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Correlates of Psychological Well-Being Amongst Graduate Students in Malaysia

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Correlates of Psychological Well-being amongst Graduate Students in Malaysia

Article  in  Life Science Journal · July 2013

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4 authors, including:

Soheila Panahi Aida Suraya

Hamadan University of Medical Sciences Universiti Putra Malaysia


Samsilah Roslan
Universiti Putra Malaysia


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Report and Opinion 2013;5(8)

Correlates of Psychological Well-being amongst Graduate Students in Malaysia

Soheila Panahi1*, Aida Suraya Bt. Md Yunus2, Samsilah Bt. Roslan1

1. Faculty of Educational Studies, University Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
2. Faculty of Science, University Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia,

Abstract: The aim of this study was to examine whether there are differences in psychological well-being among
graduate students in terms of demographic profile namely faculty, age, race, number of semesters of study, gender,
marital and employment status and family size. Psychological well-being is measured using the Scales of
Psychological Well-being with six dimensions including: autonomy, environmental mastery, personal growth,
positive relationships with others, purpose and self-acceptance. A total of 534 graduate students (155 males and 379
females) were randomly selected in one Malaysian university. Data was analyzed using one-way ANOVA, and
independent t-test. The finding of this study revealed significant differences in overall psychological well-being in
terms of different faculties, ages, semesters of study, genders, marital status. As for differences in overall
psychological well-being, it was established that there is significant differences in personal growth and positive
relationship between students of different semesters of study. In addition, the result indicated that there is significant
positive relationship among different semesters of study, ages, genders, and marital status. Significant difference in
purpose in life was found for students of different gender and marital status. Moreover, this study showed that
marital and employment status have a significant difference in autonomy while, the marital status showed positive
and significant difference for overall psychological well-being, positive relationship, purpose in life, and self-
acceptance. However, there are no significant differences in psychological well-being of graduate students across
different races and family sizes.
[Soheila Panahi, Aida Suraya Bt. Md Yunus, Samsilah Bt. Roslan. Correlates of Psychological Well-being
amongst Graduate Students in Malaysia. Rep Opinion 2013;5(8):39-49]. (ISSN: 1553-9873). 6

Key Words: Psychological well-being, autonomy, environmental mastery, personal growth, positive relationship,
purpose in life, self-acceptance

1 Introduction eudemonic tradition, focusing on the enlargement of

In psychological well-being, two important skills and personal growth, both considered as main
approaches can be found: firstly, hedonic approach determinants of positive functioning (Díaz et al.,
which talks about subjective well-being and it is 2006). Concept of psychological well-being based on
related to happiness and secondly, eudaemonic the definition by Ryff (1989) was applied to evaluate
approach, which is the connection between respondents in this study. Psychological well-being in
psychological well-being and human potential this view refers to the extent to which people feel that
development. For the second view, scholars such as they have meaningful control in their life and their
Maslow and Rogers are well-known and their focus is activities.
on self-actualization. Maslow’s theory (1958) includes Results of previous studies have showed that
important needs that an individual must accomplish in better management of daily stress is significantly
order to grow and be fully-functioning. A person related to higher levels of psychological well-being
begins by satisfying the most basic needs and after (Chida & Steptoe, 2008; Collins, Glei, & Goldman,
fulfilling the first one, then moves on to the next, until 2008) and more self-assurance in the capability to
he reach the highest level. Rogers (1963) established encounter challenges and possibly also a better ability
the idea of the fully functioning person which refer to to discover particular ways to react to life events
people who can live fully with all of their own (Andrews, 2001). Hence, different studies have been
feelings and reactions. conducted in various places in the world to discover
On the foundation of this prior categorization, agents that affect students’ psychological well-being.
(Keyes, Shmotkin, & Ryff, 2002) have applied the Previous study on American graduate students shown
concept of subjective well-being as the major that doctoral students, no matter the culture, were
determinant of hedonic tradition, taking particular reported having less overall stress and greater
importance in studies of affections and satisfaction psychological well-being. In other words, PhD
with life (Díaz et al., 2006). The concept of students were reported to have less academic
psychological well-being (PWB) is taken to identify

Report and Opinion 2013;5(8)

stressors than master students degrees (Yang, study displayed that, males were found significantly
2010). higher on self-acceptance, feeling of personal growth
In this regard, researchers such as Zulkefli and than women. Epstein (1993) also found the same
Baharudin (2010), Yusoff and Rahim (2010) and result regarding gender differences in self-acceptance
Zaid, Chan, and Ho (2007) indicated that the and personal growth.
psychological well-being of Malaysian university Well-being can vary greatly in relation to age.
students especially among medical undergraduates is Ryff and Keyes (1995) argued that elderly people
low. Over the decades, students at undergraduate experience less personal growth, and also suggest that
levels have been studied extensively, but limited mastering the environment and autonomy increases as
studies have been done on graduate students. Since, people are advancing towards older stages in life.
Poor psychological well-being has been recognized as Mastering the environment tends to be better in the
the most important reason of suicidal behavior, a middle-aged and elderly than in young people, but
sense of helplessness and lesser academic remains stable from middle-age to older ages. A
achievements (Puskar & Marie Bernardo, 2007). In similar pattern can be observed with the dimension
addition, Investigations reveal that psychological autonomy, but in this case the increase in this
well-being has significant positive effect on the parameter from young people to middle age is less
students' academic performance (Bowman, 2010). acute. Ryff and Keyes (1995) added that the
One of the ways to better understanding the concept dimensions self-acceptance and positive relations with
of psychological well-being is to discover the factors others do not seem to vary with age. Ryff (1989) also
related to it. Some causes of psychological well-being claims that standard dimensions of well-being, such as
can be related to demographic factors that are purpose in life and personal growth, tend to be less
discussed in this study. important with age, and the situation become most
The meta-analysis by Pinquart and Sorensen extreme with elderly people. Kaplan, Shema, and
(2001), which included participants ranging from Leite (2008) found that with increasing age, purpose
adolescence to old age, concluded that there was no in life is decreases. In addition, personal growth was
significant difference in psychological well-being higher in youngest age group. Highest level of
between gender. Differences in gender were found in environmental mastery found in age between 65 and
a study by Ruini et al. (2003). It is interesting that 79.
females in this sample presented lower levels of well- Lindfors et al. (2006) investigated the
being in all dimensions but positive relations with construction of a Swedish translation of Ryff’s
others. In a research conducted in the United States psychological wellbeing scales namely, self-
showed that females has higher scores in this acceptance, positive relations with others, autonomy,
dimension but, no significant differences were found environmental mastery, personal growth and purpose
for any other components of psychological well-being in life. Data was collected from 1,260 white-collar
(Ryff & Keyes, 1995). It was suggested that Italian workers aged between32 and 58 years. In this study,
women in this sample are in a worse condition than younger middle-aged adults scored higher on purpose
the men. Regarding demographic information and in life and personal growth than did older middle-aged
psychological well-being, Kaplan, Shema, and Leite adults. In addition, women showed higher positive
(2008) showed that females score was significantly relations with others in comparison with men.
higher on personal growth than males. Lindfors, A cross-sectional survey in the United States
Berntsson, and Lundberg (2006) shows age-related with regards to age differences and psychological
differences in self-acceptance and gender differences, well-being components amongst young, middle, and
so females scored higher in personal growth, positive older adults from the Midlife in the U.S, was carried
relationship with others and purpose in life than out by Ryff and Singer (2008). Some dimension
males, while males has the higher tendency in identified incremental profiles with age (e.g.,
environmental mastery than females. Bíró, Ádány, autonomy, environmental mastery), whereas others
and Kósa (2011) revealed that psychological well- demonstrate sharply decremental profiles from young
being was lower among female public health students adulthood to aging (e.g., purpose in life, personal
than in the same age female group of the general growth), and still the rest illustrate small age disparity
population. (e.g., positive relations with others, self-acceptance –
Green, Freeborn, and Polen (2001) conducted a only for females).
study to determine whether males and females vary Ryff (1989) revealed that students in
regarding in components of psychological well-being. Educational major have better psychological well-
In this study 3.074 male and 3,954 female being particularly in purpose in life and personal
participated. Using hierarchical multiple regression growth. In addition, according to Walker (2009)
analysis, and meta-analysis method, the finding of the students in Education Science had higher grades of

Report and Opinion 2013;5(8)

psychological well-being than the students in selected were Agriculture, Science, Engineering,
field of Journalism. Bewick et al. (2010) showed that Modern Languages, Educational Studies, and
during the first year at university, students’ Medicine.
psychological well-being changed significantly over In this study, Ryff‘s (1989) psychological
time. Psychological well-being decreased significantly Well-Being scale was utilized. It is one of the most
from pre-registration to semester one, and then widely applied scales to assess psychological well-
slightly increased again in semester two. This pattern being. This scale was divided into to six different
was similar for females and males. In year two the components (Ryff, 1989) which were analyzed
students’ psychological well-being was slightly but independently. The response required is based on six
significantly poorer during semester two compared to point likert scale, from strongly disagree (1) to
semester one. strongly agree (6). Each subscale has 14 items,
Bewick et al. (2010) showed that during the making a total of 84 items (See Table 1). The
first year at university, students’ psychological well- dimensions analyzed were:
being changed significantly over time. According to i. Autonomy - assesses self-determination,
these researchers, psychological well-being decreased independence, and an internal locus of control.
significantly from pre-registration to semester one, ii. Environmental mastery - measures one’s
and then slightly increased again in semester two. ability to manipulate and control complex
This pattern was similar for women and men. In year environments.
two students’ psychological well-being was slightly iii. Personal growth - measures one’s needs to
but significantly poorer during semester two actualize and realize one’s potentials.
compared to semester one. On the other hand, iv. Positive relationships - assesses the ability to
Terenzini, Theophilides, and Lorang (1984) reported love, trust, and establish deep relationships with
that overall, the amount of personal development of others.
university students are surprisingly steady during the v. Purpose in life - measures one’s sense of
third year. directedness and goals.
Escribà-Agüir and Tenias-Burillo (2004) found vi. Self-acceptance - assesses positive attitudes
that families with good marital relationship and equal held toward the self.
decision making have high level of psychological Before doing the actual study, a pilot study was
well-being. And, Marks and Lambert (1998) showed conducted in order to test the reliability coefficients of
contribution of marital students for psychological the questionnaire in the novel circumstance. A total of
well-being. Finding of Bordbar, Nikkar, Yazdani, and 45 graduate students were randomly selected from six
Alipoor (2011) showed that there is no significant faculties (Agriculture, Science, Engineering, Modern
differences in psychological well-being based on languages, Education, Medicine) in one Malaysian
marital status but unmarried students got higher mean university. To evaluate the internal consistency of the
scores than married students at the component of six psychological well-being subscales, Cronbach’s
positive relations. Ryff and Singer (2006) found self- alpha coefficients were calculated for all variables. It
acceptance of married students is higher than can be concluded that the Cronbach’s alpha
unmarried. Fagg et al. (2008) supported the idea that coefficients of the different subscales after removing
being in employment status is related to better two items (item number 8, 11) from autonomy, item
psychological well-being. This study aims to explore number 42 from personal growth, and item number 63
whether there are significant differences in from purpose in life, was in satisfactory level (ranged
psychological well-being and its’ components based between 0.70 – 0.75) based on standard suggested by
on students’ demographic profile faculty, age, race, Kline (2005).
number of semesters of study, gender, marital status,
employment status, family size) among graduate 3 Results
students in one Malaysian University. In this study, the respondents were 534
graduate students from one Malaysian university.
2 Methodology Their age ranges between 19 to 45 years, with 155
2.1 Research Design males (29%) and 379 females respondents (71%) with
A descriptive correlational research design mean age of 27 years (SD = 4.7).
was utilized in this study. In order to select the 3.1 Comparison of Psychological Well-being
samples, multi-stage sampling technique was applied. Subscale Scores for Demographic Variables
The researcher started with the random selection of This research was aimed to compare whether
universities, then faculties of study and the class. psychological well-being and its dimensions differ
Finally, simple random sampling technique was also between graduate students of different faculties, age
used to select respondents from each class. Faculties groups, semester of study, gender, and marital status.

Report and Opinion 2013;5(8)

3.2 Differences in Psychological Well-being the lowest in personal growth (M = 4.36, SD = .72),
across Faculties positive relationship (M = 4.05, SD = .67), and overall
Comparing respondents’ scores of psychological well-being (M = 3.91, SD = .32).
psychological well-being and it’s dimensions across While, students from Faculty of Science scored the
faculties, one way ANOVA result showed that there highest (M = 4.07, SD = .31) in overall psychological
were significant differences in personal growth (F (5, well-being and positive relationship with others. In
528) = 3.51, P = .01), positive relationship (F (5, 528) addition, mean score of students from Faculty of
= 3.47, P = .003), and psychological well-being (F Medicine (M = 4.76, SD = .69) was the highest among
(5.528) = 2.34, P = .02). Based on Tukey’s Test, mean six faculties in personal growth.
score of students in the Faculty of Engineering was

Table 1. Difference in Psychological Well-being Dimensions across Faculty

Dimension Faculty N Mean F Sig
Personal growth Agriculture 76 4.64 3.51 .01
Science 100 4.60
Engineering 81 4.36
Modern Languages 78 4.51
Educational Studies 116 4.52
Medicine 80 4.76
Positive relationship Agriculture 76 4.30 3.47 .003
Science 100 4.45
Engineering 81 4.05
Modern Languages 78 4.28
Educational Studies 116 4.36
Medicine 80 3.30
Overall Psychological Agriculture 76 4.05 2.34 .02
well-being Science 100 4.07
Engineering 81 3.91
Modern Languages 78 4.02
Educational Studies 116 4.05
Medicine 80 4.06

3.3 Differences in Psychological Well-being across Age groups

Comparing the level of psychological well-being of students across different age groups, one-way ANOVA
showed that there were significant difference in personal growth (F (4, 529) = 4.71, P = .003), and overall score of
psychological well-being (F (4, 529) = 2.39, P = 0.50). The Tukey HSD test for psychological well-being identified
that the mean score for the age group between 34 and 38 (M = 4.16, SD = .32) is significantly higher than 19-23 (M
= 3.95, SD = .35). In addition, the mean scores of personal growth for the respondents from 24 to 28 years of age (M
= 4.60, SD =.64) and 34 to 38 (M = 4.82, SD = .66) was significantly higher than 19 to 23 (M = 4.31, .69).

Table2. Differences in Psychological Well-being Dimensions across Age Groups

Dimensions Age N Mean F Sig
19-23 86 4.31 4.71 .003
Personal growth 24-28 305 4.60
29-33 85 4.56
34-38 32 4.81
39 and above 26 4.56
Overall psychological well being 19-23 86 3.9 2.39 .05
24-28 305 4.03
29-33 85 4.04.
34-38 32 4.16
39 and above 26 4.08

Report and Opinion 2013;5(8)

3.4 Differences in Psychological Well-being across Semesters

A one-way ANOVA analysis showed that there were significant differences among graduate students in
overall psychological well-being (F (4, 529) = 2.91, P = 0.02), personal growth (F (4,529) = 3.43, P = 0.01), and
positive relationship with others (F (4, 529) = 3.13, P = 0.02) across students of different semesters of study. The
result of the Tukey HSD test indicated that the mean score of psychological well-being among respondents at
semester one (M = 4.07, SD = .35) was significantly higher than the students at semester two (M = 3.93, SD = .34).
Furthermore, the mean scores of personal growth for the respondents at semester four (M = 4.70, SD = .61) was
significantly higher than those at semester two (M = 4.35, SD = .66). Mean score of positive relationship at semester
one (M = 4.42, SD = .67) was also significantly higher than those at semester two (M = 4.12, SD = .68).

Table3. Differences in Psychological Well-being Dimensions across Different Semester

Dimensions Semester N Mean F Sig
Personal growth Semester1 180 4.57 3.43 .009
Semester2 93 4.35
Semester3 152 4.58
Semester4 64 4.70
Semester5 and above 45 4.67
Positive relationship Semester1 180 4.41 3.13 .01
Semester2 93 4.12
Semester3 152 4.30
Semester4 64 4.24
Semester5 and above 45 4.33
Overall psychological well- Semester1 180 4.07 2.91 .02
being Semester2 93 3.93
Semester3 152 4.03
Semester4 64 4.04
Semester5 and above 45 4.08

3.5 Gender Differences in Psychological Well-being

With respect to students differences in gender, the findings revealed that there was significant differences in
positive relationship with others between males (M = 4.10, SD = .67) and females (M= 4.39, SD = .68), (t =-4.50, P
< 0.05) , self- acceptance between males (M = 3.88, SD = .32) and females (M = 3.99, .SD = .35), (t = -2.28, P <
0.05) , purpose in life between males (M = 4.19, SD = .64) and females (M =4.31, SD = .61), (t = -1.99, P < 0.05) ,
and psychological well-being between males (M = 3.97, SD = .32) and females (M = 4.06, SD = .33), (t = -2.85,
P<0.05). Based on the t-test result, females have better psychological well-being, positive relationship with others,
higher self- acceptance, purpose in life in comparison with males. But, there were no significant differences in
autonomy, environmental mastery, and personal growth between males and females.

Table4. Gender Differences in Psychological Well-being Dimensions

Levels Gender Mean STD t Sig
Positive relationship with others Male 4.10 .67 -4.50 .000
Female 4.39 .68
Purpose in life Male 4.19 .64 -1.99 .04
Female 4.31 .61
Self-acceptance Male 3.88 .32 -2.28 .02
Female 3.99 .35
Overall psychological well being Male 3.97 .32 -2.85 .005
Female 4.06 .33
Male = 155, Female = 379

3.6 Differences in Psychological Well-being Based on Employment Status

Considering the psychological well-being in terms of employment status, the t-test analysis revealed that
there was no significant differences in environmental mastery, personal growth, purpose in life, positive
relationship, self-acceptance, and total psychological well-being between full time students (unemployed) and
working students (employed) with exception of autonomy for employed (M = 3.81, SD = .49) and unemployed

Report and Opinion 2013;5(8)

student (M =3.68, SD = .46), (t = 3.11, P < 0.05). Descriptively employed students are more autonomous than full
time students. Table 5 shows differences in psychological well-being by employment status.

Table5. Differences in Psychological Well-being Dimensions and Employment Status

Dimensions Employment Mean STD t Sig
Autonomy Employed 3.81 .49 3.11 .002
Unemployed 3.68 .46
Employed = 202, Unemployed = 332

3.7 Differences in Psychological Well-being across Marital Status

However, with regards to findings on psychological well-being differences across marital status, the result
revealed that there was significant differences in overall psychological well-being between students who were single
(M =4.00 , SD = .34 ) and married (M = 4.10 , SD =.35 ) (t = -.2.31, P < 0.05), autonomy between single (M = 3.69,
SD = .46) and married students (M = 3.82, SD = .49) (t = -2.78, P < 0.05), positive relationship between single (M =
4.26, SD = .69) and married students (M = 4.41, SD = .65) (t = -2.51, P <.0.05), purpose in life between single (M =
4.23, SD = .62) and married students (M =4.38, SD = .60) (t = -2.51, P < 0.05), and self-acceptance between single
(M = 3.92, SD = .52) and married students (M = 4.04, SD = .58)(t = -2.34, P < 0.05). On the other hand, there were
no significant differences in psychological well-being between dimensions and demographics factors of students
such as differences in race and number of family members.

Table6. Differences in Psychological Well-being Dimensions and Marital Status

Dimensions Marital Mean STD t Sig
Autonomy Single 3.69 .46 -2.78 .005
Married 3.82 .49
Positive relationship Single 4.26 .69 -2.32 .02
Marital 4.41 .65
Purpose in life Single 4.23 .62 -2.51 .013
Marital 4.38 .60
Self-acceptance Single 3.92 .52 -2.34 .02
Marital 4.04 .58
Overall psychological well Single 4.00 .34 -2.31 .004
being Marital 4.10 .35
Single = 380, Married = 151

4 Discussion science proficiency, academic advising, quality of

The findings of this study show that, there are instruction, and availability of faculty.
significant differences in overall psychological well- Vandriel et al. (1997) investigated curriculum
being, personal growth, and positive relationship innovation in higher engineering education. In
among the respondents in different faculties. It is Vandriel’s study which was based on interviews
important to note that mean score of the respondents results, it appeared that teachers perceived the
in the Faculty of Engineering was the lowest in development of problem-solving skills in relation to
overall psychological well-being, personal growth and conceptual understanding as the central issue in higher
positive relationship compared to others. The findings engineering education. For example, they focus on the
of Lent et al. (2007) supported the usefulness of the problem-solving process (selecting information,
social-cognitive model of academic satisfaction identifying and analyzing the problem, writing
among engineering students. In addition, academic reports) in introductory courses, while in second-year
goal progress, self-efficacy, and environmental courses, promoting the ability to synthesize are a
supports were individually and collectively predictive central issue. To achieve the latter goal, students may
to engineering students’ academic satisfaction or well- be involved in design projects. Finally, in advanced
being indices. courses, students are confronted with problems similar
In addition, Fleming, Engerman, and Griffin to the ones they are expected to deal with as
(2005) revealed that six persistence factors that professionals in the field. In this context, the
surfaced among engineering students were family importance of communication skills is increased.
influences, financial motivation, mathematics and However, more researches are needed to consider the

Report and Opinion 2013;5(8)

factors mentioned above among graduate students as which is a critical step in fostering purpose (Damon,
psychological indices. 2009). In this regard, graduate students perhaps could
On the other hand, students from faculty of not connect their activities to the personal aims.
science scored the highest mean in overall Furthermore, the result found that there are no
psychological well-being and positive relationship. significant differences in personal growth between
Trigwell, Prosser and Taylor (1994) explored students from agriculture, science, education
teachers’ intentions associated with specific teaching disciplines. Likewise, differences were found in
strategies. In this approach, teacher’s-focus strategy positive relationship for students from agriculture,
was successful (importance of interaction). However, medicine, educational studies and those from
the specific teacher’s strategy perhaps leads to engineering; however the differences were not
appropriate communication or positive relationship significant. Similarly, there were also no significant
among students. On one hand, positive relationships differences between other components of
are related to pleasure and a positive mood (Ryff, psychological well-being such as autonomy,
2001) which may influence quality of integration environmental mastery, purpose in life and self-
appropriately. On the other hand, there is a positive acceptance between the six faculties.
association between positive relationship with others Comparing the levels of psychological well-
and psychological well-being (Keyes, Shmotkin, and being in terms of age, the result of the study revealed
Ryff, 2002). It can be concluded that the strategy used that the overall psychological well-being and personal
by teacher leads to positive relationship which further growth between students of 24 to 28 years old age
influence psychological well-being of students. group and 34 to 38 was significantly higher than that
In addition, mean score of medical students in of 19 to 23 year old. Therefore, it can be concluded
personal growth was the highest among the that students of the age between 34 to 38 years have
respondents. Medical school has long been recognized better psychological well-being compared to other age
as involving numerous stressors that can affect the groups. This result is in line with several earlier
well-being of students. It can be argued that although studies (Martire, Stephens, & Townsend, 2000;
medical students has the highest personal standards, Kaplan et al., 2008; Ryff, 1989; Walker, 2009).
which gave them benefit on entrance to a well Similarly, Bowmen (2010) claimed in general, the
competitive occupation (and they grow in personal high age, the students’ level of psychological well-
standards as it is shown in finding of the present being increases. Kokko (2012) displayed a steady and
study) but these standards were related to maladaptive high level of psychological well-being between 36 to
perfectionism leading to extreme concerns about 42 years old. However, individuals who are older are
educational performance and eventually low level of more matured and may know how they can manage
psychological well-being among medical students and cope with the situations.
(Yiu, 2005). Furthermore, the findings showed higher
As it is observed, the finding mentioned above personal growth for young adults which is in
is contrary to the investigation of Ryff (1989) who accordance with the previous studies (Chen &
revealed that respondents who major in education Persson, 2002; Ryff, 1989; Ryff and Keyes, 1995;
were good in psychological well-being particularly in Lindfors, Berntsson and Lundberg, 2006; Ryff and
purpose of life and personal growth. On the other Singer, 2008; Kaplan, Shema, and Leite, 2008).
hand, Walker (2009) found that students in Education Because, youth see themselves as creating significant
Science gained higher grades of psychological well- growth process from their adolescence and put vast
being than the students in fields of Journalism and prospect for the future, so personal growth score was
Art. Curiosity has relevance to nearly all facets of higher (Ryff, 1991). Regarding purpose in life where
human functioning and opportunities for future there were no significant differences between different
research extend beyond psychology to areas such as age groups, it can be argued that only young people
business, education, politics, and journalism. Not with high ability can be more likely to exhibit purpose
everyone is prepared to benefit from opportunities for than other youth. For instance, youth who are
personal growth, but for the majority who are, intensively committed to purposes (Bronk, 2005;
curiosity is proposed to be a primary facilitator. Damon, 2008) and high ability youth (Colangelo &
(Kashdan, Rose, & Fincham, 2004). However, it can Assoline, 2000; Coleman & Cross, 2005; Davis, 2006;
be argued that graduates from Faculty of Education in Mendaglio, 2007) contribute to certain characters,
the current study perhaps do not possess enough such as being persistent, creative, sensitive, and
prerequisites of personal growth. regular strivers for mastery. However, there were no
Regarding purpose in life, youth need to be significant differences in autonomy, environmental
encouraged to link their daily activities in school or in mastery, positive relationship, purpose in life and self-
extracurricular pursuits to long term personal aim acceptance across different age groups.

Report and Opinion 2013;5(8)

A one way ANOVA analysis showed that there (2006) who reported higher positive relationship with
were significant differences among graduate students others among males rather than females. The
across different semesters of study on overall inconclusive findings may be contributed by several
psychological well-being, personal growth, and factors. For example, men are mostly influenced by
positive relationship with others. Based on the results, their occupational situations, while women have close
overall psychological well-being of semester five relationship with social system’s events (Whitbourne
students and above was higher compared to the other & Powers, 1994). These days social role of males and
semesters. Bewick et al. (2010) indicated that during males have been changed, so that females took almost
the first year at university, students’ psychological social responsibilities similar to males. These changes
well-being changed significantly over time. This is might influence psychological well-being aspects of
because they are more likely to be influenced by genders.
academic environments such as effective lecturers, Similar to finding of Lindfors, Berntsson, and
materials for the study, dealing with challenging Lundberg (2006), the current study also displayed that
situation in which they need to find solution for their purpose in life in females is higher than males. In line
problems, in turn, is practice for becoming master. with previous studies on gender by Ryff, (1989) and
Having competence in environmental mastery may Ryff and Keyes (1995), the present survey also
increase psychological well-being level. According to showed that there are no significant differences
these researchers, psychological well-being decreased between genders in autonomy. However, findings of
significantly from pre-registration to semester one, this study are in contrast with Ruini et al. (2003) that
and then slightly increased again in semester two. concluded females have lower score in this
This pattern was similar for females and males. In component. This might be related to family roles and
year two students’ psychological well-being was social responsibilities between genders (Wells, 2010)
slightly but significantly poorer during semester two in which females increased involvement in social
compared to semester one. responsibilities rather than domestic duties resulted in
Based on the findings of the study it can be them being more autonomous.
argued that personal growth of students in their fourth Based on the finding of this study, females
semester is higher than students in other semesters. were also found to have higher self-acceptance than
Terenzini et al. (1984) reported that overall, the males. This finding is in contrast with finding of
amount of personal development of university Green et al. (2001), Lindfors et al. (2006), and Epstein
students is surprisingly steady during the third year. (1993). This might be because nowadays the social
This might be because, the respondents of the study role of women has been increased compared to the
comprised of graduate students and they have already past times where they used to assume the roles of
acquired the foundations for reaching personal growth house keeper and nurturing kids. It means females
at the end of their academic year (semester four). take more social responsibilities in addition to nurture
Furthermore, in the present study, in positive children. This situation might increase their self-
relationship with others among students in semester esteem and satisfaction, and in turn, leads to higher
one is higher. The graduate students might possess self-acceptance. Since people’s perception of
effective coping and psychological resources (Lazarus themselves changes with time, thus they can renew
& Folkman, 1984; Wong, 1993) to communicate with their perception when their situation changes (Ryff,
the new situation. In general, it is realized that 1991).
students overall psychological well-being, personal The finding shows that there were no
growth, and positive relationship are fluctuating at the significant differences in environmental mastery
first year (the first two semesters), but from third across gender. This is in line with results of Ryff
semester and above their score approximately (1989) who pointed out that young adults scored
increased or remained at a steady level. On the other higher on personal growth and purpose in life than
hand, there are no significant differences between older adults, but older adults would score higher than
autonomy, environmental mastery, purpose in life, young adults on autonomy and environmental
and self-acceptance in terms of different semesters. mastery. On the other hand, Lindfors et al. (2006)
Comparing psychological well-being amongst showed that males scored higher in environmental
the students of different genders, as already pointed mastery than women. Since environmental mastery is
by Ryff and Marshal (1999), Pinquart and Sorensen supposed to be experienced during a long time in life-
(2000), Ryff (1989), Ryff and Keyes (1995), Kaplan, span, hence, it is expected to be higher among older
Shema, and Leite (2008), findings of the present study adults.
also revealed that females scored higher in positive Based on the current findings, there was no
relationship with others than males. This finding is in significant difference in personal growth among
contrast with Ruini et al. (2003) and Lindfors et al. students with different genders. This finding is in line

Report and Opinion 2013;5(8)

with Ryff (1989), Ryff and Keyes (1995). In addition, 2004) who found that families with good marital
Kaplan et al. (2008), Lindfors et al. (2006) showed relationship and equal decision making have high
that females scored significantly higher on personal level of psychological well-being. It can be
growth than males. On the other hand, Green et al. understood that merely being in marital status without
(2001), concluded that males are higher in feeling high quality in relationships perhaps does not lead to
personal growth than females. However, since optimal level of psychological well-being. Moreover,
curiosity is an important component that is proposed Marks and Lambert (1998) showed contribution of
to lead to personal growth, not everyone is prepared to marital students for psychological well-being.
benefit from opportunities for personal growth, but for Furthermore, similar result was found on positive
the majority who are, curious is proposed to be a relationship among married students. In this regard,
primary facilitator (Aron & Aron, 1997). finding of Bordbar et al. (2011) showed that there was
In contrast with findings from Pinquart and no significant difference in psychological well-being
Sorensen (2001), Ruini et al. (2003), and Daraei based on marital status but unmarried students got
(2012) this study shows that psychological well-being higher mean scores than married students in the
of female students were higher than male students. component of positive relations in addition to
Gender is identified with social factors related to the environmental mastery. On the other hand, Ryff and
various patterns of socialization of male and female Singer (2006) revealed that people who never married
such as family roles, professional expectations, types showed higher levels of personal growth and lower
of occupation and socio-cultural, and also affects the levels of self-acceptance and positive relations with
processes of health and illness (Wells, 2010). others than married people.
However, any change in these characters might lead to In this study, married students had higher score
changes in psychological well-being of individuals in in purpose in life. Being married, and having a high
both males and females. quantity and quality of contact with other individuals,
With respect to the differences in is associated with higher purpose in life (Pinquart,
psychological well-being across employment status, 2002). It implicitly referred to quality of relationship.
findings showed that there are no significant This finding is in line with Ryff and Singer (2006)
differences in overall psychological well-being, who showed that self-acceptance of married students
environmental mastery, personal growth, purpose in was higher than unmarried ones. Seltzer, Greenberg,
life, positive relationship, and self-acceptance Floyd, and Hong (2004) concluded that parents who
between full time students and employed students used accommodative coping has higher level of
with exception of autonomy. Working students who environmental mastery and self-acceptance. It can be
are employed obtained higher in autonomy than argued that being in marital status without applying
unemployed students. Fagg (2008) supported the idea strong strategies, optimal psychological well-being
that employment status is related to better would not be achieved.
psychological well-being and Bigatti and Cronan Furthermore, based on the present findings,
(2002) claimed that employment is associated with autonomy was significantly and positively higher
low level of psychological well-being. There is between married than single respondents. Since
evidence that leisure provides a basis for well-being autonomy is related to self-acceptance, self-
for employed young adults such as minority ethnic acceptance is higher among married than unmarried,
and racial groups (Melamed, Meir, & Samson, 1995). then it is expected that married have higher level of
For instance, Haworth and Ducker (1991) found that autonomy also. Attainment of autonomy has long
unemployed young adults who took part in been considered as a goal of highly educated persons
challenging and dynamic leisure activities, had higher (Boyer, 1987; Pascarella & Terenzini, 1991). It
psychological well-being than those who did not. In perhaps means that regardless of marital status, highly
addition, ability of autonomy has long been paid educated students should be independent. Regarding
attention to, as a fundamental advance task among to what is mentioned above, it can be concluded that
college years (Chickering, 1969; Chickering & psychological well-being and its components perhaps
Reisser, 1993; Erikson, 1968). However, financial are multi-factor concepts and are not identified with
resource which is one of creative coping’s elements single agent. However, significant differences were
and leads to psychological well-being (Wong & not found in environmental mastery and personal
Wong, 2006) is available for them, which in turn, growth between married and single respondents.
gratitude more physical and mental needs. 5 Conclusion
The result of this study revealed that students This study showed that there were significant
with marital status have better overall psychological differences between students of different faculties on
well-being compared to single students. This is in line the overall psychological well-being, personal growth,
with previous study (Escribà-Agüir & Tenias-Burillo, and positive relationship. Especially, students from

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