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491-Assignment-1-Hien Thao PDF

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Qualification BTEC Level 4 HND Diploma in Business

Unit number and title Unit 6: Management a Successful Business Project (491)

Submission date Date received (1st submission)

Re-submission date Date received (2nd submission)

Student name Nguyen Thi Hien Thao Student ID GBD18551

Class GBD0703A Assessor name Badraoui Badr

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature:

Grading grid

P1 P2 P3 P4 M1 M2 D1
Summative Feedbacks: Resubmission Feedbacks:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:

I. Devise project aims and objectives of Volkswagen..............................................................................5
1. Vision...................................................................................................................................................5
2. Aims.....................................................................................................................................................5
3. Objectives............................................................................................................................................5
II. Produce a project management plan.....................................................................................................6
1. Scope....................................................................................................................................................6
2. Time.....................................................................................................................................................6
3. Cost......................................................................................................................................................7
4. Milestone schedule..............................................................................................................................8
5. Quality..................................................................................................................................................9
6. Communication.................................................................................................................................10
7. Risk.....................................................................................................................................................11
8. Resources...........................................................................................................................................11
III. Produce a work breakdown structure and Gantt Chart to provide timeframes and stages for
completion and to meet the objectives......................................................................................................12
IV. Present the information collected from the small-scale research using both primary and
secondary data.............................................................................................................................................14
Nowadays, equality and diversity in the workplace are amongst one of the top management issues in
any business organization due to its fundamental impact on the organization’s employees and thus
business growth and productivity. This report will primarily seek to devise and outline the project aims
and objectives in order to change and develop our working environment to reflect our commitment to
such global values. Secondly, this report illustrates a comprehensive plan which covers all required
aspects, including cost; scope; time; milestone schedule; quality; communication; risk; and resources. It
also shows a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and Gantt Chart that delineate the timeframes and
stages for completion of all objectives. Finally, it analyzes the information collected from the small scale
research using both primary and secondary data.
I. Devise project aims and objectives of Volkswagen

Volkswagen, popularly known as VW, is a leading automaker company based in Wolfsburg, Germany
and has been operating at the top level since 1937. The consistency of VW in what it does comes down
to its mission and vision statements that have been perfectly set out for the business.

1. Vision

Volkswagen is a company wherein all workers are truly respected, appreciated and given equal
opportunities to succeed, thereby increasing the organizational capacity to accomplish the missions of
the company.

2. Aims

For sustainable success, we need competent and committed employees. We want to bolster their
satisfaction and motivation through granting equal opportunities for self-development and promotion,
an attractive and modern working environment, and a sustainable organization. We could achieve such
goals through cultivating an open, positive and cooperative culture; a high degree of diversity in the
workforce and exemplary and inspiring leadership. Not only do these elements help us to retain
employees at Volkswagen but also attract the best global talents to enthusiastically work together on
fully connected, sustainable mobility. We also need to ensure that the nature of Our policies and
channels of communication actively promote interaction with and inclusion of individuals from various
groups in society.

3. Objectives
- Creating a skilled, diverse workforce
- Educating workers on the values of diversity and equality
- Improving communications through Volkswagen
- Motivating employees to reach their full potential and commit themselves to Volkswagen
- Encouraging a democratic, free environment for employees to provide suggestions and give
viewpoints on programmatic and organizational objectives without fear
- Selecting the best-qualified job applicant, irrespective of race, national origin, sexuality, age,
disability, religious belief, gender identity or any other non-merit element
II. Produce a project management plan

Before we determine the details of the plan, we need to organize a Kick-off meeting to start this
project. We need to discuss the preconditions in this meeting, including Who is working on this project,
Deadline for the project, Job task, Communication Network, etc.

Meanwhile, we also start to gather information about the project. Meet with all the parties who’d be
involved if the project is approved. This includes the project manager, sponsors, clients, and
representative team members. It may also include other teams that provide special support, such as
network capacity and security experts.

1. Scope

The idea is to identify and define the followings: i) the feasibility of the project, ii) who will be in
charge of making decisions in the project, iii) which personnel and departments will be involved in
project implementation, and iv) the acceptance of the project from the parties that are involved in the

Important stakeholders will also participate in the decision-making process on whether the project
will be implemented or not. If they decide that the project will be implemented then the project
manager should provide project initiation document PID which defines the purpose and the
requirements of the project. The sponsors will evaluate the PID that was put forward by the project
manager and based on that, they decide if they will provide the needed finance or not.

Once they approve and provide the financial means, then the project starts.

The project partners should meet and communicate frequently to prevent false expectations; all the
partners should agree on the project and its main goals, also to avoid the misunderstandings that may

2. Time

For a business project, the specification of time is a “must”. Without it, the project manager cannot
meaningfully accomplish the objectives of the project. So as a human resource employee of the
Volkswagen company, I will represent the manager and set the time to start and end the project within
the specified time. I have set the critical path of the project that will be accomplished within 12 days or 2

Time to build a new recruitment process (website for application submission and application
processing): 2 day

Time to set up training for staff on Diversity and Equality: 3 days

Time to send out and gather data through a questionnaire on management issues related to Diversity
and Equality: 2 days

3. Cost

To take a project and to complete it, the manager of the project has to consider some important
elements of the project and cost is the most important element of the project. So as a human resource
employee of the Volkswagen company and on behalf of the manager, I will consider the cost of the
project. The approximate cost needed for the project is the main concern of the project manager. So I
have set an approximate cost for the project. The cost of the project is stated in the following:

No. Task Cost

1 Create a sample survey form 300 USD

2 Ask businesses for permission to survey 500 USD

3 Direct Costs (labor, material…) 2000 USD

4 Direct overheads (meeting room hours, lighting, electricity, rent 1500 USD
for business place)

5 Administrative costs (maintenance, manager’s salary, re- 5000 USD

allocation of work in the Company to give time for team
members to work on this project)

6 Create a web 100 USD

7 Create an application 200 USD

8 Training, and other materials 500 USD

Tota 10100 USD

4. Milestone schedule

No. Task Start End

1 Create a sample survey form 1/3/2020 1/3/2020

2 Ask businesses for permission to survey 2/3/2020 2/3/2020

3 Create a web and application 3/3/2020 4/3/2020

4 Start survey 5/5/2020 6/3/2020

5 Training 7/3/2020 10/3/2020

6 Gather data and report the result 11/3/2020 12/3/2020

5. Quality

Project quality is the main fact that the manager has to consider because if the manager cannot
maintain the quality of the project then the accomplishment of the project gets in trouble. So as a
human resource employee of the Volkswagen company, I will let the manager consider the time
limitation, resources, and make the best decision for the company.

Here is a survey on Diversity/Equality:

This link includes 13 questions:

 What is your gender? (50% - 50%)

 How old are you?
 What is your job?
 How long have worked at your organization?
 Choose the position/level that most closely aligns with your role in the organization.
 I see strong leadership support of the firm’s value of diversity and inclusion. Agree or not?
 People of all cultures and backgrounds are respected and valued here. Agree or not?
 Within the firm, everyone has access to equal employment opportunities regardless of their
difference. Agree or not?
 This firm has done a good job providing training programs that promote diversity and inclusion.
Agree or not?
 I feel like my colleagues understand who I really am. Agree or not?
 My company enables me to balance my work and personal life. Agree or not?
 Employees of different backgrounds are encouraged to apply for higher positions. Agree or not?
 My supervisor demonstrates a commitment to and support of diversity. Agree or not?

The answers to each question have been tabulated and used to examine the applicability and usefulness
of our defined objectives, as well as providing a solid foundation for the strategies that we aim to pursue.
Given the survey data, we are confident that the project is well-defined and applicable to the Company,
and would greatly benefit each employee and the organization once implemented.

Due to time and resource limitations, there might be sampling errors in our data, which may affect our
estimation of the means and also the assumption of random errors. Nevertheless, via personal
interviews to collect qualitative data, we believe our estimation is sound and the project is headed
toward the right direction.

6. Communication

Communication is the most essential part of a project. The project manager has to maintain regular
communication with the related parties of the project. The manager of the project set a strategy to
communicate with the stakeholders of the company. Those who are related to the project and can affect
the accomplishment of the project should be taken into consideration by the manager. So as a human
resource employee of the Volkswagen company, I will tell the manager to maintain regular
communication with the stakeholders as well as the general people related to the project.

It should include the following points:

 The requirement of communications from stakeholders;

 Information (level of detail, format, content, etc.) to be communicated;
 Methods/Guidelines for conveying information;
 Procedures for resolving escalation or spontaneous issues;
 Glossary of common/agreed-upon terms or slangs to be used.
- CEO of Volkswagen needs to know how the project is progressing, what problems the team project is
encountering when the project will be finalized and ready for review.
- Team members: schedules, task lists, specific details, and requirements, etc.
- Other staff in Volkswagen: meeting schedule for gathering opinions and information => input for the
- Sources of information: We could use a team reports, project reports, team meetings, Board
meetings, etc.
- Distribution channel: We will use email and create a minor Website to present and store data
- Responsibility & Timing: I will responsible for sending out information
- Organize meeting schedule: time hosts the meeting and defined who is invited
- Deadlines: project report, team report, a daily report by the member to Project Organizer
7. Risk

- Not everyone within the organization may recognize problems with the way gender or working
flexibly is spoken about
- Attitudes may be ingrained and unconscious, so it is important to have an open conversation about
them, recognize issues and focus on evidence rather than opinion.
- Limited resources/time to commit to developing the business case
- Lack of diversity in decision making.

8. Resources

The resources of the project are skilled manpower, the experience of the project manager, enough
investment and the positive attitudes of the management of the company. Staff, equipment, materials,
money... are the resources that needed. Infrastructure already available at the Company: human
resource, personnel evaluation, Project-Management software
III. Produce a work breakdown structure and Gantt Chart to provide timeframes and
stages for completion and to meet the objectives

Work Breakdown Structure

Gantt Chart

The company will gather 3 people in the human resource department on March 1 and begin to
discuss the survey project, which is responsible for developing a survey questionnaire to be included in
the project.
Ask the companies for permission to survey on March 2. The department of human resources must
continue with the next phase of the project in coordination with the 2 members of the organization to
come up with companies that can help with the execution of the project, finalizing the results and
handing over to project management after the meeting is over.

Two employees representing the company will begin meeting with each previously selected company
on March 3-4 to discuss the survey project, create a website and a survey application, and re-confirm
with the co-companies agreeing to participate.

The survey project will start on March 5, providing online surveys created for participating companies
on the web and those companies will conduct the survey on March 5,6. The survey ends at the end of
March 6 and the results must be transferred to the project group by the participating organizations.

On March 7 to 10, the training will take place and be led by the management department.

The organization will hold a meeting on March 11 and will review all of the data collected to be
included in the survey report.

In addition, meetings will be held to discuss the survey results from which to draw conclusions and
decide to take the next step in the work environment equality and diversity initiative, or not.
IV. Present the information collected from the small-scale research using both
primary and secondary data

In fact, in the same study, qualitative and quantitative methods can be combined and used, this
research uses qualitative and quantitative methods to apply appropriate for the purpose and objectives
of the project. Though the qualitative method of research and the quantitative method of research are
two different methods.

The quantitative method of research will generalize the findings of the experiment; a qualitative
method of research can make assumptions more valid by the viewpoints of many people in relation to
the subject under study. This specific study will thus clearly illustrate these strategies for achieving goal
projects on the topic of organizational equality and diversity.

Workplace equality and diversity is a hot topic in Vietnam. The author of this paper will find
documents relating to equality and diversity. What is on the workplace equality and diversity? Equality
and diversity can be seen as promoting equal opportunities for all and promoting the right of each
individual to be different. The law protects against discrimination and gives an opportunity for everyone
to reach their full potential (TrainingHub, 2018).

Today, every company is required to have its own equal opportunities policy. Because an
organization owning equality and diversity will provide a variety of skills, assets, and ideas to boost
economic advantages. Equality and diversity within the company are very important. According to Ms.
Ha Thu Thanh (2018)–Chairman of the Board of Directors of Deloitte Vietnam, VCBWE's Chairman–
shared in Vietnam that having equal opportunities in work and promotion will build a sustainable
corporate culture, employee satisfaction, contribute to recruiting new talent. Gender equality policies
will also help to enhance and brand awareness.

The qualitative approach in this study could be more useful than just a quantitative method. Because
the qualitative approach appreciates more appropriate standards on the workplace about viewpoint and
knowledge of equality and diversity. These methods can be said to help developers of this project gain
insight into what issues and develop a plan in line with the desire to improve their ability to meet the
requirements of the present situation in Vietnam.
To sum up, this report will devise the goals and objectives of the project for this scenario. It also
collects information producing a project management plan that covers costs, scope, time, milestone
schedule, quality, communication, risk, and resource aspects. The study also provides a layout of job
breakdown and a Gantt chart to provide timeframes and stages for completion and to achieve the goals.
Finally, using both primary and secondary data, it analyzes the information gathered from small scale
- Anon, (2020). [online]
Available at:
[Accessed 25 Feb. 2020].
- (2020). [online]
Available at:
[Accessed 25 Feb. 2020].

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