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Analysis and Design of T-Girder Bridge AT Dhobi Khola, Gahukharka-Sindhuli

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Institute of Engineering
Dhapakhel, Lalitpur


Final Project report on



Associate Prof. Nabin Chandra Sharma

Prepared by






05 March 2020
Institute of Engineering
Dhapakhel, Lalitpur


This is to certify that the final year project entitled “ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF
ENGINEERING in the partial fulfilment of requirement for the degree of Bachelor
in Civil Engineering. The project was carried under special supervision and within
the time frame prescribed by the syllabus .

....……….. ………….…

Ass. Prof. Nabin Chandra Sharma

Project Supervisor External Examiner


Er. Sudip Thapa

Head of Department, Department of Civil Engineering


We would like to express deep gratitude to everyone who helped us to complete our
final year project on topic “Analysis and Design of T-girder Bridge”. Without the
immense support of you all, the completion of project in this short frame of time
would not have been possible.

To begin with, we would like to thank our college, Kantipur Engineering

College for giving us this opportunity to do final year project on this topic. We
would like to specially thank our project supervisor Associate Professor Nabin
Chandra Sharma for guiding us throughout our work and helping us to complete our
project in time.

Also, we are extremely thankful towards Er. Sudip Thapa (HOD), Er. Ima Nath
Duwadi (DHOD) other teachers, who laid foundations on structure during B.E.
courses through 1st semesters.

Finally, we would like to thank to all the persons who helped us directly and
indirectly in completion of this report. We also acknowledge our gratitude towards
each other for such a united co-ordination amongst the group members during the

Project Group Members






ii | P a g e

In this project, we aim to analyze and design a T-girder bridge by using the theory
of structure, bridge Engineering, and foundation engineering. Theories of
foundation engineering for sub-structure and theories of bridge engineering and live
loading recommended by IRC forms the base of our design.

The knowledge of foundation engineering, Influence lines, and Theory of structures

are essential for the analysis and design of this project. IRC and IS code guidelines
were preferred for the design purpose.
The superstructure (RC slab, T-beam girder and cross girder) and sub-structure
(RCC abutment and pier) components have been designed using working state of
design method under class AA, class A loading as prescribed by IRC. Pigeaud’s
method was used in analysis of the slab. limit state method of design was used for
design of pier shaft.
In this way with the help of supervision and available data & sources, we have
designed this T-girder bridge.

iii | P a g e
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ……………..……………………………………………

1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................
1.1 Background ................................................................................................................
1.2 Objectives ..................................................................................................................
1.3 Scope of Work & Limitations ....................................................................................

2. METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................
2.1 Acquisition of data .....................................................................................................
2.1.1 Site selection survey ..........................................................................................
2.1.2 Topographical survey .........................................................................................
2.1.3 Geotechnical Investigation .................................................................................
6 2.1.4 Hydrological
Data: ............................................................................................. 7
2.2 Loading IRC loads for the bridge design: ................................................................
2.3 Components of Bridge: ............................................................................................
2.3.1 Superstructure ..................................................................................................
15 2.3.2
Substructure .....................................................................................................
2.4 Idealization and Analysis of bridge structure...........................................................

iv | P a g e
2.4.1 Influence Line Diagram ...................................................................................
2.4.2 Design of Deck Slab ........................................................................................
26 2.4.3 Design of T-
Girder .......................................................................................... 29
2.5 Selection of bridge and its components ...................................................................
2.6 Method of Design of Bridge ....................................................................................

3. TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY ............................................................................

4. HYDROLOGICAL STUDY ................................................................................
4.1 Selection of Discharge of River ...............................................................................
4.2 Linear water way ......................................................................................................
4.3 Scour depth calculation ............................................................................................

5. GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGA .........................................................................

BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................................................................................................
CODES/STANDARDS ...............................................................................................

Analysis And Design of Deck Slab………………………..….. AppendixA

Analysis And Design of Cantilever slab…………………..… Appendix B

Analysis and Design of Longitudinal Girder…………………Appendix C

Analysis And Design of cross Girder……………….…...……Appendix D

Analysis Design of Elastomeric Bearings……………………Appendix E

Analysis And Design of Abutment…………………….………Appendix F

Analysis And Design of Pier…………………………………Appendix G

Drawing And Detailing……………………………………..Appendix H
















Name of the project Analysis and design of T-Girder bridge
Location Dhobi Khola,Sindhuli
State 3

vi | P a g e
District Sindhuli
Municipality Sunkoshi
Geographic Location
Reduced level
Classification of road Rural road
Type of road surface Bituminous
Terrain type Mountainous
Information on
Total length of bridge 15.70 m
Span arrangement 1* 15 m
Total width of the bridge 7.54 m
Number of lanes Two
Width of
Carriage way m
Footpath /kerb 0.875+0.875
Types of Superstructure RCC T-Girder Bridge
Types of bearing
Types of abutment
Type of Pier
Design Data
Live load IRC class AA(wheel and Track)
IRC Class A

Net Bearing Capacity of

Catchment Area Sq km
Design Discharge
Lacey’s Waterway

Contracted Waterway
Scour Depth

vii | P a g e
ф Diameter of Bar
τuv Shear Stress
Ag Gross Area
Ah Horizontal Seismic Coefficient
Ast Area of Steel in Tension
Asv Area of Stirrups
bf Flange width
bw Web width

d Effective depth
d’ Effective Cover
D Overall Depth
E Young’s modulus of Elasticity
fck Characteristic Strength of Concrete
fy Characteristic Strength of Steel
I Importance Factor
Ip Polar Moment of Inertia
Ld Development Length
pc Percentage of Steel in Compression
pt Percentage of Steel in Tension
R Response Reduction Factor
Sa/g Average Response Acceleration Coefficient
Sv Spacing of Stirrups
Xu Actual depth of Neutral Axis

Xul Ultimate depth of Neutral Axis

Z Zone Factor

viii | P a g e

LL Live Load
WC Wearing Coat
DL Dead load
RCC Reinforced Cement Concrete
IRC Indian Road Congress
HFL High Flood Level
LBL Lower Bed Level

ix |
1.1 Background

Bridge, a civil engineering structure, a structure used since ancient times for
crossing any obstruction beneath it. Who would have imagined that a simple
structure used for crossing obstruction will be used in so many ways with so many
materials involved that it will become such a large field of study at this period of
time. Today, bridge is one of the most prominent civil engineering structures.
Different types of bridge are being built these days due to sophisticated equipment
and developed material science.

In context of Nepal, being a mountainous country with a lot of river and rivulets, we
need many bridges just to join one part of the country to another. Therefore, we need
to construct many bridges to ease the extension of road network as well as to carry
out other development works in an efficient way. Therefore, there is a huge potential
of bridge engineering in Nepal.

In this project, we were assigned to design a bridge over Dhobi Khola River
connecting the roads "Mulkot-Amarey-Majhuwa-Gahukharka Road" at Gahukharka
at Sindhuli District. As it is a Rural road, two lanes for design are recommended by
DoLIDAR. We are supposed to design the most economic bridge for this section
based on the various data collected by us. This report is prepared as a part of project
work for the fulfillment of the Project-I as per the syllabus of Bachelor of Civil
Engineering fourth year second part.

In Nepal, mostly RCC T-beam superstructure is preferred as the resources to design

and construct are readily available in Nepal. For our project purpose, we have also
designed RCC T-beam Bridge for learning the bridge engineering skills and
practice. The variation in design procedures for the superstructures, bearings and
substructures has helped us to enhance our understanding of the essentials of Bridge

1.2 Objectives

The main objectives are to analyze and design the bridge based on Working State
method of design. In addition to that, before start of the work we came with
following objectives:

• To obtain the basic ideas of bridge building.

• To be familiar with the different types of bridge and its design principles.

• To know about various type of loading and their forms of application.

• To understand various methods used in the design of the structural

components of bridge and their limitations.

• To be familiar with the design standards and code specifications of bridge

• To be familiar with the standard specification regarding the design of bridge.

The main objective of this project is to design a bridge over Manohara River by
using the Working State approach of design. Hence, we entitled name of this
project as “Analysis And Design of T- Girder bridge at balkumari, Kathmandu-

1.3 Scope of Work & Limitations

The assignments done while designing the proposed RC T-beam bridge design are:

• Study of topographic, geological, hydrological, geotechnical and traffic

study of bridge site.

• Visit of bridge site and preparation of site observation report including

verification of data required.

• Carryout design and detailing of selected bridge type.

xi | P a g e
• Design of appropriate bearing.

• Design of abutment and pier.

• Design of foundation.

• Preparation of detail drawing of bridge superstructures with its all

components, abutments, pier, bearing and footing required for the
construction of selected bridge type.


In Nepal, T-beam Bridge is highly preferred but it has some limitations as:

• It is only economic for spans less than 30 m

• Due to presence of large girders and its arrangement, it has less clean

xii | P a g e

Selection of site

Acquisition of data

Site survey

Topographical survey geological investigation hydrological data

Selection of the IRC load

Selection of components of bridge

Type of girder Type of abutments Type of piar Type of


Design and analysis of different components

Deck slab Design of Cantilever Slab

Design of T-Girder Design of cross Girder

Design of Elastometric Bearing

Design of Abutment Design of Pier

Design of Foundation

2.1 Acquisition of data

For the design of our bridge, the preliminary data needed was acquired after carrying
out different surveys.
xiii | P a g e
2.1.1 Site selection survey

• A straight reach of river.

• Steady river flow without whirls and across currents.
• A narrow channel with firm banks.
• Sustainable high banks above high flood level on each side.
• Rock or other hard in-erodible strata close to the river bed level.
• Proximity to a direct alignment of the road to be connected.
• Absence of sharp curves in the approaches.
• Absence of expensive river training works.
• Avoidance of excessive underwater construction

In selection of site, care should be taken to investigate a number of probable

alternative sites and then decide on the site which is likely to serve the needs of the
bridges at the least cost.

2.1.2 Topographical survey

Topographical survey was carried out for detailed engineering survey of the
proposed bridge site. Total station, reflector and measuring tape were usually used
for detailed survey.

After consultation with the technical personnel and the local villagers and as
directed by the river morphology; an axis joining line joining left bank and right
bank was fixed.

The bridge site detailing area covers a suitable region along the length of river both
upstream and downstream. It also covers left and right banks along the existing
approach roads.

2.1.3 Geotechnical Investigation

Geotechnical investigation is one of the major parts of the project work for the
design of the proposed bridge at Manohara River in Kathmandu & Lalitpur district.
Geotechnical investigation works includes core drilling, test pitting, visual

xiv | P a g e
investigation at site. For our project this was not quite possible. Thus, the
geotechnical data were adopted suitable with our locality and as per the similar
works done in the region. However, we carried out the sieve analysis of the bed soil,
finding out its mean size, specific gravity and water content.

Vertical Clearance above H.F.L

For the high-level bridges, a vertical clearance should be allowed between the
H.F.L, and the lowest point of the superstructure. This is required to allow for any
possible error in the estimation of the H.F.L., and the design discharge. It also
allows floating debris to pass under the bridge without damaging the structure

The difference between the vertical clearance and the free-board is sometimes not
clearly understood. While vertical clearance is the difference in level between
H.F.L. and the lowest point of the superstructure, freeboard is associated with the
approaches and guides bunds. The freeboard at any point is the difference between
the highest flood level after allowing afflux, if any, and the formation level of the
embankment on the approaches or the top level of guide bunds at that point, for high
level bridges, the freeboard should not be less than 600 mm.

Scour Depth

Scour of stream bed occurs during the passage of a flood discharge, when the
velocity of stream exceeds the limiting velocity that can be withstand by the
particles of the bed material. The scour depth should be measured with reference to
existing structures near the proposed bridge site, if this is possible. Due allowance
should be made in the observed value for additional scour that may occur due to the
designed discharge being greater than the flood discharge for which the scour was
observed, and also due to increased velocity due to obstruction to flow caused by the
construction of bridge.When the above practical method is not possible, the normal
depth of scour may be computed by equation for natural streams in alluvial beds

d =0.473(Q/f).33 Where,

d = normal depth of scour below H.F.L. for regime conditions in a stable

channel in meters.

Q=designed discharge in m per second

The minimum depth of foundation is kept at:

xv | P a g e
• 1.27×d for abutments

• 2×d for piers (IRC 78:2014)

2.1.4 Hydrological Data:

The Hydrological data was acquired from the secondary sources and the
calculation of maximum discharge of the river was calculated using the
following method
A). Rational method:
A rational formula for flood discharge should take into account the intensity,
distribution and duration of rainfall as well as the area, shape, slope, permeability
and initial wetness of the catchment (drainage basin). The area of the catchment is a
major contributing factor for the runoff. The shape of the catchment affects the peak
discharge, long and narrow basins yielding less than pear shaped basins. Steep
slopes result in shorter time of concentration than flatter slopes.
Many complicated formulae are available in treaties on hydrology. A typical rational
formula is: Q = CiA/360
Where, Q =maximum flood discharge in m^3 per
second A =catchment area in square
kilometers i =intensity of rainfall in mm per
C=coefficient of rainfail

B) Area velocity method:

The area velocity method based on the hydraulic characteristics of the stream is
probably the most reliable among the methods for determining the flood discharge.
The velocity obtaining in the stream under the flood conditions is calculated by
Manning’s or similar formula: Manning’s formula is used here. The discharge Q is
given by equation:
Q = A×v
Where, Q=Discharge in m3/s
A = Wetted area in m2
v = Velocity of flow in m/s
= (1/n)×R2/3S1/2
n = manning's coefficient calculated from table
S = slope of the stream

R = Hydraulic mean depth in meters

Wetted Area

xvi | P a g e
Wetted Perimeter
Since the cross section of the stream is usually plotted with different scales for
horizontal and vertical distances, the wetted perimeter cannot be scaled off directly,
but has to be calculated. The wetted line is divided into a convenient number of
parts and the partial length along the perimeter computed as hypotenuse of the right
triangle with the horizontal and vertical lengths of the element as the two sides. The
sum of such parts give the wetted perimeter P. Similarly the wetted area (A) is
calculated as the sum of the partial areas of the elements obtained as the product of
the horizontal interval and the mean depth to bed below the flood level considered at
the two ends of the element. The hydraulic mean radius can then be computed as
The quantity ‘S’ in the Manning’s equation denotes the slope of the stream and is a
difficult quantity for evaluation. The normal practice is to compute the slope from
the bed levels at two cross sections over a long distance. This may lead to unreliable
results, since it is difficult to take any particular level in the cross section as the bed
level. So it is advised to compute the bed slope of the stream from the low water
levels or water levels at any one time at the proposed site and at one section each
upstream and downstream of the proposed site.The success or otherwise of the use
of this method depends on the correct determination of the flood levels.
Considerable judgement tempered with experience will be called for in order to
correctly assess the evidence in this connection. If the railway track is near the
bridge site, the maximum flood mark will be usually available from the markings of
railway cross drainage works. In the case of new road formation in sparsely
inhabited or underdeveloped areas, the investigation engineer has to come to his
conclusion on the maximum flood level based on his evaluation of the evidence
from the elderly inhabitants of the area and the observation of the banks, deposit of
debris on tree trunks, etc.

C) Inglis Formula:
This formula is based on the flood data of catchments in Western Ghats in
The peak flood Q in m3/s is expressed as
Q= Where, A=catchment area in square km

D) WECS formula:
In Nepalese context, Water and Energy Commission Secretariat (WECS) has
developed empirical relationships for analyzing flood of different frequencies. The
discharge formula for 100 year of return period is given by:
Q = 14.63(A3000+1)0.7342
Where, Q = Maximum discharge in m3/s
A3000 = Basin area below 3000 m elevation in square kilometers
xvii | P a g e
E) Ryves formula (1884):
According to Ryves, maximum discharge is given by:
Q = CR×A2/3
Where, Q = maximum discharge in m 3/s
A = Catchment area in sq. km.
CR = Ryves coefficient
This formula was originally developed for Tamil Nadu region, is in use in Tamil
Nadu and parts of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. The values of C R recommended
by Ryves for use are
CR = 6.8 for areas within 80 km from the east coast
= 8.5 for areas which are 80-160 km from the east coast
= 10.2 for limited areas near hills F)
Dickens Formula (1865):
Dickens formula for discharge calculation is given by:
Q = CD×A3/4
Where, Q = maximum flood discharge (m 3/s)
A = Catchment Area (km2)

CD=Dickens constant with the value of 6 to 30

Following are some guidelines in selecting the value of C D:
CD= 6 for North-Indian plains
= 11-14 for North Indian Hilly Regions
= 14-28 for Central India
= 22-28 for Coastal Andhra and Orissa
For actual use, the local experience will aid in the proper selection of C D. Dickens
formula is used in the central and northern parts of the country.

G) Fuller’s Formula (1914):

Fuller’s formula is derived for catchments in USA are a typical empirical method
which is given by:
Q = Cf×A0.8(1+0.8log10T)
Where, Q=maximum discharge in m3/s
Cf = a constant which varies from 0.18 to 1.88 T = Return
period in yrs.
A = Catchment Area in sq. km.
For Nepal, the value of Cf is taken as 1.03.

H) Modified Dicken’s Formula:

Using Dicken’s method, the flood discharge can be calculated by using the formula:
xviii | P a g e
Q = CT×A0.75
Where, Q= maximum flood discharge in m3/s
CT = Modified Dicken’s constant proposed by the Irrigation Research Institute,
Roorke, India, based on frequency studies on Himalayan rivers which is computed
CT = 2.342log (0.67T) log (1185/P) +4
P=100× (a+6)/ (A+a)
a= perpetual snowfall area in sq. km.
T=Return period in years

Calculation of Linear Waterway, Scour Depth and High Flood Level (HFL)
a) Calculation of linear waterway:
When the water course to be crossed is an artificial channel for irrigation or
navigation, or when the banks are well defined for natural streams, the linear
waterway should be full width of the channel or the stream.
For large alluvial stream with undefined banks, the required effective linear
waterway may be determined using Lacey’s formula:
P = C√Q
Where, P = the effective linear waterway in meters
Q = the designed maximum discharge in m3/s
C = a constant usually taken as 4.8 for regime channel, but may vary
From 4.5 to 6.3 according to the local conditions
The effective linear waterway is the total width of the waterway of the bridge minus
the mean submerged width of the piers and their foundation down to the mean scour
level. It is not desirable to reduce the linear waterway below that for regime
condition. If a reduction is affected, special attention should be given to the afflux
and velocity of water under the bridge. With reduced waterway, velocity would
increase and greater scour depths would be involved, requiring deeper foundations.
Thus any possible saving from a smaller linear waterway will be offset by the extra
expenditure on deeper foundations and protective works. In view of the deficiencies
of the assumptions made in the computations for design discharge and for the
effective waterway by Lacey’s formula, it is often prudent to adopt the full natural
width for the linear waterway, taking care not to succumb to the trap of
overconfidence in apparently precise methods of calculation

xix | P a g e
b) Calculation of scour depth:
Scour may be defined as the removal of material from the bed and banks of streams
during the passage of flood discharge, when the velocity of the stream exceeds the
limiting velocity that can be withstood by the particles of the bed material. If the
bridge and its approaches do not constrict the natural flow, the scour will be small.
On the contrary, when the designer attempts to reduce the waterway, severe scour
usually results during the extraordinary flood conditions.
The scour is aggravated at the nose of the piers and bends. The maximum depth of
scour should be measured with reference to existing structures near the proposed
bridge site, if this is possible. Such soundings are best done during or immediately
after the flood. Due allowance should be made in the observed values for additional
scour that may occur due to design discharge being greater than the flood discharge
for which the scour was observed, and also due to increased velocity due to
obstruction of flow caused by the construction of bridge. When the above practical
method is not possible, the mean depth of scour may be computed by the given
equation for natural streams in alluvial beds:
dsm = 1.34 
Where, dsm = mean depth of scour below HFL in meters
Db = discharge in m3/s per meter width, obtained as the toal design
Discharge divided by the effective linear waterway
Ksf = silt factor for a representative sample of the bed material, as in the table below
taken as 1.76 times the square root of the particle size in mm (weighted mean
diameter of the particle determined as indicated in Appendix 2 of IRC:(5-1998).

In order to provide an adequate margin of safety, the design discharge for the above
calculation is increased by 30%, 25 to 20%, 20 to 10% and 10% for catchment areas
of below 500 sq. km, between 500 and 5000 sq. km, between 5000 to 25000 sq. km
and over 25000 sq. km, respectively. When the effective linear waterway L is less
than the regime width W, the value of d sm computed from the above mentioned
formula is to be increased by multiplying the same by the factor (W/L) 0.67.
The maximum depth of scour D below the HFL is to be taken as below:
dsmax = 2.0dsm for pier
= 1.27d sm with approach retained or lowest bed level whichever is deeper for
= 2.0dsm for scour all round for abutment
dsmax = 2.0dsm in the right-angled bend
= 1.75 dsm at the severe bend
= 1.5 dsm at moderate bend
= 1.27dsm in a straight reach

xx | P a g e
The minimum depth of foundations below HFL is kept at 1.33 D for erodible strata.
If the river is of a flashy nature and the bed does not submit readily to the scouring
effects of the floods, the maximum depth of scour should be assessed by
observations and not by the above calculations.
When a bridge is located close to the mouth of a river joining the sea, the possibility
exists for the situation of the high tide opposing the flood discharge, resulting in
heading up of the water level in the river. At the end of the high tide, the flood
discharge may be relatively sudden, which may cause scour in excess of the values
computed by the above equation to calculate the average scour depth. Considerable
engineering judgements is required in assessing the required depth of foundation in
such case

xxi | P a g e
c) Calculation of afflux:
Afflux is the heading up of water over the flood level caused by constriction of
waterway at a bridge site. It is measured by the difference in levels of the water
surfaces upstream and downstream of the bridge. Afflux can be computed from the
equation as follows:

x= −1
Where, x=afflux v=velocity of normal
flow in the stream g=acceleration due
to gravity
L= width of stream at HFL
L1= linear waterway under the bridge
c = coefficient of discharge through the bridge, taken as 0.7 for sharp
Entry and 0.9 for bell mouthed entry
The afflux should be kept minimum and limited to 1 to 1.5 m. afflux causes increase
in velocity on the downstream side, leading to greater scour and requiring deeper
foundations. The road formation level and the top level of guide bunds are
dependent on the maximum water level on the upstream side including afflux.
The increased velocity under the bridge should be kept below the allowable safe
velocity for the bed material.

d) Calculation of High Flood Level (HFL):

The HFL of river was determined using Manning’s equation and cross sectional
drawing of river at bridge axis through iterative procedure.
Finally, with all the collected and computed data, the design of the bridge was done
as per the prevailing Bridge codes .

2.2 Loading IRC loads for the bridge design:

According to IRC: 6-2014, road bridges and culverts are classified on the basis of
loadings that they are designed to carry.

xxii | P a g e
IRC class AA loading

This loading is to be adopted

within certain limits, in certain
existing or
contemplated industrial
areas, and along certain
specified highways and areas.
Bridges designed for class

loading should be checked for

class A loading is considered in
each lane.

IRC class A loading

This loading is
normally considered on
all in which dominant bridges
and culverts are constructed.
One train of class A loading is
considered in each lane

IRC class B loading

This loading is
normally considered
when the structure is temporary and for bridges in specified area. Structures with
timber spans are to be regarded as temporary structures.

2.3 Components of Bridge:

xxiii | P a g e
2.3.1 Superstructure

The basic function of bridge superstructure is to permit the uninterrupted smooth

passage of traffic over it and to transmit the loads and forces to the substructure
safely through the bearings. Although it is difficult to stipulate the aesthetic
requirements, it should, however, be ensured that the type of superstructure adopted
is simple, pleasing to the eye, and blends with the environment.

The superstructure of any bridge must be designed such that it satisfies geometric
and load carrying requirements set forth by its owner. This geometric requirement
depends upon the number and width of traffic lanes and footpaths that have to be
carried across. They also depend on overall alignment and various horizontal and
vertical clearances required above and below the roadway. The superstructure
designed has to meet various structural design requirements such as strength,
stiffness and stability.

The horizontal and vertical alignment of a bridge is governed by the geometrics of

the highway, roadway or channel, it is crossing. For girder type bridges, the girders
may either be curved or straight, and may be aligned on chords between supports
with the deck slab built on the curve. The following points require close
examination when
girders are aligned on a chord:

• Non-symmetric deck cross section

• Deck finish of the warped surface

xxiv | P a g e
• Vertical alignment of the curbs and railings, to preclude visible

Proper development of super elevation

The various components of superstructure and their limiting dimensions with
function as per IRC 5 is given as follows:

I .Lighting

The lighting of the bridge is generally in accordance with the provisions of the
authority having jurisdiction on that area.
II .Drainage

The transverse drainage of the roadway is usually accomplished by providing

suitable crown in the roadway surface, and the longitudinal drainage is
accomplished by camber or gradient.

III .Traffic lane

Roads designed for traffic flow can be single lane, double lane or more. Road width
in meters should be divided by 3.65 and the quotient approximated to the nearest
whole number of design traffic lanes. We have designed our bridge with two traffic

IV.Road width

Road width is the distance between the roadside faces of the kerb which depends on
the number and width of traffic lanes and the width of the bounding hard shoulders.
For our project, we have designed road width of 11 m.

V .Footpaths

Footpaths or walkways are generally provided where pedestrian traffic is

anticipated, but not on major arteries or in country sides. Its width is 1.5 m
generally, but may be as narrow as 0.6 m and as wide as 2.5 m depending on the
requirements. For our project, we have designed footpath of 1.75 m wide and 275
mm deep.

VI. Road kerb

The road kerb is either surmountable type or insurmountable type. In the absence of
walkways, a road kerb is combined with parapet.

xxv | P a g e

Parapets can be of many shapes and of variable sturdiness. They are designed to
prevent a fast moving vehicle of a given mass from shooting off the roadway in the
event of an accidental hit. Their height varies, but it should be at least 700 mm.

VIII. Railing Post

The parapets are usually mounted by metal Railing Post, about 350 mm high. Their
roadside face is double sloped. For our project, we have designed handrail of size
200×200×1200 mm .

IX.Crash barriers

Sometimes walkways are protected from the vehicular traffic by crash barriers
which act as insurmountable kerbs and deflect the hitting vehicles back into the
traffic lane.

X .Expansion and roadway joints

To provide for expansion and contraction, joints should be provided at the expansion
end of spans, at other points, where they may be desirable. Joints are preferably
sealed to prevent erosion and filling of debris.

XI. Medians

On expressways and freeways, the opposing traffic flows are separated by median
strips. These reduce the possibility of accidents due to head on collisions.

XII. Super-elevation

The super-elevation of the surface of a bridge on a horizontal curve is provided in

accordance with the applicable standard. This should preferably not exceed 0.06 m
per meter, and never exceed 0.08 m per meter

xxvi | P a g e
2.3.2 Substructure

Substructure of a bridge refers to that part of it which supports the structure that
carries the roadway or the superstructure. Thus substructure covers pier and
abutment bodies together with their foundations, and also the arrangements
above the piers and abutments through which the superstructure bears on the
structure. The latter are called bearings.
i) Foundation: A foundation is that part of the structure which is in direct contact
with the ground and transmits loads to it. A footing is that part of the
foundation that transmits the loads directly to the soil.

Types of Foundations:
A. Deep Foundations
Deep foundations generally have depth greater than the width. They are
constructed by various special means. They are of following types:
 Piles

Piles are essentially giant sized nails that are driven into the subsoil or
are placed in after boring holes in the subsoil. The giant sized nails
that are driven into the subsoil or are placed in after boring holes in
the subsoil. The giant sized nails are made of concrete, steel or timber
and can be square, rectangular, circular or H-shaped in section. A
group of piles is capped together at top, usually by a reinforced
concrete cap, to support the pier of crapped together at top, usually by
a reinforced concrete cap, to support the pier or abutment body

 Caissons or wells
Caisson is constructed at open surface level in portions and sunk
downwards mechanically by excavating soil from within the dredge
hole all the way till its cutting edge reaches the desired founding
level. The well is then effectively scaled at bottom and at least partly
filled by sand. The surface level and the portions near it are capped.
The pier or abutment is then constructed on the cap.

xxvii | P a g e
B. Shallow Foundations
A foundation is shallow if its depth is less than or equal to its width.
These are generally placed after open exaction, and are called open
foundations. The design of open foundations is based on complete subsoil
investigations. But in case of low safe bearing capacity of soil, such foundations
have to be disallowed. The selection of the appropriate type of open foundation
normally depends upon the magnitude and disposition of structural loads,
requirements of structures (settlement characteristics, etc.), type of soil or rock
encountered, allowable bearing pressures, etc. Where rocky stratum is
encountered at shallow depths, it may be preferable to adopt open foundations
because of its advantage in permitting proper seating over rock and speed of
construction work. They are of following types:

 Spread Footing (Isolated footing, combined footing, strip footing)

An isolated footing is a type of shallow foundation used to transmit the load
of an isolated column to the subsoil. This is the most common type of
foundation. The base of the column is enlarged or spread to provide
individual support for the load.
A spread footing which supports two or more columns is termed as
combined footing. The combined footing may be rectangular in shape if both
the columns carry equal loads, or may be trapezoidal if they carry unequal
loads. If the independent spread footings of two columns are connected by a
beam, it is called strap footing. A strap footing may be used where the
distance between the columns is so great that a combined trapezoidal footing
becomes quite narrow.
The strap footing consists of single continuous R.C. slab as foundation of
two or three or more columns in a row. It is suitable at locations liable to
earthquake activities. It also prevents differential settlement. In order to have
better stability a deeper beam is constructed in between the columns. It is
also known as continuous footing.
 Mat or Raft Footing
A raft or mast is a footing that covers the entire area beneath a structure and
supports all the walls and columns. When the allowable soil pressure is low

xxviii | P a g e
or the loads are heavy the use of spread footings would cover more than one
half of the area and it may prove more economical to use mat or raft
foundation. The mat or raft tends to bridge over the erratic deposits and
eliminates the differential settlement. It is also used to reduce settlement
above highly compressive soils, by making the weight of structure and raft
approximately to weight of soil excavated.

c) Bearings: Bearings are provided in bridges at the junction of the girders or

slabs and the top of pier and abutments. Bearings transmit the load from the
superstructure to substructure in such a way that the bearing stresses developed
are within the safe permissible limits. The bearings also provide for small
movements of the superstructure. The movements are induced due to various
reasons such as:
• Movement of the girders in the longitudinal direction due to variations in
the temperature
• The deflection of the girder causes rotations at the supports
• Due to sinking of the supports the vertical movements are developed
• Movements due to shrinkage and creep of concrete
• In the case of prestressed girders, prestressing the girders cause movements
of girders in the longitudinal direction.

Types of Bearings I. Fixed Bearings

Fixed bearings permit rotations while preventing expansion. They are of the
following types:
• Steel Rocker bearing
• R.C. Hinge bearing
II. Expansion Bearings
Expansion bearings accommodate both horizontal movements and rotations,
they are of following types:
• Sliding Plate bearing
• Sliding cum Rocker bearing
• Steel Roller cum Rocker bearing

xxix | P a g e
• R.C Rocker cum Roller bearing
• Elastomeric bearing
Elastomeric Bearing
Elastomeric bearings are widely used in present times as they have less initial
and maintenance cost. Besides occupying a smaller space, elastomeric bearings
are easy to maintain and also to replace when damaged, chloroprene rubber
termed as neoprene is the most commonly used type of elastomer in bridge
bearings. Neoprene pad bearings are compact, weather resistant and flame
resistant. Hence, nowadays elastomeric bearings have more or less completely
replaced steel rocker and roller bearings.

iii. Pier
The bridge supports in between the abutment supports are referred to as piers.
The choice of construction of the bridge deck will dictate the choice of the type
of pier. If support is required at intervals across the full width of the bridge
deck, then some form of supporting wall or portal frame is made for the pier.
However when deck has some capacity within itself to span transversely at an
intermediate support positions by means of a diaphragm within the depth of the
deck, there is wider choice available for pier.
Simplicity in the formation of a pier not only has the merit of providing easier
and more economical construction, but it is also likely to produce more
attractive result. But for some special cases, complex shapes may be adopted. In
this case the bearings are placed at the heads or the feet of the piers.
Types of Pier
Depending on the type, size and dimensions of the superstructure, the following
types of piers are in general use:
I) Solid type pier : The solid type pier is generally built using brick or stone
masonry or concrete. This type with cut ease water is widely used for river
bridges. II) Trestle type pier : The trestle type pier comprises of a number of
reinforced concrete columns with a concreting cap at the top. The trestle type of
pier finds wide applicability in the case of flyovers and elevated roadways
generally used for crossing in city roads.

xxx | P a g e
III) Hammer head pier: It consists of a massive single pier with cantilever
caps on opposite sides resembling the head of a hammer. This type of pier is
generally suitable for elevated roadways and when used in river bridges, there is
minimum restriction of waterway.
IV) Cellular type pier
For the construction of massive piers carrying multilane traffic, it is economical
to use cellular type reinforced concrete piers which results in the savings of
concrete. However cellular type piers require costly shuttering and additional
labor for placing of reinforcements. For tall piers, slip forming work can be
adopted for rapid construction.
V) Framed type pier
R.C. type piers are aesthetically superior and rigid due to monolithic joints
between the vertical, inclined and horizontal members. These type of piers are
ideally suited to reduce the span length of main girders on either side of center
line of the pier resulting in savings in the cost of superstructure. However this
type of construction requires two expansion joints at close intervals with
increase of maintenance cost.
Forces acting on piers
The various forces to be considered in the design of piers are as follows:
1. Dead load of superstructure and pier.
2. Live load of vehicles moving on the bridge.
3. Effect of eccentric live loads.
4. Impact effect for different classes of loads.
5. Effect of buoyancy on the submerged part of the pier.
6. Effect of wind loads acting on the moving vehicles and the superstructure.
7. Forces due to water current.
8. Forces due to wave action.
9. Longitudinal forces due to tractive effort of vehicles.
10. Longitudinal forces due to braking of vehicles.
11. Longitudinal forces due to resistance in bearings.
12. Effect of earthquake forces.
13. Forces due to collision for piers in navigable rivers.

xxxi | P a g e
The stability analysis for the piers is generally made by considering some of the
critical forces which will have significant effect on the stresses developed in the
Design of pier
The salient dimensions of pier like the height, pier width and batter are
determined as follows:
I) Height
The top level of pier is fixed to 1 to 1.5m above the high flood level, depending
upon the depth of water on the upstream side. Sufficient gap between the high
flood level and top of pier is essential to protect the bearings from flooding.
II) Pier Width
The top of pier should be sufficient to accommodate the two bearings. It is
usually kept at a minimum of 600 mm more than the outer to outer dimension
of the bearing plates.
III) Pier Batter
Generally the sides are provided with a batter of 1 in 20 to 1 in 24. Short piers
have vertical sides. The increased bottom width is required to restrict the
stresses developed under loads within safe permissible values.
IV) Cut and Ease Waters
The pier ends are shaped for streamlining the passage of water. Normally the
cut and ease waters are either shaped circular or triangular.

iv. Abutment
Abutments are end supports to the superstructure of a bridge. Abutments are
generally built using solid stone, brick masonry or concrete. An abutment has
three distinct structural components:
a. Breast wall
b. Wing wall
c. Back wall
The design of abutment is done precisely in the same manner as the design of
pier. The dimensions are first determined from the practical point of view and
its stability is subsequently tested. The important additional force which the
abutment has to withstand is the earth pressure of the earth filling behind the

xxxii | P a g e
abutment. The minimum top width of the abutment should be 3 to 4 feet with
the front batter of 1 in 24 and back batter of 1 in 6. Eddies erode the toes of the
bank behind the abutment and thus the cost of maintenance of the road is
increased. In order to overcome this defect and give the smooth entry and exit
to the water, splayed wing walls to the abutment are constructed.
• To finish up the bridge and retain the earth filling
• To transmit the reaction of the superstructure to the foundation.
• Height: Height is kept equal to that of piers.
• Abutment batter: The water face is kept vertical or a small batter of 1 in
 24 to 1 in 12 is given. The earth face is provided with a batter of 1 in
3 to  1 in 6 or it may be stepped down.
• Abutment width: The top width should provide enough space for bridge
• bearings and bottom width is dimensioned as 0.4 to 0.5 times the height
of the abutment.
• Length of abutment: The length of abutment must be at least equal to
the width of the bridge.
• Abutment cap: The bed block over the abutment is similar to the pier
cap with a thickness of 450 to 600 mm.
Forces acting on abutment
• Dead load due to superstructure
• Live load due to superstructure
• Self weight of the abutment
• Longitudinal force due to tractive effort and braking
• Forces due to temperature variation
• Earth pressure due to backfill
Abutment should be designed in such a way that it can resist the forces
mentioned above.

d) Appurtenances and site related structures:

xxxiii | P a g e
Appurtenances are parts of the bridge or bridge site which are non-structural
components and serve in the overall functionality of the structure.
i) Embankment and slope protection structure: Structure which provide proper
drainage, control erosion and increase aesthetics of bridge.
ii) Approach slab: Slab, which provides smooth transition of loads from flexible
road surface to rigid bridge surface.
iii) River training structure: Structure, which guide and regulate the river
course in desired direction and protects bridge substructures.

2.4 Idealization and Analysis of bridge structure

2.4.1 Influence Line Diagram

Usually the structures are analyzed for loads which do not change their points of
application on the structure. Very often structures have to be analyzed for a number
of parallel moving loads which keep on changing their positions on the structure. In
such cases the internal stresses in the structure at any given point, which depend on
the positions of the loads, keep on varying as the loads take up different positions on
the structure.
A typical instance is a bridge loaded with a number of moving vehicles, which are
then said to constitute a train of wheel loads. In order to design such structures, it is
not enough to analyse the structure for a given position of loads and calculate the
stress resultants namely: bending moments, radial and normal shear forces at any
section in a member of the structure. The engineer must know the maximum values
of stress resultants, both positive and negatives, at any section of the structure.
Sometimes the designer would even like to know the maximum deflection at a given
point when a structure is subjected to moving loads.

The maximum value of the stress resultants or the deflection at a given section could
be found by taking a number of trial positions of the loads. Such a procedure apart
from being time consuming is also uncertain. The task is very much simplified by
using the concept of influence line.
An influence line is a graph or curve showing the variation of any function such as
reaction, bending moment, shearing force, deflection etc. at a given point of a
structure, as a unit load parallel to a given direction, crosses the structure.
The direction of the moving unit load depends on the nature of loading to be
expected in the structure.
Use of Influence Line Diagram

xxxiv | P a g e
Using the principle of superposition, the following two types of problems can be
solved with the help of influence lines:

• First, if the influence line for a function is known, its value for a given
position of a number of parallel moving loads can be found.

• The second application is of far more practical importance, influence lines

can be used to locate very easily that particular position of a number of
parallel moving loads on a structure, which will give the maximum positive
or maximum negative value of a function at a given point on the structure.

2.4.2 Design of Deck Slab

Pigeaud’s method is used for the analysis of slabs spanning in two directions for the
bridge design as the bridge design receives heavy patch load.
Hence, Pigeaud's method is most appropriate for the design of deck slab.
Analysis of slab decks

I . Slab spanning in one direction

For slabs spanning in one direction, the dead load moments can directly be
computed assuming the slab to be simply supported between the supports. Bridges
deck slabs have to be designed for I.R.C. loads, specified as class AA or A
depending on the importance of the bridge. For slabs supported on two sides, the
maximum bending moment caused by a wheel load may be assumed to be resisted
by an effective width of slab measured parallel to the supporting edges. For a single
concentrated load the effective width of dispersion may be calculated by the

beff = K×x(x-x/L) + bw

beff = Effective width of slab on which load acts
L= effective span
x = Distance of center of gravity from nearer
support bw = Breadth of concentration of load
K = a constant depending on the ratio (B/L) and is
compiled in IRC 21
II. Slab spanning in two directions

xxxv | P a g e
In the case of bridge decks with tee beams and cross girders, the deck slab is
supported on all four sides and is spanning in two directions. The moments in two
directions can be computed by using the design curves developed by M. Pigeaud.

The method developed by Pigeaud is applicable to rectangular slabs supported freely

on all four sides and subjected to a symmetrically placed concentrated load as shown
in the figure below.

The notations used are as follows: L = long span length

B = short span length
u, v = dimensions of the load spread after allowing for dispersion through the deck
K = ratio of short to long span = B/L M 1= moment in short span direction M 2=
moment in long span direction
m1 and m2 = coefficient of moment
along long and short direction
µ = poison’s ratio for concrete
generally assumed as 0.15
W = wheel load
under consideration.
The dispersion of the load may be
assumed to be at 45⁰ through the
wearing coat and deck slab
according to IRC: 21code
specifications. Consequently, the
effect of contact of wheel or track
load in the direction of span shall
be taken as equal to the dimension of the tyre contact area over the wearing surface
of the slab in the direction of slab plus twice the overall depth of the slab inclusive
of the thickness of the wearing surface. It is sometimes assumed to be at 45⁰
through the wearing coat but at steeper angle through the deck slab. The bending
moments are computed as:

M1= (m1+ µm2)×W

M2= (m2+ µm1)×W

xxxvi | P a g e
Figure Dispersion of wheel load through wearing coat
The values of the moment coefficients m1 and m2, depend upon parameters (u/B),
(v/L) and K.

Curve to compute moment coefficients of slabs completely loaded uniformly

distributed load or dead load of slab for different values of K and 1/K is also given
below. The Pigeaud’s curves used for the estimation of the moment coefficients m1
and m2 for value of k= 0.5 used in our design are as follows:

2.4.3 Design of T- Girder

A very simple, popular and powerful method to analyze girder for live load in
simply supported T-beam bridges is Courbon’s method.

Courbon’s method is popular due the simplicity of the computations and is

applicable when the following conditions are satisfied:

xxxvii | P a g e
• The ratio of span to the width of bridge greater than 2 but less than 4

• The longitudinal girders are interconnected by at least 5 symmetrically

spaced cross girders.

• Depth of transverse beam should be at least 0.75 times the depth of main

Hence, we adopted Hendry Jaegar method for the analysis and design of
girders.since L/B <2 in our case so Courbon’s method cannot be adopted. In Hendry
Jaegar Method, distribution coefficient matrix is calculate and reaction in each
girder are found out by multiplying reaction matrix by coefficient matrix that gives
actual reactions. This is calculated by Hendry Jaegar method by reaction factors
given by,

Rx = *I)*dx*e)
Rx= reaction factor for the girder under consideration
I = MOI of each longitudinal girder
dx= distance of girder under consideration from the central axis of the
bridge W= total concentrate live load n = number of longitudinal girders
e = eccentricity of live load w. r.t the axis of the bridge

The live load bending moments and shear forces are computed for each of the
girders. The maximum design moments and shear forces are obtained by adding the
live load and dead load bending moments. The reinforcement in the main

xxxviii | P a g e
longitudinal girders are designed for the maximum moments and shears developed
in the girders.

2.5 Selection of bridge and its components

I ) T-beam bridge
In context of Nepal, T-beam bridges are highly preferred and are much more in
practice than other bridges. Due to economic cost, usability up to 30 m span, locally
available resources and ease in construction with fewer requirements of highly
skilled manpower and sophisticated equipment T-beam was preferred for design

II) Elastomeric bearing

Since our bridge span length is 25 m, the superimposed load was comparatively less
due to its short span length, elastomeric bearings are used. They have less initial and
maintenance cost. Besides occupying a smaller space, elastomeric bearings are easy
to maintain and also to replace when damaged, chloroprene rubber termed as
neoprene is the most commonly used type of elastomer in bridge bearings. Neoprene
pad bearings are compact, weather resistant and flame resistant.

III) Reinforced concrete abutment

Our height of abutment is above 6 m and hence, reinforced concrete abutment is

IV.Hammerhead type pier

Due to height of pier more than 6 m hammer head type pier was selected.

2.6 Method of Design of Bridge

Due to abundant use in the construction of RCC bridges all over Nepal, availability
of and recommendation from our supervisor, we used Working State Method for the
design of bridge components. However, for the design of piers, we used the Limit
State Method as it was more convenient than the Working State Method.

xxxix | P a g e
xl | P a g e

Topographical survey was carried out to prepare topographical map for pertinent
information that may be required for design, construction and maintenance.

Centre line of proposed bridge site:

After consultation with the technical personnel and the local villagers and as
directed by the river morphology; an axis joining line joining left bank and right
bank is fixed.


The reference benchmark was established to start with the survey works. The
suitable and convenient place for starting bench mark was marked as BM1 on the
permanent concrete pillar which is situated near by the bridge site on left bank of the

xli | P a g e
Figure Google earth image showing bridge site

Site Topography

The area is mostly densely populated, with very less natural terrain but
roads and structures.

The site has mild slope of 1 in 1000. The bridge facilitates the 7.5m
wide road connecting Baneshwor – balkumari – sankhamul. There is
also a road running under the bridge, along the river on the
Kathmandu side. The road might suffer rare floods with higher return
period. there is an suspension bridge at the bridge site.

xlii | P a g e

4.1 Selection of Discharge of River

The discharge of the river was computed using various method described in
the methodological section

1) Rational Method
I= rainfall intensity
C= coefficient of rainfall
A= catchment area in km 2
Q=flood discharge

I= ; T= =100
( )

K=5.92, a=0.162, b=0.5, n=1.013
tc= 0.019478 L0.77S-0.385

L= length of stream in km =28km

H= difference in elevation of remotest point of the basin and outlet in
= 2325-1282.21
= 1042.79
S=slope of stream =H/L
0.03724 tc =
0.019478* 280000.77 *0.03724-0.385
= 183.58mins

= 3.449mm/hr


xliii | P a g e
= 6.361488m3/sec

2) Gumbel Method

S.N Discharge(m3/sec) (X-X)2 S.N Discharge(m3/sec) (X-X)2

1 72.70 283.417 11 67.70 476.767
2 87.0 6.426 12 52.60 1364.194
3 97.6 65.044 13 84.30 27.405
4 99.40 97.318 14 76.50 169.911
5 98.60 82.17 15 80.70 78.057
6 96.40 47.1282 16 73.40 260.338
7 177 7650.12 17 75 211.266
8 100 109.516 18 100.50 120.23
9 74.60 223.054 19 93.10 12.709
10 68.10 459.459 20 115.50 674.1812
∑X = ∑(X-X) N=20
1790.7 12418.716

X= = =89.535

For N=20
From table
Yn= 0.5236

Yt= -ln (ln (

Y100 = -ln (ln ( )) =4.6
K100= (y100-yn)/Sn
= (4.6-0.5236)/1.0628

xliv | P a g e
Q100 =x+k100*σ
= 187.576m3/sec

3) Modified Dicken’s Method

A=total catchment
CT =2.342 log (0.6T)log( )+4

P =100*
a=perpetual snow area =0 so,
p=100* =7.2289

C T=2.342*log (0.6*100) log( )+4

= 13.227

Q T=CT*A0.75
= 363.722m 3/sec
4) Fuller’s method
= 1.03*(83)0.8
Q av=35.326m3/sec

QT=35.326*(1+0.8*log (100))
= 91.8476m 3/sec

= 156.765m 3/sec

5) WECS method

xlv | P a g e
For 100year return period


= 378.486m /sec
6) Slope Area Method

M M M M M/S M3/S

0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

0.5000 9.0700 2.2700 9.1300 0.2486 0.0020 0.0300 0.5894 1.3380

1.0000 17.1300 8.8000 17.3200 0.5081 0.0020 0.0300 0.9492 8.3528
1.5000 24.3300 19.1200 24.6100 0.7769 0.0020 0.0300 1.2598 24.0879
2.0000 31.0600 32.5600 31.3300 1.0393 0.0020 0.0300 1.5295 49.7998
2.5000 35.9400 48.6200 35.8600 1.3558 0.0020 0.0300 1.8261 88.7861
3.0000 39.7900 68.7500 40.5300 1.6963 0.0020 0.0300 2.1203 145.7686
3.5000 44.7000 88.4300 45.5700 1.9405 0.0020 0.0300 2.3192 205.0881
4.0000 51.3800 111.9900 52.4100 2.1368 0.0020 0.0300 2.4731 276.9596
4.1000 52.9700 119.2700 54.0300 2.2075 0.0020 0.0300 2.5273 301.4318
4.5000 57.9500 141.2000 59.1200 2.3884 0.0020 0.0300 2.6635 376.0930
4.8000 66.0900 153.4500 67.3600 2.2781 0.0020 0.0300 2.5809 396.0383

Selection of Design flood

S.N Method Flood discharge (m3/sec)
1 Rational 63.61
2 Gumbel method 187.576
3 Modified Dicken’s Method 363.722
4 Fuller’s Method 156.765
5 WECS Method 378.486
6 Slope area Method 376.093

From table the least discharge calculated by rational method is minimum and
discharge calculated by WECS method is high. Thus, the flood flow for 100yr s for
return period is consider for design with flow of 378.48m 3/sec.

The HFL corresponding to 378.48m3/sec is 1287.4m

xlvi | P a g e
4.2 Linear water way

i) kellerhal’s formula
B= 3.26Q1/2 1/2

= 3.26*(378.48)
= 63.42m
ii)Lacey’s formula

= 3.5*(378.48)
= 77.818m

Contracted water way =77-2*2-2*2

= 69m

From the table of slope area method

Check for the velocity

Bed level =1283.4m
HFL Level=1287.4m

H =4m
Q = 378.48m3/sec

Check for Afflux

X= -1)
L= HFL width =57.95
C= constant as per shape
=0.7, for sharp entry
= 0.9, for bell mouth
L1=linear water way

X= -1)
= 0.0411m<3m ok
xlvii | P a g e
HFL including Afflux = 1287.4+0.0411=1287.4411m

4.3 Scour depth calculation

dsm= 1.34*( )
Q=Q+30% of Q
= 378.48+30%*378.48q

Measured width =50m

Calculated width=77.818m
From design discharge, width=57.95m
Contracted water way =69m
q= (492.024/69) =7.1307m3/sec/m


dsm=1.34 *( 0.33

= 1.34*(( ))0.33

= 4.00307

Maximum scour depth for abutments=1.27*4.00307=5.0838m

Maximum scour depth for pier =2*4.00307=8.00614m

Maximum scour depth level around abutments=HFL-depth

= 1287.4-5.0838
= 1282.2411m
Maximum scour depth level around pier=1287.4-8.00614

xlviii | P a g e
= 1279.3939m

According to IRC special publication 13:

D = 0.473*( ) 0.33

= 0.473*(492.024/1.845)
Regime width (w)= 4(Q)1/2

= 77.818m

= 3.215m
Maximum scour depth for abutments =1.27*3.215
= 4.083m
Maximum scour depth for pier =2*3.215=6.43m
Maximum scour depth level around abutments =1287.4-4.083
= 1283.22m
Maximum scour depth level around pier=1287.4-6.43=1280.97m
Average of maximum scour depth around abutments= (1283.22+1282.241)/2
= 1282.73m
Average of maximum scour depth around pier = (1280.97+1279.3939)/2
=1280.1819 m

xlix | P a g e

Fig :- Geological Map of Nepal

The bridge site lies in the Tibetan Tethys Zone. Furthermore, Kathmandu valley
being a drained lake, possess alluvial soil and sedimentary rocks beneath. However,
due to the river action, we can find eroded evidences of sedimentary rocks as well as
silty sand deposits.

Soil/Bearing Capacity

The average particle size of soil particles was found to be 1 mm through sieve
analysis with the following characteristics.

Summary of soil investigation:

Water content = 13.5 %

Specific gravity = 2.645
Sieve Analysis Curve (depth 0.0-0.5m)

wt of cumulative cumulative % percent

sieve soil weight retained passing
size retained
mm gms gms % %
80.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0

63.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0
50.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0
40.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0
31.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0
25.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0
20.0 114.0 114.0 24.8 75.2
16.0 76.6 190.6 41.4 58.6
12.5 29.5 220.1 47.8 52.2
10.0 20.1 240.2 52.2 47.8
6.3 22.2 262.4 57.0 43.0
4.8 40.1 302.5 65.8 34.2
2.4 19.7 322.2 70.0 30.0
1.2 18.6 340.8 74.1 25.9
0.6 19.3 360.1 78.3 21.7
0.4 12.3 372.4 81.0 19.0
0.3 5.5 377.9 82.2 17.8
0.2 12.2 390.1 84.8 15.2
0.1 8.0 398.1 86.5 13.5

The bearing capacity of soil was adopted to be 300 KN/m for calculation purpose
but by observing the general soil properties and similar works done in the region the
bearing capacity was is less then 100 KN/m2 .

li | P a g e

1. Nepal Road Standards (First Revision, 2045), Department of roads, Kathmandu,

2. IRC:21-2000, Standard Specification and Code of Practice for Road Bridges,
Section III-Cement concrete (Plain and Reinforced), Third Revision.
3. IRC:6-2016, Standard Specification and Code of Practice for Road Bridges,
Section IILoad and stress (Seventh Revision).
4. IRC:78-2014, Standard Specification and Code of Practice for Road Bridges,
Section VII-Foundation and Substructures (Revised Edition).
5. IRC:5-2015, Standard Specification and Code of Practice for Road Bridges,
Section I General Features of Design (Eight Revision).
6. IS code 456-2000
7. SP -16
8. D. Johnson Victor, Essential of Bridge Engineering
9. IS 1893 : 1984, Criteria for earthquake resistant design of structures.
10. K.R. Arora, Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
11.Design Examples Provided by Asso. Prof. N.C. Sharma, IOE, Pulchowk
12 .N.Krishna raju, Design of Bridges, Oxford and IBH Publishing Company Pvt.
New Delhi
13. Design Example Provided by Er. Birendra Prakash Gupta
14. Final Report on Design and build of Manohara River Bridge,volume I


Following codes were followed during the course of our bridge design :-

Codes Uses

IRC : 5 – 2015 (Section I) General feature of design

IRC: 6- 2016 (Section II) Load and load combination

lii | P a g e
IRC: 21-2000 (Section III) Cement concrete

IRC : 78- 2014 (Section VII) Foundation and substructure

IRC : 83- 1987 (Section IX) Bearings


IS 456-2002 Plain and Reinforced concrete

Nepal bridge standard

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