SSN College of Engineering, Kalavakkam - 603 110
SSN College of Engineering, Kalavakkam - 603 110
SSN College of Engineering, Kalavakkam - 603 110
8. List down the steps (with suitable equations) involved in estimating the power
K2 required for pumping? Use the following terms in the steps: Bernoulli equation, CO 2
friction factor, pressure drop.
Part – C (2 × 10 = 20 Marks)
10. Explain the principles of various pressure measuring devices, based on fluid
K2 CO 2
11. Explain the principle of flow measurement with (i) venturimeter, and
K2 CO 2
(ii) rotameter for the steady flow of liquid through a pipeline.
12. (a) Draw the temperature profiles for the following heat exchange processes
happening in double-pipe heat exchangers:
(i) Condensation of a pure vapor by cooling with water.
(ii) Converting liquid water and 1 atm and 25oC to a superheated steam at 1 atm
K3 and 200oC, by contacting with a hot oil. CO 3
(iii) Cooling of water by air. (3 x 2 = 6 marks)
(b) With a schematic of a thermo-flask, discuss the role of various sections of the
flask in reducing the heat transfer to/from the flask contents. (4 marks)
13. Discuss about the various modes of heat transfer, with their fundamental
K2 CO 3
equations, and the essential properties of materials governing them.