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Dingras National High School-San Marcos Campus

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Ilocos Norte
Dingras, Ilocos Norte


I. MULTIPLE CHOICES. Choose the best answer. Write the letter of your answer before the number. ALL

1. It is a collection of any element such as bags, pen, paper, and etc.

A. Set B. set theory C.set equality D.all of these
2.What do we call a two sets that contain the same element?
A. Set B. set theory C.set equality D.all of these
3.What is a standard set that contain zero and positive numbers?
A. Integers B. real numbers C. positive integers D. natural numbers
4.what is a set that contains no element ?
A. Zero B. real numbers C. empty set D. natural numbers
5.It is a general set that contains all the element under condition.
A, universal set B.venn diagram C.disjoint set D. proper subset
6. What do we call a set of element that common to both set A and B?
A. IntersectionB. complement C. disjoint set D. proper subset
7. what kind of property is a two integers when added and multiplied remain as integers?
A. Commutative property B.Associative property C. closure propertyDistributive property
8. It is a property that changing the order of two numbers that are either added or multiplied does not change the
A. Closure propertyB.Associative property C.Distributive property D.Commutative property
9. A property when changing the grouping of numbers that are either added or multiplied does not change its
A. Closure property
B. Associative property
C. Distributive property
D. Commutative property
10. What property that states the sum of any number and 0 is the given number?
A. Additive identity property
B. Multiplicative identity property
C. Associative property of addition
D. Associative property of multiplication
11.When two numbers are added / subtracted and then multiplied by a factor, the result is the same when each
number is multiplied by the factor and the products are then added / subtracted.
A. Closure property
B. Associative property
C. Distributive property
D.Commutative property
12. It states that the product of any number and 1 is the given number, a • 1 = a.
A. Additive identity property
B. Multiplicative identity property
C. Associative property of addition
D. Associative property of multiplication
13.states that the sum of any number and its additive inverse, is zero.
A. Inverse property of addition
B. Inverse property of multiplication
C. Additive identity property
D. multiplicative identity property
14. states that the product of any number and its multiplicative inverse or
reciprocal, is 1.
A. Additive identity property
B. multiplicative identity property
C. Inverse property of addition
D. Inverse property of multiplication
15. Jof has five P5 coins in her coin purse. If her niece took 5 of the coins, how much has been taken away?
A. 5 B. 10 C. 25 D. 15
16.Mark can type 45 words per minute, how many words can Mark type in 30 minutes?
A.1250 B.12500 C.1430 D. 1350
17.There are 360 oranges in 15 baskets. How many oranges are there in 3 baskets?
A.45 B. 24 C. 72 D.15
18. Russ worked in a factory and earned P7,835.00 for 20 days. How much is his earning in 5 days?
A. 1958.75 B.1858.74 C.391.75 D.1567
What is 87+ (-54)?
A. 141 B .33 C. -144 D. -133
16. What is -35(-4)?
A.-145 B.-150 C.-140 D. 140
17.What is (-19) - (-15)?
A.4 B.34 C. -34 D. -4
18. What is -20 ÷ 5?
A. 5 B.-4 C.4 D.±4
19. what is (124-5 x 12)÷8?
A.8 B. 9 C. -9 D.-8
20. (10+15) - 4 x 3 + 7(-2)
A. 1 B. 2 C.-1 D. -2

II. Solve the following problems. Write your answer after the problem. Put your solutions on a clean sheet of
paper and attached the paper after solving.

1. Mark can type 45 words per minute, how many words can Mark type in 30 minutes?
2. There are 360 oranges in 15 baskets. How many oranges are there in 3 baskets?
3.Russ worked in a factory and earned P7,835.00 for 20 days. How much is his earning in 5 days?
4. A teacher has to divide 315 pieces of bond paper equally among his 35 students. How many pieces of bond
paper will 10 students receive?
5. A father has 976 sq meters lot; he has to divide it among his 5 children. What is the share of 2 children?

Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of Ilocos Norte
San Marcos Campus
San Esteban, Dingras, Ilocos Norte

Name:_______________________________ Date:_________________ Score:________________
I.MULTIPLE CHOICES. Choose the best answer. Write the letter of your answer before the number. ALL

1. What is an equation equivalent to an equation of the type ax2 + bx + c = 0, where a is nonzero?

A. Quadratic B. Quadratic equation C. Quadratic Formula D. All of these
2. If the product of two real numbers is zero, then either of the two is equal to zero or both numbers are equal to
A.Zero factor property B. Zero Product Property C. Completing the square D. All of these
3. To solve for Completing the Square the first steps should be in the form of_____________________.
A. ax2 +bx +c=0 B. ax2 +bx =-c C. ax2 + bx = c D. all of these
4. In a quadratic equation in the formula that is raise to the second power it is called______________.
A. Linear termB. constant C. quadratic term D. all of these
5. How about a term that is raise to zero?
A. Linear term B. constant C. quadratic term D. all of these
−b± √ b 2−4 ac
6. 2a this is use by solving quadratic equation but it is called?
A. Zero factor property B. completing the square C. quadratic formula D. all of these
7. In the quadratic formula, the expression underneath the radical that describes the nature of the roots.
A. Number of roots B. discriminant C. nature of roots D. all of these
8. If the discriminant is greater than zero and perfect then the roots are?
A. rational and unequal B. irrational and unequalC. real numbers and equal D. no real roots
9. What if the discriminant is less than zero?
B. A. irrational and unequal B. real numbers and equal C.rational and unequal D. no real roots
10. What is the nature of the roots when a discriminant is greater than zero but not perfect?
A .rational and unequal B. irrational and unequalC. real numbers and equal D. no real roots
11. If the discriminant is equal to zero , how many is the number of the roots?
A. 2 B. 1 C. 0 D. none
12. To solve for nature of roots, what is the first thing to do?
A. Substitute the value of a, b, and c B. determine all the values of a, b, and c
C,solve for x D. None
13. If you already solve for the nature of roots what is the next thing to do?
A. Determine the nature of roots B. determine the number of roots
C.determine the discriminant D. none
14. The perfect square trinomial can be converted into ____________?
A. Factored form B. Binomial Square C. standard form D. both A and B
15. The square of half of the coefficient of x equals the _____________.
A. Linear term B. constant C. quadratic term D. all of these
16. A perfect square trinomial can be expressed as _______________.
A. Factored form B. Binomial square C. Completing the square D. Both A and B
17. When an equation thus not have a perfect square trinomial we can use?
A. Zero product property B. Completing the square C. Quadratic formula D. Both B and C
18. What is the binomial square of x2 +4x+ ___=0?
A. (x+2) B.(x+2)2 C.x=-2 D. x= ±2
19. Using zero product property , what are the roots of quadratic equation x2+7x+6=0?
A. -6 and - 1 B. 6 and 1 C. 6 D. both A and B
20. Find the roots of 6x2 =9x.
A. 0 B. 0 and 3/2 C. 0 and -3/2 D.all of these
II.Find the discriminant of the following quadratic equations , and tell what is the nature of roots.

1.4y2 + 3y -1=0
2.4x2- x + 5 =0
3.2x2 - 4x= 5

II. Solve each of the following equation by using completing the square and quadratic formula.

1. x2 + 5x = -7
2. 3m2 - 8 =10m


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