Rapid RP-HPLC Method For The Quantification of Glabridin in Crude Drug and in Polyherbal Formulation
Rapid RP-HPLC Method For The Quantification of Glabridin in Crude Drug and in Polyherbal Formulation
Rapid RP-HPLC Method For The Quantification of Glabridin in Crude Drug and in Polyherbal Formulation
Figure 2. HPLC chromatogram of glabridin at 230 nm: standard (A); Glycyrrhiza glabra (B); Qurs-e-Gul tablet formulation (C).
Rapid RP-HPLC Method for the Quantification of Glabridin in Crude Drug and in Polyherbal Formulation 781
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Figure 3. Three-dimensional graphs: Peak area ¼ f (flow rate of the mobile phase, detection wave length) (A); peak area ¼ f (temperature of the column, flow rate) (B);
peak area ¼ f (temperature of the column, detection wave length) (C).
Table I (Waters Co., Milford, MA) but on same column. The results
Accuracy of the Method (n ¼ 3) from the determination of repeatability and intermediate
precisions, expressed as %RSD, were listed in Table II and III.
Percent of standard Theoretical Amount of drug Percent of drug %RSD
spiked to the sample content (mg/mL) recovered (mg + SD) recovered
0 12.8 12.5 + 0.3 97.39 2.58
50 19.2 19.1 + 0.4 99.30 1.84 The limits of quantification and detection were calculated by
100 25.6 26.4 + 0.5 103.25 1.75 using the linearity curve method by using the formula LOD ¼
150 32.0 31.4 + 0.9 98.12 2.83
3.3s/S and LOQ ¼ 10s/S, where s is the standard deviation of
the response and S is the slope of the calibration plot. For the
developed method, LOD was found to be 0.35 mg/mL and LOQ
Table II was calculated at 1 mg/mL. Once the LOD and LOQ were
Repeatability of the Method (n ¼ 3)
determined, six replicates of blank and standard solutions at
Concentration (mg/mL) Peak area Retention time the levels of LOD and LOQ were applied and the %RSD was
Mean peak area + SD % RSD Mean Rt + SD %RSD
50 1,135.6 + 13.31 1.17 14.97 + 0.06 0.40
100 2,231.3 + 30.55 1.37 15.06 + 0.10 0.66
200 5,273 + 34.40 0.65 15.00 + 0.08 0.53 The robustness was evaluated by using the Box-Behnken
response surface design. The Design Expert software proposed
the following polynomial equation for peak area:
Precision Peak area ¼ 6572.00 þ 0.76A þ 35.22B – 11.42C –
Precision of the proposed method was obtained by repeatabil- 24.68AB þ 3.16AC þ 16.77BC – 7.38A2 – 73.39B2 – 69.63C2,
ity and intermediate precision in accordance with the ICH where A is the detection wavelength (nm), B is the flow rate
recommendations. In repeatability studies, six different injec- (mL/min) and C is the temperature (8C). According to the
tions of the same standard sample (three concentrations) were equation, flow rate appeared to have more effect on the peak
injected and calculated the assay. The %RSD of area and Rt area than detection wavelength and temperature. As the flow
were calculated. Inter-day and intra-day precisions were per- rate increases, peak area also increases. The detection wave-
formed by preparing and applying three different concentra- length was also found to increase the peak area, as indicated by
tions of samples during the same day and on three different the positive coefficient value. However, the lower magnitude of
days, respectively. Inter-system precision was performed by the coefficient indicated that the effect of detection wave-
repeating the same procedure by using a different system length is less than the flow rate on peak area. The temperature
affected the peak area in the opposite direction to that of of the presence of markers rather than their quantity is usually
observed for the detection wavelength and flow rate. The nega- important in relation to identity and safety of traditional drugs.
Rapid RP-HPLC Method for the Quantification of Glabridin in Crude Drug and in Polyherbal Formulation 783
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