8th Week-Power Factor
8th Week-Power Factor
8th Week-Power Factor
• Power Factor
✓ Introduction and definition of power factor
✓ Power triangle
✓ Examples
• Most of the loads (e.g. induction motors, arc lamps) are inductive in nature and hence have
low lagging power factor.
• The low power factor is highly undesirable as it causes an increase in current, resulting in
additional losses of active power in all the elements of power system from power station
generator down to the utilization devices.
• In order to ensure most favorable conditions for a supply system from engineering and
economical standpoint, it is important to have power factor as close to unity as possible.
• The reactive component is a measure of the power factor. If the reactive component is small,
the phase angle φ is small and hence power factor cos φ will be high.
• Therefore, a circuit having small reactive current (i.e., I sin φ) will have high power factor and
vice-versa. It may be noted that value of power factor can never be more than unity.
1. It is a usual practice to attach the word ‘lagging’ or ‘leading’ with the numerical value of
power factor to signify whether the current lags or leads the voltage. Thus if the circuit has a
p.f. of 0·5 and the current lags the voltage, we generally write p.f. as 0·5 lagging.
2. Sometimes power factor is expressed as a percentage. Thus 0·8 lagging power factor may be
expressed as 80% lagging.
*If the current lags behind the voltage, the reactive power drawn is known as lagging reactive
power. However, if the circuit current leads the voltage, the reactive power is known as leading
reactive power.
• Let us illustrate the power relations in an a.c. circuit with an example. Suppose a circuit draws
a current of 10 A at a voltage of 200 V and its p.f. is 0·8 lagging. Then,
• The circuit receives an apparent power of 2000 VA and is able to convert only 1600 watts into
active power.
• The reactive power is 1200 VAR and does no useful work. It merely flows into and out of the
circuit periodically.
• In fact, reactive power is a liability on the source because the source has to supply the
additional current (i.e., I sinФ).
• It is clear from above that for fixed power and voltage, the load current is inversely
proportional to the power factor. Lower the power factor, higher is the load current and vice-
versa. A power factor less than unity results in the following disadvantages :
(i) Large kVA rating of equipment.
• The electrical machinery (e.g., alternators, transformers, switchgear) is always rated in kVA.
kVA = kW/cos φ
• It is clear that kVA rating of the equipment is inversely proportional to power factor. The
smaller the power factor, the larger is the kVA rating. Therefore, at low power factor, the kVA
rating of the equipment has to be made more, making the equipment larger and expensive.
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Disadvantages of low power factor
(ii) Greater conductor size.
• To transmit or distribute a fixed amount of power at constant voltage, the conductor will have
to carry more current at low power factor. This necessitates large conductor size.
• For example, take the case of a single phase a.c. motor having an input of 10 kW on full load,
the terminal voltage being 250 V. At unity p.f., the input full load current would be 10,000/250
= 40 A.
• At 0·8 p.f; the kVA input would be 10/0·8 = 12·5 and the current input 12,500/250 = 50 A.
• If the motor is worked at a low power factor of 0·8, the cross-sectional area of the supply
cables and motor conductors would have to be based upon a current of 50 A instead of 40 A
which would be required at unity power factor.
1. Most of the a.c. motors are of induction type (1φ and 3φ induction motors) which have low
lagging power factor. These motors work at a power factor which is extremely small on light
load (0·2 to 0·3) and rises to 0·8 or 0·9 at full load.
2. Arc lamps, electric discharge lamps and industrial heating furnaces operate at low lagging
power factor.
3. The load on the power system is varying ; being high during morning and evening and low at
other times. During low load period, supply voltage is increased which increases the
magnetization current. This results in the decreased power factor.
• To illustrate the power factor improvement by a capacitor, consider a single-phase load taking
lagging current I at a power factor cos Ф1 as shown in Figure.
• The capacitor C is connected in parallel with the load. The capacitor draws current IC which
leads the supply voltage by 90degree. The resulting line current I’ is the phasor sum of I and IC
and its angle of lag is Ф2 as shown in the phasor diagram of Figure(iii). It is clear that Ф2 is less
than Ф1, so that cos Ф2 is greater than cos Ф1. Hence, the power factor of the load is improved.
1. Static capacitors.
2. Synchronous condenser.
3. Phase advancers.
1. Static capacitor:
• The power factor can be improved by connecting capacitors in parallel with the equipment
operating at lagging power factor. The capacitor (generally known as static capacitor) draws a
leading current and partly or completely neutralizes the lagging reactive component of load
• This raises the power factor of the load. For three-phase loads, the capacitors can be
connected in delta or star as shown in Fig. 6.4. Static capacitors are invariably used for power
factor improvement in factories.
1. They have low losses.
2. They require little maintenance as there are no rotating parts.
3. They can be easily installed as they are light and require no foundation.
4. They can work under ordinary atmospheric conditions.
1. They have short service life ranging from 8 to 10 years.
2. They are easily damaged if the voltage exceeds the rated value.
3. Once the capacitors are damaged, their repair is uneconomical
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2. Synchronous condenser.
• A synchronous motor takes a leading current when over-excited and, therefore, behaves as a
capacitor. An over-excited synchronous motor running on no load is known as synchronous
condenser. When such a machine is connected in parallel with the supply, it takes a leading
current which partly neutralizes the lagging reactive component of the load. Thus the power
factor is improved.
• However, when power factor is improved, it involves capital investment on the power factor
correction equipment.
• The consumer will incur expenditure every year in the shape of annual interest and
depreciation on the investment made over the p.f. correction equipment. Therefore, the net
annual saving will be equal to the annual saving in maximum demand charges minus annual
expenditure incurred on p.f. correction equipment.
“The value to which the power factor should be improved so as to have maximum net annual
saving is known as the most economical power factor”.
2. Pick up the correct words/figures from the brackets and fill in the blanks.
1. The smaller the lagging reactive power drawn by a circuit. the ............... is its power factor.
(smaller, greater)
2. The maximum value of power factor can be ............... (1, 0·5, 0·9)
3. KVAR = ............... tan φ (kW, KVA)
4. By improving the power factor of the system, the kilowatts delivered by the generating station
are............... (decreased, increased, not changed)
5. The most economical power factor for a consumer is generally ...............(0·95 lagging, unity,
0·6 lagging)