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15.module5 - PHP COOKIE SESSION NEW - 13 PDF

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Cookie and Session

Cookies and Sessions
• Internet is based on Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), which is a stateless
• Maintaining the state between your subsequent visits to a Web page prevent loss
of sensitive data
• We need to keep track of information about the web user/client between
consecutive HTTP requests
Example: Shopping Cart
• “Remember Me”
• For storing the items selected by the site users in their respective shopping

• Cookies are files stored on the client side

• Contains relevant data in name-value pairs

• Comes with expiration dates. Expired cookie contents are no longer

accessed by the browser
• Can be managed by server-side scripts(PHP)
• Relevant cookies are automatically submitted from client to server
with HTTP request
• PHP stores information in $_COOKIE superglobal
Use of Cookies
• To determine how many users visit the given Web site and how often

• For storing details of the users who visit the site or register on the Web

• Allowing users to customize the interface (such as layout and colors) as

per their liking.

• To prevent repetitive logins, thus making the login process faster. In

addition, since the cookie is stored at the client end, the Web server need
not be burdened each time a user needs to log in to the site. The server
only needs to authenticate the first-time users.

• For tracking a user's path and activities on a given Web site. This feature
allows the Web administrators to track miscreants.

• For generating individual user profiles. For example, some sites display
personalized messages to their users when they log in to the site.

• To set a cookie in PHP:
• setcookie(name, value, expiration, path, domain, securemode)
• setcookie(“mycookie”,”hello”, time()+60,”/”,”localhost”,0)
• Time of expiry entered in seconds.
• Present time + time in seconds until expiration[note:time()]
• Once set, S_COOKIE[‘mycookie’] will have value ‘hello’
• Always check with isset($_COOKIE[$cookie_name]) before trying to use the cookie’s
• Path - This parameter is used to limit the scope of a cookie to a certain part of the document
tree within the Web server.
• Domain - This parameter is used to specify the domain for which the cookie is valid.
• Security parameter – This parameter ensures that the confidential data stored in the cookie
is safe from unauthorized access while it travels from the Web server to the client machine
• To delete a cookie, set a new cookie with same arguments but expiration in the past
Sample cookies program
1. Setcookie.php

$username = “aabbcc”;
setcookie(‘username’, $username, time() + 60 * 60 * 24); // cookie for 1 day
echo $_COOKIE[‘username’] .” created with expiration time of 1 day”;
setcookie(‘secondcookie’,$username); //expiration time is Session time.
setcookie(‘third’,’sample’,time()+60*60*24*30);//cookie for 30 days
//accessing cookie
echo $secondcookie;

Sample cookies program

<html> <head>
<title>Beginning PHP, Apache, MySQL Web Development</title>
</head> <body>
<h1>This is the Test Cookie Page</h1>
if ($_COOKIE[‘username’] == “” || $_COOKIE[‘password’] == “”)
No cookies were set.<br>
<a href=”setcookie.php”>Click here</a> to set your cookies.
<?php }
{ ?>
Your cookies were set:<br>
Username cookie value: <b><?php echo $_COOKIE[‘username’]; ?></b><br>
Password cookie value: <b><?php echo $_COOKIE[‘password’]; ?></b><br>
} ?> </body> </html>
Page Count program
if (!isset($_COOKIE['kookie'])) {
echo "<font size=8><center>This is the first time u have accessed
this page<br>";
echo "<center>A cookie was sent to u & stored in ur
else {
$pagecount = ++$_COOKIE['kookie'];
echo "<center><font size=10 color = red> view count:
?> <html><body>
<b> <center> <font size=8 color=blue> Refresh button will refresh the page
and the page count</b></center> </body> </html>
Delete Cookie program

echo "<font size=8>";
if (isset($_COOKIE["kookie"]))
setcookie("kookie","",time()-10); // deletes cookie
echo "Cookie named as <color = red>kookie </color>was
echo "there is no cookie with name 'KOOKIE'";

Visitor Count program
$visitor_ip = $_COOKIE["user_ip"];
$counter = "counter.txt";
$counter_file_line = file($counter);
if(!$vistor_ip) {
setcookie("user_ip", $REMOTE_ADDR, time()+360000);
$cf = fopen($counter, "w+");
fputs($cf, "$counter_file_line[0]");
} elseif($vistor_ip != $REMOTE_ADDR) {
$cf = fopen($counter, "w+");
fputs($cf, "$counter_file_line[0]");
} ?>

• data stored on the server, managed by Server-side script(PHP)

• In PHP, session variables store information about user session in

$_SESSION superglobal array.

• Session variables hold information about one single user, and are
available to all pages in one application.

• Session variables expire when the browser is closed

PHP Session management
• Before you can store user information in your PHP session, you must first start up the session.
• The session_start() function must appear at the top of EVERY page, BEFORE the <html> tag


echo "Views=". $_SESSION['views'];

Session <html>
<head><title>Starting a Session</title></head>
<?php <body><a href="ses2.php">next page</a>
ini_set('session.save_path','c:/wamp/www/session'); </body>
session_start(); </html>
echo $s;
if (!isset($_SESSION['name']))
$_SESSION['name'] = "hello";
echo "name:".$_SESSION['name'];
echo $_SESSION['name']."<br>";
echo "session expires";
PHP Session management
• unset():
• function used to free the specified session variable
• Example: unset($_SESSION[‘shopping_cart']);

• session_destroy();
• Resets current session. You will lose all your stored session data.
• Call when a user signs out
Working of a Session

Sessions work by creating a unique identification(UID) number for each

visitor and storing variables based on this ID. This helps to prevent two
users' data from getting confused with one another when visiting the same
• Session_start() – it is required, for every session’s program.
• $_SESSION[‘session_name’] – can access the created sessions through
this super global.
• isset($_SESSION[‘session_name’]) – used to check the availability of
a session.
• unset($_SESSION[‘session_name’]) – deletes the session
• Session_destroy() – deletes all sessions.

Session Functions
• session_start — Initialize session data.
• session_destroy — Destroys all data registered to a session
• session_unset — Free a session
• session_name — Get and/or set the current session name
• session_register — Register one or more global variables with the
current session.
• session_destroy — Destroys all data registered to a session.
• session_id — Get and/or set the current session id.
• Session_regenerate_id — Update the current session id with a newly
generated one
• session_is_registered — Find out whether a global variable is
registered in a session


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