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Composite Materials Are Multiphase Materials Obtained Through The Artificial Combination of Different Materials in Order To Attain Properties That The Individual Components by Themselves Cannot Attain

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Composite materials are multiphase materials obtained through the artificial combination of

different materials in order to attain properties that the individual components by themselves cannot
attain. They are not multiphase materials in which the different phases are formed naturally by
reactions, phase transformations, or other phenomena. An example is carbon fiber reinforced
polymer. Composite materials should be distinguished from alloys, which can comprise two more
components but are formed naturally through processes such as casting. Composite materials can be
tailored for various properties by appropriately choosing their components, their proportions, their
distributions, their morphologies, their degrees of crystallinity, their crystallographic textures, as well
as the structure and composition of the interface between components. Due to this strong
tailorability, composite materials can be designed to satisfy the needs of technologies relating to the
aerospace, automobile, electronics, construction, energy, biomedical and other industries. As a
result, composite materials constitute most commercial engineering materials.

Claude Bathias et coll. MATÉRIAUX COMPOSITES 2e édition Dunod,

Une fibre est une forme de matière extraordinaire possédant une résistance à la rupture et souvent
un module d’élasticité beaucoup plus élevés que ceux du même matériau sous forme massive. Sous
la forme d’un filament fin, les propriétés d’un matériau sont beaucoup plus proches des valeurs
théoriquement possibles que tout autre forme de matière, surtout en résistance à la rupture. En
effet, la résistance à la rupture d’un matériau n’est pas une propriété intrinsèque mais dépend des
défauts présents à la surface ou dans le volume du matériau, qui engendrent des concentrations de
contrainte. Le verre est un matériau élastique, et chaque enfant qui a envoyé un ballon dans une
vitre sait qu’il est fragile. La résistance à la rupture du verre dépend des micro-défauts superficiels.


The word composite in the term composite material signifies that two or more materials are
combined on a macroscopic scale to form a useful third material. The key is the macroscopic
examination of a material wherein the components can be identified by the naked eye. Different
materials can be combined on a microscopic scale, such as in alloying of metals, but the resulting
material is, for all practical purposes, macroscopically homogeneous, i.e., the components cannot be
distinguished by the naked eye and essentially act together. The advantage of composite materials is
that, if well designed, they usually exhibit the best qualities of their components or constituents and
often some qualities that neither constituent possesses. Some of the properties that can be improved
by forming a composite material are

Mechanical Behavior of Composite Materials

Composite materials have many mechanical behavior characteristics that are different from those of
more conventional engineering materials. Some characteristics are merely modifications of
conventional behavior; others are totally new and require new analytical and

experimental procedures. Most common engineering materials are both homogeneous and isotropic:

The word composite means 'made up of distinct parts or substances'. Natu-Naturally, a composite
material is a material that consists of two or more distinct constituent materials which are bound
together to form an integral unit. In nature, composite materials have been in existent for millions of
years. Wood, bamboo and bone are just a few examples of the natural occurring composite
materials. Man has learned to fabricate composite materials relatively recently. Perhaps, one of the
first evidence of a man-made composite material is the mud- blocks reinforced with straws. The
composite material fabrication technology has since progressed from straw reinforced mud-blocks to
man-made fiber rein-reinforced composite materials such as fiber reinforced polymers, ceramic
matrix, metallic matrix and carbon-carbon composite materials. An obvious advantage that the fiber
reinforced composite materials have over the conventional engineering materials such as copper,
steel, aluminum, titanium, etc., is the high specific strength and modulus. The definition of specific
strength is the ratio of the material strength to the material density and the specific modulus is
defined as the material Young's modulus per unit material density. High specific strength and specific
modulus have important implications on the engineering applications of composite materials. It
means that thecomposite materials are strong and stiff and yet light in weight. Such character-
characteristics are very desirable in the aeronautical and aerospace industry. The weight savings
realized by fabricating structural components out of composite materials Is directly translated into
fuel savings which in turn makes the operation of an aeroplane or a space vehicle more economical.
It is predicted that the savings in the operating costs of an aeroplane will be able to pay for a
substantial amount of the initial cost of the aeroplane. This factor has been the main impetus on the
development of composite materials during the fossil fuel crisis. Composite materials also afford the
flexibility of placing strength and stiffness in critical areas without the penalty of weight increment as
would be with macroscopically isotropic engineering materials. In many applications a structure is
required to retain its strength and stiffness at an ultra-high temperature. The leading edges of the
wings and the nose cone of a space vehicle are examples of such structures which may encounter
temperature as high as 3000° F during re-entry. At present, only the carbon-carbon composite
material can meet the demands of this severe operation condition. The carbon-carbon composite
material has made the ablative technology obsolete. Thus, it has enable the dream of a reusable
space vehicle to materialize.




The methods of plasticity theory are those commonly used in analyzing the mechanics of
deformable media. The first problem is to establish the basic laws of plastic defonnation on the
basis of experimental data (and, if possible, certain considerations borrowed from theoretical
physics). With the help of these laws, which have a phenomenological character, a system of
equations is obtained. Tlie solution of these equations, so as to obtain a picture of the plastic
deformation of a body in various circumstances, is then the other major problem of plasticity

The study of the strength-properties of materials is based on the results of plasticity theory, since
as a rule plastic deformation precedes fracture.
The present topic and its considerations about the elastoplastic behavior of the structure and its
constituent materials are widely discussed in the literature and can be found for example in [13-16].
The focus will be given to the importance of the study of plasticity and its differences in elastic

The plasticity is an observable phenomenon during the study of the materials microstructure, which
indicates that the physical mechanism responsible for plasticity is the irreversible movement in
defects in the atomic bonds, although there is no loss of cohesion or ruptures in the bonds. However,
hardening may occur, due to incompatibilities between the deformations of the grains of the
crystalline lattice [16]. Still according to [16], the elasticity is related to the complete disappearance
of the structure deformations after the withdrawal of the force, that is, the deformations are
reversible and are maintained only while the loading is applied.

There is also viscoelasticity, which exhibits reversible but time-dependent deformations, which
increase with time after application of the charge and decrease slowly after discharging. The
emergence of permanent deformations from energy dissipation is characteristic of plasticity, being
an irreversible process. The recovery of the deformations after unloading is partial. This phenomenon
of residual deformation becomes more evident in loading and unloading cycles. During unloading in
the plastic regime, the slope is the same as loading and unloading under the elastic regime.

Elastoplastic behavior is of interest in terms of the resilient capacity of a structure. This is because
although the calculations and details of some usual structures do not allow them to behave
plastically and should be limited to the elastic regime, their disregard results in a waste of the
additional resistant capacity that the plastic regime possesses.

Les travaux


Analysis of bolted joints in composite laminates: Strains and bearing stiffness predictions

Marie-Laure Dano *, Elhassania Kamal, Guy Gendron

Composite Structures 79 (2007) 562–570

The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of failure criteria and material property
degradation rules on the behaviors of pinned-joint in graphite/epoxy composite laminates.

Effect of washer size and tightening torque on the performance of bolted

joints in composite structures Composite Structures 73 (2006) 310–317
UA Khashaba, HEM Sallam, AE Al-Shorbagy M.A. Seif
In the present work, the effects of tightening torque and washer outer diameter size on the strength
of bolted joint in composite materials are investigated experimentally. Angle-ply [0/±45/90]s glass
fiber reinforced epoxy composites are manufactured using hand lay-up technique. The mechanical
properties of the composite laminate (tension, compression, and shear) are determined

Elasto-Plastic Failure Analysis of Composite Bolted Joints Tsujimoto, Y.; Wilson, D

Journal of COMPOSITE MATERIALS, Vol. 20-May 1986 Journal of Composite Materials
volume 20, issue 3 (1986)
This study investigated the use of an elasto-plastic, 2-D finite element solution to model the
nonlinear material response in an attempt to improve the stress analysis in the bearing region. Using
the Hill yield criterion in an incremental ply-by-ply failure analysis, failure maps were generated and
mode specific failure hypotheses formulated. The results of this study are discussed in relation to
experimental data and linear elastic strength analysis results employing a point stress failure
hypothesis in combination with a quadratic interaction failure model

Computational analysis of temperature effect in composite bolted joints for aeronautical applications

journal of reinforced plastics and composites Volume: 30 issue: 1, page(s): 3-11

Carlos Santiuste, Enrique Barbero, María Henar Miguélez

The effect of interference fit size on the fatigue life of bolted joints in composite laminates
Wei, Jingchao; Jiao, Guiqiong; Jia, Purong; Huang, Tao Composites Part B: Engineering
volume 53 (2013)

Therefore, in the present paper, an experimental study was carried out to investigate the static and
fatigue behavior of bolted joints in composite laminates with different interference fit sizes.

1/This paper deals with numerical analysis of dynamic behavior of a curvilinear graphite / epoxy
composite shell under the effect of different impact loads at low speeds. Damage is assumed to
initiate when one of Hashin’s failure criteria is satisfied, and its evolution is modeled by Mindlin’s
Formulation with geometric non-linearity. This has been accomplished by developing a user defined
subroutine and implementing it in the FE software ABAQUS. From strains supplied by ABAQUS the
material subroutine uses a micromechanics approach based on the method of cells and values of
material parameters of constituents to calculate average stresses in an FE, and checks for Hashin’s
failure criteria. If damage has initiated in the material, the subroutine evaluates the damage
developed, computes resulting stresses, and provides them to ABAQUS. The computed time histories
of the impact loads acting are found to agree well with the numerical ones available in the literature,
and various damage and failure modes agree qualitatively with those observed in tests.

2/In this work, the application of the digital image correlation (DIC) technique to experimentally
study progressive damage of single-lap composite bolted joints is explored. This technique is also
used to provide surface strain fields and to analyse outof-plane phenomena of the joints due to the
effect of laminate pattern, laminate thickness, fastener size, fastener type and bushing. The
specimens were manufactured from plain weave carbon/epoxy composites. The bearing test was
conducted in accordance with ASTM D5961/D5961M-13. The digital image correlation was
performed using the commercial Vic-3D digital image correlation system. It was found that strain
concentrations observed in the specimens can be used to identify full-field damage onset and to
monitor damage progression during loading. Moreover, there is interaction between laminate
pattern, laminate thickness, fastener size, fastener type and bushing on bearing strengths (ultimate
and 2% offset bearing strengths), surface strain concentrations and out-of-plane displacement. The
DIC results can potentially be used to develop and accurately validate numerical models. Keywords:
Carbon/epoxy composite; bolted joint; bearing strength; digital image correlation; progressive

3/ The paper deals with the implementation of two dimensional modelling solid elements with the
discretization of the reinforcement, both of which can be analyzed in a plastic regime. Thus, ensuring
a better representation of the real problem of a reinforced structure since some techniques use the
homogenization of the section. The discretization of the reinforcement allows to treat this as a
separate element and to study its interaction with the structure. In addition, it dispenses the
constant generation of meshes with the formulation used. With the adopted formulations, the
present work aims to study the behaviour of reinforced structures and the distribution of the
reinforcement in the medium, in a random or aligned way. Considering the elastoplastic behavior of
both, it allows evaluating the loss of rigidity of the structures, together with redistribution of efforts
and, in some cases, the loss of instability by formation of plastic hinges and the interaction between
the elements. The constitutive model for the plasticity adopted is the von Mises 2D associative with a
positive linear hardening. The solution of this model was obtained through an iterative procedure.
With the aim to ensure the correct implementation of the considered formulations, examples for
validation and presentation of the functionalities of the developed computational code were

Elasto-Plastic Failure Analysis of Composite Bolted Joints

An elasto-plastic finite element analysis of pin loaded joints in laminated composites has
been investigated and comparisons made with both existing 2-D linear elastic plane stress
analytical solutions and experimental results for a graphite/epoxy laminate. The finite
element analysis included nonlinear material behavior after initial failure by assuming an
elastic-perfectly plastic bimodular material model. Laminated plate theory was used to obtain
lamina stresses and the Hill yield criterion applied in each layer to create a ply-by-ply failure
analysis. The effect of including friction forces along the fastener hole interface on the stress
distribution around the hole was also studied. Based upon the results, failure criteria are
proposed for each of the basic failure modes, bearing, shearout and net-tension. Failure
maps for each ply were developed to characterize the damage progression and identify
critical failure strength and mode. For the [0 i/±45j/90k] family of laminates the elasto-plastic
finite element stress analysis coupled with the developed failure criteria resulted in good
agreement with experimental results.

Composite materials are engineered or naturally occurring materials

made from two or more constituent materials with significantly different
physical or chemical properties which remain separate and distinct within
the finished structure. Most composites have strong, stiff fibres in a
matrix which is weaker and less stiff. The objective is usually to make a
component which is strong and stiff, often with a low density. Commercial
material commonly has glass or carbon fibres in matrices based on
thermosetting polymers, such as epoxy or polyester resins. Sometimes,
thermoplastic polymers may be preferred, since they are moldable after
initial production. There are further classes of composite in which the
matrix is a metal or a ceramic. For the most part, these are still in a
developmental stage, with problems of high manufacturing costs yet to
be overcome [1]. Furthermore, in these composites the reasons for
adding the fibres (or, in some cases, particles) are often rather complex;
for example, improvements may be sought in creep, wear, fracture
toughness, thermal stability, etc [2].
Model geometrie
Low velocity impact modeling is carried out using a hemispherical impactor with 12.7 mm diameter
spherical head. The mass of drop weight will be taken as 10 kg for low impact. The composite
cylinder consisted of a [30/-30/90/90/30/- 30/90/90] lay-up configuration forwhich the reference
direction coincides with the axis of the tube and the last 90° ply is the outermost layer. The cylinder is
317 mm long with 150 mm internal diameter and 6 mm thickness, as shown in Figure 3. These
dimensions and loading conditions are selected to conform with the numerical tests performed by
Yen. [30]. The numerical analysis using the ABAQUS commercial code V.6.14 was used to predict and
evaluate the evolution of the damage of the fibers and of the matrix in the various folds under the
effect of the impactor speed and the thickness of the composite plates. The mechanical
characteristics of the shell and the impactor are shown in Tables 1-2

Low velocity impact modeling is carried out using a hemispherical impactor with 12.7 mm diameter
spherical head. The mass of drop weight will be taken as 10 kg for low impact. The composite
cylinder consisted of a [30/-30/90/90/30/- 30/90/90] lay-up configuration forwhich the reference
direction coincides with the axis of the tube and the last 90° ply is the outermost layer. The cylinder is
317 mm long with 150 mm internal diameter and 6 mm thickness, as shown in Figure 3. These
dimensions and loading conditions are selected to conform with the numerical tests performed by
Yen. [30]. The numerical analysis using the ABAQUS commercial code V.6.14 was used to predict and
evaluate the evolution of the damage of the fibers and of the matrix in the various folds under the
effect of the impactor speed and the thickness of the composite plates. The mechanical
characteristics of the shell and the impactor are shown in Tables 1-2

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