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February 2017



© 2017 Shell Group of companies

All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, published or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior written
permission of the copyright owner or Shell Global Solutions International BV.
This document contains information that is classified as EAR99 and, as a consequence, can neither be exported nor re-exported to any country which is under an embargo of the
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C.F.R. Part 744).
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DEP (Design and Engineering Practice) publications reflect the views, at the time of publication, of Shell Global Solutions
International B.V. (Shell GSI) and, in some cases, of other Shell Companies.

These views are based on the experience acquired during involvement with the design, construction, operation and maintenance of
processing units and facilities. Where deemed appropriate DEPs are based on, or reference international, regional, national and
industry standards.

The objective is to set the standard for good design and engineering practice to be applied by Shell companies in oil and gas
production, oil refining, gas handling, gasification, chemical processing, or any other such facility, and thereby to help achieve
maximum technical and economic benefit from standardization.

The information set forth in these publications is provided to Shell companies for their consideration and decision to implement. This
is of particular importance where DEPs may not cover every requirement or diversity of condition at each locality. The system of
DEPs is expected to be sufficiently flexible to allow individual Operating Units to adapt the information set forth in DEPs to their own
environment and requirements.

When Contractors or Manufacturers/Suppliers use DEPs, they shall be solely responsible for such use, including the quality of their
work and the attainment of the required design and engineering standards. In particular, for those requirements not specifically
covered, the Principal will typically expect them to follow those design and engineering practices that will achieve at least the same
level of integrity as reflected in the DEPs. If in doubt, the Contractor or Manufacturer/Supplier shall, without detracting from his own
responsibility, consult the Principal.

The right to obtain and to use DEPs is restricted, and is typically granted by Shell GSI (and in some cases by other Shell Companies)
under a Service Agreement or a License Agreement. This right is granted primarily to Shell companies and other companies receiving
technical advice and services from Shell GSI or another Shell Company. Consequently, three categories of users of DEPs can be

1) Operating Units having a Service Agreement with Shell GSI or another Shell Company. The use of DEPs by these Operating
Units is subject in all respects to the terms and conditions of the relevant Service Agreement.

2) Other parties who are authorised to use DEPs subject to appropriate contractual arrangements (whether as part of a Service
Agreement or otherwise).

3) Contractors/subcontractors and Manufacturers/Suppliers under a contract with users referred to under 1) or 2) which
requires that tenders for projects, materials supplied or - generally - work performed on behalf of the said users comply
with the relevant standards.

Subject to any particular terms and conditions as may be set forth in specific agreements with users, Shell GSI disclaims any liability
of whatsoever nature for any damage (including injury or death) suffered by any company or person whomsoever as a result of or in
connection with the use, application or implementation of any DEP, combination of DEPs or any part thereof, even if it is wholly or
partly caused by negligence on the part of Shell GSI or other Shell Company. The benefit of this disclaimer shall inure in all respects
to Shell GSI and/or any Shell Company, or companies affiliated to these companies, that may issue DEPs or advise or require the use
of DEPs.

Without prejudice to any specific terms in respect of confidentiality under relevant contractual arrangements, DEPs shall not,
without the prior written consent of Shell GSI, be disclosed by users to any company or person whomsoever and the DEPs shall be
used exclusively for the purpose for which they have been provided to the user. They shall be returned after use, including any
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Group of companies. Users shall arrange for DEPs to be held in safe custody and Shell GSI may at any time require information
satisfactory to them in order to ascertain how users implement this requirement.

All administrative queries should be directed to the DEP Administrator in Shell GSI.
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1. INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................4
1.1 SCOPE........................................................................................................................4
1.3 DEFINITIONS..............................................................................................................4
1.4 CROSS-REFERENCES...................................................................................................7
1.5 SUMMARY OF MAIN CHANGES.................................................................................7
1.6 COMMENTS ON THIS DEP..........................................................................................8
1.7 DUAL UNITS...............................................................................................................8
1.8 NON NORMATIVE TEXT (COMMENTARY)..................................................................8
2. GENERAL WORKSPACE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS...................................................9
2.1 ANTHROPOMETRICS..................................................................................................9
2.2 MINIMUM VOLUMES................................................................................................9
2.3 HORIZONTAL ACCESS (WALKWAYS AND PLATFORMS)............................................11
2.4 VERTICAL ACCESS (STAIRS, LADDERS AND RAMPS).................................................15
3. EQUIPMENT SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS................................................................19
3.1 LAYOUT....................................................................................................................19
3.2 MANWAYS...............................................................................................................20
3.3 ROTATING EQUIPMENT...........................................................................................21
3.4 HEAT EXCHANGERS.................................................................................................22
3.5 VERTICAL STORAGE TANKS (ABOVE GROUND)........................................................22
3.6 DISPLAY AND CONTROL LOCATION.........................................................................22
3.7 PIPING ACCESS AND CLEARANCES...........................................................................24
3.8 VALVES....................................................................................................................26
3.9 MANUAL SAMPLE POINT LOCATION.......................................................................37
3.10 LUBRICATION...........................................................................................................37
3.11 VERTICAL FILTERS/STRAINERS.................................................................................38
4. PERSONAL SAFETY / WORK ENVIRONMENT........................................................38
4.1 MANUAL HANDLING................................................................................................38
4.2 SELF CLOSING SAFETY GATES...................................................................................39
4.3 FALL PROTECTION (FIXED LADDERS)........................................................................39
4.4 MEANS OF ESCAPE / EMERGENCY EGRESS..............................................................40
4.5 RAILINGS..................................................................................................................40
4.6 STORED ENERGY DEVICES........................................................................................41
4.7 EQUIPMENT OR PIPING WITH HOT OR COLD SURFACES.........................................41
5. REFERENCES............................................................................................................43
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This DEP specifies requirements and gives recommendations for the minimum acceptable
Human Factors Engineering (HFE) requirements and for the design and layout of physical
workspaces and equipment globally for both onshore and offshore facilities. The purpose
of this DEP is to ensure the design and layout of equipment and workspaces allowed for
efficient and safe access for task activities during operation and maintenance under
normal, upset/emergency and all weather conditions by the full range of potential

Application of this DEP enables the design and layout of equipment and physical
workspaces, whether “stick built” or modular design, to comply with the Human Factors
Engineering requirements contained in the Shell Group HSSE & SP Health Standard and
the HSSE & SP Control Framework Health Manual.

This DEP does not apply to packaged units, which are covered by DEP, or
control rooms which are covered in DEP

Due to space constraints, hull spaces of floating offshore assets do not normally comply
with the requirements of this DEP. Typically a project specific set of human factors design
criteria are produced for the hull spaces of floating offshore assets.

This is a revision of the DEP of the same number dated September 2013; see (1.5)
regarding the changes.


Unless otherwise authorised by Shell GSI, the distribution of this DEP is confined to Shell
companies and, where necessary, to Contractors and Manufacturers/Suppliers nominated
by them. Any authorised access to DEPs does not for that reason constitute an
authorisation to any documents, data or information to which the DEPs may refer.

This DEP is intended for use in both onshore and offshore facilities related to oil and gas
production, gas handling, oil refining, chemical processing, gasification, distribution and
supply/marketing. This DEP may also be applied in other similar facilities.

When DEPs are applied, a Management of Change (MOC) process shall be implemented;
this is of particular importance when existing facilities are to be modified.

If national and/or local regulations exist in which some of the requirements could be more
stringent than in this DEP, the Contractor shall determine by careful scrutiny which of the
requirements are the more stringent and which combination of requirements will be
acceptable with regards to the safety, environmental, economic and legal aspects. In all
cases, the Contractor shall inform the Principal of any deviation from the requirements of
this DEP which is considered to be necessary in order to comply with national and/or local
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regulations. The Principal may then negotiate with the Authorities concerned, the
objective being to obtain agreement to follow this DEP as closely as possible.


1.3.1 General definitions

The Contractor is the party that carries out all or part of the design, engineering,
procurement, construction, commissioning or management of a project or operation of a
facility. The Principal may undertake all or part of the duties of the Contractor.

The Manufacturer/Supplier is the party that manufactures or supplies equipment and

services to perform the duties specified by the Contractor.

The Principal is the party that initiates the project and ultimately pays for it. The Principal
may also include an agent or consultant authorised to act for, and on behalf of, the

The word shall indicates a requirement.

The word should indicates a recommendation.

The word may indicates a permitted option.

1.3.2 Specific definitions

Term Definition
Accessible An item is considered accessible when it can be operated, maintained,
inspected, removed or replaced by the suitably clothed and equipped
user with applicable body dimensions within the anthropometric range
specified in this document. It includes the ability to reach such a device
with all tools required to perform such operational attention or

Anthropo Related to the measurement of body dimensions


Emergency Refers to the means of escape, under emergency conditions, from any
egress location. This includes platforms or areas that are at a different
elevation to the primary operating level of the facility or to grade.

Exit access That portion of an exit route that leads from any portion of a building
or an open structure to an exit (NFPA 101).The exit access terminates
at the closest riser of an exterior exit stairway, emergency escape
ladders, or the start of a ramp or interconnecting walkway.

Exit access Horizontal travel distance measured from the most remote point on a
travel level to the exit. This includes the exit access.
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Term Definition
Exit That portion of an exit route between the exit access and the exit
discharge. Exits include exterior exit stairways, exterior exit ramps,
emergency escape ladders and interconnecting walkways between

Exit Discharge That portion of an exit route system between the termination of an
exit and an area open to the outside air, leading to a place of safety.

Exit route A continuous and unobstructed path of exit or escape travel from the
(escape route) most remote point on a level to a place of safety. An exit route consists
of three parts: The exit access; the exit; and, the exit discharge. (An exit
route includes all vertical and horizontal areas along the route.)

Fall arrester Protective equipment permanently fixed to a ladder used in

combination with personal protective equipment (ISO 14122-4).

Fall protection Technical measure to prevent or reduce the risk of people falling from
a fixed ladder (ISO 14122-4). Devices include both safety cage and fall
arrester (Ladder Safety Device as per 29 CFR 1910.27).

Handrail One of the following:

A single bar or pipe supported on brackets from a wall or partition, as

on a stairway or ramp, to furnish persons with a continuous handhold
in case of tripping (29 CFR 1910.21).

Top element designed to be grasped by the hand for body support

which can be used individually or as the upper part of a guard rail (ISO

HFE Technical The individual assigned as Technical Authority for HFE on the project in
Authority compliance with Business Unit and Group standards.

HSSE Critical An item of equipment or structure, or a system (including software

Equipment logic), that acts as a barrier to prevent the uncontrolled release of a
Hazardous Substance or release of energy leading to worst case
credible scenario with RAM red, yellow 5A or yellow 5B Risk, or acts as
a barrier to control or mitigate the effects of such a release. HSSE
critical equipment is also known as Safety Critical Equipment or SCE.

Human Factors A multidisciplinary science that focuses on the interaction between the
Engineering human and the work system in order to design human-system
interactions that optimise human and system performance

(ISO 6385).
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Term Definition
Ladder Safety A ladder safety device is any device, other than a cage or well,
Device designed to eliminate or reduce the possibility of accidental falls and
which may incorporate such features as life belts, friction brakes, and
sliding attachments (29 CFR 1910.21).

Operating Space or walkway for access to equipment and machinery requiring

Aisles hands-on work by one or more individuals and for the use of mobile
assisted lifting and transport devices.

Platform A level surface used for the operation, maintenance, inspection, repair,
sampling and other phases of work in connection with equipment or

Railing (guard A vertical barrier erected along exposed edges of a floor opening, wall
or stair) opening, stairway, ramp, platform or runway to prevent falls of persons
(29 CFR 1910.21).

Device for protection against accidental fall or accidental access to a

hazardous area, with which stairs, step ladders or landings, platforms
and walkways may be equipped (ISO 14122-3).

Standing Space required to operate a control, reach or access a component, or

volume read an instrument, within the normal range of the standing posture.

Very Toxic Refer to DEP, for definitions of "very toxic - acute",

(Substances) "very toxic - chronic", and "very toxic - environment".

Walkway A level surface used for moving from one point to another. May also be
included as part of an exit or escape route.

Workspace A physical space or location where work or operations are performed.

This space should be defined based on human anthropometrics and
operational or maintenance tasks to be performed

1.3.3 Abbreviations

Term Definition
CFR Code of Federal Regulations (USA)

DN Diametre Nominal / Nominal Diameter

HFE Human Factors Engineering

HSSE & SP Health, Safety, Security, Environment & Social Performance

MOV Motor Operated Valve

MOC Management of Change

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Term Definition
NFPA National Fire Protection Agency (USA)

NPS Nominal Pipe Size

PPE Personal Protective Equipment

RPE Respiratory Protective Equipment

SCBA Self Contained Breathing Apparatus

SOLAS Safety of Life at Sea

TA Technical Authority

VCA Valve Criticality Analysis


Where cross-references to other parts of this DEP are made, the referenced section or
clause number is shown in brackets ( ). Other documents referenced by this DEP are listed
in (5).


This DEP is a full revision of the DEP of the same number dated September 2013 as well as
DEP dated September 2011. The following are the main, non-editorial

This DEP has been extensively rewritten and the changes are too numerous to list.

Section/Clause Change
3.8 The scope of this DEP has been changed to also include in (3.8)
the detail HFE requirements for valves which previously were
previously included in DEP
All Content has been rearranged and collated under three main
topics: general workspace design requirements, equipment
specific requirements and personal safety/work environment.
All An effort was made to reduce duplication of content that is
similar to content in other DEPs. Furthermore, prescriptive
requirements were validated against regulatory and industry
standards as well as scientific literature to ensure that they are
fit for purpose and assurable.
February 2017
Page 9


Comments on this DEP may be submitted to the Administrator using one of the following

Shell DEPs Online Enter the Shell DEPs Online system at
(Users with access to
Select a DEP and then go to the details screen for
Shell DEPs Online) that DEP.

Click on the “Give feedback” link, fill in the online

form and submit.

DEP Feedback System Enter comments directly in the DEP Feedback System
which is accessible from the Technical Standards
(Users with access to Portal
Shell Wide Web) Select “Submit DEP Feedback”, fill in the online form
and submit.

DEP Standard Form Use DEP Standard Form to record

feedback and email the form to the Administrator at
(other users)

Feedback that has been registered in the DEP Feedback System by using one of the above
options will be reviewed by the DEP Custodian for potential improvements to the DEP.


This DEP contains both the International System (SI) units, as well as the corresponding US
Customary (USC) units, which are given following the SI units in brackets. When agreed by
the Principal, the indicated USC values/units may be used.


Text shown in italic style in this DEP indicates text that is non-normative and is provided as
explanation or background information only.

Non-normative text is normally indented slightly to the right of the relevant DEP clause.
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The default anthropometric data that was used for specifying dimensional requirements
are that of the Northern European 5th percentile female and the 95th percentile male in
order to provide for a range of users.

The minimum dimensions for standing space, although based on static

anthropometrics, do allow to some degree for dynamic conditions as well as
accommodation of summer clothing and light PPE, but do not include allowances for
cold weather PPE or respiratory protection e.g.,self-contained breathing apparatus

All standing dimensions include a 25 mm (1 in) allowance for foot-wear.

Dimensions, where appropriate and depending on the source data, have been rounded
off to the nearest 10 mm (0.5 in).


2.2.1 Standing volume

1. Standing space shall be provided for operators or maintainers in accordance with the
minimum dimensions shown in Figure 1 and Table 1.

Figure 1 Minimum volume dimensions in a standing posture

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Table 1 Minimum volume dimensions in a standing posture

Parameter Minimum Dimensions

A Width 700 mm (28 in)
B Depth 700 mm (28 in)
C Height 2100 mm (84 in)

2. For the purposes of determining sizes of muster areas or individual standing room at
embarkation stations on offshore/marine facilities, the width and depth dimension in
Table 1 may be reduced to 610 mm (24 in).

2.2.2 Squatting/kneeling volume

1. Squatting/kneeling space shall be provided for operators or maintainers, having to

interface with equipment located at a height of 810 mm (32 in) or below, in accordance
with the minimum dimensions shown in Figure 2 and Table 2.

Figure 2 Minimum volume dimensions for a squatting/kneeling posture

Table 2 Minimum volume dimensions for a squatting/kneeling posture

Parameter Minimum Dimensions

A Width 900 mm (36 in)
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B Depth 900 mm (36 in)

C Height 1300 mm (51 in)

2.2.3 Supine, prone and crawling posture

1. Workspaces for supine, prone and crawling postures used for inspection purposes,
shall be designed as per the clearance requirements specified in Figure 3 and Table 3.

Figure 3 Minimum cross-sectional area for supine, prone and crawling posture

Table 3 Minimum cross-sectional area for supine, prone and crawling posture

Parameter Minimum Dimensions

A Height 900 mm (36 in)

B Width 700 mm (28 in)

2. The acceptability of the postures in Figure 3 and Table 3 and maximum travel distance
shall be subject to risk assessment outcomes and approval by the Principal.


2.3.1 Walkways

1. Walkway widths shall comply with the dimensions and applications shown in Table 4.

Table 4 Walkway widths

Application Minimum Dimension

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Walkways on packaged units or on vessel access 700 mm (28 in)

platform (e.g., columns and pressure vessels)
between the vessel piping or other obstruction and
guardrail (Onshore or offshore)
Walkways other than those designated as stretcher 900 mm (36 in)
accessible route, or connecting to stairs from any
location in or on a structure or building (Onshore or
Operating aisles and walkways designated as a 1200 mm (48 in)
stretcher accessible route, from any location in or on
a structure or building (Onshore or offshore)

2. Head clearance provided above the walking surface shall be a minimum of 2100 mm
(84 in) for the full length and width of all walkways, at the access point of an area and
around equipment and valves where operators pass.

3. Walkways shall be kept free of all obstructions and protrusions (e.g., valve stems,
piping steelwork).

2.3.2 Walking surfaces

1. Walking surfaces shall be as follows:

a. Flush (< 4 mm (¼ in) change in elevation) at all joints to eliminate tripping


b. Provide traction for safe passage of workers through the use of serrated grating,
standard finish concrete, paint or finishes with grit or slip resistance

2. Unless solid flooring is required (e.g., for containment), grating shall be used when the
presence of precipitation or wetting by operations or maintenance tasks is anticipated
and in all cases where there is the potential for accumulation of liquids or loose solids
that might increase the risk of slips and falls.

3. Checkered plate shall only be installed with the use of slip resistant enhancing coating
or finishing.

a. For requirements on surface coatings on walking surfaces, refer to Section 8.2 in


Checkered plate does not provide sufficient slip resistance and requires additional
surface treatment for improving the grip of footwear.

2.3.3 Elevated platforms

1. A permanent platform or standing surface shall be provided for all operational and non
turn-around maintenance tasks not within reach or view, but requiring the use of both
hands and unobstructed view.
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Personnel should not have to stand on surfaces that were not specifically designed
as a standing surface.

This will provide operators/maintainers with a stable standing surface that does
not require them to stand on stair treads or ladder rungs while performing work.

Structural steel members in the base frame are considered inappropriate as

standing surfaces.

Valve hand wheels greater than 120 mm (5 in) are considered to be a two-handed

2. A permanent platform shall be provided for maintenance access to manways or other

service openings and for temporary storage or lay down of blinds, vessel entry or for
handling and storage of consumable materials such as catalyst or desiccants when
4.0 m (13 ft) or more above grade.

This is measured to center of manway or to the height of the required standing

surface as appropriate.

3. Free standing pressure vessels or furnaces that are located in the same area should
have platforms and interconnecting walkways at the same elevation.

This requirement is to prevent the frequent requirement for personnel to change

elevations which is an additional personal safety risk and results in excessive
operational or maintenance time.

4. Platforms shall not be less than 760 mm (30 in) wide or the swing radius of a self-
closing safety gate plus 460 mm (18 in) and 900 mm (36 in) deep with the following

a. platforms which are used exclusively for standing (e.g., just to reach a valve) shall
be no less than 610 mm (24 in) wide and 750 mm (30 in) deep.

b. landing platforms used to access a vertical ladder shall be no less than the

i. 610 mm (24 in) wide (See dimension A in Figure 4)

ii. 750 mm (30 in) deep or equal to the depth of the cage (See dimension B in
Figure 4)
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Figure 4 Landing platforms used to access a vertical ladder

Landing at bottom of ladder Landing at side-entry type Landing at step- through

ladder type ladder


5. Walkways on elevated platforms for vessels/columns/towers/spheres shall provide a

minimum of 700 mm (28 in) clear access between any object (including insulation and
cladding) and the guardrail; see dimensions D and E in Figure 5 and Table 5.

6. Platform's standing surface shall not be more than 1.2 m (4 ft) below the centre of
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Figure 5 Vessel elevated platform access clearances

Table 5 Vessel elevated platform access clearances

Requirement Dimension
A Minimum clearance in front of manway 1200 mm (48 in)
Minimum clearance on manway cover 750 mm (30 in)
swing side
C Minimum clearance in front of ladder 800 mm (30 in)
Minimum access width for walkway on 700 mm (28 in)
elevated work platform

Additional clearances might be required based on results from mechanical

handling study or task requirements analysis on a case by case basis.
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2.4.1 General

1. Vertical access shall be provided whenever operators or maintainers must change

elevation by more than 300 mm (12 in).

2. Permanent means of access (e.g., stairs, ladder or ramps) should be chosen based on
the following factors:

a. criticality of equipment for safety i.e., HSSE Critical Equipment;

b. frequency of access;

c. the nature of the tasks (e.g., number of users, the need to apply high level of
force, tasks requiring fine manual skills, duration, set-up time, material handling
(both mechanical and manual));

d. the work environment;

e. hazards to worker health and safety;

f. emergency response.

3. Non-permanent means of access (e.g., portable ladders, scaffolding, mobile elevated

platforms, personnel lift) should be considered for items not meeting the criteria for
permanent means of access in (2.4.1, Item 2).

4. In the case of any inconsistency between DEP, DEP

Gen and this DEP, requirements in this DEP shall prevail.

Detail structural design requirements for stairs, vertical ladders and handrailing
are referenced in DEP for onshore and DEP, for
offshore as well as their Standard Drawings

2.4.2 Stairs

1. Except for stand-alone vessels or columns/towers not located in supporting structures,

stairs shall be provided for access to and egress from the following:

a. elevated platforms, walkways, and other elevated work areas where the
frequency of use is once per shift or more;

b. battery limit platforms;

c. for access to Category-1 valves (3.8.1).

2. Stair widths shall comply with Table 6.

Table 6 Stair widths

Location Minimum width (inside


Stairs other than those designated as stretcher 900 mm (36 in)1

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Location Minimum width (inside


accessible route, from a location in or on a building or

structure (Onshore or offshore)

Stairs designated as stretcher accessible route, from a 1200 mm (48 in)

location in or on a structure or building (Onshore or

NOTE 1: This width is the minimum width for an exit or escape route
where fewer than 50 people are expected to be present.

3. Head clearance above each tread of the stair shall be 2100 mm (84 in).

4. The angle of stair inclination shall be between 30° and 40° with the lower level.

5. Flare boom or sphere stairs shall not exceed an angle of inclination of 45° and do not
require intermediate landings when a fall arrester or safety device is provided.

a. Flare stair tread width shall be 700 mm (28 in) as a minimum.

6. Riser height and tread width (tread run or going) for the approved stair inclinations
(angles) shall be as per the minimum dimensions provided in Table 7.

Table 7 Minimum dimensions for rise/tread combinations

Angle to Riser height Tread depth (run/going)1

degrees mm inches mm inches
30 165 6.5 279 11
32 171 6.75 273 10.75
33 178 7 267 10.5
35 184 7.25 260 10.25
36 191 7.5 254 10
38 197 7.75 248 9.75
40 203 8 241 9.5
452 222 8.75 222 8.75
Note1: This is the effective tread depth i.e., not including any overlap
as per ISO 14122-3
Note 2: Applicable for flare boom and sphere stairs with the angle of
stairs measured at the centre of tread for spheres.
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7. Rise height and tread width shall be uniform throughout any flight of stairs, including
any foundation structure used as one or more treads of the stairs.

This means that riser heights and tread depths are not allowed to change within a
stair run.

8. Riser heights and tread depths should be uniform in design throughout the facility or

9. Stair landings shall be as wide as the stair to which they are attached and have a
depth equal to the width of the stair as a minimum.

10. The top tread shall be flush with the walking surface to which the stair is attached.

11. Coaming/containment at the top or bottom landings of stairs or fixed vertical ladders
shall not present a tripping hazard.

12. The leading edge of each stair tread shall be coloured with a strip at least 38 mm
(1.5 in) in width made with a slip-resistant material.

a. Where the stair treads or deck grating is yellow, the leading edge should be
painted a bright red.

b. The leading edge of the stair tread should be painted a bright red where the stair
is above a yellow painted surface like a hull column top, or alongside a yellow hull

c. Where the stair tread or deck is brown fibreglass, galvanized steel or painted
grey, the leading edge should be painted a bright yellow.

13. The surface of treads on exterior stairs shall be constructed of open steel grating or
fibreglass grating.

14. Flat plate or checkered plate shall be treated with slip-resistant material in locations
where snow, other precipitation or accumulation of solid materials are possible, that
will reduce the slip resistance of the surface.

Untreated flat plate or checkered plate do not provide sufficient slip resistance and
requires additional surface treatment for improving the grip of footwear

15. Checkered plate shall not be used as leading edge on stair treads without approved by
the Principal.

16. Where space is not available for stair or vertical ladder and the change in elevation is
less than 500 mm (<24) in for North American applications), individual steps,
comprised of tread surfaces only, should be attached directly to a structure (e.g.,
bulkhead) to change vertical elevations.

17. The maximum riser height for a single individual step should be 300 mm (12 in).

18. Spiral stairs shall only be permitted on tanks, spheres or round structures, excluding
the wave zone of hull columns, whose diameter is greater than 1500 mm (60 in), and
where a normal i.e., straight run stair design is structurally inappropriate.
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19. Spiral stairs should ascend in a clockwise direction to allow the stair handrail to be on
the right-hand side during descent when a single handrail is provided.

2.4.3 Vertical fixed ladders

1. The maximum height of a single run shall be 10 m (30 ft), i.e., without an intermediate
rest platform with the exception that:

a. where there are several runs, the height of a single ladder run between the
departure area and the nearest platform or between consecutive rest platforms
shall be no more than 6 m (20 ft).

2. First ladder rung shall be 300 mm (12 in) maximum / 100 mm (4 in) minimum from top
of grade or walking surface.

3. At landings, the step across distance from the centreline of the rung for step through
ladders and edge/stringer of a side step ladder (with safety cage) to the nearest edge
of equipment or structure shall be not more than 300 mm (12 in), or less than 65 mm
(2.5 in).

4. For ladders protruding through a platform, the following shall apply:

a. the hole shall be protected by a cage, open in the direction of the next ladder

b. the platform shall be extended with a walkway around the back of the cage (See
Figure 4 and Standard Drawings for ladders),

c. the minimum clear width on the walkway around the back of the cage shall be
700 mm (28 in). See Figure 5 and Table 5 dimension D.

5. For ladders without a safety cage, the distance from edge of side step ladder to
platform shall not exceed 75 mm (3 in).

6. Ladders shall be located so the maximum distance from the edge of the ladder to any
object that has to be reached for operations or physical inspection purposes, does not
exceed 460 mm (18 in).

Working from ladder is only permitted where three point contact with the
ladder is maintained. Work therefore must be limited, as a maximum, to using
one hand and a light work tool.

7. Ladders should be oriented to face the structure or vessel while climbing.

8. Step-through ladders shall be subject to the approval of the Principal.

Side step orientation at the top of vertical ladders is preferred due to the increased
climber safety that it provides when transitioning from or onto the ladder at

9. Ladder shall not interfere with the movement or removal of any item or cover, including
the swing of manways.

10. Inclined ladders shall be subject to the approval of the Principal

February 2017
Page 21

11. Ladders on elevated platforms, located 1500 mm or less from the guard railing, as
measured from the ladder centerline, (4 ft) or less for USA, shall meet one of the

a. extend the railing to a height of no less than 700 mm (28 in) below the cage (for
regions other than the USA), for a distance of no less than 1500 mm (60 in) on
either  side of the ladder centrerline (See standard drawings);

b. extend the straps from the cage to the guard railing (for USA applications).

This is to provide fall protection for a fall to a lower level.

Refer to DEP, for application on offshore pedestal-mounted


2.4.4 Ramps and sloped walkways

1. Ramps should be used for changing from one walking or working surface to another
when the following conditions exist:

a. When the change in vertical elevation is less than 610 mm (24 in),

b. When it is necessary to move people, and vehicles, and/or materials via a single
technique rather than through individual vehicle/material ramps and personnel

c. When a ramp would allow more efficient personnel egress along an emergency
access/egress route, as long as the angle of inclination is 7° or less.

d. When a person is hand-carrying bulky loads or loads in excess of 13.6 kg (30 lb).

2. Depending on the ramps/sloped walkway intended usage, the inclines in Table 8 shall

Table 8 Ramp and sloped walkway inclines

Ramp use Incline in degrees

Pedestrian Traffic without

8° (Preferred) – 15° (Maximum)
Materials Handling

Pedestrian Traffic with

4° (Preferred) – 7° (Maximum)
Materials Handling
3. Ramps used for movement of all manual or self-propelled material-handling carriers or
vehicular movement shall provide a minimum clear width of 610 mm (24 in) on each
side of the carrier or vehicle.

4. Pedestrian ramps in excess of 4° angle of inclination shall have slip-resistant surfaces.

5. Ramps in excess of 10° of inclination shall have cross-cleats as follows:

a. maximum spacing 410 mm (16 in);

b. extending the full width of the ramp at right angles to the direction of travel.
February 2017
Page 22

c. at right angles to the direction of travel.



1. Where multiple similar units, equipment or instruments/controls will be installed in one

location or on a panel, the orientation and layout shall be similar and not mirrored.

2. The design of the arrangement and size of physical workspaces shall take account of
the following:

a. the number of personnel required to perform the task;

b. the ambient work environment (temperature, noise, vibration, lighting, very toxic

c. the actions (physical movements and application of force) to be undertaken;

d. the postures that operators will be required to assume;

e. confining the manipulation or use of equipment, required tools and internals to

inside the guardrail.

3. Items or components requiring visual monitoring/inspection for operation, shall be

visible from an approachable or safe operator position, i.e., on an adjacent walkway,
access platform or internal walkway on skid, or in space around equipment that is
intended for human access.

4. Items or components requiring physical access for operation, shall be accessible from
an approachable or safe operator position, i.e., on an adjacent walkway, access
platform or internal walkway on skid, or in space around equipment that is intended for
human access.

5. Items or components that require routine inspection, planned maintenance or repair

shall not require disconnection of piping and cabling or removal of additional or non-
failed equipment.

This refers to the minimization of maintenance activities for improved availability

of equipment, e.g., not being required to remove a non-failed piece of equipment
such as the motor/driver on a pump package in order to perform maintenance on
the pump.

6. Space for the tools and largest removable component shall be provided around
equipment (e.g., compressors, pumps, motors, heat exchanger bundles, valves, filters)
for lay down during maintenance activities.

7. Laydown space provided for maintenance shall be kept clear of all piping, cable trays,
panels, instrument stands and any other obstructions.

8. Equipment or components requiring mechanical assistance for removal should be

located so that they will not prevent access to other more frequently accessed items.
February 2017
Page 23

9. Fragile items that could be damaged in the process of gaining access to other
equipment or maintenance activities shall be protected.

10. Check points, adjustment points, test points, and labels shall be accessible and visible
during maintenance.

11. Space shall be provided for the use of test equipment and other required tools without
difficulty or hazard per the requirements contained in this specification.

12. Equipment layout should be prioritized for accessibility in the following order:

a. safety critical equipment;

b. process critical, i.e., items most critical to system operation;

c. items which require rapid maintenance;

d. all other items.

13. Pull or removal spaces provided for maintenance or repair of valves and other
equipment (e.g., areas needed for the pulling of tube bundles from heat exchangers or
condensers) shall be kept clear of all piping, cable trays, panels, and any other

14. The pull or removal space shall provide room for the personnel performing the tasks,
tools required, assisted lifting or support equipment, and transport devices (if used) to
move the item from the area.

15. Railings restricting pull spaces shall be removable.


1. The design of manways and other access/egress openings shall incorporate the
following in their design and positioning:

a. Allow for the protective equipment (i.e., PPE, RPE, weather resistant clothing)
that the operator will be required to wear under normal and emergency operating

b. The carriage of tools, equipment and materials.

c. Anthropometrics of the personnel population.

d. Emergency rescue requirements.

e. Whether entry will be horizontal or vertical.

2. Clearances around manways on vessel access platforms shall be per Figure 5 and
Table 5.

3. Circular manways or vessel skirt openings, requiring full body access on pressure
vessels/columns/reactors, shall have a minimum inside or clear diameter of DN 600
(NPS 24).

4. If top entry is required on vertical or horizontal vessels, then minimum size of the
manway shall be DN 750 (NPS 30) to accommodate ladders.
February 2017
Page 24

5. When determining the appropriate manway size, the Contractor shall make allowance
for pertinent task requirements such as installing/removal of vessel internals, safety
and emergency egress requirements, and clothing including PPE and RPE.

6. Vessel/column tray access openings (requiring full body access) shall have a minimum
diameter of 610 mm (24 in) if circular or as per Table 9.

7. Dimensions for an opening requiring full body access other than manways on pressure
vessels/columns/reactors, shall be per Figure 6 and Table 9.

Figure 6 Dimension for rectangular openings in horizontal and vertical orientations


February 2017
Page 25

Table 9 Minimum dimensions for rectangular and square openings in horizontal

and vertical location/orientations

Hatch Rectangle Square

Horizontal Surface (Top A (Depth) 360 mm 580 mm
or bottom access) (14 in) (23 in)
B (Width) 560 mm
(22 in)
Vertical Surface (Side C (Height) 810 mm 660 mm
access) (32 in) (26 in)
D (Width) 460 mm
(18 in)
E (Height) 410 mm
(16 in)
F (Width) 610 mm
(24 in)


1. Adequate space based on the minimum volumes (2.2) for standing, or

squatting/kneeling positions shall be provided around pump and compressor seals,
couplings, bearings and stuffing boxes for removal and replacement activities.

2. Guards shall be provided around all exposed rotating equipment, as well as other
moving or potentially hazardous points of contact (e.g., hot or cold surfaces, exposed
electrical wiring, and crushing points).

a. Removal of guards shall not be possible without special tools.

In this context, special tools are those that would not typically be found in a
toolkit used by craft personnel in an industrial setting

b. Quick fasteners shall not be used.

3. Guards shall be accessible from at least two sides (i.e., a guard over a rotating shaft
accessible from either side of the shaft).


1. Adequate space shall be provided for heat exchanger tube bundle pulling activities,
including space for the following:

a. bundle pull space;

b. walkway/lay down area accessibility;

February 2017
Page 26

c. personnel performing the tasks;

d. tools required;

e. lifting or support equipment;

f. transport devices (if used) to move the item from the area.


1. Roof manways, equipment and instruments on top of vertical storage tanks (above
ground), requiring personnel access, should be located along the perimeter of the tank
and be accessible from an elevated platform (permanent, mobile or scaffolding) (2.3.3)
with appropriate guard rails, and stairs or ladders.

This is to alleviate the need for walking on top of these tanks.


1. Indicating instruments and displays (including level gauges), shall be located and
designed so that they can be read to the degree of accuracy required by personnel in
the normal operating or servicing positions without requiring the operator to assume
an unsafe position.

2. Controls associated with a specific display shall be located directly below that display.

This is to ensure that neither the control itself nor the hand normally used for
operating the control, blocks the view of the display or visual alarm.

3. Controls (e.g., switches, push buttons, touch panels, keyboards) and displays (e.g.,
indicating instruments, touch panels) mounted vertically, either individually or grouped
on flat vertical surfaces, for use by operators or maintainers shall be located as
specified in Figure 7 and Table 10.
February 2017
Page 27

Figure 7 Control and display mounting heights

P01 P02 P03


B01 B02 B03

Main Panel


G01 G02 G03

C01 C02 C03

Gra de/ Deck Level


Table 10 Control and display mounting heights

Fig 7 Requirement Dimensions

A Maximum height (measured to the top of the highest control 1800 mm

or display)1 (72 in)
B Minimum height (measured to the bottom of the lowest 460 mm
control or display)1 (18 in)
C Minimum depth or clearance in front of 700 mm (28 in)
panel/console/cabinet façade for standing posture
D Minimum depth or clearance in front of 900 mm (36 in)
panel/console/cabinet façade for kneeling /squatting posture
Minimum depth in front of electrical equipment
Note 1: All height dimensions are measured from the finished floor level or standing

4. The minimum depth or clearance in front of an indicating instrument or

panel/console/cabinet façade, where work or interactions require the operator to squat
or kneel down to a lower level (i.e., below 810 mm (32 in)) shall be 900 mm (36 in).
February 2017
Page 28

5. Irrespective of the minimum location and accessibility level provided in Appendix C of

DEP, accessibility shall be addressed during the 3D model reviews
and optimized for the user’s anticipated work location.

In the context of this DEP and Appendix C of DEP, the physical
location and accessibility of instruments for measurement and control is
considered permanently accessible, if it is located as per Table 10 above grade, on
a permanent platform or walkway and not more than 460 mm (18 in) horizontally
away from the operator or maintainer’s body.

It might, for example, be feasible to relocate the piping take-off point during the
engineering stage so as to change the accessibility level of a pressure transmitter
from ‘limited’ to ‘permanent’ at no additional cost, or locating the thermowell so
that it is accessible from the platform.

6. All monitored instruments required on elevated piping or non-accessible vessel

components shall be tubed to the appropriate operational level or alternatively located
on permanent access platforms.

7. The viewing (reading) distance from the operator’s eye to the face of the display or
indicating instrument shall be based on the height of the letters, characters or
markings on the display, not subtending less than 16 minutes (′) of arc at the
operator’s eye.

8. No display shall require the removal of a cover (for example, sheathing, deck plate) or
any other component to be visible, unless the display is utilized for maintenance and a
clearly marked quick access door is provided.

a. The quick access door used should be of transparent material.

Quick access infers not requiring the use of tools to open and close.

9. Heavy instruments (in excess of 23 kg (50 lbs)) such as inline flow meters of DN 100
(NPS 4) and larger, and all positive displacement meters and turbine meters, shall be
accessible by one of the following in order of preference:

a. mobile hoisting equipment (preferred);

b. permanent-hoisting facilities.

10. Instruments and their impulse lines shall be surrounded by sufficient free space to
allow rodding-out of process connections and the removal of components such as the

a. bolts, nuts and gaskets;

b. covers and enclosures;

c. orifice plates from the orifice flanges;

d. removable parts from in-line flow meters or radar level instruments;

e. internals from the control valve;

February 2017
Page 29

f. displacers from their chambers;

g. thermometer elements from the thermowells;

h. ultrasonic acoustical transducers;

i. special requirements for safe handling of very toxic substances, as dictated by

the relevant piping class.

11. Indicating instruments such as dial thermometers and pressure gauges that are
attached directly to a pipe shall be mounted so they are read upright.

12. Gauges and displays associated with frequently monitored systems (i.e. > once per
week) shall be located outside acoustic enclosures.

13. Instrument and electrical enclosures mounted inside the guardrail shall not interfere
with access/egress.

14. Characters on analogue instruments/gauges shall be black on a white background.


1. The routing of pipe work shall not inhibit safe and rapid egress (i.e., impinge on
required unobstructed widths of walkway) from structures or buildings.

2. The minimum distance between pipe flange (without insulation) and any equipment,
columns or building wall shall be at least 75 mm (3 in.).

a. For minimum distances between pipes refer to DEP,

Section 3.8.

3. The minimum distance for flanges (without insulation) in DN 150 (NPS 6) ASME Class
300 pipe and larger, other than in pipe racks, shall be 150 mm (6 in) (See dimension A
in Figure 8).

4. For pipe line size DN 300 (NPS 12) and above, a minimum of 460 mm (18 in) shall be
provided as standing room on the opposite side of the line between flanges and any
obstruction such as equipment or guard rail where the flange joint is meant for
operations (e.g., vessel or equipment isolation) or maintenance (e.g., removal of
valves). See dimension A in Figure 8.
February 2017
Page 30

Figure 8 Flange clearance

Structure / Equipment / Pipe / Cables

Structure / Equipment / Pipe / Cables


Grade / Floor / Deck Grade / Floor / Deck

5. The space for bolt removal between a flange and any obstruction (e.g., toe plate,
instrument nozzle, another flange) where the flange joint is meant for operations
(e.g., vessel entry or equipment isolation) or maintenance (e.g., removal of valves
or spool pieces) shall be a minimum of the length of the bolt plus 25 mm (1 in.).
See dimension A in Figure 9.

Figure 9 Flange clearance

Floor / Deck

6. The distance between the insulation of a low-temperature pipe and any other object
shall be at least 100 mm (4 in) to allow for ice build-up.
February 2017
Page 31

7. The distance between a flange and any obstruction shall allow for the removal or
turning of a blind, if present.

8. There shall be a minimum vertical clearance of 230 mm (9 in) between low point drain
closure flange and soil, grade or platform.

9. Locations known to have accumulation of snow and ice in excess of 75 mm (3 in)

below a low point drain shall make allowance for this when determining pipe and
flange clearances.

Snow and ice conditions expected or experienced in excess of 75 mm (3  in) will lead
to the requirement of additional clearances over and above the minimum vertical
clearance of 230  mm (9  in).

10. On battery limit platforms when elevated, drain lines should be hard piped up to the
location of the isolation valves on the platform.

a. There should be an adequate number of drain hubs on the platform so that

temporary lines do not congest the area causing tripping hazards and to
accommodate the volume needed for draining without a spill.

b. The drain hubs on the battery limit platform should be visible and readily
accessible to prevent spills.


3.8.1 Valve location

1. Valves shall be located, based on a Valve Criticality Analysis (VCA), provided to the
Contractor by the Principal.

This study (VCA) is conducted by the Principal to categorize valves based on their
criticality to normal and emergency operations as well as frequency of use. This
study is done not only to keep risks to health and safety, including risk of human
error, as low as reasonably practical but also to ensure that space for physical
access and other design requirements can be integrated into detail design as early
as possible.

Contractors are expected to be pro-active and engage with the Principal on valve
criticality and access requirements to ensure that these requirements are fit-for-
purpose and to prevent late design changes.

2. Permanent accessibility shall be provided for Category 1 (C-1) valves as per the VCA
in the following order of preference:

a. at deck or ground level;

b. by stairs to a permanent standing elevated surface or platform.

3. The minimum accessibility criteria for Category 2 (C-2) valves as per the VCA, shall be
a vertical fixed ladder plus a standing surface.
February 2017
Page 32

4. The use of auxiliary equipment to gain access (e.g., mobile platforms or scaffolding) to
Category 3 (C-3) valves as per the VCA, shall be indicated and the volume reserved in
the design.

Permanent accessibility to and visibility of Category 3 (C-3) valves is desirable but

not essential. No specific location requirements are imposed.

5. Emergency shutdown (ESD) valves shall be accessible from grade or on a platform

accessible by stairs.

6. No valves shall be located directly under a platform grating where it is necessary to

remove the grating to operate the valve.

7. Platforms which provide valve access shall be designed with all valve hand wheels
located within the guardrails.

8. Where safety valves have an associated isolation valve, these isolation and relief
valves shall be grouped together on a common platform accessible by stairs for
inspection and servicing.

9. Valves fitted with manual or powered actuators shall be furnished with a visible
indicator to show the open and closed position of the valve.

10. Valves equipped with valve position indicators shall be installed so that the indicator’s
status is directly visible from a normal vantage point (e.g., adjacent to walkway) when
opening or closing the valve.

11. For valves fitted for remote control, an independent indicator showing whether the
valve is open or closed shall be provided on or adjacent to the control, that is visible
from the operator’s normal standing position.

12. On quarter turn valves, the lever and the position indicator (when applicable) shall be
in line with the pipeline when the valve is open and transverse when the valve is

13. The design of the valve shall be such that the component(s) of the indicator and of the
lever cannot be assembled to falsely indicate the valve position.

14. Valves with levers shall be depicted or modelled in the closed position on detail
drawings or in the 3D model.

This enables verification during drawing and 3D model reviews that the lever
handles will not protrude into walkways when the valve is in the closed position.

15. Valves without position stops shall provide a means of verifying open and closed
alignment with the operator/actuator removed.

16. Drain valves shall be located outside vessel skirts.

February 2017
Page 33

3.8.2 Valve access General

1. Valves shall be accessed from an approachable or safe operator position, i.e., on an

adjacent walkway, access platform or internal walkway on skid, or in space around
equipment that is intended for human access.

2. Valves should not be accessed by standing on, or with the aid of, adjacent pipe-work,
insulation, pipe-racks, cable tray, railing or any other equipment or object.

The minimum distance between any obstruction and handwheel/valve stem

stipulated in Figure 11 through Figure 13 is for valve operation only and does not
include workspace needed for maintenance.

3. When assessing clearance envelopes for operation, valve stems shall be checked in
both their closed and open position.

This is to ensure that valve stems do not create a potential obstruction hazard to
operators by protruding into an escape route or walkway.

4. A minimum of 75 mm (3 in) clearance shall be provided between the outside rim of a
valve hand wheel or handle section of a valve lever (see dimension A in Figure 10)
and any obstacle located within the field of travel of the hand wheel or handle.

a. For valves installed in cold weather environments, the minimum clearance

provided should be increased to 125 mm (5 in) (See dimension A in Figure 10).

Figure 10 Minimum hand clearance around valve lever

5. The maximum reach distance to a valve handwheel or lever shall not exceed 460 mm
(18 in) (See dimension (C) in Figure 11, Figure 12 and Figure 13).
February 2017
Page 34

6. A minimum of 700 mm (28 in) clearance shall be provided from the front of the valve
handwheel to any obstructions where a person is standing while operating the valve
(See dimension (D) in Figure 11, Figure 12 and Figure 13). Mounting heights

Contractors are directed to consult with the project / regional HFE TA for input on
appropriate regional adjustments for maximum mounting heights.

1. Valves with handwheels shall be located within the height range above the grade,
walkway or platform access as specified in Figure 11 and Table 11, and in Figure 12
and Table 12, as applicable.

Figure 11 Mounting heights for handwheel operated valves with vertical stems
February 2017
Page 35

Table 11 Mounting heights and clearances distances for handwheel operated valves
with vertical stems

Requirement Dimension
A Maximum Height1,2 1300 mm (51 in)
B Minimum Height 150 mm (6 in)
C Maximum horizontal reach distance 460 mm (18 in)
D Minimum clearance in front of valve for operation 700 mm (28 in)
1. From standing surface level up to top of hand wheel surface
2. In the case of rising stem valve, height is to the maximum extension of valve stem.
3. From front of shoulder to centre vertical axis of valve stem
4. From outer rim of hand wheel to closest obstruction behind standing operator

Figure 12 Mounting heights for handwheel operated valves with horizontal stems
February 2017
Page 36

Table 12 Mounting heights and clearances distances for handwheel operated valves
with horizontal stems

Requirement Dimension
A Maximum Height1,2 1800 mm (72 in)
B Minimum Height 230 mm (9 in)
C Maximum horizontal reach distance 460 mm (18 in)
D Minimum clearance in front of valve for 700 mm (28 in)
1. From standing surface level up to centre horizontal axis of handwheel
2. For gear-operated valves with a hand wheel provided with a spinner handle, maximum height is
measured to the top edge of the hand wheel furthest from the operator.
3. From front of shoulder to front of valve handweel with operator in a neutral standing posture. For
gear-operated valves with a hand wheel provided with a spinner handle, maximum horizontal reach
distance is measured to the edge of the hand wheel furthest from the operator.
4. From handwheel to closest obstruction behind standing operator

2. For valves located below 810 mm (32 in), minimum clearance (D) of at least 900 mm
(36 in) should be provided in front of the valve to accommodate a squatting posture.

3. Vertical stem valves operated with levers shall be located per Figure 13 and Table 13.

4. Horizontal stem valves, operated with levers, shall be located per Figures 14 and
Figure 15 and Table 14.
February 2017
Page 37

Figure 13 Mounting heights for lever-operated valves with vertical stems

Table 13 Height of valve lever end above grade/deck for vertical stem valve

Requirement Dimension
A Maximum Height1 1300 mm (51 in)
B Minimum Height1 150 mm (6 in)
C Maximum horizontal reach distance2 460 mm (18 in)
D Minimum clearance in front of valve for operation 3 700 mm (28 in)
E Minimum hand clearance around valve lever handle 75 mm (3 in)
1. From standing surface level to top of valve lever
2. From front of shoulder to handle section of valve lever with operator in a neutral standing posture.
3. From lever end ( valve in closed position) to closest obstruction behind standing operator.
February 2017
Page 38

Figure 14 Mounting heights for lever-operated valves with horizontal stems (front)
February 2017
Page 39

Figure 15 Mounting heights for lever-operated valves with horizontal stems (side)

Table 14 Height of valve lever end above grade/deck for horizontal stem valve

Requirement Dimension
A Maximum Height1 1800 mm (72 in)
B Minimum Height2 150 mm (6 in)
C Minimum clearance around handle 75 mm (3 in)
section of valve lever throughout swing
1. From standing surface level to top of valve lever swing
2. From standing surface level to centre horizontal axis of valve or
bottom of lever
February 2017
Page 40

3.8.3 Valve operator/actuator Maximum cracking force

Human operators are not able to safely and reliably exert the specified maximum forces
(cracking or sustained) outside the mounting height ranges depicted in Figures 11
through 13.

These maximum cracking force limits and the sustained force limits in (, might
not apply to all populations worldwide and should be validated and amended by a
regional HFE TA as appropriate

1. The maximum force required to initially crack open a valve with a handwheel of more
than 125 mm (5 in) in diameter or lever of more than 125 mm (5 in) length shall not
exceed 445 N (100 lbf), as measured on the rim of the handwheel or the end of the
lever or wrench.

2. For handwheels between 50 mm (2 in) and 125 mm (5 in) in diameter or levers
between 50 mm (2 in) and 125 mm (5 in) length (i.e., intended for one-handed
operation) the maximum force required to initially crack open a valve shall not exceed
66 N (15 lbf), as measured on the rim of the handwheel or end of lever or wrench.

3. Valves should be selected and located so as not to require portable extensions for
access or leverage.

4. Engineered valve wrenches should only be used if the wrench has been specifically
designed for the valve to be operated. Sustained force

1. The sustained force to operate a hand wheel or lever (i.e., once the valve has been
cracked) shall not exceed 147 N (33 lbf) for valves with hand wheels above 125 mm
(5 in) in diameter or levers above 125 mm (5 in) in length. Number of rotations

1. Any valve that requires more than 100 turns to go from fully open to fully closed should
be equipped with one of the following, depending upon the additional considerations in
( and (

a. motorized actuator (hydraulic, electric or pneumatic);

b. mobile operators.

2. Spinner handles shall not be used in either of the following cases:

a. If the projecting handle is vulnerable to inadvertent movement from a critical

wheel setting;

b. If the rapid rotation creates a safety hazard.

Spinner handles are used when a valve needs to be rotated rapidly through several
February 2017
Page 41 Additional considerations for selecting MOVs or mobile operators/actuators

1. The following factors should be considered when selecting the type of


a. type of service (e.g., crude, steam);

b. type of valve (e.g., gate, globe);

c. remoteness of valve (considering travel time);

d. available staffing;

e. valve size;

f. access available;

g. operating environment (e.g., hazardous area or during upset condition);

h. extreme climate (heat or cold);

i. unreliability of infrequently used MOVs;

Typically MOVs are unreliable if not used on a regular basis.

j. number of valves to be operated by same operator or group of operators (e.g.,

blending valves, switching reactors etc.), considering workload and potential time
constraints. Gear operators

1. A valve shall be provided with a gear operated handwheel if it requires forces greater
than those stated in ( and (, or more rotations than required in (
unless one of the following apply:

a. the valve is a MOV;

b. the valve is provided with a mobile operator/actuator or any type of operator to

assist the user.

Table 15 gives examples of valves that will usually fall into the category of
those requiring gear actuators.

Table 15 Examples of valves requiring gear operators (if not MOVs or otherwise
assisted) - Informative

ASME Valve Type

Gate Globe Ball Butterfly

150 DN 350 (NPS 14) DN 250 (NPS 10) DN 150 (NPS 6) and DN 200 (NPS 8) and
and larger and larger larger larger

300 DN 300 (NPS 12) DN 200 (NPS 8) and DN 100 (NPS 4) and DN 200 (NPS 8) and
and larger larger larger larger
February 2017
Page 42

600 DN 200 (NPS 8) DN 150 (NPS 6) and DN 100 (NPS 4) and

and larger larger larger

900 DN 150 (NPS 6) DN 100 (NPS 4) and DN 80 (NPS 3) and

and larger larger larger

1500 DN 100 (NPS 4) DN 80 (NPS 3) and DN 80 (NPS 3) and

and larger larger larger

2500 DN 80 (NPS 3) and DN 80 (NPS 3) and DN 80 (NPS 3) and
larger larger larger

The examples in Table 15 are for guidance purposes, valve torques can vary
for different manufacturers.

2. Gear operators shall be sized for the actual valve torque provided by the valve

Some Manufacturer/Suppliers provide gear operators with their standard offer.

This requirement is to ensure the appropriate selection of gear operators based on
the maximum and sustained force requirements provided in ( and ( Chain operators

1. Chain-operated valves shall not be used. Remote valve operators

1. Remote valve operators (RVO) or mechanical extenders (rather than chain operators)
should be used for the following:

a. to operate valves that cannot be located within the reach limit distances in

b. where permanent access platforms will restrict maintenance access to specific


c. where direct actuation would expose the operator to hazards, e.g., confined
space, below water or where noxious fugitive emissions may be present. Mobile/portable operators

1. Mobile/portable operators (e.g., air drill or nut runner) should be used for gear
operated or other valves requiring a large number (> 100) of turns, where the following
additional requirements are met:

a. Mobile/portable operator is matched with valve type to ensure no damage to the

valve during operation.

b. Mounting point is accessible from a suitable (preferably permanent) standing

surface with a stop or bracing point to absorb the reaction torque of the mobile
February 2017
Page 43

c. A torque reaction bar and/or a suitable mounting bracket is used at all times, to
protect the operator of the mobile/portable operator.

d. Size, weight and portability of mobile/portable operators comply with the HFE
requirements for manual handling (4.1).

2. Appropriate standing space as defined in (2.2.1) shall be provided in front of each

valve operated via a mobile/portable operator. Manual valves

1. Manual valves shall be operated by means of a circular handwheel or lever.

2. Handwheels and levers on all valves shall conform to the operational stereotype of
requiring to be turned in an anticlockwise direction for opening and a clockwise
direction for closing.

3. Valve handwheels should not be larger than 460 mm (18 in) in diameter.

Larger hand wheels might apply more torque, but due to their size, make less
efficient use of the human strength and require more space to operate.

4. Hand wheels shall be designed with one or more of the following to facilitate the
operator's grip for applying maximum torque:

a. knurling;

b. indentation;

c. high-friction covering.

5. The minimum length of the handle section of a valve lever shall be 125 mm (5 in) (See
dimension B in Figure 10).

6. The maximum length of valve levers shall be as long as necessary to produce the
necessary torque to crack open and turn the valve, but without exceeding the
maximum cracking force (

Handle lengths normally range from 125  mm (5  in) to 900  mm (36  in) in length.

7. Valve lever handles may be of any shape (circular is preferred) subject to the

a. The final 125 mm (5 in) of the length of valve lever handles should be circular for

b. The grasping surface of valve lever handles should be between 13 mm (0.5 in)
and 25 mm (1 in) in diameter.

c. The grasping surface of valve lever handles should have a non-slip surface.


1. Manual sample points for volatile or very toxic substances shall be close coupled (i.e.,
short take-off pipe) to the process.
February 2017
Page 44

2. Manual sample points for volatile or very toxic substances shall be located such that
they are accessible from grade.

a. If manual sample points for volatile or very toxic materials are not accessible from
grade due to process needs, permanent access by stair shall be provided.

3. Sample cabinets, when used, shall shield the operator from contact with the material
being sampled.

a. A 25 mm (1 in) hole at the top of the cabinet door with plug shall be provided to
allow the interior air to be gas tested prior to opening cabinet door.

4. The cabinet door shall be provided with a vision/viewing panel to see sample
bottles/bombs being filled.

a. The vision/viewing panel should be a plexi-glass type material.

5. The sample cabinet shall be opened without requiring any tools or the removal of any
securing fasteners or other devices.

6. The top of the sampling cabinet shall be no higher than 1800 mm (72 in) and the
bottom no lower than 810 mm (32 in).

7. Sample cabinets shall be heated as required by the process and testing methods and
depending on ambient environmental conditions (e.g., cold weather).

8. Volatile or very toxic substances shall be prevented from escaping into the local
atmosphere by a venturi device and vented to a safe location.

9. All connections for gas cylinders/bombs shall be located inside a sample cabinet.

10. Connections for liquid lines may be located outside of a sample cabinet.

11. Connections for liquid lines shall be close coupled in climates subject to freezing.

12. The last sampling valve at the sampling point shall be located outside of a sample
cabinet and located where the operator can visually observe the sample being

13. The minimum standing space (2.2.1) shall be provided around sampling points to allow
operator to perform sampling tasks while using appropriate personal protective
equipment such as gloves and respirators.

14. The sample bottles/bombs shall be secured in place when located inside a cabinet
during sampling.

15. Lighting should be provided inside the sample cabinet.

16. A minimum clearance of 75 mm (3 in) shall be provided around the circumference of

the sampling cylinder/bomb when connected to allow adequate room to grip the
cylinder/bomb while wearing gloves.


1. Configuration of equipment containing mechanical items requiring lubrication shall

permit both lubrication and checking of lubricant levels without disassembly.
February 2017
Page 45

2. All lubricant fittings, except permanently lubricated items for which lubricant lasts for
the life of the items, shall be directly accessible.

3. Lubricant fittings, except permanently lubricated items for which lubricant lasts for the
life of the items, may use tubing to connect the fitting to its lubricated source.

4. All lubrication storage or service tanks shall be labelled to identify the type of lubricant
and the capacity of the tank.

a. The label shall be visible from the filling position.

5. Where incorrect filling of a lubrication tank is possible (e.g., a lube oil tank could
mistakenly be filled with fuel oil), the tanks shall be designed in such a manner as to
make it physically impossible for a person to put the wrong material in the wrong tank.


1. Vertical filters/strainers and other vessels containing filter elements that must be
removed and replaced shall provide a horizontal clearance around the filter of at least
700 mm (28 in) if the diameter of the filter or vessel is 460 mm (18 in) or larger.

2. The top of the filter/strainer (i.e., the point where the filter lid and body are joined and
which the filter element must clear when being removed) shall be between 960 mm
(38 in) and 1020 mm (40 in) above the operator’s standing surface.



4.1.1 General

The recommended weight limit assumes a single lift per 8 hours and optimum hand
location, lift height, lift travel distance, and body position.

For any repetitive type lifting or non-optimal body positioning, lift height, or distance,
and other relevant handling factors will reduce the recommended maximal weights
prescribed here.

Contractors are directed to the project / regional HFE TA for specific guidance on
preferred lifting arrangements (i.e., lifting height, reach to load, carrying posture),
weights and load considerations (i.e., shape). This is also applicable where the
anthropometric data associated with the local population deviates significantly from
that associated with Northern European populations.

Provisions made for mobile hoisting equipment access (fixed or mobile) are subject to
suitable material handling studies. Contractors are directed to the project / regional
HFE TA for input to appropriate materials handling studies to understand the task
requirements and human factors issues associated with particular lifting arrangements,
weight and load shape/size.
February 2017
Page 46

4.1.2 Weights and lifting

1. The maximum weight to be manually lifted by one person shall be 23 kg (50 lbs).

Lifts requiring more than one person should be subject to a material handling study

2. Items requiring manual handling should be provided with a minimum of two handles
suitable for grasping, handling, and carrying, with the following exception:

a. Items weighing less than 4.5 kg (10 lb), whose form permits them to be handled

3. All loads that require manual handling shall be appropriately labelled to identify their
weight, any specific lifting or handling requirements and an indication of the
appropriate lifting points.

4. Lifting eyes shall be provided on all equipment to be lifted by mechanical lifting aids,
subject to the following:

a. Lifting eyes shall have a minimum of 100 mm (4 in) of clear space around the

b. In the case of removable pipe spools or equipment that can be safely handled
with straps/chains, no lifting eyes are required.


1. A self-closing safety gate shall be installed at the top of each ladder.

2. Safety gates shall open/close in the horizontal direction, be self-closing double bar
type and cover the full width of the opening between the ladder stringers.

3. The top bar of the safety gate shall be at the same height as the top rail of the

4. Safety gates shall be able to resist the weight of a 91 kg (200 lb) person in both the
vertical and horizontal direction.

5. The safety gate shall open away from the person climbing up the ladder.

6. A single metal bar that opens vertically or chains, wire rope, or other non-rigid barriers,
shall not be used.

7. Safety gates and associated toe plates shall be visually distinct from their

a. Safety gates should be yellow in colour and incorporate any required signage and
markings as dictated by local operating requirements.


1. All vertical fixed ladders used to travel between two adjacent standing surfaces with a
vertical separation exceeding 3 m (10 ft) shall be equipped with a safety cage.

Although a fall arrester/ladder safety device is able to arrest a fall, whereas a

safety cage might not do so in all cases, the cage will also be a requirement,
February 2017
Page 47

because it is generally required by regulatory code and it is a fall protection device

which is always present i.e., the actual safety function is independent of the
operator's actions (ISO 14122-4).

2. A fall arrester (ladder safety device) shall be provided on all fixed vertical ladders used
to travel between two adjacent standing surfaces with a vertical separation exceeding
6.1 m (20 ft), or where a climber could fall overboard onto equipment or other decks.

Safety cages are commonly considered a fall protection device but when used
alone cannot be considered a fall arrester or ladder safety devices.

3. Ladders used exclusively for emergency egress, from elevated platforms, upper
decks, building tops, to operating level, decks and areas above the splash zone, do
not require the inclusion of a fall arrester/ladder safety system but shall have the

a. Cage protection

b. Identification by means of a sign with the following characteristics:

i. red lettering on a white background;

ii. placed on or next to the top and bottom of the ladder;

iii. sign stating “Emergency Escape Ladder”.

c. comply with (4.4) of this Specification.

4. Fall arrester/ladder safety devices should be made of cable, but stainless steel flat bar
rails are acceptable.

5. For step-through ladders, the fall arrester/ladder safety device shall be fitted on the
side of the rungs, rather than the centreline, to allow passage through the ladder

6. Fall arrester/ladder safety device shall run continuously, beginning 900 mm (36 in)
above the standing surface at the bottom of the vertical ladder, up to 1370 mm (54 in)
above the surface of the upper landing.


1. In elevated areas at least one stair shall be provided as part of an escape or exit route
for emergency egress except stand-alone vessels or columns/towers not located in
supporting structures where ladders are deemed appropriate for the exit route.

2. Onshore a minimum of two exits shall be provided where any of the following
conditions exist:

a. Platform levels or other spaces in excess of 18.6 m 2 (200 ft2).

b. Where the exit access travel distance exceeds (4.4, Item 4), (4.4, Item 5) and
(4.4, Item 6), based on the type of space (i.e., hazardous content) additional exits
shall be required.
February 2017
Page 48

c. In all boiler, incinerator, furnace, refrigeration machinery, or refrigerated room and

refrigerated spaces and catwalks.

3. Offshore a minimum of two exits shall be provided where any of the following
conditions exist:

a. Accommodation space with an area of 27 m 2 (300 ft2);

b. Each space, other than an accommodation space, continuously manned or used

on a regular working basis;

c. Weather deck areas where people might regularly be working.

4. In the case of buildings and structures containing materials that pose a detonation
hazard, a deflagration hazard, hazard from accelerated burning, those that readily
support combustion or that pose a physical hazard, and those that contain materials
that are health hazards, the exit access travel distance shall not exceed 23 m (75 ft).

The requirements for exit access travel distances are predicated on the assumption
that the structures including equipment, will be provided with the appropriate fire

5. In the case of all buildings or structures not covered by (4.4 Item 4), the exit access
travel distance shall not exceed 60 m (200 ft).

6. Onshore, the length of a dead-end walkway (from the point of entry into the area) shall
not exceed 6.1 m (20 ft).

For offshore, refer to local regulatory, SOLAS or Class Society requirements.

7. Design of exit routes should be located on the periphery of the structure or installation,
and be as straight as possible.

8. Exit routes shall be clear of obstructions.

9. Exit route doors shall open in the direction of the exit.

10. Exit routes should be well marked, and include signs.

11. Exit route markings should show the preferred direction of escape.


1. Guardrail shall be installed along all the edges of open sided decks, floors, walkways,
platforms, ladders, runways, and balconies at all locations 500 mm (20 in) or greater
above finished floor level, with the following exception:

a. For sites subject to US regulations, this may change to all locations 610 mm
(24 in) or greater above the finished floor level.

2. On open stairs, steps or stiles, and ramps a railing shall be fitted whenever the height
to climb exceeds 500 mm (20 in), with the following exception:

a. For sites subject to US regulations, every flight of stairs having four or more
February 2017
Page 49

3. The top rail on open stairs shall be constructed of structural pipe with a diameter of 25
mm to 50 mm (1.5 in to 2 in).

a. Use of angular steel shall be subject to Principal approval.

This is to produce an adequate handhold or good grip for the hand since no
handrail is required on open stairs in addition to the guard railing. (Reference DEP
Standard Drawings for railing details)

4. Handrails shall be provided on at least one side of closed stairways, preferably on the
right side descending.

5. The minimum clearance between handrail or the top rail of guard or stair railing and
any object shall be 75 mm (3 in).

6. Guard railings shall be provided on all storage tanks in the area where work (i.e.,
gauging, inspection or maintenance) is required.

7. Floor or deck openings 100 mm (4 in) x 100 mm (4 in) or greater, which are left
exposed and unattended, shall have covering, guard railings or barriers.

8. Winding stairs shall be equipped with an inner handrail which is offset, to prevent
walking on all portions of the treads having a depth of less than 150 mm (6 in).

9. Guard and handrailing heights shall be as per local regulatory requirements.


1. Devices that operate under stored energy (e.g., springs under compression, coiled
tubing, shock absorbers operated by pneumatic pressure, and pressurized bottles)
shall be designed so the energy can be safely released or constrained before any
maintenance tasks are performed.

2. The means of release or constraint for stored energy devices shall be designed so that
it cannot be inadvertently activated once it has been deactivated.

3. All stored energy devices shall be as follows:

a. labelled as a stored energy device;

b. have a DANGER hazard identification sign attached to the device (See

DEP, Section 7);

c. have procedures for releasing or constraining the energy stored on the unit.


1. Permanent personnel protection shall be provided on equipment and piping as per the
requirements in Table 16 except for surface temperatures induced by climatic
February 2017
Page 50

Table 16 Thermal temperature limits2

Application Exposure Thermal temperature limits Design

Type Lower Limit Upper Limit Requirement

Equipment and Momentary ≤ 0° C ≥ 60 °C Permanent

piping which is Contact (≤ 32 °F) (≥ 140 °F) protection to a
accessible during height of 2100
normal operations Prolonged ≤ 0 °C ≥ 49 °C mm (84 in) above
(i.e., within 380 Contact or (≤ 32 °F) (≥ 120 °F) the
mm (15 in) of Handling1 walking/standing
walkways) level
1. Hot or cold surfaces in machinery rooms or other locations, where a person
could fall into or lean on, are considered a prolonged contact condition.
2. Contact with surfaces at this temperature can cause severe pain and tissue
February 2017
Page 51


In this DEP, reference is made to the following publications:

NOTES: 1. Unless specifically designated by date, the latest edition of each publication shall be used, together
with any amendments/supplements/revisions thereto.

2. The DEPs and most referenced external standards are available to Shell staff on the SWW (Shell Wide
Web) at


DEP feedback form DEP

Definition of temperature, pressure and toxicity levels DEP
Human factors engineering - valves DEP
Human factors engineering – control room design DEP
Human factors engineering – design and procurement of packaged DEP
Human factors engineering – labelling of facilities, equipment and DEP
Protective coatings for onshore and offshore facilities DEP
Piping – General requirements DEP
Instruments for measurement and control DEP
Onshore ancillary steel structures DEP
Offshore pedestal-mounted cranes (amendments/supplements to DEP
Structural steel design of small deepwater offshore skids, facility DEP
packages, and subsea sleds and manifolds (based on AISC steel
construction manual ASD, API RP 2A-WSD and AWS D1.1)

Ergonomic principles in the design of work systems ISO 6385

Safety of machinery - Permanent means of access to machinery Part ISO 14122-3
3: Stairs, stepladders and guard-rails
Safety of machinery - Permanent means of access to machinery – ISO 14122-4
Part 4: Fixed ladders

Stair details (Onshore) S 28.002

Railing details (Onshore) S 28.007
Ladder and Cage details (Onshore) S 28.011-001
February 2017
Page 52


US Department of Labour – Regulations (Standards – 29 CFR) Part 29 CFR 1910

1910: Occupational Safety And Health Standards
Life safety code NFPA 101

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