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AE 242 Aerospace Measurements Laboratory

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AE 242

Aerospace Measurements
Operational Amplifier
Integrated circuit many stages of matched transistor amplifiers
Very high gain differential amplifier
High input impedance and low output impedance
Initially designed for mathematical operations: multiplication, division, addition,
subtraction etc

v1 - voltage at non-inverting
v2 - voltage at inverting input
v - Output voltage
A – Open loop gain
All are measured wrt ground v  A ( v1  v 2 )

Output is amplification of difference at input terminals

Operational Amplifier
Simple to use and understand as compared to transistors. Large
number of applications. Most popular is 741 (8 pin dip).

Can be used in many modes

• Differential
• Single ended
• Open loop
• Feed back
Operational Amplifier

Pin assignment
Generally in circuit diagram
connection are pointed to pin
number 2, 3, 4, 7 and 6.
Pin 2 & 3 are input
Pin 4 & 7 are power supply
Pin 6 is output
Pin 1 & 5 for offset null
Operational Amplifier
Common mode rejection ratio (CMRR): Ratio of common mode
differential voltage gain Ad to common mode voltage gain Acm.

Generally Ad is very large compared to Acm and CMRR is a very large
number. Typically 90dB ~ 31.6 k Higher the number it is better. This
quality is important when the OpAmp is used in differential mode.
Helps in noise reduction. Generally noise is common to both the input
terminals and the applied signal is voltage difference at the input
terminals. For precision opamp it is as high as 120 dB.

dB  20 log10 x
dB  20 log10 x

dB values
Operational Amplifier
Large-signal voltage gain: Ratio of output voltage to difference of input
voltage. It is very high 20 k. It means that 0.05 mV differential voltage at
input will give one volt output.

Output voltage swing: This is the saturation voltage of output in positive

and negative range. This will always be less than supply voltage,
generally 1 to 2 volts. Opamp with rail to rail output are also available.

Output resistance : Equivalent resistance at output i.e. measured between

output terminal and ground. It is ~ 75 ohms.

Gain bandwidth product : The bandwidth of the op-amp when the

voltage gain is one. This can be obtained from open loop voltage gain
and frequency characteristics.

Slew rate : Maximum rate of change of output volt per second, important
for high frequency signal. V/ S This is a measure of how rapidly output
will change in response to input signal. Perfect square wave is not
Operational Amplifier
Bandwidth with feed back

Bandwidth of an amplifier is
defined as the band of
frequencies for which the gain
remain constant

f0 is break frequency (5 Hz)

fF = f0 (1 + AB)

fF is bandwidth with feed

back, B is feed back gain

Open loop gain versus frequency

Operational Amplifier
Ideal op-amp
• Infinite voltage gain
• Infinite input resistance - no loading on source
• Zero output resistance - so that output can
drive any number of devices
• Zero output voltage when input voltage is zero
• Infinite bandwidth
• Infinite CMRR
• Infinite slew rate
For practical opamps and practical use many of
the characteristic can be approximated to above
mentioned characteristics.
Equivalent circuit of an op-amp
Equivalent circuit is shown using input resistance, output resistance, and
open loop gain. Input resistance will load the source and output
resistance will drive the output.
Operational Amplifier
Ideal Voltage transfer curve : Output voltage cannot exceed the positive
and negative saturation voltages. Offset voltage is zero. Slope is
generally very large (almost vertical). Amplifies the difference in input
voltages not the individual voltages.
Operational Amplifier
Open-loop op-amp configuration
No connection between output and input

1 Differential amplifier
2 Inverting amplifier
3 Noninverting amplifier
Operational Amplifier
Non-inverting amplifier
Signal is applied to non-inverting (positive) terminal. Inverting terminal is
v0 = A (v1 - v2) =A v1, where A is open loop gain

Output is in phase with input, it will

have same polarity as input.

In open loop configurations any

input signal of few milli volts will
saturate the output due to high
open loop gain
Operational Amplifier
Difference input voltage ideally zero Opamp equation vid 
A is very large and ideally infinite. Vid = 0
v1 = v2, inverting and non-inverting terminal are at same voltage

Golden rule 1 : opamp will work in such a way that it will drive the two
inputs to same level
Golden rule 2 : No current can flow into opamp

Using above two rules op-amp circuit analysis becomes easy.

Applicable for negative feedback
Operational Amplifier
Voltage series feed back - Noninverting amplifier
Input - noninverting terminal (positive)
Feedback - inverting terminal vo  ?
v2  v f  ?
Operational Amplifier
Closed loop voltage gain AF 

v in

R1 v o
v o  A ( v1  v 2 ) v1  v in v 2  vf 
R1  R F

A(R1  R F ) v in
vo 
R1  R F  AR1

v0 A ( R 1  RF )
AF  
vin R1  RF  AR1

Exact gain, involves open loop

gain and generally not known
Operational Amplifier
v0 A ( R 1  RF )
Closed loop voltage gain AF   Exact
vin R1  RF  AR1

v0 RF
A is open loop gain AR1 >>R1 + RF AF   1  Ideal
vin R1

Gain is decide by two

resistance : R1 and RF
independent of open loop gain
As a general rule R1 and RF
should be less than 1 M
Operational Amplifier
v R1 1
Feedback gain B f  AF 
v o R1  RF B

v0 A ( R 1  RF ) v A(R1  RF ) /(R1  RF )
AF   AF  

vin R1  RF  AR1 v (R1  RF ) /(R1  RF )  AR1 /(R1  RF )


AF  Exact
1  AB

v 1
AF  
v B in
Operational Amplifier
Using Golden rule
a) v1 = v2, b) No current flows in to opamp V2  V0
RF  R1

V1  Vin  V2

V0 R
 1 F
Vin R1
Operational Amplifier
Input resistance with feed back

RiF = Ri (1+AB) B = 1/AF

It means that input resistance in feed back is (1+AB) times than open loop
input resistance Ri It means that input resistance increases.

Output resistance with feed back

RoF = Ro /(1+AB)
It means that output resistance in feed back is 1/(1+AB) times open loop
output resistance Ro It means that output resistance in feed back is much
smaller compared to open loop.
Operational Amplifier
Voltage follower
Lowest gain that can be obtained by a non-inverting amplifier is one, this
configuration is called voltage follower. Output will follow the input.
Output is exactly equal to input and input resistance is very high.
Used as isolator. Any system connected on right side will obtain power
from OpAmp. Power drawn from input will be almost zero, depends on
the input resistance of OpAmp.
Operational Amplifier
Voltage shunt feedback amplifier
Non-inverting terminal is grounded. Signal to inverting terminal in series
with resistance R1
v v v v v
iin  iF  I B 2 v1  v 2 

IB2  0 I in  in 2  2 o
AF    v1  0 v

v2  

v R1  RF  AR1
in A

v0 RF
AF   
vin R1
Operational Amplifier
Voltage shunt feedback amplifier

v0 RF
AF   Gain less than one possible
vin R1

Gain is set by two resistance R1 and RF and independent of A

Operational Amplifier
Voltage shunt feedback amplifier

Using Golden rule Vin  V 2 V2  V0

a) v1 = v2, b) No current flows in to opamp R1 RF

V1  0  V2
v0 RF
AF   
vin R1 v0 RF
vin R1
Operational Amplifier
Input resistance with feed back

RiF = R1
It means that input resistance in feed back is ~ resistance R1 much
less compared to open loop input resistance Ri Input resistance
reduces considerably.

Output resistance with feed back

RoF = Ro /(1+AB)

It means that output resistance in feed back is 1/(1+AB) times open loop
output resistance Ro Output resistance in feed back is much smaller
compared to open loop. Same as non-inverting configuration.
Operational Amplifier
Current to voltage converter

vin If replace vin and R1 combination by a current source, the

v 0   RF output voltage will be proportional to current

Sensing current from photodiodes

Operational Amplifier
Summing amplifier - noninverting mode
RF Va  Vb  Vc
Averaging of input signal Vo  (1  )
R1 3
Summing, number of inputs = (1  )
Va  Vb  Vc
V1 
Operational Amplifier

Gain in inverting mode is 1

Gain in noninverting mode is 2
Vb  R  R
Vo  1    Va
2  R R

Output, Vo = Vb - Va
Operational Amplifier
Operational Amplifier
Multi stage amplifier

vo = A V1 where A = A1 A2 A3
A1 = Amplification of first amplifier
A2 = Amplification of second amplifier
A3 = Amplification of third amplifier
Operational Amplifier
Instrumentation amplifier Two voltage follower output given to a
differential amplifier
Operational Amplifier
Voltage to current converter

Vid = 0 ; Vf = Vin

io  io 
R1 R1

Current is proportional to input

Operational Amplifier
The integrator
The output is integral of the input signal is called integrator amplifier.

Vin  V2
V2  V1  0
 C F V2  V0 
ic  C d
dt R1 dt

Vin dV
 CF 0
R1 dt

V0   
C F R1 0
vin dt  C
Operational Amplifier
The integrator

These are ideal waveforms

integration errors due to
constant bias is very
common, which will increase
linearly with time
Operational Amplifier
The differentiator
The output is differentiation of the input signal is called differentiator

ic  C
Vin  V2   V2  V0 V2  V1  0
dt dt RF

V0   RF C1
Operational Amplifier
The differentiator

Sine wave into a cosine

Spikes (high frequency
noise) in signal is generally
a problem in such circuits

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