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Digital compensation of cross-phase modulation

distortions using perturbation technique for

dispersion-managed fiber-optic systems
Xiaojun Liang,1,* Shiva Kumar,1 Jing Shao,1 Mahdi Malekiha,2 and David V. Plant2
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, McMaster University, Hamilton ON, L8S 4K1, Canada
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, McGill University, Montreal, QC, H3A 0E9, Canada

Abstract: A digital compensation scheme based on a perturbation theory

for mitigation of cross-phase modulation (XPM) distortions is developed
for dispersion-managed fiber-optic communication systems. It is a receiver-
side scheme that uses a hard-decision unit to estimate data for the
calculation of XPM fields using the perturbation technique. The intra-
channel nonlinear distortions are removed by intra-channel digital
backward propagation (DBP) based on split-step Fourier scheme before the
hard-decision unit. The perturbation technique is shown to be effective in
mitigating XPM distortions. However, wrong estimations in the hard-
decision unit result in performance degradation. A hard-decision correction
method is proposed to correct the wrong estimations. Numerical
simulations show that the hybrid compensation scheme with DBP for
dispersion and intra-channel nonlinear impairments compensation and the
perturbation technique for XPM compensation brings up to 3.7 dBQ and 1.7
dBQ improvements as compared with the schemes of linear compensation
only and intra-channel DBP, respectively. The perturbation technique for
XPM compensation requires only one-stage (or two-stage when hard-
decision correction is applied) compensation and symbol-rate signal
©2014 Optical Society of America
OCIS codes: (060.2330) Fiber optics communications; (190.4370) Nonlinear optics, fibers;
(060.1660) Coherent communications.

References and links

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(C) 2014 OSA 25 August 2014 | Vol. 22, No. 17 | DOI:10.1364/OE.22.020634 | OPTICS EXPRESS 20634
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1. Introduction
The performance of fiber-optic transmission systems is mainly limited by intra-channel [1–3]
and inter-channel [4–7] nonlinear impairments. Digital/optical back propagation [8–11] based
on split-step Fourier scheme (SSFS) is an effective method to compensate for intra-channel
nonlinear impairments. Digital back propagation (DBP) requires computations of multiple
fast Fourier transforms (FFTs) and two or more samples per symbol. Alternatively,
perturbation techniques can be implemented either at the transmitter [12] or at the receiver
[13,14] for the compensation of the intra-channel nonlinear impairments. For quasi-linear
systems, the fiber-optic channel is considered to be linear to the leading order. The nonlinear
interaction among signal pulses leads to distortions in the first and higher orders, which can
be calculated using the perturbation theory. In transmitter side perturbation theory based
compensation technique, the signal field is distorted by subtracting the first order field from
the signal field at the transmitter. The fiber-optic system generates the first order field which
cancels the distortion introduced at the transmitter. However, if the first order field is large,
nonlinear interaction between this field and signal field causes additional distortions. In order
to calculate the first order field, double summations have to be performed and the number of
terms in the double summation grows quickly with accumulated dispersion. An interesting
fact is that by employing symmetric electronic dispersion compensation (EDC), complex
multiplications in the double summation become real multiplications which leads to
significant reduction in computational complexity [15,16].
In a wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) system, a signal pulse in the given symbol
slot interacts nonlinearly not only with the neighboring symbols of the same channel, but also
with the symbols of the other channels due to cross phase modulation (XPM). The distortion
due to XPM can be compensated for using the DBP [17], in which coupled nonlinear
Schrödinger equations (NLSEs) are solved using SSFS. This scheme is quite effective;

#214661 - $15.00 USD Received 24 Jun 2014; revised 28 Jul 2014; accepted 6 Aug 2014; published 19 Aug 2014
(C) 2014 OSA 25 August 2014 | Vol. 22, No. 17 | DOI:10.1364/OE.22.020634 | OPTICS EXPRESS 20635
however, it requires huge computational resources since the step size should be about 3 km.
The step size can be increased by factorizing the walk-off effect [18], however, the
computational cost is still large. In [7, 19–21], inter-channel nonlinear distortion due to XPM
is calculated using a perturbation theory. In this paper, we make use of the analytical
expressions for the first order fields developed in [21] to compensate the distortion at the
receiver. We first compensated for the intra-channel as well as inter-channel nonlinear
distortions using the perturbation theory and the results showed that this compensation
scheme brought only 0.5 dBQ improvement as compared to the case of linear compensation.
Next, we investigated the possibility of compensating inter-channel distortions using the low-
complexity intra-channel DBP (with a step size of 40 km) and inter-channel distortions using
the perturbation technique. In this case, we found that the performance improvement is 2.4
dBQ as compared to the case of linear compensation for 2-channel WDM systems.
Constellation diagram revealed the existence of small islands drifting away from the
constellation points. These islands do not behave like amplified spontaneous emission (ASE)
noise and they result from the wrong estimations in the hard-decision unit. Instead of
choosing the closest constellation points for the received signal, we replaced the decision with
the second-closest constellation point. Using the corrected hard-decision data, XPM distortion
compensation is done again and now the performance improvement over the linear
compensation scheme is 3.2 dBQ. We note that this method is applicable not only for WDM
systems, but also for superchannel systems with multiple carriers [22]. The digital signal
processing (DSP) technique for superchannel systems is discussed in [22–24]. For simplicity,
we have ignored the polarization dependence of the signals and limited our study to single-
polarization WDM systems.
2. Perturbation theory
2.1 Perturbation theory for Gaussian pulses
Optical signal distortions due to fiber nonlinearity in a fiber-optic link can be calculated using
a perturbation technique [7, 19–21]. The evolution of the optical field envelope in a fiber-
optic link is described by the NLSE, which can be written in the lossless form as
∂u β 2 ( z ) ∂ 2 u 2
j − + γ ( z ) u u = 0, (1)
∂z 2 ∂T 2
u ( z , T ) = exp [ w( z ) / 2] q ( z , T ), (2)

q is the optical field envelope,

w( z ) =  α ( s )ds, γ ( z ) = γ 0 exp [ − w( z )] ,

α, β2, and γ0 are the loss, dispersion and nonlinear coefficients, respectively. Consider two
channels of a WDM system. The total field envelope is
u = u1 + u2 , (4)
where uk is the field envelope of the kth channel, k = 1, 2. Substituting Eq. (4) into Eq. (1) and
ignoring the four wave mixing (FWM) terms, we obtain
∂uk β 2 ( z ) ∂ 2 uk
= −γ ( z )  uk + 2 ul  uk ,
2 2
j − k = 1, 2 and l = 3 − k . (5)
∂z 2 ∂T 2  

Without loss of generality, we consider the interaction between a probe pulse (in symbol slot
0 of channel 1) and multiple pump pulses (in channel 2). We assume that the leading order

#214661 - $15.00 USD Received 24 Jun 2014; revised 28 Jul 2014; accepted 6 Aug 2014; published 19 Aug 2014
(C) 2014 OSA 25 August 2014 | Vol. 22, No. 17 | DOI:10.1364/OE.22.020634 | OPTICS EXPRESS 20636
solution of Eq. (5) is linear and treat the nonlinear terms on the right-hand side as
perturbations. For the case of Gaussian pulses, the input optical signals can be written as

u1 (0, T ) = Pa0 g (0, T ), (6)

N sym

u2 (0, T ) = P 
n =− N sym
bn g (0, T − nTs ) exp(− jΩT ), (7)

 T2 
g (0, T ) = exp  − 2  , (8)
 2T0 
where P is the power, a0 and bn are the random data, (2Nsym + 1) is the total number of
symbols, Ts is the symbol interval, Ω is the channel separation in radians, T0 is the half-width
at 1/e-intensity point of the Gaussian pulse. Using the perturbation technique, we take γ0 as a
small parameter and expand the field in channel k into a series
uk = uk(0) + γ 0 uk(1) + γ 02 uk(2) + ..., k = 1, 2, (9)

where uk( m ) denotes the mth-order solution. For Gaussian pulses, the linear solutions uk(0) have
closed form expressions. Substituting Eq. (9) into Eq. (5) and collecting all the terms that are
proportional to γ0, we find the governing equation for the first-order solution as
∂uk(1) β 2 ( z ) ∂ 2 uk(1)
= −e− w( z )  uk(0) + 2 ul(0)  uk(0) ,
2 2
j − k = 1, 2 and l = 3 − k . (10)
∂z 2 ∂T 2  
The first and second terms on the right hand side of Eq. (10) account for intra-channel and
XPM effects, respectively. Substituting the linear solutions into Eq. (10), we find the XPM
distortion on the pulse of channel 1 as [21]
N sym N sym

Δu1XPM (T ) = γ 0 u1(1), XPM = 2 jγ 0 P 3/ 2 a0  

m =− N sym n =− N sym
bm bn∗ X mn ( Ltot , T ), (11)

where Ltot is the total transmission distance, and

L −η ′( s )  ( D + jT ) 2 
X mn ( Ltot , T ) =  tot exp   ds, (12)
δ ( Ltot , s) R( s)  δ ( Ltot , s ) 

−T03 exp [ − w( z ) ]  3 C2 
η ( z) = 2
, η ′( z ) = η ( z ) exp  − Ck2 Rk +  (13)
T1 ( z ) T1 ( z )  k =1 R 

δ ( z , s) = 1/ R − j 2 [ S ( z ) − S ( s )] , S ( z ) =  β 2 ( s)ds,

C1 ( z ) = mTs + S ( z )Ω, C2 ( z ) = nTs + S ( z )Ω, C3 ( z ) = 0, (15)

1 1
R1 = R3 = , R2 = , T1 = T02 − jS ( z ), (16)
2 (T1 )
2 ∗ 2

R = R1 + R2 + R3 , C = C1 R1 + C2 R2 + C3 R3 , D = jC / R. (17)
From Eq. (10), we find that the forcing functions of intra-channel and XPM effects in channel
2 2
1 are −e − w( z ) u1(0) u1(0) and −2e − w( z ) u2(0) u1(0) , respectively. Using the symmetry, we obtain

#214661 - $15.00 USD Received 24 Jun 2014; revised 28 Jul 2014; accepted 6 Aug 2014; published 19 Aug 2014
(C) 2014 OSA 25 August 2014 | Vol. 22, No. 17 | DOI:10.1364/OE.22.020634 | OPTICS EXPRESS 20637
the intra-channel distortion simply by setting the channel separation Ω = 0 and removing the
XPM factor 2 in Eq. (11), which is
N sym N sym

Δu1intra (T ) = γ 0 u1(1), intra = jγ 0 P 3/ 2 a0  

m =− N sym n =− N sym
am an∗ X mn ( Ltot , T ), (18)

where am and an are the random data in channel 1. This expression of intra-channel distortion
includes self-phase modulation (SPM), intra-channel XPM (IXPM) and intra-channel FWM
(IFWM) effects.
2.2 Perturbation theory for non-Gaussian pulses
For non-Gaussian pulses, optical signal distortions due to fiber nonlinearity cannot be
calculated analytically. It is shown that a summation of time-shifted Gaussian pulses can be
used to fit a non-Gaussian pulse, which makes it possible to derive analytical expressions for
nonlinear distortions [21]. A similar approach has been used in quantum chemistry [25]. A
non-Gaussian pulse h(T) is approximated by
K  (T − μk Ts )2 
h′(T ) =  ξ k exp  − , (19)
 2 (θ k Ts ) 
k =1

where ξk, μk and θk are fitting parameters, K is the number of time-shifted Gaussian functions.
The fitting parameters are optimized using the least squares method (LSM). Using Eq. (19),
the nonlinear distortions can be derived following a similar procedure as in Section 2.1.
N sym N sym

Δu1intra,NG (T ) = γ 0 u1(1), intra,NG = jγ 0 P 3/ 2 a0  

m =− N sym n =− N sym
am an∗Ymn ( Ltot , T ), (20)

N sym N sym

Δu1XPM , NG (T ) = γ 0 u1(1), XPM , NG = 2 jγ 0 P 3/ 2 a0  

m =− N sym n =− N sym
bm bn∗Ymn ( Ltot , T ), (21)

Ltot K K K
−η ′( s )  ( D + jT ) 2 
Ymn =   exp   ds, (22)
δ ( Ltot , s) R( s)  δ ( Ltot , s ) 
k1 =1 k2 =1 k3 =1

where the parameters are the same as those defined in Section 2.1, except for the following

θ k θ k θ k Ts3
(θ k Ts )
T1, k = − jS ( z ), η ( z ) = − e − w ( z )ξ k ξ k ξ k 1 2 3
, (23)
1 2 3
T1, k1 T1,∗k2 T1, k3

C1 ( z ) = τ m , k1 , C2 ( z ) = τ n, k2 , C3 ( z ) = μ k3 Ts , (24)

1 1 1
R1 ( z ) = 2
, R2 ( z ) = ∗ 2
, R3 ( z ) = 2 , (25)
2T1, k1 2(T1, k2 ) 2T1, k3

τ n , k = (n + μk )Ts + S ( z )Ω. (26)

Equations (11) or (21) correspond to the case when there is a single pulse in channel 1 (at
symbol slot 0). When there are multiple pulses, the nonlinear interaction between a
neighboring pulse of channel 1 (e.g. pulse at symbol slot 1) and the multiple pulses of channel
2 leads to distortion on the pulse at the symbol slot 0 of channel 1. This is because the
neighboring pulses as well as XPM fields broaden due to dispersion and walk-off effects such

#214661 - $15.00 USD Received 24 Jun 2014; revised 28 Jul 2014; accepted 6 Aug 2014; published 19 Aug 2014
(C) 2014 OSA 25 August 2014 | Vol. 22, No. 17 | DOI:10.1364/OE.22.020634 | OPTICS EXPRESS 20638
that they could appear at symbol slot 0 at various propagation distances, leading to additional
XPM distortions. Therefore, Eq. (21) is modified as
M N sym N sym

Δu1XPM , NG (T ) = 2 jγ 0 P 3/ 2 
l =− M
al  
m =− N sym n =− N sym
bm bn∗Ymn
(l )
( Ltot , T ), (27)

(l )
where al is the random data on channel 1, Ymn is the matrix which corresponds to the
nonlinear interaction between the pulse at the symbol slot l of channel 1 and multiple pulses
of channel 2. M is the number of neighboring symbols up to which the nonlinear distortion is
significant. Similarly, for intra-channel distortions, Eq. (20) is modified as
M N sym N sym

Δu1intra,NG (T ) = jγ 0 P 3/ 2 a  
l =− M
m =− N sym n =− N sym
am an∗Ymn
(l )
( Ltot , T ). (28)

So far we considered the XPM distortion due to a single neighboring channel. If there are Nnb
neighboring channels, total nonlinear distortion due to XPM is
N nb
Δu XPM =  Δu1,XPM,NG
k , (29)
k =1

where Δu1,XPM,NG
k represents the XPM distortion due to the neighboring channel k and is
calculated using Eq. (27).
2.3 Nonlinearity compensation using perturbation technique
Using the perturbation technique, the distorted output signal of a fiber-optic link can be
written as
uout = uin + Δuintra + Δu XPM + ΔuH , (30)
where uout and uin are the input and output signals, respectively; Δuintra and ΔuXPM are the first
order intra-channel and XPM distortions calculated by Eqs. (27) and (29), respectively; ΔuH is
the high-order component that is neglected by the first-order perturbation theory [19]. To the
first-order accuracy, the fiber nonlinearity can be compensated by
ucomp = uout − Δuintra − Δu XPM . (31)

Perturbation-based nonlinearity compensation can be implemented at the transmitter side

and/or at the receiver side [12–14]. In the transmitter side perturbation scheme, the accurate
input data (an, bn) is available for the perturbation calculation of nonlinear distortions.
However, due to the limitations of first-order theory, the high-order component ΔuH will co-
propagate and interact with signals in the fiber-optic link which will introduce additional
distortions. In the receiver side perturbation scheme, the high-order component does not
propagate; but the input data is not available so that perturbation calculation has to be done
based on estimated data from the distorted signals. In single channel systems, transmitter side
and receiver side perturbation schemes have almost the same performance [13].
3. Results and discussions
3.1 Compensation of both intra-channel and XPM distortions using perturbation technique
As the first case, we investigated a receiver side compensation scheme that mitigates both
intra-channel and XPM distortions using the perturbation technique. To reduce computational
complexity (i.e., the value of M and the size of the matrix Ymn), we consider a dispersion-
managed (DM) fiber-optic system, as shown in Fig. 1. Unless otherwise specified, the system
configuration is as follows: symbol rate per channel = 28 Gbaud, modulation = 16-quadrature

#214661 - $15.00 USD Received 24 Jun 2014; revised 28 Jul 2014; accepted 6 Aug 2014; published 19 Aug 2014
(C) 2014 OSA 25 August 2014 | Vol. 22, No. 17 | DOI:10.1364/OE.22.020634 | OPTICS EXPRESS 20639
amplitude modulation (16-QAM), channel spacing = 50 GHz, Tx and local oscillator (LO)
laser linewidth = 100 kHz, amplifier spacing = 80 km, number of fiber spans = 20, number of
symbols simulated = 32768 per channel. The dispersion, loss, and nonlinear coefficients of
the transmission fiber are DTF = 16.5 ps/nm/km, αTF = 0.2 dB/km, and γTF = 1.1 W−1km−1,
respectively. For dispersion compensating fiber (DCF), DDCF = −117.7 ps/nm/km, αDCF = 0.5

Fig. 1. Schematic of a dispersion-managed fiber-optic WDM system using perturbation-based

nonlinearity compensation. Tx: transmitter; MUX: multiplexer; DCF: dispersion compensating
fiber; G1, G2: amplifier gains; DMUX: demultiplexer; LO: local oscillator; ADC: analog-to-
digital convertor; DC: dispersion compensator; CPR: carrier phase recovery; Ymn: coefficient
matrix stored in a lookup table; DSP: digital signal processing.

dB/km, and γDCF = 4.4 W−1km−1. Gain of the first and second stages of the amplifiers are G1 =
13.0 dB and G2 = 8.4 dB, respectively. The residual dispersion per span ( = DTFLTF +
DDCFLDCF) is 50 ps/nm. The standard split-step Fourier scheme (SSFS) is used to simulate the
signal propagation in the fiber-optic link. The computational bandwidths are 0.22 THz and
0.45 THz for the cases of 2-channel and 5-channel WDM systems, respectively; and the
maximum nonlinear phase shift per step is 0.0005 radians. A Nyquist pulse with a roll-off
factor a = 0.6 is used, defined as

 t  cos(aπ t / Ts )
x(t ) = sin c   . (32)
 Ts  1 − (2at / Ts )

Six time-shifted Gaussian pulses are used to fit the Nyquist pulse, with the parameters
optimized by the least squares method (LSM) given in Table1. [21]. As the roll-off factor
decreases, the number of pulses required increases. However, this does not increase the
computational complexity of the compensation scheme, as the calculation of Ymn matrixes are
done off-line and stored as look-up tables.
Table1. Fitting parameters optimized by LSM
k 1 2 3 4 5 6
ξk 0.5342 0.5342 −0.2588 −0.2588 0.0289 0.0289
μk 0.0042 −0.0042 0.9884 −0.9884 1.8314 −1.8314
θk 0.5909 0.5909 0.4932 0.4932 0.3781 0.3781

At the output of the fiber-optic link, a demultiplxer (DMUX) separates signals into
different channels. Second order Gaussian band pass filters (BPFs) centered at each channel
with 3-dB bandwidth of 42 GHz are used as demultiplexing filters. The output signals from
the coherent receivers are then converted into the digital domain using analog-to-digital
convertors (ADCs). In the receiver digital signal processing (DSP) block, two samples per
symbol are used for the compensation of residual dispersion. The output of dispersion

#214661 - $15.00 USD Received 24 Jun 2014; revised 28 Jul 2014; accepted 6 Aug 2014; published 19 Aug 2014
(C) 2014 OSA 25 August 2014 | Vol. 22, No. 17 | DOI:10.1364/OE.22.020634 | OPTICS EXPRESS 20640
compensator (DC) is down-sampled to one sample per symbol. After that, carrier phase
recovery (CPR) is implemented using the feed-forward method [26]. The output signal of
CPR is used for hard decision which uses a threshold device to make decisions based on the
proximity of the signal to the complex amplitude levels of 16-QAM. The rectangular regions
about the constellation points are used for hard decision. Perturbation calculations for both
intra-channel and XPM distortions are carried out using the hard-decision data, which
approximate the input data sequences {an} and {bn} required for perturbation calculation in
Eqs. (27) and (28). The coefficient matrix Ymn are stored in a lookup table. When the channel
separations between the probe and the pump channel are 50 GHz, 100 GHz, 150 GHz, and
200 GHz, the numbers of neighboring symbols included (i.e., M in Eq. (27)) are 2, 1, 1, and 0,
respectively. Then intra-channel and XPM distortions are compensated using Eq. (31) and the
output of CPR is used as uout.

Fig. 2. Constellations of recovered signals in a 2-channel WDM system: (a) linear

compensation only; (b) nonlinear compensation of both intra-channel and XPM distortions
using the perturbation technique. (average power per channel Pave = −6 dBm)

For simplicity, we first consider a 2-channel WDM system. Figures 2(a) and 2(b) show
the constellations of recovered signals by dispersion compensation only and by nonlinear
compensation of both intra-channel and XPM distortions using the perturbation technique,
respectively. We note that in simulations the signal constellation becomes enlarged after
nonlinearity compensation. Before calculating bit error rate ratio (BER), the power of the
compensated signal is normalized to that of the input signal. The BER is calculated by error
counting. Figure 3 shows the Q-factor as a function of average launch power per channel Pave.
The Q-factor is converted from the BER using Q = 2erfc −1 (2 × BER) and Q(dB) =
20log10Q. Perturbation-based nonlinearity compensation brings 0.5 dBQ improvement. The
relatively smaller improvement is mostly due to the inaccurate data after the hard decision.

Fig. 3. Q versus average launch power per channel in a 2-channel WDM system.

#214661 - $15.00 USD Received 24 Jun 2014; revised 28 Jul 2014; accepted 6 Aug 2014; published 19 Aug 2014
(C) 2014 OSA 25 August 2014 | Vol. 22, No. 17 | DOI:10.1364/OE.22.020634 | OPTICS EXPRESS 20641
3.2 Nonlinearity compensation using DBP for intra-channel impairments compensation and
the perturbation technique for XPM compensation
In this section, we choose to compensate for intra-channel nonlinearities using intra-channel
DBP based on SSFS [8], since the intra-channel DBP has high accuracy and reasonable
computational cost. However, for XPM compensation, the computational cost of inter-
channel DBP is very large. The required step size is as small as a few kilometers [17].
Perturbation-based XPM compensation requires much less computational cost, since it only
requires one-stage compensation and symbol-rate signal processing. Therefore, we
investigated a hybrid nonlinearity compensation scheme, which compensates for dispersion
and intra-channel nonlinearities using intra-channel DBP and compensates for XPM
distortions using the perturbation technique. The scheme diagram is shown in Fig. 4. The
ADC outputs with two samples per symbol are launched into the intra-channel DBP units to
compensate for intra-channel nonlinear distortions. After that, second order Gaussian low
pass filters (LPFs) with 3-dB bandwidth of 19 GHz are used as noise limiting filters. Then,
CPR and hard decision are implemented using one sample per symbol. XPM perturbation
calculation and compensation are carried out based on the hard-decision data.

Fig. 4. Diagram of a hybrid nonlinearity compensation scheme using DBP for intra-channel
impairments compensation and the perturbation technique for XPM compensation. LPF: low
pass filter.

As intra-channel DBP provides more accurate compensation of intra-channel nonlinear

distortions than the perturbation technique, the hard-decision unit provides more accurate
estimation of the input data. As a result, the XPM perturbation calculation and compensation
becomes more accurate than the scheme in Section 3.1. Figure 5 shows the constellations of
recovered signals. Comparing Fig. 5(c) with Fig. 5(b), we see that the perturbation technique
is effective to compensate XPM distortions. However, the improvement in Q-factor by XPM
compensation using the perturbation technique is still relatively smaller [see Fig. 8]. The main
reason is that the presence of XPM distortions results in wrong estimations in the hard-
decision unit. From Fig. 5(c), we see that in addition to 16 constellation points (enlarged due
to ASE noise), there exist small islands drifting away from the 16 constellation points. The
drifting islands do not behave as ASE noise and we found that they result from the wrong
estimations in the hard-decision unit. We employed a hard-decision correction method [as
shown in Fig. 6] to correct the wrong decisions and re-compensated XPM distortions using
the perturbation technique based on the corrected data. The drifting islands were mostly
removed by the hard-decision correction method, as shown in Fig. 5(d).

#214661 - $15.00 USD Received 24 Jun 2014; revised 28 Jul 2014; accepted 6 Aug 2014; published 19 Aug 2014
(C) 2014 OSA 25 August 2014 | Vol. 22, No. 17 | DOI:10.1364/OE.22.020634 | OPTICS EXPRESS 20642
Fig. 5. Constellations of recovered signals in a 2-channel WDM system: (a) linear
compensation only; (b) nonlinearity compensation using intra-channel DBP only (step size =
40 km); (c) nonlinearity compensation using intra-channel DBP and the perturbation technique
for XPM; (d) after hard-decision correction. (average power per channel Pave = −3 dBm)

Fig. 6. Diagram of a nonlinearity compensation scheme using hard-decision correction.

Figure 6 shows the hard-decision correction method. The first step is to locate the wrong
decisions. This is realized by finding the drifting islands in the constellation [Fig. 5(c)] of the
output signals of the XPM compensation unit. We assume that a wrong decision occurred if
the distance between an output signal point and its closet constellation point is larger than a
certain threshold distance, that is
sig out − sig constel > r (33)

where sigout and sigconstel are the normalized output signal and its closest constellation point,
respectively; r is the threshold distance. The circular regions about constellation points are
used for hard-decision correction. Then we trace back to the hard-decision unit and replace
the decision with the second-closest constellation point (rather than the closest one) of that
CPR output signal point. Using the corrected hard-decision data, the perturbation calculation
and compensation for XPM distortions are implemented for a second time. In the second
round XPM compensation, corrected data from hard-decision correction is used to re-
calculate the XPM distortion (ΔuXPM) using Eqs. (27) and (29), i.e., the input data sequence
{an} and {bn} appearing in Eqs. (27) and (29) are approximated by the corrected data from
the hard-decision correction unit. Then, the XPM distortion is removed using ucomp = uout –
ΔuXPM, where the CPR output is used as uout. In the hard-decision correction unit, both the
CPR output (uout) and the decisions of first-stage XPM compensation are used as inputs to
find the corrected data. The matrix Ymn calculated before is re-used in the second-stage

#214661 - $15.00 USD Received 24 Jun 2014; revised 28 Jul 2014; accepted 6 Aug 2014; published 19 Aug 2014
(C) 2014 OSA 25 August 2014 | Vol. 22, No. 17 | DOI:10.1364/OE.22.020634 | OPTICS EXPRESS 20643
compensation. In simulations, the optimal threshold distances are obtained by sweeping the
range [0 1]. The distance between the nearest constellation points is normalized to 2. Figure 7
shows the Q-factor as a function of the normalized threshold distance. It shows that the
optimum threshold distance is dependent on launch power and system configuration. In
practical systems, the optimal threshold values can be pre-determined by numerical
simulations and then built into the DSP for transmission systems.

Fig. 7. Q-factor versus normalized threshold distance.

Figure 8 compares the Q-factors of different compensation schemes. The Q improvement

is defined as the difference between maximum Q-factors of different schemes. Figure 8(a)
shows the case when the step size of intra-channel DBP is 2 km. Intra-channel DBP brings
2.0 dBQ improvement as compared with linear compensation only. Using the perturbation
technique to compensate for XPM distortions, an additional 0.7 dBQ improvement is
obtained. Using the hard-decision correction method, the improvements are 3.7 dBQ and 1.7
dBQ as compared with linear compensation and intra-channel DBP, respectively. We also
investigated the case when a large step size is used for intra-channel DBP. Figure 8(b) shows
slightly performance degradation when the step size is 40 km. The scheme with hard-decision
correction shows 3.2 dBQ and 1.4 dBQ improvements as compared with linear compensation
and intra-channel DBP, respectively. When the correct symbols are artificially used (instead
of the output of the hard-decision correction unit), the BER becomes very small (<10−6). This
implies that the first-order perturbation based compensation technique is able to effectively
remove the XPM distortions and the performance degradation is due to hard-decision error.
This can be seen by the few islands in Fig. 5(d) even after hard-decision correction.

Fig. 8. Q-factor versus average launch power per channel in a 2-channel WDM system: (a)
intra-channel DBP step size = 2 km; (b) intra-channel DBP step size = 40 km.

For a more general case, we investigated a 5-channel WDM system with the channel
spacing of 50 GHz. Figure 9 shows the Q-factors of different schemes. In this case, the
perturbation technique for XPM leads only to a slight performance improvement. However,
with hard-decision correction, the additional improvements are 1.2 dBQ and 1.0 dBQ as
compared to intra-channel DBP only, for the cases of 2 km and 40 km step sizes, respectively.

#214661 - $15.00 USD Received 24 Jun 2014; revised 28 Jul 2014; accepted 6 Aug 2014; published 19 Aug 2014
(C) 2014 OSA 25 August 2014 | Vol. 22, No. 17 | DOI:10.1364/OE.22.020634 | OPTICS EXPRESS 20644
Total improvements as compared to the case of linear compensation are 2.5 dBQ and 2.3 dBQ
for the cases of 2 km and 40 km step sizes, respectively.

Fig. 9. Q-factor versus average launch power per channel in a 5-channel WDM system: (a)
intra-channel DBP step size = 2 km; (b) intra-channel DBP step size = 40 km.

4. Conclusions
We have investigated a digital compensation scheme based on a perturbation theory to
compensate for fiber nonlinearities in dispersion-managed fiber-optic systems. The scheme
uses the data obtained from a hard-decision unit at the receiver to do perturbation calculation.
In the scheme that uses perturbation technique to compensate for both intra-channel and XPM
distortions, the performance improvement is small due to the inaccurate data after the hard-
decision unit and the limitations of the first-order theory. We then considered a hybrid
scheme, where the intra-channel distortions are removed by intra-channel DBP and the XPM
distortions are compensated by the perturbation technique. Better performance improvement
is obtained since intra-channel DBP provides more accurate compensation for intra-channel
distortions which results in more accurate data in the hard-decision process. We also studied a
hard-decision correction method to correct the wrong estimations in the hard-decision unit.
We located the wrong estimated signals from the constellation of the recovered signal and
then traced back to replace the hard-decision data of those wrong estimations with the second-
closest constellation point (rather than the closest one). Numerical simulations show that the
hybrid scheme brings up to 3.7 dBQ and 1.7 dBQ improvements as compared with the
schemes of linear compensation only and intra-channel DBP, respectively. The perturbation
technique for XPM compensation requires only one-stage (or two-stage when hard-decision
correction is applied) compensation and symbol-rate signal processing. The results are also
applicable to superchannel systems with multiple carriers.

#214661 - $15.00 USD Received 24 Jun 2014; revised 28 Jul 2014; accepted 6 Aug 2014; published 19 Aug 2014
(C) 2014 OSA 25 August 2014 | Vol. 22, No. 17 | DOI:10.1364/OE.22.020634 | OPTICS EXPRESS 20645

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