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Case Study I

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An exporter in Calcutta enters into a contract for the sale of a consignment of a cnsignment
of tea to buyer in Paris. The exporter agrees to deliver the consignment at the premises of
the buyer in Paris and enters into a “door to door” transport contract with a freight
forwarder in Calcutta. The exporter agrees to bear the cost of door to door transport and
include it in the price payable by the buyer. “Door to door” is however not specifically
covered by the Incoterms. Which in the most appopriate Incoterms to be included in the
sale contract in this case?

Eksportir di Calcutta membuat kontrak penjualan untuk pengiriman teh ke pembeli di Paris.
Si eksportir menyetujui penyerahan barang ditempat pembeli dan selanjutnya membuat
kontrak angkutan dengan suatu FF di Calcutta untuk jasa dari “door to door”. Eksportir
setuju membiayai angkutan “door to door” ini tidak tercantum dalam Incoterms.
Pertanyaannya, setelah mempelajari incoterms, terms mana yang paling cocok untuk
dimasukkan pada kontrak jual beli ?

An exporter of timber products sells an average of 500.000 ton a year. His buyers
(about 100 in number) are primarily located in four countries –A, B, C, and D. The
exporter’s mill is inland, about 200 miles from his country’s main seaport. His products
maybe moved without difficully by rail to the port. The exporter’s country has domestic
ship that are suited to carry the product to the four countries. And it is in need of foreign
currency. Also, yhe insurance risks can be covered by domestic cargo insurance companies.
The political situation is stable, and tonnage is easly avaible. The buyer’s factories are
located at inland point some 200 to 300 miles from the respective ports of discharge. The
following conditions have been noted in the defferent countries:
Suatu eksportir dati kayu menjual rata-rata 500.000 ton pertahun pembelinya (lk 100
perusahaan) berada pada Negara-negara A, B, C, dan D. Pabriknya berada 1k 200 mile
didaerah pedalaman dari pelabuhan utama. Barang-barang yang diekspor dapat diangkut
dengan kereta api ke pelabuhan. Negara pengekespor memerlukan devisa, dan
mempunyai kapal-kapal yang sesuai untuk angkut hasil kayu ke 4 negara tsbdiatas.
Disamping itu resiko asuransi dapat ditutup oleh asuransi nasional. Situasi politik sangat
stabil dan ruang muatan gampang diperoleh. Pabrik pabrik pengelola dari para pembeli
terletak didaerah pedalaman pada jarak 200 s/d 300 mile dari pelabuhan masing masing
negara. Kondisi-kondisi dimasing-masing negara tersebut dibawah ini perlu diperhatikan.


A has a well organized port of discharge and efficient inland transportion 12

By rail and truck but is know for labour disturbance. (pelabuhan impor baik angkutan
darat baik akan tetapi terkenal dengan hambatan/gangguan tenaga kerja)
B is known for congestion at its port of discharge. The waiting times of
Ships varies from 9 to 10 days. Inland Transportation, however is excellent. (pelabuhan
impor dengan waktu tunggu 9-10 hari, angkutan darat baik)
C has no difficulities of the kind experienced by A and B but the buyers here are not
entirely reliable because of difficult economic conditions.
(tanpa kesulitan yang dialami Negara A dan B, pengimpor terkenal kurang jujur)
D has all the advantages and none of the disadvantages of the other three Countries 11

(Negara D dengan infrastruktur baik tanpa kekurangan kekurangan yang ada dinegara A, B,
dan C)
What delivery tern would you suggest for the seller’s sales contracts with buyyers in
each of the four countries?
(INCOTERMS yang mana dianjurkan untuk dimasukan pada kontrak jual beli bagi
pembeli dimasing masing negara tersebut diatas?)

1. You are regular exporter of lange volumes of goods to different destination and Score
are in position to obtain favorable terms from carries and insures. You are concluding a
contract for the sale of a commodity to a buyer located in a country where are political
condition are unstable and where labour unrest affect working condition at the ports.
Assume appropriate terms. What will be your order of preference among the following
termslisted? (in the box mark “I” for you first choice, “2” for your second choice and so

a) Delivery At Place

b) Delivery duty paid

c) Ex-work

d) Free on board

2. Under the incoterms good move:

i) At buyer’s risk and costs or 14
ii) At buyer’s risk and seller’s costs or
iii) At seller’s risk and coats

(Place indicate under which of the above categories, the following Incoterms fall by
marketing (i), (ii), or (iii) in the box against each

a) Delivered At Place

b) Cost and freight

c) Delivery duty paid

d) Ex-works

e) Carriage paid to

f) Free alongside ship

g) Delivered At Terminal

3. Commodity A is moving ininternational trade predominantly in a “seller’s market”. The
seller is offering you sale under any of the terms bellow. You have a freight forwading
agent in the exporting country who is offering you favorable terms. You elient is a buyer
who wants you to indicate you are of preference in the box against each of the
a) Ex-works

b) Free on board

c) Coast & freight

d) Free alongside ship

4. Incoterms serve a number of purpose. Please indicate if each of the following is a

purpose of incoterms. 10
a) Determine when payment for the goods has to be made

b) Determine at which point ownership in the goods passes

from the seller to the buyer

c) Determine how the costs and risks connected with the

transport of goods should be apportioned between the
seller and buyer

d) Determine the terms of contract between the exporter and

the carrier

5. List three terms more recently added to the list of INCOTERMS as a result of the
introduction of container technology? 10

6. Why does the freight forwarder need to know the term of sale?
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