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Nine Days in Heaven - Part 2 PDF

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The passage describes Nick's encounter with Jesus Christ in prison and how it changed his life, as well as Nick's experience being hexed by a fellow inmate and his defense of his faith against satanic forces.

Nick got involved with Jesus after having a dynamic encounter with Him in prison. This changed his whole life and led him to defend his faith against attacks later on.

When Nick was hexed by Tony, he had a strange dream where he found himself in a satanic church service. When he defended Jesus, the leader revealed himself to be a demon, possibly Satan himself.

The Visions of

Marietta Davis Editor’s Note:

When Marietta Davis wrote this book in 1848, she used several words
that would be quite difficult for most modern readers. This is the reason
Presented in Contemporary English I tried to write this book in contemporary/modern English. But even then
there were some words which I puzzled over—what was Marietta trying
to say?, or how would she say it if she were speaking in a simple,
contemporary English? He are some of Marietta’s words that I omitted:
fain, preponderating, effulgence, habiliments, dissever, behooves, and

Parts 1&2 of 3 vouchsafed; and phrases such as “a sable veil of nether night,”
“indulgence of propensities” and “reversion of the movement of
destructive tendency”.
If any reader is an expert to the older English language, and wishes to
help me better express Marietta’s thoughts, please write me at:

copied from:
Written in 1848
by a public domain book

Marietta Davis Printed: June 12, 2012

Printed by: Mr. James
Who is Marietta Davis?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
— Part One —
1 Introductory Statement 2
2 Man at Death. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3 City of Peace 8
4 The Glory of the Cross.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
5 Children in Paradise 14
6 The Infant Paradise. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
7 Infants Received by the Savior 19
8 Infants Restored to Harmony.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
9 Christ Revealed as Suffering on the Cross 25
10 The City Viewed from a Superior Plain. . . . . 27

— Part Two —
11 Marietta Descends to Realms of Darkness. . . 32
12 The Abode of the Lost. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
13 Abyss – Realm of the Desperately Wicked. . . 42
14 Marietta Ascends. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
15 Marietta’s Unfitness to Enjoy Heaven.. . . . . . 54
Appendix. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Introductory Statement
There is no way I can describe the scenes that I saw. Human speech
and comprehension are inadequate to picture the things that I
participated in while my body was resting in unconscious slumbers.
Who is Marietta Davis? There is no way good enough to give you a complete description of
Marietta Davis is a lady to whom God gave a vision that lasted nine those things which are invisible to mortals and go far beyond human
days, while she was in a coma. This edition is divided into three parts: understanding. Human speech cannot match the beauty and perfection
Part 1 –Marietta was taken to see the nurturing of new-born babies who of heavenly speech; the things we think are all corrupted.
died, and their spirits were taken to heaven by an angel –31 pages. You ask me for an account of what I saw and heard, and yet I am so
Part 2 –Marietta was taken to hell where she met two ladies whom she conscious of my complete inability to give you a good account that it
even pains me when I even think about trying to describing those scenes
knew from her younger years. Later, an atheistic philosopher
to you.
lectured her, and still later she saw a minister being exposed as
Long ago I discovered the vanity of earthly things, the imperfections
a hypocrite by a member of his own congregation –31 pages.
of human relationships, the unreliability of vast portions of religious
Part 3 –Marietta saw in the vision Jesus’ life starting with the last
faiths and impressions, and the lack of permanent peace in the troubled
supper, the betrayal by Judas, his arrest, his trial, his beating, soul of man. Most earnestly I wanted to know the reality of what mortals
Judas’ repentance, Pilate’s wife’s dream, his crucifixion and call ‘immortality’.
resurrection –55 pages. After meditating day after day, trying to determine the nature and
But, what about Marietta? She lived with her mother and two sisters, tendency of the human soul, I finally became less conscious of the things
of this world; and my thoughts, my inner being, my soul grew stronger
who were all believers in Jesus and members of a church, but Marietta
and more active. The activities of mortals became dim shadows to me as
was not a believer. God chose to give this vision to her while she was an
I lost interest in all of them. This was my state of mind when my vision
unbeliever. As she lay in bed one day, her spirit left her body. She (her
closed to the outer world.1
spirit) could see her body lying on the bed when an angel came and took
her spirit to heaven to see the scenes in this book. She awoke nine days Her Spirit Leaves the Body
later. Marietta was 25 years old at the time of this vision. That was in the Then strange new objects appeared. I did not know that I was
year of 1848. She and her family lived in a town in New York. leaving this world of sorrow and of human strife. Neither did I
understand that my spiritual vision was opening. At first I dimly saw
I, the editor of this book, copied the text from the internet. That text things moving before I came to realize that they were real—the dawning
was written in an old English style with quite a few difficult words. of an immortal life. I seemed to be departing from one condition and,
I have tried to put it into contemporary English language and simplify it launching out into a boundless sea of unexplored regions. I found myself
where possible. I have also tried to keep it simple enough to be suitable floating in midair over an immeasurable deep below while in a vision I
for children who can read.

Marietta refers to this world and our physical bodies as the
‘outer form’. Heaven is the real world; this world and these bodies are
simply an ‘outer form’ that we live in temporarily.

did not understand. Alone, unguided, and uncertain, my timid spirit the touch of death. There, hopes, like dreamy phantoms, float in the
gladly would have returned to the land of shadows where it came from. mid-air of fancied bliss. As your vision expands, witness the movement
Half-conscious of my present condition, with dreamy thoughts, I of myriads of peoples. Earth, with her swarming millions, presents a
seemed to ask, “Is there no one familiar with this journey I am on, to mingled scene of rising hopes, ambition, strife and death. Her inhabitants
guide me through this trackless space?” When lo! in the distance, and are dismayed by the approach and fear of Death, the final destroyer.
above me, I saw a light descending, having the appearance of a brilliant Time quickly measures the fleeting moments of human existence, and
star. As it advanced, its foreshadow illumined the area around me, and generations follow generations in quick succession.”
my tremulous spirit received new life from its invigorating glory that To this address I replied, “These thoughts are the burden of my
was beaming down on me. Gently I began to move and ascend, drawing young and inexperienced mind. These human forms you have shown me,
closer to the source of that light. My spirit was enlivened and gladdened. are before my vision. They pass away like dew drops. This is the cause
As I approached it, I noticed the outlines of what appeared to be a of my sorrow. Can you tell me in what portion of the universe these
glorified human being, which gradually became more distinct. Then I beings find a resting place when their spirits depart? Can you remove the
realized that this was an angel that was poised in the atmosphere before veil that hides them from mortal vision? Can you guide me to where they
and above me. The excellence of this being far exceeded the highest are? O! tell me, do they have a home, or a place? May I follow to the
conception of my mind. That angelic form, more lovely than languages place where my loved ones have been taken?” To this, she replied:
can portray, moved silently as it drew near me. Upon her head was a
crown, formed like gems of clustering rays. In her left hand was a cross,
emblem of meekness, innocence and redeeming grace; in her right hand
a wand of pure intellectual light. With this she touched my lips, which
like a flame of holy love, it quickened an immortal principle in me. This
enlivening spirit spread throughout my being. A new class of sensations —2—
awoke within me, being moved harmoniously, prompted a desire, for Man At Death
companionship with the angelic being. I looked upon her, wishing to “Do you want to know the condition of the departed members of
learn her name, when lo! she spoke. She said: “Marietta, you desire to your race and become familiar with the effects of the habits and
know me. In my errand to you I am called the Angel of Peace. I have relationships of perverted man? To a certain measure you may, but know
come to guide you to those who are from the earth, where you are from. that their conditions are varied.”
Do you want to profit by this lesson? Follow me. But first behold your Then bidding me look upward she said, “What do you see?”
human form in that world.” There, far below me, and through a dark and Obedient, I looked above me, and with wonder beheld an orb brighter by
misty way, I beheld and saw this sickly body of mortality. Around it far than the earth’s sun in its midday glory. Light, pure, beaming along
were gathered my anxious friends, using every means to awaken it, but the skies, radiated from it. My guide said to me, “Many are there you
all in vain. would like to see, who are now clothed in soft and white garments, and
A View of a Dying World are moving in harmony with one another. There, night-shades never fall,
“Behold,” said my glorious guide, “a picture of human life. There, and death and gloom have no part. Those who enjoy that blest abode do
kindred, tortured with sympathetic love, struggle to hold the crumbling not suffer; no sin or pain disturbs their calm repose. But you will learn
vase, and keep the flickering light from expiring. There, from youth to more about this later. Other less joyful scenes must be given you first.
hoary age, rolls the tide of human woe. Fond hearts are severed. Death Marietta, you know well, that with man there are many varied
hides from mortal sight, even the tenderist lovely form. The opening characteristics. When the spirit of man departs from its unsettled and
flower that gladdens all around, folds its expanding leaves, withered by shattered earthen habitat below, there is no change in its nature.” Then
touching my forehead again she said, “What do you see?”

3 4
My vision being opened to a new scene, I beheld before me don’t yet understand cause and effect. But more of this stage and its
innumerable humans struggling in the agonies of death. Some in kingly condition will be shown you when you are ready. For now, we will leave
palaces on dying couches richly hung with costly drapery. Some in these scenes and go up to that bright orb.” Then she led me toward a
humble cottages; others in gloomy prisons; haunts of vice and iniquity; cloud of light.
lonely forests; barren deserts, and in deep and wild waters. Some lying While we were passing through the intermediate stage, she touched
beneath the scorching sun; some perishing upon bleak and snowy me again and I became conscious of additional expanded vision.
mountains; some surrounded with weeping and attentive friends; others “Behold,” said she, “the countless, planetary hosts. Notice the
dying alone and forgotten. Some expiring from wounds inflicted by the rolling orbs, suns, and systems of suns, moving in silence and harmony.
assassin; others crushed beneath the heavy tread of the war-horse on the The vast expanse is occupied and peopled with universes, constructed in
battlefield. Thus, a scene of indescribable misery was revealed at the infinite wisdom. These are inhabited by holy, happy, and immortal
very place where time and eternity meet. “This,” said my guide, “is but beings, though they still vary in degree of development and spiritual
a faint view of the effects of violated law.” refinement.”
Touched again by the light beaming from her right hand, I beheld
the immortal spirits coming out of the earthen bodies of those who were The Ministry of Angels
dying, and entering the regions of eternity, commencing new and foreign Again my organs of perception were touched, and lo! above and
realities. Around each dying body were gathered spirits, varied in around me, and far in the distance, were passing and repassing with the
appearance and in movement. quickness of thought, spirits of pure light.
The spirits of those who died on battlefields congregated above the “These,” said my guide, “are ministering angels; their supreme
field, as well as the spirits of those who were to be their guides. There delight is to go on errands of mercy. Their home is with the ever blest.
the spirits met, each meeting with one of the same moral nature. In the They are employed as guardian protectors and messengers to those in
same way all classes and conditions are effected. In this intermediate conditions below them.”
stage or vestibule of the spirit world, beings varying in character from While beholding them ascend and descend, there drew near me one
the unholy and wretched to the bright and sanctified, congregate at the in whose arms and on whose angelic bosom was an infant spirit.
portals of death. Among all classes as the spirits emerge from the dying The angel passed and I saw that the nourished nestling rested in calm
bodies, they are attracted to and mix with their own kind—to whom they security, apparently conscious of its safety in the hands of its protector.
are joined. Those of discordant and unholy natures are attracted by like “Where did this one come from?” I inquired; and the angel answered,
elements and enter into regions overhung with clouds of night; while “I received it from a heart-broken mother at the gateway of death, as the
those who for the love of goodness desire pure relationships are spark of life expired in the external world. I am conveying it to the
conducted by heavenly messengers to a glorious orb appearing just sphere of infancy in the paradise of peace.”
above the intermediate scene. As the infant’s guardian spirit proceeded, we moved silently in the
Watching human spirits mingle with those who had departed from same direction, until the scenes below passed from my vision, and my
the earthly bodies brought me strange sensations. Watching the things being was absorbed in the bright light descending from the orb we were
transpiring around them fascinated me. I started asking myself if what I approaching. Soon we entered a plain where I saw fruit-bearing trees.
was looking at was reality or mere imagery on my dreamy mind. Upon Passing through these shadowy groves, I was delighted with the melody
discovering my thoughts, my guide took me by the hand and said, of the birds, whose warbling notes arose in sweetest song. There we
“These beings moving around you were once inhabitants of the earth paused. Supposing that I was on some terrestrial orb I inquired its name.
where you came from. Having left their mortal bodies, they are My guide answered, “These trees, these flowers, these birds occupy
beginning a new stage of existence. It is their sudden change that is the outer expanse of the spiritual paradise. They are so pure and so
causing their surprise—a change from external to spiritual objects. They refined that mortals with beclouded vision can not behold them. Their

5 6
notes are so soft that they are not audible to the dull hearing of men.
Beings who live in more gross forms do not conceive the reality of the —3—
existence of nature so refined. Absent from your body, you can City of Peace
comprehend through spiritual senses the existence and reality of spiritual At a distance, I saw a dome of light. “That,” said my guide, “is the
habitations; but what you are now beholding is but the outlying or more gateway leading to the City of Peace. There the manifestation of your
exterior of the home of spirits. These flower-covered plains and warbling Redeemer is made visible. There saints and angels abide. On harps of
melodies are but the lower order of the external habitation of the gold and stringed instruments, with immortal lyres, in alleluias, they
sanctified. chant the Song of Redemption, the song of peace, the song of undying
“Here the redeemed are first conducted by their guardian protectors, love.”
as they leave the valley of the shadow of death, and here they are taught As we drew near, a class of attendants, more glorious, gathered
the rudiments of immortal life. Here they receive instructions about their around the gateway, and one at the front addressed my guide in a
heavenly abode, and learn the nature of pure love, unmarred by sin. Here language I could not understand. A gate of jasper, set with diamonds,
friends who have advanced in spiritual attainments return from higher opened, and two angelic beings approached, and taking me by each
employment to welcome the spirit on its entrance upon this plane of the hand, led my tremulous spirit towards and inner gate, a more immediate
spirit world. Here kindred are permitted to meet and hold converse; and entrance to the pavilion of light.
‘tis in these immortal groves where spirits first attempt to unite with the
song of redeeming grace, and resting in soft and heavenly sweetness, Marietta Meets The Redeemer
breathe the pure air of paradise.” Then I remembered my discordant state; then thoughts of my former
While listening to this strange, though welcome address, my spirit sins, my doubts, and rebellious nature, rushed upon my mind, and
burned to meet the friends long lost to me on earth. The angel said, “You feeling entirely unprepared to endure the glory of the assemblage, my
are not to tarry, since your present mission is to learn the condition of the spirit failed me. The angelic attendants then bore me in their arms along
departed child of God. When your course on earth is ended, here you the portal to the feet of a being most glorious. Upon his head was a
will mingle in the infancy of your immortal state, with your kindred and crown of pure light, and over his shoulders hung golden lochs! His
receive lessons, preparatory to an advance to more exalted mansions, the loveliness, can never be expressed.
more glorified home of the blessed.” “This, Marietta,” said an attending angel, “is your Redeemer. While
Then she reached out her hand, and plucked a rose that hung over in a mortal body, he suffered for you. For you he trod the winepress
us, and bidding me receive its fragrance, with it she touched my lips. alone, outside the gate where He expired.” Awed by His goodness,
Again a deeper insight was given me, and I beheld around me moving in tenderness and love, I bowed, feeling that if worthy I would worship
every direction through the varied floral scenes happy beings without him.
number. Desiring to mingle with them, I sought permission; but my Reaching out his hand he raised me up, and in a voice that filled my
guide moved on, and upward through forests becoming more pure and soul with inexpressible delight, said, “Welcome for a period of time my
fair as we ascended. child, my daughter, spirit of a forlorn/wretched race; enter into the
gateway to the redeemed.” Then addressing the surrounding beings
continued, “Receive this your companion spirit.”
And lo! the worshiping congregation arose as upon the breath of
holy love, and meekly welcomed me as an heir of His gracious favor.
With tuned instruments the immortal choir chanted the spirit’s welcome:

7 8
Worthy is the Lamb who has redeemed us Ideas associated with their heavenly life, flowed from being to being,
Exalt His name, all you sanctified ones and soon I learned that in heaven there is no concealment, but rather
Yes, adore Him, you cherubim harmony of soul, harmony of desire, harmony of speech, harmony in the
Who worship in the celestial heavens swelling notes of adoring anthems, harmony in instruction, harmony in
Adore Him, for He has exalted us increasing thought. Harmony was their life, their love, their
We will praise His name manifestation, and supreme delight.
The name of our God Most High. Again with harps tuned in unison, they chanted a hymn to their
The music of this soft and melodious utterance, moved like the voice of Maker’s name. My guide urged me to unite in the animating song of
redemption. I could not join them, being absorbed in the contemplation
many waters, filling the entire dome, and as the anthem closed, the echo
and glory of this long-sought home of rest. When they closed that sacred
reverberated in the distance, as though borne from wave to wave upon
hymn, my guide again touched my lips with the wand of light and bade
the holy atmosphere. Each measure like noiseless waves swelled over
me to mingle as a companion with the members of this divine abode.
that sea of thought; and with their gently rippling waves I seemed to be
Being after being pressd my immortal lips. They seemed anxious to
echoing, reverberating.
fold me in their arms. They caressed me as a newborn soul, after looking
She Meets Loved Ones up in thankfulness to their Redeemer and their Lord.
A spirit from the innumerable company approached and addressing “And is this Heaven?” my spirit said. “Are these happy souls those
me in a familiar manner, called me by name. The spell of music being who once struggled in bodies made of the dust of the earth? Are these
broken, I was much affected to find myself in the embrace of one who immortal faces, radiant with the glory of this adored mansion, the
on earth I had loved with the affection of an infant soul. With spiritual countenances of those I have before seen in the care-worn life?
willingness I sank into her arms, and she with a sister’s tenderness And what happened to your wrinkles, the sign of old age, you immortal
pressed me to her immortal form, saying, “Sister spirit, welcome for a spirits?”
short while to our home of peace.” I have often listened to you, my earthly teacher, struggling to
“Thrice welcome,” uttered a thousand imitating voices, and lo! convey whatever faint idea or understanding or conception you had of
around me gathered those I loved, all eager to greet me, and receive me immortal life. And I have often noticed grief when in your spirit you
to their kind embrace. Around us in this spacious room, there appeared seemed to realize that to most minds it was all an ineffective effort. And
seats in the form of an amphitheater, yet glorious beyond description. then I have asked, can heaven be this glorious? Is not the picture too
There we rested, mingling with them. Many were old and familiar highly wrought? And may a mere man, if he attain to that blest abode,
friends. bask in the sunbeams of such supreme delight? And can he be assured
Although I recognized/knew them, their appearance was not like it that the highest thoughts of man fail to come near the reality and the
was on earth, each being an embodiment of intellect not associated with delights of this heavenly scene?
the physical form, in which I had known them before. Not having ability
or any means to convey an adequate description, I can only give feeble
The Pilgrim’s Address
utterance to my conceptions of their nature by saying, they appeared all
Then approached me one whom on earth I had seen bending
mind, all light, all glory, all adoration, all love supremely pure, all peace
tremulously over the pilgrim’s staff. I knew ‘twas one familiar, one of
and calm serenity, all united in sublime employ, all an expression of
age and emaciated form, whose hoary head once told the story of a life
unfolding heavenly joy.
of woe. In immortal youth the spirit stood before me; no staff was there;
Freely did they converse, nor did they use the language of human
no trembling frame, no grief-worn cheek, no hollow eye, no sickly form;
beings. They spoke and there was no audible utterance, yet thought
rather light and health and vigor were manifest. And the spirit said,
moved with thought, and spirit was familiar with the mind of the spirit.

9 10
“Behold in me the efficacy of redeeming grace. This heart was once the The thought of being subjected again to the sins and misfortunes of
cage of unholy thoughts. These hands were employed in sin. These feet my former life so affected me that it seemed as if I was quitting the
moved swiftly in the downward road that led to sorrow and to death. divine abode, and rapidly descending to earth; when lo! I was embraced
My mortal form, though not this form but the one in which I used to live, by my guide, who said, “When you return, you shalt go to bear a
was worn with grief, corrupt and dying with disease. But now, all hail message of holy love to earth; and at an appointed time, free from the
that name, Immanuel! Through Him, redeemed, I wear garments of light power of mortal attachments, you shalt enter here, a member of this holy
and exist in immortal youth. This song I chant, ‘O death, where is your company.”
sting? And grave, your victory now? Worthy is the Lamb who offered
The Message of the Spirit from the Cross to Marietta
Himself to redeem! Worthy—O give Him adoration, you countless
The spirit who descended from the Cross then said, “Marietta, you
beings, you innumerable throng! Worship and adore Him, all have been conducted here for a wise end, and for that purpose I am
intelligences! yes, let the universes adore! Adore Him, for He is worthy permitted to instruct you in many things, pertaining to earth and heaven.
to receive anthems of universal praise’!” The thought of returning makes you sad; yet you shalt go laden with
riches, the riches of instructive truth.
—4— “First learn that all of Heaven reveres the Cross. Before it myriads
bow, and around it the redeemed delight to linger. Earth’s religions are
The Glory of the Cross but dreamy scenes, compared to these. Vague and imperfect are the
Then appeared a company of children, who hand in hand, moved highest conceptions of the human soul, relative to our condition here.
around and their infant voices chanted: “Praise Him, for lo, while on In perfect order the Spiritual Heaven begins just above the plains of
earth He said, ‘Let the infants come to me and don’t forbid them; yes, let earth. Around it move the guardian spirits. Mingling, as permitted, with
little children come to me, don’t forbid them to come’.” the inhabitants of earth are countless guardian angels; Each mortal is
When this new song was ended, I looked and lo! the dome above me being watched every moment, every hour, and every day by the spirit
parted, and beings far more glorious approached. Awed by the presence who has been appointed to his charge.
of the light, I approached my guide, who said, “What you have seen, “Man does not know the nature of sin, nor the fullness of Grace in
his Redemption. Numberless are the causes that prevent the light of
Marietta, is but a foretaste of the joys to come. Here you have been
heaven from reaching and controlling the race of man. They are
welcomed, and here witnessed this manifestation of your Redeemer.
wretched and death-ward tending. But the time will come soon when
But, behold! above you the descending glory of the Cross appears.
man will become more conscious of the reality of this abode, when his
Spirits, members of your race, redeemed, who are advanced to higher attention shall be turned more fully to the truth of Inner Life. Man’s
life, attend. redemption is drawing near. Let angels fill the ranks of the chorus; for
Then visible above me appeared a Cross, carried by twelve, on soon the Savior will be descending with his holy angels in attendance.”
whose circle I read, “Patriarchs, Prophets and Apostles.” Above it was Then after an immortal hymn, she said, “Observe what passes
written, “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.” Bowing at the feet was around you. For lo, a faint expression of the joy that fills this land of
a spirit, whose raiment was white, and whose expression that of holy peace will be mirrored upon your mind. You noticed when I bowed and
adoration. She kissed the Cross, and then descending, approached me, kissed the Cross. All saints delight themselves in thus expressing their
and said, “Welcome spirit from the world of woe. Lo! by the will of remembrance and regard for their Redeemer who offered himself as our
Jesus, even that Jesus who was crucified, my Lord and Redeemer, I sacrifice.”
come to commune with you. It is only by His permission that you are A pause in the address ensued, during which, voices, apparently in
admitted here. Don’t be sad, even if you are required to return to your the distance, arose in soft and melodious alleluias. “Who are these?”
friends on earth.” I inquired.
“These are the ones,” she said, “who having come out of great

11 12
tribulation, they do not cease day nor night to raise their anthems high,
in exaltation of their Savior’s name. —5—
“Would you dwell forever in this world of peace, joy and love Children in Paradise
divine? Would you bear some humble part with the psalms of these As the former scene closed, the spirit who kissed the Cross was
immortal choirs? Be admonished by your former incredulity, your lack radiant with the light of life. She raised her hand, and two children drew
of faith and consecration, for there are no other means than those in near. They approached her and bowed gracefully. Each placed a hand in
Christ, the Redeemer, by which to attain inheritance in this blest abode.” hers, meekly looked into her lovely face and smiled.
This last address revived within me remembrance of my former Addressing me she said, “These children left their mortal form while
doubts, my want of confidence in the Savior, and of consecration to his in their infancy, and being innocent, were conducted to paradise.
cause. My spirit drooped. I saw the justice of the mild reproof, and The older of the two, thus introduced, said, “Marietta, I rejoice to
inquired, “May I yet hope? Or is the opportunity to secure this heavenly commune with you, since you shalt return to those who loved us and
life forever gone? I would gladly not return to earth. O, that I could who mourned our departure from the valley of death. When you are
forever dwell where peace like a river gently flows, and love unpolluted, again conversing with mortals, say to the one who now sits by your
moves from heart to heart” body, that we have learned that though parents may grieve for us, ours
“Be faithful, then,” said the spirit, “to the light that has been given, is a cup overflowing with gladness to the spirit set free.
and at last you shalt enjoy the bliss of heaven. Marietta, the scene now “Marietta, this is the world we know. Here we first awoke to the
passing before you, is one fraught with interest. In this assembly are the reality of our existence. Earth we visit, conducted by our guardian
prophets and the martyred saints. See, their raiment is white, pure and angels; but it is unlike heaven. There we witness sorrow, pain and death;
transparent. Upon their breast is the manifestation of the Cross. In their, here, harmony, happiness and life are abiding.”
left hand is a golden censer, and in their right a small volume.” He then looked down as if in deep meditation and all was silent.
The scene expanded and I saw that from the center around which the I thought the subject which had engaged his mind, had made him sad,
multitudes were congregated, arose a pyramid whose column was but soon saw that his attitude was occasioned by the approach of an
composed of pearls and most precious stones, set with crosses of angel who in ascending had passed just above us. O, how my being was
spiritualized diamond, upon which were engraven the names of those affected at the sight! Light surrounded her as a custom-made garment.
who had suffered because of their love of truth, and who did not consider Her very movement was the harmony of harmonies. I desired to follow,
their lives dear, had endured persecution even unto death. Upon this and said; “O tell me, who is this glorious being? I feel her sacred
column stood three spirits, in the attitude of meekness and adoration, influence, and ardently desire to enjoy the society and the abode of such
holding in their hand, and above them a cross from which floated a beings.”
banner ever unfurling. “These,” said my guide, “are select, one patriarch, “This,” said the spirit, “is an angel who belongs to the Infant
one prophet, and one apostle. They represent the triune circle of Paradise. Have you not read in the Gospel, that blessed expression of the
commissioned saints who shall attend the reappearing of the son of man, Redeemer, “In heaven their angels always behold the face of their
and shall go forth in the day appointed, gathering together the elect from heavenly Father? (Matthew 18:10) This angel is over the guardian
the four winds, from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part protection of infants, and is assigned to meet infant spirits as they leave
of heaven.” the external world and enter into the spiritual. She pauses in her
“The volumes the spirits hold in their hands unfold the order of ascension for you. She holds out her arms, and what do you see,
creation, the redemption of man, and the principles which govern the Marietta?” I answered, “A small pale light”.
obedient ones in a world without end.” The angel then breathed upon it, as if imparting life, and pressed it
to her bosom in fondness infinitely above any fondness displayed by
earthly mothers. I knew the little spirit was at rest. Feeling the heaven

13 14
that encompassed and pervaded the angel, again I wished to fly away
with her and the infant, and be blessed forever. But while I was —6—
struggling to ascend, the angel arose—in a flash of light and she The Infant Paradise
disappeared. In a moment we were ascending in the direction of the angel who
The Sorrowing Mother on Earth had borne along the infant, and who had disappeared in the light. Soon
Then a far different scene was revealed. Below me in a little room, we drew near that which at first appeared like a city built in the midst of
I saw a female kneeling by the lifeless body of her departed child. a floral plain. There appeared stately edifices and streets lined with trees
She convulsed, and at times tears streamed from her eyes, and then her whose foliage cast a lovely shade; on whose branches birds of all colors
face was as marble, her eyes set and glassy, and her whole body quivered appeared; and although all were singing with different notes, all mingled
while she pressed kiss after kiss upon the cold cheek of her lost babe. in one full and perfect harmony. Many corresponded to those on earth,
Just then a man gravely dressed in black entered. The group gave way and yet were as superior to them as the Paradise itself is superior to the
and he silently approached the weeping mother, and taking her by the mortal world.
hand said, “Sister arise. The Lord has given and the Lord has taken As we advanced, the beauty and harmony increased, and new scenes
away, blessed be the name of the Lord. Jesus said, ‘Let the little children appeared. The architecture of the edifices, the sculptures in the open air,
come to me and don’t forbid them, because the kingdom of heaven is the fountains that sparkled in the light, the trees that waved their
made up of this kind. (Matthew 19:14 & Luke 18:16) I say unto you, extended branches, the flowers and flowering vines becoming more
their angels always behold the face of their Heavenly Father’.” (Matthew majestic, interwoven and beautiful. There were also many avenues, each
18:19) of which, slightly ascending, led to a common center toward which we
Next I saw that mother, sitting beside a coffin, in an earthly pursued our way.
assembly. Her sight was fixed upon the ceiling. Her countenance wore
an expression of despair. Before the coffin stood the grave-looking man, Instruction of Infants
whom I had seen enter the death room. He read a Psalm, offered prayer As we advanced, I perceived before me a vast and complicated
for the afflicted, and then encouraged the mourners, by endeavoring to structure, whose outer walls and towers appeared to be marble. These
prove from the sacred text that the babe, though dead will live again, and walls appeared as delicate as snow. This served as the foundation of a
that an angel had conveyed it to Abraham’s bosom. vast canopy, like a dome, though far too extensive for earthly
The assembly disappeared, and the child addressed me saying, architectural meaning of these words. We drew near this building, and
“The lifeless form just seen in the vision, was a representation of my I perceived that the dome was suspended over the vast circular space.
own body, the weeping mother was my own mother; the scene was that “This,” said my guide, “is the place where all infants from your globe are
which transpired when I left that body; the grave man was the minister gathered for their instruction. The infants are first bought here and
of a congregation in the outer world. nourished beneath the smile of their guardian angels. Each nursery,
“The angel who paused while passing us was the bright spirit who though somewhat varying, is a miniature of this vast temple of
conveyed me far above the influence of evil magnetism, to a place instructive manifestation. Each is a home for the infant spirits who stay
prepared for the young and delicate infant, where spirits appointed, are there until they attain to higher levels and enter the Paradise of more
ever occupied in nourishing infant minds. Do you wish to visit that advanced youthful existence, for degrees of instruction adapted to a more
nursery?” Thus saying he looked up to the spirit, as if to ask permission intellectual condition. Over each of these are appointed seven maternal
to conduct me there. guardians. Marietta, you can see that no two buildings are perfectly alike
in interior beauty, external form or decoration, but all of them
harmoniously combine. And each guardian angel is different in the
amount of light that radiates from her, and each has individuality of the
face and form. This you are permitted to know.

15 16
harmony with the majestic appearance of the paradise of infants. At first
Classification of Infants I was greatly abashed, feeling my own unfitness to behold any abode so
“Whenever an infant dies on earth, the angel guardian who bears up pure, lovely and majestic. “There,” I unconsciously uttered, “is heaven.”
the spirit to the Land of Peace, perceives its interior type of mind, and My reflections were perceived by my instructress who observed,
according to its type it is classed with others of like order of intelligence; “Marietta, behold the manifestation of infant life in Paradise. Let us
and as the skillful gardener on earth in one floral division trains the enter, and there you will learn the true condition of those who leave the
various species of the lily, and in another compartment roses, and in world of sorrow as babes, and who are immediately conveyed to this
another the camellias or the honeysuckles; so here angelic wisdom place and from then on are happy. Little do mortals know of the
classifies the infant spirits, and according to their variety of artistic, blessedness attending their little ones who leave in the morning of their
scientific, and social tendencies, assigns each a home best adapted to the existence. Those who believe in Christ the Messiah, become reconciled
unfolding of its interior germs of life, into intellectual, artistic or to the loss, but this is mostly upon condition of the law of submission
industrial harmony. established in the Christian’s heart. I was once a mother in the world of
“Over each of these places where instruction is being laid out for the sorrow and loss. There I learned to weep; and there I also learned the
infants, there preside seven guardian angels, who collectively form one priceless value of faith in God’s mercy through our Lord Jesus Christ the
octvavo2 of instruction. These angels are also of a type of mind that Messiah. There, Marietta, did I bid goodbye to the infants, who lived just
agrees with their associates, just as one note harmonizes with the long enough to cause pain to a mother’s heart at their parting.
associate tones and semi-tones of the harmonic scale.
“The infants are brought each day (or each period corresponding to Children Are Safe from Evil
a day) to the center pavilion that their unfolding natures may be further “Three times I pressed to my fond heart my beloved babies, flesh of
instructed. As soon as these infants arise to a degree suitable for the my flesh, bone of my bone and life of my life, and looking up to God,
general assembly in the great center dome, or temple of instruction, they adored Him for the precious gifts. But I had scarcely hoped for a blest
are led first from their homes to their own school. Then emerging from future for them, placing all my heart on them, when, like young and
their wards, they move underneath a cloud of angel choralists chanting tender buds, they were nipped by the frost of death, and I was left
loud alleluias to their Prince and Savior. It is under a canopy of harmony wounded, heart sick, a broken woman. But I hoped in Jesus, and
that the infants move toward the center temple.” consigned them to Him, believing they were well. But, Marietta, if I had
only known, if I could have but seen what you now see, with knowledge
A School in Paradise added to faith, my soul would have had great rest. Here the babe who has
As the vision closed, I saw on our right a portion of one of the lesser left its parents in woe, is only waiting their arrival, and here it is safe
temples remove, as if an invisible hand gathered it in a manner similar from the contaminations of the vices and sins of the fallen race.
to the removal of a suspended curtain. The interior of one of the Marietta,” she continued, “do you see these germs of immortality?
nurseries appeared visible. And lo! to my already astonished spirit, I saw I beheld and lo! the interior that was opened before me was that of
it supremely and gloriously lighted and adorned with artistic beauty in a temple gloriously adorned. In circular tiers, one rising above the other,
were niches or segments of circles. In each reposed an infant spirit.
Before each was an attending or guardian angel whose purpose was to
octavo-this word means eight. On a piano keyboard from the key prepare her infant to be fit for higher life. Each germ is formed by the
of C to the next key of C inclusive makes eight keys, and is called an spirit for its eternal existence in holy usefulness. Each angel breathes
octave. Marietta also mentioned the harmonic scale. Perhaps this is the upon her charge, and each breath causes its capacity and life to expand.
meaning: She is comparing one level of instruction to one octave on the The breath is that of holy love and inspiration, as her life is in God
harmonic scale—and passing from each level is like passing from one whose quickening spirit pervades all angels in the heavens.
octave on the musical scale to the next higher octave.

17 18
As we entered, I saw that those infants, as they awoke to still greater their treasure. He moved his hand above them, and goodness, like
consciousness, and as they beheld their angel bending over them, wore dew-drops, dropped from his hands, and the infants appeared to drink as
an expressive smile, and were happy. from a fountain of living water. They were blessed. The breath of life
Could I portray to you this one nursery, and so fix it in your mind was flowing out from that Being. The temple wore a new aspect.
that you could realize its glorious magnificence, then I would be more As the scene was closing, the angels who attended him played upon
content, but I cannot. stringed instruments, and sang the song of Redemption. He showed his
There are also angels appointed, who touch in softest notes, the approval of what the guardian angels had done by a movement his
various instruments upon which melody is made. Thus music is ever gracious hand, and they all bowed and veiled their faces in the glorious
mingling with that of angelic voices of sweet and heavenly utterance. garment that covered them. Suddenly music, like the voice of many
So soft, sweet, and melodious was that music that it served to give life, waters, arose from every temple in the broad nursery of the great city.
activity and strength to the spirit nerve of those who were reposing And as the sound advanced in one swelling wave of angelic song, that
beneath the smile of their guardians. “This,” said the spirit who being, with those who had accompanied him, re-ascended, and the angels
conducted me there, “is but one of the many of these great temples, and of this temple resumed their former movement.
it corresponds to all the rest in this degree. “This,” said my guide, “was but an elementary display of the
“Oh that earthly parents could realize: their babies who were not activities in heaven which those who nurture infant spirits find to be a
allowed to remain in their world until their understanding would awaken, most thrilling, enjoyable service/activity. That’s why they were
had to be born in their world. From the earth they ascend directly to appointed to nurture these infant spirits and to prepare them for the time
places already prepared for them.” Then she added, “But, Marietta, you the infants also will be brought into useful employment. If man had not
have not witnessed the most delightful of all the realities connected with departed from purity and harmony, and therefore from companionship
this temple.” and kinship to beings of an exalted nature, the earth would have been a
proper nursery for new-born spirits.
—7— Moral Nature of Angels is Pure
“Sin, Marietta, removed the condition of the sinner from that of
Infants Received by the Savior angels. It was by sin his moral nature became changed. Angels are pure.
As she spoke, each of the guardian angels arose with the infant in No stain is found upon them, no evil desires ever awaken improper
her charge and poised in the great space around the angel who held the energies within them. From them life radiates in its pure element. That
Cross. Instantly a light, infinitely superior to that in the temple, life brings forth life in those whom the angel is nourishing. More
descended from above; and I was awed by the awesome presence of a dependent spirits arise within their aura of divine influence. Similarly,
retinue of angels, in whose midst was one like that glorious being I had they are moving within the glory of those societies more exalted than
been informed was my redeemer. themselves; who also are moving in the light and enjoying the
As they approached the center, the manifestation of the Cross life-sphere of a still higher class of beings. In this way, all pure spiritual
disappeared before the greater light; the angel retinue paused, and the beings are together in spheres of higher life. Because they are together,
Being whom they attended smilingly said, “Let the little children come a greater measure of that life flows down from God, who is the Life of
to me, don’t forbid them.” The sweetness and gentleness of that everyone. Similarly there is superior blessedness in the circles of those
expression, and the love that shone from his face as these words moved more exalted. By receiving from them unceasingly, they are refined and
from his lips, overcame me, and I sank at the feet of my heavenly exalted, until the terrestrial becomes the spiritual, and the spiritual the
conductor, who raised me up, and drew me to her angel breast. celestial.
How I wish the world could see and hear what happened next. As he “Those who are in discord are separated from any kind of
spoke, those guardian angels drew near, and each one presented him with relationship with those who are of purer natures. Men do not know the

19 20
loss they sustain. While in the darkness as a result of their sinful they arrive, to carry them into the temple. When the former angels had
condition, they do not realize their need of and the benefit of a Savior. given up their charges and were preparing to receive another class, these
The one who restores the relationship is the Redeemer. Here, those who entered and occupied the center around the Cross.
are mature can understand the law of salvation, even life in Christ the
Messiah. It is through this knowledge that they come up to an acceptable Cause of Premature Death of Infants
adoration of the one who is their Redeemer. “Those angels,” said my guide, “who are encompassed in a light
greater than that of the temple, are of a higher and more exalted nature.
Heaven Filled With Praise for the Redeemer From them proceeds an aura/halo of superior light. This light is the
“Did you not notice that as the one who blessed these little ones descending life of pure holy love. Don’t you see how concentrated it is?
ascended, all the nurseries of this great city chanted praises in unison to It is encompassing and overshadowing those germinal existences3 in the
God and to the Lamb? This was spontaneous, for those who know the arms of the guardian angels. That which is nourished by each angel is a
consequences of sin are the better prepared to behold in Jesus spirit whose being has just begun, and who, by reason of nature’s
condescension and infinite mercy, and from their inmost being, to adore violated laws, has been separated prematurely from its infant form in the
him. But when he moves in their midst, they utter songs silently; external world. While this soft music thrills every fibre of the infant
however, while he is withdrawing from them, they resume their loud
being, the Supreme Spirit is reorganizing that fibre and giving it enlarged
praises. These happy beings, Marietta, could no more refrain from that
capacity—making each organ fit perfectly and harmoniously into it
full manifestation of joy and thanksgiving, than life could cease to flow
proper place. Thus it is establishing tone and proper energy in the
from Him who is the Author of Life. That’s the way it is throughout all
heaven, and especially all preparation places for the spirits of the system. The life-giving spirit gives energy and expansion to the life
redeemed. Do you not realize that each breath of those beings around principle that is unfolding; so that the intellect may perceive, the
you is but a separate volume of praise to God? judgment operate, the understanding embrace realities, and the being
“If men in the body knew the goodness of God in redemption, they enjoy its life.”
would cease from evil, and learn righteousness and the ways of peace.
Marietta, do you understand this?”
I felt the reproof, knowing my former infidelity as to salvation
through Jesus, and I would have gladly veiled my spirit from the scrutiny
of that spirit who thus addressed me. I knew I had doubted the Infants Restored to Harmony
immortality of the soul, and man’s restoration from evil through the Lord Again I was touched with a stream of light which gave me to
Jesus Christ the Messiah. And now I beheld that he is all and in all; the understand that those infants are a complex and exceedingly delicate
source of every pure and holy delight, and the theme of all I had been unstrung instrument. Each separate or distinct portion had movement,
permitted to see in the world of spirits. but not determination; and appeared separately to lie in a sort of
Infants Promoted to the Next Level spasm-like action. I addressed my guide, saying, “At first I saw in the
angel’s arms the life-germ of an infant form. This germ was so delicate,
As soon as the angels had gotten back to their places, my guide
that I could not comprehend how its guardian spirit could save the
informed me that those infant spirits I had just seen the Redeemer bless,
flickering taper. Then I saw descending from above a light which
had been given into the charge of other angels. Those angels delight in
surrounded and filled their spirit. Then it moved as if receiving life and
gently training the minds by means adapted to their advancing condition.
She also let me know that another scene was approaching in which I
would witness the reception of infants just arriving from the earth. Just
as she finished speaking to me, I saw above and around me angels Editor’s note: Perhaps by “germinal existences” Marietta refers
poising in the serene atmosphere, waiting for their treasures the moment to those who died at a very early stage of their mother’s pregnancy.

21 22
energy. Again I saw the separate tissue, apparatus, and system of organs said, “We are fearfully and wonderfully made.” (Psalm 139:14) And
of that infant, and lo! all were dissevered. Tell me, how shall these so turning to my guide, I inquired, “Is this real? Is this a spirit redeemed?
varied, complicated, and deranged unite in harmony?” Is this process absolute in the restoration of a soul born of broken
Restoration of Infant Begins “Truly,” said my guide, “what you have seen is real. You are
Again light surrounded my spirit, and the brightness penetrated its starting to understand that sin has hindered the movement and power of
secret chambers. Most exquisite perceptions were awakened in me, and grace on that spirit and caused it to be out of harmony. That is the
it appeared that a new being of my own was arising, and it was looking violation of the law, the law of being and the law of God. The light
out on the scene. Existing in each of those smallest organs, I saw that
descending from angels, Marietta, could not restore, and the music could
numberless spirit functions were responding to the touch of some
not harmonize, nor could the maternal guardians supply that which was
invisible power. Thus invigorated, each part of the organ manifested
lost. Their purpose was to support the external, while this separating
flowing energy. Being prompted, those parts embraced each other like
process proceeded. It was the Redeemer who restored the components
animate and intellectual beings. It was as if they were moved by
and fitted them for proper use. He has the power to tune each fibre of the
understanding, and they resolved to comply perfectly. I saw each one
being and purify and breathe the life of holiness into the soul. And he
harmonized and adapted perfectly. They embraced and joined together
in such a way that they lost their individual identity. I perceived them as gives new life-tone, energy, inclination, and love. Finally He arranges
one, and this one moved perfectly as a distinct being. By the light of the for them to be brought into that perfect life while they are still infants.
three angels above, I had seen the unfolding and arising of each organ Now you are beholding a spirit in the consummation of its redemption.
and function in the infant. I saw these separate organs correspond and This spirit is now prepared to rest in the soft and balmy bed of repose
embrace each other. They were so joined together that individual from which you have seen others arise to higher life. Marietta, treasure
distinction was lost. this in your soul, but learn that while this was passing before you, it is
Then my soul unconsciously uttered, “Praise him for his mighty only one of many which you have seen in this nursery of infant life.
works” — all this because my spirit had looked upon an infant brought “And now the scene changes, and another approaches. Listen,
into the perfection of angelic life; yes, an infant restored. I had looked at Marietta. The melody of angels moves on the holy atmosphere of the
it as a flickering taper; then as a complex instrument unstrung; and city. They chant praises to God and the Lamb for their redemption; for
finally saw it surrounded and pervaded by the sphere of life from the great is the number of these spirits restored to the harmony of perfect
angels above. beings. And so it is, Marietta, that thanksgivings are offered to our
As I had observed each organ as it tremulously moved while being Heavenly Parent at the closing of each scene. This brings the newborn
operated on by the spirit of life, and I despaired of its restoration. I had spirit into the harmony and the possession of heaven.”
witnessed the wondrous effect of its movement by its inmost interior Oh! how my spirit caught the heavenly flame as it rose, volume
capacity. Yes, I had seen these arise, given life from above, and embrace succeeding volume, in ascending praise, adoration, and glory,
each other, joining together and then arising again. They had so joined inexpressible and divine! As the Revelator said, “It was as the voice of
together so that I could now see that which was before disjointed from many waters.” (Revelation 1:15)
that with which it should have been associated. It appeared that the whole city resolved itself into the voice of
And I had seen it out of harmony, but now a well-tuned instrument, praise. “Oh! is this heaven?” I said. How blessed it is to be accounted
and in the likeness of an angel spirit. As it looked up into the face of the worthy to enter the city of God. And if this is only the Infant Paradise,
angels, it smiled. That smile bespoke intelligence and harmony. Truly I if this is the song uttered in view of the restoration to harmony and
thought here is the exposition of that text, “Don’t marvel at my saying heaven of this class of infant spirits, though great their number, how vast
to you, you must be born again.” (John 3:7) And from what had passed and incomprehensible must be that expression of thanksgiving when
before me, I felt the force of that beautiful expression of David when he redemption is complete, and the Bride, the Lamb’s wife, shall touch the

23 24
golden harp as they arise from the marriage supper, in that great day
when God shall make up his jewels? Adoration of the Crucified One
The bliss was so entrancing in its effects upon me, that I felt like Around the Cross were congregating from every part of the city,
ascending with the divine aspirations: but reflections upon my unfitness guardian angels with their infant spirits. As they gathered around,
overcame me, and I fell into the holy arms of my guide. everyone manifested deep humility and holy reverence. As soon as they
had assumed this uniform attitude, they held out the infant spirits whom
—9— they had in their charge, directing their infant minds to the Cross and the
Sacrifice. At that moment an angel clothed in bright garments descended
Jesus Revealed as Suffering on the Cross and moved around the Cross, holding in his hand his glittering crown.
As I lay in the arms of my heavenly guardian, I looked into her face, Then bowing he worshiped silently as did everyone who had
which wore an expression of deep emotion. With earnestness her eyes congregated there. After this, turning to the guardian angels he said,
were fixed above; and her holy lips moved as if in prayer. At first the “Adore Him, for He is the Redeemer of a ruined race. Yes, let all Heaven
expression of her features was so sorrowful, that I thought she would adore Him!” Then as he lifted up his right hand, I saw in it a little book.
weep; but tears would have been a feeble manifestation of that feeling In imitation all the angels in like manner raised their right hands, in each
which, I could plainly see, continued to increase. Truly, I said, thinking of which was also a book of like dimensions. Then appeared, as from an
silently, do angels grieve? Can sorrow enter this Holy City? The music invisible dome, a choir of angels. These had palms in their hands, and
had ceased—its echo reverberated, moving into the distance. Silence they with one voice sang praises to God and to the Lamb. The first part
reigned in the vast expanse. I still leaned upon the breast of my blessed I could not understand, but they concluded saying, “Let the little children
protector, anxiously observing what was passing. Light from above to come to me; the kingdom of heaven is made up of this kind. (Matthew
shone upon her brow with increasing brilliancy. Her eyes were still 19:14 & Luke 18:16) Out of the mouths of nursing infants and babies
fixed; and, to employ earthly expressions, her bosom began to heave, her You have perfected praise. (Matthew 21:16 quoting Psalm 8:2) Amen,
lips became motionless, and her glowing countenance had the alleluia, amen!”
appearance of reverential awe. Her looks were so expressive that I felt Then the guardian angels drew still closer to the Cross, presenting
like shrinking from her arms, and was so awed that I did not notice the the spirits in their charge, who were addressed in a way that was entirely
cause of her excitement. beyond my comprehension. At the close of this scene, each infant was
Without turning her eyes, she gently laid her snowy white and touched with a stream of light. They smiled and bowed their heads,
spotlessly pure hand on my head and raised it upward. Being directed while holding up in their little clasped hands the image of the Cross,
towards that on which her attention was fixed, to my utter astonishment, which had been given them by their angels. Again they were folded in
I beheld the cause of her silent reverence. Not only hers, but all the the arms of their protectors; and again the choir chanted a loud anthem,
inhabitants of the city were pervaded by wondrous admiration. There— which, being echoed by the surrounding spirits, filled the city with one
oh if only the whole world knew it!—there hung upon the Cross, and volume of holy melody. Then the Cross and Sacrifice disappeared. The
from all I could comprehend, bleeding and dying, my Lord and angels returned where they had come from, and the city was restored to
Redeemer! Oh! that sight! No human heart can know its effects upon the its former appearance.
spirits who attend in the Infant Paradise. The crown of thorns, the nails, During this manifestation, my guide had not moved nor uttered a
the mangled form, the flowing blood, the look of compassion, were so word, but appeared to enter into the spirit of that manifestation. She
plainly manifested and combined, as to convey to the soul an idea of realized that they had been presented a scene of absorbing interest.
suffering, the most intense and excruciating suffering that the world

25 26
Carried on a cloud of essential light that, like a chariot, gently
No Heaven Without the Cross ascended the spiral, we passed from the surface of the city and advanced
At length I inquired, “Is there no heaven without the Cross and the along the rising galleries of this tower of rainbow forms and glories.
Sacrifice? Each scene is centered around a manifestation of the Cross. Seated by the side of my companion was the spirit who had kissed the
Each spirit reverences it with holy awe, and each hymn of praise utters Cross. Captivating and pervading my breast was a sense of calm
the name of the Sacrifice.” composure, full of holy peace and delight far superior to any previous
She replied with suppressed accents, “The Cross is ever before the condition.
vision of redeemed spirits. In every circle is seen the Cross. Every Soon we emerged from the ascending gallery of rainbows and stood
flower, every artistic production, includes a Cross, as though it was
upon an aerial plain, resting in the transparent air above that magnificent
inserted throughout by an invisible hand. And all instruction is based on
and lofty dome which crowns the center temple of instruction in the
that blessed symbol of redeeming love. It is the duty of the guardian
paradisical abode.
angels to instruct the spirits under their charge, in the great truth of
From this position I beheld the great city stretched out on every side
redemption through Jesus, who suffered upon the Cross. For this purpose
beneath my view. It was so situated that I could perceive at a glance the
each class of spirits, as they pass from their first guardian protectors, to
general features of its plan, and to contemplate its entire form as a
the care of others, are in like manner congregated. And by this means the
Cross and the Sacrifice are imaged and enstamped within their inmost picture of surpassing loveliness.
being. So it is that the nature and image of the Cross brings them into a Beneath me the sublime Temple of Instruction, built of most
higher spiritual plane and into a more exalted existence. And this is how precious materials, and in a style of architecture which I am unable to
He appears to all of the redeemed and sanctified spirits. No craftiness describe, arose into the air from the center of a circular lawn of huge
can in any way be found in them. All angels can see the Cross in those proportions. Its green surface appeared covered with the softest and
around them as it shines forth from the soul which has received its richest verdure. Majestic trees in groups, and at regular intervals arose,
impress. For this reason no one can hide a hateful spirit from their angels bearing a profusion of fragrant and shining clusters of flowers. Beneath
or the spirits of just men made perfect. Where the Cross does not shine, their shade, and on the more open spaces, appeared minute flower beds;
there is no pure love; and the heart in which it is not visible, is not at filled with every variety of flowers and blossoming shrubs and vines.
peace with God. Marietta, in heaven there can be no craftiness. Fountains of living waters also were visible. Some of them were rising
“But this, with other manifestations yet to come, is only an from the green grass and flowed with a low and pleasant murmur
introductory view of the principles of heavenly life, which in due time through marble channels or through beds of golden sands. Others gushed
will be unfolded more perfectly with manifestations more expanded and out in full volume to a lofty height and came down in glowing streams
more specific.” of every variety or form. Those waters were caught in basins, some of
which were like diamond, but others were like burnished silver or the
whitest pearl.
This lawn was encircled by a lofty but open trellis work; and at its
— 10 — eastern side appeared a gateway without doors, from the center of which
The City Viewed from a Superior Plain flowed out a stream of living water, supplied from the fountains within
Then I heard a voice from above us saying, “Come up here.” At that the enclosure.
moment I beheld a circular expanse, like the interior of a tower, whose I now directed my attention to the surrounding city, and perceived
spiral walls formed ascending galleries, winding upward into the that it was divided into twelve large divisions by this river of living
superior glory. This lovely pathway seemed formed of rainbows waters, which flowing in a spiral course. It was bordered on either side
wreathed in spirals of prismatic hue, and reflecting varying but by a wide and regular avenue, in twelve great curves or circles,
ever-beautiful tints of matchless luster. proceeding from the center to the circumference. I also perceived that

27 28
twelve other streets intersected this spiral avenue, centering in the advanced in orderly series, from temple to temple, from palace to palace,
consecrated ground about the Temple, and radiating to twelve equally from circle to circle. As one group advanced, it occupied the place just
divided points in the outer limit of the scene. vacated by an older group and gave place to a more youthful family in
its former abode.
Sublime Architectural Arrangement of the City Thus like the movement of Spring upon some unfallen Paradise,
As my vision followed the pathway of the flowing river and the I saw each little child, as a living blossom of immortality, unfold from
stately avenues, my mind became absorbed till all sense of person or beauty to beauty, while all above was glory, and all around was
time was merged into the entrancing sight: The city was divided into one loveliness, and all within was harmonious movement of unfolding life,
hundred and forty-four great wards or divisions, arranged in a series of love and knowledge of heaven and adoration of the Savior, and
advancing degrees of sublimity and beauty. From the outer limit to the inspiration of undying joy.
center was one gently ascending and encircling pathway of Having thus beheld the City in its glory, usefulness and
ever-increasing loveliness. Each building was of vast extent, and magnificence, my vision expanded even more. Beyond the extreme circle
corresponded with all others as a perfect part of a most perfect whole. of palaces, I saw more perfectly what I had seen before while in the city,
Thus the entire city appeared to be one garden of flowers; a grove of that is, multitudes of angels readying and gathering to enter the outer
shady foliage; a gallery of sculptured imagery; a rippling sea of temples at the appointed time. I saw that each class was congregating
fountains; one unbroken extent of princely architecture all set in a according to the class or school to which the infants they had with them
surrounding landscape of corresponding beauty. The whole was arched were best adapted. These angels approached as on wings of wind, and
over by a sky adorned with hues of immortal light, that bathed and around them a bright cloud enrobed them. They appeared to me as
encircled each and every object with an ever-varying and increasing though they were clothed with the sun. In their arms, as before stated,
charm. were infant spirits whose existence appeared to depend upon the care of
No Rivalry in Heaven their guardian angels.
As they drew very near, each would pause a moment, poising in the
Then I beheld the movement of the inhabitants. But I can give only
holy and serene atmosphere, and then inclining to an appropriate
a minuscule portion of what I saw moving before me. I can only describe
position, would rest.
it by saying that the entire movement was melody. The angelic
This most glorious view in its delightful unfolding was now
multitudes appeared to be animated by one all-inspiring love:
somewhat changed, and my guide addressed me, saying, “Marietta,
A commitment to the unfolding of their infant charge into the perfect
behold the order and glorious wonders of this first and most simple
society in which they were being brought up, by moving in the wisdom
degree of a spiritual paradise. These angels you have seen in their
of one orderly plan. No angel manifested a separate, personal movement,
employment are ever engaged in this delightful duty. Here, as has been
disconnected from the universal harmony, but all appeared to co-operate
taught you, infants are assembled from the world that we are from, and
and to be inspired from one Superior Source. I saw that no rivalry,
from this blessed realm they are conducted to other and superior schools
emulation, or desire of selfish glory existed in the lovely groups of
of instruction.
infants. Rather, each group and those in each nursery or palace were
“But before you are permitted to advance, a solemn and instructive
joined in affection for the superior, corresponding and more mature
lesson shall be given you.”
societies. Each little child was filled with holy love, and desired to
become advanced in holy wisdom and fitted to be used as an angel of
light and loveliness. I also saw that each delighted in learning from those
above, and, to exercise their entire being in harmonic and unselfish
works of love. In this it was revealed that each child and each group

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— 11 —
Marietta Descends to Realms of Darkness
The angel touched my forehead again, and I was surprised that the
bright, glorious vision that I had just seen4 suddenly disappeared, and I
The Visions of immediately fell downward, deep under the earth, into a dark gloomy
space. A thick darkness enfolded all around me, encasing me. I was

Marietta Davis horrified by the supernatural fear that entered my soul and shook me to
my very core. My spirit was startled with every thought as my mind
searched desperately for a satisfactory explanation of what was
happening to me. Yes, it seemed as if my thoughts were fighting among
themselves in that thick darkness.
Presented in Contemporary English I heard a roaring sound in the distance, like the sound of foaming
ocean waters pouring over a rugged cliff, creating a mighty waterfall. I
was falling so rapidly now that I tried but failed to grab hold of
something—anything—to slow my descent. I was being pulled, forced
farther and farther down toward the terrible abyss (bottomless pit, Hell).
Suddenly, a blue light flashed, accompanied by the smell of sulfur.
At first the blue light drove back the darkness of that abyss, but then the
light disappeared and left some grim phantoms floating around me.
Part 2 of 3 These were unholy passions engulfed in fire. Until these ghosts
appeared, I had no thought of anything except horror and despair
because of the sudden way that this experience occurred and the dreadful
effect it had upon me. I was even more terrified when I saw these ghosts,
so I turned away, looking for safety and protection from the angel that
escorted me. I was shocked beyond words when I found she was no
longer there! I was alone in this dreadful place! There are no words to
express the agony I felt at that moment.
At first, I thought I would pray, but instantly I was distracted by
Written in 1848 scenes of my entire life unfolding before me. I exclaimed, “If only I
by could be back on earth for just one short hour! If only I had another
opportunity, even a brief one, to prepare my soul for eternity, and be
Marietta Davis ready to die!”

Refer to Part 1 of the Visions of Marietta Davis

But my very own conscience began to torment me, acting as some Christ the Messiah and his sacrificial death on the cross. Ñ In a final
cruel, evil beast, speaking to me in a hoarse, trembling voice, “During compartment appeared images of my thoughts concerning salvation by
your time on the earth, you rejected and scorned the very thing that was trying to save myself.
provided for your current need. Can you now expect to find favor in this Each of these compartments blended together in one revolving
place of darkness, sorrow and grief?” sphere around me. This sphere was composed of ten thousand images
If this were not enough, to further add to my misery, the doubts and that were quickly combining and separating. This confused and
questionings I used to have in my mind assumed the likeness of living bewildered me, but simultaneously excited and overwhelmed me.
beings, looking at me with a piercing glare. They danced around me, I stood transfixed by this mighty, frightful vision that animated my
mocking me, condemning me. So the very thoughts of my life gathered thoughts, composed of every doctrinal issue I had ever heard by lecture,
together against me in living forms. Every secret thought I ever had now or study, or in conversation, or in meditation.
became a part of these living beings, who were my own doubts Oh, how these conflicting, yet connected ideas about Jesus
oppressing me. Even some thoughts that I had long ago forgotten were bewildered me! As these images revolved around me in a confused, yet
parading around me, orderly but powerfully. Once again these thoughts orderly manner, I saw in each some distorted view of the Savior.
changed appearance, and each became a sphere going around and around But when taken separately or from a different point of view, I could not
in my mind, in my soul and even in my conscience. Although these see him as he is. I could not see the mighty redeeming power of his
spheres at first seemed to be separate, gradually they connected as parts divine glory, his honor, his majesty, his perfection. I could not see him
of me. If I tried to get away from them, it would be like running from as a Prince and a Savior, in his true character which he upholds before
myself. If I tried to destroy them, it would be like erasing my own life, the whole world. Confused, I was ready to abandon all hope of ever
my own existance. That’s when I truly understood the power of what escaping this place. I was certain this vision was the last thing to fill my
Jesus said, “For every idle word that a man speaks, he will give account cup of sorrow to the brim, from which I had already drunk to the point
of agony, but it could never be emptied even throughout eternity.
in the day of judgment” (Matthew 12:26).
Suddenly I saw Jesus reaching his arms toward me. The words he
Even the thought of understanding the meaning of the words of
spoke were like lovely, holy music that filled my soul with ecstasy,
Jesus came alive and rotated around me before my eyes and sent my
“Come to me all of you who are weary and burdened down; I’ll give you
mind further into despair. My soul longed to be delivered from the
rest” (Matthew 11:28). It was like the difference between night and day,
darkness of hell and to once again live in my mortal body.
when that glorious Being, Jesus, appeared in among us, shining like the
Just then, the most terrible scene of all appeared. It was the full and
sun, encircled with a spinning halo of light that moved quickly, but
perfect representation of Jesus, my crucified redeemer. Suddenly, and
calmly. I saw a representation of the true relationship between the
in one continuous vision, every thought I ever had about Jesus passed
Divine Redeemer and the universe of light, in which holy angels dwell.
before my eyes, taking on a living form separate from the forms of my
I also saw the terrible, vast difference between my own nature and that
previous thoughts. This living form had four compartments, each
sphere of light and life, harmony and love.
displaying just the right images in them. Î In one compartment
Yes, I saw Jesus whom, in my madness, folly and skepticism, I had
appeared images of thoughts I had of Jesus as a man. Ï In another
so often rejected. At first, I wanted to get away from the sphere of my
compartment appeared images of thoughts I had of his special atonement
thoughts that surrounded me, and join my life with this sphere of light
for a limited number of the elect. These were accompanied by the most
so that I could live forever in its beauty, peace and joy. But because of
frightening images of my thoughts of being doomed to an endless
the vast difference between the height of that pure, glorious light and the
punishment that had already been determined and set before I was ever
depth of my impure, fallen mind, I began to doubt and question if that
born. Ð In a third compartment appeared images of my thoughts
light was even real.
concerning the eternal salvation of all mankind, thinking it unnecessary
to change moral character or to have a personal, living faith in Jesus

33 34
rapid movement and dazzling splendor.
— 12 — The multitude made a variety of mingled sounds: bursts of laughter,
The Abode of the Lost noises of partying, playful jesting, witty ridicule, polished sarcasm,
Suddenly, a black veil of darkness appeared to arise, permeating and obscene allusions and terrible curses. These sounds were intermingled
enveloping me. My doubts seemed to form a cloud that shut out the with impure solicitations, backbiting, empty compliments and feigned
glory I had seen above me. The denials in my own spirit plunged me congratulations. These sights and sounds all formed one sparkling,
further into the center of a whirlpool of deeper gloom. I fell as one who brilliant picture which simultaneously agitated, pained and bewildered
had been thrown from some dizzying height. The darkness opened its my soul.
arms to receive me. The moving shadow of an even more desolate abyss As I moved forward, I walked cautiously, as if I were walking
arose like the masses of dense clouds of a dark storm. And as I among scorpions and burning coals. The trees that seemed to wave
descended, the ever-increasing weight of darkness pressed more upon around me emitted fiery flames, and their blossoms were also made of
me, making me more afraid. sparkling, ceaselessly-burning flames. Every object I came in contact
After a while, in the distance, I saw a dark plain that seemed with created intense agony.
endless. The plain was covered with what looked like sparkling The phosphorescent glare that surrounded the various objects burned
vegetation. In every direction, I could see foliage emitting light, shining the eye that looked upon them. The fruit burned the hand that plucked
with splendor, waving like wind-blown trees with fruit and flowers of it and the lips that received it. The gathered flowers emitted a burning
crystal and of gold. aroma, whose offensive, foul, disgusting odor caused excruciating pain
when inhaled. The very atoms of the atmosphere burned like fire as I
Visions of the Lost breathed them. Both the air and the blast that moved it carried the very
Multitudes of spirits appeared in the shadows beneath the plain. elements of disappointment and wretchedness.
Luminous cloaks were wrapped around these rapidly-moving spirits. When I turned to see if I could find a single drop of water to relieve
Some of them wore crowns upon their heads; some wore tiaras while the fierce, intolerable thirst, fountains appeared, and small streams
others wore decorations I had never seen before. They appeared to be flowed amid the herbage and laid in calm, placid pools. However, I soon
made of clusters of jewels, wreaths of gold coins, cloths of gold and discovered that these were the same as the visions I had seen before, and
silver tissue. Some wore towering helmets and others wore circular the drops of spray from the sparkling fountains fell like drops of molten
objects filled with large, glistening feathers that waved as they moved. lead, causing whatever it fell upon to shrivel. The flowing streams were
Every object emitted a pale glow. The entire scene was like watching like rivers of molten metal being poured out of a furnace heated seven
Mardi Gras, a magnificent costume parade. The clothing worn by this times above its intended use. The deep, still pools were as the white,
large and diverse crowd of spirits matched their headdress. Every motionless silver in a glowing crucible, with every atom burning with a
variety of lavish apparel was displayed upon these spirits. Kings and fierce, intolerable glow.
queens were dressed in gorgeous coronation robes. Groups of nobility,
both male and female, also wore every variety of adornment seen in the
pageantry of kingly courts. I saw dense multitudes dressed in the proper Marietta Greeted by an Old Friend – Now in Hell
attire of highly cultivated nations. As they passed by, I saw similar As I solemnly contemplated these frightening scenes, a spirit
groups composed of less civilized tribes, dressed in every kind of approached me whom I had known on earth. By outside appearances,
barbaric ornament. While some appeared dressed in clothing suitable for this being was far more brilliant than when it lived in its body. The
my day and time, others wore ancient attire. But whatever the time, shape, the countenance, the eyes, the hands all appeared endued with a
present or past, whatever the culture, polished or unrefined, throughout metallic luster that varied with every motion and every thought.
every variety, there were common threads exhibited in all: pride, pomp, Approaching me, the spirit said:

35 36
“Marietta, we meet again. You see me the spirit of someone who has “I became aware that my brain was strangely saturated with those
died (a disembodied spirit), dwelling in that place where those who things, and every area of my brain became subject to an outside influence
inwardly deny the Savior find their habitation after they die. which seemed to operate by taking complete and total possession of me.
“Strange emotions are agitating your heart. I felt, looked, wondered, “I abandoned myself to the attractive influences that were around
and moved the same way, in sad and bewildered anxiety when I first me, and sought to satisfy my craving desires for pleasure. I reveled, I
arrived here and discovered the reality of the existence of this place. But banqueted, I mingled in the wild, voluptuous dance, I plucked the
I experienced that which you have never yet understood in your mind. shining fruit, I plunged in the hot, burning streams, trying to satisfy my
I am unable to control the strange emotions causing me to tell you about nature with that which, on the outside, appeared delicious and inviting
the true inward sorrow that the exterior appearance of this brilliant world to the sight and to the senses. But when I partook of these things,
would conceal, if it were possible. everything was detestable and only caused me more and more pain. And
the unending desires are constantly going after things here that are not
“My life on earth suddenly ended, and as I left the world, I moved
real. What my eyes delighted in, what I craved, I came to loath; those
quickly in the direction prompted by the desires that ruled in my heart.
were the very things that tortured me. My appetite became wearied and
Inwardly, I desired to be courted, honored, admired, to receive universal
distasteful, and my hunger unappeased and unappeasable.
adulation, and to be free to follow the perverted inclinations of my “I crave every object that I perceive, I grasp it in the midst of
proud, rebellious, pleasure-loving heart, a state of existence where all disappointment, and gather it with increased agony. With every new
should be pleasure without restraint, where each person should be free experience that is added, I am immersed in some unknown fantasy,
to obey the promptings of every passion, where every indulgence should delirium and intoxication. New and strange phenomena are continually
be permitted, where there’s no place for prayers and religion, where the manifested, adding delirium to delirium, and fear to fear.
Sabbath should not be known, where no one is ever rebuked for sin, “It seems that I become a part of everything that surrounds me.
where life should be spent engaged in happy, festive sports, with no Whenever I hear voices speaking, my own voice bursts out from my
superior, restraining power to disturb or interfere. mouth uncontrollably, joining their conversations. I laugh, philosophize,
“I entered the spirit world with these desires and was drawn to those jeer, blaspheme and ridicule by turns, yet every derogatory phrase,
people who were compatible with my state of mind. I hurried to the however impure, sparkles with wit, glows with metaphor, and moves
enjoyment of the glittering scenes you see now. I was welcomed as you adorned with every rhetorical embellishment. The metallic ores, the
haven’t been because I was immediately recognized as a fit companion waving trees, the shining fruit, the moving phantasms, the deluding
by those who you see here. They don’t welcome you because they waters all seem to form a dazzling and mocking spectacle. I see them all
discern in you an inward desire that is adverse to the passions that are the time. Every thought is responded to by this mocking scenery, as if
ruling them. every reflection of my heart had an opposite, ridiculing counterpart.
“I was welcomed with festive, sportive sounds. The beings whom Inwardly, I crave to satisfy my hunger and thirst, but these desires create
you see in the distance rushed forward to embrace me. They shouted, outside of me and around me a tantalizing illusion of cool waters I can
‘Welcome! Welcome!’ I was awed, bewildered, and yet, mentally never drink, luscious fruits I can never taste, refreshing breezes I can
quickened and energized by the atmosphere of this place. I found myself never feel, and peaceful slumbers I can never enjoy. I know that the
endued with the power of strange, restless motion. amazing, bizarre forms around me are not what they appear to be, yet
“Every organ and every pore in my form emitted a phosphorescent every object seems to hold controlling power, and to domineer with cruel
glow, which condensed around my head, forming the appearance of a enchantment over my bewildered mind.
brilliant crown and reflecting a wild, unearthly glow on my countenance. “I experience the power of the law of evil attraction. I am the slave
What I exhaled extended into a flaming robe, enveloping my form, of discordant, deceptive elements and of their controlling wickedness.
causing me to look just like all the other spirits in this place. Every object takes turns attracting me. The thought of mental freedom
dies within my dying will, while the idea that I am a part and an element
of this revolving, nightmarish fantasy takes possession of my spirit.

37 38
“This realm, draped in darkness, is a sea of perverted and diseased and evil traps ensnared us, and kept us from the peace of heaven and the
magnetic elements. Here, lust, pride, hate, greed, love of self, ambition, Savior! Why do human beings love your ways?”
contention, blasphemies and reveling in madness kindle into a burning At this point, this spirit whom I had known on earth, fixed her wild,
flame. And whatever particular kind of evil that doesn’t belong to and despairing eyes upon me. I shrank from its dreadful glare, because its
come from one spirit, belongs to and comes from another, so that the appearance showed inexpressible torture.
combined strength of the evil of all the spirits is the prevailing law. I am While she was addressing me, a multitude of the forlorn5 spirits
bound by and exist in this controlling power of evil. were moving around her, striving to suppress their true feelings, while
“The spirits who dwell here are those who, while on earth, listening to her speak of the reality of their sufferings. Their appearance,
oppressed the poor, robbed workers of their wages, and tied the weary her address and the scene which was before me filled me with horror,
down with heavy burdens. There are also those whose religious faith and I sought to escape. Upon discovering this, her grief appeared to
was not real, along with the hypocrite, the adulterer, the assassin, and the deepen, and she hastily said:
ones who committed suicide, who were not satisfied with their lives in “No, Marietta, don’t leave me. Can’t you endure for a little while
their mortal bodies, and therefore ended their own lives. the sight and sound of what I am continually suffering? Wait with me,
“If only people knew they would certainly fall into this dreadful because I want to tell you many things.
place if they die unprepared, they would want to stay in their earthly “Are you startled by these scenes? Then you should know all that
bodies as long as possible. They would never want to shorten that time you see around you merely touches the surface of much deeper and
regardless of how much trouble they had in their lives. Instead, they darker sorrows. Marietta, no good or happy beings live among us.
would use whatever fleeting time they had to wisely improve the Everything in this place, both in us and around us, is darkness.
condition of their souls. Sometimes we dare to hope for redemption. We still remember the
“Here, our senses are infinitely sharper than when we were on stories we heard about the redeeming love of Jesus Christ the Messiah,
earth. What would feel like a ‘pang’ to someone in a mortal body, here, and we ask, ‘Can that love penetrate this place of gloom and death? May
that ‘pang’ enters into the very elements of our beings, and the pain we ever hope to be set free from those desires and inclinations that bind
actually becomes a part of us. us like chains, and from those passions that burn like consuming fires in
Because in this immortal realm, man no longer has the restraints of the unholy elements of this wretched world?’
a physical body; he has vastly superior endurance compared to those Overcome by her deep feelings, she was overtaken by grief and she
who are still in their physical body. But at the same time their conscience did not speak any more. That’s when another spirit came near and
is subject to vastly more suffering than those who are still in their addressed me, saying:
physical bodies. “Go, leave us to our fate! Your presence gives us pain! It only
“Marietta, I feel it’s useless trying to express how truly deplorable reminds us of our lost opportunities, how we indulged those tendencies
our condition is. I often ask, ‘Is there no hope?’ And my sense replies, that enveloped our souls and drew us toward evil like a magnet, and
‘How can harmony exist in the very midst of discord?’ We were warned permeated our spirits with its deadly corrupting influence.”
of the consequences of the path we had chosen while we lived on the At this point, this spirit paused for a moment, then continued. “No,
earth, but we loved our ways more than the ways of salvation. So we wait. I’m being pressed by something I don’t understand. I desire to
have fallen into this frightening place. We are the authors of our reveal what we’ve learned since we’ve been here about the power and
sorrows. God is just and he is good. We know we don’t suffer because the influence of evil, the way it draws the spirit of man. While man lives
our Creator passed vindictive laws against us. Marietta, the misery we in a human body, the attracting power of evil is extremely subtle,
endure is because of the condition of our souls. If we hadn’t violated
God’s moral laws, our souls would have been kept in harmony and
health. O sin! You are the parent of immeasurable misery! Your subtle 5
forlorn = wretched, destitute, derelict, indigent

39 40
deceptive. At the time of death the spirit of a man leaves his natural, those spirits when they lived on the earth, and when I saw them in hell,
physical body. Now, this spirit which was invisible in the natural world, I still recognized them. But, oh, how they had changed! They were the
is visible to other similar spirits; that is, the spirits of the people who very embodiment of sorrow and remorse. How earnestly I desired that
died can see each other, and even see their characteristics, their natures they might escape, become pure and receive an inheritance with those
(both the evil and the good). Those spirits see everything that is going on blessed spirits I visited in the Paradise of Peace.6
in each other; nothing is hidden. Those things arise from the deep. They
unfold from the soul. They encompass everything, pervade all, control
and inspire all things.
Mortals are opposed to this truth; they reason that because of the — 13 —
love and goodness of God, there can not be suffering in the spirit of man, Abyss – Realm of the Desperately Wicked
only in his flesh. This incorrect reasoning attributes evil to God, since During these reflections, I unconsciously moved from that sphere of
evil and suffering exist both among flesh and blood upon the earth and gloom to another region where I could perceive nothing but lonely space.
here among us in the spirit realm where it prevails. The cause of this is I could see no sun or stars. Deeper darkness closed around me, and I felt
obvious, yet men seek to reject this principle. that my doom was sealed, and that I would soon become the companion
“When the harmonious effect of the law is ignored, and the law is of the spirits in those amazingly horrific realms.
misused or ignored, bad consequences follow. By acting contrary to the And when I began to agonize under the thought of departing hope,
law, man brings about an opposite effect from what was planned. That I heard a voice in the distance, in soft, melodious tones, say, “Look unto
which was ordained for life—that which should have perfected him—by Jesus: He is the life of the soul.” In a moment, an inward feeling arose
misuse brings death. So, sin or the violation of law, disqualifies the man in rebellion to the idea of adoring that Jesus who was crucified.
from proper development. The violator being removed from harmony, Suddenly, all that seemed to sustain me departed, and again I
dies unto (ceases to exist in) the law of peace and holy development. descended as from an immeasurable height into an abyss inhabited by
“This great and irrevocable truth is manifest in every area of beings whose condition I did not at first comprehend, but were revealed
physical and moral actions when there is an obstruction to the law. Yes, as more desperate than those from whom I had just escaped. They
we have the fruits of broken law with us in an abundant and fearful gathered around me and commended me for the doubt I had entertained
harvest. concerning the divinity of the Son of God. Then a spirit with enormous
“Why don’t mortals reason and find out the true and full intelligence approached me and said:
consequences of their actions before they act? They could escape these
horrible consequences by preventing the growth of evil and by holding Address of the False Philosopher
on to God the way Jesus taught them. “Religion, the religion of the Bible that is extremely revered by
Marietta, you are not one of us; otherwise these elements would many who live in darkness and are undeveloped, is only a spiritual farce.
have enveloped you and absorbed your life. But you will return to the The God of the Bible whom Christians call Savior of the World, was
realms of peace. The mere mention of realms where love, pure love, and nothing more than a man. Religious faith restricts the range of human
abiding peace, cause madness and delirium to rise and rage within us. thought, binds the noble intellect, and prevents the progression of the
You are being told these things because you are returning to the earth. race. Those you have just visited are a class of spirits who, blinded by
Tell its inhabitants what you have seen and warn them of the danger the delusive dreams of earth’s religious teachings, have entered the spirit
awaiting those who persist in gratifying their impure desires.” world undeveloped. Therefore, they still cling to the idea of redemption
This spirit displayed the most hideous expression which brought this
chapter of the vision to a close, and I was immediately removed. I was
overwhelmed because I knew what I had witnessed was real. I knew 6
This Paradise of Peace is described in Part 1 of this series.

41 42
through Christ, the Messiah of Israel. They appear to suffer, but their every imaginable kind of vice, and various forms and fashions of human
suffering is only imaginary. Before long, light will reach them and society, government, clans. I saw all the different phases and forms of
enable them to discover the error of their religious education. The worship, originating in every kind of religion, from the heathen to
superior part of their minds is rejecting or disregarding this error even till fashionable church-going people, who heartlessly worship under the
now, while the inferior parts of their minds continue to cleave to their name of the holy religion of the cross.
error with insatiable desires. As this scene opened, I heard a voice from far above me, saying,
We are free, our intellect ranges unrestrained, and we behold the “Marietta, don’t be afraid; but behold a pandemonium,7 where the self-
magnificence and the glory of the populated universe. We enjoy the rich deceived congregate. This includes those who hope in false philosophy,
productions of the sublime attributes of the mind, and thus – and not by together with those who despise God, and where also arise, in spirit
the religion of the cross – we arise into the more exalted spheres of form, the false religions of the earth; where hypocrisy unveils its hideous
intellectual achievements, and the evolving grandeur of terrestrial things. shape, and religious mockery speaks in its own language; where human
“Marietta, as you are called, we saw you when darkness wolves are on display, who appeared in sheep’s clothing that they might
overshadowed you, and we understood well that for a moment, because indulge their greed and lust upon the humble and unsuspecting. Take
of the strong influence of your education, you would have prayed for heed! Listen to that wild chant that comes from the thousands who sit
salvation in the name of Jesus. We heard that voice that spoke from in the galleries of song.8 They once sang – heartlessly sang – hymns
above you, saying, ‘Look to Jesus.’ Still that did not save you. Learn, dedicated to the worship of the living God. Listen to the hoarse voice of
then, that you are saved by looking to your own nature, of your own self, the heavy organ before which they are gathered. See, they arise!
of your own consciousness. Observe their manner and seek to understand what they say.”
“What do you see, Marietta? Abandon your thoughts of the empty As I attempt to describe this scene, I am very much aware of my
religion of the Bible, and behold the wonders of this sphere of existence. incompetence. No one can ever know the reality of this except those
This is the second sphere. Gathered around you are minds from different who personally witness it. I am only able to say that every evil device
regions of the earth, minds whose strength of intellect could not yield to that dominates man appeared organized and operating perfectly, and
the influence of imaginary religion. They were not awed into reverence each spirit was an actor performing the part which he cultivated while in
by priestly garments, nor did they sing the idle notes of psalmody, the the body. I knew that if they expected bliss, all they received was
heartless ‘music’ of the church. These sing about nature, of which they imaginary bliss. Yet they all struggled to obtain enjoyment, which,
are a noble part. And being united with nature, they rise eight times however, from its dreadful fantasy, recoiled upon their suffering souls
greater in their mental progressive harmony.” with inexpressible horror.
At this point, the spirit of the philosopher quit speaking to me.
Suddenly he became greatly annoyed and the cloudy appearance all
around him was agitated by successive shocks, which caused his very
being to convulse and writhe beneath their influence. I could not discern pandemonium comes from Greek language and means ‘all
where those shocks came from, and I was greatly terrified. I saw the demons’. The dictionary defines the modern English usage of this word
whole scene change at every successive touch, which was accompanied as: Wild and noisy disorder or confusion; uproar. In Milton’s poem
by flashes like broad sheets of ghastly light upon the cloudy form that Paradise Lost, the capital of Hell was named Pandemonium.
surrounded him. I also understood that he was intensely struggling to
overcome some power which was about to control him. He did his best Editor’s note: What Marietta called galleries of song seem to be
to resist the power that was overwhelming him. Suddenly he groaned, what we now call a choir loft. However, here Marietta transitions from
as in the bitterness of one sinking to incurable despair, and then yielded the atheistic philosopher to a hypocriting minister. She transitions
to the intrusive influence. without a clear cut—as if the same galleries of song were before the
Just as suddenly, a vast arena opened. In it, I saw at one glance philosopher and the minister.

43 44
As I looked upon them, the occupants of the broad galleries stood His entire form assumed every imaginable distortion. Around him
up, and as they sang, the hoarse sound of the ghostly organ jarred as note flashed horrible fires, and his entire outward appearance revealed that
after note of their attempted music fell from lips whose very accents inside he was as restless as a burning crater. His whole appearance
mocked the effort. displayed agonies equal to the worst conceptions of the relentless
My soul pitied them, as I saw them sink back in utter despair; and sinner’s hell, and reminded me of the language of Jesus who said, “And
yet I thought I could perceive design, plan and purpose in their actions. they will go into outer darkness, where there will be weeping and
Below them9 was seated an attentive, but demanding audience. Before wailing and gritting of teeth; where the worm does not die, and the fire
them stood one dressed in priestly robes in a pulpit of Gothic is never quenched” (Matthew 8:12; 22:13; 25:30; Mark 9:43-48).
architecture, one who had dishonored the cause of the Redeemer by
hypocrisy and the love of vain glory, who had made the cause of the holy
ministry a byword by a soulless profession of love for the gifts of grace. The False Minister Exposed
These ‘speculators’ in religious things were motived by the way While he lay from head to toe engulfed in the fires of his own
their leader mocked dignity in his clerical profession. There was an open unholy passions, someone in his audience stood and addressed him:
book in front of him from which he attempted to read, but every effort “You fiend of darkness! You child of hypocrisy! Deceiver!
Matchless deceiver! Yours is the hell of a heartless religious teacher.
was confounded. His voice was shrill and piercing, and his accents
You couldn’t endure enough sufferings sufficient for your sins.
inarticulate. His features became distorted, and he writhed and agonized.
You sold religion and exchanged the souls of men for money.
He then attempted to read again, which produced the same results as the
Yes, because of this, you lived in the finest houses and received the
first. Then he blasphemously addressed himself to the Author of
adoration of men. Then you wrapped yourself in comfort and luxury at
Existence, charging God with all wrong-doings, accusing Him as the
the expense of souls. You did not try to reach the brokenhearted with
source of every sorrow, and even desired to gather together the strength
the soul-redeeming Truth of Heaven, but you spoke what men wanted to
of all created intellect to curse the Creator of the Universe.
hear and appeased their whims. Now you are tormented. Get up, you
His oaths, his manner and his insatiable passion caused him to
false teacher, get up in your silk gown! May the true nature of your false
appear so desperate that I felt he could accomplish great destruction in
apostleship be openly displayed. Speak to us smooth things. Direct this
whatever direction he chose to go. Fear impressed itself in my heart.
broad gallery’s mimicking song. Hold your blasphemy! Don’t vent
However, my anxiety was soon relieved by the sudden depletion of all
your cursings, for look, your Maker is just. Don’t wish to remove him
of his passion and strength, and I saw that he, too, was limited in power.
from his throne. You mocked his awesome majesty. Through you, his
Furthermore, to a very great extent, he was under the will of his
glory should have been shown, and by that light, thousands should have
been led to seek his face.”
One glance at the multitude before him was sufficient to reveal the
At this sharp rebuke the suffering minister sought to escape, but the
cause of much of his suffering. There were seated those whose
speaker continued.
countenances revealed the hatred in their hearts, mingled with the wild,
“No, you hypocrite! Even though you try, you can’t run. Look at
maniacal zeal of those who mocked his futile effort and indulged in
fiendish delight at the expense of his dreadful sufferings. Yes, they this multitude of sufferers, then ask yourself the cause of our suffering.
relished seeing his keen despair, as an itching wound enjoys being Though we, too, have sinned (and each stands or falls to his Master), can
scratched until afterwards when the itch and pain is worse than when it you look upon them in peace and maintain a sense of innocence? Did
began. As he sank back, his face expressed horror beyond description. you strive to lead them up to God? No, instead, didn’t your learned
essays and elaborate expositions of the Holy Bible, adorned with poetic
genius, addressed with most eloquent display, lull their already
slumbering spirits into deeper sleep, while crowning your own head with
The word ‘them’ seems to refer to a choir who are seated in human honor and glory?”
what Marietta calls ‘broad galleries’.

45 46
The wicked spirit who had just been addressed cried out. “Hold on! “Don’t curse your Maker. This is your harvest. Listen to the
Hold it! Spare me! I suffer the tortures of remorse that never diminish! scriptures that you carelessly quoted so often: ‘He who sows to the
How horrible this retribution! Stop! Oh, stop! Don’t cut me down. I natural life, from the natural life he will reap corruption’ (Galatians 6:8),
admit my sufferings are justified. In life I pursued the means to get and ‘The wages of sin is death’ (Romans 6:23). How those passages of
everything that could bring pleasure. I trifled with the souls of men, and scripture resonate through the brassy chambers of souls gathered in these
heartlessly wrote about eternal things. I formed my prayers, not for God, dark places. Yes, they ring as from spirit to spirit. Those truths cause
but for the people who would hear them, and interpreted the Bible to unearthly sensations in each one bringing the ultimate of the horror of
gratify those driven by their whims, the selfish, the boaster of holy this realm of doom. Even phantom scenes arise, like ghosts, from
things, the violator of human rights and the oppressor. beneath these realms of death.
“Horrors! The horrors of unending darkness and piercing remorse “No, false teacher, let God be true, because sin has made us like
take hold of my spirit. I hear the voice of inexpressible grief. I see the this. We suffer the consequences of violated law, the law of our lives.”
madness of disappointed spirits. They haunt me. If I seek to flee, As he finished speaking these words, a fearful trembling seized his
a multitude, like ghosts, gather in front of me with innumerable troubles form. He became more and more agitated, until he, along with the great
hanging upon their souls, which cannot find any rest here.
congregation, shook and fell like dead men. And losing individual
“These, my parishioners/church members, drive me mad with their
identity, they transformed into one great body of moving atoms, so dense
bitter curses. Secret sins, like demons commissioned to inflict eternal
that it appeared to be a part of the mass below.
pain on me, arise from the vault of my memory. Spare me a deeper
hell!” A Voice From Above
During these outbursts the whole audience arose and mocked his The sight was too much for me. I was unable to endure any more
agony. At the close, the spirit addressing him resumed his hostile of these sorrowful scenes. I shrank back and exclaimed, “Isn’t there a
criticism, saying: God of mercy? Could he see all of this and not save?”
“You knew very well that our delight was to please you, and when
“Yes,” replied a voice from above me. “Yes, there is a God of
we indulged ourselves by gratifying the unholy desires that lead us to the
mercy, a God who sees with pity, the sinner. Mercy yearns over the
path of destruction and death, you didn’t correct us from the Bible – oh,
sinner. Yes, have you not read, ‘God loved the world so much that he
that sacred book, that gift of God given to guide the lost to bright
gave his only-born Son, so that whoever believes in him may not perish,
mansions in heaven. The false interpretations of the pleasure-loving and
heartless teacher of divine things became our passport to this scene of but have eternal life’? (John 3:16) But although salvation is offered to
sorrow, where sins ripen into living forms, where gaudy clothing enwrap the world, and Heaven’s messengers plead with the sinner, millions
the spirit like innumerable sheets of inextinguishable fire, and where refuse. Millions more, who profess him as their Messiah, merely
man, like a special goddess, sits in the clouds of death, which spread a speculate about the great truths connected with man’s redemption.
canopy over the abyss. When men indulge in sin, those sins cause deep sorrow to be their
“The law of life, when reversed, leads to and ends in the nightmarish destiny. There are many who will not forsake their evil ways until they
place in which you are now moving. This you have done, urged on by have fallen into a most wretched state. That is the consequence of
your love of glory, the glory of the hypocrite. This form of religion is violating the law of purity and love.
like a white-washed tomb, which on the outside is as beautiful as the “Don’t be afraid, Marietta. You have just witnessed a portion of the
spotless Church reflecting the glory of the spiritual Jerusalem coming consequences of sin upon the spirit of man. Spiritual sufferings cannot
down from bright worlds on high. But the inside is like your heart, full be expressed in natural terms. They are beyond expression, nor can they
of pride and lust, a cage of foul birds, a den of reptile thoughts. Yes, be fully demonstrated by illustrations.
your heart is like a tomb full of dead men’s bones, like the decayed body “He who first spoke to you represents the spirit of antichrist which
parts of dead, heartless, self-made gods, the legacy of religious bigots. seeks to dazzle spiritual perception by bright images of false reasoning.

47 48
Behind all of that lies discord, improper affections, impure desires, love goodness of God. This goodness is understood by everyone who awakes
of self, false hearts, cruelty, lust, plunder, murder, the denial of God in from their idle daydreams to a proper sense of what God’s holy law
his redeeming mercy, sacrilege and blasphemy. He strove to direct your requires of them.
attention to an opposite scene in order to conceal the true condition of Now, that spirit that was writhing dreadfully after being confronted
those whose hearts are not controlled by the love of God. His failing with the darkness of his past deeds, this represents those who in their
power represents the utter futility of all things outside of Christ, the external life followed their natural desires; however, when they meet as
anointed Messiah, to save the soul from the influences that draw man spirits, great truths are being brought out among themselves by their
towards death, which through sin, infect the unrepentant heart. thoughts and actions. Their final fall and blending into one entity
“Then a similar scene opened illustrates the inseparable nature and tendency of sin. It also represents
in which all forms of vice were Editor’s note: The above the law of sympathy or magnetic attractions, even with the disembodied
portrayed, but if it had been paragraph describes the spirits of men. By that law, those of like character, mind and affections
displayed in its fullness, it would philosopher. The next describes are attracted to one another, whether in the mortal body, or in the
have been too difficult for you to the minister who is a hypocrite. immortal spirit. When these things prevail and accumulate, there is an
bear. Therefore the choir immedi- increase in power and momentum, and each receives sorrow and inflicts
ately appeared in a choir loft. sorrow upon the other.
They represent the world singing to the gods they worship, of whatever “The cloud moving above them also illustrates the atmosphere of
name or character they happened to be. In their hearts was no fear or thought which fills the great arena of spiritual disharmony.
love for The Most High God, whom they mocked with lip service. The “Finally, Marietta, the scene of the bishop and his congregation,
one in the pulpit represented a false teacher/minister and the awful together with the false teachers of the schools of vain philosophy,
consequences of hypocrisy in religion. Because he was false, he fell into illustrates that portion of the Bible that says, ‘If the blind lead the blind,
this sorrowful pit. The audience in front of him represented the both will fall together’ (Matthew 15:14, Luke 6:39).
worshipers in the name of the Cross, but who didn’t keep the fear of God “Marietta, your spirit cannot endure anymore, but let this lesson
in view. They appeared to worship God in the sight of men, but their impress you with this great truth, that ‘the wages of sin is death’.”
hearts were far from him. They sought to please themselves in their
devotions, and they chose a teacher who would assist them in their goal,
who sought to glorify himself before men by gratifying the whims of his
— 14 —
audience. Marietta Ascends
“His striving to address them represents the great truth that those When the voice stopped speaking, I heard an angel from some
characteristics that are impressed and cultivated on a person’s mind heavenly choir say, “Marietta, come up here!” and I arose into a cloud of
while he is still in his mortal body, those same characteristics will light which gently ascended. My spirit found rest within the cloud.
manifest in his spirit after it leaves the body. His ineffectual effort How great and marvelous the change was! A moment before, I was
represents the inability of any being to obtain real satisfaction, or to be afraid and wondering about the activity I was watching: a suffering
useful to those around him, by false methods. multitude reveling in the madness of intensified passions, passions that
“The spirit addressing him represents the spirit of those who, in any had been cultivated by excessive indulgence while in the body. In this
sphere of existence [both in the philosophical sphere and the religious place, they had sorrow. In this place, they were displayed without masks:
sphere], trusted false teachers, but cared little about their own spiritual the effects of every kind of evil, of demoralizing habits, secret purposes,
needs. Therefore, conflicts and dissensions appear among spirits who are and hidden iniquity. There were arguments, murmurings, and dreadful
not properly united. They blame one another for their sins. The spirit’s blasphemies, while the spirits were drawn and held together by their
reference to the justice of their condition as a natural consequence of mutual suffering, which was caused by their own perverted natures.
their violation of the law represents the consciousness of guilt and the

49 50
By seeing their condition, I learned that sin brings death, and happiness
comes not by disobedience, but by simple faith, faith in Jesus as the The Attractive Power of Evil
Redeemer, which excites the true worship of God from a broken heart and Then I heard a voice saying, “Marietta, where are you from? Have
repentant spirit. In addition, I learned that deceit was the basis of darkness you left the world of mortal sadness? And why are you drawn toward
and the source of many troubles. Deceit also hides the end results of places where evil passions rule? Does your soul waver between the
falseness and vice. And yet the great truth was plainly revealed: that no realms of good and evil? I saw you floating in the dark, hazy air alone
deception, however minutely worked out, can be hidden in the hour of and without a friend. Afterwards, I saw your sudden fall into the cloud
trial. For anyone who attempted to portray the glories of nature, or who that hangs over the place where wicked beings dwell. I saw you
tried to use brilliant, colorful symbols to entice a soul away from the cross observing every movement until the very sight of this arena overcame
and offer life and peace by any other means, failed to hide the impact of you and you sank beneath the burden of that vision. I heard you call for
that choice. So it is exactly like this in the broad arena where those who help from God or for some kind of angel to befriend you. Learn from
do not love God or regard his law gather together, those who despise the this, that he whose heart is not established in truth, whose nature is not
holy faith of Jesus by which men are saved. controlled by the law of holy love, is unprotected from the attracting
influence of evil, for there is no safety for the soul that is not born of
Heaven for the Willing God. He who does not understand this principle is in a moral condition
I was reflecting upon these things when a new light beamed upon exposed to those influences which lead to outer darkness and the
me. I turned to see where it came from, and I was surprised to see dwelling place of those existing in the sphere of deadly magnetism.
hovering above me a lovely being, wearing clothing as bright as the sun, Remember that he who wants to be the disciple of Truth and enter into
resting in the glory surrounding her. Her countenance glowed with rest must deny himself the gratification of the unholy inclinations of the
heavenly goodness. Calmly she basked in the midst of the divine perverted heart which cleave to that which does not inspire reverence for
radiance. She spoke and her voice filled me with delight, saying, “Rest, God or a desire to be found doing His will. He must change the
spirit, rest. Don’t let any care depress you. Dismiss your thoughts about characteristics and inclinations of his soul from the practice of doing evil
the things you just saw. God has a mansion prepared in heaven for every to the practice of doing good, and this is only possible through the divine
heart that’s willing. And whoever seeks the Lord will find that he is grace and everlasting goodness of God.
always available to help them when they need him. Those you have seen “Marietta, these visions and the opening of your spiritual
in the abyss are in the environment they themselves created when they understanding have been permitted for a wise purpose. You represent
indulged their passions while in their mortal bodies. Just like someone those who are not settled in spiritual truth, those whose minds move
who falls from a great height must bear the pain from the wounds he from one thing to another. First you were attracted to paradise, but then
receives from the fall, so is he who lives and dies in sin; they receive the to the vacant regions where chaos and the darkness of night rule like
wounds of sin. This is the law of life. kings. Then you were drawn to places of wretchedness, places inhabited
“Rest, Marietta, rest. But look! Angelic musicians are coming by those whose characters were formed by wrong indulgences, and even
down! Listen, sister. How sweet that harmony is! How gently it moves by cherishing their love for those things. Finally they became drunken
along the paths of heaven! It’s coming near us, Marietta; it’s getting with the excess of vice and delirious under the influence of hallucinating
louder as it comes on the wind of heaven. Its notes emphasize praises to pleasures. In the end, the elements of evil operate uncontrolled. In the
end, the soul becomes part of the nature of those false influences, and the
our Redeemer. Heavenly hymns awake on every hand. Look up,
tendency and the effects of sin become real and tangible.
Marietta; See! We are near a city where righteousness dwells. No evil
“Therefore it is shown that when left to itself, the perverted spirit
enters here, nor does any false spirit ever pollute its holy temples. See,
drives madly on under the insatiable action of evil, and by association
sister spirit; I, a guardian angel of the holy hills, tell you these things.”
without restraint, spirits aggravate each other’s pain and sorrow.
Therefore, those in this wide open space were mutual sufferers.

51 52
“This is also how it is among human beings on the earth. Sin is whom they now fixed their attention. Oh, how blissful was the silence
strengthened in direct proportion to the number of minds operating by its that prevailed and which revealed the perfect order and divine harmony
evil principles, so that one evil doer supports another in the ways of evil. of the place.
You can see how one sinner destroys much good. Sin added to sin
enlarges its capacity, and increases its movement, until families, tribes
and nations go to war to defend sinful activities. Oh, that people
understood the power of evil influence! Then, moved by the law of — 15 —
heavenly love and the Spirit of Grace, they would unite to prevent the Marietta’s Unfitness to Enjoy Heaven
working of evil in the human heart. Marietta, sorrow may well be “Listen, Marietta,” said the angel, and with her right hand she pressed
written upon the dome encompassing the race of man, for by their my temples. Suddenly, that deep silence was interrupted with music like
indulgence in sin, they make their lives bitter, and too often, they die and the angelic breath of the most inward, holy life of the spirit. I could barely
enter the world of spirits with a predisposition toward evil, and therefore hear it; still it moved in softest melody over what I knew was an octavian
become united to those with the same mindsets, and they are altogether organism of my soul.11 Until then, I didn’t know there were such elements
overcome. in me which could be awakened to such a symphony, or if tuned, could
But when a man opens his heart and soul to the grace of God, it vibrate to the touch of such sacred, interior melody.
actually changes his character and inclinations. When the life of God
comes into the soul (that is, when a man is born again), it causes the Human Nature Not Compatible With Paradise
affections to incline to the source of true life. When such people die and As the notes of that spirit of music arose, I thought a new nature was
enter the spirit world, through the law of holy attraction, they are drawn given to me to enable me to realize such perfect harmony. And I seemed
to and stay in areas that sustain their lives. And they receive from God to blend and flow with it, until by my own choosing I sought to unite
the inspiration of holiness, the continually increasing spirit of godly myself with it. It was then, just then, that I felt the effects of an upset,
growth.” disjointed, completely unnerved soul. Note after note from the invisible
source invaded my inward life, but it no longer moved in unison with the
Center Dome of Infant Paradise music chords of my soul. Striving to blend in the movement produced
“Marietta, this is the city where you first saw the infant nurseries10 discord, and repelled and broke the rhythmic flow of the music, like the
and you have been permitted to return here from the places of sorrow fall of smooth waters upon a rocky, uneven surface. The music became
and death. From here, above the center dome of the infant nursery, you harsh to me, making me very much aware of my unlikeness to its nature.
can see the groups that use this temple of education. The schools of Then I suffered. Oh, the agony of that moment! The contrast was
Infant Paradise gather here and are instructed in the higher degrees of dreadful. Every part of my being was out of order. The waves of
useful work.” harmony that moved softly and gently throughout the dome fell like
As the spirit finished speaking, suddenly the great dome below us raging waters into my unfitted and discordant heart. I would have rather
opened, and displayed at one single view its glory and magnificence. In escaped, for any other condition would be preferable by far. I even
it, I saw all the grandeur, variety and order of the entire paradise in unity.
Again, I saw in the center, the Cross. Around it were twelve spirits, each 11
holding a smaller cross and a harp. Each infant appeared to expect Editor’s Note: When Marietta wrote this in 1848, she used the
directions from the twelve spirits who were around the cross, upon word ‘octavian’ from which we get the word “octave”. The root meaning
of these two words is ‘eight’—as in the musical scale where the key of
C and the next key of C are eight notes apart. Perhaps Marietta meant
that she now felt in her soul that the music she heard spanned a whole
In Part 1 of this series. octave of the musical scale.

53 54
thought the arena of mimic worship would agree better with my nature,
and there I could more easily harmonize with the prevailing law. But I Hell is Better Than Heaven for the Unsaved
could not escape. I was a perfect wreck, and each moment my condition When I felt drawn by the sphere of darkness and saw the very cloud
became progressively worse, until an hour seemed to last as long as an age. of death part to receive me, I looked up to the heavenly paradise with an
After a while, I cried in the bitterness of my soul: Away! Oh! Let earnest desire to enter and be saved. But I didn’t know that even then,
me flee from this scene. Other music has filled me with delight; other if I had been permitted to enter as a member into the spirit of heaven,
melodies made me happy. I listened to it; and while I heard, I drank in I would’ve suffered excessive agony from the effects of the love and
the spirit of the sacred song. But now, by some unknown law, I am harmony of heaven upon me, so that my condition would put me in
prompted to attempt to unite with this harmonious sweetness, even perplexity and misery equal to the deepest hell. With these things in my
though, to my surprise, my unholy nature is exposed. Everyone sees my mind, I took a quick survey of the whole scene while pleading for relief.
discordant nature and even to myself, I now appear unfit to associate I began to understand my true condition and felt assured that all was lost.
with angels and I am lost beyond redemption. My spirit is wounded, I was doomed to misery.
broken, fallen; no part of it is adapted to anything in this paradise. Oh! Eventually, an angel said, “Marietta, you are not lost. True, your
Let me flee to a place where darkness and gloominess will hide me deformity is exposed, and you are suffering because your spirit is
forever from myself. awakening and discerning the true state of a soul out of harmony.
Angel, cover, oh, cover this light that exposes how deformed I am, It is by the contrast with goodness that you have been brought to an
and save me from the torments of this angelic harmony! Oh! Is there a awareness of your need. In this, perhaps you will be better prepared to
deeper hell? If demons mocked my lost spirit, there would be nothing to
understand the goodness of God in the provisions he made for
awaken this new life. Or if they called up my unstrung spirit-being, it
redemption through the Lord Jesus whom all of heaven adores.
would be crushed because of its unfitness. No other power except my
“When you were previously admitted into the society of the
own interior harmony could respond to my spirit’s most conscious
element, and break up the hidden fountains of the disjointed, misaligned, sanctified, your discordant condition was mostly withheld from your
unsanctified soul.” sight. As a guest, you were only permitted to receive the influence as an
Therefore I pled to somehow be released from the light, the outward sacredness which, like holy dew, fell upon you and watered
harmony, and the bliss that filled the great congregation to an your thirsty spirit. But so perfect is the breath of holiness here that it
overflowing enjoyment. My arid suffering was beyond expression, yet touched your inner life, and all your hidden unfitness appeared in
at the time, I didn’t consider the cause any farther than the fact that my contrast, causing your suffering. In this you may discover, to a certain
soul was unstrung. I realized my complete unfitness for involvement in extent, the wisdom of a benevolent Creator in bringing together spirits
this society and the happiness of the members of this paradise. of like nature and tendencies to similar conditions and abodes.
Previously, I had desired to be admitted with them, and to live forever Therefore, the opposite elements of absolute good and evil are separated,
in that holy sanctuary. But I had not properly considered what and they will not enhance the misery nor annoy the bliss of the other
qualifications were lacking in me so that I could join them in their holy class. So this is the reason why no unclean thing can enter the Holy City
songs. True, I had witnessed the deformity of the infant spirit12 and saw that John the Revelator saw. For no unholy spirit that has died and left
the wonderful operations of grace in its restoration, but I had never its mortal body could enter into this sacred Temple; neither by the law
applied this knowledge/understanding to myself. of existence could any gross, unsanctified soul be received within the
holy city of inward life, where the soft and spirit-inspiring melody
originated which so greatly affected you. Nor could the inhabitants of
this blessed abode dwell with spirits who have not been reconciled to
God in the spheres of darkness. Marietta, observe the goodness of God
in the law of life. How obvious the injustice of a Righteous Creator
in Part 1 of this series of books

55 56
would appear if he doomed to the shades of night, or permitted one of in a healing fountain by which all the impurity of your soul may be
these little ones to perish by being attracted into the deadly magnetism removed. Rejoice greatly in this, since through God’s great mercy,
of the abode of the guilty in the regions of sorrow. Their tender and pure redemption is offered, and those who could not in any other way attain
natures would writhe or squirm beneath the touch of the inflamed to perfect joy are exalted from prison cells to mansions in our Father’s
passions of those who are abandoned to the madness of insatiable Kingdom. For this grace, the saints in heaven praise God, and do not
desires. Indeed, God would be considered unjust if his law put an cease day or night to utter hymns of thanksgiving to the One who is their
innocent one in such a position. Similarly, it would be unmerciful to Redeemer.”
bring any unsanctified and discordant spirit into a place of harmony and Then the angel touched my forehead and a stream of light entered
holiness, since their sufferings would increase to the degree that light my being, and I arose. “Now,” said the angel, “you may listen to the soft
and supreme good that pervades the dwelling place of the pure. notes of the song sung by the infants who have just come in from the
“The wisdom and the goodness of God is clearly displayed by this. temples of learning into this great center dome of the infant paradise of
No absolutely discordant element in the world of spirits mingles with the instruction.” With sweetness, the music of the infant choir arose with
pure and harmonious. God’s word was speaking of these conditions harmony from their pure hearts, filling the expanse and swelling into
when it said, ‘He that is filthy let him be filthy still, he that is righteous gentle waves which moved along the atmosphere above. But grandeur
let him be righteous still, he that is holy let him be holy still’ (Revelation was added to the scene as I watched them form into bands, and united
22:11). In this spirit realm, let there be a separation between the class with class, united as one throughout, each class being composed of
habitations of the good and the evil ones (not like on earth where the equal numbers, each spirit glowing with the holy fire of the sacred hymn.
good and the evil ones live right next to each other). Furthermore, let Then a female spirit appeared dressed in pure white clothing,
those who are holy be free of warring evil elements, and let the unholy moving from band to band. There was a crown upon her head set with
mix according to the things they are attracted to. For in the nature of gems which shone with the brightness of the sun. In her left hand she
their existence, in contrast with that of the unrighteous, it is justly held an open book, and in her right, a scepter. She appeared to observe
written that there is an impassable gulf fixed (Luke 16:26), since these every infant and to accurately distinguish every voice, so as to know
extremes can in no way blend. And it is again written, ‘Whoever is born their different qualities, and how those qualities relate to each other and
of God is born of love, and love has no likeness to hatred (1st John 4:20- to everyone. Likewise, her every movement was noticed by the infants
21). Whoever is under the dominion of evil does not love God.’ who sought to imitate her even as pupils imitate their instructors in
If mortals only realized this law, they would strive against evil and schools among men.
cultivate righteousness in themselves, and through grace, be prepared for The infants performed music consisting of many different parts, yet
the spiritual lesson you cannot now fully learn nor comprehend. all were in harmony and the melody was the perfection of beauty.
Consider what you have witnessed and what angels have taught you, As they sang, their spirit fingers moved over their soft, mellow-toned
Marietta. When these visions have past, accept the wisdom they have harps. All of them were increasingly inspired with confidence that
shown you. Guard yourself against greater evil, lest this happen to you, added to the melody, and appeared to blend them into one great soul,
that you become entirely unfit for an everlasting inheritance with the whose breath was the spirit and harmony of heavenly love.
sanctified. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The End of Part 2 of Marietta Davis’ Visions ~ ~ ~ ~
“And when you are restored to live in your body on the earth, look
to Jesus, who alone can prepare you to return and live in this enraptured
realm and fellowship with those who worship in this place where the
blest abide. Here, you have learned that those who have not been reborn Please ask for Part 3 of this series—FREE
cannot become the companions of these spirits” (John 3:3-8). James e-mail:
As I began to yield to grief and cry, the angel said, “Don’t weep,
Marietta, don’t weep. For a ransom has been prepared. You may wash

57 58
The Appendix has a story about another person who had a vision/ “Oh, oh!” I said. “I know what I’m under now. I rebuke you in the
dream similar to the story of the false minister in Chapter 13. name of Jesus! I’m washed in the blood of the lamb, and you’re a liar.
I’m bought by a price, and you’re a liar. The Bible says you’re going to
— Appendix — be cast into the bottomless pit. Aren’t you the one that made the nations
quake? Aren’t you the one that made kings shake? Greater is the one
Nick was an immigrant from Greece, but when he was young, he got who is in me than the one who is in you!”
involved in crime and ended up in prison. It was in prison that he had a By this time, this demon, who was maybe Satan himself, was really
dynamic encounter with Jesus Christ the Messiah, and his whole life was angry at me. I looked around and recognized one of the people in the
changed. Following is his account of an incident that happened while he congregation–a relative who had practiced witchcraft in Greece.
was still in prison. Nick wrote: The leader started calling Jesus and his disciples homosexuals and
made all sorts of other wild accusations. I waded right in—defending the
I started getting some flak from inmates who were known true identity of Christ using Scripture. But the intensity of the evil in that
Satan-worshipers. One night, as I was waiting for a guard to open my room was so overwhelming, I finally started panting and found I
cell, a guy named Tony, who was into astro-projection and witchcraft, couldn’t take it any more. That was when I woke up, drenched in sweat.
sneaked up behind me and plucked a hair out of my head. The cell was pitch black, but I knew I was in my corner of the prison and
“Tonight, Greek!” he said, “is your night. You’re going to get the hex.” not in a Satan-worshiping sanctuary. But for some reason, it didn’t end
“Whatever you do to me, double back to you in the name of the there. I could still hear the chanting, and even though my eyes were wide
Lord Jesus Christ!” I said. I went into my cell and ignored what Tony open, I could see those people dancing around their leader.
said. I fell asleep immediately and started having a strange dream. At I knew what I had to do, so I hopped out of bed, grabbed my Bible
first, I thought I was in a church service because I was in this and started reading out loud. I punctuated those readings with a hurried
sanctuary-type room with a bunch of people who were standing around rendition of the Lord’s Prayer: “Our-father-who-art-in-heaven-hallowed-
chanting and bowing their heads. Many of the people were wearing be-thy-name…” And I said, “Get behind me, Satan—I bind you in the
monk-like robes, held together by a rope around the waist. name of Jesus!”
I thought, “Wow, this is beautiful!” and I settled down to enjoy the I was trembling and sweating when I started this routine at about
service. The leader of the group, a tall guy who was wearing a cassock, 3:20 a.m., and finally got some peace about 5:00 a.m.
moved up to the altar and opened up a huge book that was resting on a My celly woke up and the first thing he said was, “What was going
stand. I couldn’t see his face because it was mostly covered by a hood on last night? I felt the presence of evil and I heard music and chanting.
over his head, but his voice came out rich and forceful as he said, “The At one point, I almost felt like I got knocked out.”
text today is a familiar one. It concerns Jesus of Nazareth,” Then he I was pretty sure that my experience had been more than just a
began to read, “The Virgin Mary was a whore and Jesus Christ was a dream, and this seemed to confirm it.
“Hold on!” I interrupted (still in my dream). “That’s a lie! You The above was adapted from Too Mean To Die
know he’s the Son of God! You’re misquoting Scripture. The Bible says
by Nick Pirovolos, Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
a virgin shall bear a son and his name shall be Immanuel, God among us.”
“Quiet! You’re out of order!” he said, raising his head so I could see Wheaton, Illinois, pages 179-183.
his face. He was a handsome, forceful-looking man except for one
thing—his eyes. They were so glassy they didn’t look human. He looked
like he was totally doped up on cocaine or some other drug, except that
Please ask for Part 3 of this series—FREE
he was too much in control of himself to be any drug addict.
Mr. James e-mail:

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