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[A.M. OCA IPI No. 12-202-CA-J. January 15, 2013.]





On October 2, 2012, AMA Land, Inc. (AMALI) led an administrative complaint

before the O ce of the Court Administrator (OCA), charging respondent Honorable Court
of Appeals (CA) Associate Justices Danton Q. Bueser, Sesinando E. Villon, and Ricardo R.
Rosario (respondent CA Justices) with the following violations: (a) Section 8, Rule 140 of
the Rules of Court, speci cally for dishonesty and violation of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt
Practices Law (Republic Act No. 3019), gross misconduct constituting violations of the
Code of Judicial Conduct, and knowingly rendering an unjust judgment or order; and (b)
pertinent provisions of the Code of Judicial Conduct 1 and Canons of Judicial Ethics, for
issuing the Decision 2 dated June 14, 2012 in CA-G.R. SP No. 118994 led by Wack Wack
Residents Association, Inc. (WWRAI) enjoining AMALI from continuing with its project
construction pending the determination of its petition for declaration of right of way
against WWRAI before the Regional Trial Court of Pasig City, Branch 264 (RTC-Pasig).
The Facts
The controversy started in the mid-1990s when AMALI commenced the
construction of a 37- oor commercial/residential building located at Epifanio Delos
Santos Avenue (EDSA) corner Fordham Street, Wack Wack Village, Mandaluyong City. After
securing the required licenses and permits, AMALI noti ed WWRAI, the owner of Fordham
Street, of its intention to use the said street as an access road and staging area of the
project. Not having received any response, AMALI proceeded to temporarily enclose the
job site and set up a eld o ce along Fordham Street. However, WWRAI fenced off the
said street which prompted AMALI to le before the RTC-Pasig a petition 3 to enforce an
easement of right of way pursuant to Article 649 in relation to Article 656 of the Civil Code.
AMALI also prayed for a temporary restraining order (TRO) and a writ of preliminary
mandatory injunction to enjoin WWRAI from demolishing and removing its temporary eld
office, fencing off Fordham Street, and preventing its access to the construction site. TIcEDC

In its Answer, 4 WWRAI averred that AMALI's project violated applicable zoning
ordinances; the licenses and permits secured therefor were irregular and unlawful; the
project is a nuisance; and EDSA should instead be utilized as the staging area of the
project. Apart from praying for the dismissal of the complaint, WWRAI interposed a
counterclaim for actual and exemplary damages, attorney's fees and costs of suit, and
prayed for a TRO and writ of preliminary mandatory injunction for AMALI to immediately
cease and desist with its project construction.

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After hearing AMALI's application for injunctive relief, the RTC-Pasig, in its Order 5
dated July 24, 1997, granted AMALI's prayer and directed WWRAI to allow the use of
Fordham Street as a temporary easement of right of way. Apparently, WWRAI's application
for TRO and/or writ of preliminary injunction in its counterclaim was not heard.
In 1998, however, AMALI suffered nancial setbacks, forcing the suspension of its
project construction. In 2002, it led before the RTC of Muntinlupa, Branch 256 (RTC-
Muntinlupa) a petition for corporate rehabilitation, which was later approved. Among the
recommendations contained in the approved rehabilitation plan was the conversion of the
use of the 37- oor commercial/residential tower (AMA Tower) to a 34- oor residential
condominium. AMALI thus, prayed that the City of Mandaluyong be ordered to issue an
amended building permit. 6
In a bid to stop AMALI from continuing with its project construction, WWRAI sought
from the RTC-Pasig in January 2010, the hearing of its application for TRO and/or writ of
preliminary mandatory injunction prayed for in its counterclaim. After due proceedings, the
court denied the application in the Order 7 dated October 28, 2010, and directed the
building o cials of Mandaluyong City to act on AMALI's application for permit to
construct. The concerned o cials, however, denied AMALI's application for an amended
building permit on November 5, 2010 due to the expiration of the previously issued
building permit, non-compliance with the prescribed height and open space limitations,
and failure to submit the required new locational and barangay clearance. Notwithstanding,
the RTC-Pasig refused to reconsider 8 the denial of WWRAI's application for injunction.
On the other hand, the RTC-Muntinlupa, where AMALI's petition for corporate
rehabilitation was pending, directed the O ce of the Building O cial and/or O ce of the
City Engineer of Mandaluyong City, in the Orders dated September 9, 2010 and November
12, 2010, 9 to issue an amended building permit. Thus, Building Permit No. 08-2011-0048
1 0 was issued on February 4, 2011. But even with such issuance, the Building O cial
and/or Mandaluyong City Engineer filed a petition for certiorari before the CA (docketed as
CA-G.R. SP No. 117037) assailing the above Orders which, however, was denied in the
Decision 1 1 dated June 28, 2012.
Meanwhile, WWRAI assailed the Orders of the RTC-Pasig denying its application for
injunction through a petition for certiorari 1 2 before the CA. The case (docketed as CA-G.R.
SP No. 118994) was ra ed to the Special Former Tenth Division composed of the
respondent CA Justices. WWRAI also led a separate complaint (docketed as NBCDO
Case No. 12-11-93 MAND CITY) before the Department of Public Works and Highways
seeking the revocation of the amended building permit as well as the imposition of
administrative sanctions against the issuing officials which, however, was denied. 1 3
On June 10, 2011, the CA granted WWRAI's application for TRO 1 4 and subsequently,
its application for writ of preliminary injunction 1 5 pending resolution of the petition. On the
other hand, AMALI, in its Comment, 1 6 prayed for the dismissal of the complaint for lack of
merit and on the ground of forum shopping.
On June 14, 2012, the CA rendered a Decision 1 7 granting WWRAI's petition and
directing the RTC-Pasig to issue the injunctive writ in favor of WWRAI pending
determination of the petition for the declaration of permanent easement of right of way
filed by AMALI.
The Issue

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In the instant administrative complaint, AMALI questions, among others, the
jurisdiction of the respondent CA Justices to act on WWRAI's petition assailing the denial
of its application for injunctive relief to stop AMALI from proceeding with its project
construction, claiming this issue as irrelevant to the principal action to enforce an
easement of right of way pending before the RTC-Pasig. It also raises the non-payment by
WWRAI of the docket fees on its counterclaim and the forum shopping the latter
committed in ling various suits before different fora on the same issue involving the
legality of the project. In any event, AMALI asserts that the respondent CA Justices acted
in bad faith and knowingly rendered an unjust judgment in granting WWRAI's petition,
which effectively declared the project construction illegal and granted the latter's
counterclaim before the RTC-Pasig could have finally disposed of the case.
In their Comment, 1 8 the respondent CA Justices pray for the outright dismissal of
the instant administrative complaint in view of the pendency of AMALI's petition for review
on certiorari before the Court based on substantially the same grounds raised herein. They
likewise averred that the purported lack of jurisdiction was never raised in the proceedings
before the RTC, the CA or in their petition for review on certiorari before the Court, but only
in this administrative complaint. Finally, they denied having rendered an unjust decision
citing the failure of AMALI to show that the assailed judgment is contrary to law or
unsupported by evidence or that it was rendered with bad faith, malice, greed, ill-will or
The Court's Ruling
The Court finds no merit in the complaint.
A perusal of the records of the case as well as the parties' respective allegations
disclosed that the acts complained of relate to the validity of the proceedings before the
respondent CA Justices and the propriety of their orders in CA-G.R. SP No. 118994 which
were done in the exercise of their judicial functions. Jurisprudence is replete with cases
holding that errors, if any, committed by a judge in the exercise of his adjudicative
functions cannot be corrected through administrative proceedings, but should instead be
assailed through available judicial remedies. 1 9 Disciplinary proceedings against judges do
not complement, supplement or substitute judicial remedies and, thus, cannot be pursued
simultaneously with the judicial remedies accorded to parties aggrieved by their erroneous
orders or judgments. 2 0
I n Equitable PCI Bank, Inc. v. Laviña , 2 1 we ruled that resort to and exhaustion of
judicial remedies and a nal ruling on the matter, are prerequisites for the taking of
appropriate measures against the judges concerned, whether of criminal, civil or
administrative nature. If the assailed act is subsequently found and declared to be correct,
there would be no occasion to proceed against him at all. STECAc

In this case, AMALI had already led a petition for review on certiorari 2 2 challenging
the questioned order of the respondent CA Justices, which is still pending nal action by
the Court. Consequently, a decision on the validity of the proceedings and propriety of the
orders of the respondent CA Justices in this administrative proceeding would be
premature. 2 3 Besides, even if the subject decision or portions thereof turn out to be
erroneous, administrative liability will only attach upon proof that the actions of the
respondent CA Justices were motivated by bad faith, dishonesty or hatred, or attended by
fraud or corruption, 2 4 which were not su ciently shown to exist in this case. Neither was
bias as well as partiality established. Acts or conduct of the judge clearly indicative of
arbitrariness or prejudice must be clearly shown before he can be branded the stigma of
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. 2018
being biased and partial. In the same vein, bad faith or malice cannot be inferred simply
because the judgment or order is adverse to a party. 2 5 Here, other than AMALI's bare and
self-serving claim that respondent CA Justices "conspired with WWRAI's counsel in
knowingly and in bad faith rendering an unjust judgment and in committing . . . other
misconduct," 2 6 no act clearly indicative of bias and partiality was alleged except for the
claim that respondent CA Justices misapplied the law and jurisprudence. Thus, the
presumption that the respondent judge has regularly performed his duties shall prevail.
Moreover, the matters raised are best addressed to the evaluation of the Court in the
resolution of AMALI's petition for review on certiorari.
Finally, resort to administrative disciplinary action prior to the nal resolution of the
judicial issues involved constitutes an abuse of court processes that serves to disrupt
rather than promote the orderly administration of justice and further clog the courts'
dockets. Those who seek relief from the courts must not be allowed to ignore basic legal
rules and abuse court processes in their efforts to vindicate their rights. 2 7
WHEREFORE , the Court DISMISSES the administrative complaint against the
Honorable Court of Appeals Associate Justices DANTON Q. BUESER, SESINANDO E.
VILLON AND RICARDO R. ROSARIO for utter lack of merit; and CAUTIONS complainant
AMA Land, Inc. against the ling of similar unfounded and baseless actions in the future,
WITH STERN WARNING that a repetition thereof shall be dealt with more severely.
Sereno, C.J., Carpio, Velasco, Jr., Leonardo-de Castro, Peralta, Bersamin, Del Castillo,
Abad, Villarama, Jr., Perez, Mendoza, Reyes and Leonen, JJ., concur.
Brion, J., is on leave.

1.Rollo, p. 3. Namely: Canon 1, Section 1; Canon 2, Sections 1 and 2; Canon 3, Section 1; and
Canon 6, Section 3.
2.Id. at 65-79.

3.Id. at 138-142. Docketed as Civil Case No. 65668.

4.Id. at 155-172.
5.Id. at 181-188. Penned by Judge Leoncio M. Janolo, Jr.

6.Id. at 189.
7.Id. at 125-135. Mentioned in the Order dated November 24, 2009. Penned by Acting Presiding
Judge Romulo SG. Villanueva.
8.Id. at 73. Mentioned in the CA Decision dated June 14, 2012.

9.Id. at 191-192.
10.Id. at 193-194.
11.Id. at 418-448. Penned by Associate Justice Francisco P. Acosta, with Justices Noel G.
Tijam and Marlene Gonzales-Sison, concurring, and Associate Justices Antonio L.
Villamor and Edwin D. Sorongon, dissenting.
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12. Id. at 80-122.
13.Id. at 407-414. Resolution dated March 29, 2012.
14.Id. at 197-199. Resolution dated June 10, 2011.

15.Id. at 233-236. Resolution dated July 28, 2011.

16.Id. at 237-272.

17.Supra note 2.
18.Id. at 470-505.

19.Maylas, Jr. v. Sese, 529 Phil. 594, 597 (2006); Bautista v. Abdulwahid, A.M. OCA IPI No. 06-
97-CA-J, May 2, 2006, 488 SCRA 428, 434.
20.Monticalbo v. Maraya, Jr., A.M. No. RTJ-09-2197, April 13, 2011, 648 SCRA 573, 583, citing
Flores v. Abesamis, 341 Phil. 299, 313 (1997).
21.530 Phil. 441, 452, 453 (2006).

22.But without filing a motion for reconsideration before the CA.

23.Salcedo v. Caguioa, 467 Phil. 20, 28 (2004).

24.Supra note 20, at 577.

25.Supra note 20, at 577-578.
26.Rollo, p. 18.

27.Oliveros v. Sison, A.M. No. RTJ-07-2050, October 29, 2008, 570 SCRA 148, 154.

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