Sumulong College of Arts and Sciences Midterm Examination SOC SCI-1 Understanding The Self
Sumulong College of Arts and Sciences Midterm Examination SOC SCI-1 Understanding The Self
Sumulong College of Arts and Sciences Midterm Examination SOC SCI-1 Understanding The Self
Midterm Examination
1 Semester, SY 2019-2020
SOC SCI-1 Understanding the Self
I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the letter of the correct answer. (30 points)
1. It is defined as separate, self-contained, independent, consistent, unitary, & private?
A. Self B. Soul C. Mind D. Ego
2. It is a person’s self of who he is, his body, his basic identity, his biological givenness?
A. Id B. Ego C. Moi D. Personne
3. The social concepts of what it means to be himself, what it means to live in a particular institution, a family,
religion, nationality, and how to behave given expectations & influences?
A. Ego B. Id C. Moi D. Personne
4. It is an aspect of the self that is subject to alteration, change, and development?
A. Attitude B. Behavior C. Gender D. Sex
5. A branch of psychology that study the mental processes especially with respect to the internal events
occurring between sensing and the expression of behavior?
A. Clinical Psychology B. Cognitive Psychology
C. Industrial Psychology D. Social Psychology
6. It is the mental processes involved in gaining knowledge & comprehension. It includes thinking, knowing,
remembering, judging and problem-solving?
A. Awareness B. Cognition C. Instinct D. Perception
7. “I” is the thinking, acting, and feeling self that was conceptualized by who?
A. Carl Rogers B. G. H. Mead C. William James D. Sigmund Freud
8. “I” is the one who acts and decides according to___________?
A. Carl Rogers B. G. H. Mead C. William James D. Sigmund Freud
9. According to William James, ____ is the physical characteristics and capabilities of oneself?
A. I B. Id C. Ego D. Me
10. To Carl Rogers , ____ is what you think or feel about yourself?
A. I B. Id C. Ego D. Me
11. It composed of personal characteristics, social roles, responsibilities?
A. Identity B. Gender C. Personality D. Self-schema
12. It is the organized system or collection of knowledge about who we are?
A. Identity B. Gender C. Personality D. Self-schema
13. An influential psychologist who sees the self and the mind as a result of interaction between the Id, Ego
and Superego?
A. Carl Rogers B. G. H. Mead C. William James D. Sigmund Freud
14. Part of the self that operates as a moral conscience. Applies the values of society which are learned from
one's parents and others?
A. Ego B. Id C. Moi D. Superego
15. The realistic part of the self that mediates between the desires of the instinct and the conscience?
A. Ego B. Id C. Moi D. Superego
16. What theory that argues that the self is created & developed through human interaction?
A. Theory of personality B. Theory of symbolic interactionism
C. Self-evaluation maintenance theory D. Social comparison theory
17. A theory that states, a person feel threatened when someone outperforms him/her, or does better than
A. Theory of personality B. Theory of symbolic interactionism
C. Self-evaluation maintenance theory D. Social comparison theory
18. In this theory, we learn about ourselves, the appropriateness of our behaviors, as well as our status, by
comparing ourselves to other people?
A. Theory of personality B. Theory of symbolic interactionism
C. Self-evaluation maintenance theory D. Social comparison theory
19. It is a code of ethical conduct, of how one should act according to their relationship with other people?
A. Buddhism B. Confucianism C. Narcissism D. Taoism
20. An Eastern philosophy where the self is seen as an illusion, born out of ignorance, of trying to hold and
control things, or human-centered needs and therefore the self is the source of all sufferings?
A. Buddhism B. Confucianism C. Narcissism D. Taoism
21. An Eastern thought that means living in the way of the universe?
A. Buddhism B. Confucianism C. Narcissism D. Taoism
22. It is the ultimate purpose of life but the characteristics of a chun-tzu is still embedded in his social
A. Self-awareness B. Self-cultivation C. Self-schema D. Self-comparison
23. It is a trait characterized by overly high self-esteem, self-admiration, and self-centeredness?
A. Buddhism B. Confucianism C. Narcissism D. Taoism
24. A common type of comparing ourselves to others that we create a POSITIVE self-concept by comparing
with those who are WORSE than us?
A. Upward social comparison B. Downward social comparison
C. One side social comparison D. Sideward social comparison
25. It is the period of life between the ages of 10 – 15 years old, when the reproductive organs develop to their
adult size and become functional because of the rising levels of hormones?
A. Adolescence B. Childhood C. Adulthood D. Puberty
26. It refer to parts of the body that are primarily perceptive and increase arousal when touched in a sexual
A. Hermaphrodites B. Neoplasm C. Erogenous zone D. Pseudohermaphrodites
27. An individual who possess both ovarian and testicular tissues.
A. Hermaphrodites B. Neoplasm C. Erogenous zone D. Pseudohermaphrodites
28. Any activity that induces sexual arousal?
A. Human sexual behavior B. Solitary behavior
C. Sociosexual behavior D. Homosexual behavior
29. A type of human sexual behavior that means self-gratification or self-stimulation that leads to arousal and
climax. Usually done in a private but also in a sociosexual relationship?
A. Heterosexual behavior B. Solitary behavior
C. Sociosexual behavior D. Homosexual behavior
30. A behavior that begins in childhood, motivated by curiosity such as showing or examining genitalia?
A. Heterosexual behavior B. Solitary behavior
C. Sociosexual behavior D. Homosexual behavior
II. Identification. Identify the following statements and write the word or phrase that best describes it. Choose
your answer on the word box below. (15 pts.)
31. A sexual problem origin that results to abnormal development of genitalia or part of the brain connected to
sexual response.
32. A sexual problem caused by social inhibitions, attitudes, ignorance, and sexual myths held by society.
33. A noble truth of Buddhism that refers to old age, sickness, death, failed expectations.
34. A noble truth about the roots of evil.
35. A noble truth of identifying the way to right understanding, judgment, speech, action, effort, concentration,
and etc.
36. A noble truth to end suffering, one must be liberated from attachment.
37. The “who you are at the moment”.
38. The “who you think you should be”.
39. The internal thoughts and feelings
40. A type of self-awareness being geared to having a good presentation of yourself to others.
41. The instinctual part of the mind that contains sexual and aggressive drives and hidden memories
42. Part of self that operates as a moral conscience.
43. The decision-making component of personality.
44. The thinking, acting, and feeling self.
45. A man of virtue/noble character.
Chun-tzu Physiological Ego
Id Superego The public self
The private self Actual self Ideal self
Ought self Truth of Suffering Truth of the Origin of Sufferings
Truth of the Cessation of Suffering Truth of the Path to the cessation Psychological
of Suffering
III. True or False. (15)
46. “The human mind is something that is made”
47. Our gender completely determines how we see ourselves in the world.
48. Without a family, biologically and socially, a person can survive or become a human person.
49. Cognition is the mental processes involved in gaining knowledge & comprehension. It includes thinking,
knowing, remembering, judging and problem-solving.
50. Carl Rogers (1890) conceptualized the self as: “I” – the thinking, acting, and feeling self. “Me” – the
physical characteristics; capabilities
51. In the theory of symbolic interactionism by G.H. Mead, he states that we do create ourselves out of
52. We need others to affirm and reinforce who we think we are.
53. What’s important to us is influenced by our social/historical context.
54. Superego is the realistic part that mediates between the desires of the id and the ego. Modified by the
direct influence of the external world.
55. Taoism also focused in having a harmonious social life.
56. Coitus refers to the insertion of the male organ to the female organ.
57. The hypothalamus and limbic system are responsible for controlling the involuntary responses.
58. The autonomic system is involved in regulating sexual response.
59. Plateau phase is generally of short duration. If stimulation is continued, orgasm usually occurs.
60. Excitement phase is a feeling of abrupt, intense pleasure, increase of blood pressure, spasms of pelvic
muscles causing contraction of female organ and ejaculation by the male.
IV. Making Meanings. Explain briefly the following quotations from the Eastern philosophy. (2 points each)
1. “We have two lives and the second begins when we realize we only have one.”
2. “Clay is shaped into a bowl, but it is the empty space that makes it useful.”
3. “A painful truth is always better than a hidden lie.”
4. “Sentiment changes – truth is eternal.”
5. “Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.”
6. “Nothing is softer and more flexible than water. Yet no one can resist it.”
7. “When anger rises, think of the consequences.”
8. “Happy people build their inner world. Unhappy people blame their outer world.”
9. “You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger.”
10. “With our thoughts, we make the world.”
Are you in favor of legalizing marriage among homosexual and transgender? Why?
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