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Take Time To Unwind... : It's Healthy To Relax, Renew, and Rejuvenate

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F O H . h h s .

g o v / L e t s Ta l k | ISSUE FOUR, 2015

Take time to unwind...

It’s healthy to relax, renew, and rejuvenate

Combat your stress Relax and recharge While you can’t avoid stress, you can
If you suffer from chronic stress and can’t Be sure to make time for fun and minimize it by changing how you choose
influence or change the situation, then relaxation so you’ll be better able to to respond to it. The ultimate reward
you’ll need to change your approach. handle life’s stressors. Carve some time for your efforts is a healthy, balanced
Be willing to be flexible. Remember, you out of your day—even if it’s just 10 to 15 life with time for work, relationships,
have the ability to choose your response minutes—to take care of yourself. Also, relaxation, and fun.
to stressors, and you may have to try remember that exercise is an excellent Stress happens. Sometimes
various options. stress reliever.
it’s unavoidable—at times
– Recognize when you don’t have Everyone has different ways of relaxing
it’s unbearable—and that’s
control, and let it go. Don’t get and unwinding. Here are a few ideas to
anxious about situations that you get you started: why taking time for
cannot change. – Go for a walk or run yourself is indispensable.
– Take control of your own reactions and – Read a book Feeling overwhelmed?
focus on what makes you feel calm – Take a bike ride If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the
and in control. This may take some
 isit a natural setting, like a park or stress in your life, you can contact
practice, but it pays off in terms of your nature preserve your Employee Assistance Program
peace of mind.
– Have a cup of tea (EAP) for support. The EAP offers
– Develop a vision for healthy living, – Play a sport short-term counseling that can
wellness, and personal/professional help you and your family members
– Spend time with a friend or loved one
growth. Then, set realistic goals to help deal with many of life’s challenges,
you realize your vision. – Do some simple stretching exercises
including work, family, personal
– Meditate (learn how at matters, and legal and financial issues. Check your agency’s intranet or speak
– Do yoga to someone in your HR department
for your EAP’s contact information.
Learn about some signs that stress may
be getting out of control on page two.
F O H . h h s . g o v / L e t s Ta l k

Stress Awareness
Being aware of your stress is the first step to overcoming it

Stress does not merely trouble your mind; it can also affect When to seek professional help
you on a cellular level. In fact, long-term stress can lead to If you continue to suffer from the effects of stress and feel
a wide range of illnesses—from headaches, to stomach overwhelmed by it, you should contact a professional.
disorders, to depression—and can even increase the risk of Here are some red flags to look out for:
serious conditions, including stroke and heart disease.
– Inability to sleep
The fight or flight response – Frequently feeling down, hopeless, or helpless
Understanding the connection between the mind, stress, and – Problems with your ability to concentrate that interfere with
the body can help you better manage stress and improve work or home life
your health and well-being. The sympathetic stress response
is a survival mechanism that’s “hard wired” into our nervous – Using alcohol, drugs, food, or other tactics to cope with
systems. This automatic response is necessary for mobilizing stress or difficult emotions
quick reflexes when there is imminent danger—such as – Negative or self-destructive thoughts or fears that you
swerving to avoid a collision with another car. can’t control*
When you perceive a threat, stress hormones rush into – Thoughts of death or suicide*
your bloodstream—increasing heart rate, blood pressure,
*Having self-destructive behavior or thoughts, especially
and glucose levels. Other hormones triggered by stress
suicidal ones, is a symptom that needs immediate attention.
can suppress functions such as digestion and the immune
If you experience such feelings and feel that you need help,
response, which is one of the reasons why chronic stress can
call your Employee Assistance Program (EAP) or the National
leave you more vulnerable to illness.
Suicide Prevention Lifeline’s toll-free number, which is available
Danger triggers the stress reaction—unfortunately, so can 24/7: 1-800-273-TALK (8255). You may call for yourself or for
work conflicts, concern over debt, bad memories, or anxiety. someone you care about. All calls are confidential.
Although one bad day at work won’t compromise your
health, weeks or months of stress can dampen your immune Learn some great tips and remedies for combatting stress on
response and raise your risk for illness. page one of this publication.
F O H . h h s . g o v / L e t s Ta l k

Set Your Course

for Success
Making a change in your life takes
determination and consistent effort;
it doesn’t happen overnight. Personal
change is often like a voyage and—like
a sailor—you need to decide on your
destination and set your course.

Like any journey, you must then more physically active, you might TRACK YOUR PROGRESS
keep yourself oriented and make take these steps: Keep a chart of what you’ve
adjustments along the way to get to accomplished. Think of ways that you
1. I will check with my doctor to see if
your destination as directly as possible. can measure your success; for example,
there are any restrictions or cautions
I should be aware of in order to record the number of times you’ve
begin a daily combined cardio and finished your reports early or chart how
much weight you’ve lifted at the gym.
strength training regimen.
Think about your goal, and about Tracking your progress is highly motivating
what it would mean to meet it. 2. I will begin with 2 sessions of brisk and reinforces positive new habits.
Having a clear mental picture of walking for at least 10 minutes (for
a total of at least 20 minutes each ADJUST YOUR COURSE AS NEEDED
what success looks like can help you
recognize that a goal is achievable. day) for the first two weeks. Sailors need to reorient themselves
This is highly motivating. as they travel and then replot their
3. I will walk briskly for 30 minutes
courses accordingly. This ensures that
You can write your thoughts down, every morning and do 15 minutes of
they stay on course despite changes
you can make a drawing of your strength training every other day for in wind direction, currents, or foul
completed goal, or you can use photos the next three weeks. weather. You need to do this when
or illustrations from magazines to you’re changing a habit, too. Check
4. I will jog or cycle or do some other
construct a visual reminder of how on your goals from time to time, and
cardio workout for 30 minutes every
success will look. A reminder can help figure out where you are actually
morning and add 10 more minutes
keep you inspired. headed. If you find that you’ve veered
to my strength training routine.
off course, just make the necessary
SET YOUR COURSE By setting short-term goals, those adjustments without judging yourself
Break down your main goal into the many “little victories” can help spur harshly. Even the best sailors make
logical steps it will take to get there. you on to reaching your ultimate goal. many adjustments as they sail to their
For example, if the goal is to be Remember to celebrate these victories. destinations; why shouldn’t you?
F O H . h h s . g o v / L e t s Ta l k

De-Stress at Your Desk

We often cannot control the amount of external stress we experience. What we can
control is our internal reaction to it. Being able to minimize your reaction can help
keep your mind and body healthy.

Most people can benefit from “down- – Start at your toes and progress up your – In your mind, clearly picture a place
time”—those times when you are able body—don’t forget your face muscles. that brings you peace—an ocean, a
to recharge and renew. Even something –T ighten, then release each muscle river, a rainforest, etc.—and take a
as simple as a few moments of silence group as you work your way up mental vacation to this getaway spot.
and some deep breathing can help your body. (Tightening and releasing
revitalize you and give you a more the muscles allows the blood to Positive affirmations
positive outlook. Here are some ways rush in when the muscles are in the Positive affirmations are statements that
to refresh yourself at your desk during relaxed state.) reprogram negative thinking patterns.
break time. – Once you’ve finished relaxing the Repeat a positive statement internally to
muscles, stay in this calm and comfort- counteract a negative thought:
Deep breathing able state for three to five minutes— – If you’re feeling tired, you may want
This technique helps you relax and or longer, if you have the time. to affirm “I am healthy and strong.”
rejuvenate by unplugging you from the – If you’re worried about a hectic work
“flight or fight” stress response. Visualization schedule, a good affirmation is “I
– Consciously slow your breathing. This technique helps you relax and focus accomplish things easily and effort-
– Focus on slowly taking deep, regular on pleasant images to replace negative lessly” or “I can handle anything that
breaths that get progressively longer or stressful feelings. comes my way.”
and fuller. – Relax as much as possible.
– Visualize each breath filling your body (You can use either of the Taking Care
with positive energy. two techniques above to Deep relaxation is an important
You can continue this exercise for five help you.) part of the health puzzle. Both
to ten minutes. your body and your mind need it
to repair and renew.
Progressive relaxation
For this relaxation method, focus on
tightening each muscle group and then
allow it to relax.


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