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Lesson 11

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| LESSON Let's Get Started 1 1 Art in Asia f a belief that you hold strongly to. Then think of a way how you can jat particular belief system. You may write a paragraph or draw an fas a means of representation of your answer Rene CR eri er a 4." identify Key influences to Chinese art Roe eee eer | ompare-and contrast Chinese and Japanese artworks; ee ei ere Ce ea ed aaa eet ‘When ancient civilizations in Asia flourished, trade became a very important In the process of establishing started sharing their cultures and Let's Get Down to Business Chinese Art the present co ‘booming economy has led belief systems and advocacies depicting a lot of imagery dating ing the Zhou Dynasty was under a iod with that of Greece's Golden Age: ia flourished tremendously. During this period, iy were produced in abundance. Jade was also a artworks. telecom Confucianism was the dominant way of le subscribed o bythe genera pubes | Tmowe wo subscrbed io pencpls espoused by Cofcls boved tht aden or | society towark one musteam how io sympathize lo lhers, These pines became | eaont in most arwerks depicing everday ie and how these socal interactions [cmap 152 153 Pr ii A ET LESION PTET ‘The Chinese also had interactions with Western missionaries who came from India and brought some of the Indian influences to China. Because of this, Indian ‘models inspired a lot of Chinese artists for a few centuries. By the start of the sixth century, Chinese artists started making art that highlighted their very own culture. Paintings usually depicted magical places and realms that were born out of sheer sli infusing the Chinese characters that define their cu power coming from a hi of the work. Rounded forms rise in a way that it flows from the background foreground. Artists also used sharp brushstrokes to provide detail it Western landscapes usually had a single vanishing point while Chinese paint the opposite since most paintings aimed to give the audience a multiple perspectives Con the subject Porcelain is one of the commonly used items such as vases and jars. Some artifacts from excavation sites show the Chinese in these porcelain vases. This can be attrib down the artistry from one generation to the next. Just like most Chinese artworks, the focal point in these vases depicts a central theme: nature. They believe that man is an integral part of nature ensuring that there is a certain balance in it. But part of their culture is emphasizing a form of social life, giving importance to communities and Interactions among people. in addition, some of the common overarching themes of Chinese artworks include everyday activities, war and violence, death, and nature. I.can also be noted that Chinese artworks are infused with a lot of symbolisms. Art becomes an avenue for the artist to convey his reflection of the things he is aware of. Figure 4 Porcelain Vase rm Cine Itis customary for the ancient Chinese people to show respet and departed can be mistaken Japanese Art Artin Japan has undergone a series of transitions and periodization. From being ing Wester influences and modernization, Japan ‘mixing pot. tis evident how the Japanese were ials with modern Western subjects and focal ned into @ modern cut able to infuse local and indiger points, Based on artifacts such as ceramic figures and ornaments, itis important to take ‘note thal there are Korean and Chinese influences evident in Japanese artworks. One of the ceramic products created by the Japanese is called Haniwa. These are ceramic figures that are made up of clay. They are placed beside burial spots for reasons that are unknown, The native religion of Japan is Shintoism. Although, this beliefs such as being one with nature and emir many gods, it trading relations with China, they did no also influenced by the Chinese with th religious beliefs and practices. Buddhism Artworks such as images and sculptures became staples in key places. Artin for the Japanese essence became an expression of wor 155 ‘As mentioned earlier, Japan and China had a long-standing relationship. In addition to Buddhism, China also influenced Japan in terms of pa fourteenth century, Japan isolated itself from the rest of the world, whi ish. The Japanese style of p 9 siven the free reign for his work, which had more room for spontaneity and individuality. Many artists focused on individual portraits, elements of nature, and scenes from everyday life in creating their artworks. Although the Chinese influenced them, the Japanese adapted ‘2 more minimalist take on their paintings. This is a stark cont and sometimes aver ued and influenced by these ukiyo-e example would be the woodcuts of Hiroshige and Sharaku who had a (on Western artists like Vincent van Gogh and Edouard Manet. pine Art Throughout Philippine history, spanning from the precolonial period to the ‘contemporary periods, different art forms have emerged in the Philippine art scene. Before the colonizers came to the Philippines, ethnic minorities have used art not only for daily activities but also for religious rituals and practices. Most art forms used by ethnic communities include pottery, weaving, carving, and the use of metalwork and jewelry, Pottery is said to be one (One of the most prominent ar in Palawan. This earliest art forms used by the early F ts related to pottery is the Manungg jon of the early Filipinos’ religious bel 3, which depicts two men rowing a boat. T in afterife—the crossing of the body of water isa t ly, pottery produced items that a h as pots for cooking and large vas beliefs. According to local stories, the birds serve as the messengers of the people to the heavens and vice versa, In Mindanao, the Tausug and Maranao people are known for their okir, which are designs applied to their woodearvings. Their common subjects include the sarimanok, naga, and the pako rabong. Each subject is a representation for a certain theme or motif but generally, these symbols depict their beliefs as a people. The sarimanokis a st ‘mythical bird either standing on a fish or holding a piece of fish on its beak. The story of the sarimanok was a central to a number of legends, One narrative tells the origin of the word sarimanok. A sultan of Lanao once threw a party for his daughter named Sari who was beautiful but seen 'appy with her situation. On the day of her party, a rooster crashed and the pnncess ran off with the rooster. She was never n'8 act paved the way hand, is tke @ growing fern upward. The sarimanok and houses of the sultans. a broad base. The fern grace! 192 are usually used as ornamer When the Spaniards discovered the Philippines during the sixteenth century, they introduced jon to the local people. Aside from acquiring resources, they had a goal to replace the existing indigenous the early Filipinos. Art was used by the Spaniards to propagate the while at the same time, subtly establishing their foothold in the coun Western Europe at one point, became the sole patron of churches. These ch the arts. This signified that ‘same time, Luna's win signaled the start ofthe over to establish a colonial government. They also propagated their culture and beliefs igh the implementation of public school systems. Art had a new role in advertising Il, the Philippines saw itself as an ‘Amer ntity. Artists focused ‘on modern takes when it comes to content, form, and subject matter. In addition, a debate emerged on whether art should be done as ‘proletarian art” or “art for art's sake.” As modern paintings started to emerge, a triumvirate of artists was formed— Carlos Francisco, Galo B. Ocampo, and Edades, The 1960s proved to be a period of mademism and dynamism with a lot of styles, reflections of the pol situation of the Philippines during the Ma in people embodied and advocated why there was a paradigm shift of subjects in the artworks. Beaut time. When former President Ferdinand Marcos declared Mar became the norm. Most artworks were forms of protest against the government's suppression of freedom of speech and expression. In addition, some of the works reflected issues like economic problems, land reforms, gender rights, worker's rights, ino people brought about by the Martial Law. Eventually, photography has evolved into an art form, which highlights various artistic ‘expressions evident in a varity of events, scenes, and activities. Let's Wrap It Up Asiana particularly Chinese and Japanese ars, has helpedin the establish yn, Japan eventually welcomed ing Western influences to be whereas Japan chose to let undergone some changes when it comes to the art scene. From the time of the early Filipinos to the contemporary times, art has been used in a myriad of ways. 199 PRR etait eA AALS CS a Let’s Work On This | To check your understanding of the lesson, answer the following questions: 1 What are the central themes of Chinese artworks? Explain why the Chinese focused on these themes. Let’s Make It Happen Write an essay answering this question: To what extent can art help in the formation of a society's culture? 2. In what ways are Chinese and Japanese art similar? In what ways are they diferent? | | | | | 3. What were some the uses or roles of art during the precolonial period? References Fichner-Rathus, L. (2017). Understanding Art. 11th Ed, Boston: Cengage Learning Cultural Center ofthe Philippines. (1994). CCP Encyclopedia of Philippine Art Volume. | IV. Manila: Cultural Center ofthe Philippines. | Ocampo, A. (2014). “Tales of the “Sarimanok.” In Philippine Daily Inquirer. Accessed November 9, 2017. Retrieved from http:/opinion inquiter.neti7 1820)tales-of-the- sarimanok. 4. How did art become a reflection of Philippine society? 161

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