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Sonnen Blume Mo Pai, Nei-Dan, Tao and Alchemy, Feel Free To Share

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Mo Pai, Nei-Dan, Tao and Alchemy, feel free t o share.

Sonnen Blume Mo Pai, Nei-Dan, Tao and Alchemy, feel free to share.
1 hr ·

As you may already know, John died t his February of old age. He became 85 years old and left us. May he rest in

I've compiled all t he comment s and quest ions from a now closed and delet ed Facebook group he was on and his
answers. T he t ext is divided into "comment " and "John", for John's answers.

Some part s are also just post s/writ ings/comment s from John wit hout any quest ions.

In his loving memory and herit age:

Lot s of people want to know about medit at ion and energy but knowing and doing t wo different t hing. Everyone
is st uck on reverse breat hing or int ricat e det ails (like how to do?) but if pract ice correct ly and simply and do
medit at ion wit h normal breat hing and dant ian focus it 'll change on it s on. When pract icing medit at ion best to
focus on navel t hen in t ime it seem as if energy move lower about inch. You will find your dant ian in medit at ion in
t ime when heat develop you'll feel it t hen your focus change to it . Overt ime may feel heat lower or around waist
but no mat t er keep focus on dant ian. In t ime may feel somet hing like vibrat ing around dant ian and hui yin but
st ill,focus on dant ian. When movement come it feel like ball bouncing around inside and it sign dant ian at least
75% give or t ake. How to get more chi in dant ian? Take jing from body using cont ract ions from muscle and
energy from bone and t he breat h and compact it in and down. Only when dant ian at 90% can you really st art to
use chi but everyt ime you do you must put back in what s t aken out . So i see people spending alot of money to
learn qigong when really need to do t hese to build t he real foundat ion. Real t raining met hods are very simple not
complex and anyone say different only working on mind of people t hat t hink t his st uff got to be complex to sale
it .
so,when you first begin t raining do you just focus on navel while you medit at e

You look inside navel wit h minds eye. No need to move reverse breat hing to get process st art ed. You see inside
t he body at t he area and relax breat h down on exhale for 7 seconds keeping breat hing slow and hold on inhale
for 10 seconds aft er inhaling for 15 seconds, become like st at ue. Eyes closed looking down at just below navel.
Mind calm and body seem to disappear. T his breat hing build chi in body by keeping more in t hen out . When one
can breat h one complet e breat h in per minut e t hen brain goes into like sleeping st at e because heart is slowed
down and chi is more act ive in t his way. Once chi develop over t ime t hen hold breat h in chest and t ight en and
push down lower area of navel and move chi pressure down from chest and hold in medit at ion. T his builds more
power but very hard to get used to and give some headache.
I'm curious how many hours have you found on average does it get from 0 unt il t he Dant ien is filled up 100%. Do
you not ice t he last 25% going t he same rat e or does it accelerat e for you? T hanks for t he insight .
You must know how to check t he palm to feel if it s pushing in channel. It s like a heart beat and if it s st rong it s
get t ing filled. If person pract ice 4 hours a day he can fill dant ian in in one year or less. If you pract ice a only a
empt y mind pat h it will t ake years wit hout concent rat ion and seeing t he inside of t he dant ian. Seeing t he
channels from dant ian to palm as t he main pat h. When put t ing t he pract ice of medit at ion and compact ion
toget her it can t ake several more years to fill up everyt hing. It is really very simple pract ice people want to make
difficult . T his pat h is a caveman approach to building chi but it works if t ime is put in.
You t ake pat h of dant ian to palm in pulling in power form when pushing out you push power back out . Compact
down lift pressue back up and out palms. Do 50 t imes a day moving up to 300 over t ime.
Levels 3 and 4 all based on t his pract ice. When dant ian really full you will know what to do to move it if you know
yoga or mart ial art like chen t aiji.
Follow Up: Yes you're basically saying pract ice Fa-chi 300 t imes a day to underst and t he current and pressure
passing back and fort h. I suppose you are doing t his sit t ing down yes and not worried about horse st ance for
four hours.

Doing st ance is import ant as preliminary to a higher chi kung pract ice but not necessarily in pushing chi out .
Aft er yin and yang put toget her t hen st art moving chi into legs down yin channel back up to mingmen to dant ian
t hen t his is reversed linking yin and yang channels to dant ian making possible to store ext ra in a lower part of
t he body. T his is just a eady way to describe it but more complex to t rain it . Higher forms are working chakra
t hat s incorporat ed from different school. T he last is working only on t hrust ing channel to push open t he top of
t he head using power from lower body. It s similar to ways used in vajrayana end st ages but a lit t le different .
In 4t h level working t he vajra is t he main pract ice by using t he chi in dant ian to bring it up. Push down and hold
t hen let it come back up on it s own. Last movement is push down hold t hen pulling up t est icals and anus and
hold as hard as possible. In order to do t his right you must have dant ian as hot as possible to st art t his so long
medit at ion to heat it up is t he t rick.
Since you are using a met hod wit h vajrayana, t hen I am guessing you are experiencing a sense of Samadhi and
enlight enment when you go t hrough t his pract ice? Else I wonder what is t he out come of working 30 minut es to
heat up t he dant ien?
Heat ing act ivat e t he kundali
Take out all concept s of chi kung and t heory what s left is build dant ian to raise kundli to use in what you call fa
chi and is what creat e like elect ricit y.
It is a buddhist met hod but has t he vajra of mi sect included so it s not really vajrayana.
But very close. Including Tenaga dalum also.
When you're t here, what effect s are you seeing in your life and t he people you are influencing? Healing?
Aft er you are at 100%, In t erms of normal leakage, if you stop medit at ing, I'm curious how long before you are
back to where t he Dant ien empt ies and is at 0 percent (wit hout Fa-chi just normal emot ional living). T hree
mont hs?
John: It s no different t hen man going to gym to workout or man going for a run. Only working different t hing. A
being posit ive to people. I dont do healings.
John: If dant ian is at 100 pet cent and stop it will be a long to to exhaust e on it s own maybe 2 years.
John: No Tenaga dalum magic is not included only breat hing met hod to cont rol chi flow.
Mo pai is kundli yoga core wit h muscle t endon change and breat h cont rol as it s main power t raining. It is not a
yoga like found in healt h place it s t he main core to use kundali wit h t he chi built up. T his is not understood and i
cant explain it beyond t his.
Have you not iced an affect on your aging? A process in your pract ice t hat accelerat es or decelerat es it ?
It does not help with anti aging haha. It will make you stronger in ways that is not possible in other ways. If
health is a concern then maybe light meditation, taiji and diet is needed. Books on mo pai are wrong when
saying it turn you into immortal. In this school this only is taught that to become immortal you shoot out
your spirit from the top of the head before death. If you die and do not do this you die like any other man.
If you fully cont rol kundali it s possible to do t hings not normal like pushing t he aura out far to effect people in
posit ive or negat ive ways. Making t he body light er. It increases combat t raining met hods when combined. You
will have dreams of t alking to ot her beings and t his can manifest in physical ways to. Alot of t hese skills come
and some go while ot hers you dont cont rol at all.
Aft er kundli t he reiki chi is also t rained i forgot to ment ion. It comes down into t he crown.
T hen eart hing t he chi is brought up. You have to have a yellow aura at t he point t akes 10 years.
Yes I see so much emphasis on building Chi for defense, light ing t hings on fire et c which is int erest ing to t ry one
t ime, but I am doing it to heal ot hers and because of t he amazing energy I've experienced in t he Tree exercises
wit h t he aim to help ot hers. But not acupunct ure, more spirit tools. I have experienced Samadhi t wice out side of
Mo Pai so t his would be an int erest ing t hing to experience on my own wit hout Bufo. Is t here a pract ice of
Spirt ual Alchemy or sect t hat you found t hat works wit h what is possible once t he Chi is 100% you would
recommend. I like what I'm seeing out of China, but t he emphasis is on physical healing cent ers et c. I'm more
int erest ed in ot her t ransformat ional skills. Sending t he Aura out is int erest ing for example.
If healing is t he goal t hen t rue cult avat ing of reiki chi is import ant . Called ling chi in some schools. I dont know
what mean by spirit alchemy but using spirit s in t raining is in t he magical art s.
If you have filled dant ian and work wit h reiki chi from out side t he body or one form of yoga of prana vidya t hese
may be of int erest .
John: Some newer schools use elect ricit y to charge dant ian to skip nat urally progress and make fast er gain.
T his may be of int erest for healing.
I know of a pract ice here not relat ed to chi kung but t hey are eat ing minerals and st rong herbs while using
elect ricit y and Tenaga dalum to make ext reme progress. Some have died from t his and ot hers have creat ed
healt h issues.
Best to st ay away from dubious pract ices.
T here are no t hought s and t here is no sense of t ime. If you are
t hinking, you are not in medit at ion. If you are aware of yourself, you
are also not in medit at ion. You must become like a baby in t he womb,
t here and yet not t here. Medit at ion is like t he borderline bet ween
sleep and waking, bet ween consciousness and unconsciousness. You st ayed in medit at ion for long periods
when you were an embryo and a baby, and you pass t hrough it
now each t ime you drift off to sleep. You just have to remember how.
Most people are only familiar wit h t he 12 Primary plus 2 of t he Ext raordinary Meridians.
T hose 14 Meridians all have t heir own unique acupunct ure point s.
Ot her Meridians eit her have no point s or "borrow" point s from ot her Meridians.
T here are "72" Meridians in all
12 Primary Meridians
Int ernal and ext ernal pat hways.
6 yin and 6 yangs
Bilat erally symmet rical
Circulat ion of qi and blood t hroughout is cyclical.
12 Divergent Meridians
Named aft er and relat ed to t he Primary Meridians
Provide deeper connect ions in t he body, to t he organs, head, and face, and to t he yang Meridians of each
yin/yang pair.
12 Tendinomuscular Meridians
Named aft er and relat ed to t he Primary Meridians
Broader areas t han t he Primary Meridians
Circulat ion of qi and blood to t he muscles, t issues, joint s, and t he body surface.
12 Cut aneous Regions
Named aft er and relat ed to t he Primary Meridians
Broader areas t han t he Primary Meridians
Circulat ion of qi and blood to t he skin and t issues of t he body surface
No int ernal dist ribut ion.
8 Ext raordinary Meridians
Dist ribut ed t hroughout body except in t he upper ext remit ies
Store qi and blood and dist ribut e to t he 12 Primary Meridians
Cont rol and supplement t he 12 Primary Meridians
Only 2 of t he Ext raordinary Meridians have t heir own point s
Du (Governing) Meridian—midline of t he back of t he body
Ren (Concept ion) Meridian—midline of t he front of t he body.
16 Major Luo (Collat eral) Meridians
12 are named aft er and relat ed to t he 12 Primary Meridians
T he Spleen and Stomach Meridians each have an ext ra Major Luo Meridian
2 are named aft er and relat ed to 2 of t he Ext raordinary Meridians: Du, Ren
Dist ribut ion is mainly to t he surface of t he body and bet ween yin/yang paired Meridians.
Many Small Luo Meridians
Minut e, blood, grandson, and superficial
Yin Qiao and Yang Qiao Meridians
2 of t he 8 Ext raordinary Meridians
T hey "borrow" Acupunct ure point s from ot her Meridians.
Mo pai t raining work in opening and increasing flow in all t hese.
In west it 's said mo pai have 72 levels and it misunderst anding in t hat t hese 72 levels mean ot her medit at ion
t echniques. T his not accurat e because 72 really st and for 72 chakra t hat branch off t he nadi locat ed from
dant ian which are 72,000 in tot al but only 72 are considered import ant . T hese minor chakra are locat ed in t he
joint s of t he body add up to 72 but t here ot hers on head/face to adding up to tot al 108 point s of light but t hese
not considered import ant in t raining. Mo pai t raining main goal is to fill and condense full t he dant ian so t hese
channels can be filled wit h maximum chi because t hey connect to dant ian. But to open joint chakra to be able to
use chi to t he best abilit y not easy and special t raining is used to do t his even self acupunct ure/acupressure is
done or can be done. T he focus of chakra and using vibrat ion like in bija mant ra like krim or heng or eeee amoung
ot hers can help open t hese chakra to complet e levels of development . John was said to have opened 48 give or
t ake and it is said t hat if all are opened complet e enlight enment is reached. If look into t he syst em called in
vedic t radit ion marma vidya medit at ion t he t raining of t his kind can be found. Mo pai is really just 4 levels base
t raining and when john mast er relocat ed out of china he st udied and added t his to t he syst em to furt her
development beyond mo pai. In java t he history of vedic pract ices go way back and in ways are very similar to
daoist pract ices but are more advanced so t his is why java school mo pai different t hen china mo pai school.

From Admin again: Long story short : Cult ivat e! St ay st rong 💪🙏

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