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Fundamental Concepts - Ch1

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The key takeaways are the different types of Vedic literature including Shruti, Smriti, Vedas and Upanishads. Vedangas are the six limbs of the Vedas and Upavedas are supplementary texts.

Vedangas are the six auxiliary sciences of the Vedas - Siksha, Chhanda, Vyakarana, Nirukta, Jyotisha and Kalpa. Upavedas are supplementary texts on specific topics like music, sculpture, medicine, archery etc.

Astrology is based on the premise that the positions of planets like the Sun, Moon and others close to Earth can provide clues about fortunes of individuals and groups based on their positions in the sky.

Fundamental Concepts of Vedic Astrology

The Vedic literature consists of 'Shruti' -revealed literature and 'Smriti' -memorized literature. Shruti
literature consist of Vedas: Rig Veda -Collection of prayers, Yajur Veda -Sacrificial manual, Sama Veda
-Mostly Rig Vedic hymns in musical form, Atharva Veda -Magical charms.

Each Veda has four parts:

Samhita - essential part of a Veda containing hymns,

Brahmanas - prose commentaries on Vedas with detailed observations on prayers and ceremonies,
Aranyakas - texts to be read by Risrvis in forests as they deal with mystic meanings of Samhita texts.
Upanishads - philosophical aspects which are to be taught by Acharyas to their trusted students.

Smriti literature consists of Vedangas, Upavedas, etc. which form supplementary sections of Vedic.The
Vedic literature consists of 'Shruti' (revealed) literature and 'Smriti' (memorized) literature.

Shruti literature consists of Vedas:

Rig Veda (Collection of prayers)
Yajur Veda (Sacrificial manual)
Sama Veda (Mostly Rig Vedic hymns in musical form),
Atharva Veda (Magical charms)

Each of above Veda has four parts:

Samhita (essential part of a Veda containing hymns),

Brahmanas (prose commentaries on Vedas with detailed observations on prayers and ceremonies),
Aranyakas (texts to be read by Risrvis in forests as they deal with mystic meanings of Samhita texts)
Upanishads (philosophical aspects which are to be taught by Acharyas to their trusted students).

Smriti literature consists of Vedangas, Upavedas, etc. which form supplementary sections of Vedic

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Vedangas literally mean the limbs of the Vedas. They are six in number. Just like the limbs of the body,
they perform various supportive and augmenting functions in the study, preservation and protection of the
Vedas and the Vedic traditions.

The six Vedangas are Siksha, Chhanda, Vyakarana, Nirukta, Jyotisha and Kalpa.

Shiksha = phonetics,
Vyakarana = grammar,
Chandas = metre,
Nirukta = etymology,
Kalpa= ritual,
Jyotishya = astronomy.

Upa Vedas

Gandharva Veda = music

Shilpa Veda = sculpture
Ayur Veda = medicine
Dhanur Veda= archery or art of war Sutras (that guide people in various fields)
Grihya Sutras deal with domestic rituals Shrauta
Sutras deal with public rituals
Sulha Sutras deal with science of altars
Dharma Sutras deal with customary law and practices

Course Work Basics of Vedic Astrology

What is astrology
Planets are constantly in motion with respect to earth in the skies. The positions of Sun,
Moon and some planets close to earth can give important clues about the fortunes of
individual human beings and groups of human beings. That is the basic premise of
astrology. How exactly we can make guesses about the fortunes of individual human
beings and groups of human beings based on the positions of those planets in the skies
is the question that we will attempt to answer in this book. While astrology is the
subject that deals with this question, there are many theories and philosophies in vogue
and they are significantly different from each other.

Sunsign astrology, for example, is based on categorizing people into 12 groups based on
the solar month of birth. Some people may be convinced, based on their experiences,
that people born in the same month share certain qualities. It is, however, not very
logical from a rational perspective – there are just too many people in this world, who
are totally different from each other. So the month of one's birth is totally inadequate for
guessing one's nature or fortune. Even the date and the hour of birth are not enough. We
know that there are many twins in this world, who are significantly different from each

What we mentioned just now is, by the way, a very important question to be answered –
it is like an “acid test” for any astrological doctrine. It is a known fact that there are
many twins in this world, who are significantly different from each other and who lead
totally different lives. Of course, some twins may have some common qualities between
them, but the fact remains that several twins are significantly different. An astrological
doctrine should be capable of explaining this fact in order to be considered as a
meaningful subject.

Most astrological doctrines of the world fail this acid test. If an astrological doctrine
assumes, like in the case of many popular astrological theories of the world, that two
persons born within a couple of hours in nearby towns will have the same fortune, then
that doctrine is obviously lacking in completeness and inadequate for confident use in
real-life. It fails the acid test of twins.

India's astrology
Materialistically speaking, India may not be a rich country today, but India has
extremely rich cultural heritage. The depth of some of India's ancient knowledge (like
astrology) is just amazing and it makes one wonder if the history of this great
civilization is correctly represented in the pages of modern history. Astrology of India is
the most comprehensive and complete system of astrology available today and it is the
only one that comes close to answering the just mentioned “twins puzzle”. India's
astrology can explain how twins can be different. The principles used in India's
astrology are so sensitive to changes in birthtime that people born within 1-2 minutes
Course Work Basics of Vedic Astrology
can be significantly different in some aspects and similar in some others. This approach
distinguishes between what a person truly is, what a person wants to be, what he thinks
he is and what the world thinks he is. It has enough parameters, tools, techniques and
degrees of freedom to model the extremely complicated human life.

This astrological approach is known in the world by many names. Early pioneers of
modern Indian astrology, like Dr. B.V. Raman, called it “Hindu astrology”, because this
system was first taught by ancient Hindu sages. However, some people do not like this
expression because “Hindu” is not a Sanskrit word. This word was later coined by the
western invaders from the name of a river flowing on the northwestern border of India
(river “Sindhu” or “Indus”). They used the word “Hindu” to describe the land and the
people on the eastern side of this river.

The religion practiced by a majority of Indians is known as “Hindu” religion today, but
the fact is that there is no name for this religion in India's Sanskrit language, the
language in which most of the literature of this religion – and astrology – appeared!
Most other religions are known by the name of their main propagator, but India's
ancient religion had no single propagator or prophet. This religion consisted of
knowledge that revealed itself to spiritual masters of many generations. So there was no
name for this religion and the word “Hindu” coined by western invaders was accepted
by the world. However, as already stressed, this word finds no place in Sanskrit
literature. Some people do not like using a non-Sanskrit word to describe India's
astrology, considering that most of India's classical literature in astrology appeared in

Later day authors came up with the name – “Vedic astrology". The word “Vedic”
means “pertaining to Vedas". Vedas are the sacred scriptures of, what is known today
as, Hinduism and they are supposed to contain knowledge of all subjects. Moreover,
astrology in particular is supposed to be a “Vedaanga” (which means a limb of Vedas).
In particular, it is said to be the eye of the Vedas. So the name “Vedic astrology” is
becoming popular these days. This author also suggests using “Vedic astrology” or
“Jyotish” (meaning “science of light"). Jyotishi is a practitioner of Jyotish, i.e. a Vedic

Grahas (planets)
The words “planet” and “star” are used in a slightly different sense in astrology than in
astronomy. For example, Sun (a star) and Moon (a satellite of earth) are called planets
in astrology, along with Mars etc. Basically, a graha or a planet is a body that has
considerable influence on the living beings on earth. Distant stars have negligible
influence on us, but Sun, Moon and planets in the solar system have a great influence on
our activities. So the word graha (or planet) is used to describe them.

Seven planets are considered in Indian astrology. They are – Sun, Moon, Mars,
Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. In addition, two “chaayaa grahas” (shadow
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planets) are considered in Indian astrology – Rahu and Ketu. These are also called “the
north node” and “the south node” respectively (or the head and tail of dragon). Rahu
and Ketu are not real planets; they are just some mathematical points.

Apart from these 9 planets, there are 11 moving mathematical points known as
Upagrahas (sub-planets or satellites). We also have lagna (ascendant), which is the
point that rises on the eastern horizon as the earth rotates around itself. In addition, we
have some mathematical points known as “special ascendants".

Rasis (signs)

The positions of all these planets, upagrahas, lagna and special lagnas in the zodiac are
measured in degrees, minutes and seconds from the start of the zodiac (which is a fixed
point in the sky). These positions are measured as seen from earth and they are called
“geocentric positions". For the positions (calculated in degrees, minutes and seconds) of
planets, lagna, special lagnas and upagrahas, we also use the words longitude and
sphuta. When watched from earth, the longitude of any planet in the skies can be from
00'0'' (0 degrees 0 minutes 0 seconds) to 35959'59''. It should be noted that 00'0''
corresponds to the beginning of the zodiac. Many western astrologers consider Sayana
or tropical (moving) zodiac, whereas Nirayana or sidereal (fixed) zodiac is considered
in Vedic astrology.

The zodiac (sky) lasts 360 as mentioned above and it is divided into 12 equal parts.
They are called “rasis” (signs). English names, Sanskrit names, two-letter symbols and
values of the start longitude and the end longitude (in degrees, minutes and seconds) of
all twelve rasis are given in Table 1.

Table 1: Definition of Rasis

Rasi name Sanskrit name Symbol Start End
Aries Mesha Ar 00'0'' 2959'59'
Taurus Vrishabha/Vrisha Ta 300'0'' 5959'59'
Gemini Mithuna Ge 600'0'' 8959'59'
Cancer Karkataka/Karka Cn 900'0'' 11959'59''
Leo Simha Le 1200'0'' 14959'59''
Virgo Kanya Vi 1500'0'' 17959'59''
Libra Thula Li 1800'0'' 20959'59''
Scorpio Vrischika Sc 2100'0'' 23959'59''
Sagittarius Dhanus Sg 2400'0'' 26959'59''
Capricorn Makara Cp 2700'0'' 29959'59''
Aquarius Kumbha Aq 3000'0'' 32959'59''
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Pisces Meena Pi 3300'0'' 35959'59''

Notation: If a planet is at 22137', then you can find from Table 1 that it is between
2100'0'' and 23959'59''. So, that planet is in Scorpio (or Vrischika). Its advancement
from the start of the rasi occupied by is 1137'. Its position in the zodiac (22137') is
shown by some people by the notation 1137' in Sc or simply 11 Sc 37. This means
“advanced by 1137' from the start of Sc (Scorpio)". Some people show it as 7s 11 37'.
This means “after completing 7 signs, advanced by 1137' in the 8th sign (which is

Bhavas (houses)
Another important concept is “house” (Sanskrit name: bhava). In each chart, houses
can be found with respect to several reference points and the reference points most
commonly employed are lagna and special lagnas. Starting from the rasi occupied by
the selected reference point and proceeding in the regular order across the zodiac, we
associate each rasi with a house (first, second etc). Always the rasi containing the
reference point chosen is the 1st house. Next rasi is the 2 nd house. The rasi after that is
the 3rd house. We proceed until the 12th house like that. Just remember that when we
encounter Pisces, we go to Aries after it. If no reference point is specified when houses
are mentioned, it means that lagna is used as the reference.

If, for example, horalagna is in Cn, first house with respect to horalagna is in Cn.
Second house is in Le (see Table 1). Third house is in Vi. Ninth house is in Pi. Tenth
house is in Ar. Eleventh house is in Ta. Twelfth house is in Ge.

Different houses stand for different matters. Looking at the rasis and houses occupied
by various planets, we can say a lot of things about the person. How exactly this is done
will become clear in coming chapters.

Chakras (charts)
A “chart” (Sanskrit name: chakra) is prepared with the information of rasis occupied
by all planets. For preparing any chart, we need to first determine the rasis occupied by
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all planets, upagrahas, lagna and special lagnas. In the visual representation of a chart,
there are 12 boxes (are some other visual areas) with each representing a rasi. All
planets, upagrahas and lagnas are written in the boxes corresponding to the rasis they

There are 3 popular ways of drawing charts in India: (1) South Indian style chart ruled
by Jupiter, (2) North Indian style diamond chart ruled by Venus and (3) East Indian
style Sun chart ruled by Sun. In this book, all the charts will be given in formats (1) and

Out of the three chart formats, (1) and (3) are rasi-based and (2) is bhava-based. In rasi-
based chart drawing formats, a rasi is always at a fixed position. Ar is always in one
particular position and Ta is in another position and so on. Planets, lagna etc are placed
in the box (or the visual area) representing the rasi occupied by it. In bhava- based chart
drawing formats, a bhava (house) is always at a fixed position. Lagna (denoted by
“Asc” for ascendant) is always in a particular visual area of the chart and the 2 nd, 3rd etc
houses are in fixed positions.

Example 1: Let us take Lord Sree Rama’s rasi chart. The rasis occupied by planets
and lagna are given below.

Ar – Sun; Ta – Mercury; Ge – Ketu; Cn – Ascendant (lagna), Moon & Jupiter; Li –

Saturn; Sg – Rahu; Cp – Mars; Pi – Venus.

Figure 1: Indian Chart Styles

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Rasi chart for the above data is drawn in South Indian, North Indian and East Indian
formats in Figure 1. In the south Indian chart, notice the boxes containing Ar, Ta, Ge
etc. In this format, these rasis will always be in the same positions. The same holds for
the east Indian format. The north Indian format is different. Note the box containing
“Asc” (ascendant – lagna). The same box will show the house containining lagna in all
north Indian format charts. It may be Ar in one chart, Ta in another and Ge in yet
another. The number corresponding to the rasi (1 for Ar, 2 for Ta, 3 for Ge and so on) is
shown in the box. For example, the box with “Asc” has 4 in it and it shows Cn. So the
1st house is in Cn. Please note the order in which houses are visually arranged in this
chart. The same pattern will be used in all charts.

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Varga chakras (divisional charts)
We saw that charts can be drawn with the information of which planet occupies which
rasi. Based on the longitude of a planet, we can find the rasi occupied by it and mark its
position in rasi chart.

In addition, we have what are known as “divisional charts” (Sanskrit name: varga
chakras). These are based on dividing rasis into 2 parts, 3 parts, 4 parts and so on. We
divide each rasi into n parts and map each part to a rasi again. Based on the rasis
occupied by planets in these divisional mappings, we draw divisional charts (or
harmonic charts). Each divisional chart throws light on a specific area of one’s life. In
each divisional chart, we find houses and analyze the chart as if it were an independent

The science of Vedic astrology stands on the basis of 4 pillars –

(1) grahas or planets,

(2) rasis or signs,
(3) bhavas or houses, and,
(4) varga chakras
or divisional charts.

Nakshatras (constellations)
In Vedic astrology, the zodiac is divided into 27 nakshatras. Each nakshatra has a length
of 360º/27 = 13º 20'. The first nakshatra, for example, stretches from the beginning of
Aries to 13º 20' in Aries. The second nakshatra stretches from there to 26º 40' in Aries.
The third nakshatra stretches from there to 10º in Taurus. The list of nakshatras with the
respective starting and ending points is given in Table 2. The table also gives the
“Vimsottari lords” of all nakshatras. This will be used later.

Each nakshatra is again divided into 4 quarters. They are called padas (legs/feet). The
length of a nakshatra pada is 3º 20'.

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Table 2: Nakshatras
Name of Vimsottari
Starts Ends at Ruling Deity
Nakshatra Lord
Aswini 00 Ar 13 Ar Ketu Aswini
00 20 Kumara
Bharani 13 Ar 26 Ar Venus Yama
20 40
Krittika 26 Ar 10 Ta Sun Agni
40 00
Rohini 10 Ta 23 Ta Moon Bramha
00 20
Mrigasira 23 Ta 6 Ge 40 Mars Moon
Aardra 6 Ge 40 20 Ge Rahu Shiva
Punarvasu 20 Ge 03 Cn Jupiter Aditi
00 20
Pushyami 03 Cn 16 Cn Saturn Jupiter
20 40
Aasresha 16 Cn 30 Cn Mercur Rahu
40 00 y
Makha 00 Le 13 Le Ketu Sun
00 20
Poorva 13 Le 26 Le Venus Aryaman
Phalguni 20 40
Uttara 26 Le 10 Vi 00 Sun Sun
Phalguni 40
Hasta 10 Vi 00 23 Vi 20 Moon Viswakarma
Chitra 23 Vi 20 6 Li 40 Mars Vaayu
Swaati 6 Li 40 20 Li 00 Rahu Indra
Visaakha 20 Li 00 03 Sc 20 Jupiter Mitra
Anooraadha 03 Sc 20 16 Sc 40 Saturn Indra
Jyeshtha 16 Sc 40 30 Sc 00 Mercur Nirriti
Moola 00 Sg 13 Sg Ketu Varuna
00 20
Poorvaashaadh 13 Sg 26 Sg Venus Viswadeva
a 20 40
Uttaraashaadh 26 Sg 10 Cp Sun Brahma
a 40 00
Sravanam 10 Cp 23 Cp Moon Vishnu
00 20
Dhanishtha 23 Cp 6 Aq 40 Mars Vasu
Satabhishak 6 Aq 40 20 Aq Rahu Varuna
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Poorvaabhaadr 20 Aq 03 Pi 20 Jupiter Ajacharana
a 00
Uttaraabhaadra 03 Pi 20 16 Pi 40 Saturn Ahirbudhanya
Revati 16 Pi 40 30 Pi 00 Mercur Pooshan

For the purpose of some special charts like Kota Chakra and Sarvatobhadra Chakra, we
consider 28 nakshatras. The last quarter of Uttarashadha is known as “Abhijit”.
However, we consider 27 nakshatras for all other purposes.

Solar Calendar

In solar calendar, one year is the time in which Sun moves by 360 and one month is the
time in which Sun moves by 30. These are called “solar year” and “solar month”
respectively. Each solar month has 30 days, where one day stands for exactly 1 motion
of Sun). This calendar will be used in dasas and in Tajaka analysis.

Tithis and Lunar Calendar


In lunar calendar, one day stands for one tithi. Tithi or lunar day is a period in which the
difference between the longitudes of Moon and Sun changes by exactly 12.
Table 3: Names of Tithis
ha Paksha Planet
la Paksha Name of tithi
(brighter (Lord)
1st 16th Pratipat/Pratipada/Padyam Sun
17 th Dwitiya/Vidiya Moon
3rd 18th Tritiya/Tadiya Mars
4th 19th Chaturthi/Chaviti/Chauth Mercury
5th 20th Panchami Jupiter
6th 21st Shashti Venus
7th 22nd Saptami Saturn
8th 23rd Ashtami Rahu
9th 24th Navami Sun
10th 25th Dasami Moon
11th 26th Ekadasi Mars
12th 27th Dwadasi Mercury
13th 28th Trayodasi Jupiter
14th 29th Chaturdasi Venus
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15th — Saturn
Poornima (Full Moon)
— 30th Amavasya (New Moon) Rahu

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When Sun and Moon are at the same longitude, a new lunar month of 30 tithis starts.
As time progresses, Moon will go ahead of Sun. When Moon’s longitude is exactly 12
greater than Sun’s longitude, the first tithi or lunar day finishes and the second tithi
starts. When Moon’s longitude is exactly 24 greater than Sun’s longitude, the second
tithi finishes and the third tithi starts. When Moon’s longitude is exactly 36 greater
than Sun’s longitude, the third tithi finishes and the fourth tithi starts. And so on. You
can see that Sun-Moon longitude differential will be (12 x n) after exactly n tithis.

A lunar month consists of 30 tithis. Each month is divided into two fortnights (pakshas).
During Sukla/Suddha paksha or the brighter fortnight, Moon is waxing. During this
paksha, Moon is ahead of Sun by an amount that is between 0º and 180º. During
Krishna/Bahula paksha or the darker fortnight, Moon is waning. During this paksha,
Moon is ahead of Sun by an amount that is between 180º and 360º.

At the end of a month, Sun-Moon longitude differential will be (12 x 30), i.e., 360.
That means that Moon will finish one cycle around the zodiac and catch up with Sun
again. So Sun and Moon will be at the same longitude again. Then a new month starts.

We can find the tithi running on a day from the longitudes of Sun and Moon using the
following procedure.

(1) Find the difference: (Moon’s longitude – Sun’s longitude). Add 360 if the result
is negative. The result will be between 0 and 360 and will show how advanced Moon
is with respect to Sun.
(2) Divide this result by 12. Ignore the remainder and take the quotient.
(3) Add 1 to the quotient. You get a number from 1 to 30. That will give the index of
the tithi running.
(4) Refer to Table 3 and find the name of the tithi. There are 15 tithis and the same
tithis repeat in the brigher and darker fortnights. For example, it can be seen from the
table that the 22th tithi out of the 30 tithis is in Krishna paksha and it is Saptami. So the
22nd tithi is “Krishna Saptami”. We write the classification of fortnight (Sukla or
Krishna) first and then write tithi name. “Sukla Saptami” stands for “Saptami” in the
brighter fortnight (sukla paksha), i.e. the 7th tithi. “Krishna Saptami” stands for
“Saptami” in the darker fortnight (krishna paksha),i.e. the 22nd tithi.

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Example 2:
Let us say that Moon is at 2412' in Gemini. This is (2 x 30) + 24 12' = 84 12'
from the beginning of the zodiac.

Let us say that Sun is at 1746' in Scorpio. This is (7 x 30) + 17 46' = 227 46' from
the beginning of the zodiac.

Moon – Sun = 84 12' – 227 46' = –(143 34'). It is negative because Sun is at a higher
longitude. We have to add 360 to it to make it positive. It becomes 216 26'. So this is
the advancement of Moon with respect to Sun.

Converting this to a decimal number, we get 216.43. We have to divide it by 12. We

find 216.43  12 and the quotient is 18. So 18 tithis are over. Adding 1 to it, we get 19
and so the 19th tithi is running. Referring to Table 3, we see that this is “Chaturthi” tithi
of Krishna paksha (darker fortnight). So it is “Krishna Chaturthi”.

Lunar Months

We said that a new lunar month starts whenever Sun and Moon are at the same
longitude. Then Moon will go ahead of Sun and, after about 29-30 days, he will catch
up with Sun again. A new lunar month will start again.

These lunar months go by special names. The name of a lunar month is decided by the
rasi in which Sun-Moon conjunction2 takes place. If Sun-Moon conjoin in Pisces, for
example, it starts Chaitra maasa. These names come from the constellation that Moon is
most likely to occupy on the full Moon day. In the month that starts when Sun and
Moon conjoin in Pisces, Moon is likely to be in Chitra constellation (2320' in Virgo to
640' in Libra) on the full Moon day (15th tithi – Pournimasya). So the month is called

Table 4: Lunar Months

Rasi of Sun-
Name of Most likely Approx
Moon conjunction
the month constellation of Full when?
that starts the
Pisces Chaitra Chitra Mar/Apr
Aries Vaisaakha Visaakha Apr/May
Taurus Jyeshtha Jyeshtha May/June
Gemini Aashaadha Poorva/Uttara June/July
Cancer Sraavana Sravana July/Aug
Leo Bhaadrapad Poorva/Uttara Aug/Sept
a Bhadrapada
Virgo Aaswayuja Aswini Sept/Oct
Libra Kaarteeka Krittika Oct/Nov
Scorpio Maargasira Mrigasira Nov/Dec
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Sagittarius Pushya Pushyami Dec/Jan
Capricorn Maagha Makha Jan/Feb
Aquarius Phaalguna Poorva/Uttara Phalguni Feb/Mar

A solar year has about 365.2425 days, but a lunar year only has about 355 days.
Once in every 3 years, this difference accumulates to one month and an extra lunar
month comes. This results in Sun-Moon conjunction coming twice in the same rasi. For
example, Sun-Moon conjunction took place at 023' in Taurus on May 15, 1999 at
5:35:32 pm (IST) and again at 2829' in Taurus on June 14, 1999 at 12:33:27 am (IST).
Sun-Moon conjunction in Taurus starts Jyeshtha maasa (maasa = month) as per Table 4.
So 1999 had 2 Jyeshtha maasas. One is called “Nija” Jeshtha maasa and the other is
called “Adhika” Jyeshtha maasa. Nija means real and adhika means extra. An adhika
maasa (extra month) comes once in every 3 years and that synchronizes the lunar years
with solar years. This calendar has been in use in India for millennia.

Add the longitudes of Sun and Moon. Remove 360º from the sum if it is greater than
360º. Divide the sum by the length of one nakshatra (1320' or 800'). Ignore
fractionsand take the integer part. Add 1 to it and the result is the index of the yoga
running. Refer to Table 5 and find the yoga corresponding to the index.

Table 5: Sun-Moon Yogas

Inde Yoga Meaning
1 Vishkambha Door bolt/supporting pillar
2 Preeti Love/affection
3 Aayushmaan Long-lived
4 Saubhaagya Long life of spouse (good fortune)
5 Sobhana Splendid, bright
6 Atiganda Great danger
7 Sukarman One with good deeds
8 Dhriti Firmness
9 Shoola Shiva’s weapon of destruction (pain)
10 Ganda Danger
11 Vriddhi Growth
12 Dhruva Fixed, constant
13 Vyaaghaata Great blow
14 Harshana Cheerful
15 Vajra Diamond (strong)
16 Siddhi Accomplishment
17 Vyatipaata Great fall
18 Variyan Chief/best
19 Parigha Obstacle/hindrance
20 Shiva Lord Shiva (purity)
21 Siddha Accomplished/ready
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22 Saadhya Possible
23 Subha Auspicious
24 Sukla White, bright
25 Brahma Creator (good knowledge and purity)
26 Indra Ruler of gods
27 Vaidhriti A class of gods

Example 3: Suppose Sun is at 2350' in Cp and Moon is at 1720' in Li. Then Sun’s
longitude is 2350' + 9 x 30 = 29350' and Moon’s longitude is 1720' + 6x 30 =
19720'. The sum is 29350' + 19720' = 49110'. By subtracting 360º, we get 13110'.
This is equivalent to 131 x 60 + 10 = 7870'. By dividing this with 800', we get 9.8375.
Ignoring the fraction, we get 9. Adding 1 to it, we get 10. From Table 5, we see that the
10th yoga is “Ganda yoga”.

Each tithi is divided into 2 karanas. There are 11 karanas: (1) Bava, (2) Balava, (3)
Kaulava, (4) Taitula, (5) Garija, (6) Vanija, (7) Vishti, (8) Sakuna, (9) Chatushpada,
(10) Naga, and, (11) Kimstughna. The first 7 karanas repeat 8 times starting from the 2 nd
half of the first lunar day of a month. The last 4 karanas come just once in a month,
starting from the 2nd half of the 29th lunar day and ending at the 1 st half of the first lunar

Each day starts at sunrise and ends at next day’s sunrise. This period is divided into 24
equal parts and they are called horas. A hora is almost equal to an hour. These horas are
ruled by different planets. The lords of hora come in the order of decreasing speed with
respect to earth: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury and Moon. After Moon, we
go back to Saturn and repeat the 7 planets.

The first hora of any day (i.e. a period of one hour following sunrise) is ruled by the
lord of the weekday (Sun for Sunday, Moon for Monday, Mars for Tuesday, Mercury
for Wednesday, Jupiter for Thursday, Venus for Friday and Saturn for Saturday). After
that, we list planets in the order mentioned above.

For example, let us take 9:40 pm on a Wednesday on which sunrise was at 6:10 am.
The time elapsed since sunrise is 21:40 – 6:10 = 15:30. So the 16 th hour since sunrise
was running then. This is ruled by the 16th planet from Mercury. After subtracting
multiples of 7 from 16, we get 2. So the hora (hour) is ruled by the 2nd planet from
Mercury. From the list given above, we see that the 2 nd planet from Mercury is Moon.
So Moon’s hora runs at 9:40 pm.

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Panchaanga means “one with 5 limbs”. Almanacs published in India with planetary
positions are traditionally called panchaangas. Along with the planetary positions, they
give the start and end times of tithi, vaara (week day – Sunday, Monday etc), nakshatra,
yoga and karana running on each day. These five are the limbs of panchaanga.

When we choose a muhurta (an auspicious time for starting a venture), we should
choose an auspicious tithi, vaara, nakshatra, yoga and karana.

Because of the movement in earth’s precession, the starting point of the tropical
zodiac changes slowly (with respect to fixed stars). Tropical (sayana) zodiac is
analogous to measuring the positions of trees and buildings sitting in a slowly moving
bus. Sidereal (nirayana) zodiac, on the other hand, considers a fixed zodiac. It considers
the motion of the tropical zodiac (bus in our analogy) and makes an adjustment
accordingly. We use the sidereal zodiac in Vedic astrology. The difference between the
tropical zodiac and the sidereal zodiac is of great importance. What modern ephemeris
gives us is the tropical positions of planets. To convert these positions, we have to
subtract the difference between the two zodiacs. This difference varies with time. As
earth’s precession changes every year, the difference between the tropical zodiac and
the sidereal zodiac changes. This difference is called “ayanamsa” (sidereal difference).
There are many opinions on the correct value of ayanamsa, because nobody knows
exactly which star is supposed to be the starting point of the real zodiac.

Dasa Systems
Dasa systems are a hallmark of Vedic astrology. Vedic astrology has hundreds of dasa
system. Each dasa system divides one’s life into periods, sub-periods, sub-sub- periods
and so on. All the periods are ruled by different planets or rasis. Some dasa systems are
planet-based and some are rasi-based. Each dasa system is good at showing events of a
specific nature. For each dasa system, we have some standard rules, based on which we
analyze the natal chart and attribute different results to different periods and sub-
periods. Each dasa system comes with rules for dividing one’s life into periods and sub-
periods and rules for attributing different results to different periods, based on the
planetary positions in the natal chart. These periods are called “dasas” or “mahadasas”
(MD). Sub-periods are called “antardasas” (AD). Sub-sub-periods are called
“pratyantardasas” (PD).

Some dasas are good at showing matters related to longevity and death. They are called
“ayur dasas” (dasas of longevity). Some dasas are good at showing general results. They
are called “phalita dasas” (dasas of general results).Mind is a very important part of our
existence and Moon governs it. Some dasas are computed based on the nakshatra
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occupied by Moon and they are called “nakshatra dasas”. Some dasas are based on the
rasis occupied by planets and they are called “rasi dasas”.

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Rashi Characteristics
Twelve Astrological Signs are classified into 15 groups depending on their nature, influences and characteristics.

Dualities - Positive and Negative or Masculine and Feminine Signs

Triplicities - Fiery, Earthy, Airy and Watery Signs
Quadruplicities - Cardinal or Movable, Fixed or Static and Common or Mutable Signs
Northern & Southern Signs
Equinoctial Signs
Tropical Signs
Fruitful Signs
Barren Signs
Voice Signs
Mute or Dumb Signs
Violent Signs
Bestial or Four legged Signs
Human signs or Voice Signs
Double bodied or Bicorporeal or Duel Signs
Short and Long Ascension Signs

Aries Odd, Fiery, Movable, Barren, Violent, Quadruped, Short ascension, Male, Bilious,
Forest, Hilly Areas, Head, Brain.Dynamic, enterprising, valiant, ruddy, head, forests,
large forehead, hasty, impulsive, restless, thick eyebrows, leadership, overbearing, dry,
lean, tall.

Taurus Even, Earthy, Fixed, Semi Fruitful, Quadruped, Short ascension,Female, Windy,
Agricultural Land, Face, Eyes. Beautiful, face, stable, sluggish, loyal, meadows, plains,
luxury halls, dining halls, eating places, fine teeth, large eyes, luxurious, faithful, thick
hair, stout.

Gemini Odd, Airy, Dual,Barren, Human, Double-bodied, Voice, Short ascension, Male, Bile,
Wind and Phlegm, Bedroom, Throat, Shoulder, Arms, Lungs.Chest, garden,
communication, journalism, schools, colleges, study rooms, cables, telephone,
newspapers, tall, well-built, prominent cheeks, thick hair, broad chest, curious,
learned, jovial.

Cancer Even, Watery, Movable, Fruitful, Mute, Long ascension, Female, Phlegm, Chasm with
water, Chest.Heart, breast, watery fields, rivers, canals, kitchen, food, attractive, small
build, emotional, deeply attached, mother-like, sensitive.

Leo Odd, Fiery, Fixed, Barren, Human, Long ascension, Male, Bilious, Forest, Heart, Upper
Abdomen.Stomach, digestion, navel, mountains, forests, caves, deserts, palaces, parks,

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forts, boilers, steel factories, thin, dry, hot, royal, self-pride, insolent, domineering.

Virgo Even, Earthy, Dual, Barren, Human, Long ascension, Female, Windy, Mountain, Lower
Abdomen, Spleen.Hip, appendix, lush gardens, fields, orchards, libraries, bookstores,
farms, intelligent, sharp, orator, nervous, physically weak, discretion, tactfulness.

Libra Odd, Airy, Movable, Semi Fruitful, Voice, Long ascension, Male, Bile, Wind and Phlegm,
Entertainment Places, Genetelia, Kidney. Groins, Businessmen, markets, trade centers,
banks, hotels, amusement parks, entertainment, toilets, cosmetics, balanced, wise,
good talker.

Scorpio Even, Watery, Fixed, Fruitful, Mute, Violent, Centiped, Long ascension, Female,
Phlegm, Underground, Excretory Organs. Private parts, holes, deep caves, mines,
garrages, small build, dusky complexion, bright eyes, secretive, scheming, occult, best
friend or a worst enemy, peevish, sensitive.

Saggitarius Odd, Fiery, Dual, Semi Fruitful, Double-bodied, Quadruped(Second Half), Long
ascension, Male, Bilious, Military Places, Thighs , Liver. Thighs, royal, attorneys,
government offices, aircraft, falling, sparse hair, muscular, deep eyes, uproght, honest,
genial, gambler.

Capricon Even, Earthy, Movable, Semi Fruitful, Quadruped, Short ascension, Female, Windy,
Watery, Knee. Knees, marsh lands, watery places, alligators, beasts, bushes, slender
buils, long neck, prominent teeth, witty, perfectionist, patient, organizer, cautious,
secretive, pragmatic.

Aquarius Odd, Airy, Fixed, Human, Voice, Short ascension, Male, Bile, Wind and Phlegm, Porter
House, Shin. Ankles, charity, philosophy, tall, bony, small eyes, mountain
spring, places with water, ill-formed teeth, coarse hair, hard-working, stoic,

Pisces Even, Watery, Dual, Fruitful, Mute, Double- Bodied, Centiped, Short ascension, Female,
Phlegm, Sea, Feet. Feet, oceans, seas, prisons, hospitals, hermitages, short, plump, large
eyes, large eyebrows, lazy, emotional, timid, honest, irresolute, talkative, intuitive.

Flexibility & Movement - Movable, Fixed and Dual - Quadruplicities - Cardinal or Movable, Fixed and

Common or Mutable Signs

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(1) Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are known as chara rasis or movable rasis. They are ruled
by Brahma, the Creator. Their nature is to move and to be dynamic. These represent Activity,
Movement, Adaptibility, Change, Quickness, Reform, Independence, Moving on, Flexibility,
Dissatisfaction (leading to rapid change

(2) Taurus, Leo, Scorpion and Aquarious are known as sthira rasis or fixed rasis. They are ruled by
Shiva, the Destroyer. Their nature is to be stable and constant. These represent Steadiness, Rigidity,
Headstrong nature, Fixed, Slow but steady, Accumulation, Steady/ Calm, Resolute, Determined,
My way or highway sort of nature, Loving to remain in one place/ job for a long time, Fixed
opinions on spirituality/ religion, Persistent

(3) Gemini, Virgo, Sagitarious and Pisces are known as dwiswabhava rasis or dual rasis. They are
ruled by Vishnu, the Sustainer. They are stable sometimes and dynamic sometimes. These
represent a mix of both the above and hence their ‘dual’ nature, Learning oriented, Pedantic,
Philosophical, Inclined to reading/ writing, Inclined to communicate/ preach/ teach, Open to ideas/
learning, Multitasking, Exploring different options all the time

Movable signs – Aries, Cancer, Libra & Capricorn

Fixed signs – Taurus, Leo, Scorpio & Aquarius
Dual signs – Gemini, Virgo, Saggitarius, Pisces

There are three basic 'mode of operation' for a Sign and each mode has its own distinctive way to
approach a given situation. These thee modes are Cardinal or Movable, Fixed or Static and Mutable
or Common. This classification of signs along with the Triplicities (Fiery, Earthy, Airy and Watery
Signs) mentioned earlier are most important to understand astrological principles and functioning
of signs.

Cardinal or Movable Signs are - Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

Fixed or Static Signs are - Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.
Mutable or Common Signs are - Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.

Cardinal or Movable Signs are enterprising and outgoing they initiates change and make things
happen. They are interested in promoting change and bringing new things into the world. They like
to take charge of situations and do not like subordinate roles. They like changes and reform.
Negative traits for this mode are they can be restless and overactive.

Fixed or Static Signs are focused and determined and have stamina for persistence action. Once
their mind is focused on a thing they will tenaciously pursue it in practical manner with will power
till it is completed. They are very firm in their attitude and once an opinion has been formed they
are not likely to change it. Negative traits for this mode are they can be resistant to change, requires
long time to come to a decision and are very stubborn.

Mutable or Common Signs are adaptable, changeable, flexible and versatile. Their nature can be
described as a balance between fixed and movable signs. They adept themselves as per their
surroundings and current needs. Negative traits for this mode are they can be fluctuating,
inconstant, indecisive and vacillating.
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Each Mode has one Fire Sign, one Earth Sign, one Air Sign, and one Water Sign as in table

CARDINAL Fire - Aries

CARDINAL Earth - Capricorn
CARDINAL Air - Libra
CARDINAL Water –Cancer
FIXED Fire – Leo
FIXED Earth – Taurus
FIXED Air - Aquarius
FIXED Water – Scorpio
MUTABLE Fire – Sagittarius
MUTABLE Earth – Virgo
MUTABLE Air - Gemini
MUTABLE Water - Pisces

Gender of sign: Dualities - Positive or Masculine and Negative or Feminine Signs

The twelve signs are divided into two groups. All the twelve signs are either Positive and
Masculine Signs or Negative and Feminine signs. All the odd number is Positive or Masculine or
Day signs and the even are Negative or Feminine or Night Signs. Thus all the Fire and Air signs
are Positive, Masculine and Day signs and all the Earth and Water signs are Negative, Feminine
and Night signs. Masculine signs are extroverted and active and Feminine signs are receptive and

Odd signs are Male – Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Saggitarius, Aquarius

Odd rasis or vishama rasis or oja rasis.The Male signs will tend be to more Extrovert, Pushy,
Aggresive, Communicative, Destructive when negative, Assertive, Dominating
Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpion, Capricorn and Pisces are called even rasis or sama rasis
or yugma rasis. They are also known as female rasis. The Female signs will tend to be more Calm,
Intuitive, Nurturing, Protective, Quiet, Introverted, Gentle and Emotional

‘Guna’ (inherent nature) of Raajsik, Saatvik & Taamsik

Saatvik signs – Cancer, Leo, Saggitarius & Pisces – These are related to Higher spiritual thinking
and behavior, Seeking out higher wisdom and truth, Meditating, Focussing, Worshipping God or
Nature, Universality and Altruism in Thoughts and actions, Pure, Learned/ Wise, etc.         [Houses
ruled by Sun, Moon & Jupiter]

Raajsik signs –  Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Libra- These are related to Action and adventure, Passions/
desires, Energy, Seeking power/ Money / Fame, Ambitious and Materialistic (vs.
spiritual)                     [Houses ruled by Mercury & Venus]

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Taamsik signs – Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn and Aquarius – These are related to Pleasing the senses,
Seeking lower order gratification of senses in form of intoxicants/ drugs/ Heavy food, Seeking
pleasure in Carnal desires, Also when negative Tantric or lower order deity worship and Satanic
practices, Loving occult and misusing power, Cruel in nature, Ignorant, etc.                       [Houses
ruled by Mars & Saturn]

Odd-footed and Even-footed

Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Libra, Scorpio and Sagitarious are called odd-footed rasis

or vishamapada rasis or ojapada rasis.

Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Capricorn, Aquarious and Pisces are called even-footed rasis

or samapada rasis or or yugmapada rasis.

This division is used in some dasas.

Northern and Southern signs

The first six signs of the Zodiac, Aries (Mesha), Taurus (Rishabh), Gemini (Mithuna), Cancer
(Karka), Leo (Simha) and Virgo (Kanya) are called Northern signs, as they are to the north of the
celestial equator. The remaining six signs, Libra (Tula) Scorpio (Vrischika) Sagittarius (Dhanus)
Capricorn (Makara) Aquarius (Kumbha) and Pisces (Meena) are to the south of the celestial
Equator (in the southern hemisphere) and termed as southern signs.

Rasis &  Five Elements: Triplicities: Fiery, Earthy, Airy and Watery Signs

The world is made up of 5 elements – fire, water, air, earth and ether.

 Water is a substance with a flexible state.

 Air is a substance with a varying state.
 Earth is a substance with a solid state.
 Fire is a substance that transforms the state of things.
 Ether is something that is present everywhere.

Every thought, action, emotion, happening etc in the universe is represented by these five elements.

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For ex: A Singer may exhibit a combination of watery and Airy state. A sudden change of behavior
may exhibit Airy and Feiry state etc.

Aries, Leo and Sagitarious are called agni rasis or fiery rasis. Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are
called bhoo rasis or earthy rasis. Gemini, Libra and Aquarious are called vaayu rasis or airy rasis.

Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are called jala rasis or watery rasis. The 5th element
of aakaasa or ether is present in every rasi.

Fire signs – Aries, Leo, Saggitarius { Energy, Passion, Aggression, Decisiveness, Leadership,
Dominance, Frank, Outspoken, Extrovertness, Brilliance, Anger, Hot temprament, Fast Metabloic
rate, Active, Pioneering, Separating, Spontaneous, Inspiring, Self centered, Motivated, Visionary,
Enthusiastic, Lovers of activity and movement/ exploration, My way or highway traits, Impatient,

Fire signs (The Inspirational and Physically active Group) Aries, Leo and Sagittarius

Earth signs (The Practical and Productive Group) Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn
Air signs (The Mental and Socially Oriented Group) - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius
Water signs (The Emotional and Family Oriented Group) Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.

The Element of Earth is associated with the Signs Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, and it also
symbolizes the natural second, sixth and tenth houses in astrology. The earthy signs represent sense
of responsibility and reliability. These signs tend to be organized, practical, realistic, ambitious,
hardworking, methodical, disciplined, analytical, stable and steady. Negatively they tend to be
stubborn, lazy, reserved, critical, fussy, pessimistic and snobbish. Any planet or house that is
placed in these signs will acquire these qualities. The more planets one have in the earth signs the
more of these qualities will be pronounced.

The Element of Fire is associated with the Signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, and it also symbolizes
the natural first, fifth and ninth houses in astrology. The fiery signs represent the vital spirit and
activity. These signs tend to be confident, action oriented, outgoing, forceful, active, strong,
adventurous, enthusiastic, expansive and optimistic. Negatively they tend to be impatient, wilful,
reactive, blunt, careless and foolhardy. Any planet or house that is placed in these signs will
acquire these qualities. The more planets one have in the fire signs the more of these qualities will
be pronounced.

Earth signs – Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn { Practical, Methodical, Analytical, Slow and steady,
Perservering, Rising to top slowly but surely, Patient, Building/ Accumulating, Practical, Realistic,
Down to earth nature, Lover of reality as opposed to fiction/ imagination, Fact oriented, Sluggish,
Resilient, Keen business skills, Knows real materialistic value of things, Good in details, Good
Planners, Good Managers/ CEOs/ Directors, Dependable/ trustworthy}

Air signs – Gemini, Libra, Aquarius { Quick thinking, Intellectual, Abstract thought,
Communicative, Eager to learn, Good writers/ orators/ spokesmen, Quick in physical movement,
Love Travel & exploration, Journey more important than destination nature, Great social skills,
Course Work Basics of Vedic Astrology
Great friends, Pleasant, Philosophical attitude, Sponge like nature for knowledge, Flexible nature,
Harmony loving, Beauty loving}.

The Element of Air symbolizes the natural third, seventh and eleventh houses in astrology. The airy
signs represent mental and social experiences. These signs tend to be communicative, quick-witted,
adaptable, versatile, flexible, relationship oriented, cooperative, sociable, balanced, tolerant and
original. Negatively they tend to be babbling, nervous, superficial, indecisive, aloof and eccentric.
Any planet or house that is placed in these signs will acquire these qualities. The more planets one
have in the air signs the more of these qualities will be pronounced.

Water signs – Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces { Emotional, Intuitive, Sensitive, Learning, Passionate,
Collectors/ hoarders – collect memories/ articles, Hard to detach, Nurturing/ caring, Motherly
attitude, Forgiving, Imaginative, Introvert nature, Secretive, Psychic, Dreamy, Lesser physical
energy, Detached from practical facts- go on intuition as opposed to facts, Natural meditation skills
if developed, Tendency to gain weight}.

The Element of Water is associated with the Signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, and it also
symbolizes the natural fourth, eighth and twelfth houses in astrology. The watery signs represent
feelings, imaginative and creative experiences. These signs tend to be sensitive, sympathetic,
domestic, compassionate, benevolent, intuitive, artistic and receptive. Negatively they tend to be
moody, clinging, secretive, escapist, impractical, unrealistic and brooding. Any planet or house that
is placed in these signs will acquire these qualities. The more planets one have in the water signs
the more of these qualities will be pronounced.

This is one of the most important classifications of astrological sign for predictive purpose. It helps
in describing the temperament and basic personality of each sign of the zodiac by classifying them
into one of the four ancient and traditional elements, fire, earth, air, and water. Each of the four
elements has three signs assigned to it.
Application: Tenth house shows the career in one’s chart and for example if the 10th house of a
particular native is in the Fiery house -there could be chances that he/she will be working in a
factory near the furnace etc.

If the tenth house is in a watery sign – he/she could be in Merchant Navy etc.

Pitta, Vaata and Kapha
Pitta or bilious nature is a combination of the elements of fire and water. It shows things that result
in transformation from one state to another in a system. In a human body, for example, it may show
digestion etc.

Vaata or windy nature is a combination of the elements of air and ether. It shows things that move
in and out of a system. In a human body, for example, it may show breathing etc.

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Kapha or phlegmatic nature is a combination of the elements of earth and water. It shows things
that bind a system together. In a human body, for example, it may show bones, muscles, fat etc. It
shows things that give a structure to a system.

Ar, Le and Sg are of pitta nature. Ta, Vi and Cp are of vaata nature. Cn, Sc and Pi are of kapha
nature. Ge, Li and Aq are of a mixed nature.

Sattwa, Rajas and Tamas
 Gunas or Qualities are of three types and are called trigunas.

 Sattwa is for purity and is a quality that gives truthfulness and purity.

 Rajas is for energetic and passionate.

 Tamas or darkness is a quality and makes one depraved.

For Ex: Gandhiji exhibited Sattwa Guna and Non- Violence during the Indian Freedom Struggle.

Rakshashas like Bhandasura, Ravana, Mahishasura etc did exhibit tamasic qualities in their time
span in life and stories.Sri Rama and Yudhister are good examples of Rajasic and Sattwic qualities.

(1) Saattwik signs– Cn, Le, Sg, Pi.

 (2) Raajasik signs – Ar, Ta, Li, Sc.
(3) Taamasik signs – Ge, Vi, Cp, Aq.

Rasis Directions
(1) Ar, Le and Sg show east.
(2) Ta, Vi and Cp show south.
(3) Ge, Li and Aq show west.
(4) Cn, Sc and Pi show north.

Day and Night
(1) Ar, Ta, Ge, Cn, Sg and Cp are night time rasis – they are strong during the night time. They
are nishaa rasis.
(2) Le, Vi, Li, Sc, Aq and Pi are daytime rasis – they are strong during the daytime. They
are divaa rasis.
There are two rashis owned by a planet, one is a day sign and one is a night sign. Moon governs all
the nishaa rasis and Sun governs all the divaa rasis.

Rising of rasis
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Some rasis rise with their head. They are called “Seershodaya rasis”. Some rasis rise with their feet.
They are called “Prishthodaya rasis”.

(1) Ge, Le, Vi, Li, Sc, Aq are Seershodaya rasis.

 (2) Ar, Ta, Cn, Sg, Cp are Prishthodaya rasis.
 (3) Pi rises with both its head and feet.
It is said that planets in Seershodaya rasis give their results in the first half of their dasas and
planets in Prishthodaya rasis give their results in the second half of their dasas.

Varna or Class
There basically 4 varnas or classes – (1) Brahmanas, (2) Kshatriyas, (3) Vaisyas and (4) Sudras.
These are classified basis the Karma or work.

 Brahmanas pursue knowledge and work as priests or ministers. Brahmanas (scholars) are
represented by watery signs – Cn, Sc, Pi.
 Kshatriyas are warriors and they become kings, army chiefs and soldiers. Kshatriyas
(warriors) are represented by fiery signs – Ar, Le, Sg.
 Vaisyas are the traders and suppliers of various services. Vaisyas (traders) are represented
by earthy signs – Ta, Vi, Cp.
 Sudras execute various physical tasks. Sudras (workers) are represented by airy signs – Ge,
Li, Aq.

Aries is the head. Taurus is the face. Gemini is the arms. Cancer is the heart. Leo is the stomach.
Virgo is the hip. Libra is the space below navel. Scorpio is the private parts. Sagittarius is the
thighs. Capricorn is the knees. Aquarius is the ankles. Pisces is the feet.

Application:  For example, we should pay attention to Aries for analyzing Head related
problems/Headaches/ Head Injury etc and Pisces for analyzing problems related to feet and so on.

(1) Ar, Le and Sg show east (Agni).

(2) Ta, Vi and Cp show south (Prithvi).
(3) Ge, Li and Aq show west (Vayu).
(4) Cn, Sc and Pi show north (Jal).
These are also very useful in predictions. These can be used for many purposes, but they are mostly
used to decide from which directions the bride or groom will come and also to which directions the
person has gone or will go or transferred etc.

Day and Night

(1) Ar, Ta, Ge, Cn, Sg and Cp are night time rasis (Nocturnal) – they are strong during the night
time. They are nishaa rasis.

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(2) Le, Vi, Li, Sc, Aq and Pi are daytime rasis (Diurnal) – they are strong during the daytime. They
are divaa rasis.
Out of the two rasis owned by a planet, one is a day sign and one is a night sign.Moon governs all
the nishaa rasis and Sun governs all the divaa rasis.
Note: The day is from sun rise to sunset, and the night from sunset to sunrise.

Rising of rasis
Some rasis rise with their head. They are called “Seershodaya rasis”. Some rasis rise with their
feet4. They are called “Prishthodaya rasis”.
Ge, Le, Vi, Li, Sc, Aq are Seershodaya rasis.
Ar, Ta, Cn, Sg, Cp are Prishthodaya rasis.
Pi rises with both its head and feet.

Biped , Quadruped
Biped (human beings) : Gemini, Virgo, Libra, the first half of Sagittarius,(Represented by man
with arrow) and Aquarius.
Quadruped : Aries, Taurus, Leo, later half of Sagittarius (represented by horse) and first half of
Capricorn (front portion is of goat).
Watery : Cancer, Pisces and later half of Capricorn.
Keeta (insect etc.) : Scorpio

Tropical Signs
Cancer (Karka) and Capricorn (Makara) are the two tropical signs. They are sometimes called the
summer solstice sign and winter solstice sign respectively. The day time is longest when Sun is at
the initial point of Cancer when the Sun is directly overhead at Tropic of Cancer at and the night
time is longest when the Sun is at the beginning of Capricorn when the Sun is directly overhead at
Tropic of Capricorn for northern hemisphere. The opposite is true for the southern hemisphere.

Fruitful Signs
All watery signs of Cancer (Karka), Scorpio (Vrischika) and Pisces (Meena), called fruitful signs.
Any of these signs on 5th house cusp without any affliction to it or to its lord and Jupiter in natal
horoscope is indicative of several children being born, numbers of which will depend on how
strong the concerned houses and planets are.

Barren Signs
Aries (Mesha), Gemini (Mithuna), Leo (Simha) and Virgo (Kanya) are called barren or sterile
signs. These are opposite of fruitful signs. Barren signs related to the afflicted 5th house and its
lord is indication of being childless.
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Voice Signs
Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, all airy signs are also called voice signs. As for voice or sound, there
has to be an airy medium, this is the reason of all airy signs being voice signs. Voice signs
coinciding with the second house and placement of Venus in it suggest voice suitable for singing
and a similar occurrence in tenth house suggest career related to voice like singer, ventriloquist,
commentator, mimicry artists, etc.

Mute or Dumb Signs

All watery signs namely Cancer (Karka), Scorpio (Vrischika) and Pisces (Meena) are called mute
signs or mute signs. This can be due to the fact that water is not a good medium for sound and
hence mute. Watery sign on afflicted ascendant or second house, Mercury afflicted by Saturn
placed in any of these signs or Mercury in ascendant or second house in these signs in affliction
can cause speech problems, stammering or other speech impediments.

Violent Signs
Aries (Mesha) and Scorpio (Vrischika) are violent signs. Theses signs know no fear; they are full
of courage and confidence and are eager to take risk. The difference is Aries in violent on physical
level and Scorpio is on emotional level.

Bestial Signs
Aries (The Ram), Taurus (The Bull), Leo (The Lion), Capricorn (The Goat) and the second half of
Sagittarius are symbolized by the figures of animals and thus are called the bestial or four-legged
signs. First half of Sagittarius is represented as a human and second half by horse; therefore only
second half of Sagittarius is termed as bestial.

Human Signs
Gemini (The twins), Virgo (The virgin), Aquarius (The water bearers) and the 1st half of
Sagittarius (Centaur) are human signs as they are represented by human forms. Thus, the signs that
are not bestial are human signs apart from Libra which is represented by a non living thing, the

Rasis Colors
 Aries shows blood-red color.

 Ta shows white.

 Ge shows grass green.

 Cn shows pale red.

 Le shows white.

 Virgo is variegated.
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 Libra shows black.

 Scorpio shows reddish brown

 Sagittarius shows the color of the husk of grass.

 Capricorn is variegated.

 Aquarius shows brown color.

 Pisces shows the color of fish.

Equinoctial Signs
Equinoctial means equal day and night. This phenomenon occurs twice every year around 21st
March and 23rd September, when the Sun is directly over the equator. Aries (Mesha) and Libra
(Tula) are the two equinoctial signs. Aries (Mesha) is the vernal equinoctial sign and Libra (Tula)
is the autumnal equinoctial sign.

Double-bodied or Dual or Bicorporeal Signs

The double-bodied signs, also called the dual signs or bicorporeal signs are Gemini, Sagittarius and
Pisces. This is because the “double” symbols for these signs. Gemini is represented by the Twins,
Sagittarius by a figure part human and part horse or centaur and Pisces by two fishes. Virgo was
included in this category, but not anymore in modern times. Thus all three signs belonging to this
category are the mutable signs. A double bodied sign on the cusp of seventh house can indicate two
marriages and on the cusp of fifth house can indicate birth of twins.

Signs of Long and Short Ascension

The slant of 23.4 degrees of the Earth’s axis causes a variation in time taken for different signs to
rise or ascend over the horizon (particularly at middle latitudes). The signs requiring more time are
rise are referred to as signs of long ascension and those requiring less time are called signs of short
ascension. In the Northern Hemisphere, the signs of long ascension are Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra,
Scorpio, and Sagittarius. The longest times taken to rise among these are Virgo and Libra. The
signs of short ascension are Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, and Gemini. The shortest
times taken to rise among these are Pisces and Aries. The signs of long ascension in the northern
hemisphere are seen as of short ascension in the southern hemisphere.

Relationship between Chakras in Human body ,

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Planets & Medical Astrology

According to Vedic astrology, planets and zodiac sign is closely connected to human
chakras and organs. Planets and Horoscope/Astrology will help identify Chakras energy,
physical, mental, emotional strength and diseases in the human body. Every planet is
connected with respective chakras in our astral body which would be explained in detail in
this article.
Chakras indicate qualities of a person through ruling planets. If any planet is weak,
respective chakra associated with that planet would also be weak. This also means that
the specific chakra energy is blocked, hence health issues related to that chakra are
caused. Chakra energy can be identified through “AstakaVarga” in horoscope/Astrology.
Horoscope is created based on the date of birth, time and place. This would help how
planets are placed in the birth chart. Horoscope consists of 12 houses, each house
indicates various attributes in one’s life, like physical structure, features, characteristics,
etc. Some planets are malefic or benefic in the birth chart, these planetary positions are
placed as default from the past life. These planets cosmic radiations, either
positive/negative are received by associated chakras in our astral body.
When bad planets like Saturn, Mars, Rahu(South Node), Kethu(North Node)are ruled in
bad houses like 6th, 8th&12th, certain physical and mental diseases are caused. 6th house
indicates short term diseases, 8th  house indicates long term diseases.

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Following is a detailed summary of 7 chakras in the human body and how they are
associated with the planets.
1.Muladhara/Root Chakra:
Associated element is earth. Muladhara Chakra is governed by the planet Saturn.
Capricorn & Aquarius are ruled by Saturn. If Muladhara chakra is
blocked/imbalanced/Overactive, it doesn’t receive cosmic energy of Saturn, hence
following mental and physical problems would occur.

 Fear, indiscipline, Facing tough situations, being greedy & insecure, sleeplessness, work
 Meat, muscles, teeth, bone, knee, feet, joints, rheumatism and endocrine gland: Adrenal


 Pray lord Ganesha for Muladhara & Saturn balance.

 Asanas for Muladhara: Mountain pose, Warrior One, Lotuspose, balasana, Malasana.

2. Svadhishthana/Sacral Chakra:

Associated element is water. Svadhishthana Chakra is governed by the planet Jupiter.

Sagittarius & Pisces are ruled by Jupiter. If Svadhishthana chakra is
blocked/imbalanced/Overactive, it doesn’t receive cosmic energy of Jupiter, hence the
following qualities would be disturbed.

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 Self Assurance, financial wealth, luck, material and spiritual life, justice, education,
dishonesty, being opposite to religion and philosophy, expansion, passion.

Physical/Mental Health Problems related to:

 Liver, hips, glands, hormones, pancreas, diabetes, blood vessels, buttocks, obesity.
Sexual urges and sexual Endocrine gland issues, Ovaries, testicle issues.


 Pray lord Vishnu or Ardhanarishwara for Svadhishthana and Jupiter for balance.
 Asanas for Svadhishthana: Frog Pose, BaddhaVirabhadrasana, UtkataKonasana, Eka
Pada Rajakapotasana.

3. Manipura/Solar Plexus Chakra

Associated element is fire. Manipura Chakra is governed by the planet Mars. Aries &
Scorpio are ruled by Mars. If Manipura chakra is blocked/imbalanced/Overactive, it
doesn’t receive cosmic energy of Mars, hence the following qualities would be disturbed.

 Loss of Physical strength and action, independence, courage, will power, generosity,
protection, clarity, Energy Drives.

Physical/Mental Health Problems related to:

 Sexual energy, head, blood, digestive system, bile, accidents, metabolism, burns fractures,
fever, piles, skin rashes, electronic shock, suicidal tendencies, pancreas, Endocrine gland:


 Pray lord Karthikeyan for Manipura chakra and Mars balance.

 Asanas for Manipura Chakra: Boat Pose, Dhanurasana, Plank Pose, Surya Namaskar

4. Anahata/Heart Chakra

Associated element is air. Anahata Chakra is governed by the planet Venus. Taurus &
Libra are ruled by Venus. If Anahata chakra is blocked/imbalanced/Overactive, it doesn’t
receive cosmic energy of Venus, hence the following qualities would be disturbed.

 Love failure, extreme attachment to materialistic things, importance to luxuries, and

unhealthy relationships

Physical/Mental Health Problems related to:

 Throat, neck, Sexual organ, pelvis, menstrual irregularity, semen, urinary bladder,
kidneys, Endocrine gland: Thymus.

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 Pray lord Laxmi for Anahata and Venus balance. Asanas for Anahata balancing:
Ustrasana, Garudasana, Marjaiasana, Matsyasana

5. Vishuddha/Throat Chakra :

Associated element is Akash. Vishuddha Chakra is governed by the planet Mercury.

Gemini & Virgo are ruled by Mercury. If Vishuddha chakra is
blocked/imbalanced/Overactive, it doesn’t receive cosmic energy of Mercury, hence the
following quantities would be disturbed.

 Lack of intelligence and Communication, bad decision making.

Physical/Mental Health Problems related to:

 Abdomen, skin, nervous system, neck, mouth, bronchial tube, tongue, lungs, hands arms,
insomnia, deafness, dyspepsia, Endocrine gland: Thyroid and Parathyroid gland.


 Pray lord Saraswati for Vishuddha and Mercury balance. Asanas for Vishuddha balancing: 
Sasakasana, Bhujangasana,

6. Ajna/Third Eye Chakra:

It is governed by the planet Sun(soul)&Moon(Mind)and it is associated with Cancer and

Leo. If Ajna chakra is blocked/imbalanced/Overactive, it doesn’t receive cosmic energy of
Mars, hence the following qualities would be disturbed.

 Being overconfident, lack of awareness, dominating, the wrong judgment,

Physical/Mental Health Problems related to:

 Eyesight, gall bladder, spine, belly, headaches, constipation, blood pleasure, immune
system, breast, face, psychic problem, sleep disorder .t.b, cough, cold, hypersensitivity,
overreaction, lack of appetite.


 Pray lord shiva for Ajna balance.

 Asanas for ajna balancing: Virabhadrasana III, dolphin pose, Pyramid Pose.
 Meditation

7. Sahasrara/Crown Chakra:

Sahasrara Chakra is not associated with any planet or zodiac signs, because it is beyond
karma. Its connection to the divine will invoke spiritual awakening, attaining enlightenment
and connecting to the universal consciousness. It will give a pure state of the soul and
divine bliss.

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Physical/Mental Health Problems related to:

 Memory problems, productivity, femininity, motherhood, depression, emotions disorder,

bad and horror dreams, nervous system, neurological Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, paralysis,
epilepsy, Head, pineal gland, skeletal and muscular systems Endocrine gland: Pineal gland.


 Practice breathing exercises.

 Asanas for Sahasrara balancing: Sirsasana, Natarajasana, Savasana, and mediations.

8. Rahu(North Node): Rahu is considered as equal to Saturn. Rahu doesn’t have houses. It
is placed near the Sahasrara Chakra.

Physical/Mental Health Problems related to:

 Craving, Cancer, snakebit, ulcers.

8. Ketu (South Node): Ketu is considered as equal to Mars. Ketu doesn’t have houses. It is
placed near the Muladhara Chakra.

Physical/Mental Health Problems related to:

 Detachment, Injuries, spine diseases, surgeries, additions, abortions, deafness, spasm,

low blood pressure, allergies, aids.

Note: If any person energy reaches Muladhara to Sahasrara through Sushumna Nadi

horoscope doesn’t work on him. This person connects with divine cosmic energy.  interest
thing If anyone has Kethu in 12th house from the lagna in the birth chart that person is
considered to have his last birth and will get moksha.

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