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Alliance for Safety and Quality

The most important aspect first

Grinding is one of the oldest manufacturing and processing techniques.

Metals, plastics, wood, glass, ceramics as well as mineral materials
and many others are all worked with abrasive products. Therefore,
their production is today a key industry.

In a host of applications grinding and cutting-off need very high peripheral

speeds from the rotating abrasive product. These products must
therefore be particularly safe so as to stand up to the extreme me-
chanical and thermal stresses. However, the many accidents which
result again and again in serious if not in lethal injuries through the
use of hand-held abrasive products in industry and, in particular, in
the hobby field show that this is often not the case.

Regrettably there are no globally binding safety requirements for abrasive

products and also lacking is transparency on product quality on the
international markets. For this reason, user protection and accident
prevention should be one of the most important corporate objectives
of each and every manufacturer.

This is why responsible manufacturers of abrasive products from a

number of European countries set up the Organization for the Safety
of Abrasives (oSa) in 2000. Its members have voluntarily undertaken
to produce and market safe and accident-preventing quality abrasive
products. These companies are thus setting a clear signal against
inferior and dangerous products which even when used properly still
represent a real risk in every way.

Even though accidents at home and in industry cannot be completely

ruled out, the risk to the user can be significantly reduced when ab-
rasive products are made to high uniform safety standards – this is
what the oSa members have undertaken to do.

The user recognizes these quality grade products from the oSa
trade name.1 oSa marked products give the user a con-
siderable degree of safety in application. They signify
to the manufacturer and trader a reduced
liability risk, a market and competitive benefit
and an image gain.

The oSa label does not mean that the Organization for the Safety of Abrasives or
its institutions assume any liability for the reliability of the designated products

User safety and accident prevention

The most important requirements in avoiding accidents with abrasive

products are safe tools, proper operation and adherence to accident
prevention steps.

The safety of the abrasive product to be used, whether in metal and

wood processing, in cutting stone or polishing synthetic materials or in
the industrial as well as private sector, is of paramount importance. In
Germany more than 13,000 accidents2 with hand-operated abrasive
products were registered in 1997.

Evaluations of the accident statistics from the Institutions for Statutory

Accident Insurance and Prevention show that many of these accidents
are attributable to unsatisfactory abrasive quality. Experts believe that
one in three accidents in the industrial and handicraft field is down
to poor quality of the abrasive products.

Abrasive products with safety faults put at risk both the ultimate
consumer and user. In many instances cut-price products do not comply
with in-force safety regulations. They represent, in fact, a consider-
able risk for the user but also for the manufacturer. More stringent
regulations in consumer protection, product safety and liability legis-
lation quickly lead to the question today as to what blame in an accident
can be attributed to the abrasive product manufacturer.
And then it is up to him to prove he has done
everything possible to have safe products
traded on the markets.

It is easier for oSa manufacturers to come up

with this proof. They have expressly undertaken
to apply the valid safety standards for abrasive
products and the tougher engineering rules and
standards in manufacturing and testing. As part of their in-house
quality management system, they see to it that these exacting pro-
visions are kept to and that only safe, high quality abrasive products
are produced and marketed. The fact that the oSa – Organization for
the Safety of Abrasives issues the worldwide protected oSa trade-
mark to members is confirmation of this internal commitment and

Berufsgenossenschaftliche Zentrale für Sicherheit und Gesundheit (BGZ), occu-
pational accident statistics 2/99

Liability for product
and for fault in the organization

Unsafe abrasive products are dangerous. They represent a consider-

able risk for the user, manufacturer, trader and importer. If there is
an accident, then the injured party will possibly make them liable. The
management of these
companies can be shown
to be liable from the or- oSa members do everything to reduce
ganizational standpoint as far as possible the risk potential
should the steps under- of their abrasive products. They ma-
taken to prevent produc- nufacture to the world's most exac-
tion faults prove to be un- ting directives and monitor their pro-
satisfactory. oSa mem- ducts' safety and quality in line with
bers realize this and so the most up-to-date standards and
protect themselves. They provisions.
do everything to minimize
the risk potential of their
abrasive products. Their production is in line with the world‘s most
stringent directives and the safety and quality of their abrasive prod-
ucts is monitored on the basis of the most up-to-date standards and
provisions. oSa members subject themselves to supplementary and
even tougher regulations to produce both safer products and avoid
accidents when grinding, cutting and polishing.

There is to be no compromise on abrasive safety. It affects every-

body. That is why the oSa ideal image reads “Alliance for Safety and
Quality”. It can only function when everyone is involved.

oSa companies have taken on responsibility in contributing to more

safety at the workplace. They now invite traders, importers and pur-
chasing organizations to join this alliance for safety and quality.

Quality management with oSa certificate

Enhanced market requirements for safety and quality ensure an ever-

increasing complexity in making abrasive products.

In their production oSa members give pride of place to safety in use,

the efficiency of the abrasive product and thus indirectly to customer

Today evidence of product safety and quality must be on hand. The

constantly high quality of the various abrasive products demanded by
users and traders requires controlled production, thorough in-house
documentation and certification according to internationally accepted

As an independent organization, the oSa gives companies the right to

use its globally protected oSa trade name on condition that they un-
dertake to adhere at all times to the European Safety Standards for
abrasive products and to tougher
production and testing provisions.
The internal testing and certification is based on the following standards:
Moreover, there are testing
provisions which all oSa mem- • Safety requirements for bonded abrasive products
bers are to additionally use and (EN 12413: 1999)
which make abrasive products
even safer. The oSa also works • Safety requirements for superabrasives
closely with national and inter- (EN 13236: 2001)
national organizations and com-
mittees to bring engineering • Safety requirements for coated abrasives
codes up to the state of the art (EN 13743: 2002)
and to rapidly take into consid-
eration ongoing developments
in abrasive safety.

Thus the oSa trade name on the abrasive product signifies enhanced
application safety for the user, a reduced liability risk and an excellent
brand image for manufacturers, traders and those in marketing.


All types of abrasive products are subject to particularly high stresses

from centrifugal, cutting and tension forces. There is a considerable
risk of injury should they not be sturdy enough and break. It should
not be forgotten that pieces breaking off from a cutting-off wheel
rotating at a peripheral 80 m/s fly off at 290 km/h. Thus in all
professional and hobby applications it is vital that the safety require-
ments placed on abrasive products are adhered to.

Abrasive products have been an important element for many years

in the various European standardization processes. This is shown by the
fact that the most important safety requirements on the production,
condition and operation of abrasive products are found in the three
basic CEN Safety Standards. The oSa asks of its members to strictly
comply with the standards in force.

Since standards, however, arise from a consensus of the pressure

groups – resulting in the last resort in a compromise from different
and often competing engineering approaches – the oSa has taken it
upon itself to develop and apply supplementary manufacturing and
testing provisions to more clearly emphasize the safety aspect.

The members themselves undertake to en-

sure that these provisions and instruct-
ions are kept to and applied. This is
not to say that the services of inde-
pendent and reputable testing insti-
tutes cannot be made use of.

Accepting a company into the oSa is

accompanied by a factory inspection by an
independent expert. This involves inspection of
the manufacturing equipment, assessment of the
testing techniques and an appraisal of the manufacturer’s ability to meet
the oSa’s high safety requirements.

After this “quality audit” the independent expert drafts a test report.
It details the outcome of the safety quality examination. Should the
applying company and its quality management system comply with the
Statutes, then the oSa will document this by accepting the member
and issuing the oSa trademark.

The oSa organization

Companies which produce and market abrasive products from syn-

thetic materials, such as corundum, silicon carbide, ceramic corundum,
zircon corundum, diamond and cubic boron nitride (CBN) can be-
come members of the Organization for the Safety of Abrasives. To be-
come members and display the oSa trademark, the companies need
to be willing and committed about adhering to oSa issuing regulations.
Application for membership can be submitted in writing to the oSa
secretarial office.

oSa membership is based on the manufacturer himself carrying

out certification and testing of the abrasive products. As a result,
the organization clearly distinguishes itself from the former Deutscher
Schleifscheibenausschuss DSA (German grinding wheel committee). It
checked a design, assessed it and given successful examination issued
a certificate valid for all time without the need for re-examination. In
contrast to the DSA each oSa member has itself to ensure that the
European safety standards in force for abrasives (CEN standards) and
other more stringent directives are precisely kept to.

Before a company is admitted, an independent expert carries out a

works inspection on behalf of the oSa. He looks into whether the com-
pany applying has the requisite qualification and equipment to carry
out the internal tests and keep to the high quality requirements. On
fulfillment of the oSa’s safety code and a positive assessment by the
expert, the firm applying then becomes a member and has the right
to use the oSa trademark. There are clear regulations on marking and
labelling of the registered products.

A variety of sanctions up to exclusion from the organization can be

imposed on members for contravening oSa’s demanding safety reg-
ulations. Any unauthorized use of the trade name can be prosecuted
and punished across the world from the trademark and competition
legislation point of view.

For the user, oSa marked products are synonymous with an extremely
high degree of safety in application. For the manufacturer they signify a
reduced liability risk and a market and competitive benefit. An image
gain is also involved since industry, politics and society are all be-
coming increasingly interested generally in safer products and
user protection.

Organization for the Safety of Abrasives
P. O. Box 75 64
D-53075 Bonn

Phone + 49 228 94499-415

Fax + 49 228 94499-728

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