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Unit-1 Gerund & To Infinitive & Bare Infinitive

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STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”


Direction: These questions are incomplete sentences. Beneath each sentence you will see four
words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C), and (D). Choose the one word or phrase that the best
complete the sentence.

1. …….. in the morning makes my body D. built

7. Fauzan did regret …….. Ms. Tika that
A. Run
she failed the TOEFL test.
B. Running
A. to tell
C. Runs
B. tell
D. To be ran
C. told
2. Many students didn‟t …….. what Mr. D. telling
Paul explained.
8. Matha is in charge in …….. the
A. understand
B. understanding
A. organize
C. understood
B. organizing
D. to understand
C. to organize
3. The doctor told Ms. Abelika …….. her D. to be organized
medicine regularly.
9. They had better …….. the important
A. take
things tomorrow.
B. to take
A. discussing
C. taken
B. to discuss
D. took
C. discussed
4. Martin does not sometimes …….. many D. discuss
documents in his office. 10. According to me, it is very difficult
A. type
…….. a foreign language such English.
B. typing
A. to learn
C. types
B. learn
D. to type
C. learned
5. My son, Mario enjoy …….. tennis in D. learning
the afternoon. 11. Don‟t let me forget _____ my keys to
A. plays the house with me.
B. playing A. to take
C. plays B. taking
D. to paly C. took
6. They are going to …….. a big D. take
apartment here.
A. builds
B. building
C. build

1 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”
12. They talked about not …….. to the 19. When I walked into my office, I found
meeting, but finally decided they should George …….. my telephone.
go. A. use
A. go B. using
B. going C. used
C. went D. to use
D. gone
20. When Julia went into her house, she
13. …….. a second language is very easy
caught a thief …….. through a big hole.
for young children.
A. look
A. To learn
B. looking
B. Learn
C. looked
C. To be learned
D. to look
D. Learns
14. My youngest brother, Poltak moved to 21. I made them …….. me my money
America in order …….. his study there.
A. gives
A. to continue
B. give
B. continue
C. gave
C. continuing
D. given
D. continued
15. When the professor entered the room, 22. Jack spent most his time …….. research
the students stopped …….. last year.
A. talk A. did
B. talking B. doing
C. talks C. do
D. talked D. does

16. When I was a child, I could …….. in 23. The Go-jek rider had a difficult ……..
the lake. the customer‟s house just now.
A. swam A. find
B. swims B. to find
C. swim C. finding
D. swimming D. found
24. I think, the table is so heavy for Markus
17. The man has strength enough ……..
that big box. ……..
A. to lift A. to move
B. lift B. move
C. lifted C. moving
D. lifting D. moved
25. When I walked in to the apartment, I
18. They went to Medan …….. their
grandparents. heard my roommate …….. in the
A. to visit slower.
B. visited A. singing
C. visiting B. to sing
D. visit C. sang
D. sing
C. to apply
26. In …….. the theory in the classroom D. applied
activities is very difficult for the
A. applying
B. apply

2 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”
27. The workers are …….. in the big 29. The two men are afraid of …….. the
company now. cases.
A. work A. telling
B. to work B. told
C. working C. tell
D. worked D. to tell
28. There are many kinds of …….. books 30. When they were _…….. the
displayed on shelves. homework, Julia came in.
A. read A. do
B. reading B. did
C. to read C. to do
D. reads D. doing

+++++ GOOD LUCK +++++


3 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”

A. Apa itu GERUND?
GERUND adalah sebuah kata kerja yang berakhiran “–ing” yang berasal
dari kata kerja dasar (Bare Infinitive) ditambah dengan “-ing”.
Perhatikan contoh berikut:
Bare Infinitive Gerund
Bare Infinitive ing
tell telling
speak speaking
study studying
operate operating
tell telling

JADI “telling, speaking, studying dan operating” adalah bentuk kata

kerja GERUND.

FUNGSI Gerund adalah sebagai kata benda dan GERUND dapat juga
disebut “Present Participle (Verb + ing).

B. Penggunaan Gerund ( V-ing )

Ketika GERUND berfungsi sebagai kata benda (NOUN), GERUND
dapat menduduki beberapa posisi di dalam sebuah kalimat, antara lain :
berfungsi sebagai : subjek (subject) ; objek langsung (direct object) ;
objek langsung ( Direct Object) ; subjek pelengkap (subject
complement) dan keterangan (Adverbial modifier) dll. Di bawah ini
akan dibahas satu persatu:

4 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”

1. GERUND berfungsi sebagai subjek kalimat (As subjects)

GERUND dapat digunakan sebagai subjek kalimat. Ketika

GERUND berfungsi sebagai subjek kalimat, digunakan untuk
kalimat peryataan seperti pendapat (opinion) maupun mendaftarkan

Perhatikan contoh berikut. Yang bergaris bawah adalah GERUND

yang berfungsi sebagai subjek kalimat tersebut:
 Walking is good for your heart. (subjek)
 Traveling might satisfy your desire for new experiences.

Kemudian GERUND PHRASE ( frasa gerund) dapat juga digunakan

untuk subjek kalimat. Gerund Phrase adalah “Gerund” ditambah
dengan kata benda (noun) atau kata keterangan (adverb) , sebagai
Rumusnya: Gerund + Kata benda = Gerund Phrase
Gerund Noun ( adverb) Gerund Phrase
reading Newspaper Reading newspaper
falling in love with you really Falling in love with you really
singing love songs Singing love songs
sleeping late in night Sleeping late in night
weeping of a baby Weeping of a baby

5 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”
Perhatikan Gerund Phrase yang bergaris bawah di dalam kalimat di
bawah ini. Gerund Phrase di sini berfungsi juga sebagai SUBJEK
 Reading newspaper becomes my daily habits.
 Falling in love with you really makes me crazy.
 Singing love songs is Clara‟s hobby.
 Sleeping late in night is not a good habit.
 Weeping of a baby woke him up.

Sebagai tambahan untuk subjek dari gerund, Kata Kepemilikan

(possessive adjective ) ditambah dengan GERUND dapat berfungsi
sebagai subjek dalam kalimat.

Kata Kepemilikan (possessive adjective) antara lain: my, your, her,

his, our, their, John’s

Pattern: Possessive adjective + V-ing (present participle)

Perhatikan contoh berikut, yang bergaris bawah adalah Kata

Kepemilikan (possessive adjective) yang berfungsi sebagai subjek
kalimat tersebut:
 Her teaching is fascinating.
 His staring frightens me.
 Our coming here made me angry.
 Your leaving early was a wise decision.

6 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”
2. GERUND berfungsi sebagai prediket kalimat (As predicates)
Ketika GERUND digunakan sebagai prediket, GERUND harus
diikuti oleh “Be (is, am, are, was, were, been)” atau kata kerja
tindakan (action verb ). GERUND sebagai prediket pada umumnya
digunakan dalam beberapa tensis antara lain: Present Continuous
Tense, Future Continuous Tense, Present Perfect Continuous
Tense, Past Continuous Tense, dll.

Pattern: S + Be + Gerund + Obj + Adv!

Be: is, am, are, was, were, been
Subject Be V-ing Object
I am Telling a nice story
You are Telling a nice story
We are Telling a nice story
They are Telling a nice story
She is Telling a nice story
He is Telling a nice story
Clara is Telling a nice story
Marlon is Telling a nice story
I was Telling a nice story
They have been Telling a nice story
You will be Telling a nice story

7 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”
Perhatikan contoh berikut. Yang bergaris bawah adalah Verb
PHRASE yang berfungsi sebagai PREDIKET kalimat tersebut.
Note: “Be + V-ing” adalah “Verb PHRASE”!

 Lidia is singing inspirational songs now.

(Verb phrase digunakan sebagai prediket di dalam Present Continuous

 The man will be coming soon.

(Verb phrase digunakan sebagai prediket di dalam Future Continuous Tense)

 When I was watching TV, Jack came in to my house.

(Verb phrase digunakan sebagai prediket di dalam Past Continuous Tense)

 They have been living here for 25 years.

(Verb phrase digunakan sebagai prediket di dalam Present Perfect Continuous Tense)

 The team will have been playing for an hour.

(Verb phrase digunakan sebagai prediket di dalam Future Perfect
Continuous Tense)

8 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”
3. GERUND berfungsi sebagai objek langsung di dalam kalimat
(As direct object)

GERUND dapat digunakan sebagai objek langsung (direct object) di

dalam sebuah kalimat. Untuk menjadi objek langsung (direct object)
harus didahului oleh kata kerja tertentu. Perhatikan kata kerja tertentu
di bawah ini. Setelah kata kerja tersebut harus diikuti oleh

Certain (common) Verbs followed by gerund (V-ing)

deny risk delay consider
can‟t help Keep give up be fond of
finish Quit put off practice
postpone tolerate suggest stop (quit)
regret enjoy keep (on) dislike
admit avoid recall Mind
miss detest appreciate recommend
get/be through get/be tired of get/be accustomed to get/be used to
resist recent resume advise
report quite claim appreciate
anticipate bear begin complete
continue discuss forget Hate
postpone like love mention
miss practice prefer recall

Subject + Predicate (Certain Verb) + Object (Gerund) + Adverb….!

Perhatikan contoh berikut ini. GERUND yang bergaris bawah

berfungsi sebagai objek langsung (direct object) dari setiap kalimat
 They always avoid drinking before driving. ( as object )
(salah: They always avoid to drink before driving.*)
 I recall asking her that question. ( as object )
(salah: I recall to ask her that question.*)

9 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”
 She put off buying a new jacket. ( as object )
(salah: She put off to buy a new jacket.*)
 Mr. Allen enjoys cooking. ( as object )
(salah: Mr. Allen enjoys to cook.*)
 Charles keeps calling her. ( as object )
(salah: Charles keeps to call her.*

Kemudian, setelah kata kerja “go” harus diikuti “gerund” yang

berfungsi sebagai objek langsung (direct object), akan tetapi setelah
“go” diikuti kata kerja GERUND, kata kerja tersebut haruslah kata
kerja rekreasi seperti: go hiking, go riding, go hunting, go swimming,
go riding, go dancing, go skating, go snorkeling, go camping, dll.

Perhatikan contoh berikut ini. Kata kerja GERUND yang bergaris

bawah berfungsi sebagai objek langsung dari setiap kalimat tersebut.

 I went hiking to Sinabung Mountain last week.

 The young man goes riding her bike every week to the lake.
 People in my village go hunting every week to the jungles.

Kemudian, “gerund” dapat juga berfungsi sebagai objek atau sering

disebut objek kata depan (object preposition) . Objek kata depan (
object preposition) artinya setelah kata sifat diikuti kata depan (
preposition) dan setelah kata depan tersebut harus diikuti GERUND.

10 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”
Perhatikan contoh-contoh kata sifat ditambah dengan kata depan :
ACCUSED kata sifat ditambah dengan “OF” menjadi :
accused of fond of
accustomed to furious at
afraid of good at
angry at grateful for
annoyed at interested in
ashamed of proud of
aware of responsible for
capable of scared of
careful about sorry for
concerned about successful in
confident of sure of
disappointed at surprised at
engaged in thankful for
excited about tired of
experienced in be used to
frightened of worried about
Semua kata sifat diatas sudah memiliki pasangan kata depan yang
Perhatikan contoh berikut ini. Kata kerja GERUND yang ditebalkan
setelah kata depan (preposition) berfungsi sebagai objek kata depan
(object preposition) dari setiap kalimat tersebut.
 She is interested in buying an apartment in this neighborhood. (as
prepositional object )
 I'm tired of arguing. (as prepositional object)
 He is afraid of going there. (as prepositional object)
 She is fond of listening to fairy tales. (as prepositional object)
 He was accused of stealing. (as prepositional object)
 He is proud of being a member of the team. (as prepositional
11 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu
STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”
NOTE: Igat….igat….! setelah kata depan (preposition) ada
kata kerja di depannya, maka kata kerja tersebut harus kata
kerja GERUND.
BENAR/ Reading
Ruhut Sitompul is interested in reading politics harus bentuk
books. GERUND
SALAH/ Read harus
Ruhut Sitompul is interested in read politics books. diganti dengen
GERUND karena di
depannya ada IN

Sebagai tambahan untuk objek dari gerund, Kata Kepemilikan

(possessive adjective ) ditambah dengan GERUND dapat berfungsi
sebagai objek dalam kalimat.

Kata Kepemilikan (possessive adjective) antara lain: my, your, her,

his, our, their, John’s

Pattern: Possessive adjective + Verb-ing (present participle)

Perhatikan contoh berikut, yang bergaris bawah adalah Kata

Kepemilikan (possessive adjective) yang berfungsi sebagai objek
kalimat tersebut:
 The students could not accept my teaching last week.
 I hate John‟s wearing earrings.
 We celebrated Gord‟s winning the contest.

12 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”
4. GERUND berfungsi sebagai pelengkap subjek di dalam kalimat
(As subject complements)

GERUND dapat digunakan sebagai pelengkap subjek (subject

complement) . Ketika GERUND berfungsi sebagai pelengkap
subjek ditempatkan setelah “ be ( is, am, are, was, were) ”.

Rumus: S + Be + Gerund ( V-ing ) + Obj (Adv) !

Perhatikan contoh berikut, yang bergaris bawah tebal warna kuning

adalah GERUND yang berfungsi sebagai PELENGKAP SUBJEK
(subject complement) dari setiap kalimat tersebut.

 His hobby is playing computer games.

S Be Gerund Obj

 My cat's favorite activity is sleeping.

S Be Gerund
 My hobby is cycling.
S Be Gerund

 My least favorite chore is cleaning the bathroom.

S Be Gerund Adv

 His problem is not coming to class on time.

S Be Gerund Adv

13 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”
5. GERUND berfungsi sebagai keterangan di dalam kalimat (As
adverbial modifier)

GERUND dapat digunakan sebagai kata keterangan (adverb) yang

menerangkan/ menjelaskan kata kerja. Ketika GERUND digunakan
sebagai kata keterangan (adverb) harus didahului oleh kata depan (
Kata keterangan terdiri dari: (a) Keterangan waktu (time) ; (b)
Keterangan cara (manner) ; (c) Keterangan keadaan (circumstance);
(d) Keterangan konsesi (concession) ; (e) Keterangan keadaan (

NOTE: Igat….igat….! setelah kata depan (preposition) ada

kata kerja di depannya, maka kata kerja tersebut harus kata
kerja GERUND (V-ing) .

Pattern: Preposition + V-ing ( GERUND)

 before going  in packing.
 in examining  without saying
 at looking  for having
 on going  in spite of being
 after analyzing  without being
 by locating

Perhatikan contoh –contoh mulai dari A s/d F di bawah ini. Kata depan
diikuti oleh “GERUND” yang bergaris bawah berfungsi sebagai kata
keterangan, dimana yang diterangkan adalah kata kerja yang bercetak
miring berwarna merah.

14 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”
a. Kata depan yang dapat digunakan untuk keterangan waktu (time)
antara lain: before, in at, on (upon) :
 Brush your teeth before going to bed.
 In examining the bond the customs officers found some drugs.
 At looking at her watch she saw that it was late to go to the
 On going into the street he saw that the rain had stopped.
 After analyzing these data we changed our opinion.

b. Kata depan yang dapat digunakan untuk keterangan cara (manner)

antara lain: By dan In.
 Peter cheated on Charles by locating two regiments across the
 He spent the day in packing.

c. Kata depan yang dapat digunakan untuk Keterangan keadaan

(circumstance): without!
 He went out without saying a single word.

d. Kata depan yang dapat digunakan untuk keterangan konsesi

(concession): in spite of.
 He always finds time to play with his son in spite of being

e. Kata depan yang dapat digunakan untuk keterangan keadaan (

condition): without !
 I will not be able to do it without being helped.

15 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”

Kemudian, ada beberapa kata kerja yang memiliki pasangan yang

pasti antara kata kerja dengan kata depan (preposition), antara lain:
arrested …. for keep on, give up
good at put off
sorry for object to
concerned about a good plan of
interested in come here for, dll.
talk about/of

Perhatikan contoh di bawah ini. Kata depan diikuti oleh “ GERUND “

yang bergaris bawah berfungsi sebagai kata keterangan, dimana yag
diterangkan adalah kata kerja yang bercetak miring berwarna merah.
 The police arrested him for speeding.
 The student is good at speaking.
 I am sorry for coming late.
 The CEO was concerned about making a profit.
 The students object to completing the jobs until next Monday, etc.

Ada beberapa kata kerja yang didahului oleh kata depan “ to “ dan
juga diikuti oleh GERUND antara lain :
confess to dedicate to
object to to be used to
advance to get used to
look forward to to be accustomed to
to be opposed to key to, dll

 I look forward to waiting you for an interview.
 The applicants are looking forward to calling for further
 She looks forward to hearing from you soon.

16 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”

Sebuah prasa preposisi yang didahului dengan “by” dapat digunakan

untuk menjelaskan bagaimana untuk melakukan sesuatu.

 You can model functional language for students by speaking
 She avoided him by walking on the opposite side of the road.

6. Setelah prasa berikut ini, harus diikuti oleh GERUND juga:

no use be used to
to be worth get used to
to be busy be accustomed to, dll
can‟t help/can‟t bear

 It is no use studying without practicing
 It is worth reading source books.
 She is busy preparing for the exams.
 She usually can‟t help laughing when she hears a joke.
 I am used to eating Gudeg Yogya.
 He gets used to living near the airport.
 Sara is accustomed to wearing a tie during his work.

7. Setelah kata kerja panca indra, harus diikuti oleh GERUND juga:
see observe
hear keep
feel find
smell catch
listen (to) leave
look (at) notice, watch

17 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”
Pattern: S + verbs of senses + Object + gerund (V-ing) + ………!
 I saw him changing the wheel.
 He felt the house shaking.
 She noticed me leaving the hotel.
 My father listened them entering to the room.
 The teacher watched the students opening their book when they took

8. Setelah prasa berikut ini, harus diikuti oleh “GERUND” juga:

can't help
can't stand
to be worth
it's no use

 She couldn't help falling in love with him.

 I can't stand being stuck in traffic jams.
 It's no use trying to escape.
 It might be worth phoning the station to check the time of the train.

9. Kata kerja prasa berikut setelah kata depan “to” harus diikuti oleh
“GERUND” juga:
to look forward to
to take to
to be accustomed to
to get around to
to be used to
 I look forward to hearing from you soon.
 I am used to waiting for buses.
 She didn't really take to studying English.

18 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”
 When will you get around to mowing the grass?

10. Kata kerja setelah kata depan berikut harus diikuti oleh GERUND:
accuse of disapprove of prevent from
agree on dream of remind of
apologize for feel like result in
approve of feel up to return to
believe in forget about save from
blame for forgive for succeed in
care about insist on suspect of
complain keep from take to
about lead to talk into
complain of long for talk out of
confess to look forward thank for
consent to to think about
consist in mean by think of
consist of object to work on
count on pay for worry about
depend on persist in

 They accused him of stealing their money.
 She blames him for losing her suitcase.
 Excuse me for interrupting you.
 Thank you for coming.
 He talked them into investing in his project.
 He insists on buying a new car.

11.Sebagai tambahan, setelah prasa berikut ini harus diikuti oleh

have fun
have a good time
have difficulty
have trouble
have a hard time

19 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”
 They had fun playing cards.
 They had a good time visiting the beach.
 Tamara had a trouble finding the new place for a picnic.
 Clara had a hard time finishing the study in the university.
 Markus had difficulty fixing his old car.

12. Gerund dengan Kata benda majemuk (Compound Nouns)

Di dalam kata benda majemuk menggunakan GERUND yang berfungsi
untuk menjelaskan keadaan atau sifat dari sebuah benda. Jadi GERUND
ditempatkan sebemum kata benda. Perhatikan contoh berikut:
drinking water (water for drinking)
a reading lamp (a lamp for reading)
a swimming cap (a cap for swimming)
a swimming pool (a pool for swimming)
running shoes ( shoes for running)
a driving lesson ( a lesson for driving)
a reading book ( a book for reading)

 They have a swimming pool in their back yard.
 I bought some new running shoes.
 I am giving Sally a driving lesson.

20 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”
13.Gerund dengan Kalimat Passive

Sebagai tambahan, Gerund dapat juga dibentuk ke dalam Kalimat Pasif. Jika
Gerund di dalam kalimat pasif, kata kerjanya sebagai prediket harus kata
kerja tertentu, antara lain: enjoy, remember , hate, lake, Forget, recall,
postpone, miss, prefer, keep, delay, consider, avoid, mind, dislike, stop,
postpone, finish, quit, delay, tolerate, suggest, practice, regret, admit, recall,
detest, resume, anticipate, bear, begin, complete, continue, discuss, forget,
practice, recall, etc.
Perhatikan pattern dan examples berikut:

enjoy, remember , hate, lake, forget,
recall, postpone, miss, prefer, keep,
S delay, consider, avoid, mind, dislike,
stop, postpone, finish, quit, delay, Being Past Compliment
tolerate, suggest, practice, regret, Participle
admit, recall, detest, resume,
anticipate, bear, begin, complete,
continue, discuss, forget, practice,
recall, etc.

NO Kalimat Pasif Perjemahan
1 I don‟t enjoy being laughed by other
2 I remember being taken to Landon as a Saya igat dibawa ke Landon saat
small child. masih kecil.
3 Most film stars hate being interviewed. Kebanyakan bintang film benci
4 The little girl like being pampered. Anak perempuan kecil itu suka
5 I enjoyed being asked to join his Saya senang diminta gabung ke
discussion. diskusi dia.

21 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”
6 The man prefers being invited as the Lelaki itu lebih suka diundang
speakers in any activities. sebagai pembicara di bebagai
7 He remembers being given the book Dia mengigat diberikan buku
8 Many people avoided being sent the aids. Banyak masyarakat menghindar
dikirim bantuan tersebut.
9 The rich man appreciated being invited to Orang kaya ituu menghargai
her party. diundang ke pestanya.
10 The team has regretted being informed Tim tersebut telah menyesal
the wrong explanations. diinformasikan penjelasan yang
 Being diartikan “ Di”.
 Pengganti V-ing/Gerund adalah “ being”
 Tidak semua kata kerja bisa diikuti oleh “ being”, hanya kata kerja tertentu seperti:
enjoy, remember , hate, lake, Forget, recall, postpone, miss, prefer, keep, delay,
consider, avoid, mind, dislike, stop, postpone, finish, quit, delay, tolerate,
suggest, practice, regret, admit, recall, detest, resume, anticipate, bear, begin,
complete, continue, discuss, forget, practice, recall, etc.

22 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”

Kemudian, setelah kata depan (preposition) ada kata kerja di depannya, dan
kita igin megolah kata kerja tersebut menjadi pasif , kita cukup
menambahkan “being‟ lalu diikuti “PAST PARTICIPLE”. Perhatikan
pattern dan examples berikut:

 excited about, put off, give up, keep on,
be fond of, get/be used to, get/be tired of, Past
S Being Compliment
be interested in, etc. Participle

NO Kalimat Pasif Perjemahan
1 The children are excited about being Anak-anak itu menyenangkan dibawa
taken to the zoo. ke kebun binatang.

2 After being killed, the girl‟s passion was Setelah dibunuh, harta milik wanita
taken by the robbers. itu dibawah oleh perampok itu.
3 My little child is fond of being read by Anak kecil saya gemar dibacakan oleh
his mom some English stories.
ibunya beberapa cerita bahasa inggris.
4 I don‟t know why they are interested in Saya tidak tau mengapa mereka
being ordered to do anything? gemar/suka diperintah untuk
melakukan apapun
5 Before being printed, the teacher Sebelum dicetak, guru tersebut
recheck all the items carefully. mencek kembali semua soal-saol itu
dengan hati-hati.

23 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”
Dari penjelasan GERUND di dalam kalimat pasif diatas, dapat disimpulkan
bahwa bentuk pasif pada “GERUND” dapat digunakan sebagai subject,
object, maupun object of preposition dalam suatu kalimat. Perhatikan
pattern dan examples berikut:

 excited about, put off, give up, keep on, be fond of,
get/be used to, get/be tired of Past Participle + …….!

1 Being accompanied with him is a bad idea. Ditemani olehnya merupakan ide
S be SC yang buruk

2 My brother enjoyed being taken to the beach. Saudara laki-laki saya senang
S P Object Adv dibawa kepantai.

3 My brother is happy of being taken to the beach. Saudara laki-laki saya senang
S be SC Object of Preposition dibawa kepantai.

24 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”

A. Apa itu To-Infinitive?
To - Infinitive adalah sebuah kata kerja yang terdiri dari “to” ditambah
dengan kata kerja dasar (bare infinitive). Perhatikan contoh berikut:

Preposition Bare Infinitive To – Infinitive

“to” to bare infinitive
to wait to wait
to come to come
to tell to tell
to speak to speak

JADI “ to wait, to come, to tell, to speak ” adalah bentuk kata kerja “ to

– Infinitive”.

FUNGSI “to – infinitive” adalah sebagai KATA BENDA !

B. Penggunaan To-infinitive
Ketika “to-infinitive” berfungsi sebagai kata benda (NOUN), to-
infinitive dapat menduduki beberapa posisi di dalam sebuah kalimat,
antara lain berfungsi sebagai: (1) subjek (subject) , (2) objek langsung
(direct object) , (3) subjek pelengkap (subject complement) dan (4) kata
sifat atau kata keterangan, dll.
Dibawah ini akan dibahas satu persatu.

25 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”
1. To-Infinitive berfungsi sebagai subjek kalimat (As

To-Infinitive dapat digunakan sebagai subjek kalimat. Ketika to-

infinitive berfungsi sebagai subjek kalimat, digunakan untuk kalimat
peryataan seperti pendapat (opinion) maupun mendaftarkan aktivitas.

Perhatikan contoh berikut. Yang bergaris bawah adalah “to-infinitive”

yang berfungsi sebagai subjek kalimat tersebut:
 To wait seemed foolish when decisive action was required.
 To swim makes my body freshly.
 To run is my activity in the morning.

Kemudian to-infinitive phrase dapat juga digunakan untuk subjek

kalimat. To-infinitive phrase adalah to-infinitive ditambah dengan
kata benda (noun) atau kata keterangan (adverb) , sebagai contoh:

Pattern: To infinitive + Kata benda = To infinitive Phrase

To Infinitive Noun ( adverb) To Infinitive Phrase
To Infinitive Noun ( adverb)
to read newspaper to read newspaper
to fall in love with you really to fall in love with you really
to sing love songs to sing love songs
to sleep late in night to sleep late in night
to weep of a baby to weep of a baby

26 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”

Perhatikan “to infinitive phrase” yang bergaris bawah di dalam

kalimat di bawah ini. To infinitive phrase di sini berfungsi juga

 To read newspaper becomes my daily habits.

 To fall in love with you really makes me crazy.
 To sing love songs is Clara‟s hobby.
 To sleep late in night is not a good habit.
 To weep of a baby woke him up.

2. To-infinitive berfungsi sebagai objek langsung di dalam

kalimat (As direct object)

“To Infinitive” dapat digunakan sebagai objek langsung (direct object)

di dalam sebuah kalimat. Untuk menjadi objek langsung (direct object)
harus didahului oleh kata kerja tertentu. Perhatikan kata kerja tertentu di
bawah ini. Setelah kata kerja tersebut harus diikuti oleh “to infinitive”.

Certain (common) Verbs followed by “to-infintive”

agree decide expect hesitate
learn need promise neglect
hope want plan attempt
propose intend pretend decide
forget claim demand desire
fail intend offer plan
prepare refuse Seem strive
tend want try wish
agree expect

27 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”
Pattern :
Subject + Predicate (Certain Verb) + Obj (to-infinitive) + Adv….!

Perhatikan contoh berikut ini. To-infinitive yang bergaris bawah

berfungsi sebagai objek langsung (direct object) dari setiap kalimat
 I hope to go on a vacation soon. ( direct object)
 He promised to go on a diet. ( direct object)
 They agreed to sign the treaty. ( direct object)
 Because she was nervous, she hesitated to speak. ( direct object)
 They will attempt to resuscitate the victim. ( direct object)
 Everyone wanted to go to the seminar. ( direct object)

3. Sebagain kata kerja berfungsi sebagai objek langsung dengan

menggunakan “to-infinitive” atau “Gerund”. Perhatikan
contoh kata kerja di bawah ini yang mana setelah kata kerja
tertentu dapat diikuiti “to-infinitive” atau “gerund” sebagai
objek langsung.

Certain (common) Verbs followed by gerund (V-ing) or to-infinitive

start begin continue hate deserve
prefer like love try attempt
remember can‟t stand dread start bother
hate regret intend dread forget

28 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”
to-infinitive She has continued to work at the to-infinitive berfungsi
store. sebagai objek langsung
1 (as direct object)
gerund She has continued working at gerund berfungsi

the store sebagai objek langsung

(as direct object)
to-infinitive They like to go to the movies. to-infinitive berfungsi

2 sebagai objek langsung

(as direct object)
gerund They like going to the movies. gerund berfungsi
sebagai objek langsung
(as direct object)
3 to-infinitive Brent started to walk home. to-infinitive berfungsi
sebagai objek langsung
(as direct object)
gerund Brent started walking home. gerund berfungsi
sebagai objek langsung
(as direct object)

29 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”
4. “To-infinitive” berfungsi sebagai pelengkap objek di dalam
kalimat (as object complement)

To-infinitive dapat digunakan sebagai objek pelengkap (object

complement) di dalam sebuah kalimat. Untuk menjadi objek pelengkap
(object complement) harus didahului oleh kata kerja tertentu juga.
Perhatikan kata kerja tertentu di bawah ini. Setelah kata kerja tersebut
harus diikuti oleh “to – infinitive”.
 tell someone  require someone
 advise someone  order someone
 encourage someone  force someone
 remind someone  ask someone
 invite someone  expect someone
 permit someone  would like someone
 allow someone  want someone
 warn someone  need someone

Pattern :
S + P (Certain Verb) + Obj+ To-infinitive (Obj Pelengkap )
Perhatikan contoh berikut ini. “To-infinitive” yang bergaris bawah
berfungsi sebagai objek pelengkap (object complement ) dari setiap
kalimat tersebut.
 My manager told me to attend the meeting tomorrow.
object complement

 The police ordered the driver to stop.

object complement

 The taxi driver was ordered to pick Mr. Blue up at the airport.
object complement

 I always encourage Estepan Pahala to study hard.

object complement

30 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”
5. “To-infinitive” berfungsi sebagai pelengkap subjek di
dalam kalimat (As subject complements)

“To-infinitive” dapat digunakan sebagai pelengkap subjek (subject

complement) . Ketika “to-infinitive” berfungsi sebagai pelengkap
subjek ditempatkan setelah “ be ( is, am, are, was, were) ”.

Pattern : S + Be + to-infinitive + ……. !

Perhatikan contoh berikut, yang bergaris bawah tebal warna kuning

adalah “to-infinitive” yang berfungsi sebagai PELENGKAP SUBJEK
(subject complement) dari setiap kalimat tersebut.

 His ambition is to fly.

S Be Subject Complement

 Her coming is to complain.

S Be Subject Complement

 My favorite experience on the trip was to hang-glide.

S Be Subject

31 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”
6. To-infinitive berfungsi sebagai subjek kata sifat di dalam
kalimat (As Subject Adjective)

Ada beberapa kata sifat yang dapat diikuti dengan “to infinitive”.
Perhatikan di bawah ini kata sifat yang umum diikuti to infinitive:

Certain (common) adjective followed by “ to-infinitive “

anxious glad common boring stupid welcome hard
certain dangerous wrong difficult sure worried impatient
prepared eager able good surprised wrong interested
usual strength slow sorry sweet good nice
quick ready relevant afraid apt bound careful not
certain difficult easy free competent ashamed likely
lucky willing wise happy

Pattern : S + be + adjective + to infinitive + ………………!

 The students are not yet able to handle such a problem
 The man is anxious to see his girl
 We are ready to pass the test

Kemudian, “It” dapat digunakan menjadi subjek kalimat untuk kata

sifat tertentu dan setelah kata sifat tertentu tersebut harus diikuti “to
infinitive “. Perhatikan kata sifat berikut yang diikuti oleh dan
subjeknya adalah “ It ” :
 (be) difficult  (be) important
 (be) cold  (be) wrong
 (be) easy  (be) a good idea
 (be) nice  (be) fun
 (be) dangerous  (be) essential
 (be) impolite  (be) impossible

32 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”
 (be) interesting  (be) hard
 (be) necessary  (be) sorry

Pattern : It + be + Certain adjective + to infinitive + ……..!

 It is difficult to learn a second language.
 It is very cold to stay in Parapat, near Lake Toba.
 It was not easy to reach my grandparents‟ house in the village.
 It was very nice to have a trip to Tuk-Tuk Siadong, Tomok,
Samosir Island, North Sumatra.

7. To-Infinitive dapat digunakan untuk memberikan alasan

dengan menggunakan kata sifat tertentu antara lain:
 disappointed  pleased
 glad  surprised
 sad  proud
 happy  unhappy, dll
 anxious

Pattern : S + be + adjective reason+ to infinitive + ……..!

 We were happy to come to the end of our journey
(Means: We were happy because we had come to the end of our
 John was surprised to see me.
(Means: He was surprised because he saw me)

33 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”
8. Kata kerja dibawah ini bisa diikuti dengan “to-infinitive” atau
Gerund yang mana makna kalimatnya dapat berbeda sesuai
dengan tense dan bentuk kata kerjanya.
Certain (common) Verbs followed by
“gerund” or “to-infinitive”
forget remember stop regret

No Gerund To-infinitive
1 Jack forgets taking out the cat. Jack forgets to take out the cat.

Tensisnya Simple Present Tense Tensisnya Simple Present Tense dan diikuti
dan diikuti GERUND, maka To-infinitive, maka maknanya adalah Si
maknanya adalah Si Jack Jack terus lupa ( setiap hari
melakukanya dimasa lampau tetapi lupa/merupakan kebiasaan)
Dia tidak mengigatnya sekarang.
2 Jack forgot taking out the cat. Jack forgot to take out the cat.
Tensisnya Simple Past Tense dan diikuti
Tensisnya Simple Past Tense dan
To-infinitive, maka maknanya adalah Si
diikuti GERUND, maka maknanya
Jack tidak pernah melakukanya di masa
adalah Si Jack melakukanya dimasa
lampau tetapi Dia tidak
mengigatnya di masa lalu juga.

3 Jack remembers taking out the cat. Jack remembers to take out the cat.

Tensisnya Simple Present Tense Tensisnya Simple Present Tense dan diikuti
dan diikuti GERUND, maka To-infinitive, maka maknanya adalah Si
maknanya adalah Si Jack Jack terus megigatnya ( setiap hari
melakukanya dimasa lampau dan megigatnya /merupakan kebiasaan)
Dia masih mengigatnya hingga
4 Jack remembered taking out the cat. Jack remembered to take out the cat.

Tensisnya Simple Past Tense dan Tensisnya Simple Past Tense dan diikuti
diikuti GERUND, maka maknanya To-infinitive, maka maknanya adalah Si
adalah Si Jack melakukanya di masa Jack melakukanya di masa lampau.
lampau tetapi Dia mengigatnya
juga dimasa lampau.

34 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”

9. “In order” ditambah dengan “to-infinitive” digunakan untuk

menyatakan tujuan. Hal ini untuk menjawab kata tanya :
“WHY”. Hal ini disebut juga dengan “to-infinitive” purpose.

Pattern : : S + P + In order + to-infinitive + ………!

“In order to “ diperjemahkan bermaksud untuk atau bertujuan untuk
atau dengan tujuan agar!

 He came here in order to study English.
 A teacher needs to have good communication skills in order to do
her job well.
 In order to communicate effectively with other people, one must
have a reasonably accurate idea of what they do and do not know
that is pertinent to the communication.
 In 1980, China established four special economic zones in order
to attract foreign investors, technology and expertise.
 Business leaders are calling on the government to cut taxes in
order to boost the economy.

10. To- infinitive dengan Kalimat Pasif!

Sebagai tambahan, to-infinitive dapat juga dibentuk ke dalam Kalimat

Pasif. Jika to-infinitive di dalam kalimat pasif, kata kerjanya sebagai
prediket harus kata kerja tertentu, antara lain: want, hope, need, promise,
agree, attempt, try, decide, learn , hope , propose , forget, fail , prepare,
tend, expect , intend, claim , intend , refuse, expect, plan, pretend, demand,
offer , seem, hesitate , neglect, decide, desire , plan , strive, wish etc.

35 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”
Kalimat pasif itu awalan „di”.

Tobe yang digunakan adalah “ be” dan be diartikan “ Di”.

Pengganti I, am, are, was, were adalah “ be”

Pattern: Be + Past Participle

be cashed = dicairkan
be picked = dijemput
be kissed = dicium
be repainted = dicat kembali
be resuscitated = diselamatkan
Perhatikan pattern dan examples berikut:

want, hope, need, promise, agree, attempt,
S try, decide, learn , hope , propose , forget,
fail , prepare, tend, expect , intend, claim , to be Past Compliment
intend , refuse, expect, plan, pretend, Participle
demand, offer , seem, hesitate , neglect,
decide, desire , plan , strive, wish etc.

NO Kalimat Pasif Perjemahan
1 Jack hopes to be cashed his loans soon. Jack berharap dicairkan pinjamanya
2 He promised to be picked by her lady up Dia berjanji untuk dijemput oleh
to the airport. nyoyanya di bandara.
3 The little girl wants to be kissed by her Anak kecil itu igin dicium oleh
daddy. ayahnya.
4 This car needs to be repainted again. Mobil ini perlu dicat kembali.

5 The victims will attempt to be Para korban akan berusaha

resuscitated soon. diselamatkan sesegera.

36 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”
After the verb “need” can be followed by gerund. In this case, usually the situations
involve fixing or improving something (it is very urgent situation to fix or improve), for
 My house needs painting. ( Means: it is urgent)
 The car needs fixing. ( Means: it is urgent)

11. To-Infinitive dengan kata keterangan “Too & Enough” digunakan

untuk menyatakan alasan dibalik ketidak puasaan
“TOO” digunakan menyatakan secara tidak langsung terhadap hasil
yang negative.
Too + KATA SIFAT diartikan TERLALU
too heavy ( terlalu berat)
too difficult ( terlalu sulit)
too hard ( terlalu keras)
too easy ( terlalu mudah)
too high ( terlalu tinggi)
too short ( terlalu pendek)

Pattern: S + be + too + adjective + (pronoun/noun) to-

Perhatikan “to infinitive” dibawah ini, yang mana fungsinya adalah
sebagai modifier ( menerangkan/menjeskan) kata sifat di depannya.

 This box is too heavy for Bob to lift.

(to lift menjelaskan / menerangkan kata sifat “too heavy ”.
 Those items were too difficult for them to answer.
(to answer menjelaskan / menerangkan kata sifat “too difficult ”.

 The case is too hard to solve right now.

(to solve menjelaskan / menerangkan kata sifat “too hard ”.

37 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”
ENOUGH dapat ditukar setelah kata sifat (adjective) dan sebelum
kata benda (noun)
ENOUGH diartikan CUKUP
Adjective + Enough
 strong enough ( cukup kuat )
 lazy enough ( cukup malas )
 short enough ( cukup pendek )
 long enough ( cukup panjang )
Pattern : S + be + adjective + enough + to- infinitive+…..!
Examples :
Perhatikan “to infinitive” dibawah ini, yang mana fungsinya adalah
sebagai modifier ( menerangkan/menjelaskan) kata sifat didepannya.

 I am strong enough to lift that box.

(to lift menjelaskan / menerangkan kata sifat “strong ”.
 She is lazy enough to do her homework.
(to do menjelaskan / menerangkan kata sifat “lazy”.
 It is short enough to investigate them.
(to investigate menjelaskan / menerangkan kata sifat “short”.
 He is long enough to join the military police.
(to join menjelaskan / menerangkan kata sifat “long”.
 The car is comfortable enough to drive.
(to drive menjelaskan / menerangkan kata sifat “comfortable”.

38 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”
 enough money ( cukup uang )
 enough food ( cukup makanan )
 enough formation ( cukup informasi )
 enough bread ( cukup roti )

Pattern : S + be + enough + noun + to- infinitive+…..!

Examples :
Perhatikan “to infinitive” dibawah ini, yang mana fungsinya adalah
sebagai modifier ( menerangkan) untuk kata benda (noun)

 I don‟t have enough money to buy the car.

(to buy menjelaskan / menerangkan kata benda “enough
 There was not enough food to have in the party last night.
(to have menjelaskan / menerangkan kata benda “enough
 They didn‟t get enough information to invest in Indonesia.
(to invest menjelaskan / menerangkan kata benda “enough
 Here isn‟t enough bread to make sandwiches.
(to make menjelaskan / menerangkan kata benda “enough

39 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”
12.“To-infinitive” dengan kata depan ” for” dan “of” digunakan untuk
menunjukkan efek terhadap objek ( objek manusia). ada beberapa kata
sifat yang dapat digunakan sebagai pelengkap subjeknya antara lain:
 difficult  impossible
 easy  good
 kind  nice
 possible  hard, dll.
 silly
Pattern : S + be + adjective + enough + to- infinitive+…..!
Note: Biasanya subjek yang digunakan adalah “It”
Examples :
Perhatikan “to infinitive” dibawah ini, yang mana fungsinya adalah
untuk menunjukkan efek (Modifier) dari kata sifat terhadap objek (
objek manusia).
 It was difficult for us to hear what she was saying.
S Be adj Obj Adv (Modifier) Complement

 It is easy for you to criticise other people.

S Be adj Obj Adv (Modifier) Complement

 It is kind of you to help.

S Be SC Obj Adv (Modifier)
 It would be silly of him to spend all his money.
S Be adj Obj Adv (Modifier) Complement

 It is very good of them to open some new businesses.

S Be adj Obj Adv (Modifier) Complement

 It is very nice of her to continue her study at university.

S Be adj Obj Adv (Modifier) Complement

40 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”
13.“To infinitive” dapat berfungsi sebagai post modifier setelah kata ganti
subjek tidak tentu (indefinite pronoun) seperti : anybody, somebody,
anyone, someone, something, everything, dll.
Pattern : S + P + indefinite pronoun + to- infinitive+…..!
Examples :
Perhatikan “to infinitive” dibawah ini, yang mana fungsinya adalah post
modifier (menjelaskan kata sebelumnya) yaitu : indefinite pronoun.
 When I am travelling I always take something to read.
(to read menjelaskan / menerangkan kata indefinite pronoun “too
something ”.
 I was all alone. I had no one to talk to.
(to talk menjelaskan / menerangkan kata indefinite pronoun “no one ”.
 There is hardly anything to do in most of these small towns.
(to do menjelaskan / menerangkan kata indefinite pronoun “anything ”.

14.Kata Tanya “how, when, where, who “ dapat juga diikuti dengan “to-
infinitive”. Namun, tidak semua kata kerja dapat ditempatkan setelah
Kata tanya tersebut, anatara lain:
 ask  know
 decide  show
 explain  tell
 forget  understand

Pattern: S + Predicate + Question Word + the to-infinitive + ……!

 I don‟t know how to use the hand phone.

 Can you understand how to install this new computer?
 My mom is cleaver how to make some cakes.
 Tell me when to press the button.
 I've forgotten where to put this little screw.

41 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”
 I'm not sure I know who to call.

 Kata tanya yang ditempatkan di tegah kalimat yang di atas tidaklah
murni sebagai Kaliamat Tanya langsung, akan tetapi Kaliamat Tanya
tersebut berfungsi sebagai KATA PENGHUBUNG.
 Jika kata tanya ditempatkan di awal dan diikuti subjek dan kemudian
kata kerja, ini baru murni Kaliamat Tanya langsung.
QW + helping Verb + S + Bare Infinitive+ …?
A: How did you make the cakes?
B: I made them by baking, etc.

15. “To-infinitive” dapat juga berfungsi sebagai adverb ( kata keterangan)

 To sleep, bats hang upside down.
Penjelasan: To sleep berfungsi sebagai kata keterangan yang
menerangkan/menjelaskan kata kerja “ hang”
 To identify the location of objects around them, dolphins use
Penjelasan: To identify the location of objects around them adalah
to infinitive phrase berfungsi sebagai kata keterangan yang
menerangkan/menjelaskan kata kerja “ use”.

Kesimpulanya: “ to infinitive dan to infinitive phrase” dapat

berfungsi sebagai kata keterangan yang menerangkan atau
menjelaskan sebauh tidakan atau aktivitas (kata kerja)

42 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”
16. “To-infinitive” dapat juga berfungsi sebagai kata sifat ( adjective).
Kata sifat adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan keadaan atau
sifat dari sebuah benda.
 Pablo is an important person to know.
Penjelasan: “To know” berfungsi sebagai kata sifat yang
menerangkan atau menjelaskan kata benda “person”.
 Grizzly bears are impressive animals to see in the wild.
Penjelasan: “To see in the wild” adalah to infinitive phrase yang
berfungsi sebagai kata sifat yang menerangkan atau menjelaskan
kata benda “animals”.

Kesimpulanya: “ to infinitive dan to infinitive phrase” dapat

berfungsi sebagai kata sifat yang menerangkan atau menjelaskan keadaan
atau sifat dari sebuah benda.

43 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”

A. Apa itu Bare Infinitive?
Bare Infinitive adalah kata kerja tanpa „to” , misalnya:
 invite
 like
 speak
 tell
 use, dll.

B. Penggunaan Gerund ( V-ing )

Ada beberapa penggunaan “BARE INFINITIVE”. Akan dibahas satu
persatu dibawah ini:

1. Bare Infinitive dapat ditempatkan setelah modal auxiliaries, seperti :

will, shall, would, should, can, could, must, might, dll.
Modal adalah kata yang menambah arti terhadap kata kerja itu sendiri.
Tanpa Modal Dengan Modal Artinya
play a guitar can play a guitar Dapat bermain gitar
leave for USA will leave for USA Akan berangkat ke USA
do the task must do the task Harus megerjakan tugas, dll

S will/shall/would/should Bare Infinitive Object Adverb
must, etc.

44 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”
 Terry can operate a computer
 Jack could swim when he was 20 years old
 You may visit me when you have time
 They had better discuss the important things tomorrow.
 Will you open the door, please?
 Can John speak English?
 You must study hard!
 The man might steal your money.

Kesimpulanya: Setelah Modal harus diikuti Bare Infinitive (kata kerja

dasar) :

1 Terry can operate a computer Benar

Terry can operates a computer. Salah
2 You must study hard! Benar
You must studying hard! Salah
3 They may come today. Benar
They may came today. Salah

2. Bare Infinitive dapat ditempatkan setelah Semi Modal Auxiliaries,

seperti : had better, would rather, sooner than and rather than, ought to,
be going to, dll.
Semi Modal
had better/would Bare Infinitive Object Adverb
rather/sooner than / ought to/
be going to/ had to/has to/ had

45 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”
 You had better ask his permission.
 I would rather die than surrender.
 They are going to build a big apartment here.
 She had to tell the cases soon.

Kesimpulanya: Setelah Semi Modal Auxiliaries, harus diikuti Bare

Infinitive (kata kerja dasar) :

1 Terry had better ask his permission. Benar
Terry had better asking his permission. Salah
2 You had to tell the cases soon Benar
You had to told the cases soon Salah
3 They are going to build a big apartment Benar
They are going to builds a big apartment Salah

3. Bare Infinitive dapat ditempatkan setelah helping verbs ( Kata Kerja bantu) ,
seperti : does not, do not and did not.
“Does not dan do not” digunakan untuk Simple Present Tense dan
“Did not” digunakan untuk bentuk Past Tense.
Helping Verb
Subject do not Bare Infinitive Object Adverb
does not
did not
Helping Verb
Do not Subject Bare Infinitive Object Adverb
Does not
Did not

46 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”
 I do not always have breakfast before going to work in the morning.
 The secretary does not sometimes type many documents in her
 Does the secretary sometimes type many documents in her office?
 Do we learn English at University for two semesters in this year?
 You did not pay your credit on time

Kesimpulanya: Setelah Helping Verb harus diikuti Bare Infinitive

(kata kerja dasar) :

1 Terry did not operate a computer Benar

Terry did not operated a computer. Salah
2 You do not study hard! Benar
You do not studies hard! Salah
3 He does not come today. Benar
He does not coming today. Salah

4. Bare Infinitive dapat ditempatkan setelah objek yang didahului dengan

kata kerja tertentu seperti : let, make, see, hear, feel, watch, notice, help.
Prediket (Kata kerja tertentu)
S let, make, see, hear, feel, watch, Objek Bare Infinitive Adverb!
notice, help

 She lets her children stay up very late
 I made them give me my money back

47 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”
 I did not see you come in
 Did you feel the earth move?
 Could you help me unload the car?

Setelah kata kerja tertentu antara lain: let, make, see, hear, feel, watch,
notice, help harus diikuti Bare Infinitive (kata kerja dasar) :

1 Terry lets you operate the computer. Benar

Terry lets you operating the computer. Salah
2 You made them give me my money back Benar
You made them gave me my money back Salah
3 He did not see you come in Benar
He did not see you comes in Salah

5. Bare Infinitive dapat ditempatkan “why or why not “ yang berfungsi

sebagai untuk memberikan nasehat atau saran. Perhatikan rumus dan
contoh berikut:
Pattern: Why /Why not + bare infinitive + …….!
 Why pay more at other shops? We have the lowest price here
 Why stand up if you can sit down?
 Why not let me lend you some money?
 Why not take a holiday.

48 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”

A gerund is a verb that is used in a sentence as a noun. Like a noun, it can have many functions,
such as subject, direct object, subject complement, and object of preposition. Now, identify the
underlined phrases whether they are functioned as: subject, predicate, direct object, subject
complement, and object of preposition, and adverbial modifier.
1. They do not appreciate my singing.
2. They are playing soccer now.
3. My cat's favorite activity is sleeping.
4. Finding a needle in a haystack would be easier than what we're trying to do.
5. He was accused of having stolen this necklace.
6. What are you doing now?
7. On opening the door, I saw him.
8. Gambling is a very dangerous occupation.
9. The main occupations of the Slavonic tribes were hunting, fishing, bee-keeping and herding.
10. In applying some techniques, it is needed to comprehend them previously

An infinitive is a verb that has not been conjugated (changed to show person or tense). In English,
infinitives generally use to with the base (present) form of the verb. The infinitive can work as a
noun, an adjective, or an adverb. Now, identify the underlined phrases whether they are
functioned as: noun, adjective, and adverb.
1. To drive would be my first choice. Mom's first choice is to fly.
2. He wanted to win the game.
3. She's got a ticket to ride.
4. To win the tournament, Tiger Woods changed his swing.
5. Watermelons are good fruits to eat.
6. We used our binoculars to see.
7. To drive to Chicago would be my first choice. Mom's first choice is to fly to her hometown.
8. Watermelons are good fruits to eat when you are hot.
9. We used our binoculars to see the dolphins in the ocean.
10. I told your father not to bring your puppy when he came to pick you up.
11. He warned you never to drive without your driver's license.
12. To finish her shift without spilling another pizza into a customer's lap is Michelle's only goal
13. Lakeisha hopes to win the approval of her mother by switching her major from fine arts to
14. The best way to survive Dr. Peterson's boring history lectures is a sharp pencil to stab in your
thigh if you catch yourself drifting off.
15. Kelvin, an aspiring comic book artist, is taking Anatomy and Physiology this semester to
understand the interplay of muscle and bone in the human body functions as an adverb
because it explains why Kelvin is taking the class.

49 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”

Direction: Read each sentence below, and put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: gerund,
bare infinitive, or to-infinitive.
_________ in the ocean has been Sharon‟s passion since she was five years old. (swim)
Swimming in the ocean has been Sharon‟s passion since she was five years old.

1. What did you ___________ when you were away? (do)

2. When I was a child I used to ___________ swimming every day. (go)
3. They might ___________ for Australia last night. (leave)
4. It took me a long time to get used to _________ glass. (wear)
5. After a long time, we eventually succeeded in _________ a flat. (find)
6. I‟ve been thinking of ___________ for a new job. (look)
7. You must ___________ hard in order to pass the test. (study)
8. His parents didn‟t approve of his _________ out so long. (stay)
9. I wonder what prevented him from _________ to the party. (come)
10. I‟m getting hungry. I‟m looking forward to _________ dinner. (have)
11. I don‟t feel like _________ today. (study)
12. Forgive me for _________ you but I must ask you a question. (interrupt)
13. Some of them can‟t ___________ your ___________. (understand/teach)
14. I‟ve always dreamed of _________ on a small island in the Pacific. (live)
15. We have decided _________ a new car. (buy)
16. This room hasn‟t been painted for years. It needs _________. (paint)
17. Your hair is too long. It needs _________. (cut)
18. I‟m sorry, I broke the glass. I couldn‟t help _________ it. (drop)
19. To _____ seemed foolish when decisive action was required. (wait)
20. Does this job require_________ now or can I leave it until later. (do)
21. Tom helped his mother_________ the dinner ready. (get)
22. Please remember_________ this letter. (post)
23. Will you ___________ the door, please? It is very hot here. ( open)
24. Prabu intends_________ a house. (buy)
25. We tried_________ the fire out but we were unsuccessful. We had to call the fire brigade.
26. When you ______ Perdana, remember giving him my best regard, won‟t you? (see)
27. What do you intend_________ about this problem? (do)
28. The teacher watched the students ________their book when they took exams. (open)
29. When Laura saw what happened, she began_________ loudly. (laugh)
30. He lacked the strength to _______ . (resist)
31. I asked them to the quiet but they continued_________ a lot of noise. (make)
32. Her most important achievement was _________ the national championship. (win)
33. I enjoy_________ alone to live here. (be)
34. Would you like_________ to a party? (come)
35. Do you mind_________ such a long way to work every day? (travel)
36. Kadita loves_________ (cook) but she hates_________ up. (wash)
37. Do you like _________ some mountains? (hike)
38. It‟s pity I didn‟t meet Ann. I think I must_________ her as soon as possible. (meet)
39. Kadita always makes me_________ everything for her. (do)
40. The fact that he was put into prison for something that he hadn‟t done made his
girls_________ (cry)
41. Mr. Setiawan doesn‟t let anyone_________ in his office. (smoke)

50 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”
42. I don‟t know Seanu but I‟d like_________ him. (meet)
43. She wanted me_________ to do her assignment, as she couldn‟t _________the solution by
herself. (help/find)
44. The film was very sad. It made me_________. (cry)
45. Have you decided what_________ for dinner? (cook)
46. Can you show me how_________ the washing machine? (use)
47. Do you know what_________ if there is a fire in the building? (do)
48. Have you finished _________ your hair yet? (wash)
49. He admitted__________ the car but he denied __________ it dangerously. (steal/drive)
50. Why do you keep on__________ at me like that? (look)
51. She didn‟t want me __________. (go)
52. He refused__________ with us in all the thing. (cooperate)
53. I gave a comic__________ book. (read).
54. I hope __________ soon in Jakarta. (arrive)
55. She is very nice to __________ anything with him. (talk)
56. There is nothing __________. I‟m bored. (do)
57. To _________ your writing, you must consider your purpose and audience. (improve)
58. ________college standards, the students realized that they hadn't worked hard. ( face)
59. If you can't fix that old thing, try _________it with a hammer! (hit)
60. We can't think of_________ a new house before __________ the old one. (buy/sell)

Direction: Read the following sentences. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Then
indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).
1. ___ After circled the airport, the plane landed on the main runway.
2. ___ Bill avoided do his math assignment because the World Series was on.
3. ___The young man doesn't mind tell them my opinion.
4. ___ Becoming a millionaire is a dream of many young people today.
5. ___ Natalie objected to my borrow her hockey stick.
6. ___ The man had to says the truth in court.
7. ___ The president decided not to participating in the discussions.
8. ___ My friend promised to found the time to help me move.
9. ___ The children are playing the yard now.
10. ___ Walk in the morning is very nice for the heart.
11. ___ The security heard the two thieves enter to the building.
12. ___ My oldest brother, Jack is interested in read linguistic books.
13. ___ We were hoping to avoid traffic by leaving early.
14. ___ He is used to lived alone. She is accustomed to getting up early.
15. ___ Compulsory vaccination prevented the disease from spread.

51 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”

Direction: These questions are incomplete sentences. Beneath each sentence you will see five
words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C), (D), and (E). Choose the one word or phrase that the best
complete the sentence.

1. A pride of lions can _____ up to forty E. is collecting

lions, including one to three males,
6. We always avoid_____ to the zoo on
several females, and cubs.
Sundays because it is too crowded.
A. contain
A. going
B. contains
B. go
C. contained
C. we go
D. containing
D. to go
E. to be contained
E. goes
2. Despite criticism from political
opponents, the new president continues 7. _____ a few million rupiahs, he went on
his _____ abroad to appeal to foreign a tour to Europe.
countries to invest in Indonesia. A. Saved
A. to travel B. Have saved
B. traveled C. He has saved
C. traveling D. Having saved
D. be travelling E. After he saves
E. to be travelling 8. What would you _____ to eat sir?
3. “The students are talking so excitedly; A. liking
what do they want?” B. liked
“_____ the test postponed until next C. like
week” D. to like
A. In having 9. As a child, I always enjoy _____the
B. Having train.
C. I have A. be playing
D. To have B. play
E. They have C. playing
4. The people didn‟t _____ why the D. play
government stopped helping the poor. E. to play
A. knew 10. “What was he punished for?”
B. know “_____ others to break school rules.”
C. knowing A. When he persuaded
D. to know B. Persuading
E. known C. In order to persuade
5. “What are your mother‟s hobbies?” D. By persuading
“Growing orchids and _____ antique E. Persuaded
jewelry.” 11. What do the people _____ for the living
A. collect in this area?
B. she collects A. earning
C. collecting B. to earn
D. to collect C. earned
52 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu
STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”
D. earn
E. to be earned
12. What did the workers of the company 18. “How does Bill wear his clothes
object to _____? today?”
A. working over time “He is used to _____ a suit and tie
B. work over time every day.”
C. have to work over time A. wear
D. will work over time B. wearing
E. must work now C. wore
D. to wear
13. Lifme is a competition so you have to E. to be wore
win without really _____.
A. you cheat 19. If I were Jokowi, I would _____ this
B. you hurt other people government well.
C. cheating others A. manage
D. to cheat people B. managing
E. cheats C. managed
D. manages
14. My youngest sister, Visca does not E. to manage
_____ herself well to take SIMAK UI
test this month. 20. The weather will get better soon. We
A. to prepare can leave as soon as it quits _____.
B. prepare A. to rain
C. prepared B. is raining
D. preparing C. raining
E. to be prepared D. rains
E. rain
15. When the teacher came into the
classroom, he saw all the students_____. 21. The play wasn‟t very good. The
A. did the exam audience started _____ before it was
B. doing the exam over.
C. must do the exam A. leave
D. must do the exam B. left
E. have done the exam C. when leaving
D. leaving
16. “What does this song remain you of?” E. to leave
“_____ with my first date.”
A. I dance 22. I‟ve decided _____ here for vacation
B. To dance next month.
C. Dancing A. staying
D. To be dancing B. to stay
E. Dance C. stay
D. stayed
17. Did Margaret study for the exam last E. to be stayed
“No, she went to the ball game instead 23. May I _____ your laptop please, sir?
of _____.” A. borrowed
A. to study B. borrowing
B. she studied C. borrow
C. studying D. to borrow
D. had to study 24. The guard observed a suspicious-
E. would study looking person _____ the bank.
A. to go into
B. to come into

53 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”
C. to get into B. attends
D. coming into C. attending
E. went into D. attend
25. I was almost asleep last night when E. to attend
suddenly I heard someone _____. 32. I used to enjoy _____ the mountain.
A. knocked the door A. climbed
B. to knock the door B. to climb
C. knocking the door C. climb
D. is knocking the door D. climbing
E. was knocking the door E. to be climbed
26. There was earthquake in my town last
night. It was a small one, but I could feel 33. In the 1931 Winter Olympics
the ground _____. competitors were prevented from _____
A. to shake because of the economic depression.
B. shook A. to participate
C. shaking B. participated
D. has shaken C. participate
E. was shaking D. participating
E. to be participated
27. Mom said to my brother” You must
_____ hard so you pass the test. 34. As a child, he used to like_____ a kite.
A. study A. played
B. studies B. to play
C. studied C. to be played
D. studying D. playing
E. to study E. plays
28. A temporary driver‟s permit lets the 35. The man might ______ your money.
learner _____ with another licensed A. steals
driver in the car. B. stole
A. drives C. stolen
B. to drives D. steal
C. he drives E. to steal
D. drive 36. In ancient Greece it was agreed _____
E. drove wars for the Olympic Games.
29. I appreciate your _____the time to help A. to stop
me. B. stopping
A. took C. stopped
B. taking D. stop
C. take E. to be stopped
D. have taken
37. We are looking forward to_____ our
E. to take
reports next week.
30. In some countries, octopuses and snails A. received
are considered _____ great delicacy to B. receive
eat. C. receiving
A. to be D. have received
B. being E. to receive
C. is
38. Many people have stopped _____
D. be
because they are afraid that it may be
E. to being
harmful to their health.
31. If it rains, we will not _____ the A. to smoking
meeting. B. smoke
A. attended C. smoking
54 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu
STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”
D. smoked C. must live
E. to smoke D. living
E. to live
39. This book really tells you how to learn
some computer programs without really 46. Mr. White warned his four-year-old son
_____ to much time. not _____ with matches.
A. you spend A. playing
B. spending B. plays
C. have to spend C. to take
D. you have to spend D. took
E. have to be stooped E. taken
40. People who live along the coast usually 47. All workers in the company object to
go _____on weekends. _____.
A. boat A. they work on the weekend
B. boating B. have to work on the weekend
C. boats C. working on the weekend
D. to boat D. for working on the weekend
E. boated E. work on the weekend
41. His parents must be angry with him 48. Don‟t give up_____. You still have a
because they don‟t like his _____. lot of time and opportunities.
A. coming late A. try
B. comes late B. tried
C. to come late C. trying
D. came late D. to try
E. came late E. to be tried
42. This chair needs _____. It is broken. 49. The authorities permitted women _____
A. to fix in track and field events in the 1928
B. fixed Winter Games.
C. fixing A. taking part
D. is fixed B. to take part
E. to be fixed C. took part
D. take part
43. Kokanec Salmon begin to deteriorate
E. to be taken
and die soon _____ the age of four.
A. after spawn 50. The woman can‟t help _____ about her
B. after spawning children.
C. after spawns A. to worry
D. after it spawns B. worrying
E. after to spaw C. to be worried
D. worried
44. When I heard the principal of the school
E. worries
_____ my name at the graduation
ceremony, I walked to the front of the 51. The taxi driver _____ me to the airport
auditorium to receive my diploma. was very friendly.
A. called A. to take
B. calling B. taking
C. to call C. took
D. was calling D. that taking
E. calls E. taken
45. It seems that nowadays most people are
having hard time _____ in this country.
A. to live
B. they live
55 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu
STRUCTURE 3 : “Understanding Structure”
A. to fix
B. fixes
52. They have to postpone _____ away C. fixed
because their son was ill. D. fixing
A. to go E. to be fixed
B. going 57. Changes in body organs during the first
C. went year of life affect baby‟s readiness
D. they went _____ solid food.
E. goes A. accepting
53. In partnership with John D. Rockefeller, B. who accept
Henry Flager _____ the Standard Oil C. accepted
Company. D. to accept
A. helped forming E. to be accepted
B. helped form 58. The students sat at their desks _____ to
C. he help form the teacher.
D. helping to form A. to listen
E. to help them B. listen
54. You ought to _____ in the village as you C. listens
are graduation from agriculture D. listening
program. E. listened
A. live 59. I have spent most of the time _____ at
B. lived the library.
C. living A. to study
D. to live B. study
E. lives C. studies
55. _____ all the windows and doors, he D. studied
went to bed. E. studying
A. Lock 60. This hot weather has affected my ability
B. Locking _____.
C. Have locked A. concentrating
D. He has locked B. concentrated
E. While lock C. to concentrate
56. Luther had difficulty _____his study in D. for me concentrating
the university. E. to be concentrated

56 FBS - UNINDRA JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 “Understanding Structure”
Direction: In these questions, each sentence has four underlined words or phrases. The
four underlined parts of the sentence are marked (A), (B), (C), and (D). Identify the one
underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct.
61. Miss. Dumaris is going to continued her study at post graduation program next year.
62. The children are anxious going to the party, but the parents would be content to stay
at home.
63. Several of the necessary ingredients for bake my cake are nowhere to be found.
64. Freezing, drying, and canning have long been used for preservation nutrients and
freshness in food.
65. All the teams must arrived in the hotel before at 12.00 o‟clock tomorrow.
66. Scientists at the medical center are trying to determining if there is a relationship
between saccharine and cancer.
67. I‟ve left my watch upstairs. I‟ll goes and get it for you.
68. It is disconcerting to believed that every possible candidate has been rejected for one
reason or another.
69. The people have to follows all the regulation what government has ruled before.
70. Wind erodes the land by picking up grains of sand and hurl them against rocks.
71. Warm and moisture help microbes grows and thus assist the decaying process.
72. You can stays here a few days before finishing your new apartment.
73. Professor Brown does not let any student to take the final test unless he/she has
already submitted a paper.
74. After her famous husband‟s death, Eleanor Roosevelt continued the working for
75. Although fraternal twins were born at the same time, they do not tend resembling
each other any more than do other siblings.

57 FBS - UNINDRA PGRI JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 “Understanding Structure”
76. They did not discussed many cases in the meeting last month.
77. Although the bow and arrow were first invited in the Mesolithic period, they
continued to be used for hunt in the early Neolithic period.
78. Only a few minerals can resist to weather by rainwater, which is a weak acid.
79. X: Where is your daddy? Y: He may went to the down town to buy our daily needs
80. The tall handsome man standing in front of the house would liked to rent the building.
81. Many modern architects insist on use materials native to region that will blend into
the surrounding landscape.
82. Besides his contributions to the field of science, Franklin helped the people of
Philadelphia founded an insurance company, a hospital, a public library, and a night
watch, as well as a city militia.
83. The Food and Drug Administration, known as the FDA, makes grocers and restaurant
owners pasteurized all milk before selling it.
84. What did you done when you graduated from university firstly 5 years ago?
85. Since Elizabeth Barreth Browning‟s father never approved of her marry Robert
Browning, the couple to Italy, where they lived and wrote.
86. Although it can be delivered from oil, coal, and tar, kerosene is usually produced
by refine it from petroleum.
87. In England as early as the twelfth century, young boys enjoyed to play football.
88. Farmers look toward to participate in the country fairs every summer.
89. When friends insist on their accepted expensive gifts, it makes most American

58 FBS - UNINDRA PGRI JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

STRUCTURE 3 “Understanding Structure”
90. Program such as Head Start was developed to prepare children from deprived
situations to enter school without to experience unusual difficulties.

91. Find unknown quantities is the task of algebra.


92. New synthetic material has improved the construction of artificial body parts
by provide both the power and the range of for a natural limb.

93. Computers have made access to information instantly available just by push a few

94. A sore throat interferes with daily life by make swallow difficult.
95. Luther Burbank earned the funds to go west by sale his new ideas about growing

96. Public health experts say that the money one spends avoiding illness is less than cost
to be sick.
97. Luther Burbank was a pioneer in the process of graft immature plants onto fully
mature plants.
98. A fiber-optic cable across the Pacific went into service in April 1989, link the United
and Japan.

99. Hay fever symptoms, ranged from mild to severe, differ in degree according to the

100. Some fish use their sense of smell as a guide when return to a spawning site.

59 FBS - UNINDRA PGRI JAKARTA By Selamat H. Napitupulu

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