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APQC Financial Management Definitions and Key Measures

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The Framework for Process Improvement

Experience shows that benchmarking’s potential to drive dramatic
improvement lies squarely in making out-of-the-box comparisons 8.0 Manage Financial Resources
and searching for insights not typically found within intra-industry
paradigms. To enable this type of beneficial benchmarking, the APQC
Process Classification FrameworkSM (PCF) serves as a high-level,
industry-neutral enterprise model that allows organizations to see
their activities from a cross-industry process viewpoint.

Originally created in 1992 by APQC and a group of members, the

framework has experienced more than a decade of creative use by
hundreds of organizations worldwide. The PCF is supported by APQC’s
Open Standards Benchmarking research and an advisory council
of global industry leaders. The PCF will be continuously enhanced
as APQC’s Open Standards Benchmarking team further develops
definitions, processes, and measures related to process improvement.
Please visit APQC’s Web site periodically for updates. The PCF is
available for organizations of all industries and sizes at no charge by

The PCF enables organizations to understand their inner workings

from a horizontal process viewpoint, rather than a vertical functional
viewpoint. The PCF does not list all processes within a specific
organization, and every process listed in the framework is not present
in every organization.

The Process Classification Framework was originally envisioned as
a taxonomy of business processes. The initial design involved more
than 80 organizations with a strong interest in advancing the use of
benchmarking in the United States and worldwide. Since its inception,
the PCF has been updated a number of times to reflect changes in the resulted in this document: a listing of processes with definitions and
way organizations do business. selected key performance indicators. The definitions contained in this
document are to be considered in conjunction with the PCF. The content
In response to feedback from users of the PCF, APQC engaged in this document will be updated according to research performed by
practitioners, consultants, and academics to develop definitions based APQC and subsequent updates to the PCF. This document was created
on real-world experience with the processes. That collaborative effort using PCF version 5.1.0.

Version 1.0.0  •  June 2010 1

8.0 Financial Management Definitions and Key Measures TABLE OF CONTENTS

8.1 Perform Planning and Management Accounting ________________ 3 8.6 Process Accounts Payable and Expense Reimbursements_________ 8
Key performance indicators for this process Key performance indicators for this process
group typically include_ ____________________________________ 3 typically include___________________________________________ 8
8.1.1 Perform Planning/Budgeting/Forecasting ________________ 3 8.6.1 Process Accounts Payable ____________________________ 8
8.1.2 Develop and Implement Human Resources Plans_________ 3 8.6.2 Process Expense Reimbursements _____________________ 8
8.1.3 Perform Cost Management ___________________________ 3
8.1.4 Evaluate and Manage Financial Performance______________ 3 8.7 Manage Treasury Operations________________________________ 9
Key performance indicators for this process
8.2 Perform Revenue Accounting _______________________________ 4 typically include___________________________________________ 9
Key performance indicators for this process 8.7.1 Manage treasury policies and procedures _______________ 9
group typically include_ ____________________________________ 4 8.7.2 Manage Cash _ _____________________________________ 9
8.2.1 Process Customer Credits____________________________ 4 8.7.3 Manage In-house Bank Accounts _ _____________________ 9
8.2.2 Invoice Customer___________________________________ 4 8.7.4 Manage Debt and Investment _________________________ 9
8.2.3 Process Accounts Receivable __________________________4 8.7.5 Manage Financial Risks _______________________________ 9
8.2.4 Manage and Process Collections _______________________ 5
8.2.5 Manage and Process Adjustments/Deductions ___________ 5 8.8 Manage Internal Controls__________________________________ 10
Key performance indicators for this process
8.3 Perform General Accounting and Reporting ___________________ 5 typically include__________________________________________ 10
Key performance indicators for this process 8.8.1 Establish Internal Controls, Policies, and Procedures _____ 10
group typically include_ ____________________________________ 5 8.8.2 Operate Controls and Monitor Compliance with
8.3.1 Manage Policies and Procedures_ ______________________ 5 Internal Controls Policies and Procedures ______________ 10
8.3.2 Perform General Accounting__________________________ 5 8.8.3 Report on Internal Controls Compliances _ ____________ 10
8.3.3 Perform Fixed Asset Accounting _ _____________________ 6
8.9 Manage Taxes_ __________________________________________ 10
8.3.4 Perform Financial Reporting __________________________ 6
Key performance indicators for this process
typically include__________________________________________ 10
8.4 Manage Fixed Asset Project Accounting_______________________ 6 8.9.1 Develop Tax Strategy and Plan _______________________ 10
Key performance indicators for this process 8.9.2 Process Taxes _____________________________________ 10
typically include___________________________________________ 6
8.4.1 Perform Capital Planning and Project Approval _ _________ 6 8.10 Manage International Funds/Consolidation____________________ 11
8.4.2 Perform Capital Project Accounting ___________________ 6 Key performance indicators for this process
typically include__________________________________________ 11
8.5 Process Payroll_ __________________________________________ 7 8.10.1 Monitor International Rates _________________________ 11
Key performance indicators for this process 8.10.2 Manage Transactions _______________________________ 11
typically include___________________________________________ 7 8.10.3 Monitor Currency Exposure/Hedge Currency __________ 11
8.5.1 Report Time_ ______________________________________ 7 8.10.4 Report Results ____________________________________ 11
8.5.2 Manage Pay_ _______________________________________ 7
8.5.3 Report Payroll Taxes ________________________________ 7 Related Processes ____________________________________________ 11
3.5.4 Manage Sales Orders _______________________________ 11
6.4.4 Administer Payroll _________________________________ 11

RIGHTS AND PERMISSIONS organizes operating and management processes into 12 enterprise-
©2010 APQC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. level categories, including process groups and over 1,500 processes
and associated activities. The PCF and its associated measures and
APQC encourages the wide distribution, discussion, and use of the PCF benchmarking surveys are available for download and completion at
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The PCF was developed by APQC and member companies as an open in all sectors of business, education, and government.
standard to facilitate improvement through process management
and benchmarking regardless of industry, size, or geography. The PCF

2 Permission granted to photocopy for personal use. ©2010 APQC

8.1 Perform Planning and Management Accounting

This process group encompasses financial planning processes, including preparing quarterly and annual projections of revenue,
expenses, operating profit, net income, and capital investments. The processes in this group support decision making through an
analysis of the organization’s historical effectiveness and by recommending the most effective ways to allocate scarce resources to
ensure that economic value is created for shareholders.

Key performance indicators for this process group typically include:

•  Total cost of process 8.1.1 Perform planning/budgeting/ •  Cycle time in days to complete the financial forecast
forecasting as a percentage of revenue •  Cycle time in days to perform financial evaluation of new
•  Number of budget versions produced before final approval products/customers/markets
•  Cycle time in days to complete the annual budget cycle in the •  Average percentage difference between forecasted and actual
most recent fiscal year product/customer/market profit

8.1.1 Perform Planning/Budgeting/Forecasting

This is the process of developing periodic plans, budgets, and forecasts to enable the achievement of organizational
performance goals. This includes setting assumptions for revenue and cost levels—as well as cash flows—expected
in the pursuit of organizational growth. It also includes proactive cost control and reporting on actual-versus-targeted
financial results. It may also include predicting financial results for the next four to six quarters on a rolling-forward basis.
Budgets and forecasts should reflect financial targets derived from strategic plans. They also serve as a discussion platform
at regular business review meetings, in which managers can decide if, how, and when to alter tactics to ensure that
performance targets are achieved.

8.1.2 Perform Cost Accounting and Control

This is the process of developing and implementing methods and models for the allocation of operating and overhead costs
across products and/or services. This is typically used to evaluate and control product/service pricing, profitability, and
trends. This includes inventory accounting, cost of sales analysis, product costing, variance analysis, and
profitability reporting.

8.1.3 Perform Cost Management

This is the process of developing and implementing methods and approaches to analyze cost drivers, improve business
processes, benchmark, deploy/utilize assets and resources, and evaluate value drivers. Within this process, the critical
success factors and performance indicators should be determined and linked with activity-based measures.

8.1.4 Evaluate and Manage Financial Performance

This is the process of developing and implementing a framework that guides internal decision makers as they deploy
resources—financial, human, technical, etc.—in the pursuit of sustainable, profitable growth. It ensures that decisions
are aligned with stated organizational goals by measuring performance against predetermined targets and managing the
corrective action process.
This process includes: assessing customer and product profitability, evaluating new products, lifecycle costing, optimizing
the customer and product mix, tracking the performance of new customer and product strategies, preparing activity-based
performance measures, and managing continuous cost improvement.

Version 1.0.0  •  June 2010 3

8.2 Perform Revenue Accounting

This process group includes the recording/reporting of data related to the sale of goods and/or services provided to customers. Revenue
accounting, which is a major component of preparing formal financial statements, reflects the decisions an organization makes to
recognize revenues in a given reporting period. Costs (both direct and allocated) are then applied to revenue to determine profit. The
Perform revenue accounting process includes revenue recognition decisions and often decisions about reserves held back for bad debts
and outstanding liabilities such as warrantees.

This process group is greatly affected by process 3.5.4 Manage sales orders, which is explained in the Related Processes section of this

Key performance indicators for this process group typically include:

• Total cost of process 3.5.4 Manage sales orders per •  Total cost of process 8.2.3 Process accounts receivable as a
$1,000 revenue percentage of revenue
•  Number of sales order line items per 3.5.4 Manage sales •  Percentage of total receipts that are processed error-free the
orders FTE first time
•  Average days sales outstanding •  Cycle time in days to resolve adjustments
•  Cycle time in days for credit approval •  Percentage of invoice line items paid in full the first time
•  Cycle time in days to generate complete and correct •  Cycle time between product/service delivery and receipt of
billing data customer payment
•  Total cost of process 8.2.3 Process accounts receivable per •  Total annual value of uncollectible balances as a percentage of
customer receipt revenue

8.2.1 Process Customer Credit

This is the process of evaluating customers’ credit-worthiness. Typically performed in conjunction with the generation of
an order or the creation of a new customer, this process encompasses all operations associated with credit checking—
including the establishment of credit policies, the analysis/approval of new account applications, the review of existing
accounts, and the generation of credit/collection reports.

8.2.2 Invoice Customer

This is the process of developing and delivering customer invoices. It includes creating methods and procedures for
communicating and delivering invoices and statements for services and products. The process encompasses the maintenance
of customer/product master files, the generation and transmittal of customer billing data to the customer, the posting of
receivable entries, and the resolution of customer billing inquiries. It does not include receiving payments; payment receipt is
located in process 8.2.3 Process accounts receivable.

8.2.3 Process Accounts Receivable

This encompasses the processing of payments due from customers, including the processing of any funds received, whether
by check or electronically. This process involves the establishment of accounts receivable policies, the receipt and deposit
of customer payments, the application of cash remittances, the preparation of accounts receivable reports, and the posting
of accounts receivable activities to the general ledger. It does not include the generation of invoices; invoice generation is
located in process 8.2.2 Invoice customer.

4 Permission granted to photocopy for personal use. ©2010 APQC

( 8.2 Perform Revenue Accounting continued )

8.2.4 Manage and Process Collections

This is the process of coordinating and following through on collecting payments due. This process includes generating
letters and phone calls on delinquent accounts, deciding when to collect, and selecting the collection vehicle (e.g., an
external agency or an in-house department). It also encompasses the establishment of policies for delinquent accounts, the
analysis of delinquent accounts, correspondence/negotiation with delinquent accounts, internal discussions around account
resolution, the processing of adjustments, and the writing off of uncollectable balances.

8.2.5 Manage and Process Adjustments/Deductions

This is the process of receiving, rectifying, and monitoring customer adjustments and deductions resulting from warranties,
claims, returns, and recalls of products and/or services. This process includes the establishment of policies/procedures for
adjustments, the analysis of adjustments, correspondence and negotiation with customers, internal discussions around
account resolution, the preparation of chargeback invoices, and the processing of related entries.

8.3 Perform General Accounting and Reporting

This process group contains processes related to managing an organization’s ongoing financial records, including the maintenance of the
chart of accounts, the processing of journal entries, and the adjustment of the organization’s general ledger accounts. This group also
encompasses all operational activities performed to close the books on a monthly, quarterly, and yearly basis as well as the recording,
tracking, and depreciation of fixed assets.

Key performance indicators for this process group typically include:

•  Total cost of process 8.3.2 Perform general accounting •  Cycle time in days to perform monthly close at the site level
per $1,000 revenue •  Cycle time in days to complete consolidated annual financial
•  Number of journal entry line items per 8.3.2 Perform general statements from flash reports
accounting FTE •  Number of fixed asset transactions per Perform fixed asset
•  Percentage of journal entries that are error-free the first time accounting FTE

8.3.1 Manage Policies and Procedures

This is the process of controlling and updating the policies and procedures related to financial management and control,
including maintenance of the financial procedures manual and the establishment of service level agreements with internal
customers/suppliers and external financial service providers.

8.3.2 Perform General Accounting

This is the process of managing the general ledger—including the maintenance of the chart of accounts and the processing
of journal entries, allocations, period-end adjustments (e.g., accruals, currency conversions), and intercompany transactions.
It also encompasses the reconciliation of general ledger accounts and intercompany transactions, the preparation of the trial
balance, and the preparation and posting of management adjustments.

Version 1.0.0  •  June 2010 5

( 8.3 Perform General Accounting and Reporting continued )

8.3.3 Perform Fixed Asset Accounting

This is the process of accounting for fixed asset transactions, including additions, retires, transfers, adjustments, and
depreciation expenses. This process includes establishing fixed asset policies and procedures, recording entries to the fixed
asset register, tracking fixed assets through physical inventories, and calculating and recording depreciation and expenses
related to fixed asset maintenance and repair. This process often supports tax, statutory, and regulatory reporting by
providing data on fixed assets to the appropriate departments.
Fixed asset projects that were proposed, pursued, and capitalized under process group 8.4 Manage fixed asset project
accounting are thereafter maintained within process 8.3.3, under the auspices of general accounting and reporting—unless
a project is initiated to dispose of the asset, in which case the project is again covered in process group 8.4.

8.3.4 Perform Financial Reporting

This is the process of gathering and consolidating periodic financial performance data and presenting snapshots of financial
results for corporate-level, business unit-level, or department-level decision makers. These snapshots take the form of highly
structured financial statements and may show comparisons with previous periods, various profitability or growth ratios, cost
consumption rates, or even FTE deployment data.

8.4 Manage Fixed Asset Project Accounting

This process group encompasses the financial planning and supervising of projects involving fixed assets (capital projects), including
additions, retires, transfers, adjustments and depreciation expenses. This group typically relates to the acquisition or disposal of
fixed assets.

New fixed assets for the business that result from these projects will then be tracked under process 8.3.3 Perform fixed asset accounting.

Key performance indicators for this process group typically include:

•  Cycle time to complete an approved capital expenditure plan •  Number of fixed assets transactions per 8.3.3 Perform fixed
•  Percentage of approved capital projects considered within or asset accounting FTE
on budget

8.4.1 Perform Capital Planning and Project Approval

This is the process of developing capital investment policies and procedures and implementing them to create and approve
the capital expenditure plan and budget. This includes performing justification for project approvals as well as reviewing
and approving capital projects and fixed asset acquisitions. This process covers the construction of a business case for a
capital project.

8.4.2 Perform Capital Project Accounting

This is the process of managing and accounting for ongoing activities related to capital projects—including setting up new
projects, recording project transactions, monitoring and tracking spending, closing and capitalizing projects, and measuring
financial returns on completed projects. Once a project is closed and the asset is capitalized, the accounting for that asset is
no longer part of this 8.4.2 Perform capital project accounting process and instead will be performed under the process 8.3.3
Perform fixed asset accounting. Once the project is capitalized, it is a fixed asset.

6 Permission granted to photocopy for personal use. ©2010 APQC

8.5 Process Payroll

This process group consists of reporting time, managing pay, and processing taxes. Payroll administration tasks as defined under
6.4.4 Administer payroll 1 are not considered in scope for 8.5 Process payroll.

Key performance indicators for this process group typically include:

•  Total cost of process group 8.5 Process payroll as a percentage •  Payment errors as a percentage of total payroll disbursements
of revenue •  Cycle time in business days to process the payroll
•  Total cost of process group 8.5 Process payroll per disbursement

8.5.1 Report Time

Capturing employee time information and recording data in the time reporting system for use by payroll, benefits, billing
(depending on business model), etc. Preparing the data for payroll and benefits usage by analyzing and reporting paid and
unpaid leave, monitoring regular, overtime and other hours, and analyzing and reporting employee utilization. This includes
establishing policies and procedures for reporting time, management activities and system maintenance to effectively
capture and report on employee time.

8.5.2 Manage Pay

This is the process of calculating employee payroll for each pay period, including bonus runs throughout the year, and
transmitting payments to employee accounts or directly to employees. It includes maintaining and administering employee
earnings and deductions, monitoring changes in tax status in order to prepare the payroll each period, responding to
all payroll-related inquiries, and processing adjustments and/or manual corrections as appropriate. This process also
encompasses management activities and payroll system/interface maintenance to ensure accurate payments.

8.5.3 Report Payroll Taxes

This process ensures regulatory and statutory compliance for payroll tax obligations on behalf of the organization. This
includes filing regulatory payroll tax forms in a timely manner and calculating and paying applicable payroll taxes. The
production and distribution of employee tax statements on an annual basis (e.g., W-2s in the U.S. or local equivalent) is also
covered in this process.

 See the Related Processes section of this document for more information about process 6.4.4 Administer payroll.

Version 1.0.0  •  June 2010 7

8.6 Process Accounts Payable and Expense Reimbursements

This process consists of processing payments for operating expenses and other supplier charges, which includes verifying of accounts
payable with vendor records, maintaining and managing electronic commerce, auditing invoices and approving payments, processing
financial accruals and reversals, processing payments and taxes, researching and resolving exceptions, and adjusting accounting
records. It also encompasses the development of policies and procedures around the processing of accounts payable and all related
operations. Technology is typically key to achieving top performance in this process.

Key performance indicators for this process group typically include:

•  Total cost of process 8.6.1 Process accounts payable per •  Cycle time in days from receipt of invoice until it is
invoice processed approved and scheduled for payment
•  Total cost of process 8.6.1 Process accounts payable as a •  Cycle time in days to resolve an invoice error
percentage of revenue •  Cycle time in days to approve and schedule travel and
•  Number of invoices processed per 8.6.1 Process accounts expense reimbursements
payable FTE

8.6.1 Process Accounts Payable

This process includes processing payments for operating expenses and other supplier charges. It also encompasses the
development of policies and procedures around the processing of accounts payable and all related operations. This process
is often supported by key technology enablers.

8.6.2 Process Expense Reimbursements

This process includes the approval and processing of advancements and reimbursements for employee expenses on the
organization’s behalf as well as capturing and reporting relevant tax data and managing personal accounts. This process
often dovetails with the processing of accounts payable and includes the development and use of policies and procedures.

8 Permission granted to photocopy for personal use. ©2010 APQC

8.7 Manage Treasury Operations

This process group includes the management of treasury policies and procedures, cash, in-house bank accounts, debts, investments,
and financial risks.

Key performance indicators for this process group typically include:

•  Number of FTEs for process group 8.7 Manage treasury operations per $1 billion revenue

8.7.1 Manage Treasury Policies and Procedures

This process involves establishing the scope and governance of treasury operations; creating and publishing treasury
policies; developing, monitoring, auditing, and revising treasury procedures; developing and confirming internal treasury
controls; and defining system security requirements.

8.7.2 Manage Cash

This process includes managing and reconciling cash positions; managing cash equivalents; processing and overseeing
electronic fund transfers; developing cash flow forecasts; managing cash flows; producing cash management accounting
transactions and reports; managing and overseeing banking relationships; and analyzing, negotiating, resolving, and
confirming bank fees.

8.7.3 Manage In-house Bank Accounts

The activities used to manage in-house bank accounts include managing in-house bank accounts for subsidiaries; managing
and facilitating inter-company borrowing transactions; managing centralized outgoing payments on behalf of subsidiaries;
managing central incoming payments on behalf of subsidiaries; managing internal payments and netting transactions;
calculating interest and fees for in-house bank accounts; and providing account statements for in-house bank accounts.

8.7.4 Manage Debt and Investment

This process involves managing financial intermediary relationships; managing liquidity and issuer exposure; processing and
overseeing debts and investments; making foreign currency transactions; and producing debt and investment accounting
transaction reports.

8.7.5 Manage Financial Risks

This process includes managing interest rate, foreign exchange, and exposure risks; developing and executing hedging
transactions; evaluating and refining hedging positions; producing hedge accounting transactions and reports; and
monitoring credit.

Version 1.0.0  •  June 2010 9

8.8 Manage Internal Controls

This process group consists of operating controls, monitoring compliance with internal controls policies and procedures, and reporting
on internal controls compliance.

Key performance indicators for this process group typically include:

•  Total cost to perform the processes in process group 8.8 Manage • Average cycle time in calendar days (including weekends)
internal controls as a percentage of revenue from identification of a change in risk until changes to risk
•  Number of FTEs for process group 8.8 Manage internal controls management policies and procedures are completed and
per $1 billion revenue ready for deployment/communication/implementation by the
business entity

8.8.1 Establish Internal Controls, Policies, and Procedures

This process covers the establishment of boards of directors and audit committees; the development and communication
of a code of ethics; the assignment of roles and responsibilities for internal controls; the definition of business process
objectives; the identification of risks; and the evaluation of defining entity/unit risk tolerance.

8.8.2 Operate Controls and Monitor Compliance with Internal Controls Policies and Procedures
This process incorporates the planning, management, operation, and monitoring of internal control mechanisms, policies,
and procedures. It includes designing and implementing control activities; monitoring control effectiveness; remediating
control deficiencies; creating compliance functions; operating compliance functions; and implementing and maintaining
technologies and tools to enable the controls-related activities.

8.8.3 Report on Internal Controls Compliance

This process includes reporting to external auditors, regulators, shareholders, debt holders, securities exchanges, business
partners, internal management, and any other bona fide third parties.

8.9 Manage Taxes

This group includes the processes associated with estimating an organization’s periodic tax liabilities and ensuring that appropriate
taxing authorities receive tax return filings and payments when due.

Key performance indicators for this process group typically include:

•  Number of FTEs for process group 8.9 Manage taxes per $1 billion revenue

8.9.1 Develop Tax Strategy and Plan

This process includes setting targets for periodic tax liabilities and assessing the tax impact of various activities, such as the
acquisition or disposal of fixed assets or a deliberate change in employee population.

8.9.2 Process Taxes

This is the process of accounting for taxes collected or paid.

10 Permission granted to photocopy for personal use. ©2010 APQC

8.10 Manage International Funds/Consolidation

This is the process of managing cash collections and disbursements made by operating units across the enterprise and, when
appropriate, transferring cash from those units to parent-level bank accounts managed by the organization’s treasury team.

8.10.1 Monitor International Rates

This is the process of forecasting and monitoring changes in foreign currency value or interest rates around the world.

8.10.2 Manage Transactions

This is the process of converting cash from one currency to another in the course of conducting cross-border trade
or investment.

8.10.3 Monitor Currency Exposure/Hedge Currency

This process involves assessing an organization’s exposures to potential financial losses that could occur as a result of
changes in the relative value of currencies globally. Hedging currency exposures refers to the process of forecasting the
impacts of movements in foreign currency values and entering into financial transactions designed to offset or limit an
organization’s potential exposure to loss.

8.10.4 Report Results

This process involves making accounting entries to formally report financial gains or losses experienced as a result of
foreign exchange activity.

Related Processes

These processes are not found in category 8.0 but apply to most financial management functions.

3.5.4 Manage Sales Orders

This process includes the acceptance and validation of an initial sales order, the collection and maintenance of customer
account information, the determination of stock availability, logistics and transportation, order entry, the identification of
cross- and up-sell opportunities, the execution of a cross- or up-sale, the processing of back orders and order updates, and
the handling of order inquiries (including post-order fulfillment transactions).

6.4.4 Administer Payroll

The payroll administration process focuses on the preparation of payroll, including maintaining and administering employee
earnings and deduction information. These activities may be part of the HR or payroll function. The processing and
distribution of payments is not included in 6.4.4 Administer payroll and instead falls within process group 8.5 Process payroll.

Version 1.0.0  •  June 2010 11

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Version 1.0.0  •  June 2010 12

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