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Bizhubc360i C300i C250iQuickGuide PDF

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Quick Guide

Safety Information 1

Before Using this Machine 9

How to Use the HTML User's Guide 11

About This Machine 12

About Panels 19

Loading the Original and Paper 23

Available Operations in this Machine 28

Registering a Destination 32

Read this if You Have a Problem 34


1 Safety Information

1.1 Introduction Reference

- Some parts of the contents of this section may not correspond
This [Quick Guide] uses illustrations to describe operating procedures for with the purchased product.
the most commonly used functions in an easy-to-understand way.
Start by using this manual to become proficient with the useful functions
that this machine offers.
Warning and precaution symbols
For details on the various functions, refer to the User’s Guides on the Us- Be sure to observe the safety precautions.
er’s Guide CD included with this machine.
This manual contains the instructions that should be strictly observed at
In order to operate the machine safely and properly, be sure to read the all times to prevent injury to yourself and other persons as well as damage
safety information on page 1 of this manual before use. to property.
In addition, this manual contains the following information. Be sure to read Injuries and damage that might be caused by using the product improp-
the manual before using the machine. erly are classified according to the following symbols.
- Items that must be observed to use the machine safely
- Information regarding product safety Pictorial indication Description
- Precautions when using the machine Improper handling can cause serious
The illustrations and screens used in this manual may appear slightly dif- injury or death.
ferent from views of the actual equipment and screens.
Improper handling can cause minor
injury or damage to houses and
Tips property.
- Please keep this manual as well as the attached CD/DVD in a safe
place where you can access them easily.

These are some of major exemplary

graphical symbols.
1.2 Environmental information
Graph- De- Graph- De- Graph- De-
ic sym- scrip- ic sym- scrip- ic sym- scrip-
Environmental benefits of power man- bols tions bols tions bols tions

agement General
Do not
Do not
tion semble
Electricity consumption of a device depends on both its properties and
the way of using the device. General Groun Unplug
Suitable power management setting offers you resource saving usage instruc- d/Earth from
tion outlet
way. By setting the time to go into power saving modes (e.g. sleep mode)
shorter (or optimal), electricity consumption can be reduced. General High Electri-
precau- tem- cal
tion pera- shock
ture hazard
Recycled paper
This product can print on recycled paper and environmental stewardship
initiatives certified paper which complies with European standard EN <Power source connection>
12281 as well as virgin paper. In addition it can print on lighter paper,
64g/m2 for example. Using such light paper contributes to resources-sav-

Duplex printing
Do not use any power cord other than the one supplied
With a product which has a duplex unit, you can print on both sides of pa- in the package or attached on the products. If a power
per automatically. cord is not supplied, use only the power cord and plug
that are specified in the user documentation. Failure to
Using this function leads to reducing consumption of natural resources use this cord could result in a fire or electrical shock. If
and your cost. the power cord supplied in the package cannot be
Attached printer driver provides this duplex printing function as initial set- used in the country where this product was sold, use a
power cord that meets the following conditions or con-
ting in your computer (The setting can be changed after installation man- tact your Technical Representative.
ually). • The power cord has voltage and current rating appro-
priate for the rating plate on this machine.
• The power cord meets regulatory requirements for
the area.
• The power cord is provided with grounding pin/termi-
1.3 Safety information nal.

This section contains detailed instructions on the operation and mainte- Do not use the power cord to other products. Failure
to do that could result in a fire or electrical shock.
nance of this machine. To achieve optimum utility of this device, all oper-
ators should carefully read and follow the instructions in this manual.
Do not scratch, abrade, place a heavy object on, heat,
Please read the following section before connecting the machine to the twist, bend, step on, pull on, or damage the power
supply. It contains important information related to user safety and pre- cord. Use of a damaged power cord (exposed core
venting equipment problems. wire, broken wire, etc.) could result in a fire or break-
down. Should any of these conditions be found, imme-
Make sure that you observe all of the precautions that appear in different diately turn OFF the power switch, unplug the power
sections of this manual. cord from the power outlet, and then call your author-
KMI_Ver.03_E ized service representative.

bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i 1

Do not use the power source voltage other than being <If instructed to use fixing legs>
specified on the machine. Failure to do that could re- When the product has been installed, fix the product
sult in a fire or electrical shock. using the fixing legs.
Not using the fixing legs could cause the product to
Do not use a multiple outlet adapter to connect any move or topple over.
other appliances or machines.
Use of a power outlet for more than the marked current Do not place the product in a dusty place, or a site ex-
value could result in a fire or electrical shock. posed to soot or steam, near a kitchen table, bath, or
a humidifier. A fire, electrical shock, or breakdown
could result.
Do not use an extension cord. Use of an extension
cord could cause a fire or electric shock. If the power Do not place this product on an unstable or tilted
cord furnished with the product is not long enough to bench, or in a location subject to a lot of vibration and
be plugged into a wall outlet, contact your Technical shock. It could drop or fall, causing personal injury or
Representative. mechanical breakdown.
Do not let any object plug the ventilation holes of this
Do not unplug and plug in the power cord with a wet product. Heat could accumulate inside the product,
hand, as an electrical shock could result. resulting in a fire or malfunction.

Whenever moving this product, be sure to disconnect

Plug the power cord all the way into the power outlet. the power cord and other cables. Failure to do this
Failure to do this could result in a fire or electrical could damage the cord or cable, resulting in a fire,
shock. electrical shock, or breakdown.

Make sure to ground this product. (Connect the power When moving this product, always hold it at the loca-
cord to an electrical outlet that is equipped with a tions specified in the User’s Guide or other docu-
grounding terminal.) Failure to do so and an unlikely ments. If the unit is moved while held at locations other
event of leakage could result in a fire or electrical than those specified, it may fall, causing severe per-
shock. sonal injury.

<Using the product>

The outlet must be near the equipment and easily ac-

cessible. Otherwise you can not pull out the power
plug when an emergency occurs.
Do not modify this product, as a fire, electrical shock,
Do not place any objects around the power plug, as or breakdown could result. If the product employs a la-
the power plug may be difficult to pull out when an ser, the laser beam source could cause blindness.
emergency occurs.
Do not attempt to remove the covers and panels which
Do not tug the power cord when unplugging. Pulling have been fixed to the product. Some products have a
on the power cord could damage the cord, resulting in high-voltage part or a laser beam source inside that
a fire or electrical shock. could cause an electrical shock or blindness.

Remove the power plug from the outlet more than one Do not keep using this product, if this product be-
time a year and clean the area between the plug termi- comes inordinately hot or emits smoke, or unusual
nals. Dust that accumulates between the plug termi- odor or noise. Immediately turn OFF the power switch,
nals may cause a fire. unplug the power cord from the power outlet, and then
call your Technical Representative or your authorized
service representative.
If you keep on using it as is, a fire or electrical shock
<Installation> could result.

Do not keep using this product, if this product has

been dropped or its cover damaged. Immediately turn
OFF the power switch, unplug the power cord from the
power outlet, and then call your Technical Represent-
ative or your authorized service representative. If you
keep on using it as is, a fire or electrical shock could
Keep this bag away from babies and children. Do not
use in cribs, beds, carriages, or playpens. The thin film Do not use flammable sprays, liquids, or gases inside
may cling to nose and mouth and prevent breathing. or near this machine. Do not clean the inside of this
This bag is not a toy. machine using a flammable gas duster. A fire or explo-
sion could result.
Do not place a flower vase or other container that con-
tains water, or metal clips or other small metallic ob-
jects on this product. Spilled water or metallic objects
dropped inside the product could result in a fire, elec-
trical shock, or breakdown. <If an RFID module (limited only to 13.56 MHz) for use
Should a piece of metal, water, or any other similar for- in inside-the-machine proximity communication or
eign matter get inside the product, immediately turn electromagnetic induction heating (IH) technology (lim-
OFF the power switch, unplug the power cord from the ited only to 20.05 kHz to 100 kHz) is being used>
power outlet, and then call your Technical Represent- This machine generates a weak magnetic field.
ative or your authorized service representative. If you experience any unusual symptoms with your im-
plantable medical equipment (cardiac pacemaker,
Make sure that the power cord is placed on a site in etc.) while near the machine, move away from the ma-
which no person would step on or trip over it. Stepping chine and see a doctor immediately.
on or tripping over the power cord could heat the pow- Please call your Technical Representative or your au-
er cord, resulting in a fire or electric shock. thorized service representative if you do not under-
stand the purchased product corresponds or not.
<If a non-contact IC card reader is being used>
If you use an implantable medical equipment (cardiac
pacemaker, etc.), do not bring the IC card reader close
from the implant within 12 cm at all times.
The radio waves may affect implantable medical
equipment (cardiac pacemaker, etc.) operations.

2 bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i
1.4 Regulation notices

About certified model name

Using this product in a poorly ventilated room for a
long time or producing a large volume of copies or This product is certified by the following model name in U.S.A., Canada,
prints may cause the odor of exhaust air from the ma- Mexico, Brazil and Europe:
chine. Ventilate the room well. KONICA MINOLTA branded model C302302 (bizhub C360i, bizhub C300i
and bizhub C250i).
The inside of this product has areas subject to high
temperature, which may cause burns. For other countries than the above, this product is certified by the follow-
When checking the inside of the unit for malfunctions ing model names:
such as a paper misfeed, do not touch the locations KONICA MINOLTA branded model bizhub C360i, bizhub C300i and
(around the fusing unit, etc.) which are indicated by a
"Caution HOT" caution label. A burn could result. bizhub C250i.

Unplug the product when you will not use the product
for long periods of time. CE Marking (Declaration of Conformity)
When using the machine, do not look at the light of the for users of the European Union (EU)
lamp for a prolonged time. Eyestrain could result.
Hereby, Konica Minolta declares that the radio equipment models speci-
fied above are in compliance with Directive 2014/53/EU.
Do not use stapled paper, conductive paper (such as
silver paper or carbon paper) or treated heat-sensi- The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at the follow-
tive/inkjet paper, otherwise a fire may result. ing internet address:
Choose your product and open the section "Safety Documents".
- This device must be used with a shielded interface cable. The use
of non-shielded cables is likely to result in interference with radio
communications and is prohibited under EU directives.
If IC-420 is installed:
Do not throw toner or a container that contains toner This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment this product
(e.g., toner cartridge, developing unit and Waste Toner may cause radio interference in which case the user may be re-
Box) into an open flame. The hot toner may scatter and
cause burns or other damage. quired to take adequate measures.

Maximum radio-frequency power transmitted in the frequency band


Module Name, Option Frequency Band Radiation. Power

UK-221 includes ap- 2.4 GHz Max. 20 dBm

Do not leave toner-related parts (e.g., toner cartridge, proved Wireless
developing unit and Waste Toner Box) within easy module, MODEL 5 GHz Max. 23 dBm
reach of children. Licking any of these parts or ingest- WN4521L:
ing toner could damage your health.
EK-609 includes ap- 2.4 GHz Max. 3 dBm
Do not store toner-related parts (e.g., toner cartridge, proved Wireless mod-
developing unit and Waste Toner Box) near devices ule, MODEL
susceptible to magnetism, such as precision equip- MBH7BLZ02:
ment and data storage devices, otherwise they may
malfunction. They could cause these products to mal-
Note: 5 GHz may not be available
Do not force open the toner-related parts (e.g., toner This radio equipment is restricted to indoor use only. Outdoor use is pro-
cartridge, developing unit and Waste Toner Box). If hibited.
toner tumbles from the toner bottle, take utmost care
to avoid inhaling it or even getting skin contact. This restriction applies to all the countries listed in the table below.
If toner lands on your skin or clothing, wash thoroughly
with soap and water.

If you inhale toner, move to a place with fresh air and

gargle with a lot of water repeatedly. Should you get
symptoms such as coughing, seek medical advice.
If you get toner into your eyes, immediately rinse them
with running water for over 15 minutes. Seek medical
advice if irritation persists.

If you swallow toner, rinse out your mouth and drink a AT BE BG CH CY CZ DE DK EE

few glasses of water. Seek medical advice if neces-
Never touch the electrical contacts of the units (e.g., LI LT LU LV MT NL NO PL PT
toner cartridge and developing unit), as an electrostat-
ic discharge may damage the product. RO SE SI SK TR UK
Before handling, see the user documentation for the
safety information.
For Brasilia users/ Para usuários de
<If instructed to replace the fusing unit>
The fusing section is extremely hot. Before replacing Brasília
the fusing unit, be sure to open doors and covers of
the machine. Then, leave the machine to stand idle for The UK-221 (includes wireless module, model WN4521L) are not provid-
a specified period of time and make sure that the fus- ed for the Brazilian market./ O UK-221 (inclui módulo sem fio, modelo
ing section has cooled down to room temperature. WN4521L) não é fornecido para o mercado brasileiro.
Failure to follow these instructions could result in a

bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i 3
RADIO FREQUENCY DEVICES (for This is a digital machine which operates using a laser. There is no possi-
bility of danger from the laser provided the machine is operated according
U.S.A. users) to the instructions in the manuals.
FCC: Declaration of Conformity Since radiation emitted by the laser is completely confined within protec-
Product Type Multi Function Printer tive housing, the laser beam cannot escape from the machine during any
Product Name bizhub C360i, bizhub C300i, bizhub C250i phase of user operation.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules This machine is certified as a Class 1 laser product per IEC 60825-1:
Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 2014: This means the machine does not produce hazardous laser radia-
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and tion.
(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interfer-
ence that may cause undesired operation.
Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. Internal laser radiation
100 Williams Drive
Ramsey, NJ 07446 Maximum Average Radiation Power: 8.1 μW (bizhub C360i), 7.1 μW
201-825-4000 (bizhub C300i/C250i) at the laser aperture of the print head unit. Wavelength: 770-800 nm
This product employs a Class 3B laser diode that emits an invisible laser
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the lim- beam.
its for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. The laser diode and the scanning polygon mirror are incorporated in the
These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harm- print head unit.
ful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environ- The print head unit is NOT A FIELD SERVICE ITEM:
ment. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency
energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction Therefore, the print head unit should not be opened under any circum-
manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Oper- stances.
ation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful in-
terference in which case the user will be required to correct the
interference at his own expense.

- The design and production of this unit conform to FCC regula-
tions, and any changes or modifications must be registered with Laser Aperture of
the FCC and are subject to FCC control. Any changes made by the the Print Head Unit
purchaser or user without first contacting the manufacturer will be
subject to penalty under FCC regulations.
- This device must be used with a shielded interface cable. The use
of non-shielded cables is likely to result in interference with radio
communications and is prohibited under FCC rules. Print Head


This machine is certified as a Class 1 Laser product under Radiation Per-
(for Canada users) formance Standard according to the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act of
1990. Compliance is mandatory for Laser products marketed in the Unit-
This Class A digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. ed States and is reported to the Center for Devices and Radiological
Cet appareil numérique de la classe A est conforme à la norme NMB-003 Health (CDRH) of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration of the U.S. De-
du Canada. partment of Health and Human Services (DHHS). This means that the de-
vice does not produce hazardous laser radiation.
The label shown on page 5 indicates compliance with the CDRH regula-
For users in countries not subject to tions and must be attached to laser products marketed in the United
class B regulations
7WARNING Use of controls, adjustments or performance of procedures other than
those specified in this manual may result in hazardous radiation exposure.
- This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment this product
- This is a semiconductor laser. The maximum power of the laser di-
may cause radio interference in which case the user may be re-
ode is 25 mW and the wavelength is 770-800 nm.
quired to take adequate measures.
- This device must be used with a shielded interface cable. The use
of non-shielded cables is likely to result in interference with radio
communications and is prohibited under CISPR rules and local
rules. For European users

GS Certification Use of controls, adjustments or performance of procedures other than
those specified in this manual may result in hazardous radiation exposure.
This device is not intended for use in the direct field of view at visual dis- - This is a semiconductor laser. The maximum power of the laser di-
play workplaces. To avoid incommoding reflexions at visual display work- ode is 25 mW and the wavelength is 770-800 nm.
places this device must not be placed in the direct field of view.
Das Gerät ist nicht für die Benutzung im unmittelbaren Gesichtsfeld am
Bildschirmarbeitsplatz vorgesehen. Um störende Reflexionen am Bild-
schirmarbeitsplatz zu vermeiden, darf dieses Produkt nicht im unmittel-
baren Gesichtsfeld platziert werden.

4 bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i
Laser safety label For EU member states only
A laser safety label is attached to the outside of the machine, as shown This product complies with RoHS (2011/65/EU) Directive.

Telephone cable (for users in countries

subject to class B regulations)
Connect a telephone cable with a ferrite core to the telecommunication
port of this machine. (Connect the modular jack on the ferrite-core-
equipped end of the telephone cable to the telecommunication port.)

Ozone release
Locate the Machine in a Well-Ventilated Room
A negligible amount of ozone is generated during normal operation of this
machine. An unpleasant odor may, however, be created in poorly ventilat-
ed rooms during extensive machine operations. For a comfortable,
healthy and safe operating environment, it is recommended that the room
be well ventilated.
Placer l’appareil dans une pièce largement ventilée
Une quantité d’ozone négligable est dégagée pendant le fonctionnement
de l’appareil quand celui-ci est utilisé normalement. Cependant, une
USB host
odeur désagréable peut être ressentie dans les pièces dont l’aération est
Connect USB devices (Memory, Authentication, Hub etc.) devices directly
insuffisante et lorsque une utilisation prolongée de l’appareil est effec-
to the USB host. If an extension cable is used, electromagnetic interfer-
tuée. Pour avoir la certitude de travailler dans un environnment réunissant
ence could occur.
des conditions de confort, santé et de sécurité, il est préférable de bien
aérer la pièce ou se trouve l’appareil.

Graphic symbols used on this machine

Acoustic noise (for German users only) These are some of major exemplary graphical symbols.
Der höchste Schalldruckpegel beträgt 70 dB(A) oder weniger gemäß EN
ISO 7779. Graphic Descriptions Graphic Descriptions
symbols symbols

"ON" position "OFF" position

Notification for California customers
This product uses a CR Lithium Battery which contains perchlorate mate- STAND-BY push-push type
rial. switches
This perchlorate warning applies to perchlorate-containing lithium batter-
ies sold or distributed in California, USA. Ground/Earth Ground/Earth
"Perchlorate Material - Special handling may apply, See (Protective bond- (Protective earth-
ing terminal) ing)"
CLASS II EQUIP- Class II equipment
MENT with functional
Recycling batteries (for Taiwan users earthing

only) Functional earth-

General precau-

High temperature Electrical shock


moving fan blade DOUBLE POLE /

This symbol means: Do not dispose of this product together with your household

Please refer to the information of your local community or contact our dealers re-
grading the proper handling of end-of-life electric and electronic equipments. Re-
cycling of this product will help to conserve natural resources and prevent
potential negative consequences for the environment and human health caused
by inappropriate waste handling.

bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i 5
1.5 Caution notations and labels
Safety precaution notations and labels appear on this machine at the following positions. Be very careful that an accident does not occur
when operations such as removing paper jams and staple jams are performed.

The inside of this product has

areas subject to high
temperature, which may cause
When checking the inside of
the unit for malfunctions such
as a paper misfeed, do not
touch the locations (around
the fusing unit, etc.) which are
indicated by a "Caution HOT"
caution label. A burn could

<FS-539/FS-539 SD>

Do not remove caution labels or notations. If any caution label or caution notation is soiled, please clean to make legible. If you cannot make
them legible, or if the caution label or notation is damaged, please contact your service representative.

6 bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i
1.6 Special notice to user machines, to send any message unless such message clearly contains in
a margin at the top or bottom of each transmitted page or on the first page
of the transmission, the date and time it is sent and an identification of the
business or other entity, or other individual sending the message and the
For Canada telephone number of the sending machine or such business, other entity,
or individual. (The telephone number provided may not be a 900 number
or any other number for which charges exceed local or long-distance
This product meets the applicable Innovation, Science and Economic De-
velopment Canada technical specifications. transmission charges.)

Le présent produit est conforme aux spécifications techniques applica- In order to program this information into your FAX machine, you should
bles d’Innovation, Sciences et Développement économique Canada. complete the following steps: See Sending by Renaming the Sender ([Fax
Header Settings]), of the User's Guide [Fax].

The Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) indicates the maximum number of

devices allowed to be connected to a telephone interface. The termination WARNING/CAUTION Explained
of an interface may consist of any combination of devices subject only to
the requirement that the sum of the RENs of all the devices not exceed
five. 7WARNING
L’indice d’équivalence de la sonnerie (IES) sert à indiquer le nombre max- - The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle followed by the
imal de dispositifs qui peuvent étre raccordés à une interface word "Warning" is intended to alert the user to the possibility that
téléphonique. La terminaison d’une interface peut consister en une com- a disregard for the warning may result in fatal hazards or critical in-
binaison quelconque de dispositifs, à la seule condition que la somme juries. Be sure to focus your attention on the Warning headings
des IES de tous les dispositifs n’excède pas cinq. when reading this Quick Guide.

For U.S.A.
FCC PART 68 REQUIREMENTS: - The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle followed by the
word "Caution" is intended to alert the user to the possibility that
This equipment complies with Part 68 of the FCC rules and the require-
a disregard for the caution may result in minor injuries or in physi-
ments adopted by the ACTA. On the cover of this equipment is a label that
cal damage. Be sure to focus your attention on the Caution head-
contains, among other information, a product identifier in the format
ings when reading this Quick Guide.
US:AAAEQ##TXXXX. If required, this information must be provided to the
telephone company.

This equipment uses certification jack USOC RJ11C.

For Europe
A plug and jack used to connect this equipment to the premises wiring
and telephone network must comply with the applicable FCC Part 68 The Facsimile has been confirmed to meet the standards (or require-
rules and requirements adopted by the ACTA. ments) ETSI for pan-European single terminal connection to the public
switched telephone network (PSTN).
A compliant telephone cord and modular plug is provided with this prod-
uct. It is designed to be connected to a compatible modular jack that is
also compliant. See installation instructions for details.
For New Zealand
The REN is used to determine the number of devices that may be con- This device is equipped with pulse dialing while the Telecom standard is
nected to a telephone line. Excessive RENs on a telephone line may result DTMF tone dialing. There is no guarantee that Telecom lines will always
in the devices not ringing in response to an incoming call. In most but not continue to support pulse dialing.
all areas, the sum of RENs should not exceed five (5.0).
Use of pulse dialing, when this equipment is connected to the same line
To be certain of the number of devices that may be connected to a line, as other equipment, may give rise to bell tinkle or noise and may also
as determined by the total RENs, contact the local telephone company. cause a false answer condition. Should such problems occur, the user
For products approved after July 23, 2001, the REN for this product is part should not contact the Telecom Fault Service.
of the product identifier that has the format US: AAAEQ##TXXXX. The dig-
This equipment may not provide for the effective hand-over of a call to an-
its represented by ## are the REN without a decimal point (e.g., 03 is a
other device connected to the same line.
REN of 0.3). For earlier products, the REN is separately shown on the la-
bel. The grant of a Telepermit for any item of terminal equipment indicates only
that Telecom has accepted that the item complies with minimum condi-
tions for connection to its network. It indicates no endorsement of the
If this equipment FK-514 or FK-515 causes harm to the telephone net-
product by Telecom, nor does it provide any sort of warranty. Above all,
work, the telephone company will notify you in advance that temporary
it provides no assurance that any item will work correctly in all respects
discontinuance of service may be required. But if advance notice isn’t
with another item of Telepermitted equipment of a different make or mod-
practical, the telephone company will notify the customer as soon as pos-
el, nor does it imply that any product is compatible with all of Telecom’s
sible. Also, you will be advised of your right to file a complaint with the
network services.
FCC if you believe it is necessary.
The automatic calling functions of this equipment must not be used to
cause a nuisance to other customers.
The telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equipment,
operations or procedures that could affect the operation of the equip- Telepermitted equipment only may be connected to the auxiliary tele-
ment. If this happens the telephone company will provide advance notice phone port. The auxiliary port is not specifically designed for 3-wire con-
in order for you to make necessary modifications to maintain uninterrupt- nected equipment. 3-wire might not respond to incoming ringing when
ed service. connected to this port.

If trouble is experienced with this equipment FK-514 or FK-515, for repair

or warranty information, please contact the Konica Minolta dealer location
where you purchased this equipment. If the equipment is causing harm to
the telephone network, the telephone company may request that you dis-
connect the equipment until the problem is resolved.

Connection to party line service is subject to state tariffs. Contact the

state public utility commission, public service commission or corporation
commission for information. If you home has specially wired alarm equip-
ment connected to the telephone line, ensure the installation of FK-514 or
FK-515 does not disable you alarm equipment. If you have questions
about what will disable alarm equipment, consult your telephone compa-
ny or a qualified installer.

The Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 makes it unlawful for

any person to use a computer or other electronic device, including FAX

bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i 7
1.7 Space requirements It is recommended to backup storage periodically as the measures for
storage defect. For the detail information of storage backup, contact your
service representative.
To ensure that machine operation, consumables replenishing, part re-
placement, and regular maintenance can easily be performed, adhere to
the recommended space requirements detailed below.

5-1/8 20-13/16 24-3/16 21-9/16 19-5/8 27-1/16 2-13/16 (72)

1.9 Legal restrictions on re-
(130) (528) (615) (547) (499) (688) 2-5/16 (58)

5 15-11/16
1-5/8 (42)

40-3/8 (1025) (127) (398)

Certain types of originals must never be reproduced with the purpose or
intent to pass reproductions of such originals off as the originals.

61 (1550)
40-1/4 (1023)

The following is not a complete list, but is meant to be used as a guide to
responsible reproduction.
<Financial Instruments>
- Personal checks
Main unit + DF-632 + FS-536 SD + PC-216 + LU-302 + MK-730 + CU-102 Unit: inch (mm)
- Traveler’s checks
- Money orders
7-3/16 24-3/16 9-15/16 2-3/4 19-5/8 27-1/16 1-9/16 (40)
- Certificates of deposit
(182) (615) (252) (70)
(499) (688) 3-3/4 (95) - Bonds or other certificates of indebtedness
- Stock certificates
5-1/2 15-1/4

(140) (388)

<Legal Originals>
61-1/8 (1553)

- Food stamps
40-3/8 (1025)

Postage stamps (canceled or uncanceled)

- Checks or drafts drawn by government agencies
- Internal revenue stamps (canceled or uncanceled)
- Passports
Main unit + DF-714 + FS-533 + PC-216 Unit: inch (mm) - Immigration papers
- Motor vehicle licenses and titles
NOTICE - House and property titles and deeds
Be sure to allow a clearance of 8 inches (200 mm) or more at the back of <General>
this machine for the ventilation duct.
- Identification cards, badges, or insignias
- Copyrighted works without permission of the copyright owner
In addition, it is prohibited under any circumstances to reproduce domes-
1.8 Operation precautions tic or foreign currencies, or works of art without permission of the copy-
right owner.
To ensure the optimum performance of this machine, observe the precau- When in doubt about the nature of an original, consult with legal counsel.
tions described below.
This machine provides the forgery prevention function in order to prevent
financial instruments from being reproduced illegally.
Power source
We appreciate your understanding that printed images may infrequently
The power source requirements are as follows. have some noise or image data may not be stored under certain circum-
stances due to this forgery prevention function.
- Voltage fluctuation: Maximum ^ 10% (at 110 V/120 V/220 to 240
- Frequency fluctuation: Maximum ^ 3 Hz (at 50 Hz/60 Hz)
- Use a power source with as little voltage or frequency fluctuations
as possible.

Operating environment
The environmental requirements for correct operation of the machine are
as follows.
- Temperature: 50°F (10°C) to 86°F (30°C) with fluctuations of no
more than 18°F (10°C) within an hour
- Humidity: 15% to 85% with fluctuations of no more than 10%
within an hour

Storage of copies
To store copies, follow the recommendation listed below.
- Copies that are to be kept for a long time should be kept where
they are not exposed to light in order to prevent them from fading.
- Adhesive that contains solvent (e.g., spray glue) may dissolve the
toner on copies.
- Color copies have a thicker layer of toner than normal black-and-
white copies. Therefore, when a color copy is folded, the toner at
the fold may peel off.

Data stored in this machine

It is suggested to delete all data stored in all storage areas using the over-
write all data function to prevent leakage of data prior to transfer or dis-
posal of the machine, or returning of the leased machine.
For details of the overwrite all data function, refer to the User's Guide.
Contact your service representative before deleting data.

8 bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i

2 Before Using this Machine

2.1 Environmental initiatives Exclusion of liability

The company continuously strives to reduce the negative The manufacturer of the system assumes no liability for
environmental impacts of all stages of its business oper- damages if the system was operated under impermissi-
ations. ble conditions.

As part of such activities, the company is implementing

resource-saving steps by reducing the number of pages
in the User's Guide. 2.3 Target groups
For the information necessary to operate the machine, The user's guides are intended for the following users of
please refer to the bundled User's Guide CD (HTML for- the system:
mat). This guide has an excellent search function.
Target group Description
Functions such as keyword search and filtering by pur-
pose are very useful to help users find what they need to User Persons using the system for objec-
know. tives described in "Intended use of
office MFP devices" as well as man-
aging system functions and con-
sumables according to the
2.2 Intended use of office MFP assigned user rights.
devices Administrator Persons managing consumables,
system functions, users and access
rights; adjusting system settings,
Intended use and establishing network connec-
This Multi Function Product incorporates the functionality
of multiple office devices in one. It is designed to be used
as an office system for the following purposes: Everyone who uses this system must have read and un-
- Print, copy, scan and fax documents. derstood the related user's guides.
- Use available finishing functions such as duplexing,
stapling, hole-punching and booklet creation if ap-
propriate options are installed. 2.4 Introduction to user's
- Store scanned documents on external USB memo- guide
ry devices; send scanned documents to network
scan destinations such as FTP, WebDAV and E- The user's guide of this product consists of this manual
mail. and the HTML User's Guide.

The intended use also requires that: This manual describes notes and precautions that should
be followed in order to use this machine safely, and also
- The system is used within the limits of device spec-
provides information about basic functions and operation
ifications and specifications of optional compo-
nents, methods.

- All safety instructions in the related user's guides If you want to learn about more detailed functions or op-
are observed, eration methods, refer to the HTML User's Guide includ-
- Legal restrictions on reproduction (page 8) are ob- ed in the User's Guide CD.
- Inspection and maintenance instructions are ad- Quick Guide
hered to,
This document describes notes and precautions that
- General, national and company safety provisions should be followed in order to use this machine safely,
are observed. and also provides information about basic functions and
operation methods.
Impermissible operating conditions Be sure to read this guide before use.
The system may not be operated if:
- Errors or damage have been discovered,
- Maintenance intervals have been exceeded,
- Mechanical or electrical functions do not work as
they should.

bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i 9
HTML User's Guide
This User's Guide is included in the User's Guide CD.
The User's Guide provides basic and detailed information
on the functions of this product and also explanations of
other various setting functions.

2.5 Symbols and notations

used in this manual
Symbol/no- Description
Improper handling can cause serious
injury or death.

Improper handling can cause minor

injury or damage to houses and prop-
This symbol indicates a risk that may
result in damage to this machine or
documents. Follow the instructions
to avoid property damage.
This check mark symbol shows a
precondition of a procedure.
This symbol indicates a supplemen-
tary explanation of a procedural in-
This symbol indicates supplemental
information of a topic as well as op-
tions required to use a function.
This symbol indicates reference func-
tions related to a topic.

This shows the settings related to a

particular topic for any user.

This shows the settings related to a

topic only for administrators.

[] An item enclosed by brackets [ ] indi-

cates a key name on the Touch Pan-
el or computer screen, or the name of
a user's guide.
Bold text This presents a part name, product
name, or option name.

2.6 Administrator password

The administrator password is set to
[1234567812345678] by factory default. Try this pass-
word if the administrator password has not been
Change the administrator password periodically.

10 bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i

3 How to Use the HTML User's Guide

About the HTML User's Guide
The HTML User's Guide included in the User's Guide CD can also be obtained from the following URL. To
obtain the HTML User's Guide, send the URL read from the QR code to your computer.

Select a desired function on the top page (Home), and check the details of the function.
Selecting [Introduction] on the top page (Home) allows you to view detailed methods for using the HTML Us-
er's Guide.

Operating environment
Supported operating systems
- Microsoft Windows 7 (SP1)/Windows 8.1/Windows 10
Apple Mac OS 10.10/10.11/10.12/10.13/10.14
Supported Web browsers
- Windows:
Microsoft Internet Explorer 10/11 (Desktop version), Microsoft Edge, Firefox latest version, Google
Chrome latest version
- Mac OS:
Safari latest version
Display resolution
- 1024 e 768 pixels or more

- We recommend that you use the latest Web browser that is compatible with your operating system to
help you use this machine more conveniently and comfortably.
- Check that JavaScript in your Web browser is enabled. The HTML User's Guide uses JavaScript for the
page display and search functions.

Login for iTraining

iTraining provides an online product introduction in which all important functions are explained in detail in
clear video sequences. Be guided step-by-step in a simple procedure and get to know your bizhub system
in an easy way.
At any time - without specified times - again and again!

bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i 11

4 About This Machine

4.1 Optional components

List of optional components

2 3 4

33 5 6 7 8


29 9
1 10
30 14





23 22 21 20 19 18

No. Name Description

1 Main unit Scans the original in the scanner section, and prints a scanned image
in the printer section.
This unit is referred to as "this machine" or "the main unit" in the man-
2 Original Cover OC- Used to fix the loaded originals.
3 Reverse Automatic Automatically feeds and scans originals by page. This unit also revers-
Document Feeder DF- es and automatically scans 2-sided originals.
632 This unit is referred to as ADF in the manual.
4 Reverse Automatic Automatically feeds and scans originals by page. This unit scans a 2-
Document Feeder DF- sided original by only requiring the paper be fed into the machine once
714 without reversing.
This unit is referred to as ADF in the manual.
5 Fax Kit FK-514 Used to operate this machine as a fax machine. Alternatively, this kit
allows more telephone lines to be connected.
6 Clean Unit CU-102 Collects small particles (UFP) generated in this machine to prevent
them from escaping this machine.

12 bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i
No. Name Description
7 Authentication Unit Performs user authentication by scanning vein patterns in the finger.
AU-102 The Working Table WT-506 is required to install the Authentication
Unit AU-102.
8 Authentication Unit Performs user authentication by scanning information recorded on
AU-201S the IC card or NFC-compatible Android terminal.
The Mount Kit MK-735 is required to install the Authentication Unit
This unit can also be installed on the Working Table WT-506.
9 Working Table WT- Provides an area to temporarily place an original or other materials.
506 This is also used when the Authentication Unit AU-102 or Authenti-
cation Unit AU-201S is installed.
10 Keypad KP-102 It is equipped on the side of the Control Panel.
Allows you to operate this machine or enter a number by using hard-
ware keys.
11 Keyboard Holder KH- Install this holder to use a external keyboard.
102 For details on external keyboards, contact your service representa-
12 Security Kit SC-509 Supports the copy guard and password copy functions to prevent un-
authorized copying.
13 Fax Mount Kit MK-742 This unit is required to install FAX Kit FK-515.
This option is available in North America and Hong Kong.
14 FAX Kit FK-515 Used to add telephone lines.
Fax Mount Kit MK-742 is required to install FAX Kit FK-515.
This option is available in North America and Hong Kong.
15 Mount Kit MK-730 Used to print data on banner paper.
16 Large Capacity Unit Allows you to load up to 3000 sheets of 8-1/2 e 11 (A4) size.
LU-302 To install the Large Capacity Unit LU-302, the Paper Feed Cabinet
PC-116, PC-216, PC-416, or PC-417 must be installed on this ma-
17 Image Controller IC- Provides the high-quality printing result.
420 Video Interface Kit VI-516 and Upgrade Kit UK-115 are required to
install Image Controller IC-420. In addition, the Paper Feed Cabinet
PC-116, PC-216, PC-416, or PC-417 or Desk DK-516 must be in-
stalled on this machine.
18 Desk DK-705 Used to install this machine on the floor.
19 Desk DK-516 Used to install this machine on the floor.
20 Paper Feed Cabinet Allows you to load up to 1500 sheets of 8-1/2 e 11 (A4) size in the left
PC-417 tray and up to 1000 sheets in the right tray.
21 Paper Feed Cabinet Allows you to load up to 2500 sheets of 8-1/2 e 11 (A4) size.
22 Paper Feed Cabinet Allows you to load up to 500 sheets respectively in the top and bottom
PC-216 trays.
23 Paper Feed Cabinet Allows you to load up to 500 sheets in the top tray and use the bottom
PC-116 tray as a storage box.
24 Finisher FS-539 Sorts, groups and staples printed paper before outputting it.
To install the Finisher FS-536, the Relay Unit RU-513 is required. In
addition, the Paper Feed Cabinet PC-116, PC-216, PC-416, or PC-
417 or Desk DK-516 must be installed on this machine.
25 Finisher FS-539 SD Sorts, groups, staples, folds, and binds printed paper before output-
ting it.
To install the Finisher FS-539 SD, the Relay Unit RU-513 is required.
In addition, the Paper Feed Cabinet PC-116, PC-216, PC-416, or
PC-417 or Desk DK-516 must be installed on this machine.
26 Punch Kit PK-524 Install this unit onto the Finisher FS-539/FS-539 SD.
This unit supports the punching function.

bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i 13
No. Name Description
27 Finisher FS-536 Sorts, groups and staples printed paper before outputting it.
To install the Finisher FS-536, the Relay Unit RU-513 is required. In
addition, the Paper Feed Cabinet PC-116, PC-216, PC-416, or PC-
417 or Desk DK-516 must be installed on this machine.
28 Finisher FS-536 SD Sorts, groups, staples, folds, and binds printed paper before output-
ting it.
To install the Finisher FS-536 SD, the Relay Unit RU-513 is required.
In addition, the Paper Feed Cabinet PC-116, PC-216, PC-416, or
PC-417 or Desk DK-516 must be installed on this machine.
29 Punch Kit PK-520 Install this unit onto the Finisher FS-536/FS-536 SD.
This unit supports the punching function.
30 Relay Unit RU-513 This unit is required to install the Finisher FS-539/FS-539 SD/FS-
536/FS-536 SD on this machine.
31 Finisher FS-533 Install this unit onto the output tray of this machine.
Sorts, groups and staples printed paper before outputting it.
32 Punch Kit PK-519 Install this unit onto the Finisher FS-533.
This unit supports the punching function.
33 Job Separator JS-506 Install this unit onto the output tray of this machine.
This unit sorts printed sheets.

List of other optional components

The following options are built into this machine and are not shown in the figure.

No. Name Description

1 Stamp Unit SP-501 Stamps a scanned original when sending a fax. This unit allows you
to check that the original has been scanned.
2 Spare TX Marker A replacement stamp for the Stamp Unit SP-501.
Stamp 2
3 Local Interface Kit Install this unit when using the voice guidance function.
EK-608 The speaker and USB port are added.
4 Local Interface Kit Install this unit when using the voice guidance function or the connec-
EK-609 tion function with a Bluetooth LE-compatible iOS terminal.
The speaker, USB port, and receiving device for Bluetooth LE com-
munication are added.
5 Video Interface Kit VI- This unit is required to install Image Controller IC-420.
6 Upgrade Kit UK-115 This unit is required to install Image Controller IC-420.
7 i-Option LK-102 v3 Allows you to add the PDF processing function.
8 i-Option LK-104 v3 Allows you to add the voice guidance function.
9 i-Option LK-105 v5 Allows you to add the searchable PDF function.
10 i-Option LK-106 Used to add a bar code font that is one of special fonts.
11 i-Option LK-107 Used to add a unicode font that is one of special fonts.
12 i-Option LK-108 Used to add an OCR font that is one of special fonts.
In the standard, the OCR-B font (PostScript) is available. Installing this
option allows use of the OCR-A font (PCL).
13 i-Option LK-110 v3 Allows you to convert a file into the DOCX or XLSX type or generate a
high functionality and the high-quality data generation function.
This option includes the function licenses for i-Option LK-102 v3 and
i-Option LK-105 v5. To purchase this option, you do not need to pur-
chase i-Option LK-102 v3 and i-Option LK-105 v5.
For details on the addable functions, refer to the HTML User's Guide.
14 i-Option LK-111 Allows you to add the ThinPrint function.
15 i-Option LK-114 Allows you to add the serverless pull printing function.

14 bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i
No. Name Description
16 i-Option LK-115 v2 Allows you to add TPM (Trusted Platform Module). Security enhance-
ment is realized by encrypting confidential information such as certif-
icates and passwords of this machine.
17 i-Option LK-116 Allows you to add the virus scan function.
18 i-Option LK-117 Allows you to add the IP fax (SIP) function.
19 Upgrade Kit UK-221 Allows you to use this machine in a wireless network environment.
20 Heater HT-509 Prevents paper in a paper tray from being affected by humidity.
The Heater HT-509 can be mounted when you purchase the Paper
Feed Cabinet PC-116, PC-216, PC-416, or PC-417.
21 Transformer kit TK- This unit is required to enable the function Heater of the Large Ca-
101 pacity Unit LU-302 to function.
22 Power Supply BOX Used to turn Heater HT-509 operations on or off.
MK-734 The Power Supply BOX MK-734 can be mounted when you pur-
chase the Paper Feed Cabinet PC-116, PC-216, PC-416, or PC-417
or Desk DK-516.
23 Mount Kit MK-735 Required to have Authentication Unit AU-201S built in to the main
24 Intelligent media sen- Automatically detects the paper type of the paper loaded in the tray.
sor IM-102
25 Expanded Memory Adds the storage to this machine.
Unit EM-908 To use this unit, update firmware of this machine. For details, contact
your service representative.

bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i 15
4.2 Name of each component (main unit)

This figure shows the main unit equipped with Reverse Automatic Document Feeder DF-714.

2 3 4 5
1 6





No. Name Description

1 Reverse Automatic Automatically feeds and scans originals by page. This unit scans a 2-
Document Feeder sided original by only requiring the paper be fed into the machine once
without reversing.
This unit is referred to as ADF in the manual.
2 Left Cover Release Used to open the Left Cover.
3 Left Cover Open the Left Cover when clearing a paper jam.
4 Lateral Guide Adjust this guide along the width of the original.
5 Original Tray Load the original face up in this tray.
6 Original Output Tray The scanned original is fed out onto this tray.
7 Control Panel Used to configure various settings in this machine.
8 Stylus Pen Used to select a menu on the Touch Panel, or enter characters.
9 USB Port (Type A) Used to connect an external memory unit (USB flash drive) to this ma-
USB2.0/1.1 chine.
10 Right Door Open this door to clear a paper jam.
11 Bypass Tray Used to print data on irregularly size paper, thick paper, transparen-
cies, postcards (4 e 6 (A6 Card)), envelopes, or label sheets.
12 Right Door Release Used to lock the Right Door.
13 Main Power Switch Press this switch to turn the machine on or off.
14 Tray 1, Tray 2 Allows you to load up to 500 sheets of plain paper.
15 Front Door Open this door to replace the Toner Cartridge or Waste Toner Box,
and to clean the Print Head Glass.
16 Mobile Touch Area This area is used to associate this machine with an NFC-compatible
Android terminal or an iOS terminal compatible with Bluetooth LE.
17 Power key Switches this machine to the Power Save mode.

16 bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i
The illustration shows the main unit with Reverse Automatic Document Feeder DF-714, Fax Kit FK-514,
FAX Kit FK-515, and Fax Mount Kit MK-742.
(FAX Kit FK-515 and Fax Mount Kit MK-742 can be used in North America and Hong Kong.)



3 2

No. Name Description

1 Power Cord Used to supply power to this machine.
2 Telephone Jack 4 Used to connect a general telephone subscriber line.
3 Telephone Jack 3 Used to connect a general telephone subscriber line.
4 Jack for connecting a Used to connect a telephone cord.
telephone (TEL Connect the cord to this connector even when using multiple lines.
5 Telephone Jack 1 Used to connect a general telephone subscriber line.
(LINE PORT1) Connect the cord to this connector when using only one telephone
6 Telephone Jack 2 Used to connect a general telephone subscriber line.
7 USB Port (Type A) Used to connect the FAX1 line (option).
8 USB Port (Type A) Used to connect the FAX2 line (option).
9 USB Port (Type C) Used to connect the Wireless LAN Interface Kit (option).
10 USB Port (Type A) Used to connect the Authentication Unit (option).
11 Network Connector Connect to this port when using this machine as a network printer or
(10Base-T/100Base- network scanner.
12 USB Port (Type B) Connect to this port when using this machine as a USB-connected
USB2.0/1.1 printer.

- The network port of this product is following No.11 and No.12. A port is activated when a network port
inserts a cable.

bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i 17
4.3 Power supply
This machine provides the Main Power Switch and Power key.

No. Name Description

1 Main Power Switch Turns the main power of this machine on or off. For details on how to
turn the main power on or off, refer to page 18.
2 Power key Switches this machine to the Power Save mode. This function reduc-
es power consumption and has a greater power saving effect. For de-
tails on how to use the Power key, refer to HTML User's Guide.

While printing, do not turn the Main Power Switch off or press the Power key. Otherwise, it may lead to a
paper jam.
If the Main Power Switch is turned off or the Power key is pressed while this machine is running, the system
deletes the currently loaded data or communicating data as well as queued jobs.

Turning the power on and off

1 When turning the main power on, open the Main Power Switch Cover, and press n of the Main Power

The Power Indicator on the Control Panel lights up, and the start screen is displayed on the Touch

2 When turning the main power off, open the Main Power Switch Cover, and press r of the Main Pow-
er Switch.
When restarting this machine, turn the Main Power Switch off and on again after 10 or more seconds
have passed. Not doing so may result in an operation failure.

18 bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i

5 About Panels

5.1 Control Panel


No. Name Description

1 Touch Panel Displays setting screens and messages.
Directly press this panel to carry out operations.
2 Warning Indicator Indicates the status of this machine by the lamp color, flashing, or a
lamp lighting up.
• Flash (orange): Warning
• Light-up (orange): The machine is stopped.
3 Power key Switches this machine to the Power Save mode. For details on how
to use the Power key, refer to HTML User's Guide.
4 Power Indicator Indicates the power supply state by the lamp color.
• Light-up (blue): Normal state
• Flash (blue): Low Power mode or Sleep mode
• Light-up (orange): Sub Power OFF
• Flash (orange): ErP Auto Power OFF

bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i 19
5.2 Touch Panel

Home screen
The layout of the home screen is as follows.

1 2 3 4 5

8 7

No. Name Description

1 User/Account Name Displayed when user authentication and account track are enabled.
Opening the left area displays the name of the current login user or the
account name.
Tapping [Logout] logs out.
2 [Job List] Displays active or standby jobs. If necessary, you can check job logs
or print a communication report.
This list displays the operation status of the current job on the [Job
List] key when it is running. If necessary, you can stop the active job
using the Stop key displayed next to the [Job List] key.
3 Notification icon You can check warnings or notices related to the status of this ma-
4 Device information icon You can check the current date and time, free space in memory, and
toner level.
The corresponding device information is displayed when:
• A nonstandard USB flash drive is connected to this machine;
• Device information logs are spooled;
• Image logs are transferred;
• This machine is in fax redial wait state;
• This machine is receiving data;
• This machine is sending data;
• An E-mail server (POP) connection error occurs; or
• The enhanced security mode is enabled.
5 Information icon Displays a message for users.
6 Function key Displays shortcut keys assigned to any function.
7 Page Indicator You can check the currently displayed page number.
8 Left area open/close Opens or closes the left area.
icon Opening the left area displays the names of the icons in the left area.
9 [Customize Home Sets the function keys to display on the home screen.
10 [Language] Temporarily changes the language to be displayed on the panel.
This option is displayed when [Temporarily Change Language] is set
to ON.
11 [Utility] Configure settings of this machine or check the use status of this ma-

20 bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i
5.3 Login methods

When user authentication is enabled:

When user authentication is enabled on this machine, the login screen is displayed. Enter the user name and
the password, and perform user authentication.
0 The contents of the login screen may vary depending on the authentication setting of this machine.
0 If Public User Access (unregistered users) is enabled, you can tap [Used by public user] on the login
screen to operate this machine without authentication.

1 Enter the user name and password.

2 When [Server Name] is displayed, select the server to perform authentication.

% The default authentication server is selected by default.

3 When [Operation Rights] is displayed, select the login user's operation privileges.
% To log in as a registered user, select [User].
% To log in as an administrator, select [Administrator].
% To log in as a User Box administrator, select [User Box Administrator].

4 When [Authentication Method] is displayed, select the authentication method.

5 Tap [Login].
When authentication succeeds, you can operate this machine. The user name is displayed on the
screen during login.
If the login screen for account track is displayed, perform account track after this. For details on the
account track operation, refer to page 22.

6 When the target operation is completed, select the Access key ( ) to log out.
% If this machine is left for a certain period of time during login (default: [1] min.), you are logged out

7 Tap [Yes] on the logout confirmation screen.

bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i 21
When account track is enabled:
When account track is enabled on this machine, the login screen is displayed. Enter the account name and
the password to perform account track.
0 The contents of the login screen may vary depending on the authentication setting of this machine.

1 Enter the account name and password.

% When performing account track using only the password, the keypad is displayed on the login
screen. If the password is numeral alone, it is possible to enter the password using the keypad. If
the password contains a character, tap the [Password] entry area, and then enter the password.

2 Tap [Login].
When authentication succeeds, you can operate this machine. The account name is displayed on the
screen during the log in process. When user authentication and account track are enabled together, the
user name is displayed on the screen.

3 When the target operation is completed, select the Access key ( ) to log out.
% If this machine is left for a certain period of time during login (default: [1] min.), you are logged out

4 Tap [Yes] on the logout confirmation screen.

22 bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i

6 Loading the Original and Paper

6.1 Load the original 6.2 Loading paper

The original loading methods are classified into two No paper setting is required because frequently used pa-
types: loading the original into the ADF (Automatic Doc- per is loaded during general use.
ument Feeder), and directly loading the original onto the
This section describes how to use paper that is not usu-
Original Glass.
ally loaded into a paper tray.
Select the appropriate one for your requirements.
The methods for loading envelopes, postcards, label
sheets, and index paper are as follows.
6.1.1 Loading the original into the
ADF 6.2.1 Loading paper in Tray 1 to Tray
This function is useful when you want to scan an original 2
containing multiple pages, or a sheet original of different
Up to 500 sheets of plain paper can be loaded into each
- Place original pages so that the first one is at the
- Load the original with the scanning side facing up. Applicable paper types
- Slide the Lateral Guide to suit the original size. Plain paper, single-side-only paper, thin paper, postcard
(4 e 6 (A6 Card)), envelope, special paper, thick paper,
letterhead, colored paper, recycled paper

How to load paper

1 Pull out the tray.

6.1.2 Placing the original on the

Original Glass
This function is useful when you want to scan a small
original such as a book, magazine, or business card.
- Place the original with the scanning side facing
down. NOTICE
- Align the original with the mark at the left back of Be careful not to touch the Film.
the Original Glass.

bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i 23
2 Slide the Lateral Guide to fit the size of the loaded How to load paper
1 Open the Bypass Tray.

3 Load paper into the tray with the print side facing
up. % To load large-sized paper, pull out the Tray Ex-
Be careful not to touch the surface of the Paper Feed
Rollers with your hand.

2 Load paper with the print side facing down, then

align the Lateral Guide to the paper.
% Insert paper into the tray until their edges are
pressed against the back.

4 When loading paper other than plain paper, specify

the paper type as needed.
% The paper type is automatically detected by the
optional Intelligent media sensor.
% If you make settings so that the paper type is
not automatically detected, you need to specify
the paper type.
% For details on the above, refer to the HTML Us-
er's Guide.
Do not load an excessive number of sheets such that the
top of the stack is higher than the , mark.
6.2.2 Loading paper into the Bypass
Tray If paper is curled, flatten it before loading it.

When selecting a paper size other than for paper trays or 3 Specify the paper type and paper size as needed.
printing on envelopes or transparencies, use the Bypass
% The paper type is automatically detected by the
optional Intelligent media sensor.
To use the Bypass Tray, specify the paper type and pa- % If you make settings so that the paper type is
per size. not automatically detected, you need to specify
the paper type.
Applicable paper types % For details on the paper size setting method and
the above, refer to the HTML User's Guide.
Plain paper, single-side-only paper, special paper, thick
paper, postcard (4 e 6 (A6 Card)), transparency, letter-
head, colored paper, envelope, label sheets, index paper,
recycled paper, and banner paper

24 bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i
6.2.3 Loading envelopes For Bypass Tray
Precautions when using envelopes Up to 10 envelopes can be loaded into the tray.
- Remove air from the envelope(s), and securely - Load envelopes with the flap part facing up.
press along the flap fold line. - Align the Lateral Guide with the envelope size.
- Do not use envelopes that have glue or release pa- - Select the desired envelope size from [Envelop/4 e
per on the flap or the part covered by the flap on the 6] ([Envelop/A6 Card]) of [Paper Size].
- The flap side of envelopes cannot be printed on.
- When loading envelopes with flaps opened, also
select the standard size that matches them. You do
not have to measure the size of the envelope with
the flap opened to set the size as a custom-sized

For Tray 1
Up to 70 envelopes can be loaded into the tray.
- Load envelopes with the flap part facing down.
- When loading envelopes of which the length is 7-
3/16 inches (182 mm) or less, mount the Attach-
ment on the Lateral Guide.
- Align the Lateral Guide with the envelope size.
- Select the desired envelope size from [Envelop/4 e
6] ([Envelop/A6 Card]) of [Paper Size].

bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i 25
6.2.4 Loading postcards For Bypass Tray
Precautions when using postcards Up to 20 postcards can be loaded into the tray.
- When loading curled postcards, uncurl them. - Load postcards with the print side facing down.
- When using postcards other than 4 e 6 (A6 Card), - Align the Lateral Guide with the postcard size.
confirm its size, and select [Paper Size] - [Custom - Select the desired postcard size from [Envelop/4 e
Size] to specify the size. 6] ([Envelop/A6 Card]) of [Paper Size].

For Tray 1
Up to 200 postcards can be loaded into the tray.
- Load postcards with the print side facing up.
- For Tray 1, mount the Attachment on the Lateral
- Align the Lateral Guide with the postcard size.
- Select [4 e 6] ([A6 Card]) from [Paper Size options].

26 bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i
6.2.5 Loading label sheets 6.2.6 Loading index papers
A label sheet consists of the front-side paper (print side), Up to 20 index papers can be loaded into the tray.
sticking layer, and pasteboard . Peel off the pasteboard, - With the print side facing down, align the tab side
then you can stick the label to other objects. Up to 20 la- as shown below.
bel sheets can be loaded into the tray.
- Align the Lateral Guide with the index sheet size.
- With the print side facing down, load label sheets as
- Select [Index Paper] from [Paper Type].
shown in the figure.
- Align the Lateral Guide with the label sheet size.
- Select [Thick 1+] from [Paper Type]. (Not required
when this machine is equipped with the Intelligent
media sensor.)

bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i 27

7 Available Operations in this Machine

This machine provides the copy function, print function, and scan/fax function as major functions. This sec-
tion describes the basic operations for each function.
If you want to learn about more detailed descriptions or operation methods, refer to the HTML User's Guide
included in the User's Guide CD.

7.1 How to copy 4 Set copy options as needed.

Basic copy operations

This section describes the basic copy operations.

1 If user authentication is enabled, the login screen

appears. Enter the required items, and tap [Login].

5 If necessary, specify the number of copies using

the keypad.

6 Use the Start key to start copying.

2 Load the original.

3 Tap [Copy] on the home screen.

28 bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i
7.2 How to print 7.3 How to scan

Basic print operations Basic scan operations

This section describes the basic print operations. This section describes the basic scan operations.

1 Open document data using the application soft- 1 If user authentication is enabled, the login screen
ware. From the [File] menu, select [Print]. appears. Enter the required items, and tap [Login].

2 Check the [Printer Name] (or [Select Printer]) make

sure that the desired printer has been selected.
% The [Print] dialog box differs depending on the

2 Load the original.

3 Specify the print range and the number of copies to


4 Click [Properties] (or [Preferences]) to change the

3 Tap the scan function key on the home screen.
print settings of the printer driver as necessary.
4 Specify the destination.
5 Click [Print].

bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i 29
5 Specify transmission options as needed. 7.4 How to fax

Basic fax operations

This section describes the basic fax operations.

1 If user authentication is enabled, the login screen

appears. Enter the required items, and tap [Login].

6 Use the Start key to start transmission.

2 Load the original.

3 Tap [Fax] on the home screen.

30 bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i
4 Specify the destination.

5 Specify transmission options as needed.

6 Use the Start key to start transmission.

bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i 31

8 Registering a Destination

8.1 How to register a destination

Registering a fax address

1 Tap [Utility] - [Utility] - [Store Address] - [Address Book] - [New Registration].

2 In [Select Destination], select [Fax].

3 Enter destination information.

Setting Description
[No.] Destination registration number. Select [Use opening number] to automatically
assign the smallest available number. When you want to specify a number, se-
lect [Direct Input] and then enter a number.
[Name] Enter the destination name (using up to 24 characters).
[Index] Select an index to search for a destination using the registered name.
For a frequently used destination, select the [Main] check box. The destinations
are displayed on the destination selection screen, enabling the user to easily se-
lect a destination.
[Destination] Enter the destination fax number (using up to 38 digits, including symbols #, *, -
, and characters T, P, and E).
• [T] or [*]: Enter the fax number when issuing a push signal in dial-up line mode
(while [Dialing Method] is set to [10pps] or [20pps]).
• [P]: Enter this when you want to insert a wait time between dials.
• [-]: Enter this to separate a dial number. It does not affect the dialing of the
• [E-]: Enter the registered outside line number in PBX environment. Enter this
when [PBX Connection Setting] is set to ON.
[Confirm Fax Num- Enter the fax number again.
ber] This option is displayed when [Function ON/OFF Setting] - [Confirm Address
(Register)] is set to ON.
[Line Setting] If multiple lines are used, select the line used to send a fax.
In general use, use [Line 1]. If [Normal] is selected, either line, whichever is not
busy, is used for transmission.
[Communication Set- If necessary, specify how to send a fax to a destination you want to register. You
ting] may change the settings you made here before sending a fax.
• [V34 Off]: V.34 is a communication mode used for super G3 fax communica-
tion. When the remote machine or this machine is connected to a telephone
line via PBX, however, you may not establish a communication in the super
G3 mode depending on telephone line conditions. In this case, it is recom-
mended that you turn the V.34 mode off to send data.
• [ECM Off]: ECM is an error correction mode defined by ITU-T (International
Telecommunication Union - Telecommunication Standardization Sector).
Fax machines equipped with the ECM feature communicate with each other,
confirming that the sent data is free of errors. This prevents image blurring
caused by telephone line noise.
The communication time can be reduced by setting ECM to OFF for trans-
mission. However, an image error or communication error may occur de-
pending on the specified communication time value, so change the value to
suit conditions.
• [International Communication]: Used to send a fax to areas where communi-
cation conditions are poor. Faxes are sent at a lower speed.
• [Check Destination]: The fax number specified for fax is checked against the
destination fax number (CSI) and the fax is sent only when they match.

4 Tap [OK].

32 bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i
Registering E-mail address
1 Tap [Utility] - [Utility] - [Store Address] - [Address Book] - [New Registration].

2 In [Select Destination], select [E-mail Address].

3 Enter destination information.

Setting Description
[No.] Destination registration number. Select [Use opening number] to automatically
assign the smallest available number. When you want to specify a number, se-
lect [Direct Input] and then enter a number.
[Name] Enter the destination name (using up to 24 characters).
[Index] Select an index to search for a destination using the registered name.
For a frequently used destination, select the [Main] check box. The destinations
are displayed on the destination selection screen, enabling the user to easily se-
lect a destination.
[E-mail] Enter the E-mail address of the destination (using up to 320 characters, exclud-
ing spaces).

4 Tap [OK].

bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i 33

9 Read this if You Have a Problem

9.1 Main messages and remedies

9.1.1 Checking a notification message on the Touch Panel

The notification icon is displayed on the home screen when there is a machine condition warning or notice
notification. You can tap the icon to check the notification contents.

1 Tap the notification icon on the home screen.

2 Tap [ATTENTION List], and check the notification list.

34 bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i
9.1.2 Screen that appears when a paper/staple jam has occurred
If any paper or staple jam occurs on this machine, the paper jam clearing procedure and the paper or staple
jam location are displayed on the screen of this machine. Confirm the clear procedure and jam location, and
follow the guidance to clear the jam.
If a paper jam is not cleared securely, the warning message is not reset. For details on how to take an action
when a paper jam message is not reset, refer to the HTML User's Guide.

When a paper jam is cleared, a screen showing how to correctly load paper or the original is displayed.

bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i 35
Return the original or paper, and tap [OK] or [Complete]; the system restarts scanning or printing of the orig-

Item Description
[Start Guidance] Starts the guidance showing how to clear a paper/staple jam.
[Display Switch] Changes the screen that shows the paper jam clearing procedure and the
screen that shows where the paper jam occurred.
Number (indicating the A section chart is displayed with a location number enclosed in a circle for a
location number for the section where a paper/staple jam has occurred.
section with a pa-
per/staple jam)

9.1.3 When an error message appears

When an error is detected, the following message appears. Take the appropriate action according to the
message displayed on the screen. If you cannot resolve the error, write down the [Trouble Code], and contact
your service representative with the power plug disconnected from the power outlet.
In normal circumstances, the phone number and fax number for your service representative appear in the
center of the screen.

If a defective part can be separated in order to be able to continue operations after a problem has been de-
tected, [Continue] or [Recover Data] is displayed. To continue operations, select any key. However, the prob-
lem has not been resolved, so contact your service representative immediately.

36 bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i
9.2 When the Touch Panel is not visible
If a certain length of time has elapsed without any operations being carried out on this machine, the Touch
Panel may turn off.
Check the following items:
- Touch the Touch Panel. In Power Save (Low Power/Sleep) mode, this machine returns from Power
Save mode when the Touch Panel is touched or a key on the Control Panel is pressed, and the Touch
Panel appears normally.

- On the Control Panel, press the Power key. If the Weekly Timer setting has put the machine in Erp
Auto Power off mode, press the Power key to display the Touch Panel. To use it outside the preset
operating hours, follow the on-screen instructions.

- Check to see that the Main Power Switch is turned ON.

bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i 37
9.3 When printing quality has deteriorated

Cleaning the Original Glass and roller

Wipe the surface using a soft, dry cloth.

- The inside of this product has areas subject to high temperature, which may cause burns. When check-
ing the inside of the unit for malfunctions such as a paper misfeed, do not touch the locations (around
the fusing unit, etc.) which are indicated by a "Caution HOT" caution label. A burn could result.

Cleaning the Slit Scan Glass

0 Perform this procedure when the Reverse Automatic Document Feeder DF-632 or Reverse Auto-
matic Document Feeder DF-714 is installed on the machine.

1 Open the ADF.

2 Wipe stains off the Slit Scan Glass using a dry, clean cloth.

Do not touch the Slit Scan Glass.

38 bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i
Cleaning the Slit Scan Glass (back)
0 Cleaning is required when the Reverse Automatic Document Feeder DF-714 is installed on this ma-

1 Open the ADF.

2 Open the Opening and Closing Guide.

% Release the lock lever of the Opening and Closing Guide, and open the Opening and Closing

3 Wipe stains off the Slit Scan Glass (back) using a dry, clean cloth.

Do not touch the Slit Scan Glass (back).

bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i 39
4 Close the Opening and Closing Guide you opened in step 2.

% Press the Hand mark in the center of the Opening and Closing Guide, and check that the Opening
and Closing Guide is locked securely.

Cleaning the Print Head Glass

Printing quality deteriorates if the Print Head Glass is dirty. If this occurs, clean the Print Head Glass ac-
cording to the following procedure.

1 Open the Front Door of the machine.

2 Remove the Waste Toner Box.

40 bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i
3 Remove the Printhead Cleaner from the Front Door of this machine.

4 Slowly insert the Printhead Cleaner all the way to the back end of the Print Head Glass, and then
slowly pull it out.
% Repeat this operation approximately three times for all the Print Head Glass sections.

5 Mount the Printhead Cleaner onto the Front Door of this machine.

6 Mount the Waste Toner Box.

7 Close the Front Door of the machine.

bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i 41
9.4 When a message appears to replace consumables or carry out
A message appears indicating the time(s) that expiring consumables used in this machine should be re-
placed. Also, a message appears when the Slit Scan Glass is dirty.
Replace consumables or clean the Slit Scan Glass as instructed in the displayed message. Contact your ser-
vice representative if the messages continue to appear even after replacement or cleaning has been carried

9.4.1 About Drum Unit

When it is time to replace a Drum Unit, a message appears to prompt you to contact your service represent-
ative. If the message appears, contact your service representative.

- The settings by the service representative are required to display a message about Drum Unit. By the
factory default status, this message is displayed only in some area. For details, contact your service

9.4.2 About Developing Unit

When it is time to replace a Developing Unit, a message appears to prompt you to contact your service rep-
resentative. If the message appears, contact your service representative.

- The settings by the service representative are required to display a message about Developing Unit.
By the factory default status, this message is displayed only in some area. For details, contact your ser-
vice representative.

9.4.3 About Toner Cartridge

When toner is running out in the Toner Cartridge

When it is almost time to replace a Toner Cartridge, an advanced warning message appears. Prepare a Ton-
er Cartridge for replacement based on the maintenance contract.

When it is time to replace a Toner Cartridge

When it is time to replace a Toner Cartridge, a replacement prompt message appears. Replace it based on
the maintenance contract. You can display the replacement procedure on the screen and check it.

- Do not replace a Toner Cartridge of a color that is not displayed.

42 bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i
Replacing a Toner Cartridge
The following example shows how to replace a Yellow Toner Cartridge.

2 3

- Shake a new Toner Cartridge well, approximately 5 to 10 times, before installing it.
- If a toner cartridge other than for black is empty, printing can be continued forcibly using black. Tap
[Continue], and then select a desired print job.
- Do not forcedly open or disassemble a Toner Cartridge (toner container).
- Do not forcedly remove or dispose of toner that remains in a Toner Cartridge (toner container).
Install a Toner Cartridge for each label color. If you try to forcibly install a Toner Cartridge in the incorrect
position, it may result in a failure.

- Do not throw toner or a container that contains toner (e.g., toner cartridge, developing unit and Waste
Toner Box) into an open flame. The hot toner may scatter and cause burns or other damage.

- Do not leave toner-related parts (e.g., toner cartridge, developing unit and Waste Toner Box) within easy
reach of children. Licking any of these parts or ingesting toner could damage your health.
- Do not store toner-related parts (e.g., toner cartridge, developing unit and Waste Toner Box) near de-
vices susceptible to magnetism, such as precision equipment and data storage devices, otherwise they
may malfunction. They could cause these products to malfunction.
- Do not force open the toner-related parts (e.g., toner cartridge, developing unit and Waste Toner Box).
If toner tumbles from the toner bottle, take utmost care to avoid inhaling it or even getting skin contact.
- If toner lands on your skin or clothing, wash thoroughly with soap and water.
- If you inhale toner, move to a place with fresh air and gargle with a lot of water repeatedly. Should you
get symptoms such as coughing, seek medical advice.
- If you get toner into your eyes, immediately rinse them with running water for over 15 minutes. Seek
medical advice if irritation persists.
- If you swallow toner, rinse out your mouth and drink a few glasses of water. Seek medical advice if nec-

bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i 43
9.4.4 About Waste Toner Box
When the Waste Toner Box is full, a message appears to prompt you to replace it (at replacement by user).
Follow the displayed guidance to take an action.

Replacing a Waste Toner Box

- Your service representative will collect your used Waste Toner Box. Put it in a plastic bag, and store it
in a box by itself.

- Do not throw toner or a container that contains toner (e.g., toner cartridge, developing unit and Waste
Toner Box) into an open flame. The hot toner may scatter and cause burns or other damage.

- Do not leave toner-related parts (e.g., toner cartridge, developing unit and Waste Toner Box) within easy
reach of children. Licking any of these parts or ingesting toner could damage your health.
- Do not store toner-related parts (e.g., toner cartridge, developing unit and Waste Toner Box) near de-
vices susceptible to magnetism, such as precision equipment and data storage devices, otherwise they
may malfunction. They could cause these products to malfunction.
- Do not force open the toner-related parts (e.g., toner cartridge, developing unit and Waste Toner Box).
If toner tumbles from the toner bottle, take utmost care to avoid inhaling it or even getting skin contact.
- If toner lands on your skin or clothing, wash thoroughly with soap and water.
- If you inhale toner, move to a place with fresh air and gargle with a lot of water repeatedly. Should you
get symptoms such as coughing, seek medical advice.
- If you get toner into your eyes, immediately rinse them with running water for over 15 minutes. Seek
medical advice if irritation persists.
- If you swallow toner, rinse out your mouth and drink a few glasses of water. Seek medical advice if nec-

44 bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i
9.4.5 About Staple Cartridge
When staples in the Finisher have run out, a message appears to prompt you to make replenish them. Take
action while referring to the label inside the machine.

Replacing a Staple Cartridge (for Finisher FS-539 / Finisher FS-539 SD)

1 Open the Front Door of the Finisher.

2 Unlock the Staple Cartridge.

3 Pull out the Staple Cartridge.

bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i 45
4 Remove any empty staple cases from the Staple Cartridge.

2 1

5 Attach a new staple case to the Staple Cartridge.

6 Attach the Staple Cartridge.

7 Close the Front Door of the Finisher.

- Do not remove staples that remain in the machine. Otherwise, the stapling function will activate but no
sheets will be stapled.
Be sure to replace the Staple Cartridge after the relevant message has appeared. If a Staple Cartridge is
removed before the relevant message appears, it may result in a failure.

46 bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i
Replacing a Staple Cartridge (for Finisher FS-536 / Finisher FS-536 SD)
1 Open the Front Door of the Finisher.

2 Unlock the Staple Cartridge.

3 Pull out the Staple Cartridge.

bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i 47
4 Remove any empty staple cases from the Staple Cartridge.

2 1

5 Attach a new staple case to the Staple Cartridge.

6 Attach the Staple Cartridge.

7 Close the Front Door of the Finisher.

- Do not remove staples that remain in the machine. Otherwise, the stapling function will activate but no
sheets will be stapled.
Be sure to replace the Staple Cartridge after the relevant message has appeared. If a Staple Cartridge is
removed before the relevant message appears, it may result in a failure.

48 bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i
Replacing a Staple Cartridge (for Finisher FS-533)
1 Pinch the Lock Release Lever, and slide the Finisher.

2 Pull the Punch Kit Release Lever [FS2] in the arrow direction, and open the Punch Kit.



3 Unlock the Staple Cartridge.

4 Pull out the Staple Cartridge.

bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i 49
5 Remove any empty staple cases from the Staple Cartridge.

2 1

6 Attach a new staple case to the Staple Cartridge.

7 Attach the Staple Cartridge.

8 Close the Punch Kit.

9 Close the Finisher.

- Do not remove staples that remain in the machine. Otherwise, the stapling function will activate but no
sheets will be stapled.
Be sure to replace the Staple Cartridge after the relevant message has appeared. If a Staple Cartridge is
removed before the relevant message appears, it may result in a failure.

50 bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i
Replacing a Saddle Staple Cartridge (for Finisher FS-539 SD)
1 Open the Front Door of the Finisher.

2 Pull out the Saddle Stitcher.

3 Tilt the blue knob of the Saddle Staple Cartridge toward you.

bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i 51
4 Pull out the Saddle Staple Cartridge.

5 Open the Saddle Staple Cartridge cover.

6 Remove any empty staple cases from the Saddle Staple Cartridge.


7 Attach a new staple case to the Saddle Staple Cartridge.


8 Close the Saddle Staple Cartridge cover.

52 bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i
9 Attach the Saddle Staple Cartridge.

10 Push the blue knob of the Saddle Staple Cartridge to the back.
% Check that the mark of the Saddle Staple Cartridge matches that of the Saddle Stitcher.

11 Push in the Saddle Stitcher.

12 Close the Front Door of the Finisher.

- Do not remove staples that remain in the machine. Otherwise, the stapling function will activate but no
sheets will be stapled.
When moving the Saddle Stitcher, be sure to only hold the handle. Otherwise, your hand or finger may get
caught in the machine.
Be sure to replace the Saddle Staple Cartridge after the relevant message has appeared. If a Saddle Staple
Cartridge is removed before the relevant message appears, it may result in a failure.

bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i 53
Replacing a Saddle Staple Cartridge (for Finisher FS-536 SD)
1 Open the Front Door of the Finisher.

2 Pull out the Saddle Stitcher.

3 Tilt the blue knob of the Saddle Staple Cartridge toward you.

54 bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i
4 Pull out the Saddle Staple Cartridge.

5 Open the Saddle Staple Cartridge cover.

6 Remove any empty staple cases from the Saddle Staple Cartridge.


7 Attach a new staple case to the Saddle Staple Cartridge.


8 Close the Saddle Staple Cartridge cover.

bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i 55
9 Attach the Saddle Staple Cartridge.

10 Push the blue knob of the Saddle Staple Cartridge to the back.
% Check that the mark of the Saddle Staple Cartridge matches that of the Saddle Stitcher.

11 Push in the Saddle Stitcher.

12 Close the Front Door of the Finisher.

- Do not remove staples that remain in the machine. Otherwise, the stapling function will activate but no
sheets will be stapled.
When moving the Saddle Stitcher, be sure to only hold the handle. Otherwise, your hand or finger may get
caught in the machine.
Be sure to replace the Saddle Staple Cartridge after the relevant message has appeared. If a Saddle Staple
Cartridge is removed before the relevant message appears, it may result in a failure.

56 bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i
9.4.6 About hole-punch scraps
When the punch scrap box is full, a message appears to prompt you to dispose of the punch scraps (at re-
placement by user). Take action while referring to the label inside the machine.

Punch scrap processing (for Finisher FS-539 / Finisher FS-539 SD)

- The figure shows the Finisher FS-539 SD equipped with Punch Kit PK-524 and Relay Unit RU-513.

bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i 57
Punch scrap processing (for Finisher FS-536 / Finisher FS-536 SD)

- The figure shows the Finisher FS-536 SD equipped with Punch Kit PK-520 and Relay Unit RU-513.

58 bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i
Punch scrap processing (for Finisher FS-533)



- The figure shows the Finisher FS-533 equipped with Punch Kit PK-519.

bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i 59

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