Bottomhole Pressure 0504083
Bottomhole Pressure 0504083
Bottomhole Pressure 0504083
The ability to monitore bottomhole flowing pressure in pumping oil wells provides important information
regarding both reservoir and artificial lift performance. Converting surface pressure measurements to bottomhole is
currently accomplished by locating the fluid level in the annulus using a sonic device and then applying a correlation
to estimate the density of the gas-cut liquid column above the perforations.
This work proposes a flowing bottomhole pressure calculation procedure from fluid level measurements.
The model is developed from experimental work and from theoretical arguments.
The calculation procedure developed allows to calculate BHP without shutting the well, which is common
for fluid level casinghead pressure measurements. Also this method allows to take into account real geometry of the
The comparison of the calculated and measured pump intake pressure shows good accuracy of a technique.
It allows to draw a conclusion for an opportunity to use this method in practice.
vs = 1.53 L L2 (4) (vg-vl) between the phases is equal to the terminal rise
velocity, v∝. Because of the existence of a velocity
The Harmathy25 expression, Eq. 4, is used and concentration profile, this assumption may be
for the slip or bubble-rise velocity. Transition to slug inappropriate. Instead, use of Eq. 7 or its equivalent
flow takes place at superficial gas velocities greater can be made for a nonstagnant liquid column:
than that given by Eq. 2. v gs (9)
fg =
A(v gs + vls ) + B0 v∞
Bubble Flow. In bubble flows the Because Eq. 9 is expected to apply to the
expression for holdup, HL is entire bubbly flow regime, we can equate fg=0.25 at
the point of transition:
v gs the total gradient). Acceleration, however, is small
0.25 =
A(v gs + vls ) + B0 v∞ and can be neglected.
In general, the acceleration component can
be neglected during all but the annular-flow pattern.
v gs = (0.25 Avls + 0.25B0 v∞ ) Suggests that an accurate estimation of the liquid
1 − 0.25 A holdup is essential when computing the elevation
With the appropriate expressions for the component. This component accounts for most of the
parameters A and B, transition equation may be pressure drop occurring in the bubble- and slug-flow
written as patterns. Because of the different hydrodynamics in
1 each flow pattern, estimations of holdup, HL, in-situ
v gs = ×
1 − 0.25(1.97 + 0.371d t / d c ) mixture density, ρm, and friction factor, f, are made
{ [
× 0.25(1.97 + 0.371d t / d c )vls + 0.375 gσ (ρ l − ρ g ) / ρ l2 ]
} separately.
2 BHP Calculation
1.3 Pressure drop calculation.
In bubble flow the total pressure gradient Recalculation of pressure was made on each
can be written as the sum of the gravitation or step on depth; the temperature undertook average for
hydrostatic head (dp/dD)el, friction (dp/dD)f and each of three intervals: casing, tubing/casing annulus
acceleration (dp/dD)acc components. Thus, below fluid level and tubing/casing annulus above
dp dp dp dp fluid level.
= + + =
dD l dD el dD f dD acc
2.1 Design procedure of calculation
fv 2 ρ dv
= ρ s g∆D sin θ + m s + vm ρ s m (10)
2d dD Process of calculation BHP occurs in two
where stages:
ρ v d I. The first (direct) step in the solution of this
f C = 0.046 g Sg (1 + 75λLC ) problem is the calculation of the annulus oil level
g (dynamic level) depth Dl as a function of the bottom
λLC = hole pressure Pwf (see, for example, curve A in fig.2)
qL − q g
qL + q g II. At the second (reverse) step we use the
vm = = vSL + vSg calculated curve Dl = f (Pwf ) to estimate the
To estimate total pressure gradient, Eq. 10 bottomhole pressure Pwfl corresponding to the
can be used with the mixture density calculated from measured dynamic level Dlm .
the liquid holdup estimated with Eq. 5. The friction
component can be computed by treating the mul- Dl A
tiphase mixture as a homogeneous fluid. Friction
factor, f, can be determined from the Moody diagram Dlm i-th calculated
for a Reynolds number defined as point
ρ v
N Re m = L m Pwf
µL Pwfe Pwfi
This was recommended by Govier and Aziz
because would not be too different from pm/ftm, and Figure 2. – The procedure of bottomhole pressure
the contribution of the friction component to the total estimation.
pressure gradient is very small.
In slug flow, as in bubble flow, the total Calculation procedure (direct step):
pressure gradient can be obtained by Eq. 10 by use of 1. Calculate the average temperatures T 1 , T 2 , T 3 :
Eqs. 5,6. The estimation of the friction component
presents some difficulty because some of the liquid 2. Calculate the bubblepoint pressure average
flows downward in a film around the Taylor bubble values in the casing ( T = T 1 ) and in the annulus
while most of the liquid flows upward in the liquid ( T = T 2 ):
slug. Wallis35 suggested that the wall shear stress
Pb (T ) = PbR 10 0.00164 (T −TR )
around the vapor bubble be ignored. With this
assumption, the friction pressure gradient becomes
dp f C vm2 ρ L H L
= 3. Calculate the annulus gas pressure at the
dD f 2d measured dynamic level Dlm :
The product pLHL is very nearly equal to pm
for low-pressure systems, indicating the similarity in 0.0342 Dlγ g
Pl = Pa exp
evaluating the friction terms in slug and bubble flow. T 3 z3
The contribution of the friction component is no
longer negligible but is still small (typically 10% of
∆D = 5 m or 10 m). The iterative procedure is to
The value of z 3 is calculated by the trial- be stopped when Pj +1 ≤ Pl .
and-error procedure:
e) Interpolate between the last two values of P
z3 = 1 to obtain the depth Dli corresponding to
0.0342 Dlγ g pressure Pl :
Pl = P1 exp Pj − Pl
T 3 z3 Dli = D j + ∆D
Pj − Pj +1
The value of ∆D should not be greater than The procedure of BHP calculation from
10 m. dynamic fluid level for pumping wells completed
without packer was developed during performance of
b) Starting with known pressure value, Pwfi , at the given project.
The main advantage of this method that it
depth Dw , calculate a pressure traverse by allows to calculate BHP without measuring dp/dt at
the iterative procedure surface as it is done in standard methods of BHP
~ dp
Pj +1 = Pj −
P =
+ Pj +1 ) calculation. Hence allows to simplify measurements
1 on well and to calculate BHP at any moment of
dD l j+
production. Also this method allows to take into
2 account real geometry of the well.
Pj +1 = Pj − D D j = Dw − j∆D For a practical substantiation of a technique
dD l bottomhole pressure and corresponding pressure on
where j = 0,1,2,..., N p , P0 = Pwfi , T = T1 . the pump intake has been calculated on 85 wells of
Priobskoye field. Results of comparison of the
c) Calculate at the pump intake ( j = N p ): Pup, calculated and measured pressures are shown in
figure 3. Comparison shows good accuracy of this
wgup , f gup , qoup , υ sup . technique (R2=0.76).
Then estimate:
a. separation coefficient E s ,
b. annulus gas mass rate wga .