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RA 7877 vs. RA 11313

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RA 7877 and IRR RA 11313 and IRR

Punishable Acts - (Only covers sexual Punishable Acts – (expanded the coverage
harassment in work, education or training and defined different kinds of sexual
related) harassment which could be committed in
public places, public utilities, online,
workplace, educational and training
Section 3. Work, Education or Training Section 4. Gender-Based Streets and
-Related, Sexual Harassment Defined. - Public Spaces Sexual Harassment. -The
Work, education or training-related sexual crimes of gender-based streets and public
harassment is committed by an employer, spaces sexual harassment are committed
employee, manager, supervisor, agent of the through any unwanted and uninvited sexual
employer, teacher, instructor, professor, actions or remarks against any person
coach, trainor, or any other person who, regardless of the motive for committing such
having authority, influence or moral action or remarks.
ascendancy over another in a work or training
or education environment, demands, Gender-based streets and public spaces
requests or otherwise requires any sexual sexual harassment includes catcalling, wolf-
favor from the other, regardless of whether whistling, unwanted invitations, misogynistic,
the demand, request or requirement for transphobic, homophobic and sexist slurs,
submission is accepted by the object of said persistent uninvited comments or gestures on
Act.  a person’s appearance, relentless requests
for personal details, statement of sexual
(a) In a work-related or employment comments and suggestions, public
environment, sexual harassment is masturbation or flashing of private parts,
committed when: groping, or any advances, whether verbal or
physical, that is unwanted and has
(1) The sexual favor is made as a threatened one’s sense of personal space
condition in the hiring or in the and physical safety, and committed in public
employment, re-employment or spaces such as alleys, roads, sidewalks and
continued employment of said parks. Acts constitutive of gender-based
individual, or in granting said streets and public spaces sexual harassment
individual favorable compensation, are those performed in buildings, schools,
terms of conditions, promotions, or churches, restaurants, malls, public
privileges; or the refusal to grant the washrooms, bars, internet shops, public
sexual favor results in limiting, markets, transportation terminals or public
segregating or classifying the utility vehicles.
employee which in any way would
discriminate, deprive or diminish Section 6. Gender-Based Sexual
employment opportunities or Harassment in Public Utility Vehicles. -In
otherwise adversely affect said addition to the penalties in this Act, the Land
employee;  Transportation Office (LTO) may cancel the
license of perpetrators found to have
(2) The above acts would impair the committed acts constituting sexual
employee's rights or privileges under harassment in public utility vehicles, and the
existing labor laws; or  Land Transportation Franchising and
Regulatory Board (LTFRB) may suspend or
(3) The above acts would result in revoke the franchise of transportation
an intimidating, hostile, or offensive operators who commit gender-based streets
environment for the employee. and public spaces sexual harassment acts.
Gender-based sexual harassment in public
(b) In an education or training utility vehicles (PUVs) where the perpetrator
environment, sexual harassment is is the driver of the vehicle shall also
committed:  constitute a breach of contract of carriage, for
the purpose of creating a presumption of
(1) Against one who is under the negligence on the part of the owner or
care, custody or supervision of the operator of the vehicle in the selection and
offender; supervision of employees and rendering the
owner or operator solidarity liable for the
(2) Against one whose education, offenses of the employee.
training, apprenticeship or tutorship
is entrusted to the offender; Section 12. Gender-Based Online Sexual
Harassment. -Gender-based online sexual
(3) When the sexual favor is made a harassment includes acts that use
condition to the giving of a passing information and communications technology
grade, or the granting of honors and in terrorizing and intimidating victims through
scholarships, or the payment of a physical, psychological, and emotional
stipend, allowance or other benefits, threats, unwanted sexual misogynistic,
privileges, or consideration; or  transphobic, homophobic and sexist remarks
and comments online whether publicly or
(4) When the sexual advances result through direct and private messages,
in an intimidating, hostile or invasion of victim’s privacy through
offensive environment for the cyberstalking and incessant messaging,
student, trainee or apprentice. uploading and sharing without the consent of
the victim, any form of media that contains
photos, voice, or video with sexual content,
Any person who directs or induces
any unauthorized recording and sharing of
another to commit any act of sexual
any of the victim’s photos, videos, or any
harassment as herein defined, or who
information online, impersonating identities of
cooperates in the commission thereof by
victims online or posting lies about victims to
another without which it would not have
harm their reputation, or filing, false abuse
been committed, shall also be held liable
reports to online platforms to silence victims.
under this Act. 
Section 16. Gender-Based Sexual
Harassment in the Workplace. -The crime
of gender-based sexual harassment in the
workplace includes the following:

(a) An act or series of acts involving

any unwelcome sexual advances,
requests or demand for sexual favors
or any act of sexual nature, whether
done verbally, physically or through
the use of technology such as text
messaging or electronic mail or
through any other forms of information
and communication systems, that has
or could have a detrimental effect on
the conditions of an individual’s
employment or education, job
performance or opportunities;

(b) A conduct of sexual nature and

other conduct-based on sex affecting
the dignity of a person, which is
unwelcome, unreasonable, and
offensive to the recipient, whether
done verbally, physically or through
the use of technology such as text
messaging or electronic mail or
through any other forms of information
and communication systems;

(c) A conduct that is unwelcome and

pervasive and creates an intimidating,
hostile or humiliating environment for
the recipient: Provided, That the crime
of gender-based sexual harassment
may also be committed between
peers and those committed to a
superior officer by a subordinate, or to
a teacher by a student, or to a trainer
by a trainee; and

(d) Information and communication

system refers to a system for
generating, sending, receiving, storing
or otherwise processing electronic
data messages or electronic
documents and includes the computer
system or other similar devices by or
in which data are recorded or stored
and any procedure related to the
recording or storage of electronic data
messages or electronic documents.

Section 21. Gender-Based Sexual

Harassment in Educational and Training
Institutions.— All schools, whether public or
private, shall designate an officer-in-charge to
receive complaints regarding violations of this
Act, and shall, ensure that the victims are
provided with a gender-sensitive environment
that is both respectful to the victims’ needs
and conducive to truth-telling.
1. The offender is employer, employee, 1. The offender may be committed by
manager, supervisor, agent of the peers and by a subordinate to a
employer, teacher, instructor, superior officer.
professor, coach, trainor, or any other
person who, having authority,
influence or moral ascendancy over
another in a work or training or
education environment
Work or training or education environment Workplaces include all sites, locations,
spaces, where work is being undertaken by
an employee within or outside the premises
of the usual place of business of the


Section 4. Duty of the Employer or Head of SEC. 19. Duties of Employers. — Employers
Office in a Work-related, Education or or other persons of authority, influence or
Training Environment. - It shall be the duty of moral ascendancy in a workplace shall have
the employer or the head of the work-related, the duty to prevent, deter, or punish the
educational or training environment or performance of acts of GBSH in the
institution, to prevent or deter the commission workplace. Towards this end, the employer or
of acts of sexual harassment and to provide person of authority, influence or moral
the procedures for the resolution, settlement ascendancy shall:
or prosecution of acts of sexual harassment.
Towards this end, the employer or head of a)  Disseminate or post in a conspicuous
office shall:  place a copy of the law to all persons in
the workplace. X x x.
(a) Promulgate appropriate rules and
regulations in consultation with and b)  Provide measures to prevent GBSH
joint1y approved by the employees or in the workplace, such as the conduct of
students or trainees, through their anti-sexual harassment seminars, which
duly designated representatives, shall be provided to all employees,
prescribing the procedure for the regardless of rank and status.
investigation of sexual harassment
cases and the administrative Trainings on gender sensitivity,
sanctions therefor.  orientations on gender-based violence,
and other relevant topics may also be
Administrative sanctions shall not be conducted, in addition to the conduct of
a bar to prosecution in the proper anti-sexual harassment seminars. Such
courts for unlawful acts of sexual trainings and orientations, when
harassment.  conducted, should form part of their staff
development and basic knowledge of
The said rules and regulations issued employees;
pursuant to this subsection (a) shall
include, among others, guidelines on c)  Create an independent internal
proper decorum in the workplace and mechanism or a Committee on Decorum
educational or training institutions.  and Investigation (CODI) to investigate
and address complaints of GBSH which
(b) Create a committee on decorum shall carry out such functions as stated
and investigation of cases on sexual under Section 17(c) of the law and as
harassment. The committee shall further outlined in Sec. 33 of these rules;
conduct meetings, as the case may
be, with officers and employees, d)  Develop and disseminate, in
teachers, instructors, professors, consultation with all persons in the
coaches, trainors, and students or workplace, including employees or their
trainees to increase understanding representatives and union, if any, a code
and prevent incidents of sexual of conduct or workplace policy which
harassment. It shall also conduct the shall:
investigation of alleged cases
constituting sexual harassment.  1)  Expressly reiterate the
prohibition on GBSH;
In the case of a work-related
environment, the committee shall be 2)  Describe the procedures of the
composed of at least one (1) internal mechanism created under
representative each from the Section 17(c) of the law; and
management, the union, if any, the
employees from the supervisory rank, 3)  Set administrative penalties.
and from the rank and file employees.

In the case of the educational or

training institution, the committee shall
be composed of at least one (1)
representative from the
administration, the trainors,
instructors, professors or coaches and
students or trainees, as the case may

The employer or head of office,

educational or training institution shall
disseminate or post a copy of this Act
for the information of all concerned. 


Section 5. Liability of the Employer, Head SEC. 22. Liability of Employers. — In
of Office, Educational or Training addition to liabilities for committing acts of
Institution. - The employer or head of office, GBSH, employers may also be held
educational or training institution shall be responsible for:
solidarily liable for damages arising from the
acts of sexual harassment committed in the a) Non-implementation of their duties under
employment, education or training Section 17 of the law, as provided in penal
environment if the employer or head of office, provisions;
educational or training institution is informed
of such acts by the offended party and no
immediate action is taken.  b) Not taking action on reported acts of
GBSH committed in the workplace.
Section 6. Independent Action for
Damages. - Nothing in this Act shall preclude Any person who violates subsection (a) of
the victim of work, education or training- this section, shall upon conviction, be
related sexual harassment from instituting a penalized with a fine of not less than Five
separate and independent action for thousand pesos (P5,000.00) nor more than
damages and other affirmative relief.  Ten thousand pesos (P10,000.00).

Section 7. Penalties. - Any person who Any person who violates subsection (b) of
violates the provisions of this Act shall, upon this section, shall upon conviction, be
conviction, be penalized by imprisonment of penalized with a fine of not less than Ten
not less than one (1) month nor more than six thousand pesos (P10,000.00) nor more than
(6) months, or a fine of not less than Ten Fifteen thousand pesos (P15,000.00).
thousand pesos (P10,000) nor more than
Twenty thousand pesos (P20,000), or both SEC. 23. Independent Action for
such fine and imprisonment at the discretion Damages. — Nothing shall preclude the
of the court.  victim of work-related GBSH from instituting a
separate and independent action for
Any action arising from the violation of the damages and other affirmative relief.
provisions of this Act shall prescribe in three
(3) years. **NOTE: Sexual Harassment in Workplace
under this law does not provide penalties
to the offender. Further, the aggrieved
party under this law may likewise file a
separate sexual harassment complaint
before the courts under RA 7877 even if
an administrative complaint under this law
is pending before the CODI.

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