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3 authors:

J.J. Roger Cheng Gilbert Grondin

University of Alberta University of Alberta


Michael C.H. Yam

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


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J.J. Roger Cheng and Gilbert Y. Grondin Michael C.H. Yam

Depart. of Civil and Environmental Engineering Department of Construction
University of Alberta Hong Kong Inst. of Vocational
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2G7 Hong Kong


The behavior and design of gusset plate connections are reviewed and
summarized. The paper first reviews the existing design methods for
proportioning gusset plates under monotonic loading as well as under
seismic loading. A summary of recent research at the University of
Alberta on the monotonic and cyclic behavior of gusset plate connection
is then presented. Based on the monotonic test series, a modified design
method is proposed for proportioning the gusset plate to support
compressive forces from brace members. The cyclic behavior of gusset
plate connections is described using the results of experimental and
analytical studies. The interaction between the gusset plate and the brace
member is considered in the study. Current research programs are
presented regarding the effect of various parameters on the cyclic
behavior of gusset plate connections and the potential of a bracing
system where the bracing member is designed as the strong element and
the gusset plate is designed as the weak element.


Because of the complex behavior of the gusset plate in concentrically braced frames
(CBF’s), the design of gusset plate connections has traditionally involved highly
simplified methods (1-3). Although these methods have proven to be adequate, it is
believed that the factor of safety associated with their usage is highly variable (4). Up
until recently, the majority of the research on gusset plates has focused on elastic stress
distributions or the inelastic behavior of gusset plates loaded monotonically in tension.
Relatively little attention has been given to compressive or cyclic behavior. Typically,
concentrically braced frames are designed to dissipate energy through yielding or
buckling of the brace members. The remaining members and connections are designed
to carry the forces that are present in the structure at the load level that causes the
brace member to yield or buckle. This design approach embodies the philosophy of
capacity design (5).

A series of tests and analytical studies were conducted recently at the University of
Alberta (6-10) to investigate the compressive and cyclic behavior of gusset plate
connections. In the compression test series (6-7), it was found that when a gusset plate
is loaded in monotonic compression, normally significant yielding of the plate takes place
before plate buckling. However, if a thin plate is used, the gusset plate can buckle at a

load much lower than the yield load. As for the cyclic test series (8), it showed that the
tensile capacity of the gusset plate remains stable under cyclic loading. The study also
showed that the post-buckling capacity of the gusset plate, although less than the load
required to buckle the gusset plate initially, tends to be stabilized after a few cycles.
Based on these observations, a design approach that would take advantage of the
energy dissipation potential of the gusset plate was proposed (8). This approach
consists of designing the gusset plate as the weak element rather than the brace
member. The behavior of gusset plate connections under cyclic loading was further
verified and studied by a numerical investigation (9) using the finite element program
ABAQUS (11) and full-scale tests (10). The analysis considered the effect of gusset
plate support condition (rigid support versus flexible support provided by a beam and
column assembly), initial imperfections in the plate, material yielding, slip of the bolted
connection, bracing member – gusset plate interaction, and load history. The testing
program included interaction between bracing member and gusset plate, and effect of
edge stiffeners on the cyclic behavior of gusset plates.

The following presents a summary of the behavior of gusset plate connections, in both
monotonic and cyclic behavior. The design method for gusset plate connection is
reviewed and presented. The weak gusset plate – strong brace member concept is also
examined as an alternative for concentrically braced frames (CFB’s) under cyclic


An experimental program by Whitmore in the early 1950’s (1) studied the stress
distribution in a gusset plate connection, a detail commonly found in Warren truss type
bridges. The main objective of Whitmore’s investigation was to determine the location
and magnitude of the peak stress in the gusset plate. Based on the results of his
investigation, Whitmore
proposed a method for
predicting the peak stress in a Whitmore
gusset plate
gusset plate for a given brace thickness, t
30 degrees width
load. It was proposed that the
peak stress could be estimated
by taking the brace load and
dividing it by an area equal to L2
the plate thickness times what
later became known as the
“Whitmore effective width”. The L1
Whitmore effective width is
defined as the distance between
two lines radiating outward at
30q angles from the first row of Figure 1 – Whitmore Effective Width
bolts in the gusset-to-brace
connection along a line running through the last row of bolts as shown in Fig. 1.

In 1957 Irvan (12) carried out a similar investigation with a model of a double gusset
plate Pratt truss connection detail. Irvan’s investigation showed that stress distributions
computed with the beam method did not match well with test results. Irvan proposed a
method of determining the peak stress that was similar to the Whitmore method. Hardin
(13), Davis (14), and Varsarelyi (15) investigated the stresses in gusset plates loaded in

the elastic range. Hardin’s experimental investigation confirmed Irvan’s conclusions
regarding the beam method and supported Irvan’s method for determining the
magnitude of the peak stress in the gusset plate. Davis and Varsarelyi carried out finite
element investigations of the elastic stresses in gusset plates. In general, these
investigations confirmed the findings of the Whitmore’s experimental investigations
regarding the stresses in gusset plates loaded in the elastic range.

The behavior of gusset plate connections in the inelastic range also received some
attention. Chakrabarti and Bjorhovde (16) and Hardash and Bjorhovde (2) looked at the
inelastic behavior of gusset plate connections in tension. From their tests and those of
other investigators, a block shear model was proposed to predict the ultimate capacity of
gusset plate connections in tension. They proposed that the ultimate strength of the
gusset plate is the sum of the tensile strength of the net area between the last row of
bolts and the shear strength along the connection length.

Thornton (3), investigating the compressive strength of steel gusset plates, proposed an
intuitive and lower bound approach whereby the compressive force in the steel gusset
plate is carried by an equivalent column between the end of the bracing member and the
beam to column joint. The method proposed by Thornton for calculating the elastic
buckling load was expanded to include inelastic effect (17). The technique proposed by
Thornton is based on the buckling capacity of unit strips of length L1, L2, and L3 (see
Fig. 1) below the Whitmore effective width. The critical length of the column strip is taken
as the maximum of L1, L2, or L3. Once the length of the column strip has been
established, the compressive resistance of the column strip can be evaluated according
to the column formulas in the design standards. The effective length factor was
recommended to be 0.65. The gusset plate will not buckle if the buckling stress of the
critical unit strip is greater than the normal stress on the Whitmore effective area.

Hu and Cheng (6) conducted an experimental and analytical investigation of the buckling
behavior of gusset plate connections loaded monotonically in compression. Their test
program focused on the effects of plate thickness, geometry, boundary conditions,
eccentricity and reinforcement. The work of Hu and Cheng showed that thin gusset
plates tend to buckle at a load much lower than the yield load predicted using the
Whitmore effective width. In general, either sway or local buckling modes were
observed depending on the out-of-plane brace restraint conditions. Further analytical
work (18) showed that an increase in the stiffness of the gusset-to-brace splice plate of
two to four times the gusset plate thickness should result in an increase in the buckling
strength of the gusset plate. It was recommended that the distance between the end of
the splice plate and the gusset-to-frame boundaries be kept to a minimum.

To investigate the compressive behavior of gusset plate connections, a total of thirteen

full-scale tests were conducted by Yam and Cheng (7). One of the test setups is shown
schematically in Fig. 2. The test parameters included gusset plate thickness, size, brace
angle, out-of-plane brace restraint conditions, and moments in the framing members.
The specimen dimensions and designations are shown in Table 1. The test specimens
used in this investigation were stockier than those of Hu and Cheng (6), and, as a
consequence, displayed more inelastic behavior. The compressive capacity of the
gusset plate specimens was almost directly proportional to their thickness. The effects
of beam and column moments and brace angle on the capacity of the test specimens in
compression were found to be small.

Figure 2 – Typical Test Setup

Table 1 Compressive Specimens Description and Summary of Test Results

Specimen Plate Size Plate Brace Beam Column Ultimate

Designation (mm x mm) Thickness Angle Moment Moment Load
(mm) (kN˜m) (kN˜m) (kN)
GP1 500 x 400 13.3 45q   1956
GP2 500 x 400 9.8 45q   1356
GP3 500 x 400 6.5 45q   742
SP1 850 x 700 13.3 45q   1606
SP2 850 x 700 9.8 45q   1010
AP1 500 x 400 13.3 30q   1720
AP2 500 x 400 9.8 30q   1210
AP3 500 x 400 6.5 30q   728
MP1 500 x 400 13.3 45q 250 125 1933
MP2 500 x 400 9.8 45q 250 125 1316
MP3 500 x 400 6.5 45q 250 125 721
MP3A 500 x 400 6.5 45q 375 187.5 819
MP3B 500 x 400 6.5 45q 0 0 821

A numerical analysis of the test specimens was subsequently performed (19) by using
the finite element program ABAQUS (11). A three dimensional mesh was used to model
the connection with the splice member placed on both sides of the gusset plate. The
beam and column boundaries were fully restrained to simulate a rigidly welded
connection. At the junction between the bracing member and the gusset plate, infinite
rotational restraint was imposed on the top of the splice member. Point loads were
applied on the splice member to simulate the load transferred from the bracing member.
The bolted connection was simulated by rigid beam elements at the bolt locations. To
account for the influence of bolt clamping force on the gusset plate, it was assumed that
a 30 mm square surface was rigidly connected at the bolt locations by the rigid beam
elements. For the MP type specimens, the beam and column were included in the
model and allowed the application of beam and column moments. The analytical
ultimate loads of the specimens based on the load-deflection analysis are shown
together with the test results in Table 2. The analytical predictions are in good
agreement with the test results.

To evaluate the validity of current design methods, the Whitmore load (PW) based on the
material static yield strength and the Thornton load (PT) based on the effective length
factor of 0.65 are included in Table 2.

Table 2 Comparison of Test Loads with Analytical and Design Loads

Specimen Ultimate PABAQUS Pu Whitmore Thornton Modified Pu Pu Pu

Designation Load, Pu (kN) PABAQUS Load, PW Load, PT Thornton, PW PT PTc
(kN) (kN) (kN) PTc (kN)
GP1 1956 1987 0.98 1216 1142 1792 1.61 1.71 1.09
GP2 1356 1301 1.04 930 828 1300 1.46 1.64 1.04
GP3 742 710 1.04 555 439 689 1.37 1.69 1.08
SP1 1606 1608 1.00 1852 1072 1744 0.87 1.50 0.92
SP2 1010 993 1.02 1416 592 963 0.71 1.70 1.05
AP1 1720 1680 1.02 1216 1119 1757 1.56 1.54 0.98
AP2 1210 1177 1.03 930 801 1257 1.55 1.51 0.96
AP3 728 732 0.99 555 404 634 1.31 1.80 1.15
MP1 1933 1901 1.02 1216 1142 1792 1.59 1.69 1.08
MP2 1316 1348 0.98 930 828 1300 1.42 1.59 1.01
MP3 721 700 1.03 555 439 689 1.30 1.64 1.05
MP3A 819 805 1.02 555 439 689 1.48 1.87 1.19
MP3B 821 725 1.13 555 439 689 1.48 1.87 1.19

As can be seen from the table, the Whitmore method provides a conservative estimate
of the design load for the specimens, except for the SP type specimens since the SP
type specimens are more susceptible to the stability failure. The Thornton method,
however, provides conservative estimates for all the specimens. The test to predicted

ratios varied from 0.71 to 1.61 for the Whitmore method and from 1.31 to 1.87 for
Thornton's method. The reason for the conservatism observed with Thornton's method is
due to the extensive yielding in most of the specimens. Yielding allowed load
redistribution in the specimens. In order to account for this load redistribution, it is
proposed that a 45q dispersion angle be used to evaluate the effective width, instead of
30q. This modification of Thornton's method is then used to calculate the buckling
strength (PTc) of the specimens using extended effective width and the appropriate
column curves. The values of PTc are listed in Table 2. The ratio of test loads to the
modified Thornton loads varies from 0.92 to 1.19.


Compared to the information available on the cyclic behavior of bracing members, the
amount of information on the cyclic behavior of gusset plates is quite small. Jain et al.
(20) studied the effect of gusset plate bending stiffness and bracing member length on
the cyclic behavior of bracing members. Although the bracing member was the main
subject of the investigation, three different gusset plates were used and the length of the
brace member was varied. From a test program comprising 18 test specimens, none
were designed to have the yield strength of the gusset plate lower than the bracing
member. It was concluded that there is no advantage in making the flexural stiffness of
the gusset plate greater than the flexural stiffness of the bracing member. An increase
in flexural stiffness of the gusset plate was found to result in a decrease in the effective
length of the bracing member. This, in turn, improves the cyclic behavior of the bracing

Astaneh-Asl et al. (21) studied the cyclic behavior of brace members composed of back-
to-back double angles connected to gusset plates. The focus of their investigation was
also the behavior of the bracing member. Both in-plane and out-of-plane buckling of the
brace member was investigated. Single gusset plates connected only to a beam
element were used in the investigation. Current code design procedures were found to
be deficient. For brace members that buckle out-of-plane, Astaneh-Asl et al. stressed the
importance of designing the gusset plates so that they can accommodate the formation
of a plastic hinge, allowing brace buckling to take place without tearing of the

Rabinovitch and Cheng (8) tested five full-scale specimens to study the behavior of
gusset plate connections under cyclic loading. The effects of plate thickness, geometry,
edge stiffness, and bolt slip were studied. With the exception of one test specimen, all
the test specimens were rectangular and similar to the specimens tested in the
compression series by Yam and Cheng (7). One test specimen, however, was designed
to allow the free formation of a plastic hinge under compressive buckling deformation as
per the recommendation of Astaneh-Asl et al. (21). The behavior of this latter test
specimen was significantly different from that of the other specimens, it failed more
rapidly than other more compact specimens and fracture was observed at the plastic
hinge closed to beam and column. It also required much larger plate to accommodate
the plastic hinge requirement. All other four specimens were governed by tensile fracture
between last row of bolts in the gusset plate as was observed in the earlier tests by
Chakrabarti and Bjorhovde (16). The tensile capacity of gusset plates under cyclic
loading remained stable and the post-buckling compressive capacity tends to be
stabilized after buckling. The addition of edge stiffeners was found to significantly

improve the post buckling compressive strength and the energy dissipation
characteristics of the gusset plate tested.

Based on the stable post-buckling strength of gusset plates under compression, a

design approach that would take advantage of the energy dissipation potential of the
gusset plate was proposed (8). This approach, referred to as the “weak gusset plate –
strong brace member” concept, consists of designing the gusset plate as the weak
element rather than the brace member. Nast et al. (10) tested four gusset plate –
bracing member subassemblies, as shown in Table 3, to further investigate this concept.
The first two test specimens were designed with the gusset plate as the weak element in
compression; one with free edge stiffeners, and the second one without. The other two
were designed with the brace member as the load-limiting element in compression;
again one included free edge stiffeners, and the other did not.

Table 3 Summary of Test Specimens under Cyclic Loading

Gusset Plate Free Edge Stiffener Bracing Ultimate Ultimate
Specimen (mm x mm x mm) Width x Thickness Member Tensile Load Compressive Load
(mm x mm) (mm) (kN) (kN)
T-1 450 x 550 x 9.5 50.7 x 9.5 1100 N/A 1951
T-2 450 x 550 x 9.6 N/A 1100 1819 1690
T-3 450 x 550 x 9.5 50.5 x 9.5 5250 1837 1350
T-4 550 x 450 x 9.5 N/A 5250 1841 1322

The axial load vs. axial deformation hysteresis plots for these four specimens are
presented in Fig. 3. The ultimate tensile and compressive loads, based on the envelopes
of the hysteresis curves, are listed in Table 3. Both tensile and compressive strengths
were predicted accurately by the block shear model and modified Thornton’s method,
respectively. The presence of free edge stiffeners does not have a significant effect on
the gusset plate buckling strength, but increases the energy absorbed by the gusset
plate – brace member assembly in the compression cycle. Little effect in the tension
cycle by the stiffeners was observed.

Figure 3 – Behaviour of Gusset Plate Assembly Under Cyclic Loads

As shown in Fig. 3, the energy dissipated by Specimens T-1 and T-2 was much higher
than Specimens T-3 and T-4. Yielding of the gusset plate in compression in the first two
tests helped the connection to dissipate significantly more energy than buckling of the
bracing member in the other two tests. However, all the connections failed in tension in
the gusset plate with a relatively small deformation. This may limit the use of the “weak
gusset plate – strong brace member” concept in seismic applications.

Walbridge et al. (9) investigated analytically the behavior of gusset plate – brace
member assemblies for a number of parameters that were not investigated
experimentally. A parametric study was conducted to study the effects of gusset plate –
brace member interaction and load sequence on the behavior of steel gusset plate
connections under cyclic loading. The various factors affecting the behavior and energy
dissipation characteristics of gusset plate connections under cyclic loading conditions
were considered.

Four types of behavior were studied for the gusset plate – brace member assemblies:
1) Effect of the bracing member yielding in tension before yielding of the gusset plate;
2) Effect of the gusset plate yielding in tension before yielding of the brace member;
3) Effect of buckling of the brace member before buckling of the gusset plate;
4) Effect of buckling of the gusset plate before buckling of the bracing member.

The models investigated were designed to investigate the above four cases for a 450 x
550 mm gusset plate of three different plate thicknesses, 6, 9, and 12 mm. The capacity
in the tension cycle was either limited by yielding of the brace member or yielding of the
gusset plate, depending on the design adopted for the specimen. In the compression
cycle, the load carrying capacity was limited by either buckling of the gusset plate as
shown in Fig. 4(a), or by buckling of the brace member about its weak axis, i.e. out of the
plane of the gusset plate, as shown in Fig. 4(b). The specimens used in the analysis
were designed so that each combination of tension and compression load limitation
mechanisms would be exhibited.
The results of this investigation showed that there is very little effect on the behavior the
assembly by different load sequences. As for the plate thickness, the analyses showed
that the thicker gusset plate gave fuller hysteresis loop for the assemblies having a
tension capacity limited by yielding of the gusset plate and a compression capacity
limited by buckling of the gusset plate.

Fig. 5 shows the difference in behavior of the gusset plate – brace member assembly for
different load limitation mechanisms for a 6 mm gusset plate (GP1). Fig. 5(a) represents
the behavior when the load in tension is limited by yielding of the gusset plate and the
load in compression is limited by buckling of the gusset plate. Fig. 15(b) represents the
behavior when the limiting condition in tension is yielding of the gusset plate and the
limiting condition in compression is buckling of the brace member. A comparison of Fig.
5(a) with Fig. 5(b) shows that buckling of the brace member as a limiting condition in the
compression range results in a more significant reduction in compression capacity under
cyclic loading and a deterioration of the load carrying capacity in tension. This reduction
in tension stiffness at zero load can be quite significant when the compression capacity
is limited by buckling of the bracing member, as shown in Fig. 5(b). This reduction in
tension stiffness was not observed when buckling of the gusset plate limited the
compression capacity. The same observation as Fig. 5(a) was made when the limiting
condition in tension is yielding of the brace member and the limiting condition in
compression is buckling of the gusset plate.

(a) Buckling of Gusset Plate (b) Buckling of Brace Member

Figure 4 – Failure Modes of Gusset Plate – Brace Member Assembly

800 1000
600 800
Axial Load (kN)

400 600
Axial Load (kN)

200 400
0 200
-200 0
-400 -200
-600 -400
-800 -600
-1000 -800
-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 -1000
-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20
Total Axial Displacement (mm)
Total Axial Displacement (mm)
(a) Gusset plate yielding – gusset plate buckling
(b) Gusset plate yielding – brace buckling

Figure 5 – Effect of Load Limitation


Recent developments in the behavior of gusset plate connections, both monotonic and
cyclic behavior, were reviewed and summarized in the paper. Full-scale tests were
conducted under both monotonic compression and cyclic loading. Numerical
investigations were carried out using the finite element method, incorporating the effect
of material and geometry non-linearity and initial imperfections.

The tensile strength of gusset plates can be predicted accurately by the block shear
failure proposed by Chakrabarti and Bjorhovde (16). Based on the monotonic
compression test results, a modified Thornton method has been proposed for
proportioning the gusset plate to support compressive forces from brace members. In
the modified Thornton method, a 45q dispersion angle is proposed to evaluate the
effective width, instead of 30q, to account the load redistribution in the gusset plate.
Good agreement is obtained with the test results by using the proposed method.

From the cyclic tests, the tensile capacity of gusset plates under cyclic loading remained
stable and the post-buckling compressive capacity tends to be stabilized after buckling.
The addition of edge stiffeners was found to have little effect on the gusset plate
buckling strength but significantly improve the post buckling compressive performance
and hence increase the energy absorbed by the gusset plate – brace member assembly
in the compression cycle. This observation might prove the validity of the “weak gusset
plate – strong brace member” concept, consists of designing the gusset plate as the
weak element rather than the brace member. Further tests and analyses on the
interaction between gusset plate and brace member also showed that yielding and
stable post-buckling strength of the gusset plate in compression helped the connection
to dissipate significantly more energy than buckling of the bracing member. In general,
hysteresis plots for the weak gusset – strong brace member models exhibited less
pinching and sustained higher post-buckling compressive loads than conventionally
designed subassemblies. However, all the connections failed in tension in the gusset
plate with a relatively small deformation. This may limit the use of the “weak gusset plate
– strong brace member” concept in seismic applications.

Currently, a research effort is in progress to enhance the tensile performance of a gusset

plate. Two approaches are used. One is to utilize the post-fracture behavior of the
gusset plate. Leon and Swanson (22) showed that a well designed gusset plate could
possess significant post-fracture capacity. The other approach is to provide an active
fracture control mechanism in the gusset plate. The ultimate goal of the project is to
assess the effectiveness of using gusset plates as the energy dissipators in seismically
loaded braced structures.


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