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Dalupaon National High School: Department of Education

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Department of Education

Region V
Division of Camarines Sur
Dalupaon National High School
Dalupaon, Pasacao, Camarines Sur
1st Quarter Examination

Name________________________________Grade and Sec.____________Score__________

I. MULTIPLE CHOICES. Read and analyze each question. Choose the letter of the correct

_______1. All of the following are TRUE about disasters EXCEPT

a. A disaster may be domestic or international

b. A disaster may be caused by nature or have human origins
c. A disaster always receives widespread madia coverage
d. A disaster may have a known and gradual onset

_______2. Disaster frequently result in all of the following EXCEPT

a. Damage to the ecological environment

b. Displacement of populations
c. Destruction of a population’s homeland
d. Sustained public attention during the recovery phase.

_______3. Hazard risk differ as a factor of which of the following?

a. How often they occur c. Both a and b

b. The impact they cause d. Neither a nor b

_______4. Which of the following is not a recent global disaster trend?

a. The number of people affected by disasters is rising

b. Overall, disasters are becoming more costly
c. The number of disasters is increasing each year
d. Overall, disasters are becoming more deadly

_______5. Risk is a measure of likelihood and what other factor?

a. Consequence b. Resilience c. Fatalities d. None of the above

_______6. Instrument used to measure earthquake is known as

a. Quake meter b. Quake graph c. Seismograph d. Typanicgraph

_______7. Tremors that have occurred in Earth’s crust are known as

a. Earthquakes b. Volcanic eruptions c. Bed eruption d. Volcano-Earth Quake

_______8. Magnitude of earthquake indicates amount of

a. Vibration per second b. vibrations per minute c. oscillation d. energy released

_______9. Point at which earthquake takes place is known as

a. Origin b. epicenter c. principal d. focus

_______10. Vibration radiate from focus in all direction as

a. Longitudinal waves b. Transverse waves c. Seismic waves d. typanic waves

_______11. Tsunami is_________________.

a. Earthquake on land mass c. Earthquake in ocean crust

b. Volcanic erruption d. None of these

_______12. Why do you suppose there has been an overall increase in the number of deaths and
monetary losses related to natural disasters on Earth?

a. The magnitude of natural hazard events are increasing

b. Events are better documented today than in the past
c. Human populations are increasing in areas of risk
d. All of the above

_______13. Which two natural hazards have caused the most damage both in terms of loss of life and
monetary losses over the past 50 years on a global scale?

a. Hurricanes and Volcanoes c. Hurricanes and floods

b. Hurricanes and Tornadoes d. hurricanes and earthquakes

_______14. What is one of the most important actions to take before an earthquke?

a. Locate safe spots in each room c. Place large items in high places
b. Move to higher ground d. hh

_______15. The first action I will take after an earthquake is…

a. To expect after-shocks c. To check water and electrical lines for damage

b. To beware of fires d. All of the above

_______16. What to do during an earthquake? If you are outside….

a. Go inside the safe building c. Move to an open area

b. Remain standing d. both a and b

_______17. What to do during an earthquake? If you are in a moving vehicle….

a. Stop b. get out c. stay inside the vehicle d. both a and b

_______18. The Japanese term which means harbor waves is__________________.

a. Ground rapture b. ground shaking c. liquefaction d. tsunami

_______19. Which of he following is defined as “the propensity to incur loss”?

a. Exposure b. Risk c. Vulnerability d. Resilience

_______20. If you were at the beach, how would you know there may be a tsunami?

a. There may be a warning c. An alert comes over the radio

b. There is a drop in the level of the ocean d. All of the above
II. TRUE OR FALSE. Write T if the statement is TRUE and F if the statement is FALSE on the
space provided.

_______1. When the shaking starts, I should run immediately and leave the room to get out of the
bulding as fast as I could.

_______2. During an earthquake and I am outside, it is best to take shelter under trees, power lines,
posts and concrete structures.

_______3. If near the shore and a very strong earthquake is felt, one must move quickly to higher
ground even if there is no immediate information of the possible source and location of the earthquake.

_______4. During an earthquake, to make it fast to get out of the building, use the elevator.

_______5. In the chemistry breakable items, harmful chemicals and flammable materials are be stored
properly in the uppermost secure shelves.

_______6. After a very strong earthquake, employees of an office located on the 10 th floor of the
building should immediately evacuate going down the building and finding the designated open space
for temporary evacuation area.

_______7. If you’re in a moving car and a very strong earthquake is felt, drive your car as fast as you
can to arrive in your destination the soonest possible.

_______8. Hazard is a serious disruption of the functioning of a community or a society involving

widespread human, material, economic or environmental losses and impacts, which exceeds the ability
of the affected community or society to cope using its own resources.

_______9. Risk is the interaction between exposure to natural hazards including the adverse effects of
climate changes and the vulnerability of societies.

_______10. Physical factors would pertain to tangible objects or infrastructure, like the availability of fire
exits, or the sturdiness of the building, or the presence or absence of objects that can harm you or
protect you.

III. ESSAY. (5pts.)

1. Describe the relationship that exist between the terms hazard, risk, vulnerability, and disaster.

2. How can you help spread the right information about earthquake preparedness?

3. Earthquakes alone don’t injure or kill people. It is our practice at home, in school, in the
workplace or outside tht could hurt or injure us and others. Explain.

4. How can you help your family to prepare before, during and after an earthquake?

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