, Australia-N- Japan-W-286, Pacific-E-621, United States N-101, Ireland-U-894, Denmark-N-1006,
354, Australia-N-1049, Laos-N-1102, of America-N-301, Mexico-N-791, United Estonia-N-1006, Iceland-N-1006, Norway-
Japan-N-1278, Peru-N-1293, La Reunion- States of America-N-839, Costa Rica-CN- N-1006, Sweden-N-1006, Portugal-N-898,
N-1321, Australia-W-1977, Ecuador-W- 872, Trinidad-A-928, Australia-N-354, Europe-N-819, Belgium-U-1220, Norway-
1977, India-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Lao Australia-N-1049, Cambodia-A-1173, N-1243, Sardinia-U-1336, Norway-N-
People's Democratic Republic-W-1977, China-N-1215, Singapore-U-1290, United 1535, Latvia-N-1014, Global-CD-1611,
Taiwan-W-1977. States of America-N-1292, Peru-N-1293, Europe--, Europe-N-1740, Sweden-N-
La Reunion-W-1321, China-N-1344, 1802, Sardinia-U-1393, Poland-CD-1841,
Abelmoschus manihot (L.) Medik. var. Taiwan-N-1403, American Samoa-I-1544, Chile-I-1872, Sardinia-U-1917, Estonia-N-
pungens (Roxb.) Hochr. Cook Islands-I-1544, Federated States of 1997, Belgium-W-1977, Chile-W-1977,
Malvaceae Micronesia-I-1544, Fiji-I-1544, French Denmark-W-1977, Ireland-W-1977,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Polynesia-I-1544, Guam-I-1544, India-I- Latvia-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical 1544, Japan-I-1544, Marshall Islands-I- Sweden-W-1977, United Kingdom-W-
Major Pathway/s: Crop 1544, New Caledonia-I-1544, Niue-I-1544, 1977.
References: Laos-N-1102. United States of America-I-1544, Palau-I-
1544, Philippines-I-1544, Samoa-I-1544, Abies amabilis Douglas. ex Forbes.
Abelmoschus manihot (L.) Medik. subsp. Tonga-I-1544, Wallis, Futuna and Alofi Pinaceae
manihot Islands-I-1544, Global-CD-1611, India-W- Total N° of Refs: 2
Malvaceae 1672, Eastern Caribbean-N-1742, China-N- Global Risk Score: 2.16
Accepted name: Abelmoschus manihot (L.) 1758, Sao Tome and Principe-N-1805, Rating: Low
Medik. var. tetraphyllus (Roxb. ex Singapore-U-1839, -I-, -I-, Australia-W- Habit: Tree
Hornem.) Borss. Waalk. 1977, Cook Islands-W-1977, Fiji-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal,
Total N° of Refs: 23 Marshall Islands-W-1977, Micronesia Ornamental
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical (Federated States of)-W-1977, Niue-W- Dispersed by: Humans
Origin: E Asia, SE Asia 1977, Palau-W-1977, Papua New Guinea- References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental W-1977, Samoa-W-1977, Singapore-W-
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee 1977, Solomon Islands-W-1977, Taiwan- Abies balsamea (L) Mill
References: Australia-CN-368, Australia- W-1977, Tonga-W-1977. Pinaceae
N-945, Australia-W-853, Australia-N-354, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Abies x
Australia-N-1049, Global-CD-1611. Abelmoschus moschatus Medik. var. phanerolepis (Fernald) Liu (2)
haenkeanus (Presl.) Kurz. Total N° of Refs: 22
Abelmoschus manihot (L.) Medik. subsp. Malvaceae Global Risk Score: 8.64
tetraphyllus (Roxb. ex Hornem.) Borss. Total N° of Refs: 1 Rating: Medium
Waalk. References: Global-W-23. Toxic - Habit: Tree
Malvaceae Origin: N Am
Total N° of Refs: 3 Abelmoschus moschatus Medik. subsp. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical moschatus Borss.Waalk. Ornamental
Origin: E Asia, SE Asia Malvaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 3 References: Finland-C-42, United States of
Dispersed by: Humans Origin: Aust, E Asia, SE Asia America-W-218, Lithuania-I-737, Europe-
References: Australia-N-368, Australia-N- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental N-819, Norway-N-1243, Finland-I-1323,
945, Australia-N-354. Dispersed by: Humans Global-I-1404, Norway-N-1535, United
References: Australia-N-354, Australia-N- States of America-A-87, Latvia-N-1014,
Abelmoschus mindanaensis Warb. ex 1049, French Polynesia-N-1514. Global-CD-1611, Chile-I-1872, Russia-N-
Perkins 1919, Estonia-N-1997, Chile-W-1977,
Malvaceae Abelmoschus spp. Medik. Denmark-W-1977, France-W-1977, Latvia-
Accepted name: Abelmoschus manihot (L.) Malvaceae W-1977, Lithuania-W-1977, Sweden-W-
Medik. var. tetraphyllus (Roxb. ex Total N° of Refs: 1 1977.
Hornem.) Borss. Waalk. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 19 Dispersed by: Humans
References: Trinidad-A-87, Philippines-A- References: Australia-ZD-1675.

Abies balsamea (L.) Mill. var. Abies concolor (Gord. & Glend.) Lindl. Abies grandis (Douglas ex D.Don) Lindl.
phanerolepis Fernald ex Hildebr. Pinaceae
Pinaceae Pinaceae Total N° of Refs: 28
Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Abies lowiana Global Risk Score: 4.32
Major Pathway/s: Herbal (Gord. & Glend.) A. Murray (1) Rating: Low
References: Estonia-N-1006. Total N° of Refs: 17 Habit: Tree
Global Risk Score: 4.32 Origin: N Am
Abies bracteata (D.Don) Poit. Rating: Low Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal,
Pinaceae Habit: Tree Ornamental
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Abies venusta Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Dispersed by: Humans
(Douglas) K. Koch (1) Subtropical Seed Longevity: Transient
Total N° of Refs: 2 Origin: N Am References: New Zealand-N-280, United
Habit: Tree Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, States of America-W-218, United
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Ornamental Kingdom-N-314, United Kingdom-N-519,
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans New Zealand-N-15, New Zealand-N-823,
References: Chile-W-1977. References: United States of America-W- New Zealand-N-919, France-N-1006,
218, Europe-N-819, Norway-N-1243, Europe-N-819, Belgium-U-1220, Global-
Abies cephalonica Loudon Czech Republic-U-1522, Norway-N-1535, W-1376, Global-I-1404, Slovakia-U-1484,
Pinaceae United States of America-A-87, Czech Czech Republic-U-1522, Norway-N-1535,
Total N° of Refs: 6 Republic-U-1731, Chile-I-1872, Poland-U- United States of America-A-87, Czech
Global Risk Score: 2.16 2062, Chile-W-1977, Czech Republic-W- Republic-U-1731, Chile-I-1872, New
Rating: Low 1977, Denmark-W-1977, France-W-1977, Zealand-N-2048, Belgium-W-1977, Chile-
Habit: Tree Germany-W-1977, Latvia-W-1977, W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Sweden-W-1977. Denmark-W-1977, France-W-1977,
Origin: Africa, Europe Germany-W-1977, Ireland-W-1977,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, Abies firma Siebold & Zuccarini Sweden-W-1977, United Kingdom-W-
Ornamental Pinaceae 1977.
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 4
References: United Kingdom-N-314, Global Risk Score: 2.16 Abies homolepis Sieb. & Zucc.
Europe-N-819, Chile-I-1872, Chile-W- Rating: Low Pinaceae
1977, France-W-1977, United Kingdom- Habit: Tree Total N° of Refs: 3
W-1977. Origin: E Asia Global Risk Score: 0.72
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, Rating: Low
Abies cilicica (Antoine & Kotschy) Ornamental Habit: Tree
Carrière Dispersed by: Humans Origin: E Asia
Pinaceae References: Slovakia-U-1484, North Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 2 America-N-1760, Chile-I-1872, Chile-W- Dispersed by: Humans
Global Risk Score: 0.24 1977. References: United States of America-N-
Rating: Low 101, Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
Habit: Tree Abies fraseri (Pursh) Poir.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Pinaceae Abies insignis Carrière ex Bailly
Origin: W Asia Total N° of Refs: 5 Pinaceae
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Global Risk Score: 2.16 Accepted name: Abies x insignis Carrière
Dispersed by: Humans Rating: Low Ex Bailly
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Habit: Tree Total N° of Refs: 3
Origin: N Am Habit: Tree
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans
Dispersed by: Humans References: Portugal-W-1977.
References: United States of America-W-
218, Estonia-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Abies x insignis Carrière Ex Bailly
United States of America-A-87, Estonia-N- Pinaceae
1997. Accepted name: parents = Abies pinsapo
Boiss. x Abies nordmanniana (Steven)
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Abies insignis
Carri re ex Bailly (1)
Total N° of Refs: 3
References: Portugal-N-898, Europe-N-

Abies koreana E.H.Wilson Abies nordmanniana (Steven) Spach Abies pinsapo Boiss.
Pinaceae Pinaceae Pinaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Abies insignis Total N° of Refs: 16
Habit: Tree Carri re ex Bailly (1) Global Risk Score: 3.36
Origin: E Asia Total N° of Refs: 32 Rating: Low
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Global Risk Score: 6.72 Habit: Tree
Dispersed by: Humans Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
References: Norway-N-1535. Habit: Tree Origin: Africa, Europe
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Herbal,
Abies lasiocarpa (Hook.) Nutt. Origin: E Asia, Europe, W Asia Ornamental
Pinaceae Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Herbal, Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 9 Ornamental References: United States of America-E-
Global Risk Score: 2.16 Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee 80, Australia-E-380, France-N-1006,
Rating: Low References: New Zealand-N-280, France-N-1006, Portugal-N-1006, Portugal-
Habit: Tree Australia-E-380, United Kingdom-N-519, N-898, Europe-N-819, Spain-U-1149,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Hungary-U-809, United Kingdom-C-812, Chile-I-1872, Russia-N-1920, Spain-N-
Origin: N Am New Zealand-N-823, New Zealand-N-919, 2027, New Zealand-U-2048, Armenia-W-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, France-N-1006, Portugal-N-898, Europe- 1977, Chile-W-1977, France-W-1977,
Ornamental N-819, Norway-N-1243, Italy-U-251, Portugal-W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans Hungary-U-1255, Slovakia-U-1484, Czech
References: United States of America-W- Republic-U-1522, Global-CD-1611, Czech Abies procera Rehder
218, Europe-N-819, Norway-N-1243, Republic-U-1731, Chile-I-1872, Italy-U- Pinaceae
Norway-N-1535, United States of America- 1887, New Zealand-N-2048, Algeria-W- Total N° of Refs: 12
A-87, Iceland-U-1552, Denmark-W-1977, 1977, Belgium-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Global Risk Score: 1.68
Iceland-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977. Czech Republic-W-1977, Denmark-W- Rating: Low
1977, France-W-1977, Ireland-W-1977, Habit: Tree
Abies lowiana (Gord. & Glend.) A. Italy-W-1977, Latvia-W-1977, Portugal-W- Origin: N Am
Murray 1977, Sweden-W-1977, United Kingdom- Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Herbal,
Pinaceae W-1977. Ornamental
Accepted name: Abies concolor (Gordon & Dispersed by: Humans
Glend.) Lindl. ex Hildebr. var. lowiana Abies nordmanniana (Steven) Spach References: United Kingdom-N-519,
(Gord. & Glend.) Lemmon subsp. equi-trojani (Asch. & Sint. ex Europe-N-819, Norway-N-1243, Global-
Total N° of Refs: 17 Boiss.) Coode & Cullen W-1376, Global-I-1404, Norway-N-1535,
References: Denmark-W-1977. Pinaceae Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977, Denmark-W-
Total N° of Refs: 1 1977, Ireland-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977,
Abies mariesii Mast. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean United Kingdom-W-1977.
Pinaceae Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 3 Dispersed by: Humans Abies religiosa (Kunth) Schltdl. &
Global Risk Score: 0.72 References: Sweden-W-1977. Cham.
Rating: Low Pinaceae
Habit: Tree Abies numidica de Lannoy ex Carrière Total N° of Refs: 2
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Pinaceae Global Risk Score: 1.68
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 3 Rating: Low
References: Norway-N-1535, Chile-I-1872, Habit: Tree Habit: Tree
Chile-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Dispersed by: Humans Origin: C Am, N Am
Abies nephrolepis (Trautv. ex Maxim.) References: Chile-I-1872, Armenia-W- Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Herbal,
Maxim. 1977, Chile-W-1977. Ornamental
Pinaceae Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 1 Abies x phanerolepis (Fernald) Liu References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
Habit: Tree Pinaceae
Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Herbal, Accepted name: Abies balsamea (L.) Mill. Abies sibirica Ledeb.
Ornamental var. phanerolepis Fernald Pinaceae
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 22 Total N° of Refs: 16
References: Russia-N-1919. References: Latvia-N-1014, Estonia-N- Global Risk Score: 1.44
1997. Rating: Low
Habit: Tree
Abies pindrow (D.Don) Royle Origin: E Asia, Europe
Pinaceae Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 2 Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Global Risk Score: 1.2 References: Finland-C-42, Estonia-N-1006,
Rating: Low Europe-N-819, Norway-N-1243, Finland-I-
Habit: Tree 1323, Norway-N-1535, Latvia-N-1014,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Global-CD-1611, Chile-I-1872, Russia-N-
Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Ornamental 1919, Estonia-N-1997, Armenia-W-1977,
Dispersed by: Humans Chile-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, Latvia-
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. W-1977, Sweden-W-1977.

Abies spectabilis (D.Don) Spach Abildgaardia ovata (Burm.f.) Kral Abrus fruticulosus Wall. ex Wight &
Pinaceae Cyperaceae Arn.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Abies webbiana Synonym/s (n° of refs): Fimbristylis Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Lindl. (2) monostachya (L.) Hassk. (2), Fimbristylis Total N° of Refs: 3
Total N° of Refs: 2 ovata (Burm.f.) Kern (15) Habit: Vine
Habit: Tree Total N° of Refs: 20 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Habit: perennial Grass Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Dispersed by: Humans
Dispersed by: Humans Origin: Africa References: Guyana-W-32, Mozambique-
References: South Africa-AR-121, Global- nC-943, Suriname-W-1977.
Abies spp. P.Mill. W-1070, India-A-1696.
Pinaceae Abrus melanospermus Hassk.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Abildgaardia triflora (L.) Abeywick. Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Toxic - Habit: Tree Cyperaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Abrus pulchellus
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 1 Wall. ex Thwaites (1)
References: Australia-W-54. Habit: Grass Total N° of Refs: 2
References: India-A-1696. References: Global-N-85.
Abies veitchii Lindl.
Pinaceae Abobra tenuifolia (Hook. & Arn.) Cogn. Abrus melanospermus Hassk. subsp.
Total N° of Refs: 4 Cucurbitaceae tenuiflorus (Benth.) D. K. Harder
Global Risk Score: 1.68 Total N° of Refs: 2 Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Rating: Low Global Risk Score: 0.72 Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: Tree Rating: Low References: Global-N-85.
Origin: E Asia Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Herbal, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans
Dispersed by: Humans References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
References: Europe-N-819, Chile-I-1872,
Chile-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977. Abroma augusta (L.) L.f.
Abies venusta (Douglas) K. Koch Total N° of Refs: 1
Pinaceae Global Risk Score: 0.72
Accepted name: Abies bracteata Rating: Low
Total N° of Refs: 2 Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
References: Chile-I-1872. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
Abies webbiana Lindl. References: India-A-1124.
Accepted name: Abies spectabilis (D. Don) Abroma augustum (L.) L. f.
Spach Malvaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 1
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Origin: E Asia, SE Asia
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Abildgaardia hispidula (Vahl) Lye Dispersed by: Humans
Cyperaceae References: Algeria-W-1977.
Accepted name: Bulbostylis hispidula
(Vahl) R.W.Haines Abronia fragrans Nutt. ex Hook.
Total N° of Refs: 6 Nyctaginaceae
Habit: Grass Total N° of Refs: 4
Weed of: Cereals Habit: perennial Herb
References: Zimbabwe-A-1133. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Origin: N Am
Abildgaardia hispidula (Vahl) Lye Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
subsp. hispidula Ornamental
Cyperaceae Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Europe-N-819, Belgium-U-
Habit: Grass 1220, Global-W-1324, Belgium-W-1977.
References: Burundi-R-2012.

Abrus precatorius L. Abrus precatorius L. subsp. africanus Abutilon asiaticum (L.) G.Don
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Verdc. Malvaceae
Total N° of Refs: 92 Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Total N° of Refs: 2
Global Risk Score: 14.4 Total N° of Refs: 5 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Rating: Medium Global Risk Score: 0.96 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Toxic - Habit: perennial Vine Rating: Low Dispersed by: Humans
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Toxic - Habit: perennial Vine References: Mozambique-nC-943,
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Mauritius-A-87.
Origin: Africa, Aust, E Asia, SE Asia, Origin: Africa, Cosmopolitan
Cosmopolitan Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal Abutilon aurantiacum
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Dispersed by: Humans Malvaceae
Herbal, Ornamental References: South Africa-ZW-121, Global- Accepted name: Bakeridesia integerrima
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee N-85, Australia-N-354, Cape Verde-N- (Hook.) D.M.Bates
Weed of: Pastures 1414, Australia-E-1456. Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Guyana-N-32, Global-NZW- References: Algeria-W-1977.
85, Thailand-A-209, Brazil-W-361, Brazil- Abrus precatorius L. subsp. precatorius
W-407, France-N-518, United States of Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Abutilon auritum (Wall. ex Link) Sweet
America-AE-654, Caribbean-N-707, Total N° of Refs: 5 Malvaceae
Singapore-N-196, United States of Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 9
America-E-80, United States of America- Origin: Aust, C Asia, E Asia, SE Asia Global Risk Score: 0.24
E-84, United States of America-W-161, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Rating: Low
United States of America-EW-179, Japan- Dispersed by: Humans Habit: Shrub
N-287, United States of America-W-218, References: Global-W-344, Australia-N- Origin: E Asia
United States of America-EI-112, Global- 1049, Global-N-1059, Australia-N-1501, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
W-344, Global-E-649, United States of French Polynesia-N-1514. Dispersed by: Humans
America-N-301, United States of America- References: United States of America-N-
E-151, Mexico-N-791, Japan-N-794, Abrus pulchellus Wall. ex Thwaites 101, United States of America-N-301,
United States of America-N-839, United Fabaceae - Papilionaceae United States of America-N-839, United
States of America-N-101, Bahamas-NI- Accepted name: Abrus melanospermus States of America-N-1292, La Reunion-
873, Puerto Rico-A-929, Central America- Hassk. AN-1321, French Polynesia-N-1514,
A-933, India-A-948, Australia-N-354, Total N° of Refs: 2 Eastern Caribbean-N-1742, Australia-W-
Australia-I-1048, Australia-N-1049, Gal Habit: Tree 1977, India-W-1977.
pagos Islands-CN-1157, Caribbean-NI- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
1201, Japan-N-1278, Singapore-N-1290, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal Abutilon austro-africanum Hochr.
United States of America-N-1292, Peru-N- References: Colombia-N-1856. Malvaceae
1293, La Reunion-N-1321, United States of Total N° of Refs: 1
America-CI-1329, Saint Lucia-N-1337, Abrus schimperi Hochst. ex Baker References: Botswana-A-1153.
French Guiana-N-1346, Global-W-1349, Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
China-EN-1374, Global-W-1376, Global-I- Total N° of Refs: 1 Abutilon avicennae Gaertn., nom. illeg.
1404, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands-W- Global Risk Score: 0.24 Malvaceae
1452, Cuba-NI-1505, India-A-87, Puerto Rating: Low Accepted name: Abutilon theophrasti
Rico-A-87, Dominican Republic-A-87, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Medik.
Belize-A-87, Jamaica-A-87, Polynesia, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 290
West-A-87, United States of America-A- Dispersed by: Humans Habit: Shrub
87, Caribbean Netherlands-N-1012, References: Australia--, Australia-Q-1123. Origin: Aust
Global-CD-1611, Global-I-1324, United Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
States of America-W-1719, United States Abutilon abutiloides (Jacq.) Garcke ex Dispersed by: Humans
of America-E-1736, Bangladesh-A-1761, Hochr. References: South Korea-A-648, South
Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands-C-1821, Malvaceae Korea-N-2029.
Singapore-N-1839, Colombia-N-1856, Total N° of Refs: 1
Chile-I-1872, Mexico-NI-1881, -I-, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Abutilon bedfordianum (Hook.) A.St.-
Australia-Q-1123, Cuba-N-2024, Cuba- Major Pathway/s: Herbal Hil. & Naudin
NRI-2054, Cuba-I-2055, Algeria-W-1977, References: North America-N-1760. Malvaceae
Antigua and Barbuda-W-1977, Australia- Total N° of Refs: 1
W-1977, Bahamas-W-1977, Barbados-W- Abutilon andrewsianum W.Fitzg. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
1977, Chile-W-1977, Cook Islands-W- Malvaceae Dispersed by: Humans
1977, Cuba-W-1977, Ecuador-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Algeria-W-1977.
Honduras-W-1977, Jamaica-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Japan-W-1977, Mexico-W-1977, Ornamental Abutilon bidentatum A. Rich.
Micronesia (Federated States of)-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans, Cattle, Livestock Malvaceae
Niue-W-1977, Palau-W-1977, Papua New References: Australia-ZD-1509. Total N° of Refs: 5
Guinea-W-1977, Saint Lucia-W-1977, Habit: Shrub
Saint Vicent and the Grenadines-W-1977, Abutilon angulatum Mast. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Seychelles-W-1977, Singapore-W-1977, Malvaceae Origin: Africa, E Asia
Suriname-W-1977, Tonga-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Egypt-W-221, Saudi Arabia-A-
Origin: Africa 797, Saudi Arabia-A-1525, India-N-1765,
Major Pathway/s: Crop India-N-2109.
References: Burundi-R-2012.

Abutilon coccineum hort. ex Regel Abutilon floribundum Schltdl. Abutilon grandifolium (Willd.) Sweet
Malvaceae Malvaceae Malvaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Accepted name: Allowissadula floribunda Synonym/s (n° of refs): Abutilon molle
References: Algeria-W-1977. (Schltdl.) Fryxell Sweet (6)
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 62
Abutilon crispum (L.) Medik. References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Global Risk Score: 4.8
Malvaceae Rating: Low
Accepted name: Herissantia crispa (L.) Abutilon fraseri (Hook.) Walp. Habit: Tree
Brizicky Malvaceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Total N° of Refs: 27 Total N° of Refs: 1 Subtropical, Tropical
Habit: perennial Herb Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Origin: Africa, S Am
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
References: Taiwan-N-777, India-NI-1345, Dispersed by: Humans, Cattle, Livestock Ornamental
Taiwan-N-1403, India-A-1034, India-A- References: Australia-ZD-1509. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
1696, Taiwan-W-1748. References: France-N-518, United States of
Abutilon fruticosum Guill. & Perr. America-CE-617, Chile-N-300, United
Abutilon dactylon L., nom. illeg. Malvaceae States of America-N-101, New Zealand-N-
Malvaceae Total N° of Refs: 4 280, Australia-N-134, Australia-N-945,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Australia-E-380, Pacific-NW-621, Canary
Habit: annual Herb Tropical Islands-N-637, Australia-N-7, United
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Major Pathway/s: Crop States of America-N-301, United States of
References: Ethiopia-A-1141. References: Egypt-W-221, Saudi Arabia-A- America-E-151, Spain-W-807, United
797, Saudi Arabia-A-1525, Angola-A-87. States of America-N-839, Australia-W-853,
Abutilon darwinii Hook f. Australia-W-869, Canary Islands-I-902,
Malvaceae Abutilon glaucum G.Don New Zealand-N-919, Australia-N-354,
Total N° of Refs: 3 Malvaceae Portugal-N-1006, Australia-N-1049,
Global Risk Score: 0.24 Accepted name: Abutilon pannosum Europe-N-819, United States of America-
Rating: Low (Forsk. f.) Schlecht. N-1115, United States of America-N-1292,
Origin: S Am Total N° of Refs: 10 La Reunion-N-1321, Global-W-1324,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Crop Chile-N-1348, Iberian Peninsular-N-1388,
Dispersed by: Humans Weed of: Cereals Taiwan-N-1403, Australia-E-1456, French
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977, References: Sudan-A-87, Sudan-A-1985, Polynesia-N-1514, Cape Verde-N-1558,
New Zealand-W-1977. Burkina Faso-A-2068. Global-CD-1611, United States of
America-E-1736, Sao Tome and Principe-
Abutilon darwinii Hook.(f.) x Abutilon Abutilon grandiflorum G.Don N-1805, Australia-N-1902, Canary Islands-
pictum (Gillies ex Hook. & Arn.) Walp. Malvaceae N-1970, New Zealand-N-2048, Brazil-R-
Malvaceae Total N° of Refs: 5 2053, Angola-W-1977, Australia-W-1977,
Total N° of Refs: 6 Global Risk Score: 0.24 Burkina Faso-W-1977, Cabo Verde-W-
References: New Zealand-N-280, New Rating: Low 1977, Chile-W-1977, Ethiopia-W-1977,
Zealand-E-246, New Zealand-W-225, New Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Gabon-W-1977, Micronesia (Federated
Zealand-N-15, New Zealand-N-919, New Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, S Am States of)-W-1977, Mozambique-W-1977,
Zealand-E-505. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Niue-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977, Sao
Dispersed by: Humans Tome and Principe-W-1977, Senegal-W-
Abutilon dianthum Presl References: Chile-N-1229, Federated States 1977, South Africa-W-1977, Spain-W-
Malvaceae of Micronesia-W-1732, Mozambique-A- 1977, Taiwan-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 3 1734, Canary Islands-N-1967, Algeria-W-
Habit: Herb 1977. Abutilon grandifolium (Willd.) Sweet x
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Abutilon ramosum (Cav.) Guill. & Perr.
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Malvaceae
References: Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157, Total N° of Refs: 1
Gal pagos Islands-C-1481, Global-CD- References: Cape Verde-N-1558.
Abutilon graveolens (Roxb. ex Hornem.)
Abutilon dugesii S. Watson Wight & Arn.
Malvaceae Malvaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Accepted name: Abutilon hirtum (Lam.)
References: Mexico-W-1226. Sweet
Total N° of Refs: 24
Abutilon ferrugineum Kunth Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Malvaceae Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Sudan-A-87, Thailand-A-87.
References: Algeria-W-1977.

Abutilon figarianum Webb

Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Saudi Arabia-A-1525.

Abutilon guineense (Schumach.) Abutilon hybridum nom. hort. Abutilon indicum (L.) Sweet Borss.
E.G.Bak. & Exell Malvaceae subsp. guineense (Schum.) Borssum
Malvaceae Accepted name: Abutilon x hybridum Voss Waalkes
Total N° of Refs: 4 Total N° of Refs: 8 Malvaceae
Habit: Shrub References: Chile-W-1977, Portugal-W- Total N° of Refs: 1
Major Pathway/s: Crop 1977. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
References: Africa-A-980, Kenya-A-87, References: Japan-W-286.
Ghana-A-87, Eastern Caribbean-N-1742. Abutilon indicum (L.) Sweet
Malvaceae Abutilon inflatum Garcke & K.Schum.
Abutilon hemsleyanum Rose Total N° of Refs: 72 Malvaceae
Malvaceae Global Risk Score: 7.2 Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 1 Rating: Medium References: Brazil-A-923.
Habit: perennial Herb Habit: perennial Herb
References: Central America-W-157. Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Abutilon insigne Planch.
Tropical Malvaceae
Abutilon hirtum (Lam.) Sweet Origin: Africa, Aust, E Asia Total N° of Refs: 1
Malvaceae Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Habit: Shrub
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Abutilon Herbal, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
graveolens (Roxb. ex Hornem.) Wight & Dispersed by: Humans, Animals Dispersed by: Humans
Arn. (2) Weed of: Bananas, Cereals, Cotton, References: Algeria-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 24 Orchards & Plantations
Habit: perennial Herb References: Cuba-A-14, Vietnam-W-262, Abutilon malvifolium (Benth.) J.Black
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Puerto Rico-W-261, Thailand-A-239, Malvaceae
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Thailand-A-209, Philippines-W-412, Total N° of Refs: 1
Origin: Africa, E Asia Thailand-W-821, Thailand-W-822, Global- Origin: Aust
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, NW-85, Global-A-243, Japan-W-286, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Ornamental China-W-297, Pacific-W-621, United Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans States of America-N-301, Thailand-W-810, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
References: Puerto Rico-W-261, France-N- United States of America-N-839, Australia- Livestock, Sheep
518, Costa Rica-I-975, Global-N-85, N-354, Lesser Antilles-A-1128, Cambodia- References: United Kingdom-UZD-314.
United States of America-W-179, Costa A-1173, Global-A-1207, Singapore-W-
Rica-N-872, La Reunion-AN-1321, Cuba- 1290, United States of America-N-1292, Abutilon mauritianum (Jacq.) Medik.
N-1505, French Polynesia-N-1514, south and southeast Asia-A-1320, La Malvaceae
Caribbean Netherlands-N-1012, India-W- Reunion-N-1321, Pakistan-A-704, Total N° of Refs: 3
1672, India-A-1696, Eastern Caribbean-N- Madagascar-N-1000, India-A-1359, south Habit: Shrub
1742, Colombia-N-1856, United States of and southeast Asia-A-1408, Cuba-N-1505, Origin: Africa
America-N-1760, -I-, Cuba-I-2055, Sri Lanka-ZD-1020, Ghana-A-87, India-A- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Algeria-W-1977, Aruba-W-1977, Bonaire- 87, Borneo-A-87, Cambodia-A-87, Kenya- Dispersed by: Humans
W-1977, Costa Rica-W-1977, Cuba-W- A-87, Mozambique-A-87, Nigeria-A-87, References: Africa-A-980, Africa-A-1384,
1977, Global--1324. Philippines-A-87, Pakistan-A-87, Thailand- Burundi-R-2012.
A-87, Vietnam-A-87, India-A-1021,
Abutilon hulseanum (Torr. & A. Gray) Pakistan-A-1030, India-A-1034, India-W- Abutilon megapotamicum (Spreng.) A.
Torr. ex A. Gray 1672, India-A-1696, India-A-1702, India- St.-Hil. & Naudin
Malvaceae A-1704, Eastern Caribbean-N-1742, North Malvaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Abutilon America-N-1760, Bangladesh-A-1761, Total N° of Refs: 12
pauciflorum Sweet (4) Singapore-W-1839, Colombia-N-1856, Global Risk Score: 4.8
Total N° of Refs: 4 India-W-1866, Chile-I-1872, Australia-N- Rating: Low
1959, -I-, India-R-1984, Cuba-I-2055, Habit: Tree
Abutilon x hybridum Voss India-A-2105, Anguilla-W-1977, Chile-W- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Malvaceae 1977, Cook Islands-W-1977, Cuba-W- Subtropical, Tropical
Accepted name: a complex group of 1977, Fiji-W-1977, Kiribati-W-1977, Origin: S Am
hybrids of uncertain origin Marshall Islands-W-1977, Micronesia Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Abutilon hybridum (Federated States of)-W-1977, Nauru-W- Ornamental
nom. hort. (2) 1977, Palau-W-1977, Papua New Guinea- Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Total N° of Refs: 8 W-1977, Singapore-W-1977, Global--1324. References: New Zealand-N-280,
Global Risk Score: 1.2 Australia-E-380, New Zealand-N-823,
Rating: Low Abutilon indicum (L.) Sweet subsp. Costa Rica-CN-872, New Zealand-N-919,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, albescens (Miq.) Borss. Waalk. Georgia-UR-1250, Global-CD-1611, Chile-
Ornamental Malvaceae I-1872, New Zealand-N-2048, Chile-W-
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 1 1977, Portugal-W-1977, Rwanda-W-1977.
References: Australia-N-354, Portugal-N- Origin: SE Asia
898, Europe-N-819, Sweden-W-1609, References: French Polynesia-N-1514.
Chile-I-1872, Sweden-W-1977.

Abutilon megapotamicum (Spreng.) Abutilon pauciflorum Sweet Abutilon striatum Dicks. ex Lindl.
A.St.-Hil. x Abutilon pictum Naudin Malvaceae Malvaceae
(Hook. & Arn.) Walp. Accepted name: Abutilon hulseanum (Torr. Total N° of Refs: 13
Malvaceae & Gray) Torr. ex Gray Global Risk Score: 1.44
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 4 Rating: Low
Habit: Tree Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Habit: Shrub
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Dispersed by: Humans References: United States of America-W- Origin: C Am, S Am
References: New Zealand-UW-280, New 161, Paraguay-NI-876, Uruguay-A-924, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Zealand-U-919. Paraguay-A-2070. Dispersed by: Humans
References: Global-N-85, Japan-N-287,
Abutilon molle Sweet Abutilon pictum (Gillies ex Hook. & Mexico-N-791, Japan-N-794, Portugal-N-
Malvaceae Arn.) Walp. 1006, Europe-N-819, Japan-N-1278,
Accepted name: Abutilon grandifolium Malvaceae Taiwan-N-1403, Argentina-A-87, Eastern
(Willd.) Sweet Total N° of Refs: 17 Caribbean-N-1742, Taiwan-W-1748, Sao
Total N° of Refs: 62 Global Risk Score: 1.44 Tome and Principe-N-1805, Chile-I-1872.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Rating: Low
Dispersed by: Humans Habit: Shrub Abutilon x suntense C.D.Brickell
References: United States of America-W- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Malvaceae
218, Hawaii-A-87, Argentina-A-87, United Subtropical, Tropical Accepted name: parents = Abutilon
States of America-A-87, Chile-I-1872, Origin: S Am ochsenii (Phil.) Reiche x Corynabutilon
Chile-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental ochsenii (Phil.) Kearney
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Synonym/s (n° of refs): Abutilon suntense
Abutilon mollissimum (Cav.) Sweet References: United Kingdom-UC-314, C.D.Brickell (1)
Malvaceae Australia-E-380, Australia-W-869, Total N° of Refs: 3
Total N° of Refs: 1 Australia-N-870, Australia-N-354, Habit: Shrub
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Tropical Australia-W-1210, Global-W-1324, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
References: Australia-N-1049. Australia-E-1456, Bolivia-N-1630, Global- Dispersed by: Humans
CD-1611, Australia-N-1959, Algeria-W- References: Belgium-U-1220, Belgium-U-
Abutilon muticum (Del.) Webb 1977, Australia-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, 1294.
Malvaceae Japan-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977, Taiwan-
Accepted name: Abutilon pannosum W-1977. Abutilon suntense C.D.Brickell
(Forsk. f.) Schlecht. Malvaceae
Total N° of Refs: 8 Abutilon pseudocleistogamum Hochr. Accepted name: Abutilon x suntense
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Malvaceae C.D.Brickell
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 3
References: Saudi Arabia-A-1525. References: La Reunion-N-1321. References: Belgium-W-1977.

Abutilon oxycarpum (F. Müell.) Benth. Abutilon sonneratianum (Cav.) Sweet.

Malvaceae Malvaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 5
Global Risk Score: 0.24 Habit: Shrub
Rating: Low Origin: Africa
Origin: Aust Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans
References: Australia-A-87. References: South Africa-ZR-121, South
Africa-W-158, Portugal-N-1006, Europe-
Abutilon pannosum (G.Foster) Schltdl. N-819, Global-W-1324.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Abutilon glaucum Abutilon spp. Mill.
G.Don (3), Abutilon muticum (Del.) Webb Malvaceae
(1) Total N° of Refs: 7
Total N° of Refs: 11 Habit: Shrub
Habit: Shrub Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Tropical Dispersed by: Animals
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Pasture Weed of: Cereals
Weed of: Cotton, Orchards & Plantations References: Iran-A-1619, Honduras-A-
References: Egypt-W-221, Sudan-W-242, 1677, Nigeria-A-1701, Honduras-A-1890,
Saudi Arabia-A-797, Cape Verde-N-1414, Honduras-A-1891, Honduras-W-1892,
Saudi Arabia-A-1525, India-A-1021, Nigeria-A-2073.

Abutilon theophrasti Medik. Israel-A-885, Europe-AN-889, Croatia-I- 2033, Global-AD-2036, Croatia-I-2038,
Malvaceae 891, Spain-A-892, Romania-I-897, United New Zealand-N-2048, Slovakia-N-2052,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Abutilon avicennae States of America-N-904, India-N-914, Israel-ANI-59, Global-W-2056, Iran-A-
Gaertn., nom. illeg. (2) New Zealand-N-919, Austria-A-337, 2072, Serbia-AN-2080, New Zealand-Q-
Total N° of Refs: 290 United Kingdom-Z-944, United States of 2086, Global-W-2097, Canada-A-2099,
Global Risk Score: 24 America-W-946, Mediterranean-W-951, Russia-I-2107, Ukraine-N-2112, Albania-
Rating: High Australia-N-354, Portugal-N-1006, Spain- W-1977, Australia-W-1977, Austria-W-
Habit: annual Herb N-1006, France-N-1006, France-N-1006, 1977, Belgium-W-1977, Bosnia and
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Malta-N-1006, Netherlands-N-1006, Herzegovina-W-1977, Bulgaria-W-1977,
Subtropical, Tropical Portugal-N-1006, Slovenia-N-1006, Spain- Canada-W-1977, Croatia-W-1977, Cyprus-
Origin: Africa, C Asia, E Asia, Europe, W N-1006, Australia-N-1049, Russia-A-998, W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977,
Asia Europe-N-1072, Malta-N-1089, Portugal- Democratic Repubic of Korea-W-1977,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, N-898, Europe-N-819, Iran-A-173, Greece- Denmark-W-1977, Eritrea-W-1977,
Herbal, Ornamental A-27, United States of America-W-1104, Ethiopia-W-1977, France-W-1977, Israel-
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle, Ethiopia-A-1141, Iberian Peninsular-N- W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Japan-W-1977,
Horse, Livestock, Sheep, Wind, Escapee 1147, Spain-W-1149, Crete-N-1150, Kazakhstan-W-1977, Latvia-W-1977,
Weed of: Cereals, Cotton, Nursery Egypt-A-1171, Czech Republic-A-1186, Lithuania-W-1977, Malta-W-1977,
Production, Orchards & Plantations, Europe-W-1191, South Korea-A-1192, Mexico-W-1977, Morocco-W-1977,
Pastures, Pome Fruits, Sunflowers, Global-Q-1208, South Korea-N-761, Netherlands-W-1977, Poland-W-1977,
Vegetables Belgium-U-1220, Croatia-I-1230, Serbia- Portugal-W-1977, Republic of Korea-W-
References: Canada-W-291, Canada-W-52, W-1238, France-E-1239, Greece-W-1240, 1977, Serbia-W-1977, South Africa-W-
Global-NXZW-85, Australia-W-93, Norway-N-1243, Georgia-UR-1250, Italy- 1977, Spain-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977,
Canada and United States of America-XW- I-251, Morocco-N-847, China-N-92, Spain- Switzerland-W-1977, Ukraine-W-1977,
299, Taiwan-W-235, Australia-W-205, A-1269, Spain-NI-1270, United States of South Korea-N-2113, North Korea-N-2114.
United States of America-AW-207, India- America-A-1275, Japan-N-1278, Slovakia-
A-712, Global-W-23, Global-W-24, United A-1282, Ukraine-N-1297, Macedonia-A- Abutilon trisulcatum (Jacq.) Urban
States of America-CW-34, Canada-X-36, 1304, Georgia-A-1313, Global-W-1324, Malvaceae
Finland-U-42, United States of America-X- Australia-A-1331, Sardinia-N-1336, Japan- Total N° of Refs: 3
1, Global-A-68, United States of America- Z-1339, Global-W-1349, Iran-A-1353, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
E-80, Europe-A-94, Global-A-243, United Serbia-W-1358, Croatia-A-1368, Israel- Dispersed by: Humans
States of America-N-101, New Zealand-N- NW-1380, Spain-I-1390, Algeria-A-1402, References: Mexico-A-915, Mexico-W-
280, Italy-A-118, Japan-A-263, United United States of America-ZD-1430, 1226, Mexico-A-87.
States of America-AE-156, United States of Australia-N-1450, Spain-I-1454, Spain--
America-W-161, United States of America- 1455, Serbia-N-1482, Slovakia-N-1484, Abutilon umbellatum (L.) Sweet
W-174, United States of America-W-179, Global-ZD-1492, Albania-N-1506, Czech Malvaceae
United States of America-A-180, Japan-N- Republic-N-1522, Canada-X-1538, Europe- Accepted name: Pseudabutilon umbellatum
287, Japan-W-286, western Europe-A-253, A-1539, Greece-N-1541, Spain-I-1595, (L.) Fryxell
eastern North America-E-195, United North Korea-N-1600, United States of Total N° of Refs: 2
States of America-AN-426, Australia-N- America-N-1603, Estonia-W-1609, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
198, United States of America-AW-210, Austria-W-1609, Denmark-W-1609, Dispersed by: Humans
United States of America-AG-211, United Russia-W-1609, Latvia-W-1609, Lithuania- References: Cape Verde-N-1558.
States of America-AW-212, Europe, W-1609, Netherlands-W-1609, Norway-W-
eastern-AW-272, United States of 1609, Poland-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, Abutilon vitifolium (Cav.) C.Presl
America-W-218, China-W-297, China-A- Canada-A-87, United States of America-A- Malvaceae
275, United States of America-W-392, 87, South Korea-N-1013, North Korea-A- Accepted name: Corynabutilon vitifolium
Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945, Spain- 1018, Bosnia And Herzegovina-ENI-1453, (Cav.) Kearney
A-417, United Kingdom-UZD-314, Russia-N-1647, Global-CZD-1611, Russia- Total N° of Refs: 2
Australia-E-327, Czech Republic-UZ-400, N-1682, Azores-N-1721, Czech Republic- Global Risk Score: 0.72
Europe-NZI-482, China-W-431, United N-1731, South Korea-N-1578, South Rating: Low
Kingdom-N-519, United States of Korea-N-1586, United States of America- Habit: Shrub
America-A-543, Iran-A-594, Spain-I-405, E-1736, Europe-UNXI-1740, Croatia-NWI- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Italy-NI-470, Pacific-W-621, Canada-A- 1747, Serbia-W-1766, China-I-1769, Dispersed by: Humans
642, Ukraine-R-643, Switzerland-N-653, Global-AD-1589, Austria-A-1670, Turkey- Weed of: Orchards & Plantations
Australia-AEN-310, Portugal-N-662, Italy- N-1718, United States of America-I-1773, References: India-A-948.
A-667, Slovenia-A-671, Slovenia-A-701, Cyprus-N-1797, Sardinia-N-1393,
Spain-A-702, Croatia-A-693, Croatia-A- Sardinia-AU-1824, Australia-N-1902, Acacia abyssinica Hochst. ex Benth.
694, Italy-A-697, Portugal-A-700, Austria- Serbia-R-1848, Canada-G-1855, South Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
CN-708, Denmark-U-711, Canada and Korea-A-1859, South Korea-AN-1860, Total N° of Refs: 2
United States of America-NI-725, Turkey- Mexico-NI-1881, Italy-UNI-1887, Croatia- Global Risk Score: 6.48
A-727, Lithuania-I-737, Global-W-743, I-1908, Sardinia-U-1917, Egypt-A-1922, Rating: Low
Canada-UC-756, South Korea-N-773, Serbia-R-1953, Croatia-A-1954, Australia- Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Tropical
Mediterranean-I-775, Australia-N-7, United N-1959, South Korea-N-1974, Italy-U- Origin: Africa
States of America-E-151, Global-W-788, 1842, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, Central and northern Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
North America-X-790, Japan-N-794, Japan and northern islands-N-1983, Forestry, Herbal, Ornamental
Spain-I-802, Spain-I-807, France-W-764, Romania-U-1986, Bosnia and Dispersed by: Humans, Cattle, Livestock
United Kingdom-U-812, Switzerland-URI- Herzegovina-I-1987, Switzerland-I-1990, References: Ethiopia-ZD-1437, Australia-
818, Australia-W-853, Australia-N-855, Poland-N-1993, Estonia-N-1997, Portugal- Q-1123.
Australia-N-868, Australia-W-869, United N-2001, Spain-AZ-2008, Ukraine-N-2014,
States of America-X-229, Slovenia-W-883, South Korea-A-2032, South Korea-AN-

Acacia acuminata Benth. Acacia angustissima (Mill.) Kuntze Acacia ataxacantha DC.
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 4 Total N° of Refs: 3
Global Risk Score: 1.2 Global Risk Score: 3.2 Global Risk Score: 6.72
Rating: Low Rating: Low Rating: Low
Habit: Shrub Habit: Shrub Habit: Shrub
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical,
Origin: Aust Tropical Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, Origin: Africa
Ornamental Ornamental, Pasture Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans Ornamental, Pasture
References: Australia-E-358. References: Central America-W-157, Dispersed by: Humans
Australia-A-1757, Papua New Guinea-W- Weed of: Pastures
Acacia adunca A. Cunn. ex G. Don 1977, Global--1324. References: South Africa-AR-121, South
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Africa-E-1646, Australia-Q-1123.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Acacia arabica (Lam.) Willd.
Habit: Tree Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Acacia atramentaria Benth.
Origin: Aust Accepted name: Acacia nilotica (L.) Delile Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 88 Total N° of Refs: 3
Dispersed by: Humans Global Risk Score: 7.04 Habit: Shrub
References: South Africa-W-1977. Rating: Medium Origin: S Am
Toxic - Habit: Tree Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Acacia albicorticata Burkart Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Dispersed by: Humans
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Origin: Africa References: South America-W-295,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental, Argentina-A-87, Australia-Q-1123.
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Pasture
References: Bolivia-A-87. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Acacia aulacocarpa A.Cunn. ex Benth.
Weed of: Pastures Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Acacia albida Delile References: Australia-CN-468, Egypt-W- Total N° of Refs: 5
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae 221, India-A-948, South Africa-A-87, Global Risk Score: 2.56
Accepted name: Faidherbia albida (Delile) India-A-87, Pakistan-A-87, Sudan-A-87, Rating: Low
A.Chev. Global-CD-1611, India-N-1370, Australia- Habit: Tree
Total N° of Refs: 10 Q-1123. Preferred Climate/s: Dryland
Global Risk Score: 6.72 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture
Rating: Low Acacia armata R.Br. Dispersed by: Humans
Habit: Shrub Fabaceae - Mimosaceae References: Pacific-E-621, Philippines-nC-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Accepted name: Acacia paradoxa DC. 1099, La Reunion-W-1321, -I-, Cook
Origin: Africa Total N° of Refs: 66 Islands-W-1977, Samoa-W-1977.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Global Risk Score: 1.44
Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture Rating: Low Acacia auriculaeformis A.Cunn. ex
Dispersed by: Humans, Cattle, Livestock Habit: Shrub Benth.
References: Egypt-W-221, La Reunion-N- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
1321, Zambia-ZD-1423, Zimbabwe-ZD- Origin: Aust Total N° of Refs: 1
1434, Australia-Q-1123. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Acacia aneura F. Müell. ex Benth. Weed of: Orchards & Plantations, Pastures Dispersed by: Humans
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae References: Chile-N-300, Chile-N-241, References: Federated States of
Total N° of Refs: 9 South Africa-AW-121, Australia-A-87, Micronesia-I-1732.
Global Risk Score: 3.2 New Zealand-A-87, New Zealand-A-1624,
Rating: Low Chile-I-1872, Algeria-W-1977, Chile-W-
Habit: Tree 1977.
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical,
Tropical Acacia aroma Gillies ex Hook. & Arn.
Origin: Aust Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, Accepted name: Acacia macracantha
Ornamental, Pasture Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 26
References: United States of America-N- Habit: Shrub
101, United States of America-N-301, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
United States of America-N-839, United Origin: S Am
States of America-N-1292, Australia-N- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
1902, Chile-I-1872, United States of Ornamental
America-N-2092, Australia-W-1977, Chile- Dispersed by: Humans
W-1977. References: Chile-N-300, Chile-N-241,
South America-W-295, Argentina-A-236,
Paraguay-NI-876, Argentina-A-913, Chile-
N-1229, Chile-N-1348, Argentina-A-87,
Chile-I-1872, -I-, Chile-W-1977.

Acacia auriculiformis A. Cunn. ex Benth. Acacia baileyana F. Müell. Acacia baileyana F.Müell. x Acacia
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Fabaceae - Mimosaceae leucoclada Tindale
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Racosperma Synonym/s (n° of refs): Racosperma Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
auriculiforme (A. Cunn. ex Benth.) Pedley baileyanum (F. M ell.) Pedley (2) Total N° of Refs: 3
(1) Total N° of Refs: 84 Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 95 Global Risk Score: 25.92 Origin: Aust
Global Risk Score: 12.96 Rating: High Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Rating: Medium Habit: Tree Dispersed by: Humans
Aqua - Habit: Tree Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, References: Australia-N-945, Australia-N-
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical 354, Australia-W-1977.
Tropical Origin: Aust
Origin: Aust, SE Asia Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Acacia balfourii Woodrow
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, Forestry, Herbal, Ornamental Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Total N° of Refs: 1
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee References: Australia-E-260, Congo-I- References: India-W-1977.
References: pantropics-W-22, Federated 1107, South Africa-E-277, Australia-E-289,
States of Micronesia-N-230, Federated Australia-E-72, South Africa-X-63, Global- Acacia benthami Rochbr.
States of Micronesia-W-107, southeast N-85, South Africa-W-95, South Africa- Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Asia-W-191, Bangladesh-E-216, CX-283, South Africa-CW-279, United Total N° of Refs: 1
Singapore-NW-476, Singapore-N-196, States of America-N-101, Australia-E-358, Habit: Tree
Pacific-W-3, United States of America-E- New Zealand-N-280, United States of Origin: Africa
80, Global-W-85, United States of America-Q-116, South Africa-AZR-121, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
America-N-101, United States of America- Australia-E-296, Australia-CW-334, Dispersed by: Humans
EI-112, United States of America-CE-142, Australia-N-198, Australia-C-401, References: India-N-976.
United States of America-EX-122, United Australia-C-333, Australia-N-945,
States of America-EW-179, Pacific-E-621, Australia-E-380, Australia-E-381, Acacia berlandieri Benth.
United States of America-E-151, Global- Australia-E-327, South Africa-N-330, New Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
NI-714, Bahamas-N-873, Bangladesh-I- Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N-15, Total N° of Refs: 6
887, India-N-976, Brazil-I-984, United Australia-CEI-168, Australia-E-189, Global Risk Score: 3.52
States of America-I-1046, Mozambique-E- Global-E-649, Australia-EN-310, United Rating: Low
1076, Philippines-nC-1099, Laos-N-1102, States of America-N-86, South Africa-I- ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Dryland,
western Indian Ocean-I-1144, western 759, Mediterranean-I-775, Australia-EN-7, Subtropical
Indian Ocean-I-1146, United States of Global-NI-714, Swaziland-N-825, United Origin: N Am
America-Q-1197, Singapore-N-811, States of America-I-849, Australia-N-855, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental,
Singapore-N-1290, La Reunion-W-1321, Australia-W-869, Australia-E-880, New Pasture
Global-W-1324, Brazil-I-1328, United Zealand-N-919, United States of America- Dispersed by: Humans
States of America-C-1329, Bangladesh- W-946, Mediterranean-WI-951, Australia- References: United States of America-W-
CN-1330, Madagascar-N-1000, India-NI- N-354, France-N-1006, Spain-N-1006, 161, United States of America-W-218,
1345, Global-W-1376, Vietnam-E-1386, Australia-N-1049, Portugal-N-898, Europe- United States of America-A-1160, Global-
Global-I-1404, Cuba-NI-1505, India-N- N-819, South Africa-X-1112, Africa-X- W-1349, United States of America-A-87,
1628, Global-CD-1611, India-N-1370, 1127, Iberian Peninsular-N-1147, Australia-Q-1123.
United States of America-E-1736, Australia-E-1259, Australia-E-1261,
Singapore-N-1839, Brazil-I-1876, United Australia-E-1262, Zimbabwe-U-1365, Acacia binervia (J. C. Wendl.) J. F.
States of America-N-742, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I- Global-W-1376, Global-I-1404, Australia- Macbr.
, Cuba-NI-2055, Indonesia-I-2108, N-1450, Spain-U-1454, Australia-E-1456, Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Australia-W-1977, Bahamas-W-1977, Israel-W-1487, South Africa-E-1646, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acacia glaucescens
Bangladesh-W-1977, Benin-W-1977, Global-CD-1611, Australia-N-1902, Willd. (2)
Brazil-W-1977, Brunei Darussalam-W- Australia-UN-1845, Chile-I-1872, Total N° of Refs: 3
1977, Burundi-W-1977, C?te d'Ivoire-W- Australia-N-1959, -I-, -I-, South Africa-N- Toxic - Habit: Tree
1977, Cambodia-W-1977, Cameroon-W- 1991, South Africa-NR-2017, New Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Tropical
1977, Comoros-W-1977, Cook Islands-W- Zealand-N-2048, Zimbabwe-U-2087, Origin: Aust
1977, Costa Rica-W-1977, Cuba-W-1977, Algeria-W-1977, Australia-W-1977, Chile- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Democratic Republic of the Congo-W- W-1977, France-W-1977, India-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans
1977, Ecuador-W-1977, Fiji-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977, References: Australia-W-269.
Ghana-W-1977, Haiti-W-1977, India-W- Zimbabwe-W-1977, Swaziland-W-1977.
1977, Jamaica-W-1977, Kenya-W-1977, Acacia bivenosa DC.
Lao People's Democratic Republic-W- Acacia baileyana F.Müell. x Acacia Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
1977, Malawi-W-1977, Malaysia-W-1977, decurrens (J.C.Wendl.) Willd. Total N° of Refs: 1
Marshall Islands-W-1977, Micronesia Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Preferred Climate/s: Dryland
(Federated States of)-W-1977, Myanmar- Total N° of Refs: 3 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental,
W-1977, Nigeria-W-1977, Palau-W-1977, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Pasture
Rwanda-W-1977, Saint Vicent and the Origin: Aust Dispersed by: Humans
Grenadines-W-1977, Samoa-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: La Reunion-W-1321.
Senegal-W-1977, Sierra Leone-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans
Singapore-W-1977, Solomon Islands-W- References: Australia-N-945, Australia-N-
1977, Sri Lanka-W-1977, Thailand-W- 354, Australia-W-1977.
1977, Tonga-W-1977, Uganda-W-1977,
Vanuatu-W-1977, Viet Nam-W-1977.

Acacia blakelyi Maiden Acacia brachybotrya Benth. Acacia caffra (Thunb.) Willd.
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Total N° of Refs: 6 Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 7
Global Risk Score: 1.44 Global Risk Score: 0.72 Toxic - Habit: Tree
Rating: Low Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Habit: Shrub Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
Origin: Aust Origin: Aust Origin: Africa
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals Dispersed by: Humans Ornamental
References: Australia-E-358, Australia-N- References: Chile-I-1872, Australia-N- Dispersed by: Humans
945, Australia-N-7, Australia-N-354, 1959, Chile-W-1977. Weed of: Pastures
Australia-N-1902, Australia-W-1977. References: South Africa-AR-121, South
Acacia brevispica Harms Africa-X-63, Global-N-85, South Africa-
Acacia boliviana Rusby Fabaceae - Mimosaceae W-382, United States of America-W-656,
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Total N° of Refs: 3 Australia--, South Africa-E-1646,
Accepted name: Acaciella angustissima Global Risk Score: 2.56 Australia-Q-1123.
(Mill.) Britton & Rose Rating: Low
Total N° of Refs: 16 Habit: Shrub Acacia calamifolia Sweet ex Lindl.
Global Risk Score: 5.12 Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Tropical Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Rating: Low Origin: Africa Total N° of Refs: 2
Habit: Tree Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture Global Risk Score: 0.72
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Dispersed by: Humans Rating: Low
Origin: S Am References: Africa-A-980, Kenya-A-87, Habit: Shrub
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture Australia-Q-1123. Origin: Aust
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
References: southeast Asia-W-191, Acacia burkei Benth. Dispersed by: Humans
Australia-CENI-479, Pacific-W-3, Fabaceae - Mimosaceae References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
Australia-E-155, Australia-C-401, Global- Total N° of Refs: 3
N-85, Australia-N-310, Global-CD-1611, Habit: Tree Acacia capensis (Burm.f.) Burch.
Australia-W-1977. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical rejected name
Origin: Africa Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Acacia bonariensis Gillies ex Hook. & Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Accepted name: Acacia karroo Hayne
Arn. Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 71
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Weed of: Pastures References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 9 References: South Africa-AW-121, South
Habit: Tree Africa-W-10, Australia-Q-1123. Acacia cardiophylla A. Cunn. ex Benth.
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Origin: S Am Acacia buxifolia A. Cunn. Total N° of Refs: 3
References: Brazil-W-255, Argentina-W- Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Global Risk Score: 0.72
237, South America-W-295, Argentina-A- Total N° of Refs: 1 Rating: Low
913, Argentina-A-87, Brazil-A-1560, Habit: Shrub Origin: Aust
Australia-Q-1123, Brazil-R-2053, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Argentina-W-1977. Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans
References: Algeria-W-1977. References: Australia-N-198, Australia-E-
Acacia boormanii Maiden 380, Australia-W-1977.
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Acacia caesia (L.) Willd.
Total N° of Refs: 4 Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acacia intsia (L.)
Rating: Low Willd. (1)
Habit: Shrub Total N° of Refs: 1
Origin: Aust Habit: Shrub
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Dispersed by: Humans Origin: E Asia
References: Australia-N-945, Australia-E- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
380, Australia-N-354, Australia-W-1977. Dispersed by: Humans

Acacia borleae Burtt Davy

Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2
Global Risk Score: 0.48
Rating: Low
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Origin: Africa
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: South Africa-E-1646,

Acacia catechu (L. f.) Willd. Acacia caven (Molina) Molina var. caven Acacia concurrens Pedley
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Accepted name: Senegalia catechu (L.f.) Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1
P.J.H.Hurter & Mabb. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Toxic - Habit: Tree
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acacia polyacantha References: Paraguay-NI-876. Preferred Climate/s: Dryland
Willd. (7) Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 29 Acacia cochliacantha Humb. & Bonpl. ex Dispersed by: Humans
Global Risk Score: 6.48 Willd. References: India-W-1977.
Rating: Low Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Toxic - Habit: Tree Total N° of Refs: 3 Acacia confusa Merr.
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Global Risk Score: 1.92 Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Tropical Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 38
Origin: Africa, C Asia, E Asia, SE Asia Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Global Risk Score: 12.96
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Rating: Medium
Ornamental Herbal Habit: Tree
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Goat, Livestock Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical,
Weed of: Pastures References: United States of America-Q- Tropical
References: pantropics-W-22, Australia- 1197, Mexico-ZD-1594, Australia-Q-1123. Origin: SE Asia
XW-93, Australia-X-147, southeast Asia- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal,
W-191, Global-NI-714, Australia-W-54, Acacia cognata Domin Ornamental
Global-W-85, Australia-N-868, Australia- Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
N-354, Philippines-nC-1099, Australia-Q- Total N° of Refs: 3 Weed of: Pastures
1134, United States of America-N-1292, Global Risk Score: 0.24 References: pantropics-W-22, Federated
Australia-A-1331, China-N-1344, Global- Rating: Low States of Micronesia-N-230, United States
W-1376, Global-I-1404, Kenya-A-87, Habit: Tree of America-CE-233, Federated States of
Australia-Q-1123, United States of Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Micronesia-W-107, southeast Asia-W-191,
America-N-2092, Australia-W-1977. Origin: Aust United States of America-CE-617, United
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental States of America-ACE-654, Pacific-W-3,
Acacia catechu (L.f.) Willd. var. sundra Dispersed by: Humans United States of America-E-80, Global-W-
(Roxb.) Kurz References: Australia-N-354, Australia-E- 85, United States of America-N-101,
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae 1259, Australia-N-1959. Japan-N-287, Pacific-E-621, United States
Total N° of Refs: 4 of America-N-301, United States of
Origin: C Asia, E Asia Acacia collinsii Saff. America-E-151, Global-NI-714, Japan-N-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Fabaceae - Mimosaceae 794, United States of America-N-839,
Dispersed by: Humans Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acacia India-N-976, Japan-A-1106, United States
References: Australia-N-868, Australia-N- costaricensis Schenck (1) of America-Q-1197, Japan-N-1278, United
354, Australia-W-1210, Australia-E-1456. Total N° of Refs: 1 States of America-N-1292, Global-W-
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical 1324, Global-W-1376, Global-I-1404, New
Acacia caven (Molina) Molina Origin: C Am, N Am Caledonia-I-1507, Global-CD-1611, United
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Major Pathway/s: Ornamental States of America-W-1719, United States
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Mimosa caven Dispersed by: Humans of America-E-1736, United States of
Molina (1), Vachellia caven (Molina) America-N-742, Fiji-W-1977, India-W-
Seigler & Ebinger (1) Acacia concinna (Willd.) DC. 1977, Japan-W-1977, Mauritius-W-1977,
Total N° of Refs: 20 Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Micronesia (Federated States of)-W-1977,
Global Risk Score: 9.6 Accepted name: Senegalia rugata (Lam.) Palau-W-1977, Thailand-W-1977.
Rating: Medium Britton & Rose
Habit: Tree Total N° of Refs: 15 Acacia constricta Benth.
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Global Risk Score: 8.64 Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Rating: Medium Total N° of Refs: 3
Origin: C Am, S Am Toxic - Habit: Tree Global Risk Score: 1.2
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Forestry, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Rating: Low
Ornamental Origin: E Asia, SE Asia ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, Subtropical
Livestock, Escapee Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Weed of: Pastures Dispersed by: Humans Ornamental
References: Argentina-W-237, South References: Australia-N-864, Australia-N- Dispersed by: Humans
America-W-295, Gal pagos Islands-CN- 354, Pacific-E-1078, Australia-W-1210, La References: Global-N-85, United States of
1157, Global-W-1324, Sardinia-U-1336, Reunion-N-1321, Madagascar-N-1000, America-W-218, Australia-Q-1123.
Argentina-A-1363, Global-ZD-1432, Global-W-1376, Global-I-1404, New
Global-ZD-1580, Spain-N-1454, Global- Caledonia-I-1507, Mauritius-A-87, India-I- Acacia constricta Benth. var. vernicosa
CD-1611, Sardinia-U-1393, Sardinia-U- 1826, Australia-Q-1123, Papua New (Standl.) L.D.Benson
1917, Australia-Q-1123, Algeria-W-1977, Guinea-W-1977, Seychelles-W-1977. Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Argentina-W-1977, Bolivia-W-1977, Accepted name: Acacia neovernicosa Isely
Brazil-W-1977, Colombia-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 1
ToxicReferences: United States of

Acacia cookii Saff. Acacia cultriformis A. Cunn. ex G. Don Acacia cyanophylla Lindl.
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Racosperma Accepted name: Acacia saligna (Labill.)
Habit: Tree cultriforme (A. Cunn. ex G. Don) Pedley H.L.Wendl.
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical (1) Total N° of Refs: 169
References: Belize-A-1900. Total N° of Refs: 21 Global Risk Score: 3.36
Global Risk Score: 0.48 Rating: Low
Acacia cornigera (L.) Willd. Rating: Low Habit: Tree
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Habit: Shrub Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acacia spadicigera Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Mediterranean
Schltdl. & Cham. (1), Vachellia cornigera Subtropical, Tropical Origin: Aust
(L.) Seigler & Ebinger (1) Origin: Aust Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Herbal,
Total N° of Refs: 6 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Ornamental
Global Risk Score: 2.4 Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans
Rating: Low References: Australia-N-945, Australia-E- References: Global-W-23, South Africa-W-
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, 380, Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049, 51, Canary Islands-N-305, Europe-NI-482,
Tropical Portugal-N-898, Europe-N-819, Africa-W- Canary Islands-N-637, Portugal-NI-662,
Origin: C Am, N Am 1127, Sardinia-NI-1151, Sardinia-N-1336, Portugal-NI-718, Ecuador-N-875, Canary
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Australia-E-1456, Sardinia-N-1393, Islands-I-902, Australia-N-1049, Spain-I-
Ornamental Australia-N-1902, Chile-I-1872, Sardinia- 1390, Albania-N-1506, Australia-A-87,
Dispersed by: Humans U-1917, Australia-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, South Africa-A-87, Europe-I-1740,
Weed of: Pastures France-W-1977, India-W-1977, Portugal- Cyprus-N-1797, Canary Islands-N-1967,
References: United States of America-N- W-1977, South Africa-W-1977. Canary Islands-N-1970.
101, Central America-A-1568, Australia-Q-
1123, India-W-1977. Acacia cupularis Domin
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Acacia costaricensis Schenck Total N° of Refs: 3
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Origin: Aust
Accepted name: Acacia collinsii Saff. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical References: Australia-W-869, Australia-N-
References: Costa Rica-A-1933. 354, Australia-N-1959.

Acacia crassicarpa A. Cunn. ex Benth. Acacia curassavica (Britton & Killip)

Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Stehla
Total N° of Refs: 8 Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Global Risk Score: 3.36 Accepted name: Acaciella curassavica
Rating: Low Britton & Killip
Habit: Tree Total N° of Refs: 7
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Tropical Habit: Tree
Origin: SE Asia Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Origin: C Am, N Am
Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans
References: Pacific-E-621, United States of Weed of: Pastures
America-I-1046, United States of America- References: Australia-N-368, Pacific-E-
Q-1197, La Reunion-W-1321, Madagascar- 621, Australia-NX-833, Australia-N-834,
N-1000, Global-W-1376, Global-I-1404, - Australia-N-864, Australia-E-880,
I-, Cook Islands-W-1977. Australia-A-1331.

Acacia cyclops A.Cunn. ex G.Don Acacia dealbata Link AZR-121, Lesotho-X-1127, India-EI-1707,
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Fabaceae - Mimosaceae United States of America-E-1736, Europe-
Total N° of Refs: 88 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Racosperma NXI-1740, Taiwan-W-1748, China-I-1769,
Global Risk Score: 26.88 dealbatum (Link) Pedley (2) Turkey-U-1718, Sardinia-N-1393,
Rating: High Total N° of Refs: 173 Australia-N-1902, Chile-I-1872, Chile-E-
Toxic - Habit: Shrub Global Risk Score: 25.92 1874, India-I-1875, Italy-UNI-1887,
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Rating: High Sardinia-N-1917, France-N-1940, France-
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Aqua - Habit: Tree W-1943, Italy-NI-1842, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-,
Origin: Aust Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Switzerland-I-1990, South Africa-N-1991,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Chile-N-1998, Portugal-N-2001, South
Forestry, Ornamental Origin: Aust Africa-UR-2017, New Zealand-N-2048,
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Zimbabwe-N-2087, Algeria-W-1977,
Escapee Forestry, Herbal, Ornamental Argentina-W-1977, Australia-W-1977,
References: pantropics-W-22, South Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Burundi-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Costa
Africa-AZR-121, Congo-I-1107, South References: pantropics-W-22, India-NW- Rica-W-1977, Croatia-W-1977, Ethiopia-
Africa-W-10, South Africa-E-277, Global- 424, Congo-I-1107, South Africa-W-10, W-1977, France-W-1977, Guatemala-W-
W-23, Gibraltar-N-515, South Africa-W- South Africa-E-277, New Zealand-E-246, 1977, India-W-1977, Ireland-W-1977,
51, Global-EI-152, South Africa-X-63, Chile-N-300, South Africa-W-51, Global- Italy-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Kenya-W-
Global-N-85, South Africa-X-95, South E-152, South Africa-X-63, Global-N-108, 1977, Mauritius-W-1977, Mozambique-W-
Africa-CX-283, South Africa-X-278, Global-NW-85, South Africa-X-95, South 1977, New Zealand-W-1977, Portugal-W-
United States of America-N-101, South Africa-CX-283, South Africa-EW-279, 1977, Rwanda-W-1977, South Africa-W-
Africa-W-382, South Africa-W-158, South Africa-X-278, United States of 1977, Spain-W-1977, Sri Lanka-W-1977,
Australia-N-198, Australia-C-401, America-N-101, Australia-E-358, New Uganda-W-1977, Uruguay-W-1977,
Australia-N-945, Australia-E-380, Canary Zealand-N-280, Chile-N-241, South Zambia-W-1977, Zimbabwe-W-1977,
Islands-N-305, Europe-NW-482, Global- Africa-AZR-121, South Africa-W-382, Swaziland-W-1977.
W-344, South Africa-N-330, Canary Australia-N-134, Australia-CW-334, South
Islands-N-637, Global-E-649, Australia- Africa-WI-158, Japan-N-287, New Acacia dealbata Link subsp. dealbata
EN-310, Portugal-N-662, Portugal-N-718, Zealand-EW-225, Australia-C-401, Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
South Africa-I-759, Mediterranean-I-775, Australia-N-945, Australia-E-380, Europe- Total N° of Refs: 4
Global-NI-714, Spain-W-807, Palestine-N- NZI-482, South Africa-N-330, New Habit: Tree
851, Australia-W-869, Australia-E-880, Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N-15, Origin: Aust
Africa-I-886, Canary Islands-I-901, Canary Mediterranean-I-5, Spain-ENI-405, Canary References: Australia-N-855, Australia-N-
Islands-I-902, Mediterranean-WI-951, Islands-N-637, Global-E-649, Switzerland- 354, Australia-N-1450, Australia-E-1456.
Australia-N-354, Portugal-N-1006, Spain- N-653, Australia-EN-310, Portugal-NI-662,
N-1006, Malta-N-1089, Portugal-N-898, Portugal-NI-718, France-I-720, United Acacia decipiens R.Br., nom. illeg.
Europe-N-819, South Africa-X-1112, States of America-E-736, Spain-I-738, Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Africa-X-1127, Australia-E-1262, -N-, South Africa-I-759, Chile-N-765, Accepted name: Acacia truncata Hort. ex
Global-W-1324, Global-I-1376, Israel-ENI- Mediterranean-I-775, Australia-EN-7, Hoffmanns.
1380, Global-I-1404, Global-E-1449, Global-NI-714, Japan-N-794, Spain-I-802, Total N° of Refs: 3
Spain-I-1454, Australia-E-1456, Malta-I- Spain-I-807, France-I-764, Swaziland-N- Global Risk Score: 0.24
1470, Israel-NI-1487, South Africa-A-87, 825, United States of America-I-849, Rating: Low
South Africa-E-1646, Global-CD-1611, Australia-N-856, Madagascar-N-1001, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Europe-UI-1740, Australia-N-1902, Chile- Australia-W-869, Ecuador-N-875, New Dispersed by: Humans
I-1872, Australia-N-1959, -I-, -I-, South Zealand-N-919, Mozambique-nC-943, References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
Africa-N-1991, South Africa-ERI-2017, United States of America-W-946,
Algeria-W-1977, Australia-W-1977, Mediterranean-WI-951, Argentina-I-983, Acacia decora Rchb.
Burkina Faso-W-1977, Cabo Verde-W- Australia-N-354, Portugal-N-1006, Italy-N- Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
1977, Cameroon-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, 1006, Global-N-1059, La Reunion-E-1077, Total N° of Refs: 2
Egypt-W-1977, Ethiopia-W-1977, Israel- Portugal-N-898, Europe-N-819, Spain-I- Global Risk Score: 1.2
W-1977, Libya-W-1977, Mali-W-1977, 658, Chile-W-388, Madagascar-I-973, New Rating: Low
Mauritania-W-1977, Morocco-W-1977, Zealand-E-328, New Zealand-E-505, South Habit: Shrub
Niger-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977, Senegal- Africa-X-1112, Africa-X-1127, Iberian Preferred Climate/s: Dryland
W-1977, South Africa-W-1977, Spain-W- Peninsular-NI-1147, Spain-I-1149, Origin: Aust
1977, Thailand-W-1977, Tunisia-W-1977. Sardinia-NI-1151, Chile-I-1163, Europe-E- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
1184, Global-Q-1208, China-N-1215, Ornamental
Acacia davyi N. E. Br. Chile-N-1229, France-E-1239, South Dispersed by: Humans
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Africa-UX-1247, Georgia-U-1250, Italy-I- References: Australia-E-380, India-W-
Total N° of Refs: 3 251, Spain-NI-1270, Japan-N-1278, India- 1977.
Habit: Shrub I-1280, La Reunion-I-1321, Global-W-
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical 1324, Sardinia-N-1336, Madagascar-N-
Origin: Africa 1000, China-N-1344, India-N-1345, Chile-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental N-1348, Zimbabwe-N-1365, Global-I-
Dispersed by: Humans 1376, India-N-1389, Spain-I-1390, Global-
Weed of: Pastures I-1404, Chile-I-1409, Global-E-1449,
References: South Africa-AR-121, United Spain-U-1454, Argentina, Brazil and
States of America-W-656, Australia-Q- Uruguay-I-1476, France-N-1515, Israel-W-
1123. 1487, Australia-A-87, South Africa-A-87,
New Zealand-A-87, Spain-N-1556, South
Africa-E-1646, Global-CD-1611, Lesotho-

Acacia decurrens (J. C. Wendl.) Willd. Viet Nam-W-1977, Zimbabwe-W-1977, Acacia dudgeoni Craib. ex Holl.
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Swaziland-W-1977. Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Racosperma Total N° of Refs: 2
decurrens (J. C. Wendl.) Pedley (2) Acacia delicatula Tindale & Kodela Global Risk Score: 3.84
Total N° of Refs: 116 Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Rating: Low
Global Risk Score: 25.92 Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Dryland
Rating: High References: Australia-N-834. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Aqua - Habit: Tree Ornamental, Pasture
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Acacia dietrichiana F. Müell. Dispersed by: Humans, Cattle, Livestock
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Fabaceae - Mimosaceae References: Global-ZD-1432, Australia-Q-
Origin: Aust Total N° of Refs: 1 1123.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Forestry, Herbal, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans Acacia dunnii Turrill
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee References: Algeria-W-1977. Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
References: pantropics-W-22, Australia-E- Total N° of Refs: 1
260, Global-NI-714, Congo-I-1107, South Acacia distachya (Cav.) Moc. & Sessé ex Habit: Shrub
Africa-W-10, South Africa-E-277, DC. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Australia-E-290, United States of America- Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Origin: Aust
CW-34, Australia-E-72, South Africa-X- Accepted name: Mimosa distachya Cav. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
63, Global-N-85, South Africa-X-95, South Total N° of Refs: 5 Ornamental
Africa-CX-283, South Africa-EW-279, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Dispersed by: Humans
United States of America-N-101, Australia- Origin: E Asia, W Asia References: Australia-W-93.
E-358, New Zealand-N-280, United States References: India-NW-424.
of America-W-116, South Africa-AZR- Acacia ehrenbergiana Hayne
121, South Africa-W-382, Australia-CW- Acacia dodonaeifolia (Pers.) Balb. Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
334, South Africa-W-158, Australia-N-176, Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Total N° of Refs: 3
Australia-N-198, Australia-C-401, Total N° of Refs: 11 Global Risk Score: 2.24
Australia-N-945, Australia-E-380, Global Risk Score: 0.48 Rating: Low
Australia-E-327, South Africa-N-330, New Rating: Low Habit: Tree
Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N-15, Habit: Shrub Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical,
Australia-EN-310, Portugal-N-718, South Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Tropical
Africa-I-759, Mediterranean-I-775, Origin: Aust Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Australia-EN-7, Swaziland-N-825, United Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Ornamental, Pasture
States of America-I-849, Australia-N-855, Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans
Australia-N-856, Australia-W-869, References: Global-N-85, Australia-N-198, References: Egypt-W-221, Australia-Q-
Colombia-N-874, Africa-I-886, New Australia-N-945, Australia-E-327, 1123, Yemen-W-1977.
Zealand-N-919, Colombia-A-927, United Australia-W-869, Australia-N-354,
States of America-W-946, Mediterranean- Australia-E-1261, Australia-N-1902, Chile-
WI-951, Colombia-I-985, Australia-N-354, I-1872, Australia-W-1977, Chile-W-1977.
Spain-N-1006, Australia-N-1049, Portugal-
N-898, Europe-N-819, Ethiopia-I-452, New Acacia drepanolobium Harms ex Y.
Zealand-E-328, New Zealand-E-505, Sjostedt
Philippines-nC-1099, South Africa-X-1112, Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Africa-X-1127, Iberian Peninsular-N-1147, Accepted name: Vachellia drepanolobium
Australia-E-1259, Australia-E-1261, (Harms ex Y.Sjostedt) P.Hurter
Australia-E-1262, Global-W-1324, Total N° of Refs: 5
Madagascar-N-1000, Zimbabwe-N-1365, Habit: Shrub
Global-I-1376, Global-I-1404, Global-E- Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Tropical
1449, Australia-N-1450, Australia-E-1456, Origin: Africa
Australia-A-87, Hawaii-A-87, Indonesia-A- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
87, Colombia-A-87, New Zealand-A-87, Dispersed by: Humans
United States of America-A-87, South Weed of: Pastures
Africa-E-1646, Global-CD-1611, Australia- References: Africa-A-980, Ethiopia-EI-
N-1902, Australia-N-1845, Chile-I-1872, 1221, Kenya-A-87, -I-, Australia-Q-1123,
Colombia-I-1926, Australia-N-1959, -I-, -I- Ethiopia-W-1977.
, -I-, -I-, -I-, South Africa-N-1991, South
Africa-ERI-2017, New Zealand-N-2048, Acacia drummondii Lindley
Zimbabwe-N-2087, Australia-W-1977, Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Bolivia-W-1977, Brazil-W-1977, Chile-W- Total N° of Refs: 1
1977, Colombia-W-1977, Congo-W-1977, Global Risk Score: 0.24
Democratic Republic of the Congo-W- Rating: Low
1977, Ecuador-W-1977, Ethiopia-W-1977, Habit: Shrub
Fiji-W-1977, Haiti-W-1977, Honduras-W- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
1977, India-W-1977, Kenya-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans
Micronesia (Federated States of)-W-1977, References: Australia-E-380.
Morocco-W-1977, New Zealand-W-1977,
Papua New Guinea-W-1977, Portugal-W-
1977, Rwanda-W-1977, South Africa-W-
1977, Sri Lanka-W-1977, Uganda-W-1977,

Acacia elata Benth. Acacia erioloba E.Mey. Acacia exuvialis Verdoorn.
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Racosperma elatum Total N° of Refs: 10 Total N° of Refs: 5
(A. Cunn. ex Benth.) Pedley (1) Global Risk Score: 19.2 Habit: Shrub
Total N° of Refs: 51 Rating: High Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Global Risk Score: 10.08 Toxic - Habit: Tree Subtropical, Tropical
Rating: Medium Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Origin: Africa
Habit: Tree Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Origin: Africa Dispersed by: Humans
Subtropical, Tropical Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, References: South Africa-AW-121, South
Origin: Aust Forestry, Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture Africa-W-10, South Africa-W-382, South
Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Herbal, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle, Africa-E-1646, Australia-Q-1123.
Ornamental Livestock
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Weed of: Pastures Acacia falciformis DC.
References: Global-NI-714, Congo-I-1107, References: South Africa-AW-121, South Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Australia-E-289, Australia-E-72, South Africa-W-10, South Africa-W-382, South Total N° of Refs: 2
Africa-X-63, Global-N-85, South Africa- Africa-A-1369, Australia-W-869, Habit: Tree
W-95, South Africa-CX-283, United States Australia-Q-1134, Australia-A-1331, South Preferred Climate/s: Dryland
of America-N-101, Australia-E-358, New Africa-ZD-1435, Australia-Q-1123, Origin: Aust
Zealand-N-280, Australia-N-198, Australia-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945, Dispersed by: Humans
Australia-E-327, South Africa-N-330, New Acacia erubescens Welw. ex Oliv. References: United Kingdom-N-314,
Zealand-N-15, Australia-EN-310, South Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Australia-W-1977.
Africa-I-759, Australia-EN-7, Swaziland- Total N° of Refs: 7
N-825, Australia-N-856, Australia-W-869, Habit: Shrub
New Zealand-N-919, Australia-N-354, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
New Zealand-E-328, South Africa-X-1112, Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
Africa-X-1127, Australia-E-1259, Origin: Africa
Australia-E-1261, Australia-E-1262, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Zimbabwe-N-1365, Global-I-1376, Global- Dispersed by: Humans
I-1404, Australia-E-1456, Israel-W-1487, Weed of: Pastures
South Africa-E-1646, Global-CD-1611, References: South Africa-AW-121, South
Australia-N-1902, Australia-N-1959, -I-, - Africa-W-10, South Africa-X-63, South
I-, South Africa-N-1991, South Africa-RI- Africa-W-382, Zimbabwe-A-87, South
2017, New Zealand-N-2048, Zimbabwe-N- Africa-E-1646, Australia-Q-1123.
2087, Australia-W-1977, India-W-1977,
Portugal-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977, Acacia etbaica Schweinf.
Zimbabwe-W-1977, Swaziland-W-1977. Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acacia etbaica
Acacia elongata Sieber ex DC. Schweinf. subsp. etbaica (1)
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Total N° of Refs: 3
Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Tropical
Habit: Shrub Major Pathway/s: Crop
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical References: Egypt-W-221, Australia-Q-
Origin: Aust 1123.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Acacia etbaica Schweinf. subsp. etbaica
References: Australia-N-354. Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Total N° of Refs: 3
References: Saudi Arabia-A-1951.

Acacia extensa Lindl.

Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Total N° of Refs: 3
Global Risk Score: 0.24
Rating: Low
Origin: Aust
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Chile-I-1872, Australia-N-
1959, Chile-W-1977.

Acacia farnesiana (L.) Willd. 1521, Israel-U-1487, Australia-I-1544, Acacia fimbriata A. Cunn. ex G. Don
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Bhutan-I-1544, Cambodia-I-1544, China-I- Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Accepted name: Vachellia farnesiana (L.) 1544, Cook Islands-I-1544, Fiji-I-1544, Total N° of Refs: 8
Wight & Arn.142 French Polynesia-I-1544, Guam-I-1544, Global Risk Score: 0.72
Total N° of Refs: 265 India-I-1544, Indonesia-I-1544, Japan-I- Rating: Low
Global Risk Score: 51.2 1544, Kiribati-I-1544, Laos-I-1544, Habit: Tree
Rating: Extreme Malaysia-I-1544, Maldives-I-1544, Nauru- Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Aqua - Habit: Tree I-1544, New Caledonia-I-1544, Niue-I- Origin: Aust
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, 1544, United States of America-I-1544, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Pakistan-I-1544, Palau-I-1544, Papua New Dispersed by: Humans
Origin: Africa, Aust, C Am, E Asia, N Am, Guinea-I-1544, Philippines-I-1544, References: Australia-E-380, Africa-W-
S Am, SE Asia Solomon Islands-I-1544, Sri Lanka-I-1544, 1127, Australia-E-1259, Australia-E-1261,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Thailand-I-1544, Vanuatu-I-1544, Australia-E-1262, Australia-N-1450, New
Forestry, Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture Vietnam-I-1544, India-N-1628, India-N- Zealand-U-2048, South Africa-W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle, 1631, India-N-1632, Iraq-A-87, Australia-
Livestock, Escapee A-87, Fiji-A-87, Indonesia-A-87, Mexico- Acacia fleckii Schinz
Weed of: Pastures, Vegetables A-87, Paraguay-A-87, Hawaii-A-87, Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
References: Cuba-A-14, pantropics-W-22, Philippines-A-87, Argentina-A-87, Total N° of Refs: 6
Australia-N-269, Puerto Rico-X-258, Cameroon-A-87, Colombia-A-87, Costa Habit: Shrub
Pacific-A-6, Australia-N-368, Vanuatu-A- Rica-A-87, Guatemala-A-87, Belize-A-87, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
315, Australia-CN-468, Australia-CEN- Iran-A-87, Jordan-A-87, Melanesia-A-87, Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
479, Taiwan-N-500, India-NW-424, Nicaragua-A-87, Pakistan-A-87, Polynesia, Origin: Africa
France-N-518, Fiji-A-602, United States of West-A-87, Puerto Rico-A-87, El Salvador- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
America-CE-617, United States of A-87, Sudan-A-87, Suriname-A-87, Dispersed by: Humans
America-ACE-654, Caribbean-N-707, Thailand-A-87, United States of America- Weed of: Pastures
Taiwan-N-777, Australia-EN-7, Pacific-W- A-87, Venezuela-A-87, Global-N-1218, References: South Africa-AW-121, South
3, United States of America-E-80, Global- Cape Verde-N-1558, Central America-A- Africa-W-10, South Africa-X-63, South
NXZW-85, Australia-E-358, South Africa- 1568, Global-CD-1611, United States of Africa-W-382, South Africa-E-1646,
AW-121, United States of America-W-218, America-W-1719, Europe-N-1740, Australia-Q-1123.
Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945, Canary Taiwan-W-1748, North America-N-1760,
Islands-N-305, Global-W-344, United Brazil-A-1763, India-N-1765, China-I- Acacia floribunda (Vent.) Willd.
States of America-A-543, Pacific-E-621, 1769, India-N-1789, Sardinia-N-1393, Sao Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Canary Islands-N-637, Australia-EN-310, Tome and Principe-N-1805, Chile-I-1872, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Racosperma
Portugal-N-718, Mediterranean-I-775, Brazil-I-1876, China-I-1873, India-I-1875, floribundum (Vent.) Pedley (1)
China-I-780, North America-E-784, United Sardinia-U-1917, Australia-A-1928, -I-, Total N° of Refs: 26
States of America-N-301, Global-NI-714, Australia-Q-1123, India-I-2022, Cuba-I- Global Risk Score: 0.48
Spain-W-807, Dominican Republic-W-813, 2055, India-N-2109, Algeria-W-1977, Rating: Low
United States of America-N-839, Australia- Anguilla-W-1977, Antigua and Barbuda- Habit: Tree
W-853, Australia-N-855, Australia-N-856, W-1977, Australia-W-1977, Bahamas-W- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Australia-W-869, Ecuador-N-875, 1977, Barbados-W-1977, Bhutan-W-1977, Origin: Aust
Australia-E-880, China-I-882, Israel-A- Bolivia-W-1977, Brazil-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
885, Mexico-W-890, Canary Islands-I-902, Cambodia-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Colombia-A-927, Venezuela-A-932, Colombia-W-1977, Comoros-W-1977, References: Australia-E-72, Australia-E-
Central America-A-933, Mozambique-nC- Cook Islands-W-1977, Cuba-W-1977, 358, New Zealand-N-280, Australia-C-401,
943, United States of America-W-946, Cyprus-W-1977, Dominica-W-1977, Australia-N-945, Australia-E-380, Europe-
Mediterranean-W-951, Fiji-X-968, Brazil- Egypt-W-1977, Ethiopia-W-1977, Fiji-W- N-482, New Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-
I-984, Paraguay-I-987, Portugal-N-1006, 1977, France-W-1977, Ghana-W-1977, N-15, Australia-EN-310, Australia-EN-7,
France-N-1006, France-N-1006, Portugal- Greece-W-1977, Grenada-W-1977, Iran New Zealand-N-919, Australia-N-354,
N-1006, United States of America-I-1046, (Islamic Republic of)-W-1977, Iraq-W- Australia-E-1259, Australia-E-1261,
India-I-1047, China-I-1055, Mozambique- 1977, Israel-W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Australia-E-1262, Australia-N-1450,
E-1076, La Reunion-E-1077, Pacific-E- Jamaica-W-1977, Kenya-W-1977, Kiribati- Australia-E-1456, Global-CD-1611,
1078, French Polynesia-EX-1079, W-1977, Kuwait-W-1977, Lao People's Australia-N-1902, Australia-N-1845,
Australia-I-1088, Europe-N-819, Democratic Republic-W-1977, Libya-W- Australia-N-1959, New Zealand-N-2048,
Madagascar-I-973, Philippines-nC-1099, 1977, Maldives-W-1977, Mauritius-W- Algeria-W-1977, Australia-W-1977.
Laos-N-1102, Greece-U-1142, India-N- 1977, Micronesia (Federated States of)-W-
1148, Sardinia-NI-1151, Cyprus-N-1174, 1977, Morocco-W-1977, Mozambique-W- Acacia floribunda (Vent.) Willd. x
United States of America-Q-1197, China- 1977, Nauru-W-1977, Nepal-W-1977, Acacia longifolia (Andrews) Willd.
N-1215, Mexico-W-1226, Caribbean-NI- Pakistan-W-1977, Palau-W-1977, Portugal- Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
1201, China-I-1277, India-I-1279, India-I- W-1977, Saudi Arabia-W-1977, Solomon Total N° of Refs: 1
1280, Africa-I-1314, La Reunion-NI-1321, Islands-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977, Habit: Shrub
Global-W-1324, Brazil-I-1328, Sardinia-N- Spain-W-1977, Sri Lanka-W-1977, Sudan- References: New Zealand-N-15.
1336, Madagascar-N-1000, China-N-1344, W-1977, Taiwan-W-1977, Thailand-W-
India-I-1345, Global-W-1349, Global-W- 1977, Togo-W-1977, Uganda-W-1977,
1376, Israel-NW-1380, India-I-1389, Vanuatu-W-1977, Viet Nam-W-1977.
Taiwan-N-1403, Global-I-1404, south and
southeast Asia-A-1408, Global-ZD-1432,
Australia-N-1450, Spain-I-1454, China-I-
1496, Cuba-NI-1505, New Caledonia-I-
1507, French Polynesia-N-1514, Fiji-A-

Acacia galpinii Burtt Davy Acacia glaucescens Willd. Acacia harpophylla F. Müell. ex Benth.
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 Accepted name: Acacia binervia (Wendl.) Total N° of Refs: 2
Habit: Tree J.F.Macbr. Global Risk Score: 1.76
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Total N° of Refs: 3 Rating: Low
Tropical Global Risk Score: 0.24 Habit: Tree
Origin: Africa Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Dryland
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental ToxicOrigin: Aust Origin: Aust
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental,
Weed of: Pastures Dispersed by: Humans Pasture
References: South Africa-AW-121, References: Australia-W-269, Australia-A- Dispersed by: Humans
Australia-Q-1123. 87. References: Global-A-1207, Australia-A-
Acacia georginae F. M. Bailey Acacia glomerosa Benth.
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Acacia hebeclada DC.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 4 Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Global Risk Score: 2.24 Habit: Tree Total N° of Refs: 3
Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Toxic - Habit: Shrub Origin: C Am Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland References: Venezuela-A-932, Nicaragua- Origin: Africa
Origin: Aust A-87, Venezuela-A-87, Australia-Q-1123. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Dispersed by: Humans
Ornamental, Pasture Acacia grandicornuta Gerstner References: South Africa-W-382, South
Dispersed by: Humans Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Africa-E-1646, Australia-Q-1123.
References: Australia-A-87. Total N° of Refs: 2
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Acacia hebeclada DC. subsp. hebeclada
Acacia gerrardii Benth. Tropical Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 3
Total N° of Refs: 8 Dispersed by: Humans Habit: Shrub
Global Risk Score: 3.84 References: South Africa-E-1646, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Rating: Low Australia-Q-1123. Subtropical, Tropical
Habit: Shrub Origin: Africa
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Acacia greggii A.Gray Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Dispersed by: Humans
Origin: Africa Total N° of Refs: 6 Weed of: Pastures
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture Global Risk Score: 2.4 References: South Africa-AW-121, South
Dispersed by: Humans Rating: Low Africa-W-10, South Africa-X-63.
Weed of: Pastures Toxic - Habit: Shrub
References: South Africa-W-10, South Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical Acacia hebecladoides Harms
Africa-W-382, Africa-A-980, Australia-Q- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
1134, Zimbabwe-A-87, Kenya-A-87, South Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 3
Africa-E-1646, Australia-Q-1123. Dispersed by: Humans References: Tanzania-A-87, Kenya-A-87,
Weed of: Vegetables Australia-Q-1123.
Acacia gerrardii Benth. var. gerrardii References: United States of America-W-
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae 161, United States of America-W-218, Acacia hereroensis Engl.
Total N° of Refs: 1 United States of America-A-543, Global- Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Habit: Tree W-1349, United States of America-A-87, Total N° of Refs: 5
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Australia-Q-1123. Habit: Shrub
Origin: Africa Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Acacia haematoxylon Willd. Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
Dispersed by: Humans Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Origin: Africa
Weed of: Pastures Total N° of Refs: 4 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
References: South Africa-AW-121. Habit: Shrub Dispersed by: Humans
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Weed of: Pastures
Acacia glauca (L.) Moench Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical References: South Africa-AW-121, South
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Origin: Africa Africa-W-10, South Africa-W-382, United
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acacia villosa Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental States of America-W-656, Australia-Q-
(Sw.) Willd. (1) Dispersed by: Humans 1123.
Total N° of Refs: 6 Weed of: Pastures
Global Risk Score: 2.24 References: South Africa-AR-121, South Acacia heteracantha Burch.
Rating: Low Africa-W-10, South Africa-W-382, Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Australia-Q-1123. Accepted name: Vachellia tortilis (Forssk.)
Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Ornamental, Galasso & Banfi
Pasture Total N° of Refs: 4
Dispersed by: Humans References: South Africa-A-87, Zimbabwe-
References: Global-NI-714, -I-, Australia- A-87.
W-1977, Cook Islands-W-1977, Fiji-W-
1977, Global--1324.

Acacia heterophylla (Lam.) Willd. Acacia howittii F. Müell. Acacia ixiophylla Benth.
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 10 Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Global Risk Score: 0.72 Global Risk Score: 0.24
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Rating: Low Rating: Low
Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Habit: Shrub
References: Madagascar-N-1001, Origin: Aust Origin: Aust
Madagascar-N-1000. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans
Acacia hindsii Benth. References: Australia-N-945, Australia-E- References: Australia-A-87.
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae 380, Australia-W-869, Australia-E-1259,
Total N° of Refs: 4 Australia-E-1261, Australia-E-1262, Acacia juncifolia Benth.
Origin: N Am Australia-E-1456, Australia-N-1845, Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal Australia-N-1959, Australia-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 2
References: Central America-A-933, Global Risk Score: 0.24
Guatemala-A-87, Belize-A-87, El Acacia implexa Benth. Rating: Low
Salvador-A-87. Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Habit: Shrub
Total N° of Refs: 17 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Acacia hockii De Wild. Global Risk Score: 17.28 Dispersed by: Humans
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Rating: High References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 8 Habit: Tree
Habit: Shrub Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Acacia juniperina (Vent.) Willd.
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Tropical Mediterranean, Tropical Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Origin: Africa Origin: Aust Accepted name: Acacia ulicifolia (Salisb.)
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, Court
Dispersed by: Humans Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 3
Weed of: Pastures Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Global Risk Score: 0.24
References: Global-W-629, Africa-A-980, References: Congo-I-1107, South Africa- Rating: Low
Global-W-1376, Uganda-A-87, Kenya-A- X-63, South Africa-CX-283, South Africa- Origin: Aust
87, -I-, Australia-Q-1123, Uganda-W-1977, AW-121, South Africa-I-759, Global-NI- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Global--1324. 714, South Africa-X-1112, Africa-X-1127, Dispersed by: Humans
Global-W-85, South Africa-EN-1189, References: Chile-I-1872.
Acacia holosericea A. Cunn. ex G. Don Global-W-1376, Global-I-1404, Israel-W-
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae 1487, South Africa-E-1646, Global-CD-
Total N° of Refs: 12 1611, South Africa-N-1991, South Africa-
Global Risk Score: 6.4 W-1977.
Rating: Low
Habit: Tree Acacia intsia (L.) Willd.
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Origin: Aust Accepted name: Acacia caesia (L.) Willd.
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, Total N° of Refs: 1
Ornamental, Pasture Habit: Tree
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
References: Philippines-nC-1099, La Origin: E Asia
Reunion-N-1321, Brazil-I-984, Brazil-I- Major Pathway/s: Herbal
1328, Global-W-1376, Global-I-1404, References: India-A-87.
Brazil-I-1876, Brazil-W-1977, Brunei
Darussalam-W-1977, Burkina Faso-W- Acacia iteaphylla F. Müell. ex Benth.
1977, Cook Islands-W-1977, India-W- Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
1977. Total N° of Refs: 21
Global Risk Score: 2.88
Acacia horrida (L.) Willd. Rating: Low
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Habit: Tree
Total N° of Refs: 8 Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Global Risk Score: 6.48 Mediterranean
Rating: Low Origin: Aust
Habit: Shrub Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Tropical Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Origin: Africa References: Australia-E-72, Australia-E-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, 358, Australia-CW-334, Australia-N-198,
Ornamental Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945,
Dispersed by: Humans Australia-E-380, Australia-E-327,
References: Chile-N-300, Chile-N-241, Australia-EN-310, Australia-EN-7,
Chile-N-1229, Chile-N-1348, Chile-I-1872, Australia-W-869, Australia-N-354,
Chile-A-1874, Australia-Q-1123, Chile-W- Australia-N-1049, Australia-E-1262,
1977. Global-W-1376, Global-I-1404, Australia-
E-1456, Global-CD-1611, Australia-N-
1902, Australia-N-1959, Australia-W-1977.

Acacia karroo Hayne Acacia laeta R.Br. ex Benth. Acacia ligulata A. Cunn. ex Benth.
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Accepted name: Vachellia karroo (Hayne) Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 4
Banfi & Galasso Global Risk Score: 5.44 Habit: Shrub
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acacia capensis Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Dryland
(Burm.f.) Burch. rejected name (2) Habit: Shrub Origin: Aust
Total N° of Refs: 79 Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Global Risk Score: 38.4 Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Dispersed by: Humans
Rating: Extreme Origin: Africa References: Australia-N-354, France-N-
Habit: Tree Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, 1006, Europe-N-819, Cyprus-W-1977.
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Ornamental, Pasture
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Dispersed by: Humans Acacia linearis (Wendl.) J.F.Macbr. or
Origin: Africa References: Egypt-W-221, Global-NI-714, Hochr.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Australia-Q-1123. Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Forestry, Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture Accepted name: Acacia longissima
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Goat, Acacia lahai Steud. & Hochst. ex Benth. H.L.Wendl.
Livestock Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Weed of: Pastures Total N° of Refs: 3 Global Risk Score: 0.24
References: South Africa-AR-121, Global- Habit: Shrub Rating: Low
NI-714, Australia-W-54, South Africa-W- Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
10, South Africa-X-63, South Africa-W- Origin: Africa Dispersed by: Humans
382, Australia-N-945, Europe-NI-482, Major Pathway/s: Crop References: Chile-I-1872.
Global-W-629, United States of America- Weed of: Pastures
W-656, Portugal-NI-662, Portugal-NI-718, References: Africa-A-980, Kenya-A-87, Acacia linifolia (Vent.) Willd.
Mediterranean-I-775, Australia-N-7, Spain- Australia-Q-1123. Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
W-807, Australia-W-853, Australia-W-869, Total N° of Refs: 1
Mediterranean-WI-951, India-N-976, Acacia lasiocalyx C. R. P. Andrews Habit: Tree
France-N-1006, France-N-1006, Italy-N- Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
1006, Portugal-N-1006, Italy-N-1006, Total N° of Refs: 6 Dispersed by: Humans
Spain-N-1006, Turkey-N-1006, Malta-N- Global Risk Score: 0.24 References: India-W-1977.
1089, Portugal-N-898, Europe-N-819, Rating: Low
Australia--, Sardinia-NI-1151, Australia- Habit: Shrub
W-1210, Australia-E-1261, Australia-E- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
1262, Global-W-1324, Australia-A-1331, Origin: Aust
Sardinia-N-1336, Chile-N-1348, Global-I- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
1376, Israel-ENI-1380, Global-I-1404, Dispersed by: Humans
Global-E-1449, Spain-U-1454, Australia-E- References: Australia-E-358, Australia-N-
1456, Israel-N-1487, South Africa-A-87, 945, Australia-EN-7, Australia-N-354,
Zimbabwe-A-87, Italy-N-1007, South Australia-N-1902, Australia-W-1977.
Africa-E-1646, South Africa-ZD-1579,
Lesotho-AR-121, Australia-X-1693, Acacia leptocarpa Cunn. ex Benth.
Europe-UI-1740, Sardinia-N-1393, Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Sardinia-N-1917, -I-, Australia-Q-1123, Total N° of Refs: 1
Spain-N-2027, Algeria-W-1977, Australia- Global Risk Score: 1.68
W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Cyprus-W-1977, Rating: Low
France-W-1977, Iraq-W-1977, Israel-W- Habit: Tree
1977, Libya-W-1977, Mauritius-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry,
Morocco-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977, Ornamental
Turkey-W-1977, Italy-U-2115. Dispersed by: Humans
References: Global-NI-714.
Acacia kraussiana Meisn. ex Benth.
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Acacia leucocephala Bert.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Habit: perennial Vine Accepted name: Leucaena leucocephala
Origin: Africa (Lam.) De Wit.
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 378
Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations, Pastures Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
References: South Africa-AW-121, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Australia-Q-1123. References: Australia-CN-468, Global-CD-

Acacia longifolia (Andrews) Willd. UN-1887, Sardinia-U-1917, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, Acacia longifolia (Andrews) Willd.
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae -I-, South Africa-N-1991, South Africa- subsp. sophorae (Labill.) Court
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acacia longifolia ERI-2017, New Zealand-N-2048, Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
(Andrews) Willd. var. longifolia (8), Zimbabwe-U-2087, Argentina-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 11
Acacia longifolia (Andrews) Willd. var. Australia-W-1977, Brazil-W-1977, Chile- Origin: Aust
sophorae (Labill.) F. M ell. ex K. D. Jones W-1977, Colombia-W-1977, Dominican Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
(7), Acacia sophorae (Labill.) R.Br. (16), Republic-W-1977, France-W-1977, India- Dispersed by: Humans
Racosperma longifolium (Andrews) W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Kenya-W-1977, References: Australia-EN-7, Australia-W-
C.Martius (4) Mauritius-W-1977, New Zealand-W-1977, 869, Australia-N-354, Spain-N-1006,
Total N° of Refs: 162 Portugal-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977, Australia-N-1049, Australia-E-1259,
Global Risk Score: 25.92 Spain-W-1977, Sri Lanka-W-1977, Australia-E-1261, Australia-E-1262,
Rating: High Uruguay-W-1977, Viet Nam-W-1977, Australia-E-1456, Australia-N-1959, New
Toxic, Aqua - Habit: Tree Zimbabwe-W-1977, Swaziland-W-1977. Zealand-N-2048.
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Acacia longifolia (Andrews) Willd. var. Acacia longissima H. L. Wendl.
Origin: Aust longifolia Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acacia linearis
Forestry, Herbal, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 135 (Wendl.) J.F.Macbr. or Hochr. (1)
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Global Risk Score: 0.48 Total N° of Refs: 1
References: India-NW-424, Congo-I-1107, Rating: Low Habit: Tree
South Africa-W-10, South Africa-E-277, ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Pacific-W-3, Australia-E-289, United Tropical Dispersed by: Humans
States of America-CW-34, Australia-E-72, Origin: Aust
New Zealand-E-246, South Africa-W-51, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Acacia luederitzii Engl.
Global-EI-152, South Africa-X-63, United Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
States of America-E-80, Global-N-85, References: Australia-E-358, Australia-E- Total N° of Refs: 1
South Africa-W-95, South Africa-CX-283, 296, Australia-CW-334, Australia-C-401, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
South Africa-CW-279, South Africa-X- Australia-E-327, Australia-EN-310, Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
278, United States of America-N-101, Australia-E-880, Global-CD-1611. Origin: Africa
Australia-E-358, New Zealand-N-280, Major Pathway/s: Crop
United States of America-Q-116, South Acacia longifolia (Andrews) Willd. var. References: South Africa-W-382.
Africa-AZW-121, South Africa-W-382, sophorae (Labill.) F. Müell. ex K. D.
Global-EI-132, Australia-CW-334, South Jones Acacia luederitzii Engl. var. luederitzii
Africa-W-158, New Zealand-EW-225, Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Australia-C-401, Australia-E-380, Europe- Accepted name: Acacia longifolia subsp. Total N° of Refs: 4
NW-482, South Africa-N-330, New sophorae (Andrews) Willd. Habit: Shrub
Zealand-N-534, Spain-ENI-405, Pacific-E- Total N° of Refs: 134 Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
621, Global-E-649, Australia-EN-310, Global Risk Score: 0.48 Origin: Africa
Portugal-NI-662, Portugal-NI-718, Spain-I- Rating: Low Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
738, South Africa-I-759, Mediterranean-I- ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Dispersed by: Humans
775, United States of America-E-151, Origin: Aust Weed of: Pastures
Global-NI-714, Spain-I-802, France-W- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: South Africa-AR-121, South
764, Swaziland-N-825, United States of Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Africa-W-10, South Africa-E-1646,
America-I-849, Palestine-N-851, Australia- References: Australia-CW-334, Australia- Australia-Q-1123.
N-856, New Zealand-N-919, United States E-358, Australia-C-401, Australia-E-327,
of America-W-946, Mediterranean-WI- Australia-EN-310, Australia-N-1049, Acacia luederitzii Engl. var. retinens
951, South Africa-N-956, Argentina-I-983, Global-CD-1611. (Sim) Ross & Brenan
Uruguay-I-988, Australia-N-354, France- Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
N-1006, Italy-N-1006, Portugal-N-1006, Acacia longifolia (Andrews) Willd. Total N° of Refs: 4
United States of America-I-1046, subsp. longifolia Habit: Shrub
Australia-N-1049, Portugal-N-898, Europe- Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
N-819, New Zealand-E-328, New Zealand- Total N° of Refs: 11 Origin: Africa
E-505, South Africa-X-1112, Africa-X- Habit: Tree Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
1127, Iberian Peninsular-NI-1147, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Dispersed by: Humans
Sardinia-NI-1151, United States of Origin: Aust Weed of: Pastures
America-Q-1197, France-E-1239, Italy-N- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: South Africa-AW-121, South
251, Australia-X-2018, La Reunion-U- Dispersed by: Humans Africa-W-10, South Africa-E-1646,
1321, Global-W-1324, Brazil-I-984, Brazil- References: Global-N-85, Australia-EN-7, Australia-Q-1123.
I-1328, Sardinia-N-1336, India-N-1345, Australia-N-855, Australia-W-869,
Zimbabwe-U-1365, Global-I-1376, Australia-N-354, Australia-E-1261,
Vietnam-E-1386, Global-I-1404, Global-E- Australia-E-1262, Australia-N-1450,
1449, Spain-U-1454, Argentina, Brazil and Australia-E-1456, Australia-N-1959, New
Uruguay-I-1476, Israel-W-1487, South Zealand-N-2048.
Africa-A-87, New Zealand-A-87, Italy-N-
1007, South Africa-E-1646, Global-CD-
1611, Azores-N-1721, Brazil-NI-1733,
United States of America-E-1736, Europe-
UNXI-1740, Sardinia-U-1393, Australia-N-
1902, Chile-I-1872, Brazil-I-1876, Italy-

Acacia macracantha Humb. & Bonpl. ex Acacia mangium Willd. Acacia mearnsii De Willd.
Willd. Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Total N° of Refs: 74 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Racosperma
Accepted name: Vachellia macracantha Global Risk Score: 16.32 mearnsii (De Wild.) Pedley (5)
(Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) Seigler & Rating: High Total N° of Refs: 162
Ebinger Habit: Tree Global Risk Score: 25.92
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acacia aroma Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Rating: High
Gillies ex Hook. & Arn. (11) Origin: Aust, SE Asia Habit: Tree
Total N° of Refs: 27 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Global Risk Score: 3.6 Ornamental, Pasture Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
Rating: Low Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Origin: Aust, S Am
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, References: Federated States of Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Tropical Micronesia-N-230, Australia-W-93, Forestry, Herbal, Ornamental
Origin: S Am Federated States of Micronesia-W-107, Dispersed by: Humans, Vehicles, Escapee
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, southeast Asia-W-191, Pacific-N-434, Weed of: Pastures
Ornamental United States of America-N-436, References: pantropics-W-22, Tanzania-I-
Dispersed by: Humans Singapore-N-476, Caribbean-N-707, 234, La Reunion-E-349, United States of
References: Guyana-W-32, Chile-N-300, Pacific-W-3, Global-E-152, Pacific-E-621, America-CE-617, United States of
Chile-N-241, Chile-N-1229, Chile-N-1348, Global-W-629, Global-NI-714, Australia- America-ACE-654, Africa-W-760, Global-
Cuba-N-1505, Peru-A-87, Chile-I-1872, -I- N-868, Costa Rica-N-872, Dominican NI-714, Congo-I-1107, South Africa-W-10,
, Australia-Q-1123, Cuba-W-2055, Algeria- Republic-I-877, Bangladesh-I-887, Brazil- South Africa-E-277, Pacific-W-3, New
W-1977, Anguilla-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, I-984, Australia-N-354, Mozambique-E- Zealand-E-246, South Africa-W-51,
Cuba-W-1977, Global--1324. 1076, Philippines-nC-1099, Laos-N-1102, Global-EI-152, South Africa-X-63, United
western Indian Ocean-I-1144, western States of America-E-80, Global-NXW-85,
Acacia macradenia Benth. Indian Ocean-I-1146, United States of South Africa-W-95, South Africa-CX-283,
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae America-Q-1197, Caribbean-NI-1201, South Africa-EW-279, South Africa-X-
Total N° of Refs: 1 Singapore-N-1290, United States of 278, United States of America-N-101, New
Global Risk Score: 1.2 America-N-1292, La Reunion-W-1321, Zealand-N-280, South Africa-AZR-121,
Rating: Low Global-W-1324, Brazil-I-1328, South Africa-W-382, South Africa-W-158,
Origin: Aust Bangladesh-CN-1330, Madagascar-N- Australia-N-945, Australia-E-380, South
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, 1000, French Guiana-N-1346, Global-W- Africa-N-330, New Zealand-N-534, New
Ornamental 1376, Vietnam-E-1386, Global-I-1404, Zealand-N-15, Pacific-E-621, Global-E-
Dispersed by: Humans Global-E-1449, Cuba-NI-1505, Australia- 649, Portugal-NI-662, Portugal-NI-718,
References: Australia-E-1456. A-87, Global-CD-1611, Brazil-N-1733, South Africa-I-759, Mediterranean-I-775,
India-N-1370, Singapore-N-1839, Brazil-I- North America-E-784, United States of
Acacia maidenii F. Müell. 1876, Brazil-N-1877, Seychelles-NI-1925, America-N-301, United States of America-
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, Cuba-NI-2055, United E-151, North America-X-790, Swaziland-
Total N° of Refs: 5 States of America-N-2092, Indonesia-I- N-825, United States of America-N-839,
Habit: Tree 2108, Australia-W-1977, Bangladesh-W- Zimbabwe-NI-848, Madagascar-N-1001,
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical 1977, Brazil-W-1977, Brunei Darussalam- United States of America-X-229, Ecuador-
Origin: Aust W-1977, Cameroon-W-1977, Colombia-W- N-875, New Zealand-N-919, Mozambique-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental 1977, Comoros-W-1977, Cook Islands-W- nC-943, United States of America-W-946,
Dispersed by: Humans 1977, Costa Rica-W-1977, Cuba-W-1977, Mediterranean-WI-951, Argentina-I-983,
References: New Zealand-N-15, New Fiji-W-1977, India-W-1977, Lao People's Brazil-I-984, Jamaica-I-986, Australia-N-
Zealand-N-823, New Zealand-U-919, New Democratic Republic-W-1977, Malaysia- 354, Italy-N-1006, Spain-N-1006, United
Zealand-U-2048, India-W-1977. W-1977, Micronesia (Federated States of)- States of America-I-1046, India-I-1047,
W-1977, Myanmar-W-1977, Palau-W- Australia-N-1049, La Reunion-E-1077,
1977, Papua New Guinea-W-1977, Samoa- Portugal-N-898, Europe-N-819, Global-W-
W-1977, Seychelles-W-1977, Singapore- 148, New Zealand-E-328, New Zealand-E-
W-1977, Sri Lanka-W-1977, Thailand-W- 505, Philippines-nC-1099, South Africa-X-
1977, Viet Nam-W-1977. 1112, United States of America-N-1116,
Africa-X-1127, La Reunion-I-1145, Iberian
Acacia mangium Willd. x Acacia Peninsular-N-1147, Sardinia-NI-1151,
auriculiformis A.Cunn. ex Benth. United States of America-Q-1197, China-
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae N-1215, Italy-I-251, Spain-N-1270, India-
Total N° of Refs: 2 I-1280, United States of America-N-1292,
Habit: Tree Africa-I-1314, La Reunion-I-1321, Global-
Origin: E Asia W-1324, Brazil-I-1328, Sardinia-N-1336,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Madagascar-N-1000, India-I-1345,
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Zimbabwe-I-1365, Global-I-1376, Global-
References: Bangladesh-CN-1330, Global- I-1404, Global-E-1449, Australia-E-1456,
CD-1611. Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay-I-1476,
Global-ZD-1495, New Caledonia-I-1507,
Israel-W-1487, Australia-I-1544, China-I-
1544, Cook Islands-I-1544, India-I-1544,
Indonesia-I-1544, Japan-I-1544, New
Zealand-I-1544, Pakistan-I-1544, Papua
New Guinea-I-1544, Sri Lanka-I-1544,
United States of America-I-1544, Vietnam-

I-1544, South Africa-A-87, South Africa-E- Acacia melanoxylon R.Br. Uruguay-I-1476, New Caledonia-I-1507,
1646, Global-CD-1611, United States of Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Israel-W-1487, Australia-I-1544, Bhutan-I-
America-XW-1719, East Africa-I-1723, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Racosperma 1544, China-I-1544, India-I-1544, Japan-I-
Brazil-NI-1733, United States of America- melanoxylon (R.Br.) Mart. (3) 1544, New Caledonia-I-1544, New
E-1736, Europe-X-1740, India-I-1764, Total N° of Refs: 179 Zealand-I-1544, Sri Lanka-I-1544,
China-I-1769, Sardinia-I-1393, Australia- Global Risk Score: 34.56 Thailand-I-1544, Australia-A-87, South
N-1902, Brazil-I-1876, Italy-I-1887, India- Rating: Extreme Africa-A-87, New Zealand-A-87, Spain-N-
I-1904, Sardinia-N-1917, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I- Aqua - Habit: Tree 1556, South Africa-E-1646, Global-CD-
, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, South Africa-N-1991, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, 1611, Lesotho-AZR-121, Azores-N-1721,
South Africa-ERI-2017, New Zealand-N- Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Macronesia-I-1722, East Africa-I-1723,
2048, Zimbabwe-NI-2087, Algeria-W- Origin: Aust India-N-1370, United States of America-E-
1977, Argentina-W-1977, Australia-W- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, 1736, Europe-XI-1740, Sardinia-U-1393,
1977, Bolivia-W-1977, Brazil-W-1977, Forestry, Herbal, Ornamental Australia-N-1902, Chile-AE-1874, Mexico-
Burundi-W-1977, Cabo Verde-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Escapee NI-1881, Italy-U-1887, Sardinia-U-1917,
Chile-W-1977, Cook Islands-W-1977, Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Colombia-I-1926, Italy-N-1842, -I-, -I-, -I-,
Democratic Republic of the Congo-W- References: India-NW-424, Africa-W-760, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, South Africa-N-
1977, Ethiopia-W-1977, India-W-1977, Global-NI-714, Congo-I-1107, South 1991, South Africa-ERI-2017, New
Italy-W-1977, Jamaica-W-1977, Kenya-W- Africa-W-10, South Africa-E-277, Pacific- Zealand-ED-2023, New Zealand-N-2048,
1977, Malawi-W-1977, Morocco-W-1977, W-3, Global-EI-18, Australia-E-290, Zimbabwe-NI-2087, United States of
New Zealand-W-1977, Papua New Guinea- United States of America-CW-34, United America-N-2092, Algeria-W-1977,
W-1977, Portugal-W-1977, Rwanda-W- Kingdom-N-40, New Zealand-E-246, Argentina-W-1977, Australia-W-1977,
1977, South Africa-W-1977, Sri Lanka-W- Chile-N-300, South Africa-W-51, Global- Belgium-W-1977, Bhutan-W-1977,
1977, Sudan-W-1977, Uganda-W-1977, EI-152, South Africa-X-63, Portugal-W- Bolivia-W-1977, Brazil-W-1977, Burundi-
United Republic of Tanzania-W-1977, Viet 540, United States of America-E-80, W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Colombia-W-
Nam-W-1977, Zambia-W-1977, Global-N-108, Global-NZW-85, South 1977, Democratic Republic of the Congo-
Zimbabwe-W-1977, Swaziland-W-1977. Africa-W-95, South Africa-CX-283, South W-1977, Ethiopia-W-1977, France-W-
Africa-EW-279, South Africa-X-278, 1977, Haiti-W-1977, India-W-1977, Italy-
Acacia megaladena Desv. United States of America-N-101, Australia- W-1977, Kenya-W-1977, Lesotho-W-1977,
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae E-358, New Zealand-N-280, United States Mauritius-W-1977, Mexico-W-1977, New
Total N° of Refs: 1 of America-W-116, Chile-N-241, South Zealand-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977,
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Africa-AZR-121, South Africa-W-382, Rwanda-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977,
References: south and southeast Asia-A- Australia-CW-334, South Africa-W-158, Spain-W-1977, Sri Lanka-W-1977,
1408. Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945, United Thailand-W-1977, United Kingdom-W-
Kingdom-C-314, South Africa-N-330, 1977, United Republic of Tanzania-W-
United Kingdom-N-519, New Zealand-N- 1977, Zimbabwe-W-1977, Swaziland-W-
534, New Zealand-N-15, Spain-ENI-405, 1977.
Pacific-E-621, Global-E-649, Australia-
EN-310, Portugal-NI-662, Portugal-NI- Acacia mellifera (Vahl) Benth.
718, Spain-I-738, South Africa-I-759, Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Mediterranean-I-775, North America-E- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acacia mellifera
784, Australia-EN-7, United States of ssp. detinens (Vahl) Benth.
America-N-301, United States of America- Total N° of Refs: 6
E-151, Mexico-N-791, Spain-I-802, United Global Risk Score: 8.16
Kingdom-CN-812, Swaziland-N-825, Rating: Medium
United States of America-N-839, United Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
States of America-I-849, Australia-N-856, Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
Portugal-N-859, Colombia-N-874, Origin: Africa
Ecuador-N-875, Mexico-I-878, Africa-I- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry,
886, Canary Islands-I-902, New Zealand- Ornamental, Pasture
N-919, United States of America-W-946, Dispersed by: Humans
Mediterranean-WI-951, South Africa-N- References: Egypt-W-221, South Africa-
956, Argentina-I-983, Colombia-I-985, W-382, Global-W-1324, South Africa-A-
Australia-N-354, France-N-1006, United 87, South Africa-E-1646, Australia-Q-
Kingdom-N-1006, United States of 1123.
America-I-1046, Portugal-I-1090, Portugal-
N-898, Europe-N-819, Ethiopia-I-452, New Acacia mellifera (Vahl) Benth. subsp.
Zealand-E-328, New Zealand-E-505, South detinens (Burch.) Brenan
Africa-X-1112, Africa-X-1127, Iberian Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Peninsular-NI-1147, Spain-U-1149, Total N° of Refs: 3
Sardinia-NI-1151, United States of Habit: Shrub
America-Q-1197, Chile-N-1229, Italy-U- Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
251, Spain-NI-1270, United States of Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
America-N-1292, Peru-N-1293, La Origin: Africa
Reunion-N-1321, Global-W-1324, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Sardinia-N-1336, Madagascar-N-1000, Dispersed by: Humans
India-N-1345, Chile-N-1348, Zimbabwe-I- Weed of: Pastures
1365, Global-I-1376, Spain-I-1390, Global- References: South Africa-AR-121, South
I-1404, Global-E-1449, Spain-U-1454, Africa-W-10, South Africa-X-63.
Australia-E-1456, Argentina, Brazil and

Acacia microbotrya Benth. Acacia mountfordiae Specht Acacia nigrescens Oliv.
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Total N° of Refs: 5 Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 7
Global Risk Score: 1.2 Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Global Risk Score: 5.28
Rating: Low Origin: Aust Rating: Low
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Habit: Tree
Mediterranean Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Origin: Aust References: Australia-W-93, southeast Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Asia-W-191. Origin: Africa
Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental,
Dispersed by: Humans Acacia murrayana F. Müell. ex Benth. Pasture
References: Australia-E-358, Australia-N- Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Dispersed by: Humans
945, Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1902, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Racosperma References: South Africa-AW-121, South
Australia-W-1977. murrayanum (F. M ell. ex Benth.) Pedley Africa-W-10, South Africa-X-63, South
(1) Africa-W-382, Zimbabwe-A-87, South
Acacia microbotrya Benth. var. Total N° of Refs: 3 Africa-E-1646, Australia-Q-1123.
microbotrya Habit: Tree
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Preferred Climate/s: Dryland
Total N° of Refs: 1 Origin: Aust
References: Australia-EN-7. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
Acacia modesta Wall. References: Australia-N-354, Australia-N-
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae 1049.
Total N° of Refs: 4
Global Risk Score: 1.68 Acacia myrtifolia (Sm.) Willd.
Rating: Low Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Habit: Tree Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Habit: Shrub
Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Tropical
Origin: E Asia Origin: Aust
Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Herbal, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans
Dispersed by: Humans References: India-W-1977.
References: India-N-1765, Australia-Q-
1123, India-N-2109, Afghanistan-W-1977. Acacia nebrownii Burtt Davy
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Acacia mollifolia Maiden & Blakely Total N° of Refs: 4
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Habit: Shrub
Total N° of Refs: 3 Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Habit: Tree Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
Origin: Aust Origin: Africa
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans
References: Australia-W-869, Australia-N- Weed of: Pastures
354, Australia-N-1959. References: South Africa-AW-121, South
Africa-W-10, South Africa-W-382,
Acacia mollissima Willd. Australia-Q-1123.
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Total N° of Refs: 4 Acacia neovernicosa Isely
Habit: Shrub Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acacia constricta
Tropical Benth. var. vernicosa (Standl.) L.D.Benson
Origin: Aust (1)
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 1
Dispersed by: Humans ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Subtropical
References: Portugal-N-718, Europe-U- Origin: C Am
1740, Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Herbal

Acacia montana Benth. Acacia neriifolia A. Cunn. ex Benth.

Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 2
Origin: Aust Habit: Tree
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Tropical
Dispersed by: Humans Origin: Aust
References: Australia-N-354. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry,
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Europe-N-819, India-W-1977.

Acacia nilotica (L.) Willd. Ex Delile Acacia nilotica (L.) Willd. ex Delile Acacia nubica Benth.
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae subsp. indica (Benth.) Brenan Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Accepted name: Vachellia nilotica (L.) Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Accepted name: Acacia perfota (Forssk.)
P.J.H. Hurter & Mabb. Total N° of Refs: 17 Schweinf.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acacia arabica Global Risk Score: 5.76 Total N° of Refs: 2
(Lam.) Willd. (10), Acacia subalata Vatke Rating: Low Global Risk Score: 1.76
(2), Mimosa nilotica L. (1) Habit: Tree Rating: Low
Total N° of Refs: 95 Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Tropical
Global Risk Score: 51.2 Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental,
Rating: Extreme Origin: C Asia, E Asia Pasture
Toxic - Habit: Tree Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee References: Egypt-W-221, Australia-Q-
Subtropical, Tropical References: Global-E-152, Australia- 1123.
Origin: Africa, E Asia CENI-479, Australia-EN-7, Australia-A-
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, 178, Australia-N-945, Australia-X-171, Acacia obtusifolia A. Cunn.
Forestry, Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture Australia-I-799, Australia-N-868, Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Dispersed by: Humans, Cattle, Livestock, Australia-N-354, Australia-X-1319, Total N° of Refs: 1
Escapee Australia-I-1442, Australia-N-1450, Global Risk Score: 0.72
Weed of: Pastures Australia-E-1456, Australia-ND-1491, Rating: Low
References: northern Australia and Cape Verde-N-1558, Global-CD-1611, Sao Habit: Tree
immediate northern neighbours -W-11, Tome and Principe-N-1805. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Indonesia-E-33, pantropics-W-22, Dispersed by: Humans
pantropics-W-37, Australia-XW-93, Puerto Acacia nilotica (L.) Willd. ex Delile References: Australia-E-1259.
Rico-CW-261, Australia-X-147, southeast subsp. kraussiana (Benth.) Brenan
Asia-W-191, Gal pagos Islands-EW-257, Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Acacia olgana Maconochie
Australia-N-368, Gal pagos Islands-C-375, Total N° of Refs: 2 Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Australia-X-475, Caribbean-N-707, Global- Toxic - Habit: Tree Total N° of Refs: 1
NI-714, Egypt-W-221, South Africa-W-10, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Origin: Aust
Pacific-W-3, Global-EI-18, Global-NXW- Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
85, United States of America-N-101, South Origin: Africa Dispersed by: Humans
Africa-W-382, Pacific-A-6, Australia-N- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental References: Australia-N-354.
945, South Africa-A-1369, Pacific-E-621, Dispersed by: Humans
Global-E-649, Madagascar-N-1001, References: South Africa-AR-121, South Acacia omalophylla A. Cunn. ex Benth.
Australia-N-868, Australia-N-354, United Africa-X-63. Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
States of America-I-1046, Australia-W- Total N° of Refs: 1
1068, Pacific-E-1078, Wallis, Futuna and Acacia nilotica (L.) Willd. ex Delile Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Alofi Islands-E-1080, Australia-I-1088, subsp. nilotica Ornamental
Global-W-148, Australia-Q-1134, Gal Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Dispersed by: Humans
pagos Islands-CN-1157, Australia, Total N° of Refs: 1 References: India-W-1977.
northern-ENZD-1183, United States of Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Tropical
America-Q-1197, Caribbean-NI-1201, La References: Australia-N-855. Acacia oxycedrus Sieber ex DC.
Reunion-W-1321, Global-W-1324, Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Australia-A-1331, Madagascar-N-1000, Acacia nilotica (L.) Willd. ex Del. subsp. Total N° of Refs: 2
India-N-1345, Global-I-1376, India-N- subalata (Vatke) Brenan Global Risk Score: 0.24
1389, Global-I-1404, Australia-ZD-1429, Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Rating: Low
Global-ZD-1432, Global-E-1449, New Total N° of Refs: 1 Habit: Shrub
Caledonia-I-1507, Indonesia-I-1010, South Habit: Shrub Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Africa-E-1646, Global-CD-1611, Eastern Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Tropical Dispersed by: Humans
Caribbean-N-1742, India-N-1765, New Origin: Africa References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
Zealand-Q-1879, Egypt-R-1922, -I-, Major Pathway/s: Crop
Australia-Q-1123, New Zealand-Q-2086, Weed of: Pastures Acacia pachyceras Sw. var. najdensis
Egypt-A-2088, India-N-2109, Anguilla-W- References: Africa-A-980. (Chaudhary) Boulos
1977, Antigua and Barbuda-W-1977, Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Australia-W-1977, Bahamas-W-1977, Acacia notabilis F. Müell. Total N° of Refs: 1
Barbados-W-1977, Bhutan-W-1977, Fabaceae - Mimosaceae References: Saudi Arabia-A-1951.
Ecuador-W-1977, Grenada-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 2
Jamaica-W-1977, Mauritius-W-1977, Habit: Shrub
Myanmar-W-1977, Nepal-W-1977, Sri Preferred Climate/s: Dryland
Lanka-W-1977, Viet Nam-W-1977, Origin: Aust
Yemen-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Australia-N-354, Australia-N-

Acacia paniculata Willd. Acacia parramattensis Tindale Acacia pennatula (Schltdl. & Cham.)
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Benth.
Accepted name: Acacia tenuifolia (L.) Synonym/s (n° of refs): Racosperma Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Willd. parramattense (Tindale) Pedley (1) Total N° of Refs: 2
Total N° of Refs: 7 Total N° of Refs: 15 Global Risk Score: 3.6
Global Risk Score: 0.48 Global Risk Score: 0.24 Rating: Low
Rating: Low Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical,
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Habit: Tree Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Origin: Aust Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Herbal, Ornamental
References: Brazil-A-923, Venezuela-A- Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans, Cattle, Livestock
932, Brazil-A-87, Peru-A-87, Venezuela- References: United States of America-N- References: Global-ZD-1432, Australia-Q-
A-87, Australia-Q-1123. 101, New Zealand-N-280, Australia-N-134, 1123.
New Zealand-N-15, United States of
Acacia paradoxa DC. America-N-301, United States of America- Acacia permixta Burtt Davy
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae N-839, New Zealand-N-919, United States Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acacia armata of America-I-1046, United States of Total N° of Refs: 3
R.Br. (9), Racosperma paradoxum (DC.) America-Q-1197, United States of Habit: Shrub
Mart. (4) America-N-1292, United States of Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 70 America-W-1719, Australia-N-1902, New Origin: Africa
Global Risk Score: 20.16 Zealand-N-2048, Australia-W-1977. Weed of: Pastures
Rating: High References: South Africa-AW-121, South
Habit: Tree Acacia pendula A. Cunn. ex G. Don Africa-E-1646, Australia-Q-1123.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 5 Acacia phlebophylla F. Müell. ex H. B.
Origin: Aust Global Risk Score: 3.2 Will.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Forestry, Rating: Low Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Herbal, Ornamental Habit: Tree Total N° of Refs: 3
Dispersed by: Humans, Vehicles, Escapee Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Weed of: Pastures Mediterranean Origin: Aust
References: Australia-E-290, United States Origin: Aust Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
of America-X-35, New Zealand-E-246, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, Dispersed by: Humans
South Africa-X-63, Global-XZW-85, Ornamental, Pasture References: Australia-Nn-945, Australia-N-
Australia-N-9, South Africa-CX-283, Dispersed by: Humans 354, Australia-W-1977.
United States of America-N-101, New References: Global-N-714, Australia-N-
Zealand-N-280, Australia-X-147, United 354, Australia-E-1261, Australia-N-1959, Acacia plumosa Lowe
States of America-W-161, Australia-N-176, Algeria-W-1977. Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
New Zealand-EW-225, Australia-C-401, Total N° of Refs: 6
Australia-N-945, Global-W-344, New Acacia pennata (L.) Willd. Habit: Tree
Zealand-N-15, Australia-ENX-310, South Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Africa-NI-759, Mediterranean-I-775, Accepted name: Senegalia pennata (L.) Origin: S Am
Global-NI-714, North America-X-790, Maslin Weed of: Pastures
Palestine-N-851, Australia-W-869, United Total N° of Refs: 6 References: Brazil-W-255, Brazil-W-361,
States of America-X-229, New Zealand-N- Toxic - Habit: Shrub Brazil-W-407, Brazil-A-1560, Brazil-A-
919, United States of America-W-946, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, 1763, Australia-Q-1123.
Mediterranean-W-951, New Zealand-W- Tropical
964, Australia-N-354, Europe-N-819, Origin: Africa, E Asia Acacia pluriglandulosa B. Verdcourt
Global-W-148, New Zealand-E-328, New Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Zealand-E-505, South Africa-X-1112, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 2
Africa-X-1127, South Africa-EN-1189, -N- Dispersed by: Humans References: south and southeast Asia-A-
, Australia-A-1331, Chile-N-1348, Global- References: Australia-N-995, Australia-N- 1320, Australia-Q-1123.
I-1376, Israel-ENI-1380, Global-I-1404, 354, Australia-W-1210, south and southeast
Australia-E-1456, Global-ZD-1495, Israel- Asia-A-1320, Kenya-A-87, India-A-87.
U-1487, South Africa-E-1646, Global-CD-
1611, Australia-N-1902, Australia-N-1845, Acacia pennata (L.) Willd. subsp.
-I-, South Africa-N-1991, New Zealand-N- insuavis (Lace) I.C.Nielsen
2048, Australia-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
India-W-1977, Israel-W-1977, New Accepted name: Senegalia pennata (L.)
Zealand-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977. Maslin
Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Origin: C Asia, E Asia, SE Asia
Major Pathway/s: Crop
References: Australia-N-995.

Acacia podalyriifolia A.Cunn. ex G.Don Acacia polyacantha Willd. Acacia prominens A. Cunn. ex G. Don
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Racosperma Accepted name: Acacia catechu (L.f.) Total N° of Refs: 21
podalyriifolium (A. Cunn. ex G. Don) Willd. Global Risk Score: 2.88
Pedley (2) Total N° of Refs: 27 Rating: Low
Total N° of Refs: 73 Global Risk Score: 6.4 Habit: Tree
Global Risk Score: 17.28 Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Rating: High Habit: Tree Origin: Aust
Habit: Tree Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Origin: Africa, E Asia Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, References: Australia-E-72, Australia-E-
Origin: Aust Ornamental, Pasture 358, Australia-N-198, Australia-C-401,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, Dispersed by: Humans Australia-N-945, Australia-E-380,
Ornamental References: Puerto Rico-N-261, United Australia-E-327, Australia-EN-310,
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee States of America-N-101, Africa-I-1314, Australia-W-869, Australia-N-354,
References: Africa-W-760, Global-NI-714, Global-I-1404, Eastern Caribbean-N-1742, Australia-N-820, Australia-E-1262, Global-
Congo-I-1107, South Africa-E-277, Australia-Q-1123, Kenya-W-1977. I-1404, Australia-E-1456, Global-CD-
Australia-E-72, South Africa-X-63, Global- 1611, Australia-N-1902, Chile-I-1872,
N-85, South Africa-W-95, South Africa- Acacia polyacantha Willd. subsp. Australia-N-1959, New Zealand-U-2048,
CX-283, South Africa-CW-279, United campylacantha (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) Australia-W-1977, Chile-W-1977.
States of America-N-101, Australia-E-358, Brenan
New Zealand-UW-280, South Africa-AR- Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Acacia provincialis A. Camus
121, Australia-CW-334, Australia-N-198, Total N° of Refs: 1 Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Australia-C-401, Australia-CE-168, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 4
Australia-E-189, Global-W-629, Australia- Origin: Africa Origin: Aust
EN-310, South Africa-I-759, Australia-EN- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
7, Swaziland-N-825, Australia-N-855, Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans
Australia-N-856, Australia-W-869, New References: Mozambique-A-1734. References: Australia-N-354, Australia-N-
Zealand-U-919, Mozambique-nC-943, 1845, Australia-N-1959, Italy-U-1842.
Brazil-I-984, Australia-N-354, Australia-N- Acacia polyphylla DC.
1049, South Africa-X-1112, Africa-X- Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Acacia pulchella R.Br.
1127, United States of America-Q-1197, Accepted name: Senegalia visco (Lorentz Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Australia-E-1259, Australia-E-1261, ex Griseb.) Seigler & Ebinger Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acacia pulchella
Australia-E-1262, La Reunion-W-1321, Total N° of Refs: 6 var. glaberrima R.Br., Acacia pulchella var.
Global-W-1324, Brazil-I-1328, Zimbabwe- Habit: Tree pulchella R.Br.
N-1365, Global-I-1376, Global-I-1404, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 5
Global-E-1449, Australia-N-1450, Major Pathway/s: Herbal Toxic - Habit: Shrub
Australia-E-1456, Israel-W-1487, Global- Weed of: Pastures Preferred Climate/s: Dryland
Q-1572, South Africa-E-1646, Global-CD- References: Brazil-A-923, Brazil-A-87, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
1611, East Africa-I-1723, Australia-N- Brazil-A-1763, Australia-Q-1123. Dispersed by: Humans, Animals
1902, Chile-I-1872, Brazil-I-1876, -I-, -I-, - References: Australia-N-354, Australia-N-
I-, -I-, South Africa-N-1991, South Africa- Acacia pravissima F. Müell. 1049, Australia-N-1902, Australia-W-1977,
RI-2017, New Zealand-U-2048, Fabaceae - Mimosaceae India-W-1977.
Zimbabwe-N-2087, Australia-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 18
Brazil-W-1977, Burundi-W-1977, Chile- Global Risk Score: 1.44 Acacia pulchella R.Br. var. glaberrima
W-1977, Democratic Republic of the Rating: Low Meisn.
Congo-W-1977, India-W-1977, Kenya-W- Habit: Tree Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
1977, South Africa-W-1977, Uganda-W- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 3
1977, United Republic of Tanzania-W- Origin: Aust Origin: Aust
1977, Zimbabwe-W-1977, Swaziland-W- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
1977. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Dispersed by: Humans
References: Australia-E-72, Australia-E- References: Australia-N-855, Australia-N-
358, Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945, 354, Australia-N-1450.
Australia-EN-310, New Zealand-N-823,
New Zealand-U-919, Australia-N-354, Acacia pulchella R.Br. var. pulchella
Australia-E-1259, Australia-E-1261, Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Australia-E-1262, Australia-E-1456, Total N° of Refs: 3
Global-CD-1611, Australia-N-1902, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Australia-N-1845, Australia-N-1959, New Origin: Aust
Zealand-U-2048, Australia-W-1977. References: Australia-N-354, Australia-N-
1049, Australia-N-1501.

Acacia pycnantha Benth. Acacia reficiens Wawra & Peyr. Acacia retinodes Schltdl.
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Total N° of Refs: 65 Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acacia retinodes
Global Risk Score: 9.6 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Schltdl. var. retinodes (3), Acacia
Rating: Medium Subtropical, Tropical retinoides Schltr. (3)
Habit: Tree Origin: Africa Total N° of Refs: 61
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Global Risk Score: 7.2
Mediterranean, Tropical Ornamental, Pasture Rating: Medium
Origin: Aust Dispersed by: Humans Habit: Tree
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, References: South Africa-W-382. Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Ornamental Mediterranean, Subtropical
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Acacia reficiens Wawra & Peyr. Wawra Origin: Aust
References: Congo-I-1107, South Africa- subsp. reficiens Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
W-10, South Africa-E-277, South Africa- Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Ornamental
W-51, South Africa-X-63, Global-N-85, Total N° of Refs: 3 Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Australia-N-9, South Africa-W-95, South Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, References: United States of America-CW-
Africa-CX-283, United States of America- Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical 34, Australia-E-72, United States of
N-101, Australia-E-358, South Africa-AR- References: South Africa-W-10, South America-E-80, Global-N-108, United
121, South Africa-W-382, South Africa-W- Africa-X-63, Australia-Q-1123. States of America-N-101, Australia-E-358,
158, Australia-N-176, Australia-C-401, United States of America-W-179,
Australia-C-333, Australia-N-945, South Acacia rehmanniana Schinz Australia-C-401, Australia-E-327, Spain-
Africa-N-330, Global-E-649, Australia-EN- Fabaceae - Mimosaceae ENI-405, Australia-EN-310, Portugal-NI-
310, Portugal-NI-662, Portugal-NI-718, Total N° of Refs: 2 662, Portugal-NI-718, Mediterranean-I-
South Africa-I-759, Mediterranean-I-775, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical 775, United States of America-E-151,
Australia-EN-7, Australia-N-856, Origin: Africa Spain-W-807, France-W-764, United States
Australia-W-869, Mediterranean-WI-951, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental of America-W-946, Mediterranean-WI-
Australia-N-354, Portugal-N-1006, Spain- Dispersed by: Humans 951, Portugal-N-1006, France-N-1006,
N-1006, Australia-N-1049, Portugal-N- References: Zimbabwe-A-87, Australia-Q- Spain-N-1006, Portugal-N-898, Europe-N-
898, Europe-N-819, South Africa-X-1112, 1123. 819, Iberian Peninsular-N-1147, Sardinia-
Africa-X-1127, Iberian Peninsular-N-1147, NI-1151, United States of America-Q-
Sardinia-NI-1151, Italy-U-251, Sardinia-N- 1197, France-E-1239, Italy-I-251,
1336, Global-I-1376, Global-I-1404, Australia-E-1259, Australia-E-1261,
Global-E-1449, Australia-E-1456, Israel- Australia-E-1262, Sardinia-NI-1336,
W-1487, South Africa-A-87, South Africa- Global-W-1376, Global-I-1404, Spain-U-
E-1646, Global-CD-1611, Sardinia-N- 1454, Australia-A-87, Global-CD-1611,
1393, Australia-N-1902, Australia-N-1845, United States of America-E-1736, Sardinia-
Chile-I-1872, Italy-U-1887, Sardinia-U- I-1393, Australia-N-1845, Colombia-N-
1917, Italy-NI-1842, -I-, -I-, South Africa- 1856, Italy-I-1887, Sardinia-N-1917, -I-,
N-1991, Algeria-W-1977, Australia-W- Algeria-W-1977, Australia-W-1977, Chile-
1977, Chile-W-1977, France-W-1977, W-1977, Croatia-W-1977, Ethiopia-W-
India-W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Portugal-W- 1977, France-W-1977, India-W-1977,
1977, South Africa-W-1977. Italy-W-1977, Mauritius-W-1977,
Portugal-W-1977, Spain-W-1977.
Acacia raddiana Savi
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Acacia retinodes Schltdl. var. retinodes
Accepted name: Vachellia tortilis (Forssk.) Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Galasso & Banfi Total N° of Refs: 58
Total N° of Refs: 4 Global Risk Score: 0.24
Global Risk Score: 3.52 Rating: Low
Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Habit: Tree Origin: Aust
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Mediterranean Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental, References: Australia-N-945, Australia-W-
Pasture 869, Australia-E-1456.
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals
References: Egypt-W-221, Australia-Q- Acacia retinoides Schltr.
1123. Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Accepted name: Acacia retinodes Schltdl.
Acacia redolens Maslin Total N° of Refs: 58
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 3 Dispersed by: Humans
Habit: Shrub References: Chile-I-1872, Spain-N-2027,
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland Italy-U-2115.
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: United States of America-N-
101, Australia-N-1902, Australia-W-1977.

Acacia riceana Hensl. Acacia robusta Burch. subsp. robusta Acacia saligna (Labill.) H.L.Wendl.
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 2 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acacia cyanophylla
Habit: Shrub Habit: Tree Lindl. (18), Racosperma salignum (Labill.)
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Pedley (1)
Dispersed by: Humans Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 170
References: New Zealand-U-2048. Origin: Africa Global Risk Score: 34.56
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Rating: Extreme
Acacia richii A.Gray Dispersed by: Humans Habit: Tree
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Weed of: Pastures Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: South Africa-AR-121, South Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
Habit: perennial Herb Africa-X-63. Origin: Aust
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Acacia rostellifera Benth. Forestry, Herbal, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Escapee
References: India-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 3 Weed of: Pastures
Origin: Aust References: pantropics-W-22, Global-NI-
Acacia rigidula Benth. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, 714, Congo-I-1107, South Africa-W-10,
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Ornamental South Africa-E-277, Pacific-W-3,
Total N° of Refs: 5 Dispersed by: Humans Australia-E-289, Australia-E-72, Global-
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical References: Australia-W-869, Australia-N- EI-152, South Africa-X-63, Global-N-85,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental 354, Australia-N-1959. South Africa-X-95, South Africa-CX-283,
Dispersed by: Humans South Africa-X-278, United States of
References: United States of America-W- Acacia rupicola F. Müell. ex Benth. America-N-101, Australia-E-358, South
218, Global-W-1349, Mexico-A-87, United Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Africa-AZR-121, Australia-E-296, South
States of America-A-87, Australia-Q-1123. Total N° of Refs: 4 Africa-W-382, South Africa-W-158,
Global Risk Score: 0.24 Australia-N-198, Australia-C-401,
Acacia robusta Burch. Rating: Low Australia-C-333, Australia-N-945,
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Origin: Aust Australia-E-380, Australia-E-327, Canary
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acacia robusta ssp. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Islands-N-305, Global-EN-344, South
robusta Burch. Dispersed by: Humans Africa-N-330, New Zealand-N-15,
Total N° of Refs: 5 References: Australia-N-354, Australia-E- Australia-CEI-168, Spain-ENI-405, Global-
Global Risk Score: 0.96 1259, Australia-E-1261, Australia-N-1959. N-626, Global-E-649, Australia-EN-310,
Rating: Low Spain-I-738, South Africa-I-759,
Habit: Tree Acacia salicina Lindl. Mediterranean-I-775, Australia-EN-7,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Spain-I-802, Spain-W-807, France-I-764,
Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 11 New Zealand-N-823, Palestine-N-851,
Origin: Africa Global Risk Score: 5.44 Australia-N-855, Australia-W-869,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Rating: Low Australia-E-880, Africa-I-886, New
Ornamental Toxic - Habit: Tree Zealand-U-919, Mozambique-nC-943,
Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Mediterranean-EWI-951, Australia-N-354,
References: South Africa-W-382, India-N- Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Portugal-N-1006, Spain-N-1006, Greece-
976, Zimbabwe-A-87, Brazil-N-1733, Origin: Aust N-1006, Italy-N-1006, Australia-N-1049,
Australia-Q-1123. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Malta-N-1089, Portugal-I-1090, Portugal-
Ornamental, Pasture N-898, Europe-N-819, Cyprus-I-220, South
Acacia robusta Burchell (E.Meyer) Dispersed by: Humans Africa-X-1112, Africa-X-1127, Sardinia-
subsp. clavigera Brenan References: Caribbean-N-707, Ecuador-N- NI-1151, Cyprus-E-1172, Cyprus-EN-
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae 875, Europe-N-819, Caribbean-N-1201, 1174, France-A-1239, Italy-I-251,
Total N° of Refs: 2 Global-W-1376, Israel-ENI-1380, Global-I- Australia-E-1259, Australia-E-1260,
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, 1404, Israel-NI-1487, Zimbabwe-U-2087, Australia-E-1261, Australia-E-1262,
Tropical Israel-W-1977, Spain-W-1977. Namibia-I-1283, -N-, La Reunion-W-1321,
Origin: Africa Global-W-1324, Sardinia-NI-1336, Global-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental I-1376, Israel-ENI-1380, Vietnam-E-1386,
Dispersed by: Humans Global-I-1404, Global-E-1449, Australia-
References: Australia-W-1210, United N-1450, Spain-N-1454, Australia-E-1456,
States of America-N-742. Malta-I-1470, Argentina, Brazil and
Uruguay-I-1476, France-N-1515, Israel-NI-
1487, Global-N-1218, South Africa-E-
1646, Global-CD-1611, Macronesia-I-
1722, Europe-UXI-1740, Greece-N-1803,
Sardinia-I-1393, Australia-N-1902, Israel-
ND-1575, Argentina-I-983, Chile-I-1872,
Italy-UNI-1887, Sardinia-N-1917,
Australia-N-1959, Italy-U-1842, -I-, -I-, -I-,
-I-, -I-, -I-, South Africa-N-1991, South
Africa-ERI-2017, New Zealand-U-2048,
Albania-W-1977, Algeria-W-1977,
Angola-W-1977, Argentina-W-1977,
Australia-W-1977, Bolivia-W-1977,

Botswana-W-1977, Burundi-W-1977, Acacia senegal (L.) Willd. Acacia sieberana DC. var. woodii (Burtt
Chad-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Croatia-W- Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Davy) Keay & Brenan
1977, Cyprus-W-1977, Egypt-W-1977, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acacia spinosa Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Ethiopia-W-1977, France-W-1977, Gambia Marloth & Engl. (1) Total N° of Refs: 1
(the)-W-1977, Greece-W-1977, India-W- Total N° of Refs: 11 Toxic - Habit: Tree
1977, Iran (Islamic Republic of)-W-1977, Global Risk Score: 6.4 Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Iraq-W-1977, Israel-W-1977, Italy-W- Rating: Low Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
1977, Jordan-W-1977, Kenya-W-1977, Habit: Tree Dispersed by: Humans
Kuwait-W-1977, Libya-W-1977, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, References: South Africa-AR-121.
Mauritius-W-1977, Morocco-W-1977, Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
Mozambique-W-1977, Namibia-W-1977, Origin: Africa Acacia sieberiana DC.
Niger-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977, Saudi Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Arabia-W-1977, Senegal-W-1977, Ornamental, Pasture Total N° of Refs: 6
Somalia-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans Global Risk Score: 6.4
Spain-W-1977, Sudan-W-1977, Tunisia- References: South Africa-W-10, South Rating: Low
W-1977, Uganda-W-1977, Viet Nam-W- Africa-X-63, South Africa-W-382, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
1977, Yemen-W-1977, Zambia-W-1977, Ecuador-N-875, La Reunion-W-1321, Origin: Africa
Italy-N-2115. Madagascar-N-1000, India-UN-1345, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal,
South Africa-E-1646, India-N-1370, Ornamental, Pasture
Acacia schinoides Benth. Australia-Q-1123. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae References: Australia-C-401, Australia-W-
Total N° of Refs: 10 Acacia senegal (L.) Willd. var. 310, La Reunion-W-1321, South Africa-E-
Global Risk Score: 0.24 leiorhachis Brenan 1646, Global-CD-1611, Australia-W-1977.
Rating: Low Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Habit: Tree Total N° of Refs: 1 Acacia sieberiana DC. var. woodii (Burtt
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Habit: Shrub Davy) Keay & Brenan
Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Origin: Aust Origin: Africa Total N° of Refs: 2
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Global Risk Score: 1.44
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans Rating: Low
References: Australia-N-198, Australia-N- References: South Africa-AW-121. Toxic - Habit: Tree
945, New Zealand-N-15, Australia-W-869, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical,
Australia-N-354, Australia-E-1259, Acacia senegal (L.) Willd. var. rostrata Tropical
Australia-E-1261, Australia-N-1959, New Brenan Origin: Africa
Zealand-U-2048, Australia-W-1977. Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans
Acacia schweinfurthii Brenan & Exell Habit: Shrub References: South Africa-A-1369,
var. schweinfurthii Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Australia--, Australia-Q-1123.
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Origin: Africa
Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Acacia silvestris Tindale
Habit: Shrub Dispersed by: Humans Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Weed of: Pastures Total N° of Refs: 1
Origin: Africa References: South Africa-AW-121. Global Risk Score: 0.24
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Rating: Low
Dispersed by: Humans Acacia seyal Delile Habit: Tree
Weed of: Pastures Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
References: South Africa-AW-121. Total N° of Refs: 7 Dispersed by: Humans
Global Risk Score: 9.6 References: Global-A-1207.
Acacia sclerosperma F. Müell. Rating: Medium
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Habit: Tree Acacia sinuata (Lour.) Merr.
Total N° of Refs: 5 Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Global Risk Score: 1.76 Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Accepted name: accepted name (likley) =
Rating: Low Origin: Africa Senegalia rugata (Lam.) Britton & Rose
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acacia concinna
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental, Forestry, Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture (Willd.) DC.
Pasture Dispersed by: Humans, Cattle, Livestock Total N° of Refs: 10
Dispersed by: Humans Weed of: Pastures Habit: Shrub
References: Australia-E-380, Israel-NW- References: Cameroon-A-551, Egypt-W- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
1380, Australia-N-1902, Australia-W-1977, 221, Africa-A-980, Global-ZD-1432, Origin: E Asia
Israel-W-1977. Spain-N-1454, Kenya-A-87, Angola-A-87. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal
References: Australia-N-368, Japan-N-287,
Acacia scleroxyla Tussac Australia-N-945, Pacific-W-621, Japan-N-
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae 794, Australia-Q-1134, Japan-N-1278,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Australia-W-1977, Japan-W-1977.
Habit: Tree
References: Eastern Caribbean-N-1742.

Acacia sophorae (Labill.) R.Br. Acacia spinosa Marloth & Engl. Acacia suaveolens (Sm.) Willd.
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Accepted name: Acacia longifolia subsp. Accepted name: Acacia senegal (L.) Willd. Total N° of Refs: 3
sophorae (Andrews) Willd. Total N° of Refs: 11 Global Risk Score: 2.4
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Racosperma Habit: Tree Rating: Low
sophorae (Labill.) Mart. (1) References: China-N-1215. Habit: Shrub
Total N° of Refs: 144 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Global Risk Score: 1.44 Acacia spirorbis Labill. Origin: Aust
Rating: Low Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Aqua - Habit: Tree Total N° of Refs: 1 Ornamental
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans, Animals
Origin: Aust Dispersed by: Humans References: Australia-N-354, Chile-I-1872,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental References: French Polynesia-N-1514. Chile-W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
References: Australia-E-72, New Zealand- Acacia spp. Mill. Acacia subalata Vatke
E-246, Australia-E-358, New Zealand-N- Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
280, Australia-C-401, Europe-N-482, New Total N° of Refs: 20 Accepted name: Acacia nilotica subsp.
Zealand-N-15, Australia-EN-310, New Toxic - Habit: Tree subalata (L.) Delile
Zealand-N-823, New Zealand-N-919, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 80
Australia-N-1049, Portugal-N-898, New Origin: Africa, Aust, S Am References: Zimbabwe-A-87, Kenya-A-87.
Zealand-E-505, Iberian Peninsular-N-1147, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle,
New Zealand-N-1543, Global-CD-1611. Livestock, Vehicles Acacia tenuifolia (L.) Willd.
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Acacia spadicigera Schltdl. & Cham. References: Australia-E-155, southeast Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acacia paniculata
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Asia-W-191, Caribbean-N-707, Pacific-W- Willd. (6)
Accepted name: Acacia cornigera (L.) 3, Global-EI-18, United States of America- Total N° of Refs: 7
Willd. W-116, Australia-N-198, New Zealand-E- Global Risk Score: 0.24
Total N° of Refs: 5 494, Pacific-E-621, New Zealand-W-964, Rating: Low
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Spain-EI-1092, Ethiopia-A-1141, Habit: Vine
References: Central America-A-933. Caribbean-NI-1201, Global-ZD-1432, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Australia-ZD-1446, South Africa-ZD-1584, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Acacia spectabilis A. Cunn. ex Benth. Australia-ZD-1675, -I-, Palau-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Solomon Islands-W-1977, Uruguay-W- References: Cuba-A-14.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Racosperma 1977.
spectabile (A. Cunn. ex Benth.) Pedley (1) Acacia tenuispina Verd.
Total N° of Refs: 7 Acacia stricta (Andrews) Willd. Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Global Risk Score: 1.2 Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Total N° of Refs: 5
Rating: Low Synonym/s (n° of refs): Racosperma Habit: Shrub
Habit: Tree strictum (Andrews) Mart. (1) Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Origin: Aust Total N° of Refs: 12 Subtropical, Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Global Risk Score: 1.44 Origin: Africa
Ornamental Rating: Low Weed of: Pastures
Dispersed by: Humans Habit: Tree References: South Africa-AW-121, South
References: Australia-N-945, Australia-E- Origin: Aust Africa-X-63, South Africa-W-382, South
380, Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Africa-E-1646, Australia-Q-1123.
Australia-N-1902, Australia-W-1977. Dispersed by: Humans
References: New Zealand-UW-280, New Acacia terminalis (Salisb.) J. F. Macbr.
Acacia sphaerocephala Schltdl. & Cham. Zealand-U-919, Australia-N-354, South Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Africa-EN-1189, Global-W-1376, Global-I- Total N° of Refs: 6
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Vachellia 1404, South Africa-E-1646, -I-, South Global Risk Score: 3.6
sphaerocephala (Schltdl. & Cham.) Seigler Africa-N-1991, South Africa-RI-2017, Rating: Low
& Ebinger (1) New Zealand-U-2048, South Africa-W- Habit: Tree
Total N° of Refs: 4 1977. Preferred Climate/s: Dryland
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Origin: Aust
Origin: N Am Acacia stuhlmannii Taub. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
References: United States of America-N- Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Herbal, Ornamental
101, United States of America-W-179, Total N° of Refs: 2 Dispersed by: Humans, Animals
Australia-Q-1123. Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Tropical References: South Africa-ZW-121, South
Major Pathway/s: Crop Africa-W-158, Australia-E-380, Portugal-
Acacia spilleriana J.E.Br. References: Tanzania-A-87, Australia-Q- N-1006, Europe-N-819, Australia-N-1959.
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae 1123.
Total N° of Refs: 1
Origin: Aust
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Australia-N-354.

Acacia torta (Roxb.) Craib Acacia tortuosa (L.) Willd. Acacia verticillata (L'Hérit.) Willd.
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 6 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Racosperma
Habit: Shrub Habit: Tree verticillatum (L'H rit.) Mart. (1)
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 25
Origin: E Asia Origin: C Am, N Am Global Risk Score: 1.44
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Rating: Low
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans Toxic - Habit: Tree
References: India-N-1765, India-N-2109. References: Venezuela-A-932, Global-W- Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
1349, Global-I-1404, Venezuela-A-87, Mediterranean, Tropical
Acacia tortilis (Forssk.) Hayne Australia-Q-1123, Mexico-W-1977. Origin: Aust
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Accepted name: Vachellia tortilis (Forssk.) Acacia trachycarpa E. Pritz. Dispersed by: Humans
Galasso & Banfi Fabaceae - Mimosaceae References: United States of America-N-
Total N° of Refs: 18 Total N° of Refs: 1 101, New Zealand-N-280, New Zealand-E-
Global Risk Score: 32.64 Preferred Climate/s: Dryland 494, New Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N-
Rating: Extreme Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture 15, New Zealand-N-919, New Zealand-W-
Habit: Tree Dispersed by: Humans 964, Portugal-N-1006, Portugal-N-1006,
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, References: La Reunion-W-1321. Portugal-N-898, Europe-N-819, New
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Zealand-E-328, New Zealand-E-505,
Origin: Africa, E Asia Acacia trinervis Desv. Global-W-1324, Global-W-1376, Global-I-
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Fabaceae - Mimosaceae 1404, Colombia-N-1856, Chile-I-1872,
Forestry, Ornamental, Pasture Total N° of Refs: 2 New Zealand-N-2048, Australia-W-1977,
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle, References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Chile-W-1977, India-W-1977, New
Livestock Zealand-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977.
Weed of: Pastures Acacia trineura F. Müell.
References: Egypt-W-221, South Africa- Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Acacia verticillata (L'Hérit.) Willd.
W-382, Madagascar-N-1001, Madagascar- Total N° of Refs: 1 subsp. ruscifolia (A.Cunn. ex G.Don)
I-973, Australia-Q-1134, Yemen-N-1302, Habit: Shrub Court
La Reunion-W-1321, Australia-A-1331, Origin: Aust Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Madagascar-N-1000, Global-I-1404, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 1
Global-ZD-1432, South Africa-E-1646, Dispersed by: Humans References: New Zealand-N-2048.
India-N-1370, Australia-Q-1123, Tanzania- References: Australia-N-354.
A-2076, Yemen-W-1977. Acacia vestita Ker.-Gawl.
Acacia triquetra Benth. Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Acacia tortilis (Forssk.) Hayne subsp. Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Total N° of Refs: 5
heteracantha (Burch.) Brenan Total N° of Refs: 1 Global Risk Score: 0.24
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Origin: Aust Rating: Low
Total N° of Refs: 3 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Habit: Tree
Habit: Shrub Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, References: Australia-N-354. Origin: Aust
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Origin: Africa Acacia truncata (Burm. f.) Hoffmanns. Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Fabaceae - Mimosaceae References: Australia-N-945, Australia-E-
Dispersed by: Humans Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acacia decipiens 380, Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049,
Weed of: Pastures R.Br., nom. illeg. (2) Australia-W-1977.
References: South Africa-AR-121, South Total N° of Refs: 3
Africa-W-10, South Africa-X-63. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Acacia victoriae Benth.
Dispersed by: Humans Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Acacia tortilis (Forssk.) Hayne subsp. References: India-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 6
raddiana (Savi) Brenan Global Risk Score: 4.48
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Acacia ulicifolia (Salisb.) Court Rating: Low
Total N° of Refs: 1 Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Habit: Shrub
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Tropical Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acacia juniperina Preferred Climate/s: Dryland
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental (Vent.) Willd. (1) Origin: Aust
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 3 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
References: Egypt-A-2088. Habit: Shrub Ornamental, Pasture
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans
Dispersed by: Humans References: Australia-N-354, Global-W-
References: New Zealand-U-2048, Chile- 1376, Israel-ENI-1380, Global-I-1404,
W-1977. Israel-NI-1487, Israel-W-1977.

Acacia victoriae Benth. subsp. victoriae

Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1
Origin: Aust
References: Australia-N-354.

Acacia villosa (Sw.) Willd. Acacia xanthophloea Benth Acaena affinis Hook.f.
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Rosaceae
Accepted name: Acacia glauca (L.) Total N° of Refs: 4 Total N° of Refs: 3
Moench Global Risk Score: 1.44 Global Risk Score: 0.24
Total N° of Refs: 6 Rating: Low Rating: Low
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Habit: Tree Habit: Herb
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Pasture Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Dispersed by: Humans
References: Bhutan-W-1977. Origin: Africa References: New Zealand-Q-1879,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Australia-Q-1123, New Zealand-Q-2086.
Acacia viscidula Benth. Dispersed by: Humans
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Weed of: Pastures Acaena agnipila Gand.
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Australia-Q-1134, Australia- Rosaceae
Origin: Aust W-1210, Australia-A-1331, Australia-Q- Accepted name: Acaena ovina A.Cunn.
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental 1123. Total N° of Refs: 24
Dispersed by: Humans Global Risk Score: 0.96
References: South Africa-W-1977. Acacia zanzibarica (S. Moore) Taub. Rating: Low
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Habit: perennial Herb
Acacia visco Lorentz ex Griseb. Total N° of Refs: 3 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Global Risk Score: 2.4 Origin: Aust
Accepted name: Senegalia visco (Lorentz Rating: Low Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
ex Griseb.) Seigler & Ebinger Habit: Shrub Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Total N° of Refs: 10 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical References: Australia-W-269, New
Global Risk Score: 0.24 Origin: Africa Zealand-E-246, New Zealand-N-280, New
Rating: Low Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Ornamental Zealand-EW-181, New Zealand-W-165,
Habit: Tree Dispersed by: Humans Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945, New
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Weed of: Pastures Zealand-NW-425, New Zealand-X-495,
Origin: S Am References: Africa-A-980, Kenya-A-87, Australia-EN-310, Australia-W-869, New
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Australia-Q-1123. Zealand-W-964, New Zealand-E-328, New
Dispersed by: Humans Zealand-E-505, Global-CD-1611, New
References: Chile-N-300, Chile-N-241, Acaciella angustissima (Mill.) Britton & Zealand-N-2048, Australia-W-1977.
Chile-N-1229, Peru-N-1293, Chile-N-1348, Rose
Chile-I-1872, Algeria-W-1977, Chile-W- Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Acaena agnipila Gand. var. aequispina
1977. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acacia boliviana Orchard
Rusby (9) Rosaceae
Acacia welwitschii Oliver subsp. Total N° of Refs: 16 Total N° of Refs: 5
delagoensis (Harms) J. Ross & Brenan Habit: Tree Habit: Herb
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Origin: Aust
Total N° of Refs: 1 Origin: N Am, S Am References: New Zealand-N-280, New
Habit: Tree References: Australia-W-1068, Australia- Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N-15, New
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Q-1134, Australia-W-1210, Global-W- Zealand-N-919, New Zealand-N-2048.
Origin: Africa 1376, Global-I-1404, Australia-E-1456,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Mexico-R-1935. Acaena agnipila Gand. var. protenta
Dispersed by: Humans Orchard
Weed of: Pastures Acaciella curassavica Britton & Killip Rosaceae
References: South Africa-AW-121. Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Total N° of Refs: 5
Accepted name: Acaciella glauca (L.) Habit: Herb
Acacia westiana DC. L.Rico Origin: Aust
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acacia curassavica References: New Zealand-N-280, New
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Senegalia westiana (Britton & Killip) Stehla (7) Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N-15, New
Dc. Britton & Rose (1) Total N° of Refs: 12 Zealand-N-919, New Zealand-N-2048.
Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Acaciella glauca (L.) L. Rico Acaena agnipila Gand. var. tenuispica
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae (Bitter) Orchard
Acacia wilhelmiana F. Müell. Total N° of Refs: 5 Rosaceae
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Origin: C Am, S Am Accepted name: Acaena ovina A.Cunn.
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Australia-N-354, Australia-W- Total N° of Refs: 12
Origin: Aust 1210, Global-W-1376, Global-I-1404, Habit: Herb
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Australia-E-1456. Origin: Aust
Dispersed by: Humans References: New Zealand-N-280, New
References: Australia-N-354. Zealand-N-534, Australia-EN-7, New
Zealand-N-919, New Zealand-N-2048.
Acacia willdenowiana H. L. Wendl.
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: India-W-1977.

Acaena agnipila Gand. x Acaena Acaena caesiiglauca (Bitter) Bergmans Acaena elongata L.
anserinifolia (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) [spelling varient] Rosaceae
Druce Rosaceae Total N° of Refs: 3
Rosaceae Accepted name: Acaena caesiglauca Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 1 (Bitter) Bergmans Dispersed by: Cattle, Livestock
Habit: Herb Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Mexico-W-890, Mexico-W-
References: New Zealand-N-15. References: United Kingdom-W-1977. 1226, Venezuela-AD-2035.

Acaena anserinifolia (J. R. Forst. & G. Acaena ciliata Forssk. Acaena fallax Müell.-Arg.
Forst.) Druce Rosaceae Rosaceae
Rosaceae Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 1
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acaena References: Ghana-A-87, India-A-87, References: Malaysia-A-87.
sanguisorbae L. f. (3) Nigeria-A-87.
Total N° of Refs: 22 Acaena hieronymi Kuntze
Global Risk Score: 5.76 Acaena echinata Nees Rosaceae
Rating: Low Rosaceae Accepted name: Acaena myriophylla Lindl.
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland Total N° of Refs: 12 Total N° of Refs: 1
Origin: Aust, NZ Global Risk Score: 0.24 Origin: S Am
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Rating: Low Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Ornamental Habit: Herb Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Livestock, Sheep, Escapee Origin: Aust Livestock, Sheep
Weed of: Pastures Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: United Kingdom-UZD-314.
References: United States of America-X- Dispersed by: Humans
35, Global-XW-85, United States of References: Global-W-85, New Zealand- Acaena hispida Burm.f.
America-W-161, Global-N-108, United UW-280, Australia-N-945, Australia-N- Rosaceae
Kingdom-UZD-314, United Kingdom-N- 856, Australia-W-869, New Zealand-U- Total N° of Refs: 1
519, United Kingdom-C-812, Ireland-N- 919, Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1902, References: Brazil-A-87.
894, United States of America-W-946, New Zealand-Q-1879, New Zealand-U-
Iceland-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Ireland-W- 2048, New Zealand-Q-2086, Australia-W- Acaena indica L.
1609, United Kingdom-N-1636, Australia- 1977. Rosaceae
A-87, New Zealand-A-87, Global-CD- Total N° of Refs: 7
1611, New Zealand-A-1624, Ireland-W- Acaena echinata Nees var. echinata References: Sudan-A-87, Zimbabwe-A-87,
1977, United Kingdom-W-1977. Rosaceae India-A-87, Mauritius-A-87, Polynesia,
Total N° of Refs: 1 West-A-87, Thailand-A-87, Vietnam-A-87.
Acaena anserinifolia (J.R.Forst. & Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
G.Forst.) Druce x Acaena inermis Hook. References: Australia-N-7. Acaena inermis Hook. f.
f. Rosaceae
Rosaceae Acaena echinata Nees var. Total N° of Refs: 9
Total N° of Refs: 3 retrorsumpilosa (Bitter) Orch. Global Risk Score: 0.48
References: United Kingdom-N-519, Rosaceae Rating: Low
United Kingdom-U-812, Europe-W-1325. Total N° of Refs: 1 Origin: NZ
References: Australia-EN-7. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Acaena x anserovina Orchard Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Rosaceae Acaena echinata Nees var. robusta References: United Kingdom-N-519,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Orchard United Kingdom-CN-812, United
References: Australia-W-869. Rosaceae Kingdom-N-1006, Europe-N-819,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Australia--, Global-W-1324, Austria-W-
Acaena argentea Ruiz & Pav. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean 1609, Global-CD-1611, Australia-Q-1123,
Rosaceae References: Australia-N-7. United Kingdom-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 3
Global Risk Score: 0.24 Acaena echinata Nees var. Acaena macrostachya Jacq.
Rating: Low subglabricalyx (Bitter) Orchard Rosaceae
Origin: S Am Rosaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 2 References: Venezuela-A-87.
Dispersed by: Humans References: Australia-N-945, Australia-N-
References: Chile-A-931, Chile-N-1229, 7. Acaena macrostemon Hook. f.
Chile-A-87. Rosaceae
Acaena echinata Nees var. tylacantha Total N° of Refs: 1
Acaena arvensis Poepp. & Endl. Orch. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal
Rosaceae Rosaceae Dispersed by: Animals, Livestock
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Global-Z-1611.
References: Guatemala-A-87, Trinidad-A- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
87. References: Australia-EN-7.

Acaena magellanica (Lam.) Vahl Acaena novae-zelandiae kirk Acaena ovina Cunn.
Rosaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae
Total N° of Refs: 7 Total N° of Refs: 45 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acaena agnipila
Global Risk Score: 0.96 Global Risk Score: 2.88 Gand. (17), Acaena agnipila Gand. var.
Rating: Low Rating: Low tenuispica (Bitter) Orchard (5)
Origin: NZ, S Am Habit: perennial Herb Total N° of Refs: 29
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Global Risk Score: 0.48
Ornamental Origin: Aust, NZ Rating: Low
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Habit: perennial Herb
Livestock, Sheep, Escapee Ornamental Origin: Aust, NZ
References: Argentina-W-237, South Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
America-W-295, United Kingdom-UCZD- Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles, Escapee Ornamental
314, Australia--, Global-CD-1611, Global- References: New Zealand-EW-181, Dispersed by: Humans
ZD-1581, Polar Regions-ZD-1587, Australia-W-269, United States of Weed of: Pastures
Australia-Q-1123. America-X-35, United Kingdom-N-40, References: Australia-W-269, Global-NW-
Global-XZW-85, United States of 85, United Kingdom-U-314, Australia-W-
Acaena microphylla Hook America-W-392, New Zealand-W-165, 869, Australia-A-87, New Zealand-A-1624,
Rosaceae United States of America-N-101, Australia- Global-ZD-1581.
Total N° of Refs: 5 N-945, United Kingdom-UCZD-314,
Habit: Herb United Kingdom-N-519, New Zealand-N- Acaena pallida (Kirk) Allan
Origin: Aust, NZ 534, New Zealand-N-15, Denmark-UCN- Rosaceae
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental 711, Australia-EN-7, North America-X- Total N° of Refs: 5
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee 790, Ireland-EN-793, United Kingdom- References: United States of America-X-
References: United Kingdom-C-314, CN-812, Australia-W-869, United States of 35, Global-NXW-85, North America-X-
Austria-U-708, Austria-W-1609, Global- America-X-229, Ireland-ID-894, New 790, United States of America-N-101,
CD-1611, Austria-W-1977. Zealand-W-906, United States of America- United States of America-X-229.
W-946, Australia-N-354, United Kingdom-
Acaena myriophylla Lindl. N-1006, Iceland-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Acaena pinnatifida Ruiz & Pav.
Rosaceae New Zealand-E-505, United Kingdom-W- Rosaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acaena hieronymi 1175, Global-W-1324, Australia-ZD-1443, Total N° of Refs: 12
Kuntze (1) Australia-ZD-1444, Global-ZD-1495, Global Risk Score: 4.32
Total N° of Refs: 1 Ireland-N-1608, Denmark-W-1609, Rating: Low
Origin: S Am Ireland-W-1609, Australia-ZD-1573, Habit: Herb
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Global-CD-1611, Global-ZD-1581, Origin: S Am
Dispersed by: Humans Europe-NI-1740, Australia-N-1902, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Australia-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, Ornamental
Acaena neomexicana Müell.-Arg. Ireland-W-1977, United Kingdom-W-1977. Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Rosaceae Livestock, Sheep
Total N° of Refs: 1 Acaena ostryaefolia Riddell. References: Argentina-W-237, South
References: United States of America-A- Rosaceae America-W-295, United Kingdom-UZD-
87. Total N° of Refs: 1 314, Europe-U-638, Argentina-A-913,
References: United States of America-A- Chile-A-931, Chile-N-1229, Argentina-A-
87. 87, Chile-A-87, New Zealand-Q-1879,
Australia-Q-1123, New Zealand-Q-2086.
Acaena ovalifolia Ruiz & Pav.
Rosaceae Acaena poiretti Spreng.
Total N° of Refs: 24 Rosaceae
Global Risk Score: 2.88 Total N° of Refs: 1
Rating: Low References: Argentina-A-87.
Habit: Herb
Origin: NZ, S Am Acaena pusilla (Bitter) Allan
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Rosaceae
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Escapee Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Argentina-W-237, South References: Ireland-W-894.
America-W-295, United Kingdom-C-314,
United Kingdom-N-519, Ireland-EN-793, Acaena rhomboidea Rafin.
United Kingdom-CN-812, Ireland-N-894, Rosaceae
United Kingdom-I-910, Chile-A-931, Total N° of Refs: 1
United Kingdom-N-1006, Iceland-N-1006, References: United States of America-A-
Europe-N-819, Ireland-E-1094, Global-W- 87.
1324, Ireland-N-1608, Ireland-W-1609,
Chile-A-87, Global-CD-1611, Europe-NI-
1740, New Zealand-Q-1879, Australia-Q-
1123, New Zealand-Q-2086, Ireland-W-
1977, United Kingdom-W-1977.

Acaena sanguisorbae L. f. Acaena wilkesiana Müell.-Arg. Acalypha amentacea Roxb. subsp.
Rosaceae Rosaceae wilkesiana (Mull. Arg.) Fosberg
Accepted name: Acaena anserinifolia Total N° of Refs: 2 Euphorbiaceae
(J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) Druce References: Dominican Republic-A-87, Accepted name: Acalypha wilkesiana Mull.
Total N° of Refs: 22 Jamaica-A-87. Arg.
Habit: perennial Herb Total N° of Refs: 29
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Acalypha alnifolia Klein ex Willd. Toxic - Habit: Shrub
References: United States of America-W- Euphorbiaceae Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
218, Europe-NW-482, United States of Accepted name: Acalypha capitata Willd. Origin: E Asia
America-A-87. Total N° of Refs: 3 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Habit: Shrub Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Acaena schiedeana Schlecht. Major Pathway/s: Herbal References: United States of America-N-
Rosaceae Weed of: Orchards & Plantations 101, United States of America-W-179,
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: India-A-1359, India-A-1696, Belize-N-850, Portugal-N-1006, Gal pagos
References: Venezuela-A-87. Anguilla-W-1977. Islands-CN-1157, Zimbabwe-U-1365,
Acaena segetalis Müell.-Arg. Acalypha alopecuroidea Jacq.
Rosaceae Euphorbiaceae Acalypha amentacea Fosb. var.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Accepted name: Acalypha alopecuroides wilkesiana (Müll.Arg.) F.R.Fosberg fo.
References: Mozambique-A-87, Jacq. wilkesiana
Zimbabwe-A-87. Total N° of Refs: 16 Euphorbiaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Accepted name: Acalypha wilkesiana Müll.
Acaena sericea Jacq.f. References: United States of America-W- Arg.
Rosaceae 179, Global-N-85, United States of Total N° of Refs: 23
Total N° of Refs: 5 America-N-101, Samoa-W-1977. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Global Risk Score: 0.72 References: Federated States of
Rating: Low Acalypha alopecuroides Jacq. Micronesia-N-230.
Habit: Herb Euphorbiaceae
Origin: S Am Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acalypha Acalypha aristata Kunth
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, alopecuroidea Jacq. (4) Euphorbiaceae
Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 16 Total N° of Refs: 3
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Habit: Herb Habit: annual Herb
Livestock, Sheep Preferred Climate/s: Tropical References: United States of America-N-
References: United Kingdom-UZD-314, Major Pathway/s: Herbal 101, Taiwan-N-1403, Taiwan-W-1977.
Global-Q-1205, New Zealand-Q-1879, Weed of: Pastures
Australia-Q-1123, New Zealand-Q-2086. References: Cuba-A-14, Peru-A-153, Acalypha arvensis Poepp. & Endl.
Pacific-W-621, Venezuela-A-932, Euphorbiaceae
Acaena setosa A.Rich. Dominican Republic-A-87, Colombia-A- Total N° of Refs: 14
Rosaceae 87, Mexico-A-87, Venezuela-A-87, Costa Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 1 Rica-W-1570, Honduras-W-1892, Weed of: Bananas, Orchards & Plantations
References: El Salvador-A-87. Australia-Q-1123, Cuba-R-2054. References: Guadeloupe-A-206, Brazil-W-
361, Brazil-W-407, Global-W-28, Global-
Acaena splendens Hook. & Arn. Acalypha amentacea Roxb. A-243, United States of America-N-101,
Rosaceae Euphorbiaceae Global-N-85, Central America-A-933,
Total N° of Refs: 5 Total N° of Refs: 6 Lesser Antilles-A-1128, Mexico-W-1226,
Global Risk Score: 2.16 Toxic - Habit: Shrub St. Vincent and the Grenadines-A-1700,
Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Honduras-W-1892, Belize-A-1900, Costa
Origin: S Am Origin: E Asia Rica-A-1933.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, References: United States of America-N-
Livestock, Sheep 101, Global-W-1324, Europe-W-1325,
References: Argentina-W-237, South Colombia-W-1977, India-W-1977,
America-W-295, United Kingdom-UZD- Marshall Islands-W-1977.
314, Argentina-A-913, Argentina-A-87.

Acaena spp. Mutis ex L.

Total N° of Refs: 2
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Polar Regions-Z-1587, Chile-I-

Acaena virginica L.
Total N° of Refs: 1
References: United States of America-A-

Acalypha australis L. Acalypha capitata Willd. Acalypha crenata A.Rich.
Euphorbiaceae Euphorbiaceae Euphorbiaceae
Total N° of Refs: 46 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acalypha alnifolia Total N° of Refs: 5
Global Risk Score: 1.44 Klein ex Willd. (3) Habit: annual Herb
Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 3 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Habit: annual Herb Weed of: Cereals, Cotton, Orchards &
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Acalypha cardiophylla Merr. var. Plantations, Sunflowers
Subtropical, Tropical ponapensis (Kanehira & Hatusima) References: Ethiopia-A-240, Ethiopia-A-
Origin: E Asia F.R.Fosberg 1141, Cape Verde-N-1558, Burkina Faso-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Euphorbiaceae A-2068, Botswana-A-2071.
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 1
Weed of: Pastures Habit: Shrub Acalypha diversifolia Jacq.
References: Taiwan-G-273, Taiwan-W- Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Euphorbiaceae
235, Global-N-85, United States of References: Federated States of Total N° of Refs: 1
America-N-101, Japan-A-263, Japan-W- Micronesia-N-230. Habit: Tree
286, Asia-AW-204, China-W-297, China- Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
A-275, Australia-N-945, China-W-431, Acalypha chamaedrifolia (Lam.) References: Honduras-W-1892.
South Korea-A-648, Australia-W-853, Müll.Arg.
India-N-976, Australia-N-354, Russia-A- Euphorbiaceae Acalypha ecklonii Baill.
998, Italy-N-1006, Australia-N-1049, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acalypha Euphorbiaceae
Europe-N-819, Italy-N-1165, Global-A- hispaniolae Urb. (1) Total N° of Refs: 2
1207, Armenia-N-1241, Georgia-NR-1250, Total N° of Refs: 2 Habit: annual/perennial Herb
Italy-N-251, Global-W-1324, Russia-W- Habit: Shrub Origin: Africa
1609, North Korea-A-1018, Russia-N- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental References: South Africa-AR-121, South
1689, China-E-1712, Iran-A-1724, Taiwan- Dispersed by: Humans Africa-W-158.
W-1748, Turkey-N-1718, Turkey-N-1796, References: India-W-1977.
Tadzhikistan-N-1796, Ukraine-N-1813, Acalypha fimbriata Schumach. &
South Korea-A-1859, South Korea-A-1860, Acalypha ciliata Fosk. Thonn.
Italy-UN-1887, South Korea-A-2031, Euphorbiaceae Euphorbiaceae
South Korea-AN-2032, South Korea-A- Total N° of Refs: 26 Total N° of Refs: 3
2033, Ukraine-N-2112, Armenia-W-1977, Global Risk Score: 8.64 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Australia-W-1977, India-W-1977, Italy-W- Rating: Medium Weed of: Orchards & Plantations
1977. Habit: annual Herb References: Africa-A-1384, Cape Verde-N-
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical 1558, Nigeria-A-1710.
Acalypha bipartita MŸll.Arg. Origin: Africa
Euphorbiaceae Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Acalypha fruticosa Forssk.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Herbal Euphorbiaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Dispersed by: Humans, Livestock Total N° of Refs: 1
Major Pathway/s: Crop Weed of: Cereals, Cotton, Forestry, Habit: Shrub
References: Burundi-R-2012. Nursery Production, Orchards & Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Plantations Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Pasture
Acalypha boehmerioides Miq. References: Nigeria-AG-719, Ghana-A- References: Saudi Arabia-A-797.
Euphorbiaceae 2064, Global-A-1233, Saudi Arabia-A-797,
Total N° of Refs: 3 Africa-A-1333, India-I-1345, Nigeria-A- Acalypha godseffiana Mast.
Habit: annual Herb 1360, Africa-A-1384, Saudi Arabia-A- Euphorbiaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical 1525, India-A-1021, India-A-1038, Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Papua New Guinea-W-276, Nigeria-ZD-1574, Togo-A-1673, India-A- Habit: Shrub
south and southeast Asia-A-1320, 1702, India-A-1704, Mozambique-A-1734, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Polynesia, West-A-87. Nigeria-A-1853, Cameroon-A-1867, Tropical
Ghana-A-1888, Australia-Q-1123, Benin- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Acalypha brachystachya Hornem. W-2007, Burundi-R-2012, Nigeria-A-2045, Dispersed by: Humans
Euphorbiaceae Nigeria-A-2067, Burkina Faso-A-2068, References: Japan-W-1106.
Total N° of Refs: 3 India-W-1977.
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Acalypha gracilens A.Gray
Origin: Africa Acalypha communis Müll. Arg. Euphorbiaceae
References: China-W-297, China-W-431, Euphorbiaceae Total N° of Refs: 5
Burundi-R-2012. Total N° of Refs: 2 Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Habit: annual Herb References: Japan-N-287, Japan-N-794,
Acalypha caperonioides Baill. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Japan-N-1278, Global-W-1349, Japan-W-
Euphorbiaceae References: Brazil-W-255, Paraguay-A- 1977.
Total N° of Refs: 1 2070.
Habit: annual/perennial Herb Acalypha guatemalensis Pax &
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Hoffmann
Origin: Africa Euphorbiaceae
References: South Africa-AR-121. Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: perennial Herb
References: Central America-W-157.

Acalypha havanensis Müell. Arg. Acalypha indica L. Acalypha lanceolata Willd.
Euphorbiaceae Euphorbiaceae Euphorbiaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 57 Total N° of Refs: 19
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Global Risk Score: 8.96 Habit: Herb
References: Cuba-A-14. Rating: Medium Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Toxic - Habit: annual Herb Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Acalypha hispaniolae Urb. Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Weed of: Orchards & Plantations
Euphorbiaceae Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical References: Guyana-N-32, Pacific-W-621,
Accepted name: Acalypha chamaedrifolia Origin: Africa, Aust, E Asia, SE Asia Global-N-85, Singapore-W-1290, south
(Lam.) Mull. Arg. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, and southeast Asia-A-1320, La Reunion-
Total N° of Refs: 2 Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture W-1321, French Guiana-N-1346, India-A-
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Dispersed by: Humans 1359, south and southeast Asia-A-1408,
Origin: C Am Weed of: Bananas, Orchards & Plantations Singapore-W-1839, Cook Islands-W-1977,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: Guyana-N-32, Global-NZW- Kiribati-W-1977, Micronesia (Federated
Dispersed by: Humans 85, Thailand-A-239, India-A-758, States of)-W-1977, Niue-W-1977, Palau-
References: Africa-W-760. Thailand-W-821, Thailand-W-822, Sudan- W-1977, Papua New Guinea-W-1977,
W-242, United States of America-N-101, Samoa-W-1977, Singapore-W-1977,
Acalypha hispida Burm. f. Japan-N-287, Sudan-A-567, Pacific-W- Tonga-W-1977.
Euphorbiaceae 621, Mexico-W-735, Japan-N-794,
Total N° of Refs: 27 Thailand-W-810, India-A-948, Europe-N- Acalypha macrostachya Jacquin
Global Risk Score: 4.8 819, Cambodia-A-1173, Global-A-1207, Euphorbiaceae
Rating: Low Belgium-U-1220, Georgia-NR-1250, Total N° of Refs: 2
Toxic - Habit: Shrub Japan-N-1278, Singapore-W-1290, south Habit: Tree
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, and southeast Asia-A-1320, La Reunion-N- Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Subtropical, Tropical 1321, French Guiana-N-1346, India-A- References: Venezuela-A-932, Eastern
Origin: E Asia, SE Asia 1359, Taiwan-N-1403, south and southeast Caribbean-N-1742.
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Asia-A-1408, Mexico-W-1510, India-A-
Ornamental 1021, India-A-1448, Nigeria-I-1550, India- Acalypha malabarica Müell.
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee W-1672, India-A-1699, India-A-1702, Euphorbiaceae
Weed of: Cereals India-A-1704, Sudan-A-1708, Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Federated States of Mozambique-A-1734, Eastern Caribbean- References: south and southeast Asia-A-
Micronesia-N-230, Puerto Rico-UW-261, N-1742, Bangladesh-A-1761, Singapore- 1320.
France-N-518, United States of America- W-1839, India-W-1866, Mexico-N-1881, -
N-101, Mexico-N-791, Belize-N-850, I-, India-R-1984, Sudan-A-1985, India-A- Acalypha marginata nom. hort.
Mexico-I-878, Brazil-A-923, Mozambique- 2105, Algeria-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Euphorbiaceae
nC-943, Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157, Japan-W-1977, Mexico-W-1977, Nigeria- Accepted name: Acalypha wilkesiana
Bermuda-N-1267, Global-CD-1611, W-1977, Niue-W-1977, Palau-W-1977, Müell.-Arg. ‘Marginata’
Nigeria-A-1701, Benin-N-1796, Burundi- Samoa-W-1977, Seychelles-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 24
N-1796, Ecuador-N-1796, Gambia-N-1796, Singapore-W-1977, Taiwan-W-1977. Habit: Shrub
El Salvador-N-1849, Mexico-N-1881, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Nigeria-A-2073, Algeria-W-1977, Acalypha indica L. var. mexicana Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Colombia-W-1977, Equatorial Guinea-W- (Müell.-Arg.) Pax & K. Hoffmann Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
1977, India-W-1977, Marshall Islands-W- Euphorbiaceae References: Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157,
1977, Mexico-W-1977, Rwanda-W-1977. Accepted name: Acalypha mexicana Global-CD-1611.
Total N° of Refs: 6 Acalypha mexicana Müell.-Arg.
Dispersed by: Humans Euphorbiaceae
References: Mexico-W-890, Mexico-W- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acalypha indica L.
1226, Mexico-N-1500, Mexico-AD-757. var. mexicana (M ell.-Arg.) Pax & K.
Hoffmann (4)
Acalypha infesta Poepp. & Endl. Total N° of Refs: 6
Euphorbiaceae References: Mexico-W-890, Mexico-W-
Total N° of Refs: 2 1226.
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Origin: S Am Acalypha multicaulis Müll. Arg.
References: Mexico-W-199, Mexico-N- Euphorbiaceae
791. Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Brazil-R-2053.

Acalypha neomexicana Müell.-Arg.

Total N° of Refs: 3
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Major Pathway/s: Herbal
References: United States of America-W-
161, United States of America-W-218,

Acalypha nitschkeana Pax & K.Hoffm. Acalypha rhomboidea Raf. Acalypha tricolor Seem.
Euphorbiaceae Euphorbiaceae Euphorbiaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Accepted name: Acalypha virginica L. var. Accepted name: Acalypha wilkesiana
References: Brazil-R-2053. rhomboidea Müll.Arg.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acalypha virginica Total N° of Refs: 23
Acalypha ornata A. Rich. L. var. rhomboidea (Raf.) Cooperrider (4) Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Euphorbiaceae Total N° of Refs: 47 Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Herbal References: Mozambique-nC-943.
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Weed of: Nursery Production, Vegetables
Origin: Africa References: Global-W-85, United States of Acalypha virginica L.
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental America-W-161, United States of America- Euphorbiaceae
Dispersed by: Humans W-218, Canada-A-642, Portugal-N-898, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acalypha
References: Burundi-R-2012. Global-W-1349, Portugal-N-2001, Canada- rhomboidea Raf. (9)
G-1462, Canada-A-2099. Total N° of Refs: 43
Acalypha ostryifolia Riddell Global Risk Score: 4.32
Euphorbiaceae Acalypha schiedeana Schltdl. Rating: Low
Total N° of Refs: 16 Euphorbiaceae Toxic - Habit: annual Herb
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Subtropical
Weed of: Cereals, Cotton, Orchards & References: Venezuela-A-932. Origin: N Am
Plantations, Pastures, Vegetables Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal
References: Puerto Rico-W-261, United Acalypha segetalis Müell.-Arg. Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers
States of America-W-161, United States of Euphorbiaceae Weed of: Cereals, Nursery Production,
America-AW-207, United States of Total N° of Refs: 8 Pastures, Vegetables
America-W-218, United States of America- Habit: annual/biennial Herb References: Global-NZW-85, Global-A-
A-543, Mexico-I-878, Iran-A-173, United Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical 243, United States of America-W-161,
States of America-W-1104, Italy-U-251, Origin: Africa western Europe-A-253, United States of
Georgia-A-1313, Europe-W-1325, Global- Major Pathway/s: Crop America-AZW-210, United States of
W-1349, Dominican Republic-A-1473, Weed of: Cereals America-AEG-211, United States of
Dominican Republic-A-1475, Italy-U- References: Zimbabwe-AW-50, South America-W-218, United States of America-
1887, Italy-W-1977. Africa-AR-121, Botswana-N-1284, Togo- A-543, Europe-I-638, Switzerland-N-653,
A-1673, Mozambique-A-1734, Australia- Austria-U-708, Switzerland-NR-818,
Acalypha paniculata Miq. Q-1123, Burkina Faso-A-2068, Guinea-A- United States of America-A-967, Portugal-
Euphorbiaceae 2069. N-1006, Switzerland-N-1006, Europe-N-
Total N° of Refs: 1 819, United States of America-W-1104,
Habit: Herb Acalypha setosa A.Rich. Italy-NI-1165, Italy-I-251, Global-W-1324,
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Euphorbiaceae Global-W-1349, Europe-A-1539, Austria-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Total N° of Refs: 5 W-1609, Croatia-N-1747, Italy-UNI-1887,
References: India-A-1696. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Honduras-W-1892, Switzerland-N-1990,
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Austria-W-1977, Bulgaria-W-1977,
Acalypha petiolaris Hochst. References: Puerto Rico-W-261, Mexico- Croatia-W-1977, France-W-1977, Italy-W-
Euphorbiaceae W-1226, Dominican Republic-A-1472, 1977, Portugal-W-1977, Switzerland-W-
Total N° of Refs: 1 Dominican Republic-A-1475, Cuba-R- 1977.
Habit: perennial Herb 2054.
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Acalypha virginica L. var. rhomboidea
Origin: Africa Acalypha siamensis Oliv. ex Gage (Raf.) Cooperrider
References: South Africa-AR-121. Euphorbiaceae Euphorbiaceae
Total N° of Refs: 4 Accepted name: Acalypha rhomboidea
Acalypha phleoides Cav. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Total N° of Refs: 13
Euphorbiaceae Origin: E Asia Global Risk Score: 0.48
Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Rating: Low
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
References: Mexico-N-1500. References: Singapore-U-1290, Cambodia- References: Canada-A-642, Canada-C-756,
N-1796, Singapore-U-1839, Singapore-W- Global-CD-1611, Canada-G-1855.
Acalypha poiretii Spreng. 1977.
Total N° of Refs: 4 Acalypha spp. L.
Habit: Shrub Euphorbiaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acalypha spp. L.
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 3
Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
References: Puerto Rico-W-261, Cape References: Singapore-N-196, Colombia-
Verde-N-1558, Eastern Caribbean-N-1742, A-927, Cuba-R-2054.
North America-N-1760.

Acalypha wilkesiana Müell.-Arg. Acanthocereus pentagonus (L.) Britton Acanthopanax lasiogyne Harms
Euphorbiaceae & Rose Araliaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acalypha Cactaceae Accepted name: Eleutherococcus lasiogyne
amentacea Roxb. subsp. wilkesiana (Mull. Accepted name: Acanthocereus tetragonus (Harms) S. Y. Hu
Arg.) Fosberg (7), Acalypha amentacea (L.) Humm. Total N° of Refs: 1
Fosb. var. wilkesiana (M ll.Arg.) Total N° of Refs: 21 References: Australia-Q-1123.
F.R.Fosberg fo. wilkesiana (1), Acalypha Global Risk Score: 0.72
marginata nom. hort. (2), Acalypha tricolor Rating: Low Acanthopanax sciadophylloides Franch.
Seem. (1), Acalypha wilkesiana M ell.-Arg. Habit: Succulent & Sav.
fo. circinata M ll.Arg. (1) Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Araliaceae
Total N° of Refs: 34 Origin: S Am Accepted name: Eleutherococcus
Global Risk Score: 4.8 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental sciadophylloides (Franch. & Sav.) H.
Rating: Low Dispersed by: Humans Ohashi
Habit: Shrub References: Australia-N-945, Pacific-E- Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, 1078, New Caledonia-I-1507, Australia-A- Global Risk Score: 0.24
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical 87. Rating: Low
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Habit: Tree
Ornamental Acanthocereus spp. (Engelm. ex Berg.) Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Britt. & Rose Dispersed by: Humans
References: Australia-CN-368, Australia- Cactaceae References: Australia--, Australia-Q-1123.
N-134, Australia-N-945, Australia-E-380, Total N° of Refs: 1
Mexico-N-791, Australia-W-853, Habit: Succulent Acanthopanax senticosus (Rupr. &
Dominican Republic-A-925, Australia-N- References: Africa-W-1127. Maxim.) Harms
354, Philippines-nC-1099, South Africa-N- Araliaceae
1247, Global-CD-1611, Ecuador-N-1796, Acanthocereus tetragonus (L.) Accepted name: Eleutherococcus
El Salvador-N-1849, South Africa-N-1991, Hummelinck senticosus (Rupr. & Maxim.) Maxim.
New Zealand-U-2048, Algeria-W-1977, Cactaceae Total N° of Refs: 6
Australia-W-1977, Colombia-W-1977, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acanthocereus Global Risk Score: 0.72
India-W-1977, Seychelles-W-1977, South acutangulus (hort. ex Pfeiff.) A. Berger (1), Rating: Low
Africa-W-1977, Zimbabwe-W-1977. Acanthocereus pentagonus (L.) Britton & Habit: Shrub
Rose (4) Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Acalypha wilkesiana Müell.-Arg. fo. Total N° of Refs: 22 Dispersed by: Humans
circinata Müll.Arg. Global Risk Score: 2.88 References: Chile-I-1872.
Euphorbiaceae Rating: Low
Accepted name: Acalypha wilkesiana Habit: perennial Succulent Acanthopanax sessiliflorus (Rupr. &
Müell.-Arg. Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Maxim.) Seem.
Total N° of Refs: 23 Tropical Araliaceae
References: El Salvador-N-1849. Origin: Africa, C Am, E Asia, Europe, N Accepted name: Eleutherococcus
Am sessiliflorus (Rupr. & Maxim.) S.Y.Hu
Acanthocephalus amplexifolius Kar. & Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 1
Kir. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Asteraceae References: Australia-CEN-479, Global- Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 1 NW-85, Pacific-W-621, United States of References: Russia-N-1919.
References: Global-A-1207. America-N-301, United States of America-
N-839, Australia-N-864, Australia-N-354, Acanthophora muscoides (L.) Bory de
Acanthocereus acutangulus (hort. ex United States of America-N-1292, Global- Saint-Vincent
Pfeiff.) A. Berger W-1324, Australia-I-1442, Australia-E- Rhodomelaceae
Cactaceae 1456, Global-CD-1611, Global-I-1735, Total N° of Refs: 1
Accepted name: Acanthocereus tetragonus North America-N-1760, Australia-WD- Aqua - Habit:
(L.) Hummelinck 1934, United States of America-N-2092, References: Turkey-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 18 Australia-W-1977.
Habit: Succulent Acanthophora nayadiformis (Delile)
References: Algeria-W-1977. Acantholimon glumaceum (Jaub. & Papenfuss
Spach) Boiss. Rhodomelaceae
Plumbaginaceae Total N° of Refs: 10
Total N° of Refs: 2 Aqua - Habit:
Habit: Herb Dispersed by: Water
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean References: Global-WD-1324, Europe-
Origin: E Asia WD-1325, Global-W-1741, Global-N-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental 1785, Mediterranean-N-1835, Cyprus-W-
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee 1977, Greece-W-1977, Libya-W-1977,
References: United Kingdom-C-314, Malta-W-1977, Turkey-W-1977.

Acanthophora spicifera (Vahl) Børgesen Acanthospermum australe (Loefl.) Acanthospermum brasilum Schrank
Rhodomelaceae Kuntze Asteraceae
Total N° of Refs: 25 Asteraceae Accepted name: Acanthospermum australe
Global Risk Score: 0.96 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acanthospermum (Loefl.) Kuntze
Rating: Low brasilum Schrank (3), Acanthospermum Total N° of Refs: 87
Aqua - Habit: xanthioides DC. (1) Origin: S Am
Major Pathway/s: Crop Total N° of Refs: 88 References: South Africa-W-51, South
Dispersed by: Water Global Risk Score: 4.32 Africa-W-158, South Africa-A-87.
References: United States of America- Rating: Low
EWD-197, United States of America-ID- Habit: perennial Herb Acanthospermum glabratum (DC.)
936, Global-ID-1065, Global-WD-1324, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Willd
Global-W-1741, Marshall Islands-I-1779, Subtropical, Tropical Asteraceae
Global-I-1782, Global-N-1785, -I-, Origin: C Am, N Am, S Am Total N° of Refs: 15
Angola-W-1977, Cameroon-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Habit: annual Herb
Equatorial Guinea-W-1977, Gabon-W- Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
1977, Guatemala-W-1977, Guinea-Bissau- Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Subtropical, Tropical
W-1977, India-W-1977, Mauritania-W- Livestock, Sheep Origin: S Am
1977, Mozambique-W-1977, Panama-W- Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
1977, Sao Tome and Principe-W-1977, Pastures Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Saudi Arabia-W-1977, Senegal-W-1977, References: Brazil-A-245, Zimbabwe-ZW- Livestock, Sheep
Sierra Leone-W-1977, Tonga-W-1977, 50, Brazil-W-255, South Africa-AZR-121, References: South Africa-AZR-121, South
United Republic of Tanzania-W-1977, Viet Brazil-W-361, Brazil-W-407, Brazil-A- Africa-W-382, United Kingdom-UZD-314,
Nam-W-1977. 603, Argentina-W-237, South Africa-W-51, Africa-AZ-622, Swaziland-N-825,
Global-NZW-85, United States of Mozambique-nC-943, South Africa-N-956,
Acanthosicyos naudinianus (Sond.) C. America-N-101, South America-W-295, Botswana-N-1284, La Reunion-N-1321,
Jeffrey South America-A-270, South Africa-W- Zimbabwe-N-1365, Lesotho-AZR-121,
Cucurbitaceae 382, South Africa-W-158, United States of Democratic Republic of the Congo-W-
Total N° of Refs: 2 America-W-179, United States of America- 1977, South Africa-W-1977, Zimbabwe-
Habit: perennial Herb W-218, China-W-297, China-A-275, W-1977, Swaziland-W-1977.
Origin: Africa Australia-N-945, United Kingdom-UZD-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental 314, China-W-431, Africa-AZ-622,
Dispersed by: Humans Europe-U-638, China-I-780, United States
References: Botswana-A-1153, Australia- of America-N-301, United States of
Q-1123. America-N-839, Australia-W-853,
Paraguay-NI-876, China-I-882, Uruguay-
A-924, Peru-A-930, Mozambique-nC-943,
South Africa-N-956, Australia-N-354,
Australia-N-1049, China-I-1055, Africa-W-
1127, Australia-W-1210, China-N-1215,
South Africa-N-1247, China-NI-1212,
Singapore-N-1290, United States of
America-N-1292, Madagascar-N-1000,
China-N-1344, Global-W-1349,
Zimbabwe-I-1365, Brazil-A-1396, Brazil-
R-1400, China-I-1496, Argentina-A-87,
Hawaii-A-87, Zimbabwe-A-87, South
Africa-A-87, Brazil-A-87, Peru-A-87,
Uruguay-A-87, United States of America-
A-87, Brazil-N-1559, Brazil-A-1560,
Brazil-A-1561, Lesotho-W-1127, China-I-
1758, China-I-1769, China-A-1669,
Singapore-N-1839, Brazil-A-1857, China-
I-1873, -I-, South Africa-N-1991, China-
NRI-2021, Brazil-A-2051, Brazil-R-2053,
Australia-W-1977, Congo-W-1977,
Democratic Republic of the Congo-W-
1977, Ghana-W-1977, Malawi-W-1977,
Mozambique-W-1977, Nigeria-W-1977,
Singapore-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977,
Zimbabwe-W-1977, Global--1324.

Acanthospermum hispidum DC. Republic-A-1475, Australia-N-1491, Chad- Acanthospermum microcarpum
Asteraceae N-1503, French Polynesia-N-1514, India- B.L.Rob.
Total N° of Refs: 228 N-1628, India-N-1631, India-N-1632, Asteraceae
Global Risk Score: 14.4 Angola-A-87, Brazil-A-87, Sri Lanka-A- Total N° of Refs: 2
Rating: Medium 87, Ghana-A-87, India-A-87, Mozambique- Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Toxic - Habit: annual Herb A-87, Zimbabwe-A-87, Ivory Coast-A-87, References: Gal pagos Islands-N-257,
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Madagascar-A-87, Nigeria-A-87, United Ecuador-W-1977.
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical States of America-A-87, Argentina-A-87,
Origin: C Am, N Am, S Am Australia-A-87, Republic of Congo-A-87, Acanthospermum spp. Schrank
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Ethiopia-A-87, Hawaii-A-87, Belize-A-87, Asteraceae
Herbal, Ornamental Kenya-A-87, Peru-A-87, South Africa-A- Total N° of Refs: 2
Dispersed by: Humans, Livestock 87, Senegal-A-87, Botswana-A-87, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Weed of: Cereals, Cotton, Orchards & Canada-A-87, Colombia-A-87, Benin-A- References: Nigeria-A-563, Argentina-A-
Plantations, Pastures, Vegetables 87, Mauritius-A-87, Puerto Rico-A-87, El 913.
References: Australia-XW-93, Tanzania-N- Salvador-A-87, Thailand-A-87, Tanzania-
88, Brazil-A-245, Zimbabwe-X-50, South A-87, India-A-1034, Cape Verde-N-1558, Acanthospermum xanthioides DC.
Africa-W-51, Africa-A-53, Australia, Brazil-A-1560, Brazil-A-1566, Global-Q- Asteraceae
northern-A-55, India-W-66, Philippines- 1572, Australia, northern-W-1204, Africa- Accepted name: Acanthospermum australe
AW-348, Puerto Rico-W-261, Brazil-W- A-1623, India-W-1672, Global-I-1324, (Loefl.) Kuntze
255, South Africa-AZR-121, Australia-XZ- Global-I-1324, Global-I-1324, India-A- Total N° of Refs: 85
147, Indonesia-AI-170, Australia-W-205, 1696, Nigeria-A-1701, India-A-1704, References: United States of America-N-
Bangladesh-E-216, Brazil-W-361, Brazil- India-EI-1707, Mozambique-A-1734, 101.
W-407, Australia-N-368, India-NW-424, India-I-1764, Australia-Z-1768, India-N-
France-N-518, Cameroon-A-551, 1770, India-N-1790, Nigeria-A-1793, Acanthostyles buniifolius (Hook. & Arn.)
Zimbabwe-A-570, Australia-EN-7, Guinea-A-1823, Sao Tome and Principe-N- R. M. King & H. Rob.
Argentina-W-237, Global-NXZW-85, 1805, Australia-N-1902, India-I-1875, New Asteraceae
Global-W-217, South America-W-295, Zealand-Q-1879, Mexico-Q-1880, Mexico- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Eupatorium
South America-A-270, South Africa-W- I-1881, Honduras-A-1889, Honduras-W- buniifolium Hook. & Arn. (6)
382, United States of America-E-84, 1892, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, Total N° of Refs: 9
Central America-W-157, South Africa-W- -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, India-R-1984, South Africa- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
158, United States of America-W-161, N-1991, Burundi-NR-2012, India-I-2022, Origin: S Am
Ethiopia-A-240, United States of America- Botswana-A-2065, Burkina Faso-A-2068, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
W-179, Japan-N-287, Argentina-A-236, Guinea-A-2069, Paraguay-A-2070, Dispersed by: Humans
United States of America-W-218, Nigeria-A-2073, Tanzania-A-2076, New References: Global-ZW-85, Uruguay-A-87,
Australia-N-945, United States of America- Zealand-Q-2086, Benin-A-2090, Angola- Australia-Q-1123.
AW-486, United States of America-A-543, W-1977, Australia-W-1977, Bangladesh-
Eritrea-A-555, Global-A-546, Australia-Z- W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Benin-W-1977, Acanthosyris paulo-alvinii G.M.Barroso
611, Africa-AZ-622, Canada and United Bhutan-W-1977, Botswana-W-1977, Santalaceae
States of America-N-725, United States of Burundi-W-1977, C?te d'Ivoire-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 1
America-N-301, Japan-N-794, Swaziland- Canada-W-1977, Chad-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Crop
N-825, United States of America-N-839, Democratic Republic of the Congo-W- References: Global-A-1715.
Australia-W-853, Australia-N-856, 1977, Ethiopia-W-1977, Gambia (the)-W-
Australia-N-868, Paraguay-NI-876, 1977, Ghana-W-1977, Guinea-W-1977, Acanthoxanthium spinosum (L.) Fourr.
Mexico-I-878, Australia-E-880, Brazil-A- Guinea-Bissau-W-1977, India-W-1977, Asteraceae
923, Africa-N-926, Colombia-A-927, Japan-W-1977, Kenya-W-1977, Malawi- Accepted name: Xanthium spinosum L.
Mozambique-nC-943, South Africa-N-956, W-1977, Mali-W-1977, Mauritius-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 433
United States of America-A-967, India-N- Mozambique-W-1977, Myanmar-W-1977, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
976, Africa-A-980, Australia-N-354, India- Namibia-W-1977, Nepal-W-1977, Niger- References: Canary Islands-N-305,
I-1047, Australia-N-1049, Australia-W- W-1977, Nigeria-W-1977, Papua New Norway-N-1243, Norway-W-1609.
1068, New Zealand-A-1074, Europe-N- Guinea-W-1977, Senegal-W-1977, Sierra
819, Madagascar-I-973, United States of Leone-W-1977, Somalia-W-1977, South Acanthus balcanicus Heyw. & Richards.
America-N-101, Africa-W-1127, Lesser Africa-W-1977, Sri Lanka-W-1977, Acanthaceae
Antilles-A-1128, Ethiopia-A-1141, India- Thailand-W-1977, Uganda-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 1
N-1148, Botswana-A-1153, Australia, Zambia-W-1977, Zimbabwe-W-1977, Habit: Shrub
northern-ENZD-1183, India-N-1213, Swaziland-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
China-N-1215, Belgium-U-1220, Global- Dispersed by: Humans
A-1233, South Africa-N-1247, Japan-N- Acanthospermum humile (Sw.) DC. References: Europe, eastern-W-272.
1278, India-I-1279, India-I-1280, Namibia- Asteraceae
I-1283, Botswana-N-1284, United States of Total N° of Refs: 6 Acanthus caudatus Lindau
America-N-1292, Georgia-A-1313, south Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Acanthaceae
and southeast Asia-A-1320, La Reunion- Major Pathway/s: Herbal Total N° of Refs: 2
W-1321, Uzbekistan-Q-1322, Global-W- References: United States of America-N- References: Vietnam-A-87, Belgium-A-87.
1324, Australia-A-1331, India-I-1345, 101, Europe-N-819, Dominican Republic-
Global-W-1349, Zimbabwe-I-1365, China- A-1472, Dominican Republic-A-1474,
N-1374, Africa-A-1384, India-I-1389, Dominican Republic-A-1475, Mexico-W-
Brazil-A-1396, Brazil-R-1400, south and 1977.
southeast Asia-A-1408, Cape Verde-N-
1414, Global-ZD-1418, Australia-E-1456,
Dominican Republic-A-1473, Dominican

Acanthus ebracteatus Vahl Acanthus mollis L. Acanthus montanus T.Anders.
Acanthaceae Acanthaceae Acanthaceae
Total N° of Refs: 4 Total N° of Refs: 82 Total N° of Refs: 6
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Global Risk Score: 7.2 Global Risk Score: 0.72
Rating: Low Rating: Medium Rating: Low
Aqua - Habit: Shrub Habit: perennial Herb Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Origin: Africa
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Subtropical, Tropical Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Origin: Africa, Aust, E Asia, Europe, W Dispersed by: Humans
References: Vietnam-W-262, Thailand-A- Asia Weed of: Cereals
209, Thailand-W-822, Vietnam-A-87. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, References: Mozambique-nC-943, Indo-
Ornamental Pacific-N-1256, Africa-A-1384, Ghana-A-
Acanthus hirsutus Boiss. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee 87, Cameroon-A-1867, India-W-1977.
Acanthaceae References: Australia-E-290, Australia-E-
Total N° of Refs: 3 72, United Kingdom-N-40, Global-N-108, Acanthus polystachyus Delile
Origin: Africa, Europe Global-N-85, New Zealand-N-280, New Acanthaceae
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Zealand-W-165, Australia-N-176, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acanthus
Dispersed by: Humans Australia-N-198, western Europe-W-70, pubescens Engl. (2)
Weed of: Cereals Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945, United Total N° of Refs: 3
References: Turkey-A-1316, Turkey--1412, Kingdom-C-314, New Zealand-NW-425, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Turkey-R-1968. United Kingdom-N-519, New Zealand-N- Dispersed by: Humans
534, New Zealand-N-15, Canary Islands-N- References: South Africa-W-1977.
Acanthus hungaricus (Borbas) Baenitz 637, Australia-EN-310, Mediterranean-I-
Acanthaceae 775, United Kingdom-C-812, Australia-W- Acanthus pubescens Engl.
Total N° of Refs: 3 853, Australia-N-855, United States of Acanthaceae
Habit: Shrub America-N-101, Australia-W-869, Ireland- Accepted name: Acanthus polystachyus
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental U-894, Canary Islands-I-902, New var. pseudopubescens Delile
Dispersed by: Humans Zealand-W-906, New Zealand-N-919, Total N° of Refs: 3
References: Czech Republic-U-1522, Mediterranean-W-951, New Zealand-W- Habit: Shrub
Czech Republic-U-1731, Czech Republic- 964, Australia-N-354, Portugal-N-1006, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
W-1977. France-N-1006, Iceland-N-1006, Portugal- Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe
N-1006, Australia-N-1049, Portugal-N- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Acanthus ilicifolius L. 898, Europe-N-819, New Zealand-E-328, Dispersed by: Humans
Acanthaceae New Zealand-E-505, Greece-U-1142, References: South Africa-W-121, Africa-
Total N° of Refs: 3 Iberian Peninsular-N-1147, Belgium-U- W-1127.
Global Risk Score: 0.72 1220, South Africa-U-1247, Australia-E-
Rating: Low 1259, Australia-E-1261, Australia-E-1262, Acanthus spinosus L.
Habit: Shrub Italy-N-1265, Spain-U-1270, Australia-N- Acanthaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical 1450, Spain-N-1454, Australia-E-1456, Total N° of Refs: 9
Origin: Aust New Zealand-N-1543, Austria-W-1609, Global Risk Score: 1.44
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental New Zealand-A-87, Global-CD-1611, Rating: Low
Dispersed by: Humans Azores-N-1721, United States of America- Habit: Shrub
References: Indonesia-A-13, Indo-Pacific- E-1736, Cyprus-N-1797, Australia-N-1902, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
N-1256, Vietnam-A-87. Australia-N-1845, Chile-I-1872, Sardinia- Origin: Africa, Europe
N-1917, Australia-N-1959, -I-, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Switzerland-N-1990, South Africa-N-1991, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Portugal-N-2001, Spain-N-2027, New References: Europe, eastern-W-272, United
Zealand-N-2048, Australia-W-1977, Kingdom-C-314, United Kingdom-N-519,
Belgium-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Cyprus- United Kingdom-C-812, Europe-N-819,
W-1977, Greece-W-1977, India-W-1977, Crete-A-1228, Global-W-1324, Global-
Ireland-W-1977, New Zealand-W-1977, CD-1611, United Kingdom-W-1977.
Portugal-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977,
Spain-W-1977, United Kingdom-W-1977. Acanthus syriacus Boiss.
Acanthus mollis L. subsp. mollis Total N° of Refs: 1
Acanthaceae Global Risk Score: 0.24
Total N° of Refs: 2 Rating: Low
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Habit: Shrub
Origin: Africa, Europe Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
References: Sardinia-N-1336, Sardinia-I- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
1393. Dispersed by: Humans
References: Lebanon-A-87.

Acca sellowiana (O. Berg) Burret Acer campestre L. Acer cappadocicum Gled.
Myrtaceae Aceraceae Aceraceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Feijoa sellowiana Total N° of Refs: 42 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acer lobelii Ten.
(O.Berg) O.Berg (4) Global Risk Score: 21.6 (4)
Total N° of Refs: 14 Rating: High Total N° of Refs: 21
Habit: Shrub Habit: Tree Habit: Tree
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Subtropical, Tropical Origin: E Asia, Europe Subtropical, Tropical
Origin: S Am Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Origin: E Asia
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Forestry, Herbal, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Herbal, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers, Dispersed by: Humans, Wind, Escapee
Dispersed by: Humans, Vehicles Cattle, Livestock, Sheep, Water, Wind, References: United Kingdom-N-314,
References: Africa-W-760, Italy-U-251, La Escapee United Kingdom-N-519, Canada and
Reunion-W-1321, Europe-W-1325, Global- Seed Longevity: Transient United States of America-N-725, United
ZD-1495, Italy-U-1887, New Zealand-U- Weed of: Grapevines Kingdom-C-812, New Zealand-N-823,
2048, Democratic Republic of the Congo- References: United States of America-E- New Zealand-U-919, France-N-1006,
W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Niue-W-1977. 80, Global-N-85, United States of America- Europe-N-819, Belgium-U-1220, Global-
N-101, United Kingdom-N-519, Canary CD-1611, India-N-1765, New Zealand-U-
Acer barbatum Michx. Islands-N-637, Canada and United States of 2048, India-N-2109, Belgium-W-1977,
Aceraceae America-N-725, Canada-C-756, United France-W-1977, Ireland-W-1977, United
Accepted name: Acer saccharum Marshall States of America-E-151, Spain-W-807, Kingdom-W-1977.
subsp. floridanum Marshall Ireland-U-894, Global-W-788, France-N-
Total N° of Refs: 19 1006, Denmark-N-1006, Iceland-N-1006, Acer circinatum Pursh
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Sweden-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Norway- Aceraceae
Rating: Low N-1243, Austria-N-1531, Norway-N-1535, Total N° of Refs: 12
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Estonia-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, Global Risk Score: 4.8
Dispersed by: Humans Sweden-W-1609, Latvia-N-1014, Croatia- Rating: Low
References: United States of America-W- A-1037, Europe-ZD-1653, Global-CD- Habit: Shrub
218, United States of America-A-87. 1611, United States of America-E-1736, Origin: N Am
Russia-C-1671, Sardinia-N-1393, Canada- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Acer barbinerve Maxim. G-1855, Russia-N-1919, Germany-R-1948, Ornamental
Aceraceae Estonia-N-1997, Spain-N-2027, Serbia-R- Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Total N° of Refs: 2 2057, Poland-R-2062, Canada-W-1977, Weed of: Vegetables
Habit: Shrub Ireland-W-1977, Latvia-W-1977, Portugal- References: Global-N-85, United States of
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental W-1977, Spain-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977. America-W-218, United States of America-
Dispersed by: Humans A-543, Denmark-CN-711, Global-W-1349,
References: Norway-W-1609, Russia-N- Acer campestre L. subsp. leiocarpum Denmark-W-1609, United States of
1919. (Opiz) Schwer. America-A-87, Global-CD-1611, Chile-I-
Aceraceae 1872, Russia-N-1919, Chile-W-1977,
Acer buergerianum Miq. Total N° of Refs: 1 Denmark-W-1977.
Aceraceae References: Russia-N-1919.
Total N° of Refs: 9 Acer cissifolium (Siebold & Zucc.) K.
Global Risk Score: 1.44 Acer capillipes Maxim. Koch
Rating: Low Aceraceae Aceraceae
Habit: Tree Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 3
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Habit: Tree Habit: Tree
Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Origin: E Asia Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans
Dispersed by: Humans References: Canada and United States of References: Canada and United States of
References: Japan-N-287, Japan-N-794, America-N-725. America-N-725, Belgium-U-1220,
Japan-N-1278, Global-W-1376, Global-I- Belgium-W-1977.
1404, South Africa-E-1646, New Zealand-
U-2048, Japan-W-1977, South Africa-W- Acer crataegifolium Sieb. & Zucc.
1977. Aceraceae
Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: Shrub
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Canada and United States of

Acer davidii Franch. Acer ginnala Maxim. Acer glabrum Torrey
Aceraceae Aceraceae Aceraceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acer grosseri Pax Accepted name: Acer tataricum L. subsp. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acer glabrum var.
(1) ginnala (Maxim.) Wesm. douglasii Torr.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 89 Total N° of Refs: 5
Habit: Tree Global Risk Score: 9.6 Global Risk Score: 1.2
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Rating: Medium Rating: Low
Tropical Habit: Tree Habit: Tree
Origin: E Asia Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Origin: E Asia Origin: N Am
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
References: Canada and United States of Ornamental Ornamental
America-N-725. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Dispersed by: Humans
Weed of: Forestry, Orchards & Plantations References: Canada and United States of
Acer x freemanii A.E.Murray References: Finland-C-42, United States of America-N-725, United States of America-
Aceraceae America-E-80, United States of America- N-101, Chile-I-1872, Russia-N-1919,
Accepted name: parents = Acer rubrum L. E-222, United States of America-N-101, Chile-W-1977.
x Acer saccharinum L. United States of America-E-224, United
Total N° of Refs: 67 States of America-E-133, United States of Acer glabrum Torr. var. douglasii
Habit: Shrub America-CE-142, eastern North America- (Hook.) Dippel
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental E-195, United States of America-N-426, Aceraceae
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee United States of America-W-303, Czech Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Canada-C-756, Global-CD- Republic-U-400, Austria-UC-708, Canada References: United States of America-N-
1611, Canada-G-1855. and United States of America-N-725, 101.
Lithuania-I-737, United States of America-
E-151, Global-W-788, United States of Acer griseum (Franch.) Pax
America-X-229, Lithuania-N-1006, Aceraceae
Europe-N-819, United States of America- Total N° of Refs: 1
AE-1156, Russia-I-1178, Norway-N-1243, Habit: Tree
Global-W-1376, Global-I-1404, Global-E- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
1449, Czech Republic-U-1522, Norway-N- Origin: E Asia
1535, Austria-W-1609, Russia-W-1609, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Germany-W-1609, Lithuania-W-1609, Dispersed by: Humans, Wind
Norway-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, Latvia- References: Canada and United States of
N-1014, Global-CD-1611, Russia-N-1006, America-N-725.
Czech Republic-U-1731, Russia-N-1499,
United States of America-E-1736, Russia- Acer grosseri Pax
C-1671, United States of America-I-1773, Aceraceae
Russia-N-1919, -I-, Russia-N-1989, Accepted name: Acer davidii Franch.
Russia-I-2107, Armenia-W-1977, Austria- subsp. grosseri Franch.
W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Czech Republic- Total N° of Refs: 2
W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, Germany-W- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
1977, Latvia-W-1977, Lithuania-W-1977, Origin: E Asia
Sweden-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
Acer ginnala Maxim. 'Flame' References: Canada and United States of
Aceraceae America-N-725.
Total N° of Refs: 1
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Acer heldreichii Orph. ex Boiss.
References: United States of America-N- Aceraceae
101. Total N° of Refs: 8
Habit: Tree
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
References: United Kingdom-U-314,
Denmark-UC-711, Denmark-W-1609,
Sweden-W-1609, Global-CD-1611, Russia-
N-1919, Denmark-W-1977, Sweden-W-

Acer ibericum M. Bieb. ex Willd.

Accepted name: Acer monspessulanum L.
subsp. ibericum L.
Total N° of Refs: 15
References: Armenia-N-1241.

Acer japonicum Thunb. Acer mandshuricum Maxim. Acer negundo L.
Aceraceae Aceraceae Aceraceae
Total N° of Refs: 9 Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acer negundo L.
Global Risk Score: 1.44 Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental var. interius (Britton) Sarg. (1), Acer
Rating: Low Dispersed by: Humans negundo L. var. violaceum (G. Kirchn.) H.
Habit: Tree References: Russia-N-1919. Jaeger (1), Negundo aceroides Moench (2),
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Acer negundo L. var. negundo Bulbillifera
Origin: E Asia Acer miyabei Maxim. (1)
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Aceraceae Total N° of Refs: 281
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 2 Global Risk Score: 34.56
References: United Kingdom-U-314, Habit: Tree Rating: Extreme
Australia-E-380, Canada and United States Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Habit: Tree
of America-N-725, United States of Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
America-N-101, Belgium-U-1220, References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Mediterranean, Subtropical
Norway-W-1609, Chile-I-1872, Belgium- Origin: C Am, E Asia, N Am
W-1977, Chile-W-1977. Acer mono Maxim. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Aceraceae Forestry, Herbal, Ornamental
Acer leucoderme Small Accepted name: Acer pictum Thunb. ex Dispersed by: Humans, Vehicles, Wind,
Aceraceae Murray subsp. mono Escapee
Accepted name: Acer saccharum subsp. Total N° of Refs: 4 Weed of: Forestry, Orchards & Plantations,
leucoderme Marshall Habit: Shrub Pome Fruits
Total N° of Refs: 18 Origin: E Asia References: Australia-E-289, Australia-E-
Habit: Shrub Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental 72, Finland-C-42, Australia-W-54, United
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans States of America-E-80, Global-N-85,
Dispersed by: Humans References: Norway-W-1609, Armenia-W- Global-A-243, Canada-E-104, New
References: Canada and United States of 1977. Zealand-N-280, United States of America-
America-N-725. E-133, Australia-E-155, Australia-N-198,
Acer monspessulanum L. United States of America-AW-211, United
Acer lobelii Ten. Aceraceae States of America-W-218, Australia-C-401,
Aceraceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acer ibericum M. Australia-N-945, United Kingdom-C-314,
Accepted name: Acer cappadocicum subsp. Bieb. ex Willd. (1) Australia-E-380, Australia-E-327, Czech
lobelii Gled. Total N° of Refs: 15 Republic-I-400, Global-I-461, Switzerland-
Total N° of Refs: 21 Global Risk Score: 3.36 W-502, United Kingdom-N-519, New
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Rating: Low Zealand-N-15, Australia-CE-168, Spain-
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Habit: Tree NI-405, Italy-I-470, Poland-N-619,
Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Germany-EI-632, Europe-N-638, Canada-
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Origin: Africa, Europe, W Asia A-642, Ukraine-N-643, Global-E-649,
References: Denmark-UC-711, Denmark- Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Herbal, Switzerland-NI-653, Australia-AEN-310,
W-1609, Global-CD-1611, Denmark-W- Ornamental Austria-CNI-708, Portugal-N-718, France-
1977. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee I-720, Lithuania-I-737, Spain-I-738,
References: United Kingdom-U-314, Czech Canada-C-756, Slovenia-E-772,
Acer longipes Franch. ex Rehder Republic-U-400, Austria-CN-708, Europe- Mediterranean-I-775, North America-E-
Aceraceae N-819, Czech Republic-U-1522, Austria- 784, Japan-N-794, Spain-I-802, Spain-I-
Total N° of Refs: 2 W-1609, Norway-W-1609, Global-CD- 807, Hungary-I-809, France-I-764, United
Habit: Shrub 1611, Czech Republic-U-1731, Chile-I- Kingdom-C-812, Switzerland-UI-818,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental 1872, Austria-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Czech Republic-NI-826, Hungary-ANI-
Dispersed by: Humans Czech Republic-W-1977, Latvia-W-1977. 1255, Australia-W-853, Australia-N-855,
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Australia-W-869, Australia-E-880, Croatia-
Acer montanum Lam. [nom. illeg.] I-891, Romania-I-896, Russia-I-900,
Acer macrophyllum Pursh Aceraceae Germany-N-907, Chile-A-931, Europe-E-
Aceraceae Accepted name: Acer pseudoplatanus L. 934, Austria-AI-337, Mediterranean-WI-
Total N° of Refs: 6 Total N° of Refs: 2 951, Argentina-I-983, Australia-N-354,
Global Risk Score: 2.16 References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Belgium-E-996, Portugal-N-1006, France-
Rating: Low N-1006, Germany-N-1006, Greece-N-
Habit: Tree 1006, Netherlands-N-1006, Turkey-N-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean 1006, Australia-N-1049, Europe-N-1072,
Origin: N Am Portugal-N-898, Europe-N-819, Hungary-I-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, 455, Ukraine-I-1121, Africa-W-1127,
Ornamental Bosnia and Herzegovina-N-1140, Greece-
Dispersed by: Humans NI-1142, Spain-I-1149, Romania-AU-
References: United States of America-W- 1154, United States of America-AE-1156,
218, United Kingdom-U-314, Canada and Hungary-EI-1164, Italy-NI-1165, Croatia-
United States of America-N-725, Global- C-1166, Germany-I-1167, Italy-W-1176,
W-1349, United States of America-A-87, Serbia-E-1177, Russia-I-1178, Global-Q-
Ireland-W-1977. 1208, China-N-1215, Poland-AERI-1219,
Belgium-NI-1220, Croatia-I-1230, France-
E-1239, Armenia-N-1241, Latvia-N-1242,
Norway-N-1243, Georgia-UR-1250, Italy-
I-251, Australia-E-1259, Australia-E-1261,

Australia-E-1262, Romania-I-1264, Italy- 1977, Kazakhstan-W-1977, Latvia-W- Acer obtusatum Waldst. & Kit. ex Willd.
N-1265, Poland-E-1268, Spain-U-1270, 1977, Lithuania-W-1977, Luxembourg-W- Aceraceae
France-I-1273, Japan-N-1278, Ukraine-N- 1977, Montenegro-W-1977, Netherlands- Accepted name: Acer opalus subsp.
1297, Europe-E-1315, Global-W-1324, W-1977, Poland-W-1977, Portugal-W- obtusatum Mill.
Romania-I-1334, Ukraine-N-1335, 1977, Republic of Moldova-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 4
Sardinia-U-1336, Canada-N-1340, Global- Romania-W-1977, Russian Federation-W- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
W-1349, Serbia-A-1357, Serbia-W-1222, 1977, Serbia-W-1977, Slovenia-W-1977, Origin: Europe
Global-W-1376, Spain-I-1390, Austria-EI- South Africa-W-1977, Spain-W-1977, References: Europe-N-819.
1401, Global-I-1404, Australia-N-1450, Sweden-W-1977, Switzerland-W-1977,
Spain-N-1454, Spain-I-1455, Australia-E- Turkey-W-1977, Ukraine-W-1977, United Acer opalus Mill.
1456, Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay-I- Kingdom-W-1977, Uruguay-W-1977. Aceraceae
1476, Belgium-X-1477, Serbia-N-1482, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acer obtusatum
Slovakia-I-1484, Global-ZD-1495, Acer negundo L. var. interius (Britton) Waldst. & Kit. ex Willd. (1)
Albania-N-1506, France-N-1515, Croatia- Sarg. Total N° of Refs: 4
NI-1517, Czech Republic-I-1522, Russia- Aceraceae Global Risk Score: 1.2
NI-1533, Norway-N-1535, Romania-NI- Accepted name: Acer negundo subsp. Rating: Low
1537, Romania-N-1540, Greece-CN-1541, interius L. Habit: Tree
Spain-I-1595, North Korea-N-1600, Total N° of Refs: 277 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Central Europe-N-1602, United States of Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Ornamental
America-N-1607, Estonia-W-1609, Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans
Austria-W-1609, Belgium-W-1609, Czech References: Canada-A-642. References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977,
Republic-W-1609, Denmark-W-1609, France-W-1977.
Russia-W-1609, Germany-W-1609, Latvia- Acer negundo L. var. negundo
W-1609, Lithuania-W-1609, Netherlands- Aceraceae Acer palmatum Thunb.
W-1609, Norway-W-1609, Poland-W- Total N° of Refs: 3 Aceraceae
1609, Sweden-W-1609, Romania-NI-1629, Habit: Tree Total N° of Refs: 37
United States of America-A-87, Canadian References: New Zealand-N-280, Global- Global Risk Score: 4.8
northwest Territories-N-1011, Poland-N- EI-132, New Zealand-N-919. Rating: Low
1040, Romania-N-1549, Romania-N-1553, Habit: Tree
Romania-N-1554, South Africa-E-1646, Acer negundo L. var. violaceum (G. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
North America--, Global-CD-1611, Russia- Kirchn.) H. Jaeger Origin: E Asia
NI-1680, Russia-N-1006, Russia-G-1682, Aceraceae Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Russia-N-1683, Russia-EI-1684, Ukraine- Accepted name: Acer negundo L. Ornamental
NI-1685, Russia-NI-1688, Russia-N-1689, Total N° of Refs: 277 Dispersed by: Humans, Wind
Russia-NI-1690, Poland-N-1716, Czech Global Risk Score: 0.24 References: Australia-W-54, United States
Republic-I-1731, France-NI-1438, Europe- Rating: Low of America-N-101, New Zealand-UW-280,
UNXI-1740, Croatia-NW-1747, United Major Pathway/s: Ornamental eastern North America-E-195, Australia-N-
States of America-N-1162, India-N-1765, Dispersed by: Humans 198, United Kingdom-U-314, Australia-E-
Russia-W-1671, Ukraine-N-1798, Ukraine- References: Canada-A-642. 380, New Zealand-N-15, Australia-E-189,
N-1813, Sardinia-U-1393, Poland-A-1825, Canada and United States of America-N-
Poland-NR-1827, Austria-N-1828, Acer negundo L. subsp. negundo 725, United States of America-E-151,
Australia-N-1902, Croatia-I-1844, Canada- Aceraceae Global-W-788, New Zealand-N-823,
G-1855, Chile-I-1872, Argentina-A-1874, Total N° of Refs: 1 Australia-W-853, Australia-W-869, New
Slovakia and Romania-ID-1878, Italy-UNI- References: Global-N-85. Zealand-U-919, Australia-N-354, Europe-
1887, Romania-NI-1905, Croatia-I-1908, N-819, Georgia-U-1250, Italy-U-251,
Sardinia-U-1917, Russia-N-1919, Russia- Acer negundo L. var. negundo Australia-E-1259, Australia-E-1261,
N-1921, France-N-1940, France-N-1941, ‘Bulbillifera’ Australia-E-1456, United States of
France-ENI-1942, France-I-1943, Poland- Aceraceae America-E-1736, Belgium-U-1220, Chile-
R-1947, Germany-R-1948, Australia-N- Total N° of Refs: 277 I-1872, Mexico-N-1881, Italy-U-1887,
1959, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental New Zealand-U-2048, Armenia-W-1977,
Romania-I-1986, Bosnia and Herzegovina- References: New Zealand-N-2048. Australia-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977,
I-1987, Russia-N-1988, Russia-N-1989, Chile-W-1977, Croatia-W-1977, France-
Switzerland-U-1990, South Africa-N-1991, Acer oblongum Wall. ex DC. W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Mexico-W-1977.
Poland-NW-1993, Estonia-N-1997, Aceraceae
Croatia-I-2004, Germany-N-2009, Ukraine- Total N° of Refs: 3 Acer pensylvanicum L.
NR-2013, Ukraine-NI-2014, Spain-N-2027, Habit: Tree Aceraceae
Croatia-I-2038, New Zealand-N-2048, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Total N° of Refs: 3
Ukraine-N-2050, Slovakia-N-2052, Serbia- Subtropical, Tropical Global Risk Score: 1.2
R-2057, Poland-N-2062, Russia-I-2107, Origin: E Asia Rating: Low
India-U-2109, Ukraine-N-2112, Albania- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Habit: Tree
W-1977, Algeria-W-1977, Argentina-W- Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
1977, Armenia-W-1977, Australia-W- References: Africa-N-990, Afghanistan-W- Origin: N Am
1977, Austria-W-1977, Belarus-W-1977, 1977, Algeria-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Belgium-W-1977, Brazil-W-1977, Ornamental
Bulgaria-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Croatia- Dispersed by: Humans
W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977, References: United States of America-W-
Denmark-W-1977, France-W-1977, 218, Global-W-1349, United States of
Germany-W-1977, Greece-W-1977, America-A-87.
Hungary-W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Japan-W-

Acer pentaphyllum Diels Acer platanoides L. Acer platanoides L. 'Crimson King'
Aceraceae Aceraceae Aceraceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acer platanoides Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: Tree cv. Crimson King L. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 85 Dispersed by: Humans
Dispersed by: Humans Global Risk Score: 43.2 References: United States of America-N-
References: Mexico-N-1881, Mexico-W- Rating: Extreme 101.
1977. Habit: Tree
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Acer pictum Thunb. ex Murray Origin: E Asia, Europe
Aceraceae Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Accepted name: Kalopanax septemlobus Forestry, Herbal, Ornamental
(Thunb.) Koidz. Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acer mono Maxim. Vehicles, Wind, Escapee
(2) Seed Longevity: Present
Total N° of Refs: 7 Weed of: Forestry, Orchards & Plantations,
Global Risk Score: 1.68 Pome Fruits
Rating: Low References: United States of America-W-
Origin: E Asia, Europe 45, United States of America-E-80, Global-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, N-108, Global-XZW-85, United States of
Ornamental America-E-222, Global-A-243, United
Dispersed by: Humans States of America-N-101, Canada-W-4,
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. United States of America-E-224, United
States of America-E-133, United States of
America-E-137, United States of America-
CE-142, eastern North America-EI-195,
United States of America-N-426, United
States of America-AW-211, United States
of America-W-218, United States of
America-E-346, United Kingdom-C-314,
Australia-E-380, United States of America-
W-303, Canada-E-104, United Kingdom-
N-519, Australia-E-189, United States of
America-I-628, Global-E-649, Portugal-N-
718, Canada and United States of America-
NI-725, Canada-C-756, Mediterranean-I-
775, North America-E-784, United States
of America-E-151, Global-NI-714, Global-
W-788, United Kingdom-CN-812, United
States of America-X-229, Ireland-N-894,
Mediterranean-W-951, Belgium-N-1006,
France-N-1006, United Kingdom-N-1006,
Iceland-N-1006, Netherlands-N-1006,
Spain-N-1006, Portugal-N-898, Europe-N-
819, United States of America-W-1103,
Spain-N-1149, United States of America-
AE-1156, United States of America-E-
1244, Spain-U-1270, Global-W-1324,
Serbia-W-1222, Global-W-1376, Global-I-
1404, Global-E-1449, Spain-U-1454,
Global-ZD-1495, Austria-N-1531, Canada-
I-1538, Netherlands-W-1609, United
Kingdom-N-1636, United States of
America-A-87, Global-CD-1611, France-
N-1438, United States of America-E-1736,
Russia-W-1671, Ukraine-N-1813, Austria-
N-1828, Poland-CD-1841, Canada-G-1855,
Chile-I-1872, France-N-1940, Germany-R-
1948, -I-, Ukraine-N-2014, Poland-R-2062,
Global-W-2097, Australia-W-1977,
Belgium-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Chile-
W-1977, Ireland-W-1977, Latvia-W-1977,
Netherlands-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977,
United Kingdom-W-1977.

Acer pseudoplatanus L. Global-CD-1611, Europe--, Azores-N- Acer rubrum L. var. trilobum Torr. &
Aceraceae 1721, France-N-1438, United States of Gray ex K. Koch
Total N° of Refs: 154 America-E-1736, Europe-UNI-1740, Aceraceae
Global Risk Score: 43.2 Russia-C-1671, Sweden-N-1802, Ukraine- Total N° of Refs: 1
Rating: Extreme N-1813, Sardinia-U-1393, Poland-NR- References: Canada-A-642.
Habit: Tree 1827, Poland-CD-1841, Australia-N-1845,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Canada-G-1855, Chile-I-1872, Sardinia-U- Acer rufinerve Siebold & Zucc.
Origin: C Asia, E Asia, Europe, W Asia 1917, Russia-N-1919, Poland-A-1033, Aceraceae
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, France-N-1940, France-I-1943, Poland-R- Total N° of Refs: 11
Forestry, Herbal, Ornamental 1947, Germany-R-1948, Australia-N-1959, Global Risk Score: 2.16
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers, -I-, Estonia-N-1997, Ukraine-N-2014, Rating: Low
Cattle, Livestock, Sheep, Water, Wind, Spain-N-2027, New Zealand-N-2048, Habit: Tree
Escapee Poland-R-2062, Slovakia-A-2079, New Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Seed Longevity: Transient Zealand-E-483, Algeria-W-1977, Origin: E Asia
Weed of: Cereals Argentina-W-1977, Australia-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
References: Global-N-108, eastern North Belgium-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Chile- Dispersed by: Humans
America-E-195, Australia-E-20, Australia- W-1977, Estonia-W-1977, India-W-1977, References: United Kingdom-U-314,
EZ-289, Australia-E-72, United Kingdom- Ireland-W-1977, Latvia-W-1977, Canada and United States of America-N-
N-40, Finland-C-42, New Zealand-E-246, Lithuania-W-1977, Netherlands-W-1977, 725, Belgium-E-474, Belgium-NI-1220,
Global-EI-152, United States of America- New Zealand-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977, Global-I-1404, Belgium-X-1477, Belgium-
E-80, Global-NX-85, United States of Romania-W-1977, Spain-W-1977, Sweden- W-1609, Europe-NX-1740, Belgium-W-
America-N-101, New Zealand-N-280, W-1977, United Kingdom-W-1977. 1977, Germany-W-1977, Global--1324.
Australia-E-296, United States of America-
E-224, United States of America-E-133, Acer pseudosieboldianum (Pax) Kom.
Australia-E-155, New Zealand-W-165, Aceraceae
Australia-N-198, New Zealand-EW-225, Total N° of Refs: 1
western Europe-W-70, Australia-C-401, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
United States of America-E-346, Australia- Dispersed by: Humans
N-945, United Kingdom-CN-314, References: Russia-N-1919.
Australia-E-380, United States of America-
W-303, Australia-E-327, New Zealand- Acer rubrum L.
NW-425, United Kingdom-N-519, New Aceraceae
Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N-15, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acer rubrum var.
Australia-E-189, Canary Islands-N-637, rubrum L.
Ukraine-NR-643, Norway-CN-644, Global- Total N° of Refs: 19
E-649, Australia-EN-310, Denmark-CN- Global Risk Score: 19.44
711, Canada and United States of America- Rating: High
NI-725, Lithuania-I-737, Mediterranean-I- Toxic - Habit: Tree
775, United States of America-E-151, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Global-NI-714, Global-W-788, Ireland-EN- Subtropical
793, United Kingdom-CN-812, Australia- Origin: N Am
W-853, Australia-N-855, Australia-W-869, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal,
United States of America-X-229, Australia- Ornamental
E-880, Ireland-I-894, United Kingdom-I- Dispersed by: Humans, Wind, Escapee
910, New Zealand-N-919, Mediterranean- Weed of: Orchards & Plantations, Pome
W-951, Argentina-I-983, Australia-N-354, Fruits, Vegetables
Portugal-N-1006, Belgium-N-1006, References: Global-A-243, United States of
Denmark-N-1006, Estonia-N-1006, United America-W-161, United States of America-
Kingdom-N-1006, Iceland-N-1006, AW-211, United States of America-W-218,
Netherlands-N-1006, Norway-N-1006, United Kingdom-U-314, Australia-E-380,
Sweden-N-1006, Australia-N-1049, United States of America-A-543, Canada-
Europe-N-819, New Zealand-E-505, A-642, Canada-C-756, United States of
Ireland-E-1094, Latvia-N-1242, Norway- America-Q-1197, Belgium-U-1220,
N-1243, Falkland Islands-N-1251, Global-W-1349, United States of America-
Australia-E-1259, Australia-E-1261, A-87, North America--, Global-CD-1611,
Australia-E-1262, La Reunion-W-1321, Europe--, Canada-G-1855, Chile-I-1872,
Finland-I-1323, Global-W-1324, Ukraine- Armenia-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977,
N-1335, Sardinia-U-1336, Global-W-1349, Chile-W-1977.
Finland-W-1356, Global-W-1376, Global-
I-1404, Chile-I-1409, Global-E-1449, Acer rubrum L. var. rubrum
Australia-N-1450, Spain-U-1454, Spain-N- Aceraceae
1455, Australia-E-1456, Austria-N-1531, Total N° of Refs: 1
Norway-N-1535, New Zealand-N-1543, References: Canada-A-642.
Romania-CN-1599, Ireland-N-1608,
Estonia-W-1609, Ireland-W-1609,
Lithuania-W-1609, Netherlands-W-1609,
Norway-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, United
Kingdom-N-1636, Latvia-N-1014,
Lithuania-CN-1652, Europe-ZD-1653,

Acer saccharinum L. Acer saccharum Marshall Acer spicatum Lam.
Aceraceae Aceraceae Aceraceae
Accepted name: Acer saccharum Marshall Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acer barbatum Total N° of Refs: 9
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acer x freemanii Michx. (2), Acer leucoderme Small (1), Global Risk Score: 2.4
A.E.Murray (3) Acer saccharinum L. (64) Rating: Low
Total N° of Refs: 84 Total N° of Refs: 84 Habit: Tree
Global Risk Score: 19.44 Global Risk Score: 12.96 Origin: N Am
Rating: High Rating: Medium Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Habit: Tree Habit: Tree Ornamental
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Subtropical, Tropical Origin: N Am References: United States of America-W-
Origin: E Asia, N Am Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, 218, Canada-C-756, Global-W-1349,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, Ornamental Sweden-W-1609, Turkey-A-87, Global-
Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans, Wind, Escapee CD-1611, Canada-G-1855, Russia-N-1919,
Dispersed by: Humans, Wind, Escapee Weed of: Vegetables Sweden-W-1977.
References: Global-N-85, United States of References: United States of America-W-
America-W-218, United Kingdom-U-314, 218, United Kingdom-U-314, United States Acer spp. L.
Australia-E-380, Czech Republic-U-400, of America-A-543, Austria-UC-708, Aceraceae
United Kingdom-N-519, Canada-A-642, Europe-N-819, Bosnia and Herzegovina-N- Total N° of Refs: 6
Ukraine-N-643, Austria-UC-708, Canada- 1140, Global-W-1349, Austria-W-1609, ToxicWeed of: Orchards & Plantations,
C-756, Hungary-U-809, United Kingdom- Germany-W-1609, Turkey-A-87, United Vegetables
C-812, Australia-N-354, France-N-1006, States of America-A-87, North America--, References: United States of America-A-
Poland-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Belgium- Global-CD-1611, Chile-I-1872, Armenia- 543, Chile-A-931, Poland-A-935, Africa-
U-1220, Italy-U-251, Hungary-U-1255, W-1977, Austria-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, W-1127, United States of America-A-1160,
Ukraine-N-1335, Global-W-1349, Global- Germany-W-1977. Norway-W-1609.
W-1376, Global-I-1404, Slovakia-U-1484,
Czech Republic-U-1522, North Korea-N- Acer saccharum Marshall subsp. nigrum Acer tataricum L.
1600, United States of America-N-1603, (F. Michx.) Desmarais Aceraceae
Austria-W-1609, Russia-W-1609, Aceraceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acer ginnala
Germany-W-1609, Netherlands-W-1609, Total N° of Refs: 3 Maxim. (53), Acer semenovii Regel &
Norway-W-1609, Poland-W-1609, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Herder (1)
Sweden-W-1609, Poland-N-1040, North Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Total N° of Refs: 90
America--, Global-CD-1611, Ukraine-N- References: Canada-C-756, Global-CD- Global Risk Score: 4.8
1685, Poland-N-1716, Czech Republic-U- 1611, Canada-G-1855. Rating: Low
1731, Croatia-N-1747, Ukraine-U-1840, Habit: Tree
Canada-G-1855, Chile-I-1872, Italy-U- Acer saccharum Marshall subsp. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
1887, Romania-U-1905, Russia-N-1919, saccharum Origin: E Asia, Europe, W Asia
France-R-1942, Switzerland-U-1990, Aceraceae Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Ukraine-N-2013, Ukraine-U-2014, Algeria- Total N° of Refs: 3 Ornamental
W-1977, Armenia-W-1977, Austria-W- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
1977, Belgium-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee References: Finland-C-42, United States of
Croatia-W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977, References: Canada-C-756, Global-CD- America-N-101, United Kingdom-U-314,
France-W-1977, Germany-W-1977, 1611, Canada-G-1855. Australia-E-380, Lithuania-I-737, Estonia-
Ireland-W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Sweden- N-1006, Lithuania-N-1006, Europe-N-819,
W-1977, Ukraine-W-1977, United Acer semenovii Regel & Herder Norway-N-1243, Czech Republic-U-1522,
Kingdom-W-1977. Aceraceae Russia-N-1533, Norway-N-1535, Estonia-
Accepted name: Acer tataricum L. subsp. W-1609, Denmark-W-1609, Germany-W-
semenovii L. 1609, Lithuania-W-1609, Norway-W-1609,
Total N° of Refs: 37 Latvia-N-1014, Global-CD-1611, Czech
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Republic-U-1731, Russia-C-1671, Ukraine-
Dispersed by: Humans U-1840, Chile-I-1872, Russia-N-1919,
References: Armenia-W-1977. Russia-I-1989, Estonia-N-1997, Ukraine-
N-2014, Russia-I-2107, Armenia-W-1977,
Acer sieboldianum Miq. Belgium-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Czech
Aceraceae Republic-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Germany-W-1977, Latvia-W-1977,
Habit: Shrub Lithuania-W-1977.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Acer tataricum L. subsp. ginnala
References: Norway-W-1609. (Maxim.) Wesm.
Total N° of Refs: 4
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental,
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
References: Denmark-C-711, Belgium-U-
1220, Denmark-W-1609, Global-CD-1611.

Acer tataricum L. subsp. tataricum Acerates viridiflora (Raf.) Pursh ex Eat. Acetosa vesicaria (L.) Á.Löve
Aceraceae var. lanceolata (Ives) Torr. Polygonaceae
Total N° of Refs: 6 Apocynaceae Accepted name: Rumex vesicarius L.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 46
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, References: Canada-A-642. Global Risk Score: 0.96
Ornamental Rating: Low
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Acerates viridiflora (Raf.) Pursh ex Eat. Toxic - Habit: annual Herb
References: Denmark-UC-711, Denmark- var. linearis Gray Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, Global-CD- Apocynaceae Subtropical, Tropical
1611, Denmark-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977. Accepted name: Asclepias viridiflora Origin: Africa, Europe
Total N° of Refs: 4 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Acer tegmentosum Maxim. References: Canada-A-642. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Aceraceae Weed of: Pastures
Total N° of Refs: 5 Acetabularia calyculus J.V.Lamour. References: Australia-W-93, Australia-W-
Habit: Tree Polyphysaceae 205, Australia-W-269, Australia-E-290,
Origin: E Asia Total N° of Refs: 3 Australia-N-198, Australia-C-401,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Aqua - Habit: Australia-N-945, Australia-EN-310,
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Water Australia-EN-7, Australia-W-853,
References: Europe-W-1325, Russia-W- References: Europe-ND-819, Global-N- Australia-N-855, Australia-N-856,
1609, Russia-N-1006, Russia-N-1499, 1785, Israel-W-1977. Australia-N-868, Australia-W-869,
Russia-N-1919. Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049,
Acetosa pratensis Mil. Global-W-1324, Australia-A-1331,
Acer truncatum Bunge. Polygonaceae Australia-N-1450, Australia-E-1456,
Aceraceae Accepted name: Rumex acetosa L. Global-CD-1611, Australia-N-1959,
Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 108 Australia-W-1977.
Global Risk Score: 1.68 References: Russia-N-1681.
Rating: Low Acetosella angiocarpa (Murb.) Á. Love
Habit: Tree Acetosa sagittata (Thunb.) & D. Love
Origin: E Asia L.A.S.Johnson & B.G.Briggs Polygonaceae
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Polygonaceae Accepted name: Rumex acetosella L.
Ornamental Synonym/s (n° of refs): Rumex sagittatus subsp. angiocarpus (Murb.) Murb.
Dispersed by: Humans Thunb. (28) Total N° of Refs: 319
References: United Kingdom-U-314, Chile- Total N° of Refs: 63 Major Pathway/s: Crop
I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Global Risk Score: 3.84 References: Australia-N-1049, Japan-N-
Rating: Low 1571.
Acer ukurunduense Trautv. & C.A.Mey. Habit: perennial Vine
Aceraceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Acetosella multifida (L.) Á.Löve
Accepted name: Acer caudatum Wall. Subtropical, Tropical Polygonaceae
subsp. ukurunduense Origin: Africa, N Am Accepted name: Rumex acetosella L.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Total N° of Refs: 318
Habit: Tree Ornamental References: Slovakia-A-2079.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans, Water, Wind,
Dispersed by: Humans Escapee
References: Russia-N-1919. References: Australia-EN-479, Australia-
W-269, Australia-E-289, Australia-E-73,
Aceras anthropophorum L. Australia-E-296, Australia-N-176,
Orchidaceae Australia-N-198, Australia-C-401,
Total N° of Refs: 2 Australia-N-945, Australia-E-327,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Australia-CEI-168, Australia-E-189,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Australia-AENX-310, Australia-N-7,
Dispersed by: Wind Australia-W-853, Australia-N-855,
References: western Europe-W-70, United Australia-W-869, Australia-E-880,
Kingdom-N-519. Australia-N-354, Australia-I-1048,
Australia-N-1049, Australia-E-1259,
Acerates lanuginosa (Nutt.) Dcne. Australia-E-1261, Australia-E-1262,
Apocynaceae Global-W-1324, Australia-N-1450,
Accepted name: Asclepias lanuginosa Australia-E-1456, Israel-W-1487, Global-
Total N° of Refs: 1 CD-1611, Australia-X-1693, Australia-N-
References: Canada-A-642. 1902, Australia-N-1845, Australia-WD-
1934, Australia-N-1959, Australia-W-1977.
Acerates viridiflora (Raf.) Pursh ex Eat.
Accepted name: Asclepias viridiflora
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acerates viridiflora
var. lanceolata (Raf.) Pursh ex Eat.
Total N° of Refs: 4
References: Canada-A-642.

Acetosella vulgaris (Fourr) Löve Achillea ageratum L. Achillea biebersteinii Afan.
Polygonaceae Asteraceae Asteraceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Rumex acetosella Total N° of Refs: 17 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Achillea micrantha
L. (317), Rumex acetosella L. var. Global Risk Score: 3.6 Willd. (11)
acetosella (1), Rumex acetosella L. var. Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 17
pyrenaeus (Pourret) Timbal-Lagrave (1), Habit: perennial Herb Habit: Herb
Rumex acetosella L. subsp. acetosella (8), Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Rumex acetosella L. subsp. acetoselloides Origin: Africa, Europe, Obscure Origin: Africa, Europe
(Balansa) Den Nijs (1), Rumex acetosella Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Weed of: Cereals, Pastures
L. subsp. angiocarpus (Murb.) Murb. (7), Herbal, Ornamental References: Europe, eastern-W-272,
Rumex acetosella L. subsp. pyrenaicus Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Europe-N-819, Georgia-N-1250, Global-
(Pourret ex Lapeyr.) Akeroyd (5), Rumex References: Global-N-85, United States of W-1324, Iran-A-1916, Iran-A-2111.
acetosella L. subsp. tenuifolius (Wallr.) America-N-101, western Europe-W-70,
O.Schwarz (1) United Kingdom-C-314, Austria-U-708, Achillea borealis Bong.
Total N° of Refs: 374 Denmark-UC-711, Europe-N-819, Asteraceae
Global Risk Score: 4.32 Belgium-U-1220, Global-W-1324, Austria- Accepted name: Achillea millefolium var.
Rating: Low W-1609, Denmark-W-1609, Global-CD- borealis L. (Bong.) Farw.
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb 1611, Chile-I-1872, Austria-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 269
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Belgium-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal
Subtropical, Tropical Denmark-W-1977. References: Canada-A-642, Canada-A-87.
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Achillea alpina L. Achillea cappadocica Hausskn. &
Ornamental Asteraceae Bornm.
Dispersed by: Humans, Horse, Livestock, Total N° of Refs: 5 Asteraceae
Vehicles Habit: perennial Herb Total N° of Refs: 1
Weed of: Pastures Origin: E Asia, Europe References: Turkey-R-1968.
References: Australia-N-368, Australia-E- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
20, Australia-EZ-289, Australia-N-176, Ornamental Achillea cartilaginea Ledeb. ex Rchb.
Australia-N-198, Australia-E-327, Dispersed by: Humans Asteraceae
Australia-Z-611, Australia-EN-7, Australia- References: Japan-W-286, China-W-297, Total N° of Refs: 7
W-853, Australia-N-855, Australia-N-856, China-A-275, United Kingdom-U-314, Origin: Europe
Australia-W-869, Australia-N-354, China-W-431. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Australia-N-1049, Global-ZD-1203, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals
Australia-E-1259, Australia-E-1260, Achillea arabica Kotschy References: United Kingdom-U-314,
Australia-E-1261, Australia-E-1262, Asteraceae Denmark-N-1006, Norway-N-1006,
Australia-A-1331, Australia-ZD-1443, Total N° of Refs: 6 Europe-N-819, Belgium-U-1220, Global-
Australia-ZD-1444, Australia-N-1450, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean W-1324, Russia-W-1671.
Australia-E-1456, Global-ZD-1492, References: Austria-W-1977, Czech
Global-ZD-1495, Australia-A-87, Global- Republic-W-1977, France-W-1977, Achillea collina Becker ex Rchb.
ZD-1581, Australia-Z-1768, Australia-N- Germany-W-1977, Poland-W-1977, Asteraceae
1902, Australia-N-1845, Australia-N-1959, Sweden-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 7
Australia-N-1962. Global Risk Score: 2.16
Achillea asiatica Serg. Rating: Low
Achetaria azurea (Linden) V.C.Souza Asteraceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Scrophulariaceae Total N° of Refs: 1 Origin: Europe
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Russia-N-1681. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
References: India-W-1977. Ornamental
Achillea asplenifolia Vent. Dispersed by: Humans, Animals
Achetaria guianensis Pennell Asteraceae Seed Longevity: Present
Scrophulariaceae Total N° of Refs: 6 Weed of: Cereals
Total N° of Refs: 1 Origin: Europe References: Europe, eastern-W-272,
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Denmark-U-711, Belgium-N-1220,
References: Trinidad-A-87. Ornamental Denmark-W-1609, Hungary-A-1015,
Dispersed by: Humans Global-ZD-1611, Italy-A-2081.
Achillea acuminata (Ledeb.) Sch. Bip. References: United Kingdom-U-314,
Asteraceae Denmark-U-711, Serbia-W-1238, Serbia- Achillea conyzoides L.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Ptarmica acuminata W-1358, Denmark-W-1609, Serbia-W- Asteraceae
Ledeb. (1) 1766. Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Chile-N-241.

Achillea cretica L.
Total N° of Refs: 1
Origin: W Asia
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: United Kingdom-U-314.

Achillea crithmifolia Waldst. & Kit. Achillea distans Waldst. & Kit. ex Willd. Achillea grandifolia Friv.
Asteraceae subsp. tanacetifolia Janch. Asteraceae
Total N° of Refs: 23 Asteraceae Total N° of Refs: 6
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 9 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Origin: Europe Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Subtropical, Tropical Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Ornamental Origin: Europe References: Austria-UC-708, Europe-N-
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Ornamental 819, Global-W-1324, Austria-W-1609,
References: United Kingdom-U-314, Czech Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Global-CD-1611, Austria-W-1977.
Republic-UZ-400, Poland-N-619, Austria- References: Denmark-C-711, Australia-W-
U-708, France-W-764, Denmark-N-1006, 853, Australia-W-869, Australia-N-354, Achillea lanulosa Nutt.
Finland-N-1006, France-N-1006, Germany- Australia-N-1049, Denmark-W-1609, Asteraceae
N-1006, Norway-N-1006, Poland-N-1006, Global-CD-1611, Montenegro-R-1944, Accepted name: Achillea millefolium var.
Sweden-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Global- Australia-N-1959. occidentalis L.DC.
W-1324, Czech Republic-U-1522, Austria- Total N° of Refs: 276
W-1609, Germany-W-1609, Poland-W- Achillea filipendulina Lam. ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Subtropical
1609, Sweden-W-1609, Poland-N-1040, Asteraceae Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Czech Republic-U-1731, Europe-U-1740, Total N° of Refs: 55 Dispersed by: Humans
Sweden-N-1802. Global Risk Score: 7.2 References: Global-W-23, United States of
Rating: Medium America-W-161, United States of America-
Achillea decolorans Schrad. Habit: perennial Herb W-212, United States of America-W-218,
Asteraceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Canada-A-642, Global-W-1349, Germany-
Total N° of Refs: 2 Subtropical, Tropical W-1609, Canada-A-87, United States of
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Origin: C Asia, E Asia, Europe, W Asia America-A-87.
Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Herbal, Ornamental Achillea lereschei Sch.Bip.
References: United Kingdom-C-314, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Asteraceae
Global-CD-1611. References: Finland-U-42, United States of Total N° of Refs: 1
America-N-101, New Zealand-UW-280, References: Denmark-W-1977.
Achillea distans Waldst. & Kit. ex Willd. Japan-N-287, United Kingdom-CN-314,
Asteraceae Czech Republic-U-400, Austria-UC-708, Achillea ligustica All.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Achillea distans Denmark-UC-711, Canada and United Asteraceae
ssp. tanacetifolia Waldst. & Kit. ex Willd. States of America-N-725, Japan-N-794, Total N° of Refs: 7
Total N° of Refs: 23 Spain-I-802, New Zealand-U-919, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Global Risk Score: 0.48 Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049, Origin: Africa, Europe
Rating: Low Europe-N-819, Spain-I-1149, United States Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Habit: perennial Herb of America-N-1162, Global-A-1207, Ornamental
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Belgium-U-1220, Armenia-N-1241, Italy- Dispersed by: Humans
Origin: Europe U-251, Italy-N-1265, Spain-G-1269, Spain- References: United States of America-N-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental U-1270, Japan-N-1278, Spain-I-1390, 101, United Kingdom-U-314, United
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Spain-N-1454, Spain-I-1455, Czech Kingdom-N-519, United Kingdom-U-812,
References: Australia-E-290, Finland-U-42, Republic-U-1522, Austria-W-1609, Europe-N-819, Global-W-1324, United
United States of America-N-101, Australia- Denmark-W-1609, Germany-W-1609, Kingdom-W-1977.
E-155, Australia-N-176, Australia-C-401, Netherlands-W-1609, Norway-W-1609,
Australia-N-945, United Kingdom-C-314, Sweden-W-1609, Global-CD-1611, Achillea macrophylla L.
United Kingdom-N-519, Australia-N-310, Poland-U-1716, Czech Republic-U-1731, Asteraceae
United Kingdom-C-812, Australia-N-354, Sweden-N-1802, Italy-U-1887, Total N° of Refs: 1
Australia-N-1049, Europe-N-819, Switzerland-U-1990, New Zealand-U- Habit: perennial Herb
Australia-E-1259, Australia-E-1261, 2048, Algeria-W-1977, Austria-W-1977, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Global-W-1324, Australia-N-1450, Global- Belgium-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Czech Origin: Europe
CD-1611, Australia-N-1845, Serbia-R- Republic-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
2057, Australia-W-1977, United Kingdom- France-W-1977, Germany-W-1977, Italy- Dispersed by: Humans
W-1977. W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Spain-W-1977, References: Slovakia-U-1484.
Sweden-W-1977, United Kingdom-W-
Achillea distans Waldst. & Kit. ex Willd. 1977. Achillea micrantha Willd.
subsp. stricta (Schleich. ex Gremli) Asteraceae
Janch. Achillea fragrantissima (Forssk.) Accepted name: Achillea biebersteinii
Asteraceae Schultz-Bip. Afan.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Asteraceae Total N° of Refs: 17
References: Japan-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 2 Origin: E Asia, Europe
Global Risk Score: 1.52 Weed of: Cereals
Rating: Low References: Finland-U-42, United
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Kingdom-U-314, Belarus-N-817, Europe-
Mediterranean N-819, Global-A-1207, Global-W-1324,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Pasture Latvia-W-1609, Azerbaijan-A-1638,
Dispersed by: Humans Russia-A-87, Iran-A-2111, Latvia-W-1977.
References: Egypt-W-221, Egypt-A-1028.

Achillea millefolium L. W-890, Argentina-A-913, India-I-914, New Serbia-R-1848, Montenegro-W-1861,
Asteraceae Zealand-N-919, Chile-A-931, United States Chile-I-1872, Poland-A-1033, Montenegro-
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Achillea borealis of America-W-946, United States of R-1944, Serbia-R-1946, Germany-R-1948,
Bong. (2), Achillea lanulosa Nutt. (9), America-A-967, Argentina-I-983, Poland-A-1952, Croatia-A-1954, Poland-
Achillea millefolium L. var. lanulosa Australia-N-354, Russia-A-998, Portugal- A-1956, Australia-N-1959, Poland-A-1961,
(Nutt.) Piper (1), Achillea millefolium L. N-1006, France-N-1006, Denmark-N-1006, Poland-A-1966, Australia-N-1962, -I-, -I-, -
subsp. borealis (Bong.) Breitung (1), Portugal-N-1006, Norway-N-1006, I-, Central and northern Japan and northern
Achillea millefolium L. subsp. lanulosa Svalbard-N-1006, Sweden-N-1006, islands-N-1983, Kosovo-R-2003,
(Nutt.) Piper (5), Achillea millefolium L. Australia-N-1049, Poland-A-935, Europe- Argentina-ND-2025, Poland-A-2047, New
subsp. lanulosa ? var. alpicola (Rydb.) N-819, Antarctica-N-396, Chile-W-388, Zealand-N-2048, Serbia-R-2057, -A-2058,
Garret (1), Achillea millefolium L. subsp. United Kingdom-A-322, United Kingdom- Poland-A-2059, Poland-A-2060, Poland-A-
millefolium (7), Achillea nigrescens (E. A-1093, United States of America-W-1104, 2061, Poland-R-2062, Iran-A-2075,
Mey.) Rydb. (1) Poland-G-1122, Gal pagos Islands-CN- Slovakia-A-2079, South Georgia and
Total N° of Refs: 294 1157, Cyprus-N-1174, Europe-W-1191, Sandwich Islands-I-2085, Canada-G-1462,
Global Risk Score: 44.8 Finland-A-1193, United States of America- northern European towns-W-2095,
Rating: Extreme Q-1197, South Korea-N-761, Serbia-A- Belgium-W-2096, Poland-A-2110, Iran-A-
Toxic - Habit: b/p Herb 1209, China-N-1215, Mexico-W-1226, 2111, Argentina-W-1977, Australia-W-
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Chile-N-1229, Serbia-W-1238, Australia- 1977, Brazil-W-1977, Costa Rica-W-1977,
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical E-1259, Australia-E-1261, Denmark-A- Cyprus-W-1977, Democratic Repubic of
Origin: Africa, C Am, E Asia, Europe, N 1185, France-A-1266, United States of Korea-W-1977, Germany-W-1977, India-
Am, Cosmopolitan America-A-1275, Japan-N-1278, W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Pakistan-W-1977,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Botswana-N-1284, Argentina-W-1286, Portugal-W-1977, Republic of Korea-W-
Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture United States of America-N-1292, Peru-N- 1977, South Africa-W-1977, Spain-W-
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers, 1293, Finland-A-1317, Australia-W-1318, 1977, Sweden-W-1977, Zimbabwe-W-
Cattle, Donkey, Horse, Livestock, Sheep, south and southeast Asia-A-1320, United 1977, Algeria-W-1977, South Korea-N-
Vehicles, Water, Wind, Escapee States of America-AZD-1341, Serbia-A- 2113, North Korea--, Global--1324.
Seed Longevity: Long Term 1343, China-N-1344, Chile-N-1348,
Weed of: Cereals, Grapevines, Nursery Global-W-1349, Finland-AN-1356, Serbia- Achillea millefolium L. var. borealis
Production, Orchards & Plantations, A-1357, Serbia-W-1358, Antarctica-N- (Bong.) Farw.
Pastures, Vegetables 1362, Zimbabwe-U-1365, Croatia-A-1368, Asteraceae
References: South Africa-AZR-121, Costa United States of America-A-1022, Serbia- Total N° of Refs: 1
Rica-I-975, Australia-E-20, Global-W-23, W-1222, Norway-N-1378, India-I-1389, References: Canada-A-642.
Argentina-W-237, Australia-W-269, Chile-I-1409, United Kingdom-ZD-1416,
Australia-E-289, Australia-E-72, Chile-N- Netherlands-ZD-1420, Belgium-ZD-1422, Achillea millefolium L. var. lanulosa
300, United States of America-A-49, Europe-ZD-1436, United States of (Nutt.) Piper
Canada-W-52, Global-NZW-85, Europe-A- America-ZD-1441, Australia-ZD-1443, Asteraceae
94, Australia-W-97, Global-A-243, United Australia-E-1456, Turkey-A-1467, Accepted name: Achillea millefolium var.
States of America-N-101, New Zealand-N- Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay-I-1476, Gal occidentalis
280, Chile-N-241, South America-W-295, pagos Islands-C-1481, Global-ZD-1492, Total N° of Refs: 268
Australia-E-296, United States of America- Global-ZD-1495, China-I-1496, Mexico- References: Canada-A-642.
AW-136, South Africa-ZW-158, United W-1510, Iran-A-1524, Austria-N-1531,
States of America-W-161, New Zealand- Norway-N-1535, New Zealand-N-1543, Achillea millefolium L. var. millefolium
AW-165, Canada and United States of Faroe Islands-W-1609, Finland-W-1609, Asteraceae
America-XW-299, United States of Svalbard-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, Total N° of Refs: 4
America-W-174, Australia-N-176, United Finland-A-87, Norway-A-87, New References: United States of America-E-
States of America-A-180, Japan-N-287, Zealand-A-87, Sweden-A-87, Argentina-A- 80, United States of America-N-101,
Japan-W-286, Australia-N-198, United 87, Australia-A-87, Canada-A-87, United Canada-A-642, United States of America-I-
States of America-AW-207, United States Kingdom-A-87, Germany-A-87, Hawaii-A- 1161.
of America-AW-210, United States of 87, Iran-A-87, Russia-A-87, Spain-A-87,
America-AG-211, Europe, eastern-AW- United States of America-A-87, Chile-A- Achillea millefolium L. var. nigrescens E.
272, western Europe-W-70, United States 87, India-A-87, Svalbard-N-1009, Mey.
of America-W-218, China-W-297, Canada- Canadian northwest Territories-N-1011, Asteraceae
W-293, Australia-C-401, Australia-C-333, Tajikistan-A-1017, Serbia-W-1031, New Total N° of Refs: 1
Australia-N-945, Spain-A-417, Australia- Zealand-A-1035, Croatia-A-1037, Poland- References: Canada-A-642.
E-327, New Zealand-NW-425, China-W- A-1042, Chile-ND-1557, Japan-N-1571,
431, New Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N- Russia-N-1647, Europe-ZD-1653, Achillea millefolium L. var. occidentalis
15, United States of America-A-543, Germany-ZD-1655, Europe-ZD-1656, DC.
Canada-A-642, Australia-AEN-310, India- Belgium-ZD-1663, Europe-ZD-1576, Asteraceae
A-712, Canada and United States of Global-CD-1611, Italy-A-1618, Russia-A- Total N° of Refs: 1
America-N-725, Turkey-A-727, Japan-I- 1621, New Zealand-A-1624, Global-ZD- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
741, Global-W-743, Chile-N-765, South 1581, Polar Regions-ZD-1587, Pakistan-I- Dispersed by: Humans
Korea-N-773, Australia-N-7, United States 1697, Europe--, United States of America- References: Canada-A-642.
of America-N-301, North America-X-790, W-1719, Azores-N-1721, India-A-1725,
Japan-N-794, United States of America-N- Brazil-N-1071, Brazil-N-1746, Serbia-W- Achillea millefolium L. var. pacifica
839, United States of America-I-849, 1766, Kazakhstan-A-1772, central Europe- (Rydb.) G.N. Jones
Australia-W-853, Australia-N-855, A-1616, Austria-A-1670, Russia-W-1671, Asteraceae
Australia-W-869, Costa Rica-CN-872, Iran-A-1783, France-A-1814, Finland-A- Total N° of Refs: 1
Colombia-N-874, Ecuador-N-875, 1815, Sweden-A-1817, Poland-A-1825, References: Canada-A-642.
Slovenia-W-883, Europe-A-889, Mexico- Australia-N-1902, Australia-N-1845,

Achillea millefolium L. subsp. borealis Achillea nobilis L. Achillea ptarmica L.
(Bong.) Breitung Asteraceae Asteraceae
Asteraceae Total N° of Refs: 39 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Achillea ptarmica
Accepted name: Achillea millefolium var. Global Risk Score: 10.8 L. var. multiplex cannot verify name (1)
borealis Rating: Medium Total N° of Refs: 46
Total N° of Refs: 268 Habit: Herb Global Risk Score: 14.4
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Rating: Medium
Dispersed by: Humans Origin: E Asia, Europe Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
References: Canada-A-642. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Herbal, Ornamental Origin: E Asia, Europe
Achillea millefolium L. subsp. lanulosa Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
(Nutt.) Piper Livestock, Sheep Herbal, Ornamental
Asteraceae Seed Longevity: Transient Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Accepted name: Achillea millefolium var. References: Finland-U-42, United States of Livestock, Sheep, Water, Wind
occidentalis America-E-80, United States of America- Seed Longevity: Long Term
Total N° of Refs: 272 N-101, New Zealand-UW-280, Europe, Weed of: Cereals
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, eastern-W-272, United Kingdom-UZD- References: Chile-N-300, United States of
Ornamental 314, Denmark-W-711, Lithuania-I-737, America-E-80, United States of America-
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Belarus-N-817, New Zealand-U-919, N-101, New Zealand-N-280, Australia-E-
References: Denmark-U-711, Canada-C- Denmark-N-1006, Luxembourg-N-1006, 155, Europe, eastern-W-272, United
756, Denmark-W-1609, Global-CD-1611, Norway-N-1006, Sweden-N-1006, Europe- Kingdom-N-519, Canada-A-642, Norway-
Canada-G-1855. N-819, Belgium-ND-1220, Norway-N- N-644, Canada and United States of
1243, Global-W-1324, Norway-N-1535, America-N-725, Japan-N-794, New
Achillea millefolium L. subsp. lanulosa ? Estonia-W-1609, Denmark-W-1609, Zealand-N-919, Denmark-N-1006,
var. alpicola (Rydb.) Garret Latvia-W-1609, Lithuania-W-1609, Norway-N-1006, Europe-N-819,
Asteraceae Norway-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, Russia- Antarctica-N-396, United States of
Accepted name: Achillea millefolium var. A-87, Russia-W-1684, Europe-I-1740, America-I-1161, United States of America-
lanulosa Estonia-N-1997, New Zealand-U-2048, N-1162, Norway-N-1243, Canada-N-1252,
Total N° of Refs: 268 Russia-I-2107, Belarus-W-1977, Belgium- Japan-N-1278, Global-W-1324, Chile-N-
References: Canada-A-642. W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, France-W- 1348, Global-W-1349, Finland-AW-1356,
1977, Latvia-W-1977, Lithuania-W-1977, Antarctica-N-1362, Europe-ZD-1436,
Achillea millefolium L. subsp. Luxembourg-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977. Faroe Islands-W-1609, Finland-W-1609,
millefolium Sweden-W-1609, Greenland-W-1609,
Asteraceae Achillea nobilis L. subsp. neilreichii (A. Finland-A-87, Canadian northwest
Accepted name: Achillea millefolium L. Kern.) Velen. Territories-N-1011, Europe-ZD-1576,
Total N° of Refs: 274 Asteraceae Alaska-N-1625, Finland-A-1815, -I-,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 1 Central and northern Japan and northern
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean islands-N-1983, New Zealand-N-2048, -A-
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Major Pathway/s: Ornamental 2058, South Georgia and Sandwich Islands-
References: Canada-UC-756, France-N- Dispersed by: Humans I-2085, Australia-W-1977, Canada-W-
1006, Greenland-N-1061, Falkland Islands- References: Turkey--1412. 1977, Chile-W-1977, Japan-W-1977,
N-1251, Global-CD-1611, Uruguay-C- Sweden-W-1977.
1800, Canada-G-1855. Achillea ochroleuca Ehrh.
Asteraceae Achillea ptarmica L. var. multiplex
Achillea nigrescens (E. Mey.) Rydb. Total N° of Refs: 1 cannot verify name
Asteraceae Origin: Europe Asteraceae
Accepted name: Achillea millefolium L. References: United Kingdom-U-314. Total N° of Refs: 46
var. nigrescens References: -W-, Sweden-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 268 Achillea pannonica Scheele
References: Central and northern Japan and Asteraceae Achillea punctata L.
northern islands-N-1983. Total N° of Refs: 8 Asteraceae
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 2
Origin: Europe References: Europe-N-819, Global-W-
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant 1324.
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals
Seed Longevity: Transient Achillea roseo-alba Ehrend.
References: United Kingdom-U-314, Asteraceae
Denmark-U-711, Europe-N-819, United Total N° of Refs: 6
States of America-N-101, Global-W-1324, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Denmark-W-1609, Global-ZD-1611, Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Global-ZD-1581. References: Germany-N-1006, Europe-N-
819, Romania-U-1154, Romania-N-1986,
Achillea phrygia Boiss. & Balansa Algeria-W-1977, Romania-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 2
References: Turkey--1412, Turkey-R-1968.

Achillea roseoalba Ehrend. Achillea spp. L. Achimenes longiflora DC.
Asteraceae Asteraceae Gesneriaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Global-W-1324, Europe-W- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
1325. Dispersed by: Humans Subtropical, Tropical
References: Australia-N-198, Europe, Origin: C Am
Achillea salicifolia Besser eastern-W-272, Australia-ZD-1675. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Asteraceae Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 3 Achillea stricta Schleich.ex Koch References: India-W-1977.
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Asteraceae
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 7 Achlaena piptostachya Griseb.
References: Finland-N-42, Global-W-1324, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Poaceae
Belgium-W-1977. References: Japan-N-287, Japan-N-794, Total N° of Refs: 1
Hungary-U-809, Europe-N-819, Hungary- Habit: Grass
Achillea santolina L. U-1255, Japan-N-1278, Global-W-1324. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Asteraceae References: Cuba-A-14.
Total N° of Refs: 8 Achillea tomentosa L.
Habit: perennial Herb Asteraceae Achnanthes pseudogroenlandica Hendey
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Total N° of Refs: 8 Achnanthaceae
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Habit: perennial Herb Total N° of Refs: 3
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean References: Europe-W-1325, Bulgaria-W-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Origin: Europe 1977, Ukraine-W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Achnatherum brachychaetum (Godr.)
Pome Fruits References: Finland-U-42, Australia-N- Barkworth
References: Pakistan-A-248, Egypt-W-221, 945, United Kingdom-C-314, Australia-N- Poaceae
Global-A-243, United Kingdom-U-314, 855, Australia-N-354, Norway-N-1243, Total N° of Refs: 14
Iran-A-87, Pakistan-A-87, Turkey-A-87, Norway-W-1609, Global-CD-1611. Habit: perennial Grass
Iran-A-1619. Origin: S Am
Achillea vermicularis Trin. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Achillea seidlii J.Presl & C.Presl Asteraceae Dispersed by: Humans
Asteraceae Total N° of Refs: 2 References: United States of America-X-
Accepted name: Achillea millefolium L. Weed of: Cereals 26, Australia-E-290, United States of
subsp. millefolium References: Iran-A-1524, Australia-Q- America-X-35, Global-NXW-85, United
Total N° of Refs: 2 1123. States of America-N-101, North America-
References: Denmark-W-1977, France-W- X-790, Australia-W-853, Australia-W-869,
1977. Achillea wilhelmsii K. Koch United States of America-X-229, United
Asteraceae States of America-W-946, Australia-N-
Achillea setacea Waldst. & Kit. Total N° of Refs: 3 1049, New Zealand-A-1074, Europe-N-
Asteraceae Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical 819, Global-W-1324.
Total N° of Refs: 9 Weed of: Cereals, Pastures
Global Risk Score: 0.48 References: Turkey--1412, Iran-A-1916, Achnatherum calamagrostis (L.)
Rating: Low Iran-A-2072. P.Beauv.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Poaceae
Subtropical, Tropical Achimenes antirrhina (DC.) C.V.Morton Synonym/s (n° of refs): Stipa calamagrostis
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Gesneriaceae (L.) Wahlenb. (11)
Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 20
Dispersed by: Humans References: Mexico-W-890, Mexico-W- Global Risk Score: 4.32
Seed Longevity: Long Term 1226. Rating: Low
References: Denmark-W-711, Europe-N- Habit: perennial Grass
819, Belgium-U-1220, Global-W-1324, Achimenes erecta (Lam.) H.P.Fuchs Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Denmark-W-1609, Russia-N-1681, central Gesneriaceae Origin: Europe
Europe-A-1616, Belgium-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 2 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Denmark-W-1977. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans, Wind
Achillea sibirica Ledeb. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee References: Australia-E-290, Czech
Asteraceae References: Poland-C-1122, Global-CD- Republic-UZ-400, Denmark-U-711,
Total N° of Refs: 1 1611. Belgium-U-1220, Denmark-W-1609,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Global-Q-1572, New Zealand-Q-1879,
Ornamental Achimenes grandiflora (Schiede) DC. Kosovo-R-2003, New Zealand-Q-2086.
Dispersed by: Humans Gesneriaceae
References: Canada and United States of Total N° of Refs: 1 Achnatherum capense (Thunb.) Beauv.
America-N-725. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Poaceae
Origin: C Am Total N° of Refs: 1
Achillea sieheana Stapf Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Habit: Grass
Asteraceae Dispersed by: Humans References: United States of America-N-
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: French Polynesia-N-1514. 101.
References: Turkey-R-1968.

Achnatherum caudatum (Trin.) Achnatherum nelsonii (Scribn.) Achras zapota L.
S.W.L.Jacobs & J.Everett Barkworth subsp. dorei (Barkworth & Sapotaceae
Poaceae Maze) Barkworth Accepted name: Manilkara zapota (L.) van
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Stipa caudata Trin. Poaceae Royen.
(13) Accepted name: Stipa nelsonii Scribn. Total N° of Refs: 32
Total N° of Refs: 30 Total N° of Refs: 1 Habit: Tree
Habit: Grass Habit: perennial Grass Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Major Pathway/s: Pasture Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Origin: S Am Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans
Weed of: Pastures References: United States of America-N- References: pantropics-W-22.
References: Australia-X-232, Australia-E- 1162.
290, Global-NW-85, United States of Achrophyllum dentatum (Hook.f. &
America-N-101, New Zealand-N-280, Achnatherum richardsonii (Link) Wils.) Vitt & Crosby
Australia-N-176, Australia-N-198, Barkworth Hookeriaceae
Australia-X-171, Australia-E-327, Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 3
Australia-W-853, Australia-W-869, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Stipa richardsonii Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Australia-E-880, New Zealand-N-919, Link (2) Ornamental
Australia-N-1049, Australia-E-1261, Total N° of Refs: 4 Dispersed by: Humans
Australia-E-1262, Australia-A-1331. Habit: Grass References: United Kingdom-Z-812,
References: United States of America-N- Europe-W-1325, Global-NZ-1382.
Achnatherum clandestinum (Hack.) 1162, North America-N-1760.
Barkworth Achyrachaena mollis Schauer
Poaceae Achnatherum robustum (Vasey) Asteraceae
Accepted name: Amelichloa clandestina Barkworth Total N° of Refs: 1
(Hack.) Arriaga & Barkworth Poaceae Habit: annual Herb
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Habit: Grass Habit: perennial Grass Ornamental
References: United States of America-N- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Dispersed by: Humans
101. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: United States of America-W-
Dispersed by: Humans 161.
Achnatherum eminens (Cav.) Barkworth References: United States of America-N-
Poaceae 904. Achyranthes alternifolia L.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Stipa eminens Cav. Amaranthaceae
(1) Achnatherum splendens (Trin.) Nevski Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 1 Poaceae References: south and southeast Asia-A-
Habit: Grass Synonym/s (n° of refs): Stipa splendens 1320.
Trin. (4)
Achnatherum hymenoides (Roem. & Total N° of Refs: 7
Schult.) Barkworth Toxic - Habit: perennial Grass
Poaceae Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Oryzopsis Tropical
hymenoides (Roem. & Schult.) Ricker ex Origin: E Asia
Piper (2) Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 5 Dispersed by: Humans
Global Risk Score: 3.52 References: China-A-275, China-W-431,
Rating: Low Australia-Q-1134.
Habit: perennial Grass
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Achnatherum spp. Beauv.
Ornamental, Pasture Poaceae
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Global-W-1324, United States Habit: Grass
of America-AZD-1667, United States of References: Australia-E-289.
x Achnella caduca (Beal) Barkworth
Achnatherum inebrians (Hance) Keng Poaceae
Poaceae Accepted name: parents = Achnatherum
Total N° of Refs: 2 hymenoides (Roem. & Schult.) Barkworth
Toxic - Habit: Grass x Nassella viridula (Trin.) Barkworth
Origin: E Asia Total N° of Refs: 1
Weed of: Pastures Habit: Grass
References: China-W-431, China-A-203. Major Pathway/s: Pasture
Dispersed by: Humans
References: United States of America-N-

Achyranthes aspera L. 87, Mauritius-A-87, Philippines-A-87, Achyranthes aspera L. var. aspera
Amaranthaceae Pakistan-A-87, Zimbabwe-A-87, South Amaranthaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Achyranthes aspera Africa-A-87, Taiwan-A-87, Trinidad-A-87, Total N° of Refs: 23
L. var. indica (3), Achyranthes indica (L.) Uganda-A-87, Australia-A-87, Bangladesh- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Mill. (9), Achyranthes obtusifolia Lam. (1), A-87, Borneo-A-87, Botswana-A-87, Origin: Africa, E Asia
Achyranthes sicula (L.) All. (13) Cambodia-A-87, Cameroon-A-87, China- References: Puerto Rico-W-261, France-N-
Total N° of Refs: 269 A-87, Costa Rica-A-87, Benin-A-87, 518, Global-N-85, United States of
Global Risk Score: 35.84 Dominican Republic-A-87, Egypt-A-87, America-N-101, United States of America-
Rating: Extreme Fiji-A-87, Guinea-A-87, Iran-A-87, W-179, United States of America-N-301,
Habit: perennial Herb Jamaica-A-87, Malaysia-A-87, Melanesia- Swaziland-N-825, United States of
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, A-87, Nepal-A-87, New Guinea-A-87, America-N-839, Pakistan-W-836, South
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Nicaragua-A-87, Nigeria-A-87, Polynesia, Africa-N-956, Madagascar-N-1001, South
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, N Am, SE West-A-87, Puerto Rico-A-87, El Salvador- Africa-NXI-1247, Botswana-N-1284,
Asia, Cosmopolitan A-87, Senegal-A-87, Sudan-A-87, United States of America-N-1292, Cuba-
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Suriname-A-87, Thailand-A-87, Tanzania- NI-1505, French Polynesia-N-1514,
Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture A-87, Vietnam-A-87, Zambia-A-87, Pakistan-A-1634, India-A-1021, Eastern
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Caribbean Netherlands-N-1012, India-W- Caribbean-N-1742, -I-, -I-, Burundi-R-
Livestock, Sheep, Escapee 1029, Pakistan-A-1030, Pakistan-A-1032, 2012, Cuba-I-2055, Cuba-W-1977,
Weed of: Bananas, Cereals, Cotton, India-A-1448, South Africa-E-1646, Suriname-W-1977.
Orchards & Plantations, Pastures Bangladesh-A-1649, Global-CD-1611,
References: Cuba-A-14, Guyana-N-32, Iran-A-1619, Africa-A-1623, Global-ZD- Achyranthes aspera L. var. indica
Zimbabwe-W-50, India-W-66, Papua New 1581, India-W-1672, Global-I-1324, Amaranthaceae
Guinea-W-276, South Africa-AZR-121, Lesotho-AZR-121, Lesotho-X-1127, India- Accepted name: Achyranthes aspera var.
Gal pagos Islands-N-257, Pacific-A-6, A-1696, India-A-1698, St. Vincent and the aspera L.
Thailand-A-12, Thailand-A-209, Brazil-W- Grenadines-A-1700, India-A-1702, India- Total N° of Refs: 246
361, Brazil-W-407, Philippines-W-412, A-1703, India-A-1704, Nigeria-A-1710, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Vanuatu-A-315, Nigeria-A-563, Indonesia- East Africa-I-1723, Pakistan-A-1726, Origin: E Asia
A-188, Thailand-W-822, Costa Rica-I-975, Federated States of Micronesia-W-1732, References: Cuba-NI-1505, -I-, Cuba-W-
Pacific-W-3, Egypt-W-221, South Africa- Bangladesh-A-1761, India-AN-1794, 2055, Cuba-W-1977.
W-51, Global-NZW-85, South Africa-X- Congo-A-1799, Sardinia-N-1393, La
283, Global-W-217, Global-A-243, United Reunion-A-1822, Sardinia-AN-1824, India- Achyranthes aspera L. var. pubescens
States of America-N-101, New Zealand-N- I-1826, Sao Tome and Principe-N-1805, (Moq.) Townsend
280, Central America-W-157, South Singapore-W-1839, Colombia-N-1856, Amaranthaceae
Africa-W-158, China-W-297, China-A- India-W-1866, Oman-A-1870, Mexico-N- Total N° of Refs: 11
275, Australia-C-401, United Kingdom- 1881, Honduras-W-1892, Honduras-A- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
UZD-314, Canary Islands-N-305, China- 1896, Sardinia-N-1917, Mexico-R-1935, Origin: Africa, N Am
W-431, Global-A-546, Pacific-W-621, India-A-1936, Canary Islands-N-1967, -I-, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Australia-AEN-310, India-A-712, South -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, Australia-Q- Dispersed by: Humans
Africa-I-759, Mediterranean-I-775, 1123, Costa Rica-N-1980, India-R-1984, References: United States of America-N-
Mexico-N-791, Thailand-W-810, Costa South Africa-N-1991, Benin-W-2007, 101, United States of America-W-179,
Rica-CNI-872, Israel-A-885, Mexico-W- South Africa-RI-2017, Ethiopia-A-2039, United States of America-N-301,
890, India-N-914, New Zealand-N-919, Israel-AGN-59, Cuba-NRI-2054, Burkina Swaziland-N-825, United States of
Africa-N-926, Colombia-A-927, United Faso-A-2068, Guinea-A-2069, India-A- America-N-839, Pakistan-W-836,
Kingdom-Z-944, India-A-948, 2084, India-A-2105, Anguilla-W-1977, Botswana-N-1284, United States of
Mediterranean-I-951, Africa-A-980, Antigua and Barbuda-W-1977, Aruba-W- America-N-1292, Zimbabwe-I-1365, Cape
Australia-W-1068, Mozambique-E-1076, 1977, Australia-W-1977, Bahamas-W- Verde-N-1558, India-N-1789, -I-.
Europe-N-819, South Africa-X-1112, 1977, Bhutan-W-1977, Bonaire-W-1977,
Africa-X-1127, Lesser Antilles-A-1128, Comoros-W-1977, Cook Islands-W-1977, Achyranthes aspera L. var. sicula L.
Gal pagos Islands-N-1157, Pakistan-A- Costa Rica-W-1977, Dominica-W-1977, Amaranthaceae
1170, Cambodia-A-1173, Global-A-1207, Dominican Republic-W-1977, Ecuador-W- Total N° of Refs: 9
China-N-1215, Mexico-W-1226, India-A- 1977, Fiji-W-1977, Grenada-W-1977, Iran Global Risk Score: 0.96
1234, Burma-Myanmar-A-1254, Pakistan- (Islamic Republic of)-W-1977, Israel-W- Rating: Low
A-1152, Saudi Arabia-A-797, Bangladesh- 1977, Jamaica-W-1977, Kenya-W-1977, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
N-1194, Namibia-I-1283, Singapore-W- Kiribati-W-1977, Marshall Islands-W- Tropical
1290, India-W-1307, Pakistan-A-1308, 1977, Mauritius-W-1977, Mexico-W-1977, Origin: Africa, Europe
south and southeast Asia-A-1320, La Micronesia (Federated States of)-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal
Reunion-W-1321, Global-W-1324, Namibia-W-1977, Nepal-W-1977, Niue-W- Dispersed by: Humans
Sardinia-N-1336, Madagascar-N-1000, 1977, Palau-W-1977, Papua New Guinea- References: Global-N-85, Canary Islands-
India-I-1345, French Guiana-N-1346, W-1977, Samoa-W-1977, Seychelles-W- N-305, Swaziland-N-825, South Africa-N-
India-A-1359, China-N-1374, Israel-NW- 1977, Singapore-W-1977, Solomon 956, Madagascar-N-1001, South Africa-I-
1380, Africa-A-1384, Pakistan-A-1395, Islands-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977, 1247, Zimbabwe-I-1365, Cape Verde-N-
south and southeast Asia-A-1408, Puerto Spain-W-1977, Suriname-W-1977, Tonga- 1414, Cape Verde-N-1558, -I-.
Rico and Virgin Islands-W-1452, Gal W-1977, Tuvalu-W-1977, Uganda-W-
pagos Islands-N-1481, Sri Lanka-ZD-1020, 1977, United Republic of Tanzania-W-
Fiji-A-1521, Saudi Arabia-A-1525, 1977, Vanuatu-W-1977, Zimbabwe-W-
Afghanistan-A-87, Republic of Congo-A- 1977, Swaziland-W-1977.
87, Ecuador-A-87, Belize-A-87, Colombia-
A-87, Ghana-A-87, Indonesia-A-87, India-
A-87, Kenya-A-87, Hawaii-A-87, Italy-A-

Achyranthes bidentata Miq. Achyranthes japonica (Miq.) Nakai Achyranthes verschaffeltii Lemaire
Amaranthaceae Amaranthaceae Amaranthaceae
Accepted name: Achyranthes japonica Synonym/s (n° of refs): Achyranthes Total N° of Refs: 1
(Miq.) Nakai bidentata Miq. (10) References: Armenia-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 23 Total N° of Refs: 23
Global Risk Score: 2.4 Global Risk Score: 4.8 Achyrocline satureioides (Lam.) DC.
Rating: Low Rating: Low Asteraceae
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Origin: E Asia Total N° of Refs: 6
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Habit: Shrub
Tropical Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Origin: E Asia Dispersed by: Humans, Flyers Origin: S Am
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal
Herbal, Ornamental References: Global-N-85, United States of References: Brazil-W-255, Brazil-W-361,
Dispersed by: Humans America-N-101, Asia-W-204, South Brazil-W-407, Brazil-A-923, Brazil-A-87,
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Korea-A-648, Global-A-1207, Global-W- Brazil-R-2053.
References: China-W-297, China-A-275, 1324, Japan-A-87, Pakistan-A-1030,
China-W-431, India-N-914, India-A-1124, United States of America-E-1736, South Achyrocline satureoides (Lam.) DC.
India-W-1307, India-N-1389, Pakistan-A- Korea-A-1859, South Korea-A-2031, South Asteraceae
1030, Nepal-A-1960, Malaysia-W-1977. Korea-A-2032, South Korea-A-2033. Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Achyranthes bidentata Blume var. Achyranthes japonica (Miq.) Nakai var. Major Pathway/s: Herbal
tomentosa Hara hachijoensis Honda References: Brazil-A-245.
Amaranthaceae Amaranthaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1 Achyrocline vargasiana DC.
References: Japan-W-286. References: United States of America-N- Asteraceae
101. Total N° of Refs: 2
Achyranthes brachiata L. References: Brazil-A-923, Brazil-A-87.
Amaranthaceae Achyranthes longifolia Makino
Accepted name: Nothosaerva brachiata (L.) Amaranthaceae Achyropappus anthemoides H.B.K.
Wight Total N° of Refs: 1 Asteraceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 1
References: India-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Dispersed by: Humans References: Mexico-W-199.
Achyranthes fauriei Lev. & Van. References: Japan-A-87.
Amaranthaceae Aciachne pulvinata Benth.
Total N° of Refs: 7 Achyranthes obtusifolia Lam. Poaceae
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Amaranthaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Agrostis delicatula
Weed of: Pastures Accepted name: Achyranthes aspera var. Steud. ex Lechler (1)
References: Global-A-1207, Japan-A-87, aspera L. Total N° of Refs: 1
South Korea-A-1859, South Korea-A-1860, Total N° of Refs: 244 Habit: Grass
South Korea-A-2031, South Korea-A-2032, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
South Korea-A-2033. References: Global-A-1207. Acicarpha spathulata R.Br.
Achyranthes herbstii (Hook.) Hovey Achyranthes sicula (L.) All. Total N° of Refs: 3
Amaranthaceae Amaranthaceae Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Accepted name: accepted name= Iresine Accepted name: Achyranthes aspera L. Origin: S Am
diffusa f. herbstii (Hook.) Pedersen Total N° of Refs: 256 References: Brazil-W-255, Brazil-W-361,
Total N° of Refs: 10 Global Risk Score: 0.96 Brazil-W-407.
Origin: S Am Rating: Low
References: Bolivia-N-1630. Habit: annual/biennial Herb Acicarpha tribuloides Juss.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Calyceraceae
Achyranthes indica (L.) Mill. Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 15
Amaranthaceae Origin: Africa, Europe, N Am Aqua - Habit: Herb
Accepted name: Achyranthes aspera L. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 252 Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Global Risk Score: 4.32 Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans
Rating: Low References: South Africa-AZR-121, Spain- References: Brazil-W-361, Brazil-W-407,
Habit: Herb I-405, Spain-I-738, Spain-I-802, Spain-I- Argentina-W-237, United States of
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical 807, Portugal-N-1006, Spain-N-1006, America-N-101, New Zealand-UW-280,
Origin: Europe Europe-N-819, Global-W-1324, Lesotho- South America-W-295, South America-W-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental AZR-121, Azores-N-1721, Greece-W- 271, New Zealand-N-534, Paraguay-NI-
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee 1977, Spain-W-1977. 876, Argentina-A-913, New Zealand-U-
References: United States of America-E- 919, Uruguay-A-924, Argentina-A-87,
80, Mexico-N-791, Costa Rica-CNI-872, Achyranthes spp. L. Uruguay-A-87, New Zealand-U-2048.
Puerto Rico-A-929, Global-A-1207, French Amaranthaceae
Guiana-N-1346, Costa Rica-W-1570, Total N° of Refs: 1
Global-CD-1611, Honduras-W-1892. Dispersed by: Humans
References: Australia-ZD-1675.

Acidanthera brevicollis Baker Acinos rotundifolius Pers. Aclepias subverticillata (Gray) Vail
Iridaceae Lamiaceae Apocynaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Australia-N-1049. Habit: annual/perennial Herb ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean References: United States of America-W-
Acinetospora crinita (Carmichael) Origin: E Asia, Europe 212.
Sauvageau Major Pathway/s: Crop
Acinetosporaceae References: Europe, eastern-W-272, Acmella alba (L´Hér.) R.K. Jansen
Total N° of Refs: 1 Turkey--1412, Turkey-A-1467. Asteraceae
Aqua - Habit: Synonym/s (n° of refs): Spilanthes alba L'H
References: Mediterranean-N-1836. Acinos thymoides Moench r. (2)
Lamiaceae Total N° of Refs: 3
Acinetospora spp. Bornet Accepted name: Acinos arvensis (Lam.) Aqua - Habit:
Acinetosporaceae Dandy Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 24 Major Pathway/s: Crop
Dispersed by: Water Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental References: Brazil-N-1597.
References: Global-N-1785. Dispersed by: Humans
References: Canada-A-642. Acmella brachyglossa Cass.
Acinos alpinus (L.) Moench Asteraceae
Lamiaceae Aciotis caulialata Triana Total N° of Refs: 4
Total N° of Refs: 2 Melastomataceae Habit: annual Herb
Habit: perennial Herb Accepted name: Aciotis rubricaulis (Mart. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean ex DC.) Triana Major Pathway/s: Crop
Origin: Europe Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Brazil-W-361, Brazil-W-407,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Taiwan-N-1403, Taiwan-W-1977.
Ornamental References: Peru-A-87.
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers Acmella calva (DC.) R.K.Jansen
References: Norway-W-1609, Montenegro- Aciotis dichotoma Cogn. Asteraceae
R-1944. Melastomataceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Acinos arvensis (Lam.) Dandy Aqua - Habit: References: India-I-1826.
Lamiaceae Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acinos thymoides References: Trinidad-A-87. Acmella caulirhiza Delile
Moench (1), Calamintha acinos (L.) Clairv. Asteraceae
(5), Clinopodium acinos (L.) Kuntze (4), Aciotis rubricaulis (DC.) Triana Synonym/s (n° of refs): Spilanthes filicaulis
Satureja acinos (L.) Scheele (1) Melastomataceae (Schumach. & Thonn.) C.D.Adams (3)
Total N° of Refs: 34 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aciotis caulialata Total N° of Refs: 4
Global Risk Score: 14.4 Triana (1) Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Rating: Medium Total N° of Refs: 1 Origin: Africa
Habit: annual/perennial Herb Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Major Pathway/s: Crop
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: La Reunion-N-1321.
Origin: E Asia, Europe Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Acmella ciliata (Kunth) Cass.
Herbal, Ornamental Aciphylla spp. J.R.Forst. & G.Forst. Asteraceae
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Water Apiaceae Total N° of Refs: 9
Seed Longevity: Long Term Total N° of Refs: 1 Habit: perennial Herb
Weed of: Cereals References: New Zealand-A-1624. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
References: United States of America-E- Origin: S Am
80, Europe-A-94, United States of Acis autumnalis (L.) Herb. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal
America-N-101, Canada-W-4, New Liliaceae References: Japan-N-794, Gal pagos
Zealand-N-280, western Europe-A-253, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Leucojum Islands-N-1157, China-N-1215, Japan-N-
Europe, eastern-W-272, Canada-E-104, autumnale L. (2) 1278, India-NI-1345, Taiwan-N-1403,
Canada-A-642, Canada and United States Total N° of Refs: 2 India-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Taiwan-W-
of America-N-725, New Zealand-N-919, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental 1977.
Iceland-N-1006, Europe-N-819, France-A- Dispersed by: Humans
1266, Canada-I-1538, Hungary-A-1015, Acmella decumbens (Sm.) R.K.Jansen
Global-ZD-1611, France-A-1814, Ukraine- Acisanthera quadrata Juss. Asteraceae
U-1840, Montenegro-R-1944, New Melastomataceae Total N° of Refs: 2
Zealand-N-2048, Poland-A-2061, Poland- Total N° of Refs: 1 References: United States of America-N-
A-2110. Aqua - Habit: 101, South Africa-W-1977.
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
References: Cuba-A-14. Acmella glaberrima (Hassl.) R.K.Jansen
Total N° of Refs: 6
Origin: S Am
References: Chile-N-300, Chile-N-765,
Chile-N-1229, Chile-N-1348, Chile-I-1872,

Acmella oleracea (L.) R.K.Jansen Acmella pusilla (Hook. & Arn.) Acmena hemilampra (F. Müell.) Merr. &
Asteraceae R.K.Jansen Perry
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Spilanthes oleracea Asteraceae Myrtaceae
L. (1) Total N° of Refs: 3 Accepted name: Syzygium hemilamprum
Total N° of Refs: 13 Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical (F.Muell.) Craven & Biffin
Habit: annual Herb Origin: S Am Total N° of Refs: 2
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Global Risk Score: 0.24
Tropical Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Rating: Low
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, References: Puerto Rico-CW-261, United Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Ornamental States of America-N-101, Global-CD-1611. Dispersed by: Humans
Dispersed by: Humans References: Australia-X-1693.
References: Madagascar-N-1001, La Acmella radicans (Jacq.) R.K.Jansen
Reunion-U-1321, Madagascar-N-1000, Asteraceae Acmena smithii (Poiret) Merr. & Perry
Taiwan-N-1403, Taiwan-W-1748, Bolivia- Total N° of Refs: 3 Myrtaceae
U-1753, Belgium-U-1220, Belgium-W- Origin: S Am Accepted name: Syzygium smithii (Poir.)
1977, Bolivia-W-1977, Democratic References: India-I-1345, India-I-2022, Nied.
Republic of the Congo-W-1977, Papua India-W-1977. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Syzygium smithii
New Guinea-W-1977, Taiwan-W-1977. (Poir.) Nied. (11)
Acmella repens (Walt.) L.C. Rich. ex Total N° of Refs: 38
Acmella oppositifolia (Lam.) R. K. Pers. Global Risk Score: 5.04
Jansen Asteraceae Rating: Low
Asteraceae Accepted name: Acmella oppositifolia Aqua - Habit: Tree
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acmella repens (Lam.) R. K. Jansen var. repens Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
(Walt.) L.C. Rich. ex Pers. (2), Spilanthes Total N° of Refs: 8 Origin: Aust
americana (L. f.) Hieron. (8), Spilanthes Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Herbal,
oppositifolia (Lam.) D'Arcy (2) References: Mexico-W-1226, Mexico-R- Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 18 1935. Dispersed by: Humans
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical References: New Zealand-E-246, New
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Acmella sodiroi (Hieron.) R.K. Jansen Zealand-N-280, New Zealand-EW-225,
Dispersed by: Humans Asteraceae Australia-E-380, New Zealand-NW-425,
References: Japan-N-794, Mexico-W-1226, Total N° of Refs: 1 New Zealand-E-494, New Zealand-X-495,
Japan-N-1278, Brazil-N-1597, Costa Rica- Habit: Herb New Zealand-N-534, Global-NI-714, New
A-1933, Japan-W-1977. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Zealand-N-919, Global-N-85, New
References: Gal pagos Islands-N-1157. Zealand-E-505, Australia-E-1261,
Acmella paniculata (Wall. ex DC.) R. K. Australia-E-1262, Australia-E-1456,
Jansen Acmella spp. Rich. Australia-X-1693.
Asteraceae Asteraceae
Accepted name: Spilanthes acmella auct. Total N° of Refs: 2 Acnida altissima (Riddell) Moq. ex
pl. Dispersed by: Animals, Livestock, Sheep Standl.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Spilanthes References: Belgium-UD-1220, Europe-W- Amaranthaceae
paniculata Wall. ex DC. (24), Spilanthes 1325. Accepted name: Amaranthus tuberculatus
paniculata Wall. ex DC. fo. bicolor Koster (Moq.) Sauer.
(1) Acmella uliginosa (Sw.) Cass. Total N° of Refs: 37
Total N° of Refs: 57 Asteraceae References: Japan-N-287, United States of
Habit: annual Herb Synonym/s (n° of refs): Spilanthes America-W-218, Canada-A-642, United
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical uliginosa Sw. (4) States of America-A-87.
Origin: E Asia, SE Asia Total N° of Refs: 21
Major Pathway/s: Crop Global Risk Score: 1.2 Acnida altissima Ridd. & Schult. var.
References: Taiwan-N-1403, Taiwan-W- Rating: Low bettzickiana Backer
1748, -I-, Indonesia-I-2108, Japan-W-1977, Aqua - Habit: annual Herb Amaranthaceae
Nepal-W-1977, Taiwan-W-1977. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 2
Origin: Africa, C Am, E Asia, S Am, SE References: Japan-N-794, Japan-N-1278.
Acmella pilosa R.K.Jansen Asia
Asteraceae Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Acnida cuspidata Bertol. ex Spreng.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Ornamental Amaranthaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Dispersed by: Humans, Water Accepted name: Amaranthus australis (A.
References: United States of America-N- Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Gray) J. D. Sauer
101, United States of America-W-179. References: United States of America-WD- Total N° of Refs: 6
486, Pacific-W-621, China-N-1215, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal
Singapore-W-1290, Africa-A-1332, India- References: Venezuela-A-932.
N-1345, Taiwan-N-1403, Singapore-W-
1839, Nepal-A-1960, Bhutan-W-1977, Acnida tuberculata Moq.
India-W-1977, Marshall Islands-W-1977, Amaranthaceae
Micronesia (Federated States of)-W-1977, Accepted name: Amaranthus tuberculatus
Singapore-W-1977, Solomon Islands-W- Total N° of Refs: 34
1977, Taiwan-W-1977, Global--1324. References: Canada-A-642.

Acnistus arborescens (L.) Schltdl. Aconitum angustifolium Bernh. Aconitum carmichaelii Debeaux
Solanaceae Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 5
Global Risk Score: 1.2 References: United Kingdom-U-314. Global Risk Score: 2.88
Rating: Low Rating: Low
Toxic - Habit: Tree Aconitum barbatum Pers. var. Toxic - Habit: Herb
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, puberulum Ledeb. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Tropical Ranunculaceae Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Total N° of Refs: 1 Origin: E Asia
Ornamental References: China-W-297. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Aconitum x bicolor Schultes References: United States of America-E-
Ranunculaceae 80, United Kingdom-C-314, Global-CD-
Acoelorrhaphe wrightii (Griseb. & Accepted name: parents = Aconitum 1611, Australia-Q-1123, Chile-W-1977.
H.Wendl.) H.Wendl. ex Becc. napellus L. x Aconitum variegatum L.
Arecaceae Total N° of Refs: 2 Aconitum columbianum Nutt.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Habit: Herb Ranunculaceae
Aqua - Habit: Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Dispersed by: Humans Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
Tropical References: Canada and United States of Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Origin: C Am, N Am America-N-725, United States of America- Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental N-101. References: United States of America-W-
Dispersed by: Humans 161.
References: China-N-1938. Aconitum bisma (Buch.-Ham.) Rapaics
Ranunculaceae Aconitum ferox Wall. ex Ser.
Acokanthera oblongifolia (Hochst.) Codd Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aconitum Ranunculaceae
Apocynaceae palmatum D. Don (1) Total N° of Refs: 2
Total N° of Refs: 5 Total N° of Refs: 2 Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
Global Risk Score: 1.44 ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Rating: Low Tropical Origin: E Asia
Toxic - Habit: Shrub Major Pathway/s: Herbal Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Weed of: Pastures Dispersed by: Humans
Subtropical, Tropical References: United States of America-AW- References: United States of America-W-
Origin: Africa 486. 486, Australia-Q-1123.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Ornamental Aconitum x cammarum L. Aconitum firmum Reichenb.
Dispersed by: Humans Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae
References: South Africa-AZW-121, Accepted name: Aconitum x stoerkianum Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aconitum napellus
Australia-N-354, Algeria-W-1977, Reichb. L. subsp. firmum (Rchb.) G yer (1)
Australia-W-1977, India-W-1977. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aconitum sp. nom. Total N° of Refs: 2
hort. 'Bressingham Spire' (1) Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Acokanthera oppositifolia (Lam.) Codd Total N° of Refs: 26 Dispersed by: Humans
Apocynaceae Global Risk Score: 1.44 References: Poland-U-1716.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Rating: Low
Global Risk Score: 2.4 ToxicMajor Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Aconitum fischeri Rchb.
Rating: Low Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Ranunculaceae
Toxic - Habit: Shrub References: United Kingdom-N-40, United Total N° of Refs: 2
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Kingdom-C-314, Czech Republic-NI-400, Toxic - Habit: Herb
Subtropical, Tropical Czech Republic-N-826, Czechoslovakia-N- Origin: E Asia
Origin: Africa 1006, United Kingdom-N-1006, Europe-N- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, 819, Czech Republic-N-1522, Global-CD- Dispersed by: Humans
Ornamental 1611, Czech Republic-N-1731, Czech References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans Republic-W-1977.
References: South Africa-AW-121, Aconitum gymnandrum Maxim.
Australia--, Australia-Q-1123. Aconitum cammarum Jacq. Ranunculaceae
Ranunculaceae Total N° of Refs: 2
Acokanthera schimperi (A. DC.) Oliv. Accepted name: Aconitum variegatum L. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Apocynaceae subsp. variegatum References: China-W-297, China-W-431.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 16
ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Tropical Origin: Europe Aconitum jeholense Nakai & Kitag. var.
Origin: Africa, W Asia References: Iceland-U-1552, Australia-Q- angustius (W.T.Wang) Y.Z.Zhao
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, 1123, Iceland-W-1977. Ranunculaceae
Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 1
Dispersed by: Humans Aconitum carmichaeli Debeaux References: China-W-297.
References: United States of America-N- Ranunculaceae
742. Total N° of Refs: 1
Major Pathway/s: Crop
References: Chile-I-1872.

Aconitum krylovii Steinb. Aconitum napellus L. Aconitum napellus L. subsp. napellus
Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae var. giganteum (Dum. ex Thielens) J.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aconitum sp. nom. Duvigneaud
References: Global-Q-1205, Australia-Q- hort. 'Carneum' (1) Ranunculaceae
1123. Total N° of Refs: 35 Total N° of Refs: 1
Global Risk Score: 10.8 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Aconitum kusnezoffii Rchb. Rating: Medium Dispersed by: Humans
Ranunculaceae Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb References: Belgium-N-1220.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Tropical Aconitum napellus L. subsp. vulgare
References: China-W-297, Australia--, Origin: Europe (DC.) Rouy & Fouc.
Australia-Q-1123. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Ranunculaceae
Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 2
Aconitum laeve Royle Dispersed by: Humans, Water, Wind, Habit: Herb
Ranunculaceae Escapee Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 2 References: Global-W-23, Finland-C-42, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Habit: perennial Herb United States of America-E-80, United References: United Kingdom-C-314,
Origin: Europe States of America-N-101, New Zealand- Global-CD-1611.
References: India-N-914, India-N-1389. UW-280, Europe, eastern-AW-272, United
Kingdom-N-519, Canada and United States Aconitum napellus L. x Aconitum
Aconitum lycoctonum L. of America-N-725, Ireland-U-894, New variegatum L.
Ranunculaceae Zealand-U-919, Belgium-N-1006, Iceland- Ranunculaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aconitum N-1006, Latvia-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Accepted name: Aconitum x stoerkianum
septentrionale Koelle (2), Aconitum Finland-W-1356, Norway-N-1535, Estonia- Reichb.
vulparia Rchb. (3) W-1609, Netherlands-W-1609, Norway-W- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aconitum x
Total N° of Refs: 8 1609, Sweden-W-1609, United Kingdom- stoerkianum Reichb.
Toxic - Habit: Herb N-1636, Australia-A-87, Global-CD-1611, Total N° of Refs: 18
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Chile-I-1872, Estonia-N-1994, Estonia-N- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Origin: Europe 1997, New Zealand-U-2048, Belgium-W- Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, 1977, Canada-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, References: United Kingdom-N-519,
Ornamental Iceland-W-1977, Ireland-W-1977, Latvia- United Kingdom-CN-812, United
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Water W-1977, Sweden-W-1977. Kingdom-N-1636, Global-CD-1611.
Seed Longevity: Transient
References: United States of America-N- Aconitum napellus L. var. giganteum Aconitum nasutum Fisch. ex Rchb.
101, Global-W-1324, Europe-W-1325. (Dumort. ex Thiélens) J.Duvign. Ranunculaceae
Ranunculaceae Total N° of Refs: 2
Aconitum lycoctonum L. subsp. Total N° of Refs: 1 Habit: Herb
lasiostomum (Rchb. ex Besser) Warncke References: Belgium-N-1006. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Ranunculaceae Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 2 Aconitum napellus L. subsp. firmum References: Global-Q-1205, Australia-Q-
References: Norway-N-1243, Norway-W- (Rchb.) Gáyer 1123.
1609. Ranunculaceae
Accepted name: Aconitum firmum Rchb. Aconitum orientale Mill.
Aconitum lycoctonum L. subsp. vulparia ?? Ranunculaceae
(Rchb.) Nyman Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 1
Ranunculaceae Origin: Europe Global Risk Score: 0.24
Total N° of Refs: 4 References: United Kingdom-U-314. Rating: Low
Habit: Herb Habit: Herb
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Aconitum napellus L. subsp. lusitanicum Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Rouy Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Ranunculaceae Dispersed by: Humans
References: United Kingdom-CN-812, Total N° of Refs: 6 References: Australia--, Australia-Q-1123.
United Kingdom-N-1006, Global-CD- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
1611, United Kingdom-W-1977. Origin: Europe Aconitum palmatum D. Don
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Ranunculaceae
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Accepted name: Aconitum bisma (Buch.-
References: Denmark-CN-711, Norway-N- Ham.) Rapaics
1243, Denmark-W-1609, Global-CD-1611, Total N° of Refs: 2
Iceland-U-1552, Denmark-W-1977. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
References: India-A-1124.
Aconitum napellus L. subsp. napellus
var. giganteum (Thiélens) J. Duvigneaud Aconitum reclinatum A. Gray
Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 4
References: Belgium-N-1220. ToxicMajor Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
References: Denmark-C-711, Denmark-W-
1609, Global-CD-1611, Denmark-W-1977.

Aconitum rotundifolium Kar. & Kir. Aconitum x stoerkianum Reichb. Aconitum wilsonii Stapf ex Mottet
Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Accepted name: parents = Aconitum Total N° of Refs: 2
Habit: perennial Herb napellus L. x Aconitum variegatum Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Crop L.(Aconitum x cammarum L.) Dispersed by: Humans
References: Australia-Q-1123. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aconitum x References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
cammarum L. (11), Aconitum napellus L. x
Aconitum septentrionale Koelle Aconitum variegatum L. (4) Aconogonon alpinum (All.) Schur
Ranunculaceae Total N° of Refs: 29 Polygonaceae
Accepted name: Aconitum lycoctonum Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aconogonum
Total N° of Refs: 5 Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee alpinum (All.) Schur., Persicaria alpina
Habit: perennial Herb References: Denmark-CN-711, Europe-N- (All.) Gross
Origin: Europe 819, Belgium-U-1220, Norway-N-1243, Total N° of Refs: 16
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Norway-N-1535, Denmark-W-1609, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Ornamental Netherlands-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, Origin: E Asia
Dispersed by: Humans, Water Sweden-W-1609, Global-CD-1611, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
References: western Europe-W-70, Russia- Sweden-N-1802, Belgium-W-1977, Ornamental
W-1671. Denmark-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
References: Denmark-C-711, Norway-N-
Aconitum soongaricum Stapf Aconitum variegatum L. 1243, Norway-N-1535, Denmark-W-1609,
Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae Germany-W-1609, Norway-W-1609,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aconitum Sweden-W-1609, Global-CD-1611,
References: Australia--, Australia-Q-1123. cammarum Jacq. (3) Iceland-U-1552, Russia-C-1671, Sweden-
Total N° of Refs: 16 N-1802, Denmark-W-1977, Germany-W-
Aconitum sp. nom. hort. 'Carneum' Global Risk Score: 2.88 1977, Iceland-W-1977, Latvia-W-1977,
Ranunculaceae Rating: Low Sweden-W-1977.
Accepted name: Aconitum napellus L. Habit: Herb
‘Carneum’ Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Aconogonon campanulatum (Hook.f.)
Total N° of Refs: 35 Origin: Europe Hara
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Polygonaceae
References: Global-Q-1205. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Synonym/s (n° of refs): Polygonum
References: Finland-C-42, Europe, eastern- campanulatum Hook. f. (10)
Aconitum cultivars nom. hort. W-272, Canada and United States of Total N° of Refs: 13
Ranunculaceae America-N-725, Lithuania-I-737, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 1 Lithuania-N-1006, Europe-N-819, United Dispersed by: Humans
References: United Kingdom-U-40. States of America-N-101, Australia--, References: Belgium-N-1294, New
Global-W-1324, Lithuania-W-1609, Zealand-U-2048, Chile-W-1977.
Aconitum sp. nom. hort. 'Bressingham Global-CD-1611, Australia-Q-1123,
Spire' Canada-W-1977, Lithuania-W-1977. Aconogonon coriarium (Grig.) Sojak
Ranunculaceae Polygonaceae
Accepted name: Aconitum x cammarum L. Aconitum volubile Pall. ex Koelle Synonym/s (n° of refs): Polygonum
‘Bressingham Spire’ Ranunculaceae coriarium Grigorj (1)
Total N° of Refs: 12 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aconitum volubile Total N° of Refs: 7
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Pall. ex Koelle Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
References: Australia-Q-1123. Total N° of Refs: 1 Origin: E Asia
Global Risk Score: 1.2 References: Lithuania-I-737, Europe-N-
Aconitum spp. L. Rating: Low 819, Global-W-1324, Russia-W-1609,
Ranunculaceae Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Lithuania-W-1609, Lithuania-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
ToxicMajor Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans
Weed of: Pastures References: Australia-Q-1123.
References: Turkey-A-2103.
Aconitum vulparia Rchb.
Accepted name: Aconitum lycoctonum
subsp. vulparia L.
Total N° of Refs: 6
Habit: perennial Herb
Origin: Europe
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
References: United Kingdom-C-314,
Europe-N-482, Global-CD-1611.

Aconogonon divaricatum (L.) Nakai Aconogonon weyrichii (F.Schmidt) Acorus americanus (Raf.) Raf.
Polygonaceae H.Hara Acoraceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Polygonum Polygonaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acorus calamus L.
divaricatum L. (13) Synonym/s (n° of refs): Persicaria var. americanus Raf. (1)
Total N° of Refs: 31 weyrichii (F. Schmidt ex Maxim.) Ronse Total N° of Refs: 5
Global Risk Score: 2.16 Decr. (12), Polygonum weyrichii F. Global Risk Score: 1.44
Rating: Low Schmidt ex Maxim. (4) Rating: Low
Origin: E Asia Total N° of Refs: 32 Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Global Risk Score: 1.44 Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Ornamental Rating: Low References: Canada-A-642, Canada-C-756,
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Origin: E Asia Global-CD-1611, Canada-G-1855.
References: Denmark-C-711, Norway-N- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
1243, Global-W-1324, Norway-N-1535, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Denmark-W-1609, Russia-W-1609, References: Denmark-C-711, Lithuania-I-
Norway-W-1609, Global-CD-1611, Russia- 737, Norway-N-1243, Norway-N-1535,
N-1499, Sweden-N-1802, Central and Denmark-W-1609, Russia-W-1609,
northern Japan and northern islands-N- Lithuania-W-1609, Norway-W-1609,
1983, Belgium-U-1294, Russia-N-1989, Global-CD-1611, Russia-N-1499, Russia-
Russia-I-2107, Belgium-W-1977, C-1671, Russia-I-2107, Belarus-W-1977,
Denmark-W-1977, Latvia-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, Latvia-W-1977,
Sweden-W-1977. Lithuania-W-1977.

Aconogonon x fennicum Reiersen Aconogonum alpinum (All.) Schur.

Polygonaceae Polygonaceae
Accepted name: parents = Aconogonon Accepted name: Persicaria alpina (All.)
alpinum (All.) Schur x Aconogonon H.Gross
weyrichii (F.Schmidt) H.Hara Total N° of Refs: 6
Total N° of Refs: 8 Habit: perennial Herb
References: Norway-N-1243, Norway-N- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
1535, Denmark-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, Dispersed by: Humans
Sweden-W-1609, Belgium-U-1294, References: Europe-N-482.
Denmark-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977.
Aconogonum campanulatum (Hook. f.)
Aconogonon molle (D.Don) Hara H. Hara
Polygonaceae Polygonaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Polygonum molle Total N° of Refs: 2
D. Don (4) References: Belgium-N-1220, Belgium-W-
Total N° of Refs: 6 1977.
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Aconogonum divaricatum (L.) Nakai
References: India-A-1124, New Zealand- Polygonaceae
U-2048. Total N° of Refs: 1
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Aconogonon polystachyum (Wall. ex Dispersed by: Humans
Meisn.) M.Král References: Belgium-U-1220.
Accepted name: Persicaria wallichii Aconogonum x fennicum Reiersen
Greuter & Burdet Polygonaceae
Total N° of Refs: 57 Accepted name: Aconogonum alpinum
Major Pathway/s: Herbal (All.) Schur x Aconogonum weyrichii (F.
References: Germany-W-1609, Poland-W- Schmidt) H. Hara
1609. Total N° of Refs: 2
References: Belgium-U-1220, Belgium-W-
Aconogonon savatieri (Nakai) Tzvelev 1977.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Aconogonum polystachyum (Wallich ex
Origin: E Asia Meisn.) Haraldson
References: Russia-W-1609, Russia-U- Polygonaceae
1499. Accepted name: Polygonum polystachyum
Total N° of Refs: 36
Origin: E Asia
References: Italy-N-1165, Italy-N-251,

Acorus calamus L. NI-2014, Russia-W-2015, Ukraine-N-2050, Acorus gramineus Sol. ex Ait.
Acoraceae Russia-I-2107, Ukraine-N-2112, Armenia- ‘Variegatus’
Total N° of Refs: 148 W-1977, Austria-W-1977, Belarus-W- Acoraceae
Global Risk Score: 14.4 1977, Belgium-W-1977, Bulgaria-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 15
Rating: Medium Canada-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Croatia- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Toxic, Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Denmark-W-1977, Germany-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans
Subtropical, Tropical Ireland-W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Latvia-W- References: New Zealand-U-2048.
Origin: E Asia, Europe, N Am, SE Asia 1977, Lithuania-W-1977, Luxembourg-W-
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, 1977, Netherlands-W-1977, Poland-W- Acosmium panamense (Benth.) Yakovlev
Herbal, Ornamental 1977, Republic of Moldova-W-1977, Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Dispersed by: Humans, Water, Escapee Romania-W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 1
Seed Longevity: Transient South Africa-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977, Habit: Tree
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Switzerland-W-1977, Turkey-W-1977, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
References: India-A-758, Finland-N-42, Ukraine-W-1977, United Kingdom-W- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Global-E-152, Global-ND-108, Global-N- 1977. Dispersed by: Humans
85, South Africa-AR-121, Japan-W-286, References: Africa-W-760.
Europe, eastern-AW-272, western Europe- Acorus calamus L. var. americanus Raf.
W-70, United States of America-W-218, Acoraceae Acosmium subelegans (Mohl.) Yakovlev
China-EWD-297, China-A-275, United Accepted name: Acorus americanus (Raf.) Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Kingdom-CND-314, Czech Republic-NZ- Raf. Total N° of Refs: 1
400, Europe-NWD-482, China-W-431, Total N° of Refs: 5 Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
United Kingdom-N-519, Poland-N-619, References: Canada-A-642. Weed of: Pastures
Canada-A-642, Ukraine-N-643, Austria- References: Brazil-A-1763.
CN-708, Denmark-N-711, India-AD-712, Acorus calamus L. var. calamus
Canada and United States of America-N- Acoraceae Acourtia microcephala DC.
725, Lithuania-I-737, Slovenia-E-772, Total N° of Refs: 3 Asteraceae
Hungary-NI-809, United Kingdom-CN- References: Turkey-N-1796, Russia-N- Total N° of Refs: 1
812, Czech Republic-N-826, Ireland-I-894, 1796, Belarus-N-1796. Habit: perennial Herb
United States of America-N-904, Germany- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
N-907, Belgium-N-1006, Czechoslovakia- Acorus gramineus Sol. ex Aiton Dispersed by: Humans
N-1006, Denmark-N-1006, Germany-N- Acoraceae References: Australia--, Australia-Q-1123.
1006, United Kingdom-N-1006, Hungary- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acorus gramineus
N-1006, Iceland-N-1006, Latvia-N-1006, Sol. ex Ait. Variegatus (1) Acourtia nana (Gray) Reveal & King
Lithuania-N-1006, Luxembourg-N-1006, Total N° of Refs: 15 Asteraceae
Netherlands-N-1006, Norway-N-1006, Global Risk Score: 3.6 Total N° of Refs: 1
Romania-N-1006, Slovenia-N-1006, Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Sweden-N-1006, Turkey-N-1006, Global- Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb Major Pathway/s: Herbal
N-1059, Europe-N-1072, Europe-N-819, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, References: Mexico-W-1226.
United States of America-N-101, Ukraine- Subtropical, Tropical
I-1121, Africa-W-1127, Romania-U-1154, Origin: E Asia Acrachne racemosa (Roem. & J.A.
United Kingdom-WD-1175, Russia-I-1178, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Schultes) Ohwi
Poland-EI-1219, Belgium-N-1220, Baltic Ornamental Poaceae
States-ID-1225, Pakistan-A-1232, Norway- Dispersed by: Humans, Water, Escapee Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acrachne
N-1243, Georgia-N-1250, Italy-N-251, References: United Kingdom-UD-314, verticillata (Roxb.) Lindl. ex Chiov. (1)
Hungary-N-1255, Ukraine-N-1297, south Europe-ND-482, United Kingdom-N-519, Total N° of Refs: 11
and southeast Asia-A-1320, Romania-N- Austria-U-708, Europe-N-819, Gal pagos Global Risk Score: 1.04
1334, Ukraine-N-1335, Global-W-1349, Islands-CN-1157, Austria-W-1609, Global- Rating: Low
Finland-W-1356, Global-E-1449, Slovakia- CD-1611, Chile-I-1872, New Zealand-U- Habit: annual Grass
N-1484, Czech Republic-N-1522, Russia- 2048, Algeria-W-1977, Austria-W-1977, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical,
N-1532, Latvia-N-1598, Central Europe-N- Chile-W-1977, United Kingdom-W-1977. Tropical
1602, Ireland-N-1608, Austria-W-1609, Origin: Africa
Czech Republic-W-1609, Denmark-W- Acorus gramineus Sol. ex Ait. 'Pusillus' Major Pathway/s: Pasture
1609, Germany-W-1609, Ireland-W-1609, Acoraceae Dispersed by: Humans
Latvia-W-1609, Lithuania-W-1609, Total N° of Refs: 1 Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations
Netherlands-W-1609, Poland-W-1609, Aqua - Habit: References: Global-A-243, United States of
Sweden-W-1609, Romania-N-1629, Iran- Origin: E Asia America-N-101, Global-N-85, Egypt-A-
A-87, Belgium-A-87, Germany-A-87, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental 1171, Global-A-1207, Pakistan-A-1044,
Canadian northwest Territories-N-1011, Dispersed by: Humans, Water India-A-1703, Egypt-N-1979, Global-W-
Poland-N-1040, Romania-N-1553, References: United Kingdom-WD-1175. 2056, Nepal-W-1977.
Romania-N-1554, Global-CD-1611, Iran-
A-1619, Russia-I-1684, Ukraine-N-1685,
Russia-NI-1688, Europe-N-1690, Czech
Republic-N-1731, Croatia-N-1747,
Taiwan-W-1748, Russia-C-1671, Turkey-
N-1796, Russia-N-1796, Belarus-N-1796,
Poland-NR-1827, Ireland-N-1832, Chile-I-
1872, Italy-UN-1887, Poland-R-1947, -I-,
Russia-N-1988, Poland-N-1993, Ukraine-

Acrachne verticillata (Roxb.) Lindl. ex Acroceras oryzoides (Sw.) Stapf Acrochaetium codicola Børgesen
Chiov. Poaceae Acrochaetiaceae
Poaceae Accepted name: Acroceras zizanioides Accepted name: Colaconema codicola
Accepted name: Acrachne racemosa (Kunth) Dandy (Børgesen) H.Stegenga, J.J.Bolton &
(Roemer & J.A.Schultes) Ohwi Total N° of Refs: 16 R.J.Anderson
Total N° of Refs: 11 Habit: Grass Total N° of Refs: 6
Habit: Grass Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Dispersed by: Water
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical References: Africa-A-1333. References: Global-W-1741, Global-N-
References: Angola-A-87. 1785, Italy-W-1977, Turkey-W-1977.
Acroceras zizanioides (Kunth) Dandy
Acrocarpus fraxinifolius Wight ex Arn. Poaceae Acrochaetium densum (K.M.Drew)
Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acroceras Papenfuss
Total N° of Refs: 1 oryzoides (Sw.) Stapf (1), Panicum Acrochaetiaceae
Habit: Tree zizanioides Kunth (2) Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Total N° of Refs: 18 Dispersed by: Water
Origin: E Asia, SE Asia Global Risk Score: 2.56 References: Global-W-1741.
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Rating: Low
Ornamental Aqua - Habit: perennial Grass Acrochaetium kylinii G.Hamel
Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Acrochaetiaceae
References: Africa-W-1127. Origin: S Am Total N° of Refs: 2
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture Aqua - Habit:
Acrocephalus indicus (Burm.f.) O.K. Dispersed by: Humans References: Europe-N-1786, Turkey-W-
Lamiaceae Weed of: Cotton, Orchards & Plantations, 1977.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Pastures, Vegetables
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical References: Guyana-N-32, Global-I-629, Acrochaetium leptonema (Rosenvinge)
Major Pathway/s: Crop Belize-N-850, Africa-A-1332, Africa-A- Børgesen
References: Indonesia-A-13. 1333, French Guiana-N-1346, Africa-A- Acrochaetiaceae
1384, Ivory Coast-A-559, Burkina Faso-A- Total N° of Refs: 3
Acroceras amplectens Stapf 549, Trinidad-A-87, Antilles Lesser-A-87, Aqua - Habit:
Poaceae Togo-A-1673, Benin-A-2090, Nigeria-A- References: Europe-N-1786, Bulgaria-W-
Total N° of Refs: 6 2102, Suriname-W-1977. 1977, Turkey-W-1977.
Global Risk Score: 1.52
Rating: Low Acroceris zizanioides (Kunth) Dandy Acrochaetium mahumetanum G.Hamel
Habit: annual Grass Poaceae Acrochaetiaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Pasture Aqua - Habit: Grass Aqua - Habit:
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Water References: Europe-N-1786.
Weed of: Cereals References: Global-EWD-90.
References: Global-W-85, Africa-A-1332, Acrochaetium mediterraneum (Levring)
Africa-A-1333, Africa-A-1384, Africa-A- Acrochaete repens Pringsheim Athanasiadis
1709, Burkina Faso-A-2068. Ulvellaceae Acrochaetiaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 2
Acroceras macrum Stapf References: Global-N-1785. Aqua - Habit:
Poaceae References: Europe-N-1786, Turkey-W-
Total N° of Refs: 9 Acrochaetium balticum (Rosenvinge) 1977.
Habit: perennial Grass Aleem & Schulz
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Acrochaetiaceae Acrochaetium microscopicum (Nägeli ex
Origin: Africa Total N° of Refs: 1 Kützing) Nägeli
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture Aqua - Habit: Acrochaetiaceae
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Water Total N° of Refs: 2
References: Guyana-N-32, Global-N-85, References: Global-N-1785. Aqua - Habit:
Australia-W-853, Mozambique-nC-943, References: Europe-N-1786, Turkey-W-
Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049, French Acrochaetium catenulatum M.A. Howe 1977.
Guiana-N-1346, Australia-W-1977, Acrochaetiaceae
Suriname-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 2 Acrochaetium moniliforme (Rosenvinge)
Aqua - Habit: Børgesen
Acroceras munroanum (Balansa) Dispersed by: Water, Escapee Acrochaetiaceae
Henrard References: Europe-ND-819, Europe-N- Total N° of Refs: 2
Poaceae 1786. Aqua - Habit:
Total N° of Refs: 4 References: Europe-N-1786, Turkey-W-
Habit: Grass 1977.
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Origin: E Asia
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations
References: Thailand-A-1211, Singapore-
U-1290, Singapore-U-1839, Singapore-W-

Acrochaetium robustum Børgesen Acrocomia aculeata (Jacq.) Lodd. ex Acroptilon picris Cass.
Acrochaetiaceae Mart. Asteraceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Audouinella Arecaceae Accepted name: Rhaponticum repens (L.)
robusta (B rgesen) Garbary (1), Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acrocomia Hidalgo193
Audouinella sargassicola (B rgesen) mexicana Karw. ex Mart. (4), Acrocomia Total N° of Refs: 47
Garbary (1) totai Mart. (2) References: Australia-N-1049.
Total N° of Refs: 5 Total N° of Refs: 7
Aqua - Habit: Habit: Herb
Dispersed by: Water Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
References: Global-W-1741, Global-N- Origin: S Am
1785, Egypt-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals
Acrochaetium rosulatum (Rosenvinge) References: United States of America-W-
Papenfuss 179.
Total N° of Refs: 3 Acrocomia mexicana Karw. ex Mart.
Aqua - Habit: Arecaceae
References: Europe-N-1786, Bulgaria-W- Accepted name: Acrocomia aculeata
1977, Turkey-W-1977. (Jacq.) Lodd. ex Mart.
Total N° of Refs: 5
Acrochaetium savianum (Meneghini) Origin: N Am
Nägeli Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Acrochaetiaceae Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 4 Weed of: Cereals
Aqua - Habit: References: Honduras-A-1677, Honduras-
Dispersed by: Water, Escapee A-1890, Honduras-A-1891, Honduras-W-
References: Europe-WD-1325, Europe-N- 1892.
1786, Mediterranean-N-1836, Belgium-W-
1977. Acrocomia spp. Mart.
Acrochatium secundatum (Lyngbye) Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acrocomia spp.
Nägeli Mart.
Acrochaetiaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Brazil-A-923.
References: Mediterranean-N-1836.
Acrocomia totai Mart.
Acrochaetium spathoglossi Børgesen Arecaceae
Acrochaetiaceae Accepted name: Acrocomia aculeata
Total N° of Refs: 3 (Jacq.) Lodd. ex Mart.
Dispersed by: Water Total N° of Refs: 3
References: Global-W-1741, Global-N- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
1785, Egypt-W-1977. Dispersed by: Humans
References: United States of America-N-
Acrochaetium subpinnatum Bornet ex 101, Paraguay-NI-876.
Acrochaetiaceae Acroglochin persicarioides (Poir.) Moq.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Chenopodiaceae
Aqua - Habit: Total N° of Refs: 3
References: Europe-N-1786, Turkey-W- Habit: annual Herb
1977. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Crop
Acrochaetium subseriatum Børgesen References: China-W-431, India-A-712,
Acrochaetiaceae Pakistan-W-836.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Audouinella
subseriata (B rgesen) Garbary (2) Acrophyllum dentatum (Hook. f. & W.)
Total N° of Refs: 5 Vitt & Crosby
Aqua - Habit: Cunoniaceae
Dispersed by: Water Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Global-W-1741, Global-N- References: Europe-N-819.
1785, Egypt-W-1977.
Acroptilon australe Iljin
Total N° of Refs: 2
References: Europe-W-1325, Russia-W-

Acroptilon repens (L.) DC. X-1538, United States of America-N-1603, Acrothrix gracilis Kylin
Asteraceae Austria-W-1609, Denmark-W-1609, Chordariaceae
Accepted name: Rhaponticum repens (L.) Russia-W-1609, Germany-W-1609, Latvia- Total N° of Refs: 4
Hidalgo194 W-1609, Lithuania-W-1609, Poland-W- Dispersed by: Water
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Centaurea picris 1609, Azerbaijan-A-1637, Global-N-1218, References: Europe-N-819, Global-N-1785,
Pall. ex Willd. (5), Centaurea repens L. Iran-A-1619, Global-I-1324, Global-I- Mediterranean-N-1835, Mediterranean-N-
(45) 1324, Europe-N-1690, Turkey-A-942, 1836.
Total N° of Refs: 219 Europe-X-1740, United States of America-
Global Risk Score: 7.68 N-1162, Australia-Z-1768, Iran-A-1783, Acrotome hispida Benth.
Rating: Medium Alaska-I-1852, Argentina-A-1874, New Lamiaceae
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Zealand-Q-1879, Iran-A-1916, Estonia-X- Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, 1995, Iran-A-1812, Turkey-AD-2044, New Origin: Africa
Subtropical, Tropical Zealand-U-2048, Slovakia-N-2052, Iran-A- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Origin: C Asia, E Asia, Europe, W Asia 2072, Iran-A-2075, Global-W-2097, United Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal States of America-ANI-2106, Russia-I- References: Botswana-W-1153.
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, 2107, Iran-A-2111.
Livestock, Sheep, Water Acrotome inflata Benth.
Weed of: Cereals, Grapevines, Orchards & Acroptilon repens (L.) DC. subsp. Lamiaceae
Plantations, Pastures, Pome Fruits, australe (Iljin) Rech.f. Total N° of Refs: 4
Sunflowers, Vegetables Asteraceae Toxic - Habit: annual Herb
References: Australia, northern-A-55, Total N° of Refs: 2 Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Australia-XW-93, Pakistan-A-248, References: New Zealand-UW-280, New Origin: Africa
Argentina-W-237, United States of Zealand-U-2048. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
America-X-26, Australia-W-269, United Dispersed by: Humans
States of America-X-35, Finland-U-42, Acroptilon repens (L.) DC. subsp. repens References: South Africa-AZR-121,
United States of America-X-1, United Asteraceae Botswana-A-1153, Lesotho-AZR-121,
States of America-W-48, United States of Total N° of Refs: 1 Botswana-A-2065.
America-A-49, Global-NXW-85, United Habit: Herb
States of America-W-264, Global-A-243, Weed of: Cereals Actaea elata (Nutt.) Prantl
United States of America-N-101, United References: Iran-A-1524. Ranunculaceae
States of America-AN-110, New Zealand- Total N° of Refs: 2
UW-280, United States of America-Q-116, Acrosorium venulosum (Zanardini) Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Canada-W-293, United States of America- Kylin Dispersed by: Humans
X-130, United States of America-AXI-138, Delesseriaceae References: Global-Q-1205, Australia-Q-
Australia-X-147, United States of America- Accepted name: Acrosorium ciliolatum 1123.
W-161, United States of America-W-174, (Harvey) Kylin
United States of America-A-180, Australia- Total N° of Refs: 1 Actaea erythrocarpa Fischer
N-198, Europe, eastern-W-272, Australia- Aqua - Habit: Ranunculaceae
N-945, Australia-X-171, United Kingdom- References: Mediterranean-N-1836. Total N° of Refs: 4
NZD-314, Australia-E-327, Czech Origin: E Asia, Europe
Republic-UZ-400, China-W-431, United Acrostichum aureum L. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Kingdom-N-519, United States of Pteridaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
America-A-543, Australia-Z-611, Canada- Total N° of Refs: 7 References: United Kingdom-C-314,
A-642, Ukraine-R-643, Turkey-A-678, Global Risk Score: 1.2 Estonia-W-1609, Global-CD-1611,
Austria-U-708, Denmark-U-711, Canada Rating: Low Estonia-N-1997.
and United States of America-N-725, Iran- Aqua - Habit: Herb
A-732, Lithuania-I-737, United States of Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Actaea x ludovici Boivin
America-N-86, North America-E-784, Origin: Aust Ranunculaceae
Australia-N-7, United States of America-E- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Accepted name: parents = Actaea
151, Global-W-788, North America-X-790, Ornamental pachypoda Elliott x Actaea rubra (Ait.)
United Kingdom-N-812, Belarus-N-817, Dispersed by: Humans Willd.
Australia-W-853, Australia-NX-855, References: Cuba-A-14, Thailand-A-209, Total N° of Refs: 3
Australia-W-869, United States of Bangladesh-W-1224, south and southeast Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
America-X-229, Australia-E-880, Europe- Asia-A-1320, Vietnam-A-87, North Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
A-889, United States of America-I-904, America-N-1760, Bangladesh-W-1977. References: Canada-C-756, Global-CD-
United States of America-W-946, Turkey- 1611, Canada-G-1855.
A-977, Argentina-I-983, Russia-A-998, Acrothamnion preissii (Sond.) E.M.Woll.
Germany-N-1006, United Kingdom-N- Ceramiaceae
1006, Luxembourg-N-1006, Australia-N- Total N° of Refs: 12
1049, Israel-X-1050, Europe-N-819, Aqua - Habit:
Global-W-148, United States of America- Dispersed by: Vehicles, Water
W-1103, Ukraine-I-1121, Czech Republic- References: Global-EID-1065, Europe-ND-
A-1186, Global-Q-1208, Armenia-N-1241, 819, Mediterranean-N-1391, Global-W-
Australia-E-1260, Australia-X-1319, 1741, Mediterranean-ND-1780, Global-I-
Uzbekistan-Q-1322, Global-W-1324, 1782, Global-N-1785, Mediterranean-NI-
Australia-A-1331, Global-W-1349, 1835, Croatia-W-1977, Italy-W-1977,
Argentina-A-1397, Turkey--1412, Turkey- Malta-W-1977, Spain-W-1977.
A-1459, Turkey-A-1465, Israel-Q-1528,
Belarus-Q-1529, Russia-Q-1536, Canada-

Actaea pachypoda Elliott Actinidia arguta (Sieb. & Zucc.) Planch. Actinidia deliciosa (A. Chev.) C. F. Liang
Ranunculaceae ex Miq. & A. R. Ferguson
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Actaea x ludovici Actinidiaceae Actinidiaceae
Boivin Total N° of Refs: 7 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Actinidia chinensis
Total N° of Refs: 4 Global Risk Score: 1.2 Planch. var. deliciosa (A. Chev.) A. Chev.
Global Risk Score: 1.44 Rating: Low (1)
Rating: Low Habit: perennial Vine Total N° of Refs: 27
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Global Risk Score: 3.6
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Origin: E Asia Rating: Low
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Habit: perennial Vine
References: Canada-C-756, Australia--, Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Global-CD-1611, Canada-G-1855, Dispersed by: Humans Origin: E Asia
Australia-Q-1123. References: United States of America-N- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
101, eastern North America-E-195, New Ornamental
Actaea racemosa L. Zealand-U-919, Norway-W-1609, Sweden- Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Escapee
Ranunculaceae W-1609, Armenia-W-1977, Sweden-W- References: New Zealand-N-280, New
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Cimicifuga 1977. Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N-15, New
racemosa (L.) Nutt. (4) Zealand-N-919, New Zealand-W-964,
Total N° of Refs: 5 Actinidia chinensis Planch. Europe-N-819, New Zealand-E-328, New
Habit: Herb Actinidiaceae Zealand-E-505, Gal pagos Islands-CN-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 18 1157, Belgium-UD-1220, Italy-U-251,
Dispersed by: Humans Global Risk Score: 1.2 Czech Republic-U-1522, Austria-W-1609,
References: Sweden-W-1977. Rating: Low Norway-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609,
Habit: perennial Vine Global-CD-1611, Czech Republic-U-1731,
Actaea rubra (Ait.) Willd. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Italy-U-1887, New Zealand-ED-2023, New
Ranunculaceae Origin: E Asia Zealand-N-2048, Belgium-W-1977, Czech
Total N° of Refs: 15 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Republic-W-1977, Italy-W-1977, New
Global Risk Score: 2.88 Ornamental Zealand-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977, South
Rating: Low Dispersed by: Humans Korea-U-2113.
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb References: Japan-N-287, Australia-E-380,
Origin: N Am Japan-N-794, Paraguay-N-876, Spain-N- Actinidia deliciosa (A.Chev.) C.F.Liang
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental 1006, Europe-N-819, Italy-W-1176, Japan- & A.R.Ferguson var. deliciosa
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee N-1278, Norway-W-1609, Russia-U-1499, Actinidiaceae
References: Finland-C-42, United States of North America-N-1760, Switzerland-U- Total N° of Refs: 1
America-W-161, United States of America- 1990, New Zealand-U-2048, Armenia-W- References: New Zealand-N-1543.
W-218, Canada-C-756, Norway-N-1243, 1977, Croatia-W-1977, France-W-1977,
Global-W-1349, Norway-W-1609, Japan-W-1977, Republic of Korea-W- Actinidia eriantha Benth.
Sweden-W-1609, United States of 1977. Actinidiaceae
America-A-87, Global-CD-1611, Russia- Total N° of Refs: 1
C-1671, Sweden-N-1802, Canada-G-1855, Actinidia chinensis Planch. var. deliciosa Habit: perennial Vine
Australia-Q-1123, Sweden-W-1977. (A. Chev.) A. Chev. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Actinidiaceae Dispersed by: Humans
Actaea spicata L. Accepted name: Actinidia deliciosa (A. References: New Zealand-U-2048.
Ranunculaceae Chev.) C. F. Liang & A. R. Ferguson
Total N° of Refs: 4 Total N° of Refs: 27 Actinidia henanensis C.F.Liang
Global Risk Score: 2.16 References: North America-N-1760. Actinidiaceae
Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 2
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Habit: Vine
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Subtropical, Tropical Dispersed by: Humans
Origin: Europe References: New Zealand-Q-1879, New
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Zealand-Q-2086.
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers,
Water Actinidia kolomikta (Maxim. & Rupr.)
Seed Longevity: Transient Maxim.
References: Europe, eastern-W-272, United Actinidiaceae
Kingdom-N-519, North America-N-1760, Total N° of Refs: 2
Australia-Q-1123. Habit: perennial Vine
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Actinea odorata O. Ktze. Origin: E Asia
Asteraceae Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Ornamental
References: Global-W-23. Dispersed by: Humans
References: Norway-W-1609, Armenia-W-

Actinidia polygama (Sieb. & Zucc.) Actinorhytis calapparia (Blume) Adansonia digitata L.
Maxim. H.Wendl. & Drude Malvaceae
Actinidiaceae Arecaceae Total N° of Refs: 5
Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 1 Toxic - Habit: Tree
Habit: perennial Vine Habit: Tree Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Tropical
Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Origin: Africa
Dispersed by: Humans Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal,
References: United States of America-N- Dispersed by: Humans Ornamental
101, New Zealand-U-919, Armenia-W- References: Philippines-nC-1099. Dispersed by: Humans
1977. References: Global-N-85, United States of
Actinoscirpus grossus (L. f.) Goetgh. & America-N-101, Madagascar-N-1001,
Actinidia rubricaulis Dunn. D. A. Simpson Madagascar-N-1000, Algeria-W-1977.
Actinidiaceae Cyperaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Schoenoplectus Adelobotrys adscendens (Sw.) Triana
Habit: perennial Vine grossus (L. f.) Palla (3), Scirpus grossus Melastomataceae
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical L.f. (30) Synonym/s (n° of refs): Miconia scandens
Origin: E Asia Total N° of Refs: 35 Ruiz & Pav. (1)
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Habit: Grass Total N° of Refs: 1
Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Habit: Vine
References: New Zealand-Q-1879, New Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Zealand-Q-2086. References: Global-W-85, Global-I-629.
Adenanthera macrocarpa (Benth.) Bren.
Actinidia spp. Lindl. Actinostemma lobatum Maxim. Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Actinidiaceae Cucurbitaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 3 References: South America-W-295.
References: Chile-I-1872. References: Japan-W-286, Global-A-1207,
Japan-A-87. Adenanthera microsperma Teijsm. &
Actiniopteris australis (L.f.) Link Binn.
Pteridaceae Actinostemma tenerum Griff. Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Accepted name: Actinocarpus australis Cucurbitaceae Total N° of Refs: 2
Spreng. or Actinostemon australis Pax ? Total N° of Refs: 2 Habit: Tree
Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Origin: Africa References: China-W-297, China-W-431. Origin: SE Asia
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Actinotus helianthi Labill. Dispersed by: Humans
References: Egypt-W-221. Apiaceae References: India-N-976, Philippines-nC-
Total N° of Refs: 15 1099.
Actinocarpus australis Spreng. [nom. Global Risk Score: 1.44
illeg.] Rating: Low Adenanthera monandra Name not
Alismataceae Habit: perennial Herb verified
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Actiniopteris Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
australis (L.f.) Link (1) Origin: Aust Total N° of Refs: 2
Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee References: southeast Asia-W-191, Pacific-
Actinocyclus normanii (W. Greg.) Hust. References: Australia-E-72, Australia-E- W-3.
Hemidiscaceae 358, Australia-N-198, Australia-C-401,
Total N° of Refs: 2 Australia-N-945, Australia-E-327,
Aqua - Habit: Australia-EN-310, Australia-W-869,
References: Europe-N-819, Russia-N-1006. Australia-N-354, Australia-E-1262,
Australia-E-1456, Global-CD-1611,
Actinocyclus normanii (W.Greg.) Hust. Australia-N-1902, Australia-N-1959,
fo. subsalsa (Juhl.-Dannf.) Hust Australia-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 3 Actinotus spp. Labillardière
Aqua - Habit: Apiaceae
Origin: E Asia, Europe Total N° of Refs: 1
Dispersed by: Water Dispersed by: Humans
References: United States of America- References: Polar Regions-Z-1587.
EWD-197, Great Lakes-N-800, Czech

Adenanthera pavonina L. 1977, Angola-W-1977, Antigua and Adenia gummifera (Harv.) Harms
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Barbuda-W-1977, Australia-W-1977, Passifloraceae
Total N° of Refs: 155 Bahamas-W-1977, Barbados-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 1
Global Risk Score: 19.44 Brazil-W-1977, Brunei Darussalam-W- Toxic - Habit: Vine
Rating: High 1977, Cambodia-W-1977, Cameroon-W- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Toxic - Habit: Tree 1977, Chad-W-1977, Colombia-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Comoros-W-1977, Cook Islands-W-1977, References: La Reunion-N-1321.
Tropical Cuba-W-1977, Democratic Republic of the
Origin: Aust, C Asia, E Asia, SE Asia Congo-W-1977, Dominica-W-1977, Adenia wightiana (Wall. ex Wight &
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, Dominican Republic-W-1977, Fiji-W- Arn.) Engl.
Ornamental 1977, Ghana-W-1977, Grenada-W-1977, Passifloraceae
Dispersed by: Humans, Flyers, Escapee Guinea-Bissau-W-1977, Haiti-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 1
References: pantropics-W-22, Guyana-N- Jamaica-W-1977, Kenya-W-1977, Lao Habit: Vine
32, Federated States of Micronesia-W-107, People's Democratic Republic-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal
Puerto Rico-CW-261, United States of Malaysia-W-1977, Maldives-W-1977, References: India-A-1696.
America-EX-122, Australia-E-259, Marshall Islands-W-1977, Mauritius-W-
Federated States of Micronesia-N-230, 1977, Micronesia (Federated States of)-W- Adenium coetaneum Stapf
Jamaica-E-227, Australia, northern-N-456, 1977, Mozambique-W-1977, Myanmar-W- Apocynaceae
Singapore-N-476, France-N-518, Jamaica- 1977, Nauru-W-1977, Nigeria-W-1977, Accepted name: Adenium obesum
W-473, Caribbean-N-707, Pacific-W-3, Niue-W-1977, Palau-W-1977, Papua New (Forssk.) Roem. & Schult.
United States of America-E-80, Global-N- Guinea-W-1977, Saint Kitts and Nevis-W- Total N° of Refs: 1
85, United States of America-N-101, 1977, Saint Lucia-W-1977, Saint Vicent Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
United States of America-W-112, United and the Grenadines-W-1977, Samoa-W- References: -I-, Marshall Islands-W-1977.
States of America-EW-179, Australia-N- 1977, Sao Tome and Principe-W-1977,
945, Pacific-E-621, Global-E-649, United Seychelles-W-1977, Sierra Leone-W-1977, Adenium obesum (Forssk.) Roem. &
States of America-N-301, United States of Singapore-W-1977, Solomon Islands-W- Schult.
America-E-151, Global-NI-714, United 1977, South Africa-W-1977, Suriname-W- Apocynaceae
States of America-N-839, Dominican 1977, Thailand-W-1977, Togo-W-1977, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Adenium
Republic-I-877, Jamaica-I-879, Jamaica-I- Tonga-W-1977, Uganda-W-1977, United coetaneum Stapf (1)
986, Paraguay-I-987, United States of Republic of Tanzania-W-1977, Viet Nam- Total N° of Refs: 1
America-I-1046, Mozambique-E-1076, W-1977. Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
Wallis, Futuna and Alofi Islands-EI-1080, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Philippines-nC-1099, Japan-W-1106, Adenanthera pavonina L. var. pavonina Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
Chad-nC-640, United States of America-Q- Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Origin: Africa
1197, South Africa-U-1247, Singapore-N- Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
811, Caribbean-NI-1201, Singapore-N- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans
1290, United States of America-N-1292, Dispersed by: Humans
Global-W-1324, United States of America- References: La Reunion-U-1321. Adenocalymma allamandiflorum
C-1329, Madagascar-N-1000, French (Bureau ex K.Schum.) L.G.Lohmann
Guiana-N-1346, Global-W-1376, Global-I- Adenia cissampeloides (Planch. ex Bignoniaceae
1404, Chad-N-1503, Cuba-NI-1505, New Benth.) Harms. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Memora
Caledonia-I-1507, French Polynesia-N- Passifloraceae allamandiflora Bureau ex K.Schum. (1)
1514, American Samoa-I-1544, Australia-I- Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 1
1544, Brunei-I-1544, Cambodia-I-1544, Habit: Vine
China-I-1544, Cook Islands-I-1544, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Adenocalymma alliaceum (Lam.) Miers
Federated States of Micronesia-I-1544, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Bignoniaceae
Fiji-I-1544, French Polynesia-I-1544, Dispersed by: Humans Accepted name: Mansoa alliacea (Lam.) A.
Guam-I-1544, India-I-1544, Indonesia-I- References: Nigeria-I-1550, -I-, Nigeria-W- H. Gentry
1544, Japan-I-1544, Kiribati-I-1544, Laos- 1977. Total N° of Refs: 3
I-1544, Malaysia-I-1544, Maldives-I-1544, Habit: Vine
Marshall Islands-I-1544, Burma-Myanmar- Adenia digitata (Harv.) Engl. Origin: S Am
I-1544, Nauru-I-1544, New Caledonia-I- Passifloraceae References: India-N-976.
1544, Niue-I-1544, United States of Total N° of Refs: 1
America-I-1544, Pakistan-I-1544, Palau-I- Toxic - Habit: annual Vine Adenocalymma inundatum C.Mart. ex
1544, Papua New Guinea-I-1544, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, DC.
Philippines-I-1544, Samoa-I-1544, Mediterranean Bignoniaceae
Singapore-I-1544, Solomon Islands-I-1544, Origin: Africa Total N° of Refs: 1
Sri Lanka-I-1544, Thailand-I-1544, Tonga- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Habit: Vine
I-1544, Vietnam-I-1544, Wallis, Futuna Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
and Alofi Islands-I-1544, Global-CD-1611, Dispersed by: Humans Origin: S Am
Federated States of Micronesia-I-1732, References: South Africa-ZW-121. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
United States of America-E-1736, Eastern Dispersed by: Humans
Caribbean-N-1742, Puerto Rico and the Adenia gracilis Harms References: Eastern Caribbean-N-1742.
Virgin Islands-C-1821, Sao Tome and Passifloraceae
Principe-N-1805, Singapore-N-1839, Total N° of Refs: 1
Brazil-I-984, United States of America-N- References: Republic of Congo-A-87.
742, Seychelles-NID-1925, -I-, -I-, South
Africa-N-1991, Cuba-NI-2055, United
States of America-N-2092, Algeria-W-

Adenocalymna alliaceum Miers Adenophora potaninii Korsh. Adenosma indiana (Lour.) Merr.
Bignoniaceae Campanulaceae Scrophulariaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 2
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal Global Risk Score: 0.72 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
References: Bolivia-A-87. Rating: Low Major Pathway/s: Crop
Habit: perennial Herb References: south and southeast Asia-A-
Adenocalymna bracteatum DC. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental 1320, Australia-N-1644.
Bignoniaceae Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 2 References: China-A-275, China-W-431. Adenosma indicum (Lour.) Merr.
References: Brazil-A-923, Brazil-A-87. Scrophulariaceae
Adenophora stricta Miq. Total N° of Refs: 3
Adenocarpus complicatus (L.) J.Gay Campanulaceae References: Singapore-W-1290, Singapore-
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Total N° of Refs: 5 W-1839, Singapore-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 6 Habit: perennial Herb
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Adenosma inopinatum Prain
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia Ornamental Scrophulariaceae
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 3
Dispersed by: Humans References: Japan-N-287, China-W-431, References: Singapore-W-1290, Singapore-
References: United Kingdom-U-314, Japan-N-794, Japan-N-1278, Japan-W- W-1839, Singapore-W-1977.
Australia-N-7, Australia-N-856, Australia- 1977.
N-354, Australia-N-1902, Australia-W- Adenostemma brasilianum Cass.
1977. Adenophora triphylla (Thunb.) A.DC. Asteraceae
Campanulaceae Total N° of Refs: 4
Adenocaulon adhaerescens Maxim. Total N° of Refs: 1 Weed of: Orchards & Plantations
Asteraceae Habit: perennial Herb References: Dominican Republic-A-1472,
Total N° of Refs: 7 Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Dominican Republic-A-1475, Nepal-W-
Origin: E Asia Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, 1977, Singapore-W-1977.
Dispersed by: Escapee Ornamental
References: Russia-I-1178, Global-W- Dispersed by: Humans Adenostemma lanceolatum Miq.
1324, Europe-W-1325, Russia-W-1609, References: New Zealand-U-2048. Asteraceae
Russia-N-1006, Russia-U-1499, Russia-C- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Adenostemma
1671. Adenophora triphylla (Thunb.) A.DC. lavenia (L.) Kuntze (16)
var. japonica (Regel) H.Hara Total N° of Refs: 17
Adenophora coronopifolia (Fisch. ex Campanulaceae References: Global-W-85.
Schult.) Fisch. Total N° of Refs: 1
Campanulaceae Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Adenostemma lavenia (L.) Kuntze
Accepted name: Adenophora gmelinii Ornamental Asteraceae
(Spreng.) Fisch. Dispersed by: Humans Accepted name: Adenostemma
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Japan-W-286. lanceolatum Miq.
References: Norway-W-1609. Total N° of Refs: 17
Adenophora wawreana A.Zahlbr Global Risk Score: 4.8
Adenophora gmelinii (Spreng.) Fisch. Campanulaceae Rating: Low
Campanulaceae Total N° of Refs: 1 Habit: perennial Herb
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Adenophora References: China-W-297. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
coronopifolia (Fisch. ex Schult.) Fisch. (1) Origin: E Asia, S Am, Cosmopolitan
Total N° of Refs: 1 Adenophyllum cooperi (A. Gray) Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Strother Herbal, Ornamental
Adenophora liliifolia (L.) Ledeb. ex Asteraceae Dispersed by: Humans
A.DC. Total N° of Refs: 1 Weed of: Bananas, Orchards and
Campanulaceae Habit: perennial Herb Plantations
Total N° of Refs: 2 References: India-W-1977. References: Indonesia-A-13, Papua New
Global Risk Score: 1.2 Guinea-W-276, Philippines-W-412, India-
Rating: Low Adenopus breviflorus Benth. NW-424, Japan-W-286, China-W-431,
Habit: perennial Herb Cucurbitaceae India-A-1124, China-U-92, south and
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Accepted name: Lagenaria breviflora southeast Asia-A-1320, India-I-1345,
Origin: Europe (Benth.) Roberty French Polynesia-N-1514, India-N-1601,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Total N° of Refs: 1 India-N-1631, Philippines-A-87, Australia,
Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Tropical northern-W-1204, India-A-1696.
Dispersed by: Humans References: Nigeria-A-1371.
References: Europe, eastern-W-272,
Global-I-506. Adenoropium gossypiifolium (L.) Pohl
Adenophora polyantha Nakai Accepted name: Jatropha gossypiifolia L.
Campanulaceae var. gossypiifolia
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 132
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Dispersed by: Humans References: southeast Asia-W-191, Pacific-
References: China-W-297. W-3, Puerto Rico-A-929.

Adenostemma platyphyllum Cass. Adhatoda vasica Nees Adiantum capillus-veneris L.
Asteraceae Acanthaceae Pteridaceae
Total N° of Refs: 7 Accepted name: Justicia adhatoda L. Total N° of Refs: 35
Habit: annual Herb Total N° of Refs: 17 Global Risk Score: 2.88
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Global Risk Score: 4.32 Rating: Low
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Rating: Low Habit: perennial Herb
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Habit: Shrub Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
References: Gal pagos Islands-N-257, Gal Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
pagos Islands-NW-375, Gal pagos Islands- Tropical Origin: Africa, C Am, Europe, N Am,
CN-1157, Global-CD-1611, Ecuador-W- Origin: E Asia, SE Asia Cosmopolitan
1977, Papua New Guinea-W-1977, Tonga- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
W-1977. Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Dispersed by: Humans References: Egypt-W-221, Chile-N-300,
Adenostemma viscosum J. R. Forst. & G. References: Pakistan-A-1170, China-N- Chile-N-241, Egypt-A-185, New Zealand-
Forst. 1215, China-N-1344, Chile-I-1872. N-514, United Kingdom-N-519, New
Asteraceae Zealand-N-534, Japan-N-794, Hungary-U-
Total N° of Refs: 4 Adhatoda zeylanica Medik. 809, New Zealand-N-919, Peru-A-930,
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Acanthaceae Europe-N-819, Poland-C-1122, China-N-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Accepted name: Justicia adhatoda L. 1215, Belgium-U-1220, Chile-N-1229,
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 14 Hungary-U-1255, Japan-N-1278, Global-
References: Global-N-85, Singapore-W- References: south and southeast Asia-A- W-1324, Chile-N-1348, China-N-1374,
1290, south and southeast Asia-A-1320, 1320. Slovakia-N-1484, French Polynesia-N-
Singapore-W-1839. 1514, Egypt-A-87, Turkey-A-87, Global-
Adiantopsis chlorophylla (Sw.) Fée CD-1611, Ukraine-N-1813, Australia-N-
Adenostoma fasciculatum Hook. & Arn. Pteridaceae 1902, Chile-I-1872, Egypt-R-1922, -I-,
Rosaceae Total N° of Refs: 1 Australia-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977,
Total N° of Refs: 4 Habit: Herb Chile-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Slovakia-
Habit: Shrub Origin: C Am, S Am W-1977.
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical References: Brazil-R-2053.
Origin: N Am Adiantum caudatum L.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Adiantum aethiopicum L. Pteridaceae
Dispersed by: Humans Pteridaceae Total N° of Refs: 2
Weed of: Vegetables Total N° of Refs: 2 Habit: Herb
References: United States of America-W- ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
218, United States of America-A-543, Origin: Africa, Aust, NZ Origin: Africa, E Asia
Global-W-1349, United States of America- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
A-87. Ornamental Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans
Adenostoma sparsifolium Torr. References: Australia-N-354, Australia-N- References: United States of America-N-
Rosaceae 1959. 101, United States of America-W-179.
Total N° of Refs: 2
Habit: Tree Adiantum anceps Maxon & C.V.Morton Adiantum concinnum Willd.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Pteridaceae Pteridaceae
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 2
References: United States of America-W- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
218, United States of America-A-87. Origin: S Am Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans
Adenostyles alliariae (Gouan) Kern. Dispersed by: Humans References: Global-N-85, Mexico-R-1935.
Asteraceae References: United States of America-W-
Total N° of Refs: 4 179. Adiantum cristatum L.
Habit: Shrub Pteridaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Accepted name: Adiantum pyramidale (L.)
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Willd.
Dispersed by: Humans, Water, Wind Total N° of Refs: 1
References: western Europe-W-70, Europe- References: Puerto Rico-A-87.
N-819, Belgium-U-1220, Belgium-W-

Adenostyles alpina (L.) Bluff & Fingerh.

Total N° of Refs: 2
Global Risk Score: 0.72
Rating: Low
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Europe, eastern-W-272,
Australia--, Australia-Q-1123.

Adiantum cuneatum Langsd. & Fisch. Adiantum hispidulum Sw. Adiantum philippense L.
Pteridaceae Pteridaceae Pteridaceae
Accepted name: Adiantum raddianum Total N° of Refs: 18 Total N° of Refs: 1
K.Presl. Global Risk Score: 2.88 Habit: perennial Herb
Total N° of Refs: 49 Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Global Risk Score: 0.48 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Rating: Low Subtropical, Tropical Ornamental
Habit: Herb Origin: Aust, NZ, SE Asia Dispersed by: Humans
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental References: India-N-1601.
Origin: S Am Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: United States of America-CE- Adiantum pyramidale (L.) Willd.
Dispersed by: Humans 617, United States of America-N-101, Pteridaceae
References: Georgia-UR-1250, Indonesia- Canary Islands-N-637, United States of Synonym/s (n° of refs): Adiantum
A-87, Chile-I-1872. America-N-301, United States of America- cristatum L. (1)
E-151, United States of America-N-839, Total N° of Refs: 1
Adiantum diaphanum Blume Portugal-N-1006, Portugal-I-1090, Europe- Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Pteridaceae N-819, United States of America-N-1292, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 3 Global-CD-1611, Azores-N-1721, Dispersed by: Humans
Global Risk Score: 0.24 Macronesia-I-1722, United States of
Rating: Low America-E-1736, Australia-W-1977, Adiantum raddianum C.Presl
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Portugal-W-1977, Spain-W-1977, Global-- Pteridaceae
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental 1324. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Adiantum
Dispersed by: Humans cuneatum Langsd. & Fisch. (3)
References: Netherlands-W-1609, Chile-I- Adiantum latifolium Lam. Total N° of Refs: 49
1872, Chile-W-1977. Pteridaceae Global Risk Score: 4.32
Total N° of Refs: 5 Rating: Low
Adiantum flabellulatum L. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Habit: perennial Herb
Pteridaceae References: Singapore-N-196, Singapore- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Total N° of Refs: 1 N-1290, Singapore-N-1839, Malaysia-W- Subtropical, Tropical
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical 1977, Singapore-W-1977. Origin: Africa, S Am
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Adiantum lunulatum Burm.f. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
References: China-E-1712. Pteridaceae References: United States of America-CE-
Total N° of Refs: 2 617, United States of America-N-101,
Adiantum formosum R.Br. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical South Africa-AW-121, New Zealand-N-
Pteridaceae Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental 514, New Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N-
Total N° of Refs: 2 Dispersed by: Humans 15, Canary Islands-N-637, United States of
Global Risk Score: 0.24 References: Global-N-85, south and America-N-301, United States of America-
Rating: Low southeast Asia-A-1320. E-151, Swaziland-N-825, United States of
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental America-N-839, Ecuador-N-875, New
Dispersed by: Humans Adiantum macrophyllum Sw. Zealand-N-919, South Africa-N-956,
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Pteridaceae Portugal-I-1090, Europe-N-819, Africa-W-
Total N° of Refs: 1 1127, United States of America-Q-1197,
Adiantum fructuosum Poepp. ex Spreng. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Belgium-U-1220, United States of
Pteridaceae Major Pathway/s: Ornamental America-N-1292, La Reunion-N-1321,
Total N° of Refs: 4 Dispersed by: Humans Zimbabwe-N-1365, French Polynesia-N-
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical References: Algeria-W-1977. 1514, Netherlands-W-1609, Global-CD-
References: Singapore-N-1290, Singapore- 1611, Azores-N-1721, Macronesia-I-1722,
N-1839, Malaysia-W-1977, Singapore-W- Adiantum pedatum L. United States of America-E-1736, Europe-
1977. Pteridaceae W-1740, South Africa-N-1991, South
Total N° of Refs: 4 Africa-I-2017, Brazil-R-2053, Algeria-W-
ToxicOrigin: E Asia, N Am 1977, Belgium-W-1977, Chile-W-1977,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Kiribati-W-1977, Mauritius-W-1977,
Ornamental Papua New Guinea-W-1977, Portugal-W-
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee 1977, South Africa-W-1977, Spain-W-
References: United Kingdom-C-314, 1977, Sri Lanka-W-1977, United Republic
Canada-C-756, Global-CD-1611, Canada- of Tanzania-W-1977, Zimbabwe-W-1977,
G-1855. Swaziland-W-1977, Global--1324.

Adiantum peruvianum Klotzsch Adiantum sp. nom. hort. 'Edwinii'

Pteridaceae Pteridaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 2
Global Risk Score: 0.24 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Rating: Low References: United States of America-N-
ToxicMajor Pathway/s: Ornamental 839, United States of America-N-1292.
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.

Adiantum spp. L. Adolphia infesta (Kunth) Meisn. Adonis aestivalis L.
Pteridaceae Rhamnaceae Ranunculaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 76
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Global Risk Score: 4.32
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Rating: Low
References: south and southeast Asia-A- Dispersed by: Humans Toxic - Habit: annual Herb
1408. References: Mexico-W-890, Mexico-W- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
1226. Subtropical, Tropical
Adiantum tenerum Sw. Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe
Pteridaceae Adonidia merrillii (Becc.) Becc. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Total N° of Refs: 10 Arecaceae Ornamental
Global Risk Score: 2.88 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Veitchia merrillii Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Rating: Low (Becc.) H. E. Moore (6) Livestock, Sheep
Habit: Herb Total N° of Refs: 11 Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Habit: Tree Pastures, Pome Fruits
Subtropical, Tropical Origin: SE Asia References: Pakistan-A-248, Finland-U-42,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Global-ZW-85, Europe-A-94, Global-A-
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Dispersed by: Humans 243, United States of America-N-101,
References: United States of America-CE- References: Anguilla-W-1977, Bahamas- western Europe-A-253, Europe, eastern-
617, United States of America-N-301, W-1977, Cuba-W-1977, India-W-1977, AW-272, western Europe-W-70, Spain-A-
United States of America-N-839, Poland- Mexico-W-1977. 417, United Kingdom-UZD-314, Czech
C-1122, Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157, Republic-NZI-400, Jordan-A-641, Ukraine-
United States of America-N-1292, Jamaica- U-643, India-A-712, Turkey-A-727, Iran-
A-87, Global-CD-1611, North America-N- A-732, Global-A-743, Israel-A-885, India-
1760, Cuba-R-2054. N-914, Turkey-A-977, Czechoslovakia-N-
1006, Germany-N-1006, Slovakia-N-1006,
Adiantum trapeziforme L. Europe-N-819, Turkey-A-144, Europe-W-
Pteridaceae 1191, Global-A-1207, Poland-A-1219,
Total N° of Refs: 4 Serbia-W-1238, Greece-W-1240, Ukraine-
ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Subtropical, N-1297, Macedonia-A-1304, Serbia-A-
Tropical 1357, Serbia-W-1358, India-N-1389,
Origin: S Am Turkey-A-1457, Turkey-A-1467, Turkey-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental A-1468, Turkey-A-1469, Slovakia-N-1484,
Dispersed by: Humans Iran-A-1524, Czech Republic-W-1609,
References: France-N-518, United States of Azerbaijan-A-1638, Germany-A-87, Spain-
America-N-101, United States of America- A-87, Morocco-A-87, Turkey-A-87,
W-179, French Polynesia-N-1514. Hungary-A-1015, Serbia-A-1019, Global-
ZD-1611, Italy-A-1618, India-A-1725,
Adiantum villosum L. Serbia-W-1766, central Europe-A-1616,
Pteridaceae Sardinia-N-1393, Serbia-R-1848, Iran-A-
Total N° of Refs: 2 1916, Poland-A-1952, Poland-A-1965,
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Bosnia and Herzegovina-N-1987, Iran-A-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental 1812, Poland-A-2047, Ukraine-N-2050,
Dispersed by: Humans Global-W-2056, Poland-A-2061, Iran-A-
Weed of: Bananas, Orchards and 2072, Iran-A-2075, Slovakia-A-2079,
Plantations Spain-A-2083, Iran-A-2111, Croatia-W-
References: Guadeloupe-A-206, Global-A- 1977, Czech Republic-W-1977, Poland-W-
243. 1977, Slovakia-W-1977, Ukraine-W-1977.

Adiantum weigandi T.Moore Adonis aestivalis L. subsp. aestivalis

Pteridaceae Ranunculaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 5
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Dispersed by: Humans
Adlumia fungosa (Ait.) Greene ex Weed of: Cereals
Britton, Sterns & Pogg. References: Czech Republic-N-1522,
Papaveraceae Czech Republic-N-1731, Turkey-A-2101,
Total N° of Refs: 2 Croatia-W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977.
Habit: Vine
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Adonis aestivalis L. subsp. provincialis
Dispersed by: Humans (DC.) Steinb.
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Ranunculaceae
Accepted name: Adonis aestivalis L. subsp.
squarrosa (Steven) Nyman
Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Croatia-W-1977.

Adonis aleppica Boiss Adonis autumnalis L., nom. illeg. Adonis flammea Jacq. subsp. flammea
Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Accepted name: Adonis annua L. Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: annual Herb Total N° of Refs: 57 References: Croatia-W-1977.
Weed of: Cereals Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
References: Jordan-A-641. Major Pathway/s: Herbal Adonis microcarpa DC.
References: Spain-A-87, Turkey-A-87. Ranunculaceae
Adonis annua L. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Adonis cretica
Ranunculaceae Adonis baetica Cosson (Huth) Runemark (1)
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Adonis autumnalis Ranunculaceae Total N° of Refs: 38
L., nom. illeg. (2) Total N° of Refs: 1 Global Risk Score: 2.88
Total N° of Refs: 57 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Rating: Low
Global Risk Score: 4.32 References: Portugal-A-87. ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Rating: Low Subtropical, Tropical
Toxic - Habit: annual Herb Adonis cretica (Huth) Runemark Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Ranunculaceae Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia Accepted name: Adonis microcarpa DC. Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Total N° of Refs: 38 Dispersed by: Humans, Livestock, Escapee
Ornamental References: Crete-A-1228. Weed of: Cereals, Pastures
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee References: Global-W-85, Europe-A-94,
Seed Longevity: Transient Adonis dentata Delile Global-A-243, Australia-N-176, Australia-
Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations, Ranunculaceae N-198, western Europe-W-70, Australia-X-
Pastures Total N° of Refs: 4 147, Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945,
References: United Kingdom-U-40, Global Risk Score: 1.52 Australia-X-171, Australia-E-327,
Finland-C-42, Global-ZW-85, Europe-A- Rating: Low Australia-AENX-310, Australia-N-7,
94, United States of America-N-101, Habit: annual Herb Australia-W-853, Australia-NX-855,
United States of America-W-161, Europe, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Australia-N-856, Australia-W-869, Spain-
eastern-W-272, western Europe-W-70, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Pasture A-892, Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049,
United States of America-W-218, United Dispersed by: Humans New Zealand-A-1074, Europe-N-819,
Kingdom-U-314, United Kingdom-N-519, Weed of: Cereals Global-A-1207, Crete-A-1228, Australia-E-
Jordan-A-641, Austria-U-708, Denmark-U- References: Egypt-W-221, Jordan-A-641, 1260, Australia-A-1331, Global-ZD-1418,
711, Turkey-A-727, Hungary-U-809, Morocco-A-87, Algeria-A-1727. Australia-N-1450, Portugal-A-87, Global-
United Kingdom-NZ-812, Spain-A-892, CD-1611, Australia-N-1902, Australia-UN-
United Kingdom-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Adonis flammea Jacq. 1845, New Zealand-Q-1879, Australia-N-
Belgium-W-1220, Norway-N-1243, Ranunculaceae 1959, New Zealand-Q-2086, Australia-W-
Hungary-U-1255, Spain-U-1270, Global- Total N° of Refs: 34 1977, Portugal-W-1977.
W-1349, Slovakia-U-1484, Austria-W- Global Risk Score: 0.96
1609, Denmark-W-1609, Germany-W- Rating: Low Adonis sibirica Patr.
1609, Norway-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, Habit: annual Herb Ranunculaceae
Turkey-A-1635, Australia-A-87, Morocco- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 2
A-87, United States of America-A-87, Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Habit: Herb
Global-CZD-1611, Italy-A-1618, Ukraine- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
N-1685, Morocco-A-1752, Chile-I-1872, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans
Ukraine-N-2050, Turkey-A-2101, Turkey- Dispersed by: Humans References: Global-Q-1205, Australia-Q-
A-2103, Algeria-W-1977, Austria-W-1977, Weed of: Cereals, Pome Fruits 1123.
Belgium-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Chile- References: Europe-A-94, Europe, eastern-
W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977, AW-272, western Europe-W-70, United Adonis spp. L.
Denmark-W-1977, Germany-W-1977, Kingdom-U-314, Czech Republic-NZI-400, Ranunculaceae
Republic of Moldova-W-1977, Slovakia- Palestine-N-851, Czechoslovakia-N-1006, Total N° of Refs: 5
W-1977, Sweden-W-1977, United Germany-N-1006, Slovakia-N-1006, ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Kingdom-W-1977. Europe-N-819, Belgium-W-1220, Serbia- References: Australia-N-198, Europe,
W-1238, -N-, Serbia-A-1343, Turkey-- eastern-W-272, Italy-A-667, France-A-
Adonis annua L. subsp. annua 1412, Slovakia-N-1484, Czech Republic- 1266, France-A-1814.
Ranunculaceae U-1522, Poland-W-1609, Turkey-A-87,
Total N° of Refs: 4 Global-ZD-1611, Turkey-A-942, Czech
Origin: Africa, Europe Republic-U-1731, Chile-I-1872, Serbia-A-
References: Czech Republic-U-400, Czech 1915, Bosnia and Herzegovina-N-1987,
Republic-U-1522, Czech Republic-U-1731, Kosovo-R-2003, Serbia-A-2080, Italy-A-
Czech Republic-W-1977. 2081, Belgium-W-1977, Bulgaria-W-1977,
Chile-W-1977, Croatia-W-1977, Czech
Adonis annua L. subsp. cupaniana Republic-W-1977, Poland-W-1977,
(Guss.) Steinberg Slovakia-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Adonis flammea subsp. cortiana
References: Greece-A-2093. C.Steinberg
Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Croatia-W-1977.

Adonis vernalis L. Aechmea comata Baker Aechmea weilbachii Didr.
Ranunculaceae Bromeliaceae Bromeliaceae
Total N° of Refs: 8 Accepted name: Aechmea lindenii Total N° of Refs: 1
Global Risk Score: 1.44 (E.Morr.) Baker Habit: perennial Herb
Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Habit: Herb Subtropical, Tropical
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Origin: S Am
Origin: E Asia, Europe Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals References: Algeria-W-1977. References: Algeria-W-1977.
Seed Longevity: Transient
Weed of: Pastures Aechmea drakeana André Aegagropila linnaei Kützing
References: United States of America-N- Bromeliaceae Pithophoraceae
101, United States of America-W-161, Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Cladophora
Europe, eastern-W-272, Serbia-W-1238, Habit: perennial Herb aegagropila (L.) Trevisan (1)
Global-W-1349, Serbia-A-1357, Serbia-A- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 3
1372, Germany-A-87. Dispersed by: Humans Aqua - Habit:
References: Algeria-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Adonis wolgensis Stev. Dispersed by: Humans
Ranunculaceae Aechmea fasciata (Lindl.) Baker References: Australia-Q-1858, Global--
Total N° of Refs: 2 Bromeliaceae 1324.
Habit: Herb Total N° of Refs: 2
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Habit: perennial Herb Aegialophila spp. Boiss. & Heldr.
Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Asteraceae
References: Global-Q-1205, Australia-Q- Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 1
1123. Origin: S Am References: Egypt-W-221.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Adoxa moschatellina L. Dispersed by: Humans Aegilops altera Lam. ex Roth.
Adoxaceae References: Bermuda-N-1267, North Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 8 America-N-1760. Accepted name: Aegilops geniculata Roth
Global Risk Score: 1.44 Total N° of Refs: 21
Rating: Low Aechmea gamosepala Wittm. Habit: Grass
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Bromeliaceae Weed of: Pastures
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Iran-A-1916.
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers, Habit: perennial Herb
Water Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Aegilops bicornis (Forssk.) Jaub. &
Seed Longevity: Transient Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Spach
References: Europe, eastern-W-272, United Dispersed by: Humans Poaceae
Kingdom-N-519, Ireland-EN-793, Ireland- References: El Salvador-N-1849. Total N° of Refs: 4
N-894, Iceland-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Global Risk Score: 1.04
Ireland-N-1608, Russia-W-1671. Aechmea lindenii (E. Morren) Baker Rating: Low
Bromeliaceae Habit: annual Grass
Aechmanthera claudiae Bernardi Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aechmea comata Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Acanthaceae Baker (1) Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe
Accepted name: Strobilanthes tomentosa Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Pasture
(Nees) J.R.I.Wood Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Weed of: Orchards & Plantations
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Dispersed by: Humans References: Egypt-W-221, United
References: Nepal-A-1960. Kingdom-U-317, Egypt-A-1171, North
Aechmea miniata (Beer) Baker Africa, Libya, Egypt-W-1730.
Aechmea bracteata (Sw.) Griseb. Bromeliaceae
Bromeliaceae Total N° of Refs: 1 Aegilops biuncialis Vis.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Habit: perennial Herb Poaceae
Habit: perennial Herb Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Accepted name: Aegilops lorentii
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 3
Subtropical, Tropical Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Habit: Grass
Origin: N Am, S Am Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: Algeria-W-1977. Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
References: French Polynesia-N-1514, Aechmea spp. Ruiz & Pav. Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Algeria-W-1977. Bromeliaceae Livestock, Sheep
Total N° of Refs: 1 Weed of: Orchards & Plantations, Pome
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Fruits
References: Chile-I-1872. References: Global-A-243, Syria-A-111,
United Kingdom-UZD-317.

Aegilops caudata L. Aegilops cylindrica Host Iran-A-2111, Algeria-W-1977, Austria-W-
Poaceae Poaceae 1977, Belarus-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977,
Total N° of Refs: 4 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Triticum Bulgaria-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Chile-
Habit: Grass cylindricum (Host) Ces. (5) W-1977, Cyprus-W-1977, Czech Republic-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 125 W-1977, Democratic Repubic of Korea-W-
Origin: Europe Global Risk Score: 5.76 1977, Denmark-W-1977, France-W-1977,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Rating: Low Germany-W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Japan-
Dispersed by: Humans Habit: annual Grass W-1977, Latvia-W-1977, Lithuania-W-
References: North Korea-N-1600, Mexico- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, 1977, Mexico-W-1977, Republic of Korea-
N-1881, Sardinia-U-1917, Mexico-W- Subtropical, Tropical W-1977, Sweden-W-1977, Switzerland-W-
1977. Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia 1977, South Korea-N-2113, North Korea-
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal N-2114.
Aegilops columnaris Zhuk. Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Poaceae Livestock, Sheep Aegilops geniculata Roth
Total N° of Refs: 1 Weed of: Cereals, Pastures, Vegetables Poaceae
Habit: Grass References: Global-W-23, United States of Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aegilops altera
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean America-X-26, United States of America- Lam. ex Roth. (1), Triticum ovatum (L.)
References: Europe-N-819. W-34, United States of America-X-35, Gren. & Godr. (1), Aegilops triuncialis L.
United Kingdom-U-40, Finland-U-42, subsp. ovata (Eig) Qu zel & Santa (1)
Aegilops comosa Sm. United States of America-X-1, United Total N° of Refs: 23
Poaceae States of America-E-80, Global-NXZW-85, Global Risk Score: 15.84
Total N° of Refs: 2 Global-AW-91, United States of America- Rating: Medium
Habit: Grass W-264, Global-A-243, United States of Habit: annual Grass
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean America-N-101, United States of America- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Origin: Europe, W Asia XW-105, United States of America-AXI- Origin: Africa, Europe
References: United Kingdom-U-317, 138, United States of America-W-392, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Morocco-N-1796. United States of America-A-156, United Ornamental, Pasture
States of America-W-161, United States of Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Aegilops crassa Boiss. America-W-174, United States of America- Livestock, Sheep
Poaceae A-180, Japan-N-287, United States of Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations
Total N° of Refs: 7 America-AW-210, United States of References: Global-NW-85, Global-AW-
Habit: annual Grass America-AZW-212, Europe, eastern-W- 91, United States of America-E-222,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean 272, United States of America-W-218, United States of America-N-101, United
Origin: E Asia United States of America-ZW-219, United States of America-W-161, Europe, eastern-
Weed of: Cereals Kingdom-UZWD-317, Czech Republic- W-272, western Europe-W-70, United
References: Global-W-85, Global-A-243, UZ-400, United States of America-A-543, Kingdom-UZD-317, Czech Republic-UZ-
United States of America-N-101, United Turkey-A-600, Canada-A-642, 400, Denmark-U-711, Turkey-A-727,
Kingdom-U-317, Iran-A-732, Iran-A-1724, Switzerland-N-653, United States of United States of America-X-229, Europe-
Iran-A-2075. America-A-705, Austria-U-708, Denmark- N-819, Belgium-U-1220, Czech Republic-
U-711, Lithuania-I-737, South Korea-N- U-1522, North Africa, Libya, Egypt-W-
Aegilops crassa Boiss. var. crassa 773, North America-E-784, United States 1730, Czech Republic-U-1731, Morocco-
Poaceae of America-E-151, Global-W-788, North A-1752, Belgium-W-1977, Czech
Total N° of Refs: 1 America-X-790, Mexico-N-791, Japan-N- Republic-W-1977.
Habit: Grass 794, Belarus-N-817, Switzerland-UR-818,
References: Turkey-R-1968. Palestine-U-851, Australia-W-869, United Aegilops juvenalis (Thell.) Eig
States of America-X-229, Mexico-I-878, Poaceae
United States of America-I-904, United Total N° of Refs: 2
States of America-W-946, Turkey-A-977, Habit: Grass
France-N-1006, Slovenia-N-1006, Europe- References: Europe-N-819, France-W-
N-819, Australia-Q-1134, Global-Q-1138, 1977.
South Korea-N-761, Belgium-UD-1220,
Serbia-W-1238, Norway-N-1243, Georgia- Aegilops kotschyi Boiss.
N-1250, Japan-N-1278, -N-, Global-W- Poaceae
1324, Global-W-1349, Serbia-W-1222, Total N° of Refs: 3
Spain-N-1455, Turkey-A-1468, Czech Habit: annual Grass
Republic-U-1522, Iran-A-1524, Canada-X- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
1538, United States of America-N-1603, Major Pathway/s: Pasture
Estonia-W-1609, Austria-W-1609, Dispersed by: Humans
Denmark-W-1609, Russia-W-1609, References: Global-W-23, Egypt-W-221,
Germany-W-1609, Latvia-W-1609, North Africa, Libya, Egypt-W-1730.
Lithuania-W-1609, Norway-W-1609,
Sweden-W-1609, Turkey-A-87, United
States of America-A-87, Czech Republic-
U-1731, United States of America-E-1736,
Canada-X-1745, Chile-I-1872, Mexico-Q-
1880, Mexico-I-1881, Global-A-1903,
Switzerland-U-1990, Estonia-N-1997,
Ukraine-N-2050, Slovakia-N-2052, Iran-A-
2072, United States of America-ANI-2106,

Aegilops longissima Schweinf. & Muschl. Aegilops peregrina (Hack.) Maire & Aegilops speltoides Tausch subsp.
Poaceae Weiller speltoides
Total N° of Refs: 1 Poaceae Poaceae
Habit: annual Grass Total N° of Refs: 4 Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Habit: annual Grass Habit: Grass
Major Pathway/s: Pasture Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Origin: E Asia, Europe
Dispersed by: Humans Origin: Africa, Europe Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
References: North Africa, Libya, Egypt-W- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
1730. Dispersed by: Humans Livestock, Sheep
References: Global-N-85, United References: United Kingdom-UZWD-317.
Aegilops lorentii Hochst. Kingdom-U-317, North Africa, Libya,
Poaceae Egypt-W-1730, Algeria-W-1977. Aegilops spp. L.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aegilops biuncialis Poaceae
Vis. (3) Aegilops peregrina (Hack.) Maire & Total N° of Refs: 9
Total N° of Refs: 3 Weiller var. brachyathera (Boiss.) Maire Habit: annual Grass
Habit: Grass & Weiller Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Poaceae Subtropical
Aegilops markgrafii (Greuter) Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans
K.Hammer Habit: Grass Weed of: Cereals
Poaceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean References: Europe, eastern-W-272,
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Global-N-85. Global-XW-85, North America-X-790,
Habit: Grass Australia-Q-1134, Greece-W-1240,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Aegilops peregrina (Hack.) Maire & Turkey-A-1457, Australia-Q-1123, Iran-A-
References: Europe-N-819. Weiller var. peregrina 1812, Iran-A-2075.
Aegilops neglecta Req. ex Bertol. Total N° of Refs: 1 Aegilops squarrosa auct.
Poaceae Habit: Grass Poaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aegilops ovata Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Accepted name: Aegilops triuncialis L. var.
auct. (15) References: Global-N-85. triuncialis
Total N° of Refs: 25 Total N° of Refs: 47
Global Risk Score: 0.48 Aegilops speltoides Tausch Habit: annual Grass
Rating: Low Poaceae Origin: E Asia, Europe
Habit: Grass Total N° of Refs: 2 Major Pathway/s: Crop
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Habit: Grass References: Global-A-108, China-W-256,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean China-A-275, China-I-1055, Global-Q-
Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental, 1138, China-I-1485, China-I-1758.
Dispersed by: Humans Pasture
References: Global-N-85, United Dispersed by: Humans Aegilops tauschii Cosson
Kingdom-UZ-317, Denmark-U-711, Crete- References: Global-N-85, Europe-N-819. Poaceae
A-1228, Denmark-W-1609, Germany-W- Total N° of Refs: 19
1609, North America-N-1760, Denmark- Aegilops speltoides Tausch var. ligustica Global Risk Score: 6.48
W-1977, Germany-W-1977, Switzerland- (Savign.) Fiori Rating: Low
W-1977. Poaceae Habit: annual Grass
Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Aegilops ovata auct. Habit: Grass Subtropical, Tropical
Poaceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Origin: Africa, E Asia, W Asia
Accepted name: Aegilops neglecta Req. ex References: Turkey--1412. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Bertol. Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 25 Aegilops speltoides Tausch subsp. Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Global Risk Score: 5.28 ligustica (Savign.) Zhuk. Livestock, Sheep
Rating: Low Poaceae Weed of: Cereals
Habit: annual Grass Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Global-NW-85, Global-A-243,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Habit: Grass Europe, eastern-W-272, United Kingdom-
Origin: Africa, Europe Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean UZD-317, China-W-431, North America-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental, Origin: Africa, Europe X-790, United States of America-N-101,
Pasture Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, India-ID-914, Europe-N-819, Greece-U-
Dispersed by: Humans Ornamental 1142, Global-A-1207, China-N-1215,
References: Egypt-W-221, United States of Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Pakistan-A-1309, China-I-1496, Latvia-W-
America-W-34, United States of America- Livestock, Sheep 1609, Iran-A-87, China-I-1769, Greece-W-
X-35, Global-X-85, western Europe-A-253, References: United Kingdom-UZD-317. 1977, Latvia-W-1977.
United States of America-I-516,
Switzerland-N-653, North America-X-790,
Switzerland-UR-818, United States of
America-W-946, Europe-N-819, Denmark-
W-1609, Morocco-A-87, Portugal-A-87,

Aegilops triuncialis L. Aegilops umbellulata Zhuk. Aeginetia mirabilis (Blume) Bakh.
Poaceae Poaceae Orobanchaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aegilops squarrosa Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 1
auct. (7), Aegilops triuncialis L. subsp. Habit: annual Grass References: Global-X-85.
triuncialis (1) Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Total N° of Refs: 48 Origin: E Asia Aeginetia pedunculata Wallich
Global Risk Score: 2.88 Weed of: Cereals Orobanchaceae
Rating: Low References: Global-W-85, United Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: annual Grass Kingdom-U-317, Jordan-A-641. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Major Pathway/s: Crop
Subtropical, Tropical Aegilops vavilovii (Zhuk.) Chennav. References: Global-X-85.
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Poaceae
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Total N° of Refs: 1 Aeginetia saccharicola Bakh.
Ornamental Habit: Grass Orobanchaceae
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 1
Livestock, Sheep Origin: E Asia References: Global-X-85.
Weed of: Cereals References: United Kingdom-U-317.
References: Global-W-23, United States of Aeginetia sessilis Shivam. & Rajanna
America-W-34, United States of America- Aegilops ventricosa Tausch Orobanchaceae
X-35, United States of America-E-78, Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
United States of America-E-80, Global- Total N° of Refs: 11 References: Global-X-85.
NXW-85, Global-AW-91, United States of Global Risk Score: 7.68
America-N-101, United States of America- Rating: Medium Aeginetia sinensis Beck
Q-116, United States of America-W-161, Habit: annual Grass Orobanchaceae
western Europe-A-253, Europe, eastern-W- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 2
272, United States of America-W-218, Origin: Africa, Europe References: Global-XW-85, China-W-431.
United Kingdom-UZD-317, Switzerland- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
N-653, Denmark-U-711, Mediterranean-I- Ornamental, Pasture Aeginetia spp. L.
775, North America-X-790, Japan-N-794, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Orobanchaceae
Belarus-N-817, United States of America- Livestock, Sheep Total N° of Refs: 5
X-229, United States of America-W-946, References: Global-N-85, United Habit: Herb
Mediterranean-E-951, Europe-N-819, Kingdom-UZD-317, United States of Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Belgium-U-1220, Japan-N-1278, Global- America-I-516, France-N-1006, Europe-N- References: Global-W-67, Global-XW-85,
W-1349, Denmark-W-1609, Germany-W- 819, Belgium-U-1220, Morocco-A-87, North America-X-790, United States of
1609, United Kingdom-ZD-1633, North Africa, Libya, Egypt-W-1730, America-X-140, United States of America-
Morocco-A-87, Turkey-A-87, United Belgium-W-1977, Cyprus-W-1977, France- X-229.
States of America-E-1736, United States of W-1977.
America-ID-1912, Iran-A-2072, Belarus- Aegiphila integrifolia (Jacq.) Jacq. ex
W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Denmark-W- x Aegilotriticum sancti-andreae (Degen) B.D. Jacks.
1977, Germany-W-1977, Japan-W-1977. Soó Lamiaceae
Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Aegilops triuncialis L. var. triuncialis Total N° of Refs: 1 Habit: Tree
Poaceae Habit: annual Grass Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: United States of America-U- References: United States of America-N-
Habit: Grass 904. 101.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Subtropical, Tropical Aeginetia acaulis (Roxb.) Walp. Aegiphila lhotzkiana Cham.
References: Global-NW-85. Orobanchaceae Lamiaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1
Aegilops triuncialis L. subsp. ovata (Eig) References: Global-X-85. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Quézel & Santa Weed of: Pastures
Poaceae Aeginetia indica L. References: Brazil-A-1763.
Accepted name: Aegilops geniculata Roth Orobanchaceae
subsp. geniculata Total N° of Refs: 14 Aegiphila martinicensis Jacq.
Total N° of Refs: 21 Habit: Herb Lamiaceae
Habit: Grass Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 3
References: Algeria-A-1727. Origin: E Asia Habit: Tree
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Aegilops triuncialis L. subsp. triuncialis Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Poaceae Dispersed by: Humans Weed of: Bananas, Orchards and
Accepted name: Aegilops triuncialis var. Weed of: Bananas, Orchards & Plantations Plantations
triuncialis L. References: Philippines-W-412, Thailand- References: Guadeloupe-A-206, Global-W-
Total N° of Refs: 41 W-822, Global-XW-85, Japan-W-286, 28, Global-A-243.
Habit: Grass China-W-431, Global-A-1207, south and
References: Turkey--1412. southeast Asia-A-1320, south and southeast
Asia-A-1408, Japan-A-87, Philippines-A-
87, Thailand-A-87, Global-Q-1572,
Malaysia-Q-1714, Global-A-1715.

Aegiphila sellowiana Cham. Aegopodium podagraria L. E-1736, Europe-U-1740, Serbia-R-1771,
Lamiaceae Apiaceae central Europe-A-1616, Russia-W-1671,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aegopodium Finland-A-1815, Poland-A-1825, Poland-
Habit: Tree podagraria L. var. variegatum Bailey (1), CD-1841, Australia-UN-1845, Canada-G-
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Aegopodium podagraria L. Variegatum 1855, Poland-A-1033, Montenegro-R-
Origin: S Am (1) 1944, Germany-R-1948, Australia-N-1959,
References: Brazil-W-255. Total N° of Refs: 128 -I-, Central and northern Japan and
Global Risk Score: 11.52 northern islands-N-1983, Kosovo-R-2003,
Aegle marmelos (L.) Corrêa Serr. Rating: Medium Poland-A-2047, New Zealand-N-2048,
Rutaceae Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb Serbia-R-2057, -A-2058, Poland-A-2059,
Total N° of Refs: 5 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Poland-A-2060, Poland-A-2061, Poland-C-
Habit: Tree Subtropical 2062, northern European towns-W-2095,
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Origin: E Asia, Europe Armenia-W-1977, Australia-W-1977,
Tropical Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Belgium-W-1977, Canada-W-1977,
Origin: C Asia, E Asia Ornamental Denmark-W-1977, Iceland-W-1977,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, Dispersed by: Humans, Water, Wind, Ireland-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Sweden-
Ornamental Escapee W-1977, United Kingdom-W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans Seed Longevity: Long Term
References: Federated States of Weed of: Cereals, Grapevines, Orchards & Aegopodium podagraria L. var.
Micronesia-N-230, Laos-N-1102, Plantations, Pastures variegatum Bailey
Australia-W-1977, Lao People's References: United Kingdom-N-40, Apiaceae
Democratic Republic-W-1977, Micronesia Global-A-44, United States of America-E- Accepted name: Aegopodium podagraria L.
(Federated States of)-W-1977. 80, Global-G-108, Global-NXW-85, Total N° of Refs: 127
Europe-A-94, Global-A-243, United States References: Canada-A-642.
Aegopodium alpestre Ledeb. of America-N-101, Canada-W-4, New
Apiaceae Zealand-N-280, United States of America- Aegopodium podagraria L.
Total N° of Refs: 1 ED-224, United States of America-ED-133, ‘Variegatum’
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Australia-E-155, United States of America- Apiaceae
Dispersed by: Humans W-156, United States of America-W-161, Total N° of Refs: 127
References: Russia-N-1681. New Zealand-W-165, Australia-N-176, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Japan-N-287, western Europe-A-253, Dispersed by: Humans
eastern North America-EI-195, Europe, References: Poland-C-2062.
eastern-AW-272, western Europe-W-70,
United States of America-W-218, Aegopogon cenchroides Humb. & Bonpl.
Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945, United Poaceae
Kingdom-CN-314, United States of Total N° of Refs: 2
America-EN-303, New Zealand-NW-425, Habit: Grass
Canada-E-104, Iceland-N-507, United Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Kingdom-N-519, New Zealand-N-534, References: United States of America-N-
New Zealand-N-15, Canada-A-642, 101, Mexico-W-1510.
Australia-AN-310, Denmark-N-711,
Canada and United States of America-N- Aegopogon tenellus (DC.) Trin.
725, Global-E-743, United States of Poaceae
America-E-151, Ireland-AN-793, Japan-N- Total N° of Refs: 3
794, United Kingdom-CND-812, Australia- Habit: annual/perennial Grass
W-853, Australia-W-869, United States of Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
America-X-229, Slovenia-W-883, Ireland- References: Central America-W-157,
N-894, United Kingdom-I-910, New Mexico-W-199, Mexico-W-1226.
Zealand-N-919, Australia-N-354, France-
N-1006, Denmark-N-1006, United Aeluropus lagopoides (L.) Thwaites
Kingdom-N-1006, Iceland-N-1006, Poaceae
Norway-N-1006, Sweden-N-1006, Total N° of Refs: 8
Australia-N-1049, Global-N-1059, Russia- Global Risk Score: 2.56
A-998, Europe-N-819, United Kingdom-A- Rating: Low
322, Ireland-E-1094, United States of Habit: perennial Grass
America-W-1103, Poland-G-1122, United Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
States of America-N-1162, Europe-W- Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
1191, Serbia-W-1238, Norway-N-1243, Origin: Africa, Europe
Canada-N-1252, Japan-N-1278, Global-W- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture
1349, Serbia-A-1372, Austria-N-1531, Dispersed by: Humans
Canada-I-1538, Faroe Islands-W-1609, References: Egypt-W-221, Saudi Arabia-A-
Finland-W-1609, Ireland-W-1609, Sweden- 25, Global-Q-1205, Saudi Arabia-A-797,
W-1609, Iceland-W-1609, United India-N-1345, Saudi Arabia-A-1504,
Kingdom-N-1636, Finland-A-87, Australia-Q-1123, Egypt-A-2088.
Germany-A-87, Russia-A-87, Iceland-A-
87, New Zealand-A-87, United States of
America-A-87, Serbia-A-1019, Croatia-A-
1037, Global-CD-1611, Global-ZD-1581,
Iceland-N-1552, United States of America-

Aeluropus litoralis (Willd.) Parl. Aeonium arboreum (L.) Webb & Aeonium arboreum Webb.& Berth.
Poaceae Berthel. 'Schwartzkopf'
Total N° of Refs: 2 Crassulaceae Crassulaceae
Habit: Grass Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aeonium arboreum Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean (L.) Webb. & Berth. var. rubrolineatum Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Weed of: Cereals (Svent.) H.Y.Liu (1) Dispersed by: Humans
References: Russia-A-87, Iran-A-2111. Total N° of Refs: 67 References: South Africa-N-1310.
Global Risk Score: 2.88
Aeluropus littoralis (Gouan) Parl. Rating: Low Aeonium canariense (L.) Webb &
Poaceae Habit: perennial Herb Berthel.
Total N° of Refs: 11 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Crassulaceae
Habit: perennial Grass Origin: Africa, Europe Total N° of Refs: 4
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Habit: Shrub
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Origin: E Asia, Europe References: United Kingdom-U-40, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Pasture Australia-W-54, Global-N-85, United Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
References: Egypt-W-221, Europe, eastern- States of America-N-101, Australia-N-198, References: United Kingdom-C-314,
W-272, China-A-275, United States of Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945, United Spain-N-1454, Global-CD-1611, New
America-N-101, Europe-N-819, Saudi Kingdom-C-314, Australia-E-380, New Zealand-U-2048.
Arabia-A-25, Global-Q-1205, Global-A- Zealand-N-534, Australia-EN-310,
1207, Belgium-U-1220, Australia-Q-1123, Portugal-N-662, Portugal-N-718, Italy-N- Aeonium castello-paivae Bolle
Belgium-W-1977. 733, Mediterranean-I-775, Australia-EN-7, Crassulaceae
Spain-W-807, Australia-N-855, Australia- Total N° of Refs: 2
Aeluropus sinensis (Debeaux) Tzvel. W-869, New Zealand-N-919, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Poaceae Mediterranean-W-951, Australia-N-354, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 1 Spain-N-1006, France-N-1006, Greece-N- Dispersed by: Humans
Habit: Grass 1006, Portugal-N-1006, Malta-N-1006, References: Australia-N-855, Australia-W-
References: China-W-297. Spain-N-1006, Malta-N-1089, Portugal-N- 1977.
898, Europe-N-819, Greece-NI-1142,
Aeluropus villosus Trin. Iberian Peninsular-N-1147, Crete-U-1150, Aeonium cuneatum Webb & Berthel.
Poaceae Sardinia-NI-1151, Cyprus-N-1174, Italy-U- Crassulaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 251, South Africa-N-1310, Sardinia-N- Accepted name: Sempervivum cuneatum
Habit: Grass 1336, Sardinia-U-1381, Australia-N-1450, (Webb & Berthel.) H. Christ
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Spain-N-1454, Australia-E-1456, Malta-I- Total N° of Refs: 8
References: Iraq-A-87, Australia-Q-1123. 1470, New Zealand-N-1543, Spain-N- Habit: Shrub
1556, Global-CD-1611, Europe-UI-1740, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Aeollanthus pubescens Benth. Sardinia-N-1393, Australia-N-1902, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Lamiaceae Australia-N-1845, Italy-U-1887, Sardinia- Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Total N° of Refs: 1 U-1917, Australia-WD-1934, Australia-N- References: United Kingdom-N-40, United
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical 1959, Italy-N-1842, New Zealand-N-2048, Kingdom-C-314, United Kingdom-N-519,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal Algeria-W-1977, Australia-W-1977, United Kingdom-CN-812, United
References: Togo-A-1673. Cyprus-W-1977, Greece-W-1977, India-W- Kingdom-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Global-
1977, Italy-W-1977, Malta-W-1977, Peru- CD-1611, United Kingdom-W-1977.
Aeollanthus suaveolens Mart. ex Spreng. W-1977, Portugal-W-1977.
Lamiaceae Aeonium decorum (Webb) Bolle
Total N° of Refs: 1 Aeonium arboreum (L.) Webb & Crassulaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Berthel. var. arboreum Accepted name: Sempervivum decorum
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Crassulaceae (Webb) H. Christ
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 7
References: Global-N-1059. Habit: Shrub Habit: perennial Herb
References: New Zealand-U-2048. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Aeonium aizoon (Bolle) T.H.M.Mes Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Crassulaceae Aeonium arboreum (L.) Webb. & Berth. Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 1 var. rubrolineatum (Svent.) H.Y.Liu References: Europe-N-819, Italy-U-251,
References: Algeria-W-1977. Crassulaceae Sardinia-N-1336, Sardinia-N-1393, Italy-
Total N° of Refs: 67 U-1887, Sardinia-U-1917, Italy-W-1977.
References: New Zealand-U-2048.
Aeonium x floribundum A.Berger
Aeonium arboreum (L.) Webb & Crassulaceae
Berthel. 'Atropurpureum' Accepted name: Aeonium x hybridum
Crassulaceae (Haw.) G. Rowley
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 4
Habit: Herb Habit: Herb
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans
References: New Zealand-N-280, New References: New Zealand-UW-280, New
Zealand-N-2048. Zealand-N-823, New Zealand-U-919, New

Aeonium glutinosum (Ait.) Webb & Aeonium holochrysum Webb & Berth. Aeonium urbicum (C.A.Sm.) Webb &
Berth. Crassulaceae Berthel.
Crassulaceae Total N° of Refs: 2 Crassulaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 Habit: Shrub Total N° of Refs: 5
Habit: Shrub Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Habit: Herb
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
References: Portugal-N-1006, Europe-N- References: Spain-U-1454, Algeria-W- Dispersed by: Humans
819. 1977. References: New Zealand-N-280, New
Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N-919, New
Aeonium gomerense (Praeger) Praeger Aeonium x hybridum (Haw.) G. Rowley Zealand-N-2048, Algeria-W-1977.
Crassulaceae Crassulaceae
Total N° of Refs: 4 Accepted name: parents = Aeonium simsii Aeonium x velutinum Praeger
Habit: Shrub (Sweet) Stearn x Aeonium spathulatum Crassulaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean (Hornem.) Praeger Total N° of Refs: 4
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aeonium x Habit: Herb
Dispersed by: Humans floribundum A.Berger (4) Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
References: Italy-U-251, Europe-W-1325, Total N° of Refs: 4 Dispersed by: Humans
Italy-U-1887, Italy-W-1977. References: New Zealand-N-280, New
Aeonium percarneum (Murr.) Pit. & Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N-919, New
Aeonium haworthii Salm-Dyck ex Webb Proust Zealand-N-2048.
& Berthel. Crassulaceae
Crassulaceae Total N° of Refs: 1 Aerangis biloba (Lindl.) Schltr.
Total N° of Refs: 34 Habit: Succulent Orchidaceae
Global Risk Score: 0.24 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 1
Rating: Low Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Habit: perennial Herb
Habit: Herb Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean References: Spain-U-1454. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Origin: Africa Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Aeonium simsii (Sweet) Stearn References: Algeria-W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans Crassulaceae
References: Australia-W-54, United States Total N° of Refs: 4 Aerides spp. Lour.
of America-N-101, New Zealand-N-280, Habit: Shrub Orchidaceae
Australia-N-198, Australia-E-327, New Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 1
Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N-15, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans
Australia-EN-7, Australia-W-869, New Dispersed by: Humans References: Chile-I-1872.
Zealand-W-906, New Zealand-N-919, References: Europe-N-819, Italy-U-251,
Australia-N-855, Australia-N-354, France- Italy-U-1887, Italy-W-1977.
N-1006, France-N-1006, Portugal-N-898,
Europe-N-819, New Zealand-E-505, Italy- Aeonium spathulatum (Hornem.) Praeg.
U-251, Australia-E-1259, Australia-E- Crassulaceae
1261, Australia-N-1450, Spain-U-1454, Total N° of Refs: 2
Australia-N-1902, Australia-UN-1845, Habit: perennial Herb
Italy-U-1887, Australia-N-1959, Italy-U- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
1842, New Zealand-N-2048, Australia-W- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
1977, France-W-1977, Italy-W-1977, New Dispersed by: Humans
Zealand-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977. References: China-N-1215, China-N-1344.

Aeonium haworthii Salm-Dyck ex Webb Aeonium spp. Webb & Berth.

& Berthel. 'Major' Crassulaceae
Crassulaceae Total N° of Refs: 4
Total N° of Refs: 1 Habit: Succulent
Habit: Herb Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157,
Dispersed by: Humans Global-CD-1611, Europe-X-1740, Chile-I-
References: New Zealand-N-15. 1872.

Aeonium haworthii hybrids Webb & Aeonium undulatum Webb & Berthel.
Berthel. & others Crassulaceae
Crassulaceae Total N° of Refs: 4
Total N° of Refs: 2 Habit: Herb
Habit: Herb Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
References: New Zealand-N-919, New Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Zealand-N-2048. Dispersed by: Humans
References: New Zealand-N-280, New
Zealand-N-919, New Zealand-N-2048,

Aerva javanica (Burm. f.) Juss. ex Aerva leucura Moq. Aeschynomene americana L.
Schult. Amaranthaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Amaranthaceae Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aeschynomene
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aerva persica Preferred Climate/s: Dryland americana L. var. glandulosa (Poir.) Rudd
(Burm. f.) Merr. (1), Aerva tomentosa Origin: Africa (7)
Forssk. (4) Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Total N° of Refs: 97
Total N° of Refs: 52 Ornamental Global Risk Score: 10.56
Global Risk Score: 7.2 Dispersed by: Humans, Cattle, Livestock Rating: Medium
Rating: Medium References: Zimbabwe-ZD-1434. Aqua - Habit: annual Herb
Habit: annual Herb Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Aerva persica (Burm. f.) Merr. Origin: C Am, N Am, S Am
Subtropical, Tropical Amaranthaceae Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Origin: Africa, E Asia, S Am Accepted name: Aerva javanica (Burm. f.) Ornamental, Pasture
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Juss. ex Schult. Dispersed by: Humans
Herbal, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 48 Weed of: Bananas, Cereals, Orchards &
Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Plantations, Pastures
Weed of: Cereals, Cotton, Orchards & References: Iran-A-1619. References: Cuba-A-14, Australia-W-93,
Plantations, Pastures Papua New Guinea-W-276, Vietnam-W-
References: Australia-W-93, Australia-W- Aerva sanguinolenta (L.) Blume 262, Brazil-W-255, Thailand-A-239,
205, Australia-EN-7, Egypt-W-221, Amaranthaceae Thailand-A-209, Australia-N-368,
Global-N-85, Australia-N-945, Pakistan-A- Total N° of Refs: 3 Philippines-W-412, Australia, northern-W-
837, Australia-W-853, Australia-N-855, Habit: perennial Herb 454, Singapore-N-476, Taiwan-N-500,
Australia-N-856, Australia-N-868, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Thailand-A-575, Taiwan-N-777, Australia-
Australia-E-880, Australia-N-354, India-I- Subtropical, Tropical N-7, Thailand-W-821, Thailand-W-822,
1047, Australia-N-1049, India-AN-1148, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Global-ZW-85, Peru-A-153, Japan-N-287,
Saudi Arabia-W-1237, Saudi Arabia-A- Ornamental Australia-N-945, Global-W-344, Japan-N-
797, India-I-1279, India-I-1280, Pakistan- Dispersed by: Humans 794, Thailand-W-810, Australia-N-868,
A-704, Australia-A-1331, India-I-1345, References: India-W-1307, south and Central America-A-933, Australia-N-354,
Africa-A-1384, India-N-1389, Cape Verde- southeast Asia-A-1320, Bangladesh-A- Madagascar-N-1001, United States of
N-1414, Australia-N-1450, Australia-E- 1761. America-I-1046, India-I-1047, Europe-N-
1456, Australia-ND-1491, Saudi Arabia-A- 819, Laos-N-1102, India-AN-1148,
1525, India-N-1628, India-A-87, Pakistan- Aerva tomentosa Forssk. Cambodia-A-1173, United States of
A-87, Sudan-A-87, India-A-1025, India-A- Amaranthaceae America-Q-1197, China-N-1215, Belgium-
1026, India-A-1448, India-W-1672, Accepted name: Aerva javanica (Burm. f.) U-1220, Mexico-W-1226, Burma-
Kuwait-N-1692, Pakistan-A-1720, Juss. ex Schult. Myanmar-A-1254, Japan-N-1278, India-I-
Pakistan-A-1527, India-I-1764, India-W- Total N° of Refs: 51 1279, India-I-1280, Singapore-N-1290,
1829, Oman-A-1870, Saudi Arabia-A- Global Risk Score: 2.24 south and southeast Asia-A-1320, La
1951, Australia-W-1977, India-W-1977. Rating: Low Reunion-NW-1321, Madagascar-N-1000,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, India-I-1345, Global-W-1349, Vietnam-E-
Aerva lanata (L.) Juss. ex Schult. Ornamental, Pasture 1386, Taiwan-N-1403, south and southeast
Amaranthaceae Dispersed by: Humans Asia-A-1408, Taiwan-AN-1413,
Total N° of Refs: 25 Weed of: Cereals Dominican Republic-A-1473, Dominican
Global Risk Score: 3.6 References: Global-A-1207, Pakistan-A- Republic-A-1475, India-N-1628,
Rating: Low 1305, India-N-1632, Mozambique-A-1734. UGANDA-A-569, India-A-87, Puerto
Habit: perennial Herb Rico-A-87, Mexico-A-87, Peru-A-87,
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Aeschynomene afraspera J. Leonard Philippines-A-87, El Salvador-A-87,
Tropical Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Australia, northern-W-1204, Honduras-A-
Origin: Africa, Aust, E Asia, SE Asia Total N° of Refs: 4 1677, Federated States of Micronesia-I-
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical 1732, Taiwan-W-1748, North America-N-
Herbal, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental 1760, India-I-1764, Singapore-N-1839,
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals Dispersed by: Humans Honduras-A-1889, Honduras-A-1890,
Weed of: Bananas, Cereals, Cotton, References: Burkina Faso-A-549, Africa- Honduras-A-1891, Honduras-W-1892,
Orchards & Plantations A-1332, Africa-A-1333, Algeria-A-471. Australia-WD-1934, India-A-1936, -I-,
References: India-A-66, Egypt-W-221, Vietnam-A-1982, Australia-W-1977,
Global-W-85, India-A-948, Global-A- Belgium-W-1977, Bhutan-W-1977, Cuba-
1207, Saudi Arabia-A-797, south and W-1977, India-W-1977, Japan-W-1977,
southeast Asia-A-1320, India-A-1359, Lao People's Democratic Republic-W-
Nigeria-A-1360, south and southeast Asia- 1977, Malaysia-W-1977, Micronesia
A-1408, Sri Lanka-ZD-1020, Ghana-A-87, (Federated States of)-W-1977, Palau-W-
India-A-87, India-A-1034, India-A-1448, 1977, Papua New Guinea-W-1977,
India-W-1672, India-A-1696, India-A- Singapore-W-1977, Taiwan-W-1977, Viet
1698, India-A-1702, India-AN-1794, India- Nam-W-1977.
W-1866, India-A-1936, India-R-1984,
Nigeria-A-2067, Maldives-W-1977.

Aeschynomene americana L. var. Aeschynomene brasiliana (Poir.) DC. Aeschynomene falcata (Poir.) DC.
americana Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Total N° of Refs: 12 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aeschynomene
Total N° of Refs: 5 Global Risk Score: 5.12 falcata (Poir.) DC. var. falcata (1)
Global Risk Score: 1.28 Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 5
Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Global Risk Score: 2.56
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Origin: C Am, N Am, S Am Rating: Low
Origin: C Am, N Am Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture Habit: Shrub
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Livestock Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Dispersed by: Humans Weed of: Cereals, Pastures Origin: S Am
References: Australia-N-368, Australia-N- References: Australia-N-354, Australia-W- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
354, Australia-N-1491, Cuba-N-1505, 1210, Australia-A-1331, Honduras-A-1677, Ornamental, Pasture
Cuba-I-2055. Australia-ED-1756, Australia-A-1757, Dispersed by: Humans
Honduras-A-1890, Honduras-A-1891, References: Paraguay-NI-876, Madagascar-
Aeschynomene americana L. var. Honduras-W-1892, Australia-A-1928, N-1000, Australia-ZD-1675, Brazil-R-
glandulosa (Poir.) Rudd Australia-W-1977, India-W-1977. 2053.
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Accepted name: Aeschynomene americana Aeschynomene brevifolia L. ex Poir. Aeschynomene falcata (Poir.) DC. var.
L. Fabaceae - Papilionaceae falcata
Total N° of Refs: 97 Total N° of Refs: 5 Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Accepted name: Aeschynomene falcata
Origin: C Am, N Am Origin: Africa (Poir.) DC.
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 5
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans References: Paraguay-A-2070.
References: Australia-N-354, China-N- References: Global-N-85, Australia-N-945,
1215, Taiwan-N-1403, Cuba-N-1505, Australia-W-853, Australia-N-354, Aeschynomene fluitans Peter
Cuba-NI-2055, Cuba-W-1977, Taiwan-W- Australia-W-1977. Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
1977. Total N° of Refs: 1
Aeschynomene denticulata Rudd Aqua - Habit:
Aeschynomene aspera L. Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Total N° of Refs: 5 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Accepted name: Aeschynomene indica L. Aqua - Habit: annual Herb Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 146 Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical References: Global-W-1324.
Global Risk Score: 1.2 Origin: S Am
Rating: Low References: Brazil-W-255, Brazil-W-361, Aeschynomene gracilis Vogel
Aqua - Habit: annual Herb Brazil-W-407, Argentina-A-236, Paraguay- Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical NI-876. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aeschynomene
Origin: Aust, C Asia, E Asia, SE Asia portoricensis Urban (1)
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Aeschynomene elaphroxylon (Guill. & Total N° of Refs: 1
Ornamental Perr.) Taub. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Dispersed by: Humans, Water Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
References: Vietnam-W-262, Thailand-A- Total N° of Refs: 2 Aeschynomene histrix Poir.
239, southeast Asia-W-191, Asia-W-204, Habit: perennial Herb Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Thailand-A-359, Thailand-W-821, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aeschynomene
Thailand-W-822, Australia-N-945, Nepal- Tropical histrix var. incana Poir.
A-591, Australia-N-354, Sri Lanka-AD- Origin: Africa Total N° of Refs: 6
1195, Global-A-1207, Asia-A-1231, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Global Risk Score: 1.28
Global-A-1233, Burma-Myanmar-A-1254, Dispersed by: Humans Rating: Low
south and southeast Asia-A-1320, References: Madagascar-N-1001, Habit: perennial Herb
Madagascar-N-1000, Malaysia-A-1354, Madagascar-N-1000. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
south and southeast Asia-A-1408, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture
Thailand-A-87, Bangladesh-A-87, India-A- Aeschynomene evenia C. Wright Dispersed by: Humans
87, Vietnam-A-87, Malaysia-A-1043, Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Weed of: Pastures
India-A-1936, Vietnam-A-1982. Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Brazil-W-255, United States of
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical America-N-101, Central America-W-157,
Origin: S Am Brazil-A-2051, Brazil-R-2053, Bhutan-W-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture 1977.
Dispersed by: Humans
References: United States of America-N- Aeschynomene histrix Poir. var. incana
101. (Vogel) Benth.
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Origin: S Am
References: United States of America-N-

Aeschynomene indica L. 1977, Mauritius-W-1977, Micronesia Aeschynomene paniculatus Willd. ex
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae (Federated States of)-W-1977, Myanmar- Vog.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aeschynomene W-1977, Nepal-W-1977, Papua New Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
aspera L. (26), Aeschynomene virginica Guinea-W-1977, Singapore-W-1977, South Accepted name: Aeschynomene paniculata
auct. mult. (14) Africa-W-1977, Sri Lanka-W-1977, Viet Willd. ex Vogel
Total N° of Refs: 160 Nam-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 14
Global Risk Score: 26.88 References: United States of America-N-
Rating: High Aeschynomene lateritia HARMS 101.
Toxic, Aqua - Habit: Herb Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bakerophyton Aeschynomene portoricensis Urban
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical lateritium (Harms) Hutch. ex Maheshw. Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Origin: C Am, E Asia, N Am, (1) Accepted name: Aeschynomene gracilis
Cosmopolitan Total N° of Refs: 1 Vogel
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Habit: Tree Total N° of Refs: 1
Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture References: Puerto Rico-A-87.
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Water Aeschynomene marginata Benth.
Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations, Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Aeschynomene rudis Benth.
Vegetables Total N° of Refs: 2 Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
References: Federated States of Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 11
Micronesia-N-230, Papua New Guinea-W- References: Brazil-A-923, Brazil-A-87. Global Risk Score: 1.44
276, Vietnam-W-262, Thailand-A-239, Rating: Low
South Africa-AZW-121, Indonesia-A-170, Aeschynomene micranthos (Poir.) DC. Aqua - Habit: annual/perennial Herb
Taiwan-W-235, Asia-AW-204, Brazil-W- Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
361, Brazil-W-407, Australia-N-368, Total N° of Refs: 3 Origin: S Am
Thailand-A-359, Cameroon-A-551, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Thailand-W-821, Thailand-W-822, Global- Origin: Africa Ornamental
NXZW-85, Global-W-217, Japan-A-263, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture Dispersed by: Humans, Water
United States of America-W-161, Japan- Dispersed by: Humans References: Brazil-A-245, Brazil-W-255,
W-286, United States of America-W-218, References: Australia-N-368, Australia-N- Brazil-W-361, Brazil-W-407, United States
China-W-297, China-A-275, Australia-N- 354, Australia-W-1977. of America-X-35, Global-NXW-85, South
945, China-W-431, Global-W-344, United America-A-270, United States of America-
States of America-A-543, Pacific-W-621, Aeschynomene montevidensis Vogel AZD-661, North America-X-790, United
South Korea-A-648, India-AZ-712, North Fabaceae - Papilionaceae States of America-X-229, Argentina-AD-
America-X-790, Thailand-W-810, Total N° of Refs: 2 1198.
Australia-N-856, Australia-W-869, United Aqua - Habit:
States of America-X-229, China-I-1055, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Aeschynomene scabra G.Don
Australia-W-1068, Europe-N-819, Sri References: Brazil-W-361, Brazil-W-407. Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Lanka-AD-1195, China-N-1215, Belgium- Total N° of Refs: 2
U-1220, Asia-A-1231, Global-A-1233, Aeschynomene paniculata Willd. ex Aqua - Habit:
South Africa-I-1247, Burma-Myanmar-A- Vogel Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
1254, Botswana-N-1284, Singapore-N- Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture
1290, south and southeast Asia-A-1320, La Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aeschynomene Dispersed by: Humans
Reunion-NW-1321, Uzbekistan-Q-1322, paniculatus Willd. ex Vog. (1) References: Mexico-W-1226, French
Global-W-1324, Africa-A-1332, India-I- Total N° of Refs: 14 Polynesia-N-1514.
1345, Global-W-1349, India-A-1359, Global Risk Score: 1.28
Africa-A-1384, Vietnam-A-1373, south Rating: Low Aeschynomene schimperi Hochst. ex A.
and southeast Asia-A-1408, Sri Lanka-ZD- Habit: perennial Herb Rich.
1020, French Polynesia-N-1514, Fiji-A- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
1521, Afghanistan-A-87, Cambodia-A-87, Origin: N Am, S Am Total N° of Refs: 4
Ecuador-A-87, South Korea-A-87, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture Global Risk Score: 1.04
Thailand-A-87, Sri Lanka-A-87, India-A- Dispersed by: Humans Rating: Low
87, Senegal-A-87, Japan-A-87, Mauritius- Weed of: Pastures Habit: Shrub
A-87, Philippines-A-87, Botswana-A-87, References: Brazil-W-255, United States of Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical,
China-A-87, Republic of Congo-A-87, America-N-301, United States of America- Tropical
Colombia-A-87, Benin-A-87, Fiji-A-87, N-839, United States of America-N-101, Origin: Africa
Ghana-A-87, Guatemala-A-87, Hong Australia-N-864, Australia-N-354, Major Pathway/s: Pasture
Kong-A-87, Indonesia-A-87, Nepal-A-87, Australia-W-1210, United States of Dispersed by: Humans
New Guinea-A-87, Polynesia, West-A-87, America-N-1292, Australia-A-1331, References: Madagascar-N-1001, Global-
Puerto Rico-A-87, Zimbabwe-A-87, Australia-A-1757, Australia-A-1928, Q-1205, Madagascar-N-1000, Australia-Q-
Taiwan-A-87, Vietnam-A-87, North Korea- United States of America-N-2092, 1123.
A-1018, India-A-1038, India-W-1672, Australia-W-1977.
India-A-1702, China-I-1769, China-A-
1615, Guinea-A-1823, Singapore-N-1839,
Nepal-A-1932, India-A-1936, Vietnam-A-
1982, South Africa-N-1991, India-A-2000,
South Korea-AN-2032, Burkina Faso-A-
2068, Australia-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977,
Cambodia-W-1977, Colombia-W-1977,
Fiji-W-1977, India-W-1977, Malaysia-W-

Aeschynomene sensitiva Sw. Aeschynomene virginica auct. mult. Aesculus x carnea Hayne
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Hippocastanaceae
Total N° of Refs: 16 Accepted name: Aeschynomene indica L. Accepted name: parents = Aesculus
Global Risk Score: 1.76 Total N° of Refs: 134 hippocastanum L. x Aesculus pavia L.
Rating: Low Global Risk Score: 1.44 [most probable parents]
Aqua - Habit: Rating: Low Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aesculus carnea
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Aqua - Habit: Hayne (11)
Origin: S Am Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Total N° of Refs: 22
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental, Major Pathway/s: Herbal Global Risk Score: 2.16
Pasture Dispersed by: Water Rating: Low
Dispersed by: Humans Weed of: Cereals, Vegetables Habit: Tree
References: Cuba-A-14, Brazil-W-361, References: Global-X-85, United States of Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal,
Brazil-W-407, Global-N-85, United States America-W-161, United States of America- Ornamental
of America-N-101, Colombia-A-927, W-218, United States of America-A-543, Dispersed by: Humans
Puerto Rico-A-929, Mozambique-nC-943, North America-X-790, United States of References: United Kingdom-N-314, Czech
Africa-A-1332, Dominican Republic-A- America-X-229, Japan-ID-1073, Global-A- Republic-U-400, Europe-N-819, Norway-
1472, Dominican Republic-A-1475, Puerto 1233, south and southeast Asia-A-1320, N-1243, Czech Republic-U-1522, Norway-
Rico-A-87, Angola-A-87, Colombia-A-87, Uzbekistan-Q-1322, Global-W-1349, W-1609, Czech Republic-U-1731, Chile-I-
Suriname-A-87, Trinidad-A-87. Nigeria-A-1701, Nigeria-A-2073, Japan- 1872, Algeria-W-1977, Czech Republic-W-
W-1977. 1977, France-W-1977.
Aeschynomene sensitiva Sw. var.
hispidula (Kunth) Rudd Aeschynomene viscidula Michx. Aesculus carnea Hayne
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Hippocastanaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 2 Accepted name: Aesculus x carnea Hayne
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 22
References: Global-A-1233, Brazil-A-87. Major Pathway/s: Herbal Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
References: Venezuela-W-1511, Eastern Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Aeschynomene spp. L. Caribbean-N-1742. References: United Kingdom-N-519,
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae United Kingdom-C-812, France-N-1006,
Total N° of Refs: 5 Aesculus arguta Buckley Italy-U-251, Global-CD-1611, Italy-U-
Aqua - Habit: Hippocastanaceae 1887, Chile-W-1977, Ireland-W-1977,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Accepted name: Aesculus glabra var. Italy-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977, United
Dispersed by: Humans, Water arguta (Buckl.) B.L.Robins. Kingdom-W-1977.
Weed of: Vegetables Total N° of Refs: 7
References: Global-XW-85, United States References: United States of America-W- Aesculus chinensis Bunge
of America-A-543, Venezuela-A-932, 218. Hippocastanaceae
Argentina-AD-1198, Costa Rica-W-1570. Total N° of Refs: 2
Aesculus californica (Spach) Nutt. Habit: Tree
Aeschynomene uniflora E. Mey. Hippocastanaceae Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Total N° of Refs: 2 Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 2 Toxic - Habit: Tree Dispersed by: Humans
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean References: Laos-N-1102, Lao People's
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Origin: N Am Democratic Republic-W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
References: south and southeast Asia-A- Ornamental Aesculus flava Sol.
1320, La Reunion-NW-1321. Dispersed by: Humans Hippocastanaceae
References: United States of America-W- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aesculus octandra
Aeschynomene villosa Poir. 218, Algeria-W-1977. Marshall (2)
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Total N° of Refs: 12
Total N° of Refs: 9 Toxic - Habit: Tree
Global Risk Score: 1.28 Origin: N Am
Rating: Low Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Ornamental
Origin: C Am, N Am, S Am Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture References: United Kingdom-C-314,
Dispersed by: Humans Canada and United States of America-N-
References: Australia-W-93, Australia-N- 725, Poland-N-1006, Europe-N-819,
368, Australia-EN-7, Australia-N-945, Poland-W-1609, Poland-N-1040, Global-
Australia-N-868, Australia-N-354, CD-1611, Chile-W-1977, Croatia-W-1977,
Australia-N-1491, Australia-W-1977, Poland-W-1977.

Aesculus glabra Willd. Aesculus hippocastanum L. 1977, Germany-W-1977, Ireland-W-1977,
Hippocastanaceae Hippocastanaceae Italy-W-1977, Latvia-W-1977,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aesculus arguta Total N° of Refs: 137 Liechtenstein-W-1977, Lithuania-W-1977,
Buckley (1) Global Risk Score: 19.44 Luxembourg-W-1977, Netherlands-W-
Total N° of Refs: 7 Rating: High 1977, Poland-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977,
Global Risk Score: 3.6 Toxic - Habit: Tree Slovakia-W-1977, Slovenia-W-1977,
Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Sweden-W-1977, Ukraine-W-1977, United
Toxic - Habit: Tree Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Kingdom-W-1977.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Origin: N Am Forestry, Herbal, Ornamental Aesculus indica (Wall. ex Cambess.)
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Hook.
Ornamental References: United Kingdom-N-40, Hippocastanaceae
Dispersed by: Humans Finland-C-42, United States of America-E- Total N° of Refs: 19
References: United States of America-W- 80, Global-N-108, Global-ZW-85, United Global Risk Score: 4.32
218, Canada-A-642, Canada and United States of America-N-101, Canada-W-4, Rating: Low
States of America-N-725, United States of New Zealand-N-280, Australia-C-401, Habit: Tree
America-E-1736, Chile-I-1872, Chile-W- United Kingdom-N-314, Australia-E-380, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
1977. Czech Republic-U-400, United Kingdom- Subtropical, Tropical
N-519, New Zealand-N-15, Canada-A-642, Origin: C Asia, E Asia
Australia-N-310, Austria-UC-708, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal,
Denmark-CN-711, Canada and United Ornamental
States of America-N-725, Lithuania-I-737, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Canada-C-756, United States of America- References: New Zealand-UW-280, United
E-151, Global-N-714, Global-W-788, Kingdom-N-314, United Kingdom-N-519,
Hungary-U-809, United Kingdom-C-812, Canada and United States of America-N-
Switzerland-UI-818, Australia-N-855, 725, United Kingdom-C-812, New
Ireland-N-894, Germany-N-907, New Zealand-N-823, India-N-914, New
Zealand-N-919, Chile-A-931, Belgium-N- Zealand-U-919, Australia-N-354,
1006, France-N-1006, Germany-N-1006, Australia-N-1049, Europe-N-819, Belgium-
Iceland-N-1006, Italy-N-1006, U-1220, India-N-1389, Global-CD-1611,
Liechtenstein-N-1006, Lithuania-N-1006, India-N-1765, New Zealand-U-2048, India-
Netherlands-N-1006, Poland-N-1006, NI-2109, Belgium-W-1977, United
Spain-N-1006, Europe-N-1072, Europe-N- Kingdom-W-1977.
819, Spain-I-1149, Poland-ER-1219,
Belgium-N-1220, Norway-N-1243, Italy- Aesculus octandra Marshall
U-251, Hungary-U-1255, Romania-U- Hippocastanaceae
1264, Italy-N-1265, Poland-E-1268, Spain- Accepted name: Aesculus flava Aiton
U-1270, France-I-1273, Ukraine-N-1297, Total N° of Refs: 12
Romania-U-1334, Ukraine-N-1335, Global Risk Score: 1.2
Sardinia-U-1336, Serbia-W-1222, Spain-U- Rating: Low
1454, Spain-U-1455, Slovakia-N-1484, ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Czech Republic-N-1522, Austria-N-1531, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Norway-N-1535, Romania-U-1537, Central Ornamental
Europe-N-1602, Estonia-W-1609, Austria- Dispersed by: Humans
W-1609, Czech Republic-W-1609, References: United States of America-W-
Denmark-W-1609, Germany-W-1609, 218, Chile-I-1872.
Ireland-W-1609, Lithuania-W-1609,
Netherlands-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, Aesculus parviflora Walter
Poland-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, Hippocastanaceae
Romania-N-1629, United Kingdom-N- Total N° of Refs: 6
1636, Latvia-N-1014, Poland-N-1040, Toxic - Habit: Shrub
Global-CD-1611, Poland-U-1716, Czech Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Republic-N-1731, United States of Subtropical
America-E-1736, Europe-UN-1740, Origin: N Am
Russia-C-1671, Ukraine-N-1798, Sweden- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
N-1802, Sardinia-U-1393, Poland-NR- Ornamental
1827, Austria-N-1828, Canada-G-1855, Dispersed by: Humans
Chile-I-1872, Italy-U-1887, Romania-U- References: United Kingdom-U-314,
1905, Russia-N-1919, France-W-1943, Hungary-U-809, Europe-N-819, Hungary-
Poland-R-1947, Germany-R-1948, -I-, U-1255, Sweden-W-1609, Sweden-W-
Romania-U-1986, Switzerland-U-1990, 1977.
Poland-N-1993, Estonia-N-1997, Ukraine-
U-2014, New Zealand-N-2048, Ukraine-N-
2050, Poland-U-2062, Ukraine-N-2112,
Algeria-W-1977, Armenia-W-1977,
Australia-W-1977, Austria-W-1977,
Belgium-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Chile-
W-1977, Croatia-W-1977, Czech Republic-
W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, France-W-

Aesculus pavia L. Aetheorhiza bulbosa (L.) Cass. Aethusa cynapium L.
Hippocastanaceae Asteraceae Apiaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aesculus pavia L. Accepted name: Crepis bullosa Tausch Total N° of Refs: 92
var. discolor (Pursh) Torr. & A. Gray (1) Total N° of Refs: 10 Global Risk Score: 14.4
Total N° of Refs: 12 Habit: Herb Rating: Medium
Global Risk Score: 2.4 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Toxic - Habit: biennial Herb
Rating: Low Origin: Africa, Europe Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Toxic - Habit: Shrub Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Origin: E Asia, Europe
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Subtropical References: Egypt-W-221, western Europe- Herbal, Ornamental
Origin: N Am W-70, United Kingdom-C-314, United Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Kingdom-N-519, New Zealand-U-919, Livestock, Sheep, Wind
Ornamental Portugal-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Global- Seed Longevity: Long Term
Dispersed by: Humans W-1324, Global-CD-1611. Weed of: Canola, Carrots, Cereals,
References: United States of America-W- Orchards & Plantations, Vegetables
218, Europe-N-819, United States of Aetheorhiza bulbosa (L.) Cass. subsp. References: Global-A-44, Global-W-108,
America-N-101, United States of America- bulbosa Global-NZW-85, Europe-A-94, Global-A-
A-1160, Chile-I-1872, Belgium-U-1294, Asteraceae 243, United States of America-N-101,
Belgium-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Chile- Total N° of Refs: 1 Italy-A-118, United States of America-W-
W-1977, Croatia-W-1977, France-W-1977. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean 161, western Europe-A-253, Europe,
Origin: Africa, Europe eastern-AW-272, western Europe-W-70,
Aesculus pavia L. var. discolor (Pursh) Major Pathway/s: Ornamental United States of America-W-218, Spain-A-
Torr. & A. Gray Dispersed by: Humans 417, Czech Republic-NZI-400, United
Hippocastanaceae References: New Zealand-N-823. Kingdom-N-519, Ukraine-NR-643,
Accepted name: Aesculus pavia var. pavia Denmark-A-663, France-A-665, Italy-A-
Total N° of Refs: 12 Aethionema armenum Boiss. 687, Denmark-A-692, Canada and United
Origin: N Am Brassicaceae States of America-N-725, Japan-N-794,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 1 Europe-A-889, Croatia-W-903, United
Dispersed by: Humans Global Risk Score: 0.72 States of America-U-904, United
References: Belgium-U-1220. Rating: Low Kingdom-Z-944, Czechoslovakia-N-1006,
Habit: Herb Denmark-N-1006, Iceland-N-1006,
Aesculus pavia L. var. pavia Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Norway-N-1006, Sweden-N-1006, Global-
Hippocastanaceae Dispersed by: Humans N-1059, Europe-N-819, United Kingdom-
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Turkey--1412. A-322, United Kingdom-A-1093, Europe-
References: United States of America-N- W-1191, Serbia-W-1238, Greece-W-1240,
101. Aethionema grandiflorum Boiss. & Denmark-A-1185, France-A-1266, Japan-
Hohen. N-1278, Ukraine-N-1297, Ukraine-N-1335,
Aesculus spp. L. Brassicaceae Global-W-1349, Finland-N-1356, Serbia-
Hippocastanaceae Total N° of Refs: 2 A-1357, France-A-1461, Slovakia-N-1484,
Total N° of Refs: 2 Habit: Herb Austria-N-1531, Norway-N-1535, Europe-
ToxicDispersed by: Humans Origin: E Asia A-1539, Czech Republic-W-1609,
References: Chile-A-931, northern Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Denmark-W-1609, Norway-W-1609,
European towns-W-2095. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Sweden-W-1609, United Kingdom-A-87,
References: United Kingdom-C-314, Russia-A-87, New Zealand-A-87, Global-
Aesculus sylvatica W. Bartram Global-CD-1611. ZD-1611, Iceland-U-1552, central Europe-
Hippocastanaceae A-1616, Austria-A-1670, France-A-1814,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Aethionema saxatile (L.) R.Br. Poland-A-1825, New Zealand-Q-1879,
Toxic - Habit: Shrub Brassicaceae France-A-1924, Poland-A-1952, Poland-A-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 3 1966, Central and northern Japan and
Dispersed by: Humans Global Risk Score: 0.72 northern islands-N-1983, France-A-2042,
References: United States of America-W- Rating: Low Poland-A-2047, Ukraine-N-2050, -AU-
218. Habit: Herb 2058, Poland-AN-2059, Poland-A-2061,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Poland-N-2062, Slovakia-A-2079, New
Aesculus turbinata Blume Origin: Africa, Europe Zealand-Q-2086, France-A-2094, Poland-
Hippocastanaceae Major Pathway/s: Ornamental A-2110, Ukraine-N-2112, Belarus-W-1977,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Water, Bulgaria-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Czech
Habit: Tree Wind Republic-W-1977, Iceland-W-1977,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean References: United Kingdom-U-314, Ireland-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Poland-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Argentina-I-983, Argentina-W-1977. W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977, Sweden-W-
Ornamental 1977, Ukraine-W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Canada and United States of Aethusa cynapium L. var. agrestis
America-N-725. (Wallr.) Dostál
Total N° of Refs: 2
Weed of: Cereals
References: Denmark-W-1609, Poland-A-

Aethusa cynapium L. var. cynapium Aframomum melegueta K.Schum. Agalinis communis (Cham. & Schltdl.)
Apiaceae Zingiberaceae D'Arcy
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1 Scrophulariaceae
References: Denmark-W-1609. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Synonym/s (n° of refs): Gerardia communis
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Cham. & Schltdl. (1)
Aethusa cynapium L. var. domestica Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 1
Wallr. Dispersed by: Humans
Apiaceae References: Democratic Republic of the Agalinis fasciculata (Ell.) Raf.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Congo-W-1977. Scrophulariaceae
References: Denmark-W-1609. Total N° of Refs: 3
Aframomum spp. K.Schum. Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Aethusa cynapium L. var. gigantea Lej. Zingiberaceae References: Puerto Rico-A-929, Global-N-
Apiaceae Total N° of Refs: 1 85, Puerto Rico-A-87.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Weed of: Cereals
References: Denmark-W-1609. References: Burkina Faso-A-2068. Agalinis paupercula (Gray) Britt.
Aethusa cynapium L. subsp. agrestis Afrocarpus falcatus (Thunb.) C.N.Page Total N° of Refs: 1
(Wallr.) Dostál Podocarpaceae Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Apiaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Nageia falcata References: Australia--, Australia-Q-1123.
Total N° of Refs: 8 (Thunb.) Kuntze (2)
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Total N° of Refs: 9 Agapanthus africanus (L.) Hoffm.
Dispersed by: Humans Global Risk Score: 1.68 Agapanthaceae
References: United Kingdom-N-519, Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 10
United Kingdom-NZ-812, United Habit: Tree Global Risk Score: 0.72
Kingdom-N-1006, Slovakia-N-1006, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Rating: Low
Poland-A-1219, Norway-N-1243, Poland- Origin: Africa Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
N-1993, United Kingdom-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Ornamental Subtropical, Tropical
Aethusa cynapium L. subsp. cynapioides Dispersed by: Humans Origin: Africa, N Am
(M. Bieb.) Nyman References: Australia-N-354, Global-W- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Apiaceae 1376, Global-I-1404, South Africa-N-1991, Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 3 New Zealand-U-2048, Australia-W-1977, References: India-NW-424, Global-N-85,
Origin: Europe South Africa-W-1977. India-N-1345, Bolivia-N-1630, Chile-I-
References: United Kingdom-U-314, 1872, Algeria-W-1977, Chile-W-1977,
Slovakia-N-1006, Norway-N-1243. Afrocarpus gracilior (Pilg.) C.N.Page India-W-1977, Jamaica-W-1977, Peru-W-
Podocarpaceae 1977.
Aethusa cynapium L. subsp. cynapium Synonym/s (n° of refs): Podocarpus
Apiaceae gracilior Pilg. (1) Agapanthus inapertus Beauv. subsp.
Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 1 pendulus (L. Bolus) F. M. Leight.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Habit: Tree Agapanthaceae
Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 1
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
References: Denmark-N-711, Slovakia-N- Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans
1006, Norway-N-1243. References: Algeria-W-1977.
Afrocarpus mannii (Hook. f.) C. N. Page
Aethusa cynapium L. subsp. elata Podocarpaceae Agapanthus orientalis F.M.Leight.
Hoffm. ex Schübl. & G.Martens Total N° of Refs: 1 Agapanthaceae
Apiaceae Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Accepted name: Agapanthus praecox
Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans Willd. subsp. orientalis (F.M.Leight.)
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant References: United States of America-N- F.M.Leight.)
Dispersed by: Humans 1114. Total N° of Refs: 53
References: Denmark-N-711. Global Risk Score: 0.48
Afzelia martabanica (Prain) J. Leonard Rating: Low
Aethusa cynapium L. subsp. segetalis Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae Toxic - Habit: Herb
(Boenn.) Schübl. & G.Martens Synonym/s (n° of refs): Pahudia Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Apiaceae martabanica Prain (1) Origin: Africa
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 2 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: New Zealand-N-534, New
References: Denmark-N-711. Dispersed by: Humans Zealand-N-15, Australia-CE-168,
References: India-W-1977. Australia-E-189, New Zealand-W-906,
Agalinis auriculata (Michx.) S. F. Blake
Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Global-N-85.

Agapanthus praecox Willd. Agapanthus praecox Willd. subsp. Agarista populifolia (Lam.) Judd
Agapanthaceae orientalis (F.M.Leight.) F.M.Leight. Ericaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Agapanthus Agapanthaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Leucothoe
orientalis F.M.Leight. (6) Total N° of Refs: 28 populifolia (Lam.) Dippel (1)
Total N° of Refs: 53 Global Risk Score: 0.48 Total N° of Refs: 1
Global Risk Score: 7.2 Rating: Low ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Rating: Medium Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Dispersed by: Humans
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Tropical
Tropical Origin: Africa Agastache anethiodora (Nutt.) Britt.
Origin: Africa Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Lamiaceae
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Dispersed by: Humans Accepted name: Agastache foeniculum
Ornamental References: United Kingdom-N-40, (Pursh) Kuntze
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Vehicles, Australia-W-54, Global-N-85, New Total N° of Refs: 11
Water, Wind, Escapee Zealand-N-280, Australia-E-296, Australia- Global Risk Score: 0.72
References: Australia-E-289, Australia-E- N-198, Australia-N-945, Australia-E-327, Rating: Low
72, New Zealand-E-246, New Zealand-N- Canary Islands-N-637, Global-E-649, Habit: Herb
280, New Zealand-EW-225, Australia-N- Australia-W-853, Australia-N-855, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
945, United Kingdom-CN-314, Europe-N- Australia-W-869, New Zealand-N-919, Dispersed by: Humans
482, New Zealand-E-494, United Australia-N-354, Portugal-N-1006, References: Canada-A-642.
Kingdom-N-519, Global-W-629, Canary Portugal-N-1006, Australia-N-1049,
Islands-N-637, Australia-EN-7, United Australia-E-1456, New Zealand-N-1543, Agastache foeniculum (Pursh) Kuntze
Kingdom-CN-812, United States of Macronesia-I-1722, Eritrea-N-1796, Lamiaceae
America-N-101, Australia-E-880, New Ethiopia-N-1796, Australia-N-1845, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Agastache
Zealand-W-964, Australia-N-354, United Australia-N-1959, New Zealand-N-2048, anethiodora (Nutt.) Britt. (1)
Kingdom-N-1006, Australia-N-1049, Algeria-W-1977, Spain-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 11
Portugal-I-1090, Europe-N-819, New Global Risk Score: 1.2
Zealand-E-328, New Zealand-E-505, Agapanthus praecox Willd. subsp. Rating: Low
United States of America-Q-1197, praecox Habit: perennial Herb
Australia-E-1259, Australia-E-1261, Agapanthaceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Australia-E-1262, La Reunion-W-1321, Total N° of Refs: 2 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Global-ZD-1495, Global-CD-1611, Eritrea- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Ornamental
N-1796, Ethiopia-N-1796, Australia-N- Origin: Africa Dispersed by: Humans
1902, Australia-WD-1934, South Africa-N- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: Global-N-85, Canada-A-642,
1991, New Zealand-N-2048, New Zealand- Dispersed by: Humans Austria-U-708, New Zealand-N-823, New
E-483, Argentina-W-1977, Australia-W- References: Australia-W-54, Australia-N- Zealand-U-919, Europe-N-819, Austria-W-
1977, Cook Islands-W-1977, India-W- 945. 1609, New Zealand-U-2048, Austria-W-
1977, Marshall Islands-W-1977, New 1977, Global--1324.
Zealand-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977, South Agapanthus spp. L'Hér.
Africa-W-1977, United Kingdom-W-1977. Agapanthaceae Agastache nepetoides (L.) Kuntze
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Agapanthus spp. Lamiaceae
Agapanthus praecox Willd. subsp. L'Hérit. Total N° of Refs: 5
minimus Willd. (Lindl.) F.M.Leight. Total N° of Refs: 4 Habit: perennial Herb
Agapanthaceae Habit: annual Herb Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Ornamental
Origin: Africa Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: Australia-N-198, Australia-C- References: United States of America-W-
Dispersed by: Humans 401, Australia-E-310, Global-CD-1611. 161, Canada-C-756, Global-W-1349,
References: New Zealand-U-2048. Global-CD-1611, Canada-G-1855.
Agardhiella subulata (C.Agardh) Kraft
& M.J.Wynne Agastache rugosa (Fisch. & C.A.Mey.)
Solieriaceae Kuntze
Total N° of Refs: 11 Lamiaceae
Aqua - Habit: Total N° of Refs: 11
Origin: N Am Global Risk Score: 2.4
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Rating: Low
Dispersed by: Humans, Water Habit: perennial Herb
References: United Kingdom-ED-288, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
United Kingdom-ND-812, Europe-ND-819, Origin: E Asia, Europe
Global-W-1741, Mediterranean-ND-1780, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Global-N-1785, Europe-N-1786, Ornamental
Mediterranean-N-1835, Mediterranean-N- Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
1836, Italy-W-1977, United Kingdom-W- References: United States of America-E-
1977. 222, Laos-N-1102, Belgium-U-1220,
Norway-W-1609, Russia-U-1499, Russia-
C-1671, Tibet-N-1796, Tibet-N-1796,
Belgium-W-1977, Lao People's Democratic
Republic-W-1977, Poland-W-1977.

Agastache urticifolia (Benth.) Kuntze Agathis robusta (C.Moore ex F. Müell.) Agathosma ovata (Thunb.) Pillans
Lamiaceae F.M.Bailey Rutaceae
Total N° of Refs: 4 Araucariaceae Total N° of Refs: 2
Habit: perennial Herb Total N° of Refs: 8 Habit: Shrub
Origin: N Am Habit: Tree Origin: Africa
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Herbal, Ornamental Origin: Aust, E Asia Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Livestock Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, Dispersed by: Humans
References: Global-W-23, Norway-N- Ornamental References: South Africa-ZR-121, Lesotho-
1243, United States of America-ZD-1441, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee ZR-121.
Norway-W-1609. References: Puerto Rico-CW-261,
Caribbean-N-707, Global-N-714, United Agave amaniensis Trel. & Nowell
Agathis alba Rumph. ex Jeffrey States of America-N-101, India-N-976, Asparagaceae
Araucariaceae Caribbean-N-1201, La Reunion-W-1321, Total N° of Refs: 1
Accepted name: Agathis dammara Global-CD-1611. Habit: Succulent
Total N° of Refs: 2 References: Spain-N-1454.
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Agathisanthemum bojeri Klotzsch var.
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, bojeri
Ornamental Rubiaceae
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Africa-W-760. Habit: perennial Herb
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Agathis australis (D. Don) Steudel Origin: Africa
Araucariaceae References: South Africa-R-121.
Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: Tree Agathosma apiculata Meyer ex Bartl. &
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean H.L.Wendl.
Origin: NZ Rutaceae
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, Total N° of Refs: 1
Ornamental Origin: Africa
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
References: South Africa-U-2017. Dispersed by: Humans
References: Australia-N-1959.
Agathis brownii (Lem.) L.H.Bailey
Araucariaceae Agathosma betulina (P. J. Bergius)
Total N° of Refs: 2 Pillans
Habit: Tree Rutaceae
Origin: Aust Total N° of Refs: 2
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Dispersed by: Humans Origin: Africa
References: Portugal-N-1006, Europe-N- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
819. Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
Agathis dammara (Lamb.) Rich. References: South Africa-N-1991, South
Araucariaceae Africa-W-1977.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Agathis alba
Rumph. ex Jeffrey (1) Agathosma crenulata (L.) Pill.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Rutaceae
Habit: Tree Total N° of Refs: 4
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Habit: Shrub
Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Origin: SE Asia Origin: Africa
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Ornamental Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans
References: Democratic Republic of the References: Australia-N-855, South Africa-
Congo-W-1977. N-1991, Australia-W-1977, South Africa-

Agave americana L. Bolivia-N-1630, Italy-N-1007, Global-N- Agave americana L. var. expansa
Asparagaceae 1218, Brazil-I-1559, South Africa-E-1646, (Jacobi) Gentry
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Agave americana Global-CD-1611, Lesotho-W-1127, Asparagaceae
L. var. striata Trel. (1), Agave ingens Brg. Pakistan-I-1697, Azores-N-1721, Total N° of Refs: 4
(1) Macronesia-I-1722, East Africa-I-1723, Global Risk Score: 1.44
Total N° of Refs: 221 India-N-1370, Europe-UNXI-1740, Eastern Rating: Low
Global Risk Score: 14.4 Caribbean-N-1742, Croatia-N-1747, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Rating: Medium Taiwan-W-1748, North America-N-1760, Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb China-I-1769, Turkey-U-1718, India-N- Origin: N Am
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, 1790, Turkey-N-1796, China-N-1796, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Subtropical, Tropical Libya-N-1796, Myanmar-N-1796, Algeria- Dispersed by: Humans
Origin: C Am, N Am, S Am N-1796, Bolivia-N-1796, Cambodia-N- Weed of: Pastures
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, 1796, Colombia-N-1796, Ecuador-N-1796, References: Australia-N-945, Australia-N-
Herbal, Ornamental Eritrea-N-1796, Ethiopia-N-1796, 354, Australia-A-1331, -I-, South Africa-
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Morocco-N-1796, Greece-N-1803, W-1977.
Weed of: Pastures Sardinia-I-1393, Australia-N-1902,
References: Australia-CEN-479, Slovakia- Australia-N-1845, Italy-UNI-1887, Agave americana L. var. marginata Trel.
CE-782, Australia-W-269, Australia-E-289, Sardinia-N-1917, Australia-N-1959, Asparagaceae
Australia-E-72, New Zealand-E-246, Canary Islands-N-1967, Canary Islands-N- Total N° of Refs: 2
Australia-E-73, Global-N-108, Global-N- 1970, Italy-NI-1842, -I-, -I-, Switzerland- Habit: Herb
85, South Africa-W-95, South Africa-C- N-1990, South Africa-N-1991, Portugal-N- Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
283, South Africa-CW-279, New Zealand- 2001, Croatia-N-2004, Burundi-N-2012, Origin: N Am
N-280, South Africa-AZW-121, Australia- South Africa-UR-2017, Spain-N-2027, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
CW-334, United States of America-W-179, New Zealand-N-2048, Albania-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans
Japan-N-287, Australia-N-198, Pacific-A- Algeria-W-1977, Argentina-W-1977, References: Caribbean-N-1201, French
6, New Zealand-W-225, Australia-C-401, Australia-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Polynesia-N-1514.
Australia-N-945, United Kingdom-C-314, Brazil-W-1977, Burundi-W-1977, Chad-
Australia-E-327, Canary Islands-N-305, W-1977, Costa Rica-W-1977, Croatia-W- Agave americana L. var. mediopicta
New Zealand-E-494, United Kingdom-N- 1977, Cyprus-W-1977, Democratic Trel.
519, New Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N- Repubic of Korea-W-1977, Democratic Asparagaceae
15, Spain-ENI-405, Italy-NI-470, Pacific- Republic of the Congo-W-1977, Ecuador- Total N° of Refs: 1
E-621, Canary Islands-N-637, Global-E- W-1977, Ethiopia-W-1977, Fiji-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
649, Switzerland-N-653, Australia-AEN- France-W-1977, Greece-W-1977, India-W- Dispersed by: Humans
310, Portugal-N-662, Portugal-N-718, 1977, Israel-W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Japan- References: Algeria-W-1977.
Italy-N-733, Spain-I-738, Japan-I-741, W-1977, Kenya-W-1977, Kiribati-W-1977,
South Africa-NI-759, Crete-N-771, Lesotho-W-1977, Malawi-W-1977, Malta- Agave americana L. var. picta (Salm-
Mediterranean-I-775, Japan-N-794, Spain- W-1977, Morocco-W-1977, New Zealand- Dyck) A. Terracc.
I-802, Spain-I-807, United Kingdom-C- W-1977, Pakistan-W-1977, Palau-W-1977, Asparagaceae
812, Switzerland-NRI-818, Swaziland-N- Papua New Guinea-W-1977, Peru-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 2
825, Australia-N-855, Australia-N-856, Portugal-W-1977, Republic of Korea-W- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Portugal-W-859, Australia-W-869, Canary 1977, Rwanda-W-1977, South Africa-W- Subtropical
Islands-I-902, New Zealand-N-919, India- 1977, Spain-W-1977, Sri Lanka-W-1977, Origin: N Am
W-948, Mediterranean-WI-951, New Switzerland-W-1977, Taiwan-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Zealand-W-964, India-N-976, Australia-N- Thailand-W-1977, Tonga-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans
354, France-N-1006, France-N-1006, Tunisia-W-1977, Turkey-W-1977, United References: Australia-N-198, Australia-
Greece-N-1006, Portugal-N-1006, Malta- Republic of Tanzania-W-1977, Zimbabwe- EN-7.
N-1006, Portugal-N-1006, Switzerland-N- W-1977, Swaziland-W-1977, South Korea-
1006, Turkey-N-1006, Australia-N-1049, U-2113, North Korea--, Italy-I-2115. Agave americana L. var. striata Trel.
China-I-1055, Global-N-1059, Canary Asparagaceae
Islands-NI-1087, Malta-N-1089, Portugal- Agave americana L. var. americana Accepted name: Agave americana L.
I-1090, Portugal-N-898, Europe-N-819, Asparagaceae Total N° of Refs: 220
New Zealand-E-328, New Zealand-E-505, Total N° of Refs: 7 References: Sardinia-N-1917.
Spain-EI-1092, Japan-A-1106, Africa-W- Habit: Herb
1127, Greece-NI-1142, Iberian Peninsular- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Agave americana L. var. variegata Hort.
N-1147, Spain-N-1149, Crete-N-1150, Subtropical, Tropical Asparagaceae
Sardinia-I-1151, Gal pagos Islands-CN- Origin: N Am Total N° of Refs: 2
1157, Italy-NI-1165, Croatia-C-1166, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Habit: Shrub
Cyprus-N-1174, United States of America- Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Q-1197, China-N-1215, Belgium-U-1220, Weed of: Pastures Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
France-A-1239, Italy-I-251, Caribbean-N- References: Australia-N-198, Australia-N- Dispersed by: Humans
1201, Italy-N-1265, Spain-U-1270, Japan- 945, Australia-EN-7, Australia-W-853, References: China-N-1215, China-N-1344.
N-1278, Namibia-I-1283, Australia-A- Australia-N-354, South Africa-N-1310,
1331, Sardinia-NI-1336, China-N-1344, Australia-A-1331.
India-N-1345, Zimbabwe-N-1365, Israel-
NW-1380, Sardinia-U-1381, Spain-I-1390,
Taiwan-N-1403, Australia-N-1450, Spain-
I-1454, Spain-I-1455, Australia-E-1456,
Malta-I-1470, Australia-N-1491, Chad-N-
1503, Albania-N-1506, Spain-I-1595,

Agave americana L. subsp. americana Agave angustifolia Haw. Agave attenuata Salm-Dyck
Asparagaceae Asparagaceae Asparagaceae
Total N° of Refs: 14 Accepted name: Agave vivipara L. Total N° of Refs: 27
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Synonym/s (n° of refs): Agave ixtli Karw. Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental ex Salm-Dyck (1), Agave wightii Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Dispersed by: Humans J.R.Drumm. & Prain (1) Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
References: South Africa-N-1310, North Total N° of Refs: 30 Origin: N Am
America-N-1760, Turkey-N-1796, China- Global Risk Score: 1.2 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
N-1796, Libya-N-1796, Myanmar-N-1796, Rating: Low Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Algeria-N-1796, Bolivia-N-1796, Habit: perennial Herb References: Australia-W-93, southeast
Cambodia-N-1796, Colombia-N-1796, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Asia-W-191, Canary Islands-N-305,
Ecuador-N-1796, Eritrea-N-1796, Ethiopia- Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Australia-W-853, Australia-N-868,
N-1796, Morocco-N-1796. Origin: C Am, N Am, S Am Australia-N-354, Portugal-N-1006,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Portugal-N-1006, Italy-N-1006, Europe-N-
Agave americana L. subsp. americana Ornamental 819, Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157, South
var. americana Dispersed by: Humans Africa-U-1247, Italy-N-251, Global-CD-
Asparagaceae References: Global-N-85, Africa-W-990, 1611, Libya-N-1796, Sardinia-U-1393,
Total N° of Refs: 2 Europe-N-819, La Reunion-N-1321, India- Australia-N-1902, Italy-N-1887, Sardinia-
References: Botswana-N-1284, North N-1345, Spain-N-1454, Australia-E-1456, N-1917, South Africa-N-1991, South
America-N-1760. Eastern Caribbean-N-1742, Ecuador-N- Africa-NR-2017, Algeria-W-1977,
1796. Australia-W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Portugal-
Agave americana L. subsp. americana W-1977, South Africa-W-1977, Spain-W-
var. expansa (Jacobi) Gentry Agave angustifolia Haw. var. angustifolia 1977.
Asparagaceae Asparagaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 3 Agave attenuata Salm-Dyck subsp.
References: South Africa-N-1310. References: Global-N-1059, South Africa- attenuata
N-1310, Ecuador-N-1796. Asparagaceae
Agave americana L. 'Marginata' Total N° of Refs: 1
Asparagaceae Agave angustifolia Haw. var. marginata References: Libya-N-1796.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Tre.
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Asparagaceae Agave beauleriana Jacobi
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 6 Asparagaceae
Origin: N Am Global Risk Score: 0.48 Total N° of Refs: 2
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Rating: Low Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Habit: Shrub Dispersed by: Humans
References: Australia-N-354, Bermuda-N- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: Eastern Caribbean-N-1742,
1267. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Italy-W-1977.
References: Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157,
Agave americana L. 'Variegata' Cuba-N-1505, Global-CD-1611, El Agave boscii (Hornem.) ined..
Asparagaceae Salvador-N-1849, Cuba-N-2024, Cuba-I- Asparagaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 2055. Accepted name: Agave geminiflora (Tagl.)
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Ker Gawl.
Dispersed by: Humans Agave angustifolia Haw 'marginata' Total N° of Refs: 1
References: New Zealand-U-2048. Asparagaceae References: Algeria-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 1
Agave americana L. (hort.) group Habit: Herb Agave bracteosa S.Wats. ex Engelm.
Asparagaceae Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Asparagaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: Succulent Dispersed by: Humans Habit: perennial Herb
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: United States of America-W- Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical
Dispersed by: Humans 179. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
References: La Reunion-I-1321. Dispersed by: Humans
Agave atrovirens Karw. ex Salm-Dyck References: Algeria-W-1977.
Accepted name: Agave salmiana Otto ex Agave cantala Roxb.
Salm-Dyck Asparagaceae
Total N° of Refs: 21 Total N° of Refs: 3
Habit: perennial Herb Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Tropical
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Subtropical Ornamental
Origin: N Am Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental, References: Global-N-1059, Algeria-W-
Pasture 1977, India-W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Portugal-N-662, Portugal-N-
718, Portugal-N-1006, Portugal-N-898,
Europe-N-819, Spain-U-1454, Libya-N-
1796, Algeria-W-1977.

Agave x cavanillesii D.Guillot & P.Van Agave filifera Salm-Dyck Agave gigantea D.Dietr.
der Meer Asparagaceae Asparagaceae
Asparagaceae Total N° of Refs: 1 Accepted name: Furcraea foetida (L .)
Total N° of Refs: 1 Habit: perennial Herb Haw.
Habit: Succulent Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Total N° of Refs: 91
References: Spain-U-1454. Mediterranean, Subtropical Habit: perennial Herb
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Agave celsii Hook. var. albicans (Jacobi) Dispersed by: Humans Origin: N Am
Gentry References: Algeria-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Asparagaceae Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 1 Agave fourcroydes Lem. References: Taiwan-N-777, China-N-1215,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Asparagaceae Taiwan-N-1403, Taiwan-W-1748.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 20
Dispersed by: Humans Global Risk Score: 2.4 Agave ingens Brg.
References: South Africa-N-1310. Rating: Low Asparagaceae
Habit: Shrub Accepted name: Agave americana L. subsp.
Agave cerulata Trel. Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, americana
Asparagaceae Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 220
Total N° of Refs: 1 Origin: C Am, N Am, S Am Habit: Succulent
Habit: perennial Herb Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, References: Spain-U-1454.
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Ornamental
Origin: N Am Dispersed by: Humans Agave ingens Brg. var. picta (Salm.) Bgr.
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: Taiwan-N-777, Canary Asparagaceae
Dispersed by: Humans Islands-N-305, Canary Islands-N-637, Total N° of Refs: 2
References: Spain-U-1454. Spain-N-1006, Europe-N-819, China-N- References: Sardinia-NI-1336, Sardinia-I-
1215, Sardinia-NI-1336, Taiwan-N-1403, 1393.
Agave decipiens Baker Spain-U-1454, Cuba-NI-1505, Global-N-
Asparagaceae 1218, Taiwan-W-1748, Sardinia-I-1393, Agave ixtli Karw. ex Salm-Dyck
Total N° of Refs: 4 Sardinia-N-1917, Canary Islands-N-1967, Asparagaceae
Habit: perennial Herb Cuba-EN-2024, Cuba-N-2055, Cuba-W- Accepted name: Agave angustifolia Haw.
Origin: N Am 1977, Spain-W-1977, Taiwan-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 10
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Habit: Shrub
Dispersed by: Humans Agave franzosinii Baker Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
References: United States of America-N- Asparagaceae Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
101, Africa-W-1127, Spain-U-1454, South Total N° of Refs: 4 Dispersed by: Humans
Africa-W-1977. Habit: Herb References: Madagascar-I-973.
Origin: N Am
Agave desmetiana Baker [Illegitimate] Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Agave karwinskii Zucc.
Asparagaceae Dispersed by: Humans Asparagaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Italy-U-251, Europe-W-1325, Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: Succulent Spain-U-1454, Italy-U-1887. Habit: perennial Herb
References: Spain-U-1454. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Agave funkiana K.Koch & C.D.Bouché Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Agave desmettiana Jacobi Asparagaceae Dispersed by: Humans
Asparagaceae Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Spain-U-1454.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Habit: perennial Herb
Habit: Herb Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical Agave kerchovei Lem.
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Origin: N Am Asparagaceae
Origin: N Am Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 1
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans Habit: perennial Herb
Dispersed by: Humans References: Spain-U-1454. Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical
References: United States of America-N- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
101, United States of America-W-179. Agave geminiflora (Tagl.) Ker.-Gawl. Dispersed by: Humans
Asparagaceae References: Algeria-W-1977.
Agave ferox K. Koch Synonym/s (n° of refs): Agave boscii
Asparagaceae (Hornem.) ined.. (1)
Accepted name: Agave salmiana var. ferox Total N° of Refs: 1
Otto ex Salm-Dyck Habit: perennial Herb
Total N° of Refs: 15 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Habit: perennial Herb Subtropical
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Canary Islands-N-637,

Agave lecheguilla Torr. Agave potatorum Zucc. Agave sisalana Perrine
Asparagaceae Asparagaceae Asparagaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Agave lechuguilla Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 163
Torr. (1) Habit: perennial Herb Global Risk Score: 14.4
Total N° of Refs: 4 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Rating: Medium
Global Risk Score: 1.2 Subtropical Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
Rating: Low Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Dispersed by: Humans Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical References: Algeria-W-1977. Origin: C Am, N Am, S Am
Origin: N Am Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Agave rigida Mill. Herbal, Ornamental
Ornamental Asparagaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 2 Weed of: Pastures
References: United States of America-W- Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb References: Australia-W-93, Puerto Rico-
218, United States of America-A-1160, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical CW-261, southeast Asia-W-191, Australia-
United States of America-A-87. Origin: N Am CEN-479, United States of America-CE-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental 617, Global-E-649, Taiwan-N-777, South
Agave lechuguilla Torr. Dispersed by: Humans Africa-W-10, Global-W-306, Australia-W-
Asparagaceae References: China-N-1215, China-N-1344. 54, South Africa-X-63, United States of
Accepted name: Agave lecheguilla Torr. America-E-80, Global-N-85, South Africa-
Total N° of Refs: 4 Agave salmiana Otto ex Salm-Dyck W-95, South Africa-CX-283, South Africa-
Habit: Succulent Asparagaceae CW-279, United States of America-N-101,
Origin: N Am Synonym/s (n° of refs): Agave atrovirens United States of America-W-112, South
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Karw. ex Salm-Dyck (8), Agave ferox K. Africa-AZW-121, South Africa-W-382,
Dispersed by: Humans Koch (2) Australia-CW-334, United States of
References: Spain-U-1454. Total N° of Refs: 23 America-EW-179, Australia-C-401,
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Australia-N-945, Canary Islands-N-305,
Agave lurida Ait. Rating: Low South Africa-N-330, Pacific-E-621, Canary
Asparagaceae Habit: perennial Herb Islands-N-637, Australia-EN-310, Spain-I-
Total N° of Refs: 2 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, 738, South Africa-NI-759, Mediterranean-
Habit: Succulent Subtropical I-775, Australia-EN-7, United States of
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical Origin: C Am, N Am, S Am America-N-301, United States of America-
Major Pathway/s: Crop Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental E-151, Global-W-788, Swaziland-N-825,
References: La Reunion-UN-1321, Spain- Dispersed by: Humans United States of America-N-839, Belize-N-
U-1454. References: Mediterranean-I-775, 850, Ecuador-N-875, Australia-E-880,
Mediterranean-W-951, Europe-N-819, Canary Islands-I-902, Mozambique-nC-
Agave mexicana Lam. Italy-N-251, Sardinia-NI-1336, Spain-U- 943, Mediterranean-W-951, Australia-N-
Asparagaceae 1454, Sardinia-I-1393, Italy-UN-1887, 354, Spain-N-1006, Spain-N-1006, Global-
Total N° of Refs: 1 Sardinia-N-1917, India-W-1977, Italy-W- N-1059, Malta-N-1089, Europe-N-819,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental 1977, Portugal-W-1977, Spain-W-1977. Madagascar-I-973, Japan-A-1106, South
Dispersed by: Humans Africa-X-1112, Africa-X-1127, China-N-
References: Australia-E-1262. Agave salmiana Otto ex Salm-Dyck var. 1215, South Africa-NX-1247, Italy-N-251,
ferox (K. Koch) Gentry Caribbean-N-1201, Namibia-I-1283,
Agave mitis Salm-Dyck Asparagaceae Botswana-N-1284, United States of
Asparagaceae Total N° of Refs: 2 America-N-1292, South Africa-N-1310, La
Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Reunion-N-1321, Global-W-1324, Brazil-I-
Habit: Succulent Major Pathway/s: Ornamental 984, Brazil-I-1328, United States of
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans America-C-1329, Australia-A-1331,
Dispersed by: Humans References: Sardinia-N-1393, Algeria-W- Sardinia-N-1336, Madagascar-N-1000,
References: Algeria-W-1977. 1977. China-N-1344, Zimbabwe-N-1365, South
Africa-NI-1002, Taiwan-N-1403, Cape
Agave parrasana A.Berger Agave schottii Engelm. Verde-N-1414, Spain-N-1454, Australia-E-
Asparagaceae Asparagaceae 1456, Malta-I-1470, New Caledonia-I-
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1 1507, French Polynesia-N-1514, Fiji-A-
Habit: perennial Herb Habit: perennial Herb 1521, Brazil-N-1597, Australia-A-87,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Caribbean Netherlands-N-1012, Global-N-
Subtropical Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental 1218, Cape Verde-N-1558, Brazil-I-1559,
Origin: N Am Dispersed by: Humans South Africa-E-1646, Global-CD-1611,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental References: United States of America-W- United States of America-W-1719, East
Dispersed by: Humans 218. Africa-I-1723, Brazil-N-1733, Botswana-
References: Algeria-W-1977. N-1666, United States of America-E-1736,
Agave segurae D.Guillot & P.Van der Europe-UXI-1740, Eastern Caribbean-N-
Meer 1742, Taiwan-W-1748, China-N-1796,
Asparagaceae Libya-N-1796, Somalia-N-1796, Senegal-
Total N° of Refs: 1 N-1796, Myanmar-N-1796, Algeria-N-
Habit: Succulent 1796, Belize-N-1796, Benin-N-1796,
References: Spain-U-1454. Burundi-N-1796, Cambodia-N-1796,
Central African Republic-N-1796,
Ecuador-N-1796, El Salvador-N-1796,

Eritrea-N-1796, Ethiopia-N-1796, Gambia- Agave vera-cruz Mill. Agave vivipara L. var. vivapara
N-1796, Morocco-N-1796, Sardinia-N- Asparagaceae Asparagaceae
1393, Sao Tome and Principe-N-1805, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Agave vernae Total N° of Refs: 24
Australia-N-1902, Brazil-I-1876, South A.Berger (1) Global Risk Score: 0.48
Africa-EN-1886, Italy-UN-1887, Sardinia- Total N° of Refs: 6 Rating: Low
U-1917, Seychelles-NI-1925, Canary Habit: Shrub Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Islands-N-1970, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Origin: C Am, N Am
South Africa-N-1991, Burundi-N-2012, Origin: N Am Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Spain-N-2027, Algeria-W-1977, Anguilla- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
W-1977, Australia-W-1977, Bahamas-W- Dispersed by: Humans References: Australia-CW-334, Australia-
1977, Belize-W-1977, Bonaire-W-1977, References: La Reunion-E-1077, La C-401, Australia-AN-310, Australia-N-354,
Botswana-W-1977, Brazil-W-1977, Reunion-I-1145, India-N-1345, Sri Lanka- Global-CD-1611.
Burundi-W-1977, Cabo Verde-W-1977, N-1796, India-W-1977.
Comoros-W-1977, Ecuador-W-1977, El Agave vivipara L. var. vivipara
Salvador-W-1977, Fiji-W-1977, Gabon-W- Agave vernae A.Berger Asparagaceae
1977, Guatemala-W-1977, Honduras-W- Asparagaceae Total N° of Refs: 5
1977, Italy-W-1977, Kenya-W-1977, Accepted name: Agave vera-cruz Mill. Global Risk Score: 0.48
Kiribati-W-1977, Libya-W-1977, Marshall Total N° of Refs: 6 Rating: Low
Islands-W-1977, Mauritius-W-1977, Habit: Succulent Habit: Shrub
Micronesia (Federated States of)-W-1977, References: La Reunion-N-1321. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Nauru-W-1977, Palau-W-1977, Papua New Origin: N Am
Guinea-W-1977, Rwanda-W-1977, Agave victoriae-reginae T. Moore Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Seychelles-W-1977, Solomon Islands-W- Asparagaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
1977, South Africa-W-1977, Spain-W- Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Australia-CEN-479, South
1977, Taiwan-W-1977, Uganda-W-1977, Habit: perennial Herb Africa-N-1310, Global-CD-1611,
United Republic of Tanzania-W-1977, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Colombia-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977.
Zimbabwe-W-1977, Swaziland-W-1977. Subtropical
Origin: N Am Agave weberi Cels ex Poisson
Agave spp. L. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Asparagaceae
Asparagaceae Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 2
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Agave spp. L. Dispersed by: Humans Habit: perennial Herb
Total N° of Refs: 10 References: Algeria-W-1977. Preferred Climate/s: Dryland
Toxic - Habit: Succulent Origin: N Am
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Agave vivipara L. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Asparagaceae Dispersed by: Humans
References: Australia-EX-201, South Synonym/s (n° of refs): Agave angustifolia References: United States of America-N-
Africa-EW-279, Australia-N-198, Haw. (9), Agave vivipara L. var. vivapara 101, Spain-U-1454.
Australia-C-401, Australia-CE-168, (5)
Australia-E-310, Australia-E-880, Africa- Total N° of Refs: 33 Agave wercklei F.A.C.Weber ex Werckle
W-1127, Namibia-E-1179, Global-CD- Global Risk Score: 2.16 Asparagaceae
1611. Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: perennial Herb Preferred Climate/s: Dryland
Agave striata Zucc. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Origin: C Am
Asparagaceae Origin: C Am, N Am Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans
Habit: perennial Herb Dispersed by: Humans References: South Africa-N-1310.
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Weed of: Pastures
Origin: N Am References: India-NW-424, Australia-N- Agave wightii J.R.Drumm. & Prain
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental 945, Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049, Asparagaceae
Dispersed by: Humans China-N-1215, South Africa-U-1247, Accepted name: Agave angustifolia Haw.
References: Algeria-W-1977. Australia-A-1331, Madagascar-N-1000, Total N° of Refs: 10
India-N-1345, China-EN-1374, South References: India-N-1370.
Agave tequilana F.A.C.Weber Africa-N-1002, Australia-N-1501,
Asparagaceae Australia-N-1902, -I-, South Africa-N- Agave xylonacantha Salm-Dyck
Total N° of Refs: 1 1991, Algeria-W-1977, Cuba-W-1977, Asparagaceae
Habit: perennial Herb India-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical Global--1324. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans
Dispersed by: Humans References: Algeria-W-1977.
References: Australia-W-1928.

Agave tuberosa Mill.

Accepted name: Furcraea tuberosa (Mill.)
W. T. Aiton
Total N° of Refs: 2
References: Laos-N-1102.

Agdestis clematidea Moc. & Sessé ex DC. Ageratina adenophora (Spreng.) King & Israel-W-1487, Australia-I-1544, Bhutan-I-
Phytolaccaceae Robinson 1544, China-I-1544, Fiji-I-1544, India-I-
Total N° of Refs: 9 Asteraceae 1544, Indonesia-I-1544, Nepal-I-1544,
Global Risk Score: 0.48 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Eupatorium New Zealand-I-1544, Papua New Guinea-I-
Rating: Low adenophorum Spreng. (59), Eupatorium 1544, Philippines-I-1544, Sri Lanka-I-
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical glandulosum Michx. (7) 1544, Thailand-I-1544, United States of
Origin: C Am, N Am Total N° of Refs: 239 America-I-1544, India-N-1628, Hawaii-A-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Global Risk Score: 11.52 87, New Zealand-A-87, New Guinea-A-87,
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Rating: Medium Philippines-A-87, Australia-A-87,
References: Puerto Rico-CW-261, United Toxic, Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb Thailand-A-87, Trinidad-A-87, United
States of America-N-101, United States of Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, States of America-A-87, Cape Verde-N-
America-W-179, Cuba-NI-1505, Global- Subtropical, Tropical 1558, South Africa-E-1646, Global-CD-
CD-1611, -I-, Cuba-N-2024, Cuba-W- Origin: C Am, N Am, S Am 1611, Australia-N-491, Australia-X-1693,
2055, Cuba-W-1977, Global--1324. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, China-I-1694, Azores-N-1721, Macronesia-
Ornamental I-1722, East Africa-I-1723, United States
Agelanthus spp. V.Tiegh. Dispersed by: Humans, Vehicles, Water, of America-E-1736, Europe-XI-1740,
Loranthaceae Wind, Escapee Taiwan-W-1748, Australia-E-1754, China-
Total N° of Refs: 1 Weed of: Bananas, Orchards & Plantations, I-1769, Vietnam-I-1749, Nepal-N-1784,
References: Global-A-1715. Pastures India-N-1790, Australia-N-1902, India-
References: pantropics-W-22, Global-A- ND-1854, New Zealand-Q-1879, India-I-
152, Australia-X-147, southeast Asia-W- 1904, Australia-A-1928, Australia-WD-
191, Philippines-W-412, Taiwan-N-465, 1934, Canary Islands-N-1967, -I-, -I-, -I-, -
Australia-CENI-479, India-ENWI-424, I-, -I-, -I-, Australia-Q-1123, South Africa-
United States of America-AE-654, Taiwan- N-1991, Angola-N-2028, Nepal-A-1960,
N-777, Global-EI-18, Australia-W-269, New Zealand-N-2048, New Zealand-Q-
Australia-E-290, United States of America- 2086, New Zealand-E-483, Algeria-W-
A-231, United States of America-CW-34, 1977, Angola-W-1977, Australia-W-1977,
United States of America-X-35, New Bhutan-W-1977, Brunei Darussalam-W-
Zealand-E-246, United States of America- 1977, Croatia-W-1977, Fiji-W-1977,
E-78, United States of America-E-80, France-W-1977, Greece-W-1977, India-W-
Global-NXZWD-85, South Africa-W-95, 1977, Jamaica-W-1977, Kenya-W-1977,
South Africa-X-283, South Africa-EW- Lao People's Democratic Republic-W-
279, United States of America-N-101, New 1977, Micronesia (Federated States of)-W-
Zealand-N-280, United States of America- 1977, Nepal-W-1977, New Zealand-W-
Q-116, Australia-CW-334, New Zealand- 1977, Nigeria-W-1977, Papua New
EW-181, New Zealand-W-165, New Guinea-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977, South
Zealand-EW-225, Australia-C-401, Africa-W-1977, Spain-W-1977, Sri Lanka-
Australia-N-945, New Zealand-NW-425, W-1977, Taiwan-W-1977, Thailand-W-
Europe-NID-482, New Zealand-E-494, 1977, Viet Nam-W-1977, Zimbabwe-W-
New Zealand-N-534, Australia-CEI-168, 1977.
Australia-E-189, Spain-ENI-405, Global-E-
649, Australia-ENX-310, Spain-I-738, Ageratina altissima (L.) King & H.E.
South Africa-I-759, United States of Robins.
America-N-301, United States of America- Asteraceae
E-151, Global-W-788, North America-X- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Eupatorium
790, Spain-I-802, Spain-I-807, United rugosum Houtt. (18)
States of America-N-839, Zimbabwe-CN- Total N° of Refs: 44
848, Australia-W-853, Australia-N-855, Global Risk Score: 6.48
Australia-W-869, United States of Rating: Low
America-X-140, United States of America- Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
X-229, Australia-E-880, Canary Islands-I- Origin: N Am
902, New Zealand-N-919, United States of Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
America-W-946, New Zealand-W-964, Ornamental
Australia-N-354, India-I-1047, Australia- Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
N-1049, Canary Islands-NI-1087, Portugal- References: Global-XW-85, Canada-A-
I-1090, Portugal-N-898, New Zealand-E- 642, Austria-UC-708, Denmark-UC-711,
328, New Zealand-E-505, Spain-E-1092, Australia-Q-1134, Belgium-U-1220,
South Africa-X-1112, Australia--, Africa- Global-W-1324, Czech Republic-U-1522,
X-1127, Greece-N-1142, Iberian Austria-W-1609, Denmark-W-1609, United
Peninsular-N-1147, Crete-N-1150, States of America-A-87, Global-CD-1611,
Australia-E-1159, China-N-1215, United Czech Republic-U-1731, New Zealand-Q-
States of America-N-1292, south and 1879, -I-, -I-, New Zealand-Q-2086,
southeast Asia-A-1320, Global-W-1324, Austria-W-1977, Bangladesh-W-1977,
Australia-A-1331, China-N-1344, India-I- Belgium-W-1977, Czech Republic-W-
1345, Zimbabwe-I-1365, India-I-1389, 1977, Denmark-W-1977, Japan-W-1977,
Taiwan-N-1403, south and southeast Asia- Nepal-W-1977, Republic of Korea-W-
A-1408, Australia-I-1442, Global-E-1449, 1977, Sri Lanka-W-1977, Viet Nam-W-
Australia-N-1450, Australia-E-1456, 1977, South Korea-I-2113.
China-I-1496, New Caledonia-I-1507,

Ageratina altissima (L.) King & H.E. Ageratina riparia (Regel) R.King & H. Ageratum conyzoides L.
Robins. var. altissima Robinson Asteraceae
Asteraceae Asteraceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Ageratum
Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Eupatorium conyzoides ssp. conyzoides L.
References: United States of America-W- riparium Regel (9) Total N° of Refs: 499
174. Total N° of Refs: 108 Global Risk Score: 24
Global Risk Score: 14.4 Rating: High
Ageratina aromatica (L.) Spach Rating: Medium Toxic, Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb
Asteraceae Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
Global Risk Score: 1.2 Subtropical, Tropical Origin: Africa, C Am, N Am, S Am,
Rating: Low Origin: C Am, N Am Cosmopolitan
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Ornamental Herbal, Ornamental
Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Vehicles, Dispersed by: Humans, Livestock,
Dispersed by: Humans Water, Wind, Escapee Vehicles, Water, Wind, Escapee
References: Australia--, Australia-Q-1123. Weed of: Bananas, Orchards and Weed of: Bananas, Canola, Carrots,
Plantations, Pastures Cereals, Cotton, Cucurbits/Melons,
Ageratina deltoidea (Jacq.) R.M. King & References: Australia-XW-93, Australia-X- Forestry, Nursery Production, Orchards &
H. Rob. 147, southeast Asia-W-191, Australia-N- Plantations, Pastures, Vegetables
Asteraceae 368, Australia-CENI-479, India-NW-424, References: Brazil-A-245, Indonesia-A-13,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Eupatorium Global-EI-18, Australia-W-269, Australia- Guyana-W-32, Taiwan-G-273, Zimbabwe-
deltoideum Jacq. (1) E-290, New Zealand-E-246, Global-E-152, W-50, Africa-A-53, Australia, northern-A-
Total N° of Refs: 3 Global-NXZW-85, South Africa-X-283, 55, India-A-66, Federated States of
References: Mexico-W-1226, Mexico-W- Global-A-243, New Zealand-N-280, Micronesia-N-230, Australia-W-93, Papua
1510. Australia-N-134, New Zealand-EW-181, New Guinea-W-276, Taiwan-A-274,
New Zealand-EW-225, Australia-C-401, Philippines-AW-348, Vietnam-W-262,
Ageratina ligustrina (DC.) R.M.King & Australia-N-945, New Zealand-NW-425, Brazil-W-255, Thailand-A-239, South
H.Rob. New Zealand-E-494, New Zealand-X-495, Africa-AZR-121, Peru and Ecuador-A-281,
Asteraceae New Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N-15, Indonesia-A-170, Taiwan-W-235, Gal
Total N° of Refs: 10 Australia-CEI-168, Australia-E-189, pagos Islands-N-257, Pacific-A-6,
Global Risk Score: 0.48 Pacific-E-621, Global-E-649, Australia- Thailand-A-12, Thailand-A-238,
Rating: Low AENX-310, Spain-I-738, South Africa-I- Guadeloupe-A-206, Thailand-A-209,
Habit: Shrub 759, United States of America-N-301, Bangladesh-E-216, Brazil-W-361, Brazil-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, United States of America-E-151, North W-407, Vanuatu-A-315, Indonesia-A-428,
Subtropical, Tropical America-X-790, United States of America- Singapore-NW-476, India-NW-424,
Origin: C Am, N Am N-839, Australia-W-853, United States of Thailand-A-359, France-N-518, Cameroon-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental America-N-101, Australia-W-869, United A-551, Thailand-A-575, Vietnam-A-576,
Dispersed by: Humans States of America-X-229, Australia-E-880, United States of America-AE-654,
References: Australia-W-869, Italy-U-251, Canary Islands-I-902, New Zealand-N-919, Singapore-N-196, Nigeria-AG-719,
Australia-E-1259, Australia-E-1261, New Zealand-W-964, Australia-N-354, Indonesia-A-188, India-A-758, Taiwan-NI-
Europe-W-1325, India-NI-1345, Italy-U- Madagascar-N-1001, Australia-N-1049, La 777, Slovakia-CE-782, Australia-EN-7,
1887, Australia-W-1977, India-W-1977, Reunion-E-1077, Australia-I-1088, Thailand-W-821, Thailand-W-822, Ghana-
Italy-W-1977. Portugal-I-1090, Europe-N-819, New A-2064, Global-W-23, Global-W-433,
Zealand-E-328, New Zealand-E-505, South Egypt-W-221, Australia-W-269, Global-W-
Ageratina occidentalis (Hook.) King & Africa-X-1112, Africa-X-1127, Australia- 108, Global-ZW-85, South Africa-W-95,
H. Rob. E-1159, China-N-1215, United States of South Africa-X-283, Global-A-186,
Asteraceae America-N-1292, south and southeast Asia- Global-A-243, China-W-106, South
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Eupatorium A-1320, La Reunion-I-1321, Global-W- America-W-295, Japan-A-263, South
occidentale Hook. (1) 1324, Australia-A-1331, Madagascar-N- Africa-W-382, Australia-N-134, Central
Total N° of Refs: 1 1000, India-NI-1345, Taiwan-N-1403, America-W-157, South Africa-W-158,
Habit: perennial Herb Australia-I-1442, Global-E-1449, China-W-256, United States of America-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Australia-E-1456, Hawaii-A-87, Indonesia- W-179, Japan-N-287, Japan-W-286, Egypt-
Dispersed by: Humans A-87, Australia-A-87, New Zealand-A-87, A-185, Asia-W-204, United States of
United States of America-A-87, South America-W-218, China-W-297, China-A-
Ageratina pichinchensis (Kunth) R.M. Africa-E-1646, Global-CD-1611, Australia- 275, Australia-N-945, United States of
King & H. Rob. X-1693, Macronesia-I-1722, United States America-W-486, China-W-431, United
Asteraceae of America-E-1736, Australia-E-1754, States of America-A-543, Nepal-A-591,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Australia-N-1902, New Zealand-Q-1879, Global-A-546, Pacific-W-621, Africa-AC-
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Australia-A-1928, Australia-WD-1934, 622, China-NI-722, South Africa-I-759,
References: Mexico-W-1510. Canary Islands-N-1967, -I-, New Zealand- Nepal-EN-762, South Korea-N-773, China-
N-2048, New Zealand-Q-2086, New I-780, United States of America-N-301,
Zealand-E-483, Global-W-2097, Australia- United States of America-E-151, Japan-N-
W-1977, India-W-1977, Jamaica-W-1977, 794, Thailand-W-810, Swaziland-N-825,
Mauritius-W-1977, New Zealand-W-1977, United States of America-N-839, Australia-
Peru-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977, South W-853, Australia-N-868, Australia-W-869,
Africa-W-1977, Spain-W-1977, Sri Lanka- Ecuador-N-875, China-I-882, Nepal-I-888,
W-1977, Taiwan-W-1977. India-I-914, Brazil-A-923, Africa-N-926,
Colombia-A-927, Trinidad-A-928, Central

America-A-933, Mozambique-nC-943, Lanka-A-87, Ghana-A-87, Malaysia-A-87, Tanzania-A-2076, New Zealand-Q-2086,
India-A-948, South Africa-N-956, India-N- Nigeria-A-87, Philippines-A-87, Taiwan- Guinea-A-2089, Benin-A-2090, France-N-
976, Africa-A-980, Australia-N-354, A-87, Australia-A-87, Brazil-A-87, 2091, Global-W-2097, Nigeria-A-2102,
Portugal-N-1006, Thailand-A-1045, India- Colombia-A-87, Fiji-A-87, Hawaii-A-87, Indonesia-I-2108, Algeria-W-1977,
I-1047, Australia-N-1049, China-I-1055, Indonesia-A-87, India-A-87, Kenya-A-87, Angola-W-1977, Anguilla-W-1977,
Mozambique-E-1076, India-E-1086, Mauritius-A-87, Melanesia-A-87, New Antigua and Barbuda-W-1977, Australia-
Europe-N-819, Pakistan-A-146, United Guinea-A-87, Thailand-A-87, Tanzania-A- W-1977, Bahamas-W-1977, Bangladesh-
States of America-N-101, South Africa-X- 87, Uganda-A-87, China-A-87, Egypt-A- W-1977, Barbados-W-1977, Benin-W-
1112, United States of America-N-1115, 87, Hong Kong-A-87, Polynesia, West-A- 1977, Bhutan-W-1977, Bolivia-W-1977,
India-A-1124, Africa-X-1127, Lesser 87, Zimbabwe-A-87, Trinidad-A-87, Botswana-W-1977, Brunei Darussalam-W-
Antilles-A-1128, Ethiopia-A-1141, India- Cameroon-A-87, Republic of Congo-A-87, 1977, Burundi-W-1977, C?te d'Ivoire-W-
N-1148, Australia-E-1159, Cambodia-A- Costa Rica-A-87, Cuba-A-87, Dominican 1977, Cambodia-W-1977, Cameroon-W-
1173, Panama-A-1190, South Korea-A- Republic-A-87, Guinea-A-87, Ivory Coast- 1977, Chad-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Cook
1192, Sri Lanka-AD-1195, Argentina-AD- A-87, Liberia-A-87, Mali-A-87, Nepal-A- Islands-W-1977, Costa Rica-W-1977,
1198, South Korea-N-761, Thailand-A- 87, Nicaragua-A-87, Peru-A-87, Pakistan- Cuba-W-1977, Democratic Republic of the
1211, China-N-1215, Chile-N-1229, Asia- A-87, South Africa-A-87, El Salvador-A- Congo-W-1977, Dominica-W-1977,
A-1231, Global-A-1233, Pakistan-A-1236, 87, Senegal-A-87, Suriname-A-87, Dominican Republic-W-1977, Ecuador-W-
South Africa-I-1247, Burma-Myanmar-A- Venezuela-A-87, Vietnam-A-87, India-A- 1977, Egypt-W-1977, El Salvador-W-1977,
1254, Pakistan-A-1152, Bangladesh-N- 1021, India-W-1029, Pakistan-A-1032, Equatorial Guinea-W-1977, Ethiopia-W-
1194, Nigeria-A-1274, China-I-1277, India-A-1038, India-A-1039, India-A-1041, 1977, Fiji-W-1977, Gambia (the)-W-1977,
Japan-N-1278, India-I-1279, India-I-1280, India-A-1034, India-A-1448, Nigeria-I- Ghana-W-1977, Grenada-W-1977,
China-NI-1212, Botswana-N-1284, India- 1550, Cape Verde-N-1558, Brazil-N-1559, Guatemala-W-1977, Guinea-W-1977,
A-1288, Singapore-N-1290, United States Brazil-A-1560, Brazil-A-1563, Central Haiti-W-1977, Honduras-W-1977, Japan-
of America-N-1292, Nepal-A-1306, India- America-A-1568, Costa Rica-W-1570, W-1977, Kenya-W-1977, Lao People's
W-1307, Pakistan-A-1308, south and Australia, northern-W-1204, South Africa- Democratic Republic-W-1977, Malawi-W-
southeast Asia-A-1320, La Reunion-W- E-1646, Bangladesh-A-1649, Nigeria-ZD- 1977, Maldives-W-1977, Mali-W-1977,
1321, Global-W-1324, Bangladesh-NW- 1574, Global-CD-1611, China-A-1617, Marshall Islands-W-1977, Mauritius-W-
1330, Africa-A-1332, Africa-A-1333, Africa-A-1617, Indonesia-A-1617, 1977, Micronesia (Federated States of)-W-
Brazil-I-1342, Madagascar-N-1000, China- India/Nepal-A-1617, Central Asia-A-1617, 1977, Mozambique-W-1977, Myanmar-W-
N-1344, India-I-1345, French Guiana-N- Africa-A-1623, Global-ZD-1581, India-W- 1977, Nauru-W-1977, Nepal-W-1977,
1346, Global-W-1349, India-A-1359, 1672, Togo-A-1673, Honduras-A-1677, Nicaragua-W-1977, Nigeria-W-1977, Niue-
Nigeria-A-1360, Zimbabwe-I-1365, China-I-1694, India-A-1696, St. Vincent W-1977, Palau-W-1977, Panama-W-1977,
Nigeria-A-1371, China-N-1374, Africa-A- and the Grenadines-A-1700, Nigeria-A- Papua New Guinea-W-1977, Republic of
1384, Vietnam-EI-1386, India-I-1389, 1701, India-A-1702, India-A-1704, India- Korea-W-1977, Rwanda-W-1977, Saint
Brazil-A-1396, Malaysia-A-1398, Brazil- EI-1707, Africa-A-1709, Nigeria-A-1710, Kitts and Nevis-W-1977, Saint Vicent and
R-1400, South Africa-NI-1002, Taiwan-N- China-I-1711, East Africa-I-1723, the Grenadines-W-1977, Samoa-W-1977,
1403, south and southeast Asia-A-1408, Pakistan-A-1726, Federated States of Senegal-W-1977, Sierra Leone-W-1977,
Global-A-1411, Taiwan-AEN-1413, Cape Micronesia-W-1732, India-N-1370, United Singapore-W-1977, Solomon Islands-W-
Verde-N-1414, Nigeria-ZD-1445, States of America-E-1736, Taiwan-W- 1977, South Africa-W-1977, Sri Lanka-W-
Australia-E-1456, Dominican Republic-A- 1748, Bolivia-N-1753, China-I-1758, 1977, Sudan-W-1977, Suriname-W-1977,
1473, Dominican Republic-A-1475, China- Bangladesh-A-1761, India-I-1764, Brazil- Swaziland-W-1977, Taiwan-W-1977,
I-1485, Global-ZD-1495, China-I-1496, U-1767, China-I-1769, India-X-1770, Thailand-W-1977, Tonga-W-1977,
Chad-N-1503, Cuba-NI-1505, New Nepal-N-1784, India-N-1789, India-N- Uganda-W-1977, United Republic of
Caledonia-I-1507, French Polynesia-N- 1790, Nigeria-A-1793, India-AN-1794, Tanzania-W-1977, Vanuatu-W-1977, Viet
1514, India--1520, Fiji-A-1521, Benin-A- Congo-A-1799, La Reunion-A-1822, Nam-W-1977, Yemen-W-1977, Zambia-
1530, American Samoa-I-1544, Australia-I- Guinea-A-1823, India-I-1826, India-W- W-1977, Zimbabwe-W-1977, South Korea-
1544, Bangladesh-I-1544, Bhutan-I-1544, 1829, Singapore-N-1839, El Salvador-N- N-2113.
Brunei-I-1544, Cambodia-I-1544, Cook 1849, India-ND-1854, India-W-1866,
Islands-I-1544, Federated States of Cameroon-A-1867, Chile-I-1872, China-I- Ageratum conyzoides L. var. latifolium
Micronesia-I-1544, Fiji-I-1544, French 1873, India-I-1875, New Zealand-Q-1879, (Cav.) M.F.Johnson
Polynesia-I-1544, Guam-I-1544, China-I- Ghana-A-1888, Honduras-A-1889, Asteraceae
1544, India-I-1544, Indonesia-I-1544, Honduras-A-1890, Honduras-A-1891, Total N° of Refs: 1
Japan-I-1544, Kiribati-I-1544, Laos-I-1544, Honduras-W-1892, Guatemala-A-1894, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Malaysia-I-1544, Maldives-I-1544, Guatemala-A-1895, Egypt-R-1922, Nepal- References: Gal pagos Islands-N-257.
Marshall Islands-I-1544, Burma-Myanmar- A-1931, Nepal-A-1932, Costa Rica-A-
I-1544, Nauru-I-1544, Nepal-I-1544, New 1933, India-A-1936, Brazil-R-1945, Saudi
Caledonia-I-1544, Niue-I-1544, North Arabia-A-1951, Brazil-R-1958, -I-, -I-, -I-,
Korea-I-1544, United States of America-I- -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-,
1544, Pakistan-I-1544, Palau-I-1544, Papua Vietnam-A-1982, India-R-1984, South
New Guinea-I-1544, Philippines-I-1544, Africa-N-1991, India-I-1992, Benin-W-
South Korea-I-1544, Samoa-I-1544, 2007, Burundi-NR-2012, Indonesia-ID-
Singapore-I-1544, Solomon Islands-I-1544, 2016, China-ANRI-2021, India-I-2022,
Sri Lanka-I-1544, Thailand-I-1544, Tonga- Angola-N-2028, Nigeria-A-2037, Nepal-A-
I-1544, Vanuatu-I-1544, Vietnam-I-1544, 1960, Brazil-A-2040, Nigeria-A-2045,
Wallis, Futuna and Alofi Islands-I-1544, Nigeria-A-2046, Mascarene islands-N-
India-N-1601, China-N-1606, India-N- 2049, Brazil-A-2051, Brazil-R-2053, Cuba-
1628, India-N-1631, India-AN-1632, Togo- I-2055, Ghana-AERI-2066, Nigeria-A-
A-1639, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES-A- 2067, Burkina Faso-A-2068, Guinea-A-
601, Angola-A-87, Borneo-A-87, Sri 2069, Paraguay-A-2070, Nigeria-A-2073,

Ageratum conyzoides L. subsp. Ageratum houstonianum Mill. Denmark-W-1609, Germany-W-1609,
conyzoides Asteraceae Norway-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, India-
Asteraceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Ageratum N-1628, India-AN-1632, Australia-A-87,
Total N° of Refs: 8 mexicanum Sims (4), Ageratum Taiwan-A-87, China-A-87, Fiji-A-87,
Global Risk Score: 0.24 houstonianum Mill. 'Candy Floss' (1) Germany-A-87, Hawaii-A-87, India-A-87,
Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 188 South Africa-E-1646, Global-CD-1611,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Global Risk Score: 8.64 Polar Regions-ZD-1587, India-W-1672,
Origin: C Am, N Am Rating: Medium China-I-1711, Azores-N-1721, East Africa-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb I-1723, Czech Republic-U-1731, Croatia-
Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, UN-1747, Taiwan-W-1748, Bolivia-U-
Weed of: Cereals Subtropical, Tropical 1753, China-I-1758, China-I-1769, India-I-
References: Australia-N-368, Global-A- Origin: C Am, N Am, S Am 1826, Chile-I-1872, India-I-1875, Italy-U-
243, Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, 1887, India-I-1904, India-A-1865, Nepal-
Australia-W-1068, Australia-N-1491, Sao Ornamental A-1930, Nepal-A-1932, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-,
Tome and Principe-N-1805, Portugal-W- Dispersed by: Humans, Vehicles, Escapee South Africa-N-1991, India-I-1992, India-
1977. Weed of: Cereals, Cotton, Orchards & I-2022, Nepal-A-1960, New Zealand-N-
Plantations, Pastures 2048, Cuba-I-2055, Global-W-2097,
Ageratum fastigiatum (Gardner) R.M. References: Guyana-N-32, Taiwan-G-273, Algeria-W-1977, Armenia-W-1977,
King & H. Rob. Australia, northern-A-55, Papua New Australia-W-1977, Austria-W-1977,
Asteraceae Guinea-W-276, Taiwan-A-274, Taiwan-W- Belgium-W-1977, Bolivia-W-1977, Chad-
Total N° of Refs: 1 235, Australia-N-368, Australia-EN-479, W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Croatia-W-1977,
References: Brazil--1767. United States of America-CE-617, Taiwan- Cuba-W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977,
NI-777, Slovakia-CE-782, Thailand-W- Democratic Republic of the Congo-W-
822, Australia-W-269, New Zealand-E- 1977, Denmark-W-1977, Fiji-W-1977,
246, Global-ZW-85, South Africa-W-95, Germany-W-1977, India-W-1977, Italy-W-
South Africa-X-283, Global-A-186, United 1977, Jamaica-W-1977, Japan-W-1977,
States of America-N-101, New Zealand-N- Kenya-W-1977, Nepal-W-1977, New
280, South Africa-AZR-121, South Africa- Zealand-W-1977, Papua New Guinea-W-
W-158, China-W-256, United States of 1977, Portugal-W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977,
America-W-179, Japan-N-287, Japan-W- South Africa-W-1977, Spain-W-1977,
286, Australia-N-945, United Kingdom-C- Suriname-W-1977, Swaziland-W-1977,
314, Czech Republic-U-400, United States Sweden-W-1977, Taiwan-W-1977, United
of America-W-486, China-W-431, United Republic of Tanzania-W-1977, Zimbabwe-
Kingdom-N-519, Canary Islands-N-637, W-1977, Global--1324.
Ukraine-U-643, Portugal-N-662, Austria-
UC-708, Denmark-UC-711, Portugal-N- Ageratum houstonianum Mill. 'Candy
718, China-CNI-722, South Africa-I-759, Floss'
United States of America-N-301, Japan-N- Asteraceae
794, Hungary-U-809, United Kingdom- Total N° of Refs: 184
UC-812, Swaziland-N-825, United States Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
of America-N-839, Australia-W-853, References: New Zealand-U-2048.
Australia-W-869, Mexico-W-890, New
Zealand-N-919, South Africa-N-956, India- Ageratum mexicanum Sims
N-976, Australia-N-354, Portugal-N-1006, Asteraceae
Spain-N-1006, India-I-1047, Australia-N- Accepted name: Ageratum houstonianum
1049, China-I-1055, Australia-W-1068, Mill.
Portugal-N-898, Europe-N-819, New Total N° of Refs: 187
Zealand-E-505, South Africa-X-1112, Global Risk Score: 2.88
Africa-X-1127, India-N-1148, Australia-E- Rating: Low
1159, Global-A-1207, China-N-1215, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Belgium-U-1220, Mexico-W-1226, South Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Africa-I-1247, Georgia-U-1250, Italy-U- Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
251, Hungary-U-1255, Japan-N-1278, References: Australia-CN-468, south and
India-I-1279, India-I-1280, United States of southeast Asia-A-1320, Global-Q-1572,
America-N-1292, south and southeast Asia- Global-CD-1611.
A-1320, La Reunion-U-1321, China-N-
1344, India-I-1345, French Guiana-N-1346, Ageratum microcarpum (Benth. ex
Zimbabwe-N-1365, China-N-1374, South Oerst.) Hemsl.
Africa-NI-1002, Taiwan-N-1403, south and Asteraceae
southeast Asia-A-1408, Taiwan-AEN- Total N° of Refs: 1
1413, Australia-E-1456, Slovakia-U-1484, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Global-ZD-1495, China-I-1496, Chad-N- References: Global-W-2097.
1503, Cuba-NI-1505, French Polynesia-N-
1514, Fiji-A-1521, Czech Republic-U-
1522, Australia-I-1544, Fiji-I-1544, French
Polynesia-I-1544, India-I-1544, Japan-I-
1544, New Caledonia-I-1544, New
Zealand-I-1544, Papua New Guinea-I-
1544, India-N-1601, Austria-W-1609,

Ageratum spp. L. Aglaonema commutatum Schott var. Aglaonema modestum Schott ex Engl.
Asteraceae maculatum (Hook.f.) Nicolson Araceae
Total N° of Refs: 3 Araceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Total N° of Refs: 2 Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
References: India-A-758, PAPUA NEW Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
GUINEA-A-577, Australia-ZD-1675. Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans
References: United States of America-N- References: Lao People's Democratic
Aglaia malaccensis (Ridley) Pannell 101, United States of America-W-179. Republic-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Aglaonema costatum N.E.Br. Aglaonema pictum (Roxb.) Kunth
Habit: Tree Araceae Araceae
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aglaonema Total N° of Refs: 3
Dispersed by: Humans costatum N.E.Br. var. viride Engl. (1) Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
References: Laos-N-1102, Lao People's Total N° of Refs: 4 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Democratic Republic-W-1977. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Ornamental
Tropical Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Aglaia odorata Lour. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, References: Puerto Rico-CW-261, United
Meliaceae Ornamental States of America-N-101, Global-CD-1611.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Dispersed by: Humans
Habit: Tree References: Laos-N-1102, Algeria-W- Aglaothamnion feldmanniae Halos
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical 1977, Lao People's Democratic Republic- Ceramiaceae
Origin: E Asia W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 6
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Aqua - Habit:
Ornamental Aglaonema costatum N.E.Br. var. viride Dispersed by: Vehicles, Water
Dispersed by: Humans Engl. References: Europe-ND-819, Global-W-
References: La Reunion-W-1321, India-W- Araceae 1741, Mediterranean-UD-1780, Global-N-
1977. Accepted name: Aglaonema modestum 1785, Mediterranean-N-1835, Italy-W-
Schott ex Engl. 1977.
Aglaia ponapensis Kanehira Total N° of Refs: 4
Meliaceae References: Laos-N-1102. Aglaothamnion halliae (F.S. Collins)
Total N° of Refs: 1 N.E. Aponte, D.L. Ballantine & J.N.
Habit: Tree Aglaonema crispum (Pitcher & Norris
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical R.F.Manda) Nicolson Ceramiaceae
References: Federated States of Araceae Total N° of Refs: 7
Micronesia-N-230. Total N° of Refs: 1 Aqua - Habit:
Habit: perennial Herb Dispersed by: Water
Aglaonema commutatum Schott Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, References: Global-ID-1065, Europe-ND-
Araceae Tropical 819, Norway-N-1535, Global-W-1741,
Total N° of Refs: 22 Origin: SE Asia Europe-N-1786, Germany-W-1977,
Global Risk Score: 1.44 Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Sweden-W-1977.
Rating: Low Dispersed by: Humans
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb References: Algeria-W-1977. Aglaothamnion tenuissimum
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, (Bonnemaison) Feldmann-Mazoyer
Subtropical, Tropical Aglaonema curtisii nom. hort. Ceramiaceae
Origin: E Asia, SE Asia Araceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Callithamnion
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 1 byssoides Arnott ex Harv. (1)
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 3
References: Puerto Rico-CW-261, Dispersed by: Humans Aqua - Habit:
Australia-CN-368, United States of References: Algeria-W-1977. Dispersed by: Water
America-N-101, Ecuador-N-875, Australia- References: Global-N-1785,
N-354, Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157, Aglaonema marantifolium Blume Mediterranean-N-1836.
Singapore-U-1290, United States of Araceae
America-N-1292, French Polynesia-N- Total N° of Refs: 1 Aglaozonia parvula (Greville) Zanardini
1514, Global-CD-1611, Singapore-U-1839, Habit: perennial Herb Cutleriaceae
Chile-I-1872, United States of America-N- Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Accepted name: Cutleria multifida (Turner)
2092, Algeria-W-1977, Australia-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Greville
Chile-W-1977, Colombia-W-1977, Cook Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 4
Islands-W-1977, Marshall Islands-W-1977, References: Algeria-W-1977. References: Mediterranean-N-1836.
Nauru-W-1977, Palau-W-1977, Singapore-

Agonis flexuosa (Willd.) Sweet Agrimonia asiatica Juz. Agrimonia japonica (Miq.) Koidz.
Myrtaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae
Total N° of Refs: 21 Accepted name: Agrimonia eupatoria L. Total N° of Refs: 1
Global Risk Score: 1.44 subsp. asiatica (Juz.) Skalick References: Japan-W-286.
Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 40
Habit: Tree Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Agrimonia odorata auct.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Dispersed by: Humans Rosaceae
Origin: Aust References: Russia-N-1989. Accepted name: Agrimonia repens
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 11
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Agrimonia eupatoria L. Global Risk Score: 1.92
References: Australia-E-72, Australia-E- Rosaceae Rating: Low
358, Australia-N-198, Australia-C-401, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Agrimonia asiatica Habit: perennial Herb
Australia-N-945, New Zealand-N-15, Juz. (1) Origin: E Asia, Europe
Australia-EN-310, Australia-EN-7, New Total N° of Refs: 40 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Zealand-N-823, New Zealand-N-824, Global Risk Score: 6 Herbal
Australia-W-869, New Zealand-U-919, Rating: Low Dispersed by: Humans
Australia-N-354, United States of America- Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Weed of: Pastures
Q-1197, Australia-E-1262, Australia-E- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, References: South Africa-W-51, South
1456, Global-CD-1611, Australia-N-1902, Tropical Africa-AZR-121, United States of
New Zealand-U-2048, Australia-W-1977, Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia, America-N-101, South Africa-A-87,
India-W-1977. Cosmopolitan Lesotho-AZR-121, South Africa-N-1991.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Agonis juniperina Schauer Herbal, Ornamental Agrimonia parviflora Ait.
Myrtaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle, Rosaceae
Total N° of Refs: 7 Horse, Livestock, Sheep, Water, Escapee Total N° of Refs: 4
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Seed Longevity: Short Term Global Risk Score: 1.44
Rating: Low Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations, Rating: Low
Habit: Tree Pastures Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean References: India-A-712, Europe-A-94, Origin: S Am
Origin: Aust United States of America-N-101, Europe, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental eastern-W-272, western Europe-W-70, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Dispersed by: Humans Australia-N-945, Spain-A-417, United References: Canada-C-756, Global-CD-
References: New Zealand-UW-280, Kingdom-N-519, Canada and United States 1611, Canada-G-1855, Argentina-A-1874.
Australia-N-945, New Zealand-N-15, New of America-N-725, Turkey-A-727,
Zealand-N-823, Australia-W-869, New Australia-W-853, Australia-N-354, Agrimonia pilosa Ledeb.
Zealand-U-919, Australia-E-1262. Australia-N-1049, Serbia-W-1238, south Rosaceae
and southeast Asia-A-1320, Europe-W- Total N° of Refs: 15
Agonis parviceps Schauer 1325, Serbia-A-1372, Global-ZD-1492, Global Risk Score: 8.96
Myrtaceae Iran-A-87, Taiwan-A-87, Serbia-W-1031, Rating: Medium
Total N° of Refs: 2 Bangladesh-A-1649, Europe-ZD-1653, Habit: perennial Herb
Habit: Shrub Global-ZD-1611, Global-ZD-1581, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Europe--, Azores-N-1721, Global-AD- Origin: C Asia, E Asia, Europe
Origin: Aust 1589, Russia-W-1671, Poland-CD-1841, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Serbia-R-1848, Montenegro-R-1944, Ornamental, Pasture
Dispersed by: Humans Serbia-R-1946, Kosovo-R-2003, -AWD- Dispersed by: Humans, Animals
References: Australia-W-869, Australia-N- 2036, Serbia-R-2057, -A-2058, Poland-A- Weed of: Orchards & Plantations, Pastures
354. 2061, Australia-W-1977, Canada-W-1977. References: China-W-297, China-W-431,
Bhutan-W-423, South Korea-A-648,
Agoseris grandiflora (Nutt.) Greene Agrimonia eupatoria L. subsp. grandis Slovakia-N-1006, Europe-N-819, India-A-
Asteraceae (Andrz. Ex Ascherson & Graebner) 1124, Global-A-1207, south and southeast
Total N° of Refs: 2 Bornm. Asia-A-1320, Japan-A-87, North Korea-A-
Habit: perennial Herb Rosaceae 1018, South Korea-A-1860, Australia-Q-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 1 1123, South Korea-A-2032, Nepal-A-1960.
Dispersed by: Humans References: Portugal-N-1006.
References: Global-W-23, United Agrimonia pilosa Ledeb. D.Don var.
Kingdom-U-314. Agrimonia gryposepala Wallr. nepalensis (D. Don) Nakai
Rosaceae Rosaceae
Agoseris heterophylla (Nutt.) E. Greene Total N° of Refs: 4 Total N° of Refs: 1
Asteraceae Habit: perennial Herb Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Habit: annual Herb Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Dispersed by: Humans
References: Global-N-85. References: United States of America-W- References: China-W-431.
218, Canada-C-756, Global-CD-1611,
Agoseris heterophylla (Nutt.) Greene Canada-G-1855.
var. heterophylla
Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Global-N-85.

Agrimonia procera Wallr. Agriophyllum latifolium Fisch. & C. A. Agropogon littoralis C.E.Hubb.
Rosaceae Mey. Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 11 Chenopodiaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Global Risk Score: 11.52 Total N° of Refs: 1 Habit: Grass
Rating: Medium Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Habit: perennial Herb References: Pakistan-W-836. References: Australia-N-1450.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Origin: E Asia, Europe Agriophyllum montasiri El Gazzar x Agropogon lutosus (Poiret) P. Fourn.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Chenopodiaceae Poaceae
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Water, Total N° of Refs: 1 Accepted name: parents = Agrostis
Escapee References: Saudi Arabia-A-25. stolonifera L. x Polypogon monspeliensis
References: South Africa-W-158, Europe- (L.) Desf.
N-819, Sweden-W-1609, South Africa-E- Agriophyllum squarrosum (L.) Moq. Total N° of Refs: 1
1646, Poland-CD-1841, New Zealand-Q- Chenopodiaceae Habit: Grass
1879, Poland-A-1952, -I-, South Africa- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Agriophyllum Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
NR-2017, New Zealand-Q-2086, South arenarium M. Bieb. (1) Dispersed by: Humans
Africa-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 3 References: Belgium-U-1294.
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland
Agrimonia pubescens Wallr. Major Pathway/s: Crop Agropogon lutosus (Poir.) P. Fourn.
Rosaceae References: China-W-297, China-W-431. Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 1
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Agrocharis gracilis Hook.f. Habit: Grass
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Apiaceae References: Australia-W-1977.
References: Canada-C-756, Global-CD- Total N° of Refs: 1
1611, Canada-G-1855. Origin: Africa x Agropogon robinsonii (Druce)
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Melderis & D. McClintoc
Agrimonia repens L. Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Poaceae
Rosaceae Livestock, Sheep Total N° of Refs: 1
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Agrimonia odorata References: United Kingdom-UZD-314. Habit: Grass
auct. (6) References: Europe-N-819.
Total N° of Refs: 11 Agrocharis melanantha Hochst.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Apiaceae Agropyron canaliculatum Nevski
Origin: E Asia Total N° of Refs: 1 Poaceae
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Origin: Africa Accepted name: Elymus canaliculatus
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals Major Pathway/s: Contaminant (Nevski) Tzvelev
References: Global-N-85, Belgium-U- Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Total N° of Refs: 1
1220, Belgium-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Livestock, Sheep Habit: perennial Grass
South Africa-W-1977. References: United Kingdom-UZD-314. References: India-A-712.

Agrimonia spp. L. x Agropogon littoralis (Sm.) C.E.Hubb. Agropyron caninum (L.) P. Beauv.
Rosaceae Poaceae Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 Accepted name: parents = Agrostis Accepted name: Elymus caninus (L.) L.
ToxicDispersed by: Humans, Horse, stolonifera L. x Polypogon monspeliensis Total N° of Refs: 14
Livestock (L.) Desf. Habit: perennial Grass
References: Global-ZD-1203, United States Synonym/s (n° of refs): Polypogon littoralis Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
of America-ZD-1592. Smith (2) Origin: Europe
Total N° of Refs: 14 Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Agrimonia striata Michx. Global Risk Score: 0.72 Dispersed by: Humans
Rosaceae Rating: Low References: Global-A-30, Global-AW-91.
Total N° of Refs: 3 Habit: Grass
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Agropyron ciliare (Trin.) Franch.
Dispersed by: Humans Subtropical, Tropical Poaceae
References: United States of America-W- Origin: Europe, W Asia Accepted name: Elymus ciliaris subsp.
218, Global-W-1349, northern European Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, ciliaris (Trin.) Tzvelev
towns-W-2095. Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 2
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Habit: Grass
Agriophyllum arenarium M. Bieb. Livestock, Sheep Major Pathway/s: Pasture
Chenopodiaceae References: Chile-N-300, United States of References: South Korea-A-648, South
Accepted name: Agriophyllum squarrosum America-N-101, New Zealand-N-280, Korea-A-2032.
(L.) Moq. Australia-N-176, Australia-N-945, United
Total N° of Refs: 3 Kingdom-UZD-317, Australia-E-327, Agropyron confusum Roshev.
Habit: annual Herb Australia-W-853, Australia-N-855, Poaceae
Major Pathway/s: Crop Australia-W-869, New Zealand-N-919, Accepted name: Elymus confusus
References: China-A-275. Australia-N-354. (Roshev.) Tzvelev
Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: Grass
References: Russia-A-1621.

Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn. Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn. subsp. Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn.
Poaceae desertorum (Fisch. ex Link) A. L÷ve 'Fairway'
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Agropyron Poaceae Poaceae
pectinatum (Labill.) P. Beauv. (7), Accepted name: Agropyron desertorum Total N° of Refs: 1
Agropyron pectiniforme Roem. & Schult. Total N° of Refs: 19 Habit: Grass
(4) Habit: Grass Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 68 References: United States of America-N- References: United States of America-N-
Global Risk Score: 20.16 1603. 101.
Rating: High
Habit: perennial Grass Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn. subsp. Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn.
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, fragile (Roth) A. Love 'Parkway'
Mediterranean Poaceae Poaceae
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia Accepted name: Agropyron fragile Total N° of Refs: 1
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Total N° of Refs: 8 Habit: Grass
Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture Habit: Grass Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, References: United States of America-N- References: United States of America-N-
Livestock, Sheep 1603. 101.
Weed of: Cereals
References: Chile-N-300, United States of Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn. subsp. Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn. 'Ruff'
America-E-80, Global-N-85, Global-W-91, pectinatum (Bieb.) Tzvelev Poaceae
United States of America-N-101, Europe, Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
eastern-W-272, China-W-297, United Total N° of Refs: 8 Habit: Grass
Kingdom-U-317, China-W-431, Ukraine- Global Risk Score: 0.72 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
U-643, Switzerland-N-653, Denmark-U- Rating: Low References: United States of America-N-
711, Canada and United States of America- Habit: Grass 101.
N-725, North America-E-784, United Preferred Climate/s: Dryland
States of America-E-151, Global-W-788, Origin: E Asia, Europe Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn. 'SD
United States of America-I-904, United Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Common'
States of America-N-1058, United States of Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Poaceae
America-W-1103, United States of Livestock, Sheep, Escapee Total N° of Refs: 1
America-I-1161, United States of America- References: United States of America-N- Habit: Grass
N-1162, Chile-N-1229, Norway-N-1243, 101, Canada-UC-756, Global-N-85, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
south and southeast Asia-A-1320, Chile-N- Belgium-UD-1220, Canada-N-1252, Spain- References: United States of America-N-
1348, Global-W-1349, Turkey-A-1457, I-1454, Global-CD-1611, Canada-G-1855. 101.
Turkey-A-1463, Estonia-W-1609,
Denmark-W-1609, Germany-W-1609, Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn. Agropyron dasyanthum Ledeb.
Norway-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, 'Abruzzes' Poaceae
Canadian northwest Territories-N-1011, Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 5
Global-ZD-1611, Mongolia-A-1620, Total N° of Refs: 1 Habit: Grass
United States of America-ANZD-1667, Habit: Grass Origin: Europe
Polar Regions-ZD-1587, Russia-N-1681, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: Lithuania-I-737, Lithuania-N-
Russia-W-1684, North Africa, Libya, References: United States of America-N- 1006, Europe-N-819, Lithuania-W-1609,
Egypt-W-1730, Chile-E-1874, Mexico-N- 101. Lithuania-W-1977.
1881, -I-, Estonia-N-1997, Belarus-W-
1977, Belgium-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn.
Chile-W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977, 'Douglas'
Denmark-W-1977, Germany-W-1977, Poaceae
Latvia-W-1977, Lithuania-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 1
Mexico-W-1977, Morocco-W-1977, Habit: Grass
Sweden-W-1977, Global--1324. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
References: United States of America-N-
Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn. var. 101.
desertorum (Fisch. ex Link) Dorn
Poaceae Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn.
Accepted name: Agropyron desertorum 'Ephraim'
Total N° of Refs: 19 Poaceae
Habit: Grass Total N° of Refs: 1
References: United States of America-N- Habit: Grass
1607. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
References: United States of America-N-
Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn. subsp. 101.
Total N° of Refs: 2
Habit: Grass
References: United States of America-N-
1603, North America-N-1760.

Agropyron desertorum (Fisch. ex Link) Agropyron elongatum (Host) P.Beauv. Agropyron x hybrid auct.
Schult. Poaceae Poaceae
Poaceae Accepted name: Lophopyrum ponticum Total N° of Refs: 1
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Agropyron (Podp.) Á. Löve Habit: Grass
cristatum (L.) Gaertn. var. desertorum Total N° of Refs: 15 References: United States of America-N-
(Fisch. ex Link) Dorn (1), Agropyron Global Risk Score: 13.44 101.
cristatum (L.) Gaertn. subsp. desertorum Rating: Medium
(Fisch. ex Link) A. L ve (1) Habit: Grass Agropyron inerme (Scribn. & J. G. Sm.)
Total N° of Refs: 20 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Rydb.
Global Risk Score: 2.24 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Poaceae
Rating: Low Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture Accepted name: Pseudoroegneria spicata
Habit: perennial Grass Dispersed by: Humans, Cattle, Livestock, subsp. inermis
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland Sheep Total N° of Refs: 1
Origin: E Asia, Europe Weed of: Pastures Habit: Grass
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, References: United States of America-E- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Ornamental, Pasture 80, Canada-A-642, Australia-W-869, Pasture
Dispersed by: Humans Australia-N-1049, Australia-A-1331, Iran- Dispersed by: Humans
References: United States of America-W- ZD-1585. References: Polar Regions-Z-1587.
34, United States of America-N-101,
United Kingdom-U-317, Austria-U-708, Agropyron fragile (Roth) P.Candargy Agropyron intermedium (Host) P.Beauv.
United States of America-N-86, Italy-N- Poaceae Poaceae
1006, Europe-N-819, United States of Synonym/s (n° of refs): Agropyron Accepted name: Elytrigia intermedia (Host)
America-W-1103, Italy-N-251, Global-E- cristatum (L.) Gaertn. subsp. fragile (Roth) Nevski subsp. intermedia
1449, Austria-W-1609, Latvia-W-1609, A. Love (1), Agropyron sibiricum (Willd.) Total N° of Refs: 14
United States of America-N-1162, Italy-N- P. Beauv. (1) Global Risk Score: 3.52
1887, Austria-W-1977, Bhutan-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 9 Rating: Low
Italy-W-1977, Latvia-W-1977. Habit: perennial Grass Habit: Grass
Origin: E Asia Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Agropyron desertorum (Fisch. ex Link) Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental,
Schult. 'Dup-AGROP90' Dispersed by: Humans Pasture
Poaceae References: United States of America-N- Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 1 101, Europe-N-819, Latvia-W-1609, Weed of: Cereals
Habit: Grass Canadian northwest Territories-N-1011, References: Global-A-30, United States of
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental United States of America-N-1162, Canada- America-E-80, Global-W-1349, Iran-A-
References: United States of America-N- W-1977, Latvia-W-1977. 2111.
Agropyron fragile (Roth) P.Candargy Agropyron kamoji Ohwi
Agropyron desertorum (Fisch. ex Link) 'P27' Poaceae
Schult. 'Hycrest' Poaceae Accepted name: Elymus tsukushiensis var.
Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 1 transiens Honda (Hack.) Osada
Total N° of Refs: 1 Habit: Grass Total N° of Refs: 2
Habit: Grass Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Habit: Grass
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: United States of America-N- References: South Korea-A-648, Japan-A-
References: United States of America-N- 101. 87.
Agropyron fragile (Roth) P.Candargy Agropyron koryoense Honda
Agropyron desertorum (Fisch. ex Link) 'Vavilov' Poaceae
Schult. 'Nordan' Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 1 Habit: Grass
Total N° of Refs: 1 Habit: Grass References: South Korea-A-648.
Habit: Grass Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: United States of America-N- Agropyron parishii Scribn. & J.G. Sm.
References: United States of America-N- 101. Poaceae
101. Accepted name: Elymus stebbinsii
Agropyron hackelianum Beetle Total N° of Refs: 3
Poaceae Habit: Grass
Accepted name: Elymus ciliaris (Trin.) Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Tzvelev References: Mexico-N-791.
Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: Grass Agropyron patulum Trin.
References: North Korea-A-1018. Poaceae
Accepted name: Eremopyrum bonaepartis
Agropyron hybrid Hort. 'Hycrest' (Spreng.) Nevski
Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 13
Total N° of Refs: 1 Habit: Grass
Habit: Grass Weed of: Cereals
References: United States of America-N- References: Azerbaijan-A-1638.

Agropyron pectinatum (Labill.) P. Agropyron repens (L.) P. Beauv. Global-Q-1572, Italy-A-1618, Iran-A-1619,
Beauv. Poaceae Mongolia-A-1620, Russia-A-1621, New
Poaceae Accepted name: Elytrigia repens (L.) Nev. Zealand-A-1624, Turkey-A-942, Serbia-W-
Accepted name: Agropyron cristatum var. Total N° of Refs: 227 1766, Serbia-R-1771, Austria-A-1670,
pectinatum (L.) Gaertn. Global Risk Score: 14.4 Europe-A-1806, Finland-A-1815, Poland-
Total N° of Refs: 64 Rating: Medium A-1825, Alaska-X-1852, Serbia-A-1863,
Global Risk Score: 0.48 Aqua - Habit: perennial Grass Global-A-1903, Iran-A-1916, Serbia-A-
Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, 1923, Serbia-R-1946, Serbia-R-1953,
Habit: perennial Grass Subtropical, Tropical Poland-A-1955, Serbia-R-1957, South
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Origin: E Asia, Europe Korea-N-1975, Poland-A-2005, South
Origin: Europe, W Asia Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Korea-A-2032, Poland-A-2047, Iran-A-
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Ornamental 2072, Serbia-A-2080, Spain-A-2083,
Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans, Water Canada-G-1462, France-A-2094, Canada-
Dispersed by: Humans Weed of: Canola, Cereals, Grapevines, A-2099, Iran-A-2111.
References: Czech Republic-UZ-400, Nursery Production, Orchards &
Ukraine-U-643, Lithuania-I-737, Lithuania- Plantations, Pastures, Pome Fruits, Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. var.
N-1006, Europe-N-819, Latvia-W-1609, Sunflowers, Vegetables subulatum (Schreb.) Roemer & J.A.
Lithuania-W-1609. References: India-A-758, eastern and Schultes
central North America-W-8, North Poaceae
Agropyron pectiniforme Roem. & America-EW-21, Global-W-23, Argentina- Accepted name: Elymus repens
Schult. W-237, Australia-W-269, Global-A-30, Total N° of Refs: 115
Poaceae United States of America-X-35, Canada-X- Habit: Grass
Accepted name: Agropyron cristatum 36, Global-A-44, United States of America- Major Pathway/s: Herbal
subsp. pectinatum (L.) Gaertn. (Bieb.) A-49, Canada-W-52, United States of References: Canada-A-642.
Tzvelev America-E-80, Global-W-108, Global-X-
Total N° of Refs: 61 85, Global-AW-91, Global-A-186, Global- Agropyron repens Beauv. fo. aristatum
Habit: Grass A-243, Mongolia-A-114, Italy-A-118, Holmb.
Origin: Europe South America-W-295, South Africa-AZR- Poaceae
References: Canada-W-4, Canada-E-104, 121, Japan-A-263, Canada-W-294, United Total N° of Refs: 3
Canada-NI-1340, Canada-I-1538. States of America-AEW-136, United States Habit: Grass
of America-X-141, United States of References: South Korea-N-773, South
Agropyron pycnanthum (Godr.) Gren. & America-W-392, United States of America- Korea-N-761, Kosovo-R-2003.
Godr. ED-159, Canada-W-162, Canada and
Poaceae United States of America-XZW-299, Agropyron semicostatum (Nees ex
Accepted name: Thinopyrum pycnanthum United States of America-A-180, Steud.) Boiss.
(Godr.) Barkworth Argentina-A-236, United States of Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 5 America-AW-207, United States of Accepted name: Elymus semicostatum
Global Risk Score: 1.28 America-AW-210, United States of (Nees ex Steud.) Á.Löve
Rating: Low America-W-218, United States of America- Total N° of Refs: 3
Habit: Grass W-219, United States of America-A-543, Global Risk Score: 2.56
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Global-A-546, Canada-A-642, Canada- Rating: Low
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture NW-652, United States of America-E-734, Habit: Grass
Dispersed by: Humans Global-A-743, South Korea-N-773, North Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture
References: Mexico-N-791, Mexico-I-878. America-X-790, Mexico-N-791, Mexico-I- Dispersed by: Humans
878, Europe-A-889, Argentina-A-913, References: Japan-A-87, Australia-Q-1123.
Agropyron ramosum (Trin.) K. Richt. India-A-948, United States of America-N-
Poaceae 1057, United States of America-N-1058, Agropyron sibiricum (Willd.) P. Beauv.
Accepted name: Leymus ramosus (Trin.) Poland-A-935, South Korea-N-761, Serbia- Poaceae
Tzvelev W-1238, Macedonia-A-1304, south and Accepted name: Agropyron fragile (Roth)
Total N° of Refs: 2 southeast Asia-A-1320, Australia-A-1331, P.Candargy subsp. sibiricum (Willd.)
Habit: Grass Serbia-A-1343, Serbia-W-1358, Antarctica- Melderis
References: Russia-A-87. N-1362, Serbia-W-1222, Australia-ZD- Total N° of Refs: 8
1444, Global-E-1449, Belarus-A-1526, Habit: Grass
Mongolia-A-1641, United Kingdom-A-87, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture
Finland-A-87, Greece-A-87, Ireland-A-87, Dispersed by: Humans
Russia-A-87, United States of America-A- References: Canada-N-1340.
87, Alaska-A-87, Belgium-A-87, Canada-
A-87, Germany-A-87, New Guinea-A-87, Agropyron sikkimense Melderis
Norway-A-87, New Zealand-A-87, Spain- Poaceae
A-87, Sweden-A-87, Argentina-A-87, Total N° of Refs: 1
Ecuador-A-87, Iran-A-87, Afghanistan-A- Habit: Grass
87, Australia-A-87, Bangladesh-A-87, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Bulgaria-A-87, Czechoslovakia-A-87, References: Bhutan-W-423.
Denmark-A-87, France-A-87, Hungary-A-
87, Iceland-A-87, India-A-87, Italy-A-87,
Japan-A-87, Netherlands-A-87, Poland-A-
87, Turkey-A-87, Yugoslavia-A-87, South
Korea-N-1013, Poland-A-1016, Serbia-W-
1031, Croatia-A-1037, Poland-A-1042,

Agropyron smithii Rydb. Agropyron tenerum Vasey Agrostemma brachyloba (Fenzl)
Poaceae Poaceae Hammer
Accepted name: Pascopyrum smithii Accepted name: Elymus trachycaulus Caryophyllaceae
(Rydb.) Á.Löve subsp. trachycaulus Synonym/s (n° of refs): Agrostemma
Total N° of Refs: 13 Total N° of Refs: 27 gracilis Boiss. (2)
Global Risk Score: 5.28 Habit: Grass Total N° of Refs: 4
Rating: Low References: Europe-N-819. References: United States of America-N-
Habit: Grass 101, Belgium-W-1977.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Agropyron trachycaulum (Link) Malte
Ornamental, Pasture ex H. F. Lewis
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Poaceae
Livestock, Sheep Accepted name: Elymus trachycaulus
References: United States of America-W- (Link) Gould ex Shinners
218, Canada-A-642, United Kingdom-ZD- Total N° of Refs: 28
1633, Canada-A-87. Habit: perennial Grass
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Agropyron smithii Rydb. var. molle Ornamental, Pasture
(Scribn. & J. G. Sm.) M. E. Jones Dispersed by: Humans, Vehicles
Poaceae References: United States of America-ZD-
Accepted name: Pascopyrum smithii 1440, Global-ZD-1495.
Total N° of Refs: 10
Habit: Grass Agropyron trichophorum (Link)
References: Canada-A-642. K.Richt.
Agropyron spicatum (Pursh) Scribn. & Accepted name: Elytrigia intermedia (Host)
J.G.Sm. Nevski subsp. intermedia
Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 11
Accepted name: Pseudoroegneria spicata Habit: Grass
(Pursh) Á.Löve Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental,
Habit: Grass Pasture
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture References: Global-W-1349.
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Global-W-1349. Agropyron triticeum Gaertn.
Agropyron spp. Gaertn. Accepted name: Eremopyrum triticeum
Poaceae (Gaertn.) Nevski
Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 25
Habit: Grass Habit: Grass
Dispersed by: Humans, Vehicles Major Pathway/s: Herbal
References: United States of America-ZD- References: United States of America-E-
1440, Polar Regions-ZD-1587, Australia- 80, Canada-A-642, United States of
ZD-1675. America-N-1607.

Agropyron squarrosum (Link) Roth Agropyron tsukushiense (Honda) Ohwi

Poaceae Poaceae
Accepted name: Eremopyrum bonaepartis Accepted name: Elymus tsukushiensis var.
(Spreng.) Nevski tsukushiensis Honda
Total N° of Refs: 13 Total N° of Refs: 2
Habit: Grass Habit: Grass
References: LEBANON-A-596. References: Japan-A-87, Australia-Q-1123.

Agropyron striatum (Nees ex Steud.) Agropyron tsukushiense (Honda) Ohwi

Hook. f. var. transiens (Hack.) Ohwi
Poaceae Poaceae
Accepted name: Elymus semicostatus Accepted name: Elymus tsukushiensis var.
(Nees ex Steud.) Melderis transiens Honda (Hack.) Osada
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 7
Habit: perennial Grass Habit: perennial Grass
References: India-A-712. Major Pathway/s: Pasture
References: Japan-A-263, Global-A-1207,
Global-W-1349, North Korea-A-1018,
South Korea-A-1859, South Korea-A-2032,
South Korea-A-2033.

Agrostemma githago L. Greece-W-1240, Norway-N-1243, Falkland Agrostemma githago L. var. githago
Caryophyllaceae Islands-nC-1251, China-U-92, France-A- Caryophyllaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Lychnis githago 1266, Spain-N-1270, Japan-N-1278, Total N° of Refs: 1
(L.) Scop. (2) Argentina-W-1286, Ukraine-N-1297, References: United States of America-U-
Total N° of Refs: 237 Macedonia-A-1304, Georgia-A-1313, 904.
Global Risk Score: 19.2 Ukraine-N-1335, Serbia-A-1343, India-N-
Rating: High 1345, Chile-N-1348, Global-W-1349, Agrostemma githago L. subsp. githago
Toxic - Habit: annual Herb Finland-AN-1356, Serbia-A-1357, Serbia- Caryophyllaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, W-1358, Turkey--1412, Spain--1454, Total N° of Refs: 2
Subtropical, Tropical Spain--1455, Slovakia-N-1484, China-I- References: Crete-A-1228, South Africa-
Origin: Africa, C Asia, E Asia, Europe, W 1496, Czech Republic-U-1522, Turkey-A- W-1977.
Asia 1523, Romania-N-1540, Panarctic-U-1596,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, North Korea-N-1600, United States of Agrostemma githago subsp. thessalum
Herbal, Ornamental America-N-1603, Czech Republic-W-1609, (Bornm.) Greuter
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers, Denmark-W-1609, Poland-W-1609, Caryophyllaceae
Cattle, Livestock, Sheep, Wind Turkey-A-1635, United Kingdom-U-1636, Total N° of Refs: 2
Seed Longevity: Short Term Argentina-A-87, Hungary-A-87, Greece-A- References: Sweden-W-1609, Sweden-W-
Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations, 87, Italy-A-87, Poland-A-87, Austria-A-87, 1977.
Pastures, Vegetables Australia-A-87, Canada-A-87, United
References: Brazil-W-361, Brazil-W-407, Kingdom-A-87, Germany-A-87, Iran-A-87, Agrostemma gracile Boiss.
North America-X-790, eastern and central Israel-A-87, Morocco-A-87, Portugal-A- Caryophyllaceae
North America-W-8, Global-W-23, Global- 87, South Africa-A-87, Russia-A-87, Total N° of Refs: 7
W-433, Argentina-W-237, Australia-W- Spain-A-87, Tunisia-A-87, Turkey-A-87, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
269, United States of America-W-34, United States of America-A-87, Chile-A- References: Israel-A-885, Europe-N-819,
Finland-U-42, Global-A-44, Chile-N-300, 87, Jordan-A-87, Japan-A-87, Norway-A- Norway-N-1243, Norway-W-1609,
South Africa-W-51, United States of 87, Sweden-A-87, Uruguay-A-87, Sweden-W-1609, Belgium-U-1220,
America-E-80, Global-N-108, Global- Hungary-A-1015, Serbia-A-1019, Global- Sweden-W-1977.
NXZW-85, Global-A-243, United States of N-1218, Global-ZD-1611, Lesotho-W-
America-N-101, New Zealand-UW-280, 1127, Russia-N-1681, Russia-U-1682, Agrostemma gracilis Boiss.
Chile-N-241, South America-W-295, South Russia-W-1687, China-I-1711, Brazil-N- Caryophyllaceae
Africa-AZW-121, United States of 1071, Czech Republic-U-1731, Iceland-U- Accepted name: Agrostemma brachyloba
America-AW-136, United States of 1552, Brazil-N-1746, United States of (Fenzl) Hammer
America-W-161, Australia-N-176, United America-N-1162, China-I-1758, Serbia-W- Total N° of Refs: 4
States of America-W-179, Japan-N-287, 1766, China-I-1769, central Europe-A- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
western Europe-A-253, United States of 1616, China-A-1669, France-A-1814, Origin: Europe, W Asia
America-AW-210, United States of Australia-N-1902, Australia-N-1845, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
America-AW-211, United States of Serbia-R-1848, Montenegro-W-1861, Ornamental
America-W-212, Europe, eastern-AW-272, Chile-I-1872, China-I-1873, Mexico-Q- Dispersed by: Humans
western Europe-W-70, United States of 1880, Mexico-NI-1881, Poland-A-1033, References: United Kingdom-UZ-314,
America-W-218, Europe-A-94, Australia- Germany-R-1948, Australia-N-1959, Belgium-U-1220.
N-945, Spain-A-417, United Kingdom-UZ- Poland-A-1965, Poland-A-1966, -I-, -I-,
314, Czech Republic-NZI-400, Iceland-U- Romania-I-1986, Bosnia and Herzegovina- Agrostemma linicola Terech.
507, China-W-431, China-AN-403, United N-1987, Russia-N-1989, Poland-N-1993, Caryophyllaceae
Kingdom-N-519, United States of Kosovo-R-2003, Ukraine-U-2014, Poland- Total N° of Refs: 5
America-A-543, Canada-A-642, Ukraine- A-2047, New Zealand-U-2048, Ukraine-N- Origin: E Asia
U-643, South Africa-AZ-709, Denmark-W- 2050, -AU-2058, Poland-AN-2059, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
711, Canada and United States of America- Poland-A-2061, Slovakia-A-2079, Spain- Dispersed by: Humans
N-725, Turkey-A-727, United States of A-2083, Greece-A-2093, Turkey-A-2101, References: Slovakia-N-1006, Europe-N-
America-N-86, Chile-N-765, China-I-780, Turkey-A-2103, Poland-A-2110, Ukraine- 819, Slovakia-U-1484, Russia-A-87,
Australia-N-7, Japan-N-794, Spain-W-807, N-2112, Australia-W-1977, Brazil-W- Slovakia-W-1977.
United Kingdom-NZ-812, New Zealand-N- 1977, Bulgaria-W-1977, Canada-W-1977,
823, Australia-W-853, Australia-N-855, Chile-W-1977, Croatia-W-1977, Cyprus- Agrostis aemula R.Br.
Australia-W-869, United States of W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977, Poaceae
America-X-229, Mexico-I-878, China-I- Democratic Repubic of Korea-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 2
882, Slovenia-W-883, Israel-A-885, Denmark-W-1977, France-W-1977, Habit: Grass
Europe-A-889, Ireland-U-894, Argentina- Iceland-W-1977, India-W-1977, Ireland- Origin: Aust
A-913, New Zealand-U-919, Uruguay-A- W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Poland-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
924, Chile-A-931, United Kingdom-Z-944, Portugal-W-1977, Republic of Korea-W- Ornamental
United States of America-A-967, Turkey- 1977, Republic of Moldova-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
A-977, Australia-N-354, Austria-N-1006, Russian Federation-W-1977, Slovakia-W- Livestock, Sheep
Spain-N-1006, France-N-1006, 1977, Ukraine-W-1977, United Kingdom- References: United Kingdom-UZD-317,
Czechoslovakia-N-1006, France-N-1006, W-1977, South Korea-U-2113, North United Kingdom-ZD-1633.
Germany-N-1006, United Kingdom-N- Korea-N-2114.
1006, Iceland-N-1006, Slovakia-N-1006,
Australia-N-1049, China-I-1055, Portugal-
N-898, Europe-N-819, United Kingdom-A-
1093, Africa-W-1127, Spain-W-1149,
Europe-W-1191, China-N-1215, Poland-
AW-1219, Chile-N-1229, Serbia-W-1238,

Agrostis alba L. Agrostis avenacea J.F.Gmel. Agrostis billardieri R.Br. var. filifolia
Poaceae Poaceae Vickery
Total N° of Refs: 30 Accepted name: Lachnagrostis filiformis Poaceae
Global Risk Score: 9.12 (G.Forst.) Trin. Total N° of Refs: 1
Rating: Medium Total N° of Refs: 33 Habit: Grass
Aqua - Habit: Grass Global Risk Score: 6.48 Origin: Aust
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Rating: Low Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Subtropical Habit: perennial Grass Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Pasture Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Livestock, Sheep
Dispersed by: Humans, Water Tropical References: United Kingdom-UZD-317.
Weed of: Pastures Origin: Aust, NZ, S Am
References: Chile-N-241, United States of Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Agrostis x bjoerkmanii Widen
America-AW-136, Japan-N-287, Japan-W- Ornamental Poaceae
286, Asia-W-204, Argentina-A-236, United Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle, Accepted name: parents = Agrostis
States of America-W-218, Canada-A-642, Livestock, Sheep capillaris L. subsp. capillaris x Agrostis
Mexico-N-791, Japan-N-794, Mexico-I- References: Global-NW-85, Costa Rica-I- gigantea Roth
878, Uruguay-A-924, Colombia-A-927, 975, United States of America-N-101, Total N° of Refs: 1
Chile-A-931, United States of America-N- South Africa-AR-121, Japan-N-287, United Habit: Grass
1057, Japan-AEID-1073, Serbia-W-1238, Kingdom-NZD-317, United Kingdom-N- References: Europe-N-819.
Japan-N-1278, south and southeast Asia-A- 519, Japan-N-794, United Kingdom-U-812,
1320, Serbia-W-1222, Hawaii-A-87, Japan- Costa Rica-N-872, United States of Agrostis canina L.
A-87, Chile-A-87, Colombia-A-87, Italy- America-W-946, Europe-N-819, China-N- Poaceae
A-87, Turkey-A-87, Uruguay-A-87, Chile- 1215, Japan-N-1278, Taiwan-N-1403, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Agrostis geniculata
I-1872, Serbia-R-1946, Kosovo-R-2003. Argentina-NZD-1415, Australia-A-1498, Lam. nom. illeg. (1)
United States of America-E-1736, South Total N° of Refs: 38
Agrostis alba L. var. stolonifera (L.) Sm. Africa-N-1991, South Africa-N-2017, Global Risk Score: 26.88
Poaceae Belgium-W-1977, Costa Rica-W-1977, Rating: High
Accepted name: Agrostis stolonifera Japan-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977, Habit: perennial Grass
Total N° of Refs: 172 Taiwan-W-1977, Global--1324. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Habit: Grass Origin: E Asia, Europe
References: Canada-A-642, Global-W- Agrostis avenacea J.Gmelin var. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
1349. avenacea Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture
Poaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers,
Agrostis alba L. fo. aristigera Fern. Accepted name: Lachnagrostis filiformis Cattle, Horse, Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles,
Poaceae (G.Forst.) Trin. Water, Wind
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 9 Seed Longevity: Long Term
Habit: Grass Habit: annual Grass Weed of: Cereals
References: Japan-N-287. Origin: Aust References: United States of America-E-
References: Australia-W-269, Australia-W- 80, Global-NZW-85, Global-W-91, Chile-
Agrostis arvensis L. 869. N-241, Japan-N-287, Europe, eastern-W-
Poaceae 272, western Europe-W-70, United States
Total N° of Refs: 3 Agrostis billardierei R.Br. of America-N-301, Japan-N-794, United
Habit: Grass Poaceae States of America-N-839, India-N-914,
References: Chile-N-241, Chile-I-1872, Total N° of Refs: 3 Global-N-1059, Antarctica-N-396, United
Chile-W-1977. Habit: Grass States of America-N-101, Canada-N-1252,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Japan-N-1278, United States of America-
Dispersed by: Humans N-1292, Global-W-1349, Serbia-A-1357,
References: Europe-N-819, Global-W- India-N-1389, Netherlands-ZD-1420,
1324, Belgium-W-1977. Global-ZD-1492, Global-ZD-1495,
Finland-A-87, Russia-A-87, Svalbard-N-
Agrostis billardieri R.Br. 1009, Europe-ZD-1656, Belgium-ZD-1664,
Poaceae Europe--, Global-ZD-1611, China-N-1758,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Lachnagrostis Russia-W-1671, Algeria-N-1796, Finland-
billardieri (R. Brown) Trin. (1) A-1815, Chile-I-1872, Canada-W-1977,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Chile-W-1977, Japan-W-1977.
Habit: Grass
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Agrostis canina L. var. formosana Hack.
Dispersed by: Humans Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2
Habit: perennial Grass
Origin: E Asia, Europe
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: China-W-431, China-N-1344.

Agrostis canina L. 'Kingstown' Agrostis capillaris L. States of America-N-1162, central Europe-
Poaceae Poaceae A-1616, Russia-W-1671, Colombia-N-
Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Agrostis tenuis 1796, Poland-A-1825, Australia-N-1902,
Habit: Grass Sibth. (29), Agrostis vulgaris With. (2) Australia-UN-1845, Chile-I-1872, Chile
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 149 and Argentina-A-1874, Poland-A-1033,
References: United States of America-N- Global Risk Score: 33.6 Australia-WD-1934, Australia-U-1962, -I-,
101. Rating: Extreme Central and northern Japan and northern
Habit: perennial Grass islands-N-1983, New Zealand-N-2048,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Poland-A-2059, Poland-A-2060, Poland-R-
Tropical 2062, South Georgia and Sandwich Islands-
Origin: Africa, C Asia, E Asia, Europe, W N-2085, United States of America-N-2092,
Asia Belgium-W-2096, Argentina-W-1977,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Australia-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Chile-
Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture W-1977, Costa Rica-W-1977, New
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers, Zealand-W-1977, Global--1324.
Cattle, Donkey, Horse, Livestock, Sheep,
Vehicles, Water, Wind, Escapee Agrostis capillaris L. var. aristata
Seed Longevity: Long Term (Parnell) Druce
Weed of: Cereals, Forestry, Orchards & Poaceae
Plantations, Pastures Total N° of Refs: 7
References: Costa Rica-I-975, Australia-E- Habit: Grass
20, Australia-W-269, Australia-E-290, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
United States of America-CW-34, Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia
Australia-E-72, New Zealand-E-246, Chile- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
N-300, United States of America-E-80, Dispersed by: Humans
Global-NZW-85, Global-A-243, United References: Australia-N-198, Australia-N-
States of America-N-101, New Zealand-N- 945, Australia-E-327, Australia-N-7,
280, Chile-N-241, Australia-E-296, United Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1845,
States of America-W-392, New Zealand- Australia-N-1959.
EW-181, Australia-N-176, Australia-N-
198, New Zealand-EW-225, Europe, Agrostis capillaris L. var. capillaris
eastern-AW-272, western Europe-W-70, Poaceae
Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945, United Total N° of Refs: 8
Kingdom-UZD-317, Australia-E-327, New Habit: Grass
Zealand-NW-425, New Zealand-N-534, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
New Zealand-N-15, Global-E-649, Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia
Australia-AEN-310, Canada and United Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
States of America-N-725, United States of Dispersed by: Humans
America-E-736, Chile-N-765, North References: Australia-N-198, Australia-N-
America-E-784, United States of America- 945, Australia-E-327, Australia-EN-7,
N-301, United States of America-E-151, Australia-W-853, Australia-N-354,
United States of America-N-839, Australia- Australia-N-1845, Australia-N-1959.
N-855, Australia-W-869, Costa Rica-CN-
872, New Zealand-N-919, United States of Agrostis capillaris L. 'Astoria'
America-W-946, Argentina-I-983, Poaceae
Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049, Total N° of Refs: 1
Greenland-N-1061, Europe-N-819, Habit: Grass
Antarctica-N-396, United Kingdom-A-322, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
New Zealand-E-505, United States of References: United States of America-N-
America-AE-1156, Global-ZD-1203, 101.
Chile-N-1229, Falkland Islands-N-1251,
Canada-N-1252, Australia-E-1259, Agrostis capillaris L. 'Exter'
Australia-E-1261, Australia-E-1262, United Poaceae
States of America-N-1292, Australia-A- Total N° of Refs: 1
1331, Canada-N-1340, Chile-N-1348, Habit: Grass
Finland-AN-1356, Serbia-A-1357, United Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Kingdom-ZD-1416, Netherlands-ZD-1420, References: United States of America-N-
Belgium-ZD-1421, Belgium-ZD-1422, 101.
Europe-ZD-1436, Australia-ZD-1443,
Australia-ZD-1444, Australia-N-1450, Agrostis capillaris L. 'Highland'
Australia-ZD-1451, Australia-E-1456, Poaceae
Global-ZD-1492, Global-ZD-1495, New Total N° of Refs: 1
Zealand-N-1543, Brazil-N-1597, Serbia-A- Habit: Grass
1019, Europe-ZD-1653, Germany-ZD- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
1655, Europe-ZD-1657, Belgium-ZD-1663, Dispersed by: Humans
Belgium-ZD-1665, Europe-ZD-1576, References: United States of America-N-
Europe-ZD-1582, Belgium-ZD-1593, 101.
Global-CZD-1611, Global-ZD-1581,
United States of America-E-1736, United

Agrostis castellana Boiss. & Reut. Agrostis curtisii Kerguelen Agrostis exarata Trin. var. monolepis
Poaceae Poaceae (Torr.) Hitchc.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Agrostis castellana Total N° of Refs: 1 Poaceae
Boiss. & Reut. var. mixta Hack. (1) Habit: Grass Accepted name: Agrostis exarata
Total N° of Refs: 37 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 14
Global Risk Score: 15.84 Origin: Europe Habit: perennial Grass
Rating: Medium Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: United States of America-N-
Habit: perennial Grass Dispersed by: Humans 301.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Seed Longevity: Transient
Origin: Africa, Europe References: United Kingdom-U-317. Agrostis exarata Trin. var. nukabo
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, T.Koyama
Ornamental, Pasture Agrostis delicatula Steud. ex Lechler Poaceae
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Livestock, Sheep Accepted name: Aciachne pulvinata Benth. Habit: Grass
Seed Longevity: Short Term Total N° of Refs: 1 References: South Korea-A-648.
References: Chile-N-300, Global-NW-85, Habit: Grass
New Zealand-N-280, Portugal-A-250, References: western Europe-W-70. Agrostis filifolia Link
United Kingdom-ZD-317, New Zealand- Poaceae
NW-425, Antarctica-N-338, Canary Agrostis diegoensis Vasey Total N° of Refs: 1
Islands-N-305, United Kingdom-N-519, Poaceae Habit: Grass
New Zealand-N-534, Austria-U-708, New Accepted name: Agrostis pallens Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Zealand-N-919, Slovenia-N-1006, Europe- Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Portugal-A-87.
N-819, Antarctica-N-396, Belgium-UD- Habit: Grass
1220, Chile-N-1229, Australia-E-1259, Major Pathway/s: Herbal Agrostis fouilladeana Lambinon &
Australia-E-1261, Australia-E-1262, References: United Kingdom-U-317. Verloove
Global-W-1324, Chile-N-1348, Austria-W- Poaceae
1609, Germany-W-1609, United Kingdom- Agrostis dimorpholemma Ohwi Accepted name: Agrostis fouilladeana
ZD-1633, Portugal-A-87, Global-ZD-1611, Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
North America-N-1760, Bolivia-N-1796, - Accepted name: Agrostis dimorpholemma Habit: Grass
I-, New Zealand-N-2048, Austria-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Belgium-W-1977.
Belgium-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Habit: Grass
Germany-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977, References: Japan-W-1977. Agrostis x fouilladeana Lambinon &
United Kingdom-W-1977. Verloove
Agrostis eriantha Hack. Poaceae
Agrostis castellana Boiss. & Reut. var. Poaceae Accepted name: parents = Agrostis
mixta Hack. Total N° of Refs: 5 capillaris L. x Agrostis castellana Boiss. &
Poaceae Habit: Grass Reut.
Accepted name: Agrostis castellana Boiss. Origin: Africa Synonym/s (n° of refs): Agrostis x
& Reut. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant fouilladei E. Fourn. (1)
Total N° of Refs: 37 Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Total N° of Refs: 2
Habit: Grass Livestock, Sheep Habit: Grass
References: United Kingdom-U-40. References: United Kingdom-UZD-317, References: Belgium-N-1220.
Europe-N-819, Belgium-UD-1220, Global-
Agrostis clavata Trin. W-1324, Belgium-W-1977. Agrostis x fouilladei E. Fourn.
Poaceae Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 7 Agrostis exarata Trin. Accepted name: Agrostis x fouilladeana
Global Risk Score: 2.08 Poaceae Lambinon & Verloove
Rating: Low Synonym/s (n° of refs): Agrostis exarata Total N° of Refs: 2
Habit: Grass Trin. var. monolepis (Torr.) Hitchc. (1) Habit: Grass
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 14 References: Europe-N-819.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Pasture Global Risk Score: 3.04
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle, Rating: Low Agrostis x fouilladei E. Fourn.
Livestock Habit: perennial Grass Poaceae
References: Japan-W-286, Asia-W-204, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Total N° of Refs: 1
China-W-431, Global-A-1207, United Origin: N Am Habit: Grass
States of America-A-1022, Japan-A-87, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, References: Belgium-N-1006.
Global-ZD-1611. Pasture
Dispersed by: Humans Agrostis geniculata Lam. nom. illeg.
Agrostis clavata Trin. subsp. References: United Kingdom-UZ-317, Poaceae
matsumurae (Hack. ex Honda) Tateoka United States of America-N-839, United Accepted name: Agrostis canina L.
Poaceae States of America-N-1057, United States of Total N° of Refs: 38
Total N° of Refs: 1 America-N-1058, Europe-N-819, Belgium- Habit: Grass
Habit: Grass U-1220, United States of America-N-1292, References: Australia-N-945.
References: Japan-W-286. Germany-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609,
Japan-A-87, Belgium-W-1977, Germany-
W-1977, Sweden-W-1977.

Agrostis gigantea Roth Republic-W-1609, Greenland-W-1609, Agrostis hiemalis (Walter) Britton,
Poaceae United Kingdom-N-1636, Iran-A-87, New Sterns & Pogg.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Agrostis gigantea Zealand-A-87, Canadian northwest Poaceae
Roth var. dispar (Michx.) Philipson (1), Territories-N-1011, Pakistan-A-1044, Accepted name: Agrostis hyemalis (Walter)
Agrostis nigra With. (4), Agrostis Japan-N-1571, Belgium-ZD-1663, Global- Britton, Sterns & Pogg.
stolonifera L. var. major (Gaudin) Farw. (1) CD-1611, New Zealand-A-1624, Czech Total N° of Refs: 18
Total N° of Refs: 137 Republic-N-1731, Iceland-U-1552, United Global Risk Score: 0.24
Global Risk Score: 44.8 States of America-E-1736, Europe-U-1740, Rating: Low
Rating: Extreme central Europe-A-1616, Russia-W-1671, Habit: Grass
Habit: perennial Grass Bolivia-N-1796, Colombia-N-1796, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Ecuador-N-1796, Poland-A-1825, Dispersed by: Humans
Subtropical, Tropical Australia-N-1902, Australia-N-1845, References: Australia-N-945, Global-W-
Origin: Africa, C Asia, E Asia, Europe, W Canada-G-1855, Mexico-NI-1881, 1324, Brazil-A-1622.
Asia Australia-WD-1934, Australia-N-1959, -I-,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, -I-, Central and northern Japan and Agrostis hiemalis (Walter) Britton,
Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture northern islands-N-1983, New Zealand-N- Sterns & Pogg. var. tenuis (Tuck.)
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Horse, 2048, -A-2058, Poland-R-2062, Slovakia- Gleason
Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles, Water, Wind, A-2079, Canada-G-1462, Argentina-W- Poaceae
Escapee 1977, Australia-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Accepted name: Agrostis hyemalis (Walter)
Seed Longevity: Short Term Chile-W-1977, Costa Rica-W-1977, Czech Britton et al. var. tenuis (Tuck.) Gleason
Weed of: Cereals, Grapevines, Nursery Republic-W-1977, Iceland-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 16
Production, Orchards & Plantations, Ireland-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Mexico- Habit: Grass
Pastures, Pome Fruits, Vegetables W-1977, Republic of Korea-W-1977, South References: Canada-A-642.
References: Costa Rica-I-975, Global-A- Africa-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977, United
30, Australia-E-290, United States of Kingdom-W-1977, South Korea-N-2113. Agrostis hyemalis (Walter) Britton,
America-CW-34, Global-A-44, Chile-N- Sterns & Pogg.
300, United States of America-E-80, Agrostis gigantea Roth var. dispar Poaceae
Global-NXZW-85, Global-AW-91, Global- (Michx.) Philipson Synonym/s (n° of refs): Agrostis hiemalis
A-243, United States of America-N-101, Poaceae (Walter) Britton, Sterns & Pogg. (3),
New Zealand-N-280, South America-W- Accepted name: Agrostis gigantea Agrostis hiemalis (Walter) Britton, Sterns
295, Australia-N-176, western Europe-A- Total N° of Refs: 132 & Pogg. var. tenuis (Tuck.) Gleason (1),
253, Australia-N-198, Europe, eastern-AW- Habit: Grass Agrostis scabra Willd. (43)
272, western Europe-W-70, Australia-C- References: Sweden-N-1802. Total N° of Refs: 62
401, United Kingdom-ZD-317, Australia- Habit: perennial Grass
E-327, Czech Republic-NZ-400, Agrostis gigantea Roth subsp. gigantea Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Antarctica-N-338, Iceland-U-507, China- Poaceae Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
W-431, United Kingdom-N-519, New Total N° of Refs: 3 Ornamental
Zealand-N-534, United States of America- Habit: Grass Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
A-543, Canada-A-642, Norway-N-644, References: Bolivia-N-1796, Colombia-N- Livestock, Sheep, Wind
Canada-N-652, Australia-AN-310, Canada 1796, Ecuador-N-1796. References: Global-N-85, United
and United States of America-N-725, Kingdom-UZD-317, United Kingdom-N-
United States of America-E-736, United Agrostis gigantea Roth 'Streaker' 519, Austria-N-708, Japan-N-794, United
States of America-N-86, Canada-UC-756, Poaceae Kingdom-U-812, Austria-N-1006, Europe-
North America-E-784, Australia-N-7, Total N° of Refs: 1 N-819, Japan-N-1278, United States of
United States of America-E-151, Global- Habit: Grass America-N-1292, Global-W-1349, United
W-788, North America-X-790, Great Major Pathway/s: Ornamental States of America-N-2092, Australia-W-
Lakes-N-800, United Kingdom-NZ-812, References: United States of America-N- 1977, Austria-W-1977, Japan-W-1977.
Czech Republic-N-826, Australia-W-853, 101.
Australia-N-855, Australia-W-869, Costa Agrostis hyemalis (Walter) Britton,
Rica-CN-872, Ecuador-N-875, United Agrostis gigantea Roth x Agrostis Sterns & Pogg. var. scabra (Willd.) H. L.
States of America-I-904, New Zealand-N- stolonifera L. Blomq.
919, United States of America-W-946, Poaceae Poaceae
Argentina-I-983, Australia-N-354, Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1
Czechoslovakia-N-1006, United Kingdom- Habit: Grass Habit: Grass
N-1006, Australia-N-1049, Global-N-1059, References: Europe-W-1325. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Russia-A-998, Europe-N-819, Antarctica- References: Global-N-85.
N-396, United Kingdom-A-322, United
States of America-W-1103, United States Agrostis hyemalis (Walter) Britton,
of America-I-1161, United States of Sterns & Pogg. var. tenuis (Tuck.)
America-N-1162, Chile-N-1229, Norway- Gleason
N-1243, Canada-N-1252, Australia-E- Poaceae
1259, Australia-E-1261, Australia-E-1262, Accepted name: Agrostis scabra
Peru-N-1293, Canada-N-1340, Chile-N- Total N° of Refs: 44
1348, United States of America-ZD-1441, Habit: Grass
Australia-N-1450, Argentina, Brazil and References: Canada-A-642.
Uruguay-I-1476, Global-ZD-1492, Global-
ZD-1495, Czech Republic-N-1522,
Austria-N-1531, Japan-N-1602, United
States of America-N-1603, Czech

Agrostis idahoensis Nash Agrostis mertensii Trin. Agrostis pallens Trin.
Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Agrostis clavata Synonym/s (n° of refs): Agrostis rupestris Synonym/s (n° of refs): Agrostis diegoensis
Trin. All. (2) Vasey (1)
Total N° of Refs: 4 Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: perennial Grass Habit: Grass Habit: perennial Grass
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Major Pathway/s: Herbal Major Pathway/s: Herbal
References: Global-N-85, Bhutan-W-1977, Dispersed by: Water
Chile-W-1977, Japan-W-1977. Seed Longevity: Present Agrostis palustris Huds.
Agrostis inaequiglumis Griseb. Agrostis micrantha Steud. Accepted name: Agrostis stolonifera L.
Poaceae Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 177
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 2 Global Risk Score: 2.88
Habit: Grass Habit: Grass Rating: Low
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Aqua - Habit: perennial Grass
Weed of: Pastures References: south and southeast Asia-A- Origin: Europe
References: Nepal-A-244. 1320, south and southeast Asia-A-1408. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Agrostis interrupta L. Agrostis montevidensis Spreng. ex Nees Dispersed by: Humans
Poaceae Poaceae References: United States of America-W-
Accepted name: Apera interrupta (L.) Total N° of Refs: 6 161, Canada-A-642, India-N-914,
Beauv. Habit: annual Grass Uruguay-I-988, Global-W-1349, Argentina,
Total N° of Refs: 55 Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Brazil and Uruguay-I-1476, Chile-I-1872.
Habit: Grass Origin: S Am
Major Pathway/s: Herbal References: Global-N-85, South America- Agrostis parviflora R.Br.
References: United States of America-E- W-295, South Africa-AR-121, Swaziland- Poaceae
80, Canada-A-642, United States of N-825, South Africa-W-1977, Swaziland- Total N° of Refs: 3
America-N-1058, Global-A-1903. W-1977. Habit: Grass
Origin: Aust
Agrostis lachnantha Nees Agrostis myriantha Hook.f. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Poaceae Poaceae Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 9 Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Habit: perennial Grass Habit: Grass Livestock, Sheep
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical References: United Kingdom-UZD-317,
Origin: Africa References: Bhutan-W-423. Australia-ZD-1443, Global-ZD-1581.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Ornamental, Pasture Agrostis nebulosa Boiss. & Reut. Agrostis perennans (Walter) Tuck.
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Poaceae Poaceae
Livestock, Sheep Total N° of Refs: 11 Total N° of Refs: 6
References: United Kingdom-UZD-317, Global Risk Score: 1.44 Global Risk Score: 2.88
United Kingdom-N-519, United Kingdom- Rating: Low Rating: Low
U-812, Europe-N-819, Greece-U-1142, Habit: Grass Aqua - Habit: perennial Grass
Belgium-UD-1220, Global-W-1324, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Belgium-W-1977, Greece-W-1977. Origin: Africa, Europe Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Agrostis lachnantha Nees var. Dispersed by: Humans References: Canada-C-756, North
lachnantha References: Global-N-85, United America-E-784, North America-X-790,
Poaceae Kingdom-U-317, New Zealand-N-15, Global-W-1349, Global-CD-1611, Canada-
Total N° of Refs: 2 Europe-N-819, Belgium-U-1220, Global- G-1855.
Habit: annual/perennial Grass W-1324, Chile-I-1872, Argentina-E-1874,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Belgium-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, France- Agrostis pilosula Trin.
Origin: Africa W-1977. Poaceae
References: South Africa-R-121, Lesotho- Total N° of Refs: 4
R-121. Agrostis nigra With. Habit: Grass
Poaceae Weed of: Cereals, Pastures
Agrostis matsumurae Hack. ex Honda Accepted name: Agrostis gigantea Roth References: Nepal-A-244, Pakistan-A-
Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 135 1726, Nepal-A-1932, Nepal-A-1981.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Global Risk Score: 1.04
Habit: Grass Rating: Low
References: China-W-431. Habit: Grass
Major Pathway/s: Pasture
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Japan-N-287, Canada-A-642,
Japan-N-794, Japan-N-1278.

Agrostis pourretii Willd. Agrostis scabra Willd. Agrostis semiverticillata (Forssk.) C.
Poaceae Poaceae Chr.
Total N° of Refs: 9 Accepted name: Agrostis hyemalis var. Poaceae
Habit: Grass scabra (Walter) Britton et al. Accepted name: Polypogon viridis (Gouan)
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Synonym/s (n° of refs): Agrostis hyemalis Breistr.
Origin: Africa, Europe (Walter) Britton, Sterns & Pogg. var. tenuis Total N° of Refs: 93
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant (Tuck.) Gleason (1), Agrostis scabra Willd. Global Risk Score: 2.88
Dispersed by: Humans var. geminata (Trin.) Swallen (1) Rating: Low
Seed Longevity: Present Total N° of Refs: 60 Habit: Grass
References: Finland-U-42, western Europe- Global Risk Score: 2.16 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
A-253, western Europe-W-70, United Rating: Low Subtropical
Kingdom-U-317, Denmark-U-711, Habit: perennial Grass Origin: Africa, Europe
Denmark-W-1609, Denmark-W-1977, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal
Portugal-W-1977, Spain-W-1977. Origin: E Asia, N Am Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Livestock, Sheep
Agrostis preissii (Nees) Vickery Ornamental References: Mexico-W-199, Canary
Poaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Islands-N-305, Uruguay-I-988, Argentina,
Total N° of Refs: 2 Livestock, Sheep Brazil and Uruguay-I-1476, Mexico-N-
Habit: Grass Seed Longevity: Short Term 1500, United Kingdom-ZD-1633, Egypt-A-
Origin: Aust Weed of: Nursery Production 87, Iraq-A-87, Portugal-A-87, New
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant References: Finland-N-42, Chile-N-300, Zealand-A-87.
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Global-N-85, Japan-W-286, United States
Livestock, Sheep of America-W-218, United Kingdom-UZD- Agrostis spica-venti L.
References: United Kingdom-UZD-317, 317, Czech Republic-UZ-400, United Poaceae
United Kingdom-ZD-1633. Kingdom-N-519, Canada-A-642, Denmark- Accepted name: Apera spica-venti (L.) P.
U-711, United Kingdom-N-812, Ireland-N- Beauv.
Agrostis rudis Roem. & Schultes 894, Belgium-N-1006, Germany-N-1006, Total N° of Refs: 143
Poaceae United Kingdom-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Habit: Grass
Total N° of Refs: 2 Belgium-ND-1220, Chile-N-1229, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Habit: Grass Norway-N-1243, Global-W-1324, United Dispersed by: Humans
References: Sweden-W-1609, Sweden-W- States of America-AZD-1341, Chile-N- Weed of: Cereals
1977. 1348, United States of America-A-1022, References: Global-A-44, United States of
Czech Republic-N-1522, Central Europe- America-E-80, Global-A-243, Canada-A-
Agrostis rupestris All. N-1602, Austria-W-1609, Denmark-W- 642, Ireland-W-894, Tunisia-A-87, Italy-A-
Poaceae 1609, Germany-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, 87, Russia-A-87, Global-A-1903.
Accepted name: Agrostis mertensii United Kingdom-ZD-1633, Russia-W-
Total N° of Refs: 2 1687, Czech Republic-N-1731, Sweden-N- Agrostis spp. L.
Global Risk Score: 5.28 1802, Canada-G-1462, France-N-2091, Poaceae
Rating: Low Belgium-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Czech Total N° of Refs: 13
Habit: Grass Republic-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, Habit: annual Grass
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Germany-W-1977, Russian Federation-W- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental, 1977, Sweden-W-1977, United Kingdom- Tropical
Pasture W-1977. Dispersed by: Humans, Livestock, Sheep
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Wind Weed of: Vegetables
Weed of: Pastures Agrostis scabra Willd. var. geminata References: India-A-758, United States of
References: Serbia-W-1238, Serbia-A- (Trin.) Swallen America-E-80, Europe, eastern-W-272,
1372, Europe--. Poaceae Global-XW-85, United States of America-
Accepted name: Agrostis scabra Willd. A-543, North America-X-790, Greece-W-
Agrostis salmantica (Lag.) Kunth Total N° of Refs: 44 1240, Serbia-A-1357, Germany-ZD-1655,
Poaceae Habit: perennial Grass United States of America-AZD-1626,
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Canada-N-1340. United States of America-AZD-1667, Polar
Habit: Grass Regions-ZD-1587, Australia-ZD-1675.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
References: Portugal-A-87.

Agrostis stolonifera L. France-A-1266, Japan-N-1278, Argentina- Agrostis stolonifera Roth var. ramosa
Poaceae W-1286, United States of America-N-1292, (Gray) Veldkamp
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Agrostis alba L. Peru-N-1293, -N-, Australia-W-1318, south Poaceae
var. stolonifera (L.) Sm. (2), Agrostis and southeast Asia-A-1320, Global-W- Total N° of Refs: 1
palustris Huds. (7), Agrostis stolonifera L. 1349, Antarctica-N-1362, India-ID-1389, Habit: Grass
var. palustris (Huds.) Farw. (4) Taiwan-N-1403, United Kingdom-ZD- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Total N° of Refs: 183 1416, Netherlands-ZD-1420, Belgium-ZD- References: Australia-N-945.
Global Risk Score: 18 1421, Belgium-ZD-1422, Europe-ZD-1436,
Rating: High Australia-ZD-1444, Australia-N-1450, Agrostis stolonifera L. var. stolonifera
Aqua - Habit: perennial Grass Australia-E-1456, Turkey-A-1463, Turkey- Poaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, A-1469, Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay-I- Total N° of Refs: 4
Subtropical, Tropical 1476, Global-ZD-1492, Global-ZD-1495, Habit: perennial Grass
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, N Am, W New Zealand-N-1543, Japan-N-1602, Origin: Europe
Asia, Cosmopolitan United States of America-N-1603, United Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, States of America-N-1607, Greenland-W- Dispersed by: Humans
Herbal, Ornamental 1609, Australia-A-87, Germany-A-87, References: Chile-N-300, Global-N-85,
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers, Canadian northwest Territories-N-1011, Chile-N-241, Chile-N-1348.
Cattle, Donkey, Horse, Livestock, Sheep, Global-N-1218, Russia-N-1647, Belgium-
Vehicles, Water, Wind, Escapee ZD-1663, Europe-ZD-1576, Europe-ZD- Agrostis stolonifera L. 'Lopez'
Seed Longevity: Long Term 1582, Belgium-ZD-1593, Global-CD-1611, Poaceae
Weed of: Carrots, Cereals, Grapevines, New Zealand-A-1624, Global-ZD-1581, Total N° of Refs: 1
Orchards & Plantations, Pastures, Pome Azores-N-1721, United States of America- Habit: Grass
Fruits, Vegetables E-1736, central Europe-A-1616, Russia-W- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
References: Costa Rica-I-975, North 1671, Bolivia-N-1796, Colombia-N-1796, References: United States of America-N-
America-EW-21, Global-A-30, Australia- Ecuador-N-1796, Sri Lanka-N-1796, 101.
E-290, United States of America-CW-34, France-A-1814, Australia-N-1902,
Australia-E-72, Global-A-44, Global-A-68, Australia-UN-1845, Canada-G-1855, Agrostis stolonifera L. 'Penncross'
United States of America-E-80, Global- Montenegro-W-1861, Chile-I-1872, Chile Poaceae
NZW-85, Global-AEWD-91, Global-A- and Argentina-A-1874, Mexico-NI-1881, Total N° of Refs: 1
243, New Zealand-N-280, United States of Global-A-1903, Australia-WD-1934, Habit: Grass
America-W-392, United States of America- China-N-1938, Montenegro-R-1944, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
ED-159, United States of America-W-161, Germany-R-1948, Australia-N-1959, References: United States of America-N-
New Zealand-EW-181, United States of Poland-A-1966, Australia-U-1962, -I-, 101.
America-W-174, Australia-N-176, Japan- Central and northern Japan and northern
N-287, Japan-W-286, western Europe-A- islands-N-1983, Poland-A-2047, New Agrostis stolonifera L. 'Pennlinks'
253, Australia-N-198, United States of Zealand-N-2048, -A-2058, Poland-A-2059, Poaceae
America-W-212, Europe, eastern-AW-272, Poland-A-2061, Poland-R-2062, France-A- Total N° of Refs: 1
western Europe-W-70, Australia-C-401, 2094, northern European towns-W-2095, Habit: Grass
Australia-N-945, Australia-E-327, New Poland-A-2110, Argentina-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Zealand-NW-425, Antarctica-N-338, Australia-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Costa References: United States of America-N-
China-W-431, United States of America-E- Rica-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Mexico-W- 101.
528, New Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N- 1977, New Zealand-W-1977, South Africa-
15, Canada-A-642, Global-E-649, W-1977, Taiwan-W-1977. Agrostis stolonifera L. 'Southshore'
Australia-AEN-310, India-A-712, United Poaceae
States of America-E-736, Japan-I-741, Agrostis stolonifera L. var. major Total N° of Refs: 1
United States of America-N-86, Canada-C- (Gaudin) Farw. Habit: Grass
756, Chile-N-765, North America-E-784, Poaceae Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Australia-N-7, United States of America-N- Accepted name: Agrostis gigantea Roth References: United States of America-N-
301, United States of America-E-151, Total N° of Refs: 132 101.
Mexico-N-791, Japan-N-794, United States Global Risk Score: 1.28
of America-N-839, Palestine-N-851, Rating: Low Agrostis stolonifera L. x Agrostis tenuis
Australia-W-853, Australia-N-855, Habit: Grass A. Sibth.
Australia-W-869, Costa Rica-CN-872, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture Poaceae
Ecuador-N-875, Mexico-I-878, United Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 1
States of America-N-904, New Zealand-W- References: Canada-A-642. Habit: Grass
906, India-ID-914, New Zealand-N-919, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop
United States of America-W-946, New Agrostis stolonifera L. var. palustris Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Zealand-W-964, Argentina-I-983, (Huds.) Farw. Livestock, Sheep
Australia-N-354, Portugal-N-1006, Poaceae References: United Kingdom-ZD-1633.
Australia-N-1049, Global-N-1059, Accepted name: Agrostis stolonifera
Antarctica-EI-1081, Europe-N-819, Total N° of Refs: 174 Agrostis tandilensis (Kuntze) Parodi
Antarctica-N-396, United Kingdom-A-322, Habit: perennial Grass Poaceae
New Zealand-E-505, United States of Origin: Europe Total N° of Refs: 1
America-N-101, United States of America- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Habit: annual Grass
N-1162, United States of America-Q-1197, Dispersed by: Humans References: United States of America-N-
Global-ZD-1203, China-N-1215, Chile-N- References: Chile-N-300, Global-N-85, 101.
1229, Falkland Islands-N-1251, Canada-N- Canada-A-642, Chile-N-1348.
1252, Australia-E-1259, Australia-E-1261,
Australia-E-1262, Denmark-A-1185,

Agrostis tenerrima Trin. Agrostis vinealis Schreb. Aichryson dichotomum (DC) Webb &
Poaceae Poaceae Berth
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 10 Crassulaceae
Habit: Grass Global Risk Score: 0.72 Total N° of Refs: 6
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Origin: Africa, Europe Habit: perennial Grass References: Portugal-N-662, Portugal-N-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, 718, Portugal-N-1006, Europe-N-819,
Dispersed by: Humans Ornamental Global-W-1324, Portugal-W-1977.
Seed Longevity: Present Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle,
References: United Kingdom-U-317. Horse, Livestock, Sheep Aichryson laxum (Haw.) Bramwell
Seed Longevity: Short Term Crassulaceae
Agrostis tenuis Sibth. References: Chile-N-300, United Kingdom- Total N° of Refs: 2
Poaceae N-519, United States of America-N-101, Habit: Succulent
Accepted name: Agrostis capillaris L. Chile-N-1348, Global-ZD-1492, Germany- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Total N° of Refs: 147 ZD-1655, Europe-ZD-1576, Global-ZD- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Global Risk Score: 10.8 1611, South Georgia and Sandwich Islands- Dispersed by: Humans
Rating: Medium I-2085, Chile-W-1977. References: Portugal-N-898, Portugal-W-
Aqua - Habit: perennial Grass 1977.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Agrostis viridis Gouan
Origin: E Asia, Europe Poaceae Aidia cochinchinensis Lour.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Accepted name: Polypogon viridis (Gouan) Rubiaceae
Herbal, Ornamental Breistr. Total N° of Refs: 1
Dispersed by: Humans, Water Total N° of Refs: 94 Habit: Tree
Weed of: Cereals, Grapevines, Lupins, Global Risk Score: 0.24 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Pastures Rating: Low Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
References: Global-A-30, Global-A-44, Habit: perennial Grass Dispersed by: Humans
United States of America-E-80, Global- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, References: India-W-1977.
AEWD-91, Global-A-243, United States of Subtropical, Tropical
America-W-161, Japan-N-287, Global-E- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
743, Japan-N-794, India-N-914, Chile-A- Dispersed by: Humans
931, United States of America-N-1057, References: Australia-W-93, southeast
United States of America-N-1058, United Asia-W-191, Australia-W-205, United
States of America-I-1161, United States of States of America-W-34, United States of
America-N-1162, Japan-N-1278, Global- America-N-86, Australia-N-868, Australia-
W-1349, Antarctica-N-1362, New Zealand- W-869, Australia-N-1049, Saudi Arabia-A-
A-87, Russia-A-87, Finland-A-87, Chile- 1525, Australia-N-1845, Australia-N-1959.
A-87, Japan-N-1571, New Zealand-A-
1624, India-A-1725, United States of Agrostis vulgaris With.
America-I-1773, Finland-A-1815, Canada- Poaceae
G-1855, Chile-I-1872. Accepted name: Agrostis capillaris L.
Total N° of Refs: 120
Agrostis venusta Trin. Habit: Grass
Poaceae References: Serbia-W-1238, Serbia-W-
Total N° of Refs: 1 1222.
Habit: Grass
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Ahnfeltiopsis flabelliformis (Harvey)
Ornamental Masuda
Dispersed by: Humans Phyllophoraceae
References: Global-ZD-1581. Total N° of Refs: 6
Aqua - Habit:
Agrostis verticillata Vill. Major Pathway/s: Crop
Poaceae Dispersed by: Water
Accepted name: Polypogon viridis (Gouan) References: Europe-ND-819, Global-WD-
Breistr. 1324, Global-W-1741, Global-N-1785,
Total N° of Refs: 86 Mediterranean-N-1835, Mediterranean-N-
Habit: Grass 1836.
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
References: Japan-N-287, Japan-N-794, Ahnfeltiopsis furcellata (C.Agardh)
Japan-N-1278. P.C.Silva & DeCew
Total N° of Refs: 2
Aqua - Habit:
References: Europe-N-1786, Turkey-W-

Ailanthus altissima (Miller) Swingle Mediterranean-I-775, North America-E- Romania-NI-1537, Greece-N-1541, New
Simaroubaceae 784, Australia-EN-7, United States of Zealand-X-1542, Israel-NI-1487, Spain-I-
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Ailanthus America-E-151, Global-NI-714, Global-W- 1595, North Korea-N-1600, Central Europe
vilmoriniana Dode (2) 788, Japan-N-794, Spain-I-802, Spain-I- and Asia-N-1602, United States of
Total N° of Refs: 385 807, Hungary-I-809, France-I-764, United America-N-1603, Belgium-CN-1605,
Global Risk Score: 43.2 Kingdom-C-812, Switzerland-NI-818, Austria-W-1609, Belgium-W-1609, Czech
Rating: Extreme Czech Republic-NI-826, Hungary-ANI- Republic-W-1609, Denmark-W-1609,
Toxic, Aqua - Habit: Tree 1255, United States of America-I-849, Russia-W-1609, Germany-W-1609,
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Palestine-CN-851, Australia-W-853, Netherlands-W-1609, Norway-W-1609,
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Australia-N-855, Australia-N-856, Poland-W-1609, Romania-NI-1629,
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Belgium-NI-858, Portugal-W-859, Pakistan-A-1634, Australia-A-87, Chile-A-
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Australia-W-869, United States of 87, Italy-N-1007, Serbia-W-1031, Poland-
Forestry, Herbal, Ornamental America-X-229, Australia-E-880, Africa-I- N-1040, Switzerland-EZD-1546, Romania-
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Water, 886, Croatia-I-891, Romania-I-896, United N-1549, Global-N-1218, Romania-N-1553,
Wind, Escapee States of America-N-904, Germany-N-907, Romania-N-1554, Spain-N-1556, Bosnia
Seed Longevity: Short Term India-I-914, New Zealand-N-919, Chile-A- And Herzegovina-ENI-1453, South Africa-
Weed of: Forestry, Orchards & Plantations, 931, Austria-I-337, United States of E-1646, Global-CD-1611, Lesotho-X-1127,
Pastures America-W-946, Mediterranean-EWI-951, Russia-W-1684, Australia-X-1693,
References: United States of America-E- New Zealand-W-964, India-N-976, Pakistan-I-1697, Azores-N-1721,
411, Australia-CEN-479, eastern and Argentina-I-983, Uruguay-I-988, Australia- Macronesia-I-1722, Czech Republic-I-
central North America-W-8, Pacific-W-3, N-354, Belgium-E-996, Germany-N-1006, 1731, France-NI-1438, Russia-N-1499,
United States of America-CE-17, Australia- Greece-N-1006, Liechtenstein-N-1006, United States of America-E-1736, Europe-
W-269, Australia-E-289, United States of Malta-N-1006, Spain-N-1006, Switzerland- UNXI-1740, Croatia-NW-1747, India-N-
America-E-231, United States of America- N-1006, Australia-N-1049, Global-N-1059, 1765, Serbia-W-1766, Serbia-R-1771,
W-34, United States of America-X-35, Australia-W-1068, Turkey-N-1069, Global-AD-1589, Turkey-N-1718, United
Australia-E-72, United States of America- Europe-N-1072, Japan-ID-1073, Malta-N- States of America-I-1773, Greece-N-1803,
W-45, Chile-N-300, Global-A-152, United 1089, Portugal-I-1090, Portugal-N-898, Ukraine-N-1813, Sardinia-I-1393, Austria-
States of America-E-78, United States of Europe-N-819, Slovakia-I-782, Spain-I- N-1828, Australia-N-1902, Ukraine-U-
America-E-80, Global-N-108, Global- 658, Hungary-I-455, Cyprus-I-220, Italy-I- 1840, Croatia-I-1844, Serbia-R-1848,
NXZW-85, South Africa-W-95, South 1091, Spain-EI-1092, United States of Canada-G-1855, Chile-I-1872, Slovakia
Africa-CX-283, United States of America- America-W-1103, United States of and Romania-ID-1878, New Zealand-Q-
E-222, United States of America-N-101, America-W-1104, South Africa-X-1112, 1879, Italy-I-1887, Romania-NI-1905,
Canada-W-4, New Zealand-N-280, United Ukraine-I-1121, Algeria-N-1126, Africa-X- Croatia-I-1908, Sardinia-N-1917, Russia-
States of America-Q-116, South Africa- 1127, Bosnia and Herzegovina-N-1140, N-1920, Australia-WD-1934, France-N-
AZW-121, Australia-E-296, United States Greece-NI-1142, Iberian Peninsular-NI- 1940, France-N-1941, France-ENI-1942,
of America-E-129, Global-EI-132, United 1147, Spain-I-1149, Crete-N-1150, France-I-1943, Germany-R-1948,
States of America-EI-224, United States of Sardinia-I-1151, Romania-AE-1154, Australia-N-1959, Italy-NI-1842, -I-, -I-, -
America-E-133, United States of America- United States of America-AE-1156, I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-,
EI-137, Australia-CW-334, United States Hungary-EI-1164, Italy-NI-1165, Central and northern Japan and northern
of America-CE-142, United States of Germany-I-1167, Cyprus-N-1174, United islands-N-1983, Romania-I-1986, Bosnia
America-W-392, Australia-X-147, United Kingdom-W-1175, Italy-W-1176, Serbia- and Herzegovina-I-1987, Switzerland-I-
States of America-W-161, United States of E-1177, Europe-E-1184, United States of 1990, South Africa-N-1991, Portugal-N-
America-EI-102, Australia-W-410, United America-Q-1197, Global-Q-1208, South 2001, Croatia-I-2004, Germany-N-2009,
States of America-W-179, Japan-N-287, Korea-N-761, Pakistan-A-1214, Poland-R- Ukraine-NI-2014, Spain-N-2027, South
Japan-W-286, eastern North America-EI- 1219, Belgium-NI-1220, Chile-N-1229, Korea-N-2029, -AWD-2036, Croatia-I-
195, Australia-N-198, United States of Croatia-I-1230, Serbia-W-1238, France-E- 2038, New Zealand-N-2048, Ukraine-N-
America-W-211, Europe, eastern-W-272, 1239, Armenia-NI-1241, Norway-N-1243, 2050, Slovakia-N-2052, New Zealand-Q-
United States of America-W-218, United States of America-E-1244, Georgia- 2086, New Zealand-E-483, United States of
Australia-C-401, United States of America- I-1250, Italy-I-251, Australia-E-1259, America-N-2092, India-NI-2109, Ukraine-
E-346, Australia-N-945, United Kingdom- Australia-E-1261, Australia-E-1262, N-2112, Afghanistan-W-1977, Albania-W-
C-314, Australia-E-380, United States of Romania-I-1264, Italy-N-1265, Spain-G- 1977, Algeria-W-1977, Argentina-W-1977,
America-EN-303, Australia-E-327, Czech 1269, Spain-N-1270, France-I-1273, United Armenia-W-1977, Australia-W-1977,
Republic-I-400, New Zealand-NW-425, States of America-A-1275, Japan-N-1278, Austria-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Bosnia
Switzerland-EI-502, United Kingdom-N- Mediterranean-N-1281, Algeria-N-1285, and Herzegovina-W-1977, Bulgaria-W-
519, New Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N- Australia-X-2018, Australia-X-, Ukraine- 1977, Canada-W-1977, Chile-W-1977,
15, Mediterranean-I-5, Australia-CEI-168, N-1297, -N-, Europe-E-1315, Global-W- Croatia-W-1977, Cyprus-W-1977, Czech
Australia-E-189, Spain-ENI-405, Italy-NI- 1324, Australia-A-1331, Romania-I-1334, Republic-W-1977, Democratic Repubic of
470, Poland-N-619, Pacific-E-621, United Sardinia-NI-1336, India-I-1345, Chile-N- Korea-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, France-
States of America-I-628, Canary Islands-N- 1348, Serbia-W-1358, Global-I-1376, W-1977, Germany-W-1977, Greece-W-
637, Ukraine-R-643, Global-E-649, Israel-ENI-1380, Sardinia-U-1381, India-I- 1977, Hungary-W-1977, India-W-1977,
Switzerland-NI-653, Australia-AENX-310, 1389, Spain-I-1390, Austria-EI-1401, Iran (Islamic Republic of)-W-1977,
Portugal-NI-662, Austria-CNI-708, Global-I-1404, Global-E-1449, Australia- Ireland-W-1977, Israel-W-1977, Italy-W-
Denmark-CN-711, Portugal-NI-718, N-1450, Spain-I-1454, Spain-I-1455, 1977, Japan-W-1977, Liechtenstein-W-
France-I-720, Canada and United States of Australia-E-1456, Malta-I-1470, Argentina, 1977, Luxembourg-W-1977, Malta-W-
America-NI-725, Italy-N-733, Spain-I-738, Brazil and Uruguay-I-1476, Belgium-X- 1977, Montenegro-W-1977, New Zealand-
Japan-I-741, United States of America-N- 1477, Serbia-N-1482, Slovakia-I-1484, W-1977, Pakistan-W-1977, Poland-W-
86, Canada-UC-756, South Africa-I-759, Albania-N-1506, New Caledonia-I-1507, 1977, Portugal-W-1977, Republic of
Chile-N-765, Serbia-I-769, Crete-N-771, France-N-1515, France-NI-1516, Croatia- Korea-W-1977, Republic of Moldova-W-
Slovenia-E-772, South Korea-N-773, NI-1517, Czech Republic-I-1522, 1977, Romania-W-1977, Serbia-W-1977,

Slovakia-W-1977, Slovenia-W-1977, South Aira capillaris Host Aira caryophyllea L.
Africa-W-1977, Spain-W-1977, State of Poaceae Poaceae
Palestine-W-1977, Ukraine-W-1977, Accepted name: Aira elegantissima Schur Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aira multiculmis
United Kingdom-W-1977, South Korea-I- Total N° of Refs: 54 Dumort. (1)
2113, North Korea-I-2114, Italy-I-2115. Habit: Grass Total N° of Refs: 112
Weed of: Pastures Global Risk Score: 21.12
Ailanthus excelsa Roxb. References: Serbia-W-1238, Serbia-A- Rating: High
Simaroubaceae 1372. Aqua - Habit: annual Grass
Total N° of Refs: 2 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Habit: Tree Aira cappillaris Host Subtropical, Tropical
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Poaceae Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia
Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Herbal, Total N° of Refs: 2 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Ornamental Habit: Grass Ornamental, Pasture
Dispersed by: Humans Weed of: Cereals Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Horse,
References: Europe-W-1325, Afghanistan- References: Serbia-A-1343, Iran-A-87. Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles, Water, Wind
W-1977. Weed of: Pastures, Vegetables
References: Costa Rica-I-975, Australia-E-
Ailanthus peregrina Barkl. 290, Australia-E-72, Chile-N-300, Global-
Simaroubaceae NZW-85, Australia-N-9, United States of
Total N° of Refs: 1 America-N-101, New Zealand-N-280,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Chile-N-241, South Africa-AZR-121,
References: Global-W-1349. United States of America-E-224, United
States of America-E-133, United States of
Ailanthus vilmoriniana Dode America-W-161, Australia-N-176, Japan-
Simaroubaceae N-287, Japan-W-286, eastern North
Accepted name: Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) America-E-195, Australia-N-198, United
Swingle States of America-W-218, Australia-N-945,
Total N° of Refs: 385 United States of America-W-303,
Global Risk Score: 0.24 Australia-E-327, China-W-431, United
Rating: Low Kingdom-N-519, New Zealand-N-15,
Habit: Tree United States of America-A-543, Canada-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental A-642, Global-E-649, Canada-N-652,
Dispersed by: Humans United States of America-E-736, Chile-N-
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. 765, Australia-EN-7, United States of
America-N-301, United States of America-
Ainsworthia trachycarpa Boiss. E-151, Mexico-N-791, United States of
Apiaceae America-N-839, Australia-W-853,
Total N° of Refs: 2 Australia-N-855, Australia-N-856,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Australia-W-869, Costa Rica-N-872,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Ecuador-N-875, Africa-N-926, Argentina-
Dispersed by: Humans I-983, Uruguay-I-988, Australia-N-354,
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations, Pome Australia-N-1049, United States of
Fruits America-N-1057, United States of
References: Global-A-243, Syria-A-111. America-N-1058, Japan-ID-1073, Europe-
N-819, Global-ZD-1203, South Korea-N-
Aiphanes aculeata Willd. 761, Chile-N-1229, Norway-N-1243,
Arecaceae Falkland Islands-N-1251, Australia-E-
Total N° of Refs: 4 1259, Australia-E-1260, Australia-E-1261,
Global Risk Score: 1.44 Australia-E-1262, Argentina-W-1286,
Rating: Low United States of America-N-1292, Global-
Habit: Tree W-1324, Canada-U-1340, Chile-N-1348,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Global-W-1349, Australia-ZD-1444,
Origin: S Am Australia-N-1450, Australia-E-1456,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay-I-1476,
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Global-ZD-1492, Brazil-N-1597, United
References: Panama-CNI-625, Global-W- States of America-N-1607, Latvia-W-1609,
1376, Global-I-1404, Global-CD-1611. United Kingdom-ZD-1633, Chile-A-87,
New Zealand-A-87, Chile-ND-1557,
Aiphanes horrida (Jacq.) Burret Global-ZD-1611, New Zealand-A-1624,
Arecaceae United States of America-AZD-1626,
Total N° of Refs: 2 Global-ZD-1581, United States of
Habit: Tree America-E-1736, United States of
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental America-N-1162, Belgium-U-1220,
Dispersed by: Humans Ukraine-U-1813, Australia-N-1902, South
References: Africa-N-990, India-W-1977. Korea-AN-1860, Chile-I-1872, Chile and
Argentina-E-1874, Mexico-N-1881,
Australia-WD-1934, Australia-N-1959,
Australia-N-1962, -I-, Chile-N-1998, New
Zealand-N-2048, Slovakia-A-2079,

Argentina-W-1977, Australia-W-1977, Aira caryophyllea L. subsp. plesiantha Aira elegans auct.
Belgium-W-1977, Cameroon-W-1977, (Jord. ex Boreau) K.Richt. Poaceae
Canada-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Costa Poaceae Accepted name: Aira elegantissima Schur.
Rica-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, Ecuador- Accepted name: Aira caryophyllea L. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aira elegans Willd.
W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Latvia-W-1977, subsp. caryophyllea ex Gaudin subsp. ambigua (Arcang.) Holub
Mexico-W-1977, Republic of Korea-W- Total N° of Refs: 1 (3)
1977, South Korea-N-2113. Habit: Grass Total N° of Refs: 70
References: Belgium-U-1220. Global Risk Score: 12.16
Aira caryophyllea L. var. caryophyllea Rating: Medium
Poaceae Aira cristata L. Aqua - Habit: Grass
Total N° of Refs: 1 Poaceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Habit: Grass Accepted name: Koeleria macrantha Origin: Africa, Europe
References: United States of America-N- (Ledeb.) Schult. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
101. Total N° of Refs: 29 Pasture
Habit: Grass Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Aira caryophyllea L. var. cupaniana References: Brazil-R-2053. Livestock, Sheep, Water
(Guss.) Fiori References: United States of America-N-
Poaceae Aira cupaniana Guss. 101, New Zealand-N-280, Australia-N-176,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Poaceae Japan-N-287, Japan-W-286, Australia-N-
Habit: Grass Total N° of Refs: 29 198, Australia-EN-7, New Zealand-N-919,
References: United States of America-N- Global Risk Score: 7.68 Australia-N-1049, Japan-ID-1073, Georgia-
101. Rating: Medium U-1250, United States of America-N-1603,
Habit: annual Grass Germany-W-1609, United Kingdom-ZD-
Aira caryophyllea L. subsp. caryophyllea Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, 1633, New Zealand-N-2048.
Poaceae Subtropical, Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 10 Origin: Africa, Europe Aira elegans Willd. ex Gaudin subsp.
Habit: Grass Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, ambigua (Arcang.) Holub
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Ornamental, Pasture Poaceae
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Accepted name: Aira elegans
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Livestock, Sheep Total N° of Refs: 18
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Weed of: Pastures Habit: Grass
Livestock, Sheep References: Australia-E-72, Global-NW- References: Japan-N-287, Japan-N-794,
References: New Zealand-N-280, United 85, Australia-N-9, New Zealand-UW-280, Japan-N-1278.
Kingdom-UZD-317, New Zealand-N-534, Australia-N-134, Australia-N-198,
United States of America-N-101, New Australia-N-945, United Kingdom-UZD- Aira elegans Willd. ex Kunth subsp.
Zealand-N-919, New Zealand-N-1543, 317, Australia-E-327, Australia-EN-7, elegans
Cape Verde-N-1558, Uruguay-N-1800, Australia-W-853, Australia-N-855, Poaceae
Australia-N-1845, New Zealand-N-2048. Australia-W-869, New Zealand-U-919, Total N° of Refs: 2
Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049, Habit: Grass
Aira caryophyllea L. subsp. cupaniana Australia-E-1259, Australia-E-1260, References: Japan-N-794, Japan-N-1278.
(Guss.) Bonnier & Layens Australia-E-1261, Australia-E-1262,
Poaceae Australia-A-1331, Australia-N-1450,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Australia-N-1902, Australia-UN-1845,
Habit: Grass Australia-N-1959, South Africa-N-1991,
References: United States of America-N- New Zealand-N-2048, Australia-W-1977,
101. South Africa-W-1977.

Aira caryophyllea L. subsp. multiculmis

(Dumort.) Bonnier & Layens
Total N° of Refs: 9
Habit: Grass
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Origin: Africa, Europe
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Dispersed by: Humans
References: New Zealand-N-280, United
Kingdom-U-317, New Zealand-N-15,
Denmark-U-711, Japan-N-794, New
Zealand-N-919, Japan-N-1278, Denmark-
W-1609, New Zealand-N-2048.

Aira elegantissima Schur Aira praecox L. Aizoon canariense L.
Poaceae Poaceae Aizoaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aira capillaris Host Total N° of Refs: 59 Total N° of Refs: 10
(2), Aira elegans auct. (15), Aira Global Risk Score: 21.12 Global Risk Score: 1.2
elegantissima Schur subsp. ambigua Rating: High Rating: Low
(Asch.) Do an (1) Habit: annual Grass ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Total N° of Refs: 70 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Global Risk Score: 21.12 Origin: E Asia, Europe, W Asia Ornamental
Rating: High Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Dispersed by: Humans
Habit: annual Grass Ornamental, Pasture References: Egypt-W-221, Spain-W-807,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle, Spain-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Saudi
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia Donkey, Horse, Livestock, Sheep, Arabia-A-25, Saudi Arabia-A-797, Global-
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Vehicles, Water, Wind W-1324, Saudi Arabia-A-1504, Saudi
Ornamental, Pasture Seed Longevity: Short Term Arabia-A-1525, Saudi Arabia-A-1951.
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Weed of: Pastures
Livestock, Sheep, Escapee References: Global-W-23, Australia-E-72, Aizoon glinoides L.f.
References: Australia-N-198, Australia-E- Finland-N-42, Chile-N-300, Global-ZW- Aizoaceae
72, Finland-U-42, Chile-N-300, Global- 85, Australia-N-9, United States of Total N° of Refs: 1
ZW-85, New Zealand-N-280, Chile-N-241, America-N-101, New Zealand-N-280, Origin: Africa
Europe, eastern-W-272, Australia-N-945, Chile-N-241, Australia-N-176, Australia- References: South Africa-W-158.
United Kingdom-UZD-317, Australia-E- N-198, Australia-N-945, United Kingdom-
327, Denmark-UC-711, Australia-W-853, UZD-317, Australia-E-327, New Zealand- Aizoon hispanicum L.
Australia-N-855, Australia-W-869, N-534, New Zealand-N-15, Canada-A-642, Aizoaceae
Argentina-I-983, Australia-N-354, Canada-N-652, United States of America- Total N° of Refs: 3
Australia-N-1049, Europe-N-819, Belgium- E-736, Australia-EN-7, Australia-W-853, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
UD-1220, Crete-A-1228, Chile-N-1229, Australia-N-855, Australia-W-869, New References: Portugal-N-1006, Europe-N-
Australia-E-1259, Australia-E-1260, Zealand-N-919, Uruguay-I-988, Australia- 819, Global-W-1324.
Australia-E-1261, Australia-E-1262, N-354, Australia-N-1049, United States of
Global-W-1324, Chile-N-1348, Australia- America-N-1057, Antarctica-N-396, Aizoon rigidum L.f.
N-1450, Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay-I- Global-ZD-1203, Chile-N-1229, Falkland Aizoaceae
1476, Denmark-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, Islands-N-1251, Australia-E-1259, Total N° of Refs: 2
Global-CD-1611, Global-ZD-1581, Brazil- Australia-E-1260, Australia-E-1261, Origin: Africa
N-1071, Brazil-N-1746, Uruguay-N-1800, Australia-E-1262, Chile-N-1348, United Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Australia-N-1902, Australia-N-1845, Chile- Kingdom-ZD-1416, Belgium-ZD-1422, Dispersed by: Humans
I-1872, Mexico-I-1881, Australia-N-1959, - Australia-N-1450, Argentina, Brazil and References: Australia-N-354, Australia-N-
I-, Slovakia-A-2079, Argentina-W-1977, Uruguay-I-1476, Global-ZD-1492, New 1959.
Armenia-W-1977, Australia-W-1977, Zealand-N-1543, Chile-ND-1557, Europe-
Belgium-W-1977, Brazil-W-1977, Chile- ZD-1576, Belgium-ZD-1593, Global-ZD- Aizopsis aizoon (L.) Grulich
W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, Japan-W- 1611, New Zealand-A-1624, Global-ZD- Crassulaceae
1977, Sweden-W-1977. 1581, Azores-N-1721, Australia-N-1902, Accepted name: Sedum aizoon L.
Australia-N-1845, Chile-I-1872, Australia- Total N° of Refs: 18
Aira elegantissima Schur subsp. N-1959, New Zealand-N-2048, Australia- References: Ukraine-N-1335.
ambigua (Asch.) Do an W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Chile-W-1977,
Poaceae South Africa-W-1977. Ajuga australis R.Br.
Accepted name: Aira elegantissima Schur Lamiaceae
Total N° of Refs: 53 Aira provincialis Duval-Jouve Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: Grass Poaceae Global Risk Score: 1.28
Weed of: Cereals Total N° of Refs: 7 Rating: Low
References: Turkey-A-2101. Habit: Grass Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Dispersed by: Humans
Aira indica L. Origin: Europe References: Australia-A-87.
Poaceae Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Accepted name: Sacciolepis indica (L.) Ornamental Ajuga bracteosa Wall. ex Benth.
A.Chase Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Lamiaceae
Total N° of Refs: 93 Livestock, Sheep Total N° of Refs: 4
Habit: Grass References: Australia-N-945, United Habit: perennial Herb
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Kingdom-UZD-317, Australia-W-853, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Origin: E Asia Australia-W-869, Australia-N-354, Origin: E Asia
References: Costa Rica-I-975, Costa Rica- Australia-N-1049, Australia-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Herbal
N-872. Weed of: Cereals
Aira spp. L. References: Global-A-243, China-W-431,
Aira multiculmis Dumort. Poaceae Bhutan-W-423, Taiwan-A-87.
Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Accepted name: Aira caryophyllea subsp. Habit: Grass
multiculmis L. Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 112 References: United States of America-
Habit: Grass AZD-1626.
References: western Europe-A-253.

Ajuga chamaepitys (L.) Schreb. Ajuga ciliata Bunge Ajuga iva (L.) Schreb.
Lamiaceae Lamiaceae Lamiaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Chamaepitys chia Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 9
(Schreb.) Holub (2) References: China-W-431. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Total N° of Refs: 32 Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia
Global Risk Score: 4.32 Ajuga decumbens Thunb. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Rating: Low Lamiaceae Dispersed by: Humans
Habit: annual/perennial Herb Total N° of Refs: 11 References: Egypt-W-221, Global-NW-85,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Habit: perennial Herb western Europe-W-70, Australia-N-945,
Origin: Africa, Europe Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical United Kingdom-U-314, Australia-N-855,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Origin: E Asia Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1450,
Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Australia-W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals Dispersed by: Humans
Seed Longevity: Present Weed of: Pastures Ajuga iva (L.) Schreb. var. pseudoiva
Weed of: Cereals, Grapevines, Pastures References: Taiwan-N-777, Japan-W-286, (DC.) Steud.
References: Global-W-23, Global-A-44, Global-A-1207, Taiwan-N-1403, Japan-A- Lamiaceae
Global-ZW-85, Europe-A-94, Global-A- 87, China-A-87, Taiwan-W-1748, South Accepted name: Ajuga iva (L.) Schreb.
243, United States of America-N-101, Korea-A-1860, South Korea-A-2032, South subsp. pseudoiva (DC.) Briq.
western Europe-A-253, Europe, eastern- Korea-A-2033, Taiwan-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 1
AW-272, western Europe-W-70, Spain-A- Major Pathway/s: Herbal
417, Czech Republic-NZI-400, United Ajuga genevensis L. References: Cape Verde-N-1414.
Kingdom-N-519, Czechoslovakia-N-1006, Lamiaceae
Germany-N-1006, Slovakia-N-1006, Total N° of Refs: 28 Ajuga iva (L.) Schreber subsp. pseudoiva
Europe-N-819, Serbia-W-1238, France-A- Global Risk Score: 10.56 (DC.) Briq.
1266, Global-W-1324, Serbia-A-1372, Rating: Medium Lamiaceae
Czech Republic-W-1609, Poland-W-1609, Habit: Herb Synonym/s (n° of refs): Ajuga iva (L.)
Turkey-A-87, Hungary-A-1015, Global- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Schreb. var. pseudoiva (DC.) Steud. (1)
ZD-1611, central Europe-A-1616, France- Origin: E Asia, Europe Total N° of Refs: 1
A-1814, Serbia-R-1848, Czech Republic- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
W-1977, Poland-W-1977. Ornamental, Pasture Ajuga lupulina Maxim.
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers Lamiaceae
Ajuga chamaepitys (L.) Schreb. subsp. Seed Longevity: Long Term Total N° of Refs: 1
chamaepitys Weed of: Pastures Weed of: Cereals
Lamiaceae References: Finland-N-42, United States of References: Nepal-R-1981.
Total N° of Refs: 2 America-E-80, United States of America-
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, N-101, Europe, eastern-W-272, United Ajuga macrosperma Wall. ex Benth.
Ornamental Kingdom-UD-314, Denmark-U-711, Lamiaceae
Dispersed by: Humans Canada and United States of America-N- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Ajuga repens
References: Czech Republic-N-1731, 725, Europe-N-819, Serbia-A-1209, Serbia- Roxb. (2)
Russia-N-1796. W-1238, Norway-N-1243, Global-W-1324, Total N° of Refs: 4
Global-W-1349, Finland-AW-1356, Serbia- Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Ajuga chamaepitys (L.) Schreber subsp. A-1372, Norway-N-1535, Estonia-W-1609, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
chia (Schreber) Arcangeli Denmark-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, Dispersed by: Humans
Lamiaceae Sweden-W-1609, Serbia-A-1036, Global- Weed of: Cereals
Total N° of Refs: 4 ZD-1611, Serbia-R-1771, Estonia-N-1997, References: south and southeast Asia-A-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Kosovo-R-2003, Canada-W-1977, 1320, Nepal-A-1932.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop Denmark-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans Ajuga multiflora Bunge
References: Denmark-U-711, Denmark-W- Ajuga glabra C. Presl Lamiaceae
1609, Czech Republic-U-1731, Denmark- Lamiaceae Total N° of Refs: 2
W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 5 References: China-W-431, South Korea-A-
Origin: E Asia, Europe 648.
Ajuga chamaepitys (L.) Schreb. subsp. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
chia (Schreb.) Arcang. var. chia Dispersed by: Humans Ajuga parviflora Benth.
Lamiaceae References: Czech Republic-NZ-400, Lamiaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Czechoslovakia-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Turkey--1412. Global-W-1324, Czech Republic-W-1977. References: India-AN-1794.

Ajuga chia Schreb. Ajuga integrifolia Buch.-Ham.

Lamiaceae Lamiaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Crop
Dispersed by: Humans Weed of: Orchards & Plantations
References: Global-A-1207, Turkey-A-87. References: Nepal-A-1960.

Ajuga pyramidalis L. Ajuga reptans L. Ajuga salicifolia (L.) Schreber
Lamiaceae Lamiaceae Lamiaceae
Total N° of Refs: 6 Total N° of Refs: 78 Total N° of Refs: 1
Global Risk Score: 1.44 Global Risk Score: 18 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Rating: Low Rating: High Dispersed by: Humans
Habit: Herb Habit: perennial Herb References: Turkey--1412.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Subtropical, Tropical Akebia longeracemosa Matsum.
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia Lardizabalaceae
Seed Longevity: Long Term Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Europe, eastern-W-272, Herbal, Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
western Europe-W-70, Europe-N-819, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Global-W-1324, Finland-AN-1356, North Wind, Escapee Dispersed by: Humans
America-N-1760. Seed Longevity: Long Term References: United States of America-W-
Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations, 656.
Ajuga remota Benth. Pastures
Lamiaceae References: Finland-C-42, Global-A-44, Akebia x pentaphylla (Makino) Makino
Total N° of Refs: 1 Australia-W-54, United States of America- Lardizabalaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical E-80, Global-ZW-85, Europe-A-94, United Accepted name: parents = Akebia quinata
References: Kenya-A-87. States of America-N-101, Canada-W-4, (Houtt.) Dcne. x Akebia trifoliata (Thunb.)
New Zealand-N-280, South Africa-AZW- Koidz.
Ajuga repens Roxb. 121, United States of America-E-133, Total N° of Refs: 1
Lamiaceae Australia-N-176, Japan-N-287, Japan-W- Habit: perennial Vine
Accepted name: Ajuga macrosperma 286, eastern North America-E-195, Europe, Origin: E Asia
Total N° of Refs: 4 eastern-AW-272, western Europe-W-70, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Australia-C-401, Spain-A-417, United Dispersed by: Humans
Kingdom-N-519, New Zealand-N-15, References: United States of America-N-
Canada-A-642, Canada and United States 101.
of America-N-725, Turkey-A-727, Global-
A-743, United States of America-E-151,
Global-W-788, Mexico-N-791, Japan-N-
794, Australia-W-853, Australia-W-869,
Slovenia-W-883, United States of America-
N-904, New Zealand-N-919, Australia-N-
354, United States of America-I-1046,
Europe-N-819, New Zealand-E-505,
United States of America-Q-1197, Serbia-
A-1209, Serbia-W-1238, Norway-N-1243,
South Africa-N-1247, Canada-N-1252,
Japan-N-1278, Global-W-1324, Serbia-A-
1343, Global-W-1349, Finland-AW-1356,
Serbia-A-1372, South Africa-N-1002,
Australia-E-1456, New Zealand-N-1543,
Sweden-W-1609, Germany-A-87, Global-
CD-1611, United States of America-E-
1736, Russia-W-1671, Ukraine-U-1840,
Poland-CD-1841, Australia-N-1845,
Montenegro-W-1861, Poland-A-1033,
Montenegro-R-1944, Serbia-R-1946, -I-,
South Africa-N-1991, Kosovo-R-2003,
New Zealand-N-2048, Serbia-R-2057,
Poland-A-2059, Poland-C-2062, Russia-I-
2107, Australia-W-1977, Canada-W-1977,
Japan-W-1977, New Zealand-W-1977,
South Africa-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977.

Ajuga reptans L. 'Bronze'

Total N° of Refs: 1
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
References: United States of America-N-

Akebia quinata (Houtt.) Dcne. Alafia multiflora (Stapf) Stapf Albizia amara (Roxb.) Boivin
Lardizabalaceae Apocynaceae Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Akebia x Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 1
pentaphylla (Makino) Makino Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Global Risk Score: 3.2
Total N° of Refs: 56 Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Rating: Low
Global Risk Score: 14.4 References: Nigeria-A-1360, Nigeria-A- Habit: Tree
Rating: Medium 2067. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Habit: perennial Vine Origin: Africa
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Alangium chinense (Lour.) Harms Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal,
Mediterranean Alangiaceae Ornamental, Pasture
Origin: E Asia Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Global Risk Score: 1.2 References: Zimbabwe-A-87.
Ornamental Rating: Low
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Escapee Habit: Shrub Albizia carbonaria Britton
Weed of: Forestry, Orchards & Plantations, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Pastures Subtropical, Tropical Synonym/s (n° of refs): Pithecellobium
References: New Zealand-E-246, United Origin: E Asia carbonarium (Britton) Niezgoda & Nevling
States of America-E-80, Global-N-85, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, (3)
United States of America-N-101, New Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 5
Zealand-N-280, United States of America- Dispersed by: Humans Habit: Tree
E-129, United States of America-E-133, References: India-I-1826. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Japan-W-286, eastern North America-E- References: Global-N-85, United States of
195, United States of America-E-346, Alaria esculenta (L.) Greville America-N-101.
United Kingdom-C-314, Australia-E-380, Alariaceae
New Zealand-N-15, United States of Total N° of Refs: 2 Albizia chinensis (Osbeck) Merr.
America-I-628, Global-E-649, United Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
States of America-E-151, Global-W-788, Dispersed by: Water Total N° of Refs: 28
New Zealand-N-919, New Zealand-W-964, References: Europe-N-819, Global-N-1785. Global Risk Score: 8.16
France-N-1006, Global-N-1059, Europe-N- Rating: Medium
819, New Zealand-E-328, New Zealand-E- Albizia acle (Blanco) Merr. Habit: Tree
505, Mediterranean-I-1110, United States Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
of America-AE-1156, Global-Q-1208, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Serialbizzia acle Origin: C Asia, E Asia, SE Asia
Belgium-U-1220, France-E-1239, United (Blanco) Kosterm. (1) Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Herbal,
States of America-E-1244, Georgia-UR- Total N° of Refs: 2 Ornamental, Pasture
1250, Italy-N-251, Global-E-1449, New Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Dispersed by: Humans
Zealand-X-1542, Global-CD-1611, United Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: pantropics-W-22, southeast
States of America-E-1736, Europe-GN- Dispersed by: Humans Asia-W-191, Pacific-W-3, United States of
1740, United States of America-I-1773, References: Bangladesh-W-1977. America-N-101, Pacific-E-621, United
Canada-G-1855, South Korea-AN-1860, States of America-N-301, Global-N-714,
Chile-I-1872, Italy-N-1887, France-W- Albizia adianthifolia (Schumach.) United States of America-N-839,
1943, Switzerland-I-1990, New Zealand- W.Wight Madagascar-N-1001, Samoa-E-863, Africa-
ED-2023, New Zealand-N-2048, New Fabaceae - Mimosaceae N-990, United States of America-I-1046,
Zealand-Q-2086, New Zealand-E-483, Total N° of Refs: 1 Mozambique-E-1076, Africa-W-1127,
Australia-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Global Risk Score: 2.72 United States of America-Q-1197, United
Chile-W-1977, France-W-1977, Italy-W- Rating: Low States of America-N-1292, Madagascar-N-
1977, New Zealand-W-1977, Slovenia-W- Habit: Tree 1000, Global-W-1376, Global-I-1404, New
1977, Global--1324. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Caledonia-I-1507, Indonesia-A-87, -I-,
Origin: Africa Burundi-N-2012, Brunei Darussalam-W-
Akebia trifoliata (Thunb.) Koidz. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, 1977, Burundi-W-1977, Comoros-W-1977,
Lardizabalaceae Ornamental, Pasture Samoa-W-1977, United Republic of
Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans Tanzania-W-1977, Global--1324.
Habit: perennial Vine Weed of: Orchards & Plantations
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean References: Ghana-A-2064. Albizia coriaria Welw. ex Oliv.
Origin: E Asia Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Albizia adinocephala (Donn. Sm.) Total N° of Refs: 1
Ornamental Britton & Rose ex Record Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Tropical
Dispersed by: Humans Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Origin: Africa
References: Japan-W-286. Total N° of Refs: 6 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Habit: Tree Dispersed by: Humans
Alafia lucida Stapf Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical References: Mozambique-nC-943.
Apocynaceae Origin: C Am
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Puerto Rico-N-261, Caribbean-
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical N-707, United States of America-N-101,
Major Pathway/s: Crop Caribbean-N-1201, Global-W-1376,
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Global-I-1404.
References: Ghana-A-2064.

Albizia distachya J.F.Macbr. Albizia julibrissin Durazz. United Arab Emirates-W-1977, Viet Nam-
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Fabaceae - Mimosaceae W-1977, Yemen-W-1977.
Accepted name: Paraserianthes lophantha Synonym/s (n° of refs): Albizia julibrissin
(Willd.) I.C.Nielsen var. julibrissin Durazz. Albizia julibrissin Durazz. var.
Total N° of Refs: 100 Total N° of Refs: 104 julibrissin
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Global Risk Score: 34.56 Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Rating: Low Rating: Extreme Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Toxic - Habit: Tree Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Origin: Aust Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Subtropical, Tropical References: Global-N-85.
Dispersed by: Humans Origin: Africa, E Asia, W Asia
References: Canary Islands-N-637, United Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
States of America-I-849, Canary Islands-I- Forestry, Herbal, Ornamental
902, India-UN-1345, Canary Islands-N- Dispersed by: Humans, Wind, Escapee
1967, Canary Islands-N-1970. Weed of: Forestry, Orchards & Plantations
References: Global-NZW-85, United States
Albizia falcata auct. of America-E-411, United States of
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae America-E-77, United States of America-
Accepted name: Falcataria moluccana E-80, United States of America-N-101,
Total N° of Refs: 78 New Zealand-UW-280, United States of
Global Risk Score: 1.28 America-W-112, United States of America-
Rating: Low E-129, United States of America-E-102,
Habit: Tree United States of America-EW-179, United
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical States of America-W-218, Australia-E-380,
Origin: E Asia United States of America-I-628, Global-E-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture 649, North America-E-784, United States
Dispersed by: Humans of America-E-151, Global-NI-714, Global-
References: Ecuador-N-875, Brazil-I-984, W-788, Hungary-U-809, New Zealand-N-
Brazil-I-1328, Brazil-I-1876. 823, United States of America-N-904, New
Zealand-N-919, France-N-1006, Italy-N-
Albizia falcataria (L.) Fosberg 1006, Portugal-N-1006, Europe-N-819,
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Philippines-nC-1099, United States of
Accepted name: Falcataria moluccana America-W-1103, United States of
(Miq.) Barneby & J. W. Grimes America-W-1104, United States of
Total N° of Refs: 84 America-AE-1156, Croatia-C-1166,
Global Risk Score: 0.96 Cyprus-N-1174, Italy-W-1176, United
Rating: Low States of America-Q-1197, United States of
Habit: Tree America-E-1244, Italy-U-251, Hungary-U-
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical 1255, United States of America-A-1160,
Origin: Aust, SE Asia Italy-N-1265, Peru-N-1293, La Reunion-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental W-1321, Global-W-1324, Sardinia-U-1336,
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Global-W-1349, Global-W-1376, Sardinia-
References: pantropics-W-22, southeast U-1381, Global-I-1404, Spain-U-1454,
Asia-W-191, Pacific-W-3, United States of Albania-U-1506, Greece-CN-1541, United
America-E-80, Samoa-E-863, Bangladesh- States of America-N-1603, North Korea-A-
CN-1330, Hawaii-A-87, Indonesia-A-87, 1018, Global-Q-1572, Global-CD-1611,
Global-CD-1611, Eastern Caribbean-N- United States of America-E-1736, India-N-
1742. 1765, United States of America-I-1773,
Greece-U-1803, Sardinia-U-1393, Chile-I-
Albizia harveyi E.Fourn. 1872, Italy-U-1887, Sardinia-U-1917,
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Bosnia and Herzegovina-U-1987,
Total N° of Refs: 3 Switzerland-U-1990, Croatia-U-2004,
Global Risk Score: 3.52 Ukraine-N-2014, New Zealand-N-2048,
Rating: Low India-N-2109, Afghanistan-W-1977,
Habit: Tree Albania-W-1977, Algeria-W-1977,
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Argentina-W-1977, Armenia-W-1977,
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Bahrain-W-1977, Bhutan-W-1977, Bosnia
Origin: Africa and Herzegovina-W-1977, Brazil-W-1977,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Cambodia-W-1977, Chile-W-1977,
Ornamental, Pasture Croatia-W-1977, Cyprus-W-1977, Egypt-
Dispersed by: Humans W-1977, Greece-W-1977, Iraq-W-1977,
References: South Africa-AZW-121, South Italy-W-1977, Jamaica-W-1977, Japan-W-
Africa-W-10, South Africa-W-382. 1977, Jordan-W-1977, Kenya-W-1977,
Kuwait-W-1977, Lao People's Democratic
Republic-W-1977, Libya-W-1977,
Mauritius-W-1977, Morocco-W-1977,
Oman-W-1977, Peru-W-1977, Portugal-W-
1977, Qatar-W-1977, Saudi Arabia-W-
1977, Thailand-W-1977, Tunisia-W-1977,

Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth. Angola-W-1977, Anguilla-W-1977, Albizia lophantha (Willd.) Benth.
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Argentina-W-1977, Aruba-W-1977, Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Mimosa lebbeck L. Australia-W-1977, Bahamas-W-1977, Accepted name: Paraserianthes lophantha
(2), Albizia lebbek (L.) Benth. (1) Belize-W-1977, Benin-W-1977, Bhutan- (Willd.) I.Nielsen
Total N° of Refs: 175 W-1977, Bolivia-W-1977, Bonaire-W- Total N° of Refs: 115
Global Risk Score: 38.4 1977, Botswana-W-1977, Brazil-W-1977, Global Risk Score: 10.08
Rating: Extreme Burkina Faso-W-1977, C?te d'Ivoire-W- Rating: Medium
Toxic - Habit: Tree 1977, Cabo Verde-W-1977, Chad-W-1977, Aqua - Habit: Tree
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Chile-W-1977, Colombia-W-1977, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Comoros-W-1977, Cook Islands-W-1977, Origin: Aust
Origin: Africa, Aust, E Asia, S Am Cuba-W-1977, Democratic Republic of the Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Herbal,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Congo-W-1977, Djibouti-W-1977, Egypt- Ornamental
Forestry, Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture W-1977, El Salvador-W-1977, Equatorial Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Guinea-W-1977, Ethiopia-W-1977, Fiji-W- References: Pacific-W-3, United States of
References: pantropics-W-22, Global-E- 1977, Gambia (the)-W-1977, Ghana-W- America-CW-34, United Kingdom-N-40,
152, Federated States of Micronesia-N-230, 1977, Guatemala-W-1977, Guinea-Bissau- Global-E-152, United States of America-E-
Federated States of Micronesia-W-107, W-1977, Iran (Islamic Republic of)-W- 78, United States of America-Q-116, Chile-
Puerto Rico-N-261, Australia-E-260, 1977, Iraq-W-1977, Kenya-W-1977, N-241, South Africa-AR-121, Canary
Guyana-N-32, Australia, northern-N-456, Kuwait-W-1977, Malawi-W-1977, Islands-N-305, South Africa-N-330,
Taiwan-N-500, Puerto Rico-N-324, France- Malaysia-W-1977, Maldives-W-1977, Mediterranean-I-775, Mediterranean-EWI-
N-518, Caribbean-N-707, Taiwan-N-777, Mali-W-1977, Marshall Islands-W-1977, 951, Australia-N-1049, Global-E-1449,
Australia-EN-7, Global-NI-714, Pacific-W- Mauritius-W-1977, Mexico-W-1977, Australia-A-87, Indonesia-A-87, New
3, United States of America-E-47, United Micronesia (Federated States of)-W-1977, Zealand-A-87, Global-CD-1611, Chile-I-
States of America-E-80, Global-NZW-85, Mozambique-W-1977, Niger-W-1977, 1872, Colombia-I-1926, Algeria-W-1977.
South Africa-W-95, South Africa-CX-283, Nigeria-W-1977, Oman-W-1977, Panama-
United States of America-N-101, United W-1977, Papua New Guinea-W-1977, Albizia lophantha (Willd.) Benth. subsp.
States of America-EI-112, South Africa- Paraguay-W-1977, Peru-W-1977, Saint lophantha
AZR-121, United States of America-EX- Lucia-W-1977, Sao Tome and Principe-W- Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
122, United States of America-EW-179, 1977, Saudi Arabia-W-1977, Senegal-W- Accepted name: Paraserianthes lophantha
Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945, Global- 1977, Sierra Leone-W-1977, Somalia-W- (Willd.) I.C.Nielsen
W-344, Pacific-E-621, Global-E-649, 1977, South Africa-W-1977, Sri Lanka-W- Total N° of Refs: 95
Australia-EN-310, South Africa-I-759, 1977, Sudan-W-1977, Suriname-W-1977, References: Australia-N-1049.
United States of America-N-301, United Taiwan-W-1977, Togo-W-1977, Tonga-W-
States of America-E-151, United States of 1977, Uganda-W-1977, Viet Nam-W-1977, Albizia moluccana Miq.
America-N-839, Belize-N-850, Bahamas- Yemen-W-1977, Zambia-W-1977. Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
N-873, Dominican Republic-I-877, Accepted name: Falcataria moluccana
Mexico-I-878, Mozambique-nC-943, Albizia lebbek (L.) Benth. (Miq.) Barneby & J. W. Grimes
Australia-N-354, Madagascar-N-1001, Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Total N° of Refs: 75
United States of America-I-1046, Global- Accepted name: Albizia lebbeck (L.) References: New Caledonia-I-1507.
N-1059, Australia-W-1068, Mozambique- Benth.
E-1076, La Reunion-E-1077, Madagascar- Total N° of Refs: 173 Albizia niopoides (Spruce ex Benth.)
I-973, Philippines-nC-1099, South Africa- Origin: E Asia Burkart
X-1112, Africa-X-1127, western Indian References: Chile-I-1872. Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Ocean-I-1146, Chad-nC-640, United States Total N° of Refs: 4
of America-Q-1197, China-N-1215, Albizia lebbekoides (DC.) Benth. Global Risk Score: 2.56
Caribbean-NI-1201, United States of Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Rating: Low
America-N-1292, Peru-N-1293, Yemen-N- Total N° of Refs: 2 Habit: Tree
1302, La Reunion-I-1321, Global-W-1324, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
United States of America-CI-1329, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Origin: S Am
Madagascar-N-1000, India-N-1345, French Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture
Guiana-N-1346, Global-W-1376, Taiwan- References: United States of America-W- Dispersed by: Humans, Animals
N-1403, Global-I-1404, Global-E-1449, 179, United States of America-N-101. Weed of: Pastures
Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands-W-1452, References: La Reunion-W-1321, Brazil-A-
Australia-E-1456, Australia-N-1491, Chad- 1763, United States of America-N-2092,
N-1503, Cuba-NI-1505, New Caledonia-I- India-W-1977.
1507, French Polynesia-N-1514, Fiji-A-
1521, Fiji-A-87, Caribbean Netherlands-N-
1012, South Africa-E-1646, Global-CD-
1611, United States of America-W-1719,
Brazil-N-1733, United States of America-
E-1736, Eastern Caribbean-N-1742,
Taiwan-W-1748, India-N-1765, Puerto
Rico and the Virgin Islands-C-1821, India-
I-1826, Sao Tome and Principe-N-1805,
Brazil-I-984, Brazil-N-1877, Mexico-NI-
1881, Seychelles-N-1925, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-,
Cuba-EN-2024, Angola-N-2028, Cuba-
NRI-2054, Cuba-I-2055, India-N-2109,
Afghanistan-W-1977, Algeria-W-1977,

Albizia odoratissima (L. f.) Benth. Albizia saman (Jacq.) F. Müell. Albizia tanganyicensis Baker f.
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Total N° of Refs: 3 Accepted name: Samanea saman (Jacq.) Total N° of Refs: 1
Global Risk Score: 4.32 Merr. Global Risk Score: 0.24
Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 122 Rating: Low
Toxic - Habit: Tree Global Risk Score: 0.72 ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Subtropical,
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Tropical Rating: Low Tropical
Origin: SE Asia Habit: Shrub Origin: Africa
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Tropical Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Ornamental Origin: N Am, S Am Dispersed by: Humans
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental References: South Africa-A-1369.
References: south and southeast Asia-A- Dispersed by: Humans
1408, India-I-1826, Bangladesh-W-1977. References: southeast Asia-W-191, Pacific- Albizia tanganyicensis Bak.f. subsp.
W-3, Mozambique-nC-943, Portugal-N- tanganyicensis
Albizia procera (Roxb.) Benth. 1006, Global-N-1059, Europe-N-819, Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Singapore-U-1290, Peru-N-1293, La Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 53 Reunion-W-1321, Singapore-U-1839, -I-, Toxic - Habit: Tree
Global Risk Score: 17.28 Antigua and Barbuda-W-1977, Argentina- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Rating: High W-1977, Australia-W-1977, Bangladesh- Origin: Africa
Toxic - Habit: Tree W-1977, Barbados-W-1977, Belize-W- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, 1977, Benin-W-1977, Bhutan-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Bolivia-W-1977, Brazil-W-1977, Brunei References: South Africa-AW-121.
Origin: Africa, Aust, E Asia, SE Asia Darussalam-W-1977, Burundi-W-1977,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, C?te d'Ivoire-W-1977, Cambodia-W-1977, Albizia versicolor Welw. ex Oliv.
Ornamental Cameroon-W-1977, Central African Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Republic-W-1977, Comoros-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 2
References: Global-E-152, Puerto Rico-N- Congo-W-1977, Cook Islands-W-1977, Toxic - Habit: Tree
261, Puerto Rico-X-258, Caribbean-N-707, Cuba-W-1977, Democratic Republic of the Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical,
Global-NI-714, Global-XW-85, South Congo-W-1977, Dominica-W-1977, Tropical
Africa-CX-283, United States of America- Dominican Republic-W-1977, Ecuador-W- Origin: Africa
N-101, South Africa-AR-121, United States 1977, Equatorial Guinea-W-1977, Fiji-W- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
of America-W-179, South Africa-I-759, 1977, Gabon-W-1977, Gambia (the)-W- Dispersed by: Humans
South Africa-X-1112, Africa-X-1127, 1977, Ghana-W-1977, Grenada-W-1977, References: South Africa-A-1369, Global-
Caribbean-NI-1201, Global-W-1324, Guinea-W-1977, Guinea-Bissau-W-1977, A-1207.
Zimbabwe-U-1365, Global-W-1376, Haiti-W-1977, India-W-1977, Jamaica-W-
Global-I-1404, Puerto Rico and Virgin 1977, Kenya-W-1977, Lao People's Albizia zygia (DC.) J.F.Macbr.
Islands-W-1452, Cuba-NI-1505, South Democratic Republic-W-1977, Malawi-W- Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Africa-E-1646, Global-CD-1611, Puerto 1977, Malaysia-W-1977, Maldives-W- Total N° of Refs: 5
Rico and the Virgin Islands-C-1821, India- 1977, Marshall Islands-W-1977, Mauritius- Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Tropical
I-1826, Sao Tome and Principe-N-1805, -I- W-1977, Micronesia (Federated States of)- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
, -I-, Cuba-W-2055, Antigua and Barbuda- W-1977, Mozambique-W-1977, Myanmar- Dispersed by: Humans
W-1977, Australia-W-1977, Bahamas-W- W-1977, Nigeria-W-1977, Niue-W-1977, Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations
1977, Barbados-W-1977, Brazil-W-1977, Palau-W-1977, Papua New Guinea-W- References: Africa-A-1333, Nigeria-A-
Cuba-W-1977, Dominica-W-1977, 1977, Peru-W-1977, Rwanda-W-1977, 1360, Africa-A-1384, Cameroon-A-1867,
Dominican Republic-W-1977, Egypt-W- Saint Kitts and Nevis-W-1977, Saint Vicent Nigeria-A-2067.
1977, Fiji-W-1977, Grenada-W-1977, and the Grenadines-W-1977, Samoa-W-
Haiti-W-1977, Jamaica-W-1977, Kenya- 1977, Sao Tome and Principe-W-1977, Albuca altissima Dryand
W-1977, Mauritius-W-1977, Micronesia Sierra Leone-W-1977, Singapore-W-1977, Liliaceae
(Federated States of)-W-1977, Nigeria-W- Solomon Islands-W-1977, Suriname-W- Total N° of Refs: 1
1977, Panama-W-1977, Saint Kitts and 1977, Thailand-W-1977, Togo-W-1977, Habit: perennial Herb
Nevis-W-1977, Saint Vicent and the Uganda-W-1977, Vanuatu-W-1977, Viet Origin: Africa
Grenadines-W-1977, Sao Tome and Nam-W-1977, Zambia-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Principe-W-1977, Solomon Islands-W- Dispersed by: Humans
1977, South Africa-W-1977, Sudan-W- Albizia saponaria (Lour.) Blume ex Miq. References: Europe-W-1325.
1977, Uganda-W-1977, Venezuela-W- Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
1977, Zimbabwe-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 5 Albuca bracteata (Thunb.) J.C.Manning
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical & Goldblatt
Origin: SE Asia Liliaceae
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 4
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
References: United States of America-N- Dispersed by: Humans
101, United States of America-N-301, References: Morocco-N-1796, Australia-N-
United States of America-N-839, United 1959, New Zealand-N-2048, Australia-W-
States of America-N-1292, United States of 1977.

Albuca canadensis (L.) F.M.Leight. Alcea ficifolia L. Alcea rosea L.
Liliaceae Malvaceae Malvaceae
Accepted name: Ornithogalum maximum Total N° of Refs: 5 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Althaea rosea (L.)
(Burm. f.) J.C.Manning & Goldblatt Habit: biennial Herb Cav. (7), Malva rosea (L.) E.H.L.Krause
Total N° of Refs: 6 Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental (1)
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 174
Rating: Low References: United States of America-N- Global Risk Score: 14.4
Habit: perennial Herb 101, New Zealand-UW-280, New Zealand- Rating: Medium
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean U-919, Belgium-U-1220, New Zealand-U- Toxic - Habit: b/p Herb
Origin: Africa 2048. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Subtropical, Tropical
Dispersed by: Humans Alcea nudiflora (Lindl.) Boiss. Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe
References: Australia-N-945, Australia- Malvaceae Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
EN-7, Australia-N-856, Australia-W-1977. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Althaea nudiflora Herbal, Ornamental
Lindl. (1) Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Albuca toxicaria (C. Archer & R. H. Total N° of Refs: 1 Livestock, Escapee
Archer) J. C. Manning & Goldblatt References: Puerto Rico-CW-261, United
Liliaceae Alcea pallida (Waldst. & Kit. ex Willd.) States of America-CW-34, United
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Ornithogalum Waldst. & Kit. Kingdom-U-40, Finland-C-42, United
toxicarium C.Archer & R.H.Archer (1) Malvaceae States of America-N-101, New Zealand-N-
Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Althaea pallida 280, United States of America-W-161,
Waldst. & Kit. ex Willd. (2) Europe, eastern-W-272, Australia-C-401,
Albuca virens (Ker Gawl.) J. C. Total N° of Refs: 9 Australia-N-945, United Kingdom-C-314,
Manning & Goldblatt Global Risk Score: 0.24 Czech Republic-N-400, United Kingdom-
Liliaceae Rating: Low N-519, New Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-
Total N° of Refs: 1 Habit: Herb N-15, Canary Islands-N-637, Ukraine-CR-
References: Japan-W-1977. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean 643, Switzerland-N-653, Australia-N-310,
Origin: Europe, W Asia Portugal-N-662, Austria-UC-708,
Alcea acaulis (Cav.) Alef. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Denmark-CN-711, Canada and United
Malvaceae Dispersed by: Humans States of America-N-725, Lithuania-I-737,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Althaea acaulis Weed of: Cereals United States of America-N-86, Canada-
Cav. (1) References: Europe-A-94, Europe, eastern- UC-756, Mediterranean-I-775, United
Total N° of Refs: 3 W-272, Canada and United States of States of America-E-151, Mexico-N-791,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean America-N-725, United States of America- Japan-N-794, Spain-W-807, Hungary-U-
Origin: Africa, Europe N-101, Norway-N-1243, Turkey-A-1316, 809, United Kingdom-UC-812, New
References: United Kingdom-U-314, North Norway-W-1609. Zealand-N-823, Czech Republic-N-826,
Africa, Libya, Egypt-W-1730. Belize-N-850, Australia-W-853, Australia-
N-855, Ecuador-N-875, Ireland-U-894,
Alcea apterocarpa (Fenzl) Boiss. United States of America-U-904, New
Malvaceae Zealand-N-919, Mozambique-nC-943,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Mediterranean-W-951, Chile-N-991,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Australia-N-354, Portugal-N-1006, France-
Dispersed by: Humans N-1006, Czechoslovakia-N-1006, France-
References: Turkey--1412. N-1006, Germany-N-1006, Lithuania-N-
1006, Portugal-N-1006, Malta-N-1006,
Alcea baldschuanica (Bornm.) Iljin Romania-N-1006, Spain-N-1006,
Malvaceae Australia-N-1049, Global-N-1059, Europe-
Total N° of Refs: 1 N-1072, Portugal-N-898, Europe-N-819,
Origin: W Asia Iberian Peninsular-N-1147, Spain-N-1149,
References: Tajikistan-A-1674. Romania-E-1154, Croatia-C-1166, Italy-W-
1176, Serbia-E-1177, Belgium-N-1220,
Alcea biennis Winterl. Norway-N-1243, Italy-N-251, Hungary-U-
Malvaceae 1255, Romania-I-1264, Italy-N-1265,
Total N° of Refs: 8 Spain-N-1270, Japan-N-1278, Romania-I-
Origin: Europe 1334, Sardinia-N-1336, India-U-1345,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Global-W-1349, Sardinia-U-1381, India-U-
Dispersed by: Humans 1389, Australia-N-1450, Spain-N-1454,
Weed of: Cereals Spain-N-1455, Slovakia-U-1484, Albania-
References: France-N-1006, Europe-N-819, N-1506, Norway-N-1535, Romania-NI-
Italy-N-1265, Global-W-1324, Bosnia and 1537, Greece-CN-1541, United States of
Herzegovina-N-1987, Turkey-A-2101, America-N-1603, United States of
France-W-1977, Italy-W-1977. America-N-1607, Estonia-W-1609,
Austria-W-1609, Czech Republic-W-1609,
Alcea biennis Winterl subsp. biennis Denmark-W-1609, Russia-W-1609,
Malvaceae Germany-W-1609, Lithuania-W-1609,
Total N° of Refs: 2 Netherlands-W-1609, Norway-W-1609,
Origin: Europe Sweden-W-1609, Romania-N-1629, India-
References: Italy-N-251, Italy-UN-1887. AN-1631, Italy-N-1007, Romania-N-1549,
Global-CD-1611, Russia-N-1006, Azores-

N-1721, Czech Republic-N-1731, United Alcea striata (DC.) Alef. Alchemilla arvensis (L.) Scop.
States of America-E-1736, Eastern Malvaceae Rosaceae
Caribbean-N-1742, Croatia-N-1747, Total N° of Refs: 1 Accepted name: Aphanes arvensis L.
Russia-C-1671, Greece-U-1803, Sardinia- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 107
N-1393, Romania-U-1843, Serbia-R-1848, References: Egypt-W-221. Global Risk Score: 1.44
Canada-G-1855, Italy-UN-1887, Sardinia- Rating: Low
U-1917, France-R-1942, -I-, Egypt-U- Alchemilla abyssinica Fresen. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
1979, Bosnia and Herzegovina-N-1987, Rosaceae Ornamental
Switzerland-U-1990, Estonia-N-1997, Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans
Croatia-U-2004, Ukraine-U-2014, Spain-N- Habit: annual Herb Weed of: Cereals
2027, New Zealand-N-2048, Ukraine-N- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: Global-W-23, Global-A-44,
2050, Albania-W-1977, Algeria-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans Global-NZ-85, Global-A-243, United
Armenia-W-1977, Australia-W-1977, References: Ethiopia-A-240. States of America-W-161, North America-
Austria-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Belize- G-249, Global-W-1349, Chile-A-87,
W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Alchemilla acutiloba Opiz Germany-A-87.
Croatia-W-1977, Cyprus-W-1977, Czech Rosaceae
Republic-W-1977, Democratic Repubic of Total N° of Refs: 3 Alchemilla auriculata Juz.
Korea-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, France- Major Pathway/s: Herbal Rosaceae
W-1977, Germany-W-1977, Greece-W- References: United Kingdom-N-519, Total N° of Refs: 1
1977, India-W-1977, Ireland-W-1977, Europe-N-819, Russia-W-1671. References: Finland-U-42.
Italy-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Latvia-W-
1977, Lithuania-W-1977, Malta-W-1977, Alchemilla aggregata Buser gr. versipila Alchemilla baltica Sam. ex Juz.
Montenegro-W-1977, Peru-W-1977, Rosaceae Rosaceae
Portugal-W-1977, Republic of Korea-W- Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 7
1977, Romania-W-1977, Russian Major Pathway/s: Contaminant References: Europe-N-819, Norway-N-
Federation-W-1977, Rwanda-W-1977, Dispersed by: Animals, Cattle, Horse, 1243, Global-W-1324, Sweden-W-1609,
Slovakia-W-1977, Spain-W-1977, Sweden- Livestock, Sheep, Wind Russia-W-1671, Sweden-N-1802, Sweden-
W-1977, United Kingdom-W-1977, South References: Global-Z-1611. W-1977.
Korea-U-2113, North Korea--.
Alchemilla alpina L. Alchemilla cleistophylla Rothm. & O.
Alcea rosea L. subsp. ficifolia (L.) Rosaceae Schwarz
Govaerts Total N° of Refs: 5 Rosaceae
Malvaceae Habit: perennial Herb Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Origin: E Asia, Europe Herbal, Ornamental Dispersed by: Animals, Cattle, Horse,
References: Sardinia-U-1917. Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle, Livestock, Sheep, Wind
Horse, Livestock, Sheep, Water, Wind, References: Global-Z-1611.
Alcea rugosa Alef. Escapee
Malvaceae Seed Longevity: Transient Alchemilla colorata Buser
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Althaea rugosa References: United Kingdom-N-519, Rosaceae
(Alef.) Litv. (1) Denmark-UC-711, Denmark-W-1609, Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 5 Global-CD-1611, Denmark-W-1977. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Habit: Herb Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Origin: E Asia Alchemilla alpina L. subsp. vestita Dispersed by: Animals, Cattle, Horse,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental (Buser) M.E. Bradshaw Livestock, Sheep, Wind
Dispersed by: Humans Rosaceae References: Global-Z-1611.
References: Belgium-U-1220, Slovakia-U- Total N° of Refs: 1
1484, Belgium-W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977. References: Canada-N-1252. Alchemilla conjuncta Bab.
Alcea setosa (Boiss.) Alef. Alchemilla x anthochlora Rothm. Total N° of Refs: 16
Malvaceae Rosaceae Habit: perennial Herb
Total N° of Refs: 12 Total N° of Refs: 1 Origin: Europe
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean References: Europe-N-819. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers,
Dispersed by: Humans Wind, Escapee
References: Norway-N-1243, Italy-N-251, References: Global-N-85, United
Italy-N-1265, Europe-W-1325, Norway-W- Kingdom-C-314, Czech Republic-U-400,
1609, Sweden-W-1609, Croatia-N-1747, United Kingdom-N-519, Denmark-CN-
Italy-UN-1887, Bosnia and Herzegovina- 711, United Kingdom-CN-812, United
U-1987, Croatia-W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Kingdom-N-1006, Europe-N-819,
Sweden-W-1977. Belgium-W-1220, Global-W-1324,
Denmark-W-1609, Global-CD-1611, Czech
Alcea spp. L. Republic-U-1731, Czech Republic-W-
Malvaceae 1977, Denmark-W-1977, United Kingdom-
Total N° of Refs: 1 W-1977.
Weed of: Cereals
References: Iran-A-2075.

Alchemilla coriacea Buser s.l. Alchemilla filicaulis Buser Alchemilla glaucescens Wallr.
Rosaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Alchemilla minor Total N° of Refs: 5
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant auct. non Huds. (1), Alchemilla vestita Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Dispersed by: Animals, Flyers, Cattle, (Buser) Raunk. (1), Alchemilla vulgaris L. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Horse, Livestock, Sheep, Wind var. filicaulis (Buser) Fern. & Wieg. (1), Ornamental
References: Global-Z-1611. Alchemilla vulgaris L. var. vestita (Buser) Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle,
Murb. (1) Horse, Livestock, Sheep, Wind
Alchemilla crinita Buser Total N° of Refs: 7 Seed Longevity: Long Term
Rosaceae Global Risk Score: 2.16 References: United Kingdom-N-519,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Rating: Low Europe-N-819, Global-W-1324, Global-
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Habit: perennial Herb ZD-1611, Russia-W-1671.
Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle, Ornamental Alchemilla glomerulans Buser
Horse, Livestock, Sheep, Wind Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle, Rosaceae
References: Global-Z-1611. Horse, Livestock, Sheep, Wind Total N° of Refs: 1
Seed Longevity: Transient Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Alchemilla cuspidens Buser References: Canada-A-642, Canada and Dispersed by: Animals, Cattle, Horse,
Rosaceae United States of America-N-725, Global- Livestock, Sheep, Wind
Total N° of Refs: 1 ZD-1611. References: Global-Z-1611.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Dispersed by: Animals, Cattle, Horse, Alchemilla filicaulis Buser subsp. Alchemilla gracilipes Engl.
Livestock, Sheep, Wind filicaulis Rosaceae
References: Global-Z-1611. Rosaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Ethiopia-A-87.
Alchemilla cymatophylla Juz. References: Canada-A-642.
Rosaceae Alchemilla gracilis Opiz
Total N° of Refs: 9 Alchemilla filicaulis Buser subsp. vestita Rosaceae
References: Finland-U-42, Europe-N-819, (Buser) M.E. Bradshaw Total N° of Refs: 4
Global-W-1324, Austria-W-1609, Sweden- Rosaceae Habit: Herb
W-1609, Russia-W-1671, Sweden-N-1802, Total N° of Refs: 2 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Austria-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977. References: United Kingdom-N-519, Ornamental
Canada-A-642. Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle,
Alchemilla decumbens Buser Horse, Livestock, Sheep, Wind
Rosaceae Alchemilla gibberulosa H. Lindb. References: New Zealand-N-280, New
Total N° of Refs: 1 Rosaceae Zealand-N-919, Global-ZD-1611, New
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Total N° of Refs: 3 Zealand-U-2048.
Dispersed by: Animals, Flyers, Cattle, References: Europe-N-819, Global-W-
Horse, Livestock, Sheep, Wind 1324, Russia-W-1671. Alchemilla grossidens Buser
References: Global-Z-1611. Rosaceae
Alchemilla glabra Neyngenfind Total N° of Refs: 1
Alchemilla demissa agg. Rosaceae Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Rosaceae Total N° of Refs: 5 Dispersed by: Animals, Cattle, Horse,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Livestock, Sheep, Wind
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, References: Global-Z-1611.
Dispersed by: Animals, Cattle, Horse, Ornamental
Livestock, Sheep, Wind Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers, Alchemilla hebescens Juz.
References: Global-Z-1611. Cattle, Horse, Livestock, Sheep, Water, Rosaceae
Wind Total N° of Refs: 1
Alchemilla effusa Buser gr. obtusa References: United Kingdom-N-519, References: Russia-W-1671.
Rosaceae United States of America-N-101, Canada-
Total N° of Refs: 1 N-1252, Global-ZD-1611, Canada-W- Alchemilla heptagona Juz.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant 1977. Rosaceae
Dispersed by: Animals, Cattle, Horse, Total N° of Refs: 10
Livestock, Sheep, Wind Alchemilla glabricaulis H. Lindb. References: Finland-U-42, Europe-N-819,
References: Global-Z-1611. Rosaceae Norway-N-1243, Global-W-1324, Norway-
Total N° of Refs: 4 N-1535, Norway-W-1609, Sweden-W-
References: Finland-U-42, Europe-N-819, 1609, Russia-W-1671, Sweden-N-1802,
Global-W-1324, Russia-W-1671. Sweden-W-1977.

Alchemilla heteropoda Buser

Total N° of Refs: 1
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Dispersed by: Animals, Cattle, Horse,
Livestock, Sheep, Wind
References: Global-Z-1611.

Alchemilla hirsuticaulis H. Lindb. Alchemilla mollis (Buser) Rothm. Alchemilla obscura Buser
Rosaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae
Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 53 Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Europe-N-819, Global-W- Global Risk Score: 4.8 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
1324, Russia-W-1671. Rating: Low Dispersed by: Animals, Cattle, Horse,
Habit: perennial Herb Livestock, Sheep, Wind
Alchemilla impexa Buser Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean References: Global-Z-1611.
Rosaceae Origin: E Asia, Europe
Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Alchemilla obtusa Buser
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Ornamental Rosaceae
Dispersed by: Animals, Cattle, Horse, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Total N° of Refs: 1
Livestock, Sheep, Wind References: United Kingdom-N-40, United Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
References: Global-Z-1611. Kingdom-C-314, Czech Republic-U-400, Dispersed by: Animals, Cattle, Horse,
United Kingdom-N-519, Austria-CN-708, Livestock, Sheep, Wind
Alchemilla leiophylla Juz. Denmark-C-711, United Kingdom-CN-812, References: Global-Z-1611.
Rosaceae New Zealand-U-824, Ireland-N-894, New
Total N° of Refs: 3 Zealand-U-919, Belgium-N-1006, Alchemilla orbiculata Ruiz & Pav.
References: Finland-U-42, Europe-N-819, Germany-N-1006, United Kingdom-N- Rosaceae
Global-W-1324. 1006, Iceland-N-1006, Netherlands-N- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Alchemilla
1006, Europe-N-819, United States of pectinata Kunth (1)
Alchemilla lineata Buser America-N-1162, United Kingdom-W- Total N° of Refs: 1
Rosaceae 1175, Belgium-N-1220, Norway-N-1243, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 1 Italy-U-251, Slovakia-U-1484, Norway-N-
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant 1535, Austria-W-1609, Denmark-W-1609, Alchemilla othmarii Buser
Dispersed by: Animals, Cattle, Horse, Germany-W-1609, Netherlands-W-1609, Rosaceae
Livestock, Sheep, Wind Norway-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Global-Z-1611. Iceland-W-1609, United Kingdom-N-1636, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Global-CD-1611, Czech Republic-U-1731, Dispersed by: Animals, Cattle, Horse,
Alchemilla longana Buser Iceland-N-1552, United States of America- Livestock, Sheep, Wind
Rosaceae E-1736, Europe-N-1740, Russia-C-1671, References: Global-Z-1611.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Austria-N-1828, Italy-U-1887, -I-, New
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Zealand-U-2048, Austria-W-1977, Alchemilla pectinata Kunth
Dispersed by: Animals, Cattle, Horse, Belgium-W-1977, Czech Republic-W- Rosaceae
Livestock, Sheep, Wind 1977, Denmark-W-1977, France-W-1977, Accepted name: Alchemilla orbiculata Ruiz
References: Global-Z-1611. Germany-W-1977, Iceland-W-1977, & Pav.
Ireland-W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 1
Alchemilla micans Buser Netherlands-W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Rosaceae Sweden-W-1977, United Kingdom-W- References: Mexico-W-199.
Total N° of Refs: 7 1977.
References: United Kingdom-N-519, Alchemilla plicata Buser
Europe-N-819, Belgium-U-1220, Global- Alchemilla monticola Opiz Rosaceae
W-1324, Russia-W-1671, Belgium-W- Rosaceae Total N° of Refs: 4
1977, Canada-W-1977. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Alchemilla References: Europe-N-819, Global-W-
pratensis auct. non F.W. Schmidt (1) 1324, Sweden-W-1609, Sweden-W-1977.
Alchemilla microcarpa Boiss. & Reut. Total N° of Refs: 16
Rosaceae Global Risk Score: 0.72 Alchemilla polemochora Fröhner
Accepted name: Aphanes microcarpa Rating: Low Rosaceae
(Boiss. & Reut.) Rothm. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 21 Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental References: Finland-U-42.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Dispersed by: Humans
References: United States of America-W- Weed of: Cereals Alchemilla pratensis auct. non F.W.
161, Global-W-1349. References: United States of America-N- Schmidt
101, United Kingdom-N-519, Canada and Rosaceae
Alchemilla minor auct. non Huds. United States of America-N-725, Europe- Accepted name: Alchemilla monticola
Rosaceae N-819, Antarctica-N-396, Canada-N-1252, Total N° of Refs: 16
Accepted name: Alchemilla filicaulis Global-W-1324, United States of America- References: Canada-A-642.
subsp. vestita N-1162, Russia-W-1671, Poland-A-1033,
Total N° of Refs: 4 Montenegro-R-1944, -A-2058, Poland-A- Alchemilla procumbens Rose
References: Canada-A-642. 2059, Poland-A-2060, Canada-W-1977. Rosaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2
Alchemilla murbeckiana Buser Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Rosaceae References: Mexico-W-890, Mexico-W-
Total N° of Refs: 2 1226.
References: Russia-W-1687, Russian

Alchemilla propinqua H. Lindb. ex Juz. Alchemilla speciosa Buser Alchemilla subsericea Reuter
Rosaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae
Total N° of Refs: 6 Total N° of Refs: 9 Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Europe-N-819, Global-W- Habit: Shrub Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
1324, Sweden-W-1609, Russia-W-1671, Origin: Europe Dispersed by: Animals, Cattle, Horse,
Sweden-N-1802, Sweden-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Livestock, Sheep, Wind
Dispersed by: Humans References: Global-Z-1611.
Alchemilla reniformis Buser References: Czech Republic-U-400,
Rosaceae Europe-N-819, Global-W-1324, Austria- Alchemilla tenuis Buser
Total N° of Refs: 1 W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, Czech Rosaceae
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Republic-U-1731, Sweden-N-1802, Czech Total N° of Refs: 1
Dispersed by: Animals, Cattle, Horse, Republic-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Livestock, Sheep, Wind Dispersed by: Animals, Cattle, Horse,
References: Global-Z-1611. Alchemilla splendens H.Christ ex Favrat Livestock, Sheep, Wind
Rosaceae References: Global-Z-1611.
Alchemilla rigida Buser Total N° of Refs: 4
Rosaceae Habit: perennial Herb Alchemilla trunciloba Buser
Accepted name: Alchemilla sericata Rchb. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Rosaceae
Total N° of Refs: 9 Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Poland-W-1609, Poland-N- Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
1040. Horse, Livestock, Sheep, Wind Dispersed by: Animals, Cattle, Horse,
References: Germany-N-1006, Europe-N- Livestock, Sheep, Wind
Alchemilla sarmatica Juz. 819, Global-W-1324, Global-ZD-1611. References: Global-Z-1611.
Total N° of Refs: 7 Alchemilla spp. L. Alchemilla tytthantha Juz.
References: Finland-N-42, Europe-N-819, Rosaceae Rosaceae
Global-W-1324, Sweden-W-1609, Russia- Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 12
W-1671, Sweden-N-1802, Sweden-W- Habit: Herb Origin: E Asia
1977. Origin: Aust, Europe Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
References: Australia-N-354, northern Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Alchemilla saxatilis Buser European towns-W-2095. References: United Kingdom-UC-314,
Rosaceae Czech Republic-U-400, United Kingdom-
Total N° of Refs: 1 Alchemilla straminea Buser N-519, Europe-N-819, Belgium-W-1220,
Habit: perennial Herb Rosaceae Global-W-1324, Germany-W-1609,
Origin: Europe Total N° of Refs: 1 Global-CD-1611, Czech Republic-U-1731,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Czech Republic-W-1977, Germany-W-
Ornamental Dispersed by: Animals, Cattle, Horse, 1977, United Kingdom-W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle, Livestock, Sheep, Wind
Horse, Livestock, Sheep, Wind References: Global-Z-1611. Alchemilla venosa Juz.
References: Global-Z-1611. Rosaceae
Alchemilla strigosula Buser Total N° of Refs: 1
Alchemilla semilunaris Alechin Rosaceae Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Rosaceae Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 7 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant References: United States of America-N-
References: Finland-U-42, Europe-N-819, Dispersed by: Animals, Cattle, Horse, 101.
Norway-N-1243, Global-W-1324, Norway- Livestock, Sheep, Wind
N-1535, Norway-W-1609, Russia-W-1671. References: Global-Z-1611. Alchemilla venosula Buser
Alchemilla sericata Rchb. Alchemilla subcrenata Buser Total N° of Refs: 1
Rosaceae Rosaceae References: Canada-W-1977.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Alchemilla rigida Total N° of Refs: 10
Buser (2) Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Alchemilla versipila Buser
Total N° of Refs: 9 Dispersed by: Animals, Cattle, Horse, Rosaceae
Origin: E Asia, Europe Livestock, Sheep, Wind Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Czech Republic-U-400, References: United States of America-N- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Poland-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Global-W- 101, western Europe-W-70, Europe-N-819, Dispersed by: Animals, Cattle, Horse,
1324, Czech Republic-U-1731, Czech Global-W-1324, Finland-AN-1356, Livestock, Sheep, Wind
Republic-W-1977, Poland-W-1977. Norway-N-1535, Greenland-W-1609, References: Global-Z-1611.
Global-ZD-1611, Russia-W-1671, Canada-
Alchemilla sinuata Buser W-1977. Alchemilla vestita (Buser) Raunk.
Rosaceae Rosaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Alchemilla subglobosa C.G. Westerlund Accepted name: Alchemilla filicaulis
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Rosaceae subsp. vestita
Dispersed by: Animals, Cattle, Horse, Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 4
Livestock, Sheep, Wind References: Sweden-W-1609, Sweden-W- References: Canada-A-642.
References: Global-Z-1611. 1977.

Alchemilla vulgaris L. Alchornea davidii Franch. Alectra asperrima Benth.
Rosaceae Euphorbiaceae Scrophulariaceae
Total N° of Refs: 16 Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1
Global Risk Score: 9.6 References: Japan-I-741. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Rating: Medium References: Global-X-85.
Habit: perennial Herb Alchornea latifolia Sw.
Origin: Europe Euphorbiaceae Alectra atrosanguinea (Hiern) Hemsl.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Total N° of Refs: 1 Scrophulariaceae
Herbal, Ornamental Habit: Tree Total N° of Refs: 1
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical References: Global-X-85.
Horse, Livestock, Sheep, Water, Wind Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Seed Longevity: Long Term References: Jamaica-A-87. Alectra aurantiaca Hemsl.
Weed of: Cereals Scrophulariaceae
References: United States of America-E- Alchornea laxiflora (Benth.) Pax & K. Total N° of Refs: 1
80, Canada-A-642, Canada and United Hoffm. References: Global-X-85.
States of America-N-725, Svalbard-N- Euphorbiaceae
1006, Europe-N-819, Argentina-W-1286, Total N° of Refs: 4 Alectra bainesii Hemsl.
Serbia-A-1357, Serbia-W-1222, Norway- Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Scrophulariaceae
N-1378, Austria-N-1531, United Kingdom- Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Total N° of Refs: 1
N-1636, Global-ZD-1611, Poland-U-1716, References: Ghana-A-2064, Nigeria-A- References: Global-X-85.
central Europe-A-1616, Finland-A-1815, 1371, Africa-A-1384, Benin-W-2007.
Ukraine-U-1840. Alectra basserei Berhaut
Aldama dentata La Llave & Lex. Scrophulariaceae
Alchemilla vulgaris L. var. filicaulis Asteraceae Total N° of Refs: 1
(Buser) Fern. & Wieg. Total N° of Refs: 3 References: Global-X-85.
Rosaceae Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Accepted name: Alchemilla filicaulis References: Mexico-W-890, Global-A- Alectra basutica (E. Phillips) Melch.
subsp. filicaulis 1207, Mexico-W-1226. Scrophulariaceae
Total N° of Refs: 4 Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Canada-A-642. Aldrovanda vesiculosa L. References: Global-X-85.
Alchemilla vulgaris L. var. vestita Total N° of Refs: 7 Alectra capensis Thunb.
(Buser) Murb. Aqua - Habit: Scrophulariaceae
Rosaceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Total N° of Refs: 1
Accepted name: Alchemilla filicaulis Tropical References: Global-X-85.
subsp. vestita Origin: E Asia
Total N° of Refs: 4 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Alectra chitrakutensis (M. A. Rau) R.
References: Canada-A-642. Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers, Prasad & R. D. Dixit
Water Scrophulariaceae
Alchemilla xanthochlora Rothm. References: Switzerland-N-653, France-N- Total N° of Refs: 1
Rosaceae 1006, Europe-N-819, Global-W-1324, Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Total N° of Refs: 13 North America-N-1760, France-W-1977, References: Global-X-85.
Global Risk Score: 2.16 Switzerland-W-1977.
Rating: Low Alectra congolensis Troupin
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Alectorolophus glaber (Lam.) Beck Scrophulariaceae
Origin: Europe Scrophulariaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Accepted name: Rhinanthus angustifolius References: Global-X-85.
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers, C.C.Gmel. subsp. angustifolius
Water Total N° of Refs: 16 Alectra dolichocalyx Philcox
References: United Kingdom-N-40, Weed of: Cereals Scrophulariaceae
Finland-N-42, Europe, eastern-AW-272, References: Poland-A-2047. Total N° of Refs: 1
western Europe-W-70, Australia-N-945, References: Global-X-85.
United Kingdom-N-519, Canada-A-642, Alectra alba (Hepper) B. L. Burtt
Australia-N-1049, Global-W-1324, Europe- Scrophulariaceae Alectra dunensis Hilliard & B. L. Burtt
W-1325, Global-W-1349, Finland-W-1356, Total N° of Refs: 1 Scrophulariaceae
Australia-W-1977. References: Global-X-85. Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Global-X-85.
Alchornea cordifolia (Schumach.) Müll. Alectra aspera (Cham. & Schlechtend.)
Arg. L.O. Williams Alectra fluminensis (Vell.) Stearn
Euphorbiaceae Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae
Total N° of Refs: 4 Accepted name: Alectra fluminensis (Vell.) Synonym/s (n° of refs): Alectra aspera
Habit: Tree Stearn (Cham. & Schlechtend.) L.O. Williams (1)
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 2
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Aqua - Habit:
References: Africa-A-1333, Africa-A-1384, References: Global-NX-85. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Ghana-A-87, Nigeria-A-1853. References: United States of America-N-

Alectra fruticosa Eb. Fisch. Alectra lurida Harv. Alectra senegalensis Benth.
Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Global-X-85. References: Global-X-85. References: Nigeria-A-87.

Alectra glandulosa Philcox Alectra moeroensis Engl. Alectra sessiliflora (Vahl) Kuntze
Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Global-X-85. References: Global-X-85. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
Alectra gracilis S. Moore Alectra natalensis (Hiern) Melch. References: Global-X-85.
Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1 Alectra spp. Thunb.
References: Global-X-85. References: Global-X-85. Scrophulariaceae
Total N° of Refs: 6
Alectra hildebrandtii Eb. Fisch. Alectra orobanchoides Benth. Habit: Herb
Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 3 References: Global-W-67, Global-XW-85,
References: Global-X-85. Habit: Herb North America-X-790, United States of
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical America-X-140, United States of America-
Alectra hippocrepandra (Hiern) Hemsl. Origin: Africa X-229, Israel-Q-1528.
Scrophulariaceae Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans Alectra stricta Benth.
References: Global-X-85. References: South Africa-ZW-121, Global- Scrophulariaceae
X-85, Lesotho-ZW-121. Total N° of Refs: 1
Alectra humbertii Eb. Fisch. References: Global-X-85.
Scrophulariaceae Alectra parasitica A. Rich.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Scrophulariaceae Alectra thyrsoidea Melch.
References: Global-X-85. Total N° of Refs: 1 Scrophulariaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Total N° of Refs: 1
Alectra hundtii Melch. Major Pathway/s: Herbal References: Global-X-85.
Scrophulariaceae References: Global-X-85.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Alectra trinervis Hemsl.
References: Global-X-85. Alectra picta (Hiern) Hemsl. Scrophulariaceae
Scrophulariaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Alectra ibityensis Eb. Fisch. Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Global-X-85.
Scrophulariaceae References: Global-X-85.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Alectra virgata Hemsl.
References: Global-X-85. Alectra pseudobarleriae (Dinter) Dinter Scrophulariaceae
Scrophulariaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Alectra kerkii Hemsl. Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Global-X-85.
Scrophulariaceae References: Global-X-85.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Alectra vogelii Benth.
References: Zimbabwe-A-87. Alectra pubescens Philcox Scrophulariaceae
Scrophulariaceae Total N° of Refs: 12
Alectra kirkii Hemsl. Total N° of Refs: 1 Habit: Herb
Scrophulariaceae References: Global-X-85. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 1 Origin: Africa
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Alectra pumila Benth. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
References: Zimbabwe-W-50. Scrophulariaceae Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 1 Weed of: Cereals, Pastures, Sunflowers
Alectra lancifolia Hemsl. References: Global-X-85. References: Zimbabwe-W-50, South
Scrophulariaceae Africa-ZW-121, South Africa-W-51,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Alectra rigida (Hiern) Hemsl. Global-XZW-85, Botswana-A-1153,
References: Global-X-85. Scrophulariaceae Global-A-1207, Global-W-1324,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Zimbabwe-A-87, South Africa-A-87,
Alectra ledermannii Engl. References: Global-X-85. Global-A-1715, Burundi-R-2012,
Scrophulariaceae Botswana-A-2065.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Alectra schliebenii Melch.
References: Global-X-85. Scrophulariaceae Alectra welwitschii (Hiern) Hemsl.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Scrophulariaceae
Alectra linearis Hepper References: Global-X-85. Total N° of Refs: 1
Scrophulariaceae References: Global-X-85.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Alectra schoenfelderi Dinter & Melch.
References: Global-X-85. Scrophulariaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Global-X-85.

Alectryon coriaceus (Benth.) Radlk. Aleurites fordii Hemsl. Aleurites moluccana (L.) Willd.
Sapindaceae Euphorbiaceae Euphorbiaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Accepted name: Vernicia fordii (Hemsl.) Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aleurites
Habit: Tree Airy-Shaw moluccanus (L.) Willd. (20), Aleurites
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Total N° of Refs: 47 triloba J.R.Forst. & G.Forst. (2), Croton
Origin: Aust Global Risk Score: 12.96 moluccanus L. (2)
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Rating: Medium Total N° of Refs: 88
Dispersed by: Humans Toxic - Habit: Tree Global Risk Score: 8.64
References: United States of America-W- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Rating: Medium
179. Subtropical, Tropical Toxic - Habit: Tree
Origin: E Asia, Europe Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Alectryon ferrugineum (Blume) Radlk. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
Sapindaceae Forestry, Herbal, Ornamental Origin: Aust, E Asia, SE Asia
Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: pantropics-W-22, Caribbean- Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans N-707, United States of America-E-80, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
References: La Reunion-N-1321. New Zealand-UW-280, United States of References: pantropics-W-22, Federated
America-W-112, South Africa-AZW-121, States of Micronesia-W-107, Puerto Rico-
Alectryon tomentosus (F. Müell.) Radlk. Japan-N-287, United States of America-N- UW-261, Australia-E-259, Global-N-85,
Sapindaceae 419, Global-NI-714, Japan-N-794, New France-N-518, Caribbean-N-707, Global-
Total N° of Refs: 6 Zealand-N-823, Dominican Republic-I- N-714, Pacific-W-3, United States of
Global Risk Score: 1.44 877, India-N-976, Australia-N-1049, America-N-101, New Zealand-N-280,
Rating: Low Georgia-N-1250, Caribbean-NI-1201, United States of America-EW-179,
Habit: Tree Japan-N-1278, New Zealand-U-2048. Australia-N-945, Pacific-E-621, Swaziland-
Origin: Aust N-825, United States of America-N-839,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Dominican Republic-I-877, New Zealand-
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee N-919, Mozambique-nC-943, India-N-976,
References: Australia-C-401, Australia-CE- Brazil-I-984, Paraguay-I-987, Africa-W-
168, Australia-EN-310, Australia-N-354, 990, Australia-N-1049, Mozambique-E-
Australia-E-1456, Global-CD-1611. 1076, New Zealand-E-505, Philippines-nC-
1099, Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157, United
Aleurites cordata (Thunb.) Müll. Arg. States of America-Q-1197, Caribbean-NI-
Euphorbiaceae 1201, Singapore-U-1290, United States of
Accepted name: Vernicia cordata (Thunb.) America-N-1292, Australia-E-1456, French
Airy Shaw Polynesia-N-1514, Global-CD-1611,
Total N° of Refs: 8 Singapore-U-1839, Seychelles-N-1925, -I-,
Toxic - Habit: Tree -I-, New Zealand-N-2048, Australia-W-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, 1977, Bahamas-W-1977, Bangladesh-W-
Tropical 1977, Barbados-W-1977, Brazil-W-1977,
Origin: E Asia Comoros-W-1977, Cook Islands-W-1977,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Dominica-W-1977, Dominican Republic-
Dispersed by: Humans W-1977, Grenada-W-1977, Haiti-W-1977,
References: Japan-N-287, Japan-N-794, Jamaica-W-1977, Maldives-W-1977,
Japan-N-1278. Marshall Islands-W-1977, Micronesia
(Federated States of)-W-1977, New
Zealand-W-1977, Niue-W-1977, Palau-W-
1977, Papua New Guinea-W-1977,
Rwanda-W-1977, Saint Kitts and Nevis-W-
1977, Samoa-W-1977, Singapore-W-1977,
South Africa-W-1977, Tonga-W-1977,

Aleurites moluccana (L.) Willd. var.

katoi O.& I. Deg. & B.C. Stone
Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
References: United States of America-N-

Aleurites moluccana (L.) Willd. var.

Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: La Reunion-N-1321.

Aleurites moluccanus (L.) Willd. Aleurites trisperma Blanco Alexandrium ostenfeldii (Paulsen)
Euphorbiaceae Euphorbiaceae Balech & Tangen
Accepted name: Aleurites moluccana (L.) Accepted name: Reutealis trisperma Goniodomataceae
Willd. (Blanco) Airy Shaw Total N° of Refs: 1
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aleurites remyi Total N° of Refs: 4 Aqua - Habit:
Sherff (1) Toxic - Habit: Tree Dispersed by: Water
Total N° of Refs: 85 Origin: E Asia References: Global-ID-1065.
Global Risk Score: 1.2 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Rating: Low Ornamental Alexandrium peruvianum (Balech &
Habit: Tree Dispersed by: Humans Mendiola) Balech & Tangen
Origin: Aust, E Asia References: Dominican Republic-I-877, Goniodomataceae
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Caribbean-NI-1201, Australia-Q-1123. Total N° of Refs: 1
Ornamental Aqua - Habit:
Dispersed by: Humans Aleurites trispermus Blanco Dispersed by: Water
References: Global-N-85, Australia-N-354, Euphorbiaceae References: Global-ID-1065.
Brazil-I-1328, Madagascar-N-1000, Brazil- Accepted name: Reutealis trisperma
N-1733, North America-N-1760, Paraguay- (Blanco) Airy Shaw Alexandrium pseudogonyaulax
N-1796, Brazil-I-984, Brazil-I-1876, Total N° of Refs: 2 (Biecheler) Horiguchi ex Kita & Fukuyo
Algeria-W-1977, Antigua and Barbuda-W- References: Global-Q-1205. Goniodomataceae
1977, Democratic Republic of the Congo- Total N° of Refs: 1
W-1977, Gabon-W-1977, Honduras-W- Alexandrium acatenella (Whedon & Aqua - Habit:
1977, India-W-1977, Kenya-W-1977, Kofoid) Balech Origin: E Asia
Paraguay-W-1977, Saint Vicent and the Goniodomataceae References: Ukraine-N-1706.
Grenadines-W-1977, Uganda-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 1
Global--1324. Aqua - Habit: Alexandrium tamarense (Lebour) E.
References: Ukraine-N-1706. Balech
Aleurites montana (Lour.) E.H.Wilson Goniodomataceae
Euphorbiaceae Alexandrium affine (H. Inoue & Y. Total N° of Refs: 2
Accepted name: Vernicia montana Lour. Fukuyo) E. Balech Aqua - Habit:
Total N° of Refs: 15 Goniodomataceae Origin: Cosmopolitan
Toxic - Habit: Tree Total N° of Refs: 2 Dispersed by: Water
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Aqua - Habit: References: Global-ID-1065, Ukraine-N-
Origin: E Asia Origin: E Asia 1706.
Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Ornamental Dispersed by: Water
Dispersed by: Humans References: Global-ID-1065, Ukraine-N- Alexandrium taylori E.Balech
References: United States of America-N- 1706. Goniodomataceae
101, United States of America-N-301, Total N° of Refs: 2
United States of America-N-839, United Alexandrium catenella (Whedon & Aqua - Habit:
States of America-N-1292, Taiwan-N- Kofoid) E. Balech Dispersed by: Water
1403, Taiwan-W-1748, United States of Goniodomataceae References: Global-ID-1065, Europe-N-
America-N-2092, Taiwan-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 3 819.
Aqua - Habit:
Aleurites remyi Sherff Dispersed by: Water Alhagi camelorum Fisch.
Euphorbiaceae References: Global-EID-1065, Europe-N- Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Accepted name: Aleurites moluccanus (L.) 819, Mexico-N-1881. Accepted name: Alhagi maurorum Medik.
Willd. Total N° of Refs: 97
Total N° of Refs: 21 Alexandrium leei E. Balech Global Risk Score: 4.32
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Goniodomataceae Rating: Low
References: Australia-N-1049. Total N° of Refs: 2 Habit: Shrub
References: Europe-N-819, Mexico-N- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Aleurites rockinghamensis (Baill.) 1881. Subtropical
P.I.Forst. Origin: C Asia, E Asia
Euphorbiaceae Alexandrium minutum Halim Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Goniodomataceae Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 3 Dispersed by: Humans
Dispersed by: Humans Aqua - Habit: Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations,
References: India-W-1977. Dispersed by: Water Pastures
References: Global-WD-1065, Australia-N- References: South Africa-W-10, South
Aleurites triloba J.R.Forst. & G.Forst. 1788, -W-, Mexico-N-1881. Africa-W-51, United States of America-E-
Euphorbiaceae 80, Global-X-85, South Africa-X-278,
Accepted name: Aleurites moluccana (L.) Alexandrium monilatum (Howell) South Africa-AZR-121, South Africa-W-
Willd. Balech 382, United States of America-W-218,
Total N° of Refs: 66 Goniodomataceae South Africa-N-330, North America-X-
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 2 790, Mexico-N-791, India-A-948, Turkey-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Aqua - Habit: A-1351, Global-E-1449, Turkey-A-1523,
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Water Iran-A-1524, Australia-A-87, Turkey-A-87,
References: southeast Asia-W-191, Pacific- References: Australia-QD-994, Mexico-N- South Africa-A-87, India-A-87, Iran-A-87,
W-3. 1881. Russia-A-87.

Alhagi canescens (Regel) Keller & Shap. Alhagi maurorum Medik. Alhagi persarum Boiss. & Buhse
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Alhagi camelorum Accepted name: Alhagi maurorum Medik.
Origin: W Asia Fisch. (22), Alhagi persarum Boiss. & Total N° of Refs: 80
Weed of: Cereals Buhse (5), Alhagi pseudalhagi (M. Bieb.) Weed of: Cereals, Pastures
References: Tajikistan-A-1674. Desv. ex B. Keller & Shap. (38), Alhagi References: Iran-A-732, Iran-A-87, Iran-A-
maurorum Medik. var. turcorum (Boiss.) 1916, Iran-A-2072, Iran-A-2111.
Alhagi graecorum Boiss. Meikle (1)
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Total N° of Refs: 141 Alhagi pseudalhagi (M. Bieb.) Desv. ex
Total N° of Refs: 8 Global Risk Score: 14.4 B. Keller & Shap.
Global Risk Score: 2 Rating: Medium Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Rating: Low Habit: perennial Herb Accepted name: Alhagi maurorum Medik.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Total N° of Refs: 113
Origin: Africa, Europe, W Asia Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Global Risk Score: 5.76
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Pasture Origin: E Asia, Europe, W Asia Rating: Low
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Habit: Shrub
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Herbal, Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
References: Egypt-A-185, Egypt-A-1171, Dispersed by: Humans, Wind Subtropical
Saudi Arabia-A-1525, Egypt-A-1028, Weed of: Canola, Cereals, Cotton, Origin: C Asia, E Asia, Europe, W Asia
Saudi Arabia-A-1869, Oman-A-1870, Orchards & Plantations, Pastures, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Egypt-R-1922, Egypt-A-2088. Sunflowers Ornamental
References: southeast Asia-W-191, Egypt- Dispersed by: Humans
W-221, United States of America-X-26, Weed of: Cereals, Pome Fruits
United States of America-X-35, United References: United States of America-AE-
States of America-X-1, South Africa-X-63, 231, United States of America-W-34,
Global-NXZW-85, United States of United States of America-X-35, United
America-W-264, South Africa-X-95, South States of America-E-78, United States of
Africa-X-283, Global-A-243, United States America-E-80, Global-X-85, United States
of America-N-101, United States of of America-Q-116, United States of
America-X-130, Australia-X-147, South America-W-392, United States of America-
Africa-ZW-158, Australia-N-198, W-161, United States of America-W-212,
Australia-N-945, Australia-E-327, South Europe, eastern-W-272, China-A-275,
Africa-I-759, Australia-N-7, United States Czech Republic-UZ-400, China-W-431,
of America-E-151, North America-X-790, United States of America-I-516, Turkey-A-
Australia-W-853, Australia-N-855, 678, Iran-A-732, United States of America-
Australia-W-869, United States of N-86, Mediterranean-I-775, North
America-X-229, Mexico-I-878, Global-W- America-X-790, Mediterranean-EI-951,
788, United States of America-W-946, Turkey-A-977, Australia-N-1049, United
Australia-N-354, Pakistan-A-999, States of America-N-1058, Global-W-148,
Australia-N-1049, Europe-N-819, Saudi Global-A-1207, China-U-92, Turkey-A-
Arabia-A-25, South Africa-X-1112, Africa- 1287, Global-W-1349, India-A-87, India-
X-1127, Pakistan-A-1169, Pakistan-A- A-1038, Global-N-1218, Tajikistan-A-
1235, Saudi Arabia-W-1237, Pakistan-A- 1674, India-A-1702, Turkey-A-942, Iran-
1308, Global-W-1324, Pakistan-A-704, A-1783, Australia-Q-1123, Iran-A-2075.
Australia-A-1331, Global-W-1376,
Pakistan-A-1395, Global-I-1404, Australia- Alibertia edulis A.Rich.
N-1450, Australia-X-62, United States of Rubiaceae
America-N-1603, Egypt-A-87, Iraq-A-87, Total N° of Refs: 1
Israel-A-87, Pakistan-A-87, Pakistan-A- Global Risk Score: 1.2
1032, Pakistan-A-1545, South Africa-E- Rating: Low
1646, Australia-X-1693, Pakistan-A-1720, Habit: Tree
Pakistan-A-1726, Pakistan-A-1527, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Pakistan-A-1729, Czech Republic-U-1731, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
United States of America-E-1736, Ornamental
Pakistan-A-1871, Mexico-NI-1881, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals
Pakistan-A-1913, Australia-WD-1934, Weed of: Pastures
Australia-N-1959, -I-, Australia-Q-1123, References: Brazil-A-1763.
Global-W-2056, Iran-A-2072, Australia-W-
1977, Mexico-W-1977, South Africa-W- Aliciella leptomeria (Gray) J.M. Porter
1977, United Arab Emirates-W-1977. Polemoniaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1
Alhagi maurorum Medik. var. turcorum References: Australia-Q-1134.
(Boiss.) Meikle
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Total N° of Refs: 76
References: Mexico-N-1881.

Alisma canaliculatum A. Braun & C. D. Alisma lanceolatum With. Alisma parviflorum Rafin.
Bouche Alismataceae Alismataceae
Alismataceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Alisma lanceolata Total N° of Refs: 2
Total N° of Refs: 8 With. (8) Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb
Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb Total N° of Refs: 57 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Global Risk Score: 6.48 Dispersed by: Humans, Water
Subtropical, Tropical Rating: Low References: United Kingdom-WD-1175,
Origin: E Asia Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb Global-W-1324.
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Dispersed by: Humans Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia, Alisma plantago R.Br. nom. illeg.
References: Global-W-85, Japan-A-263, Cosmopolitan Alismataceae
Japan-W-286, Asia-W-204, China-W-431, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Accepted name: Alisma plantago-aquatica
Global-A-1207, Global-A-1233, Japan-A- Ornamental L.
87. Dispersed by: Humans, Water Total N° of Refs: 88
References: United States of America-WD- Global Risk Score: 1.44
Alisma gramineum K.C.Gmel. 34, Chile-N-300, Global-NW-85, United Rating: Low
Alismataceae States of America-N-101, New Zealand-N- Aqua - Habit:
Total N° of Refs: 14 280, Australia-E-155, Australia-ED-200, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Global Risk Score: 4.32 Europe, eastern-W-272, western Europe- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Rating: Low W-70, Australia-N-945, New Zealand-NW- Dispersed by: Humans
Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb 425, South Africa-QD-113, United References: Chile-A-931, south and
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Kingdom-N-519, New Zealand-N-534, southeast Asia-A-1320, South Africa-E-
Origin: Africa, Europe Chile-N-765, Australia-EN-7, Australia-W- 1646, Algeria-W-1977.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, 853, Australia-N-855, Australia-N-856,
Ornamental Australia-W-869, India-ND-914, New
Dispersed by: Humans, Water Zealand-N-919, Australia-N-354,
References: Egypt-W-221, Europe, eastern- Australia-N-1049, Europe-N-819, Chile-W-
W-272, United States of America-W-218, 388, Argentina-AD-1198, Global-A-1207,
China-EWD-297, China-A-275, Europe- Chile-N-1229, Global-A-1233, Global-W-
NWD-482, China-W-431, United 1324, Chile-N-1348, Global-W-1349,
Kingdom-N-519, Palestine-N-851, India- Australia-N-1450, Australia-AN-1498,
ND-914, -N-, Global-W-1349, United United States of America-AN-1498,
States of America-A-87, Turkey-A-87, Hungary-A-87, Italy-A-87, Portugal-A-87,
India-W-1977. Australia-N-1902, Australia-N-1845, Chile-
I-1872, Chile-E-1874, Australia-N-1959,
Alisma lanceolata With. New Zealand-N-2048, Australia-W-1977,
Alismataceae Canada-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, India-W-
Accepted name: Alisma lanceolatum With. 1977.
Total N° of Refs: 57
Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb Alisma natans L.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Alismataceae
Origin: E Asia, Europe Accepted name: Luronium natans (L.) Raf.
Dispersed by: Water Total N° of Refs: 5
References: Australia-ED-72, western Aqua - Habit:
Europe-A-253, Australia-N-198, Australia- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
E-327, New Zealand-N-15, United States Dispersed by: Humans
of America-AND-194, Australia-E-1258, References: Ireland-W-894.
Alisma orientale (Sam.) Juz.
Accepted name: Alisma plantago-aquatica
L. subsp. orientale (Sam.) Sam.)
Total N° of Refs: 86
Global Risk Score: 0.96
Rating: Low
Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Dispersed by: Water
References: China-EWD-297, China-A-

Alisma plantago-aquatica L. Alisma plantago-aquatica L. var. Alkanna hispida Hub.-Mor.
Alismataceae orientale Sam. Boraginaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Alisma orientale Alismataceae Total N° of Refs: 1
(Sam.) Juz. (2), Alisma plantago R.Br. Accepted name: Alisma plantago-aquatica Origin: Africa, Europe
nom. illeg. (4), Alisma plantago-aquatica L. subsp. orientale (Sam.) Sam. References: Turkey-R-1968.
var. orientale Sam. (4), Alisma Total N° of Refs: 88
subcordatum Raf. (2), Alisma triviale Pursh Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb Alkanna lutea Moris
(6) References: Japan-A-263, Japan-W-286, Boraginaceae
Total N° of Refs: 102 Global-A-1233, Central and northern Japan Accepted name: Alkanna lutea Moris
Global Risk Score: 18 and northern islands-N-1983. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Alkanna lutea
Rating: High Moris (1)
Toxic, Aqua - Habit: b/p Herb Alisma plantago-aquatica L. subsp. Total N° of Refs: 3
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, plantago-aquatica Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Subtropical, Tropical Alismataceae Origin: Africa, Europe
Origin: Africa, Aust, E Asia, Europe, N Total N° of Refs: 1 References: United Kingdom-U-314.
Am, W Asia, Cosmopolitan Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, References: Global-N-85. Alkanna lycopsoides (Lehm.) Lehm.
Herbal, Ornamental Boraginaceae
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers, Alisma spp. L. Total N° of Refs: 2
Water, Wind, Escapee Alismataceae References: Europe-N-819, Global-W-
Seed Longevity: Long Term Total N° of Refs: 2 1324.
Weed of: Cereals, Vegetables Habit: Herb
References: Global-NZW-85, Australia- Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Alkanna orientalis (L.) Boiss.
EWD-269, United States of America-WD- References: New Zealand-EW-181, south Boraginaceae
34, Chile-N-300, Global-A-68, United and southeast Asia-A-1320. Total N° of Refs: 3
States of America-N-101, New Zealand-N- Global Risk Score: 1.28
280, South Africa-AWD-121, Global- Alisma subcordatum Raf. Rating: Low
AEWD-126, United States of America-ED- Alismataceae Habit: perennial Herb
159, United States of America-W-161, Accepted name: Alisma plantago-aquatica Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
New Zealand-EW-181, New Zealand-W- L. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture
165, Australia-N-176, United States of Total N° of Refs: 86 Dispersed by: Humans
America-A-180, western Europe-A-253, Aqua - Habit: References: Egypt-W-221, Saudi Arabia-A-
New Zealand-ED-208, Europe, eastern- Major Pathway/s: Herbal 1525, Turkey-A-87.
AW-272, western Europe-W-70, Australia- References: United States of America-W-
N-945, New Zealand-NW-425, China-W- 1104, Global--1324. Alkanna orientalis (L.) Boiss. var.
431, South Africa-QD-113, United leucantha (Bornm.) Hub.-Mor.
Kingdom-N-519, New Zealand-N-534, Alisma triviale Pursh Boraginaceae
New Zealand-N-15, United States of Alismataceae Total N° of Refs: 1
America-A-543, Iran-A-594, United States Accepted name: Alisma plantago-aquatica References: Turkey--1412.
of America-AD-661, India-AD-712, L.
Canada-C-756, Chile-N-765, Australia-W- Total N° of Refs: 90 Alkanna tinctoria (L.) Tausch
853, Australia-W-869, Europe-A-889, Global Risk Score: 1.2 Boraginaceae
Spain-A-892, India-ID-914, New Zealand- Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 4
N-919, Australia-N-354, Russia-A-998, Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb Habit: perennial Herb
New Zealand-E-505, Africa-W-1127, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Argentina-AD-1198, Chile-N-1229, Ornamental Mediterranean
Global-A-1233, Botswana-N-1284, south Dispersed by: Humans, Water Origin: Africa, Europe
and southeast Asia-A-1320, Chile-N-1348, References: Global-W-23, United States of Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Global-W-1349, Zimbabwe-N-1365, India- America-W-218, United States of America- Dispersed by: Humans
I-1389, Italy-A-87, Portugal-A-87, Spain- AD-194, Global-A-1233, United States of References: Egypt-W-221, Europe, eastern-
A-87, Iran-A-87, Japan-A-87, Australia-A- America-A-1498, United Kingdom-A-87. W-272, United Kingdom-U-314, Algeria-
87, Belgium-A-87, Bangladesh-A-87, W-1977.
Chile-A-87, United Kingdom-A-87, Alkanna bracteosa Boiss.
France-A-87, Germany-A-87, Morocco-A- Boraginaceae Alkanna tinctoria (L.) Tausch subsp.
87, Netherlands-A-87, New Zealand-A-87, Total N° of Refs: 1 tinctoria
Turkey-A-87, Global-CD-1611, Iran-A- Weed of: Cereals Boraginaceae
1619, Russia-W-1671, Finland-A-1815, References: Iran-A-1524. Total N° of Refs: 1
Australia-N-1845, Canada-G-1855, Chile-I- References: Turkey--1412.
1872, Chile-A-1874, Serbia-R-1946, New Alkanna graeca Boiss. & Spruner
Zealand-N-2048, Serbia-R-2057, Australia- Boraginaceae Alkekengi officinarum Moench
W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 2 Solanaceae
New Zealand-W-1977, South Africa-W- References: Global-Q-1205, Australia-Q- Accepted name: Physalis alkekengi L. var.
1977, Zimbabwe-W-1977. 1123. alkekengi
Total N° of Refs: 91
References: Ukraine-N-2112.

Allagoptera campestris (Mart.) Kuntze Allamanda cathartica L. W-1977, Saint Kitts and Nevis-W-1977,
Arecaceae Apocynaceae Saint Vicent and the Grenadines-W-1977,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Diplothemium Synonym/s (n° of refs): Allamanda Samoa-W-1977, Seychelles-W-1977,
campestre Mart. (1) hendersonii W. Bull ex Dombrain (3) Singapore-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 113 Sri Lanka-W-1977, Thailand-W-1977,
Habit: Shrub Global Risk Score: 7.2 Tonga-W-1977.
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Rating: Medium
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Toxic - Habit: perennial Vine Allamanda cathartica L. ‘Hendersonii’
Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Apocynaceae
Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 2
Allamanda blanchetii A. DC. Origin: N Am, S Am Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Apocynaceae Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Allamanda Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans
violacea Gardner & Fielding (4) Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee References: French Polynesia-N-1514, El
Total N° of Refs: 16 References: Federated States of Salvador-N-1849.
Global Risk Score: 1.44 Micronesia-N-230, Federated States of
Rating: Low Micronesia-EW-107, Puerto Rico-CW-261, Allamanda hendersonii W. Bull ex
Habit: Vine Australia-E-155, Brazil-W-407, Australia- Dombrain
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical CN-368, Africa-W-760, Australia-N-7, Apocynaceae
Origin: S Am Costa Rica-I-975, United States of Accepted name: Allamanda cathartica L.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental America-E-80, Pacific-W-3, Australia-W- Total N° of Refs: 113
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee 54, United States of America-N-101, Habit: Shrub
References: Australia-CN-368, United United States of America-W-179, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
States of America-CE-617, United States of Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
America-N-101, Laos-N-1102, Global-CD- Australia-E-380, Pacific-E-621, Australia- Dispersed by: Humans
1611, Anguilla-W-1977, Australia-W- N-310, United States of America-E-151, References: Federated States of
1977, Colombia-W-1977, Cook Islands-W- Costa Rica-CN-872, Mozambique-nC-943, Micronesia-N-230, southeast Asia-W-191,
1977, Lao People's Democratic Republic- India-N-976, Australia-N-354, Pacific-W-3.
W-1977, Marshall Islands-W-1977, Palau- Madagascar-N-1001, Portugal-N-1006,
W-1977. Australia-W-1068, Australia-I-1088, Allamanda laevis Markgraf
Europe-N-819, Laos-N-1102, Chad-nC- Apocynaceae
Allamanda blanchetti A.DC. 640, Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157, Total N° of Refs: 1
Apocynaceae Australia-E-1159, United States of Habit: Shrub
Total N° of Refs: 1 America-Q-1197, South Africa-U-1247, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Origin: S Am Bermuda-N-1267, Singapore-U-1290, Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental United States of America-C-1329, References: Australia--, Australia-Q-1123.
Dispersed by: Humans Madagascar-N-1000, India-UN-1345,
References: Mozambique-nC-943. Australia-E-1456, Australia-N-1491, Chad- Allamanda neriifolia Hook.
N-1503, Cuba-N-1505, Fiji-A-1521, Apocynaceae
Australia, northern-W-1204, Global-CD- Accepted name: Allamanda schottii Pohl
1611, Global-I-1324, India-N-1370, United Total N° of Refs: 14
States of America-E-1736, Eastern Global Risk Score: 1.44
Caribbean-N-1742, India-N-1790, China- Rating: Low
N-1796, Belize-N-1796, El Salvador-N- Toxic - Habit: Shrub
1796, Gabon-N-1796, Puerto Rico and the Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Virgin Islands-C-1821, Singapore-U-1839, Subtropical, Tropical
El Salvador-N-1849, Chile-I-1872, Origin: S Am
Australia-A-1928, -I-, -I-, South Africa-N- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
1991, Cuba-I-2055, Algeria-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Anguilla-W-1977, Antigua and Barbuda- References: Costa Rica-CN-872, Global-
W-1977, Australia-W-1977, Barbados-W- CD-1611, India-N-1370, Chile-I-1872.
1977, Belize-W-1977, Brunei Darussalam-
W-1977, Burkina Faso-W-1977, Burundi- Allamanda oenotheraefolia Pohl
W-1977, Chad-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Apocynaceae
Congo-W-1977, Cook Islands-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 1
Costa Rica-W-1977, Cuba-W-1977, Habit: Shrub
Democratic Republic of the Congo-W- Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
1977, Dominica-W-1977, Dominican Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Republic-W-1977, El Salvador-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans
Equatorial Guinea-W-1977, Fiji-W-1977, References: Federated States of
Gabon-W-1977, Grenada-W-1977, Micronesia-N-230.
Guatemala-W-1977, Haiti-W-1977,
Honduras-W-1977, India-W-1977,
Jamaica-W-1977, Kiribati-W-1977, Lao
People's Democratic Republic-W-1977,
Malaysia-W-1977, Marshall Islands-W-
1977, Micronesia (Federated States of)-W-
1977, Nicaragua-W-1977, Niue-W-1977,
Palau-W-1977, Panama-W-1977, Rwanda-

Allamanda schottii Pohl Alliaria petiolata (Bieb.) Cavara & Korea-U-2113.
Apocynaceae Grande
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Allamanda Brassicaceae Allionia choisyi Standl.
neriifolia Hook. (4) Total N° of Refs: 93 Nyctaginaceae
Total N° of Refs: 14 Global Risk Score: 19.2 Total N° of Refs: 2
Habit: Shrub Rating: High Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Toxic - Habit: annual/biennial Herb Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Origin: S Am Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, References: Mexico-W-890, Mexico-W-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Subtropical, Tropical 1226.
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe
References: United States of America-N- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Allionia incarnata L.
101, Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157, Global- Herbal, Ornamental Nyctaginaceae
CD-1611, China-N-1796, Algeria-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans, Water, Escapee Total N° of Refs: 2
Chile-W-1977, Cook Islands-W-1977, Fiji- Seed Longevity: Long Term Habit: perennial Herb
W-1977, Micronesia (Federated States of)- Weed of: Canola, Cereals, Forestry, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical
W-1977, Rwanda-W-1977. Orchards & Plantations Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
References: United States of America-E- Dispersed by: Humans
Allamanda violacea Gardner & Fielding 411, Global-A-243, Australia-W-54, North References: United States of America-W-
Apocynaceae America-E-79, United States of America- 161, United States of America-W-218.
Accepted name: Allamanda blanchetii A. E-17, United States of America-E-80,
DC. Global-NXW-85, United States of Allium acuminatum Hook.
Total N° of Refs: 16 America-E-222, United States of America- Liliaceae - Alliaceae
Global Risk Score: 0.24 N-101, Canada-W-4, New Zealand-N-280, Total N° of Refs: 1
Rating: Low Canada-W-293, United States of America- Habit: perennial Herb
Habit: Shrub E-129, United States of America-EI-224, Origin: N Am
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical United States of America-E-133, United Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Origin: S Am States of America-EI-102, United States of Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental America-EW-182, eastern North America- Dispersed by: Humans
Dispersed by: Humans EI-195, Europe, eastern-AW-272, western References: United States of America-W-
References: Belize-N-850, Chile-I-1872, Europe-W-70, United States of America-E- 218.
Chile-W-1977, Marshall Islands-W-1977. 346, United States of America-EN-303,
Canada-W-103, Canada-E-104, Iceland-U- Allium allegheniense Small
Alliaria officinalis Andrz. ex M. Bieb., 507, United Kingdom-N-519, United States Liliaceae - Alliaceae
nom. illeg. of America-I-628, Canada-A-642, Global- Accepted name: Allium cernuum var.
Brassicaceae E-649, India-AG-712, Canada and United cernuum
Accepted name: Alliaire petiolata (Bieb.) States of America-NI-725, Canada-UC- Total N° of Refs: 3
Cavara & Grande 756, North America-E-784, United States References: North America-N-1760.
Total N° of Refs: 9 of America-E-151, Global-W-788, North
Habit: Herb America-X-790, Palestine-N-851, Allium altaicum Pall.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Australia-W-869, United States of Liliaceae - Alliaceae
Dispersed by: Humans America-X-229, United States of America- Total N° of Refs: 2
References: United States of America-W- I-904, New Zealand-U-919, Australia-N- Habit: perennial Herb
45, Global-EI-132, United States of 354, China-I-1055, Europe-N-819, United Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
America-W-218, Canada-A-642, Serbia-W- Kingdom-A-322, United Kingdom-A-1093, Dispersed by: Humans
1238, Serbia-R-1771, Serbia-R-1946, United States of America-W-1103, United References: Global-Q-1205, Australia-Q-
Kosovo-R-2003, Serbia-A-2080. States of America-W-1104, United States 1123.
of America-AE-1156, United States of
America-I-1161, United States of America- Allium altissimum Regel
N-1162, Pakistan-A-1232, Armenia-N- Liliaceae - Alliaceae
1241, United States of America-E-1244, Total N° of Refs: 3
United States of America-A-1275, -N-, Habit: perennial Herb
Global-W-1324, Global-W-1349, Global- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
E-1449, Canada-X-1538, Australia-I-1544, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
China-I-1544, India-I-1544, Nepal-I-1544, References: Denmark-W-1609, Russia-C-
New Zealand-I-1544, Pakistan-I-1544, Sri 1671, Denmark-W-1977.
Lanka-I-1544, United States of America-I-
1544, United Kingdom-N-1636, United
Kingdom-A-87, Global-CD-1611, Alaska-
N-1625, Iran-A-1724, Iceland-U-1552,
United States of America-E-1736, China-I-
1769, Russia-W-1671, Poland-A-1825,
Serbia-R-1848, Alaska-I-1852, Canada-G-
1855, Germany-R-1948, Australia-N-1959,
-I-, -I-, Central and northern Japan and
northern islands-N-1983, New Zealand-U-
2048, Poland-R-2062, Global-W-2097,
Armenia-W-1977, Australia-W-1977,
Canada-W-1977, Iceland-W-1977, India-
W-1977, Republic of Korea-W-1977, South

Allium ampeloprasum L. Allium amplectens Hook. Allium atropurpureum Waldst. & Kit.
Liliaceae - Alliaceae Liliaceae - Alliaceae Liliaceae - Alliaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Allium Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 12
myrianthum Boiss. (3) Habit: perennial Herb Habit: perennial Herb
Total N° of Refs: 58 Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Global Risk Score: 7.2 Dispersed by: Humans Tropical
Rating: Medium References: United States of America-W- Origin: E Asia, Europe
Habit: Herb 161. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Dispersed by: Humans
Mediterranean, Tropical Allium angulosum L. References: Europe, eastern-W-272, Czech
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia Liliaceae - Alliaceae Republic-U-400, Germany-N-1006,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Total N° of Refs: 20 Europe-N-819, Global-W-1324, Denmark-
Herbal, Ornamental Global Risk Score: 2.4 W-1609, Germany-W-1609, Czech
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Rating: Low Republic-U-1731, Bulgaria-W-1977, Czech
Weed of: Cereals Habit: perennial Herb Republic-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977,
References: Egypt-W-221, United States of Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Germany-W-1977.
America-N-101, New Zealand-UW-280, Origin: E Asia, Europe
Australia-N-176, Australia-N-198, Europe, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Allium atroviolaceum Boiss.
eastern-W-272, western Europe-W-70, Ornamental Liliaceae - Alliaceae
Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945, Dispersed by: Humans, Water Synonym/s (n° of refs): Allium
Australia-E-327, United Kingdom-N-519, Seed Longevity: Short Term ampeloprasum L. var. atroviolaceum
Australia-AEN-310, Global-G-660, References: Finland-U-42, Europe, eastern- (Boiss.) Regel (1)
Australia-N-7, Hungary-U-809, United W-272, Denmark-N-1006, Norway-N- Total N° of Refs: 12
Kingdom-CND-812, Australia-W-853, 1006, Sweden-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Global Risk Score: 1.44
Australia-N-855, Australia-N-856, Serbia-W-1238, Norway-N-1243, Serbia- Rating: Low
Australia-W-869, United States of W-1358, Norway-N-1535, Panarctic-U- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
America-U-904, New Zealand-U-919, 1596, Estonia-W-1609, Latvia-W-1609, Origin: E Asia, Europe, W Asia
Australia-N-354, Portugal-N-1006, France- Norway-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, Russia- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
N-1006, United Kingdom-N-1006, A-87, Serbia-W-1766, Estonia-N-1997, Ornamental
Portugal-N-1006, Slovenia-N-1006, Latvia-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977. Dispersed by: Humans
Australia-N-1049, Europe-N-819, Crete-A- Weed of: Cereals, Pastures
1228, Hungary-U-1255, Sardinia-N-1336, Allium ascalonicum L. References: Europe, eastern-W-272, Czech
Turkey--1412, Australia-N-1450, Romania- Liliaceae - Alliaceae Republic-UZ-400, United States of
N-1629, Iran-A-87, Portugal-A-87, Turkey- Total N° of Refs: 2 America-N-101, Turkey--1412, Iran-A-
A-87, Global-CD-1611, Azores-N-1721, ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Subtropical, 1524, Iran-A-1619, Tajikistan-A-1674,
North Africa, Libya, Egypt-W-1730, Tropical Czech Republic-U-1731, Iran-A-1916,
Russia-N-1796, Belarus-N-1796, Australia- Origin: E Asia Iran-A-2072, Iran-A-2111.
N-1902, Australia-N-1845, Australia-N- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
1959, New Zealand-N-2048, Iran-A-2111, Dispersed by: Humans Allium barthianum Asch. & Schweinf.
Algeria-W-1977, Australia-W-1977, India- References: Switzerland-U-1990, Croatia- Liliaceae - Alliaceae
W-1977, Ireland-W-1977, Portugal-W- W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 1
1977, United Kingdom-W-1977. References: North Africa, Libya, Egypt-W-
Allium aschersonianum Barbey 1730.
Allium ampeloprasum L. var. Liliaceae - Alliaceae
ampeloprasum Total N° of Refs: 2 Allium blomfieldianum Asch. &
Liliaceae - Alliaceae Habit: perennial Herb Schweinf.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Liliaceae - Alliaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Global-W-85, United States of Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental References: North Africa, Libya, Egypt-W-
America-N-101. Dispersed by: Humans 1730.
References: Egypt-W-221, North Africa,
Allium ampeloprasum L. var. Libya, Egypt-W-1730. Allium brevistylum Wats.
atroviolaceum (Boiss.) Regel Liliaceae - Alliaceae
Liliaceae - Alliaceae Total N° of Refs: 2
Accepted name: Allium atroviolaceum Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal
Boiss. References: Global-Q-1205, Australia-Q-
Total N° of Refs: 12 1123.
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Allium caeruleum Pall.
References: United States of America-N- Liliaceae - Alliaceae
101. Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: perennial Herb
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Europe, eastern-W-272.

Allium canadense L. Allium carolinianum DC. Allium cepa L.
Liliaceae - Alliaceae Liliaceae - Alliaceae Liliaceae - Alliaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Allium mutabile Synonym/s (n° of refs): Allium thomsonii Synonym/s (n° of refs): Allium cepa var.
Michx. (1) Baker (1) cepa L.
Total N° of Refs: 13 Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 99
Global Risk Score: 4.8 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Global Risk Score: 4.8
Rating: Low Dispersed by: Humans Rating: Low
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Toxic - Habit: Herb
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Allium cassium Boiss. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Origin: N Am Liliaceae - Alliaceae Subtropical, Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Total N° of Refs: 2 Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia
Herbal, Ornamental References: Global-Q-1205, Australia-Q- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Dispersed by: Humans 1123. Ornamental
Weed of: Cereals, Cotton, Orchards & Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Plantations, Pastures, Vegetables Seed Longevity: Transient
References: North America-X-790, Global- References: Federated States of
W-23, United States of America-W-266, Micronesia-N-230, Finland-C-42, United
Global-XZW-85, United States of States of America-N-101, New Zealand-
America-W-161, United States of America- UW-280, Australia-N-945, United
W-174, United States of America-W-210, Kingdom-CN-314, Czech Republic-U-400,
United States of America-W-218, United Canary Islands-N-305, United Kingdom-N-
States of America-A-543, Global-W-788, 519, Canada and United States of America-
Iran-A-173, Global-W-1349. N-725, Hungary-U-809, United Kingdom-
UC-812, Belize-N-850, Australia-W-869,
Allium canadense L. var. canadense Paraguay-N-876, India-UD-914, New
Liliaceae - Alliaceae Zealand-U-919, Argentina-I-983, Portugal-
Total N° of Refs: 3 N-1006, France-N-1006, France-N-1006,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Portugal-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Spain-U-
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee 1149, Chad-nC-640, Gal pagos Islands-CN-
References: Canada-C-756, Global-CD- 1157, Norway-N-1243, Italy-U-251,
1611, Canada-G-1855. Hungary-U-1255, Italy-N-1265, Spain-U-
1270, Sardinia-N-1336, Sardinia-U-1381,
Allium carinatum L. India-UD-1389, Spain-U-1454, Slovakia-
Liliaceae - Alliaceae U-1484, Chad-N-1503, Greece-CN-1541,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Allium pulchellum New Zealand-N-1543, Panarctic-U-1596,
G.Don (1) North Korea-N-1600, Estonia-W-1609,
Total N° of Refs: 29 Denmark-W-1609, Germany-W-1609,
Global Risk Score: 14.4 Netherlands-W-1609, Norway-W-1609,
Rating: Medium Sweden-W-1609, Bolivia-N-1630,
Habit: perennial Herb Yugoslavia-A-87, Global-CD-1611, Czech
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Republic-U-1731, India-N-1370, China-N-
Origin: E Asia, Europe, W Asia 1796, Libya-N-1796, Tibet-N-1796,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Uzbekistan-N-1796, Tadzhikistan-N-1796,
Herbal, Ornamental Kyrgyzstan-N-1796, Russia-N-1796,
Dispersed by: Humans, Water, Escapee Algeria-N-1796, Belarus-N-1796,
Weed of: Pastures Cambodia-N-1796, Ecuador-N-1796,
References: United Kingdom-U-40, Ethiopia-N-1796, Iraq-N-1796, Morocco-
Global-N-108, western Europe-W-70, N-1796, Tibet-N-1796, Sardinia-N-1393,
United Kingdom-CN-314, United Sao Tome and Principe-N-1805, Chile-I-
Kingdom-N-519, Ireland-EN-793, United 1872, Italy-U-1887, Sardinia-U-1917,
Kingdom-CN-812, Ireland-ID-894, United Venezuela-N-1976, Bosnia and
Kingdom-N-1006, Iceland-N-1006, Herzegovina-U-1987, Switzerland-U-1990,
Netherlands-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Estonia-N-1997, Croatia-U-2004, Ukraine-
Belgium-W-1220, Norway-N-1243, U-2014, New Zealand-U-2048, Egypt-A-
Global-W-1324, Serbia-A-1372, Norway- 2088, Argentina-W-1977, Australia-W-
N-1535, Ireland-N-1608, Ireland-W-1609, 1977, Burundi-W-1977, Chad-W-1977,
Netherlands-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, Chile-W-1977, Croatia-W-1977, Czech
Global-CD-1611, Polar Regions-ZD-1587, Republic-W-1977, Democratic Republic of
Europe-UN-1740, Montenegro-R-1944, the Congo-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977,
Ireland-W-1977, Netherlands-W-1977, France-W-1977, Germany-W-1977,
United Kingdom-W-1977. Greece-W-1977, Ireland-W-1977, Italy-W-
1977, Peru-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977,
Slovakia-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977,

Allium cepa L. var. ascalonicum Backer Allium christophii Trautv., orth. var. Allium cyrilli Ten.
Liliaceae - Alliaceae Liliaceae - Alliaceae Liliaceae - Alliaceae
Total N° of Refs: 4 Accepted name: Allium cristophii Trautv. Total N° of Refs: 4
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Total N° of Refs: 15 Habit: perennial Herb
Ornamental Habit: perennial Herb Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Origin: E Asia, W Asia Origin: Europe
References: Austria-UC-708, Austria-W- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
1609, Global-CD-1611, Austria-W-1977. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Dispersed by: Humans
References: Austria-UC-708, Europe-N- References: United Kingdom-U-314,
Allium cepa L. var. cepa 819, Belgium-U-1294, Global-W-1324, Europe-N-819, Global-W-1324, Algeria-
Liliaceae - Alliaceae Belgium-U-1220, Austria-W-1609, Global- W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 6 CD-1611, Austria-W-1977.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Allium decipiens Fisch. ex Schult. &
Ornamental Allium cornutum G.C.Clementi ex Vis. Schult. f.
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Liliaceae - Alliaceae Liliaceae - Alliaceae
References: United States of America-N- Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1
101, Austria-UC-708, Austria-W-1609, References: Iraq-N-1796. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Global-CD-1611, Australia-ZD-1675, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Austria-W-1977. Allium cristophii Trautv. Dispersed by: Humans
Liliaceae - Alliaceae References: Europe, eastern-W-272.
Allium cepa L. var. viviparum (Metzg.) Synonym/s (n° of refs): Allium christophii
Mansf. Trautv., orth. var. (8) Allium derderianum Regel
Liliaceae - Alliaceae Total N° of Refs: 15 Liliaceae - Alliaceae
Accepted name: parents = Allium x Habit: perennial Herb Total N° of Refs: 2
proliferum (Moench) Schrad. ex Willd. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean References: Global-Q-1205, Australia-Q-
Total N° of Refs: 1 Origin: E Asia, W Asia 1123.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans Allium desertorum Forssk.
References: United States of America-N- References: Slovakia-U-1484, Denmark- Liliaceae - Alliaceae
101. W-1609, Czech Republic-U-1731, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Allium modestum
Belgium-W-1977, Czech Republic-W- Boiss. (1)
Allium cernuum Roth. 1977, Denmark-W-1977, Slovakia-W- Total N° of Refs: 3
Liliaceae - Alliaceae 1977. References: Egypt-W-221, North Africa,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Allium Libya, Egypt-W-1730.
allegheniense Small (1) Allium cupani Rafin.
Total N° of Refs: 3 Liliaceae - Alliaceae Allium erdelii Zucc.
Global Risk Score: 1.2 Total N° of Refs: 1 Liliaceae - Alliaceae
Rating: Low Global Risk Score: 0.24 Total N° of Refs: 1
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Major Pathway/s: Crop
Subtropical Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: North Africa, Libya, Egypt-W-
Origin: N Am Dispersed by: Humans 1730.
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Weed of: Pastures
Ornamental References: Serbia-A-1372. Allium ericetorum Thore
Dispersed by: Humans Liliaceae - Alliaceae
References: Canada-A-642, Algeria-W- Allium cupani Rafin. subsp. Total N° of Refs: 4
1977. hirtovaginatum (Kunth) Stearn Global Risk Score: 0.48
Liliaceae - Alliaceae Rating: Low
Allium chinense G.Don Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Liliaceae - Alliaceae References: Turkey--1412. Origin: Europe
Total N° of Refs: 5 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Habit: perennial Herb Allium curtum Boiss. & Gaill. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Liliaceae - Alliaceae References: United Kingdom-C-314,
Origin: E Asia Total N° of Refs: 1 Global-Q-1205, Global-CD-1611,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Australia-Q-1123.
Ornamental References: North Africa, Libya, Egypt-W-
Dispersed by: Humans 1730.
References: Japan-N-794, Japan-N-1278,
Kyrgyzstan-N-1796, Japan-W-1977,

Allium fistulosum L. Allium geyeri S.Watson Allium hollandicum R.M.Fritsch
Liliaceae - Alliaceae Liliaceae - Alliaceae Liliaceae - Alliaceae
Total N° of Refs: 42 Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 7
Habit: perennial Herb Habit: perennial Herb Habit: perennial Herb
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Subtropical, Tropical Origin: N Am Dispersed by: Humans
Origin: E Asia Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, References: Norway-N-1243, Global-W-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Ornamental 1324, Norway-N-1535, Norway-W-1609,
Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans Sweden-W-1609, Sweden-N-1802,
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee References: United States of America-W- Sweden-W-1977.
References: United States of America-N- 161.
101, United Kingdom-C-314, Czech Allium hookeri Thw.
Republic-U-400, Austria-UC-708, Allium geyeri S. Wats. var. textile (A. Liliaceae - Alliaceae
Denmark-N-1006, Iceland-N-1006, Nels. & J.f. Macbr.) Boivin Total N° of Refs: 2
Norway-N-1006, Sweden-N-1006, Europe- Liliaceae - Alliaceae Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
N-819, Belgium-U-1220, Norway-N-1243, Accepted name: Allium textile Major Pathway/s: Crop
Italy-U-251, La Reunion-W-1321, Estonia- Total N° of Refs: 4 References: Global-Q-1205, Australia-Q-
W-1609, Austria-W-1609, Denmark-W- References: Canada-A-642. 1123.
1609, Germany-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609,
Bolivia-N-1630, Canadian northwest Allium giganteum Regel Allium karataviense Regel
Territories-N-1011, Global-CD-1611, Liliaceae - Alliaceae Liliaceae - Alliaceae
Russia-N-1681, Czech Republic-U-1731, Total N° of Refs: 5 Total N° of Refs: 2
Kazakhstan-N-1796, Russia-N-1796, Global Risk Score: 1.2 Habit: perennial Herb
Cambodia-N-1796, Italy-U-1887, Estonia- Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
N-1997, Ukraine-U-2014, Algeria-W-1977, Habit: perennial Herb Origin: E Asia
Austria-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Canada-W-1977, Croatia-W-1977, Czech Origin: E Asia Ornamental
Republic-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Dispersed by: Humans
France-W-1977, Germany-W-1977, Italy- Ornamental References: Slovakia-U-1484, Slovakia-W-
W-1977, Peru-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans 1977.
Yemen-W-1977. References: United States of America-E-
80, Italy-U-251, Europe-W-1325, Italy-U- Allium ledebourianum Schult. & Schult.
Allium flavescens Besser 1887, Italy-W-1977. f.
Liliaceae - Alliaceae Liliaceae - Alliaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Allium glandulosum Link & Otto Total N° of Refs: 2
Weed of: Pastures Liliaceae - Alliaceae Habit: perennial Herb
References: Serbia-A-1372. Total N° of Refs: 3 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Dispersed by: Humans
Allium flavidum Ledeb. Major Pathway/s: Crop References: Global-Q-1205, Australia-Q-
Liliaceae - Alliaceae References: Mexico-W-890, Mexico-W- 1123.
Total N° of Refs: 2 1226, Mexico-W-1510.
References: Global-Q-1205, Australia-Q- Allium macrostemon Bunge
1123. Allium grayi Regel Liliaceae - Alliaceae
Liliaceae - Alliaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Allium grayi Regel
Allium flavum L. Accepted name: Allium macrostemon (3)
Liliaceae - Alliaceae Bunge Total N° of Refs: 9
Total N° of Refs: 7 Total N° of Refs: 9 Habit: perennial Herb
Global Risk Score: 1.2 Habit: perennial Herb Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Origin: E Asia
Habit: perennial Herb Origin: E Asia Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal References: China-W-297, China-A-275,
Origin: Europe References: Japan-W-286, Global-A-1207, China-W-431, Global-Q-1205, Japan-A-87,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Australia-Q-1123. Australia-Q-1123.
Dispersed by: Humans Allium griffithianum Boiss. Allium macrostemon Bunge var.
Weed of: Pastures Liliaceae - Alliaceae uratense (Franch.) Airy-Shaw
References: Germany-N-1006, Europe-N- Total N° of Refs: 1 Liliaceae - Alliaceae
819, Serbia-A-1372, Sweden-W-1609, Habit: perennial Herb Total N° of Refs: 1
Turkey-A-87, Latvia-W-1977, Sweden-W- Weed of: Orchards & Plantations References: China-W-431.
1977. References: India-A-712.
Allium mareoticum Bornm. & Gauba
Allium forrestii Diels Liliaceae - Alliaceae
Liliaceae - Alliaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: North Africa, Libya, Egypt-W-
Habit: perennial Herb 1730.
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Global-Q-1205.

Allium modestum Boiss. Allium mutabile Michx. Allium neapolitanum Cirillo
Liliaceae - Alliaceae Liliaceae - Alliaceae Liliaceae - Alliaceae
Accepted name: Allium desertorum Forssk. Accepted name: Allium canadense L. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Allium
Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 13 neopolitanum Cirillo (1)
References: Egypt-W-221. Habit: perennial Herb Total N° of Refs: 59
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Global Risk Score: 10.8
Allium moly L. Origin: N Am Rating: Medium
Liliaceae - Alliaceae Major Pathway/s: Herbal Habit: perennial Herb
Total N° of Refs: 24 References: United States of America-W- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb 218. Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Origin: Africa, Europe Allium myrianthum Boiss. Herbal, Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Liliaceae - Alliaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Herbal, Ornamental Accepted name: Allium ampeloprasum L. References: United States of America-W-
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Total N° of Refs: 58 34, Australia-E-72, United Kingdom-N-40,
References: Finland-U-42, United References: Egypt-W-221, Turkey--1412, Global-ZW-85, United States of America-
Kingdom-CN-314, Czech Republic-U-400, North Africa, Libya, Egypt-W-1730. N-101, New Zealand-N-280, United States
United Kingdom-N-519, Denmark-UC- of America-Q-116, Global-AW-126,
711, Japan-N-794, United Kingdom-CN- Allium narcissiflorum Vill. United States of America-W-161,
812, United Kingdom-N-1006, Europe-N- Liliaceae - Alliaceae Australia-N-176, Australia-N-198, Europe,
819, Belgium-U-1220, Japan-N-1278, Total N° of Refs: 1 eastern-W-272, Australia-C-401, Australia-
Slovakia-U-1484, Denmark-W-1609, Habit: perennial Herb N-945, United Kingdom-CN-314,
Sweden-W-1609, Global-CD-1611, Czech Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Australia-E-327, United Kingdom-N-519,
Republic-U-1731, New Zealand-U-2048, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental New Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N-15,
Belgium-W-1977, Czech Republic-W- Dispersed by: Humans Australia-AEN-310, Australia-N-7, North
1977, Denmark-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, References: Portugal-W-1977. America-X-790, United Kingdom-CN-812,
Slovakia-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977, United Australia-W-853, Australia-N-855,
Kingdom-W-1977. Australia-W-869, United States of
America-X-229, Ireland-U-894, New
Allium monanthum Maxim. Zealand-N-919, Australia-N-354, United
Liliaceae - Alliaceae Kingdom-N-1006, Italy-N-1006, Spain-N-
Total N° of Refs: 2 1006, Australia-N-1049, Malta-N-1089,
Major Pathway/s: Crop Europe-N-819, Iberian Peninsular-N-1147,
References: South Korea-AN-2032, South Spain-N-1149, South Africa-N-1247,
Korea-A-2033. Spain-U-1270, La Reunion-W-1321,
Australia-N-1450, Global-CD-1611,
Allium mongolicum Regel Algeria-N-1796, Morocco-N-1796,
Liliaceae - Alliaceae Australia-N-1902, Australia-N-1845,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Australia-N-1959, South Africa-N-1991,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental New Zealand-N-2048, Australia-W-1977,
Dispersed by: Humans Chile-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, Ireland-
References: China-W-297. W-1977, Israel-W-1977, Malta-W-1977,
South Africa-W-1977, United Kingdom-W-
Allium montanum F.W.Schmidt non 1977.
Schrank, nom. illeg.
Liliaceae - Alliaceae Allium neopolitanum Cirillo
Accepted name: Allium senescens subsp. Liliaceae - Alliaceae
montanum L. Accepted name: Allium neapolitanum
Total N° of Refs: 3 Cirillo
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Total N° of Refs: 59
Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans
References: Latvia-W-1609. References: United States of America-W-
Allium moschatum L.
Liliaceae - Alliaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
Weed of: Pastures
References: Serbia-A-1372.

Allium multiflorum DC., non Desf.

Liliaceae - Alliaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2
References: Sweden-W-1609, Sweden-W-

Allium nigrum L. Allium oleraceum L. Allium paniculatum L.
Liliaceae - Alliaceae Liliaceae - Alliaceae Liliaceae - Alliaceae
Total N° of Refs: 28 Total N° of Refs: 30 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Allium
Global Risk Score: 2.4 Global Risk Score: 4.8 paniculatum L. subsp. paniculatum (11)
Rating: Low Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 26
Habit: perennial Herb Habit: perennial Herb Global Risk Score: 1.44
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Rating: Low
Origin: Africa, Europe Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Habit: perennial Herb
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Ornamental Ornamental Origin: Europe
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Dispersed by: Humans, Water, Wind Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Weed of: Cereals, Grapevines Seed Longevity: Transient Dispersed by: Humans
References: Global-A-44, Global-W-85, Weed of: Cereals, Grapevines, Orchards & References: United States of America-X-
United States of America-N-101, Global- Plantations, Pastures 35, Global-XW-85, United States of
AW-126, western Europe-W-70, United References: Global-A-44, Global-NW-85, America-N-101, United States of America-
Kingdom-CN-314, United Kingdom-N- United States of America-N-101, Global- W-161, western Europe-A-253, Australia-
519, Austria-UC-708, United Kingdom- AW-126, western Europe-A-253, N-945, North America-X-790, United
CN-812, United Kingdom-N-1006, United Australia-N-198, Europe, eastern-W-272, States of America-X-229, United States of
States of America-N-1057, Europe-N-819, western Europe-W-70, Australia-N-945, America-W-946, Australia-N-354,
Crete-A-1228, Global-W-1324, Austria-W- Australia-E-327, United Kingdom-N-519, Portugal-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Global-
1609, Germany-W-1609, Tunisia-A-87, Canada and United States of America-N- W-1324, Australia-W-1977, United
Morocco-A-87, Portugal-A-87, Global-CD- 725, Australia-W-853, Australia-W-869, Kingdom-W-1977.
1611, Italy-A-1618, Belgium-U-1220, Europe-A-889, Australia-N-354, Denmark-
Greece-A-2093, Austria-W-1977, Belgium- N-1006, Iceland-N-1006, Norway-N-1006, Allium paniculatum L. subsp. fuscum
W-1977, Bulgaria-W-1977, Germany-W- Australia-N-1049, Europe-N-819, Global- (Waldst. & Kit.) Arcangeli
1977, United Kingdom-W-1977. W-1324, Finland-AN-1356, Austria-N- Liliaceae - Alliaceae
1531, Russia-A-87, Russia-W-1671, Total N° of Refs: 1
Allium obliquum L. Finland-A-1815, Australia-W-1977, References: Spain-N-1006.
Liliaceae - Alliaceae Canada-W-1977, Ireland-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 11 Allium paniculatum L. subsp.
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Allium oreophilum C.A.Mey. paniculatum
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Liliaceae - Alliaceae Liliaceae - Alliaceae
Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 26
Dispersed by: Humans Habit: perennial Herb Global Risk Score: 0.48
References: Australia-W-1977, Austria-W- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Rating: Low
1977, Belgium-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Subtropical, Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Croatia-W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia
Denmark-W-1977, France-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Germany-W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Slovakia- References: Finland-C-42, Global-CD- Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
W-1977. 1611. References: Australia-N-198, Australia-C-
401, Australia-E-327, Australia-N-310,
Allium odorum L. Allium orientale Boiss. Australia-N-855, Australia-W-869,
Liliaceae - Alliaceae Liliaceae - Alliaceae Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1450,
Accepted name: Allium ramosum L. Total N° of Refs: 2 Global-CD-1611, Azores-N-1721,
Total N° of Refs: 15 Habit: perennial Herb Australia-N-1959.
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Origin: Africa, E Asia
Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans
References: Czechoslovakia-N-1006, References: Australia-N-945, Australia-N-
Europe-N-819. 1902.

Allium pallens L.
Liliaceae - Alliaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Dispersed by: Humans
References: North Africa, Libya, Egypt-W-

Allium pallens L. subsp. pallens

Liliaceae - Alliaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
References: Turkey--1412.

Allium paradoxum (M.Bieb.) G.Don Allium porrum L. Allium pyrenaicum Costa & Vayr.
Liliaceae - Alliaceae Liliaceae - Alliaceae Liliaceae - Alliaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Allium paradoxum Total N° of Refs: 39 Total N° of Refs: 1
var. paradoxum (M.Bieb.) G.Don Global Risk Score: 2.4 Habit: perennial Herb
Total N° of Refs: 53 Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Global Risk Score: 4.32 Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Dispersed by: Humans
Habit: perennial Herb Subtropical, Tropical References: Global-W-1324.
Origin: E Asia, Europe, W Asia Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Allium ramosum L.
Ornamental Ornamental Liliaceae - Alliaceae
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Synonym/s (n° of refs): Allium odorum L.
References: United Kingdom-U-40, References: United States of America-N- (2)
Global-N-108, Global-NW-85, United 101, New Zealand-UW-280, Australia-N- Total N° of Refs: 15
Kingdom-CN-314, Czech Republic-N-400, 945, United Kingdom-CN-314, Czech Habit: perennial Herb
Europe-N-482, United Kingdom-N-519, Republic-U-400, United Kingdom-N-519, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Switzerland-N-653, Austria-CN-708, New Zealand-N-15, Austria-CN-708, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Denmark-UC-711, United Kingdom-CN- Denmark-C-711, Canada and United States Ornamental
812, Switzerland-UI-818, Czech Republic- of America-N-725, United Kingdom-U- Dispersed by: Humans
N-826, Ireland-N-894, Germany-N-907, 812, Australia-W-869, New Zealand-U- References: China-W-297, Hungary-U-809,
Czechoslovakia-N-1006, Denmark-N-1006, 919, France-N-1006, France-N-1006, Global-N-1059, Belgium-UD-1220,
Germany-N-1006, United Kingdom-N- Europe-N-819, Spain-U-1149, Gal pagos Hungary-U-1255, Global-W-1324, Russia-
1006, Iceland-N-1006, Netherlands-N- Islands-CN-1157, Belgium-U-1220, N-1681, Tadzhikistan-N-1796, Kyrgyzstan-
1006, Norway-N-1006, Sweden-N-1006, Norway-N-1243, Italy-U-251, Sardinia-U- N-1796, Russia-N-1796, Belarus-N-1796,
Europe-N-819, Global-Q-1208, Global-W- 1336, Spain-U-1454, Slovakia-U-1484, Belgium-W-1977, Czech Republic-W-
1324, Central Europe-N-1602, Austria-W- New Zealand-N-1543, Austria-W-1609, 1977.
1609, Czech Republic-W-1609, Denmark- Denmark-W-1609, Germany-W-1609,
W-1609, Germany-W-1609, Ireland-W- Netherlands-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, Allium reticulatum Nutt. ex G. Don,
1609, Netherlands-W-1609, Poland-W- Bolivia-N-1630, Global-CD-1611, Czech nom. nud.
1609, Sweden-W-1609, United Kingdom- Republic-U-1731, Sardinia-U-1393, Liliaceae - Alliaceae
N-1636, Global-CD-1611, Czech Republic- Australia-N-1902, Chile-I-1872, Italy-U- Accepted name: Allium textile
N-1731, Europe-UGNI-1740, Russia-C- 1887, Ukraine-U-2014, New Zealand-N- Total N° of Refs: 4
1671, Sweden-N-1802, Germany-R-1948, 2048. Major Pathway/s: Crop
Austria-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Czech References: Canada-A-642.
Republic-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, Allium x proliferum (Moench) Schrad.
Germany-W-1977, Ireland-W-1977, ex Willd. Allium robustum Kar. & Kir.
Netherlands-W-1977, Poland-W-1977, Liliaceae - Alliaceae Liliaceae - Alliaceae
Sweden-W-1977, Switzerland-W-1977, Accepted name: parents = Allium Total N° of Refs: 1
United Kingdom-W-1977. fistulosum L. x Allium cepa L. Habit: perennial Herb
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Allium cepa var. Weed of: Orchards & Plantations
Allium paradoxum (M.Bieb.) G.Don var. viviparum L. References: India-A-712.
paradoxum Total N° of Refs: 1
Liliaceae - Alliaceae Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Allium rosenbachianum Regel
Total N° of Refs: 2 Dispersed by: Humans Liliaceae - Alliaceae
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: United States of America-N- Total N° of Refs: 1
Dispersed by: Humans 101. Habit: perennial Herb
References: Belgium-N-1006, Belgium-N- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
1220. Allium pskemense B. Fedtsch. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Liliaceae - Alliaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Allium pendulinum Ten. Total N° of Refs: 2 References: Russia-C-1671.
Liliaceae - Alliaceae Habit: perennial Herb
Total N° of Refs: 8 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Dispersed by: Humans
Origin: Africa, Europe References: Global-Q-1205, Australia-Q-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, 1123.
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Allium pulchellum G.Don
References: United Kingdom-U-314, Liliaceae - Alliaceae
United Kingdom-N-519, United Kingdom- Accepted name: Allium carinatum subsp.
CN-812, United Kingdom-N-1006, Europe- pulchellum L.
N-819, Global-W-1324, Global-CD-1611, Total N° of Refs: 29
United Kingdom-W-1977. Global Risk Score: 0.72
Rating: Low
Allium polyanthum Schult. & Schult. fil. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Liliaceae - Alliaceae Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 1 Weed of: Pastures
References: western Europe-A-253. References: Serbia-A-1372.

Allium roseum L. Allium rubellum M. Bieb. Allium schoenoprasum L.
Liliaceae - Alliaceae Liliaceae - Alliaceae Liliaceae - Alliaceae
Total N° of Refs: 32 Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Allium sibiricum
Global Risk Score: 8.96 Habit: perennial Herb L. (1)
Rating: Medium Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 33
Habit: Herb Origin: E Asia, Europe Global Risk Score: 7.2
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Rating: Medium
Subtropical Dispersed by: Humans Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia References: Pakistan-A-87. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Subtropical, Tropical
Ornamental, Pasture Allium sativum L. Origin: E Asia, Europe, N Am,
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Liliaceae - Alliaceae Cosmopolitan
References: United Kingdom-N-40, Total N° of Refs: 75 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Finland-U-42, Global-N-108, Global-NW- Global Risk Score: 4.8 Ornamental
85, New Zealand-N-280, western Europe- Rating: Low Dispersed by: Humans, Water, Escapee
A-253, Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945, Toxic - Habit: Herb Weed of: Orchards & Plantations
United Kingdom-CN-314, United Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, References: United States of America-N-
Kingdom-N-519, Australia-N-310, Global- Subtropical, Tropical 101, western Europe-W-70, United
G-660, United Kingdom-CN-812, Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Kingdom-N-519, Canada-U-652, Canada
Australia-N-855, Chile-A-931, Australia- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, and United States of America-N-725,
N-354, United Kingdom-N-1006, Europe- Ornamental Turkey-A-727, Australia-W-869, United
N-819, Greece-W-1240, Global-W-1324, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee States of America-U-904, Europe-N-819,
Portugal-A-87, Chile-A-87, Global-CD- Seed Longevity: Transient Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157, Belgium-U-
1611, Azores-N-1721, Czech Republic-U- References: United States of America-E- 1220, Falkland Islands-N-1251, Romania-
1731, Chile-I-1872, Tunisia-A-2006, New 80, United States of America-N-101, N-1540, New Zealand-N-1543, Austria-W-
Zealand-N-2048, Australia-W-1977, Chile- United Kingdom-CN-314, Czech Republic- 1609, Sweden-W-1609, United Kingdom-
W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977, United N-400, Canary Islands-N-305, Europe- N-1636, Global-CD-1611, Russia-N-1681,
Kingdom-W-1977. NW-482, United Kingdom-N-519, Austria- Poland-N-1716, Iceland-U-1552, Austria-
UC-708, Canada and United States of A-1670, Russia-C-1671, Chile-I-1872,
Allium roseum L. var. tourneuxii Boiss. America-N-725, United Kingdom-N-812, Germany-R-1948, South Georgia and
Liliaceae - Alliaceae Belize-N-850, Australia-W-869, Ecuador- Sandwich Islands-I-2085, Algeria-W-1977,
Total N° of Refs: 1 N-875, Paraguay-N-876, Ireland-N-894, Belgium-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Iceland-
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations United States of America-N-904, India- W-1977, Ireland-W-1977, Sweden-W-
References: Egypt-A-1171. UD-914, France-N-1006, Czechoslovakia- 1977.
N-1006, France-N-1006, United Kingdom-
Allium roseum L. subsp. bulbiferum N-1006, Europe-N-819, Spain-U-1149, Gal Allium schoenoprasum L. Mansfeld var.
(DC.) E.F.Warb. pagos Islands-CN-1157, Norway-N-1243, schoenoprasum
Liliaceae - Alliaceae Italy-U-251, Italy-N-1265, Spain-U-1270, Liliaceae - Alliaceae
Total N° of Refs: 3 Sardinia-U-1336, Serbia-W-1222, India- Total N° of Refs: 2
Habit: Herb UD-1389, Spain-U-1454, Slovakia-U-1484, References: United States of America-N-
References: New Zealand-N-280, New Chad-N-1503, Greece-CN-1541, Estonia- 101, Sweden-N-1802.
Zealand-N-919, New Zealand-N-2048. W-1609, Austria-W-1609, Czech Republic-
W-1609, Germany-W-1609, Norway-W- Allium schoenoprasum L. subsp.
Allium rotundum L. 1609, Bolivia-N-1630, Jamaica-A-87, schoenoprasum
Liliaceae - Alliaceae Global-CD-1611, India-A-1725, Czech Liliaceae - Alliaceae
Accepted name: Allium scorodoprasum L. Republic-N-1731, Turkey-N-1796, China- Total N° of Refs: 7
subsp. rotundum (L.) Stearn N-1796, Libya-N-1796, Russia-N-1796, Origin: E Asia, Europe
Total N° of Refs: 44 Algeria-N-1796, Belarus-N-1796, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Global Risk Score: 2.4 Cambodia-N-1796, Ethiopia-N-1796, Iraq- Dispersed by: Humans
Rating: Low N-1796, Morocco-N-1796, Sardinia-U- References: Norway-N-1243, Slovakia-U-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean 1393, Sao Tome and Principe-N-1805, 1484, Norway-N-1535, Romania-N-1540,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Italy-U-1887, Sardinia-U-1917, Venezuela- Norway-W-1609, Europe-I-1740, Slovakia-
Herbal, Ornamental N-1976, Switzerland-U-1990, Estonia-N- W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans 1997, Ukraine-U-2014, Austria-W-1977,
Weed of: Cereals, Pastures Canada-W-1977, Chad-W-1977, Croatia- Allium schubertii Zucc.
References: Global-A-30, Global-A-44, W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977, France- Liliaceae - Alliaceae
Global-A-243, Global-AW-126, Denmark- W-1977, Germany-W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 1
UN-711, Europe-A-889, Global-A-1207, Peru-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977, Slovakia- Global Risk Score: 0.72
Serbia-A-1372, Turkey-A-1467, Denmark- W-1977, United Kingdom-W-1977. Rating: Low
W-1609, Poland-W-1609, Sweden-W- Habit: perennial Herb
1609, Russia-A-87, Denmark-W-1977, Allium saxatile M. Bieb. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Poland-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977. Liliaceae - Alliaceae Origin: Africa, Europe
Total N° of Refs: 3 Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Allium rotundum L. subsp. rotundum Habit: perennial Herb Dispersed by: Humans
Liliaceae - Alliaceae Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: Australia-Q-1134.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans
References: Global-W-85. References: Europe, eastern-W-272,
Global-Q-1205, Australia-Q-1123.

Allium scorodoprasum L. Allium semenovii Regel Allium sphaerocephalon L.
Liliaceae - Alliaceae Liliaceae - Alliaceae Liliaceae - Alliaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Allium rotundum Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 19
L. (16) References: Global-Q-1205, Australia-Q- Global Risk Score: 2.4
Total N° of Refs: 44 1123. Rating: Low
Global Risk Score: 2.4 Habit: perennial Herb
Rating: Low Allium senescens L. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Habit: perennial Herb Liliaceae - Alliaceae Origin: E Asia, Europe
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Synonym/s (n° of refs): Allium montanum Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Origin: E Asia, Europe F.W.Schmidt non Schrank, nom. illeg. (1) Herbal, Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Total N° of Refs: 3 Dispersed by: Humans
Ornamental Habit: perennial Herb Seed Longevity: Transient
Dispersed by: Humans Origin: Europe References: Global-A-30, Global-A-44,
Seed Longevity: Transient Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Global-W-85, Global-AW-126, western
Weed of: Pastures Ornamental Europe-A-253, Europe, eastern-W-272,
References: Global-N-85, United States of Dispersed by: Humans western Europe-W-70, Egypt-W-221,
America-N-101, Australia-N-198, References: Global-G-660, Austria-N- United Kingdom-N-519, Denmark-UN-
Australia-N-945, Australia-E-327, United 1531. 711, Europe-N-819, Saudi Arabia-A-25,
Kingdom-N-519, Australia-N-354, Denmark-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, North
Belgium-N-1006, Denmark-N-1006, Allium senescens L. subsp. montanum Africa, Libya, Egypt-W-1730, North
Iceland-N-1006, Norway-N-1006, (Fr.) Holub America-N-1760, Serbia-R-2057,
Slovakia-N-1006, Sweden-N-1006, Liliaceae - Alliaceae Denmark-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977.
Europe-N-819, Belgium-N-1220, Italy-N- Total N° of Refs: 1
251, Finland-AN-1356, Serbia-A-1372, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Allium sphaerocephalon L. subsp.
Estonia-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, Italy- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental sphaerocephalon
UN-1887, Poland-N-2062, Australia-W- Dispersed by: Humans Liliaceae - Alliaceae
1977, Belgium-W-1977, Bulgaria-W-1977, References: Norway-N-1243. Total N° of Refs: 1
Ireland-W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Switzerland-W-1977. Allium sibiricum L. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Liliaceae - Alliaceae Dispersed by: Humans
Allium scorodoprasum L. subsp. Accepted name: Allium schoenoprasum Weed of: Cereals
rotundum (L.) Stearn var. sibiricum L. (L.) Hartman References: Turkey-A-1316.
Liliaceae - Alliaceae Total N° of Refs: 33
Total N° of Refs: 13 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Allium spp. L.
Global Risk Score: 1.44 Dispersed by: Humans Liliaceae - Alliaceae
Rating: Low References: western Europe-W-70. Total N° of Refs: 10
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Subtropical,
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia Allium siculum Ucria Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Liliaceae - Alliaceae Dispersed by: Humans
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Accepted name: Nectaroscordum siculum References: Global-XW-85, North
Weed of: Cereals (Ucria) Lindl. America-X-790, United States of America-
References: Global-W-85, Europe, eastern- Total N° of Refs: 9 X-229, France-A-1266, Georgia-A-1313,
W-272, Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean United States of America-AZD-1667,
Australia-N-310, Australia-N-855, United Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Australia-ZD-1675, France-A-1814, Chile-
States of America-N-101, Norway-N-1243, Dispersed by: Humans I-1872, Germany-R-1948.
Turkey--1412, Norway-N-1535, Norway- References: New Zealand-U-2048, United
W-1609, Global-CD-1611, Turkey-A-2101. Kingdom-W-1977. Allium stipitatum Regel
Liliaceae - Alliaceae
Allium scorodoprasum L. subsp. Allium sinaiticum Boiss. Total N° of Refs: 5
scorodoprasum Liliaceae - Alliaceae Habit: perennial Herb
Liliaceae - Alliaceae Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 5 References: Egypt-W-221. Origin: E Asia
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Origin: Africa, C Asia, E Asia, Europe, W Ornamental
Asia Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: Slovakia-U-1484, Czech
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Republic-U-1522, Czech Republic-U-1731,
References: Global-NW-85, Europe, Czech Republic-W-1977, Slovakia-W-
eastern-W-272, Australia-C-401, Australia- 1977.
N-310, Global-CD-1611.

Allium scorodoprasum L. subsp.

waldsteinii (Don) Stearn
Liliaceae - Alliaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2
References: Europe, eastern-W-272,

Allium subhirsutum L. Allium tricoccum Ait. Allium triquetrum L.
Liliaceae - Alliaceae Liliaceae - Alliaceae Liliaceae - Alliaceae
Total N° of Refs: 15 Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 104
Global Risk Score: 1.44 Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Global Risk Score: 19.2
Rating: Low Origin: N Am Rating: High
Habit: perennial Herb Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Habit: perennial Herb
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Origin: Africa, Europe Dispersed by: Humans Subtropical, Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental References: United States of America-W- Origin: Africa, Europe
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee 218. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Weed of: Cereals Herbal, Ornamental
References: United Kingdom-U-40, United Allium trifoliatum Cirillo Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Escapee
Kingdom-CN-314, United Kingdom-N- Liliaceae - Alliaceae Weed of: Pastures
519, Austria-U-708, United Kingdom-CN- Total N° of Refs: 3 References: Australia-W-269, Australia-E-
812, United Kingdom-N-1006, Europe-N- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean 289, United States of America-W-34,
819, Crete-A-1228, Global-W-1324, Origin: Africa, Europe Australia-E-72, United Kingdom-N-40,
Austria-W-1609, Turkey-A-87, Global- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental New Zealand-E-246, United States of
CD-1611, Italy-A-1618, Austria-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans America-E-80, Global-N-108, Global-
United Kingdom-W-1977. References: Crete-A-1228, North Africa, NZW-85, United States of America-N-101,
Libya, Egypt-W-1730, Greece-A-2093. New Zealand-N-280, United States of
Allium subvillosum Salzm. America-Q-116, Australia-E-296,
Liliaceae - Alliaceae Australia-CW-334, Australia-X-147, New
Total N° of Refs: 5 Zealand-W-165, Australia-N-176,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Australia-N-198, New Zealand-EW-225,
Origin: Africa, Europe Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Australia-X-171, United Kingdom-CN-314,
Dispersed by: Humans Australia-E-327, New Zealand-NW-425,
References: Europe-N-819, Global-Q-1205, Europe-NW-482, United Kingdom-N-519,
Global-W-1324, Azores-N-1721, Australia- New Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N-15,
Q-1123. Global-E-649, Australia-ENX-310, Global-
G-660, Portugal-N-662, Portugal-N-718,
Allium szovitsii Regel Australia-EN-7, Ireland-EN-793, United
Liliaceae - Alliaceae Kingdom-CN-812, Australia-W-853,
Total N° of Refs: 2 Australia-NX-855, Australia-N-856,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Australia-W-869, Ireland-I-894, New
References: Global-Q-1205, Australia-Q- Zealand-W-906, New Zealand-N-919,
1123. United States of America-W-946, New
Zealand-W-964, United Kingdom-EI-966,
Allium textile A. Nelson & J. F. Macbr. Argentina-I-983, Australia-N-354,
Liliaceae - Alliaceae Portugal-N-1006, United Kingdom-N-
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Allium geyeri S. 1006, Iceland-N-1006, Turkey-N-1006,
Wats. var. textile (A. Nels. & J.f. Macbr.) Australia-N-1049, Global-N-1059,
Boivin (1), Allium reticulatum Nutt. ex G. Portugal-N-898, Europe-N-819, New
Don, nom. nud. (1) Zealand-E-505, Iberian Peninsular-NI-
Total N° of Refs: 5 1147, United Kingdom-XW-1175, Global-
Habit: perennial Herb A-1207, Falkland Islands-N-1251,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Australia-E-1259, Australia-E-1261,
Subtropical Australia-E-1262, Spain-U-1270, Australia-
Origin: N Am W-1318, Global-W-1324, Australia-A-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, 1331, Australia-N-1450, Australia-E-1456,
Ornamental France-N-1516, New Zealand-N-1543,
Dispersed by: Humans Ireland-N-1608, Ireland-W-1609,
Weed of: Pastures Netherlands-W-1609, United Kingdom-N-
References: United States of America-W- 1636, Australia-A-87, New Zealand-A-87,
161, United States of America-AW-212, Global-CD-1611, Azores-N-1721, Europe-
Canada-A-642. UNI-1740, Belgium-N-1220, Turkey-N-
1796, Australia-N-1902, Australia-N-1845,
Allium thomsonii Baker Chile-I-1872, France-N-1941, France-I-
Liliaceae - Alliaceae 1943, Australia-N-1959, -I-, South Africa-
Accepted name: Allium carolinianum DC. N-1991, Portugal-N-2001, South Africa-N-
Total N° of Refs: 1 2017, New Zealand-N-2048, Argentina-W-
Habit: perennial Herb 1977, Australia-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977,
References: India-A-712. Chile-W-1977, Ireland-W-1977, New
Zealand-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977, South
Africa-W-1977, Turkey-W-1977, United

Allium tuberosum Rottler ex Spreng. Allium ursinum L. Allium vineale L.
Liliaceae - Alliaceae Liliaceae - Alliaceae Liliaceae - Alliaceae
Total N° of Refs: 21 Total N° of Refs: 17 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Allium vineale L.
Global Risk Score: 2.4 Global Risk Score: 9.6 var. compactum (Thuill.) Aschers. (3),
Rating: Low Rating: Medium Allium vineale L. var. purpureum H. P. G.
Habit: Herb Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Koch (1)
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Total N° of Refs: 123
Origin: C Asia, E Asia Tropical Global Risk Score: 19.2
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Origin: Europe Rating: High
Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
References: Global-N-85, United States of Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Water, Subtropical, Tropical
America-N-101, United Kingdom-C-314, Escapee Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia
Czech Republic-N-400, Global-I-506, New Seed Longevity: Transient Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Zealand-N-534, Global-G-660, Czech References: Global-W-23, Global-G-85, Herbal, Ornamental
Republic-N-826, Czech Republic-U-1522, Europe, eastern-AW-272, western Europe- Dispersed by: Humans, Water, Wind,
Global-CD-1611, Czech Republic-U-1731, W-70, United Kingdom-N-519, Denmark- Escapee
Russia-U-1499, Tibet-N-1796, Myanmar- N-1006, Norway-N-1006, Sweden-N-1006, Seed Longevity: Long Term
N-1796, Belarus-N-1796, Cambodia-N- Europe-N-819, Australia-Q-1134, Global- Weed of: Cereals, Cotton, Grapevines,
1796, Tibet-N-1796, New Zealand-U-2048, W-1324, Finland-N-1356, Sweden-W- Nursery Production, Orchards &
Democratic Repubic of Korea-W-1977, 1609, United Kingdom-N-1636, Europe--, Plantations, Pastures, Pome Fruits,
Republic of Korea-W-1977, South Korea- Russia-C-1671, Poland-CD-1841, Sweden- Vegetables
U-2113, North Korea--. W-1977. References: United States of America-E-
411, North America-X-790, Global-W-23,
Allium tuberosum Rottler var. latifolium Allium victorialis L. United States of America-W-266,
Kitam. Liliaceae - Alliaceae Australia-W-269, Global-A-30, United
Liliaceae - Alliaceae Total N° of Refs: 11 States of America-X-35, Global-A-44,
Total N° of Refs: 3 Global Risk Score: 2.4 Chile-N-300, United States of America-E-
References: Japan-N-794, Japan-N-1278, Rating: Low 80, Global-NXZW-85, Global-A-243,
Japan-W-1977. Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb United States of America-N-101, New
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Zealand-N-280, South Africa-AR-121,
Allium unifolium Kellogg Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Global-AW-126, United States of America-
Liliaceae - Alliaceae Ornamental E-224, United States of America-E-133,
Total N° of Refs: 8 Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Australia-X-147, United States of America-
Global Risk Score: 2.4 References: Global-Q-1205, Norway-N- W-161, United States of America-E-102,
Rating: Low 1243, Global-W-1324, Europe-W-1325, Australia-N-176, western Europe-A-253,
Habit: perennial Herb Norway-N-1535, Norway-W-1609, eastern North America-E-195, Australia-N-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Sweden-W-1609, Russia-C-1671, 198, United States of America-AW-207,
Ornamental Australia-Q-1123, Ukraine-N-2014, North America-G-249, United States of
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Sweden-W-1977. America-AW-210, United States of
References: United Kingdom-C-314, America-AG-211, United States of
United Kingdom-N-519, United Kingdom- America-AW-212, Europe, eastern-AW-
CN-812, United Kingdom-N-1006, Europe- 272, western Europe-W-70, United States
N-819, Australia-Q-1134, Global-W-1324, of America-W-218, Australia-C-401,
Global-CD-1611. Australia-N-945, Australia-X-171, United
States of America-W-303, Australia-E-327,
New Zealand-NW-425, United Kingdom-
N-519, New Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-
N-15, United States of America-A-543,
Australia-Z-611, Canada-A-642, Australia-
AENX-310, United States of America-A-
705, Canada and United States of America-
N-725, Chile-N-765, Australia-N-7, United
States of America-E-151, India-Q-835,
Australia-W-853, Australia-N-855,
Australia-N-856, Australia-W-869, United
States of America-X-229, United States of
America-I-904, Global-W-788, Chile-A-
931, United States of America-W-946,
United States of America-A-967, Australia-
N-354, Portugal-N-1006, Denmark-N-
1006, Portugal-N-1006, Norway-N-1006,
Australia-N-1049, Europe-N-819, Iran-A-
173, New Zealand-E-505, United States of
America-W-1104, Chile-N-1229, Australia-
E-1261, United States of America-A-1275,
Macedonia-A-1304, Australia-X-1319,
Australia-W-1318, Global-W-1349,
Finland-AN-1356, Serbia-A-1372, Serbia-

W-1222, Australia-N-1450, Australia-E- Allium zaprjagajevii Allocasuarina diminuta L.A.S.Johnson
1456, Turkey-A-1523, Australia-A-87, Liliaceae - Alliaceae Casuarinaceae
Turkey-A-87, Germany-A-87, Iran-A-87, Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 1
Spain-A-87, United States of America-A- Habit: perennial Herb Habit: Tree
87, Chile-A-87, Italy-A-87, New Zealand- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
A-87, Global-CD-1611, Italy-A-1618, Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans
United States of America-AZD-1626, References: Global-Q-1205, Australia-Q- References: Australia-N-354.
Azores-N-1721, United States of America- 1123.
E-1736, Australia-Z-1768, Australia-N- Allocasuarina diminuta L.Johnson
1902, Australia-NX-1845, Montenegro-W- Allium zebdanense Boiss. & Noe subsp. diminuta
1861, Bosnia and Herzegovina-A-1862, Liliaceae - Alliaceae Casuarinaceae
Chile-I-1872, Germany-R-1948, Poland-A- Total N° of Refs: 7 Total N° of Refs: 2
1952, Australia-N-1959, -I-, Kosovo-R- Habit: perennial Herb Habit: Tree
2003, New Zealand-N-2048, -A-2058, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Origin: Aust
Poland-A-2059, Poland-A-2061, Poland-R- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental References: Australia-N-354, Australia-N-
2062, Australia-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans 1959.
Chile-W-1977, Kenya-W-1977, Global-- References: Czech Republic-U-1522,
1324. Netherlands-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, Allocasuarina distyla (Vent.)
Czech Republic-U-1731, Sweden-N-1802, L.A.S.Johnson
Allium vineale L. var. compactum Czech Republic-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977. Casuarinaceae
(Thuill.) Aschers. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Casuarina distyla
Liliaceae - Alliaceae Allmania longipedunculata (Trimen) Vent. (1)
Accepted name: Allium vineale L. subsp. Gamble Total N° of Refs: 2
compactum (Thuill.) Cosson & Germ. Amaranthaceae Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 122 Accepted name: Allmania nodiflora (L.) Dispersed by: Humans
Habit: perennial Herb R.Br. ex Wight References: Chile-W-1977.
References: New Zealand-N-919, Chile-N- Total N° of Refs: 10
1348, New Zealand-N-1543. References: India-A-1696. Allocasuarina huegeliana (Miq.)
Allium vineale L. var. purpureum H. P. Allmania nodiflora (L.) R.Br. ex Wight Casuarinaceae
G. Koch Amaranthaceae Total N° of Refs: 2
Liliaceae - Alliaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Allmania Global Risk Score: 0.24
Accepted name: Allium vineale L. longipedunculata (Trimen) Gamble (1) Rating: Low
Total N° of Refs: 120 Total N° of Refs: 10 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
References: United Kingdom-U-314. Habit: Herb Dispersed by: Humans
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical References: Australia-E-358, Australia-EN-
Allium vineale L. var. vineale Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, 7.
Liliaceae - Alliaceae Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 2 Dispersed by: Humans Allocasuarina littoralis (Salisb.) L. A. S.
Habit: perennial Herb References: Indonesia-A-170, southeast Johnson
Origin: Europe Asia-W-191, south and southeast Asia-A- Casuarinaceae
References: New Zealand-N-919, Chile-N- 1320, south and southeast Asia-A-1408, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Casuarina littoralis
1348. India-A-87, India-A-1034, India-A-1448, Salisb. (4)
India-A-1696, Australia-Q-1123. Total N° of Refs: 8
Allium vineale L. subsp. compactum Habit: Tree
(Thuill.) Cosson & Germ. Allocasuarina acuaria (F. Müell.) L. A. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Liliaceae - Alliaceae S. Johnson Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 2 Casuarinaceae Dispersed by: Humans
References: United States of America-N- Total N° of Refs: 1 References: New Zealand-UW-280, New
101, United States of America-X-229. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Zealand-U-919, New Zealand-U-2048,
Dispersed by: Humans India-W-1977.
Allium vineale L. subsp. vineale References: India-W-1977.
Liliaceae - Alliaceae Allocasuarina torulosa (Aiton) L. A. S.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Allocasuarina decaisneana (F. Müell.) Johnson
References: United States of America-N- L.Johnson Casuarinaceae
101. Casuarinaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Casuarina torulosa
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Casuarina Aiton (1)
Allium winklerianum Regel decaisneana F. M ell. (1) Total N° of Refs: 5
Liliaceae - Alliaceae Total N° of Refs: 2 Habit: Tree
Total N° of Refs: 2 Habit: Shrub Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
References: Global-Q-1205, Australia-Q- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Origin: Aust
1123. Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans
References: Chile-W-1977. References: Australia-N-198, Australia-W-
1977, Chile-W-1977, India-W-1977.

Allocasuarina verticillata (Lam.) L. A. S. Alloteropsis cimicina (L.) Stapf Alnus cordata (Loisel.) Duby
Johnson Poaceae Betulaceae
Casuarinaceae Total N° of Refs: 14 Total N° of Refs: 38
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Casuarina stricta Global Risk Score: 3.52 Global Risk Score: 6.48
Ait. (2), Casuarina verticillata Lam. (2) Rating: Low Rating: Low
Total N° of Refs: 10 Aqua - Habit: annual Grass Habit: Tree
Habit: Tree Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Tropical Origin: Europe
Origin: Aust Origin: Africa, Aust, E Asia Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental, Forestry, Herbal, Ornamental
Ornamental Pasture Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans, Water References: Australia-N-176, Australia-C-
References: Sardinia-U-1336, Morocco-N- Weed of: Cotton, Orchards & Plantations 401, Australia-N-945, United Kingdom-N-
1796, Sardinia-U-1393, Sardinia-U-1917, References: India-A-66, Global-NW-85, 314, United Kingdom-N-519, Australia-N-
Cyprus-W-1977, India-W-1977. United States of America-N-101, 310, Denmark-UC-711, United Kingdom-
Madagascar-N-1001, Sri Lanka-AD-1195, C-812, United States of America-N-101,
Alloispermum integrifolium (DC.) H. Singapore-W-1290, south and southeast Australia-W-869, Portugal-N-1006,
Rob. Asia-A-1320, Pakistan-A-704, Brazil-N- Belgium-N-1006, France-N-1006, Spain-N-
Asteraceae 1597, Bangladesh-A-87, India-A-1034, 1006, Europe-N-819, Iberian Peninsular-N-
Total N° of Refs: 1 India-A-1696, Singapore-W-1839, 1147, United Kingdom-W-1175, Belgium-
References: Mexico-W-1226. Singapore-W-1977. N-1220, Spain-U-1270, La Reunion-W-
1321, Sardinia-U-1336, Spain-I-1455,
Allophylus cobbe (L.) Raeusch Alloteropsis paniculata (Benth.) Stapf Austria-W-1609, Denmark-W-1609,
Sapindaceae Poaceae Global-CD-1611, Azores-N-1721,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1 Sardinia-U-1393, Australia-UN-1845,
Habit: Shrub Habit: annual Grass Chile-I-1872, Algeria-W-1977, Australia-
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Tropical W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Chile-W-1977,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, References: Madagascar-N-1001. Denmark-W-1977, France-W-1977,
Ornamental Ireland-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977, United
Dispersed by: Humans Alloteropsis semialata (R.Br.) Hitchc. Kingdom-W-1977.
References: Papua New Guinea-W-1977. Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Alnus crispa (Ait.) Pursh
Allophylus edulis (A. St.-Hil.) Radlk. ex Habit: perennial Grass Betulaceae
Warm. Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Accepted name: Alnus viridis (Vill.) Lam.
Sapindaceae Tropical & DC. subsp. crispa (Ait.) Turrill
Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture Synonym/s (n° of refs): Alnus crispa var.
Habit: Shrub Dispersed by: Humans laciniata (Ait.) Pursh
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical References: Madagascar-N-1001. Total N° of Refs: 19
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Global Risk Score: 0.72
Dispersed by: Humans Allowissadula floribunda (Schltdl.) Rating: Low
References: Brazil-R-2053. Fryxell Habit: Tree
Malvaceae Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Alloplectus lynchei Hook. f. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Abutilon Dispersed by: Humans
Gesneriaceae floribundum Schltdl. (2) References: United States of America-W-
Accepted name: Nautilocalyx lynchei Total N° of Refs: 2 218, Canada-A-642.
(Hook. f.) Sprague
Total N° of Refs: 1 Allowissadula sessei (Lag.) D.Bates Alnus crispa (Ait.) Pursh var. elongata
References: Algeria-W-1977. Malvaceae Raup
Total N° of Refs: 2 Betulaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Accepted name: Alnus viridis subsp. crispa
Origin: N Am Total N° of Refs: 18
References: United Kingdom-U-314, References: Canada-A-642.
Alnus crispa (Ait.) Pursh var. laciniata
Alnus acuminata Kunth Hultén
Betulaceae Betulaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: Shrub References: Canada-A-642.
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: La Reunion-U-1321.

Alnus alnobetula (Ehrh.) K.Koch p.p.

Synonym/s (n° of refs): Alnus mitchelliana
M.A.Curtis ex A.Gray (1)
Total N° of Refs: 18

Alnus crispa (Ait.) Pursh var. mollis Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn. Alnus incana (L.) Moench
(Fernald) Fernald Betulaceae Betulaceae
Betulaceae Total N° of Refs: 81 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Alnus rugosa (Du
Accepted name: Alnus viridis subsp. crispa Global Risk Score: 16.8 Roi) Spreng. (13), Alnus rugosa (Du Roi)
Total N° of Refs: 18 Rating: High Spreng. var. americana (Regel) Fernald (1),
Global Risk Score: 0.24 Habit: Tree Alnus tenuifolia Nutt. (1)
Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 56
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Global Risk Score: 25.92
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Forestry, Rating: High
References: Canada-A-642. Herbal, Ornamental Habit: Tree
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Alnus crispa (Ait.) Pursh subsp. sinuata Cattle, Donkey, Horse, Livestock, Origin: E Asia, Europe
(Regel) Hulten Vehicles, Water, Wind, Escapee Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal,
Betulaceae Seed Longevity: Long Term Ornamental
Accepted name: Alnus viridis subsp. References: Australia-E-20, Australia-E- Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers,
sinuata 290, New Zealand-E-246, Chile-N-300, Water, Wind, Escapee
Total N° of Refs: 18 Australia-W-54, United States of America- Seed Longevity: Long Term
References: Canada-A-642. E-80, Global-NZW-85, United States of Weed of: Cereals
America-E-222, United States of America- References: Global-N-85, western Europe-
Alnus fauriei Lev. & Vnt. N-101, Canada-W-4, New Zealand-N-280, W-70, United Kingdom-N-314, United
Betulaceae Chile-N-241, United States of America-E- Kingdom-N-519, Canada-A-642, Denmark-
Total N° of Refs: 1 133, Australia-E-155, New Zealand-W- CN-711, Canada-C-756, Ireland-EN-793,
References: Japan-W-1977. 165, United States of America-Q-102, United Kingdom-CN-812, Ireland-N-894,
eastern North America-E-195, New Portugal-N-1006, Belgium-N-1006, United
Alnus fruticosa Rupr. Zealand-EW-225, western Europe-W-70, Kingdom-N-1006, Iceland-N-1006,
Betulaceae Australia-C-401, Australia-E-380, United Netherlands-N-1006, Europe-N-819,
Accepted name: Alnus viridis subsp. States of America-W-303, New Zealand- Belgium-N-1220, Spain-U-1270, Sardinia-
fruticosa (Chaix) DC. NW-425, Canada-E-104, United Kingdom- U-1336, Austria-N-1531, Ireland-N-1608,
Total N° of Refs: 18 N-519, New Zealand-N-534, New Zealand- Denmark-W-1609, Ireland-W-1609,
Global Risk Score: 0.24 N-15, Australia-EN-310, Canada and Netherlands-W-1609, Iceland-W-1609,
Rating: Low United States of America-N-725, Global-E- Global-CD-1611, Azores-N-1721, Europe-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental 743, Canada-C-756, Chile-N-765, United UN-1740, Russia-W-1671, Finland-A-
Dispersed by: Humans States of America-E-151, Global-NI-714, 1815, Sardinia-U-1393, Chile-I-1872, -I-,
References: Canada-A-642. Global-W-788, Great Lakes-N-800, Armenia-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977,
Australia-W-869, United States of Chile-W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977,
America-N-904, New Zealand-N-919, Iceland-W-1977, Ireland-W-1977,
Australia-N-354, Portugal-N-1006, Netherlands-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977,
Australia-N-1049, Europe-N-819, New United Kingdom-W-1977.
Zealand-E-505, Africa-W-1127, Chile-N-
1229, La Reunion-W-1321, Global-W- Alnus incana (L.) Moench subsp. incana
1324, Chile-N-1348, Global-W-1349, Betulaceae
Global-W-1376, Global-I-1404, Chile-I- Total N° of Refs: 2
1409, Belgium-ZD-1421, Global-E-1449, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Australia-E-1456, Global-ZD-1495, References: Global-N-85, Canada-A-642.
Australia-N-1501, United Kingdom-N-
1636, South Africa-E-1646, Europe-ZD- Alnus incana (L.) Moench subsp.
1656, Europe-ZD-1582, Global-CD-1611, kolaensis (Orlova) Á. & D. Löve
Alaska-N-1625, Global-ZD-1581, Azores- Betulaceae
N-1721, United States of America-E-1736, Total N° of Refs: 2
United States of America-N-1162, Russia- Origin: Europe
W-1671, Australia-UN-1845, Canada-G- References: Iceland-U-1552, Iceland-W-
1855, Chile-I-1872, Germany-R-1948, -I-, 1977.
New Zealand-N-2048, Australia-W-1977,
Canada-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, India-W- Alnus incana (L.) Moench subsp. rugosa
1977, Japan-W-1977, New Zealand-W- (Du Roi) R.T.Clausen
1977, South Africa-W-1977. Betulaceae
Total N° of Refs: 9
Alnus x hybrida A. Braun ex Reichb. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Betulaceae Ornamental
Accepted name: Alnus x pubescens Tausch Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 3 References: Global-N-85, Canada-A-642,
References: Europe-N-819. Czechoslovakia-N-1006, Poland-N-1006,
Sweden-W-1609, Canada-G-1855,
Denmark-W-1977, Poland-W-1977,

Alnus incana (L.) Moench subsp. Alnus pendula Matsum. Alnus rugosa (Du Roi) Spreng.
tenuifolia (Nutt.) Breitung Betulaceae Betulaceae
Betulaceae Total N° of Refs: 3 Accepted name: Alnus incana (L.) Moench
Total N° of Refs: 1 Global Risk Score: 0.24 subsp. rugosa (Du Roi) R.T.Clausen
Habit: Shrub Rating: Low Synonym/s (n° of refs): Alnus rugosa var.
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Habit: Tree occidentalis (Du Roi) Spreng.
Dispersed by: Humans Origin: E Asia Total N° of Refs: 54
References: Canada-A-642. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Global Risk Score: 1.44
Dispersed by: Humans Rating: Low
Alnus japonica (Thunb.) Steud. References: Japan-W-286, Chile-I-1872, Habit: Tree
Betulaceae Chile-W-1977. Origin: N Am
Total N° of Refs: 4 Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Global Risk Score: 1.2 Alnus x pubescens Tausch Dispersed by: Humans
Rating: Low Betulaceae References: Global-N-108, United States of
Habit: Tree Accepted name: parents = Alnus glutinosa America-W-218, Czech Republic-N-400,
Origin: E Asia, SE Asia (L.) Gaertn. x Alnus incana Medik. Canada-A-642, Czech Republic-N-826,
Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Ornamental Synonym/s (n° of refs): Alnus x hybrida A. Global-W-1349, Czech Republic-U-1522,
Dispersed by: Humans Braun ex Reichb. (1) Denmark-W-1609, Poland-W-1609,
References: Europe-N-819, Chile-I-1872, Total N° of Refs: 3 Poland-N-1040, Czech Republic-U-1731,
Chile-W-1977, France-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Sweden-N-1802, Chile-I-1872.
Dispersed by: Humans
Alnus maritima (Marshall) Muhl. ex References: Belgium-U-1220, Belgium-W- Alnus rugosa (Du Roi) Spreng. var.
Nutt. 1977. americana (Regel) Fernald
Betulaceae Betulaceae
Total N° of Refs: 5 Alnus rhombifolia Nutt. Accepted name: Alnus incana subsp.
Global Risk Score: 0.24 Betulaceae rugosa
Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 42
Origin: N Am Habit: Tree Global Risk Score: 0.24
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Origin: N Am Rating: Low
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
References: Europe-N-819, Philippines-nC- Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans
1099, Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977, France- Dispersed by: Humans References: Canada-A-642.
W-1977. References: United States of America-W-
218. Alnus rugosa (Du Roi) Spreng. var.
Alnus mitchelliana M.A.Curtis ex occidentalis (Dippel) C.L. Hitchc.
A.Gray Alnus rubra Bong. Betulaceae
Betulaceae Betulaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Accepted name: accepted name =Alnus Total N° of Refs: 17 References: Canada-A-642.
alnobetula (Ehrh.) K. Koch subsp. crispa Global Risk Score: 12.96
(Aiton) Raus Rating: Medium Alnus serrulata (Ait.) Willd.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Habit: Shrub Betulaceae
References: Chile-I-1872. Origin: Africa, N Am Total N° of Refs: 1
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, Habit: Shrub
Alnus mollis Fern. Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Betulaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Origin: N Am
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Australia-E-155, United States Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
References: Canada-A-642. of America-W-218, Australia-C-401, Ornamental
United Kingdom-N-519, Australia-N-310, Dispersed by: Humans
Alnus nepalensis D.Don United Kingdom-C-812, Australia-W-869, References: United States of America-W-
Betulaceae Chile-A-931, Europe-N-819, Australia-W- 218.
Total N° of Refs: 4 1210, Global-W-1349, Global-CD-1611,
Global Risk Score: 1.2 Chile-I-1872, Australia-W-1977, Chile-W- Alnus sieboldiana Matsum.
Rating: Low 1977, Ireland-W-1977, United Kingdom- Betulaceae
Habit: Tree W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Habit: Tree
Origin: C Asia, E Asia Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans
Dispersed by: Humans References: Japan-W-1977.
References: United States of America-N-
101, United States of America-N-1292,
India-I-1826, United States of America-N-

Alnus sinuata (Regel) Rydb. Alnus viridis (Chaix) DC. Alnus viridis (Chaix) DC. subsp. viridis
Betulaceae Betulaceae Betulaceae
Accepted name: Alnus viridis subsp. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Alnus crispa (Ait.) Total N° of Refs: 1
sinuata (Vill.) Lam. & DC. (Regel) Á. & Pursh (2), Alnus crispa (Ait.) Pursh var. Global Risk Score: 0.24
D.Löve elongata Raup (1), Alnus crispa (Ait.) Rating: Low
Total N° of Refs: 20 Pursh var. mollis (Fernald) Fernald (1), Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Alnus crispa (Ait.) Pursh subsp. sinuata Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Rating: Low (Regel) Hulten (1), Alnus fruticosa Rupr. Dispersed by: Humans
Habit: Tree (1), Alnus sinuata (Regel) Rydb. (3), Alnus References: Canada-A-642.
Origin: N Am viridis (Chaix) DC. var. sinuata Regel (1),
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Alnus viridis (Chaix) DC. subsp. fruticosa Alocasia brisbanensis (F.M.Bailey)
Dispersed by: Humans (Rupr.) Nyman (1) Domin.
References: United States of America-W- Total N° of Refs: 28 Araceae
218, Canada-A-642, Denmark-W-1609. Global Risk Score: 10.08 Total N° of Refs: 18
Rating: Medium Global Risk Score: 1.44
Alnus spaethii Callier Habit: Tree Rating: Low
Betulaceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Toxic, Aqua - Habit: Herb
Accepted name: Alnus japonica; A. Origin: E Asia, Europe, N Am Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
subcordata Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Herbal, Subtropical, Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 1 Ornamental Origin: Aust
References: Belgium-W-1977. Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Water, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Wind Dispersed by: Humans, Animals
Alnus x spaethii Callier References: New Zealand-N-280, Canada- References: New Zealand-W-165, New
Betulaceae A-642, New Zealand-N-919, Spain-N- Zealand-E-246, New Zealand-N-280, New
Accepted name: parents = Alnus japonica 1006, Europe-N-819, New Zealand-E-505, Zealand-EW-225, New Zealand-NW-425,
(Thunb.) Steud. x Alnus subcordata Slovakia-N-1484, Norway-N-1535, New Zealand-N-15, Australia-N-7, New
C.A.Mey. Denmark-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, Zealand-N-919, New Zealand-W-964,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Europe--, South Africa-N-1991, New Australia-N-354, New Zealand-E-328, New
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Zealand-N-2048, Chile-W-1977, Denmark- Zealand-E-505, Australia-E-1456,
Dispersed by: Humans W-1977, New Zealand-W-1977, Slovakia- Australia-N-1902, New Zealand-ED-2023,
References: Belgium-U-1220. W-1977, South Africa-W-1977. New Zealand-N-2048, Australia-W-1977,
New Zealand-W-1977.
Alnus spp. Mill. Alnus viridis (Chaix) DC. var. sinuata
Betulaceae Regel Alocasia cucullata (Lour.) G. Don
Total N° of Refs: 6 Betulaceae Araceae
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Accepted name: Alnus viridis subsp. Total N° of Refs: 25
Dispersed by: Humans sinuata Global Risk Score: 4.32
Weed of: Vegetables Total N° of Refs: 18 Rating: Low
References: Puerto Rico-X-258, United References: Canada-A-642. Aqua - Habit: Herb
States of America-W-161, United States of Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
America-A-543, Global-X-85, United Alnus viridis (Chaix) DC. subsp. crispa Subtropical, Tropical
States of America-AZD-1626, Polar (Aiton) Turrill Origin: E Asia
Regions-ZD-1587. Betulaceae Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans, Water, Escapee
Alnus tenuifolia Nutt. Global Risk Score: 0.72 References: Costa Rica-I-975, Global-N-
Betulaceae Rating: Low 85, United States of America-N-839, Costa
Accepted name: Alnus incana (L.) Moench Habit: Shrub Rica-CN-872, United States of America-I-
subsp. tenuifolia (Nutt.) Breitung Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental 1046, Global-N-1059, Japan-A-1106, Gal
Total N° of Refs: 42 Dispersed by: Humans, Wind pagos Islands-CN-1157, United Kingdom-
Global Risk Score: 1.2 References: Canada-A-642. WD-1175, United States of America-Q-
Rating: Low 1197, United States of America-N-1292, La
Habit: Tree Alnus viridis (Chaix) DC. subsp. Reunion-N-1321, French Polynesia-N-
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical fruticosa (Rupr.) Nyman 1514, Global-CD-1611, Eastern Caribbean-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Betulaceae N-1742, El Salvador-N-1849, -I-, United
Ornamental Accepted name: Alnus viridis subsp. crispa States of America-N-2092, Colombia-W-
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 18 1977, Cook Islands-W-1977, Costa Rica-
References: Canada-A-642. References: Canada-A-642. W-1977, Fiji-W-1977, Marshall Islands-W-
1977, Micronesia (Federated States of)-W-
Alnus viridis (Chaix) DC. subsp. sinuata 1977, Nauru-W-1977, Palau-W-1977.
(Regel) A. Love & D. Love
Total N° of Refs: 5
Habit: Shrub
Origin: E Asia, N Am
Major Pathway/s: Crop
References: Canada-A-642, Iceland-W-
1609, Iceland-N-1552, Iceland-N-1906,

Alocasia indica (Lour.) Spach Alocasia macrorrhizos (L.) G.Don Alocasia micholitziana Sander
Araceae Araceae Araceae
Accepted name: Alocasia macrorrhizos (L.) Synonym/s (n° of refs): Alocasia indica Total N° of Refs: 2
G.Don (Lour.) Spach (4), Alocasia macrorrhiza Habit: Herb
Total N° of Refs: 73 (L.) Schott (11), Alocasia macrorrhiza (L.) Origin: SE Asia
Global Risk Score: 0.72 G.Don var. macrorrhiza (1) Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 85 Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Toxic, Aqua - Habit: Global Risk Score: 4.8 References: Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157,
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Rating: Low Global-CD-1611.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Alocasia odora (Lodd.) Spach
References: Laos-N-1102, Fiji-A-1521, Origin: Aust, E Asia Araceae
Indonesia-A-87, Bangladesh-A-1761. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Total N° of Refs: 3
Ornamental Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb
Alocasia longiloba Miq. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Araceae References: Global-N-85, France-N-518, Subtropical, Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 2 Singapore-N-196, Costa Rica-I-975, United Origin: E Asia
Toxic - Habit: Herb States of America-N-101, United States of Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical America-W-179, New Zealand-E-494, Dispersed by: Humans
Origin: E Asia, SE Asia United States of America-N-839, Belize-N- References: United States of America-N-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental 850, Costa Rica-CN-872, Laos-N-1102, 101, Global-W-1324, Sri Lanka-N-1796.
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157, Singapore-N-
References: Costa Rica-CN-872, Global- 1290, United States of America-N-1292, Alocasia plumbea K.Koch ex Van Houtte
CD-1611. Peru-N-1293, Cuba-NI-1505, Costa Rica- Araceae
W-1570, Global-CD-1611, Brazil-NI-1071, Total N° of Refs: 8
Alocasia macrorrhiza (L.) Schott Brazil-N-1746, China-N-1796, Tibet-N- Global Risk Score: 1.44
Araceae 1796, Cambodia-N-1796, Nicaragua-N- Rating: Low
Accepted name: Alocasia macrorrhizos (L.) 1796, Paraguay-N-1796, Sri Lanka-N- Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb
G.Don [in Australia accepted name = 1796, Sudan-N-1796, Tibet-N-1796, Puerto Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Alocasia brisbanensis (F.M.Bailey) Domin] Rico and the Virgin Islands-C-1821, Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 80 Singapore-N-1839, -I-, -I-, -I-, Cuba-N- Origin: E Asia, SE Asia
Global Risk Score: 4.32 2024, Cuba-I-2055, Algeria-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Rating: Low Antigua and Barbuda-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Toxic, Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb Bangladesh-W-1977, Brazil-W-1977, References: Puerto Rico-CW-261, Costa
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Colombia-W-1977, Cook Islands-W-1977, Rica-I-975, United States of America-N-
Tropical Costa Rica-W-1977, Cuba-W-1977, 101, Costa Rica-CN-872, Gal pagos
Origin: C Asia, E Asia Dominican Republic-W-1977, Fiji-W- Islands-CN-1157, Peru-N-1293, Global-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental 1977, Grenada-W-1977, Guinea-W-1977, CD-1611, Puerto Rico and the Virgin
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Haiti-W-1977, Honduras-W-1977, India- Islands-C-1821.
References: Vietnam-W-262, Puerto Rico- W-1977, Lao People's Democratic
CW-261, Vanuatu-A-315, Global-E-152, Republic-W-1977, Maldives-W-1977, Alocasia portei Becc. & Engl.
New Zealand-N-534, Global-E-1449, Marshall Islands-W-1977, Micronesia Araceae
French Polynesia-N-1514, Mauritius-A-87, (Federated States of)-W-1977, Nauru-W- Total N° of Refs: 1
Global-CD-1611, Sao Tome and Principe- 1977, Nicaragua-W-1977, Niue-W-1977, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
N-1805, Seychelles-NI-1925. Palau-W-1977, Paraguay-W-1977, Peru-W- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
1977, Samoa-W-1977, Seychelles-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans
Alocasia macrorrhiza (L.) G.Don var. Singapore-W-1977, Sri Lanka-W-1977, References: Global-N-85.
macrorrhiza Suriname-W-1977, Thailand-W-1977,
Araceae Tonga-W-1977, Tuvalu-W-1977, Vanuatu- Alocasia sanderiana W.Bull
Accepted name: Alocasia macrorrhizos (L.) W-1977, Venezuela-W-1977, Viet Nam- Araceae
G.Don W-1977, Global--1324. Total N° of Refs: 2
Total N° of Refs: 70 Habit: perennial Herb
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Alocasia macrorrhizos (L.) G.Don var. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
References: Federated States of macrorrhizos Tropical
Micronesia-N-230. Araceae Origin: E Asia, SE Asia
Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
References: La Reunion-N-1321. References: Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157,

Alocasia sinuata N.E.Br.

Total N° of Refs: 1
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Colombia-W-1977.

Alocasia spp. (Schott) G. Don Aloe aristata Haw. Aloe cameronii Hemsl.
Araceae Aloeaceae Aloeaceae
Accepted name: Arisaema Mart. Total N° of Refs: 5 Total N° of Refs: 7
Total N° of Refs: 4 Habit: Herb Global Risk Score: 1.44
ToxicReferences: South Africa-N-1247, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Rating: Low
South Africa-N-1002. Origin: Africa Habit: Shrub
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Aloe aculeata Pole Evans Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Origin: Africa
Aloeaceae References: Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 1 Global-Q-1205, Global-CD-1611, New Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Global Risk Score: 0.24 Zealand-U-2048, Algeria-W-1977. References: Australia-W-54, Australia-E-
Rating: Low 155, Australia-C-401, Australia-AN-310,
Habit: perennial Herb Aloe barbadensis Mill. Global-CD-1611, Australia-Q-1134,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Aloeaceae Australia-W-1977.
Origin: Africa Accepted name: Aloe vera L.
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 97 Aloe camperi Schweinf.
Dispersed by: Humans Global Risk Score: 1.2 Aloeaceae
References: South Africa-AR-121. Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: perennial Herb Habit: perennial Herb
Aloe arborescens Miller Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Aloeaceae Subtropical, Tropical Origin: Africa
Total N° of Refs: 50 Origin: Africa, Europe Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Global Risk Score: 7.2 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Dispersed by: Humans
Rating: Medium Ornamental References: Algeria-W-1977.
Toxic - Habit: Herb Dispersed by: Humans
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, References: Mexico-N-791, Global-N- Aloe castanea Schonl.
Subtropical, Tropical 1059, Mexico-W-1226, Puerto Rico-A-87, Aloeaceae
Origin: Africa Jamaica-A-87, Mexico-N-1881. Total N° of Refs: 1
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Global Risk Score: 0.24
Ornamental Aloe barberae Dyer Rating: Low
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Aloeaceae Habit: Tree
References: Global-N-85, Australia-N-198, Total N° of Refs: 1 Origin: Africa
Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Australia-E-380, New Zealand-N-15, Origin: Africa Dispersed by: Humans
Canary Islands-N-637, Australia-AN-310, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: South Africa-AR-121.
Portugal-N-662, Portugal-N-718, Italy-N- Dispersed by: Humans
733, Mediterranean-I-775, Australia-W- References: Algeria-W-1977. Aloe ciliaris Haw.
853, Australia-N-855, Australia-W-869, Aloeaceae
Canary Islands-I-902, New Zealand-U-919, Aloe brevifolia Mill. Total N° of Refs: 16
Mediterranean-W-951, Australia-N-354, Aloeaceae Habit: Herb
Portugal-N-1006, France-N-1006, Portugal- Total N° of Refs: 7 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
N-1006, Australia-N-1049, Portugal-N- Habit: Herb Origin: Africa
898, Europe-N-819, Gal pagos Islands-CN- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
1157, Italy-U-251, Australia-E-1262, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans
Sardinia-N-1336, Spain-N-1454, Australia- Dispersed by: Humans References: New Zealand-N-15, Canary
E-1456, New Zealand-N-1543, Global-CD- References: Europe-N-819, Global-W- Islands-N-637, Australia-W-853, Australia-
1611, Algeria-N-1796, Morocco-N-1796, 1324, Australia-N-1450, Spain-U-1454, W-869, New Zealand-W-906, New
Sardinia-N-1393, Italy-U-1887, Sardinia- Australia-N-1645, New Zealand-U-2048, Zealand-U-919, Australia-N-354, Portugal-
N-1917, Canary Islands-N-1970, Italy-U- Algeria-W-1977. N-1006, Europe-N-819, Global-W-1324,
1842, South Africa-N-1991, New Zealand- Algeria-N-1796, Morocco-N-1796, New
N-2048, Algeria-W-1977, Australia-W- Aloe caesia Salm-Dyck Zealand-N-2048, Algeria-W-1977,
1977, France-W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Aloeaceae Australia-W-1977, Spain-W-1977.
Marshall Islands-W-1977, Portugal-W- Accepted name: parents = Aloe x principis
1977, South Africa-W-1977, Spain-W- (Haw.) Stearn Aloe ciliaris Haw. var. ciliaris
1977. Total N° of Refs: 3 Aloeaceae
Origin: Africa Total N° of Refs: 2
Aloe arborescens Mill. subsp. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Origin: Africa
arborescens Dispersed by: Humans References: Algeria-N-1796, Morocco-N-
Aloeaceae References: Sardinia-N-1336, Sardinia-N- 1796.
Total N° of Refs: 2 1393, Sardinia-U-1917.
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
References: Algeria-N-1796, Morocco-N-

Aloe cooperi Baker Aloe greatheadii Schönland Aloe macrocarpa Tod.
Aloeaceae Aloeaceae Aloeaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aloe davyana Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: Shrub Schonl. var. davyana (1) Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Total N° of Refs: 2 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Origin: Africa Habit: Shrub Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Tropical References: Algeria-W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Origin: Africa
References: Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Aloe maculata All.
Global-CD-1611. Dispersed by: Humans Aloeaceae
References: South Africa-N-1991. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aloe latifolia Haw.
Aloe davyana Schonl. var. davyana (4), Aloe saponaria (Ait.) Haw. (19), Aloe
Aloeaceae Aloe humilis (L.) Mill. saponaria (Ait.) Haw. var. saponaria (1)
Accepted name: Aloe greatheadii var. Aloeaceae Total N° of Refs: 57
davyana (Schonl.) Schonl. Glen & Hardy Total N° of Refs: 4 Global Risk Score: 4.32
Total N° of Refs: 2 Habit: perennial Herb Rating: Low
Habit: perennial Herb Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Habit: Herb
Origin: Africa Origin: Africa Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Subtropical, Tropical
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans Origin: Africa, C Am, S Am
References: South Africa-AW-121. References: Algeria-N-1796, Morocco-N- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
1796, Sao Tome and Principe-N-1805, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Aloe x delaetii hort. Algeria-W-1977. References: Australia-E-289, Australia-C-
Aloeaceae 401, Australia-N-945, Australia-AN-310,
Accepted name: parents = Aloe ciliaris Aloe latifolia Haw. Australia-W-853, Australia-N-864,
Haw. x Aloe succotrina All. Aloeaceae Australia-W-869, New Zealand-N-919,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Accepted name: Aloe maculata All. Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049,
Habit: Succulent Total N° of Refs: 37 Portugal-N-898, Europe-N-819, Australia-
References: Spain-N-1454. Major Pathway/s: Herbal E-1259, Australia-E-1261, Australia-E-
References: Australia-N-945, France-N- 1262, Spain-N-1270, Global-W-1324,
Aloe ferox Miller 1006, Europe-N-819, Global-W-1324. Australia-N-1450, Spain-I-1454, Australia-
Aloeaceae E-1456, New Zealand-N-1543, Global-CD-
Total N° of Refs: 10 Aloe littoralis Baker 1611, Australia-N-1902, Australia-N-1845,
Global Risk Score: 4.8 Aloeaceae Sardinia-U-1917, Australia-N-1959, New
Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 3 Zealand-N-2048, Algeria-W-1977,
Toxic - Habit: Herb Habit: Shrub Australia-W-1977, France-W-1977, Italy-
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical W-1977, New Zealand-W-1977, Portugal-
Mediterranean, Tropical Origin: Africa W-1977.
Origin: Africa Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Ornamental Aloe marlothii A.Berger
Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans Aloeaceae
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee References: Algeria-N-1796, Morocco-N- Total N° of Refs: 1
References: South Africa-AR-121, 1796, Algeria-W-1977. Habit: Herb
Australia-E-155, Australia-C-401, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Australia-N-310, Europe-N-819, Australia- Aloe longibracteata Pole-Evans Tropical
W-1210, Global-W-1324, Global-CD- Aloeaceae Origin: Africa
1611, Algeria-W-1977, Australia-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Habit: Shrub Dispersed by: Humans
Aloe grandidentata Salm-Dyck Origin: Africa References: Algeria-W-1977.
Aloeaceae Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans Aloe marlothii Berger var. marlothii
Habit: perennial Herb References: South Africa-U-1247. Aloeaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland Total N° of Refs: 1
Origin: Africa Aloe lutescens Groenewald Habit: Shrub
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Aloeaceae Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 1 Origin: Africa
References: Algeria-W-1977. Global Risk Score: 0.24 References: South Africa-AW-121.
Rating: Low
Habit: perennial Herb Aloe massawana Reynolds
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Aloeaceae
Origin: Africa Total N° of Refs: 1
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Dispersed by: Humans References: Madagascar-N-1000.
References: South Africa-AR-121.

Aloe microstigma Salm-Dyck Aloe percrassa Tod. Aloe saponaria (Ait.) Haw.
Aloeaceae Aloeaceae Aloeaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1 Accepted name: Aloe maculata All.
Habit: perennial Herb Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aloe saponaria var.
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental ficksburgensis Reynolds
Tropical Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 52
Origin: Africa References: Algeria-W-1977. Global Risk Score: 2.4
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Rating: Low
Dispersed by: Humans Aloe perfoliata L. Toxic - Habit: Herb
References: Algeria-W-1977. Aloeaceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Total N° of Refs: 2 Origin: Africa
Aloe mitriformis Mill. Habit: Succulent Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Aloeaceae Origin: Africa Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 3 Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Dispersed by: Humans References: Australia-E-72, New Zealand-
Rating: Low References: Spain-U-1454, Algeria-W- N-280, Australia-N-198, Australia-N-945,
Habit: perennial Herb 1977. Australia-E-380, Australia-E-327, Italy-N-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean 733, Mediterranean-I-775, Australia-N-
Origin: Africa Aloe perryi Baker 855, Australia-W-869, Mediterranean-W-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Aloeaceae 951, Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049,
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 1 Malta-N-1089, New Zealand-E-505, Italy-
References: Mediterranean-I-775, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical U-251, Sardinia-N-1336, Sardinia-N-1393,
Mediterranean-W-951, Spain-U-1454. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Italy-U-1887.
Dispersed by: Humans
Aloe mutans Reynolds References: Algeria-W-1977. Aloe saponaria (Aiton) Haw. var.
Aloeaceae ficksbergensis Reynolds
Total N° of Refs: 1 Aloe plicatilis (L.) Mill. Aloeaceae
Global Risk Score: 0.24 Aloeaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 4 Origin: Africa
Habit: perennial Herb Habit: Shrub References: Australia-N-354.
Origin: Africa Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Origin: Africa Aloe saponaria (Ait.) Haw. var.
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental ficksburgensis Reynolds
References: South Africa-AR-121. Dispersed by: Humans Aloeaceae
References: Portugal-N-1006, Europe-N- Total N° of Refs: 2
Aloe officinalis Forssk. 819, Global-W-1324, Algeria-W-1977. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Aloeaceae Origin: Africa
Total N° of Refs: 1 Aloe pluridens Haw. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Aloeaceae Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 2 References: Australia-W-54, Australia-N-
Dispersed by: Humans Habit: Shrub 945.
References: Somalia-N-1796. Origin: Africa
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Aloe saponaria (Ait.) Haw. var.
Aloe officinalis Forssk. var. officinalis Dispersed by: Humans saponaria
Aloeaceae References: Spain-U-1454, Algeria-W- Aloeaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 1977. Accepted name: Aloe maculata All.
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Total N° of Refs: 34
References: Somalia-N-1796. Aloe porphyrostachys Lavranos & References: Australia-N-945.
Aloe parvibracteata Schonl. Aloeaceae Aloe saponaria (Ait.) Haw. x Aloe striata
Aloeaceae Total N° of Refs: 1 Haw.
Total N° of Refs: 4 Origin: Africa Aloeaceae
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aloe x schoenlandi
Rating: Low Dispersed by: Humans Baker (1)
Habit: perennial Herb References: Algeria-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Habit: perennial Herb
Tropical Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Origin: Africa Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Aloe x schoenlandi Baker
References: South Africa-AR-121, Aloeaceae
Australia-N-945, Australia-N-354, Accepted name: parents = Aloe saponaria
Australia-W-1977. (Ait.) Haw. Aloe striata Haw.
Total N° of Refs: 1
References: United States of America-N-

Aloe x spinosissima A.Berger Aloe vacillans Forssk Aloe vera (L.) Burm.f.
Aloeaceae Aloeaceae Aloeaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aloe barbadensis
Habit: Shrub Habit: Shrub Mill. (6), Aloe vulgaris Lam., nom. illeg.
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental (1)
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 98
References: Algeria-W-1977. References: Saudi Arabia-A-1951. Global Risk Score: 4.8
Rating: Low
Aloe spp. L. Aloe variegata L. Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
Aloeaceae Aloeaceae Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aloe spp. L. Total N° of Refs: 3 Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 4 Habit: perennial Herb Origin: Africa, C Am, E Asia, Europe, S
Toxic - Habit: Tree Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Am
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Subtropical, Tropical Origin: Africa Ornamental
Origin: Africa Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans References: Puerto Rico-CW-261, United
Dispersed by: Humans References: Europe-N-819, Spain-U-1454, States of America-CE-617, Global-N-85,
References: Slovakia-CE-782, Australia-N- France-W-1977. United States of America-N-101, United
198, Spain-EI-1092, Global-CD-1611. States of America-W-179, Canary Islands-
N-305, Europe-NW-482, Canary Islands-
Aloe striata Haw. N-637, Portugal-N-662, Portugal-N-718,
Aloeaceae Mediterranean-I-775, United States of
Total N° of Refs: 3 America-N-301, United States of America-
Habit: perennial Herb N-839, Belize-N-850, Palestine-N-851,
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Australia-N-868, Australia-W-869,
Mediterranean Paraguay-N-876, Canary Islands-I-902,
Origin: Africa Mediterranean-W-951, Australia-N-354,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental France-N-1006, Greece-N-1006, Portugal-
Dispersed by: Humans N-1006, Malta-N-1006, Turkey-N-1006,
References: Algeria-N-1796, Morocco-N- China-I-1055, Portugal-I-1090, Portugal-N-
1796, Algeria-W-1977. 898, Europe-N-819, Greece-N-1142, Crete-
U-1150, Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157,
Aloe striata Haw. subsp. striata Cyprus-N-1174, Mexico-W-1226, Italy-N-
Aloeaceae 251, United States of America-N-1292, -N-
Total N° of Refs: 1 , India-UN-1345, Cape Verde-N-1414,
References: Algeria-W-1977. Spain-U-1454, Cuba-NI-1505, Bolivia-N-
1630, Caribbean Netherlands-N-1012,
Aloe striata L. x Aloe maculata All. Global-N-1218, Cape Verde-N-1558,
Aloeaceae Global-CD-1611, Macronesia-I-1722,
Total N° of Refs: 2 India-N-1370, Eastern Caribbean-N-1742,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical China-I-1769, China-N-1796, Libya-N-
Origin: Africa 1796, Turkey-N-1796, Algeria-N-1796,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Bolivia-N-1796, Ecuador-N-1796, El
Dispersed by: Humans Salvador-N-1796, Ethiopia-N-1796,
References: Australia-N-354, Australia-W- Morocco-N-1796, Nicaragua-N-1796, Sri
1977. Lanka-N-1796, Sardinia-N-1393, Puerto
Rico and the Virgin Islands-C-1821,
Aloe succotrina All. Australia-N-1902, El Salvador-N-1849,
Aloeaceae Italy-UN-1887, Sardinia-U-1917, Canary
Total N° of Refs: 8 Islands-N-1967, Canary Islands-N-1970, -I-
Global Risk Score: 0.72 , Cuba-N-2024, Cuba-I-2055, United States
Rating: Low of America-N-2092, Algeria-W-1977,
Toxic - Habit: Shrub Anguilla-W-1977, Aruba-W-1977,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Australia-W-1977, Bonaire-W-1977, Cook
Origin: Africa Islands-W-1977, Cuba-W-1977, Cyprus-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental W-1977, Greece-W-1977, India-W-1977,
Dispersed by: Humans Italy-W-1977, Marshall Islands-W-1977,
References: Mediterranean-I-775, Mexico-W-1977, Micronesia (Federated
Mediterranean-W-951, France-N-1006, States of)-W-1977, Peru-W-1977, Portugal-
Europe-N-819, Global-W-1324, Spain-U- W-1977, Spain-W-1977, Turkey-W-1977,
1454, Algeria-W-1977, France-W-1977. Global--1324.

Aloe vera (L.) Burm.f. var. chinensis Alonsoa caulialata Ruiz & Pav. Alopecurus aequalis Sobol.
(Haw.) Berg. Scrophulariaceae Poaceae
Aloeaceae Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Alopecurus
Total N° of Refs: 3 Origin: N Am, S Am amurensis Kom. (3), Alopecurus fulvus
Habit: perennial Herb Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, J.E.Sm. (1)
Origin: Africa, E Asia Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 83
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Dispersed by: Humans Global Risk Score: 44.8
Ornamental References: United Kingdom-GZ-314. Rating: Extreme
Dispersed by: Humans Aqua - Habit: Grass
References: China-N-1215, China-N-1344, Alonsoa incisifolia Ruiz & Pav. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Taiwan-W-1748. Scrophulariaceae Subtropical, Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 2 Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, N Am, W
Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. var. officinalis Habit: Shrub Asia
(Forssk.) Baker Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Aloeaceae Origin: S Am Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture
Total N° of Refs: 3 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Livestock, Vehicles, Water, Wind, Escapee
References: Australia-N-868, Australia-N- References: United Kingdom-C-314, Seed Longevity: Long Term
354, Australia-N-1491. Global-CD-1611. Weed of: Cereals, Nursery Production,
Orchards & Plantations, Pastures
Aloe vulgaris Lam., nom. illeg. Alonsoa meridionalis (L.f.) Kuntze References: Global-W-23, United States of
Aloeaceae Scrophulariaceae America-WD-34, Chile-N-300, Global-
Accepted name: Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Alonsoa ZW-85, Global-EWD-91, Global-W-217,
Total N° of Refs: 92 warscewiczii Regel (6) Global-A-243, New Zealand-N-280, Japan-
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 10 W-286, Australia-N-198, Asia-AW-204,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Habit: Herb China-W-297, China-A-275, Australia-N-
Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Tropical 945, Australia-E-327, United States of
Dispersed by: Humans Origin: S Am America-AW-486, China-W-431, United
References: Puerto Rico-A-929. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Kingdom-N-519, China-A-571, Lebanon-
Dispersed by: Humans A-596, Canada-A-642, Canada-C-756,
Aloe wickensii Pole-Evans References: New Zealand-N-823, New Australia-N-855, Australia-W-869, India-
Aloeaceae Zealand-U-919, Bolivia-N-1630, New N-914, New Zealand-N-919, Australia-N-
Total N° of Refs: 2 Zealand-U-2048. 354, Australia-N-1049, Europe-N-819,
Global Risk Score: 0.24 China-N-1215, Australia-E-1259,
Rating: Low Alonsoa peduncularis (Kuntze) Wettst. Australia-E-1260, Australia-E-1261,
Habit: perennial Herb Scrophulariaceae Australia-E-1262, south and southeast
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Total N° of Refs: 1 Asia-A-1320, Chile-N-1348, United States
Subtropical, Tropical Origin: Africa of America-A-1022, India-N-1389,
Origin: Africa References: United Kingdom-U-314. Australia-N-1450, Japan-A-87, South
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Korea-A-87, Nepal-A-87, Taiwan-A-87,
Dispersed by: Humans Alonsoa warscewiczii Regel Philippines-A-87, Poland-A-87, Russia-A-
References: South Africa-AR-121, Scrophulariaceae 87, Afghanistan-A-87, Canada-A-87,
Lesotho-AR-121. Accepted name: Alonsoa meridionalis (L. China-A-87, Finland-A-87, Hong Kong-A-
f.) Kuntze 87, Italy-A-87, Turkey-A-87, Egypt-A-87,
Aloina ambigua (Bruch & Schimp.) Total N° of Refs: 10 Greece-A-87, New Zealand-A-87,
Limpr. Habit: Shrub Pakistan-A-87, Sudan-A-87, Yugoslavia-
Pottiaceae Origin: S Am A-87, Serbia-W-1031, Global-Q-1572,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Global-CD-1611, United States of
References: Global-N-1382. Ornamental America-AZD-1667, Russia-W-1671,
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Finland-A-1815, Poland-A-1825, Canada-
Aloinopsis malherbei (L.Bol.) L.Bolus References: United Kingdom-UZ-314, G-1855, South Korea-A-1859, South
Aizoaceae Denmark-C-711, Denmark-W-1609, Korea-A-1860, Argentina-A-1874, Nepal-
Total N° of Refs: 1 Global-CD-1611, Algeria-W-1977, A-1932, Australia-WD-1934, China-N-
Habit: Shrub Denmark-W-1977. 1938, Australia-N-1959, -I-, South Korea-
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, A-2033, New Zealand-N-2048, Canada-G-
Mediterranean 1462, Australia-W-1977, Chile-W-1977.
Origin: Africa
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Alopecurus aequalis Sobol. var. aequalis
Dispersed by: Humans Poaceae
References: Global-G-730. Total N° of Refs: 4
Habit: perennial Grass
References: Japan-N-287, Japan-N-794,
Japan-N-1278, Japan-W-1977.

Alopecurus aequalis Sobol. var. Alopecurus arundinaceus Poir. Alopecurus carolinianus Walter
amurensis (Kom.) Ohwi. Poaceae Poaceae
Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 24 Total N° of Refs: 6
Total N° of Refs: 8 Global Risk Score: 21.12 Habit: annual Grass
Habit: perennial Grass Rating: High Origin: N Am
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Aqua - Habit: perennial Grass Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Weed of: Cucurbits/Melons Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Dispersed by: Animals, Livestock, Sheep
References: Taiwan-A-274, Taiwan-W- Subtropical, Tropical References: United States of America-W-
235, Global-A-243, Japan-A-263, South Origin: E Asia, Europe 34, United States of America-W-161,
Korea-A-648, Global-A-1233, South Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Europe-N-819, Belgium-UD-1220, Global-
Korea-A-2031, South Korea-A-2032. Ornamental, Pasture W-1324, Global-W-1349.
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Water
Alopecurus aequalis Sobol. var. Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations Alopecurus creticus Trin.
sonomensis Rubtzov References: Global-N-85, United States of Poaceae
Poaceae America-ED-159, United States of Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 1 America-E-80, United States of America- Habit: Grass
Aqua - Habit: perennial Grass N-101, Canada-A-642, India-A-712, United References: United States of America-N-
Dispersed by: Water States of America-E-151, United States of 101.
References: United States of America-WD- America-U-904, India-ND-914, Global-N-
34. 1059, Global-Q-1205, India-ND-1389, Alopecurus fulvus J.E.Sm.
Turkey--1412, United States of America-N- Poaceae
Alopecurus agrestis L. 1607, Turkey-A-87, Canadian northwest Accepted name: Alopecurus aequalis
Poaceae Territories-N-1011, Russia-N-1647, United Sobol.
Accepted name: Alopecurus myosuroides States of America-AZD-1667, Russia-N- Total N° of Refs: 80
Huds. 1681, United States of America-N-1162, Habit: Grass
Total N° of Refs: 220 Australia-Q-1123, Iran-A-2075, Bhutan-W- References: Japan-A-87.
Habit: Grass 1977, Canada-W-1977.
References: Ireland-W-894, Australia-N-
1049, Iran-A-87, Spain-A-87, China-A-87, Alopecurus arundinaceus Poir.
Italy-A-87, Turkey-A-87, Global-A-1903. 'Garrison'
Alopecurus amurensis Kom. Total N° of Refs: 1
Poaceae Habit: Grass
Accepted name: Alopecurus aequalis var. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
amurensis Sobol. (Kom.) Ohwi. References: United States of America-N-
Total N° of Refs: 82 101.
Habit: Grass
References: Philippines-A-87, South Alopecurus arundinaceus Poir. 'Retain'
Korea-A-87, North Korea-A-1018. Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1
Alopecurus anthoxantoides Boiss. Habit: Grass
Poaceae Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: United States of America-N-
Habit: Grass 101.
References: Lebanon-A-87.
Alopecurus borealis Trin.
Alopecurus aristatus Gouan Poaceae
Poaceae Accepted name: Alopecurus magellanicus
Total N° of Refs: 1 Lam.
Habit: Grass Total N° of Refs: 6
References: Canada-A-642. Habit: Grass
References: United Kingdom-N-519,
Global-W-1324, Europe-W-1325.

Alopecurus bulbosus Gouan

Total N° of Refs: 2
Global Risk Score: 0.48
Rating: Low
Habit: Grass
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Water
Weed of: Cereals
References: United Kingdom-N-519, Italy-

Alopecurus geniculatus L. Alopecurus geniculatus L. var. Alopecurus myosuroides Hudson
Poaceae geniculatus Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 94 Poaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Alopecurus agrestis
Global Risk Score: 21.12 Total N° of Refs: 2 L. (8), Alopecurus myosuroides Huds.
Rating: High Habit: Grass subsp. myosuroides (1)
Aqua - Habit: perennial Grass References: Chile-N-300, United States of Total N° of Refs: 221
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, America-N-101. Global Risk Score: 35.2
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Rating: Extreme
Origin: Africa, C Asia, E Asia, Europe, N Alopecurus geniculatus L. var. Habit: annual Grass
Am, W Asia, Cosmopolitan genuiculatus Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Poaceae Subtropical, Tropical
Ornamental, Pasture Total N° of Refs: 1 Origin: Africa, C Asia, E Asia, Europe, W
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers, Habit: Grass Asia, Cosmopolitan
Cattle, Horse, Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles, References: Chile-N-241. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Water Ornamental, Pasture
Seed Longevity: Long Term Alopecurus japonicus Steud. Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers,
Weed of: Cereals, Pastures Poaceae Cattle, Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles, Water,
References: New Zealand-E-246, Australia- Total N° of Refs: 17 Wind, Escapee
W-269, Australia-ED-72, Global-NZW-85, Habit: annual Grass Seed Longevity: Long Term
Global-EWD-91, Global-A-243, United Origin: E Asia Weed of: Canola, Cereals, Orchards &
States of America-N-101, New Zealand-N- Weed of: Cereals Plantations, Pastures, Pome Fruits,
280, Australia-N-176, Australia-N-198, References: Global-A-68, Global-A-243, Vegetables
Europe, eastern-AW-272, western Europe- Japan-W-286, China-W-297, China-A-275, References: Taiwan-N-777, Global-A-30,
W-70, United States of America-W-218, China-W-431, South Korea-N-773, South United States of America-W-34, Finland-
Australia-N-945, United Kingdom-UZD- Korea-N-761, China-N-1215, China-N- U-42, Global-A-44, United States of
317, Australia-E-327, New Zealand-N-534, 1212, Global-W-1324, Japan-A-87, China- America-X-1, Chile-N-300, Global-A-68,
New Zealand-N-15, Canada-A-642, N-1938, China-AN-2021, South Korea-A- United States of America-E-80, Global-
Canada-N-652, India-A-712, Canada and 2032, Republic of Korea-W-1977, South NXZW-85, Global-AW-91, Global-W-217,
United States of America-N-725, Australia- Korea-N-2113. Global-A-243, United States of America-
EN-7, Great Lakes-N-800, Australia-W- N-101, New Zealand-N-280, Syria-A-111,
853, Australia-N-855, Australia-W-869, Alopecurus macrostachyos Poir. Italy-A-118, Japan-A-263, United States of
Europe-A-889, New Zealand-N-919, Poaceae America-W-392, United States of America-
Australia-N-354, Portugal-N-1006, Total N° of Refs: 1 W-161, Australia-N-176, Japan-W-286,
Australia-N-1049, Greenland-N-1061, Habit: Grass western Europe-A-253, United States of
Europe-N-819, Antarctica-N-396, United Origin: Africa America-W-212, Europe, eastern-AW-272,
States of America-I-1161, United States of References: United Kingdom-U-317. western Europe-W-70, Australia-N-945,
America-N-1162, Chile-N-1229, Falkland United Kingdom-ZD-317, Czech Republic-
Islands-N-1251, Canada-N-1252, Australia- Alopecurus magellanicus Lam. NZ-400, China-W-431, United Kingdom-
E-1259, Australia-E-1260, Australia-E- Poaceae N-519, New Zealand-N-15, United States
1261, Australia-E-1262, Australia-A-1331, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Alopecurus of America-A-543, Turkey-A-600, Canada-
Canada-N-1340, United States of America- borealis Trin. (3) A-642, Ukraine-U-643, France-A-665,
AZD-1341, Chile-N-1348, Global-W-1349, Total N° of Refs: 6 Israel-A-666, Italy-A-667, Slovenia-A-671,
Finland-AN-1356, Netherlands-ZD-1420, Aqua - Habit: Grass Italy-A-687, Germany-A-689, France-A-
Australia-N-1450, Australia-E-1456, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical 695, Italy-A-697, Denmark-UN-711,
Global-ZD-1492, Global-ZD-1495, New Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Turkey-A-727, Iran-A-732, Lithuania-I-
Zealand-N-1543, United States of America- Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, 737, Global-A-743, South Korea-N-773,
N-1603, Faroe Islands-W-1609, Finland- Livestock, Sheep Australia-EN-7, United States of America-
W-1609, Greenland-W-1609, China-A-87, References: United Kingdom-UZD-317, E-151, North America-X-790, Mexico-N-
Portugal-A-87, Taiwan-A-87, Germany-A- Belgium-UD-1220, Belgium-W-1977. 791, Japan-N-794, United Kingdom-NZ-
87, New Zealand-A-87, United States of 812, Belarus-N-817, Australia-W-853,
America-A-87, North Korea-A-1018, Alopecurus monspeliensis L. Australia-N-855, Australia-W-869, United
Russia-N-1647, Europe-ZD-1653, Europe- Poaceae States of America-X-229, Slovenia-W-883,
ZD-1576, Global-ZD-1611, New Zealand- Accepted name: Polypogon monspeliensis Europe-A-889, Spain-A-892, Ireland-U-
A-1624, United States of America-ANZD- (L.) Desf. 894, United States of America-I-904, New
1667, Azores-N-1721, Russia-W-1671, Total N° of Refs: 240 Zealand-U-919, Turkey-A-728, United
Ecuador-N-1796, Finland-A-1815, Habit: Grass Kingdom-Z-944, United States of America-
Australia-N-1902, Australia-N-1845, South References: Global-W-1349. W-946, Turkey-A-977, Australia-N-354,
Korea-AN-1860, Mexico-N-1881, Nepal- Portugal-N-1006, France-N-1006,
A-1932, Australia-WD-1934, Australia-N- Czechoslovakia-N-1006, Germany-N-1006,
1959, Poland-A-1966, New Zealand-N- United Kingdom-N-1006, Slovakia-N-
2048, -A-2058, Poland-A-2059, Australia- 1006, Australia-N-1049, Europe-N-819,
W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, United Kingdom-A-322, Czech Republic-
Malaysia-W-1977, Mexico-W-1977, South A-1186, Europe-W-1191, South Korea-N-
Africa-W-1977. 761, China-N-1215, Poland-A-1219,
Serbia-W-1238, Greece-W-1240, Norway-
N-1243, Romania-I-1264, France-A-1266,
Japan-N-1278, Turkey-A-1287,
Macedonia-A-1304, Pakistan-A-1309,
Finland-I-1323, Global-W-1324, Romania-

I-1334, Sardinia-U-1336, Chile-N-1348, Alopecurus nepalensis Trin. ex Steud. Alopecurus pratensis L.
Global-W-1349, Serbia-A-1357, Sardinia- Poaceae Poaceae
U-1381, Taiwan-N-1403, Australia-N- Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 133
1450, Turkey-A-1458, France-A-1461, Habit: Grass Global Risk Score: 33.6
Slovakia-N-1484, Czech Republic-N-1522, Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations Rating: Extreme
Iran-A-1524, Romania-NI-1537, Europe-A- References: Pakistan-A-1030, Pakistan-A- Aqua - Habit: perennial Grass
1539, United States of America-N-1603, 1720, Nepal-A-1932. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Estonia-W-1609, Denmark-W-1609, Origin: E Asia, Europe, W Asia
Latvia-W-1609, Lithuania-W-1609, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Norway-W-1609, Poland-W-1609, Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture
Sweden-W-1609, Azerbaijan-A-1638, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers,
United Kingdom-A-87, Germany-A-87, Cattle, Livestock, Sheep, Water, Wind,
Hungary-A-87, Italy-A-87, Belgium-A-87, Escapee
India-A-87, Iran-A-87, Lebanon-A-87, Seed Longevity: Long Term
Sweden-A-87, Austria-A-87, Iraq-A-87, Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations,
Israel-A-87, Netherlands-A-87, Russia-A- Pastures
87, Turkey-A-87, Afghanistan-A-87, References: North America-EW-21,
France-A-87, Greece-A-87, Jordan-A-87, Australia-ED-72, Chile-N-300, United
Norway-A-87, New Zealand-A-87, States of America-E-80, Global-NZW-85,
Pakistan-A-87, United States of America- Global-A-243, United States of America-
A-87, Serbia-A-1019, Pakistan-A-1044, N-101, New Zealand-N-280, Australia-N-
Europe-ZD-1653, Global-ZD-1611, Italy- 176, Japan-N-287, Japan-W-286, Australia-
A-1618, Iran-A-1619, Polar Regions-ZD- N-198, Europe, eastern-AW-272, western
1587, Azores-N-1721, Iran-A-1724, Europe-W-70, United States of America-
Pakistan-A-1729, Turkey-A-942, Czech W-218, Australia-N-945, United Kingdom-
Republic-N-1731, Iceland-U-1552, United UZD-317, Australia-E-327, China-W-431,
States of America-E-1736, Taiwan-W- New Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N-15,
1748, Global-AD-1589, Canada-X-1745, Nepal-A-591, Canada-A-642, Canada and
Senegal-N-1796, Sweden-N-1802, Europe- United States of America-N-725, Canada-
A-1806, France-A-1814, Sardinia-AU- UC-756, South Korea-N-773, Australia-N-
1824, Australia-N-1902, Australia-N-1845, 7, Japan-N-794, Australia-W-853,
Mexico-NI-1881, Global-A-1903, Iran-A- Australia-N-855, Australia-W-869, United
1916, Sardinia-U-1917, France-A-1924, States of America-N-904, New Zealand-N-
Australia-WD-1934, Poland-A-1965, 919, Uruguay-A-924, Colombia-A-927,
Poland-N-1993, Estonia-N-1997, Kosovo- United States of America-W-946,
R-2003, -AWD-2036, France-A-2042, New Australia-N-354, Portugal-N-1006,
Zealand-U-2048, Ukraine-N-2050, -A- Australia-N-1049, United States of
2058, Iran-A-2072, Iran-A-2075, Italy-A- America-N-1057, Global-N-1059,
2081, Spain-A-2083, New Zealand-Q- Greenland-N-1061, Europe-N-819,
2086, Greece-A-2093, France-A-2094, Antarctica-N-396, New Zealand-E-505,
Iran-A-2111, Argentina-W-1977, Australia- United States of America-I-1161, United
W-1977, Belarus-W-1977, Bolivia-W- States of America-N-1162, South Korea-N-
1977, Chile-W-1977, Czech Republic-W- 761, Chile-N-1229, Serbia-W-1238,
1977, Iceland-W-1977, Ireland-W-1977, Canada-N-1252, Australia-E-1261,
Japan-W-1977, Jordan-W-1977, Latvia-W- Australia-E-1262, United States of
1977, Lithuania-W-1977, Mexico-W-1977, America-A-1275, Japan-N-1278, Canada-
Poland-W-1977, Republic of Korea-W- N-1340, United States of America-AZD-
1977, Slovakia-W-1977, Spain-W-1977, 1341, Serbia-A-1343, Chile-N-1348,
Sweden-W-1977, Taiwan-W-1977, United Global-W-1349, Finland-AN-1356, Serbia-
Kingdom-W-1977, South Korea-N-2113. W-1358, Serbia-W-1222, Norway-N-1378,
Taiwan-N-1403, Australia-N-1450,
Alopecurus myosuroides Hudson var. Australia-E-1456, Austria-N-1531, United
myosuroides States of America-N-1603, United States of
Poaceae America-N-1607, Faroe Islands-W-1609,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Finland-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609,
Habit: Grass Greenland-W-1609, Iceland-W-1609,
References: Turkey--1412. Finland-A-87, Japan-A-87, Russia-A-87,
Colombia-A-87, New Zealand-A-87,
Alopecurus myosuroides Huds. subsp. Uruguay-A-87, United States of America-
myosuroides A-87, Canadian northwest Territories-N-
Poaceae 1011, Serbia-W-1031, Russia-N-1647,
Accepted name: probably = Alopecurus Europe-ZD-1656, Global-CD-1611, United
myosuroides Huds. States of America-AZD-1626, United
Total N° of Refs: 213 States of America-ANZD-1667, Global-
Habit: Grass ZD-1581, Australia-ZD-1675, Azores-N-
Origin: Europe 1721, Iceland-N-1552, United States of
Weed of: Cereals America-E-1736, Serbia-W-1766, Russia-
References: Turkey-A-2101. W-1671, Colombia-N-1796, Finland-A-
1815, Poland-A-1825, Australia-N-1902,

Serbia-R-1848, Canada-G-1855, Colombia- Alopecurus spp. L. Aloysia citrodora Palau
N-1856, South Korea-A-1860, Iceland-N- Poaceae Verbenaceae
1906, Poland-A-1033, Nepal-A-1932, Total N° of Refs: 6 Accepted name: Aloysia citriodora Palau
Australia-WD-1934, Serbia-R-1946, Habit: Grass Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aloysia citriodora
Germany-R-1948, Australia-N-1959, Dispersed by: Humans, Cattle, Livestock, Palau, Aloysia triphylla (L'Hérit.) Britton
Poland-A-1961, -I-, -I-, Kosovo-R-2003, Sheep Total N° of Refs: 27
Poland-A-2005, South Korea-N-2029, New Weed of: Cereals Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Zealand-N-2048, -A-2058, Poland-A-2059, References: Global-A-243, Nepal-A-591, References: Europe-W-1325, Cuba-N-
Poland-A-2060, Australia-W-1977, Ethiopia-ZD-1437, United States of 1505, Italy-U-1887, Cuba-N-2055, Chile-
Bhutan-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Chile- America-AZD-1626, Polar Regions-ZD- W-1977, Croatia-W-1977, Cuba-W-1977,
W-1977, Democratic Repubic of Korea-W- 1587, Central and northern Japan and Democratic Republic of the Congo-W-
1977, Iceland-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, northern islands-N-1983. 1977, France-W-1977, Greece-W-1977,
New Zealand-W-1977, Republic of Korea- Italy-W-1977, Rwanda-W-1977, South
W-1977, Sweden-W-1977, Taiwan-W- Alopecurus utriculatus Banks & Sol. Africa-W-1977, Global--1324.
1977, South Korea-N-2113, North Korea- Poaceae
N-2114, Global--1324. Total N° of Refs: 14 Aloysia gratissima (Gillies & Hook.)
Habit: Grass Tronc.
Alopecurus pratensis L. subsp. pratensis Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Verbenaceae
Poaceae Origin: E Asia, Europe Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aloysia lycioides
Total N° of Refs: 3 Major Pathway/s: Herbal Cham. (3)
Habit: Grass Weed of: Pastures Total N° of Refs: 8
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: Finland-U-42, Europe, eastern- Toxic - Habit: Shrub
Dispersed by: Humans W-272, United Kingdom-U-317, Hungary- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
References: Norway-N-1243, Colombia-N- U-809, France-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
1796, Australia-N-1845. Iberian Peninsular-N-1147, Global-A-1207, Ornamental
Serbia-W-1238, Hungary-U-1255, Global- Dispersed by: Humans
Alopecurus rendlei Eig W-1324, Serbia-A-1372, Montenegro-W- References: United States of America-W-
Poaceae 1861, France-W-1977. 161, United States of America-A-1160,
Total N° of Refs: 17 Brazil-R-2053, Argentina-W-1977, South
Global Risk Score: 5.12 Alophia amoena Kuntze Africa-W-1977.
Rating: Low Iridaceae
Aqua - Habit: Grass Accepted name: Herbertia lahue subsp. Aloysia looseri Mold.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean amoena (Molina) Goldblatt Verbenaceae
Origin: Africa, Europe, W Asia Total N° of Refs: 12 Total N° of Refs: 1
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, References: Japan-N-794, Japan-N-1278. References: Chile-N-241.
Ornamental, Pasture
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Water Aloysia citriodora Palau Aloysia lycioides Cham.
References: Global-W-85, Global-AW-91, Verbenaceae Verbenaceae
United States of America-N-101, United Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aloysia citrodora Accepted name: Aloysia gratissima var.
Kingdom-UG-317, Switzerland-N-653, Palau (14), Aloysia triphylla (L'H rit.) gratissima (Gill. & Hook.) Tronc.
Austria-U-708, Denmark-U-711, Britton (8), Lippia citriodora (Lam.) Kunth Total N° of Refs: 8
Switzerland-UD-818, Europe-N-819, (1) ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Global-W-1324, Global-W-1349, Austria- Total N° of Refs: 36 Major Pathway/s: Herbal
W-1609, Denmark-W-1609, Switzerland- Global Risk Score: 4.8 References: United States of America-W-
U-1990, Austria-W-1977, Denmark-W- Rating: Low 218, Global-W-1349, United States of
1977, Switzerland-W-1977. Habit: Shrub America-A-87.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Alopecurus setarioides Gren. Tropical Aloysia triphylla (L'Hérit.) Britton
Poaceae Origin: S Am Verbenaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Accepted name: Aloysia citriodora Palau
Habit: Grass Ornamental Synonym/s (n° of refs): Lippia triphylla
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee (L'H rit.) Kuntze (7)
Origin: Europe, W Asia References: United States of America-CE- Total N° of Refs: 28
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant 617, Spain-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Italy- Global Risk Score: 2.4
Dispersed by: Humans U-251, Global-W-1324, Australia-N-1450, Rating: Low
References: United Kingdom-UZ-317. Brazil-N-1597, Global-CD-1611, Sardinia- Habit: Herb
U-1393, Sardinia-AU-1824, Sardinia-U- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
1917, Spain-N-2027, India-W-1977. Subtropical, Tropical
Origin: N Am, S Am
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
References: Puerto Rico-UW-261, Africa-
W-760, Global-N-108, United States of
America-N-101, Chile-N-241, Gal pagos
Islands-CN-1157, Global-CD-1611, Chile-

Aloysia virgata (Ruiz & Pav.) Juss. Alpinia conchigera Griff. Alpinia nutans (L.) Roscoe
Verbenaceae Zingiberaceae Zingiberaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aloysia virgata Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 2
(Ruiz & Pav.) Juss. var. platyphylla (Briq.) Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Habit: perennial Herb
Moldenke (1) Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 2 Dispersed by: Humans Origin: SE Asia
Habit: Tree References: south and southeast Asia-A- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical 1320. Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: Mozambique-nC-943, India-
Dispersed by: Humans Alpinia galanga (L.) Sw. W-1977.
References: Cuba-N-2024. Zingiberaceae
Total N° of Refs: 9 Alpinia officinarum Hance
Aloysia virgata (Ruiz & Pav.) Juss. var. Habit: perennial Herb Zingiberaceae
platyphylla (Briq.) Moldenke Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 1
Verbenaceae Origin: E Asia Habit: Tree
Accepted name: Aloysia virgata (Ruiz & Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Pav.) Juss. Ornamental Origin: E Asia
Total N° of Refs: 2 Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical References: Taiwan-N-777, Singapore-U- Ornamental
References: Paraguay-A-2070. 1290, Taiwan-N-1403, Taiwan-W-1748, Dispersed by: Humans
Sri Lanka-N-1796, Singapore-U-1839, References: China-N-1215.
Alphitonia excelsa (Fenzl) Reissek ex Malaysia-W-1977, Singapore-W-1977,
Benth. Taiwan-W-1977. Alpinia purpurata (Vieill.) K. Schum.
Rhamnaceae Zingiberaceae
Total N° of Refs: 4 Alpinia malaccensis (Burm. f.) Roscoe Total N° of Refs: 53
Toxic - Habit: Tree Zingiberaceae Global Risk Score: 4.8
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 1 Rating: Low
Origin: Aust Habit: perennial Herb Habit: perennial Herb
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Dispersed by: Humans Ornamental Ornamental
References: United States of America-N- Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
1114, United States of America-N-2092, References: Sri Lanka-N-1796. References: Federated States of
India-W-1977, Papua New Guinea-W- Micronesia-N-230, Puerto Rico-CW-261,
1977. Alpinia mutica Roxb. United States of America-CE-617, Costa
Zingiberaceae Rica-I-975, United States of America-N-
Alpinia allughas (Retz.) Roscoe Total N° of Refs: 6 101, Pacific-E-621, United States of
Zingiberaceae Global Risk Score: 0.48 America-N-301, United States of America-
Accepted name: Alpinia nigra (Gaertn.) Rating: Low E-151, United States of America-N-839,
B.L.Burtt Habit: perennial Herb Costa Rica-CN-872, Ecuador-N-875, Gal
Total N° of Refs: 7 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, pagos Islands-CN-1157, United States of
Habit: Herb Tropical America-N-1292, La Reunion-W-1321,
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Cuba-NI-1505, Global-CD-1611, United
Major Pathway/s: Crop Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee States of America-E-1736, Eastern
References: Jamaica-E-226, Jamaica-W- References: United States of America-CE- Caribbean-N-1742, Colombia-N-1796,
473, Caribbean-N-707, Jamaica-I-879, 617, United States of America-N-101, Ecuador-N-1796, Puerto Rico and the
Jamaica-I-986, Caribbean-NI-1201. United States of America-N-301, United Virgin Islands-C-1821, United States of
States of America-N-839, United States of America-N-742, -I-, Cuba-I-2055, Antigua
Alpinia calcarata Roscoe America-N-1292, Global-CD-1611. and Barbuda-W-1977, Barbados-W-1977,
Zingiberaceae Colombia-W-1977, Cook Islands-W-1977,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Alpinia nigra (Gaertn.) B.L.Burtt Costa Rica-W-1977, Cuba-W-1977,
Habit: Herb Zingiberaceae Dominica-W-1977, Dominican Republic-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Alpinia allughas W-1977, Ecuador-W-1977, Fiji-W-1977,
Tropical (Retz.) Roscoe (6) Grenada-W-1977, Haiti-W-1977,
Origin: C Asia, E Asia Total N° of Refs: 7 Honduras-W-1977, India-W-1977,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Marshall Islands-W-1977, Micronesia
Ornamental Origin: C Asia, E Asia (Federated States of)-W-1977, Nauru-W-
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, 1977, Nicaragua-W-1977, Niue-W-1977,
References: Sri Lanka-N-1796. Ornamental Palau-W-1977, Panama-W-1977, Papua
Dispersed by: Humans New Guinea-W-1977, Peru-W-1977, Saint
Alpinia carolinensis Koidz. References: Jamaica-W-1977. Kitts and Nevis-W-1977, Saint Vicent and
Zingiberaceae the Grenadines-W-1977, Samoa-W-1977,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Solomon Islands-W-1977, Thailand-W-
Habit: Shrub 1977, Tonga-W-1977, Global--1324.
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
References: Federated States of

Alpinia sanderae Hort. Sander ex Mast. Alpinia zerumbet (Pers.) B.L.Burtt & Alsophila latebrosa Wall. ex Presl
Zingiberaceae R.M.Sm. Cyatheaceae
Accepted name: Alpinia vittata W.Bull Zingiberaceae Accepted name: Cyathea latebrosa (Wall.
Total N° of Refs: 3 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Alpinia speciosa ex Hook.) Copel.
Habit: perennial Herb (J.C.Wendl.) K.Schum. (7) Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Total N° of Refs: 57 References: Indonesia-A-87.
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Global Risk Score: 7.2
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Rating: Medium Alstonia constricta F. Müell.
References: Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157, Habit: perennial Herb Apocynaceae
Global-CD-1611. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Total N° of Refs: 2
Subtropical, Tropical Global Risk Score: 0.72
Alpinia speciosa (J.C.Wendl.) K.Schum. Origin: E Asia, SE Asia Rating: Low
Zingiberaceae Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Toxic - Habit: Tree
Accepted name: Alpinia zerumbet (Pers.) Ornamental Origin: Aust
Burtt & R.M.Sm. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 57 References: Puerto Rico-CW-261, Dispersed by: Humans
Global Risk Score: 1.44 Australia-CN-368, South Africa-E-283, References: Global-A-1207, Australia-A-
Rating: Low United States of America-N-101, Canary 87.
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Islands-N-637, South Africa-NI-759,
Origin: E Asia United States of America-N-839, Costa Alstonia macrophylla Wall. ex G. Don
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Rica-CN-872, Mozambique-nC-943, Apocynaceae
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Australia-N-354, Portugal-N-1006, Total N° of Refs: 29
References: Japan-N-794, Japan-N-1278, Portugal-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Japan-A- Global Risk Score: 12.96
United States of America-C-1329, Global- 1106, Africa-W-1127, Gal pagos Islands- Rating: Medium
CD-1611, Brazil-N-1071, El Salvador-N- CN-1157, United States of America-Q- Habit: Tree
1849, Chile-I-1872. 1197, South Africa-N-1247, United States Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
of America-N-1292, La Reunion-W-1321, Origin: E Asia, SE Asia
Alpinia vittata W.Bull French Guiana-N-1346, South Africa-N- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal,
Zingiberaceae 1002, Cuba-NI-1505, French Polynesia-N- Ornamental
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Alpinia sanderae 1514, South Africa-E-1646, Global-CD- Dispersed by: Humans, Wind, Escapee
Hort. Sander ex Mast. (2) 1611, Azores-N-1721, Brazil-N-1746, References: United States of America-N-
Total N° of Refs: 3 Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands-C-1821, 419, United States of America-CE-617,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Sao Tome and Principe-N-1805, -I-, South United States of America-E-80, Global-N-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Africa-N-1991, South Africa-NR-2017, 85, United States of America-N-101,
Dispersed by: Humans Cuba-I-2055, United States of America-N- United States of America-W-112, United
References: India-W-1977. 2092, Algeria-W-1977, Anguilla-W-1977, States of America-EW-179, Pacific-E-621,
Australia-W-1977, Brazil-W-1977, United States of America-N-301, Global-
Colombia-W-1977, Cuba-W-1977, NI-714, United States of America-N-839,
Ecuador-W-1977, Fiji-W-1977, Honduras- United States of America-N-1114, western
W-1977, Marshall Islands-W-1977, Indian Ocean-I-1144, United States of
Micronesia (Federated States of)-W-1977, America-Q-1197, Singapore-N-1290,
Nicaragua-W-1977, Palau-W-1977, South United States of America-N-1292, Global-
Africa-W-1977, Spain-W-1977, Global-- W-1376, Global-I-1404, New Caledonia-I-
1324. 1507, Global-CD-1611, United States of
America-E-1736, Singapore-N-1839,
Alpinia zerumbet (Pers.) B.L.Burtt & Seychelles-NID-1925, -I-, United States of
R.M.Sm. 'Variegata' America-N-2092, India-W-1977, Papua
Zingiberaceae New Guinea-W-1977, Seychelles-W-1977,
Total N° of Refs: 2 Singapore-W-1977, Sri Lanka-W-1977.
Aqua - Habit:
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Alstonia neriifolia D. Don
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Apocynaceae
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 1
References: South Africa-N-1247, South References: India-W-1977.

Alsophila australis R.Br.

Accepted name: Cyathea australis (R. Br.)
Total N° of Refs: 6
Global Risk Score: 0.24
Rating: Low
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Chile-I-1872, Algeria-W-1977,

Alstonia scholaris (L.) R.Br. Alstroemeria aurea Graham Alstroemeria psittacina Lehm.
Apocynaceae Liliaceae Liliaceae
Total N° of Refs: 7 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Alstroemeria Total N° of Refs: 10
Toxic - Habit: Tree aurantiaca D.Don (2) Global Risk Score: 1.44
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Total N° of Refs: 37 Rating: Low
Origin: E Asia Global Risk Score: 2.4 Habit: perennial Herb
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Ornamental Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Origin: S Am
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
References: Global-N-85, United States of Origin: S Am Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
America-C-1329, Taiwan-N-1403, Global- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, References: Global-N-85, Australia-CW-
CD-1611, Taiwan-W-1748, Micronesia Ornamental 269, United States of America-N-101,
(Federated States of)-W-1977, Taiwan-W- Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Australia-W-853, Australia-N-354,
1977. References: Australia-E-20, Australia-E- Australia-N-1049, Australia-E-1259,
289, Australia-E-72, Global-N-85, New Australia-E-1456, Global-CD-1611,
Alstonia spp. R.Br. Zealand-N-280, Australia-E-296, Australia- Australia-N-1902.
Apocynaceae N-198, Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945,
Total N° of Refs: 1 United Kingdom-CN-314, Australia-E-327, Alstroemeria pulchella L.f.
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical United Kingdom-N-519, New Zealand-N- Liliaceae
Dispersed by: Humans, Vehicles 534, Global-E-649, Australia-EN-310, Total N° of Refs: 27
References: Australia-ZD-1439. United Kingdom-CN-812, Australia-W- Global Risk Score: 2.88
853, Australia-W-869, New Zealand-N- Rating: Low
Alstonia venenata R.Br. 919, Australia-N-354, United Kingdom-N- Habit: Herb
Apocynaceae 1006, Australia-N-1049, Europe-N-819, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Total N° of Refs: 1 United Kingdom-W-1175, Australia-E- Subtropical, Tropical
ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Tropical 1259, Australia-E-1262, Global-W-1324, Origin: S Am
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Australia-E-1456, Global-CD-1611, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Australia-UN-1845, Australia-N-1959, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
References: Rwanda-W-1977. New Zealand-N-2048, Australia-W-1977, References: United States of America-N-
India-W-1977, United Kingdom-W-1977. 101, New Zealand-N-280, Australia-N-134,
Alstroemeria aurantiaca D.Don United States of America-W-179,
Liliaceae Alstroemeria haemantha Ruiz & Pav. Australia-N-198, Australia-C-401,
Accepted name: Alstroemeria aurea Liliaceae Australia-N-945, United States of America-
Graham Accepted name: Alstroemeria ligtu L. I-486, New Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-
Total N° of Refs: 37 Total N° of Refs: 3 N-15, Canary Islands-N-637, Australia-EN-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Habit: perennial Herb 310, Australia-N-7, Australia-W-869, New
Origin: S Am Origin: S Am Zealand-N-919, Portugal-N-1006, Portugal-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, N-1006, Australia-N-1049, Europe-N-819,
Dispersed by: Humans Ornamental New Zealand-E-505, Global-W-1324,
References: New Zealand-N-534, Dispersed by: Humans Global-CD-1611, New Zealand-N-2048,
Australia-N-855. References: United States of America-N- Australia-W-1977, New Zealand-W-1977,
101. Portugal-W-1977, Spain-W-1977.
Alstroemeria aurantiaca D.Don
'Majestica' Alstroemeria ligtu L. Alternanthera achyrantha (L.) R.Br.
Liliaceae Liliaceae Amaranthaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Alstroemeria Accepted name: Alternanthera pungens
Habit: Herb haemantha Ruiz & Pav. (1) Kunth.
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 171
References: New Zealand-N-15. Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb References: Brazil-A-923, Brazil-A-87.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Origin: N Am, S Am Alternanthera amabilis Lam.
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Amaranthaceae
Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 2
Dispersed by: Humans References: Brazil-A-923, Brazil-A-87.
References: Global-G-660, Algeria-W-
1977. Alternanthera amoena (Lem.) Voss
Alstroemeria pelegrina L. Accepted name: Alternanthera bettzickiana
Liliaceae (Regel) G.Nicholson
Total N° of Refs: 4 Total N° of Refs: 24
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Global Risk Score: 0.24
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland Rating: Low
Origin: S Am Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Origin: S Am
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
References: South Africa-U-1247, South Dispersed by: Humans
Africa-N-1002, South Africa-N-1991, References: south and southeast Asia-A-
South Africa-W-1977. 1320.

Alternanthera angustifolia R.Br. Alternanthera brasiliana (L.) Kuntze Alternanthera caracasana Kunth
Amaranthaceae Amaranthaceae Amaranthaceae
Total N° of Refs: 6 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Alternanthera Synonym/s (n° of refs): Alternanthera
Major Pathway/s: Pasture dentata (Moench) Stuchlik ex R.E.Fries (3) peploides (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Schult.)
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Total N° of Refs: 36 Urb. (2)
Livestock, Sheep Global Risk Score: 4.32 Total N° of Refs: 41
References: Australia-N-945, Australia-W- Rating: Low Global Risk Score: 2.88
869, Europe-N-819, Belgium-UD-1220, Habit: Herb Rating: Low
Global-W-1324, Belgium-W-1977. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb
Origin: S Am Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Alternanthera bettzichiana (Regel) Voss Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
Amaranthaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Origin: C Am, N Am, S Am
Accepted name: Alternanthera bettzickiana Weed of: Pastures Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
(Regel) Voss References: Puerto Rico-CW-261, Brazil- Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 27 W-255, Brazil-W-361, Brazil-W-407, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Habit: Herb France-N-518, Costa Rica-I-975, United Livestock, Sheep, Escapee
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental States of America-N-101, United States of References: Puerto Rico-W-261, United
Dispersed by: Humans America-W-179, Central America-W-157, States of America-CW-34, Global-NW-85,
References: United States of America-N- Pacific-E-621, United States of America-N- United Kingdom-UZD-314, Spain-N-405,
101, Mozambique-nC-943, Brazil-N-1597, 301, United States of America-N-839, Mediterranean-I-775, United States of
Malaysia-W-1977. Australia-N-354, United States of America- America-N-301, Spain-W-807, France-W-
N-1292, La Reunion-N-1321, Nigeria-A- 764, United States of America-N-839,
Alternanthera bettzickiana (Regel) G. 1371, Australia-E-1456, French Polynesia- United States of America-U-904, India-U-
Nicholson N-1514, Global-CD-1611, India-W-1672, 914, United States of America-W-946,
Amaranthaceae Colombia-N-1856, India-I-1904, Benin-W- Mediterranean-W-951, Portugal-N-1006,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Alternanthera 2007, Brazil-A-1847, Anguilla-W-1977, France-N-1006, Portugal-N-1006, Spain-N-
amoena (Lem.) Voss (1), Alternanthera Australia-W-1977, Cook Islands-W-1977, 1006, Europe-N-819, United States of
bettzichiana (Regel) Voss (4), Costa Rica-W-1977, India-W-1977, America-N-101, Belgium-UD-1220,
Alternanthera tenella Colla var. Marshall Islands-W-1977, Micronesia Mexico-W-1226, Botswana-N-1284,
bettzickiana (Regel) Veldk. (1) (Federated States of)-W-1977, Niue-W- United States of America-N-1292, Global-
Total N° of Refs: 29 1977, Palau-W-1977. W-1324, Zimbabwe-N-1365, Spain-N-
Global Risk Score: 2.88 1454, Mexico-N-1500, Global-CD-1611,
Rating: Low Alternanthera brasiliana (L.) Kuntze Azores-N-1721, Europe-UN-1740, Croatia-
Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb var. villosa (Moquin) Kuntze N-1747, Mexico-R-1935, Belgium-W-
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Amaranthaceae 1977, Croatia-W-1977, India-W-1977,
Origin: S Am Total N° of Refs: 2 South Africa-W-1977, Spain-W-1977,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental References: Australia-N-354, Australia-N- Zimbabwe-W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee 1491.
References: Vietnam-W-262, Puerto Rico- Alternanthera dentata (Moench)
CW-261, Australia-N-368, Taiwan-N-777, Alternanthera brasiliensis Voss Stuchlik ex R.E.Fries
Australia-W-54, Australia-N-945, Belize- Amaranthaceae Amaranthaceae
N-850, Ecuador-N-875, Global-W-1059, Total N° of Refs: 2 Accepted name: Alternanthera brasiliana
China-N-1215, Singapore-N-1290, India- References: Nigeria-I-1550, -I-, Nigeria-W- (L.) Kuntze
UN-1345, Taiwan-N-1403, Taiwan-AN- 1977. Total N° of Refs: 36
1413, Australia, northern-W-1204, Global- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
CD-1611, India-W-1672, Taiwan-W-1748, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Singapore-N-1839, Chile-I-1872, India-I- Dispersed by: Humans
1904, India-W-1977, Global--1324. References: southeast Asia-W-191,
Australia-N-368, Australia-N-868.

Alternanthera dentata (Moench) 'Rubra'

Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
References: Australia-W-93.

Alternanthera denticulata R.Br. Alternanthera ficoidea R.Br. ex Roem. & Alternanthera mexicana (Schltdl.)
Amaranthaceae Schult. var. bettzickiana Backer Hieron.
Total N° of Refs: 12 Amaranthaceae Amaranthaceae
Global Risk Score: 10.56 Total N° of Refs: 8 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Alternanthera
Rating: Medium References: Japan-N-287, Brazil-A-87, lanceolata (Benth.) Schinz (2),
Habit: perennial Herb Philippines-A-87, Trinidad-A-87, Antilles Alternanthera lehmannii Hieron. (2)
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Tropical Lesser-A-87, Dominican Republic-A-87, Total N° of Refs: 4
Origin: Aust Jamaica-A-87, Suriname-A-87. Habit: Herb
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Ornamental, Pasture Alternanthera flavescens Kunth
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Amaranthaceae Alternanthera micrantha R.E.Fr.
Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles Total N° of Refs: 2 Amaranthaceae
Weed of: Pastures Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Total N° of Refs: 2
References: Australia-W-269, Australia-W- References: United States of America-W- References: Brazil-R-1945, Brazil-R-1958.
869, Europe-N-819, Belgium-UD-1220, 161, North America-G-249.
South Africa-I-1247, Global-W-1324, Alternanthera nana R.Br.
South Africa-N-1002, Global-ZD-1495, Alternanthera frutescens R.Br. ex Amaranthaceae
Australia-A-87, New Zealand-A-87, New Spreng. Total N° of Refs: 5
Zealand-A-1624, Belgium-W-1977. Amaranthaceae Global Risk Score: 3.84
Total N° of Refs: 1 Rating: Low
Alternanthera echinata Sm. References: Thailand-A-87. Habit: annual Herb
Amaranthaceae Origin: Aust
Accepted name: Alternanthera pungens Alternanthera halimifolia Standl. ex Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Kunth Pittier Ornamental, Pasture
Total N° of Refs: 170 Amaranthaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Cattle, Livestock,
Major Pathway/s: Crop Accepted name: Alternanthera ficoidea var. Vehicles
References: India-A-87. halimifolia Kuntze References: Australia-W-269, Australia-W-
Total N° of Refs: 40 869, Global-ZD-1495, Australia-ZD-1509,
Alternanthera ficoidea (L.) Roemer & Habit: Shrub Australia-A-87.
Schultes Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Tropical
Amaranthaceae References: Cuba-NI-1505, Peru-A-87, -I-, Alternanthera nodiflora R.Br.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Alternanthera Cuba-NRI-2054, Cuba-W-2055, Cuba-W- Amaranthaceae
halimifolia Standl. ex Pittier (6), 1977, Global--1324. Total N° of Refs: 37
Alternanthera tenella Colla (26) Global Risk Score: 14.08
Total N° of Refs: 66 Alternanthera kurtzii Schinz ex Rating: Medium
Global Risk Score: 2.16 Pedersen Aqua - Habit: annual Herb
Rating: Low Amaranthaceae Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Habit: annual Herb Total N° of Refs: 1 Origin: Aust, S Am
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Aqua - Habit: Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Subtropical, Tropical Dispersed by: Water Ornamental, Pasture
Origin: C Am, S Am References: Argentina-AD-1198. Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles, Water
Dispersed by: Humans Alternanthera lanceolata (Benth.) Schinz References: Taiwan-G-273, Taiwan-A-274,
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Amaranthaceae Taiwan-W-235, Australia-W-269, Global-
References: Brazil-A-245, Bangladesh-E- Accepted name: Alternanthera mexicana NW-85, Japan-W-286, United Kingdom-
216, Australia-N-368, India-NW-424, (Schltdl.) Hieron. UZD-314, Japan-N-367, Europe-NID-482,
Indonesia-A-188, Global-N-85, Australia- Total N° of Refs: 2 Japan-N-794, Australia-W-869, Africa-N-
N-945, United Kingdom-U-314, Japan-N- Preferred Climate/s: Tropical 926, Mozambique-nC-943, Europe-N-819,
794, Trinidad-A-928, India-N-976, References: Gal pagos Islands-EW-257, Global-A-1207, Belgium-UD-1220, Japan-
Australia-N-354, Australia-W-1068, United Ecuador-W-1977. N-1278, Namibia-I-1283, Botswana-N-
States of America-N-101, South Africa-I- 1284, south and southeast Asia-A-1320,
1247, Japan-N-1278, south and southeast Alternanthera lehmannii Hieron. Global-W-1324, Africa-A-1332, Africa-A-
Asia-A-1320, India-I-1345, Brazil-A-1396, Amaranthaceae 1333, Zimbabwe-N-1365, Global-ZD-
Brazil-R-1400, South Africa-N-1002, south Accepted name: Alternanthera mexicana 1495, Chad-N-1503, Japan-N-1602,
and southeast Asia-A-1408, India-W-1829, (Schltdl.) Hieron. Taiwan-A-87, Australia-A-87, Nigeria-A-
South Africa-N-1991, Paraguay-A-2070, Total N° of Refs: 2 87, Taiwan-W-1748, -I-, Tanzania-A-2076,
Australia-W-1977, Bangladesh-W-1977, ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Tropical Belgium-W-1977, Chad-W-1977, Japan-
Belgium-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, India-W- References: Gal pagos Islands-N-257, W-1977, South Africa-W-1977,
1977, Japan-W-1977, Singapore-W-1977, Ecuador-W-1977. Zimbabwe-W-1977.
South Africa-W-1977, Taiwan-W-1977.
Alternanthera littoralis P.Beauv. Alternanthera obovata (M. Martens &
Amaranthaceae Galeotti) Millsp.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Amaranthaceae
References: Madagascar-N-1001, Total N° of Refs: 2
Madagascar-N-1000. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
References: Mexico-W-890, Mexico-W-

Alternanthera paronichyoides St.-Hil. Alternanthera paronychioides A. St.-Hil. Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.)
Amaranthaceae subsp. chacoensis (Morong ex Morong & Griseb.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Alternanthera Britton) Pedersen Amaranthaceae
polygonoides (L.) R.Br. (5) Amaranthaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Alternanthera
Total N° of Refs: 13 Total N° of Refs: 41 philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb. fo.
Habit: perennial Herb References: Paraguay-A-2070. philoxeroides (1)
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 262
Origin: C Am Alternanthera peploides (Humb. & Global Risk Score: 44.8
References: Puerto Rico-W-261, Bonpl. ex Schult.) Urb. Rating: Extreme
Argentina-W-237, Global-A-243, United Amaranthaceae Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb
States of America-N-101, United States of Accepted name: Alternanthera caracasana Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
America-W-161, United States of America- Total N° of Refs: 41 Subtropical, Tropical
W-179, North America-G-249, Vietnam-E- Origin: C Am, S Am Origin: Africa, C Am, E Asia, S Am
1386. References: Global-W-1349, France-N- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
2091. Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture
Alternanthera paronichyoides St.-Hil. Dispersed by: Humans, Cattle, Livestock,
var. amazonica Huber Water, Escapee
Amaranthaceae Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Pastures, Vegetables
References: United States of America-N- References: Australia-E-289, Taiwan-G-
101. 273, Global-EID-152, Australia-XW-93,
Taiwan-A-274, Vietnam-W-262, Puerto
Alternanthera paronychioides St. Hill Rico-N-261, Sri Lanka-AED-268, Brazil-
Amaranthaceae W-255, Thailand-AED-239, Australia-X-
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Alternanthera 147, Puerto Rico-X-258, southeast Asia-W-
paronychioides A. St.-Hil. subsp. 191, New Zealand-EW-225, Thailand-A-
chacoensis (Morong ex Morong & Britton) 209, Brazil-W-361, Brazil-W-407,
Pedersen (1) Australia-N-368, United States of America-
Total N° of Refs: 41 E-411, Australia-ENID-479, Indonesia-A-
Global Risk Score: 7.2 188, Taiwan-N-777, Thailand-W-821,
Rating: Medium Thailand-W-822, Australia-X-169, Pacific-
Habit: perennial Herb W-3, United States of America-E-17,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Global-W-23, Argentina-W-237, United
Origin: S Am States of America-X-26, Australia-EWD-
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, 269, Australia-X-232, United States of
Herbal, Ornamental America-X-35, New Zealand-E-246,
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, United States of America-ED-80, Global-
Livestock, Sheep NXZW-85, Global-EWD-217, United
Weed of: Cereals States of America-N-101, China-W-106,
References: India-NW-424, Taiwan-N-777, New Zealand-N-280, United States of
South America-W-295, United Kingdom- America-XW-112, South America-W-295,
U-314, China-NI-722, Pakistan-W-836, South America-A-270, Japan-AED-263,
India-I-1047, Europe-N-819, United States Australia-E-296, Australia-CW-334,
of America-N-101, India-N-1148, China- Australia-E-155, United States of America-
N-1215, Belgium-UD-1220, India-I-1279, W-161, New Zealand-EW-181, New
India-I-1280, south and southeast Asia-A- Zealand-W-165, United States of America-
1320, Global-W-1324, China-N-1344, E-102, Australia-AE-177, United States of
India-I-1345, India-NI-1389, Taiwan-N- America-EW-179, Japan-N-287, United
1403, China-I-1496, India-N-1628, India- States of America-EWD-197, Australia-N-
N-1631, India-N-1632, India-W-1672, 198, Australia-ED-200, Argentina-A-236,
Taiwan-W-1748, India-I-1764, China-I- New Zealand-ED-208, United States of
1769, China-A-1669, India-N-1790, India- America-W-218, China-W-297, China-A-
W-1829, India-I-1875, Nepal-A-1930, 275, Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945,
Vietnam-A-1982, India-I-2022, Belgium- Australia-X-171, Japan-N-367, New
W-1977, India-W-1977, Nepal-W-1977, Zealand-NW-425, Europe-NID-482, New
Taiwan-W-1977, Viet Nam-W-1977. Zealand-E-494, New Zealand-X-495,
China-W-431, South Africa-QID-113, New
Alternanthera paronychioides A. St.-Hil. Zealand-N-15, United States of America-
var. amazonica Huber A-543, China-A-571, Pacific-E-621, United
Amaranthaceae States of America-ID-628, Europe-N-638,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Global-ED-649, Australia-ENX-310,
References: United States of America-N- United States of America-EXD-661, China-
101. ANI-722, United States of America-N-86,
China-I-780, North America-E-784, United
States of America-E-151, Global-W-788,
North America-X-790, Japan-N-794,
Australia-I-799, France-W-764, -D-,
Australia-W-853, Australia-N-856,
Australia-W-869, United States of

America-X-229, Paraguay-NI-876, China- Lao People's Democratic Republic-W- Alternanthera pungens Kunth
I-882, Bangladesh-I-887, Nepal-I-888, 1977, Malaysia-W-1977, Maldives-W- Amaranthaceae
Argentina-A-913, Mexico-A-915, New 1977, Mexico-W-1977, Myanmar-W-1977, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Alternanthera
Zealand-N-919, Uruguay-A-924, United Nepal-W-1977, New Zealand-W-1977, achyrantha (L.) R.Br. (2), Alternanthera
States of America-W-946, New Zealand- Papua New Guinea-W-1977, Singapore-W- echinata Sm. (1), Alternanthera repens (L.)
W-964, India-N-976, Australia-N-354, 1977, Spain-W-1977, Sri Lanka-W-1977, Link, nom. illeg. (14)
France-N-1006, Italy-N-1006, Thailand-W- Taiwan-W-1977, Thailand-W-1977, Viet Total N° of Refs: 186
1045, India-I-1047, Australia-ND-1049, Nam-W-1977. Global Risk Score: 24
China-I-1055, Australia-I-1088, Europe-N- Rating: High
819, Global-W-148, New Zealand-E-328, Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Toxic, Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb
New Zealand-E-505, United States of Griseb. fo. philoxeroides Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
America-W-1104, Mediterranean-I-1110, Amaranthaceae Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
Australia-Q-1134, India-N-1148, Accepted name: Alternanthera Origin: C Am, N Am, S Am
Argentina-AD-1198, Uruguay-A-1199, philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Global-Q-1208, Australia-W-1210, China- Total N° of Refs: 262 Herbal, Ornamental
N-1215, Asia-A-1231, Global-A-1233, References: Paraguay-A-2070. Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
France-E-1239, Burma-Myanmar-A-1254, Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles, Water, Escapee
Italy-N-251, Australia-E-1258, China-N- Alternanthera polygonoides (L.) R.Br. Weed of: Bananas, Cereals, Cotton,
92, Caribbean-NI-1201, China-I-1277, Amaranthaceae Orchards & Plantations, Pastures
Japan-N-1278, India-I-1279, India-I-1280, Accepted name: Alternanthera References: India-A-66, Australia-XW-93,
China-NZI-1212, Singapore-N-1290, paronichyoides var. paronichyoides Papua New Guinea-W-276, Brazil-W-255,
Europe-ND-1298, Nepal-A-1306, Total N° of Refs: 13 South Africa-AZR-121, Australia-X-147,
Australia-X-1319, Australia-W-1318, south Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Australia-W-205, Brazil-W-361, Brazil-W-
and southeast Asia-A-1320, Global-W- Major Pathway/s: Herbal 407, India-NW-424, Australia-EN-7,
1324, Australia-A-1331, China-N-1344, References: Cuba-A-14, Brazil-A-923, Argentina-W-237, Australia-W-269, South
India-I-1345, Chile-N-1348, Global-W- Venezuela-A-932, Brazil-A-87, Venezuela- Africa-W-51, Global-NZW-85, Global-A-
1349, China-N-1374, India-NI-1389, A-87. 243, China-W-106, New Zealand-UW-280,
Malaysia-A-1398, Taiwan-N-1403, India- South America-W-295, South Africa-W-
WD-1406, south and southeast Asia-A- Alternanthera pugens H.B.K. 382, South Africa-ZW-158, United States
1408, Taiwan-AEN-1413, Argentina-ZD- Amaranthaceae of America-W-161, Ethiopia-A-240,
1415, Australia-I-1442, Global-E-1449, Total N° of Refs: 5 Australia-N-198, North America-G-249,
Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands-W-1452, References: Argentina-A-87, Australia-A- United States of America-W-212, China-
Australia-E-1456, China-I-1485, Japan- 87, India-A-87, Kenya-A-87, South Africa- W-297, Australia-N-945, Australia-X-171,
ND-1488, China-I-1496, New Caledonia-I- A-87. United Kingdom-UZD-314, Australia-E-
1507, Uruguay-A-1518, New Zealand-X- 327, United States of America-W-486,
1542, China-N-1606, India-N-1628, India- Australia-Z-611, Spain-N-405, Pacific-W-
N-1631, Argentina-A-87, United States of 621, Africa-AC-622, Europe-N-638,
America-A-87, New Zealand-A-87, Global-E-649, China-NI-722,
Taiwan-A-87, Indonesia-A-87, India-A-87, Mediterranean-I-775, China-I-780, United
Brazil-A-87, Colombia-A-87, Belize-A-87, States of America-N-301, Swaziland-N-
Mexico-A-87, Suriname-A-87, Thailand- 825, United States of America-N-839,
A-87, Uruguay-A-87, Brazil-A-1560, Pakistan-W-836, Australia-W-853,
Uruguay-A-1562, Uruguay-A-1567, Australia-NX-855, Australia-N-856,
Global-Q-1572, Global-CD-1611, New Australia-N-868, Australia-W-869,
Zealand-A-1624, India-W-1672, Australia- Paraguay-NI-876, Australia-E-880, China-
X-1693, China-I-1694, India-A-1696, I-882, Africa-I-886, Argentina-A-913, New
China-I-1711, Malaysia-Q-1714, United Zealand-U-919, Africa-N-926,
States of America-E-1736, Europe-UN- Mozambique-nC-943, Mediterranean-W-
1740, Taiwan-W-1748, Bangladesh-A- 951, South Africa-N-956, India-N-976,
1761, India-I-1764, China-I-1769, China- Africa-A-980, Australia-N-354, Spain-N-
A-1615, Vietnam--1749, Nepal-N-1784, 1006, India-I-1047, Australia-N-1049,
India-N-1789, India-N-1790, Puerto Rico China-I-1055, Australia-W-1068, New
and the Virgin Islands-C-1821, India-I- Zealand-A-1074, Europe-N-819, United
1826, India-W-1829, Australia-N-1902, States of America-N-101, Pakistan-I-1111,
Singapore-N-1839, China-I-1873, India-I- Africa-W-1127, Ethiopia-A-1141, India-N-
1875, Mexico-N-1881, Italy-UN-1887, 1148, Australia, northern-ENZD-1183,
Honduras-W-1892, India-I-1904, Nepal-A- Global-A-1207, Pakistan-A-1214, China-
1930, Nepal-A-1932, India-A-1936, China- N-1215, Belgium-UD-1220, South Africa-
N-1938, France-N-1940, France-W-1943, I-1247, Australia-E-1260, Australia-E-
Australia-N-1959, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, 1261, Saudi Arabia-A-797, China-I-1277,
Australia-Q-1123, China-ANZRI-2021, India-I-1279, India-I-1280, Namibia-I-
India-I-2022, Mexico-I-2026, New 1283, Botswana-N-1284, United States of
Zealand-N-2048, Brazil-R-2053, New America-N-1292, India-W-1307, La
Zealand-Q-2086, New Zealand-E-483, Reunion-W-1321, Global-W-1324,
France-N-2091, Global-W-2097, Australia- Australia-A-1331, Africa-A-1332, China-
W-1977, Bangladesh-W-1977, Bolivia-W- N-1344, India-I-1345, Global-W-1349,
1977, Chile-W-1977, Colombia-W-1977, India-A-1359, Zimbabwe-N-1365, Africa-
France-W-1977, Honduras-W-1977, India- A-1384, South Africa-N-1002, India-WD-
W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, 1406, Global-ZD-1418, Global-E-1449,

Australia-N-1450, Puerto Rico and Virgin Alternanthera sessilis (L.) R.Br. ex DC. south and southeast Asia-A-1407, south
Islands-W-1452, Australia-E-1456, Amaranthaceae and southeast Asia-A-1408, Cape Verde-N-
Dominican Republic-A-1472, Dominican Total N° of Refs: 280 1414, Nigeria-ZD-1445, Dominican
Republic-A-1475, Australia-ND-1491, Global Risk Score: 19.2 Republic-A-1472, Dominican Republic-A-
Global-ZD-1495, China-I-1496, Chad-N- Rating: High 1475, Global-ZD-1495, Chad-N-1503,
1503, Saudi Arabia-A-1525, India-N-1628, Aqua - Habit: annual/perennial Herb French Polynesia-N-1514, Fiji-A-1521,
India-N-1631, India-N-1632, Pakistan-A- Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, India-N-1601, India-N-1632, Ivory Coast-
1634, India-A-1448, Cape Verde-N-1558, Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical A-87, Mozambique-A-87, Nigeria-A-87,
Global-CD-1611, Africa-A-1623, Global- Origin: Aust, C Am, E Asia, N Am, S Am, Philippines-A-87, Thailand-A-87,
ZD-1581, India-W-1672, India-A-1696, SE Asia, Cosmopolitan Indonesia-A-87, India-A-87, Malaysia-A-
Pakistan-I-1697, India-A-1698, India-A- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, 87, Taiwan-A-87, Australia-A-87,
1704, India-EI-1707, Europe-UN-1740, Herbal, Ornamental Colombia-A-87, Egypt-A-87, Chad-A-87,
China-I-1758, India-I-1764, Australia-Z- Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Hawaii-A-87, Japan-A-87, New Guinea-A-
1768, China-I-1769, India-N-1770, China- Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles, Water 87, Puerto Rico-A-87, Trinidad-A-87,
A-1669, India-N-1789, India-N-1790, Weed of: Bananas, Carrots, Cereals, Argentina-A-87, Bangladesh-A-87,
India-W-1829, Sao Tome and Principe-N- Cotton, Orchards & Plantations, Pastures, Borneo-A-87, Botswana-A-87, Cambodia-
1805, Australia-N-1902, China-I-1873, Vegetables A-87, Cameroon-A-87, China-A-87,
India-I-1875, Australia-WD-1934, References: Taiwan-G-273, Papua New Republic of Congo-A-87, Benin-A-87,
Australia-N-1959, Saudi Arabia-N-1978, Guinea-W-276, Taiwan-A-274, Vietnam- Dominican Republic-A-87, Ecuador-A-87,
Australia-Q-1123, South Africa-N-1991, W-262, Thailand-A-239, Puerto Rico-X- Fiji-A-87, Guinea-A-87, Iran-A-87, Iraq-A-
Burundi-NR-2012, India-I-2022, Ethiopia- 258, Indonesia-AI-170, Taiwan-W-235, 87, Jamaica-A-87, Jordan-A-87, Kenya-A-
A-2039, New Zealand-U-2048, Israel-N- Gal pagos Islands-N-257, Pacific-A-6, 87, Mauritius-A-87, Micronesia-A-87,
59, Botswana-A-2065, Australia-W-1977, Asia-W-204, Guadeloupe-A-206, Thailand- Nepal-A-87, Pakistan-A-87, Polynesia,
Belgium-W-1977, Bhutan-W-1977, A-209, Brazil-W-361, Brazil-W-407, West-A-87, Zimbabwe-A-87, South Africa-
Burundi-W-1977, Chad-W-1977, India-W- Philippines-W-412, France-N-518, A-87, Senegal-A-87, Sudan-A-87,
1977, Japan-W-1977, Namibia-W-1977, Bangladesh-A-589, Thailand-W-821, Suriname-A-87, Tanzania-A-87, Uganda-
Pakistan-W-1977, Papua New Guinea-W- Thailand-W-822, Global-W-67, Global- A-87, United States of America-A-87,
1977, Saudi Arabia-W-1977, South Africa- NXZW-85, Global-EWD-217, Global-A- Vietnam-A-87, Zambia-A-87, India-A-
W-1977, Zimbabwe-W-1977, Swaziland- 243, New Zealand-N-280, Australia-N-134, 1021, India-W-1029, Pakistan-A-1030,
W-1977. Central America-W-157, United States of India-A-1038, India-A-1034, India-A-1448,
America-W-161, United States of America- Nigeria-I-1550, Cape Verde-N-1558,
Alternanthera reineckii Briq. W-179, Japan-N-287, Japan-W-286, Egypt- Bangladesh-A-1649, Iran-A-1619, Brazil-
Amaranthaceae A-185, China-W-297, China-A-275, Egypt- A-1622, India-W-1672, India-A-1696, St.
Total N° of Refs: 6 W-221, Australia-N-945, United Kingdom- Vincent and the Grenadines-A-1700,
Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb UZD-314, Japan-N-367, United States of Nigeria-A-1701, India-A-1702, India-A-
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical America-WD-486, China-W-431, New 1704, India-EI-1707, China-E-1712, United
Origin: S Am Zealand-N-534, Nepal-A-591, Global-A- States of America-XW-1719, Federated
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental 546, Pacific-W-621, India-A-712, United States of Micronesia-W-1732, India-N-
Dispersed by: Humans States of America-N-301, United States of 1370, United States of America-E-1736,
References: China-N-1215, Global-W- America-E-151, Global-W-788, North Europe-UN-1740, Taiwan-W-1748,
1324, Taiwan-N-1403, China-N-1938, America-X-790, Japan-N-794, Thailand- Bangladesh-A-1761, India-N-1770, India-
Armenia-W-1977, Taiwan-W-1977. W-810, Swaziland-N-825, United States of N-1790, Guinea-A-1823, India-W-1829,
America-N-839, United States of America- Sao Tome and Principe-N-1805,
Alternanthera repens (L.) Link, nom. N-101, United States of America-X-140, Singapore-W-1839, Colombia-N-1856,
illeg. United States of America-X-229, Ecuador- India-W-1866, India-I-1875, Belize-A-
Amaranthaceae N-875, India-N-914, Africa-N-926, Puerto 1900, Egypt-R-1922, Nepal-A-1930,
Accepted name: Alternanthera pungens Rico-A-929, Mozambique-nC-943, India- Nepal-A-1931, Nepal-A-1932, Costa Rica-
Kunth AD-948, Australia-N-354, Spain-N-1006, A-1933, India-A-1936, -I-, -I-, India-R-
Total N° of Refs: 183 Europe-N-819, Lesser Antilles-A-1128, 1984, South Africa-N-1991, India-I-1992,
Global Risk Score: 1.44 India-N-1148, Spain-I-1149, Gal pagos India-A-2000, Benin-W-2007, Burundi-
Rating: Low Islands-N-1157, Egypt-A-1171, Cambodia- NR-2012, China-ANZR-2021, India-I-
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical A-1173, Sri Lanka-AD-1195, Argentina- 2022, Nepal-A-1960, Burkina Faso-A-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental AD-1198, Global-A-1207, China-N-1215, 2068, Nigeria-A-2073, India-A-2084,
Dispersed by: Humans Belgium-UD-1220, Asia-A-1231, Global- Guinea-A-2089, Nigeria-A-2102,
Weed of: Cereals A-1233, South Africa-I-1247, Burma- Argentina-W-1977, Armenia-W-1977,
References: Zimbabwe-W-50, Egypt-W- Myanmar-A-1254, Nigeria-A-1274, Japan- Australia-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977,
221, Japan-N-287, Mexico-W-199, United N-1278, India-I-1279, India-I-1280, China- Benin-W-1977, Bhutan-W-1977, Burundi-
States of America-W-218, Japan-N-794, NZ-1212, Namibia-I-1283, Botswana-N- W-1977, Cambodia-W-1977, Cameroon-
Argentina-A-913, Australia-N-1049, Japan- 1284, India-A-1288, Singapore-W-1290, W-1977, Chad-W-1977, China-W-1977,
N-1278, south and southeast Asia-A-1320, United States of America-N-1292, Colombia-W-1977, Cook Islands-W-1977,
Africa-A-1384, Saudi Arabia-A-1525, Pakistan-A-1305, Nepal-A-1306, Pakistan- Dominican Republic-W-1977, Ecuador-W-
Australia-Q-1123, Burkina Faso-A-2068. A-1308, south and southeast Asia-A-1320, 1977, Egypt-W-1977, Ethiopia-W-1977,
La Reunion-W-1321, Global-W-1324, Fiji-W-1977, Gabon-W-1977, Gambia
Pakistan-A-704, Africa-A-1332, Africa-A- (the)-W-1977, Ghana-W-1977, Iran
1333, Madagascar-N-1000, China-N-1344, (Islamic Republic of)-W-1977, Japan-W-
India-I-1345, Global-W-1349, Zimbabwe- 1977, Jordan-W-1977, Lao People's
N-1365, Nigeria-A-1371, China-AN-1374, Democratic Republic-W-1977, Mali-W-
Africa-A-1384, Vietnam-A-1373, Vietnam- 1977, Marshall Islands-W-1977, Mauritius-
E-1386, India-N-1389, Taiwan-N-1403, W-1977, Micronesia (Federated States of)-

W-1977, Myanmar-W-1977, Namibia-W- Alternanthera triandra Lam. Althaea hirsuta L.
1977, Nauru-W-1977, Nepal-W-1977, Amaranthaceae Malvaceae
Niger-W-1977, Nigeria-W-1977, Palau-W- Total N° of Refs: 2 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Malva setigera
1977, Papua New Guinea-W-1977, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical F.K. Schimp. & Spenn. (2), Dinacusa
Rwanda-W-1977, Samoa-W-1977, References: Global-A-1207, south and hirsuta (L.) G.Krebs (1)
Singapore-W-1977, Solomon Islands-W- southeast Asia-A-1320. Total N° of Refs: 36
1977, South Africa-W-1977, Swaziland-W- Global Risk Score: 2.88
1977, Taiwan-W-1977, Tonga-W-1977, Althaea acaulis Cav. Rating: Low
Tunisia-W-1977, Tuvalu-W-1977, Malvaceae Habit: annual Herb
Vanuatu-W-1977, Viet Nam-W-1977, Accepted name: Alcea acaulis (Cav.) Alef. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Zimbabwe-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 3 Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia
References: Lebanon-A-87. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Alternanthera spinosa (Hornem.) Roem. Ornamental
& Schult. Althaea armeniaca Ten. Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Amaranthaceae Malvaceae Livestock, Escapee
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 13 Weed of: Cereals
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Global Risk Score: 0.96 References: Europe-A-94, United States of
Dispersed by: Humans Rating: Low America-N-101, western Europe-A-253,
References: India-I-1345, India-W-1977. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Europe, eastern-W-272, Czech Republic-
Origin: E Asia, Europe UZ-400, United Kingdom-N-519,
Alternanthera spp. Forssk. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal Switzerland-N-653, Austria-UC-708,
Amaranthaceae Dispersed by: Humans Denmark-U-711, Canada and United States
Total N° of Refs: 8 References: Czech Republic-UZ-400, of America-N-725, United Kingdom-N-
Aqua - Habit: Japan-N-794, Europe-N-819, Global-Q- 812, Spain-A-892, Germany-N-1006,
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical 1205, Japan-N-1278, Global-W-1324, United Kingdom-N-1006, Europe-N-819,
Dispersed by: Humans Slovakia-U-1484, Czech Republic-U-1522, Belgium-U-1220, Serbia-W-1238, Georgia-
References: Puerto Rico-X-258, United Czech Republic-U-1731, Australia-Q-1123, NR-1250, Global-W-1324, Serbia-A-1357,
States of America-CE-617, United States of Czech Republic-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Czech Republic-U-1522, Austria-W-1609,
America-X-229, Brazil-A-923, Peru-A- Slovakia-W-1977. Denmark-W-1609, Global-CZD-1611,
930, Global-X-85, Australia-A-1498, Czech Republic-U-1731, Morocco-A-1752,
Global-CD-1611. Althaea cannabina L. Kosovo-R-2003, Austria-W-1977,
Malvaceae Bulgaria-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Czech
Alternanthera tenella Colla Total N° of Refs: 16 Republic-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977,
Amaranthaceae Global Risk Score: 1.44 United Kingdom-W-1977.
Accepted name: Alternanthera ficoidea (L.) Rating: Low
R.Brown ex Roem. & Schult. Habit: perennial Herb Althaea longiflora Boiss. & Reut.
Total N° of Refs: 60 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Malvaceae
Global Risk Score: 1.44 Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Total N° of Refs: 6
Rating: Low Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental References: France-N-1006, Europe-N-819,
Aqua - Habit: annual Herb Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Global-W-1324, Morocco-A-87, France-
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Weed of: Cereals W-1977, Spain-W-1977.
Origin: S Am References: Europe-A-94, Europe, eastern-
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, W-272, Spain-A-417, United Kingdom-C- Althaea ludwigii L.
Ornamental 314, Austria-UC-708, United States of Malvaceae
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee America-N-101, Europe-N-819, Global-Q- Total N° of Refs: 7
References: Brazil-W-255, Brazil-W-361, 1205, Serbia-W-1238, Austria-W-1609, Global Risk Score: 1.04
Brazil-W-407, France-N-518, United States Global-CD-1611, Serbia-R-1848, Rating: Low
of America-W-179, United States of Switzerland-U-1990, Ukraine-N-2112, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
America-N-301, United States of America- Austria-W-1977, Bulgaria-W-1977. Tropical
N-839, India-I-1047, Europe-N-819, Gal Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia
pagos Islands-CN-1157, Belgium-U-1220, Major Pathway/s: Pasture
India-I-1280, United States of America-N- Dispersed by: Humans
1292, Brazil-I-1342, India-I-1345, Weed of: Pastures
Vietnam-A-1373, India-N-1389, India-- References: India-NW-424, India-N-1345,
1520, India-N-1628, Brazil-A-1560, Brazil- Saudi Arabia-A-1525, Pakistan-A-87,
A-1561, Global-CD-1611, India-I-1764, Tajikistan-A-1674, Egypt-A-1922, Egypt-
Brazil--1767, Brazil-R-1945, Brazil-R- U-1979.
Althaea nudiflora Lindl.
Alternanthera tenella Colla var. Malvaceae
bettzickiana (Regel) Veldk. Accepted name: Alcea nudiflora (Lindl.)
Amaranthaceae Boiss.
Accepted name: Alternanthera bettzickiana Total N° of Refs: 1
(Regel) G.Nicholson Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 24 Dispersed by: Humans
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland References: Global-A-1207.
References: Eastern Caribbean-N-1742.

Althaea officinalis L. Althaea rosea (L.) Cav. Alysicarpus bupleurifolius (L.) DC.
Malvaceae Malvaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Althaea taurinensis Accepted name: Alcea rosea L. Total N° of Refs: 17
DC. (2) Total N° of Refs: 173 Global Risk Score: 0.72
Total N° of Refs: 63 Global Risk Score: 1.2 Rating: Low
Global Risk Score: 9.6 Rating: Low Habit: annual Herb
Rating: Medium Toxic - Habit: biennial Herb Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Habit: perennial Herb Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Origin: C Asia, E Asia
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Tropical Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Subtropical, Tropical Origin: E Asia, Europe Dispersed by: Humans
Origin: E Asia, Europe, W Asia Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Weed of: Cotton, Orchards & Plantations
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Ornamental References: Vietnam-W-262, Australia-N-
Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans 368, Global-NW-85, Australia-N-945,
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers, References: Canary Islands-N-305, India- Global-W-344, Australia-N-354,
Livestock, Water, Escapee U-914, Serbia-W-1238, Bolivia-N-1630, Madagascar-N-1001, south and southeast
Weed of: Cereals, Pastures India-N-1370, Chile-I-1872, Kosovo-R- Asia-A-1320, Madagascar-N-1000, India-
References: Finland-C-42, United States of 2003. A-1359, south and southeast Asia-A-1408,
America-N-101, Europe, eastern-W-272, India-A-1448, India-W-1672, India-A-
western Europe-W-70, United Kingdom-N- Althaea rugosa (Alef.) Litv. 1702, Australia-W-1977, Micronesia
519, Switzerland-N-653, Canada and Malvaceae (Federated States of)-W-1977, Palau-W-
United States of America-N-725, Ireland- Accepted name: Alcea rugosa Alef. 1977.
AN-793, Switzerland-U-818, Ireland-N- Total N° of Refs: 5
894, India-U-914, Iceland-N-1006, References: Global-A-1207. Alysicarpus glumaceus (Vahl) DC.
Liechtenstein-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Iberian Peninsular-N-1147, Serbia-W-1238, Althaea spp. L. Total N° of Refs: 8
Norway-N-1243, Ukraine-N-1297, Malvaceae Global Risk Score: 2.24
Ukraine-N-1335, Serbia-A-1357, Serbia-A- Total N° of Refs: 1 Rating: Low
1372, Serbia-W-1222, India-U-1389, Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical,
Turkey--1412, Ireland-N-1608, Estonia-W- References: Australia-ZD-1675. Tropical
1609, Ireland-W-1609, Latvia-W-1609, Origin: Africa, E Asia
Norway-W-1609, Bolivia-N-1630, Althaea sulphurea Boiss. & Hohen. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Portugal-A-87, Spain-A-87, Yugoslavia-A- Malvaceae Ornamental, Pasture
87, Serbia-W-1031, Global-CD-1611, Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans
Ukraine-N-1685, Europe-UN-1740, Serbia- References: Iran-A-87. Weed of: Cereals
R-1771, Austria-N-1828, Ukraine-U-1840, References: Australia-N-945, India-A-
Serbia-R-1848, Chile-I-1872, Serbia-R- Althaea taurinensis DC. 1702, Eastern Caribbean-N-1742, India-N-
1946, Switzerland-U-1990, Estonia-N- Malvaceae 1790, Burundi-R-2012, Burkina Faso-A-
1997, Ukraine-N-2014, Ukraine-N-2050, Accepted name: Althaea officinalis L. 2068, Guinea-A-2069, Australia-W-1977.
Serbia-R-2057, Iran-A-2072, Ukraine-N- Total N° of Refs: 63
2112, Algeria-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, References: Slovakia-N-1006, Europe-N- Alysicarpus heterophyllus (Baker) Jafri
Chile-W-1977, India-W-1977, Ireland-W- 819. & Ali
1977, Latvia-W-1977, Liechtenstein-W- Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
1977, Luxembourg-W-1977, Peru-W-1977, Althaea x taurinensis DC. Total N° of Refs: 1
Switzerland-W-1977, Ukraine-W-1977. Malvaceae References: India-A-1696.
Accepted name: parents = Althaea
Althaea pallida Waldst. & Kit. ex Willd. cannabina L. x Althaea officinalis L. Alysicarpus longifolius (Rottler ex
Malvaceae Total N° of Refs: 1 Spreng.) Wight & Arn.
Accepted name: Alcea pallida (Waldst. & References: Europe-W-1325. Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Kit. ex Willd.) Waldst. & Kit. Total N° of Refs: 6
Total N° of Refs: 9 Alvaradoa amorphoides Liebm. Global Risk Score: 2.24
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Picramniaceae Rating: Low
References: Serbia-W-1238, Serbia-R- Total N° of Refs: 1 Habit: annual Herb
2057. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Origin: Aust, C Asia
References: Cuba-A-14. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Ornamental, Pasture
Dispersed by: Humans
Weed of: Cotton, Orchards & Plantations
References: India-A-87, India-W-1672,
India-A-1696, India-A-1702, Algeria-W-
1977, Australia-W-1977.

Alysicarpus monilifer (L.) DC. Alysicarpus quartinianus A. Rich Alysicarpus vaginalis (L.) DC.
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Total N° of Refs: 13 Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Alysicarpus
Global Risk Score: 1.76 Habit: annual Herb nummularifolius (L.) DC. (5)
Rating: Low References: Ethiopia-A-240. Total N° of Refs: 117
Habit: annual Herb Global Risk Score: 33.6
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Alysicarpus rugosus (Willd.) DC. Rating: Extreme
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental, Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb
Pasture Synonym/s (n° of refs): Alysicarpus Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical,
Dispersed by: Humans rugosus ssp. rugosus (Willd.) DC Tropical
Weed of: Cereals, Cotton, Orchards & Total N° of Refs: 24 Origin: E Asia
Plantations Global Risk Score: 2.24 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
References: Madagascar-N-1001, Rating: Low Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture
Cambodia-A-1173, Global-A-1207, south Habit: perennial Herb Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Water,
and southeast Asia-A-1320, La Reunion-N- Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Escapee
1321, Madagascar-N-1000, India-A-1359, Tropical Weed of: Bananas, Cereals, Orchards and
India-A-87, India-A-1038, India-W-1672, Origin: Africa, Aust, E Asia Plantations
India-A-1702, India-A-1936, Maldives-W- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, References: Cuba-A-14, Guyana-W-32,
1977. Ornamental, Pasture Taiwan-G-273, Australia-W-93, Vietnam-
Dispersed by: Humans W-262, Puerto Rico-N-261, Brazil-W-255,
Alysicarpus nummularifolius (L.) DC. Weed of: Bananas, Cereals, Cotton, Taiwan-W-235, Asia-W-204, Thailand-A-
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Orchards & Plantations, Sunflowers 209, Australia-N-368, Philippines-W-412,
Accepted name: Alysicarpus vaginalis (L.) References: Philippines-W-412, Taiwan-N- Australia-N-7, Global-N-85, United States
DC. 500, Taiwan-N-777, Global-N-85, United of America-N-101, United States of
Total N° of Refs: 117 States of America-N-101, United States of America-W-161, United States of America-
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical America-W-179, Ethiopia-A-1141, Global- W-179, Japan-W-286, North America-G-
Weed of: Bananas, Orchards and A-1207, China-N-1215, Global-A-1233, 249, United States of America-W-218,
Plantations south and southeast Asia-A-1320, Africa- China-W-297, China-A-275, Australia-N-
References: Philippines-W-412, Global-A- A-1332, Taiwan-N-1403, Global-A-1411, 945, China-W-431, Global-W-344, Pacific-
1207, south and southeast Asia-A-1320, India-A-87, Taiwan-A-87, Ghana-A-87, W-621, United States of America-N-301,
Taiwan-A-87, Philippines-A-87. Philippines-A-87, India-W-1029, Taiwan- Mexico-N-791, Thailand-W-810, United
W-1748, Burkina Faso-A-2068, Botswana- States of America-N-839, Australia-N-868,
Alysicarpus ovalifolius (Schum.) F.Leon. A-2071, Australia-W-1977, Taiwan-W- Dominican Republic-I-877, Mexico-I-878,
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae 1977. Australia-N-354, Global-N-1059,
Total N° of Refs: 20 Australia-W-1068, Australia, northern-EN-
Global Risk Score: 2.56 Alysicarpus rugosus (Willd.) DC subsp. 1183, Sri Lanka-AD-1195, Caribbean-NI-
Rating: Low rugosus 1201, Singapore-W-1290, United States of
Habit: annual Herb Fabaceae - Papilionaceae America-N-1292, south and southeast Asia-
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Total N° of Refs: 2 A-1320, La Reunion-N-1321, India-NI-
Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, 1345, French Guiana-N-1346, Global-W-
Origin: Africa, C Asia, E Asia, SE Asia Tropical 1349, south and southeast Asia-A-1408,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture References: Sudan-W-242, Botswana-A- Global-A-1411, Puerto Rico and Virgin
Dispersed by: Humans 1153. Islands-W-1452, Australia-N-1491, Cuba-
Weed of: Cereals N-1505, Sri Lanka-ZD-1020, French
References: Australia-N-368, Niger-A-562, Alysicarpus scariosus Graham [nom. Polynesia-N-1514, Fiji-A-1521, Brazil-N-
Australia-EN-7, United States of America- illeg.] 1597, Thailand-A-87, Hawaii-A-87,
N-101, United States of America-W-179, Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Philippines-A-87, Taiwan-A-87, Sri Lanka-
Australia-N-945, Mexico-N-791, Australia- Total N° of Refs: 1 A-87, Fiji-A-87, India-A-87, New Guinea-
N-868, Australia-N-354, Australia-W- References: India-A-1696. A-87, Polynesia, West-A-87, Trinidad-A-
1068, Taiwan-N-1403, Australia-N-1491, 87, United States of America-A-87,
Ghana-A-87, Cape Verde-N-1558, India- Alysicarpus tetragonolobus Edgew. Caribbean Netherlands-N-1012, India-W-
W-1672, Mexico-N-1881, Burkina Faso-A- Fabaceae - Papilionaceae 1672, India-A-1696, India-A-1702, United
2068, Australia-W-1977, Mexico-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 2 States of America-E-1736, Eastern
Taiwan-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Caribbean-N-1742, Taiwan-W-1748,
Dispersed by: Humans Bolivia-N-1753, Bangladesh-A-1761,
Alysicarpus procumbens (Roxb.) Weed of: Bananas, Cereals, Cotton, India-AN-1794, Puerto Rico and the Virgin
Schindl. Orchards & Plantations Islands-C-1821, Singapore-W-1839,
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae References: India-A-1038, India-A-1702. Colombia-N-1856, Mexico-N-1881, Nepal-
Total N° of Refs: 3 A-1931, India-A-1936, -I-, Cuba-NR-2054,
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Cuba-NI-2055, Antigua and Barbuda-W-
Weed of: Bananas, Cereals, Orchards and 1977, Australia-W-1977, Barbados-W-
Plantations 1977, Bolivia-W-1977, Comoros-W-1977,
References: India-A-66, India-A-1038, Cook Islands-W-1977, Cuba-W-1977,
India-A-1702. Ecuador-W-1977, Fiji-W-1977, Jamaica-
W-1977, Marshall Islands-W-1977,
Mexico-W-1977, Micronesia (Federated
States of)-W-1977, Nauru-W-1977,
Nicaragua-W-1977, Niue-W-1977, Palau-
W-1977, Panama-W-1977, Papua New

Guinea-W-1977, Saint Vicent and the Alyssum alyssoides (L.) L. Alyssum argenteum All.
Grenadines-W-1977, Samoa-W-1977, Brassicaceae Brassicaceae
Singapore-W-1977, Solomon Islands-W- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Alyssum Total N° of Refs: 5
1977, Suriname-W-1977, Taiwan-W-1977, calycinum L. (2) Habit: Herb
Tonga-W-1977, Venezuela-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 95 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Global--1324. Global Risk Score: 10.8 Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Rating: Medium Dispersed by: Humans
Alysicarpus vaginalis (L.) DC. var. Habit: annual Herb References: Switzerland-N-653, Europe-N-
taiwanensis Ying Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean 819, Global-W-1324, France-W-1977,
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Switzerland-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 3 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Habit: Herb Ornamental Alyssum bertolonii DESV.
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Brassicaceae
References: Taiwan-N-777, Taiwan-N- Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles, Water, Escapee Synonym/s (n° of refs): Alyssum janchenii
1403, Taiwan-W-1748. Seed Longevity: Transient Ny r. ex Nov k (1)
Weed of: Cereals Total N° of Refs: 1
References: North America-EW-21,
Argentina-W-237, Finland-U-42, Chile-N- Alyssum blepharocarpum Dudley &
300, United States of America-E-80, Hub-Mor.
Global-NZW-85, Europe-A-94, United Brassicaceae
States of America-N-101, New Zealand-N- Total N° of Refs: 3
280, Chile-N-241, South America-W-295, Weed of: Cereals
United States of America-W-161, Japan-N- References: Global-A-243, Turkey-A-977,
287, western Europe-A-253, United States Turkey-R-1968.
of America-W-212, Europe, eastern-W-
272, Australia-C-401, United Kingdom- Alyssum calycinum L.
UZD-314, United Kingdom-N-519, New Brassicaceae
Zealand-N-534, Canada-A-642, Australia- Accepted name: Alyssum alyssoides
N-310, Denmark-N-711, Canada and Total N° of Refs: 95
United States of America-N-725, Canada- References: Latvia-W-1609, Chile-I-1872.
UC-756, Chile-N-765, Japan-N-794,
United Kingdom-N-812, Australia-N-855, Alyssum campestre auct. nonn.
United States of America-N-904, New Brassicaceae
Zealand-N-919, Argentina-I-983, Australia- Accepted name: Alyssum simplex
N-354, Denmark-N-1006, Estonia-N-1006, Rudolphi
United Kingdom-N-1006, Latvia-N-1006, Total N° of Refs: 16
Norway-N-1006, Sweden-N-1006, China-I- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
1055, United States of America-N-1058, References: United Kingdom-U-40,
Europe-N-819, Global-A-1207, Serbia-A- Denmark-W-1609, Portugal-A-87, Turkey-
1209, China-N-1215, Chile-N-1229, A-87.
Serbia-W-1238, Norway-N-1243, Japan-N-
1278, Argentina-W-1286, Global-W-1324, Alyssum campestre (L.) L. subsp.
Serbia-A-1343, China-N-1344, Chile-N- campestre
1348, Global-W-1349, Serbia-W-1358, Brassicaceae
Serbia-W-1222, United States of America- Total N° of Refs: 1
ZD-1441, Australia-N-1450, Argentina, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Brazil and Uruguay-I-1476, Norway-N- Dispersed by: Humans
1535, United States of America-N-1607, References: Denmark-U-711.
Estonia-W-1609, Denmark-W-1609,
Norway-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, Alyssum corsicum Duby
Global-CD-1611, United States of Brassicaceae
America-N-1162, China-N-1758, Serbia- Total N° of Refs: 5
W-1766, China-I-1769, Sweden-N-1802, References: Global-N-85, France-N-1006,
Serbia-R-1848, Canada-G-1855, Europe-N-819, Global-W-1324, North
Montenegro-W-1861, Chile-I-1872, -I-, America-N-1760.
Estonia-N-1997, Kosovo-R-2003, New
Zealand-N-2048, Poland-A-2059, Italy-A- Alyssum corymbosum (Griseb.) Boiss.
2081, Spain-A-2083, Argentina-W-1977, Brassicaceae
Australia-W-1977, Belarus-W-1977, Accepted name: Aurinia corymbosa Griseb.
Canada-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, China-W- Total N° of Refs: 2
1977, Denmark-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Latvia-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977, United Dispersed by: Humans
Kingdom-W-1977. References: Chile-I-1872.

Alyssum dasycarpum Stephan ex Willd. Alyssum gemonense L. Alyssum linifolium Steph. ex Willd. var.
Brassicaceae Brassicaceae linifolium
Total N° of Refs: 7 Total N° of Refs: 1 Brassicaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, References: Chile-I-1872. Total N° of Refs: 1
Subtropical, Tropical Weed of: Cereals
Origin: E Asia Alyssum hirsutum M. Bieb. References: Iran-A-1524.
Weed of: Cereals Brassicaceae
References: Global-A-243, United Total N° of Refs: 13 Alyssum macropodium Boiss & Bal.
Kingdom-U-314, Pakistan-W-836, Turkey- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Brassicaceae
A-977, Turkey--1412, Sweden-W-1609, Origin: E Asia, Europe, W Asia Total N° of Refs: 2
Sweden-W-1977. Weed of: Cereals Weed of: Cereals
References: Finland-U-42, Europe, eastern- References: Global-A-243, Turkey-A-977.
Alyssum desertorum Stapf W-272, United Kingdom-U-314, Austria-
Brassicaceae U-708, Iran-A-732, Europe-N-819, Alyssum macropodum Boiss. & Balansa
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Alyssum Belgium-U-1220, Norway-N-1243, Global- var. macropodum
turkestanicum Regel & Schmalh. (8) W-1324, Austria-W-1609, Norway-W- Brassicaceae
Total N° of Refs: 49 1609, Austria-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977. Accepted name: Ptilotrichum macrocarpum
Global Risk Score: 10.56 (DC.) Boiss.
Rating: Medium Alyssum huetii Boiss. Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: annual Herb Brassicaceae References: Turkey-R-1968.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Total N° of Refs: 1
Subtropical, Tropical References: Turkey-R-1968. Alyssum maritimum (L.) Lam.
Origin: E Asia, Europe Brassicaceae
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Alyssum incanum L. Accepted name: Lobularia maritima (L.)
Ornamental, Pasture Brassicaceae Desv.
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Accepted name: Berteroa incana (L.) DC. Total N° of Refs: 173
Livestock, Sheep Total N° of Refs: 118 Global Risk Score: 1.44
Seed Longevity: Long Term References: Russia-A-87. Rating: Low
Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Pastures, Pome Fruits Alyssum janchenii Nyár. ex Novák Origin: Europe
References: Pakistan-A-248, Finland-U-42, Brassicaceae Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
United States of America-E-80, Global- Accepted name: Alyssum bertolonii Desv. Dispersed by: Humans
NW-85, United States of America-N-101, subsp. scutarium Nyár. References: Australia-W-869, Ireland-W-
Europe, eastern-W-272, United Kingdom- Total N° of Refs: 1 894, Spain-A-87, Chile-I-1872.
U-314, Canada-A-642, India-AZ-712, References: Kosovo-R-2003.
Palestine-N-851, United States of America- Alyssum markgrafii O.E. Schulz
N-1058, Europe-N-819, Global-A-1207, Alyssum libycum (R.Br.) Coss. Brassicaceae
Belgium-UD-1220, Norway-N-1243, -N-, Brassicaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Global-W-1324, Global-W-1349, Serbia- Total N° of Refs: 4 References: Kosovo-R-2003.
W-1222, Turkey-A-1457, Turkey-A-1463, References: Greece-N-1006, Europe-N-
Turkey-A-1467, Turkey-A-1468, United 819, Global-W-1324, Chile-I-1872. Alyssum minimum Willd.
States of America-N-1603, United States of Brassicaceae
America-N-1607, Denmark-W-1609, Alyssum linifolium Stephan ex Willd. Total N° of Refs: 1
Germany-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, Brassicaceae References: Turkey-A-87.
Sweden-W-1609, Azerbaijan-A-1638, Total N° of Refs: 25
Russia-A-87, North Africa, Libya, Egypt- Global Risk Score: 0.48 Alyssum minus (L.) Rothm.
W-1730, Iran-A-1916, Kosovo-R-2003, Rating: Low Brassicaceae
Iran-A-2111, Belarus-W-1977, Belgium- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Alyssum
W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Denmark-W- Subtropical, Tropical parviflorum Fisch. ex M. Bieb. (1),
1977, Estonia-W-1977, Germany-W-1977, Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Alyssum parviflorum Fisch. ex M. Bieb.
Sweden-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental var. micranthum (C.A. Mey.) Dorn (1),
Dispersed by: Humans Alyssum strigosum Banks & Sol. (11)
Alyssum desertorum Stapf var. Weed of: Cereals, Pastures Total N° of Refs: 21
desertorum References: Global-NW-85, Australia-N- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Brassicaceae 198, Australia-N-945, Australia-E-327, Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Total N° of Refs: 2 Australia-EN-7, Pakistan-W-836, Weed of: Cereals
References: United States of America-N- Australia-W-853, Australia-N-855, References: United States of America-N-
101, United States of America-N-904. Australia-W-869, Australia-N-354, 101, Europe, eastern-W-272, Global-W-
Australia-N-1049, Europe-N-819, Global- 1324, Europe-W-1325, Global-W-1349,
Alyssum desertorum Stapf var. A-1207, Australia-E-1260, Global-W-1324, Iran-A-1524, United States of America-N-
himalayensis Dudley Australia-A-1331, Australia-N-1450, Iran- 1603, Iran-A-1812.
Brassicaceae A-1619, Australia-N-1902, Iran-A-1916,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Australia-N-1959, Iran-A-2075, Iran-A-
References: United States of America-N- 2111, Australia-W-1977, France-W-1977.

Alyssum minus (L.) Rothm. var. Alyssum murale Waldst. & Kit. Alyssum rostratum Steven
micranthum (C. A. Mey.) T. R. Dudley Brassicaceae Brassicaceae
Brassicaceae Total N° of Refs: 30 Total N° of Refs: 10
Accepted name: Alyssum simplex Habit: perennial Herb Habit: annual Herb
Rudolphi Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Origin: Europe
Total N° of Refs: 13 Origin: E Asia, Europe Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
References: United States of America-N- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Dispersed by: Humans
101. Ornamental References: Czech Republic-UZ-400,
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Belarus-N-817, Europe-N-819, Global-W-
Alyssum minus (L.) Rothm. var. minus References: Finland-U-42, United States of 1324, Czech Republic-U-1522, Sweden-W-
Brassicaceae America-N-101, Europe, eastern-W-272, 1609, Czech Republic-U-1731, Belarus-W-
Total N° of Refs: 1 United Kingdom-U-314, Czech Republic- 1977, Czech Republic-W-1977, Sweden-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental N-400, Austria-UC-708, Denmark-UC-711, W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans Canada and United States of America-N-
References: Turkey--1412. 725, Czech Republic-N-826, Belgium-N- Alyssum saxatile L.
1006, Czechoslovakia-N-1006, Germany- Brassicaceae
Alyssum minus (L.) Rothm. var. N-1006, United States of America-N-1058, Accepted name: Aurinia saxatilis (L.)
strigosum (Banks & Soland.) Zohary Europe-N-819, Belgium-N-1220, Slovakia- Desv.
Brassicaceae U-1484, Czech Republic-N-1522, Austria- Total N° of Refs: 49
Total N° of Refs: 1 W-1609, Denmark-W-1609, Germany-W- Global Risk Score: 2.88
References: United States of America-N- 1609, Global-CD-1611, Czech Republic-N- Rating: Low
101. 1731, Switzerland-U-1990, Austria-W- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
1977, Belgium-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Origin: E Asia, Europe
Alyssum minutum Schltdl. ex DC. Czech Republic-W-1977, Denmark-W- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Brassicaceae 1977, Germany-W-1977, Slovakia-W- Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Total N° of Refs: 3 1977. References: United Kingdom-U-40, United
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean States of America-E-80, New Zealand-N-
Origin: Africa, Europe Alyssum parviflorum Fisch. ex M. Bieb. 280, United Kingdom-C-314, United
References: Europe, eastern-W-272, Crete- Brassicaceae Kingdom-N-519, Japan-N-794, United
A-1228, South Africa-W-1977. Accepted name: Alyssum minus var. Kingdom-UC-812, Japan-N-1278, New
micranthum Zealand-N-1543, Netherlands-W-1609,
Alyssum montanum L. Total N° of Refs: 9 Global-CD-1611, Chile-I-1872, New
Brassicaceae References: Latvia-W-1609. Zealand-N-2048.
Total N° of Refs: 14
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Alyssum parviflorum Fisch. ex M. Bieb. Alyssum saxatile L. subsp. saxatile
Rating: Low var. micranthum (C.A. Mey.) Dorn Brassicaceae
Habit: Herb Brassicaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Accepted name: Alyssum minus Rothm., Habit: Herb
Origin: Europe nom. illeg. var. micranthum References: New Zealand-N-919.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Total N° of Refs: 9
Ornamental References: United States of America-N- Alyssum scutigerum Durieu
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals 904. Brassicaceae
Seed Longevity: Transient Total N° of Refs: 3
Weed of: Pastures Alyssum pateri Nyár. subsp. prostratum References: Europe-N-819, Global-W-
References: Finland-U-42, United (Nyár.) Dudley 1324, France-W-1977.
Kingdom-U-314, Denmark-U-711, Brassicaceae
Belgium-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Belgium- Total N° of Refs: 1 Alyssum serpyllifolium Desf.
N-1220, Serbia-W-1238, Global-W-1324, References: Turkey-R-1968. Brassicaceae
Serbia-A-1372, Denmark-W-1609, Total N° of Refs: 1
Montenegro-R-1944, Serbia-R-1946, Alyssum podolicum Bess. Habit: Herb
Belgium-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977. Brassicaceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Total N° of Refs: 1 Origin: Africa, Europe
References: Chile-I-1872. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
Alyssum repens Baumg. References: United Kingdom-U-314.
Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: Herb
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Chile-W-1977.

Alyssum simplex Rudolphi Alyssum strigosum Banks & Sol. subsp. Alyssum wulfenianum Schltdl.
Brassicaceae strigosum Brassicaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Alyssum campestre Brassicaceae Total N° of Refs: 2
auct. nonn. (4), Alyssum minus (L.) Rothm. Total N° of Refs: 1 Global Risk Score: 0.24
var. micranthum (C. A. Mey.) T. R. Dudley Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Rating: Low
(1) References: Turkey--1412. Habit: Herb
Total N° of Refs: 17 Origin: Europe
Global Risk Score: 2.08 Alyssum szovitsianum Fisch. & Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Rating: Low C.A.Mey. Dispersed by: Humans
Habit: annual Herb Brassicaceae References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 2
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Habit: Herb Alyxia gynopogon Roem. & Schult.
Major Pathway/s: Pasture Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Apocynaceae
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 1
Livestock, Sheep Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
References: Finland-U-42, western Europe- Weed of: Orchards & Plantations, Pome Dispersed by: Humans
A-253, United Kingdom-U-314, United Fruits References: Chile-W-1977.
States of America-N-101, Europe-N-819, References: Pakistan-A-248, United States
Global-W-85, Belgium-UD-1220, Crete-A- of America-N-101. Amaranthus acutilobus Uline & Bray
1228, Global-W-1324, North Africa, Libya, Amaranthaceae
Egypt-W-1730, Belgium-W-1977, Latvia- Alyssum szowitsianum Fisch. & C. A. Total N° of Refs: 19
W-1977. Mey. Habit: annual Herb
Brassicaceae Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Alyssum spinosum L. Total N° of Refs: 4 Origin: C Am, N Am, S Am
Brassicaceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Dispersed by: Animals, Livestock, Sheep,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Subtropical, Tropical Escapee
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Weed of: Cereals, Pastures References: United Kingdom-U-314, Czech
Rating: Low References: Palestine-N-851, Turkey-A- Republic-U-400, Mexico-W-735, Belarus-
Habit: Herb 144, -N-, Iran-A-1916, Iran-A-2072. N-817, Mexico-W-890, Romania-N-1006,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Europe-N-819, Romania-U-1154, Belgium-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Alyssum tortuosum Waldst. & Kit. ex UD-1220, Mexico-W-1226, Global-W-
Dispersed by: Humans Willd. 1324, Czech Republic-U-1522, Czech
References: Chile-I-1872. Brassicaceae Republic-U-1731, France-N-2091, Belarus-
Total N° of Refs: 5 W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Czech
Alyssum spp. L. Habit: Herb Republic-W-1977, France-W-1977,
Brassicaceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Romania-W-1977.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Alyssum spp. L. Origin: E Asia
Total N° of Refs: 5 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Amaranthus x adulterinus Thell.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Dispersed by: Humans Amaranthaceae
Dispersed by: Humans References: Lithuania-I-737, Europe-N- Accepted name: parents = Amaranthus
Weed of: Cereals, Vegetables 819, Global-W-1324, Lithuania-W-1609, retroflexus L. x Amaranthus hybridus L.
References: Australia-N-198, Europe, Lithuania-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 1
eastern-W-272, United States of America- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
A-543, Iran-A-2075, Spain-A-2083. Alyssum trichostachyum Rupr. Dispersed by: Humans
Brassicaceae References: United Kingdom-Z-944.
Alyssum strigosum Banks & Sol. Total N° of Refs: 1
Brassicaceae References: Chile-I-1872.
Accepted name: Alyssum minus var.
strigosum (L.) Rothm. (Banks & Soland.) Alyssum turkestanicum Regel &
Zohary Schmalh.
Total N° of Refs: 19 Brassicaceae
Habit: annual Herb Accepted name: Alyssum desertorum var.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean desertorum
Origin: C Asia, E Asia, Europe Total N° of Refs: 49
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Dispersed by: Humans Origin: E Asia
Weed of: Cereals Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
References: Europe, eastern-W-272, United Dispersed by: Humans
Kingdom-U-314, Austria-U-708, Hungary- References: Denmark-U-711, Lithuania-I-
U-809, United States of America-N-101, 737, Estonia-W-1609, Latvia-W-1609,
Belgium-U-1220, Hungary-U-1255, Lithuania-W-1609, Estonia-N-1997,
Austria-W-1609, Iran-A-2072, Austria-W- Latvia-W-1977, Lithuania-W-1977.
1977, Belgium-W-1977.
Alyssum wierzbickii Heuffel
Total N° of Refs: 3
References: Europe-N-819, Global-W-
1324, France-W-1977.

Amaranthus albus L. Hungary-N-1006, Latvia-N-1006, Australia-NX-1845, Canada-G-1855,
Amaranthaceae Lithuania-N-1006, Malta-N-1006, Chile-I-1872, Chile and Argentina-E-1874,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Amaranthus x Netherlands-N-1006, Slovakia-N-1006, Slovakia and Romania-ID-1878, Mexico-
budensis Priszter Slovenia-N-1006, Spain-N-1006, Turkey- N-1881, Italy-UNI-1887, Czech Republic-
Total N° of Refs: 326 N-1006, Australia-N-1049, China-I-1055, A-1909, Sardinia-N-1917, France-N-1941,
Global Risk Score: 24 Europe-N-1072, Portugal-N-898, Europe- France-W-1943, Australia-N-1959, Poland-
Rating: High N-819, Greece-A-27, United States of A-1965, Italy-N-1842, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, Saudi
Habit: annual Herb America-N-101, Ukraine-I-1121, Greece- Arabia-N-1978, Romania-N-1986, Bosnia
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, NI-1142, Iberian Peninsular-N-1147, and Herzegovina-N-1987, Russia-N-1988,
Mediterranean Spain-W-1149, Crete-AN-1150, Sardinia-I- Russia-N-1989, Switzerland-I-1990,
Origin: C Am, N Am, S Am, Cosmopolitan 1151, Romania-AU-1154, United States of Poland-N-1993, Estonia-N-1997, Kosovo-
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, America-N-1162, Italy-NI-1165, Cyprus- R-2003, Germany-N-2009, Ukraine-NR-
Herbal, Ornamental N-1174, Italy-W-1176, Russia-I-1178, 2013, Russia-W-2015, Spain-N-2027, New
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers, Czech Republic-A-1186, Global-Q-1208, Zealand-N-2048, Ukraine-N-2050,
Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles, Water, Wind, South Korea-N-761, China-N-1215, Slovakia-N-2052, Israel-AN-59, Global-W-
Escapee Poland-R-1219, Belgium-ND-1220, Chile- 2056, Slovakia-A-2079, France-AND-
Seed Longevity: Long Term N-1229, Serbia-W-1238, Greece-W-1240, 2091, Spain-A-2098, Canada-A-2099,
Weed of: Cereals, Grapevines, Orchards & Norway-N-1243, Georgia-UR-1250, Italy- Russia-I-2107, Ukraine-N-2112, Albania-
Plantations, Pastures, Pome Fruits, I-251, Hungary-N-1255, Australia-E-1261, W-1977, Algeria-W-1977, Argentina-W-
Sunflowers, Vegetables Spain-A-1263, China-U-92, Romania-I- 1977, Australia-W-1977, Austria-W-1977,
References: Argentina-W-237, Australia- 1264, Italy-N-1265, Spain-A-1269, Spain- Belarus-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Bosnia
W-269, United States of America-W-34, N-1270, France-I-1273, Japan-N-1278, and Herzegovina-W-1977, Bulgaria-W-
United Kingdom-U-40, Finland-U-42, Slovakia-A-1282, Turkey-A-1287, 1977, Canada-W-1977, Chile-W-1977,
Global-A-44, Chile-N-300, Global-A-68, Ukraine-N-1297, Macedonia-A-1304, China-W-1977, Croatia-W-1977, Cyprus-
Global-N-108, Global-NZW-85, Europe-A- Turkey-A-1316, Australia-X-1319, W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977,
94, Global-A-243, New Zealand-N-280, Australia-A-1331, Romania-I-1334, Denmark-W-1977, Germany-W-1977,
United States of America-W-116, South Ukraine-N-1335, Sardinia-NI-1336, China- Greece-W-1977, Israel-W-1977, Italy-W-
America-W-295, United States of America- N-1344, Chile-N-1348, Global-W-1349, 1977, Japan-W-1977, Latvia-W-1977,
W-161, United States of America-W-174, Turkey-A-1351, Serbia-A-1357, Israel- Lithuania-W-1977, Malta-W-1977,
Australia-N-176, United States of America- NW-1380, Sardinia-U-1381, Spain-I-1390, Mexico-W-1977, Netherlands-W-1977,
A-180, Japan-N-287, western Europe-A- Algeria-A-1402, Turkey--1412, Australia- Poland-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977,
253, Australia-N-198, United States of N-1450, Spain--1454, Spain--1455, Republic of Korea-W-1977, Republic of
America-AW-210, United States of Australia-E-1456, Turkey-A-1466, Moldova-W-1977, Romania-W-1977,
America-AW-211, United States of Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay-I-1476, Saudi Arabia-W-1977, Serbia-W-1977,
America-W-212, Europe, eastern-AW-272, Serbia-N-1482, Slovakia-N-1484, China-I- Slovakia-W-1977, Spain-W-1977, Sweden-
western Europe-W-70, United States of 1496, Saudi Arabia-A-1504, Albania-N- W-1977, Switzerland-W-1977, Turkey-W-
America-W-218, China-W-297, China-A- 1506, Czech Republic-N-1522, Russia-N- 1977, Ukraine-W-1977, South Korea-N-
275, Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945, 1532, Russia-N-1533, Romania-NI-1537, 2113.
Spain-A-417, United Kingdom-UZD-314, Europe-A-1539, Romania-NI-1540,
Australia-E-327, Czech Republic-NZ-400, Greece-N-1541, Spain-I-1595, Panarctic-U- Amaranthus x alleizettei Aellen
China-W-431, United Kingdom-N-519, 1596, Romania-N-1599, Central Europe-N- Amaranthaceae
New Zealand-N-15, United States of 1602, United States of America-N-1603, Accepted name: parents = Amaranthus
America-A-543, Spain-NI-405, Poland-N- Estonia-W-1609, Austria-W-1609, Czech caudatus L. x Amaranthus hybridus L.
619, Europe-I-638, Canada-A-642, Republic-W-1609, Denmark-W-1609, Total N° of Refs: 6
Ukraine-NR-643, Switzerland-N-653, Russia-W-1609, Germany-W-1609, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Australia-AEN-310, Portugal-N-662, Ireland-W-1609, Latvia-W-1609, Dispersed by: Humans
United States of America-A-705, Austria- Lithuania-W-1609, Netherlands-W-1609, References: Czech Republic-UZ-400,
U-708, Denmark-W-711, Portugal-N-718, Norway-W-1609, Poland-W-1609, Europe-N-819, Czech Republic-U-1522,
China-NI-722, Canada and United States of Sweden-W-1609, Mexico-A-87, Portugal- Czech Republic-U-1731, Czech Republic-
America-N-725, Turkey-A-727, Lithuania- A-87, Argentina-A-87, Australia-A-87, W-1977, France-W-1977.
I-737, United States of America-N-86, Canada-A-87, Morocco-A-87, United
Canada-UC-756, Chile-N-765, Crete-NW- States of America-A-87, Colombia-A-87, Amaranthus altissimus Riddell
771, South Korea-N-773, Mediterranean-I- New Zealand-A-87, Russia-A-87, Italy-N- Amaranthaceae
775, Australia-N-7, North America-X-790, 1007, Serbia-A-1019, Poland-N-1040, Accepted name: Amaranthus tuberculatus
Japan-N-794, Spain-I-802, Spain-I-807, Romania-N-1549, Global-N-1218, Total N° of Refs: 34
Hungary-NI-809, United Kingdom-U-812, Romania-N-1553, Spain-N-1556, Cape References: Canada-A-642.
Belarus-N-817, Switzerland-RI-818, Czech Verde-N-1558, Russia-N-1647, Bosnia and
Republic-N-826, Australia-W-853, Herzegovina-A-1650, Global-CD-1611, Amaranthus angustifolius Lam.
Australia-N-855, Australia-W-869, Italy-A-1618, United States of America- Amaranthaceae
Mexico-I-878, China-I-882, Israel-A-885, ZD-1627, United States of America-AZD- Accepted name: Amaranthus graecizans L.
Europe-AN-889, Ireland-U-894, Romania- 1667, Russia-N-1006, Ukraine-N-1685, Total N° of Refs: 137
I-896, Germany-N-907, Argentina-A-913, Russia-N-1688, Europe-N-1690, China-I- Major Pathway/s: Crop
New Zealand-N-919, Colombia-A-927, 1711, Czech Republic-N-1731, France-N- References: Egypt-A-87, Kenya-A-87,
United Kingdom-Z-944, United States of 1438, Europe-UNI-1740, Croatia-NW- Lebanon-A-87, Morocco-A-87, Tanzania-
America-W-946, Mediterranean-W-951, 1747, China-I-1758, China-I-1769, Serbia- A-87.
Argentina-I-983, Australia-N-354, Russia- R-1771, China-A-1669, Austria-A-1670,
A-998, Austria-N-1006, Belgium-N-1006, Russia-W-1671, Greece-N-1803, Ukraine-
France-N-1006, Czechoslovakia-N-1006, N-1813, Sardinia-I-1393, Sardinia-AI-
Germany-N-1006, Greece-N-1006, 1824, Australia-N-1902, Romania-I-1843,

Amaranthus angustifolius Lam. subsp. Amaranthus blitoides S.Wats. China-N-1215, Poland-R-1219, Belgium-
sylvestris (Vill.) Wacht. Amaranthaceae ND-1220, Serbia-W-1238, Greece-W-
Amaranthaceae Total N° of Refs: 268 1240, Norway-N-1243, Georgia-UR-1250,
Accepted name: Amaranthus graecizans L. Global Risk Score: 24 Italy-I-251, Hungary-I-1255, Spain-A-
subsp. silvestris (Vill.) Brenan Rating: High 1263, China-U-92, Italy-N-1265, Spain-A-
Total N° of Refs: 133 Habit: annual Herb 1269, Spain-N-1270, Japan-N-1278, China-
References: Algeria-A-1402. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, NZID-1212, Slovakia-A-1282, Ukraine-N-
Subtropical, Tropical 1297, Macedonia-A-1304, Europe-E-1315,
Amaranthus arenicola I. M. Johnst. Origin: Africa, C Am, Europe, N Am, S Turkey-A-1316, Serbia-G-1326, Romania-
Amaranthaceae Am I-1334, Ukraine-N-1335, Sardinia-N-1336,
Total N° of Refs: 14 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, China-N-1344, Global-W-1349, Serbia-A-
Habit: annual Herb Herbal, Ornamental 1357, Israel-NW-1380, Spain-I-1390,
Origin: N Am Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Turkey--1412, Spain--1454, Spain--1455,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal Livestock, Sheep, Water, Escapee Serbia-N-1482, Slovakia-N-1484, China-I-
Dispersed by: Humans Weed of: Cereals, Cotton, Grapevines, 1496, Albania-N-1506, Czech Republic-N-
References: Global-N-85, Japan-N-287, Orchards & Plantations, Pastures, Pome 1522, Norway-N-1535, Europe-A-1539,
United Kingdom-UZ-314, Japan-N-367, Fruits, Potatoes, Sunflowers, Vegetables Romania-N-1540, Greece-N-1541, Spain-I-
South Korea-N-773, Japan-N-794, South References: United States of America-W- 1595, Central Europe-N-1602, Estonia-W-
Korea-N-761, Japan-N-1278, Global-W- 34, Gibraltar-AN-515, Finland-U-42, 1609, Austria-W-1609, Czech Republic-W-
1324, Japan-Z-1339, Global-W-1349, Global-A-44, United States of America-A- 1609, Denmark-W-1609, Russia-W-1609,
Japan-W-1977, Republic of Korea-W- 49, Global-A-68, Global-W-108, Global- Germany-W-1609, Ireland-W-1609,
1977, South Korea-N-2113. NZW-85, Europe-A-94, Global-A-243, Latvia-W-1609, Lithuania-W-1609,
United States of America-N-101, western Netherlands-W-1609, Norway-W-1609,
Amaranthus ascendens Loisel. Asia-A-115, South Africa-AZW-121, Poland-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, Jordan-
Amaranthaceae United States of America-W-161, United A-1640, Canada-A-87, Lebanon-A-87,
Accepted name: Amaranthus blitum L. States of America-W-174, United States of Morocco-A-87, Portugal-A-87, United
Total N° of Refs: 125 America-A-180, Japan-N-287, western States of America-A-87, Iraq-A-87, New
Major Pathway/s: Crop Europe-A-253, United States of America- Zealand-A-87, Pakistan-A-1030, Poland-N-
Weed of: Cereals W-210, United States of America-AW-211, 1040, Romania-N-1549, Global-N-1218,
References: Egypt-W-221, Italy-A-1618. United States of America-W-212, Europe, Romania-N-1553, Cape Verde-N-1558,
eastern-AW-272, western Europe-W-70, Russia-N-1647, Global-CD-1611, United
Amaranthus australis (A. Gray) J. D. United States of America-W-218, China- States of America-AZD-1667, Russia-N-
Sauer W-297, United Kingdom-UZD-314, Czech 1006, Russia-W-1687, Europe-N-1690,
Amaranthaceae Republic-NZ-400, China-W-431, United China-I-1711, Pakistan-A-1720, Azores-N-
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acnida cuspidata Kingdom-N-519, United States of 1721, North Africa, Libya, Egypt-W-1730,
Bertol. ex Spreng. (1) America-A-543, Iran-A-594, Morocco-A- Czech Republic-N-1731, France-N-1438,
Total N° of Refs: 6 561, Spain-NI-405, Poland-N-619, Europe- Europe-UNI-1740, Croatia-NW-1747,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical I-638, Canada-A-642, Ukraine-NR-643, Morocco-A-1752, China-I-1758, China-I-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Portugal-N-662, Portugal-A-670, Portugal- 1769, Serbia-R-1771, China-A-1669,
References: Guyana-W-32, Global-W- A-683, Hungary-A-688, Israel-A-696, Austria-A-1670, Greece-N-1803, Ukraine-
1349, United States of America-A-87, Portugal-A-700, Austria-N-708, Denmark- N-1813, Sardinia-N-1393, Sardinia-AN-
Suriname-W-1977, Venezuela-W-1977. UC-711, Portugal-N-718, China-NI-722, 1824, Romania-I-1843, Israel-ND-1575,
Canada and United States of America-N- Canada-G-1855, Argentina-A-1874, New
Amaranthus bicolor Nocca ex Willd. 725, Lithuania-I-737, Canada-UC-756, Zealand-Q-1879, Italy-UNI-1887, Sardinia-
Amaranthaceae Crete-NW-771, Mediterranean-I-775, N-1917, Serbia-A-1923, France-NR-1942,
Accepted name: Amaranthus tricolor L. Global-W-788, North America-X-790, Serbia-R-1957, Poland-A-1965, Italy-U-
Total N° of Refs: 69 Japan-N-794, Spain-I-802, Spain-I-807, 1842, -I-, -I-, -I-, Egypt-N-1979, Central
References: Algeria-W-1977. Hungary-I-809, France-W-764, United and northern Japan and northern islands-N-
Kingdom-U-812, Belarus-N-817, Czech 1983, Romania-N-1986, Russia-N-1988,
Amaranthus bigelovii Uline & Bray Republic-N-826, Israel-A-885, Europe-AN- Russia-N-1989, Poland-N-1993, Estonia-
Amaranthaceae 889, Spain-A-892, Ireland-U-894, N-1997, Kosovo-R-2003, Croatia-N-2004,
Accepted name: Amaranthus torreyi (A. Germany-N-907, United Kingdom-Z-944, Ukraine-NR-2013, China-ANRI-2021,
Gray) Benth. ex S. Watson United States of America-W-946, Spain-N-2027, Turkey-AD-2044, Ukraine-
Total N° of Refs: 1 Mediterranean-W-951, Russia-A-998, N-2050, Slovakia-N-2052, Israel-AGNI-59,
References: Global-W-1349. Austria-N-1006, Portugal-N-1006, Global-W-2056, Spain-A-2083, New
Belgium-N-1006, Spain-N-1006, Zealand-Q-2086, France-AND-2091,
Czechoslovakia-N-1006, France-N-1006, Spain-A-2098, Russia-I-2107, Ukraine-N-
Germany-N-1006, Greece-N-1006, 2112, Albania-W-1977, Austria-W-1977,
Lithuania-N-1006, Netherlands-N-1006, Belarus-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Bosnia
Romania-N-1006, Slovakia-N-1006, Spain- and Herzegovina-W-1977, Bulgaria-W-
N-1006, Turkey-N-1006, China-I-1055, 1977, Canada-W-1977, China-W-1977,
Europe-N-1072, Malta-N-1089, Portugal- Croatia-W-1977, Cyprus-W-1977, Czech
N-898, Europe-N-819, Greece-A-27, Republic-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977,
United States of America-W-1104, France-W-1977, Germany-W-1977,
Ukraine-I-1121, Australia-Q-1134, Greece- Greece-W-1977, Israel-W-1977, Italy-W-
NI-1142, Spain-W-1149, Crete-AN-1150, 1977, Japan-W-1977, Latvia-W-1977,
Romania-AU-1154, Italy-NI-1165, Cyprus- Lithuania-W-1977, Netherlands-W-1977,
N-1174, Italy-W-1176, Russia-I-1178, Poland-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977,
Czech Republic-A-1186, Global-Q-1208, Republic of Moldova-W-1977, Romania-

W-1977, Russian Federation-W-1977, Amaranthus blitum L. Marshall Islands-W-1977, Mauritius-W-
Serbia-W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977, Amaranthaceae 1977, Niue-W-1977, Papua New Guinea-
Slovenia-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Amaranthus W-1977, Poland-W-1977, Portugal-W-
Spain-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977, Turkey- ascendens Loisel. (2), Amaranthus 1977, Republic of Korea-W-1977, Republic
W-1977, Ukraine-W-1977. emarginatus Moq. ex Uline & Bray (12), of Moldova-W-1977, Romania-W-1977,
Amaranthus lividus L. (168), Amaranthus Rwanda-W-1977, Samoa-W-1977,
lividus L. subsp. lividus (2), Amaranthus Singapore-W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977,
lividus L. subsp. polygonoides (Moq.) South Africa-W-1977, Spain-W-1977,
Probst (6), Amaranthus oleraceus L. (7) Suriname-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977,
Total N° of Refs: 320 Switzerland-W-1977, Taiwan-W-1977,
Global Risk Score: 10.8 Tonga-W-1977, Turkey-W-1977, Tuvalu-
Rating: Medium W-1977, Ukraine-W-1977, Venezuela-W-
Habit: annual Herb 1977, Viet Nam-W-1977, South Korea-I-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, 2113, North Korea-I-2114, Global--1324.
Subtropical, Tropical
Origin: Africa, C Am, E Asia, Europe, N Amaranthus blitum L. var. blitum
Am, S Am, SE Asia, Cosmopolitan Amaranthaceae
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Total N° of Refs: 2
Herbal, Ornamental References: United States of America-N-
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, 101, Madagascar-N-1001.
Livestock, Sheep
Weed of: Vegetables Amaranthus blitum L. var. emarginatus
References: Guyana-W-32, Argentina-W- (Moq. ex Uline & Bray) ?, ined.
237, United Kingdom-U-40, Finland-U-42, Amaranthaceae
Global-NW-85, United States of America- Total N° of Refs: 1
N-101, Australia-N-134, United States of References: North America-N-1760.
America-W-179, western Europe-A-253,
North America-G-249, United Kingdom- Amaranthus blitum L. var.
UZD-314, Czech Republic-NZ-400, United pseudogracilis (Thell.) Costea
Kingdom-N-519, Pacific-W-621, Ukraine- Amaranthaceae
U-643, Denmark-U-711, Lithuania-I-737, Total N° of Refs: 1
Mediterranean-I-775, United Kingdom-U- References: North America-N-1760.
812, Switzerland-RI-818, Palestine-N-851,
Australia-W-853, Israel-A-885, Chile-A- Amaranthus blitum L. subsp. blitum
931, Mediterranean-W-951, Australia-N- Amaranthaceae
354, Madagascar-N-1001, Australia-N- Total N° of Refs: 12
1049, Global-Q-1208, Belgium-ND-1220, Origin: Africa, C Am, Europe, S Am
Norway-N-1243, France-A-1266, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Argentina-W-1286, Ukraine-N-1297, -N-, Dispersed by: Humans
south and southeast Asia-A-1320, Europe- References: Global-NW-85, Portugal-N-
W-1325, Ukraine-N-1335, Madagascar-N- 1006, Belgium-N-1006, Iberian Peninsular-
1000, India-NI-1345, Israel-NW-1380, N-1147, Spain-W-1149, Spain-N-1454,
Spain-N-1455, Brazil-N-1597, Czech Slovakia-N-1484, Czech Republic-N-1522,
Republic-W-1609, Denmark-W-1609, Romania-N-1549, Czech Republic-N-1731,
Latvia-W-1609, Lithuania-W-1609, Romania-W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977.
Netherlands-W-1609, Norway-W-1609,
Sweden-W-1609, Tajikistan-A-1017, Amaranthus blitum L. subsp.
Global-N-1218, Romania-N-1553, Global- emarginatus (Moq. ex Uline &
Q-1572, Lithuania-N-1652, Azores-N- W.L.Bray) Carretero, Muñoz Garm. &
1721, Brazil-N-1733, Brazil-N-1746, Pedrol
China-I-1769, central Europe-A-1616, Amaranthaceae
Sweden-N-1802, France-A-1814, Sardinia- Total N° of Refs: 19
AN-1824, Australia-N-1902, Israel-ND- Habit: annual Herb
1575, Colombia-N-1856, Chile-I-1872, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Sardinia-N-1917, Italy-U-1842, -I-, Origin: Africa, C Am, E Asia, S Am
Romania-N-1986, Spain-N-2027, Ukraine- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
N-2050, Ukraine-N-2112, Albania-W- Dispersed by: Humans
1977, Algeria-W-1977, Australia-W-1977, References: Chile-N-300, Global-N-85,
Austria-W-1977, Belarus-W-1977, Spain-NI-405, Austria-N-708, Spain-W-
Belgium-W-1977, Brazil-W-1977, 807, Germany-N-1006, Spain-N-1006,
Cameroon-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Portugal-N-898, Europe-N-819, Spain-W-
Chile-W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977, 1149, Spain-A-1269, Spain-N-1270, Chile-
Democratic Repubic of Korea-W-1977, N-1348, Spain-N-1454, Slovakia-U-1484,
Democratic Republic of the Congo-W- Austria-W-1609, France-N-1438, Sardinia-
1977, Denmark-W-1977, Ecuador-W-1977, N-1393, Colombia-W-1883.
Egypt-W-1977, India-W-1977, Iran
(Islamic Republic of)-W-1977, Israel-W-
1977, Japan-W-1977, Jordan-W-1977,
Latvia-W-1977, Lithuania-W-1977,

Amaranthus blitum L. subsp. Amaranthus bouchonii Thell. Amaranthus capensis Thell.
emarginatus (Moq. ex Uline & Amaranthaceae Amaranthaceae
W.L.Bray) Carretero, Muñoz Garm. & Accepted name: Amaranthus powellii Total N° of Refs: 6
Pedrol var. emarginatus (Moq. ex Uline S.Wats Origin: Africa
& Bray) Lambinon Total N° of Refs: 177 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Amaranthaceae Global Risk Score: 1.44 Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Rating: Low Livestock, Sheep
References: United States of America-N- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean References: United Kingdom-UZD-314,
101. Origin: N Am, S Am United Kingdom-N-519, United Kingdom-
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, U-812, Europe-N-819, Global-W-1324,
Amaranthus blitum L. subsp. Ornamental Belgium-W-1977.
emarginatus (Moq. ex Uline & Bray) Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Carretero et al. var. pseudogracilis Livestock, Sheep Amaranthus capensis Thell. subsp.
(Thell.) Costea Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations, capensis (Thell.) Brenan
Amaranthaceae Pastures, Potatoes, Vegetables Amaranthaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Global-A-44, Global-A-68, Total N° of Refs: 3
References: United States of America-N- Portugal-A-250, western Europe-A-253, Toxic - Habit: annual Herb
101. United Kingdom-UZD-314, Czech Origin: Africa
Republic-UZ-400, United Kingdom-N-519, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Amaranthus blitum L. subsp. oleraceus Switzerland-N-653, Austria-U-708, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
(L.) Costea Lithuania-I-737, Global-W-743, Hungary- Livestock, Sheep
Amaranthaceae U-809, France-W-764, United Kingdom-N- References: South Africa-AZR-121,
Total N° of Refs: 3 812, Germany-N-907, United Kingdom-Z- Belgium-UD-1220, Belgium-W-1977.
Origin: Africa, E Asia, S Am, SE Asia 944, Belgium-N-1006, France-N-1006,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop Germany-N-1006, United Kingdom-N- Amaranthus capensis Thell. subsp.
Dispersed by: Humans 1006, Netherlands-N-1006, Slovakia-N- uncinatus (Thell.) Brenan
References: Singapore-N-1290, India-U- 1006, Europe-N-819, Crete-A-1150, Amaranthaceae
1389, Singapore-N-1839. Hungary-U-1255, Spain-N-1270, Slovakia- Total N° of Refs: 3
U-1484, Czech Republic-U-1522, Toxic - Habit: annual Herb
Amaranthus blitum L. x Amaranthus Germany-W-1609, Lithuania-W-1609, Origin: Africa
emarginatus Moq. ex Uline & Bray Global-ZD-1611, Czech Republic-U-1731, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Amaranthaceae Europe-UNI-1740, Argentina-A-1874, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Switzerland-I-1990, Germany-N-2009, Livestock, Sheep
References: Austria-W-1609. France-AND-2091. References: South Africa-AZR-121,
Belgium-UD-1220, Lesotho-AZR-121.
Amaranthus x budensis Priszter
Amaranthaceae Amaranthus caracasanus Kunth
Accepted name: parents = Amaranthus Amaranthaceae
albus L. x Amaranthus blitoides S.Watson Total N° of Refs: 1
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Amaranthus x Habit: Herb
dobrogensis Morariu (1) Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 5 Origin: S Am
References: Hungary-U-809, Romania-U- References: Global-W-1349.
1154, Hungary-U-1255, Romania-W-1977.

Amaranthus californicus (Moq.) S.

Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: annual Herb
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Herbal
References: Canada-W-1977.

Amaranthus cannabinus (L.) Sauer

Total N° of Refs: 1
Major Pathway/s: Herbal
References: Algeria-W-1977.

Amaranthus caudatus L. Sardinia-N-1393, Sardinia-AU-1824, Sao Amaranthus clementii Domin
Amaranthaceae Tome and Principe-N-1805, Australia-N- Amaranthaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Amaranthus 1902, Romania-N-1843, Chile-I-1872, Total N° of Refs: 4
caudatus L. subsp. saueri V. Jehlik (5) Italy-U-1887, Sardinia-U-1917, Italy-U- Origin: Aust
Total N° of Refs: 178 1842, Egypt-N-1979, Bosnia and Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Global Risk Score: 19.2 Herzegovina-U-1987, Switzerland-U-1990, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Rating: High Estonia-N-1997, Croatia-U-2004, Burundi- Livestock, Sheep
Habit: annual Herb NR-2012, Ukraine-U-2014, New Zealand- References: United Kingdom-UZD-314,
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, N-2048, Ukraine-N-2050, Ukraine-N-2112, Europe-N-819, Belgium-UD-1220,
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Algeria-W-1977, Australia-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977.
Origin: Africa, C Am, E Asia, N Am, S Am Austria-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Burundi-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Chile- Amaranthus cochleitepalus Domin
Herbal, Ornamental W-1977, China-W-1977, Croatia-W-1977, Amaranthaceae
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cyprus-W-1977, Democratic Repubic of Total N° of Refs: 1
Livestock, Escapee Korea-W-1977, Democratic Republic of Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Weed of: Cereals the Congo-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans, Cattle, Livestock
References: Guyana-CW-32, Puerto Rico- Ecuador-W-1977, France-W-1977, References: Australia-ZD-1509.
CW-261, Gal pagos Islands-EW-257, Germany-W-1977, Greece-W-1977, Italy-
Singapore-N-476, Egypt-W-221, Finland- W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Latvia-W-1977, Amaranthus crassipes Schltdl.
C-42, Global-W-108, Global-ZW-85, Maldives-W-1977, Malta-W-1977, Amaranthaceae
United States of America-N-101, New Portugal-W-1977, Republic of Korea-W- Total N° of Refs: 12
Zealand-N-280, China-W-256, Japan-N- 1977, Republic of Moldova-W-1977, Global Risk Score: 1.44
287, Australia-N-198, western Europe-W- Romania-W-1977, Serbia-W-1977, Rating: Low
70, China-W-297, Australia-C-401, Slovakia-W-1977, Spain-W-1977, Sweden- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Australia-N-945, Spain-A-417, United W-1977, Switzerland-W-1977, Taiwan-W- Origin: C Am, N Am
Kingdom-C-314, China-W-431, United 1977, Ukraine-W-1977, Swaziland-W- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal
Kingdom-N-519, Europe-U-638, Ukraine- 1977, South Korea-U-2113, North Korea- Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
U-643, Switzerland-N-653, Australia-N- N-2114, Global--1324. Livestock, Sheep
310, Portugal-N-662, Austria-UC-708, References: Global-N-85, United States of
Denmark-UC-711, Portugal-N-718, Amaranthus caudatus L. subsp. saueri America-W-179, Japan-N-287, United
Mediterranean-I-775, Australia-N-7, Japan- V. Jehlik Kingdom-UZD-314, Japan-N-794, United
N-794, Hungary-U-809, United Kingdom- Amaranthaceae States of America-N-101, Japan-N-1278,
UC-812, Swaziland-N-825, Australia-W- Accepted name: Amaranthus caudatus L. Europe-W-1325, Dominican Republic-A-
853, Australia-N-855, Australia-N-856, Total N° of Refs: 178 1472, Dominican Republic-A-1475, Puerto
Australia-W-869, United States of Origin: S Am Rico-A-87, Japan-W-1977.
America-U-904, India-ID-914, New Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Zealand-N-919, Brazil-A-923, Venezuela- Dispersed by: Humans Amaranthus crassipes Schltdl. var.
A-932, Mozambique-nC-943, United References: Czech Republic-U-400, Czech crassipes
Kingdom-Z-944, Mediterranean-W-951, Republic-U-1522, Czech Republic-U-1731, Amaranthaceae
India-N-976, Australia-N-354, France-N- Ukraine-U-2014, Czech Republic-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 1
1006, Portugal-N-1006, Malta-N-1006, References: United States of America-N-
Romania-N-1006, Spain-N-1006, Amaranthus chlorostachys Willd. 101.
Australia-N-1049, China-I-1055, Portugal- Amaranthaceae
N-898, Europe-N-819, Spain-U-1149, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Amaranthus x
Crete-U-1150, Sardinia-I-1151, Gal pagos soproniensis Priszter & Kárpáti,
Islands-CN-1157, Croatia-C-1166, Cyprus- Amaranthus x zobelii Thell.
N-1174, Global-Q-1208, China-N-1215, Total N° of Refs: 25
Belgium-U-1220, Serbia-W-1238, Norway- Habit: annual Herb
N-1243, Georgia-UR-1250, Italy-U-251, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Hungary-U-1255, Italy-N-1265, Japan-N- Tropical
1278, Ukraine-N-1297, Romania-U-1334, Origin: N Am
Sardinia-NI-1336, China-N-1344, India-I- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
1345, French Guiana-N-1346, Sardinia-U- Ornamental
1381, India-ID-1389, Taiwan-N-1403, Dispersed by: Humans
Australia-N-1450, Spain-U-1454, Spain-U- Weed of: Cereals, Grapevines, Orchards &
1455, Serbia-N-1482, Slovakia-U-1484, Plantations, Pastures
China-I-1496, Turkey-A-1523, Greece-N- References: Egypt-W-221, United
1541, Brazil-N-1597, North Korea-N-1600, Kingdom-U-40, Poland-N-619, Hungary-
United States of America-N-1603, Estonia- AI-809, Hungary-ANI-1255, Paraguay-NI-
W-1609, Austria-W-1609, Denmark-W- 876, China-I-882, Europe-ANI-889, Peru-
1609, Russia-W-1609, Germany-W-1609, A-930, Italy-I-1091, Hungary-AI-1164,
Norway-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, Poland-AR-1219, Poland-N-1494, Europe-
Angola-A-87, Turkey-A-87, South Africa- A-1539, Poland-W-1609, Peru-A-87,
A-87, Brazil-A-87, Mauritius-A-87, Egypt-A-87, Poland-N-1040, Turkey-UN-
Venezuela-A-87, Romania-N-1554, Cape 1718, Poland-NR-1827, Poland-R-1947,
Verde-N-1558, Global-CD-1611, China-I- Poland-A-1965, Poland-N-1993, Israel-
1711, India-A-1725, North Africa, Libya, AGN-59, -U-2058.
Egypt-W-1730, Croatia-N-1747, China-I-
1758, China-I-1769, Ukraine-N-1813,

Amaranthus crispus (Lesp. & Thevenau) Amaranthus cruentus L. 1990, Estonia-N-1997, Croatia-U-2004,
N. Terracc. Amaranthaceae Germany-N-2009, Ukraine-N-2014, China-
Amaranthaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Amaranthus ANR-2021, Spain-N-2027, New Zealand-
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Amaranthus x hybridus L. subsp. cruentus (L.) Thell. (15), N-2048, Ukraine-N-2050, Spain-A-2098,
polgarianus Priszter & Kárpáti, Amaranthus paniculatus L. (18) Ukraine-N-2112, Albania-W-1977,
Amaranthus x thevenaei Degen & Thell. Total N° of Refs: 197 Australia-W-1977, Austria-W-1977,
Total N° of Refs: 72 Global Risk Score: 17.92 Belgium-W-1977, Bulgaria-W-1977,
Global Risk Score: 3.84 Rating: High Canada-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, China-W-
Rating: Low Toxic - Habit: annual Herb 1977, Croatia-W-1977, Cyprus-W-1977,
Habit: annual Herb Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Czech Republic-W-1977, Democratic
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Subtropical, Tropical Republic of the Congo-W-1977, Denmark-
Origin: S Am Origin: C Am, N Am, S Am W-1977, France-W-1977, Germany-W-
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, 1977, Greece-W-1977, India-W-1977,
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture Israel-W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Japan-W-
Livestock, Sheep, Escapee Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Escapee 1977, Latvia-W-1977, Lithuania-W-1977,
References: Argentina-W-237, Finland-U- Weed of: Cereals Papua New Guinea-W-1977, Portugal-W-
42, Global-N-85, Europe-A-94, United References: Australia-W-93, Puerto Rico- 1977, Republic of Moldova-W-1977,
States of America-N-101, South America- CW-261, Egypt-W-221, Finland-U-42, Rwanda-W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977,
W-295, United Kingdom-UZD-314, Czech Global-A-68, Global-NZW-85, United Solomon Islands-W-1977, Spain-W-1977,
Republic-UZ-400, Europe-N-638, Austria- States of America-N-101, New Zealand-N- Swaziland-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977,
U-708, Denmark-W-711, Mediterranean-I- 280, Chile-N-241, Japan-N-287, western Switzerland-W-1977, Tonga-W-1977,
775, Hungary-NI-809, Romania-I-896, Europe-A-253, Australia-N-198, Europe, Turkey-W-1977, Ukraine-W-1977,
Mediterranean-W-951, Spain-N-1006, eastern-AW-272, western Europe-W-70, Vanuatu-W-1977, Yemen-W-1977, Global-
France-N-1006, Germany-N-1006, Greece- Australia-N-945, Spain-A-417, Czech -1324.
N-1006, Hungary-N-1006, Lithuania-N- Republic-U-400, New Zealand-NW-425,
1006, Portugal-N-1006, Spain-N-1006, United Kingdom-N-519, New Zealand-N- Amaranthus cruentus L. var.
Europe-N-1072, Europe-N-819, Sardinia-I- 15, Pacific-W-621, Canary Islands-N-637, erythrostachys Moq.
1151, Romania-AU-1154, Belgium-UD- Ukraine-UC-643, Switzerland-N-653, Amaranthaceae
1220, Italy-U-251, Hungary-N-1255, Portugal-N-662, Israel-A-696, Austria-UC- Total N° of Refs: 1
Romania-I-1264, Global-W-1324, 708, Portugal-N-718, Canada and United Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Romania-I-1334, Sardinia-NI-1336, Czech States of America-N-725, Lithuania-I-737, Dispersed by: Humans
Republic-Z-1347, Romania-A-1377, United States of America-N-86, Australia- References: United Kingdom-Z-944.
Sardinia-U-1381, Serbia-N-1482, Slovakia- N-7, Japan-N-794, Spain-W-807, Hungary-
N-1484, Czech Republic-N-1522, U-809, United Kingdom-U-812, Amaranthus cruentus L. x Amaranthus
Romania-NI-1537, Romania-NI-1540, Switzerland-URI-818, Australia-W-853, retroflexus L.
Austria-W-1609, Denmark-W-1609, Australia-N-855, Australia-N-868, Amaranthaceae
Germany-W-1609, Argentina-A-87, Australia-W-869, Israel-A-885, Germany- Total N° of Refs: 3
Romania-N-1553, Czech Republic-N-1731, U-907, India-UD-914, New Zealand-N- References: Austria-U-708, Austria-W-
Europe-UNI-1740, Croatia-N-1747, 919, United Kingdom-Z-944, India-N-976, 1609, Austria-W-1977.
Sardinia-U-1393, Sardinia-AU-1824, Australia-N-354, France-N-1006, Romania-
Romania-I-1843, Italy-U-1887, Sardinia-U- N-1006, Turkey-N-1006, Australia-N-
1917, Romania-U-1986, Austria-W-1977, 1049, Global-NW-1059, Europe-N-1072,
Belarus-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Portugal-N-898, Europe-N-819, Greece-U-
Bulgaria-W-1977, Croatia-W-1977, Czech 1142, Iberian Peninsular-N-1147, Crete-N-
Republic-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, 1150, Sardinia-I-1151, Cyprus-N-1174,
France-W-1977, Germany-W-1977, Italy- Italy-W-1176, Belgium-U-1220, Chile-N-
W-1977, Portugal-W-1977, Republic of 1229, Serbia-W-1238, Georgia-UR-1250,
Moldova-W-1977, Romania-W-1977, Italy-I-251, Hungary-U-1255, Italy-N-
Serbia-W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977, 1265, Spain-NI-1270, Japan-N-1278,
Slovenia-W-1977. China-N-1212, Sardinia-NI-1336, India-NI-
1345, Chile-N-1348, Israel-NW-1380,
Sardinia-U-1381, Australia-N-1450, Spain-
U-1454, Spain-U-1455, Slovakia-U-1484,
China-I-1496, Albania-U-1506, Czech
Republic-U-1522, Russia-N-1533, Brazil-
N-1597, United States of America-N-1603,
Estonia-W-1609, Austria-W-1609, Russia-
W-1609, Germany-W-1609, Lithuania-W-
1609, Romania-N-1629, South Africa-A-
87, Australia-A-87, Global-CD-1611,
Azores-N-1721, North Africa, Libya,
Egypt-W-1730, Czech Republic-U-1731,
Brazil-N-1733, Croatia-N-1747, China-I-
1769, Russia-C-1671, Greece-N-1803,
Sardinia-I-1393, Sardinia-AI-1824, India-
W-1829, Australia-N-1902, Israel-ND-
1575, Chile-I-1872, Italy-UNI-1887,
Sardinia-N-1917, Egypt-N-1979, Romania-
U-1986, Russia-N-1989, Switzerland-U-

Amaranthus deflexus L. Australia-N-1450, Spain-N-1454, Spain-I- Amaranthus x dobrogensis Morariu
Amaranthaceae 1455, Serbia-N-1482, Slovakia-N-1484, Amaranthaceae
Total N° of Refs: 213 Chad-N-1503, Albania-N-1506, Czech Accepted name: Amaranthus x budensis
Global Risk Score: 24 Republic-N-1522, Greece-N-1541, Brazil- Priszter
Rating: High N-1597, Austria-W-1609, Denmark-W- Total N° of Refs: 5
Toxic - Habit: annual/perennial Herb 1609, Russia-W-1609, Germany-W-1609, References: Europe-N-819.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Norway-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609,
Subtropical, Tropical Argentina-A-87, South Africa-A-87, Chile-
Origin: C Am, Europe, S Am A-87, Morocco-A-87, New Zealand-A-87,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Italy-N-1007, Romania-N-1549, Global-N-
Herbal, Ornamental 1218, Romania-N-1553, Spain-N-1556,
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Brazil-A-1560, Brazil-A-1561, Brazil-A-
Livestock, Sheep, Wind, Escapee 1563, Bosnia And Herzegovina-N-1453,
Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations, Global-ZD-1611, Brazil-A-1622, El
Pastures, Vegetables Salvador-A-1676, Lesotho-AZR-121,
References: Brazil-A-245, Brazil-W-255, Azores-N-1721, Czech Republic-N-1731,
South Africa-AZR-121, Brazil-W-361, Brazil-N-1733, France-N-1438, Europe-
Brazil-W-407, Argentina-W-237, UNI-1740, Brazil-N-1746, Croatia-NW-
Australia-W-269, United States of 1747, Ukraine-N-1813, Sardinia-I-1393,
America-W-34, United Kingdom-U-40, Sardinia-AI-1824, Romania-I-1843,
Finland-U-42, Chile-N-300, South Africa- Australia-N-1845, Brazil-A-1857, Chile-I-
W-51, Global-NW-85, Europe-A-94, 1872, Italy-NI-1887, Sardinia-N-1917,
United States of America-N-101, New France-N-1941, France-NR-1942, France-I-
Zealand-N-280, Chile-N-241, South 1943, Chile-R-1949, Australia-N-1959,
America-W-295, South Africa-W-382, Canary Islands-N-1967, Italy-NI-1842,
South Africa-W-158, United States of Romania-U-1986, Bosnia and
America-W-161, New Zealand-W-165, Herzegovina-N-1987, Switzerland-I-1990,
Australia-N-176, Japan-N-287, Japan-W- South Africa-N-1991, Croatia-N-2004,
286, western Europe-A-253, Australia-N- Spain-N-2027, New Zealand-N-2048,
198, Europe, eastern-W-272, western France-AND-2091, Ukraine-N-2112,
Europe-W-70, Australia-N-945, United Albania-W-1977, Algeria-W-1977,
Kingdom-UZD-314, Japan-N-367, Australia-W-1977, Austria-W-1977,
Australia-E-327, Czech Republic-UZ-400, Belgium-W-1977, Brazil-W-1977,
New Zealand-NW-425, Canary Islands-N- Bulgaria-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Croatia-
305, United Kingdom-N-519, Tunisia-W- W-1977, Cyprus-W-1977, Czech Republic-
527, New Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N- W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, France-W-
15, Europe-I-638, Switzerland-N-653, 1977, Germany-W-1977, Greece-W-1977,
Portugal-N-662, Portugal-A-700, Austria- Italy-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Malta-W-
U-708, Denmark-W-711, Portugal-N-718, 1977, Portugal-W-1977, Republic of
Chile-N-765, Mediterranean-I-775, Japan- Korea-W-1977, Republic of Moldova-W-
N-794, Spain-W-807, Hungary-NI-809, 1977, Romania-W-1977, Serbia-W-1977,
France-W-764, United Kingdom-N-812, Slovakia-W-1977, Slovenia-W-1977, South
Switzerland-RI-818, Palestine-N-851, Africa-W-1977, Spain-W-1977, Sweden-
Pakistan-W-836, Australia-W-853, W-1977, Switzerland-W-1977, The former
Australia-N-855, Australia-W-869, Israel- Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia-W-1977,
A-885, Argentina-A-913, New Zealand-N- Turkey-W-1977, South Korea-N-2113.
919, Chile-A-931, United States of
America-W-946, Mediterranean-W-951, Amaranthus dinteri Schinz subsp.
Australia-N-354, Portugal-N-1006, brevipetiolatus Brenan
Belgium-N-1006, France-N-1006, France- Amaranthaceae
N-1006, Germany-N-1006, United Total N° of Refs: 1
Kingdom-N-1006, Greece-N-1006, Habit: annual Herb
Hungary-N-1006, Portugal-N-1006, Malta- Origin: Africa
N-1006, Portugal-N-1006, Romania-N- References: South Africa-R-121.
1006, Turkey-N-1006, Australia-N-1049,
Europe-N-1072, Portugal-N-898, Europe- Amaranthus dinteri Schinz subsp.
N-819, Spain-I-658, Italy-I-1091, Greece- dinteri
NI-1142, Iberian Peninsular-NI-1147, Amaranthaceae
Spain-W-1149, Crete-AN-1150, Sardinia-I- Total N° of Refs: 1
1151, Romania-AU-1154, Italy-NI-1165, Toxic - Habit: annual Herb
Cyprus-U-1174, Italy-W-1176, Global-Q- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
1208, Belgium-ND-1220, Chile-N-1229, Origin: Africa
Serbia-W-1238, Greece-W-1240, Norway- Major Pathway/s: Crop
N-1243, Georgia-UR-1250, Italy-I-251, References: South Africa-AR-121.
Hungary-N-1255, Australia-E-1261, Italy-
N-1265, Spain-NI-1270, France-I-1273,
Japan-N-1278, -N-, Global-W-1324,
Sardinia-NI-1336, Chile-N-1348, Sardinia-
N-1381, Brazil-R-1400, Algeria-A-1402,

Amaranthus dubius Mart. ex Thell. 1977, Palau-W-1977, Papua New Guinea- Amaranthus giganticus L.
Amaranthaceae W-1977, Rwanda-W-1977, Sao Tome and Amaranthaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Amaranthus tristis Principe-W-1977, Senegal-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 1
L. (6) Seychelles-W-1977, Sierra Leone-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 122 Somalia-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans
Global Risk Score: 14.4 Taiwan-W-1977, Thailand-W-1977, References: Cambodia-A-87.
Rating: Medium Uganda-W-1977, Yemen-W-1977, Zambia-
Toxic - Habit: annual Herb W-1977, Zimbabwe-W-1977, Global-- Amaranthus gracilis Desf., nom. nud.
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, 1324. Amaranthaceae
Tropical Accepted name: Amaranthus viridis L.
Origin: N Am, S Am Amaranthus emarginatus Moq. ex Uline Total N° of Refs: 457
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, & Bray Habit: annual Herb
Herbal, Ornamental Amaranthaceae Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Dispersed by: Humans, Vehicles, Escapee Accepted name: Amaranthus blitum L. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal
Weed of: Bananas, Cereals, Orchards & subsp. emarginatus L. Weed of: Cereals, Cotton, Orchards &
Plantations Total N° of Refs: 135 Plantations
References: northern Australia and Habit: annual Herb References: Indonesia-A-170, southeast
immediate northern neighbours -W-11, Origin: C Am, Cosmopolitan Asia-W-191, Gal pagos Islands-EW-257,
Australia, northern-Q-135, Gal pagos Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Thailand-A-238, Thailand-W-822, United
Islands-N-257, Guadeloupe-A-206, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee States of America-W-34, Global-A-243,
Bahamas-A-578, Burundi-A-550, Cuba-A- References: Chile-N-765, Romania-U- Japan-N-287, Japan-N-794, Hungary-U-
579, United States of America-CE-617, 1154, Chile-N-1229, Romania-I-1334, 809, Brazil-A-923, Australia-N-1049,
Pacific-W-3, Global-N-85, Global-A-243, Chile-N-1348, Romania-N-1554, Chile-I- Europe-N-819, Thailand-A-1211, Hungary-
South Africa-AR-121, United States of 1872, Switzerland-I-1990, Germany-N- U-1255, Japan-N-1278, south and southeast
America-W-179, Australia-C-401, Pacific- 2009, Chile-W-1977, Greece-W-1977, Asia-A-1320, HONDURAS-A-585, India-
W-621, Australia-AN-310, Global-W-743, Romania-W-1977. A-590, Global-Q-1572, Global-W-2056.
United States of America-N-301, United
States of America-N-839, Ecuador-N-875, Amaranthus fimbriatus (Torr.) Benth. ex
Colombia-A-927, Trinidad-A-928, Puerto S. Watson
Rico-A-929, Venezuela-A-932, Central Amaranthaceae
America-A-933, Mozambique-nC-943, Total N° of Refs: 3
Africa-A-980, Australia-N-354, Habit: annual Herb
Madagascar-N-1001, Global-W-1059, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical
United States of America-N-101, United Major Pathway/s: Herbal
States of America-N-1116, Lesser Antilles- Weed of: Grapevines
A-1128, Ethiopia-A-1141, Gal pagos References: Global-A-243, United States of
Islands-N-1157, Panama-A-1190, Global- America-W-161, Global-W-1349.
A-1207, China-N-1215, United States of
America-N-1292, south and southeast Asia- Amaranthus x galii Sennen & Gonzalo
A-1320, Madagascar-N-1000, Global-W- ex Priszter
1349, Zimbabwe-U-1365, Taiwan-N-1403, Amaranthaceae
Nigeria-ZD-1445, Puerto Rico and Virgin Accepted name: parents = Amaranthus
Islands-W-1452, Dominican Republic-A- patulus x Amaranthus retroflexus
1472, Dominican Republic-A-1475, Gal Total N° of Refs: 8
pagos Islands-N-1481, Global-ZD-1495, References: Japan-N-287, Japan-N-794,
Cuba-N-1505, Venezuela-W-1511, French Hungary-U-809, Europe-N-819, Hungary-
Polynesia-N-1514, Colombia-A-87, Cuba- U-1255, Japan-N-1278, France-W-1977,
A-87, Puerto Rico-A-87, Tanzania-A-87, Japan-W-1977.
Hawaii-A-87, Nicaragua-A-87, Dominican
Republic-A-87, Belize-A-87, Kenya-A-87, Amaranthus gangeticus L.
Melanesia-A-87, Peru-A-87, Trinidad-A- Amaranthaceae
87, Venezuela-A-87, Cape Verde-N-1558, Accepted name: Amaranthus tricolor L.
Global-Q-1572, Global-CD-1611, Sao Total N° of Refs: 71
Tome and Principe-N-1805, Argentina-A- Global Risk Score: 1.2
1874, -I-, -I-, Burundi-NR-2012, Cuba- Rating: Low
NRI-2054, Cuba-I-2055, Australia-W- Toxic - Habit: annual Herb
1977, Bangladesh-W-1977, Benin-W-1977, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Burkina Faso-W-1977, Burundi-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Cameroon-W-1977, Comoros-W-1977, Ornamental
Cuba-W-1977, Democratic Republic of the Dispersed by: Humans
Congo-W-1977, Ecuador-W-1977, References: United States of America-W-
Equatorial Guinea-W-1977, Eritrea-W- 218, India-A-948, United States of
1977, Ethiopia-W-1977, Fiji-W-1977, America-A-87.
Ghana-W-1977, Kenya-W-1977, Kiribati-
W-1977, Malawi-W-1977, Maldives-W-
1977, Marshall Islands-W-1977,
Micronesia (Federated States of)-W-1977,
Mozambique-W-1977, Nauru-W-1977,
Niger-W-1977, Nigeria-W-1977, Oman-W-

Amaranthus graecizans L. Egypt-W-1730, France-N-1438, Croatia-N- Amaranthus graecizans L. subsp.
Amaranthaceae 1747, Turkey-N-1718, Sardinia-N-1393, sylvestris (Vill.) Brenan
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Amaranthus Sardinia-AU-1824, Saudi Arabia-A-1869, Amaranthaceae
angustifolius Lam. (5), Amaranthus Italy-UNI-1887, Sardinia-U-1917, Egypt- Total N° of Refs: 15
graecizans L. var. sylvestris (Vill.) Asch. & A-1922, Italy-N-1842, Bosnia and Habit: annual Herb
Schweinf. (2), Amaranthus silvestris Vill. Herzegovina-U-1987, Switzerland-U-1990, Origin: E Asia, Europe
(1), Amaranthus thellungianus Nevski (3), Estonia-N-1997, Tunisia-A-2006, Burundi- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Amaranthus angustifolius Lam. subsp. NR-2012, Turkey-AD-2044, New Zealand- Dispersed by: Humans
sylvestris (Vill.) Wacht. (1) N-2048, Israel-ANI-59, Burkina Faso-A- References: Australia-N-198, Australia-E-
Total N° of Refs: 144 2068, Tanzania-A-2076, Egypt-A-2088, 327, Czech Republic-UZ-400, Denmark-U-
Global Risk Score: 14.4 United States of America-N-2092, 711, Australia-N-855, United States of
Rating: Medium Belgium-W-1977, Bulgaria-W-1977, America-N-101, Iberian Peninsular-N-
Toxic - Habit: annual Herb Burundi-W-1977, Croatia-W-1977, Czech 1147, Spain-W-1149, Australia-N-1450,
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Republic-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, Spain--1454, Slovakia-N-1484, Czech
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Germany-W-1977, Israel-W-1977, Italy-W- Republic-U-1522, Denmark-W-1609,
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, N Am 1977, Japan-W-1977, Marshall Islands-W- Czech Republic-U-1731, Spain-N-2027.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, 1977, Romania-W-1977, Rwanda-W-1977,
Herbal, Ornamental Switzerland-W-1977, Italy-N-2115. Amaranthus graecizans L. subsp.
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, thellungianus (Nevski) Gusev
Livestock, Sheep, Water Amaranthus graecizans L. var. sylvestris Amaranthaceae
Weed of: Carrots, Cereals, Cotton, (Vill.) Asch. & Schweinf. Total N° of Refs: 5
Cucurbits/Melons, Grapevines, Orchards & Amaranthaceae Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Plantations, Pastures, Pome Fruits, Accepted name: Amaranthus graecizans L. Origin: E Asia, Europe
Potatoes, Sunflowers, Vegetables subsp. silvestris (Vill.) Brenan Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
References: Africa-A-53, Global-W-23, Total N° of Refs: 134 Dispersed by: Humans
Egypt-W-221, United Kingdom-U-40, References: Sweden-W-1609, Sweden-W- References: Global-N-85, Czech Republic-
Finland-U-42, Global-A-44, Sudan-W-242, 1977. UZ-400, Mozambique-nC-943, Czech
Global-NZW-85, Europe-A-94, Global-A- Republic-U-1522, Czech Republic-U-1731.
243, New Zealand-N-280, Syria-A-111, Amaranthus graecizans L. subsp.
western Asia-A-115, Canada and United graecizans
States of America-XW-299, Ethiopia-A- Amaranthaceae
240, Australia-N-176, Egypt-A-185, Total N° of Refs: 8
western Europe-A-253, Europe, eastern-W- Habit: annual Herb
272, western Europe-W-70, United States Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
of America-W-218, Australia-N-945, Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, S Am
United Kingdom-UZD-314, United Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Kingdom-N-519, Cyprus-A-593, Global-A- Dispersed by: Humans
546, Canada-A-642, Switzerland-N-653, References: Czech Republic-UZ-400,
Portugal-A-670, Israel-A-696, Denmark-U- Denmark-U-711, Slovakia-U-1484, Czech
711, India-A-712, Mediterranean-I-775, Republic-U-1522, Denmark-W-1609, Cape
Mexico-N-791, Japan-N-794, United Verde-N-1558, Czech Republic-U-1731,
Kingdom-U-812, United States of Slovakia-W-1977.
America-N-839, Israel-A-885, India-N-
914, New Zealand-N-919, Mozambique- Amaranthus graecizans L. subsp.
nC-943, United Kingdom-Z-944, silvestris (Vill.) Brenan
Mediterranean-W-951, Africa-A-980, Amaranthaceae
Australia-N-354, France-N-1006, Total N° of Refs: 11
Germany-N-1006, Slovakia-N-1006, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Malta-N-1089, Europe-N-819, Saudi Subtropical, Tropical
Arabia-A-25, United States of America-N- Origin: E Asia, Europe
101, Ethiopia-A-1141, Egypt-A-1171, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Global-Q-1208, Belgium-UD-1220, Serbia- Ornamental
W-1238, Norway-N-1243, Italy-I-251, Dispersed by: Humans
Saudi Arabia-A-797, Italy-N-1265, Japan- References: Global-N-85, Pakistan-W-836,
N-1278, United States of America-N-1292, Australia-W-869, Australia-N-354, Spain-
Sardinia-N-1336, Turkey-A-1351, Israel- N-1270, France-N-1438, Australia-UN-
NW-1380, Spain--1455, Turkey-A-1459, 1845, Australia-N-1959, Denmark-W-
Turkey-A-1464, Turkey-A-1465, Saudi 1977, Slovakia-W-1977, Spain-W-1977.
Arabia-A-1504, Saudi Arabia-A-1525,
Europe-A-1539, Estonia-W-1609,
Denmark-W-1609, Germany-W-1609,
Mexico-A-87, Israel-A-87, Kenya-A-87,
Lebanon-A-87, Portugal-A-87, Ghana-A-
87, New Zealand-A-87, Sudan-A-87,
United States of America-A-87, Zambia-A-
87, Egypt-A-1028, Global-N-1218,
Romania-N-1553, Global-Q-1572, Crete-
A-1651, Global-ZD-1611, Africa-A-1623,
Azores-N-1721, North Africa, Libya,

Amaranthus hybridus L. Argentina-A-913, India-ID-914, Mexico-A- U-1393, Sardinia-AI-1824, Australia-N-
Amaranthaceae 915, Brazil-A-923, Africa-N-926, 1902, Brazil-A-1857, Montenegro-W-1861,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Amaranthus Colombia-A-927, Peru-A-930, Chile-A- Cameroon-A-1867, Oman-A-1870, Chile-I-
patulus Bertol. (27) 931, Europe-N-862, United States of 1872, Chile-E-1874, Italy-UNI-1887,
Total N° of Refs: 370 America-W-946, Mediterranean-W-951, Honduras-W-1892, Guatemala-A-1893,
Global Risk Score: 19.2 Africa-A-980, Australia-N-354, Austria-N- Belize-A-1900, Sardinia-N-1917, Egypt-A-
Rating: High 1006, Portugal-N-1006, Belgium-N-1006, 1922, Nepal-A-1932, Mexico-R-1935,
Toxic - Habit: annual Herb Greece-N-1006, Spain-N-1006, Australia- France-N-1940, France-N-1941, France-
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, N-1049, China-I-1055, Global-W-1059, NI-1942, France-I-1943, Australia-N-1959,
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Europe-N-1072, Malta-N-1089, Portugal- Canary Islands-N-1967, South Korea-N-
Origin: C Am, N Am, S Am, Cosmopolitan N-898, Europe-N-819, Iran-A-173, United 1974, Italy-U-1842, -I-, -I-, -I-, Saudi
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, States of America-N-101, United States of Arabia-N-1978, Egypt-N-1979, Bosnia and
Herbal, Ornamental America-W-1104, Poland-C-1122, Africa- Herzegovina-N-1987, South Africa-N-
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle, W-1127, Bosnia and Herzegovina-N-1140, 1991, Estonia-N-1997, Spain-AZ-2008,
Donkey, Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles, Ethiopia-A-1141, Greece-NI-1142, Iberian Burundi-NR-2012, Argentina-ND-2025,
Escapee Peninsular-NI-1147, Spain-W-1149, Crete- Spain-N-2027, Angola-N-2028, Tanzania-
Seed Longevity: Short Term AN-1150, Sardinia-I-1151, Romania-AU- N-2030, South Korea-A-2032, -AWD-
Weed of: Bananas, Cereals, Cotton, 1154, Gal pagos Islands-N-1157, Italy-NI- 2036, New Zealand-N-2048, Global-W-
Cucurbits/Melons, Grapevines, Nursery 1165, Egypt-A-1171, Italy-W-1176, Serbia- 2056, Burkina Faso-A-2068, Botswana-A-
Production, Orchards & Plantations, E-1177, South Korea-A-1192, Pakistan-A- 2071, Nigeria-A-2073, Slovenia-A-2078,
Pastures, Pome Fruits, Potatoes, 1214, China-N-1215, Mexico-W-1226, Egypt-A-2088, France-AND-2091,
Sunflowers, Vegetables Chile-N-1229, Serbia-W-1238, France-A- Albania-W-1977, Algeria-W-1977,
References: Brazil-A-245, Zimbabwe-A- 1239, Greece-W-1240, Italy-I-251, Argentina-W-1977, Australia-W-1977,
50, Africa-A-53, Australia, northern-A-55, Australia-E-1261, Saudi Arabia-A-797, Austria-W-1977, Belarus-W-1977,
Australia-W-93, Vietnam-W-262, Brazil- Romania-I-1264, Spain-A-1269, Spain-NI- Belgium-W-1977, Bhutan-W-1977, Brazil-
W-361, Brazil-W-407, Australia-N-368, 1270, France-I-1273, United States of W-1977, Bulgaria-W-1977, Burundi-W-
Australia-N-7, Argentina-A-236, eastern America-A-1275, Japan-N-1278, Turkey- 1977, Canada-W-1977, Chile-W-1977,
and central North America-W-8, Global- A-1287, Ukraine-N-1297, Global-W-1324, China-W-1977, Colombia-W-1977,
W-23, Australia-W-269, United States of Pakistan-A-704, Australia-A-1331, Croatia-W-1977, Cyprus-W-1977, Czech
America-W-34, Global-A-44, Chile-N-300, Romania-I-1334, Sardinia-NI-1336, Chile- Republic-W-1977, Democratic Repubic of
South Africa-W-51, Global-A-68, Global- N-1348, Global-W-1349, Finland-N-1356, Korea-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, Egypt-
N-108, Global-NZW-85, Europe-A-94, Sardinia-U-1381, Africa-A-1384, Spain-I- W-1977, Fiji-W-1977, France-W-1977,
Global-A-186, Global-A-243, New 1390, Taiwan-N-1403, Turkey-A-1410, Germany-W-1977, Greece-W-1977,
Zealand-N-280, Syria-A-111, western Zimbabwe-ZD-1434, South Africa-ZD- Hungary-W-1977, India-W-1977, Italy-W-
Asia-A-115, Chile-N-241, Canada-W-293, 1435, Global-E-1449, Australia-N-1450, 1977, Japan-W-1977, Jordan-W-1977,
South Africa-W-382, Central America-W- Spain--1454, Spain--1455, Dominican Montenegro-W-1977, Nauru-W-1977,
157, South Africa-W-158, United States of Republic-A-1472, Dominican Republic-A- Netherlands-W-1977, Poland-W-1977,
America-W-161, Canada and United States 1475, Serbia-N-1482, Slovakia-U-1484, Portugal-W-1977, Republic of Korea-W-
of America-W-299, Ethiopia-A-240, Global-ZD-1495, China-I-1496, Mexico-N- 1977, Republic of Moldova-W-1977,
United States of America-W-179, United 1500, Saudi Arabia-A-1504, Albania-N- Romania-W-1977, Rwanda-W-1977, Saudi
States of America-A-180, Japan-N-287, 1506, Mexico-W-1510, Czech Republic-U- Arabia-W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977,
Egypt-A-185, western Europe-A-253, 1522, Norway-N-1535, Romania-NI-1537, Slovenia-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977,
eastern North America-E-195, Australia-N- Europe-A-1539, Greece-N-1541, Ethiopia- Spain-W-1977, Taiwan-W-1977, Ukraine-
198, United States of America-AW-207, ZD-1437, Spain-I-1595, Brazil-N-1597, W-1977, Venezuela-W-1977, Zimbabwe-
North America-G-249, United States of Romania-N-1599, Central Europe and W-1977, Swaziland-W-1977, South Korea-
America-AW-210, United States of Asia-N-1602, Estonia-W-1609, Austria-W- N-2113, North Korea--.
America-AG-211, Europe, eastern-AW- 1609, Denmark-W-1609, Russia-W-1609,
272, western Europe-W-70, United States Germany-W-1609, Netherlands-W-1609, Amaranthus hybridus L. var. aciculatus
of America-W-218, Australia-N-945, Norway-W-1609, Mexico-A-87, New Thell.
Spain-A-417, United Kingdom-UZD-314, Zealand-A-87, Zimbabwe-A-87, South Amaranthaceae
Japan-N-367, Australia-E-327, Czech Africa-A-87, United States of America-A- Total N° of Refs: 1
Republic-UZ-400, United States of 87, Zambia-A-87, Argentina-A-87, Brazil- References: Portugal-N-1006.
America-W-486, China-W-431, United A-87, Colombia-A-87, Ethiopia-A-87,
Kingdom-N-519, New Zealand-N-15, Kenya-A-87, Peru-A-87, Thailand-A-87, Amaranthus hybridus L. var.
United States of America-A-543, Eritrea- Tanzania-A-87, Australia-A-87, Japan-A- erythrostachys Moq.
A-555, Oman-A-598, Global-A-546, South 87, Lebanon-A-87, Morocco-A-87, El Amaranthaceae
Africa-A-1369, Spain-NI-405, Europe-N- Salvador-A-87, Chile-A-87, Hawaii-A-87, Accepted name: Amaranthus
638, Canada-A-642, Ukraine-U-643, Indonesia-A-87, Nigeria-A-87, Pakistan-A- hypochondriacus L.
Austria-U-708, Canada and United States 87, Egypt-A-1028, Croatia-A-1037, Brazil- Total N° of Refs: 86
of America-NI-725, United States of A-1560, Brazil-A-1563, Brazil-A-1566, Habit: Herb
America-N-86, Chile-N-765, Global-Q-1572, Australia, northern-W- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Mediterranean-I-775, Japan-N-794, Spain- 1204, Crete-A-1651, Mexico-AD-757, Dispersed by: Humans
I-802, Spain-I-807, United Kingdom-U- Global-CD-1611, Africa-A-1623, Lesotho- References: New Zealand-N-280, New
812, Belarus-N-817, Zimbabwe-AN-848, W-1127, Nigeria-A-1701, China-I-1711, Zealand-N-919, New Zealand-N-2048.
Australia-W-853, Australia-N-855, Azores-N-1721, Czech Republic-U-1731,
Australia-N-868, Australia-W-869, Brazil-N-1733, France-NI-1438, Croatia-
Ecuador-N-875, Paraguay-NWI-876, NW-1747, China-I-1758, China-I-1769,
Europe-AN-889, Mexico-W-890, Spain-A- central Europe-A-1616, Global-AD-1589,
892, Ireland-U-894, Romania-I-896, Turkey-N-1718, Congo-A-1799, Sardinia-

Amaranthus hybridus L. var. hybridus Amaranthus hybridus L. subsp. Amaranthus hybridus L. subsp.
Amaranthaceae hybridus hypochondriacus (L.) Thell.
Total N° of Refs: 10 Amaranthaceae Amaranthaceae
Habit: Herb Total N° of Refs: 28 Accepted name: Amaranthus
References: New Zealand-N-280, New Global Risk Score: 4.32 hypochondriacus L.
Zealand-N-919, South Africa-N-956, Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 87
Belgium-N-1006, France-N-1006, Toxic - Habit: annual Herb References: Norway-N-1243, Algeria-A-
Hungary-N-1006, Portugal-N-1006, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, 1402, Denmark-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609.
Netherlands-N-1006, Turkey-N-1006, New Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
Zealand-N-2048. Origin: C Am, N Am, S Am Amaranthus hybridus L. subsp. powellii
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, (S. Watson) Karlsson
Amaranthus hybridus L. var. Ornamental Amaranthaceae
paniculatus (L.) Thell Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 6
Amaranthaceae Weed of: Pastures Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: South Africa-AZR-121, Dispersed by: Humans
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Denmark-U-711, United States of America- References: Denmark-U-711, Norway-N-
References: Brazil-W-255. N-301, United States of America-N-839, 1243, Denmark-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609,
United States of America-N-904, Denmark-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977.
Amaranthus hybridus L. var. patulus Mozambique-nC-943, Botswana-A-1153,
(Betol.) Thell Global-Q-1208, United States of America- Amaranthus hybridus L. subsp.
Amaranthaceae N-1292, Zimbabwe-ND-1365, Cape Verde- quitensis (Kunth) Costea & Carretero
Total N° of Refs: 2 N-1414, Denmark-W-1609, Sweden-W- Amaranthaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical 1609, Pakistan-A-1634, Cape Verde-N- Accepted name: Amaranthus quitensis
Weed of: Pastures 1558, Lesotho-AZR-121, Pakistan-I-1697, Kunth
References: Brazil-W-255, Brazil-A-1847. Belgium-N-1220, Egypt-A-1922, Tanzania- Total N° of Refs: 60
N-2030, Paraguay-A-2070, Belgium-W- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Amaranthus hybridus L. subsp. 1977, Denmark-W-1977, Pakistan-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
bouchonii (Thell.) O.Bolòs & Vigo Poland-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977, Turkey- Livestock, Sheep
Amaranthaceae W-1977, Zimbabwe-W-1977. References: Belgium-UD-1220.
Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Global-Q-1208. Amaranthus hybridus L. subsp. Amaranthus hybridus L. x Amaranthus
hybridus var. cruentus (L.) Thell. powellii S.Watson
Amaranthus hybridus L. subsp. cruentus Amaranthaceae Amaranthaceae
(L.) Thell. Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1
Amaranthaceae Origin: C Am Habit: Herb
Accepted name: Amaranthus cruentus L. References: Africa-A-622. References: New Zealand-N-15.
Total N° of Refs: 179
Global Risk Score: 0.48 Amaranthus hybridus L. subsp. Amaranthus hybridus L. x Amaranthus
Rating: Low hybridus var. erythrostachys Moq. retroflexus L.
Toxic - Habit: annual Herb Amaranthaceae Amaranthaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Total N° of Refs: 4 Total N° of Refs: 2
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Origin: C Am References: United Kingdom-N-519,
Origin: C Am, N Am, S Am References: Africa-A-622, Swaziland-N- United Kingdom-U-812.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, 825, Pakistan-W-836, Botswana-N-1284.
Dispersed by: Humans Amaranthus hybridus L. subsp.
Weed of: Pastures hybridus var. hybridus
References: South Africa-AR-121, Amaranthaceae
Denmark-U-711, Swaziland-N-825, Total N° of Refs: 4
Pakistan-W-836, Mozambique-nC-943, Origin: C Am
Norway-N-1243, Botswana-N-1284, References: Africa-A-622, Swaziland-N-
Zimbabwe-ND-1365, Denmark-W-1609, 825, Botswana-N-1284, Belgium-N-1294.
Sweden-W-1609, Cape Verde-N-1558, Sao
Tome and Principe-N-1805, Egypt-A-1922, Amaranthus hybridus L. subsp.
Tanzania-N-2030, Paraguay-A-2070. hybridus var. hybridus
Amaranthus hybridus L. subsp. cruentus Total N° of Refs: 1
(L.) Thell. var. paniculatus Thell. Dispersed by: Animals, Livestock, Sheep
Amaranthaceae References: Belgium-ND-1220.
Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: annual Herb Amaranthus hybridus L. subsp.
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations hybridus var. pseudoretroflexus (Thell.)
References: India-A-712. Carretero
Total N° of Refs: 1
Origin: N Am
Dispersed by: Animals, Livestock, Sheep
References: Belgium-UD-1220.

Amaranthus hypochondriacus L. Amaranthus interruptus R.Br. Amaranthus lividus L.
Amaranthaceae Amaranthaceae Amaranthaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Amaranthus Total N° of Refs: 8 Accepted name: Amaranthus blitum L.
hybridus L. var. erythrostachys Moq. (3), Global Risk Score: 0.72 subsp. oleraceus (L.) Costea
Amaranthus hybridus L. subsp. Rating: Low Synonym/s (n° of refs): Amaranthus lividus
hypochondriacus (L.) Thell. (4) Habit: Herb convar. ascendens L.
Total N° of Refs: 90 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Total N° of Refs: 291
Global Risk Score: 7.2 Origin: Aust Global Risk Score: 17.92
Rating: Medium Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Rating: High
Toxic - Habit: annual Herb Dispersed by: Humans Aqua - Habit: annual Herb
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, References: Australia, northern-A-55, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Subtropical, Tropical Pacific-A-6, Pacific-W-621, Global-W-85, Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
Origin: C Am, N Am, S Am French Polynesia-N-1514, Papua New Origin: Africa, C Am, E Asia, Europe, N
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Guinea-W-1977, Samoa-W-1977, Solomon Am, S Am, W Asia, Cosmopolitan
Herbal, Ornamental Islands-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture
References: Finland-U-42, Global-W-108, Amaranthus lineatus R.Br. Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
United States of America-N-101, Czech Amaranthaceae Livestock, Vehicles, Escapee
Republic-U-400, United Kingdom-N-519, Total N° of Refs: 1 Weed of: Carrots, Cereals, Grapevines,
Ukraine-UC-643, Switzerland-N-653, References: United States of America-N- Nursery Production, Orchards &
Austria-UC-708, Crete-N-771, Spain-W- 101. Plantations, Pastures, Vegetables
807, Hungary-U-809, United Kingdom-U- References: Papua New Guinea-W-276,
812, United States of America-U-904, Taiwan-A-274, Brazil-W-255, Gal pagos
United Kingdom-Z-944, Austria-N-1006, Islands-N-257, Brazil-W-361, Brazil-W-
France-N-1006, Greece-N-1006, Spain-N- 407, Taiwan-N-777, Gibraltar-A-515,
1006, Turkey-N-1006, Portugal-N-898, Global-A-44, Global-A-68, Global-W-108,
Europe-N-819, Greece-N-1142, Spain-U- Europe-A-94, Global-A-243, New Zealand-
1149, Crete-N-1150, Cyprus-N-1174, N-280, South America-W-295, South
China-N-1215, Belgium-U-1220, Italy-U- America-A-270, Japan-A-263, United
251, Hungary-U-1255, Italy-N-1265, States of America-W-161, Japan-N-287,
Spain-NI-1270, Sardinia-N-1336, Japan-W-286, Egypt-A-185, Asia-W-204,
Madagascar-N-1000, China-N-1344, Spain- Argentina-A-236, Europe, eastern-AW-
N-1454, Spain-U-1455, Slovakia-U-1484, 272, western Europe-W-70, United States
Czech Republic-U-1522, Romania-N-1540, of America-W-218, China-W-297, China-
Romania-CN-1599, United States of A-275, Australia-N-945, Spain-A-417,
America-N-1603, Austria-W-1609, Russia- Japan-N-367, New Zealand-NW-425,
W-1609, Germany-W-1609, Romania-N- Canary Islands-N-305, United States of
1629, Kenya-A-87, Romania-N-1553, America-W-486, China-W-431, New
Global-CD-1611, Czech Republic-U-1731, Zealand-N-15, Poland-N-619, South
Sardinia-U-1393, Sardinia-AU-1824, Korea-A-648, Turkey-A-678, Canada-C-
Romania-U-1843, Italy-U-1887, Sardinia- 756, Australia-N-7, Mexico-N-791,
U-1917, Romania-U-1986, Russia-N-1989, Pakistan-W-836, Australia-W-869,
Switzerland-I-1990, Ukraine-NR-2013, Paraguay-NI-876, India-U-914, New
Ukraine-U-2014, Spain-N-2027, Spain-A- Zealand-N-919, United Kingdom-Z-944,
2098, Ukraine-N-2112, Austria-W-1977, Africa-A-980, Austria-N-1006, Portugal-N-
Belgium-W-1977, Bulgaria-W-1977, 1006, Spain-N-1006, Belgium-N-1006,
Croatia-W-1977, Cyprus-W-1977, Czech Czechoslovakia-N-1006, Germany-N-1006,
Republic-W-1977, Democratic Republic of Latvia-N-1006, Lithuania-N-1006, Poland-
the Congo-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, N-1006, Slovakia-N-1006, Slovenia-N-
France-W-1977, Germany-W-1977, 1006, Turkey-N-1006, Australia-N-1049,
Greece-W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Portugal- Europe-N-819, Greece-A-27, Gal pagos
W-1977, Republic of Moldova-W-1977, Islands-N-1157, Egypt-A-1171, Global-A-
Romania-W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977, 1207, China-N-1215, Poland-AR-1219,
Slovenia-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977, Global-A-1233, Serbia-W-1238, Georgia-
Switzerland-W-1977, Turkey-W-1977, NR-1250, Saudi Arabia-A-797, United
Ukraine-W-1977. States of America-A-1275, South Korea-N-
1276, south and southeast Asia-A-1320, La
Amaranthus inamoenus Willd. Reunion-AW-1321, China-N-1344, Global-
Amaranthaceae W-1349, Malaysia-A-1398, Algeria-A-
Total N° of Refs: 2 1402, Taiwan-N-1403, south and southeast
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Asia-A-1408, Taiwan-AN-1413, Gal pagos
Dispersed by: Humans Islands-N-1481, Global-ZD-1495, Mexico-
References: Global-W-23, Taiwan-W- N-1500, Saudi Arabia-A-1504, Saudi
1748. Arabia-A-1525, Romania-N-1540, Central
Europe and Asia-N-1602, Estonia-W-1609,
Poland-W-1609, Romania-NI-1629,
Austria-A-87, Greece-A-87, Israel-A-87,
Jordan-A-87, Japan-A-87, Pakistan-A-87,
Argentina-A-87, Germany-A-87, Hungary-

A-87, Indonesia-A-87, Kenya-A-87, New Amaranthus macrocarpus Benth. Amaranthus mangostanus L. fo.
Zealand-A-87, Peru-A-87, Senegal-A-87, Amaranthaceae versicolor Mak.
Russia-A-87, Sudan-A-87, Tunisia-A-87, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Amaranthus Amaranthaceae
Canada-A-87, Chile-A-87, China-A-87, macrocarpus var. macrocarpus Benth. Accepted name: Amaranthus tricolor L.
Republic of Congo-A-87, India-A-87, Iran- Total N° of Refs: 14 Total N° of Refs: 69
A-87, Iraq-A-87, Italy-A-87, South Korea- Global Risk Score: 2.16 References: Japan-N-287.
A-87, Mozambique-A-87, Netherlands-A- Rating: Low
87, New Guinea-A-87, Polynesia, West-A- Toxic - Habit: annual Herb Amaranthus melancholicus L.
87, Zimbabwe-A-87, South Africa-A-87, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Tropical Amaranthaceae
Spain-A-87, Thailand-A-87, Tanzania-A- Origin: Aust Accepted name: Amaranthus tricolor L.
87, Uganda-A-87, United States of Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Total N° of Refs: 71
America-A-87, Tajikistan-A-1017, North Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Korea-A-1018, Croatia-A-1037, Poland-N- Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
1040, Brazil-A-1560, Russia-N-1647, Livestock, Sheep Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Global-CD-1611, Brazil-A-1622, India-A- References: Australia, northern-A-55, References: Australia-CN-468, Global-CD-
1703, Brazil-N-1071, Taiwan-W-1748, Australia-W-269, Global-W-85, United 1611, Australia-W-1977.
Bangladesh-A-1761, Austria-A-1670, Kingdom-UZD-314, Denmark-U-711,
Romania-I-1843, Canada-G-1855, South Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049, Amaranthus mitchellii Benth.
Korea-A-1859, South Korea-AN-1860, Global-W-1324, Europe-W-1325, Amaranthaceae
Saudi Arabia-A-1869, Oman-A-1870, Denmark-W-1609, Australia-A-87, North Total N° of Refs: 13
Egypt-R-1922, Nepal-A-1932, Poland-A- America-N-1760, Belgium-W-1977, Global Risk Score: 2.16
1965, Canary Islands-N-1967, Russia-N- Denmark-W-1977. Rating: Low
1989, Poland-N-1993, Estonia-N-1997, Toxic - Habit: Shrub
Tunisia-A-2006, South Korea-A-2031, Amaranthus macrocarpus Benth. var. Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical,
South Korea-A-2032, South Korea-AN- macrocarpus Tropical
2033, New Zealand-N-2048, Brazil-R- Amaranthaceae Origin: Aust
2053, -U-2058, Poland-AN-2059, Egypt-A- Total N° of Refs: 4 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
2088, Canada-G-1462, India-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Amaranthus lividus L. convar. ascendens Livestock, Sheep Livestock, Sheep
(Lois.) Thell. References: Australia-W-869, Australia-N- Weed of: Carrots, Vegetables
Amaranthaceae 1049, Belgium-UD-1220, Belgium-W- References: Australia, northern-A-55,
Total N° of Refs: 1 1977. Global-A-243, Australia-N-945, United
References: Global-W-1059. Kingdom-UZD-314, Australia-N-354,
Amaranthus macrocarpus Benth. var. Australia-N-1049, Europe-N-819, Belgium-
Amaranthus lividus L. subsp. lividus pallidus Benth. UD-1220, Global-W-1324, Australia-A-87,
Amaranthaceae Amaranthaceae Australia-ZD-1675, Australia-W-1977,
Accepted name: Amaranthus blitum L. Total N° of Refs: 3 Belarus-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 125 Dispersed by: Animals, Livestock, Sheep
References: Cape Verde-N-1558, Spain-W- References: Australia-W-869, Australia-N-
1977. 1049, Belgium-UD-1220.

Amaranthus lividus L. subsp. Amaranthus mangostanus L.

polygonoides (Moq.) Probst Amaranthaceae
Amaranthaceae Accepted name: Amaranthus tricolor L.
Accepted name: Amaranthus blitum L. Total N° of Refs: 81
Total N° of Refs: 129 Habit: annual Herb
Habit: annual/perennial Herb Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Origin: S Am, Cosmopolitan Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal
References: South Africa-AR-121, United References: Japan-N-287, Japan-W-286,
States of America-N-301, United States of Asia-W-204, South Korea-A-648, Japan-N-
America-N-839, United States of America- 794, Global-A-1207, Japan-N-1278, Japan-
N-1292, French Polynesia-N-1514, Cape A-87, Taiwan-A-87, South Korea-N-1578,
Verde-N-1558. Japan-W-1977, South Korea-N-2113,
North Korea-N-2114.

Amaranthus mangostanus L. fo. ruber

Accepted name: Amaranthus tricolor L.
Total N° of Refs: 69
References: Japan-N-287.

Amaranthus muricatus (Moq.) Hieron. Amaranthus x ozanonii Thell. Amaranthus palmeri S. Watson
Amaranthaceae Amaranthaceae Amaranthaceae
Total N° of Refs: 89 Accepted name: parents = Amaranthus Total N° of Refs: 102
Global Risk Score: 6.48 retroflexus L. x Amaranthus hybridus L. Global Risk Score: 11.52
Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 14 Rating: Medium
Habit: perennial Herb Habit: annual Herb Toxic - Habit: annual Herb
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Origin: Europe Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Subtropical, Tropical Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Mediterranean, Subtropical
Origin: S Am Dispersed by: Humans Origin: N Am
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, References: Czech Republic-UZ-400, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Ornamental Hungary-U-809, Portugal-N-898, Europe- Herbal
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, N-819, Belgium-U-1220, Hungary-U-1255, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Livestock, Sheep Slovakia-U-1484, Czech Republic-U-1522, Livestock, Escapee
Weed of: Cereals, Vegetables Czech Republic-U-1731, Belgium-W-1977, Weed of: Bananas, Carrots, Cereals,
References: Argentina-W-237, Global-N- Czech Republic-W-1977, Greece-W-1977, Grapevines, Orchards and Plantations,
85, Europe-A-94, United States of Portugal-W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977. Vegetables
America-N-101, South Africa-AR-121, References: Global-W-28, United States of
Australia-N-198, Australia-N-945, United America-W-34, Global-A-68, Global-
Kingdom-UZ-314, Australia-E-327, Canary NXW-85, Global-A-243, United States of
Islands-N-305, Spain-NI-405, Europe-I- America-W-161, Japan-N-287, Japan-W-
638, Portugal-N-662, Austria-U-708, 286, Mexico-AW-199, United States of
Denmark-U-711, Portugal-N-718, America-W-212, United States of America-
Mediterranean-I-775, Mexico-N-791, W-218, United Kingdom-UZ-314, Japan-
Spain-I-802, Spain-I-807, Australia-W-853, N-367, Czech Republic-UZ-400, United
Australia-N-855, Australia-W-869, Israel- Kingdom-N-519, United States of
A-885, Mexico-W-890, Uruguay-A-924, America-A-543, Europe-U-638, Canada-A-
United Kingdom-Z-944, Mediterranean-W- 642, Ukraine-U-643, Israel-A-696, United
951, Australia-N-354, Greece-N-1006, States of America-A-705, Austria-U-708,
Portugal-N-1006, Portugal-N-1006, Spain- Denmark-W-711, Lithuania-I-737, South
N-1006, Australia-N-1049, Portugal-N- Korea-N-773, Japan-N-794, Spain-W-807,
898, Europe-N-819, Greece-N-1142, United Kingdom-U-812, Belarus-N-817,
Iberian Peninsular-NI-1147, Spain-N-1149, Mexico-I-878, Israel-A-885, Mexico-W-
Sardinia-I-1151, Belgium-UD-1220, 890, United States of America-W-946,
Mexico-W-1226, Italy-I-251, Australia-E- France-N-1006, Portugal-N-1006, Spain-N-
1261, Spain-A-1269, Spain-U-1270, 1006, Europe-N-819, United States of
Global-W-1324, Sardinia-NI-1336, Israel- America-N-101, United States of America-
NW-1380, Sardinia-U-1381, Spain-I-1390, W-1104, Greece-N-1142, Romania-U-
Australia-N-1450, Spain-N-1454, Spain-N- 1154, Global-Q-1208, South Korea-N-761,
1455, Mexico-N-1500, Europe-A-1539, Belgium-U-1220, Mexico-W-1226,
Greece-N-1541, Spain-I-1595, Brazil-N- Norway-N-1243, Japan-N-1278, China-N-
1597, Austria-W-1609, Denmark-W-1609, 1212, Georgia-A-1313, Romania-N-1334,
Argentina-A-87, South Africa-A-87, Japan-Z-1339, India-NI-1345, Global-W-
Morocco-A-87, Uruguay-A-87, Global-N- 1349, Israel-NW-1380, Iberian Peninsular-
1218, Europe-U-1740, Sardinia-I-1393, N-1388, Slovakia-U-1484, China-I-1496,
Sardinia-AI-1824, Australia-N-1902, Italy- Cuba-N-1505, Czech Republic-U-1522,
NI-1887, Sardinia-N-1917, Australia-N- Romania-N-1537, Austria-W-1609,
1959, Canary Islands-N-1967, Spain-N- Denmark-W-1609, Russia-W-1609, Latvia-
2027, Israel-N-59, Paraguay-A-2070, W-1609, Lithuania-W-1609, Norway-W-
France-AND-2091, Algeria-W-1977, 1609, Sweden-W-1609, United States of
Australia-W-1977, Austria-W-1977, America-A-87, Global-ZD-1611, China-I-
Belgium-W-1977, Greece-W-1977, Israel- 1711, Czech Republic-U-1731, China-I-
W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Mexico-W-1977, 1769, China-A-1669, Egypt-N-1979,
Portugal-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977, Ukraine-NR-2013, China-ANR-2021,
Spain-W-1977. Israel-ANI-59, Cuba-NI-2055, France-N-
2091, Ukraine-N-2112, Austria-W-1977,
Amaranthus oleraceus L. Belarus-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977,
Amaranthaceae Canada-W-1977, China-W-1977, Cuba-W-
Accepted name: Amaranthus blitum L. 1977, Cyprus-W-1977, Czech Republic-W-
Total N° of Refs: 130 1977, Denmark-W-1977, France-W-1977,
Global Risk Score: 2.88 Greece-W-1977, India-W-1977, Israel-W-
Rating: Low 1977, Japan-W-1977, Latvia-W-1977,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Lithuania-W-1977, Republic of Korea-W-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental 1977, Romania-W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977,
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Sweden-W-1977, Ukraine-W-1977, South
References: Australia-CN-468, Chile-A-87, Korea-N-2113.
Global-CD-1611, Brazil-U-1820, Chile-I-
1872, Australia-W-1977, Chile-W-1977.

Amaranthus paniculatus L. Amaranthus polygamus L. Amaranthus powellii S. Watson
Amaranthaceae Amaranthaceae Amaranthaceae
Accepted name: Amaranthus cruentus L. Accepted name: Amaranthus tricolor L. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Amaranthus
Total N° of Refs: 182 Total N° of Refs: 74 bouchonii Thell. (37), Amaranthus
Global Risk Score: 4.8 Habit: annual Herb retroflexus L. var. powellii (S. Wats.)
Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Boivin (1)
Habit: annual Herb Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal Total N° of Refs: 178
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, References: Global-A-1207, south and Global Risk Score: 18
Tropical southeast Asia-A-1408, Puerto Rico-A-87, Rating: High
Origin: C Am, Europe, S Am India-A-87, Pakistan-A-87, India-W-1866. Habit: annual Herb
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Herbal, Ornamental Amaranthus polygonoides L. Subtropical, Tropical
Dispersed by: Humans Amaranthaceae Origin: C Am, N Am, S Am
Weed of: Cereals, Grapevines, Orchards & Total N° of Refs: 24 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Plantations Global Risk Score: 5.76 Herbal, Ornamental
References: Australia-N-945, China-W- Rating: Low Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Vehicles,
431, Portugal-N-662, Portugal-N-718, Habit: annual Herb Water, Wind, Escapee
Crete-N-771, Europe-ANI-889, United Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Weed of: Cereals, Grapevines, Nursery
Kingdom-Z-944, Ukraine-N-1297, Estonia- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Production, Orchards & Plantations,
W-1609, Latvia-W-1609, South Africa-A- Herbal Pastures, Pome Fruits
87, China-A-87, Egypt-A-87, China-I- Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, References: Australia, northern-A-55,
1694, Ukraine-N-1813, Chile-I-1872, Livestock, Sheep Australia-W-269, United States of
Estonia-N-1997, Croatia-U-2004. References: United States of America-W- America-W-34, Global-A-68, Global-NW-
179, China-I-780, China-I-882, China-I- 85, Global-A-243, New Zealand-N-280,
Amaranthus patulus Bertol. 1055, Europe-N-819, China-N-1215, Canada-W-293, United States of America-
Amaranthaceae Belgium-UD-1220, Italy-U-251, Italy-N- W-161, Australia-N-176, Japan-N-287,
Accepted name: Amaranthus hybridus L. 1265, China-NI-1212, Global-W-1324, Australia-N-198, United States of America-
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Amaranthus x galii China-I-1496, China-I-1758, North AG-211, United States of America-W-218,
Sennen & Gonzalo ex Priszter America-N-1760, China-I-1769, China-A- Australia-N-945, Australia-E-327, Czech
Total N° of Refs: 370 1669, China-I-1873, Italy-U-1887, China- Republic-ZI-400, New Zealand-NW-425,
Global Risk Score: 5.76 NRI-2021, Belgium-W-1977, China-W- United Kingdom-N-519, New Zealand-N-
Rating: Low 1977, France-W-1977, India-W-1977, 534, New Zealand-N-15, Spain-NI-405,
Aqua - Habit: annual Herb Italy-W-1977. Europe-N-638, Canada-A-642, Ukraine-R-
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical 643, Austria-N-708, Canada and United
Origin: C Am, Europe States of America-NI-725, Lithuania-I-737,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop Canada-UC-756, Australia-N-7, Japan-N-
Dispersed by: Humans, Water 794, Spain-I-802, Spain-I-807, United
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations, Pastures Kingdom-U-812, Belarus-N-817, Czech
References: Taiwan-NI-777, Global-A-44, Republic-NI-826, Australia-W-853,
Japan-A-263, Japan-W-286, Asia-W-204, Australia-N-855, Australia-N-856,
South Korea-N-773, Hungary-NI-809, Australia-W-869, Europe-ANI-889,
Japan-AID-1073, South Korea-N-761, Mexico-W-890, Germany-N-907, New
China-N-1215, Hungary-N-1255, Japan-Z- Zealand-N-919, Austria-A-337, United
1339, Taiwan-N-1403, Taiwan-AEN-1413, States of America-W-946, Australia-N-354,
Serbia-U-1482, Japan-N-1602, Japan-A-87, Australia-N-1049, United States of
Global-Q-1572, South Korea-N-1586, America-N-1057, Global-W-1059,
Europe-U-1740, Taiwan-W-1748, South Portugal-N-898, Ukraine-I-1121, Greece-
Korea-A-1859, South Korea-AN-1860, N-1142, Iberian Peninsular-NI-1147,
South Korea-N-1974, South Korea-N-2029, Spain-W-1149, Crete-AN-1150, Romania-
South Korea-A-2032, South Korea-AN- AU-1154, Italy-NI-1165, Czech Republic-
2033. A-1186, Europe-W-1191, Mexico-W-1226,
Italy-I-251, Romania-N-1264, Spain-A-
Amaranthus x polgarianus Priszter & 1269, Spain-NI-1270, Japan-N-1278,
Kárpáti Slovakia-A-1282, Ukraine-N-1297,
Amaranthaceae Australia-W-1318, Europe-W-1325,
Accepted name: parents = Amaranthus Romania-I-1334, Global-W-1349, Spain-I-
crispus x Amaranthus deflexus fo. deflexus 1390, United States of America-ZD-1440,
Total N° of Refs: 3 Australia-N-1450, Spain--1454, Spain--
Origin: Europe 1455, Slovakia-N-1484, Czech Republic-I-
References: Hungary-U-809, Europe-N- 1522, Austria-N-1531, Russia-N-1533,
819, Hungary-U-1255. Romania-N-1537, Europe-A-1539, Spain-I-
1595, Romania-N-1599, Austria-W-1609,
Czech Republic-W-1609, Russia-W-1609,
Germany-W-1609, Latvia-W-1609,
Lithuania-W-1609, Canada-A-87, United
States of America-A-87, Romania-N-1549,
Romania-N-1553, Romania-N-1554,
Global-CD-1611, Czech Republic-I-1731,
Europe-NI-1740, central Europe-A-1616,

Austria-N-1828, Australia-N-1902, Amaranthus quitensis Kunth Amaranthus retroflexus L.
Romania-I-1843, Australia-N-1845, Amaranthaceae Amaranthaceae
Canada-G-1855, Slovakia and Romania- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Amaranthus Total N° of Refs: 589
ID-1878, Italy-UNI-1887, Australia-N- hybridus L. subsp. quitensis (Kunth) Costea Global Risk Score: 24
1959, -I-, Romania-I-1986, Russia-N-1988, & Carretero (1) Rating: High
Germany-N-2009, New Zealand-N-2048, Total N° of Refs: 60 Toxic, Aqua - Habit: annual Herb
Ukraine-N-2050, Slovakia-N-2052, Global Risk Score: 12 Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Slovakia-A-2079, Ukraine-N-2112, Rating: Medium Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
Australia-W-1977, Austria-W-1977, Aqua - Habit: annual Herb Origin: Africa, C Am, N Am, S Am,
Belarus-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Cosmopolitan
Canada-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Czech Tropical Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Republic-W-1977, Democratic Repubic of Origin: S Am Herbal, Ornamental
Korea-W-1977, Germany-W-1977, Greece- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers,
W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Herbal, Ornamental Cattle, Horse, Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles,
Latvia-W-1977, Lithuania-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Water, Wind, Escapee
Netherlands-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977, Livestock, Sheep, Water, Escapee Seed Longevity: Long Term
Republic of Korea-W-1977, Romania-W- Weed of: Pastures Weed of: Bulbs, Canola, Carrots, Cereals,
1977, Slovakia-W-1977, Slovenia-W-1977, References: Gal pagos Islands-N-257, Cotton, Cucurbits/Melons, Cutflowers,
Spain-W-1977, Ukraine-W-1977, South Brazil-W-361, Brazil-W-407, Argentina- Grapevines, Lupins, Nursery Production,
Korea-U-2113, North Korea-U-2114. W-237, Australia-W-269, Global-NW-85, Orchards & Plantations, Pastures, Pome
South America-W-295, South America-A- Fruits, Potatoes, Sunflowers, Vegetables
Amaranthus powellii S.Watson subsp. 270, Argentina-A-236, Australia-N-945, References: Brazil-A-245, Brazil-W-255,
bouchonii (Thell.) Costea & Carretero United Kingdom-UZD-314, Czech Brazil-W-361, Brazil-W-407, eastern and
Amaranthaceae Republic-UZ-400, United Kingdom-N-519, central North America-W-8, North
Total N° of Refs: 4 Europe-U-638, Austria-U-708, Denmark- America-EZW-21, Global-W-23, Australia-
References: Global-N-85, Belgium-N- U-711, Hungary-U-809, United Kingdom- W-269, United States of America-W-34,
1220, Austria-W-1609, Europe-UN-1740. U-812, Australia-W-853, Australia-W-869, United Kingdom-U-40, Finland-U-42,
Global-A-68, Paraguay-NI-876, Uruguay- Global-A-44, Chile-N-300, United States of
Amaranthus powellii S.Watson subsp. A-924, United Kingdom-Z-944, Australia- America-A-49, Canada-W-52, Global-A-
powellii N-354, Greece-N-1006, Australia-N-1049, 68, Global-NZW-85, Europe-A-94, Global-
Amaranthaceae Global-W-1059, Europe-N-819, Greece- W-217, Global-A-243, United States of
Total N° of Refs: 2 NI-1142, Crete-AN-1150, Romania-U- America-N-101, New Zealand-N-280,
References: Global-NW-85, United States 1154, Argentina-AD-1198, Uruguay-A- Mongolia-A-114, western Asia-A-115,
of America-U-904. 1199, Norway-N-1243, Hungary-U-1255, Italy-A-118, Canada-W-293, South Africa-
Argentina-A-1363, Uruguay-A-1518, W-382, United States of America-AW-136,
Amaranthus powellii S.Watson x Czech Republic-U-1522, Greece-N-1541, United States of America-AXI-138, United
Amaranthus retroflexus L. Denmark-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, States of America-ED-159, China-W-256,
Amaranthaceae Sweden-W-1609, Argentina-A-87, United States of America-W-161, Canada-
Total N° of Refs: 3 Uruguay-A-87, Uruguay-A-1562, Uruguay- W-162, New Zealand-W-165, Canada and
References: Austria-U-708, Austria-W- A-1567, Czech Republic-U-1731, United States of America-XW-299, United
1609, Austria-W-1977. Australia-W-1977, Austria-W-1977, States of America-W-174, United States of
Cyprus-W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977, America-W-179, United States of America-
Amaranthus praetermissus Brenan Denmark-W-1977, Ecuador-W-1977, A-180, Japan-N-287, Japan-W-286,
Amaranthaceae France-W-1977, Greece-W-1977, western Europe-A-253, eastern North
Total N° of Refs: 2 Romania-W-1977, Spain-W-1977, Sweden- America-E-195, Australia-N-198,
Toxic - Habit: annual Herb W-1977. Argentina-A-236, United States of
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical America-AW-210, United States of
Major Pathway/s: Crop Amaranthus quitensis Kunth x America-AG-211, United States of
References: South Africa-AR-121, Amaranthus tuberculatus (Moq.) America-W-212, Europe, eastern-AW-272,
Lesotho-AR-121. J.D.Sauer western Europe-W-70, United States of
Amaranthaceae America-W-218, China-W-297, China-A-
Amaranthus pumilus Raf. Total N° of Refs: 4 275, Australia-N-945, Spain-A-417, United
Amaranthaceae References: Austria-U-708, Europe-W- Kingdom-UZD-314, Japan-N-367,
Total N° of Refs: 1 1325, Austria-W-1609, Austria-W-1977. Australia-E-327, Czech Republic-ZI-400,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal New Zealand-NW-425, China-W-431,
References: Japan-W-1977. Amaranthus x ralletii Contré United Kingdom-N-519, New Zealand-N-
Amaranthaceae 534, New Zealand-N-15, United States of
Accepted name: parents = Amaranthus America-A-543, Iran-A-594, Lebanon-A-
bouchonii Thell. x Amaranthus retroflexus 596, Syria-A-599, Global-A-546, South
L. Africa-A-1369, Poland-N-619, Germany-
Total N° of Refs: 5 EI-632, Europe-I-638, Canada-A-642,
References: France-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Ukraine-NR-643, South Korea-A-648,
Belgium-U-1220, Belgium-W-1977, France-A-665, Poland-A-669, Portugal-A-
France-W-1977. 670, Turkey-A-678, Portugal-A-683,
Poland-A-684, Hungary-A-688, France-A-
695, Israel-A-696, Italy-A-697, Morocco-
A-698, Poland-A-699, Portugal-A-700,
United States of America-A-705, Austria-
N-708, Denmark-W-711, China-NI-722,

Canada and United States of America-NI- 1343, China-N-1344, Chile-N-1348, Russia-N-1682, Russia-W-1684, Ukraine-
725, Turkey-A-727, Lithuania-I-737, Global-W-1349, Turkey-A-1351, Iran-A- N-1685, Russia-E-1686, Russia-W-1687,
Global-A-743, United States of America- 1353, Serbia-A-1357, Serbia-W-1358, Russia-N-1688, Europe-N-1690, China-I-
N-86, Canada-UC-756, Chile-N-765, Croatia-A-1368, Serbia-W-1222, Romania- 1694, China-I-1711, Poland-N-1716,
Serbia-I-769, Crete-NW-771, South Korea- E-1377, Israel-NW-1380, Sardinia-N-1381, Azores-N-1721, Iran-A-1724, Turkey-A-
N-773, Mediterranean-I-775, China-I-780, Spain-I-1390, Algeria-A-1402, Taiwan-N- 942, North Africa, Libya, Egypt-W-1730,
Australia-N-7, United States of America-N- 1403, Turkey-A-1410, Turkey--1412, Brazil-N-1071, Czech Republic-I-1731,
301, Global-W-788, North America-X-790, United States of America-ZD-1430, United Brazil-N-1733, France-N-1438, South
Japan-N-794, Spain-I-802, Spain-I-807, States of America-ZD-1431, United States Korea-N-1578, Europe-UNI-1740, Brazil-
Hungary-AI-809, France-W-764, United of America-ZD-1440, Australia-N-1450, N-1746, Croatia-NW-1747, Taiwan-W-
Kingdom-U-812, Switzerland-RI-818, Spain--1454, Spain--1455, Turkey-A-1457, 1748, China-I-1758, Serbia-W-1766,
Czech Republic-NI-826, United States of Turkey-A-1458, Turkey-A-1459, Turkey- China-I-1769, Serbia-R-1771, China-A-
America-N-839, Hungary-ANI-1255, W-1460, France-A-1461, Turkey-A-1463, 1615, central Europe-A-1616, Austria-A-
Pakistan-W-836, Australia-W-853, Turkey-A-1464, Turkey-A-1465, Turkey- 1670, Russia-W-1671, Romania-ID-1801,
Australia-N-855, Australia-W-869, A-1466, Turkey-A-1467, Turkey-A-1469, Sweden-N-1802, Greece-N-1803, Europe-
Paraguay-NI-876, China-I-882, Slovenia- Serbia-N-1482, Slovakia-I-1484, China-I- A-1806, Ukraine-N-1813, France-A-1814,
W-883, Israel-A-885, Europe-AN-889, 1485, Australia-ND-1491, Global-ZD- Sardinia-I-1393, Sardinia-AI-1824, Poland-
Croatia-I-891, Spain-A-892, Ireland-U-894, 1492, Poland-NI-1494, Global-ZD-1495, A-1825, Poland-NR-1827, Austria-N-1828,
Romania-I-896, United States of America- China-I-1496, Chad-N-1503, Albania-N- Australia-N-1902, Romania-I-1843, Serbia-
N-904, Germany-N-907, India-U-914, 1506, Iran-A-1519, Czech Republic-I-1522, R-1848, Canada-G-1855, South Korea-A-
Mexico-A-915, New Zealand-N-919, Turkey-A-1523, Belarus-A-1526, Austria- 1859, Montenegro-W-1861, Morocco-A-
Austria-A-337, Turkey-A-728, United N-1531, Russia-N-1533, Norway-N-1535, 1361, Bosnia and Herzegovina-A-1862,
Kingdom-Z-944, United States of America- Romania-NI-1537, Canada-W-1538, Serbia-A-1352, Serbia-A-1863, Bosnia and
W-946, Mediterranean-W-951, United Europe-A-1539, Romania-NI-1540, Herzegovina-A-1830, Chile-I-1872, China-
States of America-A-967, Australia-N-354, Greece-N-1541, Spain-I-1595, Panarctic-U- I-1873, Chile and Argentina-A-1874,
Russia-A-998, Austria-N-1006, Belgium- 1596, Brazil-N-1597, Latvia-N-1598, Slovakia and Romania-ID-1878, Italy-NI-
N-1006, Spain-N-1006, France-N-1006, Romania-N-1599, Central Europe-N-1602, 1887, Croatia-I-1908, Czech Republic-A-
Estonia-N-1006, France-N-1006, Germany- United States of America-N-1603, China- 1909, Serbia-A-1915, Sardinia-N-1917,
N-1006, Greece-N-1006, Latvia-N-1006, N-1606, United States of America-N-1607, Russia-N-1921, Egypt-A-1922, Serbia-A-
Luxembourg-N-1006, Portugal-N-1006, Estonia-W-1609, Austria-W-1609, Czech 1923, France-A-1924, France-N-1941,
Malta-N-1006, Netherlands-N-1006, Republic-W-1609, Denmark-W-1609, France-NI-1942, France-I-1943, Serbia-R-
Slovenia-N-1006, Spain-N-1006, Turkey- Russia-W-1609, Germany-W-1609, 1946, Poland-R-1947, Germany-R-1948,
N-1006, Australia-N-1049, China-I-1055, Ireland-W-1609, Latvia-W-1609, Serbia-R-1953, Croatia-A-1954, Serbia-R-
Global-NW-1059, Europe-N-1072, Malta- Lithuania-W-1609, Netherlands-W-1609, 1957, Australia-N-1959, Poland-A-1961,
N-1089, Poland-A-935, Portugal-N-898, Norway-W-1609, Poland-W-1609, Serbia-AR-1963, Serbia-AR-1964, Poland-
Europe-N-819, Chile-W-388, United Sweden-W-1609, Azerbaijan-A-1637, A-1965, Poland-A-1966, Canary Islands-N-
Kingdom-A-322, Iran-A-173, Greece-A- Azerbaijan-A-1638, Jordan-A-1640, 1967, Italy-NI-1842, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-,
27, Italy-I-1091, United States of America- Mongolia-A-1641, Afghanistan-A-87, -I-, Egypt-N-1979, Central and northern
W-1103, United States of America-W- Brazil-A-87, Canada-A-87, France-A-87, Japan and northern islands-N-1983,
1104, Ukraine-I-1121, Poland-N-1122, Germany-A-87, Hungary-A-87, Israel-A- Romania-I-1986, Bosnia and Herzegovina-
Bosnia and Herzegovina-N-1140, Greece- 87, Italy-A-87, South Korea-A-87, Mexico- I-1987, Russia-N-1988, Russia-N-1989,
NI-1142, Iberian Peninsular-NI-1147, A-87, Mozambique-A-87, Poland-A-87, Switzerland-I-1990, Poland-NW-1993,
Spain-W-1149, Chad-NW-640, Crete-AN- Russia-A-87, Spain-A-87, Turkey-A-87, Estonia-N-1997, Slovakia-I-2002, Kosovo-
1150, Sardinia-I-1151, Romania-AU-1154, Yugoslavia-A-87, Austria-A-87, Australia- R-2003, Croatia-I-2004, Poland-A-2005,
United States of America-I-1161, United A-87, Bulgaria-A-87, Colombia-A-87, Tunisia-A-2006, Spain-AZ-2008,
States of America-N-1162, Hungary-AI- Czechoslovakia-A-87, Ecuador-A-87, Germany-N-2009, Ukraine-NR-2013,
1164, Italy-NI-1165, Cyprus-N-1174, Italy- Guatemala-A-87, Iran-A-87, Jordan-A-87, Spain-N-2027, South Korea-N-2029, South
W-1176, Serbia-E-1177, Russia-I-1178, Japan-A-87, Lebanon-A-87, New Zealand- Korea-A-2031, South Korea-A-2032,
Europe-W-1191, Global-ZD-1203, Global- A-87, Peru-A-87, Tanzania-A-87, Tunisia- Russia-A-2034, Iran-A-1812, Croatia-I-
Q-1208, South Korea-N-761, China-N- A-87, United States of America-A-87, 2038, Brazil-A-2040, Russia-A-2041, Italy-
1215, Poland-AR-1219, Belgium-ND- Morocco-A-87, Portugal-A-87, Argentina- A-2043, Turkey-AD-2044, Poland-A-2047,
1220, Chile-N-1229, Croatia-I-1230, A-87, Chile-A-87, China-A-87, Costa Rica- New Zealand-N-2048, Ukraine-N-2050,
Global-A-1233, Serbia-W-1238, France-E- A-87, Egypt-A-87, Greece-A-87, India-A- Slovakia-N-2052, Israel-ANI-59, Brazil-R-
1239, Greece-W-1240, Armenia-N-1241, 87, Nepal-A-87, Puerto Rico-A-87, 2053, Global-W-2056, Serbia-R-2057, -U-
Norway-N-1243, Georgia-NR-1250, Romania-A-87, Sweden-A-87, Venezuela- 2058, Poland-AN-2059, Poland-A-2061,
Canada-N-1252, Italy-I-251, Australia-E- A-87, Canadian northwest Territories-N- Russia-AN-2063, Iran-A-2072, Iran-A-
1261, China-U-92, Romania-I-1264, Italy- 1011, Tajikistan-A-1017, North Korea-A- 2075, Slovenia-A-2078, Slovakia-A-2079,
N-1265, France-A-1266, Spain-A-1269, 1018, Serbia-A-1019, Serbia-W-1031, Serbia-AN-2080, Canada-G-1462, France-
Spain-NI-1270, France-I-1273, United Croatia-A-1037, Poland-N-1040, Romania- AND-2091, United States of America-N-
States of America-A-1275, Japan-N-1278, N-1549, Global-N-1218, Romania-N-1553, 2092, Global-W-2097, Spain-A-2098,
Slovakia-A-1282, Turkey-A-1287, United Romania-N-1554, Spain-N-1556, Brazil-A- Canada-A-2099, Hungary-A-2100, Turkey-
States of America-N-1292, Ukraine-N- 1560, Brazil-W-1564, Global-Q-1572, A-2101, Russia-I-2107, Poland-A-2110,
1297, Macedonia-A-1304, Europe-E-1315, Bosnia And Herzegovina-ENI-1453, Iran-A-2111, Ukraine-N-2112, Albania-W-
Turkey-A-1316, south and southeast Asia- Russia-N-1647, Bosnia and Herzegovina- 1977, Algeria-W-1977, Argentina-W-1977,
A-1320, Finland-I-1323, Global-W-1324, A-1650, Lithuania-N-1652, Europe-ZD- Armenia-W-1977, Australia-W-1977,
Serbia-G-1326, Australia-A-1331, 1653, Global-CZD-1611, Iran-A-1619, Austria-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Bosnia
Romania-I-1334, Ukraine-N-1335, Mongolia-A-1620, United States of and Herzegovina-W-1977, Brazil-W-1977,
Sardinia-NI-1336, Japan-Z-1339, United America-AZD-1626, United States of Bulgaria-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Chad-
States of America-AZD-1341, Serbia-A- America-AZD-1667, Russia-N-1006, W-1977, Chile-W-1977, China-W-1977,

Colombia-W-1977, Croatia-W-1977, Amaranthus rudis J. D. Sauer Amaranthus silvestris Vill.
Cyprus-W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977, Amaranthaceae Amaranthaceae
Democratic Repubic of Korea-W-1977, Accepted name: Amaranthus tuberculatus Accepted name: Amaranthus graecizans
Denmark-W-1977, Egypt-W-1977, France- (Moq.) J. D. Sauer subsp. silvestris L.
W-1977, Germany-W-1977, Greece-W- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Amaranthus Total N° of Refs: 133
1977, Hungary-W-1977, India-W-1977, tamariscinus auct. non Nutt. (3) Major Pathway/s: Crop
Iran (Islamic Republic of)-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 63 References: North Africa, Libya, Egypt-W-
Ireland-W-1977, Israel-W-1977, Italy-W- Global Risk Score: 4.32 1730.
1977, Japan-W-1977, Jordan-W-1977, Rating: Low
Latvia-W-1977, Lithuania-W-1977, Habit: annual Herb Amaranthus x soproniensis Priszter &
Luxembourg-W-1977, Malta-W-1977, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Kárpáti
Montenegro-W-1977, Netherlands-W- Origin: N Am Amaranthaceae
1977, Poland-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Accepted name: parents = Amaranthus
Republic of Korea-W-1977, Republic of Ornamental chlorostachys var. pseudo-retroflexus x
Moldova-W-1977, Romania-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Amaranthus retroflexus
Serbia-W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977, South Weed of: Cereals, Vegetables Total N° of Refs: 3
Africa-W-1977, Spain-W-1977, Sweden- References: Finland-U-42, Global-A-68, Origin: Europe
W-1977, Switzerland-W-1977, Taiwan-W- United States of America-W-161, United References: Hungary-U-809, Europe-N-
1977, Turkey-W-1977, Ukraine-W-1977, States of America-W-174, Japan-N-287, 819, Hungary-U-1255.
Venezuela-W-1977, South Korea-N-2113, United Kingdom-UZ-314, Japan-N-367,
North Korea-N-2114, Italy-I-2115. Czech Republic-UZ-400, United States of
America-A-543, Europe-I-638, Canada-A-
Amaranthus retroflexus L. var. delilei 642, Ukraine-U-643, Denmark-UC-711,
(Rich. & Loret.) Thell. Palestine-N-851, Israel-A-885, Romania-U-
Amaranthaceae 1154, -N-, Romania-N-1334, Global-W-
Total N° of Refs: 4 1349, Israel-NW-1380, Czech Republic-U-
Habit: annual Herb 1522, Europe-A-1539, Austria-W-1609,
Origin: N Am Denmark-W-1609, Global-CD-1611, Czech
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Republic-U-1731, Ukraine-NR-2013,
Dispersed by: Humans Israel-N-59.
References: South Africa-AZW-121,
China-W-297, China-NI-1212, China-NRI- Amaranthus salicifolius H.J.Veitch
2021. Amaranthaceae
Accepted name: Amaranthus tricolor L.
Amaranthus retroflexus L. var. powellii Total N° of Refs: 70
(S. Wats.) Boivin References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
Accepted name: Amaranthus powellii Amaranthus schinzianus Thell.
Total N° of Refs: 141 Amaranthaceae
References: Canada-A-642. Total N° of Refs: 2
Toxic - Habit: annual Herb
Amaranthus retroflexus L. var. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
retroflexus Origin: Africa
Amaranthaceae Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Total N° of Refs: 3 Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Toxic - Habit: annual Herb Livestock, Sheep
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant References: South Africa-AZR-121, United
Dispersed by: Humans Kingdom-UZD-314.
References: South Africa-AZR-121, China-
NZID-1212, China-ANRI-2021. Amaranthus scleropoides Uline &
Amaranthus rosengurttii Hunz. Amaranthaceae
Amaranthaceae Total N° of Refs: 4
Total N° of Refs: 1 Origin: N Am
References: Brazil-N-1597. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Amaranthus roxburghianus Kung. Livestock, Sheep
Amaranthaceae References: United Kingdom-UZD-314,
Total N° of Refs: 6 United Kingdom-Z-944, Belgium-UD-
Habit: annual Herb 1220, Belgium-W-1977.
Origin: E Asia
References: China-A-275, China-W-431,
China-N-1215, China-U-92, India-A-1696,

Amaranthus spinosus L. Paraguay-NI-876, China-I-882, Israel-A- 87, United States of America-A-87,
Amaranthaceae 885, Africa-I-886, United States of Angola-A-87, Argentina-A-87, Australia-
Total N° of Refs: 425 America-N-904, Argentina-A-913, India-I- A-87, Sri Lanka-A-87, China-A-87,
Global Risk Score: 19.2 914, Mexico-A-915, New Zealand-N-919, Colombia-A-87, Hong Kong-A-87, Peru-
Rating: High Brazil-A-923, Africa-N-926, Puerto Rico- A-87, Puerto Rico-A-87, Bangladesh-A-87,
Toxic - Habit: annual Herb A-929, Peru-A-930, Venezuela-A-932, Fiji-A-87, Belize-A-87, Ivory Coast-A-87,
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Central America-A-933, Mozambique-nC- Jamaica-A-87, Madagascar-A-87,
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical 943, United States of America-W-946, Mauritius-A-87, Nepal-A-87, Polynesia,
Origin: C Am, E Asia, S Am, India-A-948, Mediterranean-W-951, South West-A-87, Russia-A-87, Trinidad-A-87,
Cosmopolitan Africa-N-956, United States of America-A- Venezuela-A-87, Vietnam-A-87, India-A-
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, 967, Africa-A-980, Australia-N-354, 1027, Pakistan-A-1032, India-A-1034,
Herbal, Ornamental Madagascar-N-1001, Italy-N-1006, Pakistan-A-1545, Global-N-1218, Cape
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle, Portugal-N-1006, Spain-N-1006, Australia- Verde-N-1558, Brazil-A-1560, Central
Horse, Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles, Escapee N-1049, China-I-1055, Global-W-1059, America-A-1568, Costa Rica-W-1570,
Seed Longevity: Transient Europe-N-819, United States of America- Australia, northern-W-1204, Bangladesh-
Weed of: Bananas, Carrots, Cereals, N-101, Laos-N-1102, United States of A-1649, United States of America-ND-
Cotton, Forestry, Nursery Production, America-W-1104, Lesser Antilles-A-1128, 1592, Global-CD-1611, Africa-A-1623,
Orchards & Plantations, Pastures, Potatoes, Australia-Q-1134, Ethiopia-A-1141, India-W-1672, China-I-1694, India-A-
Vegetables Greece-U-1142, India-AN-1148, Chad- 1696, Pakistan-I-1697, India-A-1698, St.
References: Cuba-A-14, Brazil-A-245, NW-640, Romania-U-1154, Gal pagos Vincent and the Grenadines-A-1700,
Guyana-W-32, Taiwan-G-273, Zimbabwe- Islands-N-1157, Cambodia-AI-1173, Nigeria-A-1701, India-A-1702, India-A-
A-50, Global-E-152, Australia-W-93, Panama-A-1190, South Korea-A-1192, 1703, India-A-1704, India-EI-1707, China-
Papua New Guinea-W-276, Global-A-186, Global-ZD-1203, South Korea-N-761, I-1711, Czech Republic-U-1731, Brazil-N-
Taiwan-A-274, Philippines-AW-348, Thailand-A-1211, China-N-1215, Belgium- 1733, India-N-1370, Mozambique-A-1734,
Vietnam-W-262, Puerto Rico-W-261, UD-1220, Asia-A-1231, Global-A-1233, United States of America-E-1736, Croatia-
Brazil-W-255, Thailand-A-239, South India-A-1234, Norway-N-1243, South U-1747, Taiwan-W-1748, China-I-1758,
Africa-AZR-121, Indonesia-AI-170, Africa-I-1247, Burma-Myanmar-A-1254, Bangladesh-A-1761, Brazil-A-1763, China-
Taiwan-W-235, southeast Asia-W-191, Gal Italy-U-251, Pakistan-A-1152, Hungary-U- I-1769, India-N-1770, China-A-1669,
pagos Islands-N-257, Pacific-A-6, 1255, China-N-92, Saudi Arabia-A-797, Nepal-N-1784, India-N-1790, Nigeria-A-
Thailand-A-238, Thailand-A-209, Brazil- Spain-U-1270, United States of America- 1793, India-AN-1794, Guinea-A-1823,
W-361, Brazil-W-407, Australia-N-368, A-1275, China-I-1277, Japan-N-1278, India-I-1826, India-W-1829, Sao Tome and
Philippines-W-412, Gal pagos Islands-NW- India-I-1280, China-NZID-1212, Principe-N-1805, Singapore-N-1839,
375, Vanuatu-A-315, Singapore-N-476, Botswana-N-1284, India-A-1288, Australia-UN-1845, Israel-ND-1575,
India-W-424, Bangladesh-A-589, Belize- Singapore-N-1290, United States of Nigeria-A-1853, South Korea-AN-1860,
A-580, Cuba-A-579, Thailand-A-575, America-N-1292, India-W-1307, Georgia- India-W-1866, Cameroon-A-1867, China-I-
United States of America-A-654, A-1313, south and southeast Asia-A-1320, 1873, India-I-1875, Italy-U-1887, Ghana-
Singapore-N-196, Nigeria-AG-719, La Reunion-W-1321, Global-W-1324, A-1888, Honduras-A-1890, Honduras-W-
Taiwan-NI-777, Thailand-W-821, Africa-A-1332, Africa-A-1333, Japan-Z- 1892, Guatemala-A-1893, Guatemala-A-
Thailand-W-822, Ghana-A-2064, Global- 1339, Madagascar-N-1000, China-N-1344, 1894, Guatemala-A-1895, India-I-1904,
W-23, Argentina-W-237, Australia-W-269, India-I-1345, French Guiana-N-1346, Nepal-A-1931, Nepal-A-1932, Costa Rica-
Finland-U-42, South Africa-W-51, Global- Global-W-1349, India-A-1359, Nigeria-A- A-1933, Brazil-R-1945, Brazil-R-1958, -I-,
ZW-85, Global-A-243, New Zealand-N- 1360, Zimbabwe-ID-1365, China-N-1374, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, Saudi Arabia-N-
280, South America-W-295, South Israel-NW-1380, Africa-A-1384, Vietnam- 1978, Egypt-N-1979, Vietnam-A-1982,
America-W-271, South Africa-W-382, EI-1386, India-I-1389, Malaysia-A-1398, India-R-1984, South Africa-N-1991, India-
Central America-W-157, South Africa-W- Brazil-R-1400, South Africa-NI-1002, I-1992, Benin-W-2007, Burundi-NR-2012,
158, China-W-256, United States of Taiwan-N-1403, south and southeast Asia- Ukraine-U-2014, China-ANRI-2021, India-
America-W-161, Australia-N-176, United A-1408, Taiwan-AEN-1413, Cape Verde- I-2022, South Korea-AN-2033, Nigeria-A-
States of America-W-179, Japan-N-287, N-1414, United States of America-ZD- 2046, New Zealand-N-2048, Israel-N-59,
Japan-W-286, United States of America- 1430, Nigeria-ZD-1445, Global-E-1449, Cuba-NRI-2054, Cuba-I-2055, Ghana-ARI-
AW-207, United States of America-W-210, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands-W-1452, 2066, Nigeria-A-2067, Burkina Faso-A-
United States of America-W-218, China- Spain-U-1454, Dominican Republic-A- 2068, Guinea-A-2069, Nigeria-A-2073,
W-297, China-A-275, Australia-C-401, 1473, Dominican Republic-A-1475, Gal France-N-2091, Ukraine-N-2112, Algeria-
Australia-N-945, United Kingdom-UZD- pagos Islands-N-1481, Global-ZD-1492, W-1977, Argentina-W-1977, Australia-W-
314, Japan-N-367, Czech Republic-UZ- Global-ZD-1495, China-I-1496, Chad-N- 1977, Belgium-W-1977, Bhutan-W-1977,
400, United States of America-W-486, 1503, Cuba-NI-1505, New Caledonia-I- Brazil-W-1977, Bulgaria-W-1977,
China-W-431, United States of America-A- 1507, Fiji-A-1521, Czech Republic-U- Burundi-W-1977, Cambodia-W-1977,
543, Nepal-A-591, United Arab Emirates- 1522, Saudi Arabia-A-1525, Brazil-N- Cameroon-W-1977, Canada-W-1977,
A-601, Global-A-546, Pacific-W-621, 1597, China-N-1606, Denmark-W-1609, Chad-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, China-W-
Africa-A-622, Europe-N-638, Ukraine-U- Russia-W-1609, Germany-W-1609, Latvia- 1977, Colombia-W-1977, Croatia-W-1977,
643, Australia-AEN-310, Denmark-W-711, W-1609, Norway-W-1609, Sweden-W- Cuba-W-1977, Cyprus-W-1977, Czech
China-NI-722, Nepal-EN-762, South 1609, India-AN-1631, India-N-1632, Republic-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977,
Korea-N-773, Mediterranean-I-775, China- Ghana-A-87, Hawaii-A-87, Melanesia-A- Ecuador-W-1977, Fiji-W-1977, France-W-
I-780, United States of America-N-301, 87, Mexico-A-87, Mozambique-A-87, 1977, Germany-W-1977, Ghana-W-1977,
United States of America-E-151, Japan-N- Philippines-A-87, Taiwan-A-87, Thailand- Greece-W-1977, Haiti-W-1977, India-W-
794, Hungary-U-809, Thailand-W-810, A-87, Brazil-A-87, Cambodia-A-87, Cuba- 1977, Israel-W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Japan-
Dominican Republic-W-813, Swaziland-N- A-87, Indonesia-A-87, India-A-87, Japan- W-1977, Kiribati-W-1977, Lao People's
825, United States of America-N-839, A-87, Kenya-A-87, Malaysia-A-87, Democratic Republic-W-1977, Latvia-W-
Pakistan-W-836, Australia-W-853, Nicaragua-A-87, Nigeria-A-87, Zimbabwe- 1977, Malaysia-W-1977, Marshall Islands-
Australia-N-868, Ecuador-N-875, A-87, South Africa-A-87, El Salvador-A- W-1977, Mauritius-W-1977, Micronesia

(Federated States of)-W-1977, Myanmar- Amaranthus standleyanus Parodi ex Amaranthus thunbergii Moq.
W-1977, Nauru-W-1977, Nepal-W-1977, Covas Amaranthaceae
Pakistan-W-1977, Palau-W-1977, Papua Amaranthaceae Total N° of Refs: 32
New Guinea-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 40 Global Risk Score: 1.44
Republic of Korea-W-1977, Republic of Global Risk Score: 4.32 Rating: Low
Moldova-W-1977, Romania-W-1977, Rating: Low Toxic - Habit: annual Herb
Samoa-W-1977, Singapore-W-1977, Toxic - Habit: annual Herb Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Solomon Islands-W-1977, South Africa-W- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
1977, Suriname-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977, Subtropical, Tropical Origin: Africa
Taiwan-W-1977, The former Yugoslav Origin: S Am Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop
Republic of Macedonia-W-1977, Vanuatu- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
W-1977, Venezuela-W-1977, Viet Nam- Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Livestock, Sheep
W-1977, Zimbabwe-W-1977, Swaziland- Livestock, Sheep Weed of: Cereals, Cotton, Grapevines,
W-1977, South Korea-N-2113. References: South Africa-AW-121, Sunflowers
Argentina-W-237, Finland-U-42, Global- References: Zimbabwe-AW-50, South
Amaranthus spp. L. N-108, United Kingdom-UZD-314, United Africa-AR-121, Botswana-A-548, South
Amaranthaceae Kingdom-N-519, Europe-N-638, Austria- Africa-W-51, United States of America-N-
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Amaranthus spp. L. U-708, Denmark-U-711, Lithuania-I-737, 101, South Africa-W-382, South Africa-W-
Total N° of Refs: 70 Hungary-U-809, United Kingdom-U-812, 158, United Kingdom-UZD-314, United
Toxic - Habit: Herb United Kingdom-Z-944, Europe-N-819, Kingdom-N-519, South Africa-A-82,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Global-Q-1208, Belgium-UD-1220, Africa-A-622, Denmark-U-711, Global-N-
Subtropical, Tropical Hungary-U-1255, Global-W-1324, Austria- 85, United Kingdom-U-812, United
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, W-1609, Denmark-W-1609, Germany-W- Kingdom-Z-944, Africa-A-980, Europe-N-
Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles 1609, Latvia-W-1609, Lithuania-W-1609, 819, Botswana-A-1153, Global-A-1207,
Weed of: Bananas, Carrots, Cereals, Sweden-W-1609, Argentina-A-87, Cape Belgium-UD-1220, Global-W-1324,
Cotton, Orchards & Plantations, Pastures, Verde-N-1558, Global-ZD-1611, China-I- Denmark-W-1609, Mozambique-A-87,
Potatoes, Vegetables 1769, Paraguay-A-2070, France-N-2091, Zimbabwe-A-87, South Africa-A-87,
References: Peru and Ecuador-A-281, Austria-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Kenya-A-87, Lesotho-AR-121, Botswana-
Costa Rica-A-581, Congo-A-553, Ecuador- Denmark-W-1977, France-W-1977, A-2065, Botswana-A-2071, Belgium-W-
A-583, Rwanda-A-564, Venezuela-A-609, Germany-W-1977, Latvia-W-1977, 1977, Denmark-W-1977, France-W-1977.
India-A-758, Global-A-243, China-W-106, Lithuania-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977,
Global-A-369, South Africa-W-382, Spain-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977. Amaranthus torreyi (A. Gray) Benth. ex
Argentina-A-236, United States of S. Watson
America-A-543, Chile-A-604, Mexico-A- Amaranthus tamariscinus auct. non Amaranthaceae
586, Peru-A-607, Syria-A-599, Turkey-A- Nutt. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Amaranthus
600, Spain-AI-616, Italy-A-667, Portugal- Amaranthaceae bigelovii Uline & Bray (1)
A-670, Slovenia-A-671, Spain-A-672, Accepted name: Amaranthus rudis Total N° of Refs: 1
Switzerland-A-674, Croatia-A-694, Total N° of Refs: 30 Habit: annual Herb
Switzerland-A-679, Spain-A-681, Dispersed by: Escapee Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical
Slovenia-A-682, Morocco-A-686, Italy-A- References: Austria-U-708, Romania-U- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal
687, France-A-690, Croatia-A-693, 1154, Austria-W-1609.
Portugal-A-700, Slovenia-A-701, Spain-A-
702, Mediterranean-I-775, North America- Amaranthus tenuifolius Willd.
X-790, Paraguay-NI-876, Venezuela-A- Amaranthaceae
932, Mediterranean-W-951, Chile-W-388, Total N° of Refs: 3
Greece-A-27, Spain-EI-1092, Africa-W- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
1127, United States of America-A-1160, Major Pathway/s: Crop
Georgia-A-1313, Brazil-A-1396, Australia- References: south and southeast Asia-A-
ZD-1439, Turkey-A-1458, Dominican 1320, south and southeast Asia-A-1408,
Republic-A-1471, Dominican Republic-A- India-W-1866.
563, PAKISTAN-A-592, PAPUA NEW Amaranthus thellungianus Nevski
GUINEA-A-577, Ecuador-A-1569, South Amaranthaceae
Africa-ZD-1579, Nigeria-ZD-1574, Africa- Accepted name: Amaranthus graecizans
A-1623, United States of America-AZD- subsp. thellungianus L.
1667, Australia-ZD-1675, Honduras-A- Total N° of Refs: 135
1677, La Reunion-A-1822, Honduras-A- Origin: W Asia
1889, Honduras-A-1891, Honduras-W- References: Estonia-W-1609, Tajikistan-A-
1892, Venezuela-A-1899, Spain-AZ-2008, 1674, Estonia-N-1997.
Global-W-2056, Benin-A-2090.
Amaranthus x thevenaei Degen & Thell.
Accepted name: parents = Amaranthus
crispus x Amaranthus deflexus fo.
Total N° of Refs: 3
References: Hungary-U-809, Europe-N-
819, Hungary-U-1255.

Amaranthus tricolor L. Amaranthus tristis L. Amaranthus viridis L.
Amaranthaceae Amaranthaceae Amaranthaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Amaranthus Accepted name: Amaranthus dubius Mart. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Amaranthus
gangeticus L. (3), Amaranthus ex Thell. gracilis Desf., nom. nud. (21), Euxolus
mangostanus L. (13), Amaranthus Total N° of Refs: 122 viridis (L.) Moq. (2), Amaranthus viridus
mangostanus L. fo. ruber Mak. (1), Preferred Climate/s: Tropical L., orth. var. (22)
Amaranthus mangostanus L. fo. versicolor Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal Total N° of Refs: 481
Mak. (1), Amaranthus melancholicus L. References: Antilles Lesser-A-87, Chile-A- Global Risk Score: 26.88
(3), Amaranthus polygamus L. (6), 87, Jamaica-A-87, Trinidad-A-87, Chile-I- Rating: High
Amaranthus salicifolius H.J.Veitch (2), 1872, Chile-W-1977. Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
Amaranthus bicolor Nocca ex Willd. (1) Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Total N° of Refs: 98 Amaranthus tuberculatus (Moq.) Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
Global Risk Score: 10.8 J.D.Sauer Origin: Africa, Aust, C Am, E Asia,
Rating: Medium Amaranthaceae Europe, N Am, S Am, Cosmopolitan
Habit: annual Herb Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acnida altissima Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, (Riddell) Moq. ex Standl. (4), Acnida Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical tuberculata Moq. (1), Amaranthus Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle,
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe altissimus Riddell (1), Amaranthus rudis J. Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles, Escapee
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, D. Sauer (27) Weed of: Bananas, Cereals, Cotton,
Herbal, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 66 Orchards & Plantations, Pastures,
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Habit: annual Herb Sunflowers, Vegetables
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Origin: N Am References: Brazil-A-245, Guyana-W-32,
References: India-W-66, Australia-W-93, Major Pathway/s: Herbal Taiwan-G-273, Australia, northern-A-55,
France-N-518, United States of America- Weed of: Vegetables Australia-W-93, Papua New Guinea-W-
CE-617, Australia-EN-7, Global-N-85, References: Global-N-85, United States of 276, Taiwan-A-274, Philippines-AW-348,
United States of America-N-101, China-W- America-W-161, United States of America- Vietnam-W-262, Puerto Rico-W-261,
256, Australia-N-945, United Kingdom- W-210, United Kingdom-U-314, United Brazil-W-255, Thailand-A-239, Taiwan-W-
UZ-314, China-W-431, Australia-N-868, States of America-A-543, Canada-A-642, 235, Pacific-A-6, Australia-W-205,
India-UD-914, Australia-N-354, Ukraine-U-643, United States of America- Thailand-A-209, Brazil-W-361, Brazil-W-
Madagascar-N-1001, China-I-1055, A-705, Austria-U-708, Global-A-68, Italy- 407, Australia-N-368, Philippines-W-412,
Europe-N-819, Egypt-A-1171, China-N- N-1006, Europe-N-819, Italy-NI-1165, Australia-CN-468, Thailand-A-359,
1215, Italy-U-251, Italy-N-1265, China-NI- Belgium-U-1220, Italy-I-251, Italy-N- France-N-518, Bangladesh-A-589,
1212, India-W-1307, south and southeast 1265, Global-W-1324, Global-W-1349, Thailand-A-575, India-A-758, Taiwan-NI-
Asia-A-1320, Global-W-1324, Austria-W-1609, United States of America- 777, Australia-N-7, Thailand-W-821,
Madagascar-N-1000, China-N-1344, India- A-87, Italy-UNI-1887, Ukraine-NR-2013, Global-W-23, Egypt-W-221, Argentina-W-
U-1345, India-UD-1389, south and Ukraine-N-2112, Austria-W-1977, 237, Australia-W-269, Chile-N-300,
southeast Asia-A-1408, Slovakia-U-1484, Belgium-W-1977, Czech Republic-W- Sudan-W-242, Global-W-108, Global-ZW-
Australia-N-1491, China-I-1496, French 1977, Denmark-W-1977, Israel-W-1977, 85, Global-W-217, Global-A-243, New
Polynesia-N-1514, North Korea-N-1600, Italy-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Jordan-W- Zealand-N-280, South Africa-AZR-121,
Hawaii-A-87, India-A-87, Kenya-A-87, 1977, Romania-W-1977, Ukraine-W-1977. South America-A-270, Japan-A-263, South
Global-CD-1611, India-A-1696, India-A- Africa-W-382, Central America-W-157,
1702, China-I-1711, North Africa, Libya, Amaranthus tuberculatus (Moq.) Sauer South Africa-W-158, China-W-256, United
Egypt-W-1730, Taiwan-W-1748, China-I- var. rudis (Sauer) Costea & Tardif States of America-W-161, United States of
1758, China-I-1769, China-A-1615, Chile- Amaranthaceae America-W-179, Japan-N-287, Japan-W-
I-1872, Italy-U-1887, Sardinia-U-1917, Total N° of Refs: 1 286, Australia-N-198, Asia-W-204, North
Egypt-U-1979, India-R-1984, China- Origin: N Am America-G-249, United States of America-
ANRI-2021, Tanzania-N-2030, Australia- References: Belgium-U-1220. W-218, China-W-297, China-A-275, South
W-1977, Chile-W-1977, China-W-1977, America-W-295, Australia-C-401,
Democratic Repubic of Korea-W-1977, Amaranthus x turicensis Thell. Australia-N-945, Spain-A-417, United
Fiji-W-1977, France-W-1977, India-W- Amaranthaceae Kingdom-UZD-314, Japan-N-367,
1977, Italy-W-1977, Marshall Islands-W- Accepted name: parents = Amaranthus Australia-E-327, Czech Republic-UZ-400,
1977, Nauru-W-1977, Niue-W-1977, Papua cruentus L. x Amaranthus retroflexus L. New Zealand-NW-425, Canary Islands-N-
New Guinea-W-1977, Republic of Korea- Total N° of Refs: 7 305, United States of America-W-486,
W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant China-W-431, United States of America-A-
Dispersed by: Humans 543, Iran-A-594, Nepal-A-591, Global-A-
Amaranthus tricolor L. convar. References: Czech Republic-UZ-400, 546, Spain-NI-405, Pacific-W-621, Europe-
mangostanus (L.) Thell. ex Asch. & Hungary-U-809, Europe-N-819, Hungary- N-638, Australia-AEN-310, Austria-U-708,
Graebn. U-1255, Czech Republic-U-1522, Czech Denmark-UC-711, China-NI-722, Nepal-
Amaranthaceae Republic-U-1731, Czech Republic-W- EN-762, Chile-N-765, Crete-W-771, South
Total N° of Refs: 1 1977. Korea-N-773, Mediterranean-I-775, China-
References: Global-W-1059. I-780, United States of America-N-301,
United States of America-E-151, Mexico-
Amaranthus tricolor L. convar. tristis N-791, Japan-N-794, Spain-I-802, Spain-I-
(L.) Thell. ex Asch. & Graebn. 807, Thailand-W-810, Belarus-N-817,
Amaranthaceae United States of America-N-839, Pakistan-
Total N° of Refs: 1 W-836, Australia-W-853, Australia-N-855,
References: Global-W-1059. Australia-N-868, Australia-W-869,
Ecuador-N-875, Paraguay-NI-876, China-I-
882, Israel-A-885, Mexico-W-890, New

Zealand-N-919, Brazil-A-923, Venezuela- Fiji-A-87, Greece-A-87, Belize-A-87, Palau-W-1977, Papua New Guinea-W-
A-932, Central America-A-933, South Korea-A-87, Malaysia-A-87, 1977, Portugal-W-1977, Romania-W-1977,
Mozambique-nC-943, United Kingdom-Z- Mauritius-A-87, Melanesia-A-87, Samoa-W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977,
944, India-A-948, Mediterranean-W-951, Morocco-A-87, Nepal-A-87, New Guinea- Slovenia-W-1977, Solomon Islands-W-
Australia-N-354, Pakistan-A-999, France- A-87, Polynesia, West-A-87, Zimbabwe-A- 1977, South Africa-W-1977, Spain-W-
N-1006, Greece-N-1006, Portugal-N-1006, 87, El Salvador-A-87, United States of 1977, Sri Lanka-W-1977, Suriname-W-
Slovakia-N-1006, Spain-N-1006, Turkey- America-A-87, Venezuela-A-87, Vietnam- 1977, Sweden-W-1977, Taiwan-W-1977,
N-1006, Australia-N-1049, China-I-1055, A-87, Italy-N-1007, India-A-1021, India- Tonga-W-1977, Turkey-W-1977, Tuvalu-
Global-W-1059, Australia-W-1068, Malta- A-1025, India-A-1026, Egypt-A-1028, W-1977, Vanuatu-W-1977, Venezuela-W-
N-1089, Portugal-N-898, Europe-N-819, Pakistan-A-1030, Pakistan-A-1032, India- 1977, Viet Nam-W-1977, Zimbabwe-W-
Pakistan-A-146, Algeria-N-1126, Greece- A-1039, India-A-1041, India-A-1034, 1977, South Korea-N-2113, North Korea-
NI-1142, Spain-U-1149, Chad-NW-640, India-A-1448, Pakistan-A-1545, Global-N- N-2114, Global--1324.
Crete-N-1150, Romania-U-1154, Gal pagos 1218, Cape Verde-N-1558, Brazil-A-1560,
Islands-N-1157, Italy-NI-1165, Pakistan-A- Crete-A-1651, Global-CD-1611, India-W- Amaranthus viridus L., orth. var.
1169, Pakistan-A-1170, Cyprus-N-1174, 1672, Australia-ZD-1675, India-A-1696, Amaranthaceae
Italy-W-1176, Czech Republic-A-1186, Pakistan-I-1697, India-A-1702, India-A- Accepted name: Amaranthus viridis L.
South Korea-N-761, China-N-1215, 1704, Africa-A-1709, Pakistan-A-1720, Total N° of Refs: 458
Belgium-UD-1220, Mexico-W-1226, Azores-N-1721, Pakistan-AI-1527, Origin: Africa, C Am, S Am, Cosmopolitan
Chile-N-1229, Asia-A-1231, Pakistan-A- Pakistan-A-1729, North Africa, Libya, Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations,
1232, Global-A-1233, Pakistan-A-1235, Egypt-W-1730, Brazil-N-1071, Czech Vegetables
Saudi Arabia-W-1237, Greece-W-1240, Republic-U-1731, Brazil-N-1733, South References: India-A-1124, Lesser Antilles-
Norway-N-1243, Burma-Myanmar-A- Korea-N-1586, United States of America- A-1128, Cambodia-AI-1173, India-A-1234,
1254, Italy-I-251, Pakistan-A-1152, Spain- E-1736, Europe-U-1740, Croatia-N-1747, China-N-92, Spain-A-1269, Pakistan-A-
U-1270, China-I-1277, Japan-N-1278, Taiwan-W-1748, China-I-1758, North 1308, Global-W-1349, China-N-1374,
China-NZID-1212, Mediterranean-N-1281, America-N-1760, Bangladesh-A-1761, Israel-NW-1380, Africa-A-1384, Turkey-
United States of America-N-1292, China-I-1769, central Europe-A-1616, A-1523, United States of America-N-1603,
Pakistan-A-1305, India-W-1307, south and China-A-1669, India-N-1789, India-N- Bangladesh-A-1649, Togo-A-1673, India-
southeast Asia-A-1320, La Reunion-W- 1790, India-AN-1794, Greece-N-1803, A-1698, Congo-A-1799, Pakistan-A-1868,
1321, Pakistan-A-704, Australia-A-1331, Sardinia-I-1393, Brazil-U-1820, Guinea-A- Guatemala-A-1895, Nepal-A-1931, France-
Africa-A-1332, Africa-A-1333, Sardinia-N- 1823, Sardinia-AI-1824, Sao Tome and N-2091, Nigeria-A-2102.
1336, China-N-1344, India-UN-1345, Principe-N-1805, Australia-N-1902,
French Guiana-N-1346, Chile-N-1348, Colombia-N-1856, Brazil-A-1857, South Amaranthus watsonii Standl.
India-A-1359, Zimbabwe-ID-1365, Spain- Korea-AN-1860, India-W-1866, Oman-A- Amaranthaceae
I-1390, Pakistan-A-1395, Taiwan-N-1403, 1870, Chile-I-1872, China-I-1873, Chile- Total N° of Refs: 3
south and southeast Asia-A-1408, Global- A-1874, Mexico-N-1881, Italy-UNI-1887, Habit: annual Herb
A-1411, Taiwan-AEN-1413, Cape Verde- Honduras-A-1890, Honduras-W-1892, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland
N-1414, Australia-N-1450, Spain-N-1454, Guatemala-A-1894, Pakistan-A-1913, Origin: N Am
Spain-U-1455, Dominican Republic-A- Sardinia-N-1917, Egypt-R-1922, Nepal-A- References: United Kingdom-U-314,
1472, Dominican Republic-A-1475, 1930, Nepal-A-1932, Saudi Arabia-A- Greece-U-1142, Greece-W-1977.
Slovakia-U-1484, Australia-ND-1491, 1951, Australia-N-1959, Canary Islands-N-
Global-ZD-1495, China-I-1496, Mexico-N- 1967, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, India-R-1984, Amaranthus x zobelii Thell.
1500, Vietnam-AZ-1502, Chad-N-1503, Sudan-A-1985, South Africa-N-1991, Amaranthaceae
Saudi Arabia-A-1504, Albania-N-1506, India-I-1992, Burundi-NR-2012, China- Accepted name: parents = Amaranthus
Australia-ZD-1509, French Polynesia-N- ANRI-2021, Spain-N-2027, South Korea- chlorostachys var. erythrostachys x
1514, Fiji-A-1521, Czech Republic-U- N-2029, South Korea-A-2031, South [Amaranthus hypochondriacus x
1522, Saudi Arabia-A-1525, Europe-A- Korea-A-2032, South Korea-AN-2033, Amaranthus retroflexus]
1539, Greece-N-1541, Brazil-N-1597, New Zealand-N-2048, Brazil-AN-2051, Total N° of Refs: 3
North Korea-N-1600, Japan-N-1602, Israel-ANI-59, Brazil-R-2053, Burkina References: Hungary-U-809, Europe-N-
China-N-1606, Austria-W-1609, Denmark- Faso-A-2068, Paraguay-A-2070, Iran-A- 819, Hungary-U-1255.
W-1609, Russia-W-1609, Norway-W- 2072, Ivory Coast-A-2074, Malaysia-A-
1609, Sweden-W-1609, BRAZIL-A-603, 2082, Egypt-A-2088, India-A-2105, Amaryllis belladona auct. nonn.
Afghanistan-A-87, Brazil-A-87, Hungary- Albania-W-1977, Algeria-W-1977, Liliaceae - Amaryllidaceae
A-87, India-A-87, Italy-A-87, Argentina-W-1977, Australia-W-1977, Accepted name: Amaryllis belladonna L.,
Mozambique-A-87, Taiwan-A-87, Turkey- Austria-W-1977, Belarus-W-1977, nom. cons.
A-87, Arabian Peninsular-A-87, Austria-A- Belgium-W-1977, Brazil-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 57
87, Australia-A-87, Cuba-A-87, Burundi-W-1977, Cambodia-W-1977, References: Chile-I-1872.
Guatemala-A-87, Iran-A-87, Ivory Coast- Chad-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, China-W-
A-87, Jordan-A-87, Philippines-A-87, 1977, Cook Islands-W-1977, Croatia-W-
Pakistan-A-87, Thailand-A-87, Cambodia- 1977, Cyprus-W-1977, Czech Republic-W-
A-87, Sri Lanka-A-87, China-A-87, Egypt- 1977, Denmark-W-1977, Ecuador-W-1977,
A-87, Ghana-A-87, Hawaii-A-87, Hong Egypt-W-1977, Fiji-W-1977, France-W-
Kong-A-87, Indonesia-A-87, Iraq-A-87, 1977, Greece-W-1977, India-W-1977, Iran
Jamaica-A-87, Japan-A-87, Lebanon-A-87, (Islamic Republic of)-W-1977, Israel-W-
Micronesia-A-87, Nigeria-A-87, Peru-A- 1977, Italy-W-1977, Japan-W-1977,
87, Puerto Rico-A-87, South Africa-A-87, Jordan-W-1977, Kiribati-W-1977, Marshall
Senegal-A-87, Sudan-A-87, Trinidad-A-87, Islands-W-1977, Mauritius-W-1977,
Zambia-A-87, Antilles Lesser-A-87, Mexico-W-1977, Micronesia (Federated
Argentina-A-87, Bangladesh-A-87, States of)-W-1977, Nauru-W-1977, Nepal-
Canada-A-87, Chile-A-87, Benin-A-87, W-1977, Niue-W-1977, Pakistan-W-1977,

Amaryllis belladonna L. Amberboa moschata (L.) DC. Ambrosia acanthicarpa Hook.
Liliaceae - Amaryllidaceae Asteraceae Asteraceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Amaryllis Synonym/s (n° of refs): Centaurea Synonym/s (n° of refs): Franseria
belladona auct. nonn. (1) imperialis Hausskn. ex Bornm. (2), acanthicarpa (Hook.) Coville (4)
Total N° of Refs: 57 Centaurea moschata L. (1) Total N° of Refs: 15
Global Risk Score: 4.32 Total N° of Refs: 20 Toxic - Habit: annual Herb
Rating: Low Habit: annual Herb Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Origin: N Am
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Origin: E Asia, Europe, W Asia Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Tropical Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Weed of: Vegetables
Origin: Africa, N Am Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Escapee References: United States of America-W-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental References: United States of America-N- 161, Mexico-W-167, United States of
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee 101, United Kingdom-C-314, Denmark-C- America-A-180, United States of America-
References: United Kingdom-N-40, Chile- 711, Hungary-U-809, Europe-N-819, W-212, United Kingdom-U-314, United
N-300, United States of America-N-101, China-N-1215, Hungary-U-1255, China-N- States of America-A-543, Canada-A-642,
New Zealand-N-280, Australia-N-198, 1344, Belgium-U-1220, Denmark-W-1609, Mexico-I-878, United States of America-
western Europe-W-70, Australia-C-401, Sweden-W-1609, Global-CD-1611, W-946, Global-W-1349, Mexico-N-1881.
Australia-N-945, United Kingdom-CN-314, Ukraine-U-2014, Belgium-W-1977, Chile-
Australia-E-327, United Kingdom-N-519, W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, Sweden-W- Ambrosia aptera DC.
New Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N-15, 1977. Asteraceae
Australia-AEN-310, Global-G-660, Accepted name: Ambrosia trifida L. var.
Portugal-N-662, Portugal-N-718, Australia- Amberboa ramosa (Roxb.) Jofri texana
EN-7, United Kingdom-C-812, Australia- Asteraceae Total N° of Refs: 168
W-853, Australia-N-855, Australia-N-856, Total N° of Refs: 2 References: Mexico-I-878, Europe-W-
Australia-W-869, New Zealand-W-906, Weed of: Cotton, Orchards & Plantations 1325.
New Zealand-N-919, Chile-N-991, References: India-A-1704, India-A-1705.
Australia-N-354, Portugal-N-1006, France- Ambrosia arborescens Mill.
N-1006, Portugal-N-1006, Portugal-N- Amblygonum orientale Nakai Asteraceae
1006, Australia-N-1049, Portugal-N-898, Polygonaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Ambrosia fruticosa
Europe-N-819, Greece-N-1142, Italy-N- Total N° of Refs: 1 Medik. (1)
251, Australia-E-1262, Global-W-1324, References: South Korea-A-648. Total N° of Refs: 7
Chile-N-1348, Australia-N-1450, Australia- Habit: Tree
E-1456, Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay-I- Amblygonum pilosum Nakai Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
1476, Global-CD-1611, Azores-N-1721, Polygonaceae Origin: S Am
Australia-N-1902, Argentina-I-983, Italy- Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
UN-1887, Australia-N-1959, -I-, New References: South Korea-A-648. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Zealand-N-2048, Argentina-W-1977, References: Chile-N-300, Gal pagos
Australia-W-1977, Democratic Republic of Amblyopappus pusillus Hook. & Arn. Islands-CN-1157, Chile-N-1229, Chile-N-
the Congo-W-1977, Greece-W-1977, India- Asteraceae 1348, Global-CD-1611, Chile-W-1977.
W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Spain-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 1
Aqua - Habit: annual Herb
Amaryllis spp. L. Preferred Climate/s: Dryland
Liliaceae - Amaryllidaceae Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans, Water
ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Tropical References: United States of America-WD-
References: Chile-I-1872. 34.

Amaryllis vittata L'Hérit. Amblystegium serpens (Hedw.) Schimp.

Liliaceae - Amaryllidaceae Amblystegiaceae
Accepted name: Hippeastrum vittatum Total N° of Refs: 2
(L'Her.) Herb. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 4 Dispersed by: Humans
Habit: biennial Herb References: Australia-E-1262, Australia-N-
Origin: S Am 1450.
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Amblystegium spp. W.P.Schimper
References: India-N-914. Amblystegiaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1
Amasonia campestrus (Aubl.) Moldenke Dispersed by: Humans
Lamiaceae References: Australia-ZD-1444.
Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Trinidad-A-87.

Amberboa lippii (L.) DC.

Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Egypt-W-221.

Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. ANI-1255, Australia-W-853, Belgium-NI- Sweden-W-1609, Canada-A-87,
Asteraceae 858, Australia-W-869, United States of Guatemala-A-87, Argentina-A-87,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Ambrosia elatior L. America-X-229, Mexico-I-878, Australia- Australia-A-87, Colombia-A-87, Hawaii-
(15), Ambrosia paniculata Michx. (2) E-880, China-I-882, Slovenia-W-883, A-87, Japan-A-87, United States of
Total N° of Refs: 383 Europe-AN-889, Croatia-I-891, Ireland-U- America-A-87, Brazil-A-87, Chile-A-87,
Global Risk Score: 24 894, Romania-I-896, Russia-I-900, Jamaica-A-87, Mauritius-A-87, South
Rating: High Germany-N-907, New Zealand-N-919, Korea-N-1013, Hungary-A-1015, North
Habit: annual Herb Brazil-A-923, Austria-A-337, United Korea-A-1018, Serbia-W-1031, Croatia-A-
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Kingdom-Z-944, United States of America- 1037, Poland-N-1040, Romania-N-1549,
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical W-946, Mediterranean-WI-951, South Romania-N-1553, Romania-N-1554,
Origin: C Am, E Asia, N Am Africa-N-956, United States of America-A- Global-Q-1572, Bosnia And Herzegovina-
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, 967, Australia-N-354, Belgium-W-996, ENI-1453, Russia-N-1647, Bosnia and
Herbal, Ornamental Russia-A-998, Denmark-N-1006, Herzegovina-A-1650, United States of
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle, Germany-N-1006, Norway-N-1006, America-ZD-1592, Global-CZD-1611,
Horse, Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles, Water, Turkey-N-1006, Australia-N-1049, China- Brazil-A-1622, Russia-N-1681, Russia-N-
Wind, Escapee I-1055, Europe-N-1072, Australia-I-1088, 1006, Russia-N-1683, Ukraine-N-1685,
Seed Longevity: Long Term Portugal-N-898, Europe-N-819, Slovakia-I- Russia-N-1688, Europe-N-1690, Australia-
Weed of: Cereals, Cotton, Grapevines, 782, Denmark-I-432, Iran-A-173, United X-1693, China-I-1694, China-I-1711,
Nursery Production, Orchards & States of America-W-1104, Mediterranean- Czech Republic-I-1731, Iceland-U-1552,
Plantations, Pastures, Pome Fruits, I-1110, Ukraine-I-1121, Africa-W-1127, France-N-1438, South Korea-N-1578,
Potatoes, Sunflowers, Vegetables China-QZ-1137, Bosnia and Herzegovina- Europe-UNXI-1740, Croatia-NW-1747,
References: Australia-XW-93, Gal pagos N-1140, Iberian Peninsular-N-1147, Spain- Taiwan-W-1748, China-I-1758, Serbia-W-
Islands-N-257, Australia-N-368, Taiwan- U-1149, Romania-AN-1154, Hungary-AEI- 1766, China-I-1769, Serbia-R-1771, China-
NI-777, Global-W-108, Canada-W-4, 1164, Italy-NI-1165, Serbia-E-1177, A-1615, China-A-1669, Turkey-N-1718,
eastern and central North America-W-8, Russia-I-1178, Europe-E-1184, Czech Ukraine-N-1813, Austria-N-1828,
Global-W-23, Australia-W-269, Australia- Republic-A-1186, Europe-W-1191, South Australia-N-1902, Ukraine-U-1840,
E-290, United States of America-W-34, Korea-A-1192, Global-ZD-1203, Global- Romania-I-1843, Croatia-I-1844, Serbia-R-
Canada-X-36, United Kingdom-U-40, Q-1208, South Korea-N-761, China-N- 1848, India-ND-1854, Canada-G-1855,
Finland-U-42, Global-A-44, Chile-N-300, 1215, Poland-R-1219, Belgium-UD-1220, Montenegro-W-1861, Serbia-A-1863,
United States of America-A-49, Canada- Chile-N-1229, Croatia-I-1230, Serbia-W- Bosnia and Herzegovina-A-1830, Chile-I-
W-52, Global-A-68, Global-NXZW-85, 1238, France-E-1239, Armenia-N-1241, 1872, China-I-1873, Slovakia and
Europe-A-94, Global-A-243, Canada-E- Norway-N-1243, Georgia-RI-1250, Romania-ID-1878, Italy-UNI-1887,
104, New Zealand-N-280, Chile-N-241, Canada-N-1252, Italy-I-251, Australia-E- Croatia-I-1908, Czech Republic-A-1909,
South Africa-AZR-121, Canada-W-294, 1262, China-N-92, Romania-I-1264, Italy- Serbia-A-1915, Russia-N-1920, Serbia-A-
United States of America-W-392, N-1265, Spain-N-1270, France-I-1273, 1923, United States of America-N-1760,
Australia-X-147, China-W-256, United United States of America-A-1275, China-I- Australia-WD-1934, France-N-1940,
States of America-W-161, United States of 1277, China-NZI-1212, Slovakia-A-1282, France-N-1941, France-NI-1942, France-I-
America-W-174, western Europe-A-253, Botswana-N-1284, United States of 1943, Serbia-R-1946, Serbia-R-1953,
United States of America-AW-207, North America-N-1292, Ukraine-N-1297, Croatia-A-1954, Serbia-R-1957, Australia-
America-G-249, United States of America- Georgia-A-1313, Europe-E-1315, south N-1959, Serbia-R-1963, Serbia-R-1964,
AW-210, United States of America-AW- and southeast Asia-A-1320, Uzbekistan-Q- South Korea-N-1973, South Korea-N-1974,
211, United States of America-W-212, 1322, Finland-I-1323, Global-W-1324, South Korea-N-1975, Egypt-N-1979,
Europe, eastern-AW-272, western Europe- Serbia-G-1326, Romania-I-1334, Ukraine- Australia-Q-1123, Central and northern
W-70, United States of America-W-218, N-1335, China-N-1344, India-I-1345, Japan and northern islands-N-1983,
China-W-297, China-A-275, Australia-N- Chile-N-1348, Global-W-1349, Serbia-A- Romania-I-1986, Bosnia and Herzegovina-
945, United Kingdom-NZW-314, Czech 1357, Serbia-W-1358, Croatia-A-1368, I-1987, Russia-N-1988, Switzerland-I-
Republic-ZI-400, Europe-NI-482, Serbia-A-1372, Serbia-W-1222, Romania- 1990, Poland-N-1993, Estonia-N-1997,
Switzerland-EI-502, China-W-431, United A-1377, Austria-W-1401, Taiwan-N-1403, Ukraine-NR-2013, Ukraine-NI-2014,
Kingdom-N-519, New Zealand-N-534, Taiwan-AEN-1413, South Korea-N-1246, Russia-W-2015, China-ANZRI-2021,
China-AEN-538, United States of America- United States of America-ZD-1430, South Korea-A-2032, South Korea-AN-
A-543, Mediterranean-I-5, Spain-NI-405, Australia-I-1442, Australia-E-1456, Serbia- 2033, Croatia-I-2038, New Zealand-N-
Poland-N-619, Canada-A-642, Ukraine- N-1482, Slovakia-I-1484, China-I-1485, 2048, Ukraine-N-2050, Slovakia-N-2052,
NR-643, Switzerland-NI-653, Portugal-N- Global-ZD-1492, China-I-1496, France-N- Serbia-R-2057, Slovakia-A-2079, Serbia-
662, Hungary-A-688, Croatia-A-693, 1515, France-NI-1516, Croatia-NI-1517, AN-2080, Canada-G-1462, France-AND-
Croatia-A-694, France-A-695, United Czech Republic-I-1522, Belarus-Q-1529, 2091, Global-W-2097, Canada-A-2099,
States of America-A-705, Austria-N-708, Russia-N-1532, Norway-N-1535, Russia- Hungary-A-2100, Russia-I-2107, Ukraine-
Denmark-U-711, Portugal-N-718, France-I- Q-1536, Romania-NI-1537, Canada-I- N-2112, Democratic Repubic of Korea-W-
720, China-ANI-722, Canada and United 1538, Europe-A-1539, Romania-N-1540, 1977, Republic of Korea-W-1977,
States of America-I-725, Lithuania-I-737, Australia-I-1544, China-I-1544, India-I- Swaziland-W-1977, South Korea-I-2113,
Global-W-743, Canada-C-756, Chile-N- 1544, Japan-I-1544, New Zealand-I-1544, North Korea-I-2114.
765, Slovenia-E-772, South Korea-EN-773, South Korea-I-1544, Russia-I-1544, United
Mediterranean-I-775, China-I-780, States of America-I-1544, Romania-N-
Australia-EN-7, United States of America- 1599, North Korea-N-1600, Belgium-CN-
N-301, Global-W-788, North America-X- 1605, Estonia-W-1609, Austria-W-1609,
790, Mexico-N-791, Spain-I-802, Hungary- Belgium-W-1609, Czech Republic-W-
I-809, France-I-764, United Kingdom-U- 1609, Denmark-W-1609, Russia-W-1609,
812, Belarus-N-817, Switzerland-URI-818, Germany-W-1609, Latvia-W-1609,
Swaziland-N-825, Czech Republic-NI-826, Lithuania-W-1609, Netherlands-W-1609,
United States of America-N-839, Hungary- Norway-W-1609, Poland-W-1609,

Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. var. elatior Ambrosia confertiflora DC. Ambrosia crithmifolia DC.
(L.) Descourt. Asteraceae Asteraceae
Asteraceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Franseria Total N° of Refs: 4
Total N° of Refs: 14 confertiflora (DC.) Rydb. (3), Franseria References: Algeria-W-1977, Croatia-W-
Aqua - Habit: annual Herb strigulosa Rydb. (2) 1977, Zambia-W-1977, Zimbabwe-W-
Origin: N Am Total N° of Refs: 36 1977.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Global Risk Score: 7.68
Dispersed by: Humans, Water Rating: Medium Ambrosia cumanensis Kunth
Weed of: Pastures Habit: perennial Herb Asteraceae
References: Japan-A-263, Japan-N-287, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Accepted name: Ambrosia psilostachya
Japan-W-286, Canada-A-642, United Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 107
States of America-X-229, Global-W-788, Origin: N Am Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Japan-AID-1073, United States of Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal Major Pathway/s: Herbal
America-N-101, Japan-Z-1339, Japan-N- Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, References: Colombia-A-927, Venezuela-
1602, South Korea-N-1586, South Korea- Livestock, Water A-932, Mexico-W-1226, Colombia-A-87.
AN-1860, South Korea-N-1972, South Weed of: Grapevines, Orchards &
Korea-N-2029. Plantations, Pastures, Pome Fruits Ambrosia deltoidea (Torr.) W. W. Payne
References: Puerto Rico-W-261, Australia- Asteraceae
Ambrosia bidentata Michx. W-269, Global-ZW-85, Global-A-243, Total N° of Refs: 2
Asteraceae Australia-AX-147, United States of Habit: Herb
Total N° of Refs: 6 America-W-161, Mexico-W-199, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Australia-N-945, Palestine-U-851, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Weed of: Vegetables Australia-W-853, Australia-W-869, Dispersed by: Humans
References: United States of America-W- Mexico-I-878, Mexico-W-890, Australia- References: New Zealand-Q-1879, New
161, United States of America-W-210, N-354, Australia-N-1049, New Zealand-A- Zealand-Q-2086.
United States of America-W-218, United 1074, Europe-N-819, Australia-Q-1134,
States of America-A-543, Global-W-1349, Mexico-W-1226, Australia-A-1331, Ambrosia discolor Nutt.
United States of America-A-87. Global-W-1349, Israel-ENI-1380, Global- Asteraceae
ZD-1418, Mexico-W-1510, Australia-X- Accepted name: Ambrosia tomentosa Nutt.
Ambrosia bipinnatifida (Nutt.) E. 1693, Europe-W-1740, Australia-WD- Total N° of Refs: 15
Greene 1934, -I-, Australia-W-1977, Bulgaria-W- ToxicOrigin: N Am
Asteraceae 1977, Israel-W-1977, State of Palestine- References: United States of America-A-
Total N° of Refs: 1 W-1977. 49.
Habit: perennial Herb
References: United States of America-W- Ambrosia cordifolia (Gray) Payne Ambrosia dumosa (A. Gray) W. W.
161. Asteraceae Payne
Total N° of Refs: 1 Asteraceae
Ambrosia chamissonis (Less.) Greene Major Pathway/s: Herbal Total N° of Refs: 1
Asteraceae References: Mexico-W-1226. Habit: Shrub
Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical
Habit: perennial Herb Ambrosia coronopifolia Torr. & A. Gray Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Asteraceae Dispersed by: Humans
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals Accepted name: Ambrosia psilostachya References: United States of America-W-
References: United States of America-W- Total N° of Refs: 132 161.
161. Global Risk Score: 3.84
Rating: Low Ambrosia elatior L.
Habit: Herb Asteraceae
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Accepted name: Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.
Origin: N Am var. elatior (L.) Descourt.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal Total N° of Refs: 381
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Escapee Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
References: Spain-N-405, Europe-N-638, Origin: N Am
Canada-A-642, Mediterranean-I-775, Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Hungary-U-809, France-W-764, References: Brazil-W-255, Brazil-W-361,
Mediterranean-W-951, Belgium-N-1006, Brazil-W-407, Argentina-W-237, South
France-N-1006, Germany-N-1006, United America-W-295, Global-XW-85, Japan-N-
Kingdom-N-1006, Netherlands-N-1006, 794, Paraguay-NI-876, Turkey-N-1069,
Norway-N-1006, Spain-N-1006, Europe-N- Hungary-I-455, Japan-N-1278, Brazil-A-
819, Romania-U-1154, Belgium-N-1220, 1560, Australia-Q-1123, Brazil-R-2053,
Hungary-U-1255, Italy-N-1265, Spain-U- Paraguay-A-2070.
1270, Spain-I-1454, Estonia-W-1609,
Germany-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, Ambrosia fruticosa Medik.
Russia-N-1006, Europe-UN-1740, Croatia- Asteraceae
N-1747, Estonia-N-1997, France-N-2091. Accepted name: Ambrosia arborescens
Total N° of Refs: 7
References: Romania-NI-1537.

Ambrosia gigantea nom. hort. Ambrosia monogyra (Torr. & A. Gray) Ambrosia polystachya DC.
Asteraceae Strother & B.G. Baldw. Asteraceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 Asteraceae Total N° of Refs: 63
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Synonym/s (n° of refs): Hymenoclea Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
References: Spain-N-405, Italy-I-470. monogyra Torr. & A. Gray (2) References: Brazil-W-255, Brazil-W-361,
Total N° of Refs: 2 Brazil-W-407, Brazil-A-923, Brazil-A-
Ambrosia grayi (A. Nels.) Shinners 1560, Brazil-A-1622, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-,
Asteraceae Ambrosia paniculata Michx. -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, Algeria-W-1977,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Franseria Asteraceae Argentina-W-1977, Armenia-W-1977,
tomentosa A. Gray (3) Accepted name: Ambrosia artemisiifolia Australia-W-1977, Austria-W-1977,
Total N° of Refs: 13 var. paniculata L. (Michx.) Blank. Azerbaijan-W-1977, Belarus-W-1977,
Global Risk Score: 1.92 Total N° of Refs: 368 Belgium-W-1977, Bolivia-W-1977, Bosnia
Rating: Low Major Pathway/s: Herbal and Herzegovina-W-1977, Brazil-W-1977,
Origin: N Am References: Jamaica-A-87, Mauritius-A-87. Chile-W-1977, China-W-1977, Colombia-
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal W-1977, Croatia-W-1977, Cuba-W-1977,
Dispersed by: Humans Ambrosia paniculata Michx. var. Czech Republic-W-1977, Denmark-W-
Weed of: Vegetables peruviana (Willd.) O. E. Schulz 1977, Ecuador-W-1977, France-W-1977,
References: Global-XZW-85, United States Asteraceae Germany-W-1977, Greece-W-1977,
of America-W-161, United States of Accepted name: Ambrosia peruviana Guatemala-W-1977, Hungary-W-1977,
America-W-174, United States of America- Willd. Iceland-W-1977, India-W-1977, Ireland-
W-210, United States of America-W-212, Total N° of Refs: 15 W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Jamaica-W-1977,
United States of America-A-543, North Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Japan-W-1977, Kazakhstan-W-1977,
America-X-790, United States of America- References: Cuba-A-14. Latvia-W-1977, Lithuania-W-1977,
X-229, Australia-Q-1134, Global-W-1349. Luxembourg-W-1977, Mauritius-W-1977,
Ambrosia peruviana Willd. Mexico-W-1977, Montenegro-W-1977,
Ambrosia x helenae Rouleau Asteraceae Paraguay-W-1977, Peru-W-1977, Poland-
Asteraceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Ambrosia W-1977, Portugal-W-1977, Republic of
Accepted name: parents = Ambrosia paniculata Michx. var. peruviana (Willd.) Korea-W-1977, Republic of Moldova-W-
artemisiifolia L. x Ambrosia trifida L. O. E. Schulz (1) 1977, Romania-W-1977, Russian
Total N° of Refs: 5 Total N° of Refs: 15 Federation-W-1977, Serbia-W-1977,
Global Risk Score: 0.48 Global Risk Score: 1.92 Slovakia-W-1977, Slovenia-W-1977, South
Rating: Low Rating: Low Africa-W-1977, Spain-W-1977, Sweden-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb W-1977, Switzerland-W-1977, Taiwan-W-
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical 1977, The former Yugoslav Republic of
References: Japan-N-287, Canada-A-642, Origin: S Am Macedonia-W-1977, Turkey-W-1977,
Canada-UC-756, Global-CD-1611, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal Ukraine-W-1977, United Kingdom-W-
Canada-G-1855. Dispersed by: Humans 1977.
References: Chile-N-300, Global-W-85,
Ambrosia hispida Pursh United States of America-N-101, United
Asteraceae Kingdom-U-314, Chile-N-765, Peru-A-
Total N° of Refs: 2 930, Gal pagos Islands-N-1157, Chile-N-
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical 1229, Chile-N-1348, Cuba-NI-1505, Peru-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal A-87, Chile-I-1872, Cuba-I-2055, Global--
References: French Polynesia-N-1514, 1324.

Ambrosia x intergradiens Wagner

Accepted name: parents = Ambrosia
artemisiifolia L. x Ambrosia psilostachya
Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Canada-A-642.

Ambrosia maritima L.
Total N° of Refs: 17
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Origin: Africa, Europe
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal
References: Egypt-W-221, United
Kingdom-U-40, Global-N-85, Egypt-A-
185, United Kingdom-U-314, India-Q-835,
Africa-N-926, Mozambique-nC-943,
Madagascar-N-1001, Madagascar-N-1000,
Global-W-1349, Zimbabwe-N-1365,
Egypt-A-87, Cape Verde-N-1558, Croatia-
N-1747, Egypt-R-1922, Australia-Q-1123.

Ambrosia psilostachya DC. Poland-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977, Ambrosia tenuifolia Spreng.
Asteraceae Sweden-W-1977, Taiwan-W-1977. Asteraceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Ambrosia Synonym/s (n° of refs): Franseria tenuifolia
coronopifolia Torr. & A. Gray (29), Ambrosia psilostachya DC. var. Harv. & Gray (1)
Ambrosia cumanensis Kunth (4), Ambrosia coronopifolia (Torr. & Gray) Farw. Total N° of Refs: 80
psilostachya DC. var. coronopifolia (Torr. Asteraceae Global Risk Score: 11.52
& Gray) Farw. (3) Accepted name: Ambrosia psilostachya Rating: Medium
Total N° of Refs: 139 DC. Habit: perennial Herb
Global Risk Score: 11.52 Total N° of Refs: 106 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Rating: Medium References: United States of America-W- Subtropical, Tropical
Habit: perennial Herb 218, Canada-A-642, Global-W-1349. Origin: N Am, S Am
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Ambrosia psylostachya DC. Ornamental
Origin: N Am, S Am Asteraceae Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Vehicles,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Total N° of Refs: 1 Water
Ornamental References: Russia-W-1609. Weed of: Orchards & Plantations, Pastures,
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Pome Fruits
Livestock, Vehicles, Escapee Ambrosia spp. L. References: Brazil-W-255, Brazil-W-361,
Weed of: Grapevines, Orchards & Asteraceae Brazil-W-407, Argentina-W-237,
Plantations, Pastures, Pome Fruits, Total N° of Refs: 10 Australia-W-269, Global-W-85, Global-A-
Vegetables ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Subtropical 243, New Zealand-UW-280, Chile-N-241,
References: Australia-XW-93, Australia- Dispersed by: Humans South America-W-295, South America-W-
W-269, United States of America-W-34, References: China-W-106, Australia-X- 271, Australia-AX-147, Australia-N-198,
United States of America-A-49, Global- 171, Global-XW-85, Australia-Z-611, Argentina-A-236, Australia-N-945, United
XZW-85, Global-A-243, South Africa-AR- North America-X-790, Israel-X-1050, Kingdom-U-314, Australia-E-327, Europe-
121, Canada-W-294, Australia-X-147, Global-Q-1138, Israel-Q-1528, Australia- NI-482, Spain-N-405, Europe-N-638,
United States of America-W-161, United Z-1768, Estonia-X-1995. Spain-W-807, France-W-764, Palestine-N-
States of America-W-174, United States of 851, Australia-W-853, Australia-NX-855,
America-A-180, Japan-N-287, Australia-N- Ambrosia tarapacana Phil. Australia-W-869, Paraguay-NI-876,
198, United States of America-W-210, Asteraceae Argentina-A-913, New Zealand-U-919,
United States of America-W-218, Total N° of Refs: 1 Brazil-A-923, Uruguay-A-924, Peru-A-
Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945, United References: Chile-A-87. 930, Australia-N-354, France-N-1006,
Kingdom-U-314, Australia-E-327, Czech Italy-N-1006, Spain-N-1006, Australia-N-
Republic-UZ-400, Europe-NI-482, United 1049, Europe-N-819, United States of
Kingdom-N-519, United States of America-N-101, Australia-Q-1134,
America-A-543, Poland-N-619, Canada-A- Uruguay-A-1199, Chile-N-1229, Italy-N-
642, Switzerland-N-653, Australia-AENX- 251, Spain-U-1270, La Reunion-W-1321,
310, Austria-U-708, Denmark-UN-711, Australia-A-1331, Chile-N-1348, Global-
Mexico-W-735, Australia-EN-7, North W-1349, Argentina-A-1363, Israel-NW-
America-X-790, Japan-N-794, United 1380, Australia-N-1450, Uruguay-A-1518,
Kingdom-N-812, India-Q-835, Australia- Argentina-A-87, Australia-A-87, Peru-A-
W-853, Australia-NX-855, Australia-N- 87, Uruguay-A-87, Brazil-A-1560,
856, Australia-W-869, Mexico-I-878, Uruguay-A-1562, Uruguay-A-1567,
Mexico-W-890, United States of America- Australia-X-1693, Europe-UN-1740,
W-946, Australia-N-354, Australia-N- Australia-N-1902, Chile-I-1872, New
1049, Russia-A-998, New Zealand-A-1074, Zealand-Q-1879, Italy-N-1887, Australia-
United States of America-Q-1197, Global- WD-1934, Australia-N-1959, -I-, New
Q-1208, Australia-W-1210, China-N-1215, Zealand-U-2048, Paraguay-A-2070, New
Poland-R-1219, Mexico-W-1226, Norway- Zealand-Q-2086, France-N-2091,
N-1243, Italy-I-251, Australia-E-1261, Australia-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, France-
Japan-N-1278, Uzbekistan-Q-1322, Global- W-1977, Israel-W-1977, Italy-W-1977,
W-1324, Australia-A-1331, Global-W- Serbia-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977,
1349, Taiwan-N-1403, Global-ZD-1418, Global--1324.
Australia-N-1450, Mexico-N-1500,
Mexico-W-1510, Czech Republic-U-1522,
Belarus-Q-1529, Norway-N-1535, Russia-
Q-1536, Austria-W-1609, Denmark-W-
1609, Latvia-W-1609, Netherlands-W-
1609, Norway-W-1609, Poland-W-1609,
Sweden-W-1609, Brazil-A-87, Poland-N-
1040, Global-Q-1572, Global-CD-1611,
Global-I-1324, Lesotho-AR-121, Australia-
X-1693, Czech Republic-U-1731, Europe-
U-1740, China-I-1769, Belgium-N-1220,
Sweden-N-1802, Australia-N-1902, Italy-
UNI-1887, Australia-WD-1934, Australia-
N-1959, Ukraine-N-2112, Belarus-W-1977,
Belgium-W-1977, Croatia-W-1977, Czech
Republic-W-1977, Netherlands-W-1977,

Ambrosia tomentosa Nutt. Ambrosia trifida L. W-1609, Denmark-W-1609, Russia-W-
Asteraceae Asteraceae 1609, Germany-W-1609, Latvia-W-1609,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Ambrosia discolor Synonym/s (n° of refs): Ambrosia aptera Lithuania-W-1609, Netherlands-W-1609,
Nutt. (1), Franseria discolor Nutt. (4) DC. (2), Ambrosia trifida L. var. aptera Norway-W-1609, Poland-W-1609,
Total N° of Refs: 19 (DC.) Kuntze (1), Ambrosia trifida L. var. Sweden-W-1609, Canada-A-87, Japan-A-
Global Risk Score: 3.84 integrifolia (Muhl. ex Willd.) Torr. & Gray 87, United States of America-A-87, Global-
Rating: Low (1) Q-1572, Global-CZD-1611, Russia-NI-
Origin: N Am Total N° of Refs: 170 1680, Russia-N-1006, Russia-U-1683,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal Global Risk Score: 24 Russia-N-1688, Europe-N-1690, China-I-
Dispersed by: Humans Rating: High 1694, China-I-1711, Czech Republic-U-
Weed of: Cereals, Pastures, Vegetables Aqua - Habit: annual Herb 1731, Europe-U-1740, China-I-1758,
References: North America-EW-21, United Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, China-I-1769, China-A-1669, Canada-G-
States of America-A-49, Global-XZW-85, Mediterranean, Subtropical 1855, China-I-1873, Mexico-N-1881, Italy-
Global-A-243, United States of America- Origin: C Am, N Am UN-1887, South Korea-N-1975, -I-,
W-161, United States of America-AW-210, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Central and northern Japan and northern
United States of America-AW-212, United Herbal, Ornamental islands-N-1983, Russia-N-1988, Estonia-
States of America-W-219, United States of Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, N-1997, Germany-N-2009, Ukraine-NR-
America-I-516, United States of America- Livestock, Sheep, Water, Escapee 2013, Ukraine-U-2014, China-ANZRI-
A-543, North America-X-790, United Weed of: Cereals, Cotton, Orchards & 2021, South Korea-N-2029, South Korea-
States of America-X-229, Global-W-1349, Plantations, Pastures, Vegetables A-2032, France-N-2091, Global-W-2097,
Spain-U-1455. References: Global-W-23, United States of Russia-I-2107, Ukraine-N-2112, Austria-
America-W-34, United States of America- W-1977, Belarus-W-1977, Belgium-W-
X-35, Canada-X-36, United Kingdom-U- 1977, China-W-1977, Czech Republic-W-
40, Finland-U-42, United States of 1977, Denmark-W-1977, France-W-1977,
America-A-49, Canada-W-52, Global-A- Germany-W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Japan-
68, Global-NXZW-85, Japan-A-263, W-1977, Latvia-W-1977, Lithuania-W-
Canada-W-293, China-W-256, United 1977, Mexico-W-1977, Poland-W-1977,
States of America-W-161, Canada and Republic of Korea-W-1977, Republic of
United States of America-XW-299, United Moldova-W-1977, Romania-W-1977,
States of America-W-174, Japan-N-287, Serbia-W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977,
Japan-W-286, United States of America- Sweden-W-1977, Ukraine-W-1977, South
W-210, United States of America-AW-211, Korea-I-2113.
United States of America-W-212, Europe,
eastern-AW-272, United States of Ambrosia trifida L. var. aptera (DC.)
America-W-218, China-W-297, China-A- Kuntze
275, United Kingdom-NZ-314, Czech Asteraceae
Republic-UZ-400, China-W-431, United Accepted name: Ambrosia trifida var.
Kingdom-N-519, China-I-538, United texana
States of America-A-543, Europe-N-638, Total N° of Refs: 167
Canada-A-642, Ukraine-U-643, Austria-U- References: Mexico-W-1977.
708, Denmark-UN-711, China-NI-722,
Lithuania-I-737, Canada-C-756, South Ambrosia trifida L. var. integrifolia
Korea-EN-773, Global-W-788, North (Muhl. ex Willd.) Torr. & Gray
America-X-790, Mexico-N-791, Japan-N- Asteraceae
794, United Kingdom-U-812, Belarus-N- Accepted name: Ambrosia trifida var.
817, India-Q-835, Palestine-N-851, United trifida
States of America-X-229, Mexico-I-878, Total N° of Refs: 167
China-I-882, Israel-A-885, United States of References: South Korea-N-761.
America-W-946, United States of America-
A-967, Denmark-N-1006, France-N-1006, Ambrosia trifida L. var. texana Scheele
Germany-N-1006, Italy-N-1006, Norway- Asteraceae
N-1006, Sweden-N-1006, China-I-1055, Total N° of Refs: 3
Japan-AID-1073, Europe-N-819, Iran-A- References: Japan-N-287, United States of
173, United States of America-W-1104, America-W-218, Global-W-1349.
China-QZ-1137, Romania-U-1154, Russia-
I-1178, Czech Republic-A-1186, South Ambrosia trifida L. fo. integrifolia Fern.
Korea-A-1192, Global-Q-1208, South Asteraceae
Korea-N-761, China-N-1215, Belgium- Total N° of Refs: 2
UD-1220, Norway-N-1243, Georgia-U- References: Japan-N-287, Japan-W-286.
1250, Italy-N-251, China-U-92, Romania-I-
1264, Italy-N-1265, Spain-N-1270, United
States of America-A-1275, Japan-N-1278,
China-NZI-1212, Uzbekistan-Q-1322,
Global-W-1324, Romania-I-1334, China-
N-1344, Global-W-1349, Serbia-U-1482,
Slovakia-U-1484, China-I-1485, China-I-
1496, Czech Republic-U-1522, Belarus-Q-
1529, Russia-Q-1536, Romania-NI-1537,
Japan-N-1602, Estonia-W-1609, Austria-

Amelanchier alnifolia (Nutt.) Nutt. ex Amelanchier canadensis (L.) Medik. Amelanchier laevis Wiegand
M.Roem. subsp. spicata (Lam.) Á. Löve & D. Löve Rosaceae
Rosaceae Rosaceae Total N° of Refs: 12
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Amelanchier Total N° of Refs: 1 Global Risk Score: 2.4
florida Lindl. References: Europe-UNXI-1740. Rating: Low
Total N° of Refs: 31 Habit: Shrub
Global Risk Score: 4.32 Amelanchier confusa HYL. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Rating: Low Rosaceae Origin: N Am
Habit: Shrub Total N° of Refs: 3 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Origin: N Am Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, References: Europe-N-819, Sweden-W- Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Ornamental 1609, Sweden-N-1802. References: Finland-C-42, Global-N-108,
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee United States of America-W-218, Canada-
References: Finland-C-42, United States of Amelanchier denticulata (Kunth) W.D.J. C-756, Europe-N-819, Global-W-1349,
America-W-218, Denmark-UC-711, Koch Sweden-W-1609, United States of
Canada-C-756, Germany-N-1006, Europe- Rosaceae America-A-87, Global-CD-1611, Canada-
N-819, Russia-I-1178, Norway-N-1243, Accepted name: Malacomeles denticulata G-1855, Armenia-W-1977, Sweden-W-
Global-W-1376, Global-I-1404, Czech (Kunth) Engelm. 1977.
Republic-U-1522, Russia-N-1532, Norway- Total N° of Refs: 2
N-1535, Estonia-W-1609, Denmark-W- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Amelanchier lamarckii F.G.Schroeder
1609, Germany-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal Rosaceae
Sweden-W-1609, United States of References: Mexico-W-1226. Accepted name: parents = Amelanchier
America-A-87, Global-CD-1611, Czech laevis Wieg. x Amelanchier arborea
Republic-U-1731, Sweden-N-1802, Amelanchier erecta Hort. hybrid (Michx. f.) Fern. [most probable
Canada-G-1855, Russia-N-1921, Estonia- Rosaceae combination]
N-1997, Russia-W-2015, Russia-I-2107, Accepted name: parents = Amelanchier Total N° of Refs: 54
Czech Republic-W-1977, Denmark-W- humilis Wiegand x Amelanchier laevis Global Risk Score: 10.8
1977, Germany-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977. Wiegand ’’clade B’’ Rating: Medium
Total N° of Refs: 1 Habit: Tree
Amelanchier arborea (Michx. f.) Fern. References: Global-I-937. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Rosaceae Origin: N Am
Total N° of Refs: 5 Amelanchier florida Lindl. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Global Risk Score: 2.4 Rosaceae Ornamental
Rating: Low Accepted name: Amelanchier Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers,
Habit: Tree alnifolia(Nutt.) Nutt. var. semiintegrifolia Escapee
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical (Hook.) C.Hitchc. Seed Longevity: Transient
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Total N° of Refs: 3 References: Finland-C-42, Global-N-108,
Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Herbal New Zealand-UW-280, United Kingdom-
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee References: United States of America-W- N-314, Czech Republic-U-400, United
References: United States of America-W- 218, United States of America-A-87, Kingdom-N-519, Denmark-CN-711,
218, Canada-C-756, United States of Russia-N-1919. United Kingdom-CN-812, New Zealand-N-
America-A-87, Global-CD-1611, Canada- 823, Belgium-NI-858, Germany-N-907,
G-1855. Amelanchier humilis Wiegand New Zealand-U-919, Belgium-E-996,
Rosaceae France-N-1006, Germany-N-1006, United
Amelanchier canadensis (L.) Medik. Total N° of Refs: 2 Kingdom-N-1006, Italy-N-1006,
Rosaceae Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal Netherlands-N-1006, Slovakia-N-1006,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Amelanchier References: Global-N-85, Estonia-W-1977. Global-N-1059, Europe-N-819, Italy-N-
spicata (Lam.) K.Koch 1165, Global-Q-1208, Belgium-NI-1220,
Total N° of Refs: 13 Amelanchier intermedia Spach Norway-N-1243, Italy-N-251, Global-W-
Global Risk Score: 2.4 Rosaceae 1324, Global-W-1376, Global-I-1404,
Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 1 Belgium-X-1477, Czech Republic-U-1522,
Habit: Tree Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal Norway-N-1535, Belgium-W-1609,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, References: Global-N-85. Denmark-W-1609, Germany-W-1609,
Subtropical Netherlands-W-1609, Norway-W-1609,
Origin: N Am Amelanchier x intermedia Spach Sweden-W-1609, Global-CD-1611, Czech
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Rosaceae Republic-U-1731, Europe-UNXI-1740,
Ornamental Accepted name: parents = Amelanchier Sweden-N-1802, Italy-N-1887, New
Dispersed by: Humans arborea (F.Michx.) Fernald x Amelanchier Zealand-U-2048, Belgium-W-1977, Czech
References: Global-N-108, Global-N-85, canadensis (L.) Medik. Republic-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977,
United States of America-W-218, Total N° of Refs: 1 France-W-1977, Germany-W-1977, Italy-
Australia-E-380, Hungary-U-809, Europe- References: Global-N-85. W-1977, Luxembourg-W-1977,
N-819, Hungary-U-1255, Slovakia-U-1484, Netherlands-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977,
Russia-W-1609, United States of America- United Kingdom-W-1977.
A-87, Russia-N-1006, Ukraine-U-2014,

Amelanchier x neglecta Egglest. ex G.N. Amelanchier spicata (Lam.) K.Koch Amelichloa brachychaeta (Godr.)
Jones Rosaceae Arriaga & Barkworth
Rosaceae Accepted name: parents = Amelanchier Poaceae
Accepted name: parents = Amelanchier canadensis (L.) Medikus x Amelanchier Synonym/s (n° of refs): Nassella
bartramiana (Tausch) M. Roem. x stolonifera Wieg. brachychaeta (Godr.) Barkworth (1), Stipa
Amelanchier laevis Wiegand Total N° of Refs: 72 brachychaeta Godr. (19)
Total N° of Refs: 1 Global Risk Score: 10.8 Total N° of Refs: 26
References: Canada and United States of Rating: Medium Aqua - Habit: Grass
America-N-725. Habit: Shrub Origin: S Am
Origin: N Am Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Amelanchier ovalis Medik. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Dispersed by: Humans, Water
Rosaceae Ornamental References: Global-NXZWD-85, Australia-
Total N° of Refs: 16 Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers, N-354, Australia-N-1049, Global-W-1324,
Global Risk Score: 3.6 Escapee Australia-X-1693, Australia-N-1902.
Rating: Low References: Finland-C-42, United
Habit: Shrub Kingdom-U-314, Poland-N-619, Norway- Amelichloa brevipes (E. Desv.) Arriaga
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean CN-644, Austria-UC-708, Denmark-CN- & Barkworth
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe 711, Lithuania-I-737, Canada-UC-756, Poaceae
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Russia-I-900, Estonia-N-1006, Germany- Total N° of Refs: 1
Ornamental N-1006, Poland-N-1006, Slovakia-N-1006, Habit: Grass
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers, Europe-N-819, Global-W-148, Russia-I- References: Global-N-85.
Escapee 1178, Global-Q-1208, Poland-ER-1219,
Seed Longevity: Present Belgium-U-1220, Latvia-N-1242, Norway- Amelichloa caudata (Trin.) Arriaga &
References: United Kingdom-U-314, Czech N-1243, Poland-E-1268, Finland-I-1323, Barkworth
Republic-U-400, Ukraine-CR-643, Europe- Global-W-1324, Global-W-1376, Global-I- Poaceae
N-819, Norway-N-1243, Norway-N-1535, 1404, Czech Republic-N-1522, Russia-N- Total N° of Refs: 11
Russia-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, Global- 1532, Russia-N-1533, Norway-N-1535, Habit: Grass
CD-1611, Russia-N-1006, Chile-I-1872, Latvia-CN-1598, Estonia-W-1609, Austria- Origin: S Am
Russia-N-1919, Russia-N-1989, Ukraine- W-1609, Denmark-W-1609, Russia-W- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
U-2014, Chile-W-1977, Czech Republic- 1609, Germany-W-1609, Latvia-W-1609, Dispersed by: Humans
W-1977. Lithuania-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, References: Global-NXW-85, Australia-N-
Poland-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, Latvia- 354, Australia-N-1049, Australia-X-1319,
Amelanchier x quinti-martii Louis-Marie N-1014, Poland-N-1040, Lithuania-CN- Iberian Peninsular-N-1388, Spain-N-1454,
Rosaceae 1652, Global-CD-1611, Russia-N-1006, Australia-E-1456, Australia-X-1693,
Accepted name: parents = Amelanchier Russia-EW-1684, Russia-NI-1688, Europe- Australia-NX-1845, Australia-N-1959,
arborea (F.Michx.) Fernald x Amelanchier NI-1690, Czech Republic-N-1731, Russia- New Zealand-N-2048.
bartramiana (Tausch) M. Roem. C-1671, Sweden-N-1802, Canada-G-1855,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Russia-N-1919, Russia-N-1921, -I-, -I-, -I-, Amelichloa clandestina (Hack.) Arriaga
References: Canada and United States of Estonia-I-1996, Estonia-N-1997, Ukraine- & Barkworth
America-N-725. NI-2014, Russia-W-2015, Russia-I-2107, Poaceae
Armenia-W-1977, Austria-W-1977, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Achnatherum
Amelanchier sanguinea (Pursh) DC. Belarus-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Czech clandestinum (Hack.) Barkworth (1), Stipa
Rosaceae Republic-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, clandestina Hack. (4)
Total N° of Refs: 5 Germany-W-1977, Latvia-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 6
Global Risk Score: 2.4 Lithuania-W-1977, Poland-W-1977, Habit: Grass
Rating: Low Russian Federation-W-1977, Sweden-W- References: Global-N-85.
Habit: Shrub 1977.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Amellus asteroides Druce
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Amelanchier spp. Medik. Asteraceae
Ornamental Rosaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Total N° of Refs: 1 Origin: Africa
References: United States of America-W- Habit: Tree Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
218, Canada-C-756, United States of Dispersed by: Humans, Animals Dispersed by: Humans
America-A-87, Global-CD-1611, Canada- References: Global-W-307. References: Australia--, Australia-Q-1123.
Amelanchier x wiegandii E.L.Nielsen Amellus microglossus DC.
Amelanchier sanguinea (Pursh) DC. var. Rosaceae Asteraceae
alnifolia (Nutt.) P. Landry Total N° of Refs: 4 Total N° of Refs: 3
Rosaceae Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Origin: Africa
Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Major Pathway/s: Crop References: Canada and United States of Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
References: Europe-UNI-1740. America-N-725, Canada-C-756, Global- Livestock, Sheep
CD-1611, Canada-G-1855. References: United Kingdom-UZD-314,
South Africa-ZD-1419, South Africa-ZD-

Amellus strigosus (Thunb.) Less. Amischotolype hispida (Less. & A. Rich.) Ammannia auriculata Willd. var.
Asteraceae D. Y. Hong arenaria (H.B.K.) Koehne
Total N° of Refs: 1 Commelinaceae Lythraceae
Origin: Africa Synonym/s (n° of refs): Forrestia hispida Accepted name: Ammannia auriculata
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant A.Rich. (2) Willd.
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 54
Livestock, Sheep Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical References: Argentina-W-237, South
References: United Kingdom-UZD-314. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental America-W-295, Argentina-A-236,
Dispersed by: Humans Sardinia-N-1381.
Amellus tenuifolius Burm.f.
Asteraceae Ammannia aegyptiaca Willd. Ammannia baccifera L.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Lythraceae Lythraceae
Origin: Africa Synonym/s (n° of refs): Ammannia Total N° of Refs: 63
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental baccifera L. subsp. aegyptiaca (Willd.) Global Risk Score: 7.2
Dispersed by: Humans Koehne (1) Rating: Medium
References: Australia--, Australia-Q-1123. Total N° of Refs: 2 Toxic, Aqua - Habit: annual Herb
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Amethystea caerulea L. References: Spain-N-405. Subtropical, Tropical
Lamiaceae Origin: Aust, E Asia
Total N° of Refs: 22 Ammannia arenaria Kunth. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Global Risk Score: 1.44 Lythraceae Herbal, Ornamental
Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 2 Dispersed by: Humans, Water
Habit: annual Herb Habit: annual Herb Weed of: Bananas, Cereals, Orchards &
Origin: E Asia, Europe References: China-A-275, China-W-431. Plantations
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, References: India-A-66, Taiwan-A-274,
Ornamental Ammannia auriculata Willd. Thailand-A-239, Indonesia-A-170, Asia-
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Lythraceae W-204, Thailand-A-238, India-A-712,
References: China-W-297, China-A-275, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Ammannia India-A-758, Thailand-W-821, Thailand-
United Kingdom-UZ-314, China-W-431, auriculata Willd. var. arenaria (H.B.K.) W-822, Global-ZW-85, United States of
Denmark-UC-711, Japan-N-794, Russia-A- Koehne (4) America-N-101, Europe, eastern-W-272,
998, Europe-N-819, Global-A-1207, Total N° of Refs: 54 China-A-275, Europe-NID-482, China-W-
Belgium-U-1220, China-U-92, Japan-N- Global Risk Score: 5.76 431, Mediterranean-I-775, Japan-N-794,
1278, Denmark-W-1609, Russia-A-87, Rating: Low Thailand-W-810, India-N-914, India-AD-
Global-CD-1611, Russia-N-1796, Aqua - Habit: annual Herb 948, Mediterranean-W-951, Europe-N-819,
Australia-Q-1123, South Korea-AN-2032, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Global-A-1207, Global-A-1233, Japan-N-
South Korea-A-2033, Belgium-W-1977, Origin: Africa, Aust, C Asia, E Asia, S Am, 1278, Singapore-N-1290, Nepal-A-1306,
Denmark-W-1977, Japan-W-1977. Cosmopolitan south and southeast Asia-A-1320, Africa-
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, A-1332, Africa-A-1333, India-A-1359,
Amherstia nobilis Wall. Ornamental India-N-1389, south and southeast Asia-A-
Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Cattle, Livestock, 1408, Spain--1454, India-A-87, Taiwan-A-
Total N° of Refs: 1 Water 87, Sri Lanka-A-87, Indonesia-A-87,
Habit: Shrub Weed of: Cereals, Vegetables Vietnam-A-87, India-W-1672, Togo-A-
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical References: Australia-W-93, Australia-N- 1673, Tajikistan-A-1674, India-A-1696,
Origin: E Asia 368, India-A-712, Australia-N-7, Global- India-A-1698, India-A-1702, India-A-1703,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental A-68, Japan-N-287, Japan-W-286, United Eastern Caribbean-N-1742, Taiwan-W-
Dispersed by: Humans States of America-W-218, Australia-N-945, 1748, Bangladesh-A-1761, Guinea-A-1823,
References: Philippines-nC-1099. Europe-NID-482, United States of Singapore-N-1839, India-A-1936, India-A-
America-A-543, Pacific-W-621, Global-N- 2000, Burkina Faso-A-2068, Guinea-A-
Amischophacelus axillaris (L.) Rao & 85, Japan-N-794, Australia-N-868, 2069, India-A-2084, Greece-W-1977,
Kammathy Paraguay-NI-876, India-N-914, Australia- Japan-W-1977, Malaysia-W-1977, Palau-
Commelinaceae N-354, Italy-N-1006, Europe-N-819, W-1977, Singapore-W-1977, The former
Total N° of Refs: 6 United States of America-AD-194, Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia-W-1977.
Weed of: Cereals, Cotton, Orchards & Sardinia-NI-1151, Global-A-1233, Italy-U-
Plantations 251, Japan-N-1278, south and southeast Ammannia baccifera L. var. baccifera
References: Global-A-1207, Global-A- Asia-A-1320, Africa-A-1332, Africa-A- Lythraceae
1233, Nepal-A-1306, south and southeast 1333, Sardinia-N-1336, Global-W-1349, Total N° of Refs: 1
Asia-A-1320, Global-A-1411, India-A- Taiwan-N-1403, Australia-N-1491, United References: India-A-1448.
1936. States of America-A-1498, Australia-ZD-
1509, Nigeria-A-87, United States of Ammannia baccifera L. subsp.
Amischophacelus cucullata (Roth) Rolla America-A-87, Tajikistan-A-1674, Eastern aegyptiaca (Willd.) Koehne
Rao & Kammathy Caribbean-N-1742, Sardinia-N-1393, Lythraceae
Commelinaceae Sardinia-AI-1824, Italy-U-1887, Sardinia- Accepted name: Ammannia aegyptiaca
Total N° of Refs: 2 N-1917, Burkina Faso-A-2068, Australia- Willd.
References: Global-A-1207, India-A-1696. W-1977, Bulgaria-W-1977, Greece-W- Total N° of Refs: 2
1977, Italy-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, References: India-A-1696.
Solomon Islands-W-1977, Taiwan-W-

Ammannia coccinea Rottb. Ammannia latifolia L. Ammannia peploides Spreng.
Lythraceae Lythraceae Lythraceae
Total N° of Refs: 97 Total N° of Refs: 9 Accepted name: Rotala indica (Willd.)
Global Risk Score: 7.2 Global Risk Score: 1.44 Koehne
Rating: Medium Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 69
Aqua - Habit: annual Herb Aqua - Habit: annual Herb Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical References: south and southeast Asia-A-
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Origin: N Am 1320, India-A-87, Japan-A-87.
Origin: C Am, Europe, N Am, S Am Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Dispersed by: Humans Ammannia petandra Roxb.
Herbal, Ornamental References: Chile-N-300, Chile-N-765, Lythraceae
Dispersed by: Humans, Water Chile-N-1229, Global-A-1233, Chile-N- Total N° of Refs: 1
Weed of: Cereals, Vegetables 1348, Global-W-1349, Trinidad-A-87, References: India-A-87.
References: Cuba-A-14, Brazil-W-362, Chile-I-1872, -I-, Chile-W-1977.
Brazil-W-407, Taiwan-N-777, Chile-N- Ammannia prieuriana Guill. & Perr.
300, Global-W-85, Global-A-243, Japan- Ammannia microcarpa DC. Lythraceae
A-263, United States of America-W-161, Lythraceae Total N° of Refs: 5
United States of America-A-180, Japan-N- Total N° of Refs: 3 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
287, Japan-W-286, western Europe-A-253, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Origin: Africa
western Europe-W-70, United States of References: Indonesia-A-170, southeast References: Africa-A-1332, Africa-A-1333,
America-W-218, Europe-NID-482, United Asia-W-191, south and southeast Asia-A- Nigeria-A-87, Africa-A-1709, Guinea-A-
States of America-A-543, Spain-N-405, 1320. 1823.
Europe-N-638, Portugal-N-662, Chile-N-
765, South Korea-N-773, Mediterranean-I- Ammannia multiflora Roxb. Ammannia pygmaea Kurz
775, United States of America-N-301, Lythraceae Lythraceae
Japan-N-794, Spain-W-807, United States Total N° of Refs: 23 Total N° of Refs: 1
of America-N-839, Global-A-68, Global Risk Score: 1.44 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Mediterranean-WI-951, Greece-N-1006, Rating: Low References: south and southeast Asia-A-
Portugal-N-1006, Portugal-N-898, Europe- Habit: annual Herb 1320.
N-819, United States of America-AD-194, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Greece-N-1142, Italy-NI-1165, Panama-A- Origin: Africa, Aust, E Asia Ammannia ritchiei C.B.CL.
1190, Argentina-AD-1198, South Korea-N- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Lythraceae
761, China-N-1215, Chile-N-1229, Global- Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 1
A-1233, Italy-I-251, Morocco-N-847, Dispersed by: Humans, Vehicles References: south and southeast Asia-A-
Spain-A-1269, Japan-N-1278, China-NZ- Weed of: Orchards & Plantations 1320.
1212, United States of America-N-1292, References: Taiwan-A-274, Japan-A-263,
Peru-N-1293, south and southeast Asia-A- Japan-W-286, China-W-297, China-W- Ammannia robusta Heer & Regel
1320, Chile-N-1348, Global-W-1349, 431, Global-A-1207, Global-A-1233, Lythraceae
Taiwan-N-1403, Spain--1454, Spain--1455, China-NZ-1212, south and southeast Asia- Total N° of Refs: 12
Dominican Republic-A-1472, Dominican A-1320, Madagascar-N-1000, south and Aqua - Habit: annual Herb
Republic-A-1475, United States of southeast Asia-A-1408, Global-ZD-1495, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
America-A-1498, Morocco-A-561, Australia-A-1498, Japan-A-87, Tropical
Philippines-A-1643, Ecuador-A-87, United Bangladesh-A-1649, Tajikistan-A-1674, Origin: C Am, N Am, S Am
States of America-A-87, Colombia-A-87, India-A-1696, India-A-1702, Taiwan-W- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Portugal-A-87, Spain-A-87, Arabian 1748, India-AN-1794, India-A-1936, Dispersed by: Humans, Water
Peninsular-A-87, Hawaii-A-87, Peru-A-87, China-ANZ-2021, South Korea-AN-2032. References: Spain-N-405, United States of
Turkey-A-87, Cambodia-A-87, Iran-A-87, America-AD-661, Mediterranean-I-775,
Jamaica-A-87, Mexico-A-87, Ammannia nodiflora R.BR. Spain-W-807, Spain-A-892,
Mozambique-A-87, Puerto Rico-A-87, Lythraceae Mediterranean-W-951, Europe-N-819,
Trinidad-A-87, Vietnam-A-87, Global-N- Total N° of Refs: 1 Spain-A-1269, Spain--1454, Spain--1455,
1218, Costa Rica-W-1570, Taiwan-W- References: south and southeast Asia-A- Global-N-1218, Eastern Caribbean-N-1742.
1748, Chile-I-1872, Italy-UNI-1887, Costa 1320.
Rica-A-1933, China-N-1938, -I-, -I-, Ammannia rotundifolia Buch.-Ham. ex
China-ANZ-2021, South Korea-A-2032, Ammannia octandra L.f. Roxb.
France-AND-2091, Chile-W-1977, France- Lythraceae Lythraceae
W-1977, Greece-W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 5 Accepted name: Rotala rotundifolia
Japan-W-1977, Morocco-W-1977, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Koehne
Portugal-W-1977, Republic of Korea-W- References: Indonesia-AI-170, southeast Total N° of Refs: 39
1977, Taiwan-W-1977, South Korea-N- Asia-W-191, south and southeast Asia-A- Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
2113. 1320, Bangladesh-A-87, India-A-87. Weed of: Cereals
References: south and southeast Asia-A-
Ammannia humilis Michx. Ammannia pentandra Roxb. 1320, Bangladesh-A-87, Nepal-A-1932.
Lythraceae Lythraceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Accepted name: Rotala rosea (Poir.) Cook
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Total N° of Refs: 11
References: south and southeast Asia-A- References: south and southeast Asia-A-
1320. 1320.

Ammannia senegalensis Lam. Ammi majus L. Russia-W-1609, Germany-W-1609, Latvia-
Lythraceae Apiaceae W-1609, Lithuania-W-1609, Netherlands-
Total N° of Refs: 7 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Ammi majus L. W-1609, Norway-W-1609, Sweden-W-
Global Risk Score: 1.44 var. glaucifolium (L.) Godr. (2) 1609, Argentina-A-87, Egypt-A-87, Iraq-
Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 174 A-87, Israel-A-87, Lebanon-A-87,
Aqua - Habit: annual Herb Global Risk Score: 24 Morocco-A-87, Portugal-A-87, Uruguay-
Origin: Africa Rating: High A-87, United States of America-A-87,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Toxic - Habit: annual/biennial Herb Egypt-A-1028, Uruguay-A-1562, Uruguay-
Dispersed by: Humans, Water Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, A-1567, Global-Q-1572, Global-CZD-
References: Europe-N-819, Europe-ND- Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical 1611, Italy-A-1618, Azores-N-1721,
1298, south and southeast Asia-A-1320, Origin: Africa, C Asia, E Asia, Europe Algeria-A-1727, North Africa, Libya,
Pakistan-A-87, Cape Verde-N-1558, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Egypt-W-1730, Brazil-N-1071, Czech
China-N-1938, Greece-W-1977. Herbal, Ornamental Republic-U-1731, Brazil-N-1746,
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Morocco-A-1750, Uruguay-N-1800,
Ammannia spp. L. Livestock, Sheep, Water, Escapee Ukraine-U-1813, Australia-N-1902,
Lythraceae Seed Longevity: Short Term Australia-N-1845, Oman-A-1870, Chile-I-
Total N° of Refs: 2 Weed of: Canola, Carrots, Cereals, Cotton, 1872, Brazil-I-1876, Chile and Argentina-
References: Egypt-A-554, Greece-W-1240. Orchards & Plantations, Pastures, A-1874, Mexico-N-1881, Argentina-N-
Sunflowers, Vegetables 1884, Egypt-A-1922, France-A-1924,
Ammannia verticillata (Ard.) Lam. References: Brazil-W-361, Brazil-W-407, Australia-N-1959, -I-, -I-, -I-, South Africa-
Lythraceae Costa Rica-I-975, Egypt-W-221, N-1991, Estonia-N-1997, Ukraine-U-2014,
Total N° of Refs: 14 Argentina-W-237, Australia-W-269, United France-A-2042, New Zealand-N-2048,
Global Risk Score: 0.96 States of America-W-34, United Kingdom- Egypt-A-2088, Argentina-W-1977,
Rating: Low U-40, Finland-U-42, Chile-N-300, Global- Australia-W-1977, Austria-W-1977,
Aqua - Habit: Herb NZW-85, Europe-A-94, Global-A-243, Belgium-W-1977, Brazil-W-1977, Chile-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean United States of America-N-101, New W-1977, Costa Rica-W-1977, Czech
Origin: E Asia, Europe Zealand-N-280, western Asia-A-115, Italy- Republic-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal A-118, South America-W-295, South Germany-W-1977, India-W-1977, Ireland-
Dispersed by: Water America-W-271, South Africa-W-158, W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Latvia-W-1977,
References: Europe, eastern-W-272, United States of America-W-161, Lithuania-W-1977, Mexico-W-1977, South
Europe-ND-482, Europe-N-819, Sardinia- Australia-N-176, United States of America- Africa-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977.
NI-1151, Italy-U-251, Sardinia-N-1336, W-179, Japan-N-287, Egypt-A-185,
Sardinia-U-1381, Romania-N-1554, western Europe-A-253, Australia-N-198, Ammi majus L. var. glaucifolium (L.)
Sardinia-N-1393, Sardinia-AI-1824, Italy- Mexico-W-199, Argentina-A-236, Europe, Godr.
U-1887, Sardinia-N-1917, Italy-W-1977, eastern-W-272, western Europe-W-70, Apiaceae
Serbia-W-1977. United States of America-W-218, Accepted name: Ammi majus L.
Australia-N-945, Spain-A-417, United Total N° of Refs: 174
Kingdom-CNZD-314, Australia-E-327, Global Risk Score: 0.48
Czech Republic-UZ-400, United Kingdom- Rating: Low
N-519, western Asia-W-524, Oman-A-598, Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
Israel-A-89, Italy-A-667, Morocco-A-686, Origin: E Asia, Europe
Italy-A-687, Austria-U-708, Denmark-UC- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
711, Turkey-A-727, Iran-A-732, Lithuania- Ornamental
I-737, Chile-N-765, Australia-N-7, Dispersed by: Humans
Mexico-N-791, Japan-N-794, Hungary-U- References: South Africa-AZR-121,
809, United Kingdom-U-812, Australia-W- Africa-W-1127.
853, Australia-N-855, Australia-W-869,
Costa Rica-CN-872, Paraguay-NI-876, Ammi spp. L.
Israel-A-885, Europe-A-889, Ireland-U- Apiaceae
894, Argentina-A-913, New Zealand-N- Total N° of Refs: 1
919, Uruguay-A-924, United Kingdom-Z- ToxicReferences: Israel-A-666.
944, United States of America-W-946,
Argentina-I-983, Brazil-I-984, Uruguay-I-
988, Australia-N-354, Portugal-N-1006,
Latvia-N-1006, Australia-N-1049, Global-
N-1059, Europe-N-819, Global-Q-1138,
Egypt-A-1171, Uruguay-A-1199, Belgium-
U-1220, Mexico-W-1226, Crete-A-1228,
Chile-N-1229, Norway-N-1243, Hungary-
U-1255, Australia-E-1259, Australia-E-
1261, United States of America-A-1160,
Spain-U-1270, Japan-N-1278, Australia-W-
1318, Brazil-I-1328, Australia-A-1331,
Chile-N-1348, Global-W-1349, Argentina-
A-1363, Australia-N-1450, Australia-E-
1456, Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay-I-
1476, Uruguay-A-1518, Czech Republic-
U-1522, Europe-A-1539, Estonia-W-1609,
Austria-W-1609, Denmark-W-1609,

Ammi visnaga (L.) Lam. Ammophila arenaria (L.) Link
Apiaceae Ammobium alatum R.Br. Poaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Visnaga daucoides Asteraceae Total N° of Refs: 87
Gaertn. (7) Total N° of Refs: 21 Global Risk Score: 44.8
Total N° of Refs: 117 Global Risk Score: 1.44 Rating: Extreme
Global Risk Score: 18 Rating: Low Habit: perennial Grass
Rating: High Habit: Herb Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Toxic, Aqua - Habit: annual/biennial Herb Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Mediterranean
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Origin: Aust Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, References: Global-N-85, New Zealand- Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Water,
Herbal, Ornamental UW-280, Australia-N-176, Australia-N- Escapee
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, 945, United Kingdom-C-314, Australia-N- Seed Longevity: Short Term
Livestock, Sheep, Water, Escapee 855, Australia-W-869, New Zealand-U- Weed of: Pastures
Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations, 919, Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1450, References: Egypt-W-221, Australia-E-
Pastures Czech Republic-U-1522, Global-CD-1611, 289, United States of America-E-231,
References: Brazil-W-361, Brazil-W-407, Czech Republic-U-1731, Australia-N-1845, United States of America-X-35, Australia-
Argentina-W-237, United States of Chile-I-1872, New Zealand-U-2048, E-72, New Zealand-E-246, Chile-N-300,
America-W-34, Finland-U-42, Chile-N- Algeria-W-1977, Australia-W-1977, Chile- Global-EI-152, United States of America-
300, Global-N-85, Europe-A-94, United W-1977, Croatia-W-1977, Czech Republic- E-78, United States of America-E-80,
States of America-N-101, Chile-N-241, W-1977. Global-NZW-85, United States of
South America-W-295, South America-W- America-N-101, New Zealand-N-280,
271, United States of America-W-161, Ammochloa pungens (Schreb) Boiss. United States of America-Q-116, Chile-N-
Japan-N-287, Egypt-A-185, western Poaceae 241, Australia-E-296, Australia-N-134,
Europe-A-253, Argentina-A-236, western Total N° of Refs: 1 United States of America-EI-137, United
Europe-W-70, United States of America- Habit: Grass States of America-W-392, New Zealand-
W-218, Australia-N-945, Spain-A-417, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean EW-181, Australia-N-176, Australia-N-
United Kingdom-UZD-314, Czech Origin: Africa 198, New Zealand-EW-225, western
Republic-UZ-400, United Kingdom-N-519, References: United Kingdom-U-317. Europe-W-70, United States of America-
Austria-U-708, Denmark-UC-711, W-218, Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945,
Lithuania-I-737, Chile-N-765, Mexico-N- United Kingdom-U-317, Australia-E-327,
791, United Kingdom-U-812, Australia-W- New Zealand-NW-425, United Kingdom-
853, Australia-W-869, Paraguay-NI-876, N-519, New Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-
Argentina-A-913, Uruguay-A-924, Chile- N-15, Global-E-649, Canada-N-652,
A-931, Venezuela-A-932, United Australia-EN-310, United States of
Kingdom-Z-944, United States of America- America-E-736, Mediterranean-I-775,
W-946, Argentina-I-983, Uruguay-I-988, North America-E-784, Australia-EN-7,
Australia-N-354, Portugal-N-1006, United States of America-E-151, United
Australia-N-1049, Europe-N-819, Egypt-A- States of America-N-839, Australia-W-853,
1171, Argentina-AD-1198, Uruguay-A- Australia-N-855, Australia-N-856,
1199, Belgium-UD-1220, Chile-N-1229, Australia-W-869, New Zealand-W-906,
Norway-N-1243, Georgia-U-1250, Spain- New Zealand-N-919, United States of
U-1270, Peru-N-1293, Global-W-1324, America-W-946, Mediterranean-EI-951,
Australia-A-1331, Chile-N-1348, Global- New Zealand-W-964, Argentina-I-983,
W-1349, Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay-I- Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049,
1476, Uruguay-A-1518, Czech Republic- Global-N-1059, New Zealand-E-505,
U-1522, North Korea-N-1600, Austria-W- Australia-W-1210, Chile-N-1229, Falkland
1609, Denmark-W-1609, Germany-W- Islands-N-1251, Australia-E-1262, United
1609, Lithuania-W-1609, Netherlands-W- States of America-N-1292, Chile-N-1348,
1609, Norway-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, Global-W-1349, Global-E-1449, Australia-
Israel-A-87, Argentina-A-87, Egypt-A-87, N-1450, Australia-E-1456, Canada-I-1538,
Morocco-A-87, Portugal-A-87, Chile-A-87, New Zealand-N-1543, United States of
Iran-A-87, Peru-A-87, Turkey-A-87, America-A-87, South Africa-E-1646,
Uruguay-A-87, United States of America- Global-CD-1611, New Zealand-A-1624,
A-87, Global-N-1218, Uruguay-A-1562, Global-ZD-1581, Polar Regions-ZD-1587,
Uruguay-A-1567, Global-Q-1572, Global- United States of America-E-1736,
CD-1611, Azores-N-1721, Brazil-N-1071, Australia-N-1902, Chile-I-1872, Australia-
Czech Republic-U-1731, Croatia-N-1747, N-1959, -I-, -I-, South Africa-N-1991, New
Morocco-A-1752, Uruguay-N-1800, Chile- Zealand-N-2048, Argentina-W-1977,
I-1872, Mexico-N-1881, Argentina-N- Australia-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Chile-
1884, Egypt-A-1922, -I-, -I-, Egypt-A- W-1977, New Zealand-W-1977, South
2088, Iran-A-2111, Argentina-W-1977, Africa-W-1977, Global--1324.
Australia-W-1977, Austria-W-1977,
Belarus-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Chile-
W-1977, Croatia-W-1977, Czech Republic-
W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, Germany-W-
1977, Lithuania-W-1977, Mexico-W-1977,

Ammophila arenaria (L.) Link subsp. Amoora rohituka (Roxb.) Wight & Arn. Amorpha fruticosa L.
arenaria Meliaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Poaceae Accepted name: Aphanamixis polystachya Total N° of Refs: 191
Total N° of Refs: 1 (Wall.) R. Parker Global Risk Score: 38.4
Habit: Grass Total N° of Refs: 2 Rating: Extreme
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Aqua - Habit: Shrub
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
References: Australia-N-1845. References: Africa-W-760. Origin: E Asia, N Am
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal,
Ammophila breviligulata Fernald Amorpha californica Nutt. Ornamental, Pasture
Poaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Water, Wind,
Total N° of Refs: 12 Total N° of Refs: 1 Escapee
Global Risk Score: 1.44 Habit: Shrub References: United States of America-X-1,
Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical United States of America-E-80, Global-N-
Habit: perennial Grass Major Pathway/s: Ornamental 108, Global-NXW-85, United States of
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans America-ED-224, United States of
Dispersed by: Humans References: Algeria-W-1977. America-ED-133, United States of
References: United States of America-W- America-EX-389, United States of
218, Japan-N-287, Europe-NW-482, United Amorpha canescens Pursh America-W-392, United States of America-
Kingdom-N-519, Japan-N-794, United Fabaceae - Papilionaceae W-161, Japan-N-287, Japan-W-286,
States of America-W-946, Europe-N-819, Total N° of Refs: 2 eastern North America-E-195, Europe,
Japan-N-1278, Global-W-1324, Canada-I- Habit: Shrub eastern-W-272, United States of America-
1538, United States of America-A-87, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, W-303, Czech Republic-I-400, Global-N-
Japan-W-1977. Subtropical, Tropical 461, Europe-NI-482, Switzerland-W-502,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Mediterranean-I-5, Spain-N-405, Italy-I-
Ammophila spp. Host Ornamental, Pasture 470, Europe-I-638, Ukraine-U-643, Global-
Poaceae Dispersed by: Humans E-649, Switzerland-NI-653, Austria-CN-
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: United States of America-W- 708, France-I-720, Japan-I-741, South
Habit: Grass 161, Global-W-1349. Korea-N-773, Mediterranean-I-775, North
References: Global-EI-18. America-E-784, North America-X-790,
Japan-N-794, Hungary-I-809, France-W-
Ammophila verticillata (Ard.) Lam. 764, Switzerland-UID-818, Czech
Poaceae Republic-NI-826, Hungary-ANI-1255,
Total N° of Refs: 2 United States of America-X-229, Croatia-I-
Habit: Grass 891, Romania-I-896, Austria-W-337,
References: Hungary-U-809, Hungary-U- Mediterranean-WI-951, Argentina-I-983,
1255. Germany-N-1006, Greece-N-1006, Poland-
N-1006, Italy-N-1006, Slovenia-N-1006,
Ammoselinum popei Torr. & A. Gray Spain-N-1006, Turkey-N-1006, Japan-EID-
Apiaceae 1073, Europe-N-819, Hungary-I-455,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Japan-W-1106, Ukraine-I-1121, Australia-
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Q-1134, Greece-N-1142, Sardinia-NI-1151,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Romania-AE-1154, Hungary-EI-1164,
References: Finland-U-42. Italy-NI-1165, Germany-I-1167, Serbia-E-
1177, Russia-I-1178, Global-Q-1208, South
Amomum compactum Sol. ex Maton Korea-N-761, China-N-1215, Belgium-U-
Zingiberaceae 1220, Croatia-I-1230, Serbia-W-1238,
Total N° of Refs: 1 France-E-1239, Georgia-N-1250, Italy-I-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, 251, Romania-I-1264, Italy-N-1265, Japan-
Tropical N-1278, China-N-1212, Ukraine-N-1297,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Europe-E-1315, Global-W-1324, Romania-
Ornamental I-1334, Ukraine-N-1335, Sardinia-N-1336,
Dispersed by: Humans China-N-1344, Global-W-1349, Global-I-
References: China-N-1796. 1376, Sardinia-N-1381, Austria-W-1401,
Global-I-1404, Argentina, Brazil and
Amomyrtus luma (Molina) Legrand & Uruguay-I-1476, Serbia-N-1482, Slovakia-
Kausel N-1484, Albania-N-1506, Croatia-NI-1517,
Myrtaceae Czech Republic-N-1522, Romania-NI-
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Myrtus luma 1540, Israel-W-1487, Romania-CN-1599,
Molina (4) North Korea-N-1600, Central Europe and
Total N° of Refs: 6 Asia-N-1602, Austria-W-1609, Czech
Habit: Tree Republic-W-1609, Russia-W-1609,
Origin: S Am Germany-W-1609, Poland-W-1609,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Romania-NI-1629, Italy-N-1007, South
Dispersed by: Humans Korea-N-1013, Latvia-N-1014, Serbia-W-
References: United Kingdom-N-40, 1031, Poland-N-1040, Romania-N-1549,
Ireland-W-894. Romania-N-1553, Romania-N-1554,
Global-CD-1611, Russia-N-1006, Russia-

W-1684, Ukraine-NI-1685, Russia-N-1688, Amorphophallus campanulatus Decne. Amorphophallus rivieri Durieu
Europe-N-1690, Czech Republic-N-1731, Araceae Araceae
United States of America-E-1736, Europe- Accepted name: Amorphophallus Accepted name: Amorphophallus konjac
UNI-1740, Croatia-NWI-1747, India-N- paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson K.Koch
1765, Turkey-U-1718, Sardinia-N-1393, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Amorphophallus Total N° of Refs: 6
Croatia-I-1844, Serbia-R-1848, Chile-I- paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson Global Risk Score: 1.44
1872, Argentina-E-1874, Romania-ID- Total N° of Refs: 9 Rating: Low
1878, Italy-UNI-1887, Romania-NI-1905, Global Risk Score: 0.72 Habit: perennial Herb
Croatia-I-1908, Sardinia-N-1917, France- Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
N-1940, France-W-1942, Serbia-R-1946, Habit: perennial Herb Subtropical
South Korea-N-1974, South Korea-N-1975, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Origin: E Asia
-I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, Central and Origin: Africa Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
northern Japan and northern islands-N- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
1983, Romania-I-1986, Bosnia and Dispersed by: Humans References: United Kingdom-C-314,
Herzegovina-I-1987, Switzerland-I-1990, References: Taiwan-N-777, China-N-1215, Global-CD-1611, Chile-I-1872.
Croatia-I-2004, Germany-N-2009, Ukraine- Fiji-A-1521, Fiji-A-87, Bangladesh-A-
NR-2013, Ukraine-NI-2014, China-N- 1761. Amorphophallus sylvaticus (Roxb.)
2021, South Korea-N-2029, Croatia-I-2038, Kunth
Ukraine-N-2050, Serbia-R-2057, France-N- Amorphophallus konjac K.Koch Araceae
2091, Russia-I-2107, India-U-2109, Araceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Ukraine-N-2112, Albania-W-1977, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Amorphophallus Habit: Herb
Algeria-W-1977, Argentina-W-1977, rivieri Durieu (3) Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Armenia-W-1977, Austria-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 6 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal
Belgium-W-1977, Bosnia and ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Tropical References: India-A-1696.
Herzegovina-W-1977, Bulgaria-W-1977, Origin: E Asia
Chile-W-1977, Croatia-W-1977, Czech Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Ampelamus albidus (Nutt.) Britton
Republic-W-1977, Democratic Repubic of Ornamental Apocynaceae
Korea-W-1977, France-W-1977, Germany- Dispersed by: Humans Accepted name: Cynanchum laeve (Michx)
W-1977, Greece-W-1977, Hungary-W- References: Tibet-N-1796, Tibet-N-1796, Pers
1977, Italy-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Chile-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 16
Latvia-W-1977, Lithuania-W-1977, Habit: perennial Vine
Montenegro-W-1977, Poland-W-1977, Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Origin: N Am
Portugal-W-1977, Republic of Korea-W- Nicolson Major Pathway/s: Herbal
1977, Romania-W-1977, Serbia-W-1977, Araceae Weed of: Pastures, Vegetables
Slovakia-W-1977, Switzerland-W-1977, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Amorphophallus References: United States of America-W-
Turkey-W-1977, Ukraine-W-1977, South campanulatus Decne. (5), Amorphophallus 161, eastern North America-E-195, United
Korea-I-2113, North Korea-I-2114. paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson var. States of America-AW-207, United States
campanulatus (Decne.) Sivad. (1) of America-AW-210, United States of
Amorpha paniculata Torr. & A. Gray Total N° of Refs: 10 America-W-218, United States of America-
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Habit: perennial Herb A-543, United States of America-A-967,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical United States of America-W-1104, Greece-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Origin: Africa W-1240, Global-W-1349, United States of
References: Armenia-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental America-A-87.
Dispersed by: Humans
Amorpha tomentosa Raf. References: France-N-518, Taiwan-N- Ampelocissus indica (L.) Planch.
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae 1403, Taiwan-W-1748, Taiwan-W-1977. Vitaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Algeria-W-1977. Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Habit: Shrub
Nicolson var. campanulatus (Decne.) Major Pathway/s: Crop
Amorphophallus bulbifer (Schott) Blume Sivad. References: French Polynesia-N-1514.
Araceae Araceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Accepted name: Amorphophallus Ampelocissus leonensis (Hook.f.) Planch.
Habit: perennial Herb paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson Vitaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Total N° of Refs: 5 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Cissus leonensis
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Habit: Herb Hook.f. (1)
Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 1
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Crop
References: China-N-1796. References: French Polynesia-N-1514.

Ampelodesmos mauritanica (Poir.) Ampelopsis arborea (L.) Koehne Ampelopsis cordata Michx.
T.Dur. & Schinz Vitaceae Vitaceae
Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 14 Accepted name: Ampelopsis aconitifolia
Accepted name: Ampelodesmos Global Risk Score: 7.2 Total N° of Refs: 8
mauritanicus (Poir.) T.Dur. & Schinz Rating: Medium Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Total N° of Refs: 12 Habit: perennial Herb References: United States of America-E-
Habit: perennial Grass Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical 80, Global-N-85.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Origin: Africa, Europe Ornamental Ampelopsis delavayana Planch.
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Vitaceae
Dispersed by: Humans References: Puerto Rico-CW-261, United Synonym/s (n° of refs): Ampelopsis
References: United States of America-N- States of America-E-80, Global-N-85, aconitifolia Bunge var. glabra Diels & Gilg
101, Portugal-N-898, Australia--, Australia- United States of America-W-161, United (2)
Q-1123. States of America-W-218, United States of Total N° of Refs: 2
America-W-967, Global-W-1349, Cuba-
Ampelodesmos mauritanicus (Poir.) NI-1505, United States of America-A-87, Ampelopsis glandulosa (Wall.) Momiy.
T.Durand & Schinz Global-CD-1611, Eastern Caribbean-N- var. brevipedunculata (Maxim.) Momiy.
Poaceae 1742, -I-, Cuba-W-2055, Cuba-W-1977, Vitaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Ampelodesmos Global--1324. Accepted name: Ampelopsis
mauritanica (Poir.) T.Dur. & Schinz (3) brevipedunculata (Maxim.) Trautv.
Total N° of Refs: 12 Ampelopsis brevipedunculata (Maxim.) Total N° of Refs: 29
Global Risk Score: 0.24 Trautv. Origin: E Asia
Rating: Low Vitaceae Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Habit: perennial Grass Synonym/s (n° of refs): Ampelopsis Dispersed by: Humans
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean glandulosa (Wall.) Momiy. var. References: Global-W-85.
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental brevipedunculata (Maxim.) Momiy. (1),
Dispersed by: Humans Ampelopsis heterophylla (Thunb.) Siebold Ampelopsis heterophylla (Thunb.)
References: Global-N-85, United States of & Zucc. (3) Siebold & Zucc.
America-N-101, Europe-N-819, Global-W- Total N° of Refs: 32 Vitaceae
1324, Australia-Q-1123, New Zealand-U- Global Risk Score: 5.76 Accepted name: Ampelopsis
2048, Australia-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977, Rating: Low brevipedunculata (Maxim.) Trautv.
Taiwan-W-1977. Habit: perennial Vine Synonym/s (n° of refs): Ampelopsis
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, citrulloides Hort. ex Dippel (1)
Ampelopsis aconitifolia Bunge Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 32
Vitaceae Origin: E Asia, Europe Origin: E Asia
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Ampelopsis Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
cordata Michx. (2) Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 8 Weed of: Forestry, Orchards & Plantations Dispersed by: Humans
Global Risk Score: 0.24 References: United States of America-E- Weed of: Pastures
Rating: Low 411, United States of America-E-17, References: United States of America-I-
Habit: perennial Vine United States of America-E-80, Global- 1773, South Korea-AN-1860, South Korea-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean NXW-85, United States of America-E-222, A-2033.
Origin: E Asia United States of America-N-101, United
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental States of America-E-224, United States of Ampelopsis humulifolia Bunge
Dispersed by: Humans America-E-133, United States of America- Vitaceae
References: United States of America-N- CE-142, eastern North America-EI-195, Total N° of Refs: 2
101, China-W-431, Chile-I-1872, Algeria- United States of America-E-346, Australia- Origin: E Asia
W-1977, Armenia-W-1977, Chile-W-1977. E-380, United States of America-EN-303, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
China-W-431, United States of America-I- Dispersed by: Humans
Ampelopsis aconitifolia Bunge var. 628, Global-E-649, United States of References: China-W-297, Algeria-W-
glabra Diels & Gilg America-E-151, Global-W-788, United 1977.
Vitaceae States of America-X-229, United States of
Accepted name: Ampelopsis delavayana America-W-1103, United States of Ampelopsis japonica (Thunb.) Makino
var. glabra Planch. America-AE-1156, United States of Vitaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 America-E-1244, Global-E-1449, Global- Total N° of Refs: 3
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental CD-1611, United States of America-E- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans 1736, Russia-C-1671, Algeria-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans
References: China-A-275, China-W-431. Armenia-W-1977. References: China-W-431, Chile-I-1872,
Ampelopsis citrulloides Hort. ex Dippel
Vitaceae Ampelopsis megalophylla Diels & Gilg
Accepted name: Ampelopsis heterophylla Vitaceae
(Thunb.) Siebold & Zucc. Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 4 Habit: Vine
References: Algeria-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Armenia-W-1977.

Ampelopsis vitifolia (Boiss.) Planch. Amphibromus scabrivalvis (Trin.) Amphicarpaea chamaecaulis B.Boivin &
Vitaceae Swallen Raymond ex Fabaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 Poaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Habit: Shrub Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Aqua - Habit: Grass References: Canada-A-642.
Origin: E Asia Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: United States of America-N- Amphicarpaea comosa (L.) G. Don
Dispersed by: Humans 101. Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
References: India-N-1765, India-N-2109. Accepted name: Amphicarpaea bracteata
Amphibromus spp. Ness var. comosa
Amphiachyris dracunculoides (DC.) Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 12
Nutt. Total N° of Refs: 3 Origin: N Am
Asteraceae Habit: Grass References: Italy-U-1165, Italy-U-251,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Gutierrezia Dispersed by: Humans Europe-W-1325, Italy-U-1887.
dracunculoides (DC.) S. F. Blake (6) References: Australia-ZD-1444, Australia-
Total N° of Refs: 12 A-1498, Australia-ZD-1675. Amphicarpaea edgeworthii Benth.
Global Risk Score: 0.96 Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Rating: Low Amphicarpa bracteata (L.) Fernald Synonym/s (n° of refs): Amphicarpaea
Habit: annual Herb Fabaceae - Papilionaceae bracteata (L.) Fernald subsp. edgeworthii
Origin: N Am Accepted name: Amphicarpaea bracteata (Benth.) H. Ohashi (3), Amphicarpaea
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal (L.) Fernald edgeworthii Benth. var. japonica Oliv. (1),
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 9 Amphicarpaea trisperma (Miq.) Baker (1)
References: Global-NZW-85, Europe-N- Major Pathway/s: Herbal Total N° of Refs: 8
819, Australia-Q-1123, Belgium-U-1220, References: Canada-A-642. Habit: perennial Herb
Global-W-1324, Belgium-W-1977. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Amphicarpaea bracteata (L.) Fernald References: Japan-W-286, Global-A-1207,
Amphibromus fluitans Kirk Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Japan-A-87.
Poaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Amphicarpa
Total N° of Refs: 2 bracteata (L.) Fernald (1), Amphicarpaea Amphicarpaea edgeworthii Benth. var.
Habit: Grass bracteata (L.) Fern. var. comosa (L.) Fern. japonica Oliv.
Origin: Aust (1), Amphicarpaea comosa (L.) G. Don Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
References: Australia-N-354, Australia- (4), Amphicarpaea pitcheri Torr. & Gray. Accepted name: Amphicarpaea edgeworthii
UN-1845. (1) Benth.
Total N° of Refs: 15 Total N° of Refs: 4
Amphibromus neesii Steud. Global Risk Score: 3.6 References: South Korea-A-648.
Poaceae Rating: Low
Total N° of Refs: 4 Habit: perennial Vine Amphicarpaea pitcheri Torr. & Gray.
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Rating: Low Origin: N Am Accepted name: Amphicarpaea bracteata
Habit: Grass Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, var. comosa
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 9
Origin: Aust Dispersed by: Humans, Wind, Escapee Major Pathway/s: Crop
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, References: Finland-U-42, Global-N-85, References: Canada-A-642.
Ornamental Canada-A-642, Canada-C-756, Global-CD-
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, 1611, Canada-G-1855, South Korea-A- Amphicarpaea trisperma (Miq.) Baker
Livestock, Sheep 2031, Italy-W-1977. Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
References: United States of America-N- Accepted name: Amphicarpaea edgeworthii
101, Belgium-UD-1220, New Zealand-A- Amphicarpaea bracteata (L.) Fern. var. Benth.
87, Australia-ZD-1675. comosa (L.) Fern. Total N° of Refs: 4
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae References: China-W-431.
Amphibromus nervosus (Trin.) Swallen Accepted name: Amphicarpaea bracteata
Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 9 Amphidinium carterae Hulburt
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Canada-A-642. Gymnodiniaceae
Habit: perennial Grass Total N° of Refs: 1
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Amphicarpaea bracteata (L.) Fernald References: Mexico-N-1881.
Ornamental subsp. edgeworthii (Benth.) H. Ohashi
Dispersed by: Humans, Vehicles Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Amphilophis glabra (Roxb.) Stapf
References: Global-ZD-1495. Accepted name: Amphicarpaea edgeworthii Poaceae
Benth. Total N° of Refs: 2
Amphibromus recurvatus Swallen Total N° of Refs: 6 Habit: Grass
Poaceae Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical References: south and southeast Asia-A-
Total N° of Refs: 3 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Pasture 1320, Vietnam-A-87.
Habit: Grass References: South Korea-A-1859, South
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Korea-AN-2032, South Korea-A-2033.
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Livestock, Sheep
References: Europe-N-819, Belgium-UD-
1220, Global-W-1324.

Amphilophis pertusa (L.) NashH ex Amsinckia arenaria (Suksd.) Macbr. Amsinckia douglasiana A. DC.
Stapf Boraginaceae Boraginaceae
Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 7
Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Global Risk Score: 0.96
Habit: Grass Dispersed by: Humans Rating: Low
References: south and southeast Asia-A- References: Denmark-U-711, Denmark-W- Habit: annual Herb
1320. 1609, Denmark-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal
Dispersed by: Humans
Amphilophium buccinatorium (DC.) Amsinckia barbata Greene References: United States of America-W-
L.G.Lohmann Boraginaceae 161, United States of America-W-218,
Bignoniaceae Accepted name: Amsinckia lycopsoides Denmark-U-711, Global-W-1349,
Total N° of Refs: 3 Lehm. Denmark-W-1609, United States of
References: South Africa-N-1991, India- Total N° of Refs: 68 America-A-87, Denmark-W-1977.
W-1977, Global--1324. References: Japan-N-287, Japan-N-794,
Japan-N-1278. Amsinckia eastwoodae Macbride
Amphilophium gnaphalanthum Boraginaceae
(A.Rich.) L.G.Lohmann Amsinckia calycina (Moris) Chater Total N° of Refs: 1
Bignoniaceae Boraginaceae Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Distictis Total N° of Refs: 47 Dispersed by: Humans
gnaphalantha (A. Rich.) Urb. (1) Global Risk Score: 1.44 References: Denmark-U-711.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Rating: Low
Toxic - Habit: annual Herb Amsinckia eastwoodiae J.F. MacBr.
Amphilophium oxylophium Donn. Sm. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Boraginaceae
Bignoniaceae Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 6
Total N° of Refs: 1 Origin: S Am Habit: annual Herb
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Origin: N Am
References: Peru-A-87. Ornamental References: Europe-N-819, Belgium-U-
Dispersed by: Humans 1220, Global-W-1324, Denmark-W-1609,
Amphilophium paniculatum (L.) Kunth Weed of: Cereals, Pastures Belgium-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977.
Bignoniaceae References: Australia-W-93, Australia-W-
Total N° of Refs: 2 269, Australia-E-72, Finland-U-42, Global- Amsinckia hispida (Ruiz & Pav.) I.M.
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical NW-85, Global-A-243, New Zealand-N- Johnst.
Origin: S Am 280, South Africa-AR-121, South Africa- Boraginaceae
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental W-382, New Zealand-W-165, Australia-N- Accepted name: Amsinckia menziesii var.
Dispersed by: Humans 176, Australia-N-198, Australia-N-945, menziesii
Weed of: Pastures United Kingdom-NZ-314, Australia-E-327, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Amsinckia
References: Brazil-W-255, Brazil-A-1763. New Zealand-NW-425, Europe-N-638, angustifolia Lehm. (1)
Denmark-U-711, Australia-N-7, Australia- Total N° of Refs: 47
Amphiroa rigida J.V.Lamouroux W-853, Australia-NX-855, Spain-N-861, Weed of: Pastures
Corallinaceae Australia-N-868, Australia-W-869, New References: South America-W-295,
Total N° of Refs: 3 Zealand-N-919, United Kingdom-Z-944, Australia-N-1049, Global-A-1207, Peru-N-
Aqua - Habit: Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049, Spain- 1293, Australia-W-1318, Australia-A-1331,
Dispersed by: Water W-1149, Australia-E-1259, Australia-E- Australia-A-87, Chile-A-87, New Zealand-
References: Global-W-1741, Europe-N- 1261, Australia-A-1331, Australia-N-1450, A-87.
1786, Turkey-W-1977. Australia-E-1456, Slovakia-U-1484,
Austria-W-1609, Denmark-W-1609, New
Amphiscirpus nevadensis (S. Wats.) Zealand-A-1035, Australia-N-1902,
Oteng Yeboah Australia-NX-1845, Australia-N-1959,
Cyperaceae New Zealand-N-2048, France-N-2091,
Accepted name: Scirpus nevadensis S. Australia-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977,
Wats. Slovakia-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 5
Habit: Grass Amsinckia canadensis Suksd.
Major Pathway/s: Crop Boraginaceae
References: Canada-A-642, Argentina-I- Total N° of Refs: 1
983, Argentina-W-1977. References: Canada-A-642.

Amsinckia angustifolia Lehm.

Accepted name: Amsinckia hispida (Ruiz
& Pav.) I.M. Johnst.
Total N° of Refs: 10
References: Chile-A-87.

Amsinckia intermedia Fisch. & Amsinckia lycopsoides Lehm. Amsinckia menziesii (Lehm.) A.Nels. &
C.A.Mey. Boraginaceae J.F.Macbr.
Boraginaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Amsinckia barbata Boraginaceae
Accepted name: Amsinckia menziesii Greene (3) Synonym/s (n° of refs): Amsinckia hispida
(Lehm.) A.Nels. & J.F.Macbr. var. Total N° of Refs: 68 (Ruiz & Pav.) I.M. Johnst. (9), Amsinckia
intermedia (Fischer & C. Meyer) Ganders Global Risk Score: 7.2 intermedia Fisch. & C.A.Mey. (49),
Total N° of Refs: 86 Rating: Medium Amsinckia micrantha Suksdorf (23),
Global Risk Score: 4.32 Toxic - Habit: annual Herb Amsinckia retrorsa Suksdorf (7)
Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Total N° of Refs: 125
Toxic - Habit: annual Herb Subtropical, Tropical Global Risk Score: 2.16
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Origin: N Am Rating: Low
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Habit: annual Herb
Origin: N Am Herbal, Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Origin: N Am
Ornamental Livestock, Sheep Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Dispersed by: Humans Weed of: Vegetables Ornamental
Weed of: Cereals, Grapevines, Orchards & References: Australia-W-269, Australia-E- Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle,
Plantations, Pastures, Pome Fruits, 72, Global-N-108, Global-NW-85, United Livestock, Vehicles
Vegetables States of America-W-161, Japan-N-287, References: Australia-W-54, South Africa-
References: Global-W-23, Australia-W- Australia-N-198, United States of America- AZR-121, South Africa-W-382, South
269, Finland-U-42, Global-NZW-85, W-218, Australia-N-945, United Kingdom- Africa-W-158, Australia-N-198, Africa-A-
Global-A-243, United States of America- NZ-314, Australia-E-327, United States of 622, Canada-A-642, Australia-W-869,
W-161, United States of America-A-180, America-A-543, Spain-N-405, Denmark-U- Global-N-85, Belgium-N-1006, France-N-
Australia-N-198, United States of America- 711, South Korea-N-773, Australia-N-7, 1006, United Kingdom-N-1006,
AW-212, western Europe-W-70, United Japan-N-794, United Kingdom-N-812, Netherlands-N-1006, Sweden-N-1006,
States of America-W-218, Australia-N-945, Australia-W-853, Spain-N-861, Australia- Europe-N-819, United States of America-
South Korea-Q-363, Australia-E-327, W-869, Australia-N-354, France-N-1006, N-101, Canada-N-1340, Panarctic-U-1596,
United States of America-A-543, Europe- United Kingdom-N-1006, Australia-N- United States of America-N-1607,
U-638, Canada-A-642, Denmark-U-711, 1049, Europe-N-819, United States of Germany-W-1609, Global-ZD-1611,
United States of America-N-301, United America-N-101, Greece-U-1142, Spain-W- United States of America-N-1162, France-
States of America-N-839, Australia-W-853, 1149, South Korea-N-761, Belgium-UD- N-2091, Australia-W-1977, Belarus-W-
Australia-W-869, United Kingdom-Z-944, 1220, Norway-N-1243, Italy-U-251, 1977, Belgium-W-1977, Denmark-W-
Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049, Australia-E-1259, Australia-E-1260, 1977, France-W-1977, Germany-W-1977,
Europe-N-819, United Kingdom-A-1093, Australia-E-1261, Japan-N-1278, Global- Greece-W-1977, Latvia-W-1977,
Belgium-U-1220, Norway-N-1243, W-1324, Global-W-1349, Czech Republic- Lithuania-W-1977, Netherlands-W-1977,
Australia-E-1259, Australia-E-1261, United U-1522, Denmark-W-1609, Germany-W- South Africa-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977,
States of America-N-1292, Global-W- 1609, Norway-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, United Kingdom-W-1977, Zimbabwe-W-
1324, Australia-A-1331, Global-W-1349, Australia-A-87, United States of America- 1977.
Australia-E-1456, Denmark-W-1609, A-87, Czech Republic-U-1731, United
Germany-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, States of America-N-1162, Australia-N- Amsinckia menziesii (Lehm.) Nelson &
Australia-A-87, United Kingdom-A-87, 1902, Italy-U-1887, Australia-N-1959, J.F. Macbr. var. intermedia (Fischer &
United States of America-A-87, United France-N-2091, Australia-W-1977, C.A.Mey.) Ganders
States of America-AZD-1626, Australia-N- Belgium-W-1977, Cyprus-W-1977, Boraginaceae
1959, France-N-2091, Australia-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, France-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 5
Belgium-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, Germany-W-1977, Greece-W-1977, Italy- Habit: annual Herb
Germany-W-1977. W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Republic of Weed of: Pastures, Potatoes, Vegetables
Korea-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977, United References: Global-A-243, Canada-A-642,
Kingdom-W-1977, South Korea-N-2113. United States of America-W-946, United
States of America-N-101, United States of

Amsinckia menziesii (Lehm.) Nelson &

J.F. Macbr. var. menziesii
Total N° of Refs: 2
Habit: annual Herb
References: United States of America-W-
946, Global-N-85.

Amsinckia micrantha Suksdorf Amsinckia spp. Lehm. Amsonia tabernaemontana Walter
Boraginaceae Boraginaceae Apocynaceae
Accepted name: Amsinckia menziesii var. Total N° of Refs: 15 Total N° of Refs: 4
menziesii Toxic - Habit: annual Herb Toxic, Aqua - Habit: Shrub
Total N° of Refs: 60 Dispersed by: Humans, Livestock Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Origin: N Am, S Am Weed of: Canola, Cereals, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Cucurbits/Melons, Grapevines, Vegetables Dispersed by: Humans
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, References: Global-A-243, Australia-X- References: Hungary-U-809, Europe-N-
Livestock, Sheep 147, Australia-X-171, United States of 819, Hungary-U-1255, Global-W-1324.
Weed of: Cereals, Pastures America-A-543, Australia-Z-611, Ireland-
References: United Kingdom-U-40, United W-894, New Zealand-A-1074, Australia-Q- Amyema spp. V.Tiegh.
Kingdom-NZD-314, United Kingdom-N- 1134, Australia-X-1319, Global-ZD-1418, Loranthaceae
519, Canada-A-642, Denmark-UN-711, United States of America-AZD-1626, Total N° of Refs: 1
Lithuania-I-737, United Kingdom-N-812, United States of America-AZD-1667, References: Global-A-1715.
Europe-ANI-889, United Kingdom-A-322, Australia-Z-1768, Australia-Q-1123,
Belgium-N-1220, Norway-N-1243, Global- Ireland-W-1977. Amygdalus communis L.
W-1324, Zimbabwe-U-1365, Norway-N- Rosaceae
1535, Estonia-W-1609, Denmark-W-1609, Amsinckia tesselata A. Gray Accepted name: Prunus dulcis
Russia-W-1609, Lithuania-W-1609, Boraginaceae (Mill.)D.A.Webb
Netherlands-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, Total N° of Refs: 5 Total N° of Refs: 78
Sweden-W-1609, Russia-N-1681, Estonia- Origin: N Am Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
N-1997. Major Pathway/s: Crop Subtropical, Tropical
References: Europe-N-819, Belgium-U- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Amsinckia retrorsa Suksdorf 1220, Norway-N-1243, Global-W-1324, Dispersed by: Humans
Boraginaceae Norway-W-1609. References: Ukraine-N-1813.
Accepted name: Amsinckia menziesii var.
menziesii Amsinckia tessellata A. Gray Amygdalus nana L.
Total N° of Refs: 44 Boraginaceae Rosaceae
Origin: N Am Total N° of Refs: 16 Accepted name: Prunus tenella Batsch
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal Global Risk Score: 1.92 Total N° of Refs: 7
Dispersed by: Humans Rating: Low References: Estonia-W-1609, Estonia-N-
References: Denmark-U-711, Belgium-U- Habit: annual Herb 1997.
1220, Norway-N-1243, Global-W-1324, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical
Global-W-1349, Denmark-W-1609, Origin: N Am Amygdalus persica L.
Norway-W-1609. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal Rosaceae
Dispersed by: Humans Accepted name: Prunus persica
Amsinckia spectabilis Fischer & Weed of: Vegetables Total N° of Refs: 129
C.Meyer References: United States of America-E- Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Boraginaceae 80, United States of America-W-161, References: Madagascar-N-1000.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Japan-N-287, United States of America-W-
Aqua - Habit: annual Herb 218, United Kingdom-U-314, United States Anabaena sphaerica Born. & Flah.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal of America-A-543, Denmark-U-711, Nostocaceae
Dispersed by: Water Japan-N-794, Japan-N-1278, Global-W- Total N° of Refs: 1
References: United States of America-WD- 1349, Denmark-W-1609, United States of Aqua - Habit:
34, United Kingdom-U-314. America-A-87, Belgium-U-1220, Belgium- References: south and southeast Asia-A-
W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, Japan-W- 1320.
Amsinckia spectabilis Fischer & C. 1977.
Meyer var. spectabilis Anabaena spp. A.Juss.
Boraginaceae Amsonia hubrichtii Woodson Nostocaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Apocynaceae Total N° of Refs: 2
Aqua - Habit: annual Herb Total N° of Refs: 1 Aqua - Habit:
Dispersed by: Water Aqua - Habit: Dispersed by: Water
References: United States of America-WD- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: United States of America-WD-
34. Dispersed by: Humans 661, south and southeast Asia-A-1320.
References: Global-W-1324.
Anabaena unispora Gardner
Amsonia orientalis Decaisne Nostocaceae
Apocynaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: south and southeast Asia-A-
Aqua - Habit: 1320.
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Global-W-1324.

Anabasis aphylla L. Anacampseros spp. L. Anacardium occidentale L.
Chenopodiaceae Portulacaceae Anacardiaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 66
ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Dryland, Habit: perennial Herb Global Risk Score: 19.44
Mediterranean Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Rating: High
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Origin: Africa Toxic - Habit: Tree
References: Global-A-1207, Morocco-A- References: Global-G-730. Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
87. Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
Anacamptis morio (L.) R.M.Bateman, Origin: S Am
Anabasis articulata (Forssk.) Moq. Pridgeon & M.W.Chase Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Chenopodiaceae Orchidaceae Forestry, Herbal, Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Orchis moria Retz. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, (1) References: pantropics-W-22, Australia-W-
Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 1 93, Australia-E-155, Australia-CN-368,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Pasture Major Pathway/s: Ornamental France-N-518, Singapore-N-196, Costa
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans Rica-I-975, Pacific-W-3, Australia-W-54,
References: Egypt-W-221. United States of America-N-101, South
Anacamptis pyramidalis (L.) Rich Africa-AZW-121, Australia-C-401, Pacific-
Anabasis oropediorum Maire Orchidaceae E-621, Australia-N-310, Global-NI-714,
Chenopodiaceae Total N° of Refs: 3 Belize-N-850, Australia-N-868, Costa
Total N° of Refs: 1 Habit: perennial Herb Rica-CN-872, Mozambique-nC-943,
Habit: Shrub Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Australia-N-354, Philippines-nC-1099,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Origin: Africa, Europe Australia, northern-EN-1183, India-N-
Major Pathway/s: Pasture Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, 1213, Singapore-U-1290, La Reunion-U-
Dispersed by: Humans Ornamental 1321, Madagascar-N-1000, India-N-1345,
References: Palestine-N-851. Dispersed by: Humans, Wind Global-W-1376, Africa-A-1384, Global-I-
References: Europe, eastern-W-272, 1404, Australia-E-1456, Australia-N-1491,
Anabasis setifera Moq. western Europe-W-70, United Kingdom-N- Chad-N-1503, French Polynesia-N-1514,
Chenopodiaceae 519. Cambodia-A-87, Jamaica-A-87, Global-
Total N° of Refs: 4 CD-1611, India-N-1370, Sao Tome and
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Principe-N-1805, Singapore-U-1839, El
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Salvador-N-1849, Colombia-N-1856,
Major Pathway/s: Crop Chile-I-1872, Seychelles-N-1925, -I-,
References: Egypt-W-221, Saudi Arabia-A- Anguilla-W-1977, Australia-W-1977,
25, Saudi Arabia-A-1504, Egypt-A-1028. Brunei Darussalam-W-1977, Chad-W-
1977, Chile-W-1977, Comoros-W-1977,
Anabasis syriaca lljin Cook Islands-W-1977, Costa Rica-W-1977,
Chenopodiaceae Democratic Republic of the Congo-W-
Total N° of Refs: 1 1977, Fiji-W-1977, India-W-1977,
Global Risk Score: 1.04 Malaysia-W-1977, Micronesia (Federated
Rating: Low States of)-W-1977, Niue-W-1977, Palau-
Habit: perennial Herb W-1977, Papua New Guinea-W-1977,
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Rwanda-W-1977, Samoa-W-1977,
Mediterranean Seychelles-W-1977, Singapore-W-1977,
Major Pathway/s: Pasture South Africa-W-1977, Tonga-W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans
Weed of: Cereals Anacharis alsinastrum Bab.
References: Jordan-A-641. Hydrocharitaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1
Anacampseros arachnoides (Haw.) Sims References: Ireland-W-894.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Anacharis canadensis (Michx.) Planch.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Hydrocharitaceae
Origin: Africa Accepted name: Elodea canadensis Michx.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 329
Dispersed by: Humans Global Risk Score: 0.48
References: Algeria-W-1977. Rating: Low
Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb
Anacampseros filamentosa (Haw.) Sims Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Portulacaceae Origin: N Am
Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Habit: perennial Herb Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, References: Puerto Rico-CW-261, Canada-
Mediterranean A-642, Ireland-W-894, Global-CD-1611.
Origin: Africa
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Algeria-W-1977.

Anacharis canadensis (Michx.) Planch. Anacyclus clavatus (Desf.) Pers. Anacyclus radiatus Loisel.
var. planchonii (Caspary) Victorin Asteraceae Asteraceae
Hydrocharitaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Anacyclus Total N° of Refs: 31
Accepted name: Elodea canadensis tomentosus (All.) DC. (2) Global Risk Score: 2.16
Total N° of Refs: 326 Total N° of Refs: 42 Rating: Low
References: Canada-A-642. Global Risk Score: 1.44 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Rating: Low Origin: Africa, Europe
Anacharis densa (Planch.) Vict. Habit: annual Herb Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Hydrocharitaceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Ornamental
Accepted name: Egeria densa Planch. Origin: Africa, Europe Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Total N° of Refs: 257 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Livestock, Sheep
Global Risk Score: 0.96 Ornamental Weed of: Cereals
Rating: Low Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, References: Finland-U-42, Europe-A-94,
Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb Livestock, Sheep western Europe-A-253, Australia-N-945,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Weed of: Cereals Spain-A-417, United Kingdom-UZD-314,
Origin: S Am References: United Kingdom-U-40, Canary Islands-N-305, Austria-U-708,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Gibraltar-AZ-515, Finland-U-42, Europe- Denmark-U-711, Australia-N-855,
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee A-94, Global-A-243, western Europe-A- Portugal-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Australia-
References: Puerto Rico-CW-261, Canada- 253, western Europe-W-70, Spain-A-417, Q-1134, Belgium-U-1220, Spain-A-1263,
A-642, Ireland-W-894, Global-CD-1611, United Kingdom-UZD-314, Czech Global-W-1324, Israel-NW-1380, Greece-
Australia-Q-1123. Republic-U-400, Austria-U-708, United N-1541, Austria-W-1609, Denmark-W-
States of America-N-101, Spain-A-892, 1609, Morocco-A-87, Morocco-A-1752,
Anacyclus alexandrinus Willd. Norway-N-1006, Sweden-N-1006, Europe- Chile-I-1872, Israel-N-59, Spain-A-2098,
Asteraceae N-819, Australia-Q-1134, Global-A-1207, Australia-W-1977, Austria-W-1977,
Total N° of Refs: 2 Belgium-UD-1220, Norway-N-1243, Belgium-W-1977, Chile-W-1977,
Major Pathway/s: Pasture Spain-A-1263, Spain-U-1270, Global-W- Denmark-W-1977, Israel-W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans 1324, Slovakia-U-1484, Czech Republic-
References: Egypt-W-221, North Africa, U-1522, Austria-W-1609, Norway-W- Anacyclus radiatus Loisel. subsp.
Libya, Egypt-W-1730. 1609, Lebanon-A-87, Morocco-A-87, radiatus
Algeria-A-1727, Czech Republic-U-1731, Asteraceae
Anacyclus australis Sieber ex Spreng. Morocco-A-1752, Tunisia-A-2006, Total N° of Refs: 2
Asteraceae Ukraine-U-2014, Spain-A-2083, Spain-A- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Accepted name: Cotula australis (Sieber ex 2098, Algeria-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Ornamental
Spreng.) Hook. f. Czech Republic-W-1977, Slovakia-W- Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 129 1977. References: Spain-U-1270, Azores-N-1721.
References: India-W-1977.
Anacyclus maroccanus (Ball) Ball. Anacyclus spp. L.
Asteraceae Asteraceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Anacyclus Total N° of Refs: 1
valentinus L. (11) Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Total N° of Refs: 11 References: Europe, eastern-W-272.
Habit: Herb
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Anacyclus tomentosus (All.) DC.
Dispersed by: Humans Asteraceae
Accepted name: Anacyclus clavatus (Desf.)
Anacyclus officinarum Hayne Pers.
Asteraceae Total N° of Refs: 42
Total N° of Refs: 3 Habit: annual Herb
ToxicOrigin: Africa, Europe Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Weed of: Cereals, Lupins
Dispersed by: Humans References: Global-A-243, Italy-A-1618.
References: Global-W-1324, Europe-W-
1325, Ukraine-U-2014. Anacyclus valentinus L.
Accepted name: Anacyclus maroccanus
(Ball) Ball.
Total N° of Refs: 11
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Origin: Africa, Europe
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Finland-U-42, western Europe-
A-253, United Kingdom-U-314, Austria-U-
708, Europe-N-819, Belgium-U-1220,
Global-W-1324, Austria-W-1609,
Morocco-A-87, Austria-W-1977, Belgium-

Anacylus clavatus (Desf.) Pers. Anadyomene stellata (Wulfen) C. Anagallis arvensis L.
Asteraceae Agardh Primulaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Anadyomenaceae Accepted name: Lysimachia arvensis (L.)
References: United States of America-N- Total N° of Refs: 1 U.Manns & Anderb.
101. Aqua - Habit: Synonym/s (n° of refs): Anagallis coerulea
Dispersed by: Water Nathh. (4)
Anadelphia afzeliana (Rendle) Stapf References: Global-N-1785. Total N° of Refs: 434
Poaceae Global Risk Score: 33.6
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Anadelphia arrecta Rating: Extreme
Stapf (1) Toxic, Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb
Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Habit: perennial Grass Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Origin: Africa, C Asia, E Asia, Europe, W
Asia, Cosmopolitan
Anadelphia arrecta Stapf Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Poaceae Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture
Accepted name: Anadelphia afzeliana Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle,
(Rendle) Stapf Horse, Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles, Water,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Escapee
Habit: Grass Seed Longevity: Long Term
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Weed of: Bananas, Canola, Cereals,
References: Guinea-A-2089. Grapevines, Lupins, Orchards &
Plantations, Pastures, Pome Fruits,
Anadenanthera colubrina (Vell.) Brenan Potatoes, Sunflowers, Vegetables
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae References: Australia, northern-A-55,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Piptadenia India-A-66, Puerto Rico-W-261, Brazil-W-
macrocarpa Benth. (3) 255, Taiwan-W-235, Brazil-W-362, Brazil-
Total N° of Refs: 3 W-407, India-NW-424, India-A-758,
Toxic - Habit: Shrub Global-W-23, Global-W-433, Egypt-W-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, 221, Argentina-W-237, Australia-W-269,
Subtropical, Tropical Australia-E-289, United States of America-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental W-34, Australia-E-72, Gibraltar-A-515,
Dispersed by: Humans Global-A-44, Chile-N-300, South Africa-
W-51, Global-ZW-85, Australia-N-9,
Anadenanthera peregrina (L.) Speg. Europe-A-94, Global-A-186, Global-A-
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae 243, United States of America-N-101, New
Total N° of Refs: 4 Zealand-N-280, Syria-A-111, western
Toxic - Habit: Tree Asia-A-115, Italy-A-118, Chile-N-241,
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, South America-W-295, South Africa-AZR-
Tropical 121, South America-W-271, Japan-A-263,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental South Africa-W-382, Australia-N-134,
Dispersed by: Humans United States of America-W-136, Central
References: Guyana-N-32, Global-N-1059, America-W-157, South Africa-ZW-158,
Suriname-W-1977, Venezuela-W-1977. United States of America-W-161, Portugal-
A-250, Mexico-W-167, Ethiopia-A-240,
Anadenanthera peregrina (L.) Speg. var. Australia-N-176, United States of America-
peregrina W-179, United States of America-A-180,
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Japan-N-287, Japan-W-286, Egypt-A-185,
Total N° of Refs: 1 western Europe-A-253, Australia-N-198,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical United States of America-AW-207, United
References: Global-N-85. States of America-AW-211, Europe,
eastern-AW-272, western Europe-W-70,
Anadendrum montanum (Blume) Schott United States of America-W-218,
Araceae Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945, Spain-
Accepted name: Rhaphidophora montana A-417, Australia-E-327, Czech Republic-
(Blume) Schott NZI-400, New Zealand-NW-425, Canary
Total N° of Refs: 1 Islands-N-305, Iceland-U-507, United
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical States of America-AW-486, China-W-431,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, United Kingdom-N-519, Tunisia-W-527,
Ornamental United States of America-A-543, Nepal-A-
Dispersed by: Humans 591, South Africa-A-82, Pacific-W-621,
References: Indonesia-A-87. Africa-C-622, Canada-A-642, Ukraine-NR-
643, Australia-AEN-310, France-A-665,
Anadyomene howei D.S. Littler & Littler Portugal-A-670, Spain-A-672, France-A-
Anadyomenaceae 690, Denmark-N-711, India-A-712, Canada
Total N° of Refs: 1 and United States of America-N-725,
References: Bermuda-N-1811. Turkey-A-727, United States of America-
E-736, Global-A-743, United States of
America-N-86, Chile-N-765, United States

of America-N-301, United States of Israel-A-87, Lebanon-A-87, Morocco-A- W-1977, India-W-1977, Iran (Islamic
America-E-151, Mexico-N-791, Japan-N- 87, Poland-A-87, South Africa-A-87, Republic of)-W-1977, Japan-W-1977,
794, Pakistan-A-837, United States of Russia-A-87, Spain-A-87, Taiwan-A-87, Jordan-W-1977, Mauritius-W-1977,
America-N-839, Australia-W-853, Yugoslavia-A-87, Arabian Peninsular-A- Mexico-W-1977, Nepal-W-1977, Pakistan-
Australia-N-855, Australia-W-869, 87, Belgium-A-87, Brazil-A-87, Canada-A- W-1977, Peru-W-1977, Poland-W-1977,
Ecuador-N-875, Paraguay-NI-876, 87, Chile-A-87, Republic of Congo-A-87, Saudi Arabia-W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977,
Slovenia-W-883, Europe-A-889, Mexico- Czechoslovakia-A-87, Hungary-A-87, South Africa-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977,
W-890, Spain-A-892, United States of Italy-A-87, Kenya-A-87, Mauritius-A-87, Taiwan-W-1977, Ukraine-W-1977, United
America-I-904, New Zealand-W-906, Peru-A-87, Turkey-A-87, Hungary-A- Arab Emirates-W-1977, Yemen-W-1977,
India-I-914, Peru-A-930, Chile-A-931, 1015, Serbia-A-1019, India-A-1024, Zimbabwe-W-1977.
United Kingdom-Z-944, United States of Pakistan-A-1030, New Zealand-A-1035,
America-W-946, India-A-948, Africa-A- Croatia-A-1037, India-A-1039, Global-N- Anagallis arvensis L. var. arvensis
980, Argentina-I-983, Paraguay-I-987, 1218, Cape Verde-N-1558, Uruguay-A- Primulaceae
Uruguay-I-988, Australia-N-354, Pakistan- 1562, Uruguay-A-1567, Crete-A-1651, Total N° of Refs: 7
A-999, Czechoslovakia-N-1006, Germany- Europe-ZD-1576, Mexico-AND-757, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
N-1006, Slovakia-N-1006, Australia-N- Global-CZD-1611, Italy-A-1618, Iran-A- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
1049, Greenland-N-1061, Poland-A-935, 1619, Brazil-A-1622, Africa-A-1623, Dispersed by: Humans
Europe-N-819, Antarctica-N-396, Chile-W- Global-ZD-1581, India-W-1672, Ukraine- Weed of: Cereals
388, United Kingdom-A-322, Pakistan-A- N-1685, India-A-1698, India-A-1703, References: Australia-N-176, Australia-E-
146, Saudi Arabia-A-25, United States of India-A-1704, Pakistan-A-1720, Azores-N- 327, Australia-EN-7, Australia-N-856,
America-W-1104, United States of 1721, India-A-1725, Pakistan-A-1726, Crete-A-1228, Turkey--1412, Turkey-A-
America-N-1115, Ethiopia-A-1141, India- Algeria-A-1727, Pakistan-A-1527, 2101.
AN-1148, Pakistan-A-1170, Egypt-A-1171, Pakistan-A-1728, Pakistan-A-1729,
Europe-W-1191, Argentina-AD-1198, Turkey-A-942, North Africa, Libya, Egypt- Anagallis arvensis L. var. caerulea (L.)
Uruguay-A-1199, China-N-1215, Poland- W-1730, Brazil-N-1071, Czech Republic- Gouan
AR-1219, Mexico-W-1226, Chile-N-1229, N-1731, Iceland-U-1552, India-N-1370, Primulaceae
Pakistan-A-1232, India-A-1234, Pakistan- Lithuania-A-1737, Brazil-N-1746, Taiwan- Accepted name: Lysimachia arvensis (L.)
A-1236, Saudi Arabia-W-1237, Serbia-W- W-1748, Bangladesh-A-1761, Serbia-W- U.Manns & Anderb. Gouan
1238, Greece-W-1240, Norway-N-1243, 1766, India-N-1770, Serbia-R-1771, central Total N° of Refs: 18
Pakistan-A-1152, Australia-E-1259, Europe-A-1616, Global-AD-1589, Austria- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Australia-E-1260, Australia-E-1261, A-1670, India-N-1789, India-N-1790, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Australia-E-1262, Spain-A-1263, Saudi India-AN-1794, Uruguay-N-1800, France- Dispersed by: Humans
Arabia-A-797, France-A-1266, United A-1814, Sweden-A-1817, Poland-A-1825, References: South America-W-271,
States of America-A-1275, India-I-1279, India-A-1829, Serbia-R-1848, Canada-G- Australia-N-176, Argentina-A-236,
India-I-1280, Argentina-W-1286, Turkey- 1855, Colombia-N-1856, Montenegro-W- Australia-E-327, Australia-EN-7, Australia-
A-1287, United States of America-N-1292, 1861, Morocco-A-1361, India-W-1866, N-856, Crete-A-1228, Egypt-A-1028.
Peru-N-1293, Ukraine-N-1297, Macedonia- Saudi Arabia-A-1869, Oman-A-1870,
A-1304, Pakistan-A-1308, Pakistan-A- Pakistan-A-1871, Chile-I-1872, Chile and Anagallis arvensis L. var. coerulea
1309, south and southeast Asia-A-1320, La Argentina-A-1874, India-I-1875, Mexico- (Schreb.) Gren. & Godr.
Reunion-AN-1321, Finland-I-1323, Global- N-1881, Argentina-N-1884, Honduras-W- Primulaceae
W-1324, Australia-A-1331, Ukraine-N- 1892, Guatemala-A-1894, Guatemala-A- Total N° of Refs: 2
1335, India-I-1345, Chile-N-1348, United 1895, Serbia-A-1915, Iran-A-1916, Egypt- References: Argentina-W-237, United
States of America-A-1350, Serbia-A-1357, A-1922, Poland-A-1033, Serbia-A-1923, States of America-W-946.
Serbia-W-1358, Croatia-A-1368, Serbia-A- Nepal-A-1930, Nepal-A-1932, Serbia-R-
1372, Serbia-W-1222, China-N-1374, 1946, Poland-A-1952, Croatia-A-1954, Anagallis arvensis L. var. parviflora
India-I-1389, Pakistan-A-1395, Argentina- Serbia-R-1957, Poland-A-1961, Serbia- (Hoffmanns. & Link) Ces., Pass. &
AZ-1397, Taiwan-N-1403, Turkey-A-1410, AR-1963, Serbia-AR-1964, Poland-A- Gibelli
Argentina-NZD-1415, United Kingdom- 1965, Poland-A-1966, Australia-U-1962, - Primulaceae
ZD-1416, Australia-N-1450, Australia-E- I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, Bosnia and Herzegovina-N- Total N° of Refs: 1
1456, Turkey-A-1458, Turkey-A-1459, 1987, South Africa-N-1991, India-I-1992, Origin: Africa, Europe
France-A-1461, Turkey-A-1465, Turkey- Poland-N-1993, Chile-N-1998, Slovakia- References: Sardinia-N-1917.
A-1469, Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay-I- N-2002, Kosovo-R-2003, Poland-A-2005,
1476, Slovakia-N-1484, Poland-N-1494, Tunisia-A-2006, South Africa-RI-2017,
Global-ZD-1495, Mexico-N-1500, Saudi India-I-2022, -AWD-2036, France-A-2042,
Arabia-A-1504, Uruguay-A-1518, Czech Poland-A-2047, Ukraine-N-2050, Brazil-R-
Republic-N-1522, Saudi Arabia-A-1525, 2053, Serbia-R-2057, Poland-AN-2058,
Europe-A-1539, Panarctic-U-1596, United Poland-AN-2059, Poland-AN-2060,
States of America-N-1603, Denmark-W- Poland-A-2061, Poland-N-2062, Iran-A-
1609, Poland-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, 2072, Iran-A-2075, Slovenia-A-2078,
Greenland-W-1609, Bolivia-N-1630, India- Slovakia-A-2079, Serbia-A-2080, Italy-A-
AN-1631, India-N-1632, United Kingdom- 2081, Spain-A-2083, Egypt-A-2088,
N-1636, India-A-87, Senegal-A-87, China- Greece-A-2093, France-A-2094, Spain-A-
A-87, Ethiopia-A-87, France-A-87, Greece- 2098, Turkey-A-2103, Poland-A-2110,
A-87, Iran-A-87, Mexico-A-87, New Ukraine-N-2112, Algeria-W-1977,
Zealand-A-87, Pakistan-A-87, Portugal-A- Argentina-W-1977, Australia-W-1977,
87, Tunisia-A-87, United States of Bhutan-W-1977, Brazil-W-1977, Canada-
America-A-87, Argentina-A-87, Australia- W-1977, Chile-W-1977, China-W-1977,
A-87, Egypt-A-87, United Kingdom-A-87, Colombia-W-1977, Croatia-W-1977, Czech
Germany-A-87, Hawaii-A-87, Iraq-A-87, Republic-W-1977, Egypt-W-1977, Iceland-

Anagallis arvensis L. subsp. arvensis Anagallis arvensis L. fo. arvensis Anagallis foemina Mill.
Primulaceae Primulaceae Primulaceae
Accepted name: Lysimachia arvensis (L.) Total N° of Refs: 1 Accepted name: Lysimachia arvensis (L.)
U.Manns & Anderb. Gouan References: Japan-N-1278. U.Manns & Anderb.
Total N° of Refs: 17 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Anagallis caerulea
Global Risk Score: 0.48 Anagallis arvensis L. fo. azurea Hyl. Schreb. (7)
Rating: Low Primulaceae Total N° of Refs: 71
ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 2 Global Risk Score: 2.88
Origin: E Asia, Europe References: Norway-N-1243, Austria-A- Rating: Low
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, 1670. Habit: annual Herb
Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Dispersed by: Humans Anagallis arvensis L. fo. caerulea (L.) Origin: Africa, C Asia, E Asia, Europe, W
Weed of: Cereals Ludi Asia, Cosmopolitan
References: Global-A-243, United States of Primulaceae Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
America-N-101, New Zealand-N-280, New Accepted name: Lysimachia arvensis (L.) Ornamental
Zealand-W-165, United Kingdom-A-1093, U.Manns & Anderb. Gouan Dispersed by: Humans
Denmark-A-1185, Zimbabwe-U-1365. Total N° of Refs: 12 Weed of: Canola, Cereals, Lupins,
References: Japan-N-287, Japan-W-286. Orchards & Plantations, Pome Fruits,
Anagallis arvensis L. subsp. arvensis var. Vegetables
arvensis Anagallis caerulea Schreb. References: Global-A-44, Europe-A-94,
Primulaceae Primulaceae Global-A-243, western Asia-A-115,
Total N° of Refs: 5 Accepted name: Anagallis foemina Mill. western Europe-A-253, Europe, eastern-
Habit: Herb Total N° of Refs: 61 AW-272, western Europe-W-70, Spain-A-
Origin: E Asia, Europe Weed of: Cereals 417, Czech Republic-NZI-400, Morocco-
References: New Zealand-N-280, New References: Global-W-23, Global-A-243, A-561, Morocco-A-698, Denmark-U-711,
Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N-15, New Lebanon-A-87, Chile-A-87, Germany-A- Czechoslovakia-N-1006, United Kingdom-
Zealand-N-919, New Zealand-N-1543. 87, Israel-A-87, Turkey-A-87. N-1006, Slovakia-N-1006, Slovenia-N-
1006, Europe-N-819, Global-A-1207,
Anagallis arvensis L. subsp. arvensis var. Anagallis coerulea Nathh. Poland-A-1219, Serbia-W-1238, Norway-
coerulea (L.) Gouan Primulaceae N-1243, Slovakia-A-1282, Ukraine-N-
Primulaceae Accepted name: Anagallis arvensis L. var. 1297, Serbia-A-1357, Slovakia-N-1484,
Total N° of Refs: 4 caerulea (L.) Gouan Czech Republic-N-1522, Denmark-W-
Habit: Herb Total N° of Refs: 424 1609, Latvia-W-1609, Norway-W-1609,
Origin: E Asia, Europe Major Pathway/s: Herbal Poland-W-1609, Turkey-A-1635,
References: New Zealand-N-280, New Weed of: Cereals Australia-A-87, Turkey-A-87, Tajikistan-
Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N-15, New References: Italy-A-1618, Poland-A-2047, A-1017, Global-ZD-1611, Azores-N-1721,
Zealand-N-919. Global-W-2056, Iran-A-2072. Czech Republic-N-1731, Morocco-A-1750,
Morocco-A-1751, Morocco-A-1752,
Anagallis arvensis L. subsp. foemina Anagallis x doerfleri Ronniger central Europe-A-1616, Morocco-A-1361,
(Mill.) Schinz & Thell. Primulaceae Serbia-A-1923, Serbia-R-1957, Poland-A-
Primulaceae Accepted name: parents = Anagallis 1965, Kosovo-R-2003, Poland-A-2061,
Accepted name: Lysimachia arvensis (L.) arvensis L. x Anagallis foemina Mill. Czech Republic-W-1977, Denmark-W-
U.Manns & Anderb. Gouan Total N° of Refs: 7 1977, Latvia-W-1977, Poland-W-1977,
Total N° of Refs: 13 Habit: annual Herb Slovakia-W-1977, Ukraine-W-1977,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Major Pathway/s: Contaminant United Kingdom-W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans
References: United States of America-N- References: Czech Republic-UZ-400, Anagallis latifolia L.
101, United Kingdom-N-519, United Europe-N-819, Slovakia-U-1484, Czech Primulaceae
Kingdom-NZ-812. Republic-U-1522, Czech Republic-U-1731, Accepted name: Anagallis arvensis L.
Czech Republic-W-1977, Slovakia-W- subsp. latifolia (L.) Arcang.
Anagallis arvensis L. subsp. latifolia (L.) 1977. Total N° of Refs: 1
Arcangeli References: Cyprus-N-1797.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Anagallis latifolia Anagallis mas Vill.
L. (1) Primulaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Global-W-1349.
Anagallis arvensis L. subsp. parviflora
(Hoffmanns. & Link) Arcang.
Total N° of Refs: 2
Habit: Herb
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: New Zealand-N-280, New

Anagallis minima (L.) E.H.L.Krause Anagallis pumila Sw. Ananas bracteatus (Lindl.) Schult. &
Primulaceae Primulaceae Schult. f.
Accepted name: Lysimachia minima (L.) Accepted name: Lysimachia ovalis (Ruiz & Bromeliaceae
U.Manns & Anderb. Pav.) U.Manns & Anderb. Total N° of Refs: 5
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Centunculus Total N° of Refs: 9 Global Risk Score: 1.2
minimus L. (16) Global Risk Score: 0.96 Rating: Low
Total N° of Refs: 53 Rating: Low Habit: Herb
Global Risk Score: 4.32 Aqua - Habit: annual Herb Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Subtropical, Tropical
Habit: annual Herb Origin: C Am Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Ornamental
Subtropical, Tropical Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Dispersed by: Humans, Livestock References: Brazil-W-360, Brazil-W-407,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental References: Australia-N-368, Central Mozambique-E-1076, La Reunion-U-1321,
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Water, America-W-157, Australia-N-945, Mascarene islands-N-2049.
Wind Namibia-I-1283, south and southeast Asia-
Seed Longevity: Long Term A-1320, United States of America-ZD- Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.
Weed of: Cereals 1613, Australia-W-1977, Namibia-W-1977, Bromeliaceae
References: Australia-E-72, Global-A-44, South Africa-W-1977. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Ananas sativus
Global-NW-85, Europe-A-94, New Schult. & Schult. f. (2)
Zealand-N-280, Australia-N-198, Europe, Anagallis spp. L. Total N° of Refs: 42
eastern-W-272, Australia-N-945, Australia- Primulaceae Global Risk Score: 3.6
E-327, United Kingdom-N-519, New Total N° of Refs: 4 Rating: Low
Zealand-N-534, Australia-EN-7, Australia- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
W-853, Australia-N-855, Australia-N-864, Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Australia-W-869, New Zealand-N-919, Dispersed by: Humans Subtropical, Tropical
Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049, Weed of: Vegetables Origin: S Am
Uruguay-A-1199, Australia-E-1259, References: India-A-758, United States of Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Australia-E-1261, Australia-E-1262, America-A-543, Spain-AI-616, Australia- Herbal, Ornamental
Australia-N-1450, Uruguay-A-1518, ZD-1675. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Uruguay-A-1562, Uruguay-A-1567, Brazil- References: Guyana-N-32, Federated States
N-1746, -I-, -I-, Poland-A-2061, Argentina- Anagallis tenella (L.) Linné of Micronesia-N-230, Puerto Rico-CW-
W-1977, Australia-W-1977, Brazil-W- Primulaceae 261, Brazil-W-255, Brazil-W-360, Brazil-
1977, Chile-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 2 W-407, Australia-CN-368, Global-N-755,
Habit: Herb United States of America-N-101, Belize-N-
Anagallis monelli L. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental 850, Mozambique-nC-943, Australia-N-
Primulaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers, 354, Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157,
Total N° of Refs: 12 Water Singapore-U-1290, La Reunion-U-1321,
Global Risk Score: 2.88 Seed Longevity: Long Term Madagascar-N-1000, Brazil-ND-1559,
Rating: Low References: United Kingdom-N-519, Global-CD-1611, Brazil-N-1733, Eastern
Habit: perennial Herb United States of America-N-101. Caribbean-N-1742, China-N-1796, Congo-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean N-1796, Senegal-N-1796, Central African
Origin: Africa, Europe Anagyris foetida L. Republic-N-1796, Gambia-N-1796,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Nicaragua-N-1796, Sao Tome and
Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 8 Principe-N-1805, Singapore-U-1839,
Dispersed by: Humans Global Risk Score: 0.72 Seychelles-NI-1925, Algeria-W-1977,
Weed of: Cereals Rating: Low Australia-W-1977, Burkina Faso-W-1977,
References: United States of America-N- Toxic - Habit: Shrub Chile-W-1977, Colombia-W-1977,
101, Spain-A-417, United Kingdom-U-314, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Democratic Republic of the Congo-W-
Czech Republic-UZ-400, France-N-1006, Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia 1977, India-W-1977, Seychelles-W-1977,
Europe-N-819, Australia-Q-1134, Global- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Singapore-W-1977, Suriname-W-1977,
W-1324, Czech Republic-U-1522, Czech Dispersed by: Humans Venezuela-W-1977.
Republic-U-1731, Czech Republic-W- References: Egypt-W-221, Australia-W-54,
1977, France-W-1977. Europe, eastern-W-272, Australia-N-855, Ananas comosus (L.) Merr. var. comosus
Australia-N-354, Crete-A-1228, Australia- Bromeliaceae
Anagallis monelli L. subsp. hortensis N-1450, Australia-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 8
Hyl. Origin: S Am
Primulaceae Ananas ananassoides (Baker) L. B. Sm. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 4 Bromeliaceae Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Ananas References: China-N-1796, Congo-N-1796,
Ornamental microstachys Lindm., nom. illeg. (2) Senegal-N-1796, Central African Republic-
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Total N° of Refs: 2 N-1796, Gambia-N-1796, Nicaragua-N-
References: Denmark-UC-711, Denmark- Habit: Herb 1796, Paraguay-N-1796, Venezuela-N-
W-1609, Global-CD-1611, Denmark-W- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical 1976.
1977. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans

Ananas lucidus Mill. Anaphalis margaritacea (L.) C. B. Anaphalis triplinervis (Sims) C. B.
Bromeliaceae Clarke Clarke
Total N° of Refs: 1 Asteraceae Asteraceae
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Synonym/s (n° of refs): Antennaria Total N° of Refs: 6
Major Pathway/s: Crop margaritacea (L.) R.Br. ex DC. (1) Global Risk Score: 1.44
References: Venezuela-N-1976. Total N° of Refs: 74 Rating: Low
Global Risk Score: 10.8 Habit: perennial Herb
Ananas microstachys Lindm., nom. illeg. Rating: Medium Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Bromeliaceae Habit: perennial Herb Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Accepted name: Ananas ananassoides Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
(Baker) L. B. Sm. Origin: E Asia, Europe, N Am, S Am Weed of: Cereals
Total N° of Refs: 2 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, References: United Kingdom-C-314, India-
References: Brazil-A-923, Brazil-A-87. Ornamental A-1124, Belgium-U-1220, Global-CD-
Dispersed by: Humans, Vehicles, Wind, 1611, Nepal-A-1932, Belgium-W-1977.
Ananas sativus Schult. & Schult. f. Escapee
Bromeliaceae Seed Longevity: Long Term Anarrhinum bellidifolium (L.) Willd.
Accepted name: Ananas comosus (L.) References: Global-W-23, United Scrophulariaceae
Merr. Kingdom-N-40, Finland-C-42, Global-N- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Simbuleta
Total N° of Refs: 42 108, United States of America-W-136, bellidifolia (L.) Asch. & Schweinf. (2)
ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Subtropical, United States of America-W-161, United Total N° of Refs: 7
Tropical States of America-W-218, United Origin: Europe
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Kingdom-CN-314, Czech Republic-U-400, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
References: Brazil-W-407, Chile-I-1872. Europe-NW-482, United Kingdom-N-519, Dispersed by: Humans
Poland-N-619, Canada-A-642, Austria-UC- References: United Kingdom-U-314,
Anaphalioides bellidioides (G. Forst.) 708, Denmark-CN-711, Mexico-N-791, Europe-N-819, Belgium-U-1220, Global-
Glenny Hungary-U-809, United Kingdom-CN-812, W-1324, Belgium-W-1977.
Asteraceae Mexico-I-878, Ireland-U-894, Denmark-N-
Total N° of Refs: 1 1006, France-N-1006, Germany-N-1006, Anarrhinum pubescens Fresen.
References: United Kingdom-W-1977. United Kingdom-N-1006, Norway-N-1006, Scrophulariaceae
Poland-N-1006, Sweden-N-1006, Europe- Total N° of Refs: 1
Anaphalis adnata Wall. ex DC. N-819, Australia-Q-1134, United States of References: Egypt-W-221.
Asteraceae America-I-1161, Poland-R-1219, Belgium-
Total N° of Refs: 1 U-1220, Norway-N-1243, Hungary-U- Anastatica hierochuntica L.
Habit: Herb 1255, Global-W-1324, Global-W-1349, Brassicaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Slovakia-U-1484, Czech Republic-U-1522, Total N° of Refs: 1
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Norway-N-1535, India-N-1601, Estonia- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
References: Thailand-A-238. W-1609, Austria-W-1609, Denmark-W- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
1609, Germany-W-1609, Ireland-W-1609, Ornamental
Anaphalis busua (Buch.-Ham.) Hand.- Netherlands-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, Dispersed by: Humans
Mazz. Poland-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, United References: Egypt-W-221.
Asteraceae Kingdom-N-1636, United States of
Total N° of Refs: 1 America-A-87, Poland-N-1040, Global- Anatherostipa bomanii (Hauman) Pe–
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical CD-1611, Czech Republic-U-1731, ailillo
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Europe-UN-1740, Sweden-N-1802, Poaceae
Dispersed by: Humans Mexico-NI-1881, Estonia-N-1997, France- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Stipa bormanii
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations N-2091, Australia-W-1977, Austria-W- Hauman (1)
References: Nepal-A-1960. 1977, Belgium-W-1977, Czech Republic- Total N° of Refs: 1
W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, France-W- Habit: Grass
Anaphalis contorta (D. Don) Hook. f. 1977, Germany-W-1977, Ireland-W-1977,
Asteraceae Mexico-W-1977, Poland-W-1977, Anchietea salutaris St-Hil.
Total N° of Refs: 9 Portugal-W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977, Violaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Sweden-W-1977, United Kingdom-W- Total N° of Refs: 2
Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations 1977. ToxicReferences: Brazil-A-923, Brazil-A-
References: China-W-431, India-A-1124, 1622.
south and southeast Asia-A-1320, India-N- Anaphalis royleana DC.
1601, Bangladesh-A-1649, Nepal-A-1792, Asteraceae Anchusa aegyptiaca DC.
Nepal-A-1932, Nepal-A-1960, Portugal-W- Total N° of Refs: 1 Boraginaceae
1977. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 2
Weed of: Cotton, Orchards & Plantations Global Risk Score: 2
Anaphalis magaritacea (L.) Bth. & Hk. f. References: India-AN-1794. Rating: Low
Asteraceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Total N° of Refs: 2 Anaphalis subumbellata Clarke. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Pasture
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Asteraceae Dispersed by: Humans
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Total N° of Refs: 1 Weed of: Orchards & Plantations
References: Thailand-A-238, Thailand-A- References: India-A-1124. References: Egypt-W-221, Egypt-A-1171.

Anchusa aggregata Lehm. Anchusa arvensis (L.) M.Bieb. Anchusa arvensis (L.) Bieb. subsp.
Boraginaceae Boraginaceae arvensis
Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Lycopsis arvensis Boraginaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean L. (34) Total N° of Refs: 4
References: Global-W-2056. Total N° of Refs: 136 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Global Risk Score: 11.52 Dispersed by: Humans
Rating: Medium References: Denmark-N-711,
Habit: annual Herb Czechoslovakia-N-1006, Norway-N-1243,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Denmark-W-1609.
Origin: Europe
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Anchusa arvensis (L.) Bieb. subsp.
Ornamental orientalis (L.) Nordh.
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Boraginaceae
Livestock, Vehicles, Escapee Total N° of Refs: 15
Seed Longevity: Short Term Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations, Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe
Sunflowers Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
References: United States of America-X-1, Dispersed by: Humans
Chile-N-300, United States of America-E- Weed of: Pome Fruits
80, Europe-A-94, Global-A-243, United References: United Kingdom-U-314,
States of America-N-101, Chile-N-241, Portugal-N-662, Denmark-U-711, Portugal-
United States of America-X-139, United N-718, Portugal-N-1006, Portugal-N-898,
States of America-W-392, United States of Europe-N-819, Norway-N-1243, Turkey-
America-AE-156, United States of A-1316, Denmark-W-1609, Germany-W-
America-W-161, Australia-N-176, western 1609, Norway-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609,
Europe-A-253, Australia-N-198, Europe, Denmark-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977.
eastern-AW-272, western Europe-W-70,
Australia-N-945, Australia-E-327, Iceland-
U-507, Global-XW-85, United Kingdom-
N-519, Canada-A-642, Canada and United
States of America-N-725, Canada-UC-756,
Australia-N-7, North America-X-790,
Japan-N-794, United Kingdom-NZ-812,
Australia-W-853, Australia-W-869, United
States of America-X-229, Europe-A-889,
Australia-N-855, Australia-N-354,
Germany-N-1006, United Kingdom-N-
1006, Norway-N-1006, Slovakia-N-1006,
Australia-N-1049, Europe-N-819, United
Kingdom-A-1093, Serbia-W-1238,
Armenia-N-1241, Australia-E-1259,
Australia-E-1261, Australia-E-1262,
Denmark-A-1185, Japan-N-1278, Global-
W-1349, Finland-AN-1356, Serbia-W-
1358, Australia-N-1450, Spain-U-1455,
Turkey-A-1457, Turkey-A-1459, Turkey-
A-1463, Turkey-A-1464, Turkey-A-1465,
Turkey-A-1467, Saudi Arabia-A-1525,
Panarctic-U-1596, Denmark-W-1609,
Poland-W-1609, United Kingdom-N-1636,
Global-CD-1611, Iceland-U-1552, Serbia-
W-1766, Serbia-R-1771, Finland-A-1815,
Sweden-A-1817, Poland-A-1825,
Australia-N-1845, Serbia-R-1848, Canada-
G-1855, Chile-I-1872, Germany-R-1948,
Poland-A-1955, Poland-A-1956, Australia-
N-1959, Poland-A-1965, Poland-A-1966,
Poland-N-1993, -AU-2058, Poland-AN-
2059, Poland-A-2110, Australia-W-1977,
Belarus-W-1977, Bulgaria-W-1977,
Canada-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Czech
Republic-W-1977, France-W-1977,
Germany-W-1977, Iceland-W-1977,
Ireland-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Poland-
W-1977, Portugal-W-1977, Republic of
Moldova-W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977,
Ukraine-W-1977, United Kingdom-W-

Anchusa azurea Mill. Anchusa barrelieri (All.) Vitman Anchusa humilis (Desf.) I.M.Johnst.
Boraginaceae Boraginaceae Boraginaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Anchusa italica Accepted name: Cynoglottis barrelieri Accepted name: Echium humile Desf.
Retz. (25), Anchusa italica Retz. var. italica (All.) Vural & Kit Tan Total N° of Refs: 3
(1) Total N° of Refs: 24 Global Risk Score: 1.04
Total N° of Refs: 99 Global Risk Score: 1.44 Rating: Low
Global Risk Score: 33.6 Rating: Low Origin: Africa, Europe
Rating: Extreme Habit: Herb Major Pathway/s: Pasture
Habit: perennial Herb Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Dispersed by: Humans
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Weed of: Orchards & Plantations
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee References: Egypt-A-1171, Egypt-A-1028,
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe References: Finland-C-42, United States of Egypt-A-2088.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, America-N-101, New Zealand-N-280,
Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture Europe, eastern-W-272, New Zealand-N- Anchusa hybrida Ten.
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Water, 919, United Kingdom-N-1006, Europe-N- Boraginaceae
Escapee 819, Serbia-W-1238, Global-W-1324, Accepted name: Anchusa undulata subsp.
Weed of: Cereals, Lupins, Orchards & Global-CD-1611, Chile-I-1872, Serbia-R- hybrida L.
Plantations, Sunflowers 2057. Total N° of Refs: 13
References: United Kingdom-N-40, United Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
States of America-E-80, Europe-A-94, Anchusa x baumgartenii (Nyman) Gusul. Origin: Africa, Europe
Global-A-243, United States of America- Boraginaceae References: Switzerland-N-653, Germany-
N-101, western Asia-A-115, South Africa- Accepted name: parents = Anchusa W-1609, Israel-A-87, Greece-A-2093,
AZW-121, South Africa-W-382, Europe, ochroleuca M.Bieb. x Anchusa officinalis Germany-W-1977.
eastern-AW-272, western Europe-W-70, L.
Gibraltar-W-515, Spain-A-417, United Total N° of Refs: 1 Anchusa hybrida Ten. subsp. hybrida
Kingdom-CNZD-314, Czech Republic-UZ- References: Europe-N-819. Boraginaceae
400, Canary Islands-N-305, United Total N° of Refs: 1
Kingdom-N-519, Austria-UC-708, Anchusa calcarea Boiss. References: Crete-A-1228.
Denmark-U-711, Turkey-A-727, Canada- Boraginaceae
C-756, United States of America-E-151, Total N° of Refs: 1 Anchusa italica Retz.
United Kingdom-CN-812, Germany-N- References: western Europe-W-70. Boraginaceae
907, United Kingdom-Z-944, Denmark-N- Accepted name: Anchusa azurea Mill.
1006, Germany-N-1006, United Kingdom- Anchusa capensis Thunb. Total N° of Refs: 98
N-1006, Norway-N-1006, Sweden-N-1006, Boraginaceae Global Risk Score: 2.4
Europe-N-819, Turkey-A-144, Belgium-U- Total N° of Refs: 19 Rating: Low
1220, Norway-N-1243, Spain-A-1263, Global Risk Score: 7.2 Habit: perennial Herb
Turkey-A-1287, Global-W-1349, Turkey- Rating: Medium Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
A-1457, Turkey-A-1459, Turkey-A-1463, Habit: annual/biennial Herb Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe
Turkey-A-1464, Turkey-A-1465, Turkey- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
A-1467, Turkey-A-1468, Turkey-A-1469, Tropical Herbal, Ornamental
Czech Republic-U-1522, Norway-N-1535, Origin: Africa, N Am Dispersed by: Humans
Austria-W-1609, Denmark-W-1609, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Weed of: Cereals, Pastures
Germany-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, Herbal, Ornamental References: Finland-U-42, western Europe-
Sweden-W-1609, Global-CD-1611, Czech Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, A-253, Switzerland-N-653, Iran-A-732,
Republic-U-1731, United States of Livestock, Sheep India-N-914, Global-A-1207, Crete-A-
America-E-1736, Morocco-A-1751, References: United States of America-N- 1228, Serbia-W-1238, Georgia-NR-1250,
Morocco-A-1752, Canada-G-1855, Chile-I- 101, Australia-N-198, Australia-N-945, Serbia-A-1372, Slovakia-N-1484,
1872, South Africa-RI-2017, Turkey-AD- United Kingdom-UZD-314, Australia-E- Lebanon-A-87, Iran-A-87, Morocco-A-87,
2044, Spain-A-2083, Ukraine-N-2112, 327, Australia-N-7, Australia-N-855, Greece-A-87, Jordan-A-87, Portugal-A-87,
Austria-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Australia-W-869, Australia-N-354, Turkey-A-87, France-N-1438, Montenegro-
Canada-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Czech Australia-E-1259, Australia-E-1262, W-1861, Iran-A-1916, Switzerland-U-
Republic-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, Australia-N-1450, Australia-N-1902, Chile- 1990, Iran-A-1812, Iran-A-2072, Iran-A-
Germany-W-1977, Serbia-W-1977, South I-1872, Australia-N-1959, Algeria-W-1977, 2111.
Africa-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977, United Australia-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, India-
Kingdom-W-1977. W-1977. Anchusa italica Retz. var. italica
Anchusa azurea Mill. var. azurea Anchusa crispa Viv. Accepted name: Anchusa azurea Mill.
Boraginaceae Boraginaceae Total N° of Refs: 74
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 2 Weed of: Cereals
Weed of: Cereals Dispersed by: Animals References: Iran-A-1524.
References: Turkey--1412, Turkey-A-2101. References: Global-AD-1589, -AWD-2036.

Anchusa gmelinii Ledeb.

Total N° of Refs: 3
References: Europe-N-819, Global-W-
1324, France-W-1977.

Anchusa leptophylla Roem. & Schult. Anchusa officinalis L. Anchusa officinalis L. subsp. officinalis
Boraginaceae Boraginaceae Boraginaceae
Total N° of Refs: 5 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Anchusa procera Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Besser ex Link (4) Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Origin: E Asia, Europe Total N° of Refs: 97 Dispersed by: Humans
References: Global-W-1324, Europe-W- Global Risk Score: 35.84 References: Belgium-N-1220.
1325, Turkey-A-1467, Slovakia-U-1484, Rating: Extreme
Slovakia-W-1977. Toxic - Habit: b/p Herb Anchusa ovata Lehm.
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Boraginaceae
Anchusa leptophylla Roemer & Schultes Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 10
subsp. leptophylla Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia Habit: annual Herb
Boraginaceae Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Total N° of Refs: 2 Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture Subtropical, Tropical
References: Turkey-A-1316, Turkey--1412. Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle, Origin: E Asia
Horse, Livestock, Vehicles, Escapee Major Pathway/s: Crop
Anchusa ochroleuca M. Bieb. Seed Longevity: Short Term Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations
Boraginaceae Weed of: Cereals, Grapevines, Pastures, References: India-A-712, Austria-U-708,
Total N° of Refs: 25 Potatoes, Vegetables Global-A-1207, Belgium-U-1220, Austria-
Origin: E Asia, Europe References: United Kingdom-N-40, United W-1609, Iran-A-1619, India-A-1725, Iran-
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Pasture States of America-X-1, United States of A-2075, Austria-W-1977, Belgium-W-
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, America-E-80, Global-XW-85, Europe-A- 1977.
Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles 94, Global-A-243, United States of
References: United Kingdom-N-40, America-N-101, United States of America- Anchusa procera Besser ex Link
Europe, eastern-W-272, United Kingdom- X-139, United States of America-W-392, Boraginaceae
UD-314, United Kingdom-N-519, Austria- United States of America-AE-156, United Accepted name: Anchusa officinalis
U-708, Denmark-U-711, France-W-764, States of America-W-161, Europe, eastern- Total N° of Refs: 97
United Kingdom-N-812, United Kingdom- AW-272, western Europe-W-70, United Dispersed by: Animals, Livestock, Sheep
N-1006, Netherlands-N-1006, Europe-N- States of America-W-218, Australia-N-945, References: Belgium-N-1006, Europe-N-
819, Belgium-UD-1220, Global-W-1324, United Kingdom-CNZD-314, Czech 819, Belgium-ND-1220, Global-W-1324.
Austria-W-1609, Denmark-W-1609, Republic-NZI-400, United Kingdom-N-
Germany-W-1609, Netherlands-W-1609, 519, Canada-A-642, Ukraine-NR-643, Anchusa sempervirens L.
Global-ZD-1611, Europe-UN-1740, Denmark-N-711, Canada and United States Boraginaceae
Belgium-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, of America-N-725, Canada-UC-756, North Accepted name: Pentaglottis sempervirens
France-W-1977, Germany-W-1977, America-X-790, United Kingdom-CN-812, (L.) Tausch ex L.Bailey
Netherlands-W-1977, United Kingdom-W- United States of America-X-229, Total N° of Refs: 68
1977. Argentina-I-983, Belgium-N-1006, France- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
N-1006, Czechoslovakia-N-1006, Dispersed by: Humans
Germany-N-1006, United Kingdom-N- References: Ireland-W-894.
1006, Slovenia-N-1006, Europe-N-819,
Poland-AR-1219, Serbia-W-1238, Norway- Anchusa spp. L.
N-1243, Argentina-W-1286, Ukraine-N- Boraginaceae
1297, Ukraine-N-1335, Global-W-1349, Total N° of Refs: 4
Serbia-W-1358, Croatia-A-1368, Serbia-A- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
1372, Serbia-W-1222, United Kingdom- Weed of: Cereals
ZD-1416, Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay-I- References: Global-A-243, Europe,
1476, Slovakia-N-1484, Czech Republic- eastern-W-272, Turkey-A-977, Algeria-A-
N-1522, Austria-N-1531, Canada-X-1538, 1727.
Central Europe-N-1602, Denmark-W-1609,
Sweden-W-1609, Russia-A-87, Turkey-A- Anchusa strigosa Labill.
87, United States of America-A-87, Serbia- Boraginaceae
W-1031, Global-CD-1611, Czech Total N° of Refs: 2
Republic-N-1731, Serbia-W-1766, Serbia- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
R-1771, Russia-C-1671, Serbia-R-1848, Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe
Canada-G-1855, Chile-I-1872, Argentina- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
A-1874, Montenegro-R-1944, Croatia-A- Herbal
1954, Poland-A-1961, Poland-N-1993, Dispersed by: Humans
Kosovo-R-2003, Ukraine-N-2050, Serbia- References: United Kingdom-U-314,
R-2057, -A-2058, Poland-A-2059, Poland- Global-ZD-1581.
R-2062, Slovakia-A-2079, Poland-A-2110,
Algeria-W-1977, Argentina-W-1977, Anchusa stylosa M. Bieb.
Australia-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Boraginaceae
Bulgaria-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Chile- Total N° of Refs: 4
W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977, Ireland- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
W-1977, Poland-W-1977, Slovakia-W- Origin: E Asia, Europe
1977, Sweden-W-1977, Ukraine-W-1977, References: United Kingdom-U-314,
United Kingdom-W-1977. Spain-W-807, Europe-N-819, Global-W-

Anchusa thessala Boiss. & Sprun. Andira inermis (W.Wright) Kunth ex Andrographis paniculata (Burm.f.) Wall.
Boraginaceae DC. ex Nees
Total N° of Refs: 2 Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Acanthaceae
References: Europe-N-819, Global-W- Total N° of Refs: 8 Total N° of Refs: 23
1324. Global Risk Score: 2.4 Global Risk Score: 1.2
Rating: Low Rating: Low
Anchusa undulata L. Toxic, Aqua - Habit: Tree Habit: biennial Herb
Boraginaceae Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Anchusa hybrida Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Origin: Aust, C Asia, E Asia
Ten. (5) Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Total N° of Refs: 13 Dispersed by: Humans, Animals Ornamental
Habit: b/p Herb References: Africa-W-990, Singapore-U- Dispersed by: Humans
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean 1290, Chad-N-1503, Jamaica-A-87, References: Indonesia-A-13, Global-N-85,
Origin: Africa, Europe Singapore-U-1839, Chad-W-1977, India- Australia-W-93, southeast Asia-W-191,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, W-1977, Singapore-W-1977. Singapore-N-196, Australia-N-945,
Ornamental, Pasture Australia-N-868, Australia-N-354, Global-
Dispersed by: Humans Andira nitada (Benth.) Mart. N-1059, China-N-1215, Indo-Pacific-N-
References: western Europe-W-70, United Fabaceae - Papilionaceae 1256, Singapore-N-1290, China-N-1344,
Kingdom-U-314, Europe-NZ-482, Total N° of Refs: 1 China-N-1374, Jamaica-A-87, India-W-
Denmark-W-711, Europe-N-819, Global- References: Brazil-A-923. 1672, Eastern Caribbean-N-1742, Taiwan-
W-1324, Denmark-W-1609, Denmark-W- W-1748, Bangladesh-A-1761, Singapore-
1977. Andrachne aspera Spreng. N-1839, India-R-1984, Australia-W-1977,
Euphorbiaceae Singapore-W-1977.
Anchusa undulata L. subsp. hybrida Total N° of Refs: 1
(Ten.) Cout. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Andrographis serpyllifolia Wight
Boraginaceae Major Pathway/s: Herbal Acanthaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Egypt-W-221. Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Habit: Tree
Major Pathway/s: Crop Andrachne telephioides L. Major Pathway/s: Herbal
References: Turkey--1412. Euphorbiaceae References: south and southeast Asia-A-
Total N° of Refs: 8 1320.
Anchusa variegata (L.) Lehm. Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
Boraginaceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Andromeda polifolia L.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Tropical Ericaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Origin: Africa, Europe Total N° of Refs: 2
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Dispersed by: Animals, Livestock, Sheep Toxic - Habit: Shrub
Dispersed by: Humans References: Egypt-W-221, Europe, eastern- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
References: United Kingdom-UZ-314. W-272, Canary Islands-N-305, France-N- Origin: E Asia, Europe
1006, Europe-N-819, Belgium-UD-1220, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Ancylobothrys petersiana Pierre Turkey-A-87, Belgium-W-1977. Ornamental
Apocynaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Androcymbium punctatum (Cav.) Baker Livestock, Sheep, Water
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Liliaceae Seed Longevity: Short Term
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Synonym/s (n° of refs): Erythrostictus References: United Kingdom-N-519,
Dispersed by: Humans punctatus Schltdl. (1) Global-ZD-1611.
References: Comoros-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 1
Andromeda spp. L.
Andira humilis Mart. ex Benth. Andrographis echioides (L.) Nees Ericaceae
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Acanthaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 4 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Indoneesiella References: Chile-I-1872.
Habit: Tree echioides (L.) Sreem. (4)
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 7 Andropogon abyssinicus R.Br. ex
Weed of: Pastures Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Fresen.
References: Brazil-W-407, Brazil-A-87, Major Pathway/s: Herbal Poaceae
Brazil-A-1763, Australia-Q-1123. References: United States of America-N- Total N° of Refs: 1
101, south and southeast Asia-A-1320, Habit: Grass
India-A-87. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Dispersed by: Humans, Cattle, Livestock,
Andrographis laxiflora (Blume) Lindau Sheep
Acanthaceae References: Ethiopia-ZD-1437.
Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
References: south and southeast Asia-A-

Andropogon acicularis Retz. ex Roem. & Andropogon bicornis L. Andropogon citratus DC.
Schult. Poaceae Poaceae
Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 40 Accepted name: Cymbopogon citratus
Accepted name: Chrysopogon aciculatus Toxic, Aqua - Habit: perennial Grass (DC.) Stapf
(Retz.) Trin. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 80
Total N° of Refs: 103 Origin: S Am Habit: Grass
Habit: Grass Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Dispersed by: Humans, Water Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
References: Bangladesh-A-589. Weed of: Orchards & Plantations, Pastures Dispersed by: Humans
References: Cuba-A-14, Global-NXZWD- References: south and southeast Asia-A-
Andropogon aciculatus Retz. 85, Brazil-W-255, Brazil-W-360, Brazil- 1320.
Poaceae W-407, Cuba-A-579, Global-AW-90, Peru-
Accepted name: Chrysopogon aciculatus A-153, Central America-W-157, United Andropogon condensatus Kunth
(Retz.) Trin. States of America-W-161, United States of Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 103 America-W-218, North America-X-790, Accepted name: Schizachyrium
Habit: Grass United States of America-X-229, Ecuador- condensatum (Kunth) Nees
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical N-875, Trinidad-A-928, Venezuela-A-932, Total N° of Refs: 28
References: south and southeast Asia-A- Colombia-I-985, United States of America- Habit: Grass
1320. Q-1197, United States of America-N-1292, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands-W-1452, References: Paraguay-NI-876, Trinidad-A-
Andropogon annulatus Forssk. Dominican Republic-A-1472, Dominican 87.
Poaceae Republic-A-1475, Trinidad-A-87, Hawaii-
Accepted name: Dichanthium annulatum A-87, Dominican Republic-A-87, Jamaica- Andropogon distachyos L.
(Forssk.) Stapf A-87, Nicaragua-A-87, Peru-A-87, United Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 128 States of America-A-87, Venezuela-A-87, Total N° of Refs: 10
Global Risk Score: 1.04 Brazil-A-1560, Central America-A-1568, Habit: perennial Grass
Rating: Low North America-N-1760, Brazil-A-1763, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Toxic - Habit: Grass Brazil--1767, Honduras-A-1896, Belize-A- Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe
Major Pathway/s: Pasture 1900, Paraguay-A-2070, United States of Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Dispersed by: Humans America-N-2092, Colombia-W-1977. Ornamental, Pasture
References: south and southeast Asia-A- Dispersed by: Humans, Animals
1320. Andropogon brevifolius Sw. References: Australia-N-945, United
Poaceae Kingdom-U-317, Australia-N-7, Australia-
Andropogon aristatus Poir. Accepted name: Schizachyrium N-856, Australia-N-354, Spain-N-1006,
Poaceae brevifolium (Sw.) Nees ex Büse Europe-N-819, Global-W-1324, Australia-
Accepted name: Dichanthium aristatum Total N° of Refs: 11 N-1902, Australia-W-1977.
(Poir.) C. E. Hubb. Habit: annual Grass
Total N° of Refs: 59 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Andropogon elliottii Chapm.
Habit: Grass References: Japan-A-263, South Korea-A- Poaceae
References: Dominican Republic-A-1472, 648, South Korea-A-2032. Accepted name: Andropogon gyrans Ashe
Dominican Republic-A-1475. var. gyrans
Andropogon caricosus L. Total N° of Refs: 1
Andropogon barbinodis Lag. Poaceae Habit: Grass
Poaceae Accepted name: Dichanthium caricosum Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Accepted name: Bothriochloa barbinodis (L.) A.Camus References: Global-W-1349.
(Lag.) Herter Total N° of Refs: 25
Total N° of Refs: 19 Habit: Grass Andropogon eucomus Nees
Global Risk Score: 1.52 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Poaceae
Rating: Low References: Cuba-A-14. Total N° of Refs: 5
Habit: Grass Habit: perennial Grass
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Andropogon chinensis (Nees) Merr. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Pasture Poaceae Origin: Africa
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 2 References: South Africa-R-121,
References: Mexico-W-199, United States Habit: perennial Grass Madagascar-N-1001, Madagascar-N-1000,
of America-W-218, United States of Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Lesotho-R-121, Burundi-R-2012.
America-A-87. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Andropogon fastigiatus Sw.
References: Thailand-A-238, Thailand-W- Poaceae
822. Total N° of Refs: 3
Habit: annual Grass
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Dispersed by: Humans
Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations
References: Ghana-A-2064, Brazil-N-1559,
Burkina Faso-A-2068.

Andropogon gayanus Kunth Andropogon gerardi Vitman Andropogon glomeratus (Walter)
Poaceae Poaceae Britton, Sterns & Poggenb. var.
Total N° of Refs: 61 Accepted name: Andropogon gerardii glomeratus
Global Risk Score: 26.88 Vitman Poaceae
Rating: High Total N° of Refs: 13 Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: perennial Grass Habit: Grass Habit: Grass
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant References: North America-N-1760.
Tropical Dispersed by: Humans
Origin: Africa References: Global-Z-85, Global-W-1349, Andropogon glomeratus (Walter)
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Chile-I-1872. Britton, Sterns & Poggenb. var. pumilus
Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture Vasey ex L.H. Dewey
Dispersed by: Humans, Vehicles, Water, Andropogon gerardii Vitman Poaceae
Wind Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 3
Weed of: Cereals, Forestry, Orchards & Synonym/s (n° of refs): Andropogon Habit: Grass
Plantations, Pastures provincialis Lam. (2), Andropogon gerardi References: United States of America-N-
References: Guyana-N-32, Australia-W-93, Vitman (3) 1292, North America-N-1760, United
southeast Asia-W-191, Australia-N-368, Total N° of Refs: 15 States of America-N-2092.
Australia, northern-W-454, Nigeria-A-719, Global Risk Score: 8.96
Australia-N-7, Pacific-W-3, Global-N-85, Rating: Medium Andropogon gyrans Ashe
Australia-E-155, Pacific-E-621, Global-E- Habit: perennial Grass Poaceae
649, Australia-N-868, Australia-E-880, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Andropogon
Brazil-I-984, Paraguay-I-987, Australia-N- Tropical elliottii Chapm. (1)
354, Australia-W-1068, Australia-I-1088, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Total N° of Refs: 1
Australia-Q-1134, Australia-E-1159, Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture Habit: Grass
Australia, northern-EN-1183, Australia-W- Dispersed by: Humans, Wind, Escapee Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
1210, Mexico-W-1226, Australia-I-1291, References: Global-NZW-85, Global-W- Dispersed by: Wind
Brazil-I-1328, Australia-A-1331, Africa-A- 90, United States of America-W-218,
1333, French Guiana-N-1346, Nigeria-A- Canada-C-756, United States of America- Andropogon halepensis (L.) Brot.
1371, Australia-AEZD-1447, Australia-E- A-87, Global-CD-1611, Myanmar-N-1796, Poaceae
1456, Australia-ND-1491, Brazil-I-1559, Canada-G-1855, Bhutan-W-1977, Chile- Accepted name: Sorghum halepense (L.)
Global-ZD-1581, Togo-A-1673, Australia- W-1977. Pers.
X-1693, Nigeria-A-1701, Nigeria-A-1710, Total N° of Refs: 673
Brazil-NI-1733, Bolivia-U-1753, Bolivia- Andropogon gerardii Vitman var. Toxic - Habit: Grass
N-1796, Colombia-N-1796, Colombia-N- gerardii Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
1856, Brazil-I-1876, Mexico-NI-1881, Poaceae References: Pacific-W-3, Brazil-A-923,
Australia-WD-1934, -I-, Nigeria-A-2037, Total N° of Refs: 1 south and southeast Asia-A-1320, Global-
Brazil-AN-2051, Ghana-ARI-2066, Habit: Grass A-1903, Australia-Q-1123.
Burkina Faso-A-2068, Guinea-A-2069, Major Pathway/s: Crop
Nigeria-A-2073, Australia-W-1977, References: Myanmar-N-1796. Andropogon hallii Hack.
Bhutan-W-1977, Bolivia-W-1977, Brazil- Poaceae
W-1977, Burkina Faso-W-1977, Ghana-W- Andropogon glomeratus (Walter) Total N° of Refs: 4
1977, Mexico-W-1977, Suriname-W-1977. Britton, Sterns & Pogg. Global Risk Score: 2.24
Poaceae Rating: Low
Andropogon gayanus Kunth var. Total N° of Refs: 21 Habit: perennial Grass
bisquamulatus (Hochst.) Hack. Global Risk Score: 4.32 Preferred Climate/s: Dryland
Poaceae Rating: Low Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Aqua - Habit: perennial Grass Ornamental, Pasture
Global Risk Score: 1.04 Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Dispersed by: Humans
Rating: Low Tropical References: Global-N-85, Chile-I-1872,
Habit: perennial Grass Origin: N Am Chile-W-1977, India-W-1977.
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Tropical Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Major Pathway/s: Pasture Ornamental Andropogon huillensis Rendle
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans, Water, Wind Poaceae
Weed of: Cotton, Pastures, Vegetables References: Global-NZW-85, southeast Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Benin-A-2090. Asia-W-191, Pacific-W-3, Global-E-152, Habit: perennial Grass
United States of America-E-80, Global- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Andropogon gayanus Kunth var. AEWD-90, United States of America-W- Origin: Africa
gayanus 161, North America-G-249, United States Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Poaceae of America-W-218, Pacific-E-621, United Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 3 States of America-N-301, United States of References: South Africa-ZR-121.
Habit: perennial Grass America-N-839, Puerto Rico-A-929,
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Tropical United States of America-Q-1197, Mexico-
References: Africa-A-1384, Bolivia-N- W-1226, United States of America-N-1292,
1796, Colombia-N-1796. Global-W-1349, Global-E-1449, United
States of America-A-87, North America-N-
1760, Global--1324.

Andropogon intermedius R. Br. Andropogon miliaceus Roxb. Andropogon saccharoides Sw. var.
Poaceae Poaceae laguroides (DC.) Hack.
Accepted name: Bothriochloa bladhii Accepted name: Sorghum halepense (L.) Poaceae
(Retz.) S. T. Blake Pers. Accepted name: Bothriochloa laguroides
Total N° of Refs: 60 Total N° of Refs: 670 (DC.) Herter
Global Risk Score: 1.04 Habit: Grass Total N° of Refs: 20
Rating: Low References: Global-A-1903, Australia-Q- Habit: Grass
Habit: Grass 1123. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical References: Mexico-W-199.
Major Pathway/s: Pasture Andropogon pertusus (L.) Willd.
Dispersed by: Humans Poaceae Andropogon schimperi Hochst. ex
References: south and southeast Asia-A- Accepted name: Bothriochloa pertusa (L.) A.Rich.
1320. A.Camus Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 84 Total N° of Refs: 2
Andropogon ischaemum L. Global Risk Score: 3.04 Habit: Grass
Poaceae Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Accepted name: Bothriochloa ischaemum Habit: Grass Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
(L.) Keng Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Total N° of Refs: 54 Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Pasture References: Australia-CN-468, Global-CD-
Global Risk Score: 1.76 Dispersed by: Humans 1611.
Rating: Low Weed of: Pastures
Habit: Grass References: Cuba-A-14, Dominican Andropogon scoparius Michx.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental, Republic-I-877, Dominican Republic-A- Poaceae
Pasture 1472, Dominican Republic-A-1475. Accepted name: Schizachyrium scoparium
Dispersed by: Humans (Michx.) Nash
Weed of: Pastures Andropogon provincialis Lam. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Andropogon
References: Serbia-W-1238, Serbia-A- Poaceae scoparius var. scoparius Michx.
1372, Kosovo-R-2003. Accepted name: Andropogon gerardii Total N° of Refs: 20
Total N° of Refs: 12 Global Risk Score: 1.76
Andropogon lateralis Nees Habit: Grass Rating: Low
Poaceae Origin: N Am Habit: Grass
Total N° of Refs: 3 Major Pathway/s: Herbal Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental,
Global Risk Score: 2.56 References: Europe-N-638, France-N-2091. Pasture
Rating: Low Dispersed by: Humans
Aqua - Habit: Grass Andropogon pseudapricus Stapf References: United States of America-W-
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Poaceae 218, Global-W-1349, Chile-I-1872.
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture Total N° of Refs: 1
Dispersed by: Humans Habit: Grass Andropogon scoparius Michx. var.
References: Global-W-90, Paraguay-NI- Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Tropical scoparius
876, Brazil-A-87. Major Pathway/s: Crop Poaceae
Weed of: Cereals Total N° of Refs: 1
Andropogon leucostachyus Kunth References: Burkina Faso-A-2068. Habit: Grass
Poaceae References: Global-N-1059.
Total N° of Refs: 8 Andropogon pumilus Roxb.
Aqua - Habit: perennial Grass Poaceae Andropogon selloanus (Hack.) Hack.
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 1 Poaceae
References: Brazil-W-255, Brazil-W-360, Habit: Grass Total N° of Refs: 1
Brazil-W-407, Global-N-85, Central Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Tropical Aqua - Habit: Grass
America-A-933, Guatemala-A-87, Brazil- References: India-A-1696. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
A-1560, Brazil--1767. References: Global-W-90.
Andropogon saccharoides auct. nonn.
Andropogon macrothrix Trin. Poaceae Andropogon sericeus R. Br.
Poaceae Accepted name: Bothriochloa saccharoides Poaceae
Accepted name: Andropogon ternatus (Sw.) Rydb. subsp. torreyana (DC.) Herter Accepted name: Dichanthium sericeum (R.
(Spreng.) Nees Total N° of Refs: 23 Br.) A. Camus
Total N° of Refs: 1 Global Risk Score: 3.04 Total N° of Refs: 30
Habit: Grass Rating: Low Global Risk Score: 1.04
References: Brazil--1767. Habit: Grass Rating: Low
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Habit: Grass
Andropogon micranthus Kunth Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Pasture Major Pathway/s: Pasture
Poaceae Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans
Accepted name: Capillipedium parviflorum References: United States of America-W- References: south and southeast Asia-A-
(R. Br.) Stapf 218, Puerto Rico-A-929, Chile-A-931, 1320.
Total N° of Refs: 13 Chile-A-87, United States of America-A-
Habit: perennial Grass 87, Chile-I-1872.
References: South Korea-A-648.

Andropogon spp. L. Andropogon virginicus L. Andropogon virginicus L. var. virginicus
Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 88 Total N° of Refs: 3
Habit: Grass Global Risk Score: 11.52 Habit: perennial Grass
Dispersed by: Humans, Vehicles Rating: Medium References: United States of America-W-
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Aqua - Habit: perennial Grass 34, United States of America-N-1292,
References: Australia-ZD-1439, Polar Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, North America-N-1760.
Regions-ZD-1587, Guinea-A-2089. Subtropical, Tropical
Origin: C Am, N Am, S Am Andropogon zizanioides (L.) Urb.
Andropogon squarrosus auct. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Poaceae
Poaceae Ornamental Accepted name: Chrysopogon zizanioides
Accepted name: Chrysopogon zizanioides Dispersed by: Humans, Water, Wind, (L.) Roberty
(L.) Roberty Escapee Total N° of Refs: 31
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Chamaeraphis Weed of: Nursery Production, Pastures, Habit: Grass
squarrosa Chase (1) Vegetables Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 32 References: Global-EI-152, southeast Asia- Dispersed by: Humans
Habit: Grass W-191, Australia-CEN-479, United States References: south and southeast Asia-A-
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical of America-AE-654, Pacific-W-3, 1320.
References: south and southeast Asia-A- Australia-W-269, Australia-E-290, New
1320. Zealand-E-246, United States of America- Androsace alaskana Coville & Standl. ex
E-80, Global-NXZW-85, Global-W-90, Hulten
Andropogon tectorum Schumach. Global-A-243, New Zealand-N-280, Primulaceae
Poaceae Australia-X-147, United States of America- Accepted name: Douglasia alaskana
Total N° of Refs: 4 W-161, Japan-N-287, Japan-W-286, Total N° of Refs: 1
Global Risk Score: 1.52 Australia-N-198, United States of America- Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Rating: Low AW-207, North America-G-249, United References: Canada-A-642.
Habit: perennial Grass States of America-AW-210, United States
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Tropical of America-AG-211, New Zealand-W-225, Androsace diffusa Small.
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Pasture United States of America-W-218, Primulaceae
Dispersed by: Humans Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945, Accepted name: Androsace septentrionalis
Weed of: Cereals Australia-E-327, New Zealand-NW-425, subsp. subulifera L. (Gray) G.T.Robbins
References: Africa-A-1384, Nigeria-A-87, New Zealand-X-495, New Zealand-N-534, Total N° of Refs: 12
Cameroon-A-1867, Nigeria-A-2037. United States of America-A-543, Australia- References: Global-W-23.
CEI-168, Australia-E-189, Pacific-E-621,
Andropogon ternarius Michx. Global-E-649, Australia-AEN-310, North Androsace elongata L.
Poaceae America-E-784, United States of America- Primulaceae
Total N° of Refs: 4 N-301, United States of America-E-151, Total N° of Refs: 16
Habit: perennial Grass Global-W-788, North America-X-790, Global Risk Score: 2.88
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Japan-N-794, United States of America-N- Rating: Low
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental 839, Australia-W-853, Australia-W-869, Habit: annual Herb
Dispersed by: Humans United States of America-X-229, New Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
References: Global-AW-90, United States Zealand-N-919, Puerto Rico-A-929, New Origin: E Asia, Europe
of America-W-218, Global-W-1349, Zealand-W-964, United States of America- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
United States of America-A-87. A-967, Paraguay-I-987, Australia-N-354, Ornamental
Australia-N-1049, Japan-AID-1073, New Dispersed by: Humans
Andropogon ternatus (Spreng.) Nees Zealand-E-328, New Zealand-E-505, Seed Longevity: Transient
Poaceae United States of America-W-1104, United References: Europe-A-94, Europe, eastern-
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Andropogon States of America-Q-1197, United States of W-272, Czech Republic-NZI-400,
macrothrix Trin. (1) America-A-1275, Japan-N-1278, United Czechoslovakia-N-1006, Europe-N-819,
Total N° of Refs: 1 States of America-N-1292, Georgia-A- Norway-N-1243, Global-W-1324, Finland-
Habit: Grass 1313, Europe-W-1325, Global-W-1349, W-1356, Czech Republic-N-1522, Norway-
Global-E-1449, Australia-E-1456, New N-1535, Norway-W-1609, Sweden-W-
Andropogon virgatus Desv. ex Ham. Caledonia-I-1507, Japan-N-1602, Russia- 1609, Czech Republic-N-1731, Sweden-N-
Poaceae W-1609, Hawaii-A-87, United States of 1802, Czech Republic-W-1977, Sweden-
Accepted name: Hypogynium virgatum America-A-87, Global-Q-1572, Global- W-1977.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Hypogynium CD-1611, Russia-N-1006, United States of
virgatum (Desv. ex Ham.) Dandy (2) America-E-1736, Europe-N-1740, North
Total N° of Refs: 6 America-N-1760, New Zealand-Q-1879,
Aqua - Habit: Grass Australia-N-1959, New Zealand-N-2048,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical New Zealand-Q-2086, Australia-W-1977,
References: Global-N-85, Brazil--1767. Georgia-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, New
Zealand-W-1977, Republic of Korea-W-
1977, South Korea-N-2113, Global--1324.

Androsace filiformis Retz. Androsace saxifragifolia Bunge Androsace septentrionalis L. var.
Primulaceae Primulaceae robusta St. John
Total N° of Refs: 16 Accepted name: Androsace umbellata Primulaceae
Habit: annual Herb (Lour.) Merr. Accepted name: Androsace septentrionalis
Origin: E Asia Total N° of Refs: 6 subsp. robusta
Major Pathway/s: Herbal References: Bangladesh-A-1761. Total N° of Refs: 12
Seed Longevity: Long Term References: Canada-A-642.
References: Finland-U-42, China-W-297, Androsace septentrionalis L.
China-W-431, South Korea-A-648, Japan- Primulaceae Androsace septentrionalis L. var.
N-794, Europe-N-819, China-U-92, Japan- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Androsace diffusa subulifera Gray
N-1278, Global-W-1324, Sweden-W-1609, Small. (1), Androsace septentrionalis L. Primulaceae
Russia-A-87, Russia-W-1671, Central and var. diffusa (Small) R. Knuth (1), Accepted name: Androsace septentrionalis
northern Japan and northern islands-N- Androsace septentrionalis L. var. subsp. subulifera
1983, South Korea-AN-2032, Japan-W- glandulosa (Woot. & Standl.) St. John (1), Total N° of Refs: 12
1977, Sweden-W-1977. Androsace septentrionalis L. var. References: Canada-A-642.
puberulenta (Rydb.) R. Knuth (1),
Androsace lactiflora Pall. Androsace septentrionalis L. var. robusta Androsace septentrionalis L. var.
Primulaceae St. John (1), Androsace septentrionalis L. subumbellata A. Nels.
Total N° of Refs: 4 var. subulifera Gray (1), Androsace Primulaceae
Global Risk Score: 0.48 septentrionalis L. var. subumbellata A. Accepted name: Androsace septentrionalis
Rating: Low Nels. (1) subsp. subumbellata
Habit: biennial Herb Total N° of Refs: 18 Total N° of Refs: 12
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Global Risk Score: 4.32 References: Canada-A-642.
Dispersed by: Humans Rating: Low
References: China-A-275, China-W-431, Habit: Herb Androsace septentrionalis L. subsp.
Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, puberulenta (Rydb.) G. T. Robins
Subtropical, Tropical Primulaceae
Androsace maxima L. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Total N° of Refs: 1
Primulaceae Ornamental References: Global-W-23.
Total N° of Refs: 23 Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Global Risk Score: 0.96 Seed Longevity: Short Term Androsace turczaninowii Freyn
Rating: Low References: Europe-A-94, Canada and Primulaceae
Habit: annual Herb United States of America-XW-299, Europe, Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean eastern-W-272, United States of America- Habit: Herb
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe W-218, Canada-A-642, Denmark-UC-711, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Denmark-W-1609, United States of Dispersed by: Humans
Ornamental America-A-87, Global-CD-1611, References: Global-A-1207.
Dispersed by: Humans Mongolia-A-1620, Kazakhstan-A-1772.
Weed of: Cereals, Pastures Androsace umbellata (Lour.) Merr.
References: Europe-A-94, United States of Androsace septentrionalis L. var. diffusa Primulaceae
America-N-101, Europe, eastern-W-272, (Small) R. Knuth Synonym/s (n° of refs): Androsace
Spain-A-417, United Kingdom-U-314, Primulaceae saxifragifolia Bunge (1)
Czech Republic-NZI-400, Czechoslovakia- Accepted name: Androsace septentrionalis Total N° of Refs: 6
N-1006, Germany-N-1006, Europe-N-819, subsp. subulifera Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Global-A-1207, Belgium-U-1220, Global- Total N° of Refs: 12 References: China-W-297, China-W-431,
W-1324, Turkey--1412, Latvia-W-1609, References: Canada-A-642. South Korea-A-648, China-A-87, South
Turkey-A-87, Iran-A-1619, Iran-A-1916, Korea-AN-2032.
Iran-A-2072, Spain-A-2083, Belarus-W- Androsace septentrionalis L. var.
1977, Belgium-W-1977, Czech Republic- glandulosa (Woot. & Standl.) St. John Androsace villosa Linné
W-1977, Latvia-W-1977. Primulaceae Primulaceae
Accepted name: Androsace septentrionalis Total N° of Refs: 1
Androsace raddeana Somm. & Levier subsp. glandulosa Global Risk Score: 0.72
Primulaceae Total N° of Refs: 12 Rating: Low
Total N° of Refs: 3 References: Canada-A-642. Habit: Herb
References: Europe-W-1325, Latvia-W- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
1609, Latvia-W-1977. Androsace septentrionalis L. var. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
puberulenta (Rydb.) R. Knuth Dispersed by: Humans
Androsace rotundifolia Hardw. Primulaceae References: Kazakhstan-A-1772.
Primulaceae Accepted name: Androsace septentrionalis
Total N° of Refs: 2 subsp. puberulenta
Global Risk Score: 0.48 Total N° of Refs: 12
Rating: Low References: Canada-A-642.
Habit: b/p Herb
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Dispersed by: Humans
Weed of: Cereals
References: India-AZ-712, Nepal-A-1932.

Andryala integrifolia L. Aneilema beniniense (P.Beauv.) Kunth Aneilema malabaricum (L.) Merr.
Asteraceae Commelinaceae Commelinaceae
Total N° of Refs: 18 Total N° of Refs: 10 Total N° of Refs: 1
Global Risk Score: 2.16 Habit: perennial Herb References: south and southeast Asia-A-
Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical 1320.
Habit: Herb Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Ornamental Aneilema mortonii Brenan
Origin: Africa, Europe Dispersed by: Humans Commelinaceae
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Weed of: Cotton, Forestry, Orchards & Total N° of Refs: 1
Ornamental Plantations, Pastures, Vegetables Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, References: Nigeria-A-719, Ghana-A-2064, References: Togo-A-1673.
Livestock, Sheep Nigeria-A-1360, Africa-A-1384, Republic
Seed Longevity: Transient of Congo-A-87, Nigeria-A-87, Nigeria-A- Aneilema nudiflorum (L.) R.Br.
References: Finland-U-42, Portugal-A-250, 1853, Benin-W-2007, Nigeria-A-2067, Commelinaceae
western Europe-A-253, western Europe-W- Benin-A-2090. Accepted name: Murdannia nudiflora (L.)
70, United Kingdom-UZD-314, Austria-U- Brenan
708, Denmark-U-711, Portugal-N-1006, Aneilema blumei (Hassk.) Bakh. Total N° of Refs: 131
Europe-N-819, Global-W-1324, Austria- Commelinaceae Habit: perennial Herb
W-1609, Denmark-W-1609, Sweden-W- Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
1609, Azores-N-1721, France-N-1438, References: south and southeast Asia-A- References: Vietnam-W-262, Global-A-
Austria-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, 1320. 1207, south and southeast Asia-A-1320,
Sweden-W-1977. India-W-1866.
Aneilema hamiltoniana Wall. ex Clarke
Andryala laxiflora DC. Commelinaceae Aneilema sinicum Ker.-Gawl.
Asteraceae Total N° of Refs: 1 Commelinaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 References: south and southeast Asia-A- Accepted name: Commelina sinica (Ker
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental 1320. Gawl) Roem & Schult.
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 2
References: western Europe-W-70, Spain- Aneilema japonica (Thunb.) Kunth Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
W-1977. Commelinaceae References: Global-A-1207, Taiwan-A-87.
Accepted name: Aneilema japonicum
Andryala tenuifolia (Tineo) DC. (Thunb.) Kunth Aneilema spekei C.B. Clarke
Asteraceae Total N° of Refs: 7 Commelinaceae
Accepted name: Andryala integrifolia L. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: southeast Asia-W-191, Asia- Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
References: Algeria-W-1977. W-204, Global-A-1233, Japan-A-87, South References: Burundi-R-2012.
Andrzeiowskia cardamine Reichb. Aneilema spiratum (L.) Sweet
Brassicaceae Aneilema japonicum (Thunb.) Kunth Commelinaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Commelinaceae Accepted name: Murdannia spirata (L.)
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aneilema japonica Brückn.
References: Palestine-N-851. (Thunb.) Kunth (5) Total N° of Refs: 10
Total N° of Refs: 7 References: south and southeast Asia-A-
Aneilema aequinoctiale (P.Beauv.) References: South Korea-A-648, south and 1320, India-A-87.
Kunth. southeast Asia-A-1320.
Commelinaceae Aneilema spp. R.Br.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aneilema Aneilema keisak Hassk. Commelinaceae
tacazzeanum Hochst.ex A.Rich. (1) Commelinaceae Total N° of Refs: 2
Total N° of Refs: 2 Accepted name: Murdannia keisak (Hassk.) Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Global Risk Score: 1.2 Hand.-Mazz. Weed of: Cereals
Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 38 References: Nigeria-A-1701, Nigeria-A-
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Global Risk Score: 0.48 2073.
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Rating: Low
Ornamental Aqua - Habit: Aneilema tacazzeanum Hochst.ex
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Herbal A.Rich.
References: Africa-A-1384. Dispersed by: Water Commelinaceae
References: Argentina-AD-1198, south and Accepted name: Aneilema aequinoctiale
southeast Asia-A-1320, Japan-A-87, South (P.Beauv.) Kunth.
Korea-A-2032, South Korea-A-2033. Total N° of Refs: 2
References: Egypt-W-221.
Aneilema lanceolatum Benth.
Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Weed of: Cereals
References: Burkina Faso-A-2068.

Aneilema umbrosum (Vahl) Kunth Anemia intermedia Copel. ex M.E.Jones Anemone apennina L.
Commelinaceae Saururaceae Ranunculaceae
Total N° of Refs: 6 Total N° of Refs: 2 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Anemone apennina
Habit: perennial Herb References: New Zealand-Q-1879, New L. var. pallida Lange (1)
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Zealand-Q-2086. Total N° of Refs: 33
Origin: Africa Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
References: Costa Rica-I-975, Costa Rica- Anemia phyllitidis (L.) Sw. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
N-872, Nigeria-A-87, Bolivia-N-1753, Saururaceae Origin: E Asia, Europe
Bolivia-W-1977, Costa Rica-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Aneilema vaginatum R.Br. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Seed Longevity: Transient
Commelinaceae Dispersed by: Humans References: United Kingdom-N-40, United
Total N° of Refs: 2 References: Brazil-R-2053. Kingdom-C-314, United Kingdom-N-519,
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Austria-CN-708, Denmark-CN-711, United
References: south and southeast Asia-A- Anemone acutiloba (DC.) G. Lawson Kingdom-CN-812, Ireland-N-894,
1320, India-R-1984. Ranunculaceae Belgium-N-1006, France-N-1006, United
Accepted name: Hepatica nobilis var. acuta Kingdom-N-1006, Iceland-N-1006,
Aneilema versicolor Dalz. Total N° of Refs: 14 Netherlands-N-1006, Europe-N-819,
Commelinaceae Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Belgium-N-1220, Global-W-1324,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Slovakia-U-1484, Norway-N-1535,
References: south and southeast Asia-A- References: Canada-C-756, Global-CD- Austria-W-1609, Germany-W-1609,
1320. 1611, Canada-G-1855. Netherlands-W-1609, Norway-W-1609,
Sweden-W-1609, Global-CD-1611,
Aneilema vitiense Seem. Anemone ambigua Turcz. ex Hayek Austria-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977,
Commelinaceae Ranunculaceae France-W-1977, Germany-W-1977,
Total N° of Refs: 2 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Pulsatilla ambigua Ireland-W-1977, Netherlands-W-1977,
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Turcz. ex Pritz. (1) Slovakia-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977, United
Weed of: Bananas, Orchards and Total N° of Refs: 1 Kingdom-W-1977.
Plantations Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
References: Philippines-W-412, Dispersed by: Humans Anemone apennina L. var. apennina
Philippines-A-87. Ranunculaceae
Anemone americana (DC.) H. Hara Total N° of Refs: 2
Anemagrostis spica-venti Trin. Ranunculaceae References: Denmark-W-1609, Denmark-
Poaceae Accepted name: Hepatica nobilis var. W-1977.
Accepted name: Apera spica-venti (L.) P. obtusa
Beauv. Total N° of Refs: 15 Anemone apennina L. var. pallida Lange
Total N° of Refs: 135 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Ranunculaceae
Habit: Grass Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Accepted name: Anemone apennina L.
References: Ireland-W-894. References: Canada-C-756, Global-CD- Total N° of Refs: 33
1611, Canada-G-1855, Belgium-W-1977. References: Denmark-W-1609.
Anemanthele lessoniana (Steud.)
Veldkamp Anemone biflora DC.
Poaceae Ranunculaceae
Total N° of Refs: 4 Total N° of Refs: 2
Habit: Grass Habit: perennial Herb
Origin: NZ Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Origin: Africa, Europe
Dispersed by: Humans References: India-A-712, India-N-914.
References: United Kingdom-U-317,
Ireland-W-1609, Europe-N-1740, United

Anemia californica Nutt.

Accepted name: Anemopsis californica
(Nutt.) Hook. & Arn.
Total N° of Refs: 9
References: New Zealand-Q-1879, New

Anemia flexuosa (Savigny) Sw.

Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Brazil-R-2053.

Anemone blanda Schott & Kotschy Anemone coronaria L. Anemone flaccida F.Schmidt
Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae
Total N° of Refs: 20 Total N° of Refs: 25 Total N° of Refs: 1
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Global Risk Score: 2.88 Habit: perennial Herb
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Rating: Low Origin: E Asia
Origin: Africa, Europe, W Asia Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Dispersed by: Humans
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Origin: Africa, Europe References: Japan-W-286.
References: United States of America-N- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
101, United Kingdom-U-314, United Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Anemone x fulgens (DC.) J.Gay ex Rchb.
Kingdom-N-519, Denmark-CN-711, Weed of: Pastures Ranunculaceae
United Kingdom-C-812, Europe-N-819, References: Egypt-W-221, New Zealand- Accepted name: parents = Anemone
Belgium-U-1220, Norway-N-1243, UW-280, United Kingdom-C-314, New hortensis L. x Anemone pavonina Lam.
Norway-N-1535, Austria-W-1609, Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N-823, New Total N° of Refs: 1
Denmark-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, Zealand-U-919, France-N-1006, Europe-N- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Sweden-W-1609, Global-CD-1611, 819, Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157, Belgium- Dispersed by: Humans
Sweden-N-1802, Belgium-W-1977, U-1220, Crete-A-1228, Sardinia-N-1336, References: United Kingdom-U-314.
Canada-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, Norway-W-1609, Turkey-A-87, Global-
Sweden-W-1977, United Kingdom-W- CD-1611, North Africa, Libya, Egypt-W- Anemone halleri All.
1977. 1730, Sardinia-AN-1824, Chile-I-1872, Ranunculaceae
Sardinia-N-1917, New Zealand-U-2048, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Pulsatilla halleri
Anemone canadensis L. Greece-A-2093, Turkey-A-2103, Algeria- (All.) Willd. (3)
Ranunculaceae W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Chile-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 4
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Anemonidium Habit: perennial Herb
canadense (L.) . L ve & D. L ve (7) Anemone cylindrica A.Gray Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Total N° of Refs: 17 Ranunculaceae Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Total N° of Refs: 4 Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Habit: perennial Herb References: Global--1324.
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
References: Global-W-23, Finland-C-42, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Anemone hepatica L.
Canada-C-756, Hungary-U-809, Hungary- Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Ranunculaceae
U-1255, Sweden-W-1609, Global-CD- References: Global-W-23, Canada-C-756, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Hepatica nobilis
1611, Canada-G-1855, Denmark-W-1977, Global-CD-1611, Canada-G-1855. Schreb. (11)
Sweden-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 13
Anemone decapetala Ard. Habit: perennial Herb
Anemone cernua Thunb. Ranunculaceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Ranunculaceae Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Pulsatilla cernua ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Herbal, Ornamental
(Thunb.) Bercht. & J.Presl (1) Tropical Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 2 Origin: S Am References: Global-N-85, Global-ZD-1581.
Origin: E Asia, Europe Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans Anemone hortensis L.
Dispersed by: Humans References: Chile-N-1229. Ranunculaceae
References: China-A-87. Total N° of Refs: 1
Anemone dichotoma L. Habit: perennial Herb
Anemone chinensis Bunge Ranunculaceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Ranunculaceae Total N° of Refs: 2 Origin: Africa, Europe
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Pulsatilla chinensis Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
(Bunge) Regel (1) Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans References: Australia-N-1450.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal References: China-W-297, Europe-N-819.
Anemone hortensis L. subsp. heldreichii
Anemone fasciculata L. (Boiss.) Rech. fil.
Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae
Accepted name: Anemone narcissiflora L. Total N° of Refs: 1
subsp. narcissiflora References: Crete-A-1228.
Total N° of Refs: 2
Habit: perennial Herb
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Armenia-N-1241, Ukraine-N-

Anemone hupehensis Lem. Anemone x hybrida Pax. Anemone narcissiflora L.
Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Anemone japonica Accepted name: parents = Anemone Synonym/s (n° of refs): Anemone
(Thunb.) Sieb. & Zucc. (4) hupehensis (Lem.) Lem. x Anemone fasciculata L. (2)
Total N° of Refs: 22 vitifolia Buch. ex Ham. ex DC. Total N° of Refs: 2
Global Risk Score: 4.8 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Anemone Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
Rating: Low hupehensis Lemoine x Anemone vitifolia Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Habit: perennial Herb Buch.-Ham. ex DC. (4), Anemone hybrida Tropical
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Paxton (2) Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Tropical Total N° of Refs: 25 Ornamental
Origin: E Asia Global Risk Score: 1.44 Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Wind
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Rating: Low
Ornamental Habit: Herb Anemone nemorosa L.
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Ranunculaceae
References: Global-E-152, United States of Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Synonym/s (n° of refs): Anemone
America-E-80, Global-N-85, United States References: United Kingdom-U-40, New nemorosa L. 'Alleni' (2), Anemone
of America-N-101, China-W-431, Zealand-N-280, United Kingdom-C-314, nemorosa L. 'Vestal' (2)
Denmark-C-711, Australia-N-354, Europe- Global-I-506, New Zealand-N-534, New Total N° of Refs: 29
N-819, United States of America-Q-1197, Zealand-N-15, United States of America- Global Risk Score: 2.88
Global-E-1449, Denmark-W-1609, G-655, Austria-UC-708, Ireland-U-894, Rating: Low
Sweden-W-1609, Global-CD-1611, Chile- New Zealand-N-919, Europe-N-819, Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
I-1872, Chile-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, Belgium-U-1220, New Zealand-N-1543, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
India-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977. Austria-W-1609, Global-CD-1611, Chile-I- Origin: Europe
1872, New Zealand-N-2048, Austria-W- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Anemone hupehensis Lemoine var. 1977, Ireland-W-1977. Ornamental
japonica (Thunb.) Bowles & Stearn Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle,
Ranunculaceae Anemone hybrida Paxton Livestock, Sheep, Water, Wind
Total N° of Refs: 11 Ranunculaceae Seed Longevity: Short Term
Origin: E Asia Accepted name: parents = Anemone x References: United States of America-N-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental hybrida Pax. 101, New Zealand-N-280, Europe, eastern-
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 21 W-272, Iceland-U-507, United Kingdom-
References: Global-N-85, United States of References: Belgium-W-1977, Chile-W- N-519, Global-G-660, New Zealand-N-
America-N-101, Japan-N-287, Japan-N- 1977. 919, France-N-1006, Europe-N-819,
367, United States of America-N-301, Sweden-W-1609, Iceland-W-1609, United
Japan-N-794, United States of America-N- Anemone japonica (Thunb.) Sieb. & Kingdom-N-1636, Australia-A-87, Europe-
839, Australia-N-354, Hungary-U-1255, Zucc. ZD-1653, Global-ZD-1611, Global-ZD-
Japan-N-1278, United States of America- Ranunculaceae 1581, Poland-U-1716, Iceland-N-1552,
N-1292. Accepted name: Anemone hupehensis var. Global-AD-1589, Russia-W-1671,
japonica Lemoine Germany-R-1948, -AWD-2036, New
Anemone hupehensis Lemoine subsp. Total N° of Refs: 22 Zealand-N-2048, Iceland-W-1977,
japonica Bowles & Stearn Global Risk Score: 0.72 Sweden-W-1977.
Ranunculaceae Rating: Low
Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Anemone nemorosa L. 'Alleni'
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Ranunculaceae
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans Accepted name: Anemone nemorosa L.
References: Hungary-U-809. References: Chile-I-1872, Algeria-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 27
Chile-W-1977, Japan-W-1977. Global Risk Score: 0.48
Anemone hupehensis Lemoine x Rating: Low
Anemone vitifolia Buch.-Ham. ex DC. Anemone multifida Poir. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Accepted name: Anemone x hybrida Pax. Total N° of Refs: 4 References: Europe-CE-934, Global-CD-
Total N° of Refs: 23 Global Risk Score: 1.44 1611.
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Rating: Low
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Habit: perennial Herb Anemone nemorosa L. 'Vestal'
References: United Kingdom-N-519, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Ranunculaceae
United Kingdom-C-812, Ireland-W-894, Dispersed by: Humans, Wind Accepted name: Anemone nemorosa L.
Global-CD-1611. References: Global-W-23, Chile-N-1229, Total N° of Refs: 27
Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Global Risk Score: 0.48
Rating: Low
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
References: Europe-CE-934, Global-CD-

Anemone patens L. Anemone pulsatilla L. Anemone scabiosa H.Lèv. & Vaniot
Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Pulsatilla patens Accepted name: Pulsatilla vulgaris Miller Total N° of Refs: 1
(L.) Mill. (1), Pulsatilla patens (L.) Mill. Total N° of Refs: 16 References: Norway-W-1609.
subsp. multifida (Pritz.) Zamelis (1) Global Risk Score: 0.72
Total N° of Refs: 2 Rating: Low Anemone spp. L.
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Ranunculaceae
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 3
Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental ToxicDispersed by: Humans
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans References: Europe, eastern-W-272, Polar
References: Finland-N-1356, Australia-A- Regions-ZD-1587, Algeria-W-1977.
Anemone patens L. var. multifida Pritz. 87, Czech Republic-W-1977.
Ranunculaceae Anemone sylvestris L.
Accepted name: Pulsatilla patens subsp. Anemone quinquefolia L. var. Ranunculaceae
multifida quinquefolia Total N° of Refs: 15
Total N° of Refs: 2 Ranunculaceae Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
References: Canada-A-642. Total N° of Refs: 3 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Origin: E Asia, Europe
Anemone patens L. var. nuttalliana Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
(DC.) Gray References: Canada-C-756, Global-CD- Dispersed by: Humans, Water, Escapee
Ranunculaceae 1611, Canada-G-1855. Seed Longevity: Transient
Accepted name: Pulsatilla patens subsp. References: Finland-C-42, United
multifida Anemone ranunculoides L. Kingdom-U-314, Denmark-CN-711,
Total N° of Refs: 2 Ranunculaceae Europe-N-819, Norway-N-1243, Global-
References: Canada-A-642. Total N° of Refs: 18 W-1324, Norway-N-1535, Denmark-W-
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb 1609, Norway-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609,
Anemone patens L. var. patens Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Global-CD-1611, Poland-U-1716, Poland-
Ranunculaceae Origin: E Asia, Europe C-2062, Denmark-W-1977, Sweden-W-
Accepted name: Pulsatilla patens (L.) Mill. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, 1977.
subsp. patens Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 2 Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle, Anemone tomentosa (Maxim.) C.Péi
References: Canada-A-642. Livestock, Sheep, Water, Escapee Ranunculaceae
Seed Longevity: Transient Total N° of Refs: 6
Anemone patens L. var. wolfgangiana References: United Kingdom-C-314, Habit: perennial Herb
(Besser) K. Koch United Kingdom-N-519, United Kingdom- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Ranunculaceae CN-812, Ireland-U-894, United Kingdom- Origin: E Asia
Accepted name: Pulsatilla patens subsp. N-1006, Iceland-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
multifida United States of America-N-101, Sweden- Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 2 W-1609, Europe-ZD-1653, Global-CD- References: Europe-N-819, Global-W-
References: Canada-A-642. 1611, Russia-W-1671, Germany-R-1948, 1324, Denmark-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609,
Poland-C-2062, Albania-W-1977, Canada- Denmark-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977.
Anemone pavonina Lam. W-1977, Sweden-W-1977, United
Ranunculaceae Kingdom-W-1977. Anemone transsilvanica (Fuss) Heuff.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Ranunculaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Anemone rivularis Buch.-Ham. ex DC. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Hepatica
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Ranunculaceae transsilvanica Fuss (5)
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 5
References: Italy-N-1265. Global Risk Score: 1.2
Rating: Low Anemone virginiana L.
Anemone pratensis L. Habit: perennial Herb Ranunculaceae
Ranunculaceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Total N° of Refs: 6
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Pulsatilla pratensis Tropical Global Risk Score: 1.44
(L.) Mill. (1) Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Rating: Low
Total N° of Refs: 1 Ornamental Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
ToxicMajor Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans References: south and southeast Asia-A- Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
1320. References: Global-W-23, Canada-C-756,
Global-CD-1611, Canada-G-1855, Chile-I-
Anemone rupicola Cambess. 1872, Chile-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: perennial Herb
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
Weed of: Cereals
References: Nepal-R-1981.

Anemonella thalictroides (L.) Spach Anemopsis californica (Nutt.) Hook. & Anethum graveolens L.
Ranunculaceae Arn. Apiaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Saururaceae Total N° of Refs: 183
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Synonym/s (n° of refs): Anemia californica Global Risk Score: 14.4
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Nutt. (2) Rating: Medium
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Total N° of Refs: 9 Habit: annual Herb
Ornamental Global Risk Score: 2.4 Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Dispersed by: Humans Rating: Low Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
References: Europe-N-819. Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Anemonidium canadense (L.) Á. Löve & Origin: N Am Herbal, Ornamental
D. Löve Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Ranunculaceae Ornamental Livestock, Sheep, Escapee
Accepted name: Anemone canadensis Dispersed by: Humans Weed of: Cereals, Vegetables
Total N° of Refs: 17 Weed of: Pastures References: Vietnam-W-262, Puerto Rico-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: United States of America-W- UW-261, United States of America-CW-
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee 161, United States of America-A-180, 34, United Kingdom-U-40, Finland-C-42,
References: Denmark-C-711, Global-W- United States of America-W-218, Mexico- Global-N-108, Europe-A-94, United States
1324, Norway-N-1535, Denmark-W-1609, I-878, United States of America-N-904, of America-N-101, Chile-N-241, South
Norway-W-1609, Global-CD-1611, Global-W-1349, United States of America- Africa-AZW-121, Japan-N-287, western
Sweden-N-1802. A-87. Europe-W-70, Australia-C-401, Australia-
N-945, Spain-A-417, United Kingdom-
Anemonidium dichotomum Á. Löve & NZD-314, Czech Republic-U-400, United
D. Löve Kingdom-N-519, Canary Islands-N-637,
Ranunculaceae Canada-A-642, Ukraine-R-643, Australia-
Total N° of Refs: 1 AN-310, Austria-UC-708, Canada and
References: Russia-N-1681. United States of America-N-725, United
States of America-E-736, Lithuania-I-737,
Anemopaegma arvense (Vell.) Stelff. ex Crete-N-771, Mediterranean-I-775, United
de Souza States of America-N-301, Mexico-N-791,
Bignoniaceae Spain-W-807, United Kingdom-U-812,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Anemopaegma New Zealand-N-823, United States of
mirandum (DC.) Mart. (1) America-N-839, Belize-N-850, Australia-
Total N° of Refs: 2 W-853, Australia-N-855, Australia-W-869,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Ireland-U-894, United States of America-
References: Brazil-R-1400. U-904, India-ND-914, New Zealand-U-
919, Mozambique-nC-943, United
Anemopaegma chamberlaynii (Sims) Kingdom-Z-944, Mediterranean-W-951,
Bureau & K.Schum. India-N-976, Australia-N-354, Portugal-N-
Bignoniaceae 1006, France-N-1006, France-N-1006,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bignonia Portugal-N-1006, Australia-N-1049,
chamberlaynii Sims (2) Global-N-1059, Malta-N-1089, Europe-N-
Total N° of Refs: 2 819, Turkey-A-144, Saudi Arabia-A-25,
Habit: Vine Laos-N-1102, Bosnia and Herzegovina-N-
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical 1140, Iberian Peninsular-N-1147, Spain-U-
Origin: S Am 1149, Chad-nC-640, Crete-N-1150, Gal
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental pagos Islands-CN-1157, Cyprus-N-1174,
Dispersed by: Humans Belgium-U-1220, Norway-N-1243,
Georgia-UR-1250, Italy-U-251, Romania-
Anemopaegma mirandum (DC.) Mart. UD-1264, Italy-N-1265, Spain-U-1270,
Bignoniaceae Slovakia-A-1282, United States of
Accepted name: Anemopaegma arvense America-N-1292, Peru-N-1293, Ukraine-
(Vell.) Stellfeld N-1297, Romania-UD-1334, Ukraine-N-
Total N° of Refs: 2 1335, Sardinia-U-1336, India-N-1345,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Global-W-1349, India-N-1389, Turkey--
References: Brazil-A-923. 1412, Cape Verde-N-1414, Spain-N-1454,
Spain-U-1455, Turkey-W-1460, Slovakia-
Anemopaegma spp. Mart. ex Meissn. N-1484, Chad-N-1503, Cuba-NI-1505,
Bignoniaceae Czech Republic-U-1522, Romania-UD-
Total N° of Refs: 1 1537, Romania-N-1540, Greece-CN-1541,
References: Brazil-A-1763. Panarctic-U-1596, Brazil-N-1597, Estonia-
W-1609, Austria-W-1609, Czech Republic-
W-1609, Denmark-W-1609, Germany-W-
1609, Lithuania-W-1609, Norway-W-1609,
Sweden-W-1609, Romania-N-1629,
Lebanon-A-87, Portugal-A-87, Russia-A-
87, Spain-A-87, Morocco-A-87, Turkey-A-
87, Tajikistan-A-1017, Romania-N-1549,
Global-N-1218, Cape Verde-N-1558,

Lithuania-UC-1652, Global-CD-1611, Angelica archangelica L. Angelica atropurpurea L.
United States of America-ZD-1627, Apiaceae Apiaceae
Global-ZD-1581, Australia-ZD-1675, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Archangelica Total N° of Refs: 9
Russia-N-1681, Russia-U-1682, Poland-U- officinalis (Moench) Hoffm. (1) Global Risk Score: 2.4
1716, Azores-N-1721, Pakistan-A-1726, Total N° of Refs: 43 Rating: Low
Czech Republic-U-1731, India-N-1370, Global Risk Score: 9.6 Habit: perennial Herb
Eastern Caribbean-N-1742, Russia-C-1671, Rating: Medium Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Greece-U-1803, Ukraine-N-1813, Sardinia- Toxic - Habit: Herb Ornamental
U-1393, Ukraine-U-1840, Canada-G-1855, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Pakistan-A-1868, Chile-I-1872, Italy-U- Origin: E Asia, Europe, W Asia References: United States of America-W-
1887, Sardinia-U-1917, -I-, Romania-U- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, 161, United States of America-W-218,
1986, Russia-N-1989, Switzerland-U-1990, Ornamental Canada-A-642, Canada and United States
Estonia-N-1997, Ukraine-U-2014, New Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Water, of America-N-725, Canada-C-756, Global-
Zealand-U-2048, Cuba-NI-2055, Poland- Escapee W-1349, United States of America-A-87,
AN-2059, Egypt-A-2088, Ukraine-N-2112, References: Global-N-108, Global-N-85, Global-CD-1611, Canada-G-1855.
Anguilla-W-1977, Australia-W-1977, Europe, eastern-AW-272, United
Austria-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Kingdom-CN-314, Europe-NW-482, Angelica genuflexa Nutt. ex Torr. & A.
Canada-W-1977, Chad-W-1977, Chile-W- United Kingdom-N-519, Austria-N-708, Gray
1977, Cuba-W-1977, Cyprus-W-1977, Hungary-U-809, United Kingdom-CN-812, Apiaceae
Czech Republic-W-1977, Denmark-W- Croatia-I-891, Ireland-N-894, Belgium-N- Total N° of Refs: 1
1977, Ecuador-W-1977, El Salvador-W- 1006, France-N-1006, United Kingdom-N- Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb
1977, Estonia-W-1977, France-W-1977, 1006, Iceland-N-1006, Spain-N-1006, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Georgia-W-1977, Germany-W-1977, Europe-N-819, Belgium-N-1220, Serbia- Ornamental
Greece-W-1977, Guatemala-W-1977, W-1238, Italy-U-251, Hungary-U-1255, Dispersed by: Humans, Water
Honduras-W-1977, India-W-1977, Ireland- Croatia-NI-1517, Austria-W-1609, United References: United States of America-WD-
W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Lao People's Kingdom-N-1636, Spain-A-87, Global- 34.
Democratic Republic-W-1977, Latvia-W- CD-1611, Poland-N-1716, Croatia-NW-
1977, Lithuania-W-1977, Nicaragua-W- 1747, Ukraine-U-1840, Chile-I-1872, Italy- Angelica gmelinii (DC.) Pimenov
1977, Panama-W-1977, Republic of U-1887, Croatia-I-1908, Austria-W-1977, Apiaceae
Moldova-W-1977, Romania-W-1977, Belarus-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Chile- Total N° of Refs: 1
Slovakia-W-1977, Spain-W-1977, Sweden- W-1977, Croatia-W-1977, Czech Republic- References: Russia-N-1681.
W-1977, Ukraine-W-1977, Global--1324. W-1977, France-W-1977, Ireland-W-1977,
Italy-W-1977, United Kingdom-W-1977. Angelica lucida L.
Aneurolepidium pseudoagropyrum Apiaceae
Nevski Angelica archangelica L. subsp. Total N° of Refs: 2
Poaceae archangelica Habit: perennial Herb
Accepted name: Leymus chinensis (Trin.) Apiaceae Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal
Tzvelev Total N° of Refs: 16 References: Algeria-W-1977, Belarus-W-
Total N° of Refs: 5 Global Risk Score: 1.44 1977.
Habit: Grass Rating: Low
References: Mongolia-A-1620. Habit: b/p Herb Angelica miqueliana Maxim.
Origin: E Asia, Europe Apiaceae
Angadenia berterii (A.D.C) Miers. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 1
Apocynaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Water, Wind, Dispersed by: Escapee
Total N° of Refs: 1 Escapee References: Russia-C-1671.
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical References: Global-N-85, Czech Republic-
References: Cuba-A-14. I-400, Czech Republic-NI-826, Global-N- Angelica pachycarpa Lange
1059, Croatia-I-1230, Czech Republic-I- Apiaceae
1522, Estonia-W-1609, Czech Republic-W- Total N° of Refs: 14
1609, Czech Republic-I-1731, Europe-UI- Global Risk Score: 0.48
1740, Croatia-NW-1747, Poland-CD-1841, Rating: Low
Estonia-N-1997, Croatia-I-2038, Croatia- Habit: biennial Herb
W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Origin: Europe
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: New Zealand-N-280, United
Kingdom-U-314, United Kingdom-U-519,
New Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N-15,
New Zealand-W-906, New Zealand-N-919,
Europe-N-819, New Zealand-E-505,
Global-W-1324, Australia-Q-1134, New
Zealand-N-1543, New Zealand-N-2048,
New Zealand-W-1977.

Angelica silvestris L. Angelonia gardneri Hook. f. Angophora cordifolia Cav.
Apiaceae Scrophulariaceae Myrtaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 6 Accepted name: Angophora hispida (Sm.)
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Habit: Herb Blaxell
Weed of: Cereals, Pastures Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Serbia-A-1372, Finland-A- Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
1815. Origin: S Am Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans
Angelica sylvestris L. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee References: Mozambique-nC-943.
Apiaceae References: France-N-518, Gal pagos
Total N° of Refs: 20 Islands-CN-1157, Madagascar-N-1000, Angophora costata (Gaertn.) Britten
Global Risk Score: 14.4 French Polynesia-N-1514, Global-CD- Myrtaceae
Rating: Medium 1611, India-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 16
Aqua - Habit: biennial Herb Global Risk Score: 1.44
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Angelonia goyazensis Benth. Rating: Low
Origin: Europe Scrophulariaceae Habit: Tree
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Total N° of Refs: 2 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Herbal, Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Origin: Aust
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle, References: Laos-N-1102, Lao People's Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Livestock, Sheep, Water, Wind Democratic Republic-W-1977. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Seed Longevity: Long Term References: Australia-E-72, Australia-E-
References: United States of America-E- Angelonia salicariifolia Humb. & Bonpl. 358, New Zealand-UW-280, Australia-C-
80, Canada-W-4, Europe, eastern-W-272, Scrophulariaceae 401, Australia-E-380, Australia-EN-310,
western Europe-W-70, Canada-ED-104, Total N° of Refs: 13 New Zealand-N-823, Australia-W-869,
Canada-A-642, Canada and United States Global Risk Score: 2.88 New Zealand-U-919, Australia-N-354,
of America-N-725, United States of Rating: Low United States of America-N-1116,
America-N-101, Serbia-W-1238, Finland- Habit: Shrub Australia-E-1261, United States of
A-87, Europe-ZD-1653, Europe-ZD-1656, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical America-N-1292, Global-CD-1611, New
Global-ZD-1611, Global-ZD-1581, Origin: S Am Zealand-U-2048, United States of America-
Europe--, Global-AD-1589, Russia-W- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental N-2092.
1671, Serbia-R-1946, -I-, -AWD-2036, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Slovenia-R-2078, Canada-W-1977. References: Puerto Rico-CW-261, Angophora costata (Gaertner) Britten
Australia-N-368, Global-N-85, Australia- subsp. costata
Angelica venenosa (Greenway) Fernald N-945, Puerto Rico-A-929, Australia-N- Myrtaceae
Apiaceae 354, Australia-Q-1134, French Polynesia- Total N° of Refs: 3
Total N° of Refs: 1 N-1514, Puerto Rico-A-87, Global-CD- Origin: Aust
Major Pathway/s: Herbal 1611, Australia-W-1977, India-W-1977, References: Australia-N-354, Australia-N-
References: United States of America-N- Niue-W-1977. 1450, Australia-N-1959.
Angiopteris evecta (G.Forst.) Hoffm. Angophora floribunda (Smith) Sweet
Angelonia angustifolia Benth. Dryopteridaceae Myrtaceae
Scrophulariaceae Total N° of Refs: 28 Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 14 Global Risk Score: 4.8 Habit: Tree
Habit: Herb Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Toxic, Aqua - Habit: Tree Subtropical, Tropical
Origin: N Am, S Am Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Origin: Aust
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Origin: Aust, SE Asia Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Dispersed by: Humans
References: Federated States of Ornamental References: India-W-1977.
Micronesia-N-230, France-N-518, Global- Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
N-85, United States of America-N-101, References: United States of America-CE- Angophora hispida (Smith) Blaxell
United States of America-W-179, Costa 233, southeast Asia-W-191, United States Myrtaceae
Rica-N-872, French Polynesia-N-1514, of America-CE-617, Pacific-W-3, United Synonym/s (n° of refs): Angophora
Fiji-W-1977, Kiribati-W-1977, Marshall States of America-N-101, United States of cordifolia Cav. (1)
Islands-W-1977, Micronesia (Federated America-N-301, United States of America- Total N° of Refs: 1
States of)-W-1977, Niue-W-1977, Palau- E-151, United States of America-N-839, Habit: Tree
W-1977, Samoa-W-1977. Jamaica-I-986, United States of America-I- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
1046, Global-I-1054, United States of Dispersed by: Humans
Angelonia biflora Benth. America-Q-1197, United States of
Scrophulariaceae America-N-1292, Cuba-NI-1505, Global- Angophora subvelutina F. Müell.
Total N° of Refs: 1 CD-1611, United States of America-W- Myrtaceae
Origin: S Am 1719, United States of America-E-1736, Total N° of Refs: 1
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental United States of America-N-742, Cuba-NI- Habit: Tree
Dispersed by: Humans 2055, Australia-W-1977, Cook Islands-W- Origin: Aust
References: India-W-1977. 1977, Costa Rica-W-1977, Cuba-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Jamaica-W-1977, Micronesia (Federated Dispersed by: Humans
States of)-W-1977, Palau-W-1977, Papua References: India-W-1977.
New Guinea-W-1977, Samoa-W-1977.

Angraecum spp. Bory Anigozanthos pulcherrimus Hook. Anisantha rigida (Roth) Hyl.
Orchidaceae Haemodoraceae Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1 Accepted name: Bromus rigidus Roth
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Habit: perennial Herb Total N° of Refs: 100
References: Chile-I-1872. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Habit: Grass
Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Anguloa uniflora Ruiz & Pav. References: Algeria-W-1977. Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe
Orchidaceae Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Total N° of Refs: 1 Anisacanthus quadrifidus (Vahl) Nees Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Habit: perennial Herb Acanthaceae Livestock, Sheep
Origin: S Am Total N° of Refs: 5 References: United Kingdom-N-40, United
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Kingdom-NZD-317, United Kingdom-N-
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Ornamental 519, Denmark-U-711, United Kingdom-N-
References: Bolivia-N-1630. Dispersed by: Humans 812, Ireland-U-894, Denmark-W-1609,
References: Mexico-W-890, Global-Q- Sweden-N-1802.
Anguria pedata (L.) Jacq. 1205, Mexico-W-1226, Mexico-R-1935,
Cucurbitaceae Australia-Q-1123. Anisantha rubens (L.) Nevski
Accepted name: Psiguria pedata (L.) R.A. Poaceae
Howard Anisantha diandra (Roth) Tutin ex Accepted name: Bromus rubens L.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Tzvelev Total N° of Refs: 105
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Poaceae Habit: Grass
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Accepted name: Bromus diandrus Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
References: Dominican Republic-A-1472, Total N° of Refs: 165 Origin: Africa, Europe
Dominican Republic-A-1475. Global Risk Score: 1.92 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Pasture
Rating: Low Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Anigozanthos flavidus DC. Habit: Grass Livestock, Sheep
Haemodoraceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean References: United Kingdom-NZD-317,
Total N° of Refs: 11 Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe United Kingdom-N-519, United Kingdom-
Habit: perennial Herb Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, U-812, Global-W-1349, Latvia-W-1609.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Ornamental
Origin: Aust Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Anisantha sterilis (L.) Nevski
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Livestock, Sheep, Escapee Poaceae
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee References: United Kingdom-NZD-317, Accepted name: Bromus sterilis L.
References: Australia-C-74, Australia-N- United Kingdom-N-519, Denmark-UC- Total N° of Refs: 176
354, Australia-N-1049, Africa-W-1127, 711, Lithuania-I-737, Ireland-EN-793, Habit: Grass
Australia-N-1450, Global-CD-1611, United Kingdom-N-812, Belarus-N-817, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Australia-N-1902, Australia-UN-1845, Ireland-ID-894, Norway-N-1243, Ireland- Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia
New Zealand-U-2048, India-W-1977, N-1608, Denmark-W-1609, Ireland-W- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
South Africa-W-1977. 1609, Lithuania-W-1609, Netherlands-W- Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
1609, Norway-W-1609, Global-CD-1611, Livestock, Sheep
Anigozanthos manglesii D. Don Ukraine-N-1685, Europe-UN-1740. Weed of: Cereals
Haemodoraceae References: Global-A-243, United
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Anigozanthos Anisantha fasciculata (C.Presl) Nevski Kingdom-ZD-317, United Kingdom-N-
manglesii ssp. manglesii D. Don Poaceae 519, Ukraine-U-643, Denmark-N-711,
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 1 Lithuania-I-737, United Kingdom-NZ-812,
Habit: perennial Herb Habit: Grass Belarus-N-817, United Kingdom-A-322,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Norway-N-1243, Ukraine-N-1335,
Origin: Aust Origin: Africa, Europe Denmark-W-1609, Latvia-W-1609,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental References: United Kingdom-U-317. Lithuania-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609,
Dispersed by: Humans United Kingdom-U-1636, Sweden-N-1802,
References: Australia-N-354, Australia-N- Anisantha madritensis (L.) Nevski Ukraine-N-2112.
1902. Poaceae
Accepted name: Bromus madritensis L.
Anigozanthos manglesii D. Don subsp. Total N° of Refs: 121
manglesii Habit: Grass
Haemodoraceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Total N° of Refs: 1 Origin: Africa, Europe
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Origin: Aust Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Livestock, Sheep
Dispersed by: Humans References: United Kingdom-N-40, United
References: Australia-N-354. Kingdom-UZD-317, United Kingdom-N-
519, Denmark-W-711, United Kingdom-N-
812, Norway-N-1243, Netherlands-W-
1609, Norway-W-1609.

Anisantha tectorum (L.) Nevski Aniseia martinicensis (Jacq.) Choisy var. Anisomeles indica (L.) Kuntze
Poaceae martinicensis Lamiaceae
Accepted name: Bromus tectorum Convolvulaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Anisomeles ovata
Total N° of Refs: 284 Total N° of Refs: 11 R.Br. (2), Epimeredi indica (L.) Rothm. (1)
Global Risk Score: 2.16 References: Nigeria-N-1796, Niger-N- Total N° of Refs: 17
Rating: Low 1796, Liberia-N-1796, Congo-N-1796, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Habit: Grass Senegal-N-1796, Myanmar-N-1796, Benin- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean N-1796, Borneo-N-1796, Cameroon-N- Ornamental
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe 1796, Central African Republic-N-1796, Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Sri Lanka-N-1796. References: Indonesia-A-13, Papua New
Ornamental Guinea-W-276, Global-N-85, Global-A-
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Anisochilus carnosus (L. f.) Wall. ex 1207, Singapore-W-1290, south and
Livestock, Sheep Benth. southeast Asia-A-1320, Taiwan-A-87,
References: United Kingdom-U-40, United Lamiaceae India-A-87, Polynesia, West-A-87,
Kingdom-NZD-317, United Kingdom-N- Total N° of Refs: 2 Trinidad-A-87, India-W-1672, Singapore-
519, Ukraine-NR-643, Denmark-N-711, Habit: Herb W-1839, India-R-1984, Singapore-W-1977.
Lithuania-I-737, United Kingdom-N-812, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Ireland-N-894, Russia-I-900, Ukraine-I- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Anisomeles malabarica (L.) R.Br. ex
1121, Russia-I-1178, Norway-N-1243, Ornamental Sims
Georgia-U-1250, Ukraine-N-1297, Dispersed by: Humans Lamiaceae
Ukraine-N-1335, Russia-N-1532, References: India-A-1696, China-N-1796. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Anisomeles
Panarctic-U-1596, Denmark-W-1609, salviifolia R.Br. (1)
Latvia-W-1609, Lithuania-W-1609, Anisochilus pallidus Wall. ex Benth. Total N° of Refs: 5
Sweden-W-1609, Greenland-W-1609, Lamiaceae Habit: Shrub
Ukraine-N-1685, Russia-N-1688, Russia- Total N° of Refs: 1 Origin: SE Asia
W-2015, Ukraine-N-2050, Russia-I-2107, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Ukraine-N-2112. References: south and southeast Asia-A- Dispersed by: Humans
1320. References: La Reunion-NW-1321, India-
Aniseia biflora (L.) Choisy W-1672, India-A-1696, Malaysia-W-1977.
Convolvulaceae Anisodontea capensis (L.) D. M. Bates
Total N° of Refs: 1 Malvaceae Anisomeles ovata R.Br.
References: China-W-431. Total N° of Refs: 3 Lamiaceae
Habit: perennial Herb Accepted name: Anisomeles indica (L.)
Aniseia hastata Meisn. Origin: Africa Kuntze
Convolvulaceae Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 16
Accepted name: Ipomoea fimbriosepala Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Choisy References: United States of America-N- References: south and southeast Asia-A-
Total N° of Refs: 4 101, Australia-N-1845, New Zealand-U- 1320, India-A-87.
References: Brazil-A-1622. 2048.
Anisomeles salviifolia R.Br.
Aniseia martinicensis (Jacq.) Choisy Anisodontea scabrosa (L.) D.Bates Lamiaceae
Convolvulaceae Malvaceae Accepted name: Anisomeles malabarica
Total N° of Refs: 26 Total N° of Refs: 2 (L.) R. Br. ex Sims
Global Risk Score: 1.44 Habit: perennial Herb Total N° of Refs: 5
Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Aqua - Habit: perennial Vine Origin: Africa Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee References: Papua New Guinea-W-276.
Dispersed by: Humans References: United Kingdom-C-314,
References: Indonesia-A-13, United States Global-CD-1611. Anisophyllea poggei Engl. ex De Wild. &
of America-W-179, Global-N-85, T.Durand
Singapore-N-1290, south and southeast Anisodus luridus Link Anisophylleaceae
Asia-A-1320, Madagascar-N-1000, Solanaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Vietnam-E-1386, Nigeria-N-1796, Niger- Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
N-1796, Liberia-N-1796, Congo-N-1796, Habit: Herb Major Pathway/s: Crop
Senegal-N-1796, Myanmar-N-1796, Benin- Major Pathway/s: Herbal References: Congo-I-1107.
N-1796, Borneo-N-1796, Cameroon-N- Weed of: Cereals
1796, Central African Republic-N-1796, References: Nepal-R-1981. Anisosciadium lanatum Boiss.
Sri Lanka-N-1796, Singapore-N-1839, Apiaceae
Malaysia-W-1977, Micronesia (Federated Total N° of Refs: 2
States of)-W-1977, Nepal-W-1977, Palau- Habit: perennial Herb
W-1977, Singapore-W-1977, Tonga-W- References: Saudi Arabia-W-1237, Saudi
1977, Viet Nam-W-1977. Arabia-A-1504.

Anisostachya tenella (Nees) Lindau Annona cherimolia Mill. ortho. var. Annona glabra L.
Acanthaceae Annonaceae Annonaceae
Accepted name: Justicia tenella (Nees) Accepted name: Annona cherimola Mill. Total N° of Refs: 66
T.Anderson Total N° of Refs: 45 Global Risk Score: 9.6
Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Rating: Medium
References: Australia-N-945. References: Laos-N-1102, Chile-I-1872, Aqua - Habit: Tree
Chile-W-1977, Ecuador-W-1977, Lao Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Anisostichus capreolata (L.) Bureau People's Democratic Republic-W-1977, Origin: Africa, C Am, N Am, S Am
Bignoniaceae Rwanda-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Accepted name: Bignonia capreolata L. Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 9 Annona coriacea Mart. Dispersed by: Humans, Water
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Annonaceae Weed of: Orchards & Plantations, Pastures
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 4 References: Federated States of
References: Chile-I-1872. Habit: Tree Micronesia-N-230, Federated States of
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Micronesia-EW-107, Sri Lanka-ED-268,
Anisum vulgare Gaertn. Origin: S Am southeast Asia-W-191, Australia-N-368,
Apiaceae Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Global-N-85, Australia-E-155, Pacific-W-
Accepted name: Pimpinella anisum Ornamental 3, Australia-N-945, Australia-X-171,
Total N° of Refs: 52 Dispersed by: Humans Pacific-E-621, Global-E-649, Australia-I-
References: Europe-W-1325, Ukraine-N- Weed of: Pastures 799, Australia-N-354, Australia-QD-994,
2112. References: Brazil-W-255, Brazil-A-923, Australia-W-1068, Sri Lanka-I-1085,
Brazil-A-87, Brazil-A-1763. Australia-I-1088, Philippines-nC-1099,
Annona x atemoya D.J.Mabberley Australia-Q-1134, Australia-E-1159,
Annonaceae Annona dioica A. St.-Hil. China-N-1215, Australia-X-1319, Global-
Accepted name: parents = Annona Annonaceae W-1324, Australia-A-1331, China-N-1344,
cherimola P.Mill. x Annona squamosa L. Total N° of Refs: 1 Global-I-1376, Global-I-1404, Australia-E-
Total N° of Refs: 1 Habit: Tree 1456, Gal pagos Islands-N-1481, New
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Caledonia-I-1507, French Polynesia-N-
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal 1514, Fiji-A-1521, Australia-I-1544,
References: Philippines-nC-1099. Weed of: Pastures China-I-1544, Cook Islands-I-1544,
References: Brazil-A-1763. Federated States of Micronesia-I-1544,
Annona cherimola Mill. Fiji-I-1544, French Polynesia-I-1544,
Annonaceae India-I-1544, New Caledonia-I-1544, Niue-
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Annona cherimolia I-1544, Palau-I-1544, Papua New Guinea-I-
Mill. ortho. var. (6) 1544, Solomon Islands-I-1544, Sri Lanka-I-
Total N° of Refs: 45 1544, United States of America-I-1544,
Global Risk Score: 4.8 Vietnam-I-1544, Wallis, Futuna and Alofi
Rating: Low Islands-I-1544, Vietnam-A-87, Australia,
Toxic - Habit: Tree northern-W-1204, Australia-X-1693, -I-, -I-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, , Australia-Q-1123, Australia-W-1977,
Subtropical, Tropical China-W-1977, Cook Islands-W-1977, Fiji-
Origin: S Am W-1977, India-W-1977, Maldives-W-1977,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Micronesia (Federated States of)-W-1977,
Ornamental Niue-W-1977, Palau-W-1977, Papua New
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Guinea-W-1977, Solomon Islands-W-1977,
References: Federated States of Sri Lanka-W-1977, Viet Nam-W-1977.
Micronesia-N-230, Gal pagos Islands-EW-
257, United States of America-N-101, New Annona marcgravii Mart.
Zealand-N-280, Australia-E-380, United Annonaceae
States of America-N-301, Mexico-N-791, Accepted name: Annona montana Macfad.
United States of America-N-839, Costa Total N° of Refs: 6
Rica-CN-872, New Zealand-N-919, Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Philippines-nC-1099, Gal pagos Islands- References: Philippines-nC-1099.
CN-1157, Italy-U-251, United States of
America-N-1292, Europe-W-1325, Global- Annona montana Macfad.
I-1404, Gal pagos Islands-C-1481, French Annonaceae
Polynesia-N-1514, Cape Verde-N-1558, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Annona marcgravii
Global-CD-1611, Bolivia-N-1753, Sao Mart. (1)
Tome and Principe-N-1805, Mexico-N- Total N° of Refs: 6
1881, Italy-U-1887, New Zealand-N-2048, Habit: Tree
United States of America-N-2092, Algeria- Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
W-1977, Bolivia-W-1977, Colombia-W- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
1977, Cook Islands-W-1977, Eritrea-W- Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Escapee
1977, India-W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Libya- References: Global-N-1059, United States
W-1977, Mexico-W-1977, Micronesia of America-C-1329, Global-CD-1611,
(Federated States of)-W-1977, Palau-W- Bolivia-N-1753, Bolivia-W-1977.
1977, Somalia-W-1977, Global--1324.

Annona mucosa Jacq. Annona purpurea Moc. & Sesse ex Annona senegalensis Pers.
Annonaceae Dunal Annonaceae
Accepted name: Rollinia mucosa (Jacq.) Annonaceae Total N° of Refs: 5
Baill. Total N° of Refs: 3 Habit: Shrub
Total N° of Refs: 2 Global Risk Score: 1.2 Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Habit: Tree Rating: Low Origin: Africa
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Habit: Tree Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Ornamental
References: Bolivia-W-1977. Origin: C Am, N Am Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Weed of: Cereals, Cotton, Pastures,
Annona muricata L. Ornamental Vegetables
Annonaceae Dispersed by: Humans References: South Africa-AW-121,
Total N° of Refs: 57 References: Brazil-A-923, Brazil-A-87, Madagascar-N-1000, Tanzania-A-87,
Global Risk Score: 12.96 India-W-1977. Burkina Faso-A-2068, Benin-A-2090.
Rating: Medium
Toxic - Habit: Tree Annona reticulata L. Annona spp. L.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Annonaceae Annonaceae
Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 60 Total N° of Refs: 1
Origin: C Am, S Am Global Risk Score: 7.2 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, Rating: Medium References: Brazil-A-923.
Ornamental Toxic - Habit: Tree
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Weed of: Pastures Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
References: Federated States of Origin: C Am, S Am
Micronesia-N-230, Federated States of Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Micronesia-W-107, Gal pagos Islands-EW- Herbal, Ornamental
257, Vanuatu-A-315, Singapore-C-476, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Puerto Rico-N-324, France-N-518, Africa- References: Australia-W-93, southeast
W-760, Costa Rica-I-975, Global-N-85, Asia-W-191, Australia-CN-368, Puerto
Pacific-W-621, Ecuador-N-875, Brazil-A- Rico-N-324, Global-N-755, Africa-W-760,
923, Mozambique-nC-943, Philippines-nC- Australia-N-945, Pacific-W-621, Belize-N-
1099, Laos-N-1102, Gal pagos Islands-CN- 850, Australia-N-868, Brazil-A-923, India-
1157, United States of America-N-1292, N-976, Australia-N-354, Global-N-1059,
Vietnam-E-1386, Gal pagos Islands-C- Laos-N-1102, South Africa-N-1247,
1481, French Polynesia-N-1514, Brazil-A- Singapore-U-1290, La Reunion-N-1321,
87, Cambodia-A-87, Jamaica-A-87, Madagascar-N-1000, Vietnam-E-1386,
Caribbean Netherlands-N-1012, Brazil- Australia-N-1491, French Polynesia-N-
UD-1559, Global-CD-1611, Brazil-N- 1514, India-N-1631, Brazil-A-87,
1733, Bolivia-N-1753, Sao Tome and Cambodia-A-87, Jamaica-A-87, Global-
Principe-N-1805, Burundi-N-2012, United CD-1611, Australia-ZD-1675, Brazil-N-
States of America-N-2092, Algeria-W- 1733, Bolivia-N-1753, North America-N-
1977, Anguilla-W-1977, Bolivia-W-1977, 1760, India-N-1790, Sao Tome and
Brunei Darussalam-W-1977, Burkina Faso- Principe-N-1805, Singapore-U-1839, South
W-1977, Burundi-W-1977, Cook Islands- Africa-N-1991, Cuba-NR-2054, Antigua
W-1977, Costa Rica-W-1977, Democratic and Barbuda-W-1977, Australia-W-1977,
Republic of the Congo-W-1977, Ecuador- Barbados-W-1977, Bolivia-W-1977,
W-1977, Equatorial Guinea-W-1977, India- Burundi-W-1977, Cook Islands-W-1977,
W-1977, Lao People's Democratic Democratic Republic of the Congo-W-
Republic-W-1977, Maldives-W-1977, 1977, Equatorial Guinea-W-1977, India-W-
Marshall Islands-W-1977, Micronesia 1977, Lao People's Democratic Republic-
(Federated States of)-W-1977, Nauru-W- W-1977, Maldives-W-1977, Micronesia
1977, Niue-W-1977, Palau-W-1977, (Federated States of)-W-1977, Nauru-W-
Rwanda-W-1977, Samoa-W-1977, Tonga- 1977, Niue-W-1977, Palau-W-1977,
W-1977, Vanuatu-W-1977, Viet Nam-W- Rwanda-W-1977, Saint Vicent and the
1977, Global--1324. Grenadines-W-1977, Singapore-W-1977,
Solomon Islands-W-1977, South Africa-W-
1977, Tonga-W-1977, Vanuatu-W-1977,
Viet Nam-W-1977, Global--1324.

Annona squamosa L. Anoda acerifolia Cav. Anoda cristata (L.) Schlecht.
Annonaceae Malvaceae Malvaceae
Total N° of Refs: 84 Accepted name: Anoda cristata (L.) Synonym/s (n° of refs): Anoda acerifolia
Global Risk Score: 19.44 Schltdl. Cav. (10), Anoda hastata Cav. (9), Anoda
Rating: High Total N° of Refs: 121 triangularis (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.)
Toxic - Habit: Tree Habit: annual Herb DC. (1)
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 131
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Major Pathway/s: Herbal Global Risk Score: 14.4
Origin: Africa, C Am, Europe, S Am References: Gal pagos Islands-N-375, Gal Rating: Medium
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, pagos Islands-N-257, Mexico-W-890, Habit: annual Herb
Ornamental Colombia-A-927, Puerto Rico-A-929, Gal Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Escapee pagos Islands-N-1157, Mexico-W-1226, Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
References: pantropics-W-22, Federated Puerto Rico-A-87, Colombia-A-87, Origin: C Am, Europe, N Am, S Am
States of Micronesia-N-230, Federated Ecuador-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
States of Micronesia-W-107, southeast Herbal, Ornamental
Asia-W-191, France-N-518, Africa-W-760, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Australia-N-7, Pacific-W-3, United States Livestock, Sheep, Escapee
of America-W-179, Australia-N-945, Weed of: Bananas, Cereals, Cotton,
Pacific-W-621, Belize-N-850, Australia-N- Grapevines, Orchards & Plantations,
868, Costa Rica-CN-872, Ecuador-N-875, Pastures, Vegetables
Australia-N-354, Global-N-1059, References: Australia, northern-A-55,
Mozambique-E-1076, Philippines-nC- Brazil-W-255, Brazil-W-362, Brazil-W-
1099, China-N-1215, La Reunion-N-1321, 407, Global-W-433, Argentina-W-237,
Global-W-1324, United States of America- Global-W-28, United States of America-W-
C-1329, Madagascar-N-1000, China-N- 34, Finland-U-42, Chile-N-300, Global-
1344, Global-I-1404, Australia-E-1456, NXZW-85, Global-A-243, South America-
Australia-N-1491, French Polynesia-N- W-295, South America-A-270, Central
1514, Cambodia-A-87, Jamaica-A-87, America-W-157, United States of America-
Cape Verde-N-1558, Australia, northern- W-161, Mexico-AW-199, Argentina-A-
W-1204, Global-CD-1611, Brazil-N-1733, 236, United States of America-AW-207,
India-N-1370, Sao Tome and Principe-N- United States of America-W-212, United
1805, Global-N-85, India-I-1914, States of America-W-218, Australia-N-945,
Seychelles-N-1925, Australia-WD-1934, United Kingdom-UCZD-314, Czech
Saudi Arabia-N-1978, Cuba-NR-2054, Republic-UZ-400, United States of
Algeria-W-1977, Anguilla-W-1977, America-A-543, Africa-A-622, Europe-N-
Australia-W-1977, Bahamas-W-1977, 638, Denmark-W-711, Canada and United
Bolivia-W-1977, Brazil-W-1977, Burkina States of America-N-725, Lithuania-I-737,
Faso-W-1977, Burundi-W-1977, Global-W-743, Chile-N-765, Australia-N-
Cambodia-W-1977, China-W-1977, 7, Global-W-788, North America-X-790,
Colombia-W-1977, Comoros-W-1977, Japan-N-794, Palestine-N-851, Australia-
Costa Rica-W-1977, Ecuador-W-1977, W-853, United States of America-X-229,
Egypt-W-1977, Equatorial Guinea-W- Paraguay-NI-876, Mexico-I-878, Israel-A-
1977, Fiji-W-1977, Gabon-W-1977, Haiti- 885, Mexico-W-890, United States of
W-1977, India-W-1977, Jamaica-W-1977, America-N-904, Mexico-A-915,
Kiribati-W-1977, Lao People's Democratic Mozambique-nC-943, United Kingdom-Z-
Republic-W-1977, Maldives-W-1977, 944, Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049,
Marshall Islands-W-1977, Micronesia Europe-N-819, United States of America-
(Federated States of)-W-1977, Nauru-W- W-1104, Belgium-U-1220, Mexico-W-
1977, Nicaragua-W-1977, Niue-W-1977, 1226, Chile-N-1229, Norway-N-1243,
Palau-W-1977, Papua New Guinea-W- Italy-U-251, Spain-U-1270, United States
1977, Paraguay-W-1977, Peru-W-1977, of America-A-1275, Japan-N-1278, Chile-
Rwanda-W-1977, Solomon Islands-W- N-1348, Global-W-1349, Argentina-A-
1977, Sudan-W-1977, Thailand-W-1977, 1363, Israel-NW-1380, Iberian Peninsular-
Tonga-W-1977, Uganda-W-1977, Viet N-1388, Mexico-N-1500, Mexico-W-1510,
Nam-W-1977, Yemen-W-1977. Czech Republic-U-1522, Denmark-W-
1609, Russia-W-1609, Lithuania-W-1609,
Norway-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609,
Mexico-A-87, Argentina-A-87, Australia-
A-87, Chile-A-87, Guatemala-A-87, Peru-
A-87, El Salvador-A-87, United States of
America-A-87, Mexico-AD-757, Global-
CD-1611, Australia-ZD-1675, Brazil-N-
1071, Czech Republic-U-1731, Brazil-N-
1746, Australia-N-1902, Chile-I-1872,
Italy-U-1887, Mexico-R-1935, Australia-
N-1959, -I-, Israel-AN-59, Global-W-2056,
Australia-W-1977, Belarus-W-1977,
Belgium-W-1977, Brazil-W-1977, Canada-
W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Czech Republic-

W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, France-W- Anogeissus acuminata (Roxb. ex DC.) Anotis spermacoce L.
1977, India-W-1977, Israel-W-1977, Italy- Guill. & Perr. Rubiaceae
W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Lithuania-W- Combretaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
1977, Republic of Korea-W-1977, South Total N° of Refs: 1 References: India-A-87.
Africa-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977, South Global Risk Score: 1.68
Korea-U-2113. Rating: Low Anotis wightiana Hook.f.
Habit: Tree Rubiaceae
Anoda hastata Cav. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Total N° of Refs: 2
Malvaceae Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Herbal, References: south and southeast Asia-A-
Accepted name: Anoda cristata (L.) Ornamental 1320, south and southeast Asia-A-1408.
Schltdl. Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 120 References: south and southeast Asia-A- Anotrichium furcellatum (J. Agardh)
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical 1408. Baldock
References: Chile-N-241, Japan-N-287, Wrangeliaceae
Japan-N-794, Mexico-I-878, Colombia-A- Anogra nuttallii A.Nelson Synonym/s (n° of refs): Anotrichium
927, Japan-N-1278, Chile-A-87, Colombia- Onagraceae okamurae Baldock (2)
A-87, Chile-I-1872. Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 10
References: Canada-A-642. Aqua - Habit:
Anoda parviflora Cav. Dispersed by: Water
Malvaceae Anogramma chaerophylla (Desv.) Link References: United Kingdom-ND-812,
Total N° of Refs: 2 Pteridaceae Spain-ND-1006, Europe-ND-819, Global-
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Total N° of Refs: 2 W-1741, Global-N-1785, Europe-N-1786,
References: Sweden-W-1609, Sweden-W- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Argentina-W-1977, United Kingdom-W-
1977. Dispersed by: Humans 1977.
References: Belgium-U-1220, Belgium-W-
Anoda pedunculosa Hochr. 1977. Anotrichium okamurae Baldock
Malvaceae Wrangeliaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Anogramma leptophylla (L.) LINK Accepted name: Anotrichium furcellatum
References: Mexico-W-1226. Pteridaceae (J. Agardh) Baldock
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 10
Anoda pentaschista Gray Global Risk Score: 0.24 Dispersed by: Water
Malvaceae Rating: Low References: Global-W-1741, Greece-W-
Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, 1977.
Habit: annual Herb Subtropical, Tropical
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Origin: Cosmopolitan Anotrichium yagii (Okamura) Baldock
Weed of: Cereals, Grapevines Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Wrangeliaceae
References: Global-A-243. Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 3
References: Crete-A-1228. Aqua - Habit:
Anoda spp. Cav. Origin: E Asia
Malvaceae Anomatheca laxa (Thunb.) Goldblatt Dispersed by: Water
Total N° of Refs: 1 Iridaceae References: Atlantic Ocean-ID-989, Brazil-
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Accepted name: Freesia laxa (Thunb.) ID-984, Global-N-1785.
References: Peru-A-930. Goldblatt & J.C.Manning
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Lapeirousia laxa Anredera baselloides (Kunth) Baill.
Anoda triangularis (Humb. & Bonpl. ex (Thunb.) N.E.Br. (5) Basellaceae
Willd.) DC. Total N° of Refs: 27 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Boussingaultia
Malvaceae Global Risk Score: 0.96 baselloides Kunth (2)
Accepted name: Anoda cristata (L.) Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 17
Schltdl. Habit: perennial Herb Global Risk Score: 0.96
Total N° of Refs: 112 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Rating: Low
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Origin: Africa Habit: perennial Vine
References: France-N-2091. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
Anodendron paniculatum A. DC. References: Australia-N-134, Australia-N- Origin: S Am
Apocynaceae 198, Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 2 Australia-E-327, Australia-W-869, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Habit: Vine Portugal-N-1006, Australia-N-1049, Weed of: Orchards & Plantations
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Europe-N-819, La Reunion-AN-1321, References: Puerto Rico-CW-261, Brazil-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal Global-CD-1611. W-255, Sri Lanka-A-747, South Africa-W-
References: French Polynesia-E-1079, 95, South Africa-AR-121, South Africa-W-
French Polynesia-N-1514. Anotis hirsuta (L.f.) Boerl. 382, Swaziland-N-825, Global-A-1207,
Rubiaceae Global-CD-1611, Lesotho-AR-121,
Accepted name: Neanotis hirsuta (L.f.) Australia-Q-1123, Brazil-R-2053, India-W-
W.H.Lewis 1977, Swaziland-W-1977, Global--1324.
Total N° of Refs: 1
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal
References: China-E-1712.

Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis AEN-1413, Australia-I-1442, Global-E- Anredera scandens (L.) Moq.
Basellaceae 1449, Australia-N-1450, Australia-E-1456, Basellaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Boussingaultia China-I-1496, New Caledonia-I-1507, Total N° of Refs: 2
cordifolia Ten. (30), Boussingaultia gracilis French Polynesia-N-1514, New Zealand-X- Habit: annual Herb
Miers (4), Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) 1542, Israel-W-1487, Australia-I-1544, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Steenis subsp. cordifolia (1) China-I-1544, Cook Islands-I-1544, Fiji-I- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal
Total N° of Refs: 227 1544, French Polynesia-I-1544, Japan-I- References: China-N-1215, Taiwan-W-
Global Risk Score: 14.4 1544, New Caledonia-I-1544, New 1748.
Rating: Medium Zealand-I-1544, Niue-I-1544, United States
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb of America-I-1544, Australia-A-87, Anredera vesicaria (Lam.) C. F. Gaertn.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Australia, northern-W-1204, South Africa- Basellaceae
Subtropical, Tropical E-1646, Global-CD-1611, Lesotho-X-1127, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Boussingaultia
Origin: Africa, S Am Australia-X-1693, United States of leptostachys Moq. (4)
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, America-XW-1719, Azores-N-1721, Total N° of Refs: 13
Herbal, Ornamental Macronesia-I-1722, East Africa-I-1723, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Brazil-N-1071, Europe-X-1740, Croatia-N- Origin: S Am
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations 1747, Taiwan-W-1748, Australia-E-1754, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
References: pantropics-W-22, Australia- China-I-1769, China-N-1796, El Salvador- Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
EX-201, Australia-CN-368, Australia- N-1796, Morocco-N-1796, Australia-N- References: Guyana-CW-32, Puerto Rico-
CENI-479, United States of America-CE- 1902, Australia-UN-1845, Colombia-N- CW-261, Global-N-85, United States of
617, Taiwan-NI-777, Slovakia-CE-782, 1856, China-I-1873, Italy-UN-1887, America-W-179, French Guiana-N-1346,
Pacific-W-3, Australia-W-269, Australia-E- Sardinia-U-1917, Australia-WD-1934, Cuba-N-1505, Global-CD-1611, North
289, United States of America-CW-34, Australia-N-1959, Canary Islands-N-1970, America-N-1760, Cuba-N-2055.
Australia-E-72, New Zealand-E-246, Italy-NI-1842, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-,
Global-E-152, South Africa-X-63, Australia-Q-1123, South Africa-N-1991, Antennaria alpina (L.) Gaertn.
Australia-E-73, Global-NXW-85, South Portugal-N-2001, Ukraine-U-2014, South Asteraceae
Africa-CX-283, United States of America- Africa-RI-2017, New Zealand-N-2048, Total N° of Refs: 2
N-101, New Zealand-N-280, Australia-E- New Zealand-Q-2086, New Zealand-E- Global Risk Score: 0.24
296, Australia-N-134, Australia-CW-334, 483, Algeria-W-1977, Australia-W-1977, Rating: Low
Australia-E-155, South Africa-W-158, New Belize-W-1977, Cabo Verde-W-1977, Habit: perennial Herb
Zealand-EW-181, New Zealand-W-165, Chile-W-1977, China-W-1977, Cook Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Australia-N-176, Australia-N-198, New Islands-W-1977, Costa Rica-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans, Wind
Zealand-EW-225, Australia-C-401, Croatia-W-1977, Ecuador-W-1977, El Seed Longevity: Transient
Australia-N-945, United Kingdom-C-314, Salvador-W-1977, Eritrea-W-1977, References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
Australia-E-380, Australia-E-327, New Ethiopia-W-1977, Fiji-W-1977, Greece-W-
Zealand-NW-425, Canary Islands-N-305, 1977, Guatemala-W-1977, Honduras-W- Antennaria canadensis Greene
New Zealand-E-494, New Zealand-X-495, 1977, India-W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Kenya- Asteraceae
New Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N-15, W-1977, Malawi-W-1977, New Zealand- Accepted name: Antennaria howellii
Australia-CEI-168, Australia-E-189, W-1977, Niue-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977, Greene subsp. canadensis
Pacific-E-621, Canary Islands-N-637, Senegal-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 1
Global-E-649, Australia-ENX-310, South Spain-W-1977, Taiwan-W-1977, Uganda- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Africa-I-759, Mediterranean-I-775, China- W-1977, United Republic of Tanzania-W- Dispersed by: Humans
I-780, Australia-EN-7, United States of 1977, Swaziland-W-1977. References: Global-W-1349.
America-N-301, North America-X-790,
Mexico-N-791, Swaziland-N-825, United Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis subsp. Antennaria dimorpha (Nutt.) Torr. & A.
States of America-N-839, Australia-W-853, cordifolia Gray
Australia-N-855, Australia-N-856, Basellaceae Asteraceae
Australia-W-869, United States of Total N° of Refs: 193 Total N° of Refs: 2
America-X-229, Australia-E-880, China-I- References: New Zealand-N-2048. Habit: perennial Herb
882, Canary Islands-I-902, New Zealand- Major Pathway/s: Herbal
W-906, New Zealand-N-919, Anredera ramosa (Moq.) Eliasson References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
Mediterranean-WI-951, South Africa-N- Basellaceae
956, New Zealand-W-964, Australia-N- Total N° of Refs: 2 Antennaria dioica (L.) Gaertn.
354, Australia-I-1048, Australia-N-1049, Global Risk Score: 1.44 Asteraceae
China-I-1055, Global-N-1059, Australia-I- Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 6
1088, Malta-N-1089, Portugal-I-1090, Habit: Vine Global Risk Score: 4.8
Portugal-N-898, New Zealand-E-328, New Origin: S Am Rating: Low
Zealand-E-505, South Africa-X-1112, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Habit: perennial Herb
Africa-X-1127, Greece-N-1142, Crete-N- Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
1150, Australia-E-1159, United States of References: Costa Rica-CNI-872, Global- Origin: E Asia, Europe
America-Q-1197, Global-A-1207, China- CD-1611. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
N-1215, South Africa-N-1247, Italy-N-251, Ornamental
Australia-E-1259, Australia-E-1261, Dispersed by: Humans, Wind
Australia-E-1262, Italy-N-1265, China-I- Seed Longevity: Transient
1277, Australia-I-1291, United States of Weed of: Cereals
America-N-1292, South Africa-N-1310, La References: Europe, eastern-W-272,
Reunion-W-1321, Global-W-1324, Serbia-W-1238, Russia-W-1671, Finland-
Madagascar-N-1000, China-N-1344, A-1815, Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
China-EN-1374, Taiwan-N-1403, Taiwan-

Antennaria geyeri A. Gray Antennaria neodioica Greene Antennaria rosea Greene
Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 Accepted name: Antennaria howellii subsp. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Antennaria
Habit: perennial Herb neodioica Greene (Greene) R.J.Bayer leontopodioides Nakai (1)
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 7
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Herbal Global Risk Score: 0.72
References: Global-W-23, United States of Rating: Low
Antennaria howellii Greene America-W-218, United States of America- Habit: perennial Herb
Asteraceae A-87. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Antennaria Dispersed by: Humans
canadensis Greene (1), Antennaria Antennaria parlinii Fernald subsp. fallax References: Global-W-23, Japan-N-794,
neodioica Greene (3) (Greene) R. J. Bayer & Stebbins Japan-N-1278, Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-
Total N° of Refs: 4 Asteraceae 1977, Japan-W-1977.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 3
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Antenoron filiforme (Thunb.) Roberty &
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Vautier
Antennaria howellii Greene subsp. References: Canada-C-756, Global-CD- Polygonaceae
canadensis (Greene) R.J. Bayer 1611, Canada-G-1855. Accepted name: Persicaria filiformis
Asteraceae (Thunb.) Nakai
Total N° of Refs: 3 Antennaria parvifolia Nutt. Total N° of Refs: 13
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Asteraceae Habit: Herb
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
References: Canada-C-756, Global-CD- Habit: perennial Herb References: New Zealand-N-280, Japan-W-
1611, Canada-G-1855. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental 286, New Zealand-N-823, New Zealand-N-
Dispersed by: Humans 919.
Antennaria howellii Greene subsp. References: Global-W-23.
neodioica (Greene) R. J. Bayer Anthelia juratzkana (Limpr.) Trevis.
Asteraceae Antennaria plantaginea R.Br. Antheliaceae
Total N° of Refs: 3 Asteraceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Accepted name: Antennaria plantaginifolia References: Sweden-W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee (L.) Hook
References: Canada-C-756, Global-CD- Total N° of Refs: 8 x Anthematricaria dominii Rohlena
1611, Canada-G-1855. References: Burkina Faso-A-87, Chile-I- Asteraceae
1872. Total N° of Refs: 2
Antennaria leontopodioides Nakai Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Asteraceae Antennaria plantaginifolia (L.) Dispersed by: Humans
Accepted name: Antennaria rosea subsp. Richardson References: Czech Republic-U-1522,
confinis Asteraceae Czech Republic-U-1731.
Total N° of Refs: 7 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Antennaria
References: South Korea-A-648. plantaginea R.Br. (2) Anthemis abrotanifolia (Willd.) Guss.
Total N° of Refs: 8 Asteraceae
Antennaria margaritacea (L.) R.Br. ex Global Risk Score: 0.72 Total N° of Refs: 1
DC. Rating: Low References: United Kingdom-U-314.
Asteraceae Habit: perennial Herb
Accepted name: Anaphalis margaritacea Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Anthemis aciphylla Boiss. var. discoidea
(L.) Benth. & Hook. Dispersed by: Humans Boiss.
Total N° of Refs: 74 Weed of: Pastures, Vegetables Asteraceae
References: Ireland-W-894. References: United States of America-W- Total N° of Refs: 1
161, United States of America-AW-210, References: Turkey--1412.
Antennaria neglecta Greene United States of America-W-218, United
Asteraceae States of America-A-543, Global-W-1349, Anthemis agrestis Wallr.
Total N° of Refs: 6 Chile-W-1977. Asteraceae
Global Risk Score: 1.44 Total N° of Refs: 1
Rating: Low Antennaria racemosa Hook. References: Global-W-1349.
Habit: perennial Herb Asteraceae
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 2
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Habit: perennial Herb
References: United States of America-W- Major Pathway/s: Herbal
218, Canada-C-756, Global-W-1349, References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
United States of America-A-87, Global-
CD-1611, Canada-G-1855.

Anthemis altissima L. Anthemis arvensis L. Ukraine-N-1297, Macedonia-A-1304,
Asteraceae Asteraceae Serbia-G-1326, Serbia-A-1343, China-N-
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Cota altissima (L.) Synonym/s (n° of refs): Anthemis arvensis 1344, Chile-N-1348, Global-W-1349,
J. Gay (8) L. var. agrestis (Wallr.) DC. (1), Anthemis Finland-AN-1356, Serbia-A-1357, Serbia-
Total N° of Refs: 26 australis Willd. (1) W-1358, Australia-N-1450, France-A-
Global Risk Score: 2.16 Total N° of Refs: 203 1461, Slovakia-N-1484, China-I-1496,
Rating: Low Global Risk Score: 11.52 Czech Republic-N-1522, Turkey-A-1523,
ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Rating: Medium Europe-A-1539, Panarctic-U-1596, North
Subtropical, Tropical Toxic - Habit: annual/biennial Herb Korea-N-1600, Denmark-W-1609, Poland-
Origin: E Asia, Europe Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, Greenland-W-
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Subtropical, Tropical 1609, United Kingdom-U-1636, Canada-A-
Ornamental Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia 87, United Kingdom-A-87, Finland-A-87,
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Germany-A-87, Russia-A-87, Spain-A-87,
Livestock, Sheep Ornamental Chile-A-87, Iceland-A-87, New Zealand-
Weed of: Cereals, Pastures, Vegetables Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers, A-87, Turkey-A-87, Uruguay-A-87, United
References: Finland-U-42, Europe-A-94, Cattle, Livestock, Vehicles, Escapee States of America-A-87, Serbia-A-1019,
United States of America-N-101, western Seed Longevity: Long Term Poland-A-1016, Poland-A-1042, Global-
Europe-A-253, Europe, eastern-W-272, Weed of: Canola, Cereals, Grapevines, CD-1611, Italy-A-1618, United States of
United Kingdom-UZD-314, Austria-U-708, Orchards & Plantations, Pastures, Potatoes, America-AZD-1626, Azores-N-1721,
Iran-A-732, Europe-N-819, Global-A- Vegetables Czech Republic-N-1731, Iceland-U-1552,
1207, Crete-A-1228, Global-W-1324, References: Global-W-23, Global-W-433, China-I-1758, Serbia-W-1766, China-I-
Austria-W-1609, Germany-W-1609, Australia-W-269, Global-A-44, Chile-N- 1769, Serbia-R-1771, central Europe-A-
Tajikistan-A-1017, Serbia-A-1019, Iran-A- 300, Global-NXZW-85, Europe-A-94, 1616, Austria-A-1670, France-A-1814,
1916, Greece-A-2093. Global-A-243, United States of America- Finland-A-1815, Poland-A-1825,
N-101, New Zealand-N-280, Chile-N-241, Australia-N-1845, Serbia-R-1848, Canada-
South Africa-AZR-121, United States of G-1855, Montenegro-W-1861, Bosnia and
America-W-136, South Africa-ZW-158, Herzegovina-A-1862, Chile-I-1872, Chile-
United States of America-W-161, A-1874, Poland-A-1033, Montenegro-R-
Australia-N-176, Japan-N-287, Japan-W- 1944, Serbia-R-1946, Australia-N-1959,
286, western Europe-A-253, Australia-N- Poland-A-1961, Poland-A-1965, Poland-A-
198, Europe, eastern-AW-272, western 1966, -I-, Poland-N-1993, Kosovo-R-2003,
Europe-W-70, United States of America- Poland-A-2047, New Zealand-N-2048,
W-218, United States of America-W-219, Poland-AN-2058, Poland-AN-2059,
Australia-N-945, Spain-A-417, Australia- Poland-AN-2060, Poland-A-2061,
E-327, Czech Republic-NZI-400, Canary Slovenia-A-2078, Slovakia-A-2079,
Islands-N-305, Iceland-U-507, Gibraltar- Serbia-A-2080, Italy-A-2081, Spain-A-
AZ-515, United Kingdom-N-519, United 2083, Poland-A-2110, Australia-W-1977,
States of America-A-543, Canada-A-642, Bulgaria-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Chile-
Ukraine-NR-643, Italy-A-667, Portugal-A- W-1977, China-W-1977, Czech Republic-
670, Slovenia-A-671, Denmark-N-711, W-1977, Democratic Repubic of Korea-W-
Canada and United States of America-N- 1977, Iceland-W-1977, Ireland-W-1977,
725, Turkey-A-727, Iran-A-732, Global-A- Japan-W-1977, Poland-W-1977, Republic
743, Canada-UC-756, Chile-N-765, South of Korea-W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977, South
Korea-N-773, North America-X-790, Africa-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977, Ukraine-
Japan-N-794, United Kingdom-NZ-812, W-1977, United Kingdom-W-1977, South
Australia-W-853, Australia-N-855, Korea-N-2113, North Korea-N-2114.
Australia-W-869, United States of
America-X-229, Slovenia-W-883, Europe- Anthemis arvensis L. var. agrestis
A-889, Spain-A-892, Ireland-U-894, New (Wallr.) DC.
Zealand-N-919, Uruguay-A-924, Turkey- Asteraceae
A-728, United States of America-W-946, Accepted name: Anthemis arvensis
Chile-N-991, Australia-N-354, Russia-A- Total N° of Refs: 202
998, Portugal-N-1006, Czechoslovakia-N- Major Pathway/s: Herbal
1006, Denmark-N-1006, Germany-N-1006, References: Canada-A-642.
United Kingdom-N-1006, Norway-N-1006,
Slovakia-N-1006, Slovenia-N-1006, Anthemis arvensis L. subsp. incrassata
Australia-N-1049, China-I-1055, United (Loisel.) Nyman
States of America-N-1057, Poland-A-935, Asteraceae
Europe-N-819, Antarctica-N-396, United Total N° of Refs: 1
Kingdom-A-322, United Kingdom-A-1093, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Australia-Q-1134, Chile-I-1163, Europe- Origin: Africa, Europe
W-1191, South Korea-A-1192, South References: Greece-A-2093.
Korea-N-761, China-N-1215, Poland-AR-
1219, Crete-A-1228, Chile-N-1229, Serbia- Anthemis aurea Brot.
W-1238, Greece-W-1240, Norway-N-1243, Asteraceae
Falkland Islands-nC-1251, Canada-N-1252, Total N° of Refs: 1
Australia-E-1261, Denmark-A-1185, References: Finland-U-42.
France-A-1266, United States of America-
A-1275, Japan-N-1278, Turkey-A-1287,

Anthemis australis Willd. Anthemis cotula L. States of America-A-967, India-N-976,
Asteraceae Asteraceae Argentina-I-983, Australia-N-354,
Accepted name: Anthemis arvensis L. Total N° of Refs: 248 Portugal-N-1006, Czechoslovakia-N-1006,
subsp. incrassata (Loisel.) Nyman Global Risk Score: 24 Denmark-N-1006, Germany-N-1006,
Total N° of Refs: 202 Rating: High United Kingdom-N-1006, Portugal-N-
References: Serbia-A-1019. Toxic, Aqua - Habit: biennial Herb 1006, Slovakia-N-1006, Slovenia-N-1006,
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Sweden-N-1006, Australia-N-1049, United
Anthemis austriaca Jacq. Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical States of America-N-1057, United States of
Asteraceae Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, America-N-1058, Malta-N-1089, Europe-
Total N° of Refs: 29 Cosmopolitan N-819, Antarctica-N-396, United
Global Risk Score: 4.32 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Kingdom-A-322, United Kingdom-A-1093,
Rating: Low Herbal, Ornamental United States of America-W-1104, United
ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Horse, States of America-I-1161, United States of
Origin: E Asia, Europe Livestock, Vehicles, Water, Wind, Escapee America-N-1162, Argentina-AD-1198,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Seed Longevity: Long Term Uruguay-A-1199, South Korea-N-761,
Ornamental Weed of: Cereals, Grapevines, Nursery China-N-1215, Poland-AR-1219, Chile-N-
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Production, Orchards & Plantations, 1229, Serbia-W-1238, Greece-W-1240,
Livestock, Sheep Pastures, Pome Fruits, Vegetables Armenia-N-1241, Norway-N-1243,
Weed of: Cereals, Grapevines, Orchards & References: Brazil-W-361, Brazil-W-407, Georgia-NR-1250, Falkland Islands-nC-
Plantations, Pastures Global-W-23, Global-W-433, Argentina- 1251, Canada-N-1252, Australia-E-1259,
References: Finland-U-42, Global-A-44, W-237, Australia-W-269, United States of Australia-E-1261, Australia-E-1262,
Global-ZW-85, Europe-A-94, United States America-W-34, Canada-X-36, Finland-N- France-A-1266, United States of America-
of America-N-101, western Europe-A-253, 42, Global-A-44, Chile-N-300, United A-1275, Japan-N-1278, Argentina-W-1286,
Europe, eastern-AW-272, western Europe- States of America-A-49, South Africa-W- United States of America-N-1292, Ukraine-
W-70, United Kingdom-UZD-314, Czech 51, Canada-W-52, Global-A-68, Global- N-1297, Macedonia-A-1304, Australia-X-
Republic-NZI-400, Denmark-U-711, NXZW-85, Europe-A-94, Global-A-243, 1319, Global-W-1324, Australia-A-1331,
Europe-A-889, Czechoslovakia-N-1006, United States of America-N-101, New Ukraine-N-1335, United States of America-
Germany-N-1006, Slovakia-N-1006, Zealand-N-280, United States of America- AZD-1341, China-N-1344, India-I-1345,
Slovenia-N-1006, Portugal-N-898, Europe- W-116, Chile-N-241, South America-W- Chile-N-1348, Global-W-1349, Iran-A-
N-819, Europe-W-1191, Norway-N-1243, 295, South Africa-AZR-121, South 1353, Finland-W-1356, Croatia-A-1368,
Macedonia-A-1304, Global-W-1324, America-W-271, Japan-A-263, South India-I-1389, Argentina-A-1397, Australia-
Serbia-A-1357, Denmark-W-1609, Africa-W-382, United States of America- N-1450, France-A-1461, Argentina, Brazil
Norway-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, AW-136, Australia-X-147, South Africa- and Uruguay-I-1476, Slovakia-N-1484,
Germany-A-87, Hungary-A-1015, central ZW-158, United States of America-W-161, Global-ZD-1492, Poland-N-1494,
Europe-A-1616. New Zealand-W-165, United States of Uruguay-A-1518, Iran-A-1519, Czech
America-W-174, Australia-N-176, United Republic-N-1522, Saudi Arabia-A-1525,
Anthemis x bollei Sch. Bip. States of America-A-180, Japan-N-287, Norway-N-1535, New Zealand-N-1543,
Asteraceae Japan-W-286, western Europe-A-253, United States of America-N-1603, Estonia-
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Anthemis cotula L. Australia-N-198, Asia-W-204, Argentina- W-1609, Denmark-W-1609, Latvia-W-
x Cota tinctoria (L.) J.Gay (2) A-236, United States of America-AW-207, 1609, Norway-W-1609, Poland-W-1609,
Total N° of Refs: 2 United States of America-W-210, United United Kingdom-U-1636, LEBANON-A-
States of America-AG-211, United States 596, Argentina-A-87, Turkey-A-87, United
Anthemis carpatica Waldst. & Kit. ex of America-AW-212, Europe, eastern-AW- Kingdom-A-87, Italy-A-87, New Zealand-
Willd. 272, western Europe-W-70, United States A-87, Poland-A-87, Austria-A-87, Canada-
Asteraceae of America-W-218, Australia-C-401, A-87, Germany-A-87, Greece-A-87, Iran-
Accepted name: Anthemis cretica L. subsp. Australia-N-945, Spain-A-417, Australia- A-87, Iraq-A-87, Israel-A-87, Lebanon-A-
carpatica (Waldst. & Kit. ex Willd.) E-327, Czech Republic-NZI-400, New 87, Portugal-A-87, South Africa-A-87,
Grierson Zealand-NW-425, Canary Islands-N-305, Russia-A-87, Spain-A-87, Tunisia-A-87,
Total N° of Refs: 5 United Kingdom-N-519, New Zealand-N- United States of America-A-87,
Global Risk Score: 0.72 534, New Zealand-N-15, United States of Yugoslavia-A-87, Australia-A-87, Brazil-
Rating: Low America-A-543, Canada-A-642, Ukraine- A-87, Chile-A-87, Egypt-A-87, Jordan-A-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental N-643, Canada-U-652, Australia-AENX- 87, Norway-A-87, Uruguay-A-87,
Dispersed by: Humans 310, Denmark-N-711, Canada and United Uruguay-A-1562, Uruguay-A-1567,
Weed of: Pastures States of America-N-725, United States of Global-Q-1572, Global-CZD-1611, Italy-
References: Serbia-W-1238, Serbia-A- America-E-736, United States of America- A-1618, New Zealand-A-1624, Alaska-N-
1372. N-86, Canada-UC-756, Chile-N-765, South 1625, United States of America-AZD-1626,
Korea-N-773, India-I-774, Australia-N-7, United States of America-ANZD-1667,
Anthemis chia L. United States of America-N-301, United Polar Regions-ZD-1587, Australia-ZD-
Asteraceae States of America-E-151, Global-W-788, 1675, Azores-N-1721, Brazil-N-1071,
Total N° of Refs: 5 North America-X-790, Mexico-N-791, Czech Republic-N-1731, United States of
ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Japan-N-794, United Kingdom-NZ-812, America-E-1736, Brazil-N-1746, Uruguay-
Origin: Africa, Europe, W Asia United States of America-N-839, Australia- N-1800, France-A-1814, Australia-N-1902,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental W-853, Australia-N-855, Australia-W-869, Ukraine-U-1840, Australia-NX-1845,
Dispersed by: Humans United States of America-X-229, Mexico-I- Canada-G-1855, Chile-I-1872, Chile and
References: Crete-A-1228, Greece-A-87, 878, United States of America-N-904, Argentina-A-1874, Mexico-NI-1881,
Jordan-A-87, North Africa, Libya, Egypt- Argentina-A-913, India-I-914, New Argentina-N-1884, Croatia-A-1954,
W-1730, Greece-A-2093. Zealand-N-919, Brazil-A-923, Uruguay-A- Australia-N-1959, Central and northern
924, Chile-A-931, United Kingdom-Z-944, Japan and northern islands-N-1983, South
United States of America-W-946, United Africa-N-1991, Estonia-N-1997, Chile-N-

1998, New Zealand-N-2048, Ukraine-N- Anthemis hirtella C. Winkl. Anthemis mixta L.
2050, Poland-AN-2059, Iran-A-2072, Asteraceae Asteraceae
Slovakia-A-2079, Canada-G-1462, France- Total N° of Refs: 1 Accepted name: Chamaemelum mixtum
A-2094, Global-W-2097, Canada-A-2099, Origin: W Asia (L.) All.
Ukraine-N-2112, Democratic Repubic of Weed of: Cereals Total N° of Refs: 38
Korea-W-1977, Republic of Korea-W- References: Tajikistan-A-1674. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
1977, South Korea-N-2113, North Korea--. Origin: Europe
Anthemis hyalina DC. References: Uruguay-A-924, Global-A-
Anthemis cretica L. Asteraceae 1207, Portugal-A-87, Uruguay-A-87,
Asteraceae Total N° of Refs: 5 Brazil-N-1071.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Anthemis carpatica Origin: E Asia
Waldst. & Kit. ex Willd. (2), Anthemis References: Finland-U-42, United Anthemis montana L.
montana L. (1) Kingdom-U-314, Germany-W-1609, Asteraceae
Total N° of Refs: 6 Lebanon-A-87, Germany-W-1977. Accepted name: Anthemis cretica subsp.
Global Risk Score: 0.48 cretica L.
Rating: Low Anthemis indurata Delile Total N° of Refs: 4
Habit: perennial Herb Asteraceae Global Risk Score: 0.24
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 1 Rating: Low
Origin: Africa, Europe References: North Africa, Libya, Egypt-W- ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, 1730. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans
Dispersed by: Humans Anthemis leucanthemifolia Boiss. & References: Turkey-A-87.
References: United Kingdom-UZ-314, Blanchet
Turkey-A-1467, Turkey-A-1469. Asteraceae Anthemis muricata (DC.) Guss.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Asteraceae
Anthemis cretica L. subsp. tenuiloba Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 4
(DC.) Grierson Origin: W Asia Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Asteraceae References: United Kingdom-U-314. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Total N° of Refs: 2 Dispersed by: Humans
Weed of: Cereals Anthemis maritima L. References: United Kingdom-U-314,
References: Turkey--1412, Turkey-A-2101. Asteraceae Denmark-W-711, Denmark-W-1609,
Total N° of Refs: 5 Denmark-W-1977.
Anthemis cretica subsp. columnae L. Global Risk Score: 0.72
Asteraceae Rating: Low Anthemis nobilis L.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Asteraceae
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Origin: Africa, Europe Accepted name: Chamaemelum nobile (L.)
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental All.
References: Czech Republic-U-1522, Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 64
Czech Republic-U-1731. References: United Kingdom-U-314, Global Risk Score: 2.4
France-I-1273, France-N-1516, France-N- Rating: Low
Anthemis deserti Boiss. 1941, France-W-1943. ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Asteraceae Subtropical, Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 1 Anthemis melampodina Delile. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
References: Saudi Arabia-A-1525. Asteraceae Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 3 Dispersed by: Humans
Anthemis fumariifolia Boiss. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Weed of: Cereals
Asteraceae Origin: W Asia References: Japan-N-287, Japan-N-794,
Total N° of Refs: 2 References: Egypt-W-221, Saudi Arabia-A- Brazil-A-923, Peru-A-930, Venezuela-A-
References: Finland-U-42, Turkey-R-1968. 1525, North Africa, Libya, Egypt-W-1730. 932, Japan-N-1278, Germany-W-1609,
Brazil-A-87, New Zealand-A-87, Peru-A-
Anthemis fuscata Brot. Anthemis melanolepis Boiss. 87, Venezuela-A-87, Chile-I-1872, Poland-
Asteraceae Asteraceae AN-2059.
Accepted name: Chamaemelum fuscatum Total N° of Refs: 3
(Brot.) Vasc. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Anthemis odontostephana Boiss.
Total N° of Refs: 14 Dispersed by: Humans Asteraceae
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Weed of: Cereals Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Portugal-A-87. References: Global-A-243, Global-A-1207, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Lebanon-A-87. Weed of: Cereals
Anthemis graveolens Boiss. References: Global-A-243.
Asteraceae Anthemis microsperma Boiss. & Kotschy
Total N° of Refs: 2 Asteraceae Anthemis palaestina Reut.
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 1 Asteraceae
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental References: North Africa, Libya, Egypt-W- Total N° of Refs: 3
Dispersed by: Humans 1730. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
References: New Zealand-N-823, Spain-A- Weed of: Cereals, Grapevines, Orchards &
87. Plantations, Pome Fruits
References: Global-A-243, Syria-A-111,
western Asia-A-115.

Anthemis peregrina L. Anthemis rigescens Willd. Anthemis segetalis Ten.
Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Accepted name: Anthemis triumfettii (L.) Total N° of Refs: 5
Origin: Africa, Europe DC. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
References: Cyprus-N-1797. Total N° of Refs: 6 Origin: Africa, Europe
Dispersed by: Escapee References: Europe-A-94, Austria-U-708,
Anthemis pseudocotula Boiss. References: Russia-C-1671. Europe-N-819, Global-W-1324, Austria-
Asteraceae W-1609.
Total N° of Refs: 11 Anthemis rigida (Sibth. & Sm.) Boiss. &
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Heldr. Anthemis spp. L.
Origin: Africa, Europe Asteraceae Asteraceae
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 12
Weed of: Cereals, Cotton, Orchards & Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Habit: annual Herb
Plantations, Pastures, Sunflowers References: Ireland-W-1977. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
References: Egypt-W-221, Egypt-A-185, Dispersed by: Humans
Israel-A-89, Egypt-A-19, Global-A-1207, Anthemis rigida (Sibth. & Sm.) Boiss. & Weed of: Canola, Cereals, Vegetables
Saudi Arabia-A-1525, Egypt-A-87, Israel- Heldr. subsp. rigida References: Global-A-243, Europe,
A-87, North Africa, Libya, Egypt-W-1730, Asteraceae eastern-AW-272, United States of
Egypt-A-1922, Egypt-A-2088. Total N° of Refs: 1 America-A-543, Israel-A-666, Poland-A-
References: Crete-A-1228. 669, Poland-A-684, Poland-A-699, Turkey-
Anthemis punctata Vahl. A-977, Georgia-A-1313, Turkey-A-1468,
Asteraceae Anthemis ruthenica Bieb. Iran-A-1619, Polar Regions-ZD-1587.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Anthemis punctata Asteraceae
ssp. cupaniana (Tod. ex Nyman) R. R. Total N° of Refs: 50
Fern. Global Risk Score: 1.44
Total N° of Refs: 13 Rating: Low
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Origin: E Asia, Europe
Origin: Africa Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Dispersed by: Humans, Animals
References: New Zealand-UW-280, United Seed Longevity: Short Term
Kingdom-CN-314, United Kingdom-N- Weed of: Pastures
519, United Kingdom-CN-812, Ireland-U- References: United Kingdom-U-40,
894, United Kingdom-N-1006, Iceland-N- Finland-U-42, Europe-A-94, western
1006, Europe-N-819, Falkland Islands-N- Europe-A-253, Europe, eastern-W-272,
1251, Global-W-1324, Global-CD-1611, United Kingdom-UZ-314, Denmark-W-
New Zealand-U-2048, United Kingdom-W- 711, Lithuania-I-737, United Kingdom-Z-
1977. 944, Denmark-N-1006, Germany-N-1006,
Iceland-N-1006, Norway-N-1006,
Anthemis punctata (Tod. ex Nyman) R. Slovakia-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Poland-
R. Fern. subsp. cupaniana (Tod. ex R-1219, Belgium-U-1220, Serbia-W-1238,
Nyman) R. R. Fern. Norway-N-1243, Italy-U-251, Global-W-
Asteraceae 1324, Serbia-A-1372, Slovakia-N-1484,
Total N° of Refs: 6 Norway-N-1535, Denmark-W-1609,
Habit: Herb Latvia-W-1609, Lithuania-W-1609,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Norway-W-1609, Poland-W-1609,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Sweden-W-1609, Russia-A-87,
Dispersed by: Humans Kyrgyzstan-N-1008, Poland-N-1040,
References: United Kingdom-N-40, New Poland-NR-1827, Chile-I-1872, Italy-U-
Zealand-UW-280, New Zealand-N-823, 1887, Poland-R-1947, Poland-A-1965,
New Zealand-U-919, New Zealand-N- Slovakia-N-2052, Slovakia-A-2079,
1543, New Zealand-U-2048. Belgium-W-1977, Bulgaria-W-1977, Chile-
W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, Italy-W-1977,
Anthemis pungens Yavin Latvia-W-1977, Lithuania-W-1977,
Asteraceae Poland-W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Sweden-W-1977.
References: Turkey-R-1968.
Anthemis secundiramea Biv.
Anthemis retusa Delile. Asteraceae
Asteraceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Accepted name: Anthemis cairica Vis. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Total N° of Refs: 3 References: United States of America-N-
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations 101.
References: Egypt-W-221, Egypt-A-19,

Anthemis tinctoria L. Anthemis tinctoria L. var. tinctoria Anthenantia lanata (Kunth) Benth.
Asteraceae Asteraceae Poaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Cota tinctoria (L.) Total N° of Refs: 2 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Leptocoryphium
Gay (17) Major Pathway/s: Ornamental lanatum Nees (1)
Total N° of Refs: 93 Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 1
Global Risk Score: 9.6 References: Global-N-85, Turkey--1412. Habit: Grass
Rating: Medium
Habit: perennial Herb Anthemis tomentosa L. Anthephora ampullacea Stapf & G.E.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Asteraceae Hubbard
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Total N° of Refs: 3 Poaceae
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 1
Herbal, Ornamental Origin: Africa, Europe Habit: Grass
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Escapee Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Seed Longevity: Long Term Dispersed by: Humans Origin: Africa
Weed of: Cereals References: United Kingdom-U-314, References: Africa-A-1384.
References: Global-W-23, United States of Europe-N-819, Global-W-1324.
America-CW-34, United Kingdom-N-40, Anthephora cristata (Döll) Hack. ex De
Finland-N-42, Global-NZW-85, Europe-A- Anthemis triumfetti (L.) All. Wild. & T.Durand
94, United States of America-N-101, New Asteraceae Poaceae
Zealand-UW-280, Australia-N-176, Japan- Total N° of Refs: 4 Total N° of Refs: 4
N-287, Europe, eastern-W-272, western Habit: perennial Herb Habit: Grass
Europe-W-70, United States of America- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
W-218, Global-A-243, Australia-C-401, Origin: E Asia, Europe Origin: Africa
Australia-N-945, United Kingdom-CZ-314, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Iceland-U-507, United Kingdom-N-519, Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans
Canada-A-642, Australia-N-310, Denmark- References: United Kingdom-U-314, References: Cape Verde-N-1558, Burundi-
N-711, Canada and United States of Germany-W-1609, -I-, Armenia-W-1977, N-1796, Burundi-NR-2012, Burundi-W-
America-N-725, Canada-UC-756, Japan-N- Germany-W-1977. 1977.
794, United Kingdom-C-812, New
Zealand-N-823, Australia-W-869, Ireland- Anthemis triumfettii (L.) DC. Anthephora hermaphrodita (L.) Kuntze
U-894, New Zealand-U-919, United Asteraceae Poaceae
Kingdom-Z-944, United States of America- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Anthemis rigescens Accepted name: Cenchrus pilosus Kunth
W-946, Australia-N-354, Belgium-N-1006, Willd. (1), Anthemis tinctoria L. var. Total N° of Refs: 25
Denmark-N-1006, Iceland-N-1006, discoidea (All.) Vahl (1) Habit: Grass
Netherlands-N-1006, Norway-N-1006, Total N° of Refs: 7 Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical,
Russia-A-998, Europe-N-819, China-N- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Tropical
1215, Serbia-W-1238, Norway-N-1243, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Weed of: Orchards & Plantations
Canada-N-1252, Japan-N-1278, Global-W- Dispersed by: Humans References: Peru and Ecuador-A-281, Gal
1324, Global-W-1349, Finland-AW-1356, References: Hungary-U-809, Europe-N- pagos Islands-N-257, Global-N-85, Central
Serbia-A-1357, Turkey-A-1463, Turkey-A- 819, Armenia-N-1241, Hungary-U-1255, America-W-157, United States of America-
1523, United States of America-N-1607, Global-W-1324. N-301, United States of America-N-839,
Denmark-W-1609, Netherlands-W-1609, United States of America-N-101, Mexico-
Sweden-W-1609, Finland-A-87, Russia-A- Anthemis vulgaris L. ex Steud. W-1226, United States of America-N-1292,
87, Yugoslavia-A-87, Turkey-A-87, United Asteraceae Venezuela-W-1511, Costa Rica-W-1570,
States of America-A-87, Global-CD-1611, Total N° of Refs: 1 Honduras-W-1892, Guatemala-A-1894,
Iceland-U-1552, United States of America- Weed of: Cereals Guatemala-A-1895, Belize-A-1900, Costa
N-1162, China-I-1758, Finland-A-1815, References: Europe-A-1539. Rica-A-1933, United States of America-N-
Poland-CD-1841, Serbia-R-1848, Canada- 2092, Ecuador-W-1977.
G-1855, Chile-I-1872, Russia-N-1989, Anthemis wiedemanniana Fischer &
Kosovo-R-2003, Poland-A-2047, New C.Meyer Anthephora hochstetteri Nees ex Hochst.
Zealand-U-2048, Poland-A-2061, Italy-A- Asteraceae Poaceae
2081, Poland-A-2110. Total N° of Refs: 1 Accepted name: Anthephora pubescens
Origin: W Asia Nees
Anthemis tinctoria L. var. discoidea Major Pathway/s: Herbal Total N° of Refs: 4
(All.) Vahl References: United Kingdom-U-314. Habit: Grass
Asteraceae Major Pathway/s: Pasture
Accepted name: Anthemis triumfettii (L.) Anthemis cotula L. x Cota tinctoria (L.) Dispersed by: Humans
DC. J.Gay References: Global-W-1349.
Total N° of Refs: 6 Asteraceae
References: Turkey--1412. Accepted name: Anthemis x bollei Sch.
Anthemis tinctoria L. var. pallida DC. Total N° of Refs: 2
Asteraceae Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: Czech Republic-U-1522,
Dispersed by: Humans Czech Republic-U-1731.
Weed of: Cereals
References: Turkey-A-1316.

Anthephora pubescens Nees Anthocephalus chinensis (Lam.) A.Rich. Anthonotha macrophylla (P.Beauv.) J.
Poaceae ex Walp. Leonard
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Anthephora Rubiaceae Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae
hochstetteri Nees ex Hochst. (1) Accepted name: Neolamarckia cadamba Total N° of Refs: 2
Total N° of Refs: 4 (Roxb.) Bosser Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Global Risk Score: 3.52 Total N° of Refs: 10 Major Pathway/s: Crop
Rating: Low Global Risk Score: 0.72 Weed of: Orchards & Plantations
Habit: perennial Grass Rating: Low References: Ghana-A-2064, Africa-A-
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Habit: Shrub 1384.
Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Origin: Africa Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Anthosachne kingiana (Endl.) Govaerts
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Dispersed by: Humans subsp. multiflora (Banks & Sol. ex
Ornamental, Pasture References: United States of America-N- Hook.f.) Govaerts
Dispersed by: Humans 101, Australia-N-945, Global-Q-1572. Poaceae
References: South Africa-ZR-121, Global- Total N° of Refs: 1
Q-1205, Australia-Q-1123. Anthocephalus indicus A.Rich. Habit: Grass
Rubiaceae References: Australia-N-1845.
Anthericum galpinii Bak. var. galpinii Total N° of Refs: 1
Liliaceae Habit: Shrub Anthosachne scabra (R.Br.) Nevski
Total N° of Refs: 2 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Poaceae
Habit: perennial Herb Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Dispersed by: Humans Habit: Grass
Origin: Africa References: south and southeast Asia-A- References: New Zealand-N-2048.
References: South Africa-R-121, Lesotho- 1408.
R-121. Anthospermum aethiopicum L.
Anthoceros caucasicus Steph. Rubiaceae
Anthericum liliago L. Anthoceratoaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Liliaceae Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Total N° of Refs: 7 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant References: South Africa-W-382.
Habit: perennial Herb Dispersed by: Humans
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean References: Global-U-1382. Anthospermum aethiopicum L. var.
Origin: Africa, Europe aethiopicum
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Anthoceros spp. L. emend. Prosk. Rubiaceae
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Anthoceratoaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Livestock, Sheep, Water, Escapee Total N° of Refs: 3 Habit: Shrub
References: Europe, eastern-W-272, Dispersed by: Humans Origin: Africa
Ukraine-UC-643, Global-W-1324, Europe- Weed of: Cereals References: South Africa-AR-121.
W-1325, Global-CD-1611, Russia-N-1796, References: Global-A-243, Global-UZ-
Ukraine-U-2014. 1382, Poland-A-2047. Anthoxanthum amarum Brot.
Anthericum ramosum L. Antholyza aethiopica L. Total N° of Refs: 2
Liliaceae Iridaceae Habit: Grass
Total N° of Refs: 4 Accepted name: Chasmanthe aethiopica Origin: Africa, Europe
Habit: perennial Herb (L.) N.E.Br. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 39 Dispersed by: Humans
Origin: Europe Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean References: western Europe-W-70,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Origin: Africa Georgia-UR-1250.
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Escapee References: Italy-N-733, Sardinia-NI-1151,
Seed Longevity: Transient Sardinia-N-1336, Sardinia-U-1381, Chile-I-
References: Europe, eastern-W-272, United 1872.
Kingdom-C-314, Norway-N-1243, Global-
CD-1611. Antholyza ringens L.
Anthistiria ciliata L. f. Accepted name: Babiana ringens (L.) Ker
Poaceae Gawl.
Accepted name: Themeda quadrivalvis (L.) Total N° of Refs: 3
Kuntze Origin: Africa
Total N° of Refs: 52 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Habit: Grass Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
References: south and southeast Asia-A- References: United Kingdom-C-314,
1320, Europe-W-1325. Global-CD-1611.

Anthoxanthum aristatum Boiss. Anthoxanthum nitens (Weber) Schouten Anthoxanthum odoratum L.
Poaceae & Veldkamp Poaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Anthoxanthum Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 183
puelii Lecoq & Lamotte (5) Accepted name: Hierochloe odorata (L.) Global Risk Score: 44.8
Total N° of Refs: 90 P.Beauv. Rating: Extreme
Global Risk Score: 14.4 Total N° of Refs: 20 Toxic - Habit: perennial Grass
Rating: Medium Habit: Grass Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Habit: annual Grass Origin: N Am Subtropical, Tropical
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, References: Belgium-N-1220. Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, N Am, W
Subtropical Asia
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture
Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle,
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Water, Donkey, Horse, Livestock, Sheep,
Wind, Escapee Vehicles, Water, Wind, Escapee
Seed Longevity: Present Seed Longevity: Long Term
Weed of: Cereals Weed of: Cereals, Pastures, Vegetables
References: Australia-E-290, United States References: southeast Asia-W-191,
of America-CW-34, Finland-U-42, Taiwan-N-777, Costa Rica-I-975, Pacific-
Australia-W-54, Global-NZW-85, Global- W-3, Global-EI-18, Australia-E-20,
AW-91, Global-A-243, United States of Australia-W-269, Australia-E-289, United
America-N-101, New Zealand-N-280, States of America-CW-34, Australia-E-72,
Japan-N-287, western Europe-A-253, Chile-N-300, Global-E-152, United States
Australia-N-198, Europe, eastern-AW-272, of America-E-80, Global-NZW-85,
western Europe-W-70, Australia-C-401, Australia-N-9, Global-W-91, United States
Australia-N-945, United Kingdom-AU- of America-N-101, New Zealand-N-280,
317, Australia-E-327, Czech Republic-UZ- Chile-N-241, South Africa-AZR-121,
400, United Kingdom-N-519, New Australia-E-296, Australia-N-134, United
Zealand-N-534, Poland-N-619, Australia- States of America-W-392, Australia-E-155,
AN-310, Denmark-N-711, United States of United States of America-W-161, New
America-E-736, Mexico-N-791, Japan-N- Zealand-EW-181, Australia-N-176, Japan-
794, United Kingdom-U-812, Australia-W- N-287, Japan-W-286, eastern North
869, Mexico-I-878, Germany-N-907, New America-E-195, Australia-N-198, Asia-W-
Zealand-N-919, United States of America- 204, North America-G-249, western
W-946, Australia-N-354, Belgium-N-1006, Europe-W-70, United States of America-
Germany-N-1006, Latvia-N-1006, W-218, Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945,
Netherlands-N-1006, Europe-N-819, United Kingdom-UZD-317, Australia-E-
Poland-AR-1219, Belgium-N-1220, 327, New Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N-
Norway-N-1243, Japan-N-1278, Australia- 15, United States of America-A-543,
N-1450, Slovakia-U-1484, Czech Australia-E-189, Pacific-E-621, Global-E-
Republic-U-1522, Austria-W-1609, 649, Canada-N-652, Australia-AEN-310,
Denmark-W-1609, Germany-W-1609, Canada and United States of America-N-
Latvia-W-1609, Netherlands-W-1609, 725, United States of America-E-736,
Norway-W-1609, Poland-W-1609, United Chile-N-765, Mediterranean-W-775,
Kingdom-U-1636, Germany-A-87, Poland- Australia-EN-7, United States of America-
N-1040, Global-CZD-1611, Azores-N- N-301, United States of America-E-151,
1721, Czech Republic-U-1731, Poland-NR- Mexico-N-791, United States of America-
1827, Mexico-Q-1880, Mexico-I-1881, N-839, Australia-W-853, Australia-N-856,
Australia-WD-1934, Poland-R-1947, Australia-W-869, Costa Rica-N-872,
Australia-N-1959, Poland-A-1961, Poland- Ecuador-N-875, Mexico-I-878, Africa-I-
A-1965, Poland-A-1966, Poland-N-1993, 886, New Zealand-N-919, Colombia-A-
New Zealand-N-2048, -U-2058, Poland- 927, Chile-A-931, United States of
AN-2059, Australia-W-1977, Austria-W- America-W-946, Mediterranean-E-951,
1977, Belgium-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Australia-N-855, Uruguay-I-988, Australia-
Czech Republic-W-1977, Denmark-W- N-354, Australia-N-1049, United States of
1977, Germany-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, America-N-1057, Global-N-1059, La
Latvia-W-1977, Mexico-W-1977, Reunion-E-1077, Europe-N-819,
Netherlands-W-1977, Poland-W-1977, Antarctica-N-396, New Zealand-E-505,
Slovakia-W-1977. United States of America-W-1104, United
States of America-N-1162, United States of
Anthoxanthum gracile Biv. America-Q-1197, South Korea-N-761,
Poaceae Crete-A-1228, Chile-N-1229, Serbia-W-
Total N° of Refs: 2 1238, Falkland Islands-N-1251, Australia-
Habit: Grass E-1259, Australia-E-1261, Australia-E-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean 1262, United States of America-A-1275,
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Argentina-W-1286, United States of
America-N-1292, Peru-N-1293, Australia-
W-1318, La Reunion-I-1321, Serbia-A-
1343, Madagascar-N-1000, India-N-1345,

Chile-N-1348, Global-W-1349, Taiwan-N- Anthoxanthum odoratum L. subsp. Anthriscus caucalis Bieb.
1403, United Kingdom-ZD-1416, glabrescens Celakovsky Apiaceae
Netherlands-ZD-1420, Australia-ZD-1443, Poaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Anthriscus
Australia-ZD-1444, Global-E-1449, Total N° of Refs: 2 scandicina Mansf., nom. illeg. (3)
Australia-N-1450, Australia-E-1456, Habit: Grass Total N° of Refs: 106
Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay-I-1476, References: Japan-N-794, Japan-N-1278. Global Risk Score: 8.64
Global-ZD-1495, New Caledonia-I-1507, Rating: Medium
New Zealand-N-1543, Brazil-N-1597, Anthoxanthum odoratum L. subsp. Habit: annual Herb
North Korea-N-1600, Japan-N-1602, nipponicum (Honda) Tzvelev Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
United States of America-N-1603, Poaceae Tropical
Colombia-A-87, Japan-A-87, Chile-A-87, Total N° of Refs: 1 Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia
Italy-A-87, New Zealand-A-87, United Habit: annual Grass Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
States of America-A-87, Serbia-A-1019, Origin: E Asia Ornamental
Europe-ZD-1656, Belgium-ZD-1665, References: China-N-1215. Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle,
Australia-ZD-1573, Europe-ZD-1576, Donkey, Horse, Livestock, Sheep
Global-CD-1611, New Zealand-A-1624, Anthoxanthum odoratum L. subsp. Seed Longevity: Long Term
United States of America-ANZD-1667, odoratum Weed of: Canola, Cereals
Global-ZD-1581, Switzerland-ZD-1591, Poaceae References: United States of America-W-
Australia-ZD-1675, Europe--, Azores-N- Total N° of Refs: 6 34, Finland-U-42, Chile-N-300, Global-
1721, Brazil-N-1071, United States of Habit: Grass NW-85, United States of America-N-101,
America-E-1736, Brazil-N-1746, Taiwan- References: Japan-N-794, United States of New Zealand-N-280, Chile-N-241, United
W-1748, Russia-W-1671, China-N-1796, America-N-101, Global-N-85, Canada-N- States of America-W-161, New Zealand-
Bolivia-N-1796, Colombia-N-1796, 1252, Japan-N-1278, Japan-W-1977. W-165, Australia-N-176, Japan-N-287,
Ecuador-N-1796, Sri Lanka-N-1796, Japan-W-286, western Europe-A-253,
Finland-A-1815, Australia-N-1902, Anthoxanthum ovatum Lag. United States of America-W-212, Europe,
Australia-UN-1845, Colombia-N-1856, Poaceae eastern-W-272, Australia-N-308, Australia-
Montenegro-W-1861, Chile-I-1872, Chile Total N° of Refs: 3 N-945, Czech Republic-NZI-400, New
and Argentina-E-1874, Mexico-Q-1880, Habit: Grass Zealand-NW-425, United Kingdom-N-519,
Mexico-NI-1881, Argentina-N-1884, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean New Zealand-N-534, France-A-665,
Poland-A-1033, Australia-WD-1934, Origin: Africa, Europe Denmark-N-711, Lithuania-I-737, Chile-N-
Montenegro-R-1944, Australia-N-1959, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant 765, South Korea-N-773, Australia-N-7,
Australia-N-1962, -I-, -I-, -I-, Central and Dispersed by: Humans Japan-N-794, New Zealand-N-919, United
northern Japan and northern islands-N- References: United Kingdom-UGZ-317, Kingdom-Z-944, United States of America-
1983, Kosovo-R-2003, Poland-A-2005, Germany-W-1609, Germany-W-1977. W-946, Argentina-I-983, Australia-N-354,
New Zealand-N-2048, Serbia-R-2057, Czechoslovakia-N-1006, Germany-N-1006,
South Georgia and Sandwich Islands-I- Anthoxanthum puelii Lecoq & Lamotte Iceland-N-1006, Portugal-N-1006,
2085, Australia-W-1977, Brazil-W-1977, Poaceae Norway-N-1006, Slovakia-N-1006,
Canada-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Costa Accepted name: Anthoxanthum aristatum Slovenia-N-1006, Sweden-N-1006,
Rica-W-1977, Democratic Repubic of Boiss. Europe-N-819, Chile-E-1098, Australia-A-
Korea-W-1977, India-W-1977, Jamaica-W- Total N° of Refs: 90 1097, Global-ZD-1203, South Korea-N-
1977, Japan-W-1977, Mauritius-W-1977, Habit: perennial Grass 761, Chile-N-1229, Norway-N-1243,
Mexico-W-1977, New Zealand-W-1977, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean France-A-1266, Japan-N-1278, Global-W-
Republic of Korea-W-1977, South Africa- Origin: Africa, Europe 1324, Chile-N-1348, Global-W-1349,
W-1977, Taiwan-W-1977, South Korea-N- Major Pathway/s: Herbal United Kingdom-ZD-1416, Belgium-ZD-
2113, North Korea-N-2114, Global--1324. Weed of: Cereals 1421, Belgium-ZD-1422, Slovakia-N-1484,
References: Global-A-30, Global-A-243, Global-ZD-1492, Czech Republic-U-1522,
Anthoxanthum odoratum L. var. Austria-U-708, Hungary-U-809, Hungary- Canada-X-1538, Denmark-W-1609,
alpinum Gray U-1255. Lithuania-W-1609, Norway-W-1609,
Poaceae Sweden-W-1609, United Kingdom-U-
Total N° of Refs: 1 Anthoxanthum spp. L. 1636, Europe-ZD-1576, Europe-ZD-1582,
Habit: Grass Poaceae Belgium-ZD-1593, Global-ZD-1611,
References: Central and northern Japan and Total N° of Refs: 2 United States of America-AZD-1626,
northern islands-N-1983. Habit: Grass United States of America-AZD-1667,
Dispersed by: Humans Czech Republic-U-1731, United States of
Anthoxanthum odoratum L. subsp. References: United States of America- America-E-1736, France-A-1814,
alpinum (Á. & D. Löve) Jones & AZD-1626, Polar Regions-ZD-1587. Australia-N-1902, Australia-N-1845,
Melderis Canada-G-1855, Chile-I-1872, Chile and
Poaceae Argentina-E-1874, France-A-1924,
Total N° of Refs: 3 Australia-WD-1934, Germany-R-1948,
Habit: Grass Chile-R-1949, South Korea-N-1974, -I-,
References: Japan-N-794, Japan-N-1278, - Chile-N-1998, Kosovo-R-2003, South
I-, Japan-W-1977. Korea-A-2032, New Zealand-N-2048,
Argentina-W-1977, Australia-W-1977,
Belarus-W-1977, Bulgaria-W-1977,
Canada-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Czech
Republic-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Latvia-
W-1977, Lithuania-W-1977, Portugal-W-
1977, Republic of Korea-W-1977,
Slovakia-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977, South

Korea-N-2113. Anthriscus cerefolium (L.) Hoffm. var. Anthriscus nitida (Wahlen.) Garcke
trichocarpus Neilr. Apiaceae
Anthriscus cerefolium (L.) Hoffm. Apiaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Apiaceae Total N° of Refs: 3 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Anthriscus References: Czech Republic-N-1522, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals
trichosperma (Lam.) Spreng. (1), Czech Republic-N-1731, Czech Republic- References: Europe, eastern-W-272.
Chaerophyllum sativum Lam. (3), W-1977.
Anthriscus cerefolium (L.) Hoffm. var. Anthriscus scandicina Mansf., nom. illeg.
trichospermus (Schult.) Endl. (1) Anthriscus cerefolium (L.) Hoffm. var. Apiaceae
Total N° of Refs: 68 trichospermus (Schult.) Endl. Accepted name: Anthriscus caucalis Bieb.
Global Risk Score: 9.6 Apiaceae Total N° of Refs: 106
Rating: Medium Total N° of Refs: 64 Global Risk Score: 0.48
Toxic - Habit: annual Herb References: Kosovo-R-2003. Rating: Low
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Habit: annual Herb
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Anthriscus cerefolium (L.) Hoffm. subsp. Origin: E Asia, Europe
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, cerefolium Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Herbal, Ornamental Apiaceae Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Escapee Total N° of Refs: 2 Dispersed by: Humans
References: United Kingdom-U-40, Origin: E Asia, Europe References: South Africa-AZW-121, India-
Finland-U-42, Global-N-85, United States Major Pathway/s: Ornamental N-976, United States of America-A-87.
of America-N-101, South Africa-AZR-121, Dispersed by: Humans
Europe, eastern-AW-272, Global-N-108, References: Czech Republic-U-400, Anthriscus spp. Pers.
United Kingdom-CN-314, United Slovakia-U-1484. Apiaceae
Kingdom-N-519, Ukraine-U-643, Total N° of Refs: 2
Denmark-N-711, Canada and United States Anthriscus cerefolium (L.) Hoffm. subsp. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
of America-N-725, Lithuania-I-737, United longirostris (Bertol.) Cannon Dispersed by: Humans
Kingdom-CN-812, Ireland-U-894, France- Apiaceae References: Europe, eastern-W-272, Polar
N-1006, Czechoslovakia-N-1006, Total N° of Refs: 1 Regions-ZD-1587.
Germany-N-1006, United Kingdom-N- References: Europe-N-819.
1006, Iceland-N-1006, Malta-N-1006,
Norway-N-1006, Sweden-N-1006, United Anthriscus cerefolium (L.) Hoffm. subsp.
States of America-N-1057, Europe-N-1072, trichosperma (Wimmer & Grab.)
Europe-N-819, Belgium-U-1220, Serbia- Nyman
W-1238, Norway-N-1243, Georgia-UR- Apiaceae
1250, Italy-N-251, Italy-N-1265, Sardinia- Total N° of Refs: 4
N-1336, Global-W-1349, Sardinia-U-1381, Habit: annual Herb
Norway-N-1535, Estonia-W-1609, Origin: E Asia, Europe
Denmark-W-1609, Lithuania-W-1609, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Norway-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, Dispersed by: Humans
Greenland-W-1609, Global-CD-1611, References: Czech Republic-NZI-400,
Sardinia-N-1393, Chile-I-1872, Italy-UN- Slovakia-N-1484, Czech Republic-W-1609,
1887, Sardinia-U-1917, Montenegro-R- Slovakia-W-1977.
1944, Estonia-N-1997, Slovakia-A-2079,
Belgium-W-1977, Bulgaria-W-1977, Anthriscus fumarioides (Waldst. & Kit.)
Canada-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Czech Spreng.
Republic-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, Apiaceae
Italy-W-1977, Latvia-W-1977, Lithuania- Accepted name: Anthriscus sylvestris
W-1977, Malta-W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977, subsp. fumarioides (L.) Hoffm.
Sweden-W-1977, United Kingdom-W- Total N° of Refs: 81
1977. References: Europe-N-819, Global-W-
1324, Estonia-W-1609, Estonia-N-1997.
Anthriscus cerefolium (L.) Hoffm. var.
cerefolium Mansfeld Anthriscus neglecta Boiss. & Reut. ex
Apiaceae Lange
Total N° of Refs: 7 Apiaceae
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 2
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
References: Austria-UC-708, Czech Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Republic-U-1522, Austria-W-1609, Global- References: Japan-N-287, Portugal-A-87.
CD-1611, Czech Republic-U-1731,
Austria-W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977. Anthriscus nemorosa (Bieb.) Spreng.
Anthriscus cerefolium (L.) Hoffm. var. Total N° of Refs: 2
longirostris (Bertol.) Cannon Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Apiaceae Origin: Europe
Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Crop
References: Slovenia-N-1006. References: India-A-712, Montenegro-R-

Anthriscus sylvestris (L.) Hoffm. Anthriscus trichosperma (Lam.) Spreng. Anthurium crystallinum Lindl. & André
Apiaceae Apiaceae Araceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Anthriscus Accepted name: Anthriscus cerefolium (L.) Total N° of Refs: 3
fumarioides (Waldst. & Kit.) Spreng. (4), Hoffm. Global Risk Score: 0.72
Chaerophyllum sylvestre L. (1) Total N° of Refs: 64 Rating: Low
Total N° of Refs: 82 References: Serbia-R-1771. Habit: perennial Herb
Global Risk Score: 44.8 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Rating: Extreme Anthriscus vulgaris Bernh. Tropical
Toxic - Habit: annual Herb Apiaceae Origin: C Am, S Am
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Tropical ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Dispersed by: Humans
Origin: E Asia, Europe References: Chile-A-87. References: Chile-I-1872, Algeria-W-1977,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Chile-W-1977.
Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture Anthurium acaule (Hook.) Schott
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers, Araceae Anthurium cultorum Birdsey
Cattle, Horse, Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles, Accepted name: Anthurium crenatum (L.) Araceae
Water, Wind, Escapee Kunth Total N° of Refs: 2
Seed Longevity: Short Term Total N° of Refs: 4 References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
Weed of: Cereals Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
References: United States of America-X-1, Dispersed by: Humans Anthurium geitnerianum A.Regel
Chile-N-300, North America-W-79, References: Puerto Rico-A-929, Puerto Araceae
Global-NXZW-85, United States of Rico-A-87, Dominican Republic-A-87, Total N° of Refs: 1
America-N-101, South Africa-AZW-121, Algeria-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
United States of America-W-392, United Dispersed by: Humans
States of America-W-161, Ethiopia-A-240, Anthurium aduncum Schott References: Algeria-W-1977.
western Europe-A-253, eastern North Araceae
America-E-195, Europe, eastern-AW-272, Total N° of Refs: 2 Anthurium grande Sodiro
western Europe-W-70, United States of References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Araceae
America-W-218, Iceland-N-507, United Accepted name: Anthurium conspicuum
Kingdom-N-519, Canada-A-642, Canada Anthurium andraeanum Linden Sodiro
and United States of America-N-725, Araceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Anthurium
Global-A-743, United States of America-E- Total N° of Refs: 9 magnificum Linden (1)
151, North America-X-790, United States Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Total N° of Refs: 1
of America-X-229, Slovenia-W-883, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Denmark-N-1006, Norway-N-1006, Subtropical, Tropical Dispersed by: Humans
Europe-N-819, Antarctica-N-396, United Origin: S Am
Kingdom-A-322, United Kingdom-A-1093, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Anthurium hookeri Kunth
Poland-G-1122, Global-ZD-1203, Chile-N- Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Araceae
1229, Serbia-W-1238, Falkland Islands-N- References: Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157, Accepted name: Anthurium schlechtendalii
1251, Canada-N-1252, France-A-1266, South Africa-U-1247, Global-CD-1611, Kunth subsp. schlechtendalii
Chile-N-1348, Global-W-1349, Antarctica- South Africa-N-1991, Burundi-N-2012, Total N° of Refs: 1
N-1362, Belgium-ZD-1421, Austria-N- Algeria-W-1977, Burundi-W-1977, India- Habit: perennial Herb
1531, Norway-N-1535, Canada-X-1538, W-1977, South Africa-W-1977. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Greenland-W-1609, Iceland-W-1609, Tropical
United Kingdom-A-87, Germany-A-87, Anthurium crassinervium (Jacq.) Schott Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Spain-A-87, Yugoslavia-A-87, Finland-A- Araceae Dispersed by: Humans
87, New Zealand-A-87, United States of Total N° of Refs: 3 References: Algeria-W-1977.
America-A-87, Svalbard-N-1009, Europe- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
ZD-1656, Europe-ZD-1582, Global-ZD- Tropical Anthurium x hortulanum Birdsey
1611, Global-ZD-1581, Iceland-NI-1552, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Araceae
United States of America-E-1736, Europe- Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Synonym/s (n° of refs): Anthurium
I-1740, Serbia-R-1771, Russia-W-1671, References: Poland-C-1122, Global-CD- scherzerianum nom. hort. (1)
France-A-1814, Finland-A-1815, Poland- 1611, Algeria-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 3
CD-1841, Poland-A-1033, Germany-R- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
1948, -I-, -I-, Kosovo-R-2003, New Anthurium crenatum (L.) Kunth Dispersed by: Humans
Zealand-N-2048, -A-2058, Poland-A-2059, Araceae References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
Poland-R-2062, South Georgia and Synonym/s (n° of refs): Anthurium acaule
Sandwich Islands-I-2085, Canada-W-1977, (Hook.) Schott (4) Anthurium leuconeurum Lem.
Chile-W-1977, Iceland-W-1977, South Total N° of Refs: 4 Araceae
Africa-W-1977. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Total N° of Refs: 1
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Anthriscus sylvestris (L.) Hoffm. subsp. Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans
sylvestris References: Algeria-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Global-N-85.

Anthurium magnificum Linden Anthyllis barba-jovis L. Anthyllis vulneraria L.
Araceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Accepted name: Anthurium grande W.Bull Total N° of Refs: 6 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Anthyllis
Total N° of Refs: 1 Global Risk Score: 0.24 vulneraria ssp. carpatica L., Anthyllis
Habit: perennial Herb Rating: Low vulneraria ssp. polyphylla L.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Total N° of Refs: 31
Tropical Mediterranean Global Risk Score: 8.96
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Origin: Africa, Europe Rating: Medium
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Toxic - Habit: annual Herb
References: Algeria-W-1977. Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
References: Australia-N-855, Australia-N- Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe
Anthurium pentaphyllum (Aubl.) G. 354, Australia-N-1450, Chile-I-1872, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Don var. bombacifolium (Schott) Australia-W-1977, Chile-W-1977. Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture
Madison Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers,
Araceae Anthyllis lemanniana Lowe Cattle, Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles, Water,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Wind
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 2 Seed Longevity: Long Term
References: United States of America-N- References: Global-Q-1205, Australia-Q- Weed of: Cereals
1114. 1123. References: United States of America-N-
101, New Zealand-UW-280, Japan-N-287,
Anthurium scherzerianum nom. hort. Anthyllis lotoides L. Europe, eastern-W-272, western Europe-
Araceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae W-70, Australia-N-945, United Kingdom-
Accepted name: Anthurium x hortulanum Accepted name: Hymenocarpos lotoides U-314, United Kingdom-N-519, Canada
Birdsey (L.) Vis. and United States of America-N-725,
Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 3 Japan-N-794, New Zealand-U-919, Global-
Habit: perennial Herb Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean N-1059, Serbia-W-1238, Canada-N-1252,
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Origin: Europe Japan-N-1278, Europe-W-1325, Europe-
Origin: C Am Major Pathway/s: Ornamental ZD-1653, Europe-ZD-1576, Global-ZD-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans 1611, North Africa, Libya, Egypt-W-1730,
Dispersed by: Humans References: Portugal-A-250, Norway-N- Europe-N-1740, Russia-W-1671,
References: Algeria-W-1977. 1243, Norway-W-1609. Montenegro-R-1944, Australia-N-1959,
Kosovo-R-2003, New Zealand-U-2048,
Anthurium schlechtendalii Kunth Anthyllis spp. L. Poland-A-2110, Australia-W-1977,
Araceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Belgium-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Japan-
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Anthurium hookeri Total N° of Refs: 1 W-1977.
Kunth (1) Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans Anthyllis vulneraria L. subsp. carpatica
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical References: Europe, eastern-W-272. (Pant.) Nyman
Origin: C Am, N Am Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Anthyllis tetraphylla L. Total N° of Refs: 15
Dispersed by: Humans Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Accepted name: Tripodion tetraphyllum Origin: Europe
Anthurium spathiphyllum N.E. Br. (L.) Fourr. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Araceae Total N° of Refs: 6 Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 1 Global Risk Score: 1.28 Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Rating: Low References: United Kingdom-UCZ-314,
References: India-W-1977. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean United Kingdom-N-519, Denmark-CN-
Origin: Africa, Europe 711, United Kingdom-N-812, United
Anthurium spp. Schott Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture Kingdom-N-1006, Belgium-U-1220,
Araceae Dispersed by: Humans Norway-N-1243, Norway-N-1535,
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: United Kingdom-U-314, Denmark-W-1609, Norway-W-1609,
ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Tropical Global-Q-1205, Australia-Q-1123. Sweden-W-1609, Global-CD-1611,
References: United States of America-N- Sweden-N-1802, Sweden-W-1977, United
742. Kingdom-W-1977.

Anthurium veitchii Mast. Anthyllis vulneraria L. subsp. lapponica

Araceae (Hyl.) Jalas
Total N° of Refs: 1 Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Total N° of Refs: 1
Tropical References: United Kingdom-N-519.
Origin: S Am
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Algeria-W-1977.

Anthyllis vulneraria L. subsp. polyphylla Antidesma bunius (L.) Spreng. Antigonon leptopus Hook. & Arn.
(DC.) Nyman Phyllanthaceae Polygonaceae
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Antidesma bunias Total N° of Refs: 215
Total N° of Refs: 10 (L.) Spreng., orth. var. (1) Global Risk Score: 24
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 9 Rating: High
Origin: Europe, W Asia Global Risk Score: 3.6 Habit: perennial Vine
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Ornamental Habit: Tree Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Origin: C Am, N Am, S Am
References: United Kingdom-NZ-314, Origin: Aust, E Asia, SE Asia Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
United Kingdom-N-519, Denmark-W-711, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Herbal, Ornamental
United Kingdom-N-812, United Kingdom- Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Vehicles,
N-1006, Belgium-U-1220, Denmark-W- Dispersed by: Humans Water, Wind, Escapee
1609, Belgium-W-1977, Denmark-W- References: Global-I-755, French Weed of: Orchards & Plantations
1977, United Kingdom-W-1977. Polynesia-EX-1079, Singapore-U-1290, References: Guyana-N-32, Federated States
Global-I-1404, New Caledonia-I-1507, of Micronesia-N-230, Australia-W-93,
Antiaris toxicaria Lesch. French Polynesia-N-1514, Singapore-U- United States of America-CE-233,
Moraceae 1839, Singapore-W-1977. Federated States of Micronesia-W-107,
Total N° of Refs: 2 Puerto Rico-W-261, Niue-W-385,
Global Risk Score: 1.2 Antidesma diandrum (Roxb) Roth Australia-E-259, Gal pagos Islands-N-257,
Rating: Low Phyllanthaceae United States of America-CE-617,
Toxic - Habit: Tree Accepted name: Antidesma acidum Retz. Caribbean-N-707, Africa-W-760, Taiwan-
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Total N° of Refs: 2 N-777, Australia-EN-7, Thailand-W-822,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Costa Rica-I-975, Pacific-W-3, Global-E-
Ornamental Origin: E Asia 152, United States of America-E-80,
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal Global-N-85, South Africa-E-283, United
Weed of: Pastures References: India-N-2109. States of America-N-101, United States of
References: Vanuatu-A-315, United States America-W-112, Australia-E-155, United
of America-N-1114. Antidesma ghaesembilla Gaertn. States of America-EW-179, Pacific-A-6,
Phyllanthaceae Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945,
Anticharis glandulosa Asch. Total N° of Refs: 3 Australia-E-380, Pacific-E-621, Australia-
Scrophulariaceae Global Risk Score: 2.16 AN-310, South Africa-I-759, United States
Total N° of Refs: 1 Rating: Low of America-N-301, United States of
References: Egypt-W-221. Habit: Tree America-E-151, Dominican Republic-W-
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical 813, United States of America-N-839,
Anticlea elegans (Pursh) Rydb. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, Belize-N-850, Australia-N-868, Bahamas-
Liliaceae Ornamental N-873, Ecuador-N-875, Australia-E-880,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Zigadenus elegans Dispersed by: Humans Mexico-W-890, Mozambique-nC-943,
Pursh subsp. glaucus (Nutt.) Hulten (1) References: Guyana-N-32, French Guiana- India-N-976, Paraguay-I-987, Australia-N-
Total N° of Refs: 1 N-1346, south and southeast Asia-A-1408. 354, Portugal-N-1006, Thailand-W-1045,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental United States of America-I-1046, India-I-
Dispersed by: Humans Antigonon guatemalense Meisn. 1047, Australia-W-1068, Guadeloupe-E-
Polygonaceae 1075, Mozambique-E-1076, La Reunion-E-
Antidaphne wrightii (Griseb.) Kuijt Total N° of Refs: 8 1077, Europe-N-819, Japan-W-1106,
Eremolepidaceae Global Risk Score: 0.48 United States of America-N-1116, Africa-
Total N° of Refs: 1 Rating: Low W-1127, Lesser Antilles-A-1128, India-N-
References: United States of America-N- Habit: Vine 1148, Chad-nC-640, Gal pagos Islands-CN-
101. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical 1157, Australia, northern-EN-1183, United
Origin: C Am, N Am States of America-Q-1197, China-N-1215,
Antidesma acidum Retz. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Mexico-W-1226, South Africa-I-1247,
Phyllanthaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Micronesia-NI-1249, Caribbean-NI-1201,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Antidesma References: Puerto Rico-CW-261, Costa India-I-1279, India-I-1280, Singapore-U-
diandrum (Roxb) Roth (1) Rica-I-975, United States of America-N- 1290, United States of America-N-1292, La
Total N° of Refs: 2 101, Costa Rica-CN-872, Puerto Rico and Reunion-I-1321, Global-W-1324, United
Habit: Tree Virgin Islands-W-1452, Global-CD-1611, States of America-C-1329, India-I-1345,
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Algeria-W-1977, Costa Rica-W-1977. French Guiana-N-1346, South Africa-NI-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal 1002, Taiwan-N-1403, Global-E-1449,
References: India-N-1765. Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands-W-1452,
Australia-E-1456, Gal pagos Islands-C-
Antidesma bunias (L.) Spreng., orth. var. 1481, Australia-N-1491, Chad-N-1503,
Phyllanthaceae Cuba-NI-1505, New Caledonia-I-1507,
Accepted name: Antidesma bunius (L.) French Polynesia-N-1514, American
Spreng. Samoa-I-1544, Australia-I-1544, Cook
Total N° of Refs: 9 Islands-I-1544, Federated States of
Habit: Tree Micronesia-I-1544, Fiji-I-1544, French
References: Global-W-1324. Polynesia-I-1544, Guam-I-1544, India-I-
1544, Japan-I-1544, Kiribati-I-1544,
Maldives-I-1544, Marshall Islands-I-1544,
Nauru-I-1544, New Caledonia-I-1544,

Niue-I-1544, United States of America-I- Antimima spp. N.E.Brown Antirrhinum latifolium Mill.
1544, Palau-I-1544, Papua New Guinea-I- Aizoaceae Scrophulariaceae
1544, Philippines-I-1544, Samoa-I-1544, Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 1
Singapore-I-1544, Solomon Islands-I-1544, Origin: Africa Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Tonga-I-1544, Brazil-N-1597, India-N- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
1628, India-N-1631, India-AN-1632, Dispersed by: Humans, Livestock Dispersed by: Humans
Belize-A-87, Caribbean Netherlands-NI- References: South Africa-ZD-1419, South References: Bosnia and Herzegovina-N-
1012, Nigeria-I-1550, Cape Verde-N-1558, Africa-ZD-1584. 1140.
South Africa-E-1646, Global-CD-1611,
India-W-1672, United States of America- Antimima watermeyeri (L.Bolus)
W-1719, East Africa-I-1723, India-N-1370, H.E.K.Hartmann
Botswana-N-1666, United States of Aizoaceae
America-E-1736, Taiwan-W-1748, India-I- Total N° of Refs: 2
1764, India-X-1770, India-N-1789, India- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
N-1790, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Dispersed by: Humans, Livestock
Islands-C-1821, India-W-1829, Sao Tome References: South Africa-ZD-1419, South
and Principe-N-1805, Singapore-U-1839, Africa-ZD-1584.
Colombia-N-1856, India-I-1875, United
States of America-N-742, India-I-1904, Antinoria agrostidea (DC.) Parl.
Australia-WD-1934, Brazil-R-1945, Brazil- Poaceae
R-1958, -I-, -I-, -I-, South Africa-N-1991, Total N° of Refs: 2
India-I-1992, Burundi-NR-2012, India-I- Aqua - Habit: annual/perennial Grass
2022, Cuba-N-2024, Angola-N-2028, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Cuba-NRI-2054, Cuba-I-2055, Algeria-W- Dispersed by: Water
1977, Angola-W-1977, Anguilla-W-1977, References: Europe-ND-482, Germany-W-
Antigua and Barbuda-W-1977, Argentina- 1977.
W-1977, Aruba-W-1977, Australia-W-
1977, Bahamas-W-1977, Barbados-W- Antirrhinum asarina L.
1977, Belize-W-1977, Bonaire-W-1977, Scrophulariaceae
Botswana-W-1977, Brazil-W-1977, Accepted name: Asarina procumbens Mill.
Burundi-W-1977, C?te d'Ivoire-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 21
Cameroon-W-1977, Chad-W-1977, China- Global Risk Score: 0.24
W-1977, Colombia-W-1977, Comoros-W- Rating: Low
1977, Cook Islands-W-1977, Costa Rica- Habit: perennial Herb
W-1977, Cuba-W-1977, Democratic Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Republic of the Congo-W-1977, Dominica- Dispersed by: Humans
W-1977, Dominican Republic-W-1977, References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
Ecuador-W-1977, Equatorial Guinea-W-
1977, Fiji-W-1977, Grenada-W-1977, Antirrhinum barrelieri Bor
Haiti-W-1977, Honduras-W-1977, India- Scrophulariaceae
W-1977, Jamaica-W-1977, Kenya-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 2
Kiribati-W-1977, Marshall Islands-W- Global Risk Score: 0.24
1977, Micronesia (Federated States of)-W- Rating: Low
1977, Nauru-W-1977, Nigeria-W-1977, Habit: Shrub
Niue-W-1977, Palau-W-1977, Panama-W- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
1977, Papua New Guinea-W-1977, Origin: Africa, Europe
Paraguay-W-1977, Peru-W-1977, Saint Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Vicent and the Grenadines-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans
Samoa-W-1977, Seychelles-W-1977, References: Mediterranean-I-775,
Singapore-W-1977, Solomon Islands-W- Mediterranean-W-951.
1977, South Africa-W-1977, Spain-W-
1977, Sri Lanka-W-1977, Sudan-W-1977, Antirrhinum bellidifolium L.
Suriname-W-1977, Taiwan-W-1977, Scrophulariaceae
Thailand-W-1977, Tonga-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 1
Uganda-W-1977, United Republic of References: United States of America-N-
Tanzania-W-1977, Venezuela-W-1977, 101.
Viet Nam-W-1977.
Antirrhinum graniticum Rothm.
Antimima dualis (N.E.Br.) N.E.Br. Scrophulariaceae
Aizoaceae Total N° of Refs: 5
Total N° of Refs: 2 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Origin: Africa Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Dispersed by: Humans
Ornamental References: Europe-N-819, Belgium-U-
Dispersed by: Humans, Livestock 1220, Spain-U-1270, Global-W-1324,
References: South Africa-ZD-1419, South Belgium-W-1977.

Antirrhinum majus L. Switzerland-U-1990, Estonia-N-1997, Antirrhinum orontium L.
Scrophulariaceae Ukraine-U-2014, New Zealand-N-2048, Scrophulariaceae
Total N° of Refs: 146 Slovenia-R-2078, Albania-W-1977, Accepted name: Misopates orontium (L.)
Global Risk Score: 10.8 Armenia-W-1977, Austria-W-1977, Raf.
Rating: Medium Belgium-W-1977, Bulgaria-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 132
Habit: annual Herb Canada-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Croatia- Global Risk Score: 7.04
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, W-1977, Cyprus-W-1977, Czech Republic- Rating: Medium
Subtropical, Tropical W-1977, Democratic Repubic of Korea-W- Habit: annual Herb
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia 1977, Denmark-W-1977, Germany-W- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, 1977, Greece-W-1977, India-W-1977, Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe
Herbal, Ornamental Ireland-W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Japan-W- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental,
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee 1977, Lithuania-W-1977, Peru-W-1977, Pasture
Seed Longevity: Long Term Portugal-W-1977, Republic of Korea-W- Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Weed of: Cereals 1977, Romania-W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977, Weed of: Grapevines, Orchards &
References: United States of America-CW- Sweden-W-1977, Switzerland-W-1977, Plantations, Pome Fruits, Vegetables
34, United Kingdom-N-40, Finland-C-42, United Kingdom-W-1977, South Korea-U- References: Egypt-W-221, Global-W-23,
Global-N-108, Global-N-85, Global-A-243, 2113, North Korea--. United States of America-CW-34, Global-
United States of America-N-101, New A-44, Global-A-243, New Zealand-N-280,
Zealand-N-280, Europe, eastern-W-272, Antirrhinum majus L. subsp. majus South Africa-AR-121, Ethiopia-A-240,
western Europe-W-70, United Kingdom- Scrophulariaceae Japan-N-287, Egypt-A-185, United States
CN-314, Czech Republic-N-400, United Total N° of Refs: 10 of America-W-212, New Zealand-NW-425,
Kingdom-N-519, New Zealand-N-534, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean New Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N-15,
New Zealand-N-15, Canary Islands-N-637, Origin: Africa, Europe Canada and United States of America-N-
Ukraine-UC-643, Austria-CN-708, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental 725, Lithuania-I-737, United States of
Denmark-UC-711, Canada and United Dispersed by: Humans America-N-301, Japan-N-794, United
States of America-N-725, Lithuania-I-737, References: Greece-N-1006, Crete-U-1150, States of America-N-839, Ireland-W-894,
Canada-UC-756, Mediterranean-I-775, Italy-N-251, Italy-N-1265, Spain-N-1270, New Zealand-N-919, Australia-N-1049,
Mexico-N-791, Ireland-AN-793, Japan-N- Sardinia-N-1336, Greece-N-1803, Sardinia- United States of America-N-1116, Japan-
794, Hungary-U-809, United Kingdom- N-1393, Italy-UN-1887, Italy-N-1842. N-1278, United States of America-N-1292,
CN-812, Czech Republic-N-826, Ireland- Portugal-A-87, Egypt-A-87, Morocco-A-
N-894, Canary Islands-I-902, Germany-N- Antirrhinum majus L. subsp. tortuosum 87, Spain-A-87, New Zealand-A-87,
907, India-U-914, New Zealand-N-919, (Bosc) Rouy Turkey-A-87, India-A-1021, Croatia-A-
Mediterranean-W-951, India-N-976, Scrophulariaceae 1037, Global-CD-1611, India-A-1704,
Austria-N-1006, Portugal-N-1006, Spain- Total N° of Refs: 5 Morocco-A-1750.
N-1006, Belgium-N-1006, France-N-1006, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Czechoslovakia-N-1006, Germany-N-1006, Origin: Africa, Europe Antirrhinum pedatum Desf.
United Kingdom-N-1006, Greece-N-1006, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Scrophulariaceae
Iceland-N-1006, Portugal-N-1006, Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 1
Romania-N-1006, United States of References: Greece-N-1006, Greece-N- References: Finland-U-42.
America-N-1057, Global-N-1059, Europe- 1142, Crete-N-1150, Italy-N-1265,
N-819, Cyprus-I-220, Bosnia and Sardinia-N-1917. Antirrhinum siculum Mill.
Herzegovina-N-1140, Greece-N-1142, Scrophulariaceae
Spain-U-1149, Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157, Antirrhinum odorum M.Bieb. Total N° of Refs: 11
Cyprus-E-1172, Cyprus-EN-1174, Scrophulariaceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Belgium-N-1220, Serbia-W-1238, Norway- Accepted name: Linaria odora (M.Bieb.) Origin: Africa, Europe
N-1243, Georgia-UR-1250, Hungary-U- Fisch. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
1255, Romania-U-1264, Japan-N-1278, La Total N° of Refs: 2 Dispersed by: Humans
Reunion-W-1321, Romania-U-1334, India- References: Japan-W-1977. References: Global-N-85, United
U-1345, Global-W-1349, Serbia-A-1357, Kingdom-G-314, France-N-1006, Europe-
Serbia-W-1358, Spain-U-1454, Slovakia- N-819, Global-W-1324, Israel-NW-1380,
U-1484, Albania-N-1506, Czech Republic- Sardinia-U-1393, Israel-N-59, France-W-
N-1522, Norway-N-1535, Romania-U- 1977, Greece-W-1977, Israel-W-1977.
1537, Greece-CN-1541, New Zealand-N-
1543, North Korea-N-1600, Ireland-N- Antirrhinum cultivars nom. hort.
1608, Estonia-W-1609, Austria-W-1609, Scrophulariaceae
Czech Republic-W-1609, Denmark-W- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Antirrhinum cv.
1609, Germany-W-1609, Ireland-W-1609, Hort.
Lithuania-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, Total N° of Refs: 1
Sweden-W-1609, Romania-N-1629, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Bolivia-N-1630, Spain-A-87, Yugoslavia- Dispersed by: Humans
A-87, Romania-N-1549, Global-CD-1611, References: United Kingdom-N-40.
Azores-N-1721, Czech Republic-N-1731,
India-N-1370, Europe-UNI-1740, Croatia-
N-1747, Serbia-W-1766, Russia-C-1671,
Uruguay-C-1800, Australia-UN-1845,
Serbia-R-1848, Canada-G-1855, Chile-I-
1872, Argentina-A-1874, Sardinia-N-1917,
Russia-N-1920, Canary Islands-N-1967, -I-
, Bosnia and Herzegovina-N-1987,

Antithamnion algeriense M. Verlaque & Antithamnion nipponicum Yamada & Antithamnionella spirographidis
Seridi Inagaki (Schiffner) Wollaston
Ceramiaceae Ceramiaceae Ceramiaceae
Accepted name: Antithamnion Synonym/s (n° of refs): Antithamnion Total N° of Refs: 22
amphigeneum A.J.K.Millar hubbsii E.Y.Dawson (2) Aqua - Habit:
Total N° of Refs: 10 Total N° of Refs: 8 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Dispersed by: Water Aqua - Habit: Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
References: Global-W-1741. Dispersed by: Water Dispersed by: Humans, Vehicles, Water
References: Global-ID-1065, Europe-ND- References: United States of America-ED-
Antithamnion amphigeneum A.J.K. 819, Norway-N-1535, Global-W-1741, 282, United Kingdom-ED-288, United
Millar Global-N-1785, Europe-N-1786. Kingdom-ND-812, Spain-ND-1006,
Ceramiaceae Global-WD-1065, Europe-ND-819, Global-
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Antithamnion Antithamnion pectinatum (Montague) W-1741, Mediterranean-ND-1781, Global-
algeriense M. Verlaque & Seridi (1) Brauner N-1785, Europe-N-1786, Australia-N-
Total N° of Refs: 10 Ceramiaceae 1788, United Kingdom-N-1831, Ireland-N-
Aqua - Habit: Total N° of Refs: 8 1832, Mediterranean-N-1835, Australia-W-
Dispersed by: Vehicles, Water Aqua - Habit: 1977, Belgium-W-1977, Greece-W-1977,
References: Europe-ND-819, Dispersed by: Water Ireland-W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Portugal-
Mediterranean-N-1391, Global-W-1741, References: United States of America- W-1977, South Africa-W-1977, United
Mediterranean-UD-1780, Global-N-1785, EWD-197, Europe-ND-819, Global-W- Kingdom-W-1977.
Europe-N-1786, Mediterranean-N-1835, 1741, Global-N-1785, Europe-N-1786,
Algeria-W-1977, Italy-W-1977. Mediterranean-N-1835, Mediterranean-N- Antithamnionella sublittoralis (Setchell
1836, Italy-W-1977. & Gardner) Athanasiadis
Antithamnion cruciatum (C.Agardh) Ceramiaceae
Nägeli Antithamnion spp. Nägeli Synonym/s (n° of refs): Antithamnionella
Ceramiaceae Ceramiaceae elegans (Berthold) J.H. Price & D.M. John
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 1 var. sublittoralis (Setchell & N.L.Gardener)
Aqua - Habit: Dispersed by: Water M.Cormaci & G.Furnari (1)
Dispersed by: Water References: Global-N-1785. Total N° of Refs: 4
References: Global-N-1785, Australia-N- Dispersed by: Water
1788. Antithamnionella boergesenii (Corm. & References: Global-W-1741, Global-N-
G.Furn.) Athanasiadis 1785, Mediterranean-N-1835.
Antithamnion densum (Suhr) M.Howe Ceramiaceae
Ceramiaceae Total N° of Refs: 4 Antithamnionella ternifolia (J.D.Hooker
Total N° of Refs: 5 Dispersed by: Water & Harvey) Lyle
Aqua - Habit: References: Mediterranean-N-1391, Ceramiaceae
Dispersed by: Water Global-W-1741, Algeria-W-1977, Italy-W- Total N° of Refs: 14
References: Spain-ND-1006, Global-W- 1977. Aqua - Habit:
1741, Global-N-1785, Europe-N-1786, Origin: Cosmopolitan
Ireland-W-1977. Antithamnionella elegans (Berthold) J.H. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Price & D.M. John Dispersed by: Humans, Water
Antithamnion diminuatum E.M.Woll. Ceramiaceae References: United Kingdom-ED-288,
Ceramiaceae Total N° of Refs: 6 United Kingdom-ND-812, Global-WD-
Total N° of Refs: 5 Aqua - Habit: 1065, Europe-ND-819, Global-W-1741,
Aqua - Habit: Dispersed by: Water Global-N-1785, Europe-N-1786, United
Dispersed by: Water References: Global-W-1741, Global-N- Kingdom-N-1831, Mediterranean-N-1835,
References: Europe-ND-819, Global-W- 1785, Mediterranean-N-1835, Egypt-W- Belgium-W-1977, Germany-W-1977,
1741, Global-N-1785, Europe-N-1786, 1977, Greece-W-1977, Italy-W-1977. Ireland-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977, United
Spain-W-1977. Kingdom-W-1977.
Antithamnionella elegans (Berthold) J.H.
Antithamnion hubbsii E.Y.Dawson Price & D.M. John var. sublittoralis Antopetitia abyssinica A. Rich.
Ceramiaceae (Setchell & N.L.Gardener) M.Cormaci Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Accepted name: Antithamnion nipponicum & G.Furnari Total N° of Refs: 1
Yamada & Inagaki Ceramiaceae Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 8 Accepted name: Antithamnionella Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Aqua - Habit: sublittoralis (Setchell & N.L.Gardner) Dispersed by: Humans
Dispersed by: Humans, Water Athanasiadis References: Australia--, Australia-Q-1123.
References: Mediterranean-ND-1780, Italy- Total N° of Refs: 4
W-1977. References: Italy-W-1977. Anubias afzelii Schott
Total N° of Refs: 1
Aqua - Habit:
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Origin: Africa
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Global-W-1324.

Anubias barteri Schott Anvillea garcinii (Burnm. fil.) DC. Apera interrupta (L.) Beauv.
Araceae Asteraceae Poaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Anubias sp. hort. Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Agrostis interrupta
'Coffeefolia' (1) Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, L. (4)
Total N° of Refs: 2 Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 55
Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb References: Saudi Arabia-A-1504. Global Risk Score: 8.64
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Rating: Medium
Origin: Africa Aosa parviflora (Schrad. ex DC.) Habit: annual Grass
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Weigend Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Dispersed by: Humans Loasaceae Origin: C Asia, E Asia, Europe, W Asia
References: Global-W-1324. Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
References: Brazil-N-1597. Ornamental
Anubias callos nom. illeg. Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Araceae Apargia autumnale (L.) Hoffm. Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles
Total N° of Refs: 1 Asteraceae References: Global-A-30, Chile-N-300,
Aqua - Habit: Total N° of Refs: 1 United States of America-E-80, United
References: Global-W-1324. References: Canada-A-87. States of America-N-101, Chile-N-241,
United States of America-W-392, United
Anubias gigantea A.Cheval. Apedinella radians (Lohmann) Campbell States of America-W-161, Japan-N-287,
Araceae Pedinellaceae Europe, eastern-W-272, United Kingdom-
Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Apedinella UZ-317, United Kingdom-N-519, Canada-
Aqua - Habit: spinifera (Throndsen) Throndsen (2) A-642, Canada and United States of
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Total N° of Refs: 3 America-N-725, Chile-N-765, United
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Aqua - Habit: States of America-E-151, Japan-N-794,
Dispersed by: Humans References: Europe-N-1786. United Kingdom-N-812, Argentina-I-983,
References: Global-W-1324. Australia-N-354, Belgium-N-1006,
Apedinella spinifera (Throndsen) Germany-N-1006, United Kingdom-N-
Anubias gracilis A.Chev. Throndsen 1006, Luxembourg-N-1006, Europe-N-819,
Araceae Pedinellaceae Australia-Q-1134, Belgium-ND-1220,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Accepted name: Apedinella radians Chile-N-1229, Argentina-E-1245, Japan-N-
Aqua - Habit: (Lohmann) P.H.Campbell 1278, Global-W-1324, Chile-N-1348,
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Total N° of Refs: 3 Global-W-1349, United States of America-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Aqua - Habit: ZD-1441, United States of America-N-
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Water 1603, United States of America-N-1607,
References: Global-W-1324. References: Europe-W-1325, Ukraine-N- Germany-W-1609, Global-N-1218,
1706. Europe--, Global-ZD-1611, United States
Anubias hastifolia Engl. of America-E-1736, Chile-I-1872, Global-
Araceae Apera intermedia Hack. A-1903, Australia-N-1959, -I-, Argentina-
Total N° of Refs: 2 Poaceae W-1977, Australia-W-1977, Belgium-W-
Aqua - Habit: Total N° of Refs: 6 1977, Canada-W-1977, Chile-W-1977,
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Habit: Grass Germany-W-1977, Japan-W-1977,
Origin: Africa Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Luxembourg-W-1977, United Kingdom-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Origin: E Asia W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
References: Global-W-1324, China-N- Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
1938. Livestock, Sheep
References: United Kingdom-UZD-317,
Anubias heterophylla Engl. Europe-N-819, Belgium-U-1220, Global-
Araceae W-1324, United Kingdom-ZD-1633,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Belgium-W-1977.
Aqua - Habit:
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Global-W-1324.

Anubias sp. hort. 'Coffeefolia'

Accepted name: Anubias barteri Schott
Total N° of Refs: 2
Aqua - Habit:
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Global--1324.

Apera spica-venti (L.) P. Beauv. Russia-A-2041, Poland-A-2047, Ukraine- Aphanes arvensis L.
Poaceae N-2050, Poland-AN-2058, Poland-AN- Rosaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Agrostis spica- 2059, Poland-AN-2060, Poland-A-2061, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Alchemilla
venti L. (9), Anemagrostis spica-venti Trin. Poland-N-2062, Slovenia-A-2078, arvensis (L.) Scop. (9)
(1) Slovakia-A-2079, France-A-2094, Total N° of Refs: 107
Total N° of Refs: 144 Hungary-A-2100, Turkey-A-2101, Poland- Global Risk Score: 14.4
Global Risk Score: 8.64 A-2110, Ukraine-N-2112, Canada-W-1977, Rating: Medium
Rating: Medium Czech Republic-W-1977, Iceland-W-1977, Habit: annual Herb
Habit: annual Grass Japan-W-1977, Poland-W-1977, Russian Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Federation-W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977, Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia,
Origin: E Asia, Europe Sweden-W-1977, Ukraine-W-1977, United Cosmopolitan
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Kingdom-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Ornamental Herbal, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers, Aphanamixis polystachya (Wall.) R. Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle,
Cattle, Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles, Water, Parker Horse, Livestock, Sheep, Wind
Wind Meliaceae Seed Longevity: Long Term
Seed Longevity: Long Term Synonym/s (n° of refs): Amoora rohituka Weed of: Canola, Cereals, Pastures
Weed of: Canola, Cereals, Orchards & (Roxb.) Wight & Arn. (1) References: Australia-W-269, Finland-U-
Plantations, Pastures, Potatoes, Vegetables Total N° of Refs: 2 42, Chile-N-300, Global-NW-85, Europe-
References: Global-W-23, Global-A-30, Habit: Tree A-94, Global-A-243, United States of
Canada-W-292, Global-A-68, Global-ZW- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical America-N-101, New Zealand-N-280,
85, Global-AW-91, Global-A-243, United Origin: SE Asia Chile-N-241, Australia-N-176, Japan-N-
States of America-N-101, Japan-N-287, Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Herbal, 287, western Europe-A-253, Australia-N-
western Europe-A-253, Europe, eastern- Ornamental 198, Europe, eastern-AW-272, western
AW-272, western Europe-W-70, United Dispersed by: Humans Europe-W-70, Australia-N-945, Australia-
Kingdom-ANZ-317, Czech Republic-ZI- References: Mozambique-nC-943. E-327, United Kingdom-N-519, New
400, United Kingdom-N-519, Canada-A- Zealand-N-15, Denmark-N-711, Chile-N-
642, Ukraine-N-643, Germany-A-689, 765, Australia-N-7, Japan-N-794,
Denmark-N-711, Canada and United States Australia-W-853, Australia-W-869, Spain-
of America-N-725, Turkey-A-727, Global- A-892, New Zealand-N-919, Argentina-I-
A-743, Japan-N-794, United Kingdom-N- 983, Australia-N-354, Germany-N-1006,
812, India-Q-835, Mexico-I-878, Slovenia- Slovakia-N-1006, Australia-N-1049,
W-883, Europe-A-889, Ireland-U-894, Europe-N-819, United Kingdom-A-322,
United Kingdom-Z-944, United Kingdom- United Kingdom-A-1093, Europe-W-1191,
N-1006, Slovenia-N-1006, Russia-A-998, Poland-A-1219, Crete-A-1228, Chile-N-
Europe-N-819, Europe-W-1191, Poland- 1229, Norway-N-1243, Falkland Islands-N-
AR-1219, Serbia-W-1238, Greece-W-1240, 1251, Australia-E-1259, Australia-E-1260,
Norway-N-1243, Denmark-A-1185, Australia-E-1261, Australia-E-1262,
France-A-1266, Japan-N-1278, Slovakia- Denmark-A-1185, France-A-1266, Japan-
A-1282, Ukraine-N-1297, Macedonia-A- N-1278, Ukraine-N-1297, Australia-W-
1304, Ukraine-N-1335, Finland-AN-1356, 1318, Chile-N-1348, Australia-N-1450,
Serbia-A-1357, France-A-1461, Slovakia-I- France-A-1461, Slovakia-N-1484, Poland-
1484, Poland-N-1494, Global-ZD-1495, N-1494, Norway-N-1535, Denmark-W-
Czech Republic-N-1522, Europe-A-1539, 1609, Norway-W-1609, Poland-W-1609,
Panarctic-U-1596, Central Europe-N-1602, Serbia-A-1019, New Zealand-A-1035,
Czech Republic-W-1609, Denmark-W- Global-ZD-1611, Italy-A-1618, New
1609, Faroe Islands-W-1609, Finland-W- Zealand-A-1624, central Europe-A-1616,
1609, Ireland-W-1609, Poland-W-1609, France-A-1814, Australia-N-1902,
Sweden-W-1609, Belgium-A-87, Finland- Australia-N-1845, Chile-I-1872, Chile and
A-87, Germany-A-87, Spain-A-87, Argentina-A-1874, Poland-A-1033, France-
Czechoslovakia-A-87, United Kingdom-A- A-1924, Australia-N-1959, Poland-A-1965,
87, France-A-87, Netherlands-A-87, Australia-N-1962, Poland-N-1993, France-
Romania-A-87, Russia-A-87, Sweden-A- A-2042, Poland-A-2047, New Zealand-N-
87, Switzerland-A-87, Serbia-A-1019, 2048, Poland-AN-2059, Poland-AN-2060,
Poland-A-1016, Poland-A-1042, Global- Poland-A-2061, Slovenia-A-2078,
ZD-1611, Italy-A-1618, United States of Slovakia-A-2079, Italy-A-2081, Greece-A-
America-AZD-1626, United States of 2093, France-A-2094, northern European
America-AZD-1667, Russia-W-1687, towns-W-2095, Poland-A-2110, Argentina-
Czech Republic-N-1731, Iceland-U-1552, W-1977, Australia-W-1977, Bulgaria-W-
Lithuania-A-1737, Europe-UI-1740, central 1977, Canada-W-1977, Chile-W-1977,
Europe-A-1616, Austria-A-1670, Algeria- Japan-W-1977, Poland-W-1977, Slovakia-
N-1796, Europe-A-1806, France-A-1814, W-1977, Ukraine-W-1977.
Finland-A-1815, Poland-A-1825, Ukraine-
U-1840, Mexico-Q-1880, Mexico-I-1881,
Global-A-1903, Poland-A-1033, Germany-
R-1948, Poland-A-1952, Poland-A-1961,
Poland-A-1965, Poland-A-1966, -I-,
Russia-N-1988, Poland-N-1993, Slovakia-
I-2002, Kosovo-R-2003, Russia-W-2034,

Aphanes australiana (Rothm.) Rothm. Aphanes microcarpa (Boiss. & Reuter) Aphelandra aurantiaca Lindl.
Rosaceae Rothm. Acanthaceae
Total N° of Refs: 4 Rosaceae Total N° of Refs: 3
Habit: Herb Synonym/s (n° of refs): Alchemilla Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Origin: Aust microcarpa Boiss. & Reut. (2), Aphanes Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
References: New Zealand-N-280, New australis Rydb. (9) Dispersed by: Humans
Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N-919, New Total N° of Refs: 30 References: United States of America-N-
Zealand-N-2048. Global Risk Score: 0.96 1114, United States of America-N-2092,
Rating: Low India-W-1977.
Aphanes australis Rydb. Habit: annual Herb
Rosaceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Aphelandra pulcherrima (Jacq.) Kunth
Accepted name: Aphanes microcarpa Origin: E Asia, Europe Acanthaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aphanes Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Total N° of Refs: 1
inexspectata Lippert (13) Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 41 Dispersed by: Humans, Vehicles Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Origin: Africa, Europe Weed of: Cereals, Pastures Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant References: Finland-U-42, Europe-A-94, References: India-W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans Global-A-243, United States of America-
Weed of: Cereals N-101, Australia-N-198, western Europe- Aphelandra scabra (Vahl) Sm.
References: United Kingdom-N-519, W-70, Australia-N-945, Australia-E-327, Acanthaceae
Denmark-N-711, Portugal-N-1006, Australia-W-853, Australia-W-869, Total N° of Refs: 1
Germany-N-1006, Slovakia-N-1006, Australia-E-1259, Australia-E-1261, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Europe-N-819, Global-W-1324, Denmark- Australia-E-1262, Global-ZD-1495, New References: India-W-1977.
W-1609, Turkey-A-1635. Zealand-A-1624, Azores-N-1721,
Australia-N-1845, Australia-W-1977, Aphelandra sinclairiana Nees
Aphanes inexpectata Lippert Canada-W-1977. Acanthaceae
Rosaceae Total N° of Refs: 3
Accepted name: Aphanes inexspectata Aphanes spp. L. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Lippert Rosaceae Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 20 Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans
Habit: Herb Dispersed by: Humans References: Cuba-N-1505, Cuba-N-2055,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant References: Australia-ZD-1675. Cuba-W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle,
Horse, Livestock, Sheep Aphanopetalum resinosum Endl. Aphelandra tetragona (Vahl) Nees
References: western Europe-A-253, New Aphanopetalaceae Acanthaceae
Zealand-N-15, Australia-N-855, United Total N° of Refs: 5 Total N° of Refs: 1
Kingdom-ZD-1416, Europe-ZD-1576, Toxic - Habit: Vine Origin: S Am
Poland-N-1993, Australia-W-1977. Origin: Aust Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans
Aphanes inexspectata Lippert Dispersed by: Humans References: India-W-1977.
Rosaceae References: New Zealand-UW-280, New
Accepted name: Aphanes australis Rydb. Zealand-N-15, New Zealand-N-823, New Aphloia theiformis (Vahl) Benn.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aphanes Zealand-U-919, New Zealand-U-2048. Flacourtiaceae
inexpectata Lippert (7) Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 29 Aphanopleura capillifolia (Regel & Habit: Shrub
Habit: Herb Schmalhausen) Lipsky Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Origin: E Asia, Europe Apiaceae Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Livestock References: Global-A-1207. References: India-W-1977.
Seed Longevity: Present
References: New Zealand-N-280, New Aphanostephus ramosissimus DC. Apiastrum angustifolium Nutt.
Zealand-W-165, Australia-N-176, New Asteraceae Apiaceae
Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N-919, Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 1
Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Habit: annual Herb
Global-W-1324, Australia-N-1450, Global- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Herbal
ZD-1611, Australia-N-1959, Poland-A- Dispersed by: Humans References: United States of America-N-
1965, New Zealand-N-2048. References: Mexico-W-199, Mexico-W- 86.
890, Mexico-W-1226.

Aphanostephus ramosissimus DC. var.

ramosus (DC.) B.L.Turner & Birdsong
Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Mexico-N-1500.

Apios americana Medik. Apium graveolens L. Romania-U-1986, South Africa-N-1991,
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Apiaceae Estonia-N-1997, Ukraine-U-2014, South
Total N° of Refs: 22 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Apium graveolens Africa-N-2017, New Zealand-N-2048,
Global Risk Score: 4.8 var. dulce L., Apium graveolens var. Ukraine-N-2112, Argentina-W-1977,
Rating: Low graveolens L. Australia-W-1977, Brazil-W-1977,
Habit: perennial Herb Total N° of Refs: 131 Bulgaria-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Chile-
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Global Risk Score: 18 W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977,
Mediterranean Rating: High Democratic Repubic of Korea-W-1977,
Origin: N Am Toxic, Aqua - Habit: Herb India-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Lao
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, People's Democratic Republic-W-1977,
Ornamental Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Mexico-W-1977, Peru-W-1977, Republic
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia, of Korea-W-1977, Republic of Moldova-
References: Global-N-108, Japan-N-287, Cosmopolitan W-1977, Romania-W-1977, Slovakia-W-
United States of America-W-218, Europe- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, 1977, South Africa-W-1977, Spain-W-
NW-482, Austria-UC-708, Canada-C-756, Herbal, Ornamental 1977, Sweden-W-1977, Switzerland-W-
Japan-N-794, Europe-N-819, Italy-NI- Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Water, 1977, Yemen-W-1977, South Korea--,
1165, Italy-I-251, Italy-N-1265, Japan-N- Escapee North Korea-U-2114.
1278, Austria-W-1609, United States of Seed Longevity: Long Term
America-A-87, Global-CD-1611, Canada- Weed of: Orchards & Plantations, Pastures Apium graveolens L. var. dulce (Mill.)
G-1855, Italy-UNI-1887, Switzerland-U- References: Australia-W-93, South Africa- Pers.
1990, Algeria-W-1977, Austria-W-1977, AZW-121, Egypt-W-221, Australia-ED-72, Apiaceae
Italy-W-1977, Japan-W-1977. Finland-C-42, Chile-N-300, United States Total N° of Refs: 5
of America-N-101, New Zealand-N-280, Habit: biennial Herb
Apium ammi Urb. United States of America-Q-116, Chile-N- Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Apiaceae 241, Australia-N-134, United States of Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Accepted name: Cyclospermum America-W-179, Japan-N-287, Australia- Ornamental
leptophyllum (Pers.) Sprague ex Britt. & N-198, Mexico-W-199, Australia-C-401, Dispersed by: Humans
Wilson Australia-N-945, Australia-E-327, Czech References: Global-N-85, United States of
Total N° of Refs: 78 Republic-U-400, Europe-N-482, United America-N-101, Belize-N-850, Ireland-U-
Habit: annual Herb Kingdom-N-519, New Zealand-N-534, 894, Belize-W-1977.
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Australia-AEN-310, Austria-UC-708,
References: Uruguay-A-924, Japan-A-87, India-AZ-712, Canada and United States of Apium graveolens L. var. graveolens
Brazil-A-87, Chile-A-87, Uruguay-A-87. America-N-725, Mexico-W-735, United Apiaceae
States of America-N-86, Australia-EN-7, Total N° of Refs: 1
Apium australe Thou. United States of America-E-151, Mexico- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Apiaceae N-791, Japan-N-794, Australia-W-853, References: Global-N-85.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Australia-N-855, Australia-N-856,
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Australia-N-868, Australia-W-869, Apium graveolens L. subsp. graveolens
Rating: Low Ecuador-N-875, Mexico-W-890, New Apiaceae
Habit: perennial Herb Zealand-N-919, India-N-976, Argentina-I- Total N° of Refs: 2
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental 983, Australia-N-354, Spain-N-1006, Origin: Europe
Dispersed by: Humans Denmark-N-1006, Norway-N-1006, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
References: Chile-A-931, Chile-A-87. Romania-N-1006, Slovakia-N-1006, Ornamental
Australia-N-1049, Global-N-1059, Europe- Dispersed by: Humans
Apium crassipes (Koch) Rchb. N-819, Laos-N-1102, Africa-W-1127, References: Romania-N-1264, Romania-N-
Apiaceae Spain-U-1149, Romania-N-1154, Gal 1334.
Total N° of Refs: 1 pagos Islands-CN-1157, Egypt-A-1171,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Mexico-W-1226, Chile-N-1229, Norway- Apium graveolens L. subsp. rapaceum
References: North Africa, Libya, Egypt-W- N-1243, Georgia-U-1250, Japan-N-1278, (Mill.) Schubl. & G.Martens
1730. Botswana-N-1284, Argentina-W-1286, Apiaceae
Peru-N-1293, La Reunion-U-1321, Total N° of Refs: 2
Australia-A-1331, Sardinia-U-1336, India- References: Austria-W-1609, Austria-W-
N-1345, Chile-N-1348, Australia-N-1450, 1977.
Australia-E-1456, Argentina, Brazil and
Uruguay-I-1476, Slovakia-U-1484, Apium inundatum (L.) Reichenbach fil.
Mexico-CN-1500, Czech Republic-U-1522, Apiaceae
Greece-CN-1541, New Zealand-N-1543, Total N° of Refs: 1
North Korea-N-1600, United States of Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
America-N-1603, Estonia-W-1609, Russia- Origin: Europe
W-1609, Norway-W-1609, Sweden-W- Dispersed by: Animals, Water
1609, Bolivia-N-1630, Global-N-1218, References: United Kingdom-N-519.
Cape Verde-N-1558, Global-CD-1611,
Australia-ZD-1675, Lesotho-AZW-121,
Azores-N-1721, North Africa, Libya,
Egypt-W-1730, Czech Republic-U-1731,
United States of America-E-1736, Sardinia-
U-1393, Australia-N-1902, Chile-I-1872,
Mexico-N-1881, Sardinia-U-1917,
Australia-N-1959, -I-, Egypt-U-1979,

Apium leptophyllum (Pers.) F. Müell. ex Apium leptophyullum (Pers.) F. Müell., Apium repens (Jacq.) Lag.
Benth. Benth. Apiaceae
Apiaceae Apiaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Accepted name: Cyclospermum Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
leptophyllum (Pers.) Sprague ex Britt. & References: Egypt-A-185. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Wilson Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Water
Total N° of Refs: 169 Apium nodiflorum (L.) Lag. References: United States of America-N-
Global Risk Score: 4.32 Apiaceae 101.
Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 31
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Global Risk Score: 7.2 Apium sellowianum H.Wolff
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Rating: Medium Apiaceae
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Total N° of Refs: 1
Origin: Aust, C Am, E Asia, Europe Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Aqua - Habit:
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Subtropical Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Ornamental Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe References: Brazil-N-1597.
Dispersed by: Humans, Cattle, Livestock Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations, Pastures, Ornamental Apium spp. L.
Pome Fruits Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Water Apiaceae
References: Zimbabwe-AW-50, Brazil-W- Seed Longevity: Present Total N° of Refs: 2
255, Gal pagos Islands-N-257, Brazil-W- References: Finland-U-42, New Zealand-E- Dispersed by: Humans
361, Brazil-W-407, Taiwan-N-777, 246, Chile-N-300, United States of References: Argentina-A-913, Venezuela-
Australia-W-269, Finland-U-42, South America-N-101, New Zealand-N-280, New A-932.
Africa-W-51, Global-A-243, South Zealand-W-165, western Europe-W-70,
America-W-295, South America-W-271, New Zealand-NW-425, United Kingdom- Apluda aristata L.
Japan-A-263, China-W-256, United States N-519, New Zealand-N-534, New Zealand- Poaceae
of America-W-161, United States of N-15, Chile-N-765, Mexico-N-791, New Accepted name: Apluda mutica var. aristata
America-A-180, Japan-N-287, Japan-W- Zealand-N-919, Portugal-N-1006, Europe- L.
286, Mexico-W-199, Argentina-A-236, N-819, Chile-N-1229, Norway-N-1243, Total N° of Refs: 15
United States of America-W-218, China- Argentina-W-1286, Global-W-1324, Chile- Habit: Grass
W-431, Spain-N-405, Portugal-N-662, N-1348, LEBANON-A-596, Lebanon-A- References: south and southeast Asia-A-
Portugal-N-718, Mexico-W-735, South 87, Portugal-A-87, Uruguay-N-1800, 1320.
Korea-N-773, Mediterranean-I-775, China- Chile-I-1872, Chile and Argentina-AE-
I-780, Japan-N-794, Paraguay-NI-876, 1874, Mexico-N-1881, New Zealand-N- Apluda mutica L.
China-I-882, Mexico-W-890, Africa-N- 2048, Chile-W-1977, Mexico-W-1977. Poaceae
926, Peru-A-930, Mediterranean-W-951, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Apluda aristata L.
India-N-976, Portugal-N-1006, Italy-N- Apium petroselinum L. (1), Apluda varia Hack. (3)
1006, Portugal-N-1006, Australia-N-1049, Apiaceae Total N° of Refs: 18
China-I-1055, Europe-N-819, Egypt-A- Accepted name: Petroselinum crispum Global Risk Score: 1.76
1171, Italy-W-1176, Uruguay-A-1199, (Mill.) A.W.Hill Rating: Low
South Korea-N-761, China-N-1215, Total N° of Refs: 176 Habit: Grass
Mexico-W-1226, Georgia-UR-1250, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical,
China-I-1277, Japan-N-1278, Global-W- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Tropical
1324, Australia-A-1331, Global-W-1349, Dispersed by: Humans Origin: Aust
Zimbabwe-N-1365, China-N-1374, References: Argentina-I-983. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental,
Taiwan-N-1403, Taiwan-AN-1413, Pasture
Argentina-ZD-1415, Mexico-N-1500, Apium prostratum Labill. Dispersed by: Humans
Saudi Arabia-A-1504, Uruguay-A-1518, Apiaceae Weed of: Bananas, Cereals, Cotton,
United States of America-N-1603, Hawaii- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Apium prostratum Orchards & Plantations
A-87, Argentina-A-87, Mauritius-A-87, ssp. prostratum var. prostratum Labill. References: India-A-66, Global-N-85,
Egypt-A-87, India-A-87, Zimbabwe-A-87, Total N° of Refs: 4 United States of America-N-101, China-W-
South Africa-A-87, Taiwan-A-87, Habit: perennial Herb 431, south and southeast Asia-A-1320,
Australia-A-87, Peru-A-87, United States Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical south and southeast Asia-A-1408, Taiwan-
of America-A-87, Cape Verde-N-1558, Origin: Aust, NZ, S Am A-87, Philippines-A-87, India-A-1034,
Brazil-A-1560, Uruguay-A-1562, Uruguay- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental India-A-1448, India-W-1672, India-A-
A-1567, North Africa, Libya, Egypt-W- Dispersed by: Humans 1696, India-A-1698, Australia-W-1977.
1730, Taiwan-W-1748, China-I-1758, References: United States of America-N-
Cyprus-N-1797, South Korea-A-1859, 101, Brazil-N-1597, Australia-N-1902, Apluda varia Hack.
China-I-1873, Egypt-R-1922, South Korea- Australia-W-1977. Poaceae
A-2032, Brazil-R-2053, China-W-1977, Accepted name: Apluda mutica L.
Ecuador-W-1977, Greece-W-1977, Japan- Apium prostratum Labill. subsp. Total N° of Refs: 17
W-1977, Portugal-W-1977, Republic of prostratum var. prostratum Habit: Grass
Korea-W-1977, Taiwan-W-1977, Apiaceae Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Zimbabwe-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 2 References: Global-A-1207, India-A-87,
Habit: Herb Vietnam-A-87.
References: New Zealand-N-823, New

Apocopis wrightii Munro Apocynum androsaemifolium L. subsp. Apocynum cannabinum L. var.
Poaceae androsaemifolium cannabinum
Total N° of Refs: 1 Apocynaceae Apocynaceae
Habit: Grass Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 4
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Global Risk Score: 0.48
References: south and southeast Asia-A- Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Rating: Low
1320. References: Canada-C-756, Global-CD- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
1611, Canada-G-1855. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Apocynum androsaemifolium L. References: Canada-A-642, Canada-C-756,
Apocynaceae Apocynum androsaemifolium L. subsp. Global-CD-1611, Canada-G-1855.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Apocynum pumilum (Gray) Boivin
androsaemifolium L. var. griseum (Greene) Apocynaceae Apocynum cannabinum L. var.
B g. & Bel. (1), Apocynum Accepted name: Apocynum glaberrimum A. DC.
androsaemifolium L. var. incanum A. DC. androsaemifolium Apocynaceae
(1), Apocynum androsaemifolium L. var. Total N° of Refs: 18 Accepted name: Apocynum cannabinum
woodsonii Boivin (1), Apocynum References: Canada-A-642. Total N° of Refs: 28
androsaemifolium L. subsp. pumilum References: Canada-A-642.
(Gray) Boivin (1) Apocynum cannabinum L.
Total N° of Refs: 21 Apocynaceae Apocynum cannabinum L. var.
Global Risk Score: 4.32 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Apocynum hypericifolium Gray
Rating: Low cannabinum L. var. glaberrimum A. DC. Apocynaceae
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb (1), Apocynum cannabinum L. var. Accepted name: Apocynum cannabinum
Origin: N Am hypericifolium Gray (4), Apocynum Total N° of Refs: 31
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, cannabinum L. var. pubescens (Mitchell ex Global Risk Score: 0.48
Ornamental R.Br.) Woods. (1), Apocynum cannabinum Rating: Low
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee L. var. suksdorfii (Greene) B g. & Bel. (1), Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Weed of: Nursery Production, Orchards & Apocynum pubescens Mitchell ex R.Br. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Plantations, Pastures, Pome Fruits (1), Apocynum sibiricum Jacq. (5), References: Canada-A-642, Canada-UC-
References: Global-A-243, United States of Apocynum sibiricum Jacq. var. cordigerum 756, Global-CD-1611, Canada-G-1855.
America-AW-136, United States of (Greene) Fern. (1)
America-W-161, Canada-X-162, Canada Total N° of Refs: 41 Apocynum cannabinum L. var.
and United States of America-XW-299, Global Risk Score: 4.8 pubescens (Mitchell ex R.Br.) Woods.
United States of America-W-212, United Rating: Low Apocynaceae
States of America-W-218, Canada-A-642, Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Accepted name: Apocynum cannabinum
Denmark-UC-711, North America-X-790, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland Total N° of Refs: 28
Australia--, Global-W-1349, Denmark-W- Origin: N Am References: Canada-A-642.
1609, United States of America-A-87, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Global-CD-1611, Australia-Q-1123, Ornamental Apocynum cannabinum L. var.
Canada-G-1462, Denmark-W-1977. Dispersed by: Humans, Wind suksdorfii (Greene) Bèg. & Bel.
Weed of: Vegetables Apocynaceae
Apocynum androsaemifolium L. var. References: Global-W-23, United States of Accepted name: Apocynum cannabinum L.
griseum (Greene) BÈg. & Bel. America-W-266, Global-W-108, United Total N° of Refs: 28
Apocynaceae States of America-W-161, United States of Weed of: Vegetables
Accepted name: Apocynum America-A-164, Canada and United States References: Canada-A-2099.
androsaemifolium of America-XW-299, United States of
Total N° of Refs: 18 America-W-174, United States of America- Apocynum x floribundum E. Greene
References: Canada-A-642. AW-207, United States of America-AW- Apocynaceae
210, United States of America-W-212, Accepted name: parents = Apocynum
Apocynum androsaemifolium L. var. United States of America-W-218, United androsaemifolium L. x Apocynum
incanum A. DC. States of America-A-543, Canada-A-642, cannabinum L.
Apocynaceae Ukraine-R-643, Global-W-788, United Synonym/s (n° of refs): Apocynum x
Accepted name: Apocynum States of America-W-967, United States of medium Greene, pro spec. & Lepage (1)
androsaemifolium America-W-1104, Global-Q-1205, United Total N° of Refs: 5
Total N° of Refs: 18 States of America-A-1275, Europe-W- Global Risk Score: 1.44
References: Canada-A-642. 1325, Global-W-1349, Germany-W-1609, Rating: Low
United States of America-A-87, Australia- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Apocynum androsaemifolium L. var. Q-1123, Ukraine-U-2014, Ukraine-N-2050, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
woodsonii Boivin Germany-W-1977. References: Canada-A-642, Canada-C-756,
Apocynaceae Global-CD-1611, Canada-G-1855.
Accepted name: Apocynum
androsaemifolium Apocynum lancifolium Russanov
Total N° of Refs: 18 Apocynaceae
References: Canada-A-642. Total N° of Refs: 1
References: South Korea-AN-2032.

Apocynum x medium Greene, pro spec. Apodanthera galeottii Cogn. Aponogeton capuronii H.W.E.van
& Lepage Cucurbitaceae Bruggen
Apocynaceae Total N° of Refs: 1 Aponogetonaceae
Accepted name: Apocynum x floribundum References: Mexico-I-878. Total N° of Refs: 1
E. Greene Aqua - Habit:
Total N° of Refs: 5 Apodanthera scaberrima Brandegee Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
References: Canada-A-642. Cucurbitaceae Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Global-W-1324.
Apocynum pictum Schrenk References: Mexico-I-878.
Apocynaceae Aponogeton crispum Thunb
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Poacynum Apodanthera undulata A. Gray Aponogetonaceae
hendersonii (Hook. f.) Woodson (2) Cucurbitaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aponogeton
Total N° of Refs: 2 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Apodanthera echinatus Roxb. (1)
aspera Cogn. (3) Total N° of Refs: 3
Apocynum pubescens Mitchell ex R.Br. Total N° of Refs: 5 Global Risk Score: 0.24
Apocynaceae Preferred Climate/s: Dryland Rating: Low
Accepted name: Apocynum cannabinum Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb
Total N° of Refs: 28 References: Mexico-W-890, Mexico-W- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
References: Canada-A-642. 1226. Dispersed by: Humans
References: south and southeast Asia-A-
Apocynum sibiricum Jacq. Apodytes dimidiata E.Mey.ex Bernh. 1320, Global-W-1324.
Apocynaceae Icacinaceae
Accepted name: Apocynum cannabinum L. Total N° of Refs: 2 Aponogeton desertorum Zeyh. ex A.
Total N° of Refs: 32 Habit: Tree Spreng.
ToxicMajor Pathway/s: Herbal Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Aponogetonaceae
References: United States of America-W- Origin: Africa, C Asia, E Asia, SE Asia Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aponogeton
161, United States of America-W-218, Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Ornamental kraussianus Hochst. ex C.Krauss (1)
Canada-A-642, Global-W-1349, United Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 3
States of America-A-87. References: Laos-N-1102, Lao People's Global Risk Score: 0.72
Democratic Republic-W-1977. Rating: Low
Apocynum sibiricum Jacq. var. Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb
cordigerum (Greene) Fern. Apoglossum gregarium (Dawson) Wynne Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Apocynaceae Delesseriaceae Origin: Africa
Accepted name: Apocynum cannabinum Total N° of Refs: 7 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 28 Aqua - Habit: Dispersed by: Humans, Water
References: Canada-A-642. Dispersed by: Water References: South Africa-EWD-121,
References: Mediterranean-N-1391, Global-W-1324.
Apocynum spp. L. Global-W-1741, Mediterranean-ND-1780,
Apocynaceae Global-N-1785, Mediterranean-N-1835,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Greece-W-1977, Italy-W-1977.
ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Weed of: Vegetables Aponogeton abyssinicus Hochst. ex A.
References: United States of America-A- Rich.
543. Aponogetonaceae
Total N° of Refs: 3
Apocynum venetum L. Global Risk Score: 0.72
Apocynaceae Rating: Low
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Trachomitum Aqua - Habit:
venetum (L.) Woodson (3), Trachomitum Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
venetum (L.) Woodson subsp. sarmatiense Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
(Woodson) V.E.Avet. (1) Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 8 References: Global-W-1324, Australia-Q-
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb 1123, India-W-1977.
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Aponogeton bernierianus (Decne.)
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal Hook.f.
References: China-W-297, China-A-275, Aponogetonaceae
China-W-431, Europe-W-1325. Total N° of Refs: 1
Origin: Africa
Apodanthera aspera Cogn. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Cucurbitaceae Dispersed by: Humans
Accepted name: Apodanthera undulata var. References: China-N-1938.
australis A. Gray
Total N° of Refs: 5
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Major Pathway/s: Crop
References: Mexico-W-735, Mexico-W-
1226, Global-W-1324.

Aponogeton distachyos L.f. Aponogeton fenestralis Hook.f. Aponogeton madagascariensis (Mirb.) H.
Aponogetonaceae Aponogetonaceae Bruggen
Total N° of Refs: 66 Accepted name: Aponogeton Aponogetonaceae
Global Risk Score: 26.88 madagascariensis (Mirb.) H. Bruggen Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aponogeton
Rating: High Total N° of Refs: 3 fenestralis Hook.f. (1), Aponogeton
Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb Aqua - Habit: lakhonensis A.Camus (1), Aponogeton
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Preferred Climate/s: Tropical henkelianus Baum (1)
Origin: Africa Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 5
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Dispersed by: Humans Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb
Ornamental, Pasture References: Global-W-1324. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Dispersed by: Humans, Water, Escapee Origin: Africa
References: Australia-ED-72, Chile-N-300, Aponogeton henkelianus Baum Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Global-ND-108, Global-ND-85, United Aponogetonaceae Dispersed by: Humans
States of America-N-101, New Zealand-N- Accepted name: Aponogeton References: Global-W-1324, China-N-
280, Chile-N-241, South Africa-EWD-121, madagascariensis (Mirb.) H. Bruggen 1938.
Australia-N-176, Australia-N-198, Total N° of Refs: 3
Australia-ED-200, New Zealand-E-246, Aqua - Habit: Aponogeton monostachyon L.f.
New Zealand-W-165, New Zealand-ED- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Aponogetonaceae
208, Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945, Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 4
United Kingdom-CND-314, Australia-E- References: Global-W-1324. Habit: Herb
327, New Zealand-NW-425, Europe- Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
NWD-482, United Kingdom-N-519, New Aponogeton junceus Lehm. ex. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal
Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N-15, Schlechtd. subsp. junceus References: south and southeast Asia-A-
Global-ED-649, Australia-EN-310, United Aponogetonaceae 1320, south and southeast Asia-A-1408,
Kingdom-C-812, Australia-W-853, Total N° of Refs: 2 India-A-87, Australia-Q-1123.
Australia-N-855, Australia-W-869, New Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb
Zealand-N-919, Australia-N-354, France- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Aponogeton natans Engl. & K. Krause
N-1006, Australia-N-1049, Global-N-1059, Origin: Africa Aponogetonaceae
Europe-N-819, Australia-Q-1134, United Dispersed by: Water Total N° of Refs: 8
Kingdom-WD-1175, Global-A-1207, References: South Africa-EWD-121, Global Risk Score: 2.4
Global-Q-1208, Belgium-U-1220, Lesotho-W-121. Rating: Low
Australia-E-1258, Europe-ND-1298, Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb
Global-W-1324, Chile-N-1348, Australia- Aponogeton kraussianus Hochst. ex Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
N-1450, Australia-E-1456, Ireland-W- C.Krauss Tropical
1609, Netherlands-W-1609, New Zealand- Aponogetonaceae Origin: E Asia
A-87, Global-CD-1611, Ireland-N-1832, Accepted name: Aponogeton desertorum Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Australia-N-1845, Chile-I-1872, China-N- Zeyh. ex Spreng. Ornamental
1938, France-N-1940, Australia-N-1959, - Total N° of Refs: 3 Dispersed by: Humans
I-, -I-, New Zealand-N-2048, Algeria-W- Aqua - Habit: Weed of: Cereals
1977, Australia-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: south and southeast Asia-A-
Chile-W-1977, France-W-1977, India-W- Dispersed by: Humans 1320, Global-W-1324, India-A-1359,
1977, Ireland-W-1977, New Zealand-W- References: Global-W-1324. India-A-1696, China-N-1938, Australia-Q-
1977, United Kingdom-W-1977. 1123, India-A-2000, India-A-2084.
Aponogeton lakhonensis A.Camus
Aponogeton echinatum ROXB. Aponogetonaceae Aponogeton rigidifolius H.W. Evan
Aponogetonaceae Accepted name: Aponogeton Bruggen
Total N° of Refs: 1 madagascariensis (Mirb.) H. Bruggen Aponogetonaceae
References: south and southeast Asia-A- Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 2
1320. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Global Risk Score: 0.24
Dispersed by: Humans Rating: Low
Aponogeton echinatus Roxb. References: south and southeast Asia-A- Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb
Aponogetonaceae 1320. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Accepted name: Aponogeton crispum Dispersed by: Humans
Thunb. Aponogeton longiplumulosus H.W.E.van References: Global-W-1324, Australia-Q-
Total N° of Refs: 3 Bruggen 1123.
Aqua - Habit: Aponogetonaceae
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 1 Aponogeton robinsonii A.Camus
Dispersed by: Humans Aqua - Habit: Aponogetonaceae
References: India-A-1359. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 1
Dispersed by: Humans References: south and southeast Asia-A-
Aponogeton elongatus Benth. References: Global-W-1324. 1320.
Total N° of Refs: 1
Aqua - Habit:
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Global-W-1324.

Aponogeton stachyosporus de Wit Aptenia cordifolia (L.f.) Schwantes Spain-W-1977, United Kingdom-W-1977.
Aponogetonaceae Aizoaceae
Accepted name: Aponogeton undulatus Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aptenia cordifolia (L. f.) Schwantes 'Red
Roxb. Mesembryanthemum cordifolium L.f. (5) Apple'
Total N° of Refs: 4 Total N° of Refs: 120 Aizoaceae
Aqua - Habit: Global Risk Score: 6.48 Total N° of Refs: 1
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Rating: Low Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Habit: perennial Herb Dispersed by: Humans
References: Global-Q-1205, Australia-Q- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, References: United States of America-I-
1123. Subtropical, Tropical 849.
Origin: Africa
Aponogeton ulvaceus Baker Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Aptenia lancifolia L.Bolus
Aponogetonaceae Ornamental Aizoaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Total N° of Refs: 6
Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb References: United States of America-E- Habit: Succulent
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean 231, United States of America-CW-34, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental United States of America-X-35, Australia- Origin: Africa
Dispersed by: Humans E-72, United Kingdom-N-40, New Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
References: Global-W-1324. Zealand-E-246, United States of America- Dispersed by: Humans
E-78, United States of America-E-80, References: Mediterranean-I-775,
Aponogeton undulatus Roxb. Global-N-85, United States of America-N- Mediterranean-W-951, Malta-N-1089,
Aponogetonaceae 101, New Zealand-N-280, United States of Europe-N-819, Global-W-1324, Spain-N-
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aponogeton America-W-116, Australia-N-176, United 1454.
stachyosporus de Wit (2) States of America-W-179, Australia-N-198,
Total N° of Refs: 4 Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945, United Aptenia sp. 'Red Apple'
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Kingdom-C-314, Australia-E-327, Canary Aizoaceae
Rating: Low Islands-N-305, Europe-N-482, United Total N° of Refs: 1
Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb Kingdom-N-519, New Zealand-N-534, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, New Zealand-N-15, Spain-N-405, Canary References: New Zealand-U-2048.
Tropical Islands-N-637, Australia-EN-310, Portugal-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental N-662, Denmark-UC-711, Portugal-N-718, Aptenia spp. N.E.Br.
Dispersed by: Humans Crete-N-771, Mediterranean-I-775, Aizoaceae
References: south and southeast Asia-A- Australia-N-7, United States of America-I- Total N° of Refs: 1
1320, Global-W-1324. 792, Spain-W-807, Hungary-U-809, Habit: Succulent
France-W-764, United Kingdom-CN-812, References: Malta-I-1470.
Aporocactus flagelliformis (L.) Lem. Australia-W-853, Australia-N-855,
Cactaceae Portugal-N-859, Australia-W-869, Mexico- Aquilaria sinensis (Lour.) Spreng.
Accepted name: Disocactus flagelliformis W-890, Canary Islands-I-902, New Thymelaeaceae
(L.) Barthlott Zealand-N-919, United States of America- Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 6 W-946, Mediterranean-W-951, Australia- Origin: E Asia
Global Risk Score: 1.2 N-354, France-N-1006, France-N-1006, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Rating: Low United Kingdom-N-1006, Greece-N-1006, Dispersed by: Humans
Habit: Succulent Malta-N-1006, Portugal-N-1006, Spain-N- References: China-N-1374.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, 1006, Australia-N-1049, Malta-N-1089,
Tropical Portugal-I-1090, Portugal-N-898, Europe- Aquilegia adoxoides (DC.) Ohwi
Origin: N Am N-819, Poland-C-1122, Greece-NI-1142, Ranunculaceae
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Iberian Peninsular-N-1147, Crete-N-1150, Total N° of Refs: 1
Ornamental Sardinia-I-1151, Gal pagos Islands-CN- References: Japan-W-286.
Dispersed by: Humans 1157, Cyprus-N-1174, Mexico-W-1226,
References: Chile-I-1872, Algeria-W-1977, Hungary-U-1255, Australia-E-1259, Aquilegia akitensis Huth
Chile-W-1977. Australia-E-1260, Australia-E-1261, Ranunculaceae
Australia-E-1262, Italy-N-1265, Spain-U- Total N° of Refs: 1
Aporusa wallichii Hook.f. 1270, La Reunion-U-1321, Sardinia-NI- Habit: Herb
Euphorbiaceae 1336, Australia-N-1450, Spain-I-1454, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 1 Spain-U-1455, Australia-E-1456, France- Dispersed by: Humans
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical N-1515, Israel-W-1487, Denmark-W-1609, References: Algeria-W-1977.
References: south and southeast Asia-A- Italy-N-1007, Spain-N-1556, Global-CD-
1408. 1611, Azores-N-1721, Macronesia-I-1722,
Europe-UNX-1740, Cyprus-N-1797,
Aposeris foetida (L.) Less. Sardinia-I-1393, Australia-N-1902, El
Asteraceae Salvador-N-1849, Colombia-N-1856,
Total N° of Refs: 4 Chile-I-1872, Mexico-N-1881, Sardinia-N-
Major Pathway/s: Crop 1917, Australia-N-1959, Canary Islands-N-
Dispersed by: Animals, Wind 1967, Canary Islands-N-1970, Spain-N-
References: Europe-N-819, Global-W- 2027, New Zealand-N-2048, Algeria-W-
1324, Latvia-W-1609, Latvia-W-1977. 1977, Australia-W-1977, Chile-W-1977,
Cyprus-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977,
France-W-1977, Greece-W-1977, India-W-
1977, Mexico-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977,

Aquilegia alpina L. Aquilegia canadensis L. var. coccinea Aquilegia flabellata Siebold & Zucc.
Ranunculaceae (Small) Munz Ranunculaceae
Total N° of Refs: 3 Ranunculaceae Total N° of Refs: 2
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Accepted name: Aquilegia canadensis L. Global Risk Score: 1.2
Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 5 Rating: Low
Habit: Herb References: Canada-A-642. Habit: Herb
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Origin: Europe Aquilegia canadensis L. var. flaviflora Origin: E Asia
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Britton Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Dispersed by: Humans Ranunculaceae Ornamental
References: Chile-I-1872, -I-, Algeria-W- Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans
1977, Chile-W-1977. References: Canada-A-642. References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.

Aquilegia atrata W.D.J.Koch Aquilegia chrysantha A.Gray Aquilegia flabellata Siebold & Zucc. var.
Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae flabellata
Total N° of Refs: 6 Total N° of Refs: 3 Ranunculaceae
Habit: perennial Herb Global Risk Score: 0.72 Total N° of Refs: 3
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Rating: Low References: Japan-N-794, Japan-N-1278,
Origin: Europe Habit: Herb Japan-W-1977.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Aquilegia flavescens S.Watson
References: Czech Republic-U-400, Dispersed by: Humans Ranunculaceae
Europe-N-819, Global-W-1324, Czech References: Chile-I-1872, Algeria-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 1
Republic-U-1522, Czech Republic-U-1731, Chile-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Czech Republic-W-1977. Dispersed by: Humans
Aquilegia coccinea Small References: Austria-W-1609.
Aquilegia buergeriana Sieb. & Zucc. Ranunculaceae
Ranunculaceae Accepted name: Aquilegia canadensis Aquilegia flaviflora Tenney
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 5 Ranunculaceae
Global Risk Score: 0.72 References: Canada-A-642. Total N° of Refs: 1
Rating: Low References: Canada-A-642.
Habit: Herb Aquilegia coerulea E.James
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Ranunculaceae Aquilegia formosa Fisch.
Dispersed by: Humans Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aquilegia caerulea Ranunculaceae
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. E.James (1) Total N° of Refs: 3
Total N° of Refs: 2 Global Risk Score: 1.2
Aquilegia caerulea E.James ToxicMajor Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Rating: Low
Ranunculaceae Dispersed by: Humans Habit: perennial Herb
Accepted name: Aquilegia coerulea References: Chile-W-1977. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
E.James Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Total N° of Refs: 2 Aquilegia x cultorum Bergmans Ornamental
Global Risk Score: 1.2 Ranunculaceae Dispersed by: Humans
Rating: Low Accepted name: parents = Aquilegia References: Chile-I-1872, Algeria-W-1977,
Toxic - Habit: Herb caerulea E.James x Aquilegia chrysantha Chile-W-1977.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, A.Gray
Subtropical Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aquilegia x Aquilegia glandulosa Fisch. ex Link
Origin: N Am hybrida nom. hort. (3) Ranunculaceae
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Total N° of Refs: 4 Total N° of Refs: 2
Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Global Risk Score: 0.72
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans Rating: Low
References: Chile-I-1872. References: Russia-N-1681. Habit: Herb
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Aquilegia canadensis L. Aquilegia discolor Levier & Leresche Dispersed by: Humans
Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aquilegia Accepted name: Aquilegia pyrenaica DC.
canadensis L. var. coccinea (Small) Munz subsp. discolor (Levier & Leresche) Pereda Aquilegia x helenae Arends
(1), Aquilegia coccinea Small (1) & Laínz Ranunculaceae
Total N° of Refs: 6 Total N° of Refs: 8 Accepted name: parents = Aquilegia
Global Risk Score: 2.4 Global Risk Score: 0.24 flabellata Sieb. & Zucc. x Aquilegia
Rating: Low Rating: Low caerulea E.James
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Habit: Herb Total N° of Refs: 2
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Dispersed by: Humans
Ornamental References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
References: Canada-A-642, Canada-C-756,
Global-CD-1611, Canada-G-1855.

Aquilegia x hybrida nom. hort. Aquilegia cultivars nom. hort. Aquilegia vulgaris L.
Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae
Accepted name: Aquilegia x cultorum Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aquilegia cv. Hort. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aquilegia vulgaris
Bergmans Total N° of Refs: 1 ssp. dichroa L.
Total N° of Refs: 4 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 86
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans Global Risk Score: 14.4
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee References: United Kingdom-N-40. Rating: Medium
References: United Kingdom-C-314, Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
Global-CD-1611, Poland-C-1841. Aquilegia spp. L. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Ranunculaceae Origin: Africa, Europe
Aquilegia olympica Boiss. Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Ranunculaceae Habit: Herb Herbal, Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 4 References: Australia-N-1450. Dispersed by: Humans, Water, Wind,
Global Risk Score: 1.44 Escapee
Rating: Low Aquilegia viridiflora Pall. Seed Longevity: Transient
Habit: Herb Ranunculaceae Weed of: Cereals
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Australia-E-290, Australia-E-
Origin: Europe, W Asia Habit: Herb 72, Finland-C-42, Chile-N-300, Australia-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental W-54, Global-N-85, Global-A-243, United
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Dispersed by: Humans States of America-N-101, New Zealand-N-
References: United Kingdom-C-314, References: China-W-297. 280, Australia-N-198, Europe, eastern-W-
Global-CD-1611, Chile-I-1872, Chile-W- 272, Australia-C-401, United Kingdom-U-
1977. 314, Australia-E-327, New Zealand-N-534,
Canary Islands-N-637, Canada-A-642,
Aquilegia pubescens Cov. Ukraine-CR-643, Norway-CN-644,
Ranunculaceae Australia-AEN-310, Canada and United
Total N° of Refs: 1 States of America-N-725, Japan-N-794,
Habit: perennial Herb Australia-W-853, Australia-W-869, New
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Zealand-N-919, Argentina-I-983, Australia-
Dispersed by: Humans N-354, Estonia-N-1006, Liechtenstein-N-
References: United Kingdom-U-314. 1006, Europe-N-819, Chile-N-1229,
Latvia-N-1242, Norway-N-1243, Canada-
Aquilegia pyrenaica DC. N-1252, Australia-E-1259, Japan-N-1278,
Ranunculaceae Ukraine-N-1297, Global-W-1324, Ukraine-
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aquilegia discolor N-1335, Chile-N-1348, Global-W-1349,
Levier & Leresche (2) Finland-W-1356, Australia-E-1456, New
Total N° of Refs: 8 Zealand-N-1543, Latvia-CN-1598, Estonia-
Habit: Herb W-1609, Latvia-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean United Kingdom-U-1636, Romania-N-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental 1549, Global-CD-1611, Global-ZD-1581,
Dispersed by: Humans Russia-W-1684, Ukraine-N-1685, Europe--
References: United Kingdom-N-314, , Poland-U-1716, Europe-UI-1740, Russia-
United Kingdom-N-519, United Kingdom- C-1671, Austria-N-1828, Australia-UN-
U-812, Europe-N-819, Global-W-1324, 1845, Chile-I-1872, Sardinia-N-1917,
United Kingdom-W-1977. Germany-R-1948, Australia-N-1959,
Romania-N-1986, Russia-N-1988, Estonia-
Aquilegia sibirica Lam. N-1994, Estonia-N-1997, Ukraine-N-2014,
Ranunculaceae Poland-A-2047, New Zealand-N-2048,
Total N° of Refs: 3 Ukraine-N-2050, Poland-C-2062, Ukraine-
Global Risk Score: 0.72 N-2112, Argentina-W-1977, Australia-W-
Rating: Low 1977, Canada-W-1977, Chile-W-1977,
Habit: Herb India-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Latvia-W-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental 1977, Liechtenstein-W-1977, Luxembourg-
Dispersed by: Humans W-1977, Romania-W-1977, Russian
References: Chile-I-1872, Algeria-W-1977, Federation-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977,
Chile-W-1977. Ukraine-W-1977.

Aquilegia skinneri Hook. Aquilegia vulgaris L. subsp. dichroa

Ranunculaceae (Freyn) T. E. Diaz
Total N° of Refs: 2 Ranunculaceae
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Total N° of Refs: 2
Rating: Low References: Portugal-N-1006, Azores-N-
Habit: Herb 1721.
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.

Aquilegia vulgaris L. subsp. vulgaris Arabidopsis salsuginea (Pallas) N. Busch Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh.
Ranunculaceae Brassicaceae Brassicaceae
Total N° of Refs: 3 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Thellungiella Synonym/s (n° of refs): Arabis thaliana L.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean salsuginea (Pall.) Schulz. (2) (1)
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 110
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Herbal Global Risk Score: 3.6
References: Canary Islands-N-637, Rating: Low
Portugal-W-1977, Spain-W-1977. Arabidopsis suecica (Fries) Norrlin Habit: annual/biennial Herb
Brassicaceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Aquilegia yabeana Kitag. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Cardaminopsis Subtropical, Tropical
Ranunculaceae suecica (Fr.) Hiitonen ex Hyl. (1) Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 15 Cosmopolitan
Habit: Herb Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Ornamental Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle,
References: China-W-297. References: Denmark-C-711, Denmark-N- Horse, Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles, Water,
1006, Norway-N-1006, Sweden-N-1006, Wind, Escapee
Arabidopsis arenosa (L.) Lawalrèe Europe-N-819, Norway-N-1243, Global- Seed Longevity: Long Term
Brassicaceae W-1324, Norway-N-1535, Denmark-W- Weed of: Canola, Cereals, Orchards &
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Arabidopsis 1609, Norway-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, Plantations
arenosa (L.) Lawalrèe ssp. arenosa Global-CD-1611, Sweden-N-1802, References: Global-W-23, United States of
Total N° of Refs: 10 Sweden-W-1977. America-W-34, Global-A-44, Global-
References: United States of America-N- NZW-85, Europe-A-94, Global-A-243,
101, Norway-N-1243, Global-W-1324, United States of America-N-101, New
Norway-N-1535, Norway-W-1609, Zealand-N-280, United States of America-
Sweden-W-1609, Sweden-N-1802, W-161, Australia-N-176, Japan-W-286,
Belgium-W-1977, Netherlands-W-1977, western Europe-A-253, United States of
Sweden-W-1977. America-AW-207, Europe, eastern-AW-
272, western Europe-W-70, United States
Arabidopsis arenosa (L.) Lawalrèe of America-W-218, Australia-C-401,
subsp. arenosa Australia-N-945, China-W-431, United
Brassicaceae Kingdom-N-519, New Zealand-N-534,
Total N° of Refs: 2 New Zealand-N-15, Canada-A-642,
References: United States of America-N- Australia-AN-310, India-AG-712, Canada
101, Belgium-N-1220. and United States of America-N-725,
United States of America-N-86, Canada-
Arabidopsis halleri (L.) O’Kane & Al- UC-756, Japan-N-794, Palestine-N-851,
Shehbaz Australia-W-853, Australia-W-869, United
Brassicaceae States of America-U-904, India-N-914,
Total N° of Refs: 5 New Zealand-N-919, United States of
References: Belgium-N-1220, Norway-N- America-W-946, Australia-N-354,
1243, Norway-N-1535, Norway-W-1609, Germany-N-1006, Australia-N-1049,
Belgium-W-1977. United States of America-N-1057, Poland-
A-935, Europe-N-819, United Kingdom-A-
Arabidopsis kneuckeri O.E.Schulz. 322, United Kingdom-A-1093, United
Brassicaceae States of America-W-1104, Poland-G-
Accepted name: Crucihimalaya kneuckeri 1122, Europe-W-1191, Crete-A-1228,
(Bornm.) Al-Shehbaz. O'Kane & R.A. Serbia-W-1238, China-U-92, France-A-
Price 1266, Japan-N-1278, Ukraine-N-1297,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Ukraine-N-1335, Chile-N-1348, Global-W-
References: Egypt-W-221. 1349, India-N-1389, United Kingdom-ZD-
1416, France-A-1461, Global-ZD-1495,
Arabidopsis korshinskyi Botsch. Panarctic-U-1596, United Kingdom-A-87,
Brassicaceae Finland-A-87, Russia-A-87, United States
Accepted name: Olimarabidopsis cabulica of America-A-87, Serbia-A-1019,
(Hook.f. & Thomson) Al-Shehbaz, O'Kane Germany-ZD-1658, Europe--, Global-CD-
& R.A.Price 1611, Italy-A-1618, Global-ZD-1581, Polar
Total N° of Refs: 1 Regions-ZD-1587, Azores-N-1721, central
Origin: W Asia Europe-A-1616, Russia-W-1671, France-
Weed of: Cereals A-1814, Finland-A-1815, Poland-A-1825,
References: Tajikistan-A-1674. Australia-N-1902, Australia-N-1845,
Canada-G-1855, Montenegro-W-1861,
Arabidopsis pumila (Stephan) N. Busch Argentina-A-1874, France-A-1924,
Brassicaceae Germany-R-1948, Poland-A-1961, Russia-
Total N° of Refs: 6 N-1989, Poland-A-2005, South Korea-A-
References: Egypt-W-221, Europe, eastern- 2033, France-A-2042, Poland-A-2047,
W-272, Europe-N-819, Global-A-1207, New Zealand-N-2048, Ukraine-N-2050, -
Global-W-1324, Germany-W-1609. A-2058, Poland-A-2059, Poland-A-2061,
Poland-R-2062, Slovakia-A-2079, Italy-A-

2081, northern European towns-W-2095, Arabis alpina L. subsp. caucasica Arabis caucasica Willd.
Spain-A-2098, Poland-A-2110, Ukraine-N- (Schlect. ex Willd.) Briq. Brassicaceae
2112, Australia-W-1977, Bulgaria-W-1977, Brassicaceae Accepted name: Arabis alpina L. subsp.
Canada-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Japan-W- Total N° of Refs: 9 caucasica (Willd.) Briq.
1977, South Africa-W-1977, Ukraine-W- Global Risk Score: 1.44 Total N° of Refs: 73
1977. Rating: Low Global Risk Score: 2.16
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Rating: Low
Arabidopsis wallichii (Hook. f. & Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Habit: perennial Herb
Thomson) N. Busch Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Brassicaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Global-N-85, Europe-N-438, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Lithuania-I-737, Canada-C-756, Belgium- Ornamental
References: India-W-424. N-1220, Hungary-U-1255, Lithuania-W- Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
1609, Global-CD-1611, Canada-G-1855. References: United Kingdom-N-40,
Arabis allionii de Candolle Finland-C-42, Global-N-108, United States
Brassicaceae Arabis arenicola (Richardson ex Hook.) of America-N-101, United Kingdom-C-
Total N° of Refs: 2 Gelert subsp. arenicola 314, Czech Republic-N-400, United
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Brassicaceae Kingdom-N-519, Norway-CN-644,
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 1 Austria-UC-708, Denmark-UC-711, United
References: Austria-W-1977, Denmark-W- References: Canada-N-1252. Kingdom-CN-812, Switzerland-N-818,
1977. Czech Republic-N-826, Ireland-U-894,
Arabis arenosa (L.) Scop. Germany-N-907, Belgium-N-1006,
Arabis alpina L. Brassicaceae Czechoslovakia-N-1006, France-N-1006,
Brassicaceae Total N° of Refs: 5 Denmark-N-1006, Germany-N-1006,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Arabis caucasica Origin: Europe United Kingdom-N-1006, Iceland-N-1006,
Willd. (54) Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Portugal-N-1006, Switzerland-N-1006,
Total N° of Refs: 73 Dispersed by: Humans Europe-N-819, Norway-N-1243, Canada-
Global Risk Score: 4.8 Weed of: Cereals N-1340, Slovakia-U-1484, Czech
Rating: Low References: United Kingdom-UZ-314, Republic-N-1522, Norway-N-1535,
Habit: perennial Herb United Kingdom-N-519, Norway-N-644, Austria-W-1609, Denmark-W-1609,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, United Kingdom-U-812, Poland-A-2047. Germany-W-1609, Norway-W-1609,
Tropical Sweden-W-1609, United Kingdom-U-
Origin: Africa, Europe, N Am Arabis auriculata LAM. 1636, Global-CD-1611, Czech Republic-N-
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Brassicaceae 1731, Europe-I-1740, United States of
Herbal, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 4 America-N-1162, Russia-C-1671, Sweden-
Dispersed by: Humans, Water, Wind, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean N-1802, Austria-W-1977, Belgium-W-
Escapee References: Europe-N-819, Global-W- 1977, Canada-W-1977, Czech Republic-W-
Seed Longevity: Transient 1324, Belgium-U-1220, Belgium-W-1977. 1977, Denmark-W-1977, France-W-1977,
References: Czech Republic-N-400, United Germany-W-1977, Ireland-W-1977,
Kingdom-N-519, Denmark-UC-711, Arabis blepharophylla Hook. & Arn. Lithuania-W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977,
United Kingdom-C-812, Czech Republic- Brassicaceae Sweden-W-1977, United Kingdom-W-
N-826, Argentina-I-983, Czechoslovakia- Total N° of Refs: 2 1977.
N-1006, Europe-N-819, Czech Republic-N- Habit: perennial Herb
1522, Denmark-W-1609, Global-CD-1611, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Arabis ciliata Clairv.
Europe--, Czech Republic-N-1731, Chile-I- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Brassicaceae
1872, Poland-U-2062, Argentina-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans Synonym/s (n° of refs): Arabis
Chile-W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977, References: Sweden-N-1802, Sweden-W- corymbiflora Vest. (2)
Denmark-W-1977, Latvia-W-1977. 1977. Total N° of Refs: 4
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Arabis alpina L. var. caucasica (Willd.) Arabis brassica (Leers) Rauschert References: Denmark-W-1609, Denmark-
Briq. Brassicaceae W-1977.
Brassicaceae Accepted name: Fourraea alpina (L.)
Total N° of Refs: 1 Greuter & Burdet Arabis collina Ten.
References: Hungary-U-809. Total N° of Refs: 2 Brassicaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 11
References: Norway-N-1243. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Origin: Africa, Europe
Arabis canadensis L. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Brassicaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Total N° of Refs: 3 References: United Kingdom-C-314,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental United Kingdom-N-519, United Kingdom-
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee UC-812, Switzerland-N-1006, Europe-N-
References: Canada-C-756, Global-CD- 819, Global-Q-1205, Belgium-W-1220,
1611, Canada-G-1855. Global-W-1324, Global-CD-1611,
Switzerland-W-1977, United Kingdom-W-

Arabis corymbiflora Vest. Arabis hirsuta (L.) Scop. Arabis nova Villars
Brassicaceae Brassicaceae Brassicaceae
Accepted name: Arabis ciliata Clairv. Total N° of Refs: 11 Total N° of Refs: 2
Total N° of Refs: 4 Habit: perennial Herb Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Global Risk Score: 0.48 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Origin: E Asia, Europe
Rating: Low Tropical References: United Kingdom-U-314,
Habit: b/p Herb Origin: E Asia, Europe Turkey--1412.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Ornamental Herbal, Ornamental Arabis pauciflora (Grimm) Garcke
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Brassicaceae
References: Denmark-W-711, Poland-A- Livestock, Sheep, Water, Wind Synonym/s (n° of refs): Turritis brassica
1961. Seed Longevity: Long Term Leers (2)
References: Global-W-23, United States of Total N° of Refs: 2
Arabis divaricarpa A. Nelson var. America-N-101, Europe, eastern-W-272,
divaricarpa United Kingdom-N-519, Serbia-W-1238, Arabis pendula L.
Brassicaceae Panarctic-U-1596, Russia-N-1647, Global- Brassicaceae
Total N° of Refs: 3 ZD-1611, Global-ZD-1581, Europe--, Total N° of Refs: 11
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Montenegro-R-1944, New Zealand-U- Habit: biennial Herb
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee 2048. Major Pathway/s: Crop
References: Canada-C-756, Global-CD- References: Europe, eastern-W-272, China-
1611, Canada-G-1855. Arabis hirsuta (L.) Scop. var. hirsuta W-297, China-A-275, China-W-431,
Brassicaceae Europe-N-819, Norway-N-1243, Global-
Arabis glabra (L.) Bernh. Total N° of Refs: 1 W-1324, Estonia-W-1609, Russia-A-1621,
Brassicaceae References: United States of America-N- Russia-W-1687, Estonia-N-1997.
Accepted name: Turritis glabra L. 101.
Total N° of Refs: 38 Arabis planisiliqua (Persoon)
Global Risk Score: 9.6 Arabis hirsuta (L.) Scop. subsp. Reichenbach fil.
Rating: Medium adpressipilis (M. Hopk.) Hultén Brassicaceae
Habit: perennial Herb Brassicaceae Total N° of Refs: 9
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 3 Origin: Europe
Origin: E Asia, Europe Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Dispersed by: Humans
Herbal, Ornamental References: Canada-C-756, Global-CD- References: Denmark-N-1006, Norway-N-
Dispersed by: Humans, Livestock, Sheep, 1611, Canada-G-1855. 1006, Sweden-N-1006, Europe-N-819,
Water Global-W-1324, Belgium-U-1220,
Seed Longevity: Transient Arabis hirsuta (L.) Scop. subsp. gerardii Sweden-N-1802, Belgium-W-1977,
References: Global-W-23, Global-W-433, Hartm. f. Sweden-W-1977.
Japan-W-286, Europe, eastern-W-272, Brassicaceae
United Kingdom-N-519, Canada-A-642, Total N° of Refs: 1 Arabis procurrens Waldst. & Kit.
Canada-U-652, United States of America-I- References: Belgium-U-1220. Brassicaceae
1161, United States of America-N-1162, Total N° of Refs: 18
Canada-N-1340, Global-W-1349, Arabis holboellii Hornem. Habit: perennial Herb
Germany-ZD-1655, North America-N- Brassicaceae Origin: Europe
1760, Russia-W-1671, India-AN-1794, Accepted name: Boechera holboellii Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
South Korea-A-2032. (Hornem.) A. Love & D. Love Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: United States of America-N-
Arabis glauca Boissieu Habit: perennial Herb 101, Czech Republic-U-400, Austria-UC-
Brassicaceae Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental 708, Hungary-U-809, Europe-N-819,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans Hungary-U-1255, Global-W-1324,
References: Global-Q-1205. References: Global-W-23. Belgium-U-1220, Slovakia-U-1484, Czech
Republic-N-1522, Austria-W-1609, Global-
Arabis laevigata (Muhlenb. ex Willd.) CD-1611, Czech Republic-N-1731, Russia-
Poir. C-1671, Austria-W-1977, Belgium-W-
Brassicaceae 1977, Czech Republic-W-1977, Slovakia-
Total N° of Refs: 3 W-1977.
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Arabis recta Vill.
References: Canada-UC-756, Global-CD- Brassicaceae
1611, Canada-G-1855. Total N° of Refs: 2
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Arabis nipponica Boiss. Origin: Africa, Europe
Brassicaceae References: Europe, eastern-W-272,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Belgium-U-1220.
References: South Korea-A-648.

Arabis rosea de Candolle Arabis turrita L. Arachis hagenbeckii Harms 'Arbrook'
Brassicaceae Brassicaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 13 Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: Herb Global Risk Score: 3.6 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Rating: Low References: United States of America-N-
Origin: Europe Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, 101.
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Tropical
Dispersed by: Humans Origin: Europe Arachis hagenbeckii Harms 'Floragraze'
References: Switzerland-N-653, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Switzerland-N-818. Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 1
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Escapee Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Arabis sagittata de Candolle References: South America-C-31, United References: United States of America-N-
Brassicaceae Kingdom-U-40, Finland-U-42, United 101.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Kingdom-CW-56, United Kingdom-C-314,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean United Kingdom-N-519, United Kingdom- Arachis hypogaea L.
Origin: Europe N-812, Belgium-N-1006, United Kingdom- Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, N-1006, Europe-N-819, Serbia-W-1238, Total N° of Refs: 69
Ornamental Global-CD-1611, Chile-I-1872. Global Risk Score: 17.92
Dispersed by: Humans Rating: High
References: Russia-W-1687. Arabis verna (L.) R.Br. Toxic - Habit: annual Herb
Brassicaceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Arabis scabra Allioni Total N° of Refs: 3 Subtropical, Tropical
Brassicaceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Origin: C Am, E Asia, S Am
Total N° of Refs: 1 Origin: Africa, Europe Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean References: Europe, eastern-W-272, United Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture
References: United Kingdom-N-519. Kingdom-U-314, Crete-A-1228. Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Escapee
References: Puerto Rico-UW-261, Taiwan-
Arabis spp. L. Arachis archeri Krapov. & W.C.Greg. N-500, Denmark-UC-711, Taiwan-N-777,
Brassicaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae United Kingdom-U-40, Finland-U-42,
Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 1 United States of America-N-101, South
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical America-A-270, United States of America-
Tropical Major Pathway/s: Pasture W-179, Australia-N-945, United Kingdom-
Dispersed by: Humans Weed of: Pastures UZ-314, Lithuania-I-737, Mexico-N-791,
References: South America-C-31, Europe, References: Brazil-A-2051. Belize-N-850, Mexico-I-878, Mozambique-
eastern-W-272, Global-CD-1611. nC-943, Australia-N-354, Europe-N-819,
Arachis duranensis Krapov. & Laos-N-1102, Chad-nC-640, Gal pagos
Arabis stricta Huds. W.C.Greg. Islands-CN-1157, China-N-1215, Belgium-
Brassicaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae U-1220, Norway-N-1243, Italy-U-251,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1 Georgia-A-1313, China-N-1344,
References: Global-W-23. Habit: annual Herb Zimbabwe-UD-1365, Taiwan-N-1403, Sri
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Lanka-ZD-1020, Brazil-N-1597, North
Arabis suecica Fries Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture Korea-N-1600, Estonia-W-1609, Denmark-
Brassicaceae Dispersed by: Humans W-1609, Russia-W-1609, Lithuania-W-
Accepted name: Sisymbrium suecicum References: China-N-1215. 1609, Norway-W-1609, Bolivia-N-1630,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Taiwan-A-87, Global-CD-1611, Australia-
References: Norway-N-644. Arachis glabrata Benth. ZD-1675, Brazil-N-1733, India-N-1370,
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Eastern Caribbean-N-1742, Taiwan-W-
Arabis thaliana L. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Arachis 1748, China-N-1758, India-N-1790, Sao
Brassicaceae hagenbeckii Harms (1) Tome and Principe-N-1805, Chile-I-1872,
Accepted name: Arabidopsis thaliana Total N° of Refs: 5 Mexico-N-1881, Italy-U-1887, Estonia-N-
Total N° of Refs: 110 Global Risk Score: 1.76 1997, Burundi-N-2012, Algeria-W-1977,
References: South Korea-A-648. Rating: Low Australia-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Belize-W-1977, Burundi-W-1977, Chad-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental, W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Denmark-W-
Pasture 1977, Italy-W-1977, Lao People's
Dispersed by: Humans Democratic Republic-W-1977, Lithuania-
Weed of: Pastures W-1977, Mexico-W-1977, Mongolia-W-
References: Taiwan-W-1748, North 1977, South Africa-W-1977, Taiwan-W-
America-N-1760, Brazil-A-2051, India-W- 1977, Zimbabwe-W-1977.
Arachis hypogaea L. subsp. fastigiata
Arachis hagenbeckii Harms Waldron var. fastigiata (Waldron)
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Krapov. & W.C.Greg.
Accepted name: Arachis glabrata var. Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
hagenbeckii Benth. Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 5 References: Chad-N-1503.
References: United States of America-N-

Arachis hypogaea L. subsp. fastigiata Arachniodes simplicior (Makino) Ohwi Aralia chinensis L.
Waldron var. vulgaris Harz Dryopteridaceae Araliaceae
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 14
Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Global Risk Score: 2.4
References: Chad-N-1503. Dispersed by: Humans Rating: Low
References: United States of America-N- Habit: Shrub
Arachis hypogaea L. subsp. hypogaea 101. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Origin: E Asia
Total N° of Refs: 1 Arachnothryx leucophylla (Kunth) Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
References: Chad-N-1503. Planch. Ornamental
Rubiaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Arachis hypogaea L. var. hypogaea Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Finland-C-42, United States of
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae References: El Salvador-N-1796. America-N-101, United Kingdom-C-314,
Total N° of Refs: 1 United Kingdom-N-519, United Kingdom-
References: Chad-W-1977. Aragallus dispar A.Nelson CN-812, United Kingdom-N-1006, Europe-
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae N-819, Norway-N-1243, Denmark-W-
Arachis pintoi Krapov. & W. C. Greg. Total N° of Refs: 1 1609, Global-CD-1611, Chile-I-1872,
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae References: Canada-A-642. Chile-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, United
Total N° of Refs: 11 Kingdom-W-1977.
Habit: Herb Aragallus varians Rydb.
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Aralia cordata Thunb.
Origin: S Am Accepted name: Oxytropis campestris var. Araliaceae
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental, varians (L.) DC. Total N° of Refs: 4
Pasture Total N° of Refs: 7 Global Risk Score: 1.2
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee References: Canada-A-642. Rating: Low
References: Costa Rica-CN-872, Ecuador- Habit: Shrub
N-875, Australia-N-354, Gal pagos Islands- Aralia cachemirica Decne. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
CN-1157, Global-CD-1611, El Salvador-N- Araliaceae Origin: E Asia
1849, Colombia-N-1856, Bhutan-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 2 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Colombia-W-1977, Costa Rica-W-1977, Global Risk Score: 0.24 Ornamental
India-W-1977. Rating: Low Dispersed by: Humans
Habit: Shrub References: Belgium-U-1220, Chile-I-
Arachis prostrata Benth. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical 1872, Belgium-W-1977, Chile-W-1977.
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 5 Dispersed by: Humans Aralia elata (Miq.) Seem.
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Araliaceae
Origin: S Am Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aralia mandshurica
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture Aralia californica S.Watson Rupr. & Maxim.
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Araliaceae Total N° of Refs: 27
References: Puerto Rico-CW-261, United Total N° of Refs: 9 Global Risk Score: 4.8
States of America-N-101, United States of Global Risk Score: 2.16 Rating: Low
America-W-179, Peru-N-1293, Global-CD- Rating: Low Habit: Tree
1611. Habit: perennial Herb Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Origin: E Asia, Europe
Arachis repens Handro Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 2 References: Denmark-UC-711, New Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Zealand-N-823, New Zealand-U-919, References: United States of America-N-
Origin: S Am Denmark-W-1609, Global-CD-1611, Chile- 101, United States of America-E-133,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture I-1872, New Zealand-U-2048, Chile-W- Japan-W-286, eastern North America-E-
Dispersed by: Humans 1977, Denmark-W-1977. 195, United Kingdom-U-314, United
References: Brazil-R-1400, North America- Kingdom-N-519, Austria-UC-708, Canada
N-1760. and United States of America-N-725,
United States of America-E-151, United
Arachis spp. L. Kingdom-CN-812, United Kingdom-N-
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae 1006, Europe-N-819, Belgium-U-1220,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Global-W-1376, Global-I-1404, Austria-W-
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical 1609, Norway-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609,
Dispersed by: Humans Global-CD-1611, United States of
Weed of: Cereals America-E-1736, Russia-C-1671, Austria-
References: Brazil-A-1857. W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Canada-W-
1977, Ireland-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977,
United Kingdom-W-1977.

Aralia hispida Vent. Aralia spinosa L. Araucaria bidwillii Hook.
Araliaceae Araliaceae Araucariaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 15 Total N° of Refs: 13
Global Risk Score: 1.2 Global Risk Score: 3.6 Global Risk Score: 4.32
Rating: Low Rating: Low Rating: Low
ToxicMajor Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Toxic - Habit: Shrub Habit: Tree
Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Dispersed by: Humans Origin: E Asia, N Am Subtropical, Tropical
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Origin: Aust
Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal,
Aralia mandschurica Rupr. & Maxim. Dispersed by: Humans Ornamental
Araliaceae References: United States of America-E- Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 2 133, eastern North America-E-195, United References: New Zealand-UW-280,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal States of America-W-218, United Australia-E-380, New Zealand-N-823, New
References: Estonia-W-1609, Estonia-N- Kingdom-U-314, Chile-A-931, Italy-U- Zealand-U-919, India-N-976, Portugal-N-
1997. 251, Europe-W-1325, Albania-N-1506, 1006, Europe-N-819, Chile-I-1872, New
Austria-W-1609, United States of America- Zealand-U-2048, Algeria-W-1977, Chile-
Aralia nudicaulis L. A-87, Chile-I-1872, Italy-U-1887, Albania- W-1977, India-W-1977, South Africa-W-
Araliaceae W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Italy-W-1977. 1977.
Total N° of Refs: 5
Global Risk Score: 3.6 Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze Araucaria columnaris (G.Forst.) Hook.
Rating: Low Araucariaceae Araucariaceae
Toxic - Habit: Shrub Total N° of Refs: 6 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Araucaria cookii
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Global Risk Score: 2.16 R.Br. ex D.Don (2)
Ornamental Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 16
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Escapee Habit: Tree Global Risk Score: 3.36
References: Canada-C-756, Global-CD- Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Rating: Low
1611, Canada-G-1855, Chile-I-1872, Chile- Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Habit: Tree
W-1977. Origin: S Am Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, Subtropical, Tropical
Aralia racemosa L. Ornamental Origin: Aust
Araliaceae Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry,
Total N° of Refs: 15 References: pantropics-W-22, India-N-976, Ornamental
Global Risk Score: 2.4 Brazil-U-1559, Chile-I-1872, Chile-W- Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Rating: Low 1977, India-W-1977. References: Federated States of
Toxic - Habit: Shrub Micronesia-N-230, United States of
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Araucaria araucana (Molina) K.Koch America-CE-617, Australia-E-380, United
Origin: N Am Araucariaceae States of America-N-301, United States of
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Total N° of Refs: 13 America-N-839, Mozambique-nC-943,
Ornamental Global Risk Score: 8.64 India-N-976, United States of America-N-
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Rating: Medium 1292, La Reunion-U-1321, Global-CD-
References: United Kingdom-C-314, Habit: Tree 1611, United States of America-N-2092,
United Kingdom-N-519, United Kingdom- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Algeria-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, India-W-
CN-812, United Kingdom-N-1006, Europe- Origin: S Am 1977.
N-819, Belgium-U-1220, Norway-N-1243, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal,
Global-W-1324, Norway-N-1535, Norway- Ornamental Araucaria cookii R.Br. ex D.Don
W-1609, Global-CD-1611, Chile-I-1872, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Araucariaceae
Belgium-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, United References: Australia-E-380, United Accepted name: Araucaria columnaris
Kingdom-W-1977. Kingdom-N-519, United Kingdom-C-812, (G.Forst.) Hook.
Europe-N-819, Belgium-U-1220, Global- Total N° of Refs: 16
Aralia racemosa L. subsp. racemosa W-1376, Global-I-1404, Global-CD-1611, Habit: Shrub
Araliaceae Algeria-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 3 France-W-1977, Ireland-W-1977, United Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Kingdom-W-1977. Dispersed by: Humans
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee References: Chile-I-1872, Algeria-W-1977.
References: Canada-C-756, Global-CD-
1611, Canada-G-1855.

Araucaria cunninghamii Aiton ex Araucaria hunsteinii K.Schum. & Araujia sericifera Brot.
A.Cunn. Hollrung Apocynaceae
Araucariaceae Araucariaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Araujia hortorum
Total N° of Refs: 8 Total N° of Refs: 1 Fourn. (15)
Global Risk Score: 4.32 Habit: Tree Total N° of Refs: 156
Rating: Low Origin: Aust Global Risk Score: 19.2
Habit: Tree Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Ornamental Rating: High
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Dispersed by: Humans Toxic - Habit: perennial Vine
Subtropical, Tropical References: Ecuador-N-875. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Origin: Aust, E Asia, SE Asia Subtropical, Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, Araucaria norfolkii L. Origin: S Am
Ornamental Araucariaceae Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 1 Herbal, Ornamental
References: Australia-E-380, Ecuador-N- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans, Water, Wind,
875, India-N-976, Africa-W-990, Chile-I- Dispersed by: Humans Escapee
1872, South Africa-U-2017, Chile-W-1977, References: Canada and United States of Weed of: Orchards & Plantations, Pastures,
India-W-1977. America-N-725. Pome Fruits
References: South Africa-CX-283, New
Araucaria excelsa (Lamb.) R.Br. Araucaria rulei F. Müell. Zealand-CW-165, New Zealand-EW-225,
Araucariaceae Araucariaceae Australia-CENI-479, Slovakia-CE-782,
Accepted name: Araucaria heterophylla Total N° of Refs: 2 Pacific-W-3, Australia-E-289, United
(Salisb.) Franco Global Risk Score: 0.24 States of America-CW-34, United States of
Total N° of Refs: 31 Rating: Low America-X-35, New Zealand-E-246, South
Habit: Tree Habit: Tree Africa-W-51, South Africa-X-63, United
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Major Pathway/s: Ornamental States of America-E-80, Global-N-108,
Origin: Aust Dispersed by: Humans Global-NXZW-85, South Africa-W-95,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. South Africa-EW-279, Global-A-243,
Dispersed by: Humans United States of America-N-101, New
References: Peru-N-1293. Araucaria spp. Juss. Zealand-N-280, South Africa-AZR-121,
Araucariaceae Australia-E-296, South Africa-W-158,
Araucaria heterophylla (Salisb.) Franco Synonym/s (n° of refs): Araucaria spp. Australia-E-73, United States of America-
Araucariaceae Juss. W-161, United States of America-A-180,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Araucaria excelsa Total N° of Refs: 2 Australia-N-198, Australia-C-401,
(Lamb.) R.Br. (1) Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Australia-E-380, Australia-E-327, New
Total N° of Refs: 31 References: Belize-N-850, United Republic Zealand-NW-425, New Zealand-E-494,
Global Risk Score: 8.64 of Tanzania-W-1977. New Zealand-X-495, New Zealand-N-534,
Rating: Medium New Zealand-N-15, South Africa-A-1369,
Toxic - Habit: Tree Araujia albens G.Don Australia-CEI-168, Australia-E-189, Spain-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Apocynaceae ENI-405, Pacific-E-621, Global-E-649,
Tropical Total N° of Refs: 2 Australia-AENX-310, Portugal-N-662,
Origin: Aust, S Am References: Australia-Q-1123, Algeria-W- Portugal-N-718, Italy-N-733, Spain-I-738,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, 1977. United States of America-N-86, South
Ornamental Africa-I-759, Mediterranean-I-775,
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Araujia hortorum Fourn. Australia-N-7, United States of America-E-
References: Federated States of Apocynaceae 151, North America-X-790, Spain-I-802,
Micronesia-N-230, New Zealand-Q-323, Accepted name: Araujia sericifera Brot. Spain-I-807, France-W-764, Palestine-N-
United States of America-E-80, New Total N° of Refs: 156 851, Australia-W-853, Australia-N-855,
Zealand-N-280, Australia-E-380, New Global Risk Score: 0.72 Australia-W-869, United States of
Zealand-N-534, Belize-N-850, Ecuador-N- Rating: Low America-X-229, Australia-E-880, Israel-A-
875, New Zealand-N-919, Mozambique- Habit: Vine 885, Europe-AN-889, New Zealand-N-919,
nC-943, Portugal-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, United States of America-W-946,
New Zealand-E-505, Gal pagos Islands- Subtropical, Tropical Mediterranean-WI-951, Australia-N-354,
CN-1157, Bermuda-N-1267, New Zealand- Origin: S Am Portugal-N-1006, France-N-1006, Greece-
N-1543, Global-CD-1611, North America- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental N-1006, Portugal-N-1006, Australia-I-
N-1760, Chile-I-1872, South Africa-U- Dispersed by: Humans 1048, Australia-N-1049, Global-N-1059,
2017, New Zealand-N-2048, Anguilla-W- References: Australia-E-155, Australia-W- Portugal-I-1090, Portugal-N-898, Europe-
1977, Australia-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, 269, Australia-E-72, Australia-E-73, N-819, New Zealand-E-328, New Zealand-
Colombia-W-1977, India-W-1977, Australia-N-945, New Zealand-W-964, E-505, Spain-EI-1092, Mediterranean-I-
Maldives-W-1977, Marshall Islands-W- Australia-N-1049, Global-A-1207, New 1110, South Africa-X-1112, Australia--,
1977, New Zealand-W-1977, Portugal-W- Zealand-X-1542, Australia-A-87, New Algeria-N-1126, Africa-X-1127, Greece-N-
1977. Zealand-A-87, Australia-Q-1123, New 1142, Iberian Peninsular-N-1147, Crete-U-
Zealand-N-2048, New Zealand-E-483, 1150, Global-Q-1208, Georgia-UR-1250,
Australia-W-1977. Italy-I-251, Australia-E-1259, Australia-E-
1262, Italy-N-1265, Spain-A-1269, Spain-
N-1270, Mediterranean-N-1281, Algeria-
N-1285, Australia-A-1331, Sardinia-U-
1336, Israel-NW-1380, Spain-I-1390,
Spain-I-1454, Australia-E-1456, France-N-
1515, Israel-W-1487, South Africa-A-87,

South Africa-E-1646, Global-CD-1611, Arbutus menziesii Pursh Arceuthobium campylopodum Engelm.
Lesotho-AZR-121, Lesotho-X-1127, Ericaceae Santalaceae
Australia-X-1693, Azores-N-1721, Total N° of Refs: 5 Total N° of Refs: 1
Macronesia-I-1722, United States of Global Risk Score: 4.32 Habit: perennial Herb
America-E-1736, Europe-UNX-1740, Rating: Low Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Croatia-N-1747, Sardinia-U-1393, Habit: Tree References: Global-W-1324.
Australia-N-1902, Italy-UNI-1887, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Sardinia-U-1917, Australia-A-1928, Origin: N Am Arceuthobium douglasii Engelm.
Australia-WD-1934, Australia-N-1959, -I-, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, Santalaceae
Australia-Q-1123, South Africa-N-1991, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 1
Spain-N-2027, Israel-N-59, New Zealand- Dispersed by: Humans Habit: perennial Herb
Q-2086, France-AND-2091, Algeria-W- Weed of: Vegetables Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
1977, Australia-W-1977, Croatia-W-1977, References: United States of America-W- Major Pathway/s: Herbal
France-W-1977, Germany-W-1977, 218, Australia-E-380, United States of References: Global-W-1324.
Greece-W-1977, Israel-W-1977, Italy-W- America-A-543, Global-W-1349, United
1977, New Zealand-W-1977, Portugal-W- States of America-A-87. Arceuthobium laricis (Piper) St. John
1977, South Africa-W-1977, Spain-W- Santalaceae
1977. Arbutus unedo L. Total N° of Refs: 1
Ericaceae Habit: Herb
Arbutus andrachne L. Total N° of Refs: 45 References: Global-W-1324.
Ericaceae Global Risk Score: 12.96
Total N° of Refs: 5 Rating: Medium Arceuthobium minutissimum Hook.f.
Global Risk Score: 2.4 Habit: Tree Santalaceae
Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 4
Toxic - Habit: Shrub Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia Habit: Herb
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Origin: Africa, Europe Ornamental References: United States of America-W-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers, 486, Global-W-1324, Bhutan-W-1977,
Ornamental Escapee India-W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers References: Australia-E-289, Australia-E-
References: Australia-E-380, France-N- 72, United Kingdom-N-40, New Zealand- Arceuthobium occidentale Engelm.
1006, Europe-N-819, Algeria-W-1977, N-280, Australia-E-155, Australia-N-198, Santalaceae
France-W-1977. Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945, Total N° of Refs: 1
Australia-E-380, Australia-E-327, United Habit: perennial Herb
Arbutus x andrachnoides Link Kingdom-N-519, New Zealand-N-534, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Ericaceae Australia-E-189, Global-W-629, Canary Dispersed by: Humans
Accepted name: parents = Arbutus Islands-N-637, Australia-EN-310, United References: United States of America-W-
andrachne L. x Arbutus unedo L. Kingdom-CN-812, Australia-W-853, 946.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Australia-N-855, Australia-W-869, New
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Zealand-N-919, Australia-N-354, United Arceuthobium oxycedri (DC.) M. Bieb.
Origin: Europe Kingdom-N-1006, Portugal-N-1006, Santalaceae
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Europe-N-819, Australia-E-1259, Total N° of Refs: 5
Ornamental Australia-E-1262, Global-W-1376, Global- Habit: Herb
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee I-1404, Australia-N-1450, Australia-E- References: Global-W-1324, Turkey-A-87,
References: United Kingdom-C-314, 1456, Global-CD-1611, North America-N- China-W-1977, India-W-1977, Iran
Global-CD-1611. 1760, Belgium-U-1220, Australia-N-1902, (Islamic Republic of)-W-1977.
Australia-UN-1845, Chile-I-1872,
Arbutus canariensis Duhamel Australia-N-1959, Switzerland-U-1990, Arceuthobium pini Hawksworth and
Ericaceae New Zealand-N-2048, Australia-W-1977, Weins H.S.Kiv var. sichuanense H.X.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Belgium-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Portugal- Qiu
Global Risk Score: 0.72 W-1977, Spain-W-1977. Santalaceae
Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: Shrub Arceuthobium abietinum Engelm. ex Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Munz References: United States of America-W-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Santalaceae 486.
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Australia-E-380, Algeria-W- Habit: perennial Herb Arceuthobium pusillum Peck
1977. References: Global-W-1324. Santalaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2
Arceuthobium americanum Nutt. ex Habit: Herb
Engelm. Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Santalaceae References: Global-W-1324, Global-Q-
Total N° of Refs: 2 1572.
Habit: perennial Herb
Major Pathway/s: Herbal
References: Global-W-1324, Global-Q-

Arceuthobium spp. M.Bieb. Archontophoenix cunninghamiana (H. Arctium cimbricum (E. H. L. Krause)
Santalaceae Wendl.) H. Wendl. & Drude Hayek
Accepted name: Dendrophthora spp. Arecaceae Asteraceae
Eichler Total N° of Refs: 22 Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 8 Global Risk Score: 2.4 References: Slovakia-W-1977.
References: Uzbekistan-Q-1322, Israel-Q- Rating: Low
1528, Global-Q-1572, Global-A-1715, New Aqua - Habit: Tree
Zealand-Q-1879, New Zealand-Q-2086. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Arceuthobium tsugense (Rosendahl) Origin: Aust
G.N. Jones Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Santalaceae Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans
Habit: perennial Herb References: New Zealand-E-246, Australia-
References: Global-W-1324. E-380, New Zealand-N-919, Brazil-I-984,
Portugal-N-1006, Europe-N-819, New
Arceuthobium vaginatum (Willd.) J. Zealand-E-328, South Africa-U-1247,
Presl Bermuda-N-1267, Brazil-I-1328, Global-N-
Santalaceae 1338, Global-W-1376, Global-I-1404,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay-I-1476,
Habit: Herb Brazil-I-1876, Brazil-N-1877, -I-, South
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Africa-N-1991, New Zealand-U-2048,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Brazil-W-1977, Egypt-W-1977, India-W-
References: Global-W-1324. 1977, South Africa-W-1977.

Archangelica officinalis (Moench) Archontophoenix cunninghamii

Hoffm. (H.Wendl.) Drude
Apiaceae Arecaceae
Accepted name: Angelica archangelica Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 43 References: Algeria-W-1977.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal
References: Ireland-W-894. Arctagrostis latifolia (R. Br.) Griseb.
Archibaccharis serratifolia (HBK.) Blake Total N° of Refs: 1
Asteraceae Habit: Grass
Total N° of Refs: 3 Major Pathway/s: Pasture
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Dispersed by: Humans
References: Mexico-W-890, Mexico-W- References: Global-W-1349.
1226, Mexico-W-1510.
Arctium x ambiguum (Celak.) Nyman
Archontophoenix alexandrae (F. Müell.) Asteraceae
H. Wendl. & Drude Accepted name: parents = Arctium lappa L.
Arecaceae x Arctium tomentosum Mill.
Total N° of Refs: 15 Total N° of Refs: 7
Global Risk Score: 4.8 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Rating: Low Dispersed by: Humans
Aqua - Habit: Herb References: Czech Republic-UZ-400,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Europe-N-819, Slovakia-N-1484, Czech
Tropical Republic-U-1522, Czech Republic-U-1731,
Origin: Aust Czech Republic-W-1977, Slovakia-W-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, 1977.
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Arctium x cimbricum (E. Krause) Hayek
References: United States of America-CE- Asteraceae
617, United States of America-N-101, Accepted name: parents = Arctium lappa L.
United States of America-N-301, United x Arctium nemorosum Lejeune & Courtois
States of America-N-839, United States of Total N° of Refs: 6
America-N-1114, United States of Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
America-Q-1197, Bermuda-N-1267, United Dispersed by: Humans
States of America-N-1292, La Reunion-W- References: Czech Republic-UZ-400,
1321, Global-N-1338, Global-W-1376, Europe-N-819, Slovakia-U-1484, Czech
Global-I-1404, Global-CD-1611, United Republic-U-1522, Czech Republic-U-1731,
States of America-W-1719, Australia-W- Czech Republic-W-1977.

Arctium lappa L. Serbia-R-1848, Canada-G-1855, Chile-I- Arctium minus (Hill) Bernh.
Asteraceae 1872, Iran-A-1916, Australia-WD-1934, Asteraceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Arctium Montenegro-R-1944, Serbia-R-1946, Total N° of Refs: 141
leiospermum Juz. & Ye.V.Serg. (1), Serbia-R-1953, Croatia-A-1954, Australia- Global Risk Score: 19.2
Arctium majus Bernh. (2) N-1959, Central and northern Japan and Rating: High
Total N° of Refs: 125 northern islands-N-1983, Russia-N-1989, Toxic, Aqua - Habit: Herb
Global Risk Score: 24 Kosovo-R-2003, -AWD-2036, Poland-A- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Rating: High 2047, New Zealand-N-2048, Serbia-R- Subtropical, Tropical
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb 2057, -A-2058, Poland-A-2059, Slovakia- Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, A-2079, Serbia-A-2080, Democratic Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Repubic of Korea-W-1977, Republic of Herbal, Ornamental
Origin: E Asia, Europe Korea-W-1977, South Korea-N-2113, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, North Korea-N-2114. Cattle, Donkey, Livestock, Water, Wind
Herbal, Ornamental Seed Longevity: Long Term
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers, Arctium lappa L. x Arctium minus (Hill) Weed of: Cereals, Nursery Production,
Cattle, Livestock, Sheep, Water, Escapee Bernh. Pastures, Vegetables
Seed Longevity: Long Term Asteraceae References: Brazil-W-255, Brazil-W-361,
Weed of: Cereals, Grapevines, Orchards & Accepted name: Arctium x nothum Brazil-W-407, Global-W-23, Global-W-
Plantations, Pastures, Vegetables (Ruhmer) J. Weiss 433, Argentina-W-237, New Zealand-E-
References: eastern and central North Total N° of Refs: 10 246, Chile-N-300, United States of
America-W-8, Global-W-23, United States References: Sweden-W-1609, Sweden-W- America-A-49, Canada-W-52, Global-
of America-W-34, United States of 1977. NXZW-85, Europe-A-94, United States of
America-E-80, Global-N-85, Europe-A-94, America-E-222, Global-A-243, United
Global-A-243, United States of America- Arctium leiospermum Juz. & Ye.V.Serg. States of America-N-101, New Zealand-N-
N-101, New Zealand-N-280, Canada-W- Asteraceae 280, Chile-N-241, South America-W-295,
293, United States of America-W-161, Accepted name: Arctium lappa L. Canada-W-293, United States of America-
Japan-N-287, Japan-W-286, Australia-N- Total N° of Refs: 123 AW-136, United States of America-AX-
198, United States of America-W-210, References: Russia-N-1533. 138, United States of America-W-392,
Europe, eastern-AW-272, western Europe- United States of America-ED-159, United
W-70, United States of America-W-218, Arctium x maassii (M. Schulze) Rouy States of America-W-161, New Zealand-
China-W-297, Australia-N-945, Australia- Asteraceae W-165, Canada and United States of
E-327, Czech Republic-NZI-400, China- Accepted name: parents = Arctium minus America-XW-299, United States of
W-431, United Kingdom-N-519, New (Hill) Bernh. x Arctium tomentosum Mill. America-W-174, Australia-N-176, eastern
Zealand-N-534, United States of America- Total N° of Refs: 2 North America-E-195, United States of
A-543, Canada-A-642, Denmark-N-711, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant America-W-207, United States of America-
Canada and United States of America-NI- Dispersed by: Humans W-210, United States of America-AG-211,
725, Global-W-743, Canada-UC-756, References: Czech Republic-UZ-400, United States of America-AW-212, Europe,
United States of America-N-301, United Europe-N-819. eastern-AW-272, western Europe-W-70,
States of America-E-151, North America- United States of America-W-218, United
X-790, United Kingdom-N-812, United Arctium majus Bernh. States of America-W-219, Australia-N-945,
States of America-N-839, Australia-W-853, Asteraceae Czech Republic-NZ-400, New Zealand-
Australia-W-869, Europe-A-889, Accepted name: Arctium lappa L. NW-425, New Zealand-X-495, United
Argentina-A-913, India-I-914, New Total N° of Refs: 124 States of America-A-543, Canada-A-642,
Zealand-N-919, Uruguay-A-924, Chile-A- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Canada-U-652, Denmark-N-711, Canada
931, Australia-N-354, Czechoslovakia-N- Dispersed by: Humans and United States of America-NI-725,
1006, United Kingdom-N-1006, Iceland-N- References: Russia-A-87, Global-ZD-1581. United States of America-E-736, Chile-N-
1006, Norway-N-1006, Australia-N-1049, 765, North America-E-784, United States
Europe-N-819, United Kingdom-A-1093, of America-E-151, Global-W-788, North
Serbia-W-1238, Norway-N-1243, America-X-790, Australia-W-853,
Australia-E-1261, France-A-1266, United Australia-W-869, United States of
States of America-N-1292, Japan-Z-1339, America-X-229, United States of America-
Global-W-1349, Finland-N-1356, Serbia- I-904, Argentina-A-913, Brazil-A-923,
A-1357, Serbia-W-1358, Croatia-A-1368, Uruguay-A-924, Chile-A-931, United
Serbia-A-1372, India-N-1389, Turkey-A- Kingdom-Z-944, New Zealand-W-964,
1464, Slovakia-N-1484, Czech Republic- Argentina-I-983, Uruguay-I-988, Australia-
N-1522, Austria-N-1531, Canada-X-1538, N-354, Czechoslovakia-N-1006, Denmark-
Europe-A-1539, Romania-N-1599, N-1006, Norway-N-1006, Slovakia-N-
Denmark-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, 1006, Sweden-N-1006, Australia-N-1049,
Canada-A-87, United Kingdom-A-87, Iran- United States of America-N-1057, Europe-
A-87, Yugoslavia-A-87, Argentina-A-87, N-819, New Zealand-E-328, New Zealand-
Chile-A-87, New Zealand-A-87, Uruguay- E-505, United States of America-W-1104,
A-87, United States of America-A-87, United States of America-N-1162, Chile-N-
Serbia-W-1031, Croatia-A-1037, Russia-N- 1229, Serbia-W-1238, Norway-N-1243,
1647, Brazil-A-1648, Global-CD-1611, Canada-N-1252, United States of America-
Brazil-A-1622, India-A-1725, Czech A-1275, Argentina-W-1286, Australia-W-
Republic-N-1731, United States of 1318, Australia-A-1331, Chile-N-1348,
America-E-1736, United States of Global-W-1349, Finland-N-1356, Belgium-
America-N-1162, Serbia-W-1766, Serbia- ZD-1422, United States of America-ZD-
R-1771, Global-AD-1589, France-A-1814, 1430, Global-E-1449, Argentina, Brazil

and Uruguay-I-1476, Slovakia-N-1484, Arctium x mixtum (Simonk.) Nyman Arctium spp. L.
Austria-N-1531, Canada-W-1538, United Asteraceae Asteraceae
States of America-N-1603, Denmark-W- Accepted name: parents = Arctium minus Total N° of Refs: 5
1609, Sweden-W-1609, Argentina-A-87, (Hill) Bernh. x Arctium tomentosum Mill. ToxicDispersed by: Humans, Livestock
Canada-A-87, Russia-A-87, United States Total N° of Refs: 6 References: North America-X-790, New
of America-A-87, Brazil-A-87, Chile-A-87, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Zealand-E-505, Belgium-ZD-1421,
New Zealand-A-87, Uruguay-A-87, Dispersed by: Humans Europe-ZD-1582, New Zealand-W-1977.
Global-ZD-1581, Azores-N-1721, Brazil- References: Czech Republic-UZ-400,
N-1071, United States of America-E-1736, Europe-N-819, United States of America- Arctium tomentosum Mill.
Brazil-N-1746, Uruguay-N-1800, N-101, Czech Republic-U-1522, Czech Asteraceae
Australia-N-1845, Chile-I-1872, Chile and Republic-U-1731, Czech Republic-W- Total N° of Refs: 60
Argentina-A-1874, New Zealand-Q-1879, 1977. Global Risk Score: 10.8
Germany-R-1948, Australia-N-1959, -I-, - Rating: Medium
I-, Russia-N-1989, Argentina-ND-2025, Arctium nemorosum Lejeune & ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Poland-A-2047, New Zealand-N-2048, Courtois Origin: E Asia, Europe
Poland-AN-2059, Poland-R-2062, New Asteraceae Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Zealand-Q-2086, Canada-G-1462, Algeria- Accepted name: Arctium vulgare Herbal, Ornamental
W-1977, Argentina-W-1977, Australia-W- Total N° of Refs: 5 Dispersed by: Humans, Animals
1977, Belarus-W-1977, Brazil-W-1977, Global Risk Score: 1.44 Seed Longevity: Transient
Bulgaria-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Chile- Rating: Low Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations
W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977, Japan- ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Mediterranean References: Global-N-85, Europe-A-94,
W-1977, New Zealand-W-1977, Romania- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental United States of America-N-101, United
W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977, Sweden-W- Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Water States of America-W-161, Canada and
1977, United Kingdom-W-1977. References: Canada-A-642, Canada-N- United States of America-XW-299, Europe,
1252, Netherlands-W-1609. eastern-AW-272, western Europe-W-70,
Arctium minus (Hill) Bernh. subsp. United States of America-W-218, United
minus Arctium x neumannii Rouy Kingdom-U-314, Czech Republic-NZI-400,
Asteraceae Asteraceae Canada-A-642, Denmark-N-711, Canada
Total N° of Refs: 7 Accepted name: parents = Arctium and United States of America-NI-725,
Global Risk Score: 0.48 nemorosum Lejeune & Courtois x Arctium North America-X-790, Czechoslovakia-N-
Rating: Low tomentosum Mill. 1006, Denmark-N-1006, Norway-N-1006,
Habit: Herb Total N° of Refs: 5 Sweden-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Europe-
Origin: E Asia, Europe Major Pathway/s: Contaminant W-1191, Serbia-W-1238, Norway-N-1243,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans Canada-N-1252, Global-W-1324, Global-
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee References: Czech Republic-UZ-400, W-1349, Finland-AN-1356, Slovakia-N-
References: New Zealand-N-534, Canada- Europe-N-819, Czech Republic-U-1522, 1484, Czech Republic-N-1522, Norway-N-
A-642, Canada-UC-756, New Zealand-N- Czech Republic-U-1731, Czech Republic- 1535, Panarctic-U-1596, Romania-N-1599,
919, Global-CD-1611, Canada-G-1855, W-1977. Central Europe-N-1602, Czech Republic-
New Zealand-N-2048. W-1609, Denmark-W-1609, Norway-W-
Arctium x nothum (Ruhmer) Weiss 1609, Sweden-W-1609, Greenland-W-
Arctium minus Bernh. subsp. Asteraceae 1609, Russia-N-1647, Russia-W-1687,
nemorosum (Lej. & Court.) Syme Accepted name: parents = Arctium lappa L. Czech Republic-N-1731, Europe-I-1740,
Asteraceae x Arctium minus (Hill) Bernh. Serbia-R-1771, central Europe-A-1616,
Accepted name: Arctium vulgare Synonym/s (n° of refs): Arctium lappa L. x Russia-W-1671, Finland-A-1815, Poland-
Total N° of Refs: 3 Arctium minus (Hill) Bernh. (2) A-1825, Germany-R-1948, Central and
Origin: Europe Total N° of Refs: 10 northern Japan and northern islands-N-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Contaminant 1983, Slovakia-N-2002, Poland-A-2059,
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans Poland-A-2061, Poland-R-2062, Russia-A-
References: Canada-A-642. References: Czech Republic-UZ-400, 2063, Bulgaria-W-1977, Canada-W-1977,
Canada and United States of America-NI- Czech Republic-W-1977, Romania-W-
Arctium minus (Hill) Bernh. subsp. 725, Europe-N-819, United States of 1977, Russian Federation-W-1977,
pubens (Bab.) Arènes America-N-101, Slovakia-U-1484, Czech Slovakia-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977.
Asteraceae Republic-U-1522, Czech Republic-U-1731,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Czech Republic-W-1977. Arctium vulgare (Hill) Evans
Habit: Herb Asteraceae
References: New Zealand-U-919. Arctium nothum (Ruhmer) J. Weiss Synonym/s (n° of refs): Arctium minus
Asteraceae Bernh. subsp. nemorosum (Lej. & Court.)
Total N° of Refs: 1 Syme (1), Arctium nemorosum Lejeune &
References: Slovakia-W-1977. Courtois (3)
Total N° of Refs: 6
Arctium palladinii (Marcow.) Grossh. Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Asteraceae References: United States of America-N-
Total N° of Refs: 1 101, Canada-A-642.
References: Armenia-N-1241.

Arctopoa eminens (C. Presl.) Probat. Arctostaphylos hispidula Howell Arctostaphylos pungens Kunth
Poaceae Ericaceae Ericaceae
Accepted name: Poa eminens J.Presl Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 1 Habit: Shrub Global Risk Score: 1.2
Habit: Grass References: United States of America-W- Rating: Low
References: Russia-N-1681. 218, United States of America-A-87. Habit: Shrub
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Arctopoa subfastigiata (Trin.) Prob. Arctostaphylos manzanita Parry Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Poaceae Ericaceae Ornamental
Accepted name: Poa subfastigiata Trin. ex Total N° of Refs: 2 Dispersed by: Humans
Ledeb. Global Risk Score: 1.2 References: United States of America-A-
Total N° of Refs: 1 Rating: Low 87.
Habit: Grass Habit: Shrub
References: Russia-N-1681. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Arctostaphylos spp. ADANS.
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Ericaceae
Arctopus echinatus L. Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 3
Apiaceae Dispersed by: Humans Weed of: Vegetables
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: United States of America-W- References: United States of America-A-
Habit: perennial Herb 218, United States of America-A-87. 543, Chile-A-931, Chile-I-1872.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Arctostaphylos nevadensis A.Gray Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (L.) Spreng.
References: South Africa-AR-121. Ericaceae Ericaceae
Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 5
Arctostaphylos canescens Eastw. Global Risk Score: 2.4 Global Risk Score: 7.2
Ericaceae Rating: Low Rating: Medium
Total N° of Refs: 2 Habit: Shrub Toxic - Habit: Shrub
Habit: Shrub Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Ornamental Tropical
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
References: United States of America-W- References: United States of America-W- Ornamental
218, United States of America-A-87. 218, Australia--, United States of America- Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers,
A-87, Australia-Q-1123. Water
Arctostaphylos columbiana Piper Seed Longevity: Present
Ericaceae Arctostaphylos parryana Lemmon Weed of: Pastures
Total N° of Refs: 2 Ericaceae References: Global-N-85, Europe, eastern-
Global Risk Score: 1.2 Total N° of Refs: 1 W-272, Australia-E-380, Serbia-A-1372,
Rating: Low Habit: Shrub United States of America-A-87.
Habit: Shrub Major Pathway/s: Crop
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, References: United States of America-A- Arctostaphylos viscida Parry
Ornamental 87. Ericaceae
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 1
References: United States of America-W- Arctostaphylos parryana Lemm. var. Habit: Shrub
218, United States of America-A-87. pinetorum (Rollins) Wiesl. & Shreib. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Ericaceae Ornamental
Arctostaphylos glandulosa Eastw. Accepted name: Arctostaphylos patula Dispersed by: Humans
Ericaceae Greene References: United States of America-A-
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 3 87.
Global Risk Score: 0.72 References: United States of America-W-
Rating: Low 218.
Habit: Shrub
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Arctostaphylos patula Greene
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Ericaceae
Dispersed by: Humans Synonym/s (n° of refs): Arctostaphylos
References: United States of America-W- parryana Lemm. var. pinetorum (Rollins)
218, United States of America-A-87. Wiesl. & Shreib. (1)
Total N° of Refs: 3
Arctostaphylos glauca Lindl. Habit: Shrub
Ericaceae Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Total N° of Refs: 2 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Global Risk Score: 1.2 Ornamental
Rating: Low Dispersed by: Humans
Habit: Shrub References: Global-W-1349, United States
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, of America-A-87.
Dispersed by: Humans
References: United States of America-W-
218, United States of America-A-87.

Arctotheca calendula (L.) Levyns Australia-X-1319, Australia-W-1318, Arctotheca prostrata (Salisb.) Britten
Asteraceae Global-W-1324, Australia-A-1331, Asteraceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Arctotheca Sardinia-N-1336, Czech Republic-Z-1347, Total N° of Refs: 14
calendulacea K.Lewin [nom. illeg.] (1), Chile-N-1348, Iberian Peninsular-N-1388, Habit: perennial Herb
Cryptostemma calendula (L.) Druce (4), Spain-I-1390, Australia-ZD-1446, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Cryptostemma calendulacea R.Br. (1) Australia-N-1450, Spain-I-1454, Australia- Origin: Africa
Total N° of Refs: 156 E-1456, Global-ZD-1495, Czech Republic- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Global Risk Score: 19.2 U-1522, Israel-W-1487, Australia-A-87, Dispersed by: Humans
Rating: High South Africa-A-87, Spain-N-1556, Global- References: Australia-E-72, Australia-N-
Toxic - Habit: annual/perennial Herb CD-1611, Polar Regions-ZD-1587, 198, Australia-N-945, Australia-E-327,
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Australia-ZD-1675, Lesotho-AZR-121, Japan-N-794, Australia-W-869, Australia-
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Azores-N-1721, Czech Republic-U-1731, N-354, United States of America-G-1109,
Origin: Africa United States of America-E-1736, Europe- Australia-E-1259, Australia-E-1261, Japan-
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, XI-1740, Sardinia-N-1393, Sardinia-AN- N-1278, Australia-N-1959, Australia-W-
Herbal, Ornamental 1824, Australia-N-1902, Australia-N-1845, 1977, Japan-W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Chile-I-1872, Chile and Argentina-E-1874,
Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles, Escapee Italy-UN-1887, Sardinia-N-1917, France- Arctotheca repens Wendl.
Weed of: Canola, Carrots, Cereals, W-1943, Australia-N-1959, -I-, -I-, New Asteraceae
Grapevines, Pastures, Vegetables Zealand-N-2048, United States of America- Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Australia-W-93, Australia-W- N-2092, Australia-W-1977, Belgium-W- References: Australia-A-87.
205, Australia-CN-368, Australia-W-269, 1977, Chile-W-1977, Czech Republic-W-
Australia-E-289, United States of America- 1977, France-W-1977, Greece-W-1977, Arctotis acaulis L.
E-231, United States of America-X-35, Italy-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, New Asteraceae
Australia-E-72, New Zealand-E-246, Chile- Zealand-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977, Spain- Total N° of Refs: 4
N-300, South Africa-W-51, Global-A-68, W-1977. Habit: perennial Herb
United States of America-E-78, United Origin: Africa
States of America-E-80, Global-NXZW-85, Arctotheca calendulacea K.Lewin [nom. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Australia-N-9, Global-A-243, United States illeg.] Dispersed by: Humans
of America-N-101, New Zealand-N-280, Asteraceae References: Japan-N-287, Japan-N-794,
United States of America-Q-116, Chile-N- Accepted name: Arctotheca calendula (L.) Chile-N-991, Japan-N-1278.
241, South Africa-AZR-121, Australia-E- Levyns
296, South Africa-W-382, Australia-N-134, Total N° of Refs: 151 Arctotis arctotoides (L. f.) O. Hoffm.
South Africa-W-158, New Zealand-W-165, References: New Zealand-W-906. Asteraceae
Australia-N-176, Japan-N-287, western Total N° of Refs: 2
Europe-A-253, Australia-N-198, New Arctotheca nivea (Less.) K.Lewin Habit: perennial Herb
Zealand-W-225, western Europe-W-70, Asteraceae Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945, United Total N° of Refs: 2 Origin: Africa
Kingdom-NZD-314, Australia-E-327, References: Australia-E-290, Australia-N- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Czech Republic-UZ-400, New Zealand- 1049. Dispersed by: Humans
NW-425, Gibraltar-N-515, United References: South Africa-AR-121,
Kingdom-N-519, New Zealand-N-534, Arctotheca populifolia (P.J.Bergius) Lesotho-AR-121.
New Zealand-N-15, South Africa-A-1369, Norl.
South Africa-A-82, Spain-ENI-405, Africa- Asteraceae Arctotis breviscapa Thunb.
AZ-622, Global-E-649, Australia-AEN- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Cryptostemma Asteraceae
310, Portugal-NI-662, Portugal-A-700, niveum G.Nicholson (1) Total N° of Refs: 3
Portugal-NI-718, Spain-I-738, Global-W- Total N° of Refs: 22 Global Risk Score: 1.44
743, Chile-N-765, Mediterranean-I-775, Habit: perennial Herb Rating: Low
Australia-EN-7, North America-X-790, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Origin: Africa
United States of America-I-792, Japan-N- Origin: Africa Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
794, Spain-I-802, Spain-I-807, United Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Kingdom-U-812, United States of Dispersed by: Humans References: United Kingdom-C-314,
America-I-849, Palestine-NI-851, References: Australia-E-289, Australia-E- Global-CD-1611, Chile-I-1872.
Australia-W-853, Australia-N-855, 72, South Africa-AR-121, Australia-N-176,
Australia-N-856, Australia-N-868, Australia-N-198, Australia-N-945, Arctotis calendulacea L.
Australia-W-869, United States of Australia-E-327, Australia-EN-7, Australia- Asteraceae
America-X-229, Israel-A-885, New W-853, Australia-N-855, Australia-N-856, Total N° of Refs: 1
Zealand-N-919, United States of America- Australia-W-869, Australia-N-354, References: Chile-I-1872.
W-946, Mediterranean-EWI-951, Australia-N-1049, Australia-E-1262,
Australia-N-354, Portugal-N-1006, France- Australia-N-1450, Australia-E-1456, Arctotis diffusa Thunb.
N-1006, Italy-N-1006, Italy-N-1006, Australia-N-1902, Australia-N-1845, Asteraceae
Australia-N-1049, Portugal-N-898, Europe- Australia-N-1959, Australia-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 2
N-819, Spain-I-658, New Zealand-E-505, Origin: Africa
Spain-EI-1092, Greece-U-1142, Iberian Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Peninsular-NI-1147, Sardinia-NI-1151, Dispersed by: Humans
Global-A-1207, Belgium-UD-1220, Chile- References: Algeria-W-1977, Japan-W-
N-1229, Italy-N-251, Australia-E-1259, 1977.
Australia-E-1260, Australia-E-1261,
Australia-E-1262, Spain-NI-1270, Japan-N-
1278, United States of America-N-1292,

Arctotis fastuosa Jacq. Arctotis stoechadifolia P.J.Bergius Ardisia crenata Sims
Asteraceae Asteraceae Primulaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Venidium Total N° of Refs: 40 Total N° of Refs: 89
fastuosum (Jacq.) Stapf (2) Global Risk Score: 4.32 Global Risk Score: 9.6
Total N° of Refs: 2 Rating: Low Rating: Medium
Origin: Africa Habit: perennial Herb Habit: Tree
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Dispersed by: Humans Subtropical, Tropical Subtropical, Tropical
Origin: Africa Origin: E Asia, SE Asia
Arctotis hirsuta (Harv.) P.Beauv. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Asteraceae Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 2 References: United States of America-W- Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Habit: perennial Herb 34, Global-NW-85, United States of References: pantropics-W-22, Global-E-
Origin: Africa America-N-101, New Zealand-N-280, 152, United States of America-CE-233,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Australia-E-296, Australia-N-176, South Africa-CX-283, Australia-E-155,
Dispersed by: Humans Australia-N-198, United Kingdom-CN-314, Australia-CN-368, United States of
References: Algeria-W-1977, Chile-W- Australia-E-327, New Zealand-N-534, New America-E-411, United States of America-
1977. Zealand-N-15, Australia-EN-7, United CE-617, Slovakia-CE-782, Pacific-W-3,
States of America-I-792, Australia-W-853, Australia-W-54, Australia-E-73, Global-N-
Arctotis x hybrida nom. hort. Australia-N-855, Australia-N-856, 85, United States of America-N-101,
Asteraceae Australia-W-869, New Zealand-W-906, United States of America-EI-112, United
Total N° of Refs: 3 New Zealand-N-919, Uruguay-I-988, States of America-W-179, Australia-C-401,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049, Pacific-E-621, Global-E-649, Australia-
Origin: Africa Portugal-N-898, Europe-N-819, Australia- AEN-310, South Africa-I-759, North
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental E-1259, Australia-E-1262, Global-W-1324, America-E-784, United States of America-
Dispersed by: Humans Australia-N-1450, Australia-E-1456, N-301, United States of America-E-151,
References: New Zealand-N-1543, New Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay-I-1476, New Zealand-N-823, United States of
Zealand-U-2048, Armenia-W-1977. Global-CD-1611, Australia-N-1902, America-N-839, Australia-W-853, Global-
Australia-N-1845, Argentina-A-1874, W-788, New Zealand-U-919, Australia-N-
Arctotis leiocarpa Harv. Australia-N-1959, New Zealand-N-2048, 354, Madagascar-N-1001, United States of
Asteraceae Algeria-W-1977, Australia-W-1977, India- America-I-1046, Australia-N-1049,
Total N° of Refs: 2 W-1977, Portugal-W-1977. Australia-W-1068, La Reunion-E-1077,
Toxic - Habit: annual Herb Australia-I-1088, South Africa-X-1112,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Arctotis venusta Norl. Poland-C-1122, Africa-X-1127, western
Subtropical, Tropical Asteraceae Indian Ocean-I-1143, western Indian
Origin: Africa Total N° of Refs: 20 Ocean-I-1144, United States of America-Q-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Global Risk Score: 4.32 1197, United States of America-E-1244,
Dispersed by: Humans Rating: Low United States of America-N-1292, La
References: South Africa-AR-121, South Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Reunion-I-1321, Madagascar-N-1000,
Africa-W-382. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Global-W-1376, Global-I-1404, Global-E-
Subtropical, Tropical 1449, Australia-E-1456, New Caledonia-I-
Arctotis leptorhiza DC. Origin: Africa 1507, Australia-I-1544, Cambodia-I-1544,
Asteraceae Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, China-I-1544, Cook Islands-I-1544, Fiji-I-
Total N° of Refs: 2 Ornamental 1544, French Polynesia-I-1544, India-I-
Habit: Herb Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee 1544, Indonesia-I-1544, Japan-I-1544,
Origin: Africa References: South Africa-AZR-121, Malaysia-I-1544, Burma-Myanmar-I-1544,
References: South Africa-R-121, Chile-W- Australia-E-72, South Africa-W-51, North Korea-I-1544, Papua New Guinea-I-
1977. Global-W-85, South Africa-W-382, South 1544, Philippines-I-1544, South Korea-I-
Africa-W-158, Australia-C-401, Australia- 1544, Samoa-I-1544, Sri Lanka-I-1544,
Arctotis populifolia Berg. N-945, Africa-W-622, Australia-EN-310, Thailand-I-1544, United States of America-
Asteraceae Australia-W-869, Portugal-N-1006, I-1544, Vietnam-I-1544, Australia,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Europe-N-819, Global-W-1324, South northern-W-1204, South Africa-E-1646,
References: Australia-N-1049. Africa-A-87, Global-CD-1611, Lesotho- Global-CD-1611, United States of
AZR-121, Algeria-W-1977, Australia-W- America-W-1719, United States of
1977, Portugal-W-1977. America-E-1736, Australia-E-1754,
Seychelles-NI-1925, -I-, -I-, New Zealand-
Ardisia acuminata Willd. U-2048, Mascarene islands-N-2049,
Primulaceae Algeria-W-1977, Australia-W-1977, Cook
Accepted name: Ardisia guianensis (Aubl.) Islands-W-1977, Fiji-W-1977, India-W-
Mez 1977, Mauritius-W-1977, Seychelles-W-
Total N° of Refs: 2 1977, South Africa-W-1977, Global--1324.
Habit: Shrub
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Caribbean-NI-1201, Global-

Ardisia crenulata G. Lodd., nom. nud. Ardisia elliptica Thunb. Ardisia guianensis (Aubl.) Mez
Primulaceae Primulaceae Primulaceae
Accepted name: Parathesis crenulata Synonym/s (n° of refs): Ardisia solanacea Synonym/s (n° of refs): Ardisia acuminata
(Vent.) Hook.f. Roxb. (17), Ardisia squamulosa C.Presl. (4) Willd. (2)
Total N° of Refs: 4 Total N° of Refs: 106 Total N° of Refs: 2
Global Risk Score: 0.24 Global Risk Score: 9.6 Habit: Tree
Rating: Low Rating: Medium Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Habit: Shrub Habit: Tree Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Origin: C Asia, E Asia, SE Asia
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Ardisia humilis Vahl
References: Australia-E-201, United States Ornamental Primulaceae
of America-E-80, Australia-E-1754. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Total N° of Refs: 21
Weed of: Pastures Global Risk Score: 5.76
Ardisia crispa (Thunb.) A. DC. References: United States of America-CE- Rating: Low
Primulaceae 233, United States of America-EX-122, Habit: Shrub
Total N° of Refs: 17 southeast Asia-W-191, United States of Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Global Risk Score: 7.2 America-CE-617, United States of Origin: C Asia, E Asia
Rating: Medium America-ACE-654, Pacific-W-3, Global-E- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Habit: Shrub 152, United States of America-E-80, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Global-NXW-85, United States of References: pantropics-W-22, Australia-E-
Subtropical, Tropical America-N-101, United States of America- 155, United States of America-EX-122,
Origin: E Asia EI-112, Global-EI-132, United States of Australia-CN-368, Pacific-W-3, Global-E-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, America-CE-142, United States of 152, United States of America-E-80,
Ornamental America-EW-179, Pacific-E-621, Global- United States of America-N-101, Australia-
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee E-649, United States of America-N-301, N-868, Australia-N-354, Australia,
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations United States of America-E-151, North northern-EN-1183, Australia-W-1210,
References: pantropics-W-22, southeast America-X-790, United States of America- United States of America-C-1329, Global-
Asia-W-191, Australia-CN-368, Slovakia- N-839, United States of America-X-229, E-1449, Cuba-N-1505, Hawaii-A-87,
CE-782, Pacific-W-3, Australia-E-155, Jamaica-I-879, Global-W-788, Australia-N- Global-CD-1611, Australia-E-1754, -I-,
Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945, 354, United States of America-I-1046, Cuba-W-2055, Australia-W-1977, Cuba-
Australia-E-189, Australia-N-310, Japan-I- Australia-W-1068, French Polynesia-EX- W-1977.
741, Thailand-A-1211, Global-CD-1611, 1079, Australia-I-1088, Global-W-148,
Australia-E-1754, Chile-I-1872, Australia- United States of America-Q-1197, Ardisia japonica (Thunb.) Blume
W-1977, Chile-W-1977. Australia-W-1210, United States of Primulaceae
America-N-1292, La Reunion-W-1321, Total N° of Refs: 1
Ardisia dentata (A.DC.) Mez. Global-W-1324, South Africa-CEX-895, Global Risk Score: 0.72
Primulaceae Global-W-1376, Global-I-1404, Global-E- Rating: Low
Total N° of Refs: 1 1449, Australia-E-1456, Australia-N-1491, Habit: Shrub
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical New Caledonia-I-1507, French Polynesia- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
References: Cuba-A-14. N-1514, Australia-I-1544, Cambodia-I- Origin: E Asia
1544, China-I-1544, Cook Islands-I-1544, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
French Polynesia-I-1544, India-I-1544, Dispersed by: Humans
Indonesia-I-1544, Japan-I-1544, Malaysia- References: United States of America-E-
I-1544, Maldives-I-1544, Burma- 1736.
Myanmar-I-1544, Papua New Guinea-I-
1544, Philippines-I-1544, South Korea-I- Ardisia polysticta Miq.
1544, Samoa-I-1544, Sri Lanka-I-1544, Primulaceae
Thailand-I-1544, United States of America- Total N° of Refs: 1
I-1544, Vietnam-I-1544, Global-Q-1572, References: United States of America-Q-
Australia, northern-W-1204, South Africa- 1197.
E-1646, Global-CD-1611, United States of
America-XW-1719, United States of Ardisia sieboldii Miq.
America-E-1736, Eastern Caribbean-N- Primulaceae
1742, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands- Total N° of Refs: 1
C-1821, Seychelles-N-1925, -I-, Mascarene Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
islands-N-2049, Australia-W-1977, Cook Major Pathway/s: Crop
Islands-W-1977, Dominica-W-1977, El References: United States of America-N-
Salvador-W-1977, Honduras-W-1977, 1114.
Jamaica-W-1977, Maldives-W-1977,
Mauritius-W-1977, Nicaragua-W-1977,
Panama-W-1977, Saint Lucia-W-1977,
Samoa-W-1977, Seychelles-W-1977, South

Ardisia solanacea Roxb. Areca catechu L. Aremonia agrimonioides (L.) de
Primulaceae Arecaceae Candolle
Accepted name: Ardisia elliptica Thunb. Total N° of Refs: 21 Rosaceae
Total N° of Refs: 102 Global Risk Score: 2.16 Accepted name: Aremonia agrimonoides
Global Risk Score: 2.4 Rating: Low (L.) DC.
Rating: Low Toxic - Habit: Tree Total N° of Refs: 16
Habit: Tree Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Habit: Herb
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Subtropical, Tropical Origin: E Asia, Europe
Origin: C Asia, E Asia, SE Asia Origin: E Asia, SE Asia Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Ornamental Ornamental References: United Kingdom-C-314,
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Dispersed by: Humans United Kingdom-N-519, United Kingdom-
References: Puerto Rico-CW-261, References: Federated States of C-812, Switzerland-N-818, Switzerland-N-
southeast Asia-W-191, Australia-CN-368, Micronesia-N-230, Tanzania-I-970, Africa- 1006, Europe-N-819, Norway-N-1243,
Caribbean-N-707, Pacific-W-3, Global-N- N-990, Singapore-U-811, Singapore-U- Global-W-1324, Norway-N-1535, Norway-
85, United States of America-N-101, 1290, Global-N-1338, India-N-1345, W-1609, Global-CD-1611.
Jamaica-I-986, Australia-W-1210, French Polynesia-N-1514, East Africa-I-
Caribbean-NI-1201, Global-W-1376, 1723, Taiwan-W-1748, China-N-1796, Aremonia agrimonoides (L.) DC.
Global-I-1404, Global-CD-1611, Eastern Borneo-N-1796, Cambodia-N-1796, Sri Rosaceae
Caribbean-N-1742, United States of Lanka-N-1796, Singapore-U-1839, -I-, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aremonia
America-N-742, Mascarene islands-N- India-W-1977, Kenya-W-1977, Maldives- agrimonioides (L.) de Candolle (11)
2049, Australia-W-1977. W-1977, Marshall Islands-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 16
Singapore-W-1977, United Republic of Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Ardisia spp. Sw. Tanzania-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Primulaceae Dispersed by: Animals
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Ardisia spp. Sw. Areca spp. L. References: Switzerland-N-653, Sweden-
Total N° of Refs: 2 Arecaceae W-1609, Sweden-W-1977, Switzerland-W-
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Total N° of Refs: 1 1977, United Kingdom-W-1977.
References: Global-EI-18, Australia-E- Dispersed by: Humans
1754. References: Chile-I-1872. Arenaria aculeata S. Watson
Ardisia squamulosa C.Presl. Areca triandra Roxb. ex Buch.-Ham. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Eremogone
Primulaceae Arecaceae aculeata (S. Watson) Ikonn. (1)
Accepted name: Ardisia elliptica Thunb. Total N° of Refs: 6 Total N° of Refs: 2
Total N° of Refs: 89 Global Risk Score: 2.88 Habit: perennial Herb
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Rating: Low Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Origin: E Asia, SE Asia Aqua - Habit: Tree Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Tropical References: Chile-I-1872.
Dispersed by: Humans Origin: E Asia, SE Asia
References: southeast Asia-W-191, Pacific- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Arenaria aretioides Bonnier
W-3, Taiwan-N-1403, Taiwan-W-1977. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Caryophyllaceae
References: Panama-CENI-625, Global-N- Accepted name: Minuartia cherlerioides
Ardisia virens Kurz 1338, Global-W-1376, Global-I-1404, (Hoppe) Bech.
Primulaceae Global-CD-1611, China-N-1796. Total N° of Refs: 2
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Arecastrum romanzoffianum (Cham.)
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Becc. Arenaria balearica L.
Dispersed by: Humans Arecaceae Caryophyllaceae
References: United States of America-N- Accepted name: Syagrus romanzoffiana Total N° of Refs: 16
1114. (Cham.) Glassman Global Risk Score: 0.72
Total N° of Refs: 43 Rating: Low
Global Risk Score: 1.44 Habit: Shrub
Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Origin: Africa, Europe
Origin: S Am Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
References: Australia-E-201, Australia-E- References: United Kingdom-N-40, United
73, Australia-E-380, Portugal-N-1006, Kingdom-C-314, United Kingdom-N-519,
Europe-N-819, Australia-E-1754, Chile-I- Denmark-UC-711, United Kingdom-CN-
1872. 812, Ireland-N-894, United Kingdom-N-
1006, Iceland-N-1006, Europe-N-819,
Denmark-W-1609, Global-CD-1611, Chile-
I-1872, Chile-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977,
Ireland-W-1977, United Kingdom-W-1977.

Arenaria biflora L. Arenaria graminifolia Ard. Arenaria lanuginosa (Michx.) Rohrbach
Caryophyllaceae Caryophyllaceae Caryophyllaceae
Total N° of Refs: 5 Accepted name: Minuartia graminifolia Total N° of Refs: 4
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, (Ard.) Jav. Habit: annual/perennial Herb
Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 2 Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers, Global Risk Score: 0.72 Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Escapee Rating: Low References: Central America-W-157,
References: Finland-C-42, Denmark-W- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Mexico-W-1226, Mexico-W-1510, Brazil-
711, Denmark-W-1609, Global-CD-1611, Dispersed by: Humans N-1597.
Denmark-W-1977. References: Chile-I-1872.
Arenaria leptoclados (Rchb.) Guss.
Arenaria bourgaei Hemsl. Arenaria grandiflora Linné Caryophyllaceae
Caryophyllaceae Caryophyllaceae Total N° of Refs: 29
Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 2 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Global Risk Score: 0.24 Subtropical, Tropical
References: Mexico-W-735, Mexico-W- Rating: Low Origin: E Asia, Europe, W Asia
890, Mexico-W-1226. Habit: Shrub Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Dispersed by: Humans
Arenaria cerastioides Poiret Origin: Africa, Europe Weed of: Cereals
Caryophyllaceae Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: Australia-N-176, Australia-N-
Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans 198, Australia-N-945, Australia-E-327,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Denmark-N-711, Australia-EN-7,
Weed of: Cereals Australia-W-853, Australia-N-855,
References: Spain-A-417. Arenaria graveolens Schreb. Australia-N-856, Australia-N-864,
Caryophyllaceae Australia-W-869, Australia-N-354,
Arenaria ciliata L. Total N° of Refs: 1 Australia-N-1049, United Kingdom-A-
Caryophyllaceae References: Egypt-W-221. 1093, Norway-N-1243, Australia-E-1259,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Australia-E-1262, Australia-N-1450,
Habit: Shrub Arenaria groenlandica (Retz.) Spreng. Denmark-W-1609, Norway-W-1609,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Caryophyllaceae Sweden-W-1609, Cape Verde-N-1558,
Dispersed by: Humans Accepted name: Minuartia groenlandica Tajikistan-A-1674, Sweden-N-1802,
References: Europe, eastern-W-272. (Retz.) Ostenf. Australia-N-1902, Australia-N-1845,
Total N° of Refs: 4 Montenegro-W-1861, Australia-N-1959,
Arenaria debilis Hook. f. Habit: Shrub Italy-A-2043.
Caryophyllaceae Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Lepyrodiclis Dispersed by: Humans Arenaria lycopodioides Willd. ex Schltdl.
glandulosa (Benth.ex G.Don) Ohba (1) References: Global-W-23, Brazil-N-1597, Caryophyllaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Chile-I-1872. Total N° of Refs: 2
References: Mexico-W-1226, Mexico-W-
Arenaria fendleri A.Gray Arenaria holosteoides (C.A. Mey.) 1510.
Caryophyllaceae Edgew.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Eremogone Caryophyllaceae Arenaria montana L.
fendleri (A. Gray) Ikonn. (1) Total N° of Refs: 2 Caryophyllaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Total N° of Refs: 7
Habit: Shrub Major Pathway/s: Crop Global Risk Score: 1.44
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland References: Europe-N-819, Czech Rating: Low
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Republic-W-1977. Habit: Shrub
Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
References: Mexico-I-878. Arenaria humifusa Wahl. Origin: Europe
Caryophyllaceae Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Arenaria franklinii Douglas ex Hook. Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Caryophyllaceae Habit: Shrub References: United Kingdom-C-314,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental United Kingdom-N-519, United Kingdom-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Dispersed by: Humans C-812, Europe-N-819, Global-CD-1611,
References: Chile-I-1872. References: Canada and United States of Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
Arenaria glanduligera Edgew. ex Edgew. Arenaria paludicola B. L. Rob.
& Hook. f. Arenaria juniperina Vill. Caryophyllaceae
Caryophyllaceae Caryophyllaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 1 Accepted name: Arenaria grandiflora L. Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb
Weed of: Cereals subsp. grandiflora Major Pathway/s: Herbal
References: Nepal-A-1932. Total N° of Refs: 2 Dispersed by: Water
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. References: United States of America-WD-
Arenaria gothica Fr. 34.
Caryophyllaceae Arenaria lanceolata All.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Caryophyllaceae
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 2
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.

Arenaria pinifolia M.Bieb. Arenaria serpyllifolia L. Korea-A-1018, Serbia-A-1019, Croatia-A-
Caryophyllaceae Caryophyllaceae 1037, Europe-ZD-1653, Germany-ZD-
Total N° of Refs: 2 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Arenaria 1655, Germany-ZD-1658, Europe-ZD-
Global Risk Score: 0.24 serpyllifolia L. subsp. leptoclados 1576, Belgium-ZD-1593, Global-CD-1611,
Rating: Low (Reichenb.) Nyman (2), Arenaria Japan-A-1617, Italy-A-1618, New Zealand-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental serpyllifolia L. subsp. serpyllifolia (9) A-1624, Global-ZD-1581, Europe--,
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 166 Pakistan-A-1728, North Africa, Libya,
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Global Risk Score: 33.6 Egypt-W-1730, United States of America-
Rating: Extreme E-1736, Taiwan-W-1748, Serbia-R-1771,
Arenaria purpurascens Ramond ex DC. Toxic - Habit: annual/biennial Herb central Europe-A-1616, Russia-W-1671,
Caryophyllaceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, France-A-1814, Finland-A-1815, Sweden-
Total N° of Refs: 2 Subtropical, Tropical A-1817, Poland-A-1825, Australia-N-1902,
Global Risk Score: 0.24 Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia, Australia-N-1845, Canada-G-1855, South
Rating: Low Cosmopolitan Korea-A-1859, Montenegro-W-1861,
Habit: Shrub Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Chile-I-1872, Argentina-A-1874, Serbia-A-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture 1915, Nepal-A-1932, Montenegro-R-1944,
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle, Germany-R-1948, Poland-A-1952, Poland-
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Donkey, Horse, Livestock, Sheep, A-1961, -I-, -I-, Kosovo-R-2003, Poland-
Vehicles, Water, Wind, Escapee A-2005, South Korea-A-2032, South
Arenaria reptans Hemsl. Seed Longevity: Long Term Korea-A-2033, Russia-W-2034, Russia-A-
Caryophyllaceae Weed of: Cereals, Grapevines, Orchards & 2041, France-A-2042, Poland-A-2047,
Total N° of Refs: 3 Plantations, Pastures, Vegetables New Zealand-N-2048, -A-2058, Poland-A-
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical References: India-W-424, Taiwan-N-777, 2059, Poland-A-2061, Poland-R-2062,
References: Mexico-W-735, Mexico-W- Global-W-23, Global-A-44, Chile-N-300, Slovenia-A-2078, Slovakia-A-2079, Italy-
890, Mexico-W-1226. Global-A-68, Global-NZW-85, Australia- A-2081, northern European towns-W-2095,
N-9, Europe-A-94, Global-A-243, United Poland-A-2110, Argentina-W-1977,
Arenaria rotundifolia Bieb. States of America-N-101, New Zealand-N- Australia-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Chile-
Caryophyllaceae 280, Chile-N-241, Japan-A-263, United W-1977, Sweden-W-1977, Taiwan-W-
Total N° of Refs: 3 States of America-W-161, New Zealand- 1977.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant W-165, Australia-N-176, Japan-W-286,
Dispersed by: Humans western Europe-A-253, eastern North Arenaria serpyllifolia L. var. serpyllifolia
References: Denmark-U-711, Denmark-W- America-E-195, Australia-N-198, Europe, Caryophyllaceae
1609, Denmark-W-1977. eastern-AW-272, western Europe-W-70, Total N° of Refs: 1
China-W-297, China-A-275, Australia-C- References: United States of America-I-
Arenaria sedoides (L.) Druce 401, Australia-N-945, Spain-A-417, New 904.
Caryophyllaceae Zealand-NW-425, China-W-431, United
Total N° of Refs: 2 Kingdom-N-519, New Zealand-N-534, Arenaria serpyllifolia L. subsp.
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. New Zealand-N-15, Canada-A-642, South leptoclados (Reichenb.) Nyman
Korea-A-648, Australia-AEN-310, India- Caryophyllaceae
AG-712, Canada and United States of Accepted name: Arenaria serpyllifolia
America-N-725, Canada-UC-756, United Total N° of Refs: 157
States of America-N-301, United States of Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
America-E-151, United States of America- Dispersed by: Animals, Livestock
N-839, India-I-914, New Zealand-N-919, Seed Longevity: Long Term
United States of America-W-946, India-N- References: United Kingdom-N-519,
976, Argentina-I-983, Australia-N-354, Global-ZD-1611.
Australia-N-1049, United States of
America-N-1058, Poland-A-935, Europe- Arenaria serpyllifolia L. subsp.
N-819, United Kingdom-A-1093, Poland- serpyllifolia
G-1122, Europe-W-1191, Global-ZD-1203, Caryophyllaceae
China-N-1215, Serbia-W-1238, Argentina- Total N° of Refs: 164
E-1245, Australia-E-1259, Australia-E- Global Risk Score: 0.72
1262, Denmark-A-1185, France-A-1266, Rating: Low
Argentina-W-1286, United States of Habit: annual Herb
America-N-1292, south and southeast Asia- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
A-1320, Serbia-A-1343, China-N-1344, Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe
India-I-1345, Chile-N-1348, Global-W- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
1349, Argentina-A-1363, Serbia-A-1372, Ornamental
Serbia-W-1222, India-I-1389, Taiwan-N- Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
1403, United Kingdom-ZD-1416, Belgium- Livestock, Vehicles
ZD-1422, Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay-I- References: United States of America-W-
1476, Global-ZD-1492, Global-ZD-1495, 34, Australia-E-327, United Kingdom-N-
Austria-N-1531, United States of America- 519, United States of America-N-86,
N-1603, United States of America-N-1607, Australia-W-869, Australia-N-354, United
United Kingdom-N-1636, China-A-87, Kingdom-N-1636, Global-ZD-1611,
United Kingdom-A-87, Germany-A-87, Australia-N-1959.
India-A-87, Japan-A-87, New Zealand-A-
87, United States of America-A-87,
Hungary-A-1015, Tajikistan-A-1017, North

Arenaria spp. L. Arenga pinnata (Wurmb) Merr. Argania spinosa (L.) Skeels
Caryophyllaceae Arecaceae Sapotaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 20 Total N° of Refs: 4
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Global Risk Score: 4.8 Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Weed of: Cereals Rating: Low Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
References: Europe, eastern-W-272, Nepal- Aqua - Habit: Tree Origin: Africa
A-1791. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Tropical Forestry, Herbal, Ornamental
Arenaria tenuifolia L. Origin: E Asia, SE Asia Dispersed by: Humans
Caryophyllaceae Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, References: Global-N-85, Spain-N-1006,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Ornamental Europe-N-819, Spain-N-1454.
References: Ireland-W-894. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
References: Federated States of Argemone albiflora Hornem.
Arenaria tetraquetra L. Micronesia-N-230, United States of Papaveraceae
Caryophyllaceae America-CE-617, Africa-W-760, Global- Total N° of Refs: 7
Total N° of Refs: 2 W-307, Tanzania-I-970, Africa-W-990, Toxic - Habit: annual Herb
Global Risk Score: 0.72 United States of America-N-1114, United Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Rating: Low States of America-Q-1197, Global-W- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Habit: perennial Herb 1376, Global-I-1404, Global-CD-1611, Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental East Africa-I-1723, China-N-1796, Benin- Weed of: Vegetables
Dispersed by: Humans N-1796, -I-, United States of America-N- References: Global-N-85, United States of
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. 2092, Algeria-W-1977, Kenya-W-1977, America-W-161, United States of America-
Micronesia (Federated States of)-W-1977, A-543, Global-Q-1205, Global-W-1349,
Arenaria trinervia L. Palau-W-1977, United Republic of Australia-Q-1123, South Africa-W-1977.
Caryophyllaceae Tanzania-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Argemone albiflora Hornem. subsp.
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Arenga tremula (Blanco) Becc. albiflora
Arecaceae Papaveraceae
Arenaria verna L. Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1
Caryophyllaceae Toxic - Habit: Shrub References: Global-N-85.
Accepted name: Minuartia verna (L.) Hiern Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 9 Origin: SE Asia Argemone glauca (Nutt. ex Prain) Pope
Global Risk Score: 0.24 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Papaveraceae
Rating: Low Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 2
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans Global Risk Score: 1.2
Dispersed by: Humans References: Micronesia (Federated States Rating: Low
References: Chile-I-1872. of)-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Arenga engleri Becc. Arenga westerhoutii Griff. Dispersed by: Humans
Arecaceae Arecaceae References: Hawaii-A-87, United States of
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 3 America-A-87.
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Rating: Low Origin: E Asia Argemone grandiflora Sweet
Aqua - Habit: Herb Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Papaveraceae
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 2
Origin: E Asia References: Singapore-N-1290, Singapore- Habit: annual/perennial Herb
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental N-1839, Singapore-W-1977. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
References: Japan-A-1106. Arfeuillea arborescens Pierre Dispersed by: Humans
Sapindaceae References: Mexico-W-890, Mexico-W-
Arenga obtusifolia Mart. Total N° of Refs: 1 1226.
Arecaceae Habit: Tree
Total N° of Refs: 2 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Argemone intermedia auct.
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Origin: E Asia Papaveraceae
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Accepted name: Argemone polyanthemos
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 10
References: Indonesia-I-2108, India-W- References: India-W-1977. ToxicMajor Pathway/s: Herbal
1977. References: United States of America-W-
210, United States of America-A-87,

Argemone mexicana L. 1215, Belgium-UD-1220, Mexico-W-1226, 1984, South Africa-N-1991, India-I-1992,
Papaveraceae Pakistan-A-1232, Norway-N-1243, South Burundi-NR-2012, India-I-2022, Angola-
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Argemone Africa-NXI-1247, Georgia-U-1250, Saudi N-2028, Israel-N-59, Cuba-I-2055, France-
mexicana var. mexicana L. , Argemone Arabia-A-797, Bangladesh-N-1194, Japan- N-2091, Global-W-2097, Angola-W-1977,
mexicana f. leiocarpa L. N-1278, India-I-1279, India-I-1280, Anguilla-W-1977, Argentina-W-1977,
Total N° of Refs: 317 Botswana-N-1284, United States of Aruba-W-1977, Australia-W-1977,
Global Risk Score: 24 America-N-1292, Yemen-NI-1302, south Austria-W-1977, Bahrain-W-1977,
Rating: High and southeast Asia-A-1320, La Reunion- Bangladesh-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977,
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb AW-1321, Global-W-1324, Australia-A- Bhutan-W-1977, Bonaire-W-1977,
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, 1331, Madagascar-N-1000, China-N-1344, Botswana-W-1977, Brazil-W-1977,
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical India-I-1345, French Guiana-N-1346, Burkina Faso-W-1977, Burundi-W-1977,
Origin: Africa, C Am, E Asia, Europe, N Global-W-1349, India-A-1359, Zimbabwe- Canada-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, China-W-
Am, S Am I-1365, Israel-NW-1380, Vietnam-EI-1386, 1977, Cuba-W-1977, Czech Republic-W-
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, India-I-1389, South Africa-NI-1002, 1977, Denmark-W-1977, Dominica-W-
Herbal, Ornamental Taiwan-N-1403, India-W-1406, south and 1977, Ecuador-W-1977, Egypt-W-1977,
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, southeast Asia-A-1408, Cape Verde-N- Ethiopia-W-1977, Fiji-W-1977, France-W-
Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles, Water, Wind, 1414, Australia-I-1442, Global-E-1449, 1977, Ghana-W-1977, India-W-1977,
Escapee Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands-W-1452, Israel-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Kenya-W-
Weed of: Canola, Cereals, Cotton, Australia-E-1456, Dominican Republic-A- 1977, Malawi-W-1977, Mauritius-W-1977,
Orchards & Plantations, Pastures, Potatoes, 1473, Dominican Republic-A-1475, Micronesia (Federated States of)-W-1977,
Vegetables Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay-I-1476, Mozambique-W-1977, Nepal-W-1977,
References: Cuba-A-14, Zimbabwe-AW- Cuba-N-1505, French Polynesia-N-1514, Nigeria-W-1977, Niue-W-1977, Oman-W-
50, Africa-A-53, Australia, northern-A-55, India--1520, Fiji-A-1521, Czech Republic- 1977, Palau-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977,
India-A-66, Puerto Rico-W-261, Brazil-W- U-1522, Saudi Arabia-A-1525, Australia-I- Samoa-W-1977, Sao Tome and Principe-
255, South Africa-AZR-121, Australia-X- 1544, Fiji-I-1544, Guam-I-1544, India-I- W-1977, Saudi Arabia-W-1977, Senegal-
147, Gal pagos Islands-EW-257, Pacific-A- 1544, Indonesia-I-1544, Japan-I-1544, New W-1977, South Africa-W-1977, Spain-W-
6, Brazil-W-362, Brazil-W-407, Australia- Caledonia-I-1544, Niue-I-1544, 1977, Suriname-W-1977, Taiwan-W-1977,
CN-468, India-NW-424, Cuba-A-579, Philippines-I-1544, Samoa-I-1544, Brazil- Uganda-W-1977, United Republic of
Tanzania-A-568, India-A-758, Africa-W- N-1597, India-N-1601, Austria-W-1609, Tanzania-W-1977, Vanuatu-W-1977,
760, Taiwan-N-777, Thailand-W-822, Denmark-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, India- Venezuela-W-1977, Viet Nam-W-1977,
Global-W-23, Argentina-W-237, Australia- N-1628, India-N-1631, India-AN-1632, Yemen-W-1977, Zambia-W-1977,
W-269, Finland-U-42, Sudan-W-242, Bangladesh-A-589, India-A-87, Pakistan- Zimbabwe-W-1977, Swaziland-W-1977.
Global-N-108, Global-NZW-85, South A-87, Tanzania-A-87, Australia-A-87,
Africa-X-283, Global-AZ-186, Global-A- Kenya-A-87, Mexico-A-87, Zimbabwe-A- Argemone mexicana L. var. mexicana
243, South Africa-W-382, Central 87, Argentina-A-87, Egypt-A-87, Puerto Papaveraceae
America-W-157, South Africa-W-158, Rico-A-87, South Africa-A-87, United Total N° of Refs: 2
United States of America-W-161, Egypt-A- States of America-A-87, Bangladesh-A-87, References: Australia-N-945, New
185, Australia-N-945, United Kingdom- Chile-A-87, Cuba-A-87, Dominican Caledonia-I-1507.
UCZD-314, Czech Republic-UZ-400, Republic-A-87, Fiji-A-87, Ghana-A-87,
United States of America-W-486, United Belize-A-87, Indonesia-A-87, Jamaica-A- Argemone mexicana L. var. ochroleuca
Kingdom-N-519, Eritrea-A-555, Nepal-A- 87, Madagascar-A-87, Mauritius-A-87, (Sweet) Lindl.
591, Global-A-546, Pacific-W-621, Mozambique-A-87, Nicaragua-A-87, New Papaveraceae
Europe-N-638, Portugal-N-662, Austria- Zealand-A-87, Peru-A-87, Portugal-A-87, Accepted name: Argemone ochroleuca
UC-708, Denmark-C-711, Portugal-N-718, Uruguay-A-87, Venezuela-A-87, Zambia- Sweet
Canada and United States of America-N- A-87, India-A-1021, India-W-1029, India- Total N° of Refs: 86
725, Spain-I-738, South Africa-I-759, A-1038, Cape Verde-N-1558, Central Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Mediterranean-I-775, United States of America-A-1568, Costa Rica-W-1570, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
America-N-301, Japan-N-794, United South Africa-E-1646, Global-CD-1611, Dispersed by: Humans
Kingdom-UC-812, Dominican Republic- Africa-A-1623, India-W-1672, Global-I- References: Portugal-N-1006, Australia-N-
W-813, Swaziland-N-825, United States of 1324, Australia-ZD-1675, Australia-X- 1049.
America-N-839, Pakistan-W-836, Mexico- 1693, India-A-1696, India-A-1702, India-
I-878, Africa-I-886, Bangladesh-I-887, A-1704, India-EI-1707, East Africa-I-1723, Argemone mexicana L. fo. leiocarpa
Mexico-W-890, United States of America- Brazil-N-1071, Czech Republic-U-1731, (Greene) G.B.Ownbey
U-904, Argentina-A-913, Mexico-A-915, Brazil-N-1733, India-N-1370, Papaveraceae
Uruguay-A-924, Dominican Republic-A- Mozambique-A-1734, Brazil-N-1746, Total N° of Refs: 1
925, Africa-N-926, Puerto Rico-A-929, Taiwan-W-1748, China-N-1758, References: Mozambique-nC-943.
Peru-A-930, Chile-A-931, Venezuela-A- Bangladesh-A-1761, India-ZI-1764, China-
932, Mozambique-nC-943, United I-1769, India-X-1770, Nepal-N-1784, Argemone munita Durand & Hilg.
Kingdom-Z-944, India-A-948, India-N-1789, India-N-1790, La Reunion- Papaveraceae
Mediterranean-WI-951, India-N-976, A-1822, India-W-1829, Sao Tome and Total N° of Refs: 2
Africa-A-980, Australia-N-354, Principe-N-1805, Australia-N-1902, Global Risk Score: 0.72
Madagascar-N-1001, Spain-N-1006, India- Colombia-N-1856, India-W-1866, Rating: Low
I-1047, Australia-N-1049, Pacific-E-1078, Argentina-I-983, Chile-I-1872, India-I- Toxic - Habit: annual/perennial Herb
Portugal-N-898, Europe-N-819, Ethiopia-I- 1875, Honduras-W-1892, India-I-1904, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
452, United States of America-N-101, India-I-1914, Nepal-A-1932, Australia- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
South Africa-X-1112, Africa-X-1127, WD-1934, India-A-1936, Canary Islands- Dispersed by: Humans
Australia-Q-1134, Ethiopia-A-1141, India- N-1967, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, - References: New Zealand-Q-1879, New
N-1148, Botswana-A-1153, Gal pagos I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, Saudi Arabia-N-1978, Zealand-Q-2086.
Islands-CN-1157, India-N-1213, China-N- Egypt-N-1979, Australia-Q-1123, India-R-

Argemone ochroleuca Sweet Argemone ochroleuca Sweet subsp. Argemone squarrosa Greene
Papaveraceae ochroleuca Papaveraceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Argemone Papaveraceae Total N° of Refs: 1
mexicana L. var. ochroleuca (Sweet) Lindl. Total N° of Refs: 29 Major Pathway/s: Herbal
(2) Toxic - Habit: annual Herb References: United States of America-W-
Total N° of Refs: 86 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, 161.
Global Risk Score: 14.4 Subtropical, Tropical
Rating: Medium Origin: N Am Argemone subfusiformis G.B.Ownbey
Toxic - Habit: annual Herb Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Papaveraceae
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 22
Subtropical, Tropical References: Australia-W-93, Australia-W- Global Risk Score: 8.64
Origin: C Am, N Am, S Am 269, South Africa-X-63, South Africa-X- Rating: Medium
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, 283, Australia-N-198, Australia-N-945, Toxic - Habit: annual Herb
Ornamental Australia-E-327, Africa-A-622, Australia- Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Vehicles, EN-7, Swaziland-N-825, Australia-W-853, Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
Water, Escapee Australia-N-855, Australia-N-868, Origin: N Am, S Am
Weed of: Cereals, Cotton, Orchards & Australia-W-869, Mozambique-nC-943, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Plantations, Pastures South Africa-N-956, Australia-N-354, Ornamental
References: Australia, northern-A-55, Australia-N-1049, Africa-X-1127, South Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Australia-X-147, Australia-W-205, Global- Africa-NXI-1247, Botswana-N-1284, Weed of: Cereals
NW-85, Global-A-243, New Zealand-N- Australia-N-1450, Australia-E-1456, References: South Africa-AZR-121,
280, South Africa-W-158, New Zealand- Australia-N-1491, Mexico-N-1500, Australia-X-147, Argentina-W-237, South
W-165, Ethiopia-A-240, Australia-N-176, Lesotho-X-1127, Australia-N-1845, South Africa-W-51, Global-A-243, South
Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945, New Africa-EI-1886, Australia-N-1959, -I-. America-W-295, South Africa-W-382,
Zealand-NW-425, New Zealand-N-534, Australia-N-134, Australia-C-401,
Australia-Z-611, Global-E-649, Australia- Argemone platyceras Link & Otto Australia-N-945, Australia-AENX-310,
AENX-310, South Africa-I-759, Australia- Papaveraceae Paraguay-NI-876, Australia-N-354,
N-856, Australia-N-868, Australia-E-880, Total N° of Refs: 5 Australia-N-1049, India-N-1345, South
Mexico-W-890, New Zealand-N-919, Global Risk Score: 0.72 Africa-A-87, Global-CD-1611, Lesotho-
Africa-N-926, India-N-976, Australia-N- Rating: Low AZR-121, Australia-Q-1123, Botswana-A-
354, Australia-N-1049, Australia-W-1068, Habit: annual Herb 2065, Australia-W-1977, India-W-1977.
South Africa-X-1112, Namibia-E-1179, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Australia, northern-ENZ-1183, Mexico-W- Subtropical Argemone subfusiformis G.B.Ownbey
1226, Australia-E-1259, India-I-1279, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental subsp. subfusiformis
India-I-1280, Namibia-I-1283, Global-W- Dispersed by: Humans Papaveraceae
1324, Australia-A-1331, India-I-1345, Weed of: Potatoes, Vegetables Total N° of Refs: 4
India-I-1389, South Africa-NI-1002, References: Global-A-243, Mexico-W-890, Origin: S Am
Australia-I-1442, Global-E-1449, Global- Mexico-W-1226, Mexico-N-1500, United References: Australia-W-269, Australia-W-
ZD-1495, Australia-X-62, Saudi Arabia-A- States of America-A-87. 853, Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049.
1525, Israel-W-1487, India-AN-1632,
Australia-A-87, New Zealand-A-87, India- Argemone pleiacantha Greene Argemone subfusiformis G.B.Ownbey x
A-1021, Global-N-1218, South Africa-E- Papaveraceae Argemone ochroleuca Sweet
1646, Global-CD-1611, India-A-1704, East Total N° of Refs: 1 Papaveraceae
Africa-I-1723, Australia-Z-1768, Australia- Habit: annual/perennial Herb Total N° of Refs: 1
N-1902, India-I-1875, Australia-WD-1934, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: Australia-N-354.
Mexico-R-1935, Saudi Arabia-A-1951, -I-, Dispersed by: Humans
-I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, Saudi Arabia-NI-1978, References: Mexico-I-878. Argentina anserina (L.) Rydb.
Australia-Q-1123, South Africa-N-1991, Rosaceae
South Africa-RI-2017, India-I-2022, New Argemone polyanthemos (Fedde) Synonym/s (n° of refs): Potentilla anserina
Zealand-N-2048, Australia-W-1977, G.B.Ownbey L. (77)
Botswana-W-1977, Ethiopia-W-1977, Papaveraceae Total N° of Refs: 80
India-W-1977, Kenya-W-1977, Morocco- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Argemone Global Risk Score: 1.44
W-1977, Namibia-W-1977, Nepal-W-1977, intermedia auct. (3) Rating: Low
Nicaragua-W-1977, Saudi Arabia-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 10 Origin: N Am
South Africa-W-1977, Spain-W-1977, Habit: annual/biennial Herb Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Uganda-W-1977, United Republic of Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Water
Tanzania-W-1977, Yemen-W-1977, Origin: N Am References: United States of America-A-
Swaziland-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental 49, Canada-A-642, Australia-N-1845.
Dispersed by: Humans
Weed of: Pastures Argentina egedii (Wormsk.) Rydb.
References: United States of America-W- Rosaceae
264, United States of America-W-161, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Potentilla anserina
United States of America-W-174, United L. subsp. pacifica (Howell) Rousi (2),
States of America-AW-212, Global-Q- Potentilla pacifica Howell (1)
1205, Global-W-1349, Australia-Q-1123. Total N° of Refs: 3
Major Pathway/s: Herbal

Argentipallium niveum (Steetz) Paul Argyranthemum frutescens (L.) Sch. Argyranthemum tenerifae Humphries
G.Wilson Bip. Asteraceae
Asteraceae Asteraceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Chrysanthemum
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Helichrysum Synonym/s (n° of refs): Chrysanthemum anethifolium auct. (1)
niveum Hook. (1) frutescens L. (6) Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 43 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Global Risk Score: 0.72 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Rating: Low Dispersed by: Humans
Habit: Tree
Argusia sibirica (L.) Dandy Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Argyreia acuta Lour.
Boraginaceae Subtropical, Tropical Convolvulaceae
Accepted name: Tournefortia sibirica L. Origin: Africa Total N° of Refs: 2
Total N° of Refs: 9 Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Habit: Vine
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Dispersed by: Humans Origin: E Asia
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe References: Australia-N-9, New Zealand- Major Pathway/s: Herbal
References: United States of America-N- N-280, Australia-N-134, Australia-N-945, References: China-N-1215, China-N-1374.
101, Europe, eastern-W-272, Ukraine-U- New Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N-15,
643, Lithuania-I-737, Europe-N-819, Australia-EN-7, Mexico-N-791, United Argyreia mollis (Burm.f.) Choisy.
Ukraine-N-1297, Lithuania-W-1609. States of America-N-101, New Zealand-N- Convolvulaceae
919, Chile-N-991, Australia-N-354, Total N° of Refs: 1
Argyranthemum foeniculaceum (Willd.) Portugal-N-1006, France-N-1006, Europe- Habit: Vine
Webb. ex Schultz-Bip. N-819, Norway-N-1243, Sardinia-U-1336, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Asteraceae Sardinia-U-1381, Norway-W-1609, Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Argyranthemum Sweden-W-1609, Australia-N-1902, References: Indonesia-A-13.
foeniculum (Willd.) Sch.Bip. (2) Mexico-N-1881, Sardinia-U-1917, New
Total N° of Refs: 4 Zealand-N-2048, Armenia-W-1977, Argyreia nasirii D.Austin
Global Risk Score: 1.2 Australia-W-1977, Democratic Repubic of Convolvulaceae
Rating: Low Korea-W-1977, France-W-1977, India-W- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Lettsomia
Habit: perennial Herb 1977, Italy-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, thomsonii C.B.Clarke (2)
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Mexico-W-1977, Republic of Korea-W- Total N° of Refs: 2
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, 1977, Rwanda-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977, Habit: Vine
Ornamental Taiwan-W-1977, South Korea-U-2113,
Dispersed by: Humans North Korea--.
References: Australia-EN-7, Australia-W-
869. Argyranthemum frutescens (L.) Sch.
Bip. subsp. foeniculaceum (Pit. &
Argyranthemum foeniculum (Willd.) Proust) Humphries
Sch.Bip. Asteraceae
Asteraceae Total N° of Refs: 5
Accepted name: Argyranthemum Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
foeniculaceum (Willd.) Sch.Bip. Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 4 References: Australia-N-855, Australia-W-
References: United States of America-N- 869, Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1450,
101, Australia-W-1977. Australia-E-1456.

Argyranthemum frutescens (L.) Sch.

Bip. subsp. frutescens
Total N° of Refs: 9
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Australia-N-855, Australia-N-
864, Australia-W-869, Australia-N-354,
Italy-U-251, Australia-N-1450, Australia-
E-1456, Sardinia-U-1393, Italy-U-1887.

Argyranthemum pinnatifidum Webb.

Total N° of Refs: 3
References: Portugal-N-1006, Europe-N-
819, Global-W-1324.

Argyreia nervosa (Burm. f.) Bojer Argyrolobium arabicum (Decne.) Jaub. Argythamnia neomexicana Müell.-Arg.
Convolvulaceae & Spach Euphorbiaceae
Total N° of Refs: 52 Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Ditaxis
Global Risk Score: 7.2 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Argyrolobium neomexicana (M ell.-Arg.) Heller (1)
Rating: Medium abyssinicum Jaub. & Spach (1) Total N° of Refs: 3
Toxic - Habit: annual Herb Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Subtropical, Tropical Major Pathway/s: Pasture Weed of: Bananas, Orchards and
Origin: E Asia Dispersed by: Humans Plantations
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, References: Global-W-28, Global-A-243.
Ornamental Argyrolobium biebersteinii P.W.Ball
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Arida parviflora (A. Gray) D. R. Morgan
Weed of: Cotton, Orchards & Plantations, Total N° of Refs: 1 & R. L. Hartm.
Pastures Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Asteraceae
References: Australia-N-368, Australia-E- Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Total N° of Refs: 1
650, United States of America-N-101, References: Turkey-A-727. References: Germany-W-1977.
United States of America-W-179, Japan-N-
287, Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945, Argyrolobium crotalarioides Jaub. & Aridaria noctiflora (L.) Schwantes
Pacific-E-621, Australia-N-310, United Spach Aizoaceae
States of America-N-301, Japan-N-794, Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aridaria serotina L.
United States of America-N-839, Australia- Total N° of Refs: 1 Bolus (2)
N-354, Australia-W-1068, Australia-I- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 2
1088, Chad-nC-640, Australia-W-1210, References: Turkey-R-1968. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
China-N-1215, Japan-N-1278, United Dispersed by: Humans
States of America-N-1292, La Reunion-N- Argyrolobium harveyanum Oliver
1321, Pakistan-A-704, United States of Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Aridaria serotina L. Bolus
America-C-1329, Australia-A-1331, China- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Argyrolobium Aizoaceae
EN-1374, Taiwan-N-1403, Australia-E- uniflorum (Decne.) Jaub. & Spach (1) Accepted name: Aridaria noctiflora
1456, Chad-N-1503, Cuba-NI-1505, Total N° of Refs: 1 Schwantes var. noctiflora
Australia, northern-W-1204, Global-CD- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 2
1611, Taiwan-W-1748, Nigeria-N-1796, Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Senegal-N-1796, Burkina Faso-N-1796, Dispersed by: Humans, Livestock
Cameroon-N-1796, Central African Argyrolobium roseum (Cambess.) Jaub. References: South Africa-ZD-1419, South
Republic-N-1796, Sri Lanka-N-1796, & Spach Africa-ZD-1584.
Sudan-N-1796, India-I-1826, Australia-A- Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
1928, -I-, Cuba-N-2024, Cuba-I-2055, Total N° of Refs: 3 Ariopsis peltata Nimmo
United States of America-N-2092, Weed of: Cereals Araceae
Australia-W-1977, Chad-W-1977, Cook References: Oman-A-1870, Nepal-A-1932, Total N° of Refs: 1
Islands-W-1977, Cuba-W-1977, Japan-W- Nepal-A-1981. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
1977, Taiwan-W-1977, Tonga-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Crop
Global--1324. Argyrolobium uniflorum (Decne.) Jaub. References: south and southeast Asia-A-
& Spach 1320.
Argyrocytisus battandieri (Maire) Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Raynaud Accepted name: Argyrolobium Arisaema amurense Maxim.
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae harveyanum Oliv. Araceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Cytisus battandieri Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 3
Maire (1) Habit: Shrub Habit: perennial Herb
Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Origin: E Asia
Habit: Shrub Mediterranean Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Origin: Africa Origin: Africa Ornamental, Pasture
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans References: China-W-431, Russia-U-1499,
References: Europe-N-302. Russia-C-1671.
Argyrolobium abyssinicum Jaub. &
Spach Argythamnia blodgettii (Torr.) Chapm. Arisaema dracontium (L.) Schott
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Euphorbiaceae Araceae
Accepted name: Argyrolobium arabicum Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 2
(Decne.) Jaub. & Spach Major Pathway/s: Herbal Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Global-W-1324. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
References: Egypt-W-221. Origin: N Am
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.

Arisaema erubescens (Wall.) Schott Arisaema tortuosum (Wallich) Schott Arisarum vulgare Targ.-Tozz.
Araceae Araceae Araceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 24
Habit: perennial Herb Global Risk Score: 1.2 Global Risk Score: 7.2
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Rating: Low Rating: Medium
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, N Am
References: China-W-297, China-W-431. Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Dispersed by: Humans Ornamental
Arisaema fimbriatum Mast. References: India-I-1826. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Araceae Weed of: Cereals
Total N° of Refs: 2 Arisaema triphyllum (L.) Torr. References: Australia-W-54, Global-A-243,
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Araceae western Europe-A-253, Europe, eastern-W-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Accepted name: Arisaema triphyllum (L.) 272, western Europe-W-70, Egypt-W-221,
Dispersed by: Humans Torr. Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945,
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Arisaema Australia-AN-310, Australia-N-354, Egypt-
triphyllum (L.) Torr. (7) A-19, Australia-Q-1134, Crete-A-1228,
Arisaema flavum (Forssk.) Schott Total N° of Refs: 21 Georgia-UR-1250, Australia-E-1259,
Araceae Global Risk Score: 2.4 Global-W-1324, Europe-W-1325, Global-
Total N° of Refs: 1 Rating: Low CD-1611, North Africa, Libya, Egypt-W-
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb 1730, Morocco-A-1751, Morocco-A-1752,
Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Tunisia-A-2006, New Zealand-U-2048,
Habit: perennial Herb Origin: N Am Australia-W-1977.
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Ornamental Arisarum vulgare Targ.-Tozz. subsp.
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans, Animals vulgare
References: United States of America-AW- References: Global-W-23, Italy-U-251, Araceae
486. Europe-W-1325, Chile-I-1872, Italy-U- Total N° of Refs: 2
1887, Chile-W-1977, Italy-W-1977. Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe
Arisaema heterophyllum Blume Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Araceae Arisaema triphyllum (L.) Schott subsp. Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 1 triphyllum References: Portugal-N-1006, Azores-N-
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Araceae 1721.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 3
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Aristea africana (L.) Hoffm.
Weed of: Pastures Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Iridaceae
References: South Korea-A-1860. References: Canada-C-756, Global-CD- Total N° of Refs: 2
1611, Canada-G-1855. Global Risk Score: 0.48
Arisaema jacquemontii Blume Rating: Low
Araceae Arisarum proboscideum (L.) Savi Habit: perennial Herb
Total N° of Refs: 3 Araceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Total N° of Refs: 10 Origin: Africa
Rating: Low Habit: perennial Herb Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Habit: perennial Herb Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Ornamental
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Origin: Europe Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: South Africa-AZW-121,
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Algeria-W-1977.
Weed of: Cereals References: United Kingdom-C-314,
References: India-A-1124, Nepal-A-1932, United Kingdom-N-519, Global-G-660, Aristea compressa Buching. ex Baker
Nepal-A-1981. United Kingdom-CN-812, United Iridaceae
Kingdom-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Global- Total N° of Refs: 1
Arisaema spp. Mart. W-1324, Global-CD-1611, New Zealand- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Araceae U-2048, United Kingdom-W-1977. Dispersed by: Humans
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Alocasia spp. References: United States of America-N-
(Schott) G. Don (2) 301.
Total N° of Refs: 4
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
References: United States of America-W-
486, south and southeast Asia-A-1408.

Arisaema taiwanense J. Murata

Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
References: New Zealand-U-2048.

Aristea ecklonii Baker Aristida adscencionis L. Aristida arenaria Gaudich
Iridaceae Poaceae Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 47 Total N° of Refs: 1 Accepted name: Aristida contorta F. Müell.
Global Risk Score: 1.92 Habit: Grass Total N° of Refs: 5
Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Toxic - Habit: Grass
Habit: perennial Herb Major Pathway/s: Herbal Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, References: Mexico-I-878. Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Tropical Livestock, Sheep
Origin: Africa Aristida adscensionis L. References: United Kingdom-ZD-1633,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Poaceae Australia-A-87.
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aristida
References: Australia-E-72, United coerulescens Desf. (1) Aristida balansae Henr.
Kingdom-N-40, New Zealand-E-246, Total N° of Refs: 55 Poaceae
Australia-W-54, New Zealand-N-280, Global Risk Score: 13.44 Total N° of Refs: 1
Australia-E-155, New Zealand-W-165, Rating: Medium Habit: Grass
Australia-N-198, New Zealand-EW-225, Habit: annual Grass Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Australia-C-401, United Kingdom-C-314, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, References: Vietnam-A-87.
Australia-E-327, New Zealand-NW-425, Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
United Kingdom-N-519, New Zealand-N- Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, N Am, S Aristida barbicollis Trin. & Rupr.
15, Global-W-629, Australia-EN-310, Am Poaceae
United Kingdom-CN-812, Australia-W- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aristida congesta
853, Australia-W-869, New Zealand-N- Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture Roem. & Schult. subsp. barbicollis (Trin. &
919, New Zealand-W-964, Australia-N- Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Rupr.) De Winter (4)
354, United Kingdom-N-1006, Australia- Livestock, Sheep Total N° of Refs: 4
N-1049, Europe-N-819, New Zealand-E- Weed of: Cereals, Grapevines Habit: Grass
328, New Zealand-E-505, Australia-W- References: India-NW-424, France-N-518, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
1210, Australia-E-1259, Australia-E-1262, Egypt-W-221, Sudan-W-242, Global-W-
Global-W-1324, Australia-E-1456, New 85, Global-AW-91, Global-A-243, Chile- Aristida benthamii Henrard
Zealand-X-1542, Global-CD-1611, India-I- N-241, South Africa-W-382, Mexico-W- Poaceae
1904, Australia-A-1928, Australia-N-1959, 199, China-W-297, United Kingdom-UZD- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aristida benthamii
New Zealand-N-2048, New Zealand-Q- 317, China-W-431, United States of var. benthamii Henrard
2086, New Zealand-E-483, Algeria-W- America-N-301, Japan-N-794, United Total N° of Refs: 7
1977, Australia-W-1977, India-W-1977, States of America-N-839, Africa-A-980, Habit: Grass
New Zealand-W-1977, Sri Lanka-W-1977, Europe-N-819, Belgium-UD-1220, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland
United Kingdom-W-1977. Mexico-W-1226, Saudi Arabia-A-797, Origin: Aust
Japan-N-1278, United States of America- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Aristea ensifolia Muir N-1292, Global-W-1324, India-N-1345, Ornamental
Iridaceae Global-W-1349, Saudi Arabia-A-1504, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Total N° of Refs: 1 French Polynesia-N-1514, Saudi Arabia-A- Livestock, Sheep
Habit: perennial Herb 1525, Brazil-N-1597, India-N-1631, India- References: Australia-N-176, United
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental A-1021, India-W-1029, Pakistan-A-1044, Kingdom-UZD-317, Australia-N-354,
Dispersed by: Humans Africa-A-1623, Togo-A-1673, India-A- Australia-ZD-1444, United Kingdom-ZD-
References: Australia-N-198. 1696, India-A-1704, Pakistan-A-1720, 1633, Global-ZD-1581, Australia-W-1977.
Brazil-N-1733, Mozambique-A-1734,
Aristea gerrardii Weim. North America-N-1760, Brazil-I-984, Aristida benthamii Henrard var.
Iridaceae Chile-I-1872, Saudi Arabia-A-1951, benthamii
Total N° of Refs: 6 Sudan-A-1985, Botswana-A-2065, Burkina Poaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Faso-A-2068, France-N-2091, Belgium-W- Total N° of Refs: 3
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental 1977, Chile-W-1977, India-W-1977, Japan- Habit: Grass
Dispersed by: Humans W-1977, Mexico-W-1977. Origin: Aust
References: United States of America-N- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
101, United States of America-N-301, Aristida adscensionis L. subsp. Dispersed by: Humans
United States of America-N-839, United guineensis (Trin. & Rupr.) Henrard References: Australia-N-945, Australia-N-
States of America-N-1292, United States of Poaceae 354, Australia-N-1845.
America-N-2092, Jamaica-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 2
Habit: annual Grass Aristida bipartita (Nees) Trin. & Rupr.
Aristida adescensionis L. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Poaceae
Poaceae Origin: Africa Total N° of Refs: 2
Total N° of Refs: 6 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Habit: perennial Grass
Habit: Grass Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
References: Kenya-A-87, Ghana-A-87, References: South Africa-AZR-121, Origin: Africa
India-A-87, Peru-A-87, Sudan-A-87, Lesotho-AZR-121. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Tanzania-A-87. Dispersed by: Humans
References: South Africa-AZR-121,

Aristida chinensis Munro Aristida congesta Roem. & Schult. Aristida divaricata Humb. & Bonpl. ex
Poaceae subsp. congesta Willd.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Poaceae Poaceae
Habit: Grass Total N° of Refs: 4 Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Habit: perennial Grass Habit: perennial Grass
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Dispersed by: Humans Subtropical, Tropical Major Pathway/s: Herbal
References: China-W-431. Origin: Africa References: Mexico-W-199.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Aristida circinalis Lindm. Dispersed by: Humans Aristida erecta Hitchc.
Poaceae References: South Africa-AZR-121, South Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Africa-W-51, South Africa-W-158, Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: Grass Madagascar-N-1001. Habit: Grass
References: Paraguay-NI-876. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Aristida contorta F. Müell. References: Cuba-A-14.
Aristida coerulescens Desf. Poaceae
Poaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aristida arenaria Aristida funiculata Trin. & Rupr.
Accepted name: Aristida adscensionis L. Gaudich (2) Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 55 Total N° of Refs: 5 Total N° of Refs: 3
Habit: Grass Habit: Grass Global Risk Score: 1.04
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Preferred Climate/s: Dryland Rating: Low
References: Egypt-W-221. Origin: Aust Habit: annual Grass
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Tropical
Aristida congesta Roem. & Schult. Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Pasture
Poaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 13 Livestock, Sheep References: Egypt-W-221, India-A-1696,
Global Risk Score: 1.92 References: Australia-W-269, United Myanmar-N-1796.
Rating: Low Kingdom-UZD-317, United Kingdom-ZD-
Habit: perennial Grass 1633. Aristida glauca (Nees) Walp.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Poaceae
Subtropical, Tropical Aristida culionensis Pilger ex Perkins Accepted name: Aristida purpurea Nutt.
Origin: Africa, Europe Poaceae var. nealleyi
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 3
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Habit: Grass Habit: Grass
Livestock, Sheep, Wind Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Weed of: Cereals, Cotton, Sunflowers References: Thailand-A-1211. Major Pathway/s: Herbal
References: Botswana-A-548, South References: Global-W-1349.
Africa-W-382, United Kingdom-UZD-317, Aristida cyanantha Steud.
Europe-N-819, Botswana-A-1153, Poaceae Aristida holathera Domin
Belgium-UD-1220, Global-W-1324, United Total N° of Refs: 1 Poaceae
Kingdom-ZD-1633, South Africa-A-87, Habit: Grass Total N° of Refs: 2
Botswana-A-2065, Botswana-A-2071, Weed of: Cereals Habit: perennial Grass
France-N-2091, Belgium-W-1977. References: Pakistan-A-1720. Preferred Climate/s: Dryland
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Aristida congesta Roem. & Schult. Aristida dichotoma Michx. Ornamental
subsp. barbicollis (Trin. & Rupr.) De Poaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Vehicles
Winter Total N° of Refs: 3 References: Australia-ZD-1439, Global-
Poaceae Toxic - Habit: Grass ZD-1495.
Accepted name: Aristida barbicollis Trin. Major Pathway/s: Herbal
& Rupr. References: United States of America-W- Aristida hordeacea Kunth
Total N° of Refs: 4 161, United States of America-N-101, Poaceae
Habit: perennial Grass United States of America-A-87. Total N° of Refs: 6
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Habit: annual Grass
Origin: Africa Aristida dichotoma Michx. var. Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant dichotoma Tropical
Dispersed by: Humans Poaceae Dispersed by: Animals, Livestock, Sheep
References: South Africa-AZR-121, South Total N° of Refs: 1 Weed of: Cereals
Africa-W-158, Madagascar-N-1001, Habit: annual Grass References: Europe-N-819, Belgium-UD-
Lesotho-AZR-121. References: United States of America-N- 1220, Global-W-1324, Sudan-A-87,
101. Burkina Faso-A-2068, Belgium-W-1977.

Aristida hygrometrica R.Br. Aristida latifolia Domin Aristida longispica Poir.
Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 3 Accepted name: Aristida longespica Poir.
Habit: annual Grass Global Risk Score: 2.56 Total N° of Refs: 14
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland Rating: Low Habit: Grass
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Habit: perennial Grass Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Dryland Origin: N Am
Dispersed by: Humans, Vehicles Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, References: Japan-N-794, Italy-U-251,
References: Australia-ZD-1439, Global- Ornamental, Pasture Japan-N-1278, Italy-U-1887, Belgium-W-
ZD-1495. Dispersed by: Humans, Vehicles 1977, Italy-W-1977, Japan-W-1977.
References: Australia-ZD-1439, Global-
Aristida hystrix L.f. ZD-1495, Australia-A-87. Aristida meccana Hochst. ex Trin. &
Poaceae Rupr.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Aristida laxa Cav. Poaceae
Habit: Grass Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Total N° of Refs: 1 Habit: Grass
References: India-A-1448, India-A-1696. Habit: Grass References: Egypt-W-221.
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Aristida inaequiglumis Domin References: Mexico-W-199. Aristida mutabilis Trin. et. Rupr.
Poaceae Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 Aristida leptopoda Benth. Total N° of Refs: 3
Habit: perennial Grass Poaceae Habit: annual Grass
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Habit: Grass Origin: Africa
Ornamental Origin: Aust Major Pathway/s: Pasture
Dispersed by: Humans, Vehicles Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: India-N-1345, India-A-1696,
References: Australia-ZD-1439, Global- Dispersed by: Humans India-W-1977.
ZD-1495. References: Australia-A-87.
Aristida oligantha Michx.
Aristida jerichoensis (Domin) Henrard Aristida longespica Poir. Poaceae
Poaceae Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 14
Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aristida longispica Global Risk Score: 1.44
Habit: Grass Poir. (7) Rating: Low
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland Total N° of Refs: 14 Toxic - Habit: annual Grass
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Habit: Grass Origin: N Am
Dispersed by: Humans Origin: N Am Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal
References: Australia-N-1049. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Dispersed by: Humans Livestock, Sheep
Aristida jerichoensis (Domin) Henrard References: United States of America-W- Weed of: Vegetables
var. subspinulifera Henrard 161, Japan-N-287, Europe-N-819, References: Global-ZW-85, Global-W-91,
Poaceae Belgium-U-1220, Australia-N-1227, United States of America-W-161, United
Total N° of Refs: 1 Global-W-1324, New Zealand-U-2048. States of America-W-174, United States of
Habit: Grass America-AW-210, United Kingdom-UZD-
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland Aristida longespica Poir. var. longespica 317, United States of America-A-543,
References: Australia-N-1049. Poaceae Europe-U-638, Canada and United States
Total N° of Refs: 1 of America-N-725, United States of
Aristida junciformis Trin. & Rupr. Habit: annual Grass America-N-101, Global-W-1349, United
Poaceae References: New Zealand-U-2048. States of America-N-1603, United States of
Total N° of Refs: 2 America-A-87, Canada-W-1977.
Habit: perennial Grass Aristida longiseta Steud.
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Poaceae Aristida pallens Cav.
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Accepted name: Aristida purpurea var. Poaceae
References: South Africa-W-382, South longiseta Nutt. (Steud.) Vasey Total N° of Refs: 10
Africa-WI-158. Total N° of Refs: 9 Habit: Grass
Habit: perennial Grass Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Aristida junciformis Trin. & Rupr. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Dispersed by: Humans
subsp. junciformis Origin: S Am References: South America-W-295,
Poaceae Major Pathway/s: Herbal Paraguay-NI-876, Argentina-A-913, Chile-
Total N° of Refs: 2 References: Brazil-W-255, Brazil-W-360, A-931, Argentina-A-87, Chile-A-87, Chile-
Habit: perennial Grass Brazil-W-407, Global-AW-91, Global-W- I-1872, New Zealand-Q-1879, New
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical 1349, United States of America-A-87, Zealand-Q-2086, Chile-W-1977.
Origin: Africa Brazil-A-1560.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Aristida pittieri Henrard
Dispersed by: Humans Poaceae
References: South Africa-AZR-121, Total N° of Refs: 1
Global-W-85. Habit: Grass
References: Venezuela-W-1511.

Aristida purpurascens Poir. Aristida setacea Retz. Aristida vagans Cav.
Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 4 Total N° of Refs: 4
Habit: Grass Habit: Grass Habit: perennial Grass
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal Dispersed by: Humans
Dispersed by: Humans References: India-A-87, Mauritius-A-87, References: New Zealand-N-280, New
References: Global-W-1349, United States India-A-1696, India-R-1984. Zealand-U-919, Australia-N-1450, New
of America-A-87. Zealand-N-2048.
Aristida setifolia Kunth
Aristida purpurea Nutt. Poaceae Aristolochia albida Duch.
Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 2 Aristolochiaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aristida glauca Habit: Grass Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aristolochia kirkii
(Nees) Walp. (1), Aristida longiseta Steud. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Baker (1)
(7) References: Venezuela-A-932, Venezuela- Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 10 A-87. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Habit: perennial Grass Dispersed by: Humans
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Aristida spp. L.
Origin: N Am Poaceae Aristolochia anguicida Jacq.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 6 Aristolochiaceae
Dispersed by: Humans Habit: Grass Total N° of Refs: 1
References: United States of America-W- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Toxic - Habit: Vine
161, United States of America-W-174. Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Aristida purpurea Nutt. var. longiseta References: South Africa-W-382, Global- References: Eastern Caribbean-N-1742.
(Steud.) Vasey XW-85, Australia-ZD-959, Australia-ZD-
Poaceae 1439, Polar Regions-ZD-1587, Australia- Aristolochia arcuata Mast.
Total N° of Refs: 1 ZD-1675. Aristolochiaceae
Habit: perennial Grass Total N° of Refs: 2
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Aristida subspicata Trin. & Rupr. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
References: Global-W-85. Poaceae Origin: S Am
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Brazil-W-255, Brazil-A-1622.
Aristida ramosa R.Br. Habit: perennial Grass
Poaceae Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Aristolochia baetica L.
Total N° of Refs: 10 References: France-N-518. Aristolochiaceae
Habit: Grass Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland Aristida suringarii Henr. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Origin: Aust Poaceae Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans
Ornamental Habit: Grass References: western Europe-W-70.
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, References: United States of America-N-
Livestock, Sheep 101. Aristolochia bilobata L.
References: Australia-W-269, New Aristolochiaceae
Zealand-N-280, United Kingdom-UZD- Aristida swartziana Steud. Total N° of Refs: 1
317, Australia-N-7, New Zealand-N-919, Poaceae References: United States of America-N-
Australia-N-354, United Kingdom-ZD- Total N° of Refs: 2 101.
1633, Australia-N-1902, New Zealand-N- Habit: Grass
2048, Australia-W-1977. References: United States of America-N- Aristolochia bodamae Dingler
101, Eastern Caribbean-N-1742. Aristolochiaceae
Aristida schiedeana Trin. & Rupr. Total N° of Refs: 2
Poaceae Aristida ternipes Cav. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Total N° of Refs: 1 Poaceae Origin: Europe, W Asia
Habit: Grass Total N° of Refs: 6 References: United Kingdom-N-314,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Habit: Grass Turkey--1412.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
References: Mexico-W-199. Major Pathway/s: Herbal Aristolochia bracteata Retz.
References: Cuba-A-14, Mexico-I-878, Aristolochiaceae
Aristida sciurus Stapf Cuba-NI-1505, -I-, Cuba-W-2055, Cuba- Accepted name: Aristolochia bracteolata
Poaceae W-1977, Global--1324. Lam.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 13
Habit: perennial Grass Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Dispersed by: Humans Weed of: Cereals, Cotton, Orchards &
References: South Africa-AZR-121. Plantations
References: India-A-948, Global-A-1207,
Global-A-1411, Sudan-A-87, India-A-87.

Aristolochia bracteolata Lam. Aristolochia clematitis L. Aristolochia coryi I.M. Johnst.
Aristolochiaceae Aristolochiaceae Aristolochiaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aristolochia Total N° of Refs: 71 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aristolochia
bracteata Retz. (5) Global Risk Score: 4.32 brevipes auct. non Benth. (1)
Total N° of Refs: 13 Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: annual/perennial Herb Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Tropical Origin: Europe, W Asia Aristolochia cymbifera Mart.
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Aristolochiaceae
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Dispersed by: Humans, Water, Escapee Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Sudan-W-242, Saudi Arabia- Weed of: Cereals, Grapevines, Pastures Habit: Tree
A-797, India-A-1359, Saudi Arabia-A- References: Global-A-44, Global-N-108, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
1525, India-A-1021, India-A-1034, India- Global-NW-85, Europe-A-94, Global-A- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
A-1696, Sudan-A-1985. 243, United States of America-N-101, Dispersed by: Humans
western Europe-A-253, Europe, eastern- References: India-W-1977.
Aristolochia brasiliensis Mart. & Zucc. AW-272, western Europe-W-70, United
Aristolochiaceae Kingdom-C-314, United Kingdom-N-519, Aristolochia debilis Sieb. & Zucc.
Accepted name: Aristolochia labiata Willd. Canada and United States of America-N- Aristolochiaceae
Total N° of Refs: 10 725, Lithuania-I-737, United Kingdom- Total N° of Refs: 1
Global Risk Score: 0.72 CN-812, Slovenia-W-883, Turkey-A-977, ToxicMajor Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Rating: Low Belgium-N-1006, Denmark-N-1006, Ornamental
ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Tropical Germany-N-1006, United Kingdom-N- Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental 1006, Latvia-N-1006, Norway-N-1006, References: China-W-431.
Dispersed by: Humans Global-N-1059, Europe-N-819, Belgium-
References: Brazil-A-923, Africa-W-990, N-1220, Serbia-W-1238, Norway-N-1243, Aristolochia durior Hill.
Brazil-A-87, Brazil-A-1622, Algeria-W- Spain-U-1270, Serbia-A-1343, Serbia-A- Aristolochiaceae
1977. 1357, Serbia-W-1358, Serbia-A-1372, Accepted name: Aristolochia macrophylla
Norway-N-1535, Europe-A-1539, Central Lam.
Aristolochia brevipes auct. non Benth. Europe-N-1602, Estonia-W-1609, Total N° of Refs: 19
Aristolochiaceae Denmark-W-1609, Latvia-W-1609, Global Risk Score: 1.44
Accepted name: Aristolochia coryi I.M. Lithuania-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, Rating: Low
Johnston Poland-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 1 Yugoslavia-A-87, Turkey-A-87, Serbia-W- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical 1031, Global-CD-1611, Serbia-W-1766, Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Serbia-R-1771, central Europe-A-1616, References: Australia-EX-201.
References: Mexico-W-1226. Sweden-N-1802, Serbia-R-1848,
Montenegro-W-1861, Bosnia and
Herzegovina-A-1862, Chile-I-1872, Serbia-
R-1946, Estonia-N-1997, Kosovo-R-2003,
Serbia-R-2057, Poland-AN-2059, Iran-A-
2072, Algeria-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977,
Bulgaria-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Chile-
W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, Latvia-W-
1977, Lithuania-W-1977, Poland-W-1977,
Sweden-W-1977, United Kingdom-W-

Aristolochia constricta Griseb.

Accepted name: Aristolochia sprucei Mast.
Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: Vine
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Weed of: Bananas, Orchards & Plantations
References: Costa Rica-A-1513.

Aristolochia contorta Bunge

Total N° of Refs: 2
Habit: perennial Herb
Origin: E Asia
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Dispersed by: Humans
References: China-W-297, China-W-431.

Aristolochia elegans Masters Aristolochia fimbriata Cham. Aristolochia indica L.
Aristolochiaceae Aristolochiaceae Aristolochiaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aristolochia Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 4
littoralis Parodi (23) Habit: perennial Herb Global Risk Score: 0.72
Total N° of Refs: 83 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Rating: Low
Global Risk Score: 8.64 Subtropical, Tropical Toxic - Habit: Tree
Rating: Medium Origin: S Am Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Toxic - Habit: perennial Vine Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans
Subtropical, Tropical References: Algeria-W-1977, India-W- References: Australia-N-868, India-A-
Origin: S Am 1977. 1034, Bangladesh-A-1761, Australia-W-
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, 1977.
Ornamental Aristolochia galeata Mart. & Zucc.
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Aristolochiaceae Aristolochia inflata Kunth
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Accepted name: Aristolochia labiata Willd. Aristolochiaceae
References: Global-N-85, South Africa-C- Total N° of Refs: 6 Total N° of Refs: 2
283, Puerto Rico-CW-261, Australia-E- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
155, southeast Asia-W-191, Australia-EX- Origin: S Am References: Democratic Republic of the
201, Australia-CN-368, Australia-CENI- References: Brazil-W-255. Congo-W-1977, India-W-1977.
479, Slovakia-CE-782, Congo-I-1107,
Pacific-W-3, Australia-E-73, South Africa- Aristolochia gigantea Mart. & Zucc. Aristolochia kaempferi Willd.
CW-279, United States of America-N-101, Aristolochiaceae Aristolochiaceae
South Africa-AZW-121, Australia-C-401, Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 1
Australia-N-945, Australia-E-380, Toxic - Habit: Herb ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Subtropical,
Australia-EN-310, South Africa-I-759, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Tropical
Zimbabwe-CN-848, Australia-W-853, Subtropical, Tropical Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Australia-N-354, Australia-I-1048, Pacific- Origin: S Am Dispersed by: Humans
E-1078, Australia-I-1088, Global-W-148, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: Algeria-W-1977.
Africa-W-1127, South Africa-I-1247, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Botswana-N-1284, La Reunion-N-1321, References: Costa Rica-CN-872, Global- Aristolochia kirkii Baker
South Africa-NI-1002, Australia-E-1456, CD-1611. Aristolochiaceae
Chad-N-1503, Cuba-N-1505, New Accepted name: Aristolochia albida Duch.
Caledonia-I-1507, Australia-A-87, Cape Aristolochia grandiflora Sw. Total N° of Refs: 1
Verde-N-1558, Australia, northern-W- Aristolochiaceae References: south and southeast Asia-A-
1204, South Africa-E-1646, Global-CD- Total N° of Refs: 10 1408.
1611, United States of America-E-1736, Global Risk Score: 0.72
Australia-E-1754, Chile-I-1872, -I-, -I-, -I-, Rating: Low Aristolochia labiata Willd.
Cuba-I-2055, Algeria-W-1977, Australia- Toxic - Habit: Tree Aristolochiaceae
W-1977, Chad-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aristolochia
Cook Islands-W-1977, Cuba-W-1977, Subtropical, Tropical brasiliensis Mart. & Zucc. (5), Aristolochia
Democratic Republic of the Congo-W- Origin: C Am, N Am galeata Mart. & Zucc. (1)
1977, Fiji-W-1977, Micronesia (Federated Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 11
States of)-W-1977, Niue-W-1977, Papua Dispersed by: Humans Habit: Shrub
New Guinea-W-1977, South Africa-W- References: Global-N-85, United States of Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
1977, Tonga-W-1977, Vanuatu-W-1977, America-N-101, United States of America- Subtropical, Tropical
Global--1324. W-179, Mexico-A-915, Australia-N-354, Origin: S Am
Belize-A-87, Mexico-A-87, Nicaragua-A- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Aristolochia erecta L. 87, El Salvador-A-87, Eastern Caribbean- Dispersed by: Humans
Aristolochiaceae N-1742. References: United States of America-N-
Total N° of Refs: 1 101, Mozambique-nC-943, Eastern
References: United States of America-N- Aristolochia hirta L. Caribbean-N-1742, Democratic Republic of
101. Aristolochiaceae the Congo-W-1977, India-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 2
Aristolochia esperanzae Kuntze Origin: Africa, Europe Aristolochia lingua Malme
Aristolochiaceae References: Turkey-R-1968, United Aristolochiaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Kingdom-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 2
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical References: Argentina-A-913, Argentina-
Weed of: Pastures A-87.
References: Brazil-A-2051.

Aristolochia littoralis Parodi Aristolochia maurorum L. Aristolochia ringens Vahl
Aristolochiaceae Aristolochiaceae Aristolochiaceae
Accepted name: Aristolochia elegans Mast. Total N° of Refs: 10 Total N° of Refs: 23
Total N° of Refs: 83 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Global Risk Score: 2.88
Global Risk Score: 0.96 Major Pathway/s: Herbal Rating: Low
Rating: Low Weed of: Cereals, Pome Fruits Habit: perennial Vine
Habit: perennial Herb References: Global-A-243, Turkey-A-977, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Turkey-A-144, Turkey--1412, Jordan-A- Subtropical, Tropical
Subtropical, Tropical 87, Iran-A-87, Lebanon-A-87, Turkey-A- Origin: C Am, S Am
Origin: S Am 87, Turkey-A-942, Global-W-2056. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Aristolochia maxima Jacq. References: Puerto Rico-CW-261,
References: pantropics-W-22, United States Aristolochiaceae southeast Asia-W-191, Australia-CN-368,
of America-N-419, United States of Total N° of Refs: 2 Africa-W-760, United States of America-
America-CE-617, United States of Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical W-179, United States of America-N-101,
America-E-80, United States of America- Major Pathway/s: Herbal Australia-C-401, Australia-N-310, Mexico-
W-112, United States of America-EW-179, References: United States of America-N- N-791, Belize-N-850, Australia-N-864,
Pacific-E-621, United States of America-N- 101, United States of America-W-179. Australia-N-354, Australia-I-1088,
301, Mexico-N-791, United States of Australia-E-1159, Cuba-N-1505, Global-
America-N-839, India-N-976, Australia-I- Aristolochia mollissima Hance CD-1611, -I-, Cuba-I-2055, Australia-W-
1048, United States of America-N-1292, Aristolochiaceae 1977, Cook Islands-W-1977, Cuba-W-
Global-W-1324, Zimbabwe-U-1365, Total N° of Refs: 1 1977, Democratic Republic of the Congo-
Global-CD-1611, Sao Tome and Principe- Major Pathway/s: Herbal W-1977, India-W-1977, Global--1324.
N-1805, South Africa-N-1991, New References: China-W-431.
Zealand-U-2048, Australia-W-1977, Niue- Aristolochia rotunda L.
W-1977, South Africa-W-1977, Aristolochia odoratissima L. Aristolochiaceae
Zimbabwe-W-1977. Aristolochiaceae Total N° of Refs: 13
Total N° of Refs: 6 Global Risk Score: 2.4
Aristolochia longa L. Global Risk Score: 1.44 Rating: Low
Aristolochiaceae Rating: Low Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
Total N° of Refs: 3 ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Tropical Origin: Africa, Europe
Rating: Low Origin: N Am, S Am Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Dispersed by: Humans References: Australia-CN-368, United References: Global-N-108, Europe-A-94,
References: Europe-A-94, western Europe- States of America-N-101, Australia-I-1088, United Kingdom-C-314, United Kingdom-
W-70, Spain-W-1977. Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157, Global-CD- N-519, United Kingdom-C-812, Europe-N-
1611, Australia-W-1977. 819, Global-Q-1205, Global-W-1324,
Aristolochia macrophylla Lam. Turkey-A-87, Global-CD-1611, Belgium-
Aristolochiaceae Aristolochia peltata L. U-1220, Belgium-W-1977, United
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aristolochia durior Aristolochiaceae Kingdom-W-1977.
Hill. (1), Isotrema macrophyllum (Lam.) C. Total N° of Refs: 1
Reed (1) References: United States of America-N- Aristolochia samsunensis Davis
Total N° of Refs: 20 101. Aristolochiaceae
Global Risk Score: 2.88 Total N° of Refs: 1
Rating: Low Aristolochia pistolochia L. References: Turkey-R-1968.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Aristolochiaceae
Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 1 Aristolochia sempervirens L.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Aristolochiaceae
Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Herbal Total N° of Refs: 12
Dispersed by: Humans References: western Europe-W-70. Global Risk Score: 1.44
References: Australia-E-201, Global-N-85, Rating: Low
Canada and United States of America-N- Aristolochia pontica Lam. Habit: Shrub
725, Europe-N-819, United States of Aristolochiaceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
America-N-101, Norway-N-1243, Total N° of Refs: 1 Origin: Africa, Europe
Denmark-W-1609, Germany-W-1609, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Norway-W-1609, Chile-I-1872, Armenia- Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Dispersed by: Humans
W-1977, Australia-W-1977, Belgium-W- References: Turkey-A-727. References: France-I-764, Portugal-N-898,
1977, Canada-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Europe-N-819, France-E-1239, Sardinia-U-
Denmark-W-1977, France-W-1977, 1336, Sardinia-U-1381, Europe-I-1740,
Germany-W-1977. Sardinia-N-1393, Sardinia-U-1917,
Portugal-N-2001, New Zealand-U-2048,

Aristolochia sipho L'Hér. Arivela viscosa (L.) Raf. Armeria alliacea (Cav.) Hoffm. & Link
Aristolochiaceae Cleomaceae Plumbaginaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Polanisia icosandra Total N° of Refs: 4
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Wight & Arn. (1) Habit: Herb
References: Algeria-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 27 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Habit: annual Herb Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Aristolochia sprucei Hoehne Major Pathway/s: Crop Dispersed by: Humans
Aristolochiaceae References: Global-NW-85, Madagascar- References: New Zealand-UW-280, New
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aristolochia N-1000, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands-W- Zealand-N-823, New Zealand-U-919, New
constricta Griseb. (1) 1452, Caribbean Netherlands-N-1012, Zealand-U-2048.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands-AI-
1821, Cuba-NR-2054, Anguilla-W-1977, Armeria arenaria (Pers.) Schult.
Aristolochia stenosiphon P.H.Davis & Aruba-W-1977, Australia-W-1977, Plumbaginaceae
M.S.Khan Bonaire-W-1977, Cook Islands-W-1977, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Armeria
Aristolochiaceae Ecuador-W-1977, Fiji-W-1977, Japan-W- plantaginea Willd. (1)
Total N° of Refs: 1 1977, Kiribati-W-1977, Maldives-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 7
Origin: Africa, Europe Micronesia (Federated States of)-W-1977, Habit: Herb
References: Turkey-R-1968. Nauru-W-1977, Niue-W-1977, Pakistan- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
W-1977, Palau-W-1977, Papua New Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Aristolochia tomentosa Sims Guinea-W-1977, Samoa-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans
Aristolochiaceae Singapore-W-1977, Solomon Islands-W- References: United Kingdom-N-519,
Total N° of Refs: 2 1977, Yemen-W-1977. Europe-N-819, Belgium-U-1220, Global-
Habit: Shrub W-1324, Belgium-W-1977, Chile-W-1977.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Arjona tuberosa Cav.
Subtropical Santalaceae Armeria elongata Hoffm.
Origin: N Am Total N° of Refs: 1 Plumbaginaceae
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Crop Accepted name: Armeria maritima Willd.
Dispersed by: Humans References: Argentina-A-87. subsp. elongata (Hoffm.) Bonnier
References: Global-N-85, India-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 22
Arjona tuberosa Cav. var. tandilensis ToxicMajor Pathway/s: Ornamental
Aristolochia tonduzii O. C. Schmidt (OK.) Dawson Dispersed by: Humans
Aristolochiaceae Santalaceae References: Germany-R-1948, Romania-N-
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 2 1986.
Habit: Vine References: Argentina-W-237, South
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical America-W-295. Armeria maritima Willd.
Weed of: Bananas, Orchards & Plantations Plumbaginaceae
References: Costa Rica-A-1513. Armeniaca mandshurica (Maxim.) Synonym/s (n° of refs): Armeria elongata
Skvortsov Hoffm. (2)
Aristolochia trilobata L. Rosaceae Total N° of Refs: 22
Aristolochiaceae Accepted name: Prunus mandshurica Global Risk Score: 4.8
Total N° of Refs: 1 (Maxim.) Koehne Rating: Low
Habit: Vine Total N° of Refs: 1 Habit: perennial Herb
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Tropical Dispersed by: Humans Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental References: Armenia-W-1977. Origin: E Asia, Europe, Cosmopolitan
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
References: United States of America-N- Armeniaca vulgaris Lam. Herbal, Ornamental
101. Rosaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers,
Accepted name: Prunus armeniaca Livestock, Vehicles, Water, Wind
Aristolochia watsonii Woot. & Standl. Total N° of Refs: 94 Seed Longevity: Transient
Aristolochiaceae Global Risk Score: 2.4 Weed of: Cereals
Total N° of Refs: 2 Rating: Low References: Global-N-85, New Zealand-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Habit: Tree UW-280, Czech Republic-U-400, United
References: Mexico-I-878, Mexico-N- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Kingdom-N-519, New Zealand-U-919,
1881. Origin: C Asia, E Asia Turkey-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Global-W-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, 1324, Taiwan-N-1403, Czech Republic-U-
Aristotelia chilensis (Molina) Stuntz Ornamental 1522, Global-ZD-1611, Czech Republic-U-
Elaeocarpaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee 1731, New Zealand-U-2048, Poland-A-
Total N° of Refs: 3 References: Ukraine-CR-643, Lithuania-I- 2059, Algeria-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977,
Global Risk Score: 1.2 737, Ukraine-N-1297, Ukraine-N-1335, Croatia-W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977,
Rating: Low Estonia-W-1609, Lithuania-W-1609, Taiwan-W-1977, Turkey-W-1977.
Habit: Shrub Global-CD-1611, Ukraine-N-1798, Russia-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, N-1919, Estonia-N-1997, Ukraine-U-2014,
Ornamental Ukraine-N-2112.
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Global-W-108, United States
of America-N-101, Global-E-1449.

Armeria maritima Willd. subsp. elongata Armeria welwitschii Boiss. Armoracia rusticana (Lam.) Gaertn.,
(Hoffm.) Bonnier Plumbaginaceae B.Mey. & Scherb.
Plumbaginaceae Total N° of Refs: 1 Brassicaceae
Total N° of Refs: 4 Habit: perennial Herb Synonym/s (n° of refs): Armoracia
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean lapathifolia Gilib. ex Usteri (7), Cochlearia
Dispersed by: Humans Origin: Europe armoracia L. (1), Radicula armoracia (L.)
Seed Longevity: Transient Major Pathway/s: Ornamental B. L. Rob. (1), Rorippa armoracia (L.)
References: Belgium-N-1006, Belgium-N- Dispersed by: Humans Hitchc. (1)
1220, Norway-N-1243, Poland-R-2062. References: western Europe-W-70. Total N° of Refs: 179
Global Risk Score: 10.8
Armeria maritima (Mill.) Willd. subsp. Armoracia lapathifolia Gilib. ex Usteri Rating: Medium
halleri (Wallr.) Rothm. Brassicaceae Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
Plumbaginaceae Accepted name: Armoracia rusticana Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Total N° of Refs: 1 (Lam.) Gaertn., B.Mey. & Scherb. Origin: E Asia, Europe, SE Asia, W Asia
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 176 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Dispersed by: Humans Global Risk Score: 1.44 Herbal, Ornamental
References: Belgium-N-1006. Rating: Low Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Habit: Herb Seed Longevity: Transient
Armeria maritima Willd. subsp. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Weed of: Cereals, Grapevines, Orchards &
maritima Dispersed by: Humans Plantations, Vegetables
Plumbaginaceae Weed of: Cereals References: United States of America-CW-
Total N° of Refs: 2 References: Global-A-243, Canada-A-642, 34, United Kingdom-N-40, Finland-C-42,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Serbia-W-1238, Serbia-R-1771, Chile-I- Global-N-108, Europe-A-94, United States
Ornamental 1872, Kosovo-R-2003, Poland-A-2047. of America-N-101, New Zealand-N-280,
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle, Japan-N-287, Europe, eastern-AW-272,
Livestock, Sheep Armoracia macrocarpa (Waldst. & Kit.) western Europe-W-70, United Kingdom-C-
Seed Longevity: Present Kit. ex Baumg. 314, Japan-N-367, Czech Republic-N-400,
References: Global-N-85, Global-ZD-1611. Brassicaceae United Kingdom-N-519, New Zealand-N-
Total N° of Refs: 1 15, United States of America-A-543,
Armeria maritima Willd. 'Unknown Major Pathway/s: Crop Canada-A-642, Ukraine-U-643, Austria-
cultivar' References: United Kingdom-U-314. CN-708, Denmark-N-711, Canada and
Plumbaginaceae United States of America-N-725,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Lithuania-I-737, Canada-UC-756,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Mediterranean-I-775, Ireland-AN-793,
References: Falkland Islands-N-1251. Japan-N-794, United Kingdom-CND-812,
Switzerland-U-818, Ireland-N-894, United
Armeria plantaginea Willd. States of America-U-904, Germany-N-907,
Plumbaginaceae New Zealand-N-919, Mediterranean-W-
Accepted name: Armeria arenaria (Pers.) 951, Belgium-N-1006, Czechoslovakia-N-
Schult. 1006, Denmark-N-1006, Estonia-N-1006,
Total N° of Refs: 7 France-N-1006, Germany-N-1006, United
Global Risk Score: 0.24 Kingdom-N-1006, Iceland-N-1006, Latvia-
Rating: Low N-1006, Malta-N-1006, Norway-N-1006,
Habit: perennial Herb Slovakia-N-1006, Slovenia-N-1006,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Sweden-N-1006, China-I-1055, Global-N-
Dispersed by: Humans 1059, Europe-N-1072, Europe-N-819,
References: Chile-I-1872. Bosnia and Herzegovina-N-1140, Spain-N-
1149, Europe-W-1191, China-N-1215,
Armeria pseudarmeria (Murray) Poland-AER-1219, Belgium-N-1220,
Mansfeld Latvia-N-1242, Norway-N-1243, Georgia-
Plumbaginaceae UR-1250, Falkland Islands-N-1251, Italy-
Total N° of Refs: 1 N-251, Italy-N-1265, Japan-N-1278,
Habit: perennial Herb Ukraine-N-1297, Romania-ND-1334,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Ukraine-N-1335, Global-W-1349, Finland-
Origin: Europe AW-1356, Spain-N-1455, Serbia-N-1482,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Slovakia-N-1484, Poland-N-1494, China-I-
Dispersed by: Humans 1496, Albania-N-1506, Czech Republic-N-
References: United Kingdom-U-314. 1522, Austria-N-1531, Russia-N-1533,
Norway-N-1535, Romania-N-1540, Latvia-
Armeria rumelica Boiss. CN-1598, Romania-CN-1599, Central
Plumbaginaceae Europe-N-1602, Ireland-N-1608, Estonia-
Total N° of Refs: 1 W-1609, Austria-W-1609, Czech Republic-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean W-1609, Denmark-W-1609, Germany-W-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental 1609, Ireland-W-1609, Latvia-W-1609,
Dispersed by: Humans Lithuania-W-1609, Netherlands-W-1609,
References: Europe, eastern-W-272. Norway-W-1609, Poland-W-1609,
Sweden-W-1609, Romania-NI-1629,
United Kingdom-N-1636, Croatia-A-1037,
Romania-N-1549, Romania-N-1553,

Lithuania-CN-1652, Global-CD-1611, Arnebia pulchra (Roem. & Schult.) Arnica mollis Hook.
Russia-W-1684, Russia-N-1688, Europe- J.R.Edm. Asteraceae
N-1690, Czech Republic-N-1731, Iceland- Boraginaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
U-1552, France-N-1438, Europe-UNI- Total N° of Refs: 1 Habit: perennial Herb
1740, Croatia-N-1747, United States of Habit: Herb Major Pathway/s: Herbal
America-N-1162, China-I-1769, central Origin: C Asia, E Asia References: Norway-W-1609.
Europe-A-1616, Sweden-N-1802, Poland- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
A-1825, Serbia-R-1848, Canada-G-1855, Dispersed by: Humans Arnica montana L.
Italy-UN-1887, Montenegro-R-1944, References: United Kingdom-U-314. Asteraceae
Germany-R-1948, Poland-A-1961, -I-, -I-, Total N° of Refs: 9
Central and northern Japan and northern Arnebia tetrastigma Forssk. Global Risk Score: 4.8
islands-N-1983, Romania-N-1986, Bosnia Boraginaceae Rating: Low
and Herzegovina-U-1987, Russia-N-1988, Total N° of Refs: 1 Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
Russia-N-1989, Switzerland-U-1990, Origin: Africa Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Poland-N-1993, Estonia-N-1997, Croatia- References: Egypt-W-221. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
U-2004, Germany-N-2009, Ukraine-N- Ornamental
2014, New Zealand-N-2048, Ukraine-N- Arnica angustifolia Vahl. Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Water,
2050, -AU-2058, Poland-AN-2059, Asteraceae Wind, Escapee
Poland-A-2061, Russia-I-2107, Ukraine-N- Total N° of Refs: 5 Seed Longevity: Transient
2112, Albania-W-1977, Austria-W-1977, Origin: N Am References: Global-W-23, Finland-C-42,
Belarus-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Herbal Europe, eastern-W-272, western Europe-
Bulgaria-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Chile- References: Chile-N-300, Chile-N-241, W-70, Europe-N-819, Global-CD-1611,
W-1977, China-W-1977, Croatia-W-1977, United Kingdom-U-314, Chile-N-1348, Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977, Japan-W-
Czech Republic-W-1977, Denmark-W- Chile-I-1872. 1977.
1977, France-W-1977, Germany-W-1977,
Iceland-W-1977, India-W-1977, Ireland- Arnica chamissonis Less. Arnica sachalinensis (Regel) A. Gray
W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Latvia-W-1977, Asteraceae Asteraceae
Lithuania-W-1977, Malta-W-1977, Poland- Total N° of Refs: 10 Total N° of Refs: 1
W-1977, Republic of Moldova-W-1977, Toxic - Habit: Herb Habit: Herb
Romania-W-1977, Serbia-W-1977, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Slovakia-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977, Origin: N Am Dispersed by: Humans
Switzerland-W-1977, Ukraine-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, References: Algeria-W-1977.
United Kingdom-W-1977. Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Arnoglossum atriplicifolium (L.) H. Rob.
Arnebia decumbens (Vent.) Cosson & References: New Zealand-G-481, Asteraceae
Kralik Denmark-N-1006, Norway-N-1006, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Cacalia
Boraginaceae Sweden-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Global- atriplicifolia L. (1)
Total N° of Refs: 6 W-1324, Austria-W-1609, Sweden-W- Total N° of Refs: 1
Global Risk Score: 1.04 1609, Sweden-N-1802, Sweden-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Rating: Low
Habit: annual Herb Arnica cordifolia Hook. Arnoglossum plantagineum Raf.
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Asteraceae Asteraceae
Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 2 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Cacalia tuberosa
Major Pathway/s: Pasture Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Nutt. (2)
Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Total N° of Refs: 2
References: Europe-N-819, Global-A-1207, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Belgium-U-1220, Global-W-1324, Iran-A- Dispersed by: Humans
1619, Belgium-W-1977. References: Global-Q-1205, Australia-Q-
Arnebia hispidissima (Sieber & Lehm.)
DC. Arnica fulgens Pursh
Boraginaceae Asteraceae
Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Habit: perennial Herb
Mediterranean Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Weed of: Cereals Dispersed by: Humans
References: Egypt-W-221, Pakistan-A-837, References: Global-W-23.
Arnica lessingii Greene
Arnebia linearifolia DC. Asteraceae
Boraginaceae Total N° of Refs: 2
Total N° of Refs: 1 Habit: Herb
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Pasture Dispersed by: Humans
Dispersed by: Humans References: Global-Q-1205, Australia-Q-
References: Egypt-W-221. 1123.

Arnoseris minima (L.) Schweigg. & Aronia melanocarpa (Michx.) Elliott Aronia x prunifolia (Marshall) Rehder
Korte Rosaceae Rosaceae
Asteraceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Photinia Accepted name: parents = Aronia
Total N° of Refs: 32 melanocarpa (Michx.) K.R.Robertson & arbutifolia (L.) Pers. x Aronia melanocarpa
Global Risk Score: 1.44 J.B.Phipps (1), Pyrus arbutifolia (L.) L. f. (Michx.) Elliot. [natural hybrid]
Rating: Low var. nigra Willd. (1), Pyrus melanocarpa Synonym/s (n° of refs): Crataegus
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean (Michx.) Willd. (4) prunifolia Pers., nom. illeg. (3), Photinia
Origin: Europe Total N° of Refs: 35 floribunda (Lindl.) K.R.Robertson &
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal Global Risk Score: 7.2 J.B.Phipps (8)
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals Rating: Medium Total N° of Refs: 28
Seed Longevity: Short Term Habit: Shrub Global Risk Score: 2.88
Weed of: Cereals Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Rating: Low
References: Finland-U-42, Global-ZW-85, Subtropical, Tropical Habit: Shrub
Europe-A-94, Global-A-243, United States Origin: N Am Origin: N Am
of America-N-101, western Europe-A-253, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Europe, eastern-W-272, western Europe- Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans
W-70, Czech Republic-NZ-400, United Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee References: Global-E-152, Canada-A-642,
Kingdom-N-519, Denmark-N-711, United References: United Kingdom-C-314, Global-Q-1208, Norway-N-1243, Global-
Kingdom-Z-812, Czechoslovakia-N-1006, Europe-N-482, United Kingdom-N-519, W-1324, Global-W-1376, Global-I-1404,
Denmark-N-1006, Norway-N-1006, Canada-A-642, Ukraine-R-643, Lithuania- Global-E-1449, Norway-N-1535, Estonia-
Sweden-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Global- I-737, North America-E-784, United W-1609, Netherlands-W-1609, Norway-W-
W-1324, Slovakia-U-1484, Denmark-W- Kingdom-CN-812, United Kingdom-N- 1609, Poland-W-1609, Latvia-N-1014,
1609, Sweden-W-1609, Global-ZD-1611, 1006, Lithuania-N-1006, Poland-N-1006, Poland-N-1993, Estonia-N-1997, Ukraine-
Poland-A-1961, Poland-A-1966, Poland-A- Europe-N-819, Belgium-U-1220, U-2014.
2047, -A-2058, Poland-A-2059, Poland-A- Lithuania-W-1609, Poland-W-1609,
2061, Canada-W-1977, Czech Republic-W- Sweden-W-1609, Poland-N-1040, Global- Arrabidaea bilabiata (Sprague)
1977, Slovakia-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977. CD-1611, Ukraine-N-1685, Poland-N- Sandwith
1993, Ukraine-N-2013, Ukraine-U-2014, Bignoniaceae
Aronia arbutifolia (L.) Pers. Belgium-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 1
Rosaceae Lithuania-W-1977, Poland-W-1977, Aqua - Habit:
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Pyrus arbutifolia Sweden-W-1977, Ukraine-W-1977, United Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
(L.) L. f. (2) Kingdom-W-1977. References: Brazil-W-407.
Total N° of Refs: 16
Global Risk Score: 3.6 Aronia mitschurinii A.K.Skvortsov & Arrabidaea brachypoda (DC.) Bur. &
Rating: Low Maitulina K.Schum.
Habit: Shrub Rosaceae Bignoniaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Accepted name: x Sorbaronia mitschurinii Total N° of Refs: 2
Origin: N Am hort. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Total N° of Refs: 8 Origin: S Am
Herbal, Ornamental Habit: Shrub Weed of: Pastures
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Origin: Europe References: Brazil-W-255, Brazil-A-1763.
References: United Kingdom-C-314, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
United Kingdom-N-519, Denmark-UC- Ornamental Arrabidaea chica (Humb. & Bonpl.)
711, United Kingdom-CN-812, United Dispersed by: Humans Verl.
Kingdom-N-1006, Europe-N-819, References: Russia-I-900, Russia-I-1178, Bignoniaceae
Denmark-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, Global-I-1404, Russia-N-1533, Russia-N- Accepted name: Fridericia chica (Bonpl.)
Global-CD-1611, Chile-I-1872, Chile-W- 1688, Russia-N-1919, Ukraine-U-2014, L.G.Lohmann
1977, Denmark-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977, Russia-I-2107. Total N° of Refs: 1
United Kingdom-W-1977. Habit: Shrub
Aronia prunifolia (Marshall) Rehder Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Aronia floribunda L. Rosaceae Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Rosaceae Accepted name: Photinia floribunda Dispersed by: Humans
Accepted name: Photinia floribunda (Lindl.) K.R.Robertson & J.B.Phipps References: Eastern Caribbean-N-1742.
Total N° of Refs: 9 Total N° of Refs: 19
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Global Risk Score: 2.4 Arrabidaea elegans (Vell.) A. H. Gentry
References: Canada-A-642. Rating: Low Bignoniaceae
Habit: Shrub Synonym/s (n° of refs): Pseudocalymma
Origin: N Am elegans (Vell.) Kuhlm. (1)
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Total N° of Refs: 1
Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
References: Belgium-N-1220, Latvia-CN-
1598, Germany-W-1609, Latvia-W-1609,
Poland-N-1040, Global-CD-1611, Europe-
N-1740, -I-, Belgium-W-1977, Germany-
W-1977, Latvia-W-1977, Poland-W-1977.

Arrabidaea florida DC. Arrhenatherum album (Vahl) Clayton Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) Presl &
Bignoniaceae Poaceae C.Presl
Total N° of Refs: 2 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Arrhenatherum Poaceae
Habit: Vine erianthum Boiss. & Reut. (2) Synonym/s (n° of refs): Arrhenatherum
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 6 bulbosum (Willd.) C.Presl (2),
Origin: S Am Global Risk Score: 0.72 Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) Beauv. ex J. &
Weed of: Pastures Rating: Low K.Presl var. biaristatum (Peterm.) Peterm.
References: Brazil-W-255, Brazil-A-1763. Habit: Grass (3), Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) P. Beauv.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean ex J. Presl & C. Presl var. bulbosum
Arrabidaea japurensis (A. DC.) Bureau Origin: Africa, Europe (Willd.) Spenn. (26), Arrhenatherum elatius
& K. Schum. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, (L.) P. Beauv. ex J. Presl & C. Presl subsp.
Bignoniaceae Ornamental bulbosum (Willd.) Schubl. & G. Martens
Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, (21), Avena elatior L. (1)
Habit: Vine Livestock, Sheep Total N° of Refs: 211
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical References: western Europe-W-70, United Global Risk Score: 33.6
References: Brazil-W-407. Kingdom-UZD-317, Global-Q-1205, Rating: Extreme
Australia-Q-1123. Habit: perennial Grass
Arrabidaea mollis (Vahl.) Bureau ex K. Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Schum. Arrhenatherum bulbosum (Willd.) Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
Bignoniaceae C.Presl Origin: Africa, C Asia, E Asia, Europe, N
Total N° of Refs: 1 Poaceae Am, W Asia
Habit: Vine Accepted name: Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical P.Beauv. ex J.Presl & C.Presl subsp. Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture
References: South Africa-N-1247. bulbosum (Willd.) Schübl. & Martens Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle,
Total N° of Refs: 160 Donkey, Horse, Livestock, Sheep,
Arrabidaea platyphylla (Cham.) Bureau Habit: Grass Vehicles, Water, Wind, Escapee
& K. Schum. Weed of: Cereals Seed Longevity: Long Term
Bignoniaceae References: Australia-N-7, Spain-A-2083. Weed of: Cereals, Grapevines, Pastures
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Taiwan-N-777, Global-W-23,
References: Brazil-A-923. Australia-E-290, United States of America-
CW-34, Australia-E-72, New Zealand-E-
Arrabidaea spp. DC. 246, United States of America-E-80,
Bignoniaceae Global-N-85, Global-AW-91, Global-A-
Accepted name: possibly = Fridericia spp. 243, United States of America-N-101, New
Total N° of Refs: 1 Zealand-N-280, Italy-A-118, South Africa-
Toxic - Habit: Vine AR-121, United States of America-W-392,
Weed of: Bananas, Orchards & Plantations Australia-EZ-155, United States of
References: Costa Rica-A-1513. America-W-161, New Zealand-EW-181,
Australia-N-176, Japan-N-287, Japan-W-
Arracacia tolucensis Hemsl. 286, eastern North America-E-195, New
Apiaceae Zealand-EW-225, Europe, eastern-AW-
Total N° of Refs: 3 272, Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945,
References: Mexico-W-890, Mexico-W- Spain-A-417, New Zealand-NW-425,
1226, Mexico-W-1510. Iceland-N-507, New Zealand-N-15,
Canada-A-642, Ukraine-U-643, Global-E-
Arracacia xanthorrhiza E.N. Bancroft 649, Australia-AEN-310, Canada and
Apiaceae United States of America-N-725, United
Total N° of Refs: 5 States of America-E-736, Canada-UC-756,
Habit: perennial Herb Chile-N-765, South Korea-N-773, North
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical America-E-784, United States of America-
Origin: S Am N-301, United States of America-E-151,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, United States of America-N-839, Ecuador-
Ornamental N-875, Europe-A-889, Uruguay-A-924,
Dispersed by: Humans Colombia-A-927, Argentina-I-983,
References: United States of America-N- Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049,
101, Cuba-N-1505, Cuba-N-2055, Cuba- Europe-N-819, Antarctica-N-396, New
W-1977, Global--1324. Zealand-E-505, United States of America-
N-1162, Russia-I-1178, South Korea-N-
761, China-N-1215, Chile-N-1229, Serbia-
W-1238, Falkland Islands-N-1251,
Australia-E-1259, Australia-E-1261,
Australia-E-1262, Japan-N-1278, Slovakia-
A-1282, Argentina-W-1286, United States
of America-N-1292, La Reunion-U-1321,
Global-W-1349, Serbia-A-1357, Serbia-W-
1358, Croatia-A-1368, Serbia-W-1222,
Belgium-ZD-1421, Belgium-ZD-1422,
Australia-ZD-1444, Argentina, Brazil and
Uruguay-I-1476, Global-ZD-1495, Czech

Republic-I-1522, Austria-N-1531, North Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) P. Beauv. ex Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) P. Beauv. ex
Korea-N-1600, Central Europe-N-1602, J. Presl & C. Presl var. bulbosum J. Presl & C. Presl subsp. bulbosum
United States of America-N-1603, United (Willd.) Spenn. (Willd.) Schubl. & G. Martens
States of America-N-1607, Czech Poaceae Poaceae
Republic-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, Chile- Accepted name: Arrhenatherum elatius Accepted name: Arrhenatherum elatius var.
A-87, Australia-A-87, Iran-A-87, subsp. bulbosum (L.) P. Beauv. ex J. Presl bulbosum
Colombia-A-87, New Zealand-A-87, & C. Presl Total N° of Refs: 179
Uruguay-A-87, United States of America- Total N° of Refs: 184 Global Risk Score: 1.44
A-87, Kyrgyzstan-N-1008, Serbia-W-1031, Habit: perennial Grass Rating: Low
Croatia-A-1037, Europe-ZD-1656, Europe- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Habit: perennial Grass
ZD-1576, Europe-ZD-1582, Belgium-ZD- Subtropical, Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
1583, Global-CD-1611, New Zealand-A- Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Origin: Europe
1624, Global-ZD-1581, Polar Regions-ZD- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
1587, Switzerland-ZD-1591, Australia-ZD- Dispersed by: Humans Ornamental
1675, Russia-W-1684, Europe-N-1690, Weed of: Cereals Dispersed by: Humans
Czech Republic-I-1731, United States of References: Australia-W-269, United States Weed of: Cereals
America-E-1736, Europe-UI-1740, Serbia- of America-N-101, Australia-N-176, Japan- References: Global-A-30, Chile-N-300,
W-1766, central Europe-A-1616, Russia- N-287, Australia-N-198, United States of Global-A-243, New Zealand-N-280,
W-1671, Tadzhikistan-N-1796, Colombia- America-AW-212, Australia-N-945, western Europe-A-253, western Europe-W-
N-1796, Ecuador-N-1796, Russia-N-1796, Australia-E-327, New Zealand-N-15, 70, Czech Republic-UZ-400, New Zealand-
Sri Lanka-N-1796, Australia-N-1902, Japan-N-794, Australia-W-853, Australia- N-534, New Zealand-N-919, Antarctica-N-
Ukraine-U-1840, Poland-CD-1841, Serbia- N-855, Australia-W-869, Chile-A-931, 396, United Kingdom-A-322, Norway-N-
R-1848, Canada-G-1855, Chile-I-1872, Australia-N-354, Portugal-N-1006, 1243, New Zealand-N-1543, Norway-W-
Mexico-N-1881, Poland-A-1033, Australia- Australia-N-1049, United States of 1609, Azores-N-1721, Global-A-1903,
WD-1934, Serbia-R-1946, Germany-R- America-W-1104, Japan-N-1278, New Zealand-N-2048, Chile-W-1977,
1948, Croatia-A-1954, -I-, -I-, Russia-N- Australia-W-1318, Chile-N-1348, Denmark-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, South
1988, Ukraine-NI-2014, New Zealand-N- Australia-N-1450, Denmark-W-1609, New Korea-U-2113.
2048, Serbia-R-2057, Poland-A-2059, Zealand-A-1035, Australia-N-1845,
Poland-R-2062, Slovenia-A-2078, Australia-N-1959. Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) P. Beauv. ex
Slovakia-A-2079, United States of J. Presl & C. Presl subsp. elatius
America-N-2092, Russia-I-2107, Ukraine- Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) J. & C.Presl Poaceae
N-2112, Argentina-W-1977, Australia-W- var. elatius Total N° of Refs: 18
1977, Bhutan-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Poaceae Global Risk Score: 5.12
Chile-W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 7 Rating: Low
Democratic Repubic of Korea-W-1977, Habit: perennial Grass Habit: perennial Grass
Japan-W-1977, New Zealand-W-1977, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Republic of Korea-W-1977, South Africa- Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe
W-1977, Sweden-W-1977, Taiwan-W- References: United States of America-N- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
1977, South Korea-I-2113, North Korea-I- 101, Australia-W-853, Australia-W-869, Ornamental, Pasture
2114, Global--1324. Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049, Chile- Dispersed by: Humans
N-1348, Chile-W-1977. References: Chile-N-300, Global-NW-85,
Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) Beauv. ex J. New Zealand-N-280, Chile-N-241, western
& K.Presl var. biaristatum (Peterm.) Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) J. & C.Presl Europe-W-70, Czech Republic-ZI-400,
Peterm. var. glabrescens Celakovsky New Zealand-N-534, Czech Republic-NI-
Poaceae Poaceae 826, New Zealand-N-919, France-A-1266,
Accepted name: Arrhenatherum elatius var. Total N° of Refs: 1 Turkey--1412, Tadzhikistan-N-1796,
elatius (L.) J. & C.Presl Habit: Grass Colombia-N-1796, Ecuador-N-1796,
Total N° of Refs: 161 References: Japan-N-794. Russia-N-1796, Sri Lanka-N-1796, France-
Habit: Grass A-1814, New Zealand-N-2048.
References: Japan-N-287, Japan-N-794, Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) J. & C.Presl
Japan-N-1278. var. nodosum F.T.Hubb. Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) P.Beauv. ex
Poaceae J.Presl & C.Presl fo. variegatum Hitchc.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Poaceae
Habit: Grass Total N° of Refs: 2
References: Japan-N-794. Habit: perennial Grass
Origin: E Asia
Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) J. & C.Presl Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
var. subhirsutum (Ascherson) Tzvelev Dispersed by: Humans
Poaceae References: Taiwan-N-1403, Taiwan-W-
Total N° of Refs: 2 1748.
Habit: Grass
References: Japan-N-794, Japan-N-1278.

Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) P.Beauv. ex Artanema longifolium (L.) Merr. Artemisia absinthium L.
J.Presl & C.Presl 'Tualtin' Scrophulariaceae Asteraceae
Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 3 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Artemisia
Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical absinthium L. var. insipida Stechmann (1)
Habit: Grass Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 171
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans Global Risk Score: 24
References: United States of America-N- References: Indonesia-A-13, Indonesia-A- Rating: High
101. 170, southeast Asia-W-191. Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Arrhenatherum erianthum Boiss. & Artedia squamata L. Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
Reut. Apiaceae Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia
Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Accepted name: Arrhenatherum album Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Herbal, Ornamental
(Vahl) Clay. References: Cyprus-W-1977. Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Vehicles,
Total N° of Refs: 6 Water, Escapee
Global Risk Score: 2.56 Artemisia abrotanum L. Seed Longevity: Long Term
Rating: Low Asteraceae Weed of: Cereals, Grapevines, Nursery
Habit: Grass Total N° of Refs: 55 Production, Orchards & Plantations,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Global Risk Score: 7.2 Pastures, Vegetables
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture Rating: Medium References: India-A-712, Costa Rica-I-975,
Dispersed by: Humans Toxic - Habit: Herb Canada-W-292, Finland-C-42, United
References: Portugal-A-87, Australia-Q- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean States of America-X-1, Chile-N-300,
1123. Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Canada-W-52, Australia-W-54, United
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, States of America-E-80, Global-NXZW-85,
Arrhenatherum pubescens G. Sampaio Ornamental Global-A-243, United States of America-
Poaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Escapee N-101, Canada-W-4, New Zealand-N-280,
Accepted name: Helictotrichon pubescens References: United Kingdom-U-40, Chile-N-241, United States of America-W-
(Huds.) Schult. & Schult.f. Finland-C-42, Global-N-85, United States 136, United States of America-X-139,
Total N° of Refs: 15 of America-N-101, Europe, eastern-W-272, United States of America-W-392, United
Habit: Grass United Kingdom-C-314, Australia-E-380, States of America-W-161, Canada and
Weed of: Cereals Czech Republic-U-400, United Kingdom- United States of America-XW-299, Japan-
References: Finland-A-1815. N-519, Austria-UC-708, Denmark-C-711, N-287, United States of America-AW-210,
Canada and United States of America-N- Europe, eastern-W-272, western Europe-
Artabotrys burmanicus A. DC. 725, Lithuania-I-737, Hungary-U-809, W-70, United States of America-W-219,
Annonaceae United Kingdom-CN-812, Argentina-I-983, Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945, Czech
Total N° of Refs: 2 Denmark-N-1006, France-N-1006, United Republic-NZI-400, Canada-E-104, United
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Kingdom-N-1006, Lithuania-N-1006, Kingdom-N-519, New Zealand-N-534,
References: Global-Q-1205, Australia-Q- Norway-N-1006, Slovakia-N-1006, Spain- United States of America-A-543, Canada-
1123. N-1006, Sweden-N-1006, Europe-N-819, A-642, Ukraine-NR-643, Australia-AEN-
Iberian Peninsular-N-1147, Belgium-U- 310, Denmark-N-711, Canada and United
Artabotrys hexapetalus (L. f.) Bhandari 1220, Norway-N-1243, Italy-U-251, States of America-N-725, Canada-UC-756,
Annonaceae Hungary-U-1255, Ukraine-N-1297, Global- Chile-N-765, Australia-N-7, United States
Total N° of Refs: 10 W-1349, Spain-U-1454, Spain-U-1455, of America-E-151, Global-W-788, North
Global Risk Score: 2.4 Slovakia-U-1484, Czech Republic-U-1522, America-X-790, Mexico-N-791, Japan-N-
Rating: Low Norway-N-1535, Estonia-W-1609, Austria- 794, United Kingdom-N-812, Australia-W-
Habit: Shrub W-1609, Denmark-W-1609, Germany-W- 869, United States of America-X-229,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, 1609, Lithuania-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, Costa Rica-CN-872, Ecuador-N-875,
Tropical Sweden-W-1609, Romania-N-1629, Mexico-I-878, Europe-A-889, Ireland-N-
Origin: C Asia, E Asia Latvia-N-1014, Romania-N-1553, Global- 894, India-I-914, New Zealand-N-919,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, CD-1611, Ukraine-N-1685, Czech Puerto Rico-A-929, Venezuela-A-932,
Ornamental Republic-U-1731, Italy-U-1887, Estonia-N- Argentina-I-983, Australia-N-354,
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee 1997, Ukraine-N-2014, Ukraine-N-2050, Portugal-N-1006, Belgium-N-1006,
References: United States of America-CE- Slovakia-N-2052. France-N-1006, Czechoslovakia-N-1006,
233, United States of America-CE-617, Denmark-N-1006, Germany-N-1006,
Global-N-85, United States of America-N- United Kingdom-N-1006, Iceland-N-1006,
101, United States of America-N-301, Latvia-N-1006, Liechtenstein-N-1006,
United States of America-N-839, United Malta-N-1006, Norway-N-1006, Slovenia-
States of America-N-1292, Global-CD- N-1006, Sweden-N-1006, Australia-N-
1611, United States of America-N-2092, 1049, Europe-N-819, United States of
Maldives-W-1977. America-W-1103, Ukraine-I-1121, Poland-
N-1122, Croatia-C-1166, Chile-N-1229,
Artanema longifolia (L.) Merr. Pakistan-A-1232, Serbia-W-1238, Norway-
Scrophulariaceae N-1243, Georgia-NR-1250, Canada-N-
Total N° of Refs: 1 1252, Italy-N-1265, Spain-U-1270, Japan-
References: south and southeast Asia-A- N-1278, Argentina-W-1286, Ukraine-N-
1320. 1297, Ukraine-N-1335, Chile-N-1348,
Global-W-1349, Finland-AW-1356, Serbia-
A-1372, Norway-N-1378, India-I-1389,
Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay-I-1476,

Slovakia-N-1484, Czech Republic-N-1522, Artemisia afra Jacq. ex Willd. Artemisia anethoides Mattf.
Turkey-A-1523, Austria-N-1531, Canada-I- Asteraceae Asteraceae
1538, New Zealand-N-1543, Panarctic-U- Total N° of Refs: 14 Total N° of Refs: 3
1596, Latvia-CN-1598, Central Europe-N- Global Risk Score: 3.6 Habit: annual/biennial Herb
1602, United States of America-N-1607, Rating: Low Origin: E Asia, Europe
Czech Republic-W-1609, Denmark-W- Habit: perennial Herb References: China-A-275, China-W-431,
1609, Sweden-W-1609, United Kingdom- Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, China-U-92.
N-1636, Canada-A-87, Russia-A-87, Tropical
Jamaica-A-87, New Zealand-A-87, Turkey- Origin: Africa
A-87, United States of America-A-87, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Venezuela-A-87, Tajikistan-A-1017, Chile- Herbal, Ornamental
ND-1557, Global-CZD-1611, India-A- Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
1725, Czech Republic-N-1731, France-N- Livestock, Sheep
1438, United States of America-E-1736, References: South Africa-AZR-121, United
Europe-UI-1740, Russia-W-1671, Canada- Kingdom-UZD-314, Europe-N-819,
G-1855, Chile-I-1872, Chile and Belgium-UD-1220, Global-W-1324,
Argentina-AE-1874, Mexico-N-1881, Lesotho-AZR-121, Belgium-W-1977,
Russia-N-1920, Montenegro-R-1944, Bulgaria-W-1977, Canada-W-1977,
Germany-R-1948, Poland-A-1961, -I-, -I-, Denmark-W-1977, France-W-1977,
Russia-N-1989, Poland-N-1993, Kosovo- Lithuania-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977,
R-2003, Argentina-ND-2025, Poland-A- Switzerland-W-1977.
2047, New Zealand-N-2048, Ukraine-N-
2050, Serbia-R-2057, -AU-2058, Poland- Artemisia alba Turra
AN-2059, Canada-G-1462, Poland-A-2110, Asteraceae
Ukraine-N-2112, Argentina-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 24
Australia-W-1977, Belarus-W-1977, Habit: Shrub
Bolivia-W-1977, Bulgaria-W-1977, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Canada-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Costa Origin: Europe
Rica-W-1977, Croatia-W-1977, Czech Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Republic-W-1977, Ireland-W-1977, Japan- Herbal, Ornamental
W-1977, Latvia-W-1977, Liechtenstein-W- Dispersed by: Humans
1977, Luxembourg-W-1977, Malta-W- References: Czech Republic-U-400,
1977, Mexico-W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977, Europe-N-819, Global-W-1324, Slovakia-
Sweden-W-1977, Ukraine-W-1977, United U-1484, Czech Republic-U-1522, Czech
Kingdom-W-1977. Republic-U-1731, Argentina-W-1977,
Austria-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977,
Artemisia absinthium L. var. insipida Bulgaria-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Czech
Stechmann Republic-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977,
Asteraceae France-W-1977, Germany-W-1977, Italy-
Accepted name: Artemisia absinthium W-1977, Latvia-W-1977, Lithuania-W-
Total N° of Refs: 171 1977, Republic of Moldova-W-1977,
References: Canada-A-642. Romania-W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977,
Sweden-W-1977, Switzerland-W-1977,
Artemisia abyssinica Sch.Bip. Ukraine-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Artemisia alpina Pall. ex Willd.
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland Asteraceae
References: Saudi Arabia-A-1525. Accepted name: Artemisia caucasica Willd.
Total N° of Refs: 2
Artemisia adamsii Besser Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Asteraceae References: Czech Republic-U-1522,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Czech Republic-U-1731.
References: Mongolia-A-1620.
Artemisia ammaniana Besser
Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Lithuania-W-1977.

Artemisia anethifolia Weber ex Stechm.

Total N° of Refs: 2
Origin: E Asia
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Livestock, Sheep
References: United Kingdom-UZD-314,

Artemisia annua L. Ukraine-U-1840, Canada-G-1855, Chile-I- Artemisia argentea L'Hérit.
Asteraceae 1872, Argentina-A-1874, Slovakia and Asteraceae
Total N° of Refs: 135 Romania-ID-1878, Italy-UNI-1887, Total N° of Refs: 1
Global Risk Score: 18 Croatia-I-1908, Russia-N-1920, France-R- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Rating: High 1942, Romania-N-1986, Bosnia and Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Aqua - Habit: annual Herb Herzegovina-I-1987, Russia-N-1988, Dispersed by: Humans
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Switzerland-I-1990, Poland-N-1993, References: Chile-I-1872.
Subtropical, Tropical Estonia-N-1997, Germany-N-2009, South
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Korea-AN-2032, New Zealand-U-2048, Artemisia argyi H.Lév & Vanihot
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Ukraine-N-2050, Slovakia-N-2052, Serbia- Asteraceae
Herbal, Ornamental R-2057, Poland-AN-2059, Ukraine-N- Total N° of Refs: 10
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, 2112. Global Risk Score: 2.4
Livestock, Sheep, Water, Wind, Escapee Rating: Low
Weed of: Cereals, Vegetables Artemisia apiacea Hance Habit: perennial Herb
References: Argentina-W-237, Finland-U- Asteraceae Preferred Climate/s: Dryland
42, United States of America-E-80, Global- Accepted name: Artemisia caruifolia Origin: E Asia
N-108, Global-N-85, Europe-A-94, United Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
States of America-N-101, United States of Total N° of Refs: 5 Herbal, Ornamental
America-W-161, Japan-N-287, Japan-W- Habit: biennial Herb Dispersed by: Humans
286, United States of America-W-207, Origin: E Asia References: China-W-297, China-A-275,
United States of America-W-210, Europe, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, China-W-431, Ukraine-R-643, Russia-A-
eastern-W-272, China-W-297, China-A- Ornamental 998, Europe-N-819, Romania-N-1534,
275, United Kingdom-UZD-314, Czech Dispersed by: Humans Russia-W-1609, Russia-N-1499, Republic
Republic-N-400, China-W-431, United References: Japan-W-286, China-A-275, of Moldova-W-1977.
Kingdom-N-519, United States of China-W-431, China-A-87, Japan-W-1977.
America-A-543, Spain-N-405, Poland-N- Artemisia asiatica Nakai ex Pamp.
619, Ukraine-N-643, Switzerland-N-653, Artemisia arborescens L. Asteraceae
Austria-N-708, Denmark-UC-711, Canada Asteraceae Accepted name: Artemisia indica Willd.
and United States of America-N-725, Total N° of Refs: 29 var. indica
Lithuania-I-737, United States of America- Global Risk Score: 4.8 Total N° of Refs: 5
N-86, Mediterranean-I-775, Japan-N-794, Rating: Low Major Pathway/s: Crop
Hungary-I-809, France-W-764, United Habit: perennial Herb References: North Korea-A-1018.
Kingdom-U-812, Belarus-N-817, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Switzerland-URI-818, New Zealand-N- Origin: Africa, Europe Artemisia austriaca Jacq.
823, Czech Republic-N-826, Croatia-I-891, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Asteraceae
Romania-I-896, United States of America- Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 33
N-904, Germany-N-907, Global-W-788, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Origin: E Asia
Argentina-A-913, New Zealand-U-919, Weed of: Pastures Dispersed by: Animals
United States of America-W-946, References: Australia-E-72, New Zealand- Seed Longevity: Transient
Mediterranean-W-951, Argentina-I-983, N-280, Australia-N-945, New Zealand-N- References: Finland-U-42, Europe, eastern-
Austria-N-1006, Belgium-N-1006, 534, New Zealand-N-15, Australia-W-853, W-272, Poland-N-619, Lithuania-I-737,
Czechoslovakia-N-1006, France-N-1006, Australia-N-855, Australia-W-869, New Belarus-N-817, France-N-1006, Germany-
Germany-N-1006, Latvia-N-1006, Poland- Zealand-W-906, New Zealand-N-919, N-1006, Lithuania-N-1006, Poland-N-
N-1006, Slovenia-N-1006, Europe-N-1072, Australia-N-354, Spain-N-1006, France-N- 1006, Europe-N-819, Global-A-1207,
Japan-ID-1073, Europe-N-819, Ukraine-I- 1006, France-N-1006, Australia-N-1049, Poland-R-1219, Belgium-W-1220,
1121, Poland-C-1122, Romania-AN-1154, Malta-N-1089, Europe-N-819, Cyprus-N- Norway-N-1243, Global-W-1324, Estonia-
Italy-NI-1165, Czech Republic-A-1186, 1174, Global-W-1324, Australia-A-1331, W-1609, Germany-W-1609, Latvia-W-
China-N-1215, Poland-R-1219, Belgium- Israel-NW-1380, Australia-N-1450, Spain- 1609, Lithuania-W-1609, Norway-W-1609,
ND-1220, Croatia-I-1230, Serbia-W-1238, N-1454, Greece-CN-1541, New Zealand- Poland-W-1609, Russia-A-87, Poland-N-
Georgia-NR-1250, Italy-I-251, Hungary-I- N-1543, Global-CD-1611, Australia-N- 1040, Estonia-N-1997, Russia-I-2107,
1255, China-N-92, Romania-I-1264, Spain- 1902, New Zealand-N-2048, Israel-N-59. Belarus-W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977,
N-1270, Japan-N-1278, Ukraine-N-1297, France-W-1977, Germany-W-1977, Latvia-
Romania-I-1334, Ukraine-N-1335, Global- Artemisia arbuscula Nutt. W-1977, Lithuania-W-1977, Poland-W-
W-1349, Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay-I- Asteraceae 1977, Slovakia-W-1977.
1476, Serbia-N-1482, Slovakia-N-1484, Total N° of Refs: 1
Czech Republic-N-1522, Romania-NI- Global Risk Score: 1.2
1537, Romania-N-1540, Romania-N-1599, Rating: Low
Central Europe-N-1602, Estonia-W-1609, Habit: Shrub
Austria-W-1609, Denmark-W-1609, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Germany-W-1609, Latvia-W-1609, Ornamental
Lithuania-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, Dispersed by: Humans
Poland-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, References: United States of America-A-
Romania-NI-1629, Argentina-A-87, Iran- 87.
A-87, United States of America-A-87,
North Korea-A-1018, Poland-N-1040,
Romania-N-1553, Russia-N-1647, Global-
CD-1611, Iran-A-1724, Czech Republic-N-
1731, France-N-1438, Europe-UNI-1740,
Croatia-NW-1747, Turkey-N-1718,

Artemisia biennis Willd. Artemisia californica Less. Artemisia campestris L. subsp. caudata
Asteraceae Asteraceae (Michx.) Hall & Clements
Total N° of Refs: 68 Total N° of Refs: 3 Asteraceae
Global Risk Score: 14.4 Global Risk Score: 0.72 Total N° of Refs: 5
Rating: Medium Rating: Low Habit: biennial Herb
Habit: perennial Herb Habit: Shrub Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical Ornamental
Origin: E Asia, Europe, N Am Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Dispersed by: Humans References: Denmark-UC-711, Global-W-
Herbal, Ornamental Weed of: Vegetables 1349, Denmark-W-1609, Global-CD-1611,
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, References: United States of America-A- Denmark-W-1977.
Livestock, Sheep, Escapee 543, Global-W-1349, United States of
Weed of: Cereals, Nursery Production America-A-87. Artemisia campestris L. subsp. maritima
References: United States of America-W- (DC.) Arcangeli
34, United Kingdom-U-40, Finland-U-42, Artemisia campestris L. Asteraceae
Global-N-85, United States of America-N- Asteraceae Total N° of Refs: 4
101, United States of America-W-161, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Artemisia Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
United States of America-W-174, United campestris L. subsp. canadensis (Michx.) Dispersed by: Humans
States of America-W-212, United Scoggan (1), Artemisia canadensis Michx. References: Belgium-N-1006, Europe-N-
Kingdom-NZD-314, Czech Republic-UZ- (3), Artemisia dniproica Klokov (1) 819, Belgium-N-1220, Belgium-W-1977.
400, United Kingdom-N-519, Canada-A- Total N° of Refs: 23
642, Switzerland-N-653, Denmark-UC- Global Risk Score: 4.8 Artemisia cana Pursh
711, Canada and United States of America- Rating: Low Asteraceae
N-725, United States of America-N-86, Habit: b/p Herb Total N° of Refs: 4
Canada-UC-756, North America-X-790, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean ToxicMajor Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Hungary-U-809, United Kingdom-U-812, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Ornamental
Switzerland-UR-818, Pakistan-W-836, Herbal, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans
Ireland-U-894, Germany-N-907, United Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Vehicles, References: United States of America-W-
States of America-W-946, France-N-1006, Wind 161, United States of America-W-212,
Germany-N-1006, Netherlands-N-1006, Seed Longevity: Long Term Canada-A-642, United States of America-
Europe-N-819, Belgium-U-1220, Norway- Weed of: Pastures A-87.
N-1243, Italy-U-251, Hungary-U-1255, References: United States of America-AW-
Spain-U-1270, Global-W-1324, Global-W- 212, Europe, eastern-W-272, western Artemisia canadensis Michx.
1349, Spain-U-1455, Czech Republic-U- Europe-W-70, United Kingdom-N-519, Asteraceae
1522, United States of America-N-1603, Serbia-W-1238, Europe-W-1325, Global- Accepted name: Artemisia campestris
Austria-W-1609, Denmark-W-1609, W-1349, Serbia-A-1372, Global-ZD-1495, subsp. borealis var. borealis
Russia-W-1609, Germany-W-1609, Austria-N-1531, Global-ZD-1611, Global- Total N° of Refs: 21
Netherlands-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, ZD-1581, Russia-W-1671, Poland-A-1961, Major Pathway/s: Herbal
United States of America-A-87, Canadian Slovakia-N-2052, -A-2058, Poland-A- References: Ukraine-N-1685, Chile-I-1872,
northwest Territories-N-1011, Global-N- 2059, Poland-R-2062. Ukraine-N-2112.
1218, Global-CD-1611, Czech Republic-U-
1731, United States of America-N-1162, Artemisia campestris L. subsp. alpina Artemisia canariensis (Besser) Less.
Canada-G-1855, Italy-U-1887, Nepal-A- (DC.) Arcangeli Asteraceae
1932, -I-, Nepal-A-1981, Switzerland-U- Asteraceae Accepted name: Artemisia thuscula Cav.
1990, Germany-N-2009, Canada-G-1462, Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 9
Belgium-W-1977, Czech Republic-W- References: Czech Republic-W-1977. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
1977, Denmark-W-1977, France-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Germany-W-1977, Iran (Islamic Republic Artemisia campestris L. subsp. bottnica Dispersed by: Humans
of)-W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Netherlands- A.N. Lundstroem Ex Kindb. References: Spain-N-1006, Europe-N-819,
W-1977, Switzerland-W-1977, United Asteraceae Global-W-1324.
Kingdom-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Sweden-W-1609.
Artemisia biennis Willd. var. biennis
Asteraceae Artemisia campestris L. subsp.
Total N° of Refs: 2 campestris
References: United States of America-N- Asteraceae
101, United States of America-U-904. Total N° of Refs: 3
Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Artemisia bottnica Lundstr. ex Kindb. References: Europe-N-819, Sweden-W-
Asteraceae 1609, Sweden-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Sweden-W-1977. Artemisia campestris L. subsp.
canadensis (Michx.) Scoggan
Artemisia caerulescens L. Asteraceae
Asteraceae Accepted name: Artemisia campestris L.
Total N° of Refs: 1 subsp. borealis var. borealis
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Total N° of Refs: 19
References: Algeria-W-1977. References: Chile-W-1977.

Artemisia capillaris Thunb. Artemisia desertorum Spreng. Artemisia dracunculus L.
Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae
Total N° of Refs: 12 Total N° of Refs: 2 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Artemisia glauca
Global Risk Score: 2.24 Global Risk Score: 0.96 Pall. ex Willd. (2)
Rating: Low Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 85
Habit: Shrub Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Global Risk Score: 9.6
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Origin: E Asia Rating: Medium
Tropical Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop Habit: perennial Herb
Origin: E Asia Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, References: Russia-A-998, Russia-U-1499. Subtropical, Tropical
Ornamental, Pasture Origin: E Asia, Europe, N Am
Dispersed by: Humans Artemisia dniproica Klokov Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Weed of: Pastures Asteraceae Herbal, Ornamental
References: Japan-W-286, China-W-431, Accepted name: Artemisia campestris L. Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
South Korea-A-648, France-N-1006, Total N° of Refs: 19 Livestock, Sheep, Escapee
Europe-N-819, Global-A-1207, India-W- References: Slovakia-N-2052. References: United Kingdom-U-40,
1307, Global-W-1324, Taiwan-A-87, North Finland-C-42, New Zealand-UW-280,
Korea-A-1018, South Korea-A-1860, South Artemisia douglasiana Besser ex Hook. United States of America-W-161, United
Korea-A-2032. Asteraceae States of America-W-174, United
Total N° of Refs: 7 Kingdom-CZD-314, Czech Republic-U-
Artemisia caruifolia Buch.-Ham. ex Habit: perennial Herb 400, United Kingdom-N-519, New
Roxb. Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical Zealand-N-534, Global-A-546, Poland-N-
Asteraceae Origin: Europe 619, Ukraine-U-643, Austria-UC-708,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Artemisia apiacea Major Pathway/s: Herbal Denmark-C-711, Canada and United States
Hance (5) Weed of: Grapevines, Orchards & of America-N-725, Lithuania-I-737,
Total N° of Refs: 5 Plantations, Pastures, Pome Fruits Mexico-N-791, Hungary-U-809, United
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, References: Global-A-243, United States of Kingdom-U-812, Belarus-N-817, New
Ornamental America-W-136, United States of America- Zealand-N-823, Mexico-I-878, Germany-
Dispersed by: Humans W-161, United States of America-A-180, N-907, India-U-914, New Zealand-U-919,
United States of America-W-946, Global- France-N-1006, Germany-N-1006,
Artemisia caucasica Willd. W-1349, Argentina-E-1874. Lithuania-N-1006, Poland-N-1006, Europe-
Asteraceae N-819, United States of America-N-101,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Artemisia alpina Poland-R-1219, Belgium-N-1220, Norway-
Pall. ex Willd. (2) N-1243, Hungary-U-1255, Ukraine-N-
Total N° of Refs: 2 1335, Global-W-1349, India-U-1389,
Habit: perennial Herb Slovakia-U-1484, Czech Republic-U-1522,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Estonia-W-1609, Austria-W-1609,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Denmark-W-1609, Germany-W-1609,
Dispersed by: Humans Lithuania-W-1609, Norway-W-1609,
Poland-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609,
Artemisia chamaemelifolia Vill. Romania-N-1629, Mongolia-A-1641,
Asteraceae Turkey-A-87, Poland-N-1040, Romania-N-
Total N° of Refs: 1 1553, Global-CD-1611, Russia-N-1681,
Habit: perennial Herb Czech Republic-U-1731, Kazakhstan-A-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean 1772, Chile-I-1872, Mexico-N-1881,
Origin: E Asia, Europe Estonia-N-1997, Ukraine-N-2014, New
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Zealand-U-2048, Ukraine-N-2050,
Dispersed by: Humans Slovakia-N-2052, Ukraine-N-2112,
References: United Kingdom-U-314. Algeria-W-1977, Austria-W-1977, Belarus-
W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Chile-W-1977,
Artemisia codonocephala Diels Croatia-W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977,
Asteraceae Denmark-W-1977, France-W-1977,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Artemisia Germany-W-1977, India-W-1977,
lavandulifolia DC. (1) Lithuania-W-1977, Mexico-W-1977,
Total N° of Refs: 8 Poland-W-1977, Republic of Moldova-W-
Origin: E Asia 1977, Romania-W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977,
References: Lithuania-I-737, Europe-N- Sweden-W-1977.
819, Global-W-1324, Belarus-W-1977,
Japan-W-1977, Latvia-W-1977, Lithuania-

Artemisia dubia Wall. ex DC. Artemisia frigida Willd. Artemisia gnaphalodes Nutt.
Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae
Total N° of Refs: 14 Total N° of Refs: 12 Accepted name: Artemisia ludoviciana
Habit: perennial Herb Global Risk Score: 7.2 subsp. ludoviciana
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Rating: Medium Total N° of Refs: 38
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Habit: perennial Herb Global Risk Score: 0.96
References: Thailand-A-238, Thailand-W- Preferred Climate/s: Dryland Rating: Low
822, Belarus-N-817, Europe-N-819, Origin: N Am Origin: N Am
Russia-I-1178, south and southeast Asia-A- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal
1320, Global-W-1324, south and southeast Herbal, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans
Asia-A-1408, Russia-W-1609, Lithuania- Dispersed by: Humans, Vehicles, Wind References: Czech Republic-UZ-400,
W-1609, Nepal-A-1960, Russia-I-2107, Weed of: Vegetables Canada-A-642, Denmark-U-711, Europe-
Belarus-W-1977, Lithuania-W-1977. References: Global-NZW-85, United States N-819, Global-W-1324, Estonia-W-1609,
of America-W-161, United States of Denmark-W-1609, Estonia-N-1997.
Artemisia eriopoda Bge. America-W-174, United States of America-
Asteraceae W-212, China-W-297, United States of Artemisia hedinii Ostenf. & Paulson
Total N° of Refs: 2 America-A-543, Canada-A-642, North Asteraceae
References: China-W-297, China-W-431. America-X-790, Global-W-1349, United Total N° of Refs: 1
States of America-ZD-1440, Global-ZD- References: China-W-431.
Artemisia feddei Levl. & Vant 1495, United States of America-A-87.
Asteraceae Artemisia herba-alba Asso
Total N° of Refs: 5 Artemisia glauca Pall. ex Willd. Asteraceae
Global Risk Score: 0.96 Asteraceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Seriphidium herba-
Rating: Low Accepted name: Artemisia dracunculus alba (Asso) Soj k (1)
Origin: E Asia Total N° of Refs: 85 Total N° of Refs: 4
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop Origin: E Asia Global Risk Score: 4
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Herbal Rating: Low
References: China-W-431, North Korea-A- References: Ukraine-U-643, Lithuania-I- Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
1018, Russia-U-1499, Central and northern 737. Mediterranean
Japan and northern islands-N-1983, South Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe
Korea-A-2032. Artemisia gmelini Weber. ex Steckm. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Pasture
Asteraceae Dispersed by: Humans, Wind
Artemisia filifolia Torr. Total N° of Refs: 1 References: United Kingdom-U-314, Iran-
Asteraceae Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Pasture A-87, Algeria-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 5 References: China-W-297.
Toxic - Habit: Shrub Artemisia incompta Nutt.
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical Artemisia gmelinii Weber ex Stechm. Asteraceae
Origin: N Am Asteraceae Accepted name: Artemisia ludoviciana
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Synonym/s (n° of refs): Artemisia sacrorum subsp. incompta Nutt. (Nutt.) Cronq.
Weed of: Pastures Ledeb. (3) Total N° of Refs: 31
References: United States of America-W- Total N° of Refs: 33 References: Global-W-23.
161, United States of America-W-174, Habit: Herb
United States of America-AW-212, Global- Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Artemisia inculta Delile
W-1349, United States of America-A-87. Tropical Asteraceae
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 1
Artemisia franserioides Greene Dispersed by: Humans References: Egypt-W-221.
Asteraceae Weed of: Cereals
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: United States of America-N- Artemisia indica Willd.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal 101, China-W-431, Nepal-A-1932, -I-, -I-, Asteraceae
References: Mexico-I-878. Nepal-A-1981, Albania-W-1977, Algeria- Accepted name: Artemisia vulgaris L. var.
W-1977, Argentina-W-1977, Austria-W- indica (Willd.) Maxim.
1977, Belarus-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Artemisia asiatica
Bulgaria-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Chile- Nakai ex Pamp. (1)
W-1977, Croatia-W-1977, Cyprus-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 208
Czech Republic-W-1977, Denmark-W- Habit: perennial Herb
1977, France-W-1977, Germany-W-1977, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Italy-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Latvia-W- Origin: E Asia
1977, Lithuania-W-1977, Poland-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Romania-W-1977, Serbia-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans
Slovakia-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977, References: Japan-W-286, India-A-1124,
Switzerland-W-1977, Ukraine-W-1977. Global-A-1207, India-A-1725.

Artemisia integrifolia L.
Total N° of Refs: 5
References: China-W-431, Belarus-N-817,
Europe-N-819, Global-W-1324, Belarus-

Artemisia jacutica Drobow Artemisia laxa (Lam.) Fritsch Artemisia ludoviciana Nutt. var.
Asteraceae Asteraceae incompta (Nutt.) Cronq.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Artemisia Asteraceae
References: Russia-N-1681. umbelliformis Lam. (1) Accepted name: Artemisia ludoviciana
Total N° of Refs: 1 subsp. incompta
Artemisia japonica Thunb. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 31
Asteraceae Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental References: Canada-A-642.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Artemisia Dispersed by: Humans
parviflora Roxb. ex D. Don (1) Artemisia ludoviciana Nutt. var.
Total N° of Refs: 8 Artemisia longifolia Nutt. ludoviciana
Habit: perennial Herb Asteraceae Asteraceae
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1
Origin: E Asia References: United Kingdom-U-314. References: Canada-A-642.
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Ornamental, Pasture Artemisia ludoviciana Nutt. Artemisia ludoviciana Nutt. subsp.
Dispersed by: Humans Asteraceae ludoviciana
Weed of: Pastures Synonym/s (n° of refs): Artemisia Asteraceae
References: Japan-A-263, Japan-W-286, gnaphalodes Nutt. (8), Artemisia incompta Total N° of Refs: 4
China-W-431, South Korea-A-648, Japan- Nutt. (1), Artemisia ludoviciana Nutt. var. Habit: perennial Herb
A-87, Vietnam-A-87, South Korea-A-1860. gnaphalodes (Nutt.) Torr. & Gray (1), Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Artemisia ludoviciana Nutt. var. incompta Ornamental
Artemisia judaica L. (Nutt.) Cronq. (1), Artemisia ludoviciana Dispersed by: Humans
Asteraceae Nutt. subsp. mexicana (Spreng.) Keck (1), References: Czech Republic-U-1522,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Artemisia mexicana Willd. ex Spreng. (2), Czech Republic-U-1731, United States of
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Artemisia pabularis (A. Nels.) Rydb. (1), America-N-1162, Lithuania-W-1977.
Mediterranean Artemisia purshiana Bess. (2)
Origin: Africa Total N° of Refs: 47 Artemisia ludoviciana Nutt. subsp.
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Global Risk Score: 9.6 mexicana (Spreng.) Keck
Ornamental, Pasture Rating: Medium Asteraceae
Dispersed by: Humans Habit: perennial Herb Accepted name: Artemisia ludoviciana
References: Egypt-W-221. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Nutt.
Origin: N Am Total N° of Refs: 31
Artemisia klotzschiana Besser Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical
Asteraceae Herbal, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Dispersed by: Humans
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Livestock, Sheep, Escapee References: Mexico-W-199.
References: Mexico-W-199. Weed of: Cereals, Vegetables
References: eastern and central North Artemisia macrantha Ledeb.
Artemisia lancea Vaniot America-W-8, Australia-W-54, Global-N- Asteraceae
Asteraceae 85, Global-A-243, United States of Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 1 America-W-161, United States of America- Origin: E Asia, Europe
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical W-174, United Kingdom-CZ-314, Global- References: United Kingdom-U-314.
References: Romania-N-1534. I-506, United States of America-A-543,
Europe-U-638, Canada-A-642, Mexico-W- Artemisia maderaspatana L.
Artemisia latifolia Ledeb. 735, Canada-UC-756, Mexico-W-890, Asteraceae
Asteraceae Australia-N-354, Europe-N-819, Belgium- Accepted name: Grangea maderaspatana
Total N° of Refs: 4 UD-1220, Mexico-W-1226, Global-W- (L.) Poir.
References: Belarus-N-817, Europe-N-819, 1349, Mexico-W-1510, Lithuania-W-1609, Total N° of Refs: 40
Global-W-1324, Belarus-W-1977. United States of America-A-87, Global- References: south and southeast Asia-A-
CD-1611, Canada-G-1855, Australia-W- 1320.
Artemisia lavandulaefolia Miq. 1977, Belgium-W-1977, Czech Republic-
Asteraceae W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, Latvia-W-
Accepted name: Artemisia vulgaris L. 1977, Lithuania-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 207
Habit: perennial Herb Artemisia ludoviciana Nutt. var.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal gnaphalodes (Nutt.) Torr. & Gray
References: China-W-297, China-A-275, Asteraceae
China-W-431, Romania-N-1534. Accepted name: Artemisia ludoviciana
subsp. ludoviciana
Artemisia lavandulifolia DC. Total N° of Refs: 31
Asteraceae References: Canada-A-642.
Accepted name: Artemisia codonocephala
Total N° of Refs: 8
Major Pathway/s: Herbal
References: Ukraine-N-2112.

Artemisia maritima L. Artemisia moorcroftiana Wall. ex DC. Artemisia parviflora Roxb. ex D. Don
Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Seriphidium Total N° of Refs: 1 Accepted name: Artemisia japonica Thunb.
maritimum (L.) Poljakov (1) Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 8
Total N° of Refs: 6 References: China-W-431. Habit: perennial Herb
Global Risk Score: 3.6 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Rating: Low Artemisia myriantha Wall. ex Besser Weed of: Orchards & Plantations
Toxic - Habit: Shrub Asteraceae References: India-A-712.
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Total N° of Refs: 1
Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Artemisia persica Boiss.
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Asteraceae
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 1
Ornamental References: United States of America-W- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers, 486. Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Water Weed of: Vegetables
Seed Longevity: Short Term Artemisia nilagirica Pamp. References: Tajikistan-A-1017.
Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations, Asteraceae
Pome Fruits Total N° of Refs: 5 Artemisia pontica L.
References: Pakistan-A-248, Finland-U-42, Habit: Herb Asteraceae
Global-A-243, western Europe-W-70, Origin: Africa, Europe Total N° of Refs: 19
North Korea-N-1600. Major Pathway/s: Herbal Global Risk Score: 4.8
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Rating: Low
Artemisia mexicana Willd. ex Spreng. References: south and southeast Asia-A- ToxicOrigin: E Asia, Europe
Asteraceae 1320, Bangladesh-A-1649, India-A-1696, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Accepted name: Artemisia ludoviciana India-AN-1794, India-I-1826. Herbal, Ornamental
subsp. mexicana Nutt. (Spreng.) Keck Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Total N° of Refs: 32 Artemisia nova A. Nelson Livestock, Sheep, Escapee
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Asteraceae References: Global-N-85, United States of
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 1 America-N-101, United Kingdom-CZD-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal Habit: Shrub 314, Denmark-C-711, Canada and United
References: Mexico-A-915, Mexico-A-87. Preferred Climate/s: Dryland States of America-N-725, Lithuania-I-737,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal France-N-1006, Sweden-N-1006, Europe-
Artemisia mongolica Fisch. References: United States of America-A- N-819, Belgium-U-1220, Norway-N-1243,
Asteraceae 87. Global-W-1324, Norway-N-1535,
Total N° of Refs: 4 Denmark-W-1609, Lithuania-W-1609,
Major Pathway/s: Crop Artemisia opulenta Pamp. Norway-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609,
References: China-W-297, China-W-431, Asteraceae Global-CD-1611, Sweden-N-1802.
Mongolia-A-1620, Ukraine-N-2112. Accepted name: Artemisia vulgaris L.
Total N° of Refs: 204 Artemisia princeps Willd.
Artemisia mongolica Fisch. & Bessor Origin: E Asia Asteraceae
Turcz. var. tenuifolia (Turcz. ex DC.) Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Total N° of Refs: 16
Pamp. Dispersed by: Humans Global Risk Score: 1.2
Asteraceae References: Russia-U-1499. Rating: Low
Total N° of Refs: 1 Habit: Shrub
References: South Korea-A-648. Artemisia ordosica Krasch. Origin: E Asia
Asteraceae Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Artemisia monogyna auct. non Waldst. Total N° of Refs: 3 Ornamental
& Kit. Preferred Climate/s: Dryland Dispersed by: Humans
Asteraceae Major Pathway/s: Crop Weed of: Pastures
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: China-W-297, China-A-275, References: Global-A-243, Japan-A-263,
References: Global-A-1207. China-W-431. Japan-W-286, Asia-W-204, Japan-A-175,
China-W-431, Japan-A-87, Brazil-A-1622,
Artemisia monosperma Delile Artemisia pabularis (A. Nels.) Rydb. Belgium-N-1220, South Korea-A-1859,
Asteraceae Asteraceae South Korea-A-1860, Central and northern
Total N° of Refs: 2 Accepted name: Artemisia ludoviciana Japan and northern islands-N-1983, South
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, subsp. ludoviciana Korea-A-2031, South Korea-A-2032, South
Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 31 Korea-A-2033, Belgium-W-1977.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Pasture References: Canada-A-642.
Dispersed by: Humans Artemisia princeps Pamp. var. orientalis
References: Egypt-W-221, Egypt-W-1977. Artemisia palustris L. (Pamp.) Hara.
Asteraceae Asteraceae
Artemisia montana (Nak.) Pampan. Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 2
Asteraceae References: China-W-297. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 2 Major Pathway/s: Crop
Habit: perennial Herb References: Taiwan-A-274, Brazil-A-1648.
Origin: E Asia
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal
References: Japan-W-286, Asia-W-204.

Artemisia principes Pompan. Artemisia schrenkiana Ledeb. Artemisia sericea Weber ex Stechm.
Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 4 Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Global-A-1207. References: Belarus-N-817, Europe-N-819, Origin: E Asia, Europe
Global-W-1324, Belarus-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Artemisia purshiana Bess. References: United Kingdom-U-314.
Asteraceae Artemisia scoparia Waldst. & Kit.
Accepted name: Artemisia ludoviciana Asteraceae Artemisia serotina Bunge
subsp. ludoviciana Total N° of Refs: 61 Asteraceae
Total N° of Refs: 32 Global Risk Score: 7.2 Total N° of Refs: 2
Origin: N Am Rating: Medium References: Europe-W-1325, Russia-W-
References: Lithuania-I-737, Poland-U- Toxic - Habit: Herb 1609.
1716. Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Artemisia sieversiana Ehrh. ex Wild.
Artemisia repens Willd. Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Asteraceae
Asteraceae Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Total N° of Refs: 37
Total N° of Refs: 5 Herbal, Ornamental Global Risk Score: 4.8
Origin: E Asia, Europe Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Rating: Low
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Livestock, Sheep Habit: annual Herb
Dispersed by: Humans Weed of: Orchards & Plantations, Pastures Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
References: Czech Republic-UZ-400, References: United Kingdom-U-40, Subtropical, Tropical
Slovakia-U-1484, Czech Republic-U-1522, Finland-U-42, United States of America-N- Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, N Am
Czech Republic-U-1731, Slovakia-N-2052. 101, Europe, eastern-W-272, China-W-297, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
China-A-275, United Kingdom-UZD-314, Herbal, Ornamental
Artemisia rubripes Nakai Czech Republic-NZI-400, Europe-N-482, Dispersed by: Humans
Asteraceae China-W-431, Denmark-W-711, India-A- References: Finland-U-42, Mongolia-A-
Total N° of Refs: 8 712, Lithuania-I-737, Belarus-N-817, 114, Japan-N-287, Europe, eastern-W-272,
Habit: perennial Herb Pakistan-A-837, Palestine-U-851, India-N- China-W-297, China-A-275, Czech
Origin: E Asia 914, Czechoslovakia-N-1006, Italy-N- Republic-UZ-400, China-W-431, Global-
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop 1006, Slovakia-N-1006, Europe-N-819, A-546, Ukraine-R-643, Lithuania-I-737,
Dispersed by: Humans Pakistan-A-1170, Global-A-1207, Japan-N-794, Belarus-N-817, Czech
References: Japan-W-286, China-W-431, Belgium-UD-1220, Pakistan-A-1232, Republic-A-1186, Global-A-1207,
Global-W-1324, Europe-W-1325, Russia- Serbia-W-1238, Italy-N-251, Israel-NW- Belgium-U-1220, Japan-N-1278, Global-
W-1609, Russia-U-1499, Central and 1380, India-N-1389, Turkey--1412, Spain- W-1324, Slovakia-U-1484, Russia-W-
northern Japan and northern islands-N- U-1454, Slovakia-N-1484, Czech 1609, Latvia-W-1609, Lithuania-W-1609,
1983, Japan-W-1977. Republic-N-1522, Estonia-W-1609, Czech Mongolia-A-1641, Russia-A-87, Mongolia-
Republic-W-1609, Denmark-W-1609, A-1620, Russia-W-1684, -I-, Russia-N-
Artemisia sacrorum Ledeb. Latvia-W-1609, Lithuania-W-1609, 1988, Estonia-N-1997, Slovakia-N-2052,
Asteraceae Sweden-W-1609, Mongolia-A-1620, India- Russia-I-2107, Ukraine-N-2112, Belarus-
Accepted name: Artemisia gmelinii A-1725, North Africa, Libya, Egypt-W- W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, India-W-1977,
Total N° of Refs: 33 1730, Czech Republic-N-1731, Italy-N- Japan-W-1977, Latvia-W-1977, Lithuania-
Global Risk Score: 1.92 1887, Estonia-N-1997, Kosovo-R-2003, W-1977.
Rating: Low Slovakia-N-2052, Serbia-R-2057, Turkey-
Habit: Shrub A-2103, Australia-W-1977, Belarus-W- Artemisia siversiana Ehrh.ex Willd.
Origin: Europe 1977, Belgium-W-1977, Czech Republic- Asteraceae
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, France-W- Total N° of Refs: 14
Herbal 1977, Israel-W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Global Risk Score: 0.96
Dispersed by: Humans Latvia-W-1977, Lithuania-W-1977, Rating: Low
References: India-U-914, India-U-1389, Slovakia-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977. Habit: Herb
Chile-I-1872. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal
Artemisia selengensis Turcz. ex Bess. Dispersed by: Humans
Artemisia santolinifolia Turcz. ex Asteraceae References: Europe-N-819, Russia-I-1178,
Krasch. Accepted name: Artemisia vulgaris var. Global-W-1324, Czech Republic-U-1522,
Asteraceae selengensis (Turcz. ex Besser) Maxim. Norway-N-1535, Estonia-W-1609,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 213 Germany-W-1609, Norway-W-1609,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Global Risk Score: 0.96 Russia-N-1006, Czech Republic-U-1731,
References: Kazakhstan-A-1772. Rating: Low Czech Republic-W-1977, Germany-W-
Origin: C Asia, E Asia 1977, Republic of Moldova-W-1977,
Artemisia santonicum L. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop Slovakia-W-1977.
Asteraceae Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 2 References: Japan-N-287, China-W-431, Artemisia sphaerocephala Krasch.
ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Lithuania-I-737, Japan-N-794, Belarus-N- Asteraceae
Major Pathway/s: Herbal 817, Japan-N-1278, Europe-W-1325, Total N° of Refs: 1
Weed of: Pastures Russia-W-1609, Lithuania-W-1609, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland
References: Turkey-A-1463, Turkey-A- Russia-U-1499. References: China-W-297.

Artemisia spp. L. Artemisia thuscula Cav. Artemisia tschernieviana Besser
Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae
Total N° of Refs: 7 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Artemisia Total N° of Refs: 1
ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Mediterranean canariensis (Besser) Less. (3) Origin: Europe
Weed of: Cereals, Vegetables Total N° of Refs: 9 References: United Kingdom-U-314.
References: Global-A-243, Europe, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
eastern-AW-272, United States of Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Artemisia umbelliformis Lam.
America-A-543, Italy-A-687, Chile-A-931, Dispersed by: Humans Asteraceae
Spain-EI-1092, North Korea-A-1018. References: Algeria-W-1977, Australia-W- Accepted name: Artemisia laxa (Lam.)
1977, Chile-W-1977, Cyprus-W-1977, Fritsch
Artemisia stelleriana Besser France-W-1977, Israel-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 1
Asteraceae Habit: perennial Herb
Total N° of Refs: 32 Artemisia tournefortiana Reichenb. Preferred Climate/s: Dryland
Global Risk Score: 4.8 Asteraceae Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 27 Ornamental
Habit: perennial Herb Global Risk Score: 0.48 Dispersed by: Humans
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Rating: Low References: United States of America-N-
Origin: E Asia Habit: perennial Herb 101.
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Origin: E Asia, Europe, W Asia
Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Artemisia umbrosa (Turcz. ex Besser)
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Ornamental Turcz. ex A. DC.
References: Global-N-108, Global-N-85, Dispersed by: Humans Asteraceae
United States of America-W-179, United Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Total N° of Refs: 5
Kingdom-CN-314, Europe-N-482, United References: Czech Republic-NZ-400, Origin: E Asia
Kingdom-N-519, Denmark-CN-711, Ukraine-R-643, India-A-712, Czech Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Canada and United States of America-N- Republic-N-826, India-N-914, Dispersed by: Humans
725, United States of America-E-151, Czechoslovakia-N-1006, Germany-N-1006, References: Ukraine-U-643, Global-W-
United Kingdom-CN-812, United Portugal-N-1006, Portugal-N-898, Europe- 1324, Europe-W-1325, Latvia-W-1609,
Kingdom-N-1006, Norway-N-1006, N-819, Italy-U-251, Global-W-1324, India- Russia-N-1499.
Sweden-N-1006, France-E-1082, Europe- N-1389, Czech Republic-N-1522, Czech
N-819, United States of America-N-101, Republic-W-1609, Russia-W-1609, Artemisia valentina Lam.
Canada-N-1252, Global-W-1324, Global- Germany-W-1609, Latvia-W-1609, Czech Asteraceae
W-1349, Norway-N-1535, Denmark-W- Republic-N-1731, Italy-U-1887, Ukraine- Total N° of Refs: 1
1609, Norway-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, N-2112, Czech Republic-W-1977, References: Algeria-W-1977.
Global-CD-1611, United States of Germany-W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Latvia-
America-E-1736, Chile-I-1872, Canada-W- W-1977, Portugal-W-1977, Republic of
1977, Chile-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, Moldova-W-1977.
Ireland-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977, United
Kingdom-W-1977. Artemisia tridentata Nutt.
Artemisia suksdorfii Piper Total N° of Refs: 11
Asteraceae Global Risk Score: 4.8
Total N° of Refs: 1 Rating: Low
Habit: perennial Herb Toxic - Habit: Shrub
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical
References: Global-W-23. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Herbal, Ornamental
Artemisia sylvatica Maxim. Dispersed by: Humans
Asteraceae Weed of: Cereals, Lupins, Pastures
Total N° of Refs: 2 References: Global-W-23, Global-ZW-85,
Habit: perennial Herb Global-A-243, United States of America-
References: China-A-275, China-W-431. W-161, United States of America-W-212,
United States of America-W-946, Global-
Artemisia tanacetifolia L. W-1349, United States of America-A-87,
Asteraceae Chile-I-1872, United States of America-AI-
Total N° of Refs: 1 2106, Chile-W-1977.
References: Russia-N-1681.
Artemisia tripartita Rydb.
Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: Shrub
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal
References: United States of America-A-

Artemisia verlotiorum Lamotte 1861, Argentina-A-1874, New Zealand-Q- Artemisia vulgaris L.
Asteraceae 1879, Italy-UNI-1887, Croatia-I-1908, Asteraceae
Total N° of Refs: 159 Sardinia-U-1917, France-N-1940, France- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Artemisia indica
Global Risk Score: 14.4 N-1941, France-NR-1942, France-I-1943, Willd. (4), Artemisia lavandulaefolia Miq.
Rating: Medium Australia-N-1959, Italy-N-1842, -I-, -I-, -I-, (4), Artemisia opulenta Pamp. (1),
Habit: perennial Herb Bosnia and Herzegovina-I-1987, Artemisia selengensis Turcz. ex Bess. (10)
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Switzerland-I-1990, Croatia-I-2004, Total N° of Refs: 222
Subtropical, Tropical Croatia-I-2038, New Zealand-N-2048, Global Risk Score: 24
Origin: E Asia, Europe Brazil-R-2053, New Zealand-Q-2086, Rating: High
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Albania-W-1977, Algeria-W-1977, Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
Herbal, Ornamental Argentina-W-1977, Australia-W-1977, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals Austria-W-1977, Belarus-W-1977, Subtropical, Tropical
Seed Longevity: Transient Belgium-W-1977, Bosnia and Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, N Am,
Weed of: Pastures Herzegovina-W-1977, Brazil-W-1977, Cosmopolitan
References: Brazil-W-255, Brazil-W-361, Croatia-W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Brazil-W-407, Australia-E-72, New Denmark-W-1977, France-W-1977, Herbal, Ornamental
Zealand-E-246, Global-A-44, New Germany-W-1977, Greece-W-1977, Italy- Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers,
Zealand-N-280, New Zealand-W-165, W-1977, Montenegro-W-1977, Portugal- Cattle, Donkey, Horse, Livestock, Sheep,
western Europe-A-253, Australia-N-198, W-1977, Slovenia-W-1977, Spain-W-1977, Vehicles, Water, Wind, Escapee
Argentina-W-237, Australia-W-269, South Switzerland-W-1977, Turkey-W-1977, Seed Longevity: Long Term
America-W-295, Argentina-A-236, United Kingdom-W-1977. Weed of: Cereals, Cutflowers, Grapevines,
Australia-N-945, United Kingdom-N-314, Nursery Production, Orchards &
Australia-E-327, Czech Republic-N-400, Artemisia verlotiorum Lamotte x Plantations, Pastures, Vegetables
New Zealand-NW-425, Switzerland-W- Artemisia vulgaris L. References: Indonesia-A-13, United States
502, United Kingdom-N-519, New Asteraceae of America-CE-617, India-A-712, eastern
Zealand-N-15, Spain-NI-405, Switzerland- Total N° of Refs: 1 and central North America-W-8, Global-
NI-653, Portugal-N-662, Austria-N-708, References: Europe-W-1325. W-23, Global-A-44, United States of
Denmark-U-711, Portugal-N-718, Spain-I- America-E-80, Global-NZW-85, Europe-
738, Slovenia-E-772, Mediterranean-I-775, Artemisia vestita L. A-94, Global-W-217, Global-A-243,
Spain-I-802, France-I-764, United Asteraceae United States of America-N-101, South
Kingdom-N-812, Switzerland-RI-818, Total N° of Refs: 3 Africa-W-121, United States of America-
Czech Republic-N-826, Australia-W-853, Habit: perennial Herb W-136, United States of America-W-161,
Australia-W-869, Croatia-I-891, New Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical United States of America-E-102, western
Zealand-W-906, Argentina-A-913, New Origin: E Asia Europe-A-253, Argentina-A-236, North
Zealand-N-919, Uruguay-A-924, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant America-G-249, United States of America-
Mediterranean-WI-951, Argentina-I-983, Dispersed by: Humans AG-211, Europe, eastern-AW-272, western
Australia-N-354, Austria-N-1006, Spain-N- Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Europe-W-70, Spain-A-417, United
1006, Belgium-N-1006, Czechoslovakia-N- References: India-A-712, India-U-914, Kingdom-N-519, United States of
1006, Germany-N-1006, United Kingdom- India-N-1389. America-A-543, Canada-A-642, United
N-1006, Portugal-N-1006, Portugal-N- Kingdom-A-676, Canada and United States
1006, Turkey-N-1006, Australia-N-1049, of America-N-725, Turkey-A-727, Global-
Turkey-N-1069, Europe-N-1072, Portugal- W-743, Canada-C-756, North America-E-
N-898, Europe-N-819, Italy-I-1091, Iberian 784, United States of America-N-301,
Peninsular-N-1147, Spain-I-1149, Sardinia- United States of America-E-151, North
N-1151, Italy-NI-1165, Italy-W-1176, America-X-790, United Kingdom-N-812,
Serbia-E-1177, Czech Republic-A-1186, United States of America-N-839, Slovenia-
Australia-W-1210, China-N-1215, W-883, Europe-A-889, Croatia-W-903,
Belgium-N-1220, Croatia-I-1230, France- Venezuela-A-932, Russia-A-998, United
E-1239, Georgia-NR-1250, Italy-I-251, Kingdom-N-1006, Greenland-N-1061,
Australia-E-1259, Australia-E-1261, Poland-A-935, Europe-N-819, United
Australia-E-1262, Italy-N-1265, Spain-NI- Kingdom-A-322, United Kingdom-A-1093,
1270, France-I-1273, Europe-E-1315, La United States of America-W-1104, Poland-
Reunion-W-1321, Global-W-1324, G-1122, Ethiopia-A-1141, Europe-W-1191,
Australia-A-1331, Sardinia-N-1336, China- Serbia-W-1238, Armenia-N-1241, Norway-
N-1374, Sardinia-N-1381, Spain-I-1390, N-1243, Georgia-NR-1250, Denmark-A-
Spain-I-1454, Spain-I-1455, Australia-E- 1185, France-A-1266, United States of
1456, Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay-I- America-A-1275, Slovakia-A-1282, United
1476, Albania-N-1506, France-N-1516, States of America-N-1292, south and
Czech Republic-N-1522, Central Europe- southeast Asia-A-1320, Global-W-1349,
N-1602, Austria-W-1609, Czech Republic- Serbia-A-1357, Serbia-W-1358, Croatia-A-
W-1609, Denmark-W-1609, Russia-W- 1368, Serbia-A-1372, Serbia-W-1222,
1609, Germany-W-1609, Netherlands-W- south and southeast Asia-A-1408, Belgium-
1609, Italy-N-1007, Global-N-1218, Brazil- ZD-1421, Belgium-ZD-1422, Global-E-
A-1560, Bosnia And Herzegovina-ENI- 1449, Global-ZD-1492, Global-ZD-1495,
1453, Brazil-N-1071, Czech Republic-N- Belarus-A-1526, Austria-N-1531, Europe-
1731, France-NI-1438, Europe-UNI-1740, A-1539, Brazil-N-1597, United Kingdom-
Brazil-N-1746, Croatia-NW-1747, Turkey- N-1636, Afghanistan-A-87, Indonesia-A-
N-1718, Sardinia-N-1393, Sardinia-AU- 87, Italy-A-87, Japan-A-87, South Korea-
1824, Austria-N-1828, Montenegro-W- A-87, Mauritius-A-87, Poland-A-87,

Russia-A-87, Argentina-A-87, Austria-A- Artemisia vulgaris L. var. vulgaris Arthraxon hispidus (Thunb.) Makino
87, China-A-87, United Kingdom-A-87, Asteraceae Poaceae
Finland-A-87, Germany-A-87, Hawaii-A- Total N° of Refs: 10 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Arthraxon hispidus
87, Taiwan-A-87, Tunisia-A-87, United References: United States of America-N- (Thunb.) Makino (Hack.) Honda var.
States of America-A-87, Yugoslavia-A-87, 101, Denmark-N-1006, Norway-N-1006, cryptatherus (Hack.) Honda (3), Arthraxon
Belgium-A-87, Canada-A-87, Costa Rica- Sweden-N-1006, Canada-N-1252, Sweden- langsdorffii (Trin.) Hochst. ex Rosch. (1)
A-87, India-A-87, Iran-A-87, Nepal-A-87, W-1609, Greenland-W-1609, Japan-W- Total N° of Refs: 63
Norway-A-87, New Zealand-A-87, 1977, Lithuania-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977. Global Risk Score: 8.64
Sweden-A-87, Thailand-A-87, Turkey-A- Rating: Medium
87, Uruguay-A-87, Venezuela-A-87, Artemisia vulgaris L. subsp. mexicana Aqua - Habit: annual Grass
Hungary-A-1015, Tajikistan-A-1017, (Willd.) H. & Cl. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Serbia-W-1031, Croatia-A-1037, Russia-N- Asteraceae Origin: Aust, E Asia
1647, Europe-ZD-1576, Europe-ZD-1582, Total N° of Refs: 2 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Belgium-ZD-1583, Global-CZD-1611, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Ornamental
China-A-1617, Russia-A-1617, Indonesia- Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans, Water
A-1617, Japan-A-1617, India/Nepal-A- References: Denmark-U-711, Denmark-W- Weed of: Pastures
1617, Central Asia-A-1617, Italy-A-1618, 1609. References: United States of America-E-
Russia-A-1621, Global-ZD-1581, Russia- 411, Costa Rica-I-975, Global-W-306,
N-1682, Pakistan-A-1728, Iceland-U-1552, Artemisia vulgaris L. subsp. selengensis United States of America-E-80, Global-
Brazil-N-1733, United States of America- Turcz. NXW-85, United States of America-N-101,
E-1736, Lithuania-A-1737, United States of Asteraceae Japan-A-263, United States of America-
America-N-1162, Serbia-W-1766, Serbia- Total N° of Refs: 3 ED-224, United States of America-ED-133,
R-1771, central Europe-A-1616, Russia-W- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, United States of America-W-161, United
1671, United States of America-I-1773, Ornamental States of America-EI-102, Japan-W-286,
Uruguay-C-1800, France-A-1814, Finland- Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee eastern North America-E-195, China-W-
A-1815, Sweden-A-1817, La Reunion-A- References: Denmark-UC-711, Denmark- 297, China-A-275, United States of
1822, Poland-A-1825, Serbia-R-1848, W-1609, Global-CD-1611. America-E-346, United Kingdom-UZ-317,
Canada-G-1855, Montenegro-W-1861, United States of America-W-303, China-
Bosnia and Herzegovina-A-1830, Chile-I- Arthraxon castratus (Griffiths) Naray. W-431, South Korea-A-648, United States
1872, Serbia-A-1915, Sardinia-N-1917, ex Bor of America-N-301, United States of
Poland-A-1033, Serbia-A-1923, Nepal-A- Poaceae America-E-151, Mexico-N-791, United
1932, Montenegro-R-1944, Serbia-R-1946, Total N° of Refs: 1 States of America-N-839, United States of
Germany-R-1948, Poland-A-1952, Serbia- Habit: Grass America-X-229, Costa Rica-N-872,
R-1953, Croatia-A-1954, Poland-A-1956, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Mexico-I-878, United States of America-
Serbia-R-1957, Poland-A-1961, Poland-A- Origin: Aust W-1104, Global-Q-1208, Georgia-NR-
1966, -I-, Central and northern Japan and References: United States of America-N- 1250, United States of America-N-1292,
northern islands-N-1983, Kosovo-R-2003, 101. Global-W-1324, Global-W-1349,
Poland-A-2005, Russia-A-2034, Poland-A- Indonesia-A-87, Japan-A-87, Taiwan-A-87,
2047, New Zealand-U-2048, Serbia-R- Arthraxon centrasiaticus (Griseb.) India-A-87, North Korea-A-1018, United
2057, -A-2058, Poland-A-2059, Poland-A- Gamajun. States of America-E-1736, United States of
2061, Poland-R-2062, Russia-A-2063, Poaceae America-I-1773, El Salvador-N-1796,
Slovenia-AR-2078, Slovakia-A-2079, Total N° of Refs: 1 Russia-N-1796, Nicaragua-N-1796, South
Serbia-A-2080, Italy-A-2081, Canada-G- Habit: Grass Korea-A-1859, South Korea-A-1860,
1462, northern European towns-W-2095, References: Russia-N-1647. Mexico-NI-1881, Costa Rica-N-1980,
Belgium-W-2096, Hungary-A-2100, South Korea-A-2032, South Korea-A-2033,
Turkey-A-2101, Poland-A-2110, Belarus- Costa Rica-W-1977, Ecuador-W-1977, El
W-1977, Bosnia and Herzegovina-W-1977, Salvador-W-1977, Georgia-W-1977,
Bulgaria-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Chile- Guatemala-W-1977, Honduras-W-1977,
W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, Fiji-W-1977, Iran (Islamic Republic of)-W-1977,
Iceland-W-1977, Ireland-W-1977, Jamaica-W-1977, Nicaragua-W-1977,
Micronesia (Federated States of)-W-1977, Mexico-W-1977.
Palau-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977,
Turkey-W-1977, United Kingdom-W-1977. Arthraxon hispidus (Thunb.) Makino
(Hack.) Honda var. cryptatherus (Hack.)
Artemisia vulgaris L. var. indica Honda
(Willdenow) Maximowicz Poaceae
Asteraceae Accepted name: Arthraxon hispidus
Total N° of Refs: 1 (Thunb.) Makino
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Total N° of Refs: 62
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Global Risk Score: 0.96
Dispersed by: Humans Rating: Low
References: South Korea-A-648. Habit: annual Grass
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal
Dispersed by: Humans
References: China-A-275, China-W-431,
United Kingdom-Z-944.

Arthraxon hispidus (Thunb.) Makino Arthraxon spp. P.BEAUV. Arthropodium minus R.Br.
var. hispidus Poaceae Asparagaceae
Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 2
Total N° of Refs: 2 Habit: Grass Global Risk Score: 0.72
Habit: annual Grass Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Rating: Low
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical References: United States of America-W- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
References: United States of America-N- 486. Dispersed by: Humans
904, Mexico-N-1881. References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
Arthrocladia villosa (Hudson) Duby
Arthraxon lanceolatus (Roxb.) Hochst. Arthrocladiaceae Arthropteris orientalis (J.F. Gmel.)
Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 1 Posth.
Total N° of Refs: 5 Aqua - Habit: Oleandraceae
Habit: Grass Dispersed by: Water Total N° of Refs: 2
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical References: Global-N-1785. References: -I-, Ghana-AERI-2066, Ghana-
References: Japan-N-287, China-W-297, W-1977.
Japan-N-794, Japan-N-1278, Japan-W- Arthrocnemum glaucum Delile
1977. Chenopodiaceae Arthrostema ciliatum Ruiz & Pav.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Melastomataceae
Arthraxon lancifolius (Trin.) Hochst. Habit: Shrub Total N° of Refs: 1
Poaceae Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, References: New Caledonia-I-1507.
Total N° of Refs: 7 Mediterranean
Habit: perennial Grass Dispersed by: Flyers Arthrostemma ciliatum Pavón ex D.Don
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical References: Egypt-W-221. Melastomataceae
Origin: Africa, E Asia Total N° of Refs: 11
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Arthrocnemum macrostachyum (Moric.) Global Risk Score: 2.88
Dispersed by: Humans Moris & Delponte Rating: Low
Weed of: Cereals Chenopodiaceae Habit: perennial Herb
References: India-N-914, south and Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
southeast Asia-A-1320, India-N-1389, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Taiwan-N-1403, India-W-1029, Nepal-A- Subtropical, Tropical Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
1932, Taiwan-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Pasture Weed of: Pastures
Dispersed by: Humans References: United States of America-CE-
Arthraxon langsdorffii (Trin.) Hochst. ex References: Japan-W-1977. 233, United States of America-CE-617,
Rosch. United States of America-ACE-654, United
Poaceae Arthrocnemum subterminale (Parish) States of America-N-101, Pacific-E-621,
Accepted name: Arthraxon hispidus Standl. United States of America-N-301, United
(Thunb.) Makino Chenopodiaceae States of America-N-839, United States of
Total N° of Refs: 60 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Salicornia America-Q-1197, United States of
Habit: Grass subterminalis Parish (1) America-N-1292, Global-CD-1611, United
References: Tajikistan-A-1674. Total N° of Refs: 1 States of America-W-1719.
Major Pathway/s: Crop
Arthraxon micans (Nees) Hochst. Arthrostemma fragile Lindl.
Poaceae Arthropodium cirratum (G.Forst.) R.Br. Melastomataceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Asparagaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: Grass Accepted name: Arthropodium cirrhatum Habit: annual/perennial Herb
References: Mozambique-nC-943. (G.Forst.) R.Br. References: Central America-W-157.
Total N° of Refs: 1
Arthraxon prionodes (Steud.) Dandy Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Arthrostylidium capillifolium Griseb.
Poaceae Dispersed by: Humans Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: New Zealand-N-1543. Accepted name: Arthrostylidium farctum
Habit: Grass (Aubl.) Soderstrom & Lourteig
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Arthropodium cirrhatum (G.Forst.) Total N° of Refs: 1
References: China-W-431. R.Br. Habit: Grass
Asparagaceae Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Arthraxon quartinianus (A.Rich.) Nash Synonym/s (n° of refs): Arthropodium References: Cuba-A-14.
Poaceae cirratum (G.Forst.) R.Br. (1)
Total N° of Refs: 6 Total N° of Refs: 1 Arthrostylidium farctum (Aubl.)
Habit: Grass Habit: Herb Soderstr. & Lourteig.
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Origin: NZ Poaceae
References: United States of America-W- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Arthrostylidium
486, Mexico-N-791, Mexico-I-878, Global- Ornamental capillifolium Griseb. (1)
W-1324, Eastern Caribbean-N-1742, Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 1
Honduras-W-1892. Habit: Grass
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical

Arthrostylidium pubescens Rupr. Artocarpus asperulus Gagnep. Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.
Poaceae Moraceae Moraceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 2 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Artocarpus
Habit: Grass References: Laos-N-1102, Lao People's heterophylla Lam. (1)
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Democratic Republic-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 50
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Global Risk Score: 4.32
References: Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157, Artocarpus communis J.R.Forst. & Rating: Low
Global-CD-1611. G.Forst. Habit: Tree
Moraceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Artocarpus altilis (Park.) Fosb. Accepted name: Artocarpus altilis Subtropical, Tropical
Moraceae (Parkinson) Fosberg Origin: E Asia
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Artocarpus Total N° of Refs: 62 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal,
communis J.R.Forst. & G.Forst. (5), Habit: Tree Ornamental
Artocarpus incisus L. f. (1) Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Total N° of Refs: 63 Origin: E Asia, SE Asia References: Federated States of
Global Risk Score: 8.64 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Micronesia-N-230, Puerto Rico-N-261,
Rating: Medium Ornamental Singapore-C-476, Caribbean-N-707,
Habit: Tree Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Global-N-755, United States of America-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, References: Australia-CN-368, Philippines- N-101, Global-N-714, Mozambique-nC-
Tropical nC-1099, Laos-N-1102, Global-CD-1611, 943, Brazil-I-984, Paraguay-I-987, Africa-
Origin: Aust, E Asia, SE Asia India-N-1370. N-990, Australia-N-354, Global-N-1059,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, Philippines-nC-1099, Laos-N-1102, Gal
Ornamental Artocarpus heterophylla Lam. pagos Islands-CN-1157, Caribbean-N-
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Moraceae 1201, Singapore-U-1290, Peru-N-1293, La
References: Federated States of Accepted name: Artocarpus heterophyllus Reunion-N-1321, Brazil-I-1328,
Micronesia-N-230, Puerto Rico-UW-261, Lam. Bangladesh-CN-1330, French Guiana-N-
France-N-518, Caribbean-N-707, Global- Total N° of Refs: 50 1346, Global-W-1376, Global-I-1404,
NI-714, Costa Rica-I-975, United States of References: United Republic of Tanzania- French Polynesia-N-1514, Brazil-N-1597,
America-N-101, Belize-N-850, W-1977. Australia, northern-W-1204, Global-CD-
Mozambique-nC-943, Africa-W-990, Gal 1611, Brazil-N-1733, Eastern Caribbean-N-
pagos Islands-CN-1157, Caribbean-NI- 1742, India-I-1826, Sao Tome and
1201, Singapore-U-1290, Peru-N-1293, Principe-N-1805, Singapore-U-1839,
French Guiana-N-1346, French Polynesia- Brazil-I-1876, Seychelles-N-1925, -I-,
N-1514, Brazil-N-1597, Jamaica-A-87, United States of America-N-2092,
Global-CD-1611, Brazil-N-1733, Eastern Australia-W-1977, Bangladesh-W-1977,
Caribbean-N-1742, Puerto Rico and the Brazil-W-1977, Brunei Darussalam-W-
Virgin Islands-C-1821, Sao Tome and 1977, Burundi-W-1977, Comoros-W-1977,
Principe-N-1805, Singapore-U-1839, Democratic Republic of the Congo-W-
Brazil-I-984, Chile-I-1872, Anguilla-W- 1977, Equatorial Guinea-W-1977, Lao
1977, Antigua and Barbuda-W-1977, People's Democratic Republic-W-1977,
Australia-W-1977, Barbados-W-1977, Maldives-W-1977, Seychelles-W-1977,
Belize-W-1977, Brunei Darussalam-W- Singapore-W-1977.
1977, Cameroon-W-1977, Chile-W-1977,
Colombia-W-1977, Comoros-W-1977, Artocarpus incisus L. f.
Costa Rica-W-1977, Democratic Republic Moraceae
of the Congo-W-1977, Ecuador-W-1977, Accepted name: Artocarpus altilis
El Salvador-W-1977, Equatorial Guinea- (Parkinson) Fosberg
W-1977, Gambia (the)-W-1977, Ghana-W- Total N° of Refs: 58
1977, Guatemala-W-1977, Guinea-W- Habit: Tree
1977, Honduras-W-1977, Jamaica-W-1977, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Jordan-W-1977, Lao People's Democratic References: Taiwan-W-1748.
Republic-W-1977, Maldives-W-1977,
Nicaragua-W-1977, Panama-W-1977, Saint Artocarpus integer (Thunb.) Merr.
Vicent and the Grenadines-W-1977, Moraceae
Singapore-W-1977, Sri Lanka-W-1977, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Artocarpus
Thailand-W-1977, Global--1324. integrifolius L.f. nom. illeg. (1)
Total N° of Refs: 6
Artocarpus altilis (Parkinson) Fosb. x Habit: Tree
Artocarpus marianensis Trecul Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Moraceae Origin: E Asia, SE Asia
Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal,
Habit: Tree Ornamental
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: Singapore-C-476, Singapore-
Dispersed by: Humans U-1290, Global-CD-1611, Singapore-U-
References: Federated States of 1839, Singapore-W-1977.

Artocarpus integra (Thunb.) Merr. Arum concinnatum Schott 'Variegata' Arum italicum Miller
Moraceae Araceae Araceae
Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Arum neglectum
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Major Pathway/s: Ornamental (Towns.) Ridley (1)
References: Philippines-nC-1099, Laos-N- Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 78
1102, Lao People's Democratic Republic- References: United States of America-W- Global Risk Score: 10.8
W-1977. 656. Rating: Medium
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
Artocarpus integrifolius L.f. nom. illeg. Arum dioscoridis Sibth. & Sm. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Moraceae Araceae Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia
Accepted name: Artocarpus integer Total N° of Refs: 2 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
(Thunb.) Merr. Global Risk Score: 0.72 Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 6 Rating: Low Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Escapee
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Weed of: Orchards & Plantations, Pastures
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean References: Australia-E-72, New Zealand-
Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental E-246, United States of America-E-80,
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans United States of America-N-101, New
References: Brazil-ND-1559. Weed of: Orchards & Plantations, Pome Zealand-N-280, United States of America-
Fruits G-127, New Zealand-W-165, western
Artocarpus lacucha Buch.-Ham. References: Global-A-243, Syria-A-111. Europe-A-253, Australia-N-198, New
Moraceae Zealand-EW-225, Europe, eastern-AW-
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Artocarpus 272, western Europe-W-70, Australia-C-
lakoocha Roxb. (1) 401, Australia-N-945, Australia-E-327,
Total N° of Refs: 1 New Zealand-NW-425, United Kingdom-
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical N-519, New Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-
Origin: E Asia N-15, Australia-EN-310, Denmark-C-711,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, Turkey-A-727, Australia-N-7, United
Ornamental States of America-E-151, Switzerland-NR-
Dispersed by: Humans 818, Australia-W-853, Australia-N-855,
Australia-W-869, Ireland-N-894, New
Artocarpus lakoocha Roxb. Zealand-W-906, New Zealand-N-919, New
Moraceae Zealand-W-964, Argentina-I-983,
Accepted name: Artocarpus lacucha Buch.- Australia-N-354, Portugal-N-1006,
Ham. Belgium-N-1006, Iceland-N-1006,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Netherlands-N-1006, Switzerland-N-1006,
Habit: Tree Australia-N-1049, Europe-N-819, New
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Tropical Zealand-E-505, Global-A-1207, Belgium-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental N-1220, Australia-E-1262, Spain-A-1263,
Dispersed by: Humans Global-W-1324, Australia-N-1450,
References: Taiwan-W-1748. Australia-E-1456, Argentina, Brazil and
Uruguay-I-1476, New Zealand-N-1543,
Artocarpus rigidus Blume Denmark-W-1609, Netherlands-W-1609,
Moraceae Sweden-W-1609, United Kingdom-N-
Total N° of Refs: 1 1636, Tunisia-A-87, New Zealand-A-87,
Habit: Tree Crete-A-1651, Global-CD-1611, New
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Zealand-A-1624, United States of America-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental E-1736, Australia-N-1902, Chile-I-1872,
Dispersed by: Humans Australia-WD-1934, Australia-N-1959, -I-,
References: Philippines-nC-1099. New Zealand-ED-2023, New Zealand-N-
2048, Global-W-2056, Argentina-W-1977,
Arum concinnatum Schott Australia-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977,
Araceae Chile-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, Ireland-
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Arum sp. nom. W-1977, Netherlands-W-1977, New
hort. 'Dick and Dot' (1) Zealand-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 2
Global Risk Score: 0.24 Arum italicum Mill. subsp. canariense
Rating: Low (Webb & Berth.) Boyce
Habit: perennial Herb Araceae
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 1
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans
References: Crete-A-1228. References: United Kingdom-U-314.

Arum italicum Mill. subsp. italicum Arum neglectum (Towns.) Ridley Aruncus dioicus (Walter) Fernald
Araceae Araceae Rosaceae
Total N° of Refs: 10 Accepted name: Arum italicum subsp. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aruncus dioicus
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean neglectum (F.Towns.) Prime var. vulgaris (Walter) Fern. (Maxim.) Hara
Origin: Africa, Europe Total N° of Refs: 78 Total N° of Refs: 38
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Global Risk Score: 2.16
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Dispersed by: Humans Rating: Low
References: United Kingdom-C-314, References: Global-W-23. Habit: perennial Herb
United Kingdom-N-519, United Kingdom- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
CN-812, United Kingdom-N-1006, Arum palaestinum Boiss Origin: C Asia, E Asia, Europe, N Am, W
Iceland-N-1006, Global-CD-1611, France- Araceae Asia
N-1438, France-U-1942, Ireland-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 5 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
United Kingdom-W-1977. Global Risk Score: 0.72 Ornamental
Rating: Low Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Arum italicum Mill. subsp. neglectum (F. Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Seed Longevity: Present
Towns.) Prime Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean References: Finland-C-42, United States of
Araceae Origin: W Asia America-N-101, eastern North America-E-
Total N° of Refs: 2 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental 195, Europe, eastern-W-272, western
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Dispersed by: Humans Europe-W-70, Australia-C-401, Australia-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: United States of America-N- N-945, United Kingdom-C-314, Europe-N-
Dispersed by: Humans 101, New Zealand-U-919, Chile-I-1872, 482, United Kingdom-N-519, Norway-CN-
References: United Kingdom-N-519, New New Zealand-U-2048, Chile-W-1977. 644, Australia-N-310, Denmark-UC-711,
Zealand-U-2048. Canada and United States of America-N-
Arum palestinum Boiss. 725, United Kingdom-C-812, Australia-W-
Arum italicum Mill. subsp. italicum x Araceae 853, Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049,
Arum maculatum L. Total N° of Refs: 1 Europe-N-819, Belgium-U-1220, Norway-
Araceae References: United States of America-N- N-1243, Norway-N-1535, Estonia-W-1609,
Total N° of Refs: 1 101. Denmark-W-1609, Norway-W-1609,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Sweden-W-1609, Global-CD-1611,
Dispersed by: Humans Arum sp. nom. hort. 'Dick and Dot' Europe-N-1740, Russia-C-1671, Sweden-
References: United States of America-W- Araceae N-1802, Ukraine-U-1840, Estonia-N-1994,
656. Accepted name: Arum concinnatum Schott Estonia-N-1997, Australia-W-1977,
Total N° of Refs: 2 Belgium-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977,
Arum maculatum L. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Sweden-W-1977, United Kingdom-W-
Araceae Dispersed by: Humans 1977.
Total N° of Refs: 28 References: United States of America-W-
Global Risk Score: 9.6 656. Aruncus dioicus (Walter) Fern. var.
Rating: Medium vulgaris (Maxim.) Hara
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Arum spp. L. Rosaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Araceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Tropical Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Origin: Europe ToxicDispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Weed of: Cereals References: United States of America-N-
Ornamental References: Turkey-A-144. 101.
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Water,
Escapee Aruncus aethusifolius (H.Lèv.) Nakai Arundina bambusifolia (Roxb.) Lindl.
Seed Longevity: Transient Rosaceae Orchidaceae
Weed of: Pastures Total N° of Refs: 1 Accepted name: Arundina graminifolia
References: Global-W-23, Europe, eastern- Habit: perennial Herb (D.Don) Hochr.
AW-272, United Kingdom-N-519, Origin: E Asia Total N° of Refs: 27
Denmark-CN-711, Denmark-N-1006, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental References: Australia-E-1159.
Norway-N-1006, Sweden-N-1006, Europe- Dispersed by: Humans
N-819, Global-A-1207, Norway-N-1243, References: Sweden-W-1609.
France-A-1266, Global-W-1324, Turkey-
W-1460, Norway-N-1535, Denmark-W-
1609, Norway-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609,
United Kingdom-N-1636, Italy-A-87,
Global-CD-1611, Russia-C-1671, Sweden-
N-1802, France-A-1814, Chile-I-1872,
Turkey-A-2103, Chile-W-1977, Denmark-
W-1977, Sweden-W-1977.

Arundina graminifolia (D.Don) Hochr. Arundinaria falconeri (Hook. f. ex Arundinaria humilis Mitford
Orchidaceae Munro) Benth. ex Gamble Poaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Arundina Poaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Pleioblastus
bambusifolia (Roxb.) Lindl. (1) Accepted name: Himalayacalamus humilis (Mitford) Nakai (2)
Total N° of Refs: 27 falconeri (Hook. f. ex Munro) Keng f. Total N° of Refs: 2
Global Risk Score: 2.88 Total N° of Refs: 6 Habit: Grass
Rating: Low Habit: Grass Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Habit: perennial Herb References: Chile-I-1872. Dispersed by: Humans
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Origin: C Asia, E Asia, SE Asia Arundinaria fortunei (Van Houtte) Arundinaria japonica Siebold & Zucc. ex
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Riviere & C. Riviere Steud.
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Poaceae Poaceae
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Accepted name: Arundinaria variegata Accepted name: Pseudosasa japonica (Sieb.
References: Puerto Rico-CW-261, United (Siebold ex Miq.) Makino & Zucc. ex Steud.) Makino ex Nakai
States of America-CE-617, Costa Rica-I- Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 51
975, Global-W-306, United States of Habit: Grass Global Risk Score: 2.16
America-N-101, United States of America- References: Chile-I-1872. Rating: Low
N-301, United States of America-E-151, Habit: Grass
United States of America-N-839, Belize-N- Arundinaria gigantea (Walter) Muhl. Origin: E Asia
850, Australia-N-864, Costa Rica-CN-872, Poaceae Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Puerto Rico-N-1253, United States of Synonym/s (n° of refs): Arundinaria tecta Dispersed by: Humans
America-N-1292, United States of (Walter) Muhl. (3) Weed of: Cereals
America-N-1300, La Reunion-W-1321, Total N° of Refs: 4 References: New Zealand-E-328, Pakistan-
Global-W-1324, Global-CD-1611, United Global Risk Score: 2.24 A-1308, Chile-I-1872.
States of America-E-1736, United States of Rating: Low
America-N-1762, Panama-N-1927, Toxic - Habit: Grass Arundinaria linearis Hackel
Australia-W-1977, Colombia-W-1977, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Poaceae
Costa Rica-W-1977, Fiji-W-1977, Marshall Origin: N Am Synonym/s (n° of refs): Pleioblastus
Islands-W-1977, Peru-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, linearis (Hack.) Nakai (1)
Ornamental, Pasture Total N° of Refs: 1
Arundinaria chino (Franch. & Sav.) Dispersed by: Humans Habit: Grass
Makino References: United States of America-E- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Poaceae 80. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Pleioblastus chino Dispersed by: Humans
(Franch. & Sav.) Makino (10) Arundinaria gigantea (Walt.) Muhl.
Total N° of Refs: 16 subsp. gigantea Arundinaria maling Gamble
Habit: Grass Poaceae Poaceae
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1
Dispersed by: Humans Habit: perennial Grass Habit: Grass
References: United Kingdom-N-1006, References: United States of America-U- References: India-A-1124.
Europe-N-819, Global-W-1324, Belgium- 904.
W-1977, Chile-W-1977, United Kingdom- Arundinaria pumila Mitford
W-1977. Arundinaria graminea (Bean) Makino Poaceae
Poaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Pleioblastus
Arundinaria chrysantha Mitford Synonym/s (n° of refs): Pleioblastus pumilus (Mitford) Nakai (2)
Poaceae gramineus (Bean) Nakai (7) Total N° of Refs: 2
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 8 Habit: Grass
Habit: Grass Habit: Grass Major Pathway/s: Herbal
References: Chile-I-1872. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Arundinaria pusilla A.Chevalier &
Arundinaria falcata Nees Dispersed by: Humans A.Camus
Poaceae References: -I-, Cook Islands-W-1977. Poaceae
Accepted name: Drepanostachyum Total N° of Refs: 1
falcatum (Nees) Keng f. Arundinaria hindsii Munro Habit: Grass
Total N° of Refs: 4 Poaceae Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Global Risk Score: 1.2 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Pleioblastus hindsii Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Rating: Low (Munro) Nakai (4) Dispersed by: Humans
Habit: perennial Grass Total N° of Refs: 4 References: Thailand-A-209.
Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Ornamental Habit: Grass
Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
References: Chile-I-1872. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans

Arundinaria pygmaea (Miq.) Asch. & Arundinaria variegata (Siebold ex Miq.) Arundinella hirta (Thunb.) Koidz.
Graebn. Makino Poaceae
Poaceae Poaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Arundinella
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Pleioblastus Synonym/s (n° of refs): Arundinaria anomala Steud. (1)
distichus (Mitford) Nakai (1), Pleioblastus fortunei (Van Houtte) Riviere & C. Riviere Total N° of Refs: 6
pygmaeus (Miq.) Nakai (4), Pleioblastus (1), Pleioblastus chino (Franch. & Savat.) Habit: perennial Grass
pygmaeus (Miq.) Nakai var. distichus Makino (Makino) S.Suzuki var. viridis Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
(Mitford) Nakai (1) (Makino) S.Suzuki (1), Pleioblastus Origin: E Asia
Total N° of Refs: 9 shibuyanus Makino & Nakai fo. pubescens Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture
Habit: Grass S.Suzuki (1), Pleioblastus variegatus Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental (Siebold ex Miq.) Makino (5) References: Japan-W-286, Asia-W-204,
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 8 South Korea-A-648, Global-A-1207,
References: Asia-W-204, United Kingdom- Habit: Grass Japan-A-87.
N-1006, Europe-N-819. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Origin: E Asia Arundinella hispida (Humb. & Bonpl. ex
Arundinaria simonii (Carrière) Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Willd.) Kuntze
A.Rivière & C.Rivière Dispersed by: Humans Poaceae
Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 2
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Pleioblastus Arundinaria viridistriata (Regel) Aqua - Habit: Grass
simonii (Carri re) Nakai (8) Makino ex Nakai Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 15 Poaceae References: Brazil--1767, Myanmar-N-
Global Risk Score: 0.24 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Pleioblastus 1796.
Rating: Low auricomus (Mitford) D.C.McClint. (4)
Habit: Grass Total N° of Refs: 5 Arundinella hookeri Munro. ex Keng
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Habit: Grass Poaceae
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 2
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans Habit: Grass
References: United States of America-N- References: Global-N-85. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
101, Australia-W-869, United Kingdom-N- Weed of: Pastures
1006, Europe-N-819, Global-W-1324, Arundinella anomala Steud. References: Nepal-A-244, Bhutan-W-423.
Australia-E-1456, United Kingdom-W- Poaceae
1977. Accepted name: Arundinella hirta (Thunb.) Arundinella leptochloa (Nees) Hook.f.
Koidz. Poaceae
Arundinaria spp. Michx. Total N° of Refs: 6 Total N° of Refs: 4
Poaceae Habit: Grass Habit: Grass
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Pleioblastus spp. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Nakai (1) Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 9 References: China-W-431. References: Global-A-1207, south and
Habit: Grass southeast Asia-A-1320, south and southeast
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Arundinella bengalensis (Spreng) Druce Asia-A-1408, India-A-87.
Subtropical, Tropical Poaceae
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 6 Arundinella pumila (Hochst.) Steud.
References: Slovakia-CE-782, Australia-E- Habit: Grass Poaceae
73, Australia-W-869, Global-CD-1611, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Total N° of Refs: 2
Australia-X-1693, Australia-E-1754, Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Habit: Grass
France-N-1940, Australia-W-1977. References: India-A-758, China-W-431, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
south and southeast Asia-A-1320, India-A- Origin: Africa
Arundinaria tecta (Walter) Muhl. 87, Bangladesh-A-1649, India/Nepal-A- References: India-A-1034, India-I-1992.
Poaceae 1617.
Accepted name: Arundinaria gigantea Arundinella setosa Trin.
subsp. tecta (Walter) Muhl. (Walter) Arundinella ciliata (Roxb.) Nees ex Miq. Poaceae
McClure Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 3
Total N° of Refs: 4 Total N° of Refs: 3 Habit: Grass
Global Risk Score: 1.52 Habit: Grass Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical,
Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Tropical
Habit: Grass References: India-A-1359, India-A-1034, Origin: Aust
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Pasture India-A-1696. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans
References: United States of America-W- Arundinella deppeana Nees ex Steud. References: Vietnam-A-87, India-A-1448,
218, United States of America-A-87, North Poaceae India-A-1696.
America-N-1760. Total N° of Refs: 2
Habit: Grass Arundinella sinensis Rendle
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Poaceae
References: Mexico-W-890, Mexico-W- Total N° of Refs: 1
1226. Habit: Grass
References: Vietnam-A-87.

Arundinella spp. Raddi Arundo donax L. I-879, Australia-E-880, Africa-I-886,
Poaceae Poaceae Canary Islands-I-902, United States of
Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Arundo donax L. America-U-904, New Zealand-W-906,
Habit: Grass var. versicolor (Mill.) Stokes (6) Argentina-A-913, India-U-914, New
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Total N° of Refs: 398 Zealand-N-919, Dominican Republic-A-
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Global Risk Score: 35.84 925, Puerto Rico-A-929, Chile-A-931,
References: India-A-758. Rating: Extreme United States of America-W-946,
Aqua - Habit: Grass Mediterranean-EWI-951, New Zealand-W-
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, 964, Argentina-I-983, Brazil-I-984,
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Paraguay-I-987, Australia-N-354, Spain-N-
Origin: Africa, C Asia, E Asia, Europe, SE 1006, France-N-1006, France-N-1006,
Asia, Cosmopolitan Greece-N-1006, Portugal-N-1006, Malta-
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, N-1006, Slovenia-N-1006, Turkey-N-1006,
Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture Thailand-W-1045, Australia-N-1049,
Dispersed by: Humans, Water, Wind, Australia-W-1068, Pacific-E-1078, Wallis,
Escapee Futuna and Alofi Islands-EI-1080,
Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations Australia-I-1088, Portugal-N-898, Europe-
References: Guyana-N-32, Puerto Rico- N-819, Spain-I-658, Chile-W-388, New
CW-261, South Africa-AR-121, United Zealand-E-328, New Zealand-E-505,
States of America-E-129, Thailand-A-238, Spain-EI-1092, United States of America-
Australia-CEN-479, Jamaica-W-473, W-1103, Japan-W-1106, South Africa-X-
United States of America-CE-617, Africa- 1112, Africa-X-1127, Greece-NI-1142,
W-760, Australia-EN-7, Thailand-W-822, Iberian Peninsular-NI-1147, Spain-I-1149,
Pacific-W-3, United States of America-E- Crete-N-1150, Botswana-A-1153, Gal
17, Global-EI-18, Egypt-W-221, Australia- pagos Islands-CN-1157, Egypt-A-1171,
W-269, Australia-E-289, United States of Cyprus-N-1174, United Kingdom-WD-
America-E-231, United States of America- 1175, Italy-W-1176, United States of
X-35, Australia-E-72, New Zealand-E-246, America-Q-1197, Australia-W-1210,
Chile-N-300, South Africa-X-63, United China-N-1215, Belgium-U-1220,
States of America-E-2, United States of Bangladesh-W-1224, Chile-N-1229,
America-E-78, United States of America- Greece-W-1240, United States of America-
E-80, Global-NXZW-85, Global-EWD-91, E-1244, South Africa-NXI-1247, Italy-I-
South Africa-W-95, South Africa-CX-283, 251, Hungary-U-1255, Australia-E-1262,
South Africa-EW-279, United States of Caribbean-NI-1201, Italy-N-1265, Spain-
America-N-101, New Zealand-N-280, NI-1270, Botswana-N-1284, Algeria-N-
United States of America-EI-116, Chile-N- 1285, United States of America-N-1292,
241, South America-W-295, Australia-E- Peru-N-1293, south and southeast Asia-A-
296, Australia-N-134, Australia-CW-334, 1320, Global-W-1324, Brazil-I-1328,
United States of America-CE-142, South United States of America-C-1329,
Africa-W-158, United States of America- Sardinia-N-1336, Madagascar-N-1000,
W-161, United States of America-E-102, India-N-1345, French Guiana-N-1346,
United States of America-W-179, United Chile-N-1348, Global-W-1349, Zimbabwe-
States of America-AC-180, Japan-W-286, I-1365, China-EN-1374, Sardinia-U-1381,
New Zealand-EW-225, Argentina-A-236, India-N-1389, South Africa-NI-1002,
Europe, eastern-AW-272, United States of Global-E-1449, Australia-N-1450, Puerto
America-W-218, Australia-C-401, Rico and Virgin Islands-W-1452, Spain-I-
Australia-N-945, United Kingdom-U-317, 1454, Spain-I-1455, Australia-E-1456,
Australia-E-380, New Zealand-NW-425, Malta-I-1470, Argentina, Brazil and
Canary Islands-N-305, Europe-NWD-482, Uruguay-I-1476, Slovakia-U-1484,
New Zealand-E-494, China-W-431, South Australia-N-1491, Albania-N-1506, New
Africa-QID-113, New Zealand-N-15, Caledonia-I-1507, French Polynesia-N-
Australia-CEI-168, Australia-EX-189, 1514, Saudi Arabia-A-1525, Greece-N-
Spain-ENI-405, Pacific-E-621, United 1541, New Zealand-X-1542, Bangladesh-I-
States of America-I-628, Global-E-649, 1544, Bhutan-I-1544, Cambodia-I-1544,
Switzerland-NI-653, Australia-ENX-310, China-I-1544, Australia-I-1544, Cook
United States of America-EXD-661, Islands-I-1544, Federated States of
Portugal-N-662, Portugal-N-718, Spain-I- Micronesia-I-1544, Fiji-I-1544, French
738, United States of America-N-86, South Polynesia-I-1544, Guam-I-1544, India-I-
Africa-I-759, Mediterranean-I-775, North 1544, Japan-I-1544, Kiribati-I-1544, Laos-
America-E-784, United States of America- I-1544, Malaysia-I-1544, Burma-Myanmar-
N-301, United States of America-E-151, I-1544, Nauru-I-1544, Nepal-I-1544, New
Global-W-788, Mexico-N-791, Spain-I- Caledonia-I-1544, New Zealand-I-1544,
802, Spain-I-807, Hungary-U-809, Pakistan-I-1544, Palau-I-1544, Papua New
Switzerland-UID-818, Swaziland-N-825, Guinea-I-1544, Samoa-I-1544, Singapore-
United States of America-N-839, Australia- I-1544, Sri Lanka-I-1544, Thailand-I-1544,
N-855, Australia-N-856, Portugal-N-859, Tonga-I-1544, United States of America-I-
Australia-N-868, Australia-W-869, United 1544, Vietnam-I-1544, Wallis, Futuna and
States of America-X-229, Ecuador-N-875, Alofi Islands-I-1544, Spain-I-1595, Brazil-
Paraguay-NI-876, Mexico-I-878, Jamaica- N-1597, North Korea-N-1600, India-N-

1601, United States of America-N-1603, Vicent and the Grenadines-W-1977, Arundo pliniana Turra
Bolivia-N-1630, Iran-A-87, Spain-A-87, Slovakia-W-1977, Somalia-W-1977, South Poaceae
Argentina-A-87, Chile-A-87, Dominican Africa-W-1977, Spain-W-1977, Suriname- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Arundo plinii Turra
Republic-A-87, New Zealand-A-87, United W-1977, Switzerland-W-1977, Thailand- (2)
States of America-A-87, Italy-N-1007, W-1977, The former Yugoslav Republic of Total N° of Refs: 3
Pakistan-A-1044, Namibia-N-1548, Macedonia-W-1977, Tonga-W-1977, Aqua - Habit: Grass
Botswana-N-1551, Global-N-1218, Spain- Tunisia-W-1977, Turkey-W-1977, Uganda- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
N-1556, Cape Verde-N-1558, Brazil-N- W-1977, United Republic of Tanzania-W- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
1559, Bosnia And Herzegovina-N-1453, 1977, Uruguay-W-1977, Venezuela-W- Dispersed by: Humans, Water
South Africa-E-1646, Global-CD-1611, 1977, Zimbabwe-W-1977, Swaziland-W- References: United Kingdom-WD-1175.
India-W-1672, Australia-X-1693, Pakistan- 1977.
I-1697, India-A-1698, United States of Arundo plinii Turra
America-XW-1719, Azores-N-1721, Arundo donax L. var. donax Poaceae
Macronesia-I-1722, East Africa-I-1723, Poaceae Accepted name: Arundo pliniana Turra
Pakistan-A-1726, Brazil-N-1071, United Total N° of Refs: 10 Total N° of Refs: 3
States of America-E-1736, Europe-I-1740, Habit: perennial Grass Aqua - Habit: Grass
Brazil-N-1746, Croatia-N-1747, Bolivia- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
UN-1753, United States of America-I- Subtropical, Tropical Origin: Africa, Europe
1773, Libya-N-1796, Somalia-N-1796, Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Algeria-N-1796, Bolivia-N-1796, References: Federated States of Dispersed by: Humans, Water
Colombia-N-1796, Ecuador-N-1796, El Micronesia-N-230, Australia-W-93, References: Europe-ND-482, Spain-I-1454.
Salvador-N-1796, Ethiopia-N-1796, Australia-W-205, Australia-N-368,
Morocco-N-1796, Nicaragua-N-1796, Sri Australia-N-945, Australia-W-853, Asaemia axillaris (Thunb.) Harv. ex O.
Lanka-N-1796, Greece-N-1803, Sardinia-I- Australia-N-868, Australia-N-354, Cuba- Hoffm.
1393, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands- NI-1505, Cuba-I-2055. Asteraceae
C-1821, Sardinia-AI-1824, India-I-1826, Accepted name: Asaemia minuta (L. f.) K.
Australia-N-1902, Chile-I-1872, Brazil-I- Arundo donax L. var. versicolor (Mill.) Bremer
1876, Chile and Argentina-E-1874, New Stokes Total N° of Refs: 1
Zealand-Q-1879, Mexico-NI-1881, South Poaceae Toxic - Habit: Shrub
Africa-EI-1886, Italy-UNI-1887, India-I- Accepted name: Arundo donax L. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
1904, Sardinia-N-1917, Egypt-R-1922, Total N° of Refs: 398 Origin: Africa
Colombia-I-1926, Australia-A-1928, Habit: Grass References: South Africa-AR-121.
Australia-WD-1934, China-N-1938, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
France-N-1940, France-W-1943, Saudi Tropical Asaemia minuta (L. f.) K. Bremer
Arabia-A-1951, Australia-N-1959, Italy- Origin: E Asia Asteraceae
NI-1842, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Synonym/s (n° of refs): Asaemia axillaris
Egypt-U-1979, Bosnia and Herzegovina-N- Dispersed by: Humans (Thunb.) Harv. ex O. Hoffm. (1), Athanasia
1987, Switzerland-U-1990, South Africa- References: Japan-N-287, Australia-N-945, minuta (L. f.) Kallersjo (1)
N-1991, South Africa-RI-2017, Mexico-I- Japan-N-794, Japan-N-1278, Cuba-NI- Total N° of Refs: 2
2026, Angola-N-2028, New Zealand-N- 1505, Cuba-NI-2055.
2048, New Zealand-Q-2086, New Zealand- Asarina barclaiana (Lindl.) Pennell
E-483, Global-W-2097, Albania-W-1977, Arundo formosana Hack. Scrophulariaceae
Algeria-W-1977, Angola-W-1977, Antigua Poaceae Accepted name: Maurandya barclaiana
and Barbuda-W-1977, Argentina-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 3 Lindl.
Armenia-W-1977, Australia-W-1977, Habit: Grass Total N° of Refs: 19
Bahamas-W-1977, Bangladesh-W-1977, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Habit: Vine
Barbados-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Bhutan-W-1977, Bolivia-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans Origin: N Am
Botswana-W-1977, Brazil-W-1977, Cabo References: China-W-431, Global-A-1207, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Verde-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Colombia- Taiwan-A-87. Dispersed by: Humans
W-1977, Cook Islands-W-1977, Costa References: Australia-N-7, Australia-N-
Rica-W-1977, Croatia-W-1977, Cuba-W- Arundo madagascariensis Kunth 856, Australia-N-1049.
1977, Cyprus-W-1977, Democratic Poaceae
Republic of the Congo-W-1977, Accepted name: Neyraudia arundinacea
Dominican Republic-W-1977, Ecuador-W- (L.) Henr.
1977, Egypt-W-1977, El Salvador-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 3
Ethiopia-W-1977, Fiji-W-1977, France-W- Habit: Grass
1977, Greece-W-1977, Guatemala-W- References: Vietnam-A-87.
1977, Haiti-W-1977, Hungary-W-1977,
Italy-W-1977, Jamaica-W-1977, Japan-W-
1977, Jordan-W-1977, Kenya-W-1977,
Libya-W-1977, Malta-W-1977, Mexico-W-
1977, Micronesia (Federated States of)-W-
1977, Morocco-W-1977, Namibia-W-1977,
Nauru-W-1977, New Zealand-W-1977,
Nicaragua-W-1977, Pakistan-W-1977,
Palau-W-1977, Papua New Guinea-W-
1977, Paraguay-W-1977, Peru-W-1977,
Portugal-W-1977, Romania-W-1977, Saint

Asarina erubescens (D.Don) Pennell Asarum europaeum L. Asclepias campestris Decne.
Scrophulariaceae Aristolochiaceae Apocynaceae
Accepted name: Lophospermum Total N° of Refs: 24 Total N° of Refs: 4
erubescens D. Don Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb References: Argentina-W-237, South
Total N° of Refs: 33 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean America-W-295, Argentina-A-913,
Global Risk Score: 1.44 Origin: Europe Argentina-A-87.
Rating: Low Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Habit: Vine Herbal, Ornamental Asclepias cordifolia (Benth.) Jepson
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle, Apocynaceae
Tropical Livestock, Sheep, Escapee Total N° of Refs: 1
Origin: N Am Seed Longevity: Short Term Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental References: Global-N-108, Europe, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee eastern-W-272, United Kingdom-N-519, Dispersed by: Humans
References: Costa Rica-I-975, Costa Rica- Denmark-N-711, United Kingdom-CN- References: Australia-Q-1134.
CN-872, Australia, northern-W-1204, 812, Belgium-N-1006, Denmark-N-1006,
Global-CD-1611. United Kingdom-N-1006, Norway-N-1006, Asclepias cornuti Decne.
Sweden-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Belgium- Apocynaceae
Asarina procumbens Mill. N-1220, Norway-N-1243, Global-W-1324, Accepted name: Asclepias syriaca L.
Scrophulariaceae Denmark-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, Total N° of Refs: 145
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Antirrhinum Global-CZD-1611, Russia-W-1671, Major Pathway/s: Herbal
asarina L. (2) Sweden-N-1802, Algeria-W-1977, References: Chile-I-1872, Algeria-W-1977,
Total N° of Refs: 21 Belgium-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, Chile-W-1977.
Global Risk Score: 0.48 Sweden-W-1977, United Kingdom-W-
Rating: Low 1977.
Habit: perennial Herb
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Asclepias amplexicaulis Sm.
Origin: Africa, Europe Apocynaceae
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 2
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
References: United Kingdom-N-40, United Dispersed by: Humans
Kingdom-CN-314, United Kingdom-N- References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
519, Hungary-NI-809, United Kingdom-
CN-812, Switzerland-N-818, Germany-N- Asclepias asperula (Decne.) Woodson
1006, United Kingdom-N-1006, Hungary- Apocynaceae
N-1006, Switzerland-N-1006, Europe-N- Total N° of Refs: 2
819, Belgium-N-1220, Hungary-N-1255, Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
Germany-W-1609, Global-CD-1611, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Europe-UGN-1740, Belgium-W-1977, Origin: N Am
Germany-W-1977, United Kingdom-W- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
1977. Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
Asarum canadense L. Weed of: Pastures
Aristolochiaceae References: United States of America-A-
Total N° of Refs: 6 961, United States of America-A-1160.
Global Risk Score: 3.6
Rating: Low Asclepias burchellii Schltr.
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Apocynaceae
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Total N° of Refs: 1
Ornamental Global Risk Score: 0.48
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Escapee Rating: Low
References: Canada-A-642, Canada-C-756, Habit: perennial Herb
Norway-N-1535, Norway-W-1609, Global- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
CD-1611, Europe--, Canada-G-1855. Origin: Africa
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Dispersed by: Humans
References: South Africa-AZR-121.

Asclepias californica Greene

Total N° of Refs: 1
Global Risk Score: 1.2
Rating: Low
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Australia-Q-1134.

Asclepias curassavica L. 87, Melanesia-A-87, Polynesia, West-A-87, Asclepias eriocarpa Benth.
Apocynaceae Australia-A-87, Hawaii-A-87, India-A-87, Apocynaceae
Total N° of Refs: 229 Suriname-A-87, Trinidad-A-87, Turkey-A- Total N° of Refs: 7
Global Risk Score: 14.4 87, Yugoslavia-A-87, Argentina-A-87, Global Risk Score: 3.6
Rating: Medium Borneo-A-87, Brazil-A-87, Cambodia-A- Rating: Low
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb 87, Colombia-A-87, Costa Rica-A-87, Fiji- Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, A-87, Ghana-A-87, Belize-A-87, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Subtropical, Tropical Indonesia-A-87, Iran-A-87, Jamaica-A-87, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Origin: C Am, E Asia, Europe, N Am, S Japan-A-87, Malaysia-A-87, Micronesia-A- Ornamental
Am 87, Nepal-A-87, New Guinea-A-87, Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Nicaragua-A-87, Panama-A-87, Peru-A-87, References: United States of America-W-
Herbal, Ornamental Puerto Rico-A-87, Zimbabwe-A-87, El 161, United States of America-W-218,
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Salvador-A-87, Senegal-A-87, Thailand-A- Australia-Q-1134, Global-W-1349, United
Weed of: Pastures 87, United States of America-A-87, States of America-A-87, Chile-I-1872,
References: Cuba-A-14, Federated States Venezuela-A-87, Hong Kong-A-87, Cape Chile-W-1977.
of Micronesia-N-230, Australia-W-93, Verde-N-1558, Central America-A-1568,
Papua New Guinea-W-276, Brazil-W-255, Costa Rica-W-1570, Australia, northern- Asclepias erosa Torr.
Gal pagos Islands-EW-257, Brazil-W-361, W-1204, Global-CD-1611, India-EI-1707, Apocynaceae
Brazil-W-407, Australia-CN-368, Gal Brazil-N-1071, United States of America- Total N° of Refs: 1
pagos Islands-CN-375, Vanuatu-A-315, E-1736, Europe-X-1740, Brazil-N-1746, Global Risk Score: 0.72
Australia-CN-468, Australia-CEN-479, Taiwan-W-1748, China-N-1758, India-I- Rating: Low
France-N-518, Taiwan-N-777, Slovakia- 1764, Brazil--1767, China-I-1769, India-N- Habit: perennial Herb
AE-782, Australia-W-269, United States of 1790, Sao Tome and Principe-N-1805, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland
America-CW-34, Chile-N-300, Global- Australia-N-1902, Singapore-N-1839, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
ZW-85, Global-W-217, United States of Chile and Argentina-A-1874, India-I-1875, Dispersed by: Humans
America-N-101, New Zealand-UW-280, Italy-N-1887, Honduras-W-1892, Belize- References: Australia-Q-1134.
Chile-N-241, South America-W-295, A-1900, India-I-1904, India-I-1914,
Central America-W-157, United States of Mexico-R-1935, Canary Islands-N-1967, Asclepias exaltata L.
America-W-161, United States of America- Canary Islands-N-1970, -I-, -I-, -I-, South Apocynaceae
W-179, Japan-N-287, Australia-N-198, Africa-N-1991, India-I-2022, New Synonym/s (n° of refs): Asclepias
United States of America-W-218, Zealand-U-2048, Brazil-R-2053, Paraguay- phytolaccoides Pursh (1)
Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945, A-2070, Algeria-W-1977, Australia-W- Total N° of Refs: 5
Australia-E-327, Canary Islands-N-305, 1977, Bahamas-W-1977, Barbados-W- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Spain-NI-405, Pacific-W-621, Canary 1977, Brazil-W-1977, Brunei Darussalam- Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Islands-N-637, Europe-N-638, Australia- W-1977, Burkina Faso-W-1977, References: Canada-C-756, Global-CD-
AEN-310, Australia-EN-7, United States of Cambodia-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, China- 1611, Canada-G-1855, Chile-W-1977.
America-N-301, United States of America- W-1977, Cook Islands-W-1977, Cyprus-
E-151, Japan-N-794, Spain-I-802, Spain-I- W-1977, Democratic Republic of the Asclepias fascicularis Dcne.
807, New Zealand-N-823, United States of Congo-W-1977, Ecuador-W-1977, Apocynaceae
America-N-839, Australia-W-853, Equatorial Guinea-W-1977, Fiji-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 8
Australia-N-855, Australia-N-856, Greece-W-1977, Hungary-W-1977, India- Global Risk Score: 0.72
Australia-N-868, Australia-W-869, W-1977, Iran (Islamic Republic of)-W- Rating: Low
Ecuador-N-875, Mexico-W-890, Canary 1977, Italy-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
Islands-I-902, New Zealand-U-919, Brazil- Kiribati-W-1977, Lao People's Democratic Origin: N Am
A-923, Africa-N-926, Trinidad-A-928, Republic-W-1977, Malaysia-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Peru-A-930, Venezuela-A-932, India-N- Marshall Islands-W-1977, Micronesia Dispersed by: Humans
976, Australia-N-354, Italy-N-1006, (Federated States of)-W-1977, Weed of: Pastures
Portugal-N-1006, Spain-N-1006, India-I- Mozambique-W-1977, Palau-W-1977, References: United States of America-W-
1047, Australia-N-1049, China-I-1055, Papua New Guinea-W-1977, Portugal-W- 161, United States of America-A-180,
Australia-W-1068, Portugal-N-898, 1977, Rwanda-W-1977, Samoa-W-1977, United States of America-W-212, United
Europe-N-819, Hungary-I-455, Laos-N- Singapore-W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977, States of America-W-218, United States of
1102, United States of America-N-1115, Solomon Islands-W-1977, South Africa-W- America-W-946, Global-W-1349, United
Greece-U-1142, India-N-1148, Crete-U- 1977, Spain-W-1977, Sudan-W-1977, States of America-A-87, Chile-W-1977.
1150, Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157, Taiwan-W-1977, Thailand-W-1977,
Australia, northern-EN-1183, China-N- Tonga-W-1977, Tuvalu-W-1977, Vanuatu-
1215, Mexico-W-1226, Chile-N-1229, W-1977, Zimbabwe-W-1977, Global--
South Africa-I-1247, Italy-N-251, Japan-N- 1324.
1278, India-I-1279, India-I-1280,
Singapore-N-1290, United States of Asclepias curassavica L. fo. flava
America-N-1292, La Reunion-N-1321, Tawada
China-N-1344, India-I-1345, Chile-N- Apocynaceae
1348, Global-W-1349, Zimbabwe-U-1365, Total N° of Refs: 1
China-N-1374, South Africa-NI-1002, References: Japan-N-287.
Taiwan-N-1403, Australia-N-1450, Puerto
Rico and Virgin Islands-W-1452, Spain-U- Asclepias currassavica L.
1454, Australia-E-1456, Australia-N-1491, Apocynaceae
China-I-1496, New Caledonia-I-1507, Total N° of Refs: 1
French Polynesia-N-1514, Fiji-A-1521, References: Chile-I-1872.
India-N-1628, Bolivia-N-1630, Ecuador-A-

Asclepias fruticosa L. Asclepias incarnata L. Asclepias lanuginosa Nutt.
Apocynaceae Apocynaceae Apocynaceae
Accepted name: Gomphocarpus fruticosus Synonym/s (n° of refs): Asclepias incarnata Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acerates
(L.) R.Br. ex W.T.Ait. L. var. pulchra (Ehrh. ex Willd.) Pers. (1), lanuginosa (Nutt.) Dcne. (1)
Total N° of Refs: 119 Asclepias pulchra L. (1) Total N° of Refs: 1
Global Risk Score: 4.32 Total N° of Refs: 20 Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Rating: Low Global Risk Score: 9.6 Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Toxic - Habit: Shrub Rating: Medium
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Toxic, Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb Asclepias latifolia (Torr.) Raf.
Subtropical, Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical Apocynaceae
Origin: Africa Origin: N Am Total N° of Refs: 6
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
Ornamental Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Dryland
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans, Water Major Pathway/s: Herbal
References: South Africa-AZR-121, South Weed of: Vegetables References: United States of America-W-
Africa-W-51, Australia-E-380, Crete-N- References: Global-W-23, United States of 161, United States of America-W-218,
771, Japan-N-794, United States of America-W-161, United States of America- United States of America-A-1160, Global-
America-N-101, Greece-NI-1142, Crete-N- W-174, United States of America-AW-210, W-1349, Mexico-A-87, United States of
1150, Botswana-W-1153, Global-A-1207, United States of America-EWD-212, America-A-87.
Italy-I-251, Japan-N-1278, Peru-N-1293, United States of America-W-218, United
Sardinia-NI-1336, South Africa-E-1646, States of America-A-543, Canada-A-642, Asclepias linaria Cav.
Greece-U-1803, Sardinia-I-1393, Sardinia- United States of America-W-1104, Apocynaceae
AI-1824, Argentina-A-1874, Italy-UNI- Australia-Q-1134, Belgium-U-1220, Total N° of Refs: 4
1887, Sardinia-N-1917, Italy-N-1842. Global-W-1349, Canada-A-87, United Habit: Shrub
States of America-A-87, Chile-I-1872, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical
Asclepias galioides auct. Amer. Algeria-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Chile- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Apocynaceae W-1977. Dispersed by: Humans
Accepted name: Asclepias subverticillata References: Mexico-W-735, Mexico-W-
(Gray) Vail Asclepias incarnata L. var. pulchra 890, Mexico-W-1226, Mexico-W-1510.
Total N° of Refs: 9 (Ehrh. ex Willd.) Pers.
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Apocynaceae Asclepias mellodora A. St.-Hil.
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Accepted name: Asclepias incarnata subsp. Apocynaceae
Origin: N Am pulchra Accepted name: Asclepias nervosa Decne.
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal Total N° of Refs: 19 Total N° of Refs: 6
References: United States of America-A- References: Canada-A-642. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
49, United States of America-W-218. Origin: S Am
Asclepias incarnata L. subsp. incarnata References: Argentina-W-237, South
Asclepias glaucescens Kunth Apocynaceae America-W-295, Uruguay-A-924,
Apocynaceae Total N° of Refs: 3 Paraguay-A-2070.
Total N° of Refs: 3 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Asclepias mexicana Cav.
References: Mexico-W-890, Mexico-W- References: Canada-C-756, Global-CD- Apocynaceae
1226, Mexico-R-1935. 1611, Canada-G-1855. Total N° of Refs: 5
Global Risk Score: 1.44
Asclepias hallii A.Gray. Asclepias incarnata L. subsp. pulchra Rating: Low
Apocynaceae (Ehrh. ex Willd.) Woods. Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
Total N° of Refs: 3 Apocynaceae Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Global Risk Score: 2.4 Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Rating: Low References: Canada-A-642. Dispersed by: Humans
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb References: United States of America-W-
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland Asclepias labriformis M. E. Jones 218, Mexico-W-890, Mexico-W-1226,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Apocynaceae United States of America-A-87, Chile-I-
Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 6 1872.
Dispersed by: Humans ToxicOrigin: N Am
References: Australia-Q-1134, Chile-I- Major Pathway/s: Herbal Asclepias nervosa Decne.
1872, Chile-W-1977. Weed of: Vegetables Apocynaceae
References: United States of America-W- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Asclepias
161, United States of America-W-212, mellodora A. St.-Hil. (4)
United States of America-W-218, United Total N° of Refs: 6
States of America-A-543, Global-W-1349, References: Argentina-A-87, Uruguay-A-
United States of America-A-87. 87.

Asclepias nivea L. Asclepias physocarpa (E.Mey.) Schltr. Asclepias quadrifolia Jacq.
Apocynaceae Apocynaceae Apocynaceae
Total N° of Refs: 5 Accepted name: Gomphocarpus Total N° of Refs: 2
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical physocarpus E.Mey ToxicMajor Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 91 References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans Global Risk Score: 7.2
References: Cuba-A-14, Puerto Rico-A- Rating: Medium Asclepias rotundifolia Mill.
929, Puerto Rico-A-87, Dominican Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Apocynaceae
Republic-A-87, Jamaica-A-87. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Accepted name: Gomphocarpus cancellatus
Subtropical, Tropical (Burm. f.) Bruyns
Asclepias notha W.D.Stevens Origin: Africa Total N° of Refs: 13
Apocynaceae Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Global Risk Score: 0.24
Total N° of Refs: 3 Ornamental Rating: Low
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Habit: perennial Herb
References: Mexico-W-199, Mexico-W- Weed of: Orchards & Plantations, Pastures Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
890, Mexico-W-1226. References: South Africa-AR-121, France- Dispersed by: Humans
N-518, United States of America-AC-654, References: Australia-N-945, Australia-E-
Asclepias oenotheroides Cham. & New Zealand-E-246, United States of 380.
Schlecht. America-N-101, South Africa-W-158,
Apocynaceae United States of America-N-301, United Asclepias solanoana Woodson
Total N° of Refs: 3 States of America-N-839, Spain-N-1006, Apocynaceae
Habit: perennial Herb Greece-N-1006, Italy-N-1006, Portugal-N- Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical 1006, Australia-N-1049, Europe-N-819, Global Risk Score: 0.24
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Greece-N-1142, Crete-N-1150, United Rating: Low
References: Central America-W-157, States of America-Q-1197, Global-A-1207, Habit: perennial Herb
Mexico-W-890, Mexico-W-1226. Italy-N-251, United States of America-N- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
1292, Peru-N-1293, Spain-U-1454, New Dispersed by: Humans
Asclepias ovalifolia Decne. Caledonia-I-1507, French Polynesia-N- References: Australia-Q-1134.
Apocynaceae 1514, Australia-A-87, Global-CD-1611,
Total N° of Refs: 2 United States of America-E-1736, Eastern Asclepias speciosa Torr.
Habit: perennial Herb Caribbean-N-1742, Brazil-N-1746, Italy-N- Apocynaceae
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal 1887. Total N° of Refs: 17
References: United States of America-W- Global Risk Score: 7.2
218, United States of America-A-87. Asclepias phytolaccoides Pursh Rating: Medium
Apocynaceae Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
Asclepias perennis Walt. Accepted name: Asclepias exaltata L. Preferred Climate/s: Dryland
Apocynaceae Total N° of Refs: 5 Origin: N Am
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Chile-I-1872. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Herbal, Ornamental
References: Global-N-85. Asclepias pulchra L. Dispersed by: Humans
Apocynaceae Weed of: Pastures
Accepted name: Asclepias incarnata subsp. References: Global-W-23, United States of
pulchra America-A-49, Global-ZW-85, United
Total N° of Refs: 19 States of America-W-136, United States of
Habit: Herb America-W-161, Canada and United States
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental of America-XW-299, United States of
Dispersed by: Humans America-AW-212, United States of
References: Canada-A-642. America-W-218, Canada-A-642, North
America-X-790, United States of America-
Asclepias pumila (A. Gray) Vail W-946, Australia-Q-1134, Global-W-1349,
Apocynaceae Canada-A-87, United States of America-A-
Total N° of Refs: 1 87, Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Asclepias spp. L.
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal Apocynaceae
References: United States of America-W- Total N° of Refs: 6
161. ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Origin: Africa
Asclepias purpurascens L. Dispersed by: Humans
Apocynaceae Weed of: Cutflowers, Nursery Production
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Global-W-23, Global-A-243,
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Global-XW-85, North America-X-790,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Norway-W-1609, United States of
Ornamental America-AZD-1667.
Dispersed by: Humans
References: United States of America-W-

Asclepias subverticillata (A. Gray) Vail Asclepias syriaca L. Republic-A-1909, France-R-1942, Serbia-
Apocynaceae Apocynaceae R-1946, -I-, -I-, -I-, Romania-N-1986,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Asclepias galioides Synonym/s (n° of refs): Asclepias cornuti Switzerland-I-1990, Ukraine-NR-2013,
auct. Amer. (2) Decne. (3) Ukraine-NI-2014, -AWD-2036, Croatia-I-
Total N° of Refs: 9 Total N° of Refs: 145 2038, Ukraine-N-2050, Serbia-AN-2080,
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Global Risk Score: 19.2 Canada-G-1462, France-AND-2091,
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical Rating: High Canada-A-2099, Ukraine-N-2112, Austria-
Origin: N Am Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb W-1977, Belarus-W-1977, Belgium-W-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, 1977, Bosnia and Herzegovina-W-1977,
Weed of: Vegetables Mediterranean Bulgaria-W-1977, Croatia-W-1977, Czech
References: United States of America-W- Origin: E Asia, N Am Republic-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977,
264, United States of America-W-161, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, France-W-1977, Germany-W-1977,
United States of America-W-218, United Ornamental Hungary-W-1977, Italy-W-1977,
States of America-A-543, United States of Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Water, Lithuania-W-1977, Mexico-W-1977,
America-A-1160, Global-W-1349, United Wind, Escapee Montenegro-W-1977, Netherlands-W-
States of America-A-87. Weed of: Cereals, Grapevines, Nursery 1977, Poland-W-1977, Republic of
Production, Orchards & Plantations, Moldova-W-1977, Romania-W-1977,
Asclepias sullivantii Engelm. ex Gray Pastures, Vegetables Serbia-W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977,
Apocynaceae References: Global-W-23, United States of Slovenia-W-1977, Switzerland-W-1977,
Total N° of Refs: 1 America-W-266, Global-W-433, Canada- Ukraine-W-1977.
ToxicMajor Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental W-52, Global-A-243, Canada-W-294,
Dispersed by: Humans United States of America-W-161, United Asclepias tuberosa L.
References: Australia-Q-1134. States of America-W-174, United States of Apocynaceae
America-AW-207, United States of Total N° of Refs: 15
America-AW-210, United States of Global Risk Score: 7.2
America-AG-211, Europe, eastern-AW- Rating: Medium
272, United States of America-W-218, Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
Czech Republic-N-400, United States of Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
America-A-543, Spain-N-405, Europe-N- Mediterranean, Subtropical
638, Canada-A-642, Ukraine-NR-643, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Switzerland-N-653, Austria-CN-708, Ornamental
Denmark-C-711, Lithuania-I-737, Canada- Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
C-756, Slovenia-E-772, Mediterranean-I- References: Global-W-23, United States of
775, Global-W-788, North America-X-790, America-W-161, United States of America-
Hungary-I-809, France-W-764, W-218, Canada-A-642, Canada-C-756,
Switzerland-URI-818, Czech Republic-N- United States of America-W-967, United
826, Hungary-ANI-1255, Mexico-I-878, States of America-W-1104, Global-W-
Europe-ANI-889, Croatia-I-891, Austria- 1349, United States of America-A-87,
W-337, Mediterranean-W-951, Global-CD-1611, Canada-G-1855, Chile-I-
Czechoslovakia-N-1006, France-N-1006, 1872, New Zealand-Q-1879, New Zealand-
Germany-N-1006, Italy-N-1006, Q-2086, Chile-W-1977.
Netherlands-N-1006, Poland-N-1006,
Romania-N-1006, Slovenia-N-1006, Asclepias tuberosa L. subsp. interior
Europe-N-819, Slovakia-I-782, United Woods.
States of America-W-1104, Ukraine-I- Apocynaceae
1121, Hungary-AEI-1164, Italy-N-1165, Total N° of Refs: 1
Serbia-E-1177, Russia-I-1178, Europe-W- References: Canada-A-642.
1191, Global-Q-1208, Poland-R-1219,
Belgium-N-1220, Croatia-I-1230, Serbia- Asclepias tuberosa L. subsp. tuberosa
W-1238, Italy-N-251, Ukraine-N-1297, Apocynaceae
Global-W-1324, Serbia-G-1326, Romania- Total N° of Refs: 1
I-1334, Ukraine-N-1335, Global-W-1349, References: Canada-A-642.
Austria-W-1401, Serbia-N-1482, Slovakia-
I-1484, Croatia-NI-1517, Czech Republic- Asclepias variegata L.
I-1522, Romania-N-1540, Romania-CN- Apocynaceae
1599, Austria-W-1609, Czech Republic-W- Total N° of Refs: 2
1609, Denmark-W-1609, Russia-W-1609, Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Germany-W-1609, Lithuania-W-1609, References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
Netherlands-W-1609, Poland-W-1609,
Romania-N-1629, Canada-A-87, Iraq-A-
87, United States of America-A-87,
Poland-N-1040, Romania-N-1554, Bosnia
and Herzegovina-A-1650, Global-CD-
1611, Russia-N-1688, Czech Republic-I-
1731, Europe-UNI-1740, Croatia-NW-
1747, Global-AD-1589, Romania-ID-1801,
Poland-CD-1841, Serbia-R-1848, Canada-
G-1855, Mexico-Q-1880, Mexico-I-1881,
Italy-UN-1887, Croatia-I-1908, Czech

Asclepias verticillata L. Ascophyllum nodosum (L.) Le Jolis Aspalathus nivea Thunb.
Apocynaceae Fucaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Total N° of Refs: 11 Total N° of Refs: 5 Total N° of Refs: 2
ToxicOrigin: N Am Global Risk Score: 0.96 Habit: Shrub
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Rating: Low Origin: Africa
Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Weed of: Pastures, Vegetables Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal Dispersed by: Humans
References: United States of America-W- Dispersed by: Water References: New Zealand-Q-1879, New
161, United States of America-W-174, References: Europe-N-819, Global-I-1782, Zealand-Q-2086.
United States of America-AW-210, United Global-N-1785, Mediterranean-N-1795,
States of America-W-218, United States of Germany-N-1833. Aspalathus spp. L.
America-A-543, Canada-A-642, Australia- Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Q-1134, Global-W-1349, United States of Ascyrum hypericoides L. Total N° of Refs: 1
America-A-87, Chile-I-1872, Chile-W- Clusiaceae Habit: Shrub
1977. Accepted name: Hypericum hypericoides Origin: Africa
subsp. hypericoides References: South Africa-AR-121.
Asclepias viridiflora Raf. Total N° of Refs: 5
Apocynaceae Major Pathway/s: Herbal Asparagopsis armata Harv.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Acerates viridiflora References: Azores-N-1721. Bonnemaisoniaceae
(Raf.) Pursh ex Eat. (1), Acerates Synonym/s (n° of refs): Falkenbergia
viridiflora (Raf.) Pursh ex Eat. var. linearis Asimina incana (Bartram) Exell rufolanosa (Harvey) F. Schmitz (1)
Gray (1), Asclepias viridiflora Raf. var. Annonaceae Total N° of Refs: 32
lanceolata Torr. (1), Asclepias viridiflora Total N° of Refs: 1 Aqua - Habit:
Raf. var. linearis (Gray) Fern. (1) Major Pathway/s: Herbal Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 7 References: Global-W-1349. Dispersed by: Vehicles, Water
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb References: United States of America-ED-
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical Asimina reticulata Shuttlw. ex Chapm. 282, United Kingdom-ED-288, United
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Annonaceae Kingdom-ND-812, Spain-ND-1006,
Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 1 Global-ID-1065, Europe-ND-819, Global-
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal WD-1324, Mediterranean-N-1391, Global-
References: United States of America-W- References: Global-W-1349. W-1741, Mediterranean-ND-1780, Global-
161, Canada-A-642, Global-W-1349. N-1785, Europe-N-1786, United Kingdom-
Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal N-1831, Ireland-N-1832, Mediterranean-
Asclepias viridiflora Raf. var. lanceolata Annonaceae NI-1835, Algeria-W-1977, Chile-W-1977,
Torr. Total N° of Refs: 7 Croatia-W-1977, Cyprus-W-1977, France-
Apocynaceae Toxic - Habit: Shrub W-1977, Greece-W-1977, Ireland-W-1977,
Accepted name: Asclepias viridiflora Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Italy-W-1977, Morocco-W-1977,
Total N° of Refs: 4 Subtropical Netherlands-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977,
References: Canada-A-642. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Slovenia-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977,
Ornamental Spain-W-1977, Turkey-W-1977, United
Asclepias viridiflora Raf. var. linearis Dispersed by: Humans Kingdom-W-1977.
(Gray) Fern. References: United States of America-W-
Apocynaceae 161, Japan-N-794, Japan-N-1278, Global- Asparagopsis taxiformis (Delile) Trevis.
Accepted name: Asclepias viridiflora W-1349, Australia-N-1491, Sao Tome and Bonnemaisoniaceae
Total N° of Refs: 4 Principe-N-1805, Japan-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 18
References: Canada-A-642. Global Risk Score: 0.48
Aspalathus linearis (Burman f.) Rating: Low
Asclepias woodsoniana Standl. & R.Dahlgr. Aqua - Habit:
Steyerm. Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Major Pathway/s: Crop
Apocynaceae Total N° of Refs: 2 Dispersed by: Water
Total N° of Refs: 1 Global Risk Score: 1.2 References: Global-ID-1065, Europe-ND-
References: Costa Rica-A-1933. Rating: Low 819, Global-W-1741, Mediterranean-I-
Habit: Shrub 1775, Global-N-1785, Europe-N-1786,
Ascolepis dipsacoides J.Raynal Origin: Africa Greece-N-1803, Mediterranean-I-1132,
Cyperaceae Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Mediterranean-N-1835, Albania-W-1977,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Ornamental Croatia-W-1977, Greece-W-1977, Italy-W-
Habit: Grass Dispersed by: Humans 1977, Libya-W-1977, Malta-W-1977,
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical References: New Zealand-Q-1879, New South Africa-W-1977, Spain-W-1977,
References: Togo-A-1673. Zealand-Q-2086. Turkey-W-1977.

Ascolepis pusilla Ridl.

Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: annual Grass
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
References: Togo-A-1673.

Asparagus acutifolius L. Asparagus africanus Lam. Asparagus asparagoides (L.) Druce
Asparagaceae Asparagaceae Asparagaceae
Total N° of Refs: 3 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Asparagus asiaticus Synonym/s (n° of refs): Elide asparagoides
Global Risk Score: 2.4 L. (1), Protasparagus africanus (Lam.) (L.) Kergu len (8), Myrsiphyllum
Rating: Low Oberm. (6) asparagoides (L.) Willd. (10)
Habit: perennial Herb Total N° of Refs: 34 Total N° of Refs: 120
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Global Risk Score: 19.2 Global Risk Score: 8.64
Mediterranean Rating: High Rating: Medium
Origin: Africa, Europe Habit: perennial Vine Habit: perennial Herb
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Ornamental Subtropical, Tropical Subtropical, Tropical
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers Origin: Africa, E Asia, W Asia Origin: Africa, N Am
References: western Europe-W-70, Global- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
AD-1589, -AWD-2036. Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Vehicles,
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Water, Escapee
Asparagus aethiopicus L. Escapee Weed of: Pastures
Asparagaceae References: Australia-CENI-479, India- References: United States of America-CE-
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Asparagus NW-424, United States of America-CE- 617, Australia-W-269, Australia-E-289,
aethiopicus L. 'Sprengeri' (5), Asparagus 617, Slovakia-CE-782, Australia-E-290, Australia-E-72, New Zealand-E-246,
sprengeri Regel (6) Australia-W-54, Global-NW-85, Australia- Global-NW-85, Australia-N-9, United
Total N° of Refs: 56 E-155, Australia-C-401, Global-I-629, States of America-N-101, New Zealand-N-
Global Risk Score: 21.12 Australia-EN-310, Australia-E-880, 280, Australia-E-296, Australia-CW-334,
Rating: High Australia-N-354, Australia-I-1048, New Zealand-W-165, Australia-N-198,
Habit: perennial Herb Australia-N-1049, Australia-I-1088, New Zealand-EW-225, Australia-C-401,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Australia-I-1291, Global-W-1324, India-N- Australia-X-171, Australia-E-380,
Subtropical, Tropical 1345, Australia-E-1456, Global-CD-1611, Australia-E-327, New Zealand-NW-425,
Origin: Africa Australia-X-1693, Australia-WD-1934, New Zealand-E-494, New Zealand-X-495,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Saudi Arabia-A-1951, Algeria-W-1977, New Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N-15,
Ornamental, Pasture Australia-W-1977, India-W-1977. Global-E-649, Australia-ENX-310,
Dispersed by: Humans, Water, Escapee Portugal-N-662, Portugal-N-718, Australia-
References: Slovakia-CE-782, Australia-E- Asparagus aphyllus L. EN-7, United States of America-N-301,
296, Australia-N-134, Australia-CW-334, Asparagaceae Australia-I-799, France-NI-829, United
United Kingdom-C-314, Global-NZ-85, Total N° of Refs: 2 States of America-N-839, Australia-W-853,
Australia-W-853, Australia-W-869, Habit: perennial Herb Australia-NX-855, Australia-N-856,
Australia-E-880, New Zealand-U-919, New Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Australia-W-869, New Zealand-W-906,
Zealand-W-964, Australia-N-354, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental New Zealand-N-919, New Zealand-W-964,
Australia-I-1048, Australia-N-1049, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers Uruguay-I-988, Australia-N-354, Portugal-
Global-N-1059, New Zealand-E-505, Italy- References: Egypt-W-221, western Europe- N-1006, France-N-1006, France-N-1006,
U-251, Australia-E-1262, Australia-I-1291, W-70. Italy-N-1006, Portugal-N-1006, Malta-N-
La Reunion-W-1321, Europe-W-1325, 1006, Australia-I-1048, Australia-N-1049,
Cuba-N-1505, New Zealand-X-1542, Asparagus aphyllus L. subsp. orientalis Global-N-1059, Malta-N-1089, Portugal-N-
Global-CD-1611, Australia-X-1693, United (Baker) P.H.Davis 898, Europe-N-819, Global-W-148, New
States of America-E-1736, Australia-E- Asparagaceae Zealand-E-328, New Zealand-E-505,
1754, North America-N-1760, Eritrea-N- Total N° of Refs: 1 France-NI-841, Australia--, Australia-W-
1796, Ethiopia-N-1796, Australia-N-1902, References: Crete-A-1228. 1210, Australia-E-1259, Australia-E-1260,
Italy-U-1887, Australia-WD-1934, Australia-E-1261, Australia-E-1262,
Australia-N-1959, -I-, New Zealand-N- Asparagus asiaticus L. Australia-X-2018, Australia-X-, Australia-
2048, Cuba-I-2055, New Zealand-E-483, Asparagaceae X-, Australia-X-, United States of America-
Algeria-W-1977, Australia-W-1977, Chile- Accepted name: Asparagus africanus Lam. N-1292, Australia-X-1319, Global-W-
W-1977, Cuba-W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 28 1324, Australia-A-1331, Australia-I-1442,
New Zealand-W-1977, Spain-W-1977, Habit: Vine Australia-E-1456, Argentina, Brazil and
Global--1324. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Uruguay-I-1476, New Caledonia-I-1507,
References: Mozambique-nC-943. Australia-X-62, New Zealand-X-1542,
Asparagus aethiopicus L. 'Sprengeri' Israel-W-1487, Global-CD-1611, Australia-
Asparagaceae X-1693, Azores-N-1721, United States of
Accepted name: Asparagus aethiopicus L. America-E-1736, Europe-UI-1740,
Total N° of Refs: 50 Sardinia-U-1393, Australia-N-1902,
Global Risk Score: 0.96 Australia-NX-1845, Chile-I-1872,
Rating: Low Australia-WD-1934, Australia-N-1959,
Habit: Herb Australia-Q-1123, New Zealand-ED-2023,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical New Zealand-N-2048, New Zealand-Q-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental 2086, New Zealand-E-483, United States of
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee America-N-2092, Algeria-W-1977,
References: Australia-CENI-479, Australia-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, France-
Australia-W-1068, Australia-I-1088, W-1977, Guatemala-W-1977, Italy-W-
Australia-E-1456, Global-CD-1611. 1977, Malta-W-1977, New Zealand-W-
1977, Portugal-W-1977, Spain-W-1977,

Asparagus asparagoides (L.) Druce fo. Asparagus declinatus L. Asparagus densiflorus (Kunth) Jessop
asparagoides Asparagaceae Asparagaceae
Asparagaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Asparagus crispus Synonym/s (n° of refs): Protasparagus
Total N° of Refs: 1 Lam. (1), Myrsiphyllum declinatum (L.) aethiopicus (L.) Oberm. (6), Protasparagus
References: Australia-N-1450. Oberm. (1) densiflorus (Kunth) Oberm. (3)
Total N° of Refs: 26 Total N° of Refs: 110
Asparagus asparagoides (L.) Druce fo. Global Risk Score: 4.32 Global Risk Score: 1.44
Western Cape Rating: Low Rating: Low
Asparagaceae Habit: Shrub Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
References: Australia-N-1450. Subtropical, Tropical Subtropical, Tropical
Origin: Africa, N Am Origin: Africa
Asparagus broussonetii J.Jacq. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Asparagaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Australia-E-289, Global-W-85, References: Global-NW-85, United States
References: Algeria-W-1977. Australia-N-198, Australia-C-401, of America-CE-233, United States of
Australia-X-171, Australia-ENX-310, America-CE-617, Caribbean-N-707,
Asparagus cochinchinensis (Lour.) Merr. Australia-EN-7, Australia-NX-855, Pacific-W-3, Australia-W-269, Australia-E-
Asparagaceae Australia-N-856, Australia-W-869, 289, New Zealand-E-246, United States of
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Asparagus lucidus Australia-E-880, Australia-N-354, America-E-80, United States of America-
Lindl. (1) Australia-E-1261, Australia-I-1291, N-101, United States of America-EI-112,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Global-W-1324, Australia-N-1450, Australia-CW-334, Australia-E-155, United
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Australia-E-1456, Global-CD-1611, States of America-EW-179, Australia-N-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Australia-X-1693, Australia-N-1902, 198, New Zealand-W-225, Australia-C-
Ornamental Australia-WD-1934, Australia-N-1959, 401, New Zealand-E-494, Pacific-E-621,
Dispersed by: Humans Australia-W-1977, Chile-W-1977. Global-E-649, Australia-ENX-310,
Australia-EN-7, United States of America-
Asparagus cooperi Baker N-301, United States of America-E-151,
Asparagaceae United States of America-N-839, Australia-
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Protasparagus N-855, Bahamas-NI-873, Portugal-N-1006,
cooperii (Baker) Oberm. (1) Italy-N-1006, Portugal-N-1006, Spain-N-
Total N° of Refs: 2 1006, Australia-N-1049, China-I-1055,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Europe-N-819, New Zealand-E-328,
Tropical Greece-U-1142, Gal pagos Islands-CN-
Origin: Africa 1157, Cyprus-U-1174, United States of
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental America-Q-1197, Caribbean-NI-1201,
Dispersed by: Humans United States of America-N-1292, La
References: South Africa-W-382. Reunion-W-1321, Global-W-1324, Gal
pagos Islands-C-1481, Cuba-NI-1505,
Asparagus crispus Lam. China-I-1544, Australia-I-1544, Cook
Asparagaceae Islands-I-1544, Fiji-I-1544, French
Accepted name: Asparagus declinatus L. Polynesia-I-1544, Guam-I-1544, India-I-
Total N° of Refs: 25 1544, Japan-I-1544, Marshall Islands-I-
Global Risk Score: 0.24 1544, Nauru-I-1544, New Caledonia-I-
Rating: Low 1544, New Zealand-I-1544, Niue-I-1544,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, United States of America-I-1544, Palau-I-
Subtropical 1544, South Korea-I-1544, Samoa-I-1544,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Singapore-I-1544, Tonga-I-1544, Global-
Dispersed by: Humans CD-1611, Eastern Caribbean-N-1742,
References: Chile-I-1872. Brazil-I-984, Chile-I-1872, United States of
America-N-742, Sardinia-U-1917, -I-, -I-,
Asparagus davuricus Fisch. ex Link Cuba-NI-2055, New Zealand-Q-2086,
Asparagaceae United States of America-N-2092, Algeria-
Total N° of Refs: 1 W-1977, Anguilla-W-1977, Argentina-W-
References: China-W-297. 1977, Australia-W-1977, Bahamas-W-
1977, Chile-W-1977, China-W-1977, Cook
Islands-W-1977, Costa Rica-W-1977,
Cuba-W-1977, Cyprus-W-1977,
Dominican Republic-W-1977, Egypt-W-
1977, El Salvador-W-1977, Fiji-W-1977,
Greece-W-1977, Honduras-W-1977, India-
W-1977, Marshall Islands-W-1977,
Micronesia (Federated States of)-W-1977,
Nauru-W-1977, Nicaragua-W-1977, Niue-
W-1977, Palau-W-1977, Samoa-W-1977,
Tonga-W-1977, Uruguay-W-1977,

Asparagus densiflorus (Kunth) Jessop Asparagus lucidus Lindl. Asparagus officinalis L.
'Densiflorus' Asparagaceae Asparagaceae
Asparagaceae Accepted name: Asparagus cochinchinensis Synonym/s (n° of refs): Asparagus
Total N° of Refs: 1 (Lour.) Merr. officinalis L. subsp. officinalis (19)
Habit: perennial Herb Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 156
Origin: Africa Habit: perennial Herb Global Risk Score: 14.4
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Rating: Medium
References: China-N-1215. Ornamental Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Asparagus falcatus L. References: Taiwan-A-87. Subtropical, Tropical
Asparagaceae Origin: Africa, C Asia, E Asia, Europe, W
Total N° of Refs: 10 Asparagus macowanii Baker Asia
Global Risk Score: 7.2 Asparagaceae Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Rating: Medium Synonym/s (n° of refs): Asparagus Ornamental
Habit: perennial Vine macowanii Baker var. zuluensis (N.E.Br.) Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Jessop (1) Water, Escapee
Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 2 Seed Longevity: Transient
Origin: Africa, C Asia, E Asia, W Asia Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Weed of: Cereals, Grapevines, Orchards &
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Origin: Africa Plantations, Pastures, Pome Fruits
Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental References: Slovakia-CE-782, Australia-
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals Dispersed by: Humans W-269, Australia-E-290, Australia-E-72,
References: Australia-N-354, United States References: Australia-W-1977. Finland-N-42, United States of America-E-
of America-Q-1197, Australia-E-1456, 80, Global-N-85, Global-A-243, United
Australia-X-1693, Chile-I-1872, Australia- Asparagus macowanii Baker var. States of America-N-101, New Zealand-N-
WD-1934, Italy-U-1842, Algeria-W-1977, zuluensis (N.E.Br.) Jessop 280, United States of America-Q-116,
Australia-W-1977, Chile-W-1977. Asparagaceae United States of America-W-161,
Accepted name: Asparagus macowanii Australia-N-176, United States of America-
Asparagus filicinus Buch.-Ham. ex Baker W-179, United States of America-A-180,
D.Don Total N° of Refs: 2 western Europe-A-253, eastern North
Asparagaceae References: Australia-X-1693. America-E-195, Australia-N-198, Europe,
Total N° of Refs: 1 eastern-W-272, North America-CW-21,
Habit: perennial Herb Asparagus maritimus Mill. Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945,
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Asparagaceae Australia-E-380, Australia-E-327, Europe-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Total N° of Refs: 1 NW-482, New Zealand-N-15, Canada-A-
Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean 642, Global-E-649, Australia-AEN-310,
Dispersed by: Humans Origin: E Asia, Europe Austria-CN-708, India-A-712, Canada and
References: Australia-N-198. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental United States of America-N-725,
Dispersed by: Humans Lithuania-I-737, Canada-UC-756,
Asparagus horridus L. References: Algeria-W-1977. Australia-N-7, United States of America-E-
Asparagaceae 151, Japan-N-794, Australia-W-853,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Asparagus Australia-N-855, Australia-N-856,
stipularis Forssk. (2) Australia-W-869, Ecuador-N-875, United
Total N° of Refs: 3 States of America-I-904, India-N-914, New
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Zealand-N-919, Argentina-I-983, Australia-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental N-354, Portugal-N-1006, France-N-1006,
Dispersed by: Humans Denmark-N-1006, Lithuania-N-1006,
References: Chile-W-1977. Luxembourg-N-1006, Malta-N-1006,
Norway-N-1006, Slovenia-N-1006,
Asparagus laricinus Burch. Sweden-N-1006, Australia-N-1049,
Asparagaceae Global-N-1059, Europe-N-819, Laos-N-
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Protasparagus 1102, Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157, Cyprus-
laricinus (Burch.) Oberm. (2) N-1174, Latvia-N-1242, Norway-N-1243,
Total N° of Refs: 2 Australia-E-1261, Australia-E-1262,
Habit: Shrub Caribbean-NI-1201, Japan-N-1278,
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Argentina-W-1286, United States of
Origin: Africa America-C-1329, Australia-A-1331,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Sardinia-U-1336, India-N-1345, Finland-
Dispersed by: Humans W-1356, India-N-1389, Australia-N-1450,
Spain-U-1454, Spain-U-1455, Australia-E-
Asparagus longiflorus Franch. 1456, Chad-N-1503, Norway-N-1535,
Asparagaceae Europe-A-1539, North Korea-N-1600,
Total N° of Refs: 1 United States of America-N-1603, Estonia-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental W-1609, Austria-W-1609, Lithuania-W-
Dispersed by: Humans 1609, Norway-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609,
References: Algeria-W-1977. Yugoslavia-A-87, New Zealand-A-87,
Lithuania-CN-1652, Global-CD-1611,
Poland-N-1716, India-N-1370, Eastern
Caribbean-N-1742, United States of
America-N-1162, Bolivia-N-1796,

Ethiopia-N-1796, Uruguay-C-1800, Asparagus plumosus Baker Asparagus scandens Thunb.
Sardinia-U-1393, Austria-N-1828, Sao Asparagaceae Asparagaceae
Tome and Principe-N-1805, Australia-N- Total N° of Refs: 52 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Myrsiphyllum
1902, Ukraine-U-1840, Australia-N-1845, Global Risk Score: 14.4 scandens (Thunb.) Oberm. (4)
Canada-G-1855, Chile-I-1872, Sardinia-U- Rating: Medium Total N° of Refs: 56
1917, Mexico-R-1935, Australia-N-1959, - Habit: perennial Vine Global Risk Score: 2.16
I-, Estonia-N-1997, New Zealand-N-2048, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Rating: Low
Poland-N-2062, Slovakia-A-2079, Subtropical, Tropical Habit: perennial Herb
Argentina-W-1977, Australia-W-1977, Origin: Africa Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Austria-W-1977, Belarus-W-1977, Canada- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Origin: Africa
W-1977, Chad-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Herbal, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Cyprus-W-1977, Democratic Repubic of Dispersed by: Humans, Water, Escapee Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Vehicles,
Korea-W-1977, Ecuador-W-1977, India- References: United States of America-CE- Escapee
W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Lao People's 233, Vietnam-W-262, Australia-CENI-479, References: Australia-E-289, New Zealand-
Democratic Republic-W-1977, Latvia-W- United States of America-CE-617, E-246, Global-W-85, New Zealand-N-280,
1977, Lithuania-W-1977, Luxembourg-W- Slovakia-CE-782, Australia-E-290, Global- Australia-CW-334, New Zealand-W-165,
1977, Malta-W-1977, Republic of Korea- NZ-85, Australia-E-296, Australia-N-134, New Zealand-EW-421, Australia-N-198,
W-1977, Spain-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977, Australia-CW-334, Australia-N-198, New Zealand-EW-225, Australia-C-401,
United Kingdom-W-1977, South Korea--, Australia-C-401, Australia-E-327, Spain- Australia-C-333, Australia-E-380,
North Korea-U-2114. N-405, Australia-ENX-310, Australia-N-7, Australia-E-327, New Zealand-NW-425,
United States of America-N-301, Spain-W- New Zealand-E-494, New Zealand-N-534,
Asparagus officinalis L. subsp. officinalis 807, United States of America-N-839, New Zealand-N-15, Global-W-629,
Asparagaceae Belize-N-850, Palestine-N-851, Australia- Australia-EN-310, Australia-N-7,
Accepted name: Asparagus officinalis L. W-853, Australia-N-855, Australia-W-869, Australia-W-853, Australia-N-855,
Total N° of Refs: 156 Australia-E-880, Uruguay-I-988, Australia- Australia-W-869, Australia-E-880, New
Habit: perennial Herb N-354, Australia-I-1048, Australia-N-1049, Zealand-N-919, New Zealand-W-964,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Australia-I-1088, United States of Australia-N-354, Australia-I-1048,
Tropical America-N-1116, Australia-I-1291, United Australia-N-1049, New Zealand-E-328,
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe States of America-N-1292, New Zealand- New Zealand-E-505, Australia-E-1259,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental X-1311, United States of America-C-1329, Australia-E-1261, Australia-E-1262,
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers, Vietnam-E-1386, Australia-N-1450, Spain- Australia-I-1291, Australia-X-1319,
Escapee N-1454, Australia-E-1456, Argentina, Global-W-1324, Australia-N-1450,
References: United States of America-CW- Brazil and Uruguay-I-1476, New Zealand- Australia-E-1456, New Zealand-X-1542,
34, United Kingdom-U-40, United X-1542, Australia, northern-W-1204, Global-CD-1611, Australia-N-1902,
Kingdom-CN-314, United Kingdom-N- Global-CD-1611, Australia-X-1693, Australia-NX-1845, Australia-WD-1934,
519, United States of America-N-86, Australia-E-1754, El Salvador-N-1849, Australia-N-1959, Australia-Q-1123, New
United Kingdom-CND-812, Ireland-N-894, Chile-I-1872, Australia-WD-1934, Zealand-ED-2023, New Zealand-N-2048,
Belgium-N-1006, France-N-1006, United Australia-N-1959, New Zealand-N-2048, New Zealand-Q-2086, New Zealand-E-
Kingdom-N-1006, Iceland-N-1006, Spain- New Zealand-Q-2086, United States of 483, Australia-W-1977, New Zealand-W-
U-1149, Spain-N-1270, Czech Republic-N- America-N-2092. 1977.
1522, Global-CD-1611, Czech Republic-N-
1731, Czech Republic-W-1977, Ireland-W- Asparagus racemosus Willd. Asparagus scoparius Lowe
1977, Portugal-W-1977. Asparagaceae Asparagaceae
Total N° of Refs: 4 Total N° of Refs: 1
Global Risk Score: 2.4 Habit: Shrub
Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Toxic - Habit: annual Herb Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Dispersed by: Humans
Origin: Africa, C Asia, E Asia References: Algeria-W-1977.
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
References: India-W-1307, India-A-1696,
India-N-1370, Cuba-CN-2024.

Asparagus retrofractus L.
Total N° of Refs: 3
Habit: Herb
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Origin: Africa, N Am
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: New Zealand-N-15, New
Zealand-U-919, New Zealand-U-2048.

Asparagus setaceus (Kunth) Jessop Asparagus sprengeri Regel Aspera spica-venti (L.) Beauv.
Asparagaceae Asparagaceae Rubiaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Protasparagus Accepted name: Asparagus aethiopicus L. Total N° of Refs: 1
plumosus (Baker) Oberm. (7), Total N° of Refs: 51 References: Italy-A-118.
Protasparagus setaceus (Kunth) Oberm. (2) Global Risk Score: 0.96
Total N° of Refs: 90 Rating: Low Asperococcus bullosus J.V.Lamour.
Global Risk Score: 26.88 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Chordariaceae
Rating: High Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 1
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Aqua - Habit:
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Dispersed by: Water
Subtropical, Tropical References: Australia-E-380, Spain-N-405, References: Global-N-1785.
Origin: Africa United States of America-C-1329, Spain-
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, N-1454, Global-CD-1611, Chile-I-1872. Asperococcus compressus A.W.Griffiths
Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture ex W.J.Hooker
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Escapee Asparagus stipularis Forssk. Chordariaceae
References: Puerto Rico-CW-261, Global- Asparagaceae Accepted name: Asperococcus ensiformis
NZW-85, United States of America-N-101, Accepted name: Asparagus horridus L.f. (Delle Chiaje) M.J.Wynne
New Zealand-N-280, United States of Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 2
America-W-179, United Kingdom-C-314, Global Risk Score: 2.24 Aqua - Habit:
Australia-E-380, New Zealand-NW-425, Rating: Low References: Australia-N-1788.
New Zealand-E-494, New Zealand-N-15, Habit: perennial Herb
Pacific-E-621, United States of America-G- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Asperococcus ensiformis (Delle Chiaje)
655, Mediterranean-I-775, Australia-W- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, M.J.Wynne
869, New Zealand-N-919, Mediterranean- Ornamental, Pasture Chordariaceae
W-951, New Zealand-W-964, Brazil-I-984, Dispersed by: Humans Synonym/s (n° of refs): Asperococcus
Portugal-N-1006, Italy-N-1006, Portugal- References: Egypt-W-221, Chile-I-1872. compressus A.W.Griffiths ex W.J.Hooker
N-1006, United States of America-I-1046, (1)
China-I-1055, Europe-N-819, New Asparagus tenuifolius Lam. Total N° of Refs: 2
Zealand-E-328, New Zealand-E-505, Asparagaceae Dispersed by: Water
Algeria-N-1126, Gal pagos Islands-CN- Total N° of Refs: 2 References: Global-N-1785.
1157, United States of America-Q-1197, Habit: perennial Herb
China-N-1215, Italy-N-251, Caribbean-NI- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Asperococcus scaber Kuckuck
1201, Mediterranean-N-1281, Algeria-N- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Chordariaceae
1285, La Reunion-U-1321, Brazil-I-1328, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals Total N° of Refs: 3
Israel-NW-1380, Iberian Peninsular-N- References: western Europe-W-70, Dispersed by: Water
1388, Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay-I- Algeria-W-1977. References: Europe-N-819, Global-N-1785,
1476, Gal pagos Islands-C-1481, Cuba-N- Europe-N-1786.
1505, French Polynesia-N-1514, Global- Asparagus verticillatus L.
CD-1611, Brazil-NI-1071, Eastern Asparagaceae
Caribbean-N-1742, Brazil-N-1746, Total N° of Refs: 3
Ecuador-N-1796, El Salvador-N-1796, Global Risk Score: 0.72
Sardinia-U-1393, Brazil-I-1876, Italy-UN- Rating: Low
1887, Sardinia-U-1917, -I-, -I-, -I-, Habit: Vine
Australia-Q-1123, Portugal-N-2001, New Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Zealand-ED-2023, Cuba-CN-2024, Brazil- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
R-2053, Cuba-NI-2055, Algeria-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans
Anguilla-W-1977, Australia-W-1977, References: Chile-I-1872, Algeria-W-1977,
Brazil-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, China-W- Chile-W-1977.
1977, Cook Islands-W-1977, Cuba-W-
1977, Fiji-W-1977, India-W-1977, Israel- Asparagus virgatus Baker
W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Marshall Islands- Asparagaceae
W-1977, Nauru-W-1977, New Zealand-W- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Protasparagus
1977, Niue-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977, virgatus (Baker) Oberm. (3)
Samoa-W-1977, Seychelles-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 16
Spain-W-1977, Tonga-W-1977, Uruguay- Global Risk Score: 0.96
W-1977, Viet Nam-W-1977. Rating: Low
Habit: Shrub
Asparagus spp. L. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Asparagaceae Origin: Africa, N Am
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Asparagus spp. L. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 8 Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, References: Slovakia-CE-782, Australia-C-
Subtropical, Tropical 401, Australia-N-310, Australia-W-853,
Dispersed by: Humans Australia-W-869, Australia-N-354,
References: South Africa-W-382, Australia-N-1049, Australia-Q-1134,
Australia-N-198, Europe, eastern-W-272, Australia-E-1456, Global-CD-1611,
Poland-C-1122, Greece-W-1240, Global- Australia-X-1693, Algeria-W-1977,
CD-1611, Iran-A-1619, Australia-X-1693. Australia-W-1977.

Asperugo procumbens L. Asperula aristata L.f. subsp. scabra (J. & Asperula cynanchica L.
Boraginaceae C.Presl) Nyman Rubiaceae
Total N° of Refs: 81 Rubiaceae Total N° of Refs: 12
Global Risk Score: 14.4 Total N° of Refs: 1 Global Risk Score: 2.88
Rating: Medium Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Rating: Low
Toxic, Aqua - Habit: annual Herb Origin: Africa, Europe Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, References: Montenegro-R-1944. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Asperula arvensis L. Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Rubiaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Herbal, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 59 Livestock, Sheep, Wind
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Global Risk Score: 4.32 Seed Longevity: Short Term
Livestock, Sheep, Water Rating: Low Weed of: Pastures
Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations, Habit: annual Herb References: Europe, eastern-W-272,
Pastures, Vegetables Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean western Europe-W-70, United Kingdom-N-
References: India-A-712, Egypt-W-221, Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe 519, Serbia-W-1238, Serbia-A-1372,
United Kingdom-U-40, Chile-N-300, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Estonia-W-1609, Serbia-A-1036, Germany-
Europe-A-94, United States of America-N- Ornamental ZD-1655, Sweden-N-1802, Montenegro-R-
101, United States of America-ED-159, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals 1944, Estonia-N-1997, Sweden-W-1977.
United States of America-W-161, Japan-N- Weed of: Cereals, Lupins, Orchards &
287, United States of America-W-212, Plantations, Sunflowers Asperula humifusa (Bieb.) Bess.
Europe, eastern-AW-272, western Europe- References: United Kingdom-U-40, Rubiaceae
W-70, United Kingdom-NZD-314, Czech Finland-U-42, Europe-A-94, Global-A-243, Accepted name: Galium humifusum Bieb.
Republic-NZI-400, Iceland-U-507, United United States of America-N-101, western Total N° of Refs: 15
Kingdom-N-519, United States of Asia-A-115, western Europe-A-253, References: Iran-A-87.
America-A-543, Canada-A-642, Canada Europe, eastern-W-272, western Europe-
and United States of America-N-725, W-70, Australia-N-945, United Kingdom- Asperula hungarorum Borbas
Chile-N-765, Japan-N-794, Spain-W-807, N-314, Czech Republic-NZI-400, United Rubiaceae
United Kingdom-U-812, United States of Kingdom-N-519, Denmark-U-711, Canada Synonym/s (n° of refs): Asperula ciliata
America-U-904, Czechoslovakia-N-1006, and United States of America-N-725, Rochel, nom. illeg. (1)
Denmark-N-1006, Germany-N-1006, Turkey-A-727, United Kingdom-U-812, Total N° of Refs: 1
Latvia-N-1006, Norway-N-1006, Slovenia- Australia-W-853, United Kingdom-Z-944,
N-1006, Sweden-N-1006, United States of Australia-N-354, Czechoslovakia-N-1006, Asperula laevigata L.
America-N-1058, Greenland-N-1061, Germany-N-1006, Slovakia-N-1006, Rubiaceae
Europe-N-819, Spain-W-1149, United Australia-N-1049, Europe-N-819, Iberian Total N° of Refs: 9
States of America-N-1162, Europe-W- Peninsular-N-1147, Global-A-1207, Crete- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
1191, Belgium-U-1220, Chile-N-1229, A-1228, Serbia-W-1238, Norway-N-1243, Origin: Africa, Europe
China-U-92, Japan-N-1278, Global-W- Spain-U-1270, Global-W-1324, Turkey-- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
1324, Canada-U-1340, Chile-N-1348, 1412, Turkey-A-1465, Slovakia-N-1484, Ornamental
Global-W-1349, Finland-AN-1356, Czech Republic-U-1522, Estonia-W-1609, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Turkey--1412, Slovakia-N-1484, Czech Denmark-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, References: United Kingdom-U-314,
Republic-N-1522, Latvia-N-1598, United Sweden-W-1609, Lebanon-A-87, Spain-A- Denmark-UC-711, Europe-N-819,
States of America-N-1607, Czech 87, Morocco-A-87, Global-ZD-1611, Italy- Belgium-U-1220, Global-W-1324,
Republic-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, A-1618, Czech Republic-U-1731, Denmark-W-1609, Global-CD-1611,
Greenland-W-1609, Azerbaijan-A-1638, Morocco-A-1752, Belgium-U-1220, Belgium-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977.
United States of America-A-87, Tajikistan- Montenegro-W-1861, Estonia-N-1997,
A-1017, Global-ZD-1581, Russia-W-1687, Greece-A-2093, Australia-W-1977, Asperula odorata L.
Czech Republic-N-1731, Iceland-U-1552, Belarus-W-1977, Bulgaria-W-1977, Rubiaceae
Chile-I-1872, Iran-A-1916, Germany-R- Canada-W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977, Accepted name: Galium odoratum (L.)
1948, -I-, Russia-N-1989, Kosovo-R-2003, Denmark-W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977, Scop.
Poland-N-2062, Iran-A-2075, Iran-A-2111, Sweden-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 16
Belgium-W-1977, Bulgaria-W-1977, Global Risk Score: 0.72
Canada-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Czech Asperula ciliata Rochel, nom. illeg. Rating: Low
Republic-W-1977, Iceland-W-1977, Japan- Rubiaceae ToxicMajor Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
W-1977, Republic of Korea-W-1977, Accepted name: Asperula hungarorum Dispersed by: Humans
Russian Federation-W-1977, Slovakia-W- Borbas References: Canada-W-4, Chile-I-1872.
1977, Sweden-W-1977, South Korea-U- Total N° of Refs: 1
2113. References: Ireland-W-894.

Asperugo spp. L.
Total N° of Refs: 1
Weed of: Vegetables
References: United States of America-A-

Asperula orientalis Boiss. & Hohen. Asperula taurina L. Asphodelus albus Miller
Rubiaceae Rubiaceae Liliaceae
Total N° of Refs: 31 Total N° of Refs: 14 Total N° of Refs: 10
Global Risk Score: 2.16 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Global Risk Score: 3.6
Rating: Low Origin: E Asia, Europe Rating: Low
Habit: annual Herb Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Origin: E Asia, Europe References: United Kingdom-C-314, Origin: Europe
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, United Kingdom-N-519, Denmark-CN- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Ornamental 711, United Kingdom-CN-812, United Herbal, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Kingdom-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations Belgium-W-1220, Global-W-1324, References: United Kingdom-C-314,
References: Finland-U-42, United States of Denmark-W-1609, Germany-W-1609, United Kingdom-N-519, Denmark-UCN-
America-N-101, United Kingdom-C-314, Global-CD-1611, Denmark-W-1977, 711, Europe-N-819, Global-W-1324,
Czech Republic-UZ-400, Austria-UC-708, Germany-W-1977, United Kingdom-W- Denmark-W-1609, United Kingdom-N-
Denmark-U-711, Turkey-A-727, Hungary- 1977. 1636, Spain-A-87, Global-CD-1611,
U-809, New Zealand-N-823, New Zealand- Denmark-W-1977.
U-919, Romania-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Asperula tinctoria L.
Turkey-A-144, Norway-N-1243, Hungary- Rubiaceae
U-1255, Global-W-1324, Czech Republic- Total N° of Refs: 9
U-1522, Austria-W-1609, Denmark-W- Habit: perennial Herb
1609, Norway-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Global-CD-1611, Czech Republic-U-1731, Origin: Africa, Europe
Iceland-U-1552, Romania-U-1986, New Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Zealand-U-2048, Austria-W-1977, Czech Ornamental
Republic-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Water,
Iceland-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977. Escapee
Seed Longevity: Transient
Asperula purpurea (L.) Ehrend. References: Europe, eastern-W-272, United
Rubiaceae Kingdom-C-314, Europe-N-819, Belgium-
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Galium purpureum U-1220, Norway-N-1243, Global-W-1324,
L. (1) Global-CD-1611, Global-ZD-1581,
Total N° of Refs: 2 Belgium-W-1977.
Habit: Shrub
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Asphodeline lutea (L.) Reichenb.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Liliaceae
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 8
References: Serbia-W-1238. Global Risk Score: 2.4
Rating: Low
Asperula setosa Jaub. & Spach Habit: perennial Herb
Rubiaceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Total N° of Refs: 1 Origin: Africa, Europe
Origin: W Asia Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Weed of: Cereals Ornamental
References: Tajikistan-A-1674. Dispersed by: Humans
References: United Kingdom-U-314, Crete-
Asperula spp. L. A-1228, Greece-W-1240, Denmark-W-
Rubiaceae 1609, Chile-I-1872, New Zealand-U-2048,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Chile-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977.
ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
References: Europe, eastern-W-272. Asphodelus aestivus Brot.
Asperula stricta Boiss. subsp. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Asphodelus
latibracteata (Boiss.) Ehrend. microcarpus Viv. (2)
Rubiaceae Total N° of Refs: 7
Total N° of Refs: 1 Global Risk Score: 0.72
References: Turkey-R-1968. Rating: Low
Habit: perennial Herb
Asperula stylosa (Trin.) Boiss. Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Rubiaceae Mediterranean
Accepted name: Phuopsis stylosa (Trin.) Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Hook.f. ex B.D.Jacks. Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 16 Weed of: Cereals
References: Germany-W-1609. References: Global-AW-126, Europe,
eastern-AW-272, Global-A-1207, Greece-
W-1240, Morocco-A-1752.

Asphodelus fistulosus L. Asphodelus fistulosus L. var. tenuifolius Asphodelus tenuifolius Cav.
Liliaceae (Cav.) Baker Liliaceae
Total N° of Refs: 106 Liliaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Asphodelus
Global Risk Score: 24 Accepted name: Asphodelus tenuifolius fistulosus L. var. tenuifolius (Cav.) Baker
Rating: High Cav. (1)
Habit: annual/perennial Herb Total N° of Refs: 67 Total N° of Refs: 67
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, References: Saudi Arabia-A-1504. Global Risk Score: 20.16
Subtropical, Tropical Rating: High
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia Asphodelus fistulosus L. subsp. fistulosus Habit: annual Herb
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Liliaceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Herbal, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 1 Subtropical, Tropical
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Horse, References: Bolivia-N-1796. Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, S Am
Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles, Water, Wind, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Escapee Asphodelus macrocarpus Parl. Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture
Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations, Liliaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Pastures Total N° of Refs: 1 Livestock, Sheep
References: Australia-E-72, Australia-XW- References: Algeria-W-1977. Weed of: Cereals, Cotton, Orchards &
93, Australia-X-147, Australia-W-269, Plantations
Australia-E-290, United Kingdom-U-40, Asphodelus microcarpus Viv. References: Global-ZW-85, India-A-758,
Gibraltar-A-515, Chile-N-300, Global-W- Liliaceae Global-W-217, Global-A-243, Pakistan-A-
67, Global-NXZW-85, United States of Accepted name: Asphodelus aestivus Brot. 837, Pakistan-A-999, India-I-1047, Egypt-
America-N-101, New Zealand-N-280, Total N° of Refs: 7 A-19, Pakistan-A-1170, Global-A-1207,
Global-AW-126, Australia-E-296, New Toxic - Habit: Shrub Belgium-UD-1220, Saudi Arabia-W-1237,
Zealand-W-165, Australia-N-176, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean India-I-1279, India-I-1280, Global-W-
Australia-N-198, Mexico-W-199, Egypt- Origin: Africa, Europe 1324, Pakistan-A-704, India-I-1345,
W-221, Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Global-W-1349, India-I-1389, Pakistan-A-
Australia-X-171, United Kingdom-UZD- Ornamental 1395, Global-A-1411, Chad-N-1503, Saudi
314, Australia-E-327, New Zealand-NW- Dispersed by: Humans Arabia-A-1525, India-N-1628, India-N-
425, Australia-Z-611, Global-E-649, References: Egypt-W-221, Turkey-A-87. 1632, India-A-87, Pakistan-A-87, Italy-A-
Australia-ENX-310, Austria-U-708, 87, Nepal-A-87, Arabian Peninsular-A-87,
Denmark-UC-711, United States of Asphodelus ramosus L. Bangladesh-A-87, Egypt-A-87, Iran-A-87,
America-N-86, Chile-N-765, Liliaceae Iraq-A-87, Jordan-A-87, Malaysia-A-87,
Mediterranean-W-775, Australia-EN-7, Total N° of Refs: 3 Sudan-A-87, India-A-1021, Pakistan-A-
Global-W-788, North America-X-790, Global Risk Score: 1.76 1030, Cape Verde-N-1558, Global-Q-1572,
Mexico-N-791, Australia-W-853, Rating: Low India-W-1672, Pakistan-I-1697, India-A-
Australia-NX-855, Australia-N-856, Habit: perennial Herb 1703, India-A-1704, Pakistan-A-1720,
Australia-N-868, Australia-W-869, United Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Pakistan-A-1726, Pakistan-AI-1527, India-
States of America-X-140, United States of Origin: Africa, Europe, W Asia I-1764, India-W-1770, India-A-1829,
America-X-229, Mexico-I-878, Australia- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental, Pakistan-A-1871, India-I-1875, Nepal-A-
E-880, Mexico-W-890, New Zealand-N- Pasture 1932, -I-, Australia-Q-1123, Global-W-
919, United States of America-W-946, Dispersed by: Humans 2056, Algeria-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977,
Mediterranean-W-951, Australia-N-354, References: western Europe-W-70, United Bolivia-W-1977, Chad-W-1977, Egypt-W-
Australia-N-1049, Europe-N-819, New Kingdom-U-314, Global-A-1207. 1977, India-W-1977, Iran (Islamic
Zealand-E-505, Global-ZD-1203, Global- Republic of)-W-1977, Mauritius-W-1977,
AG-1207, Mexico-W-1226, Chile-N-1229, Asphodelus ramosus L. subsp. Ramosus Pakistan-W-1977, Yemen-W-1977.
Norway-N-1243, Australia-E-1260, Liliaceae
Australia-E-1261, Australia-E-1262, Spain- Total N° of Refs: 1 Aspidistra elatior Blume
N-1270, Australia-X-1319, Australia-W- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Convallariaceae
1318, Australia-A-1331, Chile-N-1348, Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 15
Australia-I-1442, Australia-N-1450, References: Crete-A-1228. Global Risk Score: 2.16
Australia-E-1456, Global-ZD-1492, United Rating: Low
States of America-N-1603, Austria-W- Asphodelus spp. L. Habit: perennial Herb
1609, Denmark-W-1609, Germany-W- Liliaceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
1609, Norway-W-1609, Australia-A-87, Total N° of Refs: 1 Subtropical, Tropical
Lebanon-A-87, India-A-87, New Zealand- Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Origin: E Asia
A-87, Spain-A-87, Global-N-1218, Cape References: Australia-N-354. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Verde-N-1558, Global-CD-1611, Australia- Ornamental
ZD-1675, United States of America-E- Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
1736, Morocco-A-1752, Australia-Z-1768, References: Japan-N-287, United
Bolivia-N-1796, Australia-N-1902, Kingdom-C-314, New Zealand-N-534,
Australia-NX-1845, Morocco-A-1361, South Africa-U-1247, Spain-U-1454,
Chile-I-1872, Mexico-NI-1881, Australia- Brazil-N-1559, Global-CD-1611, China-N-
WD-1934, Saudi Arabia-A-1951, 1796, Chile-I-1872, South Africa-N-1991,
Australia-N-1959, -I-, New Zealand-N- New Zealand-U-2048, Algeria-W-1977,
2048, Australia-W-1977, Austria-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Croatia-W-1977, South
Chile-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, Africa-W-1977.
Germany-W-1977, Mexico-W-1977, New
Zealand-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977.

Aspidistra elatior Blume var. elatior Aspilia bupthalmiflora Griseb Aspilia silphioides (Hook. & Arn.)
Convallariaceae Asteraceae Benth. & Hook.f.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1 Asteraceae
References: China-N-1796. References: Brazil-A-87. Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Paraguay-A-2070.
Aspidistra lurida Ker.-Gawl. Aspilia bussei O. Hoffm. & Muschler
Convallariaceae Asteraceae Aspilia spp. Thouars
Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 7 Asteraceae
Habit: Herb Habit: annual Herb Total N° of Refs: 3
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Weed of: Cereals, Cotton, Pastures, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Origin: E Asia Vegetables References: Uruguay-A-1518, Uruguay-A-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: Global-A-1233, Africa-A- 1562, Uruguay-A-1567.
Dispersed by: Humans 1333, Africa-A-1384, Africa-A-1709,
References: Laos-N-1102, Algeria-W- Nigeria-A-1793, Burkina Faso-A-2068, Asplenium adiantum-nigrum L.
1977, Lao People's Democratic Republic- Benin-A-2090. Aspleniaceae
W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 1
Aspilia helianthoides (Schumach. & Habit: perennial Herb
Aspidosperma ingratum K. Schum. Thonn.) Oliv. Hiern. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Apocynaceae Asteraceae Subtropical
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 7 Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
References: Brazil-A-923. Weed of: Cereals Dispersed by: Humans
References: Global-A-1233, Africa-A- References: western Europe-W-70.
Aspidosperma parvifolium A. DC. 1333, Nigeria-A-87, Ghana-A-87, Ivory
Apocynaceae Coast-A-87, Burundi-R-2012, Burkina Asplenium aethiopicum (N.L. Burm.)
Total N° of Refs: 1 Faso-A-2068. Becherer
Habit: Tree Aspleniaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Aspilia kotschyi (Sch. Bip) Oliv. var. Total N° of Refs: 2
Weed of: Pastures kotschyi Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
References: Brazil-A-1763. Asteraceae Origin: Africa
Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Aspidosperma quebracho-blanco Habit: Tree Dispersed by: Humans
Schltdl. References: Mozambique-A-1734. References: New Zealand-N-823, New
Apocynaceae Zealand-U-919.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Aspilia latifolia Olive & Hiern.
Toxic - Habit: Shrub Asteraceae Asplenium appendiculatum (Labill.)
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Accepted name: Aspilia africana (Pers.) C. C.Presl
Subtropical, Tropical D. Adams Aspleniaceae
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, Total N° of Refs: 20 Total N° of Refs: 2
Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Herbal Dispersed by: Humans
References: South America-W-295. Weed of: Forestry, Orchards & Plantations References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
References: Nigeria-A-719, Ghana-A-2064,
Aspilia africana (Pers.) C.D.Aadams Nigeria-A-1360, Nigeria-A-1371, Nigeria- Asplenium bulbiferum G. Forst.
Asteraceae A-2067. Aspleniaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aspilia latifolia Total N° of Refs: 5
Olive & Hiern. (5), Aspilia africana (Pers.) Aspilia montevidensis (Spreng.) Kuntze Global Risk Score: 2.4
C.D.Adams var. minor C.D.Adams (1) Asteraceae Rating: Low
Total N° of Refs: 21 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aspilia Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Habit: perennial Herb montevidensis (Spreng.) Kuntze var. Tropical
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical montevidensis (1) Origin: Aust
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal Total N° of Refs: 6 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Weed of: Cereals, Forestry, Orchards & Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Ornamental
Plantations Origin: S Am Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
References: Nigeria-A-719, Ghana-A-2064, References: Brazil-W-255, Brazil-W-361, References: United Kingdom-U-40,
Africa-A-1333, Nigeria-A-1371, Africa-A- Brazil-W-407, Uruguay-A-1199, Brazil-R- Poland-C-1122, Global-CD-1611, Chile-I-
1384, Ghana-A-87, Nigeria-A-87, Nigeria- 2053. 1872, Chile-W-1977.
A-1701, Nigeria-A-1710, Guinea-A-1823,
Ghana-A-1888, Nigeria-A-2037, Nigeria- Aspilia montevidensis (Spreng.) Kuntze Asplenium caudatum G. Forst.
A-2045, Nigeria-A-2073, Nigeria-A-2102. var. montevidensis Aspleniaceae
Asteraceae Accepted name: Asplenium polyodon G.
Aspilia africana (Pers.) C.D.Adams var. Accepted name: Aspilia montevidensis Forst.
minor C.D.Adams (Spreng.) Kuntze Total N° of Refs: 2
Asteraceae Total N° of Refs: 6 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Accepted name: Aspilia africana (Pers.) References: Paraguay-A-2070. References: United States of America-N-
C.D.Adams subsp. africana 101.
Total N° of Refs: 16
References: Nigeria-A-2046.

Asplenium ceterach L. Asplenium x lucrosum Perrie, Shepherd Asplenium platyneuron (L.) Britton,
Aspleniaceae & Brownsey Sterns & Pogg.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Ceterach Aspleniaceae Aspleniaceae
officinarum Willd. (3) Accepted name: parents = Asplenium Total N° of Refs: 3
Total N° of Refs: 6 bulbiferum G. Forst. x Asplenium Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, dimorphum Kunze Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Canada-UC-756, Global-CD-
Origin: Africa, C Asia, E Asia, Europe References: New Zealand-U-919. 1611, Canada-G-1855.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans, Wind Asplenium macraei Hook. & Grev. Asplenium polyodon G. Forst.
References: Austria-N-708, Global-W- Aspleniaceae Aspleniaceae
1324, Austria-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Asplenium
Major Pathway/s: Herbal caudatum G. Forst. (1), Asplenium
Asplenium daucifolium Lam. References: North America-N-1760. falcatum auct. non Lam. (1)
Aspleniaceae Total N° of Refs: 3
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Asplenium Asplenium marinum L. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
viviparum (L. f.) C.Presl, nom. illeg. (2) Aspleniaceae Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean References: Chile-W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans Origin: E Asia, Europe
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Asplenium rhizophyllum L.
Asplenium falcatum auct. non Lam. Dispersed by: Humans Aspleniaceae
Aspleniaceae References: United Kingdom-N-519. Total N° of Refs: 3
Accepted name: Asplenium polyodon Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
G.Forst. var. nitidulum (Skottsb.) Morton Asplenium nidus L. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Total N° of Refs: 2 Aspleniaceae References: Canada-C-756, Global-CD-
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Total N° of Refs: 5 1611, Canada-G-1855.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Global Risk Score: 1.2
References: Chile-I-1872. Rating: Low Asplenium ruta-muraria L.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Aspleniaceae
Asplenium flabellulatum Kunze Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 2
Aspleniaceae Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Ornamental Subtropical, Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans Origin: E Asia, Europe, Cosmopolitan
Dispersed by: Humans References: South Africa-U-1247, Chile-I- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
References: United States of America-N- 1872, South Africa-N-1991, Chile-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans
101. South Africa-W-1977. References: Serbia-W-1238, Germany-R-
Asplenium foresiense Le Grand Asplenium onopteris Linné
Aspleniaceae Aspleniaceae Asplenium scolopendrium L.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Asplenium Total N° of Refs: 1 Aspleniaceae
foreziense O.Le Grand (2), Asplenium Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Synonym/s (n° of refs): Phyllitis
forisiense Le Grand (1) Origin: E Asia, Europe scolopendrium (L.) Newman (7)
Total N° of Refs: 4 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 14
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Dispersed by: Humans References: United Kingdom-N-519. Subtropical, Tropical
References: Germany-N-1006. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Asplenium pellucidum Lam. var. Dispersed by: Humans
Asplenium foreziense O.Le Grand ponapensis Hosk. References: Canary Islands-N-637,
Aspleniaceae Aspleniaceae Palestine-N-851, United States of America-
Accepted name: Asplenium foresiense Total N° of Refs: 1 N-101, Falkland Islands-nC-1251, Estonia-
Legrand Habit: Herb W-1609, Estonia-N-1997, Spain-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 3 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Dispersed by: Wind References: Federated States of Asplenium septentrionale (L.) Hoffm.
References: Europe-N-819, Global-W- Micronesia-N-230. Aspleniaceae
1324. Total N° of Refs: 1
Asplenium petrarchae (Guerin) DC. Habit: perennial Herb
Asplenium forisiense Le Grand Aspleniaceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Aspleniaceae Total N° of Refs: 1 Subtropical, Tropical
Accepted name: Asplenium foresiense Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Legrand References: Switzerland-N-653. Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 2 References: United Kingdom-N-519.
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Asplenium spp. L.
References: Germany-W-1977. Aspleniaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
References: Algeria-W-1977.

Asplenium trichomanes L. Astartea fascicularis (Labill.) DC. Aster alpinus L.
Aspleniaceae Myrtaceae Asteraceae
Total N° of Refs: 4 Total N° of Refs: 7 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aster americanus
Global Risk Score: 1.2 Global Risk Score: 1.44 Onno nom. inval. (1)
Rating: Low Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 6
Habit: perennial Herb Habit: Tree Global Risk Score: 2.16
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Rating: Low
Subtropical, Tropical Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Habit: perennial Herb
Origin: Cosmopolitan References: Australia-E-380, New Zealand- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, C-824, Australia-W-869, New Zealand-U- Origin: E Asia, Europe
Ornamental 919, Africa-W-1127, Global-CD-1611, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans New Zealand-U-2048. Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Wind
References: Europe, eastern-W-272, Seed Longevity: Transient
Palestine-N-851, Turkey-A-87, Iran-A- Astartea heteranthera C.Gardner References: Norway-N-1243, Norway-N-
1724. Myrtaceae 1535, Norway-W-1609, Chile-I-1872,
Total N° of Refs: 3 Chile-W-1977.
Asplenium trichomanes L. subsp. Global Risk Score: 0.24
trichomanes Rating: Low Aster amellus L.
Aspleniaceae Habit: Shrub Asteraceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 20
Habit: perennial Herb Origin: Aust Global Risk Score: 4.8
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Rating: Low
Origin: Cosmopolitan Dispersed by: Humans Habit: perennial Herb
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: Australia-W-869, Australia-N- Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Dispersed by: Humans 354, Australia-E-1262. Mediterranean, Tropical
References: North America-N-1760. Origin: E Asia, Europe
Astelia banksii A. Cunn Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Asplenium trichomanes-ramosum L. Liliaceae Ornamental
Aspleniaceae Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Asplenium viride ToxicMajor Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Livestock, Sheep, Water, Wind, Escapee
Hudson (2) Dispersed by: Humans Seed Longevity: Transient
Total N° of Refs: 2 References: Algeria-W-1977. References: New Zealand-UW-280,
Habit: perennial Herb Europe, eastern-W-272, United Kingdom-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Aster ageratoides Turcz. C-314, Denmark-C-711, New Zealand-U-
Dispersed by: Humans, Wind Asteraceae 919, Spain-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Laos-
Total N° of Refs: 10 N-1102, Iberian Peninsular-N-1147,
Asplenium viride Hudson Global Risk Score: 1.44 Belgium-U-1220, Norway-N-1243,
Aspleniaceae Rating: Low Norway-N-1535, Estonia-W-1609,
Accepted name: Asplenium trichomanes- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Denmark-W-1609, Norway-W-1609,
ramosum L. Origin: E Asia, Europe Global-CD-1611, Chile-I-1872, Estonia-N-
Total N° of Refs: 2 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental 1997, New Zealand-U-2048, India-W-
Global Risk Score: 1.44 Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee 1977.
Rating: Low Weed of: Pastures
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, References: southeast Asia-W-191, Asia- Aster americanus Onno nom. inval.
Subtropical, Tropical W-204, China-W-297, United Kingdom-C- Asteraceae
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental 314, China-W-431, Global-CD-1611, Accepted name: Aster alpinus L. var.
Dispersed by: Humans, Wind Belgium-U-1220, South Korea-A-1860, vierhapperi (Onno) Cronquist
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations South Korea-A-2032, South Korea-A-2033. Total N° of Refs: 6
References: United Kingdom-N-519, References: Belgium-E-996.
Turkey-A-727. Aster ageratoides Turcz. var. ovatus
(Franch. & Savat.) Nakai Aster x amethystinus Nutt.
Asplenium viviparum (L. f.) C.Presl, Asteraceae Asteraceae
nom. illeg. Total N° of Refs: 1 Accepted name: Symphyotrichum x
Aspleniaceae Major Pathway/s: Ornamental amethystinum (Nutt.) Nesom
Accepted name: Asplenium daucifolium Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 3
Lam. References: Global-A-1207. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 2 Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Aster ageratoides Turcz. subsp. ovatus References: Canada-C-756, Global-CD-
Rating: Low Kitam. 1611, Canada-G-1855.
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Asteraceae
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 2 Aster andicola Hauman
Dispersed by: Humans References: Japan-W-286, Taiwan-W- Asteraceae
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. 1748. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aster bellidiastrum
(L.) Scopoli (5)
Total N° of Refs: 5

Aster arenarius (Kitam.) Nemoto Aster chinensis L. Aster diffusus Ait.
Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Accepted name: Callistephus chinensis Total N° of Refs: 2
References: Taiwan-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 63 References: Canada-A-642, Chile-I-1872.
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Aster ascendens Lindl. Major Pathway/s: Herbal Aster divaricatus L.
Asteraceae References: Iceland-N-1006, Europe-N- Asteraceae
Accepted name: Symphyotrichum 819. Accepted name: Eurybia divaricata (L.) G.
ascendens (Lindl.) G. L. Nesom L. Nesom
Total N° of Refs: 1 Aster ciliolatus Lindl. ex Hook. Total N° of Refs: 13
Habit: perennial Herb Asteraceae Habit: perennial Herb
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Accepted name: Symphyotrichum Origin: N Am
References: United Kingdom-U-314. ciliolatum Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Total N° of Refs: 3 Ornamental
Aster bellidiastrum (L.) Scopoli Habit: perennial Herb Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Asteraceae Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental References: Czech Republic-U-400,
Accepted name: Aster andicola Hauman Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Canada-C-756, Belgium-N-1006, Europe-
Total N° of Refs: 5 References: Canada-UC-756, Global-CD- N-819, Global-W-1324, Sweden-W-1609,
Habit: perennial Herb 1611, Canada-G-1855. Global-CD-1611, Canada-G-1855.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Origin: Europe Aster commutatus (Torr. & A. Gray) A. Aster dumosus L.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Gray Asteraceae
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Wind Asteraceae Accepted name: Symphyotrichum
Seed Longevity: Present Accepted name: Symphyotrichum falcatum dumosum (L.) G.L.Nesom
References: Czech Republic-U-400, var. commutatum Total N° of Refs: 12
Hungary-U-809, Europe-N-819, Hungary- Total N° of Refs: 1 Habit: perennial Herb
U-1255, Global-W-1324. ToxicMajor Pathway/s: Herbal Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
References: Mexico-I-878. Origin: N Am
Aster bernardinus Hall Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Asteraceae Aster concinnus Willd. Dispersed by: Humans
Accepted name: Symphyotrichum Asteraceae References: United States of America-W-
defoliatum Accepted name: Symphyotrichum laeve 161, North America-G-249, United
Total N° of Refs: 1 var. concinnum Kingdom-U-314, Czech Republic-U-400,
Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb Total N° of Refs: 28 Hungary-U-809, France-N-1006, Europe-
Dispersed by: Water Major Pathway/s: Herbal N-819, Hungary-U-1255, Global-W-1324,
References: United States of America-WD- References: United Kingdom-U-314. Global-W-1349, France-N-2091.
Aster conspicuus Lindl. Aster dumosus L. x Aster novi-belgii L.
Aster brachyactis Blake Asteraceae Asteraceae
Asteraceae Accepted name: Eurybia conspicua Accepted name: parents = Symphyotrichum
Accepted name: Symphyotrichum ciliatum Synonym/s (n° of refs): Eurybia conspicua dumosum (L.) G.L.Nesom x
Total N° of Refs: 10 (Lindl.) Nesom (1) Symphyotrichum novi-belgii (L.)
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Total N° of Refs: 3 G.L.Nesom
References: Canada-A-642. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 3
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Aster brachytrichus Franch. References: Canada-A-642. Dispersed by: Humans
Asteraceae References: Iberian Peninsular-N-1147,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Aster cordifolius L. Europe-W-1325, Czech Republic-W-1977.
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Asteraceae
Dispersed by: Humans Accepted name: Symphyotrichum
References: Algeria-W-1977. cordifolium (L.) Nesom
Total N° of Refs: 18
Aster chilensis Nees Global Risk Score: 2.4
Asteraceae Rating: Low
Accepted name: Symphyotrichum chilense Habit: perennial Herb
(Nees) G.L.Nesom Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 1 Origin: N Am
Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans, Water Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
References: United States of America-WD- References: Finland-U-42, United
34. Kingdom-C-314, Czech Republic-U-400,
Canada-C-756, Europe-N-819, Global-W-
1324, Global-CD-1611, Canada-G-1855,

Aster ericoides L. Aster foliaceus Lindl. Aster indamellus Grierson
Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae
Accepted name: Symphyotrichum ericoides Accepted name: Symphyotrichum Total N° of Refs: 7
(L.) Nesom foliaceum var. foliaceum (Lindl.) G. L. Weed of: Cereals
Total N° of Refs: 24 Nesom References: Nepal-R-1981, Algeria-W-
Global Risk Score: 2.88 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Symphyotrichum 1977, Belgium-W-1977, Chile-W-1977,
Rating: Low foliaceum (Lindl.) G. L. Nesom (1) Denmark-W-1977, Lao People's
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Total N° of Refs: 2 Democratic Republic-W-1977, Latvia-W-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Habit: perennial Herb 1977.
Origin: N Am Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans Aster junceus Ait.
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Asteraceae
Weed of: Pastures, Vegetables Aster fragilis Willd. Accepted name: Symphyotrichum novi-
References: United States of America-W- Asteraceae belgii var. novi-belgii
161, United States of America-AW-210, Accepted name: Symphyotrichum Total N° of Refs: 56
United States of America-W-218, United racemosum References: United Kingdom-U-314.
Kingdom-C-314, Global-I-506, United Total N° of Refs: 5
States of America-A-543, Europe-U-638, References: Chile-I-1872. Aster karvinskianum L.
Hungary-U-809, France-N-1006, Europe- Asteraceae
N-819, Hungary-U-1255, Global-W-1349, Aster grisebachii Britt. Accepted name: Erigeron karvinskianus
Denmark-W-1609, United States of Asteraceae DC.
America-A-87, Global-CD-1611, Chile-I- Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 191
1872, France-N-2091. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical References: Algeria-W-1977.
References: Cuba-A-14.
Aster ericoides L. subsp. ericoides Aster koraiensis (Nakai) Kitam.
Asteraceae Aster hesperius Gray Asteraceae
Total N° of Refs: 3 Asteraceae Total N° of Refs: 2
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Accepted name: Symphyotrichum Major Pathway/s: Crop
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee lanceolatum (Willd.) Nesom subsp. References: Japan-N-794, Japan-N-1278.
References: Canada-C-756, Global-CD- hesperium var. hesperium
1611, Canada-G-1855. Total N° of Refs: 44 Aster laevis L.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Asteraceae
Aster exilis Ell., nomen dubium References: Canada-A-642. Accepted name: Symphyotrichum laeve
Asteraceae var. laeve (L.) A. Love & D. Love
Accepted name: Symphyotrichum Aster hybrid hort. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Symphyotrichum
divaricatum (Nutt.) Nesom Asteraceae laeve (L.) . L ve & D. L ve var. geyeri (A.
Total N° of Refs: 9 Total N° of Refs: 1 Gray) G. L. Nesom (2)
Global Risk Score: 0.96 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 51
Rating: Low Dispersed by: Humans Global Risk Score: 10.8
Aqua - Habit: References: Europe-NI-1740. Rating: Medium
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Aster hybridus nom. hort. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Dispersed by: Water Asteraceae Subtropical, Tropical
References: Cuba-A-14, United States of Accepted name: x Solidaster luteus Origin: N Am
America-W-161, United States of America- (Everett) M.L.Green ex Dress Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
W-218, United States of America-AD-194, Total N° of Refs: 4 Ornamental
United States of America-A-1498, Chile-A- Global Risk Score: 0.24 Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Wind,
87, United States of America-A-87, Chile- Rating: Low Escapee
I-1872. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: Costa Rica-I-975, United
Dispersed by: Humans Kingdom-C-314, Czech Republic-U-400,
Aster falcatus Lindl. References: Ireland-EN-793. Europe-N-482, United Kingdom-N-519,
Asteraceae Canada-A-642, Austria-CN-708, Slovenia-
Accepted name: Symphyotrichum falcatum Aster incisus Fisch. E-772, United Kingdom-CN-812, Costa
var. falcatum (Lindl.) Nesom Asteraceae Rica-CN-872, Belgium-N-1006, France-N-
Total N° of Refs: 1 Accepted name: Kalimeris incisa (Fisch.) 1006, Germany-N-1006, United Kingdom-
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical DC. N-1006, Europe-N-819, Austria-W-1609,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Total N° of Refs: 4 Denmark-W-1609, Germany-W-1609,
References: United States of America-W- Global Risk Score: 0.24 Netherlands-W-1609, Global-CD-1611,
161. Rating: Low Chile-I-1872, France-N-2091.
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Aster farreri W.W. Sm. & Jeffrey Dispersed by: Humans
Asteraceae References: Chile-I-1872.
Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: perennial Herb
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Algeria-W-1977.

Aster laevis L. var. concinnus (Willd.) Aster lanceolatus Willd. Aster lanceolatus Willd. subsp. hesperius
House Asteraceae (A. Gray) Semple & J. Chmielewski
Asteraceae Accepted name: Symphyotrichum Asteraceae
Accepted name: Symphyotrichum laeve lanceolatum (Willd.) Nesom Accepted name: Symphyotrichum
var. concinnum Synonym/s (n° of refs): Symphyotrichum lanceolatum (Willd.) Nesom subsp.
Total N° of Refs: 30 lanceolatum (Willd.) Nesom subsp. hesperium var. hesperium
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental hesperium (Gray) Nesom (1) Total N° of Refs: 44
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Total N° of Refs: 134 Habit: perennial Herb
References: Austria-UC-708, Austria-W- Global Risk Score: 10.8 References: Canada-A-642.
1609, Global-CD-1611. Rating: Medium
Habit: perennial Herb Aster lanceolatus Willd. subsp.
Aster laevis L. var. geyeri A. Gray Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, lanceolatus
Asteraceae Subtropical Asteraceae
Accepted name: Symphyotrichum laeve Origin: N Am Total N° of Refs: 4
var. geyeri Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Global Risk Score: 0.48
Total N° of Refs: 28 Ornamental Rating: Low
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Wind, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
References: Canada-A-642. Escapee Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Weed of: Pastures References: Canada-A-642, Canada-C-756,
Aster laevis L. var. laevis References: United Kingdom-N-40, Global-CD-1611, Canada-G-1855.
Asteraceae Finland-U-42, New Zealand-N-280,
Accepted name: Symphyotrichum laeve Europe, eastern-W-272, United Kingdom- Aster lanceolatus Willd. x Aster novi-
var. laeve (L.) A. Love & D. Love CN-314, Czech Republic-I-400, Global-EI- belgii L.
Total N° of Refs: 30 461, Europe-N-482, United Kingdom-N- Asteraceae
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental 519, New Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N- Accepted name: Aster x salignus Willd.
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee 15, Spain-N-405, Poland-N-619, Canada- Total N° of Refs: 84
References: Canada-C-756, Global-CD- A-642, Ukraine-N-643, Portugal-N-662, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
1611, Canada-G-1855. Austria-CNI-708, Portugal-N-718, France- Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
I-720, Slovenia-E-772, Hungary-I-809, References: United Kingdom-N-519,
Aster laevis L. x Aster novi-belgii L. France-W-764, United Kingdom-CN-812, United Kingdom-CN-812, United
Asteraceae Switzerland-UI-818, Czech Republic-NI- Kingdom-N-1636, Global-CD-1611.
Accepted name: Aster x versicolor Willd. 826, Hungary-ANI-1255, Ireland-N-894,
Total N° of Refs: 19 Russia-I-900, Germany-N-907, New Aster lateriflorus (L.) Britton
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Zealand-N-919, Belgium-I-858, Austria-I- Asteraceae
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee 337, Germany-N-1006, United Kingdom- Accepted name: Symphyotrichum
References: United Kingdom-N-519, N-1006, Iceland-N-1006, Liechtenstein-N- lateriflorum (L.) A. & D.Löve
United Kingdom-CN-812, Ireland-W-894, 1006, Netherlands-N-1006, Portugal-N- Total N° of Refs: 14
Global-CD-1611. 1006, Europe-N-1072, Portugal-N-898, Global Risk Score: 0.72
Europe-N-819, Slovakia-I-782, Iberian Rating: Low
Peninsular-N-1147, Spain-U-1149, Habit: perennial Herb
Hungary-EI-1164, Poland-ER-1219, Origin: N Am
Serbia-W-1238, France-AE-1239, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Australia-E-1259, Spain-N-1270, France-I- Dispersed by: Humans
1273, Slovakia-A-1282, Global-W-1324, References: United Kingdom-U-314,
Finland-W-1356, Serbia-W-1358, Serbia- Canada-A-642, Europe-N-819, Global-W-
W-1222, Austria-EI-1401, France-NI-1516, 1324, Global-W-1349, France-N-2091.
Central Europe-N-1602, Estonia-W-1609,
Austria-W-1609, Belgium-W-1609, Czech Aster lateriflorus (L.) Britton var.
Republic-W-1609, Denmark-W-1609, angustifolius Wieg.
Russia-W-1609, Germany-W-1609, Asteraceae
Netherlands-W-1609, Poland-W-1609, Accepted name: Symphyotrichum
Poland-N-1040, Romania-N-1553, lateriflorum var. angustifolium
Romania-N-1554, Global-CD-1611, Total N° of Refs: 9
Russia-N-1006, Europe-NI-1690, France- References: Canada-A-642.
NI-1438, Croatia-N-1747, Serbia-W-1766,
Romania-I-1843, Serbia-R-1848, Slovakia- Aster lateriflorus (L.) Britton var.
ID-1878, France-N-1941, France-I-1943, hirsuticaulis (Lindl.) Porter
Switzerland-I-1990, Poland-N-1993, Asteraceae
Estonia-I-1996, Estonia-N-1997, Germany- Accepted name: Symphyotrichum
N-2009, Slovakia-A-2079, France-N-2091, lateriflorum var. hirsuticaule
Russia-I-2107. Total N° of Refs: 9
References: Canada-A-642.

Aster lateriflorus (L.) Britton var. Aster linosyris (L.) Bernh. Aster novae-angliae L.
lateriflorus Asteraceae Asteraceae
Asteraceae Total N° of Refs: 5 Accepted name: Symphyotrichum novae-
Total N° of Refs: 3 Global Risk Score: 2.88 angliae (L.) Nesom
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Rating: Low Synonym/s (n° of refs): Symphyotrichum
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Habit: perennial Herb novae-angliae (L.) G. L. Nesom
References: Canada-C-756, Global-CD- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 96
1611, Canada-G-1855. Origin: Europe Global Risk Score: 8.64
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Rating: Medium
Aster laurentianus Fern. Ornamental Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb
Asteraceae Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Accepted name: Brachyactis ciliata subsp. Livestock, Sheep, Wind Origin: N Am
laurentiana Seed Longevity: Transient Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 15 Weed of: Pastures Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Water,
References: Canada-A-642. References: United Kingdom-N-519, Escapee
Serbia-W-1238, Serbia-A-1372, Global- Seed Longevity: Transient
Aster laurentianus (Ledeb.) Ledeb. var. ZD-1611, Iceland-U-1552. References: Global-W-23, New Zealand-N-
contiguus Fern. 280, Japan-N-287, United States of
Asteraceae Aster macrophyllus L. America-W-218, United Kingdom-C-314,
Accepted name: Brachyactis ciliata Asteraceae Czech Republic-U-400, Europe-NW-482,
(Ledeb.) Ledeb. subsp. laurentiana Accepted name: Eurybia macrophylla (L.) Switzerland-W-502, United Kingdom-N-
Total N° of Refs: 15 Cass. ex Nees 519, New Zealand-N-15, Poland-N-619,
References: Canada-A-642. Total N° of Refs: 17 Ukraine-UC-643, Switzerland-N-653,
Habit: perennial Herb Austria-CN-708, Denmark-C-711,
Aster laurentianus (Ledeb.) Ledeb. var. Origin: N Am Lithuania-I-737, Canada-C-756, Slovenia-
magdalenensis Fern. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, E-772, Japan-N-794, Hungary-U-809,
Asteraceae Ornamental United Kingdom-CN-812, Switzerland-
Accepted name: Brachyactis ciliata Dispersed by: Humans, Wind, Escapee UID-818, Germany-N-907, New Zealand-
(Ledeb.) Ledeb. subsp. laurentiana References: Global-N-108, United N-919, France-N-1006, Germany-N-1006,
Total N° of Refs: 15 Kingdom-C-314, Czech Republic-U-400, United Kingdom-N-1006, Italy-N-1006,
References: Canada-A-642. Denmark-C-711, Canada-C-756, Germany- Liechtenstein-N-1006, Lithuania-N-1006,
N-1006, Europe-N-819, Global-W-1324, Poland-N-1006, Japan-ID-1073, Europe-N-
Aster lentus Greene Denmark-W-1609, Germany-W-1609, 819, Poland-ER-1219, Georgia-UR-1250,
Asteraceae Global-CD-1611, Canada-G-1855. Hungary-U-1255, Japan-N-1278, Ukraine-
Accepted name: Symphyotrichum lentum N-1297, Global-W-1324, Ukraine-N-1335,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Aster moranensis Kunth Global-W-1349, Slovakia-U-1484, Central
Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb Asteraceae Europe-N-1602, Austria-W-1609,
Dispersed by: Water Accepted name: Symphyotrichum Denmark-W-1609, Russia-W-1609,
References: United States of America-WD- moranense (Kunth) G. L. Nesom Germany-W-1609, Lithuania-W-1609,
34. Total N° of Refs: 2 Poland-W-1609, United States of America-
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical A-87, Poland-N-1040, Global-CD-1611,
Aster linariifolius L. References: Mexico-W-890, Mexico-W- France-N-1438, Canada-G-1855, Chile-I-
Asteraceae 1226. 1872, France-R-1942, Central and northern
Accepted name: Ionactis linariifolia (L.) Japan and northern islands-N-1983,
Greene Poland-N-1993, France-N-2091.
Total N° of Refs: 3
Global Risk Score: 0.72
Rating: Low
Habit: perennial Herb
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: United States of America-W-
218, Global-W-1349, United States of

Aster novi-belgii L. Germany-N-2009, Ukraine-N-2050, Serbia- Aster parviceps (Burgess) Mackenzie &
Asteraceae R-2057, France-N-2091, Russia-I-2107. Bush
Accepted name: Symphyotrichum novi- Asteraceae
belgii (L.) G.L.Nesom Aster novi-belgii L. subsp. laevigatus Accepted name: Symphyotrichum
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Symphyotrichum (Lam.) Thell. parviceps
novi-belgii (L.) G.L.Nesom Asteraceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Symphyotrichum
Total N° of Refs: 171 Total N° of Refs: 1 parviceps (Burgess) Nesom (1)
Global Risk Score: 8.64 References: France-U-1942. Total N° of Refs: 2
Rating: Medium Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb Aster novi-belgii hybrids nom. hort.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Asteraceae Aster parviflorus Nees
Origin: N Am Total N° of Refs: 2 Asteraceae
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Habit: Herb Accepted name: Machaeranthera parviflora
Dispersed by: Humans, Water, Wind, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aster scantii auct.
Escapee Dispersed by: Humans eur. p. p. (2)
Seed Longevity: Transient References: New Zealand-N-534, New Total N° of Refs: 6
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Zealand-N-919. Origin: Europe
References: Australia-W-269, United References: Czech Republic-N-400, Czech
Kingdom-N-40, Finland-C-42, Global-N- Aster novi-belgii L. x lanceolatus Willd. Republic-N-826, Germany-W-1609.
108, New Zealand-N-280, Global-EI-132, Asteraceae
Japan-N-287, Australia-N-198, Europe, Accepted name: Aster x salignus Willd. Aster patulus Lam.
eastern-W-272, United States of America- Total N° of Refs: 81 Asteraceae
W-218, Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945, References: Ireland-W-894. Total N° of Refs: 6
United Kingdom-CN-314, Australia-E-327, Origin: N Am
Czech Republic-I-400, Europe-NW-482, Aster occidentalis (Nutt.) Torr. & A. References: Hungary-U-809, Europe-N-
Switzerland-W-502, United Kingdom-N- Gray 819, Hungary-U-1255, Global-W-1324,
519, Spain-N-405, Poland-N-619, Ukraine- Asteraceae Slovakia-U-1484, France-N-2091.
UC-643, Switzerland-NI-653, Australia-N- Accepted name: Symphyotrichum
310, Austria-CNI-708, Denmark-CN-711, spathulatum (Lindl.) Nesom Aster pesthinensis DC.
France-I-720, Lithuania-I-737, Slovenia-E- Total N° of Refs: 3 Asteraceae
772, South Korea-N-773, Mediterranean-I- Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Total N° of Refs: 2
775, Japan-N-794, Spain-W-807, Hungary- Origin: N Am References: Hungary-U-809, Hungary-U-
I-809, France-I-764, United Kingdom-CN- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental 1255.
812, Switzerland-UID-818, Czech Dispersed by: Humans
Republic-NI-826, Australia-W-853, References: United States of America-W-
Australia-W-869, Ireland-U-894, Germany- 136, United States of America-W-218,
N-907, Belgium-I-858, Austria-I-337, United States of America-A-87.
Mediterranean-WI-951, Australia-N-354,
Belgium-N-1006, Denmark-N-1006, Aster oolentangiensis Riddell
Germany-N-1006, United Kingdom-N- Asteraceae
1006, Iceland-N-1006, Italy-N-1006, Accepted name: Symphyotrichum
Liechtenstein-N-1006, Luxembourg-N- oolentangiense (Riddell) G.L.Nesom
1006, Norway-N-1006, Spain-N-1006, Total N° of Refs: 6
Sweden-N-1006, Australia-N-1049, Global Risk Score: 0.48
Europe-N-1072, Poland-A-935, Europe-N- Rating: Low
819, Slovakia-I-782, Hungary-I-455, Habit: perennial Herb
Bosnia and Herzegovina-N-1140, Spain-U- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
1149, Russia-I-1178, South Korea-N-761, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Poland-ERI-1219, France-E-1239, Georgia- References: Canada-C-756, Global-CD-
UR-1250, Hungary-I-1255, Australia-E- 1611, Canada-G-1855, Australia-Q-1123.
1259, France-I-1273, Japan-N-1278,
Ukraine-N-1297, Europe-E-1315, Ukraine- Aster paniculatus Lam.
N-1335, Serbia-W-1222, Austria-EI-1401, Asteraceae
Spain-U-1454, Spain-U-1455, Belgium-X- Accepted name: Symphyotrichum
1477, Slovakia-I-1484, Poland-NI-1494, lanceolatum (Willd.) Nesom subsp.
Romania-N-1540, Central Europe-N-1602, lanceolatum var. lanceolatum
Austria-W-1609, Belgium-W-1609, Czech Total N° of Refs: 45
Republic-W-1609, Denmark-W-1609, References: Finland-U-42, Canada-A-642.
Russia-W-1609, Germany-W-1609,
Lithuania-W-1609, Netherlands-W-1609, Aster parryi A. Gray
Poland-W-1609, United States of America- Asteraceae
A-87, Poland-N-1040, Russia-N-1647, Accepted name: Xylorhiza glabriuscula
Lithuania-CN-1652, Global-CD-1611, var. glabriuscula Nutt.
Russia-N-1006, Poland-N-1716, France- Total N° of Refs: 4
NI-1438, Croatia-N-1747, Chile-I-1872, References: United States of America-W-
France-N-1941, France-I-1943, Central and 218, United States of America-A-87.
northern Japan and northern islands-N-
1983, Romania-N-1986, Switzerland-U-
1990, Poland-NI-1993, Estonia-N-1994,

Aster pilosus Willd. Aster pilosus Willd. var. pringlei (A. Aster puniceus L.
Asteraceae Gray) S. F. Blake Asteraceae
Accepted name: Symphyotrichum pilosum Asteraceae Accepted name: Symphyotrichum
(Willd.) Nesom var. pilosum Accepted name: Symphyotrichum pilosum puniceum (L.) Á. & D.Löve
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Symphyotrichum var. pringlei Total N° of Refs: 5
pilosum (Willd.) Nesom var. pringlei Total N° of Refs: 10 Global Risk Score: 1.44
(Gray) Nesom (1) References: Canada-A-642. Rating: Low
Total N° of Refs: 49 Habit: perennial Herb
Global Risk Score: 7.2 Aster pinnatifidus (MAT.) Makino Origin: N Am
Rating: Medium Asteraceae Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb Accepted name: Machaeranthera Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, pinnatifida subsp. pinnatifida var. References: United States of America-W-
Subtropical pinnatifida 218, United Kingdom-CN-314, Europe-
Origin: N Am, S Am Total N° of Refs: 4 NW-482, United States of America-A-87,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, References: South Korea-A-648. Global-CD-1611.
Dispersed by: Humans, Horse, Livestock, Aster praealtus Poiret Aster puniceus L. var. puniceus
Water, Escapee Asteraceae Asteraceae
Weed of: Nursery Production, Orchards & Accepted name: Symphyotrichum Accepted name: Symphyotrichum
Plantations, Pastures, Pome Fruits, praealtum (Poir.) G.L.Nesom puniceum var. puniceum (L.) A. Love & D.
Vegetables Total N° of Refs: 1 Love
References: Global-A-243, United States of Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 3
America-W-161, Japan-N-287, Japan-W- Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
286, United States of America-AW-207, References: United Kingdom-U-314. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
United States of America-AW-210, United References: Canada-C-756, Global-CD-
States of America-AG-211, United States Aster prenanthoides Muhlenb. 1611, Canada-G-1855.
of America-W-218, United Kingdom-C- Asteraceae
314, United States of America-A-543, Accepted name: Symphyotrichum Aster riparius Kunth
Spain-N-405, Europe-I-638, Canada-A- prenanthoides Asteraceae
642, Austria-U-708, South Korea-N-773, Total N° of Refs: 5 Accepted name: Machaeranthera riparia
Japan-N-794, Spain-W-807, India-U-914, Global Risk Score: 1.44 Total N° of Refs: 2
United States of America-A-967, Japan-ID- Rating: Low References: Europe-N-819, Global-W-
1073, Europe-N-819, United States of Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental 1324.
America-W-1104, Global-ZD-1203, South Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Korea-N-761, Japan-N-1278, Global-W- References: United Kingdom-C-314,
1349, Spain-N-1454, Global-ZD-1492, Global-CD-1611, Australia-Q-1123.
Austria-W-1609, United States of America-
A-87, South Korea-N-1013, United States Aster pringlei (Gray) Britt.
of America-ZD-1592, Global-CD-1611, Asteraceae
South Korea-N-1586, South Korea-N-1972, Accepted name: Symphyotrichum pilosum
South Korea-N-1974, South Korea-N-1975, (Willd.) Nesom var. pringlei (Gray) Nesom
South Korea-A-2032, South Korea-AN- Total N° of Refs: 10
2033. Global Risk Score: 0.72
Rating: Low
Aster pilosus Willd. var. demotus Blake Habit: Shrub
Asteraceae Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Accepted name: Symphyotrichum pilosum Dispersed by: Humans
var. pringlei References: Canada-A-642.
Total N° of Refs: 11
Habit: perennial Herb Aster punctatus Waldst. & Kit.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Asteraceae
Dispersed by: Humans Synonym/s (n° of refs): Galatella punctata
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations (Waldst. & Kit.) Nees (2)
References: Canada-A-642, India-A-712. Total N° of Refs: 2

Aster pilosus Willd. var. pilosus

Accepted name: Symphyotrichum pilosum
var. pilosum (Willd.) G. L. Nesom
Total N° of Refs: 12
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
References: Canada-C-756, Global-CD-
1611, Canada-G-1855.

Aster x salignus Willd. Aster scantii auct. eur. p. p. Aster spectabilis Ait.
Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae
Accepted name: Symphyotrichum x Accepted name: Aster parviflorus Nees Accepted name: Eurybia spectabilis (Ait.)
salignum (Willd.) G.L.Nesom Total N° of Refs: 5 Nesom
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aster lanceolatus References: Germany-W-1609, Germany- Total N° of Refs: 4
Willd. x Aster novi-belgii L. (4), Aster W-1977. Global Risk Score: 1.44
novi-belgii L. x lanceolatus Willd. (1) Rating: Low
Total N° of Refs: 107 Aster schreberi Nees Habit: Shrub
Global Risk Score: 11.52 Asteraceae Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Rating: Medium Accepted name: Eurybia schreberi (Nees) Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Habit: perennial Herb Nees References: United States of America-W-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 12 218, United Kingdom-C-314, United States
Origin: N Am Habit: perennial Herb of America-A-87, Global-CD-1611.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Wind, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Aster spinosus Benth.
Escapee References: United Kingdom-C-314, Asteraceae
References: United Kingdom-N-40, United Europe-N-482, United Kingdom-N-519, Accepted name: Chloracantha spinosa
Kingdom-CN-314, Czech Republic-I-400, Denmark-C-711, Canada-C-756, Europe- (Benth.) Nesom
Europe-N-482, Poland-N-619, Ukraine- N-819, Global-W-1324, Denmark-W-1609, Total N° of Refs: 10
UC-643, Austria-CN-708, Denmark-C-711, Global-CD-1611, Canada-G-1855. Habit: Herb
Lithuania-I-737, Slovenia-E-772, Hungary- Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical,
I-809, Czech Republic-NI-826, Hungary- Aster sedifolius L. Tropical
ANI-1255, Ireland-U-894, Russia-I-900, Asteraceae Origin: N Am
Germany-N-907, Belgium-I-858, Austria- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Galatella sedifolius Major Pathway/s: Herbal
N-1006, Belgium-N-1006, Estonia-N-1006, ssp. dracunculoides Nyman Weed of: Vegetables
France-N-1006, Germany-N-1006, United Total N° of Refs: 5 References: United States of America-W-
Kingdom-N-1006, Iceland-N-1006, Latvia- Habit: perennial Herb 161, United States of America-W-218,
N-1006, Lithuania-N-1006, Norway-N- Origin: Europe United States of America-A-543, Costa
1006, Sweden-N-1006, Europe-N-1072, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Rica-N-872, Mexico-W-890, Mexico-W-
Europe-N-819, Latvia-CNI-1125, Bosnia Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee 1226, Global-W-1349, United States of
and Herzegovina-N-1140, Hungary-EI- References: Finland-C-42, United America-A-87.
1164, Russia-I-1178, Poland-ERI-1219, Kingdom-C-314, Europe-N-819, Global-
Serbia-W-1238, France-E-1239, Ukraine- W-1324, Global-CD-1611. Aster x spp. Willd.
N-1297, Finland-I-1323, Global-W-1324, Asteraceae
Serbia-W-1358, Belgium-X-1477, Russia- Aster sibiricus L. Total N° of Refs: 2
N-1532, Latvia-CN-1598, Romania-CN- Asteraceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
1599, Central Europe-N-1602, Ireland-N- Accepted name: Eurybia sibirica (L.) Dispersed by: Humans
1608, Estonia-W-1609, Austria-W-1609, Nesom References: Finland-C-42, Global-CD-
Belgium-W-1609, Denmark-W-1609, Total N° of Refs: 18 1611.
Russia-W-1609, Germany-W-1609, Latvia- Global Risk Score: 4.32
W-1609, Lithuania-W-1609, Poland-W- Rating: Low Aster spp. L.
1609, Sweden-W-1609, Romania-N-1629, Habit: perennial Herb Asteraceae
Poland-N-1040, Romania-N-1554, Global- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aster spp. L.
CD-1611, Russia-N-1006, Russia-NI-1688, Dispersed by: Humans, Wind, Escapee Total N° of Refs: 11
Europe-N-1690, France-NI-1438, Serbia- References: Finland-C-42, Austria-UC-708, ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Subtropical
W-1766, Serbia-R-1848, Slovakia-ID- Denmark-N-1006, Norway-N-1006, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
1878, Sardinia-U-1917, Russia-N-1921, Sweden-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Global- Weed of: Vegetables
France-N-1941, France-W-1943, Serbia-R- W-1324, Austria-W-1609, Global-CD- References: United States of America-A-
1953, Russia-N-1988, Poland-N-1993, 1611, Chile-I-1872, Australia-Q-1123. 543, Ireland-EN-793, Belgium-NI-858,
Estonia-I-1996, Estonia-N-1997, Russia- United Kingdom-N-1006, Greece-W-1240,
W-2015, France-N-2091, Russia-I-2107. Aster simplex Willd. Ireland-W-1609, Europe-NI-1740, Austria-
Asteraceae A-1670, Oman-A-1870, Costa Rica-A-
Aster scaber Thunb. Accepted name: Symphyotrichum 1933, Hungary-W-1977.
Asteraceae lanceolatum (Willd.) Nesom subsp.
Accepted name: Doellingeria scabra lanceolatum var. lanceolatum (Willd.)
(Thunb.) Nees Nesom
Total N° of Refs: 5 Total N° of Refs: 46
Global Risk Score: 1.76 Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Rating: Low Dispersed by: Humans
Habit: perennial Herb References: United States of America-W-
Origin: E Asia 218, Canada-A-642, United States of
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental, America-A-87.
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Japan-W-286, Asia-W-204,
United States of America-A-87, South

Aster squamatus (Spreng.) Hieron. Aster subulatus Michx. Aster subulatus Michx. var. elongatus
Asteraceae Asteraceae Bosser. ex A.G.Jones & Lowry
Accepted name: Symphyotrichum Accepted name: Symphyotrichum Asteraceae
squamatum (Spreng.) Nesom subulatum (Michx.) Nesom Accepted name: Symphyotrichum
Total N° of Refs: 121 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Symphyotrichum bahamense (Britt.) Nesom
Global Risk Score: 4.32 divaricatum (Nutt.) Nesom (1) Total N° of Refs: 2
Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 110 References: Japan-N-287, Japan-W-286.
Toxic - Habit: Tree Global Risk Score: 11.52
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Rating: Medium Aster subulatus Michaux var. ligulatus
Subtropical, Tropical Aqua - Habit: annual/biennial Herb Shinn.
Origin: Aust, C Am, S Am, Cosmopolitan Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Asteraceae
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Subtropical, Tropical Accepted name: Symphyotrichum
Ornamental Origin: N Am, S Am subulatum (Michx.) G.L.Nesom var.
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, ligulatum (Shinners) S. D. Sundb.
Weed of: Cereals, Grapevines, Orchards & Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 20
Plantations, Pastures, Potatoes, Vegetables Dispersed by: Humans, Vehicles, Water, Aqua - Habit: annual Herb
References: Brazil-W-255, South Africa- Escapee Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
AR-121, Brazil-W-361, Brazil-W-407, Weed of: Grapevines, Nursery Production, Dispersed by: Humans, Water
Argentina-W-237, South America-W-295, Orchards & Plantations, Pastures, Pome References: United States of America-WD-
Egypt-A-185, western Europe-A-253, Fruits 34, Japan-N-794, United States of
western Europe-W-70, Canary Islands-N- References: Australia-W-93, Puerto Rico- America-W-946, Japan-N-1278.
305, Europe-NW-482, Tunisia-R-527, W-261, Australia-W-205, Australia-N-368,
Spain-I-405, Portugal-N-662, Portugal-N- Taiwan-N-777, Australia-W-269, Aster subulatus Michx. var. sandwicensis
718, Spain-I-738, Slovenia-E-772, Australia-E-72, South Africa-W-51, (Gray) A.G.Jones
Mediterranean-I-775, Spain-I-802, Spain-I- Global-E-152, Australia-N-9, Global-A- Asteraceae
807, France-I-764, Swaziland-N-825, 243, New Zealand-N-280, Australia-N-134, Accepted name: Symphyotrichum
Paraguay-NI-876, Europe-AN-889, New Zealand-W-165, Australia-N-176, squamatum (Spreng.) Nesom
Croatia-I-891, Argentina-A-913, United States of America-A-180, Japan-N- Total N° of Refs: 40
Mediterranean-WI-951, Australia-N-354, 287, Japan-W-286, Australia-N-198, Global Risk Score: 0.48
Portugal-N-1006, Spain-N-1006, Greece- China-W-297, Australia-C-401, Australia- Rating: Low
N-1006, Malta-N-1006, Spain-N-1006, N-945, United Kingdom-N-314, Australia- Aqua - Habit: biennial Herb
Turkey-N-1069, Portugal-N-898, Europe- E-327, New Zealand-NW-425, China-W- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
N-819, Chile-W-388, Saudi Arabia-A-25, 431, New Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N- Origin: N Am
Italy-I-1091, Spain-EI-1092, Africa-W- 15, Australia-AEN-310, Canada and United Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
1127, Iberian Peninsular-N-1147, Spain-I- States of America-N-725, South Korea-N- Dispersed by: Humans, Water
1149, Crete-N-1150, Sardinia-I-1151, 773, Mediterranean-I-775, China-I-780, References: Taiwan-N-777, Japan-N-287,
Egypt-A-1171, Cyprus-N-1174, Italy-W- Australia-W-853, Australia-N-855, Japan-W-286, South Korea-N-773, United
1176, Serbia-E-1177, Chile-N-1229, Australia-N-868, Australia-W-869, States of America-N-301, Japan-N-794,
Croatia-I-1230, France-E-1239, Spain-NI- Mexico-I-878, China-I-882, Israel-A-885, Japan-AID-1073, South Korea-N-761,
1270, France-I-1273, Botswana-N-1284, Mexico-W-890, New Zealand-W-906, New China-N-1215, Japan-N-1278, Taiwan-N-
Europe-E-1315, Global-W-1324, Zealand-N-919, Mediterranean-W-951, 1403, South Korea-N-1586, Taiwan-W-
Argentina-A-1363, Zimbabwe-U-1365, Australia-N-1049, China-I-1055, Turkey- 1748, South Korea-A-1859, South Korea-
Sardinia-N-1381, Spain-I-1390, Algeria-A- N-1069, Japan-AID-1073, South Korea-N- N-1974, South Korea-A-2031, South
1402, Spain-I-1454, Spain-I-1455, Albania- 761, China-N-1215, Mexico-W-1226, Korea-A-2032.
N-1506, Saudi Arabia-A-1525, Europe-A- Australia-E-1259, Australia-E-1261,
1539, Greece-N-1541, Spain-I-1595, Australia-E-1262, China-N-92, China-I- Aster subulatus Michx. var. subulatus
Argentina-A-87, Morocco-A-87, Spain-A- 1277, China-NI-1212, Global-W-1324, Asteraceae
87, Chile-A-87, Global-N-1218, Spain-N- Australia-A-1331, China-N-1344, Israel- Total N° of Refs: 2
1556, Brazil-A-1560, Bosnia And NW-1380, Taiwan-AEN-1413, Global-E- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Herzegovina-ENI-1453, Crete-A-1651, 1449, Australia-N-1450, Australia-E-1456, Dispersed by: Humans
Lesotho-AR-121, Kuwait-N-1691, Azores- China-I-1485, Global-ZD-1495, China-I- References: Taiwan-N-1403, Mexico-W-
N-1721, Croatia-NW-1747, Cyprus-N- 1496, Australia-AN-1498, Mexico-N-1500, 1510.
1797, Croatia-I-1908, France-N-1941, Japan-N-1602, Australia-A-87, Iraq-A-87,
France-W-1943, Bosnia and Herzegovina- Japan-A-87, South Africa-A-87, Global-Q- Aster tataricus L. f.
I-1987, Portugal-N-2001, Croatia-I-2004, 1572, Brazil-A-1648, Global-CD-1611, Asteraceae
Tunisia-A-2006, South Africa-N-2017, Brazil-A-1622, China-I-1711, South Korea- Total N° of Refs: 2
Brazil-R-2053, Egypt-A-2088, France- N-1586, Taiwan-W-1748, China-I-1758, Global Risk Score: 2.24
AND-2091, Spain-A-2098, Republic of China-A-1615, China-I-1873, South Rating: Low
Korea-W-1977, United Kingdom-W-1977, Africa-N-1991, China-ANRI-2021, South Habit: perennial Herb
Swaziland-W-1977. Korea-N-2029, South Korea-A-2031, South Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Korea-A-2032, Israel-AGN-59, China-W- Ornamental, Pasture
1977, Republic of Korea-W-1977. Dispersed by: Humans
References: United States of America-N-
101, Chile-I-1872.

Aster tradescantii L. Aster umbellatus Mill. Aster versicolor Willd.
Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae
Accepted name: Symphyotrichum Accepted name: Doellingeria umbellata Total N° of Refs: 19
tradescantii (L.) Nesom (Mill.) Nees Origin: N Am
Total N° of Refs: 21 Total N° of Refs: 5 References: Czech Republic-I-400,
Global Risk Score: 7.2 Global Risk Score: 1.44 Lithuania-I-737, Czech Republic-NI-826,
Rating: Medium Rating: Low Austria-N-1006, France-N-1006, Germany-
Habit: Herb Habit: perennial Herb N-1006, United Kingdom-N-1006,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Hungary-N-1006, Iceland-N-1006,
Origin: N Am Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Lithuania-N-1006, Slovenia-N-1006,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Weed of: Nursery Production Hungary-N-1255, Global-W-1324, Austria-
Ornamental References: United Kingdom-C-314, W-1609, Russia-W-1609, Lithuania-W-
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Wind, Global-CD-1611, Chile-I-1872, Canada-G- 1609, Sweden-W-1609, Russia-N-1006,
Escapee 1462. France-N-2091.
References: Poland-N-619, Canada-A-642,
Denmark-UC-711, Slovenia-E-772, Aster umbellatus P. Mill. var. umbellatus Aster vimineus Lam.
Switzerland-U-818, Poland-ER-1219, Asteraceae Asteraceae
Serbia-W-1238, Europe-E-1315, Global- Total N° of Refs: 3 Accepted name: Symphyotrichum
W-1324, Central Europe-N-1602, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental lateriflorum (L.) Á. Löve & D. Löve
Denmark-W-1609, Poland-W-1609, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Total N° of Refs: 9
Poland-N-1040, Global-CD-1611, Croatia- References: Canada-C-756, Global-CD- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
N-1747, Switzerland-U-1990, Poland-N- 1611, Canada-G-1855. Dispersed by: Humans
1993. References: United Kingdom-U-314.
Aster urophyllus Lindl.
Aster trinervius Desf. Asteraceae Aster yomena (Kitamura) Honda
Asteraceae Accepted name: Symphyotrichum Asteraceae
Accepted name: Aster trinervius subsp. urophyllum Total N° of Refs: 6
ageratoides (Turcz.) Grierson Total N° of Refs: 3 Habit: perennial Herb
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aster trinervius Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Desf. (1) Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 3 References: Canada-C-756, Global-CD- Dispersed by: Humans
Habit: perennial Herb 1611, Canada-G-1855. Weed of: Pastures
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical References: southeast Asia-W-191, Asia-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Aster x versicolor Willd. W-204, Japan-A-87, South Korea-A-1860,
Ornamental Asteraceae South Korea-A-2032, South Korea-A-2033.
Dispersed by: Humans Accepted name: Symphyotrichum x
References: Japan-A-87. versicolor (Willd.) G. L. Nesom parents = Aster yunnanensis Franch.
Aster laevis L. x Aster novi-belgii L. Asteraceae
Aster tripolium L. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aster laevis L. x Total N° of Refs: 1
Asteraceae Aster novi-belgii L. (4) Habit: perennial Herb
Accepted name: Tripolium vulgare Nees Total N° of Refs: 40 Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 10 Global Risk Score: 0.48 Dispersed by: Humans
Global Risk Score: 9.6 Rating: Low References: China-W-431.
Rating: Medium Origin: Europe
Habit: annual/perennial Herb Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Asteracantha longifolia (L.) Nees
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Acanthaceae
Origin: Europe References: United Kingdom-N-40, United Accepted name: Hygrophila auriculata
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Kingdom-C-314, Austria-CN-708, (Schumach.) Heine
Herbal, Ornamental Hungary-NI-809, Ireland-N-894, Europe- Total N° of Refs: 20
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers, N-819, Italy-N-1265, Ireland-N-1608, Global Risk Score: 0.48
Vehicles, Water, Wind Germany-W-1609, Ireland-W-1609, Rating: Low
Seed Longevity: Long Term Netherlands-W-1609, Romania-N-1629, Aqua - Habit:
References: Global-W-23, United Romania-N-1554, Global-CD-1611, Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Kingdom-N-519, Global-Q-1205, Iraq-A- Switzerland-U-1990. Dispersed by: Water
87, Global-ZD-1611, Australia-Q-1123. Weed of: Cereals
References: India-A-948, Sri Lanka-AD-
Aster tripolium L. subsp. pannonicus 1195, south and southeast Asia-A-1320,
(Jacq.) Soó India-W-1029, India-W-1672, India-A-
Asteraceae 2084.
Total N° of Refs: 2
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Asterionellopsis glacialis (Castracane)
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Round
Dispersed by: Humans Rhaphoneidaceae
References: Estonia-W-1609, Estonia-N- Total N° of Refs: 2
1997. References: Europe-W-1325, Europe-N-

Asteriscium chilense Cham. & Schltdl. Asterolinon linum-stellatum (L.) Duby Astilbe arendsii Arends.
Apiaceae Primulaceae Saxifragaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 19 Accepted name: parents = Astilbe x
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland Habit: annual Herb arendsii Arends.
References: Chile-A-87. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 13
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe References: Czech Republic-W-1977.
Asteriscus aquaticus (L.) Less. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Asteraceae Dispersed by: Humans Astilbe chinensis (Maxim.) Franch. &
Total N° of Refs: 6 References: Europe-A-94, Australia-N-198, Sav.
Habit: annual Herb Australia-N-945, Australia-E-327, Saxifragaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Australia-EN-7, Australia-N-855, Total N° of Refs: 6
Origin: Africa, Europe Australia-N-856, Australia-N-354, Europe- Habit: perennial Herb
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental N-819, Belgium-U-1220, Crete-A-1228, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Australia-E-1259, Australia-E-1261, Origin: E Asia
Livestock, Sheep Global-W-1324, Australia-N-1450, North Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
References: western Europe-W-70, United Africa, Libya, Egypt-W-1730, Armenia-W- Ornamental
Kingdom-U-314, Europe-N-482, Europe- 1977, Australia-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
N-819, Belgium-UD-1220, Belgium-W- References: China-W-431, Austria-W-
1977. Asteromoea indica (L.) Blume 1609, Sweden-W-1609, Russia-U-1499,
Asteraceae Russia-C-1671, Sweden-W-1977.
Asteriscus graveolens (Forssk.) Less. Total N° of Refs: 1
Asteraceae References: China-A-87. Astilbe chinensis (Maxim.) Franch. &
Total N° of Refs: 1 Sav. x Astilbe japonica Morr. & Decne.
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Asteromphalus sarcophagus Wallich Saxifragaceae
Mediterranean Asterolampraceae Accepted name: Astilbe x arendsii Arends .
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 15
Dispersed by: Humans References: Europe-N-819, Europe-N- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
References: Egypt-W-221. 1786. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
References: United Kingdom-N-519,
Asteriscus maritimus (L.) Less. Asteropterus leyseroides (Desf.) Rothm. United Kingdom-C-812, Global-CD-1611.
Asteraceae Asteraceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 1 Astilbe japonica (C.Morren & Decne.)
Habit: perennial Herb Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical A.Gray
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean References: Egypt-W-221. Saxifragaceae
Origin: Africa, Europe Total N° of Refs: 18
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Asthenatherum forskalii (Vahl) Nevski Global Risk Score: 1.44
Dispersed by: Humans Poaceae Rating: Low
References: western Europe-W-70, United Accepted name: Centropodia forskalii Habit: Herb
Kingdom-U-314. (Vahl) Cope Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Total N° of Refs: 1 Origin: E Asia
Asteriscus spinosus Sch.Bip. Habit: Grass Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Asteraceae Origin: Africa Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Accepted name: Pallenis spinosa (L.) Cass. References: Egypt-W-221. References: United States of America-N-
Total N° of Refs: 16 101, United Kingdom-C-314, United
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Astilbe x arendsii Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don Kingdom-N-519, Austria-UC-708, United
Dispersed by: Humans Saxifragaceae Kingdom-CN-812, United Kingdom-N-
References: Australia-N-945, Australia-N- Accepted name: parents = Astilbe chinensis 1006, Europe-N-819, Norway-N-1243,
855, Australia-N-1450, Australia-N-1959. (Maxim.) Franchet & P.A.L.Savat. x Global-W-1324, Austria-W-1609, Norway-
Astilbe japonica (Morren & Decne.) W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, Global-CD-
Asteriscus spp. Mill. A.Gray 1611, Chile-I-1872, Austria-W-1977,
Asteraceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Astilbe chinensis Chile-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977, United
Total N° of Refs: 1 (Maxim.) Franch. & Sav. x Astilbe Kingdom-W-1977.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean japonica Morr. & Decne. (3), Astilbe
References: Europe, eastern-W-272. arendsii Arends. (1)
Total N° of Refs: 16
Asterohyptis mociniana (Benth.) Epling Habit: perennial Herb
Lamiaceae Origin: E Asia
Total N° of Refs: 2 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
References: Mexico-W-890, Mexico-W- References: United Kingdom-C-314, Czech
1226. Republic-U-400, Europe-N-819, Norway-
N-1243, Czech Republic-U-1522, Norway-
N-1535, Denmark-W-1609, Norway-W-
1609, Global-CD-1611, Czech Republic-U-
1731, Armenia-W-1977, Denmark-W-

Astilbe rivularis Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don Astragalus adsurgens Pall. Astragalus agrestis Douglas ex G. Don
Saxifragaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Total N° of Refs: 10 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Astragalus Synonym/s (n° of refs): Astragalus danicus
Global Risk Score: 2.4 adsurgens var. adsurgens Pall., Astragalus Retz. var. dasyglottis (Fisch. ex DC.)
Rating: Low adsurgens ssp. vicifolius Pall. Boivin (1), Astragalus dasyglottis Fisch. ex
Habit: perennial Herb Total N° of Refs: 5 DC., nom. illeg. (1), Astragalus goniatus
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Global Risk Score: 1.2 Nutt. (1)
Origin: C Asia Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 4
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Habit: perennial Herb Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
Ornamental Origin: E Asia Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, References: Canada-A-642.
References: United Kingdom-C-314, Ornamental
Europe-N-482, United Kingdom-N-519, Dispersed by: Humans Astragalus aleppicus Boiss
Europe-N-819, New Zealand-N-1117, References: China-W-297, China-A-275, Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
India-A-1124, Global-W-1324, Global-CD- China-W-431, Canada-A-642, China-U-92. Total N° of Refs: 2
1611, New Zealand-U-2048, United Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Kingdom-W-1977. Astragalus adsurgens Pall. var. References: Lebanon-A-87, Turkey-R-
adsurgens 1968.
Astilbe spp. Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Saxifragaceae Total N° of Refs: 1 Astragalus allochrous A. Gray
Total N° of Refs: 2 References: Canada-A-642. Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Habit: Herb Synonym/s (n° of refs): Astragalus
References: Switzerland-U-1990, Ireland- Astragalus adsurgens Pall. var. robustior wootonii E. Sheld. (7)
W-1977. Hook. Total N° of Refs: 11
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Global Risk Score: 0.72
Astilboides tabularis (Hemsl.) Engl. Accepted name: Astragalus laxmannii var. Rating: Low
Saxifragaceae robustior Toxic - Habit: annual Herb
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Habit: Herb Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans
Ornamental References: Canada-A-642. References: United States of America-W-
Dispersed by: Humans 161, United States of America-W-218,
References: Denmark-W-1609, Denmark- Astragalus adsurgens Pall. var. Global-W-1349, United States of America-
W-1977. tananaicus (Hulten) Barneby A-87.
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Astracantha cretica (Lam.) Podlech Accepted name: Astragalus laxmannii var. Astragalus alopecias Pall.
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae tananaicus Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Algeria-W-1977. References: Canada-A-642. Origin: W Asia
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Astraea lobata (L.) Klotzsch Astragalus adsurgens Pallas subsp. Dispersed by: Humans
Euphorbiaceae robustior (Hook.) Welsh Weed of: Cereals
Total N° of Refs: 13 Fabaceae - Papilionaceae References: Tajikistan-A-1674.
Habit: annual Herb Accepted name: Astragalus laxmannii var.
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical robustior Astragalus alopecuroides L.
References: Mexico-W-1226, Nigeria-N- Total N° of Refs: 1 Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
1796, Niger-N-1796, Liberia-N-1796, References: Canada-A-642. Total N° of Refs: 5
Senegal-N-1796, Benin-N-1796, Burkina Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Faso-N-1796, Central African Republic-N- Astragalus adsurgens Pall. subsp. Origin: Europe
1796, Eritrea-N-1796, Ethiopia-N-1796, vicifolius (Hult) S.L. Welsh, Pall. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Gambia-N-1796, Sudan-N-1796, Bolivia- Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Ornamental
W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans
References: Canada-A-642. References: Czech Republic-UZ-400,
Astragalus acormosus Basil. Europe-N-819, Global-W-1324, Czech
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Astragalus afghanus Boiss. Republic-U-1522, Czech Republic-U-1731.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Origin: W Asia Total N° of Refs: 1
Weed of: Cereals Weed of: Cereals
References: Tajikistan-A-1674. References: Global-A-243.

Astragalus alpinus L. Astragalus austriacus Jacq. Astragalus boeticus L.
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Astragalus baeticus
Global Risk Score: 0.24 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean auct. (1)
Rating: Low Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 20
Habit: Shrub Dispersed by: Humans Global Risk Score: 4.32
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean References: Europe, eastern-W-272. Rating: Low
Origin: E Asia, Europe Habit: annual Herb
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Astragalus baeticus auct. Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Dispersed by: Humans, Water Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Mediterranean
Seed Longevity: Transient Accepted name: Astragalus boeticus L. Origin: Africa, Europe, W Asia
References: Iceland-U-1552, Kazakhstan- Total N° of Refs: 20 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
A-1772, Iceland-W-1977. ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Ornamental
References: Chile-I-1872. Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Astragalus annularis Forssk. Livestock, Sheep
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Astragalus bakaliensis Bunge Weed of: Cereals
Total N° of Refs: 1 Fabaceae - Papilionaceae References: Egypt-W-221, United
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 2 Kingdom-U-40, Global-A-243, United
Origin: Africa Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Kingdom-UZD-314, Israel-A-778,
References: Egypt-W-221. References: Pakistan-A-999, Pakistan-A- Morocco-A-779, Europe-N-819, Australia-
1527. Q-1134, Belgium-UD-1220, Norway-N-
Astragalus arenarius L. 1243, Global-W-1324, Norway-W-1609,
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Astragalus balansae Boiss. North Africa, Libya, Egypt-W-1730,
Total N° of Refs: 2 Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Morocco-A-1751, Morocco-A-1752,
Habit: perennial Herb Total N° of Refs: 1 Global-W-2056, Belgium-W-1977, Chile-
Dispersed by: Animals References: Turkey-A-87. W-1977, Croatia-W-1977.
References: Finland-U-42, Europe-N-482.
Astragalus bergii Hieron. Astragalus bombycinus Boiss.
Astragalus arnacantha M. Bieb. Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 1
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Astragalus References: Uruguay-A-924, Argentina-A- References: Egypt-W-221.
tragacantha L. (1) 87, Uruguay-A-87.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Astragalus brachystachys DC.
Astragalus berterianus (Moris) Reiche Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Astragalus arnottianus (Gillies)Reiche Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Total N° of Refs: 2
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Total N° of Refs: 2 References: Chile-W-1977. References: Palestine-N-851, Turkey-R-
Habit: Shrub 1968.
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Astragalus bhotanensis Baker
Dispersed by: Humans Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Astragalus camelorum Barbey
References: Global-Q-1205, Australia-Q- Total N° of Refs: 1 Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
1123. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Bhutan-W-423. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Astragalus asterias Steven ex Ledeb. References: Palestine-N-851.
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Astragalus bisulcatus (Hook.) A. Gray
Total N° of Refs: 1 Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Astragalus campylorrhynchus Fisch. &
Habit: annual Herb Total N° of Refs: 8 C. A. Mey.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean ToxicMajor Pathway/s: Herbal Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Origin: Africa References: Canada-X-36, United States of Total N° of Refs: 1
Major Pathway/s: Pasture America-W-161, United States of America- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Dispersed by: Humans W-212, United States of America-W-218, Subtropical, Tropical
References: Egypt-W-221. Canada-A-642, Global-W-1349, United Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
States of America-A-87, South Africa-W- Dispersed by: Humans
Astragalus asymmetricus E. Sheld. 1977. References: Global-A-1207.
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 Astragalus bisulcatus (Hook.) Gray var. Astragalus campylotrichus Bunge
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb haydenianus (Gray) Barneby Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
References: United States of America-W- Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
161, United States of America-A-180. Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Global-A-1207.
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
Astragalus auganus Bunge Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Origin: N Am
Total N° of Refs: 2 References: United States of America-W-
References: Pakistan-A-837, Pakistan-A- 264.

Astragalus canadensis L. Astragalus cicer L. Astragalus cicer L. 'Windsor'
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Astragalus Total N° of Refs: 37 Total N° of Refs: 1
carolinianus L. (2) Global Risk Score: 22.4 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 7 Rating: High References: United States of America-N-
Global Risk Score: 2.4 Toxic - Habit: Shrub 101.
Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Origin: E Asia, Europe Astragalus coarctatus Trautv.
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Origin: N Am Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture Total N° of Refs: 1
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Water, References: Turkey-R-1968.
Ornamental Escapee
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee References: Finland-U-42, Global-N-85, Astragalus collinus (Hook.) Douglas ex
References: Canada-A-642, Canada-C-756, Europe-A-94, United States of America-N- G. Don
Global-CD-1611, Canada-G-1855, Chile- 101, Europe, eastern-W-272, United Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
W-1977. Kingdom-UZ-314, United Kingdom-N- Total N° of Refs: 2
519, Denmark-UC-711, United Kingdom- References: Turkey-A-1523, Turkey-A-87.
Astragalus canadensis L. var. brevidens U-812, Belgium-N-1006, Latvia-N-1006,
(Gand.) Barneby Europe-N-819, United States of America-I- Astragalus commixtus Bunge
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae 1161, United States of America-N-1162, Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 Belgium-U-1220, Serbia-W-1238, Canada- Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: perennial Herb NI-1340, Serbia-W-1358, Serbia-W-1222, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Major Pathway/s: Crop Estonia-W-1609, Denmark-W-1609, References: Global-A-1207.
References: Canada-A-642, United States Latvia-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, Spain-A-
of America-W-946. 87, Serbia-W-1031, Global-CD-1611, Astragalus complanatus R.Br. ex Bunge
Serbia-W-1766, Russia-W-1671, Sweden- Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Astragalus canadensis L. var. canadensis N-1802, Serbia-R-1848, Estonia-N-1997, Total N° of Refs: 3
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Belgium-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Habit: perennial Herb
Total N° of Refs: 1 Denmark-W-1977, Latvia-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
References: Canada-A-642. Sweden-W-1977, United Kingdom-W- Dispersed by: Humans
1977. References: China-W-297, China-A-275,
Astragalus canadensis L. var. mortonii China-W-431.
(Nutt.) S. Watson Astragalus cicer L. fo. microphyllus (L.)
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Acherson & Graebn. Astragalus contortuplicatus L.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
References: Canada-A-642. Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 4
References: Kosovo-R-2003. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Astragalus canescens (Hook. & Arn.) Origin: W Asia
Reiche Astragalus cicer L. 'Cicar' Weed of: Cereals
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae References: United States of America-N-
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1 101, Serbia-W-1238, Tajikistan-A-1674,
References: Chile-I-1872. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Ukraine-N-1813.
References: United States of America-N-
Astragalus carolinianus L. 101. Astragalus convallarius Greene
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Accepted name: Astragalus canadensis var. Astragalus cicer L. 'Lutana' Total N° of Refs: 1
canadensis Fabaceae - Papilionaceae ToxicMajor Pathway/s: Herbal
Total N° of Refs: 7 Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Global-N-85.
Major Pathway/s: Crop Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
References: Canada-A-642, Chile-I-1872. References: United States of America-N- Astragalus corrugatus Bertol.
101. Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Astragalus chinensis L. f. Accepted name: Astragalus crenatus
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Astragalus cicer L. 'Monarch' Schult.
Total N° of Refs: 4 Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Total N° of Refs: 5
Habit: perennial Herb Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Subtropical, Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental, References: United States of America-N- Weed of: Cereals
Pasture 101. References: Global-A-243, Europe-N-819,
Dispersed by: Humans Saudi Arabia-A-1525, France-W-1977.
References: United States of America-N- Astragalus cicer L. 'Oxley'
101, China-W-297, China-W-431, North Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Astragalus crenatus Schult.
Korea-N-1600. Total N° of Refs: 1 Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Synonym/s (n° of refs): Astragalus
References: United States of America-N- corrugatus Bertol. (4), Astragalus cruciatus
101. Link (1)
Total N° of Refs: 6
References: Global-W-1324.

Astragalus cruciatus Link Astragalus decumbens (Nutt. ex Torr. & Astragalus ehrenbergii Bunge.
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Gray) Gray var. serotinus (Gray ex Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Accepted name: Astragalus crenatus Cooper) M.E. Jones Total N° of Refs: 1
Schult. Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Total N° of Refs: 2 Accepted name: Astragalus miser var. References: Palestine-N-851.
Origin: E Asia serotinus
References: United Kingdom-U-314. Total N° of Refs: 4 Astragalus ephemeretorum Gontsch.
References: Canada-A-642. Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Astragalus cymbicarpos Brot. Accepted name: Astragalus floccosifolius
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Astragalus deinacanthus Boiss. Sumnev.
Total N° of Refs: 4 Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 1 Origin: W Asia
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Weed of: Cereals
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, References: Lebanon-A-87. References: Tajikistan-A-1674.
Livestock, Sheep
References: Europe-N-819, Belgium-UD- Astragalus diphysus A. Gray Astragalus eremophilus Boiss.
1220, Global-W-1324, Belgium-W-1977. Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Accepted name: Astragalus lentiginosus Total N° of Refs: 2
Astragalus dahuricus (Pall) DC. var. diphysus Douglas ex Hook. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Total N° of Refs: 8 Subtropical, Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 5 Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Major Pathway/s: Pasture
References: Mongolia-A-114, China-W- Major Pathway/s: Crop Dispersed by: Humans
431, Global-A-546, Mongolia-A-1641, References: United States of America-W- References: Egypt-W-221, Palestine-N-
Mongolia-A-1620. 161, United States of America-W-218, 851.
Global-W-1349, United States of America-
Astragalus danicus Retz. A-87. Astragalus falcatus Lam.
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Total N° of Refs: 3 Astragalus distinens G.Macloskie Total N° of Refs: 14
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Toxic - Habit: Shrub
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 2 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Water References: Argentina-W-237, South Origin: E Asia
Seed Longevity: Short Term America-W-295. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental,
References: United Kingdom-N-519, Pasture
Panarctic-U-1596, Central and northern Astragalus drummondii Douglas ex Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Japan and northern islands-N-1983. Hook. References: Global-N-85, United States of
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae America-N-101, Austria-U-708, Europe-N-
Astragalus danicus Retz. var. dasyglottis Total N° of Refs: 1 819, Global-W-1324, Austria-W-1609,
(Fisch. ex DC.) Boivin Major Pathway/s: Herbal Germany-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609,
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae References: Canada-A-642. Russia-C-1671, Algeria-W-1977, Austria-
Accepted name: Astragalus agrestis W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Germany-W-
Total N° of Refs: 2 Astragalus earlei Greene ex Rydb. 1977, Sweden-W-1977.
References: Canada-A-642. Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Accepted name: Astragalus mollissimus Astragalus fatmensis Choiv.
Astragalus dasyanthus Pall. var. earlei Torr. Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Total N° of Refs: 12 Accepted name: Astragalus vogelii (Webb)
Total N° of Refs: 2 ToxicWeed of: Vegetables Bornm. subsp. fatimensis Maire
Weed of: Pastures References: United States of America-W- Total N° of Refs: 8
References: Serbia-W-1238, Serbia-A- 161, United States of America-W-218, Global Risk Score: 1.04
1372. United States of America-A-543, Global- Rating: Low
W-1349, United States of America-A-87. Habit: annual/perennial Herb
Astragalus dasyglottis Fisch. ex DC., Major Pathway/s: Pasture
nom. illeg. Astragalus echinops Aucher ex Boiss. Dispersed by: Humans
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae References: Saudi Arabia-A-797, Saudi
Accepted name: Astragalus agrestis Total N° of Refs: 2 Arabia-A-1525.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
References: Canada-A-642. References: LEBANON-A-596, Lebanon- Astragalus filicaulis Fisch. & C.A.Mey.
A-87. ex Kar. & Kir.
Astragalus decumbens (Nutt.) A.Gray Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Astragalus echinus DC. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Astragalus
Accepted name: Astragalus miser var. Fabaceae - Papilionaceae rytilobus Bunge (2)
decumbens Dougl. (Nutt. ex Torr. & Gray) Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 5
Cronq. Habit: perennial Herb Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 4 Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Mediterranean Dispersed by: Humans
References: Canada-X-36. Major Pathway/s: Crop References: Russia-W-1609, Latvia-W-
References: Egypt-W-221. 1609, Latvia-W-1977.

Astragalus flavus Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Astragalus glycyphylloides DC. Astragalus hamosus L.
Gray Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Total N° of Refs: 5 Total N° of Refs: 25
Total N° of Refs: 1 Habit: Shrub Global Risk Score: 2.24
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Rating: Low
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Origin: Europe Toxic - Habit: annual Herb
Origin: N Am Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Ornamental Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
References: United States of America-W- Dispersed by: Humans Origin: Africa, C Asia, E Asia, Europe
264. References: Czech Republic-UZ-400, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Europe-N-819, Global-W-1324, Czech Ornamental, Pasture
Astragalus flexuosus (Hook.) Douglas ex Republic-U-1522, Czech Republic-U-1731. Dispersed by: Humans
G. Don Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations,
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Astragalus glycyphyllos L. Pastures
Total N° of Refs: 1 Fabaceae - Papilionaceae References: Egypt-W-221, United States of
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Total N° of Refs: 23 America-N-101, Australia-N-945, United
References: Canada-A-642. Global Risk Score: 8.8 Kingdom-U-314, Denmark-U-711,
Rating: Medium Australia-W-853, Australia-N-855,
Astragalus floccosifolius Sumn. Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049,
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Europe-N-819, Belgium-U-1220, Crete-A-
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Astragalus Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, 1228, Global-W-1324, Australia-A-1331,
ephemeretorum Gontsch. (1) Ornamental, Pasture Australia-N-1450, Denmark-W-1609,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Water, Australia-A-87, Turkey-A-87, Pakistan-A-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Escapee 1030, Pakistan-A-1720, North Africa,
Dispersed by: Humans Seed Longevity: Long Term Libya, Egypt-W-1730, Greece-A-2093,
Weed of: Cereals Australia-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977,
Astragalus fresenii Decne. References: United Kingdom-U-40, Denmark-W-1977.
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Finland-N-42, United States of America-N-
Total N° of Refs: 1 101, Europe, eastern-W-272, western Astragalus hamosus L. fo. multiflorus
References: Egypt-W-221. Europe-W-70, United Kingdom-N-519, Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Canada and United States of America-N- Total N° of Refs: 1
Astragalus fruticosus Forssk. 725, Belgium-N-1006, Europe-N-819, References: Kosovo-R-2003.
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Serbia-W-1238, France-A-1266, Finland-
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Astragalus W-1356, Sweden-W-1609, Global-ZD- Astragalus hauarensis Boiss.
tomentosus Sess & Moc. (1) 1581, France-A-1814, Poland-CD-1841, Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Kosovo-R-2003, Serbia-R-2057, Poland-A- Total N° of Refs: 1
2059, Poland-R-2062, Algeria-W-1977, Global Risk Score: 1.04
Astragalus galegiformis L. Canada-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977. Rating: Low
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Major Pathway/s: Pasture
Total N° of Refs: 5 Astragalus goniatus Nutt. Dispersed by: Humans
ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Fabaceae - Papilionaceae References: Saudi Arabia-A-25.
References: Hungary-U-809, Europe-N- Accepted name: Astragalus agrestis
819, Armenia-N-1241, Hungary-U-1255, Total N° of Refs: 2 Astragalus hispidulus DC.
Global-W-1324. References: Canada-A-642. Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1
Astragalus garbancillo Cav. Astragalus grahamianus Benth. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Origin: Africa, E Asia
Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Habit: Shrub Dispersed by: Humans
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Tropical References: United Kingdom-U-314.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental References: India-A-712.
Dispersed by: Humans Astragalus ispahanicus Boiss.
References: South America-W-295, Astragalus guatemalensis Hemsl. Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Global-A-1207, Argentina-A-87. Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Accepted name: Astragalus siliquosus
Total N° of Refs: 1 Boiss.
Astragalus gentryi Standl. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Total N° of Refs: 1
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae References: Mexico-W-735. Origin: W Asia
Total N° of Refs: 2 Weed of: Cereals
References: Mexico-I-878, Mexico-N- Astragalus gyzensis Delile. References: Tajikistan-A-1674.
1881. Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Astragalus kahiricus DC.
References: Egypt-W-221. Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Egypt-W-221.

Astragalus laxmannii Jacq. Astragalus macrocephalus Willd. subsp. Astragalus miser Douglas ex Hook. var.
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae macrocephalus oblongifolius (Rydb.) Cronquist
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Astragalus Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
adsurgens Pall. var. robustior Hook. (1), Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1
Astragalus adsurgens Pall. var. tananaicus Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean References: Global-W-1349.
(Hulten) Barneby (1), Astragalus adsurgens References: Turkey--1412.
Pallas subsp. robustior (Hook.) Welsh (1), Astragalus miser Douglas ex Hook. var.
Astragalus striatus Nutt. (1) Astragalus massiliensis (Mill.) Lam. serotinus (A. Gray ex J. G. Cooper)
Total N° of Refs: 4 Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Barneby
Total N° of Refs: 1 Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Astragalus leansanicus Ulbr. Habit: Shrub Total N° of Refs: 2
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean References: Canada-A-642, Global-W-
Total N° of Refs: 2 References: western Europe-W-70. 1349.
Habit: perennial Herb
References: China-A-275, China-W-431. Astragalus melanophrurius Boiss. Astragalus missouriensis Nutt.
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Astragalus lentiginosus Douglas ex Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 2
Hook. References: Turkey--1412. Origin: N Am
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Astragalus Astragalus melilotoides Pall. Dispersed by: Humans
diphysus A. Gray (4) Fabaceae - Papilionaceae References: United States of America-W-
Total N° of Refs: 8 Total N° of Refs: 1 161, United States of America-W-174.
Toxic - Habit: annual/perennial Herb Major Pathway/s: Crop
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical References: China-W-297. Astragalus mollissimus Torr.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Dispersed by: Humans Astragalus micranthus Desv. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Astragalus earlei
References: United States of America-W- Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Greene ex Rydb. (5)
161, United States of America-W-218, Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 12
Global-W-1349, United States of America- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Subtropical
A-87. References: Mexico-W-735, Mexico-W- Origin: N Am
890, Mexico-W-1226. Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Astragalus lentiginosus Douglas ex References: United States of America-W-
Hook. var. diphysus (A. Gray) M. E. Astragalus micranthus Desv. var. 174, United States of America-W-218,
Jones micranthus Mexico-W-735, Mexico-W-1226, United
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae States of America-A-1160, Global-W-
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1 1349, United States of America-A-87.
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb References: Mexico-N-1500.
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Astragalus mongholicus Bunge
Origin: N Am Astragalus miser Douglas ex Hook. Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
References: United States of America-W- Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
264. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Astragalus Toxic - Habit: Shrub
decumbens (Nutt.) A.Gray (1), Astragalus Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Astragalus leucocephalus Graham ex decumbens (Nutt. ex Torr. & Gray) Gray Dispersed by: Humans
Benth. var. serotinus (Gray ex Cooper) M.E. Jones References: United States of America-A-
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae (1), Astragalus serotinus A. Gray ex J. G. 748.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Cooper (1)
Habit: annual Herb Total N° of Refs: 6 Astragalus nervulosus Eig & Reese ex
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical ToxicMajor Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Hub.-Mor.
References: India-A-712, India-A-1725. Dispersed by: Humans Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
References: Canada-A-642, Global-W- Total N° of Refs: 1
Astragalus lusitanicus Lam. 1349, United States of America-A-87. References: Turkey-R-1968.
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Astragalus miser Douglas ex Hook. var. Astragalus nothoxys A. Gray
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean hylophilus (Rydb.) Barneby Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 1 ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Subtropical
References: western Europe-W-70. References: Global-W-1349. Major Pathway/s: Herbal
References: Mexico-I-878.
Astragalus macrocarpus DC. Astragalus miser Douglas ex Hook. var.
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae miser
Total N° of Refs: 1 Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Egypt-W-221. References: Canada-A-642.

Astragalus nuttallianus DC. Astragalus oxyglottis M.Bieb. Astragalus penduliflorus Lam.
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Total N° of Refs: 4 Total N° of Refs: 4 Total N° of Refs: 6
Habit: annual Herb Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Global Risk Score: 0.72
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Subtropical, Tropical Rating: Low
Origin: N Am References: Europe-N-819, Belgium-U- Habit: perennial Herb
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental 1220, Global-W-1324, Belgium-W-1977. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
References: United States of America-W- Astragalus oxyphysus A. Gray Dispersed by: Humans
161, United Kingdom-U-314, Mexico-W- Fabaceae - Papilionaceae References: Europe-N-819, Global-Q-1205,
735, Global-W-1349. Total N° of Refs: 1 Global-W-1324, Sweden-W-1609,
Habit: perennial Herb Australia-Q-1123, Sweden-W-1977.
Astragalus nuttallii (Torr. & A. Gray) J. References: United States of America-W-
T. Howell 946. Astragalus peregrinus Vahl.
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Erigeron asteroides Astragalus palaestinus Eig. Total N° of Refs: 1
Roxb., nom. illeg. (2) Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 2 References: Egypt-W-221.
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Weed of: Cereals, Cotton, Orchards & Astragalus pomonensis M. E. Jones
Dispersed by: Humans Plantations, Sunflowers Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
References: United States of America-W- References: Israel-A-89, Australia-Q-1134. Total N° of Refs: 1
161. Habit: perennial Herb
Astragalus pectinatus (Douglas ex Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Astragalus odoratus Lam. Hook.) Douglas ex G. Don Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae References: United States of America-W-
Total N° of Refs: 9 Total N° of Refs: 5 34.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean ToxicMajor Pathway/s: Herbal
Origin: E Asia, Europe References: United States of America-W- Astragalus ponticus Pall.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, 161, United States of America-W-218, Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Ornamental Canada-A-642, Global-W-1349, United Total N° of Refs: 1
Dispersed by: Humans States of America-A-87. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
References: Global-N-85, United Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Kingdom-NZ-314, United Kingdom-N- Astragalus pectinatus (Gray) M.E. Jones Dispersed by: Humans
519, United Kingdom-N-812, United var. serotinus (Hook.) Douglas References: Turkey-A-1467.
Kingdom-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Global- Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
W-1324, France-W-1977, United Total N° of Refs: 1 Astragalus prolixus Sieber ex Bunge
Kingdom-W-1977. References: Canada-X-36. Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Accepted name: Astragalus vogelii (Webb)
Astragalus onobrychis L. Astragalus peduncularis Royle Bornm.
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Total N° of Refs: 7
Total N° of Refs: 13 Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Australia-N-7.
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Habit: Shrub
Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Astragalus pycnostachyus Gray
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Origin: Africa, Europe Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 1
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental References: Global-A-1207. Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Livestock, Sheep Astragalus pehuenches Niederl. Dispersed by: Humans, Water
Weed of: Cereals, Pastures Fabaceae - Papilionaceae References: United States of America-WD-
References: Europe, eastern-W-272, Total N° of Refs: 1 34.
Ukraine-R-643, Germany-N-1006, Europe- ToxicReferences: Argentina-A-960.
N-819, Belgium-UD-1220, Serbia-W-1238, Astragalus pycnostachyus A. Gray var.
Global-W-1324, Serbia-A-1372, Germany- Astragalus pelecinus (L.) Barneby lanosissimus (Rydb.) Munz & McBurney
W-1609, Iran-A-1916, Iran-A-2111, Fabaceae - Papilionaceae ex Munz
Belgium-W-1977, Germany-W-1977. Accepted name: Biserrula pelecinus L. Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Total N° of Refs: 9 Total N° of Refs: 1
Astragalus oocarpus A.Gray Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Major Pathway/s: Crop, Pasture Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans, Water
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb References: Australia-N-7, Belgium-W- References: United States of America-WD-
References: United States of America-W- 1977. 34.
Astragalus radicans Hornem.
Astragalus ophiocarpus Benth. ex Bunge Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Mexico-W-1226.
References: Global-A-1207.

Astragalus rytilobus Bunge Astragalus sesameus L. Astragalus sinicus L.
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Accepted name: Astragalus filicaulis Fisch. Total N° of Refs: 9 Total N° of Refs: 25
& C. A. Mey. ex Kar. & Kir. Global Risk Score: 0.72 Global Risk Score: 4.48
Total N° of Refs: 5 Rating: Low Rating: Low
Major Pathway/s: Pasture Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Habit: biennial Herb
Dispersed by: Humans Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
References: Europe-N-819, Global-W- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Origin: E Asia
1324. Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Ornamental, Pasture
Astragalus sachalinensis Bunge Livestock, Sheep Dispersed by: Humans
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Weed of: Pastures References: Taiwan-W-235, Taiwan-N-
Total N° of Refs: 2 References: Australia-N-945, United 500, Taiwan-N-777, Global-N-108, Global-
References: Global-Q-1205, Australia-Q- Kingdom-UZD-314, Australia-W-853, N-85, Japan-N-287, Japan-W-286, China-
1123. Australia-N-855, Australia-N-354, W-431, South Korea-A-648, South Korea-
Australia-N-1049, Australia-A-1331, N-773, Japan-N-794, Global-N-1059,
Astragalus scaberrimus Bunge Australia-N-1450, Australia-W-1977. Global-A-1207, South Korea-N-761,
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Japan-N-1278, Taiwan-N-1403, North
Total N° of Refs: 1 Astragalus sesamoides Boiss. Korea-N-1600, Taiwan-W-1748, -I-, South
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Korea-N-2029, South Korea-A-2032,
References: China-W-297. Total N° of Refs: 1 Democratic Repubic of Korea-W-1977,
Origin: W Asia Japan-W-1977, Republic of Korea-W-
Astragalus schimperi Boiss. Weed of: Cereals 1977, Taiwan-W-1977, South Korea-N-
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae References: Tajikistan-A-1674. 2113, North Korea--.
Total N° of Refs: 2
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Astragalus sieberi DC. Astragalus spinosus (Forsskal) Muschler
Dispersed by: Humans Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
References: Egypt-W-221, Saudi Arabia-A- Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 2
1525. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Habit: Shrub
References: Egypt-W-221, Egypt-W-1977. Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Astragalus schmalhausenii Bunge Mediterranean
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Astragalus sieversianus Pall. Major Pathway/s: Pasture
Total N° of Refs: 1 Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Global-W-344, Egypt-W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans Global Risk Score: 1.28
References: Global-A-1207. Rating: Low Astragalus splendens (Dougl. ex Hook.)
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture Tidestrom
Astragalus scorpioides Pourr. ex Willd. Dispersed by: Humans Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae References: Global-A-1207. Accepted name: Oxytropis splendens
Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 8
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Astragalus siliquosus Boiss. References: Canada-A-642.
Origin: Africa, Europe Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
References: United Kingdom-U-314, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Astragalus Astragalus spp. L.
Norway-N-1243, Norway-W-1609. ispahanicus Boiss. (1) Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 11
Astragalus serotinus A. Gray ex J. G. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Cooper Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Dispersed by: Humans Weed of: Cereals, Pastures, Vegetables
Accepted name: Astragalus miser var. References: Europe, eastern-W-272,
serotinus Global-XW-85, United States of America-
Total N° of Refs: 4 A-543, Argentina-A-913, Peru-A-930,
ToxicReferences: Canada-A-642. Chile-A-931, Turkey-A-144, Tajikistan-A-
1017, Global-W-2056, Iran-A-2072, United
States of America-AI-2106.

Astragalus squarrosus Bunge.

Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1
Weed of: Cereals
References: Global-A-243.

Astragalus stella Gouan Astragalus tribuloides Delile Astragalus voloratum L.
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Total N° of Refs: 7 Total N° of Refs: 6 Total N° of Refs: 2
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Global Risk Score: 1.52 References: Turkey-A-1523, Turkey-A-87.
Origin: Africa, Europe Rating: Low
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Habit: annual Herb Astragalus vulnerariae DC.
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Livestock, Sheep Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 1
References: United Kingdom-UZD-314, Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Europe-N-819, Belgium-UD-1220, Global- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Pasture Dispersed by: Humans
W-1324, Chile-I-1872, Belgium-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans References: Turkey--1412.
Chile-W-1977. References: Egypt-W-221, United
Kingdom-U-314, Saudi Arabia-A-25, Saudi Astragalus wootonii E. Sheld.
Astragalus striatus Nutt. Arabia-A-1525, Pakistan-A-87, North Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Africa, Libya, Egypt-W-1730. Accepted name: Astragalus allochrous var.
Accepted name: Astragalus laxmannii var. playanus Gray (Isely)
robustior Astragalus trichopodus (Nutt.) A. Gray Total N° of Refs: 11
Total N° of Refs: 1 var. lonchus (M. E. Jones) Barneby Toxic - Habit: annual Herb
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
References: Canada-A-642. Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Habit: perennial Herb Dispersed by: Humans
Astragalus strigulosus HBK Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: United States of America-W-
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Dispersed by: Humans 218, United States of America-W-161,
Total N° of Refs: 2 References: United States of America-W- Mexico-W-735, Mexico-I-878, United
References: Mexico-W-890, Mexico-W- 946. States of America-A-1160, Global-W-
1226. 1349, United States of America-A-87.
Astragalus tweedyi Canby
Astragalus thurberi A.Gray Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Astrantia carniolica Jacq.
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Total N° of Refs: 1 Apiaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: United States of America-W- Total N° of Refs: 2
ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Subtropical 161. Habit: perennial Herb
Origin: N Am Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Astragalus uliginosus L. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
References: Australia-Q-1134. Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: United Kingdom-C-314,
Astragalus tibetanus Benth. ex Bunge References: Russia-N-1681. Global-CD-1611.
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Total N° of Refs: 3 Astragalus utahensis (Torr.) Torr. & Astrantia major L.
Habit: Shrub Gray Apiaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Total N° of Refs: 32
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 2 Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
Dispersed by: Humans Global Risk Score: 0.72 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Weed of: Vegetables Rating: Low Origin: Europe
References: United States of America-N- Habit: Shrub Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
101, Tajikistan-A-1017, Kazakhstan-A- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers,
1772. Dispersed by: Humans Escapee
References: Global-Q-1205, Australia-Q- References: United Kingdom-N-40,
Astragalus tomentosus Sessé & Moc. 1123. Finland-C-42, Global-N-108, Europe,
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae eastern-W-272, United Kingdom-CN-314,
Accepted name: Astragalus fruticosus Astragalus variabilis Bunge ex Maxim. United Kingdom-N-519, Denmark-CN-
Forssk Fabaceae - Papilionaceae 711, United Kingdom-C-812, Ireland-U-
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1 894, Denmark-N-1006, Estonia-N-1006,
Origin: Africa, W Asia Weed of: Pastures Norway-N-1006, Europe-N-819, United
References: Egypt-W-221. References: China-A-203. States of America-N-101, Belgium-U-
1220, Norway-N-1243, Finland-W-1356,
Astragalus tragacantha L. Astragalus vogelii (Webb) Bornm. Norway-N-1535, Estonia-W-1609,
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Denmark-W-1609, Norway-W-1609,
Accepted name: Astragalus arnacantha M. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Astragalus Sweden-W-1609, United Kingdom-N-
Bieb. fatmensis Choiv. (2), Astragalus prolixus 1636, Global-CD-1611, Russia-C-1671,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Sieber ex Bunge (1) Sweden-N-1802, Estonia-N-1994, Estonia-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 9 N-1997, Belgium-W-1977, Denmark-W-
References: Algeria-W-1977. Origin: Africa, C Asia, E Asia, W Asia 1977, Sweden-W-1977, United Kingdom-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Egypt-W-221, Australia-N-
354, Saudi Arabia-A-1525, Oman-A-1870,
Egypt-A-2088, Australia-W-1977.

Astrantia maxima Pall. Astripomoea malvacea (Klotzsch) Astronium urundeuva (Allemao) Engl.
Apiaceae A.Meeuse Anacardiaceae
Total N° of Refs: 6 Convolvulaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Myracrodruon
Habit: perennial Herb Total N° of Refs: 1 urundeuva Allemao (1)
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 1
Origin: E Asia, Europe Dispersed by: Humans Habit: Shrub
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental References: Botswana-N-1284. Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical,
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Tropical
References: United Kingdom-C-314, Astrocaryum vulgare Mart. Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Herbal,
Denmark-C-711, Denmark-W-1609, Arecaceae Ornamental
Global-CD-1611, Ukraine-N-2014, Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans
Denmark-W-1977. Global Risk Score: 1.2
Rating: Low Astrophytum spp. Lem.
Astrantia minor L. Habit: Tree Cactaceae
Apiaceae Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 1 Origin: S Am Habit: Succulent
Habit: perennial Herb Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Dispersed by: Humans
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Ornamental References: Chile-I-1872.
Origin: Europe Dispersed by: Humans, Animals
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Weed of: Pastures Astrotricha obovata Makinson
Dispersed by: Humans References: Brazil-A-1763. Araliaceae
References: United Kingdom-U-314. Total N° of Refs: 1
Astrodaucus littoralis (M.Bieb.) Drude Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Astrebla lappacea (Lindl.) Domin Apiaceae Dispersed by: Humans
Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Australia-N-1049.
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Ukraine-N-2112.
Habit: Grass Asystasia congensis C. B. Clarke
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland Astrodaucus orientalis (L.) Drude Acanthaceae
Origin: Aust Apiaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Total N° of Refs: 15 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Ornamental, Pasture Global Risk Score: 0.96 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Rating: Low Dispersed by: Humans
Livestock, Sheep Habit: biennial Herb References: Democratic Republic of the
References: United Kingdom-UZD-317. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Congo-W-1977.
Origin: E Asia, Europe
Astrebla squarrosa C. E. Hubb. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Asystasia coromandeliana Nees
Poaceae Ornamental Acanthaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans Accepted name: Asystasia gangetica (L.)
Habit: Grass Weed of: Cereals, Sunflowers T.Anderson
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland References: Czech Republic-NZ-400, Total N° of Refs: 116
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Lithuania-I-737, Czech Republic-N-826, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Ornamental, Pasture Czechoslovakia-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Global-W-1324, Turkey-A-1465, Czech Dispersed by: Humans
References: Australia-ZD-1675. Republic-U-1522, Lithuania-W-1609, Weed of: Orchards & Plantations
Czech Republic-U-1731, Croatia-N-1747, References: Ghana-A-2064.
Astrephia chaerophylloides (Sm.) DC. Ukraine-N-2050, Croatia-W-1977, Czech
Caprifoliaceae Republic-W-1977, Lithuania-W-1977.
Accepted name: Valeriana
chaerophylloides Sm. Astrolepis cochisensis (Goodd.) D. M.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Benham & Windham
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Tropical Pteridaceae
References: Gal pagos Islands-N-257, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Cheilanthes
Ecuador-W-1977. cochisensis (Goodding) Mickel (1)
Total N° of Refs: 1
Astripomoea hyoscyamoides (Vatke) Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
Verde Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Convolvulaceae Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 3 Dispersed by: Humans
Habit: annual/perennial Herb
Weed of: Pastures Astronidium ponapense (Kanehira)
References: Africa-A-980, Kenya-A-87, Markg.
Tanzania-A-2076. Melastomataceae
Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: Tree
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
References: Federated States of

Asystasia gangetica (L.) Anderson Dominican Republic-W-1977, Ecuador-W- Asystasia nemorum Nees
Acanthaceae 1977, Fiji-W-1977, Haiti-W-1977, Acanthaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Asystasia Jamaica-W-1977, Kiribati-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 1
coromandeliana Nees (1), Asystasia Malaysia-W-1977, Marshall Islands-W- Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
gangetica (L.) T.Anderson subsp. gangetica 1977, Micronesia (Federated States of)-W- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
(8), Asystasia intrusa (Forssk.) Blume (3) 1977, Nauru-W-1977, Niue-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 127 Palau-W-1977, Saint Vicent and the References: Indonesia-A-13.
Global Risk Score: 9.6 Grenadines-W-1977, Samoa-W-1977,
Rating: Medium Seychelles-W-1977, Singapore-W-1977, Asystasia salicifolia Craib
Habit: perennial Herb Taiwan-W-1977, Tonga-W-1977, Acanthaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Venezuela-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 2
Origin: Africa, E Asia, SE Asia Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Asystasia gangetica (L.) T.Anderson Origin: E Asia
Ornamental subsp. gangetica References: Indo-Pacific-N-1256, French
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Acanthaceae Polynesia-N-1514.
Weed of: Bananas, Cereals, Forestry, Total N° of Refs: 123
Orchards & Plantations, Pastures Global Risk Score: 1.28 Asystasia schimperi T. Anders
References: Indonesia-A-13, Guyana-W- Rating: Low Acanthaceae
32, Puerto Rico-CW-261, Australia-N-368, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 10
Philippines-W-412, United States of Origin: C Asia, E Asia Habit: annual Herb
America-CE-617, United States of Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
America-ACE-654, Nigeria-A-719, Dispersed by: Humans Origin: Africa
Indonesia-A-188, Costa Rica-I-975, Ghana- References: Singapore-N-476, Global-NW- Major Pathway/s: Crop
A-2064, Pacific-W-3, United States of 85, Australia-N-354, Australia-W-1210, Weed of: Orchards & Plantations
America-E-80, Global-N-85, Global-A- Singapore-N-1290, La Reunion-NW-1321, References: Africa-A-53, South Africa-AR-
243, United States of America-N-101, Australia-E-1456, Australia-N-1491. 121, Ethiopia-A-240, Ethiopia-A-1141,
United States of America-W-112, United Global-A-1207, Uganda-A-87, Kenya-A-
States of America-EW-179, Australia-N- Asystasia gangetica (L.) T.Anderson 87, Africa-A-1623, Burundi-R-2012,
945, United States of America-I-486, subsp. micrantha (Nees) Ensermu Botswana-A-2065.
Pacific-E-621, United States of America-N- Acanthaceae
301, United States of America-E-151, Total N° of Refs: 14 Asystasia spp. Blume
United States of America-N-839, Costa Habit: perennial Herb Acanthaceae
Rica-CN-872, Australia-N-354, Portugal- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 3
N-1006, United States of America-I-1046, Origin: Africa, C Asia Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Australia-N-1049, Australia-W-1068, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: Malaysia-A-574, Africa-I-990,
Mozambique-E-1076, Europe-N-819, Gal Dispersed by: Humans Seychelles-N-1925.
pagos Islands-CN-1157, United States of References: Taiwan-N-816, Global-NW-
America-Q-1197, Global-A-1207, Indo- 85, Australia-W-869, Australia-N-354, Asystasia travancorica Bedd.
Pacific-N-1256, United States of America- Australia-I-1048, Australia-N-1049, China- Acanthaceae
N-1292, south and southeast Asia-A-1320, N-1215, Singapore-N-811, Singapore-N- Total N° of Refs: 1
Global-W-1324, United States of America- 1290, La Reunion-NI-1321, Taiwan-N- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
C-1329, Africa-A-1333, French Guiana-N- 1403, Australia-E-1456, Australia-X-1693, Dispersed by: Humans
1346, Nigeria-A-1371, Africa-A-1384, Australia-W-1977. References: Indo-Pacific-N-1256.
south and southeast Asia-A-1408, Puerto
Rico and Virgin Islands-W-1452, Cuba-N- Asystasia intrusa (Forssk.) Blume Asystasia welwitschii S. Moore
1505, New Caledonia-I-1507, French Acanthaceae Acanthaceae
Polynesia-N-1514, Fiji-A-1521, Brazil-N- Accepted name: Asystasia gangetica (L.) Total N° of Refs: 1
1597, Malaysia-A-87, Ghana-A-87, T.Anderson subsp. micrantha (Nees) References: Angola-A-87.
Hawaii-A-87, Borneo-A-87, Republic of Ensermu Kelbessa
Congo-A-87, Fiji-A-87, India-A-87, Total N° of Refs: 118 Asystasiella neesiana (Nees) Lindau
Mauritius-A-87, Nigeria-A-87, Philippines- Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Acanthaceae
A-87, Polynesia, West-A-87, Trinidad-A- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental, Total N° of Refs: 2
87, Caribbean Netherlands-NI-1012, India- Pasture Habit: perennial Herb
A-1448, Global-CD-1611, India-W-1672, Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
India-A-1696, United States of America- Weed of: Bananas, Cereals, Orchards and Origin: E Asia
W-1719, Federated States of Micronesia- Plantations, Pome Fruits Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop
W-1732, United States of America-E-1736, References: Malaysia-W-124, Global-A- Dispersed by: Humans
Eastern Caribbean-N-1742, Puerto Rico 243, Malaysia-A-1398. References: China-NZ-1212, China-NZ-
and the Virgin Islands-C-1821, Singapore- 2021.
N-1839, El Salvador-N-1849, Cameroon- Asystasia macrophylla (T.Anders.)
A-1867, Brazil-I-984, -I-, Australia-Q- Benth. ex Lindau Atalantia citroides Pierre ex Guillaumin
1123, India-A-2000, Benin-W-2007, Acanthaceae Rutaceae
Burundi-R-2012, Cuba-N-2024, Cuba-I- Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1
2055, Indonesia-I-2108, Anguilla-W-1977, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Habit: Tree
Aruba-W-1977, Australia-W-1977, Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Bahamas-W-1977, Barbados-W-1977, References: Ghana-A-2064. Major Pathway/s: Crop
Belize-W-1977, Bonaire-W-1977, Brazil- References: Philippines-nC-1099.
W-1977, China-W-1977, Colombia-W-
1977, Costa Rica-W-1977, Cuba-W-1977,

Atalaya hemiglauca (F. Müell.) Benth. Athanasia trifurcata (L.) L. Athrotaxis laxifolia Hook.
Sapindaceae Asteraceae Cupressaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 8 Total N° of Refs: 2
Global Risk Score: 1.2 Global Risk Score: 2.16 Global Risk Score: 0.24
Rating: Low Rating: Low Rating: Low
Toxic - Habit: Tree Toxic - Habit: Shrub Habit: Tree
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Origin: Africa Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Dispersed by: Humans
Dispersed by: Humans Ornamental References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
References: Australia-A-87. Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Livestock, Sheep Athrotaxis selaginoides D. Don
Ateleia glazioveana Baillon References: South Africa-W-321, South Cupressaceae
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Africa-AR-121, United Kingdom-UZD- Total N° of Refs: 2
Total N° of Refs: 2 314, South Africa-A-1369, Europe-N-819, Global Risk Score: 0.72
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Belgium-UD-1220, Global-W-1324, Rating: Low
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Belgium-W-1977. Habit: Tree
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
References: Brazil-W-361, Brazil-W-407. Athertonia diversifolia (C.White) Dispersed by: Humans
L.Johnson & B.Briggs References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
Ateleia herbert-smithii Pittier Proteaceae
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Total N° of Refs: 2 Athyrium alpestre Milde, nom. illeg.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Habit: Tree Dryopteridaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Origin: Aust Accepted name: Athyrium distentifolium
Origin: C Am Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Tausch ex Opiz
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 2
Dispersed by: Humans References: Australia-N-354, Australia-N- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
References: India-W-1977. 1049. Dispersed by: Humans
References: Algeria-W-1977.
Athamanta sicula L. Athrixia phylicoides DC.
Apiaceae Asteraceae Athyrium australe (R.Br.) C.Presl
Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 1 Dryopteridaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Habit: Shrub Accepted name: Diplazium australe (R.Br.)
References: Spain-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, N.A.Wakef.
Global-W-1324. Tropical Total N° of Refs: 2
Origin: Africa Global Risk Score: 0.24
Athanasia crithmifolia (L.) L. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Rating: Low
Asteraceae Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 6 Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Dispersed by: Humans
Global Risk Score: 0.72 References: South Africa-AR-121. References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
Rating: Low
Habit: Shrub Athroisma laciniatum DC. Athyrium distans Moore
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Asteraceae Dryopteridaceae
Origin: Africa Total N° of Refs: 4 Total N° of Refs: 1
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical References: India-A-1124.
Ornamental References: Indonesia-A-13, Indonesia-A-
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, 170, southeast Asia-W-191, south and Athyrium distentifolium Tausch ex Opiz
Livestock, Sheep southeast Asia-A-1320. Dryopteridaceae
References: South Africa-W-321, South Synonym/s (n° of refs): Athyrium alpestre
Africa-R-121, South Africa-W-382, United Athroisma stuhlmannii (O.Hoffm.) Milde, nom. illeg. (1)
Kingdom-UZD-314, United Kingdom-Z- Mattf. Total N° of Refs: 2
944, Australia-Q-1134. Asteraceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Athanasia filiformis L.f. References: Kenya-A-87. Dispersed by: Humans
Asteraceae References: western Europe-W-70.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Athrotaxis cupressoides D.Don
References: South Africa-W-321. Cupressaceae Athyrium esculentum (Retz.) Copeland
Total N° of Refs: 2 Dryopteridaceae
Athanasia juncea D.Dietr. Global Risk Score: 0.72 Accepted name: Diplazium esculentum
Asteraceae Rating: Low (Retz.) Sw.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Habit: Shrub Total N° of Refs: 19
References: South Africa-W-321. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Athanasia minuta (L. f.) Kallersjo References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Dispersed by: Humans
Asteraceae Weed of: Orchards & Plantations
Accepted name: Asaemia minuta (L. f.) K. References: Indonesia-A-188.
Total N° of Refs: 1
ToxicReferences: South Africa-A-1369.

Athyrium fallaciosum Milde Atocion armeria Fourr. Atractylis preauxiana Schultz-Bip.
Dryopteridaceae Caryophyllaceae Asteraceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 10 Total N° of Refs: 1
References: China-W-297. References: Europe-N-819, Czech Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Republic-U-1522, Austria-W-1609, References: Australia--, Australia-Q-1123.
Athyrium filix-femina (L.) Roth ex Mert. Sweden-W-1609, Czech Republic-U-1731,
Dryopteridaceae Sweden-N-1802, Czech Republic-W-1977, Atractylis prolifera Boiss.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Athyrium filix- India-W-1977, Republic of Korea-W-1977, Asteraceae
femina (L.) Roth ex Mert. var. angustum Sweden-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 1
(Willd.) G. Lawson (3) Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Total N° of Refs: 13 Atractocarpus fitzalanii (F. Müell.) References: North Africa, Libya, Egypt-W-
Global Risk Score: 2.4 Puttock 1730.
Rating: Low Rubiaceae
Habit: perennial Herb Total N° of Refs: 2 Atractylodes lancea (Thunb.) DC.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Asteraceae
Subtropical, Tropical Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 1
Origin: E Asia, Europe, Cosmopolitan References: United States of America-Q- Habit: perennial Herb
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, 1197, United States of America-N-2092. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Atractylis cancellata L. Dispersed by: Humans
Weed of: Cereals Asteraceae References: China-W-297.
References: Europe, eastern-W-272, Total N° of Refs: 3
western Europe-W-70, United Kingdom-N- Habit: annual Herb Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz.
519, New Zealand-N-919, Poland-G-1122, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Asteraceae
Russia-W-1671, Finland-A-1815, Chile-I- Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Total N° of Refs: 1
1872, Serbia-R-2057, Chile-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Habit: perennial Herb
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Athyrium filix-femina (L.) Roth ex Mert. References: western Europe-W-70, United Ornamental
var. angustum (Willd.) G. Lawson Kingdom-U-314, North Africa, Libya, Dispersed by: Humans
Dryopteridaceae Egypt-W-1730. References: Australia--, Australia-Q-1123.
Accepted name: Athyrium filix-femina
subsp. angustum Atractylis carduus (Forssk.) C. Christ. Atragene sibirica L.
Total N° of Refs: 13 Asteraceae Ranunculaceae
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 1
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee References: Egypt-W-221, North Africa, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
References: Canada-C-756, Global-CD- Libya, Egypt-W-1730, Oman-A-1870. Dispersed by: Humans
1611, Canada-G-1855. References: Armenia-W-1977.
Atractylis gummifera L.
Athyrium flabellulatum Tard. Asteraceae Atraphaxis spinosa L.
Dryopteridaceae Accepted name: Carlina gummifera (L.) Polygonaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Less. Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Total N° of Refs: 3 Habit: Shrub
References: India-A-1124. Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Tropical
Athyrium otophorum (Miq.) Koidz. Mediterranean Major Pathway/s: Crop
Dryopteridaceae Origin: Africa, Europe References: Egypt-W-221.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Ornamental Atrichum crispum (James) Sull. & Lesq.
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans Polytrichaceae
References: New Zealand-N-823, New References: western Europe-W-70, Total N° of Refs: 4
Zealand-U-919. Morocco-A-87. Origin: N Am
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Athyrium thelypteroides (Michx.) Desv. Atractylis humilis L. Dispersed by: Humans
Dryopteridaceae Asteraceae References: United Kingdom-NZ-812,
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 1 United Kingdom-N-1006, Europe-N-819,
References: United States of America-W- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Global-UNZ-1382.
218, United States of America-A-87. Origin: Africa, Europe
References: United Kingdom-U-314. Atrichum undulatum (Hedw.) P. Beauv.
Athysanus pusillus (Hook.) E. Greene Polytrichaceae
Brassicaceae Atractylis mernephthae Asch., Schweinf. Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 1 & Letourn. References: Global-U-1382.
Habit: annual Herb Asteraceae
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Total N° of Refs: 1 Atriplex acuminata Waldst. & Kit.
References: United States of America-W- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Chenopodiaceae
161. References: Palestine-N-851. Accepted name: Atriplex sagittata Borkh.
Total N° of Refs: 56
References: Central Europe-N-1602.

Atriplex amnicola Paul G.Wilson Atriplex californica Moq. Atriplex centralasiatica Iljin
Chenopodiaceae Chenopodiaceae Chenopodiaceae
Total N° of Refs: 4 Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 7
Global Risk Score: 2.56 Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb Habit: annual Herb
Rating: Low Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal References: China-W-297, China-A-275,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture Dispersed by: Water China-W-431, Europe-N-819, Global-W-
Dispersed by: Humans References: United States of America-WD- 1324, Estonia-W-1609, Estonia-N-1997.
References: Global-NX-85, Australia-N-7, 34.
Global-I-1404, North America-N-1760. Atriplex chenopodioides Batt.
Atriplex calotheca (Rafn) Fr. Chenopodiaceae
Atriplex arenicola Hauman & Merck Chenopodiaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Chenopodiaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Atriplex hastata L. References: Morocco-A-87.
Accepted name: Atriplex rosea L. subsp. (31)
rosea Total N° of Refs: 33 Atriplex cinerea Poir.
Total N° of Refs: 82 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Chenopodiaceae
Origin: S Am Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Water Total N° of Refs: 2
References: France-N-2091. References: United Kingdom-U-314, Origin: Aust
Republic of Korea-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Atriplex argentea Nutt. Dispersed by: Humans
Chenopodiaceae Atriplex campanulata Benth., nom. illeg. References: Australia-N-354, Australia-N-
Total N° of Refs: 9 Chenopodiaceae 1959.
Global Risk Score: 3.6 Accepted name: Atriplex eardleyae Aellen
Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 15 Atriplex confertifolia (Torr. & Frem.) S.
Habit: annual Herb Habit: Shrub Watson
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Chenopodiaceae
Herbal, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 5
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee References: Australia-N-1049. Habit: Shrub
References: United States of America-W- Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical
218, Canada-A-642, Denmark-C-711, Atriplex campanulata Benth., nom. illeg. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Global-N-85, Global-W-1349, Denmark- var. inappendiculata Aellen nom. Ornamental
W-1609, United States of America-A-87, superfl. [nom. illeg.] Dispersed by: Humans
Global-CD-1611, Denmark-W-1977. Chenopodiaceae References: United States of America-W-
Accepted name: Atriplex 218, Global-W-1349, United States of
Atriplex argentea Nutt. var. argentea pseudocampanulata Aellen America-A-87, Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-
Chenopodiaceae Total N° of Refs: 10 1977.
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Australia-N-1049.
Habit: annual Herb Atriplex coriacea Forssk.
References: Global-N-85. Atriplex canescens (Pursh) Nutt. Chenopodiaceae
Chenopodiaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Atriplex aucheri Moq. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Atriplex nuttalii Preferred Climate/s: Dryland
Chenopodiaceae S.Watson (1) Major Pathway/s: Pasture
Total N° of Refs: 7 Total N° of Refs: 18 Dispersed by: Humans
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Global Risk Score: 4.48 References: Egypt-W-221.
Weed of: Cereals Rating: Low
References: Europe-N-819, Global-W- Toxic - Habit: Shrub Atriplex crassifolia C.A. Mey.
1324, Iran-A-1524, Estonia-W-1609, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Chenopodiaceae
Russia-W-1609, Estonia-N-1997, Ukraine- Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 1
N-2112. Origin: N Am Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, References: Pakistan-A-87.
Atriplex australasica Moq. Ornamental, Pasture
Chenopodiaceae Dispersed by: Humans Atriplex cristata Humb. & Bonpl. ex
Total N° of Refs: 7 Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations, Willd.
Origin: Aust Pome Fruits Chenopodiaceae
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, References: Pakistan-A-248, Global-A-243, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Atriplex littoralis
Ornamental United States of America-W-218, L. (12)
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Australia-N-7, Mexico-N-791, United Total N° of Refs: 13
Livestock, Sheep States of America-N-839, Mexico-I-878, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
References: United Kingdom-UZD-314, Australia-N-354, United States of America- References: Anguilla-W-1977.
Denmark-W-711, Australia-W-869, N-1292, Global-W-1349, United States of
Australia-N-354, Denmark-W-1609, America-A-87, Chile-I-1872, Egypt-N- Atriplex dimorphostegia Kar. & Kir.
Australia-N-1845, Denmark-W-1977. 1979, Israel-GN-59, United States of Chenopodiaceae
America-N-2092, Chile-W-1977, Mexico- Total N° of Refs: 4
W-1977. Habit: annual Herb
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical,
Major Pathway/s: Crop
References: Egypt-W-221, Europe-N-819,
Global-W-1324, Oman-A-1870.

Atriplex dioica (Nutt.) J.f. Macbr. Atriplex flabellum Bunge ex Boiss. Atriplex hastata L.
Chenopodiaceae Chenopodiaceae Chenopodiaceae
Accepted name: Endolepis dioica (Nutt.) Total N° of Refs: 2 Accepted name: Atriplex calotheca (Rafn)
Standl. Origin: W Asia Fr.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Weed of: Cereals Total N° of Refs: 33
References: United States of America-N- References: Global-A-1207, Tajikistan-A- Global Risk Score: 7.2
1057. 1674. Rating: Medium
Aqua - Habit: annual Herb
Atriplex eardleyae Aellen Atriplex gardneri (Moq.) D. Dietr. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Chenopodiaceae Chenopodiaceae Origin: E Asia, Europe
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Atriplex Synonym/s (n° of refs): Atriplex nuttallii S. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
campanulata Benth., nom. illeg. (1) Watson (2) Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 15 Total N° of Refs: 2 Dispersed by: Humans, Flyers, Water
Origin: Aust Weed of: Cereals
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Atriplex glabriuscula Edmonston References: Global-A-44, Europe-A-94,
Ornamental Chenopodiaceae South America-W-295, Japan-N-287,
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Total N° of Refs: 1 Japan-W-286, Europe, eastern-W-272,
Livestock, Sheep Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal western Europe-W-70, China-W-297,
References: United States of America-N- Dispersed by: Animals, Water China-A-275, Spain-A-417, Japan-N-367,
101, Australia-N-945, United Kingdom- References: United Kingdom-N-519. China-W-431, Canada-A-642, South
UZD-314, United States of America-N- Korea-N-773, Australia-N-1049, Japan-
301, United States of America-N-839, Atriplex glauca L. AID-1073, Poland-G-1122, South Korea-
Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049, Chenopodiaceae N-761, Serbia-W-1238, South Korea-N-
Europe-N-819, Belgium-UD-1220, United Total N° of Refs: 3 1246, Germany-A-87, Chile-A-87, United
States of America-N-1292, Global-W- Global Risk Score: 1.28 States of America-A-87, Austria-A-1670,
1324, Australia-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Rating: Low Russia-W-1671, Chile-I-1872, Serbia-A-
South Africa-W-1977. Habit: Shrub 1923, Montenegro-R-1944, Serbia-R-1957,
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, South Korea-N-2029, South Korea-A-2032.
Atriplex elegans (Moq.) Dietr Mediterranean
Chenopodiaceae Origin: Africa, Europe Atriplex heterosperma Bunge
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Atriplex elegans Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture Chenopodiaceae
(Moq.) D. Dietr. subsp. fasciculata (S. Dispersed by: Humans Accepted name: Atriplex micrantha Ledeb.
Watson) H.M. Hall & Clem. (1) References: United Kingdom-U-314, Total N° of Refs: 54
Total N° of Refs: 7 United States of America-N-101, Saudi Global Risk Score: 4.32
Habit: annual Herb Arabia-A-1504. Rating: Low
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical Habit: annual Herb
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal Atriplex halimus L. Origin: E Asia, Europe
Weed of: Bananas, Cereals, Orchards and Chenopodiaceae Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Plantations, Potatoes, Vegetables Total N° of Refs: 23 Ornamental
References: Global-W-28, Global-A-243, Global Risk Score: 6.72 Dispersed by: Humans
Mexico-AW-199, United States of Rating: Low References: Global-N-85, United States of
America-W-218, Global-W-1349, United Toxic - Habit: Tree America-W-156, Czech Republic-UZ-400,
States of America-A-87. Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Canada-A-642, Canada and United States
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical of America-N-725, United States of
Atriplex elegans (Moq.) D. Dietr. subsp. Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia America-N-86, Argentina-I-983, Global-A-
fasciculata (S. Watson) H.M. Hall & Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, 1207, United States of America-N-1607,
Clem. Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture Argentina-E-1874.
Chenopodiaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Goat, Livestock
Accepted name: Atriplex elegans (Moq.) Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Atriplex holocarpa F. Müell.
Dietr var. fasciculata References: Egypt-W-221, United Chenopodiaceae
Total N° of Refs: 7 Kingdom-N-40, Global-N-108, New Total N° of Refs: 15
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Zealand-N-280, western Europe-W-70, Global Risk Score: 0.96
References: Global-W-1349. Europe-N-482, United Kingdom-N-519, Rating: Low
New Zealand-N-15, Italy-N-733, United Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Atriplex farinosa Forssk. Kingdom-N-812, New Zealand-N-823, Mediterranean
Chenopodiaceae New Zealand-W-906, New Zealand-N-919, Origin: Aust, E Asia
Total N° of Refs: 1 France-N-1006, United Kingdom-N-1006, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland Europe-N-819, Egypt-A-1171, Belgium-U- Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
References: Egypt-W-221. 1220, Cape Verde-N-1558, Spain-ZD- Livestock, Sheep
1610, New Zealand-N-2048, Egypt-A- References: United States of America-N-
Atriplex fera (L.) Bunge 2088, Portugal-W-1977. 101, Australia-N-945, Palestine-N-851,
Chenopodiaceae Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049,
Total N° of Refs: 6 Europe-N-819, Belgium-UD-1220, Global-
Habit: annual Herb W-1324, Israel-ENI-1380, Israel-NI-1487,
References: China-A-275, China-W-431, Egypt-N-1979, Israel-N-59, Australia-W-
Europe-N-819, Global-W-1324, Estonia- 1977, Belgium-W-1977, Israel-W-1977.
W-1609, Estonia-N-1997.

Atriplex hortensis L. Ukraine-U-1840, Romania-N-1843, Atriplex inflata F. Müell.
Chenopodiaceae Australia-N-1845, Chile-I-1872, Chile and Chenopodiaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Atriplex hortensis Argentina-E-1874, Italy-UN-1887, Total N° of Refs: 4
L. var. atrosanguinea Hort. (1), Atriplex Sardinia-U-1917, Australia-WD-1934, Global Risk Score: 0.48
hortensis L. var. rubra L. (1) Australia-N-1959, Romania-U-1986, Rating: Low
Total N° of Refs: 147 Russia-N-1989, Poland-N-1993, Estonia- Habit: annual Herb
Global Risk Score: 24 N-1997, Ukraine-N-2014, New Zealand-N- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Rating: High 2048, Ukraine-N-2050, Ukraine-N-2112, Dispersed by: Humans
Aqua - Habit: annual Herb Australia-W-1977, Austria-W-1977, References: South Africa-E-1646, North
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Belgium-W-1977, Bulgaria-W-1977, Africa, Libya, Egypt-W-1730, South
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Canada-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Croatia- Africa-EI-1886, -I-, South Africa-W-1977.
Origin: E Asia, Europe, W Asia W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Denmark-W-1977, France-W-1977, Atriplex laciniata L.
Herbal, Ornamental Germany-W-1977, Greece-W-1977, India- Chenopodiaceae
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle, W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Latvia-W-1977, Accepted name: Atriplex tatarica L.
Livestock, Sheep, Water, Wind, Escapee Lithuania-W-1977, Poland-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 95
References: Global-W-23, United States of Republic of Moldova-W-1977, Romania- ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
America-WD-34, Finland-C-42, Chile-N- W-1977, Russian Federation-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Water
300, Europe-A-94, United States of Slovakia-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977, Weed of: Cereals
America-N-101, New Zealand-N-280, Switzerland-W-1977, Ukraine-W-1977. References: United States of America-N-
United States of America-W-161, Canada 101, Spain-A-417, United Kingdom-N-519,
and United States of America-XW-299, Atriplex hortensis L. var. atrosanguinea Czechoslovakia-N-1006, Estonia-N-1006,
Australia-N-176, Australia-N-198, Europe, Hort. Germany-N-1006, Lithuania-N-1006,
eastern-AW-272, western Europe-W-70, Chenopodiaceae Poland-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Iberian
United States of America-W-218, Accepted name: Atriplex hortensis Peninsular-N-1147, Russia-A-87, Sweden-
Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945, United Total N° of Refs: 146 N-1802, Belarus-W-1977, Canada-W-1977,
Kingdom-CZ-314, Australia-E-327, Czech References: Canada-A-642. Czech Republic-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977.
Republic-U-400, United Kingdom-N-519,
New Zealand-N-534, Canada-A-642, Atriplex hortensis L. var. rubra L. Atriplex laevis C.A.Mey.
Ukraine-R-643, Switzerland-N-653, Chenopodiaceae Chenopodiaceae
Australia-N-310, Austria-UC-708, Canada Accepted name: Atriplex hortensis L. Total N° of Refs: 3
and United States of America-N-725, Total N° of Refs: 146 References: Finland-U-42, Russia-W-1687,
Lithuania-I-737, Chile-N-765, Australia-N- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Russian Federation-W-1977.
7, Spain-W-807, Hungary-U-809, United Dispersed by: Humans
Kingdom-UC-812, Australia-W-869, References: Poland-N-1716. Atriplex lampa Gillies ex Moq.
United States of America-N-904, India- Chenopodiaceae
UD-914, New Zealand-N-919, United Atriplex hortensis L. subsp. hortensis Total N° of Refs: 1
Kingdom-CZ-944, United States of Chenopodiaceae Habit: Shrub
America-W-946, Australia-N-354, France- Total N° of Refs: 3 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
N-1006, France-N-1006, Greece-N-1006, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Dispersed by: Humans
Latvia-N-1006, Lithuania-N-1006, Dispersed by: Humans References: United States of America-N-
Slovakia-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Greece- References: Norway-N-1243, Denmark-W- 101.
N-1142, Spain-U-1149, Crete-U-1150, 1609, Denmark-W-1977.
China-N-1215, Poland-R-1219, Belgium- Atriplex lasiantha Boiss.
UD-1220, Chile-N-1229, Italy-N-251, Atriplex hortensis L. subsp. nitens Chenopodiaceae
Hungary-U-1255, Romania-UD-1264, (Schkuhr) E. Pons Total N° of Refs: 1
Italy-N-1265, Ukraine-N-1297, south and Chenopodiaceae Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
southeast Asia-A-1320, Global-W-1324, Accepted name: Atriplex nitens Schkuhr References: Finland-U-42.
Romania-UD-1334, Ukraine-N-1335, Total N° of Refs: 22
China-N-1344, Chile-N-1348, Global-W- References: Norway-N-1243. Atriplex latifolia Wahlenb.
1349, India-UD-1389, Turkey--1412, Chenopodiaceae
Spain-U-1454, Spain-U-1455, Slovakia-U- Atriplex hortensis L. 'Atrosanguinea' Accepted name: Atriplex prostrata Boucher
1484, Czech Republic-U-1522, Romania- Chenopodiaceae ex DC.
UD-1537, Romania-N-1540, Greece-N- Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 85
1541, Panarctic-U-1596, Latvia-N-1598, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
United States of America-N-1603, United References: Canada-A-642. Major Pathway/s: Herbal
States of America-N-1607, Estonia-W- References: Ukraine-N-2050.
1609, Austria-W-1609, Denmark-W-1609, Atriplex hortensis L. 'Rubra'
Germany-W-1609, Lithuania-W-1609, Chenopodiaceae
Norway-W-1609, Poland-W-1609, Total N° of Refs: 1
Sweden-W-1609, Romania-N-1629, Habit: Herb
Germany-A-87, India-A-87, United States Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
of America-A-87, Canadian northwest Dispersed by: Humans
Territories-N-1011, Poland-N-1040, References: New Zealand-U-919.
Romania-N-1549, Global-Q-1572, Global-
CD-1611, Russia-W-1687, Poland-N-1716,
Czech Republic-U-1731, Croatia-N-1747,
United States of America-N-1162, China-
N-1758, Sweden-N-1802, Ukraine-U-1813,

Atriplex lentiformis (Torr.) S. Watson Atriplex lindleyi Moq. Atriplex longipes Drejer
Chenopodiaceae Chenopodiaceae Chenopodiaceae
Total N° of Refs: 8 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Blackiella inflata Accepted name: Atriplex nudicaulis
Aqua - Habit: Shrub (F.Meull) Aell. (2) Total N° of Refs: 3
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Total N° of Refs: 14 References: United Kingdom-N-519,
Tropical Global Risk Score: 5.76 Poland-NR-1827, Poland-R-1947.
Origin: N Am Rating: Low
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, Habit: perennial Herb Atriplex maximowicziana Makino
Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Dryland Chenopodiaceae
Dispersed by: Humans, Water Origin: Aust Total N° of Refs: 5
References: pantropics-W-22, United States Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Habit: annual Herb
of America-WD-34, Australia-N-7, United Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
States of America-N-301, United States of Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Goat, Major Pathway/s: Crop
America-N-839, Australia-N-354, United Livestock, Sheep, Escapee References: United States of America-N-
States of America-N-1292, North America- References: United States of America-CW- 101, United States of America-N-301,
N-1760. 34, Global-N-85, United States of America- United States of America-N-839, United
N-101, South Africa-I-759, South Africa- States of America-N-1292, United States of
Atriplex lentiformis (Torr.) S.Watson X-1112, South Africa-ZD-1579, Global- America-N-2092.
subsp. lentiformis CD-1611, South Africa-N-1991, Algeria-
Chenopodiaceae W-1977, Australia-W-1977, South Africa- Atriplex megalotheca M. Pop.
Total N° of Refs: 1 W-1977, Spain-W-1977. Chenopodiaceae
Habit: Shrub Total N° of Refs: 4
References: North America-N-1760. Atriplex lindleyi Moq. subsp. inflata References: Europe-N-819, Global-W-
(Müell.) P.G.Wilson 1324, Estonia-W-1609, Estonia-N-1997.
Atriplex leptocarpa F. Müell. Chenopodiaceae
Chenopodiaceae Total N° of Refs: 13 Atriplex micrantha Ledeb.
Total N° of Refs: 9 Global Risk Score: 2.88 Chenopodiaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Rating: Low Synonym/s (n° of refs): Atriplex
Mediterranean Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, heterosperma Bunge (10)
Origin: Aust Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 54
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Origin: Aust Global Risk Score: 1.2
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Rating: Low
Livestock, Sheep Ornamental Habit: annual Herb
References: Australia-N-945, Australia-N- Dispersed by: Humans, Livestock Origin: E Asia, Europe, W Asia
7, Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049, References: South Africa-W-158, South Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Europe-N-819, Belgium-UD-1220, Global- Africa-X-63, South Africa-X-283, South Ornamental
W-1324, Australia-W-1977, Belgium-W- Africa-W-95, Africa-X-1127, Global-W- Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
1977. 85, Namibia-I-1283, South Africa-ZD- Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles, Water, Escapee
1419, Israel-W-1487, Egypt-A-1028, South Weed of: Cereals
Atriplex leucoclada Boiss. Africa-E-1646, South Africa-ZD-1584, References: United States of America-N-
Chenopodiaceae Egypt-N-1979. 101, United Kingdom-UZD-314, Canada-
Total N° of Refs: 5 A-642, Ukraine-U-643, Austria-N-708,
Global Risk Score: 1.52 Atriplex linifolia Humb. & Bonpl. Germany-N-907, Belgium-N-1006,
Rating: Low Chenopodiaceae Germany-N-1006, Europe-N-819,
Habit: Shrub Total N° of Refs: 3 Romania-U-1154, Belgium-ND-1220,
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Italy-U-251, China-U-92, Global-W-1324,
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical References: Mexico-W-890, Mexico-W- Spain-U-1455, Slovakia-U-1484, Czech
Origin: W Asia 1226, Mexico-N-1500. Republic-U-1522, Estonia-W-1609,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Pasture Austria-W-1609, Germany-W-1609,
Dispersed by: Humans Atriplex littoralis L. Latvia-W-1609, Global-ZD-1611,
Weed of: Cereals, Pastures Chenopodiaceae Tajikistan-A-1674, Czech Republic-U-
References: Egypt-W-221, Oman-A-1870, Accepted name: Atriplex cristata 1731, Ukraine-N-1813, Italy-U-1887,
Iran-A-1916, Egypt-A-2088, Iran-A-2111. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Atriplex patula L. Estonia-N-1997, Germany-N-2009,
var. littoralis (L.) Gray (1) Ukraine-N-2050, Slovakia-N-2052,
Atriplex limbata Benth. Total N° of Refs: 14 Ukraine-N-2112, Argentina-W-1977,
Chenopodiaceae Habit: annual Herb Austria-W-1977, Belarus-W-1977,
Total N° of Refs: 3 Origin: E Asia, Europe, N Am Belgium-W-1977, Bulgaria-W-1977,
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Canada-W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977,
Origin: Aust Ornamental France-W-1977, Germany-W-1977, Italy-
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers, W-1977, Latvia-W-1977, Romania-W-
Ornamental Vehicles, Water 1977, Slovakia-W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, References: Global-N-85, Czech Republic-
Livestock, Sheep UZ-400, United Kingdom-N-519, Europe-
References: United Kingdom-UZD-314, N-819, United States of America-N-101,
Australia-N-7, Australia-N-354. Czech Republic-U-1522, Global-ZD-1611,
Czech Republic-U-1731, Iceland-U-1552,
Canada-W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977,

Atriplex mollis Desf. Atriplex x northusiana Wein. Atriplex nuttalii S.Watson
Chenopodiaceae Chenopodiaceae Chenopodiaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Accepted name: parents = Atriplex Accepted name: Atriplex canescens (Pursh)
Habit: Tree oblongifolia Waldst. & Kit. x Atriplex Nutt.
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland patula L. Total N° of Refs: 18
Origin: Africa Total N° of Refs: 5 References: Chile-W-1977.
Major Pathway/s: Pasture Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans Atriplex nuttallii S. Watson
References: Sardinia-N-1336. References: Czech Republic-UZ-400, Chenopodiaceae
Europe-N-819, Czech Republic-U-1522, Accepted name: Atriplex gardneri var.
Atriplex moneta Bunge Czech Republic-U-1731, Czech Republic- aptera (Moq.) D. Dietr.
Chenopodiaceae W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 2
Total N° of Refs: 1 Global Risk Score: 1.44
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland Atriplex nudicaulis Boguslaw Rating: Low
Origin: W Asia Chenopodiaceae ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Dryland
Weed of: Cereals Synonym/s (n° of refs): Atriplex longipes Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
References: Tajikistan-A-1674. Drejer (3) Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 3 References: Canada-A-642, Chile-I-1872.
Atriplex montevidensis Spreng.
Chenopodiaceae Atriplex nummularia Lindl. Atriplex oblongifolia Waldst. & Kit.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Chenopodiaceae Chenopodiaceae
References: Argentina-W-237, South Synonym/s (n° of refs): Atriplex Total N° of Refs: 42
America-W-295. nummularia Lindl. subsp. nummularia (7) Habit: annual Herb
Total N° of Refs: 40 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Atriplex muelleri Benth. Global Risk Score: 6.72 Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe
Chenopodiaceae Rating: Low Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Total N° of Refs: 19 Habit: perennial Herb Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle,
Global Risk Score: 3.6 Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles, Water
Rating: Low Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical References: Global-A-44, United States of
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Origin: Aust, E Asia America-N-101, Europe, eastern-AW-272,
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, United Kingdom-U-314, Czech Republic-
Mediterranean, Tropical Ornamental, Pasture ZI-400, Canada-A-642, Switzerland-N-653,
Origin: Aust Dispersed by: Humans Belarus-N-817, Germany-N-1006, Poland-
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, References: Chile-N-300, Global-N-85, N-1006, Europe-N-819, Poland-R-1219,
Herbal, Ornamental South Africa-W-95, United States of Belgium-U-1220, Serbia-W-1238, Global-
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, America-N-101, Chile-N-241, South W-1324, Slovakia-N-1484, Czech
Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles Africa-I-759, Mediterranean-I-775, Republic-N-1522, Czech Republic-W-
References: Australia, northern-A-55, Palestine-ND-851, Mediterranean-W-951, 1609, Germany-W-1609, Latvia-W-1609,
Global-N-85, United States of America-N- China-I-1055, Europe-N-819, South Poland-W-1609, Poland-N-1040, Europe-
101, South Africa-AZR-121, Australia-N- Africa-X-1112, China-N-1215, Chile-N- ZD-1653, Global-ZD-1611, Czech
945, United Kingdom-UZD-314, Palestine- 1229, Chile-N-1348, Global-I-1404, Republic-N-1731, Europe-UNI-1740,
N-851, Australia-N-354, Europe-N-819, Global-E-1449, Spain-N-1454, Israel-W- central Europe-A-1616, Poland-NR-1827,
Africa-W-1127, Belgium-UD-1220, 1487, South Africa-E-1646, China-I-1769, Poland-R-1947, Germany-R-1948,
Global-W-1324, Israel-NW-1380, Global- Chile-I-1872, -I-, Egypt-N-1979, South Germany-N-2009, Serbia-R-2057, Russia-
ZD-1495, Lesotho-AZR-121, Australia-W- Africa-N-1991, Angola-N-2028, Israel-GN- I-2107, Belarus-W-1977, Belgium-W-
1977, Belgium-W-1977, Israel-W-1977, 59, Algeria-W-1977, Australia-W-1977, 1977, Bulgaria-W-1977, Canada-W-1977,
South Africa-W-1977. Chile-W-1977, China-W-1977, Namibia- Czech Republic-W-1977, Germany-W-
W-1977, South Africa-W-1977, Spain-W- 1977, Latvia-W-1977, Poland-W-1977,
Atriplex nitens Schkuhr 1977. Slovakia-W-1977.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Atriplex hortensis Atriplex nummularia Lindl. subsp. Atriplex olivieri Moq.
L. subsp. nitens (Schkuhr) E. Pons (1) nummularia Chenopodiaceae
Total N° of Refs: 22 Chenopodiaceae Accepted name: Atriplex tatarica L.
Global Risk Score: 3.6 Total N° of Refs: 40 Total N° of Refs: 80
Rating: Low Global Risk Score: 1.44 References: Turkey-R-1968.
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Rating: Low
Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Atriplex pamirica Iljin
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Water Origin: Aust Chenopodiaceae
References: Finland-U-42, Global-A-44, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Accepted name: Atriplex tatarica L. var.
Global-NW-85, United States of America- Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee pamirica (Iljin) G.L.Chu
N-101, Europe, eastern-AW-272, References: South Africa-X-63, South Total N° of Refs: 80
Switzerland-N-653, Japan-N-794, Estonia- Africa-CX-283, Swaziland-N-825, Africa- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
N-1006, France-N-1006, Germany-N-1006, X-1127, Namibia-I-1283, Global-CD-1611, Origin: W Asia
Lithuania-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Poland- South Africa-E-1886. Weed of: Cereals
N-1122, Global-A-1207, Poland-R-1219, References: Tajikistan-A-1674.
Japan-N-1278, Sardinia-U-1336, Poland-
W-1609, Poland-A-1966, Poland-N-1993,

Atriplex patens (Litv.) Iljin Atriplex patula L. Finland-A-1815, Poland-A-1825,
Chenopodiaceae Chenopodiaceae Australia-N-1845, Canada-G-1855, Chile-I-
Total N° of Refs: 8 Total N° of Refs: 149 1872, Chile and Argentina-A-1874,
Habit: annual Herb Global Risk Score: 18 Mexico-N-1881, Poland-A-1033, France-
Origin: E Asia, Europe Rating: High A-1924, Serbia-R-1946, Germany-R-1948,
References: China-W-297, China-W-431, Toxic, Aqua - Habit: annual Herb Serbia-R-1953, Croatia-A-1954, Australia-
Europe-N-819, China-U-92, Global-W- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, N-1959, Poland-A-1961, Poland-A-1966, -
1324, Estonia-W-1609, Estonia-N-1997, Subtropical I-, Russia-N-1988, Russia-N-1989,
Belarus-W-1977. Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Kosovo-R-2003, Poland-A-2005, Poland-
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, A-2047, New Zealand-N-2048, -AU-2058,
Herbal, Ornamental Poland-AN-2059, Poland-A-2060, Poland-
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers, A-2061, Poland-R-2062, Iran-A-2072,
Cattle, Goat, Horse, Livestock, Sheep, Slovakia-A-2079, Serbia-A-2080, Spain-A-
Water, Wind, Escapee 2083, France-A-2094, Hungary-A-2100,
Seed Longevity: Long Term Poland-A-2110, Australia-W-1977,
Weed of: Canola, Carrots, Cereals, Belarus-W-1977, Bulgaria-W-1977,
Grapevines, Orchards & Plantations, Canada-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Czech
Pastures, Sunflowers, Vegetables Republic-W-1977, Iceland-W-1977,
References: Global-W-23, United States of Mexico-W-1977, Russian Federation-W-
America-WD-34, Canada-W-292, Global- 1977, Sweden-W-1977.
A-44, Chile-N-300, Global-A-68, Global-
NZW-85, Europe-A-94, Global-A-243, Atriplex patula L. var. hastata auct.
New Zealand-N-280, Italy-A-118, Chile-N- Chenopodiaceae
241, South Africa-ZR-121, United States of Accepted name: Atriplex prostrata Boucher
America-W-136, Australia-N-176, western ex DC.
Europe-A-253, Australia-N-198, United Total N° of Refs: 89
States of America-W-210, Europe, eastern- References: United States of America-A-
AW-272, western Europe-W-70, United 180, United States of America-W-218,
States of America-W-218, Australia-N-945, Canada-A-642, Global-W-1349, Mexico-
Spain-A-417, Australia-E-327, Czech N-1500.
Republic-NZI-400, United Kingdom-N-
519, United States of America-A-543, Atriplex patula L. var. littoralis (L.)
Canada-A-642, Denmark-N-711, Turkey- Gray
A-727, Global-A-743, Canada-C-756, Chenopodiaceae
Chile-N-765, Mexico-N-791, Australia-W- Accepted name: Atriplex littoralis
853, Australia-W-869, Mexico-I-878, Total N° of Refs: 13
Slovenia-W-883, Europe-A-889, United References: Canada-A-642.
States of America-N-904, New Zealand-N-
919, United Kingdom-Z-944, Australia-N- Atriplex patula L. subsp. hastata (L.) H.
354, Czechoslovakia-N-1006, Slovenia-N- M. Hall & Clem.
1006, Australia-N-1049, Greenland-N- Chenopodiaceae
1061, Poland-A-935, Europe-N-819, Accepted name: Atriplex prostrata
United Kingdom-A-322, United Kingdom- Total N° of Refs: 85
A-1093, United States of America-N-101, References: Canada-A-642.
Poland-N-1122, Europe-W-1191, Chile-N-
1229, Serbia-W-1238, Norway-N-1243, Atriplex patula L. subsp. patula
Georgia-UR-1250, Falkland Islands-N- Chenopodiaceae
1251, Australia-E-1260, Australia-E-1262, Total N° of Refs: 1
Denmark-A-1185, France-A-1266, References: Canada-N-1252.
Slovakia-A-1282, Argentina-W-1286,
Macedonia-A-1304, Chile-N-1348, Global- Atriplex pedunculata L.
W-1349, Finland-AN-1356, Serbia-A- Chenopodiaceae
1357, Croatia-A-1368, France-A-1461, Total N° of Refs: 1
Turkey-A-1465, Czech Republic-N-1522, Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Austria-N-1531, Europe-A-1539, References: United Kingdom-N-519.
Panarctic-U-1596, Czech Republic-W-
1609, Denmark-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, Atriplex platensis Speg.
United Kingdom-A-87, Germany-A-87, Chenopodiaceae
Iran-A-87, Spain-A-87, Yugoslavia-A-87, Total N° of Refs: 4
Finland-A-87, Iceland-A-87, New Zealand- Origin: S Am
A-87, United States of America-A-87, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Canadian northwest Territories-N-1011, Dispersed by: Humans
Serbia-W-1031, Croatia-A-1037, Europe- References: United Kingdom-U-314,
ZD-1576, Global-CZD-1611, Global-ZD- Denmark-U-711, Denmark-W-1609,
1581, Russia-W-1687, Azores-N-1721, Denmark-W-1977.
Czech Republic-N-1731, Iceland-U-1552,
United States of America-N-1162, Serbia-
R-1771, central Europe-A-1616, Russia-W-
1671, Europe-A-1806, France-A-1814,

Atriplex polonica Zapal. Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC. Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.
Chenopodiaceae Chenopodiaceae subsp. polonica (Zapa .) Uotila
Total N° of Refs: 2 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Atriplex latifolia Chenopodiaceae
References: Europe-N-819, Global-W- Wahlenb. (1), Atriplex patula L. var. Total N° of Refs: 1
1324. hastata auct. (5), Atriplex patula L. subsp. References: Poland-N-1040.
hastata (L.) H. M. Hall & Clem. (1),
Atriplex portulacoides L. Atriplex triangularis Willd. (3) Atriplex pseudocampanulata Aellen
Chenopodiaceae Total N° of Refs: 94 Chenopodiaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Halimione Global Risk Score: 33.6 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Atriplex
portulacoides (L.) Aellen (6) Rating: Extreme campanulata Benth., nom. illeg. var.
Total N° of Refs: 10 Habit: annual Herb inappendiculata Aellen nom. superfl. [nom.
Global Risk Score: 2 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean illeg.] (1)
Rating: Low Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Total N° of Refs: 10
Habit: Tree Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Origin: Aust
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Pasture Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Dispersed by: Humans Livestock, Water, Wind, Escapee Livestock, Sheep
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Seed Longevity: Long Term References: Australia-N-945, Australia-N-
References: Global-N-85, United Weed of: Cereals 354, Australia-N-1049, Europe-N-819,
Kingdom-N-519, Egypt-A-1171, Global- References: Argentina-W-237, Australia-E- Belgium-UD-1220, Global-W-1324,
W-1324. 72, Canada-W-292, Chile-N-300, Global- Australia-N-1959, Australia-W-1977,
NZW-85, Australia-N-9, New Zealand-N- Belgium-W-1977.
280, New Zealand-W-165, Australia-N-
176, western Europe-A-253, Australia-N- Atriplex pumilio R.Br.
198, Australia-C-401, Australia-E-327, Chenopodiaceae
New Zealand-NW-425, United Kingdom- Total N° of Refs: 4
N-519, New Zealand-N-534, New Zealand- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
N-15, Canary Islands-N-637, Canada-A- Origin: Aust
642, Australia-EN-310, Canada-C-756, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Chile-N-765, Australia-EN-7, Japan-N- Dispersed by: Humans
794, Australia-W-853, Australia-N-855, References: Australia-N-945, Australia-N-
Australia-N-856, Australia-W-869, United 354, Australia-N-1049, Australia-W-1977.
States of America-N-904, New Zealand-W-
906, New Zealand-N-919, United States of Atriplex quinii F. Müell.
America-W-946, Australia-N-354, Chenopodiaceae
Australia-N-1049, Europe-N-819, United Total N° of Refs: 2
Kingdom-A-322, Chile-N-1229, Falkland References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
Islands-N-1251, Australia-E-1259,
Australia-E-1260, Australia-E-1261,
Australia-E-1262, France-A-1266, Japan-
N-1278, Argentina-W-1286, Ukraine-N-
1297, Global-W-1324, Ukraine-N-1335,
Chile-N-1348, Australia-N-1450, Australia-
E-1456, Europe-A-1539, New Zealand-N-
1543, Poland-W-1609, Global-CD-1611,
Global-ZD-1581, Polar Regions-ZD-1587,
Iceland-U-1552, France-A-1814, Poland-
NR-1827, Australia-N-1845, Canada-G-
1855, Chile-I-1872, Chile and Argentina-
A-1874, Argentina-N-1884, Poland-R-
1947, Germany-R-1948, Australia-N-1959,
New Zealand-N-2048, Ukraine-N-2050,
Russia-A-2063, Spain-A-2083, Russia-I-
2107, Ukraine-N-2112, Australia-W-1977,
Belarus-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Chile-
W-1977, Iceland-W-1977, Japan-W-1977,
Poland-W-1977, Republic of Moldova-W-
1977, Spain-W-1977, Ukraine-W-1977.

Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.

subsp. calotheca (Rafn) M.A.Gust.
Total N° of Refs: 2
Dispersed by: Wind
References: Japan-W-1977, South Korea-

Atriplex rosea L. Atriplex sagittata Borkh. Atriplex semibaccata R.Br.
Chenopodiaceae Chenopodiaceae Chenopodiaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Atriplex arenicola Synonym/s (n° of refs): Atriplex acuminata Synonym/s (n° of refs): Atriplex
Hauman & Merck (1) Waldst. & Kit. (1) semibaccata R.Br. var. typica Aellen nom.
Total N° of Refs: 82 Total N° of Refs: 56 superfl. [nom. inval.] (3)
Global Risk Score: 14.4 Global Risk Score: 2.4 Total N° of Refs: 86
Rating: Medium Rating: Low Global Risk Score: 26.88
Toxic - Habit: annual Herb Habit: annual Herb Rating: High
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
Mediterranean, Subtropical Origin: E Asia, Europe, W Asia Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Origin: Africa, Aust, E Asia, Europe Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Ornamental Origin: Aust, E Asia
Herbal, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Livestock, Sheep, Water, Escapee Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture
Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles, Water References: United Kingdom-C-314, Czech Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Weed of: Cereals, Vegetables Republic-ZI-400, Spain-N-405, Ukraine- Livestock, Sheep
References: Global-W-23, Argentina-W- NR-643, Denmark-U-711, Lithuania-I-737, Weed of: Cotton, Orchards and Plantations
237, Canada-W-292, Finland-U-42, Chile- France-W-764, Germany-N-907, Ukraine- References: South Africa-AZR-121,
N-300, Global-NZW-85, United States of I-1121, Greece-U-1142, Crete-U-1150, Argentina-W-237, United States of
America-N-101, New Zealand-N-280, Europe-W-1191, Belgium-UD-1220, America-E-231, United States of America-
Chile-N-241, South America-W-295, Ukraine-N-1297, Global-W-1324, Ukraine- X-35, Chile-N-300, United States of
United States of America-W-161, Europe, N-1335, Norway-N-1378, Slovakia-N- America-E-78, United States of America-
eastern-AW-272, United States of 1484, Czech Republic-I-1522, Panarctic-U- E-80, Global-NZW-85, United States of
America-W-218, Spain-A-417, United 1596, Estonia-W-1609, Czech Republic-W- America-N-101, United States of America-
Kingdom-U-314, Czech Republic-NZI-400, 1609, Denmark-W-1609, Latvia-W-1609, EW-116, Chile-N-241, South America-W-
United States of America-A-543, Canada- Lithuania-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, 295, Australia-N-134, United States of
A-642, Ukraine-U-643, Denmark-U-711, Global-CD-1611, Czech Republic-I-1731, America-W-161, United States of America-
Canada and United States of America-NI- Europe-UNI-1740, central Europe-A-1616, A-180, United States of America-W-218,
725, Lithuania-I-737, United States of Russia-W-1671, Ukraine-U-1840, Russia- United Kingdom-UZD-314, Canary
America-N-86, United States of America- N-1920, Russia-N-1921, Germany-R-1948, Islands-N-305, Europe-NW-482, Global-E-
E-151, Mexico-N-791, Mexico-I-878, Russia-N-1989, Estonia-N-1997, Germany- 649, Mexico-W-735, United States of
United States of America-U-904, New N-2009, Ukraine-N-2050, Slovakia-N- America-N-86, Chile-N-765, Australia-N-
Zealand-N-919, United States of America- 2052, Belarus-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, 7, United States of America-N-301, United
W-946, Argentina-I-983, Czechoslovakia- Bulgaria-W-1977, Czech Republic-W- States of America-E-151, Mexico-N-791,
N-1006, Portugal-N-1006, Slovakia-N- 1977, Denmark-W-1977, France-W-1977, Spain-I-802, Spain-I-807, United States of
1006, Europe-N-819, Iberian Peninsular-N- Greece-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Latvia-W- America-N-839, Australia-W-869, Mexico-
1147, Poland-R-1219, Belgium-UD-1220, 1977, Lithuania-W-1977, Poland-W-1977, I-878, Mexico-W-890, Chile-A-931, United
Chile-N-1229, Norway-N-1243, Argentina- Portugal-W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977, States of America-W-946, Argentina-I-983,
W-1286, Chile-N-1348, Global-W-1349, Ukraine-W-1977, United Kingdom-W- Global-N-1059, Europe-N-819, Africa-W-
Turkey--1412, Slovakia-N-1484, Czech 1977. 1127, Belgium-UD-1220, Mexico-W-1226,
Republic-U-1522, United States of Chile-N-1229, United States of America-N-
America-N-1603, United States of Atriplex schugnanica Iljin 1292, Chile-N-1348, Global-W-1349,
America-N-1607, Estonia-W-1609, Chenopodiaceae Israel-NW-1380, Global-E-1449, Spain-I-
Denmark-W-1609, Latvia-W-1609, Total N° of Refs: 6 1454, Spain-U-1455, Argentina, Brazil and
Lithuania-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Uruguay-I-1476, Mexico-N-1500, Israel-U-
Poland-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, Weed of: Cereals 1487, United States of America-N-1603,
Argentina-A-87, United States of America- References: Europe-N-819, Global-W- Argentina-A-87, Hawaii-A-87, Australia-
A-87, Global-N-1218, Global-ZD-1611, 1324, Estonia-W-1609, Pakistan-A-1726, A-87, Chile-A-87, United States of
North Africa, Libya, Egypt-W-1730, Czech Estonia-N-1997, Latvia-W-1977. America-A-87, Global-N-1218, Lesotho-
Republic-U-1731, Chile-I-1872, Chile and AZR-121, Lesotho-W-1127, United States
Argentina-E-1874, Mexico-N-1881, -I-, of America-E-1736, Australia-UN-1845,
Estonia-N-1997, Kosovo-R-2003, New Chile-I-1872, Chile and Argentina-E-1874,
Zealand-N-2048, Argentina-W-1977, Mexico-NI-1881, Canary Islands-N-1967, -
Belarus-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, I-, -I-, Egypt-N-1979, South Africa-N-
Bulgaria-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Chile- 1991, South Africa-NR-2017, Israel-N-59,
W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977, Algeria-W-1977, Argentina-W-1977,
Denmark-W-1977, Latvia-W-1977, Australia-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977,
Lithuania-W-1977, Mexico-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Cyprus-W-1977, Israel-W-
Poland-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977, 1977, Mexico-W-1977, Morocco-W-1977,
Slovakia-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977. South Africa-W-1977, Spain-W-1977,

Atriplex semibaccata R.Br. var. typica Atriplex spinibractea R. H. Anderson Atriplex suberecta I. Verd.
Aellen nom. superfl. [nom. inval.] Chenopodiaceae Chenopodiaceae
Chenopodiaceae Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 58
Accepted name: Atriplex semibaccata R.Br. Origin: Aust Global Risk Score: 10.8
Total N° of Refs: 86 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Rating: Medium
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Dispersed by: Humans Habit: annual Herb
Dispersed by: Humans, Livestock References: Australia-N-945, Australia-W- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
References: Botswana-N-1284, South 869, Australia-N-354. Subtropical
Africa-ZD-1419, South Africa-ZD-1584. Origin: Africa, Aust, E Asia
Atriplex spongiosa F. Müell. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Atriplex semibaccata R.Br. 'Corto' Chenopodiaceae Herbal, Ornamental
Chenopodiaceae Total N° of Refs: 5 Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Global Risk Score: 0.48 Livestock, Sheep
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Rating: Low References: Chile-N-300, Global-N-85,
References: United States of America-N- Habit: annual Herb United States of America-N-101, Chile-N-
101. Origin: Aust 241, Mexico-W-199, Australia-N-945,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Canary Islands-N-305, Europe-N-482,
Atriplex semilunaris Aellen Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee United Kingdom-N-519, Denmark-U-711,
Chenopodiaceae References: United Kingdom-U-314, Mexico-W-735, United States of America-
Total N° of Refs: 9 Israel-CID-905, Global-CD-1611, North N-86, Chile-N-765, United States of
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Africa, Libya, Egypt-W-1730, South America-N-301, United States of America-
Rating: Low Africa-W-1977. E-151, Mexico-N-791, Japan-N-794,
Origin: Aust United Kingdom-U-812, United States of
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Atriplex spp. L. America-N-839, Palestine-N-851,
Ornamental Chenopodiaceae Australia-W-869, Mexico-I-878, Mexico-
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Total N° of Refs: 17 W-890, Australia-N-354, Spain-N-1006,
Livestock, Sheep Habit: Herb Europe-N-819, Belgium-UD-1220,
References: United Kingdom-UZD-314, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Mexico-W-1226, Chile-N-1229, Australia-
Czech Republic-UZ-400, Canary Islands-I- Dispersed by: Humans, Cattle, Livestock E-1259, Japan-N-1278, United States of
901, Europe-N-819, Global-W-1324, Czech Weed of: Canola, Cereals America-N-1292, Global-W-1324, Chile-
Republic-U-1522, Czech Republic-U-1731, References: Global-A-243, Argentina-A- N-1348, Israel-NW-1380, Spain-I-1454,
Czech Republic-W-1977, Spain-W-1977. 236, Europe, eastern-AW-272, Italy-A-667, Mexico-N-1500, Saudi Arabia-A-1504,
Slovenia-A-671, Slovenia-A-682, France- Denmark-W-1609, Global-N-1218, United
Atriplex serenana A. Nelson A-690, Slovenia-A-701, United States of States of America-E-1736, Chile-I-1872,
Chenopodiaceae America-I-849, Argentina-A-913, Mexico-N-1881, -I-, Saudi Arabia-N-1978,
Total N° of Refs: 2 Argentina-ZD-1415, South Africa-ZD- Egypt-N-1979, Israel-N-59, Australia-W-
Habit: annual Herb 1419, South Africa-ZD-1584, Australia- 1977, Belgium-W-1977, Bolivia-W-1977,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical ZD-1675, India-AN-1794, Oman-A-1870, Chile-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, France-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal Spain-AZ-2008. W-1977, Israel-W-1977, Japan-W-1977,
References: United States of America-W- Mexico-W-1977, Morocco-W-1977, Saudi
161, United States of America-A-180. Atriplex stipitata Benth. Arabia-W-1977, Spain-W-1977.
Atriplex sibirica L. Total N° of Refs: 1 Atriplex subspicata (Nutt.) Rydb.
Chenopodiaceae Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Chenopodiaceae
Total N° of Refs: 19 Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 2
Origin: E Asia References: North America-N-1760. Habit: annual Herb
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Dispersed by: Humans Atriplex stocksii Boiss. References: United States of America-W-
Weed of: Cereals Chenopodiaceae 174, Canada-A-642.
References: United States of America-N- Total N° of Refs: 1
101, China-W-297, China-W-431, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Denmark-U-711, Lithuania-I-737, Europe- Weed of: Cereals
N-819, Belgium-U-1220, Global-W-1324, References: Pakistan-A-1720.
Czech Republic-U-1522, Estonia-W-1609,
Latvia-W-1609, Lithuania-W-1609, Atriplex stylosa Viviani
Tajikistan-A-1674, Czech Republic-U- Chenopodiaceae
1731, Estonia-N-1997, Belgium-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 1
Czech Republic-W-1977, Latvia-W-1977, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Lithuania-W-1977. Origin: Africa, E Asia
References: United Kingdom-U-314.
Atriplex sphaeromorpha Iljin
Total N° of Refs: 3
References: Europe, eastern-W-272,
Global-W-1324, Europe-W-1325.

Atriplex tatarica L. Atriplex triangularis Willd. Atriplex wrightii S. Wats
Chenopodiaceae Chenopodiaceae Chenopodiaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Atriplex laciniata Accepted name: Atriplex prostrata Boucher Total N° of Refs: 4
L. (16), Atriplex olivieri Moq. (1), ex DC. Origin: N Am
Atriplex pamirica Iljin (1) Total N° of Refs: 87 Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Total N° of Refs: 97 Habit: annual Herb References: United States of America-W-
Global Risk Score: 7.2 Major Pathway/s: Herbal 161, United States of America-W-218,
Rating: Medium References: Chile-N-241, Canada-A-642, United States of America-A-87, Global-N-
Toxic - Habit: annual Herb Chile-I-1872. 1218.
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Atriplex tricostata Aellen Atropa acuminata Royle
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Chenopodiaceae Solanaceae
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Total N° of Refs: 4 Total N° of Refs: 1
Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Habit: perennial Herb
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Livestock, Sheep, Water, Escapee Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Dispersed by: Humans
References: Finland-U-42, Global-A-44, References: Denmark-UC-711, Denmark- References: Global-W-23.
Chile-N-300, Global-NW-85, Europe-A- W-1609, Global-CD-1611, Denmark-W-
94, United States of America-N-101, 1977. Atropa bella-donna L.
Europe, eastern-AW-272, China-A-275, Solanaceae
United Kingdom-UZD-314, Czech Atriplex undulata (Moq.) D. Dietr. Accepted name: Atropa belladonna L.
Republic-NZI-400, Canary Islands-N-305, Chenopodiaceae Total N° of Refs: 36
China-W-431, Ukraine-N-643, South Total N° of Refs: 4 Global Risk Score: 2.16
Korea-A-648, Denmark-UC-711, Global Risk Score: 1.28 Rating: Low
Lithuania-I-737, Chile-N-765, Belarus-N- Rating: Low Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
817, Russia-A-998, Russia-I-1178, Global- Preferred Climate/s: Dryland Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
A-1207, Poland-R-1219, Belgium-UD- Origin: S Am Origin: Africa, Europe
1220, Chile-N-1229, Serbia-W-1238, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Norway-N-1243, Georgia-NR-1250, Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers,
Ukraine-N-1297, Global-W-1324, Europe- References: Australia-N-7, Australia-N- Escapee
W-1325, Ukraine-N-1335, Chile-N-1348, 354, Global-I-1404, North America-N- Seed Longevity: Long Term
Slovakia-I-1484, Czech Republic-N-1522, 1760. References: Global-W-23, Finland-C-42,
Russia-N-1532, Estonia-W-1609, Czech United States of America-N-101, New
Republic-W-1609, Denmark-W-1609, Atriplex vesicaria Heward ex Benth. Zealand-N-280, Europe, eastern-W-272,
Germany-W-1609, Latvia-W-1609, Chenopodiaceae western Europe-W-70, Denmark-N-711,
Lithuania-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, Total N° of Refs: 5 New Zealand-N-919, Iceland-N-1006,
Poland-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, Iraq-A- Global Risk Score: 1.2 Lithuania-N-1006, Portugal-N-1006,
87, Serbia-W-1031, Poland-N-1040, Rating: Low Portugal-N-898, Europe-N-819, Estonia-
Global-CD-1611, Ukraine-N-1685, Europe- Toxic - Habit: Shrub W-1609, Denmark-W-1609, Lithuania-W-
N-1690, Czech Republic-N-1731, Europe- Preferred Climate/s: Dryland 1609, Sweden-W-1609, Australia-A-87,
I-1740, Chile-I-1872, Chile and Argentina- Origin: Aust New Zealand-A-87, Global-CD-1611,
A-1874, -I-, Russia-N-1988, Russia-N- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Estonia-N-1997, New Zealand-N-2048,
1989, Poland-N-1993, Estonia-N-1997, Ornamental Sweden-W-1977.
Kosovo-R-2003, Germany-N-2009, Russia- Dispersed by: Humans
W-2015, Russia-A-2041, Ukraine-N-2050, References: United States of America-N- Atropa belladonna L.
Slovakia-N-2052, Poland-AN-2059, 101, Chile-I-1872, Australia-W-1977, Solanaceae
Russia-I-2107, Ukraine-N-2112, Belarus- Chile-W-1977, India-W-1977. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Atropa bella-donna
W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, L. (23)
Czech Republic-W-1977, Denmark-W- Atriplex vestita (Thunb.) Aell. Total N° of Refs: 36
1977, Germany-W-1977, Latvia-W-1977, Chenopodiaceae Global Risk Score: 2.16
Lithuania-W-1977, Poland-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 1 Rating: Low
Slovakia-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977, Habit: Shrub ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Ukraine-W-1977. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Tropical
Origin: Africa Origin: E Asia, Europe
Atriplex thunbergiifolia (Boiss. & Noe) Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Boiss. Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans
Chenopodiaceae References: South Africa-AZR-121. Weed of: Pastures
Total N° of Refs: 2 References: United Kingdom-N-519,
Origin: W Asia Atriplex watsonii A. Nelson Portugal-N-662, Portugal-N-718,
Weed of: Cereals Chenopodiaceae Lithuania-I-737, Global-E-743, Australia-
References: Finland-U-42, Tajikistan-A- Total N° of Refs: 1 W-869, Norway-N-1243, Norway-N-1535,
1674. Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb Norway-W-1609, Turkey-A-2103, Ireland-
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical W-1977, Lithuania-W-1977, Portugal-W-
Atriplex tichomirovii Sukhor. Major Pathway/s: Herbal 1977.
Chenopodiaceae Dispersed by: Water
Total N° of Refs: 2 References: United States of America-WD-
References: Russia-W-1687, Russian 34.

Atropa physalodes L. Attalea speciosa Mart. ex Spreng. Aubrieta columnae Guss.
Solanaceae Arecaceae Brassicaceae
Accepted name: Nicandra physalodes Synonym/s (n° of refs): Orbignya phalerata Total N° of Refs: 8
Total N° of Refs: 246 Mart. (2), Orbignya speciosa (Mart.) Barb. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
References: Canada-A-642, Australia-N- Rodr., nom. illeg. (1) Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
1049. Total N° of Refs: 6 References: Austria-UC-708, Belgium-N-
Global Risk Score: 1.2 1006, Europe-N-819, Belgium-N-1220,
Atropanthe sinensis (Hemsl.) Pascher Rating: Low Austria-W-1609, Global-CD-1611, Austria-
Solanaceae Habit: Tree W-1977, Belgium-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Subtropical, Tropical Aubrieta x cultorum Bergmans
References: China-W-431. Origin: S Am Brassicaceae
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aubrieta hybrids
Attalea exigua Drude Ornamental nom. hort. (1)
Arecaceae Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 9
Total N° of Refs: 2 Weed of: Pastures Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Habit: Tree References: Brazil-W-255, Brazil-A-1763, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental India-W-1977. References: Austria-UC-708, Europe-N-
Dispersed by: Humans 819, Austria-W-1609, Denmark-W-1609,
References: Brazil-A-923, Brazil-A-87. Attheya decora T.West Norway-W-1609, Global-CD-1611,
Attheyaceae Austria-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977.
Attalea geraensis Barb. Rodr. Total N° of Refs: 1
Arecaceae Aqua - Habit: Aubrieta deltoidea (L.) DC.
Total N° of Refs: 2 References: Europe-N-1786. Brassicaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aubrieta x
Origin: S Am Atylosia platycarpa Benth. cultorum Bergmans
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Total N° of Refs: 34
Dispersed by: Humans Accepted name: Cajanus platycarpus Global Risk Score: 1.44
Weed of: Pastures (Benth.) Maesen Rating: Low
References: Brazil-W-255, Brazil-A-1763. Total N° of Refs: 3 Habit: perennial Herb
Weed of: Cotton, Orchards & Plantations Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Attalea insignis (Mart.) Drude References: Pakistan-A-1169, south and Origin: Africa, Europe, W Asia
Arecaceae southeast Asia-A-1320, Pakistan-A-1913. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Habit: Tree Atylosia scarabaeoides (L.) Benth. References: United Kingdom-CW-56,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Fabaceae - Papilionaceae United States of America-N-101, United
Origin: S Am Accepted name: Cajanus scarabaeoides (L.) Kingdom-C-314, Czech Republic-U-400,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Thouars United Kingdom-N-519, Austria-UC-708,
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 16 Hungary-U-809, United Kingdom-CN-812,
References: Central and South America-W- Global Risk Score: 13.44 Switzerland-NI-818, Ireland-U-894,
844. Rating: Medium France-N-1006, United Kingdom-N-1006,
Habit: Tree Iceland-N-1006, Switzerland-N-1006,
Attalea phalerata Mart. ex Spreng. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Europe-N-819, Belgium-U-1220, Hungary-
Arecaceae Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, U-1255, Global-W-1324, Czech Republic-
Total N° of Refs: 4 Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture U-1522, Austria-W-1609, Germany-W-
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Dispersed by: Humans, Animals 1609, Global-CD-1611, Czech Republic-U-
Rating: Low References: Bangladesh-E-216, south and 1731, Chile-I-1872, Switzerland-U-1990,
Habit: Tree southeast Asia-A-1408, Sri Lanka-ZD- Austria-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Chile-
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical 1020, Fiji-A-1521, Polynesia, West-A-87, W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977, France-
Origin: S Am Fiji-A-87, India-A-87, India-W-1672, W-1977, Germany-W-1977, Ireland-W-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental India-A-1696. 1977, Switzerland-W-1977, United
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals Kingdom-W-1977.
Weed of: Pastures Atylosia volubilis Gamble
References: Brazil-W-255, Brazil-A-923, Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Aubrieta hybrids nom. hort.
Brazil-A-87, Brazil-A-1763. Total N° of Refs: 1 Brassicaceae
Habit: Vine Accepted name: probably = Aubrieta x
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical cultorum Bergmans
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Total N° of Refs: 9
References: south and southeast Asia-A- References: northern European towns-W-
1320. 2095.

Aubretia deltoidea (L.) DC. Aubrieta spp. Adans.

Brassicaceae Brassicaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean References: Algeria-W-1977.
References: United Kingdom-N-40.

Aubrietia deltoidea (L.) DC. Aucuba japonica Thunb. ‘Variegata’ Aureolaria pedicularia (L.) Raf.
Brassicaceae Cornaceae Scrophulariaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 34 Total N° of Refs: 3
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Global Risk Score: 0.24 Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
References: Switzerland-W-502. Rating: Low Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: Canada-C-756, Global-CD-
Aucoumea klaineana Pierre Dispersed by: Humans 1611, Canada-G-1855.
Burseraceae References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Aureolaria virginica (L.) Pennell
Habit: Tree Audouinella codicola (Børgesen) Scrophulariaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Garbary Total N° of Refs: 3
Origin: Africa Acrochaetiaceae Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Accepted name: Colaconema codicola Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Ornamental (Børgesen) H.Stegenga, J.J.Bolton, & References: Canada-UC-756, Global-CD-
Dispersed by: Humans R.J.Anderson 1611, Canada-G-1855.
References: Africa-W-760. Total N° of Refs: 3
Aqua - Habit: Aurinia corymbosa Griseb.
Aucuba crotonifolia Hort. ex Federer Dispersed by: Water Brassicaceae
Cornaceae References: Europe-WD-1325. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Alyssum
Total N° of Refs: 1 corymbosum (Griseb.) Boiss. (1)
Habit: Shrub Audouinella robusta (Børgesen) Garbary Total N° of Refs: 2
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Acrochaetiaceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Dispersed by: Humans Accepted name: Acrochaetium robustum References: Chile-W-1977.
References: Algeria-W-1977. Børgesen
Total N° of Refs: 4 Aurinia petraea (Ard.) Schur
Aucuba japonica Thunb. Aqua - Habit: Brassicaceae
Cornaceae Dispersed by: Water Total N° of Refs: 10
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aucuba japonica References: Europe-ND-819. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Thunb. Variegata (2), Aucuba japonica Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Thunb. Serratifolia (2) Audouinella sargassicola (Børgesen) Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Total N° of Refs: 36 Garbary References: United States of America-N-
Global Risk Score: 7.2 Acrochaetiaceae 101, Austria-UC-708, Europe-N-819,
Rating: Medium Accepted name: Acrochaetium robustum Global-W-1324, Austria-W-1609,
Toxic - Habit: Tree Børgesen Denmark-W-1609, Global-CD-1611,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Total N° of Refs: 4 Austria-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Denmark-
Subtropical, Tropical References: Mediterranean-N-1835. W-1977.
Origin: E Asia
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Audouinella spathoglossi (Børgesen) Aurinia saxatilis L.(L.) Desv.
Ornamental Garbary Brassicaceae
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers, Acrochaetiaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Alyssum saxatile
Escapee Total N° of Refs: 2 L. (13)
Seed Longevity: Transient Aqua - Habit: Total N° of Refs: 49
References: United States of America-N- Dispersed by: Water Habit: perennial Herb
101, United Kingdom-C-314, Australia-E- References: Europe-ND-819, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
380, United Kingdom-N-519, Switzerland- Mediterranean-N-1835. Origin: Africa, Europe
N-653, Japan-I-741, Hungary-U-809, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
United Kingdom-CN-812, New Zealand-N- Audouinella subseriata (Børgesen) Ornamental
823, Ireland-U-894, New Zealand-U-919, Garbary Dispersed by: Humans, Vehicles, Escapee
United Kingdom-N-1006, Iceland-N-1006, Acrochaetiaceae References: United Kingdom-C-56, United
Europe-N-819, Belgium-U-1220, Italy-U- Accepted name: Acrochaetium subseriatum States of America-N-101, Denmark-C-711,
251, Hungary-U-1255, Austria-W-1609, Børgesen Canada and United States of America-N-
Global-CD-1611, Russia-N-1006, China- Total N° of Refs: 5 725, Denmark-N-1006, France-N-1006,
N-1796, Chile-I-1872, Italy-U-1887, Aqua - Habit: Germany-N-1006, Iceland-N-1006, Italy-
Switzerland-U-1990, New Zealand-U- Dispersed by: Water N-1006, Norway-N-1006, Sweden-N-1006,
2048, Algeria-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, References: Europe-ND-819, Europe-N-819, Belgium-U-1220, Norway-
Chile-W-1977, France-W-1977, Ireland-W- Mediterranean-N-1835. N-1243, Global-W-1324, Global-ZD-1495,
1977, Italy-W-1977, United Kingdom-W- Austria-N-1531, Norway-N-1535,
1977. Aureolaria flava (L.) Farw. Denmark-W-1609, Germany-W-1609,
Scrophulariaceae Norway-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609,
Aucuba japonica Thunb. ‘Serratifolia’ Total N° of Refs: 3 Global-CD-1611, United States of
Cornaceae Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental America-N-1162, Austria-N-1828,
Total N° of Refs: 34 Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Switzerland-U-1990, Algeria-W-1977,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: Canada-C-756, Global-CD- Belgium-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Chile-
Dispersed by: Humans 1611, Canada-G-1855. W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, France-W-
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. 1977, Germany-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977,
Switzerland-W-1977, United Kingdom-W-

Aurinia saxatilis (L.) Desv. subsp. Austrocylindropuntia exaltata (Berg) Austrodanthonia alpicola (Vickery)
saxatilis Backeb. H.P.Linder
Brassicaceae Cactaceae Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 Accepted name: Austrocylindropuntia Total N° of Refs: 2
References: Italy-N-1265, Japan-W-1977. subulata (Muehlenpf.) Backeb. Habit: Grass
Total N° of Refs: 36 Origin: Aust
Aurinia sinuata (L.) Griseb. Habit: Succulent Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Brassicaceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 4 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans
Habit: perennial Herb Dispersed by: Humans References: Australia-ZD-1443, Global-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean References: Canary Islands-N-305, Canary ZD-1581.
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Islands-N-637, Canary Islands-I-902,
Dispersed by: Humans Canary Islands-N-1970, Spain-W-1977. Austrodanthonia auriculata (J.M.Black)
References: France-N-1006, Europe-N-819, H.P.Linder
Global-W-1324, France-W-1977. Austrocylindropuntia pachypus (K. Poaceae
Schum.) Backeb. Total N° of Refs: 1
Australina acuminata Wedd. Cactaceae Habit: Grass
Urticaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Opuntia pachypus Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 1 K.Schum. (3) Dispersed by: Humans
References: South Africa-A-87. Total N° of Refs: 3 References: Global-N-85.
Habit: Succulent
Australopyrum pectinatum (Labill.) Á. Austrodanthonia caespitosa (Gaudich.)
Löve Austrocylindropuntia subulata H.P.Linder
Poaceae (Muehlenpf.) Backeb. Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 3 Cactaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Danthonia
Habit: Grass Synonym/s (n° of refs): caespitosa Gaudich. (1), Rytidosperma
References: New Zealand-N-280, New Austrocylindropuntia exaltata (Berg) caespitosum (Gaudich.) Connor & Edgar
Zealand-N-919, New Zealand-N-2048. Backeb. (5), Opuntia subulata (Muehlenpf.) (6)
Engelm. (12) Total N° of Refs: 8
Australopyrum retrofractum (Vickery) Total N° of Refs: 48 Habit: Grass
Á. Löve Global Risk Score: 2.16 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture
Poaceae Rating: Low Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 3 Habit: perennial Succulent References: Global-N-85.
Habit: Grass Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
References: New Zealand-N-280, New Mediterranean Austrodanthonia duttoniana (Cashmore)
Zealand-N-919, New Zealand-N-2048. Origin: C Am, S Am H.P.Linder
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Poaceae
Austrocylindropuntia cylindrica (Juss. Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 1
ex Lam.) Backeb. References: Global-N-85, Spain-I-802, Habit: Grass
Cactaceae Spain-W-807, Australia-NX-855, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Opuntia cylindrica Australia-N-354, Portugal-N-898, Europe- Ornamental
(Lam.) DC. (13) N-819, Sardinia-NI-1151, Italy-N-251, Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 47 South Africa-N-1310, Sardinia-NI-1336, References: Australia-Z-785.
Habit: Succulent Spain-I-1390, Australia-N-1450, Spain-I-
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, 1454, Spain-U-1455, South Africa-E-1646, Austrodanthonia eriantha (Lindl.)
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Global-I-1735, Greece-N-1803, Sardinia-I- H.P.Linder
Origin: S Am 1393, Italy-UN-1887, Sardinia-N-1917, Poaceae
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Canary Islands-N-1967, Italy-N-1842, Total N° of Refs: 1
Dispersed by: Humans Spain-N-2027, New Zealand-U-2048, Habit: Grass
References: Global-N-85, Canary Islands- Australia-W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Portugal- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
N-305, Canary Islands-N-637, Australia- W-1977, South Africa-W-1977, Spain-W- Dispersed by: Humans
EN-7, Australia-W-853, Australia-NX-855, 1977, Global--1324. References: Global-N-85.
Australia-N-864, Australia-W-869,
Australia-E-880, Australia-N-354, Italy-N- Austrocynoglossum latifolium (R.Br.) Austrodanthonia geniculata (J.M.Black)
1006, Italy-N-1006, Australia-N-1049, R.R.Mill H.P.Linder
Europe-N-819, Italy-N-251, Australia-E- Boraginaceae Poaceae
1261, Australia-E-1262, South Africa-N- Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Rytidosperma
1310, Global-W-1324, Australia-N-1450, References: Australia-W-869. geniculatum (J.M.Black) Connor & Edgar
Spain-U-1454, Australia-E-1456, Global-I- (2)
1735, Sardinia-N-1393, Australia-N-1902, Total N° of Refs: 2
Italy-N-1887, Sardinia-N-1917, Australia- Habit: Grass
N-1959, Canary Islands-N-1967, South Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Africa-N-1991, Australia-W-1977, Italy- Dispersed by: Humans
W-1977, South Africa-W-1977, Spain-W-

Austrodanthonia penicillata (Labill.) Austrodanthonia tenuior (Steud.) Austrostipa blackii (C.E.Hubb.)
H.P.Linder H.P.Linder S.W.L.Jacobs & J.Everett
Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Danthonia Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 3
penicillata (Labill.) R.Br. ex P. Beauv. (1), Habit: Grass Habit: Grass
Rytidosperma penicillatum (Labill.) Dispersed by: Animals, Livestock, Sheep Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Connor & Edgar (9) References: Europe-N-819, Belgium-UD- Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 14 1220, Global-W-1324. References: New Zealand-N-280, New
Habit: Grass Zealand-N-919, New Zealand-N-2048.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Austroderia richardii (Endl.) N.P.Barker
Ornamental & H.P.Linder Austrostipa flavescens (Labill.)
Dispersed by: Humans Poaceae S.W.L.Jacobs & J.Everett
References: Global-N-85, Australia-ZD- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Cortaderia richardii Poaceae
1444, Global-ZD-1581, Polar Regions-ZD- (Endl.) Zotov (25) Total N° of Refs: 3
1587. Total N° of Refs: 27 Habit: Grass
Habit: Grass Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Austrodanthonia pilosa (R.Br.) Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans
H.P.Linder Dispersed by: Humans References: New Zealand-N-280, New
Poaceae References: Australia-NX-1845, Ireland- Zealand-N-919, New Zealand-N-2048.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Danthonia pilosa W-1977.
R.Br. (3), Rytidosperma pilosum (R.Br.) Austrostipa nitida (Summerhayes &
Connor & Edgar (12) Austroeupatorium inulaefolium (Kunth) C.E.Hubbard) S.W.L. Jacobs & J.
Total N° of Refs: 18 R.M. King & H. Rob. Everett
Habit: Grass Asteraceae Poaceae
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Eupatorium Synonym/s (n° of refs): Stipa nitida
Ornamental, Pasture inulaefolium H.B.K. (3) Summerh. & C. E. Hubb. (5)
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 15 Total N° of Refs: 9
References: Global-N-85, Australia-ZD- Habit: Herb Habit: Grass
1444, Global-ZD-1581. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Weed of: Bananas, Orchards & Plantations Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Austrodanthonia racemosa (R.Br.) References: Pacific-W-3, Australia, Livestock, Sheep
H.P.Linder northern-Q-135, southeast Asia-W-191, References: New Zealand-N-280, New
Poaceae Philippines-W-412, Global-A-243, Pacific- Zealand-N-919, Belgium-UD-1220, New
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Rytidosperma E-621, Australia-Q-1134, south and Zealand-N-2048.
racemosum (R.Br.) Connor & Edgar (12) southeast Asia-A-1320, south and southeast
Total N° of Refs: 16 Asia-A-1408, Philippines-A-87, Indonesia- Austrostipa nodosa (S.T.Blake)
Habit: Grass I-1010, Indonesia-I-2108. S.W.L.Jacobs & J.Everett
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Poaceae
Ornamental Austroeupatorium inulifolium (Kunth) Total N° of Refs: 4
Dispersed by: Humans R. M. King & H. Rob. Habit: Grass
References: Global-N-85, Global-W-1324, Asteraceae Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Europe-W-1325, Global-ZD-1581. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Eupatorium Dispersed by: Humans
inulifolium Kunth (5) References: New Zealand-N-280, New
Austrodanthonia racemosa (R. Brown) Total N° of Refs: 9 Zealand-N-15, New Zealand-N-919, New
H.P. Linder var. racemosa Habit: Shrub Zealand-N-2048.
Poaceae Origin: C Am, S Am
Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Wind Austrostipa ramosissima (Trin.)
Habit: Grass References: Global-N-85, Global-W-1324, S.W.L.Jacobs & J.Everett
Dispersed by: Animals, Livestock, Sheep Taiwan-N-1403, Indonesia-ID-2016. Poaceae
References: Belgium-UD-1220. Total N° of Refs: 1
Austrofestuca littoralis (Labill.) E. B. Habit: Grass
Austrodanthonia setacea (R.Br.) Alexeev Origin: Aust
H.P.Linder Poaceae Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 3 Habit: Grass References: New Zealand-N-2048.
Habit: Grass References: Australia-W-869.
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Austrostipa bigeniculata (Hughes)
Livestock, Sheep S.W.L.Jacobs & J.Everett
References: Europe-N-819, Belgium-UD- Poaceae
1220, Global-W-1324. Total N° of Refs: 3
Habit: Grass
Austrodanthonia spp. H.P.Linder Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Poaceae Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: New Zealand-N-280, New
Habit: Grass Zealand-N-919, New Zealand-N-2048.
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Polar Regions-Z-1587.

Austrostipa rudis (Spreng.) Austrostipa stuposa (Hughes) Avena barbata Pott ex Link
S.W.L.Jacobs & J.Everett S.W.L.Jacobs & J.Everett Poaceae
Poaceae Poaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Avena alba auct.
Total N° of Refs: 6 Total N° of Refs: 3 (3)
Global Risk Score: 0.24 Habit: Grass Total N° of Refs: 167
Rating: Low Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Global Risk Score: 26.88
Habit: Grass Dispersed by: Humans Rating: High
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: New Zealand-N-280, New Habit: annual Grass
Dispersed by: Humans Zealand-N-919, New Zealand-N-2048. Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
References: New Zealand-N-280, New Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
Zealand-NW-425, New Zealand-N-919, Austrostipa verticillata (Nees ex Spreng.) Origin: Africa, C Asia, E Asia, Europe, W
New Zealand-W-964, New Zealand-E-328, S.W.L.Jacobs & J.Everett Asia
New Zealand-N-2048. Poaceae Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Total N° of Refs: 5 Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture
Austrostipa rudis (Spreng.) Habit: Grass Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Horse,
S.W.L.Jacobs & J.Everett subsp. rudis Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Livestock, Sheep
Poaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Weed of: Cereals, Grapevines, Orchards &
Total N° of Refs: 2 Livestock, Sheep Plantations, Pastures
Habit: Grass References: New Zealand-N-280, New References: Brazil-W-360, Brazil-W-407,
References: New Zealand-N-280, New Zealand-N-15, New Zealand-N-919, Global-EI-18, Global-W-23, Argentina-W-
Zealand-N-2048. Belgium-UD-1220, New Zealand-N-2048. 237, United States of America-W-34,
Australia-E-72, Finland-U-42, Chile-N-
Austrostipa scabra (Lindl.) Avellinia michelii (Savi) Parl. 300, Global-NXZW-85, Australia-N-9,
S.W.L.Jacobs & J.Everett Poaceae Global-AW-91, Global-A-243, United
Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 22 States of America-N-101, New Zealand-N-
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Stipa falcata Global Risk Score: 1.44 280, Chile-N-241, South America-W-295,
Hughes (1), Stipa scabra Lindl. (4) Rating: Low South Africa-AZR-121, South Africa-W-
Total N° of Refs: 8 Habit: annual Grass 158, United States of America-W-161,
Habit: Grass Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Mexico-W-167, Australia-N-176, Japan-N-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia 287, western Europe-A-253, Australia-N-
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, 198, Europe, eastern-AW-272, western
References: New Zealand-N-280, New Ornamental Europe-W-70, United States of America-
Zealand-N-919, New Zealand-N-2048. Dispersed by: Humans, Vehicles, Wind W-218, Egypt-W-221, Australia-N-945,
Weed of: Pastures Spain-A-417, United Kingdom-UZD-317,
Austrostipa scabra (Lindl.) S. W. L. References: Australia-E-72, Finland-U-42, Australia-E-327, Czech Republic-UZ-400,
Jacobs & J. Everett subsp. falcata Global-N-85, Australia-N-9, Australia-N- United Kingdom-N-519, New Zealand-N-
(Hughes) S. W. L. Jacobs & J. Everett 198, Australia-N-945, Australia-E-327, 534, New Zealand-N-15, Australia-Z-611,
Poaceae Australia-EN-7, Australia-N-855, Africa-A-622, Austria-U-708, Denmark-U-
Total N° of Refs: 3 Australia-W-869, Australia-N-354, 711, United States of America-E-736,
Habit: Grass Australia-E-1259, Australia-E-1260, United States of America-N-86, Chile-N-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Australia-E-1261, Australia-E-1262, 765, Mediterranean-I-775, Australia-EN-7,
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Australia-A-1331, Australia-N-1450, United States of America-N-301, Mexico-
Livestock, Sheep Global-ZD-1495, Australia-N-1902, N-791, Japan-N-794, Hungary-U-809,
References: New Zealand-N-280, Belgium- Australia-UN-1845, Australia-WD-1934, United Kingdom-U-812, Switzerland-UR-
UD-1220, New Zealand-N-2048. Australia-N-1959. 818, United States of America-N-839,
Australia-W-853, Australia-N-855,
Austrostipa scabra (Lindl.) S. W. L. Avena abyssinica Hochst. Australia-N-856, Australia-W-869,
Jacobs & J. Everett subsp. scabra Poaceae Mexico-I-878, Europe-A-889, Spain-A-
Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 4 892, Argentina-A-913, New Zealand-N-
Total N° of Refs: 3 Habit: Grass 919, Uruguay-A-924, Chile-A-931, United
Habit: Grass Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean States of America-W-946, Mediterranean-
Dispersed by: Animals, Livestock, Sheep Origin: Africa E-951, Argentina-I-983, Uruguay-I-988,
References: New Zealand-N-280, Belgium- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Australia-N-354, Portugal-N-1006,
UD-1220, New Zealand-N-2048. Ornamental Australia-N-1049, Europe-N-819, Global-
Dispersed by: Humans Q-1138, Global-ZD-1203, Belgium-UD-
Austrostipa spp. S.W.L.Jacobs & References: Australia-N-945, Australia-N- 1220, Crete-A-1228, Chile-N-1229,
J.Everett 7, Australia-N-1902, Australia-W-1977. Greece-W-1240, Norway-N-1243,
Poaceae Hungary-U-1255, Australia-E-1259,
Total N° of Refs: 3 Avena alba auct. Australia-E-1260, Australia-E-1261,
Habit: Grass Poaceae Australia-E-1262, France-I-1273, Japan-N-
Dispersed by: Humans, Vehicles Accepted name: Avena barbata Pott ex 1278, United States of America-N-1292,
References: New Zealand-W-964, Link Peru-N-1293, Australia-A-1331, Chile-N-
Australia-ZD-1444, Australia-ZD-1446. Total N° of Refs: 167 1348, Global-W-1349, Argentina-A-1397,
Habit: Grass Global-E-1449, Australia-N-1450,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Australia-ZD-1451, Australia-E-1456,
References: Egypt-A-87, Morocco-A-87, Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay-I-1476,
Portugal-A-87. Global-ZD-1492, Czech Republic-U-1522,
Brazil-N-1597, United States of America-
N-1603, Austria-W-1609, Denmark-W-

1609, Norway-W-1609, Romania-N-1629, Avena brevis Roth Avena cultiformis Malz.
Greece-A-87, Lebanon-A-87, Argentina-A- Poaceae Poaceae
87, Australia-A-87, Chile-A-87, France-A- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Avena strigosa Total N° of Refs: 4
87, Uruguay-A-87, United States of Hayek subsp. brevis (Roth) Husnot (1) Habit: Grass
America-A-87, Global-N-1218, Bosnia and Total N° of Refs: 16 Origin: W Asia
Herzegovina-A-1650, Crete-A-1651, Italy- Habit: Grass References: Ukraine-N-1297, Global-W-
A-1618, Global-ZD-1581, Global-I-1324, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean 1324, Europe-W-1325, Russia-A-87.
Australia-ZD-1675, Azores-N-1721, North Origin: Africa, Europe
Africa, Libya, Egypt-W-1730, Brazil-N- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Avena elatior L.
1071, Czech Republic-U-1731, United Ornamental Poaceae
States of America-E-1736, Brazil-N-1746, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Accepted name: Arrhenatherum elatius var.
Morocco-A-1752, Australia-Z-1768, Livestock, Sheep elatius
Bolivia-N-1796, Sri Lanka-N-1796, References: Global-N-85, United Total N° of Refs: 159
Uruguay-N-1800, Australia-N-1902, Kingdom-UZD-317, Austria-U-708, Global Risk Score: 1.04
Australia-N-1845, Montenegro-W-1861, Portugal-N-1006, Portugal-N-1006, Rating: Low
Bosnia and Herzegovina-A-1862, Chile-I- Europe-N-819, Belgium-U-1220, Norway- Habit: Grass
1872, Chile and Argentina-A-1874, N-1243, Global-W-1324, Austria-W-1609, Major Pathway/s: Pasture
Mexico-N-1881, Czech Republic-A-1909, Norway-W-1609, Russia-N-1796, Austria- Dispersed by: Humans
Egypt-A-1922, Chile-R-1949, Australia-N- W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Portugal-W- References: Global-A-1903.
1959, -I-, Switzerland-N-1990, Chile-N- 1977.
1998, New Zealand-N-2048, Egypt-A- Avena eriantha Durieu
2088, United States of America-N-2092, Avena byzantina K. Koch Poaceae
Argentina-W-1977, Australia-W-1977, Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 3
Austria-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Accepted name: Avena sativa L. Habit: Grass
Bolivia-W-1977, Bosnia and Herzegovina- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Avena sativa K. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
W-1977, Brazil-W-1977, Bulgaria-W- Koch subsp. byzantina (K. Koch) Romero References: Europe-N-819, Global-W-
1977, Chile-W-1977, Czech Republic-W- Zarco (1) 1324, Ukraine-U-1813.
1977, Denmark-W-1977, Iran (Islamic Total N° of Refs: 282
Republic of)-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Global Risk Score: 3.52
Jordan-W-1977, Mexico-W-1977, South Rating: Low
Africa-W-1977, Switzerland-W-1977. Habit: annual Grass
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Avena barbata Pott ex Link subsp. Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia
barbata Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Poaceae Ornamental, Pasture
Total N° of Refs: 5 Dispersed by: Humans
Habit: Grass References: Argentina-W-237, New
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Zealand-UW-280, South Africa-AZR-121,
Subtropical, Tropical South Africa-W-158, Australia-N-945,
Origin: Africa, Europe United Kingdom-A-317, Denmark-W-711,
Weed of: Cereals Spain-W-807, New Zealand-U-919,
References: Portugal-A-250, Turkey-A- Mozambique-nC-943, Portugal-N-1006,
1316, Turkey--1412, France-W-1943, Europe-N-819, Greece-U-1142, Iberian
Turkey-A-2101. Peninsular-N-1147, Global-W-1324,
Madagascar-N-1000, Spain-U-1454, Spain-
Avena barbata Pott ex Link Schrad. U-1455, Saudi Arabia-A-1525, Denmark-
subsp. wiestsii (Steud.) Mansf. W-1609, Argentina-A-87, Ethiopia-A-87,
Poaceae Azores-N-1721, Algeria-N-1796, Bolivia-
Total N° of Refs: 2 N-1796, Morocco-N-1796, Italy-U-1842,
Habit: Grass New Zealand-U-2048, Denmark-W-1977,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Greece-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977, South
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations, Pome Africa-W-1977.
References: Global-A-243, Egypt-A-185. Avena chinensis (Fischer Ex Roem. &
Schultes) Metzger
Total N° of Refs: 2
Habit: Grass
References: China-N-1796, Belarus-N-

Avena clauda Durieu

Total N° of Refs: 2
Habit: Grass
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
References: Europe-N-819, Global-W-

Avena fatua L. 82, Africa-A-622, Canada-A-642, Ukraine- America-N-1607, Ireland-N-1608, Czech
Poaceae U-643, South Korea-A-648, Global-E-649, Republic-W-1609, Denmark-W-1609,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Avena fatua L. var. Canada-U-652, Switzerland-N-653, Ireland-W-1609, Poland-W-1609, United
glabrata Peterm. (4), Avena fatua L. var. Denmark-N-711, India-A-712, Canada and Kingdom-N-1636, Azerbaijan-A-1638,
vilis (Wallr.) Hausskn. (1), Avena fatua L. United States of America-N-725, Turkey- Algeria-A-471, CYPRUS-A-593, IRAN-A-
subsp. fatua (2), Avena hybrida Peterm. (4) A-727, Iran-A-732, United States of 594, IRAQ-A-595, Argentina-A-87,
Total N° of Refs: 465 America-E-736, Global-A-743, United Australia-A-87, Canada-A-87, United
Global Risk Score: 35.84 States of America-N-86, Chile-N-765, Kingdom-A-87, France-A-87, Greece-A-
Rating: Extreme South Korea-N-773, Mediterranean-I-775, 87, South Africa-A-87, United States of
Toxic - Habit: perennial Grass China-I-780, Australia-EN-7, United States America-A-87, Belgium-A-87, Chile-A-87,
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, of America-N-301, United States of Colombia-A-87, Germany-A-87, India-A-
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical America-E-151, North America-X-790, 87, Iran-A-87, Ireland-A-87, Kenya-A-87,
Origin: Africa, C Asia, E Asia, Europe, W Mexico-N-791, Ireland-AN-793, Japan-N- Lebanon-A-87, Mexico-A-87, New
Asia, Cosmopolitan 794, United Kingdom-NZ-812, United Zealand-A-87, Spain-A-87, Sweden-A-87,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, States of America-N-839, Australia-W-853, Turkey-A-87, Egypt-A-87, Hawaii-A-87,
Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture Australia-N-855, Australia-N-868, Iraq-A-87, Jordan-A-87, Japan-A-87,
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers, Australia-W-869, Ecuador-N-875, Mexico- Morocco-A-87, Portugal-A-87, Russia-A-
Horse, Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles, Wind I-878, Australia-E-880, China-I-882, 87, Yugoslavia-A-87, Algeria-A-87,
Seed Longevity: Long Term Slovenia-W-883, Europe-A-889, Ireland-N- Alaska-A-87, China-A-87, Czechoslovakia-
Weed of: Bananas, Canola, Cereals, 894, United States of America-N-904, A-87, Denmark-A-87, Ethiopia-A-87,
Cotton, Cucurbits/Melons, Grapevines, Global-W-788, Argentina-A-913, India- Finland-A-87, Hungary-A-87, Iceland-A-
Nursery Production, Orchards & ND-914, Mexico-A-915, New Zealand-N- 87, Indonesia-A-87, Israel-A-87, Italy-A-
Plantations, Pastures, Pome Fruits, 919, Uruguay-A-924, Colombia-A-927, 87, Libya-A-87, Netherlands-A-87,
Potatoes, Sunflowers, Vegetables Chile-A-931, Venezuela-A-932, Norway-A-87, Philippines-A-87, Pakistan-
References: Africa-A-53, Australia, Mozambique-nC-943, United Kingdom-Z- A-87, Poland-A-87, Romania-A-87,
northern-A-55, Australia-W-93, Pakistan- 944, United States of America-W-946, Switzerland-A-87, Taiwan-A-87, Tanzania-
A-248, Australia-W-205, Brazil-W-360, India-A-948, Mediterranean-E-951, A-87, Tunisia-A-87, Uruguay-A-87,
Brazil-W-407, Philippines-W-412, Turkey-A-977, Africa-A-980, Australia-N- Venezuela-A-87, Canadian northwest
Colombia-A-605, Tanzania-A-568, India- 354, Pakistan-A-999, Portugal-N-1006, Territories-N-1011, Hungary-A-1015,
A-758, Taiwan-N-777, Australia-N-9, Czechoslovakia-N-1006, Germany-N-1006, Egypt-A-1028, Pakistan-A-1030, New
Global-W-23, Argentina-W-237, Australia- United Kingdom-N-1006, Latvia-N-1006, Zealand-A-1035, Pakistan-A-1044, Global-
W-269, Global-A-30, United States of Slovakia-N-1006, Slovenia-N-1006, N-1218, South Africa-E-1646, Russia-N-
America-W-34, Canada-X-36, Australia-E- Australia-N-1049, China-I-1055, Russia-A- 1647, Global-ZD-1611, Italy-A-1618,
72, United Kingdom-N-40, Finland-N-42, 998, Europe-N-819, United Kingdom-A- Mongolia-A-1620, Russia-A-1621, Africa-
Global-A-44, Chile-N-300, United States of 322, Iran-A-173, Turkey-A-144, Saudi A-1623, United States of America-AZD-
America-A-49, South Africa-W-51, Arabia-A-25, United States of America-I- 1626, United States of America-ANZD-
Canada-W-52, Global-A-68, Global-N-108, 1161, United States of America-N-1162, 1667, Global-ZD-1581, Australia-ZD-
Global-NXZW-85, Global-AW-91, Global- Egypt-A-1171, Europe-W-1191, South 1675, Russia-N-1681, Russia-W-1687,
A-186, Global-A-243, United States of Korea-A-1192, Global-ZD-1203, South Pakistan-I-1697, China-I-1711, Pakistan-A-
America-N-101, New Zealand-N-280, Korea-N-761, China-N-1215, Poland-AR- 1720, East Africa-I-1723, India-A-1725,
Mongolia-A-114, Italy-A-118, Chile-N- 1219, Mexico-W-1226, Chile-N-1229, Pakistan-A-1726, Pakistan-AI-1527, North
241, South America-W-295, South Africa- Pakistan-A-1232, India-A-1234, Serbia-W- Africa, Libya, Egypt-W-1730, Brazil-N-
AZR-121, South America-W-271, Japan- 1238, Norway-N-1243, Falkland Islands- 1071, Czech Republic-N-1731, Iceland-U-
A-263, Canada-W-294, South Africa-W- nC-1251, Canada-N-1252, Australia-E- 1552, United States of America-E-1736,
382, United States of America-AW-136, 1259, Australia-E-1260, Australia-E-1261, Europe-UNI-1740, Brazil-N-1746, Taiwan-
South Africa-W-158, United States of Australia-E-1262, China-N-92, France-A- W-1748, China-I-1758, Serbia-W-1766,
America-W-161, Canada-W-162, Canada 1266, China-I-1277, Japan-N-1278, China- Australia-Z-1768, China-I-1769, China-A-
and United States of America-XZW-299, NI-1212, Argentina-W-1286, Turkey-A- 1615, central Europe-A-1616, China-A-
Ethiopia-A-240, Australia-N-176, United 1287, United States of America-N-1292, 1669, Nepal-A-1791, India-AN-1794,
States of America-A-180, Japan-N-287, Peru-N-1293, Ukraine-N-1297, Macedonia- Bolivia-N-1796, Colombia-N-1796,
Japan-W-286, Egypt-A-185, western A-1304, India-W-1307, Australia-W-1318, Ecuador-N-1796, Eritrea-N-1796, Ethiopia-
Europe-A-253, Australia-N-198, Asia-W- Finland-I-1323, Global-W-1324, Australia- N-1796, Uruguay-N-1800, Europe-A-1806,
204, Argentina-A-236, United States of A-1331, Canada-N-1340, China-N-1344, France-A-1814, Finland-A-1815, Australia-
America-W-210, United States of America- Chile-N-1348, Global-W-1349, Finland- N-1902, Australia-N-1845, Serbia-R-1848,
AG-211, United States of America-AW- AW-1356, Serbia-A-1357, Serbia-W-1358, Alaska-X-1852, Colombia-N-1856,
212, Europe, eastern-AW-272, western Zimbabwe-UD-1365, Serbia-W-1222, Montenegro-W-1861, Saudi Arabia-A-
Europe-W-70, United States of America- India-ND-1389, Taiwan-N-1403, South 1869, Pakistan-A-1871, Chile-I-1872,
W-218, United States of America-W-219, Korea-N-1246, Australia-N-1450, China-I-1873, Chile and Argentina-E-1874,
China-W-297, China-A-275, Australia-N- Australia-ZD-1451, Australia-E-1456, Mexico-N-1881, Argentina-N-1884,
945, Spain-A-417, United Kingdom- Turkey-A-1457, France-A-1461, Turkey- Global-A-1903, Russia-N-1920, Egypt-A-
ANZD-317, Australia-E-327, Czech A-1463, Turkey-A-1464, Turkey-A-1465, 1922, Poland-A-1033, France-A-1924,
Republic-NZI-400, New Zealand-NW-425, Turkey-A-1467, Turkey-A-1469, Slovakia- Nepal-A-1932, Australia-WD-1934, Saudi
Canary Islands-N-305, United States of N-1484, China-I-1485, Global-ZD-1492, Arabia-A-1951, Poland-A-1952, Poland-A-
America-AW-486, China-W-431, United Poland-N-1494, China-I-1496, Mexico-N- 1955, Australia-N-1959, Poland-A-1961,
Kingdom-N-519, New Zealand-N-534, 1500, Czech Republic-N-1522, Turkey-A- Poland-A-1965, -I-, -I-, -I-, Nepal-A-1981,
New Zealand-N-15, United States of 1523, Iran-A-1524, Saudi Arabia-A-1525, Central and northern Japan and northern
America-A-543, Chile-A-604, China-A- Canada-X-1538, Europe-A-1539, New islands-N-1983, Bosnia and Herzegovina-
571, Egypt-A-554, Eritrea-A-555, Global- Zealand-N-1543, Panarctic-U-1596, Brazil- N-1987, Russia-N-1989, South Africa-N-
A-546, Australia-Z-611, South Africa-A- N-1597, Japan-N-1602, United States of 1991, Poland-NW-1993, South Africa-RI-

2017, China-ANRI-2021, South Korea-N- Avena fatua L. subsp. fatua Avena hybrida Peterm.
2029, South Korea-A-2032, Russia-A- Poaceae Poaceae
2041, France-A-2042, Poland-A-2047, Accepted name: Avena fatua L. Accepted name: Avena fatua L.
New Zealand-N-2048, Ukraine-N-2050, Total N° of Refs: 456 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Avena fatua L.
Slovakia-N-2052, Global-W-2056, Poland- Habit: Grass subsp. meridionalis Malzev (3), Avena
AN-2058, Poland-AN-2059, Poland-AN- Weed of: Cereals meridionalis (Malzev) Roshev. (1)
2060, Poland-A-2061, Poland-N-2062, References: Pakistan-A-1634, Pakistan-A- Total N° of Refs: 462
Russia-AN-2063, Iran-A-2072, Slovakia- 1044. Habit: Grass
A-2079, Italy-A-2081, Spain-A-2083, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Egypt-A-2088, France-A-2094, Hungary- Avena fatua L. subsp. meridionalis Subtropical, Tropical
A-2100, Poland-A-2110, Ukraine-N-2112, Malzev Weed of: Cereals
Argentina-W-1977, Australia-W-1977, Poaceae References: Global-N-85, Global-A-243,
Belarus-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Accepted name: Avena hybrida Peterm. United States of America-N-101, Austria-
Bhutan-W-1977, Bolivia-W-1977, Brazil- Total N° of Refs: 7 W-1609.
W-1977, Bulgaria-W-1977, Canada-W- Habit: Grass
1977, Chile-W-1977, China-W-1977, Weed of: Cereals Avena ludoviciana Durieu
Colombia-W-1977, Croatia-W-1977, Czech References: Pakistan-A-1044, Cape Verde- Poaceae
Republic-W-1977, Democratic Repubic of N-1558, Azores-N-1721. Accepted name: Avena sterilis subsp.
Korea-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, ludoviciana L. (Dur.) Nyman
Iceland-W-1977, Iran (Islamic Republic Avena fatua L. x Avena sativa L. Total N° of Refs: 204
of)-W-1977, Ireland-W-1977, Japan-W- Poaceae Habit: annual Grass
1977, Jordan-W-1977, Kenya-W-1977, Accepted name: Avena x glabrata Hausskn. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Mexico-W-1977, Pakistan-W-1977, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Avena x Tropical
Poland-W-1977, Republic of Korea-W- marquandii Druce Origin: Africa, Europe
1977, Republic of Moldova-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 3 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Russian Federation-W-1977, Slovakia-W- Habit: Grass Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
1977, South Africa-W-1977, Taiwan-W- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Livestock, Sheep
1977, Uganda-W-1977, Ukraine-W-1977, Origin: E Asia Weed of: Cereals, Pastures
United Kingdom-W-1977, United Republic References: Australia-N-945, Australia-N- References: India-A-590, Global-A-30,
of Tanzania-W-1977, Venezuela-W-1977, 354, United Kingdom-U-1636. Global-A-44, Global-W-108, Global-X-85,
Zimbabwe-W-1977, South Korea-N-2113, Global-A-243, South America-W-295,
North Korea-N-2114. [Avena fatua L. x Avena sativa L.] x Argentina-A-236, Japan-N-287, Iran-A-
Avena sativa L. 594, Iran-A-732, Japan-N-794, Australia-
Avena fatua L. var. fatua Poaceae N-1049, Global-Q-1138, China-N-1215,
Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 1 Georgia-NR-1250, Japan-N-1278,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Habit: Grass Macedonia-A-1304, Australia-A-1331,
Habit: Grass References: Australia-N-1049. Global-W-1349, Serbia-A-1357, United
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Kingdom-ZD-1633, Australia-A-87, Spain-
References: United States of America-N- Avena x glabrata Hausskn. A-87, Ethiopia-A-87, India-A-87, Iran-A-
1603. Poaceae 87, Kenya-A-87, Pakistan-A-87, Russia-A-
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Avena fatua L. x 87, Tunisia-A-87, India-A-1024, Italy-A-
Avena fatua L. var. glabrata Peterm. Avena sativa L. (3) 1618, Iran-A-1619, India-W-1672,
Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 3 Australia-N-1845, Global-A-1903,
Accepted name: Avena fatua L. Habit: Grass Australia-N-1959, Iran-A-1812, Iran-A-
Total N° of Refs: 458 2072, Iran-A-2075.
Habit: Grass Avena hispanica Ard.
References: Japan-N-287, China-W-431, Poaceae Avena macrocarpa Moench
Japan-N-794, Japan-N-1278. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Avena strigosa Poaceae
Schreb. subsp. agraria (Brot.) Tab. Morais Accepted name: Avena sterilis L.
Avena fatua L. var. sativa (L.) Hausskn. (1) Total N° of Refs: 164
Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 3 Habit: Grass
Accepted name: Avena sativa L. Habit: Grass References: Norway-W-1609.
Total N° of Refs: 251 References: Global-N-85, Belgium-U-
Habit: Grass 1220. Avena maroccana Gand.
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Poaceae
References: United States of America-W- Total N° of Refs: 1
179, United States of America-N-1603. Habit: Grass
Origin: Africa
Avena fatua L. var. vilis (Wallr.) References: Sardinia-U-1917.
Poaceae Avena x marquandii Druce
Accepted name: Avena fatua Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 455 Accepted name: parents = Avena fatua L. x
Habit: Grass Avena sativa L.
References: Canada-A-642. Total N° of Refs: 3
Habit: Grass
References: Europe-N-819, Belgium-U-
1220, Belgium-W-1977.

Avena matritensis B. R. Baum Avena sativa L. Italy-W-1176, Global-ZD-1203, Belgium-
Poaceae Poaceae U-1220, Crete-A-1228, Chile-N-1229,
Total N° of Refs: 3 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Avena byzantina Norway-N-1243, Georgia-UR-1250,
Habit: Grass K. Koch (32), Avena fatua L. var. sativa Falkland Islands-N-1251, Australia-E-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean (L.) Hausskn. (2), Avena sativa L. var. 1260, Australia-E-1262, Romania-UD-
Dispersed by: Animals, Livestock, Sheep contracta Neilr. (1), Avena sativa L. subsp. 1264, Italy-N-1265, Japan-N-1278,
References: Europe-N-819, Belgium-UD- chinensis Janch. ex J. Holub (1), Avena Argentina-W-1286, United States of
1220, Global-W-1324. sativa L. subsp. macrantha (Hackel) Rocha America-N-1292, Peru-N-1293, Ukraine-
Afonso (1), Avena sativa L. subsp. N-1297, Pakistan-A-1308, Pakistan-A-
Avena meridionalis (Malzev) Roshev. orientalis (L.) Bonnier & Layens (1), 1309, Australia-A-1331, Romania-UD-
Poaceae Avena sativa L. var. sativa (3) 1334, Ukraine-N-1335, Canada-U-1340,
Accepted name: Avena hybrida Peterm. Total N° of Refs: 290 United States of America-AZD-1341,
Total N° of Refs: 5 Global Risk Score: 26.88 India-U-1345, Chile-N-1348, Global-W-
Habit: Grass Rating: High 1349, Zimbabwe-UD-1365, Sardinia-U-
Origin: Africa, Europe, W Asia Toxic - Habit: annual Grass 1381, India-ND-1389, Taiwan-N-1403,
Weed of: Cereals Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, United States of America-ZD-1430, United
References: Tajikistan-A-1674. Subtropical, Tropical States of America-ZD-1431, Australia-N-
Origin: Africa, C Asia, E Asia, Europe, W 1450, Spain-U-1454, Spain-U-1455,
Avena nuda L. Asia, Cosmopolitan Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay-I-1476,
Poaceae Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Slovakia-U-1484, Global-ZD-1492,
Total N° of Refs: 19 Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture Global-ZD-1495, Mexico-CN-1500, French
Habit: annual Grass Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers, Polynesia-N-1514, Iran-A-1524, Saudi
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Cattle, Horse, Livestock, Vehicles, Escapee Arabia-A-1525, Russia-N-1533, Romania-
Origin: E Asia, Europe Seed Longevity: Present UD-1537, Panarctic-U-1596, North Korea-
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Weed of: Canola, Cereals, Orchards & N-1600, United States of America-N-1607,
Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture Plantations, Pastures, Vegetables Estonia-W-1609, Austria-W-1609, Czech
Dispersed by: Humans References: Brazil-A-245, Puerto Rico-W- Republic-W-1609, Denmark-W-1609,
References: Czech Republic-UZ-400, 261, Brazil-W-407, South America-C-31, Germany-W-1609, Norway-W-1609,
Switzerland-N-653, Japan-N-794, United United Kingdom-N-40, Argentina-W-237, Greenland-W-1609, Bolivia-N-1630,
Kingdom-Z-944, Portugal-N-898, Europe- United States of America-CW-34, Finland- United Kingdom-U-1636, Argentina-A-87,
N-819, Belgium-U-1220, Japan-N-1278, C-42, Chile-N-300, United States of Colombia-A-87, Yugoslavia-A-87,
Slovakia-U-1484, Estonia-W-1609, Polar America-E-80, Global-A-243, United Canadian northwest Territories-N-1011,
Regions-ZD-1587, China-N-1796, Belarus- States of America-N-101, New Zealand-N- Bosnia And Herzegovina-U-1453, Russia-
N-1796, Estonia-N-1997, Belgium-W- 280, Chile-N-241, South America-W-295, N-1647, Global-CD-1611, Australia-ZD-
1977, Czech Republic-W-1977, France-W- South Africa-AZR-121, South Africa-W- 1675, Lesotho-AZR-121, Russia-N-1682,
1977, Portugal-W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977. 382, Australia-N-134, Mexico-W-167, Russia-W-1687, India-A-1696, Pakistan-A-
Australia-N-176, Japan-N-287, Australia- 1726, Pakistan-A-1728, Pakistan-A-1729,
Avena occidentalis Durieu N-198, Mexico-W-199, Europe, eastern-W- Brazil-N-1071, Czech Republic-U-1731,
Poaceae 272, Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945, Iceland-U-1552, India-N-1370, Brazil-N-
Total N° of Refs: 1 Australia-E-327, Czech Republic-UZ-400, 1746, Croatia-N-1747, Taiwan-W-1748,
Habit: Grass New Zealand-NW-425, Canary Islands-N- United States of America-N-1162,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean 305, Iceland-U-507, United Kingdom-N- Australia-Z-1768, Serbia-R-1771, Turkey-
References: United States of America-N- 519, New Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N- N-1796, China-N-1796, Myanmar-N-1796,
101. 15, United States of America-A-543, Uzbekistan-N-1796, Turkmenistan-N-1796,
Australia-Z-611, Ukraine-U-643, Australia- Tadzhikistan-N-1796, Kyrgyzstan-N-1796,
Avena persica Steud. AEN-310, France-A-665, Portugal-A-670, Kazakhstan-N-1796, Russia-N-1796,
Poaceae Austria-UC-708, Denmark-C-711, Canada Algeria-N-1796, Belarus-N-1796, Burundi-
Accepted name: Avena sterilis subsp. and United States of America-N-725, N-1796, Colombia-N-1796, Ecuador-N-
ludoviciana United States of America-E-736, United 1796, Ethiopia-N-1796, Russia-N-1796,
Total N° of Refs: 166 States of America-N-86, Canada-UC-756, Morocco-N-1796, Sri Lanka-N-1796,
Habit: Grass Mediterranean-I-775, United States of Uruguay-C-1800, Australia-N-1902,
References: Global-W-1324, Europe-W- America-N-301, United States of America- Ukraine-U-1840, Australia-N-1845,
1325, Ukraine-N-2112. E-151, Mexico-N-791, Japan-N-794, Canada-G-1855, Colombia-N-1856, Brazil-
United Kingdom-UC-812, Switzerland-UI- A-1857, Chile-I-1872, Chile and
Avena praecox P.Beauv. 818, United States of America-N-839, Argentina-E-1874, Mexico-N-1881,
Poaceae Australia-W-853, Australia-N-855, Sardinia-U-1917, Egypt-A-1922, Australia-
Total N° of Refs: 1 Ecuador-N-875, Mexico-I-878, Ireland-U- WD-1934, Poland-A-1952, Australia-N-
Habit: Grass 894, United States of America-N-904, New 1959, Italy-U-1842, -I-, -I-, Egypt-U-1979,
References: Global-W-1349. Zealand-N-919, Mozambique-nC-943, Central and northern Japan and northern
United States of America-W-946, islands-N-1983, Bosnia and Herzegovina-
Mediterranean-W-951, Argentina-I-983, U-1987, Russia-N-1989, Switzerland-U-
Uruguay-I-988, Australia-N-354, France- 1990, Estonia-N-1997, Chile-N-1998,
N-1006, Czechoslovakia-N-1006, France- Spain-AZ-2008, Ukraine-U-2014, New
N-1006, Portugal-N-1006, Portugal-N- Zealand-N-2048, Ukraine-N-2050,
1006, Slovakia-N-1006, Australia-N-1049, Slovakia-A-2079, Spain-A-2083, Egypt-A-
United States of America-N-1058, Europe- 2088, Ukraine-N-2112, Argentina-W-1977,
N-819, Laos-N-1102, Bosnia and Australia-W-1977, Austria-W-1977,
Herzegovina-N-1140, Iberian Peninsular- Belgium-W-1977, Bhutan-W-1977, Brazil-
NI-1147, Spain-U-1149, Cyprus-N-1174, W-1977, Bulgaria-W-1977, Canada-W-

1977, Chile-W-1977, Croatia-W-1977, Avena sativa L. subsp. orientalis (L.) Avena spp. L.
Cyprus-W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977, Bonnier & Layens Poaceae
Democratic Repubic of Korea-W-1977, Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 33
Denmark-W-1977, France-W-1977, Accepted name: Avena sativa L. Habit: annual Grass
Germany-W-1977, Iceland-W-1977, India- Total N° of Refs: 250 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
W-1977, Ireland-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Habit: Grass Tropical
Lao People's Democratic Republic-W- Origin: E Asia, Europe Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle,
1977, Mexico-W-1977, Peru-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Horse, Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles
Portugal-W-1977, Republic of Korea-W- Dispersed by: Humans Weed of: Bulbs, Cereals, Cutflowers,
1977, Russian Federation-W-1977, References: Switzerland-U-1990. Nursery Production
Slovakia-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977, References: India-A-758, Egypt-W-221,
Switzerland-W-1977, Taiwan-W-1977, Avena sativa L. subsp. praegravis Global-X-85, Australia-E-290, Global-A-
Ukraine-W-1977, United Kingdom-W- (Krause) Tab.Morais. 243, Australia-E-296, South Africa-W-382,
1977, Zimbabwe-W-1977, South Korea-N- Poaceae Australia-N-198, Ethiopia-A-556, Syria-A-
2113, North Korea-N-2114, Italy-U-2115. Total N° of Refs: 1 599, Turkey-A-600, Italy-A-667, Slovenia-
Habit: Grass A-671, Turkey-A-678, Italy-A-687,
Avena sativa L. var. chinensis (Fisch. ex Origin: Europe Germany-A-689, Italy-A-697, North
R. & Schult.) Janchen References: United Kingdom-U-317. America-E-784, North America-X-790,
Poaceae Turkey-A-728, Australia-ZD-959,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Avena sativa L. subsp. sativa Uruguay-A-1199, Global-ZD-1203,
Habit: Grass Poaceae Australia-ZD-1446, Turkey-A-1458,
References: Hungary-U-809. Total N° of Refs: 8 Uruguay-A-1518, Uruguay-A-1562,
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Uruguay-A-1567, United States of
Avena sativa L. var. contracta Neilr. Rating: Low America-ND-1592, Polar Regions-ZD-
Poaceae Habit: Grass 1587, Australia-ZD-1675, United States of
Accepted name: Avena sativa L. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean America-ID-1912, Central and northern
Total N° of Refs: 250 Origin: E Asia, Europe Japan and northern islands-N-1983.
Habit: Grass Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
References: Denmark-W-1609. Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Avena sativa L. var. sativa References: United Kingdom-CNZ-317,
Poaceae Spain-W-807, Portugal-N-898, Spain-U-
Accepted name: Avena sativa L. 1270, Sardinia-N-1336, Global-CD-1611,
Total N° of Refs: 252 Sardinia-N-1393, Paraguay-A-2070.
Habit: annual Grass
References: Denmark-W-1609, Argentina- Avena sativa L. x Avena sterilis L.
N-1884, Denmark-W-1977. Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2
Avena sativa K. Koch subsp. byzantina Habit: Grass
(K. Koch) Romero Zarco References: Belgium-U-1220, Europe-W-
Poaceae 1325.
Accepted name: Avena byzantina K. Koch
Total N° of Refs: 33 Avena schelliana Hack.
Habit: Grass Poaceae
Origin: E Asia, Europe Accepted name: Helictotrichon schellianum
References: Portugal-N-898. (Hack.) Kitag.
Total N° of Refs: 2
Avena sativa L. subsp. chinensis Janch. Habit: Grass
ex J. Holub References: Japan-N-794, Japan-N-1278.
Accepted name: Avena sativa L.
Total N° of Refs: 250
Habit: Grass
References: Hungary-U-1255.

Avena sativa L. subsp. macrantha

(Hackel) Rocha Afonso
Accepted name: Avena sativa L.
Total N° of Refs: 250
Habit: Grass
References: Cape Verde-N-1558.

Avena sterilis L. Morocco-A-87, Argentina-A-87, Egypt-A- Avena sterilis L. subsp. ludoviciana
Poaceae 87, Lebanon-A-87, Algeria-A-87, Arabian (Durieu) Gillet & Magne
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Avena ludoviciana Peninsular-A-87, United Kingdom-A-87, Poaceae
Durieu (41), Avena macrocarpa Moench Ethiopia-A-87, France-A-87, Greece-A-87, Accepted name: Avena sterilis L.
(1), Avena persica Steud. (3), Avena sterilis Kenya-A-87, Peru-A-87, Pakistan-A-87, Total N° of Refs: 211
L. subsp. ludoviciana (Durieu) Gillet & Russia-A-87, Serbia-A-1019, Global-N- Global Risk Score: 4.32
Magne (48), Avena sterilis L. subsp. sterilis 1218, Global-Q-1572, Crete-A-1651, Italy- Rating: Low
(22), Avena sterilis L. subsp. macrocarpa A-1618, Global-ZD-1581, Australia-ZD- Habit: perennial Grass
(Moench) Briquet var. maxima (1) 1675, East Africa-I-1723, North Africa, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Total N° of Refs: 279 Libya, Egypt-W-1730, Europe-U-1740, Subtropical, Tropical
Global Risk Score: 26.88 Morocco-A-1750, Morocco-A-1751, Origin: Africa, C Asia, E Asia, Europe, W
Rating: High Morocco-A-1752, Australia-Z-1768, Asia
Habit: annual Grass China-I-1769, China-N-1796, Bolivia-N- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, 1796, Ecuador-N-1796, Sri Lanka-N-1796, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Uruguay-N-1800, Australia-N-1902, Chile- Livestock, Sheep
Origin: Africa, C Asia, E Asia, Europe, W I-1872, Chile and Argentina-E-1874, Weed of: Canola, Cereals
Asia Argentina-N-1884, Global-A-1903, Egypt- References: Australia, northern-A-55,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, A-1922, Australia-WD-1934, Australia-N- Global-A-68, Global-A-243, New Zealand-
Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture 1959, Estonia-N-1997, Tunisia-A-2006, N-280, Australia-N-176, western Europe-
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Italy-A-2043, New Zealand-N-2048, A-253, Australia-N-198, Europe, eastern-
Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles Global-W-2056, Spain-A-2083, Spain-A- AW-272, western Europe-W-70, Australia-
Seed Longevity: Short Term 2098, Australia-W-1977, Austria-W-1977, N-945, United Kingdom-ANZD-317,
Weed of: Cereals, Grapevines, Lupins, Belgium-W-1977, Bolivia-W-1977, Brazil- Australia-E-327, New Zealand-N-534, New
Orchards & Plantations, Pastures, Pome W-1977, Bulgaria-W-1977, Canada-W- Zealand-N-15, Denmark-U-711, Hungary-
Fruits, Vegetables 1977, Chile-W-1977, China-W-1977, NI-809, Australia-W-853, Australia-N-855,
References: Global-NXZ-85, Brazil-W- Czech Republic-W-1977, Denmark-W- New Zealand-N-919, Australia-N-354,
407, Argentina-W-237, Australia-E-72, 1977, Kenya-W-1977, Peru-W-1977, Hungary-N-1006, United Kingdom-A-322,
United Kingdom-U-40, Finland-U-42, Republic of Moldova-W-1977, Saint Kitts China-N-1215, Belgium-U-1220, Crete-A-
Chile-N-300, Global-W-67, Global-A-68, and Nevis-W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977, 1228, Norway-N-1243, Hungary-N-1255,
Global-AW-91, Global-A-243, United South Africa-W-1977, Uganda-W-1977, Zimbabwe-UD-1365, Australia-N-1450,
States of America-N-101, New Zealand-N- United Kingdom-W-1977, United Republic Czech Republic-U-1522, Denmark-W-
280, Syria-A-111, western Asia-A-115, of Tanzania-W-1977. 1609, Romania-N-1629, Pakistan-A-1044,
Italy-A-118, Chile-N-241, South America- Azores-N-1721, Czech Republic-U-1731,
W-295, South Africa-AZR-121, South China-N-1796, Eritrea-N-1796, Ethiopia-
Africa-W-158, United States of America- N-1796, Global-A-1903, France-A-1924,
W-161, Australia-N-176, Egypt-A-185, Switzerland-U-1990, France-A-2042, New
Australia-N-198, Argentina-A-236, Zealand-N-2048, Belgium-W-1977,
Australia-N-945, Spain-A-417, Australia- Denmark-W-1977, Japan-W-1977,
E-327, Czech Republic-UZ-400, United Republic of Moldova-W-1977, Zimbabwe-
Kingdom-N-519, Algeria-A-471, Cyprus- W-1977.
A-593, Iraq-A-595, Morocco-A-561,
Turkey-A-600, Global-A-546, Australia-Z- Avena sterilis L. subsp. macrocarpa
611, Africa-A-622, Jordan-A-641, Israel-A- (Moench) Briquet var. maxima
666, Spain-A-672, Austria-U-708, Poaceae
Denmark-U-711, Canada and United States Accepted name: Avena sterilis L.
of America-N-725, Turkey-A-727, Chile- Total N° of Refs: 164
N-765, Morocco-A-779, Australia-EN-7, Habit: Grass
Global-W-788, North America-X-790, References: Global-A-1903.
United Kingdom-N-812, Australia-W-869,
United States of America-X-140, United
States of America-X-229, Europe-A-889,
Spain-A-892, United States of America-W-
946, Africa-A-980, Uruguay-I-988,
Australia-N-354, Portugal-N-1006, United
Kingdom-N-1006, Slovakia-N-1006,
Australia-N-1049, China-I-1055, Europe-
N-819, Global-Q-1138, Chile-N-1229,
Greece-W-1240, Australia-E-1260,
Australia-E-1261, Spain-A-1263, Turkey-
A-1287, Peru-N-1293, Global-W-1324,
India-U-1345, Chile-N-1348, Global-W-
1349, Turkey-A-1410, Argentina, Brazil
and Uruguay-I-1476, Slovakia-U-1484,
Saudi Arabia-A-1525, Brazil-N-1597,
Estonia-W-1609, Austria-W-1609,
Denmark-W-1609, Norway-W-1609,
Bolivia-N-1630, United Kingdom-ZD-
1633, Jordan-A-1640, Australia-A-87,
Israel-A-87, Portugal-A-87, Tunisia-A-87,

Avena sterilis L. subsp. sterilis Avena strigosa Schreb. Avena strigosa Schreb. subsp. agraria
Poaceae Poaceae (Brot.) Tab. Morais
Total N° of Refs: 185 Total N° of Refs: 103 Poaceae
Global Risk Score: 4.32 Global Risk Score: 8.64 Accepted name: Avena hispanica Ard.
Rating: Low Rating: Medium Total N° of Refs: 3
Habit: Grass Habit: annual Grass Habit: Grass
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Origin: Africa, C Asia, E Asia, Europe, W Subtropical, Tropical Dispersed by: Humans
Asia Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe References: Iberian Peninsular-NI-1147.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Ornamental Ornamental Avena strigosa Hayek subsp. brevis
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, (Roth) Husnot
Livestock, Sheep Livestock, Sheep, Escapee Poaceae
Weed of: Cereals Seed Longevity: Transient Accepted name: Avena brevis Roth
References: New Zealand-N-280, western Weed of: Cereals Total N° of Refs: 16
Europe-A-253, Australia-N-198, Europe, References: Brazil-A-245, Brazil-W-360, Habit: Grass
eastern-AW-272, western Europe-W-70, Brazil-W-407, Global-A-30, United Origin: E Asia, Europe
United Kingdom-UZD-317, Australia-E- Kingdom-U-40, Finland-U-42, Global-A- References: Portugal-N-898.
327, New Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N- 44, Chile-N-300, Global-NZW-85, Global-
919, Australia-N-354, Belgium-U-1220, AW-91, Global-A-243, United States of Avena strigosa Schreber subsp. strigosa
Czech Republic-U-1522, Denmark-W- America-N-101, New Zealand-N-280, Poaceae
1609, Czech Republic-U-1731, Bolivia-N- Chile-N-241, Australia-N-176, Australia- Total N° of Refs: 5
1796, Ecuador-N-1796, Sri Lanka-N-1796, N-198, Europe, eastern-W-272, western Global Risk Score: 0.48
Global-A-1903, New Zealand-N-2048, Europe-W-70, Australia-N-945, Spain-A- Rating: Low
Turkey-A-2101, Belgium-W-1977, 417, United Kingdom-CZD-317, Australia- Habit: Grass
Denmark-W-1977. E-327, Czech Republic-UZ-400, United Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe
Kingdom-N-519, New Zealand-N-534, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
New Zealand-N-15, Australia-Z-611, Ornamental
Austria-U-708, Chile-N-765, Ireland-AN- Dispersed by: Humans
793, Japan-N-794, United Kingdom-UC- References: Portugal-N-898, Iberian
812, Australia-W-853, Ireland-N-894, New Peninsular-NI-1147, Spain-U-1270, Spain-
Zealand-N-919, Australia-N-354, France- N-1556, Portugal-W-1977.
N-1006, Iceland-N-1006, Slovakia-N-1006,
Australia-N-1049, Europe-N-819, Spain-N- Avena x vilis Wallr.
1149, Global-A-1207, Poland-AW-1219, Poaceae
Belgium-U-1220, Chile-N-1229, Norway- Accepted name: parents = Avena sativa L.
N-1243, Italy-U-251, Australia-E-1261, x Avena fatua L.
Australia-E-1262, Japan-N-1278, Chile-N- Total N° of Refs: 3
1348, Slovakia-N-1484, Czech Republic- Habit: Grass
N-1522, Norway-N-1535, Ireland-N-1608, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Austria-W-1609, Denmark-W-1609, Dispersed by: Humans
Germany-W-1609, Ireland-W-1609, References: Poland-AW-1219, Czech
Norway-W-1609, Poland-W-1609, Republic-U-1522, Czech Republic-U-1731.
Romania-N-1629, United Kingdom-U-
1636, Ethiopia-A-87, Portugal-A-87, Avenella flexuosa (L.) Parl.
Russia-A-87, Global-CZD-1611, Australia- Poaceae
ZD-1675, Czech Republic-N-1731, Accepted name: Deschampsia flexuosa var.
Europe-UN-1740, Australia-Z-1768, flexuosa
Russia-N-1796, Belarus-N-1796, Australia- Total N° of Refs: 31
N-1902, Australia-N-1845, Chile-I-1872, Habit: perennial Grass
Chile and Argentina-A-1874, Italy-U-1887, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Sardinia-N-1917, Australia-N-1959, Origin: E Asia, Europe, Cosmopolitan
Poland-A-1965, Poland-A-1966, -I-, New Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Zealand-N-2048, Poland-AN-2058, Poland- Ornamental
AN-2059, Poland-A-2110, Australia-W- Dispersed by: Humans, Horse, Livestock
1977, Austria-W-1977, Belarus-W-1977, References: Global-Z-85, Global-ZD-1492,
Belgium-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Czech Global-ZD-1581.
Republic-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977,
France-W-1977, Germany-W-1977, Avenula bromoides (Gouan) H. Scholz
Ireland-W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Japan-W- Poaceae
1977, Poland-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977, Accepted name: Helictotrichon bromoides
Slovakia-W-1977, United Kingdom-W- (Gouan) C. E. Hubb.
1977. Total N° of Refs: 5
Habit: Grass
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
References: Europe-N-819, Global-W-

Avenula pratensis (L.) Dumort. Averrhoa carambola L. Avicennia nitida Jacq.
Poaceae Oxalidaceae Verbenaceae
Accepted name: Helictotrichon pratense Total N° of Refs: 24 Accepted name: Avicennia germinans (L.)
(L.) Besser Habit: Tree L.
Total N° of Refs: 9 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Total N° of Refs: 4
Global Risk Score: 2.16 Subtropical, Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Rating: Low Origin: E Asia Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Habit: Grass Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, References: United States of America-W-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Ornamental 218, United States of America-A-87.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Ornamental References: Federated States of Avrainvillea amadelpha (Montagne)
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Micronesia-N-230, Puerto Rico-CW-261, A.Gepp & E.S.Gepp
Livestock, Sheep, Water, Wind Caribbean-N-707, Belize-N-850, United Dichotomosiphonaceae
Seed Longevity: Short Term States of America-N-101, Paraguay-N-876, Total N° of Refs: 7
References: Europe, eastern-W-272, Mozambique-nC-943, Africa-W-990, Aqua - Habit:
Finland-AN-1356, Global-ZD-1611. Global-N-1059, Philippines-nC-1099, Gal Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
pagos Islands-CN-1157, Caribbean-N- Dispersed by: Water
Avenula pubescens (Huds.) Dumort. 1201, Singapore-U-1290, French References: United States of America-ED-
Poaceae Polynesia-N-1514, Brazil-N-1597, Global- 282, United States of America-ID-936,
Accepted name: Helictotrichon pubescens CD-1611, Brazil-N-1733, Sao Tome and Global-ID-1065, United States of America-
(Huds.) Bess. ex Pilg. Principe-N-1805, Singapore-U-1839, Costa ED-1188, Global-W-1741, Global-I-1782,
Total N° of Refs: 22 Rica-W-1977, Democratic Republic of the Global-N-1785.
Habit: Grass Congo-W-1977, India-W-1977, Maldives-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean W-1977, Singapore-W-1977. Axonopus affinis Chase
Origin: E Asia, Europe Poaceae
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Avicennia germinans (L.) L. Accepted name: Axonopus fissifolius
Ornamental Verbenaceae (Raddi) Kuhlm.
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Avicennia nitida Total N° of Refs: 140
Livestock, Sheep, Water, Wind Jacq. (2) Global Risk Score: 22.4
Seed Longevity: Short Term Total N° of Refs: 4 Rating: High
References: Europe, eastern-W-272, Habit: Tree Aqua - Habit: perennial Grass
Iceland-N-507, United States of America- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
N-101, Sweden-W-1609, Europe-ZD-1576, Origin: N Am, S Am Subtropical, Tropical
Global-ZD-1611, Iceland-N-1552, Iceland- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Origin: S Am
N-1906. Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Dispersed by: Humans Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture
Averrhoa bilimbi L. References: Cuba-A-14, Ecuador-N-875. Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle,
Oxalidaceae Livestock, Sheep, Water, Escapee
Total N° of Refs: 17 Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh. Weed of: Orchards & Plantations, Pastures
Habit: Tree Verbenaceae References: Australia-W-93, Brazil-W-360,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 5 Brazil-W-407, Taiwan-N-777, Australia-
Origin: E Asia Global Risk Score: 1.2 EN-7, Pacific-W-3, Australia-W-269,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Rating: Low United States of America-W-34, Global-
Ornamental Aqua - Habit: Tree AW-90, New Zealand-N-280, South
Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Africa-AZR-121, South Africa-W-382,
References: Federated States of Origin: Aust, NZ United States of America-W-161, Japan-N-
Micronesia-N-230, Africa-W-760, Pacific- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, 287, Australia-N-198, North America-G-
W-621, Mozambique-nC-943, Philippines- Ornamental 249, United States of America-W-218,
nC-1099, Singapore-U-1290, Brazil-N- Dispersed by: Humans Australia-N-945, United Kingdom-UZD-
1597, Singapore-U-1839, Brunei References: Egypt-W-221, United States of 317, Australia-E-327, Australia-CE-168,
Darussalam-W-1977, Costa Rica-W-1977, America-N-101, Global-I-1404, Australia- Australia-E-189, Europe-U-638, Japan-N-
India-W-1977, Maldives-W-1977, Marshall N-1902, Australia-W-1977. 794, Swaziland-N-825, Australia-N-856,
Islands-W-1977, Micronesia (Federated Australia-W-869, Mozambique-nC-943,
States of)-W-1977, Palau-W-1977, Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh. var. Australia-N-1049, Global-N-1059, Iberian
Singapore-W-1977, Global--1324. resinifera (G. Forst.) Bakh. Peninsular-N-1147, Sri Lanka-AD-1195,
Verbenaceae Thailand-A-1211, China-N-1215, Japan-N-
Total N° of Refs: 1 1278, Global-W-1349, Zimbabwe-N-1365,
Habit: Tree Taiwan-N-1403, Australia-ZD-1417,
References: United States of America-N- Australia-N-1491, Brazil-A-87, Malaysia-
101. A-87, Australia-A-87, Hawaii-A-87, Sri
Lanka-A-87, Mauritius-A-87, New
Zealand-A-87, Polynesia, West-A-87,
United States of America-A-87, Global-
CD-1611, New Zealand-A-1624, Taiwan-
W-1748, South Africa-NR-2017,

Axonopus anceps (Mez) Hitchc. Axonopus compressus (Sw.) Beauv. Brazil-A-1560, Australia, northern-W-
Poaceae Poaceae 1204, Bangladesh-A-1649, Global-CD-
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 179 1611, India-W-1672, Nigeria-A-1710,
Habit: Grass Global Risk Score: 33.6 Federated States of Micronesia-W-1732,
References: Venezuela-A-932. Rating: Extreme United States of America-E-1736, Taiwan-
Aqua - Habit: Grass W-1748, China-I-1758, Brazil--1767,
Axonopus araujoi Valls ex Longhi- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, China-I-1769, Nigeria-A-1793, China-N-
Wagner Subtropical, Tropical 1796, Nigeria-N-1796, Liberia-N-1796,
Poaceae Origin: Africa, C Am, N Am, S Am Congo-N-1796, Myanmar-N-1796, Benin-
Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, N-1796, Cameroon-N-1796, Central
Habit: Grass Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture African Republic-N-1796, Gabon-N-1796,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Sri Lanka-N-1796, Sao Tome and Principe-
References: Brazil-W-360. Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles, Water, Escapee N-1805, Singapore-N-1839, China-I-1873,
Weed of: Cereals, Forestry, Nursery India-A-1865, Nepal-A-1930, Vietnam-A-
Axonopus cimicinus (L.) P.Beauv. Production, Orchards & Plantations, 1982, Benin-W-2007, Nepal-A-1960,
Poaceae Pastures, Potatoes, Vegetables Nigeria-A-2045, New Zealand-U-2048,
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Taiwan-G-273, Federated Brazil-R-2053, Guinea-A-2089, United
Habit: Grass States of Micronesia-N-230, Australia-W- States of America-N-2092, Nigeria-A-
References: south and southeast Asia-A- 93, Philippines-AW-348, Brazil-W-255, 2102, Indonesia-I-2108, Argentina-W-
1320. Indonesia-A-170, Gal pagos Islands-EW- 1977, Australia-W-1977, Bhutan-W-1977,
257, Brazil-W-360, Brazil-W-407, Brazil-W-1977, China-W-1977, Colombia-
Australia-N-368, Australia, northern-AW- W-1977, Cook Islands-W-1977, Ecuador-
454, Singapore-N-476, Australia-CEN-479, W-1977, Fiji-W-1977, India-W-1977,
Malaysia-A-574, Singapore-N-196, Japan-W-1977, Malaysia-W-1977,
Nigeria-AG-719, Indonesia-A-188, India- Micronesia (Federated States of)-W-1977,
A-758, Taiwan-N-777, Thailand-W-822, Myanmar-W-1977, Nepal-W-1977, Niue-
Ghana-A-2064, Argentina-W-237, Global- W-1977, Palau-W-1977, Papua New
A-30, Global-NZW-85, Global-AW-90, Guinea-W-1977, Samoa-W-1977,
Global-A-186, Global-A-243, South Singapore-W-1977, Solomon Islands-W-
America-W-295, Japan-A-263, Peru-A- 1977, Taiwan-W-1977, Tonga-W-1977,
153, China-W-256, Japan-N-287, Japan-W- United Republic of Tanzania-W-1977,
286, Asia-W-204, China-W-297, Australia- Vanuatu-W-1977, Viet Nam-W-1977,
N-945, United Kingdom-UZD-317, United Zimbabwe-W-1977.
States of America-AW-486, China-W-431,
Pacific-W-621, China-I-780, United States
of America-E-151, Japan-N-794, United
States of America-N-839, Australia-W-853,
Australia-N-868, China-I-882, Argentina-
A-913, Brazil-A-923, Trinidad-A-928,
Venezuela-A-932, Australia-N-354,
Australia-N-1049, China-I-1055, Ethiopia-
A-1141, Gal pagos Islands-N-1157, Sri
Lanka-AD-1195, United States of America-
Q-1197, Thailand-A-1211, China-N-1215,
Burma-Myanmar-A-1254, Singapore-N-
811, China-I-1277, Japan-N-1278,
Singapore-N-1290, United States of
America-N-1292, south and southeast Asia-
A-1320, Global-W-1324, Africa-A-1332,
Africa-A-1333, China-N-1344, India-NI-
1345, Zimbabwe-N-1365, Nigeria-A-1371,
China-N-1374, Africa-A-1384, Vietnam-E-
1386, Taiwan-N-1403, south and southeast
Asia-A-1408, Nigeria-ZD-1445, Australia-
E-1456, Dominican Republic-A-1472,
Dominican Republic-A-1475, Global-ZD-
1495, China-I-1496, French Polynesia-N-
1514, India-N-1601, Borneo-A-87, Brazil-
A-87, Sri Lanka-A-87, Costa Rica-A-87,
Ghana-A-87, India-A-87, Malaysia-A-87,
Indonesia-A-87, Nigeria-A-87, Thailand-A-
87, Argentina-A-87, Australia-A-87,
Hawaii-A-87, Trinidad-A-87, Cameroon-
A-87, Republic of Congo-A-87, Cuba-A-
87, Dominican Republic-A-87, Guinea-A-
87, Liberia-A-87, Mauritius-A-87, New
Guinea-A-87, Polynesia, West-A-87, El
Salvador-A-87, United States of America-
A-87, Venezuela-A-87, Vietnam-A-87,

Axonopus fissifolius (Raddi) Kuhlm. Axonopus jesuiticus (Araujo) Valls Axyris amaranthoides L.
Poaceae Poaceae Chenopodiaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Axonopus affinis Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 61
Chase (54) Habit: Grass Global Risk Score: 2.88
Total N° of Refs: 140 Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Rating: Low
Global Risk Score: 13.44 References: Brazil-W-360, Brazil-W-407. Habit: annual Herb
Rating: Medium Origin: E Asia, Europe
Aqua - Habit: perennial Grass Axonopus micay Garc.-Barr. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Poaceae Ornamental
Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 5 Dispersed by: Humans
Origin: C Am, N Am, S Am Global Risk Score: 2.08 References: Global-W-23, United
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Rating: Low Kingdom-U-40, Finland-U-42, Canada-W-
Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture Habit: Grass 52, Global-NZW-85, United States of
Dispersed by: Humans, Vehicles, Escapee Preferred Climate/s: Tropical America-N-101, United States of America-
Weed of: Pastures Origin: S Am W-161, Canada and United States of
References: southeast Asia-W-191, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Pasture America-XW-299, Japan-N-287, Europe,
Australia-N-368, United States of America- Dispersed by: Humans eastern-W-272, United States of America-
CE-617, United States of America-E-654, References: Costa Rica-I-975, Costa Rica- W-218, China-W-297, China-A-275,
Australia-EN-7, Pacific-W-3, Global- NI-872, Gal pagos Islands-N-1157, United Kingdom-U-314, Czech Republic-
NZW-85, New Zealand-N-280, Australia- Panama-N-1927, Costa Rica-W-1977. UZ-400, China-W-431, Canada-A-642,
N-134, New Zealand-N-534, New Zealand- Denmark-W-711, Canada and United
N-15, Pacific-W-621, United States of Axonopus polystachyus G.A.Black States of America-N-725, North America-
America-N-301, United States of America- Poaceae X-790, Japan-N-794, Belarus-N-817,
E-151, United States of America-N-839, Total N° of Refs: 1 France-N-1006, Russia-A-998, Europe-N-
Australia-W-853, Australia-N-855, Habit: Grass 819, Belgium-U-1220, Norway-N-1243,
Australia-W-869, New Zealand-N-919, References: Brazil--1767. Japan-N-1278, Global-W-1324, Global-W-
United States of America-W-946, 1349, Czech Republic-U-1522, Panarctic-
Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049, Axonopus repens (P.J.Bergius) Torrend U-1596, Estonia-W-1609, Denmark-W-
Portugal-N-898, Europe-N-819, United Poaceae 1609, Germany-W-1609, Latvia-W-1609,
States of America-Q-1197, China-N-1215, Accepted name: Paspalum repens Norway-W-1609, Canada-A-87, Russia-A-
Belgium-U-1220, South Africa-N-1247, P.J.Bergius 87, United States of America-A-87,
Australia-E-1259, Australia-E-1261, Total N° of Refs: 7 Canadian northwest Territories-N-1011,
Australia-E-1262, Singapore-N-1290, Habit: Grass Russia-N-1647, Mongolia-A-1620, Russia-
United States of America-N-1292, Global- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical A-1621, United States of America-AZD-
W-1324, China-N-1374, South Africa-N- References: Brazil-W-360. 1667, Russia-N-1681, Russia-N-1682,
1002, Australia-N-1450, Australia-E-1456, Ukraine-N-1685, Russia-W-1687, Czech
Australia-ND-1491, Global-ZD-1495, Axonopus scoparius (Flüggé) Kuhlm. Republic-U-1731, Estonia-N-1997,
Australia, northern-W-1204, Global-CD- Poaceae Belarus-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977,
1611, Global-ZD-1581, Azores-N-1721, Total N° of Refs: 6 Canada-W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977,
United States of America-E-1736, North Global Risk Score: 5.12 Denmark-W-1977, France-W-1977,
America-N-1760, Brazil--1767, Liberia-N- Rating: Low Germany-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Latvia-
1796, Tibet-N-1796, Myanmar-N-1796, Sri Habit: Grass W-1977, Russian Federation-W-1977.
Lanka-N-1796, Tibet-N-1796, Australia-N- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
1902, Singapore-N-1839, Australia-N- Origin: S Am Axyris hybrida L.
1959, South Africa-N-1991, New Zealand- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture Chenopodiaceae
N-2048, Brazil-A-2051, Australia-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Total N° of Refs: 2
Belgium-W-1977, Brunei Darussalam-W- References: Costa Rica-I-975, Costa Rica- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
1977, Cameroon-W-1977, China-W-1977, CN-872, Colombia-A-87, Global-CD-1611, References: Russia-W-1687, Russian
Cook Islands-W-1977, Fiji-W-1977, India- Brazil-A-1622, Costa Rica-W-1977. Federation-W-1977.
W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Malawi-W-1977,
Malaysia-W-1977, Mauritius-W-1977, Axonopus spp. P.Beauv. Axyris sphaerosperma Fisch. & C.A.
Micronesia (Federated States of)-W-1977, Poaceae Mey.
Mozambique-W-1977, Myanmar-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 2 Chenopodiaceae
Niue-W-1977, Papua New Guinea-W- Habit: Grass Total N° of Refs: 3
1977, Portugal-W-1977, Samoa-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans Weed of: Cereals
Sierra Leone-W-1977, Singapore-W-1977, References: Ecuador-A-1569, Australia- References: Tajikistan-A-1674, Russia-W-
Solomon Islands-W-1977, South Africa-W- ZD-1675. 1687, Russian Federation-W-1977.
1977, Sri Lanka-W-1977, Taiwan-W-1977,
Tonga-W-1977, Vanuatu-W-1977,

Axonopus furcatus (Flüggé) Hitchc.

Total N° of Refs: 2
Habit: Grass
Major Pathway/s: Herbal
References: Global-W-1349, Brazil--1767.

Ayapana triplinervis (Vahl) R.M.King & Azadirachta indica A. Juss. 1977, India-W-1977, Jamaica-W-1977,
H.Rob. Meliaceae Kenya-W-1977, Libya-W-1977, Malawi-
Asteraceae Total N° of Refs: 150 W-1977, Maldives-W-1977, Mali-W-1977,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Eupatorium Global Risk Score: 34.56 Marshall Islands-W-1977, Mauritania-W-
triplinerve Vahl (3) Rating: Extreme 1977, Mauritius-W-1977, Micronesia
Total N° of Refs: 6 Toxic - Habit: Tree (Federated States of)-W-1977, Morocco-
Habit: perennial Herb Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, W-1977, Mozambique-W-1977, Nicaragua-
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical W-1977, Nigeria-W-1977, Panama-W-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Origin: C Asia, E Asia 1977, Papua New Guinea-W-1977,
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Paraguay-W-1977, Peru-W-1977, Rwanda-
References: La Reunion-U-1321, Forestry, Herbal, Ornamental W-1977, Saint Lucia-W-1977, Saint Vicent
Madagascar-N-1000, India-W-1977. Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers, and the Grenadines-W-1977, Samoa-W-
Escapee 1977, Sao Tome and Principe-W-1977,
Ayenia insulicola Cristobal Weed of: Orchards & Plantations, Pastures Saudi Arabia-W-1977, Senegal-W-1977,
Malvaceae References: pantropics-W-22, Guyana-N- Sierra Leone-W-1977, Singapore-W-1977,
Total N° of Refs: 1 32, Kenya-W-325, Global-N-85, Australia- Somalia-W-1977, Sudan-W-1977,
References: United States of America-N- XW-93, Australia-E-155, Australia-N-368, Suriname-W-1977, Togo-W-1977, Tunisia-
101. Caribbean-N-707, Africa-W-760, W-1977, Uganda-W-1977, United Republic
Australia-N-7, Global-NI-714, Ghana-A- of Tanzania-W-1977, Venezuela-W-1977,
2064, Pacific-W-3, Australia-C-401, Yemen-W-1977, Zambia-W-1977.
Pacific-E-621, Australia-N-310, United
States of America-N-101, Australia-N-868, Azadirachta indica A. Juss. var. indica
Dominican Republic-I-877, Australia-E- Meliaceae
880, India-N-976, Brazil-I-984, Paraguay-I- Total N° of Refs: 1
987, Australia-N-354, Global-N-1059, References: Global-N-85.
Australia-W-1068, Australia-I-1088,
Philippines-nC-1099, Chad-nC-640, Azalea albiflorum (Hook.) Rydb.
Australia, northern-EN-1183, United States Ericaceae
of America-Q-1197, Australia-W-1210, Accepted name: Rhododendron albiflorum
Caribbean-NI-1201, Singapore-U-1290, var. albiflorum
Yemen-N-1302, La Reunion-U-1321, Total N° of Refs: 2
Global-W-1324, Brazil-I-1328, Australia- References: Canada-A-642.
A-1331, Madagascar-N-1000, India-N-
1345, French Guiana-N-1346, Global-W- Azalea canadensis (L.) Kuntze
1376, Brazil-N-1385, India-N-1389, Ericaceae
Global-I-1404, Puerto Rico and Virgin Accepted name: Rhododendron canadense
Islands-W-1452, Australia-E-1456, Total N° of Refs: 5
Australia-N-1491, Chad-N-1503, Cuba-NI- References: Canada-A-642.
1505, Sri Lanka-ZD-1020, India-A-87,
Caribbean Netherlands-NI-1012, Global- Azaleastrum albiflorum (Hook.) Rydb.
CD-1611, Global-I-1324, East Africa-I- Ericaceae
1723, Brazil-N-1733, Eastern Caribbean-N- Accepted name: Rhododendron albiflorum
1742, India-N-1765, Singapore-U-1839, Hook. var. albiflorum
India-W-1866, Brazil-I-1876, Brazil-N- Total N° of Refs: 1
1877, Australia-A-1928, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, Major Pathway/s: Crop
-I-, -I-, Cuba-EN-2024, Cuba-NI-2055, References: Canada-A-642.
United States of America-N-2092, India-N-
2109, Algeria-W-1977, Angola-W-1977, Azara microphylla Hook. f.
Anguilla-W-1977, Antigua and Barbuda- Flacourtiaceae
W-1977, Argentina-W-1977, Aruba-W- Total N° of Refs: 4
1977, Australia-W-1977, Barbados-W- Global Risk Score: 1.2
1977, Benin-W-1977, Bonaire-W-1977, Rating: Low
Botswana-W-1977, Brazil-W-1977, Habit: Tree
Burkina Faso-W-1977, Burundi-W-1977, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
C?te d'Ivoire-W-1977, Cabo Verde-W- Origin: S Am
1977, Cameroon-W-1977, Central African Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Republic-W-1977, Chad-W-1977, Chile- Ornamental
W-1977, Colombia-W-1977, Congo-W- Dispersed by: Humans
1977, Cook Islands-W-1977, Cuba-W- References: New Zealand-N-280,
1977, Democratic Republic of the Congo- Australia-E-380, New Zealand-N-919, New
W-1977, Djibouti-W-1977, Dominica-W- Zealand-N-2048.
1977, Dominican Republic-W-1977,
Ecuador-W-1977, Egypt-W-1977, El
Salvador-W-1977, Equatorial Guinea-W-
1977, Eritrea-W-1977, Ethiopia-W-1977,
Fiji-W-1977, Gabon-W-1977, Gambia
(the)-W-1977, Ghana-W-1977, Guatemala-
W-1977, Guinea-W-1977, Guinea-Bissau-
W-1977, Haiti-W-1977, Honduras-W-

Azima tetracantha Lam. Azolla filiculoides Lam. Australia-A-87, Portugal-A-87, Argentina-
Salvadoraceae Salviniaceae A-87, Colombia-A-87, Indonesia-A-87,
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 204 Peru-A-87, United States of America-A-87,
Habit: perennial Vine Global Risk Score: 28.16 Italy-N-1007, Romania-N-1554, South
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Rating: High Africa-E-1646, Global-CD-1611, Lesotho-
Origin: Africa, E Asia Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb AW-121, Ukraine-N-1685, East Africa-I-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, 1723, Czech Republic-N-1731, France-N-
Weed of: Pastures Subtropical, Tropical 1438, Europe-UNXI-1740, Croatia-N-
References: South Africa-AW-121, South Origin: C Am, E Asia, Europe, N Am, S 1747, Ukraine-N-1706, Sardinia-I-1393,
Africa-E-1646. Am, SE Asia Sardinia-AN-1824, Ireland-N-1832,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Germany-N-1833, Australia-N-1902,
Azolla africana Desv. Ornamental, Pasture Chile-E-1874, South Africa-EI-1886, Italy-
Salviniaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Water, Escapee UN-1887, Sardinia-N-1917, Colombia-I-
Accepted name: Azolla pinnata subsp. References: Brazil-W-360, Brazil-W-407, 1926, China-N-1938, France-N-1940,
africana (Desv.) R.M.K.Saunders & United States of America-CE-617, France-N-1941, France-ENI-1942, France-
K.Fowler Argentina-W-237, United Kingdom-N-40, I-1943, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -
Total N° of Refs: 81 South Africa-X-63, Global-N-85, South I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, Egypt-I-1979, Romania-U-
Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb Africa-W-95, South Africa-CX-283, South 1986, Switzerland-U-1990, South Africa-
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical America-W-295, South Africa-AEWD-121, N-1991, South Africa-I-2017, Mexico-I-
Origin: Africa South Africa-EWD-391, South Africa-W- 2026, Albania-W-1977, Australia-W-1977,
Dispersed by: Water 158, Mexico-WD-167, United States of Austria-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Bosnia
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations America-EWD-197, United States of and Herzegovina-W-1977, Bulgaria-W-
References: Mali-A-560, Africa-AD-980, America-W-218, United Kingdom-N-314, 1977, Cambodia-W-1977, Canada-W-1977,
Africa-A-1384, Nigeria-A-1853, Mexico- Europe-NID-482, South Africa-QID-113, China-W-1977, Colombia-W-1977, Cook
W-1977. United Kingdom-N-519, Spain-N-405, Islands-W-1977, Croatia-W-1977, Czech
Pacific-ED-621, Canary Islands-N-637, Republic-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977,
Azolla caroliniana Willd. Europe-ND-638, Global-ED-649, Portugal- Egypt-W-1977, France-W-1977, Germany-
Salviniaceae NI-662, Austria-UC-708, Denmark-C-711, W-1977, Ghana-W-1977, Greece-W-1977,
Total N° of Refs: 50 Portugal-NI-718, France-I-720, Lithuania- India-W-1977, Iran (Islamic Republic of)-
Global Risk Score: 4.32 I-737, Spain-I-738, South Africa-I-759, W-1977, Ireland-W-1977, Israel-W-1977,
Rating: Low Mediterranean-I-775, Australia-N-7, United Italy-W-1977, Kenya-W-1977, Lithuania-
Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb States of America-N-301, Ireland-ENI-793, W-1977, Luxembourg-W-1977, Malawi-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Spain-I-802, Spain-I-807, Hungary-NI-809, W-1977, Mozambique-W-1977, Myanmar-
Subtropical, Tropical France-W-764, United Kingdom-CN-812, W-1977, Namibia-W-1977, Netherlands-
Origin: C Am, N Am, S Am Swaziland-N-825, United States of W-1977, Poland-W-1977, Portugal-W-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental America-N-839, Palestine-N-851, 1977, Romania-W-1977, Serbia-W-1977,
Dispersed by: Humans, Water, Escapee Australia-N-856, Belgium-NI-858, Slovakia-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977,
References: Brazil-W-255, Brazil-W-360, Australia-W-869, Ireland-N-894, Romania- Spain-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977,
Brazil-W-407, Argentina-W-237, Global- I-896, Mediterranean-WI-951, United Tajikistan-W-1977, Uganda-W-1977,
N-85, Japan-N-287, United States of Kingdom-EI-966, Colombia-I-985, Ukraine-W-1977, United Kingdom-W-
America-W-218, Czech Republic-U-400, Belgium-E-996, Germany-N-1006, United 1977, United Republic of Tanzania-W-
Spain-N-405, Portugal-NI-662, Portugal- Kingdom-N-1006, Greece-N-1006, 1977, Zambia-W-1977, Zimbabwe-W-
NI-718, Canada-UC-756, Mediterranean-I- Hungary-N-1006, Iceland-N-1006, Italy-N- 1977, Swaziland-W-1977.
775, Japan-N-794, Ireland-W-894, Puerto 1006, Netherlands-N-1006, Italy-N-1006,
Rico-A-929, Mediterranean-WI-951, Spain-N-1006, Europe-N-1072, Portugal- Azolla filiculoides Lam. var. rubra
Europe-N-819, United States of America- N-898, Europe-N-819, Spain-I-658, United (R.Br.) Strasb.
N-101, Ukraine-I-1121, Greece-N-1142, States of America-AD-194, Spain-EI-1092, Salviniaceae
Iberian Peninsular-N-1147, Spain-I-1149, United States of America-N-101, South Total N° of Refs: 2
United Kingdom-WD-1175, Argentina- Africa-X-1112, Ukraine-I-1121, Africa-X- Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb
AD-1198, China-N-1215, Japan-N-1278, 1127, Greece-NI-1142, Iberian Peninsular- Origin: Aust
Europe-ND-1298, Global-W-1349, NI-1147, Spain-I-1149, Romania-AE-1154, Dispersed by: Water
Taiwan-N-1403, Serbia-N-1482, Puerto Italy-NI-1165, United Kingdom-XWD- References: Australia-EWD-269, Global-
Rico-A-87, Portugal-A-87, Afghanistan-A- 1175, Europe-E-1184, Argentina-AD-1198, A-1207.
87, Colombia-A-87, Belize-A-87, Italy-A- Global-Q-1208, China-N-1215, Belgium-
87, Suriname-A-87, United States of NI-1220, Chile-N-1229, France-E-1239, Azolla imbricata (Roxb. ex Griff.) Nakai
America-A-87, Global-CD-1611, Ukraine- Norway-N-1243, South Africa-NXI-1247, Salviniaceae
N-1685, Ukraine-N-1706, Canada-G-1855, Italy-I-251, Hungary-N-1255, France-I- Accepted name: Azolla pinnata subsp.
China-N-1938, Egypt-W-1977, Greece-W- 1273, Namibia-I-1283, United States of asiatica R. Br.
1977, Japan-W-1977, Serbia-W-1977, America-N-1292, Europe-ND-1298, south Total N° of Refs: 86
Taiwan-W-1977, Ukraine-W-1977. and southeast Asia-A-1320, Global-W- Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb
1324, Romania-I-1334, Sardinia-N-1336, Dispersed by: Water
Azolla cristata Kaulf. China-N-1344, Zimbabwe-I-1365, Israel- References: Japan-A-263, Japan-W-286,
Salviniaceae ENI-1380, Spain-I-1454, Spain--1455, Asia-EWD-204, China-EWD-297, China-
Total N° of Refs: 5 Belgium-X-1477, Serbia-N-1482, Slovakia- AED-275, China-W-431, Global-AI-1207,
References: -I-, Croatia-W-1977, Japan-W- N-1484, Australia-A-1498, United States of south and southeast Asia-A-1320, Japan-A-
1977, Romania-W-1977, South Africa-W- America-A-1498, Albania-N-1506, France- 87, China-N-1938.
1977, Global--1324. NI-1516, Czech Republic-N-1522, Israel-
U-1487, Central Europe-N-1602, Ireland-
N-1608, Belgium-W-1609, Hawaii-A-87,

Azolla imbricata (Roxb.) Nakai var. Azolla pinnata R.Br. Azolla pinnata R.Br. var. africana
prolifera Y.X.Lin Salviniaceae (Desv.) Baker.
Salviniaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Azolla africana Salviniaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Desv. (5), Azolla imbricata (Roxb. ex Accepted name: Azolla pinnata R.Br.
References: China-W-431. Griff.) Nakai (10), Azolla pinnata R.Br. subsp. africana (Desv.) R.M.K.Saunders &
var. africana (Desv.) Baker. (2) K.Fowler
Azolla imbricata (Roxb.) Nakai var. Total N° of Refs: 93 Total N° of Refs: 78
sempervirens Y.X.Lin Global Risk Score: 14.08 Global Risk Score: 0.24
Salviniaceae Rating: Medium Rating: Low
Total N° of Refs: 1 Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb
References: China-W-431. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Origin: Africa, Aust, E Asia, NZ Origin: Africa
Azolla japonica Fr. & Sav. ex Nakai Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Salviniaceae Pasture Dispersed by: Humans, Water
Total N° of Refs: 10 Dispersed by: Humans, Water References: South Africa-AWD-121,
Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations Africa-A-1384.
Origin: E Asia References: Taiwan-A-274, Vietnam-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental EWD-262, Thailand-AED-239, Indonesia- Azolla pinnata R.Br. subsp. africana
Dispersed by: Humans A-170, southeast Asia-W-191, Thailand-A- (Desv.) R. M. K. Saunders & K. Fowler
References: Japan-A-263, Japan-W-286, 209, Indonesia-A-188, Thailand-W-821, Salviniaceae
Asia-W-204, Global-A-1207, China-N- Thailand-W-822, Australia-EWD-269, Total N° of Refs: 2
1215, south and southeast Asia-A-1320, New Zealand-E-246, Global-EXD-67, Aqua - Habit:
Taiwan-N-1403, Japan-A-87, China-A-87, Global-XW-85, Global-W-217, United Origin: Africa
Taiwan-W-1977. States of America-EXD-193, New Zealand- Dispersed by: Water
W-225, New Zealand-NW-425, Europe- References: South Africa-QD-113, Mexico-
Azolla mexicana Schlecht. & Cham. ex NID-482, New Zealand-N-15, Pacific-ED- I-1881.
K. Presl 621, United States of America-EXD-661,
Salviniaceae Australia-N-7, Global-WD-788, North Azolla pinnata R.Br. subsp. asiatica R.
Total N° of Refs: 15 America-X-790, -D-, United States of M. K. Saunders & K. Fowler
Aqua - Habit: annual/perennial Herb America-N-101, Australia-W-869, United Salviniaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Tropical States of America-X-140, United States of Total N° of Refs: 5
Origin: C Am, S Am America-X-229, Mexico-I-878, New Aqua - Habit:
Dispersed by: Animals, Flyers, Water Zealand-N-919, New Zealand-W-964, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
References: United States of America-WD- Thailand-W-1045, New Zealand-E-505, Sri Origin: E Asia
34, Europe-NID-482, France-N-1006, Lanka-AD-1195, Burma-Myanmar-A- Dispersed by: Water
Greece-N-1006, Netherlands-N-1006, 1254, south and southeast Asia-A-1320, References: Singapore-N-476, South
Europe-N-819, Global-W-1324, Costa Global-W-1324, Global-W-1349, Africa-QD-113, Singapore-N-1290,
Rica-A-1933, China-N-1938, Bulgaria-W- Malaysia-A-1354, Vietnam-A-1373, Singapore-N-1839, United States of
1977, Denmark-W-1977, France-W-1977, Malaysia-A-1398, India-WD-1406, India- America-N-1760.
Greece-W-1977, Netherlands-W-1977, A-87, Thailand-A-87, South Africa-A-87,
Sweden-W-1977. Kenya-A-87, Philippines-A-87, Australia- Azolla pinnata R.Br. subsp. pinnata
A-87, Bangladesh-A-87, Borneo-A-87, Salviniaceae
Azolla microphylla Kaulf Botswana-A-87, Cambodia-A-87, China- Total N° of Refs: 1
Salviniaceae A-87, Republic of Congo-A-87, Benin-A- References: Global-W-85.
Total N° of Refs: 2 87, Ecuador-A-87, Ghana-A-87, Indonesia-
Aqua - Habit: A-87, Ivory Coast-A-87, Madagascar-A-87, Azolla rubra R.Br.
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical New Zealand-A-87, Pakistan-A-87, Salviniaceae
References: Global-N-85, -I-, South Africa- Vietnam-A-87, Zambia-A-87, Nigeria-A- Total N° of Refs: 3
W-1977. 1023, Malaysia-A-1043, South Africa-E- Global Risk Score: 0.96
1646, Australia-N-1902, India-A-1936, -I-, Rating: Low
Azolla nilotica Decne. ex Mett. -I-, India-A-2084, Australia-W-1977, Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb
Salviniaceae Egypt-W-1977, Marshall Islands-W-1977, Origin: NZ
Total N° of Refs: 7 New Zealand-W-1977, Singapore-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb South Africa-W-1977. Dispersed by: Water
Origin: Africa References: New Zealand-ED-208, south
Dispersed by: Water and southeast Asia-A-1320, New Zealand-
References: South Africa-QD-113, A-87.
Republic of Congo-A-87, Mozambique-A-
87, Zimbabwe-A-87, Tanzania-A-87, Azolla spp. Lam.
Uganda-A-87, Zambia-A-87. Salviniaceae
Total N° of Refs: 4
Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Dispersed by: Humans, Water
References: United States of America-CE-
233, South Africa-WD-113, Japan-ND-
1488, Global-CD-1611.

Azorina vidalii (H.C.Watson) Feer
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Campanula vidalii
H.C.Watson (1)
Total N° of Refs: 2
Habit: Herb
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Chile-W-1977.

Azukia angularis (Willd.) Ohwi

Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Accepted name: Vigna angularis var.
Total N° of Refs: 3
Global Risk Score: 1.52
Rating: Low
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Pasture
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Japan-A-87.

Azukia radiata (L.) Ohwi

Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2
References: Japan-N-794, Japan-N-1278.

Babiana disticha (L.) Ker.-Gawl. Babiana ringens (L.) Ker.-Gawl.

Iridaceae Iridaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Antholyza ringens
Habit: perennial Herb L. (2)
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 3
Origin: Africa Global Risk Score: 0.24
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Rating: Low
Dispersed by: Humans Habit: perennial Herb
Babiana ambigua (Roem. & Schult.) References: Australia-N-9, Australia-N- Origin: Africa
G.J.Lewis 945. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Iridaceae Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 1 Babiana fragrans (Jacq.) Goldblatt & References: Australia-Q-1123.
Global Risk Score: 0.72 J.C.Manning
Rating: Low Iridaceae Babiana sambucina (Jacq.) Ker.-Gawl.
Habit: perennial Herb Total N° of Refs: 1 Iridaceae
Origin: Africa References: Australia-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 1
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Global Risk Score: 0.72
Dispersed by: Humans Babiana framesii L.Bolus Rating: Low
References: Australia--, Australia-Q-1123. Iridaceae Habit: perennial Herb
Total N° of Refs: 1 Origin: Africa
Babiana angustifolia Sweet Habit: perennial Herb Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Iridaceae Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 18 Dispersed by: Humans References: Australia--, Australia-Q-1123.
Global Risk Score: 0.48 References: Australia--, Australia-Q-1123.
Rating: Low Babiana scabrifolia Brehm. ex Klatt
Habit: perennial Herb Babiana klaverensis G.J.Lewis Iridaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Iridaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Origin: Africa Total N° of Refs: 1 Global Risk Score: 0.24
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Rating: Low
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Dispersed by: Humans Origin: Africa
References: Australia-CW-334, Australia- References: Australia--, Australia-Q-1123. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
C-401, New Zealand-N-15, Australia-EN- Dispersed by: Humans
310, Australia-EN-7, Australia-N-856, Babiana nana (Andrews) Spreng. References: Australia--, Australia-Q-1123.
Australia-W-869, New Zealand-U-919, Iridaceae
Australia-N-354, Australia-E-1259, Total N° of Refs: 10 Babiana scariosa G.J.Lewis
Australia-E-1261, Australia-E-1262, Global Risk Score: 1.44 Iridaceae
Australia-E-1456, Global-CD-1611, Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 1
Australia-N-1902, Australia-N-1959, New Habit: perennial Herb Global Risk Score: 0.24
Zealand-N-2048, Australia-W-1977. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Rating: Low
Origin: Africa Habit: perennial Herb
Babiana crispa G.J.Lewis Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Origin: Africa
Iridaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Accepted name: Tritonia crispa (L. f.) Ker.- References: Australia-CW-334, Australia- Dispersed by: Humans
Gawl. C-401, Australia-N-310, Australia-EN-7, References: Australia-Q-1123.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Australia-N-856, Australia-W-869,
Habit: perennial Herb Australia-N-354, Global-CD-1611, Babiana secunda (Thunb.) Ker.-Gawl.
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Australia-N-1902, Australia-W-1977. Iridaceae
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 2
References: Australia-Q-1123. Babiana odorata L.Bolus Global Risk Score: 0.24
Iridaceae Rating: Low
Babiana curviscapa G.J.Lewis Total N° of Refs: 1 Habit: perennial Herb
Iridaceae Global Risk Score: 0.24 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 1 Rating: Low Dispersed by: Humans
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Habit: perennial Herb References: New Zealand-W-906,
Rating: Low Origin: Africa Australia-Q-1134.
Habit: perennial Herb Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Origin: Africa Dispersed by: Humans Babiana spathacea (L.) Ker.-Gawl.
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental References: Australia--, Australia-Q-1123. Iridaceae
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Australia-Q-1123. Global Risk Score: 0.24
Rating: Low
Habit: perennial Herb
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Australia--, Australia-Q-1123.

Babiana stricta (Sol.) Ker.-Gawl. Babiana vanzyliae L.Bolus Baccharis conyzoides (Less.) DC.
Iridaceae Iridaceae Asteraceae
Total N° of Refs: 19 Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1
Global Risk Score: 1.44 Global Risk Score: 0.24 References: Brazil--1767.
Rating: Low Rating: Low
Habit: perennial Herb Origin: Africa Baccharis cordifolia DC.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Asteraceae
Origin: Africa Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 4
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental References: Australia--, Australia-Q-1123. ToxicMajor Pathway/s: Herbal
Dispersed by: Humans References: Uruguay-A-924, Argentina-A-
References: Australia-E-72, Global-W-85, Babiana villosa (Aiton) Ker.-Gawl. 87, Brazil-A-87, Uruguay-A-87.
New Zealand-N-280, South Africa-R-121, Iridaceae
South Africa-W-382, Australia-N-198, Total N° of Refs: 1 Baccharis coridifolia DC.
Australia-N-945, Australia-E-327, Habit: perennial Herb Asteraceae
Australia-N-855, Australia-W-869, New Origin: Africa Total N° of Refs: 9
Zealand-W-906, New Zealand-N-919, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Subtropical,
Australia-N-1049, Australia-N-1450, Dispersed by: Humans Tropical
Australia-N-1902, Chile-I-1872, Australia- References: India-W-1977. Origin: S Am
W-1977, Chile-W-1977, India-W-1977. References: Brazil-W-255, Brazil-W-361,
Baccaurea motleyana (Mull. Arg.) Mull. Brazil-W-407, Argentina-W-237, South
Babiana thunbergii Ker.-Gawl. Arg. America-W-295, Argentina-A-913, Brazil-
Iridaceae Euphorbiaceae A-923, Global-A-1207, Brazil-A-1560.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: perennial Herb Habit: Tree Baccharis crispa Spreng.
Origin: Africa Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Asteraceae
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Accepted name: Baccharis genistelloides
Dispersed by: Humans Ornamental (Lam.) Pers. subsp. crispa (Lam.) Pers.
References: Australia--, Australia-Q-1123. Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 2
References: China-N-1796. References: Brazil--1767.
Babiana truncata G.J.Lewis
Iridaceae Baccharidastrum argutum (Less.) Baccharis douglasii DC.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Cabrera Asteraceae
Habit: perennial Herb Asteraceae Accepted name: Baccharis glutinosa Pers.
Origin: Africa Accepted name: Baccharis breviseta DC. Total N° of Refs: 7
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 1 Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb
Dispersed by: Humans Aqua - Habit: Preferred Climate/s: Dryland
References: Australia--, Australia-Q-1123. References: Colombia-I-1926. Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Dispersed by: Water
Babiana tubulosa (Burm.f.) Ker.-Gawl. Baccharis anomala DC. References: United States of America-WD-
Iridaceae Asteraceae 34.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Babiana tubulosa Total N° of Refs: 2
var. tubiflora (Burm.f.) Ker.-Gawl. References: Brazil--1767, Brazil-R-2053. Baccharis dracunculifolia DC.
Total N° of Refs: 9 Asteraceae
Habit: perennial Herb Baccharis articulata (Lam.) Pers. Total N° of Refs: 7
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Asteraceae Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Origin: Africa Total N° of Refs: 3 Origin: S Am
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Weed of: Pastures
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Origin: S Am References: Brazil-W-255, Brazil-W-361,
References: Australia-W-54, Australia- Major Pathway/s: Herbal Brazil-W-407, Brazil-A-87, Brazil-A-1560,
CW-334, Australia-C-401, Australia-N- References: Brazil-W-255, Brazil-A-87, Brazil-A-1648, Brazil-A-1763.
310, Australia-W-869, Australia-N-354, Brazil-A-1560.
Global-CD-1611, Australia-N-1902, Baccharis floribunda Kunth
Australia-W-1977. Baccharis breviseta DC. Asteraceae
Asteraceae Accepted name: Baccharis latifolia (Ruiz &
Babiana tubulosa (Burm.f.) Ker.-Gawl. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Baccharidastrum Pav.) Pers.
var. tubiflora (L.f.) G.J.Lewis argutum (Less.) Cabrera (1) Total N° of Refs: 1
Iridaceae Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Total N° of Refs: 2 Weed of: Pastures
Global Risk Score: 0.24 Baccharis conferta HBK. References: Peru-A-153.
Rating: Low Asteraceae
Origin: Africa Total N° of Refs: 1 Baccharis genistelloides (Lam.) Pers.
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Asteraceae
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Herbal Synonym/s (n° of refs): Baccharis crispa
References: Australia-EN-7, Australia-N- References: Mexico-N-1500. Spreng. (1), Baccharis trimera (Less.) DC.
354. (12)
Total N° of Refs: 14
Major Pathway/s: Herbal
References: Brazil-A-1648.

Baccharis gillesii A.Gray Baccharis halimifolia L. Baccharis latifolia (Ruiz & Pav.) Pers.
Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae
Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 93 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Baccharis
References: Argentina-W-237, Argentina- Global Risk Score: 11.52 floribunda Kunth (1)
A-913, Argentina-A-87. Rating: Medium Total N° of Refs: 1
Toxic - Habit: Tree
Baccharis glutinosa Pers. Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Baccharis linearis (Ruiz & Pav.) Pers.
Asteraceae Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Asteraceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Baccharis douglasii Origin: C Am, N Am Total N° of Refs: 1
DC. (1), Baccharis medullosa DC. (1), Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, References: Chile-W-388.
Baccharis pingraea DC. (7) Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 15 Dispersed by: Humans, Vehicles, Water, Baccharis medullosa DC.
Habit: Shrub Wind, Escapee Asteraceae
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical References: Cuba-A-14, Australia-XW-93, Accepted name: Baccharis glutinosa Pers.
Origin: N Am, S Am Australia-CENI-479, Pacific-W-3, Total N° of Refs: 7
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Australia-W-269, Australia-E-290, New References: South America-W-295.
References: United States of America-W- Zealand-E-246, Global-E-152, Australia-E-
161, United States of America-W-218, 73, Global-NZW-85, New Zealand-N-280, Baccharis microphylla H.B.K.
Global-W-1349, Peru-A-87, United States Australia-X-147, United States of America- Asteraceae
of America-A-87, Australia-WD-1934. W-161, United States of America-W-218, Total N° of Refs: 2
Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945, United Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Kingdom-C-314, New Zealand-NW-425, References: Colombia-A-927, Colombia-
Europe-NI-482, New Zealand-X-495, A-87.
United Kingdom-N-519, Mediterranean-I-
5, Spain-ENI-405, Global-E-649, Australia- Baccharis neglecta Britton
ENX-310, France-I-720, Spain-I-738, Asteraceae
Mediterranean-I-775, North America-E- Total N° of Refs: 1
784, Spain-I-802, France-I-764, United Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Kingdom-CN-812, Australia-W-853, Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Australia-W-869, Australia-E-880, New References: Global-W-85.
Zealand-N-919, Belgium-I-858,
Mediterranean-WI-951, New Zealand-W- Baccharis nervosa (Siebold) DC.
964, Australia-N-354, Belgium-E-996, Asteraceae
United Kingdom-N-1006, Australia-N- Total N° of Refs: 1
1049, Europe-N-819, New Zealand-E-328, Habit: Shrub
Spain-EI-1092, Mediterranean-I-1110, References: Eastern Caribbean-N-1742.
Europe-E-1184, Global-Q-1208, Belgium-
NI-1220, France-E-1239, Georgia-N-1250, Baccharis notosergila Griseb.
Italy-I-251, Spain-NI-1270, France-I-1273, Asteraceae
Global-W-1324, Global-W-1349, Global- Total N° of Refs: 1
W-1376, Spain-I-1390, Global-I-1404, Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Australia-I-1442, Global-E-1449, References: Argentina-A-87.
Australia-E-1456, Belgium-X-1477,
France-NI-1516, Israel-W-1487, Belgium- Baccharis phyteumoides (Less.) DC.
W-1609, Netherlands-W-1609, Australia- Asteraceae
A-87, United States of America-A-87, Total N° of Refs: 2
Global-CD-1611, Australia-X-1693, References: Argentina-W-237, South
Malaysia-Q-1714, Europe-XI-1740, America-W-295.
Australia-E-1754, Chile-I-1872, New
Zealand-Q-1879, Spain-I-1885, Italy-I- Baccharis pilularis DC.
1887, Australia-WD-1934, France-N-1940, Asteraceae
France-N-1941, France-I-1943, New Synonym/s (n° of refs): Baccharis pilularis
Zealand-N-2048, New Zealand-Q-2086, DC. var. consanguinea (DC.) Kuntze (1),
France-N-2091, Australia-W-1977, Baccharis pilularis DC. subsp.
Belgium-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, France- consanguinea (DC.) C.B.Wolf (1)
W-1977, Georgia-W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 5
Spain-W-1977. Global Risk Score: 0.72
Rating: Low
Baccharis lanceolata Kunth Habit: Shrub
Asteraceae Preferred Climate/s: Dryland
Accepted name: Baccharis salicifolia (Ruiz Origin: N Am
& Pav.) Pers. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 12 Dispersed by: Humans
References: Peru-A-87. References: United States of America-W-
218, Global-W-1349, United States of

Baccharis pilularis DC. var. Baccharis salicifolia (Ruiz & Pav.) Pers. Baccharis trimera (Less.) DC.
consanguinea (DC.) Kuntze Asteraceae Asteraceae
Asteraceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Baccharis Accepted name: Baccharis genistelloides
Accepted name: Baccharis pilularis DC. lanceolata Kunth (1) subsp. crispa (Lam.) Pers.
Total N° of Refs: 4 Total N° of Refs: 12 Total N° of Refs: 13
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Global Risk Score: 0.96 Aqua - Habit:
Dispersed by: Humans Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
References: Global-W-1349. Aqua - Habit: Shrub Origin: S Am
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Baccharis pilularis DC. subsp. Tropical Weed of: Pastures
consanguinea (DC.) C.B.Wolf Major Pathway/s: Herbal References: Brazil-W-255, Brazil-W-361,
Asteraceae Dispersed by: Humans, Water Brazil-W-407, Argentina-W-237, South
Accepted name: Baccharis pilularis DC. References: South America-W-295, United America-W-295, Argentina-A-913,
Total N° of Refs: 4 States of America-WD-661, Mexico-W- Uruguay-A-924, Argentina-A-1363,
Weed of: Vegetables 735, Ecuador-N-875, Mexico-I-878, Argentina-A-87, Uruguay-A-87, Brazil-A-
References: United States of America-A- Mexico-W-890, United States of America- 1560, Brazil-R-2053.
543. W-946, Mexico-W-1226, Mexico-N-1500,
Mexico-W-1510, Paraguay-A-2070. Baccharis trinervis (Lam.) Pers.
Baccharis pingraea DC. Asteraceae
Asteraceae Baccharis salicina Torr. & Gray Total N° of Refs: 4
Accepted name: Baccharis glutinosa Pers. Asteraceae Global Risk Score: 1.2
Total N° of Refs: 13 Total N° of Refs: 4 Rating: Low
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Origin: C Am, S Am Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: United States of America-W- Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans 161, United States of America-W-218, Dispersed by: Humans
References: Argentina-W-237, Australia- Global-W-1349, United States of America- Weed of: Orchards & Plantations
W-341, South America-W-295, Australia- A-87. References: Brazil-W-255, Venezuela-A-
N-651, Australia-W-869, Chile-N-1229, 932, Brazil-A-1560, Brazil-A-1563.
Argentina-A-87. Baccharis sarothroides A.Gray
Asteraceae Baccharis ulicina Hook. & Arn.
Baccharis pteronioides DC. Total N° of Refs: 4 Asteraceae
Asteraceae Global Risk Score: 1.44 Total N° of Refs: 2
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Baccharis ramulosa Rating: Low References: Argentina-A-913, Argentina-
(DC.) A.Gray (2) Habit: Shrub A-87.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical
ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Dryland, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Bacopa amplexicaulis (Pursh) Wattst.
Subtropical Dispersed by: Humans Plantaginaceae
Major Pathway/s: Herbal References: United States of America-W- Accepted name: Bacopa caroliniana (Walt.)
218, Mexico-I-878, Global-W-1349, United Robins.
Baccharis punctulata DC. States of America-A-87. Total N° of Refs: 17
Asteraceae Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb
Total N° of Refs: 1 Baccharis spicata (Lam.) Baill. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
References: Brazil-R-2053. Asteraceae Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Australia-N-945.
Baccharis ramulosa (DC.) A.Gray References: South America-W-295.
Asteraceae Bacopa aquatica Aubl.
Accepted name: Baccharis pteronioides Baccharis spp. L. Plantaginaceae
DC. Asteraceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 5 Global Risk Score: 0.24
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Rating: Low
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Dispersed by: Humans, Wind Aqua - Habit: Herb
References: United States of America-W- References: Argentina-W-237, Argentina- Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
218, United States of America-A-87. A-913, Peru-A-930, Argentina-A-1397, -I-, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Argentina-W-1977. Dispersed by: Humans
References: Trinidad-A-87.

Bacopa calycina (Benth.) Engl. ex De

Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Ghana-A-87.

Bacopa caroliniana (Walt.) B.L. Robins. Bacopa eisenii (Kell.) Pennell Bacopa monnieri (L.) Pennell
Plantaginaceae Plantaginaceae Plantaginaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bacopa Total N° of Refs: 10 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bramia monnieri
amplexicaulis (Pursh) Wattst. (1) Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb (L.) Drake (1), Herpestis monnieria (L.)
Total N° of Refs: 17 Dispersed by: Water Kunth (1)
Global Risk Score: 2.88 Weed of: Vegetables Total N° of Refs: 60
Rating: Low References: United States of America-W- Global Risk Score: 9.6
Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb 161, United States of America-A-180, Rating: Medium
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, United States of America-W-218, United Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb
Subtropical, Tropical States of America-A-543, United States of Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Origin: E Asia, N Am America-AD-661, United States of Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental America-AD-194, Global-A-1233, Global- Origin: Aust, E Asia, Cosmopolitan
Dispersed by: Humans, Water W-1349, United States of America-A-1498, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
References: United States of America- United States of America-A-87. Ornamental
EWD-304, Australia-W-54, United States Dispersed by: Humans, Water
of America-W-218, Australia-W-853, Bacopa erecta Hutch. & Dalz. References: Cuba-A-14, Indonesia-AD-13,
Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049, United Plantaginaceae Vietnam-W-262, Indonesia-A-170,
Kingdom-WD-1175, Australia-W-1210, Total N° of Refs: 2 Thailand-W-822, Japan-N-287, Australia-
China-N-1215, Global-W-1324, Global-W- References: Guinea-A-87, Senegal-A-87. N-945, Europe-NWD-482, United States of
1349, Taiwan-N-1403, United States of America-AWD-486, China-W-431,
America-A-87, China-N-1938, Australia- Bacopa floribunda (R.Br.) Wettst. Portugal-N-662, Portugal-N-718, Australia-
W-1977, Taiwan-W-1977. Plantaginaceae EN-7, Japan-N-794, Mexico-W-890,
Total N° of Refs: 6 Australia-N-354, Portugal-N-1006,
Bacopa crenata (Beauv.) Hepper Global Risk Score: 0.24 Portugal-N-898, Europe-N-819, Spain-I-
Plantaginaceae Rating: Low 658, Iberian Peninsular-NI-1147, Sri
Total N° of Refs: 4 Aqua - Habit: annual Herb Lanka-AD-1195, Mexico-W-1226, Saudi
Global Risk Score: 0.24 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Arabia-A-797, Japan-N-1278, Singapore-
Rating: Low Major Pathway/s: Ornamental N-1290, Europe-ND-1298, south and
Aqua - Habit: Herb Dispersed by: Humans southeast Asia-A-1320, Global-W-1324,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: Indonesia-A-170, China-W- India-I-1345, Global-W-1349, India-A-
Dispersed by: Humans 431, south and southeast Asia-A-1320, 1359, China-EN-1374, Vietnam-A-1373,
References: Africa-A-1332, Africa-A-1333, Africa-A-1332, south and southeast Asia- south and southeast Asia-A-1408,
Nigeria-A-87, Togo-A-1673. A-1408, Togo-A-1673. Australia-N-1450, Australia-N-1491, Saudi
Arabia-A-1525, India-A-87, Taiwan-A-87,
Bacopa cuneifolia (Michx.) Wettst. Bacopa hamiltoniana (Benth.) Wettst. Sri Lanka-A-87, India-W-1029, Global-N-
Plantaginaceae Plantaginaceae 1218, Costa Rica-W-1570, India-A-1696,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1 India-A-1702, Europe-X-1740, Australia-
References: India-A-87. References: south and southeast Asia-A- N-1902, Singapore-N-1839, India-A-1936,
1320. India-R-1984, India-A-2000, Brazil-R-
Bacopa decumbens (Fern.) F.N.Williams 2053, Australia-W-1977, Bhutan-W-1977,
Plantaginaceae Bacopa hamiltoniana (Benth.) Wettst. Japan-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977,
Total N° of Refs: 2 var. angustisepala Hepper Singapore-W-1977.
References: Africa-A-1333, Guinea-A- Plantaginaceae
1823. Total N° of Refs: 1 Bacopa myriophylloides (Benth.)
References: Togo-A-1673. Wettstein
Bacopa dianthera (Sw.) Descole & Plantaginaceae
Borsini Bacopa innominata (G. Maza) Alain Total N° of Refs: 1
Plantaginaceae Plantaginaceae Aqua - Habit:
Accepted name: Mecardonia procumbens Total N° of Refs: 3 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
(Mill.) Small References: Global-W-1349, Dominican Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 52 Republic-A-1472, Dominican Republic-A- Dispersed by: Humans
References: Argentina-A-87. 1475. References: Global-W-1324.

Bacopa egensis (Poepp.) Pennell Bacopa lanigera Wettst.

Plantaginaceae Plantaginaceae
Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 2
Global Risk Score: 0.24 Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb
Rating: Low Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Aqua - Habit: Herb Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: Australia-W-1210, Global-W-
Dispersed by: Humans, Water 1324.
References: United States of America-N-
101, United States of America-EWD-197,

Bacopa procumbens (Mill.) Greenm. Bacopa spp. Aubl. Baeckea virgata (J. R. Forst. & G.
Plantaginaceae Plantaginaceae Forst.) Andrews
Accepted name: Mecardonia procumbens Total N° of Refs: 4 Myrtaceae
(Mill.) Small Aqua - Habit: Total N° of Refs: 7
Total N° of Refs: 64 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Global Risk Score: 0.48
Habit: Herb Dispersed by: Water Rating: Low
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Weed of: Vegetables Habit: Shrub
Origin: Aust, S Am, Cosmopolitan References: Puerto Rico-X-258, United Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Major Pathway/s: Herbal States of America-A-543, Global-X-85, Origin: Aust
References: Federated States of Argentina-AD-1198. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Micronesia-N-230, Indonesia-A-170, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
southeast Asia-W-191, Australia-N-945, Bacteriastrum hyalinum Lauder References: Australia-E-72, Australia-E-
Pacific-W-621, Japan-N-794, Mexico-W- Chaetocerotaceae 358, Australia-C-401, Australia-E-380,
890, Central America-A-933, Australia-N- Total N° of Refs: 2 Australia-EN-310, La Reunion-N-1321,
1049, Mexico-W-1226, Japan-N-1278, References: Europe-W-1325, Europe-N- Global-CD-1611.
south and southeast Asia-A-1320, 1786.
Indonesia-A-87. Baeometra uniflora (Jacq.) Lewis
Bactris gasipaes Kunth Liliaceae
Bacopa repens (Sw.) Wettst. Arecaceae Total N° of Refs: 9
Plantaginaceae Total N° of Refs: 5 Global Risk Score: 0.24
Total N° of Refs: 6 Aqua - Habit: Tree Rating: Low
Global Risk Score: 0.24 Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
Rating: Low Origin: S Am Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Aqua - Habit: annual Herb Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, Origin: Africa
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Dispersed by: Humans
Dispersed by: Humans, Water References: Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157, References: Australia-N-198, Australia-N-
References: United States of America- French Guiana-N-1346, Global-CD-1611, 945, Australia-EN-7, Australia-N-856,
AND-194, Dominican Republic-A-1472, El Salvador-N-1796, Costa Rica-W-1977. Australia-W-869, Australia-N-354,
Dominican Republic-A-1475, United States Australia-N-1902, Australia-N-1959,
of America-AN-1498, Costa Rica-W-1570, Bactris gasipaes Kunth var. gasipaes Australia-W-1977.
Costa Rica-A-1933. Arecaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Baeria chrysostoma Fisch. & C.A. Mey.
Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Asteraceae
Plantaginaceae Dispersed by: Humans Accepted name: Lasthenia californica DC.
Total N° of Refs: 27 References: El Salvador-N-1796. ex Lindl.
Global Risk Score: 2.88 Total N° of Refs: 1
Rating: Low Badiera caracasana (Kunth) C.H.Perss. Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb Polygalaceae References: Global-W-23.
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Synonym/s (n° of refs): Polygala
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental caracasana Kunth (1) Bahia absinthifolia Benth.
Dispersed by: Humans, Water Total N° of Refs: 1 Asteraceae
Weed of: Vegetables Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Indonesia-AED-170, southeast Baeckea gunniana Schauer. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Asia-W-191, Japan-A-263, United States of Myrtaceae Major Pathway/s: Herbal
America-W-161, Japan-N-287, Japan-W- Total N° of Refs: 2 References: Mexico-W-1226.
286, United States of America-A-543, Habit: Shrub
United States of America-N-86, Japan-N- Origin: Aust Bahia dissecta (Gray) Britt.
794, Global-A-68, Europe-N-819, United Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Asteraceae
States of America-AND-194, United Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 1
Kingdom-WD-1175, Argentina-AD-1198, Dispersed by: Humans Habit: perennial Herb
Global-A-1233, Japan-N-1278, south and References: Australia-ZD-1443, Global- Origin: N Am
southeast Asia-A-1320, Global-W-1324, ZD-1581. Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Global-W-1349, Malaysia-A-1354, References: United Kingdom-U-314.
Malaysia-A-1364, Japan-ND-1488, United Baeckea spp. L.
States of America-AN-1498, Japan-A-87, Myrtaceae Bahia neomexicana (Gray) Gray
Malaysia-A-1043, Greece-W-1977, Japan- Total N° of Refs: 1 Asteraceae
W-1977. Dispersed by: Humans Accepted name: Schkuhria multiflora
References: Africa-W-1127. Total N° of Refs: 1
Bacopa sessiliflora (Benth.) Pulle Origin: N Am
Plantaginaceae Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: United Kingdom-U-314.
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Trinidad-A-87.

Bahia oppositifolia (Nutt.) DC. Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Delile Ballota acetabulosa Benth.
Asteraceae Balanitaceae Lamiaceae
Accepted name: Picradeniopsis Accepted name: Balanites aegyptiacus (L.) Total N° of Refs: 4
oppositifolia (Nutt.) Rydb. ex Britt. Delile Habit: Shrub
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 9 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
ToxicMajor Pathway/s: Herbal Global Risk Score: 6.4 Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
References: United States of America-A- Rating: Low Dispersed by: Humans
87. Toxic - Habit: Tree References: Europe-N-819, Global-W-
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, 1324, France-W-1977, United Kingdom-
Bahia schaffneri S. Wats. Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical W-1977.
Asteraceae Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Ornamental, Pasture Ballota africana (L.) Benth.
References: United States of America-N- Dispersed by: Humans Lamiaceae
101. References: Egypt-W-221, Caribbean-NI- Total N° of Refs: 1
1201, Caribbean Netherlands-NI-1012, Habit: Shrub
Baikiaea insignis Benth. Australia-Q-1123. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae Origin: Africa
Total N° of Refs: 1 Balanites aegyptiacus (L.) Delile Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Habit: Tree Balanitaceae Dispersed by: Humans
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Synonym/s (n° of refs): Balanites References: South Africa-R-121.
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental aegyptiaca (L.) Delile (4)
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 9 Ballota borealis Schweigg.
References: Global-N-85. Global Risk Score: 2.88 Lamiaceae
Rating: Low Accepted name: Ballota nigra var. foetida
Baileya multiradiata Harv. & A. Gray ex ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Total N° of Refs: 73
Torr. Tropical References: Latvia-W-1609.
Asteraceae Origin: Africa
Total N° of Refs: 5 Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Herbal Ballota damascena Boiss.
Toxic - Habit: Herb Dispersed by: Humans Lamiaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical References: Caribbean-N-707, Global-NI- Total N° of Refs: 1
Origin: N Am 714, Australia-Q-1134, Australia-Q-1123, References: Egypt-W-221.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Bonaire-W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans Ballota hirsuta Benth.
Weed of: Cereals Balanophora involucrata L. Lamiaceae
References: Global-A-243, United States of Balanophoraceae Total N° of Refs: 2
America-W-218, United States of America- Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
A-1160, United States of America-A-87, Major Pathway/s: Crop Tropical
Australia-Q-1123. References: China-W-431. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
Bakeridesia integerrima (Hook.) D. M. Baldellia ranunculoides (L.) Parl. References: Europe-N-819, Global-W-
Bates Alismataceae 1324.
Malvaceae Total N° of Refs: 12
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Abutilon Global Risk Score: 2.88 Ballota hispanica (L.) Benth.
aurantiacum (1) Rating: Low Lamiaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb Synonym/s (n° of refs): Ballota rupestris
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Vis. (1)
Bakeridesia purpurascens (Link) Origin: Africa, Europe Total N° of Refs: 4
Monteiro Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Malvaceae Ornamental Origin: Europe
Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers, References: United Kingdom-U-314,
References: Brazil-A-923. Water Europe-N-819, France-W-1977.
References: Global-W-85, United States of
Bakerophyton lateritium (Harms) America-N-101, western Europe-A-253, Ballota kaiseri V.Tackh.
Hutch. ex Maheshw. United Kingdom-N-519, Portugal-N-1006, Lamiaceae
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Europe-N-819, Global-A-1207, Europe- Total N° of Refs: 1
Accepted name: Aeschynomene lateritia ND-1298, Global-W-1324, Polar Regions- References: Egypt-W-221.
Harms ZD-1587, Azores-N-1721, Canada-W-
Total N° of Refs: 1 1977.
References: Burundi-R-2012.

Ballota nigra L. Ballota nigra L. var. nigra Ballota nigra L. subsp. uncinata (Fiori &
Lamiaceae Lamiaceae Bèguinot) Patzak
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Ballota borealis Total N° of Refs: 3 Lamiaceae
Schweigg. (1), Ballota nigra L. subsp. References: United States of America-N- Total N° of Refs: 3
foetida (Lam.) Hayek (12) 101, Sweden-W-1609, Sweden-W-1977. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Total N° of Refs: 85 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Global Risk Score: 6.48 Ballota nigra L. subsp. anatolica Dispersed by: Humans
Rating: Low P.H.Davis References: Portugal-N-1006, Europe-N-
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Lamiaceae 819, Azores-N-1721.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 1
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia References: Turkey-R-1968. Ballota pseudodictamnus (L.) Benth.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Lamiaceae
Ornamental Ballota nigra L. subsp. foetida (Lam.) Total N° of Refs: 10
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals Hayek Global Risk Score: 1.44
Seed Longevity: Long Term Lamiaceae Rating: Low
Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations Accepted name: Ballota nigra var. foetida Habit: Shrub
References: Finland-N-42, United States of Total N° of Refs: 84 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
America-N-101, New Zealand-N-280, Global Risk Score: 0.48 Origin: Africa, Europe
Europe, eastern-AW-272, western Europe- Rating: Low Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
W-70, Australia-N-945, United Kingdom- Habit: perennial Herb Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
N-519, Ukraine-N-643, Canada and United Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean References: United Kingdom-C-314,
States of America-N-725, United Origin: Africa, Europe Europe-N-819, Italy-N-251, Global-W-
Kingdom-N-812, Ireland-N-894, New Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, 1324, Global-CD-1611, North Africa,
Zealand-N-919, Australia-N-354, Belgium- Ornamental Libya, Egypt-W-1730, Chile-I-1872, Italy-
N-1006, Estonia-N-1006, Germany-N- Dispersed by: Humans UN-1887, Chile-W-1977, Italy-W-1977.
1006, United Kingdom-N-1006, Iceland-N- References: Australia-W-269, Australia-N-
1006, Latvia-N-1006, Australia-N-1049, 198, Australia-E-327, Denmark-UN-711, Ballota rupestris Vis.
Europe-N-819, Ukraine-I-1121, Poland-R- Australia-W-853, Australia-W-869, Lamiaceae
1219, Serbia-W-1238, Australia-E-1259, Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049, Accepted name: Ballota hispanica (L.)
Australia-E-1261, Argentina-W-1286, Denmark-W-1609, Turkey-N-1796, Benth.
Ukraine-N-1297, Global-W-1324, Ukraine- Estonia-N-1997, Denmark-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 4
N-1335, Serbia-A-1357, Serbia-W-1358, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Slovakia-N-1484, Poland-N-1494, Latvia- Ballota nigra L. subsp. meridionalis Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
W-1609, Poland-W-1609, Russia-A-87, (Béguinot) Béguinot Dispersed by: Humans
Serbia-W-1031, Crete-A-1651, Ukraine-N- Lamiaceae References: Global-W-1324.
1685, Russia-W-168, Serbia-W-1766, Total N° of Refs: 8
Serbia-R-1771, Russia-W-1671, Origin: Europe Ballota saxatilis Sieber ex Benth.
Kyrgyzstan-N-1796, Poland-A-1825, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Lamiaceae
Serbia-R-1848, Serbia-R-1946, Germany- Dispersed by: Humans, Animals Total N° of Refs: 1
R-1948, Poland-N-1993, Slovakia-N-2002, References: Czech Republic-UZ-400, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Kosovo-R-2003, New Zealand-N-2048, Slovenia-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Norway- References: Egypt-W-221.
Ukraine-N-2050, Serbia-R-2057, -AU- N-1243, Czech Republic-U-1522, Norway-
2058, Poland-AN-2059, Poland-N-2062, W-1609, Czech Republic-U-1731, Czech Ballota undulata (Sieber ex Fresen.)
Ukraine-N-2112, Australia-W-1977, Republic-W-1977. Bentham
Belarus-W-1977, Bulgaria-W-1977, Lamiaceae
Canada-W-1977, Cyprus-W-1977, Czech Ballota nigra L. subsp. nigra Total N° of Refs: 1
Republic-W-1977, Ireland-W-1977, Latvia- Lamiaceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
W-1977, Poland-W-1977, Slovakia-W- Total N° of Refs: 22 References: Egypt-W-221.
1977, Spain-W-1977, Ukraine-W-1977, Global Risk Score: 1.44
United Kingdom-W-1977. Rating: Low Baloghia inophylla (G.Forst.) P.S.Green
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Euphorbiaceae
Ballota nigra L. var. alba (L.) Sm. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Total N° of Refs: 3
Lamiaceae Ornamental Habit: Tree
Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Origin: Aust
References: United States of America-N- Livestock, Sheep Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
101. Weed of: Cereals Dispersed by: Humans
References: United Kingdom-U-40, United References: New Zealand-N-280, New
Ballota nigra L. var. foetida (Hayek) Vis. Kingdom-U-314, Czech Republic-ZI-400, Zealand-N-919, New Zealand-N-2048.
Lamiaceae Denmark-N-711, Slovenia-N-1006,
Total N° of Refs: 4 Europe-N-819, Belgium-ND-1220, Balsamita balsamita Rydb.
References: United States of America-N- Norway-N-1243, Czech Republic-N-1522, Asteraceae
101, Estonia-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, Norway-N-1535, Estonia-W-1609, Total N° of Refs: 1
Sweden-W-1977. Denmark-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, References: Canada-A-642.
Czech Republic-N-1731, Europe-UNI-
1740, Kyrgyzstan-N-1796, Canada-G-
1855, Germany-R-1948, Estonia-N-1997,
Turkey-A-2101, Belgium-W-1977, Czech

Balsamita major Desf. Bambusa atra Lindl. Bambusa blumeana Schult. & Schult. f.
Asteraceae Poaceae Poaceae
Accepted name: Tanacetum balsamita L. Accepted name: Neololeba atra (Lindl.) Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bambusa spinosa
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Balsamita major Widjaja Roxb. (2), Bambusa stenostachya Hack. (1)
var. major Desf. Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 8
Total N° of Refs: 76 Habit: Grass Global Risk Score: 1.68
Habit: Shrub Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Rating: Low
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Habit: perennial Grass
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Ornamental References: Federated States of Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry,
Dispersed by: Humans Micronesia-W-107, Philippines-nC-1099. Ornamental
References: United States of America-N- Dispersed by: Humans
101, Czech Republic-U-400, Canada-A- Bambusa balcooa Roxb. References: Federated States of
642, Canada and United States of America- Poaceae Micronesia-W-107, Philippines-nC-1099,
N-725, Norway-N-1243, Italy-N-1265, Total N° of Refs: 14 Brazil-N-1597, -I-, Marshall Islands-W-
Europe-W-1325, Norway-N-1535, Global Risk Score: 5.04 1977, Togo-W-1977.
Norway-W-1609, Romania-N-1629, Rating: Low
Croatia-U-1747, Ukraine-N-1813, Habit: Grass Bambusa burmanica Gamble
Montenegro-R-1944, Ukraine-N-2014. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Poaceae
Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 1
Balsamita major Desf. var. major Origin: C Asia, E Asia, Europe Habit: Grass
Asteraceae Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 2 Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Ornamental
References: France-N-1006, France-N- Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans
1006. References: Federated States of References: Togo-W-1977.
Micronesia-W-107, South Africa-EW-279,
Baltimora recta L. South Africa-AW-121, Australia-N-354, Bambusa chunii L.C. Chia & H.L. Fung
Asteraceae Australia-I-1088, Africa-W-1127, Namibia- Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 20 E-1179, South Africa-N-1247, Namibia-I- Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: annual Herb 1283, South Africa-N-1002, -I-, South Habit: Grass
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Africa-N-1991, Australia-W-1977, References: China-N-1796.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Namibia-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans Bambusa dissemulator McClure
Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations Bambusa bambos (L.) Voss Poaceae
References: Peru and Ecuador-A-281, Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
United States of America-N-101, Central Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bambusa Habit: Grass
America-W-157, United States of America- arundinacea (Retz.) Willd. (5) References: Brazil-N-1597.
N-301, United States of America-N-839, Total N° of Refs: 23
Mexico-A-915, Panama-A-1190, United Global Risk Score: 3.2 Bambusa dissimulator McClure
States of America-N-1292, Mexico-A-87, Rating: Low Poaceae
El Salvador-A-87, Guatemala-A-87, Costa Habit: Grass Total N° of Refs: 1
Rica-W-1570, El Salvador-A-1676, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Habit: perennial Grass
Honduras-A-1677, Brazil-N-1733, Origin: E Asia Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Honduras-A-1890, Honduras-A-1891, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, Dispersed by: Humans
Honduras-W-1892, Guatemala-A-1894, Ornamental, Pasture References: Togo-W-1977.
Guatemala-A-1895. Dispersed by: Humans
References: Africa-W-760, Africa-N-990, Bambusa dolichoclada Hayata
Bambusa arundinacea (Retz.) Willd. Philippines-nC-1099, Italy-U-251, Europe- Poaceae
Poaceae W-1325, Cuba-NI-1505, El Salvador-N- Total N° of Refs: 1
Accepted name: Bambusa bambos (L.) 1796, Nicaragua-N-1796, Italy-U-1887, -I-, Habit: Grass
Voss Cuba-W-2055, Cambodia-W-1977, Chile- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 23 W-1977, Costa Rica-W-1977, Cuba-W- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Global Risk Score: 4.48 1977, Democratic Republic of the Congo- Dispersed by: Humans
Rating: Low W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Myanmar-W-1977, References: Philippines-nC-1099.
Habit: Grass Global--1324.
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Bambusa dolichomerithalla Hayata
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Bambusa beecheyana Munro Poaceae
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Ornamental, Pasture Total N° of Refs: 2 Habit: Grass
Dispersed by: Humans Habit: perennial Grass Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
References: United States of America-W- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
179, Australia-N-945, Australia-E-380, Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans
Eastern Caribbean-N-1742, Chile-I-1872. References: Colombia-N-1796, Togo-W- References: Philippines-nC-1099.

Bambusa eutuldoides McClure Bambusa maculata E.A.Widjaja Bambusa nutans G.C.Wall. ex Munro
Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: perennial Grass Habit: Grass Habit: Grass
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Ornamental
References: Colombia-N-1796. References: Philippines-nC-1099. Dispersed by: Humans
References: Togo-W-1977.
Bambusa gibba McClure Bambusa malingensis McClure
Poaceae Poaceae Bambusa odashimae Hatus. ex D.Z.Li &
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1 Stapleton
Habit: Grass Habit: perennial Grass Poaceae
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 1
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans Habit: Grass
References: Ecuador-N-1796. References: China-N-1796. References: Togo-W-1977.

Bambusa glaucescens (Willd.) Siebold ex Bambusa multiplex (Lour.) Raeusch. ex Bambusa oldhamii Munro.
Holttum Schult. & Schult. f. Poaceae
Poaceae Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 7
Accepted name: Bambusa multiplex Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bambusa Habit: Grass
(Lour.) Raeusch. ex Schult. & Schult. f. glaucescens (Willd.) Siebold ex Holttum Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 44 (7), Bambusa multiplex (Lour.) Raeusch. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Habit: Grass ex Schult. & Schult. f. Alphonse Karr (1) Dispersed by: Humans
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Total N° of Refs: 45 References: New Zealand-N-280, New
Origin: E Asia Global Risk Score: 1.44 Zealand-N-919, Philippines-nC-1099,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Rating: Low Colombia-N-1796, Ecuador-N-1796, New
Ornamental Habit: Grass Zealand-N-2048, Togo-W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
References: Puerto Rico-CW-261, United Subtropical, Tropical Bambusa pallescens (Döll) Hack.
States of America-N-101, New Zealand-N- Origin: E Asia Poaceae
280, India-N-976, Global-CD-1611, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Accepted name: Bambusa tuldoides Munro
Eastern Caribbean-N-1742, India-W-1977. Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 9
References: Federated States of Habit: Grass
Bambusa guadua Bonpl. Micronesia-N-230, Federated States of References: Brazil-A-923.
Poaceae Micronesia-W-107, Puerto Rico-N-324,
Accepted name: Guadua angustifolia Kunth Africa-W-760, United States of America- Bambusa polymorpha Munro
Total N° of Refs: 11 N-101, New Zealand-N-280, United States Poaceae
Habit: Grass of America-W-179, Japan-N-287, Japan-N- Total N° of Refs: 4
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical 794, New Zealand-N-919, La Reunion-E- Habit: perennial Grass
Origin: N Am 1077, New Zealand-E-505, Philippines-nC- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
References: Gal pagos Islands-EW-257, 1099, Japan-W-1106, China-N-1215, South Origin: C Asia, E Asia
India-N-976. Africa-N-1247, Japan-N-1278, La Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Reunion-I-1321, Madagascar-N-1000, Dispersed by: Humans
Bambusa heterostachya (Munro) China-N-1344, South Africa-N-1002, References: Federated States of
Holttum Brazil-N-1597, Cambodia-N-1796, Micronesia-W-107, Ecuador-N-1796, Sri
Poaceae Colombia-N-1796, Ecuador-N-1796, Iraq- Lanka-N-1796, Togo-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 3 N-1796, Sri Lanka-N-1796, Mexico-N-
Habit: Grass 1881, -I-, South Africa-N-1991, New Bambusa spinosa Roxb.
Origin: E Asia Zealand-N-2048, Brunei Darussalam-W- Poaceae
Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Ornamental 1977, Comoros-W-1977, Democratic Accepted name: Bambusa blumeana
Dispersed by: Humans Republic of the Congo-W-1977, India-W- Schult. & Schult. f.
References: Singapore-U-1290, Singapore- 1977, Japan-W-1977, Marshall Islands-W- Total N° of Refs: 7
U-1839, Singapore-W-1977. 1977, South Africa-W-1977. Habit: Grass
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Bambusa longispiculata Gamble ex Bambusa multiplex (Lour.) Raeusch. ex Dispersed by: Humans
Brandis Schult. & Schult. f. ‘Alphonse Karr’ References: China-N-1796, Cambodia-N-
Poaceae Poaceae 1796.
Total N° of Refs: 6 Total N° of Refs: 38
Habit: Grass Habit: Grass
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Origin: E Asia Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, References: New Zealand-N-2048.
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Global-N-85, India-N-976,
China-N-1796, Colombia-N-1796,
Ecuador-N-1796, Nicaragua-N-1796.

Bambusa spp. Schreb. Bambusa textilis McClure var. gracilis Bambusa vulgaris Schrad. ex J. C.
Poaceae McClure Wendl.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bambusa spp. Poaceae Poaceae
Schreb. Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bambusa vulgaris
Total N° of Refs: 32 Habit: Grass Schrad. ex J. C. Wendl. var. vittata Riviere
Habit: Grass Major Pathway/s: Ornamental (2)
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 151
Subtropical, Tropical References: Brazil-I-984. Global Risk Score: 12.96
Origin: E Asia Rating: Medium
Dispersed by: Humans Bambusa tulda Roxb. Habit: Grass
References: Federated States of Poaceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Micronesia-W-107, southeast Asia-W-191, Total N° of Refs: 6 Subtropical, Tropical
Australia-E-201, Africa-W-760, Slovakia- Habit: perennial Grass Origin: Africa, E Asia
CE-782, Pacific-W-3, Australia-N-198, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal,
Australia-CE-168, Pacific-E-621, Global- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, Ornamental
W-788, New Zealand-E-505, Africa-W- Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
1127, Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157, United Dispersed by: Humans References: Jamaica-E-226, Federated
States of America-E-1244, Brazil-I-984, References: Federated States of States of Micronesia-N-230, Federated
Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay-I-1476, Micronesia-W-107, Philippines-nC-1099, States of Micronesia-W-107, Puerto Rico-
New Caledonia-I-1507, Global-CD-1611, Brazil-N-1597, Colombia-N-1796, CW-261, Jamaica-E-227, Australia-N-368,
Australia-A-1928, -I-, Ghana-ERI-2066, Ecuador-N-1796, Iraq-N-1796. Singapore-C-476, Jamaica-W-473, United
Angola-W-1977, Cook Islands-W-1977, States of America-CW-654, Caribbean-N-
Ghana-W-1977, Kiribati-W-1977, Bambusa tuldoides Munro 707, Global-N-714, Costa Rica-I-975,
Micronesia (Federated States of)-W-1977, Poaceae United States of America-N-101, United
New Zealand-W-1977, Niue-W-1977, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bambusa States of America-W-179, United States of
Palau-W-1977, Papua New Guinea-W- pallescens (D ll) Hack. (1) America-E-151, Belize-N-850,
1977, Samoa-W-1977, Tonga-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 9 Madagascar-N-1001, Australia-N-868,
Tuvalu-W-1977. Habit: perennial Grass Costa Rica-CN-872, Mexico-I-878,
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Jamaica-I-879, Dominican Republic-A-
Bambusa stenostachya Hack. Origin: E Asia 925, Puerto Rico-A-929, Venezuela-A-932,
Poaceae Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental India-N-976, Brazil-I-984, Jamaica-I-986,
Accepted name: Bambusa blumeana Dispersed by: Humans Africa-W-990, Australia-N-354,
Schult. & Schult. f. References: Philippines-nC-1099, Brazil- Guadeloupe-E-1075, La Reunion-E-1077,
Total N° of Refs: 6 N-1597, Colombia-N-1796, Ecuador-N- Australia-I-1088, Philippines-nC-1099,
Habit: Grass 1796, El Salvador-N-1796, Mexico-N- Japan-W-1106, South Africa-N-1247,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical 1881, India-W-1977, Togo-W-1977. Singapore-U-811, Caribbean-NI-1201,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Bermuda-N-1267, Singapore-U-1290,
Dispersed by: Humans Bambusa utilis W. C. Lin Peru-N-1293, La Reunion-I-1321, Brazil-I-
References: Taiwan-W-1748. Poaceae 1328, Madagascar-N-1000, India-UN-
Total N° of Refs: 1 1345, French Guiana-N-1346, Zimbabwe-
Bambusa striata Lodd. ex Lindley Habit: Grass U-1365, South Africa-N-1002, Cuba-NI-
Poaceae Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical 1505, French Polynesia-N-1514, American
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Philippines-nC-1099. Samoa-I-1544, Australia-I-1544, Cook
Habit: Grass Islands-I-1544, Federated States of
References: Chile-I-1872. Micronesia-I-1544, Fiji-I-1544, French
Polynesia-I-1544, Guam-I-1544, India-I-
Bambusa textilis McClure 1544, Japan-I-1544, Kiribati-I-1544,
Poaceae Marshall Islands-I-1544, Nauru-I-1544,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bambusa textilis New Caledonia-I-1544, Niue-I-1544,
var. gracilis McClure United States of America-I-1544, Palau-I-
Total N° of Refs: 6 1544, Samoa-I-1544, Solomon Islands-I-
Global Risk Score: 1.2 1544, Sri Lanka-I-1544, Tonga-I-1544,
Rating: Low Brazil-N-1597, Jamaica-A-87, Caribbean
Habit: perennial Grass Netherlands-N-1012, Brazil-U-1559,
Origin: E Asia Global-CD-1611, Brazil-N-1733, United
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, States of America-E-1736, Eastern
Ornamental Caribbean-N-1742, Nigeria-N-1796, Libya-
Dispersed by: Humans N-1796, Benin-N-1796, Burkina Faso-N-
References: Brazil-I-984, Brazil-I-1328, 1796, Cameroon-N-1796, Colombia-N-
Colombia-N-1796, Brazil-I-1876, -I-, 1796, Ecuador-N-1796, El Salvador-N-
Brazil-W-1977, Global--1324. 1796, Nicaragua-N-1796, Sri Lanka-N-
1796, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands-
W-1821, Sao Tome and Principe-N-1805,
Singapore-U-1839, El Salvador-CNI-1849,
Brazil-I-1876, Argentina-E-1874, Mexico-
NI-1881, Sardinia-U-1917, -I-, -I-, -I-,
South Africa-N-1991, Burundi-N-2012,
Cuba-EN-2024, Cuba-I-2055, Australia-W-
1977, Bangladesh-W-1977, Barbados-W-

1977, Benin-W-1977, Brazil-W-1977, Banara guianensis Aublet Banksia aemula R.Br.
Brunei Darussalam-W-1977, Burkina Faso- Flacourtiaceae Proteaceae
W-1977, Burundi-W-1977, C?te d'Ivoire- Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 3
W-1977, Cambodia-W-1977, Cameroon- Habit: Tree Habit: Tree
W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Colombia-W- Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
1977, Costa Rica-W-1977, Cuba-W-1977, Dispersed by: Animals Dispersed by: Humans
Ecuador-W-1977, El Salvador-W-1977, Weed of: Pastures References: New Zealand-N-823, New
Fiji-W-1977, Gabon-W-1977, Ghana-W- References: Brazil-A-1399. Zealand-U-919, New Zealand-U-2048.
1977, Guinea-W-1977, Honduras-W-1977,
India-W-1977, Jamaica-W-1977, Libya-W- Bangia atropurpurea (Roth.) C. Agardh Banksia baxteri R.Br.
1977, Maldives-W-1977, Myanmar-W- Bangiaceae Proteaceae
1977, Nauru-W-1977, Nicaragua-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 4 Total N° of Refs: 1
Nigeria-W-1977, Niue-W-1977, Palau-W- Aqua - Habit: Habit: Shrub
1977, Panama-W-1977, Peru-W-1977, Dispersed by: Water Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Rwanda-W-1977, Saint Lucia-W-1977, References: United States of America- Dispersed by: Humans
Senegal-W-1977, Seychelles-W-1977, EWD-197, Great Lakes-ND-800, References: New Zealand-U-2048.
Sierra Leone-W-1977, Singapore-W-1977, Mediterranean-N-1836, Argentina-W-1977.
South Africa-W-1977, Spain-W-1977, Sri Banksia caleyi R.Br.
Lanka-W-1977, Suriname-W-1977, Togo- Banisteria purpurea L. Proteaceae
W-1977, Tonga-W-1977, Venezuela-W- Malpighiaceae Total N° of Refs: 4
1977, Viet Nam-W-1977, Zimbabwe-W- Accepted name: Heteropterys purpurea (L.) Global Risk Score: 0.24
1977, Global--1324. H.B.K. Rating: Low
Total N° of Refs: 1 Origin: Aust
Bambusa vulgaris Schrad. ex J. C. References: Puerto Rico-A-929. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Wendl. var. vittata Riviere Dispersed by: Humans
Poaceae Banisteriopsis caapi (Spruce ex Griseb.) References: Australia-E-358, Australia-N-
Accepted name: Bambusa vulgaris Schrad. C. V. Morton 945, Australia-N-1902, Australia-W-1977.
ex J. C. Wendl. Malpighiaceae
Total N° of Refs: 151 Total N° of Refs: 5 Banksia canei J.H.Willis
Habit: Grass Global Risk Score: 1.44 Proteaceae
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 5
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Toxic - Habit: Vine Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
References: Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Origin: Aust
Global-CD-1611. Subtropical, Tropical Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Origin: S Am Dispersed by: Humans
Bambusa vulgaris Schrad. ex J. C. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental References: Australia-N-945, Australia-N-
Wendl. var. vulgaris Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee 7, Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1902,
Poaceae References: Costa Rica-I-975, Costa Rica- Australia-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 2 CN-872, Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157,
Habit: Grass Global-CD-1611, Costa Rica-W-1977. Banksia collina R.Br.
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Proteaceae
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Banisteriopsis laevifolia (A. Juss.) B. Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157, Gates Global Risk Score: 0.24
Global-CD-1611. Malpighiaceae Rating: Low
Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Bambusa vulgaris Schrad. ex J. C. References: India-W-1977. Dispersed by: Humans
Wendl. 'Vittata' References: Australia-E-380.
Poaceae Banisteriopsis lucida (Rich.) Small
Total N° of Refs: 1 Malpighiaceae Banksia ericifolia L.f.
Habit: Grass Total N° of Refs: 1 Proteaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Synonym/s (n° of refs): Banksia ericifolia
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: North America-N-1760. L.f. subsp. ericifolia (1)
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 9
References: Puerto Rico-N-324. Banisteriopsis oxyclada (A.Juss.) B.Gates Global Risk Score: 2.4
Malpighiaceae Rating: Low
Bambusa wamin Brandis Total N° of Refs: 1 Habit: Tree
Poaceae Habit: perennial Herb Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Origin: Aust
Habit: Grass Origin: S Am Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical References: Brazil-W-255. Ornamental
References: Togo-W-1977. Dispersed by: Humans
References: Australia-E-380, Africa-W-
1127, South Africa-EN-1189, Global-W-
1376, Global-I-1404, South Africa-N-1991,
New Zealand-U-2048, South Africa-W-

Banksia ericifolia L.f. var. ericifolia Banksia integrifolia L.f. var. integrifolia Banksia speciosa R.Br.
Proteaceae Proteaceae Proteaceae
Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: Tree Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Global Risk Score: 0.24
References: New Zealand-N-823, New Dispersed by: Humans Rating: Low
Zealand-N-824, New Zealand-U-919. References: New Zealand-N-1543, New Habit: Shrub
Zealand-N-2048. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Banksia ericifolia L.f. subsp. ericifolia Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Proteaceae Banksia integrifolia L.f. subsp. Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 9 integrifolia References: -I-, South Africa-W-1977.
References: New Zealand-U-2048. Proteaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 Banksia spinulosa Smith
Banksia formosa (R.Br.) A.R. Mast & Origin: Aust Proteaceae
K.R. Thiele Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 1
Proteaceae Dispersed by: Humans Global Risk Score: 0.72
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Dryandra formosa References: Australia-N-354, Australia-N- Rating: Low
R.Br. (3) 1959. Habit: Shrub
Total N° of Refs: 5 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Banksia marginata Cav. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Proteaceae Dispersed by: Humans
References: Australia-N-1450, Australia-N- Total N° of Refs: 3 References: Australia-E-380.
1902. Global Risk Score: 0.72
Rating: Low Banksia undata A.R. Mast & K.R. Thiele
Banksia grandis Willd. Habit: Tree Proteaceae
Proteaceae Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Synonym/s (n° of refs): Dryandra
Total N° of Refs: 1 Origin: Aust praemorsa Meisn. (1)
Global Risk Score: 1.2 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 1
Rating: Low Dispersed by: Humans
Habit: Tree References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977, Banksia undata A.R. Mast & K.R. Thiele
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean India-W-1977. var. undata
Origin: Aust Proteaceae
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Banksia paludosa R.Br. Total N° of Refs: 1
Ornamental Proteaceae Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans
References: Australia-E-380. Global Risk Score: 0.24 References: Australia-N-1450.
Rating: Low
Banksia integrifolia L.f. Habit: Shrub Baphia massaiensis Taub.
Proteaceae Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Banksia integrifolia Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 1
ssp. integrifolia L.f. References: Australia-E-380. Habit: Tree
Total N° of Refs: 26 Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical,
Global Risk Score: 1.2 Banksia robur Cav. Tropical
Rating: Low Proteaceae Origin: Africa
Habit: Tree Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Global Risk Score: 0.24 Dispersed by: Humans
Subtropical, Tropical Rating: Low References: India-W-1977.
Origin: Aust Aqua - Habit: Shrub
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Baphia nitida G. Lodd.
Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Dispersed by: Humans References: Australia-E-380. Total N° of Refs: 6
References: New Zealand-E-246, New Global Risk Score: 2.24
Zealand-N-280, New Zealand-W-225, Banksia serrata L.f. Rating: Low
Australia-E-380, New Zealand-NW-425, Proteaceae Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Tropical
New Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N-15, Total N° of Refs: 4 Origin: Africa
New Zealand-N-823, New Zealand-N-919, Global Risk Score: 0.72 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
New Zealand-W-964, Australia-N-354, Rating: Low Ornamental, Pasture
Portugal-N-1006, Europe-N-819, New Habit: Tree Dispersed by: Humans
Zealand-E-328, New Zealand-E-505, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Weed of: Orchards & Plantations
United States of America-N-1116, Africa- Origin: Aust References: Ghana-A-2064, Singapore-U-
W-1127, United States of America-Q-1197, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental 1290, Singapore-U-1839, Ghana-A-1888,
United States of America-N-1292, Dispersed by: Humans India-W-1977, Singapore-W-1977.
Australia-N-1902, South Africa-N-1991, References: Australia-E-380, New Zealand-
New Zealand-N-2048, United States of N-823, New Zealand-U-919, New Zealand-
America-N-2092, Australia-W-1977, New U-2048.
Zealand-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977.

Baptisia australis (L.) R.Br. Barbarea intermedia Boreau Barbarea orthoceras Ledeb.
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Brassicaceae Brassicaceae
Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 74 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Barbarea
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Global Risk Score: 4.32 americana Rydb. (1)
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 8
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Habit: biennial Herb Global Risk Score: 1.92
Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Rating: Low
Dispersed by: Humans Subtropical Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb
References: Canada and United States of Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
America-N-725, United States of America- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal
N-101, Canada-W-1977. Ornamental Dispersed by: Water
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee References: Global-W-23, United States of
Baptisia australis (L.) R.Br. var. minor Weed of: Canola, Cereals America-ED-159, United States of
(Lehm.) Fernald References: United Kingdom-N-40, America-W-161, United States of America-
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Global-N-85, Europe-A-94, New Zealand- W-212, China-W-431, Canada-A-642,
Total N° of Refs: 1 N-280, New Zealand-W-165, Australia-N- United States of America-W-946.
References: United States of America-N- 176, Australia-N-198, western Europe-W-
101. 70, Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945, Barbarea praecox (Sm.) R.Br.
United Kingdom-N-314, Australia-E-327, Brassicaceae
Baptisia spp. Vent. New Zealand-NW-425, Europe-NZ-482, Accepted name: Barbarea verna (Mill.)
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae United States of America-W-486, United Asch.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Kingdom-N-519, New Zealand-N-534, Total N° of Refs: 92
ToxicReferences: United States of New Zealand-N-15, Poland-N-619, Major Pathway/s: Herbal
America-A-1160. Australia-N-310, Austria-U-708, Denmark- References: Ireland-W-894, Chile-A-87.
UN-711, India-AZ-712, Ireland-AN-793,
Baptisia tinctoria (L.) R.Br. ex Ait. f. United Kingdom-N-812, Australia-W-869, Barbarea rupicola Moris
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Ireland-N-894, India-ND-914, New Brassicaceae
Total N° of Refs: 5 Zealand-N-919, Australia-N-354, Total N° of Refs: 2
Global Risk Score: 1.2 Denmark-N-1006, France-N-1006, References: Global-Q-1205, Australia-Q-
Rating: Low Germany-N-1006, United Kingdom-N- 1123.
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb 1006, Iceland-N-1006, Netherlands-N-
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical 1006, Norway-N-1006, Poland-N-1006, Barbarea sibirica (Regel) Nakai
Origin: N Am Sweden-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Norway- Brassicaceae
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, N-1243, Australia-E-1261, Australia-W- Total N° of Refs: 1
Ornamental 1318, Global-W-1324, India-ND-1389, References: South Korea-A-648.
Dispersed by: Humans Ireland-N-1608, Austria-W-1609,
References: United States of America-W- Denmark-W-1609, Germany-W-1609, Barbarea spp. Ait. f.
161, United States of America-W-218, Ireland-W-1609, Netherlands-W-1609, Brassicaceae
United Kingdom-U-314, Global-W-1349, Norway-W-1609, Poland-W-1609, Total N° of Refs: 2
United States of America-A-87. Sweden-W-1609, United Kingdom-U- References: Canada-X-36, North America-
1636, New Zealand-A-1035, Poland-N- X-790.
Barbarea americana Rydb. 1040, Global-CD-1611, Europe-UN-1740,
Brassicaceae Sweden-N-1802, Australia-N-1845,
Accepted name: Barbarea orthoceras France-A-1924, Australia-N-1959, New
Total N° of Refs: 8 Zealand-N-2048, Australia-W-1977,
References: Canada-A-642. Austria-W-1977, France-W-1977,
Germany-W-1977, India-W-1977, Ireland-
Barbarea arcuata (Opiz ex J. Presl & C. W-1977, Netherlands-W-1977, Poland-W-
Presl) Rchb. 1977, Sweden-W-1977, United Kingdom-
Brassicaceae W-1977.
Accepted name: Barbarea vulgaris R.Br.
Total N° of Refs: 102 Barbarea intermedia Boreau x Barbarea
Habit: Herb vulgaris R.Br.
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Brassicaceae
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 3
Weed of: Vegetables References: Austria-U-708, Austria-W-
References: Russia-A-87, Tajikistan-A- 1609, Austria-W-1977.
1017, Russia-W-1671.
Barbarea x krausei P. Fourn.
Barbarea brachycarpa Boiss. Brassicaceae
Brassicaceae Accepted name: parents = Barbarea
Total N° of Refs: 1 intermedia Boreau x Barbarea vulgaris
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean R.Br. subsp. vulgaris
References: Palestine-N-851. Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Europe-N-819.

Barbarea stricta Andrz. Barbarea verna (Mill.) Asch. Barbarea vulgaris R.Br.
Brassicaceae Brassicaceae Brassicaceae
Accepted name: Barbarea vulgaris Synonym/s (n° of refs): Barbarea praecox Synonym/s (n° of refs): Barbarea arcuata
Total N° of Refs: 128 (Sm.) R.Br. (2) (Opiz ex J. Presl & C. Presl) Rchb. (3),
Global Risk Score: 1.44 Total N° of Refs: 92 Barbarea stricta Andrz. (29), Barbarea
Rating: Low Global Risk Score: 10.8 vulgaris R.Br. var. arcuata (Rchb.) Fr. (4),
Aqua - Habit: biennial Herb Rating: Medium Barbarea vulgaris R.Br. var. brachycarpa
Origin: Europe Habit: perennial Herb Rouy & Foucaud (1), Barbarea vulgaris
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean R.Br. var. sylvestris Fr. (1)
Ornamental Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia Total N° of Refs: 137
Dispersed by: Humans, Vehicles, Water Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Global Risk Score: 24
Seed Longevity: Short Term Herbal, Ornamental Rating: High
Weed of: Cereals Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Toxic, Aqua - Habit: Herb
References: United Kingdom-U-40, New References: Global-W-23, United States of Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Zealand-N-280, Europe-N-482, Iceland-N- America-W-34, United Kingdom-N-40, Subtropical, Tropical
507, United Kingdom-N-519, New Chile-N-300, United Kingdom-CW-56, Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe,
Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N-15, Global-N-108, Global-N-85, Europe-A-94, Cosmopolitan
Canada-A-642, United Kingdom-N-812, United States of America-N-101, New Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
New Zealand-N-919, Belgium-N-1006, Zealand-N-280, Chile-N-241, South Herbal, Ornamental
France-N-1006, United Kingdom-N-1006, Africa-AZR-121, United States of Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers,
Greenland-N-1061, Europe-N-819, America-W-161, Australia-N-176, Japan- Cattle, Horse, Livestock, Vehicles, Water,
Belgium-N-1220, Serbia-W-1238, Global- N-287, western Europe-A-253, Australia- Wind, Escapee
W-1324, Iceland-W-1609, Global-ZD- N-198, western Europe-W-70, United Seed Longevity: Long Term
1611, Russia-W-1687, Iceland-N-1552, States of America-W-218, Australia-C-401, Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations,
Finland-A-1815, -I-, New Zealand-N-2048, Australia-N-945, United Kingdom-U-314, Pastures, Vegetables
Belgium-W-1977, France-W-1977, Australia-E-327, United Kingdom-N-519, References: North America-EW-21,
Iceland-W-1977, Russian Federation-W- New Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N-15, Global-W-23, Global-W-433, Canada-W-
1977, United Kingdom-W-1977. Switzerland-N-653, Australia-N-310, 291, Finland-N-42, Canada-W-52, Global-
Austria-UC-708, Denmark-W-711, Chile- NXZW-85, Europe-A-94, United States of
N-765, Japan-N-794, Hungary-U-809, America-N-101, New Zealand-N-280,
United Kingdom-CN-812, Australia-W- United States of America-W-161, United
853, Australia-N-855, Australia-W-869, States of America-W-174, Japan-N-287,
Ireland-U-894, New Zealand-N-919, Japan-W-286, western Europe-A-253,
United States of America-W-946, United States of America-U-426, United
Australia-N-354, Portugal-N-1006, States of America-AW-207, United States
Belgium-N-1006, Germany-N-1006, of America-AW-210, United States of
United Kingdom-N-1006, Australia-N- America-AW-211, Europe, eastern-AW-
1049, France-E-1082, Europe-N-819, 272, western Europe-W-70, United States
Antarctica-N-396, Belgium-N-1220, Chile- of America-W-218, Japan-N-367, Iceland-
N-1229, Norway-N-1243, Canada-N-1252, N-507, United Kingdom-N-519, United
Hungary-U-1255, Australia-E-1259, Japan- States of America-A-523, United States of
N-1278, La Reunion-N-1321, Global-W- America-A-543, Canada-A-642, Norway-
1324, Chile-N-1348, Global-W-1349, N-644, India-AD-712, Canada and United
Australia-N-1450, Austria-W-1609, States of America-N-725, Canada-UC-756,
Denmark-W-1609, Germany-W-1609, South Korea-N-773, United States of
Norway-W-1609, United States of America-E-151, Global-W-788, North
America-A-87, Global-CD-1611, Lesotho- America-X-790, Japan-N-794, Europe-A-
AZR-121, Azores-N-1721, Australia-N- 889, United States of America-I-904, New
1845, Chile-I-1872, Chile-A-1874, Zealand-N-919, United Kingdom-Z-944,
Australia-N-1959, Switzerland-U-1990, United States of America-W-946, Russia-
New Zealand-N-2048, Australia-W-1977, A-998, United States of America-N-1057,
Austria-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Greenland-N-1061, France-E-1082, United
Canada-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Denmark- States of America-W-1104, Europe-W-
W-1977, Germany-W-1977, India-W-1977, 1191, South Korea-N-761, Serbia-W-1238,
Ireland-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Portugal- France-A-1266, United States of America-
W-1977, Republic of Korea-W-1977, South A-1275, Japan-N-1278, Europe-W-1325,
Africa-W-1977, United Kingdom-W-1977, Global-W-1349, Finland-AW-1356, United
South Korea-U-2113. States of America-ZD-1430, Norway-N-
1535, Canada-A-1538, Japan-N-1602,
United States of America-N-1603, United
States of America-N-1607, Denmark-W-
1609, Norway-W-1609, Svalbard-W-1609,
United Kingdom-N-1636, Canada-A-87,
United States of America-A-87,
Yugoslavia-A-87, Belgium-A-87, Finland-
A-87, New Zealand-A-87, Russia-A-87,
Global-CD-1611, Iceland-U-1552, United
States of America-E-1736, Lithuania-A-
1737, Europe-I-1740, Serbia-R-1771,

France-A-1814, Finland-A-1815, Sweden- Barbella pendula (Sull.) Fleisch. Barleria cristata L.
A-1817, Poland-A-1825, Canada-G-1855, Meteoriaceae Acanthaceae
Argentina-A-1874, -I-, -I-, Central and Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Barleria cristata cv.
northern Japan and northern islands-N- References: China-W-431. Rosea L.
1983, Kosovo-R-2003, South Korea-N- Total N° of Refs: 43
2029, South Korea-A-2032, New Zealand- Barbula convoluta Hedw. Global Risk Score: 4.32
N-2048, Serbia-R-2057, Poland-A-2061, Pottiaceae Rating: Low
Slovenia-R-2078, Canada-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 2 Habit: perennial Herb
Iceland-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Republic Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
of Korea-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977, South Dispersed by: Humans Origin: E Asia
Korea-N-2113. References: New Zealand-N-280, Global- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
UN-1382. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Barbarea vulgaris R.Br. var. arcuata References: Indonesia-A-13, Federated
(Rchb.) Fr. Barbula indica (Hook.) Spreng. States of Micronesia-N-230, Puerto Rico-
Brassicaceae Pottiaceae CW-261, Australia-E-155, France-N-518,
Accepted name: Barbarea vulgaris Total N° of Refs: 1 United States of America-N-101, United
Total N° of Refs: 103 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical States of America-W-179, Australia-C-401,
Origin: E Asia, Europe Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Australia-N-310, United States of America-
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Dispersed by: Humans N-301, United States of America-N-839,
Dispersed by: Humans References: Global-N-1382. Australia-N-354, Australia-W-1068, United
References: Canada-A-642, Norway-N- States of America-N-1116, China-N-1215,
1243, Svalbard-N-1009, Iceland-U-1552. Barbula unguiculata Hedwig Global-W-85, Indo-Pacific-N-1256, United
Pottiaceae States of America-N-1292, south and
Barbarea vulgaris R.Br. var. Total N° of Refs: 3 southeast Asia-A-1320, La Reunion-N-
brachycarpa Rouy & Foucaud References: New Zealand-N-280, 1321, United States of America-C-1329,
Brassicaceae Australia-N-198, Global-UN-1382. India-N-1345, China-EN-1374, Australia-
Accepted name: Barbarea vulgaris E-1456, Cuba-N-1505, French Polynesia-
Total N° of Refs: 100 Barclaya longifolia Wall. N-1514, Australia, northern-W-1204,
References: Canada-A-642. Nymphaeaceae Global-CD-1611, India-W-1672, Puerto
Total N° of Refs: 2 Rico and the Virgin Islands-C-1821, El
Barbarea vulgaris R.Br. var. sylvestris Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb Salvador-CN-1849, India-R-1984, Cuba-
Fr. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical NI-2055, Australia-W-1977, Brunei
Brassicaceae Origin: E Asia Darussalam-W-1977, Cuba-W-1977, Fiji-
Accepted name: Barbarea vulgaris Major Pathway/s: Ornamental W-1977, Marshall Islands-W-1977,
Total N° of Refs: 100 Dispersed by: Humans Micronesia (Federated States of)-W-1977,
References: Canada-A-642. References: Global-W-1324, China-N- Niue-W-1977, Palau-W-1977, Tonga-W-
1938. 1977, Global--1324.
Barbarea vulgaris W.T.Aiton var.
vulgaris Barkleyanthus salicifolius (Kunth) H.E. Barleria cristata L. 'Rosea'
Brassicaceae Robins. & Brett. Acanthaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Asteraceae Total N° of Refs: 2
References: Norway-N-1243. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Senecio salignus Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
DC. (3) Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Barbarea vulgaris R.Br. (Opiz ex J. Presl Total N° of Refs: 6 Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
& C. Presl) subsp. arcuata Hayek References: Mexico-W-1226, Mexico-W- References: Australia-CN-368, Global-CD-
Brassicaceae 1510, Mexico-R-1935. 1611.
Total N° of Refs: 6
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Barleria acanthoides Vahl Barleria elegans S. Moore ex C.B. Cl.
Dispersed by: Humans Acanthaceae Acanthaceae
References: Denmark-N-711, Norway-N- Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1
1006, Europe-N-819, Denmark-W-1609, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland Global Risk Score: 0.48
Sweden-W-1609, Greenland-W-1609. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental, Rating: Low
Pasture Habit: perennial Herb
Barbarea vulgaris R.Br. subsp. vulgaris Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Brassicaceae References: Egypt-W-221. Origin: Africa
Total N° of Refs: 9 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Barleria albostellata C.B.Clarke Ornamental
Ornamental Acanthaceae Dispersed by: Humans
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 1 References: South Africa-AZR-121.
References: Denmark-N-711, Denmark-N- Global Risk Score: 0.24
1006, Norway-N-1006, Svalbard-N-1006, Rating: Low
Europe-N-819, Norway-N-1378, Denmark- Origin: Africa
W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, Sweden-W- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
1977. Dispersed by: Humans
References: Australia--, Australia-Q-1123.

Barleria eranthemoides R.Br. Barleria obtusa Nees Barleria repens Nees
Acanthaceae Acanthaceae Acanthaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 9
Global Risk Score: 1.76 Global Risk Score: 0.48 Global Risk Score: 0.48
Rating: Low Rating: Low Rating: Low
Habit: Shrub Habit: Shrub Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental, Origin: Africa Origin: Africa
Pasture Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
References: Ethiopia-A-240. Dispersed by: Humans References: United States of America-CE-
References: South Africa-AZR-121. 617, United States of America-N-301,
Barleria flava J.Jacq. United States of America-N-839, Australia-
Acanthaceae Barleria oenotheroides Dum.Cours. N-354, Australia-W-1210, Indo-Pacific-N-
Accepted name: Barleria oenotheroides Acanthaceae 1256, United States of America-N-1292,
Dum.Cours. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Barleria flava Global-CD-1611, United States of
Total N° of Refs: 1 J.Jacq. (1) America-N-2092.
References: Comoros-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Barleria rotundifolia Oberm.
Barleria hochstetteri Nees Acanthaceae
Acanthaceae Barleria prionitis L. Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 1 Acanthaceae Habit: Shrub
References: Egypt-W-221. Total N° of Refs: 39 Origin: Africa
Global Risk Score: 5.76 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Barleria lugardii C.B.Cl. Rating: Low Dispersed by: Humans
Acanthaceae Habit: Shrub References: South Africa-AW-121.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Habit: Shrub Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Barleria spp. L.
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Origin: Africa, E Asia, W Asia Acanthaceae
References: South Africa-AW-121, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Synonym/s (n° of refs): Barleria spp. L.
Botswana-A-2065. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Total N° of Refs: 1
Weed of: Pastures Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Barleria lupulina Lindl. References: Indonesia-A-13, Australia- References: Australia-E-155.
Acanthaceae XW-93, Puerto Rico-CW-261, Australia-E-
Total N° of Refs: 36 155, southeast Asia-W-191, northern Barleria strigosa Willd.
Global Risk Score: 2.88 Australia and immediate northern Acanthaceae
Rating: Low neighbours -Q-11, Pacific-W-3, Australia- Total N° of Refs: 7
Habit: Shrub W-54, Global-N-85, United States of Habit: Shrub
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical America-N-101, Australia-N-945, Pacific- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Origin: Africa, E Asia E-621, Australia-NX-310, Australia-N-868, Origin: E Asia
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Australia-N-354, Australia-W-1068, Laos- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee N-1102, Australia-Q-1123, Australia, Dispersed by: Humans
References: Guyana-NW-32, Australia-W- northern-EN-1183, Australia-W-1210, References: northern Australia and
93, Australia-E-155, southeast Asia-W-191, Indo-Pacific-N-1256, La Reunion-NI-1321, immediate northern neighbours -W-29,
United States of America-CE-617, Africa- Australia-A-1331, Australia-E-1456, southeast Asia-W-191, Australia-N-368,
W-760, United States of America-N-101, Australia-N-1491, Mauritius-A-87, Global- Australia-N-354, Australia-W-1068,
United States of America-W-179, CD-1611, India-W-1672, Eastern Australia, northern-W-1204, Australia-W-
Australia-C-401, Pacific-E-621, Australia- Caribbean-N-1742, Bangladesh-A-1761, 1977.
N-310, Australia-N-868, Australia-N-354, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands-ACI-
Australia-W-1068, Australia, northern-EN- 1821, Australia-A-1928, India-R-1984, Barringtonia asiatica (L.) Kurz
1183, United States of America-Q-1197, Australia-W-1977, Lao People's Lecythidaceae
Australia-W-1210, Indo-Pacific-N-1256, Democratic Republic-W-1977, Nauru-W- Total N° of Refs: 12
La Reunion-N-1321, French Guiana-N- 1977, Niue-W-1977, Papua New Guinea- Global Risk Score: 4.8
1346, Global-I-1404, Australia-E-1456, W-1977, Global--1324. Rating: Low
Australia-N-1491, Global-CD-1611, Toxic - Habit: Tree
Eastern Caribbean-N-1742, Global-N-85, Barleria pyramidata Lam. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Australia-W-1977, Brunei Darussalam-W- Acanthaceae Origin: Africa, E Asia
1977, Burkina Faso-W-1977, Democratic Accepted name: Blechum pyramidatum Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Republic of the Congo-W-1977, Fiji-W- (Lam.) Urb. Ornamental
1977, India-W-1977, Micronesia Total N° of Refs: 38 Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
(Federated States of)-W-1977, Palau-W- Preferred Climate/s: Tropical References: Puerto Rico-CW-261,
1977, Venezuela-W-1977, Global--1324. References: Fiji-A-1521. Australia-E-259, Global-N-85, United
States of America-N-101, Dominican
Barleria mysorensis Heyne Republic-I-877, Caribbean-NI-1201,
Acanthaceae Global-CD-1611, Eastern Caribbean-N-
Total N° of Refs: 1 1742, Antigua and Barbuda-W-1977,
Habit: Shrub Australia-W-1977, Saint Vicent and the
References: India-A-87. Grenadines-W-1977, Global--1324.

Barrosoa betonicaeformis (DC.) R.M. Bartsia trixago L. Basella paniculata Volkens.
King & H. Rob. Orobanchaceae Basellaceae
Asteraceae Accepted name: Bellardia trixago (L.) All. Total N° of Refs: 3
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 67 References: South Africa-U-1247, South
References: Brazil--1767. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Africa-N-1991, South Africa-W-1977.
Origin: Africa, Europe
Bartlettina sordida (Less.) R.King & H. Weed of: Cereals Basella rubra L.
Robinson. References: Chile-N-300, Australia-E-327, Basellaceae
Asteraceae Austria-U-708, Chile-N-765, Australia-EN- Accepted name: Basella alba L.
Total N° of Refs: 25 7, Australia-W-853, Australia-N-855, Total N° of Refs: 77
Global Risk Score: 2.88 Australia-N-856, Australia-W-869, Global Risk Score: 0.72
Rating: Low Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049, Chile- Rating: Low
Habit: Tree W-388, Global-W-85, Belgium-U-1220, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Chile-N-1229, Australia-E-1259, Australia- Origin: E Asia, Cosmopolitan
Origin: Africa, C Am, Europe, N Am E-1261, Chile-N-1348, Australia-N-1450, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Austria-W-1609, Australia-N-1845, Chile- Dispersed by: Humans
Ornamental I-1872, Chile and Argentina-A-1874, Weed of: Bananas, Orchards and
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Australia-N-1959, Chile-N-1998, Turkey- Plantations
References: Global-N-85, New Zealand-E- A-2101. References: Taiwan-A-274, Vietnam-W-
246, New Zealand-N-280, New Zealand- 262, Philippines-W-412, Japan-N-287,
W-225, New Zealand-NW-425, New Basella alba L. Czech Republic-U-400, Japan-N-794,
Zealand-E-494, New Zealand-X-495, New Basellaceae Greece-U-1142, Japan-N-1278, south and
Zealand-N-534, Australia-C-803, New Synonym/s (n° of refs): Basella rubra L. southeast Asia-A-1320, south and southeast
Zealand-N-919, New Zealand-W-964, New (13) Asia-A-1408, Czech Republic-U-1522,
Zealand-E-328, New Zealand-E-505, Total N° of Refs: 77 Philippines-A-87, Czech Republic-U-1731.
Australia-W-1210, Global-I-1404, New Global Risk Score: 7.2
Caledonia-N-1507, South Africa-E-1646, Rating: Medium Basilicum polystachyon (L.) Moench
Global-CD-1611, Australia-A-1928, New Habit: perennial Herb Lamiaceae
Zealand-N-2048, New Zealand-Q-2086, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Synonym/s (n° of refs): Moschosma
Australia-W-1977, India-W-1977, New Origin: Africa, Aust, C Am, E Asia, S Am, polystachyon (L.) Benth. (5)
Zealand-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977. Cosmopolitan Total N° of Refs: 15
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Habit: biennial Herb
Bartsia alpina L. Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Orobanchaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Origin: Africa, E Asia
Total N° of Refs: 2 Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal
Global Risk Score: 0.24 References: Guyana-N-32, Puerto Rico- References: Indonesia-A-13, Indonesia-A-
Rating: Low CW-261, Australia-E-155, United States of 170, south and southeast Asia-A-1320,
Habit: annual Herb America-CE-617, Taiwan-NI-777, Africa-A-1332, Africa-A-1333, India-A-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Australia-W-54, Global-N-85, United 1359, south and southeast Asia-A-1408,
Dispersed by: Humans, Water, Wind States of America-N-101, Japan-N-287, India-A-1696, Guinea-A-1823, Burundi-R-
Seed Longevity: Transient Australia-C-401, Australia-N-310, United 2012.
References: Global-Q-1205, Australia-Q- States of America-N-301, Japan-N-794,
1123. United States of America-N-839, Belize-N- Bassia americana (S. Watson) A. J. Scott
850, Central America-A-933, Chenopodiaceae
Bartsia atifolia (L.) Sibth. & Sm. Mozambique-nC-943, Global-N-1059, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Kochia americana
Orobanchaceae Europe-N-819, United States of America- S. Watson (1)
Total N° of Refs: 1 Q-1197, China-N-1215, South Africa-U- Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Chile-A-87. 1247, Japan-N-1278, United States of Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Pasture
America-N-1292, South Africa-N-1310, La Dispersed by: Humans
Bartsia latifolia (L.) Sibth. & Sm. Reunion-W-1321, Madagascar-N-1000,
Orobanchaceae China-N-1344, French Guiana-N-1346, Bassia bicornis (Lindl.) F. Müell.
Total N° of Refs: 1 China-N-1374, Taiwan-N-1403, Taiwan- Chenopodiaceae
References: Chile-A-931. AEN-1413, Cuba-NI-1505, Brazil-N-1597, Total N° of Refs: 1
Global-CD-1611, Eastern Caribbean-N- References: Australia-A-87.
Bartsia odontites (L.) Huds. 1742, Taiwan-W-1748, India-N-1790,
Orobanchaceae China-N-1796, Nigeria-N-1796, Congo-N- Bassia birchii (F. Müell.) F. Müell.
Accepted name: Odontites verna (Bell.) 1796, Senegal-N-1796, Belize-N-1796, Chenopodiaceae
Dumort. Benin-N-1796, Burundi-N-1796, Accepted name: Sclerolaena birchii (F.
Total N° of Refs: 19 Cameroon-N-1796, Central African Müell.)Domin
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Republic-N-1796, Ethiopia-N-1796, Sudan- Total N° of Refs: 15
References: Russia-A-87, United States of N-1796, India-I-1826, Sao Tome and Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
America-A-87. Principe-N-1805, South Africa-N-1991, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Cuba-NI-2055, United States of America- Livestock, Sheep
N-2092, Australia-W-1977, Cuba-W-1977, References: Australia-ZD-959, Global-A-
Equatorial Guinea-W-1977, Greece-W- 1207, Australia-A-87.
1977, Japan-W-1977, Maldives-W-1977,
Palau-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977,
Suriname-W-1977, Taiwan-W-1977.

Bassia calcarata Ising Bassia hyssopifolia (Pall.) Kuntze Bassia indica (Wight) A.J.Scott
Chenopodiaceae Chenopodiaceae Chenopodiaceae
Accepted name: Sclerolaena calcarata Total N° of Refs: 80 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Kochia indica
(Ising) A. J. Scott Global Risk Score: 8.64 Wight (10)
Total N° of Refs: 5 Rating: Medium Total N° of Refs: 23
ToxicReferences: Australia-N-1049. Toxic - Habit: annual Herb Global Risk Score: 2.56
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Rating: Low
Bassia dasyphylla (Fisch. & C.A.Mey.) Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Habit: annual Herb
O.Ktze. Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Chenopodiaceae Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Subtropical, Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 2 Ornamental Origin: E Asia, W Asia
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture
References: China-W-297, China-W-431. Livestock, Sheep Dispersed by: Humans
Weed of: Cereals, Vegetables Weed of: Orchards & Plantations
Bassia eriantha (Fischer & C. A. Meyer) References: Argentina-W-237, United References: Global-N-85, Mediterranean-I-
N. Pavl. States of America-W-231, United States of 775, Mediterranean-W-951, Egypt-A-1171,
Chenopodiaceae America-W-34, United States of America- Cyprus-N-1174, Egypt-A-1028, North
Total N° of Refs: 2 X-35, Chile-N-300, United States of Africa, Libya, Egypt-W-1730, Egypt-R-
References: Europe-N-819, Global-W- America-E-78, United States of America- 1922, -I-, Egypt-I-1979, Israel-N-59,
1324. E-80, Global-NZW-85, Global-A-243, Egypt-A-2088, Cyprus-W-1977, Egypt-W-
United States of America-N-101, United 1977.
Bassia eriophora (Schrad.) Asch. States of America-W-116, Chile-N-241,
Chenopodiaceae South America-W-295, United States of Bassia laniflora (S. G. Gmel.) A. J. Scott
Total N° of Refs: 4 America-W-136, United States of America- Chenopodiaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, W-392, United States of America-W-161, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Kochia laniflora
Subtropical, Tropical United States of America-A-180, Australia- (S.G.Gmel.) Borb s (7)
Major Pathway/s: Crop N-198, Europe, eastern-W-272, United Total N° of Refs: 15
References: Egypt-W-221, Saudi Arabia-A- States of America-W-218, Australia-N-945, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
25, Saudi Arabia-A-1504, Saudi Arabia-A- Spain-A-417, United Kingdom-UZD-314, Origin: Europe
1525. Australia-E-327, Europe-NW-482, United Weed of: Cereals
States of America-A-543, Canada-A-642, References: Spain-A-417, Europe-N-819,
Bassia hirsuta (L.) Asch. Austria-U-708, Denmark-U-711, Lithuania- Belgium-U-1220, Serbia-W-1238, Global-
Chenopodiaceae I-737, United States of America-N-86, W-1324, Estonia-W-1609, Estonia-N-1997,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Spirobassia hirsuta Chile-N-765, Mediterranean-I-775, United Belgium-W-1977.
(L.) Freitag & G.Kadereit (2) States of America-N-301, United States of
Total N° of Refs: 8 America-E-151, Mexico-N-791, United Bassia muricata (L.) Asch.
Origin: E Asia, Europe States of America-N-839, Australia-W-869, Chenopodiaceae
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Mexico-I-878, Argentina-A-913, United Total N° of Refs: 7
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers States of America-W-946, Mediterranean- Habit: annual Herb
References: United States of America-N- E-951, Australia-N-354, Europe-N-819, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
101, Europe-N-819, Belgium-U-1220, Greece-U-1142, Crete-U-1150, Belgium- Mediterranean
Global-W-1324, Estonia-W-1609, Estonia- UD-1220, Chile-N-1229, Australia-E-1260, Origin: Africa, W Asia
N-1997. United States of America-N-1292, Chile-N- References: Egypt-W-221, United
1348, Global-W-1349, Global-E-1449, Kingdom-U-314, Saudi Arabia-W-1237,
Israel-W-1487, United States of America- Saudi Arabia-A-1504, Saudi Arabia-A-
N-1603, United States of America-N-1607, 1525, Egypt-A-1028, Egypt-A-2088.
Estonia-W-1609, Austria-W-1609,
Denmark-W-1609, Lithuania-W-1609, Bassia prostrata (L.) A.J.Scott
Argentina-A-87, Canada-A-87, United Chenopodiaceae
States of America-A-87, Global-N-1218, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Kochia prostrata
United States of America-E-1736, Chile-I- (L.) Schrad. (4)
1872, Chile and Argentina-E-1874, Total N° of Refs: 12
Mexico-N-1881, Australia-N-1959, -I-, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Estonia-N-1997, Australia-W-1977, Origin: Africa, C Asia, E Asia, Europe
Austria-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Seed Longevity: Transient
Canada-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Denmark- Weed of: Cereals
W-1977, Greece-W-1977, Lithuania-W- References: Global-X-85, Spain-A-417,
1977, Mexico-W-1977, Global--1324. United Kingdom-U-314, United States of
America-N-101, Europe-N-819, Serbia-W-
1238, Global-W-1324, Australia-Q-1123.

Bassia quinquecuspis (F. Müell.) F. Bassia scoparia (L.) A.J.Scott Greece-W-1977, Israel-W-1977, Italy-W-
Müell. Chenopodiaceae 1977, Japan-W-1977, Latvia-W-1977,
Chenopodiaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bassia sieversiana Lithuania-W-1977, Malta-W-1977,
Accepted name: Sclerolaena muricata (Pall.) W.A.Weber (1), Kochia scoparia Mexico-W-1977, Morocco-W-1977,
(Moq.) Domin (L.) Schrad. (146), Kochia scoparia (L.) Poland-W-1977, Republic of Moldova-W-
Total N° of Refs: 14 Schrad. var. culta (Voss ex Farw.) 1977, Romania-W-1977, Russian
ToxicReferences: Global-A-1207, L.H.Bailey (1), Kochia scoparia (L.) Federation-W-1977, Serbia-W-1977,
Australia-A-87. Schrad. var. sieversiana (Pall.) Ulbr. ex Slovakia-W-1977, Slovenia-W-1977,
Asch & Graebn (2), Kochia scoparia (L.) Spain-W-1977, Switzerland-W-1977,
Bassia quinquecuspis (F. Müell.) F. Schrad. var. trichophila (Stapf) Bailey (2), Ukraine-W-1977, United Kingdom-W-
Müell. var. semiglabra Ising Kochia sieversiana (Pall.) C.A. Mey. (3), 1977.
Chenopodiaceae Kochia trichophylla Voss (3)
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 265 Bassia scoparia (L.) A.J. Scott subsp.
References: Australia-N-1049. Global Risk Score: 24 densiflora (Turcz. ex B.D. Jacks.) Ciruja
Rating: High & Velayos
Toxic - Habit: annual Herb Chenopodiaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Total N° of Refs: 18
Subtropical, Tropical Global Risk Score: 0.72
Origin: Africa, C Asia, E Asia, Europe, W Rating: Low
Asia Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Ornamental
Herbal, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, References: Austria-N-708, Denmark-UC-
Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles, Water, Escapee 711, Germany-N-907, Norway-N-1243,
Seed Longevity: Long Term Spain-N-1270, Czech Republic-I-1522,
Weed of: Canola, Carrots, Cereals, Austria-W-1609, Denmark-W-1609,
Grapevines, Potatoes, Vegetables Germany-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609,
References: Global-NXZW-85, Argentina- Global-CD-1611, Czech Republic-I-1731,
W-237, Global-A-243, Australia-N-176, Germany-R-1948, Austria-W-1977, Czech
Australia-N-945, Australia-X-171, Spain- Republic-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977,
A-417, United Kingdom-UCZD-314, Lithuania-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977.
United Kingdom-N-519, Switzerland-N-
653, Crete-N-771, Mediterranean-I-775, Bassia scoparia (L.) A.J. Scott subsp.
Australia-N-7, United States of America-E- scoparia (L.) Voss
151, Hungary-I-809, United Kingdom- Chenopodiaceae
CNZD-812, Palestine-N-851, Australia-N- Total N° of Refs: 20
856, United States of America-N-101, Global Risk Score: 0.72
Australia-W-869, United States of Rating: Low
America-X-229, Ireland-U-894, Romania- Origin: E Asia, Europe
I-896, Mediterranean-W-951, Argentina-I- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
983, Australia-Q-1134, Greece-N-1142, Ornamental
Crete-N-1150, Croatia-C-1166, Cyprus-N- Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
1174, Belgium-ND-1220, Hungary-I-1255, References: Austria-UC-708, Denmark-C-
Romania-I-1264, Italy-N-1265, Slovakia- 711, Spain-U-1149, Spain-U-1270,
A-1282, Australia-X-1319, Romania-I- Sardinia-U-1336, Spain-N-1454, Czech
1334, Israel-NW-1380, Australia-N-1450, Republic-I-1522, Austria-W-1609,
Australia-E-1456, Argentina, Brazil and Denmark-W-1609, Germany-W-1609,
Uruguay-I-1476, Serbia-N-1482, Slovakia- Sweden-W-1609, Italy-N-1007, Global-
N-1484, Albania-N-1506, Romania-NI- CD-1611, Czech Republic-I-1731,
1537, Romania-CN-1599, Estonia-W-1609, Sardinia-N-1393, Austria-W-1977, Czech
Denmark-W-1609, Germany-W-1609, Republic-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977,
Ireland-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, Global- Germany-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977.
N-1218, Romania-N-1553, Global-CD-
1611, Australia-X-1693, France-N-1438, Bassia scoparia (L.) A.J.Scott
Europe-UNI-1740, Croatia-N-1747, ‘Trichophylla’
Sardinia-AN-1824, Romania-I-1843, Chenopodiaceae
Australia-UNX-1845, Serbia-R-1848, Total N° of Refs: 2
Argentina-AE-1874, Mexico-NI-1881, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Sardinia-N-1917, Australia-WD-1934, -I-, - References: Czech Republic-U-1522,
I-, Australia-Q-1123, Russia-N-1989, Czech Republic-U-1731.
Estonia-N-1997, Croatia-U-2004, New
Zealand-N-2048, Israel-N-59, Albania-W-
1977, Algeria-W-1977, Argentina-W-1977,
Armenia-W-1977, Australia-W-1977,
Belarus-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977,
Bulgaria-W-1977, Canada-W-1977,
Croatia-W-1977, Cyprus-W-1977, Czech
Republic-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977,
France-W-1977, Germany-W-1977,

Bassia sedoides (Pallas) Aschers. Batis maritima L. Bauera rubiodes Andrews
Chenopodiaceae Bataceae Cunoniaceae
Total N° of Refs: 11 Total N° of Refs: 13 Accepted name: Bauera rubioides Andrews
Habit: annual Herb Global Risk Score: 1.92 Total N° of Refs: 1
Origin: E Asia, Europe Rating: Low Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Aqua - Habit: Herb Dispersed by: Humans
Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Tropical References: Australia-E-380.
References: Czech Republic-UZ-400, Origin: N Am, S Am
Europe-N-819, Global-A-1207, Global-W- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal Bauera rubioides Andrews
1324, Slovakia-U-1484, Estonia-W-1609, Dispersed by: Water Cunoniaceae
Latvia-W-1609, Estonia-N-1997, Czech References: Cuba-A-14, United States of Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bauera rubiodes
Republic-W-1977, Latvia-W-1977, America-ED-440, United States of Andrews (1)
Slovakia-W-1977. America-E-654, United States of America- Total N° of Refs: 1
WD-34, Global-N-85, United States of Habit: Shrub
Bassia sieversiana (Pall.) W.A.Weber America-N-301, United States of America- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Chenopodiaceae N-839, Puerto Rico-A-929, United States Origin: Aust
Accepted name: Bassia scoparia (L.) of America-Q-1197, United States of Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
A.J.Scott America-N-1292, Dominican Republic-A- Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 108 87, North America-N-1760, Global--1324.
References: Romania-N-1553. Bauhinia aculeata L.
Batocydia unguis (L.) Mart. ex DC. Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae
Bassia tetracuspis C.T. White Bignoniaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Chenopodiaceae Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Tropical
References: Australia-A-87. References: Puerto Rico-A-929. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
Bassia tricuspis F. Mueller Batophora spp. J.Agardh References: United States of America-W-
Chenopodiaceae Dasycladaceae 179.
Accepted name: Sclerolaena tricuspis Total N° of Refs: 1
(Muell.) Ulbrich Dispersed by: Water Bauhinia acuminata L.
Total N° of Refs: 8 References: Global-N-1785. Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae
Origin: Aust Total N° of Refs: 13
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Batrachium bungei (Stued.) L.Liou Global Risk Score: 1.2
Dispersed by: Humans Ranunculaceae Rating: Low
References: Czech Republic-UZ-400, Total N° of Refs: 1 Habit: Tree
Europe-N-819, Global-W-1324, Czech References: China-W-297. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Republic-Z-1347. Origin: E Asia, SE Asia
Batrachium pekinense L.Liou Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Bastardia viscosa (L.) Kunth Ranunculaceae Ornamental
Malvaceae Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 8 References: China-W-297. References: Federated States of
Habit: perennial Herb Micronesia-N-230, Australia-W-93,
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Batrachium trichophyllum (Chaix) southeast Asia-W-191, Global-N-85,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Bosch Pacific-E-621, Australia-N-868, Australia-
Dispersed by: Humans Ranunculaceae N-354, Spain-N-1006, Europe-N-819,
Weed of: Vegetables Accepted name: Ranunculus trichophyllus Eastern Caribbean-N-1742, Australia-W-
References: Guyana-W-32, United States Chaix 1977, Micronesia (Federated States of)-W-
of America-N-301, United States of Synonym/s (n° of refs): Ranunculus 1977, Papua New Guinea-W-1977.
America-N-839, United States of America- trichophyllus Chaix
N-1292, Dominican Republic-A-1473, Total N° of Refs: 34 Bauhinia argentinensis Burkart
Dominican Republic-A-1475, Venezuela- Global Risk Score: 0.96 Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae
A-1899, United States of America-N-2092. Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 1
Aqua - Habit: annual Herb Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean References: Paraguay-NI-876.
Origin: Aust, E Asia, Europe, N Am
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Bauhinia x blakeana Dunn
Dispersed by: Water Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae
References: Australia-N-198, Australia-N- Accepted name: parents = Bauhinia
945, Australia-E-327, India-AD-712, variegata L. x Bauhinia purpurea L. [most
Australia-W-853, Australia-N-855, probable combination]
Australia-W-869, Australia-N-354, Total N° of Refs: 3
Australia-N-1049, south and southeast Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Asia-A-1320, Australia-N-1845. Dispersed by: Humans
References: United States of America-N-
101, South Africa-N-1247, South Africa-N-

Bauhinia blakeana Dunn Bauhinia forficata Link Bauhinia kalbreyeri Harms
Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bauhinia candicans Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: Tree Benth. (2) References: Colombia-A-927.
Origin: E Asia Total N° of Refs: 4
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Bauhinia malabarica Roxb.
Dispersed by: Humans Subtropical, Tropical Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae
References: Eastern Caribbean-N-1742, Origin: S Am Total N° of Refs: 1
India-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Habit: Tree
Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Bauhinia candicans Benth. Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal,
Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae References: Brazil-W-255, Chile-W-1977. Ornamental
Accepted name: Bauhinia forficata Link Dispersed by: Humans
subsp. pruinosa Link (Vogel) Fortunato & Bauhinia forficata Link subsp. pruinosa References: Philippines-nC-1099.
Wunderlin (Vogel) Fortunato & Wunderlin
Total N° of Refs: 4 Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae Bauhinia mollis (Bong.) D.Dietr.
Global Risk Score: 0.24 Total N° of Refs: 1 Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae
Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 1
Origin: S Am Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Habit: Tree
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Dispersed by: Humans References: Paraguay-A-2070. Weed of: Pastures
References: South America-W-295, Chile- References: Brazil-A-1763.
I-1872. Bauhinia galpinii N. E. Br.
Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae
Bauhinia carronii F.Müell. Total N° of Refs: 8
Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae Global Risk Score: 1.44
Total N° of Refs: 2 Rating: Low
Habit: Tree Habit: perennial Vine
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Origin: Aust Origin: Africa
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Ornamental Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans
References: India-N-976, India-W-1977. References: United States of America-N-
101, South Africa-AZW-121, Australia-W-
Bauhinia corymbosa Roxb. ex DC. 853, India-N-976, Australia-N-354, Eastern
Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae Caribbean-N-1742, Australia-W-1977,
Total N° of Refs: 1 India-W-1977.
Habit: perennial Vine
Origin: E Asia Bauhinia glabra Jacq.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 1
References: India-N-976. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Bauhinia curvula Benth. Dispersed by: Humans
Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae Weed of: Pastures
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Brazil-A-1763.
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Weed of: Pastures Bauhinia glauca (Benth.) Benth. subsp.
References: Brazil-A-1763. tenuiflora (C.B.Clarke) K.Larsen &
Bauhinia cuyabensis Steud. Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae
Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 2 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: United States of America-N-
Dispersed by: Humans 2092.
References: Brazil-A-923, Brazil-A-87.
Bauhinia hookeri F. Müell.
Bauhinia divaricata L. Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae
Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 1 Habit: Tree
Habit: Tree Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Origin: Aust
Tropical Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Origin: S Am Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental References: India-N-976.
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Mexico-W-1226.

Bauhinia monandra Kurz. Bauhinia pauletia Pers. Bauhinia purpurea L.
Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae
Total N° of Refs: 71 Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 58
Global Risk Score: 14.4 Habit: Tree Global Risk Score: 12.96
Rating: Medium Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Rating: Medium
Habit: Tree Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Habit: Tree
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Origin: Africa, E Asia, S Am References: United States of America-N- Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, 101. Origin: C Asia, E Asia, SE Asia
Herbal, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal,
Dispersed by: Humans, Livestock, Escapee Bauhinia petersiana Bolle subsp. Ornamental
Weed of: Pastures macrantha (Oliv.) Brummitt & J. H. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
References: pantropics-W-22, Federated Ross References: South Africa-CX-283, Puerto
States of Micronesia-N-230, Federated Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae Rico-CW-261, United States of America-
States of Micronesia-W-107, Puerto Rico- Total N° of Refs: 1 CE-617, Caribbean-N-707, Africa-W-760,
CW-261, Australia-N-368, Puerto Rico-N- Habit: Shrub Taiwan-N-777, Pacific-W-3, United States
324, United States of America-CE-617, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, of America-N-101, United States of
Caribbean-N-707, Africa-W-760, Pacific- Tropical America-CE-122, United States of
W-3, United States of America-N-101, Origin: Africa America-W-179, Australia-E-380, Pacific-
Australia-N-945, Pacific-E-621, United Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental E-621, South Africa-I-759, Swaziland-N-
States of America-N-301, United States of Dispersed by: Humans 825, Belize-N-850, Mozambique-nC-943,
America-N-839, Dominican Republic-I- References: South Africa-AW-121. Australia-N-354, Philippines-nC-1099,
877, Australia-N-354, United States of South Africa-X-1112, Africa-X-1127,
America-I-1046, Australia-I-1088, Bauhinia phoenicea Wight & Arn. United States of America-Q-1197, Global-
Philippines-nC-1099, Gal pagos Islands- Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae W-85, South Africa-NX-1247, Caribbean-
CN-1157, Australia, northern-ENZD-1183, Total N° of Refs: 1 N-1201, La Reunion-W-1321, United
United States of America-Q-1197, Habit: Vine States of America-C-1329, Global-W-1376,
Caribbean-NI-1201, United States of References: Global-W-1324. South Africa-N-1002, Taiwan-N-1403,
America-N-1292, Australia-A-1331, Global-I-1404, Cuba-N-1505, South
Global-W-1376, Global-I-1404, Australia- Bauhinia picta (Kunth) DC. Africa-E-1646, Global-CD-1611, India-N-
E-1456, Australia-N-1491, French Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae 1370, Eastern Caribbean-N-1742, Taiwan-
Polynesia-N-1514, Australia, northern-W- Total N° of Refs: 1 W-1748, Sao Tome and Principe-N-1805, -
1204, Global-CD-1611, Brazil-N-1733, Habit: Tree I-, -I-, South Africa-N-1991, Burundi-N-
Eastern Caribbean-N-1742, Sao Tome and Preferred Climate/s: Tropical 2012, Cuba-I-2055, Australia-W-1977,
Principe-N-1805, El Salvador-N-1849, -I-, Origin: S Am Bahamas-W-1977, Brunei Darussalam-W-
Burundi-N-2012, United States of Major Pathway/s: Ornamental 1977, Burundi-W-1977, Cook Islands-W-
America-N-2092, Angola-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans 1977, Cuba-W-1977, Democratic Republic
Australia-W-1977, Bangladesh-W-1977, References: India-N-976. of the Congo-W-1977, Fiji-W-1977, India-
Barbados-W-1977, Burundi-W-1977, C?te W-1977, Iraq-W-1977, Micronesia
d'Ivoire-W-1977, Cook Islands-W-1977, Bauhinia pottsii G. Don var. subsessilis (Federated States of)-W-1977, Papua New
Democratic Republic of the Congo-W- (Craib) De. Wit. Guinea-W-1977, Samoa-W-1977, South
1977, El Salvador-W-1977, Equatorial Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae Africa-W-1977, Taiwan-W-1977,
Guinea-W-1977, Fiji-W-1977, Ghana-W- Total N° of Refs: 1 Maldives-W-1977, Swaziland-W-1977,
1977, Honduras-W-1977, India-W-1977, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Global--1324.
Kiribati-W-1977, Mali-W-1977, Marshall Weed of: Orchards & Plantations
Islands-W-1977, Micronesia (Federated References: Thailand-A-12. Bauhinia racemosa Lam.
States of)-W-1977, Mozambique-W-1977, Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae
Nigeria-W-1977, Niue-W-1977, Palau-W- Total N° of Refs: 1
1977, Panama-W-1977, Rwanda-W-1977, Habit: Tree
Saint Vicent and the Grenadines-W-1977, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical,
Samoa-W-1977, Sierra Leone-W-1977, Tropical
Somalia-W-1977, Thailand-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal,
Tonga-W-1977, Zambia-W-1977, Global-- Ornamental
1324. Dispersed by: Humans, Animals
References: Eastern Caribbean-N-1742.
Bauhinia multinervia (Kunth) DC.
Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae Bauhinia reticulata DC.
Total N° of Refs: 5 Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae
Habit: Tree Synonym/s (n° of refs): Piliostigma
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical reticulatum (DC.) Hochst. (3)
Origin: C Am Total N° of Refs: 3
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Tropical
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal
References: Puerto Rico-UW-261,
Caribbean-N-707, United States of
America-N-101, Caribbean-N-1201,

Bauhinia rufescens Lam. Bauhinia ungulata L. Bauhinia variegata L.
Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bauhinia variegata
Habit: Shrub Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical var. candida L., Bauhinia variegata var.
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Major Pathway/s: Herbal variegata L.
Tropical Weed of: Pastures Total N° of Refs: 78
Origin: Africa References: Brazil-A-1763. Global Risk Score: 12.96
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, Rating: Medium
Ornamental, Pasture Bauhinia vahlii Wight & Arn. Toxic - Habit: Tree
Dispersed by: Humans Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
References: India-N-1345, India-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 2 Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
Habit: Vine Origin: C Asia, E Asia
Bauhinia scandens Sessé & Moc. Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal,
Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae Tropical Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Ornamental References: South Africa-CX-283, Puerto
Rating: Low Dispersed by: Humans Rico-CW-261, Australia-E-260, southeast
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical References: United States of America-Q- Asia-W-191, United States of America-CE-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental 1197, United States of America-N-742. 617, Caribbean-N-707, Taiwan-N-777,
Dispersed by: Humans Global-NI-714, Pacific-W-3, United States
References: Australia-E-380. of America-E-80, Global-NW-85, South
Africa-CW-279, United States of America-
Bauhinia x spp. S.T.Dunn N-101, United States of America-EI-112,
Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae United States of America-CE-122, United
Accepted name: probable parents = States of America-EW-179, Australia-E-
Bauhinia variegata L. x Bauhinia purpurea 380, Pacific-E-621, South Africa-I-759,
L. United States of America-E-151, Belize-N-
Total N° of Refs: 1 850, Australia-W-853, Bahamas-NI-873,
References: United States of America-N- Mexico-I-878, Mozambique-nC-943,
101. Australia-N-354, Portugal-N-1006, Europe-
N-819, South Africa-X-1112, Africa-X-
Bauhinia spp. L. 1127, South Africa-NXI-1247, Caribbean-
Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae NI-1201, Bermuda-N-1267, United States
Total N° of Refs: 3 of America-C-1329, Global-W-1376, South
Habit: Tree Africa-N-1002, Taiwan-N-1403, Global-I-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, 1404, Australia-E-1456, Cuba-N-1505,
Subtropical, Tropical Brazil-U-1559, South Africa-E-1646,
Dispersed by: Humans Global-CD-1611, Botswana-N-1666,
References: Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157, United States of America-E-1736, Taiwan-
Global-CD-1611, Anguilla-W-1977. W-1748, Greece-U-1803, Mexico-N-1881,
-I-, -I-, South Africa-N-1991, Cuba-I-2055,
Bauhinia tomentosa L. Australia-W-1977, Bahamas-W-1977,
Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae Botswana-W-1977, Cook Islands-W-1977,
Total N° of Refs: 15 Cuba-W-1977, Democratic Republic of the
Global Risk Score: 4.32 Congo-W-1977, El Salvador-W-1977,
Rating: Low Ethiopia-W-1977, Fiji-W-1977, Ghana-W-
Habit: Tree 1977, Honduras-W-1977, India-W-1977,
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Iraq-W-1977, Malawi-W-1977, Mexico-W-
Tropical 1977, Mozambique-W-1977, Nigeria-W-
Origin: Africa, E Asia 1977, Panama-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, Samoa-W-1977, Sierra Leone-W-1977,
Ornamental South Africa-W-1977, Taiwan-W-1977,
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Uganda-W-1977, Zambia-W-1977,
References: Puerto Rico-CW-261, Zimbabwe-W-1977, Swaziland-W-1977,
Caribbean-N-707, Global-N-714, United Global--1324.
States of America-N-101, Caribbean-N-
1201, Chad-N-1503, Cuba-N-1505, Global- Bauhinia variegata L. var. candida Voigt
CD-1611, Eastern Caribbean-N-1742, -I-, Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae
Cuba-W-2055, Burundi-W-1977, Chad-W- Total N° of Refs: 3
1977, Cuba-W-1977, Democratic Republic Habit: Tree
of the Congo-W-1977, Global--1324. Origin: Aust, E Asia
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Mozambique-nC-943,
Zimbabwe-N-1365, Eastern Caribbean-N-

Bauhinia variegata L. var. variegata Becium obovatum (E.Mey. ex Benth.) Beckmannia eruciformis (L.) Host
Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae N.E.Br var. galpinii (Guerke) N.E.Br. Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 Lamiaceae Accepted name: Beckmannia syzigachne
Habit: Tree Total N° of Refs: 1 (Steud.) Fernald
References: Swaziland-N-825, Eastern Habit: perennial Herb Synonym/s (n° of refs): Beckmannia
Caribbean-N-1742, -I-. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical erucaeformis (L.) Host. (1)
Origin: Africa Total N° of Refs: 86
Bauhinia yunnanensis Franch. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Global Risk Score: 8.96
Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae Dispersed by: Humans Rating: Medium
Total N° of Refs: 2 References: South Africa-AR-121. Aqua - Habit: perennial Grass
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Origin: E Asia Becium obovatum (E.Mey. ex Benth) Origin: E Asia, Europe
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental N.E.Br. var. obovatum Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Dispersed by: Humans Lamiaceae Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture
References: United States of America-N- Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Water
101, United States of America-W-179. Habit: perennial Herb Weed of: Pastures
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical References: Finland-U-42, Europe, eastern-
Baumea planifolia (Benth.) K.L.Wilson Origin: Africa AW-272, United Kingdom-UZ-317,
Cyperaceae Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Europe-ND-482, Global-N-1059, Europe-
Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans N-819, Poland-W-1219, Serbia-W-1238,
Habit: Grass References: South Africa-AR-121. Global-W-1324, Serbia-A-1372, Germany-
References: Australia-N-1845. W-1609, Latvia-W-1609, Poland-W-1609,
Beckeropsis nubica (HOCHST.) FIG. & North Korea-A-1018, Poland-N-1040,
Baumea rubiginosa (Spreng.) Boeckeler DE NOT. Estonia-N-1997, Bulgaria-W-1977,
Cyperaceae Poaceae Germany-W-1977, Latvia-W-1977, Poland-
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1 W-1977.
Aqua - Habit: Grass Habit: Grass
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Beckmannia eruciformis (L.) Host subsp.
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans eruciformis
References: Global-W-1324. References: United Kingdom-Z-944. Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 5
Beaucarnea recurvata Lemaire Beckeropsis petiolaris (Hochst.) Fig. & Habit: perennial Grass
Asparagaceae De Not. Origin: E Asia, Europe
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Nolina recurvata Poaceae Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
(Lem.) Hemsl. (3) Accepted name: Pennisetum petiolare Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 6 (Hochst.) Chiov. References: Czech Republic-UZ-400,
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Total N° of Refs: 8 Czech Republic-U-1522, Panarctic-U-1596,
Rating: Low Habit: Grass Czech Republic-U-1731, Czech Republic-
Habit: Tree Major Pathway/s: Contaminant W-1977.
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Dispersed by: Humans
Origin: N Am References: United Kingdom-Z-944. Beckmannia spp. Host
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Poaceae
Dispersed by: Humans Beckeropsis uniseta (Nees) K. Schum. Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977, Poaceae Habit: Grass
India-W-1977. Accepted name: Pennisetum unisetum Dispersed by: Humans
(Nees) Benth. References: United States of America-
Beaucarnea stricta Lemaire Total N° of Refs: 1 AZD-1667.
Asparagaceae Habit: perennial Grass
Total N° of Refs: 1 Origin: Africa
Habit: Tree Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Origin: N Am Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental References: South Africa-R-121.
Dispersed by: Humans
References: India-N-976. Beckmannia erucaeformis (L.) Host.
Beaumontia grandiflora (Roxb.) Wall. Accepted name: Beckmannia eruciformis
Apocynaceae (L.) Host
Total N° of Refs: 5 Total N° of Refs: 21
Habit: Herb Habit: Grass
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, References: Canada-A-642.
Origin: E Asia
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Mozambique-nC-943, South
Africa-U-1247, El Salvador-N-1796, South
Africa-N-1991, South Africa-W-1977.

Beckmannia syzigachne (Steud.) Fernald Begonia boliviensis A.DC. Begonia corallina Carrière
Poaceae Begoniaceae Begoniaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Beckmannia Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 2
eruciformis (L.) Host (20) Global Risk Score: 0.24 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Total N° of Refs: 85 Rating: Low Subtropical, Tropical
Global Risk Score: 26.88 Habit: perennial Herb Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Rating: High Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans
Aqua - Habit: annual Grass Dispersed by: Humans References: New Zealand-UW-280, New
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Zealand-N-823.
Origin: E Asia, N Am, S Am
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Begonia bowerae Ziesenh. 'Nigra Begonia cucullata Willd.
Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture Magna' Begoniaceae
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Begoniaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Begonia cucullata
Livestock, Sheep, Water Total N° of Refs: 2 Willd. var. hookeri (A. DC.) L. B. Sm. &
Weed of: Cereals Major Pathway/s: Ornamental B. G. Schub. (2), Begonia semperflorens
References: Finland-U-42, Global-A-68, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Link & Otto (8)
Global-N-85, Global-A-243, Japan-A-263, References: Poland-C-1122, Global-CD- Total N° of Refs: 37
United States of America-ED-159, Japan- 1611. Global Risk Score: 4.8
W-286, Europe, eastern-W-272, China-W- Rating: Low
297, China-A-275, United Kingdom-UZ- Begonia bowerae Ziesenh. 'Tiger' Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb
317, Czech Republic-UZ-400, Europe- Begoniaceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
NID-482, China-W-431, United Kingdom- Total N° of Refs: 2 Subtropical, Tropical
N-519, China-A-571, Canada-A-642, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Origin: S Am
Ukraine-U-643, South Korea-A-648, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Austria-U-708, Denmark-U-711, Lithuania- References: Poland-C-1122, Global-CD- Ornamental
I-737, United Kingdom-N-812, Belarus-N- 1611. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
817, United States of America-N-904, References: Brazil-W-255, United States of
United Kingdom-Z-944, Germany-N-1006, Begonia x cheimantha Everett ex C. America-N-419, United States of America-
United Kingdom-N-1006, Global-N-1059, Weber CE-617, Global-N-85, United States of
Europe-N-819, Belgium-UD-1220, Begoniaceae America-N-101, United States of America-
Norway-N-1243, Canada-U-1252, United Accepted name: parents = Begonia dregei EW-179, United States of America-N-301,
States of America-A-1022, Slovakia-U- Otto & A.Dietr. x Begonia socotrana Hook. United States of America-N-839, South
1484, Czech Republic-U-1522, Norway-N- f. Africa-N-956, Australia-N-354, La
1535, Estonia-W-1609, Austria-W-1609, Total N° of Refs: 2 Reunion-E-1077, Africa-W-1127, China-N-
Denmark-W-1609, Germany-W-1609, Major Pathway/s: Herbal 1215, northern Australia and immediate
Lithuania-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, References: Sweden-W-1609, Sweden-W- northern neighbours -N-29, United States
Sweden-W-1609, Greenland-W-1609, 1977. of America-N-1292, Global-CD-1611,
Japan-A-87, Canadian northwest United States of America-E-1736, Borneo-
Territories-N-1011, North Korea-A-1018, Begonia coccinea Hook. N-1796, Brazil-U-1820, Brazil-R-2053,
United States of America-AZD-1667, Begoniaceae United States of America-N-2092, Austria-
Czech Republic-U-1731, Sweden-N-1802, Total N° of Refs: 9 W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Chile-W-1977,
Global-A-1903, Ukraine-NR-2013, South Global Risk Score: 0.48 India-W-1977, Rwanda-W-1977, South
Korea-A-2032, New Zealand-AZ-634, Rating: Low Africa-W-1977.
Austria-W-1977, Belarus-W-1977, Habit: perennial Herb
Belgium-W-1977, Czech Republic-W- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Begonia cucullata Willd. var. cucullata
1977, Denmark-W-1977, Germany-W- Subtropical, Tropical Begoniaceae
1977, Lithuania-W-1977, Slovakia-W- Origin: S Am Total N° of Refs: 2
1977, Sweden-W-1977, Ukraine-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Subtropical, Tropical
Begonia annulata K.Koch References: Puerto Rico-CW-261, United Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Begoniaceae States of America-N-101, New Zealand-N- Dispersed by: Humans
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Begonia griffithii 823, New Zealand-U-919, Global-CD- References: South Africa-N-1310, Borneo-
Hook. (2) 1611, Chile-I-1872, New Zealand-U-2048, N-1796.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Chile-W-1977, Rwanda-W-1977.
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Begonia cucullata Willd. var. hookeri (A.
Dispersed by: Humans Begonia convolvulacea A.DC. DC.) L. B. Sm. & B. G. Schub.
Begoniaceae Begoniaceae
Begonia argenteo-guttata L. H. Bailey Total N° of Refs: 3 Accepted name: Begonia cucullata Willd.
Begoniaceae Habit: perennial Herb Total N° of Refs: 29
Total N° of Refs: 2 Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Origin: S Am Origin: S Am
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
References: Puerto Rico-CW-261, United References: Puerto Rico-CW-261, Global-
Begonia baumannii Lemoine States of America-N-101, Global-CD-1611. CD-1611.
Total N° of Refs: 2
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.

Begonia cucullata Willd. var. spatulata Begonia x erythrophylla Neumann Begonia foliosa Kunth var. miniata
(G. Lodd.) Golding Begoniaceae (Planch.) L.B. Sm. & Schub.
Begoniaceae Accepted name: parents = Begonia Begoniaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 hydrocotylifolia Otto ex Hook. x Begonia Total N° of Refs: 6
References: La Reunion-I-1321, New manicata Brongn. ex Cels Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Caledonia-I-1507. Total N° of Refs: 2 Dispersed by: Humans
Habit: Herb References: United States of America-N-
Begonia davisii Veitch ex Hook. f. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental 101, United States of America-N-301,
Begoniaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee United States of America-N-839, United
Total N° of Refs: 2 References: Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157, States of America-N-1292, La Reunion-N-
Global Risk Score: 0.24 Global-CD-1611. 1321, New Zealand-U-2048.
Rating: Low
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Begonia evansiana Andrews Begonia fuchsioides Hook.
Dispersed by: Humans Begoniaceae Begoniaceae
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Accepted name: Begonia grandis subsp. Total N° of Refs: 2
evansiana Dryand. Global Risk Score: 0.72
Begonia decandra Pav. ex A. Dc. Total N° of Refs: 9 Rating: Low
Begoniaceae Global Risk Score: 0.72 Habit: Shrub
Total N° of Refs: 2 Rating: Low Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
References: Puerto Rico-A-929, Puerto Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans
Rico-A-87. Dispersed by: Humans References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
References: Japan-N-287, Japan-N-794,
Begonia diadema Linden ex Rodigas Japan-N-1278, Chile-I-1872, Chile-W- Begonia fusca Liebm.
Begoniaceae 1977, Japan-W-1977. Begoniaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 3
Global Risk Score: 0.48 Begonia x feastii L.H.Bailey Major Pathway/s: Crop
Rating: Low Begoniaceae References: United States of America-N-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 2 839, United States of America-N-1292,
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Herbal United States of America-N-2092.
References: La Reunion-E-1077, La References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
Reunion-I-1321. Begonia glabra Aubl.McPherson
Begonia fischeri Schrank Begoniaceae
Begonia dichroa Sprague Begoniaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Begoniaceae Total N° of Refs: 2 Habit: Herb
Total N° of Refs: 2 Aqua - Habit: Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Habit: Herb Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans
Origin: S Am Dispersed by: Humans References: United States of America-N-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: Bolivia-N-1753, Bolivia-W- 742.
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee 1977.
References: Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157, Begonia glaucophylla Gower ex Hook.f.
Global-CD-1611. Begonia flexuosa A. DC. Begoniaceae
Begoniaceae Accepted name: Begonia radicans Vell.
Begonia dregei Otto & A.Dietr. Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 2
Begoniaceae Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 2 References: Central America-A-933. Dispersed by: Humans
Global Risk Score: 0.24 References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
Rating: Low Begonia foliosa Kunth
Habit: perennial Herb Begoniaceae Begonia gracilis Kunth
Origin: Africa Synonym/s (n° of refs): Begonia foliosa Begoniaceae
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental var. miniata Kunth [(Planch.) L.B. Sm. & Total N° of Refs: 2
Dispersed by: Humans Schub. ] Global Risk Score: 1.2
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 10 Rating: Low
Global Risk Score: 1.44 ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Begonia echinosepala Regel Rating: Low Subtropical
Begoniaceae Habit: Shrub Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Total N° of Refs: 2 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Ornamental
Global Risk Score: 0.24 Tropical Dispersed by: Humans
Rating: Low Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
Habit: Shrub Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: United States of America-CE- Begonia grandeflora Jacq.Non Stop
Dispersed by: Humans 617, United States of America-N-101, Begoniaceae
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Portugal-N-1006, Europe-N-819, United Total N° of Refs: 1
States of America-Q-1197, United States of References: Armenia-W-1977.
America-N-1292, Global-W-1324, Global-
CD-1611, New Zealand-U-2048, Rwanda-

Begonia grandis Dryand. Begonia hirtella Link Begonia maculata Raddi
Begoniaceae Begoniaceae Begoniaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Begonia evansiana Total N° of Refs: 18 Total N° of Refs: 2
Andrews (6) Global Risk Score: 2.88 Global Risk Score: 0.72
Total N° of Refs: 9 Rating: Low Rating: Low
Habit: perennial Herb Habit: Herb Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Subtropical, Tropical
Tropical Origin: S Am Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Origin: E Asia Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
Ornamental Weed of: Bananas, Orchards and
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Plantations Begonia malabarica Lam.
References: United Kingdom-C-314, References: Puerto Rico-CW-261, Begoniaceae
Global-CD-1611, New Zealand-U-2048. Guadeloupe-A-206, United States of Total N° of Refs: 2
America-CE-617, Global-W-28, Global-A- Global Risk Score: 1.2
Begonia griffithii Hook. 243, United States of America-N-101, Rating: Low
Begoniaceae United States of America-W-179, Global- Habit: Herb
Accepted name: Begonia annulata K.Koch N-85, United States of America-N-301, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Total N° of Refs: 2 United States of America-N-839, United Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. States of America-N-1292, South Africa-N- Ornamental
1310, Australia, northern-W-1204, Global- Dispersed by: Humans
Begonia haageana W.Watson CD-1611, Sri Lanka-N-1796, India-W- References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
Begoniaceae 1977, Malaysia-W-1977, South Africa-W-
Total N° of Refs: 4 1977. Begonia manicata Brongn. ex Cels
Global Risk Score: 0.48 Begoniaceae
Rating: Low Begonia humilis Dryand. Total N° of Refs: 3
Habit: Herb Begoniaceae Global Risk Score: 1.2
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Total N° of Refs: 1 Rating: Low
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Habit: Herb Habit: perennial Herb
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
References: Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Origin: N Am, S Am
Global-CD-1611, Chile-I-1872, Chile-W- Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
1977. References: La Reunion-N-1321. Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
Begonia heracleifolia Cham. & Schltdl. Begonia x hybrida nom. hort. References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977,
Begoniaceae Begoniaceae India-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 8 Total N° of Refs: 2
Global Risk Score: 2.4 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Begonia metallica W.G.Smith
Rating: Low Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Begoniaceae
Habit: perennial Herb References: Poland-C-1122, Global-CD- Total N° of Refs: 2
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, 1611. Habit: Shrub
Subtropical, Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Origin: C Am, N Am Begonia hydrocotylifolia Otto ex Hook. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Begoniaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 2 References: Poland-C-1122, Global-CD-
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Global Risk Score: 0.72 1611.
References: Puerto Rico-CW-261, United Rating: Low
States of America-N-101, Mexico-W-890, Habit: perennial Herb Begonia minor Jacq.
Mexico-W-1226, Global-CD-1611, Chile-I- Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Begoniaceae
1872, Chile-W-1977, Rwanda-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 4
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Dispersed by: Humans
References: Portugal-N-1006, Europe-N-
Begonia incarnata Link & Otto 819, La Reunion-N-1321, Global-W-1324.
Total N° of Refs: 3
Origin: N Am
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Mexico-W-890, Mexico-W-
1226, Rwanda-W-1977.

Begonia longipes Hook.

Total N° of Refs: 2
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.

Begonia nelumbiifolia Cham. & Schltdl. Begonia rex Putz. Begonia x semperflorens-cultorum nom.
Begoniaceae Begoniaceae hort.
Total N° of Refs: 8 Total N° of Refs: 7 Begoniaceae
Global Risk Score: 1.44 Global Risk Score: 4.8 Accepted name: parents = Begonia
Rating: Low Rating: Low cucullata Willd. x Begonia schmidtiana
Habit: perennial Herb Habit: Herb Regel.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Total N° of Refs: 12
Subtropical, Tropical Tropical Toxic - Habit: Herb
Origin: N Am, S Am Origin: E Asia Origin: S Am
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
References: Puerto Rico-CW-261, United Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee References: New Zealand-N-280, United
States of America-N-101, United States of References: United Kingdom-C-314, La Kingdom-C-314, Pacific-W-621, Austria-
America-N-1114, Cuba-NI-1505, Global- Reunion-E-1077, Gal pagos Islands-CN- UC-708, New Zealand-N-919, Global-CD-
CD-1611, -I-, Cuba-W-2055, Cuba-W- 1157, La Reunion-I-1321, Global-CD- 1611, New Zealand-N-2048, Fiji-W-1977,
1977, Global--1324. 1611, Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Marshall Islands-W-1977, Niue-W-1977,
Palau-W-1977, Samoa-W-1977.
Begonia nitida Dryand Begonia x ricinifolia A.Dietr.
Begoniaceae Begoniaceae Begonia socotrana Hook. f.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Accepted name: parents = Begonia Begoniaceae
Major Pathway/s: Crop heracleifolia Cham. & Schltdl. x Begonia Total N° of Refs: 2
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. peponifolia Brongn. ex F.Cels Global Risk Score: 0.72
Total N° of Refs: 1 Rating: Low
Begonia odorata Willd. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Begoniaceae Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Rwanda-W-1977. References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
Habit: perennial Herb
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Begonia sanguinea Raddi. Begonia sp. nom. hort. 'Aya'
Dispersed by: Humans Begoniaceae Begoniaceae
References: Bermuda-N-1267. Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 2
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Habit: Herb
Begonia peltata Otto & Diet. Rating: Low Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Begoniaceae Origin: S Am Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental References: Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157,
Habit: Succulent Dispersed by: Humans Global-CD-1611.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977,
Dispersed by: Humans Rwanda-W-1977. Begonia sp. ‘Thurstonii’
References: French Polynesia-N-1514. Begoniaceae
Begonia semperflorens Link & Otto Accepted name: parents = Begonia
Begonia pendula Ridl. Begoniaceae metallica W.G.Smith x Begonia sanguinea
Begoniaceae Accepted name: Begonia cucullata Willd. Raddi.
Total N° of Refs: 1 var. semperflorens (A.DC.) L.B.Sm. & Total N° of Refs: 2
References: Armenia-W-1977. Schub. Global Risk Score: 0.24
Total N° of Refs: 35 Rating: Low
Begonia radicans Vell. Global Risk Score: 2.4 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Begoniaceae Rating: Low Dispersed by: Humans
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Begonia Toxic - Habit: annual Herb References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
glaucophylla Gower ex Hook.f. (2) Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Total N° of Refs: 2 Subtropical, Tropical Begonia spp. L.
Habit: perennial Vine Origin: S Am Begoniaceae
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Total N° of Refs: 4
Dispersed by: Humans Ornamental Habit: perennial Herb
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Begonia rajah Ridl. References: Europe-N-819, Gal pagos Dispersed by: Humans
Begoniaceae Islands-CN-1157, China-N-1215, United References: French Polynesia-N-1514,
Total N° of Refs: 2 States of America-C-1329, China-N-1344, Brazil-N-1559, Costa Rica-W-1570, Cuba-
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Global-CD-1611, China-N-1758, Chile-I- CN-2024.
Begonia reniformis Dry.
Begoniaceae Begonia semperflorens Link & Otto
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Begonia vitifolia Begoniaceae
Schott (5) Total N° of Refs: 2
Total N° of Refs: 8 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans
Dispersed by: Humans References: Belgium-U-1220, Austria-W-
References: United States of America-N- 1609.
101, United States of America-N-839,
United States of America-N-1292.

Begonia x tuberhybrida Voss Belamcanda chinensis (L.) DC. Bellevalia edirnensis Özhatay &
Begoniaceae Iridaceae B.Mathew
Accepted name: a group of cultivars Accepted name: Iris domestica (L.) Liliaceae
developed from hybridization of several Goldblatt & Mabb. Total N° of Refs: 1
Andean species Total N° of Refs: 25 References: Turkey-R-1968.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Begonia tuberosa Global Risk Score: 2.4
Lam. (2) Rating: Low Bellevalia eigii Feinbr.
Total N° of Refs: 7 Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Liliaceae
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Total N° of Refs: 1
Rating: Low Subtropical, Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Origin: E Asia References: North Africa, Libya, Egypt-W-
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, 1730.
References: South Africa-U-1247, Sweden- Ornamental
W-1609, Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Bellevalia flexuosa Boiss.
Sweden-W-1977. References: Puerto Rico-CW-261, United Liliaceae
States of America-N-101, United States of Total N° of Refs: 2
Begonia tuberosa Lam. America-N-904, Global-N-1059, Laos-N- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Begoniaceae 1102, South Africa-I-1247, United States of Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Accepted name: Begonia x tuberhybrida America-C-1329, India-UN-1345, South Dispersed by: Humans
Voss Africa-N-1002, Taiwan-N-1403, Cuba-NI- References: Egypt-W-221, North Africa,
Total N° of Refs: 7 1505, Global-CD-1611, Eastern Caribbean- Libya, Egypt-W-1730.
Global Risk Score: 0.72 N-1742, Taiwan-W-1748, Cuba-NI-2055.
Rating: Low Bellevalia glauca (Lind) Kunth.
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Bellardia trixago (L.) ALL. Liliaceae
Dispersed by: Humans Scrophulariaceae Accepted name: Hyacinthus ciliatus Cyrill.
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bartsia trixago L. Total N° of Refs: 1
(26) Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Begonia ulmifolia Willd. Total N° of Refs: 67 Dispersed by: Humans
Begoniaceae Global Risk Score: 1.92 Weed of: Cereals
Total N° of Refs: 2 Rating: Low References: Global-A-243.
Global Risk Score: 0.24 Habit: annual Herb
Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Bellevalia macrobotrys Boiss.
Habit: Herb Origin: Africa, Europe Liliaceae
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 2
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
References: La Reunion-E-1077, La Weed of: Cereals, Pastures References: Egypt-W-221, North Africa,
Reunion-W-1321. References: United States of America-E- Libya, Egypt-W-1730.
231, United States of America-X-35,
Begonia vitifolia Schott Australia-E-72, United States of America- Bellevalia mauritanica Pomel
Begoniaceae E-78, United States of America-E-80, Liliaceae
Accepted name: Begonia reniformis Australia-N-9, Europe-A-94, United States Total N° of Refs: 1
Dryand. of America-N-101, United States of References: North Africa, Libya, Egypt-W-
Total N° of Refs: 8 America-Q-116, Chile-N-241, United 1730.
Global Risk Score: 0.96 States of America-W-161, Australia-N-176,
Rating: Low Japan-N-287, Australia-N-198, Australia- Bellevalia paradoxa (Fisch. & C.A.Mey.)
Habit: perennial Herb N-945, United Kingdom-U-314, Boiss.
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Mediterranean-I-775, Japan-N-794, Liliaceae
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Australia-W-869, United States of Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bellevalia
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee America-W-946, Mediterranean-E-951, pycnantha (K. Koch) Losinsk. (1)
References: United States of America-CE- Portugal-N-1006, Australia-N-1049, Total N° of Refs: 1
617, United States of America-N-301, Europe-N-819, Iberian Peninsular-N-1147, Habit: perennial Herb
Global-CD-1611, Chile-I-1872, Chile-W- Romania-U-1154, Crete-A-1228, Japan-N- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
1977. 1278, Australia-A-1331, Chile-A-87, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Greece-A-87, Italy-A-1618, United States Dispersed by: Humans
Begonia wallichiana Lehm. of America-E-1736, Uruguay-N-1800,
Begoniaceae Australia-W-1977, Austria-W-1977, Bellevalia pycnantha (K. Koch) Losinsk.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Belgium-W-1977, Bulgaria-W-1977, Chile- Liliaceae
Habit: perennial Herb W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Romania-W- Accepted name: Bellevalia paradoxa
Origin: N Am 1977. (Fisch. & C.A.Mey.) Boiss.
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 1
Dispersed by: Humans Bellevalia ciliata (Cyr.) Nees Global Risk Score: 0.72
References: Mexico-W-890, Mexico-W- Liliaceae Rating: Low
1226. Total N° of Refs: 4 Habit: perennial Herb
Habit: perennial Herb Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans
References: France-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Weed of: Cereals
Global-W-1324, France-W-1977. References: Iran-A-2111.

Bellevalia romana (L.) Reichb Bellis perennis L. Kingdom-A-87, Germany-A-87, Iraq-A-87,
Liliaceae Asteraceae Spain-A-87, Yugoslavia-A-87, Chile-A-87,
Total N° of Refs: 7 Total N° of Refs: 174 New Zealand-A-87, United States of
Habit: perennial Herb Global Risk Score: 18 America-A-87, Canadian northwest
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Rating: High Territories-N-1011, Serbia-W-1031, Chile-
Origin: Africa, Europe Habit: perennial Herb ND-1557, Lithuania-CN-1652, Europe-ZD-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, 1656, Europe-ZD-1576, Global-CD-1611,
Ornamental Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical New Zealand-A-1624, Global-ZD-1581,
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Polar Regions-ZD-1587, Russia-W-1684,
References: United Kingdom-C-314, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Russia-N-1688, Europe--, Poland-U-1716,
France-N-1006, Spain-N-1006, Europe-N- Herbal, Ornamental Azores-N-1721, India-A-1725, Iceland-U-
819, Global-W-1324, Global-CD-1611, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers, 1552, United States of America-E-1736,
North Africa, Libya, Egypt-W-1730. Cattle, Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles, Water, Europe-UI-1740, Taiwan-W-1748, United
Wind, Escapee States of America-N-1162, Serbia-W-1766,
Bellevalia sessiliflora (Viv.) Kunth Seed Longevity: Long Term Austria-A-1670, Russia-C-1671, France-A-
Liliaceae Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations, 1814, Australia-N-1845, Serbia-R-1848,
Total N° of Refs: 2 Pastures, Vegetables Canada-G-1855, Chile-I-1872, Chile and
References: Egypt-W-221, North Africa, References: United States of America-CE- Argentina-A-1874, Mexico-N-1881,
Libya, Egypt-W-1730. 617, Global-W-23, Australia-E-290, United Montenegro-R-1944, Serbia-R-1946,
States of America-CW-34, Finland-N-42, Germany-R-1948, Australia-N-1959, -I-, -
Bellevalia spp. Lapeyr. Chile-N-300, Global-N-85, Europe-A-94, I-, Central and northern Japan and northern
Liliaceae United States of America-N-101, New islands-N-1983, Estonia-N-1994, Estonia-
Total N° of Refs: 2 Zealand-N-280, United States of America- N-1997, Kosovo-R-2003, New Zealand-N-
References: Iran-A-1619, Global-W-2056. Q-116, Chile-N-241, United States of 2048, Serbia-R-2057, Poland-A-2059,
America-W-136, United States of America- Poland-C-2062, northern European towns-
Bellevalia trifoliata (Ten.) Kunth W-161, New Zealand-W-165, Australia-N- W-2095, Belgium-W-2096, Russia-I-2107,
Liliaceae 176, Australia-N-198, United States of Argentina-W-1977, Armenia-W-1977,
Total N° of Refs: 5 America-W-211, United States of America- Australia-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Chile-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean W-212, Europe, eastern-AW-272, United W-1977, Democratic Repubic of Korea-W-
References: France-N-1006, Europe-N-819, States of America-W-218, Australia-C-401, 1977, Iceland-W-1977, India-W-1977,
Global-W-1324, North Africa, Libya, Australia-N-945, Australia-E-327, New Japan-W-1977, Latvia-W-1977, Mexico-
Egypt-W-1730, France-W-1977. Zealand-NW-425, Iceland-N-507, New W-1977, Peru-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977,
Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N-15, United Republic of Korea-W-1977, Sweden-W-
Bellidastrum michelii Cass. States of America-A-543, Canada-A-642, 1977, Taiwan-W-1977, South Korea-U-
Asteraceae Ukraine-UC-643, Canada-N-652, 2113, North Korea--.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Australia-EN-310, India-A-712, Canada
Dispersed by: Wind and United States of America-N-725, Bellis perennis L. ‘Flore-plena’
References: Czech Republic-U-1522. Turkey-A-727, United States of America- Asteraceae
E-736, Global-A-743, United States of Total N° of Refs: 1
Bellidiastrum michelii Cass. America-N-86, Chile-N-765, Australia-N- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Asteraceae 7, United States of America-N-301, References: New Zealand-N-1543.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Mexico-N-791, Japan-N-794, United States
References: Czech Republic-U-1731, of America-N-839, Australia-W-869, Costa Bellis spp. L.
Czech Republic-W-1977. Rica-CN-872, Mexico-I-878, India-N-914, Asteraceae
New Zealand-N-919, Chile-A-931, United Total N° of Refs: 2
Bellis annua L. States of America-W-946, Argentina-I-983, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Asteraceae Australia-N-354, Portugal-N-1006, References: Australia-N-198, Europe,
Total N° of Refs: 4 Germany-N-1006, Sweden-N-1006, United eastern-W-272.
Global Risk Score: 0.24 States of America-N-1057, Europe-N-819,
Rating: Low Antarctica-N-396, Chile-W-388, United Bellis sylvestris Cyr.
Habit: biennial Herb Kingdom-A-322, Turkey-A-144, Russia-I- Asteraceae
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean 1178, Serbia-A-1209, Mexico-W-1226, Total N° of Refs: 1
Origin: Africa, Europe Crete-A-1228, Chile-N-1229, Serbia-W- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental 1238, Latvia-N-1242, Norway-N-1243, Major Pathway/s: Crop
Dispersed by: Humans Falkland Islands-N-1251, Canada-N-1252, References: Czech Republic-W-1977.
References: Europe-A-94, United Australia-E-1259, Australia-E-1261,
Kingdom-U-314, India-W-1977, Spain-W- Australia-E-1262, France-A-1266, Japan- Bellium bellidioides L.
1977. N-1278, Argentina-W-1286, United States Asteraceae
of America-N-1292, Australia-W-1318, Total N° of Refs: 2
Bellis annua L. subsp. Annua India-N-1345, Chile-N-1348, Global-W- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Asteraceae 1349, Finland-AW-1356, Serbia-W-1358, Origin: Africa, Europe
Total N° of Refs: 1 Antarctica-N-1362, Serbia-A-1372, Serbia- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
References: Crete-A-1228. W-1222, India-N-1389, Taiwan-N-1403, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Australia-N-1450, Australia-E-1456, References: United Kingdom-C-314,
Turkey-W-1460, Global-ZD-1495, Mexico- Global-CD-1611.
N-1500, Iran-A-1524, Austria-N-1531,
New Zealand-N-1543, Panarctic-UC-1596,
Estonia-W-1609, Latvia-W-1609, Sweden-
W-1609, Bolivia-N-1630, United

Bellucia grossularioides (L.) Triana Benincasa hispida (Thunb.) Cogn. Berberis aggregata C.K.Schneid.
Melastomataceae Cucurbitaceae Berberidaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 7 Total N° of Refs: 16
Habit: Tree Habit: annual Herb Global Risk Score: 1.44
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Rating: Low
Major Pathway/s: Crop Subtropical, Tropical Habit: Shrub
Dispersed by: Animals Origin: Aust, E Asia, SE Asia Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
References: Global-N-85. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Origin: E Asia
Herbal, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Bellucia pentamera Naudin Dispersed by: Humans, Animals Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Melastomataceae References: Federated States of References: United Kingdom-N-40, United
Total N° of Refs: 5 Micronesia-N-230, France-N-518, United Kingdom-C-314, United Kingdom-N-519,
Global Risk Score: 0.72 States of America-N-101, Australia-N-945, United Kingdom-CN-812, United
Rating: Low Australia-N-354, Sri Lanka-ZD-1020, Kingdom-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Norway-
Habit: Tree Australia-W-1977. N-1243, Global-W-1324, Norway-N-1535,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Netherlands-W-1609, Norway-W-1609,
Origin: C Am Bensoniella oregona (Abrams & Bacig.) Global-CD-1611, Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Morton 1977, Ireland-W-1977, United Kingdom-
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals Saxifragaceae W-1977.
References: Africa-W-760, Global-W- Total N° of Refs: 2
1376, Global-I-1404, Indonesia-ID-2016, Habit: perennial Herb Berberis amurensis Rupr.
Democratic Republic of the Congo-W- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Berberidaceae
1977. Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 5
References: Global-Q-1205, Australia-Q- Global Risk Score: 1.2
Belonastrum berolinensis 1123. Rating: Low
(Lemmermann) Round & Maidana Habit: Shrub
Bacillariophyta incertae sedis Bentinckia nicobarica (Kurz) Becc. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Staurosirella Arecaceae Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
berolinensis (Lemmermann) Bukhtiyarova Total N° of Refs: 2 Ornamental
(1) Global Risk Score: 1.44 Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 1 Rating: Low References: Chile-I-1872, Russia-N-1919,
Habit: Tree Ukraine-U-2014, Armenia-W-1977, Chile-
Beloperone guttata Brandegee Preferred Climate/s: Tropical W-1977.
Acanthaceae Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Accepted name: Justicia fulvicoma Schltdl. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Berberis aquifolium Pursh
& Cham. References: Panama-CI-625, Global-CD- Berberidaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 1611. Accepted name: Mahonia aquifolium
Origin: N Am (Pursh) Nutt.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Benzoin aestivale (L.) Nees Synonym/s (n° of refs): Berberis
Dispersed by: Humans Lauraceae diversifolia (Sweet) Steud. (1)
References: Ecuador-N-875. Accepted name: Lindera benzoin (L.) Total N° of Refs: 140
Blume var. benzoin Toxic - Habit: Shrub
Belosynapsis ciliata (Blume) R. S. Rao Total N° of Refs: 5 Origin: N Am
Commelinaceae References: Chile-A-931. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 2 Dispersed by: Humans
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Berberidopsis corallina Hook. f. References: Global-N-85, Canada-A-642,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Flacourtiaceae Ireland-W-894, Australia-N-354, Global-Q-
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 1 1208, Belgium-NI-1220, Australia-N-1450,
References: south and southeast Asia-A- Habit: perennial Vine Netherlands-W-1609, United States of
1320, Madagascar-N-1000. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean America-A-87, Romania-NI-1905, France-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental N-1940, New Zealand-N-2048, Armenia-
Belosynapsis moluccana C.E.C.Fischer Dispersed by: Humans W-1977, Australia-W-1977, Austria-W-
Commelinaceae References: New Zealand-U-2048. 1977, Belgium-W-1977, Bulgaria-W-1977,
Total N° of Refs: 2 Croatia-W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Denmark-W-1977, Estonia-W-1977,
Dispersed by: Humans France-W-1977, Germany-W-1977,
References: south and southeast Asia-A- Ireland-W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Latvia-W-
1320, south and southeast Asia-A-1408. 1977, Luxembourg-W-1977, Netherlands-
W-1977, Poland-W-1977, Slovakia-W-
Bencomia caudata Webb & Berthel. 1977, Sweden-W-1977, Switzerland-W-
Rosaceae 1977, Ukraine-W-1977, United Kingdom-
Total N° of Refs: 3 W-1977.
Habit: Shrub
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Portugal-N-1006, Europe-N-
819, Global-W-1324.

Berberis aquifolium Pursh var. repens Berberis buxifolia Lam. Berberis congestiflora Gay
(Lindley) H. Scoggan Berberidaceae Berberidaceae
Berberidaceae Total N° of Refs: 11 Total N° of Refs: 1
Accepted name: Berberis repens Lindl. Global Risk Score: 3.6 Habit: Shrub
Total N° of Refs: 3 Rating: Low Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Habit: Shrub Habit: Shrub Dispersed by: Humans
References: Canada-A-642. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean References: New Zealand-U-2048.
Origin: S Am
Berberis aquifolium Pursh subsp. repens Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Berberis cretica L.
(Lindl.) Scoggan Ornamental Berberidaceae
Berberidaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Escapee Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Global-N-108, United Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
References: Canada-A-642. Kingdom-C-314, United Kingdom-N-519, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
United Kingdom-C-812, Ireland-U-894, Dispersed by: Humans
Berberis aquifolium Pursh fo. repens Europe-N-819, Global-W-1376, Global-I- References: Europe, eastern-W-272.
(Lindl.) B. Boivin 1404, Global-CD-1611, Ireland-W-1977,
Berberidaceae United Kingdom-W-1977. Berberis darwinii Hook.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Berberidaceae
References: Canada-A-642. Berberis canadensis Mill. Total N° of Refs: 63
Berberidaceae Global Risk Score: 14.4
Berberis aristata DC. Total N° of Refs: 7 Rating: Medium
Berberidaceae Global Risk Score: 3.6 Habit: Tree
Total N° of Refs: 13 Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Global Risk Score: 7.2 Habit: Shrub Origin: S Am
Rating: Medium Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Toxic - Habit: Shrub Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Ornamental
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Escapee
Tropical Dispersed by: Humans Weed of: Pastures
Origin: C Asia References: United States of America-W- References: Australia-E-289, Australia-E-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, 218, United States of America-A-87, Chile- 72, United Kingdom-N-40, New Zealand-
Ornamental I-1872, New Zealand-Q-1879, New E-246, Global-EI-152, Global-N-85, United
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Zealand-Q-2086, Armenia-W-1977, Chile- States of America-N-101, New Zealand-N-
Weed of: Cereals W-1977. 280, Australia-E-296, Australia-E-155,
References: Australia-C-401, Australia-N- New Zealand-EW-181, Australia-N-176,
945, Australia-E-189, Australia-AN-310, Berberis chinensis Poir. Australia-N-198, New Zealand-EW-225,
Australia-W-853, Australia-W-869, Berberidaceae Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945, United
Australia-N-1049, Global-CD-1611, Chile- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Berberis sinensis Kingdom-C-314, Australia-E-380,
I-1872, Nepal-A-1932, New Zealand-U- Desf. (2) Australia-E-327, New Zealand-NW-425,
2048, Australia-W-1977, Chile-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 2 United Kingdom-N-519, New Zealand-N-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental 534, New Zealand-N-15, Global-E-649,
Berberis asiatica Roxb. Dispersed by: Humans Australia-AEN-310, United States of
Berberidaceae America-E-736, United Kingdom-CN-812,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Berberis chitria Lindl. Australia-W-853, Australia-W-869,
Global Risk Score: 1.2 Berberidaceae Australia-E-880, Ireland-N-894, New
Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 3 Zealand-N-919, New Zealand-W-964,
Habit: Shrub Global Risk Score: 0.48 Australia-N-354, United Kingdom-N-1006,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Rating: Low Iceland-N-1006, Australia-N-1049, Europe-
Tropical Habit: Shrub N-819, New Zealand-E-505, Belgium-U-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental 1220, Australia-E-1259, Australia-X-1319,
Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans Global-W-1376, Global-I-1404, Global-E-
Dispersed by: Humans References: India-A-1124, Chile-I-1872, 1449, Australia-E-1456, New Zealand-X-
References: Chile-I-1872. Chile-W-1977. 1542, Global-CD-1611, New Zealand-A-
1624, Australia-NX-1845, France-N-1941,
Berberis bealei Fortune Berberis concinna Hook. f. & Thomson France-W-1943, Australia-N-1959, New
Berberidaceae Berberidaceae Zealand-ED-2023, New Zealand-N-2048,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Mahonia bealei Total N° of Refs: 2 New Zealand-Q-2086, New Zealand-E-
(Fortune) Carri re (12) Global Risk Score: 0.24 483, Australia-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977,
Total N° of Refs: 21 Rating: Low France-W-1977, Ireland-W-1977, New
Origin: E Asia Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Zealand-W-1977, United Kingdom-W-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental 1977.
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans
References: Global-N-85, Italy-N-1165, References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
Italy-N-251, Europe-W-1325, Italy-N-
1887, Belgium-U-1294, New Zealand-U-
2048, Germany-W-1977, Italy-W-1977.

Berberis darwinii Hook. x Berberis Berberis floribunda Wall. ex G.Don Berberis haematocarpa Wooton
empetrifolia Lam. Berberidaceae Berberidaceae
Berberidaceae Total N° of Refs: 3 Accepted name: Mahonia haematocarpa
Accepted name: Berberis x stenophylla Global Risk Score: 0.24 (Woot.) Fedde
Hance Rating: Low Synonym/s (n° of refs): Mahonia
Total N° of Refs: 9 Origin: C Asia, E Asia haematocarpa (Wooton) Fedde (1)
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 5
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Dispersed by: Humans Habit: Shrub
References: United Kingdom-N-519, References: Australia-N-354, Australia-N- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
United Kingdom-CN-812, Ireland-W-894, 1202, Australia-E-1456. Ornamental
Global-CD-1611. Dispersed by: Humans
Berberis fortunei Lindl. References: United States of America-A-
Berberis diaphana Maxim. Berberidaceae 87, New Zealand-Q-1879, New Zealand-Q-
Berberidaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Mahonia fortunei 2086.
Total N° of Refs: 2 (Lindl.) Fedde (3)
Global Risk Score: 0.24 Total N° of Refs: 3 Berberis heteropoda Schrenk ex Fisch. &
Rating: Low Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental C.A.Mey.
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans Berberidaceae
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 2
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Berberis gagnepainii C. K. Schneid. Global Risk Score: 0.72
Berberidaceae Rating: Low
Berberis dictyophylla Franch. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Berberis x Origin: E Asia
Berberidaceae hybridogagnepainii J.V.Suringar (4) Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 17 Dispersed by: Humans
Global Risk Score: 0.24 Global Risk Score: 2.4 References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
Rating: Low Rating: Low
Habit: Shrub Habit: Shrub Berberis hookeri Lem.
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Berberidaceae
Dispersed by: Humans Origin: E Asia Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Habit: Shrub
Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Berberis diversifolia (Sweet) Steud. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Tropical
Berberidaceae References: United Kingdom-C-314, Origin: C Asia, E Asia
Accepted name: Berberis aquifolium Pursh Europe-N-482, United Kingdom-N-519, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 35 United Kingdom-CN-812, United Dispersed by: Humans
References: Ireland-W-894. Kingdom-N-1006, Europe-N-819, References: United Kingdom-N-314.
Belgium-U-1220, Global-W-1324, Global-
Berberis dulcis Sweet CD-1611, Chile-I-1872, Belgium-W-1977, Berberis hybridogagnepainii J. V.
Berberidaceae Chile-W-1977, United Kingdom-W-1977. Suringar
Total N° of Refs: 1 Berberidaceae
Global Risk Score: 0.24 Berberis glaucocarpa Stapf Accepted name: Berberis x
Rating: Low Berberidaceae hybridogagnepainii J. V. Suringar
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 30 Total N° of Refs: 5
Dispersed by: Humans Global Risk Score: 2.88 References: Belgium-W-1977.
References: Australia-E-380. Rating: Low
Habit: Tree Berberis x hybridogagnepainii
Berberis erythroclada Ahrendt Preferred Climate/s: Tropical J.V.Suringar
Berberidaceae Origin: E Asia Berberidaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Accepted name: parents = Berberis
Major Pathway/s: Crop Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Escapee gagnepainii C.K.Schneid. x Berberis
Weed of: Pastures Weed of: Pastures verruculosa Hemsl. & E.H.Wilson
References: Nepal-A-1792. References: New Zealand-E-246, Global- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Berberis
N-85, New Zealand-N-280, New Zealand- hybridogagnepainii J. V. Suringar (1)
Berberis fendleri A. Gray EW-181, New Zealand-W-165, New Total N° of Refs: 18
Berberidaceae Zealand-EW-225, United Kingdom-C-314, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 4 New Zealand-NW-425, New Zealand-X- Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Habit: Shrub 495, United Kingdom-N-519, New References: United Kingdom-C-314,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N-15, Belgium-U-1294, Belgium-U-1220,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal Global-I-629, Global-E-649, United Global-CD-1611.
References: United States of America-W- Kingdom-CN-812, New Zealand-N-919,
218, United States of America-A-87, New New Zealand-W-964, New Zealand-E-328, Berberis ilicifolia G.Forst.
Zealand-Q-1879, New Zealand-Q-2086. New Zealand-E-505, Global-W-1376, Berberidaceae
Global-I-1404, Global-CD-1611, New Total N° of Refs: 1
Zealand-A-1624, New Zealand-Q-1879, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
New Zealand-ED-2023, New Zealand-N- Dispersed by: Humans
2048, New Zealand-Q-2086, New Zealand- References: Falkland Islands-nC-1251.
E-483, New Zealand-W-1977, United

Berberis integerrima Bunge Berberis levis Franch. Berberis pinnata Lag.
Berberidaceae Berberidaceae Berberidaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 2 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Mahonia pinnata
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. (Lag.) Fedde (6)
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 7
Dispersed by: Humans Berberis lomariifolia (Takeda) Laferr. Habit: Shrub
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Berberidaceae Origin: N Am
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Mahonia Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Berberis japonica (Thunb.) R.Br. lomariifolia Takeda (2) Ornamental
Berberidaceae Total N° of Refs: 5 Dispersed by: Humans
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Mahonia japonica Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: Australia-N-354.
(Thunb.) DC. (8) Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 10 References: Australia-X-1693, New Berberis poiretii C.K.Schneid.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Zealand-U-2048, Australia-W-1977. Berberidaceae
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 2
References: United States of America-E- Berberis microphylla G. Forst. Global Risk Score: 0.24
80, New Zealand-N-2048. Berberidaceae Rating: Low
Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Berberis julianae C. K. Schneid. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans
Berberidaceae Dispersed by: Humans References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 29 References: Falkland Islands-N-1251.
Global Risk Score: 4.8 Berberis polyantha Hemsl.
Rating: Low Berberis napaulensis (DC.) Spreng. Berberidaceae
Habit: Shrub Berberidaceae Total N° of Refs: 2
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Synonym/s (n° of refs): Mahonia Global Risk Score: 0.24
Origin: E Asia acanthifolia G. Don (1) Rating: Low
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Dispersed by: Humans References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
References: United Kingdom-C-314,
United Kingdom-N-519, Austria-UC-708, Berberis nervosa Pursh Berberis pruinosa Franch.
Hungary-U-809, United Kingdom-CN-812, Berberidaceae Berberidaceae
United States of America-N-101, United Synonym/s (n° of refs): Mahonia nervosa Total N° of Refs: 2
Kingdom-N-1006, Europe-N-819, (Pursh) Nutt. (2) Habit: Shrub
Belgium-U-1220, Hungary-U-1255, Total N° of Refs: 2 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Global-I-1404, Slovakia-U-1484, Czech Habit: Shrub Origin: E Asia
Republic-U-1522, Austria-W-1609, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Germany-W-1609, Global-CD-1611, Czech Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Republic-U-1731, United States of References: United Kingdom-C-314,
America-E-1736, Chile-I-1872, Berberis x ottawensis C.K.Schneid. Global-CD-1611.
Switzerland-U-1990, Armenia-W-1977, Berberidaceae
Austria-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Chile- Accepted name: parents = Berberis Berberis regeliana Koehne ex
W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977, thunbergii DC. x Berberis vulgaris L. C.K.Schneid.
Germany-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 5 Berberidaceae
Slovakia-W-1977, United Kingdom-W- Global Risk Score: 1.44 Total N° of Refs: 2
1977. Rating: Low Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Habit: Shrub Dispersed by: Humans
Berberis julianiae Schneid. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
Berberidaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: United Kingdom-C-314, Berberis repens Lindl.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Canada and United States of America-NI- Berberidaceae
References: United States of America-N- 725, Europe-N-819, Belgium-U-1220, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Berberis
101. Global-CD-1611. aquifolium Pursh var. repens (Lindley) H.
Scoggan (1), Mahonia repens (Lindl.)
Berberis koreana Palib. Berberis ottawensis C.K. Schneid. G.Don (5)
Berberidaceae Berberidaceae Total N° of Refs: 8
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 1 Habit: Shrub
Global Risk Score: 1.2 References: Belgium-W-1977. Preferred Climate/s: Dryland
Rating: Low Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Habit: Shrub Berberis parvifolia Sprague, nom. illeg. Dispersed by: Humans
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Berberidaceae References: Canada-A-642, Armenia-W-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Accepted name: Berberis wilsoniae Hemsl. 1977.
Ornamental var. parvifolia Ahrendt
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 19
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Armenia-W-1977.

Berberis x rubrostilla Chitt. Berberis x stenophylla Hance Berberis thunbergii DC.
Berberidaceae Berberidaceae Berberidaceae
Accepted name: probable parents = Accepted name: parents = Berberis Synonym/s (n° of refs): Berberis thunbergii
Berberis wilsoniae Hemsl.? x Berberis darwinii Hook. x Berberis empetrifolia cv. Kelleriis DC., Berberis thunbergii cv.
aggregata C.K.Schneid. Lam. Rose Glow DC.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Berberis darwinii Total N° of Refs: 116
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Hook. x Berberis empetrifolia Lam. (4) Global Risk Score: 14.4
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Total N° of Refs: 9 Rating: Medium
References: United Kingdom-C-314, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Habit: Shrub
Global-CD-1611. Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Subtropical, Tropical
Berberis ruscifolia Lam. References: United Kingdom-C-314, Origin: E Asia
Berberidaceae Ireland-U-894, Europe-N-819, Global-CD- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Total N° of Refs: 1 1611, France-W-1977. Herbal, Ornamental
Habit: Shrub Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Berberis stenophylla Hance Weed of: Forestry, Orchards & Plantations
Major Pathway/s: Crop Berberidaceae References: United States of America-E-
References: South America-W-295. Accepted name: Berberis soulieana 411, Global-W-23, Finland-C-42, United
C.K.Schneid. States of America-E-80, Global-NXZW-85,
Berberis sargentiana C. K. Schneid. Total N° of Refs: 9 United States of America-E-222, United
Berberidaceae References: United Kingdom-N-1006, States of America-N-101, Canada-W-4,
Total N° of Refs: 3 Iceland-N-1006, Chile-I-1872, Chile-W- Global-EI-132, United States of America-
Global Risk Score: 0.24 1977, Ireland-W-1977. EI-224, United States of America-E-133,
Rating: Low United States of America-CE-142, United
Habit: Shrub States of America-W-161, United States of
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean America-E-102, eastern North America-EI-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental 195, United States of America-W-218,
Dispersed by: Humans United States of America-E-346, United
References: United States of America-N- Kingdom-C-314, Australia-E-380, United
101, Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. States of America-EN-303, United
Kingdom-N-519, United States of
Berberis sieboldii Miq. America-I-628, Canada-A-642, Ukraine-
Berberidaceae CR-643, Norway-CN-644, Global-E-649,
Total N° of Refs: 2 Austria-UC-708, Denmark-CN-711,
Habit: Shrub Canada and United States of America-NI-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental 725, Canada-UC-756, North America-E-
Dispersed by: Humans 784, United States of America-E-151,
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Global-W-788, Hungary-U-809, United
Kingdom-CN-812, Australia-W-853,
Berberis sinensis Desf. United States of America-X-229, Ireland-
Berberidaceae U-894, United States of America-N-904,
Accepted name: Berberis chinensis Poir. Australia-N-354, Germany-N-1006, United
Total N° of Refs: 2 Kingdom-N-1006, Netherlands-N-1006,
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Norway-N-1006, Sweden-N-1006,
Australia-N-1049, Europe-N-819, Global-
Berberis soulieana C.K.Schneid. W-148, United States of America-W-1103,
Berberidaceae United States of America-AE-1156, United
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Berberis Kingdom-W-1175, China-N-1215,
stenophylla Hance (5) Belgium-U-1220, Norway-N-1243, United
Total N° of Refs: 9 States of America-E-1244, Hungary-U-
Habit: Tree 1255, United States of America-A-1275,
Origin: E Asia Global-W-1324, China-N-1344, Global-W-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, 1349, Global-W-1376, Global-I-1404,
Ornamental Global-E-1449, Slovakia-U-1484,
Dispersed by: Humans Australia-N-1501, Czech Republic-U-1522,
References: New Zealand-N-280, New Norway-N-1535, Canada-A-1538,
Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N-919, New Australia-I-1544, Japan-I-1544, United
Zealand-N-2048. States of America-I-1544, Estonia-W-1609,
Austria-W-1609, Denmark-W-1609,
Berberis spp. L. Germany-W-1609, Netherlands-W-1609,
Berberidaceae Norway-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609,
Total N° of Refs: 3 Canada-A-87, United States of America-A-
ToxicReferences: Australia-N-198, United 87, Latvia-N-1014, South Africa-E-1646,
States of America-X-229, Chile-A-931. Global-CD-1611, Czech Republic-U-1731,
Russia-N-1499, United States of America-
E-1736, Europe-UNI-1740, Russia-C-1671,
United States of America-I-1773, Sweden-
N-1802, Canada-G-1855, Chile-I-1872,
Russia-N-1919, -I-, Estonia-N-1997,

Ukraine-U-2014, Armenia-W-1977, Berberis vulgaris L. Berberis vulgaris L. 'Royal Cloak'
Australia-W-1977, Austria-W-1977, Berberidaceae Berberidaceae
Belgium-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Chile- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Berberis vulgaris Total N° of Refs: 1
W-1977, Croatia-W-1977, Czech Republic- cv. Royal Cloak L. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, France-W- Total N° of Refs: 83 Dispersed by: Humans
1977, Georgia-W-1977, Germany-W-1977, Global Risk Score: 24 References: United States of America-W-
Ireland-W-1977, Latvia-W-1977, Rating: High 656.
Netherlands-W-1977, Poland-W-1977, Toxic - Habit: Tree
Slovakia-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Berberis x wagneri hort. ex Koehne
Sweden-W-1977, Switzerland-W-1977, Origin: E Asia, Europe, W Asia Berberidaceae
United Kingdom-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Total N° of Refs: 2
Herbal, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Berberis thunbergii DC. 'Kelleriis' Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers, Dispersed by: Humans
Berberidaceae Livestock, Water, Escapee References: Belgium-N-1220, Belgium-W-
Total N° of Refs: 1 Seed Longevity: Transient 1977.
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Weed of: Cereals
Dispersed by: Humans References: Global-W-23, Australia-W- Berberis wilsoniae Hemsl. & Wils
References: United States of America-W- 269, United Kingdom-N-40, Finland-C-42, Berberidaceae
656. United States of America-AC-49, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Berberis parvifolia
Australia-W-54, United States of America- Sprague, nom. illeg. (1), Berberis wilsoniae
Berberis thunbergii DC. 'Rose Glow' E-80, Global-N-108, Global-NXZW-85, Hemsl. var. stapfiana (C.K.Schneid.)
Berberidaceae United States of America-E-222, United C.K.Schneid. (1)
Total N° of Refs: 1 States of America-N-101, New Zealand-N- Total N° of Refs: 20
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental 280, United States of America-E-224, Global Risk Score: 4.8
Dispersed by: Humans United States of America-E-133, United Rating: Low
References: United States of America-W- States of America-W-161, Canada and Habit: Tree
656. United States of America-XW-299, eastern Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
North America-EI-195, Europe, eastern- Origin: E Asia
Berberis trifoliolata Moric. AW-272, United States of America-W-218, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Berberidaceae Australia-C-401, Australia-E-380, United Ornamental
Accepted name: Mahonia trifoliolata States of America-W-303, New Zealand-N- Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
(Moric.) Fedde 534, Canada-A-642, Ukraine-NR-643, References: New Zealand-N-280, United
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Mahonia Australia-N-310, Denmark-N-711, Canada Kingdom-C-314, Australia-E-380, United
trifoliolata (Moric.) Fedde (1) and United States of America-NI-725, Kingdom-N-519, United Kingdom-CN-
Total N° of Refs: 5 Canada-UC-756, North America-E-784, 812, Ireland-U-894, New Zealand-N-919,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical United States of America-E-151, North United Kingdom-N-1006, Europe-N-819,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal America-X-790, Ireland-EN-793, Belgium-U-1294, Global-W-1324,
References: United States of America-A- Australia-W-853, Australia-W-869, United Belgium-U-1220, Global-CD-1611, Chile-
87, New Zealand-Q-1879, New Zealand-Q- States of America-X-229, Australia-E-880, I-1872, New Zealand-N-2048, Belgium-W-
2086. Ireland-N-894, United States of America- 1977, Chile-W-1977, United Kingdom-W-
N-904, New Zealand-N-919, Australia-N- 1977.
Berberis umbellata Wall. ex G. Don 354, Iceland-N-1006, Norway-N-1006,
Berberidaceae Sweden-N-1006, Australia-N-1049, Berberis wilsoniae Hemsl. var. stapfiana
Total N° of Refs: 1 Global-N-1059, Europe-N-819, United (C.K.Schneid.) C.K.Schneid.
Major Pathway/s: Crop States of America-W-1103, Norway-N- Berberidaceae
References: India-A-1124. 1243, Global-W-1349, Finland-W-1356, Total N° of Refs: 19
Global-W-1376, Global-I-1404, Australia- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Berberis verruculosa Hemsl. & E. H. E-1456, Austria-N-1531, Ireland-N-1608, Dispersed by: Humans
Wilson Denmark-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, New References: New Zealand-U-2048.
Berberidaceae Zealand-A-87, Australia-A-87, Canada-A-
Total N° of Refs: 5 87, United States of America-A-87, Berbis vulgaris L.
Global Risk Score: 2.4 Europe-ZD-1576, Global-CD-1611, United Berberidaceae
Rating: Low States of America-E-1736, Sweden-N- Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: Shrub 1802, Canada-G-1855, Chile-I-1872, Weed of: Cereals
Origin: E Asia Russia-N-1919, Australia-WD-1934, -I-, References: Global-A-243.
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Ukraine-N-2014, New Zealand-N-2048,
Ornamental Poland-R-2062, northern European towns- Berchemia scandens (Hill) K.Koch
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee W-2095, Russia-I-2107, Australia-W-1977, Rhamnaceae
References: United Kingdom-C-314, Bulgaria-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Chile- Total N° of Refs: 4
Global-CD-1611, Chile-I-1872, Poland-U- W-1977, Ireland-W-1977, Portugal-W- Global Risk Score: 0.72
2062, Chile-W-1977. 1977, Russian Federation-W-1977, Rating: Low
Sweden-W-1977. ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Berberis vulgaris L. subsp. vulgaris Dispersed by: Humans
Berberidaceae References: United States of America-W-
Total N° of Refs: 1 218, Mexico-N-791, Global-W-1349,
References: Global-N-85. United States of America-A-87.

Bergenia ciliata (Haw.) Sternb. Bergenia purpurascens (Hook. f. & Bergia ammannioides Roxb.
Saxifragaceae Thomson) Engl. Elatinaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bergenia x Saxifragaceae Total N° of Refs: 13
schmidtii (Regel) Silva-Tar Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 1 Habit: Herb Weed of: Bananas, Orchards and
Habit: Herb Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Plantations
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Origin: E Asia References: Indonesia-A-170, Philippines-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental W-412, Asia-W-204, China-W-431, south
Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans and southeast Asia-A-1320, south and
Dispersed by: Humans References: United Kingdom-U-314. southeast Asia-A-1408, Philippines-A-87,
References: United Kingdom-U-314. India-A-87, India-A-1034, India-W-1672,
Bergenia x schmidtii (Regel) Silva-Tar Tajikistan-A-1674, Taiwan-W-1748, India-
Bergenia cordifolia (Haw.) Sternb. Saxifragaceae A-1936.
Saxifragaceae Accepted name: parents = Bergenia ciliata
Accepted name: Bergenia crassifolia (L.) (Haw.) Stenb. x Bergenia crassifolia (L.) Bergia capensis L.
Fritsch Fritsh Elatinaceae
Total N° of Refs: 63 Total N° of Refs: 9 Total N° of Refs: 26
Habit: perennial Herb Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Global Risk Score: 4.32
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Rating: Low
Origin: E Asia References: Austria-UC-708, Australia-N- Aqua - Habit: annual/perennial Herb
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental 1049, Europe-N-819, Belgium-U-1220, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Belgium-U-1294, Austria-W-1609, Global- Tropical
References: Finland-C-42, United CD-1611, Austria-W-1977, Belgium-W- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Kingdom-U-314, Austria-UC-708, Europe- 1977. Ornamental
N-819, Norway-N-1243, Norway-N-1535, Dispersed by: Humans, Water
New Zealand-N-1543, Austria-W-1609, Bergenia stracheyi (Hook. f. & Thoms.) Weed of: Cereals
Norway-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, Engl. References: Indonesia-A-170, southeast
Global-CD-1611, Poland-U-1716, Europe- Saxifragaceae Asia-W-191, Europe-NID-482, China-W-
N-1740, Poland-U-2062. Total N° of Refs: 3 431, Mediterranean-I-775, Spain-W-807,
Habit: Herb Mediterranean-W-951, Spain-N-1006,
Bergenia crassifolia (L.) Fritsch Origin: E Asia Europe-N-819, Global-A-1233, Peru-N-
Saxifragaceae Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental 1293, south and southeast Asia-A-1320,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bergenia cordifolia Dispersed by: Humans Spain--1454, Cuba-N-1505, India-A-87,
(Haw.) Sternb. (14) References: Democratic Repubic of Korea- Spain-A-87, Bangladesh-A-87, Caribbean
Total N° of Refs: 63 W-1977, Republic of Korea-W-1977, South Netherlands-N-1012, India-W-1672, India-
Global Risk Score: 2.4 Korea-U-2113, North Korea--. A-1936, Cuba-NI-2055, India-A-2084,
Rating: Low Bonaire-W-1977, Burkina Faso-W-1977,
Habit: perennial Herb Bergera koenigii L. Cuba-W-1977, Greece-W-1977.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Rutaceae
Origin: E Asia, Europe Synonym/s (n° of refs): Murraya koenigii Bergia texana (Hook.) Seub. ex Walp.
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, (L.) Spreng. (13) Elatinaceae
Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 20 Total N° of Refs: 2
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Origin: C Asia, E Asia Habit: annual Herb
References: United Kingdom-N-40, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: United States of America-W-
Finland-C-42, Australia-N-198, United Dispersed by: Humans 161, Australia-Q-1123.
Kingdom-C-314, Czech Republic-U-400, References: Global-N-85, Australia-N-354,
United Kingdom-N-519, Switzerland-N- Australia-W-1210, Singapore-U-1290, Bergia verticillata Willd.
653, Austria-UC-708, Lithuania-I-737, Singapore-U-1839, India-N-2109, Elatinaceae
United Kingdom-C-812, Portugal-N-1006, Singapore-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 1
France-N-1006, Liechtenstein-N-1006, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Portugal-N-898, Europe-N-819, Iberian Bergia aestivosa Wight & Arn. References: south and southeast Asia-A-
Peninsular-N-1147, Norway-N-1243, Italy- Elatinaceae 1320.
U-251, Italy-N-1265, Global-W-1324, Total N° of Refs: 2
Czech Republic-U-1522, Norway-N-1535, Weed of: Cotton, Orchards & Plantations Berkheya annectens Harv.
Austria-W-1609, Denmark-W-1609, References: Pakistan-A-1169, Pakistan-A- Asteraceae
Lithuania-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, 1913. Total N° of Refs: 1
Sweden-W-1609, Lithuania-UC-1652, Habit: perennial Herb
Global-CD-1611, Czech Republic-U-1731, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Croatia-N-1747, Chile-I-1872, Italy-U- Origin: Africa
1887, Switzerland-U-1990, New Zealand- References: South Africa-AW-121.
U-2048, Austria-W-1977, Chile-W-1977,
Croatia-W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977, Berkheya erysithales (DC.) Roessl.
Denmark-W-1977, France-W-1977, Italy- Asteraceae
W-1977, Liechtenstein-W-1977, Lithuania- Total N° of Refs: 1
W-1977, Luxembourg-W-1977, Portugal- Origin: Africa
W-1977, Sweden-W-1977, Switzerland-W- References: South Africa-W-158.
1977, United Kingdom-W-1977.

Berkheya heterophylla O.Hoffmann Berkheya rigida (Thunb.) Bol. & Wolley- Berrya javanica (Turcz.) Burret
Asteraceae Dod ex Levyns Malvaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 Asteraceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Origin: Africa Total N° of Refs: 29 Habit: Tree
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Global Risk Score: 2.88 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Rating: Low Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Livestock, Sheep Habit: perennial Herb Dispersed by: Humans
References: United States of America-N- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean References: India-W-1977.
101, United Kingdom-UZD-314. Origin: Africa
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Berkheya heterophylla (Thunb.) Ornamental
O.Hoffm. var. heterophylla Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Asteraceae Livestock, Sheep
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Australia-E-72, Global-NW-
Habit: perennial Herb 85, South Africa-R-121, Australia-X-147,
Origin: Africa South Africa-W-158, Australia-N-176,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Australia-N-198, Australia-N-945, United
Dispersed by: Humans Kingdom-UZD-314, Australia-E-327,
References: South Africa-ZR-121. Global-I-629, Australia-EN-7, Australia-N-
855, Australia-N-856, Australia-W-869,
Berkheya macrocephala J. M. Wood Australia-N-354, Global-A-1207,
Asteraceae Australia-E-1261, Australia-X-1319,
Total N° of Refs: 2 Australia-N-1450, Australia-E-1456,
Origin: Africa Australia-X-62, Australia-A-87, Australia-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental N-1902, Australia-NX-1845, New Zealand-
Dispersed by: Humans Q-1879, Australia-N-1959, New Zealand-
References: South Africa-W-158, Q-2086, Australia-W-1977.
Australia--, Australia-Q-1123.
Berkheya setifera DC.
Berkheya multijuga (DC.) Roessler Asteraceae
Asteraceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 1 Global Risk Score: 0.72
References: Australia--, Australia-Q-1123. Rating: Low
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland
Berkheya pinnatifida (Thunb.) Thell. Origin: Africa
Asteraceae Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 3 Dispersed by: Humans
Habit: perennial Herb References: Australia--, Australia-Q-1123.
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Origin: Africa Berkheya speciosa O.Hoffm.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Asteraceae
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Total N° of Refs: 1
Livestock, Sheep References: Australia--, Australia-Q-1123.
References: South Africa-AR-121, United
Kingdom-UZD-314, Lesotho-AR-121. Berlandiera lyrata Benth.
Berkheya purpurea (DC.) Hook. f. ex Total N° of Refs: 1
Mast. Global Risk Score: 1.2
Asteraceae Rating: Low
Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical
Origin: Africa Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans
References: Australia--, Australia-Q-1123. References: Australia--, Australia-Q-1123.

Berkheya radula (Harv.) De Wild. Bernardia sidoides (Klotzsch) Müell.

Asteraceae Arg.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Euphorbiaceae
Habit: perennial Herb Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Habit: Tree
Origin: Africa References: Nicaragua-N-1796.
References: South Africa-R-121.

Berteroa incana (L.) DC. Poland-R-2062, Russia-A-2063, Slovakia- Bertholletia nobilis Miers
Brassicaceae A-2079, Poland-A-2110, Belarus-W-1977, Lecythidaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Alyssum incanum Belgium-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bertholletia excelsa
L. (1) France-W-1977, Iceland-W-1977, Japan- Bonpl. (5)
Total N° of Refs: 118 W-1977, Netherlands-W-1977, Poland-W- Total N° of Refs: 5
Global Risk Score: 28.16 1977, Russian Federation-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Rating: High Slovakia-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977, United Dispersed by: Humans
Habit: b/p Herb Kingdom-W-1977.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Berula erecta (Huds.) Coville
Origin: E Asia, Europe Berteroa incana (L.) DC. subsp. incana Apiaceae
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Brassicaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Sium angustifolium
Ornamental, Pasture Total N° of Refs: 3 L. (1), Sium erectum Huds. (1)
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Total N° of Refs: 28
Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles, Escapee Dispersed by: Humans Global Risk Score: 14.4
Seed Longevity: Short Term References: Czech Republic-N-1522, Rating: Medium
Weed of: Cereals, Pastures, Vegetables Czech Republic-N-1731, Czech Republic- Toxic, Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb
References: North America-EW-21, W-1977. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Global-W-23, United Kingdom-U-40, Subtropical, Tropical
Finland-N-42, United States of America-E- Berteroa incana (L.) DC. subsp. stricta Origin: C Am, E Asia, Europe,
80, Global-NXZW-85, Europe-A-94, Stoj. & Stef. Cosmopolitan
United States of America-N-101, Canada- Brassicaceae Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
W-4, United States of America-W-161, Total N° of Refs: 2 Herbal, Ornamental
United States of America-W-174, United Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Dispersed by: Humans, Horse, Livestock,
States of America-N-426, United States of Dispersed by: Humans Water
America-AW-210, Europe, eastern-AW- References: Czech Republic-U-1522, Seed Longevity: Short Term
272, western Europe-W-70, United States Czech Republic-U-1731. References: United States of America-ED-
of America-W-218, United Kingdom-UZ- 80, Global-N-85, United States of America-
314, Czech Republic-NZI-400, Canada-E- Berteroa mutabilis (Vent.) DC. W-161, Europe, eastern-W-272, Australia-
104, Iceland-U-507, China-W-431, United Brassicaceae N-945, South Africa-WD-113, United
Kingdom-N-519, United States of Total N° of Refs: 8 Kingdom-N-519, United States of
America-A-543, Canada-A-642, Norway- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean America-N-86, Australia-EN-7, Australia-
N-644, Switzerland-N-653, Denmark-N- Weed of: Grapevines W-853, Australia-N-855, Australia-N-856,
711, Canada and United States of America- References: United States of America-N- Australia-W-869, Mexico-I-878, Mexico-
N-725, Canada-UC-756, United States of 101, Europe, eastern-W-272, Austria-U- W-890, India-N-914, Australia-N-354,
America-E-151, North America-X-790, 708, Europe-N-819, Global-W-1324, Australia-N-1049, Mexico-W-1226, Serbia-
Japan-N-794, France-I-764, United Austria-W-1609, Bosnia and Herzegovina- W-1238, Australia-N-1450, Global-ZD-
Kingdom-N-812, United States of A-1862, Austria-W-1977. 1492, Iran-A-1619, Australia-N-1902,
America-X-229, United States of America- Mexico-I-2026, Australia-W-1977.
N-904, Germany-N-907, Belgium-N-1006, Berteroa stricta Boiss. & Heldr.
Czechoslovakia-N-1006, Denmark-N-1006, Brassicaceae Berzelia intermedia (D.Dietr.) Schltdl.
Germany-N-1006, United Kingdom-N- Total N° of Refs: 1 Bruniaceae
1006, Netherlands-N-1006, Norway-N- Origin: Europe Total N° of Refs: 1
1006, Slovenia-N-1006, Sweden-N-1006, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Habit: Shrub
Europe-N-819, Poland-G-1122, United Dispersed by: Humans Origin: Africa
States of America-N-1162, Poland-R-1219, References: Czech Republic-UZ-400. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Belgium-N-1220, Serbia-W-1238, Norway- Dispersed by: Humans
N-1243, France-I-1273, Japan-N-1278, Bertholletia excelsa Bonpl. References: Global-W-85.
Global-W-1324, Global-W-1349, Finland- Lecythidaceae
AW-1356, Slovakia-N-1484, Global-ZD- Accepted name: Bertholletia nobilis Miers Beschorneria spp. Kunth
1495, France-N-1516, Norway-N-1535, Total N° of Refs: 5 Asparagaceae
Canada-X-1538, Panarctic-U-1596, United Global Risk Score: 4.32 Total N° of Refs: 4
States of America-N-1603, United States of Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
America-N-1607, Denmark-W-1609, Habit: Tree Origin: N Am
Netherlands-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical References: Cuba-N-1505, Cuba-N-2024,
Sweden-W-1609, Canada-A-87, Russia-A- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, Cuba-N-2055, Cuba-W-1977.
87, United States of America-A-87, Ornamental
Canadian northwest Territories-N-1011, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals Bessera elegans J.H. Schultes
Serbia-W-1031, Germany-ZD-1655, References: Federated States of Liliaceae
Global-CZD-1611, Global-ZD-1581, Micronesia-N-230, Dominican Republic-I- Total N° of Refs: 2
Russia-N-1681, Russia-N-1682, Russia-W- 877, Caribbean-NI-1201, Brazil-U-1559, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
1687, Iceland-U-1552, France-N-1438, Eastern Caribbean-N-1742. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
United States of America-E-1736, Europe- Dispersed by: Humans
UNI-1740, Serbia-R-1771, Russia-W-1671, References: Mexico-W-890, Mexico-W-
Ukraine-N-1798, Sweden-N-1802, Canada- 1226.
G-1855, France-N-1940, France-N-1941,
France-NI-1942, France-W-1943,
Germany-R-1948, -I-, Russia-N-1988,
Switzerland-N-1990, Kosovo-R-2003,
Russia-A-2034, -A-2058, Poland-A-2059,

Beta lomatogona Fisch. & C.A. Mey. Beta trigyna Waldst. & Kit. Beta vulgaris L.
Chenopodiaceae Chenopodiaceae Chenopodiaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 27 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Beta macrocarpa
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Global Risk Score: 1.44 Guss. (10), Beta maritima L. (2), Beta
Major Pathway/s: Crop Rating: Low vulgaris L. var. altissima D ll (1), Beta
Weed of: Cereals, Sunflowers Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean vulgaris L. var. cicla L. (3), Beta vulgaris
References: Turkey-A-1465. Origin: E Asia, Europe L. subsp. cicla (L.) W. D. J. Koch (8), Beta
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, vulgaris L. subsp. maritima (L.) Arcang.
Beta macrocarpa Guss. Ornamental (26), Beta vulgaris L. subsp. vulgaris (44)
Chenopodiaceae Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 206
Accepted name: Beta vulgaris subsp. References: Global-W-85, United Global Risk Score: 33.6
macrocarpa Kingdom-UZ-314, Czech Republic-U-400, Rating: Extreme
Total N° of Refs: 122 United Kingdom-N-519, Austria-U-708, Toxic - Habit: Herb
Global Risk Score: 1.44 Hungary-U-809, United Kingdom-N-812, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Rating: Low Ireland-U-894, United Kingdom-N-1006, Subtropical, Tropical
Habit: annual Herb Europe-N-819, Belgium-U-1220, Hungary- Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, U-1255, Sardinia-N-1336, Czech Republic- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Mediterranean U-1522, Austria-W-1609, Czech Republic- Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop U-1731, Sardinia-N-1393, Sardinia-AU- Dispersed by: Humans, Flyers, Vehicles,
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, 1824, Sardinia-U-1917, France-R-1942, Water, Escapee
Livestock, Sheep Serbia-R-2057, Austria-W-1977, Belgium- Seed Longevity: Long Term
Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations W-1977, Bulgaria-W-1977, Czech Weed of: Canola, Cereals, Cotton,
References: Spain-A-417, Europe-N-482, Republic-W-1977, France-W-1977, United Cucurbits/Melons, Lupins, Orchards &
Denmark-U-711, Europe-N-819, Belgium- Kingdom-W-1977. Plantations, Pastures, Pome Fruits,
UD-1220, Denmark-W-1609, Morocco-A- Sunflowers
1752, Morocco-A-1361, Belgium-W-1977, References: Egypt-W-221, United States of
Denmark-W-1977. America-CW-34, Australia-E-72, Finland-
C-42, Global-N-85, Europe-A-94, Global-
Beta maritima L. A-243, United States of America-N-101,
Chenopodiaceae New Zealand-N-280, western Asia-A-115,
Accepted name: Beta vulgaris United States of America-W-116, New
Total N° of Refs: 114 Zealand-EW-181, Australia-N-176, Egypt-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean A-185, western Europe-A-253, Mexico-W-
Origin: Africa, Europe 199, Europe, eastern-W-272, Australia-N-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental 945, Spain-A-417, Czech Republic-U-400,
Dispersed by: Humans Tunisia-W-527, New Zealand-N-15, Egypt-
References: Australia-N-1049, Austria-W- A-554, Israel-A-89, Canada and United
1609. States of America-N-725, Mexico-W-735,
United States of America-N-86, Chile-N-
Beta procumbens C. Sm. 765, Mexico-N-791, Belize-N-850,
Chenopodiaceae Mexico-I-878, Mexico-W-890, Germany-
Total N° of Refs: 1 U-907, Mexico-A-915, United Kingdom-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean CZ-944, United States of America-W-946,
References: United States of America-N- Argentina-I-983, Australia-N-354, France-
101. N-1006, France-N-1006, Portugal-N-1006,
Australia-N-1049, Portugal-N-898, Europe-
Beta spp. L. N-819, United Kingdom-A-322, Saudi
Chenopodiaceae Arabia-A-25, New Zealand-E-505, Bosnia
Total N° of Refs: 1 and Herzegovina-N-1140, Iberian
References: Greece-W-1240. Peninsular-N-1147, Spain-U-1149, Egypt-
A-1171, Mexico-W-1226, Chile-N-1229,
Turkey--1412, Spain-U-1454, Spain-U-
1455, Slovakia-U-1484, Mexico-N-1500,
Europe-A-1539, New Zealand-N-1543,
North Korea-N-1600, Estonia-W-1609,
Austria-W-1609, Czech Republic-W-1609,
Russia-W-1609, Egypt-A-87, Iraq-A-87,
Israel-A-87, Portugal-A-87, Morocco-A-
87, United States of America-A-87, Egypt-
A-1028, Global-CD-1611, Australia-ZD-
1675, Czech Republic-I-1731, India-N-
1370, Sweden-N-1802, Finland-A-1815,
Oman-A-1870, Chile-I-1872, Mexico-N-
1881, Egypt-A-1922, Chile-R-1949, Saudi
Arabia-A-1951, Venezuela-N-1976,
Russia-N-1989, Switzerland-U-1990,
Estonia-N-1997, Tunisia-A-2006, Ukraine-
U-2014, New Zealand-N-2048, Poland-
AN-2059, Spain-A-2083, Egypt-A-2088,

Ukraine-N-2112, Argentina-W-1977, Beta vulgaris L. subsp. maritima (L.) Betonica macrantha K. Koch
Australia-W-1977, Austria-W-1977, Arcang. Lamiaceae
Belgium-W-1977, Bulgaria-W-1977, Chile- Chenopodiaceae Accepted name: Stachys macrantha (K.
W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977, France- Accepted name: Beta vulgaris L. Koch) Stearn
W-1977, India-W-1977, Mexico-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 138 Total N° of Refs: 15
New Zealand-W-1977, Peru-W-1977, Global Risk Score: 7.2 Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Portugal-W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977, South Rating: Medium Dispersed by: Humans
Africa-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, References: Norway-N-1535, Norway-W-
Switzerland-W-1977. Mediterranean 1609.
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe
Beta vulgaris L. var. altissima Döll Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Betonica officinalis L.
Chenopodiaceae Herbal, Ornamental Lamiaceae
Accepted name: Beta vulgaris subsp. Dispersed by: Humans, Water Accepted name: Stachys officinalis (L.)
vulgaris L. References: Gibraltar-A-515, Chile-N-300, Trevis.
Total N° of Refs: 113 Australia-N-176, Australia-N-198, western Total N° of Refs: 20
Origin: C Asia, E Asia, Europe Europe-W-70, Australia-N-945, Australia- Global Risk Score: 2.16
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, E-327, United Kingdom-N-519, Tunisia-R- Rating: Low
Ornamental 527, Austria-U-708, Denmark-UN-711, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Australia-W-853, Australia-N-855, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Escapee
References: North Korea-N-1600. Australia-W-869, Australia-N-354, Weed of: Cereals
Portugal-N-1006, Australia-N-1049, References: Norway-N-1535, Norway-W-
Beta vulgaris L. var. cicla L. Global-N-1059, Egypt-A-19, Chile-N- 1609, Russia-W-1671, Poland-C-1841,
Chenopodiaceae 1348, Australia-N-1450, Saudi Arabia-A- Poland-A-2061.
Accepted name: Beta vulgaris subsp. 1504, Denmark-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609,
vulgaris Australia-N-1845, Australia-N-1959. Betula alba L.
Total N° of Refs: 115 Betulaceae
Habit: Herb Beta vulgaris L. subsp. vulgaris Accepted name: Betula pubescens Ehrh.
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Chenopodiaceae Total N° of Refs: 22
Origin: Africa, Europe, S Am Total N° of Refs: 156 Global Risk Score: 0.72
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental, Global Risk Score: 4.48 Rating: Low
Pasture Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Habit: annual Herb Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
References: Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Dispersed by: Humans
Bolivia-N-1630, Global-CD-1611. Origin: Africa, Europe References: Finland-A-87.
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Beta vulgaris L. var. rapa Dumort. Ornamental, Pasture Betula albosinensis Burkill
Chenopodiaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Betulaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: United Kingdom-N-40, Chile- Total N° of Refs: 1
Origin: Africa, Europe N-300, Global-NW-85, United Kingdom- Global Risk Score: 0.72
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental C-314, United Kingdom-N-519, Portugal- Rating: Low
Dispersed by: Humans N-662, Austria-UC-708, Denmark-C-711, Habit: Tree
References: Bolivia-N-1630. Portugal-N-718, United Kingdom-U-812, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Australia-W-869, Ireland-U-894, New Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Beta vulgaris L. var. vulgaris Zealand-N-919, Australia-N-354, Spain-N- Dispersed by: Humans
Chenopodiaceae 1006, Iceland-N-1006, Spain-N-1006, References: Australia-E-380.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Greece-U-1142, Crete-N-1150, Belgium-U-
Habit: Herb 1220, Norway-N-1243, Italy-N-1265, Betula alleghaniensis Britton
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Spain-U-1270, Sardinia-N-1336, Chile-N- Betulaceae
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental 1348, Albania-U-1506, Denmark-W-1609, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Betula lutea Michx.
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Germany-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, f. (1)
References: Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157, Global-CD-1611, Croatia-N-1747, Total N° of Refs: 9
Global-CD-1611. Sardinia-N-1393, Sardinia-AU-1824, Global Risk Score: 6.48
Sardinia-U-1917, Australia-N-1959, Bosnia Rating: Low
Beta vulgaris L. subsp. cicla (L.) W. D. J. and Herzegovina-U-1987, Albania-W- Habit: Tree
Koch 1977, Austria-W-1977, Croatia-W-1977, Origin: N Am
Chenopodiaceae Denmark-W-1977, Germany-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal,
Accepted name: Beta vulgaris subsp. Greece-W-1977, Ireland-W-1977, United Ornamental
vulgaris L. Kingdom-W-1977. Dispersed by: Humans, Wind, Escapee
Total N° of Refs: 120 References: United States of America-W-
Origin: Africa, Europe Beta vulgaris L. subsp. vulgaris x Beta 218, Canada-C-756, Gal pagos Islands-CN-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental vulgaris L. subsp. maritima (L.) Arcang. 1157, Estonia-W-1609, United States of
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Chenopodiaceae America-A-87, North America--, Global-
References: United Kingdom-C-314, Total N° of Refs: 1 CD-1611, Europe--, Canada-G-1855,
United Kingdom-N-519, New Zealand-N- Habit: annual Herb Estonia-N-1997.
534, United Kingdom-U-812, Ireland-U- Origin: Europe
894, Iceland-N-1006, Global-CD-1611, References: Global-I-937.
United Kingdom-W-1977.

Betula cordifolia Regel Betula grossa Sieb. & Zucc. Betula neoalaskana Sarg.
Betulaceae Betulaceae Betulaceae
Accepted name: Betula papyrifera var. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Betula ulmifolia Synonym/s (n° of refs): Betula papyrifera
cordifolia Sieb. & Zucc. (1) Marshall var. neoalaskana (Sarg.) Raup (1),
Total N° of Refs: 15 Total N° of Refs: 2 Betula papyrifera Marsh. subsp. humilis
Habit: Shrub Habit: Tree (Regel) Hulten (1), Betula resinifera
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Britton, nom. illeg. (1)
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 4
References: Canada-A-642. References: Chile-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
Betula dahurica Pall. Betula lenta L. References: Canada-A-642.
Betulaceae Betulaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 9 Betula nigra L.
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Global Risk Score: 18 Betulaceae
Dispersed by: Humans Rating: High Total N° of Refs: 10
References: Chile-W-1977. Toxic - Habit: Tree Global Risk Score: 19.44
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Rating: High
Betula ermanii Cham. Herbal, Ornamental Habit: Tree
Betulaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Wind, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Total N° of Refs: 3 Escapee Subtropical
Global Risk Score: 1.68 References: United States of America-E- Origin: N Am
Rating: Low 80, United States of America-W-218, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal,
Habit: Tree Denmark-UC-711, Denmark-W-1609, Ornamental
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean United States of America-A-87, Global- Dispersed by: Humans, Wind, Escapee
Origin: E Asia, Europe CD-1611, Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977, References: Australia-W-54, United States
Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Herbal, Denmark-W-1977. of America-W-218, Australia-C-401,
Ornamental Australia-EN-310, Australia-N-354,
Dispersed by: Humans Betula lutea Michx. f. Global-W-1349, United States of America-
References: Chile-I-1872, Armenia-W- Betulaceae A-87, North America--, Global-CD-1611,
1977, Chile-W-1977. Accepted name: Betula alleghaniensis Chile-I-1872, Australia-W-1977.
Betula fontinalis Sarg. Total N° of Refs: 9 Betula occidentalis Hook.
Betulaceae Global Risk Score: 1.2 Betulaceae
Accepted name: Betula occidentalis Hook. Rating: Low Synonym/s (n° of refs): Betula fontinalis
Total N° of Refs: 8 ToxicMajor Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Sarg. (3)
Global Risk Score: 2.16 Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 8
Rating: Low Dispersed by: Humans Global Risk Score: 7.2
Habit: Shrub References: Chile-I-1872. Rating: Medium
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Habit: Tree
Ornamental Betula maximowiczii Rupr. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Dispersed by: Humans, Horse, Livestock Betulaceae Herbal, Ornamental
References: Chile-A-931, Global-ZD-1203, Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans, Horse, Livestock
United States of America-ZD-1431. References: Chile-I-1872. References: United States of America-W-
218, Global-ZD-1492, United States of
Betula fruticosa Pall. Betula minor (Tuckerman) Fern. America-A-87, Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-
Betulaceae Betulaceae 1977.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 1
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental References: Canada-A-642.
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Norway-W-1609, Russia-N- Betula nana L.
1919. Betulaceae
Total N° of Refs: 7
Betula glandulosa Michx. Global Risk Score: 4.8
Betulaceae Rating: Low
Total N° of Refs: 3 Habit: Shrub
Global Risk Score: 2.4 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Rating: Low Origin: E Asia, Europe
Habit: Shrub Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Ornamental
Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans, Water
Dispersed by: Humans Seed Longevity: Short Term
References: Canada-A-642, Chile-I-1872, Weed of: Cereals
Chile-W-1977. References: United Kingdom-N-519,
Europe-N-819, Belgium-U-1220, Finland-
A-1815, Chile-I-1872, Belgium-W-1977,

Betula papyrifera Marsh. Betula papyrifera Marshall var. Betula pendula Roth
Betulaceae neoalaskana (Sarg.) Raup Betulaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Betula cordifolia Betulaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Betula verrucosa
Regel (1), Betula papyrifera Marshall var. Accepted name: Betula neoalaskana Ehrh. (2)
commutata (Regel) Fernald (1), Betula Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 57
papyrifera Marsh. var. elobata (Fern.) Sarg. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Global Risk Score: 21.6
(1), Betula papyrifera Marsh. var. Dispersed by: Humans Rating: High
macrostachya Fern. (1), Betula papyrifera References: Canada-A-642. Aqua - Habit: Tree
Marsh. var. pensilis Fern. (1) Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Total N° of Refs: 19 Betula papyrifera Marsh. var. pensilis Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia
Global Risk Score: 12.96 Fern. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Rating: Medium Betulaceae Forestry, Herbal, Ornamental
Habit: Tree Accepted name: Betula papyrifera var. Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean papyrifera Cattle, Horse, Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles,
Origin: N Am Total N° of Refs: 15 Water, Wind, Escapee
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, References: Canada-A-642. Seed Longevity: Long Term
Ornamental References: United Kingdom-N-40, United
Dispersed by: Humans, Wind, Escapee Betula papyrifera Marsh. var. States of America-E-80, Global-NZW-85,
Seed Longevity: Short Term subcordata (Rydb.) Sarg. United States of America-N-101, Canada-
References: United States of America-W- Betulaceae W-4, New Zealand-N-280, New Zealand-
218, Canada-A-642, Canada-C-756, Accepted name: Betula x utahensis Britt. EW-181, western Europe-W-70, Australia-
Belgium-U-1220, Global-W-1349, United Total N° of Refs: 1 E-380, Canada-ED-104, United Kingdom-
States of America-A-87, Global-CD-1611, References: Canada-A-642. N-519, New Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-
Canada-G-1855, Chile-I-1872, Russia-N- N-15, Canada and United States of
1919, New Zealand-U-2048, Armenia-W- Betula papyrifera Marsh. subsp. humilis America-N-725, Global-E-743, Canada-C-
1977, Belgium-W-1977, Chile-W-1977. (Regel) Hulten 756, United States of America-E-151,
Betulaceae Global-NI-714, Global-W-788, Australia-
Betula papyrifera Marshall var. Accepted name: Betula neoalaskana W-853, New Zealand-N-919, Argentina-I-
commutata (Regel) Fernald Total N° of Refs: 2 983, Australia-N-354, Portugal-N-1006,
Betulaceae References: Canada-A-642. Europe-N-819, New Zealand-E-505,
Accepted name: Betula papyrifera Marshall Poland-G-1122, United States of America-
Total N° of Refs: 15 N-1162, Global-W-1376, Global-I-1404,
Global Risk Score: 0.24 Global-E-1449, Global-ZD-1492, Global-
Rating: Low ZD-1495, Austria-N-1531, Canada-EI-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental 1538, Belgium-ZD-1583, Global-CD-1611,
Dispersed by: Humans Global-ZD-1581, Polar Regions-ZD-1587,
References: Canada-A-642. United States of America-E-1736, Poland-
CD-1841, Australia-N-1845, Canada-G-
Betula papyrifera Marsh. var. cordifolia 1855, Chile-I-1872, Australia-WD-1934,
(Regel) Fern. Germany-R-1948, -I-, New Zealand-N-
Betulaceae 2048, Poland-R-2062, northern European
Total N° of Refs: 1 towns-W-2095, Argentina-W-1977,
Origin: N Am Australia-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Chile-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental W-1977, New Zealand-W-1977, Portugal-
Dispersed by: Humans W-1977.
References: Canada-A-642.
Betula pendula Roth var. pendula
Betula papyrifera Marsh. var. elobata Betulaceae
(Fern.) Sarg. Total N° of Refs: 2
Betulaceae References: Portugal-N-1006, Portugal-W-
Accepted name: Betula papyrifera var. 1977.
Total N° of Refs: 15 Betula pendula Roth subsp. pendula
References: Canada-A-642. Betulaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2
Betula papyrifera Marsh. var. Origin: E Asia, Europe
macrostachya Fern. References: Portugal-N-898, Global-N-85.
Accepted name: Betula papyrifera var. Betula pendula Roth. x Betula pubescens
papyrifera Ehrh.
Total N° of Refs: 15 Betulaceae
References: Canada-A-642. Accepted name: Betula x aurata Borkh.
Total N° of Refs: 1
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: United Kingdom-N-519.

Betula platyphylla Sukachev. Betula pubescens Ehrh. Betula spp. L.
Betulaceae Betulaceae Betulaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Betula platyphylla Synonym/s (n° of refs): Betula alba L. (1) Total N° of Refs: 5
Sukaczev var. szechuanica (C. K. Schneid.) Total N° of Refs: 22 Dispersed by: Humans, Livestock, Sheep,
Rehder (1), Betula szechuanica Global Risk Score: 25.92 Wind
(C.K.Schneid.) C.-A.Jansson (1) Rating: High Weed of: Vegetables
Total N° of Refs: 4 Habit: Tree References: United States of America-A-
Habit: Tree Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean 543, Europe-ZD-1657, United States of
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Origin: E Asia, Europe America-ZD-1627, Polar Regions-ZD-
Origin: E Asia Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, 1587, Europe--, Belgium-W-2096.
Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Herbal, Forestry, Herbal, Ornamental
Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers, Betula szechuanica (C.K.Schneid.) C.-
Dispersed by: Humans Vehicles, Water, Wind A.Jansson
References: United States of America-N- Seed Longevity: Long Term Betulaceae
101, Armenia-W-1977. Weed of: Cereals Accepted name: Betula platyphylla
References: Australia-W-54, Global-N-85, Sukaczev
Betula platyphylla Sukatschev var. United States of America-N-101, Europe, Total N° of Refs: 3
platyphylla eastern-W-272, western Europe-W-70, Habit: Tree
Betulaceae United Kingdom-N-519, Canada and Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 1 United States of America-N-725, Europe- Dispersed by: Humans
References: United States of America-N- N-819, Poland-G-1122, Australia-E-1259, References: United States of America-N-
101. Global-ZD-1495, Belgium-ZD-1583, 101.
Global-ZD-1581, Polar Regions-ZD-1587,
Betula platyphylla Sukaczev var. Russia-W-1671, Finland-A-1815, Chile-I- Betula ulmifolia Sieb. & Zucc.
szechuanica (C. K. Schneid.) Rehder 1872, Poland-C-2062, Australia-W-1977, Betulaceae
Betulaceae Canada-W-1977, Chile-W-1977. Accepted name: Betula grossa Siebold &
Accepted name: Betula platyphylla Zucc.
Sukaczev Betula pubescens Ehrh. subsp. Total N° of Refs: 2
Total N° of Refs: 3 celtiberica (Rothm. & Vasc.) Rivas Global Risk Score: 0.24
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Mart¡nez Rating: Low
Dispersed by: Humans Betulaceae Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
References: United States of America-N- Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans
101. References: Portugal-N-1006. References: Chile-I-1872.

Betula populifolia Marshall Betula pubescens Ehrh. subsp. Betula x utahensis Britton (pro sp.)
Betulaceae pubescens Betulaceae
Total N° of Refs: 6 Betulaceae Accepted name: parents = Betula
Global Risk Score: 4.8 Total N° of Refs: 2 occidentalis Hook. x Betula papyrifera
Rating: Low Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Marshall
Habit: Tree Dispersed by: Humans Synonym/s (n° of refs): Betula papyrifera
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, References: United Kingdom-N-40, United Marsh. var. subcordata (Rydb.) Sarg. (1)
Tropical States of America-N-101. Total N° of Refs: 1
Origin: N Am
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Betula pumila L. Betula utilis D.Don
Ornamental Betulaceae Betulaceae
Dispersed by: Humans, Wind Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 2
References: United States of America-W- Global Risk Score: 0.24 Global Risk Score: 1.68
218, Canada-A-642, Global-W-1349, Rating: Low Rating: Low
United States of America-A-87, North Habit: Shrub Habit: Tree
America--, Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Dispersed by: Humans Subtropical, Tropical
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Origin: C Asia, E Asia
Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Herbal,
Betula resinifera Britton, nom. illeg. Ornamental
Betulaceae Dispersed by: Humans
Accepted name: Betula neoalaskana References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 2
References: Canada-A-642. Betula verrucosa Ehrh.
Accepted name: Betula pendula Roth
Total N° of Refs: 57
Global Risk Score: 0.72
Rating: Low
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
Weed of: Cereals
References: Russia-W-1671, Finland-A-

Bewsia biflora (Hack.) Gooss. Bidens alba (L.) DC. var. radiata (Sch. Bidens aurea (Ait.) Sherff
Poaceae Bip.) Ballard ex Melchert Asteraceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Asteraceae Total N° of Refs: 63
Global Risk Score: 1.28 Total N° of Refs: 12 Global Risk Score: 2.16
Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Rating: Low
Habit: perennial Grass Origin: C Am, N Am, S Am Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Origin: Africa Dispersed by: Humans Subtropical
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture References: Puerto Rico-W-261, Peru and Origin: C Am, N Am, S Am
Dispersed by: Humans Ecuador-A-281, Australia-N-368, Global- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
References: South Africa-AW-121. NW-85, United States of America-N-301, Ornamental
United States of America-N-839, Australia- Dispersed by: Humans, Water
Biarum auraniticum Mouterde N-354, United States of America-N-1292, Weed of: Orchards & Plantations, Pastures
Araceae Australia, northern-W-1204, Brazil-N- References: Chile-N-300, Japan-N-287,
Total N° of Refs: 1 1071, North America-N-1760, Cuba-R- western Europe-A-253, western Europe-W-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean 2054. 70, Canary Islands-N-305, Europe-NWD-
References: Palestine-N-851. 482, Chile-A-604, Spain-NI-405, Portugal-
Bidens anthemoides (DC.) Sherff N-662, Portugal-N-718, Spain-I-738,
Biddulphia laevis Ehrenb Asteraceae Chile-N-765, Mediterranean-I-775, Japan-
Biddulphiaceae Total N° of Refs: 1 N-794, Spain-I-802, Spain-I-807, Mexico-
Accepted name: Pleurosira laevis (Ehr.) References: Mexico-W-1226. W-890, Chile-A-931, Mediterranean-W-
Compère 951, Australia-N-354, France-N-1006,
Total N° of Refs: 3 Bidens aristosa (Michx.) Britton Italy-N-1006, Spain-N-1006, Portugal-N-
Aqua - Habit: Asteraceae 898, Europe-N-819, Spain-I-658, Chile-W-
Origin: E Asia, Europe Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bidens aristosa 388, Iberian Peninsular-NI-1147, Spain-N-
Dispersed by: Water (Michx.) Britton var. retrorsa (Sherff) 1149, Mexico-W-1226, Chile-N-1229,
References: United States of America- Wunderlin (1), Bidens polylepis S. F. Blake Italy-N-251, Italy-N-1265, Spain-NI-1270,
EWD-197, Great Lakes-N-800. (17) Japan-N-1278, Global-W-1324, Chile-N-
Total N° of Refs: 39 1348, Spain-I-1390, Spain-N-1454, Spain-
Bidens alba (L.) DC. Global Risk Score: 2.16 N-1455, Mexico-N-1500, Mexico-W-1510,
Asteraceae Rating: Low Chile-A-87, Spain-N-1556, Sardinia-N-
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bidens pilosa L. Habit: Herb 1393, Chile-I-1872, Chile and Argentina-E-
var. radiata Sch. Bip. (13) Origin: N Am 1874, Italy-UN-1887, Sardinia-U-1917,
Total N° of Refs: 37 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Canary Islands-N-1967, -I-, -I-, Saudi
Habit: biennial Herb Ornamental Arabia-N-1978, Portugal-N-2001, Spain-N-
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee 2027, France-AND-2091, Chile-W-1977,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Weed of: Pastures France-W-1977, Ireland-W-1977, Japan-
Ornamental References: United States of America-W- W-1977, Portugal-W-1977, Saudi Arabia-
Dispersed by: Humans 161, Japan-N-287, United States of W-1977, Spain-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977,
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations, Pome America-AW-207, United Kingdom-U- Yemen-W-1977.
Fruits, Vegetables 314, Global-N-85, Europe-U-638,
References: Brazil-W-255, southeast Asia- Denmark-UC-711, Canada and United Bidens ballsii Sherff.
W-191, Pacific-A-6, Brazil-W-361, Brazil- States of America-N-725, Global-W-788, Asteraceae
W-407, Pacific-W-3, Global-N-85, Global- Japan-N-794, Europe-N-819, United States Total N° of Refs: 3
A-243, United States of America-E-84, of America-N-101, Japan-N-1278, Global- Dispersed by: Humans
North America-G-249, Pacific-W-621, W-1324, Global-W-1349, Global-CD- References: Mexico-W-890, Mexico-W-
Australia-N-354, Australia-W-1068, Lesser 1611, Canada-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, 1226, Mexico-AD-757.
Antilles-A-1128, United States of America- France-W-1977, India-W-1977, Japan-W-
Q-1197, China-N-1215, China-N-1344, 1977. Bidens beckii Torr. ex Spreng.
China-N-1374, Brazil-A-1560, Costa Rica- Asteraceae
W-1570, Federated States of Micronesia-I- Bidens aristosa (Michx.) Britton var. Accepted name: Megalodonta beckii var.
1732, North America-N-1760, Brazil-- retrorsa (Sherff) Wunderlin beckii (Torr. ex Spreng.) Greene
1767, Global--1324. Asteraceae Total N° of Refs: 6
Accepted name: Bidens aristosa (Michx.) Global Risk Score: 0.48
Britton Rating: Low
Total N° of Refs: 22 Aqua - Habit:
References: Denmark-W-1609. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans, Water
References: United States of America-ED-
159, Canada-A-642.

Bidens bigelovii A. Gray Bidens bipinnata L. Global-CD-1611, Lesotho-W-1127, India-
Asteraceae Asteraceae A-1704, United States of America-E-1736,
Total N° of Refs: 5 Total N° of Refs: 143 Taiwan-W-1748, Australia-N-1902, South
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Global Risk Score: 19.2 Korea-A-1859, South Korea-A-1860, Italy-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal Rating: High UNI-1887, Czech Republic-A-1909, Nepal-
References: Mexico-I-878, Mexico-W-890, Habit: annual Herb A-1932, -I-, -I-, -I-, Egypt-N-1979,
Mexico-W-1226, Global-W-1349, Mexico- Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Switzerland-N-1990, South Africa-N-1991,
W-1510. Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Estonia-N-1997, South Korea-AN-2032,
Origin: C Am, E Asia, Europe, N Am, S South Korea-A-2033, France-AND-2091,
Am Australia-W-1977, Austria-W-1977,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Belgium-W-1977, Bosnia and
Herbal, Ornamental Herzegovina-W-1977, Bulgaria-W-1977,
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Canada-W-1977, Croatia-W-1977, Cyprus-
Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles, Escapee W-1977, Democratic Republic of the
Weed of: Carrots, Cereals, Grapevines, Congo-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977,
Orchards & Plantations, Pastures, France-W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Japan-W-
Vegetables 1977, Namibia-W-1977, Romania-W-1977,
References: Australia-W-93, Taiwan-A- Slovenia-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977,
274, Australia-W-205, Taiwan-N-777, Switzerland-W-1977, Taiwan-W-1977,
Australia-EN-7, Global-W-23, Global-W- Zimbabwe-W-1977, Swaziland-W-1977,
433, Australia-W-269, United States of Italy-U-2115.
America-A-49, South Africa-W-51,
Global-ZW-85, Europe-A-94, Global-A- Bidens biternata (Lour.) Merr. & Sherff
243, South Africa-AZR-121, South Africa- ex Sherff
W-382, South Africa-W-158, United States Asteraceae
of America-W-161, United States of Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bidens chinensis
America-W-174, Japan-N-287, Japan-W- Willd. (2)
286, United States of America-W-210, Total N° of Refs: 64
Europe, eastern-W-272, United States of Global Risk Score: 14.4
America-W-218, China-W-297, China-A- Rating: Medium
275, Australia-N-945, United Kingdom- Habit: annual Herb
UZD-314, United States of America-AW- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
486, China-W-431, United Kingdom-N- Subtropical, Tropical
519, United States of America-A-543, Origin: Africa, E Asia, S Am
South Africa-A-82, Africa-ACZ-622, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Switzerland-N-653, Austria-U-708, Herbal, Ornamental
Denmark-UC-711, Canada and United Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
States of America-N-725, Mediterranean-I- Livestock, Sheep, Escapee
775, Japan-N-794, Hungary-U-809, United Weed of: Bananas, Cereals, Orchards &
Kingdom-U-812, Switzerland-NRI-818, Plantations
Swaziland-N-825, Australia-W-853, References: Indonesia-A-13, Zimbabwe-
Global-W-788, Brazil-A-923, Africa-N- W-50, India-A-66, South Africa-AZR-121,
926, United Kingdom-ZD-944, Thailand-A-238, India-NW-424, Thailand-
Mediterranean-W-951, South Africa-N- W-822, South Africa-W-51, Global-W-108,
956, United States of America-A-967, Japan-A-263, Japan-W-286, United
Australia-N-354, Madagascar-N-1001, Kingdom-UZD-314, China-W-431, Global-
France-N-1006, Spain-N-1006, N-85, Africa-ACZ-622, South Korea-A-
Switzerland-N-1006, Australia-N-1049, 648, India-A-712, Swaziland-N-825,
Australia-W-1068, Europe-N-819, United Mozambique-nC-943, United Kingdom-Z-
States of America-N-101, United States of 944, South Africa-N-956, Africa-A-980,
America-W-1104, Africa-W-1127, Spain- Portugal-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Africa-
U-1149, Italy-NI-1165, Global-Q-1208, W-1127, Namibia-E-1179, Global-A-1207,
China-N-1215, Belgium-U-1220, Georgia- South Africa-I-1247, Saudi Arabia-A-797,
NR-1250, Italy-I-251, Hungary-U-1255, Namibia-I-1283, south and southeast Asia-
Japan-N-1278, Namibia-I-1283, Botswana- A-1320, Global-W-1324, India-I-1345,
N-1284, Australia-A-1331, Madagascar-N- Zimbabwe-N-1365, South Africa-N-1002,
1000, China-N-1344, French Guiana-N- south and southeast Asia-A-1408, Global-
1346, Global-W-1349, Zimbabwe-I-1365, E-1449, Saudi Arabia-A-1525, Japan-A-87,
China-N-1374, Taiwan-N-1403, Taiwan- Kenya-A-87, Zimbabwe-A-87, South
AN-1413, Global-E-1449, Spain-N-1454, Africa-A-87, Angola-A-87, India-A-1038,
Spain-N-1455, Australia-N-1491, Brazil-N- Global-CD-1611, India-A-1696, India-A-
1597, Estonia-W-1609, Austria-W-1609, 1698, India-A-1702, Taiwan-W-1748,
Denmark-W-1609, Russia-W-1609, Iran-A- India-AN-1794, India-W-1829, India-R-
87, South Africa-A-87, Taiwan-A-87, 1984, South Africa-N-1991, South Korea-
United States of America-A-87, Italy-N- A-2031, South Korea-A-2032, India-W-
1007, North Korea-A-1018, India-A-1021, 1977, Namibia-W-1977, Nepal-W-1977,
Switzerland-EZD-1546, Global-N-1218, Portugal-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977,
Cape Verde-N-1558, Australia, northern- Zimbabwe-W-1977, Swaziland-W-1977.
W-1204, Bosnia and Herzegovina-A-1650,

Bidens borianiana (SCH.BIP. ex Bidens cernua L. var. dentata (Nutt.) Bidens comosa (A. Gray) Wiegand
SCHWEINF.) CUF. Boivin Asteraceae
Asteraceae Asteraceae Accepted name: Bidens tripartita L.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Coreopsis Accepted name: Bidens cernua L. Total N° of Refs: 113
borianiana Sch. Bip. (1) Total N° of Refs: 31 Global Risk Score: 0.96
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Canada-A-642. Rating: Low
Habit: annual Herb Aqua - Habit:
Major Pathway/s: Crop Bidens cernua L. var. elliptica Wieg. Origin: N Am
Asteraceae Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Bidens camporum (Hutch.) Mesfin Accepted name: Bidens cernua L. Dispersed by: Water
Asteraceae Total N° of Refs: 31 References: United States of America-ED-
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Canada-A-642. 159, United States of America-W-218,
Origin: Africa Canada-A-642, United States of America-
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Bidens cernua L. var. integra Wieg. A-87, France-N-2091.
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Asteraceae
Livestock, Sheep Accepted name: Bidens cernua L. Bidens connata Muhl. ex Willd.
References: United Kingdom-UZD-314. Total N° of Refs: 31 Asteraceae
References: Canada-A-642. Accepted name: Bidens tripartita L.
Bidens cernua L. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bidens connata
Asteraceae Bidens cernua L. var. minima (Huds.) Muhl. ex Willd. var. fallax (Warnst.) Sherff
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bidens cernua L. Pursh (1), Bidens connata Muhl. ex Willd. var.
var. dentata (Nutt.) Boivin (1), Bidens Asteraceae petiolata (Nutt.) Farw. (1), Bidens connata
cernua L. var. elliptica Wieg. (1), Bidens Accepted name: Bidens cernua L. Muhl. ex Willd. var. submutica Fassett (1),
cernua L. var. integra Wieg. (1), Bidens Total N° of Refs: 31 Bidens decipiens Warnst. (1)
cernua L. var. minima (Huds.) Pursh (1), References: Canada-A-642. Total N° of Refs: 174
Bidens cernua L. var. oligodonta Fern. & Global Risk Score: 10.8
St. John (1), Bidens cernua L. var. radiata Bidens cernua L. var. oligodonta Fern. & Rating: Medium
DC. (1) St. John Aqua - Habit: annual Herb
Total N° of Refs: 36 Asteraceae Origin: N Am
Global Risk Score: 7.2 Accepted name: Bidens cernua L. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Rating: Medium Total N° of Refs: 31 Ornamental
Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb References: Canada-A-642. Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Water,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Escapee
Origin: Europe, N Am Bidens cernua L. var. radiata DC. Seed Longevity: Transient
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Asteraceae References: United States of America-W-
Ornamental Accepted name: Bidens cernua L. 218, United Kingdom-N-314, Czech
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers, Total N° of Refs: 31 Republic-UZ-400, Europe-NWD-482,
Cattle, Livestock, Sheep, Water, Escapee References: Canada-A-642. United Kingdom-N-519, Poland-N-619,
Seed Longevity: Short Term Canada-A-642, Ukraine-U-643,
Weed of: Carrots, Vegetables Bidens chilensis DC. Switzerland-N-653, Denmark-W-711,
References: Global-A-44, Global-ZW-85, Asteraceae France-I-764, United Kingdom-N-812,
Global-A-243, United States of America- Accepted name: Bidens pilosa L. Switzerland-NID-818, Belgium-N-1006,
W-136, United States of America-ED-159, Total N° of Refs: 523 Germany-N-1006, United Kingdom-N-
United States of America-W-161, United References: Uzbekistan-Q-1322. 1006, Netherlands-N-1006, Romania-N-
States of America-W-174, western Europe- 1006, Slovenia-N-1006, Switzerland-N-
A-253, United States of America-AW-212, Bidens chinensis Willd. 1006, Europe-N-819, Global-W-148,
Europe, eastern-W-272, United States of Asteraceae Romania-N-1154, Poland-E-1219,
America-W-218, China-W-297, United Accepted name: Bidens biternata (Lour.) Belgium-N-1220, Italy-I-251, Italy-N-
Kingdom-N-519, Canada-A-642, Canada- Merr. & Sherff 1265, France-I-1273, Global-W-1349,
C-756, India-N-914, Serbia-W-1238, Total N° of Refs: 64 Czech Republic-U-1522, Central Europe-
Global-W-1349, India-N-1389, Panarctic- Global Risk Score: 0.96 N-1602, Denmark-W-1609, Germany-W-
U-1596, United States of America-A-87, Rating: Low 1609, Netherlands-W-1609, Poland-W-
Europe-ZD-1653, Global-CD-1611, Habit: perennial Herb 1609, United States of America-A-87,
Russia-N-1681, North America-N-1760, Origin: N Am Poland-N-1040, Romania-N-1554, Czech
Serbia-R-1771, Russia-W-1671, Canada-G- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal Republic-U-1731, France-N-1438, Europe-
1855, Russia-N-1989, India-W-1977. Dispersed by: Humans UNI-1740, Italy-UNI-1887, France-N-
References: India-U-914, India-A-1725. 1941, France-N-1942, France-W-1943,
Bidens cernua L. var. cernua Germany-N-2009, Ukraine-NR-2013,
Asteraceae Bidens chrysanthemoides Michx. France-N-2091, Belarus-W-1977, Belgium-
Total N° of Refs: 1 Asteraceae W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977,
Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb Total N° of Refs: 2 Denmark-W-1977, France-W-1977,
Dispersed by: Water References: south and southeast Asia-A- Germany-W-1977, Italy-W-1977,
References: United States of America-WD- 1320, Chile-A-87. Netherlands-W-1977, Poland-W-1977,
34. Romania-W-1977, Serbia-W-1977,
Switzerland-W-1977, Ukraine-W-1977,
United Kingdom-W-1977.

Bidens connata Muhl. ex Willd. var. Bidens formosa (Bonato) Sch.Bip. Bidens frondosa L.
fallax (Warnst.) Sherff Asteraceae Asteraceae
Asteraceae Accepted name: Cosmos bipinnatus Cav. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bidens frondosa L.
Accepted name: Bidens connata Total N° of Refs: 172 var. anomala Porter ex Fern. (4), Bidens
Total N° of Refs: 63 Global Risk Score: 0.48 frondosa L. var. pallida Wieg. (1), Bidens
References: Canada-A-642. Rating: Low frondosa L. var. stenodonta Fern. & St.
Toxic - Habit: annual Herb John (1)
Bidens connata Muhl. ex Willd. var. Origin: C Am, N Am Total N° of Refs: 286
petiolata (Nutt.) Farw. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Global Risk Score: 44.8
Asteraceae Ornamental Rating: Extreme
Accepted name: Bidens connata Dispersed by: Humans Toxic, Aqua - Habit: annual Herb
Total N° of Refs: 63 Weed of: Cereals Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
References: Canada-A-642. References: South Africa-AZR-121, South Subtropical
Africa-W-158, Africa-A-622, Africa-W- Origin: N Am
Bidens connata Muhl. ex Willd. var. 1127, Lesotho-AZR-121, Nepal-A-1932, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
submutica Fassett Nepal-A-1981. Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture
Asteraceae Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle,
Accepted name: Bidens connata Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles, Water, Escapee
Total N° of Refs: 63 Seed Longevity: Long Term
References: Canada-A-642. Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations,
Bidens cynapiifolia Kunth References: Global-W-23, United States of
Asteraceae America-W-34, Finland-U-42, United
Total N° of Refs: 16 States of America-A-49, Global-NZW-85,
Global Risk Score: 1.92 New Zealand-N-280, Japan-A-263, United
Rating: Low States of America-ED-159, United States of
Habit: Herb America-W-161, New Zealand-W-165,
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical United States of America-W-174, Japan-N-
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal 287, Japan-W-286, western Europe-A-253,
Dispersed by: Humans United States of America-AW-210, United
Weed of: Bananas, Orchards & Plantations States of America-W-211, western Europe-
References: Cuba-A-14, Gal pagos Islands- W-70, United States of America-W-218,
EW-257, Global-N-85, United States of China-W-297, United Kingdom-N-314,
America-N-301, United States of America- Czech Republic-ZI-400, New Zealand-
N-839, Venezuela-A-932, Lesser Antilles- NW-425, Global-N-461, Europe-NWD-
A-1128, Gal pagos Islands-N-1157, United 482, Switzerland-W-502, United Kingdom-
States of America-N-1292, Dominican N-519, New Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-
Republic-A-1472, Dominican Republic-A- N-15, United States of America-A-543,
1475, Hawaii-A-87, Trinidad-A-87, St. Spain-I-405, Poland-N-619, Europe-I-638,
Vincent and the Grenadines-A-1700, North Canada-A-642, Ukraine-N-643,
America-N-1760, Ecuador-W-1977. Switzerland-NI-653, Portugal-N-662,
Austria-NI-708, Denmark-U-711, Portugal-
Bidens decipiens Warnst. N-718, France-I-720, Lithuania-I-737,
Asteraceae Spain-I-738, Canada-C-756, Slovenia-E-
Accepted name: Bidens connata Muhl. ex 772, South Korea-N-773, Mediterranean-I-
Willd. 775, North America-X-790, Japan-N-794,
Total N° of Refs: 63 Spain-I-802, Spain-I-807, Hungary-I-809,
References: Global-A-44. France-I-764, United Kingdom-N-812,
Belarus-N-817, Switzerland-NRI-818,
Bidens ferulifolia (Jacq.) DC. Czech Republic-NI-826, Belgium-NI-858,
Asteraceae China-I-882, Croatia-I-891, Russia-I-900,
Total N° of Refs: 19 Germany-N-907, Mexico-A-915, New
Global Risk Score: 1.44 Zealand-N-919, Austria-I-337, United
Rating: Low States of America-W-946, Mediterranean-
Habit: Shrub WI-951, Belgium-E-996, Belgium-N-1006,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Russia-N-1006, Germany-N-1006, United
Origin: N Am Kingdom-N-1006, Luxembourg-N-1006,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Netherlands-N-1006, Romania-N-1006,
Dispersed by: Humans Italy-N-1006, Spain-N-1006, Switzerland-
References: United Kingdom-U-314, N-1006, China-I-1055, Europe-N-1072,
Mexico-W-735, Mexico-W-890, Ireland-U- Japan-AID-1073, Portugal-N-898, Europe-
894, Mexico-W-1226, Norway-N-1243, N-819, New Zealand-E-505, United States
Global-W-1324, Europe-W-1325, Spain-N- of America-N-101, United States of
1454, Czech Republic-U-1522, Austria-W- America-W-1104, Ukraine-I-1121, China-
1609, Norway-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, N-1135, Iberian Peninsular-N-1147, Spain-
Global-Q-1572, Mexico-AD-757, Czech I-1149, Romania-N-1154, Italy-NI-1165,
Republic-U-1731, New Zealand-U-2048, Serbia-E-1177, Russia-I-1178, Czech
Poland-U-2062, Czech Republic-W-1977. Republic-A-1186, South Korea-A-1192,
Global-Q-1208, South Korea-N-761,

China-N-1215, Poland-EI-1219, Croatia-I- China-W-1977, Croatia-W-1977, Czech Bidens humilis Kunth
1230, Serbia-W-1238, France-A-1239, Republic-W-1977, Democratic Repubic of Asteraceae
Norway-N-1243, Italy-I-251, Hungary-I- Korea-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, Accepted name: Bidens triplinervia Kunth
1255, China-N-92, Romania-I-1264, Italy- Estonia-W-1977, France-W-1977, var. macrantha (Wedd.) Sherff
N-1265, Poland-E-1268, Spain-NI-1270, Germany-W-1977, Hungary-W-1977, Italy- Total N° of Refs: 9
France-I-1273, Japan-N-1278, Slovakia-A- W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Latvia-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
1282, Ukraine-N-1297, Europe-E-1315, Lithuania-W-1977, Luxembourg-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans
Romania-I-1334, Ukraine-N-1335, Montenegro-W-1977, Morocco-W-1977, References: Ecuador-A-87, India-A-87.
Sardinia-NI-1336, China-N-1344, Global- Netherlands-W-1977, New Zealand-W-
W-1349, Serbia-W-1222, Spain-I-1390, 1977, Poland-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977, Bidens laevis (L.) Britton, Sterns &
Austria-EI-1401, South Korea-N-1246, Republic of Korea-W-1977, Republic of Pogg.
Belgium-ZD-1421, Global-E-1449, Spain- Moldova-W-1977, Romania-W-1977, Asteraceae
I-1454, Spain-I-1455, Belgium-X-1477, Russian Federation-W-1977, Serbia-W- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Helianthus laevis
Serbia-U-1482, Slovakia-I-1484, Poland- 1977, Slovakia-W-1977, Slovenia-W-1977, L. (1)
NI-1494, China-I-1496, Albania-N-1506, Spain-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 22
France-N-1515, France-NI-1516, Czech Switzerland-W-1977, Tajikistan-W-1977, Global Risk Score: 0.96
Republic-I-1522, Romania-NI-1537, Ukraine-W-1977, United Kingdom-W- Rating: Low
Europe-A-1539, Central Europe and Asia- 1977, South Korea-I-2113, North Korea-U- Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb
N-1602, Estonia-W-1609, Austria-W-1609, 2114, Global--1324. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Belgium-W-1609, Czech Republic-W- Origin: N Am
1609, Denmark-W-1609, Russia-W-1609, Bidens frondosa L. var. anomala Porter Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Germany-W-1609, Latvia-W-1609, ex Fern. Dispersed by: Water
Lithuania-W-1609, Netherlands-W-1609, Asteraceae References: United States of America-WD-
Norway-W-1609, Poland-W-1609, Accepted name: Bidens frondosa L. 34, Chile-N-300, Chile-N-241, South
Sweden-W-1609, Iran-A-87, Japan-A-87, Total N° of Refs: 284 America-W-295, Japan-N-287, United
Portugal-A-87, United States of America- References: Canada-A-642, Belgium-N- Kingdom-U-314, Chile-N-765, Japan-N-
A-87, Mexico-A-87, New Zealand-A-87, 1006, Belgium-N-1220, Austria-W-1609. 794, Mexico-I-878, Chile-N-1229, Japan-
South Korea-N-1013, North Korea-A-1018, N-1278, south and southeast Asia-A-1320,
Poland-N-1040, Romania-N-1549, Global- Bidens frondosa L. var. frondosa Chile-N-1348, Global-W-1349, Costa Rica-
N-1218, Romania-N-1554, Bosnia And Asteraceae W-1570, Chile-I-1872, Chile-A-1874,
Herzegovina-ENI-1453, Russia-N-1647, Total N° of Refs: 1 Colombia-I-1926, -I-, Chile-W-1977,
Europe-ZD-1653, Europe-ZD-1656, References: Belgium-NI-1220. Colombia-W-1977, Japan-W-1977.
Europe-ZD-1582, Global-CD-1611,
Russia-NI-1680, Russia-N-1682, Russia-N- Bidens frondosa L. var. pallida Wieg. Bidens leptocephala Sherff
1683, Russia-EI-1684, Russia-NI-1688, Asteraceae Asteraceae
Russia-N-1689, Europe-NI-1690, China-I- Accepted name: Bidens frondosa L. Total N° of Refs: 1
1694, China-I-1711, Czech Republic-I- Total N° of Refs: 281 Major Pathway/s: Herbal
1731, France-N-1438, South Korea-N- References: Canada-A-642. References: Mexico-I-878.
1586, Europe-UNXI-1740, Croatia-NW-
1747, United States of America-N-1162, Bidens frondosa L. var. puberula Wieg. Bidens lineariloba Oliv.
China-I-1758, China-I-1769, China-A- Asteraceae Asteraceae
1615, Global-AD-1589, China-A-1669, Accepted name: Bidens vulgata Greene Total N° of Refs: 1
Russia-W-1671, Turkey-N-1718, Ukraine- Total N° of Refs: 39 Major Pathway/s: Crop
N-1813, Sardinia-N-1393, Poland-NR- References: Canada-A-642. References: Tanzania-A-2076.
1827, Romania-I-1843, Croatia-I-1844,
Canada-G-1855, South Korea-A-1859, Bidens frondosa L. var. stenodonta Fern. Bidens maximowicziana Oett.
Italy-UNI-1887, Croatia-I-1908, Sardinia- & St. John Asteraceae
N-1917, China-N-1938, France-N-1940, Asteraceae Total N° of Refs: 1
France-N-1941, France-ENI-1942, France- Accepted name: Bidens frondosa L. References: China-W-431.
I-1943, Poland-R-1947, Poland-A-1966, Total N° of Refs: 281
South Korea-N-1972, South Korea-N-1973, References: Canada-A-642. Bidens megapotamica Spreng.
South Korea-N-1974, South Korea-N-1975, Asteraceae
-I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, Central and Bidens gardneri Baker Accepted name: Thelesperma
northern Japan and northern islands-N- Asteraceae megapotamicum (Spreng.) Kuntze
1983, Romania-I-1986, Bosnia and Total N° of Refs: 6 Total N° of Refs: 4
Herzegovina-I-1987, Russia-N-1988, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical References: Uruguay-A-924, Uruguay-A-
Switzerland-I-1990, Poland-NI-1993, Origin: S Am 87.
Estonia-X-1995, Estonia-N-1997, Major Pathway/s: Pasture
Germany-N-2009, Ukraine-NR-2013, Weed of: Pastures Bidens mitis (Michx.) Sherff
South Korea-N-2029, South Korea-A-2031, References: Brazil-W-255, United States of Asteraceae
South Korea-A-2032, South Korea-AN- America-N-101, United States of America- Total N° of Refs: 3
2033, -AWD-2036, New Zealand-N-2048, N-301, United States of America-N-839, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Ukraine-N-2050, Slovakia-N-2052, Poland- United States of America-N-1292, Brazil- Major Pathway/s: Herbal
AN-2059, Poland-N-2062, Slovakia-A- A-2051. References: Puerto Rico-X-258, Global-X-
2079, France-AN-2091, Russia-I-2107, 85, Global-W-1349.
Ukraine-N-2112, Albania-W-1977,
Austria-W-1977, Belarus-W-1977,
Belgium-W-1977, Bosnia and
Herzegovina-W-1977, Bulgaria-W-1977,

Bidens odorata Cav. Bidens pilosa L. EN-762, Chile-N-765, South Korea-N-773,
Asteraceae Asteraceae China-I-780, United States of America-N-
Accepted name: Bidens pilosa L. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bidens chilensis 301, United States of America-E-151,
Total N° of Refs: 529 DC. (1), Bidens odorata Cav. (7), Bidens Spain-I-802, Spain-I-807, United
Global Risk Score: 0.72 pilosa L. var. minor (Blume) Sherff (17) Kingdom-U-812, Swaziland-N-825, United
Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 547 States of America-N-839, Australia-W-853,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Global Risk Score: 24 Australia-N-855, Australia-N-856,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Rating: High Australia-N-868, Australia-W-869,
Dispersed by: Humans Aqua - Habit: annual Herb Ecuador-N-875, Paraguay-NI-876, Mexico-
Weed of: Cereals Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, I-878, Australia-E-880, China-I-882,
References: Global-A-243, Mexico-W-890, Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Mexico-W-890, Canary Islands-I-901,
Mexico-W-1226, Mexico-N-1500, Mexico- Origin: Africa, C Am, E Asia, Europe, N Argentina-A-913, Mexico-A-915, New
W-1510, Mexico-AD-757, Mexico-R-1935. Am, S Am, W Asia, Cosmopolitan Zealand-N-919, Brazil-A-923, Uruguay-A-
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, 924, Africa-N-926, Colombia-A-927,
Bidens pachyloma (Oliv. & Hiern) Cuf. Herbal, Ornamental Trinidad-A-928, Puerto Rico-A-929, Peru-
Asteraceae Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle, A-930, Chile-A-931, Venezuela-A-932,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Livestock, Sheep, Water, Escapee Central America-A-933, Mozambique-nC-
Habit: annual Herb Weed of: Bananas, Cereals, Cotton, 943, United States of America-W-946,
References: Ethiopia-A-240. Grapevines, Nursery Production, Orchards India-A-948, South Africa-N-956, Africa-
& Plantations, Pastures, Pome Fruits, A-980, Australia-N-354, Madagascar-N-
Bidens parviflora Willd. Potatoes, Vegetables 1001, Portugal-N-1006, France-N-1006,
Asteraceae References: Cuba-A-14, Brazil-A-245, Italy-N-1006, Portugal-N-1006, India-I-
Total N° of Refs: 8 Taiwan-G-273, Zimbabwe-AG-50, Africa- 1047, Australia-N-1049, China-I-1055,
Habit: annual Herb A-53, Australia, northern-A-55, Australia- Australia-W-1068, Japan-AID-1073,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean W-93, Papua New Guinea-W-276, Mozambique-E-1076, French Polynesia-E-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal Federated States of Micronesia-W-107, 1079, Canary Islands-N-1087, Portugal-I-
References: Japan-N-287, China-W-297, Philippines-AW-348, Vietnam-W-262, 1090, Portugal-N-898, Europe-N-819,
China-A-275, China-W-431, South Korea- Puerto Rico-W-261, Brazil-W-255, South India-A-1124, Africa-W-1127, Lesser
A-648, Japan-N-794, Japan-N-1278, Japan- Africa-AZR-121, Peru and Ecuador-A-281, Antilles-A-1128, Ethiopia-A-1141, Iberian
W-1977. Gal pagos Islands-N-257, Pacific-A-6, Peninsular-N-1147, India-AN-1148,
Thailand-A-238, Australia-W-205, Botswana-A-1153, Egypt-A-1171, Cyprus-
Guadeloupe-A-206, Brazil-W-361, Brazil- N-1174, Namibia-E-1179, United States of
W-407, Philippines-W-412, Marshall America-Q-1197, Argentina-AD-1198,
Islands-A-463, Australia-EN-479, India- Uruguay-A-1199, Global-Q-1208, South
NW-424, Thailand-A-359, France-N-518, Korea-N-761, Thailand-A-1211, China-N-
Bahamas-A-578, Burundi-A-550, 1215, Belgium-UD-1220, Mexico-W-1226,
Cameroon-A-551, Colombia-A-605, Costa Chile-N-1229, Pakistan-A-1232, Global-A-
Rica-A-581, Rwanda-A-564, United States 1233, India-A-1234, South Africa-I-1247,
of America-A-654, Singapore-N-196, Micronesia-NI-1249, Burma-Myanmar-A-
Indonesia-A-188, Australia-EN-7, 1254, Italy-N-251, China-N-92, Spain-U-
Thailand-W-822, Pacific-W-3, Global-W- 1270, China-I-1277, India-I-1279, India-I-
23, Argentina-W-237, Australia-W-269, 1280, China-NI-1212, Namibia-I-1283,
Australia-E-290, Finland-U-42, South Botswana-N-1284, Singapore-N-1290,
Africa-W-51, Global-A-68, United States United States of America-N-1292, Nepal-
of America-E-80, Global-NW-85, Europe- A-1306, India-W-1307, south and southeast
A-94, Global-A-186, Global-A-243, United Asia-A-1320, La Reunion-W-1321, Global-
States of America-N-101, New Zealand-N- W-1324, Australia-A-1331, Africa-A-1332,
280, United States of America-Q-116, Africa-A-1333, Brazil-I-1342, India-I-
South America-W-295, South America-A- 1345, Chile-N-1348, Global-W-1349,
270, South Africa-W-382, Australia-N-134, Argentina-A-1363, Zimbabwe-I-1365,
Central America-W-157, South Africa-W- China-N-1374, Israel-NW-1380, Africa-A-
158, United States of America-W-161, 1384, Vietnam-EI-1386, India-I-1389,
Mexico-W-167, Ethiopia-A-240, Japan-N- Spain-I-1390, Brazil-A-1396, Brazil-R-
287, Japan-W-286, Australia-N-198, Asia- 1400, South Africa-NI-1002, Taiwan-N-
W-204, Argentina-A-236, North America- 1403, south and southeast Asia-A-1408,
G-249, China-W-297, China-A-275, South Korea-N-1246, South Africa-ZD-
Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945, United 1435, Australia-ZD-1444, Global-E-1449,
Kingdom-UZD-314, Australia-E-327, Australia-N-1450, Puerto Rico and Virgin
Czech Republic-UZ-400, Canary Islands- Islands-W-1452, Spain-I-1454, Australia-
N-305, United States of America-W-486, E-1456, Dominican Republic-A-1472,
China-W-431, Gibraltar-AN-515, United Dominican Republic-A-1475, Australia-N-
Kingdom-N-519, Eritrea-A-555, Global-A- 1491, China-I-1496, Mexico-N-1500,
546, South Africa-A-82, Australia-E-189, Vietnam-AZ-1502, Chad-N-1503, New
Spain-I-405, Pacific-W-621, Africa-AZ- Caledonia-I-1507, Mexico-W-1510, French
622, Europe-I-638, Global-E-649, Polynesia-N-1514, Uruguay-A-1518, Fiji-
Australia-AEN-310, Portugal-N-662, A-1521, Saudi Arabia-A-1525, Belarus-Q-
Austria-U-708, Denmark-W-711, Portugal- 1529, Russia-Q-1536, American Samoa-I-
N-718, Canada and United States of 1544, Bangladesh-I-1544, Cambodia-I-
America-NI-725, Global-W-743, Nepal- 1544, Australia-I-1544, Cook Islands-I-

1544, Federated States of Micronesia-I- Chile-I-1872, China-I-1873, Chile-E-1874, Bidens pilosa L. var. intermedia Ohtani
1544, Fiji-I-1544, French Polynesia-I-1544, India-I-1875, South Africa-EN-1886, Italy- & Shig. Suzuki
Guam-I-1544, China-I-1544, India-I-1544, UN-1887, Honduras-A-1890, Honduras-A- Asteraceae
Indonesia-I-1544, Japan-I-1544, Kiribati-I- 1891, Honduras-W-1892, Guatemala-A- Total N° of Refs: 3
1544, Laos-I-1544, Malaysia-I-1544, 1893, Guatemala-A-1894, Guatemala-A- References: Japan-N-794, Japan-N-1278,
Marshall Islands-I-1544, Burma-Myanmar- 1895, India-I-1904, India-I-1914, Nepal-A- Japan-W-1977.
I-1544, Nauru-I-1544, New Caledonia-I- 1932, Australia-N-1959, South Korea-N-
1544, New Zealand-I-1544, Niue-I-1544, 1974, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, Bidens pilosa L. var. minor (Blume)
United States of America-I-1544, Palau-I- -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, Vietnam-A-1982, South Sherff
1544, Papua New Guinea-I-1544, Africa-N-1991, Estonia-N-1997, Burundi- Asteraceae
Philippines-I-1544, Samoa-I-1544, NR-2012, South Africa-RI-2017, China- Accepted name: Bidens pilosa L.
Singapore-I-1544, Solomon Islands-I-1544, ANRI-2021, India-I-2022, Spain-N-2027, Total N° of Refs: 539
Thailand-I-1544, Tonga-I-1544, Vanuatu-I- South Korea-N-2029, South Korea-A-2032, Global Risk Score: 0.48
1544, Vietnam-I-1544, Wallis, Futuna and Nepal-A-1960, Brazil-A-2040, New Rating: Low
Alofi Islands-I-1544, Ethiopia-ZD-1437, Zealand-N-2048, Israel-AGN-59, Brazil-R- Aqua - Habit:
Brazil-N-1597, India-N-1601, Japan-N- 2053, Botswana-A-2065, Burkina Faso-A- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
1602, Estonia-W-1609, Austria-W-1609, 2068, Nigeria-A-2073, Tanzania-A-2076, Origin: Cosmopolitan
Denmark-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, India- Egypt-A-2088, Guinea-A-2089, Benin-A- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
N-1628, India-N-1631, BRAZIL-A-603, 2090, France-AND-2091, Global-W-2097, Dispersed by: Humans, Water
Brazil-A-87, Ghana-A-87, Hawaii-A-87, India-A-2104, Indonesia-I-2108, Angola- Weed of: Orchards & Plantations
Mexico-A-87, Polynesia, West-A-87, South W-1977, Argentina-W-1977, Australia-W- References: Indonesia-A-13, Taiwan-G-
Africa-A-87, Tanzania-A-87, Zambia-A- 1977, Austria-W-1977, Belarus-W-1977, 273, Taiwan-A-274, Indonesia-A-170,
87, Bolivia-A-87, Colombia-A-87, India- Belgium-W-1977, Benin-W-1977, Bhutan- Thailand-A-12, Thailand-W-822, Japan-N-
A-87, Kenya-A-87, Mauritius-A-87, W-1977, Bolivia-W-1977, Botswana-W- 287, Japan-W-286, South Korea-N-773,
Melanesia-A-87, Mozambique-A-87, New 1977, Brazil-W-1977, Burundi-W-1977, Japan-N-794, Japan-AID-1073, South
Guinea-A-87, Peru-A-87, Puerto Rico-A- C?te d'Ivoire-W-1977, Cambodia-W-1977, Korea-N-761, Japan-N-1278, Japan-N-
87, Zimbabwe-A-87, Swaziland-A-87, Cameroon-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, 1602, Taiwan-W-1748, South Korea-N-
Taiwan-A-87, Trinidad-A-87, Uganda-A- Chad-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, China-W- 2029, Japan-W-1977.
87, Venezuela-A-87, Antilles Lesser-A-87, 1977, Colombia-W-1977, Comoros-W-
Argentina-A-87, Australia-A-87, China-A- 1977, Cook Islands-W-1977, Cyprus-W- Bidens pilosa L. var. pilosa
87, Hong Kong-A-87, Indonesia-A-87, 1977, Democratic Repubic of Korea-W- Asteraceae
Japan-A-87, Philippines-A-87, Polynesia, 1977, Democratic Republic of the Congo- Total N° of Refs: 10
East-A-87, Angola-A-87, Cameroon-A-87, W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, Dominican Habit: annual Herb
Chile-A-87, Republic of Congo-A-87, Republic-W-1977, Ecuador-W-1977, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Cuba-A-87, Dominican Republic-A-87, Egypt-W-1977, Estonia-W-1977, Fiji-W- Origin: C Am, Cosmopolitan
Ethiopia-A-87, Fiji-A-87, Guinea-A-87, 1977, France-W-1977, India-W-1977, References: Federated States of
Belize-A-87, Ivory Coast-A-87, Jamaica- Israel-W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Japan-W- Micronesia-N-230, Australia-N-368,
A-87, Liberia-A-87, Malaysia-A-87, Mali- 1977, Kenya-W-1977, Kiribati-W-1977, United States of America-W-34, Chile-N-
A-87, Niger-A-87, Nigeria-A-87, New Malawi-W-1977, Malaysia-W-1977, 300, Chile-N-241, Japan-N-794, Japan-N-
Zealand-A-87, Panama-A-87, El Salvador- Maldives-W-1977, Marshall Islands-W- 1278, -I-, Angola-N-2028, Paraguay-A-
A-87, Senegal-A-87, Thailand-A-87, 1977, Mauritius-W-1977, Micronesia 2070, Japan-W-1977.
United States of America-A-87, Egypt-A- (Federated States of)-W-1977,
1028, India-A-1034, Cape Verde-N-1558, Mozambique-W-1977, Myanmar-W-1977, Bidens pilosa L. var. radiata Sch. Bip.
Brazil-A-1560, Brazil-A-1561, Uruguay-A- Namibia-W-1977, Nauru-W-1977, Nepal- Asteraceae
1562, Uruguay-A-1567, Costa Rica-W- W-1977, Nigeria-W-1977, Niue-W-1977, Accepted name: Bidens alba var. radiata
1570, Global-Q-1572, Australia, northern- Palau-W-1977, Papua New Guinea-W- (L.) DC. (Schultz-Bip.) Ballard ex
W-1204, Brazil-A-1648, Bangladesh-A- 1977, Peru-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977, T.E.Melchert
1649, Global-CD-1611, China-A-1617, Republic of Korea-W-1977, Rwanda-W- Total N° of Refs: 37
Africa-A-1617, Indonesia-A-1617, Japan- 1977, Samoa-W-1977, Sierra Leone-W- Habit: annual Herb
A-1617, India/Nepal-A-1617, Central Asia- 1977, Singapore-W-1977, Slovenia-W- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
A-1617, Africa-A-1623, Global-ZD-1581, 1977, Solomon Islands-W-1977, South Origin: N Am
India-W-1672, El Salvador-A-1676, Africa-W-1977, Spain-W-1977, Taiwan- Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Honduras-A-1677, Lesotho-AZR-121, W-1977, Thailand-W-1977, Tonga-W- Weed of: Orchards & Plantations
Lesotho-W-1127, China-I-1694, St. 1977, Uganda-W-1977, United Arab References: Taiwan-G-273, Taiwan-NI-
Vincent and the Grenadines-A-1700, Emirates-W-1977, United Republic of 777, Japan-A-263, Japan-N-287, United
Nigeria-A-1701, India-EI-1707, China-I- Tanzania-W-1977, Vanuatu-W-1977, States of America-W-218, Australia-N-945,
1711, Azores-N-1721, Macronesia-I-1722, Venezuela-W-1977, Viet Nam-W-1977, Japan-N-794, China-N-1215, Japan-N-
East Africa-I-1723, North Africa, Libya, Zambia-W-1977, Zimbabwe-W-1977, 1278, China-N-1344, Taiwan-N-1403,
Egypt-W-1730, Brazil-N-1733, Swaziland-W-1977, South Korea-N-2113, Taiwan-AEN-1413, Taiwan-W-1748.
Mozambique-A-1734, United States of North Korea-N-2114.
America-E-1736, Taiwan-W-1748, China- Bidens pilosa L. fo. decumbens Sherff
I-1758, India-I-1764, Brazil--1767, China- Bidens pilosa L. var. bisetosa S.Ohtani & Asteraceae
I-1769, Australia-ZD-1614, China-A-1615, S.Suzuki Total N° of Refs: 1
China-A-1669, Nepal-N-1784, India-N- Asteraceae References: Japan-N-287.
1789, Cyprus-N-1797, Congo-A-1799, Total N° of Refs: 4
Greece-N-1803, Brazil-U-1820, La References: Japan-N-287, Japan-N-794,
Reunion-A-1822, India-I-1826, Australia- Japan-N-1278, Japan-W-1977.
N-1902, Singapore-N-1839, India-ND-
1854, Brazil-A-1857, Cameroon-A-1867,

Bidens pilosus L. Bidens reptans (L.) G. Don Bidens steppia (Steetz) Sherff
Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae
Total N° of Refs: 7 Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 3
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Global Risk Score: 0.96
Dispersed by: Humans References: Jamaica-A-87. Rating: Low
References: Czech Republic-U-1522, Habit: annual Herb
Germany-W-1609, Czech Republic-U- Bidens riparia Kunth Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
1731, Italy-N-1842, Czech Republic-W- Asteraceae Origin: Africa
1977, Germany-W-1977, Greece-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Dispersed by: Humans
Bidens pinnata Noronha References: Venezuela-A-87. References: South Africa-AZR-121,
Asteraceae Africa-A-980, Kenya-A-87.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Bidens schimperi Sch.-Bip. ex Walp.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Asteraceae Bidens subalternans DC.
References: Madagascar-N-1001, Total N° of Refs: 5 Asteraceae
Madagascar-N-1000. Habit: Herb Total N° of Refs: 77
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Global Risk Score: 6.48
Bidens polylepis S. F. Blake Major Pathway/s: Crop Rating: Low
Asteraceae Weed of: Cereals, Cotton, Sunflowers Habit: annual Herb
Accepted name: Bidens aristosa (Michx.) References: Africa-A-980, Botswana-N- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Britt. 1284, Kenya-A-87, Mozambique-A-1734, Subtropical, Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 38 Botswana-A-2071. Origin: C Am, S Am
Habit: annual Herb Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Bidens serrulata (Desf.) Poir. Ornamental
References: Finland-U-42, United States of Asteraceae Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
America-E-80, Global-NW-85, Japan-N- Total N° of Refs: 5 Livestock, Sheep
287, United States of America-W-218, Global Risk Score: 0.24 Weed of: Orchards & Plantations, Pastures
United States of America-E-346, Canada Rating: Low References: Brazil-W-255, Brazil-W-361,
and United States of America-N-725, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Brazil-W-407, Argentina-W-237,
Japan-N-794, United States of America-W- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Australia-W-269, Chile-N-300, South
1104, Japan-N-1278, Global-W-1349, Dispersed by: Humans America-W-295, South America-A-270,
Hawaii-A-87, Trinidad-A-87, Canada-W- References: Mexico-W-735, Mexico-W- western Europe-A-253, Argentina-A-236,
1977, Japan-W-1977, Republic of Korea- 890, Mexico-W-1226, Mexico-W-1510, Australia-N-945, United Kingdom-UZD-
W-1977, South Korea-U-2113. Mexico-AD-757. 314, Europe-NI-482, Spain-I-405, Europe-
I-638, Switzerland-N-653, Spain-I-738,
Bidens pseudocosmos Sherff Bidens spp. L. Chile-N-765, Serbia-I-769, Mediterranean-
Asteraceae Asteraceae I-775, Spain-I-802, France-W-764,
Total N° of Refs: 6 Total N° of Refs: 10 Switzerland-URI-818, Australia-W-853,
Habit: annual Herb Habit: Herb Australia-W-869, Global-A-68, Paraguay-
Origin: S Am Preferred Climate/s: Tropical NI-876, Croatia-I-891, Uruguay-A-924,
References: Chile-N-300, Chile-N-765, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals Mediterranean-W-951, Australia-N-354,
Chile-N-1229, Chile-N-1348, Chile-I-1872, Weed of: Cereals, Nursery Production, Spain-N-1006, France-N-1006, Spain-N-
Chile-W-1977. Orchards & Plantations, Vegetables 1006, Australia-N-1049, Europe-N-819,
References: Fiji-A-602, South Africa-W- Serbia-E-1177, Belgium-UD-1220, Chile-
Bidens radiata Thuill. 382, Australia-N-198, United States of N-1229, Croatia-I-1230, France-E-1239,
Asteraceae America-A-543, Peru-A-930, Brazil-A- Italy-I-251, Italy-N-1265, Spain-N-1270,
Total N° of Refs: 16 1563, Australia-ZD-1675, Europe--, Nepal- Global-W-1324, Australia-A-1331, Chile-
Dispersed by: Animals, Water A-1791, Nepal-A-1930, Canada-G-1462. N-1348, Argentina-A-1363, Iberian
References: Europe, eastern-W-272, Peninsular-N-1388, Spain-I-1390, Spain-I-
Poland-E-1219, Belgium-U-1220, Italy-U- Bidens squarrosa Kunth 1454, Spain-N-1455, Brazil-A-1560,
251, Europe-W-1325, Norway-W-1609, El Asteraceae Bosnia And Herzegovina-ENI-1453,
Salvador-A-87, Russia-W-1687, Sardinia- Total N° of Refs: 3 Europe-U-1740, Croatia-NW-1747,
U-1393, Italy-U-1887, Sardinia-U-1917, Habit: perennial Vine Montenegro-W-1861, Chile-I-1872, Italy-
Central and northern Japan and northern Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical NI-1887, Croatia-I-1908, -I-, -I-, Bosnia
islands-N-1983, Belgium-W-1977, Italy- References: Central America-W-157, and Herzegovina-I-1987, Croatia-I-2004,
W-1977, Poland-W-1977, Russian Central America-A-933, Brazil-N-1597. France-AND-2091, Australia-W-1977,
Federation-W-1977. Belgium-W-1977, Bosnia and
Herzegovina-W-1977, Chile-W-1977,
Bidens radiata Thuill. var. pinnatifida Croatia-W-1977, Cyprus-W-1977, France-
(Trucz.) Kitam. W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Montenegro-W-
Asteraceae 1977, Republic of Korea-W-1977, Serbia-
Total N° of Refs: 1 W-1977, Spain-W-1977, Switzerland-W-
References: Japan-W-286. 1977, South Korea-U-2113.

Bidens subalternans DC. var. simulans Bidens tripartita L.
Scherff Asteraceae Bidens tripartita L. var. repens (D. Don)
Asteraceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bidens comosa (A. Sherff.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Gray) Wiegand (5), Bidens connata Muhl. Asteraceae
References: South America-A-270. ex Willd. (62), Bidens tripartitus L. (3) Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 178 References: China-W-431.
Bidens subalternans DC. var. Global Risk Score: 12
subalternans Rating: Medium Bidens tripartitus L.
Asteraceae Aqua - Habit: annual Herb Asteraceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Accepted name: Bidens tripartita L.
References: South America-A-270, Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 111
Paraguay-A-2070. Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, Weed of: Cereals
Cosmopolitan References: Poland-A-2047, Serbia-R-
Bidens sulphurea (Cav.) Sch. Bip. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, 2057, Serbia-A-2080.
Asteraceae Herbal, Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 9 Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers, Bidens triplinervia Kunth
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Cattle, Donkey, Livestock, Sheep, Water, Asteraceae
Origin: C Am, N Am, S Am Escapee Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bidens humilis
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Seed Longevity: Long Term Kunth (2)
Ornamental Weed of: Carrots, Cereals, Orchards & Total N° of Refs: 9
Dispersed by: Humans Plantations, Pastures, Vegetables Global Risk Score: 0.24
References: Brazil-W-255, India-N-1345, References: Global-W-23, Australia-W- Rating: Low
Zimbabwe-U-1365, India-N-1631, Costa 269, Global-A-44, Global-A-68, Global- Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical,
Rica-W-1570, Brazil-N-1071, Brazil-N- NW-85, Europe-A-94, Global-A-243, New Tropical
1746, Brazil-R-1945, Brazil-R-1958. Zealand-N-280, Japan-A-263, Japan-W- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
286, western Europe-A-253, Australia-N- Dispersed by: Humans
Bidens tenuisecta A. Gray 198, Europe, eastern-AW-272, western References: Mexico-W-890, Europe-N-
Asteraceae Europe-W-70, China-W-297, China-A-275, 819, Mexico-W-1226, Global-W-1324,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Australia-N-945, Australia-E-327, United Global-Q-1572, Belgium-W-1977, India-
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical States of America-WD-486, China-W-431, W-1977.
Origin: N Am United Kingdom-N-519, Canada-A-642,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal South Korea-A-648, Finland-A-664, India- Bidens triplinervia Humb., Bonpl. &
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, A-712, United States of America-N-86, Kunth var. macrantha (Wedd.) Sherff
Livestock, Sheep Canada-C-756, Australia-W-853, Australia- Asteraceae
References: United Kingdom-UZD-314. W-869, Slovenia-W-883, Europe-A-889, Total N° of Refs: 1
India-N-914, New Zealand-N-919, United Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Bidens tinctoria Baill. Kingdom-Z-944, United States of America- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Asteraceae W-946, Mediterranean-W-951, Australia- Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 2 N-354, Russia-A-998, Denmark-N-1006, References: Belgium-U-1220.
References: Brazil-I-984, Brazil-N-1071. France-N-1006, Norway-N-1006, Sweden-
N-1006, Australia-N-1049, Europe-N-819,
Tunisia-N-1196, Pakistan-A-1232, Serbia-
W-1238, Greece-W-1240, France-A-1266,
Slovakia-A-1282, south and southeast
Asia-A-1320, Global-W-1324, Serbia-A-
1343, Global-W-1349, Iran-A-1353,
Finland-AN-1356, Serbia-A-1357, Croatia-
A-1368, Serbia-A-1372, India-N-1389,
Belgium-ZD-1421, Belgium-ZD-1422,
Europe-A-1539, Panarctic-U-1596,
Finland-A-87, Japan-A-87, Portugal-A-87,
Belgium-A-87, Spain-A-87, Turkey-A-87,
North Korea-A-1018, Europe-ZD-1653,
Europe-ZD-1582, Global-CD-1611,
Mongolia-A-1620, Russia-W-1687, Serbia-
R-1771, Global-AD-1589, Russia-W-1671,
France-A-1814, Finland-A-1815, Poland-
A-1825, Israel-ND-1575, Serbia-R-1848,
Canada-G-1855, Montenegro-W-1861,
Poland-A-1033, Serbia-R-1946, Serbia-R-
1953, Croatia-A-1954, Australia-N-1959,
Poland-A-1961, Poland-A-1966, Kosovo-
R-2003, South Korea-A-2032, South
Korea-A-2033, -AWD-2036, New Zealand-
N-2048, -A-2058, Poland-A-2059, Poland-
A-2060, Poland-A-2061, Slovakia-A-2079,
Poland-A-2110, Australia-W-1977, France-
W-1977, Russian Federation-W-1977,

Bidens vulgata Greene Bifora radians M. Bieb. Bifora testiculata (L.) Spreng.
Asteraceae Apiaceae Apiaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bidens frondosa L. Total N° of Refs: 76 Total N° of Refs: 44
var. puberula Wieg. (1), Bidens vulgata Global Risk Score: 14.4 Global Risk Score: 4.32
Greene var. puberula (Wieg.) Greene (1), Rating: Medium Rating: Low
Bidens vulgata Greene var. schizantha Habit: annual Herb Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Lunell (1) Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia
Total N° of Refs: 41 Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Global Risk Score: 5.76 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Ornamental
Rating: Low Herbal, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Habit: annual Herb Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Weed of: Cereals
Origin: N Am Livestock, Sheep, Water References: Global-N-85, Europe-A-94,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Weed of: Cereals, Grapevines, Orchards & United States of America-N-101, Japan-N-
Ornamental Plantations 287, Europe, eastern-AW-272, western
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, References: Finland-U-42, Global-A-44, Europe-W-70, Australia-N-945, Australia-
Livestock, Sheep, Escapee Global-NW-85, Europe-A-94, Global-A- X-171, Spain-A-417, United Kingdom-U-
Weed of: Nursery Production 243, United States of America-N-101, 314, Australia-Z-611, Switzerland-N-653,
References: Global-W-23, Global-NW-85, western Europe-A-253, Europe, eastern- Denmark-UC-711, Japan-N-794, Australia-
United States of America-W-161, United AW-272, western Europe-W-70, United NX-855, Australia-W-869, United
States of America-W-218, United Kingdom-U-314, Czech Republic-NZI-400, Kingdom-Z-944, Australia-N-354, Europe-
Kingdom-UZD-314, Europe-NW-482, Ukraine-U-643, Switzerland-N-653, Italy- N-819, Global-A-1207, Australia-Q-1134,
Canada-A-642, Austria-U-708, Canada-C- A-667, Italy-A-687, Iran-A-732, South Belgium-U-1220, Crete-A-1228, Norway-
756, Europe-AN-889, Romania-I-896, Korea-N-773, Europe-A-889, Turkey-A- N-1243, Japan-N-1278, Australia-X-1319,
United States of America-W-946, France- 728, Turkey-A-977, Russia-A-998, Global-W-1324, Australia-N-1450,
N-1006, Italy-N-1006, Slovenia-N-1006, Czechoslovakia-N-1006, Germany-N-1006, Denmark-W-1609, Norway-W-1609,
Europe-N-819, Romania-AN-1154, Slovakia-N-1006, Slovenia-N-1006, Sweden-W-1609, Lebanon-A-87, Portugal-
Belgium-U-1220, Norway-N-1243, Italy- Europe-N-819, Turkey-A-144, Australia--, A-87, Morocco-A-87, Turkey-A-87,
N-251, Global-W-1324, Global-W-1349, Ethiopia-A-1141, Global-A-1207, South Global-CD-1611, Italy-A-1618, Australia-
Austria-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, United Korea-N-761, Belgium-UD-1220, Serbia- Z-1768, Greece-A-2093, Australia-W-
States of America-A-87, Romania-N-1554, W-1238, Greece-W-1240, Ukraine-N-1297, 1977, Belgium-W-1977, Denmark-W-
Global-CD-1611, Canada-G-1855, Italy-N- Macedonia-A-1304, Turkey-A-1316, 1977, Japan-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977.
1887, -I-, Romania-N-1986, Canada-G- Global-W-1324, Serbia-A-1343, Serbia-A-
1462, France-N-2091, Austria-W-1977, 1357, Turkey--1412, Serbia-N-1482, Bignonia argyreo-violascens hort. ex.
Belgium-W-1977, Bulgaria-W-1977, Slovakia-N-1484, Czech Republic-N-1522, Lem.
France-W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Romania- Europe-A-1539, Greece-N-1541, Austria- Bignoniaceae
W-1977. W-1609, Germany-W-1609, Latvia-W- Total N° of Refs: 2
1609, Poland-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Bidens vulgata Greene var. puberula Iran-A-87, Spain-A-87, Greece-A-87, Dispersed by: Humans
(Wieg.) Greene Russia-A-87, Serbia-A-1019, Italy-A-1618, References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
Asteraceae Czech Republic-N-1731, Montenegro-W-
Accepted name: Bidens vulgata 1861, Australia-Q-1123, Switzerland-U- Bignonia binata Thunb.
Total N° of Refs: 39 1990, Kosovo-R-2003, Turkey-A-2101, Bignoniaceae
References: Canada-A-642. Ukraine-N-2112, Belarus-W-1977, Accepted name: Clytostoma binatum
Belgium-W-1977, Bulgaria-W-1977, Czech (Thunb.) Sandwith
Bidens vulgata Greene var. schizantha Republic-W-1977, Germany-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 1
Lunell Latvia-W-1977, Poland-W-1977, Republic Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Asteraceae of Korea-W-1977, Serbia-W-1977, References: India-W-1977.
Accepted name: Bidens vulgata Slovakia-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977,
Total N° of Refs: 39 Ukraine-W-1977, South Korea-U-2113. Bignonia callistegioides Cham.
References: Canada-A-642. Bignoniaceae
Bifora spp. Hoffmann Total N° of Refs: 1
Bidens vulgatus Greene Apiaceae Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Asteraceae Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 1 Habit: Herb References: India-W-1977.
References: Canada-A-642. Weed of: Canola, Cereals
References: Global-A-243.

Bignonia capreolata L. Bignonia tweediana Lindl. Bilderdykia convolvulus (L.) Dumort
Bignoniaceae Bignoniaceae Polygonaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Anisostichus Total N° of Refs: 2 Accepted name: Fallopia convolvulus (L.)
capreolata (L.) Bureau (1) Habit: Vine Á.Löve
Total N° of Refs: 9 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Total N° of Refs: 249
Global Risk Score: 1.44 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Global Risk Score: 0.96
Rating: Low Dispersed by: Humans Rating: Low
Toxic - Habit: Vine References: Global-W-1349, Australia-Q- Habit: annual Vine
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean 1123. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Origin: N Am Origin: E Asia, Europe
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Bignonia unguis-cati L. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal
Dispersed by: Humans Bignoniaceae Dispersed by: Humans
References: United States of America-W- Accepted name: Macfadyena unguis-cati Weed of: Cereals, Grapevines
218, Australia-E-380, Mozambique-nC- (L.) A.H.Gentry References: Japan-N-287, Global-A-243,
943, United States of America-W-1104, Total N° of Refs: 121 Chile-N-241, South Africa-AZR-121,
Global-W-1349, United States of America- Habit: Vine South Africa-W-382, Europe, eastern-AW-
A-87, Chile-W-1977, India-W-1977. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical 272, western Europe-W-70, Spain-A-417,
Origin: C Am Canada-A-642, United Kingdom-Z-944,
Bignonia chamberlaynii Sims Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Poland-N-1122, Africa-W-1127, Serbia-W-
Bignoniaceae Dispersed by: Humans 1238, Greece-W-1240, Serbia-A-1343,
Accepted name: Anemopaegma References: India-N-976, Global-A-1207, Serbia-W-1358, Croatia-A-1368, Serbia-
chamberlaynii (Sims) Bureau & K. Schum. Mauritius-A-87, India-A-87, Chile-I-1872. W-1222, North Korea-A-1018, Lesotho-
Total N° of Refs: 2 AZR-121, Lesotho-W-1127, Serbia-W-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Bilderdykia aubertii (L.Henry) 1766, Serbia-R-1771, Serbia-R-1848,
Dispersed by: Humans Dumoptier Montenegro-W-1861, Bosnia and
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Polygonaceae Herzegovina-A-1862, Serbia-A-1352,
Accepted name: Polygonum aubertii Bosnia and Herzegovina-A-1830, Serbia-
Bignonia corymbosa (Vent.) L.G. L.Henry A-1915, Serbia-R-1946, Croatia-A-1954,
Lowman Total N° of Refs: 7 Serbia-R-1957, Serbia-AR-1963, Serbia-A-
Bignoniaceae References: Serbia-W-1238. 1964, Kosovo-R-2003.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Phryganocydia
corymbosa (Vent.) Bureau ex K. Schum. Bilderdykia baldschuanica (Regel) D.A. Bilderdykia dumetorum (L.) Dumort.
(1) Webber Polygonaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Polygonaceae Accepted name: Fallopia dumetorum (L.)
Habit: Vine Accepted name: Polygonum Holub
baldschuanicum Regel Total N° of Refs: 38
Bignonia exoleta Vell. Total N° of Refs: 3 References: Europe, eastern-AW-272,
Bignoniaceae Habit: Shrub western Europe-W-70, Serbia-W-1238,
Accepted name: Macfadyena unguis-cati Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Kosovo-R-2003.
(L.) A.H.Gentry Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 119 References: Ireland-W-894. Billardiera cymosa F. Müell.
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Pittosporaceae
References: Brazil-A-923, Brazil-A-87, Bilderdykia cilinodis (Michx.) Greene Total N° of Refs: 1
Brazil-A-1622. Polygonaceae Habit: perennial Vine
Accepted name: Polygonum cilinode Origin: Aust
Bignonia magnifica W. Bull Total N° of Refs: 9 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Bignoniaceae References: Canada-A-642. Dispersed by: Humans
Accepted name: Saritaea magnifica References: Australia-N-354.
(Sprague ex Steenis) Dugand
Total N° of Refs: 12 Billardiera cymosa F. Müell. subsp.
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental pseudocymosa (Klatt) L.W.Cayzer &
Dispersed by: Humans Crisp
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977, Pittosporaceae
India-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 1
Origin: Aust
Bignonia regalis W.Bull References: Australia-N-354.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Billardiera fusiformis Labill.
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Pittosporaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Sollya fusiformis
Bignonia stans L. (Labill.) Briq. (2)
Bignoniaceae Total N° of Refs: 7
Accepted name: Tecoma stans (L.) Juss. ex Origin: Aust
Kunth Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 155 Dispersed by: Humans
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical References: Global-N-85, Australia-N-354,
References: Mexico-I-878. Australia-E-1456, Australia-N-1959,

Billardiera heterophylla (Lindl.) Biophytum petersianum Klotzsch Bischofia javanica Blume
L.Cayzer & Crisp. Oxalidaceae Euphorbiaceae
Pittosporaceae Accepted name: Biophytum umbraculum Total N° of Refs: 35
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Sollya heterophylla Welw. Global Risk Score: 17.28
Lindl. (25) Total N° of Refs: 4 Rating: High
Total N° of Refs: 43 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Habit: Tree
Global Risk Score: 0.48 Major Pathway/s: Herbal Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Rating: Low References: Togo-A-1673, Burundi-R- Origin: E Asia, SE Asia
Habit: Tree 2012. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal,
Origin: Aust Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Biophytum reinwardtii (Zucc.) Klotz Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Dispersed by: Humans Oxalidaceae References: pantropics-W-22, southeast
References: Global-N-85, Australia-N-855, Total N° of Refs: 1 Asia-W-191, United States of America-CE-
Australia-W-869, Australia-E-880, Habit: Herb 617, Pacific-W-3, United States of
Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical America-E-80, Global-N-85, United States
Australia-E-1262, Global-W-1324, Major Pathway/s: Herbal of America-N-101, United States of
Australia-I-1442, Australia-N-1450, South References: Indonesia-A-87. America-EI-112, United States of America-
Africa-E-1646, Australia-N-1902, CE-142, United States of America-EX-122,
Australia-N-1845, Australia-W-1977, Biophytum sensitivum DC. United States of America-EW-179, Global-
India-W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Portugal-W- Oxalidaceae E-649, Japan-I-741, United States of
1977, South Africa-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 21 America-N-301, United States of America-
Global Risk Score: 2.4 E-151, Global-NI-714, United States of
Billbergia distachia (Vell.) Mez Rating: Low America-N-839, Global-W-788, India-N-
Bromeliaceae Habit: annual Herb 976, United States of America-I-1046,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Japan-A-1106, United States of America-
Habit: Herb Origin: Africa, E Asia, Cosmopolitan Q-1197, United States of America-N-1292,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, United States of America-C-1329, Global-
Origin: S Am Ornamental W-1376, Global-I-1404, Global-CD-1611,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans United States of America-W-1719, United
Dispersed by: Humans Weed of: Bananas, Cereals, Orchards and States of America-E-1736, United States of
References: New Zealand-U-2048. Plantations America-I-1773, India-I-1914, -I-,
References: India-A-66, India-A-948, south Australia-W-1977, Cook Islands-W-1977,
Billbergia pyramidalis (Sims) Lindl. and southeast Asia-A-1320, India-I-1345, Japan-W-1977, Papua New Guinea-W-
Bromeliaceae south and southeast Asia-A-1408, Ghana- 1977.
Total N° of Refs: 6 A-87, Indonesia-A-87, India-A-87,
Habit: Herb Philippines-A-87, India-W-1029, India-A- Biscutella auriculata L.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, 1038, India-W-1672, India-A-1696, India- Brassicaceae
Subtropical, Tropical A-1698, India-A-1702, Bangladesh-A- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Iondraba auriculata
Origin: S Am 1761, Congo-A-1799, India-W-1866, India- (L.) Webb & Berthel. (3)
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental A-1936, India-A-2000, Nepal-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 11
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Global Risk Score: 0.72
References: Puerto Rico-CW-261, United Biophytum umbraculum Welw. Rating: Low
States of America-N-101, United States of Oxalidaceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
America-W-179, Mozambique-nC-943, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Biophytum Origin: Africa, Europe
Global-CD-1611, India-W-1977. petersianum Klotzsch (2) Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 4 Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Billbergia zebrina (Herb.) Lindl. Weed of: Cereals Weed of: Cereals
Bromeliaceae References: Madagascar-N-1000, Burkina References: Europe-A-94, United
Total N° of Refs: 2 Faso-A-2068. Kingdom-U-314, Europe-N-819, Romania-
Global Risk Score: 0.72 U-1154, Global-W-1324, Spain-A-2083,
Rating: Low France-W-1977, Romania-W-1977.
Habit: Herb
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Biscutella cichoriifolia Loisel.
Subtropical, Tropical Brassicaceae
Origin: S Am Total N° of Refs: 1
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Dispersed by: Humans Origin: Europe
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. References: United Kingdom-U-314.

Billieturnera helleri (Rose ex A. Heller) Biscutella depressa Willd.

Fryxell Brassicaceae
Malvaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Sida cuneifolia References: North Africa, Libya, Egypt-W-
Gray (2) 1730.
Total N° of Refs: 2

Biscutella didyma L. Bistella digyna (Retz.) Bullock Bistorta officinalis Delarbre
Brassicaceae Vahliaceae - Saxifragaceae Polygonaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Biscutella didyma Accepted name: Vahlia digyna (Retz.) Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bistorta major
L. var. columnae (Ten.) Hal csy (1) Kuntze Gray nom. illeg. (4), Persicaria bistorta (L.)
Total N° of Refs: 9 Total N° of Refs: 3 Samp. (5), Polygonum bistorta L. (22)
Global Risk Score: 0.48 References: Egypt-W-221. Total N° of Refs: 43
Rating: Low Origin: E Asia, Europe
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Bistorta affinis (D. Don) Greene Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Polygonaceae Ornamental
Ornamental Synonym/s (n° of refs): Persicaria affinis Dispersed by: Humans
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle, (D.Don) Ronse Decr. (3) References: Iceland-U-507, Global-N-85,
Livestock, Sheep Total N° of Refs: 11 Norway-N-1243, Norway-N-1535,
References: Crete-A-1228, Global-W-1324, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Denmark-W-1609, Norway-W-1609,
Europe-W-1325, Tunisia-A-87, Lebanon- Origin: E Asia Sweden-W-1609, Sweden-N-1802,
A-87, Global-ZD-1611, North Africa, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Canada-W-1977, Iceland-W-1977, Ireland-
Libya, Egypt-W-1730, Greece-A-2093. Ornamental W-1977, Sweden-W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Biscutella didyma L. var. columnae References: Denmark-UC-711, Norway-N- Bistorta vaccinifolia (Wall. ex Meisn.)
(Ten.) Halácsy 1243, Belgium-U-1220, Denmark-W-1609, Greene
Brassicaceae Norway-W-1609, Global-CD-1611, Polygonaceae
Accepted name: Biscutella didyma L. Belgium-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 9 Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
References: Global-A-1207. Bistorta amplexicaulis (D. Don) Greene Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Polygonaceae Dispersed by: Humans
Biscutella eriocarpa DC. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Persicaria References: New Zealand-U-2048.
Brassicaceae amplexicaulis (D. Don) Ronse Decr. (15),
Total N° of Refs: 2 Polygonum amplexicaule D.Don (4) Bistorta vivipara (L.) Delarbre
References: Europe-N-819, Global-W- Total N° of Refs: 30 Polygonaceae
1324. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Synonym/s (n° of refs): Persicaria vivipara
Origin: E Asia (L.) Ronse Decr. (1), Polygonum viviparum
Biscutella laevigata L. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, L. (3)
Brassicaceae Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 5
Total N° of Refs: 9 Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Global Risk Score: 5.76 References: Czech Republic-U-400, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal
Rating: Low Denmark-UC-711, Belgium-U-1220, Czech References: Pakistan-W-836.
Habit: Herb Republic-U-1522, Denmark-W-1609,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Norway-W-1609, Global-CD-1611, Czech Bituminaria bituminosa (L.) Stirton
Origin: Europe Republic-U-1731, Belgium-W-1977, Czech Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Republic-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Psoralea
Ornamental bituminosa L. (9)
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle, Bistorta bistortoides (Pursh) Small Total N° of Refs: 15
Livestock, Sheep, Water, Wind Polygonaceae Global Risk Score: 1.28
Seed Longevity: Transient Accepted name: Polygonum bistortoides Rating: Low
References: Europe-A-94, United Synonym/s (n° of refs): Polygonum Habit: perennial Herb
Kingdom-U-314, Global-Q-1205, Estonia- bistortoides Pursh (3) Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
W-1609, Spain-A-87, Europe-ZD-1653, Total N° of Refs: 7 Mediterranean, Tropical
Global-ZD-1611, Australia-Q-1123, Major Pathway/s: Herbal Origin: Africa, Europe
Estonia-N-1997. References: Canada-A-642. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture
Dispersed by: Humans
Biserrula pelecinus L. Bistorta major Gray nom. illeg. References: United States of America-N-
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Polygonaceae 101, Crete-A-1228, Ukraine-N-1297,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Astragalus Accepted name: Bistorta officinalis Ukraine-N-1685, Ukraine-W-1977, Global-
pelecinus (L.) Barneby (2) Delarbre -1324.
Total N° of Refs: 9 Total N° of Refs: 16
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Bituminaria bituminosa (L.) Stirton var.
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia Major Pathway/s: Herbal brachycarpa (Feldmann) Danin
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, References: Finland-N-1356, Sweden-W- Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Ornamental, Pasture 1609, Russia-W-1671, Sweden-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 1
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals References: Jordan-W-1303.
References: western Europe-W-70, United
Kingdom-U-314, Australia-N-354, Europe- Bivonaea lutea (Biv.) DC.
N-819, Belgium-U-1220, Global-W-1324, Brassicaceae
Australia-ZD-1675. Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Origin: Africa
References: United Kingdom-U-314.

Bixa orellana L. Blackstonia perfoliata (L.) Huds. Blainvillea biaristata DC.
Bixaceae Gentianaceae Asteraceae
Total N° of Refs: 69 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Blackstonia Total N° of Refs: 6
Global Risk Score: 19.44 serotina G.Beck (1) Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Rating: High Total N° of Refs: 27 Origin: S Am
Habit: Tree Global Risk Score: 4.32 References: Brazil-W-255, Brazil-W-361,
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Rating: Low Brazil-W-407, Brazil-A-603, Brazil-A-
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Habit: annual Herb 1560, Brazil-R-2053.
Origin: C Am, N Am, S Am Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Origin: Africa, Europe Blainvillea dichotoma (Murray)
Forestry, Herbal, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, A.Stewart
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Ornamental Asteraceae
References: pantropics-W-22, Federated Dispersed by: Humans, Wind Synonym/s (n° of refs): Blainvillea
States of Micronesia-N-230, Puerto Rico- Seed Longevity: Present rhomboidea Cass. (8)
CW-261, Gal pagos Islands-EW-257, Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Total N° of Refs: 9
Australia-CN-368, Puerto Rico-N-324, References: Europe-A-94, New Zealand-N- Habit: annual Herb
France-N-518, Caribbean-N-707, Africa- 280, Australia-N-198, Europe, eastern-W- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
W-760, Global-N-714, Global-N-85, 272, Australia-N-945, United Kingdom-N- References: Global-W-85.
United States of America-N-101, Australia- 519, Turkey-A-727, New Zealand-N-823,
N-945, Pacific-W-621, United States of Australia-N-855, Australia-W-869, New Blainvillea gayana Cass.
America-N-301, United States of America- Zealand-N-919, Uruguay-I-988, Australia- Asteraceae
N-839, Madagascar-N-1001, Paraguay-N- N-354, Portugal-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Total N° of Refs: 11
876, Mozambique-nC-943, India-N-976, Global-W-1324, Australia-N-1450, Habit: annual Herb
Paraguay-I-987, Australia-N-354, Global- Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay-I-1476, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
N-1059, Philippines-nC-1099, Chad-nC- Azores-N-1721, Brazil-N-1071, Brazil-N- Origin: Africa, E Asia, W Asia
640, Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157, China-N- 1746, Uruguay-N-1800, Australia-N-1959, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
1215, Caribbean-N-1201, Bermuda-N- New Zealand-N-2048, Australia-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans
1267, United States of America-N-1292, Brazil-W-1977. Weed of: Cereals
Madagascar-N-1000, China-N-1344, References: northern Australia and
Vietnam-E-1386, Chad-N-1503, Cuba-N- Blackstonia serotina G.Beck immediate northern neighbours -W-29,
1505, French Polynesia-N-1514, Fiji-A- Gentianaceae Global-N-85, Pacific-W-621, Australia-N-
1521, Brazil-N-1559, Global-CD-1611, Accepted name: Blackstonia perfoliata 354, Australia-W-1068, Australia-W-1210,
Nigeria-N-1796, Liberia-N-1796, Congo- subsp. serotina (L.) Huds. (W.D.J.Koch ex Cape Verde-N-1414, Cape Verde-N-1558,
N-1796, Benin-N-1796, Burkina Faso-N- Rchb.) Vollm. Togo-A-1673, Burkina Faso-A-2068,
1796, Central African Republic-N-1796, Total N° of Refs: 27 Australia-W-1977.
Gabon-N-1796, Sri Lanka-N-1796, Sudan- References: Turkey-A-87.
N-1796, Sao Tome and Principe-N-1805, Blainvillea latifolia (L. f.) DC.
India-I-1914, Australia-WD-1934, Cuba- Blainvillea acmella (L.) Philipson Asteraceae
NI-2055, Australia-W-1977, Burkina Faso- Asteraceae Total N° of Refs: 2
W-1977, Chad-W-1977, Cook Islands-W- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Spilanthes acmella Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
1977, Cuba-W-1977, Democratic Republic (L.) Murr. (26) References: Brazil-W-361, Brazil-W-407.
of the Congo-W-1977, Ecuador-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 55
Fiji-W-1977, India-W-1977, Micronesia Global Risk Score: 2.88 Blainvillea rhomboidea Cass.
(Federated States of)-W-1977, Niue-W- Rating: Low Asteraceae
1977, Palau-W-1977, Papua New Guinea- Habit: annual Herb Accepted name: Blainvillea dichotoma
W-1977, Solomon Islands-W-1977, Tonga- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical (Murray) A.Stewart
W-1977, Viet Nam-W-1977, Global--1324. Origin: Africa, C Asia, E Asia, S Am, Total N° of Refs: 9
Cosmopolitan Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Blackiella inflata (F.Meull) Aell. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Origin: S Am
Chenopodiaceae Ornamental Weed of: Orchards & Plantations
Accepted name: Atriplex lindleyi subsp. Dispersed by: Humans References: Brazil-W-255, Brazil-A-893,
inflata (Muell.) P.G.Wilson Weed of: Cotton, Orchards & Plantations Brazil-A-923, Madagascar-N-1001, Brazil-
Total N° of Refs: 14 References: India-A-66, India-NW-424, A-87, India-A-87, Brazil-A-1560, Brazil-
Habit: Shrub Global-NW-85, Madagascar-N-1001, A-1566.
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, India-I-1047, India-N-1148, India-I-1279,
Tropical India-I-1280, south and southeast Asia-A- Blastania garcini (Burm. f.) Cogn.
Origin: Aust 1320, Madagascar-N-1000, India-I-1345, Cucurbitaceae
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant India-A-1359, India-I-1389, India-N-1628, Total N° of Refs: 1
Dispersed by: Humans India-N-1631, India-AN-1632, India-W- References: India-A-1696.
References: South Africa-AZR-121, 1672, India-I-1764, India-W-1770, India-
Global-E-1449. N-1790, India-AN-1794, India-W-1829, Blastophysa rhizopus Reinke
India-I-1875, India-I-1914, Egypt-N-1979, Chaetosiphonaceae
India-I-2022, Nepal-A-1960, Australia-W- Total N° of Refs: 1
1977, Nepal-W-1977. Aqua - Habit:
References: Mediterranean-N-1836.

Blechnum appendiculatum Willd. Blechnum magellanicum (Desv.) Mett. Blechnum spicant (L.) Sm.
Blechnaceae Blechnaceae Blechnaceae
Accepted name: Blechnum occidentale L. Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 4
Total N° of Refs: 15 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Habit: perennial Herb
References: United States of America-N- Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
301, United States of America-N-839, References: Ireland-W-894. Tropical
United States of America-N-101, United Origin: E Asia, Europe
States of America-N-1292, Azores-N-1721, Blechnum nudum (Labill.) Luerssen Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Global--1324. Blechnaceae Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 3 Dispersed by: Humans
Blechnum brasiliense Desv. Aqua - Habit: References: Europe, eastern-W-272,
Blechnaceae Major Pathway/s: Ornamental western Europe-W-70, United Kingdom-N-
Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee 519, Europe-N-819.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, References: New Zealand-C-824, New
Subtropical, Tropical Zealand-U-919, Global-CD-1611. Blechnum spp. L.
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Blechnaceae
Dispersed by: Humans Blechnum occidentale L. Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Africa-W-760. Blechnaceae Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Blechnum Dispersed by: Humans
Blechnum capense (L.) Schlecht. appendiculatum Willd. (6) References: Chile-I-1872.
Blechnaceae Total N° of Refs: 15
Total N° of Refs: 4 Global Risk Score: 1.44 Blechnum tabulare (Thunb.) Kuhn
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Rating: Low Blechnaceae
Rating: Low Habit: Herb Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Habit: perennial Herb
Origin: Africa Origin: C Am Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Origin: Africa
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
References: Ireland-W-894, Portugal-N- References: United States of America-CE- Dispersed by: Humans
898, New Zealand-A-87, Portugal-W-1977. 617, United States of America-CE-654, References: South Africa-W-121.
Global-N-85, Portugal-N-898, Global-W-
Blechnum chilense (Kaulf.) Mett. 1324, Global-CD-1611, North America-N- Blechum brownei Juss., nom. illeg.
Blechnaceae 1760, Australia-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977. Acanthaceae
Accepted name: Blechnum cordatum Accepted name: Blechum pyramidatum
(Desv.) Hieron. Blechnum occidentale L. var. (Lam.) Urb.
Total N° of Refs: 13 appendiculata Hieron. Total N° of Refs: 39
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Blechnaceae Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
References: Ireland-W-894. References: Portugal-N-1006. Dispersed by: Humans
References: southeast Asia-W-191,
Blechnum cordatum (Desv.) Hieron. Blechnum orientale L. Trinidad-A-928.
Blechnaceae Blechnaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Blechnum chilense Total N° of Refs: 3 Blechum brownei Juss. fo. puberulum
(Kaulf.) Mett. (1) Global Risk Score: 1.2 Leonard
Total N° of Refs: 13 Rating: Low Acanthaceae
Habit: perennial Herb Habit: Herb Accepted name: Blechum pyramidatum
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical (Lam.) Urb.
Origin: Cosmopolitan Origin: E Asia Total N° of Refs: 38
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Ornamental Origin: C Am, N Am, S Am
References: United Kingdom-C-314, Dispersed by: Humans References: Federated States of
Europe-N-482, United Kingdom-N-519, References: India-A-1124, Malaysia-A-87, Micronesia-N-230.
United Kingdom-CN-812, Ireland-N-894, United States of America-N-2092.
United Kingdom-N-1006, Iceland-N-1006, Blechum pyramidata (Lam.) Urb.
Europe-N-819, Global-W-1324, Global- Blechnum penna-marina (Poir.) Kuhn Acanthaceae
CD-1611, Ireland-W-1977, United Blechnaceae Accepted name: Blechum pyramidatum
Kingdom-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 2 (Lam.) Urb
Origin: E Asia, Cosmopolitan Total N° of Refs: 38
Blechnum glandulosum Kaulf. ex Link Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Habit: Herb
Blechnaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Wind Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: United Kingdom-U-314, References: Pacific-W-621.
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental United Kingdom-W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Ecuador-N-875.

Blechum pyramidatum (Lamarck) Blepharis ciliaris (L.) Burtt Blepharis tenuiramea S.Moore
Urban Acanthaceae Acanthaceae
Acanthaceae Accepted name: Blepharis attentuata Total N° of Refs: 1
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Barleria Napper References: Global-W-85.
pyramidata Lam. (1), Blechum brownei Total N° of Refs: 3
Juss., nom. illeg. (2), Blechum brownei Habit: annual Herb Blepharocysta paulsenii J. Schill.
Juss. fo. puberulum Leonard (1), Blechum References: Egypt-W-221, Ethiopia-A-240, Podolampadaceae
pyramidata (Lam.) Urb. (1), Ruellia Saudi Arabia-A-1504. Total N° of Refs: 1
blechum L. (16) References: Mexico-N-1881.
Total N° of Refs: 58 Blepharis exigua (Zoll.) Valeton ex
Habit: perennial Herb Backer Bletilla striata (Thunb.) Rchb. f.
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Acanthaceae Orchidaceae
Tropical Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 9
Origin: N Am, S Am Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Habit: perennial Herb
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental References: Indonesia-A-13, Global-W-85. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Dispersed by: Humans Origin: E Asia
Weed of: Bananas, Orchards & Plantations, Blepharis javanica Brem. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Pastures Acanthaceae Ornamental
References: Cuba-A-14, Guadeloupe-A- Total N° of Refs: 2 Dispersed by: Humans
206, Costa Rica-A-581, Taiwan-N-777, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical References: United States of America-N-
Global-A-243, Central America-W-157, References: Indonesia-A-13, Global-W-85. 101, New Zealand-UW-280, United
United States of America-W-179, Pacific- Kingdom-U-314, New Zealand-U-919,
A-6, Global-N-85, United States of Blepharis leendertziae Oberm. Italy-U-251, Europe-W-1325, Italy-U-
America-N-301, United States of America- Acanthaceae 1887, New Zealand-N-2048, Italy-W-1977.
N-839, Puerto Rico-A-929, Central Total N° of Refs: 1
America-A-933, United States of America- References: Global-W-85. Blidingia marginata (J.Agardh) Bliding
N-101, Lesser Antilles-AE-1128, Australia- Monostromataceae
Q-1134, China-N-1215, Indo-Pacific-N- Blepharis maderaspatensis (L.) Roth Total N° of Refs: 1
1256, south and southeast Asia-A-1320, Acanthaceae Aqua - Habit:
Global-W-1324, Taiwan-N-1403, south and Synonym/s (n° of refs): Blepharis References: Argentina-W-1977.
southeast Asia-A-1408, Cuba-A-87, boerhaviifolia Pers. (1)
Antilles Lesser-A-87, Jamaica-A-87, Total N° of Refs: 6 Blighia sapida K. D. Koenig
Puerto Rico-A-87, Trinidad-A-87, Habit: perennial Herb Sapindaceae
Dominican Republic-A-87, Micronesia-A- Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Total N° of Refs: 17
87, Panama-A-87, Polynesia, West-A-87, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal Global Risk Score: 4.8
Costa Rica-W-1570, St. Vincent and the Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Rating: Low
Grenadines-A-1700, United States of References: Global-W-85, Africa-A-1384, Toxic - Habit: Tree
America-E-1736, Taiwan-W-1748, Ghana-A-87, India-W-1672, Nigeria-A- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Honduras-W-1892, Belize-A-1900. 1710. Origin: Africa
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Blepharis attentuata Napper Blepharis molluginifolia Pers. Ornamental
Acanthaceae Acanthaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Blepharis ciliaris Total N° of Refs: 2 Weed of: Orchards & Plantations
(L.) Burtt (3) Preferred Climate/s: Tropical References: pantropics-W-22, Australia-
Total N° of Refs: 3 References: south and southeast Asia-A- CN-368, United States of America-N-101,
1320, India-A-87. Belize-N-850, Global-N-1059, Nigeria-A-
Blepharis bainesii S.Moore ex 1360, Global-W-1376, Global-I-1404,
C.B.Clarke Blepharis repens (Vahl) Roth Cuba-N-1505, Jamaica-A-87, Global-CD-
Acanthaceae Acanthaceae 1611, Eastern Caribbean-N-1742, Cuba-N-
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 3 2055, Nigeria-A-2067, Australia-W-1977,
References: Global-W-85. References: India-A-1696, India-A-1702, Burkina Faso-W-1977, Cuba-W-1977.
Blepharis boerhaviifolia Pers. Blitum bonus-henricus (L.) C.A.Mey.
Acanthaceae Blepharis spp. Juss. Chenopodiaceae
Accepted name: Blepharis maderaspatensis Acanthaceae Total N° of Refs: 3
(L.) B.Heyne ex Roth Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Global-N-85, New Zealand-N-
Total N° of Refs: 6 Dispersed by: Humans 2048, Ukraine-N-2112.
References: India-W-1866. References: Polar Regions-Z-1587.
Blitum capitatum L.
Blepharis buchneri Lindau Blepharis subvolubilis C.B.Cl. var. Chenopodiaceae
Acanthaceae subvolubilis Accepted name: Chenopodium capitatum
Total N° of Refs: 1 Acanthaceae Total N° of Refs: 77
References: Global-W-85. Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Habit: Shrub References: Canada-A-642, Switzerland-N-
Origin: Africa 653, Ireland-W-894, Belgium-U-1220,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Sweden-N-1802, Global-N-85, New
Dispersed by: Humans Zealand-N-2048.
References: South Africa-AR-121.

Blitum nuttallianum Schult. Blumea bovei (DC.) Vatke Blumea indica Linn.
Chenopodiaceae Asteraceae Asteraceae
Accepted name: Monolepis nuttalliana Accepted name: Doellia bovei (DC.) Total N° of Refs: 1
(Schult.) Greene Anderb. References: India-W-1866.
Total N° of Refs: 34 Total N° of Refs: 1
Origin: N Am Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Blumea lacera (Burm. f.) DC.
References: Europe-N-819, Global-W- References: Saudi Arabia-A-797. Asteraceae
1324, Belgium-U-1220, Belgium-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 41
Czech Republic-W-1977. Blumea crispata (Vahl) Merxm. Global Risk Score: 7.2
Asteraceae Rating: Medium
Blitum virgatum L. Total N° of Refs: 2 Habit: perennial Herb
Chenopodiaceae References: Madagascar-N-1001, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical,
Accepted name: Chenopodium foliosum Madagascar-N-1000. Tropical
(Moench) Asch. Origin: S Am
Total N° of Refs: 62 Blumea dregeanoides C.H.Schultz Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
References: Belgium-N-1220, Sweden-N- Asteraceae Herbal, Ornamental
1802. Total N° of Refs: 2 Dispersed by: Humans
References: Madagascar-N-1001, Weed of: Cereals
Blumea alata (D.Don) DC. Madagascar-N-1000. References: Indonesia-A-13, Papua New
Asteraceae Guinea-W-276, Indonesia-A-170, China-
Total N° of Refs: 1 Blumea eriantha DC. W-431, India-I-1047, India-N-1148,
Habit: Shrub Asteraceae Global-A-1207, India-I-1279, India-I-1280,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 16 Singapore-W-1290, south and southeast
Origin: Africa Global Risk Score: 9.12 Asia-A-1320, La Reunion-AW-1321,
References: South Africa-AR-121. Rating: Medium India-I-1345, India-I-1389, south and
Habit: perennial Herb southeast Asia-A-1408, Chad-N-1503,
Blumea aromatica DC. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical India-N-1628, India-N-1631, India-AN-
Asteraceae Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, 1632, Mauritius-A-87, Taiwan-A-87, India-
Total N° of Refs: 1 Pasture A-87, Pakistan-A-87, India-W-1029, India-
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Dispersed by: Humans A-1039, India-W-1672, India-A-1702,
References: India-W-1866. Weed of: Bananas, Cereals, Cotton, India-EI-1707, Bangladesh-A-1761, India-
Orchards & Plantations I-1764, India-W-1770, Nepal-A-1791,
Blumea aurita DC. References: India-A-66, India-I-1047, India-W-1829, Singapore-W-1839, India-I-
Asteraceae India-N-1148, India-I-1279, India-I-1280, 1875, Nepal-A-1932, India-R-1984, India-
Accepted name: Laggera aurita Sch.-Bip. India-I-1345, India-N-1628, India-N-1631, I-1992, India-I-2022, Chad-W-1977,
ex C.B. Clarke India-AN-1632, India-A-1702, India-A- Singapore-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 14 1703, India-EI-1707, India-I-1764, India-
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical W-1866, India-I-1875, India-W-1977. Blumea laciniata (Roxb.) Dc.
Weed of: Cereals, Cotton, Orchards & Asteraceae
Plantations, Pastures, Vegetables Blumea gariepina DC. Total N° of Refs: 13
References: Africa-A-1384, Guinea-A- Asteraceae Habit: Shrub
1823, Ghana-A-1888, Ethiopia-A-2039, Total N° of Refs: 4 Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Burkina Faso-A-2068, Benin-A-2090. Habit: Shrub Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Dispersed by: Humans
Blumea balsamifera (L.) DC. Tropical Weed of: Bananas, Cereals, Orchards &
Asteraceae Origin: Africa Plantations
Total N° of Refs: 10 References: South Africa-AR-121, South References: Philippines-W-412, United
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Africa-W-158, Saudi Arabia-A-1525, States of America-N-101, China-W-431,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Botswana-A-2065. United States of America-N-301, United
Ornamental States of America-N-839, United States of
Dispersed by: Humans Blumea glandulosa DC. in Wight America-N-1292, south and southeast Asia-
Weed of: Bananas, Orchards and Asteraceae A-1320, south and southeast Asia-A-1408,
Plantations Total N° of Refs: 1 Hawaii-A-87, Philippines-A-87,
References: Indonesia-A-13, Philippines- Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Bangladesh-A-1761, Nepal-A-1932, Nepal-
W-412, Singapore-W-1290, south and References: Vietnam-A-576. A-1960.
southeast Asia-A-1408, Borneo-A-87,
Indonesia-A-87, Philippines-A-87, Blumea glomerata DC. Blumea lanceolaria (Roxb.) Druce
Singapore-W-1839, Democratic Republic Asteraceae Asteraceae
of the Congo-W-1977, Singapore-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 2
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Habit: Shrub
Blumea bifoliata (L.) DC. References: India-A-1124. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Asteraceae Major Pathway/s: Crop
Total N° of Refs: 2 Blumea hieracifolia (Spreng.) DC. References: southeast Asia-W-191, Asia-
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Asteraceae W-204.
References: south and southeast Asia-A- Total N° of Refs: 2
1320, India-A-1696. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
References: Taiwan-W-235, China-W-431.

Blumea manillensis (Less.) DC. Blumea saxatilis Zoll. & Mor. Blumenbachia hieronymi Urb.
Asteraceae Asteraceae Loasaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 6
References: Spain-W-1977. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Habit: Herb
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Origin: S Am
Blumea membranacea DC. Dispersed by: Humans, Cattle, Livestock Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Asteraceae References: Indonesia-A-13, Australia-ZD- Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Total N° of Refs: 5 1509. References: United Kingdom-C-314,
Habit: Herb Europe-N-819, Belgium-U-1220, Global-
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Blumea sessiliflora Dcne. W-1324, Global-CD-1611, Belgium-W-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal Asteraceae 1977.
References: Singapore-W-1290, south and Total N° of Refs: 5
southeast Asia-A-1408, Singapore-W-1839, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Blumenbachia insignis Schrad.
India-A-1936, Singapore-W-1977. References: Indonesia-A-13, United States Loasaceae
of America-N-101, United States of Total N° of Refs: 5
Blumea mollis (D.Don) Merr. America-N-301, United States of America- Habit: Herb
Asteraceae N-839, United States of America-N-1292. Origin: S Am
Total N° of Refs: 6 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Habit: Herb Blumea sinuata (Lour.) Merr. Dispersed by: Humans
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Asteraceae References: United Kingdom-U-314,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Total N° of Refs: 5 Europe-N-819, Global-Q-1205, Global-W-
Weed of: Cereals Preferred Climate/s: Tropical 1324, Australia-Q-1123.
References: Indonesia-A-13, south and Weed of: Bananas, Orchards and
southeast Asia-A-1320, south and southeast Plantations Blumeopsis falcata (Kuntze) Merr.
Asia-A-1408, India-A-1448, India-A-1696, References: Philippines-W-412, south and Asteraceae
Nepal-A-1930. southeast Asia-A-1320, French Polynesia- Total N° of Refs: 3
N-1514, Philippines-A-87, Micronesia Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Blumea napifolia DC. (Federated States of)-W-1977. Origin: E Asia
Asteraceae References: south and southeast Asia-A-
Total N° of Refs: 4 Blumea tenella DC. 1320, south and southeast Asia-A-1408,
Habit: annual Herb Asteraceae India-I-1826.
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Total N° of Refs: 3
References: Thailand-A-238, Thailand-A- Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Blumeopsis flava (DC.) Gangep.
209, Thailand-W-822, south and southeast References: Indonesia-A-13, Indonesia-A- Asteraceae
Asia-A-1320. 170, south and southeast Asia-A-1320. Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: Herb
Blumea obliqua (L.) Druce Blumea virens DC. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Asteraceae Asteraceae Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal
Total N° of Refs: 15 Total N° of Refs: 2 References: India-A-1034.
Habit: annual Herb Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Origin: S Am References: south and southeast Asia-A- Blutaparon vermiculare (L.) Mears
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant 1320, India-A-1696. Amaranthaceae
Dispersed by: Humans Synonym/s (n° of refs): Philoxerus
Weed of: Cotton, Orchards & Plantations Blumea viscosa (Mill.) Badillo vermicularis (L.) Sm. (2)
References: India-I-1047, India-N-1148, Asteraceae Total N° of Refs: 9
India-I-1279, India-I-1280, India-I-1345, Total N° of Refs: 4 Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
India-I-1389, India-N-1628, India-N-1631, Habit: Herb Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal
India-AN-1632, India-A-1696, India-A- Preferred Climate/s: Tropical References: Global-W-85, United States of
1702, India-I-1764, India-W-1770, India-I- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop America-N-301, United States of America-
1875, India-W-1977. Dispersed by: Humans N-839, United States of America-Q-1197,
References: United States of America-N- United States of America-N-1292, North
Blumea oxyodonta DC. 101, Gal pagos Islands-N-1157, Gal pagos America-N-1760, United States of
Asteraceae Islands-N-1481, Burundi-W-1977. America-N-2092.
Total N° of Refs: 2
Habit: Herb Blumea wightiana DC. Blysmus compressus (L.) Panz. ex Link
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Asteraceae Cyperaceae
References: India-W-1672, India-W-1866. Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 3
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Habit: Grass
Blumea riparia (Blume) DC. References: south and southeast Asia-A- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Asteraceae 1408, India-A-87, India-W-1672. Subtropical, Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Crop Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers,
References: Indonesia-A-13. Cattle, Livestock, Water
References: Europe, eastern-W-272,
Global-ZD-1611, Montenegro-R-1944.

Blyxa auberti Rich. Blyxa japonica (Miq.) Asch. & Guerke Blyxa roxburghii RICH.
Hydrocharitaceae Hydrocharitaceae Hydrocharitaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Enhydrias Total N° of Refs: 1
References: south and southeast Asia-A- angustipetala Ridley (1) References: south and southeast Asia-A-
1320. Total N° of Refs: 23 1320.
Global Risk Score: 4.32
Blyxa aubertii Rich. Rating: Low Blyxa shimadai Hay.
Hydrocharitaceae Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb Hydrocharitaceae
Total N° of Refs: 14 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Accepted name: Blyxa echinosperma
Global Risk Score: 2.88 Subtropical, Tropical (Clarke) Hook.f.
Rating: Low Origin: E Asia, Europe Total N° of Refs: 9
Aqua - Habit: annual Herb Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Aqua - Habit: Herb
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Dispersed by: Humans, Water Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Origin: Africa, E Asia References: Thailand-A-359, Global- References: Taiwan-A-274, Taiwan-A-87.
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental AEWD-126, Japan-W-286, China-EWD-
Dispersed by: Humans, Water 297, Europe-NID-482, China-W-431, Blyxa talboti Hook.f.
References: southeast Asia-W-191, Global- South Korea-A-648, Portugal-N-662, Hydrocharitaceae
NW-85, United States of America-N-101, Portugal-N-718, Portugal-N-1006, Total N° of Refs: 1
Global-AEWD-126, Japan-W-286, United Portugal-N-898, Europe-N-819, Argentina- References: south and southeast Asia-A-
States of America-EWD-197, China-W- AD-1198, Global-A-1207, Global-A-1233, 1320.
431, Bhutan-W-423, United Kingdom-WD- Europe-ND-1298, south and southeast
1175, Argentina-AD-1198, Global-W- Asia-A-1320, Global-W-1324, Thailand-A- Blyxa zeylanica Hook.f.
1324, Japan-A-87, Singapore-W-1839, 87, Japan-A-87, Portugal-W-1977, Hydrocharitaceae
Singapore-W-1977. Singapore-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 1
References: south and southeast Asia-A-
Blyxa aubertii Rich. var. aubertii Blyxa japonica (Miq.) Maxim. var. 1320.
Hydrocharitaceae alternifolia (Miq.) C.D.K. Cook & Luond
Total N° of Refs: 1 Hydrocharitaceae Bocconia cordata Willd.
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Total N° of Refs: 2 Papaveraceae
References: Singapore-W-1290. References: Singapore-W-1290, Singapore- Accepted name: Macleaya cordata (Willd.)
W-1839. R.Br.
Blyxa aubertii Rich. var. echinosperma Total N° of Refs: 28
(Clarke) Cook & Luond. Blyxa lancifolia Hook.f. Toxic - Habit: Herb
Hydrocharitaceae Hydrocharitaceae Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans
Global Risk Score: 0.96 References: south and southeast Asia-A- References: France-N-911.
Rating: Low 1320.
Aqua - Habit: Herb Bocconia frutescens L.
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Blyxa malayana Ridley Papaveraceae
Major Pathway/s: Crop Hydrocharitaceae Total N° of Refs: 26
Dispersed by: Water Total N° of Refs: 4 Global Risk Score: 4.32
References: Indonesia-AED-170. References: south and southeast Asia-A- Rating: Low
1320, Malaysia-A-1354, Malaysia-A-1364, Habit: Tree
Blyxa ceratosperma Maxim. ex Asch. & Malaysia-A-1043. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Gurk. Subtropical, Tropical
Hydrocharitaceae Blyxa octandra (Roxb.) Thwaites Origin: S Am
Accepted name: Blyxa echinosperma Hydrocharitaceae Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
(Clarke) Hook.f. Total N° of Refs: 2 Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 11 Global Risk Score: 0.72 Dispersed by: Humans
Aqua - Habit: annual Herb Rating: Low References: pantropics-W-22, southeast
References: Japan-W-286, South Korea-A- Aqua - Habit: Herb Asia-W-191, United States of America-E-
648, Global-A-1207, Japan-A-87. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical 654, Africa-W-760, Pacific-W-3, United
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental States of America-E-80, Global-XZW-85,
Blyxa echinosperma (Clarke) Hook.f. Dispersed by: Humans, Water Pacific-E-621, United States of America-N-
Hydrocharitaceae References: Sri Lanka-AD-1195, south and 301, United States of America-E-151,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Blyxa southeast Asia-A-1320. North America-X-790, United States of
ceratosperma Maxim. ex Asch. & Gurk. America-N-839, United States of America-
(4), Blyxa shimadai Hay. (2) Blyxa oryzetorum Hook.f. X-229, Mexico-W-890, Australia-Q-1134,
Total N° of Refs: 13 Hydrocharitaceae United States of America-Q-1197, Mexico-
Aqua - Habit: Herb Total N° of Refs: 1 W-1226, United States of America-N-1292,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Aqua - Habit: La Reunion-I-1321, New Caledonia-I-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental 1507, United States of America-XW-1719,
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans United States of America-E-1736, North
References: Thailand-A-359, China-W- References: south and southeast Asia-A- America-N-1760, Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-
431, south and southeast Asia-A-1320, 1320. 1977, Global--1324.
Japan-A-87, Taiwan-A-87, Thailand-A-87,

Bocoa mollis (Benth.) Cowan Boehmeria macrophylla D.Don, Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaudich.
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae nom.illeg. Urticaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Urticaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Boehmeria nivea
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Accepted name: Boehmeria penduliflora var. tenacissima (L.) Gaudich.
Tropical Wedd. ex D. G. Long Total N° of Refs: 52
Weed of: Pastures Synonym/s (n° of refs): Boehmeria Global Risk Score: 4.8
References: Brazil-A-1763. platyphylla Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don (3) Rating: Low
Total N° of Refs: 14 Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb
Boechera holboellii (Hornem.) Á.Löve & Global Risk Score: 1.44 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
D.Löve Rating: Low Subtropical, Tropical
Brassicaceae Habit: Shrub Origin: E Asia, SE Asia
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Arabis holboellii Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Hornem. (1) Origin: E Asia Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans, Water
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans References: Brazil-W-255, Brazil-W-362,
Dispersed by: Humans References: southeast Asia-W-191, Pacific- Brazil-W-407, Australia-N-368, Global-N-
W-3, Global-E-152, La Reunion-I-1321, 85, United States of America-N-101,
Boechera lyallii (S. Watson) Dorn Global-E-1449, New Caledonia-I-1507. Australia-N-134, United States of America-
Brassicaceae W-179, Japan-N-287, Australia-N-945,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Boehmeria nipononivea Koidz. United States of America-N-86, Mexico-N-
References: Global-Q-1205. Urticaceae 791, Mozambique-nC-943, Africa-N-990,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Italy-N-1006, Global-N-1059, Japan-ID-
Boehmeria cylindrica (L.) Sw. Global Risk Score: 1.2 1073, Europe-N-819, Laos-N-1102, Italy-
Urticaceae Rating: Low N-1165, United States of America-Q-1197,
Total N° of Refs: 6 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Italy-N-251, Singapore-N-1290, Taiwan-N-
Aqua - Habit: Ornamental 1403, Spain-U-1454, Hawaii-A-87, Japan-
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Dispersed by: Humans A-87, Brazil-N-1071, Eastern Caribbean-
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, References: Japan-A-175. N-1742, Brazil-N-1746, Taiwan-W-1748,
Ornamental Sao Tome and Principe-N-1805,
Dispersed by: Humans, Horse, Livestock, Singapore-N-1839, Chile-I-1872, Italy-UN-
Escapee 1887, -I-, South Korea-AN-2032, South
References: Canada-C-756, Global-ZD- Korea-A-2033, United States of America-
1203, Global-ZD-1492, United States of N-2092, Australia-W-1977, Brazil-W-
America-ZD-1592, Global-CD-1611, 1977, Chile-W-1977, Cook Islands-W-
Canada-G-1855. 1977, Democratic Republic of the Congo-
W-1977, Fiji-W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Lao
Boehmeria gracilis C.H.Wright People's Democratic Republic-W-1977,
Urticaceae Malaysia-W-1977, Marshall Islands-W-
Total N° of Refs: 1 1977, Micronesia (Federated States of)-W-
Major Pathway/s: Crop 1977, Palau-W-1977, Singapore-W-1977,
References: China-W-431. Taiwan-W-1977.

Boehmeria japonica Miq. var. longispica Boehmeria nivea Gaud. var. candicans
Yahara Wedd.
Urticaceae Urticaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Japan-W-286. References: Japan-N-287.

Boehmeria longispica Steud. Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaudich. var.

Urticaceae tenacissima (Roxb.) Miq.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Urticaceae
Global Risk Score: 0.24 Total N° of Refs: 3
Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical References: Japan-N-794, Japan-N-1278,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Japan-W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans
References: South Korea-AN-2032. Boehmeria nivea Gaud. subsp.
nipononivea Kitam.
Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Japan-W-286.

Boehmeria pannosa Nakai & Satake

Total N° of Refs: 1
References: South Korea-AN-2032.

Boehmeria penduliflora Wedd. ex D. Boerhavia chinensis (L.) Asch. & Boerhavia cordobensis Kuntze
Long Schweinf. Nyctaginaceae
Urticaceae Nyctaginaceae Total N° of Refs: 2
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Boehmeria Total N° of Refs: 1 Habit: perennial Herb
macrophylla D.Don, nom.illeg. (6) Habit: Tree Origin: S Am
Total N° of Refs: 11 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Habit: Shrub Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Dispersed by: Humans
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Ornamental References: South Africa-AZR-121, South
Major Pathway/s: Crop Dispersed by: Humans Africa-W-1977.
References: La Reunion-E-1077, La References: India-A-1696.
Reunion-I-1321, Global-W-1324, Global- Boerhavia coulteri (Hook.f.) S.Wats.
E-1449, New Caledonia-I-1507. Boerhavia coccinea P. Mill. Nyctaginaceae
Nyctaginaceae Total N° of Refs: 3
Boehmeria platyphylla Buch.-Ham. ex D. Total N° of Refs: 55 Habit: annual Herb
Don Global Risk Score: 7.2 Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Urticaceae Rating: Medium References: United States of America-W-
Accepted name: Boehmeria macrophylla Habit: perennial Herb 161, United States of America-W-218,
Hornem. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Global-W-1349.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Boehmeria spicata Subtropical, Tropical
(Thunb.) Thunb. (1) Origin: Aust, C Am, N Am
Total N° of Refs: 10 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Global Risk Score: 0.24 Herbal, Ornamental
Rating: Low Dispersed by: Humans
Habit: Shrub Weed of: Cotton, Orchards & Plantations,
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Pastures, Vegetables
Origin: Aust References: Cuba-A-14, Gal pagos Islands-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental N-257, United States of America-W-654,
Dispersed by: Humans Australia-N-7, Pacific-W-3, Global-A-243,
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Australia-E-358, South America-W-271,
References: India-A-1124, Japan-A-87, United States of America-W-218,
Nepal-A-1960. Australia-N-945, Pacific-E-621, Global-N-
85, United States of America-N-301,
Boehmeria sidaefolia Wedd. United States of America-E-151, United
Urticaceae States of America-N-839, Australia-N-856,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Ecuador-N-875, Mexico-I-878, Mexico-W-
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical 890, Brazil-A-923, Dominican Republic-A-
References: India-A-1124. 925, Colombia-A-927, Africa-A-980,
Australia-N-354, Lesser Antilles-A-1128,
Boehmeria spicata (Thunb.) Thunb. Mexico-W-1226, Italy-I-251, United States
Urticaceae of America-N-1292, La Reunion-I-1321,
Accepted name: Boehmeria platyphylla Europe-W-1325, Africa-A-1333,
D.Don Zimbabwe-U-1365, Africa-A-1384,
Total N° of Refs: 4 Taiwan-N-1403, Puerto Rico and Virgin
Habit: Shrub Islands-W-1452, French Polynesia-N-1514,
Origin: E Asia Brazil-N-1597, Cape Verde-N-1558,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Nigeria-A-1710, United States of America-
Dispersed by: Humans E-1736, North America-N-1760,
References: Japan-W-286. Colombia-N-1856, Italy-I-1887, Mexico-R-
1935, Tanzania-A-2076, Benin-A-2090,
Boehmeria sylvestrii W.T.Wang Chad-W-1977, Djibouti-W-1977, Ecuador-
Urticaceae W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Senegal-W-1977,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Taiwan-W-1977, Zimbabwe-W-1977,
References: Japan-W-286. Swaziland-W-1977, Global--1324.

Boerhavia adscendens Willd. Boerhavia coccinea Mill. var. coccinea

Nyctaginaceae Mill.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Nyctaginaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Total N° of Refs: 2
References: Madagascar-N-1000. References: Swaziland-N-825, Chad-N-

Boerhavia diffusa L. A-87, Dominican Republic-A-87, Egypt-A- Boerhavia dominii Meikle & Hewson
Nyctaginaceae 87, Ethiopia-A-87, Fiji-A-87, Guatemala- Nyctaginaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Boerhavia diffusa A-87, Ivory Coast-A-87, Jamaica-A-87, Total N° of Refs: 4
L. var. leiocarpa (Heim.) Adams (1), Malaysia-A-87, Melanesia-A-87, Mexico- Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Boerhavia erecta L. (129), Boerhavia A-87, Micronesia-A-87, Mozambique-A- Origin: Aust
paniculata Rich. (2) 87, Nepal-A-87, New Guinea-A-87, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 329 Polynesia, West-A-87, El Salvador-A-87, Dispersed by: Humans
Global Risk Score: 13.44 Sudan-A-87, United States of America-A- References: Australia, northern-A-55,
Rating: Medium 87, Venezuela-A-87, Vietnam-A-87, Australia-W-1068, Australia-N-1902,
Habit: perennial Herb Caribbean Netherlands-N-1012, India-A- Australia-W-1977.
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, 1021, India-W-1029, Pakistan-A-1032,
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical India-A-1038, India-A-1034, India-A-1448,
Origin: Africa, Aust, C Am, E Asia, N Am, Global-N-1218, Brazil-A-1560, Global-
S Am, Cosmopolitan CD-1611, Africa-A-1623, India-W-1672,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Togo-A-1673, Australia-ZD-1675, Kuwait-
Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture N-1692, India-A-1696, India-A-1698, St.
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Vincent and the Grenadines-A-1700,
Weed of: Bananas, Cereals, Cotton, Nigeria-A-1701, India-A-1702, India-A-
Forestry, Nursery Production, Orchards & 1703, India-A-1704, Nigeria-A-1710,
Plantations, Pastures, Sunflowers, Brazil-N-1071, Brazil-N-1733,
Vegetables Mozambique-A-1734, Brazil-N-1746,
References: Zimbabwe-AW-50, India-A- Singapore-W-1839, Colombia-N-1856,
66, Papua New Guinea-W-276, Vietnam- India-W-1866, Chile-A-1874, Honduras-
W-262, Puerto Rico-W-261, Brazil-W-255, W-1892, India-A-1936, Brazil-R-1945,
Thailand-A-239, Thailand-A-12, Brazil-W- Brazil-R-1958, India-R-1984, South
362, Brazil-W-407, Philippines-W-412, Africa-N-1991, Benin-W-2007, Burundi-
Central African Republic-A-552, Thailand- NR-2012, Nigeria-A-2045, Nigeria-A-
A-575, Nigeria-AG-719, Thailand-W-821, 2046, Cuba-R-2054, Botswana-A-2065,
Thailand-W-822, Congo-I-1107, Ghana-A- Burkina Faso-A-2068, Botswana-A-2071,
2064, Egypt-W-221, Global-NZW-85, Nigeria-A-2073, Benin-A-2090, Nigeria-A-
Global-W-217, South America-W-295, 2102, India-A-2105, Argentina-W-1977,
South Africa-W-382, Central America-W- Bonaire-W-1977, Brazil-W-1977, Burundi-
157, South Africa-W-158, United States of W-1977, Cambodia-W-1977, Chile-W-
America-W-161, Japan-N-287, North 1977, China-W-1977, Dominican
America-G-249, Africa-AC-622, Mexico- Republic-W-1977, Egypt-W-1977, Japan-
N-791, Japan-N-794, Thailand-W-810, W-1977, Mauritius-W-1977, Myanmar-W-
Swaziland-N-825, Paraguay-NI-876, 1977, Nepal-W-1977, Singapore-W-1977,
Africa-N-926, Colombia-A-927, Puerto South Africa-W-1977, Sri Lanka-W-1977,
Rico-A-929, Venezuela-A-932, Central Viet Nam-W-1977, Zimbabwe-W-1977,
America-A-933, Mozambique-nC-943, Swaziland-W-1977, Global--1324.
India-A-948, Africa-A-980, Argentina-I-
983, Madagascar-N-1001, Botswana-A- Boerhavia diffusa L. var. diffusa
1153, Chile-I-1163, Pakistan-A-1170, Nyctaginaceae
Cambodia-AI-1173, Global-A-1207, Total N° of Refs: 5
Thailand-A-1211, Chile-N-1229, Pakistan- Habit: perennial Herb
A-1232, Global-A-1233, South Africa-I- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
1247, Burma-Myanmar-A-1254, Pakistan- Origin: S Am
A-1152, Japan-N-1278, Singapore-W- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
1290, Pakistan-A-1308, south and southeast Dispersed by: Humans
Asia-A-1320, La Reunion-W-1321, Africa- References: South Africa-AZR-121,
A-1332, Africa-A-1333, Madagascar-N- Swaziland-N-825, Botswana-N-1284, Cape
1000, India-NI-1345, Chile-N-1348, Verde-N-1558, Paraguay-A-2070.
Global-W-1349, India-A-1359, Zimbabwe-
N-1365, Nigeria-A-1371, Africa-A-1384, Boerhavia diffusa L. var. leiocarpa
Brazil-R-1400, south and southeast Asia-A- (Heim.) Adams
1408, Venezuela-NW-1511, Fiji-A-1521, Nyctaginaceae
Saudi Arabia-A-1525, Brazil-N-1597, Accepted name: Boerhavia diffusa L.
Colombia-A-87, Ecuador-A-87, Ghana-A- Total N° of Refs: 198
87, Philippines-A-87, Pakistan-A-87, References: Paraguay-A-2070.
Trinidad-A-87, Indonesia-A-87, India-A-
87, Peru-A-87, Thailand-A-87, Tanzania-
A-87, Uganda-A-87, Hawaii-A-87, Belize-
A-87, Kenya-A-87, Mauritius-A-87,
Nigeria-A-87, Puerto Rico-A-87,
Zimbabwe-A-87, South Africa-A-87,
Senegal-A-87, Zambia-A-87, Afghanistan-
A-87, Antilles Lesser-A-87, Australia-A-
87, Bolivia-A-87, Botswana-A-87, Brazil-
A-87, Cambodia-A-87, China-A-87, Benin-

Boerhavia erecta L. 2000, Burundi-NR-2012, Angola-N-2028, Boerhavia schomburgkiana Oliver
Nyctaginaceae Nigeria-A-2037, Ethiopia-A-2039, Cuba- Nyctaginaceae
Accepted name: Boerhavia diffusa L. R-2054, Burkina Faso-A-2068, Nigeria-A- Total N° of Refs: 6
Total N° of Refs: 326 2073, Benin-A-2090, Australia-W-1977, Global Risk Score: 0.72
Global Risk Score: 7.68 Burundi-W-1977, India-W-1977, Japan-W- Rating: Low
Rating: Medium 1977, Papua New Guinea-W-1977, South Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Africa-W-1977, Taiwan-W-1977, Viet Subtropical, Tropical
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Nam-W-1977, Zimbabwe-W-1977, Origin: Aust
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Swaziland-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Origin: C Am, N Am, S Am Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Boerhavia paniculata Rich. Dispersed by: Humans, Cattle, Livestock
Herbal Nyctaginaceae References: Australia-N-7, Australia-E-
Dispersed by: Humans Accepted name: Boerhavia diffusa L. 358, Australia-N-945, Australia-N-856,
Weed of: Bananas, Cereals, Cotton, Total N° of Refs: 199 Australia-N-354, Australia-ZD-1509.
Grapevines, Orchards & Plantations, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Pastures, Vegetables Major Pathway/s: Herbal Boerhavia sonorae Rose
References: northern Australia and References: Paraguay-NI-876, Colombia- Nyctaginaceae
immediate northern neighbours -W-11, A-87. Total N° of Refs: 1
Papua New Guinea-W-276, Philippines- Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
AW-348, Puerto Rico-W-261, South Boerhavia procumbens Banks ex Roxb. References: Mexico-I-878.
Africa-AZR-121, Australia, northern-Q- Nyctaginaceae
135, Indonesia-A-170, southeast Asia-W- Total N° of Refs: 3 Boerhavia spicata Choisy
191, Asia-W-204, Thailand-A-12, Cuba-A- Major Pathway/s: Crop Nyctaginaceae
579, Mali-A-560, Nicaragua-A-587, Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations Total N° of Refs: 1
Taiwan-N-777, South Africa-W-51, Sudan- References: Pakistan-A-1030, Pakistan-A- Habit: annual Herb
W-242, Global-NZW-85, Global-W-217, 1720, Pakistan-A-1729. Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Global-A-243, South Africa-W-382, Weed of: Grapevines
Central America-W-157, South Africa-W- Boerhavia repanda Willd. References: Global-A-243.
158, Ethiopia-A-240, Japan-N-287, Nyctaginaceae
Mexico-AW-199, United States of Total N° of Refs: 1 Boerhavia spp. L.
America-W-218, Global-A-546, Global-W- Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Nyctaginaceae
743, Japan-N-794, Swaziland-N-825, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Total N° of Refs: 2
Mexico-I-878, Mexico-A-915, Africa-N- Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans
926, Venezuela-A-932, Central America- Dispersed by: Humans References: south and southeast Asia-A-
A-933, Mozambique-nC-943, India-N-976, References: India-A-87. 1320, Australia-ZD-1675.
Africa-A-980, Africa-W-1127, Lesser
Antilles-A-1128, Ethiopia-A-1141, Boerhavia repens L. Boerhavia viscosa Lag. & Rodr.
Australia, northern-Q-1183, China-N-1215, Nyctaginaceae Nyctaginaceae
Mexico-W-1226, Global-A-1233, Burma- Total N° of Refs: 17 Total N° of Refs: 2
Myanmar-A-1254, Japan-N-1278, Toxic - Habit: Herb Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Botswana-N-1284, south and southeast Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, References: Mexico-I-878, Africa-A-1384.
Asia-A-1320, La Reunion-N-1321, Africa- Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
A-1333, India-NI-1345, Global-W-1349, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal Boerhavia vulvarifolia Poir
Zimbabwe-N-1365, Africa-A-1384, References: South Africa-AR-121, Sudan- Nyctaginaceae
Vietnam-E-1386, Taiwan-N-1403, south W-242, United States of America-W-218, Total N° of Refs: 2
and southeast Asia-A-1408, Puerto Rico Global-N-85, Paraguay-NI-876, References: Madagascar-N-1001,
and Virgin Islands-W-1452, Dominican Madagascar-N-1001, Europe-N-819, Saudi Madagascar-N-1000.
Republic-A-1472, Dominican Republic-A- Arabia-A-797, south and southeast Asia-A-
1475, Brazil-N-1597, Belize-A-87, Kenya- 1320, Madagascar-N-1000, Saudi Arabia- Boesenbergia rotunda (L.) Mansf.
A-87, Mexico-A-87, Colombia-A-87, A-1525, Cape Verde-N-1558, Bangladesh- Zingiberaceae
Guatemala-A-87, Indonesia-A-87, Peru-A- A-1761, India-AN-1794, Italy-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 2
87, Venezuela-A-87, Mauritius-A-87, Pakistan-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Puerto Rico-A-87, South Africa-A-87, El Origin: C Asia, E Asia, SE Asia
Salvador-A-87, Uganda-A-87, Antilles Boerhavia scandens L. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Lesser-A-87, Ecuador-A-87, Ghana-A-87, Nyctaginaceae Dispersed by: Humans
Jamaica-A-87, Melanesia-A-87, New Synonym/s (n° of refs): Commicarpus References: Sri Lanka-N-1796, India-W-
Guinea-A-87, Nicaragua-A-87, Nigeria-A- scandens (L.) Standl. (3) 1977.
87, Polynesia, West-A-87, Zimbabwe-A- Total N° of Refs: 4
87, Thailand-A-87, Tanzania-A-87, United References: Jamaica-A-87. Bogenhardia tiubae (K.Schum.)
States of America-A-87, Zambia-A-87, Monteiro
India-A-1021, India-A-1448, Global-Q- Malvaceae
1572, Africa-A-1623, India-W-1672, Togo- Total N° of Refs: 1
A-1673, Honduras-A-1677, India-A-1696, References: Brazil-A-923.
Nigeria-A-1701, India-A-1704, Africa-A-
1709, Mozambique-A-1734, Taiwan-W-
1748, Guinea-A-1823, Ghana-A-1888,
Honduras-A-1891, Honduras-W-1892,
Guatemala-A-1894, Guatemala-A-1895,
India-I-1914, Vietnam-A-1982, India-A-

Boissiera pumilio (Trin.) Hack. Bolboschoenus caldwellii (V.Cook) Sojak Bolboschoenus maritimus (L.) Palla
Poaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 3 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bolboschoenus
Habit: Grass Global Risk Score: 2.88 maritimus (L.) Palla subsp. maritimus (1),
References: Egypt-W-221. Rating: Low Schoenoplectus maritimus (L.) Lye (2),
Aqua - Habit: perennial Grass Scirpus maritimus L. (65), Scirpus
Boissiera squarrosa (Banks & Sol.) Origin: Aust paludosus A.Nels. (2), Bolboschoenus
Nevski Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental compactus (Hoffm.) Drobow (1)
Poaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Water Total N° of Refs: 90
Total N° of Refs: 4 References: Australia-ED-200, Global-W- Global Risk Score: 2.4
Habit: Grass 1070, Australia-A-1498. Rating: Low
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Habit: perennial Grass
Subtropical, Tropical Bolboschoenus compactus (Hoffm.) Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Origin: E Asia Drobow Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Cyperaceae Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Dispersed by: Humans Accepted name: Bolboschoenus maritimus Ornamental
Weed of: Cereals, Pastures (L.) Palla Dispersed by: Humans, Animals
References: United Kingdom-U-317, Iran- Total N° of Refs: 20 References: Global-W-85, western Europe-
A-1916, Iran-A-2072, Iran-A-2111. Habit: Grass A-253, United Kingdom-N-519, Russia-A-
References: Global-A-1233. 998, Global-W-1070, Asia-A-1231, Serbia-
Bolbitis fluviatilis (Hook.) Ching W-1238, Africa-A-1332, Africa-A-1333,
Lomariopsidaceae Bolboschoenus fluviatilis (Torrey) Sojak Chile-N-1348, Chad-N-1503, Philippines-
Total N° of Refs: 1 Cyperaceae A-1643, Serbia-W-1031, Africa-A-1709,
Aqua - Habit: Synonym/s (n° of refs): Scirpus fluviatilis United States of America-N-1760, -I-,
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical (Torr.) Gray (13) Slovakia-A-2079, Belarus-W-1977, Chad-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 19 W-1977, Chile-W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans Global Risk Score: 3.6
References: Global-W-1324. Rating: Low Bolboschoenus maritimus (L.) Palla
Aqua - Habit: perennial Grass subsp. maritimus
Bolbitis heteroclita (CPresl) Ching Origin: Aust Cyperaceae
Lomariopsidaceae Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Total N° of Refs: 20
Total N° of Refs: 1 Ornamental Habit: Grass
Aqua - Habit: Vine Dispersed by: Humans, Water, Escapee Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, References: Australia-ED-200, Canada- Origin: Cosmopolitan
Subtropical, Tropical UC-756, Global-W-1070, Australia-N- References: United States of America-N-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental 1450, Global-CD-1611, Canada-G-1855. 1760.
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Global-W-1324. Bolboschoenus glaucus (Lam.) S.G.Smith Bolboschoenus maritimus (L.) Palla
Cyperaceae subsp. paludosus (A. Nels.) A.& D. Love
Bolbitis heudelotii (Bory ex Fee) Alston Total N° of Refs: 9 Cyperaceae
Lomariopsidaceae Habit: perennial Grass Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Habit: perennial Grass
Aqua - Habit: Origin: E Asia, Europe References: Canada-A-642.
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans Bolboschoenus paludosus (A. Nels.) Soo
Dispersed by: Humans References: Czech Republic-UZ-400, Cyperaceae
References: Global-W-1324. Europe-N-819, Global-W-1324, Africa-A- Total N° of Refs: 1
1333, Czech Republic-N-1522, Czech Habit: Grass
Bolbitis spp. Schott, Jan-Mai Republic-N-1731, United States of Major Pathway/s: Crop
Lomariopsidaceae America-N-1760, Canada-W-1977, Czech References: Canada-A-642.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Republic-W-1977.
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Bolboschoenus planiculmis (F. Schmidt)
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations T.V. Egorova
References: Ghana-A-2064. Cyperaceae
Total N° of Refs: 7
Bolbocoleon piliferum Pringsheim Habit: perennial Grass
Bolbocoleaceae Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Belarus-N-817, Global-W-
References: Mediterranean-N-1836. 1070, Europe-N-819, Global-W-1324,
Russia-W-1609, Russia-N-1006, Belarus-
Bolboschoenus affinis (Roth) Drobow W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: perennial Grass
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
References: Global-W-1070.

Bolboschoenus robustus (Pursh) Sojak Bolusanthus speciosus (Bolus) Harms Bombax ceiba L.
Cyperaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Malvaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Scirpus robustus Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 7
Pursh (2) Habit: Tree Global Risk Score: 4.32
Total N° of Refs: 2 Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Rating: Low
Habit: Grass Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Habit: Tree
Major Pathway/s: Crop Origin: Africa Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Subtropical, Tropical
Bolboschoenus yagara (Ohwi) Y.C.Yang Dispersed by: Humans Origin: E Asia, S Am
& M.Zhan References: India-N-976, India-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal,
Cyperaceae Ornamental
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Scirpus yagara Bomarea caldasiana Herb. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Ohwi (3) Liliaceae References: Laos-N-1102, Bangladesh-CN-
Total N° of Refs: 4 Total N° of Refs: 1 1330, Global-CD-1611, India-I-1826,
Habit: Grass References: New Zealand-N-534. Afghanistan-W-1977, Bangladesh-W-1977,
References: Ukraine-N-2112. Lao People's Democratic Republic-W-
Bomarea caldasii (Kunth) Herb. 1977.
Boldoa purpurascens Cav. ex Lag. Liliaceae
Nyctaginaceae Total N° of Refs: 3 Bombax malabarica DC.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Global Risk Score: 0.24 Malvaceae
Habit: perennial Herb Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 5
References: Central America-W-157. Habit: Herb Habit: Tree
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Bollea violacea (Lindl.) Rchb.f. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Origin: Africa
Orchidaceae Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Accepted name: Pescatoria violacea References: New Zealand-N-919, New Dispersed by: Humans
(Lindl.) Dressler Zealand-W-964, New Zealand-E-328. References: Taiwan-N-777, China-N-1215,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Taiwan-N-1403, Taiwan-W-1748, Taiwan-
Habit: perennial Herb Bomarea multiflora (Lf) Mirb W-1977.
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Liliaceae
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 10 Bombax spp. L.
Dispersed by: Humans Global Risk Score: 0.48 Malvaceae
References: Bolivia-N-1630. Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 2
Habit: perennial Vine References: South Africa-U-1247, Chile-I-
Boltonia asteroides (L.) L'Hér. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean 1872.
Asteraceae Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Boltonia Dispersed by: Humans Bombycilaena erecta (L.) Smoljan.
latisquama A. Gray (1) References: New Zealand-E-246, New Asteraceae
Total N° of Refs: 14 Zealand-UW-280, New Zealand-NW-425, Total N° of Refs: 5
Global Risk Score: 2.16 New Zealand-N-15, New Zealand-X-1542, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Rating: Low New Zealand-N-2048, New Zealand-Q- Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe
Habit: perennial Herb 2086, New Zealand-E-483, India-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, New Zealand-W-1977. Dispersed by: Humans
Ornamental References: Europe-A-94, Europe, eastern-
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Bombacopsis glabra (Pasq.) A.Robyns W-272, United Kingdom-U-314, Europe-
References: Japan-N-287, United Malvaceae N-819, Global-W-1324.
Kingdom-U-314, Denmark-UC-711, Japan- Accepted name: Pachira glabra Pasq.
N-794, Europe-N-819, Japan-N-1278, Total N° of Refs: 12 Bonamia semidigyna Hallier f.
Global-W-1324, Denmark-W-1609, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Convolvulaceae
Global-CD-1611, Chile-I-1872, Chile-W- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 5
1977, Denmark-W-1977, Japan-W-1977. Dispersed by: Humans Habit: Vine
References: Chad-nC-640, Chad-W-1977. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Boltonia latisquama A. Gray References: Madagascar-N-1001,
Asteraceae Bombax anceps Pierre Singapore-W-1290, Madagascar-N-1000,
Accepted name: Boltonia asteroides (L.) Malvaceae Singapore-W-1839, Singapore-W-1977.
L'Hérit. var. latisquama (A.Gray) Cronquist Total N° of Refs: 2
Total N° of Refs: 14 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Bonellia macrocarpa (Cav.) B. Ståhl &
Habit: perennial Herb References: Laos-N-1102, Lao People's Källersjö
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Democratic Republic-W-1977. Theophrastaceae
Dispersed by: Humans Synonym/s (n° of refs): Jacquinia
References: Chile-I-1872. Bombax aquaticum (Aubl.) Schumann macrocarpa Cav. (1)
Malvaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Crop
References: Brazil-A-923.

Bongardia chrysogonum (L.) Boiss. Bonnemaisonia hamifera Hariot Borago officinalis L.
Berberidaceae Bonnemaisoniaceae Boraginaceae
Total N° of Refs: 8 Total N° of Refs: 29 Total N° of Refs: 143
Habit: perennial Herb Global Risk Score: 2.16 Global Risk Score: 14.4
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Rating: Low Rating: Medium
Mediterranean Aqua - Habit: Toxic - Habit: annual Herb
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Origin: E Asia Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Subtropical
Weed of: Cereals, Pastures Ornamental Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia
References: Global-W-629, Jordan-A-641, Dispersed by: Humans, Vehicles, Water Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Jordan-A-87, Iran-A-87, Lebanon-A-87, References: United Kingdom-ED-288, Herbal, Ornamental
Iran-A-1916, Australia-Q-1123, Iran-A- United Kingdom-NZD-812, Australia-QD- Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Escapee
2075. 994, Spain-ND-1006, Global-ID-1065, Seed Longevity: Transient
Europe-ND-819, Global-WD-1324, Weed of: Cereals
Bonnaya brachiata Link. & Otto Norway-N-1535, Global-W-1741, References: United States of America-CW-
Scrophulariaceae Mediterranean-ND-1780, Global-I-1782, 34, United Kingdom-N-40, Finland-C-42,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Global-N-1785, Europe-N-1786, United Chile-N-300, Europe-A-94, United States
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Kingdom-N-1831, Ireland-N-1832, of America-N-101, New Zealand-N-280,
References: south and southeast Asia-A- Germany-N-1833, Mediterranean-N-1835, Chile-N-241, New Zealand-W-165,
1320. Denmark-W-1977, Germany-W-1977, Australia-N-176, Japan-N-287, western
Greece-W-1977, Iceland-W-1977, Ireland- Europe-A-253, Australia-N-198, Europe,
Bonnaya multiflora Bonati W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977, eastern-W-272, western Europe-W-70,
Scrophulariaceae Slovenia-W-1977, Spain-W-1977, Sweden- Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945, Spain-
Total N° of Refs: 2 W-1977, Turkey-W-1977, United A-417, United Kingdom-CNZ-314,
References: south and southeast Asia-A- Kingdom-W-1977. Australia-E-327, Czech Republic-U-400,
1320, Cambodia-A-87. New Zealand-NW-425, Canary Islands-N-
Bontia daphnoides L. 305, United Kingdom-N-519, New
Bonnaya oppositifolia Spreng. Scrophulariaceae Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N-15,
Scrophulariaceae Total N° of Refs: 6 Canada-A-642, Ukraine-R-643, Australia-
Total N° of Refs: 2 Global Risk Score: 0.72 AEN-310, Austria-UC-708, Canada and
References: south and southeast Asia-A- Rating: Low United States of America-N-725,
1320, India-A-87. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Lithuania-I-737, Chile-N-765, Australia-N-
Subtropical 7, Mexico-N-791, Japan-N-794, Hungary-
Bonnaya veronicaefolia Spreng. Origin: C Am U-809, United Kingdom-UC-812,
Scrophulariaceae Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Australia-W-853, Australia-N-855,
Total N° of Refs: 3 Dispersed by: Humans Australia-W-869, Ireland-U-894, New
ToxicReferences: south and southeast Asia- References: United States of America-W- Zealand-N-919, United States of America-
A-1320, south and southeast Asia-A-1408, 179, Cuba-N-1505, -I-, Cuba-N-2024, W-946, Argentina-I-983, Uruguay-I-988,
Vietnam-A-87. Cuba-W-2055, Cuba-W-1977, Global-- Australia-N-354, Portugal-N-1006,
1324. Liechtenstein-N-1006, Norway-N-1006,
Bonnemaisonia asparagoides Slovakia-N-1006, Sweden-N-1006,
(Woodward) C.Agardh Boophone disticha (L.f.) Herbert Turkey-N-1006, Australia-N-1049, Europe-
Bonnemaisoniaceae Liliaceae - Amaryllidaceae N-819, Spain-U-1149, Romania-U-1154,
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 2 Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157, Global-A-
Aqua - Habit: Global Risk Score: 0.72 1207, Belgium-U-1220, Chile-N-1229,
Major Pathway/s: Crop Rating: Low Norway-N-1243, Hungary-U-1255, Spain-
References: Europe-N-1786, Turkey-W- Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb U-1270, Japan-N-1278, Peru-N-1293,
1977. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Ukraine-N-1297, Ukraine-N-1335, Chile-
Origin: Africa N-1348, Finland-AN-1356, Australia-N-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental 1450, Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay-I-
Dispersed by: Humans 1476, Slovakia-U-1484, Czech Republic-
References: South Africa-AW-121, U-1522, Austria-N-1531, Norway-N-1535,
Lesotho-AW-121. New Zealand-N-1543, Estonia-W-1609,
Austria-W-1609, Denmark-W-1609,
Boopis anthemoides Juss. Russia-W-1609, Germany-W-1609,
Calyceraceae Lithuania-W-1609, Norway-W-1609,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Sweden-W-1609, Romania-N-1629, United
References: South America-W-295. Kingdom-U-1636, Spain-A-87, Romania-
N-1549, Global-CZD-1611, Azores-N-
1721, Algeria-A-1727, Czech Republic-U-
1731, Iceland-U-1552, United States of
America-N-1162, Global-AD-1589,
Austria-A-1670, Uruguay-N-1800,
Sweden-N-1802, Austria-N-1828,
Australia-N-1902, Poland-CD-1841,
Australia-N-1845, Chile-I-1872, Mexico-R-
1935, Australia-N-1959, -I-, Central and
northern Japan and northern islands-N-
1983, Romania-U-1986, Russia-N-1989,

Switzerland-U-1990, Estonia-N-1997, Boreava orientalis Jaub. & Spach Borreria alata (Aubl.) DC.
Ukraine-N-2014, -AWD-2036, New Brassicaceae Rubiaceae
Zealand-N-2048, Ukraine-N-2050, Israel- Total N° of Refs: 17 Accepted name: Spermacoce alata Aubl.
N-59, Ukraine-N-2112, Argentina-W-1977, Origin: W Asia Total N° of Refs: 57
Australia-W-1977, Austria-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Canada-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Croatia- Dispersed by: Humans Weed of: Orchards & Plantations
W-1977, Cyprus-W-1977, Czech Republic- Weed of: Cereals, Pome Fruits References: Brazil-A-245, Indonesia-A-13,
W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, Germany-W- References: Global-A-243, United Philippines-AW-348, Puerto Rico-X-258,
1977, Iceland-W-1977, India-W-1977, Kingdom-U-314, Turkey-A-977, Europe- Indonesia-A-170, southeast Asia-W-191,
Ireland-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Latvia-W- N-819, Belgium-U-1220, Global-W-1324, Thailand-A-12, Vietnam-A-576, Indonesia-
1977, Liechtenstein-W-1977, Lithuania-W- Turkey--1412, Turkey-A-1457, Turkey-A- A-188, Global-W-67, Global-X-85, Global-
1977, Luxembourg-W-1977, Portugal-W- 1469, Turkey-A-1523, Germany-W-1609, W-217, Japan-N-287, Japan-W-286, North
1977, Romania-W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977, Sweden-W-1609, Turkey-A-87, Turkey-A- America-X-790, Cambodia-A-1173, south
Spain-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977, 942, Belgium-W-1977, Germany-W-1977, and southeast Asia-A-1320, Malaysia-A-
Switzerland-W-1977, Ukraine-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977. 1398, south and southeast Asia-A-1408,
United Kingdom-W-1977. Borneo-A-87, Indonesia-A-87, Senegal-A-
Boronia denticulata Sm. 87, Trinidad-A-87, Antilles Lesser-A-87,
Borago pygmaea (DC.) Chater & Rutaceae Brazil-A-87, Cambodia-A-87, Sri Lanka-
Greuter Total N° of Refs: 1 A-87, Costa Rica-A-87, Ghana-A-87,
Boraginaceae Global Risk Score: 0.24 Guinea-A-87, Ivory Coast-A-87, Liberia-
Total N° of Refs: 7 Rating: Low A-87, Malaysia-A-87, Mexico-A-87,
Habit: perennial Herb Habit: Shrub Nigeria-A-87, Polynesia, West-A-87,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Suriname-A-87, Thailand-A-87, Vietnam-
Origin: Europe Dispersed by: Humans A-87, Indonesia-A-1617, Brazil-A-1622.
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental References: Australia-E-380.
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Borreria articularis (L.f.) F.N.Williams
References: United Kingdom-U-40, United Boronia heterophylla F. Müell. Rubiaceae
Kingdom-CN-314, United Kingdom-N- Rutaceae Accepted name: Spermacoce hispida L.
519, United Kingdom-UC-812, Europe-N- Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 42
819, Global-W-1324, Global-CD-1611. Global Risk Score: 0.24 Habit: perennial Herb
Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Borassus flabellifer L. Habit: Shrub Origin: Aust, E Asia
Arecaceae Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Total N° of Refs: 16 Dispersed by: Humans Ornamental
Global Risk Score: 12.8 References: Australia-E-380. Dispersed by: Humans
Rating: Medium Weed of: Orchards & Plantations
Habit: Tree Boronia megastigma Nees ex Bartl. References: Indonesia-A-13, Vietnam-W-
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Rutaceae 262, Indonesia-A-188, Japan-N-287, Japan-
Origin: Africa, E Asia Total N° of Refs: 1 W-286, India-A-1124, China-N-1215,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Global Risk Score: 1.2 Burma-Myanmar-A-1254, south and
Forestry, Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture Rating: Low southeast Asia-A-1320, south and southeast
Dispersed by: Humans Habit: Shrub Asia-A-1408, India-A-87, Ghana-A-87,
References: India-I-1047, India-N-1148, Origin: Aust Zimbabwe-A-87, South Africa-A-87,
India-I-1280, India-I-1345, Chad-N-1503, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Taiwan-A-87, Philippines-A-87, Ivory
India-N-1631, India-N-1632, India-EI- Ornamental Coast-A-87, Vietnam-A-87, India-A-1448,
1707, India-N-1370, India-I-1764, India-N- Dispersed by: Humans India-A-1696, India-A-1702, India-A-1704,
1770, China-N-1796, India-W-1829, India- References: Australia-E-380. India-W-1866.
I-1875, India-I-1992, Chad-W-1977.
Borreria bartlingiana DC.
Boreava aptera Gürke Rubiaceae
Brassicaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 3 References: Trinidad-A-87.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
References: Spain-W-807, Europe-N-819, Borreria brachystema (Bth.) Val.
Global-W-1324. Rubiaceae
Accepted name: Spermacoce brachystema
Total N° of Refs: 2
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
References: Indonesia-A-13.

Borreria brownii (Rusby) Standl.

Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Brazil-N-1597.

Borreria capitata (Ruiz & Pav.) DC Borreria hispida (L.) K.Schum. Borreria latifolia (Aubl.) Schum.
Rubiaceae Rubiaceae Rubiaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Spermacoce Total N° of Refs: 5 Accepted name: Spermacoce latifolia Aubl.
capitata Ruiz & Pav. (11) Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Synonym/s (n° of refs): Spermacoce
Total N° of Refs: 14 Major Pathway/s: Herbal latifolia Aubl.
Aqua - Habit: Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Total N° of Refs: 93
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical References: India-A-758, south and Global Risk Score: 0.96
Major Pathway/s: Herbal southeast Asia-A-1320, India/Nepal-A- Rating: Low
References: Colombia-A-927, Venezuela- 1617, India-W-1672, India-A-1865. Habit: annual Herb
A-932, Brazil--1767. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Borreria laevicaulis (Miq.) Ridl. Origin: S Am
Borreria centranthoides Cham. & Schl. Rubiaceae Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Rubiaceae Accepted name: Spermacoce ocymoides Weed of: Bananas, Orchards & Plantations,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Burm.f. Pastures
References: Brazil-A-87. Total N° of Refs: 28 References: Vietnam-W-262, Thailand-A-
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical 239, Peru and Ecuador-A-281, Thailand-A-
Borreria compressa Hutch. & Dalz. Weed of: Cereals 238, Thailand-A-209, Thailand-A-359,
Rubiaceae References: Malaysia-A-2082. Guyana-A-606, Thailand-W-821, Thailand-
Accepted name: Spermacoce hepperiana W-822, Global-W-28, Global-A-243,
Verdc. Borreria laevis (Lamk.) Griseb. Global-W-64, Thailand-W-810, Central
Total N° of Refs: 1 Rubiaceae America-A-933, Global-A-1207, China-N-
References: Togo-A-1673. Total N° of Refs: 47 1215, Mexico-W-1226, south and southeast
Habit: perennial Herb Asia-A-1320, Global-W-1324, Africa-A-
Borreria densiflora DC. var. latifolia Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical 1333, Global-W-1349, China-N-1374,
E.L. Cabral & Martins Major Pathway/s: Herbal Brazil-A-1399, south and southeast Asia-
Rubiaceae Weed of: Bananas, Orchards & Plantations, A-1408, China-I-1496, Brazil--1767,
Accepted name: Spermacoce densiflora Pastures China-I-1769, Singapore-N-1839.
(DC.) Alain?? References: Indonesia-A-13, Papua New
Total N° of Refs: 1 Guinea-W-276, Philippines-AW-348, Borreria natalensis (Hochst. K.Schum.
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Thailand-A-239, Peru and Ecuador-A-281, ex S. Moore
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Indonesia-A-170, southeast Asia-W-191, Rubiaceae
References: Brazil-A-1248. Thailand-A-12, Thailand-A-238, Thailand- Total N° of Refs: 2
A-209, Philippines-W-412, Indonesia-A- Habit: perennial Herb
Borreria distans (H.B.K.) Cham. & 188, Thailand-W-821, Thailand-W-822, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Schlechtend Peru-A-153, Japan-N-287, Japan-W-286, Subtropical, Tropical
Rubiaceae Mexico-W-199, Thailand-W-810, Trinidad- Origin: Africa
Total N° of Refs: 4 A-928, Central America-A-933, Thailand- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical A-1211, Burma-Myanmar-A-1254, south Dispersed by: Humans
References: Indonesia-A-13, Indonesia-A- and southeast Asia-A-1320, Global-W- References: South Africa-AZR-121, South
170, southeast Asia-W-191, south and 1349, south and southeast Asia-A-1408, Africa-W-382.
southeast Asia-A-1320. Dominican Republic-A-1471, Dominican
Republic-A-1472, Dominican Republic-A- Borreria octodon Hepper
Borreria eryngioides Will. & Cheesm. 1475, Fiji-A-1521, Hawaii-A-87, Rubiaceae
Rubiaceae Indonesia-A-87, Jamaica-A-87, Polynesia, Total N° of Refs: 2
Total N° of Refs: 1 West-A-87, El Salvador-A-87, Trinidad-A- Weed of: Cereals
References: Uruguay-A-924. 87, Fiji-A-87, Guatemala-A-87, New References: Africa-A-1384, Burkina Faso-
Guinea-A-87, Peru-A-87, Philippines-A- A-2068.
Borreria eryngioides Cham. & Schltdl. 87, United States of America-A-87,
var. affinis (DC.) K.Schum. Indonesia-A-1617, Taiwan-W-1748,
Rubiaceae Honduras-W-1892, Vietnam-A-1982,
Accepted name: Spermacoce eryngioides Indonesia-I-2108.
(Cham. & Schltdl.) Kuntze
Total N° of Refs: 2
References: Paraguay-A-2070.

Borreria filiformis (Hiern) Hutch. &

Accepted name: Spermacoce filiformis
Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Togo-A-1673.

Borreria ocymoides (Burm.f.) Dc. Borreria ramisparsa DC. Borreria stachydea (DC.) Hutch. & Dalz.
Rubiaceae Rubiaceae Rubiaceae
Accepted name: Spermacoce ocymoides Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 2
Burm. f. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 55 Dispersed by: Humans, Vehicles Weed of: Cereals
Global Risk Score: 0.96 References: Nigeria-ZD-1445, Republic of References: Ivory Coast-A-87, Burkina
Rating: Low Congo-A-87. Faso-A-2068.
Habit: perennial Herb
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Borreria repens DC. Borreria stricta (L.f.) G.F.W.Mey.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal Rubiaceae Rubiaceae
Dispersed by: Humans, Vehicles Accepted name: Spermacoce exilis Synonym/s (n° of refs): Spermacoce stricta
Weed of: Forestry, Orchards & Plantations, Total N° of Refs: 43 L.f. (2)
Pastures Habit: perennial Herb Total N° of Refs: 10
References: Cuba-A-14, Indonesia-A-13, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Philippines-AW-348, Peru and Ecuador-A- Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
281, Nigeria-A-563, Nigeria-A-719, Peru- References: Indonesia-A-13, Papua New Dispersed by: Humans
A-153, Central America-W-157, Nigeria- Guinea-W-276, Indonesia-A-170, southeast Weed of: Bananas, Cereals, Orchards &
A-1274, south and southeast Asia-A-1320, Asia-W-191, Thailand-A-1211, south and Plantations
Nigeria-A-1360, Africa-A-1384, south and southeast Asia-A-1320, Indonesia-A-87, References: China-W-297, China-W-431,
southeast Asia-A-1408, Global-ZD-1495, Vietnam-A-1982. south and southeast Asia-A-1320, Kenya-
Mexico-A-87, Indonesia-A-87, Philippines- A-87, India-A-1038, India-A-1702, China-
A-87, Puerto Rico-A-87, Trinidad-A-87, Borreria ruelliae Schum. I-1769, Nepal-A-1960.
Sri Lanka-A-87, Dominican Republic-A- Rubiaceae
87, India-A-87, Peru-A-87, Polynesia, Accepted name: Borreria scabra (Schum. & Borreria suaveolens G. Mey.
West-A-87, Honduras-W-1892, Guatemala- Thonn.) K. Schum. Rubiaceae
A-1894, Guatemala-A-1895, Nigeria-A- Total N° of Refs: 11 Total N° of Refs: 4
2067. References: Ghana-A-87. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Borreria palustris (Cham. & Schltdl.) Borreria scabra (Schum. & Thonn.) Weed of: Pastures
Bacigalupo & E.L. Cabral Schum. References: Venezuela-A-932, Mexico-W-
Rubiaceae Rubiaceae 1226, Brazil-A-1399, Brazil-R-1400.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Borreria ruelliae
References: Brazil--1767. Schum. (1) Borreria verticillata (L.) G.F.W.Mey.
Total N° of Refs: 11 Rubiaceae
Borreria poaya DC. Habit: annual Herb Accepted name: Spermacoce verticillata L.
Rubiaceae Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 70
Total N° of Refs: 1 Origin: Africa Global Risk Score: 2.88
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Rating: Low
References: Brazil-A-87. Dispersed by: Humans Aqua - Habit: Herb
Weed of: Cereals Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Borreria princeae K.Schum. References: Zimbabwe-AW-50, South Origin: Africa
Rubiaceae Africa-ZR-121, Central African Republic- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Accepted name: Spermacoce princeae (K. A-552, South Africa-W-51, Global-A- Ornamental
Schum.) Verdc. 1207, Africa-A-1333, Togo-A-1673, Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 3 Mozambique-A-1734, Botswana-A-2065, Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations,
References: Kenya-A-87. Burkina Faso-A-2068. Pastures
References: Brazil-A-603, South America-
Borreria pusilla (Wall.) DC. Borreria setidens (Miq.) Bold. W-295, United Kingdom-UZ-314, Pacific-
Rubiaceae Rubiaceae W-621, Paraguay-NI-876, Mexico-A-915,
Accepted name: Spermacoce pusilla Wall. Total N° of Refs: 2 Brazil-A-923, Puerto Rico-A-929,
Total N° of Refs: 24 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Venezuela-A-932, Global-A-1207, Africa-
Habit: Herb References: Indonesia-A-13, south and A-1333, Brazil-I-1342, Africa-A-1384,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal southeast Asia-A-1320. Brazil-A-1399, Brazil-R-1400, Fiji-A-
References: India-A-1448, India-W-1672, 1521, Trinidad-A-87, Jamaica-A-87, Puerto
Togo-A-1673, India-A-1696. Borreria spinosa (L.) Cham. & Schlecht. Rico-A-87, Brazil-A-87, Ivory Coast-A-87,
Rubiaceae Mexico-A-87, Venezuela-A-87, Cape
Borreria pygmaea Spruce ex K.Schum. Total N° of Refs: 1 Verde-N-1558, Brazil--1767, Brazil-R-
Rubiaceae References: Argentina-W-237. 2053, Burkina Faso-A-2068, Paraguay-A-
Total N° of Refs: 1 2070, Guinea-A-2089.
References: Venezuela-A-932. Borreria spp. G.Mey.
Borreria radiata DC. Total N° of Refs: 8
Rubiaceae Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 4 Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical References: Costa Rica-A-581, Guatemala-
Weed of: Cereals A-584, Sierra Leone-A-566, Nigeria-A-
References: Ghana-A-87, Ivory Coast-A- 1701, Brazil-A-1857, Brazil-A-2051,
87, Togo-A-1673, Burkina Faso-A-2068. Nigeria-A-2073, Guinea-A-2089.

Borrichia frutescens (L.) DC. Bothriochloa ambigua S. T. Blake Bothriochloa bladhii (Retz.) S.T.Blake
Asteraceae Poaceae Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 5 Accepted name: Bothriochloa macra Synonym/s (n° of refs): Andropogon
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, (Steud.) S. T. Blake intermedius R. Br. (1), Bothriochloa
Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 20 caucasica (Trin.) C.E.Hubb. (2),
Origin: C Am, S Am Habit: Grass Bothriochloa intermedia (R.Br.) A.Camus
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland (5), Bothriochloa intermedia (R.Br.)
Herbal, Ornamental References: Global-A-1207, Australia-A- A.Camus var. punctata (Roxb.) Keng (2),
Dispersed by: Humans 87. Bothriochloa intermedia (R.Br.) A.Camus
References: Palestine-N-851, Europe-N- var. punstata Keng (1)
819, Israel-NW-1380, Spain-N-1454, Bothriochloa barbinodis (Lag.) Herter Total N° of Refs: 70
Israel-W-1977. Poaceae Global Risk Score: 10.56
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Andropogon Rating: Medium
Boschniakia himalaica Hook. f. & barbinodis Lag. (3) Habit: perennial Grass
Thomson Total N° of Refs: 19 Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical,
Orobanchaceae Global Risk Score: 1.76 Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 1 Rating: Low Origin: Africa, Aust, E Asia
Habit: Shrub Habit: perennial Grass Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Ornamental, Pasture
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Mediterranean, Subtropical Dispersed by: Humans
Dispersed by: Humans Origin: C Am, S Am Weed of: Pastures
References: Global-W-85. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental, References: Guyana-N-32, South Africa-
Pasture AZR-121, United States of America-N-440,
Boschniakia rossica (Cham. & Schlecht.) Dispersed by: Humans Pacific-AN-434, France-N-518, Global-N-
Fedtsch. References: Global-N-85, Mediterranean- 85, United States of America-N-101, New
Orobanchaceae W-775, United States of America-N-301, Zealand-N-280, Pacific-E-621, United
Total N° of Refs: 1 United States of America-N-839, States of America-N-301, United States of
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal Mediterranean-W-951, France-N-1006, America-N-839, United States of America-
References: Global-W-85. Europe-N-819, United States of America- I-904, New Zealand-N-919, Australia-N-
N-1116, France-E-1239, United States of 354, Global-N-1059, Wallis, Futuna and
Boscia albitrunca (Burch.) Gilg & America-N-1292, Global-W-1324, Global- Alofi Islands-E-1080, United States of
Benedict W-1349, North America-N-1760, France- America-N-1116, United States of
Capparaceae R-1942, France-W-1943, France-W-1977. America-Q-1197, Singapore-W-1290,
Total N° of Refs: 1 United States of America-N-1292, south
Global Risk Score: 1.44 Bothriochloa biloba S.T. Blake and southeast Asia-A-1320, French
Rating: Low Poaceae Guiana-N-1346, south and southeast Asia-
Habit: Tree Total N° of Refs: 3 A-1408, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands-W-
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Habit: Grass 1452, Cuba-NI-1505, French Polynesia-N-
Origin: Africa Origin: Aust 1514, United States of America-N-1603,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Eastern Caribbean-N-1742, Bolivia-U-
Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans 1753, Belize-N-1796, Bolivia-N-1796,
Dispersed by: Humans References: Australia-N-945, Australia-N- Colombia-N-1796, Nicaragua-N-1796,
References: South Africa-AZW-121. 354, Australia-W-1977. Singapore-W-1839, Colombia-N-1856,
Mexico-N-1881, Panama-N-1927, -I-, -I-, -
Bosea amherstiana (Moq.) Hook. f. I-, New Zealand-N-2048, Cuba-I-2055,
Amaranthaceae United States of America-N-2092,
Total N° of Refs: 2 Australia-W-1977, Bhutan-W-1977,
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Bolivia-W-1977, Cook Islands-W-1977,
Rating: Low Cuba-W-1977, Fiji-W-1977, Guyana-W-
Habit: Shrub 1977, Japan-W-1977, Marshall Islands-W-
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical 1977, Micronesia (Federated States of)-W-
Origin: C Asia 1977, Nauru-W-1977, Niue-W-1977,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Palau-W-1977, Samoa-W-1977, Singapore-
Dispersed by: Humans W-1977, Solomon Islands-W-1977,
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Suriname-W-1977, Tonga-W-1977,
Bossekia odorata (L.) Greene
Rosaceae Bothriochloa bladhii (Retz.) S. T. Blake
Accepted name: Rubus odoratus L. subsp. glabra (Roxb.) B. K. Simon
Total N° of Refs: 56 Poaceae
References: Europe-UN-1740. Total N° of Refs: 2
Habit: Grass
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Origin: Africa, E Asia
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Australia-N-945, Australia-N-

Bothriochloa caucasica (Trin.) Bothriochloa insculpta (Hochst.) A. Bothriochloa ischaemum (L.) Keng
C.E.Hubb. Camus Poaceae
Poaceae Poaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Andropogon
Accepted name: Bothriochloa bladhii Synonym/s (n° of refs): Dichanthium ischaemum L. (3), Bothriochloa ischaemum
(Retz.) S.T.Blake insculptum (A. Richard) W.D. Clayton (1) (L.) Keng var. songarica (Rupr. ex Fisch. &
Total N° of Refs: 61 Total N° of Refs: 19 C. A. Mey.) Celarier & J. R. Ha (9),
Habit: Grass Global Risk Score: 5.28 Dichanthium ischaemum (L.) Roberty (2)
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 65
Dispersed by: Humans Habit: perennial Grass Global Risk Score: 26.88
References: Global-N-1059, Global-W- Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Rating: High
1349. Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Habit: perennial Grass
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Bothriochloa decipiens (Hack.) Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
C.E.Hubb. Ornamental, Pasture Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe
Poaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Total N° of Refs: 7 Livestock, Sheep Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture
Global Risk Score: 0.72 References: South Africa-AZR-121, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Rating: Low Australia-N-368, South Africa-W-382, Livestock, Sheep, Wind
Habit: Grass South Africa-W-158, Australia-N-945, Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations,
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland United Kingdom-UZD-317, Australia-N- Pastures
Origin: Aust 354, Spain-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Global- References: Costa Rica-I-975, Global-
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, W-1324, Brazil-N-1597, United Kingdom- NZW-85, Global-W-90, United States of
Ornamental ZD-1633, Cape Verde-N-1558, Australia- America-N-101, Chile-N-241, Japan-N-
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle, ZD-1675, Burundi-R-2012, Botswana-A- 287, China-W-297, China-A-275, United
Livestock, Sheep 2065, Australia-W-1977, Bhutan-W-1977. States of America-E-80, United Kingdom-
References: United Kingdom-UZD-317, UZD-317, China-W-431, India-A-712,
Europe-N-819, Belgium-UD-1220, Global- Bothriochloa intermedia (R.Br.) Mexico-N-791, Japan-N-794, Costa Rica-
W-1324, Australia-ZD-1509, Australia-A- A.Camus N-872, Mexico-I-878, Europe-A-889,
87, Belgium-W-1977. Poaceae India-I-914, France-N-1006, Europe-N-
Accepted name: Bothriochloa bladhii 819, Belgium-ZD-1220, Burma-Myanmar-
Bothriochloa ewartiana (Domin) C. E. (Retz.) S.T.Blake A-1254, Japan-N-1278, south and southeast
Hubb. Total N° of Refs: 64 Asia-A-1320, Global-W-1324, Global-W-
Poaceae Global Risk Score: 1.28 1349, India-I-1389, Turkey--1412, Brazil-
Total N° of Refs: 1 Rating: Low N-1597, Iraq-A-87, Caribbean Netherlands-
Habit: Grass Habit: Grass N-1012, Pakistan-A-1044, Brazil-N-1733,
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Eastern Caribbean-N-1742, Bolivia-N-
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture 1753, Bolivia-N-1796, Colombia-N-1796,
Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans Colombia-N-1856, South Korea-A-1860,
Dispersed by: Humans, Cattle, Livestock Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Chile-I-1872, Argentina-A-1874, Mexico-
References: Australia-ZD-1509. References: China-W-431, Thailand-A- N-1881, Anguilla-W-1977, Bhutan-W-
1211, south and southeast Asia-A-1320, 1977, Bolivia-W-1977, Bonaire-W-1977,
Bothriochloa exaristata (Nash) Henrard Polynesia, West-A-87, Vietnam-A-87. Chile-W-1977, Costa Rica-W-1977, Japan-
Poaceae W-1977, Mexico-W-1977, Spain-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Bothriochloa intermedia (R.Br.)
Habit: Grass A.Camus var. punctata (Roxb.) Keng Bothriochloa ischaemum (L.) Keng var.
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Poaceae ischaemum
References: Global-N-85. Accepted name: Bothriochloa bladhii Poaceae
(Retz.) S.T.Blake Total N° of Refs: 3
Total N° of Refs: 61 Habit: Grass
Habit: Grass Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
References: Japan-N-287, Japan-N-794. Subtropical, Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Pasture
Bothriochloa intermedia (R.Br.) Dispersed by: Humans
A.Camus var. punstata Keng References: Global-N-85, United States of
Poaceae America-N-101, United States of America-
Accepted name: Bothriochloa bladhii N-1603.
(Retz.) S.T.Blake
Total N° of Refs: 60
Habit: Grass
References: Japan-N-1278.

Bothriochloa ischaemum (L.) Keng var. Bothriochloa ischaemum (L.) Keng var. Bothriochloa macra (Steud.) S.T.Blake
songarica (Rupr. ex Fisch. & C. A. Mey.) ischaemum 'WW Spar' Poaceae
Celarier & J. R. Ha Poaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bothriochloa
Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 1 ambigua S. T. Blake (2)
Accepted name: Bothriochloa ischaemum Habit: Grass Total N° of Refs: 20
(L.) Keng Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Global Risk Score: 3.84
Total N° of Refs: 60 References: United States of America-N- Rating: Low
Global Risk Score: 2.08 101. Habit: perennial Grass
Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical,
Habit: perennial Grass Bothriochloa laguroides (DC.) Herter Tropical
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Poaceae Origin: Aust
Major Pathway/s: Pasture Synonym/s (n° of refs): Andropogon Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Dispersed by: Humans saccharoides Sw. var. laguroides (DC.) Ornamental, Pasture
References: United States of America-W- Hack. (1) Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
179, Global-N-85, United States of Total N° of Refs: 20 Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles
America-N-101, North America-E-784, Habit: perennial Grass References: New Zealand-N-280,
United States of America-E-151, United Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Australia-N-134, Australia-N-176,
States of America-I-904, Global-W-1349, Origin: N Am Australia-N-945, United Kingdom-UZD-
United States of America-N-1603, United Major Pathway/s: Herbal 317, Australia-Z-539, Australia-W-869,
States of America-E-1736. References: Chile-N-300, Global-N-85, New Zealand-N-919, Australia-N-354,
Chile-N-241, South America-W-295, Europe-N-819, Australia-Q-1134, Belgium-
Bothriochloa ischaemum (L.) Keng var. Europe-N-638, United States of America- UD-1220, Global-W-1324, Global-ZD-
ischaemum 'El Kan' N-301, United States of America-N-839, 1495, Australia-N-1845, New Zealand-N-
Poaceae Mexico-W-890, United States of America- 2048, Australia-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 1 N-101, Mexico-W-1226, Chile-N-1229,
Habit: Grass United States of America-N-1292, Europe- Bothriochloa odorata (Lisboa) A. Camus
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental W-1325, Chile-N-1348, Chile-I-1872, Poaceae
References: United States of America-N- Brazil-R-2053, United States of America- Total N° of Refs: 1
101. N-2092, Chile-W-1977, Italy-W-1977. Habit: Grass
References: south and southeast Asia-A-
Bothriochloa ischaemum (L.) Keng var. Bothriochloa laguroides (DC.) Herter 1320.
ischaemum 'Ganada' subsp. laguroides
Poaceae Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 3
Habit: Grass Habit: Grass
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
References: United States of America-N- References: United States of America-N-
101. 101, Italy-N-251, Italy-N-1887.

Bothriochloa ischaemum (L.) Keng var. Bothriochloa laguroides (DC.) Herter

songarica (Rupr. ex Fisch. & C. A. Mey.) subsp. torreyana (Steud.) Allred &
Celarier & J. R. Ha 'King Ranch' Gould
Poaceae Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bothriochloa
Habit: Grass saccharoides (Sw.) Rydb.
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 1
References: United States of America-N- Habit: perennial Grass
101. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Major Pathway/s: Pasture
Bothriochloa ischaemum (L.) Keng var. Dispersed by: Humans
ischaemum 'Plains' References: Global-N-85.
Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: Grass
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
References: United States of America-N-

Bothriochloa ischaemum (L.) Keng var.

ischaemum 'WW -Ironmaster'
Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: Grass
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
References: United States of America-N-

Bothriochloa pertusa (L.) A.Camus Bothriochloa pseudoischaemum (Nees ex Bothriospermum kusnezowii Bge.
Poaceae Steud.) Henrard Boraginaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Andropogon Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 2
pertusus (L.) Willd. (4), Dichanthium Total N° of Refs: 1 References: China-W-297, China-W-431.
pertusum (L.) Clayton (2) Habit: Grass
Total N° of Refs: 86 References: India-A-1696. Bothriospermum secundum Maxim.
Global Risk Score: 14.08 Boraginaceae
Rating: Medium Bothriochloa radicans (Lehm.) A.Camus Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: perennial Grass Poaceae References: China-W-431.
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Total N° of Refs: 2
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Global Risk Score: 1.28 Bothriospermum tenellum (Hornem.)
Origin: Africa, C Asia, E Asia, Europe, SE Rating: Low Fisch. & Mey.
Asia Habit: perennial Grass Boraginaceae
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 24
Ornamental, Pasture Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture Habit: annual Herb
Dispersed by: Humans, Cattle, Livestock, Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Escapee Weed of: Cereals, Cotton, Sunflowers Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
References: Australia-W-93, Puerto Rico- References: Global-N-85, Botswana-A- Dispersed by: Humans
W-261, Australia, northern-W-454, France- 2071. Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations,
N-518, Cuba-A-579, Australia-N-7, Costa Pastures
Rica-I-975, Global-NW-85, United States Bothriochloa saccharoides (Sw.) Rydb. References: Taiwan-A-274, Taiwan-W-
of America-N-101, United States of Poaceae 235, India-A-712, United States of
America-W-179, Australia-N-945, China- Accepted name: Bothriochloa laguroides America-N-101, Japan-A-263, Japan-W-
W-431, Bhutan-W-423, United States of (DC.) Herter subsp. torreyana (Steud.) 286, Asia-W-204, China-W-297, China-A-
America-N-301, Mexico-N-791, United Allred & Gould 275, United States of America-AW-486,
States of America-N-839, Australia-W-853, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Andropogon China-W-431, South Korea-A-648, United
Australia-N-868, Costa Rica-N-872, saccharoides auct. nonn. (6) States of America-N-301, United States of
Dominican Republic-I-877, Mexico-I-878, Total N° of Refs: 23 America-N-839, Global-A-1207, United
India-N-914, Australia-N-354, Global-N- Global Risk Score: 4.56 States of America-N-1292, Mauritius-A-87,
1059, Australia-W-1068, Burma-Myanmar- Rating: Low Japan-A-87, Taiwan-A-87, Taiwan-W-
A-1254, Caribbean-NI-1201, United States Habit: perennial Grass 1748, South Korea-A-1859, South Korea-
of America-N-1292, south and southeast Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, A-1860, Nepal-A-1932, South Korea-A-
Asia-A-1320, La Reunion-N-1321, Global- Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical 2032.
W-1324, Global-W-1349, India-N-1389, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Pasture
south and southeast Asia-A-1408, Puerto Dispersed by: Humans Bothriospermum zeylanicum (J.Jacq.)
Rico and Virgin Islands-W-1452, References: Chile-N-300, Global-W-90, Sruce.
Australia-ND-1491, Cuba-NI-1505, Chile-N-241, South America-W-295, Boraginaceae
Australia-ZD-1509, Venezuela-NW-1511, United States of America-E-80, Palestine- Total N° of Refs: 3
Brazil-N-1597, Jamaica-A-87, Cuba-A-87, G-851, Israel-A-885, Argentina-A-913, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Hawaii-A-87, Dominican Republic-A-87, Italy-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Chile-N- References: Taiwan-G-273, La Reunion-
Vietnam-A-87, Caribbean Netherlands-NI- 1229, Global-W-1324, Chile-N-1348, AW-1321, Taiwan-W-1748.
1012, Australia, northern-W-1204, India-A- Global-W-1349, Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-
1696, Brazil-N-1733, Eastern Caribbean-N- 1977, France-W-1977. Botrychium crenulatum W.H. Wagner
1742, Belize-N-1796, Colombia-N-1796, Ophioglossaceae
Ecuador-N-1796, Nicaragua-N-1796, Bothriochloa spp. Kuntze Total N° of Refs: 1
Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands-ACI- Poaceae Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb
1821, Australia-N-1902, Colombia-N- Total N° of Refs: 5 Dispersed by: Water
1856, Panama-N-1927, -I-, Cuba-I-2055, Habit: Grass References: United States of America-WD-
Anguilla-W-1977, Antigua and Barbuda- Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Vehicles 34.
W-1977, Aruba-W-1977, Australia-W- Weed of: Vegetables
1977, Bahamas-W-1977, Barbados-W- References: United States of America-E- Botrychium dissectum Spreng.
1977, Belize-W-1977, Bhutan-W-1977, 80, eastern North America-E-195, United Ophioglossaceae
Bonaire-W-1977, Cook Islands-W-1977, States of America-A-543, Australia-ZD- Total N° of Refs: 3
Costa Rica-W-1977, Cuba-W-1977, 1439, Australia-ZD-1675. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Ecuador-W-1977, Honduras-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Jamaica-W-1977, Mauritius-W-1977, Bothriochloa wrightii (Hack.) Henr. References: Canada-C-756, Global-CD-
Mexico-W-1977, Nicaragua-W-1977, Poaceae 1611, Canada-G-1855.
Panama-W-1977, Saint Kitts and Nevis-W- Total N° of Refs: 1
1977, Saint Lucia-W-1977. Habit: Grass Botrychium multifidum (S.G. Gmel.)
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Trevis.
Bothriochloa pseudischaemum (Nees ex References: Myanmar-N-1796. Ophioglossaceae
Steud.) Henrard Total N° of Refs: 1
Poaceae Bothriospermum chinense Bunge Habit: perennial Herb
Total N° of Refs: 1 Boraginaceae References: Russia-W-1671.
Habit: Grass Total N° of Refs: 3
References: south and southeast Asia-A- Habit: annual Herb
1320. References: China-W-297, China-A-275,

Botrychium simplex E. Hitchcock Bouchea nelsonii Grenzeb. Bougainvillea glabra Choisy
Ophioglossaceae Verbenaceae Nyctaginaceae
Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bougainvillea
Habit: perennial Herb References: Honduras-W-1892. glabra cv. Magnifica Choisy
Origin: N Am Total N° of Refs: 44
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Bouchea prismatica (L.) Kuntze Global Risk Score: 2.88
References: Europe-N-819, Belgium-U- Verbenaceae Rating: Low
1220, Belgium-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 7 Habit: perennial Vine
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Botrychium virginianum (L.) Swartz Major Pathway/s: Herbal Subtropical, Tropical
Ophioglossaceae Weed of: Cereals Origin: S Am
Total N° of Refs: 3 References: Cuba-A-14, Dominican Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Republic-A-1473, Dominican Republic-A- Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Ornamental 1475, Honduras-A-1677, Honduras-A- References: Federated States of
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee 1890, Honduras-A-1891, Honduras-W- Micronesia-N-230, Puerto Rico-W-261,
References: Canada-C-756, Global-CD- 1892. United States of America-E-80, United
1611, Canada-G-1855. States of America-N-101, New Zealand-N-
Bouchetia erecta DC. ex Dun. 280, Australia-E-380, Canary Islands-N-
Botryocladia madagascariensis Solanaceae 637, United States of America-E-151,
Feldmann-Mazoyer Total N° of Refs: 1 Australia-W-853, India-N-914, India-N-
Rhodymeniaceae Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical 976, Australia-N-354, Europe-N-819,
Total N° of Refs: 10 References: Mexico-W-1226. Chad-nC-640, China-N-1215, South
Aqua - Habit: Africa-U-1247, Bermuda-N-1267, China-
Dispersed by: Vehicles, Water Bougainvillea x buttiana MuellerJ. Arg. N-1344, India-UN-1345, Chad-N-1503,
References: Europe-ND-819, Global-W- Nyctaginaceae Pakistan-I-1697, Brazil-N-1733, India-N-
1741, Mediterranean-ND-1780, Global-N- Accepted name: parents = Bougainvillea 1370, United States of America-E-1736,
1785, Greece-N-1807, Mediterranean-N- glabra Choisy x Bougainvillea peruviana Eastern Caribbean-N-1742, Taiwan-W-
1835, Cyprus-W-1977, Greece-W-1977, Humb. & Bonpl. 1748, India-N-1765, El Salvador-N-1849,
Italy-W-1977, Turkey-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 6 Chile-I-1872, Mexico-N-1881, Australia-
Global Risk Score: 0.48 WD-1934, South Africa-N-1991, New
Botrytella micromora Bory de Saint- Rating: Low Zealand-N-2048, India-N-2109,
Vincent Habit: Shrub Afghanistan-W-1977, Albania-W-1977,
Chordariaceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Australia-W-1977, Chad-W-1977, Chile-
Total N° of Refs: 1 Tropical W-1977, India-W-1977, Marshall Islands-
Dispersed by: Water Origin: S Am W-1977, Mexico-W-1977, South Africa-
References: Global-N-1785. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental W-1977, Spain-W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Botrytella parva (Takamatsu) Kim References: Australia-E-380, Belize-N-850, Bougainvillea glabra Choisy 'Magnifica'
Chordariaceae Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157, Global-CD- Nyctaginaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 1611, India-N-1370, El Salvador-N-1849. Total N° of Refs: 3
Dispersed by: Water Habit: Vine
References: Europe-N-819. Bougainvillea campanulata Heimerl Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Nyctaginaceae Dispersed by: Humans
Botrytella spp. Bory de Saint-Vincent Total N° of Refs: 1 References: New Zealand-N-280, New
Chordariaceae References: Paraguay-NI-876. Zealand-N-919, New Zealand-N-2048.
Total N° of Refs: 3
Dispersed by: Water Bougainvillea hybrid nom. hort.
References: Europe-W-1325, Global-N- Nyctaginaceae
1785, Europe-N-1786. Total N° of Refs: 3
Habit: Shrub
Bouchea agrestis Schauer Origin: S Am
Verbenaceae Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
References: Japan-W-1977. References: Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157,
Global-CD-1611, India-N-1370.
Bouchea agristis Schauer & Mart.
Verbenaceae Bougainvillea peruviana Humb. &
Total N° of Refs: 3 Bonpl.
References: Japan-N-287, Japan-N-794, Nyctaginaceae
Japan-N-1278. Total N° of Refs: 2
Global Risk Score: 0.24
Bouchea ehrenbergii Cham. Rating: Low
Verbenaceae Habit: Tree
Total N° of Refs: 2 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
References: Colombia-A-87, Dominican Origin: S Am
Republic-A-87. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Peru-A-930, India-N-1370.

Bougainvillea praecox Griseb. Bougainvillea spp. Comm. ex Juss. Boussingaultia cordifolia Ten.
Nyctaginaceae Nyctaginaceae Basellaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bougainvillea spp. Accepted name: Anredera cordifolia (Ten.)
References: Paraguay-NI-876. Comm. ex Juss. Steenis
Total N° of Refs: 5 Total N° of Refs: 222
Bougainvillea sp. nom. hort. 'Rugosa' Habit: perennial Vine Global Risk Score: 4.32
Nyctaginaceae Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Rating: Low
Total N° of Refs: 3 Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: Australia-E-201, Slovakia-CE- Origin: C Am, S Am
References: Poland-N-619, Global-W- 782, Global-CD-1611, Botswana-N-1666, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
1324, Europe-W-1325. Botswana-W-1977. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
References: Japan-N-287, Spain-N-405,
Bougainvillea spectabilis Willd. Bourreria acimoides (Burm.) Dc. Portugal-N-662, Portugal-N-718, Japan-N-
Nyctaginaceae Boraginaceae 794, Spain-W-807, France-W-764,
Total N° of Refs: 48 Total N° of Refs: 1 Portugal-N-1006, Spain-N-1006, France-N-
Global Risk Score: 2.88 References: Mexico-A-87. 1006, France-N-1006, Greece-N-1006,
Rating: Low Italy-N-1006, Portugal-N-1006, Portugal-
Habit: perennial Vine Bourreria andreuxii Hemsl. N-1006, Europe-N-819, Poland-C-1122,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Boraginaceae Iberian Peninsular-N-1147, Spain-N-1270,
Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 1 Japan-N-1278, Spain-I-1454, New
Origin: C Am, S Am References: Mexico-A-87. Zealand-A-87, Global-CD-1611, Europe-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental U-1740, Canary Islands-N-1967, Australia-
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Bourreria baccata Raf. Q-1123, France-N-2091, France-W-1977,
References: Puerto Rico-CW-261, Gal Boraginaceae Japan-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977.
pagos Islands-EW-257, Global-N-85, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bourreria
Australia-E-380, United States of America- succulenta Jacq. (3) Boussingaultia gracilis Miers
N-101, Belize-N-850, India-N-914, Total N° of Refs: 3 Basellaceae
Mozambique-nC-943, India-N-976, Africa- Major Pathway/s: Crop Accepted name: Anredera cordifolia (Ten.)
W-990, Chad-nC-640, China-N-1215, Steenis
South Africa-U-1247, Peru-N-1293, Bourreria microphylla Griseb. Total N° of Refs: 196
Global-W-1324, Sardinia-U-1336, India- Boraginaceae Major Pathway/s: Herbal
UN-1345, Global-I-1404, Spain-U-1454, Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Hawaii-A-87, United States of
Chad-N-1503, Cuba-NI-1505, Bolivia-N- Preferred Climate/s: Tropical America-A-87, Chile-I-1872, Australia-Q-
1630, Cape Verde-N-1558, Global-CD- References: Cuba-A-14. 1123.
1611, India-N-1370, Eastern Caribbean-N-
1742, Croatia-U-1747, India-N-1765, Bourreria succulenta Jacq. Boussingaultia leptostachys Moq.
India-N-1790, Sardinia-U-1393, Sao Tome Boraginaceae Basellaceae
and Principe-N-1805, South Africa-N- Accepted name: Bourreria baccata Raf. Accepted name: Anredera vesicaria (Lam.)
1991, Burundi-N-2012, Cuba-NR-2054, Total N° of Refs: 3 C.F.Gaertn.
Cuba-NI-2055, India-N-2109, Algeria-W- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 13
1977, Burundi-W-1977, Chad-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Global Risk Score: 0.48
Croatia-W-1977, Cuba-W-1977, Ecuador- Dispersed by: Humans Rating: Low
W-1977, India-W-1977, Maldives-W-1977, References: Caribbean Netherlands-EN- Habit: Tree
Marshall Islands-W-1977, Peru-W-1977, 1012, Aruba-W-1977, Bonaire-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
South Africa-W-1977, Yemen-W-1977. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Boussingaultia baselloides Kunth References: Dominican Republic-I-877,
Bougainvillea spectabilis Willd. var. Basellaceae Caribbean-NI-1201, United States of
glabra (Choisy) Hook. Accepted name: Anredera baselloides America-C-1329, Global-CD-1611.
Nyctaginaceae (H.B.K) Baill.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 17 Bouteloua americana (L.) Lams.- Scribn.
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Poaceae
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 4
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Dispersed by: Humans Habit: Grass
References: Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157, References: South Africa-A-87, Australia- Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Global-CD-1611. Q-1123. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
Bougainvillea spectabilis var. spectabilis References: Guyana-W-32, Eastern
Willd. Caribbean-N-1742, Guyana-W-1977,
Nyctaginaceae Venezuela-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 2
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
References: Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157,

Bouteloua aristidoides (Kunth) Griseb. Bouteloua curtipendula (Michx.) Torr. Bouteloua hirsuta Lag.
Poaceae var. curtipendula Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 9 Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: annual Grass Total N° of Refs: 2 Habit: Grass
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Habit: perennial Grass Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical
Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental References: North America-N-1760, China- Pasture
Dispersed by: Humans N-1796. Dispersed by: Humans
Weed of: Grapevines References: Global-N-85.
References: Global-W-85, Global-AW-91, Bouteloua dactyloides (Nutt.) Columbus
Global-A-243, United States of America- Poaceae Bouteloua media (E. Fourn.) Gould &
W-161, United States of America-W-218, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Buchlo Kapadia
Mexico-I-878, United States of America-Q- dactyloides (Nutt.) Engelm. (23), Sesleria Poaceae
1197, Global-W-1349, United States of dactyloides Nutt. (2) Total N° of Refs: 1
America-A-87. Total N° of Refs: 29 Habit: Grass
Global Risk Score: 1.76 Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Bouteloua barbata Lag. Rating: Low References: Mexico-W-1226.
Poaceae Habit: Grass
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bouteloua Origin: N Am Bouteloua pilosa Benth. ex S. Wats.
rothrockii Vasey (1) Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental, Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 8 Pasture Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: annual Grass Dispersed by: Humans Habit: Grass
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical References: Global-N-85, Global-Q-1205, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental China-N-1796, Australia-Q-1123. References: Nicaragua-A-87.
Dispersed by: Humans
Weed of: Vegetables Bouteloua dimorpha Columbus Bouteloua rothrockii Vasey
References: Global-N-85, United States of Poaceae Poaceae
America-W-161, United States of America- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Opizia stolonifera Accepted name: Bouteloua barbata Lag.
W-218, United States of America-A-543, J. Presl (5) var. rothrockii (Vasey) Gould
Mexico-I-878, Global-W-1349, United Total N° of Refs: 11 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bouteloua barbata
States of America-A-87. Habit: Grass Lag.
References: Global-N-85, United States of Total N° of Refs: 8
Bouteloua barbata Lag. var. barbata America-N-101, Mexico-W-890, Mexico- Global Risk Score: 1.76
Poaceae W-1226, Cuba-NI-1505, Cuba-NI-2055. Rating: Low
Total N° of Refs: 2 Habit: Grass
Habit: annual Grass Bouteloua disticha (Kunth) Benth. Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Poaceae Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental,
References: Global-N-85, United States of Total N° of Refs: 2 Pasture
America-N-904. Habit: Grass Dispersed by: Humans
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Tropical References: Mexico-I-878.
Bouteloua curtipendula (Michx.) Torr. References: Gal pagos Islands-N-257,
Poaceae Ecuador-W-1977. Bouteloua scorpioides Lag.
Total N° of Refs: 14 Poaceae
Global Risk Score: 13.44 Bouteloua gracilis (Willd. ex Kunth) Total N° of Refs: 2
Rating: Medium Lag. ex Griffiths Habit: Grass
Habit: perennial Grass Poaceae Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Chondrosum References: Mexico-W-890, Mexico-W-
Tropical gracile Kunth (2) 1226.
Origin: N Am Total N° of Refs: 9
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Global Risk Score: 4.48 Bouteloua simplex Lag.
Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture Rating: Low Poaceae
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Habit: perennial Grass Total N° of Refs: 2
Livestock, Sheep Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical Habit: annual Grass
References: Japan-N-287, United Origin: N Am Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical,
Kingdom-UZD-317, United States of Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Tropical
America-N-301, Japan-N-794, United Ornamental, Pasture Major Pathway/s: Herbal
States of America-N-839, Mexico-I-878, Dispersed by: Humans References: Mexico-W-199, United States
Australia--, Japan-N-1278, United States of References: Global-N-85, Global-W-91, of America-N-904.
America-N-1292, Global-W-1349, North Canada-A-642, Mexico-I-878, Mexico-W-
America-N-1760, China-N-1796, Australia- 1226, Global-W-1349, New Zealand-U- Bouteloua triaena (Trin. ex Spreng.)
Q-1123, Romania-U-1986, Japan-W-1977. 2048. Scribn.
Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: Grass
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
References: Mexico-W-1226.

Bouteloua vaneedenii Pilg. Bowlesia incana Ruiz & Pav. Brachiaria adspersa (Trin.) Parodi
Poaceae Apiaceae Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bowlesia tenera Accepted name: Urochloa adspersa (Trin.)
Habit: Grass Spreng. (3) R. Webster
References: Eastern Caribbean-N-1742. Total N° of Refs: 29 Total N° of Refs: 7
Global Risk Score: 2.88 Habit: Grass
Bouteloua williamsii Swallen Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Poaceae Habit: annual Herb References: Brazil-W-360, Brazil-W-407,
Total N° of Refs: 2 Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Cuba-W-1977.
Habit: Grass Tropical
References: Mexico-W-890, Mexico-W- Origin: C Am, N Am, S Am Brachiaria advena Vickery
1226. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal Poaceae
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Accepted name: Urochloa advena (Vick.)
Bouvardia ternifolia (Cav.) Schldl. Livestock, Sheep R.Webster
Rubiaceae Weed of: Pastures Total N° of Refs: 10
Total N° of Refs: 6 References: Brazil-W-255, Brazil-W-361, Habit: annual Grass
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Brazil-W-407, Argentina-W-237, South Origin: Africa
Rating: Low America-W-295, South America-W-271, References: South Africa-R-121, Australia-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, United States of America-W-161, W-853, Australia-N-354, Australia-N-
Subtropical Argentina-A-236, United States of 1049, Lesotho-R-121, Australia-W-1977,
Origin: N Am America-W-218, United Kingdom-UZD- South Africa-W-1977.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental 314, Europe-N-638, Global-N-85,
Dispersed by: Humans Paraguay-NI-876, France-N-1006, Europe- Brachiaria annulatum (Forssk.) Stapf
References: Mexico-W-890, Mexico-W- N-819, Uruguay-A-1199, Global-W-1324, Poaceae
1226, Mexico-N-1500, Mexico-W-1510, Argentina-A-1363, Spain-N-1454, Total N° of Refs: 1
Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Uruguay-A-1518, United States of Habit: Grass
America-A-87, Uruguay-A-1562, Uruguay- References: United States of America-N-
Bowiea volubilis Harv. ex Hook. f. A-1567, Brazil-R-2053, France-N-2091, 101.
Liliaceae France-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Brachiaria arizonica (Scribn. & Merr.)
Global Risk Score: 1.44 Bowlesia tenera Spreng. S.T.Blake
Rating: Low Apiaceae Poaceae
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Accepted name: Bowlesia incana Ruiz & Accepted name: Urochloa arizonica
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Pav. (Scribn. & Merr.) Morrone & Zuloaga
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 29 Total N° of Refs: 1
Origin: Africa References: Argentina-A-913, Argentina- Habit: Grass
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental A-87, Brazil-A-87. Preferred Climate/s: Dryland
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Herbal
References: South Africa-AW-121, Global- Bowlesia tropaeolifolia Gillies & Hook. References: United States of America-W-
Q-1572. Apiaceae 161.
Total N° of Refs: 3
Habit: Herb Brachiaria arrecta (Hack. ex T. Durand
References: New Zealand-N-280, New & Schinz) Stent
Zealand-N-919, New Zealand-U-2048. Poaceae
Accepted name: Urochloa arrecta (Hack. ex
Boykinia major Gray T. Durand & Schinz) Morrone & Zuloaga
Saxifragaceae Total N° of Refs: 21
Total N° of Refs: 1 Global Risk Score: 2.08
Habit: perennial Herb Rating: Low
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Habit: perennial Grass
Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical,
References: United Kingdom-U-314. Tropical
Origin: Africa
Boykinia richardsonii (Hook.) Rothr. Major Pathway/s: Pasture
Saxifragaceae Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 3 References: Brazil-A-245, South Africa-R-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal 121, Caribbean-NI-1201, French Guiana-
References: Global-W-1324, Sweden-W- N-1346, Brazil-N-1733, Colombia-N-1796,
1609, Sweden-W-1977. -I-, Brazil-W-1977, Costa Rica-W-1977,
Guyana-W-1977, Suriname-W-1977,

Brachiaria arrecta (Hack. ex T. Durand Brachiaria decumbens Stapf Brachiaria deflexa (Schumach.)
& Schinz) Stent var. madecassa Poaceae C.E.Hubb. ex Robyns
A.Camus Accepted name: Urochloa decumbens Poaceae
Poaceae (Stapf) R.Webster Accepted name: Urochloa deflexa (Schum.)
Accepted name: Urochloa arrecta (Hack. ex Total N° of Refs: 77 H.Scholz
T. Durand & Schinz) Morrone & Zuloaga Global Risk Score: 21.12 Total N° of Refs: 29
Total N° of Refs: 12 Rating: High Global Risk Score: 9.12
Habit: Grass Toxic - Habit: perennial Grass Rating: Medium
References: Madagascar-N-1001, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Habit: annual Grass
Madagascar-N-1000. Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical,
Origin: Africa Tropical
Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst. ex A. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Origin: Africa
Rich.) Stapf Ornamental, Pasture Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Poaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Cattle, Livestock, Pasture
Accepted name: Urochloa brizantha (Horst. Escapee Dispersed by: Humans, Livestock
ex. Rich.) Webster Weed of: Orchards & Plantations, Pastures Weed of: Cereals, Cotton, Orchards &
Total N° of Refs: 61 References: Brazil-A-245, Jamaica-E-226, Plantations, Pastures, Vegetables
Global Risk Score: 8.96 Brazil-W-255, Jamaica-E-227, Brazil-W- References: Cameroon-A-551, Ghana-A-
Rating: Medium 360, Brazil-W-407, Australia-N-368, 2064, Sudan-W-242, Global-W-90, South
Toxic - Habit: Grass Australia, northern-AW-454, Australia- Africa-W-158, United Kingdom-U-317,
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, CEN-479, Brazil-A-603, Cuba-A-579, Global-A-1233, Nigeria-A-1274, Africa-A-
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Caribbean-N-707, Slovakia-AE-782, 1384, Mozambique-A-87, Ghana-A-87,
Origin: Africa, E Asia Australia-W-853, Jamaica-I-879, Brazil-I- Ivory Coast-A-87, Nigeria-A-87, Tanzania-
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, 984, Jamaica-I-986, Paraguay-I-987, A-87, Nigeria-ZD-1574, India-W-1672,
Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049, Togo-A-1673, Nigeria-A-1701, Guinea-A-
Dispersed by: Humans Caribbean-NI-1201, Brazil-A-1396, 1823, Ghana-A-1888, Australia-Q-1123,
Weed of: Cereals, Pastures Australia-ZD-1417, Brazil-A-1566, Global- Benin-W-2007, Burundi-R-2012, Nigeria-
References: Brazil-A-245, Brazil-W-255, CD-1611, Brazil-N-1733, Bolivia-U-1753, A-2045, Nigeria-A-2073, Benin-A-2090.
South Africa-AZR-121, Brazil-W-360, Bolivia-N-1796, Colombia-N-1796,
Brazil-W-407, Australia-N-368, South Nicaragua-N-1796, Paraguay-N-1796, Sri Brachiaria dictyoneura (Fig. & De Not.)
Africa-W-382, Australia-N-945, United Lanka-N-1796, -I-, -I-, Brazil-AN-2051, Stapf
States of America-N-301, Brazil-I-984, Australia-W-1977, Bhutan-W-1977, Poaceae
Paraguay-I-987, Australia-N-354, United Bolivia-W-1977, Brazil-W-1977, Accepted name: Urochloa dictyoneura (Fig.
States of America-N-1116, China-N-1215, Colombia-W-1977, Costa Rica-W-1977, & De Not.) Veldkamp
Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay-I-1476, India-W-1977, Jamaica-W-1977, Vanuatu- Total N° of Refs: 9
Trinidad-A-87, Honduras-A-1677, Brazil- W-1977. Global Risk Score: 1.28
N-1733, Bolivia-U-1753, Myanmar-N- Rating: Low
1796, Bolivia-N-1796, Colombia-N-1796, Brachiaria decumbens Stapf 'Basilisk' Habit: perennial Grass
Ecuador-N-1796, Paraguay-N-1796, Poaceae Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Honduras-A-1890, Honduras-A-1891, Accepted name: Urochloa decumbens Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture
Honduras-W-1892, China-N-1938, -I-, -I-, (Stapf) R.Webster Dispersed by: Humans
Brazil-AN-2051, Australia-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 36 References: Brazil-W-360, Brazil-W-407,
Bhutan-W-1977, Bolivia-W-1977, Brazil- Habit: Grass Colombia-N-1796, Ecuador-N-1796,
W-1977, Colombia-W-1977, India-W- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Paraguay-N-1796, -I-, Brazil-W-1977.
1977, Malaysia-W-1977, Samoa-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture
Dispersed by: Humans Brachiaria distachya (L.) Stapf
Brachiaria ciliatissima (Buckl.) Chase References: Australia-N-368. Poaceae
Poaceae Accepted name: Urochloa distachya (L.)
Accepted name: Urochloa ciliatissima T.Q.Nguyen
(Buckl.) R.Webster Total N° of Refs: 33
Total N° of Refs: 3 Global Risk Score: 2.56
Habit: Grass Rating: Low
References: United States of America-W- Habit: Grass
218, Global-W-1349, United States of Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Tropical
America-A-87. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture
Dispersed by: Humans
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations
References: Thailand-A-12, Indonesia-A-
188, Global-W-90, United States of
America-N-301, Global-A-1207, Burma-
Myanmar-A-1254, south and southeast
Asia-A-1320, India-A-1359, south and
southeast Asia-A-1408, Indonesia-A-87,
Philippines-A-87, Taiwan-A-87, Trinidad-
A-87, India-A-87, Vietnam-A-87,
Bangladesh-A-1649, Colombia-N-1796, -I-
, Cuba-W-1977, Mexico-W-1977, Panama-

Brachiaria distachyoides Stapf Brachiaria eruciformis (Sm.) Griseb. Brachiaria extensa Chase.
Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Accepted name: Moorochloa eruciformis Accepted name: Urochloa platyphylla
Habit: Grass (Sm.) Veldkamp (Nash) R.D.Webster
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Total N° of Refs: 96 Total N° of Refs: 12
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Global Risk Score: 20.8 Global Risk Score: 4.16
References: Ivory Coast-A-2074. Rating: High Rating: Low
Aqua - Habit: annual Grass Aqua - Habit: Grass
Brachiaria distichophylla (Trin.) Stapf Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Poaceae Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Major Pathway/s: Pasture
Accepted name: Urochloa villosa (Lam.) Origin: Africa, C Asia, E Asia, Europe, W Dispersed by: Humans, Water
T.Q.Nguyen Asia, Cosmopolitan References: Cuba-A-14, South America-W-
Total N° of Refs: 3 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Pasture 295, Japan-N-287, Argentina-A-236,
Habit: Grass Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Japan-N-794, Paraguay-NI-876, Argentina-
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Livestock, Sheep, Water, Escapee AD-1198, Japan-N-1278.
Weed of: Cereals Seed Longevity: Long Term
References: Togo-A-1673, Burkina Faso- Weed of: Cereals, Cotton, Orchards & Brachiaria falcifera (Trin.) Stapf
A-2068. Plantations, Pastures, Pome Fruits, Poaceae
Sunflowers, Vegetables Total N° of Refs: 2
Brachiaria echinulata (Mez) Parodi References: Australia, northern-A-55, Habit: Grass
Poaceae South Africa-AZR-121, Indonesia-A-170, Major Pathway/s: Crop
Total N° of Refs: 1 southeast Asia-W-191, India-AG-712, References: Africa-A-1384, Benin-W-
Habit: Grass South Africa-W-51, Sudan-W-242, Global- 2007.
References: Eastern Caribbean-N-1742. NW-85, Global-EWD-90, Global-A-243,
United States of America-N-101, South Brachiaria fasciculata (Sw.) Parodi
Brachiaria erucaeformis (S. & S.) Africa-W-382, South Africa-W-158, Poaceae
Griseb. China-W-256, Japan-N-287, Egypt-A-185, Accepted name: Urochloa fusca (Sw.) B. F.
Poaceae Europe, eastern-W-272, Australia-N-945, Hansen & Wunderlin
Total N° of Refs: 3 Spain-A-417, United Kingdom-UZD-317, Total N° of Refs: 25
Habit: Grass China-W-431, Sudan-A-567, Spain-N-405, Global Risk Score: 1.04
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Pacific-W-621, Africa-AC-622, Japan-N- Rating: Low
Tropical 794, Australia-W-853, United Kingdom-Z- Habit: Grass
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations 944, Australia-N-354, France-N-1006, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical,
References: Lesser Antilles-A-1128, Fiji- Australia-N-1049, China-I-1055, Europe- Tropical
A-1521, Eastern Caribbean-N-1742. N-819, Ethiopia-A-1141, Botswana-A- Origin: N Am, S Am
1153, Pakistan-A-1169, Egypt-A-1171, Major Pathway/s: Pasture
Global-A-1207, China-N-1215, Pakistan- Dispersed by: Humans
A-1235, Burma-Myanmar-A-1254, Weed of: Bananas, Cereals, Orchards and
Morocco-N-847, Japan-N-1278, south and Plantations, Pastures
southeast Asia-A-1320, La Reunion-W- References: Guadeloupe-A-206, Brazil-W-
1321, Global-W-1324, Pakistan-A-1395, 360, Brazil-W-407, Costa Rica-A-581,
Europe-A-1539, Mozambique-A-87, Cuba-A-579, Guatemala-A-584, Global-W-
Sudan-A-87, South Africa-A-87, Tanzania- 28, Global-AW-90, Global-A-243,
A-87, Antilles Lesser-A-87, Egypt-A-87, Australia-N-945, Australia-N-354, Lesser
Iran-A-87, Lebanon-A-87, Mauritius-A-87, Antilles-A-1128, Brazil-N-1733, Costa
Morocco-A-87, Fiji-A-87, India-A-87, Rica-A-1933, Australia-W-1977, Cuba-W-
India-A-1021, Pakistan-A-1044, Global-Q- 1977.
1572, Global-CD-1611, Iran-A-1619,
India-W-1672, Tajikistan-A-1674, Lesotho- Brachiaria fasciculata (Sw.) Parodi var.
AZR-121, India-A-1696, India-A-1704, reticulata (Torr.) Vickery
Sudan-A-1708, China-I-1711, Poaceae
Mozambique-A-1734, China-I-1758, Accepted name: Urochloa fusca (Sw.) B. F.
China-I-1769, Pakistan-A-1868, Mexico- Hansen & Wunderlin
N-1881, Pakistan-A-1913, Egypt-A-1922, Total N° of Refs: 14
China-N-1938, -I-, Sudan-A-1985, Habit: Grass
Botswana-A-2071, Egypt-A-2088, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Australia-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Origin: C Am
China-W-1977, Cuba-W-1977, Fiji-W- References: Australia-N-945, Australia-W-
1977, France-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, 853, Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049,
Morocco-W-1977. Global-N-1059.

Brachiaria gilesii (Benth.) Chase Brachiaria jubata (Fig. & De Not.) Stapf Brachiaria meziana Hitch.
Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae
Accepted name: Urochloa gilesii Hughes Accepted name: Urochloa jubata (Fig. & Synonym/s (n° of refs): Urochloa meziana
Total N° of Refs: 3 De Not.) Sosef (Hithc.) Morrone & Zuloaga (1)
Toxic - Habit: Grass Total N° of Refs: 5 Total N° of Refs: 2
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland Habit: perennial Grass Habit: Grass
Origin: Aust Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop Major Pathway/s: Crop References: Mexico-W-199.
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Weed of: Cereals, Cotton, Pastures,
Livestock, Sheep Vegetables Brachiaria miliiformis (J.Presl) Chase ex
References: United Kingdom-UZD-317, References: Africa-A-1384, Togo-A-1673, Bor
United Kingdom-ZD-1633. Burkina Faso-A-2068, Benin-A-2090. Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 5
Brachiaria glomerata (Hack.) A.Camus Brachiaria lata (Schumach.) C. E. Hubb. Global Risk Score: 4.48
Poaceae Poaceae Rating: Low
Total N° of Refs: 1 Accepted name: Urochloa lata (Schum.) Habit: Grass
Habit: annual Grass C.E.Hubb. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Total N° of Refs: 21 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Tropical Global Risk Score: 4.56 Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Rating: Low Dispersed by: Humans
Dispersed by: Humans, Cattle, Livestock Habit: annual Grass References: Australia-Z-634, Global-A-
References: South Africa-ZD-1579. Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Tropical 1207, south and southeast Asia-A-1320,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, south and southeast Asia-A-1408, Fiji-A-
Brachiaria holotricha Ohwi Pasture 1521.
Poaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Livestock
Accepted name: Brachiaria pubigera Weed of: Cereals, Cotton, Orchards & Brachiaria milliformis (Presl.) A. Chase
(Roem. & Schult.) S.T.Blake Plantations, Pastures, Vegetables Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Ivory Coast-A-559, Ghana-A- Accepted name: Urochloa subquadripara
Habit: Grass 2064, Global-AW-90, Global-A-1233, (Trin.) R.D.Webster
References: south and southeast Asia-A- Africa-A-1333, Africa-A-1384, Togo-A- Total N° of Refs: 28
1408. 1639, Nigeria-A-87, Ghana-A-87, Ivory Habit: Grass
Coast-A-87, Sudan-A-87, Nigeria-ZD- Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Brachiaria humidicola (Rendle) 1574, Africa-A-1709, Nigeria-A-1710, References: southeast Asia-W-191,
Schweick. Ghana-A-1888, Benin-W-2007, Nigeria-A- Thailand-A-575, Pacific-W-3, Australia-A-
Poaceae 2045, Burkina Faso-A-2068, Ivory Coast- 87, Malaysia-A-87, Brazil-A-87, Fiji-A-87.
Accepted name: Urochloa humidicola A-2074, Benin-A-2090.
(Rendle) Morrone & Zuloaga Brachiaria mollis (Swartz) Parodi
Total N° of Refs: 30 Brachiaria leersioides (Hochst.) Stapf Poaceae
Global Risk Score: 1.76 Poaceae Accepted name: Urochloa mollis (Sw.)
Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 1 Morrone & Zuloaga
Habit: perennial Grass Habit: annual Grass Total N° of Refs: 14
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland Habit: Grass
Tropical Major Pathway/s: Pasture Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Origin: Africa References: Burundi-R-2012. Origin: S Am
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental, References: Brazil-W-360, Brazil-W-407,
Pasture Brachiaria longifolia Gilli United States of America-N-301, Brazil-N-
Dispersed by: Humans Poaceae 1733, Honduras-W-1892, Costa Rica-A-
References: Brazil-W-255, South Africa-R- Accepted name: Echinochloa colona (L.) 1933, Anguilla-W-1977.
121, Brazil-W-360, Brazil-W-407, Link
Australia-N-368, Australia-W-54, Total N° of Refs: 417
Paraguay-I-987, Australia-N-354, Brazil-N- Habit: Grass
1733, Bolivia-U-1753, Bolivia-N-1796, References: Global-A-1903.
Colombia-N-1796, -I-, Australia-W-1977,
Bhutan-W-1977, Bolivia-W-1977, Brazil- Brachiaria marlothii (Hack.) Stent
W-1977, Fiji-W-1977, Niue-W-1977, Poaceae
Vanuatu-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 3
Habit: annual Grass
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Origin: Africa
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Livestock, Sheep
References: South Africa-ZR-121, United
Kingdom-UZD-317, Lesotho-ZR-121.

Brachiaria mutica (Forssk.) Stapf West-A-87, Suriname-A-87, Taiwan-A-87, Brachiaria nigropedata (Munro ex
Poaceae United States of America-A-87, Venezuela- Ficalho & Hiern) Stapf
Accepted name: Urochloa mutica (Forssk.) A-87, Vietnam-A-87, Global-Q-1572, Poaceae
Nguyen. Global-CD-1611, Brazil-A-1622, Brazil-N- Accepted name: Urochloa nigropedata
Total N° of Refs: 275 1733, Taiwan-W-1748, Bolivia-N-1753, Torres & Morton
Global Risk Score: 26.88 China-I-1769, Vietnam--1749, China-N- Total N° of Refs: 4
Rating: High 1796, Somalia-N-1796, Myanmar-N-1796, Global Risk Score: 2.56
Toxic, Aqua - Habit: Grass Belize-N-1796, Bolivia-N-1796, Borneo-N- Rating: Low
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, 1796, Cambodia-N-1796, Colombia-N- Habit: perennial Grass
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical 1796, Ecuador-N-1796, El Salvador-N- Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical,
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Cosmopolitan 1796, Nicaragua-N-1796, Paraguay-N- Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, 1796, Sri Lanka-N-1796, Guatemala-A- Origin: Africa
Ornamental, Pasture 1894, Guatemala-A-1895, Belize-A-1900, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture
Dispersed by: Humans, Water, Escapee Costa Rica-A-1933, China-N-1938, -I-, -I-, Dispersed by: Humans
Weed of: Bananas, Orchards & Plantations, -I-, -I-, Vietnam-A-1982, Antigua and References: South Africa-R-121, Australia-
Pastures, Vegetables Barbuda-W-1977, Aruba-W-1977, Q-1134, Botswana-A-2065.
References: Guyana-N-32, Global-E-152, Australia-W-1977, Bahamas-W-1977,
Taiwan-A-274, Vietnam-W-262, Brazil-W- Bangladesh-W-1977, Barbados-W-1977, Brachiaria oligobrachiata (Pilger) Henr.
255, Thailand-A-239, Indonesia-AEID- Belgium-W-1977, Belize-W-1977, Bolivia- Poaceae
170, Gal pagos Islands-EW-257, Pacific-A- W-1977, Bonaire-W-1977, Brazil-W-1977, Accepted name: Urochloa oligobrachiata
6, Asia-W-204, Brazil-W-360, Brazil-W- Cambodia-W-1977, China-W-1977, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Urochloa vittata O.
407, Australia-ND-368, Philippines-W- Colombia-W-1977, Cook Islands-W-1977, Morrone & F.O. Zuloaga (1)
412, Australia, northern-W-454, Australia- Costa Rica-W-1977, Cuba-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 3
CENID-479, Burkina Faso-A-549, Cuba- Dominica-W-1977, Dominican Republic- Habit: Grass
A-579, Congo-A-553, Thailand-A-575, W-1977, Ecuador-W-1977, El Salvador-W- Origin: Africa
United States of America-CE-654, 1977, Fiji-W-1977, Grenada-W-1977, References: Brazil-N-1733.
Indonesia-A-188, Taiwan-NI-777, Guatemala-W-1977, Guyana-W-1977,
Slovakia-CE-782, Thailand-W-821, Haiti-W-1977, Honduras-W-1977, India- Brachiaria paspaloides (J.Presl. ex
Thailand-W-822, New Zealand-E-246, W-1977, Jamaica-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, C.Presl.) C.E.Hubb.
New Zealand-W-225, Pacific-W-3, Egypt- Lao People's Democratic Republic-W- Poaceae
W-221, Global-A-30, United States of 1977, Malaysia-W-1977, Marshall Islands- Accepted name: Urochloa glumaris (Trin.)
America-E-80, Global-EWD-90, Global-A- W-1977, Mauritius-W-1977, Mexico-W- Veldkamp
186, Global-A-243, New Zealand-N-280, 1977, Nepal-W-1977, New Zealand-W- Total N° of Refs: 35
United States of America-EI-112, Global- 1977, Nicaragua-W-1977, Niue-W-1977, Global Risk Score: 2.88
A-369, Central America-W-157, China-W- Palau-W-1977, Panama-W-1977, Papua Rating: Low
256, Japan-N-287, Japan-W-286, United New Guinea-W-1977, Paraguay-W-1977, Aqua - Habit: Grass
States of America-EWD-197, Australia-C- Peru-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977, Saint Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
401, Australia-N-945, China-W-431, Kitts and Nevis-W-1977, Saint Vicent and Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
United States of America-A-543, Global- the Grenadines-W-1977, Samoa-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans, Water
A-546, United States of America-N-301, Singapore-W-1977, Solomon Islands-W- Weed of: Bananas, Orchards & Plantations,
Japan-N-794, Thailand-W-810, Australia- 1977, Somalia-W-1977, Spain-W-1977, Pome Fruits
W-853, Trinidad-A-928, India-A-948, Suriname-W-1977, Taiwan-W-1977, References: Australia, northern-Q-135,
Paraguay-I-987, Australia-N-354, Portugal- Thailand-W-1977, Tonga-W-1977, Indonesia-A-170, southeast Asia-W-191,
N-1006, Portugal-N-1006, United States of Vanuatu-W-1977, Venezuela-W-1977, Viet Philippines-W-412, Global-EWD-90,
America-I-1046, Australia-N-1049, China- Nam-W-1977, Zimbabwe-W-1977. Global-A-243, Japan-W-286, Pacific-E-
I-1055, Global-N-1059, Europe-N-819, 1078, Thailand-A-1211, south and
Australia-E-1159, Cambodia-A-1173, Brachiaria mutica (Forssk.) Stapf x southeast Asia-A-1320, New Caledonia-I-
United States of America-Q-1197, Brachiaria arrecta (Hack. ex T. Durand 1507, French Polynesia-N-1514, Borneo-
Thailand-A-1211, China-N-1215, Global- & Schinz) Stent A-87, Malaysia-A-87, Greece-A-87,
A-1233, Japan-N-1278, south and southeast Poaceae Mauritius-A-87, Fiji-A-87, Indonesia-A-87,
Asia-A-1320, Australia-A-1331, China-N- Total N° of Refs: 1 Polynesia, West-A-87, Thailand-A-87,
1344, French Guiana-N-1346, Vietnam-A- Habit: Grass Trinidad-A-87, United States of America-
1373, Vietnam-E-1386, Brazil-A-1396, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical A-87, Australia-Q-1123.
Malaysia-A-1398, Taiwan-N-1403, south References: Brazil-W-360.
and southeast Asia-A-1408, Taiwan-AEN- Brachiaria paucispicata (Morong)
1413, Global-E-1449, China-I-1496, New Clayton
Caledonia-I-1507, French Polynesia-N- Poaceae
1514, Fiji-A-1521, Australia-A-87, Fiji-A- Accepted name: Urochloa paucispicata
87, Thailand-A-87, Sri Lanka-A-87, (Morong) Morrone & Zuloaga
Colombia-A-87, Hawaii-A-87, Jamaica-A- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Urochloa
87, Malaysia-A-87, Peru-A-87, paucispicata (Morong) Morrone & Zuloaga
Philippines-A-87, Puerto Rico-A-87, (2)
Trinidad-A-87, Borneo-A-87, Indonesia-A- Total N° of Refs: 5
87, Mauritius-A-87, Angola-A-87, Antilles Habit: Grass
Lesser-A-87, Argentina-A-87, Brazil-A-87, Origin: S Am
Cambodia-A-87, Costa Rica-A-87, Cuba- References: Brazil-N-1733.
A-87, Dominican Republic-A-87, Ecuador-
A-87, Belize-A-87, Mexico-A-87, New
Zealand-A-87, Pakistan-A-87, Polynesia,

Brachiaria piligera (F. Müell. ex Benth.) Brachiaria platyphylla Nash Brachiaria ramosa (L.) Stapf
D.K.Hughes Poaceae Poaceae
Poaceae Accepted name: Urochloa platyphylla Accepted name: Urochloa ramosa (L.)
Accepted name: Urochloa piligera (F. (Nash) R.D.Webster R.D.Webster
Müell. ex Benth.) Webster Total N° of Refs: 47 Total N° of Refs: 39
Total N° of Refs: 8 Habit: annual Grass Global Risk Score: 8
Habit: Grass Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Rating: Medium
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland Origin: N Am, S Am Aqua - Habit: annual Grass
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical,
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans Tropical
Weed of: Vegetables Weed of: Cereals, Cotton, Origin: Africa, C Asia, E Asia, Europe, W
References: United States of America-A- Cucurbits/Melons, Orchards & Plantations, Asia
543, Global-A-1207, Global-W-1349, Pastures, Vegetables Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Pasture
Australia-A-87, United States of America- References: Brazil-W-360, Brazil-W-407, Dispersed by: Humans, Water
A-87, Malaysia-W-1977. Denmark-W-711, Global-W-23, Argentina- Weed of: Bananas, Cereals, Orchards &
W-237, Global-A-30, Global-AW-90, Plantations
Brachiaria plantaginea (Link) Hitchc. Global-A-243, Japan-A-263, United States References: India-A-66, Global-EWD-90,
Poaceae of America-W-161, Japan-N-287, Japan- Global-A-243, United States of America-
Accepted name: Urochloa plantaginea W-286, United States of America-AW-207, W-161, United States of America-AW-486,
(Link) R. D. Webster North America-G-249, United States of Australia-N-354, United States of America-
Total N° of Refs: 79 America-W-218, United Kingdom-UZ-317, W-1104, Global-A-1233, Pakistan-A-1152,
Global Risk Score: 4.56 United Kingdom-N-519, United States of south and southeast Asia-A-1320, Global-
Rating: Low America-A-543, Europe-U-638, Japan-N- W-1349, Zimbabwe-UD-1365, south and
Habit: Grass 794, United Kingdom-U-812, Trinidad-A- southeast Asia-A-1408, Australia-A-87,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical 928, United Kingdom-Z-944, United States Mauritius-A-87, India-A-1021, India-A-
Origin: Africa, S Am of America-A-967, Spain-N-1006, Europe- 1034, Pakistan-A-1044, India-W-1672,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Pasture N-819, Iran-A-173, United States of India-A-1696, India-A-1704, India-AN-
Dispersed by: Humans America-W-1104, Global-A-1233, Japan- 1794, India-W-1866, Nepal-A-1930,
Weed of: Carrots, Cereals, Orchards & N-1278, Georgia-A-1313, south and Nepal-A-1931, Nepal-A-1932, India-A-
Plantations, Vegetables southeast Asia-A-1320, Japan-Z-1339, 1936, Australia-W-1977, Zimbabwe-W-
References: Brazil-A-245, Brazil-W-255, Global-W-1349, Denmark-W-1609, 1977.
Brazil-W-360, Brazil-W-407, Burkina Argentina-A-87, Trinidad-A-87, United
Faso-A-549, Argentina-W-237, Global-A- States of America-A-87, Brazil-N-1733, Brachiaria regularis (Nees) Stapf
30, Global-A-68, Global-AW-90, Global- Belgium-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, Poaceae
A-243, South America-W-295, United Honduras-W-1977, Japan-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 1
States of America-W-161, Argentina-A- Habit: Grass
236, North America-G-249, United States Brachiaria polyphylla (R.Br.) Hughes Major Pathway/s: Herbal
of America-A-543, United States of Poaceae References: Egypt-W-221.
America-N-301, Paraguay-NI-876, Total N° of Refs: 1
Mexico-W-890, Brazil-A-923, Brazil-I- Habit: Grass Brachiaria remota (Retz.) Haines
984, China-I-1055, China-N-1215, Mexico- References: Nepal-A-591. Poaceae
W-1226, Global-A-1233, Global-W-1349, Total N° of Refs: 1
Brazil-A-1396, Mexico-N-1500, BRAZIL- Brachiaria pubigera (Roem. & Schult.) Habit: Grass
A-603, Brazil-A-87, Belize-A-87, S.T.Blake References: India-A-1696.
Guatemala-A-87, Mexico-A-87, United Poaceae
States of America-A-87, Hawaii-A-87, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Brachiaria
Costa Rica-A-87, France-A-87, Melanesia- holotricha Ohwi (1)
A-87, Nicaragua-A-87, Puerto Rico-A-87, Total N° of Refs: 1
Cape Verde-N-1558, Brazil-A-1561, Habit: Grass
Brazil-A-1563, Global-Q-1572, Brazil-N- Preferred Climate/s: Dryland
1733, Congo-N-1796, Burkina Faso-N-
1796, Cameroon-N-1796, El Salvador-N- Brachiaria purpurascens (Raddi) Henr.
1796, Nicaragua-N-1796, Honduras-W- Poaceae
1892, -I-, Australia-Q-1123, Brazil-A- Accepted name: Urochloa mutica (Forssk.)
2040, Brazil-R-2053, Belgium-W-1977, Nguyen
Brazil-W-1977, China-W-1977, Costa Total N° of Refs: 73
Rica-W-1977, Spain-W-1977. Habit: Grass
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Weed of: Bananas, Orchards and
References: southeast Asia-W-191, Pacific-
W-3, South America-Q-172, Lesser
Antilles-A-1128, Global-A-1207.

Brachiaria reptans (L.) C.A.Gardner & Brachiaria ruziziensis R. Germ. & C. M. Brachiaria stolonifera Gooss.
C.E.Hubb. Evrard Poaceae
Poaceae Poaceae Accepted name: Urochloa mosambicensis
Accepted name: Urochloa reptans (L.) Accepted name: Urochloa ruziziensis (R. (Hack.) Dandy
Stapf Germ. & C. M. Evrard) Crins Total N° of Refs: 43
Total N° of Refs: 104 Total N° of Refs: 28 Global Risk Score: 1.28
Global Risk Score: 4.48 Global Risk Score: 2.56 Rating: Low
Rating: Low Rating: Low Habit: Grass
Habit: annual Grass Habit: perennial Grass Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Dispersed by: Humans
Tropical Origin: Africa References: Brazil-I-984.
Origin: Cosmopolitan Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Dispersed by: Humans Brachiaria subquadripara (Trin.)
Ornamental, Pasture Weed of: Cereals Hitchc.
Dispersed by: Humans References: Brazil-W-255, Brazil-W-360, Poaceae
Weed of: Bananas, Cereals, Cotton, Brazil-W-407, Brazil-I-984, Global-N- Accepted name: Urochloa subquadripara
Orchards & Plantations, Pastures, 1059, Brazil-W-1564, Brazil-N-1733, (Trin.) R.D.Webster
Vegetables Bolivia-N-1796, Burkina Faso-N-1796, Total N° of Refs: 62
References: Papua New Guinea-W-276, Nicaragua-N-1796, Burkina Faso-A-2068, Global Risk Score: 4.48
Vietnam-W-262, Thailand-A-239, Bhutan-W-1977, Brazil-W-1977, Burkina Rating: Low
Indonesia-A-170, Pacific-A-6, Thailand-A- Faso-W-1977, Costa Rica-W-1977, Habit: perennial Grass
12, Philippines-W-412, Thailand-W-821, Malaysia-W-1977. Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical,
Thailand-W-822, Egypt-W-221, Global- Tropical
AW-90, Japan-N-287, Japan-W-286, Brachiaria scalaris Pilg. Origin: Africa, Aust, E Asia, SE Asia
United States of America-N-301, Japan-N- Poaceae Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
794, Thailand-W-810, Lesser Antilles-A- Total N° of Refs: 1 Ornamental, Pasture
1128, Egypt-A-1171, Cambodia-AI-1173, Habit: Grass Dispersed by: Humans
Global-A-1207, Global-A-1233, Burma- References: Burundi-R-2012. Weed of: Vegetables
Myanmar-A-1254, Saudi Arabia-A-797, References: Taiwan-G-273, Australia,
Japan-N-1278, south and southeast Asia-A- Brachiaria serrata (Thunb.) Stapf northern-A-55, Taiwan-A-274, Pacific-A-6,
1320, Pakistan-A-704, India-A-1359, south Poaceae Brazil-W-255, Brazil-W-360, Brazil-W-
and southeast Asia-A-1408, New Total N° of Refs: 3 407, Cuba-A-579, Pacific-W-3, United
Caledonia-I-1507, French Polynesia-N- Habit: perennial Grass States of America-W-161, Japan-W-286,
1514, Saudi Arabia-A-1525, Indonesia-A- Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, North America-G-249, China-W-431,
87, New Guinea-A-87, Madagascar-A-87, Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical United States of America-A-543, United
Thailand-A-87, Mauritius-A-87, Taiwan- Origin: Africa States of America-N-301, Brazil-I-984,
A-87, Philippines-A-87, Pakistan-A-87, References: South Africa-AR-121, South Global-W-1349, Argentina, Brazil and
Polynesia, West-A-87, India-A-1025, Africa-W-382, Lesotho-AR-121. Uruguay-I-1476, French Polynesia-N-1514,
India-A-1026, India-A-1027, Egypt-A- Ivory Coast-A-559, Cuba-A-87, Mauritius-
1028, India-A-1039, India-A-1041, Brachiaria spp. (Trin.) Benth. nom. A-87, Australia-A-87, Polynesia, West-A-
Pakistan-A-1044, India-W-1672, India-A- illeg., nom. superfl. 87, Taiwan-W-1748, Benin-N-1796,
1696, Somalia-N-1796, Belize-N-1796, Poaceae Nicaragua-N-1796, -I-, Australia-W-1977,
Benin-N-1796, Cameroon-N-1796, Accepted name: accepted name is Urochloa Brazil-W-1977, Cook Islands-W-1977,
Colombia-N-1796, El Salvador-N-1796, spp. Beauv. Costa Rica-W-1977, Fiji-W-1977, Kiribati-
Nicaragua-N-1796, Sudan-N-1796, India- Total N° of Refs: 19 W-1977, Micronesia (Federated States of)-
A-1818, Pakistan-A-1868, Saudi Arabia-A- Habit: Grass W-1977, Nauru-W-1977, Niue-W-1977,
1869, Egypt-A-1922, India-A-1936, Sudan- Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Palau-W-1977, Samoa-W-1977, Solomon
A-1985, Ethiopia-A-2039, Egypt-A-2088, Dispersed by: Humans Islands-W-1977, Tonga-W-1977, Vanuatu-
Cook Islands-W-1977, Costa Rica-W-1977, Weed of: Cotton, Orchards & Plantations, W-1977.
Fiji-W-1977, Guyana-W-1977, Japan-W- Vegetables
1977, Mexico-W-1977, Micronesia References: Gambia-A-557, India-A-758, Brachiaria sylvaticum (Huds.) Beauv.
(Federated States of)-W-1977, Papua New Global-A-369, United States of America- Poaceae
Guinea-W-1977, Samoa-W-1977, Solomon A-543, Brazil-I-984, Wallis, Futuna and Total N° of Refs: 1
Islands-W-1977, Tonga-W-1977, Vanuatu- Alofi Islands-EI-1080, south and southeast Habit: Grass
W-1977, Global--1324. Asia-A-1320, Global-A-1411, Brazil-A- References: Global-Q-1572.
1563, Australia-ZD-1675, Guinea-A-1823,

Brachiaria stigmatisata (Mez) Stapf

Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: annual Grass
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Crop
Weed of: Cereals
References: Guinea-A-2069.

Brachiaria texana (Buckley) S. T. Blake Brachiaria xantholeuca (Schinz) Stapf Brachyactis ciliata (Ledeb.) Ledeb.
Poaceae Poaceae Asteraceae
Accepted name: Urochloa texana (Buckley) Accepted name: Urochloa xantholeuca Accepted name: Symphyotrichum ciliatum
R.D.Webster (Schniz) H.Scholz (Ledeb.) Nesom
Total N° of Refs: 15 Total N° of Refs: 2 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aster laurentianus
Habit: Grass Global Risk Score: 1.76 Fern. (1), Aster laurentianus (Ledeb.)
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Rating: Low Ledeb. var. contiguus Fern. (1), Aster
Tropical Habit: annual Grass laurentianus (Ledeb.) Ledeb. var.
Origin: C Am, N Am Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, magdalenensis Fern. (1), Symphyotrichum
Weed of: Pastures Tropical ciliatum (Ledeb.) Nesom (9),
References: Global-W-90, Australia-W- Origin: Africa Symphyotrichum laurentianum (Fern.)
853, Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental, Nesom (1)
Europe-N-819, Global-W-1324, Australia- Pasture Total N° of Refs: 36
A-1331, Australia-W-1977. Dispersed by: Humans Habit: annual Herb
Weed of: Cereals Origin: E Asia
Brachiaria umbellata Clayton References: South Africa-AR-121, Burkina Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Poaceae Faso-A-2068. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Total N° of Refs: 5 References: China-A-275, China-W-431,
Habit: Grass Brachyachne ambigua Ohwi Canada-A-642, Poland-N-1006, Europe-N-
Origin: Europe Poaceae 819, Romania-U-1154, Global-W-1324,
References: Madagascar-N-1001, French Total N° of Refs: 1 Romania-I-1334, Poland-W-1609, Poland-
Guiana-N-1346, Zimbabwe-U-1365, Habit: Grass N-1040, Romania-N-1549, Romania-N-
Comoros-W-1977, Zimbabwe-W-1977. References: Australia-N-354. 1553, Romania-N-1554, Poland-N-1993.

Brachiaria venezuelae (HACKEL) Brachyachne convergens (F. Müell.) Brachyactis ciliata (Ledeb.) Ledeb.
HENRY Stapf subsp. angusta (Lindl.) A.G.Jones
Poaceae Poaceae Asteraceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 8 Accepted name: Symphyotrichum ciliatum
Habit: Grass Global Risk Score: 0.72 (Ledeb.) Nesom
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 11
References: Brazil-W-360, Brazil-W-407. Toxic - Habit: perennial Grass Origin: N Am
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland References: United States of America-A-
Brachiaria villosa (Lam.) A.Camus Origin: Aust 49, Canada-A-642.
Poaceae Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Total N° of Refs: 5 Ornamental Brachyactis ciliata (Ledeb.) Ledeb.
Habit: annual Grass Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle, subsp. laurentianus (Fernald) A.G. Jones
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles Asteraceae
Tropical References: Australia-N-945, Australia-N- Total N° of Refs: 1
Major Pathway/s: Crop 354, Belgium-UD-1220, Global-ZD-1495, References: Canada-A-642.
References: China-W-431, India-N-1345, Australia-ZD-1509, Australia-A-87,
Guinea-A-1823, Nigeria-A-2037, India-W- Australia-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977. Brachyapium dichotomum (L.) Maire
1977. Apiaceae
Brachyachne tenella (R. Br.) C.E. Total N° of Refs: 1
Brachiaria vittata Stapf Hubbard References: North Africa, Libya, Egypt-W-
Poaceae Poaceae 1730.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 2
Habit: Grass Toxic - Habit: Grass Brachyapium involucratum (Maire)
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical References: Europe-N-819, Global-W- Maire
References: Brazil-W-360, Brazil-W-407. 1324. Apiaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1
Brachiaria windersii C.E.Hubb Brachyactis angusta (Lindl.) Britt. References: Morocco-A-87.
Poaceae Asteraceae
Accepted name: Urochloa praetervisa Accepted name: Symphyotrichum ciliatum Brachybotrys paridiformis Maxim. ex
(Domin) Hughes. Total N° of Refs: 11 Oliv.
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Canada-A-642, Russia-N- Boraginaceae
Habit: Grass 1647. Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Major Pathway/s: Crop
Origin: Aust Dispersed by: Escapee
References: Australia, northern-A-55. References: Russia-C-1671.

Brachychition discolor F. Müell. Brachychiton populneum (Schott & Brachycome heterodonta DC.
Malvaceae Endl.) R.Br. Asteraceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Malvaceae Accepted name: Brachyscome chrysoglossa
Global Risk Score: 0.48 Accepted name: Brachychiton populneus F. Müell.
Rating: Low (Schott & Endl.) R.Br. Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: Tree Total N° of Refs: 29 Dispersed by: Animals, Livestock, Sheep
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Dryland References: Belgium-UD-1220.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Origin: Aust
Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Brachycome iberidifolia Benth.
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans Asteraceae
References: South Africa-AZW-121. References: United States of America-N- Total N° of Refs: 2
101, Mozambique-nC-943, Chile-I-1872. Global Risk Score: 0.72
Brachychiton acerifolium Macarthur & Rating: Low
C.Moore orth. var. Brachychiton populneus (Schott & Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Malvaceae Endl.) R.Br. Tropical
Accepted name: Brachychiton acerifolius Malvaceae Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
(A.Cunn. ex G.Don) F.Muell. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Brachychiton Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 18 populneum (Schott & Endl.) R.Br. (3) References: Norway-W-1609, Chile-I-
References: Chile-I-1872, Botswana-W- Total N° of Refs: 29 1872.
1977, Chile-W-1977. Global Risk Score: 4.8
Rating: Low Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb. ex
Brachychiton acerifolius (A. Cunn. ex G. Habit: Tree Spreng.) Beauv.
Don) Macarthur Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Poaceae
Malvaceae Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 4
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Brachychiton Origin: Aust Habit: perennial Grass
acerifolium Macarthur & C.Moore orth. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
var. (3) Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Total N° of Refs: 18 Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee References: United States of America-W-
Global Risk Score: 4.8 References: Australia-E-358, Australia-C- 161, Canada-C-756, Global-CD-1611,
Rating: Low 401, Australia-N-945, Australia-EN-310, Canada-G-1855.
Habit: Tree Australia-N-856, Australia-N-354, Europe-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, N-819, Cyprus-U-1174, South Africa-N- Brachyglottis compacta (Kirk) B.Nord. x
Tropical 1247, Italy-U-251, Australia-E-1261, Brachyglottis greyi (Hook.f.) B.Nord.
Origin: Aust, E Asia Global-W-1376, South Africa-N-1002, Asteraceae
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Global-I-1404, Global-E-1449, Global-CD- Total N° of Refs: 1
Ornamental 1611, Greece-U-1803, Australia-N-1902, References: New Zealand-N-1543.
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Italy-U-1887, South Africa-N-1991,
References: Australia-E-380, Australia-CE- Australia-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Cyprus- Brachyglottis kirkii (Kirk) C.J.Webb
168, Australia-E-189, Mozambique-nC- W-1977, India-W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Asteraceae
943, India-N-976, Portugal-N-1006, South Africa-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 4
Europe-N-819, Bermuda-N-1267, La References: Australia-W-1977, New
Reunion-W-1321, Australia-E-1456, Brachychiton populneus (Schott & Zealand-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977, United
Global-CD-1611, Australia-X-1693, Endl.) R.Br. subsp. populneus Kingdom-W-1977.
Botswana-N-1666, Australia-W-1977, Malvaceae
India-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 6 Brachyglottis monroi (Hook. f.)
Habit: Tree R.Nordenstam
Brachychiton discolor F.Müell. Origin: Aust Asteraceae
Malvaceae Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 8
Total N° of Refs: 2 Dispersed by: Humans Habit: Shrub
Habit: Tree References: Australia-EN-7, Australia-N- Origin: NZ
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, 855, Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1450, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Mediterranean Australia-E-1456, Australia-N-1959. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Origin: Aust References: United Kingdom-U-40, United
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Brachychiton rupestris (T. Mitch. ex Kingdom-C-314, Europe-N-482, United
Ornamental Lindl.) K. Schum. Kingdom-N-519, United Kingdom-CN-
Dispersed by: Humans Malvaceae 812, Global-W-1324, Global-CD-1611,
References: Mozambique-nC-943, India- Total N° of Refs: 1 United Kingdom-W-1977.
W-1977. Habit: Tree
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Origin: Aust
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Dispersed by: Humans
References: India-W-1977.

Brachyglottis repanda J. R. Forst. & G. Brachypodium distachyon (L.) P. Beauv. Brachypodium distachyum (L.) Beauv.
Forst. Poaceae Poaceae
Asteraceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Brachypodium Accepted name: Brachypodium distachyon
Total N° of Refs: 5 distachyum (L.) Beauv. (2), Trachynia (L.) P. Beauv.
Origin: NZ distachya (L.) Link (6) Total N° of Refs: 79
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 85 Global Risk Score: 1.44
Dispersed by: Humans Global Risk Score: 11.52 Rating: Low
References: United Kingdom-U-314, Rating: Medium Habit: annual Grass
United Kingdom-N-519, Europe-N-819, Habit: annual Grass Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
New Zealand-N-1543, United Kingdom-W- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal
1977. Subtropical, Tropical Dispersed by: Humans, Animals
Origin: Africa, C Asia, E Asia, Europe, W References: Algeria-A-1727, North Africa,
Brachyglottis sp. nom. hort. 'Sunshine' Asia Libya, Egypt-W-1730.
Asteraceae Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Accepted name: parents = Brachyglottis Ornamental Brachypodium phoenicoides (L.) Roem.
compacta (Kirk) R.Nordenstam x Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle, & Schult.
Brachyglottis laxifolia (Jbuch.) Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles, Wind Poaceae
R.Nordenstam [most probable parents] Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Total N° of Refs: 2
Total N° of Refs: 5 References: United States of America-E- Global Risk Score: 1.28
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental 78, Australia-E-72, United Kingdom-U-40, Rating: Low
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Finland-U-42, Chile-N-300, Global-A-68, Habit: Grass
References: United Kingdom-CN-314, Global-NW-85, United States of America- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
United Kingdom-N-519, United Kingdom- N-101, New Zealand-UW-280, United Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture
C-812, Iceland-N-1006, Global-CD-1611. States of America-W-116, Australia-N-176, Dispersed by: Humans
Japan-N-287, western Europe-A-253, References: United States of America-N-
Brachyglottis spp. J.R. Forst. & G. Forst. Australia-N-198, United States of America- 101, western Europe-A-253.
Asteraceae X-35, Australia-N-945, United Kingdom-
Total N° of Refs: 1 UZD-317, Australia-E-327, United Brachypodium pinnatum (L.) P.Beauv.
ToxicReferences: Ireland-U-894. Kingdom-N-519, Austria-U-708, Denmark- Poaceae
W-711, United States of America-E-736, Total N° of Refs: 25
Brachylaena discolor DC. Chile-N-765, Mediterranean-I-775, Global Risk Score: 21.12
Asteraceae Australia-EN-7, Japan-N-794, United Rating: High
Total N° of Refs: 7 Kingdom-U-812, Australia-W-853, Habit: perennial Grass
Habit: Shrub Australia-N-855, Australia-N-856, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland Australia-W-869, New Zealand-U-919, Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, N Am
Origin: Africa United Kingdom-Z-944, United States of Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental America-W-946, Mediterranean-E-951, Ornamental, Pasture
Dispersed by: Humans Australia-N-354, Portugal-N-1006, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle,
References: Australia-N-870, Australia-N- Australia-N-1049, Europe-N-819, Belgium- Livestock, Sheep, Wind
354, Australia-W-1210, Brazil-N-1597, ZD-1220, Crete-A-1228, Chile-N-1229, Seed Longevity: Short Term
South Africa-N-1991, Australia-W-1977, Australia-E-1261, Australia-E-1262, Japan- Weed of: Pastures
South Africa-W-1977. N-1278, Peru-N-1293, Global-W-1324, References: Global-A-30, Global-N-85,
Chile-N-1348, Global-W-1349, Australia- United States of America-N-101, New
Brachypodium x cugnacii A.Camus N-1450, Global-ZD-1495, Austria-W-1609, Zealand-N-280, Europe, eastern-AW-272,
Poaceae Denmark-W-1609, Global-ZD-1581, western Europe-W-70, United Kingdom-N-
Accepted name: parents = Brachypodium United States of America-E-1736, 519, Global-E-743, New Zealand-N-919,
pinnatum (L.) P.Beauv. x Brachypodium Colombia-N-1796, Ecuador-N-1796, Europe-N-819, Australia--, Serbia-W-1238,
sylvaticum (Huds.) P.Beauv. Australia-N-1902, Australia-N-1845, France-A-1266, Global-W-1324, Serbia-A-
Total N° of Refs: 1 Colombia-N-1856, Morocco-A-1361, 1372, North Korea-N-1600, Spain-A-87,
Aqua - Habit: Grass Chile-I-1872, Chile and Argentina-A-1874, Serbia-A-1036, Europe-ZD-1653, Global-
Dispersed by: Water Mexico-N-1881, United States of America- ZD-1611, France-A-1814, Australia-Q-
References: Netherlands-ND-1064. ND-1912, Australia-WD-1934, Australia- 1123, New Zealand-N-2048, Czech
N-1959, South Africa-N-1991, Chile-N- Republic-W-1977, Democratic Repubic of
1998, Tunisia-A-2006, New Zealand-U- Korea-W-1977, North Korea-N-2114.
2048, Australia-W-1977, Austria-W-1977,
Chile-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, Japan- Brachypodium retusum (Pers.) P. Beauv.
W-1977, South Africa-W-1977. Poaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bromus ramosus
Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: Grass
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe
References: United Kingdom-U-317.

Brachypodium rupestre (Host) Roem. & Brachypodium sylvaticum (Huds.) Brachyscome graminea (Labill.) F.
Schult. P.Beauv. Müell.
Poaceae Poaceae Asteraceae
Total N° of Refs: 4 Total N° of Refs: 42 Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: perennial Grass Global Risk Score: 14.4 Origin: Aust
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Rating: Medium Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Origin: Europe Habit: perennial Grass Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Livestock, Sheep
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals Subtropical, Tropical References: United Kingdom-UZD-314.
References: Czech Republic-UZ-400, Origin: Africa, C Asia, E Asia, Europe
United States of America-N-101, Czech Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Brachyscome iberidifolia Benth.
Republic-N-1522, Czech Republic-N-1731. Ornamental Asteraceae
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Total N° of Refs: 8
Brachypodium rupestre (Host) Roem. & Livestock, Water, Wind, Escapee Habit: Herb
Schult. subsp. caespitosum (Host) H. Seed Longevity: Short Term Origin: Aust
Scholz Weed of: Cereals, Pastures Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Poaceae References: United States of America-E- Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 1 80, United States of America-EW-448, References: New Zealand-UW-280, United
Habit: Grass Global-X-85, United States of America-N- Kingdom-U-314, New Zealand-N-823,
References: United States of America-N- 101, New Zealand-N-280, Global-EI-132, New Zealand-U-919, Sweden-W-1609,
101. United States of America-W-392, Europe, New Zealand-U-2048, Chile-W-1977,
eastern-W-272, western Europe-W-70, Sweden-W-1977.
Brachypodium spp. Beauv. United Kingdom-Z-317, Bhutan-W-423,
Poaceae United States of America-E-151, North Brachyscome perpusilla (Steetz)
Total N° of Refs: 2 America-X-790, United States of America- J.M.Black
Habit: Grass X-229, New Zealand-N-919, United Asteraceae
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Kingdom-Z-944, Australia-N-354, Poland- Total N° of Refs: 3
References: Australia-N-198, Europe, G-1122, United States of America-W-1161, Origin: Aust
eastern-W-272. Serbia-W-1238, Australia-E-1262, Global- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
W-1324, Serbia-A-1372, Serbia-W-1222, Dispersed by: Humans
Canada-W-1538, Pakistan-A-1044, Cape References: New Zealand-UW-280, United
Verde-N-1558, Global-ZD-1611, Alaska- Kingdom-U-314, New Zealand-U-2048.
N-1625, Algeria-A-1727, United States of
America-E-1736, United States of Brachyscome perpusilla (Steetz)
America-N-1162, Russia-W-1671, J.M.Black var. tenella (Turcz.)
Uruguay-U-1800, Ukraine-U-1840, Poland- G.L.R.Davis
CD-1841, Serbia-R-1946, New Zealand-N- Asteraceae
2048, Argentina-W-1977, Bhutan-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 3
Jordan-W-1977, Sri Lanka-W-1977. Habit: Herb
References: New Zealand-UW-280, New
Brachyscome chrysoglossa F. Müell. Zealand-U-919, New Zealand-U-2048.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Brachycome Brachyscome scapigera (Sieber ex
heterodonta DC. (1) Spreng.) DC.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Asteraceae
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 1
Dispersed by: Humans Habit: Herb
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Brachyscome ciliaris (Labill.) Less. Ornamental
Asteraceae Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Global-ZD-1581.
Habit: Herb
Origin: Aust Brachyscome spathulata Gaudich.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Asteraceae
Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 2
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Origin: Aust
Livestock, Sheep Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
References: United Kingdom-UZD-314. Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
Brachyscome dentata Gaudich. References: Australia-ZD-1443, Global-
Asteraceae ZD-1581.
Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Belgium-W-1977.

Brachysema lanceolatum Meisn. Bracteantha bracteata (Vent.) Anderb. Brasenia schreberi J.F. Gmelin
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae & Haegi Cabombaceae
Accepted name: Gastrolobium celsianum Asteraceae Total N° of Refs: 11
(Lem.) G. T. Chandler & Crisp Accepted name: Xerochrysum bracteatum Global Risk Score: 7.2
Total N° of Refs: 1 (Vent.) Tzvelev Rating: Medium
Global Risk Score: 0.24 Total N° of Refs: 26 Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb
Rating: Low Global Risk Score: 0.72 Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Habit: Shrub Rating: Low Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Habit: annual Herb Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Dispersed by: Humans, Water
References: Australia-E-380. Tropical References: Puerto Rico-X-258, United
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, States of America-WD-34, United States of
Brachystegia spiciformis Benth. Ornamental America-ED-80, Global-X-85, United
Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee States of America-W-161, United States of
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Australia-E-358, Denmark- America-W-218, Australia-W-869, United
Global Risk Score: 3.2 UC-711, United States of America-N-101, States of America-U-904, United States of
Rating: Low Global-W-1324, Denmark-W-1609, America-W-1104, south and southeast
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Global-CD-1611. Asia-A-1320, United States of America-A-
Origin: Africa 87.
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, Brahea armata S.Watson
Ornamental, Pasture Arecaceae Brasiliopuntia brasiliensis (Willd.) A.
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 5 Berger
References: Zimbabwe-A-87. Global Risk Score: 0.72 Cactaceae
Rating: Low Accepted name: Opuntia brasiliensis
Brachystephanus africanus S.Moore Habit: Tree (Willd.) Haw.
Acanthaceae Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Opuntia
Total N° of Refs: 1 Mediterranean, Subtropical brasiliensis (Willd.) Haw. (4)
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Origin: N Am Total N° of Refs: 13
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Habit: Tree
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
References: Madagascar-N-1000. References: Portugal-N-1006, Europe-N- Origin: S Am
819, Global-W-1324, Chile-I-1872, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Brachythecium albicans (Hedwig) Bruch Sardinia-U-1917. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
& Schimper References: United States of America-N-
Brachytheciaceae Brahea edulis H.Wendl. ex S.Watson 101, Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157, Spain-U-
Total N° of Refs: 3 Arecaceae 1454, Global-CD-1611, El Salvador-N-
References: New Zealand-N-280, Total N° of Refs: 1 1849.
Australia-N-198, Global-UN-1382. Habit: Tree
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Brassaia actinophylla Endl.
Brachythecium campestre (Müll.Hal.) Mediterranean, Subtropical Araliaceae
Bruch & Schimp. Origin: N Am Accepted name: Schefflera actinophylla
Brachytheciaceae Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental (Endl.) Harms
Total N° of Refs: 2 Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 100
References: New Zealand-N-280, Global- References: Global-W-1324. Global Risk Score: 1.44
N-1382. Rating: Low
Bramia monnieri (L.) Drake Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Brachythecium rivulare Schimp. Scrophulariaceae Origin: Aust
Brachytheciaceae Accepted name: Bacopa monnieri (L.) Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 1 Pennell Dispersed by: Humans
Weed of: Pastures Total N° of Refs: 59 References: southeast Asia-W-191, Pacific-
References: Serbia-A-1036. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical W-3, Australia-E-380, Laos-N-1102,
References: south and southeast Asia-A- Bermuda-N-1267, Global-W-1324, Hawaii-
Brachythecium velutinum (Hedw.) 1320. A-87.
Brachytheciaceae Brassaiopsis speciosa Decne. & Planch.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Araliaceae
References: Global-N-1382. Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
References: India-A-1124.

Brassia caudata (L.) Lindl. Brassica barrelieri (L.) Janka Brassica campestris L.
Orchidaceae Brassicaceae Brassicaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Brassica barrelieri Accepted name: Brassica rapa L. subsp.
Habit: perennial Herb (L.) Janka subsp. oxyrrhina (Coss.) Regel campestris (L.) Clapham
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical (6), Brassica oxyrrhina Cosson (3) Total N° of Refs: 317
Origin: S Am Total N° of Refs: 20 Global Risk Score: 9.6
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Global Risk Score: 0.24 Rating: Medium
Dispersed by: Humans Rating: Low Habit: annual Herb
References: Bolivia-N-1630. Habit: Herb Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
Brassica adpressa (Moench) Boiss. Origin: Africa, Europe Origin: Africa, C Asia, E Asia, Europe
Brassicaceae Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Accepted name: Hirschfeldia incana (L.) Dispersed by: Humans Ornamental
Lagr.-Fossat References: Portugal-A-250, Australia-N- Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Total N° of Refs: 179 945, United Kingdom-U-314, Australia-N- Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations,
Major Pathway/s: Crop 354, France-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Pome Fruits, Vegetables
References: Ireland-W-894, Norway-N- Global-W-1324, Belgium-U-1220, References: Brazil-A-245, Pakistan-A-248,
1243, Norway-N-1535, Norway-W-1609, Australia-N-1902, Australia-W-1977, Gal pagos Islands-N-257, South America-
Argentina-A-87. Belgium-W-1977. C-31, United States of America-E-80,
Global-W-23, Canada-W-52, Global-A-68,
Brassica alba (L.) Rabenh. Brassica barrelieri (L.) Janka subsp. Global-N-108, Global-X-85, Global-W-
Brassicaceae oxyrrhina (Coss.) Regel 217, Global-A-243, South America-A-270,
Accepted name: Sinapis alba subsp. alba Brassicaceae United States of America-AW-136, Japan-
Total N° of Refs: 175 Total N° of Refs: 17 W-286, Argentina-A-236, United States of
Global Risk Score: 6 Global Risk Score: 0.96 America-W-218, United States of America-
Rating: Low Rating: Low A-543, Uruguay-A-608, Canada-A-642,
ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Dryland, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Ukraine-NR-643, Canada-U-652, North
Subtropical, Tropical Origin: Africa, Europe America-X-790, Paraguay-NI-876,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Pasture Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Argentina-A-913, India-UD-914, Mexico-
Dispersed by: Humans Ornamental A-915, Brazil-A-923, Uruguay-A-924,
References: United States of America-E- Dispersed by: Humans Colombia-A-927, Puerto Rico-A-929,
80, Canada-A-642, Mexico-N-791, Ireland- References: Australia-N-945, Australia- Chile-A-931, India-N-976, Russia-A-998,
W-894, Uruguay-A-924, Iran-A-87, EN-7, Australia-N-354, Australia-ZD- United States of America-N-1057, Ukraine-
Uruguay-A-87, Chile-I-1872. 1675, Australia-X-1693, Australia-W-1977. I-1121, Serbia-W-1238, Ukraine-N-1297,
Pakistan-A-1308, Pakistan-A-1309,
Brassica armoracioides Czern. ex Turcz. Ukraine-N-1335, Serbia-A-1343, Global-
Brassicaceae W-1349, Latvia-CN-1598, Latvia-W-1609,
Accepted name: Brassica elongata subsp. Bolivia-N-1630, Argentina-A-87, Canada-
integrifolia Ehrh. (Boiss.) Breistr A-87, Guatemala-A-87, Belize-A-87,
Total N° of Refs: 46 Mexico-A-87, Venezuela-A-87, Brazil-A-
References: Russia-A-87, Slovakia-N- 87, Chile-A-87, Colombia-A-87, Denmark-
2052. A-87, France-A-87, Italy-A-87, Kenya-A-
87, New Zealand-A-87, Peru-A-87, Puerto
Brassica arvensis L. Rico-A-87, Egypt-A-87, Finland-A-87,
Brassicaceae Germany-A-87, Hawaii-A-87, Iran-A-87,
Accepted name: Sinapis arvensis L. Japan-A-87, Poland-A-87, Portugal-A-87,
Total N° of Refs: 319 Russia-A-87, Tanzania-A-87, Uganda-A-
ToxicMajor Pathway/s: Herbal 87, Cambodia-A-87, China-A-87, Costa
References: United States of America-E- Rica-A-87, United Kingdom-A-87,
80, Global-X-85, Canada-A-642, North Iceland-A-87, India-A-87, Iraq-A-87,
America-X-790, Colombia-A-927. Nepal-A-87, Norway-A-87, Pakistan-A-87,
El Salvador-A-87, Sweden-A-87, Thailand-
Brassica asperifolia Lam. A-87, Turkey-A-87, Uruguay-A-87, United
Brassicaceae States of America-A-87, Tajikistan-A-
Total N° of Refs: 1 1017, Pakistan-A-1030, Global-N-1218,
References: Global-W-1349. Global-CD-1611, Mongolia-A-1620,
Russia-A-1621, Russia-W-1687, Bolivia-
N-1753, Russia-W-1671, Finland-A-1815,
Russia-N-1988, Russia-N-1989, Russia-W-
2034, Russia-A-2041, Ukraine-N-2050,

Brassica carinata A.Braun. Brassica deserti Danin & Hedge Brassica elongata Ehrh. subsp. elongata
Brassicaceae Brassicaceae Brassicaceae
Accepted name: parents = Brassica nigra Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 8
(L.) Koch. x Brassica oleracea L. [possible References: Libya-A-597. Origin: Europe
origin] Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Total N° of Refs: 10 Brassica eiongata Ehrh. var. Dispersed by: Humans
Habit: annual Herb armoracioides (Czern.) A. & G. References: Global-N-85, Czech Republic-
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland Brassicaceae UZ-400, Norway-N-1243, Czech Republic-
Origin: Africa Total N° of Refs: 1 U-1522, Norway-W-1609, Czech Republic-
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, References: Hungary-U-809. U-1731, Czech Republic-W-1977,
Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture Lithuania-W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans Brassica elongata Ehrh.
References: United Kingdom-UZ-314, Brassicaceae Brassica elongata Ehrh. subsp.
United Kingdom-N-519, United Kingdom- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Brassica integrifolia (Boiss.) Breistr.
U-812, United Kingdom-Z-944, Europe-N- armoracioides Czern. ex Turcz. (2), Brassicaceae
819, Madagascar-N-1000, Slovakia-U- Brassica elongata Ehrh. subsp. integrifolia Accepted name: Brassica elongata
1484, Democratic Republic of the Congo- (Boiss.) Breistr. (27), Erucastrum Total N° of Refs: 71
W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, Slovakia-W- armoracioides (Czern. ex Turcz.) Cruchet Origin: E Asia, Europe
1977. (5) Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Total N° of Refs: 78 Ornamental
Brassica cernua (Thunb.) F. B. Forbes & Global Risk Score: 11.52 Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Hemsl. Rating: Medium Livestock, Sheep, Escapee
Brassicaceae Habit: b/p Herb References: Czech Republic-UZ-400,
Accepted name: Brassica juncea (L.) Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Austria-UC-708, Denmark-W-711,
Czern. Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Denmark-N-1006, Norway-N-1006,
Total N° of Refs: 223 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Poland-N-1006, Global-W-85, Belgium-
Origin: E Asia Ornamental UD-1220, Norway-N-1243, Italy-U-251,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Escapee Slovakia-U-1484, Czech Republic-U-1522,
References: North Korea-N-1600. Seed Longevity: Long Term Norway-N-1535, Austria-W-1609,
Weed of: Forestry, Orchards & Plantations, Denmark-W-1609, Norway-W-1609,
Brassica chinensis L. Pastures Sweden-W-1609, Poland-N-1040, Global-
Brassicaceae References: Australia-W-269, Finland-U- CD-1611, Czech Republic-U-1731, Italy-
Accepted name: Brassica rapa L. subsp. 42, Europe-A-94, United States of U-1887, Estonia-N-1997, Austria-W-1977,
chinensis (L.) Hanelt America-N-101, Europe, eastern-W-272, Denmark-W-1977, Lithuania-W-1977,
Total N° of Refs: 217 Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945, United Slovakia-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Kingdom-UZ-314, United Kingdom-N-
Subtropical, Tropical 519, Poland-N-619, Australia-AN-310, Brassica fruticulosa Cirillo
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Lithuania-I-737, United Kingdom-U-812, Brassicaceae
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Australia-N-855, United States of America- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Brassica fruticulosa
References: Australia-C-401, Australia-N- W-946, Australia-N-354, Germany-N- ssp. mauritanica Cirillo
310, Mexico-N-791, Global-CD-1611, 1006, Spain-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Total N° of Refs: 27
Russia-N-1682. Australia-Q-1134, United States of Global Risk Score: 4.32
America-AE-1156, Serbia-W-1238, Rating: Low
Brassica cretica Lam. subsp. aegaea Global-W-1324, Turkey--1412, Australia- Habit: b/p Herb
(Heldr. & Hal.) Snogerup et al. N-1450, Estonia-W-1609, Germany-W- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Brassicaceae 1609, Lithuania-W-1609, Poland-W-1609, Subtropical, Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 1 Global-CD-1611, Iran-A-1916, Australia- Origin: Africa, Europe
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean W-1977, Belarus-W-1977, Belgium-W- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental 1977, Bulgaria-W-1977, Czech Republic- Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans W-1977, Estonia-W-1977, France-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans, Vehicles, Escapee
References: Palestine-N-851. Germany-W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Latvia- References: Australia-W-269, Australia-E-
W-1977, Poland-W-1977, Republic of 72, United States of America-N-101, New
Brassica cretica Lam. subsp. botrytis (L.) Moldova-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977. Zealand-N-280, Australia-N-198,
O. Schwarz Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945, United
Brassicaceae Brassica elongata Ehrh. subsp. Kingdom-U-314, Australia-E-327, New
Total N° of Refs: 1 armoracioides (Czern. ex Turcz.) Asch. Zealand-N-15, Australia-AEN-310,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental & Graebn. Australia-N-7, Australia-W-853, Australia-
Dispersed by: Humans Brassicaceae N-855, Australia-W-869, Ireland-U-894,
References: Croatia-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 1 Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049,
References: Hungary-U-1255. Australia-E-1259, Australia-E-1261,
Brassica deflexa Boiss. Australia-N-1450, Global-ZD-1495,
Brassicaceae Global-CD-1611, Australia-N-1902,
Total N° of Refs: 4 Australia-N-1959, New Zealand-N-2048,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Australia-W-1977.
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Finland-U-42, Sweden-W-
1609, Turkey-R-1968, Sweden-W-1977.

Brassica fruticulosa Cirillo subsp. Brassica integrifolia (H. West) Rupr. Brassica juncea (L.) Czern.
mauritanica (Coss.) Maire Brassicaceae Brassicaceae
Brassicaceae Accepted name: Brassica juncea (L.) Accepted name: Brassica x juncea (L.)
Total N° of Refs: 4 Czern. Czern.
Habit: Herb Synonym/s (n° of refs): Brassica Synonym/s (n° of refs): Brassica cernua
Origin: Africa, Europe integrifolia var. carinata (West.) Schultz (Thunb.) F. B. Forbes & Hemsl. (1),
References: New Zealand-N-280, New Total N° of Refs: 226 Brassica integrifolia (H. West) Rupr. (4),
Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N-919, New Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. var. crispifolia
Zealand-N-2048. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, L. H. Bailey (1), Brassica juncea L. var.
Herbal, Ornamental integrifolia (Stokes) Sinskaya (1), Brassica
Brassica gallica (Willd.) Druce Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee rugosa (Roxb.) L. H. Bailey (2), Sinapis
Brassicaceae References: Africa-W-760, Denmark-UC- juncea L. (1)
Accepted name: Erucastrum gallicum 711, Mexico-N-791, Global-CD-1611. Total N° of Refs: 238
(Willd.) O.E. Schulz Global Risk Score: 24
Total N° of Refs: 121 Brassica integrifolia (West.) Schultz var. Rating: High
References: Ireland-W-894. carinata N.E.Br. Toxic, Aqua - Habit: annual Herb
Brassicaceae Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Brassica geniculata (Desf.) J. Ball Total N° of Refs: 2 Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
Brassicaceae Origin: E Asia Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia,
Accepted name: Hirschfeldia incana (L.) Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Cosmopolitan
Lagr.-Foss. Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Total N° of Refs: 176 References: Mozambique-nC-943, Herbal, Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Denmark-W-1609. Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
References: Mexico-I-878, Crete-A-1228. Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles, Water, Escapee
Brassica integrifolia (H. West) Rupr. Seed Longevity: Short Term
Brassica x harmsiana O. E. Schulz var. timoriana (DC.) O.E. Schultz Weed of: Canola, Cereals, Pastures,
Brassicaceae Brassicaceae Potatoes, Vegetables
Accepted name: parents = Brassica napus Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Guyana-W-32, Australia-W-
L. x Brassica rapa L. Habit: Herb 93, Puerto Rico-W-261, South Africa-
Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical AZR-121, Australia-N-368, France-N-518,
References: Europe-N-819. References: Federated States of Africa-W-760, Costa Rica-I-975, Global-
Micronesia-N-230. W-23, Argentina-W-237, Australia-W-269,
Brassica hirta Moench United States of America-W-34, United
Brassicaceae Kingdom-U-40, Finland-U-42, United
Accepted name: Sinapis alba L. States of America-A-49, United States of
Total N° of Refs: 176 America-E-80, Global-N-108, Global-
Global Risk Score: 3.52 NXZW-85, Europe-A-94, Global-A-243,
Rating: Low United States of America-N-101, New
Toxic - Habit: annual Herb Zealand-N-280, South America-W-295,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Australia-N-134, United States of America-
Origin: Africa, Europe W-161, United States of America-W-174,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental, Australia-N-176, United States of America-
Pasture W-179, Japan-N-287, Japan-W-286,
Dispersed by: Humans Australia-N-198, United States of America-
Weed of: Cereals, Vegetables W-210, Europe, eastern-W-272, western
References: United States of America-E- Europe-W-70, United States of America-
80, Global-A-243, United States of W-218, Australia-N-945, Spain-A-417,
America-W-161, United States of America- United Kingdom-UZD-314, Japan-N-367,
W-218, United States of America-A-543, Australia-E-327, Czech Republic-UZ-400,
Canada-A-642, Global-W-1349, Peru-A- China-W-431, United Kingdom-N-519,
87, United States of America-A-87. New Zealand-N-15, United States of
America-A-543, Pacific-W-621, Canada-A-
Brassica incana Ten. 642, Ukraine-U-643, Switzerland-N-653,
Brassicaceae Austria-UC-708, Denmark-UC-711,
Total N° of Refs: 3 Canada and United States of America-N-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean 725, Lithuania-I-737, Canada-UC-756,
References: United States of America-W- South Korea-N-773, Australia-N-7, United
218, Ireland-W-894, United States of States of America-N-301, United States of
America-A-87. America-E-151, North America-X-790,
Mexico-N-791, Japan-N-794, United
Kingdom-U-812, Switzerland-UR-818,
United States of America-N-839, Belize-N-
850, Australia-W-853, Australia-N-855,
Australia-N-868, Costa Rica-CNI-872,
Mexico-I-878, Mexico-W-890, Ireland-U-
894, United States of America-N-904, New
Zealand-N-919, Mozambique-nC-943,
United Kingdom-Z-944, United States of
America-W-946, India-N-976, Argentina-I-

983, Russia-A-998, Denmark-N-1006, Switzerland-W-1977, Ukraine-W-1977, Brassica kaber (DC.) L. C. Wheeler
Norway-N-1006, Sweden-N-1006, Yemen-W-1977, Zimbabwe-W-1977, Brassicaceae
Australia-N-1049, China-I-1055, Japan- South Korea-N-2113, North Korea-U-2114, Accepted name: Sinapis arvensis L.
AID-1073, Europe-N-819, Gal pagos Global--1324. Total N° of Refs: 346
Islands-CN-1157, United States of Global Risk Score: 14.4
America-N-1162, South Korea-N-761, Brassica x juncea (L.) Czern. Rating: Medium
China-N-1215, Belgium-U-1220, Mexico- Brassicaceae Toxic - Habit: annual Herb
W-1226, Norway-N-1243, Georgia-UR- Accepted name: parents = Brassica rapa L. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
1250, Canada-N-1252, Hungary-U-1255, x Brassica nigra (L.) W.D.J.Koch Origin: E Asia, Europe
Japan-N-1278, Botswana-N-1284, United Synonym/s (n° of refs): Brassica juncea Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
States of America-N-1292, Peru-N-1293, (L.) Czern. (222) Herbal, Ornamental
Ukraine-N-1297, La Reunion-AW-1321, Total N° of Refs: 228 Dispersed by: Humans, Cattle, Livestock
Australia-A-1331, Ukraine-N-1335, Origin: Africa, E Asia Weed of: Cereals, Cotton,
Madagascar-N-1000, China-N-1344, India- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Cucurbits/Melons, Nursery Production,
U-1345, Global-W-1349, Zimbabwe-UD- Dispersed by: Humans Orchards & Plantations, Pastures,
1365, Australia-N-1450, Slovakia-U-1484, References: Hungary-U-809, Australia-W- Vegetables
Australia-N-1491, Global-ZD-1495, Cuba- 869, Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049, References: North America-X-790, United
N-1505, French Polynesia-N-1514, Fiji-A- Australia-E-1261, Australia-N-1959. States of America-E-80, Global-X-85,
1521, Czech Republic-U-1522, Iran-A- Global-A-243, Mongolia-A-114, South
1524, Norway-N-1535, Panarctic-U-1596, Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. var. Africa-AZR-121, United States of
Brazil-N-1597, Japan-N-1602, United crispifolia L. H. Bailey America-W-161, Canada and United States
States of America-N-1603, Estonia-W- Brassicaceae of America-XW-299, Mexico-W-199,
1609, Austria-W-1609, Denmark-W-1609, Accepted name: Brassica juncea United States of America-W-210, United
Germany-W-1609, Latvia-W-1609, Total N° of Refs: 223 States of America-AG-211, United States
Lithuania-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, of America-AW-212, China-W-431, United
Sweden-W-1609, Greenland-W-1609, Ornamental States of America-A-523, United States of
Canada-A-87, Argentina-A-87, Australia- Dispersed by: Humans America-A-543, Global-A-546, Canada-A-
A-87, Fiji-A-87, Mexico-A-87, United References: Canada-A-642. 642, Mexico-W-735, Mexico-N-791,
States of America-A-87, Canadian Mexico-I-878, United States of America-A-
northwest Territories-N-1011, South Brassica juncea L. var. integrifolia 967, China-I-1055, France-E-1082, Iran-A-
Korea-N-1013, North Korea-A-1018, (Stokes) Sinskaya 173, United States of America-W-1104,
Serbia-W-1031, Russia-N-1647, Global- Brassicaceae United States of America-ZD-1430,
CZD-1611, Mongolia-A-1620, Tajikistan- Accepted name: Brassica juncea (L.) Dominican Republic-A-1473, Dominican
A-1674, Australia-ZD-1675, Russia-W- Czern. subsp. juncea Republic-A-1475, Canada-X-1538, United
1687, United States of America-W-1719, Total N° of Refs: 223 States of America-N-1607, Global-Q-1572,
Pakistan-A-1726, Czech Republic-U-1731, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Global-W-2097.
United States of America-E-1736, Eastern Dispersed by: Humans
Caribbean-N-1742, China-I-1758, China-I- References: South Korea-N-1276. Brassica kaber (DC.) L.C. Wheeler var.
1769, Sao Tome and Principe-N-1805, orientalis (L.) Scoggan
Romania-I-1843, Australia-UN-1845, Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. var. juncea Brassicaceae
Alaska-X-1852, Canada-G-1855, Brassicaceae Accepted name: Sisymbrium orientale
Colombia-N-1856, Chile-I-1872, Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 174
Argentina-A-1874, Mexico-N-1881, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental References: Canada-A-642.
France-R-1942, South Korea-N-1974, -I-, Dispersed by: Humans
Central and northern Japan and northern References: New Zealand-N-1543.
islands-N-1983, Romania-U-1986, Russia-
N-1989, Switzerland-U-1990, Estonia-N-
1997, Ukraine-U-2014, South Korea-N-
2029, Tanzania-N-2030, South Korea-A-
2032, New Zealand-N-2048, Ukraine-N-
2050, Cuba-I-2055, India-A-2104, Ukraine-
N-2112, Argentina-W-1977, Australia-W-
1977, Austria-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977,
Bulgaria-W-1977, Burundi-W-1977,
Canada-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, China-W-
1977, Costa Rica-W-1977, Cuba-W-1977,
Czech Republic-W-1977, Democratic
Repubic of Korea-W-1977, Democratic
Republic of the Congo-W-1977, Denmark-
W-1977, Fiji-W-1977, France-W-1977,
Germany-W-1977, Japan-W-1977,
Kiribati-W-1977, Latvia-W-1977,
Lithuania-W-1977, Malaysia-W-1977,
Marshall Islands-W-1977, Mexico-W-
1977, Niue-W-1977, Republic of Korea-W-
1977, Republic of Moldova-W-1977,
Romania-W-1977, Russian Federation-W-
1977, Rwanda-W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977,
South Africa-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977,

Brassica kaber (DC.) L. C. Wheeler var. Brassica napus L. Serbia-W-1358, Israel-NW-1380, Sardinia-
pinnatifida (Stokes) L. C. Wheeler Brassicaceae U-1381, Australia-N-1450, Spain-U-1454,
Brassicaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Brassica Spain-U-1455, Slovakia-U-1484, Global-
Accepted name: Sinapis arvensis L. napobrassica (L.) Mill. (2), Brassica x ZD-1495, Austria-N-1531, Norway-N-
Total N° of Refs: 364 napus L. (1), Brassica napus L. var. 1535, Europe-A-1539, Romania-N-1540,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean napobrassica (L.) Rchb. (2), Brassica napus Greece-N-1541, Panarctic-U-1596, North
Origin: E Asia, Europe L. var. oleifera Delile (2), Brassica napus Korea-N-1600, Japan-N-1602, United
Weed of: Cereals L. subsp. oleifera (Delile) Sinskaya (7), States of America-N-1603, Ireland-N-1608,
References: Global-W-23, Global-W-217, Brassica napus L. subsp. rapifera (Metzg.) Estonia-W-1609, Austria-W-1609,
Global-A-243, United States of America- Sinskaya (14), Brassica rutabaga H.L v. (1) Denmark-W-1609, Germany-W-1609,
W-218, Canada-A-642, Afghanistan-A-87, Total N° of Refs: 239 Ireland-W-1609, Lithuania-W-1609,
Alaska-A-87, Austria-A-87, Greece-A-87, Global Risk Score: 19.2 Netherlands-W-1609, Norway-W-1609,
Israel-A-87, Poland-A-87, Russia-A-87, Rating: High United Kingdom-U-1636, Finland-A-87,
Spain-A-87, Belgium-A-87, Bulgaria-A-87, Toxic - Habit: annual/biennial Herb Kenya-A-87, Argentina-A-87, Brazil-A-87,
Canada-A-87, Colombia-A-87, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Ecuador-A-87, New Zealand-A-87,
Czechoslovakia-A-87, United Kingdom-A- Subtropical, Tropical Turkey-A-87, Canadian northwest
87, Germany-A-87, Hungary-A-87, Jordan- Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia Territories-N-1011, Poland-A-1016,
A-87, Romania-A-87, Sweden-A-87, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Serbia-W-1031, New Zealand-A-1035,
Tunisia-A-87, Turkey-A-87, Yugoslavia- Herbal, Ornamental Global-N-1218, Ecuador-A-1569, Global-
A-87, Argentina-A-87, Borneo-A-87, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, CD-1611, Africa-A-1623, United States of
Egypt-A-87, Guatemala-A-87, Iran-A-87, Livestock, Vehicles, Escapee America-ANZD-1667, Global-ZD-1581,
Iraq-A-87, Japan-A-87, Lebanon-A-87, Seed Longevity: Long Term Russia-N-1682, Czech Republic-U-1731,
Morocco-A-87, Netherlands-A-87, Weed of: Canola, Cereals, Pastures South Korea-N-1578, Europe-UN-1740,
Portugal-A-87, United States of America- References: United States of America-W- Croatia-N-1747, Serbia-W-1766, Australia-
A-87, Denmark-A-87, Finland-A-87, 34, United Kingdom-N-40, Finland-C-42, Z-1768, Cyprus-N-1797, Finland-A-1815,
France-A-87, Iceland-A-87, India-A-87, Chile-N-300, United States of America-E- Sardinia-AU-1824, Austria-N-1828,
Ireland-A-87, Italy-A-87, Melanesia-A-87, 80, Global-N-108, Global-ZW-85, Europe- Romania-U-1843, Australia-N-1845,
Norway-A-87, New Zealand-A-87, A-94, Global-A-243, United States of Canada-G-1855, Chile-I-1872, Chile-A-
Australia-A-87. America-N-101, New Zealand-N-280, 1874, Mexico-N-1881, Sardinia-U-1917,
Chile-N-241, Australia-N-134, United France-W-1943, Germany-R-1948, -I-,
Brassica kaber (DC.) L. C. Wheeler var. States of America-W-161, Australia-N-176, Central and northern Japan and northern
schkuhriana (Reichenb.) L.C. Wheeler Japan-N-287, Japan-W-286, Australia-N- islands-N-1983, Russia-N-1989,
Brassicaceae 198, Argentina-A-236, Australia-C-401, Switzerland-U-1990, Slovakia-U-2002,
Accepted name: Sinapis arvensis L. Australia-N-945, Spain-A-417, United Germany-N-2009, Ukraine-U-2014,
Total N° of Refs: 315 Kingdom-UZ-314, Japan-N-367, Australia- Russia-A-2041, New Zealand-N-2048,
References: Canada-A-642. E-327, Iceland-U-507, United Kingdom-N- Ukraine-N-2050, -U-2058, Russia-AN-
519, New Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N- 2063, Slovakia-A-2079, Spain-A-2083,
Brassica napobrassica (L.) Mill. 15, Australia-Z-611, Canada-A-642, Turkey-A-2103, Australia-W-1977,
Brassicaceae Ukraine-U-643, Australia-AEN-310, Austria-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977,
Accepted name: Brassica napus France-A-665, Austria-UC-708, Canada Bulgaria-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Chile-
Total N° of Refs: 212 and United States of America-N-725, W-1977, Croatia-W-1977, Cyprus-W-1977,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Lithuania-I-737, Canada-UC-756, Chile-N- Czech Republic-W-1977, Democratic
References: Canada and United States of 765, Australia-N-7, North America-X-790, Repubic of Korea-W-1977, Denmark-W-
America-N-725, Chile-I-1872. Mexico-N-791, Ireland-AN-793, Japan-N- 1977, France-W-1977, Germany-W-1977,
794, Spain-W-807, United Kingdom-CN- Greece-W-1977, India-W-1977, Ireland-W-
812, Switzerland-UI-818, Palestine-U-851, 1977, Israel-W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Japan-
Australia-W-853, Australia-N-855, W-1977, Liechtenstein-W-1977, Lithuania-
Australia-W-869, Paraguay-NI-876, W-1977, Luxembourg-W-1977, Marshall
Mexico-I-878, Europe-A-889, Ireland-N- Islands-W-1977, Mexico-W-1977,
894, Argentina-A-913, India-UD-914, New Netherlands-W-1977, Peru-W-1977,
Zealand-N-919, Brazil-A-923, United Portugal-W-1977, Republic of Korea-W-
Kingdom-Z-944, United States of America- 1977, Republic of Moldova-W-1977,
W-946, Africa-A-980, Australia-N-354, Romania-W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977,
Portugal-N-1006, Spain-N-1006, France-N- Sweden-W-1977, Switzerland-W-1977,
1006, France-N-1006, Germany-N-1006, United Kingdom-W-1977, South Korea-U-
United Kingdom-N-1006, Iceland-N-1006, 2113, North Korea--.
Liechtenstein-N-1006, Portugal-N-1006,
Netherlands-N-1006, Portugal-N-1006, Brassica x napus L.
Australia-N-1049, Europe-N-1072, Malta- Brassicaceae
N-1089, Portugal-N-898, Antarctica-N- Accepted name: Brassica napus L.
396, Greece-N-1142, Spain-U-1149, Gal Total N° of Refs: 211
pagos Islands-CN-1157, United States of References: Australia-N-1959.
America-I-1161, United States of America-
N-1162, United States of America-Q-1197,
Belgium-U-1220, Chile-N-1229, Serbia-W-
1238, Canada-N-1252, Spain-U-1270,
France-I-1273, United States of America-
A-1275, Japan-N-1278, Ukraine-N-1335,
Japan-Z-1339, Chile-N-1348, Iran-A-1353,

Brassica napus L. var. napobrassica (L.) Brassica napus L. subsp. oleifera (Delile) Brassica nigra (L.) W.D.J Koch
Rchb. Sinskaya Brassicaceae
Brassicaceae Brassicaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Sinapis nigra L. (2)
Accepted name: Brassica napus L. Accepted name: Brassica napus var. napus Total N° of Refs: 250
Total N° of Refs: 212 L. Global Risk Score: 24
Origin: Europe Total N° of Refs: 217 Rating: High
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Global Risk Score: 2.4 Toxic - Habit: annual Herb
Ornamental Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
References: Iceland-U-507, Iceland-U- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Origin: Africa, C Asia, E Asia, Europe,
1552. Ornamental Cosmopolitan
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Brassica napus L. var. napus References: United Kingdom-UC-812, Herbal, Ornamental
Brassicaceae United Kingdom-A-322, Norway-N-1243, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle,
Total N° of Refs: 4 United Kingdom-U-1636, Global-CD- Livestock, Water, Wind, Escapee
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, 1611, Croatia-N-1747, United Kingdom- Seed Longevity: Long Term
Ornamental, Pasture W-1977. Weed of: Canola, Cereals, Cotton,
Dispersed by: Humans Orchards and Plantations, Pastures,
References: New Zealand-N-1543, Brassica napus L. subsp. rapifera Potatoes, Vegetables
Sweden-W-1609, Australia-ZD-1675, (Metzg.) Sinskaya References: Australia-N-368, Global-W-23,
North America-N-1760. Brassicaceae Global-W-433, Egypt-W-221, Argentina-
Accepted name: Brassica napus var. W-237, Australia-W-269, United States of
Brassica napus L. var. oleifera Delile napobrassica L. America-X-35, Finland-U-42, Chile-N-300,
Brassicaceae Total N° of Refs: 224 United States of America-E-78, United
Accepted name: Brassica napus var. napus Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental States of America-E-80, Global-N-108,
L. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Global-NXZW-85, Europe-A-94, Global-
Total N° of Refs: 212 References: United Kingdom-UC-812, A-243, United States of America-N-101,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Europe-N-819, Norway-N-1243, Falkland New Zealand-N-280, United States of
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Islands-N-1251, Estonia-W-1609, America-EW-116, South America-W-295,
Dispersed by: Humans Denmark-W-1609, Global-CD-1611, South Africa-AZW-121, United States of
References: Mozambique-nC-943, Croatia-N-1747, Estonia-N-1997, New America-AW-136, United States of
Australia-ZD-1675. Zealand-U-2048, Croatia-W-1977, America-W-161, Mexico-W-167,
Denmark-W-1977, Iceland-W-1977, United Australia-N-176, United States of America-
Brassica napus L. subsp. napus Kingdom-W-1977. A-180, Japan-N-287, Egypt-A-185, western
Brassicaceae Europe-A-253, United States of America-
Total N° of Refs: 26 N-426, Australia-N-198, Mexico-W-199,
Global Risk Score: 1.44 Argentina-A-236, United States of
Rating: Low America-W-210, United States of America-
Habit: annual Herb AW-212, Europe, eastern-AW-272,
Origin: Africa, Europe western Europe-W-70, United States of
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental America-W-218, Australia-N-945, Spain-
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee A-417, Japan-N-367, Australia-E-327,
Weed of: Carrots, Cereals, Vegetables Czech Republic-ZI-400, United States of
References: Global-A-243, Czech America-A-543, Canada-A-642, Ukraine-
Republic-U-400, Denmark-CN-711, NR-643, Switzerland-N-653, Austria-UC-
Germany-U-907, Europe-N-819, Italy-N- 708, Denmark-N-711, Canada and United
251, Italy-N-1265, Slovakia-A-1282, States of America-N-725, Mexico-W-735,
Sardinia-N-1336, Czech Republic-U-1522, United States of America-E-736, Lithuania-
Czech Republic-W-1609, Denmark-W- I-737, Canada-UC-756, Chile-N-765,
1609, Greenland-W-1609, Italy-N-1007, Mediterranean-I-775, North America-E-
Global-CD-1611, Sardinia-N-1393, Italy- 784, Australia-N-7, United States of
UN-1887, Italy-U-1842, Estonia-N-1997, America-N-301, United States of America-
New Zealand-N-2048, Poland-AN-2059, E-151, North America-X-790, Mexico-N-
Belgium-W-1977, Croatia-W-1977, Czech 791, Japan-N-794, Switzerland-NR-818,
Republic-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, United States of America-N-839, Australia-
Germany-W-1977. W-853, Australia-N-855, Australia-W-869,
Ecuador-N-875, Paraguay-NI-876, Mexico-
I-878, Mexico-W-890, United States of
America-N-904, Germany-N-907,
Argentina-A-913, India-UD-914, New
Zealand-N-919, Brazil-A-923, Puerto Rico-
A-929, Chile-A-931, Venezuela-A-932,
Mozambique-nC-943, United Kingdom-Z-
944, United States of America-W-946,
Mediterranean-E-951, Argentina-I-983,
Australia-N-354, Portugal-N-1006, France-
N-1006, Denmark-N-1006, Germany-N-
1006, Sweden-N-1006, Switzerland-N-
1006, Australia-N-1049, Europe-N-819,

United Kingdom-A-1093, Serbia-A-1209, Sweden-W-1977, Switzerland-W-1977, Brassica oleracea L.
China-N-1215, Poland-R-1219, Mexico-W- Ukraine-W-1977, Viet Nam-W-1977, Brassicaceae
1226, Chile-N-1229, Serbia-W-1238, Global--1324. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Brassica oleracea
Norway-N-1243, Georgia-N-1250, Canada- L. var. acephala DC., p.p. (3), Brassica
N-1252, Australia-E-1259, Australia-E- oleracea L. var. capitata L. (11), Brassica
1261, Italy-N-1265, France-A-1266, Spain- oleracea L. var. caulorapa DC. (1), Brassica
U-1270, Japan-N-1278, United States of oleracea L. var. sabellica L. (2)
America-N-1292, Ukraine-N-1297, Total N° of Refs: 138
Turkey-A-1316, Ukraine-N-1335, Sardinia- Global Risk Score: 18
N-1336, China-N-1344, Chile-N-1348, Rating: High
Global-W-1349, Cape Verde-N-1414, Toxic - Habit: b/p Herb
United States of America-ZD-1430, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Australia-N-1450, Argentina, Brazil and Subtropical, Tropical
Uruguay-I-1476, Slovakia-N-1484, Poland- Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe
N-1494, Mexico-N-1500, Saudi Arabia-A- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
1504, Czech Republic-N-1522, Norway-N- Herbal, Ornamental
1535, Europe-A-1539, New Zealand-N- Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Water,
1543, Central Europe-N-1602, Estonia-W- Wind, Escapee
1609, Austria-W-1609, Denmark-W-1609, Seed Longevity: Transient
Germany-W-1609, Latvia-W-1609, Weed of: Cereals
Lithuania-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, References: Australia-W-93, Puerto Rico-
Poland-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, CW-261, Australia-W-205, Finland-C-42,
Romania-NI-1629, Bolivia-N-1630, United Chile-N-300, Europe-A-94, United States
Kingdom-N-1636, Argentina-A-87, of America-N-101, New Zealand-N-280,
Canada-A-87, Egypt-A-87, United Chile-N-241, Australia-N-198, United
Kingdom-A-87, Hawaii-A-87, Iran-A-87, States of America-E-80, Australia-C-401,
Israel-A-87, Portugal-A-87, Russia-A-87, Australia-N-945, Spain-A-417, Australia-
Spain-A-87, United States of America-A- E-327, Czech Republic-UZ-400, Canary
87, Brazil-A-87, Chile-A-87, Greece-A-87, Islands-N-305, Europe-N-482, Iceland-U-
Italy-A-87, Morocco-A-87, New Zealand- 507, United Kingdom-N-519, New
A-87, Venezuela-A-87, Egypt-A-1028, Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N-15,
Poland-N-1040, Romania-N-1549, Global- Canary Islands-N-637, Australia-AN-310,
N-1218, Cape Verde-N-1558, Global-Q- Austria-UC-708, Denmark-C-711, Canada
1572, Global-CD-1611, Global-ZD-1581, and United States of America-N-725,
Australia-ZD-1675, Azores-N-1721, North Australia-N-7, United States of America-E-
Africa, Libya, Egypt-W-1730, Brazil-N- 151, Australia-W-853, Australia-N-855,
1071, Czech Republic-N-1731, India-N- Australia-N-868, Australia-W-869,
1370, United States of America-E-1736, Ecuador-N-875, Ireland-U-894, United
Europe-UNI-1740, Brazil-N-1746, Serbia- Kingdom-Z-944, India-N-976, Australia-N-
R-1771, Sweden-N-1802, France-A-1814, 354, Portugal-N-1006, France-N-1006,
Sardinia-N-1393, Sardinia-AU-1824, Iceland-N-1006, Australia-N-1049, Malta-
Australia-N-1902, Australia-N-1845, N-1089, Portugal-N-898, Europe-N-819,
Canada-G-1855, Colombia-N-1856, Antarctica-N-396, Greece-N-1142, Spain-
Montenegro-W-1861, Chile-I-1872, Chile U-1149, Belgium-U-1220, Chile-N-1229,
and Argentina-A-1874, Mexico-N-1881, Norway-N-1243, Falkland Islands-N-1251,
Sardinia-U-1917, Egypt-A-1922, Serbia-R- Italy-N-251, Italy-N-1265, Slovakia-A-
1946, Chile-R-1949, Serbia-R-1953, 1282, Sardinia-U-1336, Chile-N-1348,
Australia-N-1959, -I-, -I-, Bosnia and Antarctica-N-1362, Australia-N-1450,
Herzegovina-U-1987, Russia-N-1989, Spain-U-1454, Slovakia-U-1484, Chad-N-
Switzerland-U-1990, Estonia-N-1997, 1503, Czech Republic-U-1522, Norway-N-
Germany-N-2009, Ukraine-N-2014, 1535, Greece-N-1541, Panarctic-U-1596,
Argentina-ND-2025, New Zealand-N-2048, North Korea-N-1600, Estonia-W-1609,
Ukraine-N-2050, Slovakia-N-2052, Brazil- Austria-W-1609, Czech Republic-W-1609,
R-2053, Global-W-2056, Serbia-R-2057, - Denmark-W-1609, Norway-W-1609,
U-2058, Iran-A-2072, Serbia-A-2080, Poland-W-1609, Italy-N-1007, Global-CD-
Egypt-A-2088, Ukraine-N-2112, 1611, Global-ZD-1581, Azores-N-1721,
Argentina-W-1977, Australia-W-1977, Czech Republic-U-1731, Iceland-U-1552,
Austria-W-1977, Bolivia-W-1977, Brazil- Eastern Caribbean-N-1742, China-N-1758,
W-1977, Bulgaria-W-1977, Cabo Verde- India-N-1790, Sardinia-U-1393, Sardinia-
W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, AU-1824, Australia-N-1902, Australia-UN-
Croatia-W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977, 1845, Chile-I-1872, Italy-UN-1887,
Ecuador-W-1977, Estonia-W-1977, Sardinia-U-1917, Australia-WD-1934,
Germany-W-1977, Guatemala-W-1977, Serbia-R-1946, Australia-N-1959, Canary
India-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Latvia-W- Islands-N-1967, Italy-U-1842, -I-, Bosnia
1977, Lithuania-W-1977, Mexico-W-1977, and Herzegovina-U-1987, Switzerland-N-
Paraguay-W-1977, Peru-W-1977, Poland- 1990, Estonia-N-1997, Spain-AZ-2008,
W-1977, Republic of Moldova-W-1977, Ukraine-U-2014, New Zealand-N-2048,
Romania-W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977, Slovakia-A-2079, Australia-W-1977,
South Africa-W-1977, Suriname-W-1977, Austria-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977,

Canada-W-1977, Chad-W-1977, Chile-W- Brassica oleracea L. var. gemmifera Brassica oleracea L. subsp. capitata (L.)
1977, Croatia-W-1977, Czech Republic-W- Zenker Metzg.
1977, Democratic Republic of the Congo- Brassicaceae Brassicaceae
W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, Greece-W- Total N° of Refs: 6 Total N° of Refs: 1
1977, Iceland-W-1977, Ireland-W-1977, Habit: Herb Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Italy-W-1977, Poland-W-1977, Portugal- Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
W-1977, Rwanda-W-1977, Slovakia-W- Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Dispersed by: Humans
1977, Spain-W-1977, Switzerland-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, References: Croatia-W-1977.
Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala DC., Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Brassica oleracea L. subsp. gemmifera
p.p. References: Belize-N-850, Gal pagos (DC.) Schwarz
Brassicaceae Islands-CN-1157, New Zealand-N-1543, Brassicaceae
Accepted name: Brassica oleracea var. Global-CD-1611, India-N-1370, New Total N° of Refs: 1
viridis L. Zealand-U-2048. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 124 Dispersed by: Humans
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Brassica oleracea L. var. gongylodes L. References: Croatia-W-1977.
Origin: E Asia, Europe Brassicaceae
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Total N° of Refs: 5 Brassica oleracea L. Mansfeld subsp.
Ornamental, Pasture Global Risk Score: 1.2 oleracea
Dispersed by: Humans Rating: Low Brassicaceae
References: Belize-N-850, New Zealand- Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Total N° of Refs: 3
N-1543, New Zealand-N-2048. Origin: Africa, Europe Habit: Herb
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis L. Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Brassicaceae Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Total N° of Refs: 10 References: Sweden-W-1609, India-N- References: United Kingdom-C-56, New
Habit: biennial Herb 1370, Austria-A-1670, New Zealand-U- Zealand-N-919, Global-CD-1611.
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical 2048, Sweden-W-1977.
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Brassica orientalis L.
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Brassica oleracea L. var. italica Plenck Brassicaceae
Ornamental Brassicaceae Accepted name: Conringia orientalis (L.)
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Total N° of Refs: 6 Dumort.
References: Belize-N-850, Gal pagos Habit: Herb Total N° of Refs: 141
Islands-CN-1157, China-N-1215, China-N- Preferred Climate/s: Tropical References: Ukraine-N-2112.
1344, New Zealand-N-1543, Bolivia-N- Origin: E Asia, Europe
1630, Global-CD-1611, India-N-1370, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Brassica oxyrrhina Cosson
Venezuela-N-1976, Peru-W-1977. Ornamental Brassicaceae
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Accepted name: Brassica barrelieri subsp.
Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata L. References: Belize-N-850, New Zealand- oxyrrhina (L.) Janka (Coss.) Regel
Brassicaceae U-919, Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157, New Total N° of Refs: 14
Accepted name: Brassica oleracea L. Zealand-N-1543, Global-CD-1611, New Habit: Herb
Total N° of Refs: 132 Zealand-U-2048. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Habit: biennial Herb Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Brassica oleracea L. var. oleracea Dispersed by: Humans
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Brassicaceae References: New Zealand-N-280, New
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Total N° of Refs: 2 Zealand-N-919, New Zealand-N-2048.
Ornamental Habit: Herb
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Brassica pekinensis (Lour.) Rupr.
References: United Kingdom-N-40, Belize- Tropical Brassicaceae
N-850, Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157, China- References: Federated States of Accepted name: Brassica rapa L. subsp.
N-1215, China-N-1344, Sweden-W-1609, Micronesia-N-230, New Zealand-N-1543. pekinensis (Lour.) Hanelt
Bolivia-N-1630, Global-CD-1611, India-N- Total N° of Refs: 214
1370, Venezuela-N-1976, Sweden-W- Brassica oleracea L. var. orientalis Hort. Global Risk Score: 0.72
1977. Brassicaceae Rating: Low
Total N° of Refs: 1 Habit: Herb
Brassica oleracea L. var. caulorapa DC. References: New Zealand-N-823. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Brassicaceae Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Accepted name: Brassica oleracea L. var. Brassica oleracea L. var. sabellica L. Dispersed by: Humans
gongylodes Brassicaceae References: Federated States of
Total N° of Refs: 122 Accepted name: Brassica oleracea L. Micronesia-N-230, Chile-I-1872.
Origin: Africa, Europe Total N° of Refs: 123
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Brassica procumbens (Poir.) O. E.
Dispersed by: Humans Ornamental Schulz
References: India-N-1370. Dispersed by: Humans Brassicaceae
References: Sweden-W-1609, Sweden-W- Total N° of Refs: 2
1977. References: Europe-N-819, Global-W-

Brassica rapa L. Slovakia-N-1006, Australia-N-1049, Africa-W-1977, Switzerland-W-1977,
Brassicaceae Europe-N-1072, Europe-N-819, Gal pagos Ukraine-W-1977, United Kingdom-W-
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Brassica campestris Islands-CN-1157, United States of 1977, Zimbabwe-W-1977, Global--1324.
L. (105), Brassica chinensis L. (5), Brassica America-I-1161, United States of America-
pekinensis (Lour.) Rupr. (2), Brassica rapa N-1162, Egypt-A-1171, Belgium-U-1220, Brassica rapa L. var. amplexicaulis Y.
L. var. amplexicaulis Y. Tanaka & Ono (1), Mexico-W-1226, Chile-N-1229, Canada-N- Tanaka & Ono
Brassica rapa L. var. chinensis (L.) Kitam. 1252, Australia-E-1259, Australia-E-1261, Brassicaceae
(3), Brassica rapa L. var. glabra Kitam. (1), Australia-E-1262, Italy-N-1265, Spain-U- Accepted name: Brassica rapa subsp.
Brassica rapa L. var. oleifera DC. (6), 1270, United States of America-N-1292, pekinensis L.
Brassica rapa L. var. silvestris (Lam.) Australia-A-1331, Sardinia-U-1336, Total N° of Refs: 213
Briggs (1), Brassica rapa L. subsp. Canada-N-1340, United States of America- References: United States of America-N-
campestris (L.) A. R. Clapham (22), AZD-1341, India-U-1345, Chile-N-1348, 101.
Brassica rapa L. subsp. rapifera Metzger Global-W-1349, United States of America-
(1), Brassica rapa L. subsp. sylvestris A-1350, Finland-AN-1356, Zimbabwe-UD- Brassica rapa L. var. chinensis (L.)
(Lam.) Janch. (19), Brassica rapa L. var. 1365, Croatia-A-1368, United States of Kitam.
rapa Variegatum (1) America-AN-1022, Sardinia-U-1381, Brassicaceae
Total N° of Refs: 379 Spain-U-1454, Gal pagos Islands-C-1481, Accepted name: Brassica rapa subsp.
Global Risk Score: 44.8 Slovakia-U-1484, Mexico-N-1500, chinensis L.
Rating: Extreme Albania-N-1506, Mexico-W-1510, Europe- Total N° of Refs: 215
Toxic - Habit: annual Herb A-1539, Romania-N-1540, Greece-N-1541, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Brazil-N-1597, Romania-CN-1599, North Dispersed by: Humans
Subtropical, Tropical Korea-N-1600, Japan-N-1602, United References: New Zealand-N-824, New
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe States of America-N-1603, United States of Zealand-N-1543, New Zealand-U-2048.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, America-N-1607, Austria-W-1609, Poland-
Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture W-1609, United Kingdom-N-1636, Brazil- Brassica rapa L. var. glabra Kitam.
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Wind, A-87, United Kingdom-A-87, Finland-A- Brassicaceae
Escapee 87, Kenya-A-87, Russia-A-87, United Total N° of Refs: 213
Seed Longevity: Long Term States of America-A-87, Canadian Major Pathway/s: Crop
Weed of: Canola, Cereals, Grapevines, northwest Territories-N-1011, Serbia-A- References: New Zealand-U-2048.
Lupins, Orchards & Plantations, Pastures, 1019, New Zealand-A-1035, Croatia-A-
Pome Fruits, Potatoes, Vegetables 1037, Spain-N-1556, Chile-ND-1557, Brassica rapa L. var. oleifera DC.
References: Brazil-W-255, Brazil-W-361, Brazil-A-1560, Bosnia And Herzegovina- Brassicaceae
Brazil-W-407, United States of America- U-1453, Russia-N-1647, Mexico-AND- Accepted name: Brassica rapa L. var.
CE-617, Costa Rica-I-975, Argentina-W- 757, Global-CD-1611, United States of silvestris DC.
237, United States of America-W-34, America-ANZD-1667, United States of Total N° of Refs: 218
United Kingdom-N-40, Chile-N-300, America-W-1719, Algeria-A-1727, North Global Risk Score: 0.24
United States of America-E-80, Global- Africa, Libya, Egypt-W-1730, Brazil-N- Rating: Low
NX-85, Europe-A-94, Global-A-243, 1071, Iceland-U-1552, Brazil-N-1733, Habit: biennial Herb
United States of America-N-101, New United States of America-E-1736, Eastern Origin: Europe
Zealand-N-280, Chile-N-241, South Caribbean-N-1742, Brazil-N-1746, Croatia- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
America-W-295, South Africa-AZR-121, N-1747, China-I-1769, Finland-A-1815, Dispersed by: Humans
Central America-W-157, United States of Sardinia-U-1393, Sardinia-AU-1824, References: Mozambique-nC-943, China-
America-W-161, Mexico-W-167, Australia-N-1902, Australia-N-1845, N-1215, Cuba-N-1505, New Zealand-N-
Australia-N-176, United States of America- Canada-G-1855, Colombia-N-1856, Chile- 1543, Central and northern Japan and
W-179, United States of America-A-180, I-1872, Chile and Argentina-A-1874, northern islands-N-1983, Cuba-I-2055.
western Europe-A-253, Australia-N-198, Argentina-N-1884, Sardinia-U-1917,
United States of America-AW-212, United Egypt-A-1922, Australia-WD-1934, Brassica rapa L. var. pekinensis (Lour.)
States of America-W-218, Australia-C-401, Mexico-R-1935, Chile-R-1949, Croatia-A- Hanelt
Australia-N-945, Spain-A-417, Australia- 1954, Australia-N-1959, -I-, -I-, Egypt-U- Brassicaceae
E-327, New Zealand-NW-425, Iceland-U- 1979, Romania-U-1986, Switzerland-U- Total N° of Refs: 1
507, United Kingdom-N-519, New 1990, Chile-N-1998, Ukraine-U-2014, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Zealand-N-15, Canada-A-642, Ukraine-U- Argentina-ND-2025, New Zealand-N-2048, Origin: E Asia, Europe
643, Australia-AN-310, Austria-UC-708, Paraguay-A-2070, Albania-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Canada and United States of America-N- Argentina-W-1977, Australia-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans
725, Mexico-W-735, United States of Austria-W-1977, Belarus-W-1977, References: Belize-N-850.
America-E-736, United States of America- Belgium-W-1977, Belize-W-1977, Bolivia-
N-86, Canada-UC-756, Chile-N-765, W-1977, Brazil-W-1977, Bulgaria-W-
Australia-EN-7, United States of America- 1977, Canada-W-1977, Chile-W-1977,
N-301, United States of America-E-151, Costa Rica-W-1977, Croatia-W-1977,
Global-W-788, Mexico-N-791, United Cuba-W-1977, Cyprus-W-1977, Czech
Kingdom-CND-812, Switzerland-U-818, Republic-W-1977, Ecuador-W-1977, Fiji-
United States of America-N-839, Australia- W-1977, France-W-1977, Iceland-W-1977,
W-869, Costa Rica-CNI-872, Ecuador-N- India-W-1977, Ireland-W-1977, Latvia-W-
875, Mexico-I-878, Mexico-W-890, 1977, Marshall Islands-W-1977, Mexico-
Germany-N-907, United States of America- W-1977, Micronesia (Federated States of)-
W-946, Argentina-I-983, Australia-N-354, W-1977, Peru-W-1977, Poland-W-1977,
Portugal-N-1006, France-N-1006, France- Republic of Moldova-W-1977, Romania-
N-1006, Germany-N-1006, United W-1977, Russian Federation-W-1977,
Kingdom-N-1006, Iceland-N-1006, Rwanda-W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977, South

Brassica rapa L. var. rapa Brassica rapa L. subsp. chinensis (L.) Brassica rapa L. subsp. rapa
Brassicaceae Hanelt Brassicaceae
Total N° of Refs: 13 Brassicaceae Total N° of Refs: 30
Origin: Africa, Europe Total N° of Refs: 6 Habit: annual Herb
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Habit: Herb Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe
Dispersed by: Humans Origin: E Asia Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
References: United States of America-N- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Herbal, Ornamental
101, Hungary-U-809, Australia-W-869, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Mozambique-nC-943, United States of Dispersed by: Humans References: Denmark-UC-711, United
America-I-1161, India-U-1345, Czech References: New Zealand-UW-280, New Kingdom-UC-812, Australia-N-855, United
Republic-U-1522, New Zealand-N-1543, Zealand-N-823, New Zealand-N-919, States of America-N-904, Australia-N-354,
Sweden-W-1609, Czech Republic-U-1731, Australia-N-354, Estonia-W-1609, Estonia- Poland-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Poland-R-
Alaska-I-1852, Czech Republic-W-1977, N-1997. 1219, Norway-N-1243, Falkland Islands-N-
Sweden-W-1977. 1251, Hungary-U-1255, Australia-N-1450,
Brassica rapa L. subsp. oleifera (DC.) Norway-N-1535, Romania-N-1540,
Brassica rapa L. var. silvestris (Lam.) Metzg. Estonia-W-1609, Denmark-W-1609,
Briggs Brassicaceae Norway-W-1609, Romania-N-1629,
Brassicaceae Total N° of Refs: 25 Poland-N-1040, Global-CD-1611, Croatia-
Accepted name: Brassica rapa subsp. Global Risk Score: 6.72 N-1747, Romania-N-1843, Bosnia and
campestris L. Rating: Low Herzegovina-U-1987, Estonia-N-1997,
Total N° of Refs: 213 Habit: annual Herb Croatia-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Poland-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977,
Dispersed by: Humans Origin: Africa, Europe Romania-W-1977, United Kingdom-W-
References: North America-N-1760. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, 1977.
Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture
Brassica rapa L. var. sylvestris (L.) Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Brassica rapa L. subsp. rapa var.
Briggs Weed of: Cereals sylvestris
Brassicaceae References: Czech Republic-U-400, Brassicaceae
Total N° of Refs: 7 Denmark-N-711, United Kingdom-UC- Total N° of Refs: 1
Global Risk Score: 0.72 812, Spain-N-1006, Europe-N-819, References: Czech Republic-U-1522.
Rating: Low Cyprus-N-1174, Finland-A-1193, Norway-
Origin: Europe N-1243, Romania-U-1264, Finland-A- Brassica rapa L. subsp. rapifera Metzger
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, 1317, Global-Z-85, Romania-U-1334, Brassicaceae
Ornamental Global-W-1349, Norway-N-1535, Accepted name: Brassica rapa subsp. rapa
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Romania-U-1537, Denmark-W-1609, Total N° of Refs: 213
References: Australia-C-401, Czech Norway-W-1609, Romania-N-1629, Major Pathway/s: Crop
Republic-UZ-400, Australia-AN-310, Global-CD-1611, New Zealand-N-2048, References: Norway-W-1609.
Australia-W-869, Australia-W-1318, Poland-AN-2059, Denmark-W-1977,
Global-CD-1611, Czech Republic-U-1731. Iceland-W-1977, United Kingdom-W- Brassica rapa L. subsp. sylvestris (Lam.)
1977, Global--1324. Janch.
Brassica rapa L. subsp. campestris (L.) Brassicaceae
A. R. Clapham Brassica rapa L. subsp. oleifolia (DC.) Accepted name: Brassica rapa subsp.
Brassicaceae Meteg. campestris (L.) Clapham
Accepted name: Brassica rapa var. rapa Brassicaceae Total N° of Refs: 231
Total N° of Refs: 234 Total N° of Refs: 2 Global Risk Score: 2.16
Global Risk Score: 7.2 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Rating: Low
Rating: Medium Origin: E Asia Habit: annual/biennial Herb
Habit: annual Herb References: Australia-N-855, Australia-N- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe 354. Subtropical, Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe
Herbal, Ornamental Brassica rapa L. subsp. pekinensis Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee (Lour.) Hanelt Ornamental
Weed of: Cereals Brassicaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
References: Global-NZW-85, Iceland-U- Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Australia-N-368, Australia-W-
507, United Kingdom-CN-812, Pakistan- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, 269, New Zealand-N-280, New Zealand-
W-836, Australia-N-354, Denmark-N- Ornamental W-165, Europe, eastern-AW-272, western
1006, United Kingdom-N-1006, Latvia-N- Dispersed by: Humans Europe-W-70, New Zealand-N-534,
1006, Poland-N-1006, Sweden-N-1006, References: New Zealand-N-2048. Australia-W-853, New Zealand-N-919,
China-I-1055, Europe-N-819, United Australia-N-1049, Greenland-N-1061,
Kingdom-A-1093, Norway-N-1243, Peru- Romania-U-1264, Romania-U-1334,
N-1293, Romania-N-1540, Greenland-W- Australia-N-1450, Poland-W-1609, Poland-
1609, United Kingdom-N-1636, Global- N-1040, Croatia-N-1747, Uruguay-C-1800,
CD-1611, Pakistan-A-1726, Iceland-U- Romania-N-1843.
1552, China-W-1977.

Brassica rapa L. var. rapa ‘Variegatum’ Brassica spp. L. Brassica tournefortii Gouan
Brassicaceae Brassicaceae Brassicaceae
Total N° of Refs: 213 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Brassica spp. L. Total N° of Refs: 121
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 17 Global Risk Score: 28.16
References: New Zealand-U-2048. Toxic - Habit: annual Herb Rating: High
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Habit: biennial Herb
Brassica repanda (Willd.) DC. Subtropical Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Brassicaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Vehicles Subtropical, Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 1 Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations, Origin: Africa, C Asia, E Asia, Europe, W
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Potatoes, Vegetables Asia
Origin: Africa, Europe References: United States of America-E- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
References: United Kingdom-U-314. 80, Global-A-243, Australia-N-198, Ornamental, Pasture
Global-XW-85, United States of America- Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Brassica rugosa (Roxb.) L. H. Bailey A-543, Turkey-A-727, North America-X- Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles, Escapee
Brassicaceae 790, United States of America-X-229, Weed of: Canola, Carrots, Cereals,
Accepted name: Brassica juncea var. Japan-Z-1339, Australia-ZD-1439, United Orchards & Plantations, Pastures, Pome
rugosa (L.) Czern. States of America-AZD-1626, United Fruits, Vegetables
Total N° of Refs: 224 States of America-ZD-1627, United States References: Australia, northern-A-55,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal of America-AZD-1667, Australia-ZD- Australia-W-93, Australia-W-205, India-
References: Argentina-A-913, Argentina- 1675, India-A-1725, Austria-A-1670, W-424, Egypt-W-221, Australia-W-269,
A-87. Sweden-A-1817. United States of America-E-231, United
States of America-X-35, Australia-E-72,
Brassica rupestris Raf. subsp. Finland-U-42, Global-A-68, United States
gongyloides (L.) Janch. of America-E-78, United States of
Brassicaceae America-E-80, Global-NXZW-85,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Australia-N-9, Global-A-243, United States
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental of America-N-101, New Zealand-N-280,
Dispersed by: Humans United States of America-Q-116, South
References: Croatia-W-1977. Africa-AZR-121, United States of
America-W-161, Australia-N-176, Egypt-
Brassica rutabaga H.Lèv. A-185, Australia-N-198, Australia-C-401,
Brassicaceae Australia-N-945, Spain-A-417, United
Accepted name: Brassica napus L. Kingdom-UZD-314, Australia-E-327,
Total N° of Refs: 211 United Kingdom-N-519, New Zealand-N-
References: Ireland-W-894. 534, New Zealand-N-15, Australia-Z-611,
Global-E-649, Australia-AEN-310,
Brassica ruvo L.H. Bailey Denmark-UC-711, United States of
Brassicaceae America-N-86, Mediterranean-I-775,
Total N° of Refs: 2 Australia-EN-7, United States of America-
Major Pathway/s: Crop E-151, Mexico-N-791, France-W-764,
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. United Kingdom-U-812, Australia-W-853,
Australia-N-855, Australia-N-856,
Brassica sinapis Vis. Australia-N-868, Australia-W-869,
Brassicaceae Mexico-I-878, Africa-I-886, Mexico-W-
Accepted name: Sinapis arvensis L. 890, India-N-914, New Zealand-N-919,
Total N° of Refs: 315 United States of America-W-946,
References: Global-W-1349. Mediterranean-EI-951, India-N-976,
Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049, China-
Brassica sinapistrum Boiss. I-1055, Europe-N-819, Egypt-A-1171,
Brassicaceae Global-A-1207, China-N-1215, Belgium-
Accepted name: Sinapis arvensis L. U-1220, Mexico-W-1226, Norway-N-1243,
Total N° of Refs: 315 Australia-E-1259, Australia-E-1260,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Australia-E-1261, Saudi Arabia-A-797,
References: Russia-A-87. Turkey-A-1316, Australia-A-1331, India-
N-1345, Global-W-1349, India-N-1389,
Global-E-1449, Australia-N-1450,
Australia-E-1456, Global-ZD-1495, Saudi
Arabia-A-1504, Australia-I-1544, New
Zealand-I-1544, Pakistan-I-1544, United
States of America-I-1544, United States of
America-N-1603, Denmark-W-1609,
Norway-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609,
Australia-A-87, Egypt-A-87, New Zealand-
A-87, Egypt-A-1028, Global-N-1218,
Global-CD-1611, Australia-ZD-1675,
Australia--1717, Pakistan-A-1720, North
Africa, Libya, Egypt-W-1730, United
States of America-E-1736, Europe-UN-
1740, Australia-Z-1768, Australia-N-1902,

Australia-N-1845, Saudi Arabia-A-1869, Breea setosa (Bieb.) Kitam. Breynia disticha J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
Mexico-NI-1881, Egypt-A-1922, Saudi Asteraceae Phyllanthaceae
Arabia-A-1951, Australia-N-1959, New Accepted name: Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Breynia disticha
Zealand-N-2048, Egypt-A-2088, Australia- Total N° of Refs: 431 J.R.Forst. & G.Forst. Roseo-picta (1),
W-1977, Belarus-W-1977, Belgium-W- References: Japan-N-287, Japan-W-286, Breynia nivosa (W. Bull) Small (4),
1977, China-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, Japan-A-87, Central and northern Japan Breynia nivosa (W. Bull) Small 'Rosea-
Egypt-W-1977, France-W-1977, Mexico- and northern islands-N-1983. Picta' (3)
W-1977, South Africa-W-1977, Sweden- Total N° of Refs: 49
W-1977, Global--1324. Bremekampia nilgherrensis (Wight) Global Risk Score: 2.88
Sreem. Rating: Low
Bravoa geminiflora La Llave & Lex. Acanthaceae Habit: Shrub
Asparagaceae Accepted name: Haplanthus nilgherrensis Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Accepted name: Polianthes geminiflora (La Wight Subtropical, Tropical
Llave & Lex.) Rose Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 1 Weed of: Cotton, Orchards & Plantations Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Global Risk Score: 0.24 References: India-A-1702. References: United States of America-CE-
Rating: Low 617, United States of America-E-80,
Habit: Shrub Brexia madagascariensis Thouars ex United States of America-N-101, United
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Ker.-Gawl. States of America-W-179, Pacific-W-621,
Dispersed by: Humans Celastraceae United States of America-N-301, United
References: Mexico-I-878. Total N° of Refs: 6 States of America-E-151, United States of
Global Risk Score: 1.44 America-N-839, Belize-N-850, Portugal-N-
Brayulinea densa (H. & B.) Small Rating: Low 1006, Europe-N-819, South Africa-N-1247,
Amaranthaceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, United States of America-N-1292, Global-
Accepted name: Guilleminea densa (Humb. Subtropical, Tropical W-1324, South Africa-N-1002, Guinea--
& Bonpl. ex Willd.) Moq. Origin: Africa 1489, Chad-N-1503, Cuba-NI-1505,
Total N° of Refs: 48 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Global-CD-1611, United States of
Global Risk Score: 3.84 Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee America-E-1736, Bolivia-U-1753, Gambia-
Rating: Low References: United States of America-CE- N-1796, Sao Tome and Principe-N-1805, -
ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, 617, United States of America-N-839, I-, South Africa-N-1991, Cuba-I-2055,
Subtropical, Tropical United States of America-N-1292, Global- Anguilla-W-1977, Bolivia-W-1977, Chad-
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal CD-1611, United States of America-N- W-1977, Cook Islands-W-1977, Cuba-W-
Dispersed by: Humans 2092, India-W-1977. 1977, Democratic Republic of the Congo-
Weed of: Pastures W-1977, India-W-1977, Kiribati-W-1977,
References: South Africa-AZR-121, South Breynia discigera Müll. Arg. Marshall Islands-W-1977, Micronesia
Africa-W-51, South Africa-W-382, United Phyllanthaceae (Federated States of)-W-1977, Niue-W-
States of America-W-218, Mexico-I-878, Total N° of Refs: 1 1977, Palau-W-1977, Rwanda-W-1977,
Australia-N-1049, Global-E-1449, South Habit: Tree Samoa-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977,
Africa-A-87, United States of America-A- Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Tonga-W-1977.
87, Lesotho-AZR-121, New Zealand-Q- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal
1879, Botswana-A-2065, New Zealand-Q- Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Breynia disticha J.R. Forst. & G. Forst.
2086. References: Thailand-A-1211. var. nivosa (W. Bull) Croizat
Breea arvensis (L.) Less. Total N° of Refs: 2
Asteraceae Habit: Shrub
Accepted name: Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 431 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Weed of: Cereals Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
References: Japan-N-794, Japan-N-1278, References: Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157,
Nepal-A-1930, Nepal-A-1932. Global-CD-1611.

Breea segeta (Bunge) Kitam. Breynia disticha J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.

Asteraceae var. disticha fo. nivosa (Bull) Radcl.-Sm.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Breea segeta Phyllanthaceae
(Bunge) Kitam. fo. segeta (2) Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 3 References: Cape Verde-N-1558.
References: South Korea-A-2033.
Breynia disticha J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
Breea segeta (Bunge) Kitam. fo. segeta ‘Roseo-picta’
Asteraceae Phyllanthaceae
Accepted name: Breea segeta (Bunge) Total N° of Refs: 42
Kitam. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 3 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
References: South Korea-A-1859, South Dispersed by: Humans
Korea-A-2032. References: United States of America-N-

Breynia nivosa (W. Bull) Small Brickellia eupatorioides (L.) Shinners Brillantaisia lamium (Nees) Benth.
Phyllanthaceae var. eupatorioides Acanthaceae
Accepted name: Breynia disticha J.R.Forst. Asteraceae Total N° of Refs: 22
& G.Forst. Total N° of Refs: 1 Global Risk Score: 1.44
Total N° of Refs: 45 References: United States of America-W- Rating: Low
Habit: Shrub 174. Habit: Herb
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Brickellia secundiflora (Lag.) A. Gray Origin: Africa
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Breedlove Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
References: Mozambique-nC-943, Chad- Asteraceae Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
nC-640, United States of America-C-1329, Total N° of Refs: 4 Weed of: Bananas, Orchards & Plantations,
Global-CD-1611. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Pastures
References: Mexico-W-735, Mexico-W- References: southeast Asia-W-191,
Breynia nivosa (W. Bull) Small 'Rosea- 890, Mexico-W-1226, Mexico-W-1510. Australia-CN-368, Pacific-W-3, Global-A-
Picta' 243, Australia-E-155, Australia-C-401,
Phyllanthaceae Bridelia micrantha (Hochst.) Baill. Pacific-E-621, Australia-AN-310,
Accepted name: Breynia disticha J.R.Forst. Phyllanthaceae Australia-N-354, Australia-I-1088,
& G.Forst. Total N° of Refs: 3 Australia-E-1159, Australia-W-1210,
Total N° of Refs: 44 Habit: Tree Australia-A-1331, Africa-A-1333,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Australia-N-1367, Australia-E-1456,
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Origin: Africa Ghana-A-87, Australia, northern-W-1204,
References: Japan-W-1106, United States Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Global-CD-1611, Brazil-I-984, Australia-
of America-C-1329, Global-CD-1611. Ornamental A-1928, Australia-W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans
Breynia retusa (Dennst.) Alston Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Brillantaisia nitens Lindau
Phyllanthaceae References: Ghana-A-2064, La Reunion-E- Acanthaceae
Total N° of Refs: 3 1077, La Reunion-NI-1321. Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: Shrub References: Ghana-A-87.
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Bridelia montana (Roxb.) Wild.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Phyllanthaceae Brillantaisia owariensis P.Beauv.
References: Global-N-85, La Reunion-E- Total N° of Refs: 1 Acanthaceae
1077, La Reunion-N-1321. Habit: Tree Total N° of Refs: 3
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Breynia vitis-idaea (Burm.f.) C.E.C. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal Origin: Africa
Fisch. References: south and southeast Asia-A- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Phyllanthaceae 1320. Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 2 References: Global-W-85, Indo-Pacific-
Global Risk Score: 1.2 Bridelia retusa (L.) Spreng. EN-1256, La Reunion-U-1321.
Rating: Low Phyllanthaceae
Habit: Shrub Total N° of Refs: 2 Brimeura amethystina (L.) Chouard
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Toxic - Habit: Tree Liliaceae
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Total N° of Refs: 1
Ornamental Origin: E Asia Habit: perennial Herb
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
References: India-N-976, India-I-1914. Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans
Brickellia cardiophylla B.L.Rob. References: India-N-1765, India-U-2109. References: Austria-W-1609.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Bridelia verrucosa Haines Briquetia denudata (Nees & Mart.)
References: Ecuador-W-1977. Phyllanthaceae R.E.Fries
Total N° of Refs: 2 Malvaceae
Brickellia diffusa (Vahl) A. Gray Habit: Tree Total N° of Refs: 1
Asteraceae Origin: E Asia References: Brazil-N-1597.
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: India-N-1765, India-N-2109.
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Briquetia spicata (Kunth) Fryxell
References: Gal pagos Islands-N-257. Malvaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Pseudabutilon
Brickellia eupatorioides (L.) Shinners spicatum (Kunth) R.E.Fr. (1)
Asteraceae Total N° of Refs: 2
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Kuhnia Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
eupatorioides L. (2), Kuhnia glutinosa Ell. References: United Kingdom-U-314.
Total N° of Refs: 3
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans

Briza humilis M. Bieb. Briza maxima L. 1646, Global-CD-1611, New Zealand-A-
Poaceae Poaceae 1624, Global-I-1324, Russia-N-1682, North
Total N° of Refs: 2 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Briza major Presl. Africa, Libya, Egypt-W-1730, Brazil-N-
Habit: Grass (1) 1071, Czech Republic-U-1731, United
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Total N° of Refs: 154 States of America-E-1736, Brazil-N-1746,
Mediterranean Global Risk Score: 33.6 Russia-N-1796, Colombia-N-1796,
Origin: E Asia, Europe Rating: Extreme Ecuador-N-1796, Sri Lanka-N-1796,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Aqua - Habit: annual Grass Uruguay-N-1800, Sao Tome and Principe-
Ornamental, Pasture Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, N-1805, Australia-N-1902, Australia-N-
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Subtropical, Tropical 1845, Colombia-N-1856, Chile-I-1872,
Livestock, Sheep Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia Chile and Argentina-E-1874, Australia-
References: United Kingdom-UZD-317, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, WD-1934, Australia-N-1959, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-
United Kingdom-ZD-1633. Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture , Egypt-U-1979, South Africa-N-1991,
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, South Africa-RI-2017, New Zealand-N-
Briza major Presl. Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles, Water, Wind, 2048, Turkey-A-2101, Argentina-W-1977,
Poaceae Escapee Australia-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977,
Accepted name: Briza maxima L. Weed of: Cereals, Pastures, Pome Fruits Brazil-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Chile-W-
Total N° of Refs: 154 References: Australia-W-93, Australia-W- 1977, Czech Republic-W-1977, Denmark-
Habit: Grass 205, Australia-W-269, Australia-E-289, W-1977, Germany-W-1977, Guatemala-W-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Australia-E-72, United Kingdom-N-40, 1977, Honduras-W-1977, India-W-1977,
Dispersed by: Humans Finland-C-42, Chile-N-300, Global-NZW- Ireland-W-1977, Jamaica-W-1977, Japan-
References: New Zealand-W-906. 85, Australia-N-9, Global-AW-91, Global- W-1977, South Africa-W-1977, Sweden-
A-243, United States of America-N-101, W-1977, United Kingdom-W-1977,
New Zealand-N-280, Chile-N-241, South Zimbabwe-W-1977.
Africa-AZR-121, Australia-E-296, South
Africa-W-382, Australia-N-134, South Briza media L.
Africa-W-158, United States of America- Poaceae
W-161, Portugal-A-250, Australia-N-176, Total N° of Refs: 46
Japan-N-287, Japan-W-286, Australia-N- Global Risk Score: 17.92
198, Europe, eastern-W-272, western Rating: High
Europe-W-70, Australia-C-401, Australia- Habit: perennial Grass
N-945, Spain-A-417, United Kingdom- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
UCNZD-317, Australia-E-327, Czech Subtropical, Tropical
Republic-U-400, Canary Islands-N-305, Origin: E Asia, Europe
United Kingdom-N-519, New Zealand-N- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
534, New Zealand-N-15, Australia-E-189, Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture
Global-E-649, Australia-AEN-310, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle,
Denmark-UC-711, United States of Livestock, Sheep, Water, Wind
America-E-736, Chile-N-765, North Seed Longevity: Long Term
America-E-784, Australia-EN-7, United Weed of: Cereals, Pastures
States of America-N-301, Japan-N-794, References: Global-W-23, Global-ZW-85,
United Kingdom-CN-812, United States of Global-AW-91, United States of America-
America-N-839, Australia-W-853, N-101, New Zealand-N-280, Japan-N-287,
Australia-N-855, Australia-N-856, Europe, eastern-AW-272, western Europe-
Australia-N-868, Australia-W-869, Ireland- W-70, United States of America-W-218,
N-894, Argentina-A-913, New Zealand-N- Spain-A-417, United Kingdom-N-519,
919, Chile-A-931, United States of Japan-N-794, United States of America-I-
America-W-946, South Africa-N-956, 849, India-ND-914, New Zealand-N-919,
Argentina-I-983, Uruguay-I-988, Australia- Argentina-I-983, Europe-N-819, Serbia-W-
N-354, Portugal-N-1006, United Kingdom- 1238, Japan-N-1278, Global-W-1324,
N-1006, Australia-N-1049, Japan-ID-1073, Serbia-A-1372, India-ND-1389, Turkey--
Europe-N-819, Africa-W-1127, Belgium- 1412, Europe-ZD-1436, United Kingdom-
U-1220, Crete-A-1228, Chile-N-1229, N-1636, Spain-A-87, Ecuador-A-87,
Norway-N-1243, South Africa-I-1247, United States of America-A-87, Serbia-A-
Australia-E-1259, Australia-E-1260, 1036, Europe-ZD-1653, Europe-ZD-1576,
Australia-E-1261, Australia-E-1262, Japan- Global-ZD-1611, Global-ZD-1581, Poland-
N-1278, United States of America-N-1292, U-1716, Iceland-N-1552, Russia-W-1671,
Global-W-1324, Australia-A-1331, India- Finland-A-1815, Montenegro-R-1944,
UN-1345, Chile-N-1348, Zimbabwe-N- Kosovo-R-2003, New Zealand-N-2048,
1365, Australia-N-1450, Australia-E-1456, Poland-A-2059, Turkey-A-2101,
Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay-I-1476, Argentina-W-1977, Canada-W-1977,
Global-ZD-1495, Czech Republic-U-1522, Iceland-W-1977, Japan-W-1977.
New Zealand-N-1543, Brazil-N-1597,
Japan-N-1602, Denmark-W-1609,
Germany-W-1609, Norway-W-1609,
Sweden-W-1609, Romania-N-1629,
Turkey-A-1635, Portugal-A-87, Spain-A-
87, Argentina-A-87, Australia-A-87, Chile-
A-87, New Zealand-A-87, South Africa-E-

Briza minor L. Australia-N-1450, Australia-ZD-1451, Briza spp. L.
Poaceae Australia-E-1456, Argentina, Brazil and Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 191 Uruguay-I-1476, Global-ZD-1492, Global- Total N° of Refs: 2
Global Risk Score: 26.4 ZD-1495, French Polynesia-N-1514, Czech Toxic - Habit: Grass
Rating: High Republic-U-1522, Brazil-N-1597, North Dispersed by: Humans
Habit: perennial Grass Korea-N-1600, Japan-N-1602, United References: south and southeast Asia-A-
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, States of America-N-1603, Austria-W- 1320, Polar Regions-ZD-1587.
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical 1609, Denmark-W-1609, Norway-W-1609,
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia, United Kingdom-ZD-1633, Japan-A-87, Briza subaristata Lam.
Cosmopolitan Mauritius-A-87, Portugal-A-87, Argentina- Poaceae
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, A-87, Australia-A-87, Brazil-A-87, Chile- Accepted name: Chascolytrum
Ornamental, Pasture A-87, New Zealand-A-87, Uruguay-A-87, subaristatum (Lam.) Desv.
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Horse, United States of America-A-87, Global-N- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Briza triloba Nees
Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles, Water, Wind, 1218, Global-CD-1611, New Zealand-A- (1), Chascolytrum subaristatum (Lam.)
Escapee 1624, North Africa, Libya, Egypt-W-1730, Desv. (1)
Seed Longevity: Present Brazil-N-1071, Czech Republic-U-1731, Total N° of Refs: 15
Weed of: Cereals, Cotton, Orchards & South Korea-N-1586, United States of Habit: Grass
Plantations, Pastures, Pome Fruits America-E-1736, Brazil-N-1746, Taiwan- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
References: Brazil-W-360, Brazil-W-407, W-1748, China-N-1758, Brazil-I-1767, Origin: S Am
India-NW-424, Taiwan-N-777, Costa Rica- China-N-1796, Bolivia-N-1796, Burundi- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
I-975, Australia-W-269, Australia-E-290, N-1796, Colombia-N-1796, Ecuador-N- Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
United States of America-W-34, Australia- 1796, Sri Lanka-N-1796, Uruguay-N-1800, References: Australia-N-945, New
E-72, United Kingdom-N-40, Gibraltar- Australia-N-1902, Australia-N-1845, Zealand-C-824, Australia-W-853,
AN-515, Finland-U-42, Chile-N-300, Colombia-N-1856, Chile-I-1872, Chile and Australia-W-869, New Zealand-U-919,
Global-N-85, Australia-N-9, Global-AW- Argentina-A-1874, Mexico-N-1881, Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049,
91, Global-A-243, United States of Argentina-N-1884, Panama-N-1927, Mexico-W-1226, Global-CD-1611, Brazil-
America-N-101, New Zealand-N-280, Australia-WD-1934, Australia-N-1959, -I-, R-2053, Chile-W-1977, South Africa-W-
Chile-N-241, South America-W-295, South -I-, -I-, -I-, Egypt-N-1979, South Africa-N- 1977.
Africa-AZR-121, South Africa-W-382, 1991, Chile-N-1998, South Africa-RI-2017,
Australia-N-134, South Africa-W-158, South Korea-A-2032, New Zealand-N- Briza triloba Nees
United States of America-W-161, Portugal- 2048, Brazil-R-2053, Turkey-A-2101, Poaceae
A-250, Australia-N-176, Japan-N-287, Argentina-W-1977, Australia-W-1977, Accepted name: Briza subaristata Lam.
Japan-W-286, western Europe-A-253, Austria-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 13
Australia-N-198, Europe, eastern-W-272, Bolivia-W-1977, Brazil-W-1977, Canada- Global Risk Score: 1.28
western Europe-W-70, United States of W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Costa Rica-W- Rating: Low
America-W-218, Australia-C-401, 1977, Czech Republic-W-1977, Denmark- Habit: Grass
Australia-N-945, Spain-A-417, United W-1977, India-W-1977, Jamaica-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture
Kingdom-CNZD-317, Australia-E-327, Japan-W-1977, Malaysia-W-1977, Malta- Dispersed by: Humans
Czech Republic-UZ-400, United Kingdom- W-1977, Mexico-W-1977, Papua New References: Chile-I-1872.
N-519, New Zealand-N-534, New Zealand- Guinea-W-1977, Republic of Korea-W-
N-15, Australia-E-189, South Korea-A- 1977, South Africa-W-1977, Taiwan-W- Briza uniolae (Nees) Steud.
648, Australia-AEN-310, Austria-UC-708, 1977, United Kingdom-W-1977, Poaceae
Denmark-U-711, United States of America- Zimbabwe-W-1977, South Korea-N-2113. Total N° of Refs: 3
E-736, Chile-N-765, South Korea-N-773, Habit: Grass
Australia-EN-7, United States of America- Briza poaemorpha (J. Presl) Henrard Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
N-301, Mexico-N-791, Japan-N-794, Poaceae Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture
United Kingdom-NZ-812, United States of Accepted name: Microbriza poaemorpha (J. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
America-N-839, Australia-W-853, Presl) Parodi ex Nicora & Rugolo References: New Zealand-C-824, New
Australia-N-855, Australia-N-856, Total N° of Refs: 3 Zealand-U-919, Global-CD-1611.
Australia-W-869, Costa Rica-NI-872, Habit: Grass
Mexico-I-878, Mexico-W-890, New Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Brodiaea californica Lindl.
Zealand-N-919, Brazil-A-923, Uruguay-A- Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Liliaceae
924, Chile-A-931, United Kingdom-Z-944, References: New Zealand-C-824, New Total N° of Refs: 3
United States of America-W-946, Zealand-U-919, Global-CD-1611. Habit: perennial Herb
Argentina-I-983, Uruguay-I-988, Australia- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
N-354, Portugal-N-1006, United Kingdom- Briza rufa (J. Presl) Steud. Dispersed by: Humans
N-1006, Malta-N-1006, Australia-N-1049, Poaceae References: Japan-N-794, Japan-N-1278,
Europe-N-819, Global-ZD-1203, South Synonym/s (n° of refs): Chascolytrum Japan-W-1977.
Korea-N-761, China-N-1215, Belgium-U- rufum J. Presl (1)
1220, Mexico-W-1226, Chile-N-1229, Total N° of Refs: 3 Brodiaea congesta Sm.
Norway-N-1243, Australia-E-1259, Habit: Grass Liliaceae
Australia-E-1260, Australia-E-1261, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Accepted name: Dichelostemma congestum
Australia-E-1262, Japan-N-1278, United Major Pathway/s: Ornamental (Sm.) Kunth
States of America-N-1292, Peru-N-1293, Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 3
Global-W-1324, Pakistan-A-704, Australia- References: New Zealand-N-280, New Major Pathway/s: Herbal
A-1331, China-N-1344, India-N-1345, Zealand-N-919. References: Chile-I-1872.
Czech Republic-Z-1347, Chile-N-1348,
Global-W-1349, Zimbabwe-N-1365,
Taiwan-N-1403, Europe-ZD-1436,

Brodiaea coronaria (Salisb.) Engl. Bromelia pinguin L. Bromopsis condensata (Hackel) Holub
Liliaceae Bromeliaceae Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bromelia fastuosa Total N° of Refs: 2
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Lindl. (1) Habit: Grass
Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 14 References: Global-W-1324, Sweden-W-
Habit: perennial Herb Global Risk Score: 4.8 1609.
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Rating: Low
Dispersed by: Humans Toxic - Habit: Succulent Bromopsis dicksonii (Mitchell & Wilton)
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, A. & D. Löve
Subtropical, Tropical Poaceae
Brodiaea uniflora (Lindl.) Engl. Origin: N Am, S Am Accepted name: Bromus inermis subsp.
Liliaceae Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, pumpellianus var. pumpellianus
Accepted name: Tristagma uniflorum Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 153
Total N° of Refs: 24 Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Habit: Grass
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental References: Cuba-A-14, Puerto Rico-A- References: Canada-A-642.
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee 929, Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157, Cuba-NI-
References: Denmark-C-711, Denmark-W- 1505, Puerto Rico-A-87, Dominican Bromopsis erecta (Huds.) Fourr.
1609, Global-CD-1611. Republic-A-87, Jamaica-A-87, Global-CD- Poaceae
1611, North America-N-1760, -I-, Cuba-N- Accepted name: Bromus erectus
Bromelia antiacantha Bertol. 2024, Cuba-I-2055, Cuba-W-1977, Global- Total N° of Refs: 49
Bromeliaceae -1324. Habit: Grass
Total N° of Refs: 2 Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe
Habit: Herb Bromelia plumieri (E. Morren) L.B. Sm. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Bromeliaceae Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 2 References: United Kingdom-N-519,
Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Denmark-N-711, Norway-N-1243,
References: Brazil-W-255, Brazil-A-923. Major Pathway/s: Crop Norway-N-1535, Denmark-W-1609,
References: Cuba-N-1505, Cuba-N-2055. Latvia-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, Sweden-
Bromelia balansae Mez W-1609, Sweden-N-1802.
Bromeliaceae Bromelia spp. L.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Bromeliaceae Bromopsis inermis (Leyss.) Holub
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Total N° of Refs: 1 Poaceae
Rating: Low References: South Africa-U-1247. Accepted name: Bromus inermis subsp.
Habit: Herb inermis var. inermis
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Bromidium anomalum (Trin.) Doell. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bromopsis inermis
Origin: S Am Poaceae ssp. inermis (Leyss.) Holub
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 168
Dispersed by: Humans Habit: Grass Global Risk Score: 5.28
Weed of: Pastures Origin: S Am Rating: Low
References: Brazil-A-1763, Brazil-A-2051. References: Chile-N-1229. Habit: Grass
Origin: E Asia, Europe
Bromelia bicolor Ruiz & Pav. Bromidium tandilense Z.E.Rugolo de Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Bromeliaceae Agrasar Ornamental, Pasture
Total N° of Refs: 1 Poaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
References: Peru-A-930. Accepted name: Agrostis tandilensis References: United Kingdom-U-40, United
Total N° of Refs: 1 Kingdom-CD-317, United Kingdom-N-
Bromelia carnea Beer Habit: Grass 519, Canada-A-642, Denmark-N-711,
Bromeliaceae References: North America-N-1760. United Kingdom-CN-812, Norway-N-
Total N° of Refs: 2 1243, Georgia-N-1250, Norway-N-1535,
References: United Kingdom-N-1006, Bromopsis benekenii (Lange) Holub Norway-W-1609, Global-CD-1611,
Europe-N-819. Poaceae Global-ZD-1581, Russia-N-1681, Russia-
Accepted name: Bromus ramosus subsp. N-1682, Russia-W-1671, Sweden-N-1802.
Bromelia fastuosa Lindl. benekenii Huds.
Bromeliaceae Total N° of Refs: 12 Bromopsis inermis (Leyss.) Holub subsp.
Accepted name: Bromelia pinguin L. Habit: Grass inermis
Total N° of Refs: 14 Origin: E Asia, Europe Poaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical References: United Kingdom-N-519, Total N° of Refs: 2
References: Brazil-A-87. Russia-W-1671. Habit: Grass
References: United Kingdom-N-812,
Bromelia karatas L. Bromopsis ciliata (L.) Holub United Kingdom-W-1977.
Bromeliaceae Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Accepted name: Bromus ciliatus var.
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical ciliatus
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Total N° of Refs: 6
Ornamental Habit: Grass
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Herbal
References: Cuba-W-1977. References: United Kingdom-U-317.

Bromopsis inermis (Leyss.) Holub subsp. Bromopsis spp. (Dumort.) Fourr. Bromus alopecuros Poiret subsp. caroli-
pumpelliana (Scribn.) W. A. Weber Poaceae henrici (W. Greuter) P.M. Sm.
Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 1 Poaceae
Accepted name: Bromus inermis subsp. Habit: Grass Total N° of Refs: 1
pumpellianus var. pumpellianus Dispersed by: Humans Habit: Grass
Total N° of Refs: 155 References: Polar Regions-Z-1587. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Habit: Grass Dispersed by: Humans
Origin: E Asia Bromus adoensis Hochst. ex Steud. References: Crete-A-1228.
References: United Kingdom-N-519, Poaceae
Canada-A-642, United Kingdom-N-812. Accepted name: Bromus pectinatus Thunb. Bromus anomalus Rupr. ex E. Fourn.
Total N° of Refs: 19 Poaceae
Bromopsis pubescens (Muhl. ex Willd.) Habit: Grass Total N° of Refs: 1
Holub Origin: Africa Habit: perennial Grass
Poaceae References: Egypt-W-221, United Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Accepted name: Bromus pubescens Kingdom-U-317, Kenya-A-87. Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Total N° of Refs: 11 References: Mexico-W-1226.
Habit: Grass Bromus aegyptiacus Tausch
References: Norway-N-1243, Norway-N- Poaceae Bromus arcticus Shear ex Scribner &
1535, Norway-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609. Total N° of Refs: 1 Merr.
Habit: annual Grass Poaceae
Bromopsis pumpelliana (Scribn.) Holub Major Pathway/s: Pasture Total N° of Refs: 1
Poaceae Dispersed by: Humans Habit: Grass
Accepted name: Bromus inermis subsp. References: North Africa, Libya, Egypt-W- References: Canada-A-642.
pumpellianus var. pumpellianus 1730.
Total N° of Refs: 155 Bromus arduennensis Dumort.
Global Risk Score: 0.96 Bromus alopecuroides Poir. Poaceae
Rating: Low Poaceae Accepted name: Bromus bromoideus (Lej.)
Habit: Grass Accepted name: Bromus alopecuros Poir. Crep.
Origin: E Asia Total N° of Refs: 27 Total N° of Refs: 2
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal Habit: Grass Habit: Grass
Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Origin: Europe
References: United Kingdom-UZ-317, Weed of: Pastures References: United Kingdom-U-40, United
Canada-A-642, Russia-W-1609. References: Australia-A-1331, Germany- Kingdom-U-317.
Bromopsis pumpelliana (Scribn.) Holub Bromus arenarius Labill.
subsp. arctica (Shear ex Scribn. & Bromus alopecuros Poir. Poaceae
Merr.) A.& D. Love Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 24
Poaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bromus Global Risk Score: 2.16
Accepted name: Bromus inermis subsp. alopecuroides Poir. (2) Rating: Low
pumpellianus var. arcticus Total N° of Refs: 27 Habit: annual Grass
Total N° of Refs: 153 Global Risk Score: 0.72 Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Habit: Grass Rating: Low Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
References: Canada-A-642. Habit: Grass Origin: Aust
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Bromopsis ramosa (Huds.) Holub Subtropical, Tropical Ornamental
Poaceae Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Accepted name: Bromus ramosus Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Livestock, Sheep
Total N° of Refs: 12 Ornamental References: Global-N-85, United States of
Habit: Grass Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, America-N-101, New Zealand-N-280,
Origin: E Asia, Europe Livestock, Sheep United States of America-W-161, Mexico-
References: United Kingdom-N-519, References: Global-N-85, United States of W-167, United States of America-W-218,
Global-W-1324. America-N-101, Australia-N-176, Australia-N-945, United Kingdom-UZD-
Australia-N-945, United Kingdom-UZD- 317, New Zealand-N-534, United States of
Bromopsis riparia (Rehmann) Holub 317, Australia-N-7, Australia-W-853, America-N-86, Mexico-N-791, Australia-
Poaceae United States of America-W-946, W-869, United States of America-W-946,
Accepted name: Bromus riparius Rehmann Australia-N-855, Australia-N-354, Australia-N-354, Belgium-UD-1220,
Total N° of Refs: 13 Australia-N-1049, Europe-N-819, Belgium- Global-W-1349, United Kingdom-ZD-
Global Risk Score: 1.04 U-1220, Global-W-1324, Australia-N- 1633, United States of America-A-87,
Rating: Low 1450, United Kingdom-ZD-1633, Global-N-1218, Australia-N-1902, Mexico-
Habit: Grass Morocco-A-87, Australia-N-1902, N-1881, New Zealand-N-2048, Australia-
Major Pathway/s: Pasture Australia-N-1845, Australia-N-1959, W-1977, Belgium-W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans Greece-A-2093, Australia-W-1977,
References: Belarus-N-817, Latvia-W- Belgium-W-1977, Germany-W-1977,
1609, Russia-I-2107. South Africa-W-1977.

Bromus arizonicus (Shear) Stebbins Bromus arvensis L. Bromus auleticus Trin. ex Nees
Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 5 Total N° of Refs: 93 Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: annual Grass Global Risk Score: 33.6 Habit: Grass
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Rating: Extreme Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Dispersed by: Humans Habit: annual Grass Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture
Weed of: Grapevines, Orchards & Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Dispersed by: Humans
Plantations, Pome Fruits Subtropical References: Brazil-W-407.
References: Global-A-243, United States of Origin: Africa, C Asia, E Asia, Europe
America-W-161, United States of America- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Bromus berterianus Colla
A-180, Mexico-I-878, Global-W-1349. Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture Poaceae
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bromus trinii E.
Livestock, Sheep, Wind, Escapee Desv. (4), Trisetobromus hirtus (Trin.)
Seed Longevity: Transient Nev. (2)
Weed of: Cereals, Pastures Total N° of Refs: 9
References: Global-A-30, Finland-U-42, Habit: Grass
Global-A-44, United States of America-E- Preferred Climate/s: Dryland
80, Global-NZW-85, Global-AW-91, Origin: S Am
Global-A-243, United States of America- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
N-101, United States of America-W-161, Dispersed by: Humans
Japan-N-287, western Europe-A-253, References: United States of America-N-
Europe, eastern-AW-272, western Europe- 101, United States of America-W-161,
W-70, United States of America-W-218, Chile-N-1229.
United Kingdom-NZD-317, Czech
Republic-NZ-400, Iceland-U-507, United Bromus berteroanus Colla
Kingdom-N-519, Ukraine-NR-643, Poaceae
Denmark-N-711, Canada and United States Total N° of Refs: 3
of America-N-725, Canada-UC-756, Habit: Grass
Mexico-N-791, Japan-N-794, United Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Kingdom-U-812, Slovenia-W-883, United Origin: S Am
Kingdom-Z-944, Czechoslovakia-N-1006, References: Mexico-N-791, United States
Germany-N-1006, Slovakia-N-1006, of America-N-101, Mexico-N-1881.
Slovenia-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Serbia-
W-1238, Norway-N-1243, Japan-N-1278, Bromus biebersteinii Roem. & Schult.
Argentina-W-1286, Ukraine-N-1297, Poaceae
Macedonia-A-1304, Global-W-1324, Total N° of Refs: 2
Ukraine-N-1335, Global-W-1349, Serbia- Global Risk Score: 3.52
A-1357, Serbia-A-1372, Slovakia-N-1484, Rating: Low
Czech Republic-U-1522, Panarctic-U-1596, Habit: Grass
Denmark-W-1609, Netherlands-W-1609, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Sweden-W-1609, United Kingdom-ZD- Ornamental, Pasture
1633, Turkey-A-1635, Russia-A-87, United Dispersed by: Humans
States of America-A-87, Europe-ZD-1653, References: Canada-A-642, Polar Regions-
Global-CZD-1611, United States of ZD-1587.
America-AZD-1626, Russia-N-1689,
Czech Republic-U-1731, Iceland-U-1552, Bromus brachyanthera Döll
United States of America-E-1736, Russia- Poaceae
W-1671, China-N-1796, Kazakhstan-N- Total N° of Refs: 1
1796, Russia-N-1796, Belarus-N-1796, Habit: Grass
Russia-N-1796, Canada-G-1855, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Montenegro-W-1861, Chile-I-1872, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Mexico-N-1881, Serbia-R-1946, Bosnia Dispersed by: Humans
and Herzegovina-N-1987, Russia-N-1989, References: Brazil-W-407.
Ukraine-N-2050, Slovakia-N-2052, Serbia-
R-2057, Serbia-A-2080, Ukraine-N-2112,
Belarus-W-1977, Bulgaria-W-1977,
Canada-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Croatia-
W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977,
Denmark-W-1977, Iceland-W-1977, India-
W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Mexico-W-1977,
Slovakia-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977,
Ukraine-W-1977, United Kingdom-W-

Bromus brachystachys Hornung Bromus briziformis Fisch. & C.A.Mey. Bromus carinatus Hook. & Arn.
Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 11 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bromus Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bromus
Habit: Grass brizaeformis Fisch. & Mey. (12) subvelutinus Shear (2), Ceratochloa
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 45 carinata (Hook. & Arn.) Tutin (21)
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Global Risk Score: 1.44 Total N° of Refs: 88
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Rating: Low Global Risk Score: 20.16
Ornamental Habit: annual Grass Rating: High
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Origin: E Asia, Europe, W Asia Habit: annual Grass
Livestock, Sheep, Escapee Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical
References: United Kingdom-UZD-317, Ornamental Origin: N Am
Denmark-UC-711, Hungary-U-809, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Europe-N-819, Hungary-U-1255, Global- References: Global-NZW-85, United States Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture
W-1324, Denmark-W-1609, Germany-W- of America-N-101, United States of Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
1609, Global-CD-1611, Denmark-W-1977, America-W-161, United Kingdom-UZ-317, Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles
Germany-W-1977. Czech Republic-UZ-400, Austria-UC-708, References: Global-N-108, United States of
Denmark-C-711, Canada and United States America-W-161, Japan-N-287, Japan-W-
Bromus breviaristatus Buckley of America-N-725, United States of 286, United States of America-W-212,
Poaceae America-E-151, United States of America- Czech Republic-U-400, Poland-N-619,
Accepted name: Bromus marginatus Nees W-946, Europe-N-819, Belgium-U-1220, Europe-N-638, Austria-U-708, Canada and
ex Steud. Global-W-1324, Global-W-1349, Slovakia- United States of America-N-725, Japan-N-
Total N° of Refs: 8 U-1484, Czech Republic-U-1522, United 794, Hungary-U-809, Ireland-W-894,
Habit: Grass States of America-N-1607, Austria-W- Germany-N-907, Belgium-N-1006, France-
Major Pathway/s: Crop 1609, Denmark-W-1609, Latvia-W-1609, N-1006, Germany-N-1006, United
Weed of: Pastures Global-CD-1611, United States of Kingdom-N-1006, Iceland-N-1006, Italy-
References: New Zealand-A-1624. America-AZD-1667, Czech Republic-U- N-1006, Netherlands-N-1006, Europe-N-
1731, United States of America-E-1736, 819, Poland-AER-1219, Belgium-ND-
Bromus brevis Steud. United States of America-N-1162, Austria- 1220, Mexico-W-1226, Hungary-U-1255,
Poaceae W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Canada-W- Japan-N-1278, Canada-NI-1340, Global-
Accepted name: Bromus catharticus Vahl 1977, Czech Republic-W-1977, Denmark- W-1349, Taiwan-N-1403, United States of
Total N° of Refs: 235 W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Latvia-W-1977, America-ZD-1441, Slovakia-U-1484,
Global Risk Score: 3.52 Slovakia-W-1977. Poland-N-1494, Mexico-N-1500, Czech
Rating: Low Republic-N-1522, Estonia-W-1609,
Habit: Grass Bromus bromoideus (Lej.) Crép. Austria-W-1609, Germany-W-1609,
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland Poaceae Poland-W-1609, Poland-N-1040, Mexico-
Origin: S Am Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bromus AD-757, Global-ZD-1611, Czech
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental, arduennensis Dumort. (2) Republic-N-1731, North America-N-1760,
Pasture Total N° of Refs: 2 China-N-1796, France-R-1942, Poland-N-
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Habit: Grass 1993, Estonia-N-1997, Austria-W-1977,
Livestock, Sheep Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Belarus-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Czech
References: Argentina-W-237, New Dispersed by: Humans, Animals Republic-W-1977, France-W-1977,
Zealand-N-280, South America-W-295, Germany-W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Japan-
Australia-N-176, Australia-N-945, New Bromus canadensis Michx. W-1977, Lithuania-W-1977, Netherlands-
Zealand-N-919, Australia-N-1049, Europe- Poaceae W-1977, Poland-W-1977, Republic of
N-819, Belgium-UD-1220, Global-W- Accepted name: Bromus ciliatus L. Korea-W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977, Taiwan-
1324, Argentina-A-87, Australia-N-1845, Total N° of Refs: 6 W-1977, Ukraine-W-1977, United
New Zealand-N-2048, Belgium-W-1977. Habit: perennial Grass Kingdom-W-1977, South Korea-N-2113.
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland
Bromus brizaeformis Fisch. & Mey. References: South Korea-A-2032. Bromus carinatus Hook. & Arn. var.
Poaceae carinatus
Accepted name: Bromus briziformis Fisch. Poaceae
& Mey. Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 45 Habit: perennial Grass
Habit: Grass References: Belgium-U-1220.
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Bromus carinatus Hook. & Arn. var.
Dispersed by: Humans marginatus (Steud.) Barkworth &
References: Global-W-23, United States of Anderton
America-E-80, United States of America- Poaceae
W-136, United States of America-W-392, Total N° of Refs: 1
Japan-N-287, United States of America-W- Habit: Grass
218, Mexico-N-791, Japan-N-794, United References: Belgium-U-1220.
States of America-N-1058, Japan-N-1278,
United States of America-N-1603, United
States of America-A-87.

Bromus catharticus Vahl Peninsular-NI-1147, Crete-AN-1150, Bromus catharticus Vahl var.
Poaceae Egypt-A-1171, China-N-1215, Belgium- catharticus
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bromus brevis UD-1220, Mexico-W-1226, Crete-A-1228, Poaceae
Steud. (14), Bromus catharticus Vahl var. Chile-N-1229, Falkland Islands-N-1251, Total N° of Refs: 228
catharticus (7), Bromus coloratus Steud. Canada-U-1252, Australia-E-1259, Global Risk Score: 2.08
(2), Bromus schraderi Kunth (1), Bromus Australia-E-1261, Australia-E-1262, Spain- Rating: Low
unioloides Kunth (28), Bromus willdenowii NI-1270, Japan-N-1278, India-I-1280, Habit: annual Grass
Kunth (41), Ceratochloa cathartica (Vahl) United States of America-N-1292, La Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Herter (20), Ceratochloa willdenowii Reunion-N-1321, China-N-1344, India-NI- Subtropical, Tropical
(Kunth) W.A. Weber (1) 1345, Chile-N-1348, Zimbabwe-ND-1365, Origin: S Am
Total N° of Refs: 335 China-N-1374, Israel-NW-1380, India-ND- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Pasture
Global Risk Score: 26.88 1389, Taiwan-N-1403, Taiwan-AEN-1413, Dispersed by: Humans
Rating: High Australia-ZD-1446, Australia-N-1450, References: Global-NZW-85, United States
Aqua - Habit: annual/perennial Grass Spain--1455, Australia-E-1456, Slovakia- of America-I-904, China-I-1055, Australia-
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, U-1484, Global-ZD-1495, China-I-1496, ZD-1675, Australia-N-1959, New Zealand-
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Mexico-N-1500, Czech Republic-U-1522, N-2048, China-W-1977.
Origin: S Am Spain-I-1595, Japan-N-1602, United States
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, of America-N-1603, Austria-W-1609, Bromus catharticus Vahl var. elatus (E.
Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture Germany-W-1609, Colombia-A-87, Egypt- Desv.) Planchuelo
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, A-87, Japan-A-87, Argentina-A-87, Poaceae
Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles, Water Australia-A-87, Chile-A-87, New Zealand- Total N° of Refs: 3
Weed of: Cereals, Cucurbits/Melons, A-87, Peru-A-87, Uruguay-A-87, Egypt-A- Habit: Grass
Grapevines, Orchards & Plantations, 1028, Pakistan-A-1044, Spain-N-1556, References: Global-N-85, Australia-N-
Pastures, Pome Fruits, Vegetables Cape Verde-N-1558, Brazil-A-1560, 1959, New Zealand-N-2048.
References: Brazil-A-245, Australia, Bosnia And Herzegovina-N-1453, Global-
northern-A-55, Australia-W-93, Brazil-W- ZD-1581, Polar Regions-ZD-1587, China- Bromus catharticus Vahl var. rupestris
255, Australia-W-205, Brazil-W-360, I-1711, Azores-N-1721, Czech Republic- (Speg.) Planchuelo & P. M. Peterson
Brazil-W-407, Namibia-W-713, Taiwan-N- U-1731, France-N-1438, United States of Poaceae
777, Australia-W-269, Australia-E-289, America-E-1736, Europe-UI-1740, Total N° of Refs: 2
United States of America-W-34, Australia- Taiwan-W-1748, China-I-1758, Australia- Habit: Grass
E-72, United States of America-E-80, Z-1768, China-I-1769, China-A-1615, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Global-N-85, Global-AW-91, Global-A- China-N-1796, Mongolia-N-1796, Origin: S Am
243, United States of America-N-101, New Tadzhikistan-N-1796, Kazakhstan-N-1796, References: Australia-N-354, Australia-N-
Zealand-UW-280, South America-W-295, Russia-N-1796, Algeria-N-1796, Ethiopia- 1959.
Australia-N-134, South Africa-W-158, N-1796, Russia-N-1796, Morocco-N-1796,
United States of America-W-161, United Sri Lanka-N-1796, Australia-N-1902, Bromus catharticus Vahl subsp.
States of America-W-102, Japan-N-287, Australia-N-1845, India-I-1875, Mexico-N- stramineus (E. Desv.) A. N. Massa
Japan-W-286, western Europe-A-253, 1881, Global-A-1903, Egypt-R-1922, Poaceae
Australia-N-198, United States of America- France-N-1940, France-NR-1942, Total N° of Refs: 1
W-212, China-W-297, Australia-N-945, Australia-U-1962, -I-, Egypt-N-1979, Habit: Grass
Australia-E-327, Czech Republic-UZ-400, Switzerland-N-1990, South Africa-N-1991, Origin: S Am
United States of America-A-543, Australia- Portugal-N-2001, South Africa-RI-2017, References: Australia-N-354.
Z-611, Australia-E-189, Africa-A-622, South Korea-N-2029, New Zealand-N-
Europe-I-638, Portugal-N-662, United 2048, Israel-AGN-59, Brazil-R-2053, Bromus catharticus Vahl 'Gala'
States of America-A-705, Austria-U-708, Algeria-W-1977, Australia-W-1977, Poaceae
Portugal-N-718, United States of America- Austria-W-1977, Belarus-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 1
E-736, United States of America-N-86, Belgium-W-1977, Bhutan-W-1977, Chile- Habit: Grass
Mediterranean-I-775, Australia-N-7, United W-1977, Croatia-W-1977, Czech Republic- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
States of America-N-301, United States of W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, France-W- References: United States of America-N-
America-E-151, Mexico-N-791, Japan-N- 1977, Germany-W-1977, Greece-W-1977, 101.
794, France-I-764, Swaziland-N-825, India-W-1977, Israel-W-1977, Italy-W-
United States of America-N-839, Australia- 1977, Japan-W-1977, Lithuania-W-1977, Bromus catharticus Vahl 'Lamont'
N-855, Australia-N-856, Australia-N-868, Malta-W-1977, Mexico-W-1977, Nepal-W- Poaceae
Australia-W-869, Ecuador-N-875, Mexico- 1977, New Zealand-W-1977, Pakistan-W- Total N° of Refs: 1
I-878, Israel-A-885, Europe-AN-889, 1977, Portugal-W-1977, Republic of Habit: Grass
Mexico-W-890, Spain-A-892, Argentina- Korea-W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977, South Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
A-913, New Zealand-U-919, Uruguay-A- Africa-W-1977, Spain-W-1977, Taiwan- References: United States of America-N-
924, Peru-A-930, Mozambique-nC-943, W-1977, United Kingdom-W-1977, 101.
United States of America-W-946, Zimbabwe-W-1977, Swaziland-W-1977,
Mediterranean-W-951, South Africa-N- South Korea-N-2113.
956, Australia-N-354, Austria-N-1006,
Portugal-N-1006, Spain-N-1006, Spain-N-
1006, Germany-N-1006, United Kingdom-
N-1006, Greece-N-1006, Italy-N-1006,
Portugal-N-1006, Portugal-N-1006, Spain-
N-1006, Australia-N-1049, Europe-N-
1072, Japan-AID-1073, Portugal-N-898,
Europe-N-819, New Zealand-E-505,
Africa-W-1127, Greece-N-1142, Iberian

Bromus cebadilla Steud. Bromus commutatus Schrad. Bromus commutatus Schrad. L. subsp.
Poaceae Poaceae decipiens (Bomble & H.Scholz) H. Scholz
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bromus Total N° of Refs: 93 Poaceae
valdivianus Phil. (6) Global Risk Score: 14.4 Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 15 Rating: Medium Habit: Grass
Habit: Grass Toxic - Habit: annual Grass Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, References: Palestine-N-851.
Origin: S Am Subtropical, Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Bromus danthoniae (Desf.) Trin.
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Poaceae
References: Australia-N-176, Australia-N- Ornamental Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bromus danthoniae
198, Australia-N-945, Australia-E-327, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle, (Desf.) Trin. var. lanuginosus Roshev. (1)
Europe-N-819, Global-W-1324, Australia- Livestock, Sheep, Wind, Escapee Total N° of Refs: 21
N-1845, Argentina-W-1977, Australia-W- Seed Longevity: Transient Global Risk Score: 2.56
1977. Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations Rating: Low
References: Brazil-W-407, Global-W-23, Habit: annual Grass
Bromus chrysopogon Viv. Argentina-W-237, Global-A-30, Finland- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Poaceae U-42, United States of America-E-80, Origin: E Asia
Total N° of Refs: 1 Global-NXZW-85, Global-AW-91, Global- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Habit: Grass A-243, United States of America-N-101, Ornamental, Pasture
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean New Zealand-N-280, South America-W- Dispersed by: Humans
References: Palestine-N-851. 295, South Africa-AZR-121, United States Weed of: Cereals
of America-W-161, United States of References: Japan-N-287, United
Bromus ciliatus L. America-W-102, Japan-N-287, western Kingdom-U-317, Denmark-U-711, Canada
Poaceae Europe-A-253, Europe, eastern-W-272, and United States of America-N-725,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bromopsis ciliata western Europe-W-70, United States of Japan-N-794, Europe-N-819, United States
(L.) Holub (1), Bromus canadensis Michx. America-W-218, United Kingdom-UZD- of America-N-101, Global-A-1207,
(1) 317, Czech Republic-NZI-400, United Belgium-U-1220, Japan-N-1278, Global-
Total N° of Refs: 7 Kingdom-N-519, Canada-A-642, Denmark- W-1324, Denmark-W-1609, LEBANON-
Global Risk Score: 2.4 N-711, Canada and United States of A-596, Iran-A-87, Iran-A-1783, Iran-A-
Rating: Low America-N-725, Iran-A-732, Canada-UC- 2072, Belgium-W-1977, Canada-W-1977,
Habit: perennial Grass 756, United States of America-E-151, Denmark-W-1977, Japan-W-1977.
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical North America-X-790, Japan-N-794,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Europe-A-889, United States of America- Bromus danthoniae (Desf.) Trin. var.
Ornamental N-904, New Zealand-N-919, lanuginosus Roshev.
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Czechoslovakia-N-1006, Germany-N-1006, Poaceae
References: Canada-C-756, Global-Q- United States of America-N-1057, United Accepted name: Bromus danthoniae (Desf.)
1205, Global-CD-1611, Canada-G-1855, States of America-N-1058, Europe-N-819, Trin.
Australia-Q-1123. Australia-Q-1134, Serbia-A-1209, Serbia- Total N° of Refs: 21
W-1238, Norway-N-1243, Japan-N-1278, Habit: Grass
Bromus coloratus Steud. Argentina-W-1286, Ukraine-N-1297, Weed of: Cereals
Poaceae Ukraine-N-1335, Global-W-1349, Taiwan- References: Iran-A-2111.
Accepted name: Bromus catharticus Vahl N-1403, Czech Republic-N-1522, Norway-
Total N° of Refs: 223 N-1535, Brazil-N-1597, Estonia-W-1609,
Habit: Grass Denmark-W-1609, Latvia-W-1609,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture Norway-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, United
Dispersed by: Humans Kingdom-ZD-1633, Canadian northwest
References: Australia-N-945, Australia-N- Territories-N-1011, Serbia-W-1031,
1049. Europe-ZD-1653, Global-CD-1611, United
States of America-AZD-1626, United
States of America-AZD-1667, Australia-
ZD-1675, Lesotho-AZR-121, Azores-N-
1721, Czech Republic-N-1731, Russia-W-
1671, Sweden-N-1802, Serbia-R-1848,
Canada-G-1855, Montenegro-R-1944,
Australia-N-1959, Australia-Q-1123,
Estonia-N-1997, Kosovo-R-2003, Iran-A-
1812, New Zealand-N-2048, Ukraine-N-
2050, Slovakia-A-2079, Belarus-W-1977,
Canada-W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977,
Democratic Repubic of Korea-W-1977,
Denmark-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Latvia-
W-1977, South Africa-W-1977, Sweden-
W-1977, Taiwan-W-1977, Ukraine-W-
1977, North Korea-U-2114.

Bromus diandrus Roth Portugal-A-87, South Africa-A-87, New Bromus diandrus Roth subsp. rigidus
Poaceae Zealand-A-87, Namibia-N-1548, Global-N- (Roth) Lainz
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Anisantha diandra 1218, Cape Verde-N-1558, Global-ZD- Poaceae
(Roth) Tutin ex Tzvelev (18) 1581, Polar Regions-ZD-1587, Australia- Accepted name: Bromus rigidus Roth
Total N° of Refs: 165 ZD-1675, Azores-N-1721, North Africa, Total N° of Refs: 94
Global Risk Score: 21.12 Libya, Egypt-W-1730, United States of Habit: Grass
Rating: High America-E-1736, Australia-Z-1768, References: United States of America-N-
Aqua - Habit: annual Grass Ecuador-N-1796, Sri Lanka-N-1796, 101, United States of America-E-1736.
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Sudan-N-1796, Australia-N-1902,
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Australia-N-1845, Chile-I-1872, Chile and Bromus epilis Keng
Origin: Africa, C Asia, E Asia, Europe, S Argentina-E-1874, Mexico-N-1881, Poaceae
Am, W Asia Global-A-1903, Australia-N-1959, Total N° of Refs: 1
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Australia-U-1962, Switzerland-U-1990, Habit: Grass
Ornamental, Pasture South Africa-N-1991, Chile-N-1998, South References: China-W-431.
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Horse, Africa-RI-2017, New Zealand-N-2048,
Livestock, Vehicles, Water Egypt-A-2088, Spain-A-2098, Australia- Bromus erectus Huds.
Seed Longevity: Short Term W-1977, Austria-W-1977, Belarus-W- Poaceae
Weed of: Cereals, Cucurbits/Melons, 1977, Belgium-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bromopsis erecta
Grapevines, Lupins, Orchards & Chile-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, (Huds.) Fourr. (9)
Plantations, Pastures, Vegetables Germany-W-1977, India-W-1977, Ireland- Total N° of Refs: 49
References: Australia-W-93, South Africa- W-1977, Kenya-W-1977, Lithuania-W- Global Risk Score: 21.12
AZR-121, Australia-W-205, Namibia-W- 1977, Mexico-W-1977, Netherlands-W- Rating: High
713, Australia-W-269, United States of 1977, South Africa-W-1977, Switzerland- Habit: perennial Grass
America-W-34, Australia-E-72, Chile-N- W-1977, United Kingdom-W-1977, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
300, South Africa-W-51, Global-NW-85, Zimbabwe-W-1977. Origin: Africa, Europe
Australia-N-9, Global-AEWD-91, Global- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
A-243, United States of America-N-101, Bromus diandrus Roth var. diandrus Ornamental, Pasture
New Zealand-N-280, South Africa-W-382, Poaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle,
Australia-N-134, South Africa-W-158, Total N° of Refs: 1 Livestock, Sheep, Water, Wind
United States of America-W-161, Portugal- Habit: Grass Seed Longevity: Short Term
A-250, Australia-N-176, Australia-A-177, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: Global-A-30, Finland-N-42,
United States of America-A-180, western Dispersed by: Humans Global-A-44, Chile-N-300, United States of
Europe-A-253, Australia-N-198, Mexico- References: Global-N-85. America-E-80, Global-NW-85, Global-W-
W-199, western Europe-W-70, Australia- 91, United States of America-N-101, New
N-945, Australia-E-327, Canary Islands-N- Bromus diandrus Roth var. rigidus Zealand-UW-280, Europe, eastern-AW-
305, New Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N- (Roth) Sales 272, Canada and United States of America-
15, United States of America-A-543, Poaceae N-725, Global-W-743, New Zealand-U-
Australia-Z-611, South Africa-A-82, Total N° of Refs: 2 919, Latvia-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Chile-
Africa-AZ-622, Austria-U-708, United Global Risk Score: 0.48 N-1229, Falkland Islands-N-1251, Chile-N-
States of America-E-736, United States of Rating: Low 1348, Global-W-1349, Finland-W-1356,
America-N-86, Chile-N-765, Habit: Grass Serbia-A-1357, Estonia-W-1609, Europe-
Mediterranean-I-775, Australia-EN-7, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, ZD-1653, Australia-ZD-1675, Global-AD-
United States of America-E-151, Mexico- Ornamental 1589, Russia-N-1796, Belarus-N-1796,
N-791, Switzerland-UR-818, United States Dispersed by: Humans Montenegro-W-1861, Chile-I-1872,
of America-N-839, Australia-W-853, References: Global-NZ-85, United States Montenegro-R-1944, Estonia-N-1997, -
Australia-N-855, Australia-N-856, of America-E-151. AWD-2036, New Zealand-N-2048, Serbia-
Australia-N-868, Australia-W-869, Global- R-2057, Belarus-W-1977, Bhutan-W-1977,
A-68, Ecuador-N-875, Mexico-I-878, Bromus diandrus Roth subsp. diandrus Canada-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Latvia-W-
Europe-A-889, Mexico-W-890, Spain-A- Poaceae 1977, Sweden-W-1977.
892, Ireland-W-894, New Zealand-W-906, Total N° of Refs: 2
New Zealand-N-919, United States of Habit: Grass Bromus erectus Hudson subsp. erectus
America-W-946, Mediterranean-E-951, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Poaceae
Africa-A-980, Australia-N-354, Belgium- Origin: Africa, Europe Total N° of Refs: 1
N-1006, United Kingdom-N-1006, Iceland- Dispersed by: Animals, Livestock, Sheep Habit: Grass
N-1006, Netherlands-N-1006, Australia-N- References: United States of America-N- Origin: E Asia, Europe
1049, Europe-N-819, Africa-W-1127, 101, Belgium-ND-1220. References: Global-N-85.
Egypt-A-1171, Global-ZD-1203, Mexico-
W-1226, Crete-A-1228, Chile-N-1229, Bromus diandrus Roth subsp. maximus Bromus fasciculatus C.Presl
Australia-E-1259, Australia-E-1260, (Desf.) So¢ Poaceae
Australia-E-1261, Australia-E-1262, Spain- Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 2
A-1263, United States of America-N-1292, Total N° of Refs: 3 Habit: annual Grass
Global-W-1324, Australia-A-1331, Global- Habit: Grass Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
W-1349, Zimbabwe-U-1365, Australia-ZD- Dispersed by: Animals, Livestock, Sheep Origin: Africa, Europe
1444, Australia-ZD-1446, Australia-N- References: Belgium-N-1006, Belgium- Major Pathway/s: Pasture
1450, Australia-ZD-1451, Australia-E- ND-1220, France-N-1438. Dispersed by: Humans
1456, Global-ZD-1492, Global-ZD-1495, References: Egypt-W-221, North Africa,
New Zealand-N-1543, United States of Libya, Egypt-W-1730.
America-N-1603, Austria-W-1609,
Germany-W-1609, Australia-A-87,

Bromus gracillimus Bunge Bromus hordeaceus L. northwest Territories-N-1011, Global-N-
Poaceae Poaceae 1218, Europe-ZD-1576, Europe-ZD-1582,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bromus hordeaceus Global-ZD-1611, United States of
Habit: Grass L. subsp. divaricatus (Bonnier & Layens) America-AZD-1626, Global-ZD-1581,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Kergu len (14), Bromus hordeaceus L. Switzerland-ZD-1591, Australia-ZD-1675,
Weed of: Cereals subsp. hordeaceus (34), Bromus hordeaceus Algeria-A-1727, Iceland-U-1552, United
References: Pakistan-A-1309. L. subsp. molliformis (Jn. Lloyd ex Godr.) States of America-E-1736, Morocco-A-
Maire & Weiller (6), Bromus molliformis 1752, Poland-A-1825, Australia-N-1902,
Bromus grossus Desf. ex DC. Lloyd (13), Bromus mollis L. (53), Bromus Australia-N-1845, Montenegro-W-1861,
Poaceae mollis L. subsp. hordeaceus Hiitonen (1) Chile-I-1872, Chile and Argentina-A-1874,
Total N° of Refs: 8 Total N° of Refs: 253 Mexico-N-1881, Argentina-N-1884, United
Habit: Grass Global Risk Score: 14.4 States of America-ID-1912, Australia-WD-
Origin: Europe Rating: Medium 1934, Montenegro-R-1944, Australia-N-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Habit: annual Grass 1959, Australia-N-1962, -I-, -I-, Chile-N-
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Wind Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, 1998, Poland-A-2005, New Zealand-N-
References: United States of America-N- Subtropical 2048, -A-2058, Poland-A-2059, Poland-R-
101, United Kingdom-U-317, Austria-U- Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, N Am, 2062, Belgium-W-2096, Argentina-W-
708, Europe-N-819, Global-W-1324, Cosmopolitan 1977, Australia-W-1977, Austria-W-1977,
Austria-W-1609, Austria-W-1977, Czech Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Belgium-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Chile-
Republic-W-1977. Herbal, Ornamental W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977,
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle, Georgia-W-1977, Iceland-W-1977, Iran
Bromus gussonii Parl. Donkey, Horse, Livestock, Sheep, (Islamic Republic of)-W-1977, Japan-W-
Poaceae Vehicles, Water, Wind 1977, Mexico-W-1977, Poland-W-1977,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Seed Longevity: Long Term Republic of Korea-W-1977, Sweden-W-
Habit: Grass Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations, 1977, Taiwan-W-1977, Zimbabwe-W-
References: Australia-N-1049. Pastures 1977, South Korea-N-2113, Global--1324.
References: Australia-W-269, United States
Bromus haussknechtii Boiss. of America-W-34, Australia-E-72, Chile- Bromus hordeaceus L. subsp. divaricatus
Poaceae N-300, United States of America-E-80, (Bonnier & Layens) Kerguélen
Total N° of Refs: 1 Global-NZW-85, Australia-N-9, Global- Poaceae
Habit: Grass AW-91, Global-A-243, United States of Accepted name: Bromus hordeaceus subsp.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean America-N-101, New Zealand-N-280, molliformis
References: Palestine-N-851. Italy-A-118, Chile-N-241, South Africa-W- Total N° of Refs: 146
382, Australia-N-134, Portugal-A-250, Habit: Grass
Mexico-W-167, United States of America- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
W-102, Australia-N-176, western Europe- Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia
A-253, western Europe-W-70, Australia-N- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
945, Iceland-U-507, United Kingdom-N- Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
519, New Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N- Livestock, Sheep
15, Canada-A-642, Ukraine-N-643, Canada References: United Kingdom-UZD-317,
and United States of America-N-725, United Kingdom-N-519, Denmark-U-711,
United States of America-E-736, United United Kingdom-U-812, United States of
States of America-N-86, Chile-N-765, America-N-839, United States of America-
Australia-EN-7, Mexico-N-791, Australia- N-101, Australia-N-354, Denmark-W-
N-856, New Zealand-N-919, United States 1609, Germany-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609,
of America-W-946, Argentina-I-983, Azores-N-1721, Denmark-W-1977,
Australia-N-354, Portugal-N-1006, Germany-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977.
Czechoslovakia-N-1006, Australia-N-1049,
Greenland-N-1061, Global-I-937, Europe- Bromus hordeaceus L. subsp. ferronii
N-819, Antarctica-N-396, United (Mabille) P. M. Sm.
Kingdom-A-322, United States of Poaceae
America-W-1103, United States of Total N° of Refs: 2
America-I-1161, United States of America- Habit: Grass
N-1162, China-N-1215, Chile-N-1229, Origin: Europe
Argentina-E-1245, Australia-E-1259, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Australia-E-1261, Australia-E-1262, Ornamental
Argentina-W-1286, United States of Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
America-N-1292, Australia-W-1318, Livestock, Sheep
Australia-A-1331, Chile-N-1348, Finland- References: United Kingdom-UZD-317,
AN-1356, Serbia-A-1372, Taiwan-N-1403, Zimbabwe-UD-1365.
Belgium-ZD-1421, Belgium-ZD-1422,
Australia-ZD-1444, Australia-ZD-1446,
Turkey-A-1463, Argentina, Brazil and
Uruguay-I-1476, Global-ZD-1492, Global-
ZD-1495, New Zealand-N-1543, Panarctic-
U-1596, United States of America-N-1603,
Faroe Islands-W-1609, Finland-W-1609,
Sweden-W-1609, Greenland-W-1609,
United Kingdom-N-1636, Canadian

Bromus hordeaceus L. subsp. Bromus hordeaceus L. subsp. Bromus inermis Leyss.
hordeaceus pseudothominei (P.M.Sm.) H.Scholz Poaceae
Poaceae Poaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bromopsis
Total N° of Refs: 166 Total N° of Refs: 4 dicksonii (Mitchell & Wilton) A. & D. L ve
Global Risk Score: 1.92 Habit: annual Grass (1), Bromopsis inermis (Leyss.) Holub
Rating: Low Origin: Europe (16), Bromopsis inermis (Leyss.) Holub
Habit: annual Grass Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, subsp. pumpelliana (Scribn.) W. A. Weber
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Ornamental (3), Bromopsis pumpelliana (Scribn.)
Subtropical, Tropical Dispersed by: Humans Holub (3), Bromopsis pumpelliana
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia, References: United States of America-N- (Scribn.) Holub subsp. arctica (Shear ex
Cosmopolitan 101, Czech Republic-UZ-400, Austria-U- Scribn. & Merr.) A.& D. Love (1), Bromus
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, 708, Belgium-U-1220. pumpellianus Scribn. (5), Bromus
Ornamental pumpellianus Scribn. var. arcticus (Shear
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Bromus hordeaceus L. subsp. ex Scribn. & Merr.) Porsild (1), Bromus
Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles, Escapee pseudothominii P.Sm. pumpellianus Scribn. var. tweedyi Scribn.
Weed of: Cereals Poaceae ex Beal (1), Bromus pumpellianus Scribn.
References: Global-N-85, United States of Total N° of Refs: 2 subsp. dicksonii Mitchell & Wilton (1),
America-N-101, Australia-N-198, Europe, Habit: Grass Zerna inermis (Leyss.) Lindm. (2)
eastern-AW-272, Australia-N-945, United References: United States of America-N- Total N° of Refs: 186
Kingdom-UZD-317, Australia-E-327, 101, Austria-W-1609. Global Risk Score: 44.8
Czech Republic-NZ-400, Canada-A-642, Rating: Extreme
Canada-UC-756, United States of America- Bromus hordeaceus L. subsp. thominei Aqua - Habit: perennial Grass
N-301, United States of America-N-839, (Hardham ex Nyman) Braun-Blanquet Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Australia-W-853, Australia-N-855, Poaceae Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
Australia-W-869, United States of Total N° of Refs: 4 Origin: C Asia, E Asia, Europe, N Am, W
America-N-904, Australia-N-354, Serbia- Habit: Grass Asia
W-1238, Falkland Islands-N-1251, References: United States of America-N- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Australia-N-1450, Czech Republic-N-1522, 101, United Kingdom-N-519, Canada-A- Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture
Austria-N-1531, United Kingdom-N-1636, 642, United Kingdom-U-1636. Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle,
Global-CD-1611, Australia-ZD-1675, Horse, Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles, Water,
Czech Republic-N-1731, United States of Bromus hordeaceus L. subsp. thominii Wind, Escapee
America-E-1736, Uruguay-N-1800, (Hardouin) Hyl. Seed Longevity: Transient
Canada-G-1855, Global-A-1903, Germany- Poaceae Weed of: Cereals, Forestry, Orchards &
R-1948, Turkey-A-2101, Czech Republic- Total N° of Refs: 2 Plantations, Vegetables
W-1977, Mexico-W-1977. Global Risk Score: 0.72 References: United States of America-E-
Rating: Low 411, United States of America-ED-159,
Bromus hordeaceus L. subsp. Habit: Grass North America-EW-21, Finland-N-42,
longipedicellatus L.M. Spalton Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, United States of America-E-80, Global-N-
Poaceae Ornamental 85, Global-W-91, United States of
Total N° of Refs: 2 Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Vehicles America-E-222, United States of America-
Habit: Grass References: Canada-A-642, Global-ZD- N-101, Canada-W-4, New Zealand-N-280,
References: Belgium-U-1220, Belgium-W- 1611. United States of America-W-392, United
1977. States of America-W-161, Canada and
Bromus hordeaceus L. 'Blando' United States of America-XW-299, United
Bromus hordeaceus L. subsp. Poaceae States of America-E-102, United States of
molliformis (Jn. Lloyd ex Godr.) Maire Total N° of Refs: 1 America-W-174, Japan-N-287, eastern
& Weiller Habit: Grass North America-EI-195, United States of
Poaceae Major Pathway/s: Ornamental America-CN-426, Europe, eastern-W-272,
Accepted name: Bromus hordeaceus subsp. References: United States of America-N- western Europe-W-70, United States of
divaricatus L. 101. America-W-218, China-W-297, China-A-
Total N° of Refs: 138 275, Australia-N-945, Canada-E-104,
Habit: annual Grass Bromus hordeaceus L. x Bromus lepidus Iceland-N-507, China-W-431, United
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Holmb. States of America-A-543, Canada-A-642,
Mediterranean Poaceae Norway-CN-644, Global-E-649, India-A-
Origin: Europe Accepted name: parents = Bromus x 712, Canada and United States of America-
References: United States of America-N- pseudothominei P.M. Sm. N-725, Turkey-A-727, United States of
101, Australia-N-945, United States of Total N° of Refs: 3 America-E-734, United States of America-
America-N-301, Australia-W-869, Habit: Grass E-736, Global-W-743, South Korea-N-773,
Belgium-U-1220, Crete-A-1228. References: United Kingdom-N-519, North America-E-784, United States of
United Kingdom-N-812, United Kingdom- America-N-301, United States of America-
U-1636. E-151, Global-W-788, Mexico-N-791,
Japan-N-794, Australia-W-853, Mexico-I-
878, United States of America-I-904, India-
ID-914, New Zealand-N-919, United States
of America-W-946, Australia-N-354,
Belgium-N-1006, France-N-1006, United
Kingdom-N-1006, Spain-N-1006,
Australia-N-1049, Europe-N-819, United
States of America-W-1103, United States

of America-AE-1156, United States of Bromus inermis Leyss. subsp. inermis Bromus inermis Leyss. 'Baylor'
America-N-1162, Global-ZD-1203, South Poaceae Poaceae
Korea-N-761, Poland-W-1219, Belgium- Total N° of Refs: 12 Total N° of Refs: 1
ND-1220, Serbia-W-1238, Spain-U-1270, Global Risk Score: 2.56 Habit: Grass
Japan-N-1278, Peru-N-1293, Canada-NI- Rating: Low Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
1340, United States of America-AZD-1341, Habit: perennial Grass References: United States of America-N-
Finland-AW-1356, United States of Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, 101.
America-AN-1022, India-ID-1389, United Subtropical, Tropical
States of America-ZD-1431, United States Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture Bromus inermis Leyss. 'Carlton'
of America-ZD-1441, Global-E-1449, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Poaceae
Global-ZD-1492, Austria-N-1531, Canada- References: United States of America-W- Total N° of Refs: 1
I-1538, Australia-I-1544, China-I-1544, 34, Global-NW-85, United States of Habit: Grass
India-I-1544, Japan-I-1544, Mongolia-I- America-N-101, Canada-A-642, Canada- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
1544, New Zealand-I-1544, Russia-I-1544, UC-756, United Kingdom-N-1006, United References: United States of America-N-
United States of America-I-1544, United States of America-W-1161, Canada-N- 101.
States of America-N-1603, Estonia-W- 1252, Global-CD-1611, Alaska-N-1625,
1609, Denmark-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, United States of America-N-1162, Canada- Bromus inermis Leyss. 'Lincoln'
Iceland-W-1609, Canada-A-87, United G-1855. Poaceae
States of America-A-87, Canadian Total N° of Refs: 1
northwest Territories-N-1011, Russia-N- Bromus inermis Leyss. subsp. inermis Habit: Grass
1647, Europe-ZD-1653, Global-CZD-1611, var. divaricatus Rohlena Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Mongolia-A-1620, United States of Poaceae References: United States of America-N-
America-ANZD-1667, Europe--, Iceland- Total N° of Refs: 1 101.
N-1552, France-N-1438, United States of Habit: Grass
America-E-1736, Europe-N-1740, Bolivia- References: United States of America-N- Bromus inermis Leyss. 'Magna'
U-1753, Serbia-R-1771, Bolivia-N-1796, 101. Poaceae
Uruguay-N-1800, Finland-A-1815, Poland- Total N° of Refs: 1
A-1825, Australia-N-1902, Chile-I-1872, Bromus inermis Leyss. subsp. inermis Habit: Grass
Argentina-A-1874, Mexico-N-1881, var. inermis Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Australia-WD-1934, France-R-1942, Poaceae References: United States of America-N-
Germany-R-1948, Poland-A-1952, Total N° of Refs: 1 101.
Australia-N-1959, -I-, -I-, Egypt-N-1979, Habit: Grass
Central and northern Japan and northern References: United States of America-N- Bromus inermis Leyss. 'Manchar'
islands-N-1983, Estonia-I-1996, Estonia-N- 101. Poaceae
1997, Kosovo-R-2003, New Zealand-N- Total N° of Refs: 1
2048, -A-2058, Poland-A-2059, Poland-A- Bromus inermis Leyss. subsp. Habit: Grass
2061, Poland-R-2062, Slovakia-A-2079, pumpellianus (Scribn.) Wagnon Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Poland-A-2110, Australia-W-1977, Poaceae References: United States of America-N-
Belgium-W-1977, Bhutan-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 1 101.
Bolivia-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Chile- Habit: Grass
W-1977, Democratic Repubic of Korea-W- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Bromus inermis Leyss. 'Polar'
1977, France-W-1977, Iceland-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans Poaceae
India-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Mexico-W- References: Canada-A-642. Total N° of Refs: 1
1977, Poland-W-1977, Republic of Korea- Habit: Grass
W-1977, South Africa-W-1977, Sweden- Bromus inermis Leyss. subsp. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
W-1977, Switzerland-W-1977, United pumpellianus (Scribn.) Wagnon var. References: United States of America-N-
Kingdom-W-1977, South Korea-N-2113, purpurascens (Hook.) Wagnon 101.
North Korea-N-2114. Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Bromus inermis Leyss. 'Rebound'
Bromus inermis Leyss. var. divaricatus Habit: Grass Poaceae
Rohlena References: Canada-A-642. Total N° of Refs: 1
Poaceae Habit: Grass
Total N° of Refs: 1 Bromus inermis Leyss. 'Achenbach' Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Habit: Grass Poaceae References: United States of America-N-
References: Canada-A-642. Total N° of Refs: 1 101.
Habit: Grass
Bromus inermis Leyss. var. inermis Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Bromus inermis Leyss. 'Sac'
Poaceae References: United States of America-N- Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 101. Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: Grass Habit: Grass
References: United States of America-N- Bromus inermis Leyss. 'Badger' Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
1607. Poaceae References: United States of America-N-
Total N° of Refs: 1 101.
Habit: Grass
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
References: United States of America-N-

Bromus inermis Leyss. 'Saratoga' Bromus japonicus Thunb. Poland-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, Japan-
Poaceae Poaceae A-87, United States of America-A-87,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bromus patulus Canada-A-87, Iran-A-87, Pakistan-A-87,
Habit: Grass Mert. & W.D.J. Koch (1) Poland-N-1040, Europe-ZD-1653, Global-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 145 CD-1611, United States of America-AZD-
References: United States of America-N- Global Risk Score: 44.8 1626, United States of America-AZD-1667,
101. Rating: Extreme Europe-N-1690, North Africa, Libya,
Habit: annual Grass Egypt-W-1730, Czech Republic-N-1731,
Bromus inermis Leyss. x Bromus Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, United States of America-N-1162, Belarus-
pumpellianus Scribn. Subtropical, Tropical N-1796, Ukraine-N-1813, Canada-G-1855,
Poaceae Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Mexico-N-1881, Global-A-1903, Iran-A-
Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, 1916, -I-, Russia-N-1988, Russia-N-1989,
Habit: Grass Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture Switzerland-N-1990, Estonia-N-1997,
References: Europe-W-1325. Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle, China-NZR-2021, South Korea-A-2032,
Livestock, Sheep, Wind, Escapee New Zealand-N-2048, Slovakia-N-2052,
Bromus intermedius Guss. Weed of: Cereals, Pastures, Vegetables Iran-A-2072, Iran-A-2075, Russia-I-2107,
Poaceae References: Global-A-30, North America- Iran-A-2111, Argentina-W-1977, Australia-
Total N° of Refs: 8 EZW-21, Global-W-23, Egypt-W-221, W-1977, Belarus-W-1977, Belgium-W-
Global Risk Score: 0.72 United States of America-W-34, United 1977, Canada-W-1977, Czech Republic-W-
Rating: Low Kingdom-U-40, Finland-U-42, United 1977, Denmark-W-1977, Germany-W-
Habit: Grass States of America-E-80, Global-N-108, 1977, Latvia-W-1977, Lithuania-W-1977,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Global-NZW-85, Global-AW-91, United Poland-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977, Russian
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe States of America-W-264, Global-A-243, Federation-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, United States of America-N-101, New Global--1324.
Ornamental Zealand-UW-280, South Africa-AZR-121,
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, South Africa-W-382, United States of Bromus japonicus Thunb. var. japonicus
Livestock, Sheep America-W-392, South Africa-W-158, Poaceae
References: United Kingdom-UZD-317, United States of America-W-161, United Total N° of Refs: 2
Palestine-N-851, Belgium-U-1294, States of America-E-102, United States of Habit: Grass
Belgium-U-1220, Turkey--1412, Germany- America-W-174, Australia-N-176, Japan- References: Australia-N-945, Australia-
W-1609, Belgium-W-1977, Germany-W- W-286, Australia-N-198, United States of EN-7.
1977. America-AW-207, United States of
America-W-210, United States of America- Bromus japonicus (Schrad.) Halácsy var.
Bromus interruptus (Hack.) Druce W-212, Europe, eastern-W-272, United vestitus Hal.
Poaceae States of America-W-218, China-W-297, Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 3 China-A-275, Australia-N-945, United Total N° of Refs: 5
Habit: Grass Kingdom-NZD-317, Australia-E-327, Habit: Grass
Dispersed by: Animals Czech Republic-NZ-400, China-W-431, Origin: Africa
References: United Kingdom-N-519, United Kingdom-N-519, United States of References: New Zealand-UW-280,
Europe-N-819, Global-W-1324. America-A-543, Canada-A-642, Ukraine- Australia-N-945, New Zealand-N-534,
NR-643, South Korea-A-648, United States Australia-EN-7, New Zealand-N-2048.
of America-A-705, Denmark-C-711,
Canada and United States of America-N- Bromus japonicus Thunb. subsp.
725, Lithuania-I-737, United States of japonicus
America-N-86, Canada-UC-756, United Poaceae
States of America-N-301, United States of Total N° of Refs: 3
America-E-151, North America-X-790, Habit: Grass
Mexico-N-791, United Kingdom-U-812, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Mexico-I-878, United States of America-I- Subtropical, Tropical
904, Germany-N-907, India-ND-914, New References: Turkey--1412, Germany-W-
Zealand-U-919, United Kingdom-Z-944, 1609, Belarus-N-1796.
United States of America-W-946,
Argentina-I-983, Czechoslovakia-N-1006, Bromus kalmii A.Gray
Germany-N-1006, Latvia-N-1006, Poaceae
Lithuania-N-1006, Poland-N-1006, Total N° of Refs: 5
Portugal-N-898, Europe-N-819, United Habit: Grass
States of America-W-1103, Poland-R- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
1219, Belgium-U-1220, Crete-A-1228, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Serbia-W-1238, Norway-N-1243, Georgia- References: Canada-C-756, Europe-N-819,
N-1250, China-NZ-1212, Canada-U-1340, Global-W-1324, Global-CD-1611, Canada-
Global-W-1349, India-ID-1389, Global-E- G-1855.
1449, Spain-N-1454, Turkey-A-1457,
Turkey-A-1463, Turkey-A-1467, Czech
Republic-N-1522, Iran-A-1524, United
States of America-N-1603, United States of
America-N-1607, Estonia-W-1609,
Denmark-W-1609, Russia-W-1609,
Germany-W-1609, Latvia-W-1609,
Lithuania-W-1609, Norway-W-1609,

Bromus laevipes Shear Bromus latiglumis (Shear) Hitchc. Bromus lithobius Trin.
Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 14
Habit: annual/perennial Grass Habit: perennial Grass Habit: Grass
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
References: Global-Q-1205, Australia-Q- Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Origin: S Am
1123. References: Canada-C-756, Global-CD- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
1611, Canada-G-1855. Dispersed by: Humans
Bromus lanceolatus Roth References: New Zealand-N-280,
Poaceae Bromus lepidus Holmb. Australia-N-176, Australia-N-198,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bromus Poaceae Australia-E-327, New Zealand-N-534, New
macrostachys Desf. (6) Total N° of Refs: 36 Zealand-N-15, Australia-N-855, New
Total N° of Refs: 64 Global Risk Score: 0.72 Zealand-N-919, Australia-N-1450, New
Global Risk Score: 21.12 Rating: Low Zealand-N-1543, Australia-N-1845,
Rating: High Habit: annual Grass Australia-N-1959, New Zealand-N-2048,
Habit: annual/biennial Grass Origin: Europe Australia-W-1977.
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Ornamental Bromus lithobius Trin.x Bromus
Origin: Africa, C Am, C Asia, E Asia, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals cedabilla Steud.
Europe, S Am, W Asia References: United Kingdom-N-40, Poaceae
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Finland-U-42, Global-N-85, United States Total N° of Refs: 1
Ornamental, Pasture of America-N-101, United Kingdom-NZ- Habit: Grass
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, 317, Czech Republic-UZ-400, United Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles, Escapee Kingdom-N-519, Switzerland-N-653, Origin: S Am
Weed of: Cereals Austria-U-708, Denmark-N-711, Hungary- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
References: India-A-712, Australia-E-72, NI-809, United Kingdom-N-812, United Dispersed by: Humans
Finland-U-42, Chile-N-300, Global-NW- Kingdom-N-1006, Hungary-N-1006, References: Australia-W-1977.
85, Global-AW-91, United States of Europe-N-819, Belgium-U-1220, Norway-
America-N-101, western Europe-A-253, N-1243, Hungary-N-1255, Global-W-1324, Bromus macrostachys Desf.
Australia-N-198, Europe, eastern-W-272, Czech Republic-U-1522, Austria-W-1609, Poaceae
western Europe-W-70, Australia-N-945, Denmark-W-1609, Ireland-W-1609, Accepted name: Bromus lanceolatus Roth
United Kingdom-UCZD-317, Australia-E- Norway-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, United Total N° of Refs: 64
327, Czech Republic-UZ-400, Canary Kingdom-U-1636, Global-ZD-1611, Czech Habit: Grass
Islands-N-305, United Kingdom-N-519, Republic-U-1731, Europe-U-1740, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Austria-U-708, Denmark-W-711, Chile-N- Sweden-N-1802, Austria-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
765, United Kingdom-U-812, United Belgium-W-1977, Czech Republic-W- Dispersed by: Humans
Kingdom-Z-944, Australia-N-354, Europe- 1977, Ireland-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977, Weed of: Pastures
N-819, Iberian Peninsular-N-1147, United Kingdom-W-1977. References: Japan-N-287, Japan-N-794,
Belgium-UD-1220, Chile-N-1229, Global-A-1207, Japan-N-1278, Australia-
Norway-N-1243, Australia-E-1259, Bromus leptoclados Nees A-1331, Chile-I-1872.
Australia-E-1261, Global-W-1324, Czech Poaceae
Republic-Z-1347, Chile-N-1348, Turkey- Total N° of Refs: 2
A-1467, Slovakia-U-1484, Global-ZD- Habit: Grass
1495, Czech Republic-U-1522, Estonia-W- Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
1609, Austria-W-1609, Denmark-W-1609, Origin: S Am
Germany-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Global-CD-1611, Tajikistan-A-1674, Dispersed by: Humans
Czech Republic-U-1731, Ukraine-U-1813, References: Zimbabwe-UD-1365,
Chile-I-1872, Australia-WD-1934, Estonia- Zimbabwe-W-1977.
N-1997, Australia-W-1977, Austria-W-
1977, Belgium-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Bromus ligusticus All.
Czech Republic-W-1977, Denmark-W- Poaceae
1977, Germany-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Accepted name: Vulpia ligustica (All.)
Slovakia-W-1977. Link
Total N° of Refs: 16
Bromus lanceolatus Roth. subsp. Habit: Grass
macrostachys (Desf.) Maire References: United Kingdom-U-40.
Total N° of Refs: 2
Habit: Grass
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations, Pome
References: Global-A-243, Syria-A-111.

Bromus madritensis L. of America-N-2092, Greece-A-2093, Bromus marginatus Nees ex Steud.
Poaceae Australia-W-1977, Austria-W-1977, Poaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Anisantha Belgium-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Czech Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bromus
madritensis (L.) Nevski (8), Bromus Republic-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, breviaristatus Buckley (1), Ceratochloa
madritensis L. subsp. haussknechtii H. Germany-W-1977, Ireland-W-1977, Japan- marginata (Nees ex Steud.) B.D. Jackson
Scholz (1) W-1977, Mexico-W-1977, South Africa- (4)
Total N° of Refs: 122 W-1977, Switzerland-W-1977, United Total N° of Refs: 12
Global Risk Score: 28.16 Kingdom-W-1977. Global Risk Score: 8.96
Rating: High Rating: Medium
Habit: annual Grass Bromus madritensis L. var. ciliatus Habit: perennial Grass
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Gussone Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Poaceae Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Origin: Africa, C Asia, E Asia, Europe, W Total N° of Refs: 3 Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture
Asia Habit: Grass Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Origin: Africa, C Asia, E Asia, Europe, W References: Europe-N-819, United States
Ornamental, Pasture Asia of America-N-101, Global-W-1349, United
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, References: Australia-N-176, Australia-N- States of America-AZD-1667, China-N-
Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles, Water 354, Australia-N-1845. 1796, Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations,
Pastures, Pome Fruits Bromus madritensis L. subsp. Bromus marginatus Nees ex Steud.
References: Australia-W-93, Australia-W- haussknechtii H. Scholz 'Bromar'
269, United States of America-W-34, Poaceae Poaceae
United States of America-X-35, Australia- Accepted name: Bromus madritensis L. Total N° of Refs: 1
E-72, Finland-U-42, Chile-N-300, Global- Total N° of Refs: 114 Habit: Grass
NW-85, Global-A-243, United States of Habit: Grass Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
America-N-101, New Zealand-N-280, References: Crete-A-1228. References: United States of America-N-
Syria-A-111, Chile-N-241, United States of 101.
America-W-161, Portugal-A-250, Bromus madritensis L. subsp. kunkelii
Australia-N-176, Japan-N-287, western H. Scholz Bromus maximus Desf.
Europe-A-253, Australia-N-198, western Poaceae Poaceae
Europe-W-70, Australia-N-945, Australia- Accepted name: Bromus rubens L. subsp. Accepted name: Bromus rigidus
E-327, Czech Republic-UZ-400, Tunisia- kunkelii (H.Scholz) H.Scholz Total N° of Refs: 93
R-527, New Zealand-N-534, New Zealand- Total N° of Refs: 1 Habit: Grass
N-15, Switzerland-N-653, Austria-U-708, Habit: Grass References: Ireland-W-894.
United States of America-N-86, Chile-N- References: Cape Verde-N-1558.
765, Australia-EN-7, United States of Bromus molliformis Lloyd
America-N-301, Mexico-N-791, Japan-N- Bromus madritensis L. subsp. Poaceae
794, Hungary-U-809, Switzerland-UR-818, madritensis Accepted name: Bromus hordeaceus L.
United States of America-N-839, Australia- Poaceae subsp. molliformis (Lloyd) Maire &
W-853, Australia-N-855, Australia-N-868, Total N° of Refs: 5 Weiller
Australia-W-869, Mexico-I-878, Spain-A- Habit: annual Grass Total N° of Refs: 145
892, New Zealand-N-919, United References: United States of America-W- Global Risk Score: 0.48
Kingdom-Z-944, Australia-N-354, 34, United States of America-N-86, United Rating: Low
Portugal-N-1006, United Kingdom-N- States of America-W-946, Crete-A-1228, Habit: annual Grass
1006, Iceland-N-1006, Australia-N-1049, Azores-N-1721. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Canary Islands-N-1087, Europe-N-819, Origin: E Asia, Europe
United States of America-W-1103, Bromus madritensis L. subsp. rubens Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Belgium-UD-1220, Chile-N-1229, (L.) Husnot Ornamental
Hungary-U-1255, Australia-E-1259, Poaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Vehicles
Australia-E-1260, Australia-E-1261, Accepted name: Bromus rubens L. Weed of: Pastures
Australia-E-1262, Romania-U-1264, Japan- Total N° of Refs: 106 References: Australia-W-269, South
N-1278, United States of America-N-1292, Habit: annual Grass Africa-AZR-121, Japan-N-287, Australia-
Global-W-1324, Australia-A-1331, References: United States of America-EI- Z-611, Australia-N-7, Japan-N-794,
Romania-U-1334, Czech Republic-Z-1347, 231, United States of America-W-34, Australia-W-869, Australia-N-1049, Japan-
Chile-N-1348, Australia-N-1450, Global- United States of America-E-78, United N-1278, Australia-A-1331, Global-ZD-
ZD-1495, Czech Republic-U-1522, States of America-W-116, United States of 1495, Global-ZD-1581, Australia-Z-1768.
Romania-U-1537, Austria-W-1609, America-N-86, United States of America-
Denmark-W-1609, Germany-W-1609, W-946.
Australia-A-87, Morocco-A-87, Portugal-
A-87, Chile-A-87, Iran-A-87, Global-N- Bromus magnus Keng
1218, Global-ZD-1611, Global-ZD-1581, Poaceae
Algeria-A-1727, North Africa, Libya, Total N° of Refs: 1
Egypt-W-1730, Czech Republic-U-1731, Habit: Grass
France-N-1438, Australia-N-1902, Chile-I- References: China-W-431.
1872, Chile and Argentina-E-1874,
Mexico-N-1881, Australia-WD-1934,
Australia-N-1959, -I-, Switzerland-N-1990,
Tunisia-A-2006, New Zealand-N-2048,
Italy-A-2081, Spain-A-2083, United States

Bromus mollis L. Bromus oxyodon Schrenk Bromus polyanthus Scribn. ex Shear
Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae
Accepted name: Bromus hordeaceus L. Total N° of Refs: 4 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Ceratochloa
Total N° of Refs: 185 Habit: Grass polyantha (Scribn. ex Shear) Tzvelev (1)
Global Risk Score: 15.84 Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 5
Rating: Medium Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Habit: Grass
Toxic - Habit: annual Grass Dispersed by: Humans Origin: N Am
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical References: Global-A-1207, Latvia-W- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental,
Origin: Europe 1609, Belarus-W-1977, Latvia-W-1977. Pasture
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Dispersed by: Humans
Ornamental, Pasture Bromus pacificus Shear References: Belgium-U-1294, Europe-W-
Dispersed by: Humans, Horse, Livestock Poaceae 1325, Belgium-U-1220, Belgium-W-1977.
Weed of: Cereals, Grapevines, Orchards & Total N° of Refs: 6
Plantations, Pastures, Pome Fruits Habit: Grass Bromus popovii Drobow
References: Brazil-W-407, Global-W-23, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Poaceae
Argentina-W-237, Global-A-30, Global-A- Dispersed by: Humans Accepted name: Bromus racemosus L.
44, United States of America-E-80, Global- References: Japan-N-287, Japan-N-794, Total N° of Refs: 69
A-243, South America-W-295, United Global-Q-1205, Japan-N-1278, Australia- Global Risk Score: 1.28
States of America-W-161, United States of Q-1123, Japan-W-1977. Rating: Low
America-A-180, Japan-N-287, United Habit: Grass
States of America-AW-212, United States Bromus pannonicus Kumm. & Sendtn. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture
of America-W-218, Canada-A-642, Poaceae Dispersed by: Humans
Canada-N-652, South Korea-N-773, Total N° of Refs: 2 Weed of: Vegetables
Mexico-N-791, Japan-N-794, Australia-W- Habit: Grass References: Tajikistan-A-1017.
869, Mexico-I-878, Europe-A-889, Weed of: Pastures
Uruguay-I-988, United States of America- References: Serbia-W-1238, Serbia-A- Bromus pseudobrachystachys H.Scholz
N-1057, United States of America-N-1058, 1372. Poaceae
Poland-A-935, Global-ZD-1203, South Total N° of Refs: 1
Korea-N-761, Japan-N-1278, Macedonia- Bromus patulus Mert. & W.D.J. Koch Habit: Grass
A-1304, Global-W-1349, Serbia-W-1358, Poaceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Serbia-W-1222, Argentina, Brazil and Accepted name: Bromus japonicus References: Palestine-N-851.
Uruguay-I-1476, Australia-A-87, Total N° of Refs: 145
Argentina-A-87, Morocco-A-87, Russia-A- Habit: Grass Bromus pseudodanthoniae Drobow
87, Spain-A-87, Chile-A-87, New Zealand- References: Global-A-1903. Poaceae
A-87, United States of America-A-87, Total N° of Refs: 1
Serbia-W-1031, New Zealand-A-1624, Bromus pectinatus Thunb. Habit: Grass
India-A-1725, Serbia-W-1766, Serbia-R- Poaceae References: Belarus-W-1977.
1771, Russia-W-1671, Morocco-A-1361, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bromus adoensis
Chile-I-1872, Global-A-1903, Serbia-R- Hochst. ex Steud. (3) Bromus pseudosecalinus P.M.Sm.
1946, Russia-N-1989, Serbia-R-2057. Total N° of Refs: 19 Poaceae
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Total N° of Refs: 13
Bromus mollis L. subsp. hordeaceus Rating: Low Habit: Grass
Hiitonen Habit: annual Grass Origin: Europe
Poaceae Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Accepted name: Bromus hordeaceus L. Origin: Africa, E Asia Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 133 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, References: United Kingdom-U-40, United
Habit: Grass Ornamental Kingdom-N-519, Denmark-U-711, United
References: Kosovo-R-2003. Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Kingdom-U-812, Ireland-U-894, Iceland-
Livestock, Sheep N-1006, Europe-N-819, Global-W-1324,
Bromus orcuttianus (Shear) A. Hitchc. Weed of: Cereals Denmark-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609,
Poaceae References: Africa-A-53, United Kingdom- Sweden-N-1802, Sweden-W-1977, United
Total N° of Refs: 2 UZD-317, Eritrea-A-555, Africa-A-980, Kingdom-W-1977.
Habit: annual Grass Europe-N-819, Africa-W-1127, Belgium-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal UD-1220, Pakistan-A-1044, South Africa- Bromus x pseudothominii P.M.Sm.
References: Global-Q-1205, Australia-Q- N-1991, Belarus-W-1977, Belgium-W- Poaceae
1123. 1977, Chile-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Accepted name: parents = Bromus
Republic of Korea-W-1977, Russian hordeaceus L. x Bromus lepidus Holmb.
Bromus oxydon Schrenk Federation-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 8
Poaceae Habit: Grass
Total N° of Refs: 2 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Habit: Grass Subtropical, Tropical
References: Estonia-W-1609, Estonia-N- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
1997. Dispersed by: Humans
References: Canada and United States of
America-N-725, Australia-N-354, Europe-
N-819, Denmark-W-1609, Poland-W-1609,
Australia-W-1977, Czech Republic-W-
1977, Denmark-W-1977.

Bromus pseudothominii P.Sm. Bromus racemosus L. Bromus racemosus L. x Bromus
Poaceae Poaceae commutatus Schrad.
Total N° of Refs: 6 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bromus popovii Poaceae
Habit: Grass Drobow (1) Total N° of Refs: 2
References: United Kingdom-N-1006, Total N° of Refs: 69 Habit: Grass
Poland-N-1006, Sweden-W-1609, Poland- Global Risk Score: 11.52 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
N-1040, Denmark-W-1977, Sweden-W- Rating: Medium Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
1977. Habit: annual Grass References: United Kingdom-C-40, Global-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, CD-1611.
Bromus pubescens Muhl. ex Willd. Subtropical
Poaceae Origin: Africa, C Asia, E Asia, Europe, W Bromus ramosus Huds.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bromopsis Asia Poaceae
pubescens (Muhl. ex Willd.) Holub (4) Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bromopsis
Total N° of Refs: 11 Ornamental benekenii (Lange) Holub (2), Bromopsis
Habit: perennial Grass Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle, ramosa (Huds.) Holub (2)
Origin: N Am Livestock, Sheep, Water Total N° of Refs: 14
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental, Seed Longevity: Transient Habit: perennial Grass
Pasture Weed of: Pastures Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee References: Global-A-30, Finland-U-42, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
References: Canada-C-756, China-N-1215, Chile-N-300, Global-NZW-85, United Ornamental, Pasture
Taiwan-N-1403, Global-CD-1611, Canada- States of America-N-101, New Zealand-N- Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle,
G-1855, Sweden-W-1977, Taiwan-W- 280, Chile-N-241, South America-W-295, Livestock, Sheep, Water, Wind
1977. United States of America-W-161, Japan-N- Seed Longevity: Transient
287, Europe, eastern-W-272, western References: Finland-U-42, Global-N-85,
Bromus pumpellianus Scribn. Europe-W-70, United States of America- United States of America-N-101, Europe,
Poaceae W-218, Australia-N-945, United Kingdom- eastern-W-272, western Europe-W-70,
Accepted name: Bromus inermis subsp. N-519, New Zealand-N-534, Chile-N-765, Japan-N-794, Japan-N-1278, Europe-ZD-
pumpellianus var. pumpellianus Mexico-N-791, Australia-W-853, United 1653, Japan-W-1977, Global--1324.
Total N° of Refs: 157 States of America-X-229, New Zealand-N-
Habit: perennial Grass 919, Argentina-I-983, Uruguay-I-988,
References: Czech Republic-U-400, Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049,
Canada-A-642, United Kingdom-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Chile-N-1229, Serbia-W-
Europe-N-819, United Kingdom-W-1977. 1238, Norway-N-1243, Australia-E-1261,
Argentina-W-1286, Global-W-1324,
Bromus pumpellianus Scribn. var. Canada-U-1340, Chile-N-1348, Global-W-
arcticus (Shear ex Scribn. & Merr.) 1349, Serbia-A-1357, Croatia-A-1368,
Porsild Serbia-A-1372, Argentina, Brazil and
Poaceae Uruguay-I-1476, Estonia-W-1609,
Accepted name: Bromus inermis subsp. Norway-W-1609, Afghanistan-A-87,
pumpellianus var. arcticus Malaysia-A-87, Portugal-A-87, Chile-A-
Total N° of Refs: 153 87, Morocco-A-87, United States of
Habit: Grass America-A-87, Serbia-A-1036, Global-ZD-
References: Canada-A-642. 1611, Global-ZD-1581, United States of
America-E-1736, United States of
Bromus pumpellianus Scribn. var. America-N-1162, Chile-I-1872, Chile and
tweedyi Scribn. ex Beal Argentina-E-1874, Australia-WD-1934,
Poaceae Chile-R-1949, Croatia-A-1954, Australia-
Accepted name: Bromus inermis subsp. U-1962, -I-, Estonia-N-1997, Kosovo-R-
pumpellianus var. pumpellianus 2003, New Zealand-N-2048, Argentina-W-
Total N° of Refs: 153 1977, Australia-W-1977, Canada-W-1977,
Habit: Grass Chile-W-1977, Latvia-W-1977, Republic
References: Canada-A-642. of Korea-W-1977, South Korea-N-2113.

Bromus pumpellianus Scribn. subsp. Bromus racemosus L. subsp.

dicksonii Mitchell & Wilton commutatus (Schrad.) Maire & Weiller
Poaceae Poaceae
Accepted name: Bromus inermis subsp. Total N° of Refs: 3
pumpellianus var. pumpellianus Habit: Grass
Total N° of Refs: 153 Origin: Africa, C Asia, E Asia, Europe, W
Habit: Grass Asia
References: Canada-A-642. References: Australia-N-198, Australia-E-
327, Australia-N-354.

Bromus rigidus Roth Bromus riparius Rehmann Bromus rubens L.
Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Anisantha rigida Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bromopsis riparia Synonym/s (n° of refs): Anisantha rubens
(Roth) Hyl. (8), Bromus diandrus Roth (Rehmann) Holub (3) (L.) Nevski (5), Bromus madritensis L.
subsp. rigidus (Roth) Lainz (2), Bromus Total N° of Refs: 13 subsp. rubens (L.) Husnot (6)
maximus Desf. (1) Global Risk Score: 2.56 Total N° of Refs: 111
Total N° of Refs: 103 Rating: Low Global Risk Score: 21.12
Global Risk Score: 26.88 Habit: perennial Grass Rating: High
Rating: High Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Habit: annual Grass
Habit: annual/biennial Grass Origin: Europe Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
Subtropical, Tropical Ornamental, Pasture Origin: Africa, C Asia, E Asia, Europe, W
Origin: Africa, Europe Dispersed by: Humans Asia
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Seed Longevity: Long Term Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture References: Czech Republic-UZ-400, Ornamental, Pasture
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Canada-A-642, Europe-N-819, Global-W- Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Horse,
Livestock, Sheep 1324, Estonia-W-1609, Russia-N-1796, Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles, Water, Wind
Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations, Estonia-N-1997, Belarus-W-1977, Czech Weed of: Cereals, Forestry, Grapevines,
Pastures, Vegetables Republic-W-1977, Latvia-W-1977. Orchards & Plantations, Pastures, Pome
References: Taiwan-N-777, Global-W-23, Fruits
Argentina-W-237, Global-A-30, Finland- References: Egypt-W-221, Global-W-23,
U-42, United States of America-E-80, Australia-W-269, Global-A-30, Australia-
Global-W-85, Global-AW-91, Global-A- E-72, Finland-U-42, United States of
243, United States of America-N-101, America-E-80, Global-NZW-85, Global-
Chile-N-241, South America-W-295, AW-91, United States of America-W-264,
Australia-A-177, Japan-N-287, Japan-W- Global-A-243, United States of America-
286, United States of America-W-212, N-101, New Zealand-UW-280, United
western Europe-W-70, United States of States of America-W-161, United States of
America-W-218, Australia-N-945, Czech America-A-180, Japan-N-287, western
Republic-UZ-400, Canary Islands-N-305, Europe-A-253, Australia-N-198, United
Morocco-A-561, Switzerland-N-653, South States of America-W-218, Australia-N-945,
Korea-N-773, Australia-EN-7, United Australia-E-327, Czech Republic-UZ-400,
States of America-N-301, Mexico-N-791, New Zealand-N-534, Global-E-649,
Japan-N-794, Switzerland-UR-818, Global- Mediterranean-I-775, North America-E-
A-68, Mexico-I-878, Europe-A-889, 784, Australia-N-7, United States of
Uruguay-I-988, Portugal-N-1006, United America-N-301, United States of America-
Kingdom-N-1006, Slovenia-N-1006, E-151, Mexico-N-791, Japan-N-794,
Europe-N-819, Global-Q-1138, South United States of America-N-839, Australia-
Korea-N-761, China-N-1215, Chile-N- W-853, Australia-N-855, Australia-N-856,
1229, Romania-U-1264, Japan-N-1278, Australia-W-869, Mexico-I-878, Spain-A-
Global-W-1324, Romania-U-1334, Chile- 892, New Zealand-U-919, Mediterranean-
N-1348, Taiwan-N-1403, Argentina, Brazil EI-951, Australia-N-354, Australia-N-
and Uruguay-I-1476, Czech Republic-U- 1049, Europe-N-819, United States of
1522, Romania-U-1537, Austria-W-1609, America-W-1103, United States of
Germany-W-1609, United Kingdom-ZD- America-AE-1156, Global-ZD-1203,
1633, Argentina-A-87, Hawaii-A-87, Belgium-UD-1220, Australia-E-1259,
Morocco-A-87, Portugal-A-87, Australia- Australia-E-1260, Australia-E-1261,
A-87, Greece-A-87, United States of Australia-E-1262, Japan-N-1278, United
America-A-87, Crete-A-1651, Australia- States of America-N-1292, Global-W-
ZD-1675, Czech Republic-U-1731, 1324, Australia-A-1331, Czech Republic-
Taiwan-W-1748, Morocco-A-1750, Z-1347, Global-W-1349, Australia-N-1450,
Morocco-A-1752, China-N-1796, Australia-ZD-1451, Global-ZD-1492,
Morocco-A-1361, Chile-I-1872, Chile-A- Global-ZD-1495, Czech Republic-U-1522,
1874, Mexico-N-1881, -I-, Switzerland-U- Australia-I-1544, China-I-1544, Japan-I-
1990, South Africa-N-1991, Spain-A-2083, 1544, New Zealand-I-1544, Russia-I-1544,
Argentina-W-1977, Australia-W-1977, United States of America-I-1544, United
Belgium-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Czech States of America-N-1603, Australia-A-87,
Republic-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, Greece-A-87, Jordan-A-87, Morocco-A-87,
Egypt-W-1977, Germany-W-1977, Japan- United States of America-A-87, Namibia-
W-1977, Mexico-W-1977, Republic of N-1548, Global-N-1218, Iran-A-1619,
Korea-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977, Australia--1717, Azores-N-1721, Algeria-
Sweden-W-1977, Switzerland-W-1977, A-1727, North Africa, Libya, Egypt-W-
Taiwan-W-1977, Thailand-W-1977, United 1730, Czech Republic-U-1731, United
Kingdom-W-1977, South Korea-N-2113. States of America-E-1736, Morocco-A-
1752, Australia-N-1902, Morocco-A-1361,
Argentina-A-1874, Mexico-NI-1881,
Australia-WD-1934, Australia-N-1959,
New Zealand-U-2048, United States of
America-N-2092, Greece-A-2093,

Australia-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Bromus secalinus L. Australia-A-87, Canada-A-87, Finland-A-
Czech Republic-W-1977, Egypt-W-1977, Poaceae 87, Germany-A-87, Spain-A-87, United
Japan-W-1977, Latvia-W-1977, Mexico- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Serrafalcus States of America-A-87, Chile-A-87,
W-1977. secalinus (L.) Bab. (1) Colombia-A-87, Russia-A-87, Global-Q-
Total N° of Refs: 160 1572, Global-CZD-1611, Czech Republic-
Bromus rubens L. subsp. kunkelii (H. Global Risk Score: 24 U-1731, Iceland-U-1552, United States of
Scholz) H. Scholz Rating: High America-E-1736, Russia-N-1796, Algeria-
Poaceae Toxic - Habit: annual Grass N-1796, Finland-A-1815, Colombia-N-
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bromus Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, 1856, Montenegro-W-1861, Chile-I-1872,
madritensis L. subsp. kunkelii H. Scholz Subtropical Chile and Argentina-A-1874, Mexico-N-
(1) Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia 1881, Global-A-1903, Russia-W-1920,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Poland-A-1033, Australia-WD-1934,
Habit: Grass Herbal, Ornamental Poland-A-1952, Poland-A-1965, Poland-A-
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers, 1966, -I-, -I-, Bosnia and Herzegovina-N-
Bromus rubens L. 'Panoche' Horse, Livestock, Sheep, Water, Escapee 1987, Poland-N-1993, Poland-A-2047,
Poaceae Seed Longevity: Short Term New Zealand-U-2048, Ukraine-N-2050,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Weed of: Cereals, Cotton, Grapevines, Slovakia-N-2052, Poland-AN-2058,
Habit: Grass Orchards & Plantations, Pastures, Poland-AN-2059, Poland-AN-2060,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Vegetables Poland-A-2061, Slovakia-A-2079, Poland-
References: United States of America-N- References: Global-W-23, Global-W-433, A-2110, Ukraine-N-2112, Argentina-W-
101. Argentina-W-237, Global-A-30, United 1977, Australia-W-1977, Austria-W-1977,
States of America-W-34, United Kingdom- Belarus-W-1977, Bulgaria-W-1977,
Bromus schraderi Kunth U-40, Global-A-44, Chile-N-300, United Canada-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Croatia-
Poaceae States of America-E-80, Global-NXZW-85, W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977,
Accepted name: Bromus catharticus Vahl Global-AW-91, Global-A-243, United Democratic Repubic of Korea-W-1977,
var. catharticus States of America-N-101, New Zealand- Estonia-W-1977, Iceland-W-1977, Ireland-
Total N° of Refs: 222 UW-280, Chile-N-241, South America-W- W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Poland-W-1977,
Habit: Grass 295, United States of America-W-161, Portugal-W-1977, Republic of Korea-W-
References: Global-W-1349. United States of America-E-102, Japan-N- 1977, Slovakia-W-1977, Taiwan-W-1977,
287, Japan-W-286, western Europe-A-253, Ukraine-W-1977, South Korea-N-2113,
Bromus scoparius L. United States of America-W-210, United North Korea-U-2114, Global--1324.
Poaceae States of America-W-212, Europe, eastern-
Total N° of Refs: 34 AW-272, western Europe-W-70, United Bromus secalinus L. var. decipiens
Global Risk Score: 6.24 States of America-W-218, Australia-N-945, Bomble & H. Scholz
Rating: Low United Kingdom-ANZD-317, Iceland-U- Poaceae
Habit: annual Grass 507, United Kingdom-N-519, United States Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, of America-A-543, Canada-A-642, Habit: Grass
Subtropical, Tropical Portugal-N-662, United States of America- References: United States of America-N-
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe A-705, Denmark-N-711, Portugal-N-718, 101.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Pasture Canada and United States of America-N-
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, 725, Turkey-A-727, Chile-N-765, South Bromus secalinus L. var. secalinus
Livestock, Sheep Korea-N-773, United States of America-N- Poaceae
Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations 301, United States of America-E-151, Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Egypt-W-221, Finland-U-42, North America-X-790, Mexico-N-791, Habit: Grass
Chile-N-300, Global-N-85, United States of Japan-N-794, United Kingdom-CNZD-812, References: United States of America-N-
America-N-101, Australia-N-134, United India-Q-835, United States of America-N- 101.
Kingdom-UZD-317, Czech Republic-UZ- 839, Australia-W-853, United States of
400, India-A-712, Chile-N-765, Europe-N- America-X-229, Mexico-I-878, Europe-A- Bromus secalinus L. subsp. decipiens
819, Global-A-1207, Belgium-U-1220, 889, Ireland-U-894, United States of Bomble & H. Scholz
Crete-A-1228, Chile-N-1229, Global-W- America-N-904, Argentina-A-913, New Poaceae
1324, Czech Republic-Z-1347, Chile-N- Zealand-U-919, Colombia-A-927, United Total N° of Refs: 4
1348, Czech Republic-U-1522, Estonia-W- States of America-W-946, Argentina-I-983, Habit: annual Grass
1609, Germany-W-1609, United Kingdom- Australia-N-354, Russia-A-998, Origin: E Asia, Europe
ZD-1633, North Africa, Libya, Egypt-W- Czechoslovakia-N-1006, Germany-N-1006, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
1730, Czech Republic-U-1731, China-N- United Kingdom-N-1006, Slovakia-N- Dispersed by: Humans
1796, Chile-I-1872, Estonia-N-1997, Chile- 1006, Slovenia-N-1006, Australia-N-1049, References: Czech Republic-UZ-400,
N-1998, Turkey-A-2101, Belgium-W- Portugal-N-898, Europe-N-819, Iran-A- Austria-U-708, United States of America-
1977, Bulgaria-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, 173, United States of America-N-1162, N-101, Austria-W-1609.
Czech Republic-W-1977, Germany-W- South Korea-N-761, Poland-A-1219, Chile-
1977. N-1229, Serbia-W-1238, Norway-N-1243, Bromus secalinus L. subsp. multiflorus
Japan-N-1278, United States of America- (Sm.) Schübl. & Mart.
Bromus scoparius L. var. scoparius N-1292, Ukraine-N-1297, Macedonia-A- Poaceae
Poaceae 1304, Ukraine-N-1335, Canada-U-1340, Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 1 Chile-N-1348, Global-W-1349, Finland- Habit: annual Grass
Habit: Grass AN-1356, Serbia-A-1372, Slovakia-N- Origin: E Asia, Europe
References: Chile-N-241. 1484, Poland-N-1494, Czech Republic-U- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
1522, Panarctic-U-1596, United States of Dispersed by: Humans
America-N-1603, Denmark-W-1609, References: Czech Republic-UZ-400.
Poland-W-1609, Argentina-A-87,

Bromus secalinus L. subsp. secalinus Bromus spp. L. Bromus squarrosus L.
Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 5 Total N° of Refs: 26 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bromus squarrosus
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Toxic - Habit: annual Grass L. var. villosus Koch, nom. illeg. (2)
Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Total N° of Refs: 68
Habit: annual Grass Subtropical Global Risk Score: 8.64
Origin: E Asia, Europe Dispersed by: Humans, Horse, Livestock Rating: Medium
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Weed of: Cereals, Vegetables Habit: perennial Grass
Ornamental References: Global-EI-18, Global-A-243, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Australia-E-296, South Africa-W-382, Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe
References: Czech Republic-NZI-400, Europe, eastern-AW-272, Spain-A-417, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Canada-UC-756, United States of America- United States of America-A-543, Algeria- Ornamental
N-101, Global-CD-1611, Canada-G-1855. A-471, Iraq-A-595, Libya-A-597, North Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
America-E-784, New Zealand-E-505, Livestock, Sheep, Wind
Bromus sericeus Drobow Global-ZD-1203, Greece-W-1240, France- Weed of: Cereals, Pastures
Poaceae A-1266, Turkey-A-1287, Serbia-A-1357, References: Global-A-30, United
Accepted name: Bromus tectorum subsp. Azerbaijan-A-1638, Morocco-A-561, Kingdom-U-40, Finland-U-42, Chile-N-
lucidus L. United States of America-ZD-1592, United 300, United States of America-E-80,
Total N° of Refs: 257 States of America-AZD-1667, Polar Global-N-85, United States of America-N-
Habit: Grass Regions-ZD-1587, Australia-ZD-1675, 101, western Europe-A-253, eastern North
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean France-A-1814, Spain-A-2083, New America-E-195, Europe, eastern-W-272,
References: Palestine-N-851. Zealand-W-1977. Australia-N-945, United Kingdom-UZD-
317, Ukraine-NR-643, Denmark-UN-711,
Bromus sewerzowii Regel Canada and United States of America-N-
Poaceae 725, Lithuania-I-737, Chile-N-765,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Belarus-N-817, Germany-N-1006,
Habit: Grass Lithuania-N-1006, Poland-N-1006, Europe-
Origin: W Asia N-819, Poland-R-1219, Belgium-U-1220,
Weed of: Cereals Chile-N-1229, Serbia-W-1238, Norway-N-
References: Tajikistan-A-1674. 1243, Ukraine-N-1297, Global-W-1324,
Ukraine-N-1335, Chile-N-1348, Serbia-A-
Bromus sinaicus (Hack.) Tackholm 1372, Estonia-W-1609, Denmark-W-1609,
Poaceae Latvia-W-1609, Lithuania-W-1609,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Norway-W-1609, Poland-W-1609,
Habit: Grass Sweden-W-1609, Russia-A-87, Canadian
References: Egypt-W-221. northwest Territories-N-1011, Poland-N-
1040, Global-ZD-1611, Ukraine-N-1685,
Bromus sitchensis Trin. Europe-N-1690, Chile-I-1872, Chile-A-
Poaceae 1874, -I-, -I-, Russia-N-1988, Estonia-N-
Total N° of Refs: 16 1997, Kosovo-R-2003, Ukraine-N-2050,
Habit: perennial Grass Serbia-R-2057, Turkey-A-2101, Russia-I-
Origin: N Am 2107, Ukraine-N-2112, Belarus-W-1977,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental, Belgium-W-1977, Bulgaria-W-1977,
Pasture Canada-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Denmark-
Dispersed by: Humans W-1977, Latvia-W-1977, Lithuania-W-
References: New Zealand-N-280, Japan-N- 1977, Poland-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977,
287, New Zealand-NW-425, New Zealand- Ukraine-W-1977.
N-919, France-N-1006, Europe-N-819,
Global-W-1324, Belgium-N-1220, Bromus squarrosus L. var. villosus
Denmark-W-1609, France-R-1942, New Koch, nom. illeg.
Zealand-N-2048, Belgium-W-1977, Poaceae
Canada-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, Accepted name: Bromus squarrosus L.
France-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 68
Habit: Grass
References: United States of America-N-
839, United States of America-N-1292.

Bromus stamineus Desv. Bromus sterilis L. A-87, United States of America-A-87,
Poaceae Poaceae Hungary-A-1015, Tajikistan-A-1017,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Ceratochloa Synonym/s (n° of refs): Anisantha sterilis Serbia-W-1031, Europe-ZD-1653, Europe-
staminea (E.Desv) Stace (2) (L.) Nevski (18) ZD-1656, Global-ZD-1611, United States
Total N° of Refs: 11 Total N° of Refs: 176 of America-AZD-1626, Global-ZD-1581,
Global Risk Score: 4.48 Global Risk Score: 8.64 Europe--, Czech Republic-N-1731, United
Rating: Low Rating: Medium States of America-E-1736, Australia-Z-
Habit: annual/perennial Grass Habit: annual Grass 1768, Serbia-R-1771, central Europe-A-
Origin: S Am Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean 1616, China-N-1796, Poland-A-1825,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Origin: Africa, C Asia, E Asia, Europe, W Australia-N-1902, Australia-N-1845,
Ornamental, Pasture Asia Serbia-R-1848, Montenegro-W-1861,
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Chile-I-1872, Chile and Argentina-AE-
References: United States of America-W- Ornamental 1874, Global-A-1903, France-A-1924,
34, Global-N-85, United States of America- Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers, Germany-R-1948, Serbia-R-1953,
N-101, New Zealand-N-280, Australia-N- Cattle, Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles, Water, Australia-N-1959, Australia-N-1962, -I-,
945, United States of America-E-736, New Wind Poland-N-1993, Estonia-N-1997, Slovakia-
Zealand-N-919, Argentina-I-983, Chile-N- Seed Longevity: Present N-2002, Kosovo-R-2003, Iran-A-1812,
1229. Weed of: Canola, Cereals, Grapevines, France-A-2042, Italy-A-2043, New
Orchards & Plantations, Pastures, Pome Zealand-N-2048, Serbia-R-2057, Poland-
Fruits, Vegetables AN-2059, Poland-N-2062, Slovakia-A-
References: Global-A-30, United States of 2079, Italy-A-2081, Spain-A-2083, United
America-W-34, Finland-U-42, Global-A- States of America-N-2092, Hungary-A-
44, Chile-N-300, United States of America- 2100, Turkey-A-2101, Argentina-W-1977,
E-80, Global-NZW-85, Global-AW-91, Australia-W-1977, Belarus-W-1977,
Global-A-243, United States of America- Bulgaria-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Chile-
N-101, New Zealand-N-280, Syria-A-111, W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977, Egypt-
western Asia-A-115, Italy-A-118, Chile-N- W-1977, Ireland-W-1977, Japan-W-1977,
241, South America-W-295, United States Latvia-W-1977, Lithuania-W-1977, New
of America-W-392, New Zealand-EW-181, Zealand-W-1977, Poland-W-1977,
United States of America-W-102, Republic of Korea-W-1977, Slovakia-W-
Australia-N-176, Japan-N-287, western 1977, Sweden-W-1977, United Kingdom-
Europe-A-253, Australia-N-198, Europe, W-1977, South Korea-N-2113.
eastern-AW-272, western Europe-W-70,
United States of America-W-218, Bromus subvelutinus Shear
Australia-N-945, Australia-E-327, Czech Poaceae
Republic-NZI-400, New Zealand-N-534, Accepted name: Bromus carinatus Hook. &
New Zealand-N-15, Australia-Z-611, Arn.
Canada and United States of America-N- Total N° of Refs: 67
725, Turkey-A-727, United States of Habit: Grass
America-E-736, United States of America- References: Global-Q-1205, Australia-Q-
N-86, Chile-N-765, South Korea-N-773, 1123.
North America-E-784, Australia-N-7,
United States of America-N-301, United Bromus suksdorfii Vasey
States of America-E-151, Japan-N-794, Poaceae
United States of America-N-839, Australia- Total N° of Refs: 2
W-853, Europe-A-889, New Zealand-N- Habit: perennial Grass
919, United States of America-W-946, Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Argentina-I-983, Australia-N-354, References: Global-Q-1205, Australia-Q-
Czechoslovakia-N-1006, Germany-N-1006, 1123.
United Kingdom-N-1006, Lithuania-N-
1006, Australia-N-1049, Europe-N-819,
New Zealand-E-505, Europe-W-1191,
South Korea-N-761, Serbia-A-1209,
Poland-R-1219, Chile-N-1229, Serbia-W-
1238, Falkland Islands-N-1251, Australia-
E-1261, Japan-N-1278, Slovakia-A-1282,
United States of America-N-1292,
Macedonia-A-1304, Finland-I-1323,
Global-W-1324, Serbia-A-1343, Chile-N-
1348, Global-W-1349, Serbia-A-1357,
Serbia-A-1372, Serbia-W-1222, Turkey--
1412, South Korea-N-1246, France-A-
1461, Slovakia-N-1484, Poland-N-1494,
Global-ZD-1495, Czech Republic-N-1522,
Iran-A-1524, New Zealand-N-1543,
Central Europe-N-1602, United States of
America-N-1603, Estonia-W-1609, Poland-
W-1609, United Kingdom-ZD-1633,
Spain-A-87, Greece-A-87, New Zealand-

Bromus tectorum L. 784, Australia-N-7, United States of South Korea-N-1974, -I-, -I-, -I-, Russia-N-
Poaceae America-N-301, United States of America- 1988, Poland-N-1993, Estonia-N-1997,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Anisantha tectorum E-151, Global-W-788, North America-X- Kosovo-R-2003, Poland-A-2005,
(L.) Nevski (28), Bromus sericeus Drobow 790, Mexico-N-791, United States of Argentina-ID-2025, South Korea-N-2029,
(1), Bromus tectorum L. var. glabratus America-N-839, Australia-W-853, United Iran-A-1812, New Zealand-N-2048,
Spenn. (5) States of America-X-229, Mexico-I-878, Serbia-R-2057, Poland-AN-2059, Poland-
Total N° of Refs: 290 Ireland-W-894, United States of America-I- N-2062, Iran-A-2072, Iran-A-2075,
Global Risk Score: 44.8 904, New Zealand-N-919, United Slovakia-A-2079, Spain-A-2083, Turkey-
Rating: Extreme Kingdom-Z-944, United States of America- A-2101, United States of America-ANI-
Toxic - Habit: annual Grass W-946, Mediterranean-EI-951, Turkey-A- 2106, Iran-A-2111, Algeria-W-1977,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, 977, Argentina-I-983, Australia-N-354, Argentina-W-1977, Australia-W-1977,
Subtropical, Tropical Czechoslovakia-N-1006, Estonia-N-1006, Belgium-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Chile-
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia Germany-N-1006, United Kingdom-N- W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977, Estonia-
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, 1006, Latvia-N-1006, Slovakia-N-1006, W-1977, Iceland-W-1977, India-W-1977,
Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture Slovenia-N-1006, Australia-N-1049, Ireland-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Latvia-W-
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle, United States of America-N-1057, United 1977, Libya-W-1977, Lithuania-W-1977,
Horse, Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles, Water, States of America-N-1058, Greenland-N- Mexico-W-1977, Morocco-W-1977, New
Wind, Escapee 1061, Europe-N-819, New Zealand-E-505, Zealand-W-1977, Poland-W-1977,
Seed Longevity: Short Term United States of America-W-1103, United Republic of Korea-W-1977, Russian
Weed of: Canola, Cereals, Forestry, States of America-W-1104, Australia-Q- Federation-W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977,
Grapevines, Orchards & Plantations, 1134, United States of America-AE-1156, South Africa-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977,
Pastures, Pome Fruits, Vegetables United States of America-I-1161, United Ukraine-W-1977, United Kingdom-W-
References: Global-EI-18, North America- States of America-N-1162, Global-ZD- 1977, South Korea-I-2113.
EZW-21, Global-W-23, Egypt-W-221, 1203, South Korea-N-761, Poland-R-1219,
Global-A-30, United States of America-EI- Crete-A-1228, Chile-N-1229, Serbia-W- Bromus tectorum L. var. glabratus
231, United States of America-W-34, 1238, Argentina-E-1245, Australia-E-1259, Spenn.
United States of America-X-35, Canada- Australia-E-1261, Australia-E-1262, United Poaceae
W-292, Finland-U-42, New Zealand-E-246, States of America-N-1292, Global-W- Accepted name: Bromus tectorum L.
Global-A-44, Chile-N-300, United States of 1324, Australia-A-1331, Canada-U-1340, Total N° of Refs: 261
America-A-49, Canada-W-52, Global-A- United States of America-AZD-1341, Habit: Grass
152, Global-A-68, United States of Chile-N-1348, Global-W-1349, Serbia-A- Major Pathway/s: Herbal
America-E-78, United States of America- 1372, Serbia-W-1222, Turkey--1412, South References: Japan-N-287, South Korea-N-
E-80, Global-N-108, Global-NXZW-85, Korea-N-1246, United States of America- 773, Japan-N-794, South Korea-N-761,
Global-AW-91, United States of America- ZD-1431, United States of America-ZD- Japan-N-1278.
W-264, Global-A-243, United States of 1440, Australia-ZD-1443, Global-E-1449,
America-N-101, United States of America- Turkey-A-1457, Turkey-A-1463, Turkey- Bromus tectorum L. var. tectorum
XW-105, New Zealand-N-280, western A-1464, Turkey-A-1467, Argentina, Brazil Poaceae
Asia-A-115, United States of America-Q- and Uruguay-I-1476, Slovakia-N-1484, Total N° of Refs: 3
116, Chile-N-241, South America-W-295, Global-ZD-1492, Poland-N-1494, Global- Habit: Grass
Japan-A-263, United States of America-E- ZD-1495, Czech Republic-N-1522, Major Pathway/s: Herbal
224, United States of America-E-133, Turkey-A-1523, Iran-A-1524, Canada-I- References: Japan-N-794, Japan-N-1278,
United States of America-W-136, United 1538, Australia-I-1544, China-I-1544, Japan-W-1977.
States of America-AXI-138, United States India-I-1544, Japan-I-1544, New Zealand-
of America-W-392, United States of I-1544, Pakistan-I-1544, Russia-I-1544, Bromus tectorum L. subsp. tectorum
America-W-161, Canada-W-162, Canada United States of America-I-1544, Central Poaceae
and United States of America-XW-299, Europe-N-1602, United States of America- Total N° of Refs: 1
Portugal-A-250, North America-A-267, N-1603, United States of America-N-1607, Habit: Grass
United States of America-E-102, United Estonia-W-1609, Czech Republic-W-1609, Origin: E Asia, Europe
States of America-W-174, Japan-N-287, Poland-W-1609, United Kingdom-ZD- References: Global-N-85.
Japan-W-286, western Europe-A-253, 1633, Turkey-A-87, Canada-A-87,
eastern North America-E-195, Australia-N- Lebanon-A-87, Morocco-A-87, Russia-A- Bromus trinii E. Desv.
198, New Zealand-EW-225, United States 87, United States of America-A-87, Iraq-A- Poaceae
of America-AW-210, United States of 87, Jordan-A-87, Canadian northwest Accepted name: Bromus berterianus Colla
America-AW-211, United States of Territories-N-1011, South Korea-N-1013, Total N° of Refs: 7
America-AZW-212, Europe, eastern-AW- Serbia-A-1019, Serbia-W-1031, Global-N- Habit: annual Grass
272, western Europe-W-70, United States 1218, Global-Q-1572, Europe-ZD-1653, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland
of America-W-218, Australia-N-945, Global-CZD-1611, Iran-A-1619, Alaska-N- Origin: S Am
United States of America-W-303, 1625, United States of America-AZD-1626, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Australia-E-327, Czech Republic-NZI-400, United States of America-ANZD-1667, Ornamental, Pasture
New Zealand-NW-425, Iceland-U-507, Global-ZD-1581, Europe-ZD-1588, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
China-W-431, United States of America-A- Turkey-A-942, North Africa, Libya, Egypt- Livestock, Sheep
543, Turkey-A-600, Jordan-A-641, W-1730, Czech Republic-N-1731, Iceland- References: United Kingdom-UZD-317,
Canada-A-642, Global-E-649, Israel-A- U-1552, United States of America-E-1736, Europe-U-638, United States of America-
666, United States of America-A-705, Europe-UI-1740, central Europe-A-1616, N-86, Global-N-1218.
Canada and United States of America-NI- Turkey-N-1718, Canada-G-1855, Chile-I-
725, United States of America-E-734, 1872, Chile and Argentina-AE-1874,
United States of America-N-86, Canada- Mexico-NI-1881, Global-A-1903, Iran-A-
UC-756, Chile-N-765, South Korea-N-773, 1916, Australia-WD-1934, Germany-R-
Mediterranean-I-775, North America-E- 1948, Australia-N-1959, Australia-U-1962,

Bromus unioloides Kunth Bromus willdenowii Kunth Broussenetia papyrifera (L.) Vent.
Poaceae Poaceae Moraceae
Accepted name: Bromus catharticus Vahl Accepted name: Bromus catharticus Vahl Total N° of Refs: 2
Total N° of Refs: 249 Total N° of Refs: 262 Global Risk Score: 0.48
Global Risk Score: 8.96 Global Risk Score: 7.04 Rating: Low
Rating: Medium Rating: Medium Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Toxic - Habit: perennial Grass Habit: Grass Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, References: United States of America-CE-
Subtropical, Tropical Subtropical 142, Global-CD-1611.
Origin: Africa, S Am Origin: C Am, Europe, S Am
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture Ornamental, Pasture
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans
Weed of: Grapevines, Pastures Weed of: Vegetables
References: South Africa-AZR-121, Brazil- References: Finland-U-42, South Africa-
W-407, Australia, northern-W-454, India- W-51, New Zealand-N-280, Australia-N-
NW-424, Argentina-W-237, Japan-A-263, 176, United States of America-A-180,
South Africa-W-382, Argentina-A-236, western Europe-W-70, United States of
Gibraltar-GZ-515, South Africa-A-82, America-W-218, New Zealand-NW-425,
South Korea-N-773, Argentina-A-913, Canary Islands-N-305, New Zealand-N-
India-ND-914, Peru-A-930, Chile-A-931, 534, New Zealand-N-15, Spain-I-405,
Australia-N-1049, South Korea-N-761, Spain-I-802, Spain-I-807, Hungary-U-809,
Australia-A-1331, South Korea-N-1246, Portugal-N-859, New Zealand-W-906,
Germany-W-1609, South Korea-N-1013, New Zealand-N-919, United Kingdom-Z-
Lesotho-AZR-121, Pakistan-I-1697, South 944, Australia-N-1049, Spain-W-1149,
Korea-N-1586, South Korea-A-1860, Italy-W-1176, Hungary-U-1255, Romania-
Chile-I-1872, Global-A-1903, South U-1264, Spain-A-1269, France-I-1273,
Korea-A-2032. Australia-W-1318, Romania-U-1334,
Spain-I-1390, Spain--1454, Romania-U-
Bromus valdivianus Phil. 1537, New Zealand-N-1543, Estonia-W-
Poaceae 1609, South Africa-A-87, United States of
Accepted name: Bromus cebadilla Steud. America-A-87, Global-N-1218, Global-A-
Total N° of Refs: 15 1903, France-N-1941, France-I-1943,
Habit: Grass Estonia-N-1997, France-AND-2091.
Origin: S Am
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental, Pasture Brongniartia intermedia Moric.
Dispersed by: Humans Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
References: New Zealand-N-280, New Total N° of Refs: 3
Zealand-NW-425, New Zealand-N-534, References: Mexico-W-890, Mexico-W-
New Zealand-N-15, New Zealand-N-919, 1226, Mexico-W-1510.
New Zealand-N-1543.
Brosimum alicastrum Sw.
Bromus variegatus M. Bieb. Moraceae
Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 8
Total N° of Refs: 1 Global Risk Score: 8.64
Habit: Grass Rating: Medium
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Habit: Tree
References: Turkey-A-1463. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Subtropical, Tropical
Bromus vulgaris (Hook.) Shear Origin: N Am
Poaceae Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Total N° of Refs: 3 Forestry, Herbal, Ornamental
Habit: annual Grass Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Livestock, Escapee
References: United States of America-E- References: United States of America-N-
736, Global-Q-1205, Australia-Q-1123. 101, United States of America-W-179,
United States of America-C-1329, Global-
ZD-1432, Cuba-NI-1505, Global-CD-1611,
Cuba-N-2055, Cuba-W-1977.

Brosimum gaudichaudii Trec.

Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: Tree
Major Pathway/s: Crop
Weed of: Pastures
References: Brazil-A-1763.

Broussonetia papyrifera (L.) Vent. Austria-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Browallia viscosa Kunth
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Bulgaria-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Croatia- Solanaceae
Total N° of Refs: 136 W-1977, France-W-1977, Ghana-W-1977, Accepted name: Browallia americana
Global Risk Score: 25.92 Greece-W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Kenya-W- Total N° of Refs: 38
Rating: High 1977, Malta-W-1977, Montenegro-W- Habit: annual Herb
Habit: Tree 1977, Pakistan-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Serbia-W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977, Tropical
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Solomon Islands-W-1977, Spain-W-1977, Origin: S Am
Origin: E Asia, Europe Tonga-W-1977, Uganda-W-1977, United Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Republic of Tanzania-W-1977. Dispersed by: Humans
Forestry, Herbal, Ornamental References: Denmark-U-711, Denmark-W-
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Browallia americana L. 1609.
References: pantropics-W-22, Global-E- Solanaceae
152, Federated States of Micronesia-N-230, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Browallia viscosa Brownea ariza Benth.
Global-NZW-85, Pacific-A-6, Pakistan-I- Kunth (2) Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae
422, France-N-518, Global-NI-714, Total N° of Refs: 38 Total N° of Refs: 2
Pacific-W-3, United States of America-E- Global Risk Score: 4.32 Habit: Tree
80, Global-N-108, United States of Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
America-N-101, United States of America- Habit: annual Herb Tropical
W-112, United States of America-W-102, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Origin: S Am
United States of America-EW-179, Japan- Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
W-286, United States of America-W-218, Origin: C Am, N Am, S Am Dispersed by: Humans
Europe-NW-482, Spain-N-405, Italy-NI- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental References: Brazil-U-1559, India-W-1977.
470, Global-N-626, United States of Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
America-I-628, Switzerland-N-653, Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Brownea coccinea Jacq.
Austria-CN-708, Italy-N-733, References: Puerto Rico-CW-261, Gal Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae
Mediterranean-I-775, North America-E- pagos Islands-N-257, Gal pagos Islands- Total N° of Refs: 3
784, United States of America-E-151, NW-375, Costa Rica-A-581, United States Habit: Tree
Global-W-788, Hungary-NI-809, France- of America-CE-617, Global-N-85, United Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
W-764, United States of America-N-839, States of America-N-101, Central America- Origin: S Am
Croatia-I-891, United States of America-N- W-157, United States of America-W-179, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
904, Mediterranean-W-951, Africa-E-962, Australia-N-945, United Kingdom-U-314, Dispersed by: Humans
India-N-976, Argentina-I-983, Africa-N- Europe-U-638, Colombia-A-927, Gal References: Africa-W-760, Democratic
990, Austria-N-1006, France-N-1006, pagos Islands-N-1157, Mexico-W-1226, Republic of the Congo-W-1977, India-W-
France-N-1006, Greece-N-1006, Hungary- South Africa-N-1247, La Reunion-N-1321, 1977.
N-1006, Malta-N-1006, Spain-N-1006, Zimbabwe-I-1365, South Africa-N-1002,
Global-N-1059, Malta-N-1089, Portugal-N- Brazil-N-1597, Trinidad-A-87, Costa Rica- Brownea grandiceps Jacq.
898, Europe-N-819, Philippines-nC-1099, W-1570, Global-CD-1611, Sao Tome and Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae
Pakistan-I-1111, Australia-Q-1134, Greece- Principe-N-1805, Chile-I-1872, -I-, South Total N° of Refs: 2
N-1142, Italy-NI-1165, Italy-W-1176, Africa-N-1991, Australia-W-1977, Chile- Habit: Tree
Serbia-E-1177, Australia-W-1210, W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, Ecuador-W- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Pakistan-A-1214, Croatia-I-1230, United 1977, Fiji-W-1977, India-W-1977, Japan- Origin: S Am
States of America-E-1244, Italy-I-251, W-1977, Malaysia-W-1977, South Africa- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Hungary-N-1255, Italy-N-1265, United W-1977, Zimbabwe-W-1977. Dispersed by: Humans
States of America-N-1292, Belgium-U- References: Philippines-nC-1099, India-W-
1294, La Reunion-N-1321, Global-W- Browallia speciosa Hook. 1977.
1324, Sardinia-U-1336, India-I-1345, Solanaceae
Global-W-1349, China-N-1374, Global-W- Total N° of Refs: 2 Brownea hybrida nom. hort.
1376, India-I-1389, Belgium-U-1220, Habit: Shrub Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae
Global-I-1404, Global-E-1449, Spain-N- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Total N° of Refs: 2
1454, Spain-U-1455, Serbia-N-1482, Subtropical, Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Slovakia-U-1484, Albania-U-1506, French Origin: C Am, S Am Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Polynesia-N-1514, Greece-N-1541, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans
Austria-W-1609, Pakistan-A-1634, United Dispersed by: Humans References: Africa-W-760, Democratic
States of America-A-87, Global-CD-1611, References: United Kingdom-G-314, India- Republic of the Congo-W-1977.
Australia-X-1693, Pakistan-I-1697, United W-1977.
States of America-W-1719, East Africa-I- Brownea rosa-de-monte Bergius
1723, United States of America-E-1736, Browallia viscida H.B.K. Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae
Europe-UNI-1740, Croatia-NW-1747, Solanaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
United States of America-I-1773, Sardinia- Total N° of Refs: 3 Habit: Tree
U-1393, Chile-I-1872, Italy-UNI-1887, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Romania-U-1905, Croatia-I-1908, Sardinia- Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
U-1917, Australia-A-1928, Italy-N-1842, - References: Japan-N-287, Japan-N-794, Dispersed by: Humans
I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, Romania-N-1986, Bosnia Japan-N-1278. References: Costa Rica-W-1977.
and Herzegovina-I-1987, Switzerland-U-
1990, Portugal-N-2001, Croatia-I-2004,
Ukraine-U-2014, New Zealand-U-2048,
Albania-W-1977, Argentina-W-1977,
Armenia-W-1977, Australia-W-1977,

Brucea javanica (L.) Merr. Brugmansia aurea Lagerh. Brugmansia candida Pers.
Simaroubaceae Solanaceae Solanaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Brucea sumatrana Accepted name: Brugmansia pittieri (Saff.) Accepted name: Brugmansia x candida
Roxb. (3) Moldenke Pers
Total N° of Refs: 7 Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 52
Habit: Shrub Toxic - Habit: Tree Habit: Tree
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Origin: S Am
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Tropical Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Ornamental Origin: S Am Dispersed by: Humans
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: United States of America-N-
References: Global-N-85, Fiji-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans 1292, Madagascar-N-1000, China-N-1344,
Micronesia (Federated States of)-W-1977, References: Botswana-N-1284, Rwanda- Global-I-1404, Cuba-N-1505, Eastern
Palau-W-1977. W-1977. Caribbean-N-1742, Global-N-85, -I-, Cuba-
I-2055, Cook Islands-W-1977, Cuba-W-
Brucea sumatrana Roxb. Brugmansia x candida Pers 1977, Ecuador-W-1977, El Salvador-W-
Simaroubaceae Solanaceae 1977, Guatemala-W-1977, Honduras-W-
Accepted name: Brucea javanica (L.) Merr. Accepted name: parents = Brugmansia 1977, Jamaica-W-1977, Marshall Islands-
Total N° of Refs: 7 aurea Lagerh. x Brugmansia versicolor W-1977, Panama-W-1977, Rwanda-W-
ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Tropical Lagerh. 1977, South Africa-W-1977, Global--1324.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Synonym/s (n° of refs): Datura arborea L.
Dispersed by: Humans (4), Datura x candida (Pers.) Saff. (2), Brugmansia x insignis (Barb. Rodr.)
References: Africa-W-760, Fiji-A-1521, Datura x candida (Pers.) Saff. (2), Lockwood ex R.E.Schult.
Democratic Republic of the Congo-W- Brugmansia candida Pers. (20) Solanaceae
1977. Total N° of Refs: 60 Accepted name: parents = [Brugmansia
Global Risk Score: 1.44 suaveolens (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.)
Bruckenthalia spiculifolia (Salisb.) Rchb. Rating: Low Bercht. & J.Presl x Brugmansia versicolor
Ericaceae Toxic - Habit: Tree Lagerh.] x Brugmansia suaveolens (Humb.
Accepted name: Erica spiculifolia Salisb. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical & Bonpl. ex Willd.) Bercht. & J.Presl
Total N° of Refs: 2 Origin: S Am Total N° of Refs: 1
Global Risk Score: 0.24 Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Subtropical,
Rating: Low Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Tropical
Habit: Shrub References: Puerto Rico-CW-261, Gal Origin: S Am
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean pagos Islands-EW-257, Australia-N-368, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Gal pagos Islands-C-375, United States of Dispersed by: Humans
Dispersed by: Humans America-CE-617, Global-N-85, New References: New Zealand-U-2048.
Weed of: Pastures Zealand-N-280, United States of America-
References: Serbia-A-1372. N-101, New Zealand-CW-165, New Brugmansia pittieri (Saff.) Moldenke
Zealand-NW-425, New Zealand-E-494, Solanaceae
Brugmansia arborea (L.) Steud. New Zealand-N-534, United States of Synonym/s (n° of refs): Brugmansia aurea
Solanaceae America-N-301, Mexico-N-791, United Lagerh. (2)
Total N° of Refs: 10 States of America-N-839, Australia-W-869, Total N° of Refs: 2
Global Risk Score: 2.4 Costa Rica-CN-872, New Zealand-N-919,
Rating: Low New Zealand-W-964, Australia-N-354, Brugmansia sanguinea (Ruiz & Pav.)
Toxic, Aqua - Habit: Tree Africa-W-1127, Gal pagos Islands-CN- D.Don
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, 1157, China-N-1215, South Africa-N-1247, Solanaceae
Subtropical, Tropical Madagascar-N-1000, Gal pagos Islands-C- Total N° of Refs: 8
Origin: S Am 1481, Global-CD-1611, Sao Tome and Toxic - Habit: Tree
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Principe-N-1805, El Salvador-CN-1849, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Ornamental Colombia-N-1856, New Zealand-N-2048, Tropical
Dispersed by: Humans Australia-W-1977. Origin: E Asia, Europe, S Am
References: Brazil-W-362, Brazil-W-407, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Australia-E-380, South Africa-N-1247, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Global-W-1324, South Africa-N-1002, References: New Zealand-N-280, New
India-I-1904, Colombia-I-1926, South Zealand-N-534, Costa Rica-CN-872, New
Africa-N-1991, India-W-1977. Zealand-N-919, New Zealand-N-1543,
Global-CD-1611, New Zealand-N-2048,

Brugmansia suaveolens (Humb. & Bruguiera gymnorhiza (L.) Sav. Brunfelsia americana L.
Bonpl. ex Willd.) Bercht. & Presl. Rhizophoraceae Solanaceae
Solanaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bruguiera Total N° of Refs: 8
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Datura suaveolens gymnorrhiza (L.) Lam. (4) Habit: Shrub
Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd. (5) Total N° of Refs: 7 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Total N° of Refs: 81 Habit: Tree Tropical
Global Risk Score: 6.48 Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Rating: Low Origin: Africa, Aust, E Asia Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Toxic - Habit: Tree Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Herbal, References: Puerto Rico-CW-261, Global-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Ornamental N-85, India-N-976, Philippines-nC-1099,
Subtropical, Tropical Dispersed by: Humans Bermuda-N-1267, India-UN-1345, Global-
Origin: C Am, N Am, S Am References: pantropics-W-22, United States CD-1611, India-W-1977.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental of America-N-101, Australia-W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans, Water, Escapee Brunfelsia calycina Benth.
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Bruguiera gymnorrhiza (L.) Lam. Solanaceae
References: Puerto Rico-CW-261, Brazil- Rhizophoraceae Accepted name: Brunfelsia pauciflora
W-255, Brazil-W-362, Brazil-W-407, Accepted name: Bruguiera gymnorhiza (L.) (Cham. & Schltdl.) Benth.
Taiwan-N-777, United States of America- Savigny Total N° of Refs: 16
N-101, New Zealand-N-280, Australia-N- Total N° of Refs: 7 Global Risk Score: 0.72
134, Australia-E-380, Pacific-W-621, Habit: Tree Rating: Low
Canary Islands-N-637, Madagascar-N- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Habit: Shrub
1001, Costa Rica-CN-872, New Zealand- Major Pathway/s: Crop Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
N-919, Puerto Rico-A-929, India-N-976, References: United States of America-E- Origin: S Am
Africa-N-990, Australia-N-354, Portugal- 151, United States of America-N-101, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
N-1006, Portugal-N-1006, Pacific-E-1078, Global-W-1376, Global-I-1404. Dispersed by: Humans
Europe-N-819, New Zealand-E-505, Gal References: Africa-W-760, India-N-976,
pagos Islands-CN-1157, China-N-1215, La Bruguiera parviflora (Roxb.) Wight & Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
Reunion-N-1321, Madagascar-N-1000, Arn. ex Griff.
India-NI-1345, India-N-1389, Taiwan-N- Rhizophoraceae Brunfelsia densifolia Krug & Urb.
1403, Global-I-1404, Taiwan-AEN-1413, Total N° of Refs: 2 Solanaceae
Cuba-N-1505, French Polynesia-N-1514, Habit: Tree Total N° of Refs: 2
Brazil-N-1597, India-N-1601, Brazil-W- Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Habit: Tree
1564, Global-CD-1611, Azores-N-1721, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
East Africa-I-1723, Brazil-N-1071, Eastern Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans
Caribbean-N-1742, Brazil-N-1746, References: United States of America-N- References: India-N-976, India-W-1977.
Taiwan-W-1748, El Salvador-CN-1849, 101, Australia-W-1977.
India-I-1904, -I-, Indonesia-ID-2016, New Brunfelsia grandiflora D.Don
Zealand-N-2048, Brazil-R-2053, Cuba-NI- Bruguiera sexangula (Lour.) Poiret Solanaceae
2055, Antigua and Barbuda-W-1977, Rhizophoraceae Total N° of Refs: 3
Brazil-W-1977, Cook Islands-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 6 Toxic - Habit: Tree
Cuba-W-1977, El Salvador-W-1977, Fiji- Habit: Tree Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
W-1977, Ghana-W-1977, Guatemala-W- Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Origin: S Am
1977, Honduras-W-1977, India-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Jamaica-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Kenya- Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
W-1977, Nepal-W-1977, New Zealand-W- References: Global-N-85, United States of References: Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157,
1977, Nicaragua-W-1977, Panama-W- America-N-301, United States of America- Global-CD-1611, India-W-1977.
1977, Portugal-W-1977, Rwanda-W-1977, N-839, United States of America-N-101,
Saint Vicent and the Grenadines-W-1977, United States of America-N-1292, United Brunfelsia latifolia (Pohl) Benth.
Spain-W-1977, Taiwan-W-1977, Tonga- States of America-E-1736. Solanaceae
W-1977, Uganda-W-1977, United Republic Total N° of Refs: 6
of Tanzania-W-1977, Global--1324. Brunella vulgaris L. Global Risk Score: 0.72
Lamiaceae Rating: Low
Brugmansia versicolor Lagerh Accepted name: Prunella vulgaris L. Habit: Shrub
Solanaceae Total N° of Refs: 192 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Total N° of Refs: 5 Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Subtropical, Tropical
Global Risk Score: 2.16 Weed of: Cereals Origin: S Am
Rating: Low References: Serbia-A-1343, Bangladesh-A- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Habit: Shrub 1649. Dispersed by: Humans
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, References: Mozambique-nC-943, India-N-
Tropical 976, El Salvador-N-1849, Chile-I-1872,
Origin: S Am Chile-W-1977, India-W-1977.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans, Water, Escapee
References: United States of America-N-
101, Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157, Global-
CD-1611, Indonesia-ID-2016, India-W-

Brunfelsia nitida Benth. Brunnera macrophylla (Adams) Brunnichia ovata (Walter) Shinners
Solanaceae I.M.Johnst. Polygonaceae
Total N° of Refs: 3 Boraginaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Brunnichia cirrhosa
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Total N° of Refs: 56 Gaertn. (4)
Origin: C Am Global Risk Score: 1.44 Total N° of Refs: 7
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Rating: Low Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Habit: perennial Herb Weed of: Vegetables
References: Puerto Rico-CW-261, United Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean References: United States of America-W-
States of America-N-101, Global-CD-1611. Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe 161, United States of America-A-543,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental United States of America-W-1104.
Brunfelsia pauciflora (Cham. & Schltdl.) Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Benth. References: United Kingdom-U-40, United Brunsvigia rosea (Lam.) Hannibal
Solanaceae States of America-N-101, New Zealand-N- Liliaceae - Amaryllidaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Brunfelsia calycina 280, United Kingdom-C-314, Czech Total N° of Refs: 2
Benth. (4) Republic-U-400, United Kingdom-N-519, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Total N° of Refs: 16 Austria-CN-708, Denmark-U-711, References: Canary Islands-N-637, Iberian
Toxic - Habit: Tree Lithuania-I-737, Hungary-U-809, United Peninsular-N-1147.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Kingdom-C-812, Ireland-U-894, Germany-
Subtropical, Tropical UN-907, New Zealand-N-919, Italy-N-957, Brya ebenus (L.) DC.
Origin: S Am Lithuania-N-1006, Slovenia-N-1006, Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Europe-N-819, Belgium-U-1220, Norway- Total N° of Refs: 3
Dispersed by: Humans N-1243, Italy-N-251, Hungary-U-1255, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
References: New Zealand-UW-280, New Global-W-1324, Slovakia-U-1484, Czech References: Cuba-A-14, United States of
Zealand-N-823, New Zealand-U-919, Republic-U-1522, Norway-N-1535, America-N-101, India-W-1977.
India-N-976, South Africa-U-1247, Estonia-W-1609, Austria-W-1609,
Bermuda-N-1267, South Africa-N-1991, Denmark-W-1609, Germany-W-1609, Bryoerythrophyllum inaequalifolium
New Zealand-U-2048, Democratic Lithuania-W-1609, Netherlands-W-1609, (Taylor) R.H. Zander
Republic of the Congo-W-1977, India-W- Norway-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, Pottiaceae
1977, Rwanda-W-1977, South Africa-W- Lithuania-UC-1652, Global-CD-1611, Total N° of Refs: 2
1977. Czech Republic-U-1731, Russia-C-1671, References: Europe-W-819, Global-N-
Sweden-N-1802, Italy-N-1887, Germany- 1382.
Brunfelsia undulata Sw. R-1948, Estonia-N-1997, Ukraine-U-2014,
Solanaceae New Zealand-N-2048, Austria-W-1977,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Belgium-W-1977, Czech Republic-W-
Habit: Tree 1977, Denmark-W-1977, France-W-1977,
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Germany-W-1977, Italy-W-1977,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Lithuania-W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977,
Dispersed by: Humans Sweden-W-1977, Switzerland-W-1977,
References: India-W-1977. United Kingdom-W-1977.

Brunfelsia uniflora (Pohl) D.Don Brunnera sibirica Stev.

Solanaceae Boraginaceae
Total N° of Refs: 4 Total N° of Refs: 3
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Global Risk Score: 0.24
Rating: Low Rating: Low
Toxic - Habit: Shrub Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Subtropical, Tropical References: Russia-I-1178, Russia-C-1671,
Origin: S Am Russia-I-2107.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Brunnichia cirrhosa Gaertn.
References: Sao Tome and Principe-N- Polygonaceae
1805, Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977, India- Accepted name: Brunnichia ovata (Walt.)
W-1977. Shinners
Total N° of Refs: 7
Habit: perennial Herb
Major Pathway/s: Herbal
References: United States of America-W-
218, United States of America-A-967,
Global-W-1349, United States of America-

Bryonia alba L. Bryonia cretica L. Bryonia dioica Jacq.
Cucurbitaceae Cucurbitaceae Cucurbitaceae
Total N° of Refs: 77 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bryonia dioica Accepted name: Bryonia cretica L. subsp.
Global Risk Score: 14.4 Jacq. (48) dioica (Jacq.) Tutin
Rating: Medium Total N° of Refs: 64 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bryonia cretica L.
Toxic - Habit: perennial Vine Global Risk Score: 0.96 subsp. dioica (Jacq.) Tutin (12)
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 76
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Toxic - Habit: perennial Vine Global Risk Score: 6.48
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Rating: Low
Herbal, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Herbal Toxic - Habit: perennial Vine
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers, Dispersed by: Animals Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Escapee References: Egypt-W-221, United States of Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe
References: Finland-C-42, United States of America-N-101, New Zealand-N-280, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
America-X-1, North America-W-79, Europe, eastern-W-272, western Europe- Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers,
United States of America-E-80, Global- W-70, New Zealand-NW-425, Europe-N- Escapee
XW-85, United States of America-N-101, 819, New Zealand-E-505, Global-W-1324, References: United States of America-CW-
United States of America-W-392, United New Zealand-X-1542, Norway-W-1609, 34, United Kingdom-U-40, New Zealand-
States of America-E-156, United States of New Zealand-ED-2023, New Zealand-N- E-246, United States of America-E-80,
America-W-161, Europe, eastern-W-272, 2048, New Zealand-Q-2086, New Zealand- western Europe-A-253, New Zealand-W-
western Europe-W-70, Czech Republic-I- E-483, New Zealand-W-1977. 225, Czech Republic-N-400, United
400, Poland-N-619, Ukraine-NR-643, Kingdom-N-519, Ireland-EN-793, United
Denmark-N-711, Lithuania-I-737, United Bryonia cretica L. subsp. cretica States of America-N-101, Ireland-N-894,
States of America-E-151, North America- Cucurbitaceae Czechoslovakia-N-1006, Iceland-N-1006,
X-790, United States of America-X-229, Total N° of Refs: 1 Poland-N-1006, Slovakia-N-1006,
France-N-1006, Germany-N-1006, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Slovenia-N-1006, Europe-N-819, New
Lithuania-N-1006, Slovenia-N-1006, Dispersed by: Humans Zealand-E-328, Australia-Q-1123, Poland-
Europe-N-819, Poland-C-1122, Poland- References: Crete-A-1228. ER-1219, Serbia-W-1238, France-A-1266,
ER-1219, Serbia-W-1238, Norway-N- Ukraine-N-1297, Global-W-1324, Serbia-
1243, Ukraine-N-1297, Global-W-1324, Bryonia cretica L. subsp. dioica (Jacq.) U-1482, Slovakia-N-1484, Poland-N-1494,
Ukraine-N-1335, Global-W-1349, Finland- Tutin Czech Republic-N-1522, Ireland-N-1608,
W-1356, Slovakia-N-1484, Poland-NI- Cucurbitaceae Ireland-W-1609, Poland-W-1609, Sweden-
1494, Czech Republic-N-1522, Norway-N- Accepted name: Bryonia dioica Jacq. W-1609, Serbia-W-1031, Poland-N-1040,
1535, Central Europe-N-1602, Estonia-W- Total N° of Refs: 60 Global-CD-1611, Czech Republic-N-1731,
1609, Czech Republic-W-1609, Denmark- Habit: Vine Europe-UN-1740, Sweden-N-1802, France-
W-1609, Russia-W-1609, Lithuania-W- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, A-1814, Poland-N-1993, New Zealand-Q-
1609, Norway-W-1609, Poland-W-1609, Herbal 2086, Czech Republic-W-1977, Ireland-W-
Sweden-W-1609, Serbia-W-1031, Poland- Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers, 1977, Poland-W-1977, Serbia-W-1977,
N-1040, Global-CD-1611, Russia-N-1006, Cattle, Livestock, Sheep, Water Slovakia-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977,
Russia-W-1684, Poland-N-1716, Czech Seed Longevity: Transient Ukraine-W-1977.
Republic-N-1731, United States of References: United States of America-N-
America-E-1736, Europe-UNI-1740, 101, New Zealand-N-280, New Zealand-N- Bryonia grandis L.
Russia-C-1671, Poland-NR-1827, Chile-I- 15, New Zealand-N-823, Ireland-W-894, Cucurbitaceae
1872, Poland-R-1947, -I-, Russia-N-1989, New Zealand-N-919, New Zealand-W-964, Accepted name: Coccinia grandis (L.)
Poland-N-1993, Estonia-N-1997, Kosovo- Norway-N-1243, Denmark-W-1609, Voigt
R-2003, Ukraine-N-2050, Russia-I-2107, Global-ZD-1611, Romania-N-1986, New Total N° of Refs: 112
Ukraine-N-2112, Bulgaria-W-1977, Chile- Zealand-N-2048. References: Pacific-W-3.
W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977,
Denmark-W-1977, France-W-1977, Latvia- Bryonopsis laciniosa (L.) Naudin
W-1977, Lithuania-W-1977, Poland-W- Cucurbitaceae
1977, Slovakia-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 2
Ukraine-W-1977. Habit: Vine
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Australia-A-87, India-I-1826.

Bryophyllum beauverdii (Raym.-Hamet)

Accepted name: Kalanchoe beauverdii
Total N° of Refs: 4
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Origin: Africa
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Australia-W-54, Australia-W-

Bryophyllum calycinum Salisb. [Bryophyllum daigremontianum Bryophyllum fedtschenkoi (Hamet &
Crassulaceae (Raym.-Hamet & H.Perrier) A.Berger x Perrier) Cheng
Accepted name: Kalanchoe pinnata (Lam.) Bryophyllum delagoense (Eckl. & Zeyh.) Crassulaceae
Pers. Schinz] x Bryophyllum delagoense (Eckl. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Kalanchoe
Total N° of Refs: 145 & Zeyh.) Schinz fedtschenkoi Raym.-Hamet & H.Perrier
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Crassulaceae (19)
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Accepted name: Bryophyllum x houghtonii Total N° of Refs: 32
References: Paraguay-NI-876, Australia-N- (D.B.Ward) P.I.Forst. Global Risk Score: 0.48
1049. Total N° of Refs: 9 Rating: Low
References: Australia-N-1049. Habit: Shrub
Bryophyllum daigremontianum (Raym.- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Hamet & H.Perrier) A.Berger Bryophyllum daigremontianum (Raym.- Origin: Africa
Crassulaceae Hamet & H.Perrier) A.Berger x Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Kalanchoe Bryophyllum tubiflorum Harvey Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
daigremontiana Raym.-Hamet & H. Perrier Crassulaceae References: Puerto Rico-CW-261, United
(46) Total N° of Refs: 4 States of America-CE-617, Australia-W-
Total N° of Refs: 70 Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee 54, Australia-N-945, United States of
Global Risk Score: 1.92 References: Australia-N-945, Australia- America-N-301, Australia-N-855,
Rating: Low CN-949, Global-CD-1611, Australia-W- Australia-N-354, Portugal-N-1006, Europe-
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb 1977. N-819, South Africa-N-1310, Australia-N-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, 1450, Global-CD-1611, New Zealand-U-
Subtropical, Tropical Bryophyllum delagoense (Eckl. & Zeyh.) 2048.
Origin: Africa Schinz
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Crassulaceae Bryophyllum gastonis-bonnieri (Raym.-
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bryophyllum Hamet & Perr.) Lauzac-Marchal
Weed of: Pastures tubiflorum Harv., nom. illeg. (12), Crassulaceae
References: Australia-N-368, United States Kalanchoe tubiflora (Harv.) Raym.-Hamet Accepted name: Kalanchoe gastonis-
of America-CE-617, New Zealand-UW- (30), Kalanchoe verticillata Scott-Elliot bonnieri Raym.-Hamet & H. Perrier
280, Australia-N-945, Canary Islands-N- (11) Total N° of Refs: 11
637, United States of America-N-301, New Total N° of Refs: 106 Global Risk Score: 0.48
Zealand-N-823, Australia-W-853, Canary Global Risk Score: 2.88 Rating: Low
Islands-I-902, New Zealand-U-919, Rating: Low Habit: Shrub
Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049, Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Australia-I-1088, Gal pagos Islands-CN- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Origin: Africa
1157, South Africa-I-1247, South Africa- Subtropical, Tropical Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
N-1310, Australia-A-1331, South Africa- Origin: Africa Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
NI-1002, Australia-E-1456, Global-CD- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157,
1611, Australia-X-1693, Canary Islands-N- Dispersed by: Humans, Water, Wind, South Africa-I-1247, South Africa-N-1310,
1970, South Africa-N-1991, New Zealand- Escapee South Africa-N-1002, Global-CD-1611,
U-2048. Weed of: Pastures South Africa-N-1991.
References: Australia-W-269, Global-N-85,
Bryophyllum daigremontianum (Raym.- South Africa-X-283, Australia-CENI-479, Bryophyllum x houghtonii (D.B.Ward)
Hamet & H.Perrier) A.Berger. x Australia-E-290, New Zealand-N-280, P.I.Forst.
Bryophyllum delagoense (Eckl. & Zeyh.) South Africa-AW-121, Australia-E-296, Crassulaceae
Schinz Australia-E-73, Australia-C-401, Australia- Accepted name: parents = Bryophyllum
Crassulaceae CE-168, Australia-E-189, Pacific-E-621, daigremontianum (Raym.-Hamet &
Accepted name: Bryophyllum x houghtonii Canary Islands-N-637, Australia-ENX-310, H.Perrier) A.Berger x Bryophyllum
(D.B.Ward) P.I.Forst. South Africa-I-759, Australia-EN-7, delagoense (Eckl. & Zeyh.) Schinz
Total N° of Refs: 13 Swaziland-N-825, Australia-W-853, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bryophyllum
Global Risk Score: 0.96 Australia-W-869, Australia-E-880, Canary daigremontianum (Raym.-Hamet &
Rating: Low Islands-I-902, New Zealand-N-919, H.Perrier) A.Berger. x Bryophyllum
Toxic - Habit: Herb Australia-N-855, Australia-N-354, delagoense (Eckl. & Zeyh.) Schinz (5),
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Australia-N-1049, Australia-W-1068, [Bryophyllum daigremontianum (Raym.-
Origin: Africa Australia-I-1088, South Africa-X-1112, Hamet & H.Perrier) A.Berger x
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Africa-X-1127, South Africa-NXI-1247, Bryophyllum delagoense (Eckl. & Zeyh.)
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee South Africa-N-1310, Global-W-1324, Schinz] x Bryophyllum delagoense (Eckl.
References: Australia-CENI-479, Australia-A-1331, South Africa-NI-1002, & Zeyh.) Schinz (1), Kalanchoe x
Australia-N-1501, Global-CD-1611, Australia-I-1442, Australia-N-1450, houghtonii D.B.Ward (4)
Australia-E-1754, Australia-W-1977. Australia-E-1456, South Africa-E-1646, Total N° of Refs: 18
Global-CD-1611, East Africa-I-1723, ToxicOrigin: Africa
Australia-E-1754, Sardinia-U-1393, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Australia-N-1902, Mexico-NI-1881, Dispersed by: Humans
Sardinia-U-1917, Australia-WD-1934, References: Australia-N-354, Australia-N-
Australia-N-1959, Canary Islands-N-1970, 1049, Australia-I-1088, Australia-E-1456,
Australia-Q-1123, South Africa-N-1991, Australia-N-1645, Australia-N-1959, New
South Africa-RI-2017, New Zealand-N- Zealand-N-2048, Australia-W-1977.

Bryophyllum pinnatum (Lam.) Oken Bryophyllum proliferum Bowie ex Hook. Bryopsis pennata J.V.Lamour.
Crassulaceae Crassulaceae Bryopsidaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Kalanchoe pinnata Accepted name: Kalanchoe prolifera Total N° of Refs: 3
(Lam.) Pers. (143) (Bowie ex Hook.) Raym.-Hamet Aqua - Habit:
Total N° of Refs: 216 Total N° of Refs: 20 Dispersed by: Water
Global Risk Score: 9.6 Global Risk Score: 0.96 References: United States of America-ID-
Rating: Medium Rating: Low 936, Global-ID-1065, Global-W-1741.
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Habit: perennial Herb
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Bryopsis spp. J.V.F.Lamouroux
Subtropical, Tropical Subtropical, Tropical Bryopsidaceae
Origin: Africa Origin: Africa Total N° of Refs: 2
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Aqua - Habit:
Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Dispersed by: Water
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee References: South Africa-AW-121, References: United States of America-
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations, Pastures Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945, Canary EWD-197, Global-N-1785.
References: Cuba-A-14, Puerto Rico-W- Islands-N-637, Australia-N-310, Australia-
261, Australia-N-368, Australia-CENI-479, W-853, Australia-N-354, Australia-N- Bryum apiculatum Schw?gr.
United States of America-CE-617, Taiwan- 1049, Europe-N-819, South Africa-N-1310, Bryaceae
N-777, Ghana-A-2064, Australia-E-290, Zimbabwe-U-1365, South Africa-E-1646, Total N° of Refs: 1
New Zealand-N-280, Central America-W- Global-CD-1611, Australia-W-1977, References: Global-U-1382.
157, Japan-N-287, Japan-W-286, Australia- Rwanda-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977,
C-401, Australia-N-945, Australia-CE-168, Spain-W-1977, Zimbabwe-W-1977. Bryum argenteum L.
Pacific-E-621, Canary Islands-N-637, Bryaceae
Global-E-649, Australia-ENX-310, Bryophyllum sp. nom. hort. 'Houghtonii' Total N° of Refs: 4
Portugal-N-662, Portugal-N-718, Japan-I- Crassulaceae Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
741, United States of America-N-301, Accepted name: parents = Bryophyllum Dispersed by: Humans
Mexico-N-791, Japan-N-794, Dominican delagoense (Eckl. & Zeyh.) Schinz x References: Japan-W-286, United States of
Republic-W-813, Australia-W-853, Bryophyllum daigremontianum Raym.- America-W-211, Global-G-509, Global-N-
Australia-W-869, New Zealand-N-919, Hamet & Perrier.669 1382.
Puerto Rico-A-929, Australia-CN-949, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bryophyllum
Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049, China- daigremontianum x delagoense (Raym.- Bryum flavituber Wilczek & Demaret
I-1055, Australia-I-1088, New Zealand-E- Hamet & H.Perrier) A.Berger. - (Eckl. & Bryaceae
505, Australia-Q-1134, Gal pagos Islands- Zeyh.) Schinz Total N° of Refs: 2
CN-1157, China-N-1215, South Africa-I- Total N° of Refs: 3 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
1247, Caribbean-N-1201, Japan-N-1278, Habit: Herb Dispersed by: Humans
South Africa-N-1310, Global-W-1324, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: United States of America-N-
Saint Lucia-EN-1337, China-N-1344, References: New Zealand-N-280, New 301, Global-N-1382.
Zimbabwe-N-1365, Africa-A-1384, South Zealand-N-823, New Zealand-N-919.
Africa-N-1002, Taiwan-N-1403, Taiwan- Bryum klinggraeffii W.P.Schimp.
EN-1413, Australia-E-1456, Dominican Bryophyllum spp. Salisb. Bryaceae
Republic-A-1472, Dominican Republic-A- Crassulaceae Total N° of Refs: 2
1475, Gal pagos Islands-CN-1481, China-I- Accepted name: Kalanchoe spp. Adans. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
1496, New Caledonia-I-1507, Fiji-A-1521, Total N° of Refs: 6 Dispersed by: Humans
Cape Verde-N-1558, Australia, northern- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical References: United States of America-N-
W-1204, South Africa-E-1646, Global-CD- References: Australia-EX-201, Australia-E- 301, Global-UNZ-1382.
1611, Brazil-A-1622, Eastern Caribbean-N- 1754.
1742, Taiwan-W-1748, Australia-E-1754, Bryum lisae De Not.
China-I-1769, Brazil-I-984, Chile-I-1872, Bryophyllum tubiflorum Harv., nom. Bryaceae
Australia-WD-1934, South Africa-N-1991, illeg. Total N° of Refs: 1
New Zealand-N-2048, India-W-1977. Crassulaceae References: Global-N-1382.
Accepted name: Bryophyllum delagoense
(Eckl. & Zeyh.) Schinz Bryum lisae De Not. var. cuspidatum
Total N° of Refs: 65 (Bruch & Schimp.) Marg.
Global Risk Score: 2.88 Bryaceae
Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, References: United States of America-N-
Subtropical, Tropical 301.
Origin: Africa
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Bryum pseudocapillare Besch.
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Bryaceae
References: Puerto Rico-CW-261, United Total N° of Refs: 1
States of America-CE-617, Australia-E-73, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Australia-N-198, Australia-N-945, United Dispersed by: Humans
States of America-N-301, Australia-CN- References: Global-U-1382.
949, Australia-N-1049, United States of
America-Q-1197, Zimbabwe-N-1365,
Global-CD-1611, Australia-Q-1123.

Bryum radiculosum Brid. Buchnera americana L. Buddleja albiflora Hemsl.
Bryaceae Orobanchaceae Loganiaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Buchnera floridana Total N° of Refs: 3
References: United States of America-N- Gandog. (2) Habit: Shrub
301, Global-UN-1382. Total N° of Refs: 3 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Dispersed by: Humans
Bryum rubens Mitt. References: -I-, Marshall Islands-W-1977. References: Europe-N-819, Belgium-U-
Bryaceae 1220, Belgium-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Buchnera floridana Gandog.
References: Global-U-1382. Orobanchaceae Buddleja alternifolia Maxim.
Accepted name: Buchnera americana L. Loganiaceae
Bryum ruderale Crundw. & Nyholm Total N° of Refs: 3 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Buddleja
Bryaceae Preferred Climate/s: Tropical alternifolia cv. Argentea Maxim.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Herbal Total N° of Refs: 17
References: Global-N-1382. References: -I-, Marshall Islands-W-1977, Global Risk Score: 2.88
Palau-W-1977. Rating: Low
Bryum sauteri Bruch, Schimp. & Habit: Tree
W.GŸmbel Buchnera hispida Buch. Ham. ex D.Don Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Bryaceae Orobanchaceae Origin: E Asia
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 3 Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Weed of: Cereals Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Dispersed by: Humans References: Nigeria-A-1701, Burkina Faso- References: United States of America-E-
References: Global-UZ-1382. A-2068, Nigeria-A-2073. 80, United States of America-N-101,
United States of America-EI-137, United
Bryum tenuisetum Limpr. Buchnera longifolia Kunth Kingdom-C-314, United Kingdom-N-519,
Bryaceae Orobanchaceae United Kingdom-C-812, Europe-N-819,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1 Global-W-1324, Czech Republic-U-1522,
References: Global-N-1382. Aqua - Habit: Global-CD-1611, Czech Republic-U-1731,
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical India-N-1765, India-N-2109, Armenia-W-
Bryum valparaisense Thér. References: Cuba-A-14. 1977, Czech Republic-W-1977, France-W-
Bryaceae 1977, United Kingdom-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Buchnera obliqua Benth.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Orobanchaceae Buddleja alternifolia Maxim. 'Argentea'
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 1 Loganiaceae
References: Europe-N-819, Global-NZ- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Total N° of Refs: 1
1382. References: Mexico-W-199. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
Buchloë dactyloides (Nutt.) Engelm. Buchnera pusilla Kunth References: United States of America-W-
Poaceae Orobanchaceae 656.
Accepted name: Bouteloua dactyloides Total N° of Refs: 6
(Nutt.) Columbus Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Buddleja americana L.
Total N° of Refs: 27 References: United States of America-N- Loganiaceae
Global Risk Score: 13.44 101, United States of America-N-301, Total N° of Refs: 3
Rating: Medium United States of America-N-839, Mexico- Habit: Shrub
Habit: perennial Grass W-1226, United States of America-N-1292, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical Mexico-W-1510. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Origin: N Am Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Buchnera ternifolia H.B.K. Dispersed by: Humans
Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture Orobanchaceae References: Cuba-A-14, Central America-
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Livestock Total N° of Refs: 1 A-933, Belize-A-1900.
Weed of: Vegetables References: Australia-A-87.
References: New Zealand-N-280, United
States of America-W-161, United States of Buchnera urticifolia R.Br.
America-W-218, United States of America- Orobanchaceae
A-543, New Zealand-U-919, China-I-1055, Total N° of Refs: 1
China-N-1215, China-NI-1212, Global-W- Origin: Aust
1349, Global-ZD-1580, China-I-1496, References: Australia-A-87.
China-N-1606, United States of America-
A-87, China-I-1758, China-I-1769, Chile-I- Bucida buceras L.
1872, China-NRI-2021, New Zealand-N- Combretaceae
2048, Global-W-2097, Chile-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 2
China-W-1977, Greece-W-1977, Global-- Habit: Tree
1324. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Subtropical, Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Global-N-85, United States of

Buddleja asiatica Lour. Buddleja crispa Benth. Buddleja davidii Franch.
Loganiaceae Loganiaceae Loganiaceae
Total N° of Refs: 25 Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Buddleja variabilis
Global Risk Score: 7.2 Global Risk Score: 0.24 Hemsl. (1)
Rating: Medium Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 247
Toxic - Habit: Shrub Habit: Shrub Global Risk Score: 33.6
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Rating: Extreme
Subtropical, Tropical Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Aqua - Habit: Tree
Origin: C Asia, E Asia, SE Asia Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, References: Australia-E-380. Subtropical, Tropical
Ornamental Origin: E Asia, Europe
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Buddleja curviflora Hook. & Arn. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Forestry,
Weed of: Bananas, Orchards and Loganiaceae Herbal, Ornamental
Plantations Total N° of Refs: 4 Dispersed by: Humans, Livestock, Sheep,
References: pantropics-W-22, southeast Toxic - Habit: Shrub Vehicles, Water, Wind, Escapee
Asia-W-191, Thailand-A-238, Philippines- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Seed Longevity: Short Term
W-412, United States of America-E-654, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental References: United States of America-CE-
Thailand-W-822, Pacific-W-3, Australia- Dispersed by: Humans 233, Puerto Rico-CW-261, United States of
W-54, United States of America-N-101, References: Japan-N-287, Japan-N-794, America-CE-617, Pacific-W-3, Australia-
Australia-C-401, Pacific-E-621, Australia- Japan-N-1278, Japan-W-1977. E-289, United States of America-CW-34,
N-310, United States of America-N-301, Australia-E-72, United Kingdom-N-40,
United States of America-N-839, India-A- New Zealand-E-246, United States of
1124, United States of America-Q-1197, America-E-80, Global-N-108, Global-
United States of America-N-1292, south NXW-85, United States of America-N-101,
and southeast Asia-A-1320, Global-W- New Zealand-N-280, Australia-E-296,
1324, south and southeast Asia-A-1408, United States of America-EI-137, United
New Caledonia-I-1507, Global-CD-1611, States of America-CE-142, United States of
India-N-1765, India-N-2109, Australia-W- America-W-392, Australia-E-155, New
1977. Zealand-EW-181, New Zealand-W-165,
Australia-N-176, Japan-N-287, Australia-
Buddleja australis Vell. N-198, New Zealand-EW-225, Australia-
Loganiaceae C-401, Australia-N-945, United Kingdom-
Total N° of Refs: 5 CN-314, Australia-E-380, Australia-E-327,
Habit: Shrub Czech Republic-U-400, New Zealand-NW-
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical 425, New Zealand-X-495, Switzerland-EI-
Origin: S Am 502, United Kingdom-N-519, New
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N-15,
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Mediterranean-I-5, Australia-E-189, Spain-
References: Australia-C-401, Australia-N- ENI-405, Pacific-E-621, Germany-EI-632,
310, Australia-N-354, Global-CD-1611, Global-E-649, Switzerland-NI-653,
Australia-W-1977. Australia-EN-310, Austria-CN-708,
Denmark-CN-711, France-I-720, United
Buddleja brasiliensis J. Jacq. States of America-E-736, Spain-I-738,
Loganiaceae Japan-N-753, Mediterranean-I-775, Japan-
Accepted name: Buddleja stachyoides I-741, United States of America-N-301,
Cham. & Schltdl. United States of America-E-151, Ireland-
Total N° of Refs: 4 AN-793, Japan-N-794, Spain-I-802,
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Hungary-U-809, France-I-764, United
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Kingdom-CN-812, Switzerland-NI-818,
Origin: S Am United States of America-N-839, Australia-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental W-853, Australia-N-855, Belgium-NI-858,
Dispersed by: Humans Australia-W-869, United States of
References: Brazil-W-255, Brazil-W-361, America-X-229, Ecuador-N-875, Ireland-I-
Brazil-W-407. 894, Germany-N-907, Global-W-788, New
Zealand-N-919, Austria-W-337,
Buddleja cordata HBK. subsp. cordata Mediterranean-WI-951, New Zealand-W-
Loganiaceae 964, Australia-N-354, Belgium-E-996,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Austria-N-1006, Germany-N-1006, United
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Kingdom-N-1006, Iceland-N-1006,
References: Mexico-N-1500. Liechtenstein-N-1006, Netherlands-N-
1006, Poland-N-1006, Switzerland-N-1006,
United States of America-I-1046,
Australia-N-1049, Europe-N-1072,
Portugal-N-898, Europe-N-819, Spain-I-
658, New Zealand-E-328, New Zealand-E-
505, Spain-EI-1092, Iberian Peninsular-NI-
1147, Spain-U-1149, Gal pagos Islands-
CN-1157, Italy-NI-1165, Germany-I-1167,
United Kingdom-W-1175, Europe-E-1184,

United States of America-Q-1197, Global- 1977, Zimbabwe-W-1977. Buddleja indica Lam.
Q-1208, Belgium-NI-1220, France-E-1239, Loganiaceae
Georgia-UR-1250, Italy-I-251, Hungary-U- Buddleja davidii Franch. 'Dartmoor' Total N° of Refs: 1
1255, Australia-E-1259, Italy-N-1265, Loganiaceae Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Spain-NI-1270, France-I-1273, Japan-N- Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
1278, United States of America-N-1292, La Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans
Reunion-N-1321, Global-W-1324, Dispersed by: Humans References: United States of America-W-
Zimbabwe-U-1365, Serbia-W-1222, References: United States of America-W- 179.
Global-W-1376, Spain-I-1390, Austria-W- 656.
1401, Global-I-1404, Spain-U-1454, Spain- Buddleja japonica Hemsl.
U-1455, Australia-E-1456, Argentina, Buddleja davidii Franch. x Buddleja Loganiaceae
Brazil and Uruguay-I-1476, Belgium-X- globosa Hope Total N° of Refs: 5
1477, Slovakia-U-1484, Global-ZD-1495, Loganiaceae Global Risk Score: 0.24
Albania-N-1506, France-N-1515, France- Accepted name: Buddleja x weyeriana Rating: Low
N-1516, Czech Republic-N-1522, Norway- Weyer Habit: Shrub
N-1535, Canada-I-1538, New Zealand-N- Total N° of Refs: 6 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
1543, Australia-I-1544, China-I-1544, Fiji- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Tropical
I-1544, Japan-I-1544, Malaysia-I-1544, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
New Caledonia-I-1544, New Zealand-I- References: United Kingdom-N-519, Dispersed by: Humans
1544, Papua New Guinea-I-1544, South United Kingdom-C-812, Global-CD-1611. References: France-N-1006, Europe-N-819,
Korea-I-1544, Singapore-I-1544, United Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977, France-W-
States of America-I-1544, Central Europe Buddleja dysophylla (Benth.) Radlk. 1977.
and Asia-N-1602, Ireland-N-1608, Austria- Loganiaceae
W-1609, Belgium-W-1609, Czech Total N° of Refs: 19 Buddleja lindleyana Fortune
Republic-W-1609, Denmark-W-1609, Global Risk Score: 0.48 Loganiaceae
Germany-W-1609, Ireland-W-1609, Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 17
Netherlands-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, Habit: Tree Global Risk Score: 1.44
Poland-W-1609, Poland-N-1040, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Rating: Low
Switzerland-ED-1546, Spain-N-1556, Origin: Africa Toxic - Habit: Shrub
South Africa-E-1646, Germany-ZD-1658, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Belgium-ZD-1583, Global-CD-1611, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Origin: C Asia, E Asia
Czech Republic-N-1731, France-NI-1438, References: Australia-W-54, New Zealand- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
United States of America-E-1736, Europe- N-280, Australia-N-198, Australia-C-401, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
UNXI-1740, Croatia-N-1747, Australia-E- Australia-E-327, New Zealand-N-534, New References: United States of America-E-
1754, India-N-1765, Turkey-N-1718, Zealand-N-15, Australia-N-310, Australia- 80, United States of America-N-101,
United States of America-I-1773, Ukraine- EN-7, Australia-W-869, New Zealand-N- United States of America-W-179,
N-1813, Austria-N-1828, Australia-N- 919, Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049, Australia-N-945, United Kingdom-U-314,
1902, Australia-N-1845, Argentina-I-983, Australia-N-1450, Global-CD-1611, Australia-E-380, United States of America-
Chile-I-1872, New Zealand-Q-1879, Italy- Australia-N-1902, Australia-N-1959, New E-151, India-N-914, Global-W-1324,
UNI-1887, Romania-U-1905, Sardinia-U- Zealand-N-2048, Australia-W-1977. United States of America-C-1329, India-N-
1917, Australia-WD-1934, France-N-1940, 1389, Global-CD-1611, United States of
France-N-1941, France-NI-1942, France-I- Buddleja globosa Hope. America-E-1736, India-N-1765, India-U-
1943, Australia-N-1959, Italy-N-1842, -I-, Loganiaceae 2109, Australia-W-1977, India-W-1977.
-I-, -I-, -I-, Bosnia and Herzegovina-N- Total N° of Refs: 22
1987, Switzerland-I-1990, Ukraine-N- Global Risk Score: 1.44 Buddleja loricata Leeuwenberg
2014, New Zealand-N-2048, New Zealand- Rating: Low Loganiaceae
Q-2086, New Zealand-E-483, United States Toxic - Habit: Tree Total N° of Refs: 1
of America-N-2092, Global-W-2097, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Origin: Africa
India-U-2109, Albania-W-1977, Argentina- Tropical Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
W-1977, Armenia-W-1977, Australia-W- Origin: E Asia, S Am Dispersed by: Humans
1977, Austria-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental References: New Zealand-U-2048.
Bolivia-W-1977, Brazil-W-1977, Bulgaria- Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
W-1977, Cameroon-W-1977, Canada-W- References: New Zealand-N-280, United
1977, Chile-W-1977, China-W-1977, Kingdom-CN-314, Australia-E-380, United
Colombia-W-1977, Croatia-W-1977, Czech Kingdom-N-519, New Zealand-N-534,
Republic-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, New Zealand-N-15, United Kingdom-C-
Ecuador-W-1977, France-W-1977, 812, Australia-N-855, Australia-W-869,
Georgia-W-1977, Germany-W-1977, Haiti- Ireland-U-894, New Zealand-N-919,
W-1977, India-W-1977, Ireland-W-1977, Iceland-N-1006, Portugal-N-898, Europe-
Italy-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, N-819, United Kingdom-W-1175,
Liechtenstein-W-1977, Luxembourg-W- Australia-E-1259, Australia-E-1261,
1977, Malaysia-W-1977, Netherlands-W- Global-CD-1611, New Zealand-N-2048,
1977, New Zealand-W-1977, Panama-W- Australia-W-1977, Ireland-W-1977, United
1977, Papua New Guinea-W-1977, Poland- Kingdom-W-1977.
W-1977, Portugal-W-1977, Rwanda-W-
1977, Slovakia-W-1977, South Africa-W-
1977, Spain-W-1977, Switzerland-W-1977,
Thailand-W-1977, United Kingdom-W-
1977, Venezuela-W-1977, Zambia-W-

Buddleja madagascariensis Lam. Buddleja officinalis Maxim. Buddleja sp. nom. hort. 'Ellens Blue'
Loganiaceae Loganiaceae Loganiaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Nicodemia Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1
madagascariensis (Lam.) R.Parker (2) Habit: Shrub Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 74 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Dispersed by: Humans
Global Risk Score: 4.8 Tropical References: United States of America-W-
Rating: Low Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, 656.
Toxic - Habit: Tree Ornamental
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Dispersed by: Humans Buddleja sp. nom. hort. 'Lochinch'
Subtropical, Tropical References: United States of America-N- Loganiaceae
Origin: Africa, E Asia 101. Accepted name: parents = Buddleja davidii
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Franch. x Buddleja fallowiana Balf. f. &
Ornamental Buddleja parviflora H.B.K. W.W.Sm.
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Loganiaceae Total N° of Refs: 2
References: United States of America-CE- Total N° of Refs: 2 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
233, Puerto Rico-CW-261, Australia-E- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Dispersed by: Humans
201, Australia-CN-368, Australia-CEN- References: Global-Q-1205, Australia-Q- References: United States of America-W-
479, United States of America-CE-617, 1123. 656, France-W-808.
United States of America-E-654, Slovakia-
CE-782, New Zealand-E-246, Pacific-W-3, Buddleja saligna Willd. Buddleja spp. L.
Australia-E-73, Global-N-85, United States Loganiaceae Loganiaceae
of America-N-101, New Zealand-N-280, Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 1
United States of America-W-179, Habit: Shrub Habit: Shrub
Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Australia-E-380, New Zealand-N-534, New Origin: Africa Dispersed by: Humans
Zealand-N-15, Pacific-E-621, Australia- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental References: United States of America-I-
EN-310, Australia-EN-7, United States of Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee 628.
America-N-301, United States of America- References: United States of America-CW-
E-151, United States of America-N-839, 34, United States of America-N-101, Buddleja stachyoides Cham. & Schltdl.
Australia-W-853, Australia-N-855, Global-CD-1611. Loganiaceae
Australia-N-856, Australia-W-869, New Synonym/s (n° of refs): Buddleja
Zealand-N-919, Africa-W-990, Australia- Buddleja salviifolia (L.) Lam. brasiliensis J. Jacq. (3)
N-354, United States of America-I-1046, Loganiaceae Total N° of Refs: 4
Australia-N-1049, Australia-I-1088, New Synonym/s (n° of refs): Lantana salviifolia References: Brazil-R-2053.
Zealand-E-505, Greece-U-1142, United L. (2)
States of America-Q-1197, South Africa-U- Total N° of Refs: 8 Buddleja stenostachya Rehder & E. H.
1247, Caribbean-NI-1201, Botswana-N- Global Risk Score: 2.4 Wilson
1284, United States of America-N-1292, La Rating: Low Loganiaceae
Reunion-N-1321, Global-I-1404, Australia- Habit: Tree Accepted name: Buddleja nivea Duthie
N-1450, Australia-E-1456, New Caledonia- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 1
I-1507, South Africa-E-1646, Global-CD- Origin: Africa Habit: Shrub
1611, East Africa-I-1723, Brazil-N-1071, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
United States of America-E-1736, Brazil- Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans
N-1746, Australia-E-1754, Australia-N- Dispersed by: Humans References: Armenia-W-1977.
1902, Chile-I-1872, -I-, South Africa-N- References: South Africa-AW-121, New
1991, New Zealand-N-2048, Australia-W- Zealand-N-280, Australia-E-380, New Buddleja variabilis Hemsl.
1977, Brazil-W-1977, Burundi-W-1977, Zealand-N-919, Lesotho-AW-121, New Loganiaceae
Chile-W-1977, Democratic Republic of the Zealand-N-2048. Accepted name: Buddleja davidii Franch.
Congo-W-1977, Greece-W-1977, Kenya- Total N° of Refs: 247
W-1977, Malaysia-W-1977, New Zealand- Buddleja sessiliflora Kunth ToxicReferences: Ireland-W-894.
W-1977, Rwanda-W-1977, South Africa- Loganiaceae
W-1977, Uganda-W-1977, United Republic Total N° of Refs: 5 Buddleja x weyeriana Weyer
of Tanzania-W-1977. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Loganiaceae
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Accepted name: parents = Buddleja davidii
Buddleja nivea Duthie References: Mexico-W-890, Mexico-W- Franch. x Buddleja globosa Hope
Loganiaceae 1226, Mexico-N-1500, Mexico-W-1510, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Buddleja davidii
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Buddleja Mexico-R-1935. Franch. x Buddleja globosa Hope (3)
stenostachya Rehder & E. H. Wilson (1) Total N° of Refs: 6
Total N° of Refs: 1 Buddleja x sp. - Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Habit: Shrub Loganiaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Origin: E Asia Total N° of Refs: 1 References: United Kingdom-C-314,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: United Kingdom-N-40. Europe-N-819, Global-CD-1611.
Dispersed by: Humans
Buffonia tenuifolia L.
Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Europe-W-1325.

Bufonia multiceps Decne. Buglossoides arvensis (L.) I.M. Johnston Buglossoides arvensis (L.) I.M.Johnston
Caryophyllaceae Boraginaceae subsp. arvensis
Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Buglossoides Boraginaceae
References: Egypt-W-221. arvense (L.) I.M.Johnston (4), Total N° of Refs: 3
Lithospermum arvense L. (108) Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Bufonia paniculata F. Dubois ex Total N° of Refs: 197 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Delarbre Global Risk Score: 6.48 Dispersed by: Humans
Caryophyllaceae Rating: Low References: Czech Republic-N-1522,
Total N° of Refs: 2 Toxic - Habit: annual Herb Czech Republic-N-1731, Czech Republic-
References: Europe-N-819, Global-W- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, W-1977.
1324. Subtropical, Tropical
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Buglossoides arvensis (L.) I.M.Johnston
Bufonia tenuifolia L. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, subsp. sibthorpiana (Griseb.) R.
Caryophyllaceae Ornamental Fernandes
Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Boraginaceae
References: Europe, eastern-W-272. Weed of: Carrots, Cereals, Vegetables Total N° of Refs: 2
References: Australia-W-93, United States References: Hungary-U-1255, Global--
Bufonia willkommiana Boiss. of America-E-80, Global-NXZW-85, 1324.
Caryophyllaceae Europe-A-94, Global-A-243, United States
Total N° of Refs: 3 of America-N-101, United States of Buglossoides incrassata (Guss.) I. M.
References: France-N-1006, Europe-N-819, America-W-174, Australia-N-176, western Johnston
Global-W-1324. Europe-A-253, Australia-N-198, Europe, Boraginaceae
eastern-AW-272, western Europe-W-70, Total N° of Refs: 2
Buglossoides arvense (L.) I.M.Johnston Australia-E-327, Australia-Z-611, Canada- Origin: Africa, Europe
Boraginaceae A-642, Ukraine-R-643, Canada and United References: North Africa, Libya, Egypt-W-
Accepted name: Buglossoides arvensis (L.) States of America-N-725, Canada-UC-756, 1730, Czech Republic-W-1977.
I.M.Johnston Australia-N-7, Global-W-788, Pakistan-A-
Total N° of Refs: 89 837, Australia-W-853, Australia-N-855, Buglossoides incrassata (Guss.)
Habit: annual Herb Australia-N-868, Australia-W-869, United I.M.Johnston subsp. incrassata
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Kingdom-Z-944, Turkey-A-977, Australia- Boraginaceae
Origin: E Asia, Europe N-354, Russia-A-998, Denmark-N-1006, Total N° of Refs: 2
Weed of: Pastures Germany-N-1006, United Kingdom-N- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
References: Australia-W-269, United States 1006, Norway-N-1006, Slovakia-N-1006, Dispersed by: Humans
of America-W-102, Australia-N-945, Iran- Sweden-N-1006, Australia-N-1049, References: Czech Republic-U-1522,
A-1916. Europe-N-819, Turkey-A-144, Pakistan-A- Czech Republic-U-1731.
1170, Greece-W-1240, Norway-N-1243,
Australia-E-1260, Australia-E-1261, Buglossoides incrassata (Guss.)
Argentina-W-1286, Ukraine-N-1297, I.M.Johnston subsp. splitgerberi (Guss.)
Global-W-1324, Ukraine-N-1335, Turkey-- E.Zippel & Selvi
1412, Australia-N-1450, Turkey-A-1468, Boraginaceae
Panarctic-U-1596, Latvia-N-1598, Total N° of Refs: 2
Hungary-A-1015, Serbia-A-1019, Global- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
CD-1611, Australia-ZD-1675, Ukraine-N- Dispersed by: Humans
1685, Russia-W-1687, United States of References: Czech Republic-N-1522,
America-E-1736, Australia-Z-1768, Czech Republic-N-1731.
Australia-N-1902, Australia-N-1845,
Canada-G-1855, Australia-N-1959, Russia- Buglossoides purpurocaerulea (L.)
N-1988, Russia-N-1989, Russia-W-2034, Johnst.
Russia-A-2041, Ukraine-N-2050, Slovenia- Boraginaceae
A-2078, Spain-A-2083, Ukraine-N-2112, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Lithospermum
Argentina-W-1977, Australia-W-1977, purpureocaeruleum L. (1), Lithospermum
Belarus-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Czech purpurocaeruleum L. (10)
Republic-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Poland- Total N° of Refs: 15
W-1977, Russian Federation-W-1977, Global Risk Score: 1.44
Slovakia-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977, Rating: Low
Sweden-W-1977, Ukraine-W-1977, United Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Kingdom-W-1977. Origin: E Asia, Europe
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Buglossoides arvensis (L.) I.M.Johnston Ornamental
var. sibthorpiana (Griseb.) Fern. Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Boraginaceae Livestock, Sheep
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Europe, eastern-W-272,
References: Hungary-U-809. Global-Q-1205, Global-ZD-1611,

Buglossoides tenuiflora (L. f.) I. M. Bulbine semibarbata (R.Br.) Haw. Bulbophyllum micronesiacum Schltr.
Johnst. Liliaceae Orchidaceae
Boraginaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bulbinopsis Total N° of Refs: 1
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Lithospermum semibarbata (R.Br.) Borz (1) Habit: Herb
tenuiflorum L. f. (1) Total N° of Refs: 5 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 2 Toxic - Habit: Herb References: Federated States of
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Micronesia-N-230.
Mediterranean Dispersed by: Humans
References: North Africa, Libya, Egypt-W- References: New Zealand-UW-280, New Bulbophyllum ponapense Schltr.
1730. Zealand-U-919, United States of America- Orchidaceae
N-101, New Zealand-N-2048. Total N° of Refs: 1
Buglossoides zollingeri (A. DC.) I. M. Habit: Herb
Johnst. Bulbinella floribunda (Ait.) T.Durand & Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Boraginaceae Schinz References: Federated States of
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Lithospermum Liliaceae Micronesia-N-230.
zollingeri A. DC. (1) Accepted name: Bulbinella latifolia Kunth.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 2 Bulbophyllum spp. Thouars.
Habit: perennial Herb Orchidaceae
Bulbine bulbosa (R. Br.) Haw. Origin: Africa, N Am Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bulbophyllum spp.
Liliaceae Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Thou.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 1
Global Risk Score: 0.72 References: Australia-N-945. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Rating: Low References: Federated States of
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Bulbinella latifolia Kunth Micronesia-N-230.
Origin: Aust Liliaceae
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bulbinella Bulbostylis abortiva (Steud.) C.B. Cl.
Dispersed by: Humans floribunda (Ait.) T.Durand & Schinz (1) Cyperaceae
References: Australia-W-269, Global-A- Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 3
1207. Habit: perennial Herb Habit: annual Grass
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Bulbine frutescens (L.) Willd. Dispersed by: Humans Weed of: Cereals
Liliaceae References: Australia--, Australia-Q-1123. References: Nigeria-A-1371, Togo-A-1673,
Total N° of Refs: 3 Burkina Faso-A-2068.
Global Risk Score: 1.44 Bulbinella nutans (Thunb.) T. Durand &
Rating: Low Schinz Bulbostylis barbata (Rottb.) C.B.Clarke
Habit: perennial Herb Liliaceae Cyperaceae
Origin: Africa Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bulbinella robusta Total N° of Refs: 37
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Kunth (1) Global Risk Score: 4.8
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 1 Rating: Low
References: South Africa-A-121, Australia- Habit: perennial Herb Habit: annual Grass
Q-1134, Lesotho-A-121. Origin: Africa Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Origin: Cosmopolitan
Bulbine latifolia (L. f.) Roem. & Schult. Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Liliaceae Herbal, Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 2 Bulbinella robusta Kunth Dispersed by: Humans
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Liliaceae Weed of: Bananas, Cereals, Orchards &
Rating: Low Accepted name: Bulbinella nutans subsp. Plantations
Habit: Shrub nutans (Thunb.) T. Durand & Schinz References: Indonesia-A-170, Thailand-A-
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Total N° of Refs: 1 12, Philippines-W-412, Global-ZW-85,
Origin: Africa Major Pathway/s: Ornamental United States of America-N-101, Global-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans AW-126, United States of America-W-179,
Dispersed by: Humans References: Australia-N-945. Japan-W-286, China-W-297, China-W-
References: Global-Q-1205, Australia-Q- 431, South Korea-A-648, Swaziland-N-
1123. Bulbinopsis semibarbata (R.Br.) Borzí 825, Global-W-1070, Global-A-1207, south
Liliaceae and southeast Asia-A-1320, India-A-1359,
Bulbine narcissifolia Salm-Dyck Accepted name: Bulbine semibarbata China-EN-1374, south and southeast Asia-
Liliaceae (R.Br.) Haw. A-1408, Nigeria-A-87, Japan-A-87,
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 5 Taiwan-A-87, Ghana-A-87, Indonesia-A-
Habit: perennial Herb References: New Zealand-UW-280. 87, India-A-87, Philippines-A-87,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Vietnam-A-87, India-A-1025, India-A-
Origin: Africa Bulbophyllum gracillimum (Rolfe) Rolfe 1026, India-A-1027, Cape Verde-N-1558,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Orchidaceae Bangladesh-A-1649, Togo-A-1673, India-
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 1 A-1696, Belize-N-1796, India-A-1818,
References: South Africa-AR-121, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical India-A-1936, Swaziland-W-1977.
Lesotho-AR-121. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: La Reunion-U-1321.

Bulbostylis barbata (Rottb.) C.B.Clarke Bulbostylis contexta (Nees) Bodard Bulbostylis hispidula (Vahl) R. W.
subsp. barbata Cyperaceae Haines
Cyperaceae Total N° of Refs: 2 Cyperaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Habit: perennial Grass Synonym/s (n° of refs): Abildgaardia
Habit: Grass Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical hispidula (Vahl) Lye (1), Bulbostylis hirta
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Origin: Africa (Thunb.) Svenson (2), Fimbristylis
References: Belize-N-1796. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant hispidula (Vahl) Kunth (14)
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 22
Bulbostylis burchellii (Fical. & Hiern) References: South Africa-AZR-121, Global Risk Score: 1.44
C.B.Cl. Lesotho-AZR-121. Rating: Low
Cyperaceae Habit: annual Grass
Total N° of Refs: 1 Bulbostylis densa (Wall.) Hand.-Mazz. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Habit: perennial Grass Cyperaceae Origin: Africa
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 10 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop
Origin: Africa Aqua - Habit: annual Grass Dispersed by: Humans, Cattle, Livestock
References: South Africa-AR-121. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical References: Global-W-85, Africa-A-622,
Origin: Africa Global-W-1070, Botswana-A-1153, South
Bulbostylis capillaris (L.) C.B.Clarke Dispersed by: Water Africa-ZD-1435.
Cyperaceae Weed of: Cereals
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bulbostylis References: South Africa-AR-121, Global- Bulbostylis hispidula (Vahl) R.W.Haines
capillaris (L.) Kunth ex C.B.Clarke var. W-85, Global-AEWD-126, Bhutan-W-423, subsp. pyriformis (Lye) R.W.Haines
capillaris (1) Pakistan-W-836, Global-W-1070, Global- Cyperaceae
Total N° of Refs: 20 A-1207, south and southeast Asia-A-1320, Total N° of Refs: 1
Global Risk Score: 2.88 Lesotho-AR-121, Nepal-A-1932. Habit: annual Grass
Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Aqua - Habit: annual Grass Bulbostylis filamentosa C.B. Clarke References: Global-W-1070.
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Cyperaceae
Origin: S Am Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bulbostylis Bulbostylis humilis (Kunth) C.B.Clarke
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal metralis Chermezon (1) Cyperaceae
Dispersed by: Humans, Water Total N° of Refs: 4 Total N° of Refs: 4
Weed of: Cereals Habit: perennial Grass Global Risk Score: 0.72
References: Brazil-W-255, Brazil-W-360, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Rating: Low
Brazil-W-407, South America-W-295, References: Global-W-1070, Ghana-A-87, Habit: annual Grass
United States of America-N-301, United Ivory Coast-A-87. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
States of America-N-839, Global-W-1070, Origin: Africa
Argentina-AD-1198, Global-Q-1205, Bulbostylis funckii (Steud.) Clarke Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Norway-N-1243, United States of America- Cyperaceae Ornamental
N-1292, south and southeast Asia-A-1320, Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Norway-W-1609, Brazil-A-1560, Global- Habit: Grass Livestock, Sheep
ZD-1581, North America-N-1760, India- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical References: South Africa-AZR-121, United
AN-1794, Nepal-A-1932, Australia-Q- References: Mexico-W-199. Kingdom-UZD-314, Global-W-1070,
1123. Lesotho-AZR-121.
Bulbostylis hirta (Thunb.) Svenson
Bulbostylis capillaris (L.) Kunth ex Cyperaceae Bulbostylis juncoides (Vahl) Kük.
C.B.Clarke var. capillaris Accepted name: Bulbostylis hispidula Cyperaceae
Cyperaceae (Vahl) R.W.Haines Total N° of Refs: 1
Accepted name: Bulbostylis capillaris (L.) Total N° of Refs: 7 Habit: Grass
Kunth ex C.B.Clarke Habit: Grass Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 20 Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Habit: Grass Origin: Africa References: Brazil-A-1560.
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical References: Global-W-85, United States of
References: Paraguay-A-2070. America-N-101. Bulbostylis metralis Chermezon
Bulbostylis capillaris (L.) Kunth ex C.B. Accepted name: Bulbostylis filamentosa
Clarke subsp. capillaris (Vahl) C.B.Clarke
Cyperaceae Total N° of Refs: 4
Total N° of Refs: 1 Habit: Grass
Habit: Grass Weed of: Cereals
References: North America-N-1760. References: Burkina Faso-A-2068.

Bulbostylis ciliatifolia (Ell.) Fern. Bulbostylis pilosa Beetle

Cyperaceae Cyperaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: annual Grass Habit: Grass
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
References: Global-W-1070. References: Togo-A-1673.

Bulbostylis puberula (Poir.) C.B.Clarke Bumelia lycioides (L.) Pers. Bunias erucago L.
Cyperaceae Sapotaceae Brassicaceae
Total N° of Refs: 5 Accepted name: Sideroxylon lycioides L. Total N° of Refs: 35
Habit: Grass Total N° of Refs: 2 Global Risk Score: 7.2
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Habit: Tree Rating: Medium
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Habit: b/p Herb
Dispersed by: Humans Subtropical, Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
References: Indonesia-A-170, southeast Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe
Asia-W-191, Global-W-1070, south and Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
southeast Asia-A-1320, Sri Lanka-A-87. Dispersed by: Humans Herbal, Ornamental
References: United States of America-W- Dispersed by: Humans, Animals
Bulbostylis striatella C.B.Clarke 218, United States of America-A-87. Weed of: Cereals
Cyperaceae References: Finland-U-42, Europe-A-94,
Total N° of Refs: 10 Bunchosia cornifolia Kunth United States of America-N-101, western
Global Risk Score: 1.92 Malpighiaceae Europe-A-253, Europe, eastern-W-272,
Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 2 western Europe-W-70, United Kingdom-U-
Habit: annual/perennial Grass Habit: Shrub 314, Czech Republic-UZ-400, Austria-N-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical 708, Denmark-U-711, Hungary-U-809,
Origin: Africa Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Global-N-85, Europe-N-819, Belgium-U-
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee 1220, Norway-N-1243, Hungary-U-1255,
Ornamental References: Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157, Global-W-1324, Global-W-1349, Czech
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Global-CD-1611. Republic-U-1522, Austria-W-1609,
Livestock, Sheep, Escapee Denmark-W-1609, Germany-W-1609,
References: Australia-W-54, Australia-E- Bunchosia glandulifera Kunth Portugal-A-87, Spain-A-87, Italy-A-1618,
155, Australia-C-401, United Kingdom- Malpighiaceae Czech Republic-U-1731, Chile-I-1872,
UZD-314, Australia-AN-310, Australia-W- Total N° of Refs: 1 Austria-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Bosnia
853, Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049, Habit: Tree and Herzegovina-W-1977, Bulgaria-W-
Global-CD-1611, Australia-W-1977. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical 1977, Chile-W-1977, Czech Republic-W-
Origin: S Am 1977, Denmark-W-1977, Germany-W-
Bulbostylis subspinescens C.B.Clarke Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, 1977.
Cyperaceae Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans
Habit: Grass References: Australia-W-1977.
References: India-A-1696.
Bunchosia spp. Rich. ex Juss.
Bulbostylis viridicarinata (De Wild.) Malpighiaceae
Goetgh. Total N° of Refs: 2
Cyperaceae Habit: Tree
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Fimbristylis Dispersed by: Humans
tisserantii Cherm. (1) References: Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Global-CD-1611.
Habit: Grass
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Bungea trifida (Vahl.) C.A.Mey.
Bulnesia foliosa Griseb. Total N° of Refs: 1
Zygophyllaceae Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans
References: Paraguay-NI-876. References: Turkey--1412.

Bumelia lanuginosa (Michx.) Pers. Bunias arvensis Jordan, W.P.

Sapotaceae Brassicaceae
Accepted name: Sideroxylon lanuginosum Total N° of Refs: 1
Michx. subsp. lanuginosum References: Global-W-1324.
Total N° of Refs: 2
Global Risk Score: 1.2
Rating: Low
Habit: Tree
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Dispersed by: Humans
References: United States of America-W-
218, United States of America-A-87.

Bunias orientalis L. Mongolia-W-1977, Netherlands-W-1977, Bunium cylindricum (Boiss. & Hohen.)
Brassicaceae Poland-W-1977, Republic of Moldova-W- Drude
Total N° of Refs: 131 1977, Slovakia-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977, Apiaceae
Global Risk Score: 14.4 Switzerland-W-1977, Ukraine-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 1
Rating: Medium United Kingdom-W-1977. Weed of: Pastures
Habit: b/p Herb References: Iran-A-1916.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Bunium alpinum Waldst. & Kit.
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Apiaceae Bunium elegans (Fenzl) Freyn
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Total N° of Refs: 2 Apiaceae
Herbal, Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 2
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Vehicles Major Pathway/s: Crop Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Seed Longevity: Transient References: Global-W-1324, Europe-W- References: Global-A-1207, Global-W-
Weed of: Pastures 1325. 2056.
References: Finland-N-42, Global-N-108,
Global-ZW-85, Europe-A-94, United States Bunium alpinum W. & K. var. Bunium ferulaceum Sibth. & Sm.
of America-N-101, western Europe-A-253, montanum (Kock) Burnat Apiaceae
Europe, eastern-AW-272, western Europe- Apiaceae Total N° of Refs: 3
W-70, United Kingdom-UZ-314, Czech Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Republic-ZI-400, Switzerland-W-502, References: Hungary-U-809. Origin: Africa, Europe
China-W-431, United Kingdom-N-519, Major Pathway/s: Crop
Spain-N-405, Poland-N-619, Germany-EI- Bunium alpinum Waldst. & Kit. subsp. Weed of: Cereals
632, Canada-A-642, Ukraine-NR-643, montanum (Koch) P.W. Ball References: Crete-A-1228, Greece-A-2093,
Norway-N-644, Austria-N-708, Denmark- Apiaceae Turkey-A-2101.
UN-711, Lithuania-I-737, France-W-764, Total N° of Refs: 1
United Kingdom-N-812, Switzerland-RI- References: Hungary-U-1255. Bunium persicum (Boiss.) B. Fedtsch.
818, Czech Republic-NI-826, Germany-N- Apiaceae
907, United Kingdom-Z-944, Belgium-N- Bunium bulbocastanum L. Total N° of Refs: 1
1006, Estonia-N-1006, France-N-1006, Apiaceae Habit: annual Herb
Germany-N-1006, United Kingdom-N- Total N° of Refs: 36 Preferred Climate/s: Dryland
1006, Italy-N-1006, Luxembourg-N-1006, Global Risk Score: 9.6 Major Pathway/s: Crop
Netherlands-N-1006, Sweden-N-1006, Rating: Medium References: India-A-712.
Global-N-1059, Europe-N-1072, Europe- Habit: perennial Herb
N-819, Slovakia-I-782, Australia--, Latvia- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Bunium spp. L.
NI-1125, Global-Q-1138, Germany-I-1167, Tropical Apiaceae
Czech Republic-A-1186, Global-Q-1208, Origin: Europe Total N° of Refs: 1
Poland-AWI-1219, Belgium-N-1220, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Weed of: Cereals
Serbia-W-1238, France-E-1239, Armenia- Herbal, Ornamental References: Iran-A-2072.
N-1241, Latvia-N-1242, Norway-N-1243, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Water
Italy-N-251, France-I-1273, Ukraine-N- Weed of: Cereals Buphthalmum salicifolium L.
1297, Global-W-1324, Ukraine-N-1335, References: Finland-U-42, Europe-A-94, Asteraceae
Global-W-1349, Finland-AW-1356, Spain- Japan-N-287, western Europe-A-253, Total N° of Refs: 7
U-1455, Slovakia-N-1484, Czech Europe, eastern-AW-272, western Europe- Habit: perennial Herb
Republic-I-1522, Russia-N-1533, Norway- W-70, Czech Republic-UZ-400, United Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
N-1535, Panarctic-U-1596, Latvia-N-1598, Kingdom-N-519, Austria-N-708, Denmark- Origin: Europe
Central Europe-N-1602, Estonia-W-1609, UN-711, Japan-N-794, Denmark-N-1006, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Austria-W-1609, Czech Republic-W-1609, Norway-N-1006, Slovakia-N-1006, Dispersed by: Humans, Wind, Escapee
Denmark-W-1609, Russia-W-1609, Europe-N-819, United States of America- Seed Longevity: Long Term
Germany-W-1609, Ireland-W-1609, N-101, Australia-Q-1134, Norway-N-1243, References: Finland-U-42, United
Latvia-W-1609, Lithuania-W-1609, France-A-1266, Japan-N-1278, Global-W- Kingdom-C-314, China-N-1215, China-N-
Netherlands-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, 1324, Czech Republic-U-1522, Austria-W- 1344, Sweden-W-1609, Global-CD-1611,
Poland-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, Russia- 1609, Denmark-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, Sweden-W-1977.
A-87, Poland-N-1040, Global-ZD-1611, Sweden-W-1609, United Kingdom-U-
Russia-N-1006, Europe-N-1690, Poland-N- 1636, Czech Republic-U-1731, Sweden-N- Buphthalmum speciosum (Baumg.)
1716, Czech Republic-I-1731, France-N- 1802, France-A-1814, Romania-U-1986, Schreb.
1438, Europe-UNI-1740, Austria-A-1670, Italy-A-2081, Austria-W-1977, Czech Asteraceae
Russia-W-1671, Sweden-N-1802, Ukraine- Republic-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Sweden- Accepted name: Telekia speciosa (Schreb.)
U-1840, Italy-UN-1887, France-NR-1942, W-1977. Baumg.
France-I-1943, -I-, -I-, Australia-Q-1123, Total N° of Refs: 65
Russia-N-1989, Poland-N-1993, Estonia-I- Bunium chaerophylloides (Regel & Global Risk Score: 1.44
1996, Estonia-N-1997, Ukraine-N-2050, Schmalh.) Drude Rating: Low
Slovakia-N-2052, -U-2058, Russia-I-2107, Apiaceae Habit: perennial Herb
Austria-W-1977, Belarus-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Belgium-W-1977, Bulgaria-W-1977, References: Global-A-1207. Dispersed by: Humans
Canada-W-1977, China-W-1977, Czech References: Chile-I-1872, Australia-Q-
Republic-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, 1123.
Estonia-W-1977, France-W-1977,
Germany-W-1977, Italy-W-1977,
Kazakhstan-W-1977, Latvia-W-1977,
Lithuania-W-1977, Luxembourg-W-1977,

Bupleurum affine Sadler Bupleurum falcatum L. Bupleurum gerardi Jacq.
Apiaceae Apiaceae Apiaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bupleurum Total N° of Refs: 8
Weed of: Pastures chinense DC. (2), Bupleurum Global Risk Score: 1.44
References: Serbia-W-1238, Serbia-A- sibthorpianum Sm. (1) Rating: Low
1372. Total N° of Refs: 22 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Global Risk Score: 12 Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Bupleurum apiculatum Friv. Rating: Medium Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Water
Apiaceae Habit: perennial Herb References: Germany-N-1006, Europe-N-
Total N° of Refs: 2 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, 819, Global-W-1324, Estonia-W-1609,
Weed of: Pastures Tropical Iran-A-87, Turkey-A-87, Belgium-U-1220,
References: Serbia-W-1238, Serbia-A- Origin: E Asia, Europe Estonia-N-1997.
1372. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Herbal, Ornamental Bupleurum gerardii All.
Bupleurum baldense Turra Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle, Apiaceae
Apiaceae Livestock, Sheep, Water, Wind, Escapee Total N° of Refs: 4
Total N° of Refs: 6 Seed Longevity: Transient Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean References: Egypt-W-221, western Europe- References: Belgium-U-1220, Germany-
Origin: Africa, Europe W-70, United Kingdom-N-519, Denmark- W-1609, Belgium-W-1977, Germany-W-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal U-711, United Kingdom-CN-812, United 1977.
References: United Kingdom-N-519, Kingdom-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Serbia-
Austria-U-708, Europe-N-819, Global-W- W-1238, Denmark-W-1609, Sweden-W- Bupleurum heldreichii Boiss. & Balansa
1324, Austria-W-1609, Austria-W-1977. 1609, Turkey-A-87, Europe-ZD-1653, Apiaceae
Global-CD-1611, Sweden-N-1802, Total N° of Refs: 1
Bupleurum chinense DC. Montenegro-R-1944, Australia-Q-1123, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Apiaceae Denmark-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans
Accepted name: Bupleurum falcatum L. United Kingdom-W-1977. References: Turkey-R-1968.
Total N° of Refs: 21
Habit: perennial Herb Bupleurum fontanesii Guss. ex Caruel Bupleurum lanceolatum Wall. ex DC.
Origin: E Asia Apiaceae Apiaceae
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal Accepted name: Bupleurum odontites L. Total N° of Refs: 3
References: China-A-275, Australia--, Total N° of Refs: 25 Habit: perennial Herb
Australia-Q-1123. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations
Origin: Africa, Europe References: India-A-712, Morocco-A-
Bupleurum croceum Fenzl Major Pathway/s: Contaminant 1751, Global-A-243.
Apiaceae Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 9 References: Finland-U-42, Austria-U-708,
Habit: annual Herb Japan-N-794, United Kingdom-Z-944,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Europe-N-819, Belgium-U-1220, Japan-N-
Origin: E Asia, Europe, W Asia 1278, Global-W-1324, Austria-W-1609.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Dispersed by: Humans Bupleurum fruticosum L.
References: Finland-U-42, United Apiaceae
Kingdom-U-314, Czech Republic-UZ-400, Total N° of Refs: 19
Europe-N-819, Belgium-U-1220, Global- Global Risk Score: 1.44
W-1324, Czech Republic-U-1522, Czech Rating: Low
Republic-U-1731, Belgium-W-1977. Habit: Shrub
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Origin: Africa, Europe
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
References: Global-N-108, United
Kingdom-CN-314, United Kingdom-N-
519, United Kingdom-CN-812, United
Kingdom-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Ukraine-
I-1121, Spain-N-1149, Belgium-U-1220,
Global-W-1324, Global-CD-1611,
Ukraine-N-1813, Chile-I-1872, Russia-N-
1920, Ukraine-NI-2014, Belgium-W-1977,
Chile-W-1977, Ukraine-W-1977, United

Bupleurum lancifolium Hornem. Bupleurum nanum Poir. Bupleurum ranunculoides L.
Apiaceae Apiaceae Apiaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bupleurum Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 2
protractum Hoffm. & Link (4), Bupleurum References: North Africa, Libya, Egypt-W- Global Risk Score: 1.44
subovatum Spreng. (9) 1730. Rating: Low
Total N° of Refs: 58 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Global Risk Score: 0.48 Bupleurum nodiflorum Sm. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Rating: Low Apiaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Animals
Habit: annual Herb Total N° of Refs: 3 Weed of: Pastures
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean References: Serbia-W-1238, Serbia-A-
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Origin: Africa, Europe 1372.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, References: United Kingdom-U-314, North
Ornamental Africa, Libya, Egypt-W-1730, Turkey-R- Bupleurum rotundifolium L.
Dispersed by: Humans 1968. Apiaceae
Seed Longevity: Transient Total N° of Refs: 79
Weed of: Carrots, Cereals, Vegetables Bupleurum odontites L. Global Risk Score: 14.4
References: Egypt-W-221, United States of Apiaceae Rating: Medium
America-W-34, Finland-U-42, Europe-A- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bupleurum Habit: annual Herb
94, Global-A-243, United States of fontanesii Guss. ex Caruel (9) Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
America-N-101, Japan-N-287, western Total N° of Refs: 25 Subtropical, Tropical
Europe-W-70, Australia-N-945, United Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Origin: Africa, C Asia, E Asia, Europe, W
Kingdom-NZ-314, Morocco-A-686, Origin: Africa, Europe Asia
Austria-U-708, Denmark-U-711, Australia- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
N-7, Japan-N-794, Hungary-U-809, Ornamental Herbal, Ornamental
Australia-W-853, Australia-W-869, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Water
Ireland-W-894, United Kingdom-Z-944, References: United States of America-N- Weed of: Cereals, Pastures
Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049, 101, Japan-N-287, United Kingdom-UZ- References: Global-W-23, Finland-U-42,
Europe-N-819, Global-A-1207, Hungary- 314, Denmark-UC-711, France-N-1006, United States of America-E-80, Global-N-
U-1255, Spain-U-1270, Japan-N-1278, France-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Global-W- 85, Europe-A-94, Global-A-243, United
Global-W-1324, Austria-W-1609, 1324, Denmark-W-1609, Global-CD-1611, States of America-N-101, United States of
Denmark-W-1609, Germany-W-1609, Belgium-U-1294, Austria-W-1977, America-W-102, Japan-N-287, western
Italy-A-1618, Iran-A-1619, North Africa, Belgium-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, Europe-A-253, Europe, eastern-W-272,
Libya, Egypt-W-1730, Morocco-A-1752, France-W-1977, Japan-W-1977. western Europe-W-70, Australia-N-945,
Australia-N-1902, Iran-A-2072, Australia- Spain-A-417, Czech Republic-NZI-400,
W-1977, Austria-W-1977, Belgium-W- Bupleurum pachnospermum auct. non United Kingdom-N-519, Ukraine-U-643,
1977, Denmark-W-1977, Germany-W- PanÜiç Denmark-U-711, Canada and United States
1977, Japan-W-1977, Republic of Korea- Apiaceae of America-N-725, Lithuania-I-737, Japan-
W-1977, South Korea-U-2113. Total N° of Refs: 2 N-794, United Kingdom-UZ-812, Spain-A-
References: Czech Republic-U-1522, 892, United States of America-N-904,
Bupleurum libanoticum Boiss. & Blume Czech Republic-U-1731. Turkey-A-977, Australia-N-354,
Apiaceae Czechoslovakia-N-1006, Germany-N-1006,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Bupleurum petraeum Linné Slovakia-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Norway-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Apiaceae N-1243, Italy-N-251, Japan-N-1278,
References: Palestine-N-851. Total N° of Refs: 1 Ukraine-N-1297, Global-W-1324, Serbia-
References: United Kingdom-U-314. A-1357, Turkey--1412, Turkey-A-1469,
Bupleurum longifolium L. Slovakia-N-1484, Czech Republic-U-1522,
Apiaceae Bupleurum praealtum L. Estonia-W-1609, Denmark-W-1609,
Total N° of Refs: 6 Apiaceae Latvia-W-1609, Lithuania-W-1609,
Global Risk Score: 2.88 Total N° of Refs: 4 Norway-W-1609, Poland-W-1609,
Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Sweden-W-1609, Turkey-A-1635, Iran-A-
Habit: Shrub Origin: Africa, Europe 87, Spain-A-87, Greece-A-87, New
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental References: Europe-N-819, Belgium-U- Zealand-A-87, Turkey-A-87, Hungary-A-
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Water, 1220, Global-W-1324, Belgium-W-1977. 1015, Global-ZD-1611, New Zealand-A-
Escapee 1624, Czech Republic-U-1731, United
References: Europe, eastern-W-272, Bupleurum protractum Hoffm. & Link States of America-E-1736, Italy-UN-1887,
Europe-N-819, Australia--, Global-W- Apiaceae Australia-N-1959, Estonia-N-1997,
1324, Russia-C-1671, Australia-Q-1123, Accepted name: Bupleurum lancifolium Ukraine-N-2050, Iran-A-2111, Ukraine-N-
France-W-1977. Hornem. 2112, Australia-W-1977, Belarus-W-1977,
Total N° of Refs: 49 Bulgaria-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Czech
Bupleurum marginatum Wall. ex DC. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Republic-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977,
Apiaceae References: Ireland-W-894, Israel-A-87, Italy-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Latvia-W-
Total N° of Refs: 1 Morocco-A-87, Portugal-A-87. 1977, Lithuania-W-1977, Poland-W-1977,
Habit: annual/biennial Herb Slovakia-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977,
References: India-A-712. Sweden-W-1977, Ukraine-W-1977.

Bupleurum semicompositum L. Bupleurum tenuissimum L. Burnatia enneandra P. Micheli
Apiaceae Apiaceae Alismataceae
Total N° of Refs: 14 Total N° of Refs: 13 Total N° of Refs: 1
Global Risk Score: 4.32 Global Risk Score: 3.84 Global Risk Score: 0.48
Rating: Low Rating: Low Rating: Low
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Habit: annual Herb Aqua - Habit: Tree
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal Major Pathway/s: Crop
Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Vehicles, Dispersed by: Water
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Water References: Global-EWD-332.
Livestock, Sheep Weed of: Pastures
References: Australia-N-198, Australia-N- References: New Zealand-N-280, Europe, Bursaria spinosa Cav.
945, United Kingdom-UZD-314, Australia- eastern-W-272, United Kingdom-N-519, Pittosporaceae
E-327, Australia-EN-7, Australia-N-855, New Zealand-N-919, Argentina-I-983, Total N° of Refs: 3
Australia-W-869, Australia-N-354, Argentina-W-1286, New Zealand-A-87, Global Risk Score: 1.2
Australia-E-1261, Australia-N-1450, Global-ZD-1611, New Zealand-A-1624, Rating: Low
Morocco-A-87, Australia-N-1902, Argentina-A-1874, Argentina-N-1884, Habit: Tree
Australia-N-1959, Australia-W-1977. New Zealand-N-2048, Argentina-W-1977. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Origin: Aust
Bupleurum sibthorpianum Sm. Bupleurum trichopodum Boiss. & Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Apiaceae Spruner Ornamental
Accepted name: Bupleurum falcatum L. Apiaceae Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 20 Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Australia-W-269, Australia-W-
Weed of: Pastures Origin: Africa, Europe 869, Australia-A-87.
References: Serbia-A-1372. References: Sardinia-N-1917.
Bursera inaguensis Britt.
Bupleurum smithii Wolff. Bupleurum veronense Turra Burseraceae
Apiaceae Apiaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
References: China-W-297. Habit: Herb References: Cuba-A-14.
Origin: Europe
Bupleurum spp. L. References: Georgia-UR-1250. Bursera penicillata (DC.) Engl.
Apiaceae Burseraceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Bupleurum spp. L. Burchellia bubalina (L.f.) Sims Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 4 Rubiaceae Habit: Tree
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Dispersed by: Humans Global Risk Score: 1.2 Origin: N Am
References: Australia-N-198, Europe, Rating: Low Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Herbal,
eastern-W-272, Polar Regions-ZD-1587, Habit: Shrub Ornamental
India-AN-1794. Origin: Africa Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, References: India-W-1977.
Bupleurum subovatum Spreng. Ornamental
Apiaceae Dispersed by: Humans Bursera simaruba (L.) Sarg.
Accepted name: Bupleurum lancifolium References: Australia-E-380. Burseraceae
Total N° of Refs: 54 Total N° of Refs: 4
Habit: Herb Burkea africana Hook. Global Risk Score: 2.16
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae Rating: Low
Dispersed by: Animals, Livestock, Sheep Total N° of Refs: 4 Habit: Tree
References: New Zealand-N-280, United Global Risk Score: 5.28 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Kingdom-N-519, United Kingdom-U-812, Rating: Low Subtropical, Tropical
Ireland-U-894, New Zealand-N-919, Toxic - Habit: Tree Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal,
Global-A-1207, Belgium-UD-1220, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Ornamental
LEBANON-A-596, New Zealand-N-2048. Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Dispersed by: Humans
Origin: Africa References: Caribbean-N-1201, Caribbean
Bupleurum sulphureum Boiss. & Bal. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Netherlands-EN-1012, Aruba-W-1977,
Apiaceae Ornamental, Pasture Bonaire-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans, Cattle, Livestock
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean References: South Africa-AZW-121, South Butea monosperma (Lam.) Taub.
References: Turkey-R-1968. Africa-W-10, South Africa-W-382, Global- Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
ZD-1432. Total N° of Refs: 1
Toxic - Habit: Tree
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical,
Origin: C Asia, E Asia
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal,
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Global-N-1059.

Butea parviflora Roxb. ex DC. Butomus junceus Turcz. Buxus balearica Lam.
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Butomaceae Buxaceae
Accepted name: Spatholobus parviflorus Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 4
(Roxb. ex DC.) Kuntze References: Russia-W-1609, Tajikistan-A- Global Risk Score: 0.24
Total N° of Refs: 1 1674, Russia-E-1686. Rating: Low
Habit: Shrub Toxic - Habit: Shrub
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Butomus umbellatus L. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Major Pathway/s: Crop Butomaceae Origin: Africa, Europe
References: India-A-1124. Total N° of Refs: 62 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Global Risk Score: 19.2 Dispersed by: Humans
Butia capitata (Mart.) Becc. Rating: High References: United Kingdom-U-314, Chile-
Arecaceae Toxic, Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb I-1872, Armenia-W-1977, Chile-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 8 Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Global Risk Score: 1.2 Mediterranean Buxus japonica Müll. Arg. ex Miq.
Rating: Low Origin: E Asia, Europe, N Am Buxaceae
Habit: Tree Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Accepted name: Buxus microphylla
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Herbal, Ornamental Siebold & Zucc.
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Dispersed by: Humans, Water, Wind, Total N° of Refs: 7
Origin: S Am Escapee Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Seed Longevity: Transient Dispersed by: Humans
Ornamental Weed of: Pastures References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans References: Global-W-23, New Zealand-E-
References: United States of America-N- 246, North America-EWD-79, United Buxus liukiuensis (Makino) Makino
101, Bermuda-N-1267, Global-W-1324, States of America-E-80, Global-NX-85, Buxaceae
Cuba-N-1505, Chile-I-1872, Cuba-N-2055, United States of America-E-222, United Total N° of Refs: 1
Chile-W-1977, Cuba-W-1977. States of America-N-101, Canada-EWD-4, Habit: Tree
Japan-A-263, United States of America- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Butia paraguayensis (Barb. Rodr. ) L. H. ED-224, United States of America-ED-133, References: Japan-W-1106.
Bailey United States of America-AED-156,
Arecaceae western Europe-A-253, eastern North Buxus microphylla Siebold & Zucc.
Total N° of Refs: 1 America-EI-195, United States of America- Buxaceae
Global Risk Score: 0.24 EWD-197, Europe, eastern-W-272, western Synonym/s (n° of refs): Buxus japonica M
Rating: Low Europe-W-70, China-EWD-297, China- ll. Arg. ex Miq. (2)
Habit: Tree AED-275, United States of America-EN- Total N° of Refs: 7
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, 303, Canada-W-103, Canada-EID-104, Global Risk Score: 0.72
Subtropical, Tropical China-W-431, South Africa-QD-113, Rating: Low
Origin: S Am United Kingdom-N-519, Canada-A-642, Habit: Shrub
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental India-AED-712, Canada and United States Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Dispersed by: Humans of America-NI-725, Canada-C-756, United Origin: E Asia
Weed of: Pastures States of America-E-151, North America- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
References: Brazil-A-1763. X-790, Great Lakes-N-800, -D-, United Dispersed by: Humans
States of America-X-229, United States of References: Chile-I-1872, Mexico-NI-
Butia yatay (Mart.) Becc. America-U-904, India-I-914, Europe-N- 1881, New Zealand-U-2048, Armenia-W-
Arecaceae 819, Global-A-1233, Greece-W-1240, 1977, Chile-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 2 south and southeast Asia-A-1320, Serbia-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, A-1372, Canada-EX-1538, Iran-A-87, Iraq- Buxus microphylla Siebold & Zucc. var.
Subtropical, Tropical A-87, Portugal-A-87, Belgium-A-87, japonica (Mull. Arg. ex Miq.) Rehder &
Origin: S Am France-A-87, Germany-A-87, Turkey-A- E. H. Wilson
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental 87, Global-CD-1611, Iran-A-1619, Buxaceae
Dispersed by: Humans Tajikistan-A-1674, Russia-W-1684, United Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Global-W-1324, India-W- States of America-E-1736, Russia-C-1671, ToxicMajor Pathway/s: Ornamental
1977. Canada-G-1855, Serbia-R-1946, -I-, Dispersed by: Humans
Global-W-2097, Canada-W-1977, References: Mexico-W-1977.
Butomopsis lanceolata Kunth Democratic Repubic of Korea-W-1977,
Limnocharitaceae India-W-1977, Republic of Korea-W-1977, Buxus microphylla Siebold & Zucc.
Total N° of Refs: 1 South Korea--, North Korea-U-2114. subsp. sinica (Rehder & E. H. Wilson)
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Hatus.
References: south and southeast Asia-A- Buxaceae
1320. Accepted name: Buxus sinica (Rehder & E.
H. Wilson) M. Cheng
Butomopsis latifolia (D. Don) Kunth Total N° of Refs: 3
Limnocharitaceae Habit: Tree
Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Aqua - Habit: Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: New Zealand-N-823, New
Dispersed by: Humans Zealand-U-919, New Zealand-U-2048.
References: China-W-431.

Buxus sempervirens L. Byrsonima crassifolia (L.) Kunth Byttneria catalpifolia Jacq.
Buxaceae Malpighiaceae Malvaceae
Total N° of Refs: 44 Total N° of Refs: 3 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Byttneria
Global Risk Score: 5.76 Global Risk Score: 2.16 catalpifolia Jacq. subsp. catalpifolia (1)
Rating: Low Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 1
Toxic - Habit: Tree Toxic - Habit: Tree
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Byttneria catalpifolia Jacq. subsp.
Tropical Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical catalpifolia
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia Origin: N Am Malvaceae
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, Accepted name: Byttneria catalpifolia Jacq.
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 1
Water, Escapee Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Seed Longevity: Transient References: Cuba-A-14, India-N-976, References: French Polynesia-N-1514.
References: Global-N-85, United States of India-W-1977.
America-N-101, New Zealand-N-280, Byttneria herbacea Roxb.
Australia-E-380, United Kingdom-N-519, Byrsonima intermedia A. Juss. Malvaceae
New Zealand-N-534, Austria-CN-708, Malpighiaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Denmark-C-711, Ireland-N-894, India-N- Total N° of Refs: 4 Habit: Herb
914, New Zealand-N-919, Portugal-N- Habit: perennial Herb Major Pathway/s: Herbal
1006, Denmark-N-1006, Liechtenstein-N- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical References: India-A-1034.
1006, Europe-N-819, Iberian Peninsular-N- Origin: S Am
1147, Norway-N-1243, Slovakia-U-1484, Major Pathway/s: Crop Byttneria pilosa Roxb.
Czech Republic-U-1522, Norway-N-1535, Weed of: Pastures Malvaceae
Estonia-W-1609, Austria-W-1609, References: Brazil-W-255, Brazil-W-362, Total N° of Refs: 1
Denmark-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, Brazil-W-407, Brazil-A-1763. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Global-CD-1611, Azores-N-1721, Czech References: south and southeast Asia-A-
Republic-U-1731, France-N-1438, Sao Byrsonima orbignyana A.Juss 1408.
Tome and Principe-N-1805, Chile-I-1872, Malpighiaceae
Estonia-N-1997, New Zealand-N-2048, Total N° of Refs: 1
Poland-U-2062, Armenia-W-1977, Austria- Habit: Shrub
W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Croatia-W-1977, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Czech Republic-W-1977, Denmark-W- Origin: S Am
1977, India-W-1977, Ireland-W-1977, References: Brazil-W-255.
Liechtenstein-W-1977, Luxembourg-W-
1977, Slovakia-W-1977. Byrsonima sericea DC.
Buxus sempervirens L. var. suffruticosa Total N° of Refs: 1
L. Habit: Tree
Buxaceae Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
References: Hungary-U-1255. Dispersed by: Humans
References: Brazil-A-923.
Buxus sempervirens L. subsp.
suffruticosa L. Byrsonima verbascifolia (L.) DC.
Buxaceae Malpighiaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Hungary-U-809. Habit: Tree
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Buxus sinica (Rehder & E.H.Wilson) Major Pathway/s: Crop
M.Cheng Weed of: Pastures
Buxaceae References: Brazil-A-1763.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Buxus microphylla
Siebold & Zucc. subsp. sinica (Rehder & E. Byrsonima wrightiana Urb. & Niedz
H. Wilson) Hatus. (3) Malpighiaceae
Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 1
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Dispersed by: Humans References: Cuba-A-14.

Byrsonima basiloba A. Juss. Byttneria aculeata (Jacq.) Jacq.

Malpighiaceae Malvaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 3
Habit: Tree Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Major Pathway/s: Crop References: Central America-A-933,
Weed of: Pastures Mexico-W-1226, French Polynesia-N-
References: Brazil-A-1763. 1514.

Cabomba caroliniana A. Gray UX-1740, Taiwan-W-1748, Australia-E-

Cabombaceae 1754, China-I-1769, China-N-1796, China-
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Cabomba australis I-1873, China-N-1938, France-W-1942, -I-,
Speg. (3), Cabomba pulcherrima (R. M. -I-, Australia-Q-1123, Central and northern
Harper) Fassett (1) Japan and northern islands-N-1983, New
Total N° of Refs: 137 Zealand-U-2048, Global-W-2097,
Global Risk Score: 11.52 Australia-W-1977, Austria-W-1977,
Rating: Medium Belgium-W-1977, Bolivia-W-1977,
Cabomba aquatica Aubl. Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb Canada-W-1977, China-W-1977, Hungary-
Cabombaceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, W-1977, India-W-1977, Japan-W-1977,
Total N° of Refs: 6 Subtropical, Tropical Malaysia-W-1977, New Zealand-W-1977,
Global Risk Score: 0.96 Origin: N Am, S Am Papua New Guinea-W-1977, Peru-W-1977,
Rating: Low Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Serbia-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977,
Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb Ornamental Sweden-W-1977, Taiwan-W-1977,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Dispersed by: Humans, Water, Escapee Thailand-W-1977, United Kingdom-W-
Subtropical, Tropical Weed of: Pastures 1977.
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: Australia-XW-93, Brazil-CW-
Dispersed by: Humans, Water 255, Puerto Rico-X-258, southeast Asia-W- Cabomba caroliniana A. Gray var.
References: Europe-ND-482, Australia--, 191, Australia-N-368, Australia-CENID- caroliniana
Global-Q-1208, GUYANA-A-606, India- 479, Australia-E-290, Australia-ED-72, Cabombaceae
W-1672, Australia-Q-1123, Malaysia-W- New Zealand-E-246, United States of Total N° of Refs: 3
1977. America-X-1, Australia-W-54, United Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb
States of America-E-80, Global-NXW-85, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Cabomba australis Speg. Canada-EWD-103, South America-W-295, References: Global-N-85, China-N-1796,
Cabombaceae United States of America-ED-224, United Australia-N-1959.
Accepted name: Cabomba caroliniana A. States of America-ED-133, United States of
Gray var. caroliniana America-X-139, Australia-CW-334, United Cabomba caroliniana A.Gray var.
Total N° of Refs: 136 States of America-W-392, Australia-X-147, multipartita hort.
Global Risk Score: 0.48 Australia-AE-178, Japan-N-287, Japan-W- Cabombaceae
Rating: Low 286, eastern North America-E-195, United Total N° of Refs: 1
Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb States of America-EWD-197, Australia-N- References: Global-W-1349.
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental 198, Australia-ED-200, United States of
Dispersed by: Humans, Water America-W-218, Argentina-W-237, Cabomba furcata Schult. & Schult. f.
References: Argentina-W-237, Europe-ND- Australia-C-401, Australia-C-333, United Cabombaceae
482, Australia-Q-1123. States of America-ED-346, Australia-N- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Cabomba
945, Australia-X-171, Japan-N-367, United piauhyensis Gardner (3)
States of America-EN-303, Australia-E- Total N° of Refs: 9
327, Europe-NID-482, South Africa-QID- Global Risk Score: 0.24
113, United Kingdom-N-519, Australia- Rating: Low
CEI-168, Europe-UD-638, Canada-A-642, Aqua - Habit: Herb
Australia-ENX-310, China-I-780, North Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
America-X-790, Japan-N-794, Australia-I- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
799, Great Lakes-N-800, United Kingdom- Dispersed by: Humans
CN-812, -D-, Australia-W-853, Australia- References: United States of America-N-
W-869, United States of America-X-229, 101, Global-Q-1208, Global-W-1324,
China-I-882, United States of America-U- China-N-1938, India-W-1977, Malaysia-
904, Global-W-788, Australia-N-354, W-1977.
Belgium-N-1006, United Kingdom-N-
1006, Sweden-N-1006, Australia-N-1049, Cabomba haynesii Wiersema
China-ID-1055, Australia-W-1068, Cabombaceae
Australia-I-1088, Europe-N-819, Global- Total N° of Refs: 3
W-148, Mediterranean-I-1110, Australia- Aqua - Habit: Herb
Q-1134, Hungary-EI-1164, United Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Kingdom-XWD-1175, Australia, northern- References: United States of America-W-
EN-1183, Global-Q-1208, China-N-1215, 179, China-N-1938, Taiwan-W-1977.
Belgium-N-1220, France-E-1239,
Australia-E-1258, South Africa-EN-1189, Cabomba palaeformis Fassett
Japan-N-1278, Europe-ND-1298, Cabombaceae
Australia-X-1319, Global-W-1324, Total N° of Refs: 2
Australia-A-1331, Global-W-1349, Aqua - Habit:
Taiwan-N-1403, Australia-I-1442, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Australia-E-1456, China-I-1485, Japan- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
ND-1488, Australia-N-1491, China-I-1496, Dispersed by: Humans
New Caledonia-N-1507, Austria-W-1609, References: Global-N-85, North America-
Netherlands-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, N-1760.
United States of America-A-87, Romania-
N-1554, Global-Q-1572, South Africa-E-
1646, Global-CD-1611, China-I-1711,
United States of America-E-1736, Europe-

Cabomba piauhyensis Gardner Cacalia sonchifolia L. Cadaba farinosa Forssk.
Cabombaceae Asteraceae Capparaceae
Accepted name: Cabomba furcata J.A. & Accepted name: Emilia sonchifolia L. Total N° of Refs: 1
J.H.Schultes Total N° of Refs: 208 Habit: perennial Vine
Total N° of Refs: 9 Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical,
Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Tropical
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Origin: S Am References: Australia-CN-468, Global-CD- Ornamental, Pasture
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental 1611. Dispersed by: Humans
Dispersed by: Humans References: Egypt-W-221.
References: China-N-1215, Taiwan-N- Cacalia tangutica (Maxim.) Hand.-Mazz.
1403, Australia-Q-1123. Asteraceae Cadaba glandulosa Forssk.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Capparaceae
Cabomba pulcherrima (R. M. Harper) Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 1
Fassett Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical,
Cabombaceae References: Finland-C-42, Global-CD- Tropical
Accepted name: Cabomba caroliniana var. 1611. Major Pathway/s: Pasture
pulcherrima References: Egypt-W-221.
Total N° of Refs: 134 Cacalia tuberosa Nutt.
Aqua - Habit: Asteraceae Cadaba rotundifolia Forssk.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Accepted name: Arnoglossum Capparaceae
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental plantagineum Raf. Total N° of Refs: 2
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 2 Major Pathway/s: Herbal
References: Canada-A-642. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental References: Egypt-W-221, Sudan-A-1985.
Dispersed by: Humans
Cabomba spp. Aubl. References: United States of America-W- Caesalpinia benthamiana (Baillon)
Cabombaceae 218, United States of America-A-87. Herend. & Zarucchi
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Cabomba spp. Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae
Aubl. Cachrys eriantha DC. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Mezoneuron
Total N° of Refs: 6 Apiaceae benthamianum Baill. (1)
Aqua - Habit: Herb Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical References: Iran-A-87.
References: Puerto Rico-X-258, United Caesalpinia bonduc (L.) Roxb.
States of America-W-161, Australia-N-198, Cachrys trifida Mill. Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae
Global-X-85, Australia-W-1210, Australia- Apiaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Caesalpinia crista
X-1693. Total N° of Refs: 1 auct. Amer. (7), Guilandina bonduc L. (3)
References: western Europe-W-70. Total N° of Refs: 45
Cacabus prostratus (L'Hérit.) Bernh. Global Risk Score: 3.6
Solanaceae Cachrys uechtritzii (Boiss. & Hausskn.) Rating: Low
Accepted name: Exodeconus prostratus Herrnst. & Heyn Toxic - Habit: Shrub
(L'Hér.) Raf. Apiaceae Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1 Tropical
References: Peru-A-87. Origin: W Asia Origin: Africa, E Asia, Cosmopolitan
References: United Kingdom-U-314. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Cacalia atriplicifolia L. Ornamental
Asteraceae Cactus intortus Mill. Dispersed by: Humans
Accepted name: Arnoglossum Cactaceae References: Cuba-A-14, Federated States
atriplicifolium (L.) H.E. Robins. Accepted name: Melocactus intortus of Micronesia-N-230, Federated States of
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1 Micronesia-W-107, southeast Asia-W-191,
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland Habit: Succulent Gal pagos Islands-EW-257, Pacific-W-3,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental References: Puerto Rico-A-929. Chile-N-241, South Africa-AW-121,
Dispersed by: Humans United States of America-W-161, United
References: Global-W-1349. Cactus tunicatus Lehm. States of America-W-218, United States of
Cactaceae America-I-1046, United States of America-
Cacalia hastata L. Accepted name: Cylindropuntia tunicata Q-1197, Global-W-1349, Gal pagos
Asteraceae (Lehm.) F. M. Knuth Islands-N-1481, Cuba-NI-1505, Hawaii-A-
Accepted name: Parasenecio hastatus (L.) Total N° of Refs: 25 87, Jamaica-A-87, United States of
H. Koyama Habit: Succulent America-A-87, Caribbean Netherlands-NI-
Total N° of Refs: 6 References: Australia-N-1049. 1012, Cape Verde-N-1558, India-N-1765,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Chile-I-1872, United States of America-N-
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee 742, -I-, Cuba-I-2055, India-N-2109,
References: Finland-C-42, Global-CD- Australia-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Cuba-
1611, Russia-C-1671. W-1977, Ecuador-W-1977, Marshall
Islands-W-1977, Micronesia (Federated
States of)-W-1977, Nepal-W-1977, Palau-
W-1977, Papua New Guinea-W-1977,

Caesalpinia coriaria Micheli, nom. illeg. Caesalpinia decapetala (Roth) Alston Sri Lanka-I-1544, Thailand-I-1544, United
Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae States of America-I-1544, Vietnam-I-1544,
Accepted name: Caesalpinia paraguariensis Synonym/s (n° of refs): Caesalpinia Hawaii-A-87, Kenya-A-87, Zimbabwe-A-
(D.Parodi) Burkart japonica Siebold & Zucc. (1), Caesalpinia 87, South Africa-A-87, Australia-A-87,
Total N° of Refs: 5 sepiaria Roxb. (4) United States of America-A-87, Australia,
Global Risk Score: 1.68 Total N° of Refs: 164 northern-W-1204, South Africa-E-1646,
Rating: Low Global Risk Score: 24 Global-CD-1611, Australia-X-1693, East
Toxic - Habit: Tree Rating: High Africa-I-1723, United States of America-E-
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Toxic - Habit: Tree 1736, Eastern Caribbean-N-1742, United
Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, States of America-I-1773, Puerto Rico and
Origin: C Am, N Am, S Am Subtropical, Tropical the Virgin Islands-C-1821, Australia-A-
Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Herbal, Origin: C Asia, E Asia, SE Asia 1928, Australia-WD-1934, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -
Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, I-, South Africa-N-1991, New Zealand-N-
Dispersed by: Humans Herbal, Ornamental 2048, New Zealand-Q-2086, New Zealand-
References: Ecuador-N-875, Philippines- Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Vehicles, E-483, Angola-W-1977, Australia-W-1977,
nC-1099, La Reunion-W-1321, Jamaica-A- Water, Escapee Barbados-W-1977, Bhutan-W-1977,
87, India-W-1977. Weed of: Orchards & Plantations, Pastures Botswana-W-1977, Burundi-W-1977,
References: pantropics-W-22, Australia-W- Cameroon-W-1977, Chile-W-1977,
Caesalpinia crista auct. Amer. 269, Zimbabwe-CW-50, South Africa-W- Democratic Republic of the Congo-W-
Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae 51, Global-E-152, South Africa-CX-283, 1977, Dominica-W-1977, Ethiopia-W-
Accepted name: Caesalpinia bonduc South Africa-X-278, South Africa-W-158, 1977, Fiji-W-1977, Jamaica-W-1977,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Ticanto nuga (L.) southeast Asia-W-191, New Zealand-EW- Kenya-W-1977, Lao People's Democratic
Medik. (1) 225, Australia-N-368, Australia-CENI-479, Republic-W-1977, Malawi-W-1977,
Total N° of Refs: 43 United States of America-ACE-654, Mauritius-W-1977, Micronesia (Federated
Habit: Shrub Congo-I-1107, South Africa-W-10, South States of)-W-1977, Mozambique-W-1977,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Africa-E-277, Pacific-W-3, New Zealand- New Zealand-W-1977, Nigeria-W-1977,
Origin: E Asia E-246, South Africa-X-63, Australia-E-73, Peru-W-1977, Rwanda-W-1977, Saint
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Global-NW-85, South Africa-X-95, South Vicent and the Grenadines-W-1977, Sierra
Ornamental Africa-EW-279, United States of America- Leone-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977,
Dispersed by: Humans N-101, New Zealand-N-280, Global-N- Sudan-W-1977, Uganda-W-1977, United
References: southeast Asia-W-191, Pacific- 377, South Africa-AZR-121, South Africa- Republic of Tanzania-W-1977, Zambia-W-
W-3, United States of America-W-179, W-382, Australia-N-134, Australia-C-401, 1977, Zimbabwe-W-1977, Swaziland-W-
United States of America-Q-1197, United Australia-N-945, New Zealand-NW-425, 1977.
States of America-N-1292, Hawaii-A-87, Global-W-344, Australia-CEI-168, Pacific-
United States of America-N-2092. E-621, Global-E-649, Australia-ENX-310, Caesalpinia echinata Lam.
South Africa-I-759, United States of Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae
America-N-301, United States of America- Total N° of Refs: 1
E-151, Swaziland-N-825, United States of Habit: Tree
America-N-839, Australia-W-853, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical,
Madagascar-N-1001, Australia-W-869, Tropical
New Zealand-N-919, Africa-N-926, South Origin: S Am
Africa-N-956, New Zealand-W-964, Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Herbal,
Africa-A-980, Africa-N-990, Australia-N- Ornamental
354, United States of America-I-1046, Dispersed by: Humans
Australia-I-1048, Australia-N-1049, La References: Brazil-U-1559.
Reunion-E-1077, Pacific-E-1078,
Australia-I-1088, Europe-N-819, New Caesalpinia enneaphylla Roxb.
Zealand-E-328, New Zealand-E-505, South Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae
Africa-X-1112, United States of America- Total N° of Refs: 1
N-1116, Africa-X-1127, Ethiopia-A-1141, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
La Reunion-I-1145, United States of References: Spain-W-1977.
America-Q-1197, Australia-W-1210, South
Africa-NXI-1247, United States of Caesalpinia ferrea Mart. ex Tul.
America-N-1292, Africa-I-1314, La Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae
Reunion-I-1321, Global-W-1324, Total N° of Refs: 2
Madagascar-N-1000, Zimbabwe-N-1365, Habit: Tree
Global-W-1376, South Africa-NI-1002, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical,
Global-I-1404, Global-E-1449, Australia- Tropical
E-1456, New Caledonia-I-1507, French Origin: S Am
Polynesia-N-1514, Bangladesh-I-1544, Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Herbal,
Bhutan-I-1544, Cambodia-I-1544, Fiji-I- Ornamental, Pasture
1544, French Polynesia-I-1544, China-I- Dispersed by: Humans
1544, India-I-1544, Indonesia-I-1544, References: India-N-976, India-W-1977.
Japan-I-1544, Laos-I-1544, Malaysia-I-
1544, Burma-Myanmar-I-1544, Nepal-I-
1544, New Caledonia-I-1544, New
Zealand-I-1544, Australia-I-1544, North
Korea-I-1544, Pakistan-I-1544,
Philippines-I-1544, South Korea-I-1544,

Caesalpinia gilliesii (Wall. ex Hook.) D. Caesalpinia major (Medik.) Dandy & Caesalpinia pulcherrima (L.) Sw.
Dietr. Exell Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae
Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae Total N° of Refs: 100
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Erythrostemon Total N° of Refs: 7 Global Risk Score: 2.4
gilliesii (Wallich ex Hook.) Klotzsch (4) Global Risk Score: 0.72 Rating: Low
Total N° of Refs: 70 Rating: Low Toxic - Habit: Tree
Global Risk Score: 10.8 Habit: Shrub Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Rating: Medium Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
Toxic - Habit: Shrub Origin: Africa, E Asia Origin: C Am, E Asia, N Am, S Am
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Dispersed by: Humans Ornamental
Origin: S Am References: southeast Asia-W-191, Pacific- Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, W-3, Australia-N-134, United States of References: pantropics-W-22, Guyana-N-
Ornamental America-I-1046, United States of America- 32, Federated States of Micronesia-N-230,
Dispersed by: Humans, Wind, Escapee Q-1197, United States of America-N-1292, Puerto Rico-CW-261, Gal pagos Islands-N-
Weed of: Cereals, Pastures, Sunflowers North America-N-1760. 375, Caribbean-N-707, Africa-W-760,
References: Australia-W-93, United States Global-N-85, United States of America-N-
of America-CE-617, Chile-N-300, United Caesalpinia mexicana A.Gray 101, United States of America-W-179,
States of America-E-80, Global-NW-85, Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae Mexico-N-791, Belize-N-850, Ecuador-N-
South Africa-CW-279, United States of Total N° of Refs: 1 875, India-N-976, Philippines-nC-1099,
America-N-101, Chile-N-241, South Toxic - Habit: Shrub Laos-N-1102, Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157,
America-W-295, United States of America- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical China-N-1215, South Africa-N-1247,
W-161, United States of America-W-218, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Caribbean-N-1201, Bermuda-N-1267,
Australia-N-945, Australia-E-380, Canary Dispersed by: Humans Peru-N-1293, United States of America-C-
Islands-N-305, Canary Islands-N-637, References: United States of America-N- 1329, Saint Lucia-N-1337, Madagascar-N-
United States of America-N-86, Australia- 101. 1000, China-N-1344, French Guiana-N-
N-7, United States of America-E-151, 1346, Global-W-1376, South Africa-N-
Mexico-N-791, Spain-W-807, Australia-W- Caesalpinia paraguariensis (D. Parodi) 1002, Global-I-1404, Gal pagos Islands-C-
853, Australia-N-855, Australia-N-856, Burkart 1481, Chad-N-1503, Brazil-N-1597,
Australia-N-868, Australia-W-869, Canary Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae Caribbean Netherlands-N-1012, Global-
Islands-I-902, Australia-N-354, Italy-N- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Caesalpinia CD-1611, Eastern Caribbean-N-1742,
1006, Australia-N-1049, Europe-N-819, coriaria Micheli, nom. illeg. (5) Taiwan-W-1748, India-N-1790, Puerto
Africa-W-1127, Gal pagos Islands-CN- Total N° of Refs: 5 Rico and the Virgin Islands-C-1821, Sao
1157, Cyprus-U-1174, Chile-N-1229, Habit: Shrub Tome and Principe-N-1805, India-I-1914,
South Africa-N-1247, Namibia-I-1283, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical South Africa-N-1991, Burundi-N-2012,
Botswana-N-1284, Peru-N-1293, Australia- Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Ornamental Angola-W-1977, Anguilla-W-1977,
A-1331, Global-W-1349, Global-I-1404, Dispersed by: Humans Antigua and Barbuda-W-1977, Aruba-W-
Australia-N-1450, Spain-U-1454, United 1977, Bangladesh-W-1977, Barbados-W-
States of America-N-1603, Argentina-A- Caesalpinia paucijuga Benth. ex Oliv. 1977, Belize-W-1977, Bonaire-W-1977,
87, United States of America-A-87, Global- Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae Brunei Darussalam-W-1977, Burundi-W-
N-1218, South Africa-E-1646, Global-CD- Accepted name: Caesalpinia punctata 1977, C?te d'Ivoire-W-1977, Central
1611, United States of America-E-1736, Willd. African Republic-W-1977, Chad-W-1977,
Greece-U-1803, Australia-N-1902, Chile-I- Total N° of Refs: 2 Comoros-W-1977, Cook Islands-W-1977,
1872, Sardinia-U-1917, Australia-WD- References: French Guiana-N-1346. Costa Rica-W-1977, Democratic Republic
1934, -I-, -I-, South Africa-N-1991, of the Congo-W-1977, Ecuador-W-1977,
Australia-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Croatia- El Salvador-W-1977, Equatorial Guinea-
W-1977, Cyprus-W-1977, Greece-W-1977, W-1977, Ethiopia-W-1977, Ghana-W-
India-W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Namibia-W- 1977, Guatemala-W-1977, Guyana-W-
1977, South Africa-W-1977, Spain-W- 1977, Honduras-W-1977, India-W-1977,
1977. Jamaica-W-1977, Kenya-W-1977, Kiribati-
W-1977, Lao People's Democratic
Caesalpinia japonica Siebold & Zucc. Republic-W-1977, Malawi-W-1977,
Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae Maldives-W-1977, Mali-W-1977, Marshall
Accepted name: Caesalpinia decapetala Islands-W-1977, Micronesia (Federated
(Roth) Alston States of)-W-1977, Myanmar-W-1977,
Total N° of Refs: 160 Nicaragua-W-1977, Niger-W-1977,
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Nigeria-W-1977, Niue-W-1977, Palau-W-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal 1977, Panama-W-1977, Papua New
References: Chile-I-1872. Guinea-W-1977, Peru-W-1977, Saint
Lucia-W-1977, Saint Vicent and the
Grenadines-W-1977, Sierra Leone-W-
1977, Somalia-W-1977, South Africa-W-
1977, Sri Lanka-W-1977, Suriname-W-
1977, Thailand-W-1977, Tonga-W-1977,
Uganda-W-1977, Yemen-W-1977, Zambia-
W-1977, Global--1324.

Caesalpinia punctata Willd. Caesalpinia spp. L. Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.
Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Caesalpinia Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Cajanus indicus
paucijuga Benth. ex Oliv. (1) ToxicReferences: United States of Spreng., nom. illeg. (2)
Total N° of Refs: 2 America-W-116. Total N° of Refs: 96
Habit: Tree Global Risk Score: 28.8
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Caesalpinia tinctoria (Dombey ex Kunth) Rating: High
Origin: S Am Benth. ex Taub. Habit: Tree
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Dispersed by: Humans Accepted name: Caesalpinia spinosa Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
References: India-W-1977. (Molina) Kuntze Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe
Total N° of Refs: 17 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal,
Caesalpinia sappan L. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Ornamental, Pasture
Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans, Water, Escapee
Total N° of Refs: 4 References: Ecuador-N-875, Sardinia-U- Weed of: Bananas, Orchards and
Habit: Shrub 1336, Sardinia-U-1393. Plantations
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical References: Guyana-N-32, Federated States
Origin: E Asia Caesalpinia violacea Standl. of Micronesia-N-230, Puerto Rico-UW-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae 261, South Africa-AR-121, Australia-N-
Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 7 368, Philippines-W-412, Taiwan-N-500,
Dispersed by: Humans Global Risk Score: 0.48 France-N-518, United States of America-
References: Philippines-nC-1099, Rating: Low CE-617, Taiwan-N-777, United States of
Democratic Republic of the Congo-W- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical America-E-80, United States of America-
1977, Maldives-W-1977, Micronesia Origin: C Am, N Am N-101, United States of America-W-179,
(Federated States of)-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Australia-N-945, United States of America-
Dispersed by: Humans N-301, United States of America-E-151,
Caesalpinia sepiaria Roxb. References: Cuba-NI-1505, -I-, Cuba-EN- Mexico-N-791, Swaziland-N-825, United
Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae 2024, Cuba-W-2055, Barbados-W-1977, States of America-N-839, Belize-N-850,
Accepted name: Caesalpinia decapetala Cuba-W-1977, India-W-1977, Global-- Australia-W-853, Costa Rica-CN-872,
(Roth) Alston 1324. Paraguay-N-876, Mexico-I-878, Colombia-
Total N° of Refs: 163 A-927, Venezuela-A-932, Australia-N-354,
Global Risk Score: 1.68 Caesalpinia volkensii Harms Madagascar-N-1001, Australia-N-1049,
Rating: Low Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae Chad-nC-640, Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157,
Habit: Shrub Total N° of Refs: 1 China-N-1215, Mexico-W-1226, South
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Africa-N-1247, United States of America-
Subtropical, Tropical References: Australia-W-1977. N-1292, Peru-N-1293, La Reunion-U-1321,
Origin: E Asia United States of America-C-1329,
Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Herbal, Caesia occidentalis R.Br. Madagascar-N-1000, French Guiana-N-
Ornamental Hemerocallidaceae 1346, Zimbabwe-UD-1365, China-N-1374,
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 2 Global-W-1376, South Africa-N-1002,
References: southeast Asia-W-191, Pacific- References: Denmark-W-1609, Denmark- Taiwan-N-1403, Global-I-1404, Cape
W-3, United States of America-E-80, W-1977. Verde-N-1414, Chad-N-1503, Brazil-N-
Canary Islands-N-637. 1597, Indonesia-A-87, Colombia-A-87,
Caesulia axillaris Roxb. Jamaica-A-87, Philippines-A-87,
Caesalpinia spinosa (Molina) Kuntze Asteraceae Venezuela-A-87, Global-CD-1611, Brazil-
Fabaceae - Caesalpiniaceae Total N° of Refs: 9 N-1071, Brazil-N-1733, India-N-1370,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Caesalpinia Habit: perennial Herb United States of America-E-1736, Eastern
tinctoria (Dombey ex Kunth) Benth. ex Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Caribbean-N-1742, Brazil-N-1746,
Taub. (3) Major Pathway/s: Herbal Taiwan-W-1748, Sao Tome and Principe-
Total N° of Refs: 17 Weed of: Cereals, Cotton, Orchards & N-1805, Chile-I-1872, Mexico-NI-1881,
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Plantations Australia-WD-1934, Venezuela-N-1976, -I-
Rating: Low References: Nepal-A-591, Global-A-1233, , South Africa-N-1991, Burundi-N-2012,
Habit: Shrub south and southeast Asia-A-1320, south Anguilla-W-1977, Australia-W-1977,
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, and southeast Asia-A-1408, India-W-1672, Brazil-W-1977, Burundi-W-1977, Chad-
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical India-A-1696, India-A-1702, Nepal-A- W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Cook Islands-W-
Origin: S Am 1931, Nepal-A-1932. 1977, Equatorial Guinea-W-1977, Fiji-W-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental 1977, Gabon-W-1977, Guyana-W-1977,
Dispersed by: Humans Malaysia-W-1977, Maldives-W-1977,
References: United States of America-N- Mexico-W-1977, Micronesia (Federated
101, United Kingdom-U-314, Canary States of)-W-1977, Nauru-W-1977, Niue-
Islands-N-305, Canary Islands-N-637, W-1977, Papua New Guinea-W-1977,
Canary Islands-I-901, Canary Islands-I- Rwanda-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977,
902, Portugal-N-898, Europe-N-819, Suriname-W-1977, Taiwan-W-1977,
Spain-U-1454, Chile-I-1872, New Zealand- Vanuatu-W-1977, Venezuela-W-1977,
U-2048, Chile-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977, Zimbabwe-W-1977.

Cajanus indicus Spreng., nom. illeg. Cakile edentula (Bigelow) Hook. Cakile maritima Scop.
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Brassicaceae Brassicaceae
Accepted name: Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. Total N° of Refs: 41 Total N° of Refs: 51
Total N° of Refs: 96 Global Risk Score: 3.6 Global Risk Score: 26.88
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Rating: Low Rating: High
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental, Habit: perennial Herb Habit: perennial Herb
Pasture Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Subtropical, Tropical Subtropical
References: Australia-CN-468, Global-CD- Origin: N Am Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe
1611. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Herbal, Ornamental Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture
Cajanus platycarpus (Benth.) Maesen Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Dispersed by: Humans, Water, Escapee
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae References: Australia-EN-479, Australia- Weed of: Cotton, Orchards & Plantations
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Atylosia platycarpa W-269, Australia-E-72, Global-N-85, New References: Argentina-W-237, Australia-
Benth. (3) Zealand-N-280, Australia-N-176, Japan-N- W-269, Australia-E-289, Australia-E-72,
Total N° of Refs: 3 287, Australia-N-198, Australia-C-401, Global-N-85, United States of America-N-
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Australia-N-945, Japan-N-367, Australia- 101, New Zealand-N-280, United States of
Origin: C Asia, E Asia, SE Asia E-327, Australia-EN-310, Australia-EN-7, America-EW-116, New Zealand-W-165,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Japan-N-794, Australia-W-853, Australia- Australia-N-176, Australia-C-401,
Dispersed by: Humans N-855, Australia-W-869, Australia-N-354, Australia-N-945, New Zealand-NW-425,
Portugal-N-1006, Australia-N-1049, United Kingdom-N-519, New Zealand-N-
Cajanus scarabaeoides (L.) Thouars Europe-N-819, New Zealand-E-505, 534, Canada-U-652, Australia-EN-310,
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Australia-E-1262, Japan-N-1278, Global- United States of America-E-736, Australia-
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Atylosia W-1324, Global-E-1449, Australia-N-1450, EN-7, Mexico-N-791, Australia-N-856,
scarabaeoides (L.) Benth. (9) Australia-E-1456, New Zealand-N-1543, Australia-W-869, Mexico-I-878, Brazil-I-
Total N° of Refs: 16 Global-CD-1611, Australia-N-1902, 984, Uruguay-I-988, Australia-N-354,
Habit: Vine Australia-N-1845, Australia-N-1959, Australia-N-1049, Europe-N-819, New
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Central and northern Japan and northern Zealand-E-505, Egypt-A-1171, Australia-
Origin: Africa islands-N-1983, New Zealand-N-2048, E-1262, Argentina-W-1286, Global-W-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Australia-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, New 1349, Global-E-1449, Argentina, Brazil
Ornamental Zealand-W-1977, Republic of Korea-W- and Uruguay-I-1476, Spain-A-87, Global-
Dispersed by: Humans 1977, South Korea-U-2113. N-1218, Global-CD-1611, Brazil-N-1071,
References: Global-N-85, United States of United States of America-E-1736, Brazil-
America-N-101, Global-W-344, Pacific-W- Cakile edentula (Bigelow) Hook. var. N-1746, Australia-N-1902, Mexico-N-
621, La Reunion-W-1321, Bangladesh-W- edentula 1881, -I-, New Zealand-N-2048, Australia-
1977, Fiji-W-1977. Brassicaceae W-1977, Belarus-W-1977, Brazil-W-1977,
Total N° of Refs: 2 Canada-W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977,
Cakile baltica (Jord. ex Rouy & Fouc.) Habit: Herb Mexico-W-1977, New Zealand-W-1977.
Pobed. Origin: N Am
Brassicaceae References: New Zealand-N-534, New Cakile maritima Scop. subsp. baltica
Total N° of Refs: 1 Zealand-N-919. (Jord. ex Rouy & Foucaud) Hyl. ex P. W.
Origin: Europe Ball
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Cakile edentula (Bigelow) Hook. subsp. Brassicaceae
Dispersed by: Humans edentula Total N° of Refs: 2
References: Czech Republic-UZ-400. Brassicaceae Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans
References: Azores-N-1721. References: Czech Republic-U-1522,
Czech Republic-U-1731.
Cakile euxina Pobed.
Brassicaceae Cakile maritima Scop. subsp. euxina
Total N° of Refs: 3 (Podeb.) E.I. Nyarady
Origin: Europe Brassicaceae
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Total N° of Refs: 3
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
References: Czech Republic-UZ-400, Dispersed by: Humans
Belarus-N-817, Slovakia-U-1484. References: Czech Republic-U-1522,
Czech Republic-U-1731, Slovakia-W-1977.

Cakile maritima Scop. subsp. maritima Caladium hortulanum Bridsey Calamagrostis arundinacea (L.) Roth
Brassicaceae Araceae Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 11 Accepted name: Caladium bicolor (Aiton) Total N° of Refs: 11
Habit: Herb Vent. Global Risk Score: 14.08
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 1 Rating: Medium
Origin: Africa, E Asia References: Chile-I-1872. Habit: Grass
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Dispersed by: Humans Caladium humboldtii Schott. Subtropical, Tropical
References: New Zealand-N-280, Araceae Origin: E Asia, Europe
Australia-N-198, Australia-E-327, Total N° of Refs: 2 Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental,
Australia-N-855, New Zealand-N-919, Aqua - Habit: Herb Pasture
Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1450, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Australia-E-1456, Australia-N-1845, Origin: S Am Livestock, Wind, Escapee
Australia-N-1959, New Zealand-N-2048. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Seed Longevity: Long Term
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Weed of: Cereals, Pastures
Caladium arboreum H.B.K. References: Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157, References: United Kingdom-C-317,
Araceae Global-CD-1611. Europe-N-819, Australia--, Sweden-W-
Accepted name: Montrichardia arborescens 1609, Finland-A-87, Japan-A-87, Serbia-A-
(L.) Schott Caladium lindenii (André) Madison 1036, Global-CD-1611, Russia-W-1671,
Total N° of Refs: 3 Araceae Finland-A-1815, Australia-Q-1123,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Accepted name: Caladium bicolor (Aiton) Sweden-W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans Vent.
References: Colombia-A-927, Colombia- Total N° of Refs: 43 Calamagrostis arundinacea (L.) Roth
A-87. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical var. brachytricha (Steud.) Hack.
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Poaceae
Caladium bicolor (Aiton) Vent. Dispersed by: Humans Accepted name: Calamagrostis
Araceae References: India-W-1977. brachytricha Steud.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Caladium lindenii Total N° of Refs: 1
(Andr ) Madison (1) Caladium spp. Vent. Habit: Grass
Total N° of Refs: 43 Araceae References: Japan-W-286.
Global Risk Score: 4.8 Total N° of Refs: 1
Rating: Low Toxic, Aqua - Habit: Calamagrostis bolanderi Thurb.
Toxic, Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Poaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, References: Seychelles-NI-1925. Total N° of Refs: 1
Subtropical, Tropical Aqua - Habit: perennial Grass
Origin: S Am Calamagrostis x acutiflora (Schrad.) Dispersed by: Water
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Rchb. References: United States of America-WD-
Ornamental Poaceae 34.
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Accepted name: parents = Calamagrostis
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations arundinacea (L.) Roth x Calamagrostis Calamagrostis brachytricha Steud.
References: Federated States of epigejos (L.) Roth Poaceae
Micronesia-N-230, Global-N-85, Vietnam- Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Calamagrostis
W-262, Puerto Rico-CW-261, Singapore- Habit: Grass arundinacea (L.) Roth var. brachytricha
C-476, Guyana-A-606, Africa-W-760, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean (Steud.) Hack. (1)
United States of America-N-101, Pacific- Origin: Europe Total N° of Refs: 1
W-621, Belize-N-850, Trinidad-A-928, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Habit: Grass
Lesser Antilles-AC-1128, Gal pagos Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Islands-CN-1157, China-N-1215, United References: Poland-U-1716. Dispersed by: Humans
States of America-N-1292, China-N-1344,
Trinidad-A-87, Antilles Lesser-A-87, Calamagrostis argentea DC.
Suriname-A-87, Global-CD-1611, Eastern Poaceae
Caribbean-N-1742, Benin-N-1796, Burkina Total N° of Refs: 2
Faso-N-1796, Central African Republic-N- Habit: Grass
1796, Gabon-N-1796, Sao Tome and Origin: Europe
Principe-N-1805, India-I-1904, United Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
States of America-N-2092, Brunei Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Darussalam-W-1977, Burkina Faso-W- References: United Kingdom-C-317,
1977, Chile-W-1977, Colombia-W-1977, Global-CD-1611.
Cook Islands-W-1977, Democratic
Republic of the Congo-W-1977, India-W-
1977, Kiribati-W-1977, Marshall Islands-
W-1977, Micronesia (Federated States of)-
W-1977, Nauru-W-1977, Niue-W-1977,
Palau-W-1977, Papua New Guinea-W-

Calamagrostis canadensis (Michx.) P. Calamagrostis canescens (Weber ex F. Calamagrostis epigeios (L.) Roth.
Beauv. H. Wigg.) Roth Poaceae
Poaceae Poaceae Accepted name: Calamagrostis epigejos
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Calamagrostis Total N° of Refs: 10 (L.) Roth
canadensis (Michx.) Beauv. var. robusta Global Risk Score: 0.96 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Calamagrostis
Vasey (1), Calamagrostis canadensis Rating: Low epigeios (L.) Roth var. georgica (K. Koch)
(Michx.) Beauv. var. scabra (J. Presl) A.S. Habit: Grass Ledeb. (1)
Hitchc. (1), Calamagrostis macouniana Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 58
(Vasey) Vasey (1) Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Global Risk Score: 10.56
Total N° of Refs: 12 Ornamental Rating: Medium
Global Risk Score: 4.48 Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle, Habit: perennial Grass
Rating: Low Horse, Livestock, Water Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Habit: perennial Grass Seed Longevity: Short Term Origin: E Asia, Europe
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Weed of: Cereals Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Ornamental, Pasture References: United Kingdom-N-519, Ornamental, Pasture
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee United Kingdom-ZD-1416, Global-ZD- Dispersed by: Humans, Horse, Livestock
Weed of: Nursery Production 1611, Global-ZD-1581, Russia-W-1671, Weed of: Pastures
References: United States of America-W- Somalia-N-1796, Finland-A-1815, References: United States of America-N-
218, Canada-A-642, Canada-C-756, Ukraine-U-1840, Poland-A-1033, Russia- 101, Japan-W-286, Iceland-U-507, Global-
Global-W-1349, United States of America- A-2063. E-743, Global-W-1324, Serbia-A-1372,
A-1022, United States of America-A-87, Global-ZD-1492, Romania-N-1599,
Global-CD-1611, Canada-G-1855, Canada- Calamagrostis coarctata (Torr.) Eaton Iceland-W-1609, Finland-A-87, Serbia-W-
G-1462. Poaceae 1031, Iceland-U-1552, Serbia-R-1946,
Accepted name: Calamagrostis Serbia-R-2057, Australia-W-1977, Canada-
Calamagrostis canadensis (Michx.) fibrovaginata Laegaard W-1977, Iceland-W-1977.
Beauv. var. macouniana (Vasey) Total N° of Refs: 1
Stebbins Habit: Grass Calamagrostis epigeios (L.) Roth var.
Poaceae References: Algeria-W-1977. capensis (Stapf) N.N.Tsvelev
Total N° of Refs: 1 Poaceae
Habit: Grass Calamagrostis crassiglumis Thurb. Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Canada-A-642. Poaceae Habit: perennial Grass
Accepted name: Calamagrostis stricta Origin: Africa
Calamagrostis canadensis (Michx.) subsp. inexpansa Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Beauv. var. robusta Vasey Total N° of Refs: 2 Dispersed by: Humans
Poaceae Aqua - Habit: perennial Grass References: South Africa-ZR-121.
Accepted name: Calamagrostis canadensis Major Pathway/s: Herbal
var. canadensis Dispersed by: Water Calamagrostis epigeios (L.) Roth var.
Total N° of Refs: 10 References: United States of America-WD- epigeios
Habit: Grass 34. Poaceae
References: Canada-A-642. Total N° of Refs: 1
Calamagrostis dubia Bunge Habit: Grass
Calamagrostis canadensis (Michx.) Poaceae References: United States of America-N-
Beauv. var. scabra (J. Presl) A.S. Hitchc. Accepted name: Calamagrostis 101.
Poaceae pseudophragmites (Haller f.) Koeler
Accepted name: Calamagrostis canadensis Total N° of Refs: 7 Calamagrostis epigeios (L.) Roth var.
var. langsdorfii Habit: Grass georgica (K. Koch) Ledeb.
Total N° of Refs: 10 Origin: W Asia Poaceae
Habit: Grass Weed of: Cereals Accepted name: Calamagrostis epigeios
References: Canada-A-642. References: Tajikistan-A-1674. subsp. glomerata (L.) Roth (Boiss. &
Buhse) Tzvelev
Total N° of Refs: 18
Habit: Grass
References: United States of America-N-

Calamagrostis epigeios (L.) Roth. subsp.

Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: Grass
References: United States of America-N-

Calamagrostis epigeios (L.) Roth. subsp. Calamagrostis hakonensis Franch. & Calamagrostis pseudophragmites (Haller
glomerata (Boiss. & Buhse) Tzvelev Sav. f.) Koeler
Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae
Accepted name: Calamagrostis epigejos Total N° of Refs: 2 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Calamagrostis
(L.) Roth var. georgica Habit: Grass dubia Bunge (1)
Total N° of Refs: 41 References: Japan-W-286, Asia-W-204. Total N° of Refs: 7
Habit: Grass Global Risk Score: 2.88
References: United States of America-N- Calamagrostis langsdorffii (Link) Trin. Rating: Low
101. Poaceae Habit: perennial Grass
Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Calamagrostis epigejos (L.) Roth Habit: Grass Subtropical, Tropical
Poaceae References: Canada-A-642. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Calamagrostis Ornamental
epigeios (L.) Roth. (17), Calamagrostis Calamagrostis longearistata (Wedd.) Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Water,
epigeios (L.) Roth. subsp. glomerata Hack. ex Sodiro Wind
(Boiss. & Buhse) Tzvelev (1) Poaceae Weed of: Cereals
Total N° of Refs: 58 Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Europe, eastern-W-272, China-
Global Risk Score: 10.8 Habit: Grass W-297, China-A-275, China-W-431, Iran-
Rating: Medium References: Brazil--1767. A-1524, Global-ZD-1581.
Habit: perennial Grass
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Calamagrostis macouniana (Vasey) Calamagrostis purpurea (Trin.) Trin.
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Vasey Poaceae
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 5
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Accepted name: Calamagrostis canadensis Global Risk Score: 1.44
Ornamental var. macouniana Rating: Low
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle, Total N° of Refs: 10 Habit: Grass
Donkey, Horse, Livestock, Sheep, Habit: Grass Origin: E Asia, Europe, N Am
Vehicles, Water, Wind, Escapee References: Canada-A-642. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Seed Longevity: Long Term Ornamental
Weed of: Grapevines, Orchards & Calamagrostis montevidensis Nees Dispersed by: Humans, Water
Plantations, Pastures Poaceae Weed of: Cereals
References: Chile-N-300, Australia-W-54, Accepted name: Deyeuxia viridiflavescens References: Global-ZD-1581, Iceland-U-
Global-N-85, New Zealand-UW-280, var. montevidensis (Poir.) Steud. (Nees) 1552, Finland-A-1815, Australia-Q-1123,
Australia-N-176, Europe, eastern-AW-272, Kämpf Iceland-W-1977.
western Europe-W-70, Australia-C-401, Total N° of Refs: 3
Australia-N-945, China-W-431, United Habit: Grass Calamagrostis purpurea (Trin.) Trin.
Kingdom-N-519, New Zealand-N-15, References: Argentina-A-913, Argentina- subsp. phragmitoides (Hartm.) Tzvelev
Canada-A-642, Australia-EN-310, Canada A-87, Brazil-R-2053. Poaceae
and United States of America-N-725, Total N° of Refs: 1
Canada-C-756, Europe-A-889, Ireland-U- Calamagrostis neglecta (Ehrh.) P. Habit: Grass
894, New Zealand-U-919, Global-ZD- Gaertn. et al. References: Australia-Q-1123.
1203, Serbia-W-1238, United Kingdom- Poaceae
ZD-1416, Belgium-ZD-1422, Global-ZD- Accepted name: Calamagrostis stricta Calamagrostis rubescens Buckley
1495, United Kingdom-N-1636, Global-Q- subsp. stricta (Timm) Koel. Poaceae
1572, Europe-ZD-1653, Europe-ZD-1576, Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 1
Belgium-ZD-1593, Global-CD-1611, Habit: Grass Habit: perennial Grass
Russia-W-1671, Poland-A-1825, Australia- Major Pathway/s: Herbal Major Pathway/s: Herbal
UN-1845, Serbia-R-1848, Canada-G-1855, References: Finland-A-87. References: Global-W-1349.
Australia-WD-1934, Germany-R-1948,
New Zealand-U-2048, Poland-R-2062, Calamagrostis nutkaensis (J. Presl & C. Calamagrostis scabrescens Griseb.
Slovakia-A-2079. Presl) Steud. Poaceae
Poaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Deyeuxia
Calamagrostis (L.) Roth epigejos var. Total N° of Refs: 1 scabrescens (Griseb.) Murno ex Duthie. (1)
epigejos Aqua - Habit: perennial Grass Total N° of Refs: 1
Poaceae Major Pathway/s: Herbal Habit: Grass
Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Water
Habit: Grass References: United States of America-WD- Calamagrostis spp. Adans.
References: Canada-U-1252. 34. Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2
Calamagrostis fibrovaginata Laegaard Habit: Grass
Poaceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Calamagrostis Dispersed by: Humans
coarctata (Torr.) Eaton (1) References: Europe, eastern-W-272, Polar
Total N° of Refs: 1 Regions-ZD-1587.
Habit: Grass
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical

Calamagrostis stricta (Timm) Koeler Calamintha clinopodium Spenn. Calamintha nepeta (L.) Savi subsp.
Poaceae Lamiaceae glandulosa (Riquien) P.W. Ball
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Calamagrostis Accepted name: Clinopodium vulgare L. Lamiaceae
crassiglumis Thurb. (1), Calamagrostis Total N° of Refs: 39 Total N° of Refs: 8
neglecta (Ehrh.) P. Gaertn. et al. (1) Major Pathway/s: Herbal Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Total N° of Refs: 3 References: Canada-A-642, Ireland-W-894. Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia
Habit: perennial Grass Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Calamintha glabella (Michx.) Benth. Dispersed by: Humans
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals Lamiaceae References: United States of America-N-
Seed Longevity: Short Term Accepted name: Clinopodium glabellum 101, Australia-N-945, Czech Republic-U-
References: Global-ZD-1581. Total N° of Refs: 2 400, Australia-N-855, Australia-N-354,
References: Canada and United States of Belgium-N-1006, Slovenia-N-1006,
Calamagrostis stricta (Timm) Koeler America-N-725. Australia-N-1450.
subsp. inexpansa (A. Gray) C. W.
Greene Calamintha gracilis Benth. Calamintha nepeta (L.) Savi subsp.
Poaceae Lamiaceae nepeta
Total N° of Refs: 4 Accepted name: Clinopodium gracile Lamiaceae
Aqua - Habit: perennial Grass (Benth.) Kuntze Total N° of Refs: 3
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 10 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Dispersed by: Humans, Water, Escapee References: China-E-1712. Origin: Africa, Europe
References: United States of America-WD- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
34, Canada-UC-756, Global-CD-1611, Calamintha grandiflora (L.) Moench Dispersed by: Humans
Canada-G-1855. Lamiaceae References: United States of America-N-
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Satureja 101, Czech Republic-U-400, Global-W-
Calamagrostis varia (Schrad.) Host grandiflora (L.) Scheele (5) 1349.
Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 11
Total N° of Refs: 1 Habit: perennial Herb Calamintha spp. Mill.
Habit: Grass Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Lamiaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Origin: Europe Total N° of Refs: 1
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Water, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Escapee References: Europe, eastern-W-272.
Wind References: Europe, eastern-W-272, Czech
Seed Longevity: Transient Republic-U-400, Europe-N-819, Global-W- Calamintha suaveolens (Sm.) Boiss.
References: Europe, eastern-W-272. 1324, Russia-C-1671, Czech Republic-W- Lamiaceae
1977. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Melissa suaveolens
Calamagrostis viridiflavescens (Poir.) Nym. (1)
Steud. Calamintha menthaefolia Host Total N° of Refs: 1
Poaceae Lamiaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1 Calamintha sylvatica Bromf.
Habit: Grass Origin: Europe Lamiaceae
References: Brazil--1767. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Total N° of Refs: 4
Dispersed by: Humans Habit: perennial Herb
Calamintha acinos (L.) Clairv. References: Czech Republic-UZ-400. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Lamiaceae Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Accepted name: Acinos arvensis (Lam.) Calamintha nepeta (L.) Savi Ornamental
Dandy Lamiaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Animals
Total N° of Refs: 28 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Clinopodium References: United States of America-N-
Global Risk Score: 1.44 nepeta (L.) Kuntze (5), Satureja calamintha 101, Europe, eastern-W-272, Europe-N-
Rating: Low (L.) Scheele (1) 819, Global-W-1324.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal Total N° of Refs: 19
Dispersed by: Humans, Livestock, Sheep Habit: perennial Herb Calamintha sylvatica Bromf. subsp.
Weed of: Pastures Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean ascendens (Jord.) P.W.Ball
References: Canada-A-642, Serbia-W- Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, W Asia Lamiaceae
1238, Serbia-A-1372, Russia-A-87, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 1
Germany-ZD-1655. Dispersed by: Humans, Animals Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Seed Longevity: Long Term Major Pathway/s: Crop
Calamintha alpina (L.) Lam. References: United States of America-N- References: United States of America-N-
Lamiaceae 101, New Zealand-N-280, United States of 101.
Total N° of Refs: 2 America-W-161, Australia-N-945, New
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N-919, Calamintha sylvatica Bromf. subsp.
Weed of: Pastures Australia-N-354, Global-N-1059, United sylvatica
References: Serbia-W-1238, Serbia-A- States of America-W-1104, Global-W- Lamiaceae
1372. 1324, Europe-W-1325, Montenegro-W- Total N° of Refs: 1
1861, New Zealand-N-2048. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: United States of America-N-

Calamintha tauricola P.H.Davis Calamus nambariensis Becc. Calandrinia ciliata (Ruiz. & Pav.) DC.
Lamiaceae Arecaceae Portulacaceae
Accepted name: Clinopodium tauricolum Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Calandrinia ciliata
(P.H.Davis) Govaerts Major Pathway/s: Crop (Ruiz Lopez & Pavon) DC. var. menziesii
Total N° of Refs: 2 References: Cuba-W-1977. (Hook.) J.F.Macbr. (5), Calandrinia
References: Global-Q-1205, Australia-Q- micrantha Schltdl. (5)
1123. Calamus platyacanthoides Merr. Total N° of Refs: 26
Arecaceae Global Risk Score: 4.8
Calamintha umbrosa (M. Bieb.) Fisch. & Synonym/s (n° of refs): Calamus Rating: Low
C. A. Mey. platyacanthus Warb. ex Becc. (2) Habit: annual Herb
Lamiaceae Total N° of Refs: 2 Preferred Climate/s: Dryland
Accepted name: Clinopodium umbrosum Major Pathway/s: Crop Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
(M. Bieb.) K. Koch Herbal, Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 10 Calamus platyacanthus Warb. ex Becc. Dispersed by: Humans
Habit: annual Herb Arecaceae Weed of: Cereals, Grapevines, Pome Fruits
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Accepted name: Calamus platyacanthoides References: Global-A-243, United States of
References: India-A-712, India-A-1124, Merr. America-W-161, United Kingdom-UZ-314,
India-A-1725. Total N° of Refs: 2 Europe-N-638, Australia-EN-7, United
Origin: E Asia States of America-W-946, Australia-N-354,
Calamintha vulgaris (L.) HALASCY References: Cuba-N-1505, Cuba-N-2055. South Africa-N-1310, Australia-W-1318,
Lamiaceae Europe-W-1325, United States of America-
Accepted name: Clinopodium vulgare Calamus simplicifolius C. F. Wei A-1350, Australia-N-1845, Australia-N-
Total N° of Refs: 40 Arecaceae 1959, Australia-W-1977, South Africa-W-
Habit: annual/biennial Herb Total N° of Refs: 1 1977, Sweden-W-1977.
Weed of: Grapevines, Orchards & Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Plantations, Pastures Dispersed by: Humans Calandrinia ciliata (Ruiz Lopez &
References: India-A-712, Serbia-A-1372, References: China-N-1796. Pavon) DC. var. menziesii (Hook.)
Croatia-A-1037. J.F.Macbr.
Calamus spp. L. Portulacaceae
Calamovilfa longifolia (Hook.) Scribn. Arecaceae Accepted name: Calandrinia ciliata (Ruiz.
Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 8 & Pav.) DC.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Habit: Tree Total N° of Refs: 21
Habit: Grass Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Origin: N Am
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Pasture References: Federated States of Major Pathway/s: Crop
Dispersed by: Humans Micronesia-N-230, southeast Asia-W-191, Weed of: Orchards & Plantations,
References: Global-N-85. Pacific-W-3, Pacific-E-621, Micronesia Vegetables
(Federated States of)-W-1977, Palau-W- References: United States of America-A-
Calamus caesius Blume 1977, Papua New Guinea-W-1977, 180, United States of America-AW-212,
Arecaceae Solomon Islands-W-1977. United States of America-A-543, Global-
Total N° of Refs: 2 W-1349, Sweden-W-1609.
Global Risk Score: 1.68 Calamus tetradactylus Hance
Rating: Low Arecaceae Calandrinia compressa DC.
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Total N° of Refs: 3 Portulacaceae
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Total N° of Refs: 18
Ornamental Origin: E Asia Global Risk Score: 0.48
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Ornamental Rating: Low
References: Samoa-E-863, Samoa-E-306. Dispersed by: Humans Habit: annual Herb
References: Cuba-N-1505, Cuba-N-2055, Origin: S Am
Calamus ciliaris Blume Cuba-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Arecaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Total N° of Refs: 3 Calamus trachycoleus Becc. Weed of: Cereals
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Arecaceae References: New Zealand-N-280, Czech
Tropical Total N° of Refs: 1 Republic-U-400, Denmark-C-711, New
Origin: E Asia Global Risk Score: 1.2 Zealand-N-919, Europe-N-819, Chile-W-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Rating: Low 388, Belgium-U-1220, Czech Republic-U-
Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Tropical 1522, Denmark-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609,
References: Cuba-NI-1505, Cuba-NI-2055, Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Ornamental New Zealand-A-1035, Global-CD-1611,
Cuba-W-1977. Dispersed by: Humans Czech Republic-U-1731, New Zealand-N-
References: southeast Asia-I-781. 2048, Belgium-W-1977, Czech Republic-
Calamus manan Miq. W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, Sweden-W-
Arecaceae Calandrinia caulescens (Ruiz & Pav.) 1977.
Total N° of Refs: 3 DC. var. menziesii (Hook.) Macbr.
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Portulacaceae Calandrinia elegans Spach
Origin: E Asia Total N° of Refs: 3 Portulacaceae
Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Ornamental References: United States of America-W- Total N° of Refs: 2
Dispersed by: Humans 218, Australia-N-1049, Global-W-1349. References: Belgium-U-1220, Belgium-W-
References: Cuba-N-1505, Cuba-N-2055, 1977.

Calandrinia menziesii Hooker Calathea allouia (Aubl.) Lindl. Calathea majestica (Linden) H.A.Kenn.
Portulacaceae Marantaceae Marantaceae
Total N° of Refs: 20 Total N° of Refs: 7 Total N° of Refs: 4
Global Risk Score: 1.44 Global Risk Score: 2.4 Habit: Herb
Rating: Low Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Habit: Herb Habit: Herb Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Origin: N Am Origin: S Am References: Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Global-CD-1611, Cook Islands-W-1977,
Dispersed by: Humans Ornamental Micronesia (Federated States of)-W-1977.
Weed of: Pastures Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
References: Finland-U-42, New Zealand- References: Global-N-85, Global-N-1059, Calathea ornata (Linden ex Lem.) Korn.
N-280, New Zealand-W-165, Australia-N- Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157, Cuba-NI- Marantaceae
176, Australia-N-198, Australia-N-945, 1505, Global-CD-1611, Cuba-NI-2055, Total N° of Refs: 1
Australia-E-327, New Zealand-NW-425, Cuba-W-1977. Habit: perennial Herb
New Zealand-N-534, Australia-W-853, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Australia-N-855, New Zealand-N-919, Calathea crotalifera S.Watson Tropical
Australia-N-1049, Europe-N-819, Norway- Marantaceae Origin: S Am
N-1243, Falkland Islands-nC-1251, Total N° of Refs: 5 Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Australia-A-1331, Norway-W-1609, New Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Dispersed by: Humans
Zealand-N-2048, Australia-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental References: India-W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans
Calandrinia micrantha Schltdl. References: Global-N-85, United States of Calathea picturata (Linden) K. Koch &
Portulacaceae America-N-101, United States of America- Linden
Accepted name: Calandrinia ciliata (Ruiz. N-301, United States of America-N-839, Marantaceae
& Pav.) DC. United States of America-N-1292. Total N° of Refs: 3
Total N° of Refs: 21 Global Risk Score: 1.44
Global Risk Score: 0.48 Calathea elliptica (Roscoe) K. Schum. Rating: Low
Rating: Low Marantaceae Habit: Herb
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Major Pathway/s: Crop Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Tropical
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
References: Central America-W-157, Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Mexico-W-199, Mexico-W-890, Mexico- References: Chile-W-1977. References: United States of America-CE-
W-1226, Mexico-AD-757. 617, Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157, Global-
Calathea leonia Sander ex K. Schum. CD-1611.
Calandrinia polyandra (Hook.) Benth. Marantaceae
Portulacaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Goeppertia leonia Calathea spp. G.MEYER
Total N° of Refs: 1 (Sander) Borchs. & S. Su rez (1) Marantaceae
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Calathea spp.
Rating: Low G.MEYER
Toxic - Habit: annual/perennial Herb Calathea lietzei E. Morren Total N° of Refs: 5
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Marantaceae Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Dispersed by: Humans Accepted name: Maranta lietzei (E.Morren) Dispersed by: Humans
References: Global-A-1207. C.H.Nelson, Sutherl. & Fern.Casas References: Brazil-W-360, Brazil-W-407,
Total N° of Refs: 2 South Africa-U-1247, Brazil-N-1559,
Calandrinia umbellata (Ruiz & Pav.) Global Risk Score: 0.72 Chile-I-1872.
DC. Rating: Low
Portulacaceae Habit: perennial Herb Calathea vittata (K. Koch) K rn.
Accepted name: Montiopsis umbellata Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Marantaceae
(Ruiz & Pav.) D. I. Ford Subtropical Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 1 Origin: S Am Habit: perennial Herb
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Rating: Low Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans
Habit: annual/perennial Herb References: Indonesia-ID-2016. References: Chile-I-1872.
Origin: S Am
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Calathea lutea (Aubl.) Schult.
Dispersed by: Humans Marantaceae
References: United Kingdom-A-314. Total N° of Refs: 2
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Calanthe tahitensis Nadeaud var. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
tahitensis Dispersed by: Humans, Animals
Orchidaceae References: Saint Lucia-W-1977, Global--
Total N° of Refs: 1 1324.
References: Global-W-1324.

Calathea zebrina (Sims) Lindl. Calceolaria integrifolia L. Calceolaria tripartita Ruiz & Pav.
Marantaceae Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae
Total N° of Refs: 5 Total N° of Refs: 4 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Calceolaria gracilis
Habit: perennial Herb Habit: Shrub Kunth (2)
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 37
Subtropical, Tropical Origin: S Am Global Risk Score: 0.96
Origin: S Am Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Rating: Low
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Habit: Herb
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee References: United Kingdom-C-314, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
References: Puerto Rico-CW-261, United Norway-N-1243, Norway-W-1609, Global- Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
States of America-N-101, Gal pagos CD-1611. Origin: C Am, N Am, S Am
Islands-CN-1157, Global-CD-1611, India- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
W-1977. Calceolaria mexicana Bentham Ornamental
Scrophulariaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Animals,
Calceolaria biflora Lam. Total N° of Refs: 3 Livestock, Sheep, Escapee
Scrophulariaceae Global Risk Score: 0.24 References: Chile-N-300, Global-N-85,
Total N° of Refs: 2 Rating: Low New Zealand-N-280, Australia-N-134,
Habit: Shrub Habit: annual Herb Australia-N-945, United Kingdom-
Origin: S Am Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical AUCZD-314, New Zealand-N-534, Canary
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Origin: N Am Islands-N-637, Denmark-UC-711,
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Australia-W-853, Mexico-W-890, New
References: United Kingdom-C-314, Dispersed by: Humans Zealand-N-919, Australia-N-354, Portugal-
Global-CD-1611. References: Central America-W-157, India- N-1006, Australia-N-1049, Europe-N-819,
I-1345, India-W-1977. Mexico-W-1226, Chile-N-1229, Global-W-
Calceolaria chelidonioides Kunth 1324, India-N-1601, Denmark-W-1609,
Scrophulariaceae Calceolaria pinnata L. Global-CD-1611, Azores-N-1721,
Total N° of Refs: 12 Scrophulariaceae Australia-N-1902, New Zealand-N-2048,
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Total N° of Refs: 6 Australia-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977,
Rating: Low Habit: Shrub Brazil-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Denmark-
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Tropical W-1977, India-W-1977, Jamaica-W-1977,
Tropical Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Portugal-W-1977, Spain-W-1977, United
Origin: S Am Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Kingdom-W-1977.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, References: Austria-UC-708, Europe-N-
Ornamental 819, Global-W-1324, Austria-W-1609, Caldesia oligococca (F. Müell.) Buchenau
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Global-CD-1611, Austria-W-1977. Alismataceae
References: United Kingdom-U-40, United Total N° of Refs: 3
Kingdom-N-519, United Kingdom-UC- Calceolaria scabiosaefolia Roem. & Global Risk Score: 0.48
812, United Kingdom-Z-944, Europe-N- Schult. Rating: Low
819, Belgium-U-1220, Global-W-1324, Scrophulariaceae Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb
Global-CD-1611, Brazil-N-1071, Brazil-N- Total N° of Refs: 2 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
1746, Chile-I-1872, Brazil-R-2053. ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Tropical Origin: Aust, C Asia
References: Norway-N-1243, Norway-W- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Calceolaria gracilis Kunth 1609. Ornamental
Scrophulariaceae Dispersed by: Humans
Accepted name: Calceolaria tripartita Ruiz References: India-N-1148, India-I-1279,
& Pav. India-N-1631.
Total N° of Refs: 37
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Caldesia parnassifolia (L.) Parl.
References: Germany-W-1609, Germany- Alismataceae
W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 4
Aqua - Habit:
Calceolaria x herbeohybrida Voss Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Scrophulariaceae Tropical
Accepted name: parents = Calceolaria Origin: Europe
crenatiflora Cav. x Calceolaria corymbosa Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Ruiz & Pav. x Calceolaria cana Cav. Dispersed by: Humans, Water, Escapee
Total N° of Refs: 2 References: United Kingdom-CD-314,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Europe-ND-482, Botswana-N-1284,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Global-CD-1611.
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
References: United Kingdom-C-314, Calea jamaicensis L.
Global-CD-1611. Asteraceae
Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
References: Jamaica-A-87.

Calea urticifolia (Mill.) DC. Calendula arvensis L. Korea-N-2029, Italy-A-2043, New
Asteraceae Asteraceae Zealand-N-2048, Global-W-2056, Italy-A-
Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Calendula 2081, Spain-A-2083, Greece-A-2093,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical aegyptiaca Pers. (2) Australia-W-1977, Austria-W-1977,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 136 Belgium-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Czech
Dispersed by: Humans Global Risk Score: 14.4 Republic-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977,
References: Democratic Republic of the Rating: Medium France-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Poland-W-
Congo-W-1977. Habit: annual Herb 1977, Republic of Moldova-W-1977,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Slovakia-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977,
Calendula aegyptiaca Pers. Subtropical, Tropical Spain-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977, United
Asteraceae Origin: Africa, C Asia, E Asia, Europe Kingdom-W-1977.
Accepted name: Calendula arvensis L. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Total N° of Refs: 136 Herbal, Ornamental Calendula bicolor Raf.
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Escapee Asteraceae
References: Jordan-A-87, Morocco-A- Seed Longevity: Short Term Total N° of Refs: 2
1361. Weed of: Cereals, Grapevines, Orchards & Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Plantations, Pastures, Vegetables Origin: Africa, Europe
Calendula algeriensis Boiss. & Reut. References: Australia-W-269, United Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Asteraceae Kingdom-N-40, Finland-U-42, Global-A- Dispersed by: Humans
Accepted name: Calendula stellata Cav. 44, Chile-N-300, Global-NW-85, Europe- References: Canary Islands-N-305, Iberian
Total N° of Refs: 3 A-94, Global-A-243, United States of Peninsular-N-1147.
References: Morocco-A-87. America-N-101, New Zealand-N-280,
western Asia-A-115, Chile-N-241,
Portugal-A-250, Australia-N-176, Japan-N-
287, Egypt-A-185, western Europe-A-253,
Australia-N-198, Europe, eastern-W-272,
western Europe-W-70, Australia-N-945,
Spain-A-417, United Kingdom-CW-314,
Australia-E-327, Czech Republic-UZ-400,
United Kingdom-N-519, Morocco-A-561,
Morocco-A-668, Austria-U-708, Denmark-
W-711, Turkey-A-727, Global-W-743,
Chile-N-765, Mediterranean-I-775, Japan-
N-794, Hungary-U-809, United Kingdom-
N-812, Pakistan-A-837, Australia-W-853,
Australia-N-855, Australia-W-869, Spain-
A-892, New Zealand-N-919, United States
of America-W-946, Mediterranean-W-951,
Australia-N-354, Portugal-N-1006,
Germany-N-1006, United Kingdom-N-
1006, Poland-N-1006, Australia-N-1049,
Europe-N-819, Egypt-A-19, Pakistan-A-
1170, Poland-R-1219, Belgium-U-1220,
Crete-A-1228, Chile-N-1229, Saudi
Arabia-W-1237, Hungary-U-1255, Spain-
A-1263, Japan-N-1278, Argentina-W-1286,
Turkey-A-1287, Pakistan-A-1308,
Australia-W-1318, Global-W-1324,
Australia-A-1331, Ukraine-N-1335, Chile-
N-1348, United States of America-A-1350,
Australia-N-1450, Slovakia-U-1484, Saudi
Arabia-A-1504, Czech Republic-U-1522,
Saudi Arabia-A-1525, Norway-N-1535,
Estonia-W-1609, Austria-W-1609,
Denmark-W-1609, Norway-W-1609,
Poland-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, Tunisia-
A-87, Egypt-A-87, Spain-A-87, Australia-
A-87, Greece-A-87, Jordan-A-87,
Morocco-A-87, Portugal-A-87, Turkey-A-
87, Poland-N-1040, Cape Verde-N-1558,
Global-CD-1611, Italy-A-1618, Azores-N-
1721, Algeria-A-1727, Pakistan-A-1729,
North Africa, Libya, Egypt-W-1730, Czech
Republic-U-1731, Morocco-A-1750,
Morocco-A-1751, Morocco-A-1752,
Australia-N-1845, Chile-I-1872, Chile and
Argentina-A-1874, Egypt-R-1922,
Australia-N-1959, -I-, Romania-U-1986,
Estonia-N-1997, Tunisia-A-2006, South

Calendula officinalis L. U-1731, India-N-1370, Croatia-N-1747, Calendula suffruticosa Vahl
Asteraceae Sardinia-N-1393, Austria-N-1828, Asteraceae
Total N° of Refs: 169 Romania-U-1843, Australia-N-1845, Chile- Total N° of Refs: 9
Global Risk Score: 14.4 I-1872, Chile and Argentina-E-1874, Global Risk Score: 0.48
Rating: Medium Mexico-N-1881, Sardinia-N-1917, Rating: Low
Habit: annual Herb Montenegro-R-1944, Australia-N-1959, -I-, Habit: Herb
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Romania-U-1986, Bosnia and Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Herzegovina-U-1987, Russia-N-1989, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Origin: Africa, Aust, E Asia, Europe Switzerland-U-1990, Estonia-N-1997, Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Croatia-U-2004, Ukraine-U-2014, Spain-N- Dispersed by: Humans
Herbal, Ornamental 2027, New Zealand-N-2048, Ukraine-N- References: Denmark-W-711, Portugal-N-
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Escapee 2050, Ukraine-N-2112, Albania-W-1977, 1006, Europe-N-819, Global-W-1324,
Weed of: Cereals Australia-W-1977, Austria-W-1977, Denmark-W-1609, Azores-N-1721, Chile-
References: Global-W-433, Australia-CW- Belgium-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Chile- I-1872, Chile-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977.
269, United States of America-CW-34, W-1977, Croatia-W-1977, Czech Republic-
United Kingdom-N-40, Finland-C-42, W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, France-W- Calendula tripterocarpa Rupr.
Chile-N-300, Global-N-85, United States of 1977, Germany-W-1977, Greece-W-1977, Asteraceae
America-N-101, New Zealand-N-280, India-W-1977, Ireland-W-1977, Japan-W- Total N° of Refs: 6
Chile-N-241, China-W-256, Australia-N- 1977, Lithuania-W-1977, Malta-W-1977, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
176, Japan-N-287, Australia-N-198, Mexico-W-1977, Peru-W-1977, Poland-W- Origin: Europe
Mediterranean-C-215, Europe, eastern-W- 1977, Republic of Moldova-W-1977, References: Chile-N-300, Chile-N-765,
272, Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945, Romania-W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977, Iberian Peninsular-N-1147, Chile-N-1229,
United Kingdom-CNZ-314, Australia-E- Spain-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977, Chile-N-1348, Chile-I-1872.
327, Czech Republic-U-400, United Switzerland-W-1977, Ukraine-W-1977,
Kingdom-N-519, New Zealand-N-534, United Kingdom-W-1977. Calepina corvini (All.) Desv.
New Zealand-N-15, Ukraine-UC-643, Brassicaceae
Australia-N-310, Austria-UC-708, Calendula palaestina Boiss. Accepted name: Calepina irregularis (Asso)
Denmark-UC-711, Lithuania-I-737, Chile- Asteraceae Thell.
N-765, Mediterranean-I-775, Mexico-N- Total N° of Refs: 8 Total N° of Refs: 49
791, Japan-N-794, Spain-W-807, Hungary- Origin: E Asia, W Asia Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
U-809, United Kingdom-CN-812, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: Portugal-A-87, Italy-A-87.
Australia-W-853, Australia-N-855, Dispersed by: Humans
Australia-W-869, Mexico-I-878, Ireland-U- Weed of: Pastures
894, New Zealand-W-906, India-U-914, References: Australia-W-269, Australia-N-
New Zealand-N-919, United Kingdom-Z- 945, Australia-W-853, Australia-W-869,
944, India-W-948, Mediterranean-W-951, Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049,
Australia-N-354, Portugal-N-1006, France- Australia-A-1331, Australia-W-1977.
N-1006, France-N-1006, Germany-N-1006,
United Kingdom-N-1006, Portugal-N- Calendula plantaginea (Raf.) Shinn.
1006, Malta-N-1006, Spain-N-1006, Asteraceae
Australia-N-1049, Europe-N-1072, Total N° of Refs: 1
Portugal-N-898, Europe-N-819, Poland-C- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
1122, Bosnia and Herzegovina-N-1140, Dispersed by: Humans
Greece-U-1142, Iberian Peninsular-N- References: Canada and United States of
1147, Spain-U-1149, Crete-U-1150, America-N-725.
Sardinia-NI-1151, United States of
America-N-1162, Croatia-C-1166, Calendula spp. L.
Belgium-U-1220, Chile-N-1229, Norway- Asteraceae
N-1243, Falkland Islands-nC-1251, Total N° of Refs: 2
Hungary-U-1255, Romania-U-1264, Italy- References: United States of America-Q-
N-1265, Spain-N-1270, Japan-N-1278, 116, Australia-N-198.
Ukraine-N-1297, Romania-U-1334,
Ukraine-N-1335, Sardinia-N-1336, India- Calendula stellata Cav.
U-1345, Chile-N-1348, Sardinia-U-1381, Asteraceae
Australia-N-1450, Spain-U-1454, Spain-U- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Calendula
1455, Slovakia-U-1484, Albania-U-1506, algeriensis Boiss. & Reut. (1)
Czech Republic-U-1522, Norway-N-1535, Total N° of Refs: 3
Romania-U-1537, Greece-CN-1541, New Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Zealand-N-1543, North Korea-N-1600, Origin: Africa, Europe
Estonia-W-1609, Austria-W-1609, References: Europe-N-819, Global-W-
Denmark-W-1609, Russia-W-1609, 1324.
Germany-W-1609, Lithuania-W-1609,
Norway-W-1609, Poland-W-1609,
Sweden-W-1609, Romania-N-1629,
Bolivia-N-1630, United Kingdom-U-1636,
Romania-N-1549, Romania-N-1554, Spain-
N-1556, Global-CD-1611, Russia-N-1681,
Russia-U-1682, Poland-U-1716, Pakistan-
A-1720, Azores-N-1721, Czech Republic-

Calepina irregularis (Asso) Thell. Calicotome spinosa (L.) Link Calla palustris L.
Brassicaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Araceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Calepina corvini Synonym/s (n° of refs): Calycotome Total N° of Refs: 20
(All.) Desv. (2) spinosa (L.) Link (4) Global Risk Score: 9.6
Total N° of Refs: 49 Total N° of Refs: 34 Rating: Medium
Global Risk Score: 7.2 Global Risk Score: 1.92 Toxic, Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb
Rating: Medium Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Habit: annual Herb Habit: Tree Tropical
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Origin: E Asia, Europe
Mediterranean Origin: Africa, Europe Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers,
Herbal, Ornamental Weed of: Pastures Water, Escapee
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee References: Australia-E-289, New Zealand- References: Global-W-23, Global-ND-108,
Weed of: Canola, Cereals E-246, New Zealand-N-280, Australia-N- United Kingdom-CND-314, Europe-ND-
References: Australia-ZW-54, Europe-A- 198, Australia-C-401, Australia-E-327, 482, United Kingdom-N-519, Canada-A-
94, Global-A-243, United States of New Zealand-NW-425, New Zealand-X- 642, Canada-C-756, United Kingdom-CN-
America-N-101, Australia-E-155, western 495, Global-W-344, New Zealand-N-15, 812, Switzerland-ND-818, United
Europe-A-253, Europe, eastern-W-272, Australia-ENX-310, Australia-W-869, New Kingdom-N-1006, Switzerland-N-1006,
western Europe-W-70, Australia-C-401, Zealand-N-919, New Zealand-W-964, Europe-N-819, Australia-Q-1134, United
United Kingdom-U-314, Australia-AN- Australia-N-354, New Zealand-E-328, Kingdom-WD-1175, Global-W-1324,
310, Australia-N-855, Australia-W-869, Australia-E-1259, Australia-E-1261, Global-CD-1611, Russia-W-1671, Canada-
Australia-N-354, Germany-N-1006, Australia-E-1262, Australia-A-1331, G-1855, Switzerland-W-1977, United
Luxembourg-N-1006, Netherlands-N-1006, Global-W-1376, Global-I-1404, Australia- Kingdom-W-1977.
Europe-N-819, United States of America- E-1456, Global-CD-1611, Algeria-A-1727,
W-1104, Global-A-1207, Serbia-W-1238, Australia-N-1902, New Zealand-Q-1879, Callaeum macropterum (DC.) D. M.
France-A-1266, Spain-U-1270, Global-W- Australia-N-1959, New Zealand-Q-2086, Johnson
1324, Serbia-A-1343, Serbia-W-1222, Australia-W-1977. Malpighiaceae
Australia-N-1450, Greece-N-1541, Austria- Total N° of Refs: 3
W-1609, Denmark-W-1609, Germany-W- Calicotome villosa (Poir.) Link Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
1609, Netherlands-W-1609, Global-CD- Fabaceae - Papilionaceae References: Global-Q-1205, Australia-Q-
1611, Serbia-R-1771, France-A-1814, Total N° of Refs: 2 1123, India-W-1977.
Montenegro-W-1861, France-A-1924, Global Risk Score: 0.72
France-NR-1942, Kosovo-R-2003, France- Rating: Low Callerya atropurpurea (Wall.) Schot
A-2042, Turkey-A-2101, Australia-W- Habit: Shrub Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
1977, Bulgaria-W-1977, Denmark-W- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Synonym/s (n° of refs): Millettia
1977, Germany-W-1977, Luxembourg-W- Origin: Africa, Europe atropurpurea (Wall.) Benth. (1)
1977, Netherlands-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Total N° of Refs: 4
Ornamental Habit: Tree
Calia secundiflora (Ortega) Yakovlev Dispersed by: Humans, Goat, Livestock Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae References: Crete-A-1228, Spain-ZD-1610. Origin: E Asia
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Sophora Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
secundiflora (Ortega) Lag. ex DC. (5) Calla aethiopica L. Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 5 Araceae References: Singapore-U-1290, Singapore-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Accepted name: Zantedeschia aethiopica U-1839, Singapore-W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 160
References: Ireland-W-894. Calliandra brevipes Benth.
Calibrachoa parviflora (Juss.) D'Arcy Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Solanaceae Total N° of Refs: 9
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Petunia parviflora Habit: Tree
Juss. (20) Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 34 Origin: S Am
Habit: annual Herb Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Dispersed by: Humans
Origin: N Am, S Am References: New Zealand-N-823, New
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Zealand-U-919, India-N-976, South Africa-
Dispersed by: Humans N-1247, South Africa-N-1002, South
References: Australia-W-853, Mexico-W- Africa-N-1991, New Zealand-N-2048,
890, Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049, India-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977.
Mexico-W-1226, Global-N-1218, United
States of America-N-1760, India-I-1992,
Australia-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977,
Chile-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Romania-
W-1977, Spain-W-1977.

Calliandra calothyrsus Meisn. Calliandra haematomma (Bertero ex Calliandra portoricensis (Jacq.) Benth.
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae DC.) Benth. Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Accepted name: Calliandra houstoniana Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Accepted name: Zapoteca portoricensis
(Mill.) Standl. var. calothyrsus (Meissner) Total N° of Refs: 1 (Jacq.) H.M.Hern.
Barneby Origin: S Am Synonym/s (n° of refs): Zapoteca
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Calliandra Major Pathway/s: Ornamental portoricensis (Jacq.) H.M.Hern.
houstoniana (Mill.) Standl. var. calothyrsus Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 4
(Meisn.) Barneby (10) References: Federated States of Habit: Shrub
Total N° of Refs: 41 Micronesia-W-1732. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Global Risk Score: 8.96 Tropical
Rating: Medium Calliandra houstoniana (Mill.) Standl. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Habit: Tree Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Dispersed by: Humans
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Calliandra References: Philippines-nC-1099.
Tropical calothyrsus Meisn. (16)
Origin: C Am, N Am, S Am Total N° of Refs: 31 Calliandra riparia Pittier
Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Ornamental, Global Risk Score: 0.72 Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Pasture Rating: Low Synonym/s (n° of refs): Calliandra
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Habit: Tree surinamensis Benth. (28)
References: Guyana-W-32, Australia-E- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 30
155, Pacific-E-621, Dominican Republic-I- Origin: N Am Habit: Tree
877, Jamaica-I-986, Philippines-nC-1099, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157, Caribbean-NI- Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
1201, La Reunion-U-1321, Global-W- References: Mexico-W-890, India-N-976, Dispersed by: Humans
1376, Global-I-1404, New Caledonia-N- Mexico-W-1226, -I-, Australia-W-1977, References: Global-N-85, Australia-W-
1507, Global-CD-1611, East Africa-I-1723, Ethiopia-W-1977, Gabon-W-1977, India- 1977.
Indonesia-ID-2016, Indonesia-I-2108. W-1977, Jamaica-W-1977, Kenya-W-1977,
Nigeria-W-1977, Niue-W-1977, Samoa-W- Calliandra spp. Benth.
Calliandra flavida Urb. 1977, Tonga-W-1977, Uganda-W-1977, Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae United Republic of Tanzania-W-1977. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Calliandra spp.
Accepted name: Zapoteca portoricensis Benth.
(Jacq.) H.M.Hern. subsp. flavida (Urb.) Calliandra houstoniana (Mill.) Standl. Total N° of Refs: 4
H.M.Hern. var. calothyrsus (Meisn.) Barneby Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 4 Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Dispersed by: Humans
Habit: Shrub Accepted name: Calliandra calothyrsus References: Australia-E-155, Australia-C-
References: Eastern Caribbean-N-1742. Meisn. 401, Australia-W-310, Global-CD-1611.
Total N° of Refs: 26
Calliandra haematocephala Hassk. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Calliandra surinamensis Benth.
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Major Pathway/s: Crop Fabaceae - Mimosaceae
Total N° of Refs: 24 References: United States of America-N- Accepted name: Calliandra riparia Pittier
Global Risk Score: 0.96 1292, United States of America-N-2092, Total N° of Refs: 30
Rating: Low Burundi-W-1977, Kenya-W-1977, Panama- Global Risk Score: 0.96
Habit: Tree W-1977, Rwanda-W-1977, Senegal-W- Rating: Low
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, 1977, Suriname-W-1977, Togo-W-1977, Habit: Tree
Subtropical, Tropical Global--1324. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Origin: N Am, S Am Origin: S Am
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Calliandra humilis Benth. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
References: Federated States of Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Puerto Rico-CW-261,
Micronesia-N-230, Federated States of Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical Australia-CN-368, Caribbean-N-707,
Micronesia-EW-107, southeast Asia-W- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental United States of America-N-101, Australia-
191, Pacific-W-3, Australia-E-155, Pacific- Dispersed by: Humans C-401, Pacific-E-621, Australia-N-310,
E-621, Australia-N-834, Australia-N-864, References: Mexico-I-878. Australia-N-354, Caribbean-N-1201,
India-N-976, Philippines-nC-1099, Singapore-U-1290, United States of
Bermuda-N-1267, United States of Calliandra inermis (L.) Druce America-N-1292, United States of
America-C-1329, Cuba-NI-1505, Global- Fabaceae - Mimosaceae America-C-1329, Cuba-NI-1505, Global-
CD-1611, Eastern Caribbean-N-1742, Total N° of Refs: 1 CD-1611, Eastern Caribbean-N-1742,
Cuba-NI-2055, Australia-W-1977, Brunei References: India-W-1977. Singapore-U-1839, Cuba-NI-2055, United
Darussalam-W-1977, Cook Islands-W- States of America-N-2092, Australia-W-
1977, Cuba-W-1977, India-W-1977, Calliandra parviflora Benth. 1977, Bahamas-W-1977, Burundi-W-1977,
Micronesia (Federated States of)-W-1977, Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Cook Islands-W-1977, Cuba-W-1977,
Palau-W-1977, Papua New Guinea-W- Total N° of Refs: 1 Democratic Republic of the Congo-W-
1977. Habit: Tree 1977, India-W-1977, Micronesia
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical (Federated States of)-W-1977, Samoa-W-
Weed of: Pastures 1977, Singapore-W-1977.
References: Brazil-A-1763.

Calliandra tergemina (L.) Benth. Callicarpa bodinieri H.Lèv. Callicarpa rubella Lindl.
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Lamiaceae Lamiaceae
Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 3
Habit: Tree Habit: Shrub Habit: Tree
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Origin: E Asia Origin: E Asia
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
References: Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157, Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans
Global-CD-1611, India-W-1977. References: Belgium-U-1220. References: New Zealand-N-823, New
Zealand-U-919, New Zealand-U-2048.
Calliandra tweediei Benth Callicarpa candicans (Burm. f.) Hochr.
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae Lamiaceae Callicarpa spp. L.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Calliandra tweedii Total N° of Refs: 1 Lamiaceae
Benth. (10) Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Total N° of Refs: 2
Total N° of Refs: 11 Origin: E Asia ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Tropical
Habit: Tree Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans References: United States of America-CE-
Dispersed by: Humans References: Federated States of 617, Global-CD-1611.
References: New Zealand-U-919. Micronesia-W-1732.
Calliergonella cuspidata (Hedw.) Loeske
Calliandra tweedii Benth. Callicarpa candicans (Burm. f.) Hochr. Amblystegiaceae
Fabaceae - Mimosaceae var. ponapensis Fosb. Total N° of Refs: 2
Accepted name: Calliandra tweediei Benth. Lamiaceae Weed of: Pastures
Total N° of Refs: 11 Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Global-UN-1382, Serbia-A-
Global Risk Score: 1.44 Habit: Shrub 1036.
Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Habit: Shrub References: Federated States of Calligonum comosum L'Hérit.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Micronesia-N-230. Polygonaceae
Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 2
Origin: S Am Callicarpa dichotoma (Lour.) K.Koch Global Risk Score: 1.76
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Lamiaceae Rating: Low
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 4 Habit: annual Herb
References: Australia-E-380, Canary Global Risk Score: 0.72 Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Islands-N-637, New Zealand-N-823, Rating: Low Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
Europe-N-819, Global-W-1324, Chile-I- Habit: Shrub Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental,
1872, New Zealand-U-2048, Chile-W- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Pasture
1977, India-W-1977, Spain-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans
Dispersed by: Humans References: Saudi Arabia-A-25, Saudi
Callianthe megapotamica (A. Spreng.) References: United States of America-E- Arabia-W-1237.
Dorr 80, United States of America-N-101,
Malvaceae United States of America-E-151, United Calligonum polygonoides L. subsp.
Total N° of Refs: 1 States of America-E-1736. comosum (L'Hér.) Soskov
References: India-W-1977. Polygonaceae
Callicarpa japonica Thunb. Total N° of Refs: 1
Callianthe striata (Lindl.) Donnell Lamiaceae References: Egypt-R-1922.
Malvaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 1 Habit: Shrub Callilepis laureola DC.
Habit: Shrub Origin: E Asia Asteraceae
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 3
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
References: India-W-1977. References: United States of America-N- Origin: Africa
101. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Callicarpa americana L. Dispersed by: Humans
Lamiaceae Callicarpa longifolia Lam. var. longifolia References: South Africa-R-121, New
Total N° of Refs: 3 Lamiaceae Zealand-Q-1879, New Zealand-Q-2086.
Global Risk Score: 1.2 Total N° of Refs: 1
Rating: Low Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Calliopsis bicolor Reihbch.
Toxic - Habit: Shrub References: Thailand-A-1211. Asteraceae
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 2
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Callicarpa macrophylla Vahl Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Ornamental Lamiaceae Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
References: Cuba-A-14, United States of Habit: Shrub References: Australia-CN-468, Global-CD-
America-W-218, United States of America- Preferred Climate/s: Tropical 1611.
A-87. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Dispersed by: Humans
References: La Reunion-N-1321.

Calliopsis cardaminifolia DC. Callisia fragrans (Lindl.) Woodson Callisia repens (Jacq.) L.
Asteraceae Commelinaceae Commelinaceae
Accepted name: Coreopsis tinctoria Nutt. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Spironema fragrans Total N° of Refs: 33
Total N° of Refs: 102 Lindl. (1) Global Risk Score: 5.76
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 49 Rating: Low
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Global Risk Score: 2.88 Habit: perennial Herb
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
References: Australia-CN-468, Global-CD- Habit: perennial Herb Subtropical, Tropical
1611, Australia-W-1977. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Origin: N Am, S Am
Origin: N Am Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Callirhoe alcaeoides (Michx.) Gray Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Malvaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee References: Global-N-85, Central America-
Total N° of Refs: 2 References: Puerto Rico-CW-261, W-157, United States of America-W-179,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal southeast Asia-W-191, Australia-E-201, Central America-A-933, Australia-N-354,
References: United States of America-W- Australia-CEN-479, United States of China-I-1055, United States of America-N-
161, Global-W-1349. America-N-419, United States of America- 101, Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157, China-N-
CE-617, Slovakia-CE-782, Pacific-W-3, 1215, South Africa-I-1247, United States of
Callirhoe digitata Nutt. United States of America-E-80, Global-N- America-N-1292, South Africa-N-1310,
Malvaceae 85, United States of America-N-101, South Africa-CEX-895, Australia-Q-1134,
Total N° of Refs: 4 United States of America-W-112, French Guiana-N-1346, South Africa-NI-
Habit: perennial Herb Australia-E-155, United States of America- 1002, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands-W-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental EW-179, Australia-C-401, Australia-N- 1452, Cuba-NI-1505, South Africa-E-1646,
Dispersed by: Humans 945, Pacific-E-621, Australia-N-310, Global-CD-1611, Taiwan-W-1748, China-
References: Canada and United States of United States of America-N-301, Global- I-1769, China-N-1796, -I-, -I-, South
America-N-725, Global-N-85, Global-Q- W-788, United States of America-N-839, Africa-N-1991, Cuba-I-2055, United States
1205, Australia-Q-1123. Belize-N-850, Australia-W-853, Australia- of America-N-2092, Australia-W-1977,
N-354, Australia-N-1049, Gal pagos Brazil-W-1977, China-W-1977, Cuba-W-
Callirhoe involucrata (Torr. & A. Gray) Islands-CN-1157, United States of 1977, India-W-1977, South Africa-W-
A. Gray America-N-1292, Global-W-1324, United 1977, Global--1324.
Malvaceae States of America-C-1329, Saint Lucia-
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Malva involucrata ENI-1337, Taiwan-N-1403, Australia-E- Callista fragrans D.Don
Torr. & A. Gray (3) 1456, Australia-N-1501, Global-CD-1611, Orchidaceae
Total N° of Refs: 8 United States of America-E-1736, Accepted name: Erica muscari Andrews
Habit: perennial Herb Morocco-N-1796, El Salvador-N-1849, Total N° of Refs: 2
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Cuba-NR-2054, Australia-W-1977, Habit: perennial Herb
Origin: N Am Barbados-W-1977, Cook Islands-W-1977, Origin: N Am
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Ecuador-W-1977, Haiti-W-1977, Marshall References: China-N-1215, Taiwan-W-
Ornamental Islands-W-1977, Micronesia (Federated 1977.
Dispersed by: Humans States of)-W-1977, Palau-W-1977, Saint
References: Global-N-85, United States of Lucia-W-1977, Saint Vicent and the Callistachys lanceolata Vent.
America-W-161, United States of America- Grenadines-W-1977. Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
W-174, Global-W-1349, Portugal-W-1977. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Oxylobium
Callisia gracilis (Kunth) D.R. Hunt callistachys (F. M ell.) Benth., nom. illeg.
Commelinaceae (1), Oxylobium lanceolatum (Vent.) Druce
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Tradescantia (16)
gracilis Kunth (2) Total N° of Refs: 37
Total N° of Refs: 2 Global Risk Score: 0.48
Rating: Low
Callisia monandra (Sw.) Schultes f. Habit: Tree
Commelinaceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Total N° of Refs: 2 Origin: Aust
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
References: Mexico-W-890, Mexico-W- Dispersed by: Humans
1226. References: New Zealand-N-280,
Australia-N-198, Australia-N-945,
Australia-E-327, Australia-W-869, New
Zealand-N-919, Australia-N-855, New
Zealand-W-964, Australia-N-354, New
Zealand-E-505, Australia-E-1262,
Australia-N-1450, Australia-E-1456,
Australia-N-1902, Australia-N-1845,
Australia-N-1959, New Zealand-N-2048,
New Zealand-Q-2086, Australia-W-1977,
New Zealand-W-1977.

Callistemon brachyandrus Lindl. Callistemon linearis (Schrad. & J. C. Callistemon rugulosus (Schltdl. ex Link)
Myrtaceae Wendl.) Sweet DC.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Myrtaceae Myrtaceae
Global Risk Score: 0.24 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Melaleuca linearis Total N° of Refs: 6
Rating: Low Schrad. & J. C. Wendl. (1) Global Risk Score: 0.48
Habit: Tree Total N° of Refs: 4 Rating: Low
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Global Risk Score: 0.24 Aqua - Habit: Shrub
Origin: Aust Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Habit: Tree Origin: Aust
Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Tropical Dispersed by: Humans, Water
Origin: Aust References: Australia-ED-72, Australia-E-
Callistemon citrinus (Curtis) Skeels Major Pathway/s: Ornamental 358, Australia-N-945, Australia-N-354,
Myrtaceae Dispersed by: Humans Australia-E-1262, Australia-N-1959.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Callistemon References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977,
lanceolatus (Sw.) DC. (2) India-W-1977. Callistemon salignus (Sm.) Sweet
Total N° of Refs: 27 Myrtaceae
Global Risk Score: 4.8 Callistemon macropunctatus Total N° of Refs: 7
Rating: Low (Dum.Cours.) Court Global Risk Score: 1.44
Aqua - Habit: Tree Myrtaceae Rating: Low
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Total N° of Refs: 1 Habit: Tree
Tropical Habit: Shrub Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Origin: Aust Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Origin: Aust Origin: Aust
Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans
References: United States of America-N- References: Australia-W-1977. References: Australia-N-198, Australia-N-
101, Australia-N-945, Australia-E-380, 945, Australia-E-380, Chile-I-1872,
Mozambique-nC-943, India-N-976, Callistemon polandii F.M.Bailey Australia-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, India-
Australia-N-354, Spain-N-1006, Europe-N- Myrtaceae W-1977.
819, Laos-N-1102, Africa-W-1127, Gal Total N° of Refs: 1
pagos Islands-CN-1157, India-UN-1345, Habit: Shrub Callistemon speciosus (Sims) Sweet
Global-W-1376, Global-I-1404, South Origin: Aust Myrtaceae
Africa-E-1646, Global-CD-1611, Australia- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 5
N-1902, Chile-I-1872, Mexico-NI-1881, Dispersed by: Humans Global Risk Score: 0.48
Australia-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, India- References: India-W-1977. Rating: Low
W-1977, Lao People's Democratic Habit: Tree
Republic-W-1977, Mexico-W-1977, South Callistemon rigidus R.Br. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Africa-W-1977. Myrtaceae Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 23 Origin: Aust
Callistemon glaucus (Bonpl.) Sweet Global Risk Score: 2.88 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Myrtaceae Rating: Low Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 1 Habit: Tree References: Africa-W-760, Australia-E-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, 380, Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977,
Dispersed by: Humans Tropical Democratic Republic of the Congo-W-
References: Africa-W-1127. Origin: Aust 1977.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Callistemon lanceolatum DC. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Callistemon spp. R.Br.
Myrtaceae References: Australia-E-72, Australia-E- Myrtaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 358, New Zealand-N-280, Australia-N-198, Total N° of Refs: 2
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945, Habit: Shrub
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Australia-E-380, Australia-EN-310, New Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Dispersed by: Humans Zealand-N-919, Portugal-N-1006, Europe- Origin: Aust
References: Belize-N-850. N-819, New Zealand-E-505, Africa-W- Dispersed by: Humans
1127, Global-W-1376, Global-I-1404, References: South Africa-AZW-121, South
Callistemon lanceolatus (Sw.) DC. South Africa-E-1646, Global-CD-1611, Africa-U-1247.
Myrtaceae Chile-I-1872, South Africa-RI-2017,
Accepted name: Callistemon citrinus Australia-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, New Callistemon subulatus Cheel
(Curtis) Skeels Zealand-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977. Myrtaceae
Total N° of Refs: 27 Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: Tree Origin: Aust
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Origin: Aust Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental References: Australia-N-354.
Dispersed by: Humans
References: India-N-1370, India-W-1977.

Callistemon viminalis (Sol. ex Gaertn.) Callistephus chinensis (L.) Nees Callithamnion corymbosum (Smith)
G. Don Asteraceae Lyngbye
Myrtaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Aster chinensis L. Ceramiaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Callistemon (2), Callistephus x sinensis Bergmans (1) Total N° of Refs: 1
viminalis (Sol. ex Gaertn.) G.Don Total N° of Refs: 64 References: Mediterranean-N-1836.
Compacta (2) Global Risk Score: 2.16
Total N° of Refs: 32 Rating: Low Callithamnion tetragonum (Withering)
Global Risk Score: 0.96 Habit: annual Herb Gray
Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Ceramiaceae
Aqua - Habit: Tree Tropical Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Origin: E Asia, Europe References: Mediterranean-N-1836.
Tropical Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal,
Origin: Aust Ornamental Callitriche brutia Petagna
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Callitrichaceae
Ornamental References: Finland-C-42, United States of Total N° of Refs: 9
Dispersed by: Humans, Vehicles America-N-101, New Zealand-N-280, Aqua - Habit:
References: Australia-E-380, Australia-N- China-W-297, United Kingdom-C-314, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
7, Australia-N-855, Mozambique-nC-943, Czech Republic-U-400, United Kingdom- Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, N Am, W
India-N-976, Australia-N-354, Portugal-N- N-519, New Zealand-N-534, Switzerland- Asia
1006, Europe-N-819, Africa-W-1127, N-653, Austria-UC-708, Denmark-UC-711, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
South Africa-U-1247, India-UN-1345, Hungary-U-809, United Kingdom-UC-812, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers,
Zimbabwe-N-1365, Global-W-1376, India- Ireland-U-894, New Zealand-N-919, Water
N-1389, Global-I-1404, Global-ZD-1495, Portugal-N-898, Bosnia and Herzegovina- References: Australia-N-354, Portugal-N-
French Polynesia-N-1514, South Africa-E- N-1140, Belgium-U-1220, Norway-N- 1006, Australia-N-1049, Europe-N-819,
1646, Botswana-N-1666, El Salvador-N- 1243, Italy-U-251, Hungary-U-1255, Europe-ND-1298, Global-W-1324, Global-
1796, Australia-N-1902, Chile-I-1872, -I-, Slovakia-U-1484, Czech Republic-U-1522, ZD-1581, Polar Regions-ZD-1587,
South Africa-N-1991, Afghanistan-W- Romania-CN-1599, Estonia-W-1609, Australia-W-1977.
1977, Australia-W-1977, Botswana-W- Austria-W-1609, Denmark-W-1609,
1977, Chile-W-1977, India-W-1977, South Russia-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, Sweden- Callitriche brutia Petagna var. brutia
Africa-W-1977, Zimbabwe-W-1977. W-1609, Romania-N-1629, Romania-N- Callitrichaceae
1549, Romania-N-1554, Global-CD-1611, Total N° of Refs: 1
Callistemon viminalis (Sol. ex Gaertn.) Ukraine-N-1685, Czech Republic-U-1731, References: Australia-N-1450.
G.Don subsp. viminalis Russia-U-1499, Romania-N-1843, Canada-
Myrtaceae G-1855, Chile-I-1872, Italy-U-1887, Callitriche brutia Petagna var. brutia
Total N° of Refs: 1 Switzerland-U-1990, Estonia-N-1997, Callitrichaceae
References: El Salvador-N-1796. Germany-N-2009, Ukraine-U-2014, New Total N° of Refs: 2
Zealand-N-2048, Armenia-W-1977, References: Australia-UN-1845, Australia-
Callistemon viminalis (Sol. ex Gaertn.) Austria-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Chile- N-1959.
G.Don ‘Compacta’ W-1977, Croatia-W-1977, Czech Republic-
Myrtaceae W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, France-W- Callitriche cophocarpa Sendtn.
Accepted name: Callistemon viminalis 1977, Italy-W-1977, Mongolia-W-1977, Callitrichaceae
(Sol. ex Gaertn.) G.Don ‘Captain Cook’ Portugal-W-1977, Romania-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 32 Slovakia-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Switzerland-W-1977. Dispersed by: Animals, Flyers
Dispersed by: Humans References: Russia-W-1671.
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Callistephus x sinensis Bergmans
Asteraceae Callitriche cribrosa Schotsman
Accepted name: Callistephus chinensis (L.) Callitrichaceae
Nees Total N° of Refs: 3
Total N° of Refs: 62 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean References: Portugal-N-662, Portugal-N-
References: Russia-U-1533. 718, Portugal-W-1977.

Callithamnion byssoides Arnott ex Harv. Callitriche deflexa A.Braun ex Hegelm.

Ceramiaceae Callitrichaceae
Accepted name: Aglaothamnion Accepted name: Callitriche terrestris Raf.
tenuissimum (Bonnemaison) Feldmann- Total N° of Refs: 18
Mazoyer Aqua - Habit:
Total N° of Refs: 3 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Aqua - Habit: Origin: S Am
Dispersed by: Water Major Pathway/s: Herbal
References: United States of America- Dispersed by: Water
EWD-197. References: Gal pagos Islands-N-257,
Global-N-85, Portugal-N-1006, Portugal-
N-898, Europe-N-819, Europe-ND-1298,
Global-W-1324, Azores-N-1721, Australia-

Callitriche fallax Petrov. Callitriche muelleri Sonder Callitriche stagnalis Scop.
Callitrichaceae Callitrichaceae Callitrichaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Callitriche
References: Japan-A-87. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant platycarpa K tz. (4)
Dispersed by: Humans, Vehicles Total N° of Refs: 68
Callitriche hamulata Kutz. ex Koch References: Global-ZD-1495. Global Risk Score: 14.4
Callitrichaceae Rating: Medium
Total N° of Refs: 12 Callitriche palustris L. Aqua - Habit: annual Herb
Global Risk Score: 2.16 Callitrichaceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Rating: Low Synonym/s (n° of refs): Callitriche verna L. Tropical
Aqua - Habit: annual Herb (11) Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 18 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Origin: Europe, N Am Global Risk Score: 2.4 Herbal, Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Rating: Low Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers,
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers, Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb Water
Water Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Seed Longevity: Short Term
References: Australia-ED-72, New Origin: Aust, E Asia, Europe Weed of: Pastures
Zealand-N-280, Australia-N-198, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, References: United States of America-WD-
Australia-N-945, Australia-E-327, Ornamental 34, Australia-ED-72, Finland-U-42,
Australia-EN-7, Australia-N-855, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers, Australia-N-9, United States of America-N-
Australia-W-869, New Zealand-N-919, Water 101, New Zealand-N-280, United States of
Australia-E-1258, Australia-E-1262, New Seed Longevity: Short Term America-ED-224, United States of
Zealand-N-2048. References: Europe, eastern-W-272, China- America-ED-133, Australia-E-155, United
W-431, Australia-W-869, Global-N-85, States of America-ED-159, New Zealand-
Callitriche hermaphroditica (L.) JUSL. Australia-N-354, Belgium-A-87, Russia- W-165, Australia-N-176, Japan-N-287,
Callitrichaceae W-1671. eastern North America-E-195, United
Total N° of Refs: 5 States of America-EWD-197, Australia-N-
Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb Callitriche palustris L. var. palustris 198, Australia-EN-200, New Zealand-ED-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Callitrichaceae 208, western Europe-W-70, New Zealand-
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers, Total N° of Refs: 1 E-246, Australia-N-945, United States of
Water, Escapee Origin: E Asia America-W-303, Australia-E-327, New
References: United Kingdom-N-519, References: Australia-N-354. Zealand-NW-425, China-W-431, New
Canada-UC-756, Global-CD-1611, Russia- Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N-15, United
W-1671, Canada-G-1855. Callitriche peploides Nutt. States of America-E-736, Australia-EN-7,
Callitrichaceae United States of America-E-151, Australia-
Callitriche heterophylla Pursh emend. Total N° of Refs: 9 N-789, Japan-N-794, Australia-W-853,
Darby Habit: annual Herb Australia-N-855, Australia-N-856,
Callitrichaceae Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Australia-W-869, United States of
Total N° of Refs: 8 Origin: N Am America-X-229, New Zealand-W-906,
Habit: perennial Herb References: Taiwan-N-777, Europe-N-482, New Zealand-N-919, Australia-N-354,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Mexico-W-890, China-N-1215, Mexico-W- Global-NX-85, Australia-N-1049, Global-
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal 1226, Taiwan-N-1403, Taiwan-W-1748, A-1233, Canada-N-1252, Australia-E-
Dispersed by: Humans, Horse, Livestock China-N-1938, Taiwan-W-1977. 1258, Japan-N-1278, Global-W-1324,
References: New Zealand-N-280, New Australia-A-1331, Global-W-1349,
Zealand-N-919, United States of America- Callitriche platycarpa Kütz. Australia-N-1450, Australia-E-1456, New
W-1104, Global-ZD-1203, Global-ZD- Callitrichaceae Zealand-N-1543, Australia-A-87, Belgium-
1492, New Zealand-N-1543, United States Accepted name: Callitriche stagnalis Scop. A-87, United Kingdom-A-87, Global-ZD-
of America-ZD-1592, New Zealand-N- Total N° of Refs: 68 1581, United States of America-E-1736,
2048. Habit: Herb Australia-N-1902, Australia-N-1845,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Australia-N-1959, New Zealand-N-2048,
Callitriche japonica Engelm. ex Hegelm. Dispersed by: Animals, Flyers, Water Australia-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Japan-
Callitrichaceae References: New Zealand-N-15, New W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 5 Zealand-U-919, Belgium-A-87,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Netherlands-A-87. Callitriche terrestris Rafin.
References: Japan-W-286, China-W-431, Callitrichaceae
South Korea-A-648, Japan-A-87, Taiwan- Callitriche spp. L. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Callitriche deflexa
W-1748. Callitrichaceae A.Braun ex Hegelm. (9), Callitriche turfosa
Total N° of Refs: 2 Bertero ex Hegelm. (1)
Callitriche marginata Torr. Aqua - Habit: Total N° of Refs: 19
Callitrichaceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Habit: annual Herb
Total N° of Refs: 3 Tropical References: Europe-N-482, Japan-N-794,
Aqua - Habit: annual Herb Dispersed by: Humans Chile-N-1229, Japan-N-1278, Chile-AE-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Weed of: Cereals 1874, Brazil-R-2053, Ecuador-W-1977,
Origin: N Am References: Polar Regions-Z-1587, Japan-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Finland-A-1815.
Dispersed by: Humans, Water
References: United States of America-WD-
34, Australia-W-869, Australia-W-1977.

Callitriche trochlearis Fassett Callitris cupressiformis F.Müell. Callitris oblonga Rich. subsp. oblonga
Callitrichaceae Cupressaceae Cupressaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 2
Aqua - Habit: annual Herb Global Risk Score: 0.24 Origin: Aust
Dispersed by: Water Rating: Low References: Australia-N-354, Australia-N-
References: United States of America-WD- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental 1959.
34. Dispersed by: Humans
References: Chile-I-1872. Callitris preissii Miq.
Callitriche turfosa Bertero ex Hegelm. Cupressaceae
Callitrichaceae Callitris endlicheri (Parl.) F. M. Bailey Synonym/s (n° of refs): Callitris robusta
Accepted name: Callitriche terrestris Rafin. Cupressaceae F.M ell. (2)
subsp. turfosa (Bertero ex Hegelm.) Bacig. Total N° of Refs: 14 Total N° of Refs: 7
Total N° of Refs: 10 Global Risk Score: 6.72 Habit: Shrub
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
References: French Polynesia-N-1514. Habit: Tree Origin: Aust
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Callitriche verna L. Origin: Aust Dispersed by: Humans
Callitrichaceae Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Herbal, References: Australia-N-945, Australia-N-
Accepted name: Callitriche palustris L. Ornamental 7, Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1902,
Total N° of Refs: 18 Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Australia-W-1977.
Global Risk Score: 2.88 References: Global-NI-714, Australia-E-72,
Rating: Low Australia-E-358, Australia-C-401, Callitris rhomboidea R.Br. ex Rich.
Aqua - Habit: annual Herb Australia-EN-310, Australia-W-869, Cupressaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Australia-N-354, Australia-E-1259, Total N° of Refs: 22
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Australia-E-1261, Australia-E-1456, Global Risk Score: 1.44
Dispersed by: Humans, Water Global-CD-1611, Australia-N-1959, United Rating: Low
References: Taiwan-A-274, Japan-AED- States of America-N-2092, Zimbabwe-W- Habit: Tree
263, Japan-W-286, United States of 1977. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
America-W-218, South Korea-A-648, Origin: Aust
Global-A-1207, Global-W-1349, Japan-A- Callitris glaucophylla Joy Thomps. & L. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
87, United States of America-A-87, Brazil- A. S. Johnson Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
A-1622, Taiwan-W-1748. Cupressaceae References: Australia-E-72, Australia-E-
Accepted name: Callitris columellaris F. 358, New Zealand-N-280, Australia-C-401,
Callitris calcarata R. Brown ex Mirb. Müell. Australia-N-945, Australia-E-380,
Cupressaceae Total N° of Refs: 17 Australia-EN-310, Australia-N-7,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Global Risk Score: 0.72 Australia-W-869, New Zealand-N-919,
Habit: Tree Rating: Low Mozambique-nC-943, Australia-N-354,
Origin: E Asia Habit: Tree Australia-E-1259, India-UN-1345,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Australia-E-1456, Global-CD-1611,
Dispersed by: Humans Subtropical Australia-N-1902, Australia-N-1959, New
References: Zimbabwe-N-1365. Origin: Aust Zealand-N-2048, Australia-W-1977, Chile-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental W-1977, India-W-1977.
Callitris columellaris F. Müell. Dispersed by: Humans
Cupressaceae References: United States of America-N- Callitris robusta F.Müell.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Callitris 101, Australia-E-358, United States of Cupressaceae
glaucophylla Joy Thomps. & L. A. S. America-W-179, Australia-N-945, Accepted name: Callitris preissii Miq.
Johnson (6) Australia-N-7, Australia-N-354. Total N° of Refs: 7
Total N° of Refs: 17 Habit: Shrub
Global Risk Score: 0.24 Callitris oblonga Rich. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Rating: Low Cupressaceae Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Habit: Tree Total N° of Refs: 9 Dispersed by: Humans
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Global Risk Score: 0.48 References: Australia-E-358, Australia-N-
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Rating: Low 7.
Origin: Aust Habit: Tree
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Callitris spp. Vent.
Dispersed by: Humans Origin: Aust Cupressaceae
References: Australia-E-358, Australia-N- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 1
945, Australia-EN-7, United States of Dispersed by: Humans ToxicOrigin: Aust
America-N-301, United States of America- References: New Zealand-UW-280, Dispersed by: Humans
N-101, India-N-976, Australia-N-1902, Australia-N-945, New Zealand-U-919, References: Brunei Darussalam-W-1977.
Australia-N-1959, United States of Australia-N-354, Australia-E-1259, Chile-
America-N-2092, Australia-W-1977, India- I-1872, New Zealand-U-2048, Australia-
W-1977. W-1977, Chile-W-1977.

Callitris tuberculata R.Br. ex R. T. Callitropsis nootkatensis (D. Don) Oerst., Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull
Baker & H. G. Sm. nom. inval. Ericaceae
Cupressaceae Cupressaceae Total N° of Refs: 71
Total N° of Refs: 3 Accepted name: Xanthocyparis Global Risk Score: 24
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean nootkatensis (D. Don) Farjon & D. K. Rating: High
Origin: Aust Harder Habit: Tree
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Synonym/s (n° of refs): x Hesperotropsis Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Dispersed by: Humans leylandii (A.B. Jacks. & Dallim.) Garland Tropical
References: Australia-N-945, Australia-N- & Gerry Moore (1) Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe
7, Australia-N-354. Total N° of Refs: 10 Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
References: Chile-W-1977, Denmark-W- Herbal, Ornamental
Callitris verrucosa (A. Cunn. ex Endl.) F. 1977, France-W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977. Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers,
Müell. Cattle, Horse, Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles,
Cupressaceae Calluna spp. Salisb. Water, Wind, Escapee
Total N° of Refs: 6 Ericaceae Seed Longevity: Long Term
Global Risk Score: 0.48 Total N° of Refs: 1 Weed of: Cereals, Pastures
Rating: Low Dispersed by: Humans References: Australia-E-289, New Zealand-
Habit: Tree References: Polar Regions-Z-1587. E-246, Global-E-152, United States of
Origin: Aust America-E-80, United States of America-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental N-101, New Zealand-N-280, Australia-E-
Dispersed by: Humans 155, New Zealand-EW-181, New Zealand-
References: Australia-E-358, Australia-N- W-165, Australia-N-176, Global-N-85,
945, Australia-N-1902, Chile-I-1872, New Zealand-EW-225, Europe, eastern-
Australia-W-1977, Chile-W-1977. AW-272, Australia-C-401, Australia-N-
945, Australia-E-380, New Zealand-NW-
Callitropsis arizonica (Greene) D. P. 425, New Zealand-X-495, United
Little Kingdom-N-519, New Zealand-N-534,
Cupressaceae New Zealand-N-15, Global-E-649,
Total N° of Refs: 2 Australia-N-310, Canada and United States
Origin: N Am of America-N-725, Global-A-743, United
References: Italy-U-251, Italy-U-1887. States of America-E-151, Australia-W-869,
New Zealand-N-919, New Zealand-W-964,
Callitropsis glabra (Sudw.) D. P. Little Australia-N-354, France-N-1006, Portugal-
Cupressaceae N-1006, Europe-N-819, Antarctica-N-396,
Total N° of Refs: 1 New Zealand-E-328, New Zealand-E-505,
Habit: Tree United States of America-W-1103,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Australia-W-1210, Falkland Islands-N-
Dispersed by: Humans 1251, Canada-N-1252, Australia-X-1319,
References: Italy-N-1842. India-N-1345, Global-I-1376, Global-I-
1404, Netherlands-ZD-1420, Global-E-
Callitropsis lusitanica (Mill.) D. P. Little 1449, Australia-E-1456, Canada-EI-1538,
Cupressaceae New Zealand-X-1542, Finland-A-87, New
Accepted name: Cupressus lusitanica Mill. Zealand-A-87, Europe-ZD-1657, Europe-
Total N° of Refs: 61 ZD-1576, Global-CD-1611, New Zealand-
References: El Salvador-N-1849. A-1624, Global-ZD-1581, Europe--, United
States of America-E-1736, Finland-A-
Callitropsis macrocarpa (Hartw. ex 1815, Australia-NX-1845, Chile-I-1872,
Gordon) D. P. Little Australia-WD-1934, Germany-R-1948,
Cupressaceae New Zealand-N-2048, Poland-C-2062,
Total N° of Refs: 3 New Zealand-Q-2086, New Zealand-E-
Habit: Tree 483, Australia-W-1977, Canada-W-1977,
Origin: N Am Chile-W-1977, India-W-1977, New
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Zealand-W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Italy-U-251, Italy-U-1887, Calobota cytisoides (P. J. Bergius)
Italy-W-1977. Boatwr. & B.-E. van Wyk
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Lebeckia cytisoides
Thunb. (1)
Total N° of Refs: 1

Calocedrus decurrens (Torr.) Florin Calogyne pilosa R.Br., Calophyllum antillanum Britton
Cupressaceae Goodeniaceae Clusiaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Libocedrus Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Calophyllum
decurrens Torr. (2) References: south and southeast Asia-A- calaba auct. Amer. (7)
Total N° of Refs: 15 1320. Total N° of Refs: 15
Global Risk Score: 1.68 Global Risk Score: 2.4
Rating: Low Calogyne spp. R.BR. Rating: Low
Habit: Tree Goodeniaceae Habit: Tree
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Subtropical Dispersed by: Humans, Vehicles Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Ornamental
Origin: N Am References: Australia-ZD-1439. Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Herbal, References: Global-N-85, United States of
Ornamental Calomnion complanatum (J. D. Hook. & America-EI-112, United States of America-
Dispersed by: Humans Wils.) Lindb. W-179, Global-E-649, United States of
References: United Kingdom-N-314, Calomniaceae America-E-151, Global-W-1376, Global-I-
Australia-E-380, United States of America- Total N° of Refs: 3 1404, United States of America-E-1736.
E-151, Europe-N-819, Spain-U-1149, Italy- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
U-251, United States of America-E-1736, Dispersed by: Humans Calophyllum calaba auct. Amer.
Sardinia-U-1393, Italy-U-1887, Sardinia- References: Europe-N-819, Global-NZ- Clusiaceae
U-1917, Ireland-W-1977, Italy-W-1977, 1382, Ireland-W-1977. Accepted name: Calophyllum antillanum
Portugal-W-1977. Britt.
Caloncoba echinata (Oliv.) Gilg Total N° of Refs: 15
Calocephalus brownii (Cass.) F. Müell. Flacourtiaceae Global Risk Score: 1.44
Asteraceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Oncoba echinata Rating: Low
Total N° of Refs: 1 Oliv. (4) Toxic - Habit: Tree
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Total N° of Refs: 6 Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Rating: Low Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal Origin: Aust, C Asia
Habit: Shrub References: United States of America-N- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental 101, United States of America-N-1114. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Dispersed by: Humans References: southeast Asia-W-191, Puerto
References: Australia-E-380. Calonyction aculeatum (L.) House Rico-N-324, Africa-W-760, Pacific-W-3,
Convolvulaceae United States of America-E-80, United
Calocephalus sonderi F. Müell. Accepted name: Ipomoea alba L. States of America-CE-122, Global-CD-
Asteraceae Total N° of Refs: 116 1611.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Global Risk Score: 1.44
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Rating: Low Calophyllum inophyllum L.
Ornamental Habit: Vine Clusiaceae
Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Total N° of Refs: 29
References: Australia-Z-611, Australia-Z- Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Global Risk Score: 8.64
1768. Dispersed by: Humans Rating: Medium
References: Japan-N-287, Japan-N-794, Toxic - Habit: Tree
Calochortus barbatus (Kunth) J. H. Puerto Rico-A-929, Central America-A- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Painter 933, Japan-N-1278, Chile-I-1872. Origin: Africa, Aust, E Asia
Liliaceae Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal,
Total N° of Refs: 2 Calonyction muricatum (L.) G. Don Ornamental
Habit: perennial Herb Convolvulaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Accepted name: Ipomoea turbinata Lag. References: France-N-518, United States of
Origin: N Am Total N° of Refs: 22 America-CE-617, Caribbean-N-707, Costa
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Habit: annual Vine Rica-I-975, United States of America-E-80,
Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Global-N-85, United States of America-N-
References: Mexico-W-1226, Mexico-W- Origin: Europe 101, United States of America-EW-179,
1510. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental United States of America-E-151, Global-
Dispersed by: Humans NI-714, United States of America-N-839,
Calodendrum capense (Lf) Thunb References: Global-X-85, United States of Costa Rica-N-872, Africa-W-990, Laos-N-
Rutaceae America-W-218, North America-X-790, 1102, Caribbean-N-1201, Bermuda-N-
Total N° of Refs: 3 China-N-1344, India-AN-1794, Chile-I- 1267, United States of America-N-1292,
Global Risk Score: 0.72 1872. Cuba-N-1505, Global-CD-1611, United
Rating: Low States of America-E-1736, -I-, Cuba-I-
Habit: Tree 2055, Australia-W-1977, Costa Rica-W-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, 1977, Cuba-W-1977, Lao People's
Tropical Democratic Republic-W-1977, Mauritius-
Origin: Africa W-1977, Myanmar-W-1977, Sri Lanka-W-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental 1977, Global--1324.
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Australia-E-380, Portugal-N-
1006, Europe-N-819.

Calophyllum soulattri Burm. f. Calopogonium mucunoides Desv. Calopogonium muscioides L.
Clusiaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 107 Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: Tree Global Risk Score: 20.16 Weed of: Pastures
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Rating: High References: Peru-A-153.
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Habit: perennial Herb
Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Calothamnus affinis Turcz.
Dispersed by: Humans Origin: C Am, N Am, S Am Myrtaceae
References: La Reunion-N-1321. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Total N° of Refs: 1
Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture Global Risk Score: 0.24
Calopogonium caeruleum (Benth.) Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Rating: Low
Sauvages Weed of: Bananas, Cotton, Orchards & Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Plantations, Pastures Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 12 References: Federated States of References: Australia-E-380.
Global Risk Score: 7.04 Micronesia-N-230, Australia-W-93,
Rating: Medium Federated States of Micronesia-EW-107, Calothamnus graniticus Hawkeswood
Aqua - Habit: perennial Vine Australia-E-155, southeast Asia-W-191, Myrtaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Guadeloupe-A-206, Australia-N-368, Total N° of Refs: 1
Origin: C Am, N Am, S Am Australia, northern-W-454, Singapore-N- Global Risk Score: 0.24
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental, 476, Taiwan-N-500, Singapore-N-196, Rating: Low
Pasture Taiwan-N-777, Pacific-W-3, Global-N-85, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Global-A-243, Central America-W-157, Dispersed by: Humans
Weed of: Bananas, Orchards & Plantations Australia-N-945, Global-W-344, Pacific-E- References: Australia-E-358.
References: Cuba-A-14, southeast Asia-W- 621, Australia-N-868, Colombia-A-927,
191, Pacific-W-3, Australia-N-354, Global- Mozambique-nC-943, Australia-N-354, Calothamnus quadrifidus R.Br.
N-1059, Cuba-N-1505, Costa Rica-A-1513, Global-N-1059, Lesser Antilles-AG-1128, Myrtaceae
Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands-ACI- Australia, northern-ENZ-1183, China-N- Total N° of Refs: 9
1821, -I-, Cuba-I-2055, Cuba-W-1977, 1215, Global-A-1233, Nigeria-A-1274, Global Risk Score: 0.48
Papua New Guinea-W-1977, Global--1324. Singapore-N-1290, south and southeast Rating: Low
Asia-A-1320, Australia-A-1331, Africa-A- Habit: Shrub
Calopogonium galactioides (Kunth) 1333, Madagascar-N-1000, India-N-1345, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Benth. ex Hemsl. Nigeria-A-1371, Taiwan-N-1403, south Origin: Aust
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae and southeast Asia-A-1408, Taiwan-AEN- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 3 1413, Australia-E-1456, Chad-N-1503, Dispersed by: Humans
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Cuba-N-1505, Costa Rica-A-1513, French References: Australia-E-358, Australia-N-
References: United States of America-N- Polynesia-N-1514, Togo-A-1639, 945, Australia-E-380, Australia-N-7,
839, United States of America-N-1292, Philippines-A-87, Malaysia-A-87, Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1902, Chile-
United States of America-N-2092. Indonesia-A-87, Colombia-A-87, India-A- I-1872, Australia-W-1977, Chile-W-1977.
87, New Guinea-A-87, Nigeria-A-87,
Polynesia, West-A-87, Australia, northern- Calothamnus rupestris Schauer
W-1204, Honduras-A-1677, Africa-A- Myrtaceae
1709, Taiwan-W-1748, Puerto Rico and the Total N° of Refs: 1
Virgin Islands-ACI-1821, Sao Tome and Global Risk Score: 0.24
Principe-N-1805, Singapore-N-1839, Rating: Low
Honduras-A-1891, Honduras-W-1892, Habit: Shrub
India-I-1904, Australia-A-1928, Costa Origin: Aust
Rica-A-1933, -I-, -I-, Burundi-NR-2012, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Nigeria-A-2037, Cuba-NI-2055, Ghana- Dispersed by: Humans
AERI-2066, Australia-W-1977, Brunei References: Australia-E-380.
Darussalam-W-1977, Burundi-W-1977,
C?te d'Ivoire-W-1977, Cameroon-W-1977, Calothamnus validus S. Moore
Chad-W-1977, Cook Islands-W-1977, Myrtaceae
Cuba-W-1977, Democratic Republic of the Total N° of Refs: 6
Congo-W-1977, Fiji-W-1977, Ghana-W- Global Risk Score: 0.24
1977, Guinea-W-1977, Guinea-Bissau-W- Rating: Low
1977, India-W-1977, Kenya-W-1977, Lao Habit: Shrub
People's Democratic Republic-W-1977, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Malawi-W-1977, Malaysia-W-1977, Origin: Aust
Mauritius-W-1977, Micronesia (Federated Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
States of)-W-1977, Nauru-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans
Nigeria-W-1977, Niue-W-1977, Palau-W- References: Australia-E-358, Australia-N-
1977, Papua New Guinea-W-1977, Samoa- 945, Australia-N-7, Australia-N-354,
W-1977, Sao Tome and Principe-W-1977, Australia-N-1902, Australia-W-1977.
Sierra Leone-W-1977, Singapore-W-1977,
Solomon Islands-W-1977, Sri Lanka-W-
1977, Taiwan-W-1977, Thailand-W-1977,
Togo-W-1977, Tonga-W-1977, Uganda-W-
1977, Viet Nam-W-1977, Global--1324.

Calothamnus villosus R.Br. Calotis hispidula (F. Müell.) F. Müell. Calotropis gigantea (L.) Dryand. ex W.
Myrtaceae Asteraceae T. Aiton
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 10 Apocynaceae
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Global Risk Score: 3.84 Total N° of Refs: 79
Rating: Low Rating: Low Global Risk Score: 14.4
Habit: Shrub Preferred Climate/s: Dryland Rating: Medium
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Origin: Aust Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
Origin: Aust Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Ornamental, Pasture Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Origin: Africa, C Asia, E Asia, SE Asia, W
References: Australia-E-380. Livestock, Sheep Asia
References: United Kingdom-UZD-314, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Calotis cuneata (Benth.) G.Davis Australia-Z-443, Australia-W-869, Herbal, Ornamental
Asteraceae Australia-ZD-959, Europe-N-819, Global- Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Escapee
Total N° of Refs: 1 A-1207, Belgium-UD-1220, Global-W- Weed of: Cotton, Orchards & Plantations,
Origin: Aust 1324, Global-ZD-1581, Belgium-W-1977. Pastures
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: northern Australia and
Dispersed by: Humans Calotis lappulacea Benth. immediate northern neighbours -W-11,
References: Australia-W-269. Asteraceae Guyana-N-32, India-A-66, Australia-W-93,
Total N° of Refs: 22 Australia-E-155, Thailand-A-209,
Calotis cuneifolia R.Br. Global Risk Score: 2.16 Australia-N-368, Australia-N-7, Thailand-
Asteraceae Rating: Low W-822, Pacific-W-3, United States of
Total N° of Refs: 14 Habit: Herb America-N-101, Australia-C-401,
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland Preferred Climate/s: Dryland Australia-N-945, Pacific-E-621, Australia-
Origin: Aust Origin: Aust N-310, United States of America-N-839,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Australia-N-868, India-W-948, Brazil-I-
Ornamental, Pasture Ornamental 984, Australia-N-354, India-I-1047,
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Australia-W-1068, Laos-N-1102, India-N-
Livestock, Sheep Livestock, Sheep 1148, Australia, northern-EN-1183, United
References: United States of America-N- Weed of: Pastures States of America-Q-1197, Australia-W-
101, Japan-N-287, United Kingdom-UZD- References: Australia-W-269, New 1210, India-I-1279, India-I-1280, United
314, United Kingdom-N-519, Japan-N-794, Zealand-E-246, New Zealand-N-280, States of America-N-1292, La Reunion-W-
United Kingdom-U-812, Australia-W-869, United Kingdom-UZD-314, New Zealand- 1321, Brazil-I-1328, Australia-A-1331,
Europe-N-819, Belgium-UD-1220, Japan- X-495, Pacific-W-621, Global-N-85, India-I-1345, India-I-1389, Global-I-1404,
N-1278, Global-W-1324, Australia-W- Australia-W-869, New Zealand-N-919, south and southeast Asia-A-1408,
1977, Belgium-W-1977, Japan-W-1977. New Zealand-W-964, Europe-N-819, New Australia-E-1456, Australia-N-1491, Sri
Zealand-E-328, Belgium-UD-1220, Global- Lanka-ZD-1020, India-N-1628, India-N-
Calotis dentex R.Br. W-1324, Australia-A-87, New Zealand-A- 1631, India-AN-1632, India-A-87, India-A-
Asteraceae 1624, Australia-N-1902, New Zealand-Q- 1448, Global-CD-1611, India-W-1672,
Total N° of Refs: 1 1879, New Zealand-N-2048, New Zealand- India-EI-1707, India-I-1764, India-W-
Origin: Aust Q-2086, Australia-W-1977, Belgium-W- 1770, India-N-1790, India-W-1829,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, 1977. Colombia-N-1856, India-W-1866, Brazil-I-
Ornamental 1876, India-I-1875, India-I-1914, -I-, India-
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Calotis plumulifera F. Müell. I-1992, India-I-2022, Angola-N-2028,
Livestock, Sheep Asteraceae United States of America-N-2092, Angola-
References: United Kingdom-UZD-314. Total N° of Refs: 1 W-1977, Australia-W-1977, Brazil-W-
Origin: Aust 1977, Brunei Darussalam-W-1977, Cook
Calotis erinacea Steetz References: Australia-N-354. Islands-W-1977, Fiji-W-1977, Guyana-W-
Asteraceae 1977, Kiribati-W-1977, Lao People's
Total N° of Refs: 2 Calotis scapigera Hook. Democratic Republic-W-1977, Maldives-
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland Asteraceae W-1977, Marshall Islands-W-1977,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental, Total N° of Refs: 1 Micronesia (Federated States of)-W-1977,
Pasture Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Niue-W-1977, Papua New Guinea-W-
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans 1977, Samoa-W-1977, Suriname-W-1977,
References: Global-W-85, Australia-W- References: Australia-W-869. Timor-Leste-W-1977, Venezuela-W-1977.

Calotis gaudichaudii Gagnep.

Total N° of Refs: 2
References: south and southeast Asia-A-
1320, south and southeast Asia-A-1408.

Calotropis procera (Aiton) W.T.Aiton Caribbean-N-1742, India-I-1764, India-W- Caltha leptosepala DC.
Apocynaceae 1770, India-N-1789, India-N-1790, Puerto Ranunculaceae
Total N° of Refs: 186 Rico and the Virgin Islands-C-1821, India- Total N° of Refs: 2
Global Risk Score: 51.2 W-1829, Colombia-N-1856, India-W-1866, Toxic, Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb
Rating: Extreme Pakistan-A-1868, Brazil-I-1876, India-I- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Toxic - Habit: Tree 1875, Brazil-N-1877, Mexico-N-1881, Ornamental
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, India-I-1914, Australia-A-1928, Australia- Dispersed by: Humans, Water
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical WD-1934, Saudi Arabia-A-1951, -I-, -I-, - References: United Kingdom-WD-1175,
Origin: Africa, E Asia, SE Asia I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, Australia-Q-1123, Global-W-1324.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, India-I-1992, India-I-2022, Cuba-N-2024,
Forestry, Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture Cuba-NRI-2054, Cuba-I-2055, Burkina Caltha natans Pall. ex Georgi
Dispersed by: Humans, Water, Wind, Faso-A-2068, Paraguay-A-2070, Egypt-A- Ranunculaceae
Escapee 2088, United States of America-N-2092, Total N° of Refs: 1
Weed of: Cereals, Cotton, Orchards & Anguilla-W-1977, Antigua and Barbuda- Aqua - Habit:
Plantations, Pastures, Vegetables W-1977, Argentina-W-1977, Aruba-W- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
References: India-A-66, Australia-XW-93, 1977, Australia-W-1977, Bahamas-W- Ornamental
Brazil-W-255, Australia-X-147, Puerto 1977, Barbados-W-1977, Bhutan-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans
Rico-X-258, southeast Asia-W-191, Bonaire-W-1977, Brazil-W-1977, Burkina References: Global-W-1324.
Australia-W-205, Brazil-W-361, Brazil-W- Faso-W-1977, China-W-1977, Colombia-
407, Australia-N-368, United States of W-1977, Cuba-W-1977, Dominica-W- Caltha palustris L.
America-CE-617, Caribbean-N-707, 1977, Dominican Republic-W-1977, Ranunculaceae
Australia-EN-7, Global-NI-714, Pacific-W- Ecuador-W-1977, El Salvador-W-1977, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Caltha palustris L.
3, Sudan-W-242, Global-E-152, Global- Ethiopia-W-1977, Guatemala-W-1977, var. radicans (J.R. Forst.) Beck (2), Caltha
NXW-85, United States of America-N-101, Guyana-W-1977, Haiti-W-1977, Honduras- palustris L. subsp. arctica (R. Br.) Hult n
Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945, Canary W-1977, Jamaica-W-1977, Marshall (1)
Islands-N-305, Pacific-E-621, Canary Islands-W-1977, Mexico-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 24
Islands-N-637, Global-E-649, Australia- Nicaragua-W-1977, Niue-W-1977, Palau- Global Risk Score: 3.6
ENX-310, Mexico-N-791, Pakistan-A-837, W-1977, Panama-W-1977, Paraguay-W- Rating: Low
Australia-N-855, Australia-N-856, 1977, Peru-W-1977, Saint Kitts and Nevis- Toxic, Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb
Australia-N-868, Australia-W-869, W-1977, Saint Vicent and the Grenadines- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Colombia-N-874, Paraguay-NI-876, W-1977, Samoa-W-1977, South Africa-W- Tropical
Australia-E-880, Puerto Rico-A-929, India- 1977, Spain-W-1977, United Arab Origin: E Asia, Europe, N Am
W-948, Brazil-I-984, Paraguay-I-987, Emirates-W-1977, Venezuela-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Australia-N-354, India-I-1047, Australia- Yemen-W-1977, Zambia-W-1977, Ornamental
W-1068, United States of America-N-1115, Zimbabwe-W-1977. Dispersed by: Humans, Water, Escapee
Africa-W-1127, Ethiopia-A-1141, India-N- Seed Longevity: Long Term
1148, Australia, northern-END-1183, Calotropis spp. R.Br. Weed of: Cereals
United States of America-Q-1197, Global- Apocynaceae References: Europe, eastern-AW-272,
A-1207, India-A-1234, Saudi Arabia-W- Total N° of Refs: 1 United States of America-W-218, China-
1237, Pakistan-A-1152, Saudi Arabia-A- ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Tropical W-297, United Kingdom-N-519, New
797, Caribbean-NI-1201, India-I-1279, References: India-W-424. Zealand-N-534, Canada-A-642, Canada-C-
India-I-1280, United States of America-N- 756, New Zealand-N-823, New Zealand-U-
1292, Yemen-NI-1302, Pakistan-A-1305, Calpurnia aurea (Aiton) Benth. 919, Armenia-N-1241, Austria-N-1531,
Pakistan-A-1308, south and southeast Asia- Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Australia-A-87, Finland-A-87, Germany-
A-1320, Global-W-1324, Brazil-I-1328, Total N° of Refs: 1 A-87, Belgium-A-87, United States of
Pakistan-A-704, Australia-A-1331, India-I- Habit: Shrub America-A-87, Global-CD-1611, Russia-
1345, Zimbabwe-N-1365, Global-W-1376, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, W-1671, Finland-A-1815, Canada-G-1855,
India-I-1389, Brazil-R-1400, Global-I- Tropical New Zealand-U-2048.
1404, Cape Verde-N-1414, Global-E-1449, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Australia-N-1450, Puerto Rico and Virgin Dispersed by: Humans Caltha palustris L. var. barthei Hance.
Islands-W-1452, Australia-E-1456, References: Global-N-85. Ranunculaceae
Australia-N-1491, Cuba-N-1505, New Total N° of Refs: 1
Caledonia-I-1507, Venezuela-NW-1511, Caltha introloba F. Müell. Aqua - Habit:
Australia-X-62, Saudi Arabia-A-1525, Ranunculaceae Dispersed by: Water
Brazil-N-1597, India-N-1628, India-N- Total N° of Refs: 1 References: United Kingdom-WD-1175.
1631, India-AN-1632, Puerto Rico-A-87, Aqua - Habit:
Australia-A-87, Dominican Republic-A-87, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Caltha palustris L. var. radicans (J.R.
India-A-87, Pakistan-A-87, Sudan-A-87, Dispersed by: Humans Forst.) Beck
Venezuela-A-87, Caribbean Netherlands- References: Global-W-1324. Ranunculaceae
N-1012, Egypt-A-1028, India-W-1029, Accepted name: Caltha palustris var.
Pakistan-A-1032, India-A-1448, Australia, radicans
northern-W-1204, South Africa-E-1646, Total N° of Refs: 23
Global-CD-1611, Iran-A-1619, India-W- Aqua - Habit:
1672, Global-I-1324, Global-I-1324, Dispersed by: Water
Global-I-1324, Global-I-1324, Global-I- References: Canada-A-642, United
1324, Global-I-1324, India-A-1696, India- Kingdom-WD-1175.
A-1698, India-EI-1707, Pakistan-A-1720,
Pakistan-A-1726, North Africa, Libya,
Egypt-W-1730, Brazil-NI-1733, Eastern

Caltha palustris L. subsp. arctica (R. Calycanthus floridus L. Calycophyllum candidissimum (Vahl)
Br.) HultÈn Calycanthaceae DC.
Ranunculaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Calycanthus fertilis Rubiaceae
Accepted name: Caltha palustris var. Walter (1), Calycanthus mohrii (Small) Total N° of Refs: 1
radicans Pollard (2) Habit: Tree
Total N° of Refs: 22 Total N° of Refs: 9 Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
References: Canada-A-642. Global Risk Score: 2.4 Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Rating: Low References: United States of America-N-
Caltha palustris L. subsp. polypetala Toxic - Habit: Shrub 101.
(Hochst, ex Lorent) Velen Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Ranunculaceae Subtropical Calycophyllum spruceanum (Benth.)
Total N° of Refs: 3 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Hook. f. ex K. Schum.
Aqua - Habit: Ornamental Rubiaceae
Origin: Europe Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 1
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: Australia-E-380, Europe-N- Aqua - Habit: Shrub
Dispersed by: Humans, Water, Escapee 819, Global-W-1324, Chile-I-1872, Chile- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
References: United Kingdom-C-314, W-1977, Croatia-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Ornamental
United Kingdom-WD-1175, Global-CD- Dispersed by: Humans
1611. Calycanthus mohrii (Small) Pollard References: India-W-1977.
Caltha sagittata CAV. Accepted name: Calycanthus floridus L. Calycotome spinosa (L.) Link
Ranunculaceae var. floridus Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 8 Accepted name: Calicotome spinosa (L.)
Aqua - Habit: References: Australia--, Chile-I-1872, Link
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Australia-Q-1123. Total N° of Refs: 34
Dispersed by: Humans Global Risk Score: 0.72
References: Global-W-1324. Calycanthus occidentalis Hook. & Arn. Rating: Low
Calycanthaceae Habit: Shrub
Caltha spp. L. Total N° of Refs: 2 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Ranunculaceae Global Risk Score: 1.2 Origin: Africa, Europe
Total N° of Refs: 1 Rating: Low Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Toxic, Aqua - Habit: Herb Toxic - Habit: Shrub Dispersed by: Humans
References: Chile-I-1872. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Weed of: Pastures
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, References: Australia-E-72, Australia-X-
Calycadenia multiglandulosa DC. Ornamental 147, Global-A-1207, New Zealand-A-1624.
Asteraceae Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Calylophus serrulatus (Nutt.) P. H.
Habit: annual Herb Raven
References: United Kingdom-U-314. Calycanthus spp. L. Onagraceae
Calycanthaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Calycanthus fertilis Walter Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Calycanthaceae ToxicReferences: Chile-I-1872. Dispersed by: Humans
Accepted name: Calycanthus floridus L. References: Canada and United States of
var. glaucus (Willd.) Torr. & A.Gray Calycera balsamitifolia A.Rich. America-N-725.
Total N° of Refs: 7 Calyceraceae
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Total N° of Refs: 1 Calymmodon ponapensis Copel.
Rating: Low References: United States of America-N- Grammitidaceae
Toxic - Habit: Shrub 101. Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Habit: Herb
Subtropical Calycera leucanthema (Poepp. ex Less.) Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental O. Ktze. References: Federated States of
Dispersed by: Humans Calyceraceae Micronesia-N-230.
References: Chile-I-1872. Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Chile-A-87. Calypso bulbosa (L.) Oakes
Calycocarpum lyonii (Pursh) Gray Total N° of Refs: 1
Menispermaceae Habit: perennial Herb
Total N° of Refs: 2 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Ornamental
References: United States of America-W- Dispersed by: Humans
218, United States of America-A-87. References: United Kingdom-U-314.

Calyptocarpus biaristatus (DC.) H. Rob.

Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Brazil--1767.

Calyptocarpus brasiliensis (Nees & Calystegia dahurica (Herb.) Choisy Calystegia japonica Choisy
Mart.) B.L.Turner Convolvulaceae Convolvulaceae
Asteraceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Calystegia davurica Accepted name: Calystegia pubescens
Total N° of Refs: 1 Choisy Lindl.
References: Brazil-N-1597. Total N° of Refs: 8 Total N° of Refs: 9
References: China-W-297, China-W-431, Habit: perennial Vine
Calyptocarpus vialis Less. South Korea-A-648, Ireland-W-894, South Origin: E Asia
Asteraceae Korea-A-1859, Russia-N-1989, South Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Synedrella vialis Korea-A-2032, South Korea-A-2033. Weed of: Orchards & Plantations
(Less.) A. Gray (1) References: Japan-A-263, Japan-W-286,
Total N° of Refs: 39 Calystegia fraterniflora Burmon Asia-W-204, South Korea-A-648, Japan-A-
Global Risk Score: 8.64 Convolvulaceae 87, Japan-A-1617.
Rating: Medium Accepted name: Calystegia silvatica subsp.
Habit: perennial Herb fraterniflora (Kit.) Griseb. (Mackenzie & Calystegia x lucana (Ten.) G. Don
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Bush) Brummitt Convolvulaceae
Origin: C Am, N Am, S Am Total N° of Refs: 73 Total N° of Refs: 1
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, References: Japan-N-287, Canada-A-642, References: United Kingdom-N-1006.
Ornamental Japan-N-794, Japan-N-1278.
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Calystegia x lucana (Ten.) G.Don
References: Cuba-A-14, Taiwan-NI-777, Calystegia hederacea Wall. Convolvulaceae
United States of America-N-101, Central Convolvulaceae Accepted name: parents = Calystegia
America-W-157, United States of America- Total N° of Refs: 21 sepium (L.) R.Br. subsp. sepium x
W-161, United States of America-W-179, Global Risk Score: 0.72 Calystegia silvatica (Kit.) Griseb.
North America-G-249, Australia-N-945, Rating: Low Synonym/s (n° of refs): Calystegia sepium
Australia-GN-521, Global-N-85, United Habit: perennial Vine (L.) R.Br. x Calystegia silvatica (Kit.)
States of America-N-301, United States of Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Griseb. (1)
America-N-839, Australia-Z-634, Origin: E Asia Total N° of Refs: 2
Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental References: Europe-N-819.
Australia-W-1068, Australia-Q-1134, Dispersed by: Humans
China-N-1215, Mexico-W-1226, Chile-N- Weed of: Vegetables Calystegia macounii (Greene) Brummitt
1229, United States of America-N-1292, References: United States of America-N- Convolvulaceae
India-UN-1345, Global-W-1349, India-I- 101, Japan-A-263, Japan-W-286, Asia-W- Total N° of Refs: 1
1389, Taiwan-N-1403, Australia-E-1456, 204, China-W-297, China-A-275, Japan-A- References: Global-W-85.
Mexico-N-1500, United States of America- 175, United States of America-AW-486,
N-1603, Mexico-A-87, Taiwan-W-1748, China-W-431, United States of America-A- Calystegia occidentalis (A. Gray)
Chile-I-1872, Australia-WD-1934, Mexico- 543, China-A-571, South Korea-A-648, Brummitt
R-1935, Australia-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, south and southeast Asia-A-1320, Global- Convolvulaceae
India-W-1977, Kiribati-W-1977, Taiwan- W-1349, Czech Republic-U-1522, China- Total N° of Refs: 2
W-1977. A-87, Japan-A-87, Czech Republic-U- Habit: perennial Herb
1731, South Korea-A-2032, Canada-W- Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Calyptocarpus wendlandii Sch. Bip. 1977, Czech Republic-W-1977. References: United States of America-W-
Asteraceae 161, United States of America-W-946.
Total N° of Refs: 5 Calystegia x howittiorum Brummitt
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Convolvulaceae Calystegia pellita (Ledeb.) G.Don
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Accepted name: parents = Calystegia Convolvulaceae
References: Peru and Ecuador-A-281, pulchra Brummitt & Heywood x Calystegia Synonym/s (n° of refs): Convolvulus
Mexico-W-890, Mexico-W-1226, silvatica (Kit.) Griseb. japonicus Thunb. (2)
Honduras-A-1896, Mexico-R-1935. Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 8
References: Europe-N-819. Habit: perennial Herb
Calyptrochaeta apiculata (Hook.f. & References: United States of America-N-
Wilson) Vitt Calystegia inflata Sweet 101, China-W-297, China-A-275, China-
Hookeriaceae Convolvulaceae W-431, United States of America-U-904,
Total N° of Refs: 5 Accepted name: Calystegia sepium (L.) Canada-W-1977.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant R.Br. subsp. americana
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 115 Calystegia pubescens Lindl.
References: United Kingdom-NZ-812, Dispersed by: Escapee Convolvulaceae
United Kingdom-N-1006, Europe-N-819, References: Global-W-1324, Russia-W- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Calystegia japonica
Global-UZ-1382, Ireland-W-1977. 1609, Russia-W-1684, Russia-C-1671, Choisy (6)
Russia-I-2107. Total N° of Refs: 9
Calyptrochilum christyanum (Rchb.f.) Major Pathway/s: Crop
Summerh. References: Canada and United States of
Orchidaceae America-NI-725, Global-N-85, Chile-W-
Total N° of Refs: 1 1977.
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Origin: Africa
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Brazil-N-1597.

Calystegia pulchra Brummitt & Calystegia sepium (L.) R.Br. 1033, Serbia-R-1946, Germany-R-1948,
Heywood Convolvulaceae Serbia-R-1953, Croatia-A-1954, -I-,
Convolvulaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Calystegia inflata Kosovo-R-2003, South Korea-A-2032,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Calystegia pulchra Sweet (5), Calystegia sepium R.Br. var. South Korea-A-2033, Serbia-R-2057,
Brummitt & Heywood var. sepium (1) communis Hara (1), Convolvulus sepium Poland-A-2059, Poland-C-2062, Slovenia-
Total N° of Refs: 43 L. (15), Convolvulus sepium L. var. R-2078, Serbia-A-2080, Spain-A-2083,
Global Risk Score: 0.96 americanus Sims (1), Convolvulus sepium Argentina-W-1977, Bulgaria-W-1977,
Rating: Low L. var. communis R. Tryon (1), Chile-W-1977, Iceland-W-1977, South
Habit: perennial Herb Convolvulus sepium L. var. dumetorum Africa-W-1977.
Origin: E Asia Pospichal (1), Convolvulus sepium L. var.
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental repens (L.) Gray (1) Calystegia sepium (L.) R.Br. var.
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Total N° of Refs: 135 americanum (Sims) Matsuda
References: United Kingdom-N-40, Global Risk Score: 19.2 Convolvulaceae
Finland-C-42, United Kingdom-CN-314, Rating: High Accepted name: Calystegia sepium (L.)
Czech Republic-N-400, Europe-N-482, Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb R.Br. subsp. americana (Sims) Brummitt
United Kingdom-N-519, Austria-UC-708, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Total N° of Refs: 1
Denmark-CN-711, Ireland-EN-793, United Mediterranean References: Canada-A-642.
Kingdom-CN-812, Czech Republic-N-826, Origin: C Asia, E Asia, Europe, N Am,
Ireland-I-894, Czechoslovakia-N-1006, Obscure Calystegia sepium R.Br. var. communis
France-N-1006, Germany-N-1006, United Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Hara
Kingdom-N-1006, Iceland-N-1006, Herbal, Ornamental Convolvulaceae
Europe-N-819, Global-W-1324, Czech Dispersed by: Humans, Flyers, Water Accepted name: Calystegia sepium subsp.
Republic-N-1522, Ireland-N-1608, Austria- Seed Longevity: Long Term sepium (L.) R.Br.
W-1609, Czech Republic-W-1609, Weed of: Cereals, Grapevines, Orchards & Total N° of Refs: 111
Denmark-W-1609, Germany-W-1609, Plantations, Pastures, Vegetables References: Japan-W-286.
Ireland-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, References: United States of America-WD-
Sweden-W-1609, Global-CD-1611, Czech 34, Global-NXZW-85, Europe-A-94, Calystegia sepium (L.) R.Br. var.
Republic-N-1731, Europe-UN-1740, United States of America-N-101, New fraterniflora (Mackenzie & Bush)
Sweden-N-1802, Switzerland-U-1990, Zealand-N-280, United States of America- Shinners
northern European towns-W-2095, Austria- W-161, New Zealand-W-165, United States Convolvulaceae
W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977, of America-W-174, Japan-N-287, western Accepted name: Calystegia silvatica subsp.
Denmark-W-1977, France-W-1977, Europe-A-253, United States of America- fraterniflora
Germany-W-1977, Ireland-W-1977, AW-207, United States of America-W-211, Total N° of Refs: 70
Sweden-W-1977, United Kingdom-W- United States of America-W-212, Europe, References: Canada-A-642.
1977. eastern-AW-272, western Europe-W-70,
China-W-297, China-A-275, Spain-A-417, Calystegia sepium R.Br. var. japonicum
Calystegia pulchra Brummitt & China-W-431, United Kingdom-N-519, Matsuda
Heywood var. sepium New Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N-15, Convolvulaceae
Convolvulaceae United States of America-A-543, Canada- Total N° of Refs: 3
Total N° of Refs: 43 A-642, Italy-A-667, Slovenia-A-671, Italy- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Pasture
References: Denmark-W-1977. A-697, Slovenia-A-701, Global-E-743, References: South Korea-A-648, South
Chile-N-765, North America-X-790, Korea-A-1859, South Korea-A-2032.
Calystegia x scanica Brummitt Australia-W-869, United States of
Convolvulaceae America-X-229, Mexico-I-878, Slovenia- Calystegia sepium (L.) R.Br. var. sepium
Accepted name: parents = Calystegia W-883, Europe-A-889, Spain-A-892, New Convolvulaceae
sepium (L.) R.Br. x pulchra Brummitt & Zealand-W-906, Argentina-I-983, Total N° of Refs: 1
Heywood Australia-N-354, Portugal-N-1006, Europe- References: Chile-N-241.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Calystegia sepium N-819, United Kingdom-A-322, United
(L.) R.Br. x Calystegia pulchra Brummitt & States of America-W-1104, Chile-N-1229, Calystegia sepium (L.) R.Br. subsp.
Heywood (1) Serbia-W-1238, Greece-W-1240, France- americana (Sims) Brummitt
Total N° of Refs: 2 A-1266, United States of America-A-1275, Convolvulaceae
References: Europe-N-819. Peru-N-1293, Finland-I-1323, Global-W- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Calystegia sepium
1349, Serbia-A-1357, Serbia-W-1358, var. americanum (L.) R.Br.
Croatia-A-1368, Serbia-A-1372, Serbia-W- Total N° of Refs: 9
1222, Turkey-A-1469, Argentina, Brazil References: Chile-N-300, United States of
and Uruguay-I-1476, Austria-N-1531, America-A-49, United Kingdom-U-314,
Canada-W-1538, Europe-A-1539, Brazil- Canada-A-642, Portugal-N-1006, United
N-1597, United Kingdom-N-1636, States of America-N-101, Chile-N-1348,
Germany-A-87, Japan-A-87, Portugal-A- Russia-N-1006, Azores-N-1721.
87, Spain-A-87, United States of America-
A-87, Belgium-A-87, Canada-A-87, Chile-
A-87, New Zealand-A-87, Turkey-A-87,
Serbia-A-1019, Serbia-W-1031, Croatia-A-
1037, Crete-A-1651, Global-ZD-1611,
Poland-U-1716, Iceland-U-1552, Serbia-
W-1766, Serbia-R-1771, Austria-A-1670,
Russia-W-1671, France-A-1814, Poland-A-
1825, Serbia-R-1848, South Korea-A-1859,
Chile-I-1872, Mexico-Q-1880, Poland-A-

Calystegia sepium (L.) R.Br. subsp. Calystegia sepium (L.) R.Br. subsp. Calystegia silvatica (Kit.) Griseb.
americanum (Sims) Brummitt spectabilis Brummitt Convolvulaceae
Convolvulaceae Convolvulaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Calystegia
Total N° of Refs: 4 Accepted name: Calystegia spectabilis fraterniflora Burmon (4), Calystegia
Global Risk Score: 0.48 (Brummitt) N.N.Tzvelev sepium (L.) R.Br. var. fraterniflora
Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 16 (Mackenzie & Bush) Shinners (1),
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Herbal Calystegia sylvatica (Kit) Griseb. (7),
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee References: United Kingdom-U-314, Calystegia sylvatica (Kit) Griseb. subsp.
References: Canada-C-756, Russia-I-1178, Norway-N-1243, Norway-N-1535, disjuncta Brummitt (1), Calystegia
Global-CD-1611, Canada-G-1855. Denmark-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, sylvestris (Willd.) Roem. & Schult. (1),
Sweden-W-1609, Azores-N-1721, Europe- Convolvulus sepium L. var. fraterniflorus
Calystegia sepium (L.) R.Br. subsp. I-1740, Sweden-N-1802, Denmark-W- Mack. & Bush (1)
angulata Brummitt 1977, Sweden-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 84
Convolvulaceae Global Risk Score: 0.96
Total N° of Refs: 1 Calystegia sepium (L.) R.Br. x Calystegia Rating: Low
References: United States of America-A- pulchra Brummitt & Heywood Habit: perennial Vine
49. Convolvulaceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Accepted name: Calystegia x scanica Origin: Africa, Europe
Calystegia sepium (L.) R.Br. subsp. Brummitt Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
binghamiae (E. Greene) Brummitt Total N° of Refs: 2 Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Convolvulaceae References: Denmark-W-1609. Seed Longevity: Transient
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Australia-E-72, United
Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb Calystegia sepium (L.) R.Br. x Calystegia Kingdom-N-40, United States of America-
Dispersed by: Water silvatica (Kit.) Griseb. N-101, New Zealand-N-280, New Zealand-
References: United States of America-WD- Convolvulaceae W-165, Australia-N-176, Australia-N-198,
34. Accepted name: Calystegia x lucana (Ten.) Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945,
G.Don Australia-E-327, New Zealand-NW-425,
Calystegia sepium (L.) R.Br. subsp. Total N° of Refs: 2 United Kingdom-N-519, New Zealand-N-
roseata Brummitt References: United Kingdom-N-812. 534, New Zealand-N-15, Canada-A-642,
Convolvulaceae Australia-AEN-310, Austria-UC-708,
Total N° of Refs: 6 Ireland-EN-793, United Kingdom-CN-812,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Australia-W-853, Australia-W-869,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Ireland-N-894, New Zealand-N-919,
Ornamental Australia-N-354, Spain-N-1006, France-N-
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee 1006, France-N-1006, Germany-N-1006,
References: United Kingdom-N-519, United Kingdom-N-1006, Iceland-N-1006,
Denmark-UC-711, Australia-N-354, Poland-N-1006, Portugal-N-1006,
Denmark-W-1609, Global-CD-1611, Slovenia-N-1006, Australia-N-1049,
Denmark-W-1977. Australia-N-1083, Portugal-N-898, Europe-
N-819, New Zealand-E-505, Australia-E-
Calystegia sepium (L.) R.Br. subsp. 1259, Australia-E-1261, Australia-W-1318,
sepium Global-W-1324, Australia-E-1456, Ireland-
Convolvulaceae N-1608, Austria-W-1609, Germany-W-
Total N° of Refs: 10 1609, Ireland-W-1609, Poland-W-1609,
Origin: E Asia, Europe, N Am United Kingdom-N-1636, Global-CD-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal 1611, Iran-A-1724, North Africa, Libya,
References: Chile-N-300, United States of Egypt-W-1730, Europe-UN-1740,
America-N-101, Canada-A-642, United Uruguay-U-1800, Sardinia-N-1393,
States of America-X-229, Portugal-N-1006, Australia-N-1902, Australia-N-1845,
United States of America-I-1161, United Australia-WD-1934, New Zealand-N-2048,
States of America-N-1162, Canada-N- Serbia-R-2057, Australia-W-1977, Austria-
1252, Chile-N-1348, Azores-N-1721. W-1977, France-W-1977, Germany-W-
1977, Ireland-W-1977, New Zealand-W-
Calystegia sepium (L.) R.Br. subsp. 1977, Poland-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977,
silvatica (Kit.) Batt. United Kingdom-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Calystegia silvatica (Kit.) Griseb. subsp.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant disjuncta Brummitt
Dispersed by: Humans Convolvulaceae
References: Ireland-W-894, Spain-N-1270. Total N° of Refs: 5
References: Australia-N-354, United States
of America-N-101, New Zealand-N-1543,
Australia-N-1959, New Zealand-N-2048.

Calystegia silvatica (Kit.) Griseb. subsp. Calystegia subvolubilis Liou & Ling Camassia quamash (Pursh) Greene
fraterniflora (Mack. & Bush) Brummitt Convolvulaceae Liliaceae
Convolvulaceae Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 5
Total N° of Refs: 4 Major Pathway/s: Crop Global Risk Score: 3.6
Origin: N Am References: Russia-NI-1533, Russia-N- Rating: Low
References: Global-W-85, United 1989. Habit: perennial Herb
Kingdom-U-314, Canada-A-642, Japan-W- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
1977. Calystegia sylvatica (Kit) Griseb. Herbal, Ornamental
Convolvulaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Calystegia silvatica (Kit.) Griseb. subsp. Accepted name: Calystegia silvatica (Kit.) References: United Kingdom-C-314,
silvatica Griseb. Australia-Q-1134, Denmark-W-1609,
Convolvulaceae Total N° of Refs: 76 Global-CD-1611, Denmark-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 4 Global Risk Score: 0.24
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Rating: Low Camassia spp. Lindl.
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Liliaceae
References: United States of America-N- Origin: E Asia, Europe Synonym/s (n° of refs): Camassia spp.
101, United Kingdom-CN-314, Global-CD- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Lindl.
1611, Australia-N-1959. Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Portugal-N-662, Portugal-N- Habit: perennial Herb
Calystegia soldanella (L.) R.Br. 718, New Zealand-E-328, Poland-ER-1219, References: Ireland-U-894.
Convolvulaceae Poland-N-1040, Switzerland-N-1990,
Total N° of Refs: 10 Poland-N-1993. Camelina allysuum (Mill.) Thell.
Habit: perennial Herb Brassicaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Calystegia sylvatica (Kit) Griseb. subsp. Total N° of Refs: 1
Subtropical, Tropical disjuncta Brummitt Weed of: Cereals
Origin: Aust, E Asia, Europe Convolvulaceae References: Global-A-243.
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Accepted name: Calystegia silvatica (Kit.)
Ornamental Griseb. subsp. disjuncta
Dispersed by: Humans, Water Total N° of Refs: 70
Seed Longevity: Transient Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
References: Global-N-85, western Europe- Dispersed by: Humans
W-70, China-W-431, United Kingdom-N- References: United States of America-N-
519, Palestine-N-851, Australia-N-354, 101.
Portugal-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Global-
W-1324, French Polynesia-N-1514. Calystegia sylvestris (Willd.) Roem. &
Calystegia spectabilis (Brummitt) Convolvulaceae
N.N.Tzvelev Accepted name: Calystegia silvatica (Kit.)
Convolvulaceae Griseb.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Calystegia sepium Total N° of Refs: 70
(L.) R.Br. subsp. spectabilis Brummitt (11) References: Ireland-W-894.
Total N° of Refs: 16
Origin: N Am Calytrix tetragona Labill.
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Myrtaceae
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Ukraine-UC-643, Global-W- Habit: Shrub
1324, Global-CD-1611, Ukraine-N-2013, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Ukraine-W-1977. Origin: Aust
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Calystegia spithamaea (L.) Pursh subsp. Ornamental
spithamaea Dispersed by: Humans, Vehicles
Convolvulaceae References: Global-ZD-1495.
Total N° of Refs: 3
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Camassia leichtlinii (Baker) S. Watson
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee subsp. suksdorfii (Greenm.) Gould
References: Canada-C-756, Global-CD- Liliaceae
1611, Canada-G-1855. Total N° of Refs: 2
Origin: N Am
Calystegia spp. R.Br. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Convolvulaceae Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 2 References: Belgium-U-1220, Belgium-W-
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations 1977.
References: Global-X-85, China-A-1617.

Camelina alyssum (Mill.) Thell. Camelina alyssum (Mill.) Thell. subsp. Camelina macrocarpa Wierzb. ex Rchb.
Brassicaceae integerrima (Celak) Smejkal Brassicaceae
Accepted name: Camelina sativa (L.) Brassicaceae Accepted name: Camelina alyssum (Mill.)
Crantz subsp. alyssum (P.Mill.) E.Schmid Total N° of Refs: 8 Thell.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Camelina linicola Habit: annual Herb Total N° of Refs: 64
Schimp. & Spenn. (2), Camelina Origin: E Asia, Europe Origin: Europe
macrocarpa Wierzb. ex Rchb. (4) Major Pathway/s: Contaminant References: Europe-A-94, Europe, eastern-
Total N° of Refs: 206 Dispersed by: Humans W-272, United Kingdom-U-314, Russia-I-
Global Risk Score: 0.96 References: United Kingdom-UZ-56, 1989.
Rating: Low Czech Republic-NZ-400, Denmark-W-711,
Habit: annual Herb Czechoslovakia-N-1006, Czech Republic-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean U-1522, Denmark-W-1609, Czech
Origin: E Asia, Europe Republic-U-1731, Denmark-W-1977.
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals Camelina anomala Boiss. & Hausskn.
Weed of: Cereals Brassicaceae
References: Argentina-W-237, Europe-A- Total N° of Refs: 2
94, New Zealand-N-280, South America- References: Sweden-W-1609, Sweden-W-
W-295, Australia-N-176, Japan-N-287, 1977.
Europe, eastern-AW-272, Australia-N-945,
United Kingdom-U-314, Japan-N-367, Camelina dentata (Willd.) Pers.
Austria-N-708, Japan-N-794, Australia-W- Brassicaceae
853, Australia-N-855, Australia-W-869, Accepted name: Camelina sativa subsp.
New Zealand-N-919, Chile-A-931, alyssum (L.) Crantz (Mill.) E.Schmid
Australia-N-354, France-N-1006, Total N° of Refs: 145
Germany-N-1006, Slovakia-N-1006, References: Global-W-23, United States of
Australia-N-1049, Europe-N-819, Belgium- America-W-218, Canada-A-642, Canada-
U-1220, Chile-N-1229, Norway-N-1243, A-87, United States of America-A-87.
Japan-N-1278, Argentina-W-1286, Global-
W-1324, Chile-N-1348, Finland-AN-1356, Camelina glabrata (DC.) Fritsch
Australia-N-1450, Slovakia-N-1484, Brassicaceae
Norway-N-1535, Austria-W-1609, Accepted name: Camelina sativa (L.)
Denmark-W-1609, Ireland-W-1609, Crantz
Norway-W-1609, Argentina-A-87, Chile- Total N° of Refs: 141
A-87, Russia-W-1687, France-N-1438, References: Russia-A-87.
Europe-UN-1740, Chile and Argentina-A-
1874, -I-, Poland-A-2047, New Zealand-N- Camelina hispida Boiss.
2048, Ukraine-N-2050, Ukraine-N-2112, Brassicaceae
Austria-W-1977, Belarus-W-1977, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Camelina
Belgium-W-1977, Bulgaria-W-1977, Chile- stiefelhagenii Bornm. (1)
W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 4
Denmark-W-1977, France-W-1977, Japan- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
W-1977, Portugal-W-1977, Russian Origin: E Asia
Federation-W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977. References: Finland-U-42, United
Kingdom-U-314, North Africa, Libya,
Camelina alyssum (Mill.) Thell. subsp. Egypt-W-1730.
Brassicaceae Camelina laxa C. A. Mey.
Total N° of Refs: 7 Brassicaceae
Habit: annual Herb Total N° of Refs: 6
Origin: E Asia, Europe Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Origin: E Asia, Europe
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
References: Czech Republic-NZ-400, Dispersed by: Humans
Denmark-W-711, Czechoslovakia-N-1006, References: Czech Republic-UZ-400,
Czech Republic-U-1522, Denmark-W- Europe-N-819, Global-W-1324, Czech
1609, Czech Republic-U-1731, Denmark- Republic-U-1522, Czech Republic-U-1731,
W-1977. Czech Republic-W-1977.

Camelina linicola Schimp. & Spenn.

Accepted name: Camelina alyssum (Mill.)
Total N° of Refs: 62
References: Global-A-1207, Russia-A-87.

Camelina microcarpa Andrz. ex DC. Poland-A-2061, Russia-A-2063, Slovakia- Camelina rumelica Velen.
Brassicaceae A-2079, Ukraine-N-2112, Belarus-W-1977, Brassicaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Camelina sativa Belgium-W-1977, Bulgaria-W-1977, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Camelina rumelica
(L.) Crantz subsp. microcarpa (Andrz. ex Canada-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Czech Velen. subsp. rumelica (1)
DC.) P. Fourn. (1), Camelina sylvestris Republic-W-1977, Iceland-W-1977, Japan- Total N° of Refs: 40
Wallr. (5) W-1977, Latvia-W-1977, Poland-W-1977, Habit: biennial Herb
Total N° of Refs: 122 Republic of Korea-W-1977, Republic of Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Global Risk Score: 14.4 Moldova-W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977, Subtropical, Tropical
Rating: Medium Ukraine-W-1977, South Korea-N-2113. Origin: E Asia, Europe
Habit: annual Herb Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Camelina microcarpa Andrz. ex DC. Dispersed by: Humans
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe subsp. microcarpa Weed of: Cereals
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Brassicaceae References: Global-NW-85, Europe-A-94,
Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 9 Global-A-243, Europe, eastern-W-272,
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Vehicles, Habit: annual Herb United Kingdom-U-314, Czech Republic-
Wind, Escapee Origin: E Asia, Europe UZ-400, Austria-N-708, Mexico-N-791,
Seed Longevity: Short Term Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Hungary-NI-809, Pakistan-W-836, United
Weed of: Cereals, Vegetables Dispersed by: Humans States of America-N-101, United States of
References: North America-EW-21, References: Czech Republic-UZ-400, America-N-904, Turkey-A-977, Hungary-
Global-W-23, Argentina-W-237, United Denmark-UN-711, Europe-N-819, N-1006, Slovakia-N-1006, Europe-N-819,
States of America-W-34, Finland-U-42, Slovakia-U-1484, Czech Republic-N-1522, Belgium-U-1220, Hungary-N-1255,
United Kingdom-UZ-56, Global-NZW-85, Denmark-W-1609, Czech Republic-N- Global-W-1324, Turkey--1412, Turkey-A-
Europe-A-94, Global-A-243, United States 1731, Czech Republic-W-1977, Slovakia- 1467, Czech Republic-U-1522, Austria-W-
of America-N-101, United States of W-1977. 1609, Ireland-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609,
America-W-161, Canada and United States Iran-A-87, North Africa, Libya, Egypt-W-
of America-XW-299, United States of Camelina microcarpa Andrz. subsp. 1730, Czech Republic-U-1731, Europe-U-
America-W-174, Japan-N-287, western pilosa (DC.) Hiitonen 1740, Slovakia-N-2052, Iran-A-2072,
Europe-A-253, United States of America- Brassicaceae Austria-W-1977, Belarus-W-1977,
W-210, United States of America-W-212, Total N° of Refs: 6 Belgium-W-1977, Bulgaria-W-1977, Czech
Europe, eastern-AW-272, western Europe- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Republic-W-1977, France-W-1977, South
W-70, United States of America-W-218, Dispersed by: Humans Africa-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977.
United Kingdom-UZ-314, Japan-N-367, References: Denmark-W-711, Czech
Iceland-U-507, China-W-431, United Republic-N-1522, Denmark-W-1609, Camelina rumelica Velen. subsp.
Kingdom-N-519, United States of Czech Republic-N-1731, Czech Republic- rumelica
America-A-543, Canada-A-642, Ukraine- W-1977, Denmark-W-1977. Brassicaceae
R-643, Canada and United States of Accepted name: Camelina rumelica Velen.
America-N-725, United States of America- Camelina microcarpa Andrz. ex DC. Total N° of Refs: 40
N-86, Canada-UC-756, South Korea-N- subsp. sylvestris (Wallr.) Hiitonen Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
773, United States of America-E-151, Brassicaceae Subtropical, Tropical
North America-X-790, Japan-N-794, Total N° of Refs: 7 Weed of: Pastures
United Kingdom-U-812, Global-A-68, Origin: E Asia, Europe References: Iran-A-1916.
Spain-A-892, Ireland-U-894, United States Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
of America-I-904, Russia-A-998, Dispersed by: Humans
Germany-N-1006, Latvia-N-1006, Sweden- Weed of: Cereals
N-1006, United States of America-N-1058, References: Czech Republic-NZI-400,
Europe-N-819, Europe-W-1191, South Czechoslovakia-N-1006, Europe-N-819,
Korea-N-761, Belgium-U-1220, Serbia-W- Poland-A-1219, Slovakia-N-1484, Poland-
1238, Norway-N-1243, France-A-1266, N-1993, Poland-A-2059.
Japan-N-1278, Argentina-W-1286,
Ukraine-N-1297, Global-W-1324, Ukraine- Camelina parodii Ibarra & La Porte
N-1335, Canada-N-1340, Serbia-A-1343, Brassicaceae
Chile-N-1348, Global-W-1349, Norway-N- Accepted name: Camelina sativa subsp.
1535, United States of America-N-1603, sativa (L.) Crantz Mansfeld
United States of America-N-1607, Estonia- Total N° of Refs: 145
W-1609, Denmark-W-1609, Latvia-W- References: United States of America-W-
1609, Norway-W-1609, Canada-A-87, 161, Canada-A-642, Argentina-A-913,
United States of America-A-87, Russia-A- Argentina-A-87, Canada-A-87.
87, Turkey-A-87, Hungary-A-1015,
Global-N-1218, Russia-N-1647, Global- Camelina pilosa (DC.) Zinger
CZD-1611, Russia-N-1681, Russia-U- Brassicaceae
1682, Russia-W-1684, Iceland-U-1552, Total N° of Refs: 3
France-N-1438, United States of America- References: Latvia-W-1609, Russia-A-87,
E-1736, United States of America-N-1162, Ukraine-N-2050.
France-A-1814, Poland-NR-1827, Canada-
G-1855, Argentina-A-1874, Poland-R-
1947, Poland-A-1952, Poland-A-1965, -I-,
Estonia-N-1997, South Korea-A-2032,
Russia-A-2034, Russia-A-2041, Poland-A-
2047, Ukraine-N-2050, Slovakia-N-2052,

Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz U-1552, France-N-1438, United States of Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz Mansfeld
Brassicaceae America-N-1162, France-A-1814, Sardinia- subsp. sativa
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Camelina alyssum U-1393, Australia-N-1902, Australia-N- Brassicaceae
(Mill.) Thell. (60), Camelina dentata 1845, Canada-G-1855, Chile-I-1872, Total N° of Refs: 7
(Willd.) Pers. (5), Camelina glabrata (DC.) Argentina-A-1874, Mexico-NI-1881, Habit: annual Herb
Fritsch (1), Camelina parodii Ibarra & La Russia-N-1920, Poland-A-1952, Australia- Origin: E Asia, Europe
Porte (5) N-1959, Russia-N-1989, Poland-N-1993, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 211 Estonia-N-1997, New Zealand-U-2048, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Global Risk Score: 35.84 Ukraine-N-2050, Poland-AN-2059, Spain- References: United States of America-N-
Rating: Extreme A-2083, Canada-G-1462, Ukraine-N-2112, 101, Czech Republic-U-400, Austria-CN-
Habit: annual Herb Australia-W-1977, Belarus-W-1977, 708, Slovakia-N-1484, Global-CD-1611,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Belgium-W-1977, Bulgaria-W-1977, Ukraine-N-2014, Slovakia-W-1977.
Subtropical Canada-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Czech
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Republic-W-1977, Democratic Repubic of Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz subsp.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Korea-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, France- zingeri (Mirek) Smejkal
Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture W-1977, Iceland-W-1977, Ireland-W-1977, Brassicaceae
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Japan-W-1977, Latvia-W-1977, Lithuania- Total N° of Refs: 3
Livestock, Sheep, Escapee W-1977, Mexico-W-1977, Poland-W-1977, Habit: annual Herb
Seed Longevity: Short Term Republic of Korea-W-1977, Republic of Origin: E Asia, Europe
Weed of: Cereals, Nursery Production, Moldova-W-1977, Russian Federation-W- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Vegetables 1977, Ukraine-W-1977, South Korea-N- Dispersed by: Humans
References: Global-W-23, Argentina-W- 2113, North Korea-N-2114. References: Czech Republic-UZ-400,
237, Finland-U-42, Global-N-108, Global- Slovakia-N-1484, Slovakia-W-1977.
NZW-85, Europe-A-94, United States of Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz var. sativa
America-N-101, New Zealand-UW-280, Brassicaceae Camelina spp. Crantz
South America-W-295, United States of Total N° of Refs: 4 Brassicaceae
America-W-161, Australia-N-176, Japan- References: Czech Republic-U-1522, Total N° of Refs: 4
N-287, Australia-N-198, Mexico-W-199, Austria-W-1609, Czech Republic-U-1731, Weed of: Vegetables
Argentina-A-236, United States of Austria-W-1977. References: Canada-X-36, Australia-N-
America-W-210, Europe, eastern-W-272, 198, United States of America-A-543,
western Europe-W-70, United States of Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz var. zingeri Argentina-A-913.
America-W-218, Australia-N-945, United Mirek
Kingdom-AZD-314, Australia-E-327, Brassicaceae Camelina stiefelhagenii Bornm.
Iceland-U-507, China-W-431, United Total N° of Refs: 3 Brassicaceae
Kingdom-N-519, United States of Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Accepted name: Camelina hispida Boiss.
America-A-543, Canada-A-642, Ukraine- Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 4
U-643, Canada-U-652, Denmark-W-711, References: Czech Republic-U-1522, References: Turkey-R-1968.
Canada and United States of America-N- Austria-W-1609, Czech Republic-U-1731.
725, Lithuania-I-737, Canada-UC-756, Camelina sylvestris Wallr.
Mexico-N-791, Japan-N-794, United Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz subsp. Brassicaceae
Kingdom-UZ-812, Pakistan-W-836, alyssum (Mill.) E.Schmid Accepted name: Camelina microcarpa
Australia-W-853, Australia-N-855, Brassicaceae Andrz. ex DC.
Mexico-I-878, Ireland-U-894, United Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 121
States of America-N-904, New Zealand-U- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental References: Ireland-W-894, Ukraine-N-
919, United Kingdom-Z-944, Australia-N- Dispersed by: Humans 1297, Russia-N-1988, Ukraine-N-2050,
354, Austria-N-1006, Denmark-N-1006, References: United States of America-N- Ukraine-N-2112.
France-N-1006, Germany-N-1006, Latvia- 101.
N-1006, Slovakia-N-1006, Spain-N-1006, Camellia forrestii (Diels) Cohen-Stuart
Sweden-N-1006, Europe-N-1072, Europe- Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz subsp. Theaceae
N-819, Spain-U-1149, United States of microcarpa (Andrz. ex DC.) P. Fourn. Total N° of Refs: 1
America-Q-1197, Belgium-U-1220, Brassicaceae Habit: Shrub
Norway-N-1243, France-A-1266, Japan-N- Accepted name: Camelina microcarpa Origin: E Asia
1278, Argentina-W-1286, Ukraine-N-1297, Total N° of Refs: 117 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Global-W-1324, Sardinia-U-1336, Canada- References: Canada-A-642. Dispersed by: Humans
U-1340, Global-W-1349, Australia-N- References: New Zealand-U-2048.
1450, Turkey-A-1523, Norway-N-1535, Camelina sativa auct. non DC. subsp.
Panarctic-U-1596, United States of pilosa (pro var.) : N. W. Zinger Camellia grijsii Hance
America-N-1603, United States of Brassicaceae Theaceae
America-N-1607, Estonia-W-1609, Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 1
Denmark-W-1609, Latvia-W-1609, References: Slovakia-N-1006, Europe-N- Habit: Shrub
Lithuania-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, 819. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Poland-W-1609, Greenland-W-1609, Dispersed by: Humans
Romania-N-1629, Argentina-A-87, References: New Zealand-U-2048.
Canada-A-87, Japan-A-87, Portugal-A-87,
Russia-A-87, Turkey-A-87, United States
of America-A-87, Canadian northwest
Territories-N-1011, Global-Q-1572,
Global-CZD-1611, Australia-ZD-1675,
Ukraine-N-1685, Russia-W-1687, Iceland-

Camellia japonica L. Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze Camissonia contorta (Douglas ex Lehm.)
Theaceae Theaceae Kearney
Total N° of Refs: 17 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Thea sinensis L. Onagraceae
Global Risk Score: 2.4 (3) Synonym/s (n° of refs): Oenothera cruciata
Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 32 Nutt. ex G. Don (11), Oenothera dentata
Toxic - Habit: Tree Global Risk Score: 4.8 Cav. (3)
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 17
Subtropical, Tropical Habit: Shrub Habit: annual Herb
Origin: E Asia Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Subtropical, Tropical References: Belgium-W-1977, France-W-
Ornamental Origin: E Asia 1977, Poland-W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
References: United States of America-N- Ornamental Campanula alliariaefolia Willd.
101, New Zealand-UW-280, Australia-E- Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Campanulaceae
380, Switzerland-N-653, New Zealand-N- References: Australia-E-155, Australia- Accepted name: Campanula alliariifolia
823, New Zealand-U-919, India-N-976, CN-368, United States of America-N-101, Willd.
Portugal-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Sao Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945, Total N° of Refs: 34
Tome and Principe-N-1805, Chile-I-1872, Australia-N-310, India-N-976, Africa-N- References: Chile-I-1872.
Mexico-N-1881, Switzerland-U-1990, New 990, Europe-N-819, Philippines-nC-1099,
Zealand-U-2048, Chile-W-1977, India-W- western Indian Ocean-I-1143, United States Campanula alliariifolia Willd.
1977, Mexico-W-1977. of America-N-1292, La Reunion-U-1321, Campanulaceae
Global-W-1324, India-UN-1345, India- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Campanula
Camellia reticulata Lindl. ND-1389, Australia, northern-W-1204, alliariaefolia Willd. (1)
Theaceae Global-CD-1611, East Africa-I-1723, Sao Total N° of Refs: 34
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Camellia reticulata Tome and Principe-N-1805, Seychelles-N- Habit: perennial Herb
Lindl. Lasca Beauty (1), Camellia 1925, -I-, Mascarene islands-N-2049, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
reticulata Lindl. 'Dr Clifford Parkes' (1) United States of America-N-2092, Origin: E Asia, Europe
Total N° of Refs: 4 Australia-W-1977, Jamaica-W-1977, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Kenya-W-1977, Peru-W-1977, Uganda-W- Ornamental
Rating: Low 1977, United Republic of Tanzania-W- Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Habit: Shrub 1977. References: Japan-N-287, United
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Kingdom-N-40, Global-N-108, United
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze var. Kingdom-GN-314, Czech Republic-U-400,
Dispersed by: Humans sinensis United Kingdom-N-519, Austria-UC-708,
References: Australia-E-380, New Zealand- Theaceae Japan-N-794, United Kingdom-CN-812,
U-2048. Total N° of Refs: 1 Germany-N-907, Germany-N-1006, United
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Kingdom-N-1006, Sweden-N-1006,
Camellia reticulata Lindl. 'Dr Clifford Dispersed by: Humans Europe-N-819, Japan-N-1278, Global-W-
Parkes' References: Mozambique-nC-943. 1324, Slovakia-U-1484, Czech Republic-
Theaceae U-1522, Austria-W-1609, Germany-W-
Total N° of Refs: 3 Cameraria latifolia L. 1609, Sweden-W-1609, Global-CD-1611,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Apocynaceae Czech Republic-U-1731, Sweden-N-1802,
References: New Zealand-U-2048. Total N° of Refs: 5 Austria-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Czech
Toxic - Habit: Tree Republic-W-1977, France-W-1977,
Camellia reticulata Lindl. ‘Lasca Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Germany-W-1977, Japan-W-1977,
Beauty’ Origin: N Am, S Am Slovakia-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977, United
Theaceae References: China-I-1055, China-N-1215, Kingdom-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 3 China-I-1769, China-N-1796, China-W-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental 1977. Campanula allionii Vill.
Dispersed by: Humans Campanulaceae
References: New Zealand-U-2048. Camissonia californica (Nutt. ex Torr. & Accepted name: Campanula speciosa
Gray) Raven Pourr.
Camellia sasanqua Thunb. Onagraceae Total N° of Refs: 2
Theaceae Total N° of Refs: 1 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 5 Habit: annual Herb Dispersed by: Humans
Global Risk Score: 2.4 Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental References: Chile-I-1872.
Rating: Low Dispersed by: Humans
Toxic - Habit: Shrub References: Australia-Q-1134. Campanula alpestris Allioni
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Campanulaceae
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Total N° of Refs: 1
Ornamental Habit: Herb
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
References: United States of America-N- Dispersed by: Humans
101, Australia-E-380, Chile-I-1872, New References: Chile-W-1977.
Zealand-U-2048, Chile-W-1977.

Campanula alpina Jacq. Campanula bononiensis L. Campanula cochlearifolia Lam.
Campanulaceae Campanulaceae Campanulaceae
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 8 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Campanula
Global Risk Score: 0.24 Global Risk Score: 2.16 cochleariifolia Lam. (6)
Rating: Low Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 10
Habit: Herb Habit: Herb Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Origin: Europe
Dispersed by: Humans Origin: E Asia, Europe Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans, Water
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Escapee Seed Longevity: Present
Campanula americana L. Seed Longevity: Present References: Canada and United States of
Campanulaceae References: United States of America-N- America-N-725, United States of America-
Total N° of Refs: 7 101, Europe, eastern-W-272, United N-101, Norway-N-1243, Canada-W-1977.
Global Risk Score: 1.44 Kingdom-C-314, Global-CD-1611, Russia-
Rating: Low C-1671, Chile-I-1872, Montenegro-R- Campanula cochleariifolia Lam.
Habit: annual/biennial Herb 1944, Chile-W-1977. Campanulaceae
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Accepted name: Campanula cochlearifolia
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Campanula californica (Kellogg) Heller Lam.
References: United States of America-W- Campanulaceae Total N° of Refs: 10
161, Canada-C-756, Global-W-1349, Total N° of Refs: 1 Global Risk Score: 3.6
Global-CD-1611, Canada-G-1855, Chile-I- Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb Rating: Low
1872, Chile-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Herbal Habit: Herb
Dispersed by: Water Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Campanula aparinoides Pursh References: United States of America-WD- Origin: Europe
Campanulaceae 34. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Total N° of Refs: 10 Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Campanula carpatica Jacq. Dispersed by: Humans, Water, Wind,
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Campanulaceae Escapee
References: Finland-N-42, Global-N-85, Total N° of Refs: 27 References: United Kingdom-C-314,
Canada-C-756, Sweden-N-1006, Europe- Global Risk Score: 2.4 Norway-W-1609, Global-Q-1572, Global-
N-819, Global-W-1324, Sweden-W-1609, Rating: Low CD-1611, Norway-W-1977, United
Global-CD-1611, Canada-G-1855, Habit: perennial Herb Kingdom-W-1977.
Sweden-W-1977. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Origin: Europe Campanula colorata Wall.
Campanula barbata L. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Campanulaceae
Campanulaceae Ornamental Accepted name: Campanula pallida var.
Accepted name: Campanula speciosa Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee pallida Wall.
Pourr. References: Finland-C-42, United States of Total N° of Refs: 3
Total N° of Refs: 3 America-N-101, United Kingdom-C-314, Habit: annual Herb
Global Risk Score: 1.44 Austria-UC-708, Denmark-C-711, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Rating: Low Hungary-U-809, France-N-1006, Europe- References: India-A-712.
Habit: Herb N-819, Belgium-U-1220, Norway-N-1243,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Italy-U-251, Hungary-U-1255, Austria-W- Campanula cordifolia K. Koch
Dispersed by: Humans, Water, Wind 1609, Denmark-W-1609, Netherlands-W- Campanulaceae
Seed Longevity: Present 1609, Norway-W-1609, Global-CD-1611, Accepted name: Campanula rapunculoides
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Poland-U-1716, Austria-N-1828, Chile-I- subsp. cordifolia L.
1872, Italy-U-1887, Austria-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 100
Campanula benthamii Wall. ex Kitam. Belgium-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Dispersed by: Escapee
Campanulaceae Denmark-W-1977, France-W-1977, Italy- References: Russia-C-1671.
Accepted name: Campanula dimorphantha W-1977.
Schweinf. Campanula dimorphantha Schweinf.¥
Total N° of Refs: 1 Campanula cervicaria L. Campanulaceae
Weed of: Cereals Campanulaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Campanula
References: Nepal-A-1932. Total N° of Refs: 3 benthamii Wall. ex Kitam. (1)
Global Risk Score: 2.16 Total N° of Refs: 1
Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Habit: Herb
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Campanula divaricata Michx.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Campanulaceae
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Water Total N° of Refs: 2
References: Russia-W-1671, Chile-I-1872, Habit: Herb
Chile-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.

Campanula drabifolia Sibth. & Sm. Campanula garganica Ten. Campanula glomerata L. subsp.
Campanulaceae Campanulaceae glomerata
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 7 Campanulaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Habit: Herb Total N° of Refs: 4
References: India-W-1977. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Origin: Europe Dispersed by: Humans
Campanula erinus L. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, References: Global-N-85, Norway-N-1243,
Campanulaceae Ornamental Norway-N-1535, Norway-W-1609.
Total N° of Refs: 12 Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Global Risk Score: 0.48 References: United Kingdom-C-314, Campanula glomerata L. 'Speciosa'
Rating: Low Austria-UC-708, Europe-N-819, Global-W- Campanulaceae
Habit: annual Herb 1324, Austria-W-1609, Global-CD-1611, Total N° of Refs: 3
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Austria-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Origin: Africa, Europe References: Canada-A-642, Denmark-W-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Campanula gieseckiana Vest ex J.A. 1609, Denmark-W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals Schultes
Weed of: Cereals Campanulaceae Campanula glomerata L. 'Superba'
References: Finland-U-42, Portugal-N- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Campanula Campanulaceae
1006, Europe-N-819, Belgium-U-1220, rotundifolia L. var. arctica Lange (1) Total N° of Refs: 5
Crete-A-1228, Spain-A-1263, Global-W- Total N° of Refs: 2 Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
1324, Italy-A-1618, Azores-N-1721, North References: Canada-A-642. Dispersed by: Humans
Africa, Libya, Egypt-W-1730, Spain-A- References: Norway-N-1243, Norway-N-
2098, Belgium-W-1977. Campanula glomerata L. 1535, Norway-W-1609, Europe-N-1740,
Campanulaceae Sweden-N-1802.
Campanula fenestrellata Feer Synonym/s (n° of refs): Campanula
Campanulaceae glomerata ssp. elliptica L., Campanula Campanula grandis Fisch. & Mey.
Total N° of Refs: 7 glomerata ssp. glomerata L. Campanulaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Total N° of Refs: 34 Accepted name: Campanula latiloba A.DC.
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Global Risk Score: 9.6 Total N° of Refs: 5
Dispersed by: Humans Rating: Medium Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
References: Belgium-N-1006, Europe-N- Habit: perennial Herb Dispersed by: Humans
819, Belgium-N-1220, Global-W-1324, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean References: Chile-W-1977.
Chile-I-1872, Belgium-W-1977, Chile-W- Origin: E Asia, Europe
1977. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Campanula grandis Fisch. & Mey.
Herbal, Ornamental subsp. grandis
Campanula floridana S. Wats. ex Gray Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle, Campanulaceae
Campanulaceae Livestock, Water, Wind Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 2 Seed Longevity: Short Term References: Denmark-W-1977.
Aqua - Habit: Weed of: Cereals, Orchards & Plantations
Dispersed by: Water References: Global-N-85, United States of Campanula grossekii Heuffel
References: United States of America-W- America-N-101, Europe, eastern-W-272, Campanulaceae
161, North America-EGD-249. Iceland-U-507, United Kingdom-N-519, Total N° of Refs: 2
Canada-A-642, Canada and United States Global Risk Score: 0.24
Campanula fragilis Cirillo of America-N-725, Turkey-A-727, Japan- Rating: Low
Campanulaceae N-794, Denmark-N-1006, Sweden-N-1006, Habit: Herb
Total N° of Refs: 7 Europe-N-819, Japan-N-1278, Global-W- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Habit: Herb 1349, Finland-AN-1356, Austria-N-1531, Dispersed by: Humans
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Sweden-W-1609, Iceland-W-1609, References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
Origin: Europe Finland-A-87, Germany-A-87, Global-ZD-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental 1611, Poland-U-1716, Iceland-U-1552, Campanula hofmannii (Pant.) Greuter &
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee United States of America-N-1162, Russia- Burdet
References: United Kingdom-C-314, W-1671, Finland-A-1815, Chile-I-1872, Campanulaceae
United Kingdom-N-519, Europe-N-819, Montenegro-R-1944, -I-, -I-, Canada-W- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Symphyandra
Global-W-1324, Global-CD-1611, Iceland- 1977, Chile-W-1977, Iceland-W-1977, hofmannii Pant. (7)
U-1552, Iceland-W-1977. Japan-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977, Norway- Total N° of Refs: 10
W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
Campanula glomerata L. subsp. elliptica References: Austria-W-1977, Denmark-W-
(Kit. ex Schult.) O. Schwarz 1977, Global--1324.
Total N° of Refs: 1
Origin: Europe
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: United Kingdom-GN-314.

Campanula x iserana Kovanda Campanula latifolia L. Campanula lingulata Waldst. & Kit.
Campanulaceae Campanulaceae Campanulaceae
Accepted name: parents = Campanula Synonym/s (n° of refs): Campanula latifolia Total N° of Refs: 1
rhomboidalis L. x Campanula rotundifolia L. var. macrantha (Fisch. ex Hornem.) Habit: Herb
L. Erhardt, G tz & Seybold (2) Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 5 Total N° of Refs: 28 Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Global Risk Score: 3.6 References: Europe, eastern-W-272.
Dispersed by: Humans Rating: Low
References: Czech Republic-UZ-400, Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Campanula longestyla Fomin
Europe-N-819, Czech Republic-U-1522, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Campanulaceae
Czech Republic-U-1731, Czech Republic- Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 2
W-1977. Origin: C Asia, E Asia, Europe References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Campanula lactiflora M.Bieb. Ornamental Campanula lusitanica L.
Campanulaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Water Campanulaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Gadellia lactiflora Seed Longevity: Transient Total N° of Refs: 5
(Bieb.) Schulkina (2) References: Finland-N-42, United States of Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Total N° of Refs: 29 America-N-101, United Kingdom-N-519, Origin: Europe
Global Risk Score: 3.6 Ireland-N-894, Belgium-N-1006, Iceland- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Rating: Low N-1006, Netherlands-N-1006, Sweden-N- Dispersed by: Humans
Habit: Herb 1006, Europe-N-819, Belgium-N-1220, References: Finland-U-42, Portugal-N-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Global-W-1324, Netherlands-W-1609, 1006, Europe-N-819, Global-W-1324,
Origin: E Asia Sweden-W-1609, Iceland-U-1552, Europe- Portugal-W-1977.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, I-1740, Russia-W-1671, Chile-I-1872,
Herbal, Ornamental Russia-N-1989, Belgium-W-1977, Canada- Campanula macrostachya Waldst. &
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Iceland-W-1977, Kit.
References: United Kingdom-GN-314, Ireland-W-1977, Netherlands-W-1977, Campanulaceae
United Kingdom-N-519, Denmark-UC- Norway-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 1
711, United Kingdom-CN-812, United Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Kingdom-N-1006, Sweden-N-1006, Campanula latifolia L. var. macrantha Dispersed by: Humans
Europe-N-819, Belgium-U-1220, Norway- (Fisch. ex Hornem.) Erhardt, Götz & References: Europe, eastern-W-272.
N-1243, Global-W-1324, Czech Republic- Seybold
U-1522, Denmark-W-1609, Norway-W- Campanulaceae Campanula macrostyla Boiss. & Heldr.
1609, Global-CD-1611, Czech Republic-U- Accepted name: Campanula latifolia L. Campanulaceae
1731, Russia-C-1671, Russia-N-1796, Total N° of Refs: 28 Total N° of Refs: 2
Sweden-N-1802, Chile-I-1872, Belgium- Major Pathway/s: Herbal Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, References: Norway-N-1535, Denmark-W- Dispersed by: Humans
Czech Republic-W-1977, Denmark-W- 1609. References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
1977, Norway-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977,
United Kingdom-W-1977. Campanula latifolia L. subsp. latifolia
Campanula lactiflora L. var. macrantha Total N° of Refs: 1
Sims. References: Denmark-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Campanula latifolia L. ‘Macrantha’
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Campanulaceae
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Norway-N-1243. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
References: Norway-W-1609.
Campanula lanata Friv.
Campanulaceae Campanula latiloba A.DC.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Campanulaceae
Habit: Herb Synonym/s (n° of refs): Campanula grandis
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Fisch. & Mey. (1)
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 5
References: United States of America-N- Global Risk Score: 3.6
101. Rating: Low
Habit: Herb
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Herbal, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
References: Denmark-UC-711, Denmark-
W-1609, Global-CD-1611, Chile-I-1872.

Campanula medium L. Campanula pallida Wall. Campanula persicifolia L.
Campanulaceae Campanulaceae Campanulaceae
Total N° of Refs: 54 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Campanula Total N° of Refs: 21
Global Risk Score: 2.4 colorata Wall. (1) Global Risk Score: 12
Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 3 Rating: Medium
Habit: biennial Herb Global Risk Score: 0.72 Habit: perennial Herb
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Origin: Africa, Europe Habit: Herb Origin: E Asia, Europe
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Herbal, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Water,
References: United Kingdom-N-40, Weed of: Cereals Wind, Escapee
Global-N-108, United States of America- References: Bhutan-W-423, Nepal-A-1932. Seed Longevity: Long Term
N-101, New Zealand-N-280, United Weed of: Cereals
Kingdom-GN-314, Czech Republic-U-400, Campanula patula L. References: Global-N-108, United States of
United Kingdom-N-519, New Zealand-N- Campanulaceae America-N-101, United Kingdom-GN-314,
534, New Zealand-N-15, Ukraine-UC-643, Total N° of Refs: 45 United Kingdom-N-519, Canada and
Austria-UC-708, Denmark-C-711, Canada Global Risk Score: 4.32 United States of America-N-725, United
and United States of America-N-725, Rating: Low Kingdom-CN-812, Ireland-U-894, United
United Kingdom-CN-812, New Zealand-N- Habit: biennial Herb Kingdom-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Serbia-
919, Belgium-N-1006, Denmark-N-1006, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean A-1357, Global-CD-1611, Global-ZD-
United Kingdom-N-1006, Sweden-N-1006, Origin: E Asia, Europe 1581, Russia-W-1671, Chile-I-1872,
Europe-N-819, Greece-U-1142, United Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Montenegro-R-1944, Poland-A-2061,
States of America-N-1162, Belgium-N- Ornamental Poland-C-2062, Canada-W-1977, Chile-W-
1220, Norway-N-1243, Global-W-1324, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals 1977, Ireland-W-1977, United Kingdom-
Slovakia-U-1484, Czech Republic-U-1522, Seed Longevity: Long Term W-1977.
Greece-CN-1541, Austria-W-1609, Weed of: Cereals
Denmark-W-1609, Germany-W-1609, References: United States of America-N- Campanula portenschlagiana Schult.
Netherlands-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, 101, Europe, eastern-W-272, western Campanulaceae
Sweden-W-1609, Global-CD-1611, Czech Europe-W-70, Iceland-U-507, United Total N° of Refs: 25
Republic-U-1731, Sweden-N-1802, Chile- Kingdom-N-519, Norway-N-644, Habit: perennial Herb
I-1872, Ukraine-U-2014, New Zealand-N- Denmark-U-711, Global-A-743, Belgium- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
2048, Austria-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, N-1006, Denmark-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Origin: Africa, Europe
Canada-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Croatia- Global-A-1207, Serbia-A-1209, Serbia-W- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977, 1238, Norway-N-1243, Global-W-1324, Ornamental
Denmark-W-1977, Germany-W-1977, Finland-AN-1356, Austria-N-1531, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Greece-W-1977, India-W-1977, Norway- Norway-N-1535, Panarctic-U-1596, References: United Kingdom-N-40, New
W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977, Sweden-W- Denmark-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, Zealand-UW-280, United Kingdom-GN-
1977, United Kingdom-W-1977. Sweden-W-1609, Finland-A-87, Germany- 314, United Kingdom-N-519, United
A-87, Russia-A-87, Global-ZD-1581, Kingdom-CN-812, Ireland-N-894, New
Campanula mirabilis Albov Iceland-U-1552, Russia-W-1671, Sweden- Zealand-U-919, Belgium-N-1006, United
Campanulaceae N-1802, Finland-A-1815, Ukraine-U-1840, Kingdom-N-1006, Iceland-N-1006,
Total N° of Refs: 2 Chile-I-1872, Poland-A-1033, Montenegro- Europe-N-819, Belgium-N-1220, Global-
Habit: Herb R-1944, Russia-N-1989, Serbia-R-2057, - W-1324, Slovakia-U-1484, Austria-W-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental A-2058, Poland-A-2059, Poland-A-2061, 1609, Netherlands-W-1609, Global-CD-
Dispersed by: Humans Poland-A-2110, Chile-W-1977, Iceland-W- 1611, Switzerland-U-1990, New Zealand-
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. 1977, Norway-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977. U-2048, Belgium-W-1977, Croatia-W-
1977, France-W-1977, Ireland-W-1977,
Campanula mollis L. Campanula peregrina L. Slovakia-W-1977, United Kingdom-W-
Campanulaceae Campanulaceae 1977.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Habit: Herb Campanula portenschlagiana Schultes
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean 'Aurea'
Campanula montana Delarbre Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Campanulaceae
Campanulaceae Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 2 References: Palestine-N-851. Habit: perennial Herb
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
References: United States of America-G-
Campanula odontosepala Boiss. 497.
Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Iran-A-1724.

Campanula poscharskyana Degen Campanula ramosissima Sm. Campanula rapunculoides L.
Campanulaceae Campanulaceae Campanulaceae
Total N° of Refs: 33 Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Campanula
Habit: perennial Herb Habit: Herb cordifolia K. Koch (1), Campanula
Origin: Africa, Europe Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean rapunculoides L. var. ucrainica auct. (1),
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Campanula rapunculoides L. var. ucranica
Herbal, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans (Bess.) K. Koch (1), Campanula
Dispersed by: Humans, Vehicles, Escapee References: Finland-U-42. rhomboidalis L. (26)
References: United Kingdom-N-40, New Total N° of Refs: 128
Zealand-N-280, United Kingdom-GN-314, Global Risk Score: 24
United Kingdom-N-519, New Zealand-N- Rating: High
534, Austria-UC-708, Denmark-UC-711, Habit: perennial Herb
United Kingdom-CN-812, Ireland-U-894, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
New Zealand-N-919, Belgium-N-1006, Subtropical
United Kingdom-N-1006, Iceland-N-1006, Origin: E Asia, Europe
Europe-N-819, United Kingdom-W-1175, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Belgium-N-1220, Global-W-1324, Global- Herbal, Ornamental
ZD-1495, New Zealand-N-1543, Austria- Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Vehicles,
W-1609, Denmark-W-1609, Netherlands- Water, Wind, Escapee
W-1609, Global-CD-1611, North America- Seed Longevity: Short Term
N-1760, Switzerland-U-1990, Germany-N- Weed of: Cereals, Vegetables
2009, New Zealand-N-2048, Austria-W- References: Global-W-23, United
1977, Belgium-W-1977, Denmark-W- Kingdom-N-40, Global-A-44, Global-
1977, France-W-1977, Ireland-W-1977, NZW-85, Europe-A-94, Global-A-243,
United Kingdom-W-1977. United States of America-N-101, Canada-
W-4, New Zealand-N-280, United States of
Campanula punctata Lam. America-CX-138, United States of
Campanulaceae America-W-161, Canada-W-162, Canada
Total N° of Refs: 8 and United States of America-XW-299,
Global Risk Score: 1.2 Australia-N-176, eastern North America-E-
Rating: Low 195, United States of America-W-210,
Habit: perennial Herb United States of America-W-212, Europe,
Origin: E Asia eastern-AW-272, western Europe-W-70,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, United States of America-W-218,
Ornamental Australia-N-945, United Kingdom-GN-
Dispersed by: Humans 314, Global-I-506, United Kingdom-N-519,
References: United States of America-N- New Zealand-N-534, United States of
101, Japan-W-286, China-W-297, Global-I- America-A-543, Canada-A-642, Denmark-
506, Norway-W-1609, Chile-I-1872, -I-, CN-711, Canada and United States of
Chile-W-1977, Norway-W-1977. America-N-725, Canada-UC-756, United
States of America-E-151, North America-
Campanula pyramidalis L. X-790, Mexico-N-791, Japan-N-794,
Campanulaceae United Kingdom-CN-812, Australia-W-
Total N° of Refs: 17 853, Ecuador-N-875, United States of
Global Risk Score: 2.4 America-U-904, Global-W-788, New
Rating: Low Zealand-N-919, Australia-N-354,
Habit: Herb Denmark-N-1006, United Kingdom-N-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean 1006, Iceland-N-1006, Australia-N-1049,
Origin: Europe Europe-N-819, United States of America-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, N-1162, Europe-W-1191, Norway-N-1243,
Ornamental Canada-N-1252, Japan-N-1278, Global-W-
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee 1324, Global-W-1349, Finland-AW-1356,
References: Global-N-108, United Turkey-A-1463, Turkey-A-1464, Turkey-
Kingdom-GN-314, United Kingdom-N- A-1467, Global-ZD-1495, Austria-N-1531,
519, Austria-UC-708, United Kingdom- Norway-N-1535, United States of America-
CN-812, United Kingdom-N-1006, Europe- N-1603, United States of America-N-1607,
N-819, Norway-N-1243, Austria-W-1609, Denmark-W-1609, Norway-W-1609,
Norway-W-1609, Global-CD-1611, Chile- Sweden-W-1609, United Kingdom-U-
I-1872, Austria-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, 1636, Germany-A-87, New Zealand-A-87,
France-W-1977, Norway-W-1977, United United States of America-A-87, Global-
Kingdom-W-1977. CD-1611, Alaska-N-1625, United States of
America-ZD-1627, Global-ZD-1581,
United States of America-E-1736, central
Europe-A-1616, Russia-W-1671, Sweden-
N-1802, Poland-CD-1841, Australia-UN-
1845, Canada-G-1855, Chile-I-1872,
Poland-A-1033, Poland-A-1952, Russia-N-
1989, Poland-A-2047, New Zealand-N-
2048, -A-2058, Poland-A-2059, Poland-A-

2060, Poland-A-2061, Poland-R-2062, Campanula rhomboidalis L. Campanula rotundifolia L. var. arctica
Australia-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Chile- Campanulaceae Lange
W-1977, India-W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Accepted name: Campanula rapunculoides Campanulaceae
Norway-W-1977, Sweden-W-1977, United subsp. rapunculoides L. Accepted name: Campanula gieseckiana
Kingdom-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 125 subsp. gieseckiana var. arctica
Global Risk Score: 1.2 Total N° of Refs: 2
Campanula rapunculoides L. var. Rating: Low References: Canada-A-642.
ucrainica auct. Habit: b/p Herb
Campanulaceae Origin: Europe Campanula rotundifolia L. var.
Accepted name: Campanula rapunculoides Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, lancifolia Mert. & Koch
L. Ornamental Campanulaceae
Total N° of Refs: 100 Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Water, Accepted name: Campanula rotundifolia
References: Canada-A-642. Wind, Escapee Total N° of Refs: 28
References: United Kingdom-GN-314, References: Canada-A-642.
Campanula rapunculoides L. var. Czech Republic-NZ-400, Europe-N-482,
ucranica (Bess.) K. Koch United Kingdom-N-519, Austria-N-708, Campanula rotundifolia L. subsp.
Campanulaceae United Kingdom-CN-812, Czech Republic- rotundifolia
Accepted name: Campanula rapunculoides N-826, Belgium-N-1006, Czechoslovakia- Campanulaceae
Total N° of Refs: 100 N-1006, Germany-N-1006, United Total N° of Refs: 3
References: Canada-A-642. Kingdom-N-1006, Europe-N-819, References: Sweden-N-1006, Falkland
Belgium-N-1220, Czech Republic-N-1522, Islands-nC-1251, Sweden-W-1609.
Campanula rapunculoides L. subsp. Austria-W-1609, Germany-W-1609,
rapunculoides Global-CD-1611, Czech Republic-N-1731, Campanula sarmatica Ker.-Gawl.
Campanulaceae Europe-U-1740, Chile-I-1872, Austria-W- Campanulaceae
Total N° of Refs: 4 1977, Belgium-W-1977, Chile-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 3
Origin: E Asia, Europe Czech Republic-W-1977, Germany-W- Global Risk Score: 0.48
References: Global-N-85, Sardinia-U-1336, 1977, United Kingdom-W-1977. Rating: Low
Sardinia-U-1393, Sardinia-U-1917. Habit: Herb
Campanula rotundifolia L. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Campanula rapunculus L. Campanulaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Campanulaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Campanula References: Russia-C-1671, Chile-I-1872,
Total N° of Refs: 35 rotundifolia L. var. lancifolia Mert. & Koch Chile-W-1977.
Global Risk Score: 4.8 (1)
Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 28 Campanula scutellata L.
Habit: biennial Herb Global Risk Score: 7.2 Campanulaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Rating: Medium Total N° of Refs: 1
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Habit: perennial Herb Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Dispersed by: Humans
Herbal, Ornamental Subtropical References: Europe, eastern-W-272.
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Vehicles, Origin: E Asia, Europe
Escapee Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Campanula sibirica L.
Seed Longevity: Present Ornamental Campanulaceae
References: Finland-U-42, Global-A-44, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers, Total N° of Refs: 5
Global-ZW-85, New Zealand-N-280, Cattle, Horse, Livestock, Sheep, Water, Global Risk Score: 0.72
Europe, eastern-W-272, western Europe- Wind, Escapee Rating: Low
W-70, United Kingdom-GN-314, Czech Seed Longevity: Long Term Habit: Herb
Republic-UZ-400, United Kingdom-N-519, Weed of: Cereals Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Denmark-N-711, United Kingdom-CND- References: Global-W-23, New Zealand-N- Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
812, New Zealand-N-823, New Zealand-N- 280, Europe, eastern-W-272, western Ornamental
919, Denmark-N-1006, United Kingdom- Europe-W-70, United Kingdom-N-519, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals
N-1006, Europe-N-819, Norway-N-1243, New Zealand-N-534, Canada-A-642, Seed Longevity: Short Term
Global-W-1324, Czech Republic-U-1522, Canada-C-756, New Zealand-N-919, References: Europe, eastern-W-272,
Denmark-W-1609, Latvia-W-1609, Global-W-1324, Europe-W-1325, Serbia- Denmark-W-1609, Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-
Norway-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, A-1357, Austria-N-1531, Finland-A-87, 1977, Denmark-W-1977.
Global-CD-1611, Czech Republic-U-1731, Germany-A-87, Belgium-ZD-1663,
Russia-C-1671, Sweden-N-1802, Serbia-R- Europe-ZD-1576, Global-CD-1611, Campanula cultivars nom. hort.
1848, New Zealand-N-2048, Czech Global-ZD-1581, Europe--, Russia-W- Campanulaceae
Republic-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, 1671, Finland-A-1815, Canada-G-1855, Total N° of Refs: 1
Latvia-W-1977, Norway-W-1977, Sweden- Chile-I-1872, Argentina-A-1874, New References: United Kingdom-N-40.
W-1977, United Kingdom-W-1977. Zealand-N-2048, Chile-W-1977, Sweden-

Campanula speciosa Pourret Campanula trachelium L. Campanula vidalii H.C.Watson
Campanulaceae Campanulaceae Campanulaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Campanula allionii Synonym/s (n° of refs): Campanula Accepted name: Azorina vidalii
Vill. (1), Campanula barbata L. (2) trachelium ssp. trachelium L. (H.C.Watson) Feer
Total N° of Refs: 4 Total N° of Refs: 10 Total N° of Refs: 2
Habit: perennial Herb Global Risk Score: 3.6 Global Risk Score: 0.24
Origin: Europe Rating: Low Rating: Low
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Habit: Herb Habit: Herb
Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
References: Czech Republic-U-400. Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, References: Chile-I-1872.
Campanula spp. L. Ornamental
Campanulaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Wind Campanula waldsteiniana Schultes
Total N° of Refs: 3 Seed Longevity: Long Term Campanulaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean References: United Kingdom-U-40, Total N° of Refs: 2
Weed of: Cereals Global-N-85, United States of America-N- Global Risk Score: 0.24
References: Europe, eastern-W-272, 101, United Kingdom-N-519, New Rating: Low
Serbia-A-1357, Nepal-A-1981. Zealand-N-534, Canada and United States Habit: Herb
of America-N-725, Europe--, Russia-W- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Campanula strigosa Banks & Sol. 1671, Chile-I-1872, Canada-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans
Campanulaceae Chile-W-1977. References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: annual Herb Campanula trachelium L. subsp. Campelia zanonia (L.) Kunth
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean trachelium Commelinaceae
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Campanulaceae Accepted name: Tradescantia zanonia (L.)
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 1 Sw.
References: Lebanon-A-87. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 1
Dispersed by: Humans Habit: perennial Herb
Campanula takesimana Nakai References: Global-N-85. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Campanulaceae Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 1 Campanula trichocalycina Ten. Dispersed by: Humans
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Campanulaceae References: Central America-W-157.
Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 1
Habit: Herb Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Campsis chinensis (Lam.) Voss
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Origin: Europe Bignoniaceae
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Accepted name: Campsis grandiflora
References: Global-I-506. Dispersed by: Humans (Thunb.) K. Schum.
References: Montenegro-R-1944. Total N° of Refs: 19
Campanula thyrsoides Linné Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Campanulaceae Campanula van-houttei Carrière Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Total N° of Refs: 2 Campanulaceae References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Total N° of Refs: 1
Rating: Low Global Risk Score: 0.24 Campsis grandiflora Thunb.
Habit: Herb Rating: Low Bignoniaceae
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Synonym/s (n° of refs): Campsis chinensis
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans (Lam.) Voss (2)
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. References: Chile-I-1872. Total N° of Refs: 19
Global Risk Score: 0.72
Campanula versicolor Andrews. Rating: Low
Campanulaceae Habit: perennial Vine
Total N° of Refs: 4 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Tropical
Rating: Low Origin: E Asia
Habit: Herb Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Dispersed by: Humans
Origin: Europe References: Australia-E-380, Australia-W-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental 1210, South Africa-U-1247, Spain-U-1454,
Dispersed by: Humans North Korea-N-1600, South Korea-N-1578,
References: Sardinia-U-1393, Chile-I-1872, India-N-1765, South Africa-N-1991,
New Zealand-U-2048, Chile-W-1977. Ukraine-U-2014, India-U-2109, Armenia-
W-1977, Democratic Repubic of Korea-W-
1977, Japan-W-1977, Republic of Korea-
W-1977, South Africa-W-1977, South
Korea-U-2113, North Korea-U-2114.

Campsis hybrida Zabel Campsis spp. Lour. Campuloclinium macrocephalum (Less.)
Bignoniaceae Bignoniaceae DC.
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 1 Asteraceae
References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. ToxicReferences: Algeria-W-1977. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Eupatorium
macrocephalum Less. (9)
Campsis radicans (L.) Seem. ex Bureau Campsis x tagliabuana (Vis.) Rehder Total N° of Refs: 25
Bignoniaceae Bignoniaceae Global Risk Score: 1.44
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Tecoma radicans Accepted name: parents = Campsis Rating: Low
(L.) Juss. (7) grandiflora (Thunb.) Schum. x Campsis Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Total N° of Refs: 78 radicans (L.) Seem. ex Bureau Subtropical, Tropical
Global Risk Score: 4.32 Total N° of Refs: 9 Origin: N Am, S Am
Rating: Low Habit: Vine Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Toxic - Habit: perennial Vine Origin: C Am, S Am Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental References: Global-NW-85, South Africa-
Subtropical, Tropical Dispersed by: Humans CXI-283, South Africa-X-63, South Africa-
Origin: N Am References: New Zealand-N-823, W-95, South Africa-I-759, Swaziland-N-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Australia-W-853, New Zealand-N-919, 825, South Africa-N-956, South Africa-X-
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049, Spain- 1112, Africa-X-1127, South Africa-EN-
Weed of: Cereals, Cutflowers, Grapevines, U-1454, Australia-N-1902, New Zealand- 1189, South Africa-E-1646, Global-CD-
Nursery Production, Pastures, Pome Fruits, N-2048, Australia-W-1977. 1611, -I-, -I-, Australia-Q-1123, South
Vegetables Africa-N-1991, South Africa-W-1977,
References: Japan-N-287, Japan-W-286, Camptolepis ramiflora (Taub.) Radlk. Swaziland-W-1977.
Australia-W-54, Global-W-108, Global-N- Sapindaceae
85, Global-A-243, United States of Total N° of Refs: 2 Campylium polygamum (Schimp.)
America-W-161, United States of America- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical C.E.O. Jensen
AW-207, United States of America-AW- References: Madagascar-N-1001, Amblystegiaceae
210, United States of America-G-211, Madagascar-N-1000. Total N° of Refs: 1
United States of America-W-218, United References: Global-U-1382.
Kingdom-U-314, Australia-E-380, United Camptorrhiza strumosa (Bak.) Oberm.
States of America-A-543, Europe-U-638, Liliaceae Campyloneurum phyllitidis (L.) C.Presl
Canada and United States of America-N- Total N° of Refs: 1 Polypodiaceae
725, North America-E-784, Japan-N-794, Habit: perennial Herb Total N° of Refs: 2
Hungary-U-809, United States of America- Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Global Risk Score: 0.72
I-904, United States of America-W-967, Origin: Africa Rating: Low
India-N-976, Australia-N-354, United Major Pathway/s: Crop Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
States of America-W-1104, Greece-U- References: South Africa-AW-121. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
1142, Croatia-C-1166, Belgium-U-1220, Dispersed by: Humans
Italy-U-251, Hungary-U-1255, Italy-N- Camptosema grandiflorum Benth. References: Jamaica-A-87, North America-
1265, Bermuda-N-1267, United States of Fabaceae - Papilionaceae N-1760.
America-A-1275, Japan-N-1278, Georgia- Total N° of Refs: 2
A-1313, Sardinia-N-1336, Global-W-1349, References: Brazil-A-923, Brazil-A-87. Campylopus incrassatus (Kunze) C.
Spain-U-1454, Slovakia-U-1484, Albania- MŸll.
U-1506, Greece-CN-1541, Russia-W-1609, Camptosema rubicundum Hook. & Arn. Dicranaceae
United States of America-A-87, Global- Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
CD-1611, Croatia-N-1747, India-N-1765, Total N° of Refs: 2 References: Global-N-1382.
Ecuador-N-1796, Sardinia-U-1393, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Australia-N-1902, Ukraine-U-1840, Chile- References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977.
I-1872, Argentina-E-1874, Italy-U-1887,
Romania-U-1905, Sardinia-U-1917, Italy-
N-1842, Croatia-U-2004, Ukraine-U-2014,
India-U-2109, Albania-W-1977, Armenia-
W-1977, Australia-W-1977, Belgium-W-
1977, Chile-W-1977, Croatia-W-1977,
France-W-1977, Greece-W-1977, Italy-W-
1977, Japan-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977,
Slovakia-W-1977, Italy-U-2115.

Campsis x spp. (Vis.) Rehder

Accepted name: parents = Campsis
grandiflora Thunb. x Campsis radicans (L.)
Seem. ex Bureau
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Campsis x sp.
(Vis.) Rehder
Total N° of Refs: 1
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
References: New Zealand-N-280.

Campylopus introflexus (Hedw.) Brid. Cananga odorata (Lam.) Hook.f. & Canarium ovatum Engl.
Dicranaceae Thomson Burseraceae
Accepted name: Campylopus pilifer Brid. Annonaceae Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 31 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Canangium Habit: Tree
Origin: Africa, Aust, S Am odoratum (Lam.) Baill. ex King (1) Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Total N° of Refs: 40 Origin: SE Asia
Dispersed by: Humans Global Risk Score: 4.32 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal,
References: Global-EI-152, Germany-EI- Rating: Low Ornamental
632, France-I-720, United Kingdom-N-812, Habit: Tree Dispersed by: Humans
Belgium-NI-858, United Kingdom-N-1006, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, References: Federated States of
Europe-N-819, Norway-N-1243, Global- Subtropical, Tropical Micronesia-N-230.
W-1324, Global-UN-1382, Global-AE- Origin: Africa, Aust, E Asia, SE Asia
1490, Sweden-N-1802, France-N-1940, -I-, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, Canarium schweinfurthii Engl.
-I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, Belarus-W-1977, Ornamental Burseraceae
Belgium-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Total N° of Refs: 2
Croatia-W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977, References: Global-N-85, Federated States Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Denmark-W-1977, France-W-1977, of Micronesia-W-107, southeast Asia-W- Origin: Africa
Germany-W-1977, Hungary-W-1977, 191, Federated States of Micronesia-N-230, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Iceland-W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Latvia-W- Caribbean-N-707, Africa-W-760, Global- Ornamental
1977, Netherlands-W-1977, Norway-W- N-714, Costa Rica-I-975, Pacific-W-3, Dispersed by: Humans
1977, Poland-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977, United States of America-N-101, Pacific- References: Chad-nC-640, Chad-W-1977.
Sweden-W-1977, United Kingdom-W- W-621, Belize-N-850, Costa Rica-CN-872,
1977. Ecuador-N-875, Mozambique-nC-943, Canarium vulgare Leenh.
Global-N-1059, Caribbean-N-1201, French Burseraceae
Campylopus pilifer Brid. Polynesia-N-1514, Global-CD-1611, Sao Accepted name: Canarium commune auct.
Dicranaceae Tome and Principe-N-1805, Seychelles-N- (non L.)
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Campylopus 1925, -I-, Australia-W-1977, Burundi-W- Total N° of Refs: 1
introflexus (Hedw.) Brid. (31) 1977, Chile-W-1977, Comoros-W-1977, Habit: Tree
Total N° of Refs: 31 Cook Islands-W-1977, Costa Rica-W-1977, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Democratic Republic of the Congo-W- Origin: E Asia
Campylopus pyriformis (Schultz) Brid. 1977, Fiji-W-1977, Marshall Islands-W- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry,
Dicranaceae 1977, Micronesia (Federated States of)-W- Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 2 1977, Niue-W-1977, Palau-W-1977, Papua Dispersed by: Humans
References: Global-W-1324, -I-, Iceland- New Guinea-W-1977, Saint Lucia-W-1977, References: India-W-1977.
W-1977. Samoa-W-1977, Seychelles-W-1977,
Tonga-W-1977, Global--1324. Canavalia africana Dunn
Campylopus schmidii (M?ll. Hal.) A. Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Jaeger Canangium odoratum (Lam.) Baill. ex Total N° of Refs: 2
Dicranaceae King Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Annonaceae Tropical
References: Global-N-1382. Accepted name: Cananga odorata (Lam.) Major Pathway/s: Crop
Hook. f. & Thomson References: La Reunion-N-1321, India-W-
Total N° of Refs: 40 1977.
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
References: Chile-I-1872. Canavalia bonariensis Lindl.
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Canarium commune L. var. vulgare Total N° of Refs: 1
Leenh. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Burseraceae Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical References: South Africa-N-956.
References: Federated States of
Micronesia-N-230. Canavalia brasiliensis Mart. ex Benth.
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Canarium indicum L. Total N° of Refs: 3
Burseraceae Habit: Vine
Total N° of Refs: 2 Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical,
Toxic - Habit: Tree Tropical
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Major Pathway/s: Pasture
Origin: E Asia Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, References: United States of America-W-
Ornamental 179, Venezuela-W-1511, Eastern
Dispersed by: Humans Caribbean-N-1742.
References: Philippines-nC-1099, Marshall

Canavalia campylocarpa Piper Canavalia ensiformis (L.) DC. Canavalia hirsuta Standl.
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Canavalia dictyota Total N° of Refs: 45 Total N° of Refs: 2
Piper (2) Global Risk Score: 8.96 References: Mexico-W-890, Mexico-W-
Total N° of Refs: 2 Rating: Medium 1226.
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Toxic - Habit: annual Herb
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Canavalia maritima Thouars
Canavalia cathartica Thouars Origin: N Am, S Am, Cosmopolitan Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Accepted name: Canavalia rosea (Sw.) DC.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Canavalia Ornamental, Pasture Total N° of Refs: 9
microcarpa (DC.) Piper (1), Canavalia Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Global Risk Score: 1.76
virosa (Roxb.) Wight & Arn. (1) References: Guyana-CW-32, Puerto Rico- Rating: Low
Total N° of Refs: 14 UW-261, Taiwan-N-500, Taiwan-N-777, Habit: Tree
Global Risk Score: 4.8 Australia-N-7, Global-N-85, United States Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Rating: Low of America-N-101, United States of Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental,
Habit: Vine America-W-179, Australia-C-401, Pasture
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Australia-N-945, Australia-N-310, Belize- Dispersed by: Humans
Origin: Africa, Aust, E Asia N-850, Paraguay-N-876, Central America- References: Cuba-A-14, Puerto Rico-A-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, A-933, Argentina-I-983, Australia-N-354, 929, south and southeast Asia-A-1320,
Ornamental Laos-N-1102, Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157, south and southeast Asia-A-1408, Puerto
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee China-N-1215, French Guiana-N-1346, Rico-A-87, Trinidad-A-87, Dominican
References: Federated States of Taiwan-N-1403, Australia-N-1491, Chad- Republic-A-87, Polynesia, West-A-87.
Micronesia-N-230, United States of N-1503, Cuba-NI-1505, Brazil-N-1597,
America-CE-617, United States of Hawaii-A-87, Puerto Rico-A-87, Belize-A- Canavalia microcarpa (DC.) Piper
America-N-101, United States of America- 87, Peru-A-87, Global-CD-1611, Taiwan- Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
N-301, United States of America-E-151, W-1748, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Accepted name: Canavalia cathartica Thou.
United States of America-N-839, United Islands-C-1821, Sao Tome and Principe-N- Total N° of Refs: 13
States of America-N-1292, Global-W- 1805, Argentina-A-1874, Cuba-NI-2055, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
1324, Hawaii-A-87, Polynesia, West-A-87, Argentina-W-1977, Australia-W-1977, References: Thailand-A-209.
Global-CD-1611, United States of Burkina Faso-W-1977, Chad-W-1977,
America-E-1736. Cuba-W-1977, India-W-1977, Lao People's Canavalia obtusifolia DC.
Democratic Republic-W-1977, Marshall Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Canavalia dictyota Piper Islands-W-1977, Taiwan-W-1977, Global-- Accepted name: Canavalia rosea (Sw.) DC.
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae 1324. Total N° of Refs: 2
Accepted name: Canavalia campylocarpa ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 2 Canavalia gladiata (Jacq.) DC. Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Fabaceae - Papilionaceae References: Fiji-A-1521.
References: Gal pagos Islands-N-257, Total N° of Refs: 15
Ecuador-W-1977. Global Risk Score: 8.96 Canavalia plagiosperma Piper
Rating: Medium Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Toxic - Habit: annual Herb Total N° of Refs: 5
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Origin: Aust, E Asia Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Pasture
Ornamental, Pasture Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee References: Guyana-CW-32, Global-N-85,
References: Global-N-85, United States of Global-N-1059, Peru-N-1293, Global-CD-
America-N-101, Madagascar-N-1001, 1611.
China-N-1215, United States of America-
C-1329, Madagascar-N-1000, south and Canavalia rosea (Sw.) DC.
southeast Asia-A-1408, Cuba-NI-1505, Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Brazil-N-1597, North Korea-N-1600, Synonym/s (n° of refs): Canavalia maritima
Global-CD-1611, Cuba-N-2055, Australia- Thouars (8), Canavalia obtusifolia DC. (1)
W-1977, Cuba-W-1977, India-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 10
Global Risk Score: 1.2
Canavalia gladiata (Jacq.) DC. var. Rating: Low
gladiata Habit: Vine
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical,
Total N° of Refs: 3 Tropical
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Origin: E Asia Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee References: Pacific-A-6.
References: Guyana-CW-32, French
Guiana-N-1346, Global-CD-1611.

Canavalia sericea A.Gray Canna bidentata Bertol. Canna x generalis L.H.Bailey
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Cannaceae Cannaceae
Total N° of Refs: 7 Total N° of Refs: 1 Accepted name: parents = Canna indica L.
Global Risk Score: 0.96 Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical x Canna spp. [a complex hybrid]
Rating: Low Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Synonym/s (n° of refs): Canna x orchiodes
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Dispersed by: Humans L.H.Bailey (5), Canna generalis L.H.Bailey
Origin: Aust References: Tanzania-N-88. (3)
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 47
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Canna coccinea Mill. Global Risk Score: 4.32
References: United States of America-CE- Cannaceae Rating: Low
617, United States of America-N-101, Accepted name: Canna indica L. Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb
United States of America-N-301, United Total N° of Refs: 265 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
States of America-N-839, United States of Global Risk Score: 1.44 Subtropical, Tropical
America-N-1292, Polynesia, West-A-87, Rating: Low Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Global-CD-1611. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Dispersed by: Humans, Water, Escapee
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental References: Japan-N-287, South Africa-C-
Canavalia villosa Benth. Dispersed by: Humans 283, United States of America-N-101,
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae References: South America-W-295, Japan- United States of America-W-179,
Total N° of Refs: 2 N-287, Japan-W-286, Japan-N-794, Australia-N-945, South Africa-QID-113,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Paraguay-NI-876, Brazil-A-923, Colombia- New Zealand-N-534, South Africa-I-759,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, A-927, Puerto Rico-A-929, Japan-N-1278, Australia-EN-7, Japan-N-794, Australia-W-
Ornamental New Caledonia-I-1507, Puerto Rico-A-87, 853, Australia-N-856, Australia-W-869,
Dispersed by: Humans Brazil-A-87, Colombia-A-87, Dominican New Zealand-U-919, Australia-N-354,
References: Mexico-W-890, Mexico-W- Republic-A-87, Mexico-A-87, Trinidad-A- Global-N-1059, Europe-N-819, New
1226. 87. Zealand-E-505, Africa-W-1127, Gal pagos
Islands-CN-1157, Belgium-U-1220, Japan-
Canavalia virosa (Roxb.) Wight & Arn. Canna discolor Lindl. N-1278, Gal pagos Islands-C-1481, Global-
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Cannaceae CD-1611, South Korea-N-1578, Australia-
Accepted name: Canavalia cathartica Total N° of Refs: 2 N-1902, China-N-1938, -I-, South Africa-
Thouars Global Risk Score: 0.72 NR-2017, New Zealand-U-2048, Australia-
Total N° of Refs: 13 Rating: Low W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Cook Islands-
Habit: Tree Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental W-1977, France-W-1977, Japan-W-1977,
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Dispersed by: Humans Marshall Islands-W-1977, Micronesia
Origin: Africa References: Laos-N-1102, Chile-I-1872. (Federated States of)-W-1977, Palau-W-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, 1977, South Africa-W-1977, South Korea-
Ornamental, Pasture Canna edulis Ker.-Gawl. U-2113, North Korea--.
Dispersed by: Humans Cannaceae
References: Eastern Caribbean-N-1742. Accepted name: Canna indica L. Canna generalis L.H.Bailey
Total N° of Refs: 254 Cannaceae
Canella alba Murray Global Risk Score: 1.76 Accepted name: Canna x generalis
Canellaceae Rating: Low L.H.Bailey
Accepted name: Canella winterana Gaertn. Habit: perennial Herb Total N° of Refs: 42
Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, References: Chile-W-1977, Democratic
ToxicMajor Pathway/s: Herbal Subtropical, Tropical Repubic of Korea-W-1977, Republic of
References: Jamaica-A-87. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental, Korea-W-1977.
Canella winterana (L.) Gaertn. Dispersed by: Humans Canna glauca L.
Canellaceae References: Australia, northern-N-456, Cannaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Canella alba Laos-N-1102, Taiwan-N-1403, Antilles Total N° of Refs: 14
Murray (1) Lesser-A-87, Trinidad-A-87. Global Risk Score: 2.4
Total N° of Refs: 1 Rating: Low
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Canna flaccida Salisb. Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb
Tropical Cannaceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 8 Subtropical, Tropical
Dispersed by: Humans Global Risk Score: 0.72 Origin: C Am, N Am, S Am
Rating: Low Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Canistrum amazonicum (Baker) Mez Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Ornamental
Bromeliaceae Origin: N Am Dispersed by: Humans
Accepted name: Wittrockia amazonica Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental References: Global-N-85, Global-N-1059,
(Baker) L. B. Sm. Dispersed by: Humans Africa-W-1127, Spain-I-1454, Cuba-NI-
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Puerto Rico-X-258, Global-X- 1505, Puerto Rico-A-87, Suriname-A-87,
References: Chile-I-1872. 85, Spain-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Peru-N- Sri Lanka-N-1796, Chile-I-1872, China-N-
1293, Global-W-1324, New Zealand-U- 1938, Cuba-N-2024, Cuba-N-2055, Chile-
2048, India-W-1977. W-1977, Cuba-W-1977.

Canna x hortensis Guillaumin Canna indica L. 1514, Fiji-A-1521, American Samoa-I-
Cannaceae Cannaceae 1544, Australia-I-1544, China-I-1544,
Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Canna coccinea Cook Islands-I-1544, Federated States of
Origin: C Am, S Am Mill. (16), Canna edulis Ker.-Gawl. (5), Micronesia-I-1544, Fiji-I-1544, French
References: Spain-N-1454. Canna lutea Mill. (1), Canna pallida Roscoe Polynesia-I-1544, Guam-I-1544, India-I-
(1), Canna polyclada Wawra (1) 1544, Japan-I-1544, Kiribati-I-1544,
Canna humilis Bouche Total N° of Refs: 273 Marshall Islands-I-1544, Burma-Myanmar-
Cannaceae Global Risk Score: 35.84 I-1544, Nauru-I-1544, New Zealand-I-
Total N° of Refs: 1 Rating: Extreme 1544, Niue-I-1544, United States of
Global Risk Score: 0.24 Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb America-I-1544, Palau-I-1544, Philippines-
Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, I-1544, Samoa-I-1544, Singapore-I-1544,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Subtropical, Tropical Solomon Islands-I-1544, Thailand-I-1544,
Dispersed by: Humans Origin: Africa, C Am, E Asia, Europe, N Tonga-I-1544, Tuvalu-I-1544, Vanuatu-I-
References: Chile-I-1872. Am, S Am, Cosmopolitan 1544, Wallis, Futuna and Alofi Islands-I-
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, 1544, Bolivia-N-1630, Polynesia, West-A-
Canna hybrida Back. Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture 87, Italy-A-87, Ghana-A-87, Hawaii-A-87,
Cannaceae Dispersed by: Humans, Water, Escapee Philippines-A-87, Argentina-A-87,
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Federated States of Australia-A-87, Borneo-A-87, China-A-87,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Micronesia-N-230, Federated States of Republic of Congo-A-87, Colombia-A-87,
Dispersed by: Humans Micronesia-W-107, Vietnam-W-262, Belize-A-87, Jordan-A-87, Japan-A-87,
References: Indonesia-A-87. Australia-E-201, Australia-CN-368, Melanesia-A-87, Nepal-A-87, New
Singapore-N-476, Australia-CEN-479, Zealand-A-87, Puerto Rico-A-87,
United States of America-CE-617, Taiwan- Zimbabwe-A-87, El Salvador-A-87,
N-777, Slovakia-CE-782, Thailand-W-822, Senegal-A-87, Thailand-A-87, Uganda-A-
Pacific-W-3, New Zealand-E-246, 87, United States of America-A-87, Cape
Australia-E-73, Global-N-108, Global-N- Verde-N-1558, Australia, northern-W-
85, South Africa-CX-283, United States of 1204, South Africa-E-1646, Global-CD-
America-N-101, New Zealand-N-280, 1611, Azores-N-1721, East Africa-I-1723,
South Africa-AZR-121, Australia-N-134, India-N-1370, United States of America-E-
United States of America-W-179, Japan-N- 1736, Taiwan-W-1748, Turkey-U-1718,
287, Japan-W-286, New Zealand-W-225, India-N-1789, India-N-1790, China-N-
United States of America-W-218, 1796, Nigeria-N-1796, Senegal-N-1796,
Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945, United Myanmar-N-1796, Benin-N-1796,
Kingdom-U-314, New Zealand-NW-425, Cambodia-N-1796, Central African
South Africa-QID-113, Australia-CE-168, Republic-N-1796, Ethiopia-N-1796,
Australia-E-189, Pacific-E-621, Global-N- Gabon-N-1796, Gambia-N-1796, Sri
626, Canary Islands-N-637, Europe-N-638, Lanka-N-1796, Sardinia-N-1393, India-I-
Australia-EN-310, Italy-N-733, Japan-I- 1826, Sao Tome and Principe-N-1805,
741, South Africa-I-759, Mediterranean-I- Australia-N-1902, Singapore-N-1839, El
775, United States of America-N-301, Salvador-N-1849, Chile-I-1872, Italy-UN-
United States of America-E-151, Mexico- 1887, Belize-A-1900, Sardinia-U-1917,
N-791, Swaziland-N-825, United States of Colombia-I-1926, Mexico-R-1935, China-
America-N-839, Australia-W-853, N-1938, Italy-U-1842, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -
Australia-W-869, Ecuador-N-875, Mexico- I-, South Africa-N-1991, Croatia-U-2004,
W-890, New Zealand-N-919, Central Burundi-N-2012, South Africa-NR-2017,
America-A-933, Mozambique-nC-943, Angola-N-2028, New Zealand-N-2048,
Mediterranean-W-951, South Africa-N- Brazil-R-2053, Cuba-NI-2055, Albania-W-
956, Australia-N-354, Portugal-N-1006, 1977, Armenia-W-1977, Australia-W-
France-N-1006, Italy-N-1006, Portugal-N- 1977, Burundi-W-1977, Cameroon-W-
1006, Australia-N-1049, Global-N-1059, 1977, Chad-W-1977, Chile-W-1977,
Mozambique-E-1076, Pacific-E-1078, China-W-1977, Comoros-W-1977, Cook
Wallis, Futuna and Alofi Islands-E-1080, Islands-W-1977, Croatia-W-1977, Cuba-
Portugal-N-898, Europe-N-819, New W-1977, Democratic Republic of the
Zealand-E-505, Laos-N-1102, South Congo-W-1977, Ecuador-W-1977,
Africa-X-1112, Africa-X-1127, Iberian Equatorial Guinea-W-1977, Fiji-W-1977,
Peninsular-N-1147, Gal pagos Islands-CN- France-W-1977, Ghana-W-1977, Guyana-
1157, United States of America-Q-1197, W-1977, India-W-1977, Iran (Islamic
China-N-1215, Mexico-W-1226, South Republic of)-W-1977, Italy-W-1977,
Africa-NXI-1247, Italy-N-251, Bermuda- Japan-W-1977, Kenya-W-1977, Kiribati-
N-1267, Spain-U-1270, Singapore-N-1290, W-1977, Lao People's Democratic
United States of America-N-1292, Peru-N- Republic-W-1977, Malaysia-W-1977,
1293, La Reunion-N-1321, Global-W- Marshall Islands-W-1977, Micronesia
1324, United States of America-C-1329, (Federated States of)-W-1977, Nauru-W-
Sardinia-N-1336, Madagascar-N-1000, 1977, New Zealand-W-1977, Niue-W-
French Guiana-N-1346, Zimbabwe-N- 1977, Palau-W-1977, Papua New Guinea-
1365, South Africa-N-1002, Taiwan-N- W-1977, Portugal-W-1977, Samoa-W-
1403, Spain-N-1454, Australia-E-1456, 1977, Singapore-W-1977, Solomon
Chad-N-1503, Cuba-NI-1505, New Islands-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977,
Caledonia-I-1507, French Polynesia-N- Spain-W-1977, Suriname-W-1977,

Taiwan-W-1977, Thailand-W-1977, Canna orientalis Roscoe Canna tuerckheimii Kränzl.
Tonga-W-1977, Tuvalu-W-1977, Uganda- Cannaceae Cannaceae
W-1977, United Republic of Tanzania-W- Total N° of Refs: 2 Accepted name: Canna latifolium Mill.
1977, Vanuatu-W-1977, Venezuela-W- Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Total N° of Refs: 3
1977, Zambia-W-1977, Zimbabwe-W- Major Pathway/s: Herbal Aqua - Habit:
1977, Swaziland-W-1977. References: Laos-N-1102, Chile-I-1872. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Canna indica L. var. flava Roxb. Canna pallida Roscoe Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Cannaceae Cannaceae Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 4 Accepted name: Canna indica L. References: Peru-N-1293, Global-W-1324,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 250 Chile-W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans References: Chile-I-1872.
References: Japan-N-287, Japan-W-286, Canna variabilis Willd.
Japan-N-794, Japan-N-1278. Canna paniculata Ruiz & Pav. Cannaceae
Cannaceae Total N° of Refs: 3
Canna indica L. var. orientalis (Roscoe) Total N° of Refs: 2 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Hook. f. Global Risk Score: 0.24 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Cannaceae Rating: Low Dispersed by: Humans
Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical References: Europe-N-819, Global-W-
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Ornamental 1324, Chile-I-1872.
Dispersed by: Humans Dispersed by: Humans
References: Taiwan-W-1748. References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Canna warszewiczii Otto & Dietr.
Canna indica L. var. rubra Aiton Canna pedunculata Sims Total N° of Refs: 6
Cannaceae Cannaceae Global Risk Score: 0.72
Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 2 Rating: Low
References: Japan-N-794, Japan-N-1278. References: Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977. Habit: perennial Herb
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Canna latifolium Mill. Canna polyclada Wawra Origin: S Am
Cannaceae Cannaceae Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Canna tuerckheimii Accepted name: Canna indica L. Dispersed by: Humans
Kr nzl. (3) Total N° of Refs: 250 References: Taiwan-N-1403, Taiwan-W-
Total N° of Refs: 3 References: Chile-I-1872. 1748, Chile-I-1872, Chile-W-1977,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Colombia-W-1977, Taiwan-W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans Canna speciosa Rosc. ex Sims
Cannaceae Cannabis indica Lam.
Canna lutea Mill. Total N° of Refs: 1 Cannabaceae
Cannaceae Global Risk Score: 0.72 Accepted name: Cannabis sativa subsp.
Accepted name: Canna indica L. Rating: Low indica
Total N° of Refs: 250 Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 295
Global Risk Score: 0.72 Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Rating: Low References: Chile-I-1872. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Canna spp. L. References: Australia-N-1049.
Dispersed by: Humans Cannaceae
References: Gal pagos Islands-EW-257. Total N° of Refs: 2 Cannabis x intersita Soják
Aqua - Habit: Herb Cannabaceae
Canna neglecta Steud. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Accepted name: Cannabis sativa L.
Cannaceae Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 298
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Venezuela-A-932, Africa-W- Habit: annual Herb
References: United States of America-N- 1127. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
101. Dispersed by: Humans
Canna sylvestris Roscoe References: Czech Republic-UZ-400,
Canna x orchiodes L.H.Bailey Cannaceae Europe-N-819, Slovakia-U-1484, Slovakia-
Cannaceae Total N° of Refs: 1 W-1977.
Accepted name: Canna x generalis Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
L.H.Bailey References: Chile-I-1872.
Total N° of Refs: 44
Global Risk Score: 0.48
Rating: Low
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Subtropical, Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans
References: Australia-N-945, Australia-
EN-7, Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1491,

Cannabis ruderalis Janisch. Cannabis sativa L. 898, Europe-N-819, United States of
Cannabaceae Cannabaceae America-W-1104, Pakistan-I-1111, Bosnia
Accepted name: Cannabis sativa L. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Cannabis indica and Herzegovina-N-1140, Iberian
Total N° of Refs: 319 Lam. (1), Cannabis x intersita Soj k (4), Peninsular-N-1147, Spain-U-1149, Crete-
Habit: annual Herb Cannabis ruderalis Janisch. (25), Cannabis U-1150, Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157,
Origin: E Asia, Europe sativa L. var. spontanea Vavilov (6) Cyprus-U-1174, Namibia-C-1179, United
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Total N° of Refs: 330 States of America-Q-1197, South Korea-N-
Dispersed by: Humans Global Risk Score: 19.2 761, Pakistan-A-1214, China-N-1215,
Weed of: Cereals Rating: High Belgium-U-1220, Mexico-W-1226,
References: Global-W-23, Europe, eastern- Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Pakistan-A-1232, India-A-1234, Norway-
AW-272, Czech Republic-ZI-400, Czech Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, N-1243, South Africa-N-1247, Georgia-
Republic-NI-826, Australia-N-1049, Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical NR-1250, Italy-N-251, Italy-N-1265,
Ukraine-I-1121, Czech Republic-A-1186, Origin: Africa, C Asia, E Asia, Europe, W Spain-U-1270, India-I-1280, China-NI-
Slovakia-A-1282, Ukraine-N-1335, Asia 1212, Botswana-N-1284, Peru-N-1293,
Slovakia-N-1484, Europe-A-1539, Czech Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Ukraine-N-1297, India-W-1307, Pakistan-
Republic-W-1609, Russia-A-87, Mongolia- Herbal, Ornamental A-1309, south and southeast Asia-A-1320,
A-1620, Ukraine-N-1685, Russia-N-1921, Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Escapee La Reunion-U-1321, Global-W-1324,
Poland-A-1965, Russia-A-2034, Russia-A- Seed Longevity: Transient Ukraine-N-1335, Sardinia-U-1336,
2041, Ukraine-N-2050, Slovakia-N-2052, Weed of: Cereals, Lupins, Orchards & Madagascar-N-1000, China-N-1344, India-
Russia-A-2063, Ukraine-N-2112, Slovakia- Plantations, Pastures, Vegetables I-1345, Global-W-1349, Zimbabwe-U-
W-1977, Ukraine-W-1977. References: Zimbabwe-XW-50, Global-W- 1365, India-I-1389, South Africa-NI-1002,
108, Brazil-W-362, Brazil-W-407, India-W-1406, Spain-U-1454, Spain-U-
Australia-CN-368, India-W-424, Pakistan- 1455, Slovakia-U-1484, China-I-1496,
I-422, Global-W-23, Australia-W-269, Mexico-CN-1500, Chad-N-1503, Albania-
United States of America-CW-34, United N-1506, Russia-N-1533, Europe-A-1539,
Kingdom-N-40, Finland-U-42, South Romania-N-1540, Greece-N-1541, New
Africa-W-51, South Africa-X-63, United Zealand-N-1543, Panarctic-U-1596,
States of America-E-80, Global-NXZW-85, Romania-CN-1599, India-N-1601, United
Europe-A-94, South Africa-X-278, Global- States of America-N-1603, United States of
A-243, United States of America-N-101, America-N-1607, Estonia-W-1609,
New Zealand-N-280, South Africa-AZR- Denmark-W-1609, Lithuania-W-1609,
121, Australia-X-147, South Africa-W-158, Norway-W-1609, Poland-W-1609,
China-W-256, United States of America- Sweden-W-1609, India-AN-1632,
W-161, Australia-X-169, United States of Pakistan-A-1634, United Kingdom-U-
America-W-174, United States of America- 1636, Afghanistan-A-87, Australia-A-87,
W-179, Japan-N-287, United States of China-A-87, Hong Kong-A-87, Pakistan-
America-N-426, Australia-N-198, United A-87, Puerto Rico-A-87, Hungary-A-87,
States of America-W-210, United States of United States of America-A-87, Botswana-
America-W-212, Europe, eastern-AW-272, A-87, Cambodia-A-87, Canada-A-87,
United States of America-W-218, United Republic of Congo-A-87, India-A-87, Iran-
States of America-W-219, China-W-297, A-87, Iraq-A-87, Jamaica-A-87, Jordan-A-
Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945, United 87, Japan-A-87, South Korea-A-87, Nepal-
Kingdom-UZ-314, Australia-E-327, Czech A-87, New Zealand-A-87, Zimbabwe-A-
Republic-U-400, United States of America- 87, South Africa-A-87, Senegal-A-87,
W-486, China-W-431, United Kingdom-N- Russia-A-87, Thailand-A-87, Turkey-A-87,
519, New Zealand-N-534, United States of North Korea-A-1018, Serbia-W-1031,
America-A-543, Africa-W-622, Canada-A- Spain-N-1556, Global-Q-1572, Bosnia And
642, Ukraine-NR-643, Australia-AENX- Herzegovina-N-1453, Russia-N-1647,
310, India-A-712, Canada and United Lithuania-UC-1652, Global-CD-1611,
States of America-N-725, United States of India-W-1672, Australia-ZD-1675, Russia-
America-E-736, Lithuania-I-737, United N-1681, Russia-N-1682, Russia-W-1687,
States of America-N-86, Canada-C-756, Pakistan-I-1697, China-I-1711, United
South Korea-N-773, United States of States of America-XW-1719, India-A-
America-E-151, North America-X-790, 1725, Pakistan-A-1726, Pakistan-A-1728,
Mexico-N-791, Spain-W-807, United Iceland-U-1552, United States of America-
Kingdom-U-812, Switzerland-U-818, E-1736, Europe-NI-1740, Eastern
Swaziland-N-825, Australia-W-853, Caribbean-N-1742, Croatia-N-1747, China-
Australia-N-855, Australia-W-869, United I-1758, China-I-1769, Russia-W-1671,
States of America-X-229, Costa Rica-CN- India-N-1789, Nepal-A-1791, India-AN-
872, Ecuador-N-875, Europe-A-889, 1794, Sardinia-U-1393, Austria-N-1828,
Mexico-W-890, Ireland-U-894, United India-W-1829, Sao Tome and Principe-N-
States of America-I-904, Germany-N-907, 1805, Australia-N-1902, Canada-G-1855,
Global-W-788, India-I-914, New Zealand- Chile-I-1872, India-I-1875, New Zealand-
N-919, Africa-N-926, Puerto Rico-A-929, Q-1879, Italy-UN-1887, Sardinia-U-1917,
Mozambique-nC-943, United States of Nepal-A-1932, Montenegro-R-1944, -I-, -I-
America-W-946, India-A-948, Australia-N- , Nepal-R-1981, Central and northern Japan
354, Latvia-N-1006, Lithuania-N-1006, and northern islands-N-1983, Bosnia and
Slovakia-N-1006, Australia-N-1049, Herzegovina-N-1987, Russia-N-1988,
China-I-1055, India-E-1086, Portugal-N- Russia-N-1989, Switzerland-U-1990, South

Africa-N-1991, India-I-1992, Estonia-N- Cannabis sativa L. subsp. sativa var. Canscora decussata Schult. & Schult. f.,
1997, Ukraine-N-2014, South Africa-UR- sativa nom. illeg.
2017, China-ANRI-2021, India-I-2022, Cannabaceae Gentianaceae
Spain-N-2027, New Zealand-N-2048, Total N° of Refs: 1 Accepted name: Canscora alata (Roth)
Ukraine-N-2050, New Zealand-Q-2086, References: United States of America-N- Wall.
Ukraine-N-2112, Albania-W-1977, 101. Total N° of Refs: 8
Australia-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977, Habit: annual Herb
Canada-W-1977, Chad-W-1977, Chile-W- Cannabis sativa L. subsp. sativa var. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
1977, China-W-1977, Colombia-W-1977, spontanea Vavilov Origin: Africa
Croatia-W-1977, Cyprus-W-1977, Czech Cannabaceae Major Pathway/s: Herbal
Republic-W-1977, Democratic Repubic of Total N° of Refs: 1 References: India-AG-712, south and
Korea-W-1977, Democratic Republic of References: United States of America-N- southeast Asia-A-1320, Ghana-A-87, India-
the Congo-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977, 101. A-1936, Australia-Q-1123, India-R-1984.
France-W-1977, Greece-W-1977, Iceland-
W-1977, India-W-1977, Ireland-W-1977, Cannabis sativa L. subsp. spontanea Canscora diffusa (Vahl) R.Br. ex Roem.
Italy-W-1977, Latvia-W-1977, Lithuania- (Czer.) Serebr. & Schult.
W-1977, Marshall Islands-W-1977, Cannabaceae Gentianaceae
Mongolia-W-1977, Nepal-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 8
Norway-W-1977, Pakistan-W-1977, Palau- Origin: C Asia, E Asia Global Risk Score: 3.52
W-1977, Poland-W-1977, Portugal-W- References: Romania-I-896, Global-N- Rating: Low
1977, Republic of Korea-W-1977, Republic 1059, Romania-N-1599. Habit: annual Herb
of Moldova-W-1977, Romania-W-1977, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Russian Federation-W-1977, Slovakia-W- Cannabis spp. L. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental,
1977, South Africa-W-1977, Sweden-W- Cannabaceae Pasture
1977, Switzerland-W-1977, Ukraine-W- Synonym/s (n° of refs): Cannabis spp. L. Dispersed by: Humans
1977, Zimbabwe-W-1977, Swaziland-W- Total N° of Refs: 4 Weed of: Bananas, Cereals, Orchards and
1977, South Korea-N-2113, North Korea- ToxicDispersed by: Humans Plantations
N-2114. References: Australia-N-198, Australia-C- References: India-A-66, south and
401, Australia-W-310, Global-CD-1611. southeast Asia-A-1320, India-NI-1345,
Cannabis sativa L. var. sativa India-A-1034, India-A-1703, Colombia-N-
Cannabaceae Cannomois virgata (Rottb.) Steud. 1856, India-A-1936, India-R-1984.
Total N° of Refs: 3 Restionaceae
References: Czech Republic-U-1522, Total N° of Refs: 2 Canthium barbatum Forst.) Seem. var.
Czech Republic-U-1731, Czech Republic- Habit: perennial Grass korrorense (Val.) Fosb.
W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Rubiaceae
Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 1
Cannabis sativa L. var. spontanea References: Australia--, Australia-Q-1134, Habit: Shrub
Vavilov Australia-Q-1123. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Cannabaceae References: Federated States of
Accepted name: Cannabis sativa L. Canotia holacantha Torr. Micronesia-N-230.
Total N° of Refs: 300 Celastraceae
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Total N° of Refs: 2 Canthium hispidum Benth.
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Herbal Rubiaceae
References: Canada-A-642, Czech References: United States of America-W- Total N° of Refs: 1
Republic-I-1522, Czech Republic-I-1731, 218, United States of America-A-87. References: Tanzania-A-87.
Poland-NR-1827, Poland-R-1947, Czech
Republic-W-1977. Canscora alata (Roth) Wall. Cantinoa americana (Aubl.) Harley &
Gentianaceae J.F.B.Pastore
Cannabis sativa L. subsp. indica (Lam.) Synonym/s (n° of refs): Canscora decussata Lamiaceae
E. Small & Cronquist Schult. & Schult. f., nom. illeg. (6) Total N° of Refs: 11
Cannabaceae Total N° of Refs: 8 References: Nigeria-N-1796, Niger-N-
Total N° of Refs: 8 Global Risk Score: 0.96 1796, Congo-N-1796, Senegal-N-1796,
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Rating: Low Benin-N-1796, Burkina Faso-N-1796,
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal Cameroon-N-1796, Central African
References: Global-N-85, United States of Dispersed by: Humans Republic-N-1796, Ethiopia-N-1796,
America-N-101, United States of America- References: Global-ZW-85, Australia-Q- Gambia-N-1796, Global-N-85.
N-301, United States of America-N-839, 1123.
United States of America-N-1292, French
Polynesia-N-1514, Denmark-W-1609, Canscora decurrens Dalz.
Denmark-W-1977. Gentianaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1
Cannabis sativa L. subsp. sativa References: south and southeast Asia-A-
Cannabaceae 1320.
Total N° of Refs: 7
References: Global-N-85, United States of
America-N-101, Global-N-1059, Denmark-
W-1609, Romania-N-1629, Romania-U-
1986, Denmark-W-1977.

Cantua buxifolia Lam. Caperonia senegalensis Müll.Arg. Capillipedium spicigerum S. T. Blake
Polemoniaceae Euphorbiaceae Poaceae
Total N° of Refs: 3 Accepted name: Caperonia serrata (Turcz.) Total N° of Refs: 6
Global Risk Score: 0.48 C.Presl Habit: Grass
Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 2 Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Toxic - Habit: Shrub References: Togo-A-1673. Origin: Aust
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Tropical Caperonia serrata Presl. Dispersed by: Humans
Origin: S Am Euphorbiaceae References: Australia-W-93, southeast
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Synonym/s (n° of refs): Caperonia Asia-W-191, Australia-N-945, Australia-N-
Dispersed by: Humans senegalensis M ll.Arg. (1) 354, Australia-W-1977, Japan-W-1977.
References: Australia-E-380, Chile-I-1872, Total N° of Refs: 2
Chile-W-1977. Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Capnoides sempervirens (L.) Borkh.
References: Nigeria-A-87. Papaveraceae
Caperonia castanaefolia (L.) St. Hil. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Corydalis glauca
Euphorbiaceae Caperonia spp. ST. HIL. Pursh (1), Corydalis sempervirens (L.)
Accepted name: Caperonia castaneifolia Euphorbiaceae Pers. (12)
(L.) St. Hil. Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 19
Total N° of Refs: 8 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
References: United States of America-W- References: Panama-A-588. Dispersed by: Humans
218, Global-A-1233, United States of References: Europe-N-819, Norway-N-
America-A-87. Capillipedium assimile (Steud.) A. 1243, Global-W-1324, Norway-N-1535,
Camus Norway-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609.
Caperonia castaneifolia (L.) A. St.-Hil. Poaceae
Euphorbiaceae Total N° of Refs: 3 Capnophyllum africanum Gaertn.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Caperonia Habit: Grass Apiaceae
castanaefolia (L.) St. Hil. (3) Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 1
Total N° of Refs: 8 References: India-A-1124, south and Origin: Africa
Aqua - Habit: southeast Asia-A-1320, Bangladesh-A- References: Australia-N-1959.
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical 1649.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Capnophyllum peregrinum (L.) Lange
Dispersed by: Humans Capillipedium filiculme (Hook.f.) Stapf Apiaceae
Weed of: Vegetables Poaceae Total N° of Refs: 4
References: Global-XZW-85, United States Total N° of Refs: 1 Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
of America-N-101, United States of Habit: Grass Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe
America-A-543, North America-X-790, References: Vietnam-A-87. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant
Global-W-1349. Dispersed by: Humans
Capillipedium parviflorum (R. Br.) Stapf References: United Kingdom-U-314,
Caperonia fistulosa BEILLE Poaceae United Kingdom-Z-944, Morocco-A-87,
Euphorbiaceae Synonym/s (n° of refs): Andropogon Portugal-A-87.
Total N° of Refs: 1 micranthus Kunth (1)
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Total N° of Refs: 13 Capparidastrum mollicellum (Standl.)
References: Cameroon-A-551. Global Risk Score: 0.48 Cornejo & Iltis
Rating: Low Capparaceae
Caperonia palustris (L.) St. Hail. Habit: perennial Grass Synonym/s (n° of refs): Capparis mollicella
Euphorbiaceae Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Standl. (1)
Total N° of Refs: 30 Origin: Africa, Aust, E Asia Total N° of Refs: 1
Aqua - Habit: annual Herb Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Ornamental Capparis aegyptia Lam.
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal Dispersed by: Humans Capparaceae
Weed of: Cereals, Potatoes, Vegetables Weed of: Bananas, Orchards & Plantations Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Cuba-A-14, Brazil-W-361, References: Thailand-A-238, Philippines- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Brazil-W-407, Cuba-A-579, Global-A-243, W-412, Thailand-W-822, Global-W-85, References: Egypt-A-1028.
South America-W-271, United States of Global-W-90, Japan-W-286, China-W-297,
America-W-161, United States of America- China-W-431, India-N-914, south and Capparis aphylla Roth
W-179, United States of America-A-543, southeast Asia-A-1320, India-N-1389, Capparaceae
Mexico-W-890, Colombia-A-927, Central Philippines-A-87. Accepted name: Capparis decidua (Forssk.)
America-A-933, Global-N-85, United Edgew.
States of America-N-101, Panama-A-1190, Capillipedium parviflorum (R.Br.) Stapf Total N° of Refs: 3
Mexico-W-1226, Africa-A-1332, Global- var. spicigera (Benth.) Roberty References: India-A-87, Pakistan-A-87.
W-1349, Brazil-R-1400, Dominican Poaceae
Republic-A-1472, Dominican Republic-A- Total N° of Refs: 3
1475, Trinidad-A-87, Antilles Lesser-A-87, Habit: Grass
Colombia-A-87, El Salvador-A-87, References: Japan-N-287, Japan-N-794,
Suriname-A-87, Costa Rica-W-1570, Japan-N-1278.
Honduras-W-1892, Belize-A-1900, Costa

Capparis cartilaginea Decne. Capparis orientalis Veillard in Duhamel Capparis spinosa L.
Capparaceae Capparaceae Capparaceae
Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Capparis spinosa L. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Capparis ovata
Habit: Shrub subsp. rupestris (Sm.) Nyman (1) Desf. subsp. ovata (1)
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 20
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Crop Global Risk Score: 4.8
Weed of: Cotton, Orchards & Plantations Rating: Low
References: Pakistan-A-704. Capparis ovata Desf. Habit: Shrub
Capparaceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Capparis decidua (Forssk.) Edgew. Total N° of Refs: 2 Subtropical, Tropical
Capparaceae Habit: Shrub Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Capparis aphylla Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Ornamental
Roth (2) Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Total N° of Refs: 3 Dispersed by: Humans Weed of: Cereals
Global Risk Score: 2.16 References: Greece-W-1240, Chad-W- References: Global-N-85, Canary Islands-
Rating: Low 1977. N-637, France-N-1006, Europe-N-819,
Habit: Shrub Philippines-nC-1099, Croatia-C-1166,
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Capparis ovata Desf. subsp. myrtifolia Global-A-1207, Saudi Arabia-W-1237,
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Inocencio, D.Rivera & al. Turkey-A-1287, Iran-A-87, Iraq-A-87,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Forestry, Herbal, Capparaceae Pakistan-A-87, Turkey-A-87, Global-CD-
Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 1 1611, Chile-I-1872, Iran-A-2072, Chile-W-
Dispersed by: Humans References: Chad-N-1503. 1977, Portugal-W-1977, Spain-W-1977.
Weed of: Cotton, Orchards & Plantations
References: Pakistan-A-704. Capparis ovata Desf. subsp. ovata Capparis spinosa L. subsp. rupestris
Capparaceae (Sm.) Nyman
Capparis erythrocarpos Isert Accepted name: probably = Capparis Capparaceae
Capparaceae spinosa L. Accepted name: Capparis orientalis Veill.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 20 Total N° of Refs: 1
Global Risk Score: 0.48 References: Chad-N-1503. Origin: E Asia, Europe
Rating: Low Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Capparis sandwichiana DC. Dispersed by: Humans
Dispersed by: Animals, Flyers Capparaceae References: Sardinia-N-1393.
References: Ghana-A-87. Total N° of Refs: 2
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Capparis spinosa L. subsp. spinosa
Capparis frutescens L. References: United States of America-W- Capparaceae
Capparaceae 218, United States of America-A-87. Total N° of Refs: 2
Total N° of Refs: 4 References: Sardinia-N-1393, Portugal-W-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Capparis sepiaria L. (Lam.) Tolken var. 1977.
Dispersed by: Humans citrifolia (Lam.) Toelken
References: India-A-87, Jamaica-A-87, Capparaceae Capparis spinosa L. subsp. spinosa var.
Polynesia, West-A-87, Trinidad-A-87. Total N° of Refs: 1 spinosa
Habit: perennial Vine Capparaceae
Capparis incana Kunth Origin: Africa Total N° of Refs: 1
Capparaceae References: South Africa-AW-121. Origin: Africa, Europe
Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Portugal-N-898.
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Capparis speciosa Griseb.
References: United States of America-N- Capparaceae Capparis spp. L.
101. Total N° of Refs: 1 Capparaceae
Habit: Shrub Total N° of Refs: 1
Capparis micrantha A.Rich. Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Capparaceae Dispersed by: Humans Subtropical, Tropical
Total N° of Refs: 3 References: Paraguay-NI-876. References: Europe, eastern-W-272.
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Capparis tomentosa Lam.
Dispersed by: Humans Capparaceae
References: Thailand-A-209, south and Total N° of Refs: 1
southeast Asia-A-1320, south and southeast Habit: Tree
Asia-A-1408. Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Origin: Africa
Capparis mollicella Standl. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Capparaceae Ornamental
Accepted name: Capparidastrum Dispersed by: Humans
mollicellum (Standl.) Cornejo & Iltis References: Ghana-A-87.
Total N° of Refs: 1
References: United States of America-N-

Capparis zeylanica L. Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik Morocco-A-561, Nepal-A-591, Syria-A-
Capparaceae Brassicaceae 599, Global-A-546, Africa-AC-622,
Total N° of Refs: 2 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Capsella bursa- Canada-A-642, Ukraine-N-643, South
Global Risk Score: 1.2 pastoris (L.) Medik. var. bifida Cr pin (1), Korea-A-648, Canada-N-652, Australia-
Rating: Low Capsella rubella Reut. (44) AEN-310, Denmark-A-663, France-A-665,
Habit: Shrub Total N° of Refs: 566 Israel-A-666, Italy-A-667, Poland-A-669,
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Global Risk Score: 24 Slovenia-A-671, Spain-A-672, Sweden-A-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Rating: High 673, Netherlands-A-675, Poland-A-684,
Ornamental Toxic - Habit: annual/biennial Herb Netherlands-A-685, Morocco-A-686, Italy-
Dispersed by: Humans Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, A-687, Denmark-A-692, France-A-695,
References: south and southeast Asia-A- Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Poland-A-699, United States of America-
1320, south and southeast Asia-A-1408. Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, A-705, Denmark-UN-711, India-A-712,
Cosmopolitan Canada and United States of America-N-
Capraria biflora L. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, 725, Turkey-A-727, Iran-A-732, Mexico-
Scrophulariaceae Herbal, Ornamental W-735, United States of America-E-736,
Total N° of Refs: 15 Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Flyers, Global-A-743, United States of America-
Toxic - Habit: Shrub Cattle, Donkey, Goat, Horse, Livestock, N-86, Canada-UC-756, Chile-N-765,
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Tropical Sheep, Vehicles, Water, Wind, Escapee Australia-N-7, United States of America-N-
Origin: C Am, S Am Seed Longevity: Long Term 301, United States of America-E-151,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal Weed of: Bulbs, Canola, Carrots, Cereals, Global-W-788, North America-X-790,
Weed of: Vegetables Cotton, Cucurbits/Melons, Cutflowers, Mexico-N-791, Japan-N-794, United
References: Cuba-A-14, Puerto Rico-W- Grapevines, Lupins, Nursery Production, Kingdom-NZ-812, United States of
261, Global-N-85, Trinidad-A-928, Puerto Orchards & Plantations, Pastures, Pome America-N-839, Australia-W-853,
Rico-A-929, Central America-A-933, Fruits, Potatoes, Sunflowers, Vegetables Australia-N-855, Australia-N-856,
Global-W-1349, Cape Verde-N-1414, References: Taiwan-G-273, Africa-A-53, Australia-N-868, Australia-W-869,
Puerto Rico-A-87, Trinidad-A-87, Ghana- Australia, northern-A-55, Australia-W-93, Ecuador-N-875, Paraguay-NI-876, Mexico-
A-87, Panama-A-87, El Salvador-A-87, Taiwan-A-274, Pakistan-A-248, South I-878, Slovenia-W-883, Europe-A-889,
Cape Verde-N-1558, Venezuela-A-1899. Africa-AZR-121, Taiwan-W-235, Mexico-W-890, Spain-A-892, United
Australia-W-205, Brazil-W-361, Brazil-W- States of America-I-904, India-I-914, New
407, India-NW-424, Asia-W-204, North Zealand-N-919, Brazil-A-923, Uruguay-A-
America-EW-21, Global-W-23, Argentina- 924, Colombia-A-927, Chile-A-931,
W-237, Australia-W-269, United States of Venezuela-A-932, United Kingdom-Z-944,
America-W-34, Global-A-44, Chile-N-300, United States of America-W-946, United
South Africa-W-51, Canada-W-52, Global- States of America-A-967, Africa-A-980,
A-68, Global-W-108, Global-ZW-85, Argentina-I-983, Uruguay-I-988, Australia-
Europe-A-94, Australia-W-97, Global-A- N-354, Russia-A-998, Czechoslovakia-N-
186, Global-A-243, United States of 1006, Denmark-N-1006, United Kingdom-
America-N-101, New Zealand-N-280, N-1006, Slovakia-N-1006, Sweden-N-
Mongolia-A-114, western Asia-A-115, 1006, Australia-N-1049, China-I-1055,
Italy-A-118, Chile-N-241, South America- United States of America-N-1057, United
W-295, South America-W-271, Japan-A- States of America-N-1058, Greenland-N-
263, South Africa-W-382, Australia-N-134, 1061, Poland-A-935, Europe-N-819,
United States of America-AW-136, Central Antarctica-N-396, United Kingdom-A-322,
America-W-157, South Africa-W-158, Iran-A-173, United Kingdom-A-1093,
United States of America-W-161, Canada- United States of America-W-1104,
W-162, New Zealand-W-165, Canada and Ukraine-I-1121, Poland-N-1122, Africa-W-
United States of America-XW-299, United 1127, Gal pagos Islands-N-1157, United
States of America-W-174, Australia-N-176, States of America-I-1161, United States of
United States of America-W-179, United America-N-1162, Egypt-A-1171, Europe-
States of America-A-180, Japan-W-286, W-1191, Finland-A-1193, Uruguay-A-
Egypt-A-185, western Europe-A-253, 1199, Global-ZD-1203, Serbia-A-1209,
eastern North America-E-195, United China-N-1215, Poland-AR-1219, Mexico-
States of America-NW-426, Australia-N- W-1226, Crete-A-1228, Chile-N-1229,
198, Argentina-A-236, United States of Pakistan-A-1232, India-A-1234, Serbia-W-
America-AW-207, North America-G-249, 1238, Greece-W-1240, Falkland Islands-N-
United States of America-W-210, United 1251, Canada-N-1252, Australia-E-1259,
States of America-AG-211, United States Australia-E-1260, Australia-E-1261,
of America-AW-212, Europe, eastern-AW- Australia-E-1262, Spain-A-1263,
272, western Europe-W-70, United States Denmark-A-1185, China-N-92, France-A-
of America-W-218, China-W-297, China- 1266, United States of America-A-1275,
A-275, Australia-E-72, Australia-C-401, Argentina-W-1286, Turkey-A-1287, United
Australia-N-945, Australia-E-327, Czech States of America-N-1292, Peru-N-1293,
Republic-NZI-400, New Zealand-NW-425, Ukraine-N-1297, Macedonia-A-1304,
Canary Islands-N-305, United States of Pakistan-A-1309, Georgia-A-1313,
America-AW-486, China-W-431, United Finland-A-1317, Australia-W-1318, south
Kingdom-N-519, United States of and southeast Asia-A-1320, La Reunion-
America-A-523, New Zealand-N-534, New W-1321, Global-W-1324, Australia-A-
Zealand-N-15, United States of America- 1331, Ukraine-N-1335, Canada-N-1340,
A-543, China-A-571, Iraq-A-595, United States of America-AZD-1341,

Serbia-A-1343, Madagascar-N-1000, India- Turkey-A-942, Brazil-N-1071, Czech Kingdom-W-1977, Zimbabwe-W-1977,
I-1345, Chile-N-1348, Global-W-1349, Republic-N-1731, United States of South Korea-N-2113, North Korea-N-2114.
Finland-AN-1356, Serbia-A-1357, Serbia- America-E-1736, Brazil-N-1746, Taiwan-
W-1358, Antarctica-N-1362, Zimbabwe- W-1748, Morocco-A-1750, Serbia-W- Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik. var.
ND-1365, Croatia-A-1368, United States of 1766, China-I-1769, Serbia-R-1771, central bifida Crépin
America-AN-1022, Serbia-A-1372, Serbia- Europe-A-1616, Austria-A-1670, Russia- Brassicaceae
W-1222, China-AN-1374, India-I-1389, W-1671, India-AN-1794, Ukraine-N-1798, Accepted name: Capsella bursa-pastoris
Taiwan-N-1403, south and southeast Asia- Uruguay-N-1800, Europe-A-1806, France- (L.) Medik.
A-1408, Turkey-A-1410, Turkey--1412, A-1814, Finland-A-1815, Sweden-A-1817, Total N° of Refs: 522
Netherlands-ZD-1420, Belgium-ZD-1422, Poland-A-1825, Sao Tome and Principe-N- References: Canada-A-642.
United States of America-ZD-1430, United 1805, Australia-N-1902, Australia-N-1845,
States of America-ZD-1431, Turkey-A- Serbia-R-1848, Canada-G-1855, Colombia- Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik. var.
1458, Turkey-A-1459, Turkey-W-1460, N-1856, South Korea-A-1859, South bursa-pastoris
France-A-1461, Turkey-A-1463, Turkey- Korea-A-1860, Montenegro-W-1861, Brassicaceae
A-1464, Turkey-A-1467, Argentina, Brazil Serbia-A-1863, Bosnia and Herzegovina- Total N° of Refs: 2
and Uruguay-I-1476, Slovakia-N-1484, A-1830, Chile-I-1872, Chile and References: Japan-N-1278, Japan-W-1977.
Global-ZD-1492, Poland-N-1494, Global- Argentina-A-1874, Mexico-N-1881,
ZD-1495, Mexico-N-1500, Saudi Arabia- Argentina-N-1884, United States of Capsella gracilis Gren.
A-1504, Uruguay-A-1518, Czech America-ND-1912, Serbia-A-1915, Iran-A- Brassicaceae
Republic-N-1522, Turkey-A-1523, Iran-A- 1916, Russia-N-1920, Egypt-A-1922, Total N° of Refs: 1
1524, Saudi Arabia-A-1525, Belarus-A- Poland-A-1033, Serbia-A-1923, France-A- References: Europe-N-819.
1526, Austria-N-1531, Canada-W-1538, 1924, Nepal-A-1932, Mexico-R-1935,
Europe-A-1539, New Zealand-N-1543, Montenegro-R-1944, Serbia-R-1946, Capsella x gracilis Gren.
Brazil-N-1597, Central Europe-N-1602, Germany-R-1948, Poland-A-1952, Serbia- Brassicaceae
United States of America-N-1603, United R-1953, Croatia-A-1954, Poland-A-1955, Accepted name: parents = Capsella bursa-
States of America-N-1607, Czech Poland-A-1956, Serbia-R-1957, Australia- pastoris (L.) Medik. subsp. bursa-pastoris x
Republic-W-1609, Denmark-W-1609, N-1959, Poland-A-1961, Serbia-AR-1963, Capsella rubella Reut.
Faroe Islands-W-1609, Finland-W-1609, Poland-A-1965, Poland-A-1966, -I-, -I-, -I-, Total N° of Refs: 1
Poland-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, -I-, -I-, -I-, Nepal-A-1981, Central and References: Europe-W-1325.
Greenland-W-1609, Bolivia-N-1630, northern Japan and northern islands-N-
Azerbaijan-A-1637, Mongolia-A-1641, 1983, Russia-N-1988, South Africa-N- Capsella grandiflora (Fauche & Chaub.)
LEBANON-A-596, Alaska-A-87, Ireland- 1991, Poland-N-1993, Chile-N-1998, Boiss.
A-87, Nepal-A-87, Spain-A-87, Belgium- Slovakia-N-2002, Kosovo-R-2003, Poland- Brassicaceae
A-87, Canada-A-87, Colombia-A-87, A-2005, South Africa-RI-2017, Argentina- Total N° of Refs: 9
Finland-A-87, Greece-A-87, Japan-A-87, ND-2025, South Korea-A-2031, South Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Norway-A-87, New Zealand-A-87, Korea-A-2032, South Korea-A-2033, Origin: E Asia, Europe
Taiwan-A-87, Tunisia-A-87, Yugoslavia- Russia-W-2034, Iran-A-1812, Russia-A- References: Japan-N-794, Europe-N-819,
A-87, Argentina-A-87, Australia-A-87, 2041, France-A-2042, Italy-A-2043, Italy-NI-1165, Italy-I-251, Japan-N-1278,
China-A-87, Egypt-A-87, United Poland-A-2047, New Zealand-N-2048, Global-W-1324, Italy-I-1887, Italy-W-
Kingdom-A-87, Germany-A-87, Hawaii-A- Ukraine-N-2050, Brazil-R-2053, Global- 1977, Japan-W-1977.
87, Hong Kong-A-87, Iran-A-87, Iraq-A- W-2056, Serbia-R-2057, Poland-AN-2058,
87, Kenya-A-87, Lebanon-A-87, Morocco- Poland-AN-2059, Poland-AN-2060, Capsella orientalis Klokov
A-87, Portugal-A-87, South Africa-A-87, Poland-A-2061, Poland-N-2062, Paraguay- Brassicaceae
Russia-A-87, United States of America-A- A-2070, Iran-A-2072, Iran-A-2075, Total N° of Refs: 3
87, Brazil-A-87, Bulgaria-A-87, Chile-A- Slovenia-AR-2078, Slovakia-A-2079, References: Ukraine-U-643, Global-W-
87, Costa Rica-A-87, France-A-87, Serbia-A-2080, Italy-A-2081, Spain-A- 1324, Europe-W-1325.
Hungary-A-87, Iceland-A-87, Italy-A-87, 2083, South Georgia and Sandwich Islands-
Jordan-A-87, South Korea-A-87, Pakistan- I-2085, Canada-G-1462, Greece-A-2093,
A-87, Turkey-A-87, Uruguay-A-87, France-A-2094, northern European towns-
Venezuela-A-87, Canadian northwest W-2095, Belgium-W-2096, Global-W-
Territories-N-1011, Hungary-A-1015, 2097, Spain-A-2098, Canada-A-2099,
Tajikistan-A-1017, North Korea-A-1018, Hungary-A-2100, Turkey-A-2101, Turkey-
Serbia-A-1019, Poland-A-1016, Egypt-A- A-2103, Poland-A-2110, Ukraine-N-2112,
1028, Serbia-W-1031, New Zealand-A- Argentina-W-1977, Australia-W-1977,
1035, Croatia-A-1037, Poland-A-1042, Bolivia-W-1977, Brazil-W-1977, Bulgaria-
Chile-ND-1557, Uruguay-A-1562, W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Chile-W-1977,
Uruguay-A-1567, Japan-N-1571, Europe- China-W-1977, Colombia-W-1977,
ZD-1656, Europe-ZD-1576, Global-CD- Croatia-W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977,
1611, Italy-A-1618, Iran-A-1619, Democratic Repubic of Korea-W-1977,
Mongolia-A-1620, Russia-A-1621, Brazil- Egypt-W-1977, Ethiopia-W-1977, India-
A-1622, Africa-A-1623, Alaska-N-1625, W-1977, Iran (Islamic Republic of)-W-
United States of America-AZD-1626, 1977, Iraq-W-1977, Ireland-W-1977,
United States of America-ZD-1627, United Jordan-W-1977, Kenya-W-1977, Malawi-
States of America-ANZD-1667, Global- W-1977, Mexico-W-1977, Norway-W-
ZD-1581, Polar Regions-ZD-1587, 1977, Poland-W-1977, Republic of Korea-
Australia-ZD-1675, Lesotho-AZR-121, W-1977, Russian Federation-W-1977,
Lesotho-W-1127, Russia-W-1687, Kuwait- Slovakia-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977,
N-1692, Europe--, Azores-N-1721, Iran-A- Sweden-W-1977, Taiwan-W-1977,
1724, India-A-1725, Pakistan-A-1728, Uganda-W-1977, Ukraine-W-1977, United

Capsella rubella Reut. Capsicum annuum L. Germany-W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Kiribati-
Brassicaceae Solanaceae W-1977, Lao People's Democratic
Accepted name: Capsella bursa-pastoris Synonym/s (n° of refs): Capsicum annuum Republic-W-1977, Latvia-W-1977,
(L.) Medik. L. var. aviculare (Dierbach) D'Arcy & Lithuania-W-1977, Marshall Islands-W-
Total N° of Refs: 565 Eshbaugh (2), Capsicum annuum L. var. 1977, Micronesia (Federated States of)-W-
Global Risk Score: 7.2 conoides (Mill.) Irish (1), Capsicum 1977, Niue-W-1977, Norway-W-1977,
Rating: Medium annuum L. var. frutescens (L.) Kuntze (1), Palau-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977, Rwanda-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Capsicum frutescens L. (47), Capsicum W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977, Solomon
Origin: Africa, Europe hispidum Dunal var. glabriusculum Dunal Islands-W-1977, South Africa-W-1977,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, (1) Sweden-W-1977, Taiwan-W-1977, Tonga-
Herbal, Ornamental Total N° of Refs: 167 W-1977, Tuvalu-W-1977, Yemen-W-1977,
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals Global Risk Score: 26.88 Zimbabwe-W-1977.
Weed of: Cereals Rating: High
References: United Kingdom-N-40, Toxic - Habit: annual Herb Capsicum annuum L. var. annuum
Finland-U-42, Europe-A-94, Portugal-A- Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Solanaceae
250, Japan-N-287, western Europe-A-253, Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 6
Europe, eastern-AW-272, western Europe- Origin: C Am, E Asia, Europe, N Am, S Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
W-70, United Kingdom-U-314, Gibraltar- Am Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
A-515, United Kingdom-N-519, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Switzerland-N-653, Portugal-A-670, Herbal, Ornamental, Pasture References: Guyana-W-32, Puerto Rico-
Austria-U-708, Japan-N-794, Hungary-U- Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Vehicles, CW-261, United States of America-N-101,
809, United Kingdom-U-812, Portugal-N- Escapee Belize-N-850, French Guiana-N-1346,
1006, Slovenia-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Global-CD-1611.
Serbia-W-1238, Canada-N-1252, Hungary- References: Federated States of
U-1255, Japan-N-1278, Global-W-1324, Micronesia-N-230, United States of Capsicum annuum L. var. aviculare
Czech Republic-U-1522, Europe-A-1539, America-CE-617, Taiwan-N-777, New (Dierbach) D'Arcy & Eshbaugh
Austria-W-1609, Germany-W-1609, Zealand-UW-280, Finland-U-42, Global-N- Solanaceae
Portugal-A-87, Romania-N-1553, Azores- 85, United States of America-N-101, Accepted name: Capsicum annuum var.
N-1721, Czech Republic-U-1731, Australia-N-945, United Kingdom-UZD- glabriusculum
Montenegro-W-1861, Switzerland-I-1990, 314, United Kingdom-N-519, Austria-UC- Total N° of Refs: 117
Global-W-2056, Serbia-R-2057, Austria- 708, Denmark-C-711, Lithuania-I-737, Global Risk Score: 0.72
W-1977, Bulgaria-W-1977, Czech Mediterranean-I-775, United States of Rating: Low
Republic-W-1977, Germany-W-1977, America-E-151, Hungary-U-809, United Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Japan-W-1977, Republic of Moldova-W- Kingdom-U-812, New Zealand-N-823, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
1977, Romania-W-1977. Madagascar-N-1001, Australia-N-868, Dispersed by: Humans
Ecuador-N-875, Mexico-W-890, New References: Cuba-N-1505, Cuba-NI-2055.
Capsella spp. Medik. Zealand-U-919, Central America-A-933,
Brassicaceae Mozambique-nC-943, Mediterranean-W- Capsicum annuum L. var. conoides
Total N° of Refs: 1 951, Australia-N-354, Latvia-N-1006, (Mill.) Irish
References: Japan-N-794. Australia-N-1049, Portugal-N-898, Europe- Solanaceae
N-819, Laos-N-1102, Spain-U-1149, Chad- Accepted name: Capsicum annuum var.
nC-640, Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157, annuum L.
China-N-1215, Belgium-UD-1220, Total N° of Refs: 116
Mexico-W-1226, Norway-N-1243, Italy-U- Habit: Shrub
251, Hungary-U-1255, Madagascar-N- Origin: N Am, S Am
1000, China-N-1344, Nigeria-A-1360, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Taiwan-N-1403, Spain-U-1454, Spain-U- Dispersed by: Humans
1455, Slovakia-U-1484, Global-ZD-1495, References: China-N-1215.
Chad-N-1503, Sri Lanka-ZD-1020, North
Korea-N-1600, Austria-W-1609, Denmark- Capsicum annuum L. var. frutescens (L.)
W-1609, Russia-W-1609, Germany-W- Kuntze
1609, Lithuania-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, Solanaceae
Sweden-W-1609, Australia-A-87, India-A- Accepted name: Capsicum annuum L. var.
87, Global-CD-1611, India-N-1370, annuum
Eastern Caribbean-N-1742, Taiwan-W- Total N° of Refs: 116
1748, China-I-1769, India-N-1790, References: Portugal-N-1006.
Sardinia-U-1393, Sao Tome and Principe-
N-1805, Italy-U-1887, Sardinia-U-1917,
Australia-WD-1934, -I-, South Africa-N-
1991, New Zealand-U-2048, Serbia-R-
2057, Nigeria-A-2067, Aruba-W-1977,
Australia-W-1977, Austria-W-1977,
Belgium-W-1977, Bonaire-W-1977,
Burundi-W-1977, Chad-W-1977, Chile-W-
1977, Cook Islands-W-1977, Croatia-W-
1977, Cuba-W-1977, Democratic Republic
of the Congo-W-1977, Denmark-W-1977,
Ecuador-W-1977, Equatorial Guinea-W-
1977, Fiji-W-1977, France-W-1977,

Capsicum annuum L. var. glabriusculum Capsicum frutescens L. Capsicum pendulum Willd.
(Dunal) Heiser & Pickersgill Solanaceae Solanaceae
Solanaceae Accepted name: Capsicum annuum L. Accepted name: Capsicum baccatum
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Capsicum Total N° of Refs: 162 (Willd.) Eshbaugh var. pendulum (Willd.)
frutescens L. var. queenslandicum Domin Global Risk Score: 4.8 Eshbaugh
(1) Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 6
Total N° of Refs: 13 Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Habit: Herb
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Origin: C Am, N Am, S Am Subtropical, Tropical Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Origin: C Am, Europe, N Am, S Am Dispersed by: Humans
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, References: Gal pagos Islands-N-257.
References: Australia-CN-368, Global-N- Ornamental
85, Australia-N-945, Australia-W-853, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Capsicum spp. L.
Australia-N-354, Australia-N-1049, References: Tanzania-N-88, Indonesia-A- Solanaceae
Australia, northern-W-1204, Global-CD- 13, Federated States of Micronesia-N-230, Total N° of Refs: 1
1611, North America-N-1760, Anguilla-W- Puerto Rico-CW-261, Gal pagos Islands-N- Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
1977, Japan-W-1977, Swaziland-W-1977. 257, Australia-CN-368, Gal pagos Islands- References: Austria-A-1670.
C-375, Australia-CN-468, France-N-518,
Capsicum baccatum L. Africa-W-760, South Africa-AR-121,
Solanaceae United States of America-W-179, Japan-N-
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Capsicum 287, Australia-N-945, Portugal-N-662,
frutescens L. var. baccatum (L.) Irish (1), Portugal-N-718, United States of America-
Capsicum pendulum Willd. (1) N-301, Japan-N-794, Swaziland-N-825,
Total N° of Refs: 7 United States of America-N-839, Australia-
Habit: perennial Herb W-853, Central America-A-933,
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Mozambique-nC-943, Australia-N-354,
Origin: S Am Australia-N-1049, Global-N-1059,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Australia-W-1068, Gal pagos Islands-CN-
Ornamental 1157, China-N-1215, South Africa-I-1247,
Dispersed by: Humans Japan-N-1278, United States of America-
References: Brazil-W-255, Trinidad-A-87, N-1292, French Guiana-N-1346,
Ecuador-W-1977, Jamaica-W-1977, Zimbabwe-UD-1365, South Africa-N-
Global--1324. 1002, south and southeast Asia-A-1408,
Spain-U-1454, Gal pagos Islands-C-1481,
Capsicum baccatum L. var. pendulum Chad-N-1503, French Polynesia-N-1514,
(Willd.) Eshbaugh Brazil-N-1597, Cape Verde-N-1558,
Solanaceae Global-CD-1611, Taiwan-W-1748, Sao
Total N° of Refs: 2 Tome and Principe-N-1805, Chile-I-1872,
Habit: Herb Burundi-NR-2012.
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Capsicum frutescens L. var. baccatum
References: Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157, (L.) Irish
Global-CD-1611. Solanaceae
Accepted name: Capsicum baccatum var.
Capsicum chinense Jacq. baccatum L.
Solanaceae Total N° of Refs: 6
Total N° of Refs: 4 Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
Habit: Herb References: Cuba-A-14.
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Origin: C Am, S Am Capsicum frutescens L. var.
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, queenslandicum Domin
Ornamental Solanaceae
Dispersed by: Humans Accepted name: Capsicum annuum L. var.
References: Belize-N-850, Spain-U-1454, glabriusculum
Brazil-N-1597, Colombia-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 13
References: Australia-N-1049.
Capsicum coccineum (Rusby) Hunz.
Solanaceae Capsicum hispidum Dunal var.
Total N° of Refs: 1 glabriusculum Dunal
References: Brazil-N-1597. Solanaceae
Accepted name: Capsicum annuum var.
glabriusculum L.
Total N° of Refs: 116
References: Australia-N-1049.

Caragana arborescens Lam. Caragana arborescens Lam. 'Pendula' Caragana sinica (Buc'hoz) Rehder
Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Caragana fruticosa Total N° of Refs: 1 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Caragana chamlagu
(Pall.) Besser (1) Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Lam. (3)
Total N° of Refs: 96 Dispersed by: Humans Total N° of Refs: 9
Global Risk Score: 19.44 References: United States of America-N- Global Risk Score: 0.24
Rating: High 101. Rating: Low
Habit: Tree Origin: E Asia
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Caragana aurantiaca Koehne Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Origin: E Asia Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Dispersed by: Humans
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Global-I-1404, Democratic
Forestry, Herbal, Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Repubic of Korea-W-1977, Japan-W-1977,
Dispersed by: Humans, Vehicles, Escapee Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Republic of Korea-W-1977, South Korea-
Weed of: Forestry, Orchards & Plantations Dispersed by: Humans N-2113, North Korea-N-2114.
References: Finland-C-42, United States of References: United States of America-N-
America-E-80, Global-N-108, United 101. Caragana versicolor Benth.
States of America-N-101, Canada-W-4, Fabaceae - Papilionaceae
eastern North America-E-195, United Caragana chamlagu Lam. Total N° of Refs: 2
States of America-W-218, United Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Habit: Shrub
Kingdom-C-314, Canada-E-104, Canada- Accepted name: Caragana sinica (Buc'hoz) Origin: E Asia
A-642, Ukraine-U-643, Austria-UC-708, Rehder Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Denmark-C-711, Canada and United States Total N° of Refs: 9 Dispersed by: Humans
of America-N-725, Lithuania-I-737, United Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal References: India-N-914, India-N-1389.
States of America-E-151, Global-W-788, References: Japan-N-287, Japan-N-794,
Hungary-U-809, Germany-UN-907, Japan-N-1278. Carallia brachiata (Lour.) Merr.
Estonia-N-1006, France-N-1006, Germany- Rhizophoraceae
N-1006, Lithuania-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Caragana frutex (L.) K. Koch Total N° of Refs: 1
United States of America-AE-1156, United Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Habit: Tree
States of America-I-1161, United States of Total N° of Refs: 24 Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
America-N-1162, Russia-I-1178, Latvia-N- Global Risk Score: 2.4 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
1242, Norway-N-1243, Hungary-U-1255, Rating: Low Ornamental
Ukraine-N-1297, Ukraine-N-1335, Canada- Habit: Shrub Dispersed by: Humans
NI-1340, Global-W-1376, Global-I-1404, Origin: E Asia, W Asia References: La Reunion-N-1321.
Slovakia-U-1484, Global-ZD-1495, Czech Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Republic-U-1522, Norway-N-1535, Ornamental Caralluma hesperidum Maire
Canada-I-1538, United States of America- Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Apocynaceae
N-1603, Estonia-W-1609, Austria-W-1609, References: Finland-C-42, United States of Total N° of Refs: 2
Denmark-W-1609, Russia-W-1609, America-N-101, Ukraine-CR-643, Austria- Habit: perennial Herb
Germany-W-1609, Latvia-W-1609, UC-708, Canada and United States of Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Lithuania-W-1609, Norway-W-1609, America-N-725, Europe-N-819, Global-A- Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Poland-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, 1207, Latvia-N-1242, Norway-N-1243, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Romania-N-1629, United States of Norway-N-1535, Estonia-W-1609, Austria- References: Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157,
America-A-87, Canadian northwest W-1609, Norway-W-1609, Sweden-W- Global-CD-1611.
Territories-N-1011, Latvia-N-1014, 1609, Latvia-N-1014, Lithuania-CN-1652,
Lithuania-CN-1652, Global-CD-1611, Global-CD-1611, Russia-N-1919, Estonia- Caralluma penicillata (Deflers) N.E.Br.
Alaska-N-1625, Russia-N-1006, Russia-G- N-1997, Austria-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Apocynaceae
1682, Russia-W-1687, Russia-N-1688, Latvia-W-1977, Norway-W-1977, Sweden- Total N° of Refs: 1
Europe-N-1690, Czech Republic-U-1731, W-1977. Preferred Climate/s: Dryland
United States of America-E-1736, Europe- Origin: W Asia
N-1740, Russia-C-1671, Sweden-N-1802, Caragana fruticosa (Pall.) Besser Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Chile-I-1872, Romania-U-1905, Russia-N- Fabaceae - Papilionaceae Dispersed by: Humans
1919, -I-, -I-, Russia-N-1988, Estonia-N- Accepted name: Caragana arborescens References: Yemen-R-526.
1997, Ukraine-U-2014, Ukraine-N-2050, Lam.
Poland-U-2062, Russia-I-2107, Armenia- Total N° of Refs: 96 Caralluma tuberculata N. E. Br.
W-1977, Austria-W-1977, Canada-W- Major Pathway/s: Crop Apocynaceae
1977, Chile-W-1977, Croatia-W-1977, References: Armenia-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 1
Czech Republic-W-1977, Denmark-W- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
1977, France-W-1977, Germany-W-1977, Caragana grandiflora DC. Major Pathway/s: Crop
Latvia-W-1977, Lithuania-W-1977, Fabaceae - Papilionaceae References: Palestine-N-851.
Norway-W-1977, Poland-W-1977, Russian Total N° of Refs: 1
Federation-W-1977, Slovakia-W-1977, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Sweden-W-1977, Ukraine-W-1977. References: Armenia-W-1977.

Carapa guianensis Aubl. Cardamine bulbifera (L.) Crantz Cardamine corymbosa Hook. f.
Meliaceae Brassicaceae Brassicaceae
Total N° of Refs: 3 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Dentaria bulbifera Total N° of Refs: 19
Habit: Tree L. (2) Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Total N° of Refs: 9 Origin: NZ
Major Pathway/s: Forestry, Herbal, Habit: Herb Major Pathway/s: Contaminant,
Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Ornamental
Dispersed by: Humans, Water Origin: Europe Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
References: Caribbean-N-707, Global-N- Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, References: Australia-N-198, United
714, Caribbean-N-1201. Ornamental Kingdom-C-314, United Kingdom-N-519,
Dispersed by: Humans United Kingdom-N-812, Australia-W-869,
Carapichea ipecacuanha (Brot.) L. Seed Longevity: Transient Ireland-N-894, United Kingdom-N-1006,
Andersson References: United Kingdom-N-519, Europe-N-819, United Kingdom-W-1175,
Rubiaceae United States of America-N-101, Ireland- Belgium-N-1220, Global-W-1324,
Total N° of Refs: 3 N-894, Iceland-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Netherlands-W-1609, Global-CD-1611,
Habit: perennial Herb Global-W-1324, Netherlands-W-1609. Polar Regions-ZD-1587, Australia-WD-
Origin: S Am 1934, Australia-W-1977, Belgium-W-1977,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Cardamine bulbosa (Schreb. ex Muhl.) Ireland-W-1977, United Kingdom-W-1977.
Dispersed by: Humans Britton, Sterns & Pogg.
References: China-N-1215, China-N-1344, Brassicaceae Cardamine debilis D.Don
India-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 3 Brassicaceae
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical Total N° of Refs: 2
Carara didyma (L.) Britt. Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Habit: perennial Herb
Brassicaceae Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Crop
Accepted name: Coronopus didymus Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee References: United States of America-N-
Total N° of Refs: 285 References: Canada-C-756, Global-CD- 101, New Zealand-A-87.
References: Canada-A-642. 1611, Canada-G-1855.
Cardamine diphylla (Michx.) Alph.
Cardamine africana L. Cardamine cheiri L. Wood
Brassicaceae Brassicaceae Brassicaceae
Total N° of Refs: 6 Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 3
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical References: Japan-N-794, Japan-N-1278, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
References: Papua New Guinea-W-276, Japan-W-1977. Ornamental
Argentina-I-983, Peru-N-1293, Colombia- Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
N-1856, Argentina-W-1977, India-W-1977. Cardamine chelidonia L. References: Canada-C-756, Global-CD-
Brassicaceae 1611, Canada-G-1855.
Cardamine amara L. Total N° of Refs: 10
Brassicaceae Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Cardamine douglassii Britton
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Cardamine insueta Origin: Europe Brassicaceae
hort. hybrid Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal, Total N° of Refs: 3
Total N° of Refs: 3 Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean References: United Kingdom-C-314, Czech References: Canada-C-756, Global-CD-
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Republic-N-400, Czech Republic-N-826, 1611, Canada-G-1855.
Ornamental Czechoslovakia-N-1006, Europe-N-819,
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Water Global-W-1324, Czech Republic-N-1522, Cardamine enneaphyllos (L.) Crantz
Seed Longevity: Long Term Global-CD-1611, Czech Republic-N-1731, Brassicaceae
References: Europe, eastern-W-272, United Czech Republic-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 2
Kingdom-N-519, Europe--, Russia-W- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
1671. Cardamine concatenata (Michx.) Sw. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental
Brassicaceae Dispersed by: Humans
Cardamine bonariensis Pers. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Cardamine References: Global-Q-1205, Australia-Q-
Brassicaceae laciniata (Muhlenb.) Alph. Wood (1) 1123.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Cardamine flaccida Total N° of Refs: 4
Cham. & Schltdl (3) Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Cardamine fallax Nakai
Total N° of Refs: 9 Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Brassicaceae
Global Risk Score: 2.16 References: Canada-C-756, Global-CD- Total N° of Refs: 4
Rating: Low 1611, Canada-G-1855. Major Pathway/s: Crop
Aqua - Habit: annual Herb References: South Korea-A-648, South
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Korea-A-1859, South Korea-AN-2032,
Origin: Europe, S Am South Korea-A-2033.
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
References: Brazil-W-255, Uruguay-A-
924, Gal pagos Islands-CN-1157, Brazil-N-
1597, Global-CD-1611, Brazil-N-1733.

Cardamine flaccida Cham. & Schltdl Cardamine flexuosa With. Cardamine glacialis (G.Forster) DC.
Brassicaceae Brassicaceae Brassicaceae
Accepted name: Cardamine bonariensis Synonym/s (n° of refs): Cardamine Total N° of Refs: 3
Pers. var. flaccida (Cham. & Schltdl.) J.F. sylvatica Link (1) Habit: perennial Herb
Macbr. Total N° of Refs: 95 Major Pathway/s: Crop
Total N° of Refs: 9 Global Risk Score: 10.8 References: South America-W-295,
References: Mexico-W-890, Mexico-W- Rating: Medium Global-W-1324, South Georgia and
1226, Costa Rica-W-1570. Aqua - Habit: annual/biennial Herb Sandwich Islands-I-2085.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Subtropical, Tropical Cardamine glanduligera O.Schwarz.
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Brassicaceae
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Total N° of Refs: 5
Herbal, Ornamental Origin: Europe
Dispersed by: Humans, Vehicles, Water Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Seed Longevity: Short Term Dispersed by: Humans
References: Taiwan-G-273, Australia-N- References: United Kingdom-U-314,
368, United States of America-N-101, New Europe-N-819, Global-W-1324, Austria-
Zealand-N-280, Japan-A-263, Australia-N- W-1609, Austria-W-1977.
176, Japan-W-286, Australia-N-198, Asia-
W-204, China-W-297, China-A-275, Cardamine hamiltonii G.Don
Australia-N-945, Australia-E-327, Iceland- Brassicaceae
U-507, China-W-431, Bhutan-W-423, Total N° of Refs: 1
United Kingdom-N-519, New Zealand-N- References: Belgium-N-1220.
534, New Zealand-N-15, South Korea-A-
648, Canada and United States of America- Cardamine heptaphylla (Villars)
N-725, United States of America-N-301, O.Schulz
United States of America-E-151, Mexico- Brassicaceae
N-791, United States of America-N-839, Total N° of Refs: 12
Australia-W-853, Australia-N-855, Global Risk Score: 2.4
Australia-W-869, Costa Rica-N-872, India- Rating: Low
N-914, New Zealand-N-919, Australia-N- Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
354, Australia-N-1049, Australia-W-1068, Origin: Europe
Global-I-937, China-N-1215, Global-W-85, Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Canada-N-1252, Australia-E-1259, Ornamental
Australia-E-1262, China-N-92, China-N- Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
1212, United States of America-N-1292, References: United Kingdom-U-314,
Global-W-1324, Zimbabwe-ND-1365, United Kingdom-N-519, United Kingdom-
China-AN-1374, India-N-1389, Taiwan-N- CN-812, United Kingdom-N-1006, Europe-
1403, Australia-N-1450, Global-ZD-1495, N-819, Global-Q-1205, Global-W-1324,
Japan-A-87, Taiwan-A-87, New Zealand- Sweden-W-1609, Global-CD-1611,
A-87, Australia, northern-W-1204, Global- Australia-Q-1123, Sweden-W-1977, United
ZD-1611, Iceland-U-1552, United States of Kingdom-W-1977.
America-E-1736, Eastern Caribbean-N-
1742, Taiwan-W-1748, Australia-N-1902,
Australia-N-1845, Colombia-N-1856,
South Korea-A-1859, Australia-N-1959, -I-
, -I-, China-ANR-2021, South Korea-A-
2031, South Korea-A-2032, South Korea-
A-2033, New Zealand-N-2048, Australia-
W-1977, Bahamas-W-1977, Bhutan-W-
1977, Canada-W-1977, China-W-1977,
Cook Islands-W-1977, Costa Rica-W-1977,
Democratic Repubic of Korea-W-1977, El
Salvador-W-1977, Guatemala-W-1977,
Iceland-W-1977, India-W-1977, Lao
People's Democratic Republic-W-1977,
Malaysia-W-1977, Myanmar-W-1977,
Panama-W-1977, Republic of Korea-W-
1977, South Africa-W-1977, Spain-W-
1977, Taiwan-W-1977, Venezuela-W-
1977, Viet Nam-W-1977, Zimbabwe-W-
1977, South Korea-N-2113, North Korea-

Cardamine flexuosa With. var. flexuosa

Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Falkland Islands-N-1251.

Cardamine hirsuta L. States of America-AZD-1341, Madagascar- Cardamine impatiens L.
Brassicaceae N-1000, India-I-1345, Chile-N-1348, Brassicaceae
Total N° of Refs: 183 Global-W-1349, United States of America- Total N° of Refs: 27
Global Risk Score: 18 A-1350, India-G-1355, Zimbabwe-U-1365, Global Risk Score: 10.8
Rating: High Croatia-A-1368, India-N-1389, United Rating: Medium
Habit: Herb Kingdom-ZD-1416, Netherlands-ZD-1420, Habit: annual Herb
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Europe-ZD-1436, Australia-N-1450, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean,
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Global-ZD-1492, Global-ZD-1495, Subtropical, Tropical
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe, N Am, Mexico-N-1500, Czech Republic-N-1522, Origin: E Asia, Europe
Cosmopolitan New Zealand-N-1543, Panarctic-U-1596, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, United States of America-N-1603, Herbal, Ornamental
Herbal, Ornamental Denmark-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609, India- Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle, N-1628, United Kingdom-N-1636, China- Seed Longevity: Long Term
Horse, Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles, Water, A-87, United Kingdom-A-87, Portugal-A- Weed of: Cereals
Escapee 87, Chile-A-87, Italy-A-87, New Zealand- References: India-W-424, Global-NX-85,
Seed Longevity: Long Term A-87, United States of America-A-87, United States of America-N-101, South
Weed of: Canola, Cereals, Cutflowers, Serbia-A-1019, Croatia-A-1037, Belgium- Africa-AZW-121, United States of
Grapevines, Nursery Production, Orchards ZD-1663, Belgium-ZD-1664, Europe-ZD- America-E-224, United States of America-
& Plantations 1576, Belgium-ZD-1583, United States of E-133, eastern North America-E-195,
References: Australia-W-93, Papua New America-ND-1592, Belgium-ZD-1593, Europe, eastern-W-272, United States of
Guinea-W-276, Thailand-A-238, Australia- Global-CD-1611, United States of America-EN-303, China-W-431, United
W-205, Australia-E-290, Australia-E-72, America-ZD-1627, India-W-1672, Azores- Kingdom-N-519, Canada and United States
Global-A-44, Chile-N-300, Australia-N-9, N-1721, Czech Republic-N-1731, Serbia- of America-N-725, Canada-C-756, United
Europe-A-94, Global-A-243, United States R-1771, Global-AD-1589, Russia-C-1671, States of America-E-151, Pakistan-W-836,
of America-N-101, Australia-N-134, India-AN-1794, Australia-N-1902, United States of America-X-229, Belgium-
United States of America-W-161, New Australia-N-1845, Canada-G-1855, N-1006, Europe-N-819, Global-W-1324,
Zealand-EW-181, New Zealand-W-165, Montenegro-W-1861, Chile-I-1872, India- Global-CD-1611, Europe--, United States
Australia-N-176, Japan-N-287, Japan-W- I-1875, Mexico-NI-1881, France-A-1924, of America-E-1736, Russia-W-1671,
286, western Europe-A-253, Australia-N- Germany-R-1948, Croatia-A-1954, Canada-G-1855, Nepal-A-1932, South
198, Mexico-W-199, United States of Australia-N-1959, Kosovo-R-2003, South Korea-A-2032, Canada-W-1977, South
America-AW-207, North America-G-249, Africa-RI-2017, China-ANZR-2021, - Africa-W-1977.
United States of America-AW-211, Europe, AWD-2036, Nepal-A-1960, New Zealand-
eastern-W-272, western Europe-W-70, N-2048, Poland-C-2062, northern Cardamine impatiens L. O.E.Schultz
United States of America-W-218, China- European towns-W-2095, Belgium-W- var. angustifolia O.E. Schulz
W-297, China-A-275, Australia-C-401, 2096, Argentina-W-1977, Australia-W- Brassicaceae
Australia-N-945, Japan-N-367, Australia- 1977, Bulgaria-W-1977, Canada-W-1977, Total N° of Refs: 1
E-327, Czech Republic-NZ-400, New Chile-W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977, References: China-W-431.
Zealand-NW-425, China-W-431, United Japan-W-1977, Marshall Islands-W-1977,
Kingdom-N-519, New Zealand-N-534, Mexico-W-1977, Papua New Guinea-W- Cardamine impatiens L. var. impatiens
New Zealand-N-15, Australia-CEI-168, 1977, South Africa-W-1977, Sweden-W- Brassicaceae
Australia-AEN-310, Denmark-UN-711, 1977, Zimbabwe-W-1977. Total N° of Refs: 1
India-AG-712, Canada and United States of References: Global-N-85.
America-N-725, Turkey-A-727, Mexico-
W-735, Canada-C-756, Chile-N-765, Cardamine insueta Hort. hybrid
Australia-N-7, United States of America-N- Brassicaceae
301, Mexico-N-791, Japan-N-794, United Accepted name: parents = Cardamine
States of America-N-839, Australia-W-853, rivularis Schur x Cardamine amara L.
Australia-N-855, Australia-N-856, Total N° of Refs: 1
Australia-N-868, Australia-W-869, Global- Origin: Europe
N-85, Mexico-I-878, Europe-A-889, References: Global-I-937.
Mexico-W-890, India-N-914, United States
of America-W-946, Argentina-I-983, Cardamine laciniata (Muhlenb.) Alph.
Chile-N-991, Australia-N-354, Portugal-N- Wood
1006, Czechoslovakia-N-1006, Sweden-N- Brassicaceae
1006, India-I-1047, Australia-N-1049, Accepted name: Cardamine concatenata
Europe-N-819, Chile-W-388, United Total N° of Refs: 4
Kingdom-A-322, United Kingdom-A-1093, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
United States of America-W-1104, Poland- Dispersed by: Humans
G-1122, India-N-1148, Global-ZD-1203, References: United Kingdom-U-314.
Serbia-A-1209, Mexico-W-1226, Crete-A-
1228, Chile-N-1229, Norway-N-1243,
Argentina-E-1245, Canada-N-1252,
Australia-E-1259, Australia-E-1261,
Australia-E-1262, China-N-92, United
States of America-A-1275, Japan-N-1278,
India-I-1280, China-NZ-1212, Argentina-
W-1286, United States of America-N-1292,
Australia-W-1318, south and southeast
Asia-A-1320, La Reunion-W-1321, United

Cardamine leucantha (Tausch.) Cardamine parviflora L. Cardamine pratensis L.
O.E.Schulz. Brassicaceae Brassicaceae
Brassicaceae Total N° of Refs: 19 Total N° of Refs: 40
Total N° of Refs: 3 Global Risk Score: 1.2 Global Risk Score: 12
Global Risk Score: 0.48 Rating: Low Rating: Medium
Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb
Major Pathway/s: Crop Subtropical, Tropical Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Dispersed by: Escapee Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Origin: Europe
References: China-W-431, Russia-C-1671, Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
South Korea-A-2032. Dispersed by: Humans, Animals Herbal, Ornamental
Seed Longevity: Long Term Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle,
Cardamine lyrata Bunge References: Taiwan-A-274, United States Horse, Livestock, Sheep, Water, Wind,
Brassicaceae of America-W-161, Japan-N-287, Japan- Escapee
Total N° of Refs: 6 W-286, Japan-N-367, China-W-431, Japan- Seed Longevity: Long Term
Global Risk Score: 1.44 N-794, Europe-N-819, Belgium-U-1220, Weed of: Cereals, Pastures
Rating: Low Norway-N-1243, Japan-N-1278, Global-W- References: New Zealand-N-280, eastern
Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb 1324, Global-W-1349, Norway-N-1535, North America-E-195, Europe, eastern-W-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Norway-W-1609, Taiwan-A-87, Belgium- 272, western Europe-W-70, United States
Origin: E Asia W-1977, Japan-W-1977, Norway-W-1977. of America-W-218, New Zealand-N-534,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental New Zealand-N-15, Global-A-743, Japan-
Dispersed by: Humans, Water Cardamine paucijuga Turcz. N-794, New Zealand-N-919, Global-N-85,
References: Japan-W-286, China-W-431, Brassicaceae Portugal-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Serbia-
South Korea-A-648, United Kingdom-WD- Total N° of Refs: 3 W-1238, Japan-N-1278, Global-W-1349,
1175, Global-W-1324, Japan-A-87. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Serbia-A-1372, Norway-N-1378,
References: Australia-N-9, Australia-N- Netherlands-ZD-1420, Belgium-ZD-1421,
Cardamine macrophylla Willd. 945, Australia-N-1902. Global-ZD-1492, Germany-A-87, Spain-A-
Brassicaceae 87, China-A-87, New Zealand-A-87,
Total N° of Refs: 4 Cardamine pensylvanica Muhl. ex Willd. United States of America-A-87, Serbia-A-
Global Risk Score: 0.48 Brassicaceae 1036, Europe-ZD-1653, Europe-ZD-1576,
Rating: Low Total N° of Refs: 8 Europe-ZD-1582, Global-ZD-1611,
Aqua - Habit: Global Risk Score: 1.44 Global-ZD-1581, Europe--, Azores-N-
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical Rating: Low 1721, Russia-W-1671, Finland-A-1815,
Major Pathway/s: Crop Habit: perennial Herb Poland-CD-1841, Nepal-A-1932,
Dispersed by: Water Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Germany-R-1948, New Zealand-N-2048,
References: United Kingdom-WD-1175, Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Japan-W-1977.
Global-Q-1205, Global-W-1324, Australia- Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee
Q-1123. Weed of: Nursery Production Cardamine pratensis L. subsp. pratensis
References: United States of America-W- Brassicaceae
Cardamine matthiolii Moretti 161, United States of America-W-218, Total N° of Refs: 2
Brassicaceae Canada-C-756, Global-W-1349, United References: Norway-N-1243, Global-N-85.
Total N° of Refs: 1 States of America-A-87, Global-CD-1611,
References: Slovenia-W-883. Canada-G-1855, Canada-G-1462. Cardamine quinquefolia (Bieb.)
Cardamine occidentalis (S. Wats. ex B.L. Cardamine pensylvanica Muhl. ex Willd. Brassicaceae
Robins.) T.J. Howell var. pratensis Total N° of Refs: 1
Brassicaceae Brassicaceae References: United Kingdom-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1
Global Risk Score: 0.48 References: Canada-N-1252. Cardamine raphanifolia Pourret
Rating: Low Brassicaceae
Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb Cardamine pentaphyllos (L.) Crantz. Total N° of Refs: 15
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Brassicaceae Global Risk Score: 2.16
Dispersed by: Water Total N° of Refs: 5 Rating: Low
References: United States of America-ED- Global Risk Score: 1.44 Aqua - Habit: perennial Herb
159. Rating: Low Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Habit: Herb Origin: Europe, W Asia
Cardamine oligosperma Nutt. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental
Brassicaceae Origin: Europe Dispersed by: Humans, Water, Escapee
Total N° of Refs: 7 Major Pathway/s: Crop, Ornamental References: United Kingdom-N-40, United
Habit: annual/perennial Herb Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Kingdom-C-56, United Kingdom-C-314,
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal Seed Longevity: Transient Europe-ND-482, United Kingdom-N-519,
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations, Pome References: United Kingdom-C-314, United Kingdom-CN-812, Ireland-N-894,
Fruits, Vegetables Australia-Q-1123, Sweden-W-1609, United Kingdom-N-1006, Europe-N-819,
References: Global-A-243, United States of Global-CD-1611, Sweden-W-1977. United Kingdom-W-1175, Global-Q-1205,
America-W-136, United States of America- Global-W-1324, Global-CD-1611,
W-161, United States of America-A-180, Australia-Q-1123, United Kingdom-W-
United States of America-A-543, United 1977.
States of America-W-946, Global-W-1349.

Cardamine regeliana Miq. Cardamine trichocarpa Hochst. ex A. Cardaminopsis arenosa (L.) Hayek
Brassicaceae Rich. subsp. arenosa
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Cardamine scutata Brassicaceae Brassicaceae
Thunb. (5) Total N° of Refs: 6 Total N° of Refs: 2
Total N° of Refs: 5 Global Risk Score: 0.96 Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Rating: Low Dispersed by: Humans
Cardamine resedifolia L. Habit: annual Herb References: Germany-N-907, Belgium-N-
Brassicaceae Preferred Climate/s: Tropical 1006.
Total N° of Refs: 1 Origin: E Asia, Europe
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop Cardaminopsis halleri (L.) Hayek
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal Dispersed by: Humans Brassicaceae
References: Europe, eastern-W-272, References: India-I-1047, India-I-1280, Total N° of Refs: 5
Europe--. India-I-1345, India-N-1628, India-I-1764, Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
India-W-1977. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop
Cardamine sarmentosa Forst.f. Dispersed by: Animals, Cattle, Livestock,
Brassicaceae Cardamine trifolia L. Sheep, Water
Accepted name: Rorippa sarmentosa Brassicaceae References: Finland-U-42, Belgium-N-
(G.Forst. ex DC.) J.F.Macbr. Total N° of Refs: 9 1006, Europe-N-819, Global-W-1324,
Total N° of Refs: 5 Habit: perennial Herb Global-ZD-1611.
Habit: Herb Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Origin: Europe Cardaminopsis suecica (Fr.) Hiitonen ex
Ornamental Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal, Hyl.
Dispersed by: Humans Ornamental Brassicaceae
References: Fiji-A-1521, Fiji-A-87. Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Accepted name: Arabidopsis suecica (Fr.)
References: United Kingdom-CN-56, Norrl.
Cardamine schulzii Hort. hybrid United Kingdom-C-314, United Kingdom- Total N° of Refs: 15
Brassicaceae N-519, United Kingdom-CN-812, United Weed of: Cereals
Accepted name: parents = Cardamine Kingdom-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Global- References: Finland-A-1815.
rivularis Schur x Cardamine amara L. W-1324, Global-CD-1611, United
Total N° of Refs: 1 Kingdom-W-1977. Cardanthera difformis (L.f.) Druce
Origin: Europe Acanthaceae
References: Global-I-937. Cardamine uniflora Michx. Total N° of Refs: 3
Brassicaceae Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Cardamine scutata Thunb. Accepted name: Leavenworthia uniflora Dispersed by: Humans
Brassicaceae Total N° of Refs: 1 References: Global-W-629, south and
Accepted name: Cardamine regeliana Miq. References: Ireland-W-894. southeast Asia-A-1320, India-A-87.
Total N° of Refs: 5
Habit: annual/biennial Herb Cardamine waldsteinii Dyer Cardanthera triflora (Nees) Buch Ham.
Origin: E Asia Brassicaceae Acanthaceae
Major Pathway/s: Crop Total N° of Refs: 1 Total N° of Refs: 1
References: Japan-W-286, Japan-A-87, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental Preferred Climate/s: Tropical
North Korea-A-1018, India-R-1984, India- Dispersed by: Humans References: south and southeast Asia-A-
I-1992. References: Global-Q-1205. 1320.

Cardamine spp. L. Cardaminopsis arenosa (L.) Hayek Cardanthera uliginosa Buch.-Ham.

Brassicaceae Brassicaceae Acanthaceae
Total N° of Refs: 3 Total N° of Refs: 21 Total N° of Refs: 3
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Global Risk Score: 0.96 Weed of: Cereals
Subtropical, Tropical Rating: Low References: south and southeast Asia-A-
Weed of: Vegetables Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean 1320, India-A-87, India-A-2084.
References: Europe, eastern-W-272, United Origin: Europe
States of America-A-543, Greece-W-1240. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Cardaria boissieri (N. Busch) So¢
Ornamental Brassicaceae
Cardamine sylvatica Link Dispersed by: Humans, Vehicles Total N° of Refs: 1
Brassicaceae Seed Longevity: Short Term References: Armenia-N-1241.
Accepted name: Cardamine flexuosa With. Weed of: Cereals
Total N° of Refs: 95 References: Finland-N-42, Europe-A-94, Cardaria chalapensis (L.) Hand.-Maz.,
Weed of: Cereals Global-A-243, Europe, eastern-W-272, orth. var.
References: Nepal-A-1932. western Europe-W-70, Denmark-N-1006, Brassicaceae
Netherlands-N-1006, Slovakia-N-1006, Total N° of Refs: 2
Sweden-N-1006, Greenland-N-1061, References: United States of America-W-
Europe-N-819, Poland-G-1122, Global-W- 1103, United States of America-N-1603.
1324, Finland-AW-1356, Sweden-W-1609,
Global-ZD-1611, Germany-R-1948,
Switzerland-I-1990, -A-2058, Poland-A-
2059, Poland-A-2110.

Cardaria chalepensis (L.) Hand.-Mazz. Cardaria draba (L.) Desv. States of America-X-229, Slovenia-W-883,
Brassicaceae Brassicaceae Africa-I-886, Europe-A-889, Mexico-W-
Accepted name: Cardaria draba (L.) Desv. Accepted name: Lepidium draba L. 890, Spain-A-892, Ireland-W-894,
subsp. chalepensis (L.) Schulz Synonym/s (n° of refs): Cardaria Romania-I-896, Germany-N-907, Global-
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Cardaria draba var. chalepensis (L.) Hand.-Mazz. (29), W-788, Chile-A-931, United States of
repens (L.) Desv., Cardaria draba ssp. Lepidium repens (Schrenk) Boiss. (4) America-W-946, Argentina-I-983,
chalepensis (L.) Desv. Total N° of Refs: 374 Uruguay-I-988, Russia-A-998, Portugal-N-
Total N° of Refs: 262 Global Risk Score: 19.2 1006, Belgium-N-1006, Denmark-N-1006,
Global Risk Score: 1.44 Rating: High Germany-N-1006, United Kingdom-N-
Rating: Low Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb 1006, Iceland-N-1006, Latvia-N-1006,
Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Lithuania-N-1006, Luxembourg-N-1006,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical Netherlands-N-1006, Sweden-N-1006,
Ornamental Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Australia-N-1049, United States of
Dispersed by: Humans Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, America-N-1057, United States of
References: Canada and United States of Herbal, Ornamental America-N-1058, Europe-N-1072, Europe-
America-XZW-299, United States of Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Cattle, N-819, United Kingdom-A-322, Turkey-A-
America-W-266, Argentina-W-237, United Horse, Livestock, Sheep, Vehicles, Escapee 144, United Kingdom-A-1093, United
States of America-X-26, United States of Seed Longevity: Short Term States of America-W-1103, Ukraine-I-
America-AE-231, United States of Weed of: Canola, Cereals, Grapevines, 1121, Australia--, Russia-I-1178, Europe-
America-X-35, United States of America- Orchards & Plantations, Pastures, Pome W-1191, South Korea-N-761, Poland-W-
E-78, United States of America-E-80, Fruits, Sunflowers, Vegetables 1219, Mexico-W-1226, Chile-N-1229,
Global-X-85, United States of America-N- References: Global-W-217, India-A-712, Greece-W-1240, Armenia-N-1241, Japan-
101, United States of America-Q-116, Global-W-23, United States of America-W- N-1278, Slovakia-A-1282, Ukraine-N-
Canada-W-294, United States of America- 266, Argentina-W-237, United States of 1297, Australia-W-1318, Australia-X-1319,
W-161, United States of America-W-212, America-X-26, Australia-W-269, United Australia-A-1331, Ukraine-N-1335, Chile-
Canada-A-642, United States of America- States of America-AE-231, United States of N-1348, Global-W-1349, Finland-W-1356,
N-86, North America-X-790, Pakistan-W- America-W-34, United States of America- Serbia-A-1357, Global-E-1449, Turkey-A-
836, United States of America-X-229, X-35, Finland-N-42, United States of 1463, Turkey-A-1464, Turkey-A-1465,
United States of America-W-946, United America-X-1, Chile-N-300, South Africa- Turkey-A-1467, Turkey-A-1469,
Kingdom-N-1006, Europe-N-819, Global- W-51, South Africa-X-63, United States of Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay-I-1476,
W-1349, United States of America-N-1607, America-E-78, United States of America- Slovakia-I-1484, Iran-A-1524, Saudi
Canada-A-87, Argentina-AE-1874, New E-80, Global-N-108, Global-X-85, Europe- Arabia-A-1525, Europe-A-1539, Romania-
Zealand-Q-1879, Saudi Arabia-A-1951, A-94, United States of America-W-264, N-1599, United States of America-N-1603,
New Zealand-Q-2086. Global-A-243, United States of America- United States of America-N-1607, Estonia-
N-101, New Zealand-N-280, western Asia- W-1609, Czech Republic-W-1609,
A-115, United States of America-Q-116, Denmark-W-1609, Germany-W-1609,
Chile-N-241, South America-W-295, South Latvia-W-1609, Lithuania-W-1609,
Africa-AZR-121, Canada-W-294, United Poland-W-1609, Sweden-W-1609,
States of America-X-130, United States of Azerbaijan-A-1638, Morocco-A-561,
America-W-136, United States of America- LEBANON-A-596, Afghanistan-A-87,
AX-138, United States of America-W-392, Hungary-A-87, Italy-A-87, Russia-A-87,
Australia-X-147, Australia-E-155, United United States of America-A-87, Iran-A-87,
States of America-W-161, New Zealand- Jordan-A-87, Yugoslavia-A-87, Canada-A-
W-165, United States of America-W-174, 87, United Kingdom-A-87, Germany-A-87,
Australia-N-176, United States of America- Iraq-A-87, Lebanon-A-87, Portugal-A-87,
A-180, Japan-N-287, western Europe-A- South Africa-A-87, Spain-A-87, Tunisia-A-
253, Australia-N-198, United States of 87, Turkey-A-87, Argentina-A-87,
America-AW-210, United States of Belgium-A-87, Chile-A-87,
America-W-212, Europe, eastern-AW-272, Czechoslovakia-A-87, Greece-A-87,
western Europe-W-70, United States of Guatemala-A-87, Israel-A-87, Netherlands-
America-W-218, United States of America- A-87, New Zealand-A-87, Pakistan-A-87,
W-219, Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945, Zimbabwe-A-87, Australia-A-87, Hungary-
Australia-X-171, Spain-A-417, Australia- A-1015, Serbia-A-1019, Poland-N-1040,
E-327, Czech Republic-ZI-400, New Global-N-1218, Global-Q-1572, Global-
Zealand-NW-425, China-W-431, New CD-1611, Iran-A-1619, Russia-NI-1680,
Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N-15, United Ukraine-N-1685, Russia-N-1688, Europe-
States of America-A-543, Australia-Z-611, N-1690, Europe-I-1740, Australia-Z-1768,
Poland-N-619, Canada-A-642, Ukraine- central Europe-A-1616, Austria-A-1670,
NR-643, Switzerland-N-653, Australia- Serbia-R-1848, Alaska-X-1852, Morocco-
AENX-310, Denmark-UN-711, Canada A-1361, Chile-I-1872, Chile and
and United States of America-N-725, Argentina-E-1874, Iran-A-1916, Germany-
Turkey-A-727, Iran-A-732, Mexico-W- R-1948, Australia-Q-1123, Russia-N-1988,
735, Lithuania-I-737, Global-A-743, Russia-N-1989, Switzerland-N-1990,
United States of America-N-86, Chile-N- Poland-N-1993, Estonia-N-1997, Iran-A-
765, South Korea-N-773, North America- 1812, Ukraine-N-2050, Iran-A-2072, Iran-
E-784, United States of America-E-151, A-2075, Spain-A-2083, Greece-A-2093,
North America-X-790, Japan-N-794, United States of America-ANI-2106,
Belarus-N-817, Australia-W-853, Russia-I-2107, Iran-A-2111, Ukraine-N-
Australia-N-855, Australia-W-869, United 2112.

Cardaria pubescens (C.A.Mey.) Jarm. Cardiocrinum giganteum (Wall.)
Cardaria draba (L.) Desv. var. repens Brassicaceae Makino
(Schrenk) O. E. Schulz Accepted name: Lepidium appelianum Al- Liliaceae
Brassicaceae Shehbaz Total N° of Refs: 5
Accepted name: Lepidium draba L. Synonym/s (n° of refs): Cardaria pubescens Habit: perennial Herb
Total N° of Refs: 109 (C.A.Mey.) Jarm. var. elongata (C.A.Mey.) Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
References: Canada-A-642. Rollins (2), Hymenophysa pubescens C. A. Origin: C Asia, E Asia
Mey. (3) Major Pathway/s: Crop, Herbal,
Cardaria draba (L.) Desv. subsp. Total N° of Refs: 51 Ornamental
chalapensis (L.) O.E.Schulz Toxic - Habit: perennial Herb Dispersed by: Humans
Brassicaceae Origin: C Asia, E Asia, Europe, W Asia References: New Zealand-UW-280, New
Accepted name: Lepidium draba L. Major Pathway/s: Herbal, Ornamental Zealand-N-534, New Zealand-N-15, New
Total N° of Refs: 111 Dispersed by: Humans Zealand-U-919, New Zealand-N-2048.
References: Canada-A-642, Global-A- Weed of: Cereals
1207, Canada-X-1538. References: Global-W-23, United States of Cardionema ramosissima (Wienm.) Nels.
America-W-266, Argentina-W-237, United & Macbr.
Cardaria draba (L.) Desv. subsp. States of America-X-26, United States of Caryophyllaceae
chalepensis (L.) O. E. Schulz America-W-34, United States of America- Total N° of Refs: 1
Brassicaceae X-35, United States of America-X-1, Preferred Climate/s: Dryland
Accepted name: Lepidium draba L. United States of America-A-49, United References: Brazil-N-1597.
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Cardaria draba ssp. States of America-E-80, Global-XW-85,
chalapensis (L.) Desv. United States of America-N-101, Canada- Cardionema ramosissimum (Weinm.) A.
Total N° of Refs: 110 W-294, United States of America-W-392, Nelson & J. F. Macbr.
Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, United States of America-W-161, North Caryophyllaceae
Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical America-A-267, United States of America- Total N° of Refs: 6
Major Pathway/s: Crop W-212, China-W-431, Canada-A-642, Habit: perennial Herb
References: Canada-A-642, North Ukraine-U-643, Lithuania-I-737, United Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
America-E-784. States of America-N-86, North America-X- Origin: Europe
790, United States of America-X-229, Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Herbal
Cardaria draba (L.) Desv. subsp. draba Global-W-788, United States of America- Dispersed by: Humans
Brassicaceae W-946, Europe-N-819, United States of References: Brazil-W-361, Brazil-W-407,
Accepted name: Lepidium draba L. subsp. America-W-1103, China-U-92, Global-W- Chile-W-388, Brazil-N-1071, Brazil-N-
draba 1349, Canada-X-1538, United States of 1746, Brazil-W-1977.
Total N° of Refs: 116 America-N-1607, Russia-W-1609,
Habit: Herb Lithuania-W-1609, Canada-A-87, United Cardiospermum corindum L.
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean States of America-A-87, Tajikistan-A- Sapindaceae
Origin: Africa, Europe 1674, United States of America-E-1736, Total N° of Refs: 4
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant Alaska-X-1852, Argentina-A-1874, New Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, Subtropical,
Dispersed by: Humans Zealand-Q-1879, New Zealand-Q-2086. Tropical
Weed of: Pome Fruits References: Puerto Rico-W-261,
References: Canada-A-642, New Zealand- Cardaria pubescens (C.A.Mey.) Jarm. Swaziland-N-825, United States of
N-919, United Kingdom-N-1006, Spain-W- var. elongata (C.A.Mey.) Rollins America-N-101, -I-, Swaziland-W-1977.
1270, Turkey--1412, Canada-X-1538, Brassicaceae
Germany-W-1609, Turkey-A-942. Accepted name: Cardaria pubescens
(C.A.Mey.) Jarm.
Cardaria latifolia (L.) Spach Total N° of Refs: 43
Brassicaceae References: United States of America-W-
Accepted name: Lepidium latifolium 218, Canada-A-642.
Total N° of Refs: 150
References: Canada-A-642. Cardaria repens (Schrenk) Jarm.
Accepted name: Lepidium draba subsp.
chalepense L.
Total N° of Refs: 109
References: Global-W-85.

Cardaria spp. Desv.

Total N° of Refs: 7
Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical
Weed of: Vegetables
References: Canada-X-36, United States of
America-E-80, Canada-X-162, Australia-
N-198, United States of America-A-543,
North America-X-790, Global-X-85.

Cardiospermum grandiflorum Sw. Cardiospermum halicacabum L. India-N-1631, Australia-A-87, Hawaii-A-
Sapindaceae Sapindaceae 87, India-A-87, Taiwan-A-87, Ghana-A-87,
Total N° of Refs: 106 Synonym/s (n° of refs): Cardiospermum Mauritius-A-87, Mozambique-A-87,
Global Risk Score: 24 microcarpum Kunth (2) Trinidad-A-87, United States of America-
Rating: High Total N° of Refs: 171 A-87, Vietnam-A-87, India-A-1021, India-
Aqua - Habit: perennial Vine Global Risk Score: 14.4 A-1038, India-A-1034, Brazil-A-1560,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean, Rating: Medium South Africa-E-1646, Global-CD-1611,
Subtropical, Tropical Toxic - Habit: Tree Brazil-A-1622, India-W-1672, India-A-
Origin: Africa, C Am, N Am, S Am Preferred Climate/s: Dryland, 1698, India-A-1702, India-A-1704, United
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Mediterranean, Subtropical, Tropical States of America-XW-1719, Brazil-N-
Herbal, Ornamental Origin: Africa, C Am, E Asia, Europe, N 1071, United States of America-E-1736,
Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Am, S Am, Cosmopolitan Brazil-N-1746, Taiwan-W-1748,
Livestock, Sheep, Water, Wind, Escapee Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Bangladesh-A-1761, India-I-1764,
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Herbal, Ornamental Sardinia-U-1393, La Reunion-A-1822,
References: South Africa-AZR-121, Dispersed by: Humans, Escapee Australia-N-1902, Singapore-N-1839,
Australia-EX-201, Australia-CENI-479, Weed of: Bananas, Cereals, Orchards & Sardinia-U-1917, -I-, -I-, -I-, South Africa-
Slovakia-CE-782, Australia-W-269, Plantations, Vegetables N-1991, Brazil-R-2053, Ghana-AERI-
Australia-E-290, South Africa-X-63, References: pantropics-W-22, Global-N- 2066, New Zealand-Q-2086, New Zealand-
Australia-E-73, Global-NW-85, South 108, Vietnam-W-262, Puerto Rico-CW- E-483, Albania-W-1977, Australia-W-
Africa-W-95, South Africa-CX-283, United 261, Brazil-W-255, South Africa-AR-121, 1977, Belgium-W-1977, Brazil-W-1977,
States of America-N-101, Australia-E-296, Pacific-A-6, Thailand-A-209, Thailand-A- Burundi-W-1977, Cook Islands-W-1977,
South Africa-W-158, Australia-C-401, 12, Brazil-W-362, Brazil-W-407, Australia- Cuba-W-1977, Democratic Republic of the
Australia-N-945, Australia-CEI-168, N-368, India-NW-424, Taiwan-NI-777, Congo-W-1977, Fiji-W-1977, Ghana-W-
Australia-E-189, Pacific-E-621, Canary Slovakia-CE-782, Thailand-W-822, United 1977, Greece-W-1977, Namibia-W-1977,
Islands-N-637, Global-E-649, Australia- States of America-E-80, Australia-W-269, Nepal-W-1977, New Zealand-W-1977,
ENX-310, South Africa-I-759, Australia- Global-XZW-85, South Africa-W-95, Niue-W-1977, Pakistan-W-1977, Papua
EN-7, United States of America-N-301, South Africa-E-283, South America-W- New Guinea-W-1977, Portugal-W-1977,
New Zealand-N-823, Swaziland-N-825, 295, Central America-W-157, United States Romania-W-1977, Rwanda-W-1977,
United States of America-N-839, Australia- of America-W-161, United States of Singapore-W-1977, Solomon Islands-W-
W-853, Australia-N-856, Australia-W-869, America-W-102, United States of America- 1977, South Africa-W-1977, Taiwan-W-
Australia-E-880, Canary Islands-I-902, W-179, Japan-N-287, Japan-W-286, United 1977, Tonga-W-1977, Vanuatu-W-1977,
New Zealand-U-919, New Zealand-W-964, States of America-AW-207, United States Viet Nam-W-1977, Swaziland-W-1977,
Australia-N-354, Italy-N-1006, Australia-I- of America-W-218, China-W-297, Pacific- Global--1324.
1048, Australia-N-1049, Portugal-I-1090, W-3, Australia-C-401, Australia-N-945,
Europe-N-819, New Zealand-E-328, South United Kingdom-C-314, China-W-431, Cardiospermum halicacabum L. var.
Africa-X-1112, Africa-X-1127, Australia- United States of America-A-543, Pacific-E- halicacabum
E-1159, Namibia-Q-1179, United States of 621, Europe-U-638, Australia-AEN-310, Sapindaceae
America-Q-1197, Belgium-UD-1220, South Africa-N-759, United States of Total N° of Refs: 17
South Africa-I-1247, Italy-N-251, America-E-151, Global-W-788, North Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
Namibia-I-1283, United States of America- America-X-790, Swaziland-N-825, Origin: Africa, C Am, C Asia, E Asia, S
N-1292, Global-W-1324, Zimbabwe-N- Australia-N-856, United States of America- Am
1365, South Africa-NI-1002, Global-E- X-229, Ecuador-N-875, United States of Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
1449, Australia-E-1456, Malta-I-1470, America-I-904, South Africa-N-956, New Dispersed by: Humans
New Caledonia-I-1507, French Polynesia- Zealand-W-964, Australia-N-354, References: Australia-N-368, Australia-
N-1514, New Zealand-X-1542, Australia-I- Madagascar-N-1001, France-N-1006, EN-7, Australia-N-945, Japan-N-794,
1544, Cook Islands-I-1544, French Spain-N-1006, United States of America-I- Swaziland-N-825, Australia-W-853,
Polynesia-I-1544, New Caledonia-I-1544, 1046, Australia-N-1049, Australia-W-1068, Australia-W-869, Australia-N-354,
New Zealand-I-1544, United States of Australia-I-1088, Malta-N-1089, Europe- Australia-N-1049, Japan-N-1278,
America-I-1544, Ghana-A-87, Nigeria-A- N-819, New Zealand-E-328, United States Australia-N-1491, Cuba-N-1505, Cape
87, Global-Q-1572, Australia, northern-W- of America-N-101, United States of Verde-N-1558, Australia, northern-W-
1204, South Africa-E-1646, Global-CD- America-W-1104, Japan-W-1106, Africa- 1204, Mozambique-A-1734, -I-, Cuba-I-
1611, Australia-X-1693, Macronesia-I- W-1127, Ethiopia-A-1141, Greece-N-1142, 2055, Japan-W-1977.
1722, East Africa-I-1723, Europe-UNI- Crete-U-1150, Romania-U-1154, Australia-
1740, Australia-E-1754, Australia-N-1902, E-1159, Cambodia-A-1173, United States Cardiospermum halicacabum L. var.
Italy-N-1887, Australia-WD-1934, Canary of America-Q-1197, China-N-1215, microcarpum (Kunth) Blume
Islands-N-1967, Canary Islands-N-1970, -I- Belgium-U-1220, Mexico-W-1226, South Sapindaceae
, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, -I-, South Africa-N- Africa-NXI-1247, Burma-Myanmar-A- Total N° of Refs: 8
1991, Angola-N-2028, New Zealand-U- 1254, Namibia-I-1283, Singapore-N-1290, Preferred Climate/s: Subtropical, Tropical
2048, Ghana-AERI-2066, New Zealand-Q- United States of America-N-1292, south Origin: Africa, C Am, C Asia, E Asia, S
2086, New Zealand-E-483, Algeria-W- and southeast Asia-A-1320, La Reunion- Am
1977, Angola-W-1977, Australia-W-1977, W-1321, United States of America-C-1329, Major Pathway/s: Ornamental
Belgium-W-1977, Cook Islands-W-1977, Sardinia-U-1336, China-N-1344, India-I- Dispersed by: Humans
Ghana-W-1977, Italy-W-1977, Kenya-W- 1345, Global-W-1349, India-A-1359, References: Japan-N-287, Japan-W-286,
1977, Namibia-W-1977, New Zealand-W- China-N-1374, Vietnam-E-1386, Iberian Australia-N-945, China-W-431, Japan-N-
1977, Portugal-W-1977, South Africa-W- Peninsular-N-1388, South Africa-NI-1002, 794, Swaziland-N-825, Japan-N-1278,
1977, Spain-W-1977, Uganda-W-1977, Taiwan-N-1403, south and southeast Asia- Cape Verde-N-1558, -I-.
United Republic of Tanzania-W-1977, A-1408, Taiwan-AN-1413, Spain-U-1454,
Zimbabwe-W-1977, Swaziland-W-1977. Australia-E-1456, Mexico-W-1510, French
Polynesia-N-1514, New Zealand-X-1542,

Cardiospermum microcarpum Kunth Carduus acanthoides L. W-1349, Serbia-A-1357, Serbia-W-1358,
Sapindaceae Asteraceae Serbia-A-1372, Serbia-W-1222, Argentina-
Accepted name: Cardiospermum Synonym/s (n° of refs): Carduus A-1397, Global-E-1449, Argentina, Brazil
halicacabum L. var. microcarpum L. acanthoides f. albiflora L., Carduus x and Uruguay-I-1476, Slovakia-N-1484,
Total N° of Refs: 171 orthocephalus Wallr. Czech Republic-N-1522, Austria-N-1531,
Preferred Climate/s: Tropical Total N° of Refs: 163 Norway-N-1535, Canada-X-1538, Europe-
Major Pathway/s: Herbal Global Risk Score: 19.2 A-1539, Romania-N-1599, Central Europe-
Weed of: Orchards & Plantations Rating: High N-1602, United States of America-N-1603,
References: United States of America-N- Habit: Herb United States of America-N-1607, Czech
101, Lesser Antilles-A-1128. Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Republic-W-1609, Denmark-W-1609,
Origin: Africa, E Asia, Europe Latvia-W-1609, Lithuania-W-1609,
Cardiospermum spp. L. Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop, Norway-W-1609, Poland-W-1609,
Sapindaceae Herbal, Ornamental Argentina-A-87, Canada-A-87, United
Total N° of Refs: 8 Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Wind Kingdom-A-87, Russia-A-87, New
Habit: perennial Vine Seed Longevity: Long Term Zealand-A-87, United States of America-
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Weed of: Cereals, Forestry, Orchards & A-87, Hungary-A-1015, Serbia-W-1031,
Origin: Cosmopolitan Plantations, Pastures, Vegetables Alaska-N-1625, Ukraine-N-1685, Czech
References: New Zealand-E-246, New References: Global-W-23, Argentina-W- Republic-N-1731, United States of
Zealand-W-225, Mediterranean-I-775, 237, United States of America-X-26, America-E-1736, United States of
Mediterranean-I-951, New Zealand-E-505, United States of America-X-35, Canada- America-N-1162, Serbia-W-1766, Serbia-
Africa-W-1127, Algeria-W-1977, New W-291, Finland-U-42, New Zealand-E-246, R-1771, Russia-W-1671, Uruguay-N-1800,
Zealand-W-1977. United States of America-X-1, Canada-W- Serbia-R-1848, Argentina-AE-1874, New
52, Australia-W-54, Global-X-67, United Zealand-Q-1879, Argentina-N-1884,
Cardopatium corymbosum Pers. States of America-E-78, United States of Montenegro-R-1944, Serbia-R-1946,
Asteraceae America-E-80, Global-NXZW-85, Europe- Serbia-R-1953, -I-, -I-, Poland-N-1993,
Total N° of Refs: 1 A-94, United States of America-E-222, Slovakia-N-2002, Kosovo-R-2003, New
ToxicPreferred Climate/s: Mediterranean Global-A-243, United States of America- Zealand-N-2048, Ukraine-N-2050, Serbia-
Origin: Africa, Europe N-101, New Zealand-N-280, United States R-2057, -AU-2058, Poland-AN-2059,
Major Pathway/s: Herbal of America-Q-116, South America-W-295, Poland-A-2061, Slovenia-R-2078,
References: Turkey-A-87. South America-W-271, United States of Slovakia-A-2079, New Zealand-Q-2086,
America-AXI-138, United States of Ukraine-N-2112, Argentina-W-1977,
Carduncellus caeruleus (L.) DC. America-W-392, United States of America- Australia-W-1977, Belarus-W-1977,
Asteraceae AE-156, United States of America-W-161, Belgium-W-1977, Bulgaria-W-1977,
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Carthamus United States of America-W-174, eastern Canada-W-1977, Czech Republic-W-1977,
caeruleus L. (1) North America-E-195, Argentina-A-236, Latvia-W-1977, Lithuania-W-1977,
Total N° of Refs: 5 United States of America-AW-210, United Poland-W-1977, Romania-W-1977,
Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean States of America-AW-212, Europe, Slovakia-W-1977, Ukraine-W-1977.
Origin: Africa, Europe eastern-AW-272, western Europe-W-70,
Major Pathway/s: Contaminant United States of America-W-218, United Carduus acanthoides L. subsp.
Dispersed by: Humans States of America-W-219, Czech Republic- acanthoides
References: western Europe-W-70, United NZI-400, New Zealand-X-495, United Asteraceae
Kingdom-UZ-314, United Kingdom-Z-944, States of America-X-512, United States of Total N° of Refs: 1
Greece-A-2093. America-I-516, New Zealand-N-534, New Origin: Europe
Zealand-N-15, United States of America- Weed of: Cereals
Carduncellus calvus Boiss. & Reut. A-543, United States of America-I-628, References: Turkey-A-2101.
Asteraceae Canada-A-642, Ukraine-R-643, Global-E-
Synonym/s (n° of refs): Carthamus calvus 649, Switzerland-N-653, Denmark-N-711, Carduus acanthoides L. fo. albiflora (L.)
(Boiss. & Reut.) Batt. (1) Canada and United States of America-N- Gross.
Total N° of Refs: 1 725, Lithuania-I-737, Mediterranean-W- Asteraceae
775, North America-E-784, United States Total N° of Refs: 1
Carduncellus mareoticus Hanelt of America-E-151, Global-W-788, North References: Canada-A-642.
Asteraceae America-X-790, Australia-W-869, United
Total N° of Refs: 1 States of America-X-229, United States of Carduus acanthoides L. fo. ochranthus
References: North Africa, Libya, Egypt-W- America-N-904, Argentina-A-913, New Wallr.
1730. Zealand-N-919, United States of America- Asteraceae
W-946, Mediterranean-W-951, New Total N° of Refs: 1
Zealand-W-964, Argentina-I-983, Belgium- References: Canada-A-642.
N-1006, Czechoslovakia-N-1006, Estonia-
N-1006, Denmark-N-1006, Germany-N- Carduus albidus M.Bieb.
1006, Lithuania-N-1006, Norway-N-1006, Asteraceae
Slovakia-N-1006, Sweden-N-1006, Russia- Accepted name: Carduus pycnocephalus L.
A-998, Europe-N-819, New Zealand-E- subsp. albidus (M. Bieb.) Kazmi
328, United Kingdom-A-1093, United Total N° of Refs: 153
States of America-W-1104, Ukraine-I- References: Brazil-N-1746.
1121, United States of America-AE-1156,
Europe-W-1191, Poland-R-1219, Belgium-
U-1220, Pakistan-A-1232, Serbia-W-1238,
Norway-N-1243, Argentina-W-1286,
Ukraine-N-1297, Ukraine-N-1335, Global-

Carduus arabicus Jacq. ex Murray Carduus carduelis (L.) Gren. Carduus crispus Guirão ex Nyman
Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae
Accepted name: Carduus pycnocephalus L. Total N° of Refs: 2 Total N° of Refs: 72
subsp. marmoratus (Boiss. & Heldr.) Weed of: Pastures Global Risk Score: 19.2
P.H.Davis References: Serbia-W-1238, Serbia-A- Rating: High
Total N° of Refs: 153 1372. Habit: Herb
Weed of: Pastures Preferred Climate/s: Mediterranean
References: Iran-A-1916. Carduus chamaecephalus (Vatke) Oliv. Origin: E Asia, Europe
& Hiern Major Pathway/s: Contaminant, Crop,
Carduus argentatus L. Asteraceae Herbal, Ornamental
Asteraceae Total N° of Refs: 1 Dispersed by: Humans, Animals, Water,
Total N° o

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